#Yeah I think about this every waking moment..
dad!chirs getting all emotional seeing his daughter dancing in her lil tutu
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Chris swore he was what they call a “boy dad.” He would be thrilled beyond measure to have a little girl, but he’d be lying if he told anyone else that he didn’t spend every waking moment imagining a smaller version of him running around, getting into similar shenanigans that he had when he was a kid. He talked about putting him into hockey and lacrosse, throwing out the idea of coaching his sons team if he had the time. But all of this went out the window when we found out we were having a baby girl.
“A little you,” he had said to me as he squeezed my hand at the appointment where the news was given to us. Tears rolled down my face as I saw a different look of light on his own. It didn’t matter to me what the sex of our baby was, as long as they were healthy, as cheesy as it sounds. But seeing Chris light up at the idea of embarking on this journey of fatherhood with a baby girl was everything to me.
Three years rolled by since the birth of our first born daughter. To give me some time on my own to handle tasks throughout the day as I balance my first born with even more life changes, that little hour block of dancing every few days gives me just enough time to stop at the store and pick her up, and allows her to make friends and work on some social skills.
“Shhhh,” I heard a faint whisper behind the footsteps running down the hallway to the master bedroom I had been hoping to steal a few extra minutes of sleep in.
Giggles and stomping tuned out the sound of my husband, and before I knew it, my little girl was bouncing on the bed.
“Mama! Mama!” she cheered. a smile drawn so largely on her face I could count all her baby teeth. Her hair was a nightmare, stringing in every direction, a clear sign that she had just woken up.
“Hey, hey!” Chris warned gently, scooping her up from the bed and holding her like Superman in his arms. “Be careful of Mommy’s belly,” he said, pointing at the large seven month bump under the covers.
Her hands covered her mouth as another giggle made its way out. “I forgot.”
“Yeah, yeah, I figured. Let’s get you ready for that recital hmm? Give Mommy some time to get up and at em for the day,” he suggested.
She nodded excitedly, her eyes shot wide. I watched them run out of the room with her in his arms, laughing hysterically until they reached her room down the hall.
This spring recital has been the only thing on that little girls mind since she started dancing. It’s nothing more than us parents getting the chance to watch our babies waddle around one stage and try not to bump into each other while crying from how adorable they are, but Chris has been counting down the days with her, letting her feel as special as he can before the second baby comes and she loses some of that attention.
After a few more minutes and the urge to throw up everything I ate the night before from my ongoing morning sickness, I peeled myself out of bed and finished getting our daughter dressed while a Chris prepared breakfast for her.
I scooped her up at set her on the counter top. “Alright my little ballerina. Do you think you can be Mommy’s helper so we can get this hair done faster?”
She nodded, her dimples showing as she grinned and handed me a hairbrush. I pulled her hair into a tight bun and hair-sprayed down the sides, watching her body tense up from the spray the same way she does when we put sunscreen on her.
“Go down and have some breakfast. I heard Daddy is making your favorite.”
She gasped in response, jumping down from the counter and running down the steps. I followed behind her, meeting with the smell of chocolate chip pancakes enveloping our house.
“I have two little chocolate chip pancakes for my perfect girl!” Chris said as he wiped his hands clean of any batter and placed her plate in front of her, letting her dig in.
Once we finished eating, I put her tutu on her to complete her attire for the recital. The three of us walked hand in hand to each destination, first the car, then the studio.
I watched as she ran inside with her friends while all the parents got seated in the viewing area. Chris held my hand anxiously, waiting for her to come out when she did his face lit up, his eyes widening and a smile growing on his face. He squeezed my hand in excitement, as if I didn’t already have my eyes on her. It was obvious she was still a beginner in every way, but she had so much fun that the smile on her face made everything so worth it.
Tears built in his eyes and I watched as he tried to casually wipe them away, but it was obviously he was a proud dad watching his beautiful little girl run around a stage with pure joy.
When all of her dances came to an end, we met her back at the entrance, cheers coming from her mouth as she spotted us. “Daddy!” she yelled from across the room before making her sprint.
Chris met her halfway with a bouquet of flowers in his hands for her, picking her up and kissing all over her face.
“My beautiful girl,” he said. “Do you even know how great you were?”
She widened her eyes and nodded, earning laughs from us.
I took Chris’ hand as he led us back to the car, reminding him of the demands of his second daughter on the way. He was already a pro at this. I knew we couldn’t be luckier to have him.
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enzenwriting · 2 days
7 days- without a week (5.8k words)
Jake sim x reader. #childhood friend to stranger #angst
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Unfortunately, you’re stuck on a cliche “childhood best friend turned into crush” :( - but can you help it? It’s Jake Sim we’re talking about here.
You literally grew up with this silly boy- from nursery school to now- last year of your university. Despite having different interest and class majors, you both got in the same university and have the time to see each other in between. (How? You’ll never know🤷‍♀️)
Your crush in question is quite the entertainment amongst your friends. Not that you’re obnoxious with your gestures/feeling, but it’s no secret to anyone that you like Jake.
Jake has basketball practice after school? You take ice cream for him and his friends when you pass by the school store!
Jake’s favourite football and basketball team game is airing? yeah you’re watching that with Jake.
(And Jake brings your favourite snacks and cuddles too<3)
Your friends says you’re absolutely down bad for the boy, but you’d like to think you’re just affectionate in nature - it’s not like you don’t show affection towards your own friends too.
“Let me guess, your MBTI is an F?” - Jungwon first time meeting you. “No, I’m pre-T, cu-T-” y/n … shut up please
It’s not like Jake doesn’t return the affection half of the time? Man is touchy. Arms around your shoulders, biting your shoulder when he can’t win an argument with you and sharing food? (not that you mind…. You really don’t…. please continue…… forever)
“That’s because we’re best friends” He tells Sunghoon with a tsk when Hoon gets tired of third wheeling. The eyerollll he gets from Hoon every time fr is enough to say stfu.
The guys just want to *bonk* him. Wake up Sim!
You realise this cycle had been as what it had always been since you realise your feelings but you know enough not to push the boundaries between the two of you to make it awkward and destroy you friendship
So today isn’t really any different except Jake gets benched for a day because he wouldn’t shut up about fishing instead of practising. This is never good because Jake Sim is PASSIONATE about his hobbies and sports.
The team also has an important game in a couple of weeks so wasting this time on the bench very counterproductive.
You do you your daily visit, ready to share your snacks with Jake and the rest of the boys and that’s when you notice his small frown and bitten bottom lips.
“Jakey, you okay? Want to talk somewhere? ” You test the water because a moody Jake Sim is a land mine sometimes. it takes talking to get him out from his danger zone
“No” you’re not fazed at his abrupt answer but it breaks your heart to see him like this. He mumbles something along of “I’m fine” but nonetheless your stubborn self didn’t believe him. His happiness was your happiness, after all.
“Come on Jakey, let’s go somewhere to talk-“
“Oooh baby Jakey, talk to your girlfriend to calm your ass down. Maybe you can cuddle it out right girlfriend?” One of the guy yells across the court, laughing boisterously.
“Come on guys, it’s not like that. We’re not dating” you respond, trying to dismay the guys not to provoke Jake further.
“Yet!” Heeseung winks. “You’ve got to try harder y/n!”
“I guess” you whispered, just wanting them to lose interest at both of your business and focus on cheering Jake at the very moment.
You sigh, look falling towards Jake when all too sudden, you feel his fingers arms around your forearm, quietly dragging you out of the court and a couple of room away from the place.
“What was that bout?” he exclaimed, voice barely above whispered, a slight growl evident in his deep voice.
“What are you talking bout?” you raised your brow, tugging on the sleeves of your hoodie nervously as you feel the tension between the two of you.
“Don’t act dumb y/n. You know what you were doing with all the girlfriend talk and trying to be more than what we are”
“Is it that bad to try? I care about you as friend too. My intentions aren’t all motivated by trying to be more than that.” Your attempt to explain yourself was futile when Jake interupts you
“What fuck y/n? You know I hate it when you talk about trying to be more than my friend!”
“I didn’t start it! I didn’t even mean just that too! I’m trying to make you feel better-“
“Still!!” He exclaimed and you can see the frustration in his expressions. “You ran with it and you’re motivating them”
“I just thought… I thought it would shut them up”
“Well you thought wrong” Jake ran his hand through his hair in frustration, backing away from you. “You have no idea how it feels to have your friend and strangers constantly nagging you to do and what not to do!”
“Jakey, you should just accept poor y/n’s feelings! don’t reject her so much! You two are definitely more than friends!!” He mimicked comments you’ve heard many times from others too. His voice was getting deeper as words kept coming out. His fists were clenching every second. The image of the golden puppy boy was gone. “I’ms tired of it, y/n!” he yelled.
“I’m sick and tired of you constantly forcing me to act like a couple!” You held your breath, trying to stay strong at Jake’s eyes starring straight into yours coldly. His finger poking, pointing towards you. “It’s so fucking annoying to have your own best friend push and whine every single day of your life. No matter how many times I fucking turn you down as gently as possible but your stubborn self couldn’t see how annoying this whole thing is for me. I call you best friend every day for heaven sakes!”
You felt your chest tighten with every passing second, you felt like you were bout to burst. Second after seconds, Jake felt very unfamiliar and the situation felt like a nightmare. Not until the following words woke you up in this reality and shattered your remaining resolve
“I don’t like you like that and I never fucking will. I mean it y/n”
Without a second wasted, you slipped out of Jake’s presence and jogged of the stairs, trying to keep your tears in. You felt like your heart had been crushed into pieces. A heart break without the love.
⠀ ׄ  ۪ 𓂃 ੭୧ 𓂃 ۪ ׄ
an/ scream for part 2!!!! because I just broke my own heart with this🤣💔🫵 . Sorry I got too carried away but Jake was VERY mean on this wtf!!!
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whore-ibly-hot · 1 day
How would Harrison react if reader outright confessed to him and wanted to be in a relationship?
Your writing is really nice btw
-Florida Man
He would be absolutely thrilled, if not a little disappointed only because he wanted to be the one to confess. He had some gran gesture halfway planned out, but maybe he put it off too long.
He's very physical when you confess, but also very cautious. He hides his yandere side better than the other boys, so he doesn't want to overwhelm you with questions. This relationship is all about your comfort. He'll pick you up in a big hug and spin you around, then immediately ask you about sharing his bed, sharing clothes and setting boundaries.
He'd be glad to continue doing the same things he usually does with you, but now under the guise of a date. He's so happy to finally hold you and kiss you, it's enough to make him ignore the stiffy he's gotten. Almost.
You aren't going to be allowed to sleep on your bed on your side of the dorm. You are now permanently glued into his bed. He'll hold you and whisper out sweet things about how happy he is that you're finally dating.
"M' so fuckin' happy..."
"Guess you'll have to wear my jerseys at my games now. Heh, maybe I can wear something of yours for good luck?"
He's determined that since you 'stole' the confession from him, as he so often teases you about, that he's going to be one step ahead from now on. Anniversary? He's got a cozy booth at a local diner all picked out. He likes to keep it thoughtful, and you both used to go there after his games all the time. If your able to get your period, he's all hands on deck. Its... odd he always seems to know your cycle, but he explains it away as just a 'roommate' thing. It's not like he's tracking it or anything.
He'd be more protective, you being the one to ask him out surely means you want all of him, right? He's willing to get more rough with Evan, or report Pez for getting you all high and fuzzy. You'll still love him, won't you?
Since you've agreed to date him, he's thrilled to introduce you to his family, he's always been there golden boy and he wants more than anything for them to like you. The first school break after he met you, when he was back with his parents, he had lots of time to look at family photos and see his parents being domestic. That's when he made up his mind, when he got you to be his, or when you got him, he'd propose not long after. He'd wanted that family life with you, a white picket fence and a home. You practically shared a home anyways, your roommates! He plans to propose quickly, he's not gonna let you beat him to it. Besides, your father wouldn't be thrilled, his schools star athlete dating his only child, it's a match made in heaven.
It's past three in the morning, and Harris9n should be resting, but every moment he goes to close his eyes feels like a moment he wastes, considering he could be looking at your sweet, sleeping form curled up in his big arm. He adjusts his position to let you further press into his chest, and he lets out a shaky sigh as quietly as he can. "Love you..." he whispers. "You're gonna look so pretty on our wedding day, yeah? Dress or suit, I don't care. I think I'd just wanna see you in white." He rambles on throughout the night until you wake up, and his quickly apologizes for talking too much.
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"It Comes And Goes in Waves"
Summary: Buck, Tommy, a nightmare and talks about trust.
Buck wakes up in fractions. 
A part of his mind is still floating in the after echo of a dream. Something about the ocean. Gravelly sand under his bare toes. The rhythmic rush of waves. Not the violent cold of an approaching tsunami wave. No. The gentle brush of calm waves rolling to the shore and retreating to reveal little white shells and pieces of tang. Salt on his lips. Sharp and bitter. Buck experimentally licks them. They are dry but very unsalty and he blinks, reality slowly forming from vague blurs to actual shapes. 
Buck's thoughts leave the ocean behind and turn to the present. With his face buried in a soft pillow, Buck inhales and smiles. Smells like Tommy. Tommy? Buck frowns in confusion. He was right beside Buck when he fell asleep. Where - Ah. Buck’s eyes get used to the dim light - the sun hasn’t risen yet - and he discovers Tommy’s bent shape. He’s sitting on the edge of the bed, with his back to Buck. There’s something in his almost statue-like stillness, that unsettles Buck.
He reaches out carefully, his fingers brushing Tommy’s back. “Hey. Why you not sleeping?”
Tommy winces and turns his head to look at Buck over his shoulder. “It’s nothing. Just … couldn’t sleep. You should though. Go back to sleep. It’s still early.”
Buck stretches and yawns. His mind still feels floaty. He definitely could fall asleep again right now, but he doesn’t want to do it alone. “Maybe some cuddling will help?” He asks, turning to lay on his back and opening his arm invitingly. "Can fall asleep together."
Tommy hesitates. “I don’t know. I don’t want to disturb you.”
“You won’t,” Buck says, the corners of his mouth ticking up into a sleepy smile. “I love falling asleep cuddling.”
Another moment of hesitation. But finally, Tommy’s stillness dissolves and he closes the gap between them, fitting perfectly into the space Buck made for him, his head resting on Buck’s arm and his body snuggled up against Buck’s own sleep-soft warm body. Tommy pulls the blanket over both of them and sighs, closing his eyes. “This is nice,” he says quietly.
“Hmmmm.” Buck blinks up at the ceiling. Outside, the night’s dark blue tinges violet at the edges. It’s silent, apart from their shared breaths and the muffled noises from outside. A car driving past. A dog barking in the distance. The wind making the window pane rattle softly. It’s silent. Yet, there is a certain heaviness in the room with them. Buck can feel it. Tommy doesn’t say anything. But he’s not sleeping either. Just breathing, his breath warm on Buck’s skin. 
“I can hear you thinking,” Buck whispers after a while. “Share?”
Tommy sighs. “I had a nightmare. You know those kinds of dreams that feel real in a very unsettling way? A way which makes you hope it’s just a dream. And when you wake up, you feel actual relief?”
“Yeah,” Buck breathes, shuddering as he thinks about the freezing hit of a tsunami wave, the heat of an exploding flame, the sudden strike of lightning sent from dark clouds above. Phantom echoes, bouncing off mental walls. “I know this kind of dream.” Tommy nods. “There was a time when I had one almost every night. By now, they are less frequent. But this one … It was so real.” He stops, swallowing.
“What was it about?” Buck asks.
“I … It was just a dream, Evan. We don’t have to talk about it. It’s stupid.” Tommy sounds strained. His body is tense.
Buck turns his head to look at him, seeking out Tommy’s eyes which are glittering in the moonlight falling through the window. Two lakes. They close when Buck reaches out to cup Tommy’s face. “I don’t think it’s stupid,” Buck says. “I think it hurt you. I think it troubles you. And if I can help you empty your mind so that you can maybe go back to sleep again, please let me help. Tell me.”
Another swallow. Tommy leaves his eyes closed. But he breathes, “You left me. In the nightmare, you left me. You … You walked out the door, after telling me you have to move on. And all I felt in that dream was numb resignation because it wasn’t anything new. It was just another time. Being left. Being alone again. It all felt so … natural. I woke up and I, I saw you there, sleeping beside me. And I couldn’t stop thinking: This is nice, but it will come to an end. Eventually, he will leave. Just like anyone else did. God. I’m sorry.” Tommy opens his eyes, looking at Buck and smiling weakly. “I guess, I don’t know how to trust reality. Not anymore?”
Buck feels a surge of sympathetic pain. A bitterness in his heart, that comes from his own losses. People leaving. People dying. People becoming ghosts. People looking at him with disappointment in their eyes. Shadows, dancing over mental walls.  And in the middle of it all: The hope that this will stay. That it will last. Suddenly, it seems like Tommy's eyes are mirrors. Buck leans their foreheads together, needing to be closer. He feels Tommy’s soft exhale on his own face and says, “I’ll make you trust this if you can help me trust in myself a little more. Because sometimes, I think there’s something wrong with me. So many people left me in so many different ways. I don’t want to leave and I don’t want to be left. I … I feel like we share this fear? Maybe we can also share the trust.”
“I’d like that,” Tommy breathes, his hand searching for Buck’s, finding and squeezing it. “I’d like that a lot, Evan.”
“We can start like this,” Buck suggests. “Let’s fall asleep again and trust each other that we will still be there when we open our eyes in the morning.”
“Okay,” Tommy says, smiling. “Would you be weirded out if I wanted to be the little spoon?”
“Not at all,” Buck says, his eyes fluttering as he feels the pull of sleep. “But you’ll have to hurry. I’m so tired.”
Tommy turns to lay with his back to Buck and Buck wraps his arms around him, pressing their bodies together. Warm. Nice. He sighs into Tommy’s neck, inhales his familiar scent and already feels himself floating away again. 
Buck vaguely feels a hand taking his, fingers intertwining tightly on instinct, and he thinks Tommy whispers something like “love”, but he isn’t sure. Sleep is a gentle wave again. It carries Buck away from reality and towards the shore of all the dreams he has not yet dreamed. Maybe he will find a nice one tonight. Something about trust and hope and love.
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heartss4matthewq · 23 hours
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contains: car crash, angst, fluff, crying, fighting
new character: jack
• 10:25 pm
“chris has been in a car accident.”
“what, when?” you said worried
“right before he crashed he called us and said he was coming to your house to talk to you” matt said and you couldn’t help but feel guilty
“chris crashed around like 9:30 but we wanted to come here first because we didn’t want to leave you and have you worried where he is”
“can we drive to the hospital” you said, your voice a little bit shaky
“yeah, let’s go matt” nick said
“bro im never getting my drivers license” chris said sounding serious
“what, why” you said laughing
“because i am not trying to get in a car crash” he said
“you won’t, i pinky promise” you stuck out your pinky to chris
as you & chris interlocked pinkies he pulled you closer and kissed you
you kissed back but only for a moment as you hear…
“oh my god, is he okay??” you asked the doctors
“we have to run a few more tests and we will let you know what’s going on soon” a nurse said pointing you, matt, and nick to a waiting area
“you guys think he’ll be okay?” nick spoke out
“i mean it’s chris, that kid can do anything and be alright” matt said trying to be enthusiastic
“yeah i hope he’s doing okay”
“Matt! Nick! Y/N! Chris is ready to see you guys” another nurse called out
as you walked over to the room chris was in a worker stopped you
“only one person can come see him at this time”
“matt go first” you and nick said at the same time
“okay i’ll let you guys know how he’s doing”
“matt’s gonna make a joke with him and then he’ll laugh a little too hard that he’ll get hurt” nick said with a smile
you reached in for a hug and nick hugged you back
“i really hope he’s okay” you spoke
“he will be fine i promise, pinky promise”
“y/n you’re next, chris really wants to see you” matt said
as you were walking past matt and nick you could hear them muttering words to eachother
you opened chris room and immediately ran over to his bed and hugged him.
“what did the doctors say??”
“i think they said i had a mild concussion” chris said
“oh my, are you feeling okay?” you said worried
“yeah i feel fine, my head just hurts really bad and my vision is slightly blurry, but i mean other than that, i feel fine”
“that’s good though right, i mean at least it’s not hella severe you know”
“yeah, but i wanted you in here to talk.” chris said in a flat tone
“about what?”
“for how i’ve been treating you, i don’t know what’s been going on with me. i feel like a complete dick for what i’ve been doing. everytime i come back from LA i feel like a different person and i have no clue why. honestly i was trying to get to your house and then boom, car smacks right into me. i kinda feel like this is a wake up call to tell you that…” chris pauses
“that i love you, i say it sometimes and don’t even mean it, but i know what i feel now and i’ve always loved you y/n i really hope you aren’t upset at me and if you are i completely understand”
“chris, i need you to know how deeply i love you. from the moment i met you, i knew you were someone special, and my feelings have only grown stronger since then. it hurts me to see you acting differently towards me because all i want is for things to work out between us. i cherish every moment we've spent together and dream of a future where we can be truly happy”
“times up, nick needs to come in so we can get you guys out so chris can heal”
it’s been a couple weeks since you last talked to chris
you have no clue if he’s still okay or not but all you know is that you wished he could’ve given you an answer in time
you loved chris so much, and to hear him apologize made you very happy but also sad
you were scared he’d start doing the same thing again
you started to cry, you don’t even know if it’s because you’re stresed or if it’s because you don’t know what chris will do or anything
you sat and cried for almost 10 minutes just thinking about everything
*INCOMING CALL FROM christopher ❤️🧙‍♀️*
you obviously picked up the phone
“i’m out of the hospital im coming over”
“okay, please don’t drive and have matt bring you.”
“okay he will bring me but we have a lot to talk about”
“alright ill see you when you get here, i love you”
“i love you too”
just when you got off the phone you heard someone knock at the door
no way chris is already here, he lives on the other side of town - you thought to yourself
you ran downstairs and looked through your window that was close to your door and you could see who was on the other side of the door.
what the fuck why is jack here
jack was your ex and chris did not like him at all.
chris didn’t like him because jack was like a stalker and over protective, just a weird guy that you should not have dated
“yo what the fuck you doin outside y/ns house bro”
“chill out i didn’t even do anything yet”
“yet?? what does that even mean, you know what just let’s talk then because i already told your ass don’t come to her house”
you were still looking through the window and you could see them talking and you heard chris getting louder and louder.
you saw jack push chris
“yo don’t fucking touch me i swear to god”
“or what pussy”
you saw jack reach into his back pocket and grab something L shaped
you realized what it was and ran to the door and opened it
a/n: finally posted a part 3 😭😭 i’m in the writing mood soo ima make a part 4 definitely 💋
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imaginingbleach · 7 hours
Random Assortment of Captains Proposing
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Included: Shunsui, Suì-Fēng, Shinji, Byakuya, Mayuri, Rukia
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Shunsui Kyoraku
One would expect this man to be over the top with his proposal, but you would be surprised to find out it's nothing like you would expect.
Even before becoming head captain, this still held true.
While he believes the world should know how special you are to him, he also wants certain things to be more personal and private.
He can shout how he feels for you to the high heavens, but he wants special occasions to be just between the two of you-- maybe a small group of friends and family at largest.
It would likely happen some quiet evening in the middle of winter when the snow is gently coming down just outside...
The two of you were snuggled up together next to a gently roaring fire.
You didn't need a blanket with how warm he was as he had his arms wrapped around you.
You were starting to lull off into a very soft slumber, struggling to stay awake between the comfort of you boyfriend and the warmth between him and the fire.
He had thought a lot about when and where he should ask you, but the way you looked snuggled up into his chest?
He couldn't stand it.
You were so cute and you looked so perfect there with him...
"Hey, sorry to wake you, but I wanna ask you something," he spoke gently, waking you from your faint slumber.
"Mmf? Wha's up?" You'd slur out, eyes not even managing to open at first.
It was when he didn't immediately respond that you would open your eyes, blinking slowly and looking at him.
"Will you marry me?"
A mix of something between a squeak and a gasp escaped you, his question definitely waking you up.
"I-" your brain was going faster than you could verbally reply-- but his calm demeanor helped relax you enough to manage the simplest and yet most important reply you could give him, "yes"
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She thinks she's being secretive about her plans to propose, but she's sorely mistaken.
Maybe in regards to you
However, her entire squad and the stealth force absolutely know.
In fact, they would be doing whatever they could to try to give her hints.
"Oh, yeah, Captain! I got a new ring from-" not very subtle, but he does like to wear jewelry and the ring doesn't look awful-
Maybe of the members would have casual 'conversations' while conveniently walking past her.
"The cherry blossom trees are beautiful in-" "There's a fireworks festival this weekend-"
The squad knew you well enough to know how to suggest things they thought you might like.
She's a bit too caught up in the moment to fully notice what they're doing...
When she does propose, she chose your favorite time of year or favorite holiday.
It doesn't matter how tall you are, she would position herself so she could wrap her arms around your shoulders from behind.
She would pull a cute little box out in front of your face and simply asks if you'll be hers.
You're shocked for a moment, but gladly accept and turn around to kiss her happily.
Some time after she finally proposed... She realized just what her squad had done.
She's a little annoyed but doesn't punish anyone so long as they don't bring it up. Omaeda.
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Shinji Hirako
Okay... This man is so in love with you it's absolutely fucking ridiculous.
He has imagined and daydreamed about how he might propose to you and how your wedding might go...
It's always the same in his mind so he has idea of a perfect proposal and the most wonderful wedding and...
Something always seems to happen.
It could be big or small, but he just has never been able to get the timing right!
He had it all planned out, he had a ring, he had a spot, even down to what season he wanted it to happen in!
It would have been a beautiful little day together where he would propose at sunset! Or sunrise! That all depended on what happened 😉
Every. Single. Time! Bad weather, you were busy! He was sick! He had duties! There was a war going on!
So, when it finally does happen... It's not exactly the most romantic extravagant over the top proposal...
But it's extremely fitting for Shinji.
You had just woken up, the smell of food enticing you towards the kitchen to eat.
He was sitting there with a cup of tea, watching as you stumbled towards the table with your eyes barely open and hair an absolute mess.
To him; this scene was just pure perfection. It was so domestic... It filled him with warmth.
"We should get married," he would blurt out, smiling at you.
"W... Wha? I, wha?" You were so shocked you had dropped your piece of toast, whining as it fell buttered side down onto the floor. "Shinji... It's too early for jokes," you would grumble; now upset you had accidentally wasted food.
"I'm not joking," he would grin and pull out a little pristine box he had been carrying since the day he bought it.
He would sweetly say your name and open the box to show you the ring, his usual grin soon spreading over his features. "Will you make me the 3rd happiest man in Connecticut and marry me?"
"We're not in Connecticut!!!" You would exclaim through laughter, wiping the tears from your eyes. "Yes, stupid... You're also banned from the Internet."
"Hey, you know you love me~ and it made you giggle, so it's not all that bad." He would wrap his arms around you, cheek pressed against yours and gently putting the ring on.
You both made up a story about what happened because you didn't want to have to explain the layers of his stupid proposal. (You both think back on it fondly, though.)
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Byakuya Kuchiki
One may think it would take him a while to propose, but that would be quite the opposite of the truth.
What takes him a while is allowing himself to open up to you enough to realize he has feelings for you...
He guards his emotions carefully, especially after the death of Hisana...
But when he's in a relationship with you?
He genuinely cherishes the idea of being called your husband.
He would tell you that when you are ready and feel comfortable with the idea, he would be honored to marry you.
He tells you this up front since it's taken him so long to even accept the relationship, so he already knows he can see himself being with you for the rest of his life.
Because of this, you don't get the whole 'surprise proposal', but you do get to do a lot of things together.
When you admit that the idea of marriage sounds like something you'd like, he takes you to get rings with him.
Though he's used to a more traditional Japanese style wedding, he is open to hearing your thoughts.
He likely puts in more work than you do planning, mostly because he wants to make it perfect for you.
A big extravagant wedding? Done.
A small wedding with only the closest friends and family? That's perfect too.
He wants you to be happy, since he's already decided a while ago that he wants to repay the happiness you've given him tenfold.
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Mayuri Kurotsuchi
He is an interesting one to say the least.
His way of proposing is far from straight forward and even those closest to him who understand him might not see it as such.
Of course, being his partner means he comes to you with complaints about his subordinates or how his research isn't going the way he wants...
That's not unusual.
What is unusual, is how he gives you random little strange gifts.
Well, one wouldn't call them gifts so much...
You'll notice something interesting on his table and make a comment about it.
He'll tell you it was something from a failed experiment and they if you wanted it you could have it.
There was no experiment.
He got it because he knew you'd like it.
He can't say that though, right?
Anyway, through some long winded convoluted explanation you would end up with a ring.
You would end up unintentionally giving him answers to all the important wedding planning stuff and you wouldn't even know it.
You end up finding out because you snuck into his office one day to surprise him with something and you saw his calendar.
It definitely came as a mild shock at first, but somehow you weren't entirely surprised.
Instead you decided to continue to act oblivious up to the day of the wedding. You had to have some fun with it!
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Rukia Kuchiki
Rukia's way of proposing is absolutely adorable and definitely reflects a lot of her personality.
It takes her a bit to decide on the best course of action...
She has been gathering all the important information she would need over the years, after all.
She knows your ring size, your clothing size, your shoe size, your favorite color-- the works!
So, the most important part of everything is the how she does it.
She decided on a date: whatever winter holiday is your favorite.
It just so happened to be snowing that day, which she thought was absolutely perfect.
Whether it was a gift giving holiday or not: she got you one and had it wrapped nicely!
When you opened it, it was a pair of stuffed animals hugging.
One was a rabbit and the other was your favorite animal!
They were velcroed in a way that they could come apart, and when you pulled them apart to see, a small box fell out from between them.
Rukia would kneel down and pick up the box, gently holding it up to you before opening it.
"Will you marry me?"
You said yes, but you also laughed and cried. It was so cute you couldn't help it.
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iamdieterbravo · 8 months
Hoffman grasping onto Angelina’s hand while hysterical vs taking Strahm’s hand with a smile… Much to think about
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I find his reaction to each of their mangled corpses really interesting and it highlights his development for the worse. When he sees Angelina he’s distraught, incoherent, overcome with a cocktail of grief and rage. Compare this to how he reacts to Strahm’s crushed body: he’s nonplussed, if not overjoyed, upon seeing his adversary’s demise.
It shows his desensitization to violence and his death of humanity. Even when watching Seth’s death, there is conflict on his face. He’s doesn’t like the brutality but can’t bring himself to look away.
Yet both of them result in the same thing, they both push Hoffman to do things he never thought he could. Angelina’s driving him to kill Seth and Strahm’s leading him to comitting justiceless killings, no longer bound by Jigsaw’s rules.
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anothermonikan · 2 months
feeling very objectum tonight. hello objectums. I love you
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waitineedaname · 1 year
I could pick a million different things that make me emotional about the kageyama brothers, but right now I'm thinking about ritsu reflecting on the original ???% incident during the final arc and how part of the reason he was so hurt by it wasn't just the actual physical injury or the trauma of the incident itself, but also the fact that shigeo wouldn't fucking talk to him about what happened. It's extremely likely that ritsu has been lying about what happened that day ever since it happened, like he probably told his parents that same lie about the bullies hurting him and shigeo protecting him, and the only other person who would know the truth is shigeo, but shigeo started shutting him out after that. I get the impression that before, they were the kind of siblings who told each other everything, which is why it hurts so badly that shigeo shut down so much and stopped letting his brother in, especially when ritsu is just a kid dealing with the weight of a lie like that to protect his brother. Idk, it just puts ritsu always being like "you know you can talk to me about anything" in a different light
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bibiana112 · 1 year
One of my favorite character traits that Junpei has is how as much as he's protective and caring to his favorite people and impulsively jumps into danger to help others if he has an opportunity to without wanting anything in return and highly values the promises he makes he just seems to also always be more curious than he is sensible or empathetic, he gets so caught up on the horrors he sees but he has such a hard time looking away, he's right to analyze and be intrigued by the ninth man's remains but he stands around staring at it until he pukes, in the showers you can interact with the wall behind which lies "Snake's" corpse and he will pick up more details about it each time you click on it until he has to mentally rip himself away because it's not that he can't keep looking at it it's that he better look away and focus on getting out, and the way he talks to Clover about the body with every minutiae she wouldn't want to hear is like his brain connects faster to his mouth than it can connect to his sense of morality sometimes which I guess turned out to be a good thing in this one case or just good common sense in general like there's other minor things he blurts out at times, he's stated to not have tact be his strongest suit, he's insensitive on accident trying to fumble through interactions even if he's entirely confident on what he's saying he's soo sharp when he has a goal in mind but he's soo dense if he's trying to just exist my man is so traumatized and his brain always seems to default to taking the most of any given situation in as possible to desensitize himself instead of any other response and sometimes it pushes his mind to be so single mindedly entranced on not ending up that way too that he'll describe a mangled body in excruciating detail to a grieving relative even if that's his friend and even if he feels guilty about it immediately as soon as he catches up with what just left his mouth instead of staying in his thoughts
#I did it I made a post about Junpei without talking about the Kurashikis!!#I am... still doing that here in the tags because that's how this train of thought started but... akdhsk#like I just started thinking how even in the everything is fine and junepei still has the capacity to be a healthy couple AU in my head#he would still have moments™ like this#how he would make invasive little questions about uncomfortable things to reminisce about#not realize he's overstepping right away not deal in the best way with Akane's meltdowns if she's doing bad enough to have them#kind of like in door 3 as in still being touchy and stuff but nothing bad on purpose#nothing like pushing her around like I still can't believe he canonically does in zero tiem dilemma#but yeah basically that's it that's the post I like Junpei a lot despite not being as present in my every waking thought as other character#and I love this about him love that he isn't just completely heroic that he has to struggle a bit#he's a protagonist that feels so generic for the first few minutes but he's anything but the more you play#I love how No One in ze is a good flawless person the way stories usually portray#they have quirks and hang ups that they are capable of doubling down on or turning for the worse under circumstances that push them to#again not. really including zerotiemdillema on that one but you get what I mean#zero escape#zero escape spoilers#999 spoilers#junpei 999#junpei tenmyouji#every character in this series who ultimately wants to do good has to struggle so much with the horrors around them and in themselves for i#and then there still aren't right simple answers and they still try for the slim possibility that things can be okay this time and I love i#escape room convention but it's a time loop
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
I meant to write more for a pt 2 lore post earlier but didn't end up doing so, so pls take these AU sketches(Mark & Jense and then some assorted sketchies)
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#i should never have drawn them as catboys bcs now they appear as catboys in mind half the time 😭😭#its only on paper but i drew more catboy sketches of them than whats included here 😭#seb reminds me of my cat where hes being all nice and cuddly and then will bite you out of nowhere#seb in his frilly nightgown is very important to me!!!#i meant to draw both of them in nightgowns but brain wasnt worked too well tonight#so thats why these are mostly half finished#the bottom seb is too remind myself i have a regular art style 😭😭😭#mark in this au is so funny to me. bro is tortured by having to be with seb like practically every waking moment#he basically is a offically provided live-in bestie 😭😭#*based on real life thing. i think its funny how you can be royalty yourself +#but bcs youre not part of the imperial family you can still be reduced to the job of having to dress the emperor 😭#^ so thats mark in this au#seb promoted him to an important role when he became emperor but still makes mark do his old duties 🤭🤭#jense is in charge of all the horses and transport and things. thus: ye olde horse girl#im sorry but in historical AUs all f1 drivers are legally obligated to be horse girls. its literally canon#so sorry for the catboy sketch. it will happen again.#but ig i dont wanna go too deep into lore stuff in these tags cause yeah. another post in the works!!#i think about it and have talked about it a lot. but its hard to like contain all of it to bullet points and such#my brain is not built for writing fic i think so idk of youll ever get that from me. but lore yes i will deliver#sebastian vettel#fernando alonso#jenson button#mark webber#f1 fanart#formula 1 fanart#catie.art.#formula 1#boy king au
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thethingything · 2 months
I find it kind of interesting that we have a couple of delusions (and the hallucinations that come with those) that just kind of involve gruesome stuff happening to us, especially because they weren't as gruesome at first but have gotten more so over time.
the hallucinations are all somatic ones (sensations instead of visuals or audio) but they're stuff like I guess what our brain thinks it would feel like if our organs were decomposing, or being eaten by maggots, or just stuff with a similar vibe to that?
I can put up with it for the most part, but like I did nearly throw up on the bed because of it earlier and I'd really like to not experience that again
#personal#thoughts#🍬 post#emetophobia tw#vent post#<- I guess? I mean it kinda sucks but I'm not that upset about it right now#anyway this is partly from the Cotard's delusion and partly because we also get delusions involving being parasitised#I think they're kind of linked together for us. like there's a similar vibe to them somehow#anyway the Cotard's delusion is like... it flares up every so often and gets really intense#but otherwise it's mostly just there in the background as like ''yeah that's a thing we experience'' but not affecting us that much#it's hard to explain how we usually feel about it when it's not flaring up really intensely#but at the moment it is flaring up so it's like... okay I guess this is what we're doing for the foreseeable future#idk we might just wake up later and be like ''oh never mind'' or it might flare up for a few weeks or whatever#also talking about this is wild because like I've definitely mentioned us having it but I'm still aware that everything says it's super rar#even though we've met multiple other people who have it and we had it for years without knowing it had a name or anything#but I'm still paranoid about getting fakeclaimed because people like to be like ''that's so rare. there's no way you can have that''#like idk what to tell you buddy my brain is convinced that I'm dead and that my organs are decomposing. I'm not happy about it either#being able to double-bookkeep and know we're experiencing a delusion also makes it weirder#because it's like yeah I know it sounds ridiculous and is technically impossible but my brain has decided that none of that matters#and me being like ''well that can't be true'' feels like being in denial so even though I know it's a delusion#a lot of the time it's easier to just lean into it and go ''okay sure I guess I'm dead. who gives a shit''#anyway let's see how I end up feeling after talking about this because either I'll post it and be like ''yeah this is fine''#or I'll get paranoid about being fakeclaimed or people being like ''what the actual fuck'' and end up deleting it
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kitnapz · 10 months
i dont think any other show has had an impact on me as huge as awae. that show consumed my entire life for months and months when i was 15 and nothing has changed its so so dear to me
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basaltbutch · 1 year
oh you know what. remembered i was partially raised by dogs. that might explain some things about me.
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galaxxies18 · 2 years
「届きはしない思い」 「声にならめ声で」
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「T R E A S U R E Y O U」
Please don't repost anywhere else!
Invidivual versions below the cut 👇
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#i think about treasured a humanly normal amount#ALSO THE ANXIETY I GOT AS I WAS FINISHING THIS BECAUSE CSP ALMOST CRASHED BROOO IMMA CRYYYY#anyway this song is the bane of my existence#it gives me nightmares in my waking hours#i hate thing song i hate that it was sung by Team K I hate that Rindou's singer has a hand in composing the lyrics#and even in canon story rindou directed the play (at least for yoshino's side iirc?)#i hate this i hate this song haunts my every living breathing moment#i hate that rindou's singer also sings this as well for concerts#like YOU GUYS ALREADY HAVE MY WIG AND MY WALLET WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO SNATCH EVEN MY SCALP#mr donuts i dont feel so good-#10/10 song i would put myself under therapy just to forget this song (just to fall in love with it again)#i mean- song is mid#yeah#defenly mid uhuh#no one better @ me for this @@@@ you two bitches specifically#<- crying in roughly 36 hours? of doing this?#idk I didn't keep track of the legitimate time but I know I did this over a span of 5 days#“is kei missing a necklace?” yeah he is its called tactical redesigning im done with this sh-#the amount of details I had to go thru for the jewelry even though you can barely see it makes me (shakes fist)#ALL THE SHITPOSTING ASIDE I'm really happy with how the end product ended up looking!#I tried to recreate the coloring style they do in the game...it's not bad LOL#also idk how to make clothes but I'll be damned if I don't give him a Treasured outfit#also Rindou deserves to have hairpins c'mon donuts its free real estate#; galaxxi's art.#blackstar: theater starless#blackstar theatre starless#blackstar theater starless#bsts rindou#bsts yoshino#adding salt to the wound these three are gonna be singing for christmas- so 🧍‍♀️
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arosebyan0thername · 1 year
Sure you might THINK you love the show. But you'll never love it as much as me. Because I have autism about it
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