gabbylovetime · 1 month
randomly decided to make a Cassie x fem y/n cuz I saw a lot those so maybe not
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"getting ready"
y/n is Cassie's new friend the both of them met when they were children Cassie Howard and y/l/n Cassie always liked y/n is friend and romantic way Cassie is really scared to come out as pansexual and lesbian but she would always scared to come out as pansexual and lesbian to y/n Cassie would love to teach y/n to figure skating even though y/n is really scared to figure skating that day Cassie would always protect y/n from getting bullied by people Cassie always love that y/n would hug Cassie everyday from now on Cassie kept having pansexual and lesbian panics now since Cassie and y/n got older Cassie finally confess her sexuality
"y/n" "yes Cassie" "y/n ever since we met I always have feelings of someone" "really who" Cassie was scared but decided confess bravely "I'm pansexual and lesbian" y/n was not surprised "wait your- what-" y/n finish her sentence y/n hugged Cassie "it's alright Cassie I support you no matter" y/n kissed Cassie in the cheek Cassie blushed
days later y/n asked Cassie to go on a date Cassie agree and when y/n got ready she saw Cassie dressed so beautifully "y/n's pov: holy cow so gorgeous" "how do I look honey" y/n was stuttering "yo-y-you l-look so hot- I mean so adorable 💗" Cassie thank y/n "your welcome"
when y/n opened the door y/n and Cassie hold hands together and kiss each other y/n drive Cassie to a restaurant *skipping the date part* when Cassie and y/n got home they went on bed together and start making out with each other
*Cassie kisses y/n in the lips while y/n holds Cassie's hands they hugged each other and kiss each other together while 8 mins later*
*y/n was the top and Cassie was the bottom y/n kissed Cassie 12 times and Cassie was enjoying it after that y/n and Cassie was on bed together they were having some fun~ together Cassie sleep with and y/n sleep with Cassie*
End of Cassie x fem!y/n
The reason I did this is because everyone was doing it so I wanna join and then I was making this so I don't watch euphoria but who gives a crap I'm still making Georgia and/x y/n it's coming on Saturday so good luck being patient
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alliebirb · 2 years
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spider lilies and blue lotuses🎋
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ladydimitrescuspet · 3 years
Never Again, I Promise
AO3 link! y'all, listen, this one was floating around in my head for weeks and I finally had a breakthrough cause of a random tumblr post I made..... anyway, you know what? I finally forced myself to finish it up I hope y'all enjoy it, tell me your thoughts if you'd like to! and as always, sorry for any grammatical errors!
warning: implied abusive parents, clingy reader, and lactation
"Cassie, hi, do you know where your mother is? I've been looking for her all morning." You asked when you ran into Alcina second oldest daughter, Cassandra.
Cassandra scratched her head. "I think she might be in the library or her study or her office. Honestly, Y/ N, Mother is usually all over the castle before a meeting." Cassandra replied.
You nodded your head. "Okay, I'll just check all those places until I find her. Thanks." You replied before heading to the library.
You didn't expect yourself to want to be near the tall vampire lady when you first arrived at the castle, but she was so kind to you that you took to her like a baby animal imprinting on the first thing it saw. The library was a bust, but you did find Daniela, Alcina's youngest, in there studying her French.
"Hey, Dani, do you know where your Mother is? I asked Cassandra and she said that she might be here, her study, or her office." You asked as you walked up to her.
Daniela shrugged. "Well, there's a meeting coming up so those last two choices are good places to look. Unless, no, I can't tell you about that place. Anyway, yeah, her study or her office, check there. If you still can't find her then come back and we'll look for her together." Daniela replied.
You sighed. "Okay. Thanks." You said before heading out of the library.
You checked her study, knocking on the door first and getting no reply so you opened the door slightly and poked your head inside. Sigh, she wasn't in there either. You crossed your fingers and hoped that she was in her office. As you walked in the direction of her study which was on the other side of the castle you ran into Bela, Alcina's oldest.
"Bela, hi! Do you know if your Mother is in her office?" You asked.
Bela nodded her head. "She is! I just came from there, but if you go in there be cautious. There's-"
You cut her off. "A meeting, I know. I'll try to be respectful of her space." You replied. That was going to be a bit hard to do since you just wanted to invade her space as much as you could. You headed to where Alcina's office was and knocked on the door. "Alci?" You called out, your voice slightly muffled through the thick door.
"Come in, little one." Alcina said and you pushed the door opened. "What can I do for you?" Alcina asked as she continued to do her work.
You walked over to the desk. "I was just- can I sit?" You asked. Alcina nodded her head and you wedged yourself between her and her desk much to her surprise.
"Y/N, what are you doing?" Alcina asked as you got comfortable in her lap.
"I asked if I could sit and you said yes. I can, I can mo-" You started to say but Alcina shook her head. "I'll be good, promise." You said quietly as you let her get back to her work. You quickly grew bored just sitting in her lap and started squirming, moving along to a beat that was playing in your head.
Alcina pressed her hand into your side to keep you still. "Y/N, I cannot concentrate if you're going to do that." Alcina said. "Why don't you go bring a chair over and you can sit next to me?" Alcina suggested.
You pouted a bit at the idea, but reluctantly removed yourself from her lap to bring a chair over. She patted the top of your head when you sat down and you smiled to yourself. You didn't want to seem like you were trying to annoy her, but you were still bored so you tapped her arm.
"Yes, Y/N?" Alcina asked, not taking her eyes off her paper.
"Alci, I'm bored." You replied. "Do you have anything I can do?"
Alcina let out a small sigh before nodding her head. "The girls used to come in here all the time. There are pencils, crayons, paper, and colouring books. You can use whatever you want, but please try to keep as quiet as possible. I still have tons of paperwork to do." Alcina said.
You nodded your head. "Okay, Alci." You replied with a small smile before digging into the drawer that Alcina had pointed to. You sat on the floor by the fire after you'd gotten some coloured pencils and a colouring book. As you coloured, you started humming to yourself, catching Alcina's attention.
"Dear," You snapped your head up to look at her, flushing a bit. You gave her an apologetic smile. "Thank you."
It wasn't long before you stopped colouring to look up at Alcina. "Ali?" You called out. She hummed in reply. "Can I sit in your lap again? The floor hurts." You whined. You heard her sigh a bit before she nodded her head, scooting her chair back a bit so you had enough room to get on her lap. "Much better." You said with a small sigh as you sat on her.
It was an hour later before Alcina patted your side to get your attention. "I'm afraid I have to make a call to Mother Miranda, little one." You nodded your head and got up from her lap.
"Can I stay?" You asked. Alcina shook her head. "Please, Ali? I'll be quiet, promise."
"I don't know, Y/N. This is a very important phone call." Alcina said as she headed to the phone. You nodded your head, understanding her decision. "But if you really promise to be quiet then I suppose." You smiled at her and moved to pick up your stuff when she stopped you. "It'd be best if you stayed right here. Things with Mother Miranda can get quite... tense. And I'd hate for you to get caught in the middle of the rage she incites in me. Do you understand, little one?"
"I understand, Ali." You replied, albeit a bit dejectedly. You moved your things up onto Alcina’s desk as she sat down in front of the phone.
Alcina gave you a small smile before she dialled Mother Miranda’s number. You had tuned out most of their conversation, only ever jumping when Alcina would growl and pull you out of your thoughts. You didn’t let it bother you much, but you still closed your eyes and took deep breaths to calm yourself down. It was going well until Alcina had slammed the phone down onto the receiver and threw it at the wall on the other side of the study.
You quickly got up and headed over to where she was seated, your heart beating fast. “Alcina?” You called out, but she ignored you. You called out her name again, attempting to rest your hand on her shoulder, but froze when hers shot out and grabbed yours.
Alcina slowly turned to look at you, her eyes narrow as she stared at you. Her nostrils flared and her chest heaved heavily. You let out a small whimper and tugged on your arm when her grip tightened. “Alcina, please, you’re hurting me.”
“I thought I specifically told you to stay at the desk.” Alcina growled. “But what can I expect from a clingy little mouse? I tell you to do one thing and you don’t listen. Do you need a punishment to help reinforce the rules, is that what you require? Answer me!” Alcina spat at you.
Your lip trembled as she spoke to you. Did she really think you were clingy? Your face flushed as your anger got a hold of you and you ripped your arm from her iron-like grip. “I hate you! I hate you! You’re just like them!” You didn’t realise you were crying until you had run out of the office and to Alcina’s room.
You hid in the closet, terrified of what she’d do if she found you. She wanted to punish you, she wanted to hurt you. You whimpered at the memories of what your parents did to you if you even so much as breathed in their direction. But your Alcina would never hurt you, would she?
You wrapped your arms around yourself, sobbing into your knees. “Clingy. She thinks I’m clingy.” You whisper to yourself. You sniffled and felt yourself tense at the sound of heels, Alcina’s heels. You burrowed yourself further into her closet, grateful for how big it was.
“Y/N, I know you’re in there.” Alcina rasped out. “Please, I’m sorry. Please, just come out.” You could hear the cracking of her voice. “When you said that you… you hated me, my heart broke, draga mea. I never wish to harm you. And when you compared me to those monsters you had to call parents, I felt sick to my stomach. I don’t wish for you to view me as you view them.”
“Alcina?” You replied softly, not moving from your spot. You heard rustling in the room before the closet door opened. “Alcina?” Your lip trembled again as you felt tears build up in your eyes again.
Alcina crouched down in the closet before crawling over to you. “Iubirea mea, I’m so sorry. Forgive me for the way I snapped at you, please?” Alcina asked as you crawled into her lap, burying your head in her neck.
You sniffled. “You… you called me cli-clingy. Yo-you h-hurt me, Ali.” You whispered into her neck.
“I never should have said that. I was just so frustrated with Mother Miranda and you… I never want you to see me like that again.” Alcina replied, pressing kisses to your forehead. You nodded into her neck, scooting down to lay in the crook of her arm. You were still crying softly as she caressed your cheek. “Shh, shh, little one, I’ve got you.” Alcina said as she brought one of her breasts out of her dress.
You squeezed it in a silent question and Alcina nodded her head. She let out a small sigh when you latched onto the nipple, putting you in a better position to get her milk.
“Never again, my love, I promise. Never again.” Alcina said softly as you drank from her. You felt your eyes start to droop as you suckled at her breast. “Rest now, little one.” Alcina pressed another kiss to your forehead, running her hand down your back as you fell asleep in her arms.
Tag List (click here to join): @lord-dimitrescu, @alwaysgoodnight, @paint-it-periwinkle, @lightspica, @ultimatebottom69, @sexyheisenbeast, @crazy-obsessed, @squid3, @inlovewithalcinadimitrescu, @the-obscurity, @sapphicalciee, @ladydimitresculove, @solemnnova, @itsyourgirlmalise, @the-little-shadow, @marvelwomen-simp,@rachelthefanfictionwriter ,@d14n4ol, and @peachesandlesbians
(@Followingmyheartledtoyou, @Gansito83 - won't tag properly) and Anna (no @ yet??)
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
The Trouble With Parenthood
Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW. Swearing. Small moment of Daddy Kink. Sexual References and Depictions of Sex.
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Fred and Y/n's relationship had always involved a very healthy sex life. Like...very healthy, okay they couldn't keep their hands off each other. It'd been like that when they'd begun dating and continued through their marriage - if anything it'd gotten worse once they'd put that ring on one another's finger.
So as you could imagine, an abrupt stopper in their regular love making had left the couple feeling rather...frustrated.
This 'stopper's name was Cassidy. 'Cassi' for short.
As it is for every parent, the day she were born had been the happiest day of Fred and Y/ns life. She was the perfect daughter from the moment she'd been born. Happy, healthy and not at all fussy. However, recently she had become quite clingy.
Not that it had bothered her parents. Honestly, they'd found it endearing how much she wanted to spend time with them...in the beginning anyway. But it is safe to say that the couple were in desperate need of some "Mummy and Daddy Time." Because, as Fred so delicately put it; his 'balls have never been so blue'. A comment which would have been much more amusing to y/n if she were not so pent up herself.
Though this sexless patch of their relationship was not due to their lack of trying mind you.
They'd seemingly tried everything, for a moment to themselves. But these days with the small issue of 'monsters in the closet', Cassi had settled herself in bed between her parents to sleep most nights, so that ruled out sex before bed. Of course there was always fleeting moments in the bathroom...until Cassi learned how to reach the door handles. Now no room was safe from intrusions.
Feeling rather adventurous y/n had even set up a long lunch at work one day with the intent on surprising Fred at the shop. It was nearly a success...until an unsuspecting George wandered into the otherwise occupied back Office. He was mortified to say the least.
They'd tried setting up a 'date night' arrangement; but after Fred mistakenly let slip his current predicament to George, and their little incident at work, they were shit out of luck for a babysitter as his brother found the whole situation were just 'too fucking funny'.
Which brings us to tonight.
Y/n trudged into her and Freds bedroom after a very long day at work and an extra long goodnight to their daughter down the hall - which involved more than the usual amount of bedtime stories being shared.
Stepping through the door she were met with the very tired body of Fred sprawled across their bed. She couldn't help but chuckle at the sight; he were laid with one arm slung across his eyes, as the other rested on his stomach and one knee were raised - swaying lazily in place.
Closing the door behind her y/n rest her weight back against the hardwood letting out a heavy breath.
"Is she down?" Fred asked at the sound of her entering the room. "Mmm, finally." She replied, pushing her body from the door she began to ready herself for bed, mentally crossing her fingers, hopeful for some decent rest tonight.
She kicked off her shoes and let her hair loose from it's tie before stripping to just her knickers and finding one of Freds old shirts, she had taken to sleeping in, and throwing it on.
"Leave the shirt off" Freds voice came as a tired groan from his place on the bed. His words caused y/n to turn her head, seeing his arm now rested slightly higher on his forehead as he watched her. He was grinning, tongue pressing against his cheek, clearly enjoying the view.
Y/n licked her lips, pulling her bottom lip through her teeth as his stare burned hot on her skin. She raised a teasing brow as she slowly began to glide a hand up her side and over the soft fabric of the t-shirt she'd thrown on. Fingers delicately caressed the space between her breasts until a single finger came to lazily play with the shirts collar. Tugging just enough to expose the tops of her cleavage. Running her finger slowly back and forth across the collars seam she approached the bedside.
The arm Fred had slung across his face moved, fingers furrowing through his fiery locks, to prop his head further on the pillow for a better view of the stunning woman before him. He smirked, inhaling deeply, in amusement; thoroughly enjoying her little show for him.
"Don't go teasing me, love. Its been a long few weeks." His tone was firm but playful, the same one that never failed to turn y/ns knees weak and have her thighs rubbing together. Tonight was no different. If anything it were worse from their lack of intimacy as of late.
Smiling sweetly in place beside the mattress she ran both hands up from her knees, along her exposed thighs to lift the shirts sides. Fred shifted in place, supporting himself onto his elbow his eyes hungrily traced her fingers movements as they hooked below the waistband of her underwear and pulled them off.
Tauntingly she dangled the lace garment from her forefinger before throwing it at his chest playfully.
Unable to restrain himself a moment longer he simultaneously discarded her panties to the opposite side of the room and with his other hand grasped her hip, roughly pulling her onto the bed below him. He kissed her passionately as a hand raked up the inside of her thigh, ghosting over the skin to rest on her waist.
Y/n smiled into the kiss; both hands tangling in his hair as she shifted beneath him so he were resting comfortably between her legs. As the tension began to build y/n aided Fred in shedding layers of his clothing; left in his singlet and briefs. His erection felt pressing against her core through the thin material. Y/ns hand came down to eagerly palm at his bulge when-
"DAAADDYYYY!" Cassi's voice called beggingly from her room.
Fred groaned in frustration, head falling to the crook of his wife's neck as he mumbled something inaudibly, though it sounded undoubtedly along the lines of 'For Merlin's sake, not now'.
"Go to bed, Baby!" He yelled over his shoulder, "Daddy's busy." He spoke the last words to y/n in a lustful tone. Admiring her flustered appearance, he moved to kiss her again as-
"Godrick, what'd I do to deserve this?" He grumbled causing y/n to giggle. "Go to her." She nudged, "I'll still be here when you get back." Fred sat back onto his knees, pointing a stern finger as he spoke "Don't fall asleep." "I won't." Y/n replied as he got off the bed and made his way to the door.
"Can't guarantee I won't start without you though."
Fred turned back, watching from just outside the door as a wicked grin settled across her features. "Don't you dare." He warned taking a step back toward the room.
Y/n raised her brow; challenging his dominance. One hand delicately played with her exposed collar bone as her other crept down her body, disappearing between her thighs.
Her back arched as she ran fingers through her slick folds, a soft moan filling the room. Fred made another move back towards the bedroom, hand clutching the door frame as he-
"DADDY!!!" Another call from their daughter. He peered back down the hall, eyeing her bedroom door which were slightly ajar. "Daddy?" Y/n spoke in a low sultry tone, deliberately trying to rile him up.
Fred frustratidly ran a hand over his eyes, facing quite the personal dilemma. Groaning loudly he shook his head, seemingly shaking the sense and strength into himself as he marched down the hallway in a huff. Y/n was unable to restrain the laughter that erupted from her chest at his reaction.
While Fred tended to their daughter y/n took the moment to get comfortable. Lighting a candle and fluffing the pillows below her head to find the best position for when her husband returns in any second...
Any minute now. He's probably just reading her a quick story to get her settled.
Maybe she should just start without him?
That was the last thought to cross her mind before she found herself waking from a sleep she hadn't meant to fall into. Fred had laid down beside her. "Oh, so you are coming back to bed?" Y/n asked sarcastically, voice groggy. "Mmm. Told you not to fall asleep." He quipped, tucking himself in next to her side. One arm snuck beneath her shoulder blades, pulling her into him, as the other wrapped around her waist. "I wouldn't have, had you'd been back sooner." Y/n nestled in against his chest as she felt him place a kiss to her head.
"Had to read her a story. Then one turned to two; two to three and soon enough I realised I'd been conned by a 4 year old. She's a brat...just like her Mother." The couple chuckled before falling quickly off to sleep.
Y/n was the first to wake the next morning. Smiling giddily at the disheveled appearance of her partner as well as the similar position of her daughter down the hall, she decided to ready breakfast as the two slept.
She were half way through her pancake batter when Fred's strong arms wrapped her in a tight embrace. His hands lightly squeezed at her sides as he kissed the exposed skin of her neck.
"Morning" he mumbled against her skin. "Smells good."
"I woke up with such a craving so just thought I'd start cooking, while you two obviously decided you'd sleep all day." She chuckled to which Fred hummed in response. "I wasn't talking about the food."
Reaching one arm past hers Fred switched off the stove and move the pan from its burner. "Hey! What are yo-"
Y/n didn't have a chance to finish her sentence as she was quickly spun to face her lover. Pushed flush into the cold counter as his lips connected with hers. She moaned contently into the kiss as she felt his hands run below her ass and she was then hoisted onto the counter top beside the stove.
"I'm not hungry for that." His expression was stern and his voice low. Roughly pulling her legs apart his hands hooked the underside of her knees, pulling to bring her to the edge of the bench.
Her lips were brought back to his as a hand grasped the nape of her neck and he stepped between her legs which wrapped eagerly around his waist.
Their movements were passionate and quickly becoming more heated; soon finding themselves fucking roughly on the kitchen bench their only thoughts set on each other.
With every hard thrust from Fred y/ns head and shoulders were being pushed against the cabinetry, whilst Fred buried his head in her neck biting softly on the bare skin to keep himself relatively quiet.
"God, Fred I'm close." Y/n moaned.
A groan came deep from within Fred's throat in response which sent chills through his lovers body. He pulled back and brought a hand to grasp her chin kissing her. His thrusts slowed as he relished in the feeling of her tongue against his as-
"Mummy?" a tired voice spoke from the other side of the room. "Fuck!" Fred breathed through gritted teeth as he pulled out and covered himself. Y/n jumped down from the bench flattening the shirts ends to cover herself as well. "Yeah, Sweetie?" She asked hurriedly trying to sound as normal as possible. "What are you doing?" "Nothing baby, Daddy and I are just cooking breakfast." She eyed Fred somewhat panicked as he leant over the island bench of their flat, in attempt to hide a certain problem- "ah, That's right." He nodded a hand coming over his mouth to restrain the shocked laughter threatening to spill out.
"Why were you on the bench? You told me we weren't allowed to sit on the bench."
"That's right, I'm sorry baby I shouldn't have been up there. Won't happen again."
Fred's head snapped over his shoulder to peer at y/n with furrowed brows, "it won't?" He questioned. He'd been quite enjoying their little indiscretion until the unexpected appearance of their daughter, he would gladly throw her atop the counter again in a heartbeat.
Y/ns eyes widen, lips forming a thin line in a statement which helped realisation dawn on her partner. "Oh, yep. Won't happen again." He smiled innocently to Cassi. "Princess, why don't you go grab the mail from the front then we can start breakfast." He winked as she excitedly skipped to the front door.
He looked back to his wife who was rubbing forcibly at her eyes. Chuckling as he placed both hands to her hips, a guesture which brought her attention back to him. "God, she's going to be traumatised when she's older if she ever realises." "Pay back for being a cock block." Fred laughed as Y/n slapped him with the spatula she'd been using earlier.
"Sad thing is; that's the closest we've gotten in weeks to...ya know." "Not close enough." Fred grumbled placing a quick kiss to her lips. "Let's eat. I'm starving."
Y/n let out a sharp breath, watching as she noticed Cassi bound into the room and sit up patiently at the table, mail placed neatly in front of her as she traced the lettering on the envelopes.
"I'm not hungry for that." Y/n whispered into Fred's ear, looking back up to him with big eyes before an evil smile came across her face and she reached out to palm him gently.
Fred's head fell back and he inhaled sharply, clenching his jaw before letting out a heavy breath. Until his own sly grin crept across his lips and he was smiling back down to his wife.
"Hey, Princess." He called over his shoulder, not breaking eye contact with Y/n "What do you say about a sleep over at Grandma and Grandpa's tonight?"
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redgillan · 4 years
Under Pastel Skies - 11
Sugar daddy!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Modern!AU Bucky doesn’t need anyone, especially not a sugar baby. He isn’t that desperate… but she smiles so sweetly and she’s endearingly awkward, and he’s so lonely. She’s an artist, a painter, the type of person who always puts others before herself. Throwing caution to the wind Bucky offers her a place to live, a place where she can finally paint whatever her heart desires. He doesn’t need much in return; a friend, a muse.
Word Count: 6,696
Warnings: Unprotected Sex (non explicit) 
A/N: And finally... Just a word before, and it’s important, I wanted to put the explicit between two ‘*’ but I settled for one at the end because explicit means different things to different people. So whenever it starts to get too steamy for you, skip to the *. Thank you for reading, I appreciate your support!
Wannabe sugar daddies, don’t interact with this post. 
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Bucky moved behind the kitchen counter when he heard the door close. You and your guests were in the hallway where you took their coats and asked them to remove their shoes. He took a deep breath to calm himself. He had to stay calm, you depended on him tonight.
“It smells nice in here. What did y-”
Bucky straightened himself up and tried to keep a casual, friendly smile on his face as he came face-to-face with Okoye. He had seen enough pictures of your siblings to recognize them.
She looked surprised to find someone else there. He raised his hand and waved, and she frowned at him in confusion. The rest of the guests stopped short when they saw him waving like a dork. You pushed through them and came to his side.
“Guys, this is my friend, Bucky,” you said. “He’s the one who invited you.”
“Thanks for the invite. I hope you like wine,” Scott said, extending his hand as he walked over to Bucky.
“I sure do.”
Then he shook Wanda and Okoye’s hands, telling them how good it was to finally meet them. Your sisters introduced him to their partners, W’Kabi and Edwin who preferred to be called ‘Viz’.
You led them to the living room while Bucky prepared the drinks. W’Kabi decided to stay behind and help Bucky carry the drinks to the living room. He praised Bucky for having such a nice home.
The conversation seemed to flow easily between your siblings, though as Bucky arrived with your drink, he couldn’t help but notice that you were not participating. You took the glass from his hand, smiled then went back to staring at the coffee table. He sat next to you and rubbed soothing strokes on your arm before he reached for his drink.
Okoye was telling everyone that she had decided to return to New York after King T’Chaka’s passing. His son carried the mantle of the Black Panther, surrounding himself with his father’s Dora Milaje, but Okoye wanted to live closer to her own family.
She was a Dora Milaje, loyal to her king, but she was also a sister, loyal to her family. She felt like there were no good choices, and it ate away at her until her king found a solution to her problem. His little sister, Shuri, was starting her own business in the United States and needed her own bodyguards. Okoye accepted and W’Kabi followed her.
Scott didn’t share much. He showed everyone pictures of his little girl, Cassie, and said he was now working at Baskin-Robbins.
Wanda was evasive about her life and whereabouts. She told everyone that she’d been backpacking across Europe and met Viz, a wealthy businessman, on a beautiful sunny day in Berlin. They’d been attached at the hip ever since.
“And of course, you’re all invited to the wedding,” Wanda said while Okoye admired the ring. “It’s going to be a small wedding. I just need my family.”
“Excuse-me,” you said, standing up abruptly. “I think something’s burning.”
Bucky watched you disappear into the kitchen. He glanced at the group again, no one was paying attention so he followed you into the kitchen.
He found you leaning back against the counter, your arms crossed over your chest, staring into nothing. He walked over to you and pulled you into a one-armed hug that you accepted with a pleased sigh.
“I don’t think I can do this,” you said, your voice muffled against his shirt.
“Is it a code ‘flamingo’?”
“No,” you chuckled, pulling away. You took a deep breath and leaned back against the counter again. “It’s just...”
You huffed, unable to find the words and grabbed him by the waist, seeking his warmth again. Bucky let out a surprised laugh as you squeezed him tightly. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pressed you against his chest.
“I know it’s hard,” he said, kissing the crown of your head. “It’ll be over soon, angel.”
Bucky rocked you side to side in a slow, soothing rhythm until you were practically melting against him. He felt you take a deep breath, your nose buried in his chest. He didn’t want the moment to end, but you’d been gone for several minutes now, and the others would barge in the kitchen soon.
He pressed a long kiss to your forehead and gently pushed you away, his arm falling to your waist. You smoothed out the wrinkles you had made in his shirt without looking him in the eye.
He could tell you were thinking about something but before he could ask what was on your mind, you kissed the slight cleft in his chin and quickly moved away from him.
He smiled to himself, his heart beating a little faster.
You were transferring the dinner rolls from the pan to the basket when Scott poked his head into the kitchen. Bucky was still smiling to himself like a lovesick idiot.
“Everything okay?” Scott asked, taking a step closer to you. You turned to him and nodded. “It’s kinda weird, isn’t it?”
“Seeing each other again after all this time.” He leaned his forearm on the counter next to you and smelled the bread. “Baby Wanda’s getting married. Did you know they flew me first class? And the hotel is incredible. I feel like a prince.”
“Viz seems very nice.”
“I can’t believe Wanda backpacked through Europe,” Scott scoffed. “She hates camping.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Bucky watched as Scott leaned closer and whispered in your ear. “Listen, I wanted to thank you for everything you did for me and for Cassie-” Bucky quietly left the two of you alone. It was a private conversation and he didn’t want to impose himself.
He finished setting the table, and soon everyone joined in. Bucky was sitting with his back to the kitchen, W’Kabi sitting next to him. You took a seat across from him, Wanda sitting next to you. Okoye sat next to Wanda, facing Scott, and Viz took a seat at the end of the table.
The food was good, and everyone complimented Bucky on his cooking skills. He said that you had helped him a lot, but you refused to take credit for chopping up a bunch of vegetables. You gushed about his cooking skills and his delicious recipes. It made them salivate just thinking about it.
“And your house is amazing,” Scott said with a dreamy look on his face. “A place like that...” he sighed, “that must have cost you an arm and a leg.” The whole room fell silent, and something that sounded like a foot hitting a shin made the table jump. “Ouch, why did yo- oh.”
Okoye was looking at him with the widest pair of eyes Bucky had ever seen. She looked furious and exasperated at the same time. The others stared at their plates as the uncomfortable silence grew.
Bucky glanced at you, not surprised to find you smirking. You knew he lived for moments like these, and you knew he already had the perfect comeback. As he watched you bit your lip, trying to contain a little giggle, he couldn’t help but love you even more.
“It was the original price but I’m a good negotiator,” Bucky said. “Only cost me an arm.”
W’Kabi was the first to laugh at his joke, then the whole table broke into fits of laughter. Scott looked equally amused and relieved.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t-”
“No problem,” Bucky cut him off.
“Can’t take you anywhere,” Okoye said with a smile and a shake of her head. She turned to Bucky as everyone calmed down. “So, Bucky, strange name, uh? What do you do for a living?”
“My name is James, Bucky’s just a nickname.” He wiped his mouth and set the napkin down. “I’m a writer.”
“A pretty good one, judging by your apartment.”
“I’m all right.” He shrugged. “Literally.” Scott snickered at the joke.
“He’s too modest,” you said. “His books are best sellers. They’re autobiographical, he’s very sincere and honest and funny. He has a way of making you laugh about things that are pretty awful.”
“Yeah, we saw that,” Wanda said with a grin. “Are you working on anything at the moment?”
Bucky shifted a little in his seat. “Yeah, it’s uh,” he cleared his throat. “It’s a very important one. I don’t really want to talk about it. Don’t wanna jinx it.”
He wasn’t going to tell your family that he was writing a book about how he fell in love with you. That’d be pretty awkward.
“I understand,” Okoye nodded, then looked at you. “You’ve been really quiet tonight.” You shrugged. “I thought you were still living with Natasha. Do you still work at the hotel? Where is it again? Chelsea? That’s one hell of a commute from Brooklyn.”
“I wasn’t exactly living with Natasha,” you said. “I was crashing on her sofa. And no, I quit six months ago. I’m a full time artist now.”
“That’s great,” Scott said, raising his glass toward you in a silent toast. “How’s that working out for you?”
“Not too bad. Bucky’s friend is a professional photographer. He helped me set up my website. The pictures he took are amazing. I sold a few pieces online but I’m struggling to find gallery representation.”
“Hey, as long as it pays the bills.”
“I don’t really have to worry about bills these days.”
“What do you mean?”
The room got quiet again, and Bucky could feel the tension in the air, buzzing like static electricity. All eyes were suddenly on you, waiting for an explanation. Bucky knew you were not going to lie to them. He locked eyes with you, and braced himself for impact.
You set your fork down and folded your hands in your lap.
“Well, Bucky and I have an arrangement.”
“I don’t like where this is going,” Scott cut you off.
“I’m not going to beat around the bush and I’m not going to use pretty words to make it sounds more appealing,” you continued as if you hadn’t heard him. “He’s my sugar daddy.”
“You’re joking. Please, tell me you’re joking.”
“Nope,” you replied smugly, popping the ‘p’.
A chorus of voices rose in protest. Okoye and Scott were shouting while the others kept glancing around wondering what had just happened. Wanda was strangely quiet next to you.
“Oh, shut up!” you shouted. “You left me alone. All of you. We were all grieving our brother but it doesn’t give you the right to fuck off when things get tough. Do you know how fucking terrifying it was when mom started to lose her memories? Or when the police drove her home at three in the morning after one of her spells? No, you don’t know because you weren’t there.”
Bucky had never seen you so upset before, and he didn’t quite know what to do but he felt like you needed to get it off your chest.
“I didn’t have friends or boyfriends. I went to class, then got home, hoping mom hadn’t set the house on fire. I took the first decent job I could find because she needed a new home and professional help. Without Natasha I would have been homeless.” You turned to Bucky. “I’m so sorry, I’ve ruined dinner. You’ve worked so hard.”
“It’s okay,” he replied immediately. “I’m with you.”
“God, you’re so nice,” you sighed, then turned to your siblings. “See? That’s the kind of person he is. I was lonely and lost, and I found him and he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. He’s kind and sweet, he’s selfless and generous, and you have no right to criticize our relationship.”
Bucky stared at you, his mouth hanging open a little. Slowly he shook himself out of his trance and reached for your hand on the table. He had no idea you thought so highly of him.
“We needed each other,” you continued. “And I don’t care what you think.”
Dinner was officially ruined but Bucky didn’t care. He smiled at you, soft and reassuring, and let go of your hand when you smiled back. He was proud of you for speaking up, for standing up for yourself.
Bucky noticed Wanda and Viz exchanging looks.
“Okay so, since we’re sharing truth bombs,” Wanda said, shifting a bit in her seat. “I wasn’t really traveling through Europe. I went to Sokovia and after that, everything’s kind of a blur. I did things I’m not proud of. I wanted to forget,” she paused and sighed, “everything. I hit rock bottom, pretty hard, and checked myself into a psychiatric hospital. That’s where I met Viz. He helped me send you those postcards. I screwed up, real bad, but I couldn’t tell you guys the truth. I’m not really proud of myself.”
“I got fired from Baskin-Robbins for yelling at a costumer.”
“Okay!” Okoye exclaimed in her big sister voice. “Enough truth bombs.” She pointed at you. “I’m sorry you had to do this alone, it wasn’t right but we’re here now and we won’t let you down. As for the sugar daddy thing... well you’re a grown woman, you can do whatever you want. Bucky seems like a nice guy.” She turned to Wanda. “We are all dealing with our pain in our own way. I’m not judging you. We’re here for you, Wanda.”
“I know,” Wanda said, sniffing.
“And Scott, stop yelling at people.”
“Yeah, good idea.”
Bucky turned to W’Kabi and Viz who looked proud of their girls, albeit a little uncomfortable with the whole situation. Someone started chuckling, he couldn’t tell who it was, but suddenly the whole table broke into a fit of laughter.
“How about some dessert,” he said. “Then you guys can fill me in on some childhood secrets.”
As he walked away from the table, he heard you warn your siblings to keep their mouths shut. They laughed in response, which made Bucky smile. Surely it’d take more than one outburst at a family dinner to fix your broken bond but it was a good start.
During dessert, he learned that everyone called you ‘Splotchy’ because you painted on the living room walls as a child. He learned that you always wanted to play board games with Okoye. Your favourite one was Mystery Date.
“She had a crush on Tyler, the beach date.”
“No, that’s not true, don’t listen to them.”
When they finally left, you spent a few extra moments hugging everyone. Promises were made, and Bucky couldn’t help but smile as he watched you wave goodbye to your siblings.
It was just the two of you again, and the mountain of dirty dishes and silverware. He told you not to worry about the dishes, but you knew if he went to bed he wouldn't be able to sleep, not when the kitchen was such a mess so you cleaned together.
He loved these moments with you. There was something very peaceful about the night; the dark skies, the soft lights, the quiet apartment, knowing people all around town where getting ready for bed. It used to make him feel tiny and isolated but now, with you, the night didn’t seem so frightening anymore.
A few weeks went by, and things were changing a bit. You spent your Saturday mornings with your sisters, bonding, and facetimed with Scott at least once a week.
Bucky also noticed a subtle change in Sam’s behaviour. He seemed happier and he wondered if his friend had already forgotten Natasha.
It was almost June, and the building’s swimming pool reopened as the weather got warmer. Despite living there for several years, he had never gone near that swimming pool until you dragged him out one scorching afternoon.
The rooftop was surprisingly calm, apart for the group of children playing in the pool. There were people sunbathing around the pool, enjoying a good book, socializing. You dropped your bag on the floor and laid out your towel on the reclining chair.
Bucky had never seen you in a bathing suit before and it caught him completely off guard, but what made him literally growl was seeing the little pendant of your necklace rest against your skin. He didn’t know why but it awoke something in him.
You both slathered on sunscreen before you went for a swim. Bucky recognized a few neighbours, and while they all knew he only had one arm, they had never seen him shirtless before. Bucky didn’t mind their inquisitiveness, as long as you were beside him.
“Do you think the kids peed in the water?” you asked as you rested against the edge of the pool.
“Probably,” Bucky cringed. “When I was a kid, my mom told me that there were chemicals that turned the water a different color when someone pees.”
“Ew,” you laughed.
After a while, he lay out in the sun, enjoying the feel of the sun on his skin. He could still hear you playing water polo with the kids when a shadow passed over him. With a frown, he pushed his sunglasses up onto his forehead.
“It’s nice to see you, James,” his neighbour beamed, taking a seat on your unoccupied chair. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you out here.”
“Hi.” He wasn’t surprised when his voice came out hoarse since he had been on the verge of falling asleep. With the grace of a walrus, he propped himself into a sitting position. “Yes, well, swimming pools are more fun when you’re not alone.”
His neighbour turned to look at you. “Congratulations, by the way. I didn’t know you were seeing someone. Must have been serious if you two moved in together. How long has it been since she moved in? Six months?”
He knew he should have corrected her, you weren’t his girlfriend, but it felt good. It was just a harmless little lie.
“Does she make you happy?”
“I’m the happiest man on earth,” he replied with a bright smile, then slid his sunglasses back on his face.
His neighbour chuckled quietly. “I can see that!”
When you returned to your seat, his neighbour was gone. You hummed to yourself as you settled into your seat, big droplets of water running down your body. Bucky tilted his head down and peered at you over the top of his sunglasses.
“Where did you get that popsicle?”
“Jealous?” You licked your treat without looking at him. “The kids’ mom gave me one as a thank you for looking after her kids.”
“That looks good.”
“So good.”
“Mind sharing it with me?”
You pursed your lips thoughtfully, then held out your popsicle. As Bucky leaned closer, you pulled it away and jumped to your feet. The look he gave you was one of pure betrayal.
“Oh, angel, you should have never done that.”
He grinned to himself when he saw a shiver run through you. When he stood up, you took a step back. He strutted toward you, his grin predatory. The floor was slippery so you couldn’t go very far.
“Are you ready to share now?”
The popsicle melted down your hand, creating a mess. You turned your arm and licked the drops of popsicle juice from the inside of your wrist. It distracted you long enough for Bucky to wrap his arm around your waist, pulling you against him. You squealed and grabbed him around the neck to keep from falling while also trying not to smush the popsicle against his chest.
You waved the treat in front of his face and he tried to bite off the tip of your popsicle. It made you laugh, your body sagging against him. His face was close to yours. He was so close he could smell the artificial orange scent of your popsicle.
Your laughter died down and your breath caught in your throat when you saw the way he was looking at you. Without thinking, he went for it. He felt your fingers flex against his skin, urging him closer.
His lips were barely a breath away from yours when one of the kids repeatedly slapped your thigh, obviously oblivious to what the two grownups were about to do.
“Come back! We haven’t finished the game,” the kid whined. “Come on!”
Reluctantly, you let go of Bucky and took a step back. Your exhale came out shaky, and in your almost-kiss-induced trance you handed him the popsicle without saying anything before you followed the kid.
You turned back to look at him, one hand sprawled across your stomach, the other across your chest. He knew you were feeling it too: the butterflies, the racing heartbeat, that pleasant heat going through your body.
The difference between like and love.
A week later, he came home to an empty apartment. He climbed the stairs to your studio but you weren’t there. Instead, he found a canvas stretched out smooth and tight on the floor, and several bowls of paint arranged in a semi-circle around it.
He knew you were home, you wouldn’t leave without your phone or bag. Out of curiosity, he went up on the roof and let out a relieved breath when he found you.
You were sitting on the edge of the rooftop with your knees up to your chin and your arms wrapped loosely around your shins. You looked so beautiful in the golden hue of the setting sun.
He stood there, watching you as if he was looking at a painting in a museum. Entranced. You hadn’t noticed him yet, and a quick glance around the roof told him you were alone.  
Slowly, he made his way to you and took in your appearance: a short sleeve white shirt and a pair of denim overalls. The shirt was surprisingly spotless but the overalls were covered in dried paint splatters of different colours.
“I looked everywhere for you,” he spoke softly, trying not to disturb you.
“Did you?”
You straightened up a little but kept your eyes trained on the horizon. Bucky sat close to your feet and let his hand slip under the hem of your jeans to close around your ankle. A sigh slipped past your lips, and he let his fingertips linger for a moment on your smooth skin.
He knew you had a meeting today, and judging by the resigned look on your face, it didn’t go well.
“What’s on your mind, angel?” he said, caressing the top of your foot.
“I was thinking about the night we met. God, I was so nervous,” you said, laughing softly. “I told you that agreeing to meet you was like choosing between a pack of wolves and jumping off a cliff.”
“I remember,” he chuckled.
“I never told you how glad I am that I jumped off that cliff,” you said. “I’d never jumped head first into something, not knowing what was going to happen. Now I think I’m addicted to it. Before I met you, I was living for others. Everything single decision was thoroughly analysed. There was no mystery, fun, or impulsiveness. I put my entire life on hold, and now I see that I can’t do that anymore.”
“What are you going to do?”
You paused, searching for the right words. “I don’t know if I want to turn my passion into a career. Painting is my safe-place, and right now it’s giving me so much anxiety. I haven’t had the inspiration to paint in weeks.” You looked at him and pressed your lips together tightly. “And, if I don’t want to become a full time artist, then I guess our deal is off.”
Bucky stared at you, mouth agape. He really hadn’t seen it coming.
“Please, don’t be angry,” you pleaded. “I don’t want to stop seeing you. When he didn’t answer, you leaned forward and touched his face.
“I could never be angry with you, angel,” he said, kissing the inside of your palm. “I understand, and I’ll help you however I can.”
“I’m not sure yet. I’m still thinking about it.” You looked away from him and stared at the sky. “Do you know that feeling when you stand in a high place and you think about jumping? You don’t want to jump and you don’t do it, but there’s that urge.”
“I think I do.”
“It’s called ‘call of the void’. People say that it’s an affirmation of our will to live. That knowing we’re going to die one day makes us appreciate life even more.” You looked at him. “I want to jump but I can’t. I’m scared.” You lowered your voice. “I don’t want to ruin what we have.”
“You’re scaring me a little. You can’t talk about jumping when we’re sitting on the edge of the roof.”
You chuckled under your breath. “It’s a metaphor.”
“Let’s go home. We’ll make dinner together, put on some music and pretend we’re in a movie.” He got to his feet and held out his hand to you. “Please.”
You took his hand and let him lead you to the staircase.
Once you were inside the apartment, he removed his shoes and you removed yours. Silence settled between the two of you as you entered the kitchen. Bucky moved behind the counter while you stood close to the dining table.
When he chanced a glance at you, he saw you staring into nothing while you played with the charm on your necklace, rolling it back and forth on its chain. You often did that when you were daydreaming.
Bucky walked over to you and placed his hand on top of yours, halting your movements. You let go of the pendant and held his hand instead. He ran his thumb soothingly over your fingers.
“Tell me what you’re thinking,” he spoke softly.
“If I say it, it’s going to change everything.”
He pressed your joined hands against his chest, over his heart. “No, it’ll make it real.”
He let go of your hand and cupped the side of your face. You leaned closer until you were only inches apart. His thumb traced your cheekbone, then moved to trace the outline of your bottom lip.
He let you come to him, let you take that first step, and when your lips brushed against his, he closed his eyes and sighed. He kissed your parted lips; once, twice, three times, tiny little kisses against your trembling lips.
His kiss grew bolder, turning into something so intimate, so passionate and intense that tears gathered in his eyes. He pressed his mouth more firmly against yours, his large hand still cupping the side of your face. His bad shoulder jutted forward as if his missing arm wanted to touch you.
He let out a groan, frustrated that he only had one hand to finally explore your skin. Sensing his inner turmoil, you held onto his bad shoulder and pulled him against you.
His tongue swept into your mouth, moving in a slow and deliberate rhythm. A growl escaped him and he deepened the kiss, tasting, sliding, retreating and entering again. He poured everything he had into the kiss.
“Bucky,” you moaned after your broke the kiss, breathless.
Hearing his name fall from your lips, your voice hoarse with desire, sparked something inside him. He swiped his thumb over your bottom lip, feeling the softness and collecting the moisture that had gathered there.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said, looking positively entranced. “My pretty angel.”
You pulled him in for another kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck, your slightly cold hands felt amazing against his heated skin. He pressed himself against you, letting you feel the rise and fall of his chest, the desperation in the jerky thrust of his hips.
He needed more but he wasn’t going to force you into anything. He was more than happy to stand here and kiss you for hours. He cupped the back of your neck and rubbed the sensitive skin behind your ear with his thumb.
“I’m yours,” he spoke against your lips, his eyes screwed shut.  
You pulled back to look him in the eye, searching his face. He opened his eyes and you saw nothing but honesty in the depth of his eyes.
You untangled yourself from him and took his hand. Slowly, you took a step back, then another, his hand still in yours. His eyebrows lifted slightly when you bit your bottom lip and gave him a coy look.
He nearly growled again, the wolf inside him eager to touch you, feel you, claim you. He stood taller, his chest puffed out and breathing fast.
You led him up the stairs to the second floor and turned on the light in the corridor. You slowly made your way down the corridor with him behind you.
But instead of turning left towards his bedroom, you turned right into your studio, and it changed everything. Your studio was your sanctuary, your safe place, and knowing that you were about to bare your soul and body to him tamed his inner wolf.
You hesitated at the threshold of the room and glanced over your shoulder to look at him. Bucky squeezed your hand to encourage you.
“I bought some body paint on my way home,” you said, letting go of his hand to step into the room. “I wanted to try something different, something more personal. I wanted to use my body to express my emotions, to create something raw and messy. My interpretation of somatic art therapy.”
You moved around the darkened room; bent down to adjust the canvas on the floor and made sure the bowls of paint were still full.
“I sat there and thought of my mom and Pietro,” you continued, barefoot on the canvas. “I only feel sadness and anger, and I don’t want to create something that makes me feel sad. And I realized the only thing that keeps me inspired is hope.”
Turning to face him, you held your hand out, palm up, and his eyes widened at your silent request. Without thinking twice, he joined you on the canvas. It was both soft and scratchy under his feet.
Bucky watched as you unbuckled the right strap of your overalls and slipped the second strap off your shoulder. You tugged your jeans down your legs and tossed them aside, leaving you in your underwear and white shirt.
Swallowing thickly, Bucky let his eyes travel up and down your body. He had seen you in your bathing suit before but this was different. Then he reached behind his neck and pulled his shirt over his head, baring his strong chest, hard abdomen and marred skin.
The room was dark; the pastel sky, visible from your studio thanks to the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room, didn’t provide much light. The light was still on in the corridor, casting a faint golden glow over the room.
You took a step forward to examine his scars more carefully and Bucky took that opportunity to kiss you again, slowly, intimately. He peppered kisses along your jaw and down your neck, then went down on his knees in front of you and continued his journey down your body, pressing soft kisses to your stomach.
He accidentally knocked over two bowls of paint; the dark colours spilled out onto the canvas, chasing each other. His kisses made you light up with desire, your moans music to his ears as your hands came down on the back of his head.
When it all became too much, you gently pushed him into a lying position and helped him out of his jeans. His belt buckle made a faint clink when you pulled it open, and Bucky swore out loud when you planted a wet open-mouthed kiss right below his navel.
In the back of his mind, he knew he wasn’t going to survive the night. He let his head fall back against the canvas and closed his eyes shut. Your talented mouth sent sharp jolts of pleasure through him, making it difficult to breathe.
He could feel the paint stick to his back, creating the shape of his upper body on the canvas. It was strangely exciting.
He moaned, arching his back, and slammed his fist down on the canvas. His fist landed in one of the bowls of paint. It splashed paint everywhere. He looked down at you and saw tiny flecks of paint splayed like freckles on one side of your face.
It made you both giggle. As he pushed himself up into a sitting position, Bucky left a print of his forearm on the canvas. You climbed into his lap, straddling him, then removed your shirt and bra. You wrapped your legs around him, one hand on his upper arm, the other hugging his neck.
Bucky was sitting on the canvas with his legs outstretched and slightly bent at the knees. He held you against his chest, rocking back and forth, his arm around the small of your back. You sighed together, sharing the same breath.
“You have the prettiest nose.” You let your index finger run down the length of his nose, your finger wet with paint. “So pretty.”
Laughing softly, he brushed his nose against yours and kissed you. He changed the angle of his thrusts, catching you by surprise.
“Does that feel good, angel?” he asked, lightly biting your jaw. You answered with a short cry. “Look at me.” You slowly opened your eyes, your movements faltered a little. “You’re so beautiful like this. You drive me crazy, y’know that?”
“Bucky,” you cried out.
He felt you shiver when he moved his hand from your back to your face. He cupped the side of your face and you immediately pressed yourself closer to him, craving the warmth of his touch.
He stopped your movements and looked you in the eye. “I’d do anything for you. Anything. You’re my one and only.”
He laid you down as gently and safely as he could, and once you were lying flat on your back, he sprawled between your thighs. He supported his weight on his forearm, careful not to crush you. Your hands slid up his sides, and as your thumb traced over his ribcage, a violent shiver went through his body.
He had never seen anything more beautiful than watching you come apart; your eyebrows furrowed, your lips parted in a silent ‘o’, the way your body shook in little spams. Absolutely stunning.
Exhausted, he collapsed on top of you and hid his face in the crook of your neck. You wrapped your arms around him and slowly caressed his back.
After he kissed his way down the side of your neck, he straightened himself up into a kneeling position and looked down at you. Your naked body was on display, covered in paint and glistening under the moonlight. He wished he could take a picture, immortalize this memory.
He helped you up, and after another passionate kiss he led you to his bathroom, the two of you leaving colourful footprints all over the clean floor.
The bathroom's bright fluorescent light was harsh and unforgiving as you looked at each other in the mirror. Yet you were both glowing, streaks and dots of paint covering your bodies. Bucky turned on the water and waited for it to get hot.
He wrapped his arm around you from behind and rested his chin on your shoulder. “We look like we blew up a rainbow,” he said, smiling wide when it made you chuckle.
In the shower, you took turns washing each other, laughing and kissing until the water turned cold. You pushed his hair out of his eyes and smiled sweetly at him.
“We’re going to catch a cold if we stay here.”
“Mhh,” he replied, kissing your temple. “You’re right. There are clean towels on the shelf. Go, I’ll be right behind you, I still need to take care of my scar.”
“Can I help you?”
Asking for help wasn’t something he was comfortable with, especially after years of being babied by his ex-girlfriend, friends and family. After his accident, he couldn’t do anything on his own. He had to rely on others and it made him feel like a burden, like he was incapable of taking care of himself.
He knew it was all in his head but he couldn’t help it.
“It’s not exactly sexy,” he said.
“I don’t care. I want to help. Tell me what to do and I’ll do it.”
Patiently he guided you step by step through the process of cleaning his stump. You inspected his skin thoroughly, looking for irritation or any signs of infection, then washed it with a mild soap.
He had to admit that watching the woman he loved take such good care of his scar made his stomach fill with butterflies. You looked so focused, so attentive, that he could help but smile and try to kiss you.
“Bucky,” you complained, turning your head away, avoiding his kiss. “This is serious business, stop fooling around.”
He almost said it. I love you. But something was holding him back. He didn’t know what would happen next and it scared him. He didn’t want this to be a one-time thing, but he also realized that things were moving too fast.
“Okay, now you’re shivering,” he said, holding you close, trying to share his body heat with you. “Let’s get out of here.”
He wrapped you in a fluffy bathrobe and patted you dry. Then you carefully dried his scar and applied corticosteroid cream to his shoulder, massaging it gently into his skin. He slipped on his robe and you loosely tied the belt at his waist.
“We should talk about what just happened,” you said, playing with the belt. “What does it mean? What are we going to do? Can we-mph”
He cut you off with a kiss, long and hard and filled with passion. You smiled against his lips and finally pulled away.
“Is that how you’re going to shut me up from now on?” you asked with a grin.
“We’ll talk,” he said, pressing his forehead against yours. “But not tonight.”
“When then?”
“Tomorrow, I promise.”
You looked down at your hands on his belt and nodded. He tilted your head up and lowered his mouth to yours.
“Don’t avoid me tomorrow. Please.”
Your words felt like a knife in his heart, and it left him momentarily speechless. He took one of your hands and pressed it against his heart. “No matter what we decide to do, you’re my angel and I’m yours.”
You shared a long, silent hug before you both decided to call it a night. Once he saw the footprints in the corridor, Bucky felt the urge to clean them. He tried to resist but he knew if he didn't clean he wouldn't be able to sleep.
You understood –you always understood. That’s why he felt so comfortable with you.
Once it was clean, he joined you in the kitchen and made you breakfast for dinner, opening the cupboard and pulling out a couple boxes of cereal you didn’t even know he had.
He told you that he was keeping them for a special occasion. He remembered you telling him that it was your favourite meal as a kid, watching TV with your siblings every Sunday night, eating cereals.
“I can’t believe you remembered that,” you said, tears in your eyes.
The two of you sat on your bed, sharing random thoughts and spoonfuls of cereal. You giggled as milk dribbled down his chin and stained his robe. You wiped at the spot on his chin with your thumb and gave him a chaste kiss.
Your lips tasted sweet. Bucky pulled you in for another kiss, discarding the dirty dishes on your bedside table. You helped each other undress, then slid under the covers where you laid your head on Bucky’s chest.
“Bucky,” your voice cut through the quiet. “Do you mind-”
“Don’t worry, my angel, I’ll wait until you fall asleep.”
“Thank you.”
Part 12
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reecethegeek · 2 years
euphoria season 2 episode 8 live blog
- gosh I'm fucking nervous, fez got the note in his hands
- ok how they gonna give me a cute fexi phone call after all that stressful ass shit like i haven't calmed down
- ok fez throwing hella hints bro "there's 3 kids in that show" the show he fucking said he want his future to look like after lex said she want 3 kids
- ah the blue sweater, we've been wanting for weeks
- fexi don't got common interests but they got common character traits and that's the real shit
- so no rue narration??
- bro this bitch had the AUDACITY to make it about her. DISGUSTING
- maddy come get her please!
- "idk I'm panicking, go away." MOOD
-omg not the carnival scene
- bro wtf she attacked that girl
- yes maddy GET HER
- ew elliot
- ok rue forgave elliot BUT does she know about him and jules??
- the only good thing elliot has done has been play the guitar and sing. he should do just this in s3
- ok but is this like a real song I can get on spotify or something because I can put it in my rue playlist. shit goes hard
- rue looks so happy and healthy, I really hope she bounces back from this shit
- I don't like elliot and we not supposed to like him by the end of the season, I thought it was bc of the snitch thing but now he's in the finale and I'm nervous. I think rue is gonna try and be friends w him again. why tf would he ask that knowing that they not good for e/o??? he's such an asshole
- hmm she gave herself a smile, idk if that means she's trying to be strong and not be his friend but idk
- ok show me fez, I'm worried about my baby
- awww bobbs and lexi, i love this friendship
- oh ok next act, I'm still mad cassie ruined it tho, I was enjoying it
- ew nate
- I'm guessing nate is gonna kill cal?? or himself
- ofc we see cal again. I was hoping we wouldn't but eh too hopeful
- so is it true that Nate's been SAed by cal? i think that's what they're trying to show
- ofc nate has a copy of the tape
- crazy how at the end of s1 he had cops to raid fez after rue threatened to call the cops on cal and now he's the one doing it at the end of s2
- at least cal getting jail. fuck that nigga
- he finally called ash a kid, god this shit sad asf
- he better be fucking playing dead bro
- oh shit he shot that mf
- he going down
- oh fuck. fuck they just killed him. makes sense they didn't show him because he's a kid
- everyone was like omg cassie redemption because she was hugging lex up at the hospital and it's just a flashback
- but bro where's maddy beating ass?? show that real quick
- god, ash really dead. this fr don't feel real
- well ik he ain't real but like it don't feel real, you know?
- PLEASE gimme a scene where lex comes to check on him at his house. maybe she finds a way to get the note idk but that would be good
- ok but fr where's my dawg fezco???
- so since he's been arrested, we fr getting FPB vibes???
- okay ik fez would be too stubborn/loyal to tell the truth even tho ash is dead and won't do any time but it would be great if he did because then he'll face less time in prison
- lex >>>> lexi
- fucking this rexi convo gonna make me cry fr
- ok but maddy beating cassie's ass?? i need to see it
- okay so jules got no lines this ep. I thought her and rue would fix stuff but I'm guessing that's towards the end of s3
- okay idk how that scene was apart of the play since the irl version happened after the funeral scene but I'll take it. ig lex has a condo convoy written and that's the parallel
- bathroom scene pt 2!!
- okay lowkey anticlimactic
- just the beginning of maddy kicking her ass or of nate putting cassie through hell??
- oh shit rules convo?? ummm okay
- ok that was weird but i guess that's hope
- okay we got 3 minutes left
- ok finally some rue narration
- hmm seems like rules isn't endgame after all. she said jules was her first love but she wasn't sure since she was too high for most of it
- ooouu clean rue for the rest of the school year?? that's a few months. wdym by it's not a decision she made tho?? who is she doing this for this time??
- ok fuck that finale was good
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wheredafandomat · 2 years
Chimera 🌌
Part 6 : Cloud nine
Present day
Once Loki left, you were finally able to react to the pain radiating from your arm where Loki had grabbed you. Rolling up your sleeve, you saw the imprint of his hand forming a bruise on your arm. You kept replaying the angered words that Loki had said to you. It was clear that he definitely didn’t want you here. Any form of love that he once had for you was now a mixture of toxic hate and resentment. You tried to bite your lip to stop yourself from crying but you couldn’t help it when a few sobs escaped you. Hearing the elevator dinging, you quickly wiped your face and put a smile on.
“Y/n, you’re back. Come here.” Natasha said as she left the elevator and hugged you. “As I said on the phone, the floors empty, but it’s yours.”
“Thanks Nat.” You smiled as you pulled away from her. Looking around, you didn’t think it was empty. It was bursting with memories.
“Yo-you look—you look.” Loki stuttered.
“Good, amazing, beautiful. What’s got you so tongue tied silvertongue?” You chuckled, hitting Loki’s arm as you turned from the mirror to him.
“I was going to say like a goddess.” He said under his breath, making your eyes widen when you heard him.
“Wow” you laughed trying to downplay the complement.
“Have you spoken to Stephen?” Natasha asked, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“No, not yet, I’m not even sure he knows I’m back.” You replied.
“You should tell him, I’m sure he’d be happy to see you.” She teased “very happy.” She added, nudging your arm.
“Stop it Nat” you laughed.
“I’m glad your back y/n, I’ve missed you, we’ve all missed you.” She admitted.
“I’ve missed you all too.” You nodded, looking down at the ground. There were a few moments of silence between you both before Natasha spoke again.
“Well” she clapped “I’ll leave you to get settled.” She said before turning away and leaving.
Alone again, you rolled your sleeve back up and once again looked at your arm. Sighing, you pulled it back down before deciding to galavant around the compound to see who you could spot. Entering the elevator, you left your floor and headed towards the common room. When the door opened, you saw Sam and Bucky both playing some sort of game, sitting on the sofa, oblivious of your presence. Next to them, sat Thor who seemed as if he was just staring out of the window. Stealthily, you walked towards them.
“Boo!” You shouted, hitting Bucky’s shoulder. Not anticipating the move, he grabbed your arm and flipped you onto your back, on the sofa. “Hey hey, it’s me.” You laughed, pushing Bucky away.
“Don’t sneak up on me.” He said narrowing his gaze as he leant over you whilst you laid on your back trying not to laugh.
“My apologies Buck.” You chuckled.
“He got you good.” Sam added as he stood and leant over you too.
“And here I was thinking you’d both be happy to see me.” You remarked sarcastically.
“Come here stranger.” Bucky said as he and Sam practically pulled you from the sofa and into a hug.
“Lady y/n.” Thor boomed, jointing the group hug. “I’ve been waiting for you, I’m so glad you’re back.”
“Happy to be back.” You smiled, wincing when you felt someone grip your injured arm. “Ah” you exhaled, pulling backwards.
“Are you hurt?” Thor asked as he lowered himself towards you, searching your eyes.
“I’m fine” you lied “whatcha playinggg?” you smiled, changing the topic as you flung yourself back onto the sofa.
“A game that Sam thinks he’s going to win.” Bucky answered.
“Earths mightiest hero’s engage in a virtual battle.” You laughed “I mean honestly, where’s the fight? I thought I’d be walking into an active battleground. What’s happened since I’ve been gone.”
“A lot little one.” Bucky teased.
“Today’s kinda a day off.” Sam explained “we’re here playing this game, Steve’s probably training with Nat, Stark and Pepper are on vacation.”
“Vacation, niceee” you interrupted.
“And Loki is probably with Cassie.” He finished. Your smile faltered hearing Loki’s name.
“What about Wanda, Banner, or Stephen?” You queried, trying to ignore Thor who had a confused expression as he watched your face fall.
“They’re probably in the Sanctum. Banner has been helping Stephen out recently and Wanda has been, well, Wanda.” Thor replied “is everything alright y/n?”
“On cloud nine.” You smiled “now, pass me that console Bucky, there’s no way you’re beating Sam.”
The rest of the evening, you continued playing the game with Bucky and Sam whilst Thor caught you up on some of the things you missed. You wanted to ask about Cassie but the fact that Thor barley brought her up, you assumed something went wrong. After a while, Nat and Steve joined the four of you and you all ordered food. You kept trying to ignore Thor who’d glance at your arm whenever you’d hold it. Once it got late, you decided to head back to your floor, mainly to avoid Cassie and Loki who’d probably check to see what was happening in here once they were back.
Preparing for your arrival, Natasha had left some clean bedding for you. Tired, you pushed them to the side and laid on the mattress before pulling the duvet over you. Closing your eyes, you tried to stop your mind from wandering onto Loki.
“Did you mean it?”
“Of course I meant it”
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A/N: Does anyone have any predictions about anything?? I’d love to know them😉
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britishsass · 2 years
If you'd like to write about this? Ford carrying Otto, post your OBDLC because Otto's pretty tired, and is enjoying having that chance as well enjoying that Otto likes it and is flustered.
Anon, my dear friend, come close....
I wouldn't just like to write about it. I saw this request and started excitedly yelling to Ace about how hyper I was to see such a perfect request. I literally ran to him with "Someone gave me EXACTLY what I wanted, about the au I'm currently stuck on, and I have SO MANY IDEAS"
So therefore: No, I wouldn't like to write about it. I'd love to!
As they all fell back, Otto finally coughed, blinking his eyes. “...Ow. Ow, everything... Everything hurt--”
Before he could finish his complaints, he was swarmed by everyone, a half-dozen hugs wrapped around him.
“...Oh. H-hey... Hey, you don’t... You don’t need to--”
“Yes, we do,” Lucy interrupted. “You need this.”
“...alright. Yeah. You... You’re right.” Otto chuckled, and he held them all as close as he could. “...Thank you. All of you.”
“Don’t get sappy on us now, Mentallis,” Bob replied as most of them finally drew back. You’re still going to the med bay, and you’re still getting an actual meal in you.”
“Can I make a request for the meal at least?”
“Of course. Go ahead,” Compton replied. Otto pushed his glasses up, avoiding meeting his eyes.
“...I... I know it’s gonna sound weird, but... I’ve been missing Ford’s old burgers.”
Ford interrupted with a finger to his lips. “Doesn’t sound weird at all. I missed Helmut’s grilling over the last twenty years. And Compton’s... Well, everything. And that lovely honey bread Cassie makes--”
“I’m still not giving you the recipe, Ford,” Cassie replied as she leaned on his head. “But I might make some.”
“Then I’ll make the burgers when I can. Or maybe get an archetype to make it. I’m not going to leave you on your own, Otto.” He gathered Otto in his arms, and slowly stood, his old legs shaking slightly. Otto’s face burned.
“It’s alright. I got you.”
“I don’t need to be carried--”
“You just had a portal explode in your face and you saved our butts more times than I can count. For once, I’m carrying you.”
“...Okay, okay, fine...” Otto wrapped his arms around Ford’s neck as Ford started walking, blowing the hair out of his face with a sharp exhale. 
“You sure you have him, Crully?”
“I’m certain, Lucy. You lot take care of yourselves. I’ve got Otto.”
The two split off from the group, walking quietly through the Gulch and along the pathways. Most of it had been repaired by Ford’s consistant efforts to repair the damage that had taken over the place, but there were still a few messy planks here and there, still a few stumbling blocks. Ford mostly levitated past, even though his worry seeped into the air.
“...I know why you didn’t tell us, Otto. But it doesn’t mean that I don’t worry that you’re not still hiding something.”
“I don’t think I could right now. Also don’t make me hit my head on a tree.”
“I might now that you suggested it. But really, you can tell me things. Okay?”
“Even if the lot of us are... we’re all nowhere near perfect. That’s fine. You don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to do everything. You’re allowed to do things like take a break. Or rest. Or ask for help. Got it?”
“I’m gonna lecture you until you do.”
“I know.”
Otto still hung on tightly as Ford levitated the two of them across the Quarry and to the Motherlobe. The doors slid open naturally for them, but Otto could barely focus with the lights and the noise. People were all around, the electricity was buzzing in his ears, his own voice ringing too loudly from his machines. He almost wanted to shut them all off. Shut down the electricity, shut it all out and stop the noise and the tingling feeling in his head. Instead, he held off, shutting his eyes and clinging even tighter to Ford until he finally felt himself being set down, resting on a cot.
“I’m not going anywhere, Otto. You can let go.”
“At least... At least let me hold your hand, you... Insult.”
“Witty comeback,” Ford rolled his eyes. “Let’s cut the banter. Of course you can hold my hand.” He took Otto’s hand in both of his, and Otto managed a smile.
“...Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it. I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”
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summerwritesfics · 3 years
🎧Song Inspired Shorts - Shut Up And Dance
Pairing: Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang/Harumi Hasashi Length: 864 Words Rating: Mature Warnings: Harumi Lives AU, Polyamory (M/M/F), Slapping a partners butt in greeting, Dancing, Three way dancing, uh this is another fluffy one these three idiots are so in love lol Song: Shut Up And Dance - Walk The Moon
Song Inspired Shorts Masterlist
She took my arm, I don't know how it happened, We took the floor and she said, Oh don't you dare look back, Just keep your eyes on me, I said you're holding back, She said shut up and dance with me, This woman is my destiny, She said oh oh oh, Shut up and dance with me
Kuai observed the party with a smile. Shinnok had been defeated, the world was safe once more. He was not the biggest fan of parties, but even he had to admit it was nice to be able to celebrate with his friends. He was so proud of the kids, Takeda, Satoshi and Frost were a given, since he'd had a hand in raising all three of them, but he was equally as proud of Cassie, Jacqui and Jin. They had all faced great adversary and triumphed. Who wouldn't be proud?
He stood to the sidelines a little, wine glass in hand, watching the party go down. Hanzo was talking to Takeda, Kenshi, Jacqui and Jax, given how Hanzo was standing straight with a large grin it was likely to do with the events leading to Shinnok's defeat. Frost was with Cassie, the taller blonde having her arm slung over Frost's shoulders, while they talked with Johnny and Sonya. Meanwhile Jin and Satoshi were talking with Fujin.
Kuai blinked and scanned the room again. Where's Harumi got to?
He got his answer almost immediately when he felt a hand slap his ass from behind.
"Harumi!" He turned around to look at her, she was grinning widely. He shook his head, "will you please behave."
"Aw, where's the fun in that?" She said, hand still hovering over his backside. "How are you enjoying the party, love?"
"Not as bad as I normally find them," Kuai admitted, looking around again. He snorted slightly when he noticed Jin having picked Satoshi up bridal style. Satoshi's face was bright red. He leaned into Harumi, "do you think-"
"Yes. Definitely," she chuckled before he could finish the question. He laughed as he took a final sip of his wine and put the glass on the table. "All our babies have grown up."
Kuai looked between their three children again. It felt like a lifetime ago now that Satoshi had called him dad for the first time. So long since they accepted Takeda and Frost into the family. He was getting misty eyed just thinking of it.
"We did a good job," he stated. He felt Harumi's hand reach his shoulder and give it a squeeze. The song playing suddenly changed, and Kuai couldn't help but tilt his head slightly in recognition. "Isn't this your favourite?"
"It is," Harumi beamed, before hooking her arm between his, and pulling him across the floor.
He yelped in surprise, but didn't stop her. Harumi was surprisingly strong when she wanted to be. She dragged him to the dance floor, placing herself in front of him and grabbing his hands. He swallowed, he really wasn't much of a dancer. He tried to look over his shoulder to look for Hanzo, but felt Harumi's hand grip his chin.
"Don't you dare look back," she lightly warned, "just keep your eyes on me."
She wrapped an arm around his waist and she began to move in time to the rhythm. Kuai was a little stunned, but slowly began to realise Harumi wasn't going as hard as she usually would.
"Your holding back," he commented. He almost regretted it when she jerked him forward.
"Shut up and dance with me~"
Everything got a lot more lively after that point. Kuai was pulled and pushed around too fast for him to even consider what it looked like to anyone else or if it could even be considering dancing. Harumi was far too lost in the music to care, and soon Kuai felt himself let go. He kept his eyes on her like she said, not that he'd want to look anywhere else. Maybe they were all getting older, but you wouldn't think it to look at them. A few grey hairs here and there were nothing.
He wasn't sure how long it was before he felt another pair of arms reach around his waist, a chest flush against his back and a head resting on his shoulder.
"Did you two really think you could get away with dancing without me?" Hanzo asked, breath hot against Kuai's neck. He couldn't quite see the other mans face, but he could feel his smile against his skin.
"How can we dance as a trio?" Kuai asked. He may have been able to see Hanzo's face, but he could definitely see Harumi's. She was clearly having a silent conversation with Hanzo, as a smirk graced her lips.
And then she moved forward, wrapped her arms around both himself and Hanzo, while Hanzo did something similar, effectively trapping him between them. He squeaked, managing to just about twist his arms out from between them. He settled one hand on Harumi's arm and reached the other behind Hanzo's neck.
As they began to move, Kuai had no doubt they looked ridiculous. Yet he simply did not care. In that moment, everything was perfect, the world was safe, their children were happy, and he was in the embrace of the two people he loved.
These two are my destiny.
Everything was perfect.
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theweasleyslytherin · 3 years
i knew you (ron weasley x reader) part 13
part 1/masterlist
summary: Ron inexplicably broke up with Cassiah Black of Slytherin house just days before their final year at Hogwarts, leaving them both with broken hearts and no future plans, but too stubborn and too proud to fix things. Will they find their way back together before the year ends, or will the end of their time at Hogwarts be the last time they ever see the each other?
general fic warnings: smut, drug/alcohol use, language
CHAPTER 13 - screaming color
But it's not forever But it's just tonight Oh, we're still the greatest The greatest ___________________________
Ron had avoided hanging out with Cassiah for a few days after the naked Quidditch incident. Frankly, he couldn't shake the image of her naked body out of his head and he knew he'd start blushing tomato-red from head to toe the moment he looked at her. Cassiah knew him so well and was so good at reading people that she would have known instantly why he was flushing. Just the idea of that brand of embarrassment had Ron's face flaming.
He recovered from his funk fairly quickly though, aided by copious amounts of bud and extensive, vivid sexual fantasies about imaginary women. Embarrassing? Yes. Effective? ...Also yes, apparently.
Just in time, too, because there was another Potions test coming up that week and after his humongous flunk on the last test, he needed Cassiah's help more than ever to bring his grade back up. She was such a good teacher; she was always so patient with him. In the past, she'd rewarded correct answers with kisses or by removing articles of clothing, but Ron had a sneaking suspicion that was off the table this time.
The point was, no matter how smart Cassiah was and how easily this stuff came to her, she never for a second made Ron feel stupid. On the contrary, she made him feel confident. She was the first person to ever make him realize that he was smart; he was a great communicator and very intuitive. Just because he wasn't a good tester didn't mean he wasn't intelligent. Cassiah had told him that he was smart in ways she could never be. That made Ron feel good.
And if Ron did a little advanced reading before their scheduled study session just to impress her... that was nobody's bloody business.
Despite the fact that he'd spent the last few days completely entranced by the thought of Cassiah, Ron actually felt pretty relaxed on his way to the Slytherin dorms. Even when there were underlying and confusing thoughts, things felt natural between them. There was an organic quality to their dynamic that he didn't even realize himself and wouldn't have been able to describe even if he did. All he knew was hanging out with Cassiah was easy and fun.
Cassiah was surprised to find that Ron had beaten her to the dorms. She could see his ruffled red hair from down the hall, waiting out in the hallway for her to let him in. While Cassiah knew the password to the Gryffindor dorms ("Quidditch" wasn't super difficult to guess), Ron had no idea what the Slytherin passcode was. Because of Ron's never-ending feud with Malfoy, they hadn't hung out in the Slytherin dorms often enough for her to bother telling him.
They always studied at night, after the library was closed, so common rooms were pretty much the only option. This time around, however, they were meeting in the Slytherin dorms because Cassiah really didn't feel like running into Ginny or Hermione sober. This left Draco as the more amicable option, and he'd agreed to basically vacate the premises or hide in his room while Ron was there, and make sure the others did the same. The promise that he wouldn't get called a blood traitor by any random students really eased Ron's nerves about coming to see Cassiah in the dungeons, and he'd agreed.
And now this was going to be their first time hanging out alone since the breakup.
"Hey Ronald," she said in greeting, bumping into him lightly. "You weren't waiting long, were you?"
"Only a couple hours; don't worry," Ron deadpanned in return. She punched him in the arm – a very hard, muscled arm – for his sarcasm, but she also couldn't help but laugh. He never failed to make her laugh.
"Shut the fuck up," she shook her head, but she was smiling widely as she leaned in and whispered the password.
"No way! Your password is Quidditch, too?" Ron gasped with excitement as they stepped into the common room.
Cassiah looked at him like he had seven heads. "Merlin, no. Are you hard of hearing, Weasley?" she teased, "It's in Latin. It's practically impossible to guess unless you speak the language. Which I clearly don't, based on my marks in that class."
"Bloody hell, Cassie. You got a B–. Plus, we were fourteen. That was four years ago. Quit it with the melodrama," Ron rolled his eyes but his tone was playful so Cassiah knew he wasn't actually annoyed. She could probably count on one hand the number of times Ron had been genuinely annoyed with her.
Cassiah huffed and placed her books down on the coffee table, organizing them in neat stacks: "Just sit before I change my mind about tutoring you."
"Yes, sir," Ron joked, carelessly dropping his beat-up book bag onto the floor beside the couch and scooping out the contents before plopping them haphazardly onto the table. Cassiah winced at the pile of crinkled papers and bent notebook covers. Ron was so messy sometimes.
Cassiah wasn't a neat freak herself, but she liked to keep most of her belongings in pristine condition. She squinted and was pretty sure one of the notebooks had "PENIS" scrawled across it in Ron's abominable handwriting and then "BOOBIES" in Harry's neat block-print. But what else could she expect? Sure, they were in their last year and not children anymore, but Ron and Harry were going to be like this forever, probably.
"Where do you want to start?" she asked Ron, flipping through her notes quickly. They were color-coordinated.
"Everything," Ron grumbled, "I don't get the whole lot of it. Even when Neville and I are paying attention, I only remember the stuff when I'm doing it, and then I forget it the moment we walk out the door."
"Must be all the weed," Cassiah teased. But she was also probably just the slightest bit right.
"Very funny," Ron snorted, "Seriously, though. I have some notes, but I just never can tell what the important stuff is going to be, so I just end up copying almost the entire thing and I'm back at square one."
"Okay," Cassiah leveled with him, "Then we'll start at the beginning of this unit and just try to decide what's going to be important enough to be on the test. We'll focus on actually remembering the stuff later. Now c'mere."
Ron scooted closer to her on the couch and leaned over to share the textbook. They worked quietly for about forty minutes, completely focused. They had always worked fairly well together. Ron even corrected Cassiah on a few things, which made his chest swell up with pride.
After they finished one of the chapters, Ron leaned back against the couch, exhaling heavily. "I'm getting hungry. Do you have any study snacks?" he asked. When Cassiah just looked at him for a moment, he shrugged his shoulders, "Nevermind, I brought my own."
He reached into his bag and produced a whole array of sweet and salty snacks, spreading them out on the coffee table on top of the notebooks. "Snack break?"
"I guess it wouldn't hurt," Cassiah wagered, "Oh! Do you have–"
Ron beat her to it, holding up a bag of butterbeer popcorn. "Of course I do," he grinned.
She squealed with delight, grabbing the bag and opening it immediately. "Mmm," she murmured as she popped the first one into her mouth, "I hardly ever have these but Merlin they're good."
"Oh, trust me. I know," Ron agreed, stuffing his hand into the bag on Cassiah's lap, causing her to shriek and giggle as she batted his hand away.
"It's so good to be hanging out again," Ron said after Cassiah's laughter died down, "I really wasn't sure if we ever would after everything that happened."
"Well, we were friends first, right?" Cassiah gave him a half-grin through a mouthful of popcorn.
Ron scoffed. "Yeah, but I wasn't sure if you were going to ever want to be friends with me again after the fit I threw over you and Malfoy," he explained, and then fell silent. After a moment, he asked cautiously, "Whatever became of that anyways? When I asked him about it he just gave me some vague, non-answer about your relationship not being what it appeared to be."
Cassiah was floored. "You talked to him?"
"Long story. But answer my question!"
She sighed. "Well, I guess his answer was right. Draco and I were never like that in the way that you thought. We're just friends – entirely platonic."
Ron furrowed his brow, clearly perplexed, "So you guys never...?"
Cassiah snorted, burying her face in her hands in embarrassment. "Merlin, no, Ron. Nothing romantic ever happened between us. Or sexual, for that matter," she reassured him, and then added, half under her breath, "Nothing sexual has happened for me in a looong time."
"Hah. Me neither," Ron groaned, leaning back in his seat a little bit.
Cassiah's eyes widened a bit. She wasn't entirely expecting Ron to hear her. But to hear that he hadn't been with another girl was definitely an interesting surprise.
Ron must've been thinking the same thing: "I kind of would've thought that you would have, you know, been with someone. Malfoy or MacMillan or someone. I mean, guys were always hitting on you even when we were together. You have plenty of options."
She raised her eyebrows and grunted, "No opportunities have really presented themselves, unfortunately. It's just me and my lonesome."
Ron chuckled at that. "Bloody hell, tell me about it," he murmured. He waited a second, considering, and then said, "It's really hard, you know? Going from have sex every day or at least once or twice a week to just... nothing."
"Yeah, I'm sure it's really hard," Cassiah joked and Ron shoved her in the arm for her pun. "But I know what you mean. Sometimes it drives me crazy. I got so spoiled that now I feel like I need sex and I can't have it."
Cassiah looked up from her lap to see Ron's face aflame, suddenly aware of how close together they were on the couch. Ron was clearly caught off guard by how candid she was being about her needs. She knew she normally didn't talk like this, but he'd started it and it felt good to just vent.*
"That was never our problem, was it?" Ron said. The sentence itself was a joke but his tone was completely serious. "Sex, I mean..." his tone was gruff, almost a whisper.
Cassiah felt the energy shift in the room and her nerves start tingling. "No," she manages to squeak out, "Definitely not... You knew me in that way like nobody else."
She could've sworn she heard Ron let out the smallest groan. He always liked the praise.
Cassiah looked up at him through her lashes, feeling her heart pounding in her chest and hearing both of their breathing become a bit ragged. Ron was staring back at her with a look in his eyes that she couldn't quite comprehend. Needy but also controlled and–
"Oh, fuck it," heard him mutter and suddenly his hands were grabbing her face and his lips were crashing into hers and bloody fuck this time it was real, not a dream or a memory.
His hands on her face and gripping the back of her hair were rough as his lips slid against hers, his tongue licking against hers.
"Oh, Ron," she murmured into his mouth immediately and he let out a loud, unbridled groan at the sound of his name on her lips. That sound sent heat straight in between Cassiah's legs and she rolled her hips into the couch.
"C'mere," he growled, his voice gruffer than she'd ever heard as Cassiah felt his big hands grab onto her waist and roughly guide her into his lap. She let out a low whine when she could feel his length already hard and pressing up against her core. She rolled her hips down and shocks of electricity sparked through her body as she felt his hardness brush against her through the crotch of her leggings. The friction was so delicious that she kept rolling her hips again and again with Ron's hands on her waist guiding her in the figure eights he always used to like.
"Bloody fucking hell. I didn't know how long I've been wanting this until now," Ron panted, thrusting his hips up to make contact with the apex of her thighs. Cassiah ground down against him, coaxing a long, low moan out of him.
Ron reached up and moved his hands from her hips to her breasts, squeezing roughly and kneading his fingers into her flesh through her bra. He pulled the hemline of her shirt up to reveal her bra and then pushed her bra down as far as he could. He licked a circle around her nipple before roughly sucking it into his mouth, flicking his tongue over it again and again. Cassiah tangled her head in Ron's hair, panting heavily as she watched him. He was looking up at her with big blue-green eyes as he sucked her nipple into his mouth.
And then she was tugging his head back up to her mouth, reconnecting their lips briefly before pulling away again to say breathlessly, "Get me ready for you, Ron."
Rom growled, and Cassiah felt him throbbing at the mere thought of being inside her again after so long. She felt his lips trail over to the nape of her neck where he began sucking a harsh mark in just the right spot to send shivers down her spine. He licked a thick stripe over the mark before quickly turned to suck the lobe of her ear into her mouth.
"Ah," Cassiah gasped, the combination of his tongue and his hot breath on the shell of her ear making her wetter by the second. She could feel her slick forming a wet stain on the lap of Ron's slacks but she knew he'd love it when he realized. There was never anything that turned him on more than seeing how wet she got for him.
Cassiah didn't let up on the rotation of her hips on his thick length. She could feel him hot and ready in his pants. She had half a mind to climb off him so she could unbutton his pants and take him into her mouth so she could hear him completely lose control, but she wanted him inside of her even more.
She reached down in between them and cupped him over his pants, causing him to hold his breath. She gripped his length and gave it a squeeze. It felt huge and hard even through the fabric and Ron sucked in a breath at the contact.
She kept rubbing him in circles through his pants, pressing her thumb over where she knew the tip was every now and then.
"Harder. More. Tighter, fuck, Cassie, please," Ron was chanting, his lips still attached to her neck, which was covered in huge, dark bruises by now. Just the thought of that had her growing slick.
She pressed harder against his length, now running her hands up and down his shaft through his pants. She couldn't stand the tension and heat in her core anymore and started grinding down against his thigh as best as she could.
"Bloody hell, are you getting yourself off?" Ron moaned and when Cassiah gave him a wicked smile in response, he gripped onto her hips hard enough to bruise and let his head fall back as he let out a long, quiet "fuck yeah."
"You're so dirty," he continued, his voice ragged and rushed as Cassiah kept rubbing him faster, "So fucking desperate for me that you're fucking yourself on my thigh. I'm gonna make you feel so bloody good, Cassie."
His filthy words sent fiery heat all over her body and egged her on.
"O- Cassie, I-" Ron stuttered bucking his hips against hers. "Stop stop stop stop, I'm–"
But she didn't listen. His whines and his hot breath were too delicious and sinful for her to just stop. She never wanted him to stop making those greedy little sounds. It was rare he completely lost control like this.
And then she felt him go completely rigid, his fingers digging into her waist and his head falling back as he let out a choked "Ohhhh" and squeezed his eyes shut.
She didn't realize at first and kept pumping him through his pants until he rushed to say, "Merlin. Stopstopstop, just– Give me a minute, bloody hell..."
That's when she felt the rapidly growing wet spot on the front of his pants, and it wasn't from her. She stared down at it in shock. That had certainly never happened before.
When she looked up, Ron's face was flaming red. Before she could say anything, he was grabbing the blanket off the back of the couch and shoving it over his crotch as best as he could with Cassiah still on his lap. "B-bloody hell, Cassie, I'm so sorry. You know I never do that; it's just been so long that I just couldn't hold off. I-I tried to tell you to stop but–"
"Ron," she soothed, giggling softly, "It's okay."
"It's bloody humiliating. I'm a grown-ass adult and I just shot a load in my pants."
"Felt good though, didn't it?" she asked, and Ron nodded enthusiastically. "Plus," she added, "You know you'd think it was hot if I did that. And I happen to find it unbearably hot when you can't control yourself because I make you feel so good."
Ron stared up at her, the mischievous glint beginning to return to his eyes.
"Prove it."
Cassiah grabbed his hand from where it was resting on her waist and took two of his fingers in her own. She guided his hand down into her leggings, slipping his fingers under her panties. She shimmied a bit and then swiped their fingers through her sex. He groaned when he felt that she was dripping for him between her legs, his fingers becoming coated in her slick. They brushed against her swollen clit as he removed them from her panties and Cassiah let out a needy, high-pitched whine.
Ron locked his eyes with her and he brought her fingers to his lips, sticking them in his mouth and sucking them clean of her juices. That visual paired with the intense eye contact had Cassiah's sex throbbing between her legs.
"Wh-" she started, her voice shaky, "Why don't you take care of me until you're ready for round two?"
"If I fuck you after I just came I'm gonna last–"
"I know," Cassiah blurted out and blushed, ducking her head in slight embarrassment at the memory. There was a time over the summer when they'd gone for a second round immediately after Ron had finished and he'd lasted so long that she'd come about four times before he'd finished and she'd actually been crying from how oversensitive and fucked out she was.
"You naughty little slut," Ron murmured, his eyes bright with admiration, "I'm going to make you scream."
Before she could even respond, he grabbed her and swung her around, pressing her back into the cool leather of the couch as she pinned her wrists above her head with just one hand. She struggled against him, loving the thrill of the fact that his one hand could hold her down.
Ron roughly pulled her leggings and panties down in one motion, leaving them pooled around her ankles as she wrapped her legs around the back of his head.
She crawled up so her core was aligned with her face and he stared at her wetness with a hungry, animal look. He licked his lips and groaned, "Fuck, I missed this pretty pussy."
He delivered a tiny slap to her dripping lips and clit before running a finger through her slick and spreading it over her swollen clitoris. She was already a needy mess under him, whining and whimpering.
"How fast can I make you come for me?" Ron wondered aloud, "No one's touched you like this in so long." He circled his finger over her clit at an agonizingly slow pace and she rotated her hips, signaling for him to spread up.
"Have you been touching yourself?" he questioned her and she nodded quickly and desperately, wanting to answer his question so that he'd pick up his pace and give her a release.
"Merlin, you're so bad, Cassie. Such a bad girl, I fucking love it. I'm gonna fucking destroy you," he promised and she moaned.
Ron sped his fingers up to a torturously fast pace and Cassiah felt herself hurtling towards the edge. Her legs started to shake uncontrollably and her thighs clenched around Ron. Her back arched and her head shot back as she chanted, "Ronronron, bloody hell, I'm coming, I'm coming Ron..."
He kept stroking her through her climax until he could tell her was done, completely spent and relaxed back against the couch. But he wasn't even half done with her, and she knew it as he loomed over her, shucking off his stained slacks and his wet underwear.
He stroked over his aching cock as he towered over her, already hard and leaking at the tip after she'd made him come just minutes ago.
"On your hands and knees," Ron demanded, pumping his thick length expertly in his hand. Cassiah felt her heartbeat between her legs at the sight of him touching himself and immediately moved to follow his orders.
Cassiah braced herself on her elbows, leaning to arch her back and push herself closer to him. She looked back over her shoulder and saw Ron shifting to move up behind her. She bit her lip and looked up at him.
"Fuck," Ron murmured at the sight. "Get ready, baby. I'm not going slow with you," he said as he linked his tip up with her entrance.
"Would never want you to," she countered, pushing back against him, silently begging him to put it in.
Without any warning, he thrust into her in one push, giving her no time to adjust and as a result earning him a winded, shrill, "Ron!"
She could hear him chuckle slightly behind her and knew he smiling as he palmed the thick flesh of her ass in his hands, kneading it between his fingers as he caught his breath.
"Merlin, Cassie, you f-feel tighter than ever," he stammered as he started moving his hips, keeping up his promise of not going slow with her. His thrusts were short and rough. When he hit the right spot deep inside her, Cassiah cried out and pushed back against him to take him deeper and he kept up angling for that spot, earning the same reaction every time.
"Merlin, Ron, right there," she begged, circling her hips, "Please don't stop. Keep going."
"I couldn't stop if I wanted to baby. You feel so good," Ron responded, the loud smack of his hips slamming into her over and over echoing throughout the room.
Cassiah began to whine almost non-stop, obviously losing control, and he quickened his pace and went even harder on her than before, knowing from experience that this was just what she needed to come.
He leaned over her, his chest hovering just over her back so that he could place sloppy kisses along the back of her neck and her shoulders. She turned her head to kiss him but Ron had reached underneath her to begin playing her clit and instead, her mouth fell open and her eyes rolled back into her head. She came hard with a sob, her walls pulsing around.
But she knew Ron wouldn't be done with her yet. He started back up with slower, more thorough thrusts, pulling almost all the way out every time before pushing back in at an agonizing pace, but still just as hard as before. Their bodies jerked with every movement.
Ron fathered Cassiah's hair in a fist behind her head and yanked, pulling her head back and coaxing a sharp cry out of her. He was finally able to kiss her, and he pressed his lips sensually to hers. She moaned as he licked into her mouth, just as needy as she was.
She could feel her third orgasm coming on and knew that she wouldn't be able to hold out or handle another afterward. She clenched around Ron, circling her hips in rhythm with him, and panted, "Come for me, Ron. You know you want to. You've made me come twice, you're gonna make me come a third. You deserve it."
She knew his praise kink would take him right over the edge and it did. He let out an earth-shattering groan and cried out her name, finishing inside her and giving a few final thrusts before going still and collapsing on top of her back. They stayed there for a moment, no sound but the sound of them catching their breath for several moments.
"Bloody hell," he panted, peeling himself off of her sweaty back and sitting back on the couch.
She gingerly sat up too, still over-sensitive, and faced him. "You can say that again," she murmured.
"Bloody hell," he repeated, and Cassiah barked out a laugh, weakly punching him in the arm and telling him to shut up.
"You're so right," she conceded, "We may have had little disagreements every now and then, and you had to do what was best for you and end things but... Sex was never our weak point."
"Definitely not," Ron agreed, pushing his sweaty hair back off of his forehead before starting to get redressed. "Merlin, can we please keep doing this? I don't think I'll be able to handle it going back to my hand after this. I had no idea how much tension had built up until now," he admitted – more like pleaded.
"One hundred percent. Trust me, Ron. You know I always needed this just as much as you did," Cassiah said, fully dressed and pulling her hair on top of her head in a messy bun. "We just have to be cool about it. Friends can definitely have passionate sex and then be just that – friends," she explained to him, but it felt more like she was trying to convince herself.
"Totally," Ron was quick to agree, staring forward in a sexed-out daze.
"So long as nobody finds out, there will be no weirdness. Just two friends who also happen to enjoy having sex with each other in secret."
"Amazing, mind-blowing sex," he added.
"Uh-huh," Cassiah agreed, still not entirely recovered, "So it's deal."
"Yes," Ron finalized it, "It's a deal. Now let's get out stuff and get out of this common room before they get tired of being holes up in their dorms and wander in here. We've already pushed our luck enough."
Cassiah nodded, grabbing her books, "I suppose we have. But what about the test? We didn't finish studying."
"Cassie," Ron answered earnestly, grabbing her hand, "I don't care if I never pass a test again if I'm having sex that good."
i think this is the most sinful, blasphemous thing i've ever written in my life and i really hope you guys enjoyed it lol.
all my love! xx
tag list: @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @girl22334 @mariellelovescupcakes @lateautumn @heartofcanvas @gloryekaterina @mackaywhore 
Published on my Wattpad and my Tumblr (theweasleyslytherin).
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cassidy-kagura · 3 years
So just a little preface before I start posting all my Cas drabbles and ranting about who I want him to fall in love with and ride into oblivion. I’ll give a few details, as well as a list of kinks and fetishes you’ll find here eventually- both problematic and otherwise, so follow and interact at your own risk, if any of them squick ya.
Name: Cassidy Kagura
Nicknames: He goes by either Cas, or Cassie, if he really likes you ;3
Age: Cassidy’s age varies across my fics, but for the most part he’s usually 16-24, falling around 17-19 most often, 17 /most/ often, and a part of class 2A
Height: 6’4. He’s a tall boi
Body type: Cas is a slimmer jock- he’s tall with broad, yet slim shoulders. He has a broad chest as well, tits if you will 😁🤌🏼 definitely bottom focused- long, toned, muscled legs- he works a lot with his lower body as a hero- most of his strength is in his legs and forearms. His booty is thicc, and he knows how to use it 🔪
Overall appearance: Cas is a fem boi and he LOVES it. He has long blonde hair, that he cherishes greatly. Blue eyes. His skin tone falls on the paler side during the winter, and on the warmer, olive toned side in the summer. He doesn’t burn easily, which is perfect for him, as he loved being out in the sun, especially at the beach.
He’s of Japanese descent on his fathers side, and Mexican/American on his mothers side.
His color palette for fashion is more traditionally feminine: pastels, pinks and purples- though Cas is a fashion connoisseur, he loves high fashion, designer brands etc. Hell as quickly rock a miniskirt as a tattered pair of jeans- he’s obsessed with street fashion as well. Very versatile as far as dress goes. He loved his heels as well, no matter if they make him almost 7 feet tall- just means all eyes will be on him ;3
Quirk: Phosphoromancy: or, Light Manipulation. Cas is able to manifest and manipulate light rays, crafting tangible, physical weapons he can wield. I’ll go much more in depth on his powers in the future. Especially when his character reference sheet is finished, as parts of his hero suit/armor are key to his quirks application.
Hero name: Lightbringer!
Sexual orientation: Gay af 💅🏼
Personality type: Cas is a Leo, in every sense of the word. If I had to sum up his personality, I’d say he’s Bakugou on the battlefield, Denki in his personal life. Cas loves yo laugh, and have a good time. He doesn’t have the best home life, so he values and treasures his friends with his entire self. He’s loud, outspoken, intelligent, and he doesn’t like to keep his mouth shut.
He’s overly trusting in relationships, as Cas has many romanticized versions of what his love life should be, and men generally fall short when it comes to romancing him- though Cas has a bad track record of liking men he shouldn’t. Causing him yo be generally more closed off to intimacy? And hyper sexual. Cas loves sex. Sex, and fighting. And the Twilight movies.
Yeah, really I’ll add to this as I see fit- but that’s a little starter for who Cassidy is, a little description of his appearance- you guys are more than welcome to ask more stuff about him- he’s an open book for me, Cas has been in my head for years at this point, so it’s nice finally having a fandom to cement him in that allows me a ton of creative freedom over his self.
I’ll start posting my drabbles and stories of him going forward, and if you guys ever wanna ask questions about him, you’re more than welcome to 💖
As far as kinks go, gonna make a short list, of the type of fetish and kink content I’ll be writing for Cas- not all at once lol, but it’s stuff I just plan on eventually. When the thoughts come
Kinks/fetishes: raunch, foot fetish, spit kink, musk/scent kink, underwear fetish, incest, underage, teacher/student, humiliation, dom/sun undertoned things- no strict dynamics, double penatration, watersports, cuckolding- and that’s just to name a few off the top of my head lol
I also plan on writing Cas in poly ships as well- CasxKrBk for example, which I fucking love lol
So yes! A tiny intro. Time for the actual fics 🔪💖✌🏼
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samshine99 · 3 years
First Impressions
Sam hadn’t counted on them getting caught. He had carefully calculated every possible outcome, yet he had never thought that Mick and Ketch would sell them out. Sam had known the minute they arrived that they were fucked. Dean had decided that they were going to ride in the most obvious car. The car the Winchester’s had become known for; their black 1967 Chevy Impala. If they had chosen the car Sam had wanted, a nice inconspicuous used 2005 Lincoln, they would have had a better chance at not being caught. But Dean, being the hard-headed man he was, wouldn’t hear. So here Sam and Dean were, hands and ankles chained together, walking towards their cells.
The policemen roughly tossed them in and told them that their guards would be there soon.
“Ya know, Sammie we wouldn’t be-”.
“Dean, shut the fuck up. You wanted to bring the Impala, which is basically a red flag saying “Oh The Winchesters are here,” Sam said, laying down on the way too small mattress. Dean opened his mouth to respond but heard voices coming their way.
“Come on Cassie, they wouldn’t have put us together if they thought one of us would do. Besides, they could be cute and I could use some eye candy.”
“Gabe, these are mobsters. They could kill you in under a minute. Besides they aren’t some small family, These are The fucking Winchesters, one of the biggest mob families out there.” Sam chuckled in his cell, the younger Winchester was hidden all but his legs. The laugh brought the officers attention back to the matter at hand.
“Which do you want, Cassie? Mr. Ken doll or Mysterio over there?,” the short, golden haired man asked.
“I’ll take Dean or should I say ‘Mr. Ken Doll’, the tall dark haired one responded.
“Guess that means I got Mysterio,” Gabe pulled a chair over and sat down in front of Sam’s cell. Gabe sighed loudly and pulled out a magazine. He looked into the cell, however the shadows hid Sam’s face. Dean, on the other hand, was flirting vigorously with Cas.
“So, do guys like you come here often?,” Dean asked, leaning against the wall of his cell.
“I’m just your guard. NOT one of your little sluts that will come whenever you call,” Cas said, sitting up a little straighter.
“Dean, stop flirting with your guard. I get that you may not be able to keep it in your pants for any time greater than 2 hours, but you're gonna have to learn how to,” Sam said, rolling over onto his side.
Gabe didn’t see what Sam looked like until it was meal time. Even then, Gabe had to draw him out.
“Yo food. And please make my job easier and eat the food. I don’t want to have to force feed you,” Gabe said, entering the cell and placing the food down.
“Turn on the light, please,” Sam groaned, rolling over. Gabe nodded and flipped the lightswitch. Gabe left and turned to lock the door. When he finished, he looked up and finally got a glimpse at the younger Winchester. Sam was muscular, however not like Dean was. Sam’s muscles were there but they were as prominent as his brothers. His eyes were...well Gabe couldn’t see them quite well but he guessed they were just as beautiful as Sam. Sam was obviously quite tall, however the ceiling was too low in the cell for him. Gabe gave him a small smile, and the mobster gave him one in return.
The siblings ate quite differently. Sam used the silverware and ate with manners, like he was eating at some fancy restaurant, not on the floor of a jail cell. Dean however ate like an animal, he crammed in the food, not caring how he looked. Cas must have had a disgusted look on his face because Sam apologized.
“I am so sorry about my brother’s horrendous manners,” Sam said, his eyes never leaving the tray of food. Cas shook his head and didn’t respond. Sam, however, didn’t say anything and finished eating. When Sam was done he stood up, taking the tray with him, and put it on the desk. Gabe entered and took the tray.
Unlike his brother, the younger Winchester wasn’t as clear with his flirting. As Gabe left the cell, Sam’s eyes trailed over the guards body. Sam’s guard looked soft and comforting. Where Cas was firm and toned, Gabe was soft. Everything about Gabe looked welcoming. Sam knew that if he wanted to not fall for the guard, he would have to put some distance between them. But fuck that! For the first time in his life, Sam was going to grab something and never let it go.
Prison was boring. Sam and Dean weren’t allowed out of their cells. Sam was used to rooms filled with books that he could read at any time. And now he had one book and it was on prison etiquette. Sam had read the book so much that was already worn at him just having it for just a couple of weeks. It wasn’t that Sam wanted to read it, it was just the only book he had. The first time, it had been an accident, really. After he and Gabe had exchanged nods and Dean was busy trying to get into Cas, Gabe sat down to read. Sam quietly walked over and looked over the guards shoulder to see what he was reading. Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaimen. Sam had read and seen the show. He smiled softly to himself and briefly looked over the page Gabe was on. Crowley was talking to Aziraphale about how Adam was set to receive a hellhound on his 11th birthday. Sam loved the book and tv show dearly. Sam found it funny that a demon loved Golden Girls, but then again who didn’t love Golden Girls.
Gabe felt someone looking over his shoulder and, like any rational person would, he looked up. He caught Sam's eyes, and the mobster lowered his gaze to the floor. Sam was blushing all the way to the tips of his ears. God, that blush is delicious. And if he blushes like that when I catch him reading over my shoulder…, Gabe didn’t dare let his thoughts wander because if he did it would be very bad.
“ ‘m sorry,” Sam said, muffled. Gabe had never seen the younger man so flustered before.
“It’s all fine. Hey, I could read it to you, if you would like. You could sit against the bars and I would read to you. But I mean, if you want I could come into your cell, so I wouldn’t have to worry about you taking the keys,” Gabe said with a little glint in his eyes.
“Yea that might be the best,” Sam said, shyly shuffly back. Gabe entered the cell, bringing his chair with him. He sat down and started softly reading aloud. Sam sat down beside him. Gabe was surprised that the taller man didn’t fidget, instead he just silently sat there and listened. It was nice. Soon Gabe was absent mindedly running his fingers through Sam’s hair. Sam leaned into the touch. It was soft and relaxing. Sam found his eyes drooping and soon he was asleep.
Gabe heard the soft snoring of the younger man and closed the book. He picked Sam up (somehow), and tucked him in. Gabe then left the cell and went to sit outside. He sighed. Fuck. I’m falling, were his last thoughts before napping himself.
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nickelkeep · 4 years
Tumblr media
What Mattered Most
Pairing: Dean/Cas Rating: Teen, for some profanity. Word Count: 6.1K Warnings: Pining, Internalized Homophobia Written For: Nickel’s Storytime On Ao3
Dean stormed into Crowley’s office, despite the warnings from the overworked and underpaid assistant. He threw the copy of Rolling Stone he carried onto Crowley’s desk and waited for his demon of an agent to get off his phone call.
“Seems I forgot about a meeting. A client just showed up at my office.” Crowley shot a smile in warning at Dean. “We’ll catch up soon. I want you to tell me all about this new talent of yours, Kipling. Until next time.” Crowley hung up the phone and picked up the magazine. “Ah, yes. Thursday James. Apparently Country’s brightest new star.” He tossed it back on his desk. “So, to what do I owe the pleasure of your presence?”
“I want to come out,” Dean replied simply and plainly. “I have hidden for the past 15 years because you said my music wouldn’t sell. I’m done not being me, I’m done hiding.” He pointed at the magazine. “He’s been on the scene for six months, and he booked a Stones cover? It took me seven years, Crowley. Seven! They never put country artists on the front.”
Crowley sighed and picked up the magazine and stared at it for a few silent moments before dropping it back on his desk. “No.”
“What the fucking hell!?” Dean’s arms shot out to the sides in exasperation before he pulled them back in, gripping his fingers on the chairback in front of him. “I have done everything you have ever asked of me, Crowley. I am just sick of living a damn lie.”
“So, you want to be ridiculed and laughed out of the country music scene?” Crowley pushed himself to his feet and leaned forward. While Dean had several inches on him, Crowley’s presence alone could cause most to back off. “You have succeeded in this world because you pushed that life away. You have sold out arenas because you are what women want and what men aspire to be. Until you retire, you are the straight, all-American boy. Do you understand?”
“No. I don’t.” Dean stormed back to the doors and swung them open, exposing Sam and Charlie, his lawyer and PR person. “So, I quit.”
“You really want to throw away your, as you acknowledged, 15-year career because you can’t hold hands with a man in public?” Crowley rolled his eyes as Sam and Charlie sat in the chairs across from him. “Oh, for fuck’s sake, Dean. I have not led you wrong. I have not given you any bad advice.”
“You did, 17 years ago, when you first found Dean,” Charlie spoke up.
“He wasn’t out then, and he’s not out now.” Crowley tilted his head and looked at Dean. “Are you?”
“Not yet.” Dean shook his head.
Sam sighed exasperatedly. “For what it’s worth, Fergus, I did advise him to ask you differently. That being said, I don’t disagree with my brother. He’s done everything you asked. It’s been 15 years, and clearly, the world has changed.” Sam pointed at the magazine on the desk. “The world is in love with Thursday James. He’s proven that being queer isn’t a crime. And we’re not changing who Dean is. We’re not asking for chaps and songs about rainbows. We’re just asking you to let him be the person he’s hidden for 15 years. For you.”
“He doesn’t need a big coming-out party.” Crowley gestured at Dean. “Is there a person you’re interested in dating, Dean? Is that what this is? Go on a date. You’re not restricted to going out solo or having beards anymore.”
“Not good enough.” Charlie tapped Sam on the shoulder and pointed down to his briefcase. “As Dean’s lawyer and PR, we’re submitting an amendment to his contract, advising of it’s instant and final termination in regards to Article 2, Section 13.”
“A conflict of interest?” Crowley shook his head. “This is not a conflict of interest. This is me trying to protect my client, which is my job as his manager.”
Sam pulled out the stack of paper and set it on top of the magazine. “It’s a clean cut. We pay you a lump sum that equals 13% of his projected income for the next five years, which is a current 5% more than you take right now. Dean comes off your roster instantly.”
Crowley picked up the papers and quickly flipped through. “I also give up my rights to royalty and merchandising profits. Why?”
“Didn’t think you wanted to be associated with a gay country singer, Crowley.” Dean stood between Charlie and Sam, hands shoved in his pockets as he rocked back and forth from heel to toe. “Figured that 5% would make up for it.”
“Dean. Listen to yourself. You really want to throw our partnership away?” Crowley was practically pleading with Dean. “Why do you want to do this to your career?”
“Crowley, if my fans truly love me, I won’t lose them. And if anything, I’m openly welcoming a whole group of potential fans who think they’re not wanted. This is what’s best for not only me but also for the future of Country.”
Crowley stood up straight and rubbed at his temples. “Fine.” He handed the contract amendment back to Sam. “Believe it or not, I do want you happy, Dean.” He turned to the petite redhead sitting with a giant smirk on her face. “I’m assuming you’ve already started a plan?”
“Yes, but there’s one more thing.” Charlie pointed at Sam. “It was your idea.”
“In order to stay on as Dean’s manager, you will sign a different amendment. I’m going to start the official paperwork. Once you and Charlie come to a full and equal agreement for Dean’s coming out, it will be added to the contract, and both you and Dean will sign it.” Sam opened his suitcase back up and slid the defunct amendment into it. “We have an understanding, Fergus?”
“Yes.” Crowley nodded as he sat in his chair. “I think this is the first time I’ve been outwitted by a client.” He leaned back, resting his hands on his stomach. “Shall we begin, then?”
Thursday James took a deep breath as he took a final bow for the crowd that had come out to see him. While he was excited that his career was taking off, he had never expected how exhausting it would be. He stepped off the stage and into the wings, where he was greeted by his manager and best friend, Balthazar.
“Cassie! That was fantastic, as always!” Balthazar clapped his hand on Thursday’s - Cas’ - shoulder and led him back towards the dressing room. “You simply wowed the hall.”
“If you say so.” Cas slid off his mask, mindlessly playing with the fringe as Balthazar opened the door for him. He crossed over to his seat in front of the mirror and ran his hand down his face. “So. To what do I owe this pleasure? I wasn’t expecting you until St. Louis.”
“I am so very glad that you asked.” Balthazar crossed over to the sofa as Cas started his aftershow routine, beginning with the removal of his eye make-up. “Word of a fascinating tour came through the grapevine, and only a select handful of artists were invited.”
Cas perked up an eyebrow. “So, either I was invited, or you’re trying to get them to bring me along.”
“You were personally invited. By a Charlene Bradbury.” Cas’ head whipped up, and he stared at Balth’s reflection in the mirror. “I see you remember that name.”
“Charlie?” Cas frowned and turned around and stared at Balthazar, mouth agape. “Does she know?”
“Doubtful. Sia could learn a few lessons from you in hiding identity.” Balthazar leaned forward and clasped his hands together. His face turned serious. “Look, I understand the surprise, and I know I’m going to be fighting to get a yes out of you...”
“Damn right, you are! I’m not going on tour with Dean Winchester!”
“Let me finish, Cassie.” Balthazar tugged at his sleeves and fixed them before continuing. “Dean’s been a leader in the industry for 15 years. He’d be exposing you to fellow musicians, new venues, and possibly new members for your staff. Maybe you could steal Charlie out from under him?”
Cas shook his head. “Not happening, Balth. I can’t do it. He headlines arenas, he’s a damn star. I’m...” Cas choked on his own words, unable to finish the sentence. “You knew I would say no, why did you bring it up?”
“Well, for starters, it was 15 years ago. So why dwell on it? If you want him to know it’s you, you can show him that you outshone him in a matter of months.” Balthazar appeared to preen himself at those words. “But there’s an even bigger rumor involving the tour. Dean’s announcing something big.”
“He’s going to be the first country artist in space?” Cas deadpanned.
Balthazar let himself laugh at that. “I honestly don’t know. Charlie wouldn’t spill any beans. But, the rumor is that he’s going to retire.”
“Dean’s 36. Not happening.” Cas shook his head. “He’s got a lifetime ahead of him.”
“Okay, well the people who tour with him, get to find out first, and I am a nosy bastard, okay?”
“You’re a bastard, alright.” Cas picked up the mask he had worn for the evening and started fidgeting with the fringe. “And you’re not winning me over for this tour.”
“Fine. Rumor aside, here are the facts, from the devil herself. It’s a short 10 stop tour. All of the venues are 4000 people or less, either on college campuses or at smaller theaters.”
“That’s a huge step back for Dean.” Cas ran a hand through his hair and squinted at Balthazar. “I can see why retirement is a rumor associated with the tour.”
“That’s not all. The first stop?” Balthazar paused and bit his bottom lip. “Lied Center at KU.”
Dean looked up from his notepad as Charlie entered the studio in the home he shared with her and Sam. “What’s up, Red?”
“I got the final tour line up.” She held up a notepad of her own before crossing over to sit next to Dean. “Still writing?”
“He is.” Sam looked up from his desk. “And driving me crazy. Please get him to stop.”
“I changed my mind, Sam. I’m not writing a brand new song. I’m fixing an old one.” Dean turned to Charlie. “Hit me.”
“We’re going to go with four acts in total. First, a 20-minute set for your opener, a band coming out of hiatus, Tina & Her Pony. Second, We got Thursday James, which there’s a big caveat, but I got him.” She stole a glance at Sam, who was glaring at her.
“Sam’s going to kill you now, I’m okay with this. Continue.” Dean half-joked before gesturing for her to continue.
“Thursday is on for a 30-minute set. And, and, and! Brandi Carlile is on board, also for a 30-minute set assuming that yours is only 45. She’s got a hell of a negotiator on her team. Wonder if she’s single.”
“Brandi, or her negotiator?” Sam leaned forward on his desk, chin resting on his knuckles.
“Her negotiator. That wit. That charm. Ugh. So unfair.” Charlie let out a little sigh before shaking it off and looking at Dean. “So, did I do good?”
“You did fantastic.” Dean set down his pen and paper before pulling Charlie into a hug. “So, what’s the caveat with Thursday James?”
Charlie winced. “Shit, I was hoping you’d forget about that.” She flipped through her pad and pulled out two sheets of paper, handing one to Dean before getting up and taking the other to Sam. “It’s well known that Mr. James is private. I took the time to look up his previous riders. NDAs, no pictures unless he’s in a mask, pretty simple stuff. His agent - who’s name sounds so familiar - sent over his ‘standard rider’ and an amendment specific to this tour.”
“No guest appearances during his set, no requesting him to come on during another person’s set, and no requesting to hang out after shows.” Sam started to rattle off what he was reading. “What the hell?”
“I asked Meg, Brandi’s negotiator, to let me know if she got the amendment as well. I know that Tina & Her Pony didn’t get it as of yet, but Mr. James’ manager may not have sent it to them yet.” Charlie shrugged. “It is strange, but it’s not unheard of.”
“Well,” Dean shrugged, “if it gets him on tour with us, then I’m happy to do it.”
Sam nodded. “I mean, it’s not a bad request. I’ve heard Sia’s rider is insane. Like, you can’t even talk to her between sets.”
“Agoraphobia’s a thing, Sam. Lighten up.” Dean swallowed hard, a brief memory from his past flashing through his mind. “Charles, they okay being on a tour that’s literally called ‘The Thanks for Coming Out Tour,’ or do we have to change that?”
“I may not have mentioned that.” Charlie rubbed the back of her neck.
“WHAT!?” Dean and Sam cried out in unison.
Charlie held up her hands in defense. “Look, we don’t want Dean’s announcement blown before he gets to make it himself, right?” She waited until Dean nodded. “I’m going to get Sam to write up an NDA for the name, then Dean’s going to announce it with the tour dates on his website in a video.”
“So they don’t get to know the name of the tour until they sign the NDA, and if they don’t sign the NDA?” Sam questioned.
“Then, they can be replaced.” Charlie brushed it off. “But after speaking with Meg and Mr. James’ representative - why the fuck can’t I remember his name? - It sounds like they’re okay with it. I think they like knowing that they’ll be in on a rumor before the rest of the world.”
Dean stole a glance at his younger brother, who let out an exhausted sigh before speaking. “I’ll leave you to your magic, Charlie. You’ve never led us astray before. Just tell me what I need to write up and get out for you.”
“Cassie!” Balthazar closed the door shut behind him and held up a folder. “They accepted the terms of your rider with the NDAs and sent them over, signed. Charlie’s getting the rest of their crew to fill them out, and we should have them within 48 hours.” He flipped the folder open. “They responded with a note: ‘We fully honor the requests of Mr. James’ privacy rider. However, if he finds himself in need of someone to speak to, Dean and his crew will be available.’ How charming.”
“Shut up, Balth.” Cas kicked his feet up. “I’m assuming they sent the dates over?”
“Yes, and the rest of the lineup. Tina & Her Pony, you, Brandi Carlile, and Dean.” Balthazar pulled out a paper and handed it to Cas. “There’s also an NDA for you and I to sign. They don’t want the tour’s name to go public until Dean announces it, but they want to make sure we’re okay touring under it.”
Cas looked up from the paper. “I’m assuming you already signed for me?”
“Of course, Cassie.” Balthazar sat down and rested his ankle on his knee. “It adds weight to the retiring theory. ‘The Thanks for Coming Out Tour.’”
Cas chuckled. “One can only hope. I realized that the longer we’re in the industry together, the harder it will be to hide my identity from him.”
“There is that, yes.”
“You still think I should just tell him.” Cas crossed his arms over his chest and slouched down in his chair. “I can’t do that, Balth. I didn’t work my ass off for my career to spite him.”
“You can tell that to the people who don’t know you better, Cassie.”
“If I wanted to spite him, I’d be going by Castiel Novak, not Thursday James. I would show my face and not hide behind a mask. This has always been for me, Balth. I did this. For me.” Cas hung his head. “He wouldn’t care how hard I worked anyway.”
Balthazar pushed himself out of his seat and crossed to Cas before crouching down in front of him. “I can’t pretend to know what happened, Cassie. But when you two went your separate ways? I still believe a little piece of him died.”
“You’re right. You don’t know what happened. And as much as I love you? As much as I’m thankful every day that you’re my manager, my cousin, and my best friend? You do not and will not ever know.” Cas wiped a tear away. “I’m starting to think this was a mistake.”
“It’s not too late for us to back out. I’ve been informed that there are acts dying to fill the spots for this tour.” Balthazar rested a hand on Cas’ knee and squeezed gently. “If you want me to go cancel, I’ll do it in a heartbeat.”
Cas shook his head. “We’ve already signed a million and two pieces of paper, and put in the request to have the riders printed. I got through most of the autographed merch pile...” Cas looked at Balthazar. “As long as he honors the NDAs and riders, I can get through this. It’s ten stops. And if we’re lucky, he’s retiring.”
“Are you taking off the mask the day of or the day after he announces his retirement?” Balthazar smiled, clearly trying to get Cas to laugh. “We can throw a huge party announcing your real identity.”
“Well, if he announces it at KU like you think he is, then I have to wait for an additional nine more tour stops.” Cas attempted to return his cousin’s mirth. “But, I will say that I’ve gotten attached to the name Thursday James.”
“Then, we do an interview with the highest bidder to get an inside look at your life.” Balthazar stood up, his knees cracking. “Oh, bloody hell. When did I get so old?”
“Shut up, you’re only three years older.”
“Don’t waste those three precious years, my darling Cassie.” Balthazar gently patted Cas’ cheek. “Looking forward to losing the mask?”
Cas paused, thinking before nodding. “Once this tour is over, and Dean’s retired? I’ll lose the mask.”
Dean stared out the window as his tour bus pulled up behind the Lied Center. Two other buses were there, as was a small caravan of vans, and Dean made a mental note to offer to charter a bus for the tour’s opening act.
“Nervous?” Sam walked up next to him and looked out the window.
“I mean, when’s the last time we were home, Sammy?” Dean looked to his brother and tried to fight the nervous frown on his face. “The closest before was Topeka, and those Will-Call tickets were never picked up.”
Sam let out a sigh. “I meant about coming out tonight, but I guess that works too. You want Cas here, don’t you?” Dean nodded, and Sam continued. “It’s been almost twenty years, Dean. I know you’re still in love with him, but you need–”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence, Sam. Don’t you fucking dare.”
“I’m going to, but only because you need to hear this. You need to move on. I found out about your... something, with Cas because of that god damned song. You think you could have hidden that you’re gay from Charlie and me?”
“It’s my decision if I move on or not. And I don’t want to. I never have. And, to be honest, Charlie knew.” Dean turned in his seat. “And I wanted to tell you sooner, but...”
“But I was a loud-mouthed kid, and Dad would have killed you. I get it.” Sam sat across from Dean. “You gotta know, Dean. I have only ever wanted to see you happy.”
“Thank you, Sammy.” Dean looked over to the bus door, Sam’s head turned to look as well, as it opened.
Charlie walked up the stairs, her fingers in a peace sign. “What’s up, bitches?” She hip-checked Sam and sat down next to him as he slid over. “Dean?”
“It’s just weird being home.” He swallowed. “You get everything set up?”
“Of course I did, and before you ask, yes, I checked to make sure that a pair of tickets were held for a Castiel Novak at Will-Call.” She reached into her bag and pulled out a notebook and started going over it. “Benny and the boys want to know if you have the setlist finished.”
“Yeah.” He flipped up a piece of paper and slid it over to Charlie as he prepared for their pre-venue checklist.
“I know you can see it, Cassie.” Balthazar took a sip from a water bottle before handing one to Cas. “How are you holding up?”
“We’re back in Lawrence. I’m on tour with Dean, but it’s as a solo act.” Cas set the bottle down and looked up at Balthazar. “Balth, did I make the right choice, or was I too lenient in letting you twist my arm?”
“Well, that’s not fair. I’ve never made you do anything you don’t want to do.”
Cas ran his fingers through his hair. “I know. Even when it could have made us - how did you say it? - filthy fucking rich, you never forced me to do it.” He picked up the mask in front of him, an emerald green one with gold embroidery and fringe, and gently traced his fingers over the ornate pattern. “I’m making a huge fucking mistake.”
“Cassie. You have been having this fight with yourself for the past month while the tour dates got finalized. We are here.” Balthazar picked the bottle up and cracked it open before handing it back to Cas. “If you need alcohol, I’ll give you a couple of shots after your set, per your rider.”
“Can we break my rider for once?” Cas pinched the bridge of his nose before picking up the bottle and taking a sip. “So, what do you need?”
“Since we’re borrowing Dean’s band for the tour, their leader - a handsome, hopefully single, drummer named Benny - is asking for a finalized setlist. He also wants to do a test run of a song or two with you for the sound crew.”
Cas pushed himself out of his seat and went back to his bedroom. He grabbed a notebook off of the bed. He stole a quick look at the picture on his nightstand - a reminder from his life 17 years ago - before rejoining Balthazar. He handed the paper over and sat back down. “Small change from the usual list.”
“Cassie...” Balthazar looked up from the setlist.
“I don’t need your criticism right now. I made sure that the song was on the possible choice list for the tour.” Cas put on his mask.
Balthazar shook his head. “Not criticizing. Just worried about you.”
Dean was on edge as the concert started. He had paced his dressing room until Tina & Her Pony started the first song of their set. Per his request, Charlie had gotten their music on his phone, so he could listen to it, but hearing them live was much better. He calmed down and finally sat on the sofa, drinking the water Sam forced on him.
“You look like you’re going to faint.” Sam took the seat in front of the mirror and checked himself before turning around to face Dean. “You do your grounding technique?”
“Yes, Samantha.” Dean rested his forehead in his palms and stared at the ground. “They’re probably not going to answer at the box office, are they?”
“You’re not going to find out, Dean.” Charlie looked up from her phone. “I will unplug that phone if necessary.”
Dean harrumphed and slunk down further into his seat.
“Seriously, Dean. What’s finding out if he’s here going to do? If he didn’t come, you’re going to be mopey. If he did come, you’re going to be so nervous you can’t perform.” Sam pointed at him. “Go through your grounding again.”
“I’m fine.” Dean closed his eyes and focused on the current set piping through the speakers. He gave himself a silent reminder to provide Charlie with a raise for picking the duo for the tour’s opening act.
A few songs later, one of the members thanked the audience and told them to enjoy the rest of the show. Dean opened his eyes and looked up to the monitor, and watched as they waved and stepped offstage. The stage crew stepped in quickly and prepped for the next set. Dean sat up in surprise as he watched them roll a baby grand onto the stage, not remembering which of Thursday James’ songs required it.
“Charlie?” Dean smacked her shoulder and pointed to the monitor. “I don’t remember that on his list.”
“I have no idea.” Charlie sat up in her seat and leaned forward, aptly paying attention alongside Dean.
Cas was incredibly impressed and surprised by how easily his set had gone so far. He was humbled and honored by the sheer number of people who were cheering for him, and he used their energy to wash away his dread and apprehension.
“Ladies, Men, and Gentlethem.” He pulled the mic out of the stand and spoke into it as he walked over to the piano. “There’s a little something special I wanted to do for you all tonight.”
The crowd cheered, and Cas took the opportunity to inhale deeply as he put the mic into the stand clipped on the piano.
“I’m sorry to disappoint, but it’s not a new song, but a song that you all are familiar with. When I first wrote it, I had intended it as a piano ballad.” Cas sat down and adjusted the mic. “A few of you may have already noted it missing from the lineup, but it’s one that I’ll always sing until I can’t anymore.”
Cas ran his fingers over the keys in a brief allegro, stirring the crowd up even more. He took in another deep breath and closed his eyes before hitting the first chord of the song.
Catch ’em by surprise and Chasin’ the horizon Nothing holds me down Askin’, “Where the time’s gone?” Dreamin’ with the lights on Tryna keep your eyes on Something along the rise
You and I Bide our time And I miss summertime
Cas found himself surprised by the number of cheers as he played. While he was there to perform for the concert-goers, this was for him. This was to get him through the remainder of the tour.
Catch him on the run, they Punish those who love young Never right on time Watch each other fallin’ Always catch the call and Whistle while we’re walkin’ Something inside me dies
You and I Why, oh, why? And I miss summertime
Cas swayed in his seat, letting the piano run through him. He fought back the tears that threatened to spill.
Keep on rockin’, baby Keep on risin’ on the tide Son of a gun and maybe We’ll be ridin’ all night Something inside me dies You and I, You and I Bide our time. And I, I miss summertime
You and I Why, oh, why? And I miss summertime
Cas hit the final chord of the song, and the venue exploded. He stared at the keys for a few moments, letting the tears fall softly before nodding. “Thank you, everyone. Enjoy the rest of the concert. Up in just a few minutes will be the amazing Brandi Carlile!”
He stood up and waved before quickly walking offstage. Balthazar led him to his dressing room. Once the door was shut, Balthazar pulled Cas into his arms and hugged him tightly. “I am so sorry, Cassie. I never realized it.”
“Realized what?” Cas sniffled.
“You two. You and Dean? You were together.”
Cas swallowed and looked up at Balthazar. At a loss for words, there was only one thing he could do. He broke down and sobbed into his cousin’s arms.
Dean was still shaking from Thursday’s set when he was given his five-minute warning. Brandi was terrific, and he looked forward to hanging out with her after the show, but the way that Thursday sang, the smooth whiskey sound, the profound heartbreak... Dean knew there was more there. Something was entirely familiar to him, and it was driving him crazy that he couldn’t put his finger on it.
Dean walked out to the stage, waiting in the wings for Benny to start their opening number with the rest of the band. He tried to shake himself loose, rolling his neck and stretching out when Charlie walked up to him.
“You’re working yourself up, Dean.”
“Yeah, and I’m about to come out to a sold-out auditorium, which is probably going to go viral. Forgive me if I’m nervous that I’m going to kill my career tonight.” Dean pulled his arm in front of his chest, stretching out his shoulder, before switching to the other.
“And you’re so full of shit.” Charlie looked out to the stage as Benny counted the band out. “Break a leg, Dean.” She stood up on tiptoe and kissed his cheek before stepping back further into the wing.
Dean shook himself out one more time, putting on a great big smile and ran out on stage, waving to the crowd. “Good Evening, Lawrence!”
The crowd roared, and Dean broke into his first song. Their energy was contagious, and it took all of Dean’s power to not come out right then and there. He wanted to ride the high and get it over with. But people came out on an excellent show, and he was going to give it to them. And it was all he could hope that they would still be fans when all was said and done.
After the eighth song in his set, yes, he’d been counting, Dean smiled at the crowd and winked. “I think it’s that time, huh?” He took his guitar that he had acquired during the second song off, and walked it to a stand. He picked up his acoustic guitar and grabbed a stool before setting back up in front of the mic.
“First and foremost, I want to thank y’all for coming out tonight.” Dean sat on the stool and pulled the guitar strap over his head. “I’m not sure if y’all know, but Lawrence is actually my hometown.” Cheers and whistles rifled through the crowd. “I was born and raised here, stayed until I was 19 years old. Ran off to Nashville, found a manager who thought I was decent, and here I am. Blessed by fans like y’all.
“And I mean it when I say I’m truly honored to have so many wonderful fans. But there’s something that’s been eating me up inside for a long time, and I need to be honest with y’all.” Dean strummed absentmindedly on his guitar, his fingers starting the beginning notes from memory. “Eleven years ago, my second album came out, and on it is a song that means so much to me.
But my manager, even though I’m not which one more, was concerned for my career and my safety. He refused to let me include it on the album unless I changed the pronouns.” Dean bristled at the hushed whispers going through the crowd. “While that song turned out to be one of my most significant hits, I’ve never forgiven myself for letting that change be forced onto it.
“I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m gay. And Cas, if you’re out there. Anywhere. This has always been your song, sunshine.”
Cas fell off of the sofa.
The room spun around, and Balthazar joined him in a heartbeat as he stared up at the screen. His mind was racing a mile a minute as he thought through Dean’s discography.
I thought I knew the boy so well If he was sad, I couldn’t tell I missed the point I missed the signs So if he’s gone the fault is mine I know, I know a whole lot little things And even though I could list them one by one Oh, he would still be gone
Cas sucked in sharply. He knew this song. He knew it better than he would ever care to admit. He had often dreamt about it being for him.
His eyes are blue His hair was long In ’84 he was born In Baton Rouge His favorite song is “In My Life” I memorized his every move I knew his books, his car, his clothes But I paid no attention to what mattered most
Cas pushed himself up to his feet, relying on Balthazar’s shoulder for support. His eyes were locked on the screen, feet unable to move.
I never asked he never said And when he cried, I turned my head He dreamed his dreams behind closed doors That made them easy to ignore I know, I know I missed the forest for the trees All I have to show Oh, when he walked out the door The cold facts and nothing more
His eyes are blue His hair was long In ’84 he was born In Baton Rouge His favorite song is “In My Life” I memorized his every move I knew his books, his car, his clothes But I paid no attention to what mattered most
Cas started to the door, ignoring Balthazar calling after him. He ran out the door, making it to the stage as Dean began the final refrain.
His eyes are blue His hair was long In ’84 he was born In Baton Rouge His father’s tall His mother’s gone He moved out west when he was two The way he laughed The way he loved Oh my god, what did I do?
He dreamed his dreams behind closed doors I never asked he never said
Cas looked out to the crowd as Dean got a standing ovation. He wanted Dean to have this moment, to know that the audience would still love him, regardless of orientation. But Cas also wanted to know if Dean still loved him. He needed to know.
He started to walk out on stage when a hand wrapped around his arm and pulled him back. “Holy shit. Cas? You? You’re here?” Charlie looked him up and down. “Oh my god. Thursday James. Castiel James Novak.”
“Please, Charlie. Can I?”
“You have a lot of explaining to do, but you both do.” She turned him around and pushed him gently. “Go get him, and make him whole again. Please.”
Dean gave a final wave to the crowd before turning to walk off of the stage. He looked up from his boots, and his eyes met the bluest eyes he’d ever seen, and he’d never forget. Dean’s knees went weak and out from under him, and he grabbed the stool he’d just been sitting on. “Cas?”
An electric buzz shot through the crowd as the realization settled over the venue. Cas looked out to the audience, then took a few steps closer. Dean pushed himself to his knees, staring in awe.
“Hello, Dean.”
Dean looked Cas up and down when everything clicked. “Thursday... Castiel. Fuck. How did I...?”
Cas finished closing the distance between them and held his hand down. Dean took it and allowed Cas to help pull him to his feet. Once standing, Dean hesitantly reached forward, his hand faintly touching Cas’ cheek. Cas took Dean’s hand and pressed it against his cheek, and Dean felt the first sob wreck through his body.
“That song has always been for me?” Cas whispered, and Dean nodded, unable to find his words out of shock. “You never stopped?”
“Loving you?” Dean shook his head. “Never. It has always been you, Cas. I knew what I lost, and I couldn’t move on. I won’t ever move on from you.”
Cas leaned in and pressed his lips softly against Dean’s, and Dean felt Cas’ mouth break into a smile as cheers erupted from the crowd. “Am I dreaming, Dean?”
“God, I hope not, Cas.” Dean brought his other hand up, holding Cas’ face as he rested their foreheads together. “I have missed you, so much, Cas.”
“You don’t have to anymore, Dean.” Cas kissed Dean again, reclaiming his lost love for himself and no longer dreaming behind closed doors.
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Soooo, this is officially firts ff I'm gonna post
Sabriel, background Destiel
Hurt/comfort, hurt Sam
3k Enjoy
It was evening. Sam and Dean sat in some quite cheap restaurant and waited. Suddenly Cas appeared out of nowhere.
“Hi, Cas,” greeted him Dean.
“Hi, Dean,” said Cas and blushed.
“Hi, emh, where is Gabriel. I thought, that you'll come together.” Sam looked something between nervous and worried.
“Don't worry, he'll come in a minute, he just got into an argument with Michael, when I was leaving.” Cas looked apologeticly towards Sam but it didn't seem to work.
‘‘What's so important, that he has to argue about it, when we have a date?!” Sam stood up and slammed his fists onto the table angrily. When he realized, what he's done, he sat down and sighed.
“Apparently, you.” Cas answered.
“Michael said, that he wants you just as his ‘fuckdoll’ and that he just pretends, that he feels something towards you.” Both brothers stared at him with anger written in their eyes. But after few seconds Sammy blinked and when he opened them again, he looked really hurt.
“What?! Yeah, I knew, Michael is an asshole but this-”
“- is the last thing he'll say 'bout you, I promise.” said Gabe as he slowly flounced towards their table.
“Gabe” Sam stood up again, this time not to shout, but to hug the archangel tightly.
“So now, when we're all finally here, I'd like to have something to eat” Dean smirked a little at Cas, as if the two of the knew something the others didn't.
“So, let's eat then” responded Gabe happily. They all sat down and ordered their food. Dean and Gabriel got burger with fries. Typically. And Cas and Sam got salad. How surprising...
“How's heaven doing now?” asked Sam with genuine concern. Mainly because of what he heard Cas saying, that Michael said about him and his lovely archangel.
“Well, it's complicated-” started Cas just to be interrupted by his older brother.
“Bullshit, it's total anarchy up there, don't suger coat it, sweetie.”
“I asked you at least million times to stop calling me like that.” Despite his words he blushed a little, he trully loved the shit of his brother.
“But, yeah, you're right. We don't have an idea, what to do.” Dean suddenly grabbed Cas' hand in silent declaration, that he'll stood by him, don't matter what. Cas shortly squeezed the hand and then smiled.
The supper continued silently for a while, only a tinkling of a cutlery could be heard.
“Are you currently working any case?” asked suddenly Cas.
“Well, it depends. We are trying to find some information about- well, it doesn't matter, so yes, but actually no.” answered Dean.
“You seriously should work on your verbalization. It's terrible.” snarked Gabriel. He loved teasing his maybe-soon-to-be-brother-in-law.
“You're just jealous, because I'm more handsome than you.” And Dean loved teasing him back.
“You? Handsome? Just maybe, because you'd rather use hand, than-”
“Guys, enough. Gabe, if you want to talk about my brother's sex life, I don't care, but please, do it when I'm not in the room! Have I made myself clear?!” Sam looked genuinely exasperated. But can you blame him? The boys were adult, they should act like ones.
“Yes, mom…” said Gabe and then giggled like a friggin five-year-old. Sam sighed.
“Than behave or l'll have to give you a spanking like to a bad kid.” Sam's face was deadly serious, but the corners of his lips were twitching upwards a little.
“Sammy, weren't you the one, who got angry at us like a minute ago, because we were talking about something, you, as my brother, don't have to know 'bout?” Dean seemed like he didn't know whether to laugh, cry, kill his brother or everything exactly in that order.
“OK, what about changing the subject?” uttered Cas into an awkward silence after a while.
“Sure. The food tastes like a mud, doesn't it?” joked Dean. The waiter unfortunately heard him, so she observed him judgingly, frowned and then let it go.
“You seriously don't have to insult everyone around you. After all those years it's rather annoying.” hissed Sam. Cas couldn't stand it anymore.
“I have an idea. We're all almost finished with our meals, so I insist we pay and go to motel before we” -he sent a significant look to both brothers- “got into some serious argument. Agreed?”
“No, it just started to be funny.” Dean threw on his don't-you-dare-steal-away-my-toys-
while-I-am-playing-with-them face.
“If this is your idea of fun, I really pity you.”
“What? He acts like a child!”
“And you don't?!”
“Cassie, Cassie. The only way I can relate to Dean is using dictionary of a child in kindergarten. Ain't it, Dean?”
“Enough, you assholes! This was supposed to be really nice dinner, but I can't be in here with you another fucking second!” Sam spitted his words out while rising from his chair. Then he simply run away from them. They haven't had a courage or maybe a certain dose of masochism to go after him.
“I should check on him. Fuck, this is my mistake.” breathed Gabe after few minutes.
“You have to let him cool down. Trust me, I know him. Right now he'd shoot you, if you'd try to approach.” admitted sadly Dean.
“I have to do something!” barked Gabriel in response.
“Gabe, Dean is right. Let's go to the motel. He'll came back when he'll think, he's able to face you two. Because he was right, you were really acting like assholes.” proclaimed Cas with his strong, yet soothing voice. And they did as he said...
When Sam came back, it was long after midnight. He tried to silently sneak in, but the first thing he's seen, when he turned on the light, was his furious boyfriend.
“Where do you think you've been?! I was fucking worried about you and I couldn't find you because of the sigils! And now you try to sneak in like teen-age boy, who's just drunk his first bottle of vodka and he's afraid of what his parents are going to say! So tell me. What do you think I'm supposed to say?!”
Gabriel shouted like he's lost his mind. He desperately wanted to punch him in his face and then kiss him, like there's no tomorrow.
“Who are you to blame me?! The date was my last hope to have a 'normal' life. I was looking forward it for like two months and you and the underdeveloped man, who calls himself my brother, have to ruin everything. I love you, OK? But right now I want choke you!”
“That can be arranged…” Gabriel winked and knelt down.
“That's exactly the reason, why I'm angry! You can't be serious for a moment! Stand up, or I'll leave again.” Gabriel stood up. He looked somehow, well, different. He was frowning and he seemed to be confused.
“Sammy, what's wrong? You are never running away. Not unless is something hunting you, but this is not the case, so, what are you afraid of?”
“I'm desperately trying not to get lost in this parody of reality. But I'm afraid it's too late. I'm already lost. Can you hug me, please? Because I'm not sure, whether you are actually here, or my mind is playing tricks on me. And you are one of a very few people who can hold me together, when I think, that everything is falling apart. So don't say anything and just hug me…” Sam seemed as if he lost a last drop of his energy, after he said it. He dropped on his knees and started to tremble. Gabe immediately knelt down so he could hug the shivering nothing, that's left of his boyfriend. The archangel wrapped this arms around Sam. ‘He lost so much weight, how could I not notice it?!’ he screamed at himself in his mind.
“Sammy, I'm so sorry, I had no idea, that yo-”
“Don't speak. I got used to silence and your words aren't going to help me anyway. Because you don't mean it. You'll leave me. I know it.” Sam was devastated. He was sobbing mess. And the worst part of this tragic moment was, the he truly believed to his words.
“Do you think so little of yourself? And of me and our relationship? Does it mean nothing to you?”
“No! It means everything to me. That's why I can't lose you. But yes, I think a very little of myself. I don't deserve you. You're an archangel and I'm fucked-up piece of-” Sam would continue but Gabe slammed his lips upon his. He kissed him fiercely although he got almost no reaction from Sam. Then he drew himself back.
“You say, you can't lose me. Than why are you letting me go?…”
“I don't know what to do. I'm tired and angry and I can't control it.” After this statement Gabe lifted Sam up and carried him bridal style to the bed. Then he laid down next to him and wrapped his hands around himself. The only good thing that happened in hours whas hearing Sam's breath deepening as he had fallen asleep.
“Cas, he'll be OK, I know it.” stated Dean as he led his boyfriend to the motel.
“But, we should-”
“The best thing we can do right now, is to let Gabe to take care of him. And you can be sure, that the first thing I'll do when I wake up tomorrow, will be hugging him. He has chaos in himself and unfortunately I can't help him to sort it out. He has to do it himself. But I will be there for him, forever and always.” Dean's vow was pure and full of love. He ment it, every single word. Cas was amazed. He has truly chosen the most loving and caring person on the entire world.
“Right now I want to spend time with you, though.” Dean giggled a little and than he winked at Cas. He leaned in and pecked him on the lips. Cas didn't hesitate for a second and deepened the kiss. Their tongues have been rubbing against each others'. The kiss was becoming sloppier and sloppier until the passion completely burned down.
“I'm not sure if it's not too soon, to say something like this, but Cas, I love you and I'm genuinely happy for the first time in my life.” Dean's voice was solemn. And this moment seemed perfect for such a declaration.
“And I love you too.” Cas conjured one of his magical smiles, that could break stones and then he kissed Dean again. This time it wasn't quick and passionate. No, it was slow, they both knew they had time, so the kiss celebrating their first ‘I love you’ has to be just perfect. Cas wrapped his arms around Dean's neck and Dean did the same but around the waist. Their lips slowly parted, but they stood still, enjoying each others' presence.
“We should go to bed, I'm quite tired.” admitted Cas after some time. Dean hasn't answered, he just led them to a bed and tucked them under a blanket.
“Good night, sweetheart”
“Good night, love.”
Dean did as he said the previous day. Checking on his brother was the first thing he has done in the morning.
“Sammy, how do you feel?” Dean sat down on the bed in Sam's and Gabriel's motel room. He sat next to Sammy but not too close to make him uncomfortable. Gabriel and Cas had done the best thing, they could. Walked away.
“I should be angry at you, but I feel too tired to do so. It's pity, though. If we'd got into an argument, then we'd atone and everything would be better.” Sam was visibly exhausted. He had dark circles under his eyes, that Dean was sure, it wasn't there last evening.
“If you want to argue, I'd arrange it, although it'd broke my heart.”
“Was it an irony, or not?” asked Sam with a glimpse of genuine concern.
“Well, both, obviously.”
“And now seriously. What can I do for you, Sammy? I've already sacrificed my soul for you, I'd gladly do it again.”
“You're saying, that we should be serious and you're being sarcastic. Yeah, don't say anything, I know. Denial is your shield. I know you, Dean. I know what are you terrified of.” Sam wrapped his arm around his brother's shoulders. ‘Everything is gonna be better,’ he said to himself. ‘It has to…’
“Wasn't it supposed to be 'bout you?” laughed Dean. Although he'd rather cry.
“I think that we're two halves of one whole. If is something wrong with me, it affects you too and vice versa. But you haven't said anything about my remark about you being in denial. So perhaps it is true.”
“It isn't! No, I'm not in denial. I-” Dean was interrupted in the middle of his inhale.
“-am denying that. As would any person in denial do. Dean, seriously, you have to move on. You are stuck in the beginning. Let it out, all of it. Go, be angry, crush things. Just stop pretending, it's not real, because it won't make the things you're afraid of smaller, you just won't see it for awhile. And do you know, what will happen, if you leave them unsupervised? They will grow! You have to say it. Right here. Right now.” In the middle of his speech Sam stood up to face his brother. After that act both brothers' face changed colour. Sam flushed and Dean paled.
“Weren't you deadly tired just few minutes ago?” snarked Dean in response, because he was trying to hide, how Sam's words had affected him.
“Well, I was, but someone has to look after you, since you are not able to do it yourself.”
“Are you trying to tell me, that you stopped being tired, just to make fun out my fears?”
“Do you really think I'm doing all of this, just to make a fun out of you?! I'm trying to help you, you asshole!”
“I'm sorry. You know, that you're not the one I doubt about…”
“Dean,”-Sam exhaled- “don't. Just don't.”
“So, since you are better,” Dean ignored his brother's remark, “you should spend some time with Gabriel, you two have a lot of talking to do.”
“Ugh, fine. I hate to admit it, but you are right..."
“Here,” Gabriel hugged Sam tightly, “I hold you and I won't let you go, 'till you learn, how to love yourself.” Sam smiled, then he leaned forward and kissed Gabe fiercely. Gabriel slightly laughed into the kiss.
“Although I find this unbelievably pleasant, it won't bribe me. I still cling to my words.”
“I know, you always do.” The archangel took a step backward and instead of a reply, he put on a serious face. It wasn't exactly pleasant for Sam, mostly because they just had a heavy make-out session like a few seconds before, but also because Gabriel was the least serious creature he knew. The room fell into a silence. The heavy, suffocating one.
“Baby steps, okay? You have to start with allowing yourself things. You made a mistake? You can allow it to yourself. Crave something? Allow it. It's the first step. Everybody has to indulge themselves sometimes. Got it?” While talking, Gabriel was looking Sam straight into the eyes and Sam felt a cold sweat run down his neck.
“Yeah, I guess. But about the mistakes- whenever I make a mistake, someone dies. It's not something to be proud of.” Sam replied resignedly.
“Sammy, how often do you think about, the people who died because of you?” Gabe asked with a sudden harsh.
“It's not like I think 'bout them constantly, it's more like they never seem to leave my head. Not really. Let me guess, it's not the answer you wanted to hear.”
“Yeah, you're right. That's exactly, what I didn't want to hear. But I can't say I'm surprised. I already know you. And here's my second question- how often do you think about the people, that are alive thanks to you, the people you saved?”
“I do think about them and I replay the memories of them but only, when I feel really, like, really bad. I do it on those days, when I'm too sick and self-pitying to even leave bed. It's when I think, I don't matter. The world doesn't need me. It needs Samuel Winchester, the man, who repeatedly saved it. Not Sam, who's more childish and broken inside, that he's willing to admit. And it's confusing, because in the end, there's just one man. Sam. Only Sam, a little boy who had to grow up too soon. Does it make any sense?” Sam looked like he just had an out-of-body-experience. He was there, he was talking, but his eyes were empty, like he was somewhere else.
“It does, actually. I'm really glad you told me.” Gabriel smiled sympathetically. Then he clapped his hands and put on a mischievous smile. “And now, since we don't have anything to hunt, I suggest we head into a bed for more pleasant activities to do. Agreed?”
“I'm sorry babe, but I'm actually kinda tired.” Sam changed his expression back to self-pitying one, even though he smiled just a moment ago.
“Let's go sleep, then. Is there anything, I can do for you?”
“Yes. I think I'd really like to sleep with my cute little spoon.”
Gabe snorted and responded, “First of all, I'm not a cute little spoon, I'm a fierce archangel. Heaven's most powerful weapon. And second of all I'm, I am, I…” Gabriel flushed. It's not usual for him to run out of words. But it was mostly because he just now at this exact moment realized how whipped Sam had him. Absolutely.
“Were you about to say something love?” Sam teased.
“Yes, let's go to bed.” Gabe's last words faded into silence. They laid on the small and crappy motel bed. To Sam it wasn't small and crappy, though. Maybe it was because Gabriel snapped his fingers and conjure a better one but he thought it was because of his love's hands running up and down his side...
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marvel-noms · 5 years
After School Snack
Have my sleep deprived hot mess -snexy))
When Scott first got the instinct he wanted to lock himself away from his family, scared he'd  end up hurting them. Time went on however and Hope told him he was a dumbass for trying to hide from them, they loved him after all. 
Despite trying to keep his work away from his home life he ended up having to gulp his little family down during a mission. He still remembered how horrified he had been when he had to swallow them down. It was a lot different than when he had to tuck Hope away, it was heavier and a bit distracting when Cassie told him to kick butt every so often.
He honestly had expected to never be able to see his daughter away but they had accepted it, knowing he didn’t want to and that it was safe, besides Cassie had absolutely loved it. Scott wasn’t too surprised, his kid had a habit of liking the weirdest things after all. It did make finding a babysitter hard though, most didn’t particularly like a child going on about the insides of a human being, it had been a godsend when he met Peter parker, the kid knowing exactly what Cassie was talking about and why. The little web crawler had actually given him tips about how to handle his kiddo when she was small. 
The only issue was the fact that Peter had taught her how to use very effective puppy eyes which she used a lot on him.  A good example would be when she came home from school.
Scott grins when he hears the door open and slam shut, thrilled his kid was finally back from school. 
"Hey munchkin how was school?" He calls out, finishing putting the last of the band aides on his scratches. He still had issues with being small and hitting the dirt wrong. 
"I don't like it." Cassie whines, making a beeline to her dad. She thought it was burning and the teachers just wanted them to learn useless stuff. She was pretty sure he daddy didn't need to know the 7th's presidents name when he went out on missions.
"No one does, but we have to go." Scotts says sympathetically, grunting when Cassie practically threw herself onto him. She wasn't afraid of announcing what she wanted that was for sure. 
"It's not fair." She grumbles, burying her face into her dad's chest. All she got to do was go to boring school, her dad however got to do super fun stuff with Hope and sometimes he'd even show her the video of what he did. 
"I know, I know." He murrurs softly, running a hand through her hair gently. At this point he took it as a win that he was able to see his kid even after everything that happened. He sighs happily and kisses the top of her head, just relishing the fact they were together.
"But hey, at least you're home!" He says nudging her with a small smile, his smile growing wider when she giggles slightly in agreement. He takes the moment of vulnerability to hit her tickle spots, grinning when she squeals with laughter. 
"Daddy! Stooop!" She begs thrashing around as he tickled her mercilessly. It was little moments like these that just made the day. 
"Or what?" Scott says teasingly, slowly letting up to give his kid a breather. God she was so small and young, before he knew it she would be an adult. He sighs wistfully hanging onto this moment as long as he could, smiling again when tiny hands grasped at his.
"You're a meanie!" Cassie says still giggling slightly from the attack. Scott wasn't sure what triggered him but the instinct screamed in the back of his mind as his kid cuddled closer to him. God he hated this, it felt so wrong to want to eat his child. 
He shudders slightly, trying to act normal for now. "At least it got you giggling grumpy pants!" He says playfully, his stomach growling impatiently as he pushed off the urge.
He hated the way Cassie's eyes went wide at the sound, a look of confusion before she started grinning. Out of everyone he knew Cassie had an odd reaction to being tucked away, then again Stark's littlest didn't mind it either. Maybe it was just a kid thing.
"Oh! Are you gonna eat me?" She asks excitedly, squirming in place. She always knew exactly when he was having trouble squashing the urge down, hell the little crapper would even aggravate it more to get herself gulped up.
"I'm going to try not to." Scott sighs, playfully booping her nose. He wasn't too surprised when she sighs dramatically and buries her face into his chest, looking up at him through her eyelashes. Yep she knew exactly what to do to get his urge to flare up. 
"Now you're playing dirty munchkin." He says with a small grin. He kisses her forehead, trying to ignore his stomachs loud protests of not immediately swallowing his little girl up. 
"M' not." Cassie says innocently, her grin everything but innocent. She knew exactly what she was doing, and it was taking everything in him to not just swallow her up that moment. 
He sighs heavily and shifts up slightly, focusing on adjusting her size to something more manageable. He hated that he was making her a target being this small, but she didn't seem to mind, just excitedly bouncing. She really was something else.
"Alright you win." Scott says with a nervous smile, shifting Cassie into his hand. God she was so small like this, it always freaked him out that he could just hold his kid in one hand like this. He relaxes slightly when she cheers, grinning widely up at him.
"You lil pooper you knew exactly what you were doing didn't you?" He says teasingly. He smiles a bit bringing her up to his mouth. She was so fragile like this, that of course didn't help the ever present urge screaming at him to just tuck her away. He cringes slightly and opens his mouth mentally bracing himself.
"Maaaybe." Cassie chirps, giggling excitedly when she was plopped inside her dad's mouth. She wasn't sure why he hated this so much, it was soft and warm! It got dark and sometimes that was scary but Peter suggested that she use glow sticks which was always fun!
She grins widely, squirming around when she was squished around, squealing with laughter when her daddy started tickling her again. He was always so much fun when he was like this, she wasn't sure why her daddy hated it.
"Stoop! N-no Moore!" She squeals wriggling around as she was mercilessly tickled. 
Cassie's little chest heaves as she tries to catch her breath, still giggling slightly as she tried to calm down. She wriggles around a bit as she reaches into her pocket keeping a death grip on her glowstick, she would probably need it soon.  
She squeaks slightly as she was pressed up against the roof of her dad's mouth. She grins widely when the muscle under the twitched unsafely, like Scott was having second thoughts, like always. Before she could reassure her daddy that it was alright and that she was a big girl, she was squashed down into his throat. 
She smiles brightly as she slipped down with a small squelch. The trip down was always squishy and tight but it was like a water slide so it wasn't too bad. Besides she got to hear Scott's heart as she slipped down into his stomach, she liked that part a lot. 
"You alright munchkin?" Scott questions softly, lightly resting a hand over his stomach. He felt Cassie plop in a second ago so she should be fine right? The waiting always killed him, he never liked having to wait to know if he accidently hurt his kid. 
"Yeah! Peter gave me glow sticks, is it kay if I use them?" 
He sighs in relief melting back into the couch. She was alright, he hadn't hurt her. And the angry yelling in the back of his mind had gone away, so bonus. He hadn't exactly heard what she said over the loud very pleased gurgles of his stomach but figured it wasn't anything yo bad.
"Go ahead sweetheart." Scott says with a pleased sigh. He tenses up when he hears something snapping but before he could panic entirely he saw a soft glow coming from his middle.
Yeah he would so be talking to Peter later about glow sticks.
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Title: Animal (11)
Chadwick Boseman X Black Reader “Sianna”
 Chapter Warning: Cursing, angst,
 Word Count: 5k
 Note: How long’s it been? Wow, I’m sorry guys. Anyway, here we are. Hope you guys enjoy this one. As always thank you for reading, I appreciate you!
 **Loosely edited/Proofread***
**Interactive Chapter**
If you enjoyed this please LIKE, REBLOG, COMMENT. ❤️ ❤️
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Three Weeks Later
 “Chad!” Shouted Tye trying to get his attention. Chadwick snapped out of it with a shake of his head.
 “I been calling your name for a straight minute. Where the hell were you?”
 “Right here, man. What’s up?”
 “Nah, you’re not here. If you were here you would have objected to that salary for the next role, especially given how bankable you are now,” Tye added.
 “12 mill is abysmal especially given the immediate success of Black Panther. Don’t worry I’m going to hardball for 20,” Tye finished closing the folder on his desk before putting it back into his desk drawer. Once finished Tye looked at him.
 “Now tell me what the hell is going on with you. The last few weeks since you came back from what was to be a relaxing vacation your ass looked dazed as hell like you didn’t know shit. If I didn’t know any better, I would have said you met some fine Jamaican ting, and she put it on you. Now for the last 3 ½ weeks at least you’ve been wandering around here completely not there. You’re physically there but your head man; your head’s not in the game. What the fuck is up?”
 Tye had been his agent/manager since he did his role in “The Kill Hole,” since then they’d been through all the ups and downs of the agency, and he’d always had his back professionally, hell he considered Tye a good friend at this point. He hadn’t told anyone of the shit going on, but his boys and he was reluctant to tell anyone else. He knew what Tye would say. He would make it a huge deal that he hadn’t used protection and that he was even in the situation. Then Tye would say it was for the best because his career was taking off and the complication of a “baby mama” was not something he needed at the time. So, he didn’t say anything.
 “Just tired,” he lied.
 If he were frank with himself, it wasn’t a lie. He was tired. In the last 3 ½ weeks since finding out he was going to be a father with a woman he actually wanted to be with, then fucking it up with said woman, then finding out he wasn’t going to be a father because the woman he wanted to be with ended the pregnancy because of him he hadn’t slept. He roamed around his house at night thinking, painting and writing. In the last few months, he’d gotten further on his screenplay than he had in the last year. He’d created more pieces than he’d ever done on his leisure time. After Tye studied him most likely thinking he was a lying bastard he nodded.
 “Okay. I’ll be in touch when I have some news on the salary negotiations.”
 Chadwick stood preparing to leave; he was supposed to meet Kareem at Urthe for lunch.
 “Don’t forget the Q&A with the BP cast,” Tye reminded. He nodded and gave him a pound and left.
 On the drive to Urthe, he passed Sianna’s store and just like that his mind went right back to her. He scoffed, shook his head and focused on forgetting her. What choice did he have?
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“My man!” Kareem greeted pulling him into a quick half hug.
 “What’s up?”
 Chadwick looked around to make sure no paps were around. Nothing ruined a low-key lunch like the damn flashing of a camera. When they sat down and got comfortable, they ordered their meals.
 “So, what’s new? You’ve been MIA for the last three weeks. What’s up with that?” Kareem asked sitting back in his chair waiting for an explanation.
 Out of all his friends, Kareem seemed to get him the best. He never needed the extra words; they were like brothers from different mothers.
 “Nothing much, just taking some time to—decompress.”
 “Decompress, is that code for find some balls to talk to that girl?”
 Chadwick laughed and shook his head.
 “Man, if you only knew.”
 “Well tell me then.”
 He took a deep breath and with that, spilled it all. He started from the beginning in Jamaica, rounded to Barbados, the fashion line premier, the club, the park, the crash, and the burn. He didn’t leave a single detail out. He was even honest about how he felt for her and his regret with how he handled the whole situation. After he’d explained it all to Kareem, they sat there silent with their plates in front of them. Kareem looked stunned, and Chadwick didn’t blame him. Telling the whole story out loud for the first time, he heard how much this was. After a few more minutes of silence, Kareem finally spoke.
 “So, you met a beautiful, sexy woman on vacation that you fell for, got her pregnant and then called her a slut pretty much? Does that bout’ sum it up?”
 “I mean I didn’t call her a slut…” Chadwick trailed off before looking at Kareem’s “nigga why you lyin” face.
 “Yep, I pretty much called her slut, yep.” He admitted with shame.
 “Wow, nigga. I thought Deron was a whole asshole but you, that was an asshole move.” Kareem chastised. It wasn’t anything Chadwick hadn’t thought, so he stayed silent and nodded.
 “For months you’ve been saying how Simone didn’t feel right. Saying things weren’t the way you wanted, she didn’t make you feel the way you wanted. Now here you met a woman on vacation; said woman made you feel everything that was lacking and then some in one night and every day since and you let her slip by?”
 “I didn’t mean to. Honestly, after the park, I expected to see more of her, get to know her better, build something. I was caught off guard. You know Simone tried that trapping shit. Remember.”
 “Yeah I remember, but she’s not Simone. From what you’ve told me she’s a successful designer. Why trap you when her career was just starting to take off. That’d mean less opportunity for her to build her brand.”
 “I know, I wasn’t thinking. All the blood was literally pounding in my head; all I kept hearing was the word pregnant over and over and then flashing through every time we had sex.”
 “That too, in a club nigga? You a freak if I’ve ever seen one.” Kareem teased. They both laughed for a few moments because it was true.
 Since meeting Sianna, he’d turned into the world’s horniest teenager, and he was a grown ass man. A grown ass man who had self-control, but with her that self-control was obsolete. He sighed out and finished his iced tea.
 “So now she had an abortion, and you’re in your feelings because why? Is it because you really underneath your asshole stint wanted the baby or because she told you to lose her number and stay away from her and that means no more amazing sex?”
 “This was never about the sex. I can get sex anywhere.” Chadwick quickly dismissed, to a pleased-looking Kareem. He asked on purpose because he already knew the answer.
 “I’ve always wanted a family; you know that.”
 “I do,” Kareem confirmed.
 “She’s amazing; smart, funny, ambitious, talented, kind, quick-witted, sexy as hell and equally as beautiful.” Chadwick listed off staring out into the sunny afternoon.
 “I don’t know if I can forgive myself for being the reason she terminated.”
 “You’re going to have to because there is no changing that fact. The past is the past. The question is what are you going to do about the future?”
 “What can I do? She told me to leave her alone.”
 “You remember when we were in college and that girl Cassie said she had a man and there was no way she was ever going to leave him? You said wanna bet. She told you that if you were smart and knew what was good for you that you’d leave her alone cause her man was on the football team and crazy as fuck?”
 Chadwick smiled. He remembered this story.
 “Hell, even her man told you to stay away from her. So, color me fucking shocked when I walk in the dorm room and see her getting pounded out by you. Then her man shows up because everyone on campus loves to talk. So, there you are almost getting knocked out because you couldn’t listen.”
 Chadwick laughed loudly as he fully recollected the situation from sophomore year.
 “Oh man.”
 “You didn’t listen then. Are you the same guy from then?”
 “Hell naw, I’m not gonna go pounding out some other man’s lady on my bedroom floor.”
 They laughed again.
 “But your ass still don’t listen. You always end up doing what you wanna do. What do you wanna do?” Kareem finished.
 Chadwick knew what he wanted to do.
 “She never seems like she’s in. She always comes off like I’m entertainment for her.”
 “Then maybe you should make your intentions clear, that would endear her to opening up to you. You’re a Hollywood actor man, actors have reputations, and they’re not good ones. You have all of Hollywood working against you. What’s she supposed to do; wear her heart on her sleeve?”
 Chadwick hadn’t thought of it that way. He sighed again fully feeling his idiocy.  He’d been not only a world-class asshole but also the biggest idiot. He never laid it out for her that he was interested and wanted to be with her. He never made it that far. Whenever he was around her, it was a matter of minutes before they were both naked and completely wrapped up in each other’s pleasure. Another mistake on his part probably, he should have practiced stronger restraints than he did. He would in the future.
 “It’s not a Gmat exam man; what do you wanna do?” Kareem asked again finishing his glass of Pepsi.
 “I want the chance to make things right. I want the chance to show her who I really am,” voiced.
 “Still not saying nothin man. What do you want?” Kareem continued to badger.
 “I want her. I want her man,” he finally verbally admitted. Kareem sat back, and a wide grin spread across his face.
 “Then make it happen, man. You’re the most persistent man I know professionally speaking, translate all that to your personal life. If she’s anything like I’m imagining, then she’s worth it, and you owe it to yourself.”
 Chadwick nodded his head allowing Kareem’s pep talk to fuel him. He knew he was right, he’d known it for weeks. If he was candid, he knew it the first night his lips touched hers.
 “Nigga why you still sitting here with my ass? Go get her!” Kareem further pushed.
 He laughed, and the two of them wrapped up lunch. Chadwick paid the bill, and the two of them said their byes at their cars. Once he sat in the driver’s seat, he was at a loss. He had no idea what to do to get what he wanted.
 He drove around L.A for what seemed like hours just brainstorming ideas. Every idea he came up with he either found to be too extra or not enough, or too close to throwing his money around to impress her. He didn’t want her to think any worse about him. He didn’t want her to think that he thought she was only about the money or how someone could wine or dine her. He needed to connect with her apart from financial expressions and sex. He needed to show his heart.
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 “Thump-thump, Thump-thump, Thump-thump, Thump-thump”
 The sound loudly filled the room, wrapping around you. You smiled and stared at the monitor watching as Dr. Dubois video graphically traveled the space of your womb. The rapid beating of the heartbeats unexpectedly filled you with worry.
 “That sounds fast. Are they okay?” you asked.
 “Yes, they’re good. It’s normal for it to be so fast. Once they’re born, it’ll level out.
 Just then the image on the monitor in front of you visibly showed two small almost skeletal bodies. The second you saw it you audibly gasped and clasped your hand over your mouth.
 “There are your babies Sienna,” Dr. Dubois informed. A heavy feeling filled your chest as tears stung the backs of your eyes.
 “Oh my god.”
 You paid close attention as Dr. Dubois slowly scanned over each of their tiny bodies and tapped along the adjoining keyboard of the machine. You couldn’t believe your eyes. There they were. Your babies. Yeah, you knew you were pregnant. You felt your expanding belly, the daily growing pains that radiated through your pelvis, and your hips. You saw the changes in your body, the increase in your breasts that pushed you up two bra sizes. You were now a proud card-carrying member of the D cup squad. You spotted all the evidence of your pregnant state, but this was the first time it fully hit you. You were pregnant; you were going to have two babies. Tears streamed down your cheeks before you could stop them. You swiped the backs of your hands across them swatting away the tears.
 “Okay, these babies look and sound great. I’m officially placing you at two days shy of twenty weeks. The babies are about the size of mangos; they look to be measuring around fourteen to fifteen centimeters. Things look good,” Dr. Dubois finished. She finished her exam of the two babies and turned off the machine.
 “Okay, so while those print. How have you been feeling?”
 You sat up and sniffled.
 “Uh, fine, I get a few dizzy spells here or there, um, I get a lot of pelvic and hip cramps it’s pretty annoying. I also feel a little off balance sometimes, more tired, other than that nothing major,” you explained.
 “All right, the dizzy spells are because of the increase in your blood volume. Since conception the volume of your blood has increased and will continue to increase, you may even soon notice more leg cramps, circulation will slow down especially in a twin pregnancy. Hydration plays an important role here, do stay hydrated. As for the pelvis and hip cramps we will blame this on ligament pains. Your body is working hard to stretch to accommodate not one but two babies. Pregnancy is not a small job Sianna; you’re working hard. For ligament pains, maybe try yoga, rest, incorporate stretching through the day. It’ll help with the pain and delivery,” she recommended. You nodded.
 “Equilibrium fluctuations, again blood volume and your center is a little off with the weight of the babies, amniotic fluid, and things of that sort. Tired, rest, take days this is not a quick race, it’s a marathon, a nine-month one. I know you’re busy and trying to achieve all your dreams and I know you may feel like this pregnancy is cramping that, and you now have a deadline before you’re really limited by not only delivery but life with two newborn twins, but there is no need to rush,” your godmother hammered into your brain. You nodded. She knew everything you were going through.
“I’ll try to listen.”
 “Good. All right, so that wraps up this appointment. Again, if there is anything you can call or text me, I’ll always pick up for my favorite goddaughter. They’ll make your next appointment which I think you’re all set up until the end and by next appointment, we’ll be able to clearly figure out the sex of the babies. Okay?”
 You nodded. Dr. Dubois came to your side and kissed your cheek.
 “You’re doing great Sianna,” she reassured before leaving the room.
 Once alone with your thoughts, you took several minutes to let everything sink in. You were not prepared for the reaction you had. The way you’d been feeling since the beginning of the pregnancy made it difficult to connect. You didn’t think you’d connected but you somehow you had. You slowly dressed and gathered your belongings. Once you made your way to the front desk, the receptionist handed you six freshly printed ultrasound pictures. You looked down at them, and again the heavy feeling returned and along with it the urge to cry. You swallowed the lump in your throat and shook off the overwhelming emotions.
 “Thank you.”
 As you went down in the elevator, you couldn’t stop looking at the pictures. They were small but not nearly as alien-like as the weeks before. They looked very much human. You marveled at the fact that they were made from a part of you. You’d created them.
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Once you made it back to your office, it was close to lunch time, and while your entire office took lunch, you sat behind your desk and continued to stare at the ultrasound pictures. A small smile spread across your lips, and you released a sigh. A knock at your door drew your attention. You quickly put the photos in the top drawer of your desk.
 Carolina walked in carrying a vase of flowers. Your eyes widened from shock.
 “What in the hell is this?” you asked without censor.
 “They were delivered fifteen minutes ago and had been sitting out there,” she informed putting the heavy vase on your desk. You stood and stared down at the gorgeous pink and white carnation arrangement.
 “They’re beautiful,” Carolina announced. You nodded in agreement and searched the flowers or a card; there was none.
 “There’s no card.”
 After a few moments of searching to no avail, you shrugged.
 “Hm, strange,” you said before you remembered Chino and smiled.
 “Thank you, Carolina. Are we all set for the meeting?
 “Yes, everything is all set. I’ll see you in there?”
 You nodded. She walked out the door. You picked up your phone and checked your messages. You were getting ready to send Chino a message but paused remembering he was probably busy at the hospital. Instead, you gathered everything you needed the meeting and walked out.
 For the last three weeks since returning from Miami, you’d spent almost every evening with Chino. He took you to dinner when he wasn’t working into the night, lunch, sometimes breakfast when he wasn’t on the early shift at the hospital, and he called and texted you often. You enjoyed spending time with him and more time you spent with him you liked him more. He didn’t overstep your boundaries, wasn’t rude, didn’t come off as all about himself. He never tried to force you into something you weren’t ready for. Instead, he was on board with taking it snail slow, allowing you to take the lead of how often you saw each other, he always remained the perfect gentleman.
Besides holding your hand, the only other move he’d made was a cheek kiss. It was all refreshingly innocent. While this was on the opposite side of the spectrum when it came to things with you and Chadwick, you still enjoyed it. Your hormones raged during the night and often you found yourself still dreaming of Chadwick, but for the most part, you were able to keep yourself in check.
 Throughout the rest of the day as you worked ever two hours you were interrupted with yet another flower delivery. After the carnations came an arrangement of pink Hyacinths, then an arrangement of pink and white tulips, then a bouquet of white lily of the valleys, then an interesting selection of purple orchids that stole the show. You were blown away with how beautiful each display was. You almost sent Chino a message but decided you’d thank him that night when you met for dinner.
 When you were leaving for the day Carolina brought in yet another arrangement.
 Good lord, I can’t carry anything else,” you blurted out.
 “Don’t shoot the messenger. These are m favorite,” she said.
 You stared at the embarrassing display of pink, peach and white roses and smiled. You shook your head.
 “You’re one lucky girl, and that baby has a sweet daddy,” Carolina said. Her words dropped the smile from your face and filled you with a little bit of sadness.
 “Did I say something wrong?”
 “No, no. I’m fine. Can you help me to the car?”
 She nodded and gathered a few of the arrangements and walked with you out of the office. After she’d helped you pile all the flowers into the backseat of your car you made your way home. The smell of all the flowers in the car mingled together creating a new breed scent. The drive was an uneventful one filled with daydreams and smiles when the scent of the flowers filled your nostrils.
 You made it home with an hour to spare before your date with Chino. You unloaded all the flowers from the car to your living room and sat down with a bottle of well-deserved sparkling water. You heard your phone chime with a message. You took it up and saw a message from Chino.
 MSG Chino: I’m sorry, I can’t get away. Three GSW patients just rolled in, and I’m the only attending here until 2 am. I’m so sorry.
 You sighed but didn’t feel any disappointment.
 MSG Sianna: It’s fine, I understand, gunshot wounds before dates. It makes perfect sense.
 You teased.
 MSG Chino: Are you mad?
 MSG Sianna: What kind of person would I be if I were? Date with me or 3 lives?
 MSG Chino: A perfectly fine one. Matter of fact I think you're a great person.
 MSG Sianna: Well, thank you. It's okay, I understand. Save lives. Talk to you later.
 You put your phone down and decided to soak in the tub, hoping it helped with your ligament pains.
 Somehow, you’d fallen asleep in the tub and woke up to the sound of the doorbell. You looked at the clock in your haze; 10:20. You wondered who it could be then thought it was Chino stopping by to apologize again. You sparingly dried off and wrapped yourself in your robe before going downstairs. Once at the door, you opened it and saw Chadwick standing there holding another bouquet of flowers. Your jaw nearly dropped.
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 He stood there in an army green ensemble. All words escaped you for a little while before you realized what time it was and where you were.
 “What’re you doing here?” you asked.
 You watched his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed before he spoke.
 “I know it’s late, and I’m sorry for the time, but I wanted to personally bring these to you to join the others. I also wanted to apologize to you for not only my behavior a few weeks ago, but for the things, I said to you. I was way out of line, and they were beyond disrespectful. I have no excuse for my actions, and I won’t make any, I just need you to forgive me,” he said. You opened your mouth to speak, but before words came out, he spoke again.
 “I know it will take more than a few bouquets of flowers to begin to make up for what I’ve put you through, but I can only hope you’ll let me make up for it,” he said.
 You waited a few moments to ensure he was finished.
 “Are you finished?”
 “How the hell did you find out where I lived?”
 “Um, I may have pretended to be an associate of one of your high-profile clients and coerced your assistant into giving me your address,” he casually informed. You were stunned silent.
 “I’m sorry, I can see now how you’d see that as a breach of privacy, but I had no idea what else to do, or how else to make it up to you. I haven’t been able to sleep, work or think without thinking of you and how royally I screwed things up and I’ve been wracking my brain with ways to apologize and show you what you mean to me, and I couldn’t wait another day,” he rushed out.
 You allowed his words to sink in. He looked tortured but sincere. So sincere it tugged on your heartstrings. You were tempted to forgive him, but then you remembered him practically calling you a slut and insinuating that you were trying to trap him with a pregnancy.
 “How did you screw things up? Was it by calling me a slut and accusing me of trapping you? Or was it by everything else you said?” you asked.
 “I was a major asshole Sianna, that’s clear. I’m sorry. Part of being a man is recognizing when you’ve made a mistake, acknowledging it and having the fortitude to apologize. I am here doing all three,” he said. You sighed out and looked down. He was right.
“So, you were the one who sent the flowers today?”
 “Yes, and these complete the set,” he said holding out the bouquet of peonies, your favorite.
 You smiled and took the bouquet he offered.
 “Thank you. They’re beautiful…my favorites.”
 He smiled that smile that made your stomach do backflips, your heart skip a beat, and your panties soak. You licked your bottom lip and sunk your teeth into them. His eyes dropped to your lips, and he took a step to you.
 “Does that mean you accept my apology?” Chadwick asked, his voice low. It sent chills up your spine.
 You thought for a moment. Flowers and a rinky-dink apology was not enough for the things he said about you or how he’d made you feel. This man had actually made you cry when no one else had in years. The level of how much he hurt you could not be fixed this easily, but something in you wanted nothing more than to give in to him, say yes and invite him in for the night. When you didn’t say anything, he took another step to you then placed his hand on your waist. His eyes dropped down to your stomach before confusion warped his expression. He looked back to you, and you saw the question in his eyes.
 “Shit,” you thought. Chadwick took a step back and gaped at your stomach.
 “What the--, wait--,” he trailed off. You took a step back and released a breath.
 “What’s going on Sianna?” you closed your eyes and rubbed your forehead feeling your stress level rise.
 “Okay wait.”
 “You’re still pregnant,” he said. It was a mix of a question and a statement. He scrunched up his nose and finally met your eyes waiting for an explanation — no words formed in your head.
 “You told me that you were getting an abortion, you told me that you were getting an abortion the next day. You yelled it before running off, but…you’re still pregnant.” He rose his voice a little louder.
 “You lied?”
 “Chadwick--,” you began before he cut you off.
 “Why did you lie?”
 “I—I,” you trailed off.
 “You what? Do you have any idea what I’ve been going through these last weeks thinking that I was the reason you aborted the baby, I was at fault for my own child being--, how could do that?” he asked dropping his voice down.
 Now you felt like the asshole.
 “Chadwick—,” You began before Chino’s figure approached holding a bouquet of flowers.
 “Sianna?” Chino said. Chadwick looked to the left at the man now in front of your door. He looked him up and down before he looked back to you with a tight clench to his jaw.
 “Shit,” you thought.
 “Is everything all right here?” Chino asked, authority in his voice.
 “Hi. Yeah, everything is fine,” you dismissed. He nodded and held out the bouquet of red roses to you.
 “As an apology for missing tonight, wanted to make it up to you.”
 You tried to smile, but it was a forced one because this situation was so awkward. As you took the bouquet, you chanced a look at Chadwick who looked like pure unadulterated venom. If looks could kill Chino would be dead followed by you.
 “This is why you lied. Him. Wow. Here I thought that there was something between us, something from Jamaica that traveled to Barbados, something that wouldn’t let either of us go. Then, these last few weeks I was depressing over the fact that I’d screwed up so bad that I lost you without giving this a real chance to be something and here you are. Lying about the baby and carrying on with him,” Chadwick said. His voice wasn’t filled with the venom from his face; it was just filled with sadness and disbelief.
 He nodded and looked down.
 “Okay. Have a good night.
 With that, he turned and walked away into the night. You sighed out, looked to Chino who had a deep scowl on his face.
 “I take it that’s the father.”
 You looked down and nodded.
 “I see he’s not so much out the picture as he is in it,” he said.
 Again, you were at a loss for words.
 “I thought he was.”
 Chino took a breath and rushed it out.
 “Okay, and all the things he said—where do you stand on that?” he asked. You again looked down. You didn’t know what to say. Didn’t know how you felt. Chino took your silence as an answer and nodded his head.
 “Okay, I’m gonna go then, I should get back to the hospital and check on my patients. Night,” he muttered as he walked away from you.
 You stood there in your door frame, dressed in your robe holding the two bouquets. You looked down at the entirely different arrangements. One was subtle, soft, yet strong and spoke of tenderness, the other was bold, commanding, but gentle and spoke of assertiveness. The flower choices did wonders describing the two men.
 “Shit! What do we do now?” you asked into the empty darkness.
  To Be Continued….
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