#You're welcome to let me know if you're interested in any of my other muses as well ^^
7ndipity · 1 year
Study Date
Jin x Reader
Summary: What happens when your best friend sets you up on a study date with your campus crush?
Warnings: not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! I love the idea of college au Jin, I wanna write more for him!😊
Requests are open
You were going to kill Jungkook for this.
It'd been his idea to suggest a group study session, only for it to turn out to be just you, him and Jin, and then to bail out after only a half hour.
You knew he'd done it intentionally, as one of your best friends he was more than well aware of the crush you harbored for the upperclassmen, and had decided you needed a push to spend more time together, rather than just gawk at him from the sidelines.
"I'm bored." Jin groaned, slumping down in his chair, trying to get your attention
"C'mon, y/n, please?"
"I thought you assignments to study for?" You asked, still not looking up at him.
"I finished already."
"Then why didn't you leave with Jungkook?" You asked.
"Because he was going to the gym, and I'd much rather stay here with you than go sweat with him."
"Wow, that was almost a complement." You mused.
"You're almost welcome." He chuckled.
He let you work in peace for a while, but after a bit, it seemed like the more you tried to focus, the less info you seemed to take in.
"You've been staring at that same page for almost ten minutes." He observed in a low voice.
"I have not!" You argued. "How do you know?"
"Because I've been staring at you for over ten minutes." He said simply, ignoring the way your eyes widened at the admission. "You need a break, how does coffee sound?"
"Like heaven." You admitted, trying to stifle a yawn that would only further prove his point. With approaching midterms, you had been basically running on the stuff.
"There's a coffee shop not far from here that's good, let's go." He suggested.
You packed your things away and followed him out, getting slightly flustered when he offered to carry your bag for you.
"So what's your major? I realized I never asked." He asked as you walked along, dodging puddles left over from the morning rain.
"Litterature, what about you?"
"Film theory." He answered.
You found it surprisingly easy to talk with him, quickly finding similar interests that you had in common and sharing stories about your other friends. Although you ran in the same circle of friends, you'd never actually never really had any one on one conversations like this until now.
Before either of you realized, it had grown dark outside the cafe and you had to leave, knowing your roommates would worry if you were out too late.
"This was fun." He said as he walked you home.
"Yeah, although, we didn't actually get much studying done." You said.
"You wanna meet up again tomorrow?" He asked. "I promise I'll let you study this time."
"Really?" You looked up at him.
"Yeah, I-I liked getting to spend time with you." He said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"Okay. I'd like that." You agreed, earning a bright smile from him.
"Good, me too."
Taking a sudden burst of courage, you leaned up on your tiptoes and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. "Thank you for the coffee." You said before retreating.
"I-um- yeah, no problem." He stuttered, ears suddenly turning bright red.
"See you tomorrow?"
"Yeah, yeah see you tomorrow." He agreed starting turn and walk away.
"What?" He said, spinning back around immediately.
"My bag." You pointed to where it still hung on his shoulder.
"Right! Sorry, here." He quickly passed it to you before nodding to you again. "See you tomorrow."
You watched him leave, unable to hide your growing smile.
Maybe you wouldn't kill Jungkook for this after all.
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mmmichyyy · 5 months
Hello 🤗 if you're still taking prompts, numbers 30 and 65 please
#30: "be you. no one else can." #65: "i don't want you to stop."
welcome to the company! happy to help if you have any questions or need my assistance with anything :) -ian
mickey stares at the bright yellow sticky note on his keyboard, then looks over his cubicle. the tall ginger is chatting with some of the other employees by the water cooler, all sunshine and smiles like a bright light in the dull, grey office.
he crumples up the note and debates whether to toss it in the bin. he's not here to make friends - especially not the office assistant who looks like a walking motivational poster. the guy probably gets off on cheesy quotes like dream big! or live laugh love! or be you, no one else can! hell no. he's here to collect a paycheck so he can pay rent. that's it.
but, for some unexplainable reason, mickey can't bring himself to throw the note away. so before he can think too much about it, he opens the empty drawer in his desk and sweeps the piece of paper inside. whatever. it doesn't mean anything. nope.
the collection of neon sticky notes in his drawer grow as the weeks go by.
hope your first week of work went well!
going on a coffee run, let me know if you need anything :)
noticed you were asking around for a pen, so i just grabbed you a whole pack from the supply closet :)
we're all going to the taco truck on the block for lunch today, come with if you want!
just a heads up, avoid martha unless you want to listen to her talk about her cats for an hour lol
restocked the pantry with a bunch of snacks, if you're hungry :)
hey do you think robert will be offended if i tell him his toupee is crooked??
mickey hadn't replied to any of the messages at this point. he knows he's not special - ian probably leaves hundreds of notes for everyone, the attentive dork that he is. but the last note catches him off guard and he can't help but let out a loud snort.
without overthinking it, he scribbles a reply on a notepad and sticks it on ian's desk.
you should tell him the thing on his head looks like a dead raccoon. -m
later in the afternoon, mickey holds back a grin when he bumps into robert in the washroom, muttering under his breath while vigorously adjusting his hair.
it takes him a few more weeks to realize that not a lot of people in the office communicate via sticky notes. in fact, he's the only one who gets daily notes on his desk, so much so his drawer is nearly filled to the brim. he's really not sure what to make of it, actually. he's barely spoken ten words to ian in person, yet he has an entire physical collection of the guy's random thoughts and musings.
curiosity and intrigue (or perhaps his inexplicable attraction to redheaded alien-looking guys) get the better of him - so finally, he breaks all his rules and marches up to ian's desk.
"what's with all the notes, red?"
ian looks up, surprised, all wide-eyed and flushed cheeks. mickey thinks this is the first time they've been this close in each other's personal space, so close that he can see the light freckles smattered across ian's face. he resists the urge to trace the dots with his fingers - because that would be weird and not something coworkers do, right?
"sorry for bombarding you... you just seem so cool, but i noticed you don't really talk much and i guess i was too intimidated to approach you in person," ian says, looking sheepish. "i can stop if you think it's annoying..."
"no," mickey cuts in quickly. "um. i don't want... you don't have to stop. the notes are... nice." they're the highlight of my day, he thinks, but he doesn't say that out loud. not yet.
ian's entire face lights up and mickey has never seen anyone look more like the personification of an eager puppy. honestly, mickey doesn't think anyone has ever shown so much interest in him, ever, and it's kind of... endearing?
so, he takes a deep breath and decides to take the plunge.
"but you can talk to me too. in person. face to face. y'know, if you want. i'm fine with that."
ian nods enthusiastically. "maybe we can get to know each other over lunch today?" he asks in a hopeful tone. "the diner around the corner makes a really mean burger."
mickey smiles. "only if you're buying."
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beybaldes · 1 year
maybe you can’t see how much you mean to me
Graham Dunne x Fem!Reader
djats masterlist
word count : 2k
summary : basically a Graham!version of they long to be (close to you) OR the one where you and Graham get a good nights sleep.
thank you for the request @p4landia <33 i hope you like it - i sure enjoyed writing it!
Warning!! I have not read the book or the show!!! All info I have gathered has been from other x readers I have read. sorry in advance if I have butchered your fav show/book because I have plainly made shit up in favour of satiating my own need for more warren fics xoxo
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"No, it's okay Warren, you go to bed." Warren scooped you up in his arms, placing you down in the spot next to Graham who had already opened up his blanket for you, then pressed a kiss to your cheek. "I'll leave the door open for you."
You'd spent the last 20 minutes convincing Warren to go to bed while you stayed up in hushed tones, not wanting to alert any of the others to your agreement, but not wanting him feel alone. It was never fun trying to sleep in the new environment that was the LA house, but you and Warren were doing your best to make it through a bad situation, whatever the means. Besides, it was nice to have someone to cuddle up with on the colder nights, even if it was someone else in the house you'd rather be cuddled up with.
You let your head fall to Graham's shoulder as Warren placed you down, who pulled his arm out from between the two of you and wrapped it over the back of the sofa. He allowed you to tangle your legs up in his pyjama covered ones, making sure you were comfortable before he turned his attention back to the tv screen. Maybe he'd one day be brave enough to press a quick, but loving, kiss to your cheeks the way Warren just had.
"You and Warren are sleeping together?" Karen had been the one brave enough to ask, the conversation between the two of you not unnoticed by the rest of the group - it being the only thing to break the silence in the past 40 minutes.
All heads turned to you, attention suddenly on something that had the potential to be more interesting then the rerun of Scooby-doo that had just started. "Not like that." You answered softly, eyes still focused on the cartoon dog and his gang on friends, not noticing how everyone else was now looking at you. "We both just like the company of it. I don't think either of us realised how lonely it would be coming out to LA."
Relief swept through Graham's body, him letting out a breathe he didn't realise he'd been holding in as he waited to hear your answer. Sure, you were much more casual with affection then anyone else he knew was, but with Warren it always seemed like more - he was glad to know it wasn't.
"Cute." Camilla mused, a warm smile curling on her lips as she took in that even in your sleep you were reaching out for the touch and warmth of someone else.
"You're always welcome in my bed, sweet-pea." Karen added, a smile curling on her own lips as she managed to take your attention away from the tv. "I swear you run cold. Would be nice in the LA heat."
"You can't steal my blanket buddy." Graham gasped, pulling you tighter against him and furiously tucking the blanket around the two of you. Your head fell from his shoulder and now pressed against his chest at the movement, the beat of his heart a soft call to sleep beneath you. "She's the perfect amount of cold. The windows open, with the blanket, with y/n is the perfect temperature for me."
A smile curled on your face at the possessiveness behind Graham's words, liking how he sounded when he was referring to you as his and perfect. It was something you could easily get used to hearing more often.
"I'm going to have to pass on that one Karen, unless you want to come down to my room." You countered her offer with a soft smile, attention moving back to the tv once more. "Warren says your room is haunted."
Laughter spread through out the room as you sided with Warren even in his absence; he was so sweet to you, and that's what friends do, so how could you not?
"What?" You asked, laughing yourself. "We left it empty until your arrival for a reason." That caused another round of laughter to break out in the room, everyone enjoying the way the two of you were slowly but surely morphing into one person with the more time you spent confined in the LA rental.
A particularly loud shout of "scoob!" from the TV had everyone's attention turned back to the cartoon, letting the nature of your relationship with Warren lie for at least the time being.
By the end of the third episode, only you, Graham and Eddie remained in the room. Graham and you were fast asleep, his head leaning atop yours, the two of you wrapped in what looked like a tight hug, although the blanket hid your entangled legs, and Eddie was sat in the armchair against the wall, legs curled into the seat and a bottle of warm beer in his hands that he'd been nursing for the last half an hour.
As the intro to the next rerun of Scooby-doo blasted from the TV, Graham startled awake, literally jumping out of his seat and pulling the blanket with him. He grumbled some attempt at what you thought was a goodnight, and went to stumble sleepily out of the room, the warmth of him and the blanket leaving you alone on the couch.
Reaching out for him at the last second, you slipped your fingers through his, intertwining your hands. Shuffling through the room to meet him, you murmured a command of 'sleep' dropping your head against his chest once more.
Graham pulled his arm up to rest over your shoulders, his hand in your hair and scratching at your scalp, lulling you back to sleep exactly where you stood.
"One second." You pleaded, removing yourself from his hold and making your way over to Eddie who opened his arms out to you as you waddled into his side. "Goodnight Ed's." You murmured dreamily, pressing a sweet kiss to his jaw as your couldn't quite reach his cheek now he was stood up.
"Goodnight birdie." He replied, guiding you back into Graham's arms as he left the room, making his own way to bed. Graham wrapped his arms around your shoulder, keeping you as tucked under the blanket as he could give the situation, and began to lead the two of you back to his room.
"This okay?" Graham asked as he guided you into his bed, pulling the duvet back and getting you settled before he tried to do so for himself. "Want to stay nice 'n warm 'n cuddled up with you."
"Yeah, 'course." You hummed, waiting for Graham to get into the bed with you before you wiggled yourself into his arms, intertwining your legs with him just as you had done on the couch moments ago. You tucked your head under his chin, burrowing yourself into the warmth Graham provided in a much easier way then you had done on the couch.
"Goodnight sunshine." Graham whispered, noticing that you'd already dropped asleep with one of his hands tangled in your hair and the other running up and down the length of your back. He pressed a chaste kiss to the crown of your head, smiling into your skin as he closed him eyes. "Goodnight."
The two of you slept right through the night, tossing and turning though still holding onto each-other, each movement accompanied by the other immediately moving as well to continue the comfortable sleep. Like usual, you were the first awake, you an early riser and Graham waking up as soon as you tried to move out of his hold. Though you'd tried to convince him to go back to sleep, shushing him and running your hands through his hair, he insisted on getting up with you.
And that's how you'd ended up here, your legs tangled with his once more, the little blue blanket covering your lap and two rather large bowls of cereal in hand. The tv had been left on, and now an episode of The Walton's was playing, the early morning tv not being watched but just adding a gentle hum to the room.
Graham had yet to take his eyes off of you since the two of you woke up, his cereal left uneaten in his hand despite you encouraging him to eat it before it got soggy. "You're beautiful, you know that?" He asked, tucking your hair back behind your ear.
"What?" You practically choked on your cereal, moving the bowl to the coffee table and giving Graham your full attention instead.
"You're beautiful." He repeated, cupping your face with one hand while the other reached for your own, intertwining your fingers. "I've just been thinking about it, that's okay."
"Yeah?" You asked, the undivided attention you were giving the brunette having his cheeks flush pink, his eyes moving between your lips and your own.
"Yeah." He answered breathlessly, looking back to your eyes and wetting his lips. "Can I... can I kiss you?"
"Yeah." You answered, not leaving another second for him to make the first move, ducking down and pressing your lips to his in one swift movement. Graham was stunned into stillness, though only for a second, quickly regaining his senses and kissing you back, his lips moving in sync with yours.
Your hands moved up to his hair, tugging and pulling him closer to you as his cupped your jaw, deepening the kiss with every movement of his lips and swipe of his tongue against yours. Graham's other hand moved to the small of your back, pulling you up and guiding you into his lap, you leg swinging over him and settling on either side of his hips comfortably.
At the sound of a door creaking open somewhere down the hall, you pressed your lips against Graham's in one final, long kiss, then another quick softer one, sliding off his lap and cuddling into his side - pulling the blanket over the two of you. As the footsteps got closer to the room, Graham grabbed your cereal for you, picking up his own as well and forcing his attention onto the tv screen a little too hard.
"woah, morning guys." Eddie stumbled through the living room, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he tried to find the kitchen with his eyes half closed. "you're up earlier."
"She always is." Graham answered, eyes unmoving from the episode of The Waltons that was beginning to come to an end. "I'm just tagging along."
"So you weren't making out when I came in here?" Grahams hand was quick to smack against your back as you chocked on your cereal, your coughing going away quickly as he helped you. "And you didn't get into bed together last night?"
"If we say no, will you believe us?" You looked at Eddie over the back of the couch, a glass of water in his hands and his eyes squinted tightly shut in an effort to keep the daylight out.
"No. I have eyes." Eddie sassed, taking a sip of his water and running his hand over his face, his hair immediately flopping back in front of his eyes after he pushed it back. He could do with a headband, you thought, making a mental note to but him one the next time you were out. "But I'm not going to say anything. You do you. Night guys."
As soon as you heard Eddie's bedroom door close again, you were back on Graham's lap, letting your empty bowl of cereal fall to the floor and not caring, knowing you'd clean it up later.
"Really?" Graham asked, reaching around you to place his bowl down carefully, unlike how you'd all but thrown it down.
"Really." You didn't waste another second before pulling him in for another kiss, threading your fingers through the tufts of hair at the nape of his neck, rocking closer to him as the kiss deepened. Pulling back only enough to whisper words against his lips, Graham went in for another kiss, but you stopped him with a gentle push to his chest. "He's definitely gonna tell Warren isn't he."
"Oh, for sure."
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I know it probably doesn't matter, your blog, your rules. I just wanted to let you know that I was hoping to follow you so I could learn how to be more sensitive to Jewish people, the post I originally saw that made me follow in the first place seemed like you're trying to educate. I'm an educator too, for different topics. I'm also trans.
But because of the jews only thing you have going on (totally your right, no judgment) I can't, because I'll inevitably forget to check the tags and respond to something you don't want gentile input on. Your reactions to people who have done so aren't as kind as I need an educator to be.
I already feel awful because I don't know more about Judaism and your culture. So, I had to unfollow. I only wanted to point out, as another person interested in educating others about my marginalizations, a result you may not have been aware of. If you educate, its really difficult to put blocks like that up and hope for people to learn to do better. Blessings and I hope you do well.
I totally get that, but my blog isn't an education blog. It's a mishmash of a bunch of things I'm passionate about. Sometimes it's stuff about my personal interests, like dentistry, anthropology, and fandoms. Sometimes it's art. Sometimes it's shitposts. Sometimes it's random musings about gender and Judaism and all kinds of stuff. And yes, sometimes it's education. I enjoy educating, but that's not not why I made this blog. If you follow me purely for educational stuff, I'm afraid you're gonna get quite lost.
But that's the issue with people viewing any member of a marginalized group as purely an educator, isn't it?
I don't exist to educate. If you want a blog to follow for just my educational input, I'm a moderator for Is-The-Thing-Jewish. But this blog is my own blog. And currently it's the high holidays and that always means spikes in antisemitism and personal existential crises. Plus my close friend died a few weeks ago, my ex is stalking me again, and my grandfather might have cancer, so forgive me if I'm not going to be the nicest and most welcoming and make more personal posts geared only towards myself or those I consider myself close to. This is my blog, take it or leave it.
And honestly if you only came to my blog to be educated, I'm glad you unfollowed, because I'm not a lesson, I'm a person.
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buckets-and-trees · 1 year
Aspen's Enchanted Birthday Festival Announcement
October first marks one hundred days until my birthday! So from now until my birthday on January 9th I'm hosting a writing festival!
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For this fest, I'm interested in seeing some mystical creatures we don't typically see, though you're free to adapt them and their lore however you see fit.
You do not need to follow me to participate (though it's appreciated). Details and guidelines under the keep reading/read more...
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REQUIRED: Feature at least one of the creatures from this list:
The creature could be the reader, the leading man, or a creature they encounter. You can go with strict mythology, or riff off the elements of the base lore.
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REQUIRED: Feature at least one of the characters from this list:
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
Joaquin Torres
Nick Fowler
God the Bounty Hunter
Ari Levinson
Curtis Everett
Lloyd Hansen
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OPTIONAL: if you would like some melodic or lyrical inspiration, here are nine songs I'm floating your way:
“A&W” by Lana Del Rey
“Holocene” by Bon Iver
“Never Let Me Go” by Florence + the Machine
“The Lightning Strike” by Snow Patrol
“If I Say” by Mumford & Sons
“Fine Line” by Harry Styles
“Abstract (Psychopomp)” by Hozier
“The Moment I Said It” by Imogen Heap
“Daydreaming” by Rosa Pullman
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Writing must be an x reader story.
Minimum 500 words, maximum 9k words.
If part of an existing series, must be able to read as a stand alone piece.
Must be posted on tumblr between October 1, 2023, and January 9, 2024.
I will only read and reblog works that tag @buckets-and-trees and use the tag #aspensenchantedbday.
Stories MUST use a creature and character from the lists provided, but using song inspiration is optional.
All stories must be inclusive in nature.
No DD/lg dynamics, no pet play, no beastiality (if a monster cannot express consent, it is beastiality), no rpf (real person fiction), no scat play, no underage relations of a romantic or sexual nature.
Make sure to tag content and trigger warning appropriately and use a read more/keep reading cut after 300 words.
If you want to create something for THIS event that also aligns with other challenges or events, you can stack/maximize as long as that other event or challenge allows for it (doesn’t demand exclusivity).
I'm not obligated to read or reblog any works that fail to adhere to the requirements listed above.
If you're familiar with my library, you'll know I write a range of light to dark, fluff to smut, and so entries across the board are welcome as long as they meet the stipulated requirements.
May these creatures haunt your muse in the best way between now and January 9th!
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thoroughfvre · 9 months
i'm finally free until january fourth which means i should be around to write more and get to overdue dms ! i'm gonna get to current drafts gradually but here's a wishlist in case anyone wants to indulge me and my brain babies . . . please like this if you're interested and i'll get to you by the end of the week !
wanted concepts :
anything winter / christmas / new years eve . . . i need to get in the holiday spirit asap
maybe a mumu where there are workers and tourists at a ski resort or tourist-y town ??
strangers who share a nye midnight kiss and can't leave each other alone after
gen v inspired things / a mumu . . . i would prefer to play ocs but canons are welcome !
supernatural vibes ( as in creatures — not the show suhjskdij ) . . . can be serious or a little silly and goofy
road trip - esque plots ( i.e. our muses were road - tripping solo , met each other at a rest stop / gas station and decided to finish the trip together or two young adults / lovers / friends / siblings who don't feel like they fit in anywhere and decide to find their place in the world )
always a sl*t for fake dating or enemies to lovers
a costar for my actor muse . . . can go a million different ways
muses for any of my artsy babies ( i have a bunch of them ! )
battle of the bands . . . rival bands . . . musician things . . .
really anything from this tag .
muses i want to use asap :
apollo ortiz : small town guy who was a superstar in his prime , star baseball player , nearly drafted to the mlb but got injured and had to return home . currently teaches local high school / kiddie leagues and has a lot of anger in his heart . fc: jan luis castellanos .
adonis ' doni ' laurent : rich kid who grew up with shady parents who sheltered him from anyone and anything they didn't approve of . currently an actor ( can be aspiring or a - list depending on plot ) and has a bad habit of being dishonest . fc : harris dickinson .
victoria ' tori ' cabrera : my angel baby . . . my number one . . . i can never have too many plots with her . fashion intern , fashion student or stylist intern ( depends on plot ) with major mommy issues . a little spitfire who craves affection but has no idea what to do with it when she gets it . fc : nailea devora .
devon rhodes : an eccentric part - time art teacher and part - time art shop owner with a heart of gold . has no filter , lets whatever pops in her head fly out of her mouth or puts it into her art . still a bit new to me but i'm dying to write her . fc : taylor russell .
margot dai : very new . still fleshing her out . but a major aesthete who works in a florist shop and may even dabble in wedding planning . loves pretty things and watching them grow . would love to flesh her out with someone ! fc : havana rose liu .
malachi barone : very new x2 . i know very little about this man except that he's essentially a hermit , tends to come off as a bit pretentious and has an extensive knowledge of art as a curator . dying to write him and sort him out . fc : jeremy allen white .
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Full Muse Requests + More
Okay, this is a direct follow-up post from https://www.tumblr.com/destiny-in-the-universe/751758009129107456/account-updates-more?source=share where I honestly just plan on nonstop talking about my asks, requests, and other stuff I feel like adding!
Muse List
Emoji Key
⭐️ Primary Hyperfix
💫 Secondary Interets
TV SHOWS (Cartoons)
⭐️ Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
~ Randy Cunningham
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~ First Ninja
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~ Human! Nomicon
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⭐️ Danny Phantom
~ Danny Fenton / Phantom
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💫 She-Ra: Princesses of Power
~ Adora / She-Ra (Open/Primary Muse)
~ Catra
💫 The Owl House
~ Eda Clawthorne
~ Luz Noceda
⭐️ My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
~ Twilight Sparkle
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⭐️ American Dragon: Jake Long
~ Jake Long
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⭐️ Gravity Falls
~ Stanford Pines
💫 Once Upon a Time
~ Mr. Gold / Rumplestiltskin
(Words are hard. I honestly haven't watched any tv shows lately, so please be patient with me- this will be updated later-)
💫 My Hero Academia
~ Midoriya Izuku / Deku (Open/Primary Muse)
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~ Todoroki Touya / Dabi (Open/Primary Muse)
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💫 Fruits Basket
~ Akito Sohma
~ Kyo Sohma
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💫 Attack on Titan
~ Eren Yeager
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~ Levi Ackerman
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💫 Black Butler
~ Ciel Phantomhive
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DreamWorks Movies
⭐️ How to Train Your Dragon
~ Hiccup Haddock
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⭐️ Sanders Sides
~ Logan Sanders
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~ Remy / Sleep
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Fandoms -> Available Requests: x Reader, Fluff (Light Romcom), Angst (Hurt/Comfort, Injuries, etc), Headcanons
For c.AI - please let me know what scenario you want! Canon, alternate universes, and others are accepted!
Accepted AU's: Anything! (Please ask first- I just don't want to individually list out everything unless I make an entire masterpost for it!)
DNI: Sebaciel, Danny/Vlad, illegal shipping- heavy gore
If there are other sources you might be interested in, let me know but honestly I already have quite a few muses for your selection here! I originally planned to individually list out what kind of asks and/or requests but that was going to take too long as it's honestly incredibly repetitive!
The last time I tried to use c.AI today, it was acting a little testy and wouldn't load but you're more than welcome to request things for it and I'll get to it once c.AI decides to stop being a little menace.
Honestly, that's it for now! I do plan on making tags to know which character is getting asks and/or requests! It'll make it so much easier to navigate, so-
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lcftyambiticns · 6 months
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♔ ❛ 𝑰nd. &. sel. 25+ 𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐃𝐔𝐑'𝐒 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐄 roleplay blog for ℒORROAKAN ; self-appointed MASTER OF RAMAZITH'S TOWER &. ARCHMAGE of Baldur's Gate. TRIGGER WARNING for dark / adult content. INFO &. LINKS UNDER THE CUT.
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WeaveRot / an undying bond: @shadovan Apprentice: @onemostindominable
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25+ ONLY. This blog is written by an adult for other adults, so please act accordingly.
I'm careful about how I curate my online space, and the block button and I are besties. Usually it's nothing against you personally, but simply to avoid misunderstandings. Muns who engange in OOC drama, OOC bigotry and LGBTQA+ phobia of any kind, callout posts, OOC political discourse will be blocked on sight, as well as people who can't differentiate fiction from reality. If you don't like someone's content, block them. Protecting your online space is a mature thing to do, and I promise I'll 100% support that. What's NOT okay is trying to police adults on what to write on their blogs (go touch some grass).
Triggers you may encounter on this blog: violence, murder, abuse, gore, monsters, gaslighting, manipulation, canon-typical fantasy racism and overall offensive / problematic themes. Triggers won't always be tagged. If you're triggered by any of these, this blog isn't for you.
I'm a big fan of making my muses suffer :D I love angst and exploring dark, gritty plots. If you have any triggers, let me know before jumping into a RP with me so we're all on the same page.
Communication is key!! You'd like to share an idea? Go right ahead. Don't like where the plot is going? Let me know. You want to scream about our muses? YES. Writing is so much more fun if the muns get along. I promise, I don't bite.
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I'm selective and mutuals only simply because I can't spread myself too thin. I'm particularly selective when it comes to mumu-blogs featuring muses from fandoms outside the DnD / BG3 verse.
If we aren't mutuals: You are welcome to send asks and memes! Same goes for plot ideas, send an ask.
Formatting and accessiblity: I HOPE(!!) that most of you are mindful of your RP partners' accessibility needs, but I won't follow blogs with heavy formatting regardless. Wide spacing or paragraphs entirely in lowercase or caps make reading difficult for me and I want to check out your writing before I give a follow. Obviously, typos or grammar mistakes are absolutely okay. As long as I'm able to understand what you're writing, you're doing great.
MEMES. I love them. Send 57. I can't promise I will reply to every meme you send, but that's just because not every meme sparks my muse. If you want to continue a meme, go right ahead! No need to ask.
If I follow you, I have read your rules and want to interact! Don't be shy <3 I will also assume that if you follow me back, you're fine with me sending you memes / tagging you in starters / sliding into your IMs to plot.
If you followed me first, I'd appreciate it if you reached out first. I will try my best to do same, of course!
Plotting: I'm not a fan of plotting out every detail. I find it more exciting to let our muses guide the story and see where it takes us! However, Lorroakan is a particularly uncooperative muse and an asshole on main. Having a general idea of what we want our muses to do really helps to keep the ball rolling, even if we end up going in a different direction!
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This blog is multiship, male lean. Fair warning; Lorroakan isn't particularly interested in romance or sex, and he's a prick. I'm open to shipping, BUT ships will most likely be toxic / one-sided (with the potential to develop into something wholesome over time!), and slow burn. By slow I mean glacial. In most cases, at least.
I won't write smut on the dash. The steamy stuff will be moved to discord or IMs.
Pre-established relationships: Yes. I usually don't do romantic pre-established relationships (exepctions may be made at my discretion), but what if your muse was Lorroakan's childhood bestie? Another (former?) apprentice? A fellow scholar of the arcane he used to work with?
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MUN NOTES Mun =/= Muse, I obviously don't condone any of Lorroakan's bs IRL. He isn't a nice person. He is a toxic, abusive piece of work. While I will absolutely respect your boundaries OOC (if you talk to me beforehand about them, pretty please with a cherry on top), I won't water him down.
Please don't soft-block me, I have the memory of a soggy pickle. If you don't want me to interact with you, hard-block.
@ all personal blogs: Hi, I appreciate you and it's really flattering to know you enjoy my writing and HCs. You are welcome to like and reblog my HCs and graphics (REBLOG, not repost, don't steal my shit or I'll go Liam Neeson on you), but no touchy RP threads.
Activity: Sometimes I'll reply super fast, sometimes it takes me ages, and sometimes I can only focus on specific threads / muses.
They / Them, hatched 1995, dog parent, hyperfixating on problematic villains, D&D player.
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GENERAL Lorroakan is in his mid-late 30s, fairly young considering his achievements (mostly obtained through deceitful methods).
He presents himself as the great archmage of Baldur's Gate, but while he is a compentent wizard and keen enchanter, he is nowhere near as powerful as he claims to be.
Lorroakan laid claim to Ramazith Tower after its previous owner mysteriously disappearend, and he refuses to share the knowledge it holds (at least for free).
He is originally from Athkatla, one of the wealthiest cities in Faerun, but he grew up in the shadows of its splendor. His family (mother, father, two sisters, four brothers) could barely make ends meet, but Lorroakan has always been ambitious and harbored dreams of one day being just as wealthy and powerful as the elite of the Gem District. The practice or use of arcane magic is explicitly illegal within the city of Athkatla, but that didn't stop him; he practiced in secret whenever he could get his hands on a spellbook.
PERSONALITY IN A NUTSHELL . . . as interpreted by the mun ; Ambitious, diligent, intelligent, clever, creative ; selfish, arrogant, manipulative, power-hungry, petty, vain.
He has a superiority complex ; he is vain, has an overly high opinion of himself, makes boastful claims that aren't backed up by reality, has a habit of putting down those who outshine him.
(The way I see it) Lorroakan isn't a straight up villain. However, his ambitions and narcissistic nature drive him to commit morally questionable, and at times, outright despicable acts.
CHARACTER STUDIES / RELEVANT HEADCANONS: bad money habits more about his past & why he is how he is
Shippy HCs CONs of being his lover PROs of being his lover NSFW headcanons
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sunhated-a · 11 months
Hello! Welcome, this is a blog I've created to curate inspiration for Muzan Kibutsuji. But I am open to interactions, so I may dip my hands in some writing for him as well.
My portrayal of Muzan is quite canon divergent and based on equal parts headcanon and canon material.
I'm very laidback on this blog, so expect minimal formatting and icons, sporadic activity, and varying post length.
Guidelines under read more.
Basic RP etiquette applies. Do not control my character without my permission, in character =/= out of character. Muzan is a very abrasive muse. So please don't take his rudeness personally. If you are a personal blog, you may follow me and send in asks or like headcanon posts. I have anon enabled if you'd prefer to use that. However, I would ask that you do not reblog my headcanons or threads. Please understand you are a guest in this space and be mindful with how you engage. Other than that, you're welcome on my blog! I hope you enjoy!
Fandom is a space meant for everyone to enjoy. Period. Bigotry of any kind, racism, sexism, transphobia, etc. Will not be tolerated. If I catch you engaging in any of these behaviors it's an immediate block from me.
Do not involve me in interpersonal drama. Roleplay is a fun hobby to me, and drama exhausts me. And to be frank, I am too old to care to keep up with who did what and why. I don't engage in dogpiles. I am just here to write my characters and stay in my lane. However, if any issues were to arise, I'd prefer to talk it out like adults. But if you'd no longer wish to interact for whatever reason, feel free to hard block me. There will be no hard feelings.
I am neither pro-ship nor an anti, nor do I care what camp you fall into. I'm just here to do my own thing. I will be exploring darker content on this blog: Including manipulation, abusive relationships, cannibalism, obsession, twisted dynamics among other things that come with the muse. I do have hard limits, however. I will not interact with you if you engage in noncon, underage smut, or adult / underage muse ships. All triggers will be tagged accordingly. And as always, if you need something tagged do not hesitate to let me know!
I run my blogs primarily on an interest basis, I also manage a household and I work. So my activity will fluctuate and be sporadic. I manage chronic depression and unmedicated ADHD both so I will probably be all over the place. IRL > Anything else. I will always prioritize the comfort level of a mun over writing and roleplay.
This is a canon divergent blog, as it says on the tin. There are a lot of aspects about Muzan and his story that I interpret differently, or omit entirely. If something about my portrayal isn't to your liking, I completely understand. You are entitled to your opinion, but please don't try to argue with me. Feel free to unfollow or block.
OCS. I love them. Feel free to send them my way, just be sure to have a page where I can read about them and we're golden. I am also duplicate friendly.
I am not open to shipping on this blog. I, however, will make exceptions if we have interacted OOC or if we're on the same page on what we want out of a ship. I'm uncomfortable shipping with people I don't interact with, this is purely for my own comfort and because of personal experiences in the past. But, if we've interacted and you think our characters would mesh well and have a good dynamic, by all means feel free to bring it up. I will not be posting smut or sexual content on this blog. So anything veering into that territory, I will ask to move to discord or another platform.
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angie-long-legs-moved · 6 months
Age Restricted
This blog is 18+, absolutely no exceptions! Mun is in their 20s and will not rp with minors. If you are under 18, please do not follow or interact. You will be blocked.
At the moment, I am happy to rp/interact with the majority of those who want to write with me! However, I can be choosy if I feel our writing styles don't match or we don't click in the way we portray our muses.
I may drop threads if I lose motivation or I feel as though I'm carrying it. If you're concerned I've dropped our thread and wish to continue it, please just let me know! I may be open to continuing with some additional plotting, or at the very least I will offer an explanation as to why it was dropped.
I don't do exclusives! I love to see writers portray their own take on their muses, so doubles are welcome here.
Hard blocking is reserved for minors and weirdos - I won't hard block you if I no longer want to interact, I will probably just unfollow.
Dark Themes
This is Angel Dust - dark topics and are going to be a common occurance. Please be mindful of your own wellbeing and/or triggers. Sexual violence, physical violence, abuse, trauma, sex work, substance abuse and addiction are all big parts of Angel's story, and while I will do my best to tag things accordingly, if this is likely to trigger you, I would advise not to follow.
Mun =/= Muse
Angel can be a prize dickhead at times. He might not be kind to your muse, even if your muse is kind to him. He has a short temper and zero impulse control, and is prone to flying off the handle. I will most likely ask if I feel like anything I write would cross a line, but I don't see this as ever being more than Angel throwing around hurtful words.
I tag obvious triggers such as abuse and violence, but if you need anything more specific tagged, just let me know! I may fuck up from time to time and forget to tag something, in which case just shoot me a message and I'll fix it.
NSFW content is fine and to be expected with this muse! However, I won't write smut unless we've been writing together for a while. All NSFW content will be tagged, and anything explicit will be under a cut.
Head over heels for Huskerdust, not massively interested in shipping Angel with other characters from the show. However, I ship based on chemistry, so if our muses develop a connection, I'm open to exploring this. I prefer this to be discussed ooc if it starts heading that direction. Open to OC ships, but again, chemistry is key. And, obviously, Angel is gay - I'll be writing him as such. If your muse is female/fem-leaning, sorry, but he ain't into it!
(I also feel the need to stress that while I enjoy exploring the dynamic between Angel and Valentino, please do not misinterpret this as shipping. To be clear, writing interactions between characters who have a toxic and abusive relationship while also acknowledging love, sex and trauma bonding as a realistic part of that relationship does not constitute shipping, to my own definition. I am more than happy to explore the dark themes within their dynamic as long as we are on the same page about this.)
Requires Discussion
I am pretty lax, and will rp a lot without requiring prior discussion. If your muse is becoming violent towards mine, you don't need to worry about asking permission, especially when it is context relevant (eg. a thread between Angel and Valentino). I only ask that the following are discussed beforehand: any form of sexual assault (I will not write anything graphic), discussion of csa, a character causing massive injury to another or a character killing another.
Off Limits
Graphic descriptions of sexual violence; sexual or romantic interactions with a character who is a minor; incest; paraphilias
I have a preference for long-form RP, but I also do IC asks. Multi para is preferred.
I will answer most asks - just please don't spam my inbox!
I don't expect anyone to match my length with replies - this is largely because I have a tendency to go overboard and write more than my partner! I prefer to write multi para because of this, but I'm open to all lengths.
Although I don't expect partners to match my length, I do like them to match my effort. As much as this is a fun and silly hobby, it's time-consuming and laborious, and I very much pour my heart into my writing. I want to write with people who value my contributions as much as I value theirs!
Personally, I am not massively bothered about literacy skill. However, if your language or grammar make it so I struggle to understand your response, I will not be able to write with you.
Activity Status
Currently very active! With my current number of threads, my average reply time is around 3-4 days. But if for some reason I haven't replied, don't panic! I'm a naturally slow writer and a perfectionist, it can take me a while to finish a response, especially if our thread responses are long. And, obviously, I do have a life outside of tumblr. However, if you're worried I've forgotten our thread, just shoot me a message!
I am more than happy to talk ooc, and welcome yall to message me! Whether it's for plotting reasons, ideas, headcanons, or just to shoot the shit, I love getting to know the people I write with!
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tcrturedpcets · 1 year
RP Guide: How to Communicate with Partners
I thought I would write this guide as I know how sometimes it can be awkward to tell people that you aren't feeling a thread or maybe you just aren't interested in something any more - perhaps you have social anxiety, either way I wanted to provide some templates that you could use the next time you want to get out or run away but don't want to ghost.
I can't promise that these would work for everyone, and you're welcome to switch them up but it's just an idea if you are struggling on what to say or do in that situation. If you liked this guide and found it useful, let me know and I can do a part 2 or alternatively if you want some other situations done, let me know and I can do a part 2
Situation: You aren't feeling the thread any more but still want to roleplay with the person
Hey, I just wanted to communicate the fact that I'm not really feeling this thread any more. I have given it a shot and tried my best but my muse just isn't working with it any more. Did you maybe want to try another plot?
Situation: You want to drop the plot or thread completely but you don't want to hurt the person's feelings
Hi, I wanted to apologise in advance as I am not currently feeling this thread or plot any more. I wanted you to know that it's not you as a roleplayer but I am just not connecting to the roleplay thread/plot like I thought I would but wish you the best in your roleplaying adventures.
Hi there I’ve given roleplaying with you a go but I’m just struggling to connect with the way you write. I think someone could connect with you but right now the threads and writing just aren’t something I’m interested in right now but I’m hoping you can understand my decision.
Situation: You don't think you vibe with the person after writing with them
Hi, Thank you for the writing sample you have sent me / attempting to write with me, but I don't think we are a good fit, I don't see myself connecting with your writing. But I wish you the best in your roleplaying adventures.
Situation: You are checking into one of your inactive servers to see if the person is still interested in writing
Hey, I am just coming in here to see if you are still interested in writing, it's completely fine I'm just doing a check in. Please let me know either way :)
Situation: You have taken on a few roleplay partners but people are still asking you to roleplay
Hi, Thank you for your interest in writing with me, all my writing spots are taken but if I ever have a spot to roleplay I will let you know
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pumpkinyay · 4 months
indie canon & oc multimuse, multiship/multiverse, muses from genshin impact account created on May 29th 2024, written by pumpkin (she/they, 18+)
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Each character has a doc, if you want to learn more about them or how I portray them, feel free to click on their name to see their document. One of the characters you will likely see more often here is Apollo.
OCs: Apollo, Estelle
Genshin: Traveler Aether, Columbina, Abyss Lumine
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My rules may change in the future. I may add more or edit some if I see fit, based on how others will interact with me.
Some of my rps may contain darker topics such as panic attacks, mentions of a family member's death, mentions of blood, depression and more. They will all be properly trigger warned, tagged and put behind a "read more" for viewer discretion. I am open to rping NSFW only with my OC Apollo for the time being.
I'm open to writing with 18- and 18+, but please remember that I'm legally an adult. If you're 18- I won't rp NSFW with you, whether it's here or on discord.
If you prefer rping on discord I'm definitely up for that! Just message me and we'll figure it out.
When I'm talking ooc I will use the tag #pumpkinspeaking or the #ooc tag in order to make things less confusing. At the top of each reply I will put the name of the muse I'm replying as.
No proships, thank you.
Don't push ships on me, please. If you're interested in our characters being shipped, please let me know beforehand so we can discuss it. I will list down below what ships I prefer, but I'm open to discussing others.
Avoid involving me in drama. I don't want want anything to do with it.
In character asks are welcome, please do make sure to specify who you're talking to and who you're talking as.
If I do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, please tell me. I want to respect everyone's boundaries.
Triggers: Incest, pedophilia
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Apollo: at the moment I only ship him with Lyney, because of how interesting I find their dynamic.
Estelle: my preference is Lynette, but I'm open to other wlw ships.
Traveler Aether: Xiao and Wanderer are my go-tos, but I'm open to others, such as him and Ayaka.
Columbina: Arlecchino is my favorite so far, I'd love to try out with other fatui women as well and maybe some other characters. Keep in mind that Columbina is not as innocent as she seems. She's the third harbinger and has done terrible things.
Abyss Lumine: I don't have any particular preference with her. She's very different from Aether and will act cold, especially at the beginning.
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thank you so much for reading all the way through. I can't wait to meet other writers!
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findroleplay · 9 months
hi hi ! i'm 24F and looking for some new roleplay partners. I usually roleplay on tumblr or on discord and only write with those who are 18 or older !
at the moment i'm open to either a harry potter, hunger games/tbosas rp or fandomless rps. oc x oc, canon x canon or canon x oc are all welcome ! i'd prefer to double up in terms of canon or m x f rps. this due to past experiences but also because i think it will incite more investment and motivation for the both of us. i'm open to mumu rps as well, as i love world building and creating a story with more characters involved.
i'm always looking to improve my writing and can write anywhere from 2 to 3 paragraphs or more, depending on my muse and interest. I usually try to match the length of my partner where i can and try to give everything my best shot. due to personal reasons my reply speed is slower than average, so i'm looking for someone patient. however i'll definitely let you know when i'm going to be away or can't reply for a while. i love talking ooc and coming up with plots and headcanons together !
below i've listed the canon characters i'm willing to rp, as well some of the dynamics i'm looking for. my default is mostly m x f, but i'm open to f x f as well.
harry potter.
characters ; draco malfoy, hermione granger, astoria greengrass, ominis gaunt (hogwarts legacy), and am willing to try my hand at a few other characters, feel free to ask. i'd love to rp any original characters set in the golden trio era, tom riddle era, or anywhere in between. i'd love to build a story in the wizarding world and come up with our own plots or elaborate on canon events but i also don't mind if it's just our muses running around hogwarts & getting up to mischief ! for canon i'm especially keen on a draco malfoy x astoria greengrass ship, with me as astoria greengrass.
the hunger games + tbosas.
characters ; coriolanus snow, lucy gray baird, and am willing to try my hand at a few minor characters. i'd love to rp any original characters in the arena, mentor x tribute, capitol x tribute, capitol citizens, you name it. i'm also interested in writing something with coriolanus snow's grandchildren. either in an au where the idea for a 'hunger games with the capitol children' is instated or an au where his grandson is making his way up to be head gamemaker and snow has to watch as history repeats itself.
i'd kill for someone to play a freddy carter fc against my female oc !! but generally open for anything ! give me slice of life, enemies to lovers, pining, unrequited love, crime, medieval, fantasy, magic, royals, etc. I'm down for it as long as we can plot it out and have fun !
If you're interested in any of these please interact with this post and i'll reach out <3
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distortionenby · 10 months
About and pinneds
Hi! I'm Michi or Gino. I am a queer 20-something. I go by it/he pronouns.
Please, don't tag me on tag-games.
I am chronically ill and cannot afford my full treatment. This is my ko-fi where I am taking commissions/donations if you want to help me buy my monthly medication that I need to stay alive. (Postponed. GO DONATE TO GAZA FUNDRAISERS. I'd rather get by on just my main medication than let more innocent people be murdered en mass by genocidal colonizers)
Notes on this blog's content:
I am an adult. Anyone under 18 here is not my responsibility, I'm not your parent. If you're uncomfortable, you're always free to leave or to block me, curate your own space.
This is my personal blog, it will feature NSFW content, either reblogged or posted (mostly art/fic if it's a post of my own) every now and then. Be warned and don't be weird.
Kids/teens/anyone under 18, don't interact with any of the nsfw stuff I post/reblog
(Listen, I know this is tumblr but if you see me blogging, and the post has anything sexual/nsfw/mature, don't touch it. This is a personal boundary. If I happen to know you're a minor and you cross it, I'll send a message asking you to please delete it. If you don't, I'm blocking you. I'd rather save myself the mess. And no, I don't care how mature you think you are.) I am not your parent and you're not in school or at a kid's event. I am not responsible for any kids here so I probably won't check if you're a minor or not whenever you interact with my posts because that's not my job and I have a life, but I also don't want any awkward situations, so please, respect the boundary. I do care about child-safety, but I also cannot be obssessively checking every single time and kid-ifying my personal space for others who can perfectly see the warnings and just not look in here.
Given the new act of people feeding fanfiction to AI systems such as Chat-GPT, I have privated my Ao3 account. I am deeply upset by this but I genuinely don't want to risk my hobby to be chewed up and spat out for corporate. Any reproduction of my work is therefore strictly prohibited, especially in regards to AI generators. This also goes to usage of my art in general, if you want to use my art in any form for personal use, do ask me first.
Blog specific tags:
disenbypost for all posts made by me
disenbyask for answered asks
disenbythought for general musings
disenbyfandom for anything fandom related
disenbyart for art posts
disenbywrite for fanfiction links (Ao3)
Will tag any triggers that people ask me for (you can ask on anon and let me know how I should tag it).
Reblogs of my posts are much appreciated! Likes are nice but reblogs are what actually helps my art reach more people.
My other blogs:
@spiralingnoodle (my reblog blog for mostly TMA art but also monster-adjacent fandoms/characters and monster stuff in general. Will include horror media, gore, and nsfw.
@simpin4rockppl (my band/rock blog. Mostly Led Zeppelin, David Bowie and MCR but other artists too).
@/distortionenby on Ao3, tiktok.
Full-time interests:
Sea animals
Queer stuff
Language and linguistics
Cryptids and monsters (lore and design)
Autistic and queer characters (canon or coded)
Current fandoms:
The Magnus Archives / Protocol
Led Zeppelin
Welcome to Night Vale
(will list as they come to mind. For now those names are the ones I can remember)
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videcoeur · 11 months
Pinned Post + BYF (2024 edition)
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Time for another update to the pinned post because heck, its been another year and things keep changing! And I keep defining what my hobbies are and how much time I dedicate to each! So, without further ado, here's the new, improved (but mostly shortened) BYF/Pinned post.
To Know Before Following
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Multimuses RP + Art blog owned by a 30+ native French Canadian mun. Typos happen.
No minors allowed.
I RP both Canon and OCs from various fandoms and fandomless. Here is the tag list so you can block what you don't wanna see.
Most of my characters are VILLAINS. If I have to tell you mun isn't muse, you're probably not gonna like this blog.
I like a lot of promo posts from the rp tags, if I liked yours, its probably because I'm interested in your blog! I usually let people follow first though since I have a lot of fandoms here and don't know how okay people are with that c:
Mostly interested in multi-para rp! Will only reply about once a month as I'm busy, often ill, and have multiple partners.
I tag most common triggers, tell me if you need a specific tag.
Full Rules HERE
I will almost never be the one to reach out due to an extremely busy schedule and because I do not reply fast. It's not lack of interest as much as lack of time! If you understand that I Am Slow, you are more than welcome to reach out through DMs or memes or by adding me on Discord (Videcoeur).
Main Fandoms
The ones I post the most about are One Piece and Homestuck. You'll also find other animes and TV Shows around here. You can find the list HERE.
If you have any question, just dm me, I promise I don't bite c:
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thedickgraysonrp · 8 months
I have some new followers recently, so to y'all out there, both new and old: Hey there and Welcome (back)!
Below the line are some questions answered to get you started:
How do I interact with your muse?
You can send me an IM if you have any plot or idea you had in mind and we can discuss something out. You can also send an IM just to say you're interested and we'll work something out.
You can send any meme or ask you'd like that I reblogged here, they will be under #rp memes or the 'memes' section in my blog.
You can also send headcanon requests, questions or dash games if you want to get to know the muse better.
If you're shy or unsure, you can also send me anons.
I will be working on updated open starters soon, so you can keep an eye out for that as well.
Please make sure to read the rules before you interact.
You are not following me back, does that mean you don't want to interact?
No, that's not the case. I usually follow blogs who I've already had interacted with for some time, or blogs I had interest in and followed first. If we've never interacted before, I don't follow back. I also unfollow blogs who I am no longer interacting with to clean up my dash. This blog is semi-selective, but it's not mutual exclusive. We can talk and RP together even if we're not mutuals. Neither you or I have any obligation to follow each other for the sake of being mutuals if either of us don't feel like it. That being said, if we already have some interaction and we wrote a little together and had something good going, I'll likely follow you back. Please pay attention that I do not interact with muns who are under 21 and their age (or age range) is not stated in the blog.
We roleplayed in the past but our thread died/you didn't reply/I didn't reply/etc., do you still want to roleplay?
First and foremost, if we had a thread going and I didn't reply for a while, please do let me know. I might have forgotten, given that I both study and work at the same time and my head isn't always here. That being said, sometimes I do prefer replying to some threads first than others, but I eventually get to everything. You can always send me an IM about picking up an old thread, trying something new, etc. I no longer use a RP thread tracker because I keep forgetting to add or remove threads from there. If you haven't replied for a long time, I'm not going to pester you. I just assume you are very busy, prefer to reply to other threads first or just no longer interested. In either case, there's no judgements or grudges held, and I don't keep anyone here by force.
Everything else should be written in my carrd and rules, which you can find in the pinned post. If you still have any questions, feel free to ask me in the comments or an IM.
Thank you for following and I hope we can make some amazing roleplays together!
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