#Yaay how exciting
aboard-ark-4 · 6 months
Translation of Page One of the Societal Preservation Initiative Foundational Document
Day 54 of 1736, New Calendar
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pardonmydelays · 10 months
so... guess who just ordered in the heights beanie and yay hamlet t-shirt
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millacm · 1 year
Hi yes so i'm into Dimension 20 now. Just completely turned hyper fixation and all caught up with Neverafter so
will be drawing fanarts and possibly spoilers but also if anyone else is watching....plzz talk to meee
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sysig · 19 days
Your Weekly TV Guide
On Monday you can expect:
2:30 PM: Star Control II - Helix
And Tuesday:
2:30 PM: SCII
2:30 PM: SCII
2:30 PM: SCII - Helix
2:30 PM: Just Desserts (vent)
2:30 PM: Just Desserts (vent?)
2:30 PM: Just Desserts (probably vent)
Thanks for tuning in! (Patreon)
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banj0possum · 11 months
I immediately apologize for the bad English!
How does Caspian plan to keep the fem!reader underwater? Or does he have another plan? thank you, your work is very nice🛐
ill be making this gn since its a part 2 but if you want a one-off thing with a fem!reader, just request it! :3
Also sorry for the long hiatus again but here's the long awaited part 2 ! yaay you're not dead !! :D
Yandere!Siren x GN Reader Pt. 2
CW: Kidnapping, Slight Stockholm Syndrome, Non-con licking (reader is asleep), idk Caspian being a delulu icon
🌊 You wake up with a throbbing headache and a vague memory of what transpired before you blacked out.
🌊 The feeling of overwhelming pressure and deepness comes back to you, memories start to come back as you see a red mark on your arm.
🌊 You remember now, the screams and cries of your classmates ring in your ears before the memory of being dragged down to the depths hit you like a wave.
🌊 a splash of water pulled you out of your thoughts, it was then you looked around at the place you were in.
🌊 It looked like you were in a cave illuminated by algae and glowing sea creatures. the cavernous area was sandy and a bit wet with a deep pool which led to an underwater tunnel, it was the only entrance and exit to the cave from what you can see.
🌊 Behind you was a house built out of a shipwreck, the broken boards of the deck repaired with random planks and cloths.
🌊 "Honey~ I know you're a bit out of sorts right now but uhm..could you help me out a bit~?" a familiar voice echoed throughout the cave.
🌊 You gasp and instinctively stand up and back away from where the voice came from. Caspian was lying on the shore, a net full of what seems to be canned food and fish tied around his waist like a satchel.
🌊 "My treasure~! I know you're excited to explore your new home, but can you help me get to shore first~" Caspian coos as he smiles at you awkwardly, his large tail flopping on the sand.
🌊 You grab a piece of driftwood and hold it like a weapon. "D-Don't come any closer!" you yell at him nervously, afraid of what he might do after you saw his capabilities, and his sharp teeth..
🌊 "My sweet, you have nothing to worry about~! Why would I ever hurt you~? Those mean humans tried to hurt us! You'd never do that to me now would you~?" He tries to calm you down.
🌊 It takes a while for you to calm down considering how confused and scared you were, but with no way out and Caspians lack of intention to hurt you, the only thing left to do was to just sit and try to think logically about the situation.
🌊 Caspian tries to help you make sense of your little predicament, it was mostly him making an excuse to hold you close because "Am I not able to help you relax my treasure~?"
🌊 So you're in a cave after getting kidnapped brought to safety by a mermaid, how fun...
🌊 You has no choice but to accept your new lifestyle, after all, the only out was an underwater cavern, and you had no idea how deep or long it was. Caspian might not be the best at moving on land, but without him, you'd drown if you attempt to leave.
🌊 Once you told the siren that you weren't going anywhere soon unfortunately, He lit up and gave you a big, soaking wet hug. "Oh my treasure! You'll be happy here, I promise~!" He peppers your face with kisses, some making you shiver at the thought of his sharp teeth being so close to your flesh.
🌊 He'd go out every day to get food for you and him, sometimes surprising you with gifts!
🌊 He knows you like reading, so any book or parchment that he finds is immediately brought to you so you won't be so bored <3
🌊 More often than not they're too wet to actually read, but you appreciate the effort you suppose.
🌊 You also had to explain what cooking is to Caspian and that humans can't eat fish raw...and alive..
🌊 Get ready to be showered with pearls and pretty shells and treasure! Caspian is a bit picky when it comes to his own horde so anything that he considers nice but not on par with his tastes goes to you~!
🌊 He would always ask to sleep with you in your bed, and he doesn't take no for an answer.
🌊 "It's cold my treasure~! Could you warm me up~?"
🌊 "It gets so lonely in the water~ May I stay in bed with you my love~?"
🌊 "But I got all those nice things for you~!"
🌊 He would keep whining and fussing until you agree. He doesn't care at all that your sheets are all now soaked.
🌊 If you tell him to dry off first, he will! But you'll have to pay him with a kiss~
🌊 He may or may not sniff your hair while you sleep...and maybe lick your neck..
🌊 He can't get himself to sleep sometimes, he'd just watch you sleep the whole time. What can he say? You're too irresistible~!
🌊 Sometimes he'd even whisper sweet things into your ear, promising you the world if you'd let him.
🌊 More often than not, he sings you to sleep. The anxieties of never seeing your family again and living off of just fish and other sea creatures was getting to you, not to mention the many hours of being alone in a cave.
🌊 His siren song lulled you to bed every night. No matter how much you distanced yourself away from him, he was always able to calm you down with his voice.
🌊 "Hush now my dear~...You'll learn to like it here~ And one day, we'll be married and live happily ever after~ Just like in your stories~ Just you wait~..."
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watchmegetobsessed · 8 months
A/N: can't believe i actually wrote this, but yaay!! i did it!!
SUMMARY: Harry has been in love with Y/N since forever. Unfortunately the plan he comes up with to win her over leads her to meet the man she eventually would get engaged to...
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“This is literally the worst plan I’ve ever heard.”
“No, it is brilliant!”
“Brilliantly stupid,” Niall retorts, staring at his best friend who is standing in front of the tiny mirror they managed to squeeze into their dorm room. Harry runs his fingers through his unruly curls, settling them in a messy, but organized way before grabbing his jacket and phone. 
“Why would it be stupid? It will work out perfectly. These speed dating things never work, we will have a round with each other and I will prove that I’m the perfect guy for her! Easy!”
Niall can’t help but bark out a laugh from his bed.
“Yeah, that’s a cool fairytale, but have you thought of everything that could go wrong?”
“Nope, because nothing will go wrong. Don’t piss me off, I’m about to win over the girl I’ve been in love with my whole life. Why are you being so bitter?”
“I’m just… not sure this is the best way to do it,” Niall sighs.
“It’ll be fine. I have to go now. Wish me luck!”
And with that he is out of the small, cramped room. 
Harry is quick to forget about Niall’s warning, in his mind, it’s the perfect plan. He begged Y/N to come to this speed dating event held on campus for a week before she finally agreed. He’s convinced there’ll be no one he should be worried about and he has thought about what it will be like when he will be sitting in front of her, how he will charm her and finally step over the lines of friendship and head towards something more. 
It all played out well in his head. 
He meets her by the café that’s the location of the event. She is already there, wearing a flowy dress with a denim jacket over, she is not too dolled up, but he can tell she spent quite some time in the bathroom probably before leaving.
She looks breathtaking. 
“Hey there,” he smiles widely as he walks up to her. “Ready?”
“Not really,” she huffs out a short, nervous laugh.
“Come on, it will be fun!” he smirks, opening the door for her, catching the scent of her sweet perfume as she walks past him. 
They come here often between lectures, now the tables are lined up straight, two chairs by each of them with notebooks and pens waiting to be used during the speedy rounds. There are a handful of people lingering around already and soon enough the place fills up and the event starts. Harry and Y/N end up sitting a couple of tables away from each other, so it will take about five rounds for them to meet. The host of the event explains how it works: every round is ten minutes long, either people get five minutes to tell the person across from them about themselves. At the end of a round they can exchange numbers and carry on with the event or they can decide to step out of the line and carry their conversation on. 
Harry is confident as he waits for it to start, while Y/N seems nervous as she examines the men sitting in front of the line of women. The bell that signals the start and end of the rounds rings and everyone focuses on the person sitting across the table. 
One round, two rounds, three rounds go by, Harry tries his best to focus on the girls he talks to, but he is just too excited to finally get to Y/N. She is now just one table away from him, only one more girl before he finally gets to take the chair in front of her. 
The round ends and it’s time to move to the next table. Harry is collecting his notebook and pen when he sees two figures stand up from the corner of his eyes. He turns to his right and sees Y/N standing up from her table along with the guy she just talked to in the last round. 
Harry’s stomach drops and his jaw hangs open for a moment as he watches the two of them move to a table on the side, she is laughing and the guy touches her arm as they exclude themselves from the rest of the daters. 
Harry is frozen, panic settles in the pit of his stomach, then someone nudges him to move and he is forced to carry on while the table she was sitting at before is now awfully empty. 
He was not expecting this. This was not part of his plan, he was supposed to be the one to sweep her off her feet, not some random guy. He forces himself to carry on with the rounds, but he can barely focus, he keeps looking back at Y/N, but she seems quite happy to be talking to the guy. 
It feels like forever until there are no more rounds and everyone is free to chat with whoever caught their eyes. Harry is tempted to go over to Y/N, make the guy leave and claim her to be his. But all he can do is just watch as the girl he’s been in love with forever falls for someone else. 
It’s his personal hell. 
Hours go by and they are still talking, but Harry can’t watch it any longer. He sends her a text saying he’s gone back to the dorm and to text him when she is home as well. When he walks into his room Niall is about to ask how it went, but just one look on his face is enough to figure out the plan did not work. 
He lies in bed wide awake for hours and then her text finally arrives.
Y/N: Back in the dorm :) thanks for asking me to come, it was awesome! I’ll tell you about Oscar tomorrow Xx
Oscar. Harry didn’t want to know who she chose over him, but now he had a name and even though he knew nothing about him, he hated the guy. 
With a heavy heart he drops the phone to his night stand and stares at the wall until the Sun rises. 
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Harry has read over the menu at least five times by the time Y/N walks into the restaurant finally. It hasn’t been that long since the last time he saw her, he can still feel that stinging feeling in his chest every time he sees her he’s felt in the past years. 
“Sorry, finding a parking spot was impossible,” she huffs as she reaches the table, he stands and they share a short, but tight hug.
“It’s fine,” he smiles. 
“Have you ordered?” she asks, grabbing the menu Harry’s been staring at the last ten minutes. 
“No, not yet.”
He watches her read through the menu, though they both know she will order the same thing she always gets, no matter where they eat. The waitress comes and takes their order and when she’s gone they are finally focusing on each other. 
Meeting up has been harder since they finished college two years ago, even though they live in the same city. Harry has been working at a label the past year and Y/N secured a great position at a firm after graduation, so they both have been quite busy.
Especially Y/N, because her and Oscar moved in together after school was over. They’ve been dating for almost two years then, so it was a logical move, but it didn’t make it easier on Harry, who’s been silently suffering since that stupid speed dating event he will forever regret asking Y/N to go to, because her and Oscar have been together for almost four years now, happier than ever, twisting the knife in his chest every time he has to see her being happy with someone else. 
“Ah, it’s been such a crazy week,” she sighs, leaning back in her seat. 
“Want to rant about it?” Harry smiles at her softly.
“Well…” Her lips curl upwards as she takes a deep breath before peeking up at him. “It’s not really something I want to rant about, because… It’s quite good news.”
Harry is just about to ask her to elaborate when she holds up her hand in front of him and it takes him a couple of seconds to put the picture together. But when it finally sinks in, he almost throws up.
There’s a shiny diamond ring sitting on her ring finger and the cheesiest smile is stretched across her face behind it. She wiggles her fingers as Harry’s lips part while he silently fights for his life to hold his not too uplifting feelings and thoughts bottled up. He succeeds, because she doesn’t realize just how much he is struggling. 
“It happened last weekend, I wanted to tell you right away, but I also wanted to tell you in person,” she enthuses, turning her hand so the ring is now facing her, the beaming smile should make Harry happy, but he can taste the awful bitterness again he’s been swallowing back for so long. 
She goes on to tell him every detail about the proposal, how romantic it was, from what Harry hears it was just how she imagined, but he is still frozen in shock, his eyes glued to the diamond on her finger. 
“So, now I’m a bride!” She finishes her speech, but as she looks at Harry her face falls. “Oh my God, I’m such an asshole!” She covers mouth and Harry’s stomach drops, thinking that his expression gave him away. “I’m telling you about my engagement when you are probably still not over the whole Wren thing.”
Wren? He almost asks her who Wren is, but he realizes that she is talking about the last girl he dated. Things ended a few weeks ago, but he already forgot about it, because it was the same as before. He couldn’t bear being with someone who wasn’t Y/N. 
“Ah, no, no…” he manages to speak up finally, gulping harshly. “It’s fine. And… congrats!” The smile on his face would probably not fool her, but she is too lost in her pink clouds. 
“Thank you! And there is one more thing. It will sound stupid,” she giggles, before continuing, “I don’t really have any girl best friends, I’ll have just a few bridesmaids, but… I want you to be my maid of honor?”
Harry is staring back at her with parted lips, her words playing in his mind on repeat.
“I know it sounds ridiculous, but Harry, you are my best friend and I want you there, by my side. So, what do you say?”
Blinking, he fights the part of him that wants to stand up and walk away. Because she is asking him to watch her marry someone from the front line, to assist her on her big day when he has imagined himself being the man she would one day walk down the aisle to. But now this image will be different and ruined forever, because she is marrying someone else. 
For a moment he is back at the speed dating event. He thinks about how he should have just told her how he felt instead of that ridiculous plan that brought her together with Oscar. Maybe she would have rejected him, but at least he could say that he tried. Now he has to put up with the pain of his heart breaking over and over again, all because he couldn’t man up and tell her he’d been in love with her. 
Exhaling slowly he licks his lips before nodding his head.
“Yeah. Sure. I’m happy to… I’m happy for you. I’ll be there for you.”
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Harry had nothing against weddings. Up until it was the wedding of the woman he loved and he wasn’t the groom. 
As Y/N’s man of honor he couldn’t exclude himself from the planning process. Choosing decoration, cake tasting…. dress shopping… he suffered through it all while he had to come to terms with his unpleasant fate. 
Now it’s the night before the big day. The wedding is held in a botanical garden, there’s a small hotel connected to it, that’s where the guests are staying. It’s the perfect venue for the perfect wedding. 
Y/N is in her suit with her bridesmaids while Harry is in his own room. His suit is hanging on the door of the closet next to his bed, haunting him about what he will have to witness tomorrow with a smile on his face. He already thought of ways to get himself out of it, but he knows there’s no excuse good enough to miss Y/N’s wedding. 
His phone chimes on the nightstand with a text and when he looks at the screen Y/N’s name appears in the notification bar.
Y/N: come overrrr maid of honor!!
Then another text follows.
Y/N: we have champagne and I need my best friend here!!!
His thumbs linger over the keyboard, trying to come up with a reply, but then she keeps texting him, begging him to go over and he breaks. With a groan he puts on a hoodie and grabbing his keycard he heads down the hall to her suit. 
What welcomes him there is exactly what he was expecting. It’s like a sleepover, the bridesmaids are drinking and dancing around, Y/N is wearing a cheap veil on her head that’s attached to a tiara, wearing matching PJ’s with the rest of the girls. 
“Harry!” she beams when he is pulled into the suit by two girls, right into the middle of their little party. 
Y/N runs across the room and hugs him, she almost loses her balance, but he catches and steadies her with an arm around her waist. 
“How much champagne have you had?” he breathes out a short chuckle.
“Just a little,” she giggles. “Hey, I want to talk to you about something, come on.”
She takes his hand and pulls her into the bedroom, closing the door to have some privacy from the laughter and music outside. Her wedding dress is laid out on an armchair in the corner of the room, an open, pink suitcase by the bed, clothes flowing out of it. Her presence is all over the room and he wishes he could see these traces in his own home too. 
He sits on the edge of the bed and watches her grab a lip balm from her bag. She applies it and then keeps it in her hands, playing, fidgeting with it. 
“You seem worried,” he voices his thoughts. 
“No, I’m…” She sighs, looking up at him. “It’s natural, right?”
“What is?”
“That… I’m scared.”
“Of marrying him?”
“No, just generally. It’s a big step,” she shrugs. “I always dreamed of my wedding and now it’s all happening, I’m just… I don’t know, I’ve been thinking a lot, but it’s all part of the ride, right?”
She is trying her best to sound calm and collected, but Harry knows her better than anyone and can see through the mask. He knows she is having doubts and though these thoughts could be normal, Y/N is never one to doubt her decisions, so her current fears are definitely raising his concerns.
And his hopes as well.
“How long have you been feeling like this?” Y/N just shrugs. “Did Oscar do something to make you question it all?”
“No,” she chuckles, but it’s more bitter than genuine. “He is amazing, really.”
The stinging feeling returns in Harry’s chest, but he just keeps listening to her.
“I just… I don’t know, sometimes I question if we were meant to be. It’s all been so easy and convenient and maybe it’s just all the books and movies, but I imagined… more.”
It’s like the tiniest light is now forcing its way through the dark, thick walls Harry has built up around him, a glimmer of hope that maybe he still has a chance to make it right, that he hasn’t missed his chance. 
“Don’t marry him then,” he says, his heart hammering in his chest. 
“What?” she chuckles. 
“If you’re not sure, then don’t marry him.”
“Harry, I won’t call the wedding off. I love him.”
She turns away, but not before he could catch the look of doubt in her eyes, crystal clear, telling him this is the moment he missed all those years ago. 
He stands up from the bed and there’s a second when he almost changes his mind, but he has to do it or he might lose his mind forever. 
“I love you, Y/N.”
She stills, her back facing him. 
“I love you too Harry,” she says. “You’re my best friend.”
“But I’m in love with you.”
She doesn’t answer for so long he starts to think she didn’t even hear him, but then she slowly turns around with an unreadable look on her face and he decides to continue. 
“I’ve… been in love with you for so long, I don’t even remember what it’s like not to love you. I know it’s not ideal to tell you this right now, but I feel like if you’re questioning whether you should marry Oscar or not, it might… that maybe you’re…”
She’s still silent, just staring back at him, not giving away any emotion or thought. 
“Y/N, you can still call it off. I-I will be by your side and if you want to try and—”
“I know it’s scary, but I love you and I would do anything–”
“Harry, stop!” she raises her voice and it finally gets him to stop talking. Clenching his jaw he takes a step backwards. 
Y/N exhales shakily, Harry is still unsure what she is thinking and the words are begging to keep bubbling from his mouth now that he started talking, but he swallows them down. Shaking her head she takes a step closer to him.
“You… Harry, I…” She is trying to find the words and Harry starts talking again, but he is cut off rather fast.
“I swear we–”
“You have the nerve to pour all of this onto me on the night before my wedding? Right after I tell you about my deepest fear?”
Now it’s clear to him. She is mad, her eyes are throwing flames, but he’s confused, this is not what he was expecting.
“Y/N, I just–”
“You just thought that choosing this vulnerable moment was the perfect timing to tell me you’ve been in love with me all this time?! What were you expecting, huh? That I would throw myself into your arms giggling and confess my love? Call my wedding off?”
“I-I’m… I don’t…”
“I can’t believe you! Get the hell out of here!” Turning around she wraps her arms around herself, breathing heavily. Harry reaches out and touches her shoulder, but she jerks away instantly. “Get out!” she screams. “And don’t even think about showing up tomorrow!”
Harry is in shock, denial, completely destroyed as he stares at the back of her head. He wants to beg for her to forgive him, to forget everything he said. He would rather suffer by her side than lose her, but he knows he has no choice now. 
He walks over to the door, looks back one more time, but she is still turned away, her body shaking. He opens the door, the music floods into the room from outside and he walks out without a word. 
He returns to his room, packs all of his stuff and under the shining stars, he drives away, barely seeing the road through his tears. 
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Anne’s backyard looks magical this time of the year. The blooming flowers, the bright green grass, it’s a beautiful scenery and Harry would love to bask in it normally, but now he is just blankly staring ahead of him. 
It’s been a week since he confessed his love for Y/N at the worst possible moment and lost her forever. He has no idea who ended up being her maid of honor after his departure, he turned his phone off and hasn’t turned it on since. He would rather claw his eyes out than see all the wedding content from their mutual friends. He’s been hiding at his mum’s since then. 
“Tea?” Anne’s chirpy voice asks from the sliding doors.
“No thank you,” he answers. Anne sighs and he hears her footsteps, but he doesn’t look her way.
“You know you can’t hide here forever, right?”
“If you want me out of here just tell me that.”
“You know I love having you here as long as you want, but you’ll have to face reality at one point.”
“I’m hiding for a bit more, thanks.”
Anne sighs again and Harry hopes she would just let him be, but also knows she likes to say what’s on her mind.
“You know she was mad at the timing and not your feelings, right?”
“Y/N loves you, romantically or not, she loves you. She might have to get over how you chose the worst possible moment to tell her you love her, but she will come around. And when it happens, you better not still be a mess.”
The sliding doors close behind her and he is left alone with his thoughts again. He hates how right she is, but it still hurts. 
Groaning he marches up to his room and digs his phone out from the depth of his suitcase. Turning it on the notifications start flooding in, texts, emails, voicemails, he is skipping most of them until his eyes catch one particular thing. Then another and he slowly starts to put the picture together and he fears he is about to have a heart attack.
The wedding never happened. Y/N didn’t marry Oscar. 
He drops his phone as if it was on fire and starts packing right away. He needs to get to the bottom of this, he needs to know if it was because of his confession. Even if she screams and cusses him out, he needs to find answers. What’s the worst that could happen? He is already on the floor, there’s only up from here.
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How is it that no one knows where she is? 
Harry has been trying to track her down since he arrived back from the UK, going from one friend to the other, but no one knows where she’s been hiding since the catastrophic almost-wedding. Everyone is saying the same thing? she packed her stuff from the place she’d been sharing with Oscar, left and no one has seen her since. She just sent a few texts to her parents to let them know she’s alright, but that’s all. 
“Fuck,” he mumbles under his breath as he heads back to his home, completely lost about where she could be. 
He is trying to come up with other ideas as he is climbing the stairs up to his apartment. He slides the key into the lock, too deep in his thoughts to realize that it’s unlocked at first, but when he does, he freezes, then practically runs inside. 
He spots the familiar pink suitcase first, then hears the footsteps and a few moments later Y/N appears down the hallway. 
He is trying to find the right words, but nothing comes out his mouth as he is slowly walking closer to her. 
“I still had your spare keys,” she says quietly. The anger he last saw from her is now gone, she looks so small and broken and all he wants to do is wrap her in his arms and never let her go. But he knows they need to talk first.
“Have you been here all along?”
“Yeah. I promise I didn’t read your diary.” She cracked a joke, but her weak laugh doesn’t fool him.
“It’s fine. How… How are you? I know you didn’t…”
“I didn’t marry Oscar? Yeah. And I feel like shit.”
“Y/N, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have told you then, I was an idiot, you were right. I chose the worst moment, used your vulnerability and tried to use it to my advantage. I am so sorry.”
“Do you regret it?”
“Of course I regret. My timing was incredibly awful and disrespectfu–”
“No, not the timing. That you… That you told me.”
He clenches his jaw, thinking of what to say, but he decides he needs to be honest with her and with himself as well.
“I don’t regret telling you. I’ve been keeping it a secret for a very long time and it needed to be said. I’m not expecting you to forgive me, let alone… consider giving me a chance, but I just want you to know that I never wanted to hurt you.”
“Was there any other moment when you wanted to tell me before?”
“The speed dating event,” he answers right away. “I had this ridiculous plan that you would find me the best match and I would… finally tell you how I’d been feeling. But then…”
“Oscar,” she breathes out.
“Yeah, Oscar happened,” he smiles bitterly. 
She closes her eyes and he wishes he could read her mind, but he is just waiting patiently for her to process everything. Then she looks at him and finally starts talking.
“I thought you wanted to go there to pick up someone. I didn’t want to go, because I didn’t want to see you flirt with other girls.”
“What?” he whispers.
“I told myself I needed to get myself over you, because you’d never want me. Oscar was nice and funny, but… deep down I always kept comparing him to you. I hated myself for that, because he was so amazing, so caring and loving, but… not you.”
Tears start rolling down her cheeks and he can feel his throat closing up as well.
“I was so mad at you that night. You let me… go through with all that just to tell me you’ve always loved me the night before my wedding. I was angry and I felt like I was played with.”
“That was never my intention.”
“I know,” she nods. “When I calmed down I knew I couldn’t get married to Oscar. I went over to your room in the morning, but it was empty. I wanted to go after you, but I also needed some time to think.”
“And… where are you standing right now?” he asks as he walks over to her, but he’s still not touching her, giving her the chance to move back.
She never does.
“Do you still love me?”
“Y/N, I will never stop loving you.”
“Okay, good,” she breathes out. “Because love you too and if you–”
She doesn’t get to finish, he grabs her and kisses her like he should have all these years ago, like he wants to erase all the bad, the almost-wedding, the suffering, the miscommunication, nothing matters now that they finally met each other at the right time and place. 
“Isn’t it funny?” she breathes out against his lips.
“What is?”
“That you wanted to tell me you love me at a speed dating event, but it took you the longest fucking time to actually confess. It was anything, but speedy.”
He can’t help but laugh, because she is right, it’s comical. 
“Don’t they say good things take time?”
“Mhm, sure,” she grins, pulling him down for another kiss.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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cosmosnout · 2 months
KH OC Week 2024
Day 1 : Introductions!
Returning to my roots as a big KH nerd with this year’s @khoc-week ! I’ve joined in on some of the previous years and thought it would be nice to refresh some of my oc stuff and bring in some new content too!
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The gang🎉 (and keyblades!)
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My cringe fail child who continues to haunt my every thought, Shiro!! My very first OC ever, who has seen a lot of changes trough the years, but is never the less very dear to me. (Also old art jump scare AGGHH)
Shiro is basically my player character from KHUX who, instead of peacefully reincarnating into their next life, gets themselves thrown into the future with no memories of their past. Their story otherwise follows the plot of the games quite closely, as Shiro tries to reclaim their lost memories while also attempting to stop Xehanort with Sora and friends.
Personalitywise Shiro is quite snarky at times but does genuinely mean well. They especially care strongly for their friends and are ready to turn the world upside down for those they care about.
They also have quite a lot of emotional baggage from losing friends and having had to fight against the darkness for so long. Not knowing who you are is also a pretty troubling thing to go trough. But they manage it pretty well (no they don’t)
Moving onto some new faces!!
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Aiko and Viktor
Aiko and Viktor are two siblings who get thrown into an unexpected adventure to save the world, while simultaneously trying to discover their own paths in life.
Their adventure takes place during the 10 year gap between BBS and KH1, when the world is left without keyblade wielders to keep it safe. Someone has to step up to fill the place right? (Cue shenanigans and a bunch of teenagers trying to figure what the hell is happening with their lifes)
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Merin and Tähti
Merin and Tähti are embodiments of their previous host’s/person’s light and darkness being extracted from their heart. (Similar to how Vanitas was created) The separation did however not go completely successfully and ended with the original person completely disappearing. This leaves the two to wonder the worlds by themselves as they try to understand their new existence.
The two later on in their story come across Aiko and Viktor and join forces to fight the darkness and a newly founded Organization XIII (Shiro makes a cameo yaay)
English is not my first language so please excuse any grammar mistakes you might find haha. (Also I am lazy)
Also aagghh I was very excited to join this year but, due to work and being otherwise busy atm I’m gonna a bit late with posting a lot of these entries haha.
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kpophubb · 2 years
ᰔ 𝕰𝖓𝖍𝖞𝖕𝖊𝖓 𝖃 𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 ᰔ
❥ єинуρєи тαкιиg ¢αяє σf тнєιя ѕι¢к ѕ/σ ♡
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❥🄶🄴🄽🅁🄴: 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿,𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿𝗒 ♥︎
"𝘐 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘮𝘦, 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘶𝘴 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘦. 𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘐 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥."
♡ ℓєє нєєѕєυиg [이희승]
The genuinely concerned, loving boyfriend :(
Will wish that he’s the one who got sick instead of you bc he hates seeing you suffer 😔
hee becomes so much softer with you I swear, like holds your hand in feather motions, brushing and massaging your skin with his thumb gently and pressing butterfly kisses to your cheeks and all over your face to make you feel better.
Will google remedies and pour all his efforts to make sure you get well as soon as possible.
Heeseung cares so much for you, that he’s even gonna take his day off just to spend the night with you.
Will make ramen for you and cuddle with you, pulling you into his chest, laying your head on his heart beat when he will brush your hair with his delicate fingers and sing for you. He will kiss the top of your head so fondly, humming to make you fall asleep and ensure you a good night’s rest.
Is the one who holds you tight all night, even in his sleep bc even subconsciously he yearns to protect you and keep you close to him. T-T <3
Gives you so many heartfelt confessions to make you feel good. They’re so genuine, you can literally see the softness and hearts in his eyes. “I’m so lucky to have you, you know I love you so much right?” “I promise I’ll protect you and take care of you, so please don’t be falling sick again okay?” “Hey, I love you so much my Angel” and hug you, holding you in his embrace for a long time and securing you tightly. Love radiates from every heart beat of his that you feel while your bodies are pressed, his promises and feelings seeping into your body and making you feel like warm rays of sunshine on a cool, chilly day. :’) 🤍
Will be SO EXCITED and thankful the day you heal and dance with you, jumping in the air while holding your hand like a little kid that finally you’re healthy again YAAY!! 🥺
Will take you out on a cozy date the next day after, to celebrate and treat you to a delicious meal <3
+ take the chance to be as lovey dovey with you now, as much as your hearts desire ;)
♡ ραяк วαу [박종성]
Absolutely HATES that you’re sick :(
Totally NOT having it, you can literally see the pout and the concerned, disapproving frown on his face the moment he sees you shift in your bed from sickness. Like MAN’S READY TO FIGHT whatever the shit is bothering you!!😠
Will immediately come to your service, pamper you, kiss you, be soft with you, give you tummy rubs and kneel on the bed beside you taking your hands in his so lovingly, asking you what is wrong. He’s gonna listen with the most utmost attention what pain/ sickness you’re suffering from and act accordingly.
Jay will give you massages to help with your cramps or head aches and most definitely will cook all nutritious and healthy foods for you.
He will even bring you the food IN BED! 🥹🤍 set up the tray with candles and give you the most heart warming smile as he enters the room. <3
Will literally listen to whatever you say and call you to check up on you. Yes, CALL, not texts bc he wants to hear your voice that feels so reassuring, calms his soul and brings him peace and happiness no matter how busy or tired he is.
Will give you so many tender forehead kisses, cupping your cheeks with his hand and give you words of affirmation like the husband material he is.
“You’re so strong baby, don’t worry you will be fine.” “I’m here for you always okay?” and proceed to give you the tightest, ooziest ever hug. 🥺🫶🏻
will buy you gifts and spoil you sm when you recover, and expect to hear so many do’s and don’t’s advices from him next “wear warm clothes” “ don’t eat out so much” “don’t sleep with wet hair!” And so many detailed points that he personally gathered for you to follow so his precious girl never gets sick again.
♡ ѕιм วαєуυη [심재윤]
PLS, don’t even get me started on this-
LITERALLY goes into clingy boyfriend mode at the slightest inconvenience because he loves you TOO much
Panics and is all over the place the moment you sneeze
BABY YOU ALRIGHT??” “Are you catching a cold??” “Oh my god is that a FEVER symptom” and proceeds to check your temperature a million times
Just bc you’re his baby love that he must protecc at all costs :(( 💕
Jake is the type of boyfriend who’s gonna devote his whole time taking care of you. Buying you medicines and even attempting to cook for you, dressing you up and even doing your hair and skincare and what not.
Will even carry you to the bathroom bc he won’t let you walk. Princess style transportation to the door ohmygod >.< !! ಥ_ಥ ♡
Texts you a trillion billion times a day , even while he’s at work he will spare a few seconds just to take updates on your day.
Will come home from work early with your favourite food take outs and flowers 🥺❣️ bc duh, he’s the BEST BOY on earth.
The most heart melting part? He would pray to god for you. So you recover fast and are always healthy and happy with the most sincere heart (*sobs bc imagining that is giving me a breakdown*)
Will literally SMOTHER you in kisses every two minutes now that you’re sick. And claim that his kisses have “healing abilities” (pls don’t argue with his romantic ass) he will even kiss you to shut you up. Moral of the story, he will take those kisses anyhow. 😤💜🤭
Jake is gonna pamper you even after you recover and mentally promise himself to take care of you better so you never get sick again. 🥺
♡ ραяк ѕυиgнσσи [박성훈]
The one who really panics a lot! 😣 :((
He’s so scared and clueless, fretting over what he should do and doubting himself whether he can care for you the right way or not
But mind you, baby boy is protective and will take care of you HIMSELF, not letting anyone else nursing you even for a second
He’s your man so he wants you to rely on him 😤💖
Will literally Google “how to take care of your sick girlfriend” and even call his members to take tips on what to do, even tho he’s not an expert in this, he will try his best to not make you feel any lacking
You can seriously see the love he has for you, from the way he furrows his brows in concentration while making chicken porridge for you in the ki then🥺
Will try to be verbal and more openly affectionate for you to cheer you up when you’re sick. Like pat your head and give you back hugs, but he gets so shy and awkward xjdndjdndj 🫣👉🏻👈🏻
Will even whisper “I love you” in tiny just barely so you can hear them lmao
Pls do not ask him to repeat, bc he will be into tomato mode so spare his life girl!! XD
Another one who you can make to do anything for you because he’s at your service ma’am 🫡
Let’s out the most relieved sigh and pretends to wipe sweat off his forehead when you recover like “phew finally I won’t have to be so worried and take care of you😮‍💨🥴” JUST to tease you and make you run after him, chasing him and the both of you bursting into sweet laughter soon enough! 💗
♡ кιм ѕυиσσ [김선우]
Pouts very displeasingly the moment he comes to find you sick ☹️
Seriously more upset than you that you’re IN PAIN >.<
Becomes so worried and dramatic like “oTtoEkE😣 baby you’re feeling bad!!” and starts walking in the room to & fro, thinking hard about what he should do for you.
Takes you out to the doctor from the minor inconveniences!! You get a sore throat and he’s dragging you to the hospital the next minute
Becomes extra when it comes to caring for you, feeds you all sorts of medicines and remedies and grows “😠” if you say no !!
You can literally see the worry painted all over his face aww 🥺
Begins lecturing you every now and then why you shouldn’t do this/ that and prevent yourself from falling sick and how he never wants to see you suffer ever again
Irritated at himself for letting you fall sick in the first place :(( </3
Holds your hands at all times and kisses your entire face and talks constantly about how much he loves you and to hang in there until you have to kiss him to shut him up oh god
Will assign ni ki to take care of you for the days he has schedule and narrow his eyes when he video calls you to check if y’all are not messing around and actually resting
Jumps around the room from happiness and does his joyous lil dance the day you recover, and you can see that million dollar sunny smile on his face from his excitement <3
Clings to you shamelessly for the rest of the day now cause come on, his baby is finally all fit and healthy 💕🥰🥰
♡ уαηց วυηցωση [양정원]
Since he’s already really good at taking care of people, he will do a great job looking after his beloved girl aka you <3
The bonus point is that you’ll get more affection and love from the others he takes care of ;)
wonie’s someone who has a whole medication routine to follow for you. If you’re having a cold, he knows what kind of drinks to feed you, what medicines you need and all the things covered. If you have a fever, he’s gonna nurse you with wet towels and give you medicines and basically the best and most perfect kinda treatment you can ask for. Your boyfriend is just an all rounder!! He won’t let anything be less from any direction when it comes to you.
He’s someone who becomes extra romantic given this chance. 🤭❣️ he will sneak in a few more kisses and give you as much cuddles as you want. Bc he’s someone who’s not normally very clingy or touchy, he’s gonna use this chance to pamper you as much as you desire.
Starts using pet names to make you feel better like “my baby needs this?” “Ohh my love is hungry?” But nothing too cheesy because he pretends to cringe but HEAR ME OUT, the real reason is that he’s so shy lol 👉🏻👈🏻
Gets red ears and blushy rosy cheeks and you can literally see the dimple poking everytime you look at him lovingly while cuddling and tease him for suddenly being so romantic. 😳
The type of sweetheart who stays up all night caring for you!🥺 you wake up to a sleepy jungwon sitting beside you on the bed, while holding your hand. He’s been holding your hand all night and keeping an eye on you.
You wish you were sick more often because the “I love you” parades are so real and make you feel 🦋🦋🦋. I love yous from yang jungwon every hour? PLS,, literal heaven 🤲🏻
Even if he’s at work, he’s gonna text you every now and then, ESPECIALLY during meal times to make sure you’ve eaten. Won’t be convinced until you snap him pictures of your food and reassure him you’re eating well.
Literally the most caring, cutest boy ever. Period.💕😩
♡ ηιѕнιмυяα яιкι [西村 力]
Now altho ni ki is very playful 90% of the times, he becomes SO MATURE when you’re sick
Goes into his adult mode, is so patient with you and gets you medicines and groceries by himself, and even gives you physical support when you walk (even tho you don’t need it T-T)
Yes by physical support I mean tucking your arms inside his and LIFTING YOU UP with his strength in the name of helping you walk lol
But he’s doing it bc he cares for you sm
Don’t think you’re NOT going to be teased just bc you’re sick😏 he’s gonna tease you and enjoy it just to laugh at you, his cackling laughter making you laugh in turn
Will show you so many memes of the members and make goofy faces to make you smile and cheer you up into a good mood until you forget you’re sick in the first place 🥺
Another one who becomes very romantic (and touchy) when you’re sick ahem *coughs*😳👉🏻👈🏻
Will give you tummy pats and kiss your jaw and cheeks and even the spaces in between your fingers bc he’s just so adorable T-T
Will chant in your sleep into your ears softly & lovingly “you’ll get better soon my baby bear so don’t worry” and kiss your earlobes
Then proceeds to gets SHY over it and rolls into the other side of the bed and kicks his feet in the air lmao
And he even checks in the middle of blushing just to make sure you’re actually awake and not witnessing this funny high school lovesick scenario he has on 😆
Stares at the phone all day for your text notification until he gets teased and laughed at by his hyungs. “ leave me alone aish” he always holds back his smile and complains, but they can see how your name impacts him from his evident red ears.
Overall, just another sweetheart who’s so relieved when you recover and promises to himself to never let you fall sick ever again. <3
🄰/🄽: 𝗂 𝗁𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒𝖾𝖽 𝗀𝗎𝗒𝗌! :) 𝖽𝗈𝗇'𝗍 𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗀𝖾𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝗿𝗲𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖼𝗎𝗍𝖾 𝗳𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸𝘀 𝗂𝗇 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗌/𝗍𝖺𝗀𝗌 & 𝖺𝗌𝗄𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝗅𝗆𝗄 𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾𝖽 𝗂𝗍♥︎
Tagging: @csmicbot @cloudcutter @miyoung07 @yjjungwon @ingkai @love4heejayke
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duffslut · 7 days
Roller coaster
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Steven Adler x Reader
My Masterlist.
Word Count: 623
Warnings: Fluff!
Taglist: @guns-n-roses-gal @a4tumnvenice @used-to-love-her-06 @changbinsdummythiccahrms @guitarsfan @em-21 @their80smichelle @svrgs-blog @rocketttqueennn @wiifitboard @unknownperson246 @fxcethestrange @lovergirl4slash @rottoneggs01 @metallical0ver @brunette-barbie4562 @appetiteforattitude @prettypersuasion @gyaas @nenynra @brezeblog @damianodavds @ch3rry-earrings @1-800-meth-blog @hauntedrosie @inkieink @blinca @rocketqueen1989x @rafesgirl7 @thatsoversace @maverickman5k
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- Okay, where do you want to go first? - Steven asked as you walked into the park.
His arm was around your neck and you walked in sync, the weather was just perfect to go on all the rides in the park but the first thing that caught your attention was the target shooting game, or rather, the giant stuffed animals you won if you hit the target.
- I want the Hello Kitty plush! - You exclaimed excitedly, pulling Steven to the shooting game tent.
Steven paid the man and he handed you the rifle, you didn't even know how to hold that thing, but you were too embarrassed to admit it.
- Give it to me, baby. - Steven said right after putting his wallet in his pocket, as if it was obvious that he would be the one to shoot. - Which one do you want? - He said, already aiming the rifle.
- The biggest! - You pointed to the giant plush doll hanging at the end of the tent, covered in clear plastic, swaying in the wind.
Steven muttered an "Alright" and fired the first shot, unbelievably hitting exactly where it was supposed to.
- Yaay! - You shouted, clapping excitedly as the man brought the plush to you. You hugged the doll and then hugged Steven, thanking him with a long, soft kiss.
- Now let's do something fun. - Steven gave an amused smile and held your hand, intertwining your fingers as you two walked to the roller coaster.
- Stevie this doesn't seems very safe. - You mumbled as you got into the cart with him, already shaking.
You held the plush tightly in your lap while Steven smiled like a child sitting by your side, excited to start the ride.
- It not, but I promise to catch you if you fall, bunny. - He said jokingly and you were about to freak out when it was too late, the cart in front of you started moving and yours was right behind.
- Oh my god. - You groaned in fear, feeling your whole body fill with the rush of adrenaline as the cart climbed the tracks, knowing that what came next would be even scarier.
When the cart went down it was even more wild than you imagined, you screamed your lungs out, unable to keep your eyes open because of the frightening height, holding onto Steven's hand tightly.
- Not so bad, huh? - Steven said, breathing heavily just like a puppy. - Are you alright? - He asked, running his hands through your hair and kissing your forehead.
- It was actually pretty cool! - You said, swinging your arms, trying to calm your body after all the adrenaline.
- Right?! - Steven said as you walked looking for the next ride in the park. - Are you hungry yet? Want to eat something before the next ride?
You looked around at the various food stalls for something that appealed to you, and ended up opting for some chips to share and a milkshake for you and one for Steven.
You two ate standing up, you holding your hello kitty plush and both of you watching the people on the rides and laughing at the desperate screams of those who ventured onto the tallest and most dangerous rides.
- Baby can I try yours? - You asked Steven with pleading eyes, for some reason his milkshake seemed to be better than yours.
- Nooo, you're going to leave strawberry taste on my straw! - He defended himself, hiding his milkshake.
- No I won't! - You said running after him, trying to take the cup from his hand.
- Okay, let's do it like this. - He started to say and then took a little of his milkshake, waited a few seconds and pulled you by the waist for a kiss. - What do you think? Good?
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afortoru · 1 year
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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒈𝒆𝒔 𝑩𝒆𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏
𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: 𝖺𝗇 𝗂𝗇𝗍𝗋𝗈 𝗈𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗅𝗂𝖿𝖾 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗂𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗉𝖾𝗈𝗉𝗅𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾
Pairing: ceo!Toji Zenin x reader
Genre: fluff, a bit of angst
Word count: 2.2 k
Warnings: old memories both happy and sad ones ig
Note: I wrote an hardcore family fluff...yaay! also im sorry Sukuna stans for making him your brother in this fic TT and if your are reading this, i love you *mwah*
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The Zenin Group Pvt Ltd is one of the most infamous company in this world of bussisness. Everyone who's associated with it, gains nothing but tons and loads of money as being there slaves. Even there rivals have given up. Everytime there bussisness rivals try to took them down, something happens to their own company and they'll suddenly loose there shares and shareholders. Even a thought of having The Zenin Group as there rivals would make them shiver, causing them sleepless nights. 
But who wasn't affected by this so called infamous company was The Ryomen Interprises Pvt Ltd. The Ryomen's was on top with their business as much as the Zenin's were. They were infact the only rivals who were standing long and tall infront of the Zenin's. The two groups who couldn't bring each other down to hell by there little games decided to play with your's and the upcoming young ceo of the Zenin group, Toji Zenin's life. 
You were the only daughter and the second youngest child of the family with your older brother Ryomen Sukuna. 
Sukuna was one hell of a cold guy, ignoring the girls lurking around him to get his attention, not giving in into cheap pleases from the business partners and the list goes on. For the the outside world he was a stone cold narcissistic rich guy but the one's who got to see his soft side were the one's he loved the most, his dearest little sister,you and your mother. 
Sukuna hold you two like his life depends on you too and it did. Your father, Mr. Ryomen would also get his cold looks and an 'idgaf' attitude. Since Sukuna knows his father oh so well and what that man could do to continue his legacy.
That's why he didn't thought for a second when your father finally wanted him to take over their business and become the ceo. Sukuna thought he could finally make things right with the company under him but later did he knew that some decisions were still under your father's hand.
You were busy checking up the decorations for the party held for your brother being the new CEO.
"I see you're pretty excited about this, huh!" you can tell how annoyed he was with all the preparations. "Atleast let me pretend like I'm preparing for my big bro's wedding or something like that" you said walking towards Sukuna whose expressions has turned from annoyed to confused. "Well looking at the way you 'shoo' people around you specially women, I don't think so you're getting married any soon" listening to your words he looked at you with a annoyed grin "so is that what my sister wants from me now huh, what else do you want, should I rip my heart out for you" he stated "you should totally, maybe then I can sell it to buy myself the new book in my wishlist" you winked at him. Sukuna stood their with a shocked face thinking how can his lovely sister be so mean, oh wait you're his sister there's going to be something about you that's in his personality too. 
You went back to look over to the decorations as squeeled from your place as you felt someone's tickling you. "You really gonna be this mean to me huh, never thought this much money couldn't buy you a book but my heart would huh?" he jokingly mentioned while you were on the verge of tears from laughing. "Sukuna stop please, I'm sorry stop...ahhh you idiot I'm gonna tell mom, MOM" you made yourself free from him as you started running outside to the grand house garden. 
"Wait you-" he called you out as you made your way towards your mom looking back at him with a funny expression on your face. "I gonna tell mom you're- , ahh!" You weren't looking in front while running as you felt someone stopping you. 
"What's so funny kids?", you looked to see the face of the man your brother hates the most, your father. "Why are you running after her like that my son?" he stated with a smile on his face. Sukuna didn't mind his words as he took your hand about to leave but you pulled away. "Nothing dad, we're just going to see mom" you said not wanting to be rude to your father. 
He gave you a gentle smile and then he started walking towards Sukuna "Son i know you don't like me but atleast try to act not that mean, can't you?" , "I don't like you?, I hate you... stop being delusional." Sukuna states with an annoyed expression.
"What's happening, I heard Y/N call me. Why'd you call me dear?" you with both the men standing with you turn towards the voice coming from the other side of the hall, you mother Mrs. Ryomen. 
She walked towards you and the two men with a gentle smile. Sukuna looks at his mother and then he sees your face, she's exactly like mom, he thought to himself. 
She greets your father with a gracious smile, as he nods and smiles back. "Why'd you call me dear?". You pointed towards your brother, faking a pout "Kuna, he was tickling me, i told him not disturb me while I'm working for ceremony held for him and here he's not even a little pounce of gratitude on his face", he grunts listening you complaining like a little kid "hell I'm not , and did I asked you to do this decorations when we already have so much workers around" he says as he pokes you on your cheeks." Mom, you see how rude he'd became now,I-".
"My dear son you should be glad your sister is happy and helping with arranging the ceremony of you being the new ceo, am I right darling?", your father directed this question to you mother, she just noded instead of giving any answer. 
"She's not actually happy-", he was interrupted by your mom. "Um Sukuna, dear I need you and Y/N with me right now, please excuse us dear", she asks as a permission from Mr. Ryomen to leave.
You slightly smiled towards him before you started following your mom and Sukuna. As your father stands behind knowing that he won't ever get the same closure from you and Sukuna the like you give your mother. He still appreciated your kindness towards him, atleast you try unlike Sukuna. 
He sighs as he walked around the house checking the preparations being held for his son's being the new ceo. 
Mr. Ryomen won't say that he loves power, but you knew he does and he'll put his family on the line for this forsaken company. He won't even think once to choose his company, established by your so called forefathers over his wife who sacrificed her career, his daughter who was kind enough to still smile at him and his son who'll put his life on the line for his family. 
Sukuna sat with your mom on the edge of the bed as you were trying to find something in the wardrobe. "Mom you sure you haven't lost it and kept it in the wardrobe?" you have been looking for whatever it was and you can sense Sukuna's being impatient. 
"Mom, I don't think so this dummy would find whatever it is, you should go and check" he asked her receiving a "shut up" from you.
Your mom was about to get up to help you find it before you exclaimed, "I found it! Here!". Sukuna examine a medium sized, maroon coloured box that you were holding.
"Here mom, kuna this is for you…me and mom got this for you", you handed the box to your her. She looked towards Sukuna, who was now confused on what and why you two got any gift for him.
Your mom's hands moved towards his face as she gently ruffles his hair and places her palm on his now slightly blushind cheeks " for you my dear son" , she says with a motherly smile over her face as she hand overs the gift to Sukuna. 
"B- but w-why…i mean is there anything special?", you chuckled at his stuttering."Open it first big bro, don't you wanna see what we got for you?" you reminded as his gaze went towards the box, what could it be, Sukuna thought to himself as he starts unwrapping it.
"I- it's a w- watch, but w- why?",his question made you walk towards him as you sat on the other side of the bed beside him. 
"Because we love you and wanted to give you something since we know you're doing all this for us that's why me and mom decided to surprise you with this little gift", you said with a sweet smile as you can see his expressions soften. 
"Thankyou so much both of you!", Sukuna felt he's about to shed some tears but he contained himself as he quickly held both of you and your mom in his arms into a hug.
"We know why are you taking the position of the ceo in your father's company, son. M- mom's s- so proud of you, she's so sorry she couldn't-" Sukuna shushed as she's now sobbing into his shirt. 
"Mom you did enough for the both us, please don't say like this. Whatever we do, it won't be enough to what you did so please don't speak like that", he uttered as he hold the both of you more closely and tightly like his life depends on it.
"Everything is fine, big bro but I kinda being suffocated, you should do a little less exercise", your words made your mom and Sukuna chuckle as he let go the both of you."If I won't exercise then who's gonna protect you, huh?" he questioned with a smirk with his look diverted towards you. 
"I can protect myself, alright. Don't go on this pretty face, i can beat some asses too" you stated proudly pointing a finger towards your face."And who said you're pretty?", Sukuna's word made you pout, gaining a chuckle from your mom. 
"Hey! mom not you too" you whinned.
"You're the prettiest, dummy…happy now?", your pout turned into a very much satisfied smile from his words as you nod. 
Your mother on the other hand can't believe how lucky she got having you and Sukuna as her kids. She cherish you two too much than she already do. Everyday you two get older, she can't help but want to spend more time with you two, see you bickering, fighting, laughing, just the desire to see you both increases and she can't help it. She knows that one day her daughter and son would have there own family, their own kids and maybe you two won't have enough time for her but she's just happy with the thought of you two being settled down with your spouses oneday.
"Mom, why the teary eyes?", she was snapped back to reality as you wipes her tears away, she didn't realised she was crying.
"N- nothing, just you two make me so happy I can't get enough of you two. Always stay like this together, protect each other, always stand for each other and never let anyone else break this bond between you too…mom loves the both of you so much" she sniffles as she pats one hand on your head and another on Sukuna's.
You and Sukuna looked at each other before hugging your mom exactly how you did it when you were kids. You two used two jump on her everytime you came back from school or in any occasion when you missed her. She would always take you two in her motherly embrace and the what you two felt in her arms is something you can say that's better than the feeling of even being in heaven, so warm, so tender.
It would be true to say that the three of you don't wanna break from this hug, maybe an eternity would feel less cause this love is something you could never get tired of. 
Your mother is so lost embracing her most precious possessions.
You were glad to have a family, who loved you so much that you couldn't imagine anyone else to live you more than then. No there's no way anyone who could give you there heart like your family, or was there?
Sukuna on the other hand can't believe how he got so lucky to have you as his sister and her as his mother. The more he's with you two the more he wants to protect you two from this world. He want to give everything best in this world to you and your mom. Sukuna might not be able to fight his father or change the past but he promised to himself that he would never let his mom suffer again, she is happy now but he knows what she's been through for the both of you and you, he lives to protect you from anyone who even thinks to hurt you. He swear they won't see the sun if anyone would even dare to think about you wrongly. He had taken this unspoken pledge to shield you and you too believed you would not find any men like you brother in your life until you met him.
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Tagging my babies:
@lotus-n-l0ve @luvjiro @luckimoon @vagabond-umlaut
I'm still an amature writer so feel free to advise me please.
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marina41trench · 4 months
Tamaki & Ryuu - Shuffle Talk 2024 [1/3] - The King's Favorite
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Tamaki: Ah, Ryuu-aniki, good morning!
I thought I’m the first to arrive!
Ryuu: Good morning, Tamaki-kun!
I was looking forward to it so I came as fast as I could.
Tamaki: Me too! When I arrive first, I’ll hide somewhere and when you come, I’ll surprise you. I’ll do that next time.
Ryuu: I-I’m sure that day will come, I guess?!
It’s exciting…!
Ryuu: Anyway, let’s start the today’s discussion of “Monthly World Travel”!
Tamaki: Sure! I memorized the proposal!
Tamaki: A special serialization commemorating their 50th anniversary!
This is a joint project with IDOLiSH7, TRIGGER, Re:vale, and ZOOL!
Tamaki: The members in the shuffled group are decided by lot, and the mission is to travel to countries around the world!
We’re in charge of Belgium!
Ryuu: That’s amazing! You really memorized it…!
Tamaki: Hehe.
I received an applause from Sou-chan too this morning.
Ryuu: Just as expected.
Don’t you look a bit more motivated now?
Tamaki: What do you think is the reason?
Ryuu: Eh! I wonder why……?
Tamaki: It’s because I’m with Ryuu-aniki!
Ryuu & Tamaki: Yay!
Ryuu: Likewise, I’m really happy that we’re together……!
Ryuu: Let’s do our best on our mission to tell everyone the goodness of Belgium!
Tamaki: Yeah, since we’re the first!
But, what does Belgium have?
Ryuu: Ah, the editor gave me the previous Belgium’s special serialization for reference.
Ryuu: It seems that the contents of the mission will be announced at the site on the appointed day. Since we don’t have much information as reference yet, we should check this.
Tamaki: What’s in it……?
Ah, it’s chocolate! It says chocolate is popular!
Ryuu: It is! And then, waffle……?
Tamaki: No way! Belgium is so good!
Ryuu: It really is! I’m looking forward to it……!
Ryuu: Also, it seems like it’s winter currently so we should warm ourselves!
Tamaki: Oh yeah, Yama-san said “Bring your haramaki[1] so your stomach won’t get cold”
Ryuu: Haramaki sounds good! Does he usually use it to fight against the cold?
Tamaki: Yeah! I see green on his stomach sometimes.
Ryuu: I see! That’s cute.
I have excess yarn so I should try knitting some.
Tamaki: Eh! Then make one for me too!
Ryuu: Really? I only have one color left so we’re going to match, so if you’re fine with it…
Tamaki: It’s alright! Or rather, I’d like a matching one!
I’ll brag it to everyone!
Ryuu: Ahaha! I’m not sure if it’s something to brag about, but if you say that then I’m happy.
I’ll prepare until the appointed day!
Tamaki: Yaay! I’ll really look forward to it!
Tamaki: We’re here! So this is Belgium…..!
Ryuu: The townscape looks lovely as well……!
It seems like you can get lost in a world of fairy tales.
Tamaki: It’s really exciting no matter how many times you go to a foreign country!
I’m more at ease if I’m with you!
Ryuu: I know.
We’re already pointing at things, so we should do the usual roll-call!
Tamaki: Here! I’m Yotsuba Tamaki!
This is the King Pudding pouch where I put everything important!
Ryuu: Here! I have checked mine!
I, Tsunashi Ryuunosuke, have also confirmed my baggage!
Ryuu: And then I’m wearing my haramaki!
Tamaki: Yay! I’m wearing the haramaki Ryuu-aniki knitted!
Ryuu: Ahaha! Now now, don’t roll up your clothes!
It’s perfect against the cold!
Accompanying Staff: Thanks for your work on your arrival to Belgium.
We’ll be in your care for this day!
Ryuu & Tamaki: We’ll be in your care!
Accompanying Staff: Please do not mind the cameras and enjoy travel as you please as we will accompany you for the photographs.
Accompanying Staff: The mission and hint is hidden in this envelope!
The map for the exploration area is enclosed as well, so please take a look!
Tamaki: Alright! What’s in the mission?!
Ryuu: I’ll take a look!
Ryuu & Tamaki: “Let’s search for ‘The King’s Favorite’!”......?
Ryuu: With the word King in it, this probably refers to the King of Belgium.
Tamaki: ……Ryuu-aniki.
I think I know the answer.
Ryuu: Ehh, already?!
Tamaki: The answer is……!
Tamaki: King Pudding!
Ryuu: I see. Because they’re both kings……!
Tamaki: Even the king would acknowledge that it’s tasty, y’know!
Accompanying Staff: Unfortunately, it seems that they don't sell it here……!
Tamaki: Really?! I’ll do my best in my personal mission to propagate King Pudding.
Ryuu: I-It looks like we’re going to have an amazing trip……!
Ryuu: Ah, right, the hint……
What’s this, there’s a mark drawn on it……
Tamaki: That kinda looks like a lion.
Ryuu: I get it, this is Belgium’s coat of arms!
Tamaki: Coat of, arms……
I don’t really get it, but it sounds like the guy’s very important!
Does it have something to do with the king?
Ryuu: You’re right! Let’s find a place with this mark!
End of Episode 1.
TL Note:
[1] - Haramaki, or belly band, is a piece of clothing worn on the stomach, usually for warmth. Historically, it was an armor to protect from attacks.
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sulumuns-dootah · 9 months
21.12. Paimon - Matching sweaters
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A/N: Writing this made me realise how much I enjoy writing for Paimon, so pleeease someone request something with them or I will start coming up with ideas - this is a threat!
⟡ Masterlist ⟡ 
₊˚⊹.* The Yule festival of Hell *.⊹˚₊
“Y/N~! You gotta see thisss!” Paimon bursts into your room without knocking. Although the clacking of their shoes running to your room can be taken as a warning by itself.
“Yes, bestie?” you match their enthusiasm or at least you try to do so.
“I just saw this thing online and I know we only we can pull this offf!” they show you their phone screen. It shows a picture of a matching set of Christmas sweaters. One says 'I'm the nice one' and the other 'I'm the naughty one'. They are pretty ugly, but good enough for them to be worn ironically.
“Ugly sweaters?” you ask kinda unsure if they're serious or also find them ironically funny.
“Yesss! I'll be the naughty one and you'll be the nice~!” it sounds that they're serious, but why ruin their excitement with the fact that these things are sort of an outdated gag now.
“Me? Nice? You know best that I'm not nice, Pai.” you giggle and wink at them, reminding the both of you of all the fun times you've spent playing in their mirror room.
“Oh I knowww! But you still are nicer than meee!” they pout and wave their phone dramatically in front of your face. They're practically sitting in your lap begging you to agree with their idea.
“Okay then, I guess. If that's what would make you happy then sure, but we'll only wear them for a few photos and then never again.” you sigh and defeat. Paimon is like an excited puppy and you can't bring yourself to make those shining eyes glint with sadness.
“Yaay~! Just so you know I've already ordered them, so they should be here any day nowww!” they practically shake with happiness.
When the sweaters arrive, you're not exactly over the moon. Somehow even the idea of wearing it for few minutes makes you cringe internally. Just looking a them spread out on your bed has you paranoid that your room will soon have a 'Live Laugh Love' writing on a wall and 'Friends' will be the only show you'll find funny anymore.
“So~, what do you thinkkk? Cute, righttt?” Paimon fiddles with their phone to get the best camera settings for some amazing photos.
“They're... Ugh... Okay, I guess.” you scratch the back of your neck to subtly signal your distaste without having to say it out loud.
“Okay~! Time to changeee, Y/N~!” the cute demon starts unbuttoning their vest and shirt to pull the sweater over their head.
You sigh and do the same. Looking at yourself in the mirror you feel stupid. And what's worse is that the fit and color of it look good on you. Still, you try to fake some level of happiness to keep Paimon happy.
“Smile, Y/N~! I can see the disgust in your eyes, but try to look happy in the photo, pleaseee. Maybe you can think about the things we'll do when I take the sweater off of youuu!” they mutter to you and snap few selfies.
But wait, this demon also has a gift for you!
"I've noticed your phone isn't as cute as mineee. I got you something to make it cuterrr!"
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jacenotjason · 11 months
Have you done fun and not so fun fact for Julie?
I have not! Let’s do that! Sorry this took so long, it was rotting in my drafts!
Funfacts n Notso Funfacts round with Julie!
Fun Facts!
Julie still has her siblings! I’ve been meaning to redraw that group photo of them all but with their opposite versions! They’ve all sort of.. rotated? (OP. Julie is more like Franny, OP. Franny is more like Julie, OP. Bea is more like Jonsey, OP. Jonsey is more like Bea.)
She still loves her siblings, but she doesn’t like them, sort of like most actual siblings.
She performs stand up regularly and is incredibly popular, (both in show and outside of it)
She is incredibly skilled with self defense, and is really good at identifying actual helpful self defense tools, she also has a large collection of them! They’re all pink, ofc, and she gave a pink taser to Sally as a gift! (And also non-canonically gave a sparkly pink pocket knife to OG Julie!)
Her cigarettes of choice is a pun. They’re on her original introduction sheet, they’re called “Rose Butts” …get it :3
^ they’re also pink
She absolutely loves anything spicy. She is a CHEF when it comes to spices and shit >:D she gets excited whenever she discovers a sauce or spice shes never tried (“IF IT MAKES YOU COUGH WHEN YOU SMELL IT YOU KNOW ITS GOOD!”)
She is very knowledgeable when it comes to fashion, but much more aggressive then OG Julie. She will get very angry if she sees someone wearing low rise jeans
Julie does actually perform standup irl. Well.. irl in the puppet universe. So, she does it on the show, but her actor was also a comedian! She began using the Julie puppet on stage behind a table, like Randy Feltface! The actress sadly had to stop using the Julie puppet after the show was cancelled :(
Her favorite drink of choice is Cherry Wine.
Her favorite food is cherries!
She’s very open about expressing your sexuality and femininity! :D!
Despite being the youngest, she moved out first. She does not leave her siblings alone about this.
Her Venus Flytraps are her children! I talk about this more in depth in her home profile, but she loves them! Here’s some old art for it! This was made in like 30 minutes back when the profiles were still in development and i wanted to show Julie with her plants:
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In the distance you can hear Sally furiously googling “how to become a Venus flytrap”
Not-So Fun Facts:
She was raised by a single mom, who passed when she was about 19. She misses her a lot :(
Her dad dipped we dont talk about him
…thats all i got
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akiitos · 2 years
hmm can i request prsk boys w a fem reader who likes to do very dangerous things? idk if u alr did this but like readers kinda crazy and like if for example someone wanted to play russian roulette w her she'd be like "holy shit how much is at stake ofc im doin it" 😭 idk don't overwork urself wawawa have good day nehehe
a/n: hii! tysm and you too<3 please enjoy, anon!
prsk boys x fem!reader
" ah- what do you mean you're gonna seriously play russiaN ROULETTE!? "
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@ akito shinonome
• he's literally watching you like a HAWK. he's always behind you with a hand on your shoulder while shaking his head 'no'
• knowing akito, he tries to act stoic and all like he doesn't care but his actions defeat that whole facade. it's quite obvious how much this mf is worrying about you EVERY SINGLE TIME
• he always tries to prevent you from doing anything TOO dangerous.. he doesn't wanna see you get hurt!
• he often refers to you as 'that crazy [name]' when talking about you
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@ toya aoyagi
• he is worried SICK ABOUT YOU I SWEAR... he's always holding you back telling you not to do some crazy stunt
• "[name]... please don't do that, you're insane..." said toya, with the most concerned face ever. he just doesn't want anything bad to happen, is all
• he's near you to make sure you don't go off doing anything dangerous. it happens so often that sometimes he even predicts what your next action is (that is definetly saying something)
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@ rui kamishiro
• rui is known to be dangerous by some students from school, that including akito. so rui is definetly.. amused by some of your dangerous intents.
• he is concerned, and doesn't want to get rid of anything fun or exciting but he doesn't want you getting injured or anything like that!
• he definetly chuckles at some of the things you say. like, "oh yeah, lets go burn that real quick!" and he'd laugh but then be like "wait you're.. serious?"
• two creative minds think alike i suppose
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@ tsukasa tenma
• being an older brother, out of habit he's very wary for you and literally prevents you from doing anything to harm yourself
• "[name]! don't go doing that, you're gonna get hurt! lets.. go do something more fun!" and then he makes you solve some puzzles with him 💀
• sometimes he thinks your absolutely insane and will think you'd make good friends with rui
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Abandoned (?) fic plan
Throwing this out into the void so people can enjoy mine and @ninjadeathblade's bullet-point brainstorming even if I never get round to writing the full fic (apparently we wrote this in June '23? And it's just been hanging around since then?)
Tee fic plan
The Bad Batch Post Season 2
After Tech falls
He isn’t dead
Captured and taken to Mt Tantiss
Which means he can help Crosshair and Omega escape (yaay!)
Tech dies helping them escape
He sacrifices himself again
Tech is the brother Crosshair is closest to
They are both very intelligent, from TCW we can see they work the most closely together out of all the Batch
Tech knows Cross is the one who can get Omega safely back to the others
So actually dies (with a body this time)
Meanwhile elsewhere…
The Batch (what remains of it) are planning how to rescue Omega
They don’t know where Cross is
They don’t know Tech is alive
Phee is helping but she is weak/dizzy/nauseous
“I’m sure it’s nothing…”
“Doesn’t seem like nothing to me…”
It’s morning sickness
(Turns out she and Tech got a lot closer than the others realised ;))
Tech’s DNA was modified for enhanced growth like all clones
Phee’s pregnancy is progressing much faster than a normal one
She doesn’t have long to think about it and is considering aborting the baby
“What? No! That’s… that’s Tech’s child. Our brother’s child. You can’t do that.”
“Well how am I supposed to raise a kid all by myself? And one with accelerated ageing at that? Who’s going to help me?”
“We’ll do it. We’ll look after you.”
Bad Batch tracks Omega’s location and launches rescue mission simultaneously to Tech helping Crosshair and Omega escape
So they pick Cross and Omega up together
They never knew Tech had been alive
Omega tells them he died to save her
Cross refuses to talk about it
Time goes on…
Crosshair has a lot to process with learning about Phee’s pregnancy
He didn’t even know Tech had a girlfriend after all
I mean let’s be honest he probably thought Tech incapable of noticing the female of the species
Combine that with knowing that Tech sacrificed himself to rescue him
After all they’d been through
Cross has conflicted feelings to say the least
Takes to avoiding Phee. If she enters a room, he leaves it, even if it’s mid-conversation
Everyone notices it but no-one knows how to broach it with him
(Omega btw is sad but excited to have a new baby niece or nephew on the way!)
Eventually it’s time for the baby to arrive
It’s probably only been a handful of months with the accelerated growth. Maybe 4 months.
The rapid growth has put a lot of strain on Phee’s body and it’s a difficult labour
Omega is like “I know what to do with babies! I was there when you all came out your tubes!”
“That’s great Omega but what do we do before the baby arrives?”
“Oh that? I have no clue.”
In the end Echo is the midwife
Giving instructions to Hunter to help
Wrecker: “You can squeeze my hand Phee! I’m tough enough to take anything!”
Even so, his eyes are watering with how tightly she is crushing his fingers
It gets to a really difficult part of the labour. Everyone is worried. Phee is screaming in agony and the Batch don’t know what to do to safely deliver this baby
Suddenly Crosshair enters the room
Shoulders Wrecker aside and sits down next to Phee, taking her hand
His long, narrow fingers have an iron-strong grip and he doesn’t wince when she squeezes his hand through a contraction
“Focus. Keep your eye on the target. You know what you need to do to get through this.”
It’s almost like having Tech back… almost. Cross is physically the most similar and Phee can close her eyes and imagine it is her clone lover there with her
Eventually the baby is delivered safely
Hunter is the first to hold the baby, catching the boy as he is born
Passes him to Echo to swaddle
Omega: “This is much messier than when you all came out your tubes!”
Echo passes the baby to Phee
Wrecker (gushing over his new nephew): “He’s got Tech’s eyes!”
Phee (with tears in her eyes and a smile): “The phenotypical eye colour of all clones is brown…”
The others all cluster round except Crosshair, who quietly leaves
As he reaches the door
Omega: “Don’t you want to hold the baby?”
Crosshair pauses for a moment in the doorway, then leaves
Over the coming weeks baby Tee grows fast
(Tee is short for Tech. They didn’t want to name the baby Tech; in fact at first the baby didn’t have a name. Clones are given numbers, not names when they are born. Phee couldn’t decide what name Tech would have chosen. The Batch just referred to the new arrival as ‘The Baby’ or ‘Little One’ until Phee settled on Tee. That’s a nice rhyme too between mother and baby :))
Omega is delighted to play with the baby. It reminds her of when her brothers were little, only this time she is allowed to be affectionate and bond with the baby. Of course she gives Lula to Tee
Wrecker is a doting uncle and constantly lavishes affection on baby Tee. He is always on hand to help Phee out with nappy changes and playing with the baby
Echo is reading up on clone development whilst taking charge of night feeds
Hunter is in charge of organising supplies; making sure that new mum and baby have everything they need, especially as Tee is growing so quickly. He loves holding baby Tee even if he is a bit embarrassed in front of the others. Phee knows this and is always happy to give Hunter a chance to bond with his nephew.
Phee knew when she met Tech that he came as a package deal with his brothers but she is surprised by how much she likes having them around to help out. She may have lost Tech, but this extended family means she doesn’t feel alone with her new baby
Crosshair assiduously avoids Phee and Tee
With the others busy with the baby he has taken charge of their missions to bring in money, organising everything and just letting the others know who he needs with him – always leaving someone behind with Phee and the baby
Also he is Experiencing Emotions
Tech sacrificed himself to save Crosshair
And this is Tech’s son
And he doesn’t know how he feels about it
Every time he looks at Tee he feels guilty that Tech wasn’t the one to make it back from Mt Tantiss
Omega seems to sense what he’s going through
Unlike the other Batchers, who avoid talking to Crosshair about Phee and the baby, she will chatter on about how Tee is developing and what he is like
Crosshair pretends like he’s only putting up with it to humour Omega
But it’s helping him come to terms with Tech’s death
And how their lives go on without him
One day Tee is crying
And no-one can settle him
Phee is out
The Batch have tried everything they can think of to no avail
Echo and Hunter are poring over parenting manuals trying to find any advice about what to do
Omega has given up trying to distract Tee with toys and has her hands clamped over her ears
Wrecker is holding Tee and jiggling him up and down trying to cheer him up but he won’t stop crying
In walks Crosshair
Hunter gets up to confront him thinking Cross is going to complain about the noise
Crosshair walks straight past him and up to Wrecker
Lifts Tee off Wrecker’s lap
And holds him close against his shoulder
He tilts his head against the baby’s, murmuring soothingly
Tee starts to quiet, then stops crying
Crosshair is slowly pacing the room, rocking Tee gently against his body
Everyone else has their jaw on the floor
Omega is the first to recover
Starts to shoo the others out the room
“When he calms down Crosshair can lay him down for a nap!”
Outside the room
Hunter: “I never thought I’d see Crosshair do something like that”
Wrecker: “He’s a natural with the kid! And he’s never even held him before!”
Echo: “I think he’s wanted to for a long time. I’m glad he’s ready for it now. And just in time to save us from the crying… my ears are ringing”
Omega just smiles
Inside the room
Crosshair gets to sit and hold his baby nephew
Look into his brown eyes
“Thanks for believing in me, brother. For coming after me. For saving me.”
“Don’t worry, Tech. I’ll look after him.”
Phee comes back from the shops
Finds the rest of the Batch sitting around enjoying downtime
“Where’s Tee?”
Omega, brightly: “Crosshair’s got him!”
Phee goes to baby’s room
Crosshair is dozing in a chair with Tee asleep on his chest. Cracks one eye open when Phee comes in
“Well, I didn’t expect you to be the one with him, Long-Legs”
Crosshair doesn’t comment. Gets up and moves to Phee, handing Tee back to her
Hesitates, then looks away sadly
“I’m sorry I couldn’t bring him back to you.”
Phee pauses, small nod: “I’m sure he’d be glad just to know you were back with your family, where you belong”
Cross exits
Omega is outside the room
Smiles up at him
“Thanks for getting Tee to sleep, Crosshair!”
Cross nods, then rests a hand on her head and ruffles her hair
Crosshair: “Is it time for target practice?”
Omega lights up: “Yeah!” runs and gets her bow
Hunter and Echo share a look. Hunter looks like he’s about to say something but Echo smiles and shakes his head. Leave them to it, don’t comment
On a side note, because Tee has inherited the clones’ accelerated ageing, he will be physically a late teen about the same time as Omega
They can be chaotic nineteen-year-olds together
Hope you enjoyed our brainstorming :)
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
The Monsters Within (N.R) Pt. 1
Dark!FemReader! x Natasha Romanoff
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Summary: You like Natasha and you are keeping her to yourself.
Warning: This is a Dark Fic. 18+, a lot of swearing words. Graphic and gore descriptions, kidnapping, mind manipulating / brainwashing, blood, death, violence, bone crushing, Stockholm Syndrome (Let me know if I miss anything)
A/n: Hello! It's me again with the first part! I'm excited for you to read it! Yaay! Like I said in the announcement, thank you @imdoingsortagay , @marvelwoman-sugarbaby and @honey-sweet-hiraeth for the support, patience, and brainstorming with me. Happy reading!
Series Masterlist || Main Masterlist
You were hiding in plain sight and your eyes were carefully lurking for your next victim. Some people walked around you until this one particular redhead caught your eyes, she was serving the table across yours. Her wavy medium red hair looks flawless and her voice sounds so alluring to you. When she passes by you, you can just get a faint whiff of her perfume, a mix of soothing and refreshing touches your senses. That was all it took for your wicked mind to come up with the idea of how her scent would smell if it collided with the blood in the air. You instantly got intrigued by her.
Since then, your focus was only on her. You learn more about her in your own way. It gives you a different kind of rush everytime you secretly follow her, especially to her home. Her life is like an open book in social media. The more information you get about her, the more you want her.
So here you are, in your basement sitting on your chair, waiting for her to wake up. Natasha slowly opens her eyes, the light feels sharp to her eyes despite how soft it is. Her mind ponders where she is, the all white room complete with glass walls around it.
“Well, hello, gorgeous.” She hears a soft voice and she turns her head to see the owner of the voice she heard, you.
“Who are you? Where am I?” She asks with a huge confusion mixed with gradually growing fear.
“You are in your room now at my place, Natasha. I have food and water for you on the table. There is a little bathroom in that corner you can use. I will take care of you from now on.” You explain calmly.
“What did you do to me? I was walking to my car and woke up here? How did you know my name?! I don't even know you!” Panic definitely rises in her. She quickly tries to open the door and she fails.
“I know enough about you.” Your five word answer rings an alarm in her mind.
“Get me out of here! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!” She screams as she bangs her hands hard on the thick glass then tries to pull the locked door with all the energy she has. All she wants right now is to get away from you. Her heart drummed.
“Oh sweetheart, this basement is sound proof. Nobody will hear you. This basement was built for a reason, so save your pretty voice. I love it and I don’t want you to lose your voice, do you?”
Natasha’s heart beats faster, her stomach turns into a knot after she hears what you said. “Who are you? Why me?” She asks in a lower voice, subconsciously following what you told her yet almost breaking into a cry.
“Hmmm. You can call me y/n. Why you? I don’t know why, you are just so tempting for me in a very different way. The day I saw you, I was actually looking for my next one to kill—” 
“Please, don't kill me. Let me go. I won’t tell a soul, I promise. I beg you.” She begs desperately for her dear life the second she hears the disturbing word. Her chest feels tight from fear.
You stand up and walk closer to her, the corner of your lips curves up to a sinister smile. “ but I like you so I’m keeping you alive. Here, with me. You look even better when you beg, darling. Just don’t upset me or I’m gonna change my mind and you know what I meant by that.” compliments and a warning flows out at the same time in a stern tone as you look at her green eyes through the clear glass then you walk away, leaving her by herself there.
A week has passed easily for you like usual but for Nat, it was a dreadful seven days. Her eyes are red from crying, her hands are sore from hitting the glass door multiple times, let alone her throat stings in every swallow and talking by now from screaming for help. You like how determined she is but you are very unamused by her non-stop attempts to get help or begging you to let her go.
You try to talk with her every time you bring her food but she refuses to engage in any conversation with you.
Surprisingly, you have patience with her. If she was someone else, she would probably be dead by now. You really like her and keeping her with you really fills the empty space in you despite her rejection of you.
"Let's get to know each other better, shall we? Come on, Nat. I'm not that bad." You ask in hope she will slowly open up and talk with you.
"I don't want to know about you! Just get me the fuck out of here!” Just like that, her voice escalated in volume with such exasperation as she slammed the chair to the glass with a great force coming from her. Unfortunately the chair had no chance against the thick glass and broke.
You didn’t even flinch from the impact and you reminded her calmly instead. “Be careful there, sweetie. I don’t want you to get hurt. I always thought some blood will look good on your pretty skin but not yours though, I prefer somebody else’s.” you take a sip of your ice tea as soon as you are done with your words.
“What do you want from me?! Just let me go!”
You let out an annoyed sigh, putting down your ice tea. “You need to start to listen to me. I want you. I’m keeping you, so I won’t let you go.”
“I will find a way to get out of here! And I will get your ass to jail, y/n!” She threatens followed by another hard bang to the glass from a kick.
“Alright, I’ll do the hard way, Nat.” you get up from your couch and walk to the stairs. "Where are you going? What did you mean you'll do the hard way?! Y/n! Y/n!!" Natasha gets silence from you.
Natasha fell asleep after hours of wondering what you meant with the hard way you mentioned.
"Nat! I'm home! Natasha!" You call her and call her again when you don't hear her respond. Your voice woke her up. Her eyes automatically caught at the two arms of the clock that showed 12.30 a.m.
She got out of the bed and searched for you only to find a terrifying view.
You drag a dead body of a random woman with multiple stab wounds through the back door, leaving a long trail of blood.
"Is she — dead? Oh my god! What did you do to her?! You killed her!" She asks you with a stunned expression. Natasha's eyes are rounded, her heart jumps up to her throat from the shocks she gets. The pit of her stomach fell, she is terrified with what she is looking at.
"Of course she's dead, sweetheart. She was so obnoxious. Her voice drove me crazy, the worst part was she kept talking and talking." You casually tell the thunderstruck woman while doing what you need to do.
You drag her to the part of the basement that's already all covered with white tarps then you walk away for a few minutes and come back, pushing in a claw footed bathtub to where Natasha can see it.
“I normally don’t do this here but I want you to see everything.” You add with a panting breathing from dragging the body and the tub.
Natasha watches you in terror and disgust. A little splash of blood on your face as you give her a mischievous smile. Your victim lays on the floor lifeless with more blood pooled. Her heart thudded, fear twisted her gut. “Why are you doing this?! You PSYCHO!” Nat screams hysterically.
“Why am I doing this? I want to show you and remember that this could be you, IF you try to run away or IF you don’t stop asking me to let you go, because I won’t.” You answer her without hesitation.
She watches where your bloody hands move. You hum a song as you wash your hands as if they are not covered in blood.
“Please, take the dead body away. I don’t want to see whatever you are going to do with it.” She begs.
You ignore her plea. “Perhaps, listening to some music can make you feel better, my dear?” You pull out a record and play it in a soft volume but enough for Natasha to hear it and notice that it’s her favorite song. Her eyebrows furrowed, trying to figure out if you do this on purpose. You stand in front of her, your eyes adoring her even though grimace looks clear on her face as she looks back at you. Tears fill her eyes.
“Every Wednesday after work, you always go to the record store. Love your music taste, by the way. I also love that you stay at home every Saturday even though you are pretty enough to pick up a dance partner at the club.” You slowly touch the glass pretending to rub her cheeks followed with a little chuckle.
Natasha quickly connects the dot from everything you just said. It disgusts her and pisses her off at the same time.
“You have been following me?! You are SICK!” A hateful shout comes out of her. “I was just keeping a watchful eye.” You shrug your shoulders then you turn around and walk away with no remorse. Only a few steps later, her words stop you.
“You are a MONSTER!!”
You turn around. You give her a look, your gaze moves slowly from head to toe. You chuckle a little, even shake your head a little. You are not gonna lie, you feel a little…bothered, that the woman you admire calls you a monster. You take a deep breath, gather yourself shortly before you return her deep remark at you.
“Oh Natasha, everybody is a monster in their own way. I can see that we are the same exact ones, maybe that’s why I like you…so much.”
“NO! I’m not! I’m not like you! You are one sick fucking monster!” Natasha denies wholeheartedly. “Oh you are, Nat. You are. Now, watch and learn. You’ll need it someday.” You let out a chuckle and proceed to where the body is. Natasha shows her refusal by turning her back.
“I can find people you love very easily, Nat. Don’t make me go and get them. Turn around and watch everything.” You command her with a threat. It feels like a hard slam in her gut when your threat forces its way to be heard. She closes her eyes and clenches her fists at the same time. Her breathing quickened and her heartbeat doubled in speed. With a heavy heart, she follows what you want and turns. Forcing her eyes open to watch what you are doing.
Dragging sounds follow right after every step you take. Horror-stricken, she stares at you with frightened eyes. She closes her eyes right after she sees you start to pick up the lifeless woman that’s drenched with blood by now. Natasha flinches as soon as she hears a loud thud sound and it makes her open her eyes again only to find the dead victim in the tub and one of her hands is hanging out of it, blood slowly dripping one drop after another from the fingers..
“Okay, Natasha. This is why I put the tarp around so the blood won’t go everywhere, plus it’s easier to clean. You can just pull everything away when you are done and burn it.” You casually explain to her then you shove the bloody hand back into the tub. The smell of blood starts to roam free in the air and fill up the room. You take a deep breath. “Do you smell that, darling? Smells like victory and power. It makes you feel that you have someone’s life in your hand. You’ll understand that someday.” You patch a satisfied smile.
The more of the smell evokes her senses the more Nat wants to scream. She turns her head away from you.
“Ah ah ah. Look at me here. I want to show you the next thing to do to get rid of the dead bodies.” Your erie command reminds her of your previous threat, forcing her one more time to avert her eyes to you. You love how you slowly have control over Natasha.
“We have to dissolve the body with acid, it usually takes two days or so. It doesn’t smell like anything.” You speak as you take a few jugs of acid and pour it into the tub. “Oh Natty, I wish you could see how blisters start to show up on the skin from the acid.” A sinister giggle escapes as you tell her what’s happening. You feel a rush of blood go all over your body, giving you excitement.
“Stop. Please stop talking.” Her head hangs low as she begs under her breath. “James helps me every now and then.” a new name floats out of your lips. She hears you snap your finger and loud heavy footsteps echoes.
A big tall man gets caught in her field of sight. His expression looks cold as he pushes the bath away to another room with no question asked.
You wash your hands again, smudge of blood on your clothes but it doesn’t bother you at all. What you are doing next lures her curiosity more. Her mind questions what machine you just reached. Her eyebrows furrow when she sees James bring back a quite large clear bag filled with bones and put it next to the electric saw and bone grinder machine.
She hopes that it’s not what she thinks it is but too bad it was indeed bones. Natasha instantly recoils in horror once you turn on the machine and cuts the bone in half. “This is what the bones look like after the acid dissolves everything for two days. So–” Natasha’s words didn’t let you finish yours.
“That’s… Those are the bones from— from another dead person?” She stuttered, swallowed the lump of fear in the back of her throat.
“Oh, honey. Do you really want me to answer that? I’m sure you know what’s the answer.” You coo tauntingly, making her take a step back in revulsion.
You continue speaking as if it’s a usual thing for you. “So fingerprints are gone now, the next two things you need to get rid of are teeth and bone marrow. They can get you caught if the cops find them.” Your face is as serious as a teacher teaching her students.
You start to grind all the bones, piece by piece. Cracking and clattering sounds loud. Like it or not, Nat hears it loud and clear. “Now the teeth are gone. Last but not least, the bone marrow.” You look at her while you scrape it off the bone and put it in the bowl.
“Please, don’t tell me that you eat those.” Grimace creeps up on her face and her stomach churns.
“I’m just a killer, not a cannibal, love. I feed them to the dogs. They love it.” You stated.
Bitterness filled her mouth and she wanted to puke. She runs to the bathroom and barfs. “Don’t worry, Natasha. You’ll get used to it.” You reassure her unemotionally.
“Then James will spread the ashes to the ocean and cleans the rest. Voila! How to get rid of dead bodies 101. All done.” You proudly announce with a big smile. Natasha sniffs and looks at you standing in front of the glass room.
She storms to you and screams in front of your face with her fists slamming the glass that’s standing tall between the two of you. “Let me go! I will send you to hell, you evil!” Her pulse slammed in her neck.
“Sssshhhhh..” You put your index finger in front of your lips as you try to shush her. Weirdly, it subconsciously calms her down slowly but surely. Natasha starts to notice how you can put her in a huge wave of emotion yet you calm her down too. She doesn’t like how you can have control over her mind and emotion so easily. She hates it, she hates you. She takes another step back from you.
“Oh Sweet Natasha.. I AM hell.” Your bone chilling whispers slithers into her ear. With that, you walk away to the stairs. “Just keep it in that little mind of yours, that could be you.” You warn her one more time.
It's been two months. You have been doing the same whole blood curdling process to your next victims in front of her every other day over and over on purpose, to get it into her mind. All she sees are your victims even when she closes her eyes. Those lifeless bodies that were forced to turn into ashes and dog food. All she hears is the sounds of the bones crushed and grinded. It drives her crazy. She can’t run away from all those views and sounds that haunt her every night. Natasha refuses to eat since your first gruesome warning. Her skin turns paler and paler. Until one day, she gets too weak and passes out. You have to admit, it got you all worried and all you want to do is take care of her. Luckily, you are a doctor, you know what to do.
“Please stop. Please.” A soft plea slips subconsciously, her head moves left and right slowly as if she is having a nightmare. Her eyelids slowly open, she blinks slowly. A weak whimper escapes her lips. You have been waiting for her to wake up, sitting next to her bed after you give her what she needs. Empty bags of IV and liquid food are hanging on the corner of the room.
She lays her hands on her head from the headache she feels. You can see from her movement that she feels so weak but her color has come back. Soon, she notices the band aid on the back of her hands from the IV needles earlier but her mind thinks it was from something else and panic starts to land on her. She feels your presence so close to her and her head turns quickly following her instinct. “Get away from me! What did you do to me?!”
“You passed out for quite a long time but you had enough IV to rehydrate you and liquid food to give you back your energy.” You answer with a relieved smile but it wasn’t enough to gain her trust back on you.
The weak woman in front of you gets off the bed suddenly despite how weak she is. She trips yet quickly crawls away from you to the corner. Your heart wrenched from seeing her like this. You didn’t want to make her like this but you know you had to, so she won’t run away from you. Oh the irony. You never feel like this before, you even think that you want to redeem yourself in front of her but still keep her under your control.
Her body curls up in the corner. Her knees are folded up to her chest, hugging them closer. Her body rocks back and forth. You walk slowly towards her. Your footsteps sound closer to her and it triggers her even worse reaction towards you. Your eyes search for hers but you fail miserably, she buries her face on to her knees. You can hear her muffled words. “Get away from me! Please! Stop everything!”
You crouch down to her level and her body flinches as your touch lands on her shoulder and she cries harder. She tries to move away as far as she can but the walls trap her.
“Ssshh.. It’s okay. I’m here. Don’t worry.” You try to hug her but she starts to fight you. Her hands try to push you away, to hit you or whatever she can do to you to prevent you from getting closer. “Don’t touch me! I don’t want you here!” Your strength defeats her and you wrap your arms around her.
She still tries to get out of your arms for a few seconds. “Please stop! I can’t take it anymore. I beg you.” She cries. You feel her body shake. 
The second you rub her back and rock her slowly and whisper “Sssh. Okay. Okay. Don’t worry, darling.” Natasha starts to calm down. Her cries start to fade and that makes you feel better. “I promise I won't ever try to escape ever, I won’t ask you to let me go either. Just please stop making me watch what you do to those bodies, to those bones. Please.” You feel her body start to get warmer and sweats trickle down her spine. Her tears soak your shirt.
“Good girl. That’s my good girl. I will stop doing it. Just don't ever leave me and do as I say, okay?” You confirmed. She nods in your hug. You love it when she even snuggles up more to you. Oh the things you would do for her and how far you would go on things only for her. You are obsessed with her, it’s not even funny. Natasha doesn’t know what is happening to her. She hates your touch yet it comforts her. The overwhelming feelings took her energy despite the IV and the food you gave her. You carry her to the bed. Part of her wants you to stay, the rest of her wants you not even an inch close to her. She hates everything that’s happening now but she hates the fact how one simple touch of a killer like you, let alone the hug can give her a whiplash of feelings and emotions by now. Her eyes are heavy the second her head lands on the pillow. You get back to your seat next to her bed. She sees you hold her hand, the hands that were covered with innocents’ blood. 
“Go to sleep, darling. You’ll feel better soon. I’ll be here. Sssh..” A whisper from you easily sends her to slumber as her eyes close slowly.
The day after Natasha’s mental breakdown, she is quiet. Your plan worked. She doesn’t beg you to let her go anymore. From her eyes, you can see that she is traumatized and defeated. You feel less resentment from her against your presence. She eats the food you gave her. Just like you promised before, you didn’t bring any dead victims home nor make her watch you get rid of them.
Days turn to weeks and weeks lead to a month then two. Your effort to talk with her finally shows some progress. The unexpected solace she got from your touch and hugs crumbled her invisible wall from you. Both of you start to tell each other more about yourselves. Sometimes you even spend time with her in her glass room, talking about a lot of things. Sometimes you give her space and you sit outside.
One day, the conversation got a little deeper. You ask her about the past and what that is really going on with her life before you keep her to yourself..
“Well, I work three jobs so I can make enough money for me and to help my sister’s college fund.” She answers. “Yelena?” You ask.
“How did you–ugh why am I surprised that you know, you stalked me for crying out loud.” She ends her confusion with a sarcastic remark and an upset eye roll. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I had to. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to steal you away and you wouldn’t be here.” A mischievous smirk appears after your casual response.
“So, it must be hard for you to work three jobs.”
“It pays the bill and I can save extra money for myself too. I like all the jobs I have, except..” A frown quickly appears followed by a helpless sigh.
“Except what, Nat? Tell me.”
“Except, my boss at the restaurant. He’s a pervert asshole. His hands always get so touchy to me, I hate it.” It’s obvious to see that Nat really hates the mentioned man.
“Disgusting son of a bitch. Quit the job, Nat.” You demand dominantly. “I can’t. That job pays the highest compared to the other two. I need the money. I’m stuck. He threatened me that if I quit, he would give bad references to other restaurant owners he knows. He knows my landlord as well, he would easily tell him to kick us out. We have nowhere to go.” She looks down to the floor as she takes in a deep disappointed breath. She knows she should’ve quit no matter what but like it or not she has to stay.
Anger rush through all your body. Your lips pressed in a straight line. You bite the inside of your cheeks. Silence rapidly dominates the room. What you just heard from Natasha causes a huge ripples of jealousy in you. One of your hands clenched into a fist. No one can touch her, not even an inch or a gentle tap. She is yours only. You slowly sipped a drink while in deep thought. The silence is deafening until you say something that literally has a lot of meaning in it.
“Quit the job, Nat. I will take care of everything. Everything.”
A scream with agony woke Natasha up. She knows it wasn't yours. It's a familiar male voice. "Aargh! Let me go! Who are you? What do you want from me?" The man rambles, his loud panting shows distress and pain.
"Oohhh Natty! I got a surprise for you." You call her with an excited sing-song tone and all giggling.
The noises and the commotion evaporate her sleepy state and she gets up to check what's happening. She quickly recognized the man with ease. It's her pervy boss.
"You want money? I will give you as much as you ask. Just let me go!" The wounded man pleads. Her heart drops when she sees him all wounded and has bad scratches. His clothes are ripped in some parts with both hands tied together in the front and his ankles are tied up as well, bruises and some blood shown around his lips and some part of his skin.
"Dreykov? Y/n? What are you doing? What did you do to him?" Bewildered, she questions you about his very existence right now kneeling in front of you.
The older heavy set man drags his gaze to where Natasha is and surely he soon recognizes her face.
“Natasha? Is that you? Do you know this crazy sadistic bitch? She dragged me around with her car! I don’t even know her. Help!” You can hear his voice sounds so scared for his life, you always love hearing the fear from your victim’s voice. You grab a wine bottle from the counter nearby and hit him, hard enough to give him pain but not deadly just yet.
“Shut up, you pig!” You yell at him, he fell down from the impact..so weak..and helpless. “Please, what did I do to you?” He asks once more, his curiosity demands answers from you.
“Y/n..” she calls you but it goes straight over your head.
You lean down and pull his head back by his hair. “Oh you didn’t do anything to me but you made her life horrible. You disgusting motherfucker. Nobody touched my sweet Natasha.” You answer him with gritted teeth. Guilty and realization appears on his face eventually. He knows what you meant despite his confusion. “Yeah, you know what you did, didn’t you?” You utter creepily.
“Yes, love?” you finally respond to her call. You light up a cigarette and hit a few puffs as if nothing crazy is going on right now.
“Why did you bring him here? Did you really drag him around with your car?!” She is close to done waiting for your answer as she asks you one more time with a panic tone. Deep down, she can’t believe that you found him. Fear quickly builds up in her, Natasha knows what would you do to him, how far and how bad you can be.
“Oh just for a few miles, Nat. Juuust enough to let him feel the pain and the burn on his skin.” you describe nonchalantly, your hand casually moves a gesture with a cigarette between your fingers. As much as you want to drag him to death like a lit cigarette, you think it’s too soon. You want the man to suffer a little more.
The dark haired man panting in fear and pain. You put the cig in your mouth as your left hand grabs a loaded revolver gun and pull the hammer back then point it at him. “What if you can kill this douchebag, Natty?” The click sound from the gun and your question send panic to Natasha and Dreykov in a split second.
“Y/n? No, I don’t want to kill him. I don’t want his blood getting on my hand! Let him go!”
“Please! Please! Don’t shoot me. I promise I won’t do anything to her anymore! I won’t say anything about this! Please! I beg you! I have a wife and a kid!” The Russian man begs for his dear life. The more you hear his voice, the angrier you get. His pleas didn’t help at all, it made the urge to kill him stronger.
“Y/n!” Natasha screams your name, trying to distract you as her hands hit the glass multiple times, frustratedly.
You chuckle a little while you ignore her. “Do you think telling me you have a wife and a kid will make me feel pity for you??!! It’s even fucking WORSE!” You push the gun’s barrel into his temple.
“OKAY OKAY! I’m sorry! PLEASE! PLEASE DON’T!” He trembles, his body shakes in terror from how close death is right now..
Screamings from all three of you overlap and quickly fill up the room but suddenly shattered with the much louder sound of a shot you pulled. Natasha flinched and her heart beat faster. She sees the man that she hates now screams in great pain on both his tied up hands. Blood is all over his hands after a bullet went through both of his palms. “That was for every time you touched her.”
All Nat can do right now is standing there. Helpless and can’t stop what you are doing to the older man. 
“Arrgh! You shot my hands! What the fuck!” He screams with agitation as he rolls around. “Get on your knees facing her!” You instruct him as the gun still points at him, this time it’s back to the direction of his head. Dreykov struggles to do as he’s told but finally manages to do so.
You can see his face gets all red from trying to handle the pain. You love it, this is what you want. “Nat, I can drag him into your room so you can kill him. Are you sure that you don't want to do it?”
He clenches his jaws, his breathing is faster than a sprinting runner. The satisfaction you have in seeing him suffer is priceless yet insatiable. “No! y/n! I don’t want to kill him!” She refuses angrily and turns around to avoid seeing Dreykov’s dead end fate.
Natasha is angry with herself and the conflicted feeling. Part of her, she loathes him wholeheartedly. Another part of her, she wants you to let him go. Then your offer caught her attention faster than it shouldn’t be.
“Will you love me if I kill this piece of shit for you, Nat?” Your question made her skin crawl but she turned to you anyway.
“I see that I caught your attention, sweetheart. I will do the dirty work for you if you are not ready to kill yet.” You give her a smirk. “Y/n, I’m not gonna kill anybody! Ever! I’m not LIKE YOU!” She denies it aggressively. Her voice turned raspy from screaming her lungs out.
"Okay then, how about…we play a little game? I will count to 5 and all you need to do is say the word STOP and I will let him go BUT… if you don't say the word until I'm done counting, I will blow his fucking head and off he goes to hell. Does that sound like fun? Hmmm?" Your gaze jumps around from the wounded weak Dreykov and Natasha back and forth, waiting for an answer.
"No. No. Please. I'm sorry for what I did to her. Just let me go." The man begged your forgiveness one more time, his hands shaking from the trauma that your bullet had brought and left a hole in his hands. Blood slowly flows out of the wound. His busted lips tremble.
“Ready? Remember, Natty. One..simple..rule.. Say the word STOP, not “Don’t kill him.” or “No.” or whatever other words you want to say. Don’t even bother calling my name either because it won’t stop me from turning his brain into a mush. It’s very easy. Say STOP. “ Natasha sees your remorseless face from the corner of her eyes while you are talking about your twisted game.
“And you, be nice to her. Beg her if you need to.” You whisper as your devilish knowing smirk turns into an ominous laugh. The tip of the gun gets closer to his forehead.
“5..” You count out loud.
“Why are you making me do this?!” Nat asks hysterically.
“Romanoff!! Please don’t let her shoot me!” Dreykov desperately begs. The beads of sweat start to roll off his forehead. He tries to move his head away from the gun but you follow wherever it moves.
“I don’t want you to kill him, Y/n!” Natasha screams, she knows time is running out. She feels her mind is spinning. Her eyes flooded with tears of frustration.
“3..” Your voice sends the number out even louder.
“Natasha! I’m sorry! I’m sorry for everything! Just please say THE FUCKING WORD!” His voice breaks. He breathes faster from screaming his pleads out. Taking the air in so he can beg louder hoping it will wake Nat’s sense.
“I hate you! I hate you!” Natasha cries her anger out. She doesn’t even know who the words are for. She hits the glass as hard as she can, multiple times. Loud bangs echo in the room. The pain on her hands and the sting in her throat don’t even bother her anymore.
“2..tik tok Natasha.”
“ROMANOOOOF! I will give anything you want! Please let me live!!!! STOP! STOP!” Dark clouds of fear for his life forcing him to say the word himself even though he knows it won’t save his life.
She turns her back on you and Dreykov, she slides down weakly and starts crying. The coldness of the glass touches her back. She breaks down. “I can’t! I can’t do this anymore! Please, don’t push me! I don’t want to hear it!” Her hands turn cold and shaking. She covers her ears, her fingers start to pull her own hair. Her eyes are closed. Her knees weaken. She is terrified of herself! One easy word is so hard to get out of her lips. Her tongue refuses to form the word, no matter how hard she tries. Her heart drummed.
Adrenaline rush blasts all over your body, feeding the repulsive black hole in you. Every count pulls the tip of the gun barrel closer to him. His jaws are tightening. “Aarrrrgghh!” he screeches hopelessly, forced to accept his death sentence from you, or from Natasha, to be exact.
“1…” The metal sticks to the skin of his head, you push as hard as you can, it hurts him. He closes his eyes from his last anticipation.
“BANG!!!!” You shout in front of his face. You push a short hard jolt on his forehead with your gun at the same time you shout and make the man flinch. No triggers were pulled nor bullets blasted its deadly shells. You laugh maniacally. Obviously, you are poking fun out of his trepidation. Soon, Dreykov realizes that he is still alive, he opens his eyes.
“How does it feel to be helpless, huh?! That’s how you made her feel! You make her feel helpless, you disgusting bastard!” you asks in an eerie angry tone.
Natasha stands up and turns around. She can’t deny that disappointment sagged through her but of course she won’t admit that to herself. She still convinces herself that she didn’t say the word because she knows your game. She thinks that she didn’t say the key word because you won’t shoot him that soon because you want to torture him more but was it really the reason?
She is disgusted by herself. She remembers your face and your voice telling her that she is the same monster as you are. Her eyes rounded, her chest rising and falling from the intensity in the room and the war in her mind.
“Y/n, please put the gun down. You don’t have to kill him. I forgive him.” She lies. She lies to you and herself at the same time. She despises her lies but that’s the only way for her to trick her mind.
“Did you really, nat? Did you?” You know what’s going on in her head from what happened, you know your question bothers her. Waking up the unease feelings she tries to tame. Once again, Dreykov's voice brought her back from her daze.
“You fucking bitch!!!! You think you are cool playing with my mind and my life?!! Soon, my family will look for me and the cops will find you! You will rot in jail! And you, Natasha! You try to kill me by not saying the fucking word! I swear I will make your life and your sister’s life horrible as long as I want because I can! I will—” Trap in great terror of losing his life pushed Dreykov to the edge and furious. Forcing his rambling out followed by threats but another loud blasts break the sound barrier and the hot bullet forces its way through Dreykov's head. Natasha flinches from the sounds. Her ears ring from the gunshot blare.
In a split second, he falls back, lifeless. Blood stains splatter all over and drench his head. You didn’t allow him to finish once you heard him attack Natasha with his menacing words and when you heard Natasha cry her apology.
Her heart falls down to her stomach. “WHAT THE FUCK! Y/n!”
"Such a shame. I didn't want him to die that easy. I was gonna drown him alive in the acid. Oh well." You comment out your disappointment in a flat tone as you shrug your shoulders casually as if you didn't just kill another person.
"I didn't want you to kill him, y/n!" She exasperates.
"Then why didn't you say the word, Nat?"
And there it is, the ugly truth finally comes out. The one that she didn't want to hear. Like a slap in the face, it alarms her yet catches all of her words. She doesn't know what to say yet perhaps she knows the answer to your question.
"Yeah, that's what I thought." You mumble under your breath as you proceed to what you have to do next…to Dreykov's dead body.
Pt. 2
A/n: Welp, that's it for today! I hope you enjoy the intense rollercoaster ride! Let me know what you think. Reblog, comment and input are always appreciated. Follow me for more and see you in next!
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