givemeureyes · 1 year
my favorite thing about jonathan sims ships is that they are all in some way inherently toxic except for like… jongerry. and maybe that’s bc they didn’t get a lot of time to be toxic but it’s just so funny to me. jongerry you will always be famous
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vesrin · 2 years
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I don't have any context nor explanation either
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boxes-of-soup · 1 year
some good ol' jmart
this took far longer than it should have tbh
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mxwhore · 2 years
Dom Martin?!?! D—dom? He is dom?? He bosses Jon around?? Dom? 👀
I mean, there's a lot more than 'boss people around' in a dom sub dynamic but yeah! Dom Martin
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tmaismyhyperfixation · 2 months
C'mere my trans siblings *grabby hands*
Yes, you. C'mere
k that's good.
Just here 2 tell u that if u fall anywhere under the trans umbrella, and u got out of bed today (even if u didn't, that's perfectly fine too) ur fucking rad. Like, your an actual hero my friend. Don't forget that. U deserve an ice cream. Period. Or whatever other treat u like, u should eat it. Pretend it's on me if you don't feel like being nice 2 yourself (be nice 2 yourself dammit) anywaayyyy, drink lotsa water, and get some sleep u insomniac mfer. Luv u lots <33 here's some stupid jonmartin I made for the road <333333
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saintbleeding · 1 year
So i saw this on a tumblr post but is very jonmartin
"Jon and Martin are planning their wedding, they want to have their cat as ring bearer (is this how it's called?) But Martin doesn't know the name of the cat because they always call it different nicknames and jon just doesn't tell him and he don't want to admit that after all that years don't know.
Because jon didn't know either! he thinks that the cat is Martin's and he also is trying to figure out the name."
Martin’s not a cat person.
Honestly, he’s just not really an animal person. Like, in general.
The same isn’t true for Jon, of course. On, like, their second date, Jon—who, up until that point, had been all leather elbow patches on his stupid tweed jackets and “hmm, perhaps” and thoughtful squinting—got approached by a cat in the street, and pretty much melted on the spot.
Martin melted, too, but for slightly different reasons.
So it wasn't really a surprise when Jon moved in and Cat started turning up. Sure, it felt a little bit out of character for Jon not to excitedly announce that, one, he'd gotten a pet cat really recently, and, two, he was bringing it into Martin's place, which is a relatively humble little cottage, but Cat seems to free-roam most of the time, so it's not like she's encroaching on much of the space. And, anyway, it's not like Martin hates cats, so he doesn't mind. He just sort of thought Jon would have said something. But he didn't.
You know.
There's a cat.
She's grown on Martin over time. In fact, it's usually him that wakes up with her purring and headbutting him at fuck-off o'clock in the morning, and Jon's not a heavy sleeper, so if she'd attacked him first, Martin would know.
But she's nice. Lovely little tufts of fur between her toes, and quite a deep meow for such a pretty lady. He'll call her Lady Catherine sometimes, and Jon's got the gall to pretend he doesn't think it's hilarious. Mind you, Jon's terms of endearment for her skew a bit more—pejorative, for lack of a better term? Like, Cat will take the opportunity when Jon is hunched over a stack of student essays at the dining table, and she'll leap onto his shoulders, and do that loaf thing, and Jon always says "unhand me, you infernal creature", or the few times she has bothered Jon in the middle of the night for pre-dawn breakfast service, he's grumbled "vile beast" even as he gets up to feed her.
Martin's tried telling him he shouldn't be encouraging her. But Jon just turns around and says "yes, I know, that's why I chastise her".
Martin stays impressed that someone so smart can be so stupid. Which he means affectionately, obviously. If he didn't, they wouldn't be getting married.
Which is great, by the way. It's great.
Does present some—unique problems, though.
Martin's got absolutely no bloody clue what her actual name is.
Which, you know, it's not like he's filling out adoption papers or anything, but at some point after some late-night banter it became part of the plan that Cat should be the ring-bearer at the wedding.
And he can't not know the name of a member of the party at his own wedding.
So he starts sleuthing.
"Hey," he says one evening, when GBBO is over and they're just sitting there with the telly on mute.
Jon looks up from his thorough inspection of Cat's beans, her paw gently clasped between his thumb and forefinger, and goes "Mm?"
"Been thinking."
Jon lifts one eyebrow. "Mm?"
"We could get her a proper little collar and everything."
Jon blinks a couple of times, then smiles. "Oh, for the wedding, you mean?" Martin nods. "Oh, yes, it could match your tie."
Okay, that's adorable, but also, unfortunately, not the point.
"Ooh, yeah," he says, then: "Oh! And, like, a little engraved name-tag. Really fancy."
Jon's eyes narrow almost imperceptibly.
"Yes," he says, tone completely unreadable. "Silver or gold, do you think?"
Martin's suddenly wondering if it's a trap.
"Dunno," he says, turning his eyes back to the brightly-coloured advert on the screen. "What's her vibe, you think?"
In the corner of his eye he sees Jon's jaw working silently as he searches for something to say.
"I think your input should be taken into consideration," he says, lifting his chin as Cat stands, stretches, and headbutts him. "Since... you know."
Martin considers whether or not Jon's messing with him, because frankly, he very much does not know.
"Mmm. Well! Uh- I- I like gold. Would match our bands."
"True enough," Jon says. Cat leaps onto the back of the sofa, and they're both silent till she curls up there and falls back asleep.
Jon doesn't seem very eager to say anything else.
"So..." Martin says, lifting his glasses to rub his eyes. "Um... what's the spelling, again?"
Jon's blurry form sits up straighter, and when Martin puts his glasses back on he sees his mouth open in shock.
"Might I ask why you're asking me?" Jon says, which doesn't make any sense.
"W- um. Y- you know, you're the English teacher."
Jon inclines his head to the side, frowning. "Hmm," he goes. "W- I- I- yes, I—mm." He lowers himself back against the sofa again. "The usual way."
Martin sighs.
"Right," he says. "Okay."
The silence gets a bit fraught, then. When Martin stands up to take their mugs to the kitchen, he might be a tiny bit huffy. It's possible.
Jon follows him, and he stays huffy, because it's easier to keep up than neutrality when he's trying to hide that he's a bit annoyed and a bit embarrassed.
"Everything alright?" Jon says, leaning casually against the fridge as Martin puts way too much effort into scrubbing both mugs clean.
Several seconds pass.
"Could I say something?" Jon asks, a bit hesitantly.
If Martin had to guess, he'd put money on "you're a negligent idiot for not paying enough attention to know my cat's name and I hate you".
Jon exhales audibly behind him, as though amused.
"With all due respect and affection, darling—" He pauses till Martin is finished aggressively rinsing the mugs. Martin still doesn't turn to face him, though, because he's a tiny bit scared of where this is going, honestly. "If you've forgotten how to spell your own cat's name, that's not, strictly speaking, my fault, is it?"
Martin turns around.
Several things occur to him at once.
First, Cat's a dirty freeloader who owes Martin like fourteen months of rent.
Second, it might, legitimately, have been a coincidence that she and Jon moved in around the same time.
Third, he can't remember a time he's heard Jon use any method of address on her except for creature, or beast, or the ones Martin uses himself.
Which means, fourth, Jon doesn't know her bloody name either.
Because she's not his cat.
"Okay," Martin says. "Let's assume I have forgotten. Couldn't you just—help me out—and spell it?"
"Martin," Jon says disparagingly with a frown.
"Jon," Martin says, trying really hard not to smirk.
Jon does that thing where his mouth starts in a flat line, but as his irritation grows, his nose scrunches up, and the line of his mouth slowly rises up his face until he exclaims inarticulately and throws his hands in the air in defeat.
"Fine!" he says. "Fine, okay, alright, fine. I—I don't—I don't know. I don't know! I meant to ask, but I felt negligent not having known when I moved in, and then, after a month or seven I couldn't very well come out and ask, could I? And then—good heavens, it's been more than a year, there was no subtle way to recover!"
Martin's not laughing at him.
But he is laughing.
Breathlessly, uncontrollably, doubling over—to the point where Jon actually crosses the few steps separating them in the tiny kitchen to place a hand on his shoulder, gently guiding him upright with a concerned look on his face.
"Sorry," Martin manages eventually, wiping tears from his eyes. "Christ, sorry, I'm just—"
He takes a deep, measured breath.
"I've got to tell you something," he says sheepishly. Jon puts his hands on Martin's shoulders and looks into his face with the earnest sobriety that, even now, gives Martin butterflies.
"Anything," he says, still frowning intensely.
Martin averts his eyes. "She's not my cat either."
When Jon stops laughing, he spends the rest of the evening lecturing Cat in his Not Mad Just Disappointed voice ("identity fraud is an extremely serious matter, young lady, and you are terribly lucky you have such sweet little eyes, or I might be compelled to take legal action against you, please let go of my nose").
Oh, but they do end up getting her an engraved gold name-tag for the ceremony.
It says 'Lady Catherine (Beast)'.
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okayprocrastinator · 7 months
Thoughts about jonmartin from a future therapist (in grad school)
Half of you are going to hate me and half are going to love me for this, but I need to say it: jonmartin is toxic. Yes, even S5 jonmartin.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the ship as much as the next person, but looking at it from a therapeutic standpoint is so hard not to do (for me lol). I’ll explain:
Jon and Martin’s bond is 100% trauma-based.
In reality, this can go okay if the trauma bond moves from shared traumatic experiences to things the couple actually has in common. But Jon and Martin never have a chance to get their relationship out of the survival stage.
This too might have been acceptable if we hadn’t seen what their relationship was like before the trauma bond. Jon hated Martin, and not just out of a misunderstanding - he fundamentally disliked Martin because of who they both were as people.
Jon only started to like Martin after he was socially isolated from his peers.
As much as I’d like to believe otherwise, this looks to me like a survival technique. Every single person in Jon’s life hated him - except for Martin. It’s only human for Jon to latch onto the one person who wasn’t actively hostile towards him on a daily basis.
His dislike of Martin’s personality didn’t go away, as evidenced by his sniping at Martin’s quirks in S5. He suppressed it so as to cling to the one person who didn’t hate him.
Martin has no boundaries or self-respect.
Martin’s self-esteem is extremely low. Understandable, due to the cast’s behavior towards him throughout the whole podcast. His crush on Jon - despite Jon’s open dislike of him is S1&2 - never wavers.
When Jon commits crimes such as stalking his coworkers in S2, Martin is the only one who stands by him. This is the textbook recipe for an abusive relationship: one person does bad things and the other person is blind to it because they don’t believe they deserve or can have better.
This pattern continues even in S5. Martin does 95% of the communication, often forcing it onto Jon in a variety of ways: arguing, cajoling, wheedling. In a good relationship, Jon would meet Martin halfway, but he doesn’t.
If things are this bad in the height of the trauma, what happens after?
If Jon and Martin had survived after S5, my prediction for their relationship would be this:
Jon would come down from survival mode and fairly quickly realize that he is still annoyed by his and Martin’s fundamental differences. He would become snappish and completely closed off, like he was in S1.
Martin, still unable to see that he deserves better treatment, would cling tighter to Jon the more Jon tries to push him away.
After that, it’s more up to conjecture than anything else, but I don’t think they would fall apart right away. Rather, they would continue this cycle of Jon retreating and Martin’s forced communication until one or both of them has had enough.
In conclusion, I love them both. And I love watching their dynamic, I’m still a huge fan. I just think they need so, so much therapy. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk ✌️
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magpod-confessions · 6 months
i think people are going to dislike me for this, but i don't like jonmartin.
yes i ship it, and i think it's a sweet relationship. and it makes a nice point of despite what you've done, despite what you have become, you are still a good person and worthy of love.
i just don't like how it became the ending. this ship, that barely anyone would have thought of until halfway through the story, that's the big finale??
I don't know, i'm aro-spec, i have trouble telling if things are romantic. i don't like romances in general. yeah so, i'm biased and not really the right person to comment on this.
but i just feel like jonmartin overshadows the ending, and season 5 as a whole. maybe it's just me, but season 5 is the most interesting season and it introduces all these new aspects to the fears and i feel like jonmartin's little "love can be found even in dark times" thing completely overshadows all of it. The ending was beautiful and tragic, jon killed jonah to avenge tim and sasha and all the friends he'd lost. but what people focus on is jonmartin??? there was so much more in that ending , points to be made about free will, choices, sacrifice, the ethical dilemma there, and so much more. but the only thing i see anyone talking about is jon and martin and their tragic love story
i don't think people shouldn't ship jonmartin, or that jonmartin shouldn't have been part of the story, or that the ending should have been written differently, i just wish people would focus on jonmartin a little less and the other aspects of season five and the finale a lot more
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laricnoli · 2 months
Thinking about the Jonmartin and Loki/Sigyn parallels here:
Both pairs deal with sending away/keeping out eldritch higher powers, trying to keep their world as safe as possible, even if it's only temporary by nature. In TMA, this means releasing the Dread Powers to the multiverse, keeping them lurking in the shadows where eventually the whole apocalypse situation might happen again. For TBI we learn the Bifrost is a manifestation of the Outer God Yog Sogoth, releasing these Gods into their world. By keeping the train from arriving, they can delay the arrival of the Gods.
MAG 200 Jon instructs Martin to send the Dread powers away via stabbing him through the heart. Ragnarok V: End of the line, Loki tells Sigyn about the delaying of the Gods, then subsequently is pierced through the heart to keep the train going
"With tears flowing freely, Loki explains what they have to do. They cannot prevent what they have touched following them into our world, but they can delay it. Keep the train on the track as long as possible. Together"
"Okay. Do it, the knife's just right there. Cut the tether. Send them away. Maybe we both die. Probably. But maybe not. Maybe, maybe everything works out, and we end up somewhere else. // Together? // One way or another. Together."
" Sigyn pushes a single line into her wife's heart and holds it tight. All she lets through is a drip drip drip, flowing through the glyphs and gears. When Loki's heartsblood is gone, the train will arrive, but until then, they are together. Through the pain, Loki kisses Sigyn.​"
"Are you sure about this? // No. // But I love you. // I love you too. [KISS] [MARTIN STABS DEEPLY; THERE IS A SINGLE GASP]
(This next bit might be a stretch but also the element of not recognising your partner after an extended period of time apart.
MAG 124, Jon runs out to meet Martin for the first time out his 6 month coma, only to experience firsthand just how deep in the Lonely he is, MAG 142 Martin realises just how out of touch he is, and therefore/also how much he doesnt recognise the monster that Jon is slowly becoming.
In Sigyn, Sigyn and Loki meet for the first time after Loki's execution (I think so at least, not as familiar with TBI lore, correct me if I'm wrong), only for Sigyn to realise Loki doesn't recognise her.)
(Also yes I know TBI and TMA have no crossover but this brainworm has refused to leave and also I love it when things I'm interested in link)
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elias-rights · 2 years
What’s toxic about JonMartin in canon?
It's a really interesting question to get into because there are many factors at play. Under a cut for length.
First of all is the simple fact that they don't know each other. From MAG 159:
It’s odd, really. You each think you’re so focused on the other, but how much do you really know each other? How much time have you spent together when not working, or bickering, or fleeing from that latest thing that wants to kill you? So. What are you seeking? The image you’ve each created of the other? The people you think you love don’t exist. Not really. And that’s a very lonely place to be.
(cutting off Peter’s echo) Shut up!
Yes, it's a manipulation attempt, but Jon notably doesn't offer a counterargument to his reasoning. Furthermore, it's true: they haven't had the opportunity to get to know each other, at least that we've heard. Not even Jonmartin enthusiasts seem to agree on the question of when exactly Jon started reciprocating Martin's feelings; most of my mutuals share my experience of being completely blindsided by MAG 159/160 and the confirmation of their feelings.
"I need him to be okay" is often cited as proof of Jon caring personally about Martin, but I always viewed it as him clinging to the concept of Martin as his last surviving original assistant; he obviously feels responsible for him and also views him as a symbol of simpler times.
Then there's the fact that they're incompatible. To put a simple example, they don't even get each other's jokes. A brief selection of instances where this happens:
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They have the highest ratio of missed jokes I remember seeing between characters in this podcast. This sharply contrasts with, for instance, Gerry, who instantly clicks with Jon's style of communication.
Okay, but this is all about why they're incompatible, which doesn't necessarily imply toxicity. That factor comes in because, throughout season five, Martin is (to put it bluntly) an absolute dick to Jon.
In MAG 181, for example, he joins in on laughing at Jon with Salesa for being powerless, when Salesa at that point was an unknown variable that could've easily been an enemy:
[Compellingly] Tell me what happened.
I – uh… W-What?
The look on your face! Look, he’s so confused!
Sorry. Sorry. Y-You did look kind of funny. It was l-l-l-like you were flunking an exam or something.
Notably, this is after they cross an unknown threshold into the place where an agent of the Web is living, which puts Jon (again, powerless for the first time in a while) in a position where he's at the mercy of the fear that destroyed his childhood. Either Martin is being very insensitive or Jon didn't tell him about Mr Spider, which wouldn't mean anything good re: how well they know and trust each other.
From the same episode:
And you?
He’ll behave.
You can make an argument that I'm reaching with everything else in this post, but "he'll behave" is an inarguably disgusting thing to say about your partner, especially when he's in such a vulnerable position.
And then, of course, is the matter of the killing spree.
It starts because Jon impulsively avenges his friend, which he wasn't going to do until the Not-Them basically baited him. (Of course he then felt more secure in his power and part of him enjoyed it. He's in this situation because he was systematically traumatised on purpose by Jonah and forced to read his statement.)
And then, when Jon admits to being ashamed of himself for having these powers, for enjoying them, Martin just bluntly tells him that they should "get their murder on" because "these things" (avatars, of which Jon! Is! One! Nice job implicitly dehumanising him!) are "just evil" (never mind that some of them might have circumstances similar to Jon's). (Also, never mind that revenge fixes nothing, but that's neither here nor there.)
The most egregious example is with Oliver Banks. I know "I'm not going to kill a man just because you're jealous" became a meme line, but it's really not the sign of a healthy relationship.
…Cool, so what’s the problem, then? Take another monster off the hit list; job done.
…It’s not. That simple?
Well, what does that mean. (slight pause, insistent) What does that mean, John? What, what happened to Kill Bill? (barest of pauses) John? John, you said –
I know what I said, and I don’t – (sigh) I don’t know, Martin. I just – I don’t think he’s – (sigh) I don’t know; I don’t think he’s evil.
[Something creaks.]
(really?) Oh, yeah, sure; he’s probably a really kind, benevolent ruler of a hellish fear prison.
I get that Martin is trying to project evil onto every avatar in order to distance himself from them because he's coping badly with having a domain of his own, but maybe don't do that in front of your boyfriend who's struggling with his own avatarhood and whether that makes him a monster. Martin's phrasing even parallels Jon's "all you lose is another monster" line from S4. Tying Jon's worth to some arbitrary definition of humanity that he giveth and taketh away on a whim.
Also, Jon is very notably a person who likes to think things through before expressing them. If Martin can't even be patient while he tries to explain something complex, they're clearly not compatible.
This is from before they kill Jude Perry:
…No. No, I’m not going to choose; I don’t, I don’t think that’s a fair decision to put on me. It’s your revenge; your choice, not mine.
This strikes me as hypocritical. Martin can push Jon to kill the avatars he doesn't like even when Jon clearly isn't comfortable with it, but then places the weight of the whole thing on Jon, as if the killing spree had been his idea. Why isn't it a "fair decision to put on him" when Martin has tried to choose every time until now?
And, I mean, Martin apologises for the pressure, for what it's worth. Except no, the topic comes back, and not in a good way.
What happened to “Kill Bill”?
You weren’t meant to enjoy it this much!
This is about Jon suggesting using his power in a way that would actually make a bit of a difference. Of course it's a fallible suggestion, but Martin's response is just ridiculous. Martin clearly enjoyed the killing spree until it was Jon who put an end to it.
Martin casually dehumanises, dismisses, and belittles Jon on many occasions: treating those Jon's obviously projecting onto like monsters, being whiny and impatient about the statements he needs to survive, or interrupting his train of thought.
Finally (for this post--there were many scenes that I skipped), there's the matter of how the entire crew, Martin included, systematically dismisses Jon's input in the last few episodes. It's like his opinion doesn't even matter, when he's the one arguably best equipped to understand what's happening.
It's genuinely painful to listen to.
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murderandcoffee · 10 months
I live for when people draw jonmartin but when jon is extra eldritch when it comes to horror. Like I'm in love with the trope of "abominable horror + some guy they love" but in jonmartin's case the "some guy" is even more murderous than the horror.
like there's jon, who's all eyes and eldritch power, and he's really just like "um. I'd rather not kill people"
and then there's martin, who is literally Just A Guy, who is lunging at people like "C'MON BABE LET'S GET THEIR ASSES!"
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crow-of-ohio · 1 month
blursed idea - The Stars Claim Them violinspector (belongs to @rainbowstargazerlilies ) and Redeath Jonmartin+Elias (belongs to @therealandian) meeting
It takes Lyf and Marius an absurd about of time and questioning to trust that, yes, Elias is actually acting like a decent enough fellow now and isn't out to do evil and fuck everyone else over
Martin and Marius bond over the shared experience of falling for a mortal who used to be kind of a dick ngl (not that I blame Lyf or Jon for how they behaved in their circumstances)
Jon and Marius bond over epic quests to find your true love after being tragically torn apart
Jon and Lyf bond over the whole Apocalypse thing. And the being turned immortal against your will thing
Lyf having a mild breakdown over Martin's Shitty Bifrost Experience and feeling guilty about not helping him despite??? Not having even been in the same universe to help???
Elias finding all of them unbearably sappy (and being secretly sappy about it himself, I think Lyf might remind him of Donovan a bit?) (did I remember the late husband's name right.)
Everyone Here Feels Bad For Lyf For Being A Really Young Immortal
Everyone Here Wants To Kill Carmilla, Especially When Brenn Gets Discussed
Lyf 🤝 Jon. Nastya playing an important role in them being in the right place at the right time to eventually make everything turn out alright
I just think they're neat (both of these fics have been incredibly important to me for. I think years now actually. Jesus Christ time flies huh)
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chic-ultimate · 5 months
Okay so tma and tmagp are parallel universes, right? Tmagp is a universe where the Magnus Archives was burned down in 1999 and was based in Manchester not London. So bc they’re british the characters in tma always drink tea and even though Jon hates Martin, Martin makes him tea all the time. So in tmagp, tea hasn’t really been mentioned and the characters are always drinking coffee. So we’re trying to find parallels and see how the universes are different and stuff. And last ep there was a scene where Alice bought coffee for her, Sam, and Celia, and was gonna act like she “forgot” Gwen’s to rile her up. But Celia was late and Gwen’s like “did you bring me coffee?” and before Alice can say anything Sam is like “yes!” And Gwen is like really prickly and no one likes her but she got so soft when she thought Alice did something nice for her. So since coffee is replacing tea in this universe, the parallel to jonmartin is interesting 👀
Awwww that’s so cute 🥺
Gwen x Alice slow burn?
Parallel universe sounds so interesting…
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rauchendesgnu · 2 months
Gnu writes!
To start things off, I thought I'd share all the wips/ideas I have in bad summaries (yay!)
These are the wips that are partially published: a. At Thy Will - D/s AU, inspired by medieval marriage laws in the area that would later become Germany. I've talked a bit about it here before, it includes abusive relationships and fantasy sexism and also religious trauma b. The Tower Must Fall - unfortunately a bit neglected (but I plan on picking it back up, I promise), including assassin!Martin and witch!Jon slowburn enemies to lovers (Gerry is there, too!) c. A Treatise In Balance - basically just Jon getting snatched and turned into an avatar by each of the Fears. Includes art d. The Crackling Sound Of Magic - these are small fics where Jon is a mage in training under his cruel father Elias Bouchard and Martin is a kitchen hand in their household. also technically slowburn and lots of hurt/comfort because Jon keeps getting hurt
wips in my wip folder a. faerie!Jon - he's a faerie, Martin is human, he gets lost in the Otherworld's fog, Jon saves him. Oh, and soulmate AU, too :) b. Nothing But The City - inspired by UDAD, where Jonah (while wearing Elias like a suit) performs a series of cyborg-like surgeries on Jon to use him to take control over the City that once had a name that is now long lost to time c. another fantasy au with magic, inspired by occudo's art (that I still want to eat. so pretty). including apprentice!Jon, reluctant bodyguard!Martin, and exasperated and probably evil (but hot) long haired Elias d. Archive AU - Jon is a fully developed Eye monster, way beyond human. Nobody but Elias knows. Martin joins the Archive crew, accidentally makes friends with the monster via tea, and falls in love e. teacher!Jon in Scotland - you've read it before, you love it as much as I do: Scotland Safehouse Period forever, nothing bad happens and Jon gets adopted by a bunch of nosy teenagers f. nurse!Martin AU - Martin is a nurse who deals with Jon's worm wounds (gets section 31-ed) and keeps meeting him while Jon is injured. Features the good ol' anonymous online kinky relationship (and so much research because i don't even know how German hospitals work let alone British ones) g. Magnus Academy - more teacher!Jon, but in dark, with magic, murder, abuse, blackmail, discrimination, etc. h. The Fourteen Hauntings of Jonathan Sims, Librarian - more AUs! this time it's medium!Jon time (and medium!Martin). There's ghosts, and the town is called Nevermore :) i. Vampire Stuff - loosely based on The Fearless Vampire Killers (but the German musical, not necessarily the film), featuring vampire!Jon, vampire!Elias, human Martin, Tim, Sasha (yes, Jon is Herbert) j. Martin Knife Blackwood - established jonmartin, Jon wants to propose, Martin used to be in organised crime and the mob boss Peter Lukas comes for him, drama, blood, guns, etc. k. magical bookshop - more magic. including season 4 levels of sad Jon, a traumatised mute teenage kid who is accidentally adopted by said sad Jon. Jon has a bookshop that shows up at random. like the tardis but with less control even than the Doctor has l. toxic JonElias with endgame JonMartin - this one's not fleshed out at all, but basically Jon gets to make friends and escape Elias' clutches (no Fears AU)
I have more plot bunnies, but they're just that, so I won't list them here or I'd be here for hours. Feel free to ask questions about the wips above if you like, I'd be more than happy to elaborate (it will contain spoilers tho)
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lylahammar · 2 days
I got the itch to go through your jonmartin drawings and I love them so much. The proposal always makes me tear up a little. I came across your headcanon of japanese Jon and I had never considered it but I think it's so cool!! And your Martin is everything to me, you don't even know.
(Also how do you feel about people making fanart of your characters? No specific reason, just wonderin' -whistles and looks around-)
Awww thank you!!! I still get people goin through all my TMA art every once in a while I'm glad that people still enjoy it 😁 I had a lot of fun drawing them back in the day!
and omg yes I feel great about that it's so exciting when other people draw my characters!!!! 🙏👀
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There were a lot of instances, really, that could be considered their "first kiss." A look at some moments that might, depending on your perspective, count as Jon and Martin's first kiss. For the Jonmartin week day 1 prompt "First Kiss" - Updates one chapter a day, every day of Jonmartin Week.
Chapter 7 of my fic for the @jonmartinweek day one prompt "First Kiss" is up now! Another short one today - just a little bit of MAG 159 angst.
The wind whipped at Jon, tipped with salt that made his face sting and his eyes prickle, tearing the words from his lips as he wandered the empty beach shouting Martin’s name. He could smell the sea, briny and cold, and hear the gentle sound waves breaking against a shore, but no matter how far he walked, it never seemed to grow any closer or any farther, and he never saw it. The only thing he ever saw were the endless sea-smoothed pebbles under his feet, and the fog.
And, finally, Martin.
“I – I’m here,” he told him. “I came for you.”
Martin didn’t react. His face was grey and empty as he asked, “Why?”
“I thought you might be lost.”
“Are you real?”
“Yes! Yes, I-I-I am. Come on, we’ve got to get out of here.” He reached out desperately for Martin’s arm, but Martin stepped back.
“No. No, I don’t think so.” He spoke so softly that Jon shouldn’t have been able to hear him over the sounds of the wind and sea, but his voice echoed through the fog as clearly as if he’d spoken the words directly into Jon’s ear.
“This is where I should be,” Martin said, and his echo repeated it endlessly – this is where I should be, this is where I should be – a terrible chorus of confirmation. “It feels right.”
“Martin, don’t say that.” 
He reached out again, and this time Martin didn’t pull away. He didn’t react at all as Jon grabbed the coarse, damp fabric of his coat sleeve and held it firm. He didn’t even seem to notice Jon was touching him. His eyes were blank and unfocused as he said, “Nothing hurts here. It’s just quiet. Even the fear is gentle here.”
“This isn’t right. This isn’t you.”
“It is, though.” Martin huffed a quiet laugh. For the first time, something like an emotion flickered across his face, but it wasn’t quite amusement. It looked more like surprise, as though he was observing himself from a distance and found himself curious at his own emotions.
Then he said, in that same awful, empty tone,
“I really loved you, you know.” 
Jon’s heart stopped. His world shrunk to a single point, and for a moment he couldn’t hear the wind or the waves. The only thing that existed was Martin – detached, grey, unfeeling Martin, beautiful Martin, courageous, self-sacrificing idiot Martin, who had loved Jon until there was almost nothing left of him.
Martin, who was fading from view.
The rest of the world came back to Jon in an instant. The waves were crashing in his ears, and the wind was whipping against his face, and Martin’s arm was evaporating from beneath his grip.
“Obviously he’s done something,” he heard himself stammer, “Peter’s done something to mess with your–” But Martin was fading fast, and Jon could hardly keep a grip on him. “Damn it!” 
In a last, desperate act, Jon grabbed Martin by his barely-corporeal shoulders and pulled him down, thrusting his own face up to meet him. He thought he felt the barest brush of Martin’s lips against his own before Martin disappeared entirely.
Then again, it might just have been the wind.
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