#Yes this is a call out to every Riddle stan that includes me
twstsimp · 2 years
✨Huzzah~✨ I live bitches. (affectionately) (⌐■-■)✨
Srry that I haven't been posting lately, I've been pretty lazy to make some edits and stuff and also cuz I've been busy and taking some time off.
Also I still plan to continue the Twst x Pikaman cursed edits, but I'll prob finish and post them at a later date.
But with all that said and done, have this old crack edit I made for @allimili. (Come get yo man Alli 👁️👁️)
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Twst to Riddle stans when his union card was showed:
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Riddle Stans:
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yan-twst · 4 years
Hello! May I request hc for the dorm leaders finding out that their female crush is only attracted to girls(female mc as a lesbian I stan-)? If you don't feel comfortable writing this then feel free to delete! I hope this was intresting ;-;
hell yeah lesbians rise up!!!! i included some of my own headcanons of how gay and lesbian stuff is in twst because i think it’s nice to have that there!
riddle rosehearts
riddle is immediately mortified- not because it turns out his crush is a lesbian, but because he’s now horrified all his “courting” may have come off as a bother or inappropriate. he’ll go beet red and apologize for that. he- he didn’t know! he didn’t mean to impose himself- argh!
is he heartbroken? a little. but he’s more worried that he may have come off as pushy. the queen of hearts may have been overbearing, but she never went out of her way to specifically bother anyone, and riddle feels the same way. he really really wants to make it clear he didn’t mean to bother her oh god-
once he calms down a bit, he’ll just, kinda... compose himself and apologize once more. if he had known, he’d probably not have made any advances (even though his “flirting” was more along the lines of inviting to unbirthday parties and sharing trey’s baking. it was nothing too invasive- hell, riddle’s crush wasn’t even aware he was flirting with her)
riddle will also bashfully ask if... well, even if he has no chance with her, he hopes that they can still remain friends. romantic or platonic feelings, he still really gets along with her- hell, everyone’s grown used to having her at the unbirthday parties, and trey already bakes extra for her every time.
he’ll take the title of being her friend with pride. riddle will quickly swallow down his heartbreak: this is something that has to be this way, and the fact that she likes girls simply means he’ll just be the best guy friend she possibly can have
leona kingscholar
leona “woman respecter” kingscholar takes the information well. he just kinda goes ‘oh’, nods, and takes a nap.
welp, there’s nothing to be done, so why get all sad and mopey? if the little herbivore likes girls, more power to her. welp, women are pretty and powerful. he understands why they like women. makes sense
leona is a bit sad, sure, but it’s only natural. he doesn’t dwell on it for long, though. if something can’t be changed, there’s no sense in thinking it over and over: he’s a man and his crush likes women, so that’s the end of that
despite it being so clear cut for him, he will take some time to talk everything out with her. he wants to make it clear: he was pursuing her romantically before, and he won’t anymore. he didn’t know she was a lesbian before, and now he knows
still, leona’s got a soft spot for the little herbivore. even though he might not be pursuing her anymore, it doesn’t change the fact he still feels like he’s gotta watch over her and help her. 
he’s just gonna be his usual grumpy self, really. he’ll still invite her over to practice magift, he’ll still tease them and call them “herbivore”. is he still in love? leona won’t ever mention it, really. does it matter? she’s his friend now, even if he calls her “annoying herbivore” whenever she wakes him up, and that’s pretty much all he could ask for
azul ashengrotto
fun fact did you know octopi have been seen displaying homosexual behaviours out in nature
which is to say, this isn’t anything new to azul. same-sex relationships are more common in his home than what he’s seen in the surface, but it’s not like lesbians are a new concept to him
oh don’t get it wrong he does cry when his darling tells him she’s not into men. he cries and then he lets her hug him until he stops. he then proceeds to be so mortified over it all he wishes he could go hide in his octopus pot
after apologizing for... that ordeal, azul will return to his usual composed self. it’s almost hard to tell he was a sniffling mess just a few minutes before if it weren’t for his puffy eyes
he composes himself quickly because, well... when he pictured himself getting turned down, it was always painful- old insecurities flaring, being told he wasn’t enough- but this was... not painful? it’s not as if he wasn’t good enough or something. his crush was just a lesbian! it’s not his fault, so it’s hard for him to feel sad over it
azul might even feel a bit bad for her. she’s... stuck in this all boy’s school, huh? the only girls here are probably the fae that control the weather... and the talking portraits...?
even though there’s really no girls for her to talk to, azul will still take on a protective attitude over her, giving the “if any girl breaks your heart tell me and the twins and we will avenge you” talk. azul doesn’t know why any girl would hurt her heart, because in his eyes she’s precious, but hey, he’s gotta protect his friend, right?
kalim al-asim
“wait you like women? oh me too!”
kalim takes it... so well. like, almost shockingly well? it’s like he processed the information in record speed, sorted out his own feelings immediately, and made peace with it all in a matter of seconds
kalim has many sisters around his age. one in ten people are gay. what i am getting at is kalim has lesbian sisters and so this revelation that his crush is lesbian doesn’t shake his world too much
he’ll admit it stings a little- love is a powerful thing, after all! but he thinks people who pursue others who are clearly not interested are scummy, and he’d never do anything like that
in his mind, it’s an easy ordeal. he trusts and likes her. she sees him as a close friend, and that’s the most he can be. so really, he should just be happy he’s as close to her as can be! he’s already at the top rung of being close to her, so he’s hit the goal, right?
kalim, god bless his heart, is that friend who will present his lesbian friends to any other lesbian friend he has. he has good intentions, but it might get a little tiring? and a bit overwhelming too when he brings up that he has sisters right around his age who are also into girls and suddenly he’s making plans for a big mixer party and oh god jamil please help and put a stop to this before it gets out of control please help he’s already planning a menu-
vil schoenheit
ooooh so she’s a lesbian ooooooh ok that makes sense. that makes sense. 
vil is like “oh! of course my incredible efforts into my appearance and into our friendship and in wooing her weren’t working. she is just not into men”
he’s almost surprised at how getting turned down like this just... didn’t bruise his ego at all. his efforts weren’t useless, he wasn’t doing things wrong, it simply couldn’t work! honestly, vil would have been more hurt if he’d put all this effort and his crush had been straight and still turned him down
hmm, so she’s into girls... then being here, in an academy full of men (who are, in vil’s opinion, horribly unrefined and ungraceful) must be rough.
just because he’s no longer trying to pursue a relationship with her does not mean that he’ll stop inviting her over for skincare or for trying on clothes. absolutely not. the fact vil even was attracted to her in the first place is because he saw her as someone with potential and that has not changed
he will immediately position himself as a big brother / best friend. just because he’s her friend doesn’t mean he’s gonna let her slack, though! he’s still gonna be checking she follows the skincare routine he set up for her, and that she’s eating and sleeping well- as much as he says it’s because he “wants to make her potential shine” or whatever, it’s just... overwhelmingly clear he just cares about her as a friend
idia shroud
out of all the ways he imagined getting turned down this has to be the one that he had NOT pictured and at the same time, it’s kinda the best one? crush was a lesbian so it wouldn’t work out, 10/10 turn down, didn’t make him go into a self deprecating vortex
once again, it’s the age old relief of “yes, i got turned down by my crush, but it wasn’t my fault, because it turned out she was a lesbian”. idia had ran so many scenarios of being turned down, of his crush being disgusted at him, that it all being resolved into her not liking men at all is... almost relieving?
and you know what. he gets it. when he sees his figurines and posters of his favourite idols and anime girls it’s like well duh of course she likes girls because girls are cute? 
he’s gonna have her rate his waifu tierlist. what? it’s not- it’s not weird, is it?! he’s just trying to bond, and- urgh, he kinda wants to know what her opinion on his waifus is. because his waifus are cute girls and she likes girls so ?? it makes sense? right? (idia might cry if she says his waifus aren’t That Good)
this whole ordeal might also result in the almost hilarious scenario in which ortho just straight up goes “Hey niichan, what is a lesbian?”
learning that his closest friend likes girls opens pandora’s box, the box being idia making his friend review every anime girl and gacha or visual novel girl that HE likes
malleus draconia
did you know reptiles are also quite gay? there’s even a species of lizard that’s just, entirely female. dragons are reptiles.
malleus, bless his heart, is not good at reading people. his crush will need to be Direct. trying to use metaphors like “I swing the other way”, or “I play for the other team” do nothing but further confuse him- when his crush finally cracks down and just goes “what I’m trying to say is I’m a lesbian” he finally, finally, understands what this is all about
malleus just... nods in understanding
he feels a little sad- it does sting, a bit, to know things can’t work out, but he’s also... happy. if she told him, that means she trusts him, right? 
malleus is happy enough to just have A Friend in general, even if he’d never admit he’s usually lonely. most people tend to run from him or be so intimidated they shiver when they hear his name. and yet, against all odds, he’s found a friend who likes being by his side, someone who didn’t know all the baggage that comes with his name. he’d be a fool to tear down that friendship just because he’s learnt it’ll stay platonic
also, as mentioned before, it’s not like homosexuality is some sort of taboo or odd subject. it’s actually quite common amongst the fae, especially those in Malleus’ kingdom. although he does say he can’t introduce her to any cute fae girls. he.... is not friends with any. (he just doesn’t have a lot of friends in general, but he refuses to say that because he... doesn’t want to sound “mopey”, lile lilia says he is)
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nour386 · 4 years
Meeting the not Heroic Family
My submission for @pinesconessecrets as the santa of @mothmanfactkin, His prompts included super hero au and awkward dinner. So I combined them together into one massive fic. I hope you enjoy this because I enjoyed writing this. (Also on Ao3!)
"Dipper, I'm not sure about this," Wirt tightened his grip on his boyfriend's hand.
"It'll be fine!" Dipper awkwardly bumped Wirt with his elbow. "They don't need to know that I'm dating the legendary 'Spirit of the Plants'."
"Dipper this is serious." Wirt said. "If your Uncle is half as smart as you say he is, he should be able to figure out my identity in an instant."
"Don't worry about that, we have your cover story remember?" Dipper grinned, "a humble library part timer fresh out of college, looking for work. It'd cover most of our bases."
Wirt didn't look convinced. He bit his lip and looked away. His mind raced with all the ways this evening could go wrong. A villain somehow reconsigning him, and attacking them through the window. A giant monster bursting through the ceiling, crushing everyone and splattering the walls with their blood. Or worst of all, his boyfriend's uncles deciding that he was a bad influence. Cutting his time with Dipper short.
"Hey, look at me." Dipper pinched Wirt's cheek making the lanky man wince.
"What was that for?" Wirt rubbed his cheek.
"You were doing that thing where you panic and over think everything and worry that the end of the world will come about because you dropped a spoon." Dipper rolled his hand as he spoke.
"There was no apocalypse this time." Wirt said in a small voice.
"That's not the point Pilgrim." Dipper sighed. He placed both his hands on Wirt’s shoulders. "I know you're worried, and in truth, I am a little as well; but nothing helpful is going to come from sitting here and stewing in our sweat. Let's go take this thing down together."
Wirt took a deep breath, and let himself be held by Dipper. The weight of his hands on his shoulders helped ground the young man. He looked into his boyfriend’s eyes and gave a small smile. 
“I think. I'll be fine.” Wirt said slowly.
“I’ll be with you every step of the way.” Dipper smiled.
The pair made their way down the long walk up to the mystery shack. Normally Dipper would have insisted on flying the pair over, but decided that letting Wirt get excited over the natural beauty of Gravity Falls might help him calm down enough to face his uncles. That judgement worked out swimmingly in his favour as Wirt awkwardly asked to stop every few minutes to observe some flower or shrub that he didn’t quite recognise. 
“I know you said the town was bustling with the unknown, I didn’t think that would include plants.” Wirt carefully touched the leaf of a shrub. 
“Is a small bush that impressive?” Dipper squated next to Wirt to observe the plant. The stem looked like it was covered in red polka dots. 
“Look! This shrub adapted its stem to look like it's covered in red ants to avoid being eaten!” Wirt said in an excited voice. He gave the leaf at the tip of the stem a small poke and gave a small twitter of delight as the stem curled up perfectly to make the polka dots look even larger. 
“Huh, I never noticed that.” Dipper taped his chin.
“Probably because you spent the better part of your time running for your life.” Wirt tapped a nearby tree. A sturdy branch grew out, just high enough along the trunk to help him stand up without groaning. “Thank you.” He whispered to the tree.
“You know, for a superhero you sure do use your powers haphazardly.” Dipper teased. He stood up, and led the way to the shack.
“You’re just jealous that your yearbook photo this year was captioned ‘plant killer’.” Wirt smirked,   following Dipper along the path.
“I told all of our friends to not get me house plants as gifts. But they never listen.” Dipper threw up his hands in exasperation. “I can hardly take care of myself. You think I can take care of a plant?”
“Thank your lucky stars that I didn’t decide to incarcerate you for crimes against greenery.” Wirt said.
“That’s not a thing and you know it Mr.’Hero’.” Dipper punched Wirt’s arm.
“Well it might be!” Wirt shot back. “And now the charge has changed to battery.”
“Oh no. how could you have stopped my dastardly crimes.” Dipper rolled his eyes.
“Who’s talking about crime?” came a gruff voice.
The pair looked ahead to find an older looking man. Greying hair that lay flat on his head, a red nose and square jaw. He wore a serious expression, his face behind his square glasses was twisted into a serious scowl as he looked at the two young men. 
“I-uh no-one Sir.” Wirt squeaked. 
Dipper on the other hand rolled his eyes. “Why? You want a cut of the goods?” “You’re damn right.” The old man smirked. 
“I wha-” Wirt looked between them.
“Are you sure you’d want to be associated with horrible criminals like us?” Dipper asked. “Wouldn’t want the press to find out and cause another scandal.”
“Those paparazzi cronies will swarm after anything. It’ll blow over in less than a day.” The old man chuckled.
“What?” Wirt tilted his head.
Dipper grinned. “Wirt, this is my Great uncle Stan, retired hero and ever active conman.” 
“Hero?” Wirt stared at the man. His mind raced to put a mask to the face.
“Autographs cost 50 and pictures with me are 100.” Stan gave a showman’s grin. “Keep in mind that those prices are mutually exclusive.”
“And if you want him in costume you’d be footing the tailor’s bill.” Dipper elbowed Wirt.
“Wait, who were you?” Wirt asked.
“Who was I? Who was I?” Stan looked as though he had the wind knocked out of him. “What kind of cave dweller did you bring to my house?”
Dipper rolled his eyes at Stan’s theatrics. He was well used to his uncle’s inflated ego about his hero career. Wirt on the other hand found difficulty picking up on Stan’s very subtle hints at playing a bit. He felt his stomach sink to his feet as the man’s voice grew in volume, his life flashing before his eyes as he tried to figure out which hero this angry looking man could have been. 
“Grunkle Stan, tone it down, you’re going to give him a heart attack.” Came a sweet as sugar voice from inside the shack. A young lady with her hair done in a long braid opened the mesh door and punched Stan in the arm. Aside from rosy cheeks and the lack of a beard, her face was identical to Dipper’s. It didn’t take long for Wirt to recognise his boyfriend’s twin sister, Mabel. 
She turned to Wirt and gave a warming smile. “Sorry about this old grump. He thinks his comedy routine should double as a horror show.” 
“It’s only horror if they’re too sensitive.” Stan rubbed his arm. 
“You promised Dipper you’d play nice while Wirt was visiting.” she crossed her arms.
“I also promised your uncle Shermie that I wouldn’t let you do any hero work while staying over. And look how that turned out.” Stan rolled his eyes.
“Stopping someone from stealing a car isn’t hero work.” Mabel shot back. 
“Sorry about Stan,” Dipper muttered under his breath. “He’s just jealous that his hero career was cut.” 
“Jealous?” Wirt stared at Dipper. “You said you didn’t tell them anything”
“He’s jealous of your youthfulness” Dipper squeezed Wirt’s shoulder. He leaned in close to whisper into his ear. “I haven’t told them a thing, I promise.”
“So he’s not mad?” Wirt clarified. 
“Nope, just a really bad comedian.” Dipper smiled.
Wirt closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He held onto Dipper’s hand to ground himself. It took a couple of moments but he felt his heart rate slow down. 
“Hey, is the kid okay?” Stan called from the porch. Wirt could hear the audible smack of Mabel’s fist against Stan’s meaty arms, followed by a hushed. “Ouch!”
“Ready to go in?” Dipper asked patiently, ignoring his relatives and their antics.
“I think so yes.” Wirt opened his eyes and gave a weak grin. 
The pair had wanted to spend the wait for dinner in the living room, enjoying the terrible public access television that Gravity Falls had to offer. However, Stan had other plans. Apparently Dipper’s second Grunkle, Ford as Stan called him, had failed to arrive in time to help like he had agreed. And now the couple were forced into the kitchen to help with dinner preparations. 
“Honestly you don’t need to help too much.” Dipper insisted as he kept an eye on the bubbling stew.
“I don’t mind. It’s nice to see the shack you talk so much about.” Wirt smiled. He carefully peeled an onion before dicing it. Dipper could have sworn the onion grew plumper when he handed it to Wirt.
“So he talks about this place huh?” Stan looked over his shoulder and away from his chopping board. “Better be talking about how great it was.”
“Oh but of course.” Dipper rolled his eyes. “The 5 star accommodations, and food to match? How could I complain?”
“Didn’t you say that the walls were riddled with splinters?” Wirt asked.
“They add character!” Stan insisted. He banged his fist on to the chopping board, launching sliced up carrots into Dipper’s bubbling pot.
“And a surprising amount of fiber.” Dipper said. He placed a lid on the pot. 
“What?” Wirt looked at Dipper. 
“The kid chews just about anything. I’m surprised his power wasn’t something like eating anything.” Stan said, he took the onion slices from Wirt and poured them into a pan with some oil.
“I don’t think that’d be very fitting.” Wirt said. 
“Oh? And why’s that?” Stan snapped his fingers, summoning a small flame at the tip of his finger, which he then used to ignite the stove. He raised an eyebrow as he stared at Wirt. Challenging him to back up his claim.
Wirt could feel his stomach twisting under the gaze of the older man, but a gentle hand on his shoulder helped the practising hero ground himself. He took a deep breath and put on what felt like a confident grin. “Well, for one thing Dipper would need an appetite for such a power to be useful.”
There was a beat, Wirt held his breath, expecting some snide remark about how he didn’t know what he was talking about. Instead, Wirt watched as Stan slapped his knee in laughter. The old man’s wrinkled face lifted with glee as his hoarse laugh filled the shack. He accidentally knocked over the pan he had just put on the stove. 
Acting quickly, Wirt grew a strong vine from the flowers on the window sill, easily catching the pan.
“And here I thought you were all talk about him being a smart alec!” Stan grinned. He clapped a hand on Wirt’s back.
“Thank you?” Wirt looked to Dipper for help.
His boyfriend gave him a small smile and a thumbs up. “Told you he could hold his own.”
“He still looks scrawny as hell.” Stan pulled his pan out of the vine’s grasp. “Pretty good with his powers. You sure he ain’t some mask behind your back?”
“Grunkle Stan, Wirt would never lie to me like that.” Dipper frowned. He looked disgusted at the suggestion.
“Not many regular people are quick enough to catch something that fast. Especially with powers they don’t use regularly.” Stan said.
“I do use my power often.” Wirt said honestly.
“And what does a librarian need chloromancy for?” Stan asked.
“It helps me put away books faster.” Wirt said. “Not to mention I had a very excitable younger brother. If I wasn’t keeping an eye on him, there was no telling how much trouble he’d get in.”
Dipper held his breath as he watched his Uncle’s reaction. The old man eyed Wirt up and down, before shrugging and moving back to his cooking. “Jeez you really are dating a goody two shoes, aren’t you?” 
“You know me. Can’t help but stick to the rules.” Dipper said with an awkward chuckle.
“Only when it suits you.” Stan remarked. “Now toast the bread, I didn't bring you in here to play 20 questions.”
‘Ford’ was still nowhere to be seen, but the family had decided to start dinner without him. 
“If he thinks I’m going to wait for him to eat then he’s got another thing coming.” Stan said. 
With the use of his plant powers, Wirt was able to set the table rather quickly. He wondered why Mabel hadn’t been asked to help, but when he saw several burn marks hidden under the table cloth, he realised the risk the ever glitter throwing Mabel could be to the kitchen. It wasn’t long before the table had been set and all food was served. The three Pines and Wirt sat together at the table, enjoying the delicious food. The sound of clinking plates filled the air.
All was peaceful until a loud crash came from the living room, followed by an angry shout.
“Stanley what did you do to my mirror!”
Stan didn't get up from his seat, in fact he  acted as though he didn’t hear what had just transpired. Wirt remembered seeing the old man reach for his ears before they began eating. ‘Perhaps he turned off his hearing aids?’.
Dipper gave Wirt a smile. “We’re in the kitchen Grunkle Ford!”
Wirt turned to the doorway just in time to see a man with a similar face to Stan’s but with a much deeper cleft in his chin and much poofier hair. He wore a trench coat and red sweater over black dress pants. His clothes were scuffed and were burnt in multiple places. To the untrained eye it would have looked like the man had run wildly through the woods from some kind of monster. However Wirt was familiar with markings like those that were all over Ford’s clothing. They were from stray bullets that had nicked his clothing, narrowly avoiding him. 
“Stanley, what was the big idea with putting my mirror behind the couch!” Ford marched right up to his twin, his face red with rage.
Stan lazily looked up at Ford, his mouth full of mashed potatoes. He raised a finger and swallowed his food. “I can’t hear anything you're saying Sixer.” Stan pointed to the kitchen counter, where his hearing aids sat, keeping him deaf to the world around him.
“You knucklehead! I almost got crushed!” Ford reached to punch Stan, but he was stopped by Dipper. The young man had jumped out of his seat and grabbed a hold of Ford’s arm. Dipper also summoned a vine from the window sill to keep his uncle restrained.
“Grunkle Ford, I’m really happy you’re back in one piece. I was hoping to introduce you to my boyfriend, Wirt.” Dipper said. He nonchalantly gestured to Wirt.
“Ah, yes. I had forgotten we had guests.” Ford’s cheeks turned red as he collected himself. “I apologise for my outburst. I’m usually much more composed. However, someone’s pettiness has affected that.”
“Still deaf as a post.” Stan pointed to his large ears. His mouth full of half eaten stew.
Ford rolled his eyes and walked over to Wirt. The old man wiped his hand on his dark pants before offering a six-fingered hand shake. Wirt politely returned the gesture with a firm hand. But as the pair shook hands, a painful realisation dawned upon them both. 
“You…” They both breathed. Their eyes locked into one another. 
Before Wirt could say anything, Stanford ran out of the room, and out of sight. 
Stan, Dipper and Mabel stared at Wirt, all thinking the same question. Wirt could feel their eyes boring into his skull, so he stood up, and excused himself. The young man made his way to the bathroom, closing the door behind himself. He splashed his face with some cold water and breathed deeply. He looked at the mirror above the sink, screamed, and tripped back into the bathtub.
“Calm down!” Dipper whispered. He stepped out of the mirror.
“How did you-”
“I’ve been copying Grunkle Ford’s power for ages.” Dipper said. “Now, would you mind explaining what that was just now?”
“So, remember how I thought I never met your uncles and was worried about a bad first impression?” Wirt asked. His tone sounded jovial despite his rattled nerves. “Well I don't need to worry about that anymore.”
“When did you meet Grunkle Ford?” Dipper asked. He sat on the side of the bathtub.
“I was doing a nightly patrol of our campus. The security guards had asked for some help from the local hero guild. Someone was breaking in and taking the latest data found by the scientific teams. I was already on campus so the hero guild put me to the job.” Wirt said. He kept in his awkwardly sat position in the tub as he spoke. The shower curtain tangled with his long limbs. 
“So as I was walking around, I heard the guards calling for help, turned the corner and saw the tail coat of a man run down the hallway. ‘The light of the moon shone through the windows, guiding me through the dark to his eventual capture’. Is what I thought when I saw him turn down a dead end. But instead there was no one. There was the one way glass of the nearby lab door; but it was securely locked. The guards checked it anyway and found no one.”
“Right.” Dipper nodded along, tapping his chin.
“I walked along the floor, looking for any signs of the intruder; but alas he had slipped my grasp. The only person I found was one of the professors leaving after a late night at work. I had thought he was the intruder at first, since the first thing I saw were the tails of his coat, but it was a lab coat.” Wirt continued.
“But where does Ford fit into this?” Dipper asked.
“That professor dropped a roll of paper he was carrying. I thought it was some of his research, but when I reached down to pick it up. I noticed he had six fingers, which was not mentioned in the staff listings. And when I looked at his ID, it was a crudely faked card.” Wirt said. 
“Ooooh.” Dipper sucked in a breath. “And he realised you were the hero from that night?”
“There’s no way he didn’t.” Wirt said.
“Okay, things are messy, but, there’s nothing to worry about.” Dipper clapped his hands. “He knows that you know, but we don’t know he knows. So we can use this to our advantage.” 
“If he knows that we know, then he won’t try to deal with me to make sure I don’t blab?” wirt asked.
“But he can’t be sure that you know.” Dipper said. “As far as your story goes, you’re only a librarian. Just keep your cool and things should smooth over.”
“Considering how annoyed your Uncle Stan is, I doubt he’d want to cause too much more trouble.” Wirt said.
“Exactly.” Dipper smiled. “Now come on, dinner’s getting cold and trust me when I say you don’t want to fight Mabel for seconds.”
 Wirt watched as Dipper stood up offering his hand. The young man took a deep breath before accepting his boyfriend’s hand.
“That sounds lovely.” he agreed.
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heartslobbf · 5 years
why percival is my favourite knight of the roundtable.
ok so i’m the self-proclaimed number one percival stan and i’m here to tell you to STOP SLEEPING ON THIS MAN with a few simple reasons why he’s babey.
have you seen him smile? i mean have you???? he’s the embodiment of :D and !!! at the exact same time and it’s magnificent
he loves his friends so much. i mean, in 04x10 when he tells elyan he totally understands why he was trying to kill arthur??? and he’s just like ‘we’re your friends it’s okay’ in his soft little baby voice i just. i mean yeah he punches him after that but still. certified baby.
he’s understanding and empathetic. in 05x09 when gwen is sneaking off to be evil and tells him she’s going to the lower town because it reminds her of elyan, percival is literally just like :(( and lets her go because he!!!! is a sweetheart!!!!!!!
he’s adorable. examples of this include when in 05x10 the knights are throwing gwaine’s helmet around and then when arthur steps in percy immediately is just like. fuck. um. aaa beCAUSE HE DOESN’T WANT TO GET IN TROUBLE LIKE OH MY FUCKING GOD B A B Y —
he’s a badass. in 04x08 when he just????? shrugs those bandits off??? and they’re completely out?? wow. in 04x13 when he just throws like twelve guys to the ground?????? and he’s so nonchalant about it as well kajfkskdkgkj
he’s so fucking smart. like. gwaine baby you can call him a dumbass all you want but this man knows shit. like??? he just knows about camlann?????? and he’s such a good, skilful tracker as demonstrated when they’re rescuing gwen in 05x06, and in 05x11 when they find kara (both times). sure he’s not necessarily Wise, but he has knowledge and a lot of it
he’s a dumbass and it’s heartwarming. *axe literally flies into his shoulder at high speed* percy: gee i guess it fell. like. please protect him he’s BABEY—
The Forehead Touch. yes i’m including one thing his character does as a pivotal reason why i adore him. shut up. this shit breaks me every time, he is SUCH A SWEETHEART. like. his friend the love of his life is dying in his arms and all he can think to do is The Forehead Touch im not okay guys im fucking not im
not to go on about gwaine’s death scene or anything but “no you haven’t.” this one sodding line KILLS ME every time, like can we please get tom hopper an oscar for it??? its amazing, the way he whispers it so you can barely hear it and his face oh my god his FACE. the man he loves is dying thinking he failed everyone and percy’s refusing to let him believe that because hE IS B A B E Y—
he deserves so much better. percival’s arc is riddled with SADNESS and MISERY and he didn’t deserve it. i mean. have you seen him??? he’s trying his fucking best and the show writers were just like “hey what if we killed this character’s entire family and then, when they found a new family, killed all of them as well??” like. i’m begging you bbc this man is an ORPHAN so you’re killing all of his friends and his husband too???? at this point i’m convinced the writers hate hufflepuffs because holy shit they did gwen and lance just as dirty and if you don’t think that these three characters are hufflepuff and that they deserved so much better please don’t talk to me
ok that’s it famsquad. these are in no particular order. i love percival more than words can express. please. appreciate him more. and elyan and leon but that’s for another post
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wendip-week · 6 years
Wendip Week 2018, Part 2: Typical Pines Luck
Hey guys, sorry for not posting these here during Wendip week. Let me give you a run-down of the background: I made my Wendip Week in context of the Kamen Rider Weird series I’m writing, which takes place in the future of SuperGroverAway’s universe (with ddp456 influence….yes, I had permission from them both). As a result, the main characters - including Phoebe, their daughter - from my series are co-hosts for this week. I’ll post more of Wendip Week here, but for those of you who want to read the main story, follow me on fanfiction.net or leave a guest review. Now, then, here’s part 2 of Wendip Week 2018:
“Let’s play a game, Phoebe.” Ken sat up in his chair straight. “I’m going to give you a prompt, and you say a phrase at a time to answer the prompt.”
“I’m motivated more by curiosity than anything else.” Phoebe said, slowly sitting up herself. “Shoot.”
Ken snorted mischievously. “You know you’re a Pines when…”
Phoebe leaned back. “You deal with the paranormal?”
Ken shook his head. “Could be Scooby-Doo.”
“You visit Oregon every year?”
“Your grandparents don’t….”
Phoebe thought for a second. “Things just go wrong for no reason?”
Ken leaned back. “There we go. Now from what I hear, Wendy learned this lesson in a pretty wacky way.”
Phoebe rolled her eyes. “Try to be more specific, she probably learned this about twelve times in her life.”
“Well, ok, then…she one day learned just how deep it runs in the family lore…”
Wendy sighed as she cut the last of the branches off the dying tree, save the one she was on. Being an arborist for the Parks department definitely had its perks - being in nature, climbing fifty feet into the air, using the skills she was born with. But every so often she had to admit that dealing with a fir that had to be cut down was grueling work. For safety reasons, some of the branches of this one were deemed as necessary to cut off before the tree itself could be dealt with - it had taken up her entire day. But at least it was done now…time for her to call it in and go home.
With that she picked up her walkie-talkie and spoke into it. “Ground team, I’m done here. Get the buzzsaws ready.”
“Roger that, Corduroy, we’ll have it set up.”
With that, Wendy did what she had done a few thousand times in her life - she undid her belt, looped it around the trunk, and began walking down.
Her leisurely descent was interrupted by an unwelcome sound - the buzzing of a saw cutting through wood right below her. A sinking feeling emerged in her chest as she pulled her walkie-talkie up and asked. “Smith, what are you doing? I’m still up here!”
“Oh nuts, they must have misunderstood me when I said be ready - they already began chopping. Hang on - fellas, stop! She’s still up there! What do you mean you - oh no.”
“Smith…” Wendy radioed in. “What’s happening?”
“Wendy, it’s stuck! They got it stuck, in the trunk, and they can’t turn it off! The saw is just freely cutting into the tree. There’s no way around it - she’s going down!”
As if on cue, Wendy felt the weight of the trunk shift to the right, fully aware that in three seconds she would be in freefall. As she saw another tree nearby, she moaned, “Oh man, I’m gonna regret this.” She loosened the belt buckle ever so slightly, took out her hatchet and aimed at the other tree.
“Just about…NOW!” She pushed off the trunk with her legs, the loosened belt being completely undone as she hurtled towards the other tree hatchet-first. The hatchet dragged down a full five feet of the bark before finally being embedded in and halting her descent.
The radio buzzed “Don’t worry, chief, we’ll get you down.” Still, she couldn’t help but have a single thought;  this has never happened before…
She fingered the phone in her hands, scrolling through her contacts to find someone to talk to about the day. Her fingers hovered above Dipper’s name, but realized her boyfriend would be too panicky. His mom too. Mabel and her own friends would have the opposite problem because she came out OK. Eventually she landed on the one person she knew longer than some of the rest - and, although she loathed to admit it, had been a mentor once or twice before.
She heard the crockety old man’s voice respond on the other end. “Wendy? What in the blazes are you calling me for?”
Wendy sighed. “Well, Stan, to be honest, I need someone to give their honest opinion. Something strange happened today.” She explained her physical trials from that day. “It should not have been possible.”
After a pause, she heard Stan laughing on the other end. Wendy frowned. “Mr. Pines, how can you think this is funny?”
“No, it’s not that….it’s just…it’s finally affecting you…”
“What is?”
“You and the squirt are engaged now, right?”
Wendy looked at the engagement ring on her finger. “Yeah, it’s been a few weeks. What’s your point?”
“I love the little guy, I really do, but he has the worst luck on Earth! The monsters, the dates…heck, I remember when he pelted you in the eye with a baseball! You finally are part of the family if you’re getting the Pines luck!”
Wendy felt a chill down her spine. “Oh, boy…listen, can you not tell Dipper about this?”
Stan just replied, “What’s that, the connection is loose - ” and hung up.
“Stan, I - dang it!” Wendy stowed her phone in frustration, fully aware of how her fiancee would take this.
“Your gregrunle is a jerk,” Ken chuckled.
“Yeah, well, tell me something I don’t know,” Phoebe rolled her eyes. “Still, doesn’t change the fact that when Mom visited Dad a week later to have a date night and plan the wedding a bit..”
“Hey, I’m here…Dipper?”
Dipper looked up from his work on the table and hastily started closing books. “Oh, hey Wendy, I…woah, I lost track of time, heh heh…” He began gathering things in his arm to hastily put them away.
“You alright, man? This seems like your, well, itchy mode.” Wendy lightly teased.
Dipper honestly answered “Well… somewhat, but…”
Unfortunately for him, at that particular moment two Journals fells out of the pile of books and opened to clearly marked pages. Wendy had already seen the first one before - Journal One’s entry on unicorn hair. Which made it all the more suspect that Journal Four opened to a page on countercurses.
Dipper chuckled weakly. “Busted, huh?”
“You bet, man.” Wendy sat down next to him. “This about the accident last week? I’m fine, I swear.”
Dipper groaned. “I know you are, but…it feels like you’re inheriting the family’s bad luck. My proclivity to get into danger, Mabel’s dating history prior to meeting Mel, Ford’s thirty years of dimension-hopping…there’s some common link behind it, some string of bad luck. I was looking for a way to break it after hearing that it passed on to you. I mean, I just….why?” He buried his face into his hands.
Wendy gave Dipper a supportive pat on the back. “Come on, Dipper, you’re smarter than that. You mean to tell me just now you learned I’m infected?”
Dipper looked up. “What?”
Wendy held up the still-open Journal Number One. “Having to fight unicorns.” She dropped it, saw Journal Number Three on the table, and flipped it to the page about the bunker security system. “Nearly being squashed by moving pillars in an underground room.” She concluded by opening to a page Dipper had added about the now defunct Society of the Blind Eye. “early forgetting who I am.” Dropping all of these, she then looked Dipper straight in the eye. “All within a few months of meeting you, before I was even sixteen. The truth is, I started getting into bad situations immediately after meeting you and Mabel.”
Dipper looked at her. “And you’re saying you’re OK with that?”
Wendy smiled. “I chose to be in each of those situations. And every day, every month, every year I spent with you, I knew that I was inviting the same choice, and I would give the same answer. Because you know what? That’s only half of Pines luck.”
“Really?” Dipper perked up a bit. “What’s the other?”
“Knowing that you’ll get out of it okay. Because you’re a Pines.” Wendy flashed him the engagement ring she had accepted some time ago before continuing. “And when I become one, I’ll have that same faith because my guy will always have my back when I need it most. So stop worrying about it until it happens, ok?” She waited for his answer, wondering if the poor guy would be able to turn off the anxiety that always seemed to exist in his mind.
Dipper’s brain, however, was filled with more than that. It looked at the woman who was his fiancee and remembered the night he had given her the ring. All the craziness of wolves attacking and yet she stood by him, without even a trace of doubt when she accepted his proposal afterwards. How many times did he survive simply because she was there? It was with this mindset that he pulled her in for a hug. “You really are the best, you know that?”
Wendy laughed as she returned the hug and pecked him on the cheek. “Yeah, yeah, your lumberjack queen and all.” As they broke it up, she replied, “How about we cut the sappy stuff for now and watch another B-rated horror film?”
Dipper grinned. “That’s not even a question, is it?”
“So, riddle me this” Ken got up to stretch a bit. “Did Stan tell him specifically to get them to have this conversation?”
Phoebe shrugged. “It’s not his style, but honestly? The whole family loved playing matchmaker with those two.”
“Even after they found him a find, caught her a catch?” Ken grinned.
Phoebe shook her head in disappointment. “Worst excuse and method to spring a Fiddler on the Roof reference. Ever. Of all time.”
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stansrichie · 7 years
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Scavenger Hunt
prompt: “All that blood looks good on you. It brings out your eyes.“
requested: yes
ship: stozier, reddie (platonic)
warnings: blood, richie’s thicc trashmouth 
summary: richie convinces eddie to help him get revenge on stan for not paying enough attention to him, and some crazy shit happens
a/n: they are aged up in this story (18-19 years old) and this is a more modern setting!!
not my gif
“Staaaaaaaan,” Richie groaned, sitting on the couch, wrapped in multiple blankets. Richie found a new movie at the Redbox down the street and wanted his curly headed boyfriend to join him. “What, Richie?” Stan yelled from upstairs, sighing in annoyance. Stan was currently rummaging through his closet, trying to find an appropriate outfit for the night. Loud footsteps were heard making their way into Stan’s room. “Come watch a movi- what are you getting dressed for?” Richie asked, cutting himself off mid-sentence. “I’m going out to dinner with Bill and then we’re going to go watch the new Star Wars movie in a little bit,” Stan said, pulling off his shirt and slipping on another one. Richie’s face dropped in disappointment. Why hadn’t he been invited to go out with them? “Hmm, well, thanks sooooo much for the invitation. No, really, I’m SO HAPPY my own boyfriend doesn’t want to hang out with me on a Friday night,” Richie exclaimed sarcastically, flopping down onto Stan’s bed. Stan smirked and fixed the collar of his shirt. “If I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re jealous.” Richie sat up, unamused. “Oh no, of course not. Why would I ever be jealous of Bill Denbrough? With his stupid smile, his stupid soft, brown hair, and his stupid voice of pure angelic goodness.” Stan howled with laughter as he walked downstairs to grab his keys and put on a coat. Richie followed in suit. “Don’t worry, Richie. You have nothing to worry about….Or do you?” Stan said, touching his chin with his index finger, pretending to think. “Don’t fucking start that shit, Uris. Can’t you just stay at home and watch this new movie with me? I already made popcorn and everything,” Richie pouted, giving Stan the puppy-dog eyes. It was true, Richie had set up popcorn, candy, and drinks for the two to have a nice movie night. “Sorry Rich, guess you’ll just have to invite one of the losers over instead,” Stan said, making his way to the door. “WAIT, STAN, DON’T G-“ Richie was cut off by the sound of the door shutting. “That fucking bitch.”
Richie and Eddie were currently watching what felt like the 87th movie of the night. Richie had barely been paying attention to any of the movies they had watched; all he could think about was how to get back at Stan for leaving him tonight. There was always some excuse when it came to Stan hanging out with him. “I’m going birdwatching,” “I have homework,” “My parents hate you,” and blah blah blah. Stan was always too busy for him. “Ya know what, Eds? I’m gonna get revenge. If I can’t have Stan’s attention, nobody and nothing else can either,” Richie said, getting up from the couch. “First of all, if you call me that again you won’t have to worry about Stan not paying attention to you at all. Second, I don’t think that’s a good idea Rich, you know Stan hates being messed with,” Eddie replied, getting up from the couch as well. “Of course I know it’s a bad idea,” Richie said, matter-of-factly. “And you’re still gonna do it, aren’t you?” Eddie sighed. “Absolutely!”
“Richie, hurry the fuck up. It’s cold as shit and I didn’t bring a jacket,” Eddie whisper-yelled from the ground. “And whose fucking fault is that? Huh, dipshit?” Richie yelled back from above. “Well fucking excuse me for misunderstanding that your movie invitation was really just an invitation to play a fucked up version of Robin-hood all damn night,” Eddie shouted. It was 10:34PM. Richie had coerced Eddie into helping him get revenge on Stan by taking everything that could possibly distract him and hiding them all around town, including Stan’s bird-book. Richie laughed as he climbed back down from the tree. “Stop complaining, it’s not even that cold.” “SAYS YOU! YOU HAVE A JACKET YOU FUCKING PRICK! MEANWHILE, MY TOES ARE TURNING 75 SHADES OF PURPLE,” Eddie exclaimed, flailing his arms around. “75 shades of purple huh? That’d make for a pretty kinky version of ‘Fifty Shades of Gray’ wouldn’t it?” Richie said, smirking as he led the two out of the woods. “Fuck you, douchebag. Now what? Stan goes home and sees all his shit missing, then you have to go around town and get it back so he doesn’t flip a table?” Eddie asked, rubbing his hands up and down his arms for warmth. “I’m not a monster, Eddie. I’m gonna make this fun,” Richie said, pulling out his phone and smirking.
Stan was just pulling up at his house when he got a text from Richie. “I’m staying at Eddie’s tonight.” Stan rolled his eyes and put his phone down. Richie could be so dramatic sometimes. Stan hopped out of the car and went inside. Nothing looked too bad besides the mess of popcorn and candy left in the living room. He made his way upstairs and walked into his room, only to find that almost every important thing of his had been taken out. “What the fuck?” Stan said, walking around, looking for some sort of evidence. The house couldn’t have been broken into, could it? Stan walked to his bed and saw multiple pieces of paper tucked under his pillow. Stan, Stan my man, Stanarooni, read closely. Everything that could possibly distract you from spending time with me has been taken and hidden somewhere throughout town. The list of missing items are: - Your weird binoculars - Your damn bird book - Your fucking laptop - Your stupid ass backpack - Your mom and your dad Just kidding about the last one, even though I fucking wish…. Anyways…. Solve the riddles on the next couple of pages if you want your fuckin shit back, and maybe stop goddamn ignoring me all the fuckin time and give me some love and attention once in a while, yeah? GOOD LUCK, BABY! — Richie :) “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Stan said, dropping the pages on his bed. Stan dialed Richie, but he didn’t pick up. He called and called at least 12 times, but not once did Richie answer. Stan looked over at the time and it read 10:52PM. Is he really about to entertain Richie and this entire situation, and have Richie to hold this against him for the rest of his life just to get his bird book back? Yes. Yes he is.
It was now almost 2AM, and Stan was about to fucking LOSE IT. He had found every single fucking thing on the list except his goddamn bird book, and he just KNEW Richie had done this on purpose. “I swear to fucking Jesus Christ himself if something happened to my book I’m gonna murder Richie with my bare hands,” he mumbled to himself, stumbling around town like he was lost. On the other hand, Stan had started to realize that maybe he wasn’t paying Richie much attention. He kind of felt bad, but at the same time he’s walking around at 2AM because his dumbass boyfriend hid his shit. “I’ve read this dumb fucking riddle 600 times and still have no idea where the fuck my book- wait a minute. In the tree. This motherfucker hid my book in a motherfucking tree,” Stan said, coming to a complete stop on the sidewalk.
It was the next morning and somehow Richie had once again convinced Eddie to help him out. He wanted Eddie to come to his house with him in hopes that Stan wouldn’t yell as much if Eddie were there, and after offering 5 of his best comic books, a slushee from the arcade, and $12, Eddie had agreed. “Stan’s car is here but he isn’t,” Eddie pointed out, looking around the empty house in confusion. “Fuck, dude, do you think something happened to him? Holy shit. Holy fucking shit I killed my boyfriend,” Richie panicked, pacing back and forth in the living room. “EDDIE, WHAT AM I GONNA DO? WHO ELSE IS GONNA PUT UP WITH ME? WHO ELSE IS GONNA WIPE THE CEREAL CRUMBS FROM THE CORNER OF MY MOUTH IN THE MORNINGS? WHO ELSE IS GONNA ROLL THEIR EYES AT ME EVERY TIME I FALL DOWN THE STEPS? WHAT DO I DO, EDDIE, NOBODY IS GONNA BE HERE TO LOVE ME,” Richie yelled, putting his hands on both of Eddie’s shoulders and shaking him back and forth. “RICHIE CALM THE FUCK DOWN, IM SURE HE’S FINE.” “NO, I HAVE TO CALL HIM NOW!”
Last night after climbing 7 different trees and finally finding his bird book, Stan was completely exhausted and decided to rest for a few minutes on the branch he was sitting on before walking back home, but ended up falling asleep. Ring, ring, ring The noise of Stan’s cellphone ringing made him slowly wake up, only to realize he was a good 25 feet from the ground. Ignoring his phone, he decided it was time to go home and get some actual sleep in his bed. He was surprised he didn’t fall from the tree last night. Flashbacks from the previous night started to flood Stan’s memory, and he suddenly remembered why he was in a tree in the first place. Richie. “I can’t fucking believe that shit actually happened and I wasn’t just dreaming,” Stan ranted to himself, packing up his things in his backpack, which he had found hidden behind a dumpster outside of the arcade last night. In Stan’s haste to get home, while trying to stuff his bird book into his bag, it slipped from his grip. He attempted to reach out and grab it before it fell, but reached a bit too far and was sent soaring down from the tree along with his book and his bag. “AGH- AH- AGGH- FUCK,” Stan yelled, in-between hitting every fucking branch on the way down. Stan landed on the last branch before he hit the ground, and had thought it saved him from plummeting to the ground, only for the branch to collapse under the sudden pressure and send him crashing onto the dirt. 
“Eddie, I’ve called him 27 times. 27 TIMES AND NOT ONCE HAS HE RESPONDED,” Richie shouted. “Maybe he’s just pissed off, I’d ignore you too if I were him considering you hid his things and made him find them all because he doesn’t have his head shoved up your ass,” Eddie replied, nonchalantly. “Oooooh, I see. You think you’ve got it all figured out, huh, Eds? I think you’re forgetting the fact that you’re just as guilty for helping me, so if I go down, you go down too you little shit,” Richie says, throwing a glare at Eddie, who now met the taller boy’s glare. The two were snapped out of their glaring session when they heard the front door open. In walked a very mad looking Stanley Uris, covered in dirt and cuts from the branches. Richie looked at his boyfriend with wide eyes, mainly out of fear for his life since he was at the butt-end of a murderous glare coming from Stan. Richie laughed nervously. “H-hey baby, how are you? You know, all that blood looks good on you. It brings out your eyes.” Stan walked slowly towards Richie, never once looking away from the boy. Richie started to back up in hopes of running away, only to be pushed against the wall behind him. Eddie took this as an opportunity to hightail it out of the house and escape. “Do you know what I had to go through to get this shit back? I FELL FROM A 25 FOOT TALL TREE, RICHIE. NOT 23, NOT 24, BUT 25 FOOT TALL.” “Ya know, I should be really scared right now considering the fact that you’re yelling at me, but something about the way you just pushed me against a wall is turning me on,” Richie said, smirking at his very pissed and very attractive boyfriend. Stan pushes himself off of Richie and walks upstairs. “Don’t even think about talking to me until tonight because I really can’t deal with you right now, especially not when you’re making sexual advances on me while I’m trying to be mad,” he says, walking into his room and slamming the door. “Sorry, Stanarooni, you’re just so irresistible.”
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Life #5 (South Park)
Character Sheet
Face Claim:
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Name: Carmencita D. Tweedle
Pronunciation: Car-men-SEE-tuh
Meaning: Little Song
Nicknames: Carmen, Tweedle Dee, Mutt, Snow Bunny
Name Origins:
Carmen: Shortened from Carmen
Tweedle Dee: Used with Tweedle Dum, Middle Initial, and Last Name
Mutt: Racial Slur for Mixed Race (I will actually beat that living shit out of you if you call me this AHEM Cartman AHEM)
Snow Bunny: A weird combination of my love of snow and Kenny’s love of Playboy Bunnies
Titles: N/A
Aliases: Princess Kenny’s Personal Knight, Estrella
Alias Origin: Games with The Boys
Orientation: Heterosexual
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Date of Birth: June 4th
Star Sign: Gemini
Birth Flower: Rose
Meaning: True Love
Birthstone: Pearl
Meaning: Purity
Species: Human
Affiliation: Humans, Freedom Pals
Social Status: Middle Class
Dead?: Eventually
How?: This is South Park probably really stupidly
Last Words: “SHIT!!! WE’RE GOING TO DIE!!!!”
Eye Color: Grey-Blue
Glasses/Contacts: Glasses
Skin Tone: Pale with Freckles
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Length: Just Past Shoulder
Hair Type: Curly
Hairstyle: Ponytail Normally, 
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Loose When Estrella,
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Braids When Knight
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Height: 5’1 (Yes, I’m short… only means i’m closer to hell)
Body Build: Skinny and Scrawny
Notable Features: N/A
Piercings: N/A
Tattoos: N/A
Scars: Small Mark on Left Cheek
Birthmarks: Thigh
Style: Casual and Warm
Favorite Outfit: Dark Blue Coat Lined with Dark Grey Fur, Blue Jeans with Black Star Pattern, Black Fur Lined Boots, Grey Gloves with Ugly Sweater Pattern, Gray Knit Hat with Dark Grey Poof, Black Moschino Backpack with Optimus Prime Bear, Star Ring
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Formal Outfit: Black Off Shoulder Asymmetrical Dress, Black Kitten Heels, Black Shoulder Bag with Silver Star Print, Silver Star Necklace, Silver Star Bracelet, Silver and Pearl Star Clip On Earrings, Silver Star Ring
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Alter Ego Outfit:
Stick of Truth: Grey Tank Top Cut and Sewn Together with Shoe String, Long Sleeve Black Shirt, Black Hoodie, Black Leggings, Black Boots, Plastic Champion Belt, Plastic Gauntlets, Toy Bow and Arrow
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Freedom Pals: Black Tank Top, Blue Galaxy Skater Skirt, Black Tights, Black Leather Jacket with Silver Star Pattern, Black Sneakers with Gold Star Pattern, Multiple Silver and Gold Star Bangles, Black Choker with Dangling Silver Stars, Silver Star Crossbody Bag, Silver Star Headband, Silver Star Ring, Black Lace Masquerade Mask
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Accessories: Silver Star Ring
Scent: Vanilla, Green Tea
Mother/Mother Figure: Roxane Tweedle
My mother is a very strange woman. She is very paranoid and always moving around the town. She is very attentive to my sister and I’s needs and tends to try to give us anything we could want (which doesn’t mean we actually want it). Whatever time she spends with us usually driving us around to wherever it is we’re going and it’s usually spent with us all terribly singing along to the radio and laughing. Mom isn’t one to want to sit and listen to us or to give us advice as she has a short attention span (probably where Olivia gets it from). She might not be the best mother but she does try and I still love her.
Father/Father Figure: Jackson Tweedle
My father, on the other hand, tends to love to sit and listen to (gossip with) us. He loves to try and smother with us with anything we ask for (Olivia and I honestly made it a game to see how far he would go to get us what we wanted… he has to fail). Dad is just as paranoid as mom is but he hides it a lot better. He was also the one that signed me up for martial arts which caused a huge argument between parents. My dad has been known to also beat the shit out of anyone who dares insult us or my mother (probably where I got it from).
Brothers/Brother Figures: N/A
Relationships: N/A
Sisters/Sister Figures: Olivia Tweedle
As dumb as Olivia can be, she is a very loyal friend and sister. I have, obviously, known her my entire life and she has never let me down (In terms of loyalty and reliability not much else). She can deal with my violent tendencies ad overly snarky demeanor. I can (most of the time) deal with her oblivious, careless attitude. We rarely fight and get along better than most sisters do and I’m pretty happy to have her as my sister.
Aunts/Aunt Figures: Nancy Tweak
Aunt Nancy is very sweet. She is always supportive whatever decision we make even if it might not be the right one. She is also pretty good at telling right from wrong and standing up when she thinks we’re doing something terrible. As supportive as she is she doesn’t really listen and is known to just leave us to our devices for long periods of time. She honestly borders on child neglect with how little she pays attention to us or Tweek.
Uncle/Uncle Figures: Richard Tweak
Uncle Richard is much worse than Aunt Nancy. All he cares about is his business and pays no attention to anything any of his family does. That’s not to say he doesn’t care, he does... he just cares more about his coffee shop. He also does anything to boost his shop which includes manipulating us and Tweek to do his bidding. Yeah, I don’t like my uncle.
Cousins/Cousin Figures: Tweek Tweak
I adore my cousin Tweek. As jitter and jumpy as he is I find him absolutely adorable. I’m usually the one to take the late night calls and now late night talks about pressure and Underpants Gnomes. I try to comfort him but it doesn’t always work cuz this kid is riddled with anxiety. When he’s calmer (calmer, NOT calm) he is pretty fun to hang around and his friends are pretty crazy. You wouldn’t think this but Tweek is surprisingly protective of Olivia and I. He has actually attacked some people he thought had hurt us emotionally or physically.
Nieces/Niece Figures: N/A
Relationships: N/A
Nephews/Nephew Figures: N/A
Relationships: N/A
Sons/Son Figures: N/A
Relationships: N/A
Daughter/Daughter Figures: N/A
Relationships: N/A
Current Guardian: The Tweaks
Relationship: I get along well with Aunt Nancy (I mean she tries), I hate uncle Richard (I know for a fact he’s the entire reason for Tweaks anxiety), and I adore Tweak
Current Significant Other: Kenny McCormick
Kenny McCormick was never the boy I saw myself dating. Simply put he was a major player and I wanted commitment.Kenny went around on any girl that moved and I was no exception, however, I was one of the very few who resisted his… charm. That got him interested and he is surprisingly persistent but so am I. It was a long game of cat and mouse where he would find me and drop cheesy pickup lines, offer compliments, and ask me out over and over while I offered sarcastic comment after witty comeback (if I do say so myself). The game turned into a surprisingly close friendship where the flirting got more jokey and less serious, where his true colors showed and that was when I finally caught feeling for the real Kenny McCormick. The overly perverted, vulgar, overprotective big brother Kenny. It didn’t take me to long to ask him on a date and imagine my surprise when this guy decided to actually give a committed relationship a try. I’m glad he did because now I know the jealous, overprotective, poorly timed joke slinging Kenny too. Obviously, we have a very touchy-feely relationship (which is weird because I’m not a big fan of being touched).
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Advisor: Kyle Broflovski
Confidant: Kyle Broflovski
Stick of Truth: Humans
Fracture But Whole: Freedom Pals
Friends: Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Tweek Tweak, Butters Stotch, Token Black, Craig Tucker, Jimmy Valmer, Timmy Burch, Heidi Turner (I AM going to beat Cartman for what he did), Karen McCormick
Best Friend: Olivia Tweedle
Love Interest: Kenny McCormick
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Rivals: Wendy Testaburger, Bebe Stevens
Enemies: Eric Cartman
Person Hated Most: Eric Cartman
Most Important Person: Olivia Tweedle
Awkward Around: Wendy when she breaks up with Stan, Tweek, and Craig when they’re fighting
Admires: Dad, Kyle
Hometown: North Park
Childhood: Pretty normal, lived in a small town, small house, small family. Then, of course, our parents decided to go on some big trip and dump us with relatives for God knows how long.
Childhood Hero: JK Rowling (What? I like Harry Potter)
Most Important Memory: When my parents finally signed me up for martial arts after months of begging OR When I won my elementary school art competition
Current Location: South Park
Living With:
Occupation: Student
Pets: Wiener Dog/Golden Retriever Mix named Oz
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General Health: Meh… I tend to get colds every few weeks
Reason: Apparently I have a sucky immune system
Mental Health: I’d say I’m sane, though, according to others that’s up for debate
Reason: I’m violent and pretty loud once I’m comfortable
Sleep Habits: I sleep like a log
Diet: Umm… I’m not on one
Exercise: Martial Arts, I Ride My Bike A Lot
Allergies: Dairy Products
Injuries: I get scrapes and bruises (I’m kind of a klutz)
Disorders: N/A
Deformity: N/A
Disabilities: N/A
Mutations: N/A
Handicaps: N/A
Medication: N/A
School: South Park High School
Best Class: Art
Worst Class: Biology
Sports: Martial Arts
Clubs: Art Club
Languages: Spanish, English
Memory: Ok, I Guess
Abilities (Fracture But Whole)
List of Powers: Stellarkinesis
Gravity Slam: Using the force of gravity to slam and hold opponents to the ground (Kick them in the balls/punch in the boob)
Shooting Star: Bringdown a star from space to hit a target (Chuck Firecrackers at them)
Plasma Beam: Use beam of plasma to harm enemies (Shine flashlight in their eyes)
Stellar Healing: Use stardust remaining from destroyed stars to heal teammates (Neosporin and Band-Aids)
Stardust: Use stardust to confuse opponents (Chuck glitter in their faces)
Gravity Manipulation (Basically Telekinesis AKA Imagination)
Stardust Manipulation (Glitter)
Plasma Manipulation (Flashlight)
Origin: As a child, I was taken by a space god worshipping cult who attempted to sacrifice me to their god in a special ritual. Instead of dying, the ritual gave me the power to control the stars and become someone who could protect other children from being attacked and suffering my fate,.(AKA I wear star-shaped ring and own a lot of things with star patterns)
Elements: Space
Strengths: Stars, Night, Evasion, Long Range
Weaknesses: Cold, Water, Over-Exertion, “Nightmares from cult experience” (what the hell does that even mean?)
Restrictions: Over-Exertion of Powers
Immunities: Fire, Light, Sun
Fighting Style: Quick and Hard, Use Opponent's Strength, Momentum, and Weight Against Them
Weapons: Bow and Arrow (Stick of Truth), Hand to Hand
Good Traits: Loyal, Creative, Smart, Strategic, Athletic (Fast), Funny, Hard to Get Angry, Romantic
Bad Traits: Snarky, Overly Sarcastic, Explosive Temper, Likes to Hide Bad Feelings, Insecure About Glasses and Relationships, Stubborn
Likes: Animals, Art, Martial Arts, Laughing, Family, Games, Friends, Snow, Stars, Silver, Cheesy Romantic Dates, Reading, Cooking
Dislikes: Getting Angry, SOMEONE Insulting My Friends/Family, Swimming, Hunting, Being Touched by Most People
Turn Ons: Dirty Talk, Compliments, Jokes/Cheesy Pick Up Lines, A Little Rough
Turn Offs: Insults, Silence, Lies
Talents: Drawing, Martial Arts
Sense of Humor: Laughs at Just About Anything
Darkest Secret: Loves Cheesy Pick Up Lines
Does Anyone Know? Who?: Olivia and Possibly Kenny
Greatest Fear: Drowning
Why?: Can't Swim
Other Fears: Cartman Finding Out About Insecurities/Fear/That His Words Sometimes Hurt
Why?: Cartman is Cartman
Most at Ease When: With Karen, Kenny, Olivia, Kyle or Butters (or Any Combination)
Most Uncomfortable When: With Literally Anyone's Parents (They’re all so stupid… how are they even parents?)
Enraged When?: SOMEONE (CARTMAN) Insults My Friends/Family
Depressed When?: I Let My Stupid Insecurities Get to Me
Frightened When?: Getting Too Deep in Water
If Granted One Wish What Would It Be?: That I Didn’t Need Glasses
Hobbies: Art, Martial Arts, Reading
Instrument?: Nope (It'd be cool though)
Sport?: Martial Arts
Spending Habits: Um… If I Get Excited I Just Buy Shit but I MOstly Hate Shopping
Drinks?: NOPE
Smokes?: EW
Drugs?: EXTRA EW
Nervous Tics: Tugging on Earlobe, Chewing Lip
Prized Possession: Star Ring
Color: Silver
Song: When The Day Met The Night by PATD
Quote: “Twinkle twinkle little star, do you know how loved you are”
Movie: Peter Pan
Food: Honey Butter Biscuits
Season: Fall
Book: Harry Potter
Genre: Fantasy
Flower: Stargazers
Flavor: Blueberry
Dessert: Blueberry Coffee Cake
Pessimist or Optimist: Optimist
Pacifist or Fighter: Fighter
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert
Proud or Humble: Humble
Messy or Tidy: Messy
Risky or Safe: Risky
Strength or Wisdom: Strength
Flashy or Simple: Simple
Long Range or Short Range: Long Range
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
Hot or Cold: Cold
Book or Movie: Movie
Loud or Quiet: Quiet
Logic or Emotion: Emotion
Work or Relax: Relax
Confident or Shy: Confident
Night or Day: Night
Out of 10
Knowledge: 6/10
Wisdom: 5/10
Motivation: 4/10
Agility: 6/10
Power Control: 7/10
Hand to Hand: 8/10
Long Range Accuracy: 6/10
Offense: 7/10
Defense: 4/10
Reflexes: 5/10
Speed: 7/10
Strength: 6/10
Sociability: 5/10
Bravery: 7/10
Confidence: 6/10
Generosity: 5/10
Endurance: 4/10
Evasion: 6/10
Kindness: 5/10
Creativity: 8/10
Charisma: 6/10
Memory: 5/10
Temper: 2/10
Patience: 8/10
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