#You do not have the Wyrd in you. We are not the same.
aquarian-airhead · 3 months
manifesting TikTok staying unbanned and accessible to keep pearl clutchers and fanpols from migrating on Tumblr
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jotun-philosopher · 2 months
Discworld/Good Omens parallels ramble
Exactly what it says on the tin! These are some fun little Discworld/Good Omens parallels that my brain picked up on at various times (usually 3 a.m. or thereabouts... Thanks, mum, for the persistent insomnia...)
Mild-to-moderate spoilers for Wyrd Sisters, Lords And Ladies, Men At Arms and Carpe Jugulum below the cut.
In A Life With Footnotes, the official biography of Terry Pratchett, Rob Wilkins mentions that when he was in school, a young Pterry wrote for English class a story (sadly lost to the mists of time) about orcs attacking a vicarage in full Jane-Austen-spoof fashion. Now, given how the Whickber Street Shopkeepers' Ball turned out, it seems reasonable to assume one of two things: a) Neil Gaiman did not know about this story when writing S2 and the parallel is an ineffably delightful coincidence (a bit unlikely) b) Neil Gaiman *did* know about this story when writing S2, and the nod to Pterry happened to work really well with the plot (seems a bit more likely). Either way, the parallel is there and giving me all of the warm fuzzies <3
There's an idea in Discworld, forming a significant part of the moral backbone of the series, that's very succinctly summed up by Granny Weatherwax in Carpe Jugulum: "[S]in [...] is when you treat people like things. Including yourself." This is absolutely at the core of what's wrong with Heaven and Hell and God and Satan in Good Omens; the leadership and culture of both organisations/cults treat everyone -- angels, demons and humans alike -- as disposable things to be used and toyed with and discarded or destroyed if they start having the temerity to be imperfect or form opinions or thoughts of their own.
There're two characters in Discworld who parallel Aziraphale surprisingly strongly: Magrat Garlick (of the Lancre witches) and Captain Carrot Ironfoundersson of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch. -*Magrat is viewed as a bit of a soft, soppy 'wet hen' by the other witches, but she is still a witch, with all that that implies. She also has at least one scene in every book in which she appears where she does something extremely badass and witchy; for example, turning an ancient wooden door back into a tree, or (very pertinently to GO) delivering a literally iron-clad punch to the face of a villain who's mentally torturing her with her own insecurities. Likewise, Aziraphale seems to mostly be viewed as a bit dull and wimpy by the other angels we see (though Magrat still has the genuine respect of her witchy peers) but he is still an angel -- a Principality -- with all the powers, steadfast guardianship and bloody-minded stubbornness of that rank. The Metatrash might not be vulnerable to iron in the same way as Discworld elves, but you can bet that his attempt to break Aziraphale and bring him into line is going to backfire just as spectacularly! *For the parallel between Aziraphale and Captain (well, Corporal, at this point in the Discworld timeline) Carrot, the novel I have in mind is Men At Arms. At one point, Vimes is being held at crossbow-point by a villain, and has a bout of internal monologuing about how, if someone has you at their mercy, you'd better hope they're evil, because that way they'll take time to gloat and mock you so you'll have an opportunity to think of a way out; a good man will kill you with barely a word. Carrot does exactly that at the climax of the plot, putting his sword through the villain and the stone pillar behind said villain without saying a thing. Now, Aziraphale might not quite have Carrot's 'incorruptible pure pureness' tendencies, but he is -- for all his flaws -- a good person. If he knows that something needs to be done to prevent an evil outcome, he will DO it without hesitation. He knows how to use a sword, too, and if That Frickin' Elevator Smile Of Tranquil Fury is any indication, the Metatrash is in far deeper doodoo than he realises! Related to the above, The Smile also reminds me of the old adage, "beware the fury of a patient man." (Well, man-shaped being in this case...) Very appropriate for our careful, thoughtful angel -- it would not surprise me (much) if Metatron were to depart the plot of S3 with a flaming sword pinning him to one of Heaven's columns (probably won't happen, but I can dream, eh?)
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Hope you enjoyed reading all that :D
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skaldish · 8 months
Functionally speaking I actually don't think magic is in any way mystical. No more mystical than, say, the workings of the internet.
Let's say I wanted to manifest pizza. The way I'd typically do this is I'd log on to [preferred pizza place website], place an order, and wait until the delivery guy arrives at my door. Bam. Pizza.
Now, the way casting spells work—at least in the way that I understand it—is that you send a command through the interface of the Astral, prompting the relationship of cause and effect to orchestrate the outcome of "pizza=true."
Technically speaking, these two actions are identical in function. You're submitting a query through an intangible, occluded dimension which produces the tangible outcome of pizza. The difference merely lies in the interface: The internet or the Wyrd.
The reason why we don't consider the first thing "magic" is because it doesn't match the aesthetics we associate with magic, despite being mechanically identical.
Additionally, there's cognitive dissonance involved: White Western society aknowledges the existence of the internet exists, but not the Astral.* This behavior is why we don't have technology and methodology pertaining to the Astral like we do with the internet, even though a non-insignificant number of people experience the Astral and its effects in ways that suggest consistency.
"Technology" is what we produce when we notice certain patterns in life and figure out how to engineer them. It doesn't really matter whether the medium is tangible or conceptual in nature.
Naturally, we aren't going to understand patterns we choose to ignore, and once we stop doing that, things such as the Astral and the Wyrd will become clear to us the same way reading books and ordering pizza online is.
*As a fun aside: Like the astral, we cannot tangibly prove that the internet actually exists. We can look at server boxes, sure, but that's no different than looking at a book to prove the existence of the story it contains. Deriving information from these constructs requires knowing how to interface with them, which can't be learned from examining the physical structure of the book or machine. This is why "reading" and "using digital technology" is occult knowledge. We just don't think of these that way because, again, we're confusing function with aesthetics, and confusing the word "occult" with the concept of "the unknown."
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moonlightazriel · 2 months
Chapter 9: Two witches go to a war camp… /// Azriel X F!Reader
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Summary: After a much needed talk with Elain, Nesta takes Y/N to Windhaven.
Word Count: 2,2K
Warnings: None for this part.
Main Masterlist
Worlds Apart Masterlist
“I'm sorry if I made everything weird between you and her.” Y/N started, remembering the way Elain tried to stop him from going with her.
“She confuses me.” Lucien sighed, sipping on the liquor she had found hidden in a cabinet. “She’s with him, but whenever she sees me trying to move on, she finally remembers she’s my mate and acts with jealousy towards me.”
“Love sucks.” She let out a humourless laugh.
“After everything with Jessminda, I just wish to be happy.” Sadness overtook his features, he had shared about his past lover that day at the city, and Y/N felt her heart crack a bit.
“You will be.” She promised him.
Y/N woke up that day on her bed, her talk with Lucien still fresh in her mind, and as she jumped out of the bed, showered and got dressed, she knew what she would do that day.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Meraxes landed near the garden, on an empty part of the house Rhys and Feyre lived, she already had to talk to them, talking to Elain in the process was going to be perfect.
She strolled towards the hallways, the sound of her boots echoing around the house as she reached the office Rhysand had indicated to them last night as they got back from Hewn City.
She knocked, waiting for them to allow her in. Feyre opened the door with a gentle smile, welcoming her in. The office had dark wooden furniture and grey walls, a portrait of Feyre sat beautifully behind the desk, like she was the force that guided Rhysand even when she wasn’t there in person.
“Good morning.” He said, cradling his sleeping son against his chest.
“Good morning! Thank you for receiving me.” She cleared her throat. “I’m here to ask for permission to leave with Lucien and explore Koschei’s home.” The two shared a look like they were talking in each other’s mind. Like Maeve did.
“You are free in this court, but we appreciate your consideration.” Feyre spoke, hands cupping his shoulders. “We’re going to ask for Azriel to join you two, we also need to deal with Koschei and he can share what he already knows with you.”
Being stuck with Azriel and Lucien, when the two couldn’t stand being in the same room with each other for more than 5 minutes? Great, just fucking great.
“Do you think this will help?” Rhys inquired, his violet eyes piercing her into her seat.
“I’m willing to try anything at this point.” She shifted on her seat, her scar throbbing with anxiety.
“Mor found this.” He handed her a book, covered in a dark leathery material, looking like a diary. “She looked around her father’s office and this was the only thing that made sense.”
Y/N grabbed the book, flipping through the pages, drawings and an ancient alphabet she knew very well, Wyrd marks. She closed the book quickly, wanting to read it just as fast.
“This is going to be very useful.” She smiled at them. “May I take it with me during the trip?” Feyre nodded.
��Please do.” She waved her hand and Y/N shoved the diary in between her leathers. She groaned as she saw the state of her clothes that morning, the ripped fabric making her angry.
“We also will have some incursions of our own. Nesta and Cassian fly today to the war camps to see what they can discover . You may want to find her, she wants you to join them.” Rhys announced. “We’re in touch with the other High Lords, Koschei is a threat we all have in common, so it gives us the perfect excuse to roam around their libraries. Except Autumn of course.”
“Lucien asked his brother for help.” She blurted. “Eris says he will try his best.” Rhysand and Feyre shared a surprised look.
“Well, that is nice of him. Thank you.” Feyre spoke.
“Thank you for all your efforts.” She thanked them, getting up. “I need to get going so I can do everything that I need to do before travelling.” Feyre nodded.
“Of course, go ahead. But just be careful.” The female begged and Y/N nodded.
“I’ll try my best.” She said with a confident gleam in her eyes, exiting the office.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
She leaned in the doorway, Elain was kneeled on the ground, hands digging in the soil as she planted another pink flower in that already full and beautiful garden.
Elain stiffed, the black wyvern approaching the garden, its huge snot bumping against her perfect flowers, Meraxes sniffled, sitting on its back paws as his head rolled to the sides, happily appreciating the smell.
“Oh, do you like flowers?” She asked, looking curiously at the creature, Meraxes took a deep breath and his big grin appeared in approval.
“He does.” Y/N replied from behind her, prompting Elain to quickly whip her head in her direction, hurt and sadness filled her brown eyes as she made eye contact with her.
“What do you want? Tell me how wonderful your night with Lucien was!?” Elain got up, removing the gloves from her hands and walking towards Y/N, standing in front of her.
“I did have a wonderful night with him.” Elain scoffed but her eyes filled with tears. “Because Lucien is an amazing, caring friend. I came here to tell you that nothing happened yesterday, at least not what you think.”
“You two didn’t sneak out to be alone?” Elain’s breath hitched.
“We did, but I just needed to get away from that crowd, it reminded me of bad times, he was just helping me to get back in control of my emotions.” Elain watched her silently. “Take care of him, please, love him how he deserves to be loved. Lucien has a gentle yet fragile heart, handle with care.”
“I thought about what you told me.” She started. “Azriel and I are no longer together, and now it’s my turn to ask you to love him how he deserves, Azriel has been searching for love for so long, and I wasn’t what he needed, but I have a suspicion that you might be, so please, be careful and patient with him, he deserves it.”
Her words left her astonished for a few minutes, just blinking towards the female like a confused kid. Did Azriel say anything about dreaming about her? Did he feel the same increase in his heartbeat that she did whenever he looked at her? Did he love her like she loved him?
“Thank you Elain. And after everything ends and if I’m still here, would you teach me gardening?” Elain smiled.
“I would love to.” She nodded her head, smiling back at Elain before she headed towards Meraxes, she had to find Nesta.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“You can’t go like this.” Nesta stomped her foot down, looking at the damaged clothing Y/N was wearing. “You would be better in Illyrian leathers, they’re amazing.”
“And where do we get them?” She asked, to which Morrigan happily chimed in.
“In the best shop of all Illyria.” She had a big smile. “My mate’s shop.”
Y/N sat atop Meraxes, Morrigan pressed against her as the two made their way towards Emerie’s shop. Before Y/N met Cassian and Nesta at the camp.
Mor rambled about how she and Emerie met, the bond snapping for them and how they had busy life’s but always made time for each other, and in every opportunity she would fly to be with her lover.
The wyvern waited outside the town, and they walked towards the tiny shop in the middle of the town. Thousands of winged males and females walked there, minding their own business and going on with their lives.
The heavy door scratched against the floor as Mor pushed it open, revealing a well lit inside with clothes hanging around and a leathery smell. Behind the counter the female from that training day stood, her hair was braided and she was reading a book.
“Do you have any leathers available?” Mor said in a slow and sensual tone, Emerie lifted her eyes, her expression going from serious to pure delight as she saw her mate standing in her store.
“For you? I have everything.” She crossed the store in two quick steps, embracing Morrigan and pulling her in for a kiss. “I missed you.”
“Me too baby, me too.” The female turned to Y/N. “Emerie this is Y/N, Y/N this is Emerie.” Y/N shook her extended hand.
“It’s nice to see you again.” She spoke and the female nodded in agreement.
“She’s the female that disarmed Azriel, that I told you about.” She told her mate, who looked at them confused.
“Oh okay.” Morrigan laughed. “Makes sense.”
The blonde then started to talk about how Y/N could use some new clothes and Nesta had sent her there. It took exactly twenty minutes for her to get in full Illyrian attire, very tight on her body but not in a restricting way. And four more pairs ready to take home with her.
She had thanked them, leaving the two alone. Walking towards Meraxes, the clothes felt okay, not that different from what she was used to. She clicked her jaw and exposed her teeth, Godslayer behind her back. She mounted the wyvern and headed towards the camp where she was supposed to meet Nesta.
Devlon kept staring at her with annoyance, he hated having Nesta around, a witch as he claimed she was. The female’s gaze turned to the sky a few times, waiting for the winged shadow that would make them tremble in fear.
With a loud roar, she saw it. The wyvern descending from the skies, his powerful wings carrying the winds in them. Devlon turned to the commotion, cursing loudly as he spotted Meraxes landing and his rider dismounting, sliding down his leg and landing on the ground with ease.
“Who the hell is that?” He demanded to know, turning to the General that didn’t even try to suppress the smirk at the male’s terrified gaze.
“Our guest for today.” He announced. “Welcome to Illyria, Lady Blackbeak.” Y/N bowed her head to Cassian, not even looking at the static male beside him.
“Lord Cassian, thank you for having me. Lady Nesta.” She turned her body to the female.
“What are you?” The male spat, and she turned those deep blue eyes in his direction, her claws scratching her chin as she grinned, the sun shining on the iron, giving the metallic smile a creep touch.
“I’m a witch, what else would I be?” She spoke in a condescending tone, like it was obvious what her true nature was.
“First you bring her.” His crooked finger pointed at Nesta, the female scoffed. “And then another one? You curse our land. You two are going to be our doom.” He pointed to the females, Nesta had walked to Y/N’s side and the two smiled at him sweetly.
“I’m kinda busy to be anyone’s doom.” Nesta sarcastically remarked.
“Oh yeah, me too.” Y/N shrugged. “Maybe next year.” She winked at the male.
Devlon was seething with anger, their mere presence was an affront to them and their traditions, Cassian as an Illyrian should know. But it looked like he and the two females didn’t give a shit about it.
“What do you want?” He sighed deeply.
“Your oldest scriptures.” Cassian spoke and the male rolled his eyes before giving in.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“What is this?” Y/N pointed to the drawing of a monolith, the stone was sculpted with square edges with a slit on top. Like a keyhole.
“This is the monolith atop Ramiel, it’s where you have to reach in order to finish the Blood Rite.” Cassian spoke, giving her a brief introduction of what the Blood Rite was.
“And when you finish it just teleports you back?” She inquired.
“Basically.” He shrugged, not knowing where she wanted to go with it.
“Ramiel, here says it’s a sacred mountain, very powerful.” Both Cassian and Nesta nodded. “Powerful enough to open a gate?”
“What?” Cassian asked and in a second the two stood behind her.
“The Valgs used wyrd keys to travel, they inserted them in wyrd gates to open portals to other worlds. If the drawing is accurate..” She pointed to the marks adorning the monolith. “These are wyrd marks and this..” She pointed to the top part of the monolith, towards the slith. “Is a keyhole for a wyrd key.”
“How do we know that you’re truly correct?” Nesta inquired.
“I would have to see it with my own eyes.” She groaned, if they didn’t wanted her there, there’s no fucking way they would allow her at Ramiel.
“Rhys can show you.” Cassian spoke and she looked at him. “We have to go back to Velaris.”
The three rushed outside, thanking Devlon for the scriptures and Y/N promised to stay away for a while, making the male growl at her. They stood in front of Meraxes.
“You two go, I’ll meet you there.” Cassian urged and they nodded, Y/N climbed towards the saddle and Cassian dropped Nesta behind her, securing both in place, they flew, this could finally be a step towards the right direction.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
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wingedblooms · 5 months
Three sisters witches
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Thank you to @offtorivendell, @silverlinedeyes, and @psychologynerd for our discussions which inspired this theory. This is a Maasverse post, and as such, there may be spoilers for all Maas series. Please proceed with caution.
“All three sisters blessed by fate and gifted with powers…” (Amren, acosf)
The acotar series begins with three sisters: Feyre, Nesta, and Elain. Given their ironwood origins and the fact that Ironteeth witches in Erilea use it to carve their brooms, many of us suspect the sisters have witch heritage or are connected to witches in some way.
The room was large enough for a rickety dresser and the enormous ironwood bed we slept in. The sole remnant of our former wealth, it had been ordered as a wedding gift from my father to my mother. It was the bed in which we’d been born, and the bed in which my mother died. In all the painting I’d done to our house these past few years, I’d never touched it. (acotar)
In Midgard and Erilea, witches worship the Three-Faced Goddess, and she is sometimes conflated with Fate…
Again, Manon felt that ebb and flow in the world, that invisible current that some called Fate and some called the loom of the Three-Faced Goddess. (hof)
In this quote, Manon feels an invisible current that goes by different names. That current sounds a lot like Urd in Midgard, Wyrd in Erilea, and the divine trio (Mother, Cauldron, Fate/Forces That Be) in Prythian. All of which sound like different forms (usually three) of the same higher being. The Fae believe this being controls fate, including fated bonds. Bonds, like spells, are described in terms of threads. Does this being weave threads of fate together with her loom, like witches seem to believe? She (they?) appears to be inspired by the Norns of Norse mythology, one of which is named Urðr (Wyrd). Together, these wise women preside over fate. In some folklore and literature, they are considered witches, like the Three Witches or Wyrd (Weird) Sisters in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, who deliver a prophecy.
The Three-Faced Goddess is also known, albeit rarely, as the Three-Faced Mother:
Manon couldn’t look at them, couldn’t do anything but close her eyes and pray to the Darkness, to the Three-Faced Mother as she held her hands over the bleeding gashes. (koa)
I’ve talked about links between the Archerons, witches, Three-Faced Goddess, and divine trio (Mother, Cauldron, Fate) before, so this isn’t new, but something caught my attention when reviewing the text recently. Ironteeth witches believe that they return to the Three-Faced Goddess when they die, and they are reborn within her womb. It’s called the Mother’s Womb.
“We’ll collect the dead tomorrow,” Manon said, her voice low. “And burn them at moonrise.” As both Crochans and Ironteeth did. A full moon tomorrow—the Mother’s Womb. A good moon to be burned. To be returned to the Three-Faced Goddess, and reborn within that womb. (koa)
This belief reminded me of the three sisters’ rebirth, particularly Nesta and Elain. We gain insight into this experience in Nesta’s book:
In the beginning
And in the end
There was Darkness
And nothing more
She did not feel the cold as she sank into a sea that had no bottom, no horizon, no surface. But she felt the burning.
Immortality was not a serene youth.
They would pay. All of them.
Starting with this Cauldron.
Starting now.
She tore into the darkness with talons and teeth. Rent and cleaves and shredded.
And the dark eternity around her shuddered. Bucked. Thrashed.
She laughed as it recoiled. Laughed around the mouthful of raw power she ripped out and swallowed whole; laughed at the fistfuls of eternity she shoved into her heart, her veins.
Wrapped in black eternity, Nesta and the Cauldron twined, burning through the darkness like a newborn star. (acosf)
While Feyre is not reborn in the Cauldron, we do get insight into her experience. When telling the Bone Carver about what appeared to her after death, she said this:
But if he knew … I turned again to the boy-creature. “There was a choice—in Death,” I said.
“I knew,” I went on, “that I could drift away into the dark. And I chose to fight—to hold on for a bit longer. Yet I knew if I wanted, I could have faded. And maybe it would be a new world, a realm of rest and peace. But I wasn’t ready for it—not to go there alone. I knew there was something else waiting beyond that dark. Something good.”
“I knew there was no coming back from what I’d done,” I said, wondering if the blue flame in the Carver’s eyes might burn my ruined soul to ash. “And once I broke their curse, once I knew I’d saved them, I just wanted enough time to turn that dagger on myself. I only decided I wanted to live when she killed me, and I knew I had not finished whatever…whatever it was I’d been born to do.” (acomaf)
Feyre was broken, but she wasn’t finished with whatever it was she had been born to do. Nesta also chose to fight in the Cauldron like a warrior. When we finally get insight into Elain’s rebirth, I am willing to bet that she fought with her own brand of strength.
It’s clear the dark womb of the Three-Faced Goddess is the same divine trio (Mother, Cauldron, Fate) the Fae in Prythian worship. When discussing the sisters in acosf, Amren emphasizes, nothing is a fluke, and the Cauldron—like the invisible current Manon described—can influence others without their awareness, especially those it has reforged. The sisters are blessed by fate with immortality and rare gifts for a reason. What plans does it have for them, and who would it enlist to help them on their path?
“May the Immortal Light shine upon thee, sisters,” said the pale-robed young woman directly in our path. (acolyte, acotar)
From the beginning of the series, various religious influences have played a role in the sisters’ journey. Children of the Blessed are the first religious influence we see, and they are largely reviled as religious fanatics by humans. The acolyte who blesses the sisters wears pale blue robes like Fae priestesses, and it is this blessing that serves as foreshadowing for their immortal fate. The acolytes’ imitation of Fae priestesses also makes me wonder if they are part of the priestesses’ extensive spy network.
Like witches, Fae priestesses worship the divine trio, and in their full garb, they represent the Voice of the Cauldron:
Ianthe had shown me once what the panel looked like when down: only her nose and full, sensuous mouth visible. The Voice of the Cauldron. I’d found the image unsettling—that merely covering the upper part of her face had somehow turned the bright, cunning female into an effigy, into something Other. (acomaf)
Their powers stem from their rituals and they can be deadly, if desired:
Among the High Fae, the priestesses oversaw their ceremonies and rituals, recorded their histories and legends, and advised their lords and ladies in matters great and trivial. I hadn’t witnessed any magic from her, but when I’d asked Lucien, he’d frowned and said their magic was drawn from their ceremonies, and could be utterly lethal should they choose it. (acomaf)
It was a High Priestess who informed Hybern about Feyre’s sisters, leading to their eventual capture and rebirth. Hybern also possessed the Cauldron at the time—did it influence him and Ianthe, weave their actions like threads in a tapestry?
Lucien’s face had slackened. “She sold out—she sold out Feyre’s family. To you.”
I had told Ianthe everything about my sisters. She had asked. Asked who they were, where they lived. And I had been so stupid, so broken … I had fed her every detail.
“Sold out?” The king snorted. “Or saved from the shackles of mortal death? Ianthe suggested they were both strong-willed women, like their sister. No doubt they’ll survive. And prove to our queens it can be done. If one has the strength.” (acomaf)
According to the Bone Carver, dark makers created the Book of Breathings and used the Cauldron to make terrible things. The Book of Breathings can control or nullify the Cauldron, and because like calls to like, only someone who is Made can speak the spells and wield its power.
As three Made sisters with potential witch heritage, were the Archerons chosen to wield the divine trio's power, a Three-Faced Goddess in the flesh? Each sister is associated with a different kind of light, so could they be light makers? And is that ultimately what it means to be Starborn? Blessed by fate, their purpose written in the stars or woven into the Goddess's loom...
The weaver went on, "I have to create, or it was all for nothing. I have to create, or I will crumple with despair and never leave my bed. I have to create because I have no other way of voicing this." Her hand rested on her heart, and my eyes burned. "It is hard," the weaver said, her stare never leaving mine, "and it hurts, but if I were to stop, if I were to let this loom or spindle go silent..." She broke my gaze at last to look at her tapestry. "Then there would be no Hope shining in the Void." (acofas)
...to be threads of Hope shining in the Void.
In acosf, priestesses continue to remain directly in the sisters’ path. They help Nesta in various ways, including scrying and locating the Harp during their dusk ritual. It belongs to the Dread Trove and it is the Trove that Nesta uses to save Rhys, Feyre, and Nyx. Was the divine trio pulling the threads here as well, and if so, to what end? To help another world defeat an old enemy? Combat an ancient death-god and sorcerer? Bring peace and healing through a different sort of world?
Now that Nesta has tracked down three Trove objects, and we know the Cauldron can be used alongside them by those who are Made, it seems inevitable that we will see it again.
“Shall I tend to my little garden forever?” When Nesta flinched, Elain said, “You can’t have it both ways. You cannot resent my decision to lead a small, quiet life while also refusing to let me do anything greater.”
“Then go off on adventures,” Nesta said. “Go drink and fuck strangers. But stay away from the Cauldron.” (acosf)
In the original trilogy, we learn that the Cauldron gave Elain such powers and found her so lovely.
The Cauldron seemed to realize what she’d done, too, as his head thumped onto the mossy ground. That Elain … Elain had defended this thief. Elain, who it had gifted with such powers, found her so lovely it had wanted to give her something…It would not harm Elain, even in its hunt to reclaim what had been taken. (acowar)
Her story might bring us even closer to the divine trio, witches, and priestesses with her gift of Sight. Among the Ironteeth, Bluebloods were especially known for their connection to divine Sight and even had their own priestesses:
“I see now,” Manon said softly, “why my Blueblood sisters still worship you.”
“Do they, now?” The spider remained motionless, but the three behind her crept closer, silent and observing with their many dark eyes. “We can hardly recall the last time the Blueblood priestesses brought their sacrifices to our foothills. We do miss them.” (Manon to the valg spider, hof)
Like a Blueblood, Elain is different from her sisters. She has a different sort of strength. Manon comments that the Blueblood Matron, who represents the maiden aspect of the Three-Faced Goddess, is more priestess than warrior. Her heir, Petrah, is similar to Elain: she is gentle and caring and is rumored to have her head in the clouds. Their clan is full of oracles, mystics, zealots, and they supposedly require more iron to remain tethered to their world.
Elain’s connection to the Cauldron—marked by a mental, iron crown—mirrors her unique strengths and gifts.
She had no mental shields, no barriers. The gates to her mind … Solid iron, covered in vines of flowers—or it would have been. The blossoms were all sealed, sleeping buds tucked into tangles of leaves and thorns.
If Elain’s mental gates were those of a sleeping garden, Nesta’s…They belonged to an ancient fortress, sharp and brutal. The sort I imagined they once impaled people upon. (acowar)
Rather than a brutal ancient fortress (the Prison?), Elain’s iron crown is covered in vines and sleeping buds. It is peaceful and lovely and full of budding life. So, what might this mean for her role? With her oracular and mystic sight, Elain might be able to move and influence like the divine trio, a rose among the thorns. She could use her gifts, or the Cauldron itself (the flower of life), to weave threads of Hope through protection, healing, and creation. Both Feyre and Nesta have used raw magic to heal and create, weaving their own threads of Hope. Elain may also participate or learn a ritual in the dawn service to help her channel her powers. It’s no coincidence that we’re told about a dawn ritual called groundings before her story. Not when she is described like this:
But even the silence weighed too heavily, and though the shadows kept him company, as they always had, as they always would, he found himself leaving the room. Entering the foyer. Soft steps padded from under the stair archway, and there she was.
The Faelights gilded Elain’s unbound hair, making her glow like the sun at dawn. She halted, her breath catching in her throat. (Azriel’s bonus chapter)
And there she was, a vision of hope and healing, glowing like a new dawn during the longest night of the year.
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If you’re interested in related posts about Elain, the divine trio, witches, and Archerons, here are some of my favorites:
Murky Realm of Dreams (Elain's connections to oracles and mystics)
Seer. Wise Woman. Witch. (Elain’s connections to witches, shifting, sight, herbs and healing, rituals, etc.)
Forbidden Secrets (Elriel mapping the secrets of the sister peaks and healing the land)
Sister-Glass Caverns (Prythian’s underground caves behave like sister-glass)
A Rose in the Thorns (Elain moves like the Cauldron)
Elain and the Flower of Life (The Cauldron is the flower of life and Elain is a gardener on a larger scale)
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a-d-nox · 11 months
web of wyrd: the central number, comfort zone, true self, and the solar plexus chakra
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the number we are focusing on today is based on the SUM OF YOUR PUBLIC ENERGY NUMBER, HIGHEST SELF NUMBER, DESTINY NUMBER, AND PRIMARY KARMIC LESSON NUMBER (ex: my true self number is 6: 9 + 10 + 2 + 21 = 42 -> 4 + 2 = 6 (recall that numbers must be summed a second time if they total 23 (i.e. 2 + 3 - 5) and above)).
but what does this number mean?
this number represents who you are in your truest form - when you feel safest and completely unguarded this is who you show to the world. on a deeper level than that, this number is also representative of our solar plexus chakra. this chakra governs our self-esteem and confidence - when out of balance we tend to feel insecure and as those we can't trust who we are.
so let's talk about some examples:
6 - the lovers
click here for the card description of the lovers found in a prior wyrd web post.
6s in their truest form are balanced individuals - they have feminine and masculine aspects. they do not hide their true self from anyone - they don't lie or "cover up the truth," they like the nude figures in the card's depiction lack shame in who they are. they respect the individuals around them and actively communicate. they express the love and appreciation that they wish to receive from others without excepting it in return.
unblocked 6s divinely love those around them - they don't expect instant gratification. they lead with love and tryst the universe to guide them and those around them do what they must without judging what occurs - "it's the nature of the world". they give and receive with equity and positive reciprocity. they don't fear being whatever role is necessary - dominant, submissive, or impassive. they will step into the role necessary to balance out the energy around them - they are chameleons. they don't feel the need to stand out and receive attention. they communicate with love and respect.
blocked 6s are dependent on other to boost their self-esteem, they don't trust themselves. some feel that they had to dominate the people around them, and they accept that is who they are. others are willing to do whatever others want so long as they are accepted in return. they have unhealthy expectations in relationships in this regard. they have to learn that happiness and acceptance must be done internally first in order to see the same in their relationships.
7 - the chariot
click here for the card description of the chariot found in a prior wyrd web post.
7s in their truest form are intuitive individuals. they move quickly through the world around them. they are intentional, focused, and assertive - they are perfectly fine moving through the world around them without the support of others. they make sure they are certain before moving forward in the world around them though - they always have a plan.
unblocked 7s put down roots in the world around them - they don't fear possibly future change, they accept where they are at the moment. they're thought of as focused, determined, and intentional by all those around them. they actively explore the next levels of the their spiritual practice. they are confident that the next stage will bring forth more abundance but they don't rush into the next stage without feeling secure in the one they are in.
blocked 7s lack the confidence necessary to move forward with their plans and goals. they tend to lack focus and directions - they tend to want to take on everything all at once. and typically when people are taking on everything all at once, they lack foundation in the topics they are pursuing; which makes it difficult to see progress in any one given thing. they must learn impulse control and to triage the world around them - don't take on everything all at once, instead work on the most important task first.
9 - the hermit
click here for the card description of the hermit found in a prior wyrd web post.
9s in their truest form are incredibly wise individuals. they know there is a difference between being lonely and being alone. they do not mind the solitude as it allows them to recharge their personal social battery and gives them space to reflect - in this time they frequently gain wisdom. they take social breaks when they feel they need them and spend time apart from others instead of pushing them away unnecessary.
unblocked 9s are open to doing shadow work and evaluating the parts of them that make them feel uneasy. they do inner work so they can feel the effects in the outer realm. they stay true to themselves without feeling the need to explain themselves to others. they connect to their natural intelligence and talents to free themselves from feeling stuck. they don't feel the need to work in a team - they are comfortable standing on their own.
blocked 9s feel like they will always be alone - they fear that they always will be. they refuse to look within and evaluate what is really holding them back and often find themselves stuck in the past. they tend to be depressive and isolate from others. they struggle to reach out for support - though some do rely on others too heavily.
like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic." button if you want to see a specific pac/pile next! if you'd like my input on how i read a specific card or what i like to ask my deck, feel free to use the ask button for that as well.
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© a-d-nox 2023 all rights reserved
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azpizazz · 1 year
currently rereading throne of glass and the foreshadowing is off the fucking charts
"'Whether you stay, or go to Antica and attend the Torre Cesme and return to save the world,' she mused, 'you should probably learn a thing or two about defending yourself.'" -Celaena to Yrene in TAB
"'I have no name,' she purred. 'I am whoever the keeper of my fates tell me to be." -Celaena to Dorian in TAB
"Yes, she would go- to Rifthold, to anywhere, even through the Gates of the Wyrd and into Hell itself, if it meant freedom." -Page 19 of TOG
"After that, she'd never sworn to trust girls again, especially girls with agendas and power of their own. Girls who would do anything to get what they wanted." -Celaena after meeting Nehemia in TOG (we all know how that ended)
"'You were brought here- all of you were. All the players in the unfinished game. My friends,' he gestured to the dead, 'have told me so.'" -Cain to Celaena at the duel in TOG
"'Name your price.' The woman studied her from head to toe, sniffing once. 'Nameless is my price,' Yellowlegs said. 'But gold will do for now.'" -Baba Yellowlegs to Celaena in COM
"'Sister,' the spider mused. 'I suppose we are sisters, you and I. Two faces of the same dark coin, from the same dark maker. Sisters in spirit, if not in flesh.'" -The spider to Manon in HOF
"'Brannon was born with the bastard's mark- the mark every unclaimed, unwanted child possessed, marking them as nameless, nobody. Each of Brannon's heirs, despite their noble lineage, has since been graced with it- the nameless mark.'" -Maeve to Aelin in HOF
"'That is why you are here tonight, Manon. Because of the threat you pose to that monster you call grandmother. The threat you posed when you chose mercy and saved your rival's life.'" -The Crochan witch to Manon in HOF
"'I am going, Rowan. I will gather the rest of my court-our court-and then we will raise the greatest army the world has ever witnessed. I will call in every favor, every debt owed to Celaena Sardothien, to my parents, to my bloodline. And then...' She looked toward the sea, toward home. 'And then I am going to rattle the stars.'" -Aelin to Rowan in HOF
starting my QOS reread soon but yea... this woman is a genius
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silverlinedeyes · 4 months
An initial list of questions spawned from HOFAS
HOFAS spoilers below the break.
I’ve been thinking about some big and some small questions since I finished HOFAS last night and wanted to preserve them here with some of my thoughts for later discussion. I am also planning some larger theory posts to try to answer some of these questions.
Also, please reblog with any additional questions you may have if you’d like!!!
Where are the other Hel princes and what are they fighting?
Are Valg related to the Asteri or the Hel princes (or both)?
Are Valg children of the Void like the Hel princes?
Is the Under-King Valg and has he been hiding in the Under-King body living off of some of the Second Light?
How do Koschei and the Carver and the Weaver fit in with this?
Is Az also a descendant of the second daughter since he’s Starborn?
Is ToG on the same timeline as Prythian and CC?
Are the tall fae that came to Midgard from Erilea coming from the same time period depicted at the oasis in ToD when Yrene and Chaol find those carvings from the first demon wars, before Elena or Gavin were born?
Who on Prythian is a powerful enough starborn to wield and use Gwydion and TT? Is Elain? Or will the three Archeron sisters together make Theia’s light anew, as @offtorivendell @wingedblooms and I have theorized that each Archeron sister has part of Theia’s light.
Will the Archeron sisters be able to wield TT and Gwydion together to kill the unkillable—Koschei?
Did Bryce revive Dusk by taking Silene’s light back like she did Avallen when she took Theia’s light out of it? Or will someone (Elain???? Cc @wingedblooms) revive Dusk?
Does Urd = Wyrd = Chaos = the Dark Mother?
Is the temple in Hel that looks like Urd’s temple a temple to Chaos, Hel’s version of Urd and Apollion’s mother?
Were the ToG gods and the Asteri sucked (back into?) the Void, and if so, can the Void send them back or can they be retrieved from the Void by something?
What IS the connection between the gods in all these worlds, like Bryce asked when she was in Prythian?
Why do all these different fae societies oppress the females? Is it because only females can be powerful starborn, and some forces are at work to suppress that power to protect darker beings? Like how Pelias seems to have created a society that doesn’t allow women to get access to anything related to starborn to prevent another starborn queen from rising?
Can only females be powerful starborn/light wielders and can only males be powerful dark wielders/shadow wielders? Like how Hypaxia says six pointed star is two triangles, one male one female one light one dark (three brothers who are dark princes, three sisters who are starborn/princesses of light?)
Are there male lightsingers or female shadowsingers, or do singers follow these same rules?
Are morven and the murder twins descended from people from Hybern? The murder twins are daemati and remind me of the Hybern twins, and Morven’s shadows are described like ravens.
Does this mean TT has slewn two Hybern kings?
Where does the Starborn power come from?
Where in Prythian are the avallen from?
Are the Starborn and Avallen the same people?
Was Fionn the original king of darkness/shadows and theia the original queen of light/starborn queen? And are the males of their line the former, and the females the latter?
Where in Prythian did Fionn and Pelias come from?
Can TT unMake a mating bond?
Can Elain wield Gwydion and TT together to unMake her bond with Lucien and Make a bond with Azriel?
Aidas tells Hunt some higher power must have made them Mates. We have all these super powerful fae finding their powerful mates right before these huge universe altering moments. Is this part of how Urd is using them as pawns in her plans/games?
Why does Amren’s timeline not match Silene’s re the creation of the Prison? Was this just a continuity error, did Silene manipulate memories, or is this fishy on Amren’s part?
Was Enalius one of the people with Fionn and Theia on Ramiel when they made Gwydion and TT?
Did Nesta give up some of her Starborn powers when she gave back what she stole from the Cauldron, and does this mean she won’t be able to wield and use Gwydion and TT, which will lead to Elain’s role with this?
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lailoken · 1 year
Do you think that the fair folk have physical bodies, just in another world? Are they able to shift between tangible and intangible? Also asking for a friend if they have a fixed anatomy regarding like... Sex . I wonder if they are all androgynous
This is quite a tricky question in some respects, but I will do my best to answer. Pardon the dense response and overuse of hypothetical quotations in advance.
I assume when you speak of Fae here that you specifically mean Elves, and so I will move forward based on that assumption, but please know that this is not an attempt to go over broad folkloric history concerning the biology or gender of elves, as it's going to take a lot just to go over my own personal understanding of the matter.
Before I can properly explain my stance, I think I first need to explain a bit about my beliefs regarding the Otherworld in general. One thing I have seen people at odds with each other about is whether the Otherworld should be considered as a "separate" dimension, or a hidden "layer" of this dimension. As I do in much of the rest of my Craft, I embrace paradox where this matter is concerned, believing both views to be true in their own way. Based on my own experience and supposition, the Otherworld can indeed be thought of as an integral stratum of the world as we know it, meaning that the Otherworld is inherently enmeshed with the realm of existence we recognize as the "physical universe." However, despite the fact that these "strata" are all part of something together, they are still individuated layers, too.  I think a concept that serves as a particularly good analogy of the situation is that of the electromagnetic spectrum. All electromagnetic radiation is light, and it all effects us in some way, but only a certain "section" of this light is visible to us. There are parts of this "invisible light" that we find ways to look at and interact with, but they remain uniquely "hidden" from us. In the same way, the Otherworld is a central aspect of the physical plane, but also remains a separate, hidden plane in its own right. Some people find ways to look at or interact with this invisible world, as it is still a part of our world,  but that doesn't change that it remains apart in its own way.
Just as the "invisible light" of the electromagnetic spectrum is also uniquely stratified, so too is the Otherworld. I couldn't begin to properly map out these innumerable facets if I spent the rest of my life attempting the feat, but I have come to recognize three basic, overarching realms that make up the Otherworld. Put quite simply, they could be described as the Upper Realm, the Inner Realm, and the Lower Realm of the Otherworld.
The Upper Realm is the "expanse"of the Otherworld that most closely touches ours, and as such, it is the realm we are most easily capable of interacting with. It is often understood as a mirror of our world, and I believe the collective consciousness of living things largely shapes the "laws" of this place. It is also the place where animistic spirits seem most firmly rooted. 
The Inner Realm can be thought of as the heart of the Otherworld—it is the place whence the Elves come (though they travel all the realms), and it is most easily accessed through dreaming. After all, my tradition holds that while dreaming, a person's spirit can wander and occasionally make entrance to further planes of the Otherworld.
The Lower realm is the "expanse" of the otherworld which most closely touches the Quietus—where human souls must eventually travel in order to merge with the Wellspring (the ultimate creative font that all things were born from and return to) before being woven once again into the pattern of the Wyrd. The Quietus remains a holy mystery, though the Underworld serves as a final port, of sorts, where souls go to rest and learn as they each must in their own unique ways before remerging with the Wellspring.
I think that each of these realms, as well as the Physical Plane we know—and who knows what else—exist along a dimensional axis of sorts, which I was taught about growing up using the mythology of the World Tree.
So, with all that in mind, we go back to the matter of Elves and the questions you posed about them.
Do I think they have physical bodies but in another place? Assuming you mean literal corporeal bodies, then the answer is no. However, I do think they may have something akin to a body in the Inner Realm—I just don't necessarily think it would be comprehensible to a human mind. That being said, I believe that Elves often take on humanoid shape when interacting with us, though, I think this largely has to do with the fact they are generally being filtered through the lens of the Upper Realm. I think that because the Collective Unconscious deeply influences the Upper Realm, human conceptions and expectations do a lot to effect the ways a spirit will be perceived there, and more often than not, this will lead to them taking a human or animal form. I think this can also explain Faery gender, if a little clumsily. While I don't believe that Elves experience sex or gender in their own "homeland" (the Inner Realm,) I do think that the sway of the Collective Unconscious causes them to take on gender when they take on human form. I don't think that elves have a singular static body or gender that they are bound to when dealing with people, but I do think many will eventually fall into a sort of "default" identity which feels the most comfortable to them when doing so. If people have been reaching out to them for years—much less centuries—under a particular guise, then I think that creates a sort of "psychic impression" in the Collective Unsoncious that makes them all the more likely to present in that way. So, in short, Elves aren't inherently bound by the strictures of human sex and gender—but our cultural understanding of sex and gender will inevitably affect the way Elves are perceived by humans.
As far as tangibility vs. intanbility goes, this remains one of the more difficult aspects for me to grasp concerning the nature of Gloaming Spirits, in general.  Do I consider them spirits, as opposed to biological entities? Yes, I do. But do I think they can exist only within the human mind? No, I don't. I think they are more than ideas, but less than organisms, and as such, that makes it hard to wrap my head around their physicality. I can safely say that they primarily seem to influence the world through synchronicity, natural phenomena, and mental intervention, but I'm also not convinced that they can't exert their will in some more direct and physical manner on rare occasions.
If you're interested in learning more about what the historical record has to say, I would suggest looking at Sounds of Infinity by Lee Morgan. He has an essay therein called "The Embodied Lives of Elves" that is very well researched and written.
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krowbby · 2 months
yoooo discworld for the ask thing if no one's done that yet!
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Polly Perks or Agnes Nitt (agnes is so underrated, give my girl her flowers)
Least Favorite character: I'm not gonna pick a villain bc I feel like that's a cop-out. Sooo for more or less "good" characters I'd say Fred Colon. I respect the space in the narrative he inhabits but I wouldn't want to hang out with him
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Shipping isn't the main way I partake in Discworld tbh, but here goes - Pollymal (duh), Susan/Lobsang (what could've been... even just as a friendship!), Angua/Sally (yeah), SamSybil (pure fluff tbh), maybe Lofty/Tonker or Agnes/Andre (the pianist from Maskerade).
Character I find most attractive: Sally von Humpeding, baby! Snarky butch vampire? I never stood a chance. I just wish we got to spend more time with her.
Character I would marry: NGL being married to most Discworld characters would stress me out. I think Susan Sto Helit and I could have a good marriage because we're both educators and she tries so hard to have a normal life lmao.
Character I would be best friends with: I think Agnes and I would get along. That girl would love karaoke night
A random thought: I have mixed feelings about the new audiobooks. Some of them are good but the audio balancing is weirdly off between the narration and footnotes. I think they should have just got Nigel Planar to do all the books he hadn't done and same with Stephen Briggs so that all the fans would be happy /j
An unpopular opinion: Not as unpopular on Tumblr but Pterry isn't above criticism! He's clearly one of my fave authors and I think he did a lot of good writing but he obviously had faults and it does him a disservice to pretend he was some kind of saint.
My canon OTP: This one is hard bc there aren't actually a ton of canon ships in Discworld, but my fave is SamSybil. Mostly I'm just a ride or die for Sybil and Sam makes her happy so I will always ship it. Lofty/Tonker is also up there.
Non-canon OTP: PollyMal even though like its bascially canon imo. But y'all already knew this about me
Most badass character: Truly how can you answer this for Discworld. I'm gonna go with Tiffany Aching for beating the Queen of the Fairies at 9 entire years old! (I also read this when I was about her age so I have a soft spot for her.)
Pairing I am not a fan of: I am an autistic aroace Vetinari truther and so I simply cannot get behind V/V. I'm glad y'all are having fun with that though
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I wanted more Agnes. I think she was going to be the up and coming witch before Tiffany came on the scene and I LOVE Tiff but I still wish Agnes could have had a more concrete arc.
Favourite friendship: This should've been the ship question, I feel like friendships are where this series shines. Angua&Cheery is really sweet, Granny&Nanny is so funny and you can tell they care so much about each other.
I'm adding a question for my top 5 books in the series: Monstrous Regiment (duh again), Thief of Time (oddly a companion book to Night Watch, read it!), Carpe Jugulum, Wyrd Sisters, The Fifth Elephant. (I know the Watch subseries is the most popular, but guys the other books are so good!!!)
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rowanaelinn · 1 year
Illicit Affairs - Chapter Fourty-Seven
A/N: I know it’s been a while I’m so sorry!!! But even if you hate me after this chapter, can you wish me luck? I’m taking my third driver test tomorrow and I would really like to pass this time LMAOO
Warnings: general dose of angst | Word Count: 6,000
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December 24th,
Aelin threw herself on the bed she was sharing with her cousin, finally wrapped her in her warm pajamas, and let out the longest breath known to mankind. Aedion was sitting the same way she did, staring at the wall.
“I had sex with Rowan,” she said, feeling like in a confessional. Except that instead of a priest, she confessed to her cousin. Some people could find it weird, but this thing felt too heavy to keep to herself, and she was sure something was also bothering him.
He didn’t even look at her. He only said, “I kissed Fenrys.” Her head shot to the side, her eyes the size of flying saucers. But he kept his gaze on the wall, then kept going, “And then I told him to never speak to me again.”
“Oh,” she breathed.
Was she in the place to ask any questions? He hadn’t for her, she would allow him the same courtesy.
She thought she understood. He’d been broken once. And even if she was sure Fenrys would never hurt him the way Lysandra had… She had never thought Lysandra capable of doing what she did either. In the end, they never knew who someone really was.
Fuck, Aelin was just figuring herself out.
“We’re fucked,” she said.
“Yep,” he nodded. “We are.”
“Maybe it’s our genes,” she said. “There must be something bad about those Ashryver genes, because there’s no way so many shitty things happen to us at random.”
He snorted. “So it’s either you die, you end up being a cunt like your mother or life screws you over and over again. Wyrd help us, the eyes aren’t worth all this shit.”
And she couldn’t help it, she laughed. Loudly. Because that was true, the pretty eyes weren’t worth all that pain.
March 7th,
“This one, maybe?” Helia pointed out toward the ugliest dog Aelin had ever seen. Truly, she felt mean to say it, but it was the truth. She was sure this dog was very nice, but it was old. She was sure that with a little brushing it’d be prettier, but one look at its age was enough for Aelin to shake her head and grab Helia’s hand to walk away. Aelin’s heart squeezed in her chest at the idea of leaving any dog behind… If she had more money, if she didn’t live in an apartment, she would adopt them all.
But she’d already struggled to have Aedion accept to adopt one little beast, she wouldn’t push her luck.
If there was one good side of being heartbroken, it was how lonely both cousins felt. Sure, they had each other to rely on, but there was just so much physical contact she could take with that brute. She’d always wanted a dog, but her mother had always refused to adopt one. In university it would have been impossible to have a dog on campus, and now… Well, now felt like a good moment to make a permanent decision.
It was either that or a tattoo, and Helia was a little too young to get tattooed with her, so adopting a dog it was. It was her weekend with the little girl, and she really had wanted her to choose with her. It felt like a decision to make with Helia. Aedion was trailing behind them, eying the animals warily. “I don’t get why you don’t want a cat, it’s more independent.”
She rolled her eyes, “That’s the point, Aed. I want cuddles, lots of cuddles.”
“Cuddles!” Helia screamed excitedly, clapping in her hands. “I love cuddles.”
“You do?” Aelin asked, surprised. “I never would have guessed that. You never hug me.”
Helia’s eyes widened. “No! Not true!” But for good measure, the girl threw her arms around Aelin’s leg, hugging her so strongly that Aelin couldn’t move anymore. Aedion caught up to their side, chuckling at the little girl. Though it squeezed something in Aelin’s chest as she saw how much Helia had grown up in more than a year. Fuck, it’s been than a year since she met the girl. More than a year since she…
No, she wouldn’t go down that train of thought. Not now.
“We have a few dogs waiting outside if you’d like,” an employee smiled at them. They’d chosen to go to a refuge which didn’t keep dogs or cats or other animals in cages. It was sort of a house, with two dogs sharing each room. Apparently, there were activities in the garden as well. “Yes!” Helia jumped away from Aelin’s legs.
“We’d love to,” Aelin confirmed.
“I’ll show you,” the woman said.
Aelin went to grab Helia’s hand, but the little girl already had her arms in the air, her eyes pleading as she silently asked Aelin to pick her up. She was tired, Aelin should have expected that. They’d been out for a while, having grabbed an ice-cream on the way there. “Mommy?”
Aelin’s heart nearly leaped out of her chest, but she smiled at Helia and turned around, lowering so Helia could jump on her back. Aelin wasn’t strong enough to hold her in another way. When she stood, there was something strange in Aedion’s eyes. Something like worry, and maybe some hints of pity. She’d told him about her infertility. He’d been there for her when she got her eggs frozen, even if she still had chosen Fenrys as a doctor. Aedion had ignored him, much to Fenrys’ dismay. But he’d been there for her, offering her his support. It meant a lot more than he knew.
She winked at him and smiled, reassuring him. Helia still called her mommy sometimes, even if Aelin thought it would stop now that they didn’t see each other as much as they used to.
Helia had her arms wrapped around her neck and she rested her head on her shoulder, as Aelin admired how pretty that house’s garden was. She loved her apartment, it started to somewhat feel like home, but she missed running in Rowan’s garden, playing hide-and-seek with Helia.
There were indeed three dogs playing with a man, the three of them with dark fur. But the dog that caught her eyes was the little golden pup, eyeing the three other dogs as if it wished to join in the fun, without ever daring. “What about this one?” Aelin asked to the woman.
“Oh! She’s a little lost. She’s relatively new here, but she seems to be afraid of the others. It makes her integration somewhat complicated.”
The eyes of that dog… Gods, they seemed so sad. “Can we pet her?”
The woman’s face lightened. “Of course! She would love that. Usually, when people see an unsociable dog, they don’t want to get anywhere near it.”
“Assholes,” Aedion grunted from her side, and the woman nodded though she made no comments.
Carefully and instructing Helia to control how loud her voice was, they approached the dog. She was sitting near a tree, and made no attempt to move before Aelin kneeled in front of her, Helia landing on her feet. Aelin held up her hand for the dog to sniff, and after it did just that, Aelin let out a surprised yelp as the dog licked her stand, stood and nuzzled her hand away so she could nearly jump onto her.
Aelin laughed as she sat, the dog licking her face as Aelin petted her.
“She loves you,” the woman laughed, kneeling near Helia to instruct her how to pet the dog.
She wasn’t too big, that was a good point. And she seemed very affectionate. Aelin couldn’t lie and say she hadn’t developed a soft spot for the dog the moment she heard her story. “I love her, too.”
Even Aedion kneeled on the other side, and he scratched the golden pup behind her ear. He nodded at Aelin, and her smile turned big. “What do you think, Lia? Do we like her?”
Helia’s big, doe-like green eyes were shining with joy. Aelin felt complete when she saw the girl so happy, especially when it was thanks to her help. She nodded, “I love her!” She repeated what Aelin had just said. “What’s her name?”
The woman from the refuge smiled sadly. “We have no idea, we found her lost in a forest. I’ve called her willow, but we decided to let her new owner choose.”
“Any ideas?” Aelin asked Helia. Willow was a pretty name, but if the girl had a specific name in mind…
Her toothless smile was to cute not to mirror it. “Can we name her Fleetfoot?”
Alright… That was something for sure but… Aedion ruffled the girl’s hair, “Fleetfoot it is.”
May 4th,
Aelin’s head was pounding, or maybe it was a fist on the door. But as she opened her eyes, she quickly realized that it was both. Her vision was blurry, and yet she still stood and walked to the door. Shit, the apartment was a mess. They had partied a little too hard last night. Fenrys was asleep on the first couch, with his head resting on Aedion’s stomach, who was also laid on the couch. She didn’t remember what happened last night, but the mark on Fenrys’s neck told her that she didn’t want to know.
Aelin herself had slept against Dorian’s shoulder, the two of them sharing the second couch. Dorian spent more and more time here lately, ever since he also quit med school and broke up with his girlfriend, Manon. She didn’t really know why, just that the woman wasn’t ready for commitment.
And while they’d been breaking their backs sleeping on couches, the two couples had slept in the bedrooms. Elide and Lorcan in Aelin’s, and Connall and Vaughan in Aedion’s.
She hadn’t known they’d be there last night; she’d come home ready to cry herself to sleep, but when she opened her door… Well, that had been a good way to change her mind. And now, for two years in a row, she hadn’t been sad for her birthday. That was quite an accomplishment. Though when she remembered where she’d been a year before… She shook her head, opening the door, only for her heart to nearly stop.
Her father was standing there, holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand. With a tentative smile, he said, “Happy late birthday, princess.”
“Dad,” she breathed, suddenly feeling self-conscious about the way she was dressed. The shirt was pretty long, but still, maybe she should have put pants on. “What are you doing here?”
He looked as embarrassed as she felt, and he eyed her apartment warily. That really was the worst time for a visit. “I wanted to visit yesterday, but Aedion told me not to,” he chuckled then. “I understand why, now.”
“What are you doing here?” She repeated, still a bit confused.
“It was your birthday. I-I wanted to be there, so maybe we could spend some time together. But if you don’t want to, it’s okay.”
“No,” she rushed to say. “I’d love to.” It was nice, she thought, to see him there. To know he thought about her.
He smiled, letting out a little relieved sighed. “Good, would you like to go walk somewhere?”
“Sure,” she smiled. “Just, let me get dressed. And can I bring my dog?” Fleetfoot loved to go out and walk with Aelin. The once very small, tiny dog she’d adopted is now huge, always stealing Aedion’s bed.
“You have a--,” he stopped himself. “Sure, Aelin. Take your time.”
She gave him a small, shy smile and let him in. He looked scared at the state of her apartment, and it somehow made her smile, reminding her of all the times he came back home to a very messy house when she was a teenager. His eyebrows shot up at Aedion and Fenrys, and Aelin said, “Don’t frown at the state of your doctors, they’re not working.”
He chuckled, “I can see that.”
Aelin was feeling emotional and held back her tears as she walked through the park where her father used to take her and Celaena when they were kids. He used to drive all the way there just so they could throw bread at the ducks. Aelin was watching Fleetfoot run while she sat on a bench, her father next to her.
“I didn’t know you were having a party,” he said. “I mean, you didn’t have to tell me.”
“I didn’t know, either,” she told him. “Aedion surprised me.”
“I am happy that you have him,” he said, laying a hand on her knee, then squeezing. “He treats you well.”
“He really told you to not come yesterday?”
“He said that you had plans, and that you might not be up for a visit from me on that day.”
She chewed on her bottom lip. “It’s always a hard day.”
“You don’t need to explain,” he smiled. “It’s the reason why I asked Aedion beforehand, I want to do things on your terms now.”
She nodded, fighting the tears even more. They weren’t bad tears; she was just feeling a lot. The meds she’d been prescribed didn’t help, either. They helped her get out of bed every morning, but they also made her feel more sensitive. “What did you do yesterday?”
There was a flash of silver in his brown eyes, and he said, “I flew to Terrasen. I wanted to be with Celaena a little. I have… I have been doing this quite a lot lately, if I must be honest.”
“Oh,” she breathed. Her sister hadn’t been alone yesterday, then. That was good. “Does it help you?”
He nodded, “Yeah. I keep telling her how sorry I am, honestly, I just sound like a broken record there, but… I will never say it enough.” He winced, then said, “I wanted to move her. To Doranelle, so she could be with the whole family. It wasn’t my decision to leave her there, but your mother she’s been…”
“Celaena will be in Doranelle?” Aelin breathed.
Something in his face shattered. “They need the authorization of both parents, and your mother is—”
“A bitch,” she snapped, her tempter rising. “She’s just a cruel bitch.”
He didn’t say anything else other than, “I’m sorry.”
She shrugged. She’d asked him once, when she’d picked up the phone in his many attempts to call her, how the divorce was going. He said that her mother made it hard, that she was trying to take everything from him. She hadn’t lost her job at the hospital, she had no idea how, but she wasn’t at the top of the hierarchy anymore. That’s all she knew, and all she wanted to know.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Anything,” he said.
She played with her fingers as she said, “I understand how you pulled away after Celaena died. I did, too. We all grieve differently, and I’m pasted that. But… But you knew how Evalin was cruel with me. And I believe you when you say that you love me, so why have you never done anything?”
He looked away, as if he was ashamed, before he turned his eyes back on her. “I have no excuses. I hate myself for it, and I don’t deserve forgiveness. But the only explanation I can give you, was that your mother… She wasn’t only cruel to you. The few times I brought it up, she threatened to leave and take you away. And I—I don’t know. It somehow shut me up every time. Again, Aelin, this is on me. I can’t give you excuses that’d be convincing enough.”
The tears escaped her eyes then, and she didn’t wipe them off. She knew that she wouldn’t have liked the answer in anyway. But… “Thank you for being honest. You weren’t the father of the year but deserved better than Evalin. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t,” he said, voice clouded with emotions. “Don’t apologize to me, Aelin.”
“Alright,” she let out a long breath, wiping away the tears. She had to stop crying, for fuck sake.
“It’s okay,” he squeezed her knee again. “Tell me about yesterday, who was there?”
When she told him, he frowned, “No Dr. Whitethorn?”
Her stomach dropped at the name but she shook her head.
“I thought he’d be there, since you’re invol—”
“We haven’t been involved for almost a year, dad. I thought you knew that.”
“Oh,” he breathed. She hadn’t told him, but she thought someone else had. “What happened?”
Her laugh was sad. “He left me, and I’m a child about it because I can’t fucking get over it.”
Her side-eyed look was enough for him to understand that she meant the night at her parents’ house. “Aelin,” he breathed. “He had no other choice.”
She shook her head, “You don’t get it.”
“Not everyone is me, Aelin. Not everyone is your mother.”
“No,” he grabbed her hand. “Look at me.” She did. “I made him run that night. I’m so sorry, but he wanted to stay. The next day he was the one to yell at me, he had a goddamn lawyer ready, Aelin. This is why I thought you were together, because he fought for you.”
“What?” she breathed.
He’d told her. He said that he would have come back after the stalker had been dealt with; but she hadn’t been sure if she believed him. But if he truly had fought for her… Why hadn’t he said it?
She shook her head. “It’s… It’s not only that. I love him too much.”
He frowned, “What is that supposed to mean? There’s no such thing as loving too much.”
She scoffed, calling Fleetfoot so she could have some comfort from the lovely dog. She hadn’t planning on having a heart-to-heart with her father today. Hell, her head was still pounding, her body still feeling like death. The dog laid her head on Aelin, allowing her to pet her.
“There is when you’re me. I solely focus on him, so much that I start neglecting myself. I believe that if he is here then I’ll be fine, that if he is here, I’m protected and nothing can hurt me. I forgot about how you both hurt me for a while when I was with him, until that night. For a while, I just sat in my fucking car, and I realized I had nothing to go back to, dad. I was in a fight with Aedion, I kept so many secrets from my friends that they barely felt like my friends, then one of them betrayed me… I had to go to the house of a man who barely tolerate me, Dad. I just… I can’t love healthily.”
“You’re right,” he said, voice slightly quivering. “You can’t love yourself healthily. Not the others. The love you tell me about, it’s the purest kind of love that exists. It’s the kind of love I wish I’d been able to show you, that I wish I was able to show anyone. The problem isn’t with how you love Rowan,” he said, as if saying his name felt strange on his tongue. It must be. “It’s with yourself, and I know it’s my fault, but stop punishing yourself.”
She shook her head, tears spilling once more. “It’s not as easy.”
“I’m proud of you for looking for a better, healthier love. But, are you happy, princess? I understand pulling away to heal, but are you truly healing if you’re stopping yourself from being with someone you love?”
“I’m messy,” she breathed.
“You’re lovely, and pure, and too good. Start treating yourself with more love, Aelin.”
She wiped her tears away. Maybe he was right. She tried her best. She went to school, she became closer to Fenrys and Dorian and Elide, she took care of Helia… Every day, she fought to get out of bed and make the best out of a good day. But maybe… If she’d let Rowan in again, it would be easier. Maybe she couldn’t forget that night he left, but she could forgive him.
“I’ll call him tonight,” she said, and her father smile.
“Aelin!” A high, loud voice squealed the moment she opened the door and faster that she had any right to be, Helia threw herself at Aelin. Surprise hit her as hard as the little girl did, what was she doing here? Aelin had been drunk out of her mind yesterday, but she was positive the little girl hadn’t been there.
Fleetfoot ran into the apartment, going to sniff a very well dressed Loren. He hadn’t been there either… What was going on?
“Buttercup!” Aelin smiled, kneeling at Helias height. “What are you doing here?”
“Happy birthday!” She placed a bit, wet kiss on her cheek, and Aelin felt her heart fill with warmth. Last she heard, the two kids were having a sleepover at Rowan’s last night, and she only understood why when Vaughan and Connall showed up in her living room.
There was as if hope took over the beating of her heart. If they had been at Rowan’s then he must have driven the kids there, right? She stood, grabbing Helia and holding her close. But as she walked in the living room, there was no trace of Rowan. She tried, she really tried to not show her disappointment show, but from the other side of the room, Fenrys’s eyes on her felt heavy.  
Loren rushed to Aelin as well, hugging her legs. Gods, that boy was too cute to be true. She hadn’t seen him for a year, but he was always showing up in the video calls his fathers gave her. “Happy birthday, Aelin,” he squeezed his arms around her legs. “We came to play board games!”
Aelin chuckled, her eyes looking fondly at Aedion, who mouthed happy birthday. She grinned, and then her cousin’s gaze slipped behind her, and then she realized that her father was still there. She set Helia back on her feet, and the two kids ran toward Aelin’s bedroom.
Aelin turned around, looking at her father. He looked really uncomfortable, especially pinned under Lorcan’s gaze. She had no idea what that was about. She didn’t expect Lorcan Salvaterre to take her defense out of everyone. Her father was still holding the bouquet of pink and purple flowers he’d bought her, she’d asked him to as Fleetfoot was quite a handful to deal with.
She grabbed the flowers, walking into the kitchen to fill a pot with flowers, her father on her heels. “I really like them,” she said, filling in the silence between them. The apartment was small, and everyone could hear or see them. She supposed it was a surprise for them to see him there. Maybe Aedion hadn’t told them, or her father hadn’t really warned that he’d come today.
She didn’t fail to notice that the flowers were what used to be hers and Celaena’s favorite color. Her taste had changed… but she appreciated the gesture.
“You could stay, you know,” she said.
He shook his head, giving her a little embarrassed smile. “Enjoy an afternoon with your family, it’s okay.”
In a way, she was happy that he refused. It broke her heart, how he didn’t consider himself part of her family. But maybe she was part of his, and there was still work for him to be part of hers.
He waved at her, on his way to leave, but before he could, “Dad?”
He turned around, facing her with an expression of wonder on his face. She hesitated for a second, until she decided to fuck it all. She wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging her father for the first time in year. Tears burned her eyes as she said, “Thank you for today.”
“Anytime, princess,” he breathed, hugging her back. They let go of each other after a while, and she gave him a tentative smile.
“Do you think we could do that again someday?”
He smiled at her, “I would love to, Aelin.”
After showing the world how much of a sore loser she was, Aelin decided to cook something for everyone before they leave, going back home. Her cooking capacities had somewhat developed, at least enough that she had made Bolognese. And since nobody was spitting what was in their plate, she supposed she hadn’t done such a bad job.
Fenrys was in a vivid tale of how his patient’s husband started hitting on him right in front of his wife, and Aelin’s belly hurt at how much she laughed. Even in her laughter, Aelin couldn’t ignore the looks Fenrys threw toward Aedion, as if making sure he was making him jealous. Compared to how cozy they were that morning, it was almost as if the two of them couldn’t seat far enough for each other. Or more like Aedion couldn’t sit far enough from Fenrys, who made it his job to taunt her cousin.
She wouldn’t even ask what happened the night before, she’d been too busy dancing with Helia and Vaughan—whose hips could move very beautifully—to look at the two of them.
Aelin was sitting with Helia on her lap. She was five now. Older than the three years old she’d met, and yet the girl still wanted to snuggle with Aelin to eat. Maybe it was a little disgusting, but they shared a plate. Less washing to do later, and it wasn’t like Helia ate a lot. She took a big mouthful of pasta, and red sauce was all around her mouth as she chewed. Aelin chuckled, using a napkin to clean her up. Her dramatic self, Helia sighed and let her body fall against Aelin’s torso. “I missed Bolognese.” She could say Bolognese without any problem now, and Aelin wanted to congratulate her on it.
“What do you mean baby, you haven’t eaten that in a while?” She remembered Rowan cooking that once a week, mainly because it was one of Helia’s and Aelin’s favorite.
“No,” the girl shook her head grabbing the big glass of water with her tiny hands.
“How so?” Maybe Rowan got sick of it. Though she couldn’t imagine him deprive Helia from her favorite food just because he didn’t like it anymore. He was… selfless that way. He loved her that much.
Fuck, she missed him.
That convo with her dad really messed her up. She had the urge to grab her phone and call him now but… she wanted peace when she made that call.
“Remelle doesn’t like it, so Daddy doesn’t cook it anymore,” Helia sighed, shrugging a little.
Aelin’s stomach dropped as she heard what Helia said. And as if everyone heard as well, all side-conversation stopped. The silence was deafening, and the two kids were oblivious to it.
“Remelle?” Aelin asked, though her voice was a little too wobbly for her liking. She looked around, and no one dared to look at her, except Aedion who was as confused as her. The only one who dared to look at her was Fenrys, and his eyes… they looked sad.
“Daddy’s friend,” Helia answered, and there was something about her tone Aelin didn’t enjoy. Maybe… dislike? “She sleeps over all the time.”  
She was going to be sick. She looked around, and none of the people who lived in Doranelle dared to make eye contact. They’d known. They’d known and they didn’t tell her.
Aelin’s heart was beating too fast, her vision turned blurry and she felt dizzy. And yet, she did her smile to lean in and kiss Helia’s cheek. “You can have all the Bolognese you want here, baby.”
Aelin didn’t last more than a minute before she stood, helping Helia to seat before she went into her room. It took energy to not slam her door. Instead she sat on her bed, staring into the void.
She remembered now.
Dr. Flores.
Blonde, beautiful. Age appropriate.
He moved on. He moved on with her.
She was truly going to be sick. Just as she thought about rushing to the bin under her desk, her door opened. She thought Aedion would be the one to join her, but she was wrong.
Fenrys was there.
“Get out,” she breathed.
“Aelin,” he said, tentatively, closing the door behind her.
“You knew,” she said, not loudly but with bite. “You didn’t tell me.”
“You were doing good, Lin,” he said, taking a step in her direction. “I didn’t know for sure, Rowan isn’t the type to confirm or answer our questions. And you were doing better…”
“How long.” She demanded.
“How fucking long, Fenrys?” She snapped.
“We noticed them getting closer around a month ago.”
Her heart missed a beat. A month. He’d kept that from her for a month. And in the meantime, he kept convincing her to take him back. She didn’t know what her feelings were now. If she was angry or sad.
“Call him now,” he urged her. “Call him now and he will ditch her.”
“You’re a dick.”
“Call him now, Aelin. He will, just call him and he will. I know that he will today, but I’m unsure on what he would do in the future. You need to wake up now if you still want him, and we both know you do.”
“Get the fuck out of here,” she snapped.
He frowned, his head cocking to the side. “I don’t get you, Aelin. Sometimes, I can’t understand.”
“I’m trying to deal with my emotions, Fenrys, and I can’t do this if you’re here,” she hissed.
“Dealing with your emotions, is that how you call this? You’re just compartmentalizing, entirely ignoring some parts of your problems.”
“Like what?” She shouted, too lost in these waves of distress to care.
“Like the fact that he’s waited for almost a year and you’ve ignored him, but the moment he moves on it seems like a problem,” he snapped back. “You need to choose. You want him or you don’t, because Aelin, if you keep waiting you might lose him.”
Breathing was hard, and it was as it an entire building crumbled onto her as she breathed, “He told me he couldn’t wait anymore. I told him I wouldn’t come back.” Her friend’s face turned sympathetic, and her voice broke as she breathed, “I didn’t believe him. I-I hoped.”
“Call him,” Fenrys said, holding out his phone. “Call him, and tell him.”
She looked at the phone for a second, wondering what would happen. Could she call him, really? Would she call him, ask him to ruin the little happiness he’s found, only so she can bring her mess back into his life?
Then, she shook her head. “I’d like you to leave.”
“Aelin,” he breathed.
She shook her head, “I don’t want to speak to you anymore.” He’d known. He should have told her, no matter how much he wanted to protect her. She was so, so tired of being protected. Of being weak.
He laughed, but the sound was sour. “You want to push me away from your life, too? When will it stop Aelin, when only Aedion’s left, huh?”
She looked away. She didn’t deserve his friendship, didn’t deserve his time. She wasn’t a good person. Wasn’t good for anyone. He shouldn’t have had to protect her.
“You think I don’t know why? You rely on Aedion because he’s as lonely as you. He won’t leave you, and you won’t leave him. You’re using each other as life buoys, and you push away anyone else. You can’t ignore the world outside.”
“Leave,” she said, voice firm. “I don’t want to see anyone,” she slipped under her blanket and didn’t come out of it for an entire weekend.
June 10th,
“I had fun, you know,” he said in her ear, helping her put her coat back on. She gave him a shy, timid smile.
“It was a nice evening,” she nodded, taking a deep breath as they stepped out of the restaurant. Even for a month of June, the air was quite cold. Hence, the coat. She usually disliked wearing one, it always ruined an outfit. She rather not get sick, though. So, she put on a goddamn coat.
“Can I walk you back to your car?” He asked.
He was cute. Pretty, even. She’d met him in class, and he’d been the first person to approach her. She’d been wary at first… The last time she befriended someone in class, it hadn’t ended well. For months he did his best to befriend her, and while she didn’t reject him, she wasn’t exactly warm. Then, before Yulemas, he’d asked her on a date. She refused. He did it again a few months later, and she gave him the same excuse. I’m not ready.
He was perfectly content to keep their friendship intact. Until a month ago. She called him, asking if he was still up for a date. She’d never heard Sam’s voice so joyful. He was funny, and a good man.
Now, three dates later, Aelin enjoyed his company. She didn’t love it, and she didn’t crave it so much that she felt as if she needed him. But maybe this was a more realistic kind of relationship for someone as messed up as Aelin.
The walk to her car hadn’t been long, and they stood there. “You look beautiful,” he praised her, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.
“Thank you,” she smiled, waiting for a blush to spread in her cheeks but it didn’t happen.
He was standing close to her, and his gaze lowered on her lips. He wetted his own, taking a deep breath, and she knew what he would ask before he even opened his mouth.
“Can I kiss you?”
For someone who had had sex in a bathroom before the first date, and who had grinded on a guy during their first date, it was strangely chaste of her to never having kissed Sam before. Not a single time before or after their first two dates, but she knew she would break this circle today. After all, she had to move on.
She took a deep breath of her own and nodded, and the next second his wet lips were on hers. And she felt… nothing. It would come, she told herself. She rose on her toes, parting her lips for him.
He groaned, pushing her against her car. His hands stayed in appropriate places, on her waist, but she could feel things heat up.
This wasn’t…
She didn’t want to have sex with him. Didn’t want to kiss him. Not now. Was he kissing her? Having sex with her? If he didn’t… Didn’t she have to, as well? She had to move on as well, she had to prove to herself that—
She pushed Sam away, a little breathless. “I’m sorry.”
“Have I hurt you?” He asked, pulling back, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He really liked her and she… She didn’t. It wasn’t fair.
“I don’t think it’s going to—” She was cut off by her phone ring. Great. Amazing. She was trying to communicate, goddamn it. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he said as she grabbed her phone from her handbag, frowning at the name showing up.
They hadn’t been in contact for almost a month. Well, he did try to call. She was the one dodging his calls. Not every good behavior for the new Aelin, but she didn’t care. She was ashamed, and sad, and mad.
She didn’t want to speak to him now. She hung up, and turned her eyes back on Sam. “Sorry, just a friend.” She winced. “I was saying, you’re great and I—”
Her phone rang again, and Fenrys’ name showed up again. Alright, that wasn’t normal. Usually, he called once. If he really was in a mood, he sent her a selfie of his puppy face. But he never called twice in a row. Two calls in a row were reserved for bad news only; she’d heard enough of those to know.
The last time, she’d answered one of Fenrys’ call late at night, Rowan had cut his hand. This couldn’t be worse than that. She was sure of it. For all she knew, it wasn’t bad. Her bad days were over.
“You can answer,” Sam said, voice kind. “You look anxious.”
She winced again. “I’m sorry, I’ll cut this short, I promise.”
He smiled, unbothered. Fuck, she hated what she was about to tell him. He didn’t deserve that.
She took a few steps away from Sam, answering her phone. “What do you want?”
“Aelin,” he breathed, and her spine straightened. He sounded like he was… crying. “It’s Helia, she’s hurt,” he broke down then, crying on the phone. “We don’t know what’s going to happen.”
It was as if Aelin’s world came crashing down. She had flashes. Flashes of her aunt’s dead body in her casket. Flashes of Celaena in that red water. No.
Not again.
Please, she thought as tears spilled down her cheeks. Please, not again.
She couldn’t say anything. Couldn’t breathe anymore. She barely felt Sam’s hands on her shoulder, barely felt him take the phone from her before she threw up on the street, begging the Gods she’d stopped to believe in so long ago.
@sheharahu // @morganofthewildfire // @thestoriesyoutell // @fromthelibraryofemilyj // @swankii-art-teacher // @itsforeverinnocent-blog // @becarefuloflove // @imnotsogoodatthis // @rowaelinismyotp // @a-court-of-milkandhoney // @feysand-loml // @elentiyawhitethorn // @live-the-fangirl-life // @story-scribbler // @loves-books // @fangirlprincess09 // @theysayitscrazy // @danibutterr // @endlessdaydream // @thegreyj // @gracie-rosee // @acreativelydifferentlove // @cretaceous-therapod // @louphantomdragon // @mis-lil-red // @backtobl4ck // @whoever-you-choose-to-love // @lemonade-coolattas // @mad-madeline-ace // @the-introverted-bibliophile // @leiawritesstories // @emilyoftheshadows // @anniesbookshelf // @rainbowcheetah512 // @astra-ad-mare // @story-scribbler // @superspiritfestival // @wordsafterhours // @rowaelinrambling // @black-daisy-water // @fireheart-violet // @livsdriverslicense // @charlizeed // @ladykreads // @mariamuses // @autumnbabylon // @justreadertings // @highqueenofelfhame // @earthtolinds // @bowdawn // @psychopath-at-heart // @ginnyweasley06 // @cookiemonsterwholovesbooks
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mi6-cafe · 8 months
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Occult October!
Sp00qy season is upon us! This month we want you to make or rec fancreations that involve Bond characters and anything that’s uncanny, wyrd, monstrous, magical, or spooky. (Or, you know, anything that has to do with the characters celebrating Halloween or related holidays.)
We challenge you to create sp00qy content using less represented "halloween monsters" like swamp monsters, mind flayers, and any other eldritch beings that catch your fancy.
As always, all ships, gen fic, and genres are welcome!
Trick-or-Treat Mini Event
From October 24th to October 31st, we’re asking you to choose a specific 48 hours to do your personal comment-a-thon. The idea is that you’ll be passing out comment goodies just the same way that people would pass out Halloween candy! But we know that not everyone has the 48 hours around Halloween free, so we invite you to comment on the days that make the most sense to you.
What counts as a comment? Positive comments on AO3, kind words directly on tumblr reblogs, or happy rambling in tumblr tags. Publicly visible tweets and comments on other social media like Facebook and Instagram are also great for our participants on other platforms.
When your 48 hours are finished, you’ll fill out a Cafe form with your total number of comments and we’ll update the running Cafe total!
We hope you’ll have your own personal goal, but our fandom goal is to pass out at least 107 comment treats during Halloween week!
Last Drabble Writer Standing has begun!
Each week, for four weeks, we will be sending out a specific prompt to our LDWS participants. Prompts include a topic or image, a word count, and sometimes a genre or an extra challenge! Each writer creates a drabble inspired by the same prompt, and then those drabbles are posted anonymously and voted on/given feedback by amazing readers! 
In addition to the weekly rankings throughout October, there will be one final drabble writer at the end who has the top number of votes overall--the Last Drabble Writer Standing! 
You can read and vote for the first round of drabbles by following this link here!
Saturday Cafe: October 7 and October 21
Come join us in the fandom Slack as we write, draw, sprint, plot, brainstorm, cheerlead, and generally have a good time trying to get things done together. If you’d like an invite to the Slack, go ahead and message @castillon02 or @spiritofcamelot!
Long Fic Readalong (spooky one shots), Saturdays at 9pm ET
Join us in the Discord while we read a fic together. This is a chance to enjoy the fun of reading a chaptered work in weekly installments with all the laughter and shared suspense that that involves. The group is reading spooky oneshots this month, in addition to each week's LDWS submissions.
We’d love to see you there. You are welcome to listen if you don’t or can’t read aloud!    
When: Saturday, October 1st at 9pm eastern/6pm Pacific (your local time here)
Where: We’ll be reading on discord in the readalongs channel. (Invite to discord here)
Please join us to read, to just hang out and listen, and to generally enjoy a good story together!
Weekly events:
WIP Wednesday: You can post an excerpt of your WIP on our post or make your own post and mention the @mi6-cafe. Either way it’s a fun way to show people what you’re working on, Bond fandom or otherwise.
Weekly Bond movies: Hosted by womble every Sunday at 8am Pacific time, join us in Discord to watch one of the Bond movies. Keep an eye on the watch party calendar linked below for updates.
Want to host your own event in the Discord or elsewhere? Let us know about it so we can add it to the calendars!
Watch Party Calendar MI6 Cafe Calendar   If you need help adding these calendars to your personal one, check out this post.
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froshele · 9 months
dear lord I am sorry to hushpost so insufferably much but hi I have big crazy about the wizards again:
Fraser, who is nice to you, at least a bit obsessed with the Chris-Teresa thing, and per his description seems to be a very different person outside vs at home, is a Ramsund speaker. I guess in the Cultsim universe there are a few more occult or forgotten languages than we have, and the Ramsund stone is an incomprehensible occult somethingorother -- but then you have to have learned the language to engage with it, right, and what is "it"?
Not quite a runestone in our world but a carving on a stone, retelling part of the Sigurd epic, the part where he cooks Fafnir's heart for his foster father to eat, but it's raw, so he burns himself checking it and learns the language of the birds from tasting dragon blood on his finger.
The birds tell Sigurd that his foster father, also the guy who made his magic sword, Regin, Fafnir's brother, is dangerous to him and won't reconcile with him (as promised re: slaying Fafnir), so Sigurd kills Regin.
In this History I suppose the untranslated inscription was the basis for Ramsund the language, like, this was a cult of Vikings in this history -- and that's cool, and all, but it has horrific implications.
What's the Norse concept of fate like? Cyclic, stringlike, nothing you can do about it, you get allotted your wyrd and you gotta watch the patterns fall in place etc, we've all done enough English literature to know about wyrd, right? If we haven't, Tolkien has, and we can rely on him. :)
IMAGINE: you are just some very unfatherly young occultist and you learn the language of this stone because you hope to glean some Worm-Lore some Lore of the Scale some Lore Draconic etcetera, some stuff you can use to do your Worm behaviours necessary for your enrichment (try to overthrow the Hours).
You decode this stone about Sigurd and never think about it or about the wyrd of it all (because you are some guy who is a wizard and not actually a committed scholar of Scandinavian studies or a superstitious individual). You adopt and gloriously fuck up a son who, to spite you, through the metaphorical blood of your awful relationship, becomes conversant with the metaphorical Birds, and then follows the same trajectory as Sigurd, minus the murder but plus the stealing from you.
You come to Hush House to talk to a very weird Librarian about some new thing the King is doing, and she (because she pre-read your son's diary and kind of hates you, not that either of you give any evidence of knowing that) sidetracks you into tutoring her in Ramsund.
You get into talking about what it is. She interrupts and asks you if you've noticed that it has any sort of a metaphysical, terrible hold on you. You say no. But then you realize that actually yes, looking at that benighted rock when you were nineteen or whatever permanently altered your destiny and you can now map its convolutions to some really heterodox Norsemen's take on a hero myth. You have to think about your choices in life. You are very glad that you own a distillery. You resolve to never think about it again, but you have been sucked into or perhaps were born as part of a convolution of the Histories, and now you have to be very aware of that.
And the Librarian, who knows way too much about it, is just like "hee hee :) so about current events then", nornfully and not helpfully at all, because you have to face your destiny Fraser you have to be a man (according to the manhood concept of the Norse ghosts haunting you, apparently) and your destiny is yet to be seen but I cannot imagine it is any good at all actually. Also the birds themselves wrote the stone!!!! The avian hours! They are Mocking You!
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theadventurerslog · 9 months
Discworld | Part 1
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The Adventurer’s Log
Release Date: 1995
I love Discworld the book series by Terry Pratchett and have done so since I was 13 when I first discovered it by taking Soul Music out of the school library. I'm currently doing a chronological reread and figured I might as well go all in and play the games too while I'm at it. Well, the first two anyway. There are three games, well actually four. Apparently there was an interactive fiction game in 1986 for The Colour of Magic, but I know nothing more beyond that and never see it mentioned. (Have to say I am curious though). For purposes here, however, three games. The first two pull events from the books, while the third focuses on an original character in an original story and that's Discworld Noir, which I would love to try sometime but getting it to run looks like more of a hassle. So for now the first two games.
That said I don't know if I'll go straight to the second one after this one or have some other stuff in between. I'll see how I'm feeling and how things are looking as I already have plans for November and I may want some short stuff for October.
I watched a friend play the second game several years ago, but I don't remember much and I'm pretty sure we didn't do the first game. What I've played so far hasn't been familiar. I'm pretty sure this is a blind play-through and if it's not it may as well be.
As for the Discworld itself, if you don't know, it's a magical flat world resting on the backs of four elephants standing on the back of a giant turtle, the Great A'tuin, drifting through space. Reality tends to be...thin. Things have a tendency to slip through.
This first game pulls its general plot from Guards! Guards! which surrounds a brotherhood summoning an actual dragon to the city of Ankh-Morpork. Dragons at this point in time only exist as much smaller swamp dragons which are far less dangerous aside from having a tendency to explode. The book is the first book in the city watch arc. The game, however, uses the character Rincewind as the main protagonist. Rincewind is a wizard, or wizzard, of the Unseen University in Ankh-Morpork. He's actually terrible at magic, but in his heart, he's a wizard. So, clearly the progression of this plot is going to go completely differently. Which I am okay with and it's nice the game could be played by someone who's never read the books. And it's drawing inspiration without stomping all over its source material and making you wonder why they didn't do their own thing, so I'm okay with it. I just need to tamp down on my own nit-pickiness for smaller details. Inspired by, inspired by. While still being recognizable. Excuse me I may have some aggravations with a certain other...'adaptation but oh no not really'. If you know you know, if you don't, don't worry about it. Ahem.
The game opens with a shot of the Discworld and the Great A'Tuin.
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Introducing the Discworld.
Then we get the summoning ritual:
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Dragon! Dragon!
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Ominous peeking through the wall. Dragon!
And I'm already wondering who may or may not be involved from the book. Like, is the Supreme Grand Master still there heading this up? Are they the same person? It's an interesting thing both knowing and not knowing the plot at all.
From here we're gifted a scene of an Ankh-Morpork street with Death waiting and a drunk ambling down the street.
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That's Ankh-Morpork all right.
I'm not sure about Death's voice, but I'm also very used to Christopher Lee from the animated adaptations of Soul Music and Wyrd Sisters (and Christopher Lee, come on, just an unfair fight really) or Ian Richardson from the Hogfather movie adaptation. They did add some effects so he's still got some IMPACT though. Still some sense of speaking in caps. And he's not a main character here anyway. I wonder how much he will pop up... How many deaths will there be? Will Rincewind have a near-Death experience?
The drunk ran into him briefly and got an ominous see you soon. Which... Yeah. The drunk proceeded into an alley and was saved from a mugging by being fried by dragon fire.
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With that grisly affair complete we move on to see the Unseen University.
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I was given another scene of the Bursar speaking with the Archchancellor talking about the rumours of the dragon. The Bursar notes that dragons don't exist unless you believe in them. Belief is extremely important on the Disc. Nevertheless there seems to be one and it's the university's civic duty to do something about it, so he sends the Bursar off to fetch Rincewind. Do you hate Rincewind, Archchancellor, is that it?
A note about the Archchancellor. He seems to be meant to be Ridcully from the books, and by the point of Guards! Guards! he certainly was the Archchancellor and have been for several books. He hasn't felt very much like Ridcully at this point though and if it wasn't for an 'unhygienic' comment I'd be uncertain if it was him or not. The game just has him labelled as Arch chancellor so I'm sticking with that instead. Except making it the one word it's meant to be. Split in two words is driving me a little nuts.
A note about this whole intro: there's been a fly buzzing around every scene from the drunkard coming on screen, then it bothered Death and continued on through the Archchancellor and Bursar's conversation. I have no idea what to make of that if it's going to be relevant or what. Complete mystery. In some ways it feels like it's just a fun guide to follow as you move through the intro, but also... why?
And finally we move in to Rincewind being woken up by the Bursar banging on his door letting him know the Archchancellor wants to see him, and I was finally given control.
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I had a few different things to examine, like the totally not-ominous shape outside to which Rincewind said:
"Yes - a mysterious shape, a sinister shape - a shape fraught with... shapeness.
It must be a plot element - otherwise there'd be a better label!"
I can't remember the exact label. I think it was something like 'mysterious shape' or was that exactly.
The wardrobe had no knob to open it with. Turns out I could have opened it then but I didn't have a handle on the controls yet. Sometimes... it pays to look at manuals! Something I did not do until a little later.
And on top of the wardrobe was the sleeping Luggage. The Luggage is also from the books. It's made of sapient pearwood and rage and will follow its owner everywhere and anywhere on its many legs. At least when it's not sleeping here anyway. I couldn't rouse it yet.
With my examinations complete and my seeming inability to do anything yet I left to go explore the university.
And got traumatized by stairs.
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I mean it's a point and click. No manual movement here. You can't die. But the Sierra stair trauma is real, especially after King's Quest IV... After my little moment of gratitude that this isn't King's Quest and the stairs cannot harm me, I started exploring.
I found my way to the dining hall and got my first conversation the UI of which was sure familiar. I had to laugh that I'm playing this after Sam & Max Hit the Road. It's the same system!
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This also made me go find a manual to see what these options actually mean and learn other controls.
So from left to right we have
Big smile - greeting
Clown - sarcasm
Question mark - question
Cloud (has an animated lightning bolt I didn't catch) - anger
Waving hand - goodbye
And then other topics can appear too.
I also found out that left clicking is for moving, of course I knew that. Right clicking examines. I'd figure that out. But most importantly, double clicking is how you interact. I also found out if you click on Rincewind you can access his teeny tiny two item inventory which is more like one item because once you get money, it sticks so you only ever have room to carry one other item on his person. The rest is for the Luggage when it's acquired.
I chatted with the wizards which while entertaining didn't give me anything too terribly useful to know at this point which is fine: mostly just chatter about wizardry and the dragon rumours. I like talking to all the people anyway. And Windle Poons was there too! He's an important character in one of the books.
In my continued exploration I found a storage room and got my first inventory item--a broom. I always get excited for my first item.
I also found a statue and a groaner:
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I checked out the library and got an aside? An instructional aside? A game equivalent of a footnote as a nod to the books' footnotes?
There were a couple of these informative bits, one explaining the Librarian who is an orangutan--he was turned into one in a magical accident and refused to be changed back--and another discussing L-Space.
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So far I've only seen these in the library.
Here's a whole page about L-Space! https://wiki.lspace.org/L-space
So a fun thing here I wasn't expecting and they don't explain at all so purely for book readers. The character giving these little lessons is Twoflower made clear by the glasses and camera, ahem, iconograph. He was in the first two books and was the Disc's first tourist. Circumstances led him and Rincewind to be travelling together and many antics ensued. He was also the original owner of the Luggage.
See? I can do asides too. Back to the game.
I also chatted with the Librarian "Ook!". And was told I'd need a library card to take anything out after much back and forth. I did get a little irked that a lot of the dialogue options led Rincewind to calling him a monkey, which is something you Do Not Do with the Librarian if you don't want the wrath of an orangutan. You do not want the wrath of an orangutan. Rincewind kept getting head bopped. Hard. It's just Rincewind of the books would know better! And he and the Librarian end up getting along pretty well. Then I reminded myself of 'inspired by' and carried on. Things are just going to be different. Not looking at anything horrifically egregious so far; it's okay. Even Rincewind himself isn't exactly right here in other ways either. Just hush that part of my brain.
I finally made my way to the Archchancellor and found out what he wanted.
Unseen University needed to be 'properly represented' in attempts to dispose of the dragon. Can't have some yokel slaying it and have people wondering what wizards are for. Then he sent me to go fetch a copy of Featherwinkle's Concise Compendium of Dragon Lairs from the library.
I ended up going back to Rincewind's room first, and with my knowledge of double clicking was able to open the wardrobe with a little magic and get a pouch of money. With the broom I was able to prod the Luggage awake and get it to join me.
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Then back to the library where I was able to just request the book. No card needed when it's a request from the Archchancellor I suppose. Or the Librarian was trying to be rid of me earlier.
I brought the book back and the Archchancellor found the formula for Recoglimento's Neverfailing Dragon's Lair Revealer. He was quick to halt Rincewind's protests as well with making sure his performance would be brought to the attention of the university board when they review his grant next year. Ah, university politics.
So the formula, which thankfully can be accessed when checking the book again, so it's always handy needs four ingredients:
A staff of tumultuous thermaturgy.
A miniature creature of excitable chitters
A container made of the strongest ferrous metal
Dragon's breath! Ulp!
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I got a voice actor joke too when I kept trying to talk to the Archancellor:
Archchancellor: "No time for idle chatter." Rincewind: "Well, sorry. As if I can help who supplies my voice."
Rincewind is voiced by Eric Idle. Heehee.
I have goals now! Good old adventure game object collecting!
Next up I'll do another sweep of the university in case anything changed, then check out whatever can be checked out on the grounds and presumably head into the city proper.
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cryptcreechur · 2 years
Deity Blurb 04 - Loki
Loki is the heathen god of... what the fuck are you the god of?
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Let me preface this blurb by saying that pretty much ALL of it is going to be based on UPG. Because while we have written records on Odin or Thor, regarding worship and rituals, there's like. Nothing. On Loki.
And, honestly, if it isn't such a Loki thing to do to have their history so muddled and frustrating for historians or even new pagans to try to research, then I don't know what is.
That being said, Loki:
Loki is a god of natural chaos and change, and mischief/trickery. This sounds bad, but it's neutral. Loki plays the role of the Trickster - that is, they push boundaries, break rules, bring about change, and often point out the flaws of the individual, making clear what someone might be hiding, if even from theirself.
Loki is also called Loptr, Hveđrungr, Loke, and possibly Lođurr. The meaning of the name Loki is so vague that it's probably correct. Posited meanings have been "knot," "lock," "airy," "fire," and "entangler."
Loki has two spouses, the Æsir goddess Sigyn, and the Jötunn giantess Angrbođa. With Sigyn, Loki fathered Narfi and Váli, who both are killed by the Æsir. With Angrbođa, Loki fathers three "monstrous" children: Hel, goddess and queen of the dead; Fenrir, who bit off the hand of Týr; Jörmungandr, the world-serpent. These children were each cast out of Asgard in prevention of a prophecy Odin saw, and thus they were each given the power and motive to fulfil their roles in the prophecy Odin tried to avoid. With the horse of the Jötunn who built Asgard's walls, Loki mothers Odin's beloved Sleipnir, the eight-legged horse capable of traversing the very web of the Wyrd. Lastly, in Hyndlulođ, Loki is described as having consumed a half-burnt heart of some angry woman, which then impregnated them, and Loki then gave birth to what is translated as "troll-women," "ogresses," or "witches." Personally I am partial to the "witches" translation.
Loki's parents were each Jötunn, their father Fárbauti (striker), and their mother Laufey (birch, leafy island). Taking from the meanings of the names, one could say Loki was born by the lightning striking a tree. Again, fire associations.
There is the possibility that Loki originated from a spirit of the hearth, especially the flames within it. Parallels between Loki and Logi (god of wildfire) suggest a splitting off evolution from one singular fire elemental. It makes sense to me, anyways, to think of Loki and Logi as two faces of the same flame - one being the domestic fire, and the other being the all-consuming wildfire.
Alongside all of this - Loki is one of them queers. They're not the only one recorded as using disguises, but when Loki is disguises as someone of the opposite sex (take the handmaiden of Thor as an example), they are consistently referred to as that sex, not as "a man in disguise" but as a woman. Genderfluid representation, babes.
In my practice with Loki, he is much more than a comedic relief or antagonist. Loki is the embodiment of natural change, and it's effects on society and civilization. He is the scapegoat but also the light held up to the shadows shoved in the closet. He tells you point blank what you're doing wrong, without any sugarcoating - in the hopes you will try to change, to work on it. He brings unrestrained force into your life, creativity, passion, change, as the enemy of stagnation. After all, a fire that is not stirred, will die.
Offerings to Loki may include:
candies and sweets (especially chocolate, licorice, cinnamon candies)
hot peppers/spicy foods
tobacco/tobacco products
hot chocolate
very sweet tea
scented candles or incense (ginger, cinnamon, pine, vanilla, juniper, dragon's blood, pepper, yew)
mistletoe (especially during Yule)
toys, trinkets, or puzzles
acts of creation (art, music, playlists)
One may decorate an altar to Loki with their symbols (infinity snake, ouroboros, chaos star, name runes Laguz, Othala, Kennaz, Isa); black, gold, red, orange, violet, or green ribbons/cloths/buttons; a particularly large or multi-wicked candle, or multiple candles; an open offering bowl; tiger's eye, obsidian, smokey quartz, amber, fire agate, mother-of-pearl, lapis lazuli, clear quartz, amethyst, tourmaline; herbs such as beech, pine, juniper, blackthorn, birch, elder, elm, ivy, mullein, thistle, willow, and yew.
Devotional acts to Loki may include shadow work, harmless pranks, exploring personal pradox,examining personal bias, playing games (especially card/dice games or hide-and-seek), telling jokes or stories, researching his family, challenging authority, questioning rules, cooking.
Hail Loki!
(image sources : top left, pinterest; top right, Sash Aaron; bottom left, Urnes-style snakes symbol, original artist N/A; bottom right, also fsr cant seem to find the original artist. dumb)
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a-d-nox · 1 year
web of wyrd: top most number, your higher self / crown chakra
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the number we are focusing on today is based on the MONTH you were born (ex: i was born in october as you see above that my topmost number is 10 because october is the 10th month of the year).
but what does this number mean?
this number represents your highest self. i sense you are reading that like "really, a.d., this is like sun sign astrology *insert eyeroll* - there are only 12 options and all of us have the same 12 types of higher selves??" in theory, yes. it's a question of whether you can achieve your most actualized self though. the middle, vertical line of the web is your chakra insight for this life time (7 chakras (they follow the color pattern as well), 7 numbers (excluding that center most one that we will discuss later on)). the topmost number in question today is the crown chakra. this chakra links to all the chakras below it, thus it takes a lot of energy to get them all balanced and to achieve enlightenment. when enlightenment is achieved, we know what our purpose is and how to better connect with the divine. what blocks your crown chakra and thus you from reaching your highest self is often stubbornness and/or skepticism.
so let's talk about some examples:
6 - the lovers / 15 (1+5=6) - the devil
the lovers (the card that represents gemini) are depicted by rider waite smith as two nude (they appear comfortable with vulnerability they present to each other) people - one male (facing the woman - ignoring the angels message) and one female (looking up to the angel - listening to the angel). a mountain scape (soon to appear in the hermit's journey) is in the background. an apple tree with a snake (again represents the bodily / earthly like we saw in the magician card) around it's truck appears behind the woman (alluding to the biblical eve and her temptation towards the fruit on the tree of knowledge). a burning tree (likely alluding to the tree of life; 12 flames - 12 zodiacs, flames allude to the suit of wands which is about passion and ambition) appears behind the man. between them is an angel (staring at the reader - meant to confront us) with red (passion of will - the will of passions) wings hovering in front of the sun (enthusiasm and clarity). from the angels head comes leaves meant to obscure the sun which may indicate the message from the angel is to not give in to enthusiastic wonder or instant gratification but instead to explore divine will regarding passion. balance the earthly tree of knowledge / feminine with the divine tree of life / masculine.
the devil (the card that represents capricorn) is also considered the darker side to the lovers card. instead of an angel between the nude male and female this time rider waite smith depicts a devil (he frowns at the viewer - confronting us to do some self-reflection and accept our faults) sits between them. the pentagram (which has various meanings aside from being linked to satanism - the golden ratio, protection, humanity, etc) appears between his down turned horns, his wings are so large they disappear beyond the frame, and his lower half appears monstrous meaning to represent the things we fear and demonize. the woman and man are chained to the demon's perch / seat. the woman has a tail of fruit (the fruit from the lovers card) and the man has a tail of fire (the flames from the tree of life on the lovers card). the torch of the devil flares up to his arm hoping to rid the image of the monstrous being while also immuniating the sins of the two humans (likely adam (the flames are on the man's side, who is looking down - this is meant to indicate he is not accepting his wrongdoings) and eve (not lit on fire, stares at the viewer unapologetic - she accepts her situation)).
enlightened 6s have an androgyny about them; they balance both the feminine and the masculine. they are vulnerable and trust those around them. their purpose is to give divine love to those around them without demanding reciprocity, to give mutual respect and healthy communication within all relationships. they do not fear confronting their self-destructive tendencies - they recognize unhealthy habits that they continue to do. they accept self-sabatoge and take on responsibility. they abandon previously toxic situations and beliefs to better connect with the divine.
blocked 6s are codependent they rely on other to fulfill there needs for passion and knowledge. they have unrealistic exceptions for themselves and for those around them. they struggle to look inward to see what is the true source of their discontent with life. they tend to be in denial that they are unhappy in life; they may even dismiss their own feeling of discontent in front of others. they rely on the material to bring them happiness and seek instant gratification in all manners of life. they struggle with being vulnerable with themselves and others. they maintain toxic and unhealthy beliefs and often chose to stay in situations that are not the best from them. they avoid breaking patterns and making unpopular decisions.
10 - wheel of fortune / 19 (1+9=10) - sun
rider waite smith's the wheel of fortune (the card that represents jupiter) contains various occultic symbols meaning to illuminate the mysterious and invisible influences of life. the wheel floats in the air showing that the physical (the wheel) is linked to the spiritual (everything else in the image). all four fixed (stable, determined, motivated, etc) zodiac images and thus the elements are present in the corners of the card: ganymede (aquarius / air - top left corner), the pheonix (the final stage of scorpio / water - top right corner), the bull (the first stage of taurus / earth - bottom left corner), and the lion (the first stage of leo / fire - bottom right corner). this stable winged creatures will the earthly wheel into the air where the spiritual realm lies. they are aided by anubis (staring at the viewer - confronting them about how they live life), the egyptian god of the dead, a sphinx (the symbol of the diversity of life / power of knowledge - staring at the viewer), and snake (the symbol of earthly temptations and challenges). the wheel itself spins the letters T-A-R-O are inscribed on it - the meaning changes depending on the spin the image on the card: TARO (clockwise starting at the noon / midnight postion) indicates the word tarot, also while being TORA (going counter-clockwise starting at the noon / midnight position) indicates the word Torah - hence the Hebrew characters (which are thought to be used to spell the name of God) found on the wheel itself. the alchemic symbols for mercury, sulfur, water, and salt are found on the inner circle of the wheel - these are the heavenly substances of alchemy, further emphasizing the connection to the earthly and the divine.
a nude child (staring at the viewer - asking if we too are free and innocent) rides in on a white horse holding a red banner on rider waite smith the sun (the card that represents the sun) card. their arms are open wide with their back to the face of the sun (which stares at the viewer - asking if we are accepting of who we are). the red banner flies passionately and colorfully among the sunflowers (which represent power, hope, positivity, etc). the child rides beyond the wall, reminding us that we are beyond what has previously vexed and impaired us.
enlightened 10s have strong spiritual practices that they use to ease negative moments and to enjoy pleasant ones. they understand the cycles of life and carry a great deal of strength and resilence. to better connect to the divine they must focus on what can be controlled by themselves and releasing everything else as it is in the universes hands (they must trust the divine will give them only what they can handle). their purpose is to find peace in uncertainty and accept change, embrace their inner child, and to become understanding of all situations.
blocked 10s they try to control the universe - they experience controlling impulses even in the great cosmic uncertainty (chaos, for them) of the world. they struggle with endings and often resist growth (kind of like a chick that doesn't wish to hatch or a caterpillar that wishes to stay in its chrysalis). they are uncomfortable with change to say the least. they don't see things as temporary but as permanent. they can't recognize change and/or wish to see immediate results - they are prone to pessimism.
12 - the hanged man
attached to a T-post upside-down in the rider waite smith tarot deck is the hanged man (the card that represents neptune). suspended one-leggedly by the ankle. his hands are tied behind his back and his free leg is crossed behind the bound one (the symbol of a cross roads). he stares at the viewer in a relaxed manner despite his distressing situation. the yellow beam around his head suggests that his relaxed state is due to the fact that he is enlightened by his new found perspective in his dangling situation.
enlightened 12s see things from all angles and are willing to hear new perspectives on situations and circumstances. their purpose is to find curiosity in all things, no matter how plain or "boring" the object or situation is. they are patient despite how uncomfortable the wait is. they find that they aren't bored, but they are rather at peace with the world and are excited for change to come (no matter how long the wait may be).
blocked 12s fight against their circumstances; they are unwilling to relax and accept the state of thing. they often force forward movement without listening to what other may have to say, in terms of advice. they may have a "one-track" mind that is rather dangerous. they get annoyed by delays and are unwilling to wait. they hate silence and are in constant need for entertainment from external sources.
that's all for today. the next number we will be looking at is the number between this one and the leftmost number we examined last time.
like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic." button if you want to see a specific pac/pile next! if you'd like my input on how i read a specific card or what i like to ask my deck, feel free to use the ask button for that as well.
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