#You guys’ amazing art and writing has been a huge inspiration to keep working on my own and I just wanted to extend a big thank you
novorehere · 1 year
A wave of inspiration has hit me, and I’ve actually been able to write a little bit today and yesterday. Maybe this year I’ll actually be able to post something for vore day…
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enden-agolor · 5 months
Hey enden! I just wanted to reach out as I know these are hard times for you. I’ve been wanting to say something and give you some support, but I have never known what to say, so I’m just gonna wing it.
First off, I would like to preface by saying you are an incredibly humble artist and writer. You carry great talent, yet you seem to almost expect people to not notice that. Never forget your talent, and that even something you spill out at 2am will most definitely be praised. You inspire me to create, I have been in a art and writing slump for so long. I got caught up in life and lost the love for it. You’ve lit that spark in me once more and want to get me creating, and most definitely writing, in honor of you!! That’s amazing man. You have some real special talent, and the mcsm fandom alongside others are seriously so so lucky to have you.
Second, I send nothing but love and support to you and your boyfriend. I know everything will work out just as you guys need it to. If she doesn’t get her karma legally, she most definitely will another way. I know you guys are so strong and will pull through with flying colors!! Death of a loved one is never ever easy, and the worst always happens to the best people. Know that none of what happened is your fault, don’t let guilt consume you, and both of you take care of and love yourselves. You guys seriously deserve it.
Lastly, on a less dreary note, I would like to ask if you had any fan fiction prompts for Jesskas? I want to write so bad, but I cannot come up with a proper idea that is really interesting and solid, yanno? I want to write something long, that I can really pour my heart out into. So if you had any tips or story prompts, it would seriously be appreciated, and you of course would get a huge shoutout, as you would with or without helping me since you are such a huge inspiration to me.
Best of wishes Enden!!
This may be a long response, so here-
First off, I suppose you are right when you say I don't really expect people to enjoy the content I create. It's not an easy concept for me to grasp. I have a lot of trouble seeing how people can like my stuff so much, or god even say I'm their favorite mcsm artist when there's so many others out there that carry so much more skill with colors and backgrounds and such. I know I'm not supposed to compare myself to others, but it is an incredibly hard habit to end. It's why I'm so shocked when I see actual fanart of my aus, or god even my writing. I cannot go back and read me own works for the life of me because I just cringe so bad at it, so when people say it's good I really just have to trust them and believe it.
All I could ever dream to do is inspire people to create and grow with their own imagination, so hearing that my stuff has done that sort of thing for you (and others who have told me the same) it brings me so much joy, but it truly is entirely hard to believe that it's me and not someone else being the one to do that. I don't know, but I am very honored to hear this from you. It only inspires me to push myself further and I don't know. Maybe some day I can push my imposter syndrome aside and really get a firm grasp on my full potential and be proud of it.
And thank you for the love and support towards our situation... As the days go by I fear more and more that that woman will get to keep her dog and nothing will come out of this other than we just have to move past it. So I hope you're right when you say she'll get her karma some other way. I've never in my life wished something bad to happen to someone. Not like this... So if karma does catch her, let it be as devastating to her as it was to us.
Now, real life shenanigans aside, we can get to the jesskas stuff 😏
For fanfic prompts, I always suggest exploring canon before getting into anything truly ambitious. If there's a certain scene in the game you'd like to further explore and add on to- do it! Like I've always wanted to write a fic that gets into a deep emotional moment between Jesse and Lukas after Jesse rescues Lukas and Petra from the Nether during episode 8 and they all enter the player dorms for the night. Just those off screen moments where you can take the characters and add more to the story is easy and fun in itself. I always like to look deep into the emotional aspect of it all, and really dive into how the characters might be feeling after a situation and how that gentle moment alone together could bring them closer. What I already mentioned being a good example because it's directly after PAMA, Jesse having to watch Lukas and Petra(or Ivor) die, and so on. There's a LOT of feelings to explore there. If that's something you'd want to try and tackle, go for it!! But if there's another scene from the game that really sticks out to you that you feel could be so much more, go for that too. It's good to start small and practice how you want to write the characters. Only reason I started a huge fic like Recovery straight away was because I'd been rping jesskas for like a year and a half already and was confident I knew how to write the characters and I wanted to do more for the little community by writing a nice big fic.
And again, it's Minecraft. There's a whole world to explore and put these two right in the middle of it. Think up certain scenarios you like and add on to it! Like if there's a certain scene you really want to do, build to it. Give the characters a goal and put obstacles in the way so you can really flesh them out on the way to that goal. What made them want to go there? How do they get there? What do they do when they get there? How do they communicate with others that might also be there? And how differently do they treat eachother compared to how they treat the others? Those are all things you really want to know ahead of time. Also pay attention to the scenery. Really look into the visuals your mind creates and do your best to get into the details about it all. There's a lot to get into with writing, and the best part about it is you're in complete control, so go crazy with your imagination, especially since it's Minecraft. It could be entirely self indulgent, or even something out of your comfort zone. No matter what it is, it's still growth and it's still progress to being a better writer. Just make sure you're having fun.
Also, thanks for taking the time to send this ask. I appreciate you 🩷
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natlacentral · 5 months
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Hi Ian, could you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Hey! Yeah, of course. I’m a 22-year-old actor & artist from College Station, Texas. I’m a huge fan of all things art, especially the medium of film & tv. I did martial arts most of my life growing up from the ages of 9-16; it basically consumed my life. I’m a 3rd degree black belt and world champion in Weapons; I still keep up on my training. I love to write all sorts of things from songs to screenplays to journal entries, my day truly isn’t complete without writing. My life is centered around my relationship with Jesus, which is where I find my rest, my strength, and my inspiration.
Congratulations on landing on one of the leading role in “Avatar: The Last Airbender”, how does it feel to be one of the main characters Sokka in this Netflix live-action adaptation?
 Thank you so much! It feels amazing to play such a beloved and iconic character in this series. This is my first leading role, so it was a big responsibility, and I grew so much as an actor and a person in general. I loved the animated series growing up, so it was really surreal to be a part of this life action adaptation.
You mentioned that you are a huge fan of the original animated series, what traits have you noticed from that version (or the movie adaptation) of Sokka that you like? How have you thought of continuing those traits in your portrayal of the character?
 Yeah, my goal with taking on the role of Sokka was to embody the soul of that character and translate who Sokka really is while bringing in the elements that come with making him a real-life person. He’s the meat and sarcasm guy with the boomerang, but he also has a lot of very complicated emotions coming up inside of him that he’s really never been able to face before. It was a really fun challenge to get to play with all of the layers of who he is. He masks a lot of what he’s going through with his humor which I think is true for a lot of funny people. Getting to find those little correlations from the animated character and connect him to a real, emotional human place was a big task but a very gratifying one to take on.
And is there anything new you have implemented in your interpretaion? If so, what is it?
 I think the newness that comes from adapting an animated character is getting to let their human components shine through. Finding their vulnerabilities and how and when they let those show and why. Being human is being vulnerable, so just keeping their core and soul of what makes them who they are and enhancing their humanity.
In the series, Sokka tries to prove his leadership and value even without having special abilities. In the end, he becomes a hero in his own way. Do you somehow resonate with Sokka’s perseverance? Do you think these traits could somehow be an inspiration to you in your real life?
Absolutely, perseverance is a crucial component to anyone becoming truly successful in anything. I had many grueling times in my career before coming onto this show where I was very close to booking the “career defining role” that ended up going to someone else. If I hadn’t learned my love for the art and on my pursuit of the craft, I never would’ve gotten this dream opportunity.
Trained in taekwondo at a young age, did it help you in your working on your role this time?
All movement experience while working on a show with this level of action definitely helps. However, my character doesn’t have a whole lot of technical knowledge when it comes to fighting, so I had to learn how to look like I didn’t know what I was doing when it came to martial arts for Sokka.
The series seems to be very dynamic, and we assume that the performance is very physically demanding. Have you gone through some training before filming? What kind of preparation have you done for the role, both mentally and physically?
They put us through a six week long bootcamp where all four of us got to learn how to bend all four elements which was very fun but didn’t cater to my character because obviously Sokka can’t bend. I took that time to get as physically in shape as I could. On the mental component of prep, I outlined the arc for what Sokka goes through for the first 2 episodes and mapping it out so I could know exactly where I was emotionally and why in any scene. We block shot two episodes at a time, so it was important for me to get as familiar as possible with the material and have anchor points to allow me to get into the head, heart and body of Sokka wherever we found him on his journey.
Could you tell us something interesting happened during the filming? Anything fun that we don’t know from behind the scene?
 The way we filmed the Appa scenes were really interesting and weird because the whole bottom half of Appa, including the face, are fully CGI so we would hop on this huge 15 – 20ft animatronic and a crew of like 10 guys would surround the creature and manually pull and push the Appa rig up and down to make it look like we were flying.
For you, what are the most enjoyable things throughout this whole experience?
The family that I’ve made with the cast. The four of us have really become like siblings and have grown up for the past 3 years together. It’s by far been the biggest gift getting to work on this show that I’m really proud of and grateful for.
Now let’s talk about your entrepreneurship. You founded a clothing line, KALÓ SOIL, together with two of your pals. What inspires you to start this brand?
 Kaló Soil is a passion project and a creative outlet for me and the guys. It was really great for me to put my hands to another passion of mine during the actors strike. At Kaló we’re all deeply influenced by our faith, so our goal is to glorify God through the art of fashion.
How did you step into the world of repurposing vintage clothes into unique new fashion pieces?
At Kaló Soil we have a large collection of curated vintage, which is how the company started. We were wholesaling vintage and needed a show room to work out of and display the pieces we’ve accumulated. When I joined the company with Ryan Sullivan and Hunter Baker, we integrated our “Made-in-house” products which are our original designs hand sewn and sourced In LA. We still sell curated vintage alongside our own pieces online and in-store.
During the preparation of the physical store, you guys helped a homeless contractor (or maybe an interior designer you would say?) by accommodating him in the upcoming space and let him design the furniture in the store. This is indeed a benevolent act.  What encourages you to do so? Could you tell us more about the backstory and about the collaboration?
We met our friend Quinn while moving into our storage space near Skid row in DTLA and hired him to help us source products for the furniture and interior design section of the store. He’s a great guy and we’ve learned a lot from him. He has an amazing eye for the unusual which is something that all of us at Kaló really admire and value.
Are there any future plans for Ian Ousley? Both for his acting career and his fashion entrepreneurship?
The plan right now is to go back for the next two seasons of Avatar: The Last Airbender and pour my heart, soul, sweat and best efforts into the process of serving the project to make it the best it can possibly be. I’m about to start filming another project this summer that I’m very excited to dive into and share with all of you. A huge desire of mine is to direct, so I’m hoping to get my own short film shot before we start filming the show again. However, I’m mostly just trying to stay centered and focused on maintaining my relationship with the arbiter of peace, truth and life. That relationship between Jesus and I, above anything I could do in my career, is my ultimate goal and purpose.
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citylawns · 7 months
even ur tumblr page is mostly pretty models and people, lmao.
having beautiful people on my blog in the context of a pretty multifaceted blog doesn't mean I centre beauty in my life or base my entire self esteem on it. although it's something I'm thinking about a lot since I'm writing a book on it and using tumblr as a place for image reference. lmfao.
I mean the constant pressure to be more beautiful is always there don't, I'm pretty open about my relationship with beauty and how it is something we constantly are in flux with, and I am not against anyone engaging in beauty rituals, I just don't want women to sacrifice the fullness of their lives to be a vessel of beauty standards. women are starving themselves, mutilating themselves, sinking all their time and money into being pretty so they don't hate themselves and limiting their opportunities and richness of their lives because they literally hate themselves otherwise, and that's the ugliest thing I can think of.
that video was not saying "never appreciate beauty or have a complex relationship with it!!!!" it was saying in a very clear and compassionate way.... girl... get some other things going in your life because beauty is ephemeral and the way its being presented by skincare and make up companies is a con.
I'm just a girl with a blog and a lot of interests, that's why there's pretty people on my blog.
most days I get up and I write and read and go to work where I get paid sell and style clothes and I speak to my friends who are musicians and artists and we discuss politics so I have lots of things to base my self esteem on outside of how I look, but it actually does take a while to get here for a lot of people! beauty is currency as I keep saying, which means we have to take part in it to some degree to navigate the world. so no I don't put make up on for fun lol. I do it so people are nicer to me. even though I actually have a lot of privilege because of my body and face. I mean I literally get paid for having this body and face, modelling is such an amazing but ridiculous job. but I am not saving up for plastic surgery or buying into beauty culture in the way the video I shared is addressing, even though there's plenty of things society thinks I could get done!
I shared that video to help people considering the huge amount of messages I've been getting recently from insecure young women, and because it's something I have to keep reminding myself of since it used to be the only thing I based my self esteem on because of how I was spoken to as a young girl... we can be interested in beauty and fashion and also critique it. my blog also contains much much more literature,
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art, music, architecture, photography, politics, design, films, shots and glimpses of other peoples life, my own personal reflections on how modelling and beauty and misogyny has affected my lived experiences, and plenty of things which do explore, exemplify and critique beauty culture as well as shocking vulnerability, body horror, negative consequences of celebrity culture, runway fashion and garments and outfits that inspire my style as well as runway history
some of you guys... worry me... because to me it seems like you can only grasp very basic concepts with only very polarising and differing GOOD and BAD concepts. but that can't be true. I really hope you are just being willfully obtuse and a hater because babe the world contains multitudes... we all contain multitudes <3
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skrunklepng · 9 months
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by @skrunklepng @flowerphysics and @yukiitsukii
this was a huge project guys!! it took a total of 15.5 hours to draw this over the span of 3+ days on top of work, and i couldnt be prouder of us!!!
not only have i made this amazing poster recreating the Scott Pilgram Takes Off poster, but @flowerphysics has created our very own 🎶playlist🎶 for the skrunklies based off this poster!!
find out more about the characters below 👇
here we have Ally and Sorren!
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These are the main characters of our world we call The Skrunklies. They are whimsical, artistic, and are constantly up to shenanigans!
Ally loves all things art, but her biggest passion is music and dance. Shes been a ballerina for most of her life, taking her craft very seriously to the point of burnout, all the way until she met her new best friend Sorren!
Sorren, who only came into consciousness very recently, is a guy who knows nothing of the world he lives in and navigates life through winging it constantly. His inability to overthink or plan things properly was a huge change of pace for Ally, but seeing him thrive and live life to the fullest inspired her to have more fun and let the winds of change take over.
Here we have Io! (E-oh)
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Io is a girl surrounded by mystery. Straying a little far from home and finding herself in a bustling city, she was quickly overwhelmed and in desperate need of help. Found by Ally and Sorren, she was taken in and befriended, and is often drawn into the two's shenanigans. Not much is known about Io due to her being very withdrawn, but she is a beloved member of the group!
Here we have Lapis and her bandmates Roddy and Kyle!
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Lapis is the leader and creator of Community City's fan favorite band, Naughty Strawberries!!! Lapis is very strong and confident leader, and her dream when she was young was to make it big in a band of her own. With her best friend since middle school, Roddy, they started the band with their very own Kyle Fletchers and another member who has since left.
Lapis is the leader of the band, planning events, writing lyrics, and plays bass, although she knows how to play guitar too. Her passion for the band keeps her busy and happy in her life!
Roddy plays the drums and is the heart and soul of the three. He loves to make music, and while he supports Lapis and Kyle in their dreams to make it big in the scene, he is beyond content with being and playing with his friends. No matter what happens, he just wants the band to stay together.
Kyle is the lead singer and guitarist after the fourth member had left for a more popular band. Kyle is very passionate about making it just as big as the rival bands, if not bigger. Driven by his goal for success, he takes the band a bit too seriously sometimes and can butt heads with Lapis, but he in undeniably an important part of the crew.
Naughty Strawberries has a very versatile sound, leading to their growth happening very quickly! While playing at a royal ball event, Lapis saw Ally, Sorren, and Io in the crowd.
Here is Otto!
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Otto is Lapis' twin sister, and theyve been extremely close their whole lives. Both have been very skilled in the arts, but Otto took the path of tattooing. As both of their passions began to take off and grow, Otto found themself traveling across Tierra, providing beautiful pieces of works to clients of all types. After a few short years of travel Otto decided to settle down in Community city, helping to advertise Lapis' band, and has opened their own local tattoo parlor.
One day while Sorren was discovering the world of tattoos, he met and befriended Otto quickly. Otto invited Sorren and his friends to see her sister live at a super big event at the nearby castle. This is how Ally and Lapis were introduced, and after a ton of pining the two became a strong and endearing couple (thank you Otto 💜)
Here is Ophelia!
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Ophelia is a girl with a deep dark secret, she can see demons and talk to them, but nobody else can. Constantly surrounded and being whispered to by these creatures, Ophelia finds it hard to communicate with others, but theres one thing she truly loves doing, going to concerts! Her all time favorite band is Naughty Strawberries, and shes been to every concert since their debut.
At many of the converts Ophelia saw Otto, the band leaders sister, and slowly began to develop and crush on them. Ophelia is really shy though, and has never opened up to Otto about her feelings, but after getting to hang out with Otto through a friend of a friend, shes developed a really close relationship with them and hopes one day to confess her feelings
Here is Skrim and Ellie
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Skrim is friend of Ophelia's, having met at his job at the Pixel Berry Cafe, previously known as Ellie's Strawberry Delights.
Ellie is a succubus and her passions lie in protecting the succubi and incubi of Community City, and running her strawberry themed cafe! Shes mysterious and charming, and took in Sorren Ally Io and Skrim like family, having them work at the cafe.
Ellie and Skrim's lives holds a lot of dark secrets. Ellie harbors murderous Succubi and Incubi under her cafe as a way to protect her people from the laws that dont align with their lifestyle, which includes Skrim. Raised to kill his prey, hes known nothing but the overwhelming urge to survive. Ellie took him in as a nephew to show him a kinder world, where he struggles greatly to meld with the charming and happy go lucky vibes of the city he never knew.
As edgy as he is, he truly loves and appreciates Ellie for the life she has given him, and since Sorren Ally and Io started working at the cafe his heart has opened up and a tiny little spot in his heart yearns to learn and love more
Heres Zoe, Zorro, and Adrian!
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Zoe and Zorro are a pair of twins with some rich history with Ally.
Zoe, along with Ally, was in a private ballerina school as a young girl. While Ally worked hard and excelled, Zoe had this one sided rivalry with her. The more Zoe focused on Ally rather than practicing her craft, the more she began to fall off and was eventually let go by the campaign. Infuriated, Zoe blames Ally for her failure, and this resentment has built till this current day.
Zorro is Zoe's twin brother, and he really doesnt have much going on for him besides his puppeteering. Zorro loves to build puppets and manipulate them with string, but otherwise he only hangs out with his sister Zoe, who loves drag him along everywhere.
Adrian is a mysterious goose found by Zoe at a young age. Despite seeming to be a normal goose, Adrian has a deep dark secret. He used to be an evil creature, but was cursed to live the rest of his days in this feeble goose body.
This is Corvus
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Corvus is another mysterious character. While on the trolly to work, Sorren was approached by Corvus. It had been many months they had been taking the same ride and Corvus had something to say. To Sorren's surprise Corvus was suddenly confessing his attraction to him. Bewildered and having never felt such feelings before, him and Sorren had talked things through for hours on that trolley, totally missing work. In the end the two decided to date, and are now madly in love!
Corvus finds Sorren to be the most beautiful creature hes ever seen. He has a huge soft spot for him, which is a juxtaposition to his every day life where his job is to work along with Community City's peacekeepers by tracking down rowdy citizens.
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gyldowen-draws · 2 years
What's this? A Rhys playlist? On MY blog? It's more likely than you think!
Music has always been a huge inspiration for my writing and my art, so I wanted to share some of the songs that match Rhys' Vibe™️
I would absolutely love any recommendations for songs that would fit my dearest bastard! Please, please, please send them my way ^.^
Analysis under the cut!
(Just a note: I make a lot of references to Rhys' backstory so if you'd like some context, it's in his ref sheet!)
Fake Your Death: First of all, this is a 10/10 great song all by itself. From the driving drums and piano to the melancholy yet determined delivery of the excellent lyrics, it perfectly captures Rhys' life, always having to move from job to job and literally having to fake his death a couple of times. Some lines that really stick out are, "But even good guys still get paid", "I choose defeat/ I walk away/ and leave this place the same today" and "Just look at all that pain" but honestly every line could accurately describe Rhys and his feelings. If I had to chose one song to represent my boy Rhys, this would be it. Thank you Mr. Way for my life.
Dance on a Volcano: This amazing and energetic song is just a perfect metaphor for Rhys' entire life: in a dangerous situation all alone, not knowing exactly what to do, not able to look back, having to keep moving forward no matter what, the need to get it right. Plus the flame/lava imagery is just perfect for my fire mage. The line "Out of the night and out of the dark/ Into the fire and into the fight/ Well that's where all the heroes go" is just *chef's kiss* perfection. Additionally the line "Whatever you do/ you'd better start doing it right" was the inspiration for the title of my fic series about Rhys and Yor!
This is Gospel: Another great song that captures more of Rhys' internal drive for freedom and fear of vulnerability. And the song's inversion of religious gospel connects to Rhys' background growing up in the Cult of Miriar. To top it all off, he's definitely an "insufferable bastard", so this song's for him!
Dukes Up: This song perfectly encapsulates how Rhys' solution to every problem is violence. Plus it has a rawness to it that fits Rhys perfectly. Short, gritty, and full of raw anger. Just like Rhys!
Training Montage: To me, this song fits Rhys' time in the prison camp and when he decided to give up his life as a con man to become a full-time mercenary instead. The absolute determination in this song is amazingly accurate to how he puts his mind to things. Also the chorus is an incredible representation of his motivations in life. He wants to live in a way that goes entirely against what he was taught in the Cult, a revenge for his childhood. His main goal is to stay true to himself, but he's still figuring out who he is. He feels incredible guilt for killing some of his fellow Vessels and leaving them all behind in the Cult. Most of all, everything he does is for his younger self.
Thus Always to Tyrants: A great Rhys and Yor song! I love how it comes out strong with the lines "Let me die, let me drown/ Leave my bones in the ground", a very Rhys thing. It also does a wonderful job of contrasting the demands at the beginning with the questions at the end of the song, representing these two head-strong men coming together and trying to work out a relationship when neither really knows what they're doing. Also, the line "learn to love without consuming" is just so perfect for their relationship.
Like Real People Do: Absolutely gorgeous song! This is THE Rhys and Yor song. Everything about this song is perfectly accurate. From the understanding that they are both deeply haunted by their pasts to the respect that comes with not wanting to dredge up what is better kept hidden, the lyrics embody Yor's perspective on his budding relationship with the cagey Rhys. The idea that they can both put aside their hurts to find their humanity together through their love is so poignant and beautiful!
Wolves of the Revolution: This song represents a young Rhys, who - freshly escaped from the Cult of Miriar - discovers that the world outside his village is nearly as dangerous and unjust as the hell he just came from. The lines that really stick out are "There was blood in the air/ I was on all fours/ screaming life isn't fair", "born young and wild/ don't let them cut your tail" and "Just a pinch of salt in the wound/ you'll be fine". The soft, melancholy air of the entire song fits the struggles young Rhys faced as he navigated his new freedom all alone.
All These Things That I've Done: It's no secret, Rhys is an absolute bastard who has done plenty of questionable things over the course of his long life, but he still desires validation and understanding like any other person. The almost plaintive yet determined quality to the delivery of the lyrics fits Rhys in this context perfectly. With lines like "I want a meaning from the back of my broken hand", "I'm so much older than I can take", "These changes ain't changing me/ the cold-hearted boy I used to be", and "You know, you know - no you don't, you don't", this song provides a great window into Rhys' psyche. Can he find acceptance in himself and others for all the things he's done?
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beanswrites · 2 years
100 Followers Celebration!
Today's the day, everyone! The goal has officially been reached, thanks to all of you wonderfull people!
Thank you everyone for a 100 followers! I've never thought I would ever get to this many, let alone that so many people would like my writing or find any of my other posts funny!
It's just so incredible to me how I can make people smile with my writing (or cry, when I write angst-)!!
I've started this blog so I have another place to post my thoughts and writing on, but I've never thought people would actually read them! I remember the time when I used to post all my ideas because I didn't have any requests (which was like.. On Wattpad and stuff), and now you guys send me awesome new ideas each week! Your huge support means everything to me, it's my inspiration to write more!!
I just-
For my 100 milestone, I decided to give a couple of shoutouts to some of my followers who were very cool and supportive!!
Keep in mind that these are the followers that I noticed engaged with my work, the ones who have been the most active. I love all my followers the same, and each and every one of you means everything to me <3
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1. @notaguyrai
My first follower!! (Yeah, I checked)
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Hello @notaguyrai!!
You've stuck around on this little orange blog ever since the first scribble I posted for The Arcana, all the way up to here. Thank you for that!
You were my first motivation to even write more for Nadia and
(I'm kinda ashamed to admit this)
But I feel like none of my Nadia fics and headcanons are "approved" untill you like them-
Me, after posting my new Nadia fic: You know what? This isn't even that good. It was done in like two days, it probably feels rushed. And I'm not even sure it's proofread correctly! And just a 1000 words.. It doesn't even feel like Nadia! It's.. It's too forced. Nobody's gonna enjoy this. Maybe I don't even enjoy this anymore. I should probably just take it down or delete-
Tumblr notification: *@notaguyrai liked/rebloged your post*
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So thank you so much for being a huge support, and I hope that I can keep putting a smile on your face with my Nadia fics!
2. @blackcattrash
Hello @blackcattrash !!!
I just wanted to thank you for all the support you've given me. Throughout these 3 months of posting you've supported me so much, and I always have a huge smile on my face whenever I see that you liked/rebloged my posts!!
Also, I wanted to say that you're an amazing artist, and I really love your art! When I first saw it I was almost in shock about how good it was, since it's one of the best fanarts I have seen!
I am drooling, I am blushing, I am amazed and unexplainably full of seretonin from just seeing your art
It's just so good-
unbeliebavle, even
i am SSS (stunned, speechless and shocked)
*Me carefully checking if you do requests because if you do one day I will get enough courage to ask you to draw something for a fic of mine because i love your art and as a writer it's an absolute dream and honor to have my fic illustrated (BUT NO PRESSURE!!! DON'T DO IT JUST BECAUSE I'M FANGIRLING OVER YOUR ART!!! SERIOUSLY!! I'M JUST SAYING HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU AND YOUR ART!!!)*
Everyone reading this who's a fan of Nadia and The Arcana in general, please go check them out, I'm sure you're going to love them! THEY ARE FUCKING AMAZING, OKAY??
i'm so sorry for my agression i just love all sorts of arts and artists especially the ones who are always so nice like you and I hope I don't come off to strong
So yeah, anyways, love you very much and thank you!
Also yeah I'm in love with your MC, he is MAGNIFICENT
3. @bluhame
Bluhame, I love you, I really do, but I still can't tag you
not because I don't want to, I just can't, Tumblr isn't letting me
But anyway, I just wanted to thank you for always supporting me so much! You are always here for all of my fics and headcanons, and I really appriciate all the support you give me!
You seriously have the best ideas and I love it every time you request something! The idea with Greek Mythology/The Arcana crossover is brilliant, so any time you've got any ideas for me, go ahead!
Again, thank you so much for being supper nice and supportive, I love you!
4. @voidlesslove
Hiya @voidlesslove!!
Thank you for supporting my writing and me!!
I just-
I love your vibe
Idk, you just seem like the type of person to be cool by birth
You are so nice, and you always support me and-
Idk you just passed the vibe check
Anyways, thank you for being here and reading my work! If you have any ideas or wishes, my asks are always open! (Oh and yeah I noticed you love Kaeya and as a Kaeya main I have to write some fanfics about him)
Also we share the absolute FANTASTIC taste in men (ya' know what I'm talking about, men with eyepatches) so there's always that too
5. @lucky-foxface
My hundredth follower!
Thank you for making this goal of mine complete, as well as being so patient about your request! I promise it'll be out soon!
Thank you for supporting me and my works, you really are the best!!
Also mentioning: @doesamaifeelinspired, @eye-of-the-silver-dragon, @pekowithabat, @newbie-i-guess and @nonbinaryasraalnazar
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All of you guys mean everything to me! So, incase you want to ask something (about your request, my writing, or just any random questions in general), requests something, or just talk and/or simp with me, my asks are open!
I'm welcoming all new followers, and giving a big hug to the old ones!!
Again, thank you so much!
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kalzoni · 4 years
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Thank you so much to the crew and fandom, you made something absolutely incredible!
I really can’t express how much I love this show and this crazy family
When Rise of the TMNT ended and I cried, I don't really think I've ever cried at a show ending before. So I wanted to write some stuff from the heart, because no show has ever impacted me the way this show has:
This show itself has such a beautiful focus on family, Family is the people you choose, whether biological or not. Platonic and Familial relationships are so hugely important in a child’s life and I’m so happy the show put such a hard focus on it, I don't think enough shows put this level of care into it. The show handled the idea of family beautifully in such a healthy and wholesome way. There’s no such thing as an average family. The world we live in is diverse. And the people we love come from all sorts of places. Family isn't defined by your blood relation, it's defined by your love for each other.
The show also had some really progressive views on its characters, with male characters being emotionally vulnerable and open and female characters being total badasses and written realistically to how a lot of girls actual act. And Splinter as dad? Man, his whole arc was just fantastic! He is a really genuine character, all the characters are! And the way sibling dynamics are written are so realistic and hilarious! The characters are all just written with so much care and I love it!
The crew of Rise are INSANELY TALENTED and PASSIONATE people who put so much love into this show, and you can see it in every single frame! The colours are vibrant, the character animation is excellent and the fight scenes are just PHENOMENAL and genuinely JAW-DROPPING! The show was visually amazing and just and totally out there! The love and care put into the show by every crew member is unlike anything I've ever seen before. The show is absolutely fantastic and is the very definition of passion project, from the first episode to the last. It’s absolutely stunning to watch and a pure inspiration.
Perfect is an understatement.
I really can’t fully express just how much this show meant to me and how much it impacted my life.
I discovered Rise of the TMNT two years ago totally on accident during a pretty low point in my life. I saw an article for this show and checked out the trailer and I was totally blown away by the animation. I loved the art style, I loved the animation style, just everything about it! It was like a group of people sat down and made a show just for me. I would just watch the promos frame by frame and animate alongside it for hours on end. I felt like a little kid! The only thing I would talk about was this show (and tbh that hasn’t stopped haha) This show reignited my passion for my future and my animation and gave the drive to push forward and keep trying my best. This led me to dropping out everything else around me and putting all of my focus into my portfolio to my dream course (mostly full of turtle drawings haha), and about 5 months after the first episode premiered I got accepted!
And it's not just the show alone that’s important to me, the Rise fandom has been the most welcoming and kind fandom I’ve ever had the pleasure to be a part off. You guys are absolutely amazing. When I first started posting two years ago I didn’t expect to get more than a couple of likes, but this fandom gave me such an overwhelming amount of support and kindness I really didn’t expect. You guys gave me so much confidence in myself and in my art and just made me so incredibly happy. I remember I used to purposely post late at night just so I would be able to wake up to your responses first thing in the morning, it always made my day. Every fandom I’ve been in a part of in the past has been purely for the sake of talking about content, but you guys have been so much more than that for me. You mean the world to me and I really can’t express just how much your kind words and support have impacted my life. <3
I am currently the happiest I’ve ever been in my life and I thank this show and fandom hugely for it. This show has continually been my inspiration as an artist to work hard to achieve my animation industry dreams. When I felt the lowest of lows this show pushed me forward and gave me the drive to work hard and get where I wanted to go. This show has been my comfort for the past two years. Whenever things weren’t going my way, I knew I could always pop on an episode or check out the tags and watch this funky family do their thing. This show and fandom just bring me so much joy and are so incredibly important to me.
This show has gone too early, but I’m so grateful it came into my life when it did.
I think this is the kind of media we need more of. Media made by people who genuinely LOVE what their making and who's inspiration comes from the heart. Media that’s spreads strong messages of family and love that the creators really believe in. 
Shows made with love and passion reflect on the audience watching it. We can see it, and we love it.
The crew that worked on this show are all amazing, and I have the absolute highest respect for them.
They had a story and a message they wanted to tell and they stuck by it till the very end. I honestly think the children currently growing up with this kind of content have to be some of the luckiest kids in the world.
The show may be over but it had such a huge impact on me that it will forever and always be one of the most important and special shows in my life.
To the fandom, and to the entire crew and creators of Rise of the TMNT.
You’ve made something absolutely incredible and I love you all for it
Thank you all so much
#Anatawa Hitorijanai #SaveRottmnt
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mintaka14 · 3 years
This is chapter 2 of my Dash & Lily inspired ML AU.
For the Lady’s Favour
A Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction
By Mintaka14
 Chapter Two – Complicated Plans
 “Delivery order,” Luka’s boss said laconically, and pushed a takeaway cup and a slip of paper across the counter towards Luka.
Delivery orders weren’t uncommon, but the address on the slip was, and Luka’s eyebrow climbed as he read it. His boss just shrugged.
“The customer paid extra for this one, so you’d better get going.”
At least it was a nice day to be making a delivery to the Trocadéro, and Luka headed out into the streets towards the gardens.
There were plenty of people clustered around the first bench from the northern entrance of the park, and the second, but there was only one at the third bench. He could see pigtails, and a girl bent over the sketchbook in her lap. As he got closer, he caught a glimpse of an assortment of clothing, notes and scribbles and odd sketches around the edges.
“Delivery for the lady at the third bench?” he called out, and his attention was caught by the figure she seemed to be working on. Was that… Jagged Stone? This girl had good taste in music, clearly, and the coat she’d sketched on him looked amazing.
“Hey, that’s really –“ The girl looked up, and Luka completely lost his train of thought as he found himself staring into endlessly blue eyes. Holy shit.
“Is that my coffee?” she asked with a tentative smile, and Luka jerked back to attention. He looked down at the chocolate and fluff with extra everything and all the froufrou his boss had been able to jam into one cup.
“Not exactly.”
The girl’s eyes fell on the cup in his hands, and she let out a soft breath.
“I guess he has a sweet tooth,” she said, and he handed her the cup, trying not to react to the brush of her fingers.
“You didn’t see who placed the order?” she asked a little wistfully. “It- it wasn’t you, was it?”
“Me?” Luka was still reeling under the impact of those blue, blue eyes. “Right now, I wish it had been.”
He nodded at the cup of chocolate and marshmallow fluff in her hands. “Although I’m more of a coffee guy.”
She lit up in a smile, and any semblance of rational thought that Luka had left was gone. Damn, she was just too gorgeous.
“Me too, to be honest. I wouldn’t get half the things I need to do done without a regular caffeine hit. Are you a night owl too?”
“Too often, yeah. It kind of comes with the territory.”
She raised an eyebrow at that, and he found himself talking more.
“I play in a couple of bands, and I’d keep falling asleep over my guitar in the middle of a gig without coffee to keep me going.”
“You’re a musician?”
He grinned and ducked his head in acknowledgement. “What about you? What keeps you up at night?”
It was only after he’d said it that he realised how that could have sounded, but the girl didn’t seem to notice.
“Design and sewing.” She let out a faint huff. “The middle of the night always seems to be about the only time I can focus on my projects without something interrupting me, so… coffee.” She pulled a face at the mountain of fluffy chocolate in her hand, and then seemed to realise that they were still standing in the middle of the park. She backed up a reluctant step. “I should – I should stop holding you up. You probably need to get back to work, and here I’m – Sorry. Thanks for bringing me the hot chocolate.”
“You can hold me up any time,” he sighed, but only when she was out of hearing. He turned and headed back towards the coffee shop, but he came to an abrupt stop at the sound of running footsteps and the touch of a hand on his arm.
“Sorry, sorry!” the girl gasped. She held out a raspberry red macaron wrapped in cellophane and ribbon. It was a work of art. “I nearly forgot. Could you give this to the person who ordered the hot chocolate for me?”
“It looks like a ladybug,” he said stupidly, and she blushed again. “No, it’s cute. Lucky.”
“I could use a bit of luck,” she muttered, then she met his eyes and her smile grew brighter. “It was really nice to meet you, Luka. Thanks for my sugar rush.”
Luka’s malfunctioning brain caught on that. “You know my name?”
And the girl’s face flamed into embarrassment. “I don’t… you… the thing…” She gave up and nodded at his chest, and the name tag that was still there.
Ah. Of course.
“I’m Ma-ma-marinette,” she offered, tripping over her own name.
“Pretty name. It suits you.” Judging from the way her cheeks burned even brighter, his tone had been a little more heartfelt than he’d intended, and, reluctantly, he backed up a step. “Guess I’d better get back before my boss notices I’m missing and decides to fire me.”
The smile she gave him almost knocked him on his ass, and he turned away before he could make even more of an idiot of himself. There was something niggling at the back of his mind, though.
Luka stopped and turned back.
“Marinette,” he said. “Wait, do you know Juleka Couffaine?”
“We were in the same class for a few years,” Marinette admitted. “We hang out sometimes.”
“You’re Marinette! I heard all about you from Jules after that thing with the school photo.” He could have kissed her for what she’d done for his baby sister’s self-confidence, and if half the things he’d heard from Juleka were true, this girl was every bit as incredible as he’d just been imagining. He realised he was beaming at her like a fool, and tried to dial it back a bit.
“Nothing too bad, I hope,” she said, sounding a little alarmed, and he felt his smile soften.
“Nothing bad at all.”
When he finally got back to the coffee shop, Luka had barely had time to slide behind the counter and sling an apron around his waist again before the door swung open with an enthusiastic peal of the bell. He looked up to find Adrien Agreste heading towards the counter with an expression of barely concealed nervous anticipation on his famous features.
Luka gave him an easy smile, but before he could ask what the model wanted, Adrien had blurted out, “Did she like it? Did… were you the one who delivered the hot chocolate for me? Was she there?”
So Marinette’s mystery hot chocolate was Paris’ beloved poster boy.
Luka silently handed him the macaron that Marinette had asked him to deliver, and watched the model’s face light up like Christmas had come early.
Marinette was not surprised when Alya burst into her bedroom without so much as a greeting.
“So?” Alya said impatiently. “How did it go?”
“He sent me hot chocolate. I think I’m still in sugar shock, Alya, but the boy who delivered it was so funny and sweet about it –“
“Never mind the delivery guy,” Alya cut her off. “Your mystery guy came through! You had your first date with him… feel free to tell me I’m a genius any time now. This is a good start. The whole idea is for you to get to know each other before you meet, so you need to write to him and get him to do something to show he’s serious here.”
“Like what?”
Alya shrugged. “You’re the one with the plans. You just have to come up with something you can get him to do that doesn’t involve you meeting face to face, something he can do to win your favour.”
“Yes, but it’s not like I can ask him to fight a duel for my honour or something…” Marinette trailed off. “Fight,” she repeated thoughtfully.
“I know that look,” Alya nudged her shoulder. “That’s a plan happening, isn’t it?”
Marinette grabbed a sheet of notepaper from her desk, and her favourite pen.
“Ultimate Mecha Strike,” she announced.
“An online challenge. It’s perfect. We don’t have to meet in person, but we can play each other online and find out a bit more about each other.”
Alya was looking as if she wasn’t sure if it was a bad idea or brilliant.
“What if he doesn’t play UMS?”
“Then I can teach him.”
“And what if he doesn’t like getting whomped?” Alya asked sceptically. She was very familiar with Marinette’s playing style, and Marinette made a face, still concentrating on the note she was writing.
“Then it’s better to find out now that he’s a sore loser, before I get too attached.”
Marinette read over the note, and folded it, presenting it to Alya with a flourish. Alya grinned, and tucked it into her bag.
“Right,” she said, getting to her feet. “Let’s see if he’ll fight for your hand. I’ll let you know how it goes.”
Once Alya had clattered down the steps again, Marinette buried her face in her pillow and screamed quietly. This was a bad, bad idea.
Luka was wiping down the counter when the bell chimed over the door, and he paused as Alya came in. It wasn’t unusual to see her in the café, but it was unusual to see her there without Nino or their friends. He watched curiously as she sidled almost furtively towards the noticeboard and tacked something up between the band posters and lost and found notices.
“What are you up to?” Luka asked, and Alya leaped, her hand going to her chest as she spun around.
“Jeez! You startled me.”
Luka tipped his head at the envelope she’d just pinned up. “I saw you the other day, when you put that letter on the board, and now this one. What’s that all about?”
“Aren’t we allowed to use the public noticeboard?” Alya asked, her hands going to her hips and a defensive note in her voice.
“And that hot chocolate delivery the other day?”
Alya huffed in response, but Luka just kept watching her with a look of mild interest, until she said, “It’s just like this game. Sort of. Like a blind date, without actually knowing who you’re dating.”
Luka’s eyebrow climbed.
“Look, we have these friends who’d be perfect for each other, but she can’t talk to him, and he’s completely clueless, so we’re trying to set them up.”
“Right,” Luka said slowly. “Does Marinette know about this?”
“Well, she doesn’t know who it is,” Alya muttered. “But she’s had this huge crush on Adrien for ages. We’re just getting them to set each other challenges, doing stuff like that coffee delivery, or… I don’t know, looking for a painting at the Louvre, something like that. Like dates, where they don’t actually meet.” Alya gave a sudden grin. “It’s going to be so hilarious when they finally work out who they’re writing to.”
“Is this some kind of practical joke?” he asked flatly, his heart sinking a little for Marinette’s sake, but Alya’s angry reaction was somewhat reassuring.
“Like I’d do that to my girl!” she said indignantly. “This is just… a creative way to help her get past some stuff. You met Marinette, so you know how she trips all over herself and stutters?”
She’d certainly stumbled over their names when she’d gotten flustered, but Marinette had been perfectly coherent through most of their conversation. Alya must have taken Luka’s expression as agreement, though, because she barrelled on.
“Well, imagine that, but like a million times worse. Girl just cannot string a sentence together around a guy she likes. And Adrien, well, he’s great with knowing what to say to his fans, and being polite to other models and his father’s business contacts, but not so good with,” Alya gestured vaguely, “normal stuff. He’s never really noticed Marinette like that, because he’s not real good with subtle, but he buys into that whole romantic movie, big gesture, winning the lady thing.”
“And that’s where this comes in?” Luka asked drily, nodding at the letter pinned to the board.
“Exactly!” Alya smacked her hands on the counter. “It’s like something out of one of those old movies. We get Adrien’s attention with the whole romantic mystery thing, and in the meantime, they can get to know each other. Marinette can talk to Adrien, because she doesn’t have to actually talk to him and she doesn’t know it’s him anyway, and Adrien can get to see how amazing my girl really is.”
“This seems like a very complicated way of doing things,” he pointed out as neutrally as possible, but Alya waved away the observation with a flip of her hand.
“You don’t know Marinette. Everything tends to be complicated with her.”
“If Marinette can’t actually talk to him in person, maybe he’s not the right one for her.”
“Oh, please! She’s been in love with him forever. Love makes you do stupid things, and she just needs a bit of a push in the right direction. I know Marinette.” Alya narrowed her eyes at him. “And what’s it got to do with you anyway?”
Luka just shook his head, not trusting himself to respond. He was honest enough with himself to admit that the pang of disappointment he’d felt when he found out that Marinette was interested in someone else might have had something to do with his judgement here, but even so, this had all the makings of a trainwreck of epic proportions. He didn’t, however, need Alya’s measuring gaze to know that it was none of his business, not if Marinette wanted this.
He shrugged, and turned away to straighten the coffee cups.
“It’s nothing to do with me,” he told her, and the note stayed pinned to the board until Adrien came in again some time later to collect it. And if Luka’s heart sank a little at the eager expression on Adrien’s face, and the thought that maybe this ridiculous plan might actually work, then he kept that to himself.
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turbobyakuren · 3 years
Happy new year everyone!!!!!
I don't really have the motivation or inspiration to write a long post, but i'll try
2021 was a very, very exhausting year that has its equal share of good and bad. Bad in that some moments have been extremely difficult. Not going into details, but september was a Nightmare month for me because of academic stress and unpleasant teachers. Also right now i still don't know what i want to do in life, now that i'm done with what i want to do and my passion for what i initially loved is wavering. Good in that i have achieved most of what people told me would be impossible: i finished my university cursus and got a Master's degree in translation, i did an amazing internship where i learned a lot from my boss and i became self-employed and got paid for the first time as an independent translator and proofreader!! and now? well i bought my first CAT Tool and im trying to improve my skills in translation and hopefully get where i want without feeling incompetent
art and OC wise, this year i've been trying really hard to beat the nasty art block i acquired in june of 2020. and i'm doing ok! i still need to learn a lot, but i'm finer. and for 2022, i will try to hold the resolution of producing at least 1 character artwork per month and get around revamping my OCverse completely. Lots of work, but now htat i have more free time and energy...!
And of course, i want to give a huge shoutout to my friends and mutuals out there. you'll recognize yourselves, you guys are amazing, we had so many good moments together that i'll cherish. 2021 was the year where i started streaming more regularly, and i want to keep this habit of hosting at least 1 stream per week when i'm home, now that i have the material. I just hope my internet will get better with time. oh and, also, my infinite thanks to Someone (who isn't on tumblr) for convincing me to vanquish my initial apprehension of Final Fantasy XIV and getting me into it. Now i enjoy it
i'm at a loss for words and honestly i write passes throu my mind so i'll just conclude with: 2021 had its ups and downs but i've definitely enjoyed this year and what it brought me, and i hope that 2022 will be the same. I wish you all a happy new year and i hope many cool things will happen to you in the following days, weeks and months!!
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kodzukenscorner · 4 years
Semi, Kita, Kuroo, Osamu, Tsukishima, Asahi, and Sugawara with a multilingual S/O
anon asked: Would you please write headcanons of Semi, Kita, Kuroo and Osamu being in a r/s with a foreign s/o who is multilingual - Japanese language included - and all are self taught? Like there are people who excel in STEM, performing arts, sports etc so for s/o, language is s/o's area of expertise. Thanks!
anon asked: Hello can I request some hcs for Tsukki, Asahi and Suga when their sleep in one bed with their gf for a first time and she starts talking in a foreign language while she's sleeping? Like you know she's multilingual and the boys suddenly wakes up and they're like ??? what are u saying ¿¿¿ Thank you so much❤️ Hope it's not too much to ask for 🥺 Have a nice day
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a/n: I combined these two requests because they’re so similar for one SUPER LONG hc post lmao
wc: 2,146
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Semi seems like someone who would probably try and learn English as an additional language
But he was not anticipating you being SO good at so many different languages
When he first saw you, he was immediately drawn to you because of how unique you were compared to everyone else
He definitely finds it very attractive when you talk to him in another language 
Kind of begs you to say something sweet to him in another language because it makes him swoon
Will ask you to teach him how to say certain phrases so he can compliment you in return
Oh but when he found out you were actually self taught? He nearly combusted
Not only were you super cool for knowing so many languages but you’re also super smart and taught them to yourself??
He kind of feels like you’re too good to him so he cherishes you like crazy!
He also finds it very endearing when you slip into another language when you’re not noticing
Sometimes you do it when you get frustrated or upset and he finds it quite cute
And one time he heard you sleep talking in another language and he got so curious about what you were saying he tried to record you so he could go to google translate and figure out what you were saying
But you were mumbling a lot so he never did find out what you said
He shows you off to everyone and is very smug with you on his arm
Will talk you up to anyone who will listen and you guys come off as such a power couple
All in all, he thinks you’re a badass 
Ok so Kita is a hard man to impress
He is an extremely hard worker and believes in putting your all into everything you do, within reason of course
So when he finds out you know another language, he is impressed 
BUT when he finds out you know multiple and that you taught yourself, he is shook to his entire core
It’s been a while since he’s met someone who is so naturally talented like you
This information will definitely get a rare reaction out of him
When he finds out he is so surprised that he just can’t stop staring at you and asking you to tell him how you managed to learn multiple languages
He honestly tries to take notes on your methods but most of it is just natural ability for you so he is shook
Doesn’t push you to speak another language if you’re not comfortable with it
But when you do, he is all ears even if he can’t understand a word you’re saying
Definitely the type of guy to pick up on keywords and phrases you use frequently so he slowly starts to understand what you’re saying
He may even start to incorporate them into his daily vocabulary as well!
He always makes sure that you don’t overwork yourself when you’re studying a new language
But he will gift you with lots of cute notebooks, flashcards and pens to take notes and learn some more!
Will also keep a full stock of your favorite snacks for you to ensure that you take breaks and eat
He’s really proud of you but is mostly concerned with your health and wellbeing first and foremost
But he does feel a little twinge of pride every time he watches your language skills improve
Alrighty so Kuroo is the one who will brag about you the most to anyone who will listen
He just thinks you’re so cool and amazing and wants everyone to know how smart you are
He will be the guy to ask you to speak in another language just to show off
He also thinks it’s really hot when you do that so he can never get enough of it
Will try and learn a bit of another language from you but he just doesn’t have the attention span for it
He’s much too focused on you and how good you sound speaking another language
He will be able to pick up some simple words and phrases though
Absolutely insists on learning how to say ‘I love you’ in every language you know because he’s sappy like that
In exchange he’ll tutor you in the STEM and business fields, which is where his talents lie
Even if you don’t find it very interesting, it’s still sweet how passionate he is about it and how he wants to share that with you
Sometimes when you get frustrated or angry with him you slip into another language to yell at him
He has no clue what you’re saying but he is heart eyes because he just loves it when you do that
Even though he definitely knows you are yelling at him
He may be really annoying and show you off all the time when you’re hanging out with friends but when the two of you are alone he is a huge softie for you
His heart literally swells so much when he hears you mumble something in another language
Or even when you sleep talk
He just can’t get enough of hearing it and it makes him want to kiss you all over
Osamu is very chill when he realizes you speak another language
Even when he notices that you actually know multiple languages, he’s still very calm and doesn’t like to make a big deal about it
He definitely likes to call you his ‘smart baby’ though, but he’s never been one to brag
Except when Atsumu gets on his nerves
Then he uses you as his biggest bragging trick
He will make Atsumu feel so bad by talking about how amazing and smart you are and how he wishes he could be dating someone like you
Yeah Osamu isn’t usually competitive unless it’s Atsumu he’s talking to 
Not the type to outright ask you to teach him some sentences and phrases but he does pick them up from you
But he 100% asks you to teach him how to say different insults and swear words just to use them on Atsumu
Will also ask you to help him rehearse a conversation together in another language so that when you’re hanging out with Atsumu one day you guys can just switch to another language and make him feel left out
It’s actually very entertaining the lengths he will go to just to mess with his brother
He’d be the kind of person to learn to say something really sweet without you finding out and then surprise you with it one day
He knows just how to make your heart melt and is definitely very proud of himself for that
Sometimes he hears you sleep talking in another language and will wake up and just watch and listen to you as you sleep
He strokes your cheek really gently so he doesn’t wake you up and he’s got the softest smile on his face
Other times you forget the right word you’re looking for in one language and end up using another one instead
He always teases you for it but you know it’s all in good fun
He can’t even imagine juggling all those languages in your head
Tsuki is a very studious person so he’s not super surprised to find out you’re multilingual
But he does use it as something to brag about when people get on his nerves
He just really proud of you and can’t help it sometimes
But he’s normally very lowkey about it and doesn’t want to make a big deal about it
But deep down he’s greatly inspired by you and wants to be more like you
You give him the drive to keep pushing himself and study some more
He’ll never be able to admit but he really likes it when you speak another language, there’s something so sensual about it
But he’s way too stubborn and bashful to say it out loud
So when you do slip into a different language, he listens intently and soaks up your every word
The first time you guys spend the night together his heart is racing like crazy 
He has a hard time falling asleep, but you seemed to do it with no problem
So he just watches you sleep for a minute until you open your mouth and start mumbling something
He thinks it’s really cute and then suddenly you’re speaking another language entirely
You’re mumbling a bit but still speaking fairly normally
He thinks it’s really cute and as much as he wants to just enjoy the moment he can’t pass up the chance to tease you
So he takes out his phone and records you sleep talking, not having a single clue what you were saying
He shows it to you the next morning and you’re so embarrassed
He still makes you translate whatever you were talking about so he can tease you some more though
Asahi thought there was no way on earth he could fall more in love with you than he already was
But then he heard you speaking another language and his heart practically burst right on the spot
He’s literally so proud of you and is in constant awe
He definitely thinks you’re too good for him but he still hypes you up every chance he gets
He treats you like royalty and when you speak another language to him he nearly faints
It’s such a sweet treat to him, even if he’s heard you speak another language time and time again, he never gets tired of it
He is so determined to communicate with you that he will work so hard to have you teach him another language
He buys a dictionary, flashcards, notebook, literally everything he can get his hands on
He’s not amazing at it but he’s trying his best and honestly what more could you ask for?
The first time you fall asleep with him, it’s on accident on the couch while watching a movie
You’re resting on his chest and he wakes up because he can hear you saying something really softly 
When he finally comes to and makes out what’s happening, he realizes you’re talking in your sleep and it is in another language
His breath hitches in his throat and he does everything he can to remain calm and not wake you up
But on the inside he is freaking out at how cute you are!!
When you do eventually wake up, he asks you about the dream you just had
He really wants to try and figure out what you were saying in your sleep but he’s a bit too embarrassed to admit that he was listening to you
You unfortunately tell him that you don’t remember much about your dream 
He swears he is going to study so much so he can understand what you were saying next time
Suga is probably one of the ones who is most vocal about how proud he is of you
He is constantly giving you praises and compliments whenever he hears you switch to another language
Sometimes you switch over and you don’t even notice it
You’re so engrossed in whatever it is that you’re saying that he just doesn’t have the heart to tell you he has no idea what you’re talking about
When you do notice, you get very embarrassed but Suga just finds it all very endearing
He is someone that has you teach him simple phrases and words but he also works on his own to figure out simple sentence structures so he can talk with you more
Likes to have little study dates with you so he can improve 
One time during these dates you fell asleep and he just let you rest so he could study some more
You started mumbling something under your breath and that definitely caught his attention
He quietly moved close to where you were resting on the ground and tried to make out what you were saying
He quickly realized that you were speaking another language and grabbed his notebook and dictionary
He started taking notes on every word he could make out and tried looking them up in his dictionary so he could know what you were saying
You woke up to the sound of pages being flipped and you saw Suga sitting right next to you, with his dictionary in hand
You just thought he was studying really hard but when he noticed you had woken up he showed you his notes
He explained how you were talking in your sleep and he was trying to translate it
You immediately started laughing but did your best to translate the misspelled words he had scribble down in a hurry
He uses your sleep talking as a way to study now
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noa-nightingale · 4 years
Queer Watcher 2020
I am looking back on this weird, not-so-wonderful year - and on the ways @wearewatcher made my 2020 so much more wonderful. Originally, I wanted to list all the highlights I could think of, but one of the things I am most grateful for is Watcher’s inclusion and support of LGBTQ+ folks. I am just one queer person but I know there are many more in this fandom.
So, this ended up being a list of things I, as a queer person, appreciate and enjoy, and I am so so happy that I can write this. Buckle up, I have Things to say, and it is going to be emotional.
Ryan’s Pride shoes. I sometimes wonder how many sales Converse owes him. I love my own pair btw.
“Look, all I’m sayin’ is, y’know, hey, uh, love everybody.” - Shane Madej, Gangly Puppet Freak. A PSA from the Weird/Wonderful Shakespeare Theatre vid, regarding bisexuality - he is so awkward with it lmao. Whole video has really great vibes too.
Various tweets, including wishing us a happy Non-Binary People’s Day and a happy Trans Awareness week.
Ryan and Shane including their pronouns in their twitter bio. (Little things like this don’t go unnoticed, and they are very appreciated.)
Gay Oars! Ugh, my heart. Their first appearance totally caught me off guard, and I haven’t recovered since. (I also causes me no small amount of joy that the most romantic and tragic song of all time is called “Gore on the Shore”.) I could yell about my love for these guys all day. It is a beautiful thing that these characters exist.
Gay Oars, again - I knew they would show up and I still was not prepared. The song made me cry. I haven’t recovered from that one either. I love the progression from the first, tragic song to the second, joyful and loving song. I have so many emotions about these oars, I probably could make an entire list just for them. (Little fun fact: Even though the song made me cry, my first reaction to that episode was to go on tumblr and yell about it excitedly. Like, I was emotional but in an enthusiastic kind of way. The more difficult emotions hit me about four days later, for some reason. And then I sat in my room and cried my eyes out. Like, as much as I like being queer, sometimes it is just damn hard and the pain seems too much and you have been hurt over and over and don’t know if you can ever recover from it. And it is just really good to know that someone cares about your wellbeing as a queer person. Even if you have never spoken to that someone and he does not even know of your existence. And to be honest, I don’t always know how to deal with that. The kindness? The genuine allyship? I have no idea how to handle that, and it simultaneously heals and breaks my heart.)
Every time the words “his boyfriend” were uttered; I am especially thinking of Are You Scared here.
All the fan art Watcher inspired and continues to encourage and to support. There are many great artists in the fandom! And Watcher’s content inspires me to draw and create more myself! How wonderful!
Toxic masculinity who? It is nowhere to be found.
This... special kind of gentle and kind weirdness? It honestly had such a positive impact on me and the way I interact with other people and let them interact with me.
All of the wonderful people Watcher brought in. I am sure they will work with more amazing folks and I am really looking forward to that. Personally, I am hoping to see Eugene Lee Yang at some point. (Would be really happy to see Thomas Sanders too.)
Here’s What You Do. Just the whole podcast. It was such a delight.
I was hesitant to include this because I believe many of us have negative memories attached to it, and it was not a fun time for anyone (including the lovely people at Watcher themselves). But, yes, I am mentioning it: That one HWYD episode and the follow-up. I can only speak for myself, but the follow-up has an incredibly special place in my heart. To me, it is one of the most important videos Watcher has created. I watched it several times, I journaled about it extensively and it made me a better ally. Hell, I even showed it to my mother and one of my siblings (like, the entire video). I know it was a difficult thing to talk about but at this point: A HUGE thank you to Steven, Ryan, Katie and Shane for handling this in an absolutely fantastic way. I feel welcome and seen and appreciated, and in the end all I want is this: For people to genuinely give a shit about me as a queer person.
On a more lighthearted note, I enjoy it way too much that Ryan is able to say “LGBTQ” without stumbling over the letters. It seems like such a tiny thing but it brings me an unholy amount of joy.
The Professor. I don’t want to call him LGBTQ+ because that has not been confirmed as canon but he IS comfortable wearing clothes that are typically seen as “women’s clothing”, and as a trans/non-binary person I am kind of obligated to mention it.
I think I had an out of body experience when Ryan said “Oh thank you baby” to Steven in Too Many Spirits. Then I had to pause the episode to finish laughing. And then they brought it back in the next episode. Bless them.
Every time they/them pronouns were said.
The entire Hatshepsut PH episode. What can I say, I like it when gender norms/expectations/roles are broken. And even if we can’t call Hatshepsut trans by today’s standards, declaring yourself another gender has such power.
Without giving too many details: I had my struggles and problems in the past with Christianity and ~certain~ Christian people, and it is really good (and I mean REALLY good) to see someone whose faith and integrity are so interwoven and who is inspired by his faith to do good things and to do right by people. I obviously only know the things about his belief that Steven decides to put on the internet but what I’ve seen is almost healing to me, in a way. I am very grateful and happy that he is willing to educate others and to keep working on himself. Warms my heart.
The certainty with which these beautiful people call themselves allies.
Just... the general kindness and compassion, and the willingness to listen and to grow. I promise you, we notice and we love you for it.
I could have expanded on all of these points but I tried to keep this short.
And look. I don’t want to put anyone on a pedestal; that would not be fair. I am just immensely grateful for kind people who genuinely care and who genuinely try to do right by others and to bring joy to others.
And I know we like to have fun here but Watcher’s content is just a lot more than entertaining, meme-able fun (although it is that too, of course).
I had a blast with it this year and I am very much looking forward to the next year. I feel like I can’t adequately put into words the myriad of little (and not so little) ways these people have made my life better this year. Thank you from the bottom of my aroace, non-binary heart.
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sugasugawarau · 4 years
Happy New Years to you all! I’m a bit late in writing and posting this but I wanted to take the time to properly thank everyone who follows me for sticking with me :) I know I’m not the most active when it comes to writing or even making shitposts so I hope you know it means the world to me that you enjoy my content. While just because 2020 has ended does not mean things will get automatically better, know that you have the capability of making a difference both for yourself and others. I’m proud of you for coming this far and please remember to take care of yourself when you can <3
And I’d also like to take the time to thank some individuals who have made a huge impact on my tumblr experience and have made this year better under the cut! Be warned there are many words and also sorry for any typos I wrote this at 3am :D
I’m going to start off with a few major lo$ers (joking) aka my irl friends that have tumblr
@kbh-ton, @ashr00m, @kae-and-the-lost-dragons
Okay the fact that you all follow me here is EMBARRASSING because you have to endure perceiving me from a sorta totally different perspective but surprise hi,, ily 😹 I know ⅔ of you don’t even use tumblr that often but I digress!! Thank you?? Like I’m not kidding when I say I don’t know where I would be without any of you guys. Stinky pp Paul, you’ve been here with @/sugasugawarau since the beginning-ish and have always been supportive of my absolutely stupid ideas. And my sons AKA get cucked squad, this is going to be ultra sappy but I hope you know how proud I am of the both of you (but no thanks to one of you for teaching us about nussies 😕). Thank you all for tolerating my overthinking ass as well as whenever I get high from a lack of sleep and just in general bc I’m a constant mess of a human being; you are all the best people ik stfu I don’t take criticism.
To my first ever tumblr mutual, @tendouthighs
Hi Codie!! Ik we haven’t talked a lot lately but just know that I appreciate your endless kindness and how you’re able to keep up with my smooth brain antics in dms so much. You’re so funny and I’ll treasure all the jokes and headcanons we’ve made, I hope you’re taking care and doing well heading into 2021! 💖💕
To wife Lyra @yacoka
Miss… Thank you sm for dropping by my inbox all the way back in like June/July because otherwise I don’t think I’d ever have gotten the courage to dm you LOL. It would be an understatement to say that you’re the kindest and most easygoing person I’ve met on here - I hope you know how grateful I am to have met you and read your works (and for lending me your knives and just being so?? supportive??? truly idk how you do it but ily 😣❣️)
To wife Joy @lesbians4yaku
Joy!!! I really don’t know where to start because you’re just so amazing?? And we’ve been mutuals for as long as I can remember ajdjfka I’m just,, so glad to have met you and I hope you know how much I love seeing you on the dash, whether it’s being able to marvel at the genius that is your mind whenever you make a haikyuu shitpost or reading your tags. You always make me laugh and smile and I am wishing you both of those things in 2021 bc u deserve the best, love u 🤍🤍🤍
To Arell, the sweetest soul I know @g4nyu
You have a natural talent for being able to make me both soft ™ and also laugh as freely as Tanaka and Nishinoya with your relatable quips and jokes and I adore you for it. (Also.. can we talk about how absolutely gorgeous your writing is I will nvr shut up.. also also I am here whenever u need to be enabled to rave abt any and all Haikyuu or Genshin characters <33) ily and ty for being my mutual, I feel v lucky to have u in my life 🥺
To Cal, a goddess in her own right @heyhinata
Ma’am the way ily?? You’re beautiful inside and out and I have sm fun talking to you. Being able to call you a mutual and read your works is a blessing and I’m so glad we started talking in dms ajsjfja I’ll never forget plotting smaus with you to raving abt Genshin and making fun of B*n Sh*piro, hidden muppet 😍 Wishing you the best in all that you do!
To Rae, fellow Tim Hortona enthusiast @mehreya
Hi bae I just want to start off with a big thank you. You’re such a wonderful and invigorating person to talk to and I always feel at ease talking with you, and seeing you on my dash with your interactions with others is always a light in my day. And for u I will embrace the Oikawa kinnie in me any day <33 ly and have an amazing New Years 🥰
To Ria, the absolute best and only Ria ik @kumaoi
Omg hi sexc 😍 ahdjkfka idk if you’ll see this but hey,, fun fact even if we don’t talk as much as we used to I still love u sm and I hope you’re staying healthy and happy !! Meeting you was and still is one of the best highlights of my tumblr journey and I’ll always be grateful for your existence
To Gracie, writer of all things beautiful @sneezefiction
Gracie!! I hope you’ve been doing well since the last time we talked and that you’re enjoying the New Years to the fullest <3 You were also one of my earliest mutuals and I just wanted to say thank you for all the kindness you’ve shown me and for writing and sharing your works on tumblr. Sending love ! 💖
To the one and only angel, Yas @whipped-cream-writings
Yas bb we only became mutuals rather recently but I have sm love for you 🥺 Your kindness inspires me and your fics are the cutest things ever (pls,,, teach me how to write fluff ahfjfkka) Ilysm and I want to remind you that you’re so wonderful and amazing, sending you all my love for the upcoming year ahead !!
To Kay, who I will protect with my life @kayzume
Kay I don’t know how to even begin to put in words how glad I am to have met you in Lyra’s server,, you’re so sweet and you make me feel safe every time we talk. (Also THE DRAWINGS u made and shared with us,,, have I alr said ily bc ily and all that you do.) I know we haven’t chatted in a while but I’m sending you all my hugs and kithes always 💕💕💖
To mutuals I’ve interacted with some time during these months on tumblr and cherish a whole lot @taiyaaki @kageyuji @sophiawithstars @buddh-art @sa-suga @baeshijima @cherryonigiri @catharsisbabey @tris-does-stuff @tetsurolls @come-on-shitty-boys @iwas-angel @star-puff @voxamcris @azucanela @heartjime @miyafeuille @suikazura @deerixiie @hajiimes @skateme2yokohama @aliteama @yuujiya @omijime and many others but I think I hit the tagging limitajdhfka
Hi ily. You’re all such inspiring and talented individuals and while we may not interact frequently or know each other as well I wish we cld be ajfjjfa but I adore you all and I wish you an amazing New Year 🥺💖 (and if you ever want to talk, feel free to dm or smth! and I’ll try my best to be more active in popping into my mutual’s inboxes amhahshsj)
To the pillars of tumblr @sugardaddykenma @hina-wit-da-glock @nidaenk
You are all so special to me in that you are the reason I would wake up and get my butt on this hellsite and find so much fun and joy in the fandoms I enjoy - it’s not even the content you post but just,, your amazing and stellar personality and interactions with your followers and mutuals alike. Thank you for being a part of this weird space on the internet and I hope you are taking care and being kind to yourself, love u very much <33
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puppy-phum · 4 years
Now that this hell year is almost over let’s celebrate the good things! If you’re receiving this it means you have made someone’s year better. Tell who on tumblr has made this year better for you (as many people as you like, it can be something as small as liking your posts or sending something sweet) and share some of the content you’ve enjoyed (your own or others)
thank you so much dear anon! ♥ I am happy to know that I’ve managed to make someone’s year at least a tiny bit better :’) as a year on tumblr, this year has been very special to me personally so am happy to know that someone has felt that too!
this is going to be a huge list so be warned! putting it under the cut bc of that~
@i-am-just-a-kiddo you are and will always be on this list first and foremost. you and our friendship is the best thing I have gotten from this hellsite and I continue being thankful for it ♥ I always have so much fun talking to you, you support me so unconditionally, share things with me and allow me to just yell about things every day! you never get bored of that endless stream of random nonsense I pour on you and it means so much to me ♥ I also feel honored to share your things, to see your paintings and read your writings and just be there for you. let’s hope the next year will be kinder to us and the world in general! and hey, maybe you get into guardian at some point heh (and thank you for getting into so many things with me this year already!)
@leonzhng I think I said this at some point too but you were the reason why I got into this community we have going on with @mdzsnet and gave me the confidence to just approach ppl here and love things together ♥ you are always so sweet and kind and lovable and I appreciate you doing all the things you do. your edits are amazing and inspirational and I love all the tag games we keep throwing around :’D 
@ashenwren you!! you are amazing and I’m so happy to have gotten to know you through our network :’) I am excited every day when I get to talk to you, even if it’s just for a moment as our timezones make everything kind of difficult :’D it’s just so nice to share mdzs and dmbj with you, to help you get into these dramas, to share all these ideas and thoughts we have, to share our different cultures and languages and whatnot. you are always so supportive and excited and kind and I wish I could hug you sometimes! I hope I still can write something more for pingxie and that I get to see a ton of your art! ♥
then to all the wonderful ppl in our network who have made my tumblr experience so wonderful this year, who keep being kind and amazing and full of so much talent! to @manhasetardis @aheartfullofjolllly @bees0are0awesome @highwarlockkareena @yibobibo @linglynz @yiqiie @wangxiians @leoyunxi @tiesanjiao @lan-xichens @oneautumnfox @aowyn @wangxianbunnydoodles @weiwuxcian and many others who I might have forgotten: I enjoy seeing you in my notes so much, I enjoy all of your content, seeing us all interact with each other and just being very friendly and welcoming ♥ I am thankful every day that I got to join this network and learn to know so many! continue being awesome and have a nice upcoming year :’)
then quickly to:
@lzswy thank you for loving my music and wanting to know me! I hope we get to talk some more and feel free to push music my way too, am always ready to drown in songs :’)
@kholran thank you for doing my tag games and allowing me to talk to you, to call you my friend, and share my love for liu sang! I will once again tell you that your fic (link here if anyone reading this is interested) was amazing and I hope we get to talk some more! 
and then thank you to all the ppl who I see in my notes all the time and leave amazing tags and just love me with interacting with my content and sometimes making it more known and just giving it their all: @btssjamss @a-force-dyad-in-space @cuppyhands @mylastbraincql @drwcn @fytheuntamed @distantsnows @brutalbeetle @intimisky @kazaore @inessencedevided @bluebelle88 @actualmichelle @sassyassassy @thebeautifulmacabre @merinnan @inkblue-black and many others who I might not recognize or remember or find right now! or who I have already mentioned in the network part bc you guys are awesome like that :’) especially when I have tried out new things this year and have dipped into new fandoms and reached out of this mdzs pit I am still in and unwilling to leave ♥ but you are still there and like my content haha
and then I want to mention some of my favorite works this year (I’ll try to pick one per month from my archives oh boy): 
@i-am-just-a-kiddo‘s amazing niemo fic that owns my heart, soul, and the never to be born firstborn ♥ 
@bloody-bee-tea‘s amazing mdzs related fics that always just make my heart clench but also bring me so much joy!
this amazing wangxian edit that still shatters me
this amazing wwx edit by hanyi ♥ @leonzhng I love the quote in this and this breaks me in all the best ways!
@fytheuntamed‘s whole the untamed memes series that single-handedly has saved this year for me (tho I suppose this started earlier than this year but who cares, quality content either way)
this jc outfits collection post by @linglynz ♥ everything for my am-a-hoe-for-the-angry-purple-guy -needs
this amazing art by @/hana-tox that still gives me so many feels that I feel like bursting 
this stunning edit set for the best album that dropped this year, map of the soul: 7, by @/kassareo
this wangxian edit that inspired me a lot and still makes me catch my breath bc damn that looks gorgeous (by @/itsazbitch)
another very inspirational edit set by @/sammyholdsacandle (some might recognize which one of my edits got inspired by this a lot lol) 
this very beautiful post by @alienwlw that’s really just goals tbh 
@sarawatsaraleo‘s favorite the untamed scenes series, every one of these edits is a huge joy and so beautifully done! ♥
@tiesanjiao‘s wonderful, wonderful wangxian edit that keeps being my one of my favorites ever and just. inspires me to this day, I hope one day I can gif :’D ♥
another one of my absolute favorites is this edit by hanyi again ♥ you just have the best ideas and you make everything so pretty!
this soft but heartbreaking, delicate but so emotional edit by @gusucloud ♥ I think I’ve never loved an edit this much, it’s so pretty and absolutely perfect!
this edit by @highwarlockkareena bc wth, the coloring? the gifs themselves?? gosh it looks so pretty and I might cry
@tiesanjiao‘s wonderful gifset made for the gif challenge that was going around during this time ;; as I was slowly falling in love with the iron triangle and dmbj in general, this felt like a blessing ♥ 
these absolutely stunning pieces of art by @/tiphs 
this absolutely gorgeous post for wwx’s bday by @alienwlw (all of this is just. perfect?? the colors, the gifs, the scenes... everything!)
this gorgeous edit by @distantsnows that makes me smile and cry at the same time ♥
this edit also by @distantsnows that is just. pure perfection?? bc fuck yes, sect leader jaing yanli!! I love you for this one
this edit by @lanzhansmiles bc the colors are just absolutely stunning and I love how they both sit there like that and just? wow 
this edit just makes me feel so many things and just looks so dreamy by @cescedes 
this adorable but also very painful edit by @manhasetardis ♥ I love all about this one :’)
and as a shameless self-promo (bc apparently I haven’t done enough of that lol) I want to mention my wu xie edit which was just so much fun to do and turned out so great and. I just love him a lot ok, he’s a wonderful character and zhu yilong played him so well ♥
I wish you all – all the ppl mentioned here and all who see this and all who still do not – a very merry christmas, happy holidays, and happy new years too! I hope the year 2021 will treat us all well and that you will remain as amazing, lovely, and wonderful as you all have been! ♥ 
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commander-hanji-zoe · 4 years
Do you have any headcanons on veterans x reader on quarantine lockdown headcanons. Baking, Reading, Exercising?
Ohhhh I have so many! Thank you for this ask ❤️ One of these days I’ll master the art of answering a head canon question quickly and with shorter answers. But today is not the day! There’s a few nsfw bits under the cut. This is over 3k words....how?? 
Mike is fond of long lay-ins, it’s what he lives for at the weekend. He loves you so much and enjoys nothing more than being comfy and snuggly under a duvet with you. Eating breakfast, watching Netflix, just chilling and enjoying one another’s company. So during lock down there’s gonna be a lot of time in comfy PJ’s lazing around in bed.
Mike loves cooking and cooking shows! The two of you have a date night once a week where you cook together. You always light some candles, listen to jazz and have a glass of wine or two while cooking. One week you try making your own sushi, the next it’s Jamaican curry, then it’s pizza night! Trying new things is something you both love (both in and out of the bedroom *cough* more on that later. 
When restrictions are eased a little and you’re allowed to sit outside/drive for exercise, the two of you take a long countryside drive together and find a quiet secluded spot where you can sit and have a picnic and watch the clouds go by. 
I see Mike as a guitar kinda guy, so he’ll teach you if you don’t play and if you do, the two of you will enjoy spending some time writing songs together and playing along to your favourite rock and indie tunes. 
You enjoy watching live acoustic gigs and concerts which are being streamed by artists and comedians etc. Mike encourages you to get dressed up with him, you have drinks while watching and often end up dancing as if you were at a gig in person. 
Binge listening to podcasts together ‘The Magnus Archive,’ ‘Welcome to Nightvale’ and ‘MaMbBam’ being favourites. 
Star-gazing. Sitting outdoors at night, during the day the two of you will spend time in your garden but it’s night time you really enjoy it the most. Sitting outside on a blanket and with another over you, you make sure all the lights inside are turned off so you can enjoy watching the stars, moon, planets, satellites etc above you. You often have a glass of wine or a cocktail as you sit out there, sometimes you fall asleep in Mike’s arms so he’ll carry you up to bed. 
Finally Mike is very good at giving you personal space, while he loves taking up new hobbies with you and spending time doing things you love together, he also knows you both need your space. It makes the time you do spend together so much sweeter. 
Even though you don’t need to go out to work, Erwin is still up early. When he wakes he showers and then prepares for the day by making you both a delicious breakfast. Think poached eggs, grapefruit, french toast, yoghurt and fruit etc. He likes listening to the radio over watching TV first thing in the morning so you have that on for a bit. 
You enjoy daily workouts together (with Saturday or Sunday off). Erwin takes them unsurprisingly seriously, however, he does make them fun. The two of you will have little competitions with one another and Erwin creates a workout playlist for you - it’s an eclectic mix and includes songs that you both end up singing along to. 
Erwin loves to play the Piano but due to his work he only usually touches it a few times a month if that. With lockdown he starts playing daily, there’s a few times when you wake up and he’s already practising - it really is beautiful. Sometimes if he knows you’re watching he may stop playing, or at least change what he’s playing to something you know so you can sing along or join in. If you’re quiet though you can stand in the door for 5-10 minutes without him realising and he’ll continue to play classical music. 
As well as the home workouts you try to go out once a week for a run, as much as Erwin just wants to get on he would never leave you behind if you’re struggling to keep up and will wait for you (he’s a gentleman after all). 
Canvas painting, sometimes Erwin struggles with getting out or showing his emotions, after doing virtual tours of art galleries online you suggest ordering a canvas, some acrylic paint and palette knives. It’s amazing the level of emotion you see pour out of yourself and Erwin onto the canvas, it’s incredibly therapeutic so you order more canvasses. 
The two of you really enjoy binge watching documentary shows - you know the second Tiger King came out Erwin was all over that. There’s this side to Erwin that not everyone gets to see, or at least when they do it’s very rare. But during lockdown you get to experience it more frequently, he really does have a great sense of human and likes to have fun. While he enjoys documentaries about WW2, science (Unabomber: in his own words is also on the list) things like Tiger King, Dark Tourist and Louis Theroux docs are also a guilty pleasure. 
The two of you will spend some evenings laying chess by candle light with a glass of whiskey. 
I feel to say that you’ll be cleaning a lot is a little obvious and I actually think that for the most part Levi would prefer to crack on with that on his own - it gives him peace of mind and it’s something he has control over. He enjoys it 
Together however, expect DIY Projects or painting/decorating. There’s things the two of you have talked about doing for ages and never gotten round to, now you have the perfect excuse. From painting a feature wall in your living quarters to making a little step wooden step ladder for the garden that you can put potted plants on. The two of you use your time to get creative around the home.
Dancing - the form of fitness you decide to take up is dance. At first Levi scoffs at the idea but then when he realises what a work out it actually is and how much strength and flexibility is required for some of the tutorials you’re following, he’s game. The two of you end up choreographing a dance together - it’s super cute (and hot in places - oops) 
You’re the kind of couple others are jealous of because you just work so well together, spending the perfect amount of time doing things together and apart. 
Being a lover of tea, Levi decides to educate you on the many different types by subscribing to a ‘tea lovers’ subscription box. You take the time to sit with him and really enjoy each tea, just talking with no noise from the radio or TV.
Levi likes to put together tapas or cheese tasting boards, he chooses the food for the main, you put together a starter or dessert and pick the wine that goes with the flavours he’s mixing. Together it’s like a perfect harmony. You set the table, light candles, listen to jazz and it’s almost as if you’re at one of your favourite restaurants. 
Watching Horror movies, you’ve probably seen every horror movie on Netflix, Amazon Prime etc. which is available to stream come the end of lockdown. Horror was actually how you met, you were at the cinema to see ‘Hereditary’ and none of your friends wanted to come with you so you went alone. Levi and his friends (the other vets) were in the same screen and sat next to you. So now Levi is strangely sentimental about horror movies. There’s cuddling up under blankets in the living room and plenty of popcorn along with movie themed cocktails. 
Video calls to your friends, you do more of the talking but Levi sits by you throughout and occasionally joins in. He’s loathed to admit it but he really likes seeing everyone’s faces and hearing their voices. 
Moblit has a large collection of puzzles, a few were completed when he was younger but a lot of them aren’t. He used to get frustrated with them but always wanted to finish them so he could frame them and put them up around the house. When lockdown happened you think it’s the perfect opportunity for the two of you to work on them together and help him out. Turns out it’s actually a lot of fun and a pretty good was
Baking! You both love the Great British Bake Off, before lock-down you were always talking about how you wanted to give the recipes a try but of course something else always came along. Now lockdown is the perfect excuse to order some ingredients online and get baking! The kitchen often looks like a mess, Moblit gets flour on his face and even in his hair? You don’t know how it happens but you have a lot of fun doing it and hey what you bake usually turns out pretty good. 
Subscribes to Disney+ the second it comes out - and the two of you binge watch your favourite Disney movies singing along to them (I get the impression Moblit would be a huge Hercules and Moana fan). 
Watching Avengers Infinity War together and later on in the evening he turns to you and just says, “I love you 3000.”
Bike rides through the countryside (as long as it’s close to home of course and you can stay safe!) 
You watch art shows together (like the still life drawing classes on TV or Grayson Perry’s art class). Shows which have been made specifically now for lockdown to help inspire people to take up new hobbies. Both of you are pretty inexperienced at art or drawing so you have a lot of fun watching the shows, following the instructions and seeing where your hand and pencil lead you. You both end up discovering your own unique style of drawing - this inevitably ends up doing a still life of one another (more on this later). 
Hange really struggles with lockdown, it makes them feel pretty anxious and they hate not being able to be out and about exploring/doing their job/learning new things etc. So Hanji needs quite a bit of love and looking after, care packages for the two of you go a long way so you order nice things in the early days of lock down. Hanji’s eyes light up when you hand them what you’ve ordered. 
Loads of gaming, you both enjoying exploring other worlds along with fantasy so everything from World of Warcraft, Skyrim, The Outer Worlds, Outer Wilds to the Final Fantasy games, The Witcher and Assassin’s Creed are all up your street. Sometimes you play alone, sometimes you watch one another play while reading magazines. Often when playing WOW you play together and share a mount, heading into raids together and working as a team. It’s not as good as being outside and exploring the world for real but it’s pretty close. 
Loads of movie marathons with enough sweets to make you sick, especially the gummy kind like Haribo. 
Hange - Arguments over who loves who more, it’s usually in the middle of a TV show that you’ve been really invested in but now with the impending end of the world, it’s so easy to get distracted. The ‘arguments’ usually end up in pillow fights and just laying in one another’s arms in silence. 
Home made science experiments - yup, you knew this was coming. There’s so much you can try at home with simple house hold ingredients. Hange also orders kits online so you end up growing your own crystals (not the drug kind lol), making your own ‘volcano’, making slime, dying flowers etc. At first you rolled your eyes when Hanji suggested it but actually it turns out to be a lot of fun and it’s pretty interesting, so you end up learning something. Hanji also orders DIY Sweet kits which are as fun to make as they are to eat. 
When it comes to heading outside to clap for key workers the two of you are gonna be dressed up to make the children smile. You’ll be banging pots and pans or possibly have a kazoo or tambourine. 
There’s loads of Gardening, it’s something the two of you always liked but found you didn’t have the time you needed to commit to it as much as you’d have liked. 
Cuddling on the grass in your garden, rolling around enjoying the sunshine and sun-bathing side by side.
The work out of choice for the two of you is yoga. You light incense and some candles as well as listening to mediation music and just take some time out to be alone with your thoughts - together. You both agree that stretching really helps you especially where you’re working from home, it’s so easy to get back ache! 
The two of you love dancing 
Nanaba decides to take up quilting and crochet. It’s something her mother and elder sister taught her how to do but is practically a forgotten hobby. You help one another to remember the basics and decide to make a giant patchwork quilt for your sofa. You work on it together so that there’s a part of both of you in it, you take inspiration from your garden and the world around you, even though it’s a lot smaller than it was before. If either of you prick your finger the other is there to kiss it better.
Preparing relaxing baths for one another, you enjoy much of the bath on your own but sometimes the other will sit on the toilet and read aloud or just come in for a chat. Lockdown makes you more open with one another than you were before. 
Getting into bed early before the sun has set, you keep the curtains open so you can watch the sky turn orange. Plenty of time in bed means you have time to binge watch the latest TV shows and not feel guilty about it if you have work the next day.
Witchy things - tarot card readings, candle magic, little rituals in the garden and kitchen witch magic like making dandelion honey or moon spell cookies. 
Below are a few nsfw thoughts (I didn’t write many but a couple kept bouncing around in my mind).
Erwin - 
Sex first thing in the morning, the kind of lazy, sleepy sex that the two of you dream of having but never have time before work. Now, you do and Erwin intends to make the most of it. 
Also shower sex, sometimes this follows the sex in the morning so by the time you finish work you’re already feeling tired. Often it follows the workouts you do and it doesn’t take either of you long to cum seeing as watching one another get sweaty and flex muscles - the tension is unbelievable. 
If you get too distracted during the work day, either by Erwin or TV (or if you distract Erwin too much) they’ll be punishments in the form of spanking and rough sex from behind, hair pulling and all. It’s the first time you find yourself wanting to be punished. 
Sex in spaces you’ve just cleaned, it’s sort of a punishment if you back-talk him as he’ll make you clean up afterwards. Secretly he loves dirtying the sheets, it’s almost like an ultimate fantasy for someone who is so clean and neat, but he really has to be in the right mood for that. 
Lockdown is a chance for the two of you to explore some of the sexual fantasies you’ve discussed but never tried from light bondage (to start) and role-play. 
Switching, in your relationship neither one of you is particularly the dominant or submissive one continuously, rather you enjoy switching, but when you are in the role you both take it seriously. Now you’re in lockdown and it’s easy to get bored, you both agree to really extent the roles on the day you’re both in the mood, you could lead Levi round on a leash and collar all afternoon and he won’t complain. 
Checking in on you as you’re working and trying to convince you lunch break sex is definitely a thing that will help you concentrate on your important presentation in your afternoon video conference. But of course he leaves you a bit of a mess and without a minute to spare so you appear on camera looking like you’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards. 
With Mike there’s also a lot of time to get creative in the bedroom, you have longer in the evening to take your time exploring one another and discovering new positions you’d never have thought possible.
When lockdown goes on much longer than anticipated Mike decides to turn up the creativity a notch. A rather large unmarked parcel arrives containing a latex bed sheet and sex swing, so you know you’re not going to be getting a lot of sleep for a while. 
Kisses that last for hours, the kind that start innocently and slowly you find yourself getting worked up and wanting more but Moblit continues to tease with those kisses and will pretend he has no idea why you’re worked up. However he does go weak at the knees if you praise him so that’s usually the way to get what you want. 
The still life drawings of one another start off fully clothed and very quickly become nude studies. You can only take it seriously for so long before he pounces on you or you on him and it’s like ‘that’ scene from Titanic within minutes. 
Endless, almost excruciating foreplay. 
Has always liked to have fun in bedroom, with lockdown it’s more of an excuse to dress up and play around, I’m thinking teacher & student or Doctor/nurse & patient. Hanji really gets into the role. 
Science experiments continue to the bedroom, you decide to give the whole electro-stim thing a go. 
Also with the DIY sweet kits there’s also a little left, so popping candy, expanding foam candy and more are used to adorn your bodies - it doesn’t stay on long as the combination of candy and sex is too irresistible to leave alone. 
Sex outdoors, your garden is pretty secluded. It was something you talked about doing a lot but always found your weekends were too busy with friends and others that you just never got round to it. There’s grass stains on your knees and your clothes and you’d both wear them with pride outside the house if you could.
Bath tub sex, even if it’s a little uncomfortable it’s so intimate and personal that you don’t care how much of a mess you make or how many bruises you end up with. Lockdown hits you both hard mentally and bath tub sex is a way of feeling better and cleansed. 
There’s also a chance for some sex magic which involves wax play, again, something new you’d thought about for a while and now you both just wanted something to make you feel alive. 
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shreddies-scribbles · 4 years
Hermitcraft Stardew Valley Au
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hopefully no ones done this already hahah
i didnt get around to everyone oof maybe one day 
some background under da break 
-Background- -Concorp is the Joja of this AU -Most people have lived in hermit town most of their lives -The hermits are just one big happy family :,) -Most hermits are based off characters in the game but moved around to suit them more!
Mumbo -Local electrician -Extremely shy at first -As you get to know him he opens up and you see his giddy side!! -spent sometime in the city to try and make a name for himself,,, which didn’t really go to plan,, Relationships -Grian (best friends, when they’re not working they like to explore the woods!!He knows it’s one of grians favourite things to do and doesn’t want to let him go into the woods by himself, who knows what’s out there!) -Iskall (friend, helps mumbo when he’s experimenting with new circuits) -Xisuma (childhood friends, X is the one who convinced mumbo to move back from the city to the valley)
Grian -Works part time in concorp -Only recently moved to the valley to get away from his past in the city -Is friendly to everyone but only considers a few people his good friends, has some trust issues -loves exploring the valley, he likes the difference from the busy city life Relationships -Mumbo (best friends, had known mumbo from his short time in the city, when he moved to the valley he felt mumbo was the only one he could trust) -Iskall (friend, mumbo has introduced the two, immediately got along as if they’d known each other their whole lives) -Scar (met the wizard on one of his adventures in the woods and kept pestering him until the wizard finally broke and showed him some magic)
Iskall -owns the general store, Sahara (calls it his mega store of doom) -knows all the towns gossip from “overhearing” conversations on his shop -everyone considers him the heart of the town, he can put anyone in a good mood with that contagious laugh!! -Doesn’t like concorp... wants to get grian to work for him instead to get him outa that corporate chain!! Relationships -Stress (Best friends, whenever they’re together they light up the room with laughter and good times B^) Iskall likes to visit her ranch and see the animals) -Mumbo (admires mumbo for his amazing wiring skills, a little jealous of mumbo, he gets to have the job iskall always wanted, but he won’t let that get in the way of their friendship) -Grian (from the minute grian moved into the valley iskall knew he wanted to befriend him, his gut told him he wouldn’t want to be on grians bad side) -Ren (used to be really close but drifted overtime)
Stress -Owns the ranch -mostly produces dairy products but has some chickens too -she doesn’t like being on her own, so she likes to surround herself with friends as much as she can Relationships -Iskall (best friends) -Doc (roommates, she’s renting out a spare room to Doc, she can see past his icy cold exterior and knows that deep down he does care about his friends) -Cleo and False (being so few girls in the valley they all stick together, they meet up at the end of each week to gossip about the boys)
Doc -Works full time at Concorp, absolutely hates it -was studying to be a scientist in the city, but when and experiment went wrong causing him to lose an arm he lost all motivation -he wanted an escape from the shame the city brought him and seeked a new life in the valley -renting a room from stress but is rarely there, most of his days start at work then bring him to the saloon -he wants more from life but doesn’t know where to start relationships -Ren (Best friends, they always crossed paths in the mornings until eventually doc decided to introduce himself, the two hit it off and now see the other a brother) -Stress (Roommates, get on better than you’d expect! doc admires her strength and power too pull through the hard times and come out on the better side) -Beef (Friends, when you spend most of your days in the saloon you get to know the bartender pretty well lol) -Etho and False (he loves hearing their story’s from the mines, he’d love to join in but is too scared to put himself into danger considering what happens last time he tried something risky)
Ren -Aspiring actor, he likes to write short story’s and get his friends to act them out with him -Twin brothers with renbob -He’s a bit full of himself but aren’t all actors ;) -but all of his talk of making it big time in the city someday he is front, behind all the boasting is a lot of doubt in his skills and as he gets older the more he puts off moving to the city to start his career Relationships -Doc ( Best friends, doc is the only one rens ever shared his worry’s with, but doc always supports his acting career and encourages him to take that leap and follow his dreams) -Renbob (twin brother although they couldn’t be more opposite, ren loves city life, keeping up on trends and success while renbob is all about being one with nature and doesn’t care about his appearance or how people see him -Iskall (used to be really close but drifted overtime)
Renbob -Works in the saloon with Beef -all about that hippie life -not really a major character but he’s there!! :D relationships -Ren (twin brother) -Beef (Boss, but they get along great)
Bdubs -Carpenter!! need a house built?? you’ve come to the right guy -very bubbly and eXTREMELY outgoing -has a very strict sleep schedule which leads to strict working hours to ensure all his works done for the day -when he first moved to the valley he set out on building a huge house with lots of spare rooms to have guests over or to rent out Relationships -Cub (Roommate, cubs renting out a room to do research on the local flora and fauna, they won’t really talk much but bdubs admires his brains) -Keralis -Etho ( Ethos guilds club house is near to his home and since they were so near each other they became good friends)
Etho -Owns the miners guild -expert at monster fighting, he has the highest number of kills in the whole guild! (there’s only one other member... but let him have this!!) -keeps to himself most of the time but wishes he was closer to more people Relationships -False (guild mates, he admires falses skill with a sword, he thought her everything she knows) -Bdubs (he kept starting conversations whenever etho saw him so they become good friends, it took etho a while to get used to his bubbly personality) -Beef (they have a mutual respect from etho being a regular at the saloon after a day of fighting in the mines) -Doc (they aren’t that close but doc likes to listen to his story’s from the mines)
Beef -Owns the saloon -a jolly guy who’s friends with just about everyone, he knows his regulars more than some people who’d only be at the saloon after a long day -an amazing cook, prepares all the meals by himself Relationships -Etho -Doc -Renbob (employee)
Scar -the wizard who lives deep in the woods -extremely isolated but longs for more friends but he knows it’s a dangerous idea considering how his last friendship turned out -spends most of his days brewing up be potions or researching new spells Relationships -Grian (tried to keep his distance but grian kept pushing to learn some magic, scar gave in and thought him a transportation spell) -Cub (former friend, scar had to remove cub from his life when he was using him for research)
Cub -A scientist from the city researching what the valley has to offer -reports back to concorp unbeknownst to the others -knows what he’s doing is wrong... :( and wants to change but doesn’t know where to start Relationships -Scar (former friend, when scar found out what cub was up to he banished him from his tower, cub feels awful and wants to fix this) -Bdubs (roommate, renting a room from him in the mountains)
Xisuma -the mayor -gets sick easily, why he always wears a mask -loves his town and community and will do everything he can to keep everyone afloat -tends to distance himself from everyone so he can keep up his image Relationships -Mumbo (childhood friends) -Keralis (wishes he didn’t get that job at concorp...it’s been changing him :( )
Cleo -aspiring artist, preferred method of art is sculpture -lives in a cottage in the woods to get inspiration for her art -holds art exhibitions in the museum when she’s low on funds Relationships -Joe (best friends, with joe also working in the arts they love to brainstorm ideas together) -Stress and False (girl time B^> )
False -Works part time in sahara with iskall -spends most of her time in the miners guild club house or in the mines -etho recruited her to join the guild after seeing her in action down in the mines -someday soon she’s going to outrank etho in terms of monster kills but etho won’t admit that ;) Relationships -Etho (mentor, thought her how to fight properly and protect herself in the mines) -Cleo and Stress -Doc (they aren’t that close but have a mutual respect for each other, they sit together in the saloon most nights with etho)
Joe -aspiring poet -writes beautiful poetry but always doubts his skills and never published most of them -lives in a small hut on the beach, the seas always been a huge inspiration to him -has a pet dog, but the dog doesn’t have a name, he’s just waiting until the dog introduces himself Relationships -Cleo (best friends, an unlikely pair considering cleos outgoing nature but they just go perfectly together) -TFC (sometimes when joe goes to the mountain for some solitude he sits with tfc and listen to his story’s from his life, this has inspired quite a few poems)
thats all for now heheh, if any of that don’t make sense it’s cuz i wrote it at like 1 in the morning 😳
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