#Yes I did make it a long fic and it's mostly about vampires but also about lots of other things
meanbossart · 7 months
Spicy Asks: The Sequel is here. I'm so, so sorry.
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Oh he's a very passive guy, he likes being manhandled around and not having to do much of the work (a bit of a pillow princess one might say). As far as fetishes go, he does have fantasies about group sex and of being roughed up, but I think if put in a situation where he could practice it in a controlled environment he'd be like "EHHHH nevermind actually" and go home very quickly LOL
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DU drow would have 100% banged Lae'zel if he hadn't killed her. He couldn't stand her personality but they would have gotten on like two peas in a pod in the sack.
He does find Shadowheart very pretty, but they struck up a friendship so quickly that I don't think he could see her in that way 🤷 but that's still a smash, technically speaking.
Jaheira. Ohhhh Jaheira. As far as general dynamics go she would have been the best choice after Astarion, probably - though there is no way in hell or high heavens that she would have ever let him touch her LOL regardless, DU drow finds her looks and personality to be very attractive.
He's pretty much utterly indifferent to anyone else. Wyll is too idealistic, Gale is Gale, Karlach isn't his type, Halsin gets on his nerves - oh, he WOULD have banged Mizora if he hadn't been heads over heels for Astarion by that point.
The man just likes his femmes I guess LOL
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HMMMMMMM yes, but since it's not really a porn fic expect any scenes like that to be in line with what we've had so far, where there's more of a focus on developing character dynamics rather than gratuitousness (I hope I've gotten that across, at least LOL).
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LOL, It's ok, it's a ridiculous not-name and I'm so sorry for all the people I have made confused and will continue to confuse because of it.
As for your question, definitely not! I personally like big-bottom/smaller-top scenarios so that's why I focus on it, and I do think character-wise those are the roles they fall into most naturally - but they switch around every so often when the mood strikes and it isn't really a big deal.
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Oh are you kidding me? The guy LOVES being cared after in an intimate setting. Being doted on, groomed, checked up on, having his hair played with and clothes fixed up - he doesn't express it outwardly much, but these are all things that make his murderous little heart skip a beat. He was the same way pre-tadpole but it was mostly servants and Sceleritas doing it, so he didn't get much out of the exchange; and Orin didn't entertain this at all, or, if she ever did, it was very, very, very rarely and really just a crumb of intimate affection that he most likely misread anyways.
I'm not sure what to say to this one LOL the penis is full of blood already man I don't think a vampire needs to make it any more tempting to themselves to chomp down.
I wrote a thing about that not too long ago :D ! The answer is complicated but, mostly yes.
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Alright you joke, but, if you don't think DU drow hasn't spent a little too long lingering over Astarion's feet and ankles then I got amazing news for you.
I touched on what they generally like on the previous edition of Wine Fuelled Spicy Asks, but as for what they like to do as a couple, it's probably a lot of body worship and some playful denial on both ends. Du drow thinks Astarion is the most elegant and limber thing he's ever seen (and he loves how he smells), and Astarion thinks DU drow's body is an expertly put together murder machine. They have a great time being mutually enamored with each other's (and their own) appearances.
I think they also venture into some blood-play and vapid threats of violence in the future, as a treat, but takes a while for them to trust themselves and each other enough to indulge in that kind of thing.
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Needs a little direction, plus you gotta learn to enjoy a bit of teeth and a very slobbery time - also I think he distracts easily, It's nice to have a man who's willing to venture the whole perimeter with his mouth but sometimes you do just want him to stay on the prick. But generally speaking - yes, DU drow gives good head. Fun head, even!
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What do you people want from me? Do you want schematics? Diagrams? Do you want me to compare their holes to famous people holes? Do you want me to take out my measuring tape and give you numbers, tell you which kind of produce each of them can fit in there???
One is pink, the other one is brown. One of them just looks normal and the other looks and feels a little like it been around the block a few times. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW.
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calissarowan · 26 days
Aaaaa i like reading ur rambles/blogs
What are the wotbc bond/first meet are like and who got along with who last/first?
Aw, thank you so much! It’s so cool that people like listening to what I have to say! And as for your question…probably gonna be a long one. Let’s get started, and hope this stays coherent!
So, in accordance with my backstories (I know I’ve only posted Ogron’s, but the others will come, I promise!) then Ogron and Gantlos met first, when they were around fifteen/sixteen. Yllidith sent Ogron to investigate rumours of a kind of vampiric monster (the vampire headcanon is very much in effect here; it technically is everywhere, it just doesn’t always get explicitly mentioned), and Ogron found aforementioned ‘monster’, who turned out to be a kid his own age, dealing with a traumatic event that lost him his parents and left him desperately fighting his instincts. So, um, technically Gantlos may have attempted to feed on Ogron the first time they met. He really didn’t mean to. He was starving and completely out of it. Ogron managed to get him to calm down, and ultimately brought him back to Yllidith with him, since Gantlos was very much in danger from the people that had branded him as a monster. Ogron had grown up on his own, being mostly ignored, so Gantlos was the first person to actually care about him since he was six, and his first friend, so they are very close. Gantlos actually taught him the idea of sacrificing or endangering yourself for someone else, which was sure as hell not an idea Yllidith had been instilling. I may possibly change this later on, but I like the idea that Ogron actually had a bit of a crush on Gantlos, but he had absolutely no idea what he was feeling or what it meant, so he never did anything. They did get along pretty quickly, but Ogron took a while to understand how to interact with another person that wasn’t trying to turn him into an all-powerful wizard whose only purpose was to serve his master. Now, in the present, Gantlos and Ogron are still as close as brothers (though could it be argued that Anagan is Ogron’s best friend? Yes.) But Gantlos would die for Ogron.
Ogron and Anagan, well, I haven’t got all the kinks out of Anagan’s backstory yet (and these first meetings will be expanded on in later posts and a planned fic) so basically, Ogron, along with Gantlos, saved him from a very bad situation. In my personal headcanon, Anagan was not actually born with magic, he gained it after meeting Ogron and Gantlos, so the two of them seemed very powerful and impressive when he first met them. Once he had magic, Ogron showed him how to use it, since Yllidith was no teacher of the year. Now they’re older, Anagan is pretty much Ogron’s lifeline most of the time, trying to make sure he takes care of himself and being there for him during the intermittent emotional breakdowns. Anagan gets on well with most people, so he and Ogron have got along well since the start, though Ogron took a while to get comfortable with how perceptive Anagan was about his emotional state, and the idea that it’s okay not to be okay, and to talk about it.
Ogron and Duman…well, they sort of come from very different, but very similar worlds. They were both fairly neglected when they grew up, but, also, Ogron grew up in more or less a castle, and Duman grew up on the streets, having been abandoned because his powers were considered demonic. So they tend to clash a little because Duman can find Ogron’s lack of basic survival skills irritating, and Ogron finds Duman messing with him deeply frustrating. They took the longest to get along out of everyone, partly because Duman couldn’t see why Ogron was in charge. Who put him in charge? They’d die for each other now, of course, but there’s always the slight dynamic of street kid that fought for everything, and someone he perceives as getting everything easily. Time went on, and Duman empathised a lot more with the stuff he’d been through. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t mess with Ogron and keep him on his toes at all times. Except when Ogron is tired and sad, in which case Duman turns into a cat and sits on him, purring, until he feels better. Also, Ogron taught Duman magic, and how to read and write.
Gantlos and Duman are of course, first and foremost, very much in love. So their bond is incredibly strong and caring. Duman does his absolute best to get Gantlos to value himself the way he should, while Gantlos would do anything for Duman. He’s almost died way too many times protecting him, to which Duman has made the point that what is the point in saving him by giving him a heart attack over the fact his boyfriend almost died?! They got along pretty quickly, though Gantlos found Duman a tad overwhelming to start with, since he’s pretty loud and didn’t think about anything he said before he said it, and Gantlos rarely speaks if he doesn’t have to. But they both have parts of themselves that the world hates them for, that makes them be seen as monsters, so they can empathise with each other really easily. They both look at it in different ways, though, with Gantlos trying to hide his vampire half as much as possible to feel safer, and Duman throwing his shapeshifting in everyone’s face, because this is how he is and people can just deal with it. He encourages Gantlos to do the same, with minimal success.
Okay, Gantlos and Anagan. They’re probably the most together wizards, to be honest. They both sort of have another member of the group they keep from breaking down or destroying the universe, so they’re sort of the responsible adults of the team. If Gantlos and Duman were to have an argument, Anagan’s the one Gantlos would come and vent to. They’re also sparring partners, magically, and also physically, since neither of them like to rely too heavily on their powers. Anagan helps Gantlos with expressing his emotions better, even if that’s an uphill battle. They both tend to just be quiet while Ogron and Duman talk about plans, and they can kinda mutually speak ‘look’. They got along from the get-go, though Anagan had a tiny freak-out moment about Gantlos’s fangs. He’d only heard the bad vampire stories, nobody blames him.
Anagan is like Duman’s exasperated parent. They’re the same age, but they didn’t really get along when they first met, since Anagan was doing his level best to stay out of the way and keep from making waves, and Duman was a freakin’ tsunami that thought Anagan was kinda boring, and thought (out loud) that his powers were the most disappointing. Which they were, but Anagan’s insecure about his magic, so…tricky relationship. Duman mostly spent time with Gantlos to start with, despite Ogron being the one to teach him. They got better as Duman got more comfortable around people, and eventually he said he thought super speed was pretty cool, and they finally fell into the comfortable friendship they have now, where Anagan loves him like a kid brother that jumps on you when you’re trying to focus.
Phew! That was a crazy long post! Thanks so much for the ask, and I hope you liked reading this!
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spnfanficpond · 4 months
New Member Spotlight - May 2024
The Pond is always growing and we want to make our new members feel welcome! Here’s a list of recent additions to our fishy family, along with a little info about them!
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Guppies, Jellies, and Mutuals, oh, my!
Tumblr name:
Other handles:
AO3: Masoena, Discord: masoena5
Do you have an SPN OTP?
Wincest but I ship just about anything that is SPN I would say I'm a multishipper overall.
Are you in any other fandoms?
What are you looking for in the Pond? What can we do for you?
I'm looking to connect with other writers and artists and create amazing things together, lift each other up be that through brainstorming, feedback, advice or collaboration.
What pairings do you like to read? Reader inserts? Ships? Poly fics
Wincest, Sabriel, Arthur/Dean, Samwena, Destiel are my favourites and I do love triple ships to e.g. Dean/Sam/Donna or Wincestiel or pretty much anything in SPN
What genres do you like to read? Angst? Fluff? Smut? Crack? What are your favorite tropes?
Hurt/comfort, angst, A/B/O, smut, dom/sub, bdsm, angel kink or grooming, protective character saving other character(s) in peril, BAMF characters, meet-cute, animalmorph characters (not bestiality just humans with some physical animal traits e.g. Sam with cat ears), case-Fics, alternate Universes, creature fics (vampires, weres, etc.), crossover fics, enemies to lovers (sometimes) and anything from short one-shots to super long fics found its way into my bookmarks.
Do you have a favorite Fanfic writer? If yes, tell us who! (Please let us know if they are on Tumblr or AO3.)
There are a few who I keep going back to and love the works of: SamandDean76 - on both Tumblr/AO3 compo67 - on AO3 nyxocity - on AO3 (but believe they are no longer active) brokenlittleboy - on AO3
What kinds of fics do you like to write?
My works list is a mix ranging from drabbles, medium length to long fics. It really depends on the idea and inspiration. Some stories need 2k words to be told others need tens of thousands but I believe my sweet spot is around the 10-15k mark as I like to plan plot outline and majore milestones but also love just letting it flow however it wants to.
Drop a link to your masterlist on Tumblr or Works list on AO3 so we can check out your writing!
Drop a link to your most underappreciated fic!
My most underappreciated fic is a drabble but most underappreciated fic that I was super excited about posting but which did not get a lot of attention was a choose your own adventure A/B/O fic that had a Wincestiel main pairing. And I wonder if I posted it in the best way or if there is a better way to do it. :)
Is there something you have not written but would like to try? Why haven't you tried before? How can we help?
Moments like this happen as I take part in more bangs and reverse bangs where people put forward concepts and ideas that have never occurred to me and it is endlessly fascinating to try out new ideas and things. As of right now I can't think of anything that I want to but haven't tried yet.
Tumblr name:
Other handles:
Corpsexcquis for Tumblr / Hyobe or/And SonofEros for Ao3
Do you have an SPN OTP?
Are you in any other fandoms?
Haikyuu! / JJK / Twilight
What are you looking for in the Pond? What can we do for you?
I’d like to meet more people in the SPN fandom and get some help with writing.
What pairings do you like to read? Reader inserts? Ships? Poly fics?
Usually ships, rarely poly but with the right combination I’m open to anything
What genres do you like to read? Angst? Fluff? Smut? Crack? What are your favorite tropes?
Angst and dead dove mostly
Do you have a favorite Fanfic writer? If yes, tell us who! (Please let us know if they are on Tumblr or AO3.)
Dollylux is one of my favourites for SPN (they’re inactive on Ao3)
What kinds of fics do you like to write?
Usually long ones, Angsty, 90s/80s/70s dirty America, heavy with codependency and references. I never quite manage to finish them though hehe
Drop a link to your masterlist on Tumblr or Works list on AO3 so we can check out your writing!
Drop a link to your most underappreciated fic!
Is there something you have not written but would like to try? Why haven't you tried before? How can we help?
I think a story that is during the medieval era. I love it but I don’t know enough about that time period just yet ! Perhaps betaing ?
Tumblr names:
Other handles:
Do you have an SPN OTP?
Wincestiel & Destiel are a tie
Are you in any other fandoms?
I dabble in Good Omens
What are you looking for in the Pond? What can we do for you?
Seeking a beta reader and support to get back into writing SPN fan fiction,
Do you host any fandom events or podcasts, or do you have a shop where you sell things that we can boost for you?
I have an original novel coming out in August. Updates are on my writing twitter https://twitter.com/katrinamckee03
What pairings do you like to read? Reader inserts? Ships? Poly fics?
I like reading a bit of everything
What genres do you like to read? Angst? Fluff? Smut? Crack? What are your favorite tropes?
Whichever strikes my fancy for the day.
What kinds of fics do you like to write?
I like to dabble in a bit of everything
Drop a link to your masterlist on Tumblr or Works list on AO3 so we can check out your writing!
Drop a link to your most underappreciated fic!
Tumblr name:
Other handles:
Same handle for Ao3, Threads, Discord, Live Journal/Dreamwidth and X, which I rarely visit. On Instagram I am candygramme1 and on Facebook I am Sue_Ashworth, but not really active.
Do you have an SPN OTP?
Are you in any other fandoms?
Yes. I have written in a few others - Highlander, Roswell (the original one), The X-Files and CW RPS.
What are you looking for in the Pond? What can we do for you?
I'm looking for friendship, inspiration, a chance to help new writers.
Do you host any fandom events or podcasts, or do you have a shop where you sell things that we can boost for you?
Not really. I occasionally art, but want to learn to vid if there's someone around to teach it.
What pairings do you like to read? Reader inserts? Ships? Poly fics?
Not Reader inserts, for sure. I like plot and longer fic myself, but pretty much anything between Gen and Explicit is great if its well written. It's all about nailing the character for me.
What genres do you like to read? Angst? Fluff? Smut? Crack? What are your favorite tropes?
Yes is the short answer! I love all of it, but tend to write crack although not always. I love angsty stuff, and casefic.
Do you have a favorite Fanfic writer? If yes, tell us who! (Please let us know if they are on Tumblr or AO3.)
felisblanco is on both. Roxymissrose is on Ao3 and deadlybride is on Tumblr (zmedia) and Ao3 too. There are others, but those are a good start.
What kinds of fics do you like to write?
Cracky, silly stuff, plotty casefic and occasionally PWP.
Drop a link to your masterlist on Tumblr or Works list on AO3 so we can check out your writing!
Drop a link to your most underappreciated fic!
Is there something you have not written but would like to try? Why haven't you tried before? How can we help?
So many things. I have countless wips sitting waiting for me to finish them. I just get stuck and don't get back to them.
Other handles:
Libby99HB(AO3), Materialgwooorl (Discord)
Are you in any other fandoms?
The Vampire Diaries
What are you looking for in the Pond? What can we do for you?
I haven't used Tumblr in years, so I'll be semi-new here. I'm looking to connect with people, find new things to read, get inspired, create, and maybe even make new friends through this community. It's a place to connect with others who love what I love and learn from them. 😊
What pairings do you like to read? Reader inserts? Ships? Poly fics?
Don't really ever like to read any fics with ships mostly OFC or Reader inserts
What genres do you like to read? Angst? Fluff? Smut? Crack? What are your favorite tropes?
Angst, Fluff, Everything 18+, Smut, and all AU's
Do you have a favorite Fanfic writer? If yes, tell us who! (Please let us know if they are on Tumblr or AO3.)
I have three AO3: @smolandgrumpy @Zeppelin_Skies ( on Tumblr @zepskies) @neganslucilletblr (Same @ on Tumblr)
What kinds of fics do you like to write?
The fics I like to write revolve around love.
Drop a link to your masterlist on Tumblr or Works list on AO3 so we can check out your writing!
Drop a link to your most underappreciated fic!
The only fic that I have up at the moment is a TVD one. Right now it's on a little break because I have three SPN fics that will be out sometime this summer.
Is there something you have not written but would like to try? Why haven't you tried before? How can we help?
I'd like to try writing some one-shots. I have a hard time keeping things short and sweet, but hopefully, I'll be able to hop on a writer's challenge after connecting with others on here.
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That's all for this month, folks! (If we're missing anyone, let us know and we'll add them to next month's list!) Make sure to say hi to the newbies and make them feel welcome! Thanks to all from @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, and @heavenssexiestangel!
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jazz-bazz · 9 months
remember the victorian vampires headcanon that @webbyghoul and i posted in september? and that Webby made into a series of fics including a couple that i wrote?
well we just had a new thought, so if baby Phantom (i think he should be around 5-8 years old here?) calls everyone else as Aunt or Uncle (except for Omega who’s Dad), but there’s no gender neutral form for Rain and Zephyr, what does he call the two then?
Rainy and Zephy would be weird, as it‘s also their nickname from the others sometimes, so I had Phantom call Rain “Rainrain” bcs i thought it’s cute, but it won’t work for Zephyr because Zephzeph is just too much of a mouthful 😂
after some more thinking i came up with “Zeezee“. and then Webby said to me “It's so cute just imagining little Buggy running up to them for the first time saying that and they have no idea who he's talking to until he gets to them.“
zero editing so if you see any mistakes no you dont 😬
Most of the family were gathered in the mostly unused dining room planning a surprise for little Phantom, whose birthday was coming up soon. They had decided on a party, which the little one was excited about, he wanted a bat themed cake with little puppies and for everyone to be wearing a costume. But in addition to that, they also wanted to gift him something special, something meaningful, something that says he’s a part of the family even thought they were still of different species for now, but nobody had any idea yet, not even Dewdrop.
Omega was tasked with distracting the little bug while everyone else brainstormed his present. But he must’ve been having difficulties reigning in the little energy monster, as they heard the sounds of little feet running in the hall shouting, “Zeezee! Zeezee where are you? Dad said you’re somewhere in the house!“
Everyone in the dining room looked at each other with confused faces, “Did Omega get another puppy for Phantom?“ Swiss wondered out loud.
“Not that I know of,” Cumulus replied.
“So who’s Zeezee then?”
Cumulus just shrugged, having no idea herself.
“Maybe a new haunted plushie?” Rain questioned, making Zephyr shiver, the Terzo plushie scared them so much, with its creepy eyes and unmoving mouth, yet it can still communicate somehow.
“But there’s no spirits left here as far as I know,” Mountain as the oldest of the vampires there, and the owner of the mansion, answered.
Meanwhile Phantom kept running around the mansion shouting for the mysterious Zeezee, apparently with Omega chasing after him telling him to slow down and stop.
They all heard the little bug running past the dining room a few seconds before Omega entered, “Kids these days, I’m sorry everyone, I tried my best but he just has to do it now.”
“Do what Megs?” Ifrit asked him the question everyone was wondering about.
“We decided to talk about the party some more, and he had this great idea about his-“
Just then the subject in question opened the door quite loudly, “Zeezee! There you are!” He said walking towards the vampires gathered around one end of the long table.
“Who’s Zeezee, little one?” Cirrus asked him.
“Zeezee! I had an idea for my costume,” Phantom said to Zephyr after he got in front of them, “May I get a suit with a cape like Uncle Swiss has, but pretty like the dress Rainrain wore last week to the ball, but not blue like theirs, can I get them purple like Uncle Aefer‘s eyes, and maybe decorated like Uncle Mounty‘s glasses, and then may-“
“Whoa slow down Buggy, first things first, I’m Zeezee?” Zephyr asked him.
“Well yeah! Dad said you’re like Rainrain, not my uncle not my aunt but something else, but I don’t want to call you just your name because that’s weird because you’re old, so Zeezee! Get it? What do you think?”
“Excuse me I am not old, little one. You’re just really young, that’s all. But I love it! And yes I will make your suit for the party, would you like to come with me to shop for fabrics tomorrow?”
“Yes please!” Phantom said with a big grin, and then he turned to his father, “Can I, Dad? Please?”
“Of course, sweetheart.”
anw i just love the little bug so much 🖤
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berenwrites · 10 months
Dreams in the Night - Stranger Things - Steddie, Chapter 5 of 9
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Dreams in the Night: But Vampires Aren't an Upside Down Thing!
Summary: Steve has been having nightmares, seeing through the eyes of a vampire like creature in Hawkins as it hunts. He puts the dreams down to past trauma and too many horror movies at Family video. He’s checked and no one’s been hurt, so even Robin agrees. However, his world is about to be turned upside down yet again as the nightmares become far too real.
Tumblr Master Chapter Listing | Also on AO3
For: @lady-lostmind (lady_lostmind on AO3)
Relationships: steddie, platonic stobin
Rating: Explicit
Wordcount: ~18600
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Tags: vampire!Eddie, Kas!Eddie, hurt/comfort, bisexual!Steve, bisexual!Eddie, platonic stobin, steddie
This fic is a part of the @steddieholidayexchange
Chapter 5: Bigger Picture
Steve just wanted to fall into his bed on the nice clean sheets he had just put on it, next to where Eddie was sprawled and already sleeping.
He was exhausted and so thoroughly fucked out his legs kept trembling. Eddie had kept him going for hours, with seemingly endless stamina. At one point Steve was pretty sure he had forgotten words entirely. The only thing he had to be thankful for was Eddie had seemed to be as surprised as he was at how long they had been having sex.
With what little brain power he had recouped since, Steve guessed it had something to do with the blood. Eddie had taken little tastes of him over and over again, blowing his mind each and every time. After the first time Eddie had bitten him, he could never have guessed how good it could feel. It still hurt, but somehow, in a good way that he did not have enough wherewithal to analyse yet.
The only reason he wasn’t already out for the count was he knew there was one thing he needed to do unless he wanted people breaking down his door.
Picking up the phone he dialled Robin’s number.
“Buckley residence,” came the quick answer.
“Hey, Robs,” he greeted, and his voice came out far rougher than he had expected.
“Steve,” Robin responded immediately, “are you okay? You don’t sound good.”
“Long night,” he replied. “Can you cover for me today? I’m sorry, but I really don’t think I can make it through a shift.”
“More nightmares?” Robin asked.
He hummed in response, after all that was how it had started, but he didn’t want to have the full conversation yet. He also didn’t want to lie. Lying to Robin was not something he would ever choose to do.
“You’ll owe me for facing the holiday madness without you,” she said, but he could hear the worry in her tone. “Do you need me to get you anything?”
“Just need to sleep thanks,” he promised. “I’ll give you a call later to fill you in once I can put two thoughts together.”
“You’d better,” she replied. “Now go to bed.”
“Yes, mother,” he responded. “Thank, Robs,” he added, “don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Get fired,” she said without hesitation. “Shoo.”
“Talk later,” he said. “Bye.”
“Bye,” she said. “And stay hydrated,” he heard as he put the phone down.
He was pretty sure he had to have been a saint in another life to deserve someone like Robin in his current one.
“Hey, Dingus, you better be dying, Keith was an ass … oh my fucking god!”
Steve shot from sleep blinking blankly as he heard Robin’s shriek before his brain came back on. He took in his best friend standing in his bedroom doorway and followed her eyes to where Eddie was sprawled across the bed on his front, taking most of the bed and a good percentage of Steve too. Luckily, he had thought about pulling the sheet over them properly before he fell asleep, but the white cotton didn’t exactly leave much to the imagination.
He extricated himself from Eddie, who was still mostly out of it as Robin fled. Grabbing the pair of sweats he had been wearing the previous evening, he pulled them on as quickly as possible and headed after his best friend.
“Robin, please wait,” he called, chasing after her.
“You … you … you skipped out on a shift to get laid!” she accused rounding on him once she hit the kitchen.
Her anger brought him up short.
“What time is it?” he asked.
“It’s past five in the evening,” she said, frowning and cooling down a little.
“Shit, we’ve been asleep all day” he muttered.
“All day? Did you take something? Are you okay?” Robin asked instantly worried. “Is she alright?”
“Rob,” he said, doing his best to think, “did you see who that was?”
Robin gave him another look.
“A girl with lots of dark curly hair,” Robin said, but her tone was uncertain.
“With tats and scars?” Steve prompted, realising that Robin had clearly not taken in most of what she had seen.
“Tats and scars?” Robin said quietly.
“What’s going on?” a familiar deep voice came from behind him, and Robin’s mouth dropped open.
Steve turned to find Eddie wearing one of his sweatshirts and a pair of his boxers, hair wildly everywhere. He looked mostly still asleep. Steve was quite surprised the sweatshirt was on the right way round.
“Explain, right now,” Robin demanded.
She was clearly torn between delighted to see Eddie standing there whole and alive, and worried that this was some horrible Upside Down trick.
“The dreams weren’t dreams, they were Eddie,” he replied, skimming over all the details. “We’re connected.”
“Bats?” Robin asked.
Steve just nodded because that was his best guess.
“And what, Eddie just turned up here and ended up in bed with you?” was Robin’s next question.
He grimaced at that. She was probably going to kill him.
“He called me,” Eddie said, which was exactly what Steve had not wanted to reveal just yet.
“I had another dream,” he jumped in before Robin could react to that revelation, “and I finally realised I was seeing through Eddie’s eyes and I guessed it was real, but I had to be sure.”
“And you thought it was a good idea to do this all by yourself?” she said, tone completely incredulous.
“I couldn’t tell anyone,” he said, “not until I was sure. Can you imagine what that would have done to Dustin if it was all in my head?”
“And what about me? We tell each other everything, remember?” Robin said, and her accusatory glare had him quailing inside.
And wasn’t that the crux of it.
“You would have tried to stop me,” he said simply, because it was the plain truth.
Robin opened her mouth to ask something several times. Steve just gave her time.
“Why?” she finally asked.
“Because, Buckley,” Eddie entered the conversation again, “what he did was ridiculously dangerous and could have ended up with him very, very dead.”
Steve sagged at Eddie’s tone. It was clear that in the cold light of day, both Eddie and Robin were mad at him, hence he was a little surprised when Eddie stepped into his personal space, leaning on the island next to him.
“Why?” Robin asked again.
“Because like Steve always does, Lady Buckley, he faced off against a wild thing, only this time he didn’t have an axe,” Eddie said, and Steve heard his voice change.
Looking over, he saw Eddie flash a fang at Robin. It said a lot that Robin did not so much as flinch, just stood there staring. Steve saw her eyes flick between Eddie and the various injuries on his neck. He’d run his fingers over them, and he was pretty sure there were no wounds left, but the places where Eddie had bitten him still felt tender. He didn’t know why they hadn’t gone like the ones that must have been on all of Eddie’s other victims, but they were pretty obvious. They looked like hickies.
“You let him bite you,” she accused.
“He did way more than that,” Eddie said, clearly in unhelpful mode.
He had been inside Eddie’s head, kind of still was at a low level. He knew way more about the other man than he could ever have imagined even if none of it was crystal clear, and he understood where the snark was coming from. Eddie was putting his armour up before anyone could see the weakness. Steve wasn’t having that, so he leaned in the extra fraction of an inch to close the remaining gap between them.
Eddie jolted at the contact, turning to look at him. Steve looked back, refusing to back down. No matter what image Eddie was trying to project, Steve could feel the turmoil going on inside his resurrected friend like an echo in the back of his head. He had no idea what Eddie was getting from him, but he did his best to project caring determination. When Eddie finally relaxed in place, he was satisfied and turned back to Robin.
His best friend was giving him one of those looks that meant she was reading him like a book. Sometimes it was useful. Right now, he felt like he was under a microscope.
“Where have you been hiding?” Robin demanded, looking at Eddie.
“Community pool,” Eddie said without preamble. “It’s closed to the public for the season, but they keep the amenities on to stop anything freezing. Stole these clothes from the unclaimed lost and found.”
“Judd Williams is the caretaker there,” Robin said.
Eddie nodded.
“We bumped into each other a couple of times,” he replied. “He doesn’t remember them. As far as he’s concerned, I’m a ghost.”
“I didn’t see you bite Judd,” Steve commented.
“That’s because I never fed from him,” was the quick reply. “It seemed rude.”
Steve didn’t try and analyse that, he was more than aware Eddie’s mind was a strange place.
“Why didn’t you contact any of us?” Robin asked.
“Because I wasn’t thinking like that,” Eddie replied, matching Robin’s pointed tone. “When I crawled out of the Upside Down everything was simple. I had needs, so I dealt with them. Things were getting clearer over time, but emotion still wasn’t high on my list. It’s Steve who gave me that back.”
Steve found Robin’s eyes firmly on him again.
“This is almost as insane as Vecna, you realise this, don’t you?” she said, throwing her hands up.
“Yes,” he replied, because what else was he supposed to say.
“We need more minds on this,” Robin said, putting her hands on her hips in a way Steve was pretty sure she had picked up from him. “I’m calling in reinforcements.”
“Not everyone,” Steve said, before she could step past him to the kitchen phone.
“Everyone is going to need to know, Steven,” she said, and he winced as she used his full name.
Only his parents did that and she knew exactly how much he hated it.
“But not all at once, please,” he all but begged.
He couldn’t cope with his house being invaded yet. He needed time to process it all before he had entitled kids yelling at him from every direction.
“Who then?” she asked, clearly picking up on his desperation.
“Hopper and El,” he said, because they definitely needed El’s input and that meant Hopper’s as well, “and Dustin,” he added after a moment.
“Kid always sees the details,” Eddie seemingly agreed from beside him. “The only Hopper I know is dead,” Eddie added.
“Oh,” Steve said, “no, not dead, kidnapped by Russians and held in a Russian prison. Escaped and came back with the help of Joyce Byers and a guy called Murray you haven’t met. Hopper and Joyce are now living together. El is the girl with superpowers we told you about. She went through hell, got them back and kicked Vecna’s ass.”
“And you’re sure she’s not going to take one look at me and throw me through the nearest wall?” Eddie checked.
“Positive,” Steve replied.
“Not unless you turn out to be an Upside Down trick,” Robin added, giving Eddie the side-eye.
“Not a trick, I swear,” Eddie said, holding his hands up.
“El will know if you are,” Robin said, and moved to pick up the phone.
End of Chapter 5
On to Chapter 6
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delucadarling · 7 months
Happy Valentine’s Day, lovely person 🌹
I’ve been enjoying reading your writing a lot! It’s been lovely to get to know Barbie a little more. I especially adore how you write her and Ava (that haircut fic 🥺)
Here’s a romance-themed OC question for any OC(s) of your choosing (no pressure to answer on Valentine’s day itself, or at all):
If your OC ever gets married, who proposed? When and how did it happen? Bonus question: What would their wedding be like?
How sweet are you!!!! Thank you so much, I love throwing Barbie at Unit Bravo. Ava is so...💞
As for your question...Barbie really wants to be married and have kids, but she's not interested in chasing her love interest. She wants to be pursued, she wants to be woo'd! Something that makes things easy with some, and...less easy with others.
Once Ava and Barbie work through their Issues, I think they're able to follow a fairly steady progression towards marriage. They'd at least talk about it, and Barbie would be very open about wanting a proposal.
For Ava, I can only imagine it's a private, intimate affair. She and Barbie drive somewhere secluded, maybe the beach. Walk barefoot in the sand. Ava means to wait for sunset, but can't, and takes Barbie's hands in hers. Gazes deeply into Barbie's eyes to the point that Barbie can't take it anymore, just murmuring how much Barbie means to her.
When Ava gets on one knee, it's not just a proposal, but an act of devotion.
Barbie says yes, of course. The wedding is also small and intimate, mostly just Unit Bravo, Kira, and Lucas. Barbie would agree to a...less elaborate (expensive) wedding in exchange for Ava agreeing to a month long honeymoon.
Things progress very quickly with Nate. So fast that Barbie barely realizes she's being outpaced until she falls flat on her face.
I think the first time Nate proposes, it's...surprising. Not entirely out of left field, she and Nate are on the same page re: marriage + kids, both of them fully aware that Barbie's well within the 'geriatric' pregnancy territory. It only makes sense for a proposal to come.
The proposal is semi-public, maybe in the middle of an art gallery, in front of a piece they both like. Unit Bravo is there, and Kira, with F playing photographer for the moment it happens. Nate's full to the brim with enthusiasm, and it makes it hard for Barbie to even notice a single other person. She loves Nate.
She accepts, but frets over whether it's all going too fast for ages. They also end up having a MASSIVE wedding, all elegant and stupidly expensive, something Barbie likes in theory, but finds overwhelming on the day of, when there's so much attention on her and so SO many people there. She probably smokes her first cigarette in years while pacing outside the church, big fluffy skirt hiked up under one arm. Lucas keeps offering her a joint, but she's not going to get MARRIED while STONED LUCAS.
Once the wedding is over, there's an equally lavish honeymoon, probably only meant to be a month long, but it keeps getting extended until A manages to bite their heads off enough to get them home again.
Then the baby planning comes along.
Barbie would initially start the conversation about planning for the future (ie getting married) by asking Felix about Echolian marriage traditions. Felix is less interested in that than learning about what Barbie considers a traditional wedding/proposal.
With Felix, Barbie's more willing to be patient to get married, but is less patient with wanting to be turned immortal. Vampirism doesn't really appeal to her, she's far more interested in something that allows her to use magic and study. I've been imagining she turns into some form of garden/flora fae. She's early-to-mid 30s, while Felix seems mentally around 24-25, so she'd hate to push him to marriage too fast, before he's ready for it. Instead, she's going the route of being turned so he has more time to figure it out.
After a few decades of dating, Barbie's ready for a wedding though, and she tells him it's time to start planning his proposal. Felix approaches this as he does everything else: with extreme enthusiasm. I'm imagining cake, confetti cannons, and a live band. Barbie's overwhelmed, but Felix's glee is too infectious for her to actually mind.
The wedding is basically a huge party, tons of people, but also low key enough and laid back enough for Barbie to not get too anxious.
I don't think Mason would think to get married on his own in a million years, a fact Barbie is very aware of. She feels like he's already in uncharted waters just being in a relationship in general, so she's...as patient as Barbie possibly can be (not very) about it. This mostly means complaining uselessly to N and Kira about it while saying nothing at all to Mason.
(She does not talk to F about this because she KNOWS F will just tell her to TALK to him and she doesn't WANT to she WANTS Mason to psychically pick up her desire for him to propose to and marry her.)
I've had a long standing love of the idea that an oopsie baby happens with Mason and Barbie. She gets pregnant in the midst of all this whining about wanting him to marry her, and then OH HEY. There's something new to deal with instead!
Mason freaks out, hates everything about impending fatherhood, worries about Barbie constantly (she's delicate), and also goes to N and Kira to complain about it all. Unlike Barbie though, he takes their advice to heart and handles his shit.
He and Barbie get on the same page, he buys a ring, and he asks her to marry him while they're sitting on the roof one night. The wedding is basically just the two of them signing some papers and then celebrating with Unit Bravo back at the Warehouse. For all that Barbie really wanted a wedding, she finds herself a bit more indifferent to it. She's much more enthusiastic about motherhood, preparing for a baby, and celebrating that. A wedding was never all that necessary for her to know Mason loves her, she loves him, and that they're completely, stupidly devoted to one another.
...I've had a lot of thoughts about this exact question. Thank you again Anon!
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elavoria · 6 months
20 Questions for Writers
Tagged by @sylvienerevarine and @dirty-bosmer, thank you!
I tag @1helios1, @sheirukitriesfandom, and whoever wants to join. :3
Putting these under the cut~
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
10, and about half aren’t up to my current standards but I’m leaving them up for posterity.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
71,030, which does not remotely reflect how much I write. I wasn’t particularly inclined to answer these given the AO3 bias to the questions but then I was tagged twice so here we are.
I’m sitting on just about 401k words of unpublished fic. : )
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Dragon Age [all games], Pathfinder [mostly Wrath of the Righteous], and TES [Skyrim and Morrowind with a bit of Oblivion] are the biggest ones, but also Shadowrun, Mass Effect, Cyberpunk 2077, Fallout 4, Game of Thrones, Divinity: Original Sin II… if I get hooked into a story there is liable to be fic it seems.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I’m only giving you two—From Dreams to Deliverance [non-canon Nerevarine/Dagoth Ur] at 100, and The Adventures of Polyshep [post-canon Shep/Garrus/Tali OT3 + others having mostly fluffy fun] at 55.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Absolutely! And if we’re talking privately I WILL talk your ear off in response to any comments you make.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don’t go in for angsty endings but my Nerevarine’s fic will probably have a less happy / joyful / triumphant ending than the others, and my V’s ending will likewise be bittersweet.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm… hard to say. Perhaps a tossup between the Dragon Age fic and the Pathfinder fic… Ama and Isanna both get everything they ever wanted and more.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Ama’s AU fics get hate in the future for mage/templar shipping…
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, generally things that are descriptive but not terribly explicit, and most sexual intimacy is a bit glossed over. I find I tend to write at least one descriptive sex scene per pairing and then gloss over the other instances—partly because it isn’t necessary to the story, partly because writing sex scenes takes so much more effort for me and I have no interest in coming up with endless variations on that theme.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I’ve written exactly one very whack crossover and have no intention of doing that again—Skyrim/Drowtales.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I’d be honored if someone asked to translate something of mine.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
I co-wrote a bit of unpublished Skyrim fic with spouse long enough ago that neither of us would be proud of it anymore, with each of us taking different POV chapters for our vampires that were going through the Dawnguard questline together. More recently I’ve been borrowing one of his WotR ladies for my Pathfinder fic and having him supply her dialogue if that counts. Amusingly, both instances of our characters interacting in this way involve his judging mine for their romantic interests lol.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Hmm… I get so deeply attached to most of the ships I write. I will cheat and say Ama/everyone I ship her with. ; p
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
At this point I doubt my TES fics will ever get finished, but it would be nice if they did… Rya’s story was too grand for my capabilities at the time, and Rendrasa’s I simply lost motivation on and with her playthrough finished, well… hm.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and characterization. Dialogue is my beloved and I’ve been told repeatedly that I capture canon characters well. Also romance, soft and tender things...
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Too many filler words and phrases that get repetitive… but I like them. So.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
If it fits and is understandable, sure. I sprinkled some German into my Shadowrun fic, but it was mostly pet names and I translated everything in the notes. As a reader I don’t want to be left with questions as to what was said, or have to look things up separately.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Good gods, probably H*rry P*tter ages and ages ago, before junior high, if I’m being honest, and not much of it. Not remotely interested in that fandom anymore. Then a tiny bit of Les Mis fic not too long after that. Terrible but at least some of the Les Mis concepts are… highly amusing, shall we say. Mermaid AU??? Younger self, what on earth…
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
My Dragon Age longfic-in-progress, Knight’s Star. I love Ama sooo so so much and I think her extended conversation with Samson is one of the best things I have ever written. The Pathfinder fic is shaping up to be a close second though. Learning many things about myself with that one hehe such as how desperately I want a gnome boyfriend.
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delta-pavonis · 1 year
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Tagged by @valeriianz and @sleepsonfutons, so LET'S DO THIS. Because I want to procrastinate from working.
Under the cut because I don't wanna clog up your feeds with random bullshit about me as a fic author. LOL.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
325,828 total. 216,568 of that is Sandman that has been written since September 5 2022.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Fandoms I have posted fic for: The Sandman, Star Trek, Men's Tennis RPF Fandoms I have written fic for that will only ever live in the secret rooms of my mind palace hard drive: X-Men, The Vampire Chronicles, Harry Potter, Vampire Hunter D, Hellsing (the anime & manga) Fandoms I have written fic for that I might post someday: The Dresden Files
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. New Moon 2. high enough (you got me good) 3. Whispers to the Night <- the one that started me on this wild Dreamling ride 4. To Worship on a Marble Altar 5. Eros in Pragma Interesting note is that almost all of those are early in the Sandman/Dreamling fandom where there was more activity and less fics in existence.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I would LOVE to respond more to comments. I read all of them and treasure each one. However, spoons are limited and most of the time recently my brain is just not cooperating. I used to respond to every one and exhaust myself. Now I'd rather spend that energy reading and writing more. But when I am feeling like I am a shite writer and others do it better and why am I even continuing to do this I go back and re-read comments and it really does help.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't think I write angsty endings, tbh. The angstiest of those that are finished would probably be i will take me away. There is, however, one that will definitely be the angstiest once it is done. 😉
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I chronically write happy endings. I think my happiEST ending is Hypnopompia turtur, followed closely by high enough (you got me good)'s Chapter 4
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope! At least not yet... <.< >.> <.<
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
*CACKLES* Do I write smut? Do I write smut? Do I write smut? You would have an easier time counting the fics that do NOT contain any smut. You could count them on one hand. I mostly write BDSM and/or graphic smut. Lots of porn, sometimes plot.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Yes, rarely. I think my recent delve into Sandman+Ted Lasso with Keeper is pretty fucking weird (as much as I adore it).
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also nope.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not that is published. I am currently collaborating with someone on future White Horse Mafia fics.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Oh Christ, that is like asking what is my favorite bird. *pulls out laptop and projector and slides* In this TEDTalk, I will... Dreamling is definitely the one that has had the strongest grip on me in a very long time. Lestat/Louis is a classic I will never be completely over. Harry Dresden/John Marcone just thrills me for reasons I cannot fully pinpoint. Chris Pike/Ash Tyler from Star Trek also is very dear to me, as is Clint Barton/Loki from back at the start of the MCU.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My Chris Pike/Ash Tyler/OC triad from Star Trek. I want to finish it in my heart, but I have lost the thread of it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Apparently porn. At least that is what I gather from feedback from others.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Does comparing myself too much to other authors count? Like, too often looking at another person's fic and being like I want to BE THAT instead of embracing who I am and how I write. Does that make sense? It is one thing to be inspired by someone's work and try to learn from them, but sometimes I find myself wanting to try to change my WHOLE STYLE to try and be "more successful" or "more liked", whatever the fuck that means.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I avoid it unless I feel I really need it for Plot Reasons™. I will use Google Translate if the language is common, but also other websites for common slang phrases or dialects that Google Translate doesn't have. I am more than happy to have people correct me, though!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Vampire Chronicles
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
OK, this is almost as hard as choosing my favorite bird... I really really love what I was able to achieve with the style of i had a dream (i got everything i wanted). I am so proud of Hob's first-person journal and a part of me will always wish it caught more people's attention. I still impress myself with the amount of world building I was able to cram into the less than 10k of find in me your rhythm and the less than 3k of Stay the Knight. What I was able to do with Hob's snarky voice in A Change in Tactics also cracks me up. But I think the one I am most proud of overall is You create me against your lips. It started out with a blurb inspired by an Instagram post and in the end will be the longest fic I have ever written and the longest fic I have ever finished by far. What is interesting is that most of these are decidedly NOT my most popular based on AO3 stats. Fascinating.
If you are a fic author and want a fun reason to waste some time, consider yourself tagged! *
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hazzybat · 7 months
Omg I saw you repost a Tommy cash thing (yes he would bottom cuz that man would literally be up for anything I think he's an absolute deviant lol) and it made me think of him in your monsters AU! I don't know if you'd be tempted or plan to write him but now I can't stop thinking about it. I can totally see him being a vampire based off aesthetics. Or because I've decided in my brain that he is some sort of sex fiend (in a good way) maybe an incubus. Either way I can totally see him being Bojans type. What monster would you assign him as? (if it's not gonna cause spoilers) if you don't plan on writing him into the AU I would absolutely love a ficlet/side story of him and Bojan orrrr him and Bokris? (I can see him and Bojan being super into eachother and Kris joining the fun for a bit of spice)
Oh yeah I haven't reblogged Tommy in a bit but I do love the fucking weirdo he is!
So I don't have a plan for him in this fic mostly cause it's a Joker Out fic with a cameo by Käärijä so no real reason. Could be a fun mention somewhere though.
I did actually write a thing of him as an incubus and ended up using a lot of that to inspire Bojan. I think he would maybe still be an Incubus but a much older and more experienced one. Bojan does flirty, kinda puppy love and Tommy does freaky, nasty, sex dungeon shit because yeah he's a freak. (If you like käsh and really kinky stuff I have a fic with him publicly cumming/getting milked as part of an art exhibit with some help.)
Otherwise I could also see him as a centaur (cause raked music vid). That could be pretty fun to play with too. He's such a horse girl so I think I'm leaning towards centaur just for some variety in the monsters.
Dunno if the horse cock would make that option better or worse. For having fun.
This is a long answer but if you want to read about an incubus Tommy getting blown by Käärijä you can find it here.
Figured I'd do that instead of pasting it here.
Let me know if you have more thoughts and I might end up writing some Tommy/Bojan/Kris fucking?
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mareenavee · 1 year
Learning and Meaning for the psychology asks!! ❤
Hello friend!! Thanks so much for this <3
Positive Psychology asks for my fic The World on Our Shoulders!
Oh yeah, backlog answering time. Ask game is here.
Answering these for Nyenna, Teldryn and Athis (: This will be a long one, I'm sure.
(Yes there are hc things in here about the world in general.)
LEARNING– What are they interesting in learning about, if anything? What hobbies and skills do they have? Do they know how to make themselves happy?
Nyenna is always busy learning something. Anything, really. She spends a lot of time reading and studying. Mostly magic and mage things. I think her encounter with the vampires early on in her adventure solidified for her that she'd been given another opportunity and it would do not to waste it this time. That said, her destiny crashing down around her ears did sort of put a damper on the whole thing. There's not a ton of time to study for the sake of it. It's more efficient if the work goes toward something.
Besides her professional studiousness, she's got a few skills she picked up from her time in Valenwood. School was different for young noble women than one would expect. First of all, mostly only noble families got any type of formal schooling to begin with -- excepting of course folks that paid for or were invited to attend the College of Winterhold or other such institutions -- and the curriculum was dictated by the Aldmeri Dominion by the time Nyenna would have to go through it. There she'd learn things like fine arts, music, dance, culinary arts, needlecraft and things of that nature alongside other coursework. These carried over as hobbies just out of habit, though she really does enjoy cooking. She also repaired a lot of the broken down bits of Breezehome with the help of her friends, so home improvement is a hobby now, too (:
She's in the process of learning once again that she is worthy of happiness. She'd found glimpses of it in the past, tiny moments of care in the chaos of her flight with Eris out of Haven. When she settled in Whiterun, or tried to, she thought she was doing all she could to be happy and have a good, calm life. Things aren't always so simple, of course. These days, even if things are difficult and overwhelming, she does have friends who have her back and remind her to laugh. And she does tend to read just because whenever she has a few seconds of quiet.
Teldryn has had ample time at this point to learn whatever the hell he wanted. Did he? Well. That's debatable. He is, though, quite a good spellsword. He doesn't acquire new magic quite as quickly or easily as Nyenna does, but he does ask her for spells now and again. When he tries to rush things and doesn't practice enough, his spells will do funny things -- usually mild backfires, or if he hasn't quite pulled enough Magicka, the effect will much smaller than intended. It takes a bit for him to really get a spell without injuring himself. But he does like to learn things. He's got a lot of now-illegal spells pretty much mastered. Sometimes he'll use them if there aren't guards around, but it's much more fun to learn from Nyenna and annoy her in the process.
He doesn't necessarily let himself have time for true hobbies, even when he was waiting in the ghost town of Raven Rock for a patron, he was fully convinced someone would walk through the door at any second. One could say he's pretty good at fishing and hunting and all that, but that's just another set of survival skills, really, more than a hobby. He's an alright storyteller, too! He's lived through quite a lot, and he does love to brag about it on occasion, especially if he doesn't need to talk specifically about certain traumatic events and can embellish the truth just a bit for entertainment purposes. All this aside, he doesn't care how bad he'll be at it, but regardless he wants to learn woodcarving by the time of the present day timeline in the fic. Not for any particular reason, really, or to be considered skilled at it or anything. He's settling in Riverwood, and that's a saw mill town. Plenty of scrap to practice on, right? Practical and inexpensive, in that case, as far as hobbies go.
He's also in the process of learning how to let himself be happy. He's a man of many mistakes. No matter how many years pass, there's things he'll just step right into without thinking. He's had to learn certain lessons more than once and even in the present day timeline of the fic, he's definitely gotten into a little bit more trouble than perhaps originally intended. That said, considering the circumstances and the fact that he's found someone who does actually love him, his happiness is looking toward building a future. He didn't believe he'd get the chance, no matter how long he lived before. And things have changed for the better, despite the chaos along the way.
Athis is the kind of person who thinks he's already in his version of success. He's confident he's learned about as much as he needs to be comfortable. He doesn't particularly put forth a lot of effort to learn anything new. He doesn't mind listening to Nyenna ramble on about magic or Alchemy things, but none of it really interests him enough to pursue. Magic is difficult. He messes up the words and stuff. Alchemy is complicated and difficult to memorize. He likes simple. Battle is simple. He knows this well. He doesn't feel particularly inclined to learn much more, but would rather practice what he knows best.
As for hobbies, he's not one of those kinds, either. If he had to pick, it might be that just by virtue of spending so much time with Nyenna, he is getting better at cooking, though nowhere near as good at it as she is. He spends a lot of his leisure time trying to outdo Farkas and Vilkas at creating new drinking songs. He's not a gifted singer, really, but he can be clever when he puts his mind to it for song.
He also thought he had been happy after meeting and then marrying Nyenna. He thought he could live a full comfortable life, and come home from work every day and be content. Destiny had other plans for them. He's spent quite a lot of time now contemplating what this means for him now and what happiness could look like in her absence. He's learning there can't be only one solution, albeit slowly. Broken-hearted or otherwise, he's trying to pick the pieces back up from the disaster fate caused. He wants to be happy, at least, he just needs to find it within himself.
MEANING– Where do they believe they fit in the world around them? What provides them comfort? Do they think about their daily life and routine? Are they satisfied?
Nyenna has been, of course, told what her place is in this world more than once. First, as a noble daughter meant to unite houses. Next as a fugitive, meant to be a prisoner or worse. Last as a hero, meant to heft the weight of the world on her shoulders. She has always struggled believing she had a place at all. But now, especially the more dragon souls she absorbs, the more she realizes she's the only one powerful enough stop this particular disaster. She very much wants the heroics to be done with so she can finally decide for herself how she wants her life to go.
She had a version of comfort and routine at home in Whiterun briefly, but of course that had been taken from her as quickly as she gained it due to destiny. These days, there's at least someone who understands her on a completely different level who tends to say just the right thing to bring her back up out of a spiral. She didn't expect this -- to find comfort again after being so overwhelmed, and realizing too slowly that life as she had intended it to be would no longer be enough.
The last part is a bit of a trick question, isn't it? How can one be satisfied when they are the other half of a dragon soul? When they are a hero? Does she want to settle? yes. But can she? a completely different story.
Teldryn has been questioning his place in the world for time out of mind at this point. He had thought he was carving out his own version of a place, from the second he decided to run away from the people who shipped him to Blacklight as a child. He couldn't seem to find an actual place for himself, especially at first. He'd been a bandit in Cyrodiil, moving wherever the money took him. When he got caught and shipped off to Vvardenfell like so much cargo and roped into the Nerevarine prophecies, it began to feel like a lifetime of manipulation. Like there was a place for him but he was kind of not the right shape to fit the space and someone kept molding him until he fit right. To this day he's not entirely sure how much was fate and how much was bullshit.
Comfort has more or less been kind of a funny, fleeting thing for him. For a long time, comfort was found in forgetting. But some things one simply can't forget, at least not without some form of self destruction. These days it's a little easier only because he's learning to let himself be loved regardless of the past, and has learned how to love more than just the idea of someone else. Home is a concept that didn't mean much before. But he figures now he can make a home anywhere his family wants to go.
Routine on the other hand? He likes to pretend that having a routine is for the well-adjusted. He likes to think his routine of sitting in the Netch and staring at the door was just a matter of being ever-vigilant about looking for work and not a routine at all.
Now asking about something so fleeting as satisfaction? He's got jokes, really, if you were to ask. Because he doesn't want to admit that, just like with other heroes, the destiny thing sort of calls to him always in the background. He's afraid that if he acknowledges this, he'll realize he's not actually shaken that restlessness that has become such an integral part of him. He does know, however, that he'll go wherever Nyenna will go for as long as she'll let him. And that's more than he could have asked for.
Athis firmly believes he'd already found his place in the world. He had become a good fighter. He refined his skills and put them to good use after so long simply using the skills to survive. He's the everyday sort of hero. The kind of person others can rely on to get them out of most non-mythical danger. All things considered, it's a pretty decent place to have in a world as grim as it is now.
Comfort is a priority to him. He'd escaped discomfort and carved out an average life for himself. And that was the extent of his goals. To live without the kind of suffering he had been mired in from a young age. He had loneliness, of course. He faced a lot of rejection and the sort of normal flings one would expect in such a setting really didn't cure any of that. He did sort of accept his lot in life, and opted not to fuss over it. And then he met Nyenna and the idea of actually settling down didn't seem like such a far off notion any longer. It was, for lack of better words, always a good day when she was around.
If one were to look up the word routine, a charcoal sketch of Athis would be on the page in lieu of a definition. He likes to believe if things stay much the same, then nothing can surprise him. Before everything, he loved his life. Even when he met Nyenna and things changed a bit, they fell into a routine together and it had been better than he was used to and he felt lucky. Routine is required for comfort in his mindset, and that's what he, as we mentioned, prioritizes.
Satisfaction on the other hand? He thought he had that at one point. That finally, he was immune to too much chaos. But of course, that wasn't the case. In the present day timeline of the fic, his entire worldview is shattered. All that he thought was guaranteed to stay the same has changed and/or been taken from him. He doesn't have a clue who he's supposed to be anymore. He's been feeling fairly stuck because he can't go back to how things used to be now that he'd seen the other side. But what is he going to do now? That's part of his major conflict. What is he going to do now? (:
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michellemisfit · 2 years
Tagged by the wonderful @energievie, thank you my love!
Your Name: Michelle (Mys for short)
Your Age: Just turned 38 🤟
Your First Fandom(s): Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Your Current Fandom(s): Shameless is my current active fandom, but like, you never really leave a fandom, you just get distracted by a new shiny thing. There’s still Merlin (2008) and Shadowhunters (2015) fic open on my phone right this minute. And I go back and read some of my favourite fic from much older fandoms on a semi regular basis. I have hundreds of them saved in word. Because if you love something… don’t let it go! Save the ever-loving shit out of it and keep it on your current laptop as well as on multiple external hard drives for back up!!
How did you first get into fandom? I was looking for someone to talk to, and that wasn’t going to happen in real life. So instead I found myself on a German Buffy Forum, which led me to discover fandom, online friends, and fanfic… all of which changed my life forever.
How long have you been engaging with fandom spaces? Probably since 1998? It was during Buffy Season 1, but when it aired on German TV, so 98/99 sounds about right. I DEFINITELY lied to the ‘are you over 18?’ ticky boxes!!
How often do you read fanfics? Daily. I used to be that kid that would walk to and from school with her nose in a book. Now I’m that adult that walks to and from school reading fanfic on her phone.
Top 3 characters from your current fandom(s): Mickey Milkovich. Ian Gallagher. Lip Gallagher.
Have you ever written a fic for a fandom? if so, shout it out! I have. I’m not primarily a writer, but about once a year I get the urge. Here’s my AO3. Also, if you search very hard you may be able to find some German Buffy/Spike fic out there somewhere, from when I was a child, proof read by my mother, whose main comment was ‘Oh my. You could have a career in erotica…’ (They barely kissed! Sheesh!)
Have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom? Yep. Back in the day I did the full range: Drawings, Icons. Wallpapers. Manips. Fic Banners. Fic Awards. Now I mostly stick with traditional art, and then once a year pumpkins haha Some of my recent stuff is on AO3. You can also find a lot of my art on my RedBubble Page or my Instagram.
Share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about: For Shameless? The Gallaghers visited Ian and Mickey in prison. Yes, they are busy, but they love their brother, and by extension they love the person their brother loves! And there is loads of them!! If they visited on rotation, it would only really “cost” them one day a month each. Not a hardship, is it? Also, Lip went more often than everyone else. Send tweet.
You’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them? Depends a little bit on the friend and on what aspect of a show I feel they’d vibe with best. 01x03 Aunt Ginger is a pretty good one. It’s got the full family working together to solve a problem. And it introduces Mandy and the itty bitty murder floof, which is a great bonus!!
And finally, what does fandom mean to you? Absolutely everything. You know Penny Lane’s speech in Almost Famous? “If you never take it seriosuly, you never get hurt, you never get hurt, you always have fun, and if you ever get lonely, just go to the record store and visit your friends.”? I followed bands around for about half a decade, and that, and Oasis’ “Please don’t put your life in the hands, of a rock and roll band, who'll throw it all away” were things I tried to live by. But fandom doesn’t work that way. Fandom is all about emotionally investing. Caring too much is basically a requirement. And what makes it safe is the fact that we are all in this together. <3
My word that was fun!
Tagging @malec-crazed-author, @ohfreckle, @rutherinahobbit, @deedala, @rereadanon, @toughpaperround, @teawithjelly, @faejilly, @industrious-ian, @orca122, @poemsfromthealley, @allmyfantasiesarethirdperson, @darknutmeg, @glorious-spoon, @hellofavillain, @howlinchickhowl, @katspace, @lynne-monstr, @captainjowl, @crossmydna, @vintagelacerosette, @beatperfume, @nanf1c
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lichfucker · 11 months
Twenty questions for fic writers
tagged by @bisexualshakespeare !! ty archer 🫀
guess I'll tag @jaynovz @asterofthevoid and @grasslandgirl
this is gonna get long so I am just putting it under a readmore from the jump lmao
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
ten if you include music. eight if you don't
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
black sails, community, the fetch phillips archives, and ted lasso. I used to have a cr fic too but I orphaned it bc uhh fuck that noise. on my old account in high school I wrote for community, homestuck, dangan ronpa, and hp :/ but we don't talk abt that account lmao
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Sanguine - Ted Lasso, Trent/Ted, M - my vampire!trent au! g-d I still adore this fic in my bones. not surprised at all that it's my most popular by a wide margin; this is the biggest fandom I've written for, and I wrote it at the peak of the show's popularity. I'd like to believe it's worth the hype lmao
Five Girls Annie Almost Kissed and One She Did - Community, Annie/Annie Kim, T - canon-compliant lesbian!annie thesis. an exploration of annie's romantic life from adolescence through season three with a LOT of autobiographical projection lmao. I looked back at my own life and thought, "yeah, that happened to annie too" dflsdf this fic will always be precious to me
Crawl 'Til Dawn - Community, Annie/Britta, M - oh, look, another vampire au! well. this one came first. this is the oldest fic on my account-- I wrote the first seven chapters in the fall of 2016, posted them in early 2017, and then stalled out finishing it until fall of 2021. it's the fic that got me back into writing. the five-year gap is palpable, I think. I'd write it very differently now than I did then. there's something really charming in that, I think
Ner Tamid - Black Sails, Silver/Muldoon implied but it's mostly gen, M - I'm at the jewish!silver character study. I'm at the doldrums cannibalism fic. I'm at the combination jewish!silver character study doldrums cannibalism fic. I had An Episode the night before my mom's birthday, went into A State, and wrote this in one ten-hour sitting. I think it is perfect. wouldn't change a single word
Through His Stomach - Black Sails, FlintHam and SilverFlint and SilverFlintHam in a weird proxy way, E - my magnum fucking opus. dark fairytale hag au. we are two weeks out from this fic's first birthday. at this rate it'll be another four years before I finish it. I learned how to write smut for this fic. the pride I have in this fic is obscene. this is the quintessence of me
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes! I do! I respond to every single comment! because I like getting comments and I appreciate the people who take the time to leave comments and I want to show them my appreciation by thanking them for their comments! and also because I can't shut up and I will take any excuse to talk about my own work! if you mention one thing offhandedly in a comment I am replying with an entire paragraph about that thing
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ooh, this is a tricky one. the obvious answer is Cold, Dark, Depraved, but that one's SO angsty all the way through that the ending is rather... cold and dispassionate by comparison. the other answer is Ner Tamid but I suppose that depends on your definition of angst. there's an air of resoluteness to the ending; it isn't particularly fraught, it's just horrific
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hmm. Sanguine, Five Girls, and Crawl 'Til Dawn all end with a getting-together (well, in CTD it happens a bit before the ending, but still). Five Girls has the element of self-acceptance and the confidence to live the rest of your life open and free and unburdened, but Crawl 'Til Dawn has the element of murdering your evil ex and then riding off into the sunset. guess it depends on which makes you happier lmao
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no? I write niche enough stuff that nobody's gonna read it if they're not into it
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
as of this year I do! I've been writing fic for over half my life at this point and I was so certain for so long that I would never be comfortable writing smut. and then I came to a scene in hagfic that I knew would hit so much harder if the characters were having sex. so I resigned myself to my fate and I fought through the embarrassment and now look at me. I'm a certified pervert
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
no and I don't like reading them, either
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
one of the homestuck fics I wrote in high school got translated into russian but, again, we don't talk about that account
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
how the fuck am I supposed to answer this. how can I possibly choose. obviously the answer is jeff/britta but how do you expect me to pick
15. What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I am still holding onto the belief that someday I will write To Cross Running Water, my sprawling black sails canon retelling where everything is the same except flint is a vampire. I refuse to let myself think I will die not having written it.
the actual answer is Say It Out Loud, my other trent/ted vampire au where ted is the vampire this time. I started writing it at the same time I started Sanguine-- literally the exact same moment. I had two word documents open in split screen. then I went all-in on Sanguine for a month (still insane to me that I finished it in a month) and I swore Say It Out Loud was gonna be shorter and faster and sillier, but then. I moved so slowly. and it got bigger and bigger. I got 30k into it-- thirty thousand words into it-- before season three came out. then s3 aired and it was so bad it killed all my enthusiasm for the show, and I really do not know if I'll ever bring myself to finish the fic now. I think it would have ended up being another 15k or so. I'd like to hold out hope that I'll go back to it but the hope diminishes every day
16. What are your writing strengths?
MOOD. mood. tone and mood. florid description. the rhythmic flow of the language-- cadence and meter are so ingrained in my mind; if it SOUNDS wrong, it IS wrong. I have a strong command of language and I can set a lush and vivid scene. and I need to do very little editing. it just springs out from my brain fully-formed like athena from the skull of zeus
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
plot. concision. speed
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
it's neat when other people do it but I don't know any other languages and I'm not gonna embarrass myself by relying on google translate or w/e
19. First fandom you wrote for?
hp unfortunately 😔
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
hagfic. Through His Stomach. it's not even a question. like. are you joking. it's hagfic. except for when it's Ner Tamid
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flaray25 · 1 year
I think someone of my online friends asked me this before...
How did you get your artstyle development/improved after all these years?
How did you start your own?
Have you been feeling okay?
Hows ur fanfics?
Are you going to continue?
Lets just say that it all started with a simple ship...
Since may 2020 got me to ship the most otp and most obsessing thing I can imagine...
[Which was you guessed it squidbob...]
And the time I joined Packet's server I felt inspired to draw squidbob.
I drew lots of them and lost of drafted things... i drew countless of them that I couldn't even caught up...
After all... I did read most of my favorite Squidbob fics from ao3 and wattpad which was: IWNBYF scabs the kid, always be yours by tragicclownwriters, I'm surrounded by (PatrickSexyLegs), Bikini Bottom Luau by MultiFandomWriter775, Cerulean Dreams by the_sparkling_abyss also known as (crybaby-139), A Boat to Remembering by RavenCreek [deleted], Accidetally in Love by ShadowAngel56, Only Sponge and Perfect date [collaborated with ShadowAngel56], also adding Artokaii for making Movie Night, Clouded Sunshine, and other of the fics :3
Other of the fanfics I fgt to mention from the squidbob ao3 they are also good as well. <kudos>
Except I dont fit right with nsfw part yep-
I'm reminding myself that this topic was focused for my artstyle improvement not the fics... I'M TOO DARN GIGGLING WITH WHAT I'M READING THEY'RE ALL TOO GOOD *eats*
Anyway- my improvement changed around 2022 - 2023
It started with one simple ship that started my WHOLE ASS career
I became more hyperfixated, delulu, feel like I'm losing it rn, and been writing stuff down from my drafts.
How'd it start my career?
Let's just say-
I created-
Siblings AU, Stoned AU, Legendary AU,Extra ordinary 2003 AU, Switched Universe AU, Past AU, The Other Future AU, The death of his AU, SpongeTale AU, Flowers AU, Agent AU, Mermaid AU, AlterEgo AU, Changed AU, Yandere AU (for some reason back at my Yandere Simulator era), Soft Universe AU, Forced Family AU, Zombie Apocalypse AU, Detecive Partners AU, Vampire AU, This Is Us AU, Gh0stB0b AU, The C0R3 AU, Future Next Gen AU, Transition AU, VillainBob AU, VillainBob 2.0 AU, SquidGame AU (for some SquidGame inspiration...), Guardian AU, Guardian AU (human version), Elliot AU, GhostBusters AU, Reality 4th AU [escape], Band AU, MiddleSchool AU, Future AU (2023), BodyGuard AU, Siren AU, L0ST AU (2 origins meets 1 mystery), Therapy AU, Musician AU, Rich AU, Mysterious Hero AU, Barista AU, Wrestling AU, T!m3Bre@ker AU, BabySitting AU, Quarantine AU, Experiment AU, Zombie AU, Poison Gas AU, Sanity AU, DON'T FORGET AU, Actor AU, AND ALSO! SquidPlusOne|C AU!
Some of those aus seem familiar to you guys and know about it. But in my own aus they're all plotted already and have completed stories now. [I just dont really write much fics cuz I'm very hyper fixated)
When it came to my mind that I've got a unique style, interest, and purpose, I've been doing alot of these fics and also drawing mostly in general. I never post much on tumblr (to avoid giving Nasty ass spoilers from other AUs and plots from my upcoming fics...
After years of my Digital arts/Traditionals of drawing and posting it here on my account... I'd like to say... Thank you so much for supporting and I'm really happy to get to stay here even if I don't interact in much.
I'm very happy and glad that most of you guys who've stayed and look at my posts for too long are literally the bomb.
I couldn't think of anything to say but a hundreds of thank yous :3 it's been so much and I will never forget the days people liked it. And even my improvement after joining this fandom.
I'm greatful to have you guys here supporting or respect or even listen to my lores, I don't even care if I'm not popular or well known person from the fandom. I just want someone to know, listen, and understand whatever I say or explain.
For the ask if 'I'm feeling well' well the neutral but also yes. Since this is the week where it's our last quarter clearance and next 3 months I'm gonna be in 3rd year highschool now... theres just a lot going on in my personal life and I don't wanna talk it out since they're all too sensitive.
It's better for me to start working again with these fics and art requests after our clearance check from school. It's hard to focus studying alongside minding another business with this as well. I gotta study harder next school year- tho I really hope I finish those drafted ones but new ideas come into my mind and I just wanna write it down!
With that thing on the way I'll do my best depends if I still visit here...
Some of you guys might or might not read this so I'm only posting this as my announcements or- something-
If some anon or someone asks me stuff from ask box I'd be very glad to answer! I don't really mind it since I don't talk to any other people here that much-
If someone asks "Octi? Are you going to leave this fandom in the future?" I mean it depends- the community of the Spongebob Fandom sometimes doesn't get that well with other people talking toxicity and mostly in twitter- people have their dislikes of 'shipping' an asexual main character Spongebob of the show.
Pssst @swagpolicerunaway thank you for staying here and I appreciate your stay man- stay cool as always 👉👉
And @3v3ry-freckle thx for reading my fics I know u read fics according to ur description hehe I'm glad people like you also read it too heheh
I mean some people have their own headcanons with a character- even if its announced already. People have their own point of view to that.
I did promise my own account here on tumblr that I'm staying in this fandom... We wont know until the future right? I'm staying here because I felt very open to my own lore and stuff, I'm also focusing on other fandoms that are popular and my studies as well.
But eh- it never hurts to stay here it makes me feel like a whole new person!
Plus I've got new online friends and other general friends who's also like me so theres no biggie problem heheh.
As long as I'm still here I get to share my own thoughts and stuff >:]
Btw there might be a fanfic I'll publish today since it's Fathers Day
🎶Every second that you see is,
Also yes I am continuing. Too much ideas from my hyperfixation? Yes.
With that further ado I gtg do something- see ya guys sometime if I update-
Twenty-four connected pieces,
Thank you for coming,
Thank you for staying,
Thank you for watching the show.🎶
[I love this song so much makes me remind of The Owl House since it ended]
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catreginae · 2 years
Can you answer all questions from fanfic ask game ? ᕙ⁠(⁠ಠ⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠ಠ⁠)⁠ᕗ
I'll answer some of them:
What do you like most about your own writing?
The longevity, I guess? I can read even my oldest fanfics from 2019 and still enjoy them.
What embarrasses you most about your own writing?
How long it takes to update my works. I also think a lot of my characterization is kind of bland and some of my anxieties about posting is the idea that I didn't get a character right.
What is one WIP you think you may never pick back up?
I did have some work done on like, a fic related to Thou Shalt Not Fall but it's like… eight of the boys get reincarnated into a modern day with no memories, whereas vampire Warriors walked through a portal Lana made to take him to the future but a couple of centuries before the other boys are born again. I like it because it still had some magic but I find it hard to write and I can't think of like, a good enough plot for it. Happy to talk about it some more if people are interested.
Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
Not really. There isn't anything that I'm embarrassed about and never want people to ever see, just WIPs that don't work on way or another but I would post them if I could figure it out (like the one above).
What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
Currently Thou Shalt Not Fall! Mostly because it's the one I work on the most.
Do you write every day?
I try to. It doesn't always work out but I do open the word processer every day with the intent to write.
Post a snippet from a current WIP.
He stepped out into a raging storm. He looked behind him and found that portal disappeared behind him. Link bowed his head down to try to keep the rain out of his eyes, picked a direction, and walked. Thankfully, he didn't have to walk far before he came across a strange, horse-shaped, tent and he didn't hesitate to get under the canopy and out of the rain.
The tent was surprisingly spacious. There were some beds, a table with some chairs, and even some sort of sign for a recipe. There was a teen sitting on the table, eating from a bowl, and when their eyes met, the teen simply blinked in confusion. He set the bowl down, jumped to his feet, and slowly approached.
“I haven't seen you before,” somebody said. As the teen approached, Link could see the scars that wrapped around the left side of his face and neck. It seemed like both of them were going to get lots of attention, with the teen's scars and Link's own scar bisecting his eye. What an odd pair they made.
“I'm... new.”
The teen studied his face intently, his eyes slowly running over his body. Link didn't know what he was looking for but whatever he was looking for, he seemed to satisfied because he held out a hand. “I'm Link.”
“Hello, Link. My name is Link,” Time said with a smirk as he took the teen's hand. The other Link blinked at him.
“Huh... Not the weirdest day in my life.”
“Nor is it mine.”
What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
I guess finishing the Blood Moon chapter. I have a hard time finishing prompts sometimes but I feel like I did a good job on it.
Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
Nothing I've done yet! However, I have A LOT of ideas for Thou Shalt Not Fall that involve hurting Warriors or Warriors losing control and I have to wonder how many I can get away with before people tell me write something different.
What time of day do you prefer to write? Why?
I tend write in the evening, simply because I'm home. If it's the weekend, it also tends to be more in the evening simply I'm more awake.
Are you a planner, plantser, or pantser? Is it consistent?
Plantser. I do plan some things but they tend to be specific moments that I really want to include and then just kind of pants everything else. I don't tend to stick to outlines so I don't make those. I feel like that part is mostly consistent.
Current number of WIPs'.
Of what I'm currently working on… two separate fics and I have 12 chapters of Thou Shalt Not Fall in various states of completeness.
Do you tell people in real life that you write fic?
A couple people know but they are people who know about fanfic.
Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
Kilton from BOTW for Thou Shalt Not Fall. I feel like he and Warriors would have a nice conversation about vampires.
What is one growth area you have for your writing?
I sturggle to understand this one, not going to lie. Like, is asking what my goals for growth is? If that's the case, I guess I want to get better with characterization. It's what stopping Thou Shalt Not Fall right now actually. I can't write Robbie to save my life…
Do you read your own fic?
If I'm really bored at work. It's also why my AO3 versions tend have fewer typos - I forget to update the works on tumblr after editing them on AO3 at work. Whoops.
What is the hardest part of writing fic?
Actually writing it. I have a lot of ideas but I struggle to actually oput them out into the universe.
What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
I have a lot of ideas that I haven't started yet writing at all and still only exist in my mind for now but I will list a couple chapter ideas I have for Thou Shalt Not Fall:
I did figure out a way to make Warriors have to forcibly regenerate a missing limb. I bring it up because it was in an ask once. My biggest obstacle was how to make it a limb disappear for good and the answer is… lava! Just have a monster chuck a leg into lava, Warriors will have no choice but to make a new leg.
The current annoying idea is to make Warriors allergic to hawberry jam. I'll let you guys figure out why hawberries might be an issue.
Do you do research for your fics? What’s the deepest dive you’ve done?
Sometimes! I usually have to brush up on my Zelda lore since it's been a while since I've played some of the games. I had to, and still try to, research vampire lore though to try and keep things interesting.
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sarinotsari · 2 years
The Second Disappearing of Sarina Grace
A dramatic title for a dramatic return!
Okay, yes, I’m back on tumblr! Which can only mean one thing: things are not great. Actually as I’m writing this I’m feeling pretty good, but just in general it’s been... a lot. So I left twitter again around October 5th (aside from my secret personal side account which only 2 people have access to) and it’s been great to not be surrounded by that negativity anymore. Unlike last time, I did give a warning (which I kind of regret, but whatever). So basically this year has been a lot. I mean like... a LOT. I got in a relationship, ended the relationship, made new friends, ended friendships, got a crush, got over that crush (mostly... kind of), had two different twitter accounts (not including my game account, priv, and The Quarry account that all lasted like a month), had two different instagram accounts, ended up in the ER (and then got put on meds that made me so confused I still have no idea what happened during that period nor do I remember when I even went to the ER), and blacked out for around a week (I think?) where I was telling everyone I was God. So, yeah... it’s been a wild year. And I finally feel like I’m healing from it all and during the healing process I just realized twitter isn’t really fun anymore, so I left. Now, I’m not saying I feel great by any means but I do feel like I’m at a point where I can get to feeling great, if that makes sense.
And now for the questions segment (which is just reusing the same questions I used last time)!
Will you return to twitter?
No. Not in the way people might want me to. It’s not a fun app to me anymore and it serves no purpose to me, so I don’t need it. I might keep my secret side account active for awhile and allow one more person access, but I’ll never return to stan twitter. I’ll eventually create a personal account when I start posting youtube videos too so I can hopefully reach a wider audience.
Are your other social media accounts being affected by The Great Twitter Strike of 2022?
Not really. I’m still as active as usual on instagram, I just post more stories. Tumblr I do want to try to become more active on, but it’s not likely. Wattpad I completely abandoned last year. AO3 I don’t really use much but I’ll read the occasional fic, I just don’t post anymore (sorry to my abandoned monwinn series, RIP). And discord is even more boring than twitter but I keep it just to keep in contact with people. Any other social media platform is so irrelevant to me that I’ve forgotten about it.
Where are you in life?
Currently, I’m on the hunt for a job. I almost applied for one but the application was too long and I got bored (oops). I’ve also set up plans for my future to help me better get to my dream jobs. Also I’ll be 20 in a little over 5 months which is terrifying to think about but I also look forward to it.
How are you doing mentally?
Eddie Diaz, Jacob Custos, and Prue Halliwell are the only people I ever think of which speaks volumes about my mental state. I do feel like I’m at the best I’ve been since... honestly, since COVID began. There’s still room for improvement though!
What have you been up to?
Planning! I’m ready for my life to begin and I have a lot of plans in place so that I’m fully prepared. Once I do a little more planning, I’ll be able to actually start following the plans. Also I’ve started to binge True Jackson, VP because I’ve never seen it (in fact, I hadn’t even heard of it until last year) and it’s amazing. I think once I finish it I might start Days of Our Lives just for Zach Tinker (but really, is it worth it? I refuse to watch The Vampire Diaries because Chris Wood is barely in it, am I really gonna start watching a soap opera for a few scenes of Zach?)
Did you write this entire post because you were bored?
Like last time, that is exactly the reason I made this post and it will likely happen again.
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WIP Wednesday
Title: Extraordinary
Pairings: HotchReid (more to come)
Summary: League of Extraordinary Gentleman/Vampire AU;
Within the FBI there is a specialized team full of an elite selection of people. Unique individuals with very particular skill sets. And their job is to take the unusual cases: the ones that need to not only be solved, but are undetermined if the unsub is human, or something else entirely.
In a world filled with Vampires, non-human creatures, and subspecies unknown, there is only enough information to have them vaguely regulated. Rules that are so easily, and violently broken, all while hidden in plain sight among the unsuspecting public. Unrivaled for eons.
That’s where the BAU comes in. 
Official Posting Date: October 2021
Links: (Masterpost) (Snippet 01) (Snippet 02) (Snippet 03) (Snippet 04)
(TW/CW: Blood, blood drinking, vampirism, alcohol mentioned as context, seduction, hypnosis/trance mentioned.)
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(the story so far/what you need to know for this clip at least: our romantic storyline picks up not too long after this oneshot was written, where Hotch and Spencer have formed an ‘arrangement’ that Spencer puts a stop to because of -reasons- of the emotional sort. Hotch can still feed from him when he needs, but that’s all that will happen. They have a small tiff, and Spencer is about to leave the room when he has an epiphany...) 
"It's the blood,” Spencer states, eyes wider in astonishment. Any melancholy gone from his face as his realization forms fully in his mind. “My blood is so…” 
“--undebased that you can taste the chemical composition in my blood. Or your palate is just that refined.” Which is amazing, unheard of, baffles him and his mind is whirling a million bits a second trying to process what that means, exactly. “You can... when I'm sad, you can taste it. That’s why you don’t want to feed. You’ve always been able to taste it. When I'm happy, when I’m worried, aroused, when I’m lost in... infatuation." 
Hotch doesn't answer, doesn't give away that he can also intimately feel what Spencer feels when he drinks his blood. But Spencer barely notices, is already falling deep down the informational rabbit hole and barreling towards that disastrous need to know more.
"What does it taste like?" There's a brightness returned to his eyes, and Hotch didn't realize how much he'd missed it until it reappeared. Knows he could never deny him anything, when he’s looking at the undead man like that. He pauses, collects himself, resigns himself to answer -- because by God, does he want to give Spencer an answer he’ll remember.
"It's subtle,” he begins, slow and careful, “like notes in a glass of wine. Not everyone has the nose, or the taste for it." But he explains further, steps closer, the brightness in Spencer's eyes like stars in the sky he can't look away from. Drawing him in; a creature of the night, who should not be lured by something so fleeting. But he is, and he does, and he speaks slow as he crosses the room. 
"Sadness is caused by a lack of dopamine; it tastes bitter, mineral, like charcoal but not always unpleasant.” There’s a time and a place for a sad drink, but he never wants to know Spencer’s sorrow so intimately. 
“Excitement, like what you're feeling now,” the thing in his eyes Hotch can’t look away from, “is bright. Floral. Light on the tongue.” 
“Arousal," said low and closer than Spencer realized he was, "serotonin and endorphins. Pleasure is always sweeter. Juicy, almost, yours especially. Cherries, and black currant.”
“But love…” It almost stops him in his tracks, but he carries on -- as if in a trance. Ironic, the roles reversed. “Infatuation, as you called it. It's more of a texture. Thick and full bodied, like how Chardonnays can be buttery, so can love. Something pleasant that sticks to the tongue and reminds you it's there. Long after it’s gone."
Spencer is breathing hard, pupils dilated, staring back now that Hotch is looming so close and afraid to move. Pinned by that black diamond stare. Prey in a trap of an entirely different sort. 
One he’s not sure he wants sprung from.
((if you want to be apart of the taglist just hit me up via comment, reblog tag, DMs or asks 💕))
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