#Yet again proving that voice actors are the actual best.
halfcentauri · 1 month
Hello! New blood here! I've been hesitant to make an account or even touch this site for a while, but a few hours on here and I already feel at home. Ya'll are honestly so cool.
A few words about me, I guess. Nice to meet you! I go by Elane, any pronouns. Really enjoy writing (mostly fantasy stuff), have been looking for a good place to meet other writers and talk shop, read stuff and share some of my own, but haven't been able to find a space that wasn't either too professional or too inactive.
I considered writing a new piece as my first post, but... I got lazy. I'm just gonna repost one of my short stories from a different site instead. It was the piece that was the most well-received of all my posts there, and actually led to me meeting a very cool friend, so it feels right that I lead with it.
(I'm sorry if it's frowned upon to repost old stuff here. I'm new to this site and have next to no clue about the culture aside from clips of voice actors reading funny quotes. Also, I was never the best at formatting my posts, and this is site is virgin ground for me, so please excuse me as I attempt to figure stuff out.)
The Eternal Storm
"You're safe in my arms," Percy murmured, holding me close. "Never doubt your place beside me, however vicious their stares, however fearful your heart."
"I don't deserve your grace," I murmured back. My eyes were damp with tears. I held him closer. "You spoil me with second chances I've yet to earn."
"You've earned the world and more." He bared his teeth like a lion, a fierce pride naked in his smile. So fierce, it was almost desperate, and yet... it would do so very little to change my mind.
Around us, the storm thundered on.
Flashes of vermillion lightning engaged each other in a slow waltz. They extended like tree roots amidst the swirl of violet smog, almost frozen in time. The wind picked up, batting my hair through the cracks in my chainmail, mingling it with his as we leaned in for a kiss. The air tasted of mercury, the lethal silver raining from the heavens.
I felt his breath on my lips as we pulled apart, giggling like schoolboys. "No man is beyond redemption," he declared, seizing me by the shoulders. "No betrayal cannot be undone. It takes only blood and toil to build a kingdom—nothing more. What failure cannot be remedied by the same?"
"A failure of character," I said, withering under his gaze. "A failure of the soul, that claims blood beyond measure, and creates toil beyond reason."
"Blood and toil all the same," he said, frowning. "All debts can be repaid, Norman, however great. It only takes time," he gestured at the storm, "and we've yet time to spare."
I smiled at him—a feeble gesture—and pulled away from his touch. His arms hung rigid by his side, no doubt itching to hold me again. "Storms don't last forever," I said, holding a hand out to catch the rain; the silver was fast to escape my grasp. "Neither do phantoms."
I let the silence hang in the air, so that he might understand the finality of my decision. After a long moment, he spoke, "It's true, then. You deign to visit me only to tell me you're to leave again?" He grimaced. "You needn't depart now. It's only been a few hours."
"I have nothing left to do here," I said, hollow-eyed. "My place is without; as you said, paying back my debts. This time we spent together will be forgotten like a daydream, and the better for it. I only thought it fair that I inform you of this fact in person, before it becomes yet another regret. I am sorry if I have disappointed you."
"It needn't be that way," Percy pleaded. "Norman, you needn't prove anything to me."
"Then perhaps you don't know me as well as you think you do," I said. "I am never without something to prove, whether that be to myself or... to you, my king. No words can change that which has been wrought with steel, nor can they undo the shackles of guilt." Tremours were beginning to creep down the length of my arms, and my breath was beginning to hitch. The mercurial fumes would soon impair my ability to think. "I would leave you to your peace; all I ask is that you don't deny me mine."
His eyes softened, the creases betraying his age. "Norman... When you braved this storm, you told me of a favour you wished to ask of me. I had assumed you favoured my company. Surely, you don't intend to tell me..."
My voice turned grim. "It is thus: I have tracked down your murderer to her abode, after years of fruitless effort. Grant me leave to do you this one justice, and one day I shall gladly take my place by your side, here in this eternal storm." Descending to one knee, I forced my eyes to meet his. "However, until my treachery has been repaid, I must continue to live. Burdens are a man's honour; they are proof of his nobility. Please, my king."
Percy drew a breath, and sighed. "Should you fall to an alchemist's art, it won't be a storm you find yourself in. We might not see each other ever again. Are you to tell me you are at peace with this idea?"
The truth was, I did not intend to die to the foul woman's sorcery, but I suspected such an answer would not satisfy him. Instead, I said, "Are you so reluctant to permit me this act of closure?"
"I am, but... I can see that whatever else I may utter, you have made up your mind."
"I'm afraid so."
"Then go, and live a fool." His eyes were motionless. "Avenge me and be fulfilled. If that is what my love means to you, then leave with my prayers."
"Thank you," I said, fixing my eyes on the jagged earth. "Until we meet again."
"Until you prove yourself," he said, turning away. His voice turned cold. "Eternal winds guide you."
With those final words, the storm cleared.
I opened my eyes. The winds were as still as the red sands around me. The amulet in my hand had dimmed, its glow but a shadow of what it once was, its vitality having been drained by my time in the storm. Gripping it tight in my palm, I shattered it into black fragments, and rose from my seat atop the dune. I stared ahead at the Archives—the castle Percy's killer called her home.
It was a grand spire that pierced the earth, creating a sinkhole as deep as a continent was wide. Its buttresses were woven of crystal lace, framing a stately golden entrance that beckoned me inside. My legs marched on without conscious effort, drawn by the promise of absolution.
A tall, pale woman greeted me by where a glass platform bridged the sinkhole. She was smiling, with all the gentility and power of a gracious host. "You're back," she said. "How was your trip around Szeneste?"
I said nothing as I drew my sword and broke into a sprint. Her smile never faltered as she drew an intricate circle in the air before her with gold-tipped fingernails. A smell like death followed, sulphuric and dry. I drew my shield and channelled my fury into a roar as my feet hit the bridge.
The woman surrounded herself with her alchemical circles, and gestured at me, a faint amusement in her voice. "Let's see if we can't end this story with some éclat."
For some added context, this was submitted as a response to a writing prompt: "The end of a vacation, soon to return to one's everyday troubles." Except I'm apparently allergic to writing anything that isn't fantastical, so this was the result.
I hope you enjoyed the story, as I'll probably be posting more stuff here as I write it. Probably new stuff as well. Can't be lazy forever.
Peace! ✌️
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wisconsin2002 · 11 months
I think all the negativity and praise for the miraculous movie done pissed Astruc off cause
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Astruc after all the criticism of season 5:
And good MAN GOOD! Prove me fucking wrong. Prove to me that miraculous still has that spark in it that captivated me in the beginning. Prove to me this show is still worth watching and hoping for.
And man yeah. It still does. Atleast this special truly showed that.
Mans cooked. Mans straight cheffin with this shit.
This was so fucking good. And there are probably gonna be critics that disagree with me and that's fine man. I'm critical as fuck of miraculous and I even dropped it after season 5. I was DONE. lost all hope. Didn't care to see more not even this fucking special which I was so sure was gonna dissapoint me too.
And now I sit here admitting my wrongs and giving props where props is due. This special was fucking great. Best piece of miraculous media Period 👏 In my opinion and by far the best special out of all of them. Ladybug and Marinette were great. Alya was great and felt Important and like a good friend again, Chat Noir was great, Adrien felt like a main character again. Shadybug and Claw Noir were by far the best part hands down. I loved them from beginning to end. Especially Shadybug.
Man I missed this shit man. So freaking happy.
Now it's not perfect. There are definitely some things that I'm mixed on. The whole Chloe turned me evil thing still kinda iffy on that and a couple other things but overall man Jesus. Wow I mean I'm genuinely proud of everyone who worked on this. Animation team, writing team, voice actors. Everybody gets their flowers.
*sigh* I don't yet have high hopes for season 6. But.....I will keep an ear out to hear how it goes and if all goes well and it gets received positively I'll watch.
This special showed what happens when miraculous actually tries. This show has a lot of potential man it really does. It just needs to care for the story it wants to tell and man it did here for sure.
Seriously man where tf was this quality of care for the season 5 finale? 💀 I need to know because wow what a day and night difference.
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batri-jopa · 2 years
Ten Characters, Ten Fandoms, Ten Tags
Thanks for tagging @chrisoels ! At first I thought I don't have that many fandoms but then I found out that I actually have way too many😅 (why do I always have to overthink stuff like this?) So as there's no clear rules given here - I split it into the list of 10 characters and the list of 10 fandoms because why not:
TEN CHARACTERS - lets start with something normal...
John "Jack" Robinson (from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries series) - for making all the most minimalistic reactions feel sooo intense with his voice, his face, his appearence and the way he can blink... He's the coolest quiet guy!❤
Amelie (from Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, 2001, dir. Jean-Pierre Jeunet) - nice, quiet girl who is not best at socialising and doesn't enjoy sex (greysexual?) yet loves to make other people happy. Doing good things without being noticed makes her feel powerful and make her feel like Zorro. I love that she eventually gets some kind of reward for all that and the kissing scene in the end is sooo very sweet❤
Pollyanna (from Pollyanna, 1913 novel written by Eleanor H. Porter) [books counts too I guess?] - for looking at the positive side of every situation, what's more to say? Best way to live your life when you're too empathetic👍
Benton Fraser (from Due South series) - a guy from other realm: elegant, polite and humble, obeying all the rules and still be the smartest and most effective police officer around. Not to mention how handsome and cute he is! (take it for ace version of "hot") and scenes like when he falls into the snow in end credits I could watch forever❤ (so bad his asexual smart-ass potential has been wasted by producers in every next season...)
Young Bilbo Baggins (from The Hobbit, or There and Back Again written by J.R.R. Tolkien) - the book character once more: the guy, who starts up as the classical loser, the smallest in the group, knowing nothing, understanding nothing and being scared of his own shadow - when given a chance proves his potential for the greatest deeds, smartest solving problems and bravest of actions💪And the talking to the dragon on the top of that, OMG!!!🤯 (sorry, but Peter Jackson version packed with CGI and unnecessary stuff for me was emotionally flat as a pancake😩)
Zorro (from Zorro, 1957 Walt Disney series) - ZORRO!!! if that's not self-explanatory I don't know what to say😂
Z (from Ant Z , 1998dir. Eric Darnell and Tim Johnson) - for: "Why does everybody have to dance the same way?"
Sherlock Holmes (from Sherlock BBC series) and Gregory House (from House M.D. series) - well it is technically the same character (like Doctor Who or like James Bond - played by multiple actors): brilliant antisocial detective no matter if he is played by Benedict Cumberbatch or Hugh Laurie. And if not for his stunning personality (you may love him, you may hate him but you can't stay indifferent) - all the undefined interactions, dialogs and puns between Sherlock and John or between Greg House and Lisa Cuddy are just pure gold❤️‍🔥
Howard Brackett (from In & Out, 1997 dir. Frank Oz) - sooo sweet, I consider him my favorite ace movie character💜💚 (the 1990's movie tells him to be "gay" but I'd say it's an obvious misrecognition and I'd need another post to tell more about that guy...😋)
Jareth the Goblin King (from Labyrinth 1986, dir. Jim Henson) - well... that's another guy that I sooo much need another post to talk about😆 Starred by David Bowie, nuff said😎
TEN FANDOMS (don't worry, this part is much shorter):
Labyrinth (1986, dir. Jim Henson) and its fancomic Girls Next Door (I love that in the fancomic Jareth gets muuuch more good time teasing and flirting Sarah!😋) - what to say? Everything is magical and fancy here but never too naive
X-men - a talent that makes you special also makes you an outcast (which is not any different from the real world actually...) Also cool looking action scenes and young Hugh Jackman as the Wolverine.
Collateral (2004, dir. Michael Mann) - I watched it for the first time in 2021 and it became my biggest obsession, hyperfixation and life perspective changing experience❤️‍🔥 (again - most definitely some other post to talk about it) But apart from my madness it's also is just a very good action movie with nice soundtrack. And ppl saying they hate Tom Cruise but loved Collateral says a lot about it!👍
Terminator 2: The Judgement Day. It's like Zorro to me - obssesed since my childhood and never get over it
Fiddler on The Roof - pure perfection
M.A.S.H. series - classic
House M.D. - apart from everything else it was also a great help during medical studies - nice thing when you can memorise weird disease symptoms with an episode😉
Toy Story - fascinating thing to watch every next movie growing up with you - from your childhood problems to middle age issues...
Matrix - hyperfixation of 13 years old me (but the first movie I choose to treat as a whole story)
Garfield - 😁
Oh, that was kind of refreshing. Turns out I actually needed that.
Now I'm afraid I do not know enough people to tag but lets try it: @the-malfunctioning-somnambulist , @vampiiriic , @blackhoodedfigur , @lireb-librarian , @voidofsky , @sharp-lines-in-charcoal , @dragodina , @sbmranger , @tamisdava2 , @notasapleasure
Have fun if you feel like it or just have a good day anyway!❤
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years
Baby Geniuses (1999)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
I've said many times that there are no bad premises, only bad executions. Baby Geniuses has taken that thought behind the shed and blasted it with a double-barrelled shotgun. This is one of the worst films I’ve ever seen.
To prove that her method of education is the best, Dr. Elena Kinder (Kathleen Turner) and her associate, Dr. Heep (Christopher Lloyd) separate twins Sylvester and Whit (played by Leo, Gerry & Myles Fitzgerald and voiced by Miko Hughes) at birth. One twin is raised in a laboratory and the other by a kind couple (Kim Cattrall as Robin and Peter MacNicol as her husband Dan). What the scientists at BabyCo don’t realize is that babies are naturally capable of speaking in a language only they understand - until they grow out of it once they learn to converse with adults. When the brothers meet and are accidentally switched, the other babies under the scientists' care make it their mission to return them to their rightful homes.
This film’s story sounds even stupider as I’m trying to summarize it. None of it makes any sense, whatsoever. If babies are intelligent, why do they poop in their diapers? Why do they get fooled by simple peek-a-boo games? How is it they can’t figure out a way to communicate with the rest of us? Oh, because adults are too stupid to realize that the random notes they smash onto a keyboard actually translates into a beautiful symphony and that their random scribbles on a page are identical to ancient languages? Please.
It doesn’t get any easier to swallow when we see a baby jump up in the air and perform karate kicks or use tools to escape from secure locations. Their skulls haven’t even solidified and yet they’re able to incapacitate full-grown men, and not just random men, but armed guards? Movie. I don’t mind if YOU’RE an idiot, but don’t assume I’m an idiot.
Moving past that load of diaper gravy and we find this catastrophe that is a plot. It’s so brainless and idiotic that at first, you can have fun at its expense. The unconvincing CGI used to create a baby in a three-piece suit dancing to Puttin’ on the Ritz had me in stitches. Then, the film kept going and going and going. It grinds away your sanity and will to survive until you’re begging for it to end. You think you’ve seen lousy performances before. This picture takes it to a level of hell so deep it was deemed unfit for Satan himself. First, we have child actors on-screen. Not only are they children, but they’re babies so they have no idea what is happening around them. They’re basically looking off-screen at jingling toys with this stupid expression on their face. Then, they’re dubbed over by voice actors who are devoid of talent. We're talking dual-levels of awful. They’re almost enough to make you overlook the adults, who must have had nothing but regrets once they got on set because they bring no enthusiasm to their roles whatsoever.
There is no shortage of criticisms to be directed at Baby Geniuses. It features a terrifying animatronic baby (played by a man in a suit) who is sure to turn up again in your nightmares. The plot follows no logic. Writers Bob Clark (who also directs) and Greg Michael frequently run out of comedic ideas and instead start referencing other movies - even when it makes no sense. None of these criticisms accurately convey how agonizing it is to sit through Baby Geniuses. The picture relies heavily on you either finding any scene with a baby doing something it isn’t supposed to do hilarious or having an emotional meltdown at the sight of any diaper wearer. At no point is it more obvious than in the film’s overly manipulative conclusion, during which a montage of children is set to Gift of Love by Randy Travis. Thinking back to it makes me throw up a bit. And there’s a sequel to this? And it’s supposed to be EVEN worse? Diving into a crocodile pit is looking like a better option at this point. (On VHS, May 9, 2018)
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clockwork-fayz · 7 months
Macey Reviews Best Picture Nominees 2024
Barbie: 7/10
I think I need to watch this movie again. I saw it when it first came out and went in looking for "Lego Movie" vibes. I should have watched in with "Oscar Movie" vibes. What I liked: Colorful, music, experience of people dressing up to go. What I didn't like: the founder being a ghost (?), the real world didn't follow real world rules, the plot being here, there, and everywhere. I have so many mixed feelings.
Oppenheimer: 10/10
I knew so very little going into this movie, and now I can tell you everything about this guy. Non-linear movies when done correctly are my favorite, because the smallest things become plot twists. And the scene where they test the bomb? AMAZING. That is CINEMA.
The Holdover: 7/10
It was a good movie, don't get me wrong. There funny moments, there were heartwarming moments. But was it stand out? Did it meet the standards of an extraordinary movie? Not really.
Maestro: 5/10
Don't be fooled; it is neither a romance nor a musical nor about Leonard Cohan that someone made me believe. This movie is pure Oscar bait, and as a world, there are some people that we don't need to make biopics about. This composer who yes was gay but also cheated on his wife a shit ton is not the story we need to hear. Here's what this movie does have going for it: the leads. Bradley Cooper proves again that I don't know what his real voice sounds like, and Carey Mullinger proves that I don't know what she actually looks like. Now Maya Hawke...is not like that. Sorry Maya, you brought me out of the movie.
The Zone of Interest: 7/10
It's one of those movies were you don't want to say "that was a good movie" because...it's deeply unsettling. The pace is soooo slow that I struggled to keep focused. Yet this movie is very poignant and speaks loudly. The fact that you never see any horrors, yet is easily one of the most sickening holocaust movies you'll see makes this movie worth the watch.
American Fiction: 9/10
Me the first twenty minutes: "Ahaha this movie is funny-wait what." I liked this movie a lot; it's humorous, it's got heart, and lots of things to think about. You will every piece of media you have ever consumed as a white person, even a movie on this list...but that is how you end a movie!
Past Lives: 8/10
This movie was so incredibly real, if that makes sense. Not relatable to me AT ALL, but I'm like yep. That's life. I shed a tiny tear, I did. And the cinematography was just perfect. But also...I don't like real life. I want movies where I can pretend that real life does have big, dramatic, love stories. GIVE ME DRAMATIC HAPPY LOVE STORIES DAMNIT.
Poor Things: 9/10
This movie was unhinged, I loved it. The Steampunk-esque setting was a real vibe. The entire plot was new and exciting. HOWEVER there was too much sex, and Europe had it right to cut that scene with the young boys. Very unnecessary . And the last like thirty minutes felt excessive.
Killers of the Flower Moon: 10/10
This movie is long, yet I felt like it went at such as pace that you don't notice it as much. I mean it was years worth of murders they needed to cover. The acting all around was amazing, and I want to stay away from white men now.
Anatomy of a Fall: 9/10
Another movie that is labeled something it is not; it is not a thriller. It is slow, but very tense crime drama. I actually forgot I was watching an oscar movie for a little bit and I was like thinking of all these plot twists. Yeah don't overthink it, it's not a criminal minds episode. Still, very well done and that child actor was amazing!
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I waited in line for three hours and it was hot and stuffy but WORTH IT because I freaking MET THEM and they are ABSOLUTELY THE BEST!!!
Okay, okay, first of all, the second I turned the corner into the autograph room and saw them, I thought I would explode. I was bouncing and flapping my hands and just generally annoying the people around me but I did not care! The autograph session was only supposed to last until 3:30, but one of the staff members announced that Cullen and Welker had decided to book a later flight. Welker stood up and held his hands out saying “It’s okay! We are here to stay!” Everyone cheered.
When it was finally my turn, I could barely think straight. Cullen came first and asked, “What have we here?” in an Ironhide voice, so obviously it took me a moment to respond because I was geeking out so hard. I handed him my Best of Optimus Prime comic and asked him to make it out to me. I even said “Thank you, Mr. Cullen,” because I’m awkward like that. He looked at the cover and said “How about right across the mask, huh? In red!” and I just went “Yeaaahhhh!” and he signed it. Of course, he bid me farewell with a “Roll out!” and I remembered I wanted to wish him a happy belated birthday, so I did. He was very pleased that I’d remembered and gave me an enthusiastic “Thank you!”
Then I met Welker! Just like Cullen, he was super friendly and when I handed him my Best of Megatron comic, he was very intrigued. He even briefly flipped through it and showed it to the staff member beside him. When he eventually signed it, I expected him to just write his name and my name, but he also wrote a little “Megatron!” in the corner, which was absolutely incredible. I thanked him and he replied with “Thank you, young man!” He didn’t do any voice acting for me, but I watched him do his Scooby-Doo voice for some kiddos, who loved it almost as much as I did.
I had to pass by Peter Cullen on my way out, so I again thanked him and he waved. When I was back in the lobby, I was literally shaking all over. I couldn’t even get the comics back in their protective bags and had to ask someone else to do it. Cullen and Welker were literally everything I’d hoped for. They were kind and welcoming and so excited to meet their fans. I’d expected as much, given how they behave in the panels and interviews I’ve watched online, but I honestly wasn’t prepared for just how humble they are. They even posed for pictures even though the photo shoot session ended hours ago and they weren’t getting paid for it. They are truly the embodiment of “I’m just happy to be here!” and I love it.
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I still can’t believe I actually got to meet them. I don’t know if I’ll ever recover. Probably not.
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the0ldmann · 2 years
So I've been in a bit of a blocked headspace recently, and when Jambee retweeted that one pic- of Jack looking at himself basically- I got struck with an idea.
I figured it was gonna be about 300 words but here we are about 743 words later, haha! Hope ya'll enjoy!
(Idr how to read more on mobile, whoops, hope this doesnt clog up too much space!)
There was nothing worse, honestly.
He'd been glad his Sunshine just assumed he couldn't see his reflection since they couldn't. Lying to them is something he wouldn't have had it in him to do, although he certainly didn't want to tell them the truth either.
He could see his reflection.
Although reflections were supposed to show yourself, were they not?
He couldn't tell which one of them was the real him.
The real him...
Who was the real him?
Surely this was, wasn't it?
Blue hair, red face paint, primary colored clothing and a chipper tune.
But if this truely was him, then why didn't his reflection, well, reflect that?
Brown hair, tired eyes, and those tattoos he eventually wished he'd never gotten.
None of that was him, no. At least, not anymore. It was quite clear when he looked down at himself and saw that he was how he wanted to be.
So why was he the one staring back at him? Why did his reflection not reflect him?!
Is this not good enough?
Sunny Day Jack was perfect.
Perfect bod, perfect friend, perfect at keeping his life together, perfect lover-
He could go on about how perfect he was.
It was quite the struggle to get here, so why shouldn't he feel a little bit proud about how perfect he'd become?
Yet here I am, still like this.
Sure his past may be a bit more... Imperfect. But we all make mistakes at some point! As long as we learn from them and do better, that's what matters most. That's how one becomes perfect.
The perfect spouse, the perfect defender, the perfect caregiver, the perfect actor-
There was a gunshot, and then...
He was perfect for the role, because he was the role! Nobody embodied Sunny Day Jack better than he, for he was THE Sunny Day Jack!
It's clear he's not too happy with himself. With who he was. He tried so hard to change, to be perfect- for everyone else's sake! Say the right things, don't do the wrong things, and bury, bury, bury, bury, BURY everything that wasn't relevant to his new life anymore.
He tried so d- so HARD to make sure everything would be perfect and yet...
The reality he was a ghost had not escaped him.
His Sunshine was the only one who could see him, hear him, touch him...
If being unseen and unheard and unfelt by the world at large wasn't the qualities of a ghost, then what was it?
He cherished the bond he had with his beloved Sunshine. They gave him reprieve from that torment, proved that perhaps God had heard his prayers and sent someone to save him-
Saving that wouldn't need done if it wasn't for-
A gloved hand rested on the mirror. His reflection looked like it was crying. Was he crying too? He couldn't tell.
And quite frankly, the anger beginning to bubble up didn't care.
If it wasn't for a couple stupid mistakes, this mess wouldn't have ever been a thing! Why couldn't you have just stopped and thought about things for once in your life?! Maybe actually thought about the future and what you could have done to help it?! No, no no no no no! Making a statement right then and there was all that mattered. Yes, nothing truly important mattered until you had already messed everything up, and left it to a different, actually mature version of yourself to fix-
"Jaaack? Where aaaare youuuu?~"
A familiar voice carried from the bedroom.
It snapped Jack out of his thoughts and he froze, a fist he did not realize he had raised mere inches from shattering the mirror. His reflection stared back him, hollow and desperate.
He looked away, embarrassed. Slowly, he lowered his arms and relaxed his grip.
What a silly reaction, shattering a mirror wouldn't do anything but-
-but bury things yet again.
Perhaps it best some things stay buried.
"I'm in the living room Sunspot!~"
His voice rang out, matching his beloved's sing-song tune.
Already he was doing his best to forget what almost transpired. Moving quickly to the couch and plastering on his signature smile, his mind took heed and moved onto more important matters.
Such as looking up to see his bright little ray of Sunshine emerging from the hallway with a blanket in one hand and a dvd in the other.
"Movie night?"
He patted the open spot next to him.
"I'd love nothing more."
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sukirichi · 3 years
earned it [07]
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Gojo Satoru is a firm believer that if you work hard for it then you shall earn it. But on the other side, he’s not unfamiliar with his own sins. He also believes that there is punishment due for his sins as he’s earned it.
cw. explicit smut, pool sex, slight angst, i miss naoya :(, mafia business, mentions of blood, lots of drama, mentions of death and murder
note. IDEK ANYMORE. lmao anyways do you guys want faster updates or do you guys want to wait? i can finish the series next week and then we can move on to white lies 😈
series masterlist
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The three of you were seated back at your tables, where the whole dancing fiasco had thankfully ended. Satoru noticed nothing of your behavior – either he was really clueless, or you were a damn good actor – the guy was much too invested with the files Nanami was currently showing.
For a moment, you let yourself loosen as you took a deep breath. The account was much more important than whatever Nanami was scheming.
“I think I may have found where the real money is, or treasure, we should say, since none of us can really figure out what the Zen’ins might be hiding. And from the looks of it, considering Naoya had no idea about what his family kept prior to his death, this is something only his elders wanted to know about,” Nanami pinched the bridge of his nose, sliding a photo of an unsuspecting white manor that you hadn’t seen in a long time. “And it’s been right under our nose the whole time.”
“That’s one of our islands,” you replied with a furrowed brow, “Are you saying you traced the source back there? But that’s impossible, we haven’t used that island for years and even Naoya told me he was going to sell it because it was of no use to us. It’s not on commercial waters and there’s no local people around either. That island is in the middle of nowhere.”
“This is exactly why it’s the best place to hide things – because no one would ever suspect this seemingly harmless middle of nowhere could contain their assets.”
Satoru, who’d kept silent the whole time, inched closer to you. His cologne wafting off to you eased you for a moment – purely because it was familiar – and even though you despised saying it, you were thankful he was here. Currently, the blond man posed a bigger threat, the difference being that Nanami actually had leverage against you while you had more control over Satoru.
You sighed. If Naoya was here, things would’ve been so much better. He never lost his composure in figuring things out on his own. But now that he was gone, now that he’d never be coming back, you had be responsible for his sake, but mostly for yours.
“Take a look at this. The nearest land is a small, uncharted city from Brazil’s outskirts. I’ve been illegally transporting weaponry and firearms somewhere near there since our family started the business – it’s the easiest place to sneak in things without getting caught. All you need to do is pay a few fishermen and they’ll easily transport our load from one place to another, no questions asked,” Satoru announced, seemingly deep in thought as he rubbed his chin. “It would make sense if the Zen’in clan elders found this place useful too. It’s basically a hot site for criminals.”
“But we don’t operate this way. The Zen’in elders are too prideful to handle transactions like this. They would’ve chosen a more…discreet yet formal way of handling things.”
“How does an underwater passage sound?” Nanami pushed the other photo aside to reveal a blurry snap of what seemed like a tunnel under the sea. On the surface, it looked just like an abandoned rig, but it stretched too long, the exterior already covered in mold and seaweed. “About 80 years ago, the Zen’in Clan leader at that time was often heavily targeted by their enemies in business that they preferred to travel under the sea. If my theory is correct, right under that island would be another base of some sort that allows the clan leaders move from one country to another while remaining undetected.”
“So that’s how they easily sent their own shit overseas…”
“It would be a very sound conclusion to assume so,” Nanami crossed his arms at Satoru’s musings, “However, that’s all I know. All I can tell you is where I last got the signal for the source – which is about seven years ago, and a few months right after Toji Zen’in was disowned by his family when Naobito took over. It would also be near around the time he met his wife and had his child, which would increase the possibilities that he may have stored something in this island for his son’s future. Again, it could be money, gold – we don’t really know,” he nodded your way, a sense of finality behind those blue eyes that had now looked so menacing when once it brought you comfort – reassurance. “How you get there is all up to you.”
Something didn’t feel right.
“If the elders really wanted to hide this place, they wouldn’t have passed the rights of the island into my inheritance when Naoya died. They surely wouldn’t have wanted me to find out about this.”
“I could think of two things,” Satoru proposed, “It’s either they trust your potential enough as the clan leader to replace Naoya, or they didn’t think you’d care anyway.”
You let his words sink in. The clan elders have never bothered much with you. They were too prideful about “saving face” and “keeping up images” that they couldn’t even let a word of insult slip past their lips under the belief they were above that. But you weren’t stupid; they had never approved of your marriage to Naoya. An outsider like you, suddenly becoming a part of their family when they could’ve had your husband marry a family friend?
They may have kept silent about their dislike to you, but one way or another, they were going to take action for it.
Knowing the Zen’ins, being a Zen’in, you knew there was one thing they hated the most: not being in control.
“Neither,” you finally concluded while mumbling down at your lap. The theory was hazy, incomplete, based only on mere emotions but slowly, you were coming together to piece it. You felt Satoru turn your way, his large hand caressing your knee as if coaxing the words out of you. “It’s neither. Naoya’s elders…they never liked me. It’s been made pretty clear to me that I’m dispensable without my husband, and I will never be a Zen’in in their eyes. I wouldn’t be surprised if they asked me to give up all my inheritance from Naoya because I’m not related to them by blood.”
The silence in the table stretched.
No matter how grandiose the hotel restaurant may be, you felt suffocated in that seat. How didn’t you realize it sooner? You were in a land that stretched past your territory, with both men accompanying you people you couldn’t wholeheartedly trust, while your husband rotted away back at home – probably covered in dust and not even given a proper burial like he deserved.
There was only one way out of this, to put an end to everything. It would prove to be a daunting task, but you didn’t have a choice. No, in fact, this was your only choice if you wanted to survive.
Satoru’s voice softened upon seeing the grimness of how you turned mum. “I’ll follow you wherever you go. I promise to help you in finding out whatever is in there,” he met your eyes; yours filled with contempt, with fear, with desperation, and his filled with regret. “It’s the least I could do…after everything I’ve done to you.”
You took a deep breath.
You couldn’t lie to yourself. There was no way you could trust him with his empty promises. He’d shown enough times that he wasn’t a man of his word, and you’d be a fool to fall for it again. However, Nanami’s glance was curious and suspecting, hiding his true colors with an innocent gesture of sipping his wine. He may seem unbothered and only here to ‘help’, but this man was cunning, possibly more so than Naoya could ever be, and one wrong move would be similar to stepping on a land mine.
Satoru received no response from you, and soon the three of you were standing outside the hotel’s lobby to escort Nanami back where he came from. The dinner was tense, so much so that you’d unknowingly been clutching Satoru’s bicep the whole time.
He tapped your shoulder, bringing you back to life as he gestured to his phone. “Sorry, it’s Geto.”
“Oh,” you muttered and stepped away from him, feeling your heart sink in your chest as you watched him retreat behind the glass doors. Beside you, Nanami snickered.
“Made up your mind, agent?” he taunted, “This is your final chance to prove yourself. Gather enough intel for us to intrude whatever that mighty clan is hiding underneath that island, surrender Gojo to us, and we’ll give you everything as promised.”
You faced him with fiery eyes, prepared for whatever he’d throw your way when he showed you that cursed red coin again. Realizing its power, the true meaning it held, you immediately shut your lips. It must’ve satisfied to know he was the one in charge here, and how could he not be when your life was literally at the palm of his hands, your days growing more numbered if you didn’t follow everything he asked for?
If you had just…if you had just done everything the Organization had asked you for, you wouldn’t have been here. You wouldn’t have felt this torn.
Nanami flipped the coin before tucking it into his pocket, sending one last salute your way. He hailed a cab and disappeared afterwards, leaving you alone to ponder over the consequences of your actions, your emotions. For the first time in his life, Naoya had lied to you.
He wasn’t correct when he said you were strong.
Because after all this time, you still held onto something that you should’ve let go of a long time ago, and you had nothing but your weak, sensitive, hopeless heart to blame for. Said hurdle appeared not long afterwards, his touch warm on your shoulder as he gazed at the empty spot beside you.
“Oh, Nanami left,” he noted, turning your shoulders to him until you were completely exposed. There was no more hiding from him, or more like you didn’t have enough energy to. You felt dull, tiredness lining your eyes and lips pressed into a flat line. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I am.”
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Ten days. That was how much you’ve wasted your time here in Milan, and you weren’t even remotely close to figuring things out. Your resources were much more limited the farther you were from the Zen’in Estate, and your lawyer was a family one, meaning they held more loyalty to the actual Zen’ins instead of law-affiliated people like you were.
Simply put, you were all alone to solve this by yourself.
Satoru promised to help, but he kept disappearing in the morning along with Geto. You never asked where they went or what they did; it simply didn’t matter anymore.
You would only spend hours locked in your room as you researched everything you could on your private island near Brazil. Just like Satoru said, it seemed like the perfect place to hide things for the spot seemed remote enough to offer privacy for the family’s getaway. You could somewhat recall Naoya proposing once to take you there for your honeymoon, but business got in the way, and it wasn’t like you truly trusted him then to spend such an intimate with him that you said no.
Sighing, you put all the papers away. Not even a single clue led you to what could be possibly be there, but there was an underwater passage. The fact the Zen’ins was capable of building that made you wonder just what the extent of their powers and influence stretched to, and you contemplated for a bit if you could hold that same ability now that you had his name.
Whatever was there, you would look for it.
Your mission was clear – the success of it would determine the fate of your life. Find out what they’re hiding, surrender Satoru Gojo to the Organization, and then everything would be over.
It sounded simple, yet your heart knew it wasn’t. Naoya died with the confidence of his trust over you, the trust you worked so hard to earn. But wasn’t that point? You needed him to trust you for you to be able to pull this mission off, but things happened, emotions and conscience got in the way, and you banged your knuckles on the table until your ring throbbed on your finger.
You just wanted it all to end. You never meant to hurt Naoya, never meant to betray anyone, but it fucking pissed you off that Naoya wasn’t the real problem. He wasn’t the one holding you back.
With not much thought to your next actions, you slipped past the guards and into the pool that had long been closed since 10PM. Being at your room’s tub reminded you of memories you’d rather forget, and you slowly undid your robe and stepped out of your underwear before dipping in the cold, freezing water.
It felt good. It may have been temporary, but the numbing bite of the water helped you feel more placated. Even for a little while, it was nice to not worry about anything. There were no titles, no mafia drama, no anything, just you and the water that you would’ve easily fooled yourself to be simply enjoying your little trip in Milan until –
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere. You had me worried sick,” You sighed. Of course. Opening your eyes, you raised a brow as Satoru towered over you, a standard hotel towel in his arms. He’d change out of his suit and into cotton shorts and a shirt this time around, possibly on his way to sleep when he realized the room was empty. With no energy to deal with him, you swam away from the man, earning a groan in response. “What the hell is your problem? You’ve been acting weird ever since Nanami came. Listen, if this is about that island, you don’t have to worry too much about anything. I have enough people and resources to help you in every step of the way.”
You ignored him. After everything that happened, what was there to talk about anymore? Even if you told him everything, he might not understand.
So you swam in the middle of the pool, thankful that it was dark enough from the maintenance shutting the lights off that Satoru struggled to find you. However, you’d underestimated him because soon you heard the splashing of the water, and you were harshly tugged by the wrist before Satoru cornered you at the edge of the pool.
He was breathing hard; both of you were, and tried to push past his chest, only to be met with a solid plane of muscle that wouldn’t budge. You sighed and turned away from him, covering your exposed chest with your arms.
“Whatever Naoya is looking for…you’ll find it, okay?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“I’m serious,” the scorn in his tone had been so biting you turned back to him, about to hit him with something, scold him for something, but your words died down in your throat before you even had the chance to.
Satoru hadn’t been demanding. His face, illuminated by the moonlight, made his azure eyes twinkle like stardust exploding. Once in your life, you found so much comfort into staring at such beauty, but that was when everything was still a perfect lie. Funny how the truth ruined everything for its darkness, and you could only look back at him weakly, throat running dry from all the emotions that threatened to pour out of you.
Regret and desperation was written all over his face.
“Please,” he rested his forehead on yours, eyes closed as he mumbled, “You’re not alone in this. I don’t want to ask for much because I know I don’t deserve it, but please at least understand you don’t have to solve everything on your own. You’re not…you’re not alone. I’m here now.”
“When you left me,” your voice cracked, “It’s because you thought I wouldn’t love you anymore if I found out your true nature,” Satoru opened his eyes, anxiety swimming in those eyes that had once been so sweet. Perhaps he still held that sweetness now, albeit it was less tender and more cautious as he waited for you to continue. “If I told you about every sin I’ve committed, the name of each person I killed and everything I’ve done, would you stay with me? Or would you leave me again, only this time it’s because you think I’m no longer someone you could love?”
“I don’t understand.”
“I didn’t expect you to,” was all you said before you felt a tear prick the back of your eyes. You didn’t want him to see, god, you wanted to disappear in that moment you couldn’t think of anything else. Crashing your lips to his, you brought him down by the back of his neck to hide the tears freely falling from your face.
He froze for a split second before he eagerly pushed back, clenching the pool edges with his hands so hard his knuckles turned white. You were panting, moaning in his mouth as he pressed you harder against the edge, skin to skin, breath to breath, soul to soul.
Threading your hands to his hair, you grinded down on his shorts where he was already beginning to grow hard. Satoru groaned inside your mouth from your teasing but made no move to stop to – after all, why would he want to stop? It had been years, seven fucking years, and even you wouldn’t want to stop. It was wrong, it was dirty, it was immoral – but you needed this. You needed this more than ever.
Satoru’s hands tickled your waist as he squeezed them harsher than he intended, his calloused fingers travelling until he was kneading your breasts. You pulled away from him, head thrown back to rest on the edge.
And it was romantic.
The moon had never been so big, sprinkles of star shining in the vast darkness, the scene just perfect for two lovers in a getaway from the harshness of life. You knew it wasn’t real and the spell would break sooner than later, but did it matter? He rolled your beaded nipples into his fingers before he ducked down, lips suctioned to suck heavy bruises on the sensitive patch of skin on your neck that had you twitching in his hold.
Along with your moans, you cried harder. From heartbreak, from regret, from guilt; there was no turning back from this.
“Satoru, please, please, please. Make me feel better, make me feel good, I just want to forget everything.”
He nodded eagerly against your neck, letting your eager hands help him push his shorts down before his cock sprang free. His length grazed your lower abdomen for a moment, though he didn’t waste any time in entering your hole. You gritted your teeth at the intrusion, nails dug so hard in his shoulders that he bled.
The both of you had your foreheads connected, noses brushing and breaths mixing as you moaned and he sighed, eyes shut tight from finally being engulfed in your warmth.
“Right there, ‘Toru, oh fuck.”
“F-fuck,” he hitched one of your legs to wrap around his waist, “You’re still so tight after all this time,” Satoru praised, molding his lips with yours once again. He picked up his pace and watched as you desperately clung from one surface to another – his shoulders, his hair, the edge of the pool, flailing your arms each time his deep thrusts knocked the wind out of you – breasts bouncing as he bounced you on his cock.
“You look so fucking beautiful – my sweet, sweet angel. I missed you, missed you so fucking much.”
You didn’t say anything. No words were needed to be exchanged; actions spoke louder than words. At least right now, you could promise you wouldn’t lie.
Pulling him down for another kiss, you bit down on his bottom lip to muffle your moans, too speechless at each movement of his dick grazing past your walls. Fuck, he still felt so good, still knew your body way too well and your pussy hugged him so tight like you didn’t ever want to let go.
But you knew you had to, even as he came inside you and brought you back to your room, uncaring of the dripping mess you’ve both made before he locked the door.
You forgot how many hours you spent underneath him writhing in his bed. He took you each way he wanted – knees folded beside your head, on your side where he whispered all the filthy things he’d been wanting to do to you while he took you from behind, or your head squished on the pillow as he repeatedly smacked your ass, pulling your ass cheeks apart to praise you on how you took him so well. Satoru didn’t stop; you knew what you were getting into the moment you pulled him into you, that his sex drive was insane and he’d take long to tire himself out.
By the time the first shy fingertips of the sunlight extending across the horizon arrived, you were emptily staring at the window, Satoru fast asleep beside you.
It was time.
Silently, you pulled his arm away from you and quickly got dressed. He seemed to still be deep in slumber, and you carried the only bag previously packed with everything you might need. You were on the process of wearing your stilettos when he stirred awake, sleepily eyeing you from the bed you both devoted yourselves to in pleasuring one another.
“Where are you going?”
“Away,” you answered, tight-lipped. “From you.”
“Because…I lied,” you inhaled sharply, gloved hands frozen on the golden knobs.
Just open it, you screamed at yourself, walk away before it’s too late.
But you couldn’t move, pathetic that even after everything Naoya had worked so hard for, you still remained a slave to your past.
“No matter how much I hate everything you’ve done to me, I can’t bring myself to forget I once loved you. Maybe I still do – I don’t know. But what I do know is that I’m not as strong as I thought I was,” you cried, losing grip on the bag before it fell. You watched emptily as all the contents poured out – your money, your clothes, your phone, your ring – it all served as a reminder of who you were, of who you’d forgotten to be, of who you were supposed to be.
Your shoulders slumped in defeat.
“I don’t have enough strength to kill you.”
“Hey, angel,” he cooed, reaching you in three long strides before he caged you in his arms. Satoru was so warm, so strong, and the safety he provided you with only made you cry harder. You wanted to hate him, wanted to keep lying yourself since you’d been doing a great job at doing that for the past seven years, but it wasn’t that easy. Deep down…you still harbored the most miniscule affection, and that enough was capable of destroying you.
“What’s wrong?”
“Everything,” you whispered brokenly as you banged a weak fist to his chest, “Everything is wrong.”
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Finavice Pharmaceuticals didn’t disappoint.
You were beyond impressed the moment you stepped through the door, a horde of eager chemists guiding you through the upper floors. Finavice was one of the biggest – if not the biggest – companies that were known for harboring the rarest or hard to get elements that not even you and Naoya could get your hands on.
Not by yourselves, anyway, so you took it upon yourself to strike a sponsorship to their research program in developing a cure to cancer under the guise of being an advocate to the improvement of the medical field.
Truthfully, you just wanted to please Naoya, show him you were useful and that he didn’t need to kill you. Desperate times called for desperate measures, and there you were, your prettiest smile plastered on as you scanned the towering buildings with unmasked interest.
“Here is the laboratory for the Finavice Pharmaceuticals where we test…”
“Mrs. Zen’in?”
The entire team stopped as a tall man, cloaked in a beige suit instead of a lab coat appearhed out of nowhere. Judging by how everyone had ducked their heads down and turned silent, you could only guess he must be the boss. Flashing your most charming smile, you hitched your bag higher up your arm. “Yes?”
“May I have a word with you?”
You fought the urge to sigh. His question was spoken much more of a statement that you weren’t really given a room to decline, and the young chemists gazed at you curiously under their lashes.
Not wanting to create a commotion that would lead into unwanted attention, you nodded, following the man through a set of double doors, guarded by two heavily armed men from the outside.
The man, who was Kento Nanami, the founder of Finavice himself leaned back into his seat as he made himself comfortable. “So you signed a contract with us two weeks ago to partner on our latest medicine, am I right? I’ve read over your proposals and I must say, they are rather interesting and innovative. I didn’t expect that a businessman’s wife would be a chemist who is interested in expanding to the pharmaceuticals as well. The Zen’ins has never been much invested in that.”
Gladly accepting the tea he’d slid your way, you made sure to clink the teaspoon against the porcelain as you played along. “People change, Mr. Kento. My husband and I’s goals are rather different from their former, traditional ones. Surely, steel exchange couldn’t support us for the rest of our lives.”
“I can’t say no to that. Kudos to you and your husband for your rather…ambitious shared goals then.”
Your hand froze on the utensil, and you narrowed your eyes at him in warning. “Are you implying we should not have trusted you with this, Mr. Kento?”
“No, I am merely letting you know that your act won’t fool me,” he chuckled, leaning forwards to rest his chin on his clasped knuckles, his blue eyes growing dark and serious. “I know what you and your husband’s family does. The Organization knows a lot more about your actions than you think you know we do. Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re only here because we’re the only company who has access to an element you need for your drug, isn’t that the case, Mrs. Zen’in?”
Well…this was certainly unexpected. You’ve been effortlessly deceiving countless businessmen, government leaders and officials even, that this took you by your surprise. Two could play at this game.
Even if he saw through you long ago, it wouldn’t take much to grab his letter opener that was right beside you and puncture it through a jugular vein. If his guards came, you could easily take them down too. Today was one of those few moments you were thankful for Naoya’s hellish training.
But you didn’t want him to feel satisfied, so you leaned back into your seat and crossed your leg over the other.
“If you knew this whole time, why didn’t you kill me already? A lot of people wouldn’t miss the chance to do so.”
Nanami chuckled. “It’s because like you, I’m not just a pioneer. I, too, have my goals and loyalty laid out for someone else. Most specifically, the Organization, an international collaborative effort of stopping and reducing mafia movement for the safety of our people. Obviously, I’ve been assigned in the Yakuza Division, and it’s no coincidence I read through your file. You are, after all, one of our precious targets.”
You stared at him boredly. Why couldn’t he just get straight to the point?
“Is this a threat? I’m not sure it’s working.”
“Oh, no, I’m not threatening you,” he snatched your tea and took a long sip from it, and it was the first time you learned of his habit of concealing his curious gaze through drinking; a perfect act to seem inconspicuous.
“I am offering you a path to redemption. You may fool everyone, but I know an unhappy woman when I see one, Mrs. Zen’in, and I can tell you find no pleasure in the life you live – running errands for your criminal husband, constantly fearing for your life, wishing you’d just been a regular person like everyone else…” At the lack of response, he took it a gesture for him to continue, and he set the cup down, pushing his glasses right back up his nose. “The Organization has labeled you a target, but I think you’re more of a victim caught in a series of unfortunate events. I merely wish to save you from it.”
You guffawed in laughter at his last statement.
“You men really are ridiculous!” you slapped your palm on his table, losing every bit of that elegant composure to be perfected by a Zen’in wife. “Always preaching about saving me and protecting me – what actually are you pathetic losers even capable of?”
Much to your dismay, Nanami didn’t seem the least bit affected by your mockery.
“Please, don’t group me in with your husband and your former lover. Unlike them, I harbor no interest in you as a woman, I only want to fulfill my duty as an Agent and save you not because you’re a damsel in distress, but rather because…I could kill two birds with one stone,” his eyes shone in mischief, and you swallowed in discomfort as he gazed you up and down.
You’ve had enough experience with being seen as a meal, but this was different. Nanami was viewing you like you were a secret weapon he intended on using as much as he could to achieve his goals.
“You are a very convenient woman, Mrs. Zen’in. Similar to how your husband adores your abilities, I would like to take advantage of your connections. The only difference between me and them is that I can actually give you something money can’t even buy.”
“Such as?”
“A second chance at a normal life.”
“What makes you think I’ll accept your offer? I’m the wife of a mafia leader – my loyalty resides in him.”
“Only because you fear for your life,” he flashed you a red coin, crescents of a Latin quote scripted inside. Mori quam foedari – death before dishonor.
“Join the Organization, Y/N. With your connections, we could easily take down these families and protect the country. Hand over Satoru Gojo and Naoya Zen’in to us, and I promise the Organization will do everything in its power to give you the life you always wanted. A safe, normal one. No more worrying about being killed as you ride your car, no more beating yourself up as you make drugs to promise your usefulness to your husband and no more pretending you are someone who you’re not,” he flipped the coin between his fingers, and tantalized, you couldn’t keep your eyes off it. “Don’t you want that? You’d be able to live freely if you cooperate with us.”
You could hear the gears in your head turning. Part of you would’ve assumed this was a trap had you not known better, but Naoya taught you that if something was a trap, it would sound too easy, too good.
None of this was easy. It would require facing a demon from your past and handling things differently than what Naoya had planned, but that wasn’t the worst.
It was the fact that if you accepted, you’d have to come home tonight and lie in the face of your husband who could easily read through you. He smelled lies and treachery before you could realize you were even thinking of doing something, and knowing Naoya, he wouldn’t hesitate to put a bullet between your eyes the instant he felt something was off.
But his offer… it was a risk you had to take. You wouldn’t ever get an opportunity like this again.
“Do you promise…that I’ll really go back to normal after this? That I won’t be involved in this mess anymore?”
“I can only promise that if you also promise to do your part. You see, I strongly believe you are the one that can put an end to this all. All you have to do is join us, and soon it’ll feel like this nightmare never happened at all. You’ll be free from Naoya Zen’in and Gojo Satoru before you realize it.”
You stared at his coin harder. Death before dishonor. This Organization he was a part of obviously didn’t fuck around, and it seemed scarier because they had their eyes on you for a while now. What were the odds they offered a deal instead of outright killing you, even going as far as to provide you a second chance at life, one that you genuinely wanted to enjoy? It would be a shame to say no, and even if the chances of this turning out well were low, you would damn well take it. A small chance was better than nothing.
“What do I have to do?”
Nanami grinned and pocketed his coin. “A very wise decision, Mrs. Zen’in,” he congratulated, “Please, meet me at my office tomorrow, eight on the dot. Oh, and remember, the Organization will now be watching you wherever you go. You’re one of us now.”
The next day, Nanami had cut your palm.
He spilled your blood into an empty metal casing with engraved letters, mori quam foedari, the phrase both comforting and ominous. Soon, you came home with your blood solidified into a coin to prove your membership and loyalty, that they quite owned you in more ways than one. Your blood meant your loyalty, and the coin felt heavy in your pocket with the implication it was also your blood they wouldn’t hesitate to spill should you betray them.
Mori quam foedari.
Death before dishonor.
Your life over Naoya’s, your future over Gojo’s.
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The next few days had been tense. After telling Satoru everything down from the smallest detail, things had shifted between you. Quite frankly, you expected that maybe he’d kill you right then and there after explicitly stating that just because you couldn’t kill him, didn’t mean you wouldn’t turn him in.
“Angel,” he begged, “Will you never really give me the chance to do everything right this time around?”
However, you were too firm on your plans. You originally wanted to leave and go to the island yourself; it was easier to leave Satoru open and vulnerable for the Organization to attack him in your absence. He loved you, that was much clear, and if he looked for you, he’d make himself vulnerable to the Organization, but recent plans had to be altered now that he wasn’t willing to let go of you. Though no matter what he said, you valued your life and future more than you could ever love him.
It was an act of kindness to yourself.
“I don’t want this life anymore, Satoru. Either way, I don’t have a choice, not when I could die literally anytime before I could even say goodbye.”
It had been hours since ‘that’ talk and now you were on a plane back to Tokyo. You had to pull out some archives from Naoya’s files to know more about the island before you could visit it, and it was important for Satoru to know details such as security measures over there.
You’d long fallen asleep from exhaustion, bundled up in a fleece blanket while Geto glared at you.
“Are you sure about this, Sir? I think we should just keep her with us even if she doesn’t want to. The Gojo clan is powerful enough that no one would dare cross us. Not even this Organization she speaks of has ever done anything to us. Without her, they stand no chance against us,” he sat in front his boss and kept sending wary glances your way. “Letting her go like you did before wasn’t a good idea. She knows too much about everyone to live normally now. Do you really believe the Organization will protect her?”
“Knowing the strings the government could pull – and add on to the fact Nanami Kento, one of the richest men in this country works for them that it’s safe to assume each figure in them is a powerhouse – I don’t doubt their promise one bit.”
“But you’ll go to jail if you let her surrender you. Or worse, they’ll destroy the clan from the bottom up.”
“I know that, Geto.”
Geto groaned, brushing his hands through his hair from how indifferent his boss was being, drinking champagne as if he wasn’t willingly walking into his own death. “Then why aren’t you thinking more clearly about this? I understand you love her and you want to make it up to her, but we can’t let her do whatever she pleases! In order to keep herself safe, she’s going to sacrifice you! She’s dangerous, Sir, she’s been lying to her husband the whole time and who’s to say she isn’t capable of doing something worse to a stranger like you?”
“I told you already, Geto,” Satoru swirled the pink liquid in his flute, his face empty and unreadable. “I know.”
“With all due respect, Sir, I don’t agree with your decision. The clan would fall without you and you don’t have siblings or an heir. No one is powerful to hold the clan together aside from you so if you leave – there’s no more hope for us,” he sighed when Satoru didn’t budge. “I at least want you to reconsider your actions. She’s just a woman, Sir. It’s either we kill her or we imprison her. You let her go before because you believed she would be your downfall, and quite frankly, it’s happening all over again.”
Satoru gazed out the window, bringing the flute to his lips with a dark glint in his eye that Geto recognized meant trouble, or worse, an actual solution to this hellish situation.
“Which is why we’re going to pay an old friend a visit, Geto. There’s only one person who could turn the tables around.”
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ADDITIONAL NOTE: TOJI IS COMING SOON!!! what are your theories on what might be on that island and *drum roll* WHO IS GOJO’S OLD FRIEND?! 
taglist open:
@tete027 @sixeyesgojo @shingekiyofeels @q-the-rockaholic @whatthefuckisthatthing @rogueofbullshit @kat-su-ki @kellyyween @sebootyforlife @asshxcm @charlie-xo @aoi-turtle @ladywaifuuwrites @savantsoulfinder @my-reality-is-in-my-head @hannya-quinn @90s-belladonna @tinyfrogsinmybrain @kinekyuroo @evesmores @ambiguous-something @lilith412426 @kakashiharusohma @aizawap @yumeneji @dora-the-grownup @jotazinha @themrsgojo @d34r-s4t4n @marai-t @toji-bee @hai-cool @badsadbby​ @stesphy @peach-buns-unicorns @misslezah @gracefullyfallinglikeanime @iwaplant @mikiminaccch @riri-marley​ | bolded users cannot be tagged
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chemicalpink · 4 years
Lonely Hearts Club ♡ BTS OT7
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Pairing: female reader x OT7
Warning: smut. polyamory. kinda voyeurism (? like- how else are you supposed to make an 8 people intercourse work.
A/N: this has a very poor representation of polyamory ok. It actually contains everything that is not how polyamory works, but it’s in favour of the theme. This is my last work for the Electra Heart Series
Summary: January to December, do you wanna be a member? In this Lonely Hearts Club, do you want to be with somebody like us? 
Genre: smut
Word Count: 4.5k
“Where are you going Kookie?” Taehyung called from his spot cuddled on Jimin’s side without really tearing his eyes from the screen as they both watched some movie on the couch, a usual Friday night. 
Jungkook paused for half a second as he made sure he had everything in his pocket before heading to the door “Out”
“Out where?” Jungkook groaned loudly at the questioning, as if it were nothing common within their relationship, determined to extend the silence in the room long enough to be comfortably dismissed from the conversation.
“Out with that girl he has yet to come clean to” Yoongi mentioned as he made his way to the living room, bag of chips in hand and stuffing a few inside his mouth as he did “which by the way, I’ve told him a thousand times before, it’s not decent to keep on leading her on”
“I’m not” the youngest murmured under his breath, which earned him a pointed look from Yoongi, followed by the TV pausing and both of the other men to turn their attention to him “I’m not leading her on”
A hand was placed on his right shoulder from behind, making him startle, wide doe eyes in full display as Seokjin voiced his input in the situation “You’re going out with a girl that we all know likes you while being a relationship, Jungkookie” Seokjin made the most overdramatic pout “I’d say that’s leading her on, plus, placing us second”
Jungkook let out a heavy sigh, already knowing he was about to be very late to the date “You guys all said you were okay with me dating out of the circle”
“You know we’re messing with you, come on, you’ll be late for your date” he’d have to thank Namjoon for always coming to the rescue when Seokjin was being a little bit too much.
If someone was to tell him he would end up in a polyamorous relationship he would have laughed in their face. If someone was to tell him that he would end up in a polyamorous relationship with the six older men he was forced to share his college unit with, he would have crumbled apart right there and then, it was no secret whatsoever that he had the biggest crush on the six of them the moment he first saw them, call it gay panicking or whatever.
And you see, things were going smooth, at least as smooth as they could be when 7 people are dating each other, minus the stares when they went out in public, the questioning of their not so close friends and the constant battle royale when it came down to sleeping arrangements, it was smooth. Until you came along. Sure, after eight months of him joining the polycule, and people unable to think outside their monogamous mindset, a fair number of guys and girls had approached him, which was always meant to go in either of two possible ways:
First, and best, case scenario, they were only interested in a fling, a one night stand that ultimately turns into a somewhat friendly distanced greeting when on campus, it was a thing between the seven men after all, being able to casually date outside the circle and understanding that the strongest emotional bond was with their boyfriends at home, although… Jungkook was the one doing it most often, Jimin following him casually in indulging in the pleasure of casual sex from time to time.
Second, and the hardest scenario due to him having the softest heart (if having Hoseok cutting ties with his potential partners in more than one occasion is anything to go by) is when after the first scenario, people keep trying to get in touch with him, not that there’s anything wrong with it but he wasn’t interested, plus, when he went as far as explaining the whole polyamory situation, people would dismiss it as an non-existent relationship or worse yet, there was a guy that went as far as telling him that all he needed was to be ‘dicked down good enough’ for him to stop being polyamorous; Yoongi had gone and had a friendly talk with the dude when Jungkook went home that night crying (he might have sent the guy to ER but there’s really no way to know)
So really, third case scenario was way out of control for him, said scenario being you. Never asking anything too invasive, hooked up a few times and even made him breakfast one of them which ended up with Jungkook bolting right out of your apartment, thinking that was it and he’d never see you again but boy was he wrong, you had texted him after to make sure he was okay, had the most amazing round of make up sex (could it even be called that when you two didn’t even fight? and it was all just him being a moron?).
So here’s the thing, maybe his heart started picking up when he saw you, maybe he started feeling butterflies when you two made out on your couch, maybe the blurred line between being a casual hook up and falling for you had become no line at all, and soon enough his hyungs started pestering him that he shouldn’t play with your feelings. God how much easier would it be if you were a student at his campus, with the amount of talk about the ‘7 best looking guys being in a polyamorous relationship’ really would have done the trick, so that he could stop the inner fear of losing you that came with owning it up and telling you he was indeed not just bisexual, but in an eight month relationship with 6 guys.
So far, Namjoon had had the most serious talk with him ever since he was invited to join the relationship, then came Yoongi constantly bickering with him as a passive agressive way to get him to come clean, Hoseok aggressively cuddling him while whispering borderline nasty and teasing things to him while Seokjin, Taehyung and Jimin had made it their job to try and gatekeep him from you before any date with the theatrics of non existent jealousy. Deep down he knew it was wrong, so wrong of him to keep such a vital piece of information from you, then again, he couldn’t bear the feeling of seeing you being disgusted for his love choices, polyamory was one hell of a misunderstood topic, often overseen as being greedy and unable to choose. Which was a blatant lie. He had made a choice eight months ago, and it pained him to even think that if the time came, he would have to stand by it. He would choose the six of them all over again. No doubts in his mind he would choose them over you if it came to be like that.
What if he had spent a week bawling his eyes out at night after a date with you and quality time at home, people should mind their own business. And the men he loved the most in the world were proving to be deserving of his love yet again. He had cried one last time after thinking just how much they were meaning to go out of their way to keep Jungkook happy. They had kept him in their best interests when they decided that maybe, prior further consideration and a serious talk involving you and Jungkook, maybe an eight addition wouldn’t be so bad. 
“God I can’t believe we are not only condoning this behaviour but now we are endorsing it” Seokjin mentioned in one of his many overdramatic tones as he and Namjoon placed some delicious looking dishes out in their small backyard where they had all dressed up the place when little Jungkookie announced he was bringing you over.
Namjoon was quick to attempt to calm his boyfriend down while placing a small kiss on his lips “You’re overthinking” 
“Oh, I’m overthinking? How about Mr Jeon Jungkook who apparently can neither keep it in his pants nor grow a pair and tell someone that they are polyamorous, huh?” Namjoon really had to try his hardest not to burst out laughing at the way Seokjin’s words seemed to blend in together as they came out of his mouth in a flow that resembled a rap song “Don’t you try and gaslight me, Namjoon, I’ll have you know, psychology was my major before it was yours” 
“Doctor Kim has a beautiful ring to it” 
Seokjin did not stop a whole minute to stop placing everything out on the table as he kept on bickering with the younger “Don’t try to woo me Kim Namjoon, I know you only like the ring of it because we share the last name” 
Jimin walked out the exact moment they were blasting fiery heart eyes at each other, nothing out of the ordinary in their dynamic, “Seokjin-hyung, Namjoon-hyung, I think she’s here” the youngest of the three lend a hand for the whole table to be set in record time, already hearing an additional female voice that didn’t use to be there before coming from inside “I don’t think Taehyung’s on board with all...this” 
“What do you mean he’s not on board, we talked about it before!” if there was the slightest bit of panic in Namjoon’s eyes, he was one hell of an actor to have it covered up as soon as he sensed Seokjin stiff on his side and the whole room began to feel stuffy even when being outside.
“Tae says he’s not coming down for dinner” Hoseok announced as he popped his head outside “Y/N is talking in the living room with Kookie and Yoongi, she seems nice” before disappearing inside the house.
“I fucking told you all of this would come to bite us in the ass Joonie, eight people is one person too many” may Seokjin’s inability to read eye expressions be damned when Namjoon and Jimin tried to get him to keep his voice down before any more damage was caused.
A mop of black hair popped up from inside just the way Hoseok had done before, startling the three men outside when Jungkook spoke “Hey, is everything alright?”
“Yeah, totally” Jimin tried to fake a smile which ended up being the fakest smile he had ever put on his face, making the youngest squint his eyes at the three of them in a questioning manner, a few seconds away from dismissing it, Seokjin broke 
“Taehyung is not taking part”
“What do you mean Taehyung is not taking part?” Jungkook’s eyes widened almost comically but anyone could see the anxiety and panic rising in them, Namjoon ever the peacemaker in the relationship intervening 
“Tae says he’s backing down, but I’ll have a talk with him and-”
“I’ll do it” Jungkook shook his head as he took off back inside to the opposite side from which he came from; even with the whole uncertainty of the situation, it was sure not to head the right way it should have.
“That sounds lovely, I can just imagine” you said as Namjoon, who had just introduced himself, finished a random story about all seven of them “So.. you all live here together then?”
“Oh yeah, inseparable bond and what not” Seokjin, the oldest of the seven smiled somewhat uncomfortably at you, avoiding any type of direct contact. At first it really seemed to have taken the right turn, chatting with Yoongi and Hoseok after Jungkook left to see if anything else was needed before dinner, but then things started to shift, an unknown but uncomfortable silence filling the room every now and then, the way Jimin couldn’t stop fidgeting in his seat and Seokjin made little to no effort to not show just how uncomfortable he was. Jungkook had mentioned earlier that his housemates could be somewhat weird, without mentioning exactly how, but from the looks of it, it had something to do with dating within themselves. 
“Hey, do you mind if I use your restroom?” 
“Ah sure, upstairs, first door to the left” Yoongi answered with a tight lip smile on his face, everyone’s eyes discreetly following you in silence until your figure couldn’t be seen, probably out of earshot as murmurs took over the living room.
Not that you really needed to use the toilet but it would be nice to splash some cold water in your face if you wanted to even try and survive the rest of the night, but as you reached the end of the stairs, a room across what seemed to be the bathroom caught your attention, snuffling noises coming from the inside, and you really should stick to your own business, but how much weirder could the night go? apparently, exponentially weirder.
You reached the door that was conveniently slightly open, allowing you to take a peek inside, a guy sitting beside Jungkook  on the bed as he rubbed circles in the small of his back at the same time as he whispered things to his ear and you felt a pang in your chest, not really believing the whole sexual tension inside the room, perhaps your mind playing with you; up until the guy clearly nibbled Jungkook’s ear, a breathy moan escaping from his lips, your brain shortcircuiting between not understanding what was going on and finding it extremely hot.
“Tae no, you know I’m going out with Y/N” Jungkook said as the other guy moved around, seemingly placing a hand to his crotch in a playful manner, as far as the smirk in his face but obstruction of bodies allowed you to see from the door.
The guy’s eyes quickly turned to Jungkook in the biggest puppy stare you had ever seen, low voice above a whisper “Having someone around never stopped you before” 
A heavier moan escaped from Jungkook’s mouth, hands immediately locking the guy around him as he straddled his hips on the bed “Do you not love us anymore?”
Whether it was whatever that was going on inside between the two of them, or the mention of love, that made you forget your compromising position, getting the feeling that you should stop watching and panicky closed the door, making your presence known, the world may never know, but there were thousands of thoughts running in your mind. Sure, Jungkook had never put a label on your relationship, and from time to time you had believed that perhaps there was something beautiful there, now coming to think of it, maybe his heart had always been occupied, as all those friends of yours that knew him from somewhere had once said to you, how it was the weirdest thing out there watching 7 great looking guys hanging out as if they were on a date, the unusual way they carried around each other. Not that it was bad, but i crushed your heart to know that you would never fit in, as much as you kicked it off with Jungkook and the sex was amazing, the dynamic between them seemed to put you as just a plaything for the youngest of them all.
“Y/N? Jungkookie wants to have a talk with you” you didn’t even noticed the shift of your surrounding, knowing Jungkook, how he most probably bolted right out of the room when they heard the door close forcefully, too absorbed in your thoughts, still too absorbed in your thoughts as Hoseok led you back down, sitting you down a few feet away from where Jungkook was seated, the TV playing a random programme in the back “You two do your stuff, we’ll be outside, feel free to join, okay?”
The TV Show echoed in the dark, it seemed like it had been hours since you joined Jungkook in his living room, wanting nothing more than cross the door and never see him again, but he was a great kid, you knew just how much he would blame himself over what were your insecurities and inability to speak up on the matter, on never questioning what game you two were playing, sleeping around, going on dates but not getting involved. Until he was the first one to speak up.
“I am in a polyamorous relationship, Y/N” he heaved a sigh, as if the world was lifting from his shoulders “Have been for the last eight months” 
Your heart sped up, the words unable to leave your lips, all tangled up on your brain “You should have told me before” you turned your face to where he was at the same time as he did the same “I would have understood”
“I don’t want to leave you”
“I know” which, you did know, time and time again he had made it clear that there was so much more to your relationship, although Jungkook wouldn’t express it out loud “I would love to have you… if there’s a way”
Jungkook’s doe eyes seemed to shine brighter at your words, although you could see tears forming in them “I don’t understand why would you want to be with someone like me” 
“Jeon Jungkook”  you scooted yourself to be closer to him, placing a delicate hand on his shoulder “Some people are so full of love they can give a way to a lot of people, I understand that” his eyes lighted up at your words, the tiniest bit of hope in them 
A hand was placed on your shoulder, softly grabbing the exposed skin, making you turn your head to see Hoseok, shadows playing on his face as he smirked down at you “Plus, love will never be forever, might as well have seven plans ahead, right Y/N?” 
You could feel a lump in your throat at that, images of what you had witnessed inside the bedroom with Jungkook and his friend still fresh in your mind, clearing your throat you hesitated “Uhm.. I really don’t know how to feel about all this Hoseok” but as soon as the words left your mouth you could see the rest of the boys joining the living room, as if you were some kind of prey you were after, the only source of light coming from the fairy lights in the backyard, illuminating them as they approached, hiding their true intentions in their eyes at the same time as their faces became darker, heart thumping inside your ribcage
“Oh come on, Y/N I saw you looking at Jungkookie and I outside our bedroom” Taehyung mentioned, which made you flush, fortunately going unnoticed by the lack of light, although he chuckled as he once again straddled Jungkook inches beside you, an all-too familiar image of the both of them as he grinded hard down on Jungkook’s crotch, earning him a groan from the youngest  “Seemed to me you were enjoying it a bit too much”
A firm hand underneath your chin turned you to face upwards by the slightest, a face that took you seconds to recognise as Yoongi’s too close to yours, grazing his lips with yours before he tutted and added a “Good girls are meant to share their toys Y/N” for good measure.
“Jungkookie here practically gave you up before asking you to join us” Jimin added as he took a sit beside you, body clinging to Yoongi who was still too close to you
“I just-” you turned your face to Jungkook, who was currently busy with his mouth all over Taehyung and Hoseok, both on each side of him as they seemed to get an equal amount of attention from the youngest, your lower abdomen firing up at the image and the prospect of you taking part in the dynamic “I guess it doesn’t really sound so bad”
“Even Seokjin is willing to give you a taste” spoke Namjoon as he walked into the area with Seokjin just inches behind him, nodding his head when you locked eyes with the eldest “But I bet you’ll be Yoongi-hyung’s favourite”
“It’s your turn to call the shots, Y/N”
Instead of a response, you pull on Jimin’s shirt until he leans onto you, capturing you lips in his in a kiss that seems to last just seconds before he is placing you on top of him, allowing Yoongi to take you previous spot, caressing you side so when you lean back to catch a breath, his mouth is on yours stealing your breath away; out of the corner of your eye you watch as Hoseok has his hand inside Jungkook’s pants “Sharing is caring, Yoongi” you remind him as he tries to have a second go, Jimin’s laughter underneath you hitting the right places as he frictions his front side up to you, earning a soft moan from your lips, which only turns to a second one when you feel two wet mouths on each side of your jaw, gently nibbling on the skin before they stopped to kiss right in front of you, tongues catching, groans escaping from each of Seokjin and Namjoon throat before they turned to look at you and retrieved to their original spot to entertain themselves.
“As much as I’d love to take her, I think it’s best if we let Jungkook welcome her into our dynamic” a soft laugh falls from Jimin’s lips as you quietly gasp when he places you on the couch, an awaiting Jungkook on your side, the blond man taking his turn with Yoongi a few inches away.
Jungkook’s eyes seem dazed, and he quickly finds your mouth, just the way he did all those times before, except that now it was somewhat different from them, in a room full of people, his boyfriends, yours soon to be; as he absentmindedly tongues your bottom lip to deepen the kiss, a single hand slides underneath the fabric of your shirt as the other grips around your thigh, slowly working its way to where you could already feel your panties dampening. Fingers dancing familiarly over your nipples, “God I don’t know what I’d have done if you said no to this”, you barely register his words so you just nod in agreement, desperately wanting him to touch you where you needed the most. Warm fingers find your folds, stroking them slowly, squelching sounds that somehow don't seem to phase the way the rest of the group keeps on having their tongues deep down on someone elses throat, changing partners everytime you look up. The tips of his fingers find your entrance, slowly working a pace in and out, pairing it with wet kissed to your exposed neck as you try and hold on to his shirt for dear life “You’re so wet already”
His fingers pick up speed, barely curling into that soft spot inside you. Hips lifting slightly as your head lulls back against his shoulder, peaking both Jimin and Yoongi’s interest from beside you, a clear interest in the action if the way their pants seem to grow tighter by the second “Hey baby, is Jungkookie making you feel good?” voice raspy, dark, but soft lips on your own as the youngest kept his pace with his fingers, stretching you open on the couch.
“She sounds so sweet I can’t wait to taste her” Yoongi adds as his hand reaches out inside Jimin’s pants, starting to stroke his member to life. And that’s when you see it. Namjoon and Seokjin, ever so reserved, in their own little world, sitting across from all the action, hands on each other’s bulge, not daring to look away from you. And it somehow stirs you in all the right places, mind set already on giving them the best show ever. 
Hands cup your breasts from behind you, softly massaging them, feather like kisses on the back of your neck as your shirt is lifted, bra forgotten and your tits are free for everyone in the room to watch and enjoy, a voice behind you, owner of the hands pinching your nipples whispering in your ear “I’m willing to forgive you interrupting quality time with Kookie”
You feel a pinching in your clit joining Jungkook’s fingers pistoning into you, making you reach your orgasm in record time in a broken mess of calling out Jungkook’s name. Hoseok’s instantly reaching for the waistband of your panties to pull them down “Well I’d say, dinner’s served,Yoongi-hyung” before said man is  leaning forward, Yoongi’s hands exchanging Jimin’s cock for your knees – holding your legs open. Yoongi’s tongue takes a bold lick over your slit before he’s diving in, lips attaching to your clit as the tip of his tongue flicks against it. Hoseok’s chin is rested on your shoulder,ocassionaly opening up your outer lips to allow the elder a deeper access to your cunt,  watching Yoongi’s  tongue fuck into you. You could feel Taehyung’s thick length pressed into your lower back, the slow lift of his hips dragging it against you. Soft groans from the friction falling from his lips, mixing with the husky moans that echo from around the room as everyone watched Yoongi intently. Your eyes find Seokjin and Namjoon across the room, both of whom have since pulled their cocks from behind their pants, glistening tips on full display as their large hands stroke over the base of each other, their  hips moving to match the movement of their hands.
The tongue between your legs moves swiftly, pushing past your folds and slipping into your entrance, lapping up the juices from your past orgasm as Hoseok leans down to share a wet kiss with him, then Jungkook, the three of them tasting you on their tongues. As Yoongi returns to his spot between your legs, he moans against your core like the taste of you is the most delicious thing to ever hit his tongue, the sound sending vibrations through your body that has your cunt tingling, not far from your next release. “Aah- Yoongi” you gasp, reaching down to tangle your fingers in his hair, pushing his face further between your legs.
“You gonna cum all over my tongue, huh?” his movements intensify, nose pressed against your clit, rubbing it precisely as it makes you fall apart in a rush of desperate pleas before he removes himself from his position, chin covered in your juices to which you can’t help but moan at the sight of as he licks his lips in delight. His lips capture yours once he’s on your eye level,  hand set on the back of your head to keep you still, mouth instantly flooded with your taste, pulling away with fiery eyes and a smirk. “Joon was right, you’re gonna be my favourite”
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vocalyunho · 4 years
— 02:34
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pairing — hard dom! San x reader (f).
genre — smut
word count — 2.6k
warnings & tags — hard dom! San, reader is in a deep subspace, vulgar language, degradation, handjob, blowjob, choking, explicit unprotected sex, coming inside, daddy kink (briefly).
A/N — based on this post
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“do you know what this does to my pride?”
San pulled the perfectly made -by you- tie, firstly loosening it up before throwing it on the armchair in the corner of the room, “it increases it”.
“Sannie please-”, you pulled the waistband of his pants pleadingly.
“Who would’ve thought a girl like you would want to get treated this way?”
He overlooked your action and continued by unbuttoning the black button up shirt he’s been wearing all evening “you know… it always surprises me how desperate you can get”, he took it off and threw it inside the laundry basket by the bathroom door.
Your gaze travelled to the nude chest but didn’t stay there as the v-cuts on his lower abdomen caught your eyes. You wetted your lips at the view of them, wanting nothing more right now, than to see where they led.
“eyes up”
his voice almost scared you and... up they were in an instant, staring at the perfectly made features on his face.
Next were his pants, the black tight jeans he had decided to wear at the dinner tonight. If the dress shirt made him look hot, the jeans made him look like he was on fire. He slid them down and discharged them the same way he did with the shirt. The dark outfit got broken by the white boxers he wore and, you can swear to any God, they’re the tiniest bit transparent.
“you act all cool and tough and when we’re left together, you just...look like this”.
His tone is degrading, but you can’t blame him for any of his words. Your clothes were off the moment you reached the house, everything except for your underwear. Your bra...you long for it to be gone and the mint coloured underwear you’ve been wearing, has already a dark stain in the middle, which San has long noticed and… if he keeps this attitude up, it’ll be drenched in only a couple of minutes.
“San pplease-”, you furrowed your eyebrows.
“-I’ve been thinking about this all evening, I even considered going to the bathroom to get off”, you sat on your heels on the bed -close to the edge of it-, where he stood, in an attempt to make him see how serious you were.
“get off to what?”, he taunted and a brow cocked when he spoke the last word.
“to the thought of you doing me”
“I see”
“to the thought of you doing me the way you like it...rough”, you continued fast and your furrowed eyebrows raised innocently as you looked up at his standing form. A hesitant hand went to his clothed member, hoping you could get him to give you what you want, but he was quick to grab your wrist and ward it off.
“...the way you like it”, he corrected.
Your hands fell, unsuccessfully, on your lap before you gently tangled your fingers together and rubbed your right thumb over your left. You didn’t respond. San brought his chin up, a cocky expression painting his features as he faced the wall like it deserved his attention more than you did.
“aren’t you ashamed?”
“o-of what?”, your expression proved worry.
“of being such a needy slut...”
If he brought his face down, all he’d see would be wide eyes and rosy cheeks, yet he didn’t. He was already aware of what he’d outface...he knew all your buttons one by one, after all and, right now, he pressed just the right ones and he was aware of it. Your heartbeat quickened.
“...asking for my cock the moment we stepped inside the house...aren’t you ashamed?”
“I am”
“yet you keep acting pathetic...”
“...and, if i may ask, why didn’t you just get off by yourself?”
This time he lowered his head, anticipating for a response that, hopefully, wouldn’t let his hardening erection...down.
“because...I wanted my Sannie to make me feel good, not my fingers”
He snickered at that, eyes trailing from yours to the valley between your breasts and up again before gripping your face with one hand. Your cheeks got trapped between his thumb and the rest of his fingers, as he squeezed them enough to sting a bit “and you think you deserve some dick because of that?”
You nodded, head moving as much as possible as he kept your face upwards and, with your peripheral view you could only slightly see his free hand going to an unknown direction.
With a sudden move, the hand on your cheeks slid to the loose ponytail your hair was already in and grasped it harshly. He pushed your head down, dropping it enough for you to see what he was up to. The calloused fingers were already stroking the length you’ve been thinking about all evening… the action was so slow, you’d swear you could see the thin skin shrivelling with each pump.
“you think you deserve that?”
“S-San pplease”, an expression similar to a crying one took over your features. You tried to commute the distance between you and it but he was, once again, quick to pull your hair and dispel you. Your face was up and facing him again in an instant, your strands hurt from the pulling but you liked it, you liked being treated this way.
“uh uh...what do you think you’re doing?”
“wanna s-suck you off...please”
“wanna suck off what?...”
The tip of his dick hit your chin and you gasped. He dropped your head forward and guided it as he made you feel every ridge of his cock on your face. He didn’t hesitate to pass the tip by your lips multiple times, just to see you trying to reach for it and missing. And even though you could, you didn’t dare to move your hands...you knew you weren’t allowed to use them.
“shut up”
“on your fuckin’ knees”
He didn’t have to pull your hair for you to leave the bed and drop down on your knees, but he did it anyways. Laughing at how fast you were to obey, he made you face his cock, the familiar view of your pretty eyes looking at it like a prey, making that laugh disappear in a second.
At that moment, he wanted nothing more than to see your lips worshiping his tip, your tongue licking every inch of it but, especially, he needed to see that -perfectly applied- mascara running down your cheeks. And as both of you knew, what San wants, San gets… and tonight wasn’t going to be an exception.
He forced his cock inside your mouth at full force, reaching the back of your throat at once. The sudden gagging sound was so loud, neither of you expected it. You hadn’t even had the time to breathe properly before welcoming the angry length in your warmth and the tears that formed instantly, proved it. He stayed there, immobile and with an expression so strong, you’d be scared if you didn’t know him. You looked up at him with pleading eyes and a stuffed mouth that wanted nothing more than to be used, right now.
“such a cock slut”
Your brows furrowed from the motionlessness. If he didn’t move soon enough, you wouldn’t be able to keep up with his tip being so deep. You tried so hard not to wrap your lips roughly and suck the life out of him until...
“you wanted to suck it, fucking do it then”
His fingers left your hair fast and you were glad you were, finally, allowed to use those precious hands of yours. With the left one on his thigh and the right one on his base, you bobbed your head fast, pathetically wetting the length and occasionally grazing it with your teeth carefully. The small fingers pumped the part you didn’t fit in your mouth and the unnecessary moans vibrated him the best way possible. San groaned, dropping his head down and pushing his hips forward for you to have as easy access to him as possible. If anything, this scene looked much like a high quality pornographic video with the only difference being the fact that there were actual feelings between the actors, here.
You were on the peak of your show off, you really thought you’d have him coming in your mouth in seconds and didn’t notice San taking small steps towards you until your back was pressed against the wooden end of the bed. He trapped you and, knowing there was no way out from anything now, he pushed in again. The abrupt deep penetration had your hands lose all strength and fall on the floor on each side of your body. You looked up at him, witnessing the coffee brown eyes shining, as he withdrew and thrusted again, reaching the back of your throat easily.
Your eyes rolled back and the sound that left your throat was one you’ve never made before.
“are you taking it all like a good girl or a good slut? I have yet to decide”
He groaned and once the pace increased, your lips opened agape. The repeated penetration, reddened your eyes and tears started streaming down your cheeks non-stop, all of them having a strong black colour by the mascara you had decorated your eyelashes with, for the beautiful dinner. Who would’ve thought you’d turn out to have it all over your cheeks.
“so fucking pretty”, San grasped your hair again and thrusted mercilessly, each thrust producing more tears and more lewd sounds. Thick ropes of drool either wetted his length, making the sounds even dirtier, or fell from your chin to your naked thighs. You had no idea how you even breathed, let alone how you managed the gag reflex so fast… but you loved it, all of it actually...you wanted more, you wanted him to use you, you wanted him to see you as nothing but a way to give himself the pleasure he wanted...only because you knew you’d get double this pleasure back.
It wasn’t until he cursed and grunted loudly, that he finally pulled out...black lines of smudged mascara decorated your face and San got the chance to see it clearly once your head was thrown back on the bed. This view along with your heaving chest that tried its best to collect as much oxygen as possible, turned him on further, to say the least.
You were up and on the edge of the bed in zero time. Your legs hang off it and, though, you were nowhere near a good state, your mind ran to San’s cock that felt like heaven in your mouth and had to, finally, feel like heaven inside your cunt too.
“fuck me pplease”, you pleaded, voice rough and almost a whisper “use me like a toy, San”.
You spread your legs slowly, inviting him with your remaining strength and hoping he’d give you what you needed from the beginning.
San had never seen you like this, or better, to this extent… and only now, did he kind of realise what was hidden behind it. It was like a need. You’re so bold always, so vigorous and the type to be ‘looked up’ by others that you needed someone to belittle you for once. You needed someone to make you feel like a nothing, like they use you for their pleasure and throw you away after, and San was the only one who could be that someone because you’d only ever let him treat you like this.
He let his upper body fall on top of yours and nuzzled his face on the crook of your neck before moving upwards till his lips were against your ear “gonna fuck this pussy till you beg for me to stop”
The words along with the previous shenanigans had your mind spinning, that you didn’t even notice him pushing the mint coloured cotton of your panties to the side. Only when he disappeared inside you, did you come back to the current happenings.
“ohmygodd”, your back arched.
San grasped your side with one hand, fingers digging on the soft flesh. He didn’t hesitate to let every thrust go balls deep...very slow at first, rather teasingly than carefully.
“look at you-”, he bottomed out making you stretch your neck “feeling good, huh?”
“Sann-”, you whined.
Your cunt squeezed him tightly, but you didn’t do it on purpose.
“so fuckin tight- every ttime”, he gritted his teeth and withdrew before snapping his hips forward.
Your eyes rolled back and your lips stayed agape. You kept convulsing around him non stop and, as much as San wanted to tease the shit out of you, he couldn’t bear the feeling, either. He grunted and the peck on your lips that followed, went completely unnoticed by the sudden, yet sweet abuse of your hole. He started pounding into you, not leaving time for any preparation just like before when he used your mouth.
It was then, that you realised that all the previous teasing was worth it. No sound could leave you other than abrupt, quick gasps. You reached for his back and grabbed on it messily, probably leaving way too obvious marks. Your body moved to the rhythm of his thrusts, your hips collided with his every time he got buried to the hilt, producing a sex sound, almost delicious.
You longed for this penetration, longed for it so much that it felt like you sucked him in...or maybe you really did. The soft silk got all over your cunt and all over him, giving him the chance to slip in and out with little to zero effort.
“ohmyg-god yess”
Your eyes shut tightly, creating little wrinkles on your skin. Not only did the silent room get filled with the sound of your skin hitting on his but what made it all dirtier, were the gasps -now turned into high pitched moans- that only got louder and more frequent with each second.
San cursed under his breath and let his body move on its own. You couldn’t tell where you ended and where he started, your bodies were one now.
A needy hand grasped the bedsheet. His tip found your sweet spot and teased it with every thrust. You cried out so loud that San twitched and that was the moment he raised his body. He grabbed both your sides now and, unlike before, he pressed you down on him as he rolled his hips in just the right rhythm.
“ffuck i’m gonna come-”, San warned in a disapproving way but you didn’t care as long as it was inside you.
Your lower part had gone numb except for the place between your legs… this, felt like all senses had gathered on it on purpose, just to feel it all more intensely. And you did feel it all more intensely until San grunted loudly and his brows furrowed… and the next moment, he was fucking his cum inside your fluttering hole, with the dirtiest sounds coming out of his pretty lips.
Your thoughts were messy but the mere one of how raw all of this was along with the repeated hit of your sweet spot, were enough to get you to the edge. You came with loud cries and angry nails digging on the bed sheet. San’s hands on your sides were enough to keep you as immobile as possible.
His head had dropped to see the shiny white of your cums decorating his cock, though he didn’t stop. Your body jolted from the overstimulation and only when he suddenly pulled out, you got to breathe properly after a long time… until a hard slap landed on your clit and your entire body froze completely.
The wide eyes got accompanied by a rough hand that got wrapped around your throat and brought your entire body up, sitting it on the bed. You looked at him lifelessly, yet as fucked out as never before. San bent forwards to come face to face with you “it’s daddy from now on”, the hold on your throat tightened as a knee pressed against your core.
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xiaomoxu · 3 years
Lucien - Leisure Light Date
A date from CN server which hasn’t been released on EN server yet.
It turned out I have some time for translating this date before I have a date with some works later~ please enjoy a sweet moment on their leisure time ^^
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Translations under the cuts~
In the middle of the autumn, the sun willingly spilled into the living room, and the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus was lingering on the tip of my nose. I took a deep breath and opened the long-awaited book.
MC: Where did I read it last time..."The psychological effects that should be avoided in business management" seems to be here.
Before I read a few lines, the news of the company group suddenly jumped out, I was a little confused and opened it.
Kiki: Guys! I found the most unbeatable challenge on the entire network!
Kiki: It's the actor who worked with us last time! We sincerely invite everyone to try it!
Kiki said and sent a link to the video, with the title saying "no temptation challenge, 100% failure."
MC: 100% failure is too exaggerated...
I was about to open it when Lucien sat beside me at some point and put two glasses of juice with lemon slices on the coffee table.
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Lucien: Looking at what?
MC: Kiki posted a video just now, it's very popular recently, called "no temptation challenge."
I put the phone between us and Lucien glanced at the screen, showing a thoughtful expression.
Lucien: Several young interns in the Institute also watch this type of video recently.
MC: Hahaha I didn't expect this craze has spread to the group of scientific researchers.
Thinking that the interns in the institute are all boys, I blinked, took Lucien's arm, and looked at him meaningfully.
MC: Did Professor Lucien also watch it? Don’t you wanna share it with me?
Lucien was amused by my look, his eyes curled up, and there was a hint of cunning in his eyes.
Lucien: Would you be angry if I said I had seen it?
MC: Not to that extent, it's just a little bit concerned.
Lucien: Really? Then why your mouth is pouting.
MC: It isn't.
Hearing this, I pursed my mouth deliberately, but saw the smile on Lucien's face wider.
Lucien: Your "a little bit of concerned" makes me very happy.
Lucien: But what I just said is just a hypothesis. The actual situation is...I haven't seen it.
MC: I guess so, after all, a busy person like Professor Lucien would not kill time in this way like me.
Lucien: Oh? It seems that MC have seen it a lot?
Lucien: I am a little curious, from the perspective of a big producer, what would it look like.
MC: In fact, I watched it mostly when I was looking for inspiration for new programs with my colleagues, and now I don’t see much impression.
Now that I think about it, I have never faced this "no temptation challenge" with the mentality of an audience.
Seeing the lemon stuck in the mouth of the juice glass, an idea came to my mind.
MC: Since we have never played, how about playing together once?
Lucien: With you, of course.
Lucien: However, I didn't know much about the specific rules.
Lucien: Is it literally? As long as there is no temptation in the moment of the challenge, it is considered successful?
MC: That's right.
MC: As for the punishment if we failed, let use these two lemons.
Lucien: So how can we judge whether a person is being tempted?
MC: Mostly in this situation, people's temptation will show on their faces.
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As soon as the voice fell, I found Lucien's gaze was looking at me, as if he was thinking about some episodes of the past.
It was confirmed that something was normal, and his eyes were stained with a smile.
Lucien: Well, this statement can indeed be proved by you.
My cheeks were a little hot unconsciously, and as expected, before this person, my mind had never been able to hide.
MC: Suddenly I feel that this challenge is too easy for you. After all, Professor Lucien is very good at hiding his mind...
Lucien reached out and squeezed my palm.
Lucien: Isn't the "no temptation challenge" that is the easiest way for me to fail, right in front of my eyes?
Looking at Lucien's serious face, I blinked.
MC: Really, let me demonstrate the reaction of Professor Lucien's heart this time!
Lucien: This classmate seems very certain that I will fail, have you forgotten...You need to work hard for your challenge first?
MC: Humph, my challenge is just watching the video. I must be expressionless all the time.
Lucien: Then I will study by the side, your excellent demonstration.
MC: I must take the lead~
I responded to his ridicule with a smile, moved closer to him, picked up the phone and clicked on the link.
Unlike ordinary challenge materials, many roles that the actor has played are edited in this video.
There are gentle scholars in white shirts, chic and dusty knights, mysterious and mad assassins, cute and considerate neighbor....
There are many types, and it seems that no matter what the audience’s aesthetic orientation is, they can always find something that suits their minds in this video.
Although I knew the technique very well, my mood was gradually aroused by the slow jazz music and the right lens flare.
The finale was a cold-faced agent wearing a dark trench coat and holding a black technological cane.
Seeing the back of the character walking calmly in the smoke of gunpowder and hunting wind, another person suddenly appeared in my mind.
Dangerous, mysterious, and people want to follow and approach.
He must be very suitable for this appearance...
Thinking of this, I couldn't help but look up at Lucien, but I was falling into his gaze.
I was reflected in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth were curled up unconsciously because of my own cranky thoughts.
MC: You, don't look at me first!
I rubbed my face eagerly, trying to drive away the clearer image in my mind.
Under the slowly stirring music, the video has been replayed a second time, and my sight was blocked by a glass of juice.
Lucien: It turns out that our well-informed big producers will also be defeated by this challenge.
I was speechless for a while, and turned my face up to Lucien, blinking and pursing my cheeks to quibble.
MC: This challenge video is really cunning, the character is different from the real person, and there is a lot of room for people to associate...
Lucien's gaze fell on me faintly, which made me unconsciously think of the other side of him again.
With a guilty conscience, I averted my eyes and squeezed the lemon slice in front of me.
MC: Well, I am willing to accept punishment!
The sour lemon scent exploded in my mouth. I frowned and covered my mouth, curling up my toes.
MC: It's... sour!
Lucien looked at my sour expression so that I couldn't speak clearly, and smiled for a while before putting the glass in my hand.
Lucien: Drink slowly, don't choke.
The taste of orange and mango dilutes the sourness. I put down the bottomed glass and took a long breath.
MC: I shouldn't be curious about Kiki's stuff...
Lucien: But a certain classmate was very happy just now, and she didn't blinked her eyes.
Lucien: Speaking of which, since it is the actor you have worked with, then I am very curious.....
Lucien: At the scene, are you taking that seriously too?
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The implications of this question are self-evident.
I held Lucien's arm and leaned in front of him, looking into his eyes
MC: At the scene, I have to coordinate the shooting and control the progress. How can I look at someone so seriously?
MC: For Professor Lucien who is a program consultant, isn't it very clear?
MC: In fact, when I was watching the video, I smiled because I thought of you.
I talked more softly as I speak, while watching his expression.
Lucien: Well, I guessed it, because at the end of the broadcast, you looked up at me.
Guessed it? Thinking of Lucien's words and deeds just now, I blinked in a daze.
MC: That… but you still....
The person before me seemed to finally couldn't help but smile, and the corners of his lips pulled out a beautiful arc.
Lucien: I am just like you, only "a little bit concerned".
Lucien: Of course, I also want to see how you concerned about me.
Lucien's coquettish tone inadvertently made me want to coax him again.
MC: I always concerned about you.
With that said, I looked at him pretentiously.
MC: Hmm...I found that our Professor Lucien still looks the best, without any make up and filters!
Seeing my eyes brightly pleased, Lucien raised his index finger and tapped my forehead with his knuckles, looking helpless.
Lucien: Judging from the range of people you have contact with, such an evaluation seems too exaggerated.
MC: This is the truth.
Lucien: You....
MC: After all, "the beauty is in the eyes of the lover".
Lucien: For this point, I can feel the same.
He spoke bluntly and sincerely, as if he didn't feel embarrassing what he said at all.
I looked away unnaturally, trying to hide my blushing cheeks, and inadvertently saw the book on the table that I was holding upside down.
MC: Puff—it’s also a coincidence that I just read the phrase "beautiful in the eyes of a lover" in a book.
Lucien moved his gaze to the book in my hand and raised his eyebrows.
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Lucien: "Business Management and Psychology"? This is mentioned in this book, which is a bit surprising.
Seeing that he was interested, I simply picked up the book and shared it with Lucien.
MC: Well, when I read about the "halo effect", a short example in the book mentioned "beauty in the eyes of a lover".
MC: In fact, people are not only easy to perceive the heart from the outside, but also generalize from the inner character traits to the appearance evaluation.
MC: Therefore, what we often say "beauty in the eyes of lovers" is also a manifestation of the halo effect.
Lucien: Using this example to explain the "halo effect" is indeed small and easy to understand.
Lucien: However, it is placed in the whole module of "The psychological effects that should be avoided in business management", which seems to be too rational.
MC: I don't know if I, with the blessing of "halo effect", can I let Professor Lucien challenge and fail?
Lucien smiled and picked up the glass and took a sip of juice.
Lucien: Do MC want to see how I eat lemons?
I looked at the piece of lemon on the mouth of his glass that had lost some moisture, and shook my head.
MC: No need, this slice of lemon is a bit dry.
MC: How about changing the penalty for failure to... before the end of the fall, how about taking time to accompany me on an autumn outing in the suburbs?
Lucien: Well, we really haven't been to the suburbs for a long time.
I turned around and hugged him with joy.
Lucien encircled me and stroked my hair which hanging behind my shoulders with his warm palms.
MC: What to do, this failure punishment is very tempting to me.
Lucien gave a low laugh, pressed against my chest and shook lightly.
Lucien: It's not difficult to make my heart beat faster. Perhaps, this challenger and referee can work hard.
MC: Hm...
The steady and powerful heartbeat hit my auricle, and I suddenly had an inspiration.
By the way.. Accelerated heartbeat is also a way of judging your heartbeat, right?
I lifted my head from his arms and blinked.
MC: I have a way to record the moments of Professor Lucien's heartbeat!
I took off the smart watch in my hand and pulled Lucien's hand.
The internal test of the watch strap also carried the body temperature, and it was tied to his well-defined wrist.
Lucien squinted his eyes, his lips lifted up with a helpless smile.
Lucien: I remember you said that you bought it to supervise your health management. Unexpectedly, entertainment functions could also be developed.
MC: Make the best use of it!
I entered the data on the app and nodded with satisfaction.
MC: I set up a function that sounds when the heart rate is exceeded.
MC: Now even if Professor Lucien controls his expression well, his heartbeat will be exposed.
Lucien: Miss referee is so strict, it seems I have to be careful.
MC: Of course, I have to be strict with a smart person like Professor Lucien. It’s not that easy to make your heart beat.
Lucien: Yes?
Lucien: But you obviously can do it all the time.
Lucien spoke naturally and even took a leisurely sip of juice.
His unsuspecting state seems to be suitable for "raid".
I moved inwardly, pretending to lean towards him inadvertently, and slowly stretched out my hand to touch the corner of his lips.
MC: There seems to be some juice here.
Lucien smiled and cooperated with me and lowered his head, letting my thumb slowly rub his clean lips.
Lucien: It seems to be stained a lot.
The warm breath brushed my fingertips, making a sultry itchy.
My heart was beating like a drum, and I raised my head and moved closer--
Suddenly the cell phone ringing abruptly, breaking the atmosphere at this moment.
I hurried not to show a hot face, grabbed the phone and handed it to him
MC: You, you answer the phone first!
Lucien chuckled and touched my hair naturally after answering the phone.
Lucien: Lectures... My schedule may affect other people's work arrangements, so I need to checked it again.
I turned my head and looked at Lucien's profile quietly. He responded to the phone as usual, with no trace of heartbeat.
Probably my eyes were too straightforward. When the phone was turned off, he looked at me, pursed his lips and raised his eyebrows.
Lucien: Isn't the juice cleaned yet?
I straightened the hair around my cheeks, trying to hide my red cheeks.
MC: No, I want to tell you... the challenge is success.
Seeing that he didn't say anything, I hurriedly changed the subject and asked him about the lecture.
MC: Is the time for new lecture invitations out of schedule?
Lucien: Well, the time of the lecture has collided with the shooting schedule of next weekend. I am about to ask for your suggestions.
I reviewed the shooting arrangements in my mind and got an idea.
MC: How about postponing that part of your shooting until next weekend? So you can go to the lecture!
Lucien: That...Thank you for the "black box operation" of the big producer. Please say my apologies to our colleagues in the program team.
MC: Okay, don't worry about this.
We tacitly stopped the topic of work and continued to enjoy the long time of the holiday.
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Lucien leaned back on the sofa in a relaxed manner, the light golden spot flickering under his eyes, and he closed his eyes.
MC: You got up a bit early to make a breakfast, are you sleepy?
Lucien smiled and held my hand, and hooked his fingers like a baby.
Lucien: Maybe because it’s autumn, can you take a nap with me here?
I nodded lightly and leaned against his shoulder.
I don't know how long it took, but in a trance, I heard the rustle of leaves blowing in the wind.
I opened my eyes, and the shadow of the tree on the floor danced slightly, and there was nothing beside me, with only a blanket still covering my body.
The breeze blew the white gauze curtains, and there was still the breath of laziness after a nap in the air.
I stretched my waist and heard a small noise from the study, so I got up and walked towards it.
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The door of the study was closed. When I opened the door, Lucien was sitting at the table, shrugging his shoulders and listening his mobile phone casually.
His hair is a little messy, and his legs are covered with a blanket. It looks like he just woke up.
But his eyes were serious about looking at the shorthand notebook in his hand, and he had clearly entered the working state.
The cap of the pen was bit between his teeth, and the rustle of writing sounded intermittently, making the room more quiet.
He recorded something enthusiastically, occasionally answering the person on the other end of the receiver briefly.
Lucien: Mm-hm.
Maybe a new proposition is brewing at the tip of his pen, maybe he is calculating one of the thousands of possibilities.
The bright sunshine poured in through the floor-to-ceiling windows and enveloped him in warmth.
Lucien looked up and saw me, took the pen cap in his mouth and the phone on his shoulder, and gently covered the microphone with his wrist.
Lucien: It will be over soon.
I walked over lightly, and got into his arms in his somewhat surprised eyes.
The surprise in his eyes was replaced by a gradually widening smile, and he held a shorthand notebook around me.
I rested on Lucien's shoulders, his collarbone was exposed and he looked extremely white in the sun.
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As if bewitched by some sort, I lowered my head and dropped a kiss on the delicate skin.
Suddenly, the smart watch beeps twice.
My cheeks warmed a little, and I wanted to get up helplessly, but the shackles on my waist didn't mean to loosen the slightest.
The person on the other end of the phone finished the report and was saying goodbye to Lucien.
Lucien: Let's do this first, thanks for your hard work.
Lucien hung up the phone, put the shorthand notebook full of calculations aside, and took off his watch by the way.
MC: Am I interrupting your work?
I looked up and saw a warm light and a particularly soft smile in his eyes.
Lucien: I think strictly speaking, work interrupts us.
I glanced at many places on the shorthand notebook with question marks and blinked at him.
MC: There are many remaining issues, no need to deal with it?
Lucien: It doesn't matter, it's too late to wait until the working day. Now I have more important things to deal with.
MC: Is there anything more important than research?
Lucien: Of course there is.
Lucien: I just thought that usually challenge games should have rewards as opposed to punishments, right?
MC: Um... we did not discuss the rewards
Lucien: But when you hugged me just now, I thought of what kind of reward I wanted.
The pupils of Lucien's eyes glowed brightly when he looked at me, and soft ripples fainted under his eyes.
Lucien: Next weekend, I don’t want to miss the time I spent with you like today.
Lucien: So... can I be greedy and let you accompany me on business trips?
Lucien: As compensation, maybe we can realize your autumn outing plan together in a farther place.
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parkersroses · 4 years
delicate. | harry styles.
summary: two lonely people find solace in each other for the night and something delicate blossoms from it. 
pairing: harry styles x fem!reader
wc: 6.1k 
warning(s): fluff and smut (a first attempt at it) 
a/n: aaah i’m excited and nervous to post this. i guess it’s considered a Christmas fic because it’s set around that time. i do hope you guys enjoy this! i also wanna wish you all happy holidays! side note, i recently made a ko-fi account, so if you’re able to and like my writing, feel free to donate to it! anyways, enjoy! reblogs/feedbacks are very much appreciated! all my love and stay safe <3 (disclaimer: the gif rightfully belongs to @hampsteadharry​ )
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He pushed through the door of the bar, jazz music filling up his ears as he wandered to get a seat. He sighed as he sat on a bar stool, waiting for someone to attend to him and possibly give him the strongest drink here if he felt like it. 
Harry felt tired. He’s been tired and exhausted for a while now. Tired from work. Tired from the glitz and glam. Tired of people getting close to him because of his name and status. Just mentally and physically exhausted. But that’s not to dismiss the fact that he still loves his job. He loves and enjoys making music and seeing his fans - who he declared as the best fans in the world - singing back his songs to him. 
Though, there comes a time where he doesn’t enjoy it as much as he thought he should lately. Being a well-known singer, songwriter and actor seemed pretty cool but no one knows how tiring and raining it could be. Always having to prove yourself and explaining yourself because of ridiculous rumours that articles make up. Always ending up hurt when you found out your friends were using you because of how well-known you were.
So, he announced that he’d be taking a break from all that. Of course, there was an uproar from his fans but in the end, they understood and sent him lovely messages about having to keep his mental health his main priority. 
So now, here he was, sitting at a bar, trying to drink away his emotions. Perhaps, he would find a girl that he could go home with to fill in the empty space of his bed for the night. His break was quite eye-opening to say the least. Harry realised how alone he felt. He thought it was just all in his head because how could he be lonely even when he still had few of his friends around? But he didn’t know that being alone and still feeling alone were different. 
And the irony of it nearly being Christmas, there wasn’t much magic or cheer going around for him at the moment. He’ll have to get his shit together before going back to visit his family for the holidays.
“What can I get ya?” a voice snapped Harry out of his thoughts. A woman stood before him behind the bar, he realised it was one of the bartenders there. She wore a long sleeved black shirt, the sleeves rolled up until her elbows. Her long hair was tied up into a ponytail, strands of hair framing around her face. He thought she was pretty. Beautiful, he would say.
Bartender lady snapped her fingers at his face, knocking him out of his thoughts once again. “Seemed to be far away there. Are you sure you’re good here? In a bar?” She said and she smirked at Harry. He felt the blood rushed to his cheeks, having been caught staring at the pretty bartender lady.
“S-Sorry. A whiskey for now will do,” he said softly. Pretty bartender lady smiled at him and nodded. “Alright, then,” she said, heading off to get his drink. 
Harry’s eyes followed her figure, almost like he was entranced by her. He was not sure why he did. Seconds later, she put his drink on a coaster in front of him. “Thanks,” he quietly said as he picked up his drink. 
“Don’t mention it. You seemed like you need it,” she said almost knowingly. He chuckled at her words. Well, she got that right. “Yeah, just trying to clear my head a bit,” he shrugged at her. 
Pretty bartender lady nodded. “Rough day?” She inquired. Harry raised an eyebrow at her question. He probably thought that she was trying to make a conversation other than cleaning shot glasses. He hesitated a little, thinking she might just be another fan and might spill whatever that comes out of his mouth to the nearest journalist. But then, he remembered that he’s already one drink down to probably getting drunk and his mind won’t really care even if he woke up hungover the next day.
So, he shrugged at her question. “Guess you could say that,” he said as he set down the empty shot glass. “I don’t know. I guess I just have a lot of things in my mind. And drinking does numb my emotions a bit. If that made sense,” he chose to say as he looked at her. 
She only giggled at his words. “That sounds quite deep. Should write a song about it,” she joked and for a second, Harry thought she knew about him. Because for once, he’d like to talk to someone who’s unaware of his celebrity status. Someone who’d talked to him with a sense of normalcy. Instead of talking to the famous Harry Styles. 
“Maybe I should. And I’ll credit you in it,” he joked. She laughed, throwing her head back as she did. “Oh gosh, I always wanted to be a famous songwriter,” she said dramatically. They both laughed at this. It was weird to Harry, this scene felt so normal, it felt as if he knew her for a while now. 
She nodded at his empty glass. “Want another?” She asked. Harry thought about it before asking. “Actually, what’s your favourite drink?” Pretty bartender lady was surprised to say the least, but smiled at Harry. “Why?” He only smiled back. “‘Cause I want another drink. And I want to treat you one too. I’ll even pay for yours, love,” 
She blushed at this, not expecting him to be so forward yet sweet. “Cheeky, aren’t you?” She said smiling at him, and she noticed a hint of blush on his cheeks. “My mum always taught me to be a gentleman,” he shrugged,
She chuckled at this. “Fine then. I’ll be right back,” she said, going to get whatever her favourite drink was for Harry. Harry smiled as she walked away. He couldn’t help but feel some sort of liking towards her, but not knowing why. Maybe because she was just a pretty bartender lady. 
She returned later with two glasses of her ‘favourite drink’ and set them in front of him. Harry was skeptical to see the strange colour of liquid, raising an eyebrow at her. She only smiled and raised her glass up. 
“Bottoms up,” she said as she drank from her glass. 
Harry sniffed the drink a bit before thinking he was being silly and drank it. As the sweet taste hit his taste buds, he chuckled as he shook his head. “Apple juice? Really?” He questioned. 
She laughed as she took another sip on her drink. “Well, you asked for my favourite drink and I gave it to you,” she said with a smirk in her face. “So, you don’t drink?” he asked curiously. She shrugged at him. “A bit sometimes. Just don’t prefer it unless I wanna get really drunk,” she let out a small laugh. Harry chuckled at her words, finding himself agreeing with her. 
Harry noticed how pretty of a smile she had. He didn’t know why a tiny detail like that stuck out to him. He found himself quite intrigued with the pretty bartender lady, which he realised he had been calling her that in his head without knowing her name. He stared into her eyes and found himself hypnotized by them. Suddenly, it seemed like they were the only two people in the room. Okay, stop. She’ll think you’re weird.
It was as if his mind took control over him and he found himself asking her, “When do you get off?” He asked, his eyes widening after realising the words that came out of his mouth.
What the fuck!?, he thought.
She was surprised, her mouth agape as she processed what he had just asked. But she seemed to compose herself quickly. “And why do you wanna know?” She asked nervously. 
Harry paused before choosing his next words carefully. “Because you seem really cool to talk too. And I’d like to talk to you more,” he said. He was nibbling on his bottom lip, a habit he had whenever he got nervous. He shrugged before he continued, “It’s nice to have a friend, you know?” 
Pretty bartender lady - and Harry swore he’ll get her name soon - nodded at him and smiled. Like she knew what he meant. “I’ll be off at 10,” she said. It was only 30 minutes until then. Harry was initially surprised at this, not thinking whether she would agree to - whatever he wanted to with her later. 
He nodded in response. “I’ll, uh, wait for you here, then,” he spoke nervously. She chuckled and took their glasses away so she could clean and attend to the other customers before her boss yelled at her. 
As she walked away, Harry called out to her. “Wait!” She turned around, eyes wide when he called her. “Um, what’s your name?” He asked. She smiled as her heart melted at the innocent question. 
“It’s Y/N,” she replied.
Harry nodded, a small timid smile appearing on his face. “I’m Harry,” he said. 
She smiled and nodded at his short introduction. Now, the pretty guy with forest green eyes had a name she could call him. “I’ll see you later, Harry,” she said as she returned to the back of the bar.
Harry sighed, seeming to be smitten already by her. “Yeah. See you later,” he said softly to himself.
Now, Y/N was no idiot. She knew who Harry Styles was. 
She wasn’t like the biggest fan, but she appreciated his music and thought he was a lovely guy in general, according to the fan experiences she read. She didn’t know much about him, other than he was a former member of a very successful boyband and his music was just incredible. Plus, she thought he was pretty handsome.
And when she saw him walking through the doors of the bar, she had to take a double take to make sure her eyes weren’t deceiving her. 
She usually took her job quite seriously, she was polite to all customers and made sure they were always satisfied with their drinks or snacks. It was usually because she wanted to get the tips she needed to pay her rent. So, when Harry sat down by the bar, she couldn’t help herself but go to him. 
But now, she was supposed to meet him after her shift. Which was strange to her because all she did was being nice to him and making up a conversation. Did he realise that she was pretending to not know him? Was this some sort of mind trick that was playing on her? Though, he mentioned how it was nice to have a friend. Maybe there was something behind that phrase that meant something deeper to him. 
It was already 10 PM. Y/N said goodbye to her coworkers as she grabbed her scarf and coat from her locker. Her heart was beating fast because she realised she was about to go on a little rendezvous with Harry Styles, well, that was what she thought. 
She wasn’t expecting anything. She honestly thought he might have just left, realising how silly it was to wait for a bartender friend he just made. 
But she walked towards the front of the bar and he was still sitting in his seat like he said he would, waiting for her. And she felt like her heart might burst.
Harry didn’t think he’d find himself sitting at a 24-hour diner, eating some waffles with a pretty friend he just met at nearly 11 PM. He was starting to blame that one whiskey drink he asked for earlier as to be honest, he didn’t know what was happening. 
When he met Y/N in front of the bar after the shift, he was nervous, shifting on his feet in habit. When Y/N asked him what he had in mind, he froze because he realised he didn’t think this through. All he wanted was to talk to pretty bartender lady Y/N. The rest was all hazy to him. Luckily, Y/N just laughed at this and guided him to her favourite diner. 
They both ordered waffles with honey and blueberry toppings, courtesy of Y/N as she said they were the best waffles she ever had. Y/N got herself a chocolate smoothie while Harry just ordered a nice hot tea. It was a nice little meal. 
“So, Harry, what brings you here to LA?” Y/N asked him as she munched on her waffles. 
Harry sipped on his tea before clearing his throat. “Uh, I live here, mostly for work. But I’m on a break now,” he said, not giving out too much information. “Hmm. But you haven’t lived here long, I assume. Could tell by your accent,” she said knowingly.
He smiled at this. “Yeah? You like my accent, darlin’?” he teased her and pride filled himself as he saw her cheeks flaring up in the colour red. “Quite the flirt, are ya? But yes, your accent is cute,” she said as she ate. “Good to know,” he smiled and winked at her. 
Y/N rolled her eyes at him as she blushed. He seemed to be quite the flirt, teasing her and calling her pet names. If it were any other guy, she would’ve just left. She admitted that she might not have the best ways in maintaining a relationship. It was always whether she was too picky or bossy and her insecurities always got the best of her. She was used to feeling of being used for sex and her body even when she wanted to believe they wanted something more out of it. She closed herself off from love for a while now. While everyone said that her time will come, she just ignored them. Her main priority was herself and that was for sure.
But there was something about Harry that was pulling her in. He wasn’t far from what the papers write about him but at the same time, he was. He seemed somewhat closed off as she was. She didn’t want to pry, she’d never do that. It was like he was in this fish tank surrounded by spectators watching his every move. Maybe the life he has had somewhat prevented him from forming a real, honest attachment. Or maybe she was just making this all up. 
She sipped on her smoothie, her eyes focused on his. She realised how green his eyes were looking up close. “So, I have a question. And I want you to answer this as truthfully as possible,” she said, propping her head on the palms of her hands. Harry raised an eyebrow at her, chuckling a bit before nodding. “Alright, love. Lay it on me,” he said, leaning back on the booth. 
Y/N blushed at the pet name given and cleared her throat. “Why did you want to see me?”
It was silent between them. Harry should’ve known this question would come up. Truthfully, he didn’t know how to answer it, he was never one to make friends with a random person and go on a little rendezvous late at night. He shrugged at this, “Like I told you, it’s nice to have a friend,”
“That couldn’t be all,” Y/N smiled. “You don’t seem like the kind of person to befriend a bartender and go out with her for a late supper the same night,” Harry blushed at this and scratched the back of his ear with his finger. “I don’t know. Maybe I just wanted to be spontaneous a bit,”
Y/N hummed at this, sipping on her drink. Harry’s eyes were trained on her and she somehow found that a bit intimidating. “I got off work just to clear my mind a bit,” he continued. “Sometimes, I’d go out with my friends, I’d meet some girls and spend the night with them, just to feel something. Just to not be alone,” This was the most Harry had opened up to someone in a while. 
“But you still feel alone,” Y/N spoke. Harry frowned at this, not quite sure what she meant. “You could be with someone, and still would feel alone. I get that,” she explained. 
Harry’s mouth was agape. “Y-Yeah, I guess,” he mumbled out. “Can I ask you something?”
“Go ahead,”
“You really don’t know me, do you?” he asked, cocking his head to the side. She let out a small laugh. “I knew who you were the moment you stepped foot into that bar,” she said. Harry’s eyes widened. All this time, he was glad he thought Y/N didn’t know him but she treated him like any other normal person. But she knew all along. 
“That was.. Surprising,” he chuckled as he ran his hands through his curly locks. “But, you didn’t seem to look like y’know me. Treated me like a normal person,” She stifled a laugh. “Well, would you rather I’d treat you like royalty? Curtsey in front of you?” She joked. 
Harry laughed at this. “No, no. It was nice. It’s good t’just pretend your life is normal for once,” he nodded at her. “I’m sure you have some friends that treat you like you are just Harry,” she smiled. 
Harry only shrugged at this, “A few of them do. When you’re in the industry long enough, you’d know how to tell apart the few people that are honest and real with you and the many who just use you sometimes.” Y/N frowned at this but nodded. While she couldn’t connect to being in the same industry as him, she knew perfectly how it feels like to be used by people you allowed yourself to get close to. 
He brought his cup of tea to his lips, realising how cold it was getting. “You want some?” He offered his drink to her. Y/N nodded, taking the cup from him. “You like tea?” She asked.
“I do, but I prefer coffee,” he smiled at this random conversation. “Please tell me you don’t take your coffee black,” Y/N narrowed her eyes at him, as if she was daring him to admit it. Harry smirked and shrugged at her. “Sorry, love. It’s the best way to have coffee,”
“No, it’s not! It’s so bitter!” Y/N exclaimed and laughed at this. “I don’t think this would work out,” she pouted. Harry swore his heart beated a little faster, seeing her lips pout. He wondered how they’d feel against his. “What wouldn’t work out, love?” He smiled at her. 
Y/N blushed at this, looking down at her lap before she looked at him again. “Whatever you want this to be,”
They spent their time getting to know each other and by the time it was midnight, Harry ended up paying for their meals, ignoring her protests as he did. Y/N was tempted to wipe off that smug smile off his face. The December air howled as the night went on as the decorative holiday lights lit up the street they walked on. The two walked side by side, their hands brushing against each other’s. If Harry had the guts, he would intertwine their hands together. But he didn’t. Not yet, at least. 
“Random question, but do you prefer sunrises and sunsets?” she asked out of the blue. Harry thought for a moment before answering, “M’not sure, actually. Never really paid attention to them all that much.” Y/N nodded at his answer.
“Sometimes I like to wake up early just to see the sunrise,” Y/N spoke. Harry looked at her, raising an eyebrow. “Yeah? You like sunrises?” he asked gently, the cold air making his breath visible to see. “I do. I like sunsets too. But no one ever stops to appreciate the sunrises,” she sighed.
“Maybe it’s because they can’t be bothered to wake up so early,” Harry joked, making her laugh. “Yeah. Well, I do that. My apartment has a nice view of it. It’s nice. The city is just beginning to wake up. The golden glow casted upon it,” 
Harry nodded at her. “Is this your way of inviting me over?” He teased. Y/N paused, her cheeks flaming up. It wasn’t her intention, but she might as well have done so. Harry was a nice company to keep and she liked him. She really did like him. “Maybe,” she mumbled. 
Harry smiled at her sudden shyness. It was something he liked about her. He really liked her. And he wanted her to take him back to her home, as pathetic as that made him seem. 
“Well, lead the way, darlin’,”
Y/N struggled to put her keys into the keyhole of her apartment. Nervous was an understatement for her. She had a really sweet and attractive man waiting behind her and she was about to invite him in. She was almost sweating at the thought and she didn’t know why.
She opened the door, letting the warm air of her small apartment flow through them. Harry found it quite cozy. There were plants placed in different corners of the room, he noticed a record player by the television. There was also an easel standing by it. It was small, unlike his luxurious houses, but homey.
“You paint?” He asked. Y/N blushed at this, she forgot to put away your paint and clean up. In her defense, she didn’t think you would have company tonight. “Yeah, s’just a hobby. And somewhat a side hustle,” she said, taking off her coat and putting in on the couch. Harry did the same, subtly wiping his sweaty palms against his dark jeans. 
“Uh, d-do you want something to drink?” she asked nervously. Idiot, you just had drinks. “Or, if y’want, I have some chocolate chip cookies. If you like chocolate chip cookies. I mean, y’don’t have to but-,” Y/N was cut off upon hearing Harry chuckling at her, his expression amused as he listened to her nervous rambling. 
“Don’t worry, darlin’. I’m good,” he said, smiling at her. She blushed again at the use of the pet name.
It was silence, the only thing that could be heard was their breathing as they looked at each other. Harry slowly walked over, Y/N’s breath hitched as he did so. She was nervous and she was scared, she hadn’t done this in a long time. His arm settled on her waist and it was the first time he touched her. His eyes, green as ever and filled with lust and passion, were focused on hers. She could feel his breath hitting her face due to the proximity between them. 
Y/N gently placed her hands on his chest, feeling it rising up and down as he breathed. His forehead was already pressing against hers, their noses slightly brushing against each other. “Can I kiss you?” Harry finally asked ever so softly. And Y/N couldn’t help but nod her head. “Please,”
His lips crashed into hers, gently at first, but she kissed him harder, making it more passionate. She could hear him moan into the kiss as their tongues battled for dominance. His hands travelled lower to her backside, she moaned aloud as he squeezed them. When they pulled away, they would instantly pull into another kiss again, wanting to be close. Harry lowered his hands further behind her thighs, signaling her to jump so he could hold her tightly against him. 
“Y/N, I won’t be able to stop,” he said, gasping for air. Y/N only kissed him again, replying as her lips were against his. “Then, don’t,”
Y/N wasn’t sure how they made it to her room, laying nearly naked on her bed. She just realised how many tattoos he had on his body. She traced over the art scattered over his skin delicately. “Harry,” she whimpered as she felt his hardened length grinding against her core. She could feel her arousal seeping through her underwear. She gasped as he pressed kisses down her neck onto her collarbones, her eyes rolling back when he sucked a sweet spot there. His fingers entangled themselves between hers, squeezing them tightly. 
“Harry, please,” 
“I got you, baby. Gonna take my time with you,” he said gently as he kissed her forehead.
Y/N could feel her heart beamed at the sweet gesture. She had one-night stands before, but none of them felt as intimate as with Harry. The way he kissed her, held her, it almost felt right. And she wondered if he felt it too. 
When they’re fully naked and Harry lined himself against her, he looked at her, as if he was asking if she was still sure of this; if she wanted this; if she wanted him. Her eyes were shining as the moonlight shone through her curtains, her hair sprawled against her pillow. She was beautiful and ethereal. He almost couldn’t believe it. 
A nod from her was all it took for him to push himself in, the two moaning in relief as pleasure shot through their bodies. He slowly thrusted, taking his time with her. The feeling of euphoria running through their bodies as they held each other close. Her legs were wrapped around his hips, wanting to keep his warm body close to her. “Harry, faster,” Y/N pleaded.
It was almost like a switch went off his head before Harry spreaded her legs further, thrusting harder and further into her. Moans and groans filled the room and the scent of sex and sweat filled the air. Harry had his head buried into the crook of her neck, breathing hard as he felt the pleasure burning at the bottom of his spine. He was close and he knew she was too from the way she was clenching around him. 
“You close, baby?” He breathed out as he looked at her. The bed was creaking with every movement they made. Y/N moaned in ecstasy as she nodded her head, trying to keep her eyes on him. She didn’t want to miss a thing with him.
Harry took her by surprise by pulling out, lifting her up so she sat on his lap. He guided himself into herself, groaning as she welcomed him in her. Y/N moaned loudly as she felt him hit deeper, feeling herself clenching around him. She quickly began to move against him, smiling as she saw Harry shut his eyes in pleasure, murmuring her name. “C-Close, Harry, fuck,” she groaned as she moved faster.
Harry sat up and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer as if it was possible. He thrusted his hips upwards against hers, adding to the euphoric pleasure that was coursing through them. “I know, baby. Fuck, y’feel so good around me,” he moaned out, looking at her with hooded eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck, their heavy breaths hitting each other’s faces. 
It was only a glance into his forest green eyes that triggered her high. She moaned out loud, her body shaking against him, and just the sight of her high triggered Harry’s. He groaned against her neck and cursed a string of profanities under his breath as he kept thrusting his hips into her, prolonging his orgasm. When they calmed down from their highs, they took deep breaths before pressing their lips together. Harry could hear a whimper from the beautiful woman above him. He was delirious with the bliss feeling. 
They laid on their sides, admiring each other’s glowing yet sweaty state. Harry closed his eyes and sighed as Y/N brushed her fingers through his hair. “Y’alright?” he murmured to her. She nodded and gave him a shy smile. He thought it was cute of her acting all shy after having done such an intimate and dirty activity with him. He kissed the tip of her nose, smiling as she scrunched it up. “You’re beautiful,” he admitted. 
Y/N let out a deep breath. There was no denying the attraction she felt for him. The setting was so intimate, far from what she thought it was going to be. She felt herself opening up to him, something she prevented herself from doing for a long time. She was scared of this, but she liked it at the same time. 
“Hold me?” she asked and Harry pulled her against his body without a second to waste. Their breathing was the only sound they paid attention to. Y/N nuzzled her face against the crook of his neck, her finger tracing the tattoos on his chest. 
“Are you gonna stay?” she asked softly. She was not expecting anything, but she hoped he did stay. 
Harry smiled and pulled her closer. “Only if y’want me to,” he said. Y/N returned the smile, tracing out his lips with her finger, feeling how soft they were. 
“I’d like that,”
When Harry woke up, he felt an empty cold space beside him. Confused at first, he sat up slowly, wondering where the pretty woman he liked was. He turned his head and there she was, sitting by her window looking out into the early morning. She was sipping on something from her mug and she was wearing his dark blue T-shirt from the night before. She looked absolutely breathtaking. 
“You’re up early,” he said, catching her by surprise at the sound of his voice. She smiled at him and made her way to sit on his lap, putting her mug on the bedside table. “You missed the sunrise.” She ran her fingers through his messy bed hair. He sighed, realising how much he liked her doing that simple yet intimate gesture. “Yeah? Was it pretty?” 
“Very,” she sighed as Harry laid his head on his shoulder. He held her tightly in his arms, similar to how he did when they slept. “Well, you’re prettier,” he said, planting kisses up her neck. She realised how deep and raspy his voice sounded in the morning, it sent shivers down her spine. “Well, you’re a charmer,” she murmured. 
Harry looked up at her, taking in her morning glow that she was emitting. “Your eyes are really pretty,” Y/N said softly as she admired his forest green eyes. “Yeah? Y’think so?” he said, playfully fluttering his eyes at her. She laughed at this, throwing her head back. Harry thought it was the sweetest sound. She traced the outline of his lips with her index finger, feeling how soft they were under her touch. Harry kept his mouth agape as she did so. 
“Can I kiss you?” Y/N whispered. He smiled at her, remembering his exact words from the night before, before nodding. “Please,”
The fluttering in his stomach intensified as their lips met. The thing that clouded Harry’s mind was how soft her lips were and how sweet they tasted. Their kiss almost made him feel dizzy for how much passion there was. When they pulled away, he looked at Y/N with hooded eyes, his breathing was heavy from the blissful sensation he felt. He gently wrapped his arms around her frame and it just felt right.
He pulled her into another kiss, a moan elicited from Y/N that sent blood rushing to his lower region. His hands travelled up his shirt she was wearing and he let out a groan, realising she had nothing underneath it. He felt drunk by her touch, her scent; everything. It was a delicate feeling he felt and he didn’t want to let go of it. He could get used to this, the feeling of her. For once in a long while, he didn’t feel alone anymore. 
It was no doubt that Y/N felt the same. 
It all just felt right. 
The snow was covering the backyard, the trees and bushes were covered in white. Y/N watched as the snow fell while sipping on her hot chocolate. The house was decorated for the special wintery day. The tree was lit up and decorated with many ornaments as well as pictures on it, the presents laying closely below it. 
Voices snapped her out of her thoughts, she smiled as she heard footsteps approaching the kitchen. She turned around to see her husband holding up a sleepy little girl in his large muscular arms, the little girl they were blessed with as their daughter. Harry was talking animatedly to Ruby, trying to wake her up in the Christmas spirit. 
He gasped and pointed his finger at you. “Look, Rue! It’s mummy! An early bird, isn’t she?” He said to Ruby as he bounced her gently in his arms. You rolled your eyes at his silliness. “Mama,” the little girl reached out to her mother as she rubbed her sleepy eyes. Y/N set her mug on the counter and grabbed lifted little Ruby in her arms. “Morning, Rue baby,” Y/N cooed softly at her, closing her mouth with the back of her hand when she yawned. 
“Think she’s a bit tired,” Harry chuckled at them. “Y’think? Who’s the idiot that woke her up early?” Y/N asked sarcastically at her husband. He only lifted his arms up in defense, a smug smile painted on his face. Ruby quietly giggled at her parents. He sipped on a mug of hot chocolate and she narrowed her eyes at her as he leaned back on the counter. 
“Are you really drinking my hot chocolate?” Harry paused for a bit before swallowing the warm drink. “I’ll make ya another one, love,” he rubbed the back of his neck. Y/N rolled her eyes at him before chuckling. “You better, Styles.” She felt Ruby shifting in her arms and gently bounced her. “Y’alright, bubs?” She pouted at her daughter. 
“Snow,” she said, pointing out the window where the snow was falling. “Yeah, bubs! It’s snowing!” Y/N exclaimed excitedly to her, making Ruby giggle. “Dada, snow!” she exclaimed to her father. 
Harry laughed at his daughter’s adorableness. “That’s right, Rue!” He agreed, stroking through her curly hair that she inherited from him. He placed a hand gently on Y/N’s clothed stomach. “And how’s bub number 2 doing?” He asked softly. Y/N smiled, her heart beaming at the gentleness of her husband. “They’re doing great in there,” she said, placing her hand over his above her two-month growing belly. 
Harry beamed at this, pressing a gentle kiss on her lips, eliciting a small whimper from her. 
“I love you,” he whispered against her lips. Even after all these years, she found his green eyes just as beautiful and hypnotizing.
“I love you, too,” she said and smiled at him as they broke away. 
Perhaps, Harry would consider himself lucky that his sad lonely self walked into the bar she previously worked at five years ago. Maybe if he hadn’t opened up to Y/N or went back to her apartment, he wouldn’t be able to have this little family he was blessed with. There was something so delicate and real he felt that night that he wanted to keep. So naturally, they both let their walls down and took a chance on each other. And perhaps because it was nearing Christmas that night, he would think of it as some Christmas miracle. 
“Wanna open the presents, Rue?” Y/N asked Ruby as bounced her in her arms. Ruby giggled, not even understanding what her mother said, and nodded. “Yeah? Wanna open presents with mummy and daddy?” Y/N said excitedly as she carried her into the living room. Harry chuckled at the precious sight of them as he followed them.
As they sat down in the living room, he took a moment to just admire his wife and his daughter. Y/N, though wearing one of his Christmas sweaters and sleep shorts, looked just as beautiful and ethereal as she did the night they met. She held little Ruby in her arms, who was busy tearing up the small present in front of her. His wife cheered at their daughter as she took out a little stuffed teddy bear, giggling as she waved it around with her small hands.
Y/N looked up at him and gave him a loving smile as she intertwined her fingers with him. Despite them being in such cold weather, her hands felt warm against his. He admired how they fit perfectly in his. Ruby babbled incoherently to her parents about her gift, in which they nodded like they understood what she said. Harry’s heart warmed up just thinking of how they’ll have another addition to their loving little family soon. 
His heart was full of love and happiness. He no longer felt alone. He had everything he wanted in that moment, his growing little family.
Everything was just right. 
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heyyyharry · 4 years
Tired of Me
(a blurb from the My Girl Series)
…in which Harry is too tired for sex and thinks Y/N is tired of him.
Warning: SMUT, daddy kink, mention of cockwarming.
AU: older!harry (4-year age gap), actor!harry, writer!y/n.
Word count: 2.6k
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Harry couldn’t get it up.
This had never happened before. He’d always been able to get it up no matter how knackered he’d been, and he’d always been proud of himself for his high sex drive. But now he was lying on his back, naked, with his half-hard dick resting on his thigh and his girl kneeling between his legs, staring at his manhood with a defeated expression on her face.
He’d apologised, feeling glad that the room was too dark for her to see him blushing, and offered to eat her out.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to,” she said and planted a soft kiss on his lips. “You’d just had a long flight. I should have let you rest.”
Then she threw the covers over their naked bodies and snuggled up against him. He didn’t feel relieved that she’d let him off without a fight. She’d been so horny and literally thrown herself at him the second he’d arrived at the front door. Why didn’t she just let him eat her out? He’d feel less guilty that way. Had his soft dick turned her off? Harry knew these thoughts were ridiculous, and yet, they kept him awake until early morning.
What if she was tired of him?
“I’m tired of him.”
Those were the actual words from his girlfriend’s mouth.
She was on the phone with her best friend Celine. Harry hadn’t meant to eavesdrop; he’d only come downstairs to make himself a cup of coffee, and as he’d got to the kitchen door, he’d heard her say those words. Maybe he’d jumped into conclusion way too fast, but you couldn’t blame him for being insecure after last night. He’d meant to make it up to her this morning, giving her the most mind-blowing morning sex she’d ever had, but when he’d woken up with a hard dick, she’d already locked herself in the library to finish the chapter she’d been writing last night.
“I tried to help him; I really did, but he couldn’t do it. Yeah, I know I’m a bit harsh but I think he doesn’t have that in him anymore. I’m gonna give him one last chance. If it happens again, I’ll have to leave him.”
Harry gulped, hard.
His girl was going to break up with him because he could no longer satisfy her in bed. Could it be possible that she was talking about something else? No. He could not think of any other situation where those words would apply better than the situation last night. If he was going to lose her because of a half-hard dick, he would live with shame for the rest of his life (the lack of caffeine had made him a bit melodramatic).
However, she’d said she’d give him another chance, so it wasn’t over for them yet. If she was really bored with him, he could still turn this around.
It was 11 PM. Y/N was writing in bed when she heard a loud thump downstairs like someone had knocked over a chair. She jolted and shot her eyes to the door.
“I’m okay!” Harry shouted.
She put a hand on her chest and sagged in relief.
Harry had attended a red carpet event tonight and stayed for the after-party. She hadn’t expected him to come home before midnight, but thank God, he had. Even with all those bodyguards escorting him everywhere he went, she would still get worried every time he stayed out until morning and was too drunk to answer his phone.
“Hey, babe,” she said as her boyfriend emerged from the doorway, leaning a shoulder against it and beaming drunkenly at her. “Did you have fun?”
“Uh-huh.” He nodded and careened toward the bed. She closed the laptop, knowing Harry always demanded her full attention when he was drunk. Most of the men she’d been with had been rough and aggressive and loud when they drank too much. Not Harry, though. Her Harry would become soft and emotional and clingy; she’d got enough videos of him being drunk that could make him the number one Twitter trend for a whole month. But of course, she kept them to herself and might leak them at his birthday party or their wedding reception, because she was a nice girlfriend.
Clumsy and disoriented, Harry collapsed almost on top of her. The smell of vodka wafted all around them as he buried his face into her neck and inhaled her scent as if she was air and he’d just been hauled up from underwater.
She was only wearing a tiny silk dress, no underwear, and she knew how it made him feel; when he flipped them over so she’d straddle his thighs, his hard cock was poking at her pussy.
He nosed along her jawline, causing all her hackles to erect as one of his large hands started palming her breast over the silk. “I’m so hard,” he murmured between wet kisses.
She didn’t protest when he pushed up her dress and closed his hot mouth around one of her nipples. He pressed a hand against her back and tongued at her breast like a puppy with his chew toy. She gasped, arching her back to encourage him.
With his eyelids fluttering and a nipple still in his mouth, he pleaded, “I want you so bad. Can you fuck me, please?”
His hands clutched her thighs and tried to move her against him. It felt good. She wasn’t going to lie and say that she didn’t want to pull down his pants and fuck him senseless. However, she would never fuck him when he was this drunk.
“I don’t want to fuck you if you’re not going to remember it in the morning,” she said sweetly. Harry pulled back and blinked at her. To her surprise, he didn’t even beg. His hands dropped down limply onto the bed as he tossed his head back, his eyes pinched shut. He exhaled sharply. “You don’t want to fuck me at all. You’re tired of me...”
The accusation made her flinch. She cupped his cheeks and tilted his head up. Her eyes locked with his bloodshot green. “Hey, what was that? Why did you say that?”
“Is it not true?” he huffed, his voice brittle as if he was on the verge of tears. “I couldn’t get hard last night, and now you don’t want to fuck me and I’m gonna lose you because my dick was not hard enough.”
“That’s absurd, Harry!” she cried out, trying to stifle a laugh. Drunk Harry was funny without trying.
He slowly shook his head, his expression serious. “You said that. I heard you.”
“I never said that.”
She didn’t know why she was arguing with him while he was too drunk to make sense of himself. But drunk or not, she couldn’t have him think she was tired of him for one time he couldn’t get it up.
“You did,” he said, assuredly. “You told Cece. I’m not...not mad at you for thinking it but you told Cece. Cece would laugh at me.”
“What?! I never—”
Then, it hit her.
She went stiff, her eyes widened. “Oooooh.”
She wasn’t sure if he looked hurt or angry or smug that he was right. Whatever that look on his face meant, it was as hilarious as him misunderstanding her phone call with Celine.
“I was talking about Cece’s brother,” she said, holding his cheeks. “He used to be friends with you in school, remember?” Harry nodded, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. “He was trying to get into the publishing industry. I agreed to help him by reading his stuff and giving constructive comments. He was good at first but then he thought he was too good and he started to give me attitudes. I tried to help but I got frustrated and I was thinking of leaving him to work it out on his own. It had nothing to do with you.”
“Oh…” Harry’s face dulled as realisation dawned on him. Now, he seemed sorry, and his voice suddenly lowered, “I wasn’t eavesdropping, by the way. I accidentally heard it.”
“Doesn’t matter.” She shook her head. “I would never tell Cece something so personal about you. I love you.”
“I’m sorry,” Harry pouted, his face red; she wasn’t sure he was bushing because he was embarrassed or because he was drunk. “I don’t know why I couldn’t get it up. I think I’m getting old, Bambi. That was only a beginning.”
“You’re only four years older than me! You’re so melodramatic.”
“Don’t laugh. It’s not funny!” he demanded, but she couldn’t stop now that she’d started. She was doubled over on top of him, hugging her stomach and shaking with violent laughter. “Stop it,” he whined, tugging at her dress. “My feelings are hurt.”
“Aww, baby, I’m sorry,” she pouted.
His breath caught as she rubbed his massive bulge with her hand, biting her lip while holding his gaze. He pulled her face down and locked his mouth to hers. She moaned into the needy kiss, loving the way his cock grew and twitched in her palm.
“Can I at least fuck you now to prove I can still get it?” he asked raspily.
She smirked. “The fact that you’re still hard despite your feelings being hurt is proof that you can still get it.” This time, he let out a chuckle. She continued stroking his erection over his trousers. “You don’t have to prove anything.”
“I still want to fuck you, though.”
“Well, I can suck your cock,” she said, slowly unbuttoning his shirt. “I haven’t had your cock in my mouth for so long. Kinda miss it.”
Harry’s lips parted with a dazed look on his face as she drew back and crawled down his body until her face was level with his large bulge. His hips bucked as she kissed it lightly and began to fumble with the zipper. She held his eye contact as she unzipped his pants and pulled it down to mid-thigh, revealing the tight black boxers he’d got on. Harry squirmed impatiently when she started palming him through them.
“Don’t fucking tease,” he gasped.
She whispered, “Sorry,” and arched her back so that her bum was higher and her dress slid down to her back; she was bare from her waist down. He pushed himself up to grab a handful of her arse. Her breath caught as he spanked her gently and squeezed the spot where it stung.
She was so wet that her thighs felt sticky, yet she told herself to keep her mind focused on him. She took the swollen tip of his cock into her mouth before sinking her head down, making a content sound in the back of her throat once she’d taken as much as she could. Harry’s airy chuckle turned into a moan when she met his eyes. He fisted her hair gently, his muscles bunched as his cock jerked in her mouth.
“You like it when I stuff your mouth full with my cock, don’t you?”
She hummed in response before bobbing her head, using her hand at the base where she couldn’t get into her mouth. Her other hand slipped down to stroke her clit. It didn’t feel as good as when Harry touched her, but she was so horny, anything that helped her release some tension would do.
Harry growled as he fucked lazily into her mouth, guiding her head up and down by her hair. “Don’t come yet...I want to play with you later.”
She shot him a glare through her wet lashes and moaned in frustration. Still, she obeyed and withdrew her other hand to place it on his thigh. His skin felt hot. Beads of sweat were rolling down from his chest to his abs. Her mouth continued going up and down his shaft, precome oozing out of his tip and she was drooling so much it’d gotten quite messy. From the way Harry was staring at her unblinkingly, she knew he was trying his best not to come at the sight. Her man loved a messy blow job. He’d come so hard the first time she’d let him shoot his cum all over her face and chest. She bet he was thinking about it now.
“Fuck,” he hissed, his nostrils flared. “You look so pretty with my cock in your mouth.”
She pulled off, breathless and started stroking him with both hands. “I love your cock, Daddy. You taste so good. Want your cum in my mouth.”
Harry groaned loudly and threw his head back into the pillow. His soft chants of her name almost got her off. As he arched his back off the bed and released into her mouth, she swallowed as much as she could, some of it dripping down her chin, and Harry continued coming as he muttered curses while watching her take all that he gave.
Once she’d sucked him clean and sat up, panting and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, he seized her by the hips and dragged her back to his lap. He kissed her passionately, tasting himself on her swollen red lips. They only broke off so he could pull her dress over her head, and she grabbed his wrist and guided his fingers to her entrance.
“This is how tired I am of you, Harry,” she told him with a mischievous grin. His mouth fell open slightly, mimicking her expression when he pushed a finger into her wet cunt. Her fingers tightened around his wrist as he started fucking her with his hand. She held the back of his neck and started moving her hips.
“Look at you,” he said between gritted teeth. “Fucking yourself on Daddy’s finger. You wish it were my cock, don’t you?”
“Yes, Daddy…” She croaked and wrapped both arms around his neck, bringing their sweaty foreheads together and trying to keep her eyes open. He’d inserted another finger and was fucking her hard and fast. It felt mind-numbing good. She hadn’t been fucked for a week; she wouldn’t last long. When she was almost there, she knotted her hands in his curls and sobbed out his name. She was afraid he'd deny her orgasm, but drunk Harry was always the nicest. He told her to come all over him. She was shaking in his arm, panting into his neck as he fucked her through her release.
It wasn’t until she pried her eyes open to look up at her boyfriend that he slipped his fingers out of her and sucked them clean. He kissed her afterwards so she could taste herself on his tongue. She grinned, still shuddering with post-orgasm chills.
They stayed there for a while, glued together by their own sweat as he traced his fingers up and down her spine and pecked her hair once in a while.
“I’m not marrying you for your dick,” she said breathlessly.
He didn’t expect that, so he burst out laughing. “Thanks. My dick and I appreciate that.”
She arched an eyebrow at him, her cheek on his chest. “I guess you’re more sobered now, huh?”
“Hmmm.” His mouth curled. “Can we take a bath together?”
“We never just take a bath,” she reminded him. “And I’m too tired for more fucking.”
Harry let out a soft chuckle as he twirled a strand of her hair around his index finger. “We don’t have to fuck. Maybe cockwarming. I just need a reason to be inside you.”
She raised her head, amused. “You’re annoyingly horny and kinky when you’re drunk.”
“But you love me?” To her surprise, it sounded like a question.
“But I love you,” she confirmed, grabbed his face and kissed him again. “Don’t you ever doubt that.”
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trashforhockeyguys · 3 years
Vienna Waits For You -1- William Nylander
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A/N: The official start of Vienna Waits For You! I can’t wait for you guys to really get to understand William and Avalyn. This is probably the most unique story I’ve told so far. I hope y’all will enjoy the ride.
“Miss Bradshaw Kreitzburg, we can’t begin to explain how excited we are to have you here with us,” One of the Assistant Directors said as she was led into a posh hotel.
“Just Kreitzburg is fine, or Avalyn,” She cringed, hating it when people used the full name that her parents insisted on.
“There she is!” A loud voice boomed from the doorway of a very large conference room.
Avalyn couldn’t help but smile and nearly squeal as she ran to the man. Jackson Portland was one of the only people that she felt like really knew her. They’d been best friends since they first worked together in the early years. Back then, Jackson was an awkward lanky kid, not the bonafide sex god that he was now. Truthfully, Avalyn wanted to laugh every time girls literally threw themselves at him. To her he would always be Jacky, her best friend. 
“You made it!” She jumped in his arms, holding onto him for dear life. 
Jackson was like her life vest. She wasn’t sure she would’ve been able to do something like this without knowing he would be by her side the entire time. She trusted him with everything that she was. He’d been the one to call her about the role and tell her that she’d be perfect for it. 
“And so did you! God you look fantastic Avey. But you really could eat a little more. Do the Monsters have you on another diet?” 
“They wanted me to be on one,” She confirmed, “But none of them are here...soo I guess I’m not anymore?”
“Then you and I are going to burgers whenever this is over,” He declared, setting her down. 
She nodded excitedly. Going out with Jackson was always her favorite. Somehow they always found a way to just be normal twentysomethings. Jackson and Avalyn made each other feel almost normal for the first time in their lives. Seemed only fitting that the two of them didn’t want to let that go. 
“Have you scoped out our ‘advisors’?” Avalyn asked, holding onto Jackson’s arm. 
He shrugged, flashing his famous dimpled smile, “Oh you’ll love them.”
Inside the room, most of the younger Leafs were somewhat huddled together, keeping their distance until told to do otherwise. But some of the older, more experienced players were talking with some writers and producers from the project. 
Avalyn tried to calm her nerves, her grip on Jackson’s arm tightening with every step. She hated meetings like this. She didn’t know a single player on this team, hell she didn’t even know a thing about hockey. She knew that they probably all had their own preconceived opinions of her, none of which were good. Just like how nothing the media published these days was good. Good for press, but bad for her personal life. For once, she wished she could just pause it all. 
Some of her friends from childhood, which she lost contact with long ago, went to college and are in steady relationships. None of them have their entire life looked over with a magnifying glass. They could wear what they wanted, or eat what they wanted, go out with whoever they wanted wherever they wanted...Avalyn never had that luxury. But she couldn’t say she was jealous of them...envious might be a better term to use though. 
“Alright boys, listen up!” An older man in the team’s jacket called, “I want you to listen to what they instruct you. Remember, you’re representing the organization and Toronto.”
“Thank you for that Coach Babcock,” One of the show’s producers said before standing in front of everyone, “We’d like for all of you to pair up in a few minutes, but before we do that, why don’t all of you take a second and get to know each other. Get all of the awkwardness out of the way so we can all get to work? Gentleman, at each table is a dry erase board with a rink on it, I was told that’s what you all use in practice to show plays and things, feel free to do the same today. We’ll call you all when it’s time to come back together.”
Avalyn didn’t move for a moment, not as long as Jackson stayed where he was. But it wasn’t long before the producer was coming over with the other man, who seemed to be the coach of the hockey team. Behind them trailed several young men, which Avalyn could only assume were players. Jackson nearly jumped, seemingly excited about who was coming over to them. 
“Coach Babcock, these are the two I was telling you about,” Eric, the producer, looked proud of himself, “These two are the stars of our show, Jackson, Avalyn, I’d like for you to meet Mike Babcock, coach of the Toronto Maple Leafs, as well as three of his star players, Auston Matthews, Mitch Marner, and William Nylander.” 
“You don’t have to tell me who they are, Eric,” Jackson waved him off before extending a hand to the coach, “It’s an honor to meet all of you. You guys had a hell of a season last year.”
“Jackson grew up in Connecticut prior to becoming an actor, he’s one of the only cast members with hockey experience.” 
“Sick man, I love that movie you were in last summer with Taylor Kitsch. Shit was badass,” The one with dark hair and blue eyes said.
Avalyn couldn’t remember who was who. All she knew was one had long blond hair, and two with dark hair. She used to joke that all hockey players looked the same when Jackson would try to make her watch games, but she couldn’t say that anymore. No two players in the room looked alike. 
“See, I told you Avey!” Jackson joked, “She said there was too much blood. I tried to get her to watch American Assassin with me, since O’Brien and Kitsch are such great guys, but she wouldn’t.”
Avalyn felt uncomfortable in her own skin. She hated moments like this. Jackson always seemed to be in his element and on his game. But Avalyn wasn’t comfortable with these people. She didn’t watch hockey, all she really knew was that they constantly hit each other and fought over the tiny rubber puck. 
But Jackson just seemed to fit right in with them. Almost like he was a member of the team and had been for a very long time. She was jealous of the fact that he always seemed to make it work. He was never a stranger. Whereas Avalyn always felt like a stranger. She often felt like she was playing dress-up all the time, and eventually someone would call her out on it. 
“Thanks for making fun of me again,” Avalyn said under her breath, “It’s nice to meet you guys.”
“So, what are you? The token romantic interest?” The blond quipped. 
“No I uh-” She couldn’t really find her voice. She should’ve been used to people assuming she was only there to further the story. She was just pretty face, meant to smile and just be pretty. 
Maybe that was part of the reason she took this role...she wanted to prove she was more than that. Yet, she couldn’t even find a way to tell the man standing in front of her the very same thing that she was fighting to prove. 
“Actually, Avey is playing the only girl on the team. She’s pretty important actually,” Jackson cut in, “Pretty badass too.”
“Avalyn, we’d like you to pair with Willy, if the rest of you want to come over with me we’ll get you all sorted,” Eric suddenly interrupted, “You two can go over to that table over there.”
Suddenly, she was left with the blond that obviously didn’t exactly like her. Avalyn wasn’t uncustomed to it. A lot of people were standoffish with her at first, the sugary sweet persona she put on was enough to make anyone hate her. She knew that. But she wasn’t used to people being like this to her face. So blatantly obvious….he didn’t even bother trying to hide it. 
The blond, William, rolled his eyes before walking over to the table. Avalyn knew this wouldn’t be a very fun time. Jackson and the rest of the cast and crew would probably spend the whole session laughing. Yet, she was pretty sure William wouldn’t be overly helpful or talkative. 
She glanced around, hoping someone might come to her rescue, but everyone else was already paired off and talking to their respective hockey player. Jackson was already laughing with one of the dark haired boys, and a very large red headed man. Avalyn wished she could be like that. 
“Are you coming or not?” The blond grumbled. 
Avalyn took a deep breath and followed him to the table. He sat with his arms crossed. She wondered why he already seemed to hate her. Had he read something about her and decided she was a horrible human being? One of those cheap tabloids who made their living off of dragging her through the mud? 
“I’m Avalyn,” She said, trying to break the tension, but her voice still shook. 
He scoffed, “Yeah, I know.”
She nodded and reached for the glass of water. Couldn’t she have anyone else? Or just have someone else at the table? Why did they have to take Jackson and put him all the way across the room. She felt like she didn’t know how to do this without him. She was out of her comfort zone now. 
“Okay,” She said quickly, “You obviously don’t like me, but I don’t really care. I have a job to do, and so do you. So can we just please drop the shit and you actually tell me what I’m supposed to know?”
“Who said I didn’t like you?” He fired back, leaning forward. 
She let out an almost bitter laugh, “Oh, I got the message loud and clear. You have no reason to hate me, but you do. You know nothing about me, so next time maybe try to get to know the person before you form an opinion.”
It was his turn to laugh as he leaned over the table, getting closer. His eyes seemed to almost burn into her. For a moment she was afraid. She didn’t know this man, she didn’t know what he might do. But every bone in her body seemed to yell at her to run. Maybe everyone was right, maybe this was the worst choice she made. 
“I know enough,” His voice was low, but the power of it made her want to shiver, “America’s princess on the outside, and a fucking bitch on the inside.”
He leaned back in his chair once more. There would be no more talking. It was like Avalyn and William were on different sides of a battlefield. They both had the next attack just waiting, and neither would wave the white flag. Avalyn didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing what his words did. Each one was like a knife going deeper and deeper into her chest. 
William just didn’t want to give in. He was being stubborn, and he was sure all of the guys would say he was an ass. But he heard enough about little miss Avalyn Bradshaw Kreitzburg. He wanted nothing to do with her. Everyone that he knew that knew her all said she was really a bitch, that the sweet little innocent thing she had going was an act. That Jackson Portland acted as her guard dog in public because she couldn’t rip people to shreds for fear of losing her perfect little reputation. 
So William sat across from her, a smirk playing on his lips when she finally seemed to be at a loss. So, the two sat silently as the hours ticked on. No one seemed to notice that they weren’t talking, or that William wasn’t using the dry erase board like the rest of his teammates. By the end, no one seemed to notice that they didn’t move a single inch over the course of the entire session. 
“I’m not what you think,” Avalyn said quietly, “Whoever told you whatever ridiculous rumor, it’s not true.”
He smirked again, like he knew something that she didn’t, “I think Margret Vicklyr knows you enough to know the truth.”
Before she could even process the sickening feeling, he was gone. He couldn’t know Margret. Margot might hate her now, but surely she wouldn’t go as far as telling random people whatever she felt like it. After a couple of years, Avalyn hoped that Margret would just forget about whatever she was convinced that Avalyn did. But it seemed that she wasn’t forgetting...and now it didn’t seem like William would forget either. 
Avalyn struggled to get in a deep breath as everyone started to get up and leave. William looked too pleased with himself as he got up from his chair and started moving towards his group. 
William liked the feeling of having knocked Hollywood's princess back down to size, or at least that’s what he thought he did. He had no way of knowing what was really going on behind the glitz and the glamour. He had no way of knowing that she was struggling more than she could ever let on. 
William didn’t like Avalyn Bradsaw Kreitzburg, especially after what Margret told him during her summer in Sweden. The person that Margret described to him was horrible, incapable of caring for anyone but herself, and maybe her precious Jackson Portland.Yet, he couldn’t help but feel a sort of pain in his chest at the way she seemed to sink as soon as he landed his final blow. He knew his mother would’ve had his head if she saw him acting like that. But for some reason he couldn’t help it. 
How was he supposed to know that she was doing everything she could to keep her head above water and make this project work?
“Avey! C’mon, let’s go get dinner,” Jackson cheered, surrounded by the hockey players. 
Avalyn shied away from all of them, “I think I’m just going to go back to mine. Raincheck?”
“I’ll hold you to it!” Jackson cheered, following the team and some other cast members out of the hotel. 
As soon as she got back to her apartment, Avalyn tried her best to fill herself with music. All she kept thinking about was the way that he looked at her. The disgust...he made his mind up about her before he even met her, all because of Margo and whatever she came up with. All Avalyn wanted was to make this work, to prove that she was capable of choosing her own projects and that she was more than just the stupid doe eyed girl. 
But she still felt hollow, like she was already losing control. She still didn’t know anything about the game. Her ‘advisor’ wouldn’t be of any help. She would have to fight an uphill battle. But she wanted this more than she wanted any project before now. 
With music at full blast in her ears, Avalyn laid down, trying to drown herself in the sound of old classic rock and indie. She never did eat dinner like she promised. Instead, hoping the music would fill her in a way that food didn’t.
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matthewbeilschmidts · 3 years
It’s been a long while since I’ve posted but I’m so glad that I am :’)
This is for Day 1: of @prucanweek - Ordinary
Apologies for spelling errors, it’s a little short but I hope you enjoy 😭💞
Matthew doesn’t mind that he’s living an ordinary life. Really.
He grows up near the coast, two parents, a fraternal twin brother, and their gangly hairless cat, Tony (picked curtesy of Alfred). Their parents take them everywhere they can during their childhood, the beach, museums, sports game. They focus on their interests, figuring out what the two like and dislike, as they encourage them both to be themselves and do what they love no matter what. Alfred debates between whether he likes wrestling or football more, while Matthew settles into hockey. In between family get togethers, community festivals, and endless sports training, they somehow have time for homework. (The two share answers a lot.)
He and Alfred each have their own rooms when they enter their teen years, a space to decorate and fill with their own mementos and awards. The sports continue, but later their parents find themselves a little bit busier than before. They do though, give them as much time as they can during the school year, never wanting them to go without someone by their side.
Matthew fades into the background a little bit as they get older, while Alfred puts himself front and center. Matthew watches once with a hand over his eyes as Alfred auditions for the school musical, and surprisingly he read and sings the lines well. “It’s always the rowdy ones!” their theater teachers says after he’s finished performing, a mix of anticipation from planning on putting Alfred on stage and dread at the thought of having to manage him.
Matthew silently supports him, after all he has his own things to do.
He’s the co-caption of the hockey team, the coach giving him the position to give him a little more of a voice, and his teammates verbally agree, considering on the ice Matthew has a lot more to show than he does in person. He accepts, albeit hesitantly.
By the time graduation comes by, Matthew can barely believe how the time has passed. His team even wins a championship under his watch. Some of his fellow classmates look so ready to go out and experience the world, and it’s scary to him because weren’t they all going at the same pace?
His parents talk him through picking his college of choice, and he decides to go. He needs to do what everyone does and experience the world.
And if he decides he wants to come home, that’s okay because at least he tries.
He’s in his first art class during his third year at university. The time has been going well, he’s got pretty decent grades and has managed to join a few clubs. But he’s not done yet. Extra curriculars, can’t finish without them. He prioritizes his general education first, and even slips himself into a few major classes early on, but humanities is on record now and has to be completed no matter what one’s studying.
He can get through one semester, he hopes.
Next to him, a student is snickering and the professor doesn’t look amused.
“Yes ma’am.”
“If you’re done, I can introduce myself now.”
The professor goes in with complete, in-depth introductory slides with her name and credentials, and a briefing of all they will overcome this semester.
He’s never been an artist, at least not one that picks up a pencil and creates a realistic masterpiece with nothing but that and a pad of paper. Maybe some poetry contests in high school, if that counts. The written word has its own impact, its own set of colors to breathe out for the world to see.
There’s another snicker, interrupting his internal monologue.
He doesn’t say anything, because he doesn’t know the student, and it’s not his place to control others. But, if it starts to hinder the class, maybe he’ll tell him something. He’s paying to be there, too.
The man catches him staring.
“Yes?” he asks Matthew without being spoken to in the first place.
“Oh,” Matthew flushes at being caught, not that he was trying to hide it anyway. “Well, she didn’t say anything funny?”
The guys waves a hand, making a “psssh” noise as he does.
“I’m just laughing because of how formal this all is. She won’t be this dignified later in the semester that’s for sure. She’ll be ripping her hair out.”
Matthew glances back, he doesn’t want to say anyone looks mean but, he would believe it if she was.
“You look scared,” the guy laughs, which is rude because isn’t he the one that just put the thought in Matthew’s mind? “She’s not too mean just a sticker to the rules. Will get real pissy if something doesn’t go right.”
“And you still set her off knowing that?”
The man laughs again, but this time around he’s actually trying to contain it behind the thin art easel. He’s not very hidden.
“She’s my cousin’s wife.”
Ah, that makes sense then? Messing with family is normal, but also he shouldn’t be bothering her at work.
“It’s no wonder you seemed casual.”
“She taught both of the lower division figure drawing classes, too. This is my third semester in her class. She’s the only one teaching this specific class I didn’t have too much of a choice.”
“Art major?”
“Yep! And you?”
“Psychology major. I have to get in some cultural classes.”
“Ever taken art?”
“Actually no, not even in high school. I got through that stuff by working backstage in the theater department.”
“Well not to worry my friend, because you picked the best one.”
“Is it easy to pass?”
“Nope. Well, maybe if she likes your work,” Matthew deflates at the blunt response, “but don’t worry because I’m here to be your guide.”
Matthew perks up, but it takes him a moment. This guy’s gonna help him?
“Are you any good?”
“Am I good?” He looks perplexed Matthew would even ask. Matthew has to cover his own amusement. “I may not look it but charcoal and I go way back. I’ll show you my work later as proof.”
“Gilbert, since you’re adamant on talking, you can be the first to introduce yourself.”
Even if his name wasn’t said, Matthew feels just as guilty. Caught, for talking on the first day of all things.
“Gilbert Beilshcmidt. Fourth year. I’m an art major and my favorite breakfast food is pancakes.”
Matthew looks surprised that he was paying attention, even to the last addition of their introduction. Matthew’s not sure he would have known considering he was distracted.
And so their friendship starts.
Gilbert sits next to him again. And again.
Where ever Matthew sits in the art room, Gilbert follows not too long after.
Some days they take the sitting desks, some they stand and lean against the stools.
And despite not even talking much, Gilbert treats him like a friend.
“Do you have any plans this afternoon?”
“Nope, this was my last class.”
“Do you want to get some coffee and work on our sketch books.”
“Yeah, let’s go.”
Matthew finds himself meeting Gilbert in his downtime. Every Thursday after drawing for three hours becomes the day they meet. At first, all they do is draw, little more.
Gilbert is animated in all moments, but he has short spurts where he focuses exceptionally on his work. Matthew is no art critic, but he thinks Gilbert expresses himself quite well on paper. Graphite, charcoal, and pastels, all the utensils glide easily without a single stroke missing its mark.
Watercolor though, could use some work, which actually happens to be Matthew’s favorite. Even if the intention is to guide the colors with a brush, it’s okay for them to take a life of their own spreading across the thick paper.
They share snacks, art supplies, and their time.
Gilbert proves himself very useful as he promised. Matthew though never planning to be the next Van Gogh, has to pass this class. And it would be nice to pass it with flying colors, but some concepts are harder to grasp than others.
It’s obvious to tell he’s a beginner, while Gilbert excels. Matthew finds out he only now needs the intro class since it’s the first semester it became a requirement.
Gilbert helps him find the shapes he’s comfortable with, explains the processing for hatching and how it relates to shading. And while he’s no expert, he sees a subtle improvement over the next few weeks that makes some pride swell within himself.
“Do you want to come with me and my friends to this cool bar for dinner on Friday?” Gilbert asks about a month into the semester.
It’s the first time Gilbert and him will have spent time off campus.
“Yeah, I’d love to.”
Gilbert’s friends are just as animated as he, it’s almost hard to keep up. Overwhelming as they are, they’re extremely welcoming. Matthew eases into the atmosphere, joining in when he can but mostly pleased to be out and doing something different.
He’s made friends during his time, but like him they’re a little more reserved and pick quieter places on the town.
It’s fun. And he wants to go out again.
Matthew invites Gilbert and his friends to watch his next hockey game.
After their shock in finding out he plays such a violent sport, they’re all agreeing and planning to find the best seats in the arena.
“Are you serious. Are you hiding muscles under that red sweater?”
Gilbert pokes at him, it tickles when he gets closer to his biceps, but he knows he’s only teasing.
“You think I’m playing but I’m serious! You should have been there, well you were there. On the stands, I mean. We all screamed after you sent that player flying against the wall.”
Gilbert recreates the motions, but only slams himself into the wall and whines after he bounces back. He then plays it off like it doesn’t hurt. Gilbert’s not a very good actor.
People tell him it’s so much different watching him on the ice, but it’s still him. He’s always wondered how much different, he feels like himself. He just knows he goes into the zone when he’s in his gear. He just wants to win. And he will.
“It’s like night day,” Gilbert continues. “You were ready to kill a man down there.”
“You’re not the first to say that. I guess maybe, I could be a little more out there in real life, huh?”
Gilbert stops walking.
“You’re perfectly fine the way you are. I like the way you are, so don’t go change. I don’t want to be at risk of dying during art class.”
And as silly as it sounds, he’s pleased. He likes Gilbert a whole lot, too. Just the way he is.
“Do you want to have dinner with me?” Matthew takes the initiative.
“Yeah, just you and me. I want to take you out.”
“Like you did to that guy on the court,” Gilbert laughs nervously.
“On a date. Gilbert, would you like go out with me?”
He says yes.
Later that evening when he’s heading home, Gilbert starts running through the courtyard cheering that “I have a date with the cutest guy I’ve ever met!”
Matthew’s window is open, he’s face is bright red and he slams head first into his pillow. He needs to plan the best first date ever.
Three months into dating, he’s finally heading home again for a school break. He wants to take Gilbert with him, who is waiting for the next major holiday to go back home. But isn’t it too soon? They haven’t been dating that long, after all.
But Gilbert surprises him, and jokingly says he wants to go with him because he’ll miss him too much while he’s gone. And then, Matthew asks if he seriously wants to go.
“I do.”
So they ride the 3 hours train down to Matthew’s childhood home. He’s a little bit nervous, because he’s had dates to school dances, and brought friends over, but this is entirely different. This is someone he wants to take a serious step with, even if the time hasn’t been that long. They’ll never get anywhere if they don’t, so they’ll both take the leap and pray it works out.
“Mom, dad, Alfred, this is Gilbert.”
It’s the most timid Matthew’s ever seen him.
“Nice to meet ya, I’m Matthew’s boyfriend.”
After he shakes all their hands, he takes his hand back to link pinkies with Matthew.
There’s not an once of regret in his mind as the long weekend passes.
Gilbert graduates the next year, and the year after it’s his turn. They’re going to move in with each other. Gilbert really has no irresistible urge to go back to his home town, satisfied with just visiting a few times a year. And Matthew thinks he would like to go back closer, just to figure out his next move. So, they go together.
It’s only a one bedroom, but is more than enough space for them both. Gilbert finds work as a docent while Matthew works for a second degree in education.
He still plays hockey for a local league, Gilbert becoming their number one fan. They find their own rhythm, a pace that works for them both, where they can settle down or speed up when they agree with each other. Dewey mornings, warm summers, chilly evenings they spend them altogether.
They decide move up North closer to Gilbert’s hometown. Matthew’s more nervous meeting his grandparents than he was introducing Gilbert to his own family, but Gilbert assures him again and again they’re just a stuffy old family who actually really care about each other a lot more than they let off.
Gilbert’s grandfather towers over him, despite being a hair above 6 feet. He’s silent, eyes boring into Matthew as he introduces himself. And to end all of Matthew’s worries, the elder man pulls Matthew into a hug and tells him he’s glad him and Gilbert are home. Gilbert, just as perplexed as he, stares, but he melts into a pleased laugh.
Yeah, this is his and Gilbert’s home now.
They stay, for a long while, contemplate moving a few times, but they’re satisfied for now.
Gilbert and him always make time for each other, continue their own respective interests with complete support of the other. They’re never afraid to complain, because they always work through it rather then let it simmer.
Gilbert’s vivacious spirit keep them going, and Matthew’s heart keeps them grounded.
His life at first seem a little bit ordinary, but how can he complain when the pieces of the puzzle fit themselves in and stayed locked in tight.
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dangermousie · 4 years
2020 End of Year Post - cdrama edition
This is only going to cover cdramas that aired in 2020; if I had to make a post about all the cdramas I watched this year, I would still be doing it in three months...
Overall it’s been a fairly decent cdrama year (certainly better than the very lacklustre kdrama year.) It’s no miracle that 2019 was (so many excellent dramas!) but overall pretty solid.
(In order of liking from least to most as opposed to pure quality; I am including if I’ve seen enough to make up my mind; yes I realize that’s inaccurate, but that’s my list)
44 The Legend of Jing Yan - the worst cdrama I have seen this year, and possibly the worst drama of 2020, period. The hero and heroine were both uncharismatic, incapable of acting and saddled with such shrilly moronic characters, the only suspense was how they haven’t both perished long since from forgetting to breathe. Nor was anyone in the rest of the cast much better; the screenplay was written by a lower mammal and the cinematography was the best a third-rate wedding cinematographer could offer. Stay the HELL away from this one.
43 Unicorn Girl - the only unicorn about this bland yet irritating piece of pap was the fact that I was supposed to believe the leads are hockey players.
42 Autumn Cicada - I like spy stories, Allen Ren, and Republican Era settings. I can tune out Communist propaganda with the best of them. Yet, the propaganda ate the story to such a degree that there was nothing left; pre magic change Pinocchio was less wooden then this narrative.
41 You Complete Me - no you do not.
40 Skate into Love - the only positive thing I can say about this is that at least it’s better than Unicorn Girl, if for no other reason that only one of them is supposed to be a hockey player.
39 Irreplaceable Love - how do you make a story about fake siblings with a mad mother falling for each other boring? I don’t know, ask the makers of this.
38 Eternal Love Rain - I hate to rain on their parade, but these two actors cannot act, have about as much chemistry as a piece of bread, and are trapped in a story perfect for entertaining the mental abilities of the leads of Jin Yan.
37 For Married Doctoress - ummmm, you could do worse I guess. It only made me break out in mild hives. The sadistic ending did make me laugh though.
36 Dance of the Sky Empire - why you get Xu Kai and waste him in this insipid mess of a story is beyond me.
35 Love Designer - it’s inoffensive except to my sense of entertainment. There is nothing wrong with it but oh God is it bland.
34 Love a Lifetime - It felt like a lifetime watching this, but I didn’t love it. The story is incoherent, the actors have no chemistry and it’s all an epic waste of time.
33 Love is Sweet - so sweet it gave me diabetes. I like Luo Yunxi and Bai Lu, but there is literally no plot. I don’t need to sink into a plotless morass to watch pretty people engage in PG-rated make-outs. I am an adult with access to stronger stuff if I am thus inclined, though to be fair they could get x-rated and I still wouldn’t be able to sit through so many episodes of plotlessness for that.
32 Fake Princess - I love Zhao Yi Qin, but the guy needs to pick better projects. The female lead in this one has the voice and personality that can strip paint but the story is also doing nobody any favors.
31 The Changan Youth - I lost my brain checking this out. I had to go and read a dense treatise on medieval coinage or Mayan farming to try to recover it.
30 My Dear Destiny - kinda cheesy fun. It honestly shouldn’t be as low except it really feels like community theater.
29 Handsome Siblings - why is the Nic Tse version so good and this one so bad? True mystery for the ages. Chen Zhe Yuan is the sole reason this isn’t lower, because that kid tries SO HARD to make this drama bearable and almost succeeds. I can’t wait to see him in Sha Po Lang which actually will give him something to do.
28 In a Class of Her Own - see my comment on The Changan Youth. But at least Song Weilong is gorgeous to look at.
27 General’s Lady - inoffensive, pretty and so utterly pointless.
26 The Blooms at Ruyi Pavilion - those two leading actors are a no go to me but at least they considerately acted with each other instead of ruining two dramas for me. It’s very pretty though.
25 Jiu Liu Overlord - it’s a mess and I bailed, but I placed it this high merely due to the fact that Lai Yi finally gets a leading role and he’s sexy as fuck and I am shallow. Whoever styled Bai Lu should never work again except at a circus, however.
24 Cross Fire - not my genre and Luhan will always look too much like my cousin for comfort, but it’s a surprisingly gripping and dark drama. I liked it!
23 God of Lost Fantasy - if you want to watch a mediocre wuxia/xianxia, this is not a bad choice. Probably better than Legend of Fei actually, because at least it doesn’t have an A-list cast to waste and gives us Sheng Yilun himbo and shirtless.
22 Renascence - the insane cuts (it went from 70 eps to 36!!!) made a fairly cheesy story into a total mess. But I had a good time until I finally bailed mainly because of the male lead (Chen Zhe Yuan yet again carrying a not-good 2020 drama on his shoulders; the guy should be nicknamed Atlas) and the insane but in a fun way story. The female lead (both the character and the actress) were not up to par but oh well.
21 Legend of Fei - only this high because objectively there is nothing I disliked it. But there is nothing I liked either. The most uninspired drama on the list. If you could eat cardboard, this is what it would taste like.
20 Ever Night 2 - compared to EN1, it’s a waste of film. On its own merits, it’s not very good (the cast replacements are uniformly inferior and Dylan Wang is so wrong for Ning Que I cannot even put it into words; the script is useless.) But it had some parts I loved so very VERY much (all the shippy stuff was perfection) so I don’t feel too bitter.
19 Castle in the Sky 2 - a lovely if not too complex fairy tale. It is inferior to its prequel because it doesn’t have Zhang Ruo Yun who elevated it, but it’s still a solid bit of fun.
18 The Great Ruler - it’s very high fantasy, very pretty, and surprisingly involving.
17 (tie) Legend of Two Sisters in the Chaos - the secondary couple steals the show but the rest is not too bad if not too involving.
17 Legend of Awakening - a solid bit of fun with a seriously BDSM streak (theme this year apparently - but come on, the lead’s powers only activate when he’s in extreme pain!) It’s a bit generic and the costuming is done by a blind person, not to mention the OTP is a NOTP, but the rest of relationships (romantic and platonic) are wonderful (I live for the found siblings story in this one) and I like most of the characters.
16 Consummation - a rare modern cdrama I liked; a sweet coming of age story (and love story) even if wrapped in a pretty weird virtual reality concept.
15 Oops the King is in Love - this is how you do a low budget, sweet, silly piece of fluff. Our heroine pretends to be a eunuch and crosses paths with a powerless young king and they are adorable, even more so than the drama.
14 Song of Glory - pretty solid, though draggy and I didn’t love the toothpaste filter. But A+ cast, excellent leading couple chemistry, Li Qin being a BAMF and a leading man (Qin Hao) who is actually an adult.
13 And the Winner is love - objectively kind of a mess (and the heroine has the brainpower of a gnat), but the OTP chemistry is excellent and Luo Yunxi fighting and flirting with a fan as finally a leading man is worth the price of admission.
12 Miss S - snazzy and snappy and stylish and whatever else starts with S.
11 Eternal Love of Dream - I don’t know if it would work for you as well if you weren’t a hardcore shipper for this OTP in Three Lives but I was and this was such a darling, wonderful, shippy delight; plus I love this type of high fantasy.
10 (tie) Maiden Holmes - solid and sweet and a wonderful OTP. Proves that functional doesn’t have to mean boring. If you watch one cross-dressing drama this year make it this one.
10 Qin Dynasty Epic - srs bsns history epic. I am not far into it but it’s so good and smart and visually stunning (if you love battles, this one is for you.)
9 Love Lasts Two Minds - I adored this so much more than I should objectively have, but it’s so beautiful (and no I am not just referring to Alan Yu’s face) and the OTP has wonderful chemistry and the story is solid, and the whole trope of her memory being wiped but falling for him all over again while he’s constantly and utterly devoted is a fave; plus he’s in pain and semi-dyng for most of it so sluuuurp (happy ending, don’t worry)
8 To Love - yes, a modern drama is this high! But it involves intensity, tragedy, genuine adults and sexiness that is Lin Gengxin. And there is an actual plot and darkness OMG!
7 Legend of Xiao Chuo - so beautiful, so fun, so full of gorgeousness of Shawn Dou. Plus, Liao is a rare setting for a cdrama and there are a lot of characters and stories I liked a LOT. Less ship content than I wanted but more than I expected.
6 The Romance of Tiger and Rose - so so delightful. I was literally laughing out loud. I have no idea if it will work as well if one isn’t a seasoned watcher of period cdrama/reader of web novels, with bonus for watching/reading Goodbye My Princess, but it was a complete delight for me (and yes, I shipped for real, as well. Best of both worlds.)
5 Twisted Fate of Love - Jin Han gets a leading period drama role! And he’s enjoying it to the hilt, excellent as a smart, twisty bastard who is also charming and so madly in love with heroine. Sun Yi is beautiful and tough and her chemistry with JH is on fire, the story never drags, and it’s so twisty and fun and just awesome.
4 Love In Between - the most underrated drama on this list. It has no big names or big budget, but it’s wuxia that’s clever, driven, tragic, hopeful and so beautifully shot. Three separate (amazing) OTPs, a leading man who is so not typical (a doctor who cannot fight and who never acquires this ability) and who is intense and smart and damaged, a heroine who puts her quest ahead of her emotions, an unhealthy degree of involvement by yours truly. This is a drama Fei should have been.
3 Love and Redemption - such a lovely, addictive, utterly romantic fairy tale. I was obsessed with it for a reason. All the tropes you love and some you didn’t know you did, a star-crossed OTP to the nth power (and a secondary OTP I hardcore love), a twisty yet coherent plot, some insane chemistry and so much whump and hurt/comfort they must have bought blood packets in bulk.
2 Go Ahead - yes, I can’t believe it either. A contemporary slice of life cdrama made it this high on my list. But the way it feels so real, the found family perfection, the characters I love and loathe, the perfect cherry of a wonderful OTP that hits my narrative kinks on top, and just a perfect storm of loveliness all around with this one.
1 The Wolf - is that any surprise to anyone who’s checked out this tumblr for the last couple of months? Tragic, intense and gorgeous; so romantic and angsty and passionate it made me lose my mind (though some of it was gone the moment the camera panned to Darren Wang) - all my favorite tropes and then some; this is a drama that may not be perfect but it is 100% and then beyond perfect for ME.
The Wolf - I have seen objectively better cdramas; even this year. But it has been literal years since I have been this hardcore obsessed, this utterly pleased, this emotionally catered to and devastated at once. A beautiful dark fairy tale that manages to own me despite the storytelling gaps due to censorship, it took me for one of the biggest emotional roller coaster rides of my drama watching career. Visually gorgeous, poetic, intense, and so romantic it took my breath away, this is not just my favorite cdrama of 2020, it’s my favorite drama this year period, and the one cdrama this year to make it into my permanent Top 10 cdramas list.
Legend of Jin Yan - see my write up for it for why as I refuse to waste more time on this stupid mess.
Wolfie, The Wolf - he is such a haunted, tormented, complex, dark mess; loving and violent, severely damaged and with a hidden yearning softness, longing and aloof. And the amount of charisma and sheer masculine sex appeal Darren Wang brings to the role is insane and not something I see much of in a cdrama. Plus, that character arc with its rapid fall and slow painful redemption is A++++
Runner Up:�� Sifeng, Love and Redemption - has a male lead ever loved more utterly and selflessly, suffered more thoroughly and beautifully, and managed to have such chemistry with both his leading lady and his leading man (that his leading lady temporarily turned into) at once? The answer is no.
Almost made the cut - Feng Xi, Twisted Fate of Love, Han Shuo, The Romance of Tiger and Rose, Qing Ci, Love in Between.
Xiao Qian, The Romance of Tiger and Rose - so funny, so much the reason this drama was such a delight. I adore her beyond words.
Murder Daddy, The Wolf - I am sad the censors robbed us of seeing him die on screen. He was fully human but nonetheless managed to be the worst monster in a drama full of literal ones.
Ling Xiao’s Mom, Go Ahead - I hate her so much I don’t want to look up her name. She abused the kid, the disappeared and came back to abuse him some more. I mean she literally gave her child mental health issues. She is the WORST.
Xing’er x Wolfie, The Wolf - are you kidding me? Who else could it ever be for me? They destroyed each other and saved each other, sworn enemies and childhood lovers, soulmates and epic messes, they couldn’t live with or without each other. The longing, the passion, the intensity, the angst, the epicness. LIKE THERE ARE NO WORDS!!!!
Si Yuan, Shen Manqing, Love in Between - I loved them as much and often more than the main OTP. So much angst and passion and a happy ending! She is a seeming sect darling (except the sect is horrible and also sexist so her only worth is as a marriage candidate) and he’s an information broker who is actually one of the members of a destroyed sect that’s blamed for the massacre of her family. That chemistry and yearning is insane. The scene where she touches his face when he’s unconscious was in serious running for my favorite scene of 2020.
Legend of Awakening - I have never seen a couple that didn’t just have no chemistry but exhibited actual revulsion towards each other before watching Chen Feiyu and Cheng Xiao try to act as lovers in this one. It was almost entertaining to be honest.
It’s a tie and both are from The Wolf. One is a sequence where Wolfie marches to the walls alone, seeking death at Xing’er’s hands and the whole sequence with the battle and rescue follows. The other is the intercut between Xing’er going to her wedding and Wolfie going to his execution, and the auto-da-fe being intercut with her wedding.
Wolfie, The Wolf - Ummm have you seen this tumblr lately, it’s basically a drool shrine to the man.
Yelü Yansage, The Legend of Xiao Chuo - I have loved this actor since The Myth and he continued to competently steal every scene he was in.
To Love - come out of the coma, dammit!!!!!!!
The Wolf - duh. It started out as 59 eps and got cut to 49. I reaiize some stuff is never gonna get put in due to censorship, but some of the stuff that got cut got for time reasons because they were deluded and hoping to get a TV broadcast so ep count had to be under 50. I mean I doubt the censors would care if they kept scenes of Wolfie building her a swing or whatever. I really really want a director’s cut the way Goodbye My Princess did even if like with GMP it’s only three extra eps. Hell, I will take extra three minutes, as long as those three minutes are Darren Wang shirtless or with a sword. Ahem.
The Song of Glory - it’s a fairly solid drama but honestly it didn’t need to be as long as it was and kind of got draggy and I got lost interest. (I could have gotten snarky and said all the dramas I didn’t like needed scissors taken to them in their entirety but decided to play nice.)
There are a number of dramas I could complain about with regard to this (hi there, darling The Wolf!) but this award goes to Renascence - poor Renascence was never going to be a masterpiece, but it had the potential to be a bit of good cheesy fun until it had its run time cut by more than half and became an incoherent piece of insanity.
Dumb shrill innocent heroine who can’t tie her shoes - see basically all the cdramas I didn’t like this year.
Male lead torture - I mean it’s always open season on that in cdramas, but between Love and Redemption, The Wolf, Love Lasts Two Minds, Love in Between and so on, it was a banner year!
Legend of Fei - what a waste of that cast; what a waste of our finite time on this Earth. What a waste of my intelligence to hope for something better and stick with it for a dozen eps. I have had stale wonderbread that had more personality than this drama.There is absolutely nothing that stands out about this drama in any way,  from half-dimensional characters, to actors who are sleepwalking, to a plot that moves at the speed of an arthritic snail, to uninspired cinematography and direction, to lack of any chemistry between anyone in the cast. If paint-by-numbers was done by a group of particularly linear robots, it might come across the same way as this drama.
The Wolf - honestly, I did not expect it to come out AT ALL EVER let alone to become my favorite drama of 2020. I was not familiar with the leading man (hahah), I liked Li Qin but wasn’t yet obsessed with her, and Xiao Zhan was excellent in The Untamed but I was hardly going to follow him from drama to drama (and I don’t do SLS any way.) And the trailer was enjoyable but unlike seemingly everyone, I didn’t think it was going to be some epic masterpiece. And then it came out and while it wasn’t objectively an epic masterpiece, it pulled out all the favorite tropes, shippy and narrative kinks from the deepest darkest recesses of my id. And I fell harder than I have in years. 
None. Covid Year gave me PLENTY of time
Novoland Eagle Flag and Joy of Life - they are in my Top 10 dramas from anywhere now. They are quite different except being smart and giving me protagonists to obsess over.
ETA: Also The Untamed because @idlewilds3 pointed out I actually watched it in 2020 even though I didn’t think so because this hellyear has lasted about three decades.
I am gonna limit it to dozen and leaving out ones that aren’t necesarily supposed to air next year (Joy of Life 2, Love in Flames of War, Novoland Princess from Plateau.)
Monarch Industry, Novoland Pearl Eclipse, Silk Washing Stream, Dream of Changan, Sword Snow Stride, Wu Xing Shi Jia, Ancient Love Poetry, Immortality, The Long Ballad, Mirror Twin Cities, The Imperial Age, Fall In Love
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