mysterybutknown · 1 year
1. After Scott finds out that Jimmy is/did fuse with other gems, he decides to be petty and refuse to fuse with him anymore (which barely lasted), but this lead him to be able to fuse with Pearl and Cleo. Out of sheer pettiness.
2. Owen and Scott were the first human/gem fusion to happen and it was to stop the Bad Boys gems from doing something extremely stupid.
3. Martyn and Ren fuse in secret, but when other members of their unit began go get suspicious Ren gaslights them (because he's a higher rank) and they mysteriously dispear after a "talk with Martyn"
4. When Scar/Spinel goes evil, they do so because they feel as if they're being forgot as newer gems come around. Him and Grian were the first "defector", and want that bond to be something special. (kinda like Scott's story but instead of just refusing to fuse Scar gives in to his negative emotions)
5. Pearlescentmoon/pearl was meant to be Scott's pearl but they were separated before they actually met, and they find it weird how they get along so well.
6. Impulse and Mumbo will be the first to engage with human life, before immediately trying to kill it. That human being X. He'll get over it tho
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universal-consistant · 5 months
i need yall to imagine milo with pool noodles on his horns like baby goats have to
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blosoms-blocky-world · 4 months
Hermits and Empires DnD Part 1
"Welcome to our first DnD session…I am your humble dungeon master. So let's take a look at what's happened leading up to present times…the Rapture."
The Rapture was an event that shook servers to its core. Causing strange and often destructive occurrences to happen, such as moons falling, entire empires being cracked and in the worst case scenarios, entire worlds known as servers being destroyed. This even even ripped some people out of their own server, sometimes warping them back in time and placing them in another server. No one knows what caused it. Many servers ended up colliding with each other and forming the world we know now…
"Oh Grian!" A familiar chipper voice called from bellow. Grian looked down from his perch to see Scar waving him down. He chuckled before flying down from the floating rocks he had constructed.
"What's up Scar?" He asked waving. "You've got mail!" He said holding out an envelope. "What are you my mail man?" He asked taking it.
"I don't know, these four letters appeared on my doorstep. I asked Pearl and Impulse to meet us over here, there's one for them too." Grian shrugged, noting the wax seal with two swords going into a block with a crown on top.
"Huh, I wonder where this came from." He replied, scratching his head. "Beats me," Scar replied.
"Wonder where what came from?" Impulse's voice came from behind them. The dwarf was a few feet smaller then the two, with a great bushy beard and hair pulled back to show horns coming out of his forehead. Accompanying him was his base neighbor and Grian's sister Pearl.
"We got mail?" She asked seeing the envelopes. Scar handed them out. "Yea I don't know they just appeared at my base," He said scratching his head. He took a seat in his wheelchair as the four began to open their letters.
Grian I send this letter to you from the server of Empires I, Pixlriffs of the Ancient Capital request the presence of you and three other Hermits in the Capital. I wish for you to take a rift at these coordinates. It will take you to my server, Empires for a meeting with 6 other people. I have a job for you regarding the Rapture, an event which I know you know well.
Warmest regards Pixlriffs, Ancient Capital Archeologist
"What's this then?" Pearl asked. "An invitation to an ancient capital? For a job?" "Sounds like it," Impulse replied. "I wonder if any other Hermits received this."
"I asked around, Xsuma has no clue about this. He suggested it might be from another server," Scar replied "Do we have directions?" Grian asked.
"It says to take the rift at these coordinates," Pearl replied. "Wait G, isn't that…" Impulse pointed out, glancing down at the hole under Grian's base.
"Yea I guess it is." He shrugged flying down. "Wait for me!" Pearl called, flying after him with her owl wings.
"G! I hope you made a way down for us!" Impulse shouted from the top. "There's an elevator don't worry! I didn't forget we can't get Elytra's anymore. End's closed off!"
Scar and Impulse soon joined the two Avian's as they looked into the strange rift Grian had uncovered days prior.
"So how does it know where to take us?" Impulse asked. "Doesn't say," Pearl said. "I guess it just does." Scar slowly rose to his feet, grabbing his cane from nearby.
"You sure you'll be fine with your cane Scar?" Grian asked. "Oh I'll be fine don't worry about me," He replied smiling. He tapped the chair twice, watching as it shrunk down into a small orb. He put it on his hip before whistling for his cat.
"Oh Jellie!" The spectral cat meowed, jumping down from the top of the hole, landing on his shoulders. He smiled, tipping his hat. "Let's go go go!" Impulse laughed shaking his head.
"I say we all hold onto each other to make sure we don't get separated." "Good idea mate," Pearl said, holding onto her brothers sweater. "Don't want to get separated from you again."
"I'm seriously having Deja vu," Grian replied making Impulse and Scar laugh. Pearl just smiled at him nodding. "Me too Grian, me too." She held onto Impulse who held onto Scar.
"Ready?" Grian asked. The other three nodded as they started to run in. "Geronimo!" "Allons-y!" Scar yelled out in a fake British accent. "Oh for gods sake!" Impulse shouted. "Woooooo!" Pearl shouted, as they all jumped into the rift.
"Soft landing," Impulse said landing on his feet. Grian hovered for a moment before landing down with Pearl. Scar came through and almost fell over.
"Whew, I tell you what someone passed gas," He said, stabilizing himself with his cane. "Hey look a festival!" Peal said pointing up.
"Did we even bring our Diamonds?" Impulse asked, patting his pocket. "Oh no," Grian said sighing. He felt around and pulled out some gold coins. "Mine are in my ender chest."
"Same," Scar said sighing. "X warned if we were heading to another server our ender chest wouldn't work. Even though a bunch of servers combined into one."
"Well looks like we've got gold to work with," Grian said sighing. "We could scam-I mean make some money," Scar replied, his eyebrows wiggling around.
"Scar!" Pearl said smacking him. "First thing you do is try to scam someone!" "Well haven't you two made some fun friends." Pearl and Grian turned around to see an old friend leaning on the rocks.
"Martyn!" Pearl yelled out, running out and hugging him. "Oh it's so good to see you. Where have you been?"
"In the void," Martyn replied causally shrugging. "The void!?" Grian exclaimed.
"Hey you can't say much!" He said pointing at him. "Hmm touché," He mumbled before laughing
"Mind introducing us?" Impulse asked, scratching his beard. "Oh right, Impulse, Scar this is Martyn," Pearl said smiling. "He's a friend of ours from the Evo server!"
"Martyn don't run off!" Another voice shouted. A smaller female rushed over, wearing a large witches hat
"Sorry Shelby, I got excited," he said sheepishly scratching his head. "Oh this is Shubble, I've been helping her out with some jobs around her empire."
"Nice to meet you all. You guys didn't get a letter from Pix about a job did you?" Shelby asked, holding up her letter.
"Yea we did," Impulse said holding up his. "Huh so that's…" Scar counted on his fingers. "Six of us, where are the other two?" At that moment, horns rang out from the festival. The six of them slowly went back up to the grounds to see what the commotion was about.
"Introducing Princess Gem of Dawn and Scott of Chromia!" An announcer rang out. Scott shook his head, adjusting his fedora on his head.
"Was that really necessary?" He asked, tying up one of his many lama friends in the pens. "I know," Gem said sighing. "A bit too out there for my liking."
"If it was Oli I'd be fine with it," Scott said chuckling. "Agreed. Now we need to find Pix and ask him about the letter."
"We should at least pay tribute to the fallen empires," He said softly. "A lot of my population are from Rivendell, and I'd like to respect the ruler."
"That's a good point," she said sighing, rubbing her arms. "You miss them?" He asked softly.
"Yea," she said, playing with her pink dress. "I miss a lot of them…" She glanced up at the banner of her former kingdom and academy, Crystal Cliffs.
"Gem!?" She quickly jolted looking over to see a dwarf and avian, who looked a lot like Pearl looking at the two.
"Oh shoot!" She said, bolting in the opposite direction. "Cover for me Scott!" He stood there confused, watching the two chase after her.
"Get back here missy! Where have you been!?" The avian shouted flying after her. Scott laughed, a little confused before glancing at the tent representing Rivendell. He sighed going over, glancing down at his hands before kneeling and muttering a small prayer. He shut his eyes for a moment before-
"Scott!" He jumped up and yelped, turning around to see Shelby standing there laughing. "Don't scare me like that Shelby! Sensitive ears!" He pointed to his barley hidden pointed ears before laughing with her. "Is this about Pix's letter?"
"Yea how'd you know?" She asked crossing her arms "Cause Pix also sent me one too." He nodded before noticing the other three guys behind her. "Ello strangers. Scott of Chromia at your service."
"Can I try on your hat?" The wood elf asked with a smirk. "Scar!" The avian squaked at him. "What it's fancy!"
"Don't give it to him, you won't get it back," he said. "How dare you accuse me of such a thing Grian!" Scott laughed before pulling out an extra.
"Here you go," he said smiling. "Yay!" Scar said taking it and putting it on. "Oh Scar, it even looks good on you," Grian said shaking his head.
"He looks so shady," The half elf said laughing. "I'm Martyn by the way." Scar laughed, leaning over to Scott. "Why don't you step into my office and we'll discuss some deals." The four of them laughed brightly.
"Scott help!" He looked over to see Gem caught by the two and lifted by Pearl. "Watch it Pearl I'm wearing a dress!"
"Is this where you've been this whole time?! We've been worried sick about you!" Impulse scolded. The group laughed once again, before the sun set over the mountains. They jolted hearing fireworks go off.
"So pretty!" Pearl said putting Gem down. Grian nodded before glancing over at the bridge. "Hey Scott how well is that bridge lit up?" He asked.
"Umm I'd say well why?" He asked. "Cause there's a bunch of mobs heading straight across it!"
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ti-girl1226 · 6 months
I want fanfics of Tommy with mobility issues and hero!hermit craft is all like panicking because they think the new intern tomy got seriously injured because of a villain attack or something and everyone is just panicking trying to get him to med bay but he’s “like no guys I’m fine I promise it’s-“ but they keep cutting him off just before he can explain what is happening and it’s just a flare up it happens and give it a few minutes maybe and if not I have a wheel chair/cane/crutches in his car or already in the med bay. And finally after some time doc or Xsuma come by and tell the others. I love that I now want more fics with intern Tommy and hermit!heros.
I also want fics with characters with mobility issues or chronic pain. I feel like it is very unrepresented and if it is it’s something that is for a brief time and also used to hide an identity, or something. I want fics of heros that have the issue but there powers don’t cover it up or anything like that. if you have any suggestions please feel free to tell me. But now that my rant is over I hope you all have a good day.
Ps there is totally a shit tone of decor on Tommy’s aids they would totally have stickers and what not. I swear I saw fan art about an au where he had a mobility aid and it explained all the decor but I’d also love to see fanart of the au y’all have any or make any
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hermitlifemuicals · 9 days
Build in hermitcraft
Grian, where did you go?
Welcome in grian
You joined a little late
Not to far behind 
But not on the first day
spawning in you spoke as you rose
Could you tell me what is evo
My sever
Anyways we’ve got all the needs for you
Anything for you 
Just look around, you’re safe from all of that 
So you can just relax, or play some tag
Im not safe here 
 I can assure you
They cant observe you
Just take your time and build in hermitcraft 
So you can just relax 
Go on and build your life, your life
Heck no, theres no way youll keep me trapped
Ill escape, find a way back
As an admin you know you would fall
You cant break through my firewall
You’re not safe out there
Stand down i know you know me, Xsumuma, admin of this land 
Im only trying to keep you safe my friend
Pulse we’ve got 
All to protect you
Things that you could use 
Just build a base with me on hermitcraft 
At least until you’ve healed from out on the battle field
No no 
I can not tell you
But theres more than you 
Could understand while here in hermitcraft 
I still need to return, im sorry but i cant stay
You’re safe, safe here
okay so the idea behind the parody is that grian became a watcher and dissapered from evo, then he learned of the watchers true nature but was locked out of evo and through mumbo managed to get to safety on hermitcraft, mumbo and x arnt evil in this, they just dont know the true reason grian wants to return, they think he feels like he still needs to fight the watchers and they saw his dammage and dont want him to get hurt more, at least want him to heal more before he can leave, grian dosent want them to know more about the watchers or his server because he is afraid theyll learn too much, he only wants to go back to evo to save pearl and all the other evo members,
the world and stuff i drew insperation from a fic called
The Cut-Tongue Sparrow
the way the world is written is really cool, thats where the whole firewall and admin stuff comes in
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juicezone · 2 years
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another pictur this one i drew from @luukn0t stpry on ao3!! -> overworkd of when grian was readn to xsuma while kerals got a rag for him ^^ is really good n u shuld read it!
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primalmimikyu · 2 years
The Hermits (excluding Gem, Impulse, and Pearl) once invited themselves over to Pearls home server: Australia. Now, what they didn't know was that australia in minecraft is pretty much RL Craft (minis mobs) + All aussie animals on steroids. So, in short, for hours on end, the hermits were constantly dying left and right to animals and mobs. Xsuma got a stonefish in his foot, Cleo and Joe got stuck in massive spider webs, and False got obliterated by a Kangaroo as she was trying to get Grian (Who was a doll) from a female roo and passed of the males, and those are examples of what happened. After around 1 & 1/2 days, the soup group found out, and Pearl went out to save them . She did after 1/2 a day and treated the hermits injurys. And the hermits chose to never go to Australia again
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ghastspidergwen · 2 years
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I posted 889 times in 2022
That's 633 more posts than 2021!
157 posts created (18%)
732 posts reblogged (82%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 849 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
#dancing queuen - 175 posts
#dangthatsalongqueue - 90 posts
#gsg answers - 79 posts
#gsg rambles - 29 posts
#blondehairblueeyedbitch - 21 posts
#beautiful - 17 posts
#empires smp - 13 posts
#ask game - 12 posts
#hermitcraft - 10 posts
#anon - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i've got so many feathers from my chickens and other cool ones i find on the ground to the point my siblings will bring me feathers they fi
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hermits as stuff my fellow high schoolers and I have said, part 3
Xisuma: we can’t leave that chair lying there, because that would be a safety hazard
Beef: yay!
Xisuma: no
Beef: awwww?
Xsuma: close enough
Bdubs: I like the idea of sleep, but I think I just like my bed more
Doc: I never had a childhood, I spawned in as an eight grader, and have existed ever since
Mumbo: sorry, there are no gremlins here
Grian: I am the gremlin here
Tango: and we can be hooligans together
Keralis: just like that Hallmark movie
Bdubs: exactly like that hallmark movie!
Impulse: but, not to, like, flex or anything, but I have the best friends in the world, ever
Jevin: well, I’m just gonna whip myself out of this nae-nae
Doc: I'm sorry
Ren: Doc's apologizing? are you sick?
Gem: changing my legal name to #girlboss
xB: *eating grapes*
Keralis: have you ever punched a bag of grapes?
xB: uh...no
See the full post
245 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
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scoot smajor
664 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
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748 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
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894 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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1,567 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
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treasuretrench · 2 years
Im tryin my best to watch most povs from empires and hermitcraft but i think i deffo have my mains, still gonna try out different povs tho!!
I think jimmys and tangos and grains and scars are my mains for now while im trying out pxls sausage and xsumas povs but gosh i want to know every empires lre so bad like i somehow deadass forgot they all have backstories
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remyisme · 2 years
little head cannon
I love how excited False got when she saw the "come dressed as X" (I'm dysgraphic and am NOT going to try to spell x's name) par of the party invitation.
its like she's been waiting for this moment...
hc that False just has an X suit ready. Just in case she needs it.
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icarusthefoolish · 2 years
Hermitcraft Masterlist
Nothing here yet...
Mumbo Jumbo
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet....
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
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xie-solarin · 3 years
You are in my dms but he is in my mail box tutututuutuuuuu
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colby-jac-cheese · 4 years
cursed thoughts at midnight
“all the hermits are just giving us their fursonas this season.”
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forksforksforks · 2 years
In light of tango calling pearl “pearlescent of the moon variety” I think tango should call everyone by the last half of their name. Xsuma of the void, Scar of the good, ect
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fantarain · 2 years
The "what else can I do" headcanon IS technically possible with Xsuma's canon abilities. You see over the course of hermitcraft X has had lots of different skins and with season 9 we got the bone mage after he started eating bone meal. So by that logic we can conclude that if X were to eat only plants this can be possible ( yes I know it was for EX but still )
That’s interesting! I didn’t think of that!
That makes me think about it more though, perhaps Xisuma could literally act as bonemeal for EX’s powers, helping him grow and strengthen him. But I would love to see it happen with just X because that’s more plausible. Plus I miss gardener Xisuma from season 7 :-) A flower based skin would be really cute.
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micer2012 · 3 years
Uh. Hi. I made u ur bois bc m@tp@t is shit and should not have done that at all. Like Jesus christ dude wtf why did u do that. Glad to see myctblr is ready to start throwing shit!!!! Im not up to date on xsuma lore [immore of a boatum kinda guy] but he seems vv poggers!!!
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[Also i followed u and then i saw that ur not a big fan of dsmp people so uh. Srry if that makes u uncomf, im fine with u blockin me or askin me to unfollow. Have a nice day!!!]
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