#You're all awesome
dr-spectre · 1 month
It's getting late where I'm at but. I just wanna come here and say, a big thank you. Just... thank you all.
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Thanks to all the peeps who followed me, liked my stuff, reblogged, commented, everything. Even though I have a small following, it's better than nothing you know?
I can't believe people are calling me THE Callie guy. And like... going up to me, sending me cool stuff, asking me questions and giving me cool insights, or people wanting to learn more about Callie and just Splatoon lore in general. It's awesome man. I'm so incredibly thankful for it!
Being able to FINALLY voice my stances on stuff and have people see it... it's just... it's amazing. Being rewarded for rambling and ranting and YELLING and clearing up misconceptions that used to ruin a big arc in my comfort character's history for me... and having people go "Hey... this guy kinda cooked..." man... ITS JUST. I LOVE IT!!! I FEEL LIKE I FINALLY HAVE A VOICE!!! I finally have an outlet for things I've always wanted to talk about!!
I really hope I don't sound self-absorbed or selfish! I'm not trying to be! What I'm trying to say is that Tumblr is fucking AWESOME! I LOVE BEING ON HERE! You guys are great, keep being cool!
...and keep having the correct takes on Callie... especially her arc in Splatoon 2 and using the correct terminology....
.....or else.....
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dedkake · 8 months
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SGA Fanworks Only Holiday Gift Exchange 2023
A day you won’t forget by scifi_dancer | g, 2.4k, rodney / john
The prompt I used describes it well: "Nothing goes right - until it does."
A Little Christmas Chaos by WonkyElk | t, 3k, rodney / john
The Cheer Committee nodded in solemn and united agreement. In principle, of course, they agreed that ‘absolutely hosed’ was not the ideal state for a large proportion of the expedition to be in, at any one time, Christmas or not; but that didn’t stop them feeling that the punch could do with being just a smidgen merrier. For morale purposes. Which was why each of them, separately, decided to add just the tiniest amount of extra cheer to the punch.
Big enough to miss by Mas_Pebbles_Sharp | t, 3.9k, rodney / john
Missing scenes/coda to The Daedalus Variations: Rodney's injury from alien weapon fire is worse than they at first realised
Elizabeth’s Pet Demon by Tazmy | g, 2.8k, gen
A mini demon ransacks Elizabeth’s quarters. Somehow, it’s cute. It shouldn’t be. It should be wrong, maybe even disturbing.
Finding Limits by halestrom | g, 3.6k, gen
The only thing John could focus on was getting back to Atlantis, getting a team and finding Rodney before Ford's men did anything. Getting back to Atlantis and finding out that Rodney had rescued himself wasn't a surprise, but sitting and watching his still body as Carson tried to figure out what to do was hard. Not just for John, but for all of AR-1.
First Embrace by Cyber_Witch85 | m, 2.8k, carson / evan, rodney / john, evan / john
John Sheppard and Evan Lorne rescue Rodney and Carson from a wraith lair. Carson and Evan explore the beginnings of their relationship as John and Rodney sleep.
Golden Slumbers by cassiope25 | g, 3.8k, rodney / john, team
“You should put more trust in me,” Ronon told her gently. "There's nothing a former runner can't take on.” Ronon is there to care for his team, and they care for him in turn.
Hand in Hand by mific | e, 4.7k, rodney / john
"Yes, yes, we're the talk of the town," Rodney said, eyeing them narrowly. "Run along now and if you're ever on Cambara don't agree to do the damn welcome ritual." "And if you do," Sheppard panted, "don't come last."
His Rodney by Jade | g, 1.5k, gen
It’s not always easy to remember who he is.
I Can Do Anything Better Than You! by Goddess47 | t, 3k, rodney / john
John, the traitor, had lured him to this so-called 'social event' organized by some self-appointed group of Expedition members. There had been a promise of chocolate cake and John had hinted at the possibility of mutual orgasms at the end of the night.
i waited ‘til i saw the sun by LogicGunn | t, 1k, steven / elizabeth
Elizabeth remembers.
I’ll keep you warm by puddlejumperpilot | g, 2k, rodney / john
The sky was darkening and fluffy snowflakes were falling from the sky as Teyla gave her speech, but John was distracted by Rodney shivering violently next to him. John swore under his breath and took off the outer layer of his jacket, wrapping it around Rodney’s shoulders. “You’re from Canada, aren’t you supposed to be immune to the cold?” He hissed under his breath. Rodney shot him a glare. “You know I get cold easily!” He replied in a whisper. “I also know that you do this every year. I’m beginning to think you just like wearing my jacket. You’re lucky I expected this, otherwise I’d just let you freeze!”
Just Peachy by melagan | t, 1.7k, rodney / john
John and Rodney are married and living on Atlantis. They have a rare day off together, but things aren't working out the way Rodney planned.
Lighter Than Air by spurious | g, 2.6k, rodney / john
Visiting a trading partner, the team participate in a winter solstice ritual that's more effective than it might seem.
Like A Shot To The Shoulder (And Other Adventures on MXR-338) by audioletter | g, 2.8k, gen
As far as welcomes go, being shot in the shoulder was not what John considered polite.
Solace by A_Storm_of_Roses | e, 7.2k, teyla / elizabeth
Elizabeth wakes with the hangover of the century and a throbbing elbow. She can’t remember how she got here, or where here even is, though it feels hard and rocky and smells like burning metal. Elizabeth and Teyla take a very long walk, and discover each other.
the snow has drifted high by dedkake | t, 1.7k, rodney / john
Rodney and John watch the New Year's fireworks together, just like they always do.
Wraith Rodney by carsonsweebabyturtles (Erindors) | fanart
This is my Holiday gift for Cassiope25. I kind of gambled at making him a Wraith but I hope you like it anyways 💜
You can’t pin joy like a moth by QueenIshtar | t, 3.7k, john / elizabeth, carson / rodney
Elizabeth knows that you can't pin joy like a moth. It's too fleeting. Joy is the soft fluttering of wings you notice only in the still, silent moments. It's your heartbeat rushing, racing when you laugh; when you feel alive. Joy is not a complete, tangible thing.
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antvnger · 10 months
Do you know any underrated rp blogs? I'm curious
Oh hey! Let's see, I think there's a lot, honestly Anon, and I don't know exactly what you're going for here. But here's some great blogs that I enjoy seeing on my dash.
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I hate doing things like this because I don't want to miss anyone 😭😭😭but here we go:
@loki-notazombie @neonsoundbite @inz-lokisdottir @indoraptorgirlwind @spideymn @silently-judgingyou @thisisthewade @redxinmyledger @mxtalwings @guardian-rocket @askthesecondgenerationavengers @benevolentgodloki @burnedtoacrisp @ask-spider-men @ask-kurt-wagnerandrpwithhim @haroldtsaxon @og-ant-man @thegrandharveyspecter @askthecloakoflevitation @jeff-the-landshark @arandomnerdsrp358 @sah1x1s @w0efulsoul @the-mjolnir-owner @deafarcher @ask-wolverine and literally loads more.
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Celebrating Walker- Thank you
Our "Celebrating Walker" event has come to an end. While there is so much more about Walker to love than what we covered in this event, I enjoyed seeing everyone's opinions and takes on their favorite things about Walker.
I just wanted to make this post and thank everyone that participated. Putting on events like this is a lot of work and part of that comes from the pressure to deliver entries of my own on the offchance that no one else does. Seeing entries from so many of you, including @eye-of-elena and @theladywyn, made me feel a million times better.
Thank you for dedicating your time to the event. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Thank you for even just liking and reblogging the posts you saw. It really means the world to me.
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warriorstale001 · 1 year
Xtra Small Update.
As most of you following me are probably aware, I have a fic on AO3 called Xtra Small or XS is it's shortened abbreviation. I started writing it when I was VERY new to the UTMV and to writing fics in general.
It's... been a while since I updated it... In fact, today marks two years since its last update... And that is a fact I'm not proud of ^^'...
(More info and explanation about why I've been taking so long to write the next chapter below, but to summarise the main point: I have not given up on XS and plan to have another chapter out soon)
Why haven't I updated it in so long? Well there's quite a few reasons really, but the main one that kept me struggling to continue writing for so long was the fact I just didn't feel proud of my writing in that fic anymore. Don't get me wrong, I still love XS and it will always be precious to me (especially kiddo Cross hehe :3), but I just couldn't help but compare myself to... Well everyone whose writing I came across, especially if they wrote babybone fics too. And when people commented on my earlier chapters in the fic I would cringe and wonder how they possibly got through them since I just kept thinking of all the 'better' fics out there.
So for a while I ignored XS and started writing other fics that I felt more proud of and that I think show how I've grown as an author, but I never planned on abandoning XS fully. Over these past 2 years I have gotten sooo many comments from people who have read the fic asking when an update is coming or just telling me that they really enjoyed the story and honestly, that's made me feel more confident in my writing. It really means a lot that despite all this time, people haven't given up that I'll continue the fic and I can't let them or myself down by just never getting around to update it. It made me slowly appreciate XS again for the fic it is. It's not perfect, but if it can bring enjoyment to a reader for even a little bit, then it makes me happy knowing 'Hey, I wrote that :3' hahs ^^
It almost took 2 years to write, but last week I finally finished writing the first draft of the next chapter of the story. It'll take time to edit, but I'm pleased to say that there will definitely be a chapter coming soon enough. Hopefully late April/beginning of May at the latest.
If you're still here two years on since I last updated, then I just want to say thanks for sticking around so long and I'm sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger for so long. I love you guys and I really hope this next chapter will be worth it.
Thank for not giving up on me or XS!
And thanks to those who are here mainly for OSDiff for being patient too ^^!
Have a super day everyone <3!
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drachenmagier · 1 year
The wonderful moment the algorithm assumes you’re into a certain pairing and starts to flood your dash with it.
And you’re not into it.
But it’s ok. Because HOLY SHIT, the art is so incredibly good!
Dear artists, please always remember there are strangers on the internet who are happy because of you~. I’m one of them~. 
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chillbunnie · 3 months
I love my fandom friends.
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theyoungprinceling · 1 month
[I'm officially a month old today and I have to say, I've had more fun here and people have been more kind to me here in this short amount of time compared to my other blog that I've had for over a year. I know I thanked ya'll already for the kindness in a different post, but I can't help but say it again anyway. Thanks for making this experience fun 👏💙]
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dorkass-nerd · 2 months
i love the lil community i have here
some of y'all are really nice people
im scared that that could change at any moment though
but for now it's real nice here, and im glad y'all are here with me on this journey
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a-french-coconut · 2 months
Just saw that I passed 100 followers and I'm sorry, I won't do any events because I do not have any particular talent to offer you, sorry, but thank you everyone that follow me 💛
If you want to ask anything, ask away and I'll answer ^^
Remember to all my moots and everyone else that sees this : you're amazing, you deserve the entire world, I am firmly certain that you are all incredible persons capable of great things and I'm lucky to have cross path with the lots of you 🥰
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hrefna-the-raven · 7 months
Omg I just realised that a tiny bit more than 500 people follow my blog here and I feel so blessed and happy 🥹 I started this to share the little stories I write with the rest of the world and I never thought that I ended up having that many followers 😭
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Thank you so much for reading and commenting on my stories ❤️ it means a lot ❤️
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dyrewrites · 4 months
To everyone reblogging my horror shorts sale link;
I love you
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dr-well-adjusted · 4 months
Hey marley here!! Sorry, I have a ton of asks but I'm so busy rn, and I've had such a bad day- I'll answer them in a little bit.
Just wanted to say thank you all!! I appreciate all the support, followers and asks. It really makes my day to see even 1 ask, I have 5 in my inbox!!
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Older Omega?
She looks amazing 😭🥰 :'DD
Awww the rebellion :'))
You better survive girl xd
She's not a kid anymore :'))
AUGH she just said that
Nahh but they still will
You guys aged a lot better than Rex xD
Give us a redone appearance Rex LOL
Awww :'))
Okay that was a really good ending 😭😭😭😭💔❤️❤️❤️🥰
I'm so glad everyone's okay 😭❤️
I love this show so much :'))
I'm really gonna miss it x'd
So sad it's over <33 but so glad it happened and ended happily :'))
Thank you, The Bad Batch <333
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shonkgobonk · 2 years
This is just appreciation for my mutuals
Thank you for putting up with my odd rambles of my ocs or of my funky little hyperfixation on slasher or horror movies
You guys are great and I'm giving you all virtual hugs
I also feel tiny since I'm 18 and a lot of my moots are older than me. I'm your problem now, you guys now have a funky brained younger sibling now
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sbtorms · 7 months
I've made these kinds of posts on other social medias, but not here yet, so...
I hope all of you know that you're loved and appreciated. You have amazing talents, and your goals are worthwhile. You all deserve adoration.
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