#Zenix x gene
aphtwitterau · 23 days
(13) Confusion
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Dante was alone in the shared dorm room, at his desk on his laptop. He was procrastinating on an assignment due later in the week and instead of working, the blue eyed man was watching a movie. His attention quickly turned away from the screen to the door where he saw Travis after he slammed it open. Travis had wide eyes and a panicked expression.
"Dude?" Dante questioned, "are you okay?"
"I just accidentally told Zane it was on sight when I saw him." Travis said, running his hands down his face.
Dante stared at Travis for a moment, furrowed brows on his face, waiting for the words to finally register to him. Once they did, he started laughing out loud. Travis, the most whipped guy in the world, told the guy he likes, nay loves, that it was on sight? That calls for a laugh, a cackle, a chortle, anything of the sorts. To which Travis started slapping at Dante for him to stop.
"It's not funny, stop— stop laughing at me!" Travis exclaimed through slaps.
"Oh come— come on!— oh, that is rich— that is so.. Travis!" Dante said through laughter, tears forming in his eyes and his cheeks going red from the hilarity. After a moment of trying to calm down, Dante took a deep breath, "how did you accidentally tell your husband that when you next saw him it was going to be on sight?" Dante asked, still having a smile on his face.
"His stupid profile picture is Blaze!" Travis yelled out before going to his side of the room and flopping on his green sheeted bed, "his account profile picture is Blaze! I thought I was telling Blaze it was on sight!" Dante raised his brow and opened his mouth to reply before Travis beat him to it, "I thought Blaze was telling me I had no dignity; it was not a jealousy thing."
Dante rolled his eyes and snickered at Travis, "that is just priceless.. hilarious even," Dante laughed again, "I bet Zane is laughing too— well on the inside, I don't know if he can laugh out loud."
Travis grabbed a pillow from his bed and threw it at Dante, hitting him in the back of his head. Dante groaned, "it's not a big deal."
"I told him—"
"Yeah, you told him it was on sight and that is the funniest thing I've heard all day long; I will be making fun of you about this for all of eternity, it's part of our broship," Dante interrupted him, "but I think the cyclops has bigger things to worry about. He's probably in his room plotting some evil plan against his enemies."
At that, Travis sighs and gains the same dopey smile he has whenever thinking about the intense emo, "he's so evil, I want him—" Travis was interrupted by a buzz on his phone, indicating a notification. To his surprise, it is from Zane. Is he replying to call him stupid? Is he replying to say that he is plotting against Travis now? Is he replying to say that it is also on sight?
Much to Travis' delight, Zane is actually calling him funny. Well, technically, Zane is also calling him dumb. But he also used the word funny. Well, technically, Zane is calling Travis' stupidity funny. But Travis likes to make do with what he has. With that, immediately, a smile is formed on his face as he shoots up to sit and admire the notification.
Dante got the hint that something 'good' happened, "is it still a big deal?" He asks teasingly.
"Well.. no," Travis rolls his eyes, "Zane, in fact, thinks I'm hilarious," Travis said smugly, a smirk forming on his face and a shine coming out of his eyes.
Dante raised his eyebrow, looked at his phone to open the social media platform. Once he found Zane's post, he looked back at Travis with bored eyes and an unamused frown. "He called you dumb."
"Yeah but he found it funny. He found my dumbness funny, which means he finds me funny," Travis explained as if it were a scientific theory, "thank you and good night!" Travis applauded for himself while gesturing at Dante to applaud as well.
Dante grabbed the pillow thrown at him earlier and chucked it back at Travis, catching him by surprise and hitting him. "I'm going to continue watching my movie, because nothing about that Zane interaction was an upgrade."
"I watched that movie before and she ends up with the best friend," Travis replies blandly, an act of revenge for the 'vicious' pillow throwing.
Dante looked over his shoulder, "I'm going to tell Garroth you like his little brother." Travis widened his eyes and shook his head, making a break for Dante's phone before he could call the blond.
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forestcat000 · 2 years
Gene x Sasha x Zenix X Zane Incorrect Quotes
i was bored and wanted to make for one of my Favorite ships
Gene: You know those things will kill you, right? Zenix, pouring another glass of whiskey: That’s the point. Sasha, smoking a cigarette: We’re trying to speed up the process. Zane: *Nods while eating raw cookie dough*
Cop: You’re receiving a ticket for having three people on one motorcycle. Gene: Shit. Zenix: Wait, three? Cop: Yeah? Sasha: OH MY GOD ZANE FELL OFF!!!
Gene: Dammit, Zenix! Zenix: What?! It wasn’t me! Gene: Sorry, force of habit. Dammit, Sasha! Sasha: Not me either. Gene: Oh...Then who set the house on fire? Zane: *whistles*
[The group is a prison cell that was just hit by an earthquake] Gene: Uh, I'm gonna roll a perception check of... 4, and see if our cell is, uh, in any way damaged by this quake Zenix: You're in a prison cell :) Sasha: You did great. Well, I got a 10- Zenix: You're in a prison cell with bars on it :3 Zane: I got a 1! Zenix: You're in... a cube-shaped place.
Gene: Everyone, synchronize your watches. Zenix: I don’t know how to do that. Sasha: I don’t wear a watch. Zane: Time is a construct.
Gene: *Gently taps table* Zenix: *Taps back* Sasha: What are they doing? Zane: Morse code. Gene: *Aggressively taps table* Zenix: *Slams hands down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK-
Gene: I think we're missing something. Zenix: Teamwork? Sasha: Cohesion? Zane: A general sense of what we’re doing?
Gene: How did none of you hear what I just said? Zenix: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours. Sasha: I got distracted about halfway through. Zane: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Gene: Can I be frank with you guys? Zenix: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help. Sasha: Can I still be Sasha? Zane: Shh, let Frank speak.
Gene: *Trying to fill out legal paperwork stuff* Were you guys born AMAB or AFAB? Zenix: Bold of you to assume I was born at all. Sasha: I personally was created in a lab. Zane: I just straight up spawned lol.
Gene: *Screams* Zenix: *Screams louder to establish dominance* Sasha: Should we do something? Zane: No, I want to see who wins.
Gene: Tonight, one of you will betray us. Zenix: Is it me, Gene? Gene: No, it’s not you. Sasha: Is it me, Gene? Gene: It’s not you either. Zane: Is it me, Gene? Gene: Gene, mockingly: Is IT mE Gene?
Gene: Zenix isn’t answering their phone Sasha: I’ll call Gene: Zane and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi- Zenix: Hello?
Gene: Why are your tongues purple? Sasha: We had slushies. I had a blue one. Zane: I had a red one. Gene: oh Gene: Gene: OH Zenix: Zenix: You drank each other's slushies?
Gene: There is no future. there is no past. do you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every facet. Zenix: Sasha: Zane: Everyone Else At Gene’s Surprise Birthday Party: Zenix: All I asked was if you wanted to cut your birthday cake first.
Gene: What are your goals? Zenix: To pet all the dogs. Gene: No, fitness goals. Zenix: To be able to run fast enough to pet all the dogs
Gene: Where are you going? Zenix: To get ice cream or commit a felony, I’ll decide on the way there
Gene: You know, I'm starting to regret showing you how that blender works. Zenix, drinking toast: Why do you say that?
Gene: I learned some very valuable lessons from this. Sasha: I’m guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should’ve taken away. Gene: Death isn’t real, and I’m basically God.
Gene: Three words. Say them and I'm yours. Sasha: Three words. Gene:
Gene: WHAT’S YOUR TYPE Sasha: Anything, honestly, but nerds especially Gene, desperately, as Sasha bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE Sasha: Oh! B positive. Gene: DONT TRY TO CHEER ME UP JUST TELL ME YOUR BLOOD TYPE Sasha:
Gene: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming Zane: Does anyone in this godforsaken group ever think before they speak
Gene: Zane... Zane: Oh no, 'Zane' in b-flat. Zane: You're disappointed.
Gene: Violence isn't the answer. Zane: You’re right. Gene: *sighs in relief* Zane: Violence is the question. Gene: What? Zane, bolting away: And the answer is yes. Gene, running after them: NO-
Zane, talking to Zenix on the phone: Did you preheat the oven like I told you to? Zenix: You bet! Zane: At what temperature? Zenix: 535. Zane: That's the clock. Zenix: Zane: Zenix: 536.
Zane: Zenix was banned from the chicken shack, so we had to go out of town to get some. Zenix: Well, they shouldn’t say “all you can eat” if they don’t mean it. Zane: Zenix, you ate a chair.
Zane: Today is a day of running through hurdles. Zenix: Aren’t you supposed to jump OVER hurdles? Zane: Whatever. Fear is only something to be afraid of if you let it scare you.
Zane: Do you have any skeletons in your closet? sasha: You mean literally or figuratively? Zane: Honestly, the fact that I have to specify...
Zane: Stop buying plastic skeletons for Halloween! It's terrible for the environment! sasha: Yeah! Locally sourced, all natural skeletons are much more environmentally friendly!
Zane: You often use humor to deflect trauma sasha: Thank you Zane: I didn't say that was a good thing sasha: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny
Sasha: I was thinking I'd do some magic- Zenix: You? Magic? Sasha, it says talent show.
Sasha: *holding a bottle* Is this whiskey or perfume? Zenix: *chugs entire bottle* Zenix: It’s perfume.
Sasha: It’s dark in here Zenix: Don’t worry dude I got this Zenix: *Stomps their feet* Zenix: *Skechers light up*
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chackyxyooj · 4 months
Cold Showers
Description: Showering with MS boys, but you turn the water cold - drabbles. Included: Laurance, Zenix, Gene, Vylad CW: Slightly provocative themes (Looking at you, Zvahl) - nothing explicit.
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Laurance Zvahl
Laurance slips his arms around your waist, pulling your back flush against his chest. You can tell from the way he leans forward to press a kiss against your shoulder that he wants more. You’ve become accustomed to his tricks, but you don’t have time to indulge him today.
“Laurance…” You begin to untangle yourself from the boy’s embrace but he tightens his grip.
“Yes, My Love?” He presses another kiss against your shoulder, this time letting his lips linger as one of his hands wander up your side.
You grasp his wandering hand with a stern look. “We’re going to be late if you don’t control yourself.” From the way Laurance laughs you know he’s caught the look on your face and that he’s choosing to ignore it.
“They can wait a few minutes for us. Come on, please?”
You sigh as you lean back against Laurance’s embrace, giving the boy a false sense of security as he peppers kisses along your jaw. Just as his hands creep further up your body the water of the shower turns cold. Just like that Laurance is snapped out of his lustful daze and begins attempting to use you as a shield from the cold water.
“Hey! Why’d you do that?” The boy inquires as you slip away from his grasp.
You turn to him with a coy smile. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, My Love.”
He pouts, rubbing a hand over the goosebumps now covering his skin on one of his arms to try and get them to settle. As you lean past him his eyes flit, staring down at your naked form for only a moment before he lets out an annoyed huff again.
You roll your eyes as an amused smile pulls at your lips. “If you promise to behave yourself I'll turn up the heat… but only a little bit!”
Laurance gives you a firm nod, his expression determined. "Fine, deal. But I’m not happy about it." He shifts to grab the soap, keeping his eyes firmly away from you so he can avoid getting distracted. If you weren’t so right about being tight for time, he knows you would’ve let him get away with more. So for now he’ll settle for having you by his side.
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“Just get in the shower with me.” You can’t help but laugh at the stubbornness of the boy who stands outside of the shower.
“It was so hot today and yet you’re still taking a hot shower? No way.” Zenix has his arms crossed and a less-than-amused look on his face. “And I know how hot you like your showers, so no, I will not be showering with you.”
“It’s not that hot.”
“I can literally see steam coming out from the top of the shower!”
You laugh at being caught red handed. Though you do like your hot showers, you’re willing to compromise. “Fine, fine. If I turn down the heat will you come shower with me?”
Zenix’s gaze flickers up and down your body for a brief moment. To your delight he begins to shed his clothes. “I’m not taking a single step in the shower until you turn it down though.”
“Yeah yeah, I know.” You muse as you adjust the temperature of the water. You can hear Zenix grumbling to himself as he steps into the shower behind you. The moment the boy steps in he looks at you with furrowed brows.
“Did you even turn it down?”
“Is the water still too hot for you, my tender little frog?” You catch the irritation on Zenix’s face from your choice of nickname but you can’t help but laugh. Between your fits of laughter you grab the boy’s hand and hold him in the shower, reaching over to the faucet and turning down the heat even more. “There, I turned it down. Stay and shower with me. Please?”
Zenix stares down at you with words bubbling on the tip of his tongue but he suppresses the urge to say any of them. Instead he rolls his eyes as he takes his shampoo and hands it to you.
Wordlessly the boy leans down toward you so that you can more easily scrub the shampoo into his hair for him. You do, of course, and Zenix finds himself leaning in toward your touch. Maybe one of these days he’ll build up enough resistance to your shower temperatures to join you more often, but today is not that day.
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When Gene steps into the bathroom you pull the shower curtains back to catch a glance at him. He’s already removed his top layer of clothes and is working on the rest. 
“I’m almost done showering. Did you want me to leave the water on for you?”
In response to your question Gene flashes you a grin. “You’re almost done already? I just assumed that you would still be mid-shower when I came to join you.”
You roll your eyes and return to the water. “My showers aren’t even that long! You’re just being dramatic.”
“I never said long showers were a bad thing, Doll.” Gene snickers to himself as he pulls back the curtain and steps into the shower with you. He knows that you were almost done, but he wanted to jump in anyway.
Gene leans forward to pull your body against his but you swat his hands away. “You’re still dirty!” You frown. The only thing you have left to do is rinse out your conditioner and you’re not about to let Gene get any of his dirt or grime on you now.
“All I want is to hold you close. Is that so much to ask for?”
Though you roll your eyes, amusement pulls at your lips. “Next time you want to hold me in the shower, get in at the same time as me.”
“I am in the shower at the same time as you.”
“You know what I mean!”
As Gene reaches out to grab you again you step back out of the flow of the water. With a coy smile you reach behind your back and turn the temperature of the water down as much as it goes. Being the only one under the faucet, Gene is hit with an abrupt change in temperature.
A short string of curses escape Gene’s lips as he recoils from the stream of water. Before you have a chance to escape out of the shower Gene gets a hand on yours and pulls you into his arms.
“Gene!” You gasp as the boy wraps his arms around your waist and holds you against himself. The longer you stand there the more the frigid water snuffs out any warmth you once had. “What are you doing? Let me go!”
“You made your bed, Doll. Now it’s time to lay in it.”
You can hardly think of a way to wipe Gene’s cocky grin off his face, so you give in and pull yourself closer to the boy’s chest. “If I didn’t like you so much I’d leave you high and dry.”
“Is that so?” Gene laughs in a satisfied manner as he feels you shift closer. “Then I guess I’ll count myself lucky.”
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Vylad Ro'Meave
Vylad enjoys the feeling of your hands against his face as you gently scrub your new cleanser on him. He’s usually one for trying new things and today you looked particularly excited to try it with him. What else could he do but happily oblige?
“Okay, you can open your eyes now. Careful not to rinse it off too quickly though!” You caution, rinsing your hands before applying cleanser to your own face.
“What’s the point of applying it in the shower if we’re supposed to let it sit?” Vylad inquires. He doesn’t bother trying to hide his lingering gaze from you, though in the name of being decent he mostly keeps his eyes above your shoulders. Mostly.
Your eyes carefully flutter open once you’ve applied cleanser to your own face. “I guess we didn’t have to apply it in the shower, but… I don't know. I wanted to, I guess.”
“How long until we can rinse it off?”
“The instructions say to let the cleanser sit for a minute or two, so it should be fine if you rinse yours off now.” You say, stepping aside and allowing Vylad greater access to the water.
Just as Vylad is about to step under the water it gets significantly colder - so much so that the boy nearly backs up into you just to avoid it. “Is it just me or did the water get colder?” Asks Vylad, his eyes turning to meet yours curiously.
“Sorry! That was me.” You admit, barely holding back a laugh from the reaction you unintentionally provoked. “I should’ve warned you that you’re supposed to rinse it off with cold water.” 
Vylad isn’t quite as amused as you are but he takes it in good stride. As Vylad rinses what remains of the cleanser he can’t help but appreciate the feeling of cold water against his skin after taking such a hot shower. “You know, I’ve actually heard that cold showers help build immunity to sickness and increase blood circulation.”
“Are you saying that in hopes of getting me to take colder showers?” You ask as Vylad steps out of the shower.
He chuckles to himself. “Maybe.”
“Vylad Ro’Meave, what am I ever going to do with you?” Despite how you sigh there’s an air of amusement in your words, so of course Vylad is willing to play along. As you shut off the water and step out of the shower, Vylad hands you your towel and places a kiss against your cheek.
“Help me apply moisturizer, I hope.”
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arienic · 24 days
you or the world?
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GENE, ZENIX x GN!READER — this is part 1!!! i'll be writing more characters with this prompt
includes: 'sweetheart' as a petname; mentions of death; maybe ooc characters?
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☆ GENE: You, obviously.
Gene is a murderer, cold-blooded and heartless, and he's not afraid to admit it.
You? Over the world? Please, sweetheart, that isn't even a question. At least, not to Gene, whose brother despises him, whose very existence is unwelcome in the Overworld. No, you have too much faith in him, he thinks, watching your face shift from sorrow, to desperation, and finally, to resignation. You’ve always seen him as better than he actually is, even after he’s confessed to you a number of sins, each worse than the last. 
Yes, Gene would sooner bring the world to ruin himself than give you up. So when you reach out to him, fingers trembling as they brush along his cheek, and murmur sadly, “It’s alright, I understand — your brother and his family, they come first, my love,” — his hand, gloved and bloody, shoots right up to clasp over your own. 
“No,” Gene says firmly, and reaches for your waist, bringing you into him. “Let them burn,” he tells you. 
Because Gene is a murderer, after all: cold-blooded, heartless.
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☆ ZENIX: You. Always, always you.
Zenix hasn’t had anything to lose in quite a while — not after surrendering his life, his mentor, and his station to the spinning wheel of fate. For a while, he’s left to his own whims. He moves. He kills. Over a mountain; another body. Through a forest's thick underbrush; this time, a village.
And then — and then he meets you. Oh. Oh, you. Zenix has never had a lover before, and none of this is familiar to him: the way you take his scalding hands in your own, pressing kisses across his knuckles and his calluses and the scars that stretch across his arms. You bring his head to rest on your chest and brush the hair from his eyes. He hears your heart go thump, thump, thump, and for the first time in a while, he sleeps like a baby. A baby.
You’ve brought to him a kind of tranquility that, truthfully, Zenix has never been able to experience in full. It makes his chest warm and has him stumbling over his words, not unlike how a swordmaster’s newest apprentice might bear a horrible stance and trip over themself. He's never been this clumsy before. And his cheeks have flushed, but only from anger.
So, no, he wouldn't sacrifice you. He'd rather keep you on his arm, keep your lips to his temple and his hand to your back, than give you up so the world might live.
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starhvney · 3 months
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𝐂𝐖: more blackmailing lol, minor mentions of anxiety from both aphmau and reader, reader’s dad suggests self defense with a pocket knife but he’s not serious, possible bad translation of spanish pls if anyone is fluent let me know if it's wrong lmao i only know beginner level
𝐀/𝐍: next chapter is finally out guys!! i hope the obnoxiously long word count makes up for how long it took to come out lol
𝐖𝐂: 7,300 +
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despite your better judgment, you didn't mention a thing to your mom about gene when you got home yesterday. what were you supposed to tell her?
"oh, hey! sorry i'm late today, i went to buy cigarettes with a delinquent from school who holds the outcome of the rest of my high school career on his phone! no biggie, mom!"
yeah, that would go insanely well.
you did text aphmau about it, and she reacted exactly how you expected—reaffirming exactly why you weren't going to say anything.
aphmau: we have to tell our moms!! that's awful!!
you: no!!
you: i already know it was bad, i don't need the biggest lecture of my life and possibly being grounded on top of already knowing it was a bad idea.
you: i usually tell my mom about these things but not this time
aphmau: :(
aphmau: well we can't just let him get away with it?? what if they get us in more trouble
aphmau: that would be just as bad if the pictures got out
you: i know i know
you: i don't have a plan yet but we'll work it out.
you: sorry that's not super reassuring but
aphmau: no it's okay
aphmau: i don't want to tell my mom either
aphmau: knowing her she might pull me out to be homeschooled again
you: the good thing is we at least are with each other on this
aphmau: yeah, that's true :')
aphmau: okay, i'm going to try to forget about it and get some sleep
aphmau: good night!
you: good night aph
laurance also texted you later that night—of course—with how observant he is and how loyal he's made himself out to be you'd be shocked if he didn't ask you more about it.
laurance: hey :) how are you?
you: hii! i'm good :) 
you: how are you? did you win against o'khasis? 
you: sorry i didn't come back to see the game after school 
laurance: not gonna lie i was a little sad you weren't there :,) but it's okay
laurance: T-T and no
laurance: but i already knew we wouldn't
you: that's why you lost!! 
you: you should've believed you'd win!!! 
laurance: hey!! tell that to my teammates lol i know i'm the best
you: wow cocky much
laurance: nuh uh it's not being cocky if it's true :P
laurance: hey
laurance: can i ask a question?
you: what's up??
laurance: i just was thinking about the whole thing that happened at lunch
laurance: i know i can't tell you who to hang out with, but i genuinely really don't think you should hang out near them at all
laurance: they can be very
laurance: influencing
laurance: i know cause when i hung out with them i ended up getting into some bad stuff
you: bad stuff? 
laurance: just stuff i'm not proud of
laurance: like pressuring me into vandalizing and smoking and drinking
laurance: i thought they were cool so i didn't say no when i should've
you: i know you said you had a history with them but i had no idea 
you: they made you do that? 
laurance: technically i had a choice??
laurance: i just made the bad ones
laurance: i really regret not saying no to them sometimes
you: well i can tell you're nothing like that now laurance 
you: it was a year ago but you were also a freshman 
you: i think it's really respectable that even after that you choose to be a really good person now who makes the right decisions 
laurance: that means a lot actually, thank you.
laurance: but that's why i wanted to ask you about it
laurance: cause i know you're also nothing like them so
laurance: i just wanted to make sure they weren't like, pressuring you or trying to threaten you to do something?
...shit. you can't go around or avoid the question now. should you really lie to him about this?
you: yeah i get why you're worried now 
you: i promise i haven't been pressured into anything and if they try i'll completely drop them 
laurance: hey if something bad happened and they're making you hang out with them
laurance: everyone knows by now that you're a good friend and a good student
laurance: so don't be scared to say something
the thought is comforting, but he doesn't know that it involves one of the most influential girls in the school.
you: it's just, complicated
you: i don't want to get into it right now but i just think i can handle the issue on my own
you: for now 
laurance: i really don't like this
laurance: but if you think you're fine then i won't stop you obviously
laurance: just know that i'll trust you over anything they try to hold over your head, okay? you can always come talk to me
you can feel your heart painfully twist in your chest.
you: thank you. you're an amazing friend laurance 
you: if i need help i promise i'll let you know 
laurance: okay, if you say so
laurance: and i know i'm pretty cool B)
you: the coolest B) 
you: good night laurance! see you tomorrow 
laurance: good night :)
while laurance was pretty popular, how much clean up work on rumors could he do compared to ivy and gene's influence? not everyone would believe him, and who's to say he wouldn't be affected by the rumors for sticking up for you?
you've already been friends for a few months now, but you don't want him to suffer because of you. and who's to say he won't get tired and drop you because of it? he seems like a super loyal friend, but would he die on a hill for a girl he just met this school year?
the walk to school with aphmau was quiet. you could practically feel the anxiety looming in the air around the both of you, zapping any urge to start a conversation. you hadn't felt like this since the first day of school here, your fingertips and cheeks feeling like pins and needles while your chest felt heavy with a sense of dread.
maybe a part of you was hoping that if you simply acted like it didn't happen, everything would blow over and be dropped. after all, messing with you couldn't be that fun, right? right??
"leave us alone." aphmau says, her voice surprisingly quite firm as she glares up at the three delinquents, who had blocked the two of you off in the empty hallway.
how did you always manage to end up alone in the hallways?
"nuh uh." zenix quips back, laughing with a teasing smile at your friend.
"aw, c'mon. after our bonding walk you're already mad at me again?" he directs his question at you, mocking fake sadness. "tell the smaller kitty that we're friends now, kitty."
"don't call either of us that!" she protests, her grip she had on your hand tightening. a quiet comfort to you, but probably mostly her.
"why not? kitty's a cute nickname. when people give you a nickname it means they have a special affection for you."
"oh, so you like us?" she sarcastically raises a thin eyebrow, lips forming in a frustrated line.
"hm," gene hums, seeming to seriously consider her question, dark eyes darting between the two of you. "you? not really. i kinda like her, though."
aphmau huffs. "then why did you go out of your way to bother us?"
"i just like messing with people. thought that was pretty obvious, no?" he scoffs. "and you two, especially you little missy, make yourselves the perfect targets."
you suppress a tense sigh.
"which is exactly why you two are skipping with us today," gene says simply with a shrug, face smug as he leans on the wall, hands shoved in his pockets.
"excuse me?" you ask incredulously.
"you heard me. let's go." he lifts himself from the wall, not opening the conversation up for any more questioning as he leisurely walks away from the classrooms.
aphmau sends you a panicked glance, amber eyes round. the trio walks ahead of you once they see you both uneasily following along, beginning to whisper among themselves when a looming tall boy nearly runs into the two of you from around the corner.
you recognize him as that aaron guy, who outside of aphmau's stories had gained an even larger reputation of getting into fights and winning. he gives you a once over, making you tap your thigh nervously before you watch his nearly black eyes dart down to aphmau.
the short girl gives a very direct "hmph!" before turning away from him, grabbing your arm, and dragging you closer to the group. her distaste for him seemingly was much larger than what she held for the shadow knights.
you glance back to see aaron watching you two walk away from him, his eyebrows furrowed and mouth slightly agape in shock. truthfully, it was an amusing sight, and you have to stop yourself from laughing at his expression when his eyes dart back to yours.
his mouth snaps shut and he rolls his eyes, quickly turning away and stalking off down the hall without a single word being muttered.
gene huffs out an amused laugh. "see? that's so funny. no one but you of all people is able to look that guy in the eye. now c'mon."
you and aphmau stare at him, faces unamused.
"if not, i'm sure your friends and the rest of the school would love to see my photography skills!" he grins, raising his eyebrows challengingly.
soon you find yourself following the group down the sidewalk, with aph clinging onto your arm. you could feel her hands tremble nervously against your blazer, and every once in a while her head would dart around with a guilty look in her eye.
"if you get us into any more trouble than just skipping—" she starts, only to swiftly be cut off by the leader ahead.
"relax. you're both just going to get to know us better. we're gonna hang out and then get some coffee later. no biggie."
"you drink coffee?" aphmau questions.
"yep. dark and bitter."
"calm down, edge lord. drinking black coffee doesn't make you any cooler." you grumble, earning a tiny chuckle from both aphmau and surprisingly zenix.
"after our last little walk together and you still don't like me?" gene sighs, shaking his head and clicking his tongue.
"i can't say buying cigarettes is a fun bonding experience for me, sorry to say." you quip back.
"...you know what, fair enough, kitty. i get both of your little goody-two-shoes attitudes—well i don't really get it, but—i'll strike you both a deal." gene turns to look at the two of you as you cross the street, walking towards an older park. "if you two still don't like us after skipping today, i will never ask you two to skip class again."
"you promise?" aphmau stutters, leaning forward with hopeful eyes.
"i promise!" he concurs. "i just want you to know us outside of the rumors you've heard."
you think you'd believe laurance's "rumors" over these three's catty smirks any day.
"we're not all that bad." gene shrugs, before turning to see sasha and zenix ahead going off the path into some shrubbery.
aphmau glances up at you, before looking back to gene with a resigned sigh. "ok, fine. deal."
"great!" he grins before waving a hand towards the shrubbery. "ladies first."
you stare at him as aphmau walks forward, raising an eyebrow. "and what if this is an elaborate plan to get us alone and murder us?"
"oh, kitty, if i wanted to do something to you i would've done it when you walked home with me." he scoffs, throwing an arm around your shoulder and guiding you with him after the rest of the group.
"uh-huh." you deadpan, earning a carefree chuckle from the boy.
when the shrubs part for a clearing, you look up to see an old brick bridge for a train track. it was likely abandoned a long time ago based on the trees and plants overgrown on the top and the layers of graffiti plastered on the sides. under the bridge ran part of the large river that goes through the whole city, though this part seems to be a thinner and slower-moving part of it.
gene releases you from his arm, shoving his hands in his pockets as he walks ahead a few steps.
truthfully, it was a really cool spot. you'd even hang out here alone to draw or read in your free time if you had come across it on your own. you doubt that's what the shadow knights did here, though.
suddenly, your phone buzzes, and you look down to check the notification.
kate: hey, you're not in homeroom today?
kate: you sick?
you curse under your breath, looking to aphmau who was distracted by something sasha was saying, before looking back down. your fingers hover over the keyboard as you contemplate what to say.
you: ugh yeah sorry i didn't tell you 
you: probably just ate something bad, i'll be better by tomorrow 
kate: ohh alright then
kate: i'll see you tomorrow then, hopefully?
kate: feel better! and rest up!
you: thanks kate! i will!
guilt eats at you from the inside of your chest, screaming at you how wrong you were, how you need to tell your friends the truth.
you slide your phone back in your pocket.
"alright, you two. make our new friends here feel welcomed. they'll be joining our group here pretty soon." gene muses, holding his hands out to prompt zenix and sasha to actually talk.
"join? they said yes?" sasha raises her eyebrows, eyes shifting to aphmau and you in mild surprise.
"not yet." gene shrugs. "i'm not gonna force a good thing. they'll join on their own, but they've got to get to know us, first."
"ah, i see." sasha's eyebrows relax to rest in their usual unimpressed position.
zenix scoffs. "neither of them are hardcore enough."
"shut up, zenix."
the boy comically huffs in response and crosses his arms, like an annoyed kid who just got told off. aphmau seems pretty uneasy by his aggressive demeanor, slowly shuffling to stand closer to you again.
"i swear zenix has the same temper as that zane kid. speaking of him, why don't we let him in the group?" sasha looks over at gene.
your eyebrows furrow at her words, the middle ro'meave brother popping into your mind. he was rude to you last time, for sure, but him? in this gang of kids? the thought of it makes you feel strangely... protective over your friend's bratty younger brother.
"zane is just a poser. plus, he's no fun to play with. he was so eager to join us it made him look pathetic." gene rolls his eyes, and you can't help crossing your arms. "i'll give him until next semester to see how he does on his own, then maybe i'll think of it."
you look at aphmau, who is also looking at you with an unappeased expression on her face.
"make him work for it, huh?" sasha muses.
"what's the point of us having an exclusive group if we just let any emo kid in?"
"we're not emo, though," sasha says, dark purple fingernails ironically raking through her chopped side swoop bangs.
"not us. zane."
"oh, whoops. my bad."
gene ruins his fingers through the mess of dark curls on his head as he starts walking back where we just came from. "anyways, i'm going to get the stuff. i forgot it. keep them entertained."
"kay. hurry up." sasha says, stretching her arms out before sitting down on a soft patch of grass by the river.
the stuff?
"stuff?" you repeat, lip curling up and eyes squinting in accusation.
gene snorts. "don't worry, kitty. it's not drugs if that's what you're thinking."
he walks off, not giving any further explanation before he's gone.
"it's stuff for our art. you'll see." sasha looks over to you and aphmau, waving you both over to sit next to her as zenix stalks off closer to the bridge.
"i don't think i like the sound of that." aphmau whispers before you both settle onto the grass.
sasha turns to look at you both, a small amount of interest shines in her deep purple eyes. you want to laugh at how cliche it sounds in your head, but they really looked like someone had carved out two amethysts and stuck them into her eyes. black eyeliner lined her eyes, one side a little smudged on the corner. she managed to pull it off, somehow still looking like a little doll with her smooth porcelain skin.
"so, what kind of grades do you two get?"
"huh?" aphmau blinks.
"are you a straight-a student? average? dumb?" sasha presses.
"oh, uh..." your friend stutters, picking at her fingernails. "so far i've gotten all a's and some b's. i'm not that great at math though."
sasha hums, her eyes lazily drifting over to you.
"...pretty much all a's." you say, curiously looking back at her. why did she want to know? was she gonna try to get you to do her homework?
"cool. good to know we're not letting in anyone with bad grades."
"you mean you guys don't?" aphmau unashamedly asks, her face baffled.
sasha doesn't seem offended by this, the corner of her lip lifting. "nah."
"but you guys skip almost every day? that doesn't make any sense, i don't get how that works." she insists.
"we're not dumb. we get bad grades because we miss class and tend not to listen to the teacher, so that obviously reflects on our records. it's an attempt for the "man" to control us with these letters that we find such validation in." sasha returns.
so they do make bad grades.
"huh...? that was really a mouthful."
oh, aphmau.
"just words, sweetheart." sasha returns with a tiny smirk. "honestly, gene, zenix and i are very smart when it comes to our studies. we're just bored because nothing challenges us in academics anymore. hence why we skip class. if i'm going to be bored, i don't want to be bored in that building we call school."
"oh, i see. well, that doesn't make any sense." aphmau says.
sasha hums with a raised eyebrow, prompting her to elaborate.
"it's just... if you're so smart that you don't feel challenged, why sacrifice your good grades to do nothing? why not go the extra mile and challenge yourself by making a presentation? or writing a report on how the teachers can help you more?"
sasha quietly stares at her, expression blank—though eyes seemingly deep in thought.
"the teachers don't know everything, they're trying to figure life out, too. so if you're super bored, why not teach them back?" you add, bringing up your knees for your chin to rest on. "not caring and being lazy every once in a while is fun, but i think everyone should have a goal. otherwise you'll find yourself stuck in the same place."
"hm. i can see why gene took an interest in the both of you." sasha looks out to the river as she says this, lips pursed.
suddenly she reaches out a hand, the dark metal rings and bracelets she wore clinking together. "give me your hands."
"what, why?" aphmau asks cautiously, watching as you place your hand on the older girl's one.
"i do palm readings as a hobby. just a little thing i like to do." she says, her thumb already tracing over the lines in your hand as she brings it closer to her face.
"you're not going to do something weird are you?" aph leans back.
"just give me your stupid hand." she flicks her free hand demandingly.
aphmau goes quiet, nervously giving up one of her hands to the girl. sasha brings both of your hands side by side, pursing her lips as she compares the two.
"interesting." she says, a few moments passing before she continues. "both of you have lots of creativity. i'm not shocked by the lack of openness for feelings and emotions on your hand—" she nudges up your palm. "—but apparently aphmau is more open. which isn't a lie if we were comparing you both together... but neither of you are open. otherwise you two wouldn't be here in the first place."
you and aphmau make the same little noise of surprise.
sasha's eyebrows furrow, as she stretches out both of your hands. she focuses on yours, humming in stumped confusion as she mutters to herself. "that's weird. i haven't seen a fate line like yours. it's all... broken up. what does that mean? interesting..."
"quit holding hands with them, sasha!" zenix suddenly shouts from where he had scaled up to the top of the bridge, looking down over all three of you.
"quit being emo, zenix!" she shouts back without a second of thinking, looking up at you with an eye roll. "so glad there's girls now. he's—"
"don't tell me how to live my life!"
sasha ignores his response, looking at aphmau's palm. "your life is pretty dull. according to your palm."
"uhh..." aphmau's shoulders slump.
"i don't need a fake palm reader who learned all her lessons from the internet to tell me how to live my life!" zenix continues.
"ignore him." sasha rolls her eyes again. "he's just yelling to yell."
"i like yelling!"
"i like when you shut up!"
"come make me!" he challenges, puffing out his chest.
"kitty." sasha coos at you, batting her eyelashes. "be a dear and go shut zenix up for me? i want to relax and take a nap before gene makes you do the hazing initiation thingy."
aphmau flinches. "hazing? initiation? what initiation?!"
sasha lays down, closing her eyes and ignoring both of your protests.
"what—are you serious?" aphmau huffs, as sasha continues to ignore her words. "great. we didn't even agree to join and they're talking about an initiation. what even is the initiation?"
aphmau looks up to zenix, before her round eyes slowly drift back to you. "...can you go ask him?" she whispers.
"huh? why can't you?" you cross your arms, hushing your voice back
"because he scares me! you go talk to him!" aphmau complains back.
"i'm not gonna talk to him. you do it."
"no, you!"
"oh! suddenly i'm feeling really sleepy..." aphmau fake yawns, lying down in the grass like sasha and closing her eyes.
"oh my—whatever! he's not even scary, you baby!" you quietly shout, standing up with a huff and ignoring the quiet snickers from sasha.
you turn to march over to the bridge, looking up to the top where zenix was kicking stray rocks into the river. "um, zenix?"
"what do you want?" he looks down at you, eyes narrowing. "did sasha get you to do her dirty work for her already? of course you'd listen to her." he snorts.
"no. i was just wondering what this initiation thing was about?"
"i can't spoil the surprise." he grins, and you deadpan. "just know that if you do it, you'll be super hardcore in my book."
"right, because i'm so desperate for your approval." you raise your eyebrows, resting a hand on your hip. "what, skipping class isn't hardcore enough for you?"
zenix huffs, flustering rather immediately at your words as he turns to kick a rock rather harshly into the water. "skipping class isn't hard. it's whatever."
"why are you so huffy and angry?"
"why are you so calm and happy?"
you shrug. "cause it's better."
"says who?" he quips, tilting his head at you in a challenge.
"says me."
"well aren't you important." he sarcastically huffs.
"so are you."
he looks down at you with a strange look.
"yeah? says who?"
"says me."
the shrubbery rustles and leaves crunch, signaling gene was back from wherever he had gone off to.
"looks like you all are getting along well." he says.
"she's weird," zenix says, still looking at you with a confused expression.
"well we like weirdos, don't we?" gene raises an eyebrow with an amused chuckle.
"...i guess," zenix says, walking along the bridge to find a way down.
"you two, come here," gene says, the bag in his hand rustling as he waves you and aphmau over.
"so," he starts when you're both standing in front of him. "how do you like our group so far?"
you glance at aphmau, before speaking up first. "you guys are fine, but we aren't into the whole skipping school and breaking the rules thing."
gene raises an eyebrow, looking over to aphmau when she pipes up.
"yeah, we're not interested in joining. i just want to finish this day of skipping and leave."
he hums quietly, looking off in thought. "...alright. i'll let you two go."
"really?" aphmau eagerly says, eyes wide and hopeful. "and you'll delete the pictures?"
"who said anything about deleting the pictures?" gene shoots down the second request in a heartbeat, snorting in amusement. "i'm keeping them, i just won't make you two skip school again, is all."
aphmau scoffs in displeasure.
"now now, no need to get too worked up." gene tsks, waving the bag in front of you two. "there's still something else i need you both to do for me before i let you go."
"what is it?" aphmau huffs, crossing her arms.
"you're going to tag a wall with the shadow knights logo."
"what?!" she squeaks, jaw dropping in horror, and you feel your face drop.
"you heard me." gene snickers watching your eyes drift to the hidden bridge that had a ton of graffiti on it already.
"no no. not there." gene smirks, nodding his head for you two to follow him.
your group walks back to the more polished part of the path, where gene points to a clean concrete wall that would most definitely be seen by people going by on their walks.
"here." he grins, gesturing to the wall.
"no way!" aphmau stutters, stepping closer to you with that same horrified look on her face.
"we're not criminals. that's illegal." you say, glaring up at gene who merely widens his smile, leaning down by his torso and tilting his head at you.
"you're a criminal as long as you're mine."
you wrinkle your nose. "you don't own me or aph just cause you have those pictures."
"oh? then i'm sure garroth and the rest of your friends would love to see said pictures of the school's precious sweet ivy getting the shit beat out of her by two rando new girls." he shrugs, straightening his back and dangling the bag in front of him. "it's up to you..."
you snap your mouth shut, before yanking the bag from his hands. "just shut up."
gene ooh's in amusement, stepping aside with a smirk as he watches you march to the wall, crouching near the bag as you drop it and pulling out the spray paints from inside.
"...if i do this, does it mean i'm part of your group?" aphmau nervously asks from behind you.
"nope, it just means that you're doing the work of tagging this place for me. plus, if you do this one time, i'll never ask you to tag this place for me again."
"tag any place." you interject, looking back to send a harsh glare at him.
gene looks you up and down, before quietly chuckling and raising his arms. "any place." he concedes.
"okay, fine." aphmau shakily agrees, coming up beside you to help.
you've never spray painted before, and neither had aphmau, but surprisingly the logo ended up looking pretty good. if it was done in a place you were allowed to tag and not vandalizing, you'd probably be proud of it.
but you were vandalizing, and you felt the opposite of pride as you and aphmau backed up from the wall, smelling like spray paint as some of it dripped from your fingers.
"not bad." gene grins, hands on his hips as he observes your handiwork.
"looks pretty great." sasha's voice pipes up, she and zenix appearing behind you two.
zenix crosses his arms as he analyzes the logo. "...maybe you two are hardcore enough." he admits.
"you're both free to go home now. we're gonna go to the coffee shop down the road if you two want to join us." gene says, snagging up the bag and cans to likely use later.
you and aphmau shake your head no at the same time.
"no thanks..." she stutters quietly.
gene shrugs, leading his two accomplices along the sidewalk. "suit yourselves. let's go."
you and aphmau silently watch as the group leaves, glancing back at the graffiti you both did with dejected looks on your faces. aphmau suddenly snatches up your hand, quickly walking away.
"i don't wanna be caught next to that." she mutters and you agree, keeping in pace with her if not speeding up.
you both walk in silence for a bit longer before you feel aphmau's hand tighten on yours and hear a quiet sniff. glancing over in surprise you see her round eyes filled with tears, her nose red as she looks away from you.
"i'm sorry i'm crying, i just feel so awful that we did that and so mad too..." she stops talking when her voice shakes a bit, burying her face in her hand with another sniffle.
"me too..."
your nose tingles as you rapidly blink to make your own urge to cry go away, breathing in a frustrated sigh. suddenly your feet stop on the sidewalk and you're tugging onto aphmau's hand, bringing her in for a hug.
"it's gonna be okay." you reassure when she hugs you back. "i'm sorry i let it get this far—"
"it's my fault, too." she interrupts.
"—we can go back and clean off the paint tonight. then we'll tell gene we're done with him and deal with the consequences." you finish, patting her back and pulling away from the hug. "we shouldn't let people like him make us cry, right?"
she looks up at you, blinking away the mistiness in her eyes and gulping down her urge to cry as she nods. "yeah! we can go clean it! that's a good idea. then no more shadow knights and... we can deal with the rest later."
you smile at the optimistic look in her eyes, patting her shoulders as you both continue to walk home.
cleaning concrete without a pressure washer or at the very least a strong hose is extremely hard. you honestly wouldn't force a prisoner to do this as work.
you and aphmau had been at it for ten minutes already, and you'd barely even scrubbed off a layer of the graffiti.
"dang it. i should've brought paint thinner." you groan when your hand slips and you scrape your finger against the rough surface. "this sucks."
"we're gonna be here all night," aphmau whines, focusing in on one spot and groaning when there's no difference under the sponge. "but we have to get it off. this is horrible."
you hear quiet footsteps nearby, and before you can react to it a bright light shines over the two of you, blinding the two of you.
"hey!" a man's voice calls out, the tone so stern and aggressive that you knock over the soapy water bucket and drop your sponge with a gasp.
"uh!" aphmau startles, before she realizes who it is, her words tumbling out of her mouth. "oh, officer! we—"
"we've been looking for the kids who've been tagging this place with that logo." he cuts her off, tone completely accusatory.
to be fair, you both decided on wearing black hoodies and sweatpants, making you look much more suspicious than you already did. but didn't he see the sponges and literal soap bucket next to your feet?
"wait! that's not how this happened! we didn't—"
"save it! the criminals always return to the scene of the crime. come on, you're both coming with me." he says, pacing over to you both and snatching you both by the arms, likely thinking you'd both run away.
you find yourself at a loss for words, mouth gaping and eyes filling with tears as you're dragged along with the cop. you couldn't even defend yourself, completely in shock that you were getting in trouble in the first place.
being in the back of a cop car on a tuesday night was never a possibility in your mind. yet here you are, at the ripe age of sixteen, being escorted to your parents on a school night.
aphmau hasn't stopped sniffling, the only thing keeping her from bawling her eyes out was likely the fact that you were in this with her.
to aphmau's relief and to your chagrin, the cop stops at your house first, marching you right up the sidewalk to your door and knocking, looking down at you like you had kicked a puppy and laughed. you knew nothing would change this guy's mind, so you merely watch your front door and hope it was your mom who opened it.
it wasn't, and dread fills every fiber of your being when your dad's figure stands in the open doorway. he looks at the officer in confusion, then down to you, his eyes blown wide open. his jaw clenches as he whips his head to the staircase where you were supposed to have retired for the night, before looking back at you with an immense amount of disappointment.
you shrink in on yourself when he doesn't say a word to you, turning to look at the officer who greets him. eyes drift and zone out on the floor as the officer explains why he's here, only to be startled by dad's deep voice.
"do you have any proof?" he asks, stopping the officer in his tracks.
"i... sorry?"
"do. you. have. any. proof? or do you like throwing around little girls into your car for a little power trip instead of catching actual criminals?" your dad grits, making you lean back against the doorway.
"that is not—sir, i—" the officer stutters, taken aback by the sudden accusation.
"let's talk." your dad yanks you inside as he steps outside next to the officer and shuts the door.
oh shit.
you hear a call of your name and turn to see your mom staring at you in confusion, her arms crossed over her robe.
"um..." you start, looking to the ground in shame.
"was that an officer?" she asks, eyes wide as she shuffles over to you.
immediately you burst out crying, leaning in to hug her while every emotion you had kept in about the situation tumbled out in fat tears that dripped down your face.
"i'm sorry! i didn't mean to do anything wrong!" you hiccup as mom shushes you, wrapping her arms around you and rubbing your back.
"just take a deep breath and tell me what happened."
and you do. from what you told her about ivy to the things she didn't know about gene, from the pictures to the gas station and the vandalism. the disappointed look on her face stings as you talk, but at least she was listening. with how distressed you were behaving and the fact you had never done anything like this before, mom clearly was open to hearing your side of the story on this.
as you finish your spill and calm down from your hysterics, the front door opens. aphmau comes in first looking uneasy, with your dad following behind.
"call sylvanna to come over here." he says, huffing and giving you a stern look as aphmau sits next to you on the couch.
"...what did you tell the cop?" you ask, eyebrows pinched together as you glance at the window to see the cop car not even parked in your driveway anymore.
he huffs. "don't worry about it."
...that's incredibly unsettling.
mom makes the call as you two wait in tense silence on the couch, and it's probably only a minute later tops that all hell breaks loose.
"¡aphmau!" sylvanna bursts through the door, hair a mess and pajamas crooked as she hops on one foot, sliding her flip flop off of her foot. "¡te juro que si estuvieras besando a un chico te golpearía con mi chancla tan fuerte que volarías hasta el año que viene!"
aphmau squeaks, shrinking into you like she was planning on using you as a shield.
"sylvanna, calm down. while what they did was disappointing, they weren't rebelling against us or being deceitful." mom says, interrupting sylvanna's heated rant and placing a hand on her shoulder. "actually, let me explain it to you in the kitchen."
aphmau sighs in relief as both of the moms and your dad go into the kitchen, voices quiet and hushed.
"she is so terrifying." she whispers to you, staring at the coffee table and tapping on her leg. "this day has been the worst."
"yeah..." you sigh, wringing your hands together. "i wonder how much trouble we'll be in when they're done talking about it."
"i don't want to be grounded." aphmau groans.
"me neither."
more tense silence passes, hushed voices barely heard from the kitchen before they all return to the living room.
sylvanna steps forward, arms crossed. "mija."
aphmau tenses. "yes ma'am?"
"i am," she inhales. "very disappointed that you didn't tell me about this when it was happening—"
the girl's head drops.
"—but. you did try to fix your mistake. and for that... i'm proud. pero si esto vuelve a ocurrir te juro que estarás castigado hasta el día de tu muerte. there will be no next time!"
aphmau cringes, before nodding. "yes ma'am..."
the two soon are out the door and on their walk home, seeming as it had already transitioned from late tuesday hours to the early hours of wednesday.
after a good talking to from both of your parents and truthfully some more crying on your end, you found yourself lying on your bedroom carpet, arms spread out as you tapped your feet on the ground.
it was just difficult to sleep now, your mind racing with what to do when gene will inevitably confront you again. your phone buzzes.
aph: are you still up ;-;
you: yeah, can't sleep 
aph: me neither...
aph: i'm so glad my mom didn't overreact
aph: i was sure i was a goner
you: yeahhh 
you: good thing my mom talked her down 
aph: yeah she's a life saver
aph: speaking of which i think both of them are talking to zianna on the phone right now about everything
you: what!! 
you: oh no i really hope garroth doesn't overhear the details or anything if they're talking loud 
you get halfway up from your floor, crawling over to your door and pressing your ear against it, straining to listen while glancing down at your phone again.
aph: oh crap i didn't think about that!
aph: hopefully not
aph: if he hears it from his mom i think he'd take it well, but that's still kinda awkward
you: yeah no kidding
you: then he'd probably tell the rest of our friends too
you: which wouldn't be the worst if they believed us
aph: yeah
aph: surely they would
aph: right???
you: i think they would 
you: the thought of drama with ivy veleno being public knowledge in the school makes my stomach hurt though 
aph: ugh i know me too
aph: i guess our faces look extra victimy to the bad kids
aph: because why are all of them out for us
aph: literally what did we do T-T
you: that's what i'm saying!! like since day one 
the conversation outside of the door is too muffled, so you slowly crack open your door and crawl towards the staircase to get a better listen.
"i swear if any boy puts a hand on either of my girls i'll go up to that school myself so help me!" you hear zianna shout over the phone.
"he didn't put his hands on either of them or trust me my husband would be in jail right now for murdering that little boy." mom says.
"i would be too!" sylvanna shouts, sounding the most heated of the three.
you: omg did you hear that??
aph: yeah
aph: we're zianna's girls ;p
you: and your mom is completely down with murder it seems
aph: i feel like we knew that already though
"oh, that just makes me so mad! they're so sweet and innocent, they shouldn't be having to deal with that punk ass kid! i swear i'll murder him too!" zianna huffs.
you: zianna cusses?? hahaha
aph: out of our three moms she seems the least likely lol
"well all i know is that if i find out either of them, especially my mija was covering up the fact that she was smooching with some boy i swear!!!" sylvanna gripes.
"i know when my daughter is lying and she would've told me if something like that happened. and i know you know aphmau was telling us the truth, too." mom sighs.
sylvanna sighs loudly. "yeah, you're right. i just worry about her!"
you: your mom is still stuck on the boy thing?
aph: yeah :/ she's kinda crazy about that stuff
you: my mom is protective over that kinda stuff too
you: but geez
aph: i know right?
you flinch as the door across from you opens, revealing your dad from behind it. he stops when he sees you hunched by the stairs, raising his eyebrows at your behavior.
"what're you doin', kiddo?" he asks, taking a step forward and sighing when he faintly hears your mom on speakerphone.
"...i couldn't sleep." you whisper back, clutching your phone to your chest.
he sighs again, pointing to your bedroom door. "well, sitting at the top of the stairs on your phone won't help. go to sleep."
"...okay..." you mutter, getting up and staring at the floor as you scurry back to your room.
a gruff call of your name stops you, and you turn back to see dad's contemplative face.
"and put away that phone."
"yes sir..."
you stare at him, rocking on your feet. "...yeah?"
"...i put a pocket knife in your backpack."
"wha—" you guffaw. "dad, i can't bring a knife to school?!"
"says who?"
"oh my—says me! dad, that's illegal!"
he huffs. "not if no one knows."
"i just got in trouble for illegal stuff now you're encouraging me to stab people?"
"just one, possibly."
"dad, i am not taking a knife or weapon of any kind to my tenth-grade english class that is insane."
"i did it when i was picked on."
"you stabbed someone?" you ask in horror.
"no... but the threat worked well enough."
"okay well, i am a lot more likely to go to jail for that now than when you were a kid."
he sighs. "alright. but i won't be mad if i get a call from the school saying you kicked that boy in his balls."
"okay, dad! i'm going to sleep now." you back up, eyebrows raised.
dad's hardened eyes soften to amusement as he chuckles. "goodnight, baby girl. i love you."
"love you too, dad."
you shut the door behind you with a sigh.
you: got caught eavesdropping
you: gonna go to sleep before i get in more trouble
you: and before my dad suggests another torture method or weapon to use on gene
aph: your dad is so scary
aph: that seems like something he'd suggest
aph: and good night!
you: haha well he was just kidding
you: i think
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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vylad-romeave-5 · 1 year
Mystreet Tweets
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intestinesauce · 2 years
heres some doodles i did today
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iridiss · 1 year
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garrothfanpage · 9 days
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Hello! Before you read this one be sure to check out the prologue! It's not super eventful and takes place a little before the actual series picks up, but there's a little bit of info there that'll be useful for the plot later!
Warnings: Fem!Reader, slow burn, that's about it for this first one. lmk if I missed anything!
An MCD Garroth x Reader series
"Legendary" pt 1
"Are you up yet!?!?"
You were trying to enjoy the peace and quiet of being in your own room again. Sleep had been a lost cause, as it usually was when you first get home from trips, but resorting to drinking tea with a blanket wrapped around you as the morning sun crept through your window was a decent substitute... That is until Zenix came banging on the door like a madman for no good reason other than wanting to be a nuisance. You jerk the door open at the disruption "Yeeess! I'm up! what do you want?"
The hard glare on your features doesn't detour the boy, instead eliciting a chuckle that makes you close the door in his face. He begins knocking immediately, convinced that you'll give in to your annoyance and open the door once more. You do.
"Oh my Irene what do you want!!" You whine.
"I'm on patrol today and I don't wanna be bored, you're the only other person in town who' doesn't have a stick up their butt."
Your eyebrow quirks up at the statement. Immediately a yawn slips from your mouth as you step away from the door. Before it's shut you hear Zenix call out "Oh come on! Patrol with Garroth is SO boring!" The door stops halfway shut. Zenix was an intelligent young man, enough so that Garroth wanted to train him himself to be a guard, but one thing he was never good at was social ques especially when it came to the lingering crush you'd always had on your dearly beloved friend. But it wasn't his business, it was barely even your business. You never acknowledged it, never told anyone, not even the journal you used to keep had any trace of the feelings that always rose in your chest at the mere mention of the man...a man who's face you wouldn't even be able to recognize...
"Let me get my shoes on..." Zenix pumped his fist at your response. He respected Garroth and considered him family, but their personalities didn't exactly...mix. Plus, what was the harm in getting to stroll with some old friends after being gone for days on end?
By the time you made it to the gardens where Zenix and Garroth were supposed to meet, the former was already there, his wrist laying limply on the hilt of his sword and the freshly risen sun shining brightly off of his pristinely maintained armor. It used to be annoying how put together Garroth was, till you started talking more, till you knew just how in pieces he always felt...then you began to respect that he managed to hold himself together in spite of it all.
It was inspiring.
He was still facing away as he spoke "Zenix, you're late again"
"Meh, figured we could both use some company after everything that's been going on" Garroth turned his head at Zenix's words, his body following as you came in sight. His brief stutter prompted Zenix to speak again. "She brought a sword so really, she's backup! Come on Garroth nothing is going on anyway and after being gone for so long it really-"
"Alright." He began to walk away. A smile crept onto your face before feeling the armor on Zenix's elbow jam into you side as he cheered.
"Come on Sis'! Nothing has changed so don't expect anything fun. If I get bored even one time while you're out here I'm never inviting you on patrol again." A chuckle escaped you at his words and you began to follow after Garroth, Zenix yapping behind you.
The heat of the midday sun and Zenix complaining about how hot his armor had become was enough to remind you why you never wanted to become a guard. Don't get me wrong, you loved helping the village and you were good in a fight, but something about standing around all day in sweaty leather and metal just wasn't as appealing as wandering around with light clothes and a sword, essentially hunting for treasure, while having the freedom to help anyone you could at your own discretion. But you had to admit, it was nice getting to spend the day with Garroth and Zenix...even if Zenix couldn't stop talking to save his life. He really hasn't changed much from when he was a kid.
Zenix began swinging his sword at some weeds and Garroth took the opportunity to match your pace and begin a quiet conversation. "He truly did miss you; it's all he's ever able to talk about when you're away. I'm glad you guys have stayed close all this time."
You smiled at his words. "Of course, we may not be blood but I'm not gonna let some kid go without a family if I can help it. Plus, if I did then I'd be alone as well...at the end of the day, no one deserves that." You glance at him; he remains facing ahead but his pace slows ever so slightly.
"You will never be alone. Even if you hadn't raised him, you're still deserving of...friendship." You turn away at his words, the breeze on your face feeling like a good excuse to do so. When you turn back to him you realize he had still been speaking "...You know that don't you?"
"I'm sorry, what?"
His head whips over to face you, and he begins fidgeting with the chainmail at his wrist. "I only meant- It's just that...well I-"
"Garroth, it's ok! I promise! I just didn't hear you. I'm so sorry...what did you say?" You stop walking when the sentence leaves you and he does as well. For a brief moment all you do is stare at each other, that familiar glimmer of blue, all you can make out of his facial features, is enough to knock the breath out of you all by itself; but that paired with realizing that you were close enough to feel the sun's heat off the metal adorning him, to hear the hitch in his breath at his own realization, to feel the slight rustle of your skirt as his had brushed against it...it was like static filled your whole body, your hands almost went numb, and the only thing your senses were aware of in that moment was Garroth.
"GUYS OVER HERE!!!" Zenix yelling was enough to send you both stumbling away from one another as he came frantically barreling out of the tree line. "I heard something!" Garroth turned to you before sprinting over to Zenix, you follow at his heels.
Zenix was prone to false alarms, and you wouldn't exactly call this a dangerous situation, but the raven-haired woman entering the village was at the very least new and interesting. She seemed kind, although maybe a bit lost...she kept talking to herself about fixing the roads and stuff which was fine by you, the previous lord didn't do much to improve life around town so maybe a fresh face was just the motivation everyone needed.
After your brief introductions and Garroth asking you to help her settle into town, you decided to set her up in the library with Emmalyn until Brendan could build her a place of her own. Emmalyn...wasn't thrilled. "Are you crazy!?!? I am a busy woman!! I don't have time to babysit some deranged stray!!"
"Emmy keep your voice down! She's right outside, and she's not deranged OR a stray! Come on, she needs help" She crossed her arms and shook her head. "Emmy pleeaaasse!"
"No! I have research to do, I don't have time. If it's such a big deal to you, Let her stay at your house!" You hesitated; the thought actually hadn't crossed your mind. It was just kind of instinct that she would stay here for a while, but you didn't actually know what caused that feeling.
You said your goodbyes and apologized to your friend before walking down the road with the young woman, making small talk during the short walk. You liked this girl; she may be a little strange, but she was kind and funny and seemed to care about the world around her.
You made it to the end of the street and turned to her. "This is my house! You'll be staying here with me till we can find a more permanent place for you, unless you decide you hate our guts and run away." You were glad she found your joke funny; it was hard to find people who you just clicked with though you were good at making do in a pinch. "The beach is just over that hill, if you're interested! I go there sometimes to clear my head. We should probably build a dock or something now that I think about it, get some trade going on." You unlocked and opened your door before stepping inside to show her around.
"Here it is! Not too cray but it's more spacious than a lot of the other houses in town. Zenix used to stay with me when he was younger so I wanted to make sure I had some extra room. I turned his old room into a guest room, you can stay in there for now." You turned to face her after your small tour of the house. "Oh my Irene I completely forgot! Umm...what's your name?"
She chuckled slightly and beamed at the question.
"I'm Aphmau!"
Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed!
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dogcheeseeater1 · 2 months
gene: i think im gay for laurance
zenix: no i think youre just dehydrated
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time8582 · 10 months
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The bullies
Aka the shadow knights this whole au largely came about because I kept thinking about the relationship of Gene and Dante and how Evan and Michale are kinda similar:)
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aphtwitterau · 29 days
(6) Daily thirstings
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forestcat000 · 6 months
I'm guessing you mean my favorite ship for each series? (Please correct me if I'm wrong.)
MCD: Zanus (Zane x Janus)
Mystreet: Zene (Zane x Gene)
Pdh: either Zene or Danix (Dante x Zenix)
Thank you for the ask anon (:
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forestcat666 · 9 months
My blog
greeting, I'm forestcat666, i have several other blogs so if you think you know me or recognize my user, you probably do.
this is a general blog, i will post anything from any fandom i am in, including
Game of Thrones
The little club (specifically stuff from little Kelly and Little Carly channel)
fairy tail
yeah GOT, anime, and Minecraft youtubers, i'm a mess.
Ships from aphmau: Zene, Zanus, Zane x Gene x Zenix x Sasha, Dante x Zenix, Sasha x Lucinda, Vylad x Kacey (Katelyns little brother not Nana)
Ships from GOT: Jon x Satin, Jon x Tormund, Sansa x Margaery, Robb x Theon, Jon x Theon, Aurane Waters x Aegon/young Griff, Aurane Waters x Jon,
Ships from the little club: Raven x Little Leo, Little Kelly x Donny, (Not many for little club)
ships from fairy tail: Gray x Natsu, (even less ships for fairy tail)
DNI terfs, homophobes, racists, sexists, zoophiles, and people who support maps
unless you are hurting anyone i couldn't care less.
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starhvney · 6 months
hello! :D
could you write for sasha and reader hanging out and sasha reads her palm or gives her a tea reading? something fluffy please! it's okay if you don't want to, thank you for reading my request anyway! <3 your writing is literally so amazing :D
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: mystreet platonic sasha & fem!reader, also ft. gene and zenix
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: feeling bored and crowded at a party, you and sasha escape to the back porch
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: fluff, sasha being cool asf, you two are the cool main character besties in an indie film with two stupid boy roommates, it’s great
𝐂𝐖: use of alcohol, you two are at a house party
𝐀/𝐍: i know i added a party subplot here but once i started writing i just went for it lol. hopefully you still like the scenario! i also know nothing about palm reading or anything like that so sorry for any inaccuracies^^;
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the sound of talking and loud music muffles as you and sasha step out on the back porch, breathing in the fresh, cool night air. the dim lighting through the windows and the singular light over the door cast a warm glow on the two of you. sasha stretches and takes another drink out of her solo cup, before hoisting herself to sit up on the thick wooden railing. 
“the people here are kind of lame, i thought zenix said this was gonna be fun.” she says in her monotonous voice, the sound of her deeper voice a calm relief from all of the shouts inside.
you join her and perch yourself next to her, taking a swig of your own drink and wrinkling your nose at the sting of the alcohol. sasha scoffs out an amused laugh at your reaction, a fond look on her face.
“yeah,” you strain out, before clearing your throat. “there’s a lack of uh… depth in personality around here.”
she nods, a knowing sparkle in her eyes. for a moment you two enjoy the distant noise of crickets and the occasional car passing, before sasha turns her attention back to you. she reaches out a pale, black polished hand in your direction.
“let me see your hand.” she says, lightly wiggling her fingers out for you to take.
as you place your hand over hers, she turns it palm up and leans forward, her fingers lightly tracing along the creases in your hand. her rings shine against the porch light, drawing your attention to the different designs. some had cool-toned gems embedded into the metal, while a few were shaped into skeleton hands or spiders. your eyes drift back up, noticing the long wispy white strands of hair falling in front of her face. dark eyeshadow sparkles and frames her deep violet eyes that squint and focus down at your hand.
“i learned how to palm read for fun in high school,” she explains, sensing your curiosity as her thin eyebrows pinch together in concentration. “but… it’s been a while since i’ve done it and i'm a bit tipsy, so let’s see how this goes.”
you laugh lightly at her explanation, patiently waiting as she trails a fingernail along your palm.
“this is your lifeline… it goes down and splits off here… if i remember correctly that means you’ll be busy with your career in the future… but it’s also faint so you know how to preserve your energy.” she observes slowly, humming in thought. "that's good."
“hm… this one across your hand is… there’s a slight wave to it, which means you have an open-minded and different approach to life and issues than others.”
you hum and nod along, taking another sip of your drink and tilting your head as you listen.
“you have a super deep heart line, which means you will have long-lasting relationships. and this line right here is far and parallel to this line, meaning—i think…—that you’re more independent and don’t rely on outside influences.”
piercing loud laughter hits your ears abruptly, making the two of you flinch as four obnoxious partygoers stumble into your peaceful space. they glance at the two of you with confused and annoyed looks, as if they were offended by your presence. they stumble down into the backyard, one of them falling face-first into the weedy grass below. you glance back at sasha, who is already looking at you with a deadpan expression. 
“wanna find gene and zenix?” she asks, before hopping off the railing and leaning in to whisper to you. “let’s take some alcohol and get out of here.”
you nod in response, to which she keeps her hold on your hand to guide you back into the loud house. bodies bump into you, and sasha tugs you closer to her as she walks. you see a familiar head of black hair sticking higher in the crowd. sasha pulls him along with you, dragging both of you to a less crowded space.
“the fu-? oh hey, ladies.” gene stumbles along beside you, clearly a bit more intoxicated than the two of you.
sasha stops out of a pathway, hunching the three of you together. “we were gonna get some alcohol and take off, you coming?”
gene raises his eyebrow, looking around before nodding with a smirk. “yeah, i figured you two wouldn’t care much for this either. only reason i’m tolerating these people is because i’m three double shots in.”
sasha raises an unimpressed eyebrow. “we’ve been here an hour and you’re three double shots in?”
“hell yeah, tequila.” he nods, his eyes drooping in satisfaction.
“whatever, why don’t you grab a bottle and we’ll find zenix.”
“what about me?” a familiar voice cuts over your meeting, as the last piece to your quartet little friend group.
“these people are boring, let’s go, man.” gene throws his arm over zenix’s shoulder, causing the curly-headed brunette to pout, his piercing tugging on his lip.
“yeah i know, i thought cooler people would show up.”
“it’s fine, you can make it up to us by grabbing us some drinks to go and meeting us out front.” sasha smirks, tugging you along by your arm out the front door.
you can hear zenix scoff before he’s drowned out by the noise, but you’re positive he’s already making his way to the kitchen with gene.
the moon bounces off sasha’s hair, the soft layers reflecting back into your eyes. she turns, looking satisfied that she was able to round up your other two friends so quickly.
“that might be a new record of finding the two of them and getting them to agree.” you note, earning a rare laugh from the girl.
“i know, what was that, like two minutes?”
you two walk further into the empty street, the buzzing of the alcohol slightly beginning to wear off as you realize you hadn’t taken a sip in a while. you look down at your empty hands with a frown.
“i left my drink.”
“here,” she hands you hers. “we’re about to get some more anyways.”
“thanks,” you swig the rest of it down, drinking from the other side of sasha’s dark lipstick stains on the cup.“i didn’t know you knew how to palm read, though.”
she kicks a pebble down the road, a content look in her eyes as she sways in place next to you. one arm of her arms laces around your waist as the two of you mindlessly walk and spin under a lone buzzing street light.
“yeah… i also learned a bit about tea reading, i can show you sometime back at the house.”
“ooh, yeah, if you wanna.”
“duh.” she says with a humored smile in her tone. ”hanging out with you is way cooler than any of those dorks inside.”
“even zenix and gene?” you laugh.
“oh yeah, we’re the coolest.”
“package secured! let’s go!” zenix and gene walk out of the house, pulling out not one but two bottles from their t-shirts.
“i kinda wanna go to our spot in the park,” zenix leads the way, walking down the street with bottle in hand. “from back then.”
“alright, it’s not far.” gene lazily agrees, taking a sip and passing the bottle to sasha.
you and sasha keep your arms linked around the other, walking along after them while squinting up to see if you could find any constellations.
“shadow knights reunion?”
“zenix, we are not the shadow knights anymore.”
“ugh, whatever!”
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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vylad-romeave-5 · 1 year
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