#Zak Bagans x Reader
algea · 6 months
ok but Zak would definitely start cracking up whenever you come on lockdowns with him.
for instance, you were slowly walking through the corridor of a mansion you guys were investigating, when you hear Aaron whine about going into a certain room. Behind you Zak shouts,
“Aaron, that rooms is known for a little girl crying. All I hear is your crying and whining, get your ass into the room.” You leaned against Zak, tears pricking your eyes because of how hard you were laughing. His deep chuckle vibrates your body, causing you to grip his arm tighter as you laugh.
Another time,
The five of you were investigating an old penitentiary and you stepped into the bathroom. A sharp bang was heard in the bathroom and you shot back in fear, falling into Aaron.
“Shit, sorry Aaron. That scared the shit out of me.” You mumble.
“You’re all good man.” Aaron reassured, patting your shoulder. Zak was the first to enter the room, holding a digital recorder. To your surprise Zak says,
“We heard you in here. Are you going potty?”
It took a second before what he said registered in all your heads. After that all of you, apart from Zak, busted out laughing.
“What? Shut the fuck up Aaron and get serious.” Zak questioned. You put your head in your hands and laughed even harder. It was such a joy to be around them.
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daddy-issues-99 · 10 months
Zak Bagans with a ghost s/o
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• When you died you didn't expect to be stuck as a ghost, you found it even weirder that your newest companion would be alive.
• You first met Zak when he was investigating your old house, abandoned and rotting but it's not like you had anywhere else to go.
• After that encounter you soon became quite happily attached to the investigator.
• You never really understood his line of work. Ghost hunting, as he called it, granted it wasn't really hunting but you played along thinking it was a neat hobby. He wouldn't have met you if he hadn't been doing so you couldn't complain that much.
• As you and Zak spent more time together you'd gained quite the friendship and over the next few months of being attached to him, the relationship developed.
• At first the crew found it odd and were somewhat unnerved. They thought you were malicious and were trying to hurt Zak by attaching to him but over time they realized you had no bad intentions. They even started to become fond of you.
• Sure they found it a bit comical at first; a ghost and a ghost-hunter. Oh do opposites attract.
• You followed him to different investigations and helped him out and made the investigationa and lockdowns a lot easier. They didn't need half the equipment with you being able to translate for the other spirits.
• You very much enjoyed following Zak around. After years being bound to the place you died, it was nice to get out.
• Zak was nice enough to update you on the events you were missing out on in the world and showed you all the new inventions that were made from after you died.
• He thought it was cute that you never left his side, sure you could but why would you? The world is already a scary place let alone being dead in it.
• You'd always hover over him and around him, asking him questions and pestering him about random things. Sure some might fis it annoying but he found it entertaining.
• Whenever the crew would get new equipment Zak would always test it out on you to see if it works before they did a lockdown. He took extra time explaining it to you and showing how the equipment actually worked when you came into contact with in.
• One of your personal favorites was the devices where you could type things out. You didn't want to admit it but during investigations you'd type random stuff into the devices to see them go wild when they thought they'd caught something.
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Hey, my requests are open
I decided I would also like to write for other fandoms outside of f1.
I’m thinking about:
Criminal minds
Aaron Hotchner
David Rossi
Emily prentiss
Game of thrones
Little finger
Tywin Lannister
Tyrion Lannister
Sansa stark
John snow
Star trek
Leonard McCoy
Christopher pike
Harry potter
Severus Snape
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Lord of the rings
King Thranduil
Leroy Jethro Gibbs
Mycroft homes
The walking dead
Alan Rickman
Lee Pace
Pedro pascal
Zak Bagans
Let me know if you want other fandom or characters I’m open for everything.
Drop a request.
I would be happy to write it
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xtrashmammalstefx · 1 year
Where My Demons Hide (A Zak Bagans Story) Pt. 2
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Requested By: @goth-cowgirl-03
WARNINGS: Language
Notes: Unlike the first part this is pure FLUFF. Like no joke.
Zakkk: I’m sorry Y/N. I need time.
Zakkk: I think u do too.
That was the last text Zak had sent me since that night. It’s been only a month but the radio silence made it feel like a lifetime.
I explained to him what had happened the night before… How he was attacked and… and I thought I helped him… I told him how we ended up in bed together, and how, as it turns out, he was possessed the entire time he’d made love to me.
He quickly got dressed and went for a walk. While he was gone I got dressed, eliminated the buzz killing dickwad who was still lingering in the room and walked back to my room with the heavy weight of shame on my shoulders.
Now as I lay in my bed not wanting to get up, I sigh and put my phone back on the bedside table. As soon as I did a wave of nausea hit me full force and I darted to the bathroom. Once I kneeled over the toilet there was no stopping it. Looking at it you would think I’d thrown up every meal I’d had for the past week.
Empty of sustinence I flushed the toilet and sat down beside it to catch my breath. As I did my hand went up to my stomach to give it a much needed massage. My hand froze though when I touched myself. I looked down and gasped. The entire area between my hips was swollen, not dramatically so but enough to be noticeable. “Not possible…” I whispered. But once I felt the slightest nudge against my hand I knew…
“UNCLE LUCI YOU PIECE OF SHI-!” I was cut off by the sound of my doorbell. I groaned and pulled myself up.
As I made my way to my room to get my robe I sent a silent prayer to my father.
Uncle Luci did it. The Big A is on its way.
I threw my robe on and ran downstairs, sashing it as I did.
I looked through the peep hole not expecting to see anyone important; maybe the mailman, or Amazon. Instead of them though, Zak stood on my doorstep. Fucking great.
I sighed and opened the door. “Hey,” I greeted him.
“Hey, um, are you feeling okay?”
“Do I look that shitty?”
“Well, yeah, kind of…”
“Awesome,” I said unenthusiastically. “Um, is there something you wanted?”
“Um, I just wanted to talk but if you’re not up to it-”
“I was about to call you anyway,” I said stepping aside.
He stepped inside and started towards the living room. I followed close by but froze when a voice caught my attention.
Who is the mother?
“Y/N? You alright?” I held up a finger and pointed upward. A signal he grew to know very well.
They put him in me.
And the vessel father?
He’s standing right in front of me.
“Sorry about that, dad and I needed to have a very urgent chat,” I said.
“Should we be worried?” Zak asked.
“Not if we do things right,” I said. “Which is why I was gonna call you.”
“And here I was about to talk about, well, that night… I guess that can wait though.”
“Actually it has exactly to do with what happened that night,” I said before undoing the knot on my robe. “Try not to panic, okay? Neither of us could’ve seen this coming…”
“Seen wha-” I cut him off by opening my robe exposing my belly. “THE FUCK?!”
“I told you not to panic,” I said. “Fear is the last thing either of us should feel right now.”
“I-I mean is it mine? The fuck am I thinking of course it is,” Zak buried his head in his hands.
“It’s only partially yours,” I explained. “The human part is very much you. It also has bit of me, and a part of the demon that put it in here.” Zak’s head shot up.
“Demon?” I nodded.
“For eons his kind had gone by one name,” I held my stomach and tears erupted from my eyes. “Antichrist.”
“I think I’m gonna throw up,” Zak muttered. “Does this mean...did… did we just end the fucking world?”
“No,” I whispered. “Well, I mean we basically puts it fate in our hands. If we do things right he will grow to be the most powerful being on this planet but he won’t be evil. If we fuck up though…”
“It will be the ultimate fuck up,” Zak finished. “And there’s nothing we can do right now, you know like an abortion or..?”
“He’s growing too fast and even if we did they would only try again with someone else,” I said. “I’m not the only Nephilim in the world remember?”
The shock wouldn’t leave Zak’s face. I walked over to the couch where he was and sat down beside him. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry you’re involved in this…” He turned to me but didn’t say anything, hell he wouldn’t even look at me in the face, his eyes froze over the bump. Still staring he slowly reached out and placed his hand on my stomach. There was another nudge in response.
Zak gasped. “It really is growing fast. I take it we don’t have the normal nine months to prepare.”
“Nope,” I muttered.
His hand then fell from my stomach down to my hand. He took my hand in his and held it tight. “I’m with you every step of the way.” He said sounding like he was making a promise to himself, to me, and to his child. “I love you, Y/N. More than I’ve ever loved anyone before… and evil or not I will love this baby for the rest of my life.”
“I love you too,” I whispered before Zak leaned in and enveloped my lips with his. Somehow this kiss felt different than the ones we shared that night. It was more warm, loving, and well… human.
After a while we pulled back and Zak just held me against him. “There’s something we have to do before anything else, though.”
I looked up at him, smiling weakly. “How do you feel about getting married?”
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pandemoniumskey · 2 years
Possession - Zak Bagans x Reader
The Masterlist
Hio Everybody,
I’m back again with another Zak Bagans fanfiction. Ghost Adventures is definitely one of my favourite T.V. shows ever. I love anything paranormal.
I hope you enjoy!
Love you all,
Before you met Zak Bagans you didn’t think you had what it took to be a paranormal investigator. You were often the subject of bad luck and klutziness falling up, down and in one case - on camera - through the stairs. You were able to hurt yourself in ways that people would often find impossible. Just saying, you cut yourself on a marshmallow once while making rice crispy squares... those fuckers hurt when they are harden over the cereal. 
Zak’s presence, however, seemed to be calming the bad luck the longer you were by his side. The more you spent time with him, the less you got hurt. 
It was no secret to the others that you had fallen deeply in love with the Ghost Adventurer. Well, to all but Zak at least. Aaron said he was “clueless about your feelings, like all people who the affection is towards.” And you prayed he was right. 
You and Zak had known each other for a long time. Nobody really believed you guys when you said that you guys had gone to high school together, but in reality you did. You were just a year behind him. 
You had gone to his grad and was his prom date and vice versa. All the time, people thought the two of you were together and it hurt every time the two of you denied it. The affection you had for the man went back so long. 
But you moved forward and now you were a member of the Ghost Adventures team. Which only happened after Zak asked you to fill in for Aaron on an investigation when he was sick. 
Zak claimed that the extra person was needed for this investigation because the location was so big. It took a lot of convincing, but finally you said you would with the condition that you were by his side the entire time. He said it was a deal. 
The investigation went off without a hitch (aside from you falling up the stairs and bursting into laughter). You even went off with a camera on your own in the most dangerous area and captured the best EVP recording the team had ever gotten. 
After the end of the investigation, you told them it had been a lot more fun than you were expecting and they hoped you would join them on another investigation. You denied it saying as much as you loved that night, you really didn’t think it was for you. 
Turns out, you were a big hit. The fans all the time kept messaging you and the rest of the crew wondering when you were going to be back. So you went on another investigation with them. 
The messages of when will you be back turned into messages of when you will be joining the team. This was coupled with the teams begging as well. And so here you were, a year prior, you joined the team to the delight of the fans, and your team.  
And now, you were all on an investigation together at Fairchild Insane Asylum for Incurable Men. The place where men who committed crimes use to go when they were proven mentally instable. And this place was no joke. 
From the moment you set foot inside the entrance, you became a target for the ghosts inside. While on the tour, the guide said this was a dangerous place for women. Due to this place housing only men for such a long time, they starved to see a woman. And because most of their crimes were against women, things tended to get violent. 
You were scared of this place, though you would never admit it on camera or to the people you were on this adventure with. Your shoulders were tense and you were on edge after a long torrent of ghostly assaults. 
So far in the investigation you had been pinched, slapped, poked, pushed with all the marks showing on your skin almost instantly and your hair had been pulled (captured on camera thanks to Billy) by various ghosts all throughout the investigation and it was beginning to fray your nerves. 
Increasingly by the hour you felt drained and sick. On one occasion, you had to sit down before you passed out. You did not feel like yourself and the others had begun to notice. 
Zak ordered Billy to take your camera so you had one less thing to worry about and asked you if you needed to leave. You shook your head no, you didn’t think you could leave even if you wanted to. It felt like this place had a hold on you. 
So for the rest of the investigation, you were clutching Zak’s arm tightly and using his camera and his body as a guide throughout the large building. Apparently, the residence of the asylum did not like this one bit. 
Your small group stopped for a moment while Zak pulled the SLS camera out of its case. The area you were in was known as ‘Figure Alley’ due to the number of shadow people that presented themselves down this hallway. 
The moment you let go of Zak’s arm you felt dizzy. “(Y/N),” Aaron called out, you turned in his direction, just barely being able to make out his outstretched hand in the darkness. You reached for it knowing after all that the SLS camera was a two handed job at times. 
“Nothing so far,” Zak commented just as you reached Aarons hand. 
“Maybe (Y/N) should try calling out to the spirits, they like her the most...”
You gave a sarcastic laugh, but pulled out your voice recorder. It was a special one, with only six in the world that only picked up sounds. When the area was silent, it was not recording, it was an incredible little device, and your most prized possession.
“Hello, we already know you are out there, make yourself known to us! Make a noise, prove to us that you are strong enough to do something,” almost as soon as you had said that, there was a crash in the room directly beside you. 
Stumbling to your right, you went to investigate. The others entered the room and you looked through a camera, the filling cabinet had been knocked over. Old files and papers scattered the floor. One face stuck out. 
“Anderson was that you?” You shouted out, the recorder still going. Anderson was the most active ghost in this area, and the most violent. He came to the asylum after he tortured and murdered 15 women. “If that was you, do something else!” 
In an instant you dropped to your knees after a searing pain in your back had formed. You couldn’t move, your back felt like fire.
“(Y/N)!” The others called out in fear. All three camera’s caught your fall. 
“My back,” was all you could struggle to get out of your mouth. 
Zak POV 
The second he heard the pain in your voice he was concerned. Quickly he passed the SLS camera over to Aaron and called over the radio to Jay to get over here quick. 
He knelt down next to you scrabbling to get his flashlight on so he could look at your back. Once it was out and he twisted it on, he gently lifted your shirt. You shifted and groaned. Your face was in your hands and it concerned him more. 
“I’m sorry honey,” he knew his nickname for you would calm you in most circumstances. He slowly lifted the rest of your shirt and shown the light on your back. 
It was his turn to gasp. “Holy fuck,” there was an upside down cross made up of six long slashes across your back, all but one of them were bleeding. “Put your camera on this, it needs to be documents. These are likely going to need bandages or something.”
“What?” you said with worry and Zak felt his heart skip a beat at the terror in your voice. He took a picture of it and showed you and saw a tear fall from your normally bright (E/C) eyes. 
“There’s a figure kneeling over her,” Aaron said in alarm.
Now Zak had enough. He’d be damned if he was going to let these spirits harm you more than this. He asked you multiple times throughout the investigation if you could handle all the touching and you said you could, but after this, it was too much. 
“We’re ending the investigation here,” he said and passed Aaron the case for the SLS camera that he began packing up. 
“You needed me here Zak?” Jay said rounding the corner. “Yeah, I need you to take my gear while I help (Y/N). This investigation is over.”
He looked out over the building, he was angry, “you cannot touch her anymore!”
Then he scooped you up into his arms, he had never seen you so fragile before. His words seemed to have carried a negative effect on the patients in the asylum. As he made his way into the hallway, he was shoved by the invisible hands and as he stumble, an invisible obstacle caused him to go crashing to the floor. 
You let out a groan, arching your back after it bounced off the floor. Zak felt terrible, apologizing over and over as he tried getting to his feet to help you again. 
Billy, Jay and Aaron ran forward to help, but before they got close, Zak felt you get wrenched out of his grasp. 
“Zak!” You cried out in fear before you were being pulled out of sight by an unseen force. “ZAK!”
“(Y/N)!” He cried out and ran to find where you went. 
It took the better part of an hour of hard searching to locate you. Billy called out to the group saying he found you. 
Zak’s heart was pounding with relief as he ran to where you were. One look at you and he knew something was wrong. He did not get close enough to touch you and the others looked at him confused. 
Without warning, you shot up from the ball you were in and hurtled forward, hands stretched out and quickly wrapping themselves around his neck. 
He gasped, barely managing to yank your grip from his throat and pin you down. 
You struggled, screaming and cursing in a voice and language that wasn’t yours. You were possessed and he needed to find a way to help you before you ended up dead. 
“Get a priest!” He shouted as the thing inside you struggled to get out of his grasp. “Get someone who can get this demon out of her!”
Jay was gone in a flash and Zak began to pray aloud, harder than he had ever prayed before. 
“God doesn’t exist...” it hissed along with its string of insults. “God can’t help you. She’s gone..”
“Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
“She is screaming for you to stop.”
“Give us this day our daily bread.”
“You’re killing her.... Your killing her!”
“And lead us not into temptation.”
“She will never love you again.” He did not falter as it said this. He struggled with his grasp on the love of his life, but he did not let go. 
“But deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen!”
“She hates you,” it kicked out at him and he struggled. He called out to his love. 
“(Y/N), I know you’re in there. You need to fight. Fight to push it, I’ll help you. You can use my strength.”
You were beginning to show visible signs of the possession, your skin was pale and large bruises and cuts began forming on your body. 
They formed before his eyes, but he would not stop. 
He began to pray again, and after what felt like ages, a priest arrived and the exorcism began. 
Listening to (Y/N)’s screams of pain broke his heart. He knew most of it was the entity, but there were moments, the screams of it were mixed with your feminine cries of pain. 
He continued to pray. It’s all he could do, it was what was keeping him sane. “She needs encouragement,” the priest said and Zak switched his prayers to a little mantra by (Y/N)’s head, running his fingers through your knotted hair.
“You’ve got this. Fight it. You can beat it, you are strong,” and that repeated for half and hour. 
“We’re losing her,” the priest said, causing Zak alarm. 
“(Y/N), YOU NEED TO FIGHT THIS! FOR AARON! FOR BILLY! FOR JAY! FIGHT FOR ME (Y/N), I LOVE YOU!” and he planted a kiss on your lips. 
You screamed, your back arching and then you were limp. Zak felt for a pulse, it was weak, but it was there. “Is it out of her?”
The priest flicked holy water on you and it did not sizzle, this was (Y/N) again. “We need an ambulance.”
Jay was on the phone once more to get you medical help. Zak picked you up and hurriedly carried you to the entrance. Once he made it to the doorway, he did something he rarely did. 
“You may not follow us. You are to stay here. You do not have permission to come.”
The flashing lights came just as your eyes opened. “Zak?”
“(Y/N), don’t speak. You’ve just been through hell.”
You nodded, to weak to do more than that. 
Your POV
You woke up in the hospital. You turned your head seeing the guys sitting around your bed. All of them were asleep which you thought was cute. 
You tried moving your hand, and realized it was locked in Zak’s grip, which you honestly did not mind at all. His hand was warm and soft, you wished you could hold it more often and not just when you almost died because of a possession. 
A nurse entered the room in that moment, “ah your awake!”
Her words woke the guys in an instant and you giggled at their groggy expressions. Zak’s face instantly lit up with happiness. 
“I guess I am awake yeah,” you said quietly. Your throat was dry and scratchy. “Water.”
Zak grabbed a glass and gave it to you. You finished it in three gulps holding it out for more. He poured more in and you downed that one as well. Once you were done that glass, you gave a sigh. Your throat felt much better. 
“Do you remember what happened?” Zak asked. 
“I remember being dragged down the hall, and a lot of struggling,” you said. “That thing was constantly showing me pictures of your deaths. Saying I was going to be the reason you all died. Things went dark for a long time, and the next thing I remember is you saying you loved me and something on my lips, then everything went black.”
Zak gave you a sheepish look. So clearly, the thing on your lips were his lips and you were so damn disappointed with yourself that you didn’t feel the joy of it. “By the way, I love you too.”
The first look was instantly replaced with one of happiness. He stood up leaning over. His hand resting beside your head. 
Then his lips were against yours again and everything was focused on him. You wrapped your arms around his neck the best you could. Fireworks exploded around you. You were on cloud nine, here with Zak and forgetting the rest of the guys were in the room. 
It wasn’t until someone cleared their throat in the background that you and Zak broke apart. His cheeks were set in a blush and you could tell yours were too.
“A little warning next time would be nice,” Aaron said joking around. “Congrats, both of you for finally getting together. The tension was real for a long time there.”
You laughed. You now felt complete. You were so glad you had Zak and the rest of the crew in your life. Things were just made a little sweeter now that Zak was finally yours. 
The episode aired a month later, it showed everything up to the point of your possession. which they cut from the show, choosing to have Zak standing out front of the large building and saying what happened. By far, it was the most popular episode you guys ever filmed. 
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metalmonki · 9 months
Next big work
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heartofsilence14 · 1 year
#1FANNNNNNN luvvv u best friend best friend....😍😍😍😍🥰😘😘😘
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First lockdown
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For @mischiefnevermanaged89-blog
Prompts: #14 & #22
Fandom: Ghost Adventures
Pairing: Zak Bagans x reader
It was your first lockdown with the ghost adventures crew and you’d be lying to have said that you weren’t in any way scared.
Once you reached the St. Anne’s retreat, you had the urge to turn around and go back, but you remained and followed the boys in, wanting to show that you didn’t have any fear in the slightest.
However, when the interviews were wrapped up and night had fallen, that all changed and your nervousness started coming through. You were close losing your composure, and Zak must have picked up on that pretty fast, you suddenly feel his arm drap over your shoulders as he pulled you close. Zak than speaks to you in a tone of voice for only you could hear, and it took you a little by surprise, it was something you wouldn’t think of hearing from Zak.
“Don’t worry, I’ll stay by you the whole lockdown since it’s your first.”
Rather than feeling comforted by his words, you felt more vulnerable than anything else. You don’t know why, you don’t understand why, but you went along with it and everything was running smoothly in the way it was supposed to be until Zak had locked Aaron in another building that sat on part of the property.
Both you and Aaron were freaking out.
“This wasn’t part of the deal!”
You couldn’t understand what Zak had said to that as you got lost in smacking his arm and begging for him to let Aaron out.
“Zak, we can’t just leave him in there by himself! What if something happens to him?!” Zak acted as if he didn’t hear you.
After some convincing, Aaron agreed to stay behind as you and Zak continued making your way around the investigation.
The whole time, you were silently doubting yourself. Thinking of things like, why did Zak choose to become part of the crew, you don’t know. You may seem tough on the outside, but really, you were just as much as a wuss as anyone else. Out of everyone Zak had to choose from, he chose you. Zak saw a lot of great potential in you, and not only that, he had developed feelings for you. Over the short time you’ve been part of the crew, you started growing the same feelings for Zak as well. Somehow, you both know how you felt about each other, but you both remained silent on that. You both unknowingly made it obvious for the rest of the crew, they knew it but stayed silent for obvious reasons.
The two of you were walking to the pool where they say a nun supposedly drowned her baby in years ago, and as you did, the urge to ask the begging question grew. You couldn’t bring yourself to ask it until you were going back for Aaron. It was almost too challenging for you to ask, but you had to do it, you had to know otherwise, it’d drive you crazy. To gain control of your nerves, you begin by keeping it simple, but Zak cuts in before you could say anything. Praising you about how well you were doing on your first lockdown.
“How do you feel now that we’re halfway through your first lockdown?”
“I feel good about it, still a little uncertain about it my investigation skills.”
“I think you’re doing an excellent job, better than anyone I’ve seen handling a lockdown, whether it’s their first or not.”
You couldn’t help but feel slightly shy all of a sudden, but you quickly regained composure and turned the conversation around.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Yes, what’s up?”
“Why did you choose me? Out of everyone there, you had chosen me. Why did you choose me?”
At this point, you were back at the building Aaron was locked in earlier.
Unbeknownst to you, while Zak was about to give you an answer, Aaron was Ron the other side of the door, waiting to be let out when he started listening in on your conversation. As you look at Zak, you notice he seemed to be trying to put the right words to say in his head, as he didn’t want to have accidentally confess to you, confess to you yet, at least. You continue to wait patiently for a response, than he gave it to you.
“You know why, (Y/n).”
That was the last thing you had expected to hear.
You stared at him in disbelief, hardly daring to believe what he meant by that.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Zak was about to respond, but Aaron beats him to it, revealing Zak’s feelings for you.
“It means he likes you, (Y/n).”
“Aaron, shut up! No I don’t!”
“Stop lying! Stop lying to yourself and just admit it!” Aaron shouts back.
You lightly chuckle when you see that Zak seemed to be the most embarrassed than you had ever seen him before.
When he doesn’t say anything, you begin to ask him to know for yourself that if it’s true.
“What Aaron just said, is it true?”
Zak sighs heavily before responding.
“Yes. Yes it is.”
You felt your cheeks burn pink as he continued with an explanation.
“I wasn’t planning on confessing. Well, confessing this soon at least. I’m sorry if this makes you feel weird and I understand if you don’t feel the same way.”
As Zak rambles on, you feel the happiest you ever have been in the longest time.
You decide to confess as well.
“Shut the hell up, you don’t need to worry about that because I like you, too.”
The second you spoke a confession of your own, he was just as happy as you were.
Now was probably not the best place or timing to ask you for a date, but he did it anyway, and of course you agree.
“Can I take you on a date?”
“It’s a date!”
Because you were both caught up in the moment, you had momentarily forgotten about Aaron.
Aaron takes his fist to the door, slightly scaring the hell out of you and Zak as his shouting to let him out.
“We get it! You like each other! Now let me out, I can’t take much longer of being locked in!”
“Stop lying!”
Zak talks back.
This was an interesting lockdown, especially for your first.
You were just going to keep it at that.
Thank you so much for requesting! This was so much fun to write, please feel free to send more stuff in!!’ 💜
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Ooh 🫢
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haleyrude · 1 year
Hey! Idk if you still take requests but I was wondering if you’d do a Zak bagans x reader on her period fluff?
Title: Sunshine
Pairing: Zak Bagans x fem!reader
Disclaimer: This doesn’t include the highschool from the clown motel episode. Everything isn’t the same because I don’t like reading exact replicas of the shows. Also mention of blood.
Words: 3.6k
This was way too long of a build up but I had fun writing it so enjoy it!
You can’t help the heavy breath that leaves your lips as you stare down at the overnight bag on your bed. Everything was perfectly folded and packed away, but you knew, you knew that your time of month was right around the corner. You packed and double packed pads, tampons and extra underwear. By no means were you ever going to let your boyfriend know that it was your time of month. Zak and your relationship was new, fresh, so the topic never came up in conversation but compared to your last boyfriend… Cringing you zipped your bag up and put  it over your shoulder. Walking around the hardwood floor you make sure to shut off all the lights before walking out of your quaint little apartment and locking the door. 
The sun still had a few hours to set and the wind was crisp against your face as you made it to your car. Putting your bag on the passenger seat while getting in the driver seat buckling and starting your car. You had so many nerves as this would be the first time staying over Zak’s place. This happened because he had invited you to an investigation with the boys. You had reassured him from the start that what he did as a profession would never get in the way of how you feel about him. He’s had too many failed relationships in the past due to his line of work but you loved the passion in his eyes as he told you about different experiences and things he’s seen throughout the years of being in the ghost adventures. 
******* FLASHBACK **********
“I promise, it’ll be fine. It’s going to be so much fun, I can hardly wait!” you popped a chip in your mouth as you looked up to your boyfriend. Those gorgeous bluish/green eyes looking you over to make sure your body language didn’t say different. “It’s just so soon and’ he looked out at the pond. You two were at a park sitting on a blanket by the pond enjoying the sounds of the birds chirping, the tiny waves in the water and the kids playing at the park a distance away. The both of you loved to spend quality time together outdoors, you could only imagine the future camping trips that could take place. ‘I’m not ready to lose you so fast” he didn’t look back at you, but you sat up and leaned toward him to lovingly run your hand down his muscled arm. “I wouldn’t want to go with you if I wasn’t ready. Since we met I’ve started watching your show. Oh and by the way you were still hot as ever during season 1’ he let out a chuckle and you couldn’t help but smile, ‘ and you are so passionate it inspires me to want to join you with what makes you so happy” He turned so he was facing you better and with his other hand took the one that was rubbing his arm to hold it and play with your fingers while you both talk.
“I would love doing the thing that I love with someone who makes me the happiest I’ve been in a long time. I won’t let anything harm you and if you feel uncomfortable at any time we can leave. I’ll never force you to do anything to that degree not feeling your best” You both locked eyes and you gave him a little smirk. “Well..” he looked at you with a brow raised so you continued. “I’ve watched some horror movies in my time and since this would be alot more intense than a horror movie going back to my apartment alone might be a little nerve wracking” he gave you a smile with his perfectly white teeth knowing exactly what you were hinting, “Sunshine, would you like to stay at mine after the investigation?” You nodded enthusiastically as goosebumps rose on your arm from the nickname which caused Zak to chuckle once more.
*********** END OF FLASHBACK ***********
That’s how you found yourself in Zak's driveway. The escalade they drove to their investigations in if local, looked like it was packed up as the back doors were open and seemed to be filled with equipment. You took another deep breath before shutting off your car and undoing your seatbelt. Opening the door you heard that familiar voice, “Sunshine!” you looked up at your handsome man, “Hey lovely” once fully out of the car he embraced you and squeezed, you loved how protective and safe his hugs felt. He kissed the top of your head before letting go. “I like the outfit” he said looking you up and down making a blush spread across your cheeks. You noted the way he dressed from watching the shows, mostly in black, so you threw on a black pair of jeans with a black tank top and had a black jacket over that. “Do you have anything?” you nodded your head in the direction of the passenger seat, “just the bag.” He nodded, walking towards the other side of the car. “Are you ready to meet the boys?” You smiled as your heart raced just a bit. From what Zak has told you they seem to be a funny bunch and after what you’ve watched you felt like they were a nice group.
Walking inside you were breathless with Zak’s house. It was very pretty, modern looking and tidy. You were too busy looking around to notice the boys sitting around the island in the kitchen, hearing a low whistle you turned your head noticing all 3 of them looking at you. Smiling and waving you looked toward Zak feeling a bit shy not wanting his best friends to not like you. “This is Y/N, my girlfriend” he motioned toward you and then to his friends, “This is Aaron, Billy and Jay” you nodded knowing who they were from the show. “Nice to meet you three, are you excited for tonight?” They all smiled, “The adrenaline is already there believe me” Billy chuckled. “The night is fun even though it can be alot at times, we have eyes on each other as soon as we step through the doors” Jay put a hand through his hair as he leaned his back against the counter giving me a reassuring smile. 
Aaron walked toward Zak and you with a big smile on his face. Putting a hand on Zak’s shoulder and looking to you, “After all we heard about you, I’m excited you’re joining us” You couldn’t help but blush, “I’m happy to be here” Zak clapped his hands together, “We ready to go?” There were murmurs of agreement as the boys made their way to the escalade. Zak put your bag down on the couch and held his hand out towards you to grab. “I’ll give you a tour later on” he then led you to the escalade and you sat shotgun. Before leaving your apartment you had put a pad on knowing that your period would be here either tonight or tomorrow but you felt the warnings of oncoming cramps. Some months are harder than others but usually some ibuprofen and a heating pad was enough to bear the cramps. 
“Sunshine, you okay?” Bringing you out of your daze you look over at Zak who keeps glancing at you worriedly, a hand on your thigh and one on the steering wheel. “I’m okay” you gave a small smile before looking out the window and listening to the talk between the boys engaging every so often.
You were so excited and nervous, You wanted to do this for yourself and for Zak. Even though your relationship was still new, it was important to test the waters so if it was rough at the start it’d be nothing but smooth sailing after that. If you didn’t like ghost hunting you don’t think Zak would mind if you didn’t tag along anymore but by no means would that make you have Zak stop doing what he loves most, you’d just be his number 1 fan. This was important to him and it would be just as important to you. 
Your train of thought ended when Zak was quieting everyone down. “I’m going to start recording as we’re pulling up. '' He leaned to press the record button on the camera that was stationed on the dashboard as he started talking. You looked up and noticed the location of the night. The Clown Motel. Driving up to it, it looked creepy as it was, clowns never made you feel safe. You shivered as Zak parked up front. He shut the camera off and turned to face you. “We have two rooms here, we can set up, nerve center in one and the other just in case we need more space.” you nodded as you took a breath and stepped out of the car with everyone else. “I got nerve center setup with Jay if you and Aaron want to start recording” Billy was already in the back of the truck grabbing things. “Yeah I gotcha, Y/N want to be in the intro?” Aaron looked over and smiled, “Uh I might stand by you and watch, I don’t know how the fans will react.” he rolled his eyes playfully.
You did just as you said you were and stood by Aaron as Zak walked around talking about the motel and the cemetery close by. Going around and talking to the owner and interviewing other people that have experienced different things in this motel. Listening to everyone and seeing their body language really made you feel uneasy. You were never a skeptic, you believed in the afterlife and spirits being trapped in limbo and what not, so you took what everyone was saying to heart. You noticed Zak kept glancing at you during each interview as if he thought you were going to run off any second. 
Standing in the lobby filled with clowns was nerve wracking and it didn’t get better when you three went to the cemetery. During the interview you didn’t feel right, “I’m going to just take a walk around the motel” you interrupted. Both Zak and the young woman he was interviewing glanced toward you. “Need me to go with you?” Zak was ready to drop the interview but you shook your head no, “It’s okay baby, keep recording” he nodded but still seemed unsure. As soon as you left the cemetery some of the weight you felt seemed to lighten. You put your hand on your lower stomach and squinted your eyes as some cramps started hitting a bit harder. You sighed hating how pain pills never really helped during your time of month. 
As you neared the motel you felt something staring at you. Looking around you saw nothing but that feeling didn’t go away, so you quickly made your way to the room where Jay and Billy were. You made your way up the stairs, the echo of your feet through the quiet halls of the motel as you made it to the door and started knocking. “Hey Y/N! Thought you were with Zak?” Jay stepped aside to let you in before shutting the door. “I felt kinda uneasy so I needed to take a breath” you sat on the firm bed looking at the computers and tables they had set up. “You don’t have to do this if it’s too much” Billy looked at you with concern in his eyes. “No I’m fine really, if it’s too much I’ll say something don’t worry.” You laid back on the bed letting them continue with setting up cameras and doing what they needed to do as Zak and Aaron finished up all the recording they needed to before the sun started setting. 
Before the investigation truly started, you changed your pad cursing that your period had started, hoping day 1 wouldn’t be heavy. The boys split up, you, Zak and Billy went to the cemetery to start the investigation. You couldn’t help but adore the way Zak explained every little piece of equipment they had and what it did. Even letting you hold the SLS camera. Having him make you be a part of it makes your heart swell. You three sat doing some spirit box sessions. Asking questions and getting answers, the adrenaline filled you and you got a sudden sadness wash over yourself. “Sunshine?” You looked up at Zak as he put a hand on your cheek. “You’re crying” You wiped your cheek not even realizing you were. “I..just, I feel sad and I can’t explain it” He put an arm around you and pulled you closer, “It’s okay, you’re okay” 
Zak called it an end to the cemetery after that and made it back to the motel. As soon as your group got there both Zak and you noticed a door swing open. You gasped as Zak took the camera from Billy to explain what you two just witnessed. “Bill you got nerve center while Y/N and I go to the lobby?” “Yep I’ll be watching, holler if you need me” he started making his way up the stairs. Zak grabbed your hand as the other went to your stomach, “It’s okay, I’ll be with you the whole time.” “I’m more worried for you” You tried to make his attention leave your stomach, it worked when he raised a brow, “You have an actual fear of clowns” You both chuckled but when getting to the front door it became tense real quick. 
The nerves, adrenaline, plus the cramps getting worse were definitely taking its toll on you. You just wanted to be home curled in a fetus position with your heating pad. Zak and you were walking around the clowns as he recorded them. You whimpered when a strong cramp hit and Zak immediately turned to you. Your heart was racing, “I feel nauseous, can I please go to the second room?” he just looked at you as if making sure you weren’t hurt. “I’m okay I promise” He sighed and took the key card out of his pocket. “If you need anything, anything at all, use this” he handed you a spare walkie talkie and you nodded, leaning up and giving him a sweet kiss on his lips. He smiled and rubbed your back as you made your way to the second room. 
As you walked to the room you felt that staring sensation once again and quickened your steps to the room. You decided on the second room so you wouldn’t bother Billy not wanting him to find out about your period and him telling Zak. You shook your head as you made it to the room, closing the door and curling up in the stiff bed keeping the lights on and the walkie talkie right next to you. You closed your eyes and drifted to sleep.
You awoke not knowing how much later but you felt Zak rubbing your back and you couldn’t help but smile. It wasn’t until you felt cold that you turned around and saw that no one was there. You scrambled up against the headboard fumbling for the walkie talkie you left next to yourself. You were breathing heavy on the verge of tears, “Zak, Zak can you hear me” the tears left your eyes. You were so scared. After a second you heard Zak and relief washed over you, “Sunshine I’m coming” not even 5 minutes later you heard the key card unlock the door and Zak was rushing to your side. You flung yourself in Zak's arms and he held tight, rubbing the back of your head, “Shhh shhh, you’re okay I’m here what happened?” he let you cry. You leaned back and you both sat on the bed. “I fell asleep, I don’t know how long’ you were shaking your head but Zak put a hand on your thigh rubbing his thumb up and down trying to soothe you. ‘I thought you were rubbing my back. You weren’t here no one was” he brought you into him again. “Let me look at your back” you turned and he pulled your shirt up, goosebumps rose on your skin when he trailed his fingers down your back. “Nothing’s there, nothing hurt you”
“Billy and I were just finished up and then we were going to head out.” You nodded standing up as did Zak. “What’s wet?” You looked at him and your heart dropped when he touched his pant leg and there was a light sheen of red on his hand. Then did you feel everything you didn’t because you were frightened and all your senses earlier were non-existent. “Zak” you said cautiously and he looked at you as you cringed ready for him to yell. “You weren’t supposed to know, I’m so, so sorry. This is all my fault, I’ll buy you new pants and replace the motel bed, please I didn’t know..” “Sunshine” Zak grabbed your attention. You kept your gaze down, getting ready for the consequences now that he knew you were on your period. “Sunshine, look at me” he said softly, taking a finger on his clean hand and lifting your head by your chin. “You’re okay, it’s part of life. I’m not mad at you” you looked at him in disbelief, “y..you’re not mad?” he shook his head. “You must be so uncomfortable, do you have more stuff? Change of pants?” You looked down and that was enough to tell him all your stuff was at his house. He took off his jacket, “Wrap this around you. I’ll call the motel in the morning about the sheets. Let's get you back to mine and get you in a bath” He walked away to go wash his hands. You were completely speechless putting his jacket around your waist. 
More tears left your eyes, “Crying again sunshine?” he came back pulling you in for a hug. “We’ll talk about this more when we get home” 
You waited in the car as the boys gathered all their equipment, scolding yourself for not bringing more product with you. The car ride home was quiet as everyone was exhausted. When getting back to Zak’s everyone bid their farewells and gave hugs as Zak put an arm around you after and brought you into the house. Gracie greeted you both as you walked in the door, you wondered where she was when you first got to the house. “I’m going to start a warm bath for you” You followed him into what you assumed was his room, very spacious, most of his decor was black and gray, simple but elegant. His bathroom was a gorgeous light gray marble. Shower and bath separate. You stood there as he started the water. “Why did you think I was going to get mad earlier?” You fidgeted with your fingers, “In the past I would always get scolded when he knew I was on my period” Zak’s mouth dropped a bit, “Scolded?” You nodded, “It’s disgusting, messy, I complain too much, I had to take off work some days..’ ‘please stop’ you looked up as he stood up and started walking toward you, you could’ve sworn his eyes were glistening. He cupped both of your cheeks in his hands, “Never and I mean never think that I would ever get mad over your period. All girls go through this, you should be treated as a princess everyday nonetheless when you're dealing with all the pain that comes from what you have to go through monthly.” You looked to the side to kiss his hand. 
He dropped his hands to shut the water off. “I put bubble bath in it, I’ll go get you fresh clothes and products from your bag. I’ll put those clothes in the wash.” He walked out leaving you to strip and step into the bath. You could’ve moaned with how good the water felt. You sank in and shut your eyes. About 10 minutes later you heard the door open and Zak walked in, changed himself, in pajama pants and a skin tight tank that defined his muscles. He put clothes and your bathroom bag on the counter and then went to pick up the dirty clothes pile. “I’ll put this in the wash and come back if that’s okay?” “Of course baby” As much as you wanted to stay in this bath you were exhausted and you could tell Zak was too. 
You pulled the drain and got up taking the towel and wrapping it around yourself. He walked in as you did so. “Done already?” You chuckled, “I just want to cuddle” He clasped his hands together, “I second that, I’ll be in the bed if you don’t need anything else.” “I’m good thank you” He walked out and you finished up, putting fresh product on and changing into shorts and an oversized T. You walked out seeing him under the covers and he patted the spot next to him. You laughed jumping into bed and snuggling up next to him. “You smell nice and clean sunshine” You looked up at him and pecked his lips, “Why do you call me sunshine?” He took a breath and looked up at the ceiling, “Ever since I met you, you brought this light into my life as if you were my own personal sunshine. I know we’re still new but I couldn’t imagine my sunshine leaving” he turned back to you and sweetly kissed your lips. “How’s your stomach?” your heart swelled once more, “It’s okay for now” His eyes started closing as yours felt heavy as well, “let me know if you need a heating pad” he said softer and you couldn’t help but cuddle into him further.
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neruomancer · 7 days
Average Members of Groups of Interest: Where are they now? Part 2
*Either some MI5 desk monkey or an especially good tarot reader that was "conscripted". They are the new blood after the office went through some "fumigations". They don't have a bug problem anymore. That's right, no brain bugs, completely clean you don't have to worry about it anymore. They are all gone
*Shan infested Agent, all the old timers and loyal azathoth worshippers got wiped during the "bug hunts". Now it is just the atheistic/secular earth borns who have only known the pleasures of human misery. They may have had a hand in culling the azathoth worshippers and the geezers from the cowboys so they could live it up driving around their meat suits.
Army of the Third Eye
*After the Embassy Row massacre A-Cell decided they needed some local heavy hitters. They turned some young former IRA hard boys over to the Army to train them in sabotage and to give them a little catharsis against the Brits. They don't really know about the bugs and they don't really care. Or they are environmentalists really mad about Welsh lake being drained and have become violent anprims.
*Department for the Veterans of Psychic Wars. When most left the Army or got busted you stayed behind because you had nowhere else to go. They were inside your head, you remember the scratching feeling against the back of your skull. You can hear the whistling of the Court, the nuclear chaos of it all. Those whistles wax and wan but you hear it in your loneliness and alienation. Your apartment is freezing and you swear you can simply walk in the court of the Outer Gods.
*You fought against the cultists of Shub, you hunted down Nazis wizards, traveled to Leng and back. All to get blown away by some NAFO dip shit memer piloting a drone with a grenade tapped to it. The video of your death will be put into a tiktok nsfl compilation and children will do the floss to it.
*The Broken Vanguard. You were there, the past haunts you. Your country was stolen and sold off from you. You live in the decaying ruins of what was to be the future of the workers state.
The Skoptsi
*After much of the cult was either blown away or got pitched you went to jail for mundane crimes. Life max. The cult is no more but you have started a gang culture devoted to the black goat, our lady of new birth. Forgive us for our sins and born us new into the world. Sheds the only flesh for the new flesh. You awaken in the shared prison shower covered in blood and hungry. This is not a prison, it is a feeding farm for you.
*You were a good Orthodox boy who grew up in the church. You read your Bible, you went to service, etc. You are an adult now and you hear the flies. The Flys of the Black Goat. You see some people are covered in flies, at work or at the bus stop or in the store. No one else sees them. But you do. Make the buzzing stop. They smell like rotten flesh. There is only one thing you can do. Buy a toolbox, maybe even a gun? Squash the flies.
Outlook Group
*See Majestic
*Zak Bagans but somehow worse. "We are here at this Asylum today". Maybe they believe? Maybe they don't? Is just here until they get a TV show deal with Discovery or The Travel Channel. Does very little work besides just showing up to the filming. They have the same disease as Alex Jones where he needs to buy a new watch every three months just to feel something again.
*Genuine believer but very little to absolutely no camera presence. Has been made into a lolcow by the Phenomen-X social media group because of how awkward and gawky they are.
Tiger Transit
*Since the organization has gone "legit" you were the first of the round of new hires to make the crime organization look as illegal as any other financial firm. You are probably an accountant or a HR person for one of the many shell companies. At the recent company retreat there was a banquet. The main course? The long pork. It wasn't as bad as you thought it would be? Most corpos are flesh eaters so it's fine.
*Since Tiger Transit was a airline used by the CIA to traffic heroin, naturally the next step is become a anti communist advocacy think tank. You are a fresh face social media influencer who cries on podcasts about how communism took away your grandpas opium plantation.
*Dr. Jensen Wu has to be 88 now right? He probably has an intern? Where is he? He got lost in the storage halls of the museum. Sometimes you see him wandering. Bright smile, wrinkles and all.
*If the program didn't assign a "budget" archeologist to the stacks then the outlaws tried to transfer everything of note to a green box somewhere. God I hope not.
Keepers of the Faith
*One of the dwindling numbers of loyal yog worshippers who slip in and out of the train tunnels of New York. Sometimes people in suits come by and give you snacks from the morgues office for information about the glowing spheres. A peaceful and quiet existence sleeping in the cold and tight seams of the city. The time will come.
*The impatient young blood. Has forbid the teachings of yoga for the careless gospel of hip new gods. Doesn't know what the fuck a crawl chaos is but human flesh sure does sound good about now. Got sick and tired of the old dry dead the keepers kept pointing to feed on.
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algea · 2 years
A Little Ghoulin'.
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Prompt: You go to a highly aggressive location with Zak and the GAC and you get attacked by a malicious ghost.
Pairing: Zak Bagans x !female Reader
Warnings: girl idk, the GAC being themselves? also vomit
You were at another investigation with Zak and the crew. Everyone knew that you and Zak had something for each other, but the both of you were oblivious to it. This particular location had highly aggressive entities towards women. There were even accounts of demons attacking the women that’ve entered the building. Zak was already nervous bringing you as it was, but with this information, he was not having it. But of course, you insisted on going, even if it meant going against him.
“Are you SURE you’re alright going in there by yourself, Y/N?” Zak asked, gazing down at your face with a very worried look. 
You rested a hand on Zak’s chest and sighed,
“I’m fine Zak, really, I’ll call for you immediately if I run into trouble.” 
He sucked in a deep breath and muttered something too low for you to hear, probably irrelevant to you anyway. You drew your hand from his chest and rested on his cheek, softly stroking it with your thumb. His hazy, blue eyes met yours and the both of you shared and unknown contract, one that you would soon find out.
“I…You know I’m really against you going in there, right? I can’t let you get hurt like I would myself.” Zak sighed, his captive gaze holding yours. You only gave him a soft smile and ran your thumb slowly over his bottom lip. Zak’s lips ghosted a smile, but only before you heard a camera click and various noises of happy cheering.
“Dude! I knew it was gonna be here! Pay up, Billy!” Aaron exclaimed, still holding his phone in the position he took the picture in. Both you and Zak’s heads snapped over to him, only to see Aaron holding out his hand as Billy handed him a 20 dollar bill, and Jay snickering in the background.
“Shut up, Aaron.” Billy sighed, looking over at you and winking knowingly. You rolled your eyes at your best friend and dropped your hand from Zak’s face. 
“You two BETTED on when something like this would happen?” Zak questioned, his eyebrows raised and his head tilting towards them angrily. 
“Oh I am SO beating your ass after we get done here.” He added. All Aaron, Billy, and Jay did was laugh and crack jokes about you two. You snatched your personal camera up and turned it on before saying,
“Well fuckers, I’m heading inside.” 
You started to the door, which was on the opposite side of the large building. Zak followed you to make sure that you got in ok, as well as to be close by if you get in any danger. You stopped in front of the door and took a deep breath. Zak placed his hand on your shoulder, leaned down and said,
“Don’t have too much fun without me.”
You smiled and reached up to place a kiss on his cheek. You then opened the door of the building and entered.
The energy in there was like a hurricane, you felt so off every time you took a step.
“Whoa guys, I feel really off. Like every step I take man. Shit’s weird as hell.” You say as you walk further.
“You’re doing good, Y/N, just keep it up.” Zak’s voice said through the walkie-talkie. You went and sat down on a chair. You pulled out a spirit box and flicked it on, letting the static fill the electrified air. 
“Is there anyone with me right now?” You asked, looking around the almost pitch black room. You thought you could make out a tall black figure standing in the doorway of a room.
“Evil.” A woman’s voice came through, startling you.
“Zak, just as I said ‘is there anyone with me’ I saw a very tall black figure in the doorway of a room, then the voice came in and said ‘evil!’” You yelled, eyes looking at the X camera watching you. 
“Holy shit! We thought it said ‘evil’ too!” Aaron came in.
Just then, a voice came in and said,
But before you could say anything, something grabbed your hair and lifted you up off the ground. You shrieked and kicked, but to no avail because your feet were no longer touching the ground.
“ZAK! ZAK! IT’S FUCKING HOLDING ME IN THE AIR! HELP! HELP! GET ME OUT OF HERE!” You screaming, tears streaking down your face. 
You felt like your limbs were getting pulled apart from all directions.
“FUCKING HURRY ZAK, PLEASE!” You shrieked, choking on the vomit that was bubbling up through your chest. The vomit spewed out of your mouth. Zak slammed through the door and sprinted towards you. 
You crumpled to the floor in a crying heap. He didn’t care about the vomit on the floor, or the ugly crying that continued to come from you, he only cared about YOU. Zak’s hands grabbed your shoulders and pulled you into him, his muscular arms clinging to you like a small child to its mother. 
“I’m here, I’ve got you, I’m right here, shhhh…” Zak muttered into your ear softly, rocking you back and forth in an attempt to calm you down.
“Holy shit, Y/N!” Billy yelled, sliding onto the floor and grabbing your shoulders from behind.
You shook from your sobs, and Billy did his best to calm you down. Zak was silent, his mind at work. 
“Cmon Bill, let’s pick her up and carry her outside.” Zak suddenly said, wrapping an arm around the small of your back. Billy did the same, and they carried you outside. Aaron and Jay rushed over to you, giving you a warm embrace. 
“Dude that was insane! The evidence we just captured was awesome!!!” Aaron exclaimed, withdrawing from the hug.
“Aaron, shut the hell up, it’s not about the evidence right now, it’s about Y/N.” Zak snapped, turning his head and glaring at him. Aaron sighed and nodded his head in agreement after a moment of thinking.
“Aaron, you and Billy go back in there and take some Full Spectrum Camera photos. Jay, you watch them in case something else happens, I’m going to help Y/N clean up.” Zak said, handing the Full Spectrum Camera to Billy. All three reluctantly trudged to their destinations, knowing that leaving you two alone could be very dangerous. Zak took you over to a couple steps and sat you down, holding you worriedly.
“Are you ok?” Zak asked, one of his hands traveling up to cup your face. The tears that rolled down your face slithered down his thumb, which was gently brushing over your cheekbone. You didn’t say anything, you just let the tears keep falling as he examined you further. Zak was muttering something, but you paid no attention to him, you were so mesmerized by him. As he was talking, you just couldn’t stop the urge to lean in and kiss him. 
“Do you need anything? I can get you something if you want, we’ve got plenty of stuff and it’s no-“ Zak rambled, but was cut short by you leaning in and softly pressing your lips against his. Zak’s eyes widened and his other hand flew up to cup your other cheek. He leaned into the kiss, letting himself do all the work, he just couldn’t resist you. Your hand rested on his shoulder, and the other trailing down to the small of Zak’s back. 
It was like the world stopped as you kissed him, everything freezing in place for a moment. Everything felt right, like this was the way it was supposed to be. You were the first to lean away, gasping for air as you rested your forehead against his. You heard the familiar click of a camera and snapped your head to Jay, who was grinning like an idiot. 
“Just wait until the boys see this, this’ll be GOLD.” Jay exclaimed, scurrying away after Zak lunged at him, trying to snatch the photo.
“Oh. Shit.” Is all Zak said, but you only smiled at him, knowing that it’d be fine, just like your spirit guides told you.
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daddy-issues-99 · 1 year
Fanfic Material List!!!
(Some of these are from when I just started writing so if they're cringy I'm so sorry 🫣)
Star Wars
Harry Potter
John Wick
Call Of Duty
Goodnight Robicheaux x f!reader smut
Jack In The Box x f!reader Fluff
1993 Three Musketeer's: What would they be like in a relationship?
Possessed Indiana Jones x f!reader
Zak Bagans with a ghost s/o Fluff
Mothman x GN reader
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Chronicles of a Gothic muse
Social Media AU
Pairing: Zak Bagans x reader
Summary: follows the captivating life of a darkly elegant influencer as she navigates her new relationship with paranormal investigator Zak Bagans, blending her gothic aesthetic with their shared love for the macabre and mysterious.
📍Location: Old Gothic Cemetery
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Among the silent graves, I find peace… the whispers of the past remind me of the beauty in every shadow🌙🕯️
realzakbagans: You make even the darkest places feel like home…🖤
aarongoodwin: That’s one way to spend the day… kinda jealous of the ghosts you’re hanging with 👻
Fan1: You make cemeteries look so peaceful and romantic. Such a unique perspective
friend2: This is so ethereal and hauntingly beautiful. You belong in a dark romance novel🖤
jaywasley: This is one of your best looks yet. Pure gothic elegance
friend1: The way you connect with these places is so inspiring. You’re like a real-life gothic heroine🌹
Fan2: This image is pure art. You have such an eye for beauty in the macabre
Fan3: You look like a Victorian ghost, lost in time. Absolutely stunning!
Fan4: Please tell me you’re going to do a photoshoot like this again. This is breathtaking!
📍Location: Your Apartment
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A quiet night with my favorite companions: a good book, a cup of tea, and the lingering presence of those who came before us📚☕️
realzakbagans: Wish I was there with you, but seeing this is the next best thing…🖤
billytolley: That’s one cozy gothic nook you’ve got there. You and Zak should do a reading together!
friend2: This is the dreamiest vibe. Can I come over for a tea party in the dark? 😍
Fan6: You’ve just given me major inspiration for redecorating my space. This is goals
freind3: Everything about this is so you. The perfect gothic home aesthetic!
aarongoodwin: Looks like the perfect setup for a ghost story… or maybe a love story?😉
Fan5: Your apartment looks like something out of a classic horror novel. I love it!
Fan7: Your style is impeccable. I need to know where you get your decor!
Fan8: You look so serene here. The perfect way to spend a night in
📍Location: Victorian-Inspired Tea Room
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Afternoon tea with a touch of the macabre… just the way I like it ☕️🖤
aarongoodwin: That tea setup is next level. Do they have ghost-shaped cookies too? 👻
freind3: This is perfection. You look like a queen in her element 🌙
friend1: Tea with a side of mystery and darkness. I wouldn’t expect anything less from you🖤
realzakbagans: You make everything look like a scene from a gothic fairytale. Wish I could join you right now…🖤
Fan9: This is the most elegant thing I’ve ever seen. Your life is like a gothic dream!
jaywasley: Classy and spooky at the same time—nailed it!
Fan10: You always find the most amazing places. Please share your secret spots with us!
Fan11: Gothic afternoon tea? Yes, please! You look stunning as always
Fan12: This looks like something straight out of a Victorian novel. I need to try this place!
📍Location: The Haunted Museum
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Lost in time, surrounded by ancient knowledge and forgotten spells... this is where I feel most at home📚🔮
aarongoodwin: Bet you’re finding all kinds of spooky secrets in there. Just don’t summon anything, okay? 😅
realzakbagans: You belong in every magical and mysterious place… especially here 🖤
billytolley: You look like you’ve found the ultimate treasure trove. Don’t get lost in those books!
friend2: This is so mesmerizing. I can almost feel the magic through the screen 🌹
friend3: You’re like a gothic sorceress, surrounded by her ancient knowledge. I’m obsessed 🖤
Fan13: This is the dream! Your life is like a gothic fantasy come to life
Fan14: I need a library like this in my life. You always find the coolest places to explore
Fan15: You look like you belong in a movie about witches and haunted tomes. Love this so much!
Fan16: This is giving me serious dark academia vibes. Can’t wait to see more!
📍Location: A Haunted Castle
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Wandering the halls of forgotten places, where every step echoes with the past... and every shadow holds a story.🕯️🏰
jaywasley: This is epic. You’re living the ultimate gothic dream
friend2: This is everything. You look like a queen in her haunted castle 🖤
friend1: These vibes are immaculate. You and this castle are a perfect match 🌙
realzakbagans: You belong in every haunted place… and I’ll follow you to them all 🖤
aarongoodwin: You look like the ghost of the castle! This place suits you perfectly 👻
Fan17: This is pure gothic fantasy. You’re living the dream life, honestly
Fan18: need to visit this place now. You make it look so enchanting
Fan19: The atmosphere in this photo is incredible. You capture the essence of every place you visit
Fan20: This is giving me chills in the best way possible. Can’t wait to see where you go next!
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zorkyyy · 12 days
" —want me to return the favour? .."
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warnings: smut, zak bagans x gn!reader (gender isn't specified), blowjob, explicit writing, rough .. pure filth jus' per usual.
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the visualization of him being pleasured was something close to a vision from god above. given he was somewhat egotistical – it was ultimately meaning that those melodic moans slipped from his mouth with ease and they were grossly and lewdly loud. he grabbed hold of your strands of hair, fingers intertwining with the delicate locks as he precisely anchored your head up and down on his wettened shaft. “ my fucking .. god.. “ he grumbled as his chest heaved. “ you.. you swallow me up so good, so good f’me.. “ underneath these bolstering circumstances, the action of knitting his brows followed. 
your eyes seemingly wandered up to his lustful filled gaze, his adams’ apple bobbing up and down as these moans seemingly tumbled out of his mouth. his uncontainable moans are similar to a boiling pot of water as the foaming substance seems to overflow, similar to an unyielding temptation, similar to rivers that sometimes overflow their banks and then flood the surrounding land. he just.. they were unstoppable. those vibrations of you seemingly humming around his hardened cock increased, the broad expanse of your tongue running alongside his hardness. 
that sensation of his tip prodding against the back of your throat was enough to make you gag, enough to cause tears to prick at your eyes – dampening your lashes. he was weirdly swift to allow his calloused hand to cup your cheek, his thumb wiping the senseless tears away. 
he looks past his glasses, staring down at you as another moan tumbled from his mouth. “ m’so close baby.. oh– oh baby.. “ his movements become increasingly sloppy, these vital movements causing this wet sopping noise of his cock hitting the back of your throat. “ oh fuck! oh fucking.. oh fucking hell.. “ he seemingly grunts out as his tone increases for a moment — he reaches out at your head. his fingers roughly locking around your head. 
he suddenly stills as he allows his warm seed to trickle down your throat, his mouth going agape as he feels his body tense and shiver. you seemingly struggle to swallow his tepid release, struggling to breathe as he keeps your mouth locked around him; seemingly keep your face/nose adhered up against his grove of pubic hairs. 
as his chest still continues to hoist, his pectoral pressing up against the tight fabric of his shirt, his grasp suddenly loosens. he lugs your head off his now softening member, he slopes himself at an angle and heaves you upwards towards him. immediately he captures your mouth, kissing you in a sensational mannerism. he disregards the commotion of your groin pressing up against his somewhat flaccid cock — he withdraws slightly and nuzzles your nose against his. “ you did so good.. y’know that? “ he reasoned with you.
he then suddenly inquires “ want me.. want me to return the favour? “ 
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its-spooky-bitch · 2 years
Me going into the Zak Bagans tag to see people debunk and criticize his methods only to find a billion rpf Zak x Reader fics.
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