#I love you all so much :DDD ❤️❤️❤️❤️!!!!
I was hoping for one of those
AWWWWW them riding the carousel together :'DDD
Yeahh I bet this is for a dedication like a wing or something :'))
Wait is this in the future or now Lim xdd
Either way that's amazing :'DD
I'm so happy for you honey 😭😭😭
I'm glad he's okay, and I'm so happy for them :'))
Is this slightly in the future or way in the future and this is another kid xdd
Okay so that's probably Eden lol
Congrats my lovelies 😭😭😭🥺❤️❤️🥰 love you honeys ::))
Now where's Jerome y'all
Where's Jerome
AYYY aww that's amazing I'm so happy for you Dom :'DDD
She's so pretty 🥰🥰
Aww look at her leading :')) I bet she is a great surgeon <33 like she knew she could be :'D
Oop? Going to that talk thing I bet?
Yeah I think so :'D
Oop stoping in Claire :'o :'DD
I was like we better see her x'D
Yeah, him and Dr. Glassman <33
My babies :')))
Aww y'all :')
Yeah, all your saves count as his as well <33
And that's a lot of saves 😭 :') xdd
Where's Jerome guys xdd. . .
Or Andrews too xd 😭
Aww yeah those are all good things :'))
AUAGH a quote book 😭😭🥺❤️
He really was so wise :'DD
AAHHHH that's a bit of Jerome I see :'DD
Hi Jerome 🥰🥰!!
To late into the episode for that 😭 like rude xdd
AWWW back to the beginning again 😭🥺 :'))
Lol yeah hit the table x'D
That is how you show it :')) of course x'D :'D
Is he gonna hit the desk xD :'D
Who's that man sitting next to you Jerome
. . . better just be some random guy
XD I'm fiiiine guys (I am not at all fine in any way shape or form about anything)
AUGHHHH y'all I'm gonna lose it 😭😭😭❤️❤️
This talk is so good y'all :')))
Idek what you're talking about that's just some guy 😤😤😤
Okay without me being bitter for a second xdd: Jeromeee I'm so happy he's happy :'DD I'm just so glad he's doing okay 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰 <333
Anyway back to my life pretending Asher's fine and just out of frame 😌😌😌🥰
Ayy Dalisay and Hawke :'DD!!! Or is it Fawkes. . I don't remember sorry girl xdd anyway Nice to see them :')) 🥰🥰🥰
:'D I'm glad they're doing okay <333
LOL the don't be an a xD
Lol love that xDD
Awww :'))
YEEEEAHHHHH WHOOOOO :'DDD 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🎊🎊🎉🎉🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️
I genuinely clapped in real life :'D
Awww y'all I'm so happy for you <3
And that's an amazing program 😭😭❤️, in a bunch of places :'))) ❤️🥰
Y'ALLLLL I'M SO NOT OKAY 😭😭😭🥰❤️❤️❤️🥺❤️
That beard on Kalu is wild xD looks good though eat it up sir slfkfjsdk
I know I usually call him Jared just had to call him Kalu one last time xD
But yeah Jared is slaying :'))
SDLFKFJSKHGS "And now I have two TVs." STOPPPPP THAT'S AMAZING :'DDD 😭😭😭😭🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️🥺🥺🥰
Look at them :')))
I'm so proud of them, and of all of them <333
They're happy :'))
And that's it 😭🥺❤️💔🥰 :'))
I hadn't really processed that it was and then my dad walked in from the next room and was like "That was his last line of the show?" and I was like "YUP SLFJHDKS" LOL stop that's hilarious xD amazing, iconic <333
I love him so much :')))
Also go off on having two TVs Shaun 😌😌
I love them all so much <3333
Well, that's it
This is the last episode
That was. . .
The end of The Good Doctor
. . . wow
It was absolutely amazing <333
I loved it :')
I love you all so much <333 ❤️
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2aceofspades · 5 months
hi you probably got this question asked before. BUT who are your favorite duos in rottmnt??? >:D
btw i love the f!Cassandra and f!Leo they are my favorite duo (after disaster twins 🥳) but love your art and keep up the great work :DDD
Hi hello! 🙌✨ Oh! My favorite duo is Leo and Raph in the show 💙❤️ I don't draw them all too much cuz ✨EMD brainrot✨/pos, but I love them very much.
Here's a lil semi-old doodle of them that I never posted on here~
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Them 🥹❤️💙
I also like Donnie and Mikey as a duo in the show 💜🧡 I love how they interact with each other in the show
I will say though, my favorite duo in my own au is probably f!Cassandra and f!Leo cuz they've got such interesting tension between them. I would love to draw another comic with the two of them 🌟
Awwwwee! Thank you so much!! I really appreciate it 🤗✨!
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easy-there-leftovers · 11 months
Hiii can I just say I’m OBSESSED with ISY,D!! Amazing work truly the best ❤️
I saw asks are open so I thought I’d slip in a little prompt 👀
Astarion and Tav have a bit of a spat at camp. Tav is trying to convince Astarion that ascending would make him just as bad as Cazador, but Astarion craves the power and the freedom. Tav, upset and frustrated, ends up leaving for a walk through the late night streets of the gate to clear their head. One of the vampire spawn out looking for their next prey find Tav, recognizing them immediately as Astarion’s love (and one true weakness) and kidnaps them to bring to Cazador. Cazador, being the sick fuck he is, locks Tav away and sends a note to Astarion that he finds the next morning, saying that he had Tav and that if Astarion wants them back he has to surrender to Cazador and go through with the ceremony. Astarion loses his mind and races to the castle with the gang in tow, praying that Tav is unharmed. Will he be there just in time to save Tav? Or will he be too late, will Cazador have already turned them by the time he gets there?
Sorry for the paragraph but this has been in my mind for DAYS and I would cry if you could make this story come to fruition ❤️
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Hello 🌸anon!! Thank you so much for liking the series, I'm glad that it's something that you enjoy reading! Also, I've decided to include @simp-4-astarion's request as they were rather similar in nature!! Thank you so much for liking my work :,DDD
In addition!! Just a heads up for people who'd like to request or send an idea in, I don't just write for Astarion! Feel free to include your favorite romanceable pcs (and non romanceable npcs lol) into the mix!!
That night at camp had been fraught with tension, like a fraying rope ready to snap. The campfire crackled, the tongues of the flame dancing and flickering about, mirroring the storm within the heated pair.
Your voice, something that he's come to find solace in as of late, quivered with frustration unlike any he's heard directed at him before as you tried to reason with him.
"I don't relish it. but my," He pauses, wondering what he should call them. "--Siblings lured thousands of people to their death over the years. I doubt Baldur's Gate would miss any of them." He seems rather taken with the idea, and you worry about what this could mean for him.
"But we don't even know if it's possible, Astarion. You're hypothesizing that you become the Vampire Ascendant at the expense of eradicating the other spawn." Whether or not they had done things as horrendous as your,-- gods you don't even know what you are,-- as the ex-magistrate, they did not deserve to be subjected to such a ritual.
He paces around you, ascertaining your reactions, and making quick work to think about how he could convince you
"And so what? I've obviously thought about it. If I completed the ritual, this evocation, I'd have insurmountable power. And--" He nears himself to you, practically whispering the following words into the skin of you neck. As if anything he said would etch its way into your skin and carve you anew.
"I could walk in the sun without fear of becoming a mindflayer. Don't you want that for me, darling? For us?" The question instills an indescribable fear in you. Not the same fear that's been riddling you as you wonder if you'd perish in one of your many battles, oh no, it was the fear you'd bear witness to when you lost something dear to you.
It's as if he's giving you an out.
Agree with him, and you seal his fate as the Vampire Ascendant with a sure place at his side.
Or disagree, allowing all those spawn the same chance he had been given all those tendays ago, and snuff out whatever growing relationship you had between you.
He senses your uncertainty.
And he feels lost.
He figured that you would be so sure to keep him at your side. Doing anything it takes to make sure it stays that way, but now you're getting cold feet with his blatant proposal of companionship because of what?
These monsters he's hunted with?
These damned spawn that represent everything you've seeked to correct about the world?
"Astarion, please, give them a chance. They were just like you once, give them that much."
At any other time, he would've admired your efforts to help them. But in this moment, he thinks you a fool who could never truly understand what it means to be a slave.
To want for power.
"You did not know them. And you do not know me as well as you may think, my dear, if you think they deserve a chance more than I do."
He doesn't know why it all happened the way it did. The way that his thoughts came tumbling out of his mouth and only allowing the worst of things to escape him.
All he knows was that it had surely hurt you and that he doesn't think he's ever seen your retreating form look as small as it did as you walked towards somewhere in the city.
And that he wished he had remembered where they were. So near to where his consanguines and he used to hunt.
So when he and the others are greeted with a letter smelling of undeath, telling them that they had their precious leader imprisoned in Cazadaor's manor, he knows not to tell them about the little argument you two had.
Knows not to tell them anything to dampen their mood as they search for you.
Knows not to tell them that the likelihood He kept you alive was slim to none, now that he has Astarion's attention.
Once they had been alerted of your whereabouts, a clear ploy to lure him back to his master, there would be no use for you anymore. They don't know Cazador like he did, and he was sure that by the time they reached their destination, you would be no more.
Stil, he's willing to take any chance he can get to get you back. No use in proclaiming you dead if he hasn't seen you, and he'd be damned if he let Cazador take any more from him.
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silky-silks · 4 months
I finally got to your doodle request!!! :))) here they are! I love them sooooo much lol I never really get to draw different anatomy :DDD
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I love this so much!!!! You made me like their design so much better-heck you did better than me!!!
You nailed it buddy!!!
I love the little toes you added on Minty and Syrup looks so cute as well. My favorite one is the hug scene, just two weird dudes exploring and becoming best of brothers/friends.
But seriously I love this it just made my entire night and I’m squealing just loooking at it!!
Thank you Thank you!!!! 🩷❤️🩷❤️
(Also Minty surely has some soft plush fur, he makes the greatest pillow and doesn’t mind if you end up sleeping on him. Syrup does it all the time lol 24/7)
Also for the second ask too I’m saving the images for it!
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
16 Asks! thank you!! :}} 🦦
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If we're going with the order I got them in the games.. then yes! I imagine that the team started out with Midori meeting Gloria and it built up from there :))
Though I wonder.. I feel like Gloria and Midori are both the shy and quiet type.. perhaps it could be that Bonnie, being a social butterfly, was the one that started and even grew the group? :00
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Thank you!! And yeah, poor Emmet <XDD
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Is that skibidi toilet???
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I will never be the same after having read and imagined this
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Oh hey! Well you know what they say, great minds think alike! XDD
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XDD Okay, I'll tell him-- wait are you good what you mean the horrors--
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They have not.. :((( If I knew more about that Pokémon I would have drawn an interaction.. <XD
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I have not :(( though after googling it, it does look like something I'd like 👀👀
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(I cannot remember what post this ask is referring to :(( Sorry! Maybe to was this one..?)
What I got from that is that Gengars ground pound to show affection XDD I love it!!
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:DDD Thank you so much! And I totally encourage it! I've been having a blast drawing mine, maybe you'll have fun with yours! :))
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Nah.. <:/ sorry!
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(Post in question)
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@neo-metalscottic (So many Joltiks post)
My day is going well, thank you! I hope you can say the same! :)) And thank you! I'm glad you've been enjoying my submas stuff! :}}
Hmm.. now that I think about it, Anastasias shiny status would probably cause a lot of problems for her. Since she isn't her natural colors, its probably harder for her to blend in like normal Kricketot do.
Being that bright shiny gold color would make her stand out like a sore thumb, so running and hiding from poachers/shiny hunters proobably wouldn't work.. I can see the group running into shiny hunters and having to stand their ground.
Thankfully the team are all pretty tough and are decently diverse in their typing. So that shouldn't be too hard for them..
As for pokeballs and humans.. that's a good question. I STILL haven't fully decided if my team has a trainer or not. I'm kiiiind'a going off of the theme that they're all wild..? But even so, I'd like to think the team doesn't have a bad view of humans and caught pokemon-
I can imagine the team, mostly Gloria- understands that not all humans are bad. They've seen the bonds that Pokémon share with humans and understand that they just happen to encounter the uh.. unpleasant humans.
I'd also like to think that if a Pokémon wants to be with a human, they probably aren't bothered by pokeballs too much. They probably see it as an odd tool that helps humans and their partners stay together.
Of course though, knowing all that they still get the bad end of the stick with both.. humans usually are loud and aggressive. Trying to catch the pretty Gardevoir or shiny kricketot.. its a mixed bag <XD
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sanjisboyfie · 11 months
one piece smau: married to franky edition
ー franky def a chronic emoji user
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liked by frankys.favorite, dni_nami, and 9k others
SUPERLOVER: i love treating my husband out for dinner hes my entire world 😍🥰❤️💘
tagged: frankys.favorite
dni_nami: this is what i mean when i say get urself a man w money bc wdym u managed a res at this fancy ass restaurant ????
uso_pp: so this is what u skipped boys night for 🙄🙄🙄
-> roro.zoro: at ur grown age...
[liked by frankys.favorite, dni_nami, ans 90 others]
frankys.favorite: i love u sm handsome
-> SUPERLOVER: hehehe (//∇//)
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liked by SUPERLOVER, freeluffy, and 10k others
frankys.favorite: best details about my husband
-> frankys.favorite: 😭😭
-> robinkills: i need u to restrict the usage of emojis on your phone. its getting insane.
dni_nami: whyd i get frankys whole ass tit on my tl bruh
uso_pp: imma bite that 🤭🤭🤭
-> SUPERLOVER: [name]'s done this several times and ive yet to feel anything 😎
-> uso_pp: ayo????
princesanji: a hello kitty tattoo is crazy
-> frankys.favorite: ur def the type to have cinnamoroll tattooed on ur hipbone dont even try it
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liked by robinkills, iceburg, and 10k others
dni_nami: literally told these two to not set off the fireworks and look at them kissing it up. absolutely shameless.
tagged: SUPERLOVER and frankys.favorite
frankys.favorite: what do u mean it was a great light show namiii
-> dni_nami: no. it was SUPERRRR disruptive for the whole street
SUPERLOVER: look at my handsome baby. his pretty face👻👻
-> roro.zoro: ur emoji selections r always so unsettling
princesanji: their marraige was a match made in heaven w the way they both are constantly ruining everyone elses night
[liked by SUPERLOVER, frankys.favorite, and 90 others]
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liked by SUPERLOVER, dni_nami, and 13k others
frankys.favorite: get urself a buff man like mine holyyyy shiitttt
-> frankys.favorite: ❤️
-> dni_nami: time to mute the both of them
freeluffy: i wonder how someone so old like franky is able to keep his body so muscley
-> SUPERLOVER: im not even that old luffy what the fuck
-> freeluffy: ur like 50
-> frankys.favorite: hes 36????
-> freeluffy: same thing!!! :DDD
roro.zoro: how the fuck r u shaped like a dorrito
-> SUPERLOVER: i was crafted by the hands of my lover and molded into be the perfect man for him.
-> roro.zoro: FOR FUCKS SAKE.
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liked by frankys.favorite, dni_nami, uso_pp, and 11k others
SUPERCOLA: finally was able to take my baby out to get him a new car 🏁🚙
tagged: frankys.favorite
frankys.favorite: thank u sm EVEN THO I TOLD U MULTIPLE TIMES U DIDNT HAVE TO but thank u so much i love u
-> SUPERLOVER: of course YOURE MY NUMBER ONE RIDE OR DIE i need to show u how much i love u 💍 i wish i could buy more than this because you deserve so much more my love
[liked by uso_pp, robinkills, and 200 others]
robinkills: this is crazy. but i love it for u two, absolute sweethearts
uso_pp: what about me franky 🥺🥺🥺
freeluffy: i wanr a car too franky 🥺🥺🥺
ttchopper: i want my own car too franky 🥺🥺🥺
frankys.favorite's story
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me n my husband vs the world <3
SUPERLOVER replied to your story: u rlly had the time to snap a pic after all we did last night??? ur crazy and ily
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simpfortheseven · 1 month
I'm super sorry that you're going through a hard time and I hope it gets better! Stay strong, your efforts won't go unnoticed for sure<3 ❤️
Anyways as for the ask :
I was wondering if you have any Solomon headcanon? Funny or angsty, whatever it is, I'm kind of just collecting every hc I can get because I'm obsessed with this guy (he's so silly<3, I'm starved for content about him😭)
That's pretty much it, I'm sorry if you expected a more specific kind of ask, so feel free to ignore
And remember to stay hydrated and healthy~
Thank you Nonny! I appreciate the words of encouragement i’ve been getting from everyone 😭❤️
Fun fact: I used to HATEEE Solomon so much. Disposed him. Actively avoided any media about the guy.
then I started playing nightbringer.. and now i LOVEEE him! I low key think he’s my favorite now… Him, Simeon, Lucifer, Mammon, Diavolo, and Barbatos have my whole heart
I have some headcannons about Solomon so I’m glad you asked! I’m going to include general ones, fluffy ones, and then at the bottom will be 18+ ones. Please DNI if you’re a minor!
Keep in mind these are my headcannons and not necessarily based on what’s in the game or not in the game!
Solomon Headcannons!
1. Solomon is a little bad with tech, kinda like Simeon. He only uses his DDD for calling, and texting short messages. He doesn’t play games or have much social media. He’s easier to teach than Simeon though so he gets better the more time you spend together. He even gets into selfie taking after awhile!
2. Solomon used to believe in Santa.. Like hardcore. Now around christmas time he tries to make it magical for Luke in one way or another.
3. He acts very cool around others, but when it’s just you and him he is very laid back and can even be goofy at times. Think “making pancakes at 3am because you said you were hungry and now you’re dancing in the refrigerator light” type.
4. Solomon drinks coffee, specifically only hot coffee with sugar. You try to get him to drink other things but he’s pretty stubborn about his coffee. Once in awhile on a hot day he will have a cold brew.
5. On the coffee note, he once stayed awake for 4-5 days straight working on spells/potions, and ended up using a whole canister of coffee and a whole bag of sugar in the process..
6. He loves murder mystery/Who Done It shows. He could easily solve murders in real life with magic, but watching things like Murder, She Wrote or Matlock?? There’s something about the suspense and drama that he loves.
7. Solomon does NOT like the air conditioning. He thinks it’s a waste of money, and he gets cold easily. He’d rather open a window or use a fan.
8. If Solomon could have an exotic pet, he’d want a Farret. No explanation on this one folks, i just think he would.
9. One time Solomon broke his nose due to a spell gone haywire. If you look closely it is just the tiniest bit crooked, and it irks him beyond belief because no matter what he does it won’t be fixed.
10. On that same note, he has a lot of mysterious scars. Those he doesn’t try to hide, he’s even proud of a few of them and shows them off proudly.
11. Solomon is into whatever you’re into. He’s done it all and seen it all, so he says he has no preference. His actual preference is slow and intimate, he loves savoring every moment with you. He loves seeing your face and expression change, your eyes squeezing shut and your lips trembling as you whisper his name so lovingly.
12. He’s loves seeing you in big shirts and boxers, messy hair. Just thinking about you pouring yourself a cup of coffee in your jammie’s and bed head, holding the mug up to your face and smiling has him melting.
13.Solomon also likes doing some things in public. Never any further than a caress or some PDA, but the more you do it throughout the day the more riled up he gets. He may say you have to leave an event early just so he can go home and have you all to himself.
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caffeinetheif · 2 years
Bit of an odd request to make. Could I request the seven brothers with an s/o that likes plushies?
Of course! As a fellow plush enthusiast, I don’t find this request odd at all ❤️ I decided to write a short blurb with headcanons for each brother. Hope you enjoy!
P.S. I had the hardest time writing for Satan and Levi. I apologise in advance for Satan and Levi lovers lol. And Shoutout to my bestie for helping me come up with ideas <3 love u babe
The Demon Brothers with an S/O that Has Plushies
GN! MC/Reader
He’d probably be the most critical of the brothers
He would most likely give you a long winded lecture on spending habits
Though, after seeing how happy they make you, he might be more open to it.
“MC, what is the reason for all of... these?” Lucifer asks, holding up one of your many plushies. You should have seen this coming. He is the eldest brother after all, it’s like it’s his job to scrutinize everything. 
You roll your eyes before answering, “They remind me of home, in a way. Do really need a reason to have them?”
Lucifer pauses and thinks for a moment before gently returning the plushy to its original spot. “I suppose they don’t need a reason, as long as you’re happy.”
He can’t help but think of the price tags on your more collectable or hard to find plushies, but don’t worry about him selling them.
In all honesty, I think he’d enjoy having an excuse to shower you in gifts
For special occasions, he’d try to find some of the hard to find plushies in the Devildom as a surprise for you
“Oi, MC! I gotcha somethin’.” 
You barely look up from your DDD before a shopping bag lands on your lap. You look up at Mammon with a confused look. It’s normal for him to get you things out of the blue, but they’re normally much smaller than the one currently on your legs.
You reach into the bag and pull out the contents. A soft, purple plush sheep sits in your hands. You can’t help the large grin that settles on your face as you examine the adorable sheep. 
He would have a problem with your plushies, but not for the reason you think. He loves their cuteness, but hates that they take your attention away from him.
Almost sees them as competition, but he won’t tell you that
However, he’s the most understanding about your collection. Afterall, look at how much Ruri-chan merch he has.
“MC, pay attention to me!”
“Levi, you were in the middle of a game. I wasn’t going to interupt you because I wanted to cuddle.”
“But I’m not gaming anymore,” Leviathan pouts.
You laugh at his attempt at a begging face and give in, ditching your plush cuddle buddy in favor of opening your arms for your purple haired lover. He grumbles about how you must love your plushies more than him as he plops himself in your arms. 
Satan would be the most nonchalant about your plushy collection. He finds it nice to talk to you about collecting items, even if your collections are vastly different.
He would probably use them as pillows when laying in your bed or to prop up his books
If you have any cat plushies, please show him them.
Satan has noticed that you have a specific species of animal that you favor when you buy plushies. He has gotten into the habit of buying that plush animal when he finds one you don’t have and secretly adding it to your collection. 
Anytime you begin to notice a new one, Satan tells you a white lie such as, “You bought it when we went grocery shopping a few weeks ago. Do you not remember?” He hopes you don’t catch on to his accidental gaslighting anytime soon.
He would definitely see your plushies as a photoshoot opportunity
Has a secret photoalbum on his DDD of just you napping and cuddling with your plushies.
At least once a week he will ask you to take pictures of him with your plushies for his devilgram.
As cute as Asmo thinks you are when you cuddle with your plushies, he sometimes wishes that you were cuddling him instead. That’s how he found himself in his current predicament. 
He’s trying so hard to not wake you up as he gently moves your arms from around the plushy you’re currently napping with. With slow movements and a little tug to the plush, he removes it from your grasp with a triumphant grin. Ever so slowly, he lowers himself down and replaces the pushy with himself and rests his head on your chest with a happy sigh. Shortly after he gets comfortable, he drifts off to sleep with his own arms draped around your waist. 
If you have food themed plushies you better hide them because we all know how Beel gets with anything food related
Like Satan, I feel like he wouldn’t really mind your plushies.
He would win prizes from any and all the strength games at the carnivals for you
It was getting late, so you and Beel decided to call it a night and head home from the carnival. With Beel’s large hand in one of your own and a large plush prize in your other arm, you considered this date one to remember.
Beel had noticed you eyeing one of the zombie lizard plushies at one of the game booths and made it his mission to win you one. Luckily, it was a strength based game, similar to ones you had seen in the human realm. 
It had taken several of the small prizes to be traded in to get the large one, but the look of joy when Beel handed you the zombie lizard made it worth it.
He would be the most likely to enjoy your plushies or be a plushy stealer
oftentimes, you’ll find him cuddled up with your plushies
I think he’d find a lot of comfort in your scent that clings to the plushy
It had been a rough day in class for you, the stress of exams weighing down on your shoulders. You would love nothing more than to collapse onto your bed and take a well deserved nap.
When you reach your bedroom and open your door, you expect to be greeted with your neatly made bed ready to welcome you into its warm covers. However, the sight you’re greeted with instead is Belphegor snoozing away with his face tucked right into your favorite plushy. You quietly take a photo before crawling in bed beside him and passing out.
Thank you for reading! Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated <3 
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I love all of your analysis of these two losers ❤️ I have yet to read the full essay (soon! I just need time) but have you done a part on this NPC who talks about (supposedly alhaitham) a big guy buying crates of wine and muttering something about it being enough for an apology?
I can't remember exactly where but it was a merchant in either sumeru city or port ormos. I'm leaning on the city and possibly in the inner market near the theatre. I'll try looking tomorrow and send you another ask
Hiya! Thank you so much for your ask! I’m so glad to hear you’re enjoying the haikaveh brainrot hehe, we’re all in the basement together! <3
I know the one you’re referring to! This should be it, it’s from a vendor in the Grand Bazaar:
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I didn’t mention this in the essay because of it being speculatory, but I’m more than ready to speculate here. I agree, this is most likely an inference to Alhaitham, not only considering his status as a Mahamata but also due to the fact that it’s an integral part of Alhaitham’s character that he prefers to be unknown. Even when he serves as the Acting Grand Sage, people don’t typically recognise him due to how little known he is despite his primary role as the Grand Scribe, as seen in his story quest. This would align with why the vendor admittedly has no idea who this particular customer was.
Drinking, particularly wine, can also relate to both Kaveh and Alhaitham, as this is an activity they both partake in together. Alhaitham’s voice-lines express that he likes to have a drink after work, along with his demo showing him drinking wine with Kaveh, Cyno and Tighnari, and him apparently stealing Kaveh’s beer in A Parade of Providence. Similarly, Kaveh also states his preference for drinking in his voice-lines, as well as his overindulgence in this hobby being highlighted in his hangout. Additionally, the furniture item ‘Monthly Frustration Be-Gone’ references Kaveh buying expired wine in order to get a discount.
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Since this is an NPC conversation, it’s also worth noting other external worldbuilding details, such as the bulletin boards of Sumeru. In the three exchanges Alhaitham and Kaveh have, all of them reference drinking in some way, in that Alhaitham typically indulges Kaveh by paying for his tabs – revoking this only when they have a disagreement. Lambad also notes that Alhaitham and Kaveh go drinking together, as well as Kaveh picking up wine ordered by Alhaitham.
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Alhaitham buying wine for Kaveh to make up for some disagreement between the two aligns with all these established details. When considering the typical exchange of Alhaitham refusing to pay for Kaveh’s drinks when Kaveh disagrees with Alhaitham’s views, it makes sense that it would also work in reverse – as in, when Alhaitham trespasses on Kaveh’s views which leads to Kaveh’s upset, Alhaitham would buy him drinks to make up for it
Alongside this, character description wise, there is no other convincing contender as to who else this could be? Alhaitham uses the tall male model, and is the only tall, relevant member of the Mahamata that the player is aware of.
Given all these context clues the game gives us, I’d say, yeah, this is our resident loser Alhaitham!!
If I’m honest I think about this dialogue a lot :DDD so thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about it hehehe I hope you enjoy the essay when you find the time :’) <3
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Hello! Hope you're having a wonderful day!
Just dropping in because I saw a Tweet that immediately screamed "hunger au!Grian" in my mind, and I needed to share.
Your hunger au is one of my favourite fanfictions of all time, and I had a few planned asks about it that I'll send sooner or later, but for now I'll just say that I clicked on it for the Scarian but stayed for the worldbuilding. Your ability to worldbuild tickles something in my brain and I have all these questions and theories and general curiosity and... When I have the time to draw again I need to try and make fan art of it, 100%.
As of now, expect future asks from me, because I took notes!
(This is the tweet btw)
Ohh this is such a sweet ask!!! Omg im so glad hunger au is one of your fave fics 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 that makes me so happy to hear!!! Im very much looking forward to any asks you send in the future :DDD
Okay im ngl i wasnt expecting that to be the tweet and when i tell you i AUDIBLY gasped when the video started playing.... [insert horse staring at the sea meme] Man..... /pos /pos how dare that video be SO ON THE NOSE TOO HELP... THATS SUCH A GOOD POST IM OBSESSED THANK U NEIGHBOR, ITS SO GOOD
Also im so glad you like my worldbuilding!!! Hunger au is perpetually so funny to me bc i used it as an excuse to try and brush up on my abilities in that respect, since i felt like it was a skill i was pretty weak in. Apparently it paid off tho, bc i get a lot of comments telling me that people love it, which makes me SUPER happy :]]]❤️❤️❤️❤️ i have a ton more worldbuilding posts i want to make in the future too, ive just gotta scrape up the energy to actually write them all first 😭😭😭😭😭😭 but its on my eventual to-do list for sure!!!
Thank you so much for such a sweet ask :DD it really made my day to get this, and i hope youre having an excellent day as well!!!
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The Good Doctor is over. I can't believe it, and I probably won't for a while xd.
I've been watching this show for about 3 or 4 years, I believe. I'm not exactly sure how long xd. I think I started watching after season 3, maybe a bit into season 4. I'd have to look somewhere, because I truly have no idea lol. I honestly don't even remember why, I think I just liked the idea and had seen a couple clips of it.
But what I also didn't know was how much this random medical show would come to mean to me. It's gotten me through hard times, put me through hard times xD (looking at you, sobbing over Asher's death), and I don't know how I'm gonna live without it lol. Well, I know how, and I have other shows, I'll be fine. It's not even one I've been watching since the very beginning, or the longest, or whatever. I don't have the most thoughts about like, daydream wise, I haven't written the most fanfic about it (I don't think - there are like 4 wips and one posted today though xd). But it just means something special to me. Nothing can replace the hole it will leave in my heart, the place it will always have there. It taught me a lot, it showed me characters I'd never seen before that meant so much to me. I don't think you understand what it meant to me to see neurodiverse characters, disabled characters, queer characters, or a specific one, Asher rediscovering his relationship with religion a bit at the end of his storyline. This show has meant so much to me over these past years and I am so grateful for it <3.
Thank you. Thank you sooo much to all the cast, and for all the amazing jobs they did :')). They are seriously all amazing actors, even the one off patients in one episode each. All wonderful <33. And thank you sooo much to the crew, who made such an amazing show possible :'D! It couldn't have been done without a single one of you <333. I know what behind the scenes stuff is like, how much work they put in, and I'm so grateful for it <33. Thank you to everyone who made this show possible, and made it what it is :')).
And thank you to you guys. There's not too much of a fandom, and what there is I'm not active in much, but let me tell you all that I seriously appreciate you. Every little post, every like, every small conversation, every ask, I have felt a little bit more community for this show. I have found someone else who loves this show like I do, someone who knows what I'm talking about. Thank you all for making this the even better experience it has been :')). I hope we all continue to love this show and write and create and post for it <333. You're all really cool, and even if I don't know you, I don't want to lose you :')). I love you all so much <33.
And hey, thank you to the people, whoever they are (and I assume mainly one person), who keep sending me asks :'D. It makes me smile and so excited to see I have an ask about The Good Doctor, and I really appreciate it :)). I hope you do too <3.
The Good Doctor is an amazing show. It's not always perfect, and yes it's made plenty of mistakes, but I love it anyway. Nothing's perfect. And it doesn't have to be <333. It has taken me on a journey for these past years, and I will be forever grateful for that <3. Even if the journey has now ended :'). It's just time for part two :'D. We're just switching buses, getting on a new road. A new track for a train. It's a different leg of our journey, chapter of our story, but it's going to be an amazing one as well :')). I'll miss this one, so much, but I know the future's going to be absolutely slay in its own way <33. A future of thoughts, fanfic, daydreams, and loving this show :'DD. And that kinda makes me feel okay :').
Thank you all for coming on this journey with me. Through all my emotions, all these liveblogs and reviews. I do truly, genuinely appreciate it <333.
I guess this is me signing out for The Good Doctor :'). But it isn't, really - there's a review to come, and I promise not to abandon this fandom, this show, now that it's over. Even if it's mostly in my head or my Google docs lol :'). So, I guess, just,
Thank you, The Good Doctor. And I'll see you later :'))
Goodbye, The Good Doctor ❤️
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melonteee · 7 months
May I recommend some One Piece fics? One of them has me clawing the walls and wanting to write ten billion fics about all the OP women _:(´ཀ`」 ∠): and the other fundamentally changed me as a human being.
The former is a Robin centred fic and the latter is a Sanji centred fic. If you have read these before, sorry if I’m just parroting what you’ve already read! Also please feel no pressure to read these, I just wanted to share with a fellow OP enjoyer :DDD
Sanji Fic: Custom of the Sea - 17K: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39516201?view_adult=true
So this one really, REALLY explores Sanji’s duties as a chef and how far he’d be willing to go to ensure that his crew won’t starve (if you know what the title of the fic means then you’re halfway there) and there are heavy warnings at the start of the fic that I won’t repeat but I will state that the fic is tagged with “angst with a happy ending” so a heaping helping of optimism is needed whilst reading!
(I did not read the tags thoroughly though I still enjoyed the fic, but please don’t be as silly as me)
I love when a One Piece fic explores the connections between the Straw Hats (some more than others, cough ZORO cough) and I especially love the flashbacks we get with Chef Zeff— I will never be able to stop thinking about them and clutching at my chest like I’m trying to ease an unseen weight (the burden, oh the burden of loving a fictional blond man).
I love how Sanji is written, how we get to see him reduced to his base components, how as he thins with each day we see what becomes transparent beneath all the layers; who he truly is when stripped down to the bone.
^ tryhard
There is also a scene that is so reverent; so intimate; so raw that it feels like a violation to intrude upon such a private moment and a discourtesy that it isn’t being analysed and examined by every literature study or professor alive. Wow it fucks me up that this fic only has 8K hits. The author also writes some good ZoSan fics if that’s also something you’d like :))
Robin Fic: What is and What could never be - 58K (unfinished as far as I’m aware): https://archiveofourown.org/works/42768912/chapters/107441889
Robin. Has. A child.
[incoherent wailing about motherhood, unconditional love, the fear of loving someone and letting them love you back, love you thought you lost but has endured all along]
I haven’t even finished it yet nor am I even anywhere close in the timeline in which the fic takes place but I already know it’s one of my favourite fics I’ve read, and has made me realised that I have overlooked the OP women in the most egregious manner possible.
I absolutely adore your OP character analysis videos, and having your big brain analysis sitting in the back of my mind while reading this fic has made me appreciate and enjoy this fic tenfold.
Nico Robin I love you in a way that heals me and hurts me.
I am also a tremendous sucker for Frobin (the author wrote smut for this fic which 😳) but I also adore her relationships with Chopper, Nami and Luffy which absolutely enamoured me and has scorched my brain, leaving a permanent mark. Also extremely cruel and wicked that this fic only has 8K hits.
Anyway I wrote all of this at 1am, so if I sound mad it’s because I am. Thanks for creating hilarious and extremely insightful analysis videos, I’ve been watching your channel since the MHA character design video (I still burst out laughing thinking about Todoroki’s design sometimes) and I always look forward to new vids :D
Thank you for these but I can’t promise I’ll read them haha, I don’t tend to read too many fics but I appreciate the thought. I know you didn’t do it here but I also ask to please not send me smut fics or anything since I’m not an nsfw account and also a stranger to you guys 😅
And thank you so much for enjoying my content! ❤️
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dungbeatposse · 9 months
what is my account but a collection of my thought dumps that makes sense but also doesn't make sense? anyways! i made a list of colours of the rampage in my notes app and its been sitting there for... 7 months...
but! i really like rambling and i want to ramble bout this to you lovely people (or anyone interested enough to read this), i'll try to keep this short and simple❤️ disclaimers, these are all in good fun and are just my opinions. i also don't have access to a ton of exile tribe content, so im basing this of stuff i have watched (pls bear with me🥲)
feel free to share your thoughts. i would love to know what you think :DDD
i'm gonna have to break these up into 2 posts (16 members ahaaaaa) don't know if i'm diligent enough to maintain this one but i'll try my best!!!
likiya - gold (#fdd017)
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of course likiya was going to get gold. for me, it's suitable for him because he's the leader. he carries the rampage from exile tribe. plus, he gives me very lion-esque vibes. his presence is strong, powerful. i also debated of a royal blue, but a warmer colour suits likiya. he's like the sun, makes me feel warm inside.
zin - silvery blue (#7f8e99)
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several reasons for this one. i wanted the leaders colours to be opposites, so if likiya is the sun, zin is the moon. straight grey/silver didn't suit zin - it's too dull for him, so i opted for a bluer silver that reflects how he makes me feel (also kinda matches his h&l character but we won't look into that). his presence is cooler, but not cold. somehow, his vibe is closer to what i think mountains would feel like.
riku - coral orange (#f2946b)
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when i think riku, i think about his beautiful smile and his bright personality. ngl i wanted to give him a yellow adjacent colour too, but i feel like a softer colour closer to orange suits him. it's warm and vibrant but not too summer. i also thought about golden retriever colours but riku, for me at least, has this natural aura that reflects a coral reef on a bright sunny afternoon.
kenta - cool tone black (#121417)
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several options were going into kenta's colour choice like white to reflect his invaderz look or a red. but i knew i wanted to stick to a cooler tone colour. kenta has a very black cat energy in my opinion. though he's a ball of chaos and goofs, there are also occasions where he is quite a loner. so, after some thought, i went "well, black is pretty suiting". to me, black has so much potential. it's versatile, it's mysterious, it's kenta.
rui - lilac purple (#b666d2)
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well. if you don't think of purple when you think of yonamine rui, i don't even know what to say (joking teehee). the real challenge was deciding which purple suited rui. i thought about inching the colour picker closer to white to give him a less saturated colour to match his softer side, but i realise that rui is vibrant. his dancing, his smile, his everything.
yamasho - pink (#ed93db)
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now, if i was going to do this before, yamasho would've been more green for me, or blue. but, i've been really interested in his current venture with new looks and makeup. i really admire yamasho for experimenting with his style, because not only does it suit him, but it's so refreshing to see. his creativity, his boldness. they shine in my mind when i think about yamasho. i thought about a more salmon pink, but this one. it's light but bold, just like he is to me.
kazuma - blood red (#8b0000)
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red was my immediate thought when choosing a colour for kazuma. it's the colour for his prince of legend character of course, but it's also the colour of blood, which also makes me associate him with vampires. yes, i know he has been attributed with wolves a lot. however, he has sharper, intimidating features, which immediately makes me attribute him to things like knives, fangs, rubies. kazuma always gave off this overwhelmingly strong red vibe for me. passionate and elegant, but dangerous and intense.
hokuto - pastel yellow (#ebe7a2)
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i thought about giving him a pastel pink. the more i think about it, the more i find myself giving hokuto a pastel yellow. maybe it's because a majority of his styles had always given him soft blonde hair. but hokuto reminds me of sun, but more like the sun on a cloudier day, or the way petting a cat feels. his vibes are soft and sunny. sweeter and gentler.
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bladesmercy · 4 months
Yeah HI I had no idea you were the author of falling stars?? And I was already following you for your entirely correct opinions on sephiroth XD?
You might remember me as that one commenter who leaves Very Long Comments and gets very excited about lucrecia lol.
But mainly hi asdfghjkl falling stars sends me absolutely feral, it's such a fantastically written fic and every time I get the email it makes my day. Also congrats on quarter of a million words 👍 respect, bonkers insane.
I love the way you write everyone, your unreliable narrator and plot twists are FANTASTIC the fight scenes are top tier and I may have said before your pacing is razor sharp honed and all together it is a gloriously excellent story that scratches so many itches lol ❤️
omg i recognized your username immediately, hi!!!!!!! i look forward to your comments every week (and am always delighted when i get to deliver lucrecia updates ;)) so thank you for always taking the time to share your thoughts with me!!! i'm utterly delighted to know how much you're enjoying tfofs, omg. TTwTT and that you enjoy my sephiroth opinions because Boy do i have a lot of those. XD
and tysm, i have!!! no!!! idea!!! how tfofs got this long!!!! i swear it was literally meant to be like 90k words max!!!!! but yes, it absolutely makes my day to hear that you're enjoying the story so much, thank you so much for letting me know!! :DDD i started writing it purely to sate my own brain-itch and deranged need to word-vomit at length about sefikura and their dynamic, and it's wonderful to know it can scratch the same itch for others.
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rottenraccoons · 1 year
I was very hesitant with Cirrus' route because of the (is it considered heavy?) BDSM but what got me through it to see all the endings, good or ortherwise, was the safe word button. It was such a comfort to have someone calming like Vesper to soothe more sensitive readers like me. Overall, I believe it made the entire experience a hundred times better! Thank you for everything you're doing and hehe goodluck on the 1 year anniversary of Flamebait, much love~
Aw, thank you! The one year anniversary was a fun little party, we had a good time experiencing some of the routes again. FlameDate is very much it's own little weird thing, but it was a really fun thing :DDD
The safeword system is something we're really happy we put time and energy into, and responses like this are a big reason why ❤️ We're big believers that players already have the ultimate safeword, since they can just turn the game off at any point. But having an extra way to suspend the action and just breathe is something we're glad we included for players who don't need to stop, but just need a pause.
Plus, we've found that the combination of the warning page and the safeword system has given us as writers so much more confidence that we can include dark and shocking content, which is always nice 🥰
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baronessblixen · 7 months
Saw your tags-- I think you're a writer! :DDD
Kafka trends a lot here on Tumblr, and I see diary entry after diary entry of him struggling to write, feeling like a failure for not doing so, questioning not only his abilities but himself... and I think, maybe, that's why he resonates with Tumblr so much.
I can't think of another community-- outside of communities on the internet, of course-- where the mutual misery of trying and not quite starting but not walking away from a skill or passion or calling is not only recognized but deeply felt. And the fact that this misery stretches back hundreds and thousands of years (and likely longer than that) is encouraging, in its way.
And it's like that one writer in Frasier, don't you think? He wrote one book then stopped entirely; but he was still thought of as a writer. And is that just because he was published and gained the public sanctioned title of "writer", or because he sat down to write? Emily Dickinson is considered a writer (more accurately a poet) though none of her works were published until after her death, for instance.
Wrapping all that up XDDD, you're a writer to me; and always will be-- not only because you've put words out there to be read, but because the spirit in which you write is one I recognize from countless other writers that have published their craft and those who have not. It's the drive, the calling, the temptation to write; to come back to it; to take and idea or a phrase or a sentence or another character everywhere you go in your mind-- even if your thumb never hits another cursor bar again.
Thank you so much for this ❤️ maybe you're right but the main thing why I don't know if I should call myself a writer is precisely the reason that I can't sit myself down and write. Why is that? Why do I always find different things to do? Sometimes I want to write but don't and sometimes I probably don't even *want* to write?
And I know I have people who enjoy my writing. I appreciate every single person who does. It has to come from inside me though. Doesn't it? A lot of the time I don't feel good enough. Like how do I dare to tackle an idea and put something out there when there are so many others who are way better than me? It's a very complicated thing in my head 😂
I do love that we're such a community here. Others feel this way all the time and it's good to know I'm not - and no is - alone in this.
If writing in one's mind counts then, yeah, I guess I'm (still) a writer. I had an idea the other day and it bothers me so much that I don't sit down and attempt to write it.
Your ask sure made me think about things again. Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on myself. Easier said than done though. Thank you so much for reaching out!
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