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Where did we first meet? 
Seaside. When I was first orphaned. I was alone. A young, half-elven boy, without friend or kin.  
177 notes · View notes
ffriluftslivv · 2 years
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27 notes · View notes
lowkeychenle · 10 months
Irrevocably (3) (M)
Description: Following the night of the party, all you want to do is be alone. Chenle, on the other hand, has other ideas, and is suddenly hellbent on proving to you he'll be better for you
Content Warnings: Angst (previous content warnings from other parts do apply, please check those out before you continue). Smut: explicit, rough, unprotected sex (let's make sure to use protection y'alllll), multiple rounds, why is chenle always pussy drunk i don't understand, use of pet names baby and pretty girl, temperature play (ice), oral (both), cockwarming (did y'all really think I could end a fic on a BAD NOTE when it's CHENLE WEEK?! no bye)
Word Count: 9,105
Pairing: Zhong Chenle x Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Juliet's Full Fic Masterlist | Requests
Taglist: @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan
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You wish you could say things changed for you. That you miraculously felt better after you broke down in front of Chenle. Maybe you’d be in a magical world of bliss at this point if that were the case. He’d finally realize all of the bullshit he did and beg for your forgiveness, but a man like him is too prideful to admit his mistakes. You know that now.
He stayed with you until you were calm enough to think rationally, but as soon as your thinking ability came back, you hightailed away from him as fast as you could. Thankfully, Jisung hadn’t been drinking, so he offered to take you home.
He was probably dying to know—not only why Chenle stormed after you and Mark, only for Mark and Chenle’s girlfriend to both stomp off in anger, swearing they’d never speak to either of you again. Although, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what was going on. Everyone is suddenly painfully aware that you and Chenle have some sort of history that’s more than what you’d let on.
The first text from Chenle came that night. Apparently, he decided it was time to unblock you.
Chenle: I’m so sorry
All you can do is snort and drop your phone into your lap. You make sure to actually open the message so he sees you’ve read it without responding. He doesn’t deserve anymore of your time. Even if it is to apologize. You want to tear the world down when you see the two hearts next to his name, one in your favorite color, and one in his.
“You okay?” Jisung asks as he pulls up to your building. “I know we’re all friends with Chenle, but you’re important to us, too, okay? Don’t hold anything in if you’re hurting.”
Your throat is dry, and you’re sure your face is still red and puffy from all the crying you did. “Thanks, Ji. I really don’t feel like talking at all tonight. I’m sorry.”
“As long as you know I’m here if you need me.”
You nod once at him and thank him quietly before getting out of his car. Without a single look back, you head into your building. You’re not sure what to expect. Considering how Chenle’s been acting lately, his sad apology attempt is most likely all you’ll get. He’ll go back after his girlfriend, and you’ll end up blocked all over again before the end of the week.
Once you’re inside your house, you have the urge to curl into a ball on the couch with your favorite blanket and never leave the protection of the walls around you. With the door locked, nobody will ever be able to bother you.
Hours turn into days and days into weeks, and the most you’ve done is go to the grocery store once. Delivery has become your savior, but even that doesn’t sit right with you. To your surprise, Chenle continued to message you periodically.
Chenle: You have every right to be pissed at me. I know. All I want is to explain myself, okay?
Chenle: I fucked up so bad I know I did
Chenle: I need you in my life (Y/N)
You’re even more surprised when you don’t hear a single peep from Mark. Chenle was texting you at least once a day, and it seemed that as many times as he sent something to you, you were reaching out to Mark.
You love Chenle. There’s no denying it any longer, but you know better than to love someone who’s not emotionally available to you. Chenle already tore you down to the ground once.
Chenle: I’m not gonna give up until you talk to me. Even if it’s just five minutes
Chenle: I fucking miss you
Chenle: in a real way…i’m not missing anyone. I’m missing you. Please.
Chenle: I don’t even know what to say next, but I’m gonna keep texting you until you respond to me
On week three, he even went as far as to knock on your door. You hadn’t left or ordered any delivery, so you were confused as to why someone was there. Looking out the peephole, your breath faltered at the sight of Chenle. He had no right to show up. You hadn’t responded for a reason, and you’ll apparently have to move apartments to stay away from him.
“I know you’re there,” he says, voice carrying to you. “(Y/N), I really just want to talk to you. I don’t know how many times I can tell you I’m sorry before you believe me.”
You almost laugh and give away how close you are. It doesn’t matter how many times he says it, it’ll take much more than that for you to even consider talking to him. You watch him closely as his face scrunches up and he lets out a sigh.
“I’m not giving up. Ever. You’ll see. I need you and we both know it.”
The door must be thin, because when you let out a shuddering breath at his words, he perks up. It’s almost as if he’s looking right at you through the wood, like he knows exactly where you are.
“Just let me in,” he asks again. “I know what I did was wrong, and I don’t want to ask you to forgive me, but I do want to explain myself. If anything, it’ll give you some closure knowing this wasn’t your fault.”
Your heart rate escalates to the point you’re sure it’ll shatter upon impact with your ribcage. A tear rolls down your cheek, but you angrily brush it away. He doesn’t deserve your time, and he certainly doesn’t deserve to be in your safe space.
“Please. You won’t even have to say anything. Let me say my piece and then I’ll go, okay?”
This isn’t even the same Chenle you knew, you tell yourself. Nothing has changed. All he wants is leverage.
The tone of his voice makes it hard to believe that, but you steel your resolve. You have to ignore him.
After that, he slumps in defeat, sighs, and walks away. You let out a pent up breath, relieved he decided to go.
Or at least, that’s what you thought.
When dinner time rolls around, you don’t have any groceries since you’ve been holed up for weeks now. The only logical response is to order pizza. Plus, after the emotional wreckage Chenle left you in, you’ve earned it.
It takes about forty-five minutes for the food to arrive, and you gladly throw the door open. You recoil in shock at the sight of Chenle holding the box.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” You scoff.
“I gave the dude a $50 bill and he just gave it to me. I really just want to talk—”
“That’s not the problem, Chenle,” you cut him off, stomping off toward your kitchen. “You continue to disrespect boundaries and me, and it’s not okay. I’m having trouble figuring out why you can’t see that.”
“I’m sorry,” he says.
You stand on one side of the island, and he sets the box down on the opposite end, resting his palms against it.
“You deserve an explanation.” His gaze scans over you, guilt written all over his face.
“Another thing you don’t get. If I wanted or needed an explanation, I would’ve asked you. Actually, I did, and you not giving it to me was the answer. You’ve ruined everything for me. I can’t even talk to any of the guys without feeling like they’re pitying me.” You run your fingers through your hair. “You hurt me, and you’re doing it again by showing up when I said I didn’t want anything to do with you. You’re selfish. You only care about yourself and making up your image in my eyes so I don’t hate you.”
“Do you?” he whispers. “Hate me?”
“That doesn’t concern you anymore.”
“Either way, I know you should. I’m not here to make myself look better, okay? I don’t want you to excuse my behavior because it was beyond fucked up, but I want you to know that it wasn’t anything about you that made things work out this way.”
You pause, averting away from the pleading look on his face. “What could you possibly have going on to justify all of this bullshit?”
“It’s not a justification,” he clarifies. “I know it was wrong. All of it. I know I’m a shitty person for putting you through that.”
He takes your silence as approval to continue.
“Honestly, I miss you so fucking much. Before all of this, you were my best friend, and I know I was yours. I never meant for it to get this messed up, you know? I…Towards the end of our, um, situation, I realized I was in love with you. Real love. Love that made me want you in ways I couldn’t, because I already knew there was no way you’d feel the same.
“And so I gave up. I had to press the fucking panic button and get as far away from you as possible. Jia showed up at the right time, and I threw everything I had into her instead. I didn’t tell her about what we’d done, because I also thought that meant I’d have to admit to her what came along with it.
“Things got…serious, I guess. She was around my family and they all loved her. You know how important they are to me, so I felt so much pressure to maintain this relationship because they’d never been so excited about me being with a girl before. So yeah, when we broke up, my first instinct was to come to you. I love you, and it was the first time I felt really happy in months.
“But when she called me, (Y/N), I felt like I didn’t have a choice. You wouldn’t ever want me in the way I needed, my family loved her, and everything fell apart. It wasn’t until she made me block you that I really saw what it was like without you in my life. When I first started dating her, we still talked and hung out all the time, so it was…okay. As long as I could have you both, I was okay.
“And seeing you with Mark fucked me up so bad. I wanted to take you away from him and keep you for myself, but in my head, that never meant you were on the backburner. Everything was you, and even the idea of Mark having you in the ways I did broke me into pieces.
“And I was talking to Jia recently, just to apologize to her for wasting months of her life. She told me that the night everything blew up, she slept with Mark. They were both pissed and wanted revenge, I guess, but I wasn’t even upset. I didn’t care. But if it had been you, I…Nobody has ever had my heart the way you do.”
Tears stream down your face, but you refuse to acknowledge their existence. Chenle’s eyes are welled up, his jaw clenched tight once he finishes his words.
“You’re so fucking stupid,” you choke out, turning away from him.
“I know,” he agrees without hesitation. “I know.”
He makes his way around the counter, and you take a step back.
“Please don’t touch me.” You shake your head.
“I won’t,” he murmurs, standing so close in proximity to you, you smell his cologne. The scent invades your senses, and you suddenly have trouble breathing.
“What are you doing?” you ask.
You recoil in shock for the second time in the past hour when he lowers himself to his knees. He looks up at you, totally defeated as he opens his mouth to speak.
“I’m so sorry.” His voice catches in his throat. “I’m not asking for us to be together, and I’m not asking for anything close to what we had before. I just want us to be friends again. I need you in my life. No matter where that spot is.”
“God, Chenle, get off the floor.” You wipe angrily at the dampness on your cheeks.
“I need you. Please.”
When you look at him, you hate how you see him. How he looks like the Chenle you knew before all of this happened. The sight in front of you makes you want to kiss him and tell him you love him too, but you’re well aware all of this could be an act. Maybe he gave this same speech to Jia, and you’re the leftover—
“Jia’s gone. I promise. You’re more important to me, okay? Whatever you want or need, I’ll do it.” The pleading gleam in his gaze has your frozen heart slowly melting.
You can’t give in. Friendship could be good for the two of you, but if you give him anymore now, you fear it’ll be detrimental for you in the future.
“Friends. That’s it.” You watch him closely as the relief floods over him.
“Thank you.” He stands up and brushes his jeans off. “I won’t do that to you again. I fucking swear.”
“We’re not immediately going back to normal,” you tell him, confidently meeting his stare for the first time in a long time. “You have to prove yourself to me. That you care about me as a person and not as something to take your stress out on. No more out of place jealousy, no more butting into things that have nothing to do with you. Our past doesn’t exist anymore.”
“I’m not going to let you down,” Chenle insists. “I swear I won’t.”
“I guess we’ll see, won’t we?”
One week later, 9:35 p.m., September 15th, 2023, Jaemin’s house
You arrived at the party by yourself, but the majority of the group was already there. Jaemin sees you first, letting out a loud cheer when he makes eye contact with you. It’s the first time you agreed to come out after everything that happened, so they all view it as a big deal.
You laugh as he hugs you, and then pulls you down to sit next to him. Thankfully, no one brings up what happened last month, and you’re able to have a good time with your friends without you feeling like they secretly pity you for all of the shit Chenle pulled.
Speaking of him, he hasn’t arrived yet, but you know he’s coming. He’d never miss one of Jaemin’s parties. That, and he told you this morning in his daily good morning text that he was excited to see you tonight. The entire week, you’d been in contact with him, and you almost hated how normal it felt to sink back into a friendship with him. It’s how you remember him before he started dating Jia, and all you can do is hope that it lasts.
In fact, his text was ‘good morning bighead, it’ll be nice to see you at jaem’s tonight.’
He’s clearly very eloquent.
Although, it did make you laugh. And respond back with how his head is much bigger than yours.
Your guard is still up. You don’t trust him. But it’s not like he can’t build that back by showing you he’s serious. As much as you hate to admit it, your hopes are up as high as the steel wall he’s pulling down piece by piece.
“I’m gonna go grab a drink,” you tell Jaemin, who gives you a thumbs up and delves into a conversation with Haechan. Something about global warming, but you don’t stay around long enough to hear the entirety of it.
Once you return, you notice the extra person. Chenle arrived while you were in the kitchen, and the pain in your chest at seeing him is miniscule. You want him in all the ways you had him—more, even—but you know it’s best for both of you to work your way up. After all, he could still be lying. But seeing him alone and not with Jia also adds to your hopes—maybe he’s being serious. Maybe people can change, and you should give him the benefit of the doubt.
You make a bold move, a show of faith, perhaps, when you go sit down next to Chenle. There’s a decent amount of space between you two, but you don’t miss the way his smile widens.
The night rages on around you, but you’re acutely aware of the way Chenle gets a little closer to you with every drink one of you goes to get, and eventually, you’re laughing together while making fun of Jisung.
Everything is as it should be, and everytime Chenle’s not looking right at you, you’re smiling in his direction, knowing this is who he should’ve been all along.
11:32 p.m., September 17th, 2023, your apartment
“And then, Haechan said Mark and Jia are actually dating now.” Chenle’s voice travels through your phone resting on your chest while you stare up at the ceiling.
Without meaning to, you let out a laugh. “I mean, maybe it’ll work for them. They both deserve to be happy.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” He’s silent for a moment. “You, too, you know. You deserve to be happy.”
“Everyone does,” you reply. “Sometimes, good people do bad things, Le. I don’t think you’re a bad person.”
There’s shuffling on his end, like he’s settling in his blanket. “I’m glad to hear that. We haven’t really…talked about that much lately. It’s not a bad thing, ‘cause it’s probably best to shelve the past for now, but if you want to say anything to me, you don’t have to hold back.”
You contemplate. There are thousands of things you could tell Chenle right at this moment. You could tell him you’ve always loved him, too, or you could tell him how hurt you were. How he tore you up from the inside out and gave you no room to breathe. He infiltrated everything you had and turned it into his own personal playground.
God, you should be mad at him. You should hate him and hang up right now, but you won’t.
“Thanks,” you murmur. “I missed you, too. When you were gone. I’m glad you forced your way into my house with pizza to tell me everything. You were right, I was blaming myself for it.”
“Don’t ever blame yourself for my dumbass actions. I won’t lie to you, not anymore. Um, is it…okay if I ask you something?”
You frown, wondering if it’s a good idea. “Sure.”
“Did you ever feel more for me than friendship? Like when we were hooking up, did you mean all the things you’ve said to me?” He clears his throat, the tone of his voice clearly portraying his embarrassment.
“I’ve never lied to you,” you return, face heating up.
“Next time I see you, is it okay if I hug you?” Chenle whispers. “I miss you.”
“Yeah, I think that’s okay.” A tiny smile forms.
“Okay. I…I’m gonna go to sleep, I’m exhausted. I’ll see you soon?”
“Soon. Goodnight, Chenle.”
10:23 p.m., September 25th, 2023, Jisung’s house
You, Chenle, Jisung, and Jaemin decided it’d be a good night to get together and watch a movie. Jisung has a theater room, so the four of you rest in there. You sit between Jaemin and Chenle, and you quietly let them know you’ll be back in a few minutes.
You go into Jisung’s fridge to grab a water bottle.
“Don’t you have a drink in there?” Jisung’s voice startles you, and you let out a gasp.
“Christ, Sungs, don’t sneak up on me like that.” You smack your hand over your heart. “Don’t you know that’s how you put people in cardiac arrest?”
“Dramatic.” Jisung snorts and grabs a bag of candy from a cupboard. “I just wanted to see how you were doing. It’s been a while since I got to talk to you, and I’ve noticed you and Chenle are friends again.”
“Ah, so that’s what this is about.” You grab a piece of chocolate and unwrap it before putting it in your mouth.
“I just want to make sure you’re okay. We’re your friends, too.”
“Look, I’m not sure how much you know about what happened, but that’s all over. Chenle and I…started over. And we’re friends, and I’d very much like to keep it that way.” You sip your water to wash down your candy.
“Be honest, do you just want to be his friend?” Jisung raises an eyebrow at you.
You laugh. “That’s not really something you should be asking me.”
“I know him, okay? I’m trying to look out for you—”
“I appreciate it, Ji, but I also happen to know Chenle. When a man like him begs for forgiveness on his hands and knees, you give him a shot. I’m not dumb, and I know what that whole situation made me look like, but I never would’ve done anything to hurt Chenle’s relationship when he was in one.” You shift on your feet.
“He just won’t tell us what’s going on, and Mark and Jia aren’t your biggest fan—”
“Jisung, what the hell?” Chenle leans on the door frame, arms crossed over his chest. “What are you doing?”
You recognize this tone of his, and you immediately look at him and shake your head. “It’s not a big deal, Chenle, he’s just—”
“No, it is a big deal. Is this why you invited us here?” He frowns at the younger man. “You thought if you couldn’t get answers out of me, you’d get answers from her?”
“Hey, man, it’s not like that.” Jisung holds his hands up in mock surrender. “I’m just curious.”
“You really wanna know that bad?” Chenle steps in, planting his palms on the countertop.
“It’s really okay,” you whisper to him, going as far as to wrap your fingers around his wrist.
“Yeah, I do. Because right now it looks like some girl is tearing apart our friend group.”
“She didn’t do anything wrong.”
“You don’t have to. I don’t care what they think.” You tug him gently, but he doesn’t look at you.
“It was me. I screwed everything up. (Y/N) and I were hooking up for over a year before I met Jia. And when Jia and I started dating, we obviously stopped that. But when she broke up with me, it was because I still had all of the conversations with (Y/N), and she was pissed about it. That night, I went to (Y/N)’s house and we slept together, and I lied to Jia again. Everything that went wrong was my fault, Jisung. She hasn’t done anything wrong.”
Jisung blinks in shock, lips parting as he glances between the two of you. You stare down at your feet, trying not to let the way he defended you seep beneath your skin. Chenle still has a lot of work to do, but you won’t lie and say it didn’t give him some brownie points.
“So why was she with Mark?”
“After I slept with her, I left the next morning when Jia called me. And then Jia asked me to block her, and I did. So all she was doing was honestly trying to forget about me, which is still her best bet.”
Your throat dries as the memories resurface, but even now, you see the difference. The Chenle who walked out on you never would’ve admitted that to another soul. He’s taking the fall. He’s taking accountability for his actions.
“Everything would’ve been fine if I hadn’t stormed up after them at Jaemin’s party. But I couldn’t stop myself, and everyone else there knew it, too.”
“(Y/N), I’m sorry for assuming.” Jisung chews the inside of his cheek. “I shouldn’t have done that.”
“It’s okay, Sungs.” You give him a small smile, but Chenle’s hand slides into yours, and the way he intertwines your fingers has your heart skipping.
“Let’s get out of here,” Chenle mutters. “I’ll drop you off at home.”
You nod once at Jisung and allow the other man to pull you out of his house. The car ride is mostly silent, the soft hum of music distracting you from the way Chenle still grips your hand over the center console. You catch a glimpse of him, the street lights reflecting off his skin as they pass.
God, all you want to do is love him. You want to throw caution to the fucking wind and tell him the truth. Allow him to hold you close and feel the warmth of his embrace.
He pulls up outside your building, looking at you with a soft, tired gleam in his pretty brown eyes.
“I’m really sorry,” he says. “Jisung shouldn’t ever have done something like that.”
“It’s okay. And not your fault. I’m aware of what the situation looks like to everyone else, but it’s not their business. Thank you for standing up for me.” You squeeze him gently.
“I’ll do it for as long as you let me,” he whispers.
In your tired, vulnerable state, the rest of that wall crashes to the ground.
“Come upstairs with me?” you ask. “I don’t want to be alone.”
“I…” His eyes close and he rests his head back on the seat.
“I don’t mean it like that. I just want some company.”
“Don’t take this the wrong way. Please. But I can’t.” He forces the words out, palms running down his face. “I know you think you want that now, but I don’t want to risk you getting upset about it later. And part of proving myself is knowing when a decision will hurt you. I don’t trust either of us when it comes to being alone together in a room. Your bedroom especially.”
It stings, sure, but you know he’s right. Old habits die hard, and as soon as he’s in your bed, all bets are off.
You inhale shakily. “Right. Of course.”
“I want to.” His finger guides your chin up until you’re looking at him. He smiles softly. “I’ve missed you so much that I want to be with you all the time. But that’ll come with time when I know you really trust me fully.”
You lean across the center of the car and press your lips to his cheek, lingering for a second too long before pulling away and unbuckling your seatbelt.
“Thank you, Le.”
He nods, watching you closely as you get out and head toward your building. You look over your shoulder once before entering.
His fingers trace over his skin where your lips just were, and relief has his chest deflating.
10:34 a.m., October 14th, 2023, a local coffee shop
Chenle sets a cup down in front of you before sitting down in the booth, resting his head on his palm. You type away on your computer, occasionally glancing up to him to see if he looks bored yet. He seems perfectly content, swirling his own drink around.
“So, what’s that for again?” he asks.
“Just a last minute report I’m typing out for work,” you reply absentmindedly. “Sorry, I’m almost done.”
“I’m not in any rush.” He chuckles and leans back.
You spend nearly every day with Chenle. The two of you have even graduated to spending time alone away from your other friends, and you love how much it feels exactly how it used to. The Chenle that left you has thankfully disappeared into the abyss, and your friend has come back. You two text every day, he buys you coffee, he teases you whenever he deems necessary.
As soon as you finish your report, you sigh in relief, save it, and close your laptop. “Thank you for the coffee. I definitely need it.”
“Anything that’ll give you enough energy for Jaemin’s Halloween party. What are you dressing up as?” He leans forward, resting his forearms on the table. “I still think we should coordinate.”
“I’m not telling you what I’m going as.” You stick out your tongue at him. “You’ll live.”
“Well, Jaemin wants me there early to help set up or whatever, so I will unfortunately just have to see you there.”
“Oh, that’s okay. The goal for tonight is to get as drunk as possible without blacking out.” You grin at him, to which he responds with a quirked eyebrow.
“Calm down there, bighead, you might hurt yourself.”
“Look on the brightside, if I get myself hurt, you get to swoop in and be my hero. Isn’t that exciting?” Despite the sarcastic drawl in your voice, Chenle shrugs.
“I’m supposed to save you from getting hurt, not just help you after the fact.” His phone starts ringing in his jacket, and once he grabs it, he groans. “Yeah, Jaemin?”
There’s a muffled sound from the device that has you laughing at the frantic yelling Jaemin is doing.
“It’s not even eleven yet,” Chenle points out. “I know I said I would help, but I didn’t think that meant twelve hours before the damn party starts.”
“It’s okay,” you tell him. “You should go!”
He glares at you and mouths, ‘not helping.’
After a few more garbled words, Chenle rolls his eyes.
“Okay, I’ll be there in like twenty minutes. You owe me, dude.” He hangs up the phone and gives you a guilty look.
“None of that.” You wave him off. “I need to get home anyway and take my daily rest.”
He snorts. “Alright. Come find me later, alright?”
“Well, duh. Who else is going to stop drunk me from making a fool of myself?”
12:54 a.m., October 15th, 2023, Jaemin’s house
The world spins around you, but the happiness you feel is unrivaled. You and Chenle dance together, where he twirls you in circles despite the beat not matching. He dressed up fairly simply, some dude that wears a trench coat and an odd looking hat, but for the life of you, you can’t remember the damn name.
You barely even recall what you’re dressed up as, but it’s something with a plaid-like skirt and a white top. Whatever, it doesn’t matter. Not until you’re climbing up on the pool table for nostalgia’s sake, and Chenle’s practically begging you to come down.
“Your skirt is a little too short.” Chenle stands in front of you while you continue to dance.
“It’s Halloween, Chenle,” you remind him.
“In the nicest way possible, your costume isn’t exactly modest—why wouldn’t you put shorts on under that—”
The more you ignore him, the more he’s determined to get you to listen. He eventually climbs up next to you, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close to him. Your eyes are stuck on his lips, but your vision is blurring a bit too much to tell if they look as good as you think they do.
You miss him. He’s touching you, the warmth of his body ironically freezing yours in its place.
“C’mon, get down.”
“I think you should get down on your—” The world swaying cuts you off, and despite his grip on you, you stumble.
He waves someone else over, and you recognize Luigi. You shake your head and blink, realizing that it’s actually Jaemin dressed up as Luigi. Giggling, you basically drop your head on Chenle’s chest.
“I thought he was really Luigi.” You laugh and smack his arm as if that’ll ground you.
Jaemin and Chenle are talking to each other, but you’re too invested in the way Chenle’s lips look when they move to care all that much on the topic. You allow Chenle to lead you to the edge of the table, and with Jaemin’s help, you’re back safely on the ground.
“I’m taking you home.” Chenle’s lips brush against your ear as he keeps his arm around you and guides you toward the door. The sensation sends a chill down your spine, and you know he feels it through where his fingers are splayed out along the small of your back.
Everything happens in a blur—getting into his car, him driving to your apartment, him bringing you upstairs from the car. By the time you’re home, you suddenly understand exactly what Chenle said about being alone with him in your apartment.
He looks divine. Angelic. And you’re weak, needy, and drunk.
“Lele,” you murmur, leaning on the doorframe to the bathroom. “Help me take my makeup off.”
He follows you in. You know he’s weak for you, too. That it’s been so long since either of you have gotten any sort of satisfaction. You crave his touch, and the alcohol raging in your system does little to help with your inhibitions.
You bend over to grab your makeup wipes from beneath the sink, and you hear him shuffle behind you. Without another thought, you slide yourself on the counter and grab at his tie, tugging him close until he’s between your legs and pressing into you just enough to drive you crazy.
“What are you doing?” he asks, eyes dark as he takes in the situation. Your skirt riding up your thighs as you pull him closer, a short glimpse of the red lace beneath the skirt. You spread your legs a bit farther, craving to feel him right up on your lace-clad entrance.
“You have to get close to take makeup off,” you reply, giggling to yourself.
His jaw tightens, but he starts cleaning you up anyway, ignoring the way you periodically shuffle closer to the edge of the counter. When he’s almost done, you wrap your legs around his waist, grinding your hips up.
“Fuck,” he curses under his breath, dropping what was in his hands. “(Y/N), let me finish taking your makeup off.”
You roll up once more, a soft groan leaving your lips. His hands dart down and push your thighs into the counter, halting your movements.
“C’mon,” you mumble, dropping your head against the mirror. “We both want it. You’ve been good, Lele, and I need you.”
Oh, Sober You was going to regret this. Sober You was going to kick your ass when the morning came, because you knew there’s no way Chenle’s not going to give in. The two of you are too addicted to each other not to.
He drops his head on your shoulder. “Baby, you’re drunk.”
“Please,” you whisper. “It’s been so long.”
“And we can wait a little longer,” he mentions, pushing your legs away from his waist. “Finish taking off your makeup. I’ll get you some clothes to change into.”
You groan when he disappears out of the room, but you listen to what he says. As much as your drunk mind allows you, you wash your face. When you get back to your room, he’s in a drawer you almost forgot was there. Stuff he’d left at your place, all stuffed into one tiny section of your dresser.
“C’mere,” he says to you.
You stop in front of him, the edges of your vision still blurred as you put your hand on his chest. Beneath your palm is an erratic thumping, and you know how much inner turmoil he’s dealing with.
“Chenle,” you murmur. “Help me.”
“Okay, I’ll help. Don’t move.” He untucks your shirt from your skirt, trying his best to avoid skin-to-skin contact with you. Pulling it over your head, he avoids looking down.
He reaches over for the shirt he took out of the drawer, but you grab his wrists, leading both of his hands down to your skirt.
“What are you doing?” he asks. “If you don’t knock it off, I’m gonna tie you up in a very non-sexy way.”
You giggle, wavering a bit on your feet. “Just wanted you to see what I wore for you.”
“(Y/N), I don’t want to leave you like this but I can’t stay if you keep this up. I want you so fucking bad, but I refuse to do this while you’re this drunk.” He shakes his head. “Please.”
“We’ve had drunk sex,” you defend.
“Two things were different then, too. You actually wanted me while you were sober, and we were both equally drunk. I’ve barely had anything to drink.” He brushes your hair behind your ear. “Let me get you dressed so you can get some rest.”
“I do want you when I’m sober,” you continue defiantly.
“(Y/N), I’m not going to argue about this—”
“No, no.” You grab the shirt from him and put it on, almost smiling at the familiarity of wearing his clothes. “I love you. I’ve always loved you, but everything is so confusing.”
“Confusing how?” The guilty look in his eye tells you he already has an idea.
Great. Here comes the part of the night where you cry violently.
Tears well up, and you sniffle. “You hurt me so badly.”
“I know, baby. I’m so sorry.”
“And a part of me knows that.” You’re sure your words are slurred, but he grips onto them like they’re his lifeline. You grip onto his stupid trench coat. “I want to believe it, but I’m so scared it’s gonna happen again, and then all of this is really over. I fucking love you, damn it.”
“I hope you know I love you, too.” His gaze glistens as he furrows his brows. “I’m gonna work so hard to be everything you need. Promise, I’ll never stop trying to be better for you.”
“How do I believe that?” Your voice breaks, and a tear falls down his cheek.
“I…I don’t know. Just let me continue to prove myself. That’s all I ask. We’ll stay just like this until you’re ready.”
You shake him, or try to, in your drunken state while you cry. “Why do I love you? It’d be easier if I didn’t.”
He wraps his arms around you and tugs you to his chest, heart pounding in his chest. For the second time, you break down. For the second time, you’ve put yourself in a position to give him the upper hand.
But for the second time, he doesn’t use it to his advantage.
“It’s okay,” he whispers to you, stroking the back of your head. “Everything’s gonna be okay.”
“What if I’m never ready?” You rock back and forth in his grasp.
“Then I’ll wait forever. I promise you. No matter how you want me in your life, I’ll be there.” He kisses the top of your head, attempting to calm his own breathing. “Baby, you’re drunk. Let’s get you in bed so you can rest.”
“Don’t leave me,” you mutter, holding him tighter.
“I’m not going anywhere. C’mon.”
You listen to him, but before you get beneath your blankets, you slide your skirt down your legs. Once you’re comfortable, he grabs some more clothes for him to change into, and then he’s climbing in next to you, pulling you flush to him and kissing your head again.
“I’ll stay for as long as you want me to.”
‘Forever’ is the last thought on your mind before sleep takes over.
11:48 a.m., October 15th, 2023, your bedroom
The first thing you note when you wake up is the splitting headache raging on in your brain. Next, is the warmth of another body half-draped over you. At the sound of your groan, Chenle shifts back a bit.
“Are you awake?” he asks.
He chuckles. “Alright, well let me know when you’re ready to get up.” He pulls you closer again, allowing you to relax against his chest.
“Wait.” You pause. “How long have you been up?”
“Uh.” He ponders on it for a moment, fingers tapping on your back. “I don’t know. Maybe two hours. Or three.”
“You haven’t gotten up yet?” You frown, pushing away from him to force yourself to sit up. Immediately, you groan and smack your hand to your forehead.
“Not sure if you remember much from last night, but I figured it’d probably be worse for you to wake up without me than with me, so I just waited.” He rests his head on his palm, tilting a bit to look at you.
As soon as he mentions it, you curse yourself a thousand times over. You really fucked up, but he’s still here.
“I’m so sorry.” You cringe. “Everything yesterday was so…”
“Don’t be sorry. It was the most fun I’ve had in a long time. And it felt like we had a breakthrough last night, so there’s that.” He grabs your hand, thumb rubbing against your skin. “I told you I’d do whatever it takes and I meant it.”
He meant it.
Unintentionally, you’d given him the biggest test thus far, and he passed with flying colors. He even waited for you to wake up for hours so you wouldn’t be confused or upset by his absence.
“I’m ready.” Your words surprise him, his eyebrows furrowing deeply as he scans over you.
“For more. I’m ready for more, Chenle. I want us to be more than friends.” You fidget with your hands. “We’ve always been more than that.”
“And you promise you’re not still drunk?”
You scoff and push his shoulder. “Way to ruin the moment, dick.”
“There she is.” He grins.
“I still want to take it slow,” you clarify. “But I want to try.”
“Is it too fast if I kiss you?” he asks.
You’ve kissed this man thousands of times, but something about his question still makes you blush.
“I think you’ve probably earned it after your torture session last night.” Your headache is long since forgotten when he playfully tugs you to him.
Both of you laugh until he grabs your face and presses his lips to yours. He moves so you’re flat on the mattress, his upper half leaning over you. You melt into his kiss, tangling your fingers in his hair and pulling it ever so slightly. His breath shudders, and you feel the urge to push further, to tell him nothing is too fast anymore.
He pulls away, shaking his head. “I’m taking you on a date. Go get ready.”
You go to get up, but halfway through the motion, he tugs you back to him to kiss you one more time. His mouth works gently on yours, and after a few seconds, he lets you go.
8:47 p.m., November 22nd, 2023, Chenle’s house
Chenle’s birthday party ended a little early, mostly of his own choice. You hadn’t planned on anything happening tonight between you two, but it’d been so long since you’d felt pure, absolute bliss just by being next to him. Every day you’ve spent with him has made you two closer. The trust you have for him has grown tremendously, and as soon as you make it back to his house, you shed your coat from your shoulders.
He grabs it from you, hanging it up before he wraps his arms around you. His eyes droop from the overactivity of the day, but it doesn’t erase the smile he has when he sees you. You press a quick kiss to his lips.
“This is the best birthday ever,” he says, hands resting on your hips. “I love you.”
“We still have a few hours of your birthday left. It could go horribly wrong, you know.”
“Yeah, I think it will if you don’t tell me you love me back right now.”
You laugh, shaking your head at him. “I do love you back.”
“Oh, good to know.” He nods, squeezing you.
“Kiss me like you mean it, bighead.”
“That’s my nickname for you, get your own.” He rolls his eyes, but abides by your request.
His lips meet yours, an automatic sigh escaping you as your back arches you closer to him. You hold onto him tightly, swiping your tongue along his bottom lip. He gladly grants you access, but it’s an instant battle for dominance between the two of you.
You barely even recognize him walking you backward until you're against the wall. With a gasp, you pull away from him, his face still centimeters from yours.
“Tell me to stop,” he whispers, leaving open-mouthed kisses along your jawline and down your neck.
“Don’t.” You shake your head. “Don’t stop.”
His curse is muffled by your skin, but his grip tightens on you. He pulls you away from the wall, allowing his hands to venture down to your ass. You whine when he squeezes.
“This is a very bad joke if that’s what’s happening.” He nips your collarbone. “Are you sure?”
You move away from him, grabbing his hand and leading him toward his bedroom. He kicks the door shut behind both of you, immediately pulling you back to him and meeting your mouth with his. The need radiating from him has your stomach doing backflips. You want him just as badly, and all you want to do is pleasure him.
“Lay down, baby.” He sits you down on the edge of the bed, guiding you until he’s kneeling in front of you.
“Chenle, what are you—”
He flips your skirt up, hands trailing along your thighs, skimming the hem of your lace panties.
“You smell so fucking good, baby. Let me taste it. Please.” His eyes flick up to yours, eyebrows raising.
“It’s your birthday.”
“Best fucking birthday meal ever.”
He waits for you to nod before he practically rips the fabric from your body. His head disappears beneath your skirt, and before you know it, his tongue nudges your clit. That’s the only warning you get before he really begins.
He licks up your entrance, lapping at it like a man starved. You haven’t been touched this way in months, and it takes all of your self control not to buck your hips up against his face. The sound of your wetness fills the room, the heat making you squirm beneath him. Your skirt covers him, when all you want to do is see how much he’s enjoying himself. Fisting the sheets, you whine and cry out for him, rocking back and forth as he brings you closer and closer. Lewd sounds are muffled by the clothing you still wear, the suction between your legs making you shake.
“Fuck,” you whimper.
The next thing you know, two of his fingers slide inside you, the movement quick and easy with the way your wetness slicks even the skin of your thighs.
“Gonna make you cum like this first.” He kisses your clit as he pumps his hand faster. “Then over and over again on my cock.”
You let out a breathy moan, bucking your hips up and grinding on his tongue. He mirrors the sound with his lips on your core, and that’s what’s enough to finally push you over the edge. Thankfully, you’re not in an apartment right now, otherwise your neighbors would be getting a free show when you scream out his name as you finish.
You squirm under him, the only thing holding you down is the dig of his nails into your thighs. When he pulls away, his face shines with your arousal, and your insides clench down all over again. You’ve never wanted him inside you as much as you do right now, and you make it your mission to get him on the bed.
“God, pretty girl, I wanted our first time together to be sweet, but I’ve never wanted to fuck you this bad.” He pulls your shirt over your head, pushing you back until you’re flat on his mattress. He tugs your skirt down, grabbing handfuls of your breasts and squeezing.
“Me too.” You nod. “Just don’t stop.”
He pulls his shirt off, pushing his jeans and boxers down in one go before he climbs over you. Your mouths clash messily, his teeth bumping yours, but it does nothing except add to the aching need you have for him. When he situates himself between your legs, you wrap them around his waist and roll until you’re on top.
You reach down and wrap your hand around his cock, jerking him slowly. He groans quietly, thrusting into your hand. You rub the tip along your entrance to gather your juices.
“I’m not gonna last long with you on top of me,” he admits.
“Funny that you think you’re only gonna cum once tonight.” You barely give him time to process your words before you sink down on him. Moaning, you take him slowly, relishing in the stretch of your walls.
“Fuck, look at you.” He scratches down your thighs. 
You give yourself a moment to adjust once he’s fully sheathed in your hole, moving your hands up to squeeze your breasts and tweak your nipples as you grind down. Sounds spill past your lips, and you almost get lost in your own pleasure. When you see Chenle, his eyes are barely open, dark with lust as he thrusts up.
Your walls throb around him, squeezing his cock so hard you feel the way he pulses inside you. Arching your back and resting your palms on his thighs, you start moving on top of him. 
“So wet,” he whispers. “You’re soaking me.”
You move faster, the sounds of your arousal emanating around the room. Chenle’s hands find your breasts, flicking your nipples much like you’d done to yourself. Then he reaches between your legs, the arch of your body giving him perfect access to your clit.
“‘M gonna cum.” He drops his head back on the bed, thumb faltering against your sensitive bud. “Fuck, fuck.”
A loud moan escapes him, and the next thing you know, he’s coating your insides with his release. 
“Damn it,” he whispers. “‘M sorry, baby, I tried to hold it back.”
You put your hands on his chest, rolling your hips until he groans from the overstimulation.
“It’s okay.” You grin at him. “It’s your birthday, Le. We can have as many rounds as you want. Plenty of time to redeem yourself.”
He chuckles breathlessly, sitting up to pull you into his embrace. Kissing all over your face, he rolls you over so you’re on your back before sliding out of you.
“You asked for this,” he reminds you. “Don’t forget that later when you’ve finished so many times you don’t even remember your name.”
He meant it, too.
9:18 p.m., November 22nd, 2023
The chill of the ice cube in his mouth trailing down your body, over your breasts, even the brief few seconds he presses it against your clit, has your body shuddering at the slightest touch. The melted water left behind has goosebumps forming on your skin as he worships your body.
Thin black fabric covers your eyes, leaving every touch of his a mystery to you. The coldness is a drastic contrast to the heat of your core, and the ice cube coming in contact almost has you yelping in pain. His fingers slide back inside you, and you swear you’re slowly losing your mind. You can’t stop moaning, each sound surely making him more than proud of himself.
It’s not long before you’re writhing beneath him all over again, your arousal pouring out over the sheets as he brings you to your euphoria.
9:28 p.m., November 22nd, 2023
“That’s it, pretty girl, take it all,” he hums as you take him in your mouth. You sit on your knees beside the bed where he sits, bobbing your head up and down with the assistance of the makeshift ponytail he grips in his fist.
He hisses as he pushes you down further until his cock is seated deep in your throat, the constriction of it making him bite his lip to stop the sounds. The steady pace he sets for you has tears forming in your eyes, the choking amplifying his pleasure.
“So, so pretty with my cock in your mouth.” He tugs your hair to make you moan around him. “Taking me like a good girl. I love you, pretty.”
His eyes roll back, and he quickly pulls you off him, your hollowed cheeks making a popping sound.
“Lay down, baby,” he instructs you.
10:01 p.m., November 22nd, 2023
His chest slides against yours, low, quiet moans escaping both of you as he finally makes love to you like he wanted to in the first place. Your fingers are intertwined together as his hips meet yours over and over again, sweet words whispered in your ear.
He pushes in completely, his tip kissing your cervix, and a tiny yelp escapes your lips.
“You like when I’m so deep, don’t you?” He nips your ear. “You’ll never be empty again. Can fill you with my cock whenever you want.”
“Chenle,” you whimper, your mind cloudy from however many orgasms he’s given you. You’re much too sensitive, but you still don’t want it to stop.
Your body is caked with sweat, but his is worse. His hair clings to his forehead, wet strands not a deterrence to the way he keeps thrusting into your still sopping cunt. This is what heaven feels like—the pleasure delivered to you by Chenle is peak. You’ll never feel like this with anyone but him.
His finger rubs circles on your clit, and as you shatter around him, it brings him to his end as well, filling you up for the second time tonight. By the look in his eyes, you know it won’t be the last.
11:59 p.m., November 22nd, 2023
Your body aches, but the last thing you want is for him to stop. He holds you close to his chest despite the unbearable heat between you two, hips lazily moving as he grips onto your leg wrapped around his waist.
Your moans have turned into quiet sighs of pleasure, your insides melted into practically nothing with the amount of times he’s finished in you. Nothing matters anymore, just you and him and the way your bodies stick together.
His lips lock with yours, and his movements stop altogether as he gently kisses you. Eventually, that stops too, leaving his mouth resting on yours, as your tired gazes meet.
“I love you,” he whispers. “More than you know.”
“I love you, too,” you tell him, giving him one last kiss.
Exhaustion creeps upon both of you, too tired to move any further as you bury your head in his chest.
“Best birthday ever,” he murmurs.
“You already said that.”
“It got even better, so.”
Everything about this feels right. You curled up in his chest, and despite him still inside you, you’ve never felt more comfortable than you do right now.
And in the morning, Chenle wakes you up with kisses all over your face, and everything within the world is right.
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depraved-gf · 10 months
Update 11/15/23: Unfortunately, it's over. After the contents of this post happened, I got ghosted. :( I'm sorry y'all.
Alright y'alllll, UPDATE. THERE WAS CONTACT.
*Keep up with or catch up with this adventure following the #repressedh0e's adventures tag below!
There's really not much cnc or the stalking scenario involved as this was just a very quick encounter 💀 it's actually more free use than anything, I think lol. Truthfully, I think he was just horny and so was I, and I wanted to have my very first spontaneous new experience lmao. We both agreed to kinda just meet up real quick. And as some of you might know, I've only ever done anything sexual with 1 person my entire life. And now... Well, that's changed a bit 🤭
BUT, I digress -
So I went to go get my Amazon package, right? As I'm walking down the stairwell, I hear something rustle above me. Nothing happens though, and I go to grab my package from the lobby.
I open the door to go up the stairs, and-
There he is.
Down, he commands, pointing to keep going downstairs to the bottom of the stairwell. Once there, he kisses me, some tongue involved, and feels up my shirt, pinching my nipple a little.
Now, y'all, I'm an awkward person. Not the cute awkward, either. Nervous energy, unable to make eye contact sort of person. And I can tell he is, too, but lemme tell you something-
When you get going into slut mode, you get going.
I flung my package on the stairs, got on my knees lightning fast, and he pulled that big fucking monster out. My eyes kinda popped out of my head at the sheer size of this thing in person, but my body moved quicker, immediately latching on and engulfing that thing into my throat as far as I possibly can. My mouth maybe tiny, but I'm mighty y'all. I stuff it down, doin' the Gluck Gluck 5000, using my lil tongue and stroking where I couldn't reach all while massaging his balls with my free hand. He grabs my hair, pushing my head further, and it's not even 3 minutes before I hear an exhale and a soft, hoarse whisper,
I'm gonna cum.
He shoves his cock down further, and even though I feel a gag coming, MAMA DIDN'T RAISE NO BITCH. I keep going as I feel the hot, sticky liquid pour into my throat. It doesn't fucking stop. Load after load, this man pumps SO MUCH CUM into my tiny little mouth and throat, that I didn't even catch that I had some land on my shirt 'til I got back up to my apartment like a lil slut 💀 it was A LOT, y'all. I was shocked hahhah. He then kissed me right after. 😵‍💫
But my goddd, he tasted so fucking good. I can still taste him as I type this. And yes, god my pussy is fucking dripping.
Anyway, he says he'll walk me upstairs to my floor. He hands me my package, and once up, we exchange an awkward goodbye (lmao as two nerdy, awkward people do). He kisses me one last time, aaand we go our separate ways.
About 5 minutes later, I get a chat that reads,
Fuck, that was amazing. Told you I hadn't cum in weeks...
Until next time, Isa.
I still cannot believe I actually fucking did that, but now I'm so horny thinking about how in the absolute hell that big fucking cock is gonna fit into these tight holes 😵‍💫
We'll see Tumblr, we'll see.
[12/14/23: Removed the photo of cum on my shirt. This man deserves no clear evidence from me after ghosting.]
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knwatchesninjago · 8 months
S1E9 The Royal Blacksmiths
Okay, so I got some time today so I decided to finish rewatching this ep and OH MY GOSHHHH!!!!!! <33333333
#Pythor's weird face
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Dude... Pythor. Who do you think you are? Night Ninja? I mean like you wearing a beard, doesn't change who you are, lol. (Kudos to y'all if you figure out the reference, lol)
Sighhhh. At least these 4 Ninjas weren't dumb enough to actually fall for the whole beard "disguise", lolll. Looking at you Newton Star, loll
Man... I miss that show so much... the nostalgia... loll
This ep had SOOOOO much of
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Honestly, I was so happy that they were seen in different outfits!!
Cole especially looks sooooooo cute in the gray hoodie!! <333 But he always looks cute!! Lol.
Speaking of Cole!!!!
OH MY GOSHHHH!!!! His and his dad's dynamic is soooo GOOD!!!!!
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Honestly, I love this relationship soo much because it's so relatable in many aspects!!
And Y'ALL!!! I KID U NOT!!!
I squealed so hard when I saw this scene again!!!
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There were also some more sibling bonding!!! But this time it's with Wu and Garm!!
Due to the annoying 30-image limit, I can't show all of my screenshots.
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"Just like old times?"
"Just like old times."
*wipes a tear*
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MY BABY!!!!!!! YOU LIVEEEE!!!! <3333333
Alas.. I am up to 30... I have to say, this ep was just what I needed after a long day at school!!!
I leave you all with this:
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Byeeeeee!!!!!! See y'all at ep 10!!!!
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AYY she's enjoying herself and vibing with it :DD go off girl 🥰🥰
Awww and everybody's having fun :'))
AYY right Zach is a DJ isn't he :DD xD
Go off y'all 🥰🥰
Oop the glances 😳👀👀
NAHH those were straight up looks
AYY yeah praise her she did amazing :'D
Go off Janine 🥰🥰
Aww bye everybody :D
"Good luck on your marriage" 💀 XDD
Aww lol y'all <33
Broke up XDD
"You were so good together" SLFKJFDS THEY MET TONIGHT XD
Wild lol
Noo honey stayyy D:
Is he gonna get told to go for it by Manny 😳👀 o.o?
NOOO honeyyy how could you do that to me 😭😭
AWWUAGH JANINEEE!!! You can't just be honest with me like that and then not do it 😭😭
Awww :'((
Aww hey guys :')
YES Jacob immediately stopping him, as he should :'D
It'll be fine just go for it!!
Nooo don't worry about him bro
YES exactly
OOP O.O confirmation :O
He asked and Janine said no!!!
Icon good for her
Not that I hate him or anything but yk :)
HONEYYY noo just go 😭😭!!
Stop that's amazing lol
Aww Janine :')
Also what was that other noise slkdhjs
And the camera person still here xDD
I mean I know they have before but yk :'))
Y'all I'm so not okay 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺😭😭❤️!!!
SLFKGJDS seeing them xD
It kinda feels like "OOP 😳👀" but also just "leave us alone 😐😑" XDD
Icons lol <33
UAAAAHHHHHH y'all I'm gonna lose it :D
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annasinterests · 1 year
y'alllll me & the honeys just moved into our first house together!!!
like we went from a disgustingly small one bed & bath apartment to a whole house to ourselves. we have no idea what to do with all this space. of course we still gotta unpack everything but we've never had the chance to make something ours and now we do so it's like. huh?? you're telling me we get to do whatever we want?? this is OURS?!
anyway, i'm just really excited to share that news with you all. i never imagined myself owning a home with my partner (& our two cats + dog) and pursuing my second degree at 21. like that is fr insane to me.
my life has been really hectic the last few weeks and i haven't been able to be super active on any of my socials— with that being said, i am not purposefully going on a hiatus of any sorts nor stepping away from here or any of my other platforms! there have just been a lot of days where i am simpy not allotted any time to talk to you lovely people on here which makes me really sad since i do love to interact & post :(
i'm gonna try my best to respond whenever i get messages or anything, but just know that if it takes a couple days, i promise i'm not ignoring!
as always, love y'all🩷
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927roses-and-stuff · 2 years
"we've got time"
y'alllll ml derision made me cry like a baby omg and that speech???? the honest conversation with marinette and adrien about their relationship?? i?? SOBBING Y'ALL OMG
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yther · 1 year
did you know they actually invented walking sticks with bells to attract grizzly bears spook black bears but if you wear enough jingling things you'll draw out a big brown totoro with many teeth
&sparkles, reflectors, are like fish lures. it's like
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ollydee · 7 months
Please, even if you can't donate, share! This has been a long-time dream of mine and I'd love to be able to start off with a bang.
Love every one of you. <3
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The fucking dream I just had 😭
My extended family on my mom's side gets together to go eat at thus super expensive restaurant for some reason
During our dinner 50 Cent walks in with his wife/partner idk - it had nothing to do with the plot
And I'm the only one under 60 being normal about it
Then my mom and my aunt volunteer me for something that I don't even quite understand and I'm asked to give them a list of 10 celebrities
I don't remember my list but I give it to them and it's revealed that I'm gonna go on like a reality show. And go on dates with 3 of the celebrities on the list and I'm like wtf but okay
TURNS OUT I gave them the list of celebrities of all genders but they choose 3 cis men 😑
I knew the first 2 but the last guy was a surprise (I hope it was Danny)
The first one I found out about was Bill Hader but he was gonna be the 2nd date
Fucking Esai 😐
They shot a getting ready segment with him and I didn't know he was the first date yet but my aunt was watching the segment and I heard his voice that I unfortunately know too well and looked at the screen to see him
And I immediately go "no fuck that"
During the segment, he was talking about being excited for the date and excited to see me again which like wtf I guess we had already met or knew each other
And I just remember telling my mom and my aunt that I'm not gonna go on a date with him and that I want out of this reality show
But my mom and my aunt were like "you already agreed and we signed the contracts you can't back out now"
And I'm like freaking the fuck out because how am I, a trans person, gonna go on a date on TV with a fucker who is openly transphobic?
So I forced myself to wake up beforehand 😭
But y'all the way that getting ready segment got my 🐱 feeling some type of way 😩
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Asking seriously and I'll be very happy if this became an actual discussion - how do you write proper smut?
English is not my first language and even tho I feel like I use it pretty fluently, I feel like my vocabulary isn't rich enough for descriptions that actually get under your skin. I use the websites for synonyms and everything but it feels like it's not enough.
And even when I do get my descriptions right, I feel like I'm not making the scenes long enough..? Idk look I'm reading a book now and there was a pretty steamy scene that was (very rudely) cut before they actually got anywhere but the way the author went on and on about how they feel and how they touch each other and the escalation was in the right pace AND I CAN'T GET IT DONEEEE
So, I guess what I'm asking for is advice?
Y'all are such wonderful writers and your sex scenes blow my mind and I have such vivid imagination, trust me I know what I want to write, I just feel like it's not executed the way I feel it should. Very frustrating lol.
Love y'alllll keep writing great thingssss
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oh-ohagi · 2 years
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huhuhu i miss u too (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ ) so muuuch!! 💕💓💗💞💖💝
My prelim exam week just passed (finally!) and I've been studying for the past two weeks non-stop ಥ_ಥ sorry for being so inactive...
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werehamburglar · 3 years
waittt. if darryl's a goliath now...is this permanent?? is he going to be like this forever? is grant still human? ARE THEY GOING TO HAVE TO CHANGE THE SHOW ART AGAIN???
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knwatchesninjago · 7 months
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I'm sooo sorryyy for keeping y'all waiting!! I was soo busy these past weeks with studying for a giant bio test and other stuff as well.
Good news: I have some free time to finally sit down and watch!! <333
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I was hoping for one of those
AWWWWW them riding the carousel together :'DDD
Yeahh I bet this is for a dedication like a wing or something :'))
Wait is this in the future or now Lim xdd
Either way that's amazing :'DD
I'm so happy for you honey 😭😭😭
I'm glad he's okay, and I'm so happy for them :'))
Is this slightly in the future or way in the future and this is another kid xdd
Okay so that's probably Eden lol
Congrats my lovelies 😭😭😭🥺❤️❤️🥰 love you honeys ::))
Now where's Jerome y'all
Where's Jerome
AYYY aww that's amazing I'm so happy for you Dom :'DDD
She's so pretty 🥰🥰
Aww look at her leading :')) I bet she is a great surgeon <33 like she knew she could be :'D
Oop? Going to that talk thing I bet?
Yeah I think so :'D
Oop stoping in Claire :'o :'DD
I was like we better see her x'D
Yeah, him and Dr. Glassman <33
My babies :')))
Aww y'all :')
Yeah, all your saves count as his as well <33
And that's a lot of saves 😭 :') xdd
Where's Jerome guys xdd. . .
Or Andrews too xd 😭
Aww yeah those are all good things :'))
AUAGH a quote book 😭😭🥺❤️
He really was so wise :'DD
AAHHHH that's a bit of Jerome I see :'DD
Hi Jerome 🥰🥰!!
To late into the episode for that 😭 like rude xdd
AWWW back to the beginning again 😭🥺 :'))
Lol yeah hit the table x'D
That is how you show it :')) of course x'D :'D
Is he gonna hit the desk xD :'D
Who's that man sitting next to you Jerome
. . . better just be some random guy
XD I'm fiiiine guys (I am not at all fine in any way shape or form about anything)
AUGHHHH y'all I'm gonna lose it 😭😭😭❤️❤️
This talk is so good y'all :')))
Idek what you're talking about that's just some guy 😤😤😤
Okay without me being bitter for a second xdd: Jeromeee I'm so happy he's happy :'DD I'm just so glad he's doing okay 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰 <333
Anyway back to my life pretending Asher's fine and just out of frame 😌😌😌🥰
Ayy Dalisay and Hawke :'DD!!! Or is it Fawkes. . I don't remember sorry girl xdd anyway Nice to see them :')) 🥰🥰🥰
:'D I'm glad they're doing okay <333
LOL the don't be an a xD
Lol love that xDD
Awww :'))
YEEEEAHHHHH WHOOOOO :'DDD 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🎊🎊🎉🎉🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️
I genuinely clapped in real life :'D
Awww y'all I'm so happy for you <3
And that's an amazing program 😭😭❤️, in a bunch of places :'))) ❤️🥰
Y'ALLLLL I'M SO NOT OKAY 😭😭😭🥰❤️❤️❤️🥺❤️
That beard on Kalu is wild xD looks good though eat it up sir slfkfjsdk
I know I usually call him Jared just had to call him Kalu one last time xD
But yeah Jared is slaying :'))
SDLFKFJSKHGS "And now I have two TVs." STOPPPPP THAT'S AMAZING :'DDD 😭😭😭😭🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️🥺🥺🥰
Look at them :')))
I'm so proud of them, and of all of them <333
They're happy :'))
And that's it 😭🥺❤️💔🥰 :'))
I hadn't really processed that it was and then my dad walked in from the next room and was like "That was his last line of the show?" and I was like "YUP SLFJHDKS" LOL stop that's hilarious xD amazing, iconic <333
I love him so much :')))
Also go off on having two TVs Shaun 😌😌
I love them all so much <3333
Well, that's it
This is the last episode
That was. . .
The end of The Good Doctor
. . . wow
It was absolutely amazing <333
I loved it :')
I love you all so much <333 ❤️
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