deesi-academia · 1 year
you know a ship is too good when halfway through the series you're craving artwork and fanfiction and headcanons (but not giving in to save yourself from potential spoilers)
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wally-b-feed · 10 months
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Hann Zanir Meat 9, 2023
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zanirpkrp · 2 years
Gym results are based off of our battle simulator. Not all moves chosen were available (for some reason?) so I picked a move of the same type to replace the options. It gives the same outcome more or less. If anyone has a better pokemon battle sim, go ahead and message the main and we’ll check it out! That being said, check out the results!
BERRY MOON - knocked out THREE of Minho’s pokemon before losing.
DYLAN YOO - DEFEATED Taecyeon with only 7 HIT POINTS LEFT on his final pokemon.
VERITY KANG - knocked out THREE of Tiffany’s pokemon before losing.
ASTRID KIM - knocked out FIVE of Taecyeon’s pokemon before losing.
DOMINIC BANG - knocked out FIVE of Taecyeon’s pokemon before losing.
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So I have this character and I want to make sure his name sounds 'appropriate' and typical of someone of his race. Like you hear someone say his name and you think 'oh yeah this dude is totally a [redacted]'.
When you hear/read the name Zanir Vithryn, what race does the same sound like it comes from? I'll reveal what race he is once the poll is done. Technically he is mixed but I want his name to be very [redacted] sounding. Obviously with eight options I can't list all the races.
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slutisneutral · 3 years
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a man who can destroy the world and his bf
(i still need to name Josva's bf)
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scatteredgossip · 4 years
okay, tell us about your favorite people in town! who's the nicest? who's got that fire personality? have you made any friends yet? are. you. one. of. us?
first of all, no. we’re not one of you, we’re emotions. we’re here to watch and react. therefore, we’re not really interested in making friends with any of you. but, i personally have come to have a few favorite residents which include waverly, zanir, mul, lila, and anna. hope may be in the running for that list. some of the nicest people i’ve seen are lynette, fend, lucky, reilly, and elia. as for fire personality ? alec, amara, and ace are pretty great. must be an a-name thing. 
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@surroundcdbymuscs / @lastingsongs / @ofvxspertilios / @ofstorybooks / @lostothers / @fairyxdustedx / @bearlyxhuman / @ncmeinthesky / @happyhavnts / @uponaclream !
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lastingsongs · 4 years
open starter
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zanir invited himself to sit with the other, taking the seat rather casually as if they’d been friends for the longest time. unfortunately -- mostly for the other party -- zanir was reaching out to find someone to be a bit closer to in this town. it was hard to entertain yourself when you couldn’t rely on anyone to spend time with and you had no other hobbies to fall back on. there were no old relics to be found in this town and the technology was quite lacking. “we should play a game,” he started out, smile evident on his face.”i’ll even let you pick the game so you aren’t whining. either two truths and a lie, or never have i ever -- but, instead of putting your finger down, you have to drink,” he said, pulling out a flask and putting it down on the table. “it’ll be fun, trust me. i know it sounds a bit childish, but what would you rather be doing? pretending we all have jobs and a purpose here? please,” he scoffed, shaking his head. zanir liked games, but the games he preferred were a bit more risky and either ended up in the punishment of the other person involved if they lost.
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happyhavnts · 4 years
( closed event starter for @lastingsongs / arin & zanir. )
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already having drank a bit, sneaking sips of whiskey he had put into a flask here and there. his lips pursed into a thin line as he scoped out the group of partygoers, trying his best to resist the urge to roll his eyes. one week prior everyone was losing their shit and now they were acting as if nothing was wrong. shows how much they all truly cared about getting home. turning on his heels to get some air, he found himself suddenly bumping into someone. he blinked in surprise as he took a step backward, a bit surprised that he hadn’t lost his balance. “sorry, shit… are you okay?” he held onto the other’s shoulders, the other appearing as if he was swaying when in reality it was just his head that was spinning.
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matias-kun · 4 years
Árboles que hablan
Agua curativa misteriosa
Jacob y Zir
Dos reinos
Agua y tierra
Enemigos, los contra humanos
Reinan en el Reino de la tierra
Zanir, Rey del reino de la tierra
Acua, primer árbol hablante que se muestra
El río palim. El río curativo, más adelante Jacob tendrá una pequeña botella de ese rio
Jacob, le tiene miedo a las alturas y un poco a bajar por las aguas, es pansexual, se mete en problemas muy fácilmente tiene 18 años.
Zir, el cuida a su hermano jacob y hace que ellos dos puedan comer, no le teme a nada según dice, es mandon, y se enoja facil, tiene 10 años, dice que es hetero... Veámoslo!
Jacob y Zir son los príncipes del reino agua
Kim, el es un chico que vive en un pueblo cerca del reino tierra y en reino agua, vive en un antiguo reino que fue destruido, fue quemado, pero igualmente se creo un pueblo en ese lugar. Es bisexual, crush de Jacob 7u7
Tiene 20 años, es muy amable, le gusta tocar la guitarra, es muy fuerte, teme a ambos reinos(agua y tierra)
Cuba, el supuesto niño que terminara siendo pareja de Zir- es muy callado, tiene un par de traumas en su vida. Pero Kim lo hace reír :D
Kim adoptó a Cuba como a su hermano-
Cuba es bisexual y tiene 8 años
E' Amable.
Hente. Todo esto lo escribí apenas desperté del sueño xd, se que algunas cosas están muy deformes eScRiTas. Cómo siempre :'v pero el caso. Creo que voy a hacer una historia uWu
Que opinan de mi sueño película?
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deesi-academia · 2 years
If he doesn't call you the jewel of his soul; habibti, hayati, roohi; his fair gazelle; his sun and his moon; doesn't cry because his heart can't contain it; and doesn't think his soul was freed when it met yours-
Is he truly, really, worth it?
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miraculousandcursed · 4 years
Zanir / for kai
Zanir: How manipulative are you?
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“I refuse to use the cheap tricks my father used. I refuse to manipulate people for my benefit.”
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zanirpkrp · 2 years
Hey trainers it’s time for Zanir’s very first event! It’s September so you know what that means: Halloween event! This event will last UNTIL OCTOBER 31ST. That’s not the best part: all threads, head canons and solos in relation to the event will earn DOUBLE POINTS. Oh, you heard me. If you write a starter for the event you will be earning +30EXP instead of your normal +15EXP. Isn’t that sexy?
This is only for things that pertain to the event. How will we tell? Well, ya gotta tag your stuff with #zanir: samhain! That way we know which posts are event posts earning the double EXP versus normal posts. You can still post normal threads and such during this time.
THIS EVENT IS VOLUNTARY! Please keep in mind that there is no form to fill out. Points can be redeemed the moment it’s posted. POINTS CANNOT BE COLLECTED AFTER OCTOBER 31ST. Ready to know about the event itself?
Called Samhain in the Pokemon world, Samhain is very similar to the Halloween we know and love. Especially in Zanir. There are many towns having events on top of normal Samhain celebration. LESNOR is celebrating ALL OCTOBER LONG with a haunted lighthouse tour, Samhain photoshoots for trainers and their pokemon (costumes provided) and the newly established swimming with zombie luvdisc (no luvdisc were harmed in the making of this attraction. don’t worry! they’re in costume!)
Both ELLORIN and ZARANIA are hosting festivities ALL SEASON LONG - meaning from now until OCTOBER 31ST. They are the most known for going all out for Samhain. Residents and trainers alike wait all year for the insane festivities. It is a rite of passage for residents of Zanir. The following events will be available to all trainers:
forest maze & scavenger hunt - trainers have the option of just doing the maze in ELLEANADA FOREST or making it a bit more difficult with a scavenger hunt. the forest is dimly lit with a few ghost type pokemon aiding for jump scares. trainers may even see ghost type pokemon from different regions. no minors are allowed in either maze.
mixed (alcoholic) drinks from the berry shoppe
find the phantumps: a mini-game held in the town’s square where phantumps hide in a particular area. there are 10 in total that need to be found in 5 minutes.
costume contests - run all season long. there are multiple winners throughout the day, each posted on ellorin’s city website and announced at the end of the night. both pokemon and trainers are eligible to join! there are some interesting and wacky categories you can win
corn maze
5 haunted houses - each scarier than the last; the last two haunted houses are so scary, a waiver must be signed and you must show your identification. no minors are allowed on the last two!
samhain night clubs - the night clubs in zarania have transformed! they’re now all spooky to match the season. some clubs house their own customer contests.
food market - in the festival square, there is a samhain food market available with halloween-inspired foods, known autum foods and lots of drinks!
samhain spook-a-thon - on the other side of the festival market there’s a large projector showing some classic horror movies. it runs until 3 am (spooky~) and sometimes take requests from the audience!
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slutisneutral · 3 years
- cw for body horror -
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Famine, Death, Pestilence and War: the four horsemen of the apocalypse
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scatteredgossip · 4 years
who do you think is the (surprisingly) messiest drunk?
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Oh my goodness. It isn’t very fair to assume things is it? But, like, sometimes you get a feeling about people! We haven’t had much opportunity to see very many people in an inebriated state -- maybe thankfully? However, I think I could take a guess as to who you wouldn’t expect to be really sloppy if they were drunk. I think Zanir is already proving himself to be a little giggly and unsteady when he’s been drinking a bit too much. I don’t know why, but I’m kind of hoping Oberon is too -- he really needs to be able to let loose somehow. Josh and Melody probably say too much when they get going. I could see Hope being rather loud. We all saw John lose his stiff nature when he was drinking -- still a surprise to me, at least. Arin was quite a sick mess after the past ball. I felt super bad for him and didn’t expect him to go that hard with drinking. I also think Nicholas and Blaine would show some behavior that isn’t very much themselves. But, you never know! The only way to know is to get these people some drinks.
@lastingsongs / @uponaclream / @realhercs / @ofstorybooks / @cosmicxjuice​ / @lostothers​ / @happyhavnts​ / @fairyxdustedx​
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lastingsongs · 4 years
Zanir, if you had to hook up with one person in town, who would it be?
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“fuck, why do you have to give me something so hard to answer? just one? there are some rather beautiful people here, you know. i don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings by just choosing one. daryan in my body would have been a treat, though -- i’m only joking! mostly. willow, if she wasn’t as smart as she was by not having an attraction to men. so, i suppose, with forced hand, i would choose alec or oberon. they’re just so pretty.”
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biotechworld · 3 years
New study published in Science maps wildlife microbiota
New study published in Science maps wildlife microbiota
Discovering millions of previously unknown potential human therapeutics Credit: Gal Zanir for Wild Biotech Tel-Aviv, ISRAEL – March 25, 2021 – Wild Biotech, a preclinical stage drug discovery & development company emerging out of stealth mode, today announces the publication of its first major paper, which appears in the journal Science. The study mapped the gut microbiota of animals in the…
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