#a bit late but do you think the minions would form their own unit
tenshi-agerasia · 11 months
who would the minions serve in the ensemble stars universe
the ensemble stars x minions analysis that nobody asked for, under the cut
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okay so minions want to serve the most powerful (and evil) guy in the area/time they're in
if they enrolled at yumenosaki prior to the ! era they'd have been looking for a master and might've even worked under shu/valkyrie, who was the top unit at that time
"Imagining shu leading the fucking minions is horrifying"
[shu voice] come, my brethren, and let us engage in performance arts
nazuna and mika are very confused
actually mika would like them i think
but when the first revolution/war began, the minions would've caught sight of exfine and eichi
as exfine rose through the ranks and defeated the eccentrics eichi became immensely famous, and i think at least a third of the minions would serve him just because of this
eichi is easily entertained by them
they piss off keito
hiyori is very biased and can tell each minion apart
he names them things like Flowery One and Revolting One
nagisa does not understand what a minion is
tsumugi can fucking communicate in minionese
that's part of the reason natsume hates him so much. he can understand them and talk to them and it's horrifying
if the minions were to see eichi's actual plans on the surface level, that would be enough for them to see as evil
there's also the possibility that some minions might see eichi as "good" and exfine as heroes so they'd turn to serve the eccentrics instead
the minions don't harass rei because he scares them
they think he'd eat them
natsume does not like these little freaks
kanata has fun with them because i'm pretty sure they can't drown
if they can. well rip
chiaki hypes them up :)
but as far as i've seen in the minions franchise they prefer more powerful figures, and the eccentrics at that time were ostracized
and during the ! era trickstar revolution, eichi is definitely more of a villain character so the minions would attempt to help him
and then accidentally screw him over
wataru would love the minions
they're like tomoyas and little watarus to him
tori would absolutely hate them
he punts one when eichi isn't looking
yuzuru is indifferent but he likes having some help
trickstar is Very Conflicted
subaru and the minions would love each other
hokuto despises everything that they stand for
mao is like. huh. ok.
makoto "eek!"s at the sight of one
in !! era, eichi is less of a hero/villain/morally grey guy and just A Girl . at this point the remaining minions under him would either stay or find a new master, possibly gatekeeper
the minions piss him off very effectively
after kohaku beats up gatekeeper or whatever they start to follow him instead
"i imagine [kohaku] showing rinne and rinne shakes one to death or something"
niki would absolutely wonder what they taste like
himeru talks to the minions
"himeru is confused" "bwahaha!! barosoeflksernuina" "himeru does not like you very much"
yknow how ibara has mouse drones and mayoi keeps destroying them. yeah. that with the minions
ibara's upset that his spies are disappearing and he barges into mayoi's house and there's just a giant nest of minions
after meeting a minion midori's attempted murder count rises from 2 to 25
leo says he "feels inspired" by the minions and then composes the most shit song known to man
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bregee13 · 3 years
JoweeGee's Mansion
Literally Luigi's mansion but DtL themed. I wrote this back in 2018, so yeah. There might be some writing/format/word choices that are kinda wonky. Also I apparently never posted this here? So here it is.
Wilfre is king boo, Raposa are portrait ghosts, shadow enemies are boos, and the other ghosts are regular enemies. 
At first I thought... Mike should be the protagonist! But then I thought hold on!!!! What ifff.... JOWEE was the protagonist?! I mean, Joweegees mansion sounds like a good title to me! But what is the PLOT???
okay here's the plot idea. (Warning! It gets dark, so... yeah) is It's after the ending of the last game. Mike is awake and alive as ever. And what do ya know? The Raposa world still exists in Mike's head! ...but because he's not in a coma.... Every single  Raposa is dead. But... Nobody seems to know that they're dead. Everyone is just a ghost, unaware that they've passed away. Mike, during his dreams/daydreams, occasionally visits the rapo world and observes from a distance. 
Wilfre, realises that the world still exists, and everything seems to be normal. He has actually been dead since the shadow corrupted him. So he's pretty much the same as he used to be. Wilfre, using his shadow magic, creates a new home for himself in the form of a giant mansion. Alone in the giant mansion, Wilfre begins to crave attention of others. Using his last jar of color, wilfre paints a picture of Heather to keep him company, as the raposa version of heather is trapped inside. The sight of Wilfre causes real life heather to have constant nightmares and mental breakdowns.
But having heather around just makes wilfre depressed. So he ends up watching the villagers, and realizes that they're all nothing but ghosts. He thought about approaching the entire village and apologizing, as he felt kinda bad about everything he's done, but he knew everyone would just gang up on him. So instead, he goes to one Raposa at a time (each in private), to not only apologize, but to tell them their fate. Not wanting information of his presence to spread among the Raposa, he offers each Raposa he talks to 'live' at his new mansion. He manages to convince everyone he talks to to join him. So nobody would appear missing, Wilfre would replace every Raposa that moves away with a ghost (the enemy) that is disguised as the rapo in question. 
In the mansion, everyone is getting along relatively nicely. Even with Wilfre. Despite this, Wilfre is still upset at himself for ruining everyone's lives. In the mansion's basement, Wilfre has his own hideaway that nobody else knows about. The heather painting is stored here as well, so nobody knows about it. 
Eventually, Wilfre has almost everyone from the village in his mansion. Everyone but the two Raposa that he thought would be near impossible to convince. Those two being Mari and Jowee. He knew that convincing those two would be much harder than the others, so he didn't go to them like the others. Instead... He decided to have them come to HIM. 
Jowee receives a mysterious letter telling him he's won a mansion in a contest he's never entered. The letter also says that he can share the mansion with one other person. Along with the letter, there is a map to the mansion, and a single key. Jowee tells mari about this, very excited. (Free real estate!) But mari is a little sceptical. Mari agrees to share the mansion as long as they check it out first. Mari, worried that it's a trap, decides to go ahead of Jowee and check out the mansion and wait for Jowee there. 
When at the mansion, Mari waits at the mansions entrance. Impatient, she walks up to the door and inspect further. To her surprise, the door opens without a key. She walks inside, and begins to explore. Soon after entering the building, the villagers notice Mari and greet her. Mari is obviously scared and confused AF because she thought everyone was in the village. The villagers explain what happened, how they got there, and that everyone was ducking dead. At first mari thinks this must be a trap set by Wilfre, but then her dad shows up. (He's been in a similar situation as Wilfre since he WAS DED. After watching over everyone, he became convinced that everyone uniting was a good idea) After calming mari down, he told her everything the villagers said was true, and that she should be as supportive as she can be. (Oh and he proves that she's a ghost by showing she can go through stuff. SPOOKY) Wilfre then shows up and greets Mari. Mari obviously can't just get over everything Wilfre has done so quickly, so she maaaad. After a Looong discussion, Mari finally calms down (tho still a bit on edge) and accepts to stay in the mansion for a while. Everyone is then told Jowee should show soon, and the villagers get excited that everyone will soon be together again. 
Wilfre knew that he still hasn't convinced Mari of anything, and felt defeated. He knew that no matter what, he will always be thought of as THE VILLAIN. (Despite him once being the center of attention, and attempting to save the world.) The thought clawed at Wilfre's mind and tortured him. And since he managed to get mari on his side once, he KNEW Jowee would give him NO chance. To Jowee, once an enemy, always an enemy. The only way he'd even consider it is if the creator told him to. And what were the chances of that? 
Wilfre simply became convinced that there was no hope for anything. No hope in the Raposa, no hope in himself, nothing. He believed his existence did nothing but cause pain and suffering. As much as he wanted attention, he also desperately wanted to get rid of himself. But he couldn't. He was already dead, like everyone else. And he knew that he couldn't be gotten rid of as long as their world exists. Then, Wilfre thought to himself: "what if I get rid of the world? Then every pain would be gone, I would be gone, all will be well and better off" (please don't think that kinda stuff guys. Wilfre's just lost it. I love y'all.) But how would he destroy the world? There's only one way he could think of. And that is to kill Mike. But... how? He could always find Mike and try killing him himself, but would that even work? After all, that would only be dream Mike (not real mike). But how can he kill real mike? His only real connection to the real world is through Heather. Then he thought about getting Heather to kill Mike. Of course she refuses to do this, but as time passes, Wilfre makes her feel more and more unstable. He promises her that the pain will end completely if she goes through with it. 
In the meantime, Wilfre decides it is best if Jowee never actually joins everyone in the mansion. After all, if he showed up, he'd likely turn everyone against him somehow. So he sends some of his ghostly minions to stop him in his tracks. 
Meanwhile, Jowee makes his way to the mansion. On his way there, ghost enemies followed him, in hopes of scaring him away. Jowee still manages to make it to the front door. He doesn't see mari, so he assumed she went in already. However, to his surprise, the door was locked. (Wilfre locked it just so he couldn't get in) Jowee, being the smart hot dog he is, unlocked the door with the key he had. (Stupid Wilfre! You assumed Mari would have the key since she showed up first cucjtcjtmg) Upon entering the mansion, Jowee immediately encountered a bunch of ghosts. Wilfre was about to take Jowee away and replace him with a ghost (enemy) doppelganger. (So nobody would know) But all of a sudden, Mike bursts through the doors, equipped with a poltergust, and tries to suck up the ghosts. But Mike is clearly not very good at doing this (also, once his courage wore off, he was too scared to do anything right). Lucky for Jowee, this is enough to save his butt, and he and mike gtf out of there. 
Wilfre, confused by wtf just happened, orders his minions to patrol the place, and for a doppelganger to replace Jowee. The Raposa then meet the doppelganger, thinking it's the real Jowee.
Mike and Jowee run off to a secret hideout Mike had made. Mike explains that he had recently gotten into a series known as Luigi's Mansion™. So, while he was there, he decided to recreate E Gadd's lab along with the poltergust 3000. While there, he happened to notice the mansion appearing out of nowhere, and saw both mari and Jowee walk inside. He just recently finished the poltergust, and he thought Jowee would need help. Jowee, wanting to save mari from Wilfre's mansion, asks to use the poltergust to save mari. Mike accepts, since he can't use it, and besides, Jowee's the hero here, not mike! 
And so Jowee goes back in the mansion, and does some ghost busting. 
At some point Jowee comes across some of the Raposa. (Isaac's family) He is extremely confused since he thinks they are all in the village. After some confusion and misunderstandings, Jowee ends up battling with them, and sucking them up in the poltergust. Jowee, confused AF, returns to mike to tell him what happened. Mike comes to the conclusion that they were ghosts, but Jowee is in denial. Mike decides to have Isaac's family go through his recreation of the ghost portrificationizer. This way, they won't harm anyone or get in the way. He also gives Jowee his recreation of the gameboy horror. This can detect darkness, and allow the two to communicate from a distance. Before Jowee returns to the mansion, mike asks a favor of him. Mike had recently noticed that his sister had been acting really strange lately, and he thinks she might be in there somewhere. He asks Jowee to find her and help her out if he can. Jowee accepts the request, after all he IS her caretaker. Jowee then returns to the mansion. 
The Raposa soon notice that Isaac and his family disappeared out of nowhere. Wilfre knows what happened, but he doesn't want them to know that there's two Jowee's. So he pretends to not know what happened. (And he sends out more minions.)
So now Jowee's ghost hunting and stuff. Everything is pretty similar to Luigi's mansion now. But there's still some more things plot wise. 
At some point, Jowee meets Mari. Jowee tries to convince her to leave, but mari is confused b/c why would Jowee say this??? And unlike the other Raposa, she is the only one to see both Jowee's at the same time. She tells Wilfre about this, but he brushes it off and doesn't tell anyone until it's kinda obvious. This makes Mari a lot more suspicious of Wilfre, so she decides to hide a bunch of letters in the mansion telling the real Jowee what is happening, and where to go next. 
Another thing I should mention is that mari isn't the only one helping Jowee. Samuel, being a seer, acknowledges Jowee as the real one, and helps guide him as well. He even makes mention of heather several times. He also is the one to convince Jowee that he's dead.
Every once in a while, Jowee checks in with mike (mostly to empty the poltergust). And each time he visits, mike gets more and more afraid. He keeps saying something is wrong with heather, and that Jowee should find her really soon. 
At the end, Jowee confronts Wilfre and tries to suck him up. But he just can't. He just suck up shadow instead. But there's so much shadow, it clogs the vacuum. Wilfre reveals his plan to destroy the world through heather, filled with mixed emotions. Jowee enters Heather's painting to try and change her mind about killing mike. How he's her brother, how killing him won't make everything go away, how she shouldn't let a scarring experience get to her and instead let her grow as a person. Jowee is successful, Mike lives, all the Raposa are set free from their paintings, and Wilfre... Well, Wilfre has issues. As pissed as everyone is at him, they know they can't get rid of him. So instead, they try their best to calm down Wilfre and afterlive along side him. (Keyword: try)
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kingofthecon · 3 years
#1 "You know what rhymes with Bugaboo? Me and you." It was a pretty boring night of patrolling so naturally Chat Noir decided to fill the air with anything and everything just to keep them both entertained. His vibrant green eyes focused more on the task at hand - keeping an out for trouble - than they did on his partner, but when his eyes did meet her form for an extended period of time he couldn't help but grin. Running around Paris late at night with a lovely lady by his side helped him to forget about his life outside of costume. It helped his mind come up with all sorts of entertaining ideas which drove away all the reality shattering ones that came with common sense - one of the recent things being what'd happen when they finally defeated Hawk Moth. There was absolutely no doubt in his mind that one day they would actually catch Hawk Moth slipping and manage to not only take him down and retrieve his Miraculous, but also learn his identity and lock him away forever, but what would come next? They wouldn't be able to keep their Miraculous anymore, would they? Sure there would still be crime left in Paris, but that could be handled by the officers of the law instead of vigilantes like them. What did that mean for his friendship with Ladybug? Would they just...no longer be able to see each other? No, that was stupid. Ladybug might not be interested in him because of her crush on someone from her life outside of the mask, but that didn't mean they couldn’t be friends. They'd make a way. "It's been a lot of times recently where it's just been me and you, and though I do love spending quality time with my leading lady, I can't help but wonder when the ball's going to drop. I don't want to jinx it, but the last time we found someone who was akumatized it was Mr. Pigeon and that was nearly a month ago." He had most certainly been keep tracking. Between the photo shoots, collabs, and interviews along with school, his fencing class, and a few side activities, there wasn't much of any activity from Hawk Moth. He doubted the man had suddenly fallen off the face of the Earth, but there had to be something at play. Then again his sidekick, Mayura, had been hurt in her last confrontation with the rest of them. Maybe the two of them were an evil couple and Mothy had to take some time out of his akumatizing schedule to take care of her? It was sweet even though they were both evil - taking joy in turning people into their minions all in a vain attempt to get the Cat and Ladybug Miraculous. Then again, what if her sickness was the reason why Hawk Moth was trying so hard? Maybe the reason they'd shown their costumed faces was because of desperation, and Hawk Moth had gotten a mad power-up from her to boot. She hadn't been in the game until recently so maybe that was it? It was something he'd been speculating on a while now, but hadn't had enough evidence to support this theory which meant he hadn't said anything to Ladybug about it. He probably should at some point, but not even now seemed like a good time. "He's too annoying to just give up and go on vacation, so maybe he's wrapped up in some supervillain HR meeting where they talk about their failures and how to go about achieving their goals while eating muffins from the cafeteria." It was random and probably outlandish. The goal was to make her laugh, especially when he was about to say something that might cause a bit of an issue between them. Yeah, butter her up before telling her that he won't be around for a little while because a friend of his father had done some contest and had picked three kids from nowhere to take on as apprentices or something and Adrien would be with them for a while. It was just a publicity stunt and collaboration thing, but it was an extra added activity and with everything else he had to do something needed to be cut out, and it wasn't like Ladybug only had him to rely on considering she could dish out the Miraculous to other people. It would be fine. "I don't think there's any crime afoot tonight," he offered teasingly after they stopped near the Louvre for a break. He stretched both arms over his head and yawned before flopping down in a cross legged position. "Which is convenient because...well, I won't be uh, be around for the next few weeks at least." Best to just rip off the bandage. "My family is going to be particularly busy and I won't be able to get out of certain obligations so if there's an emergency you'll have to get one of the others. I'll try to sneak away, but you'll have to treat any threat that might crop up like one that I won't be able to help you fight in." Just saying that made him feel like crap. If an emergency came up and someone got hurt because he prioritized taking pictures with some contest winners over fighting crime then he would have to live with that guilt, but his father would be watching and if he even tried to get out of something like that the consequences would make him being Chat Noir period even harder when things weren't incredibly busy. If he wanted to keep being being a hero then he was going to have to do whatever it took to keep his father off his case. This was one of those situations where there were no good options to take. "I'd better head home. I have to wake up early. Well, earlier than usual." He turned back the way they'd come, which was in the opposite direction of his home actually, and ran off. He was out of his lady's sight he changed the direction and took a different route home. He de-transformed, fed Plagg a few pieces of Camembert and raced the rest of his way home - entering through the front gates and not stopping until he was in his room.
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"Okay Sixer, how'd this happen?" Triplets Stanton, Stanford, and Stanley sat in their shared bedroom - Stanley and Stanton; or Shermie as he liked to be called - sitting on either side of their brother Stanford as he read the letter in his hand for the fourth time in silence. There had been a bit of a contest months ago created by a man named William Chiffrer. He was looking for individuals with a wide variety of talents that ranged from athleticism to intellect. Stanford had of course sent filled out the necessary forms on top of going above and being by writing an entire essay about why he believed he should be chosen...he'd also sent out the necessary forms for his siblings and tricked each of them into writing a bit of an essay of their own. He didn't think any of them would be accepted. William was a man of many talents, but what had caught Stanford's attention was the man's intellect. William had the ability to create his own language - something that he and his siblings had done when they were younger...little ciphers that only they could understand, but William? As far as Stanford knew the man had at least three different languages of his own under his belt, a company that didn't seem tethered to him, and ideas of deep sea and space exploration that he had no qualms with sharing to the masses. In other words, the man was an actual genius who had absolutely no problem flaunting it. Stanford was envious, intrigued and well, William was his idol. That meant he wanted to learn from him and this contest? This contest would be his one shot. He, however, didn't want to go in alone. The sound of someone playing with a paddle ball close to his face caused him to jerk to attention. His eyes traveled to his left where he saw Stanley, the sibling that was identical to him minus the fingers, waiting impatiently for an answer. To Stanford's right his slightly older fraternal sibling looked unimpressed already having an idea of what'd taken place though the chances of all three of them being picked was...highly unlikely. "It's not that difficult to understand," the middle triplet said as he pushed himself off the bed and paced the center of their bedroom floor. "More so, improbable. The chances of the three of us getting chosen for this opportunity of a life time is simply astronomical. It's--" "Not the question, Poindexter. Sherm and I didn't enter this sleaze ball's contest. I know I suck at math, but I'm at least a hundred percent sure that us not enterin’ means we both hadda zero percent chance'o winnin' anything. Howzat possible, I wonder." One look at his brothers had rooted to the spot - both hands behind his back as his started to get nervous. Stanley continued to play with his paddle ball, but his attention remained on Stanford while Shermie let out and exasperated sigh. "I'm sorry! I don't know what I was thinking. Well, of course I know what I was thinking. It would be incredible to have William Chiffrer as a mentor. His vast knowledge of the world and its inner workings - despite being quite controversial - has merit and have been shown to be more than just plausible. This man has plans to change the world and the means to do it and it would be remiss of me to pass up the opportunity to work under the man himself. I just did not wish to go alone so I took the liberty of signing contest forms for the both of you while feeding you false information about an extra credit essay where you had to convince the President of the United States of why you would be a great addition to the White House." "Wait, that's not what you told me," Stanley said with narrowed eyes while slowly lowering the paddle ball. "Errhm, yes well, you having to convince a potential suitor's father of why he should let you date his daughter seemed more plausible than the Presidential angle, I'm afraid. Now, even if only one of us came out victorious in this raffle the winner is permitted a plus one! Had either of you won instead I would have hoped that you'd allow me to tag along." "And yet Pa calls me the shyster. I am so proud of you.” Stanley wipes an imaginary tear from his eye while Stanford glares at him before turning his attention towards Shermie who’d finally lifted his head. His expression was exasperated yet thoughtful making it clear that he, at least, wasn’t going to make such a huge deal of out it. Between Stanley and Shermie, the latter was much more academically inclined and when opportunity struck he tended to let it in and treat it like a friend. Paris, France was a place that these three boys from New Jersey would never in their wildest dreams imagine being able to visit - not with how much of a penny-pincher their father was. For a while all there had only been a pair of glasses between them which Stanley and Shermie had agreed to let Ford have indefinitely. ”This is a once in a life time ordeal, isn’t it?” Shermie questioned after letting the silence linger. They were teenagers with no real funds to their name. If they went to college it would have to be on a scholarship - Stanford had at least four lined up, Stanley could possibly go for football, and Shermie had his hands in a little bit of everything. Other than that, there was nothing for fancy trips to far off lands like France, so right here? Right now? Yeah, it definitely seemed as though this was going to be one of those once in a lifetime deals. The brothers looked at each other, Stanley sliding off the bed to punch Stanford in the arm before leaning against his shoulder while Shermie continued thinking. Finally he stood up and crossed his arms. "That was an underhanded trick you pulled Ford, but I can't say that I blame you and a trip to freaking France? The City of Love? We'd have to be crazy to pass up the opportunity." "Ugh, love," Stanley griped, immediately turning sour causing Shermie to look a little guilty while Ford rolled his eyes and elbowed him good-naturedly. His breakup with Carla McCorkle had been a messy one. Karma seemed to strike at both Carla and the boy she'd cheated on Stanley with, Thistle Downe, in the form of someone riding his van into a ravine. According to reports it had been someone dressed up in some sort of costume with a tail. Either way love was currently a big flaming no-no in the Stan Triplets's bedroom...except for Shermie. "Perhaps it would be in your best interest to invite Veronica along, Shermie." Ah, the turns immediately tabled as Stanley's frown disappeared to be replaced by the biggest, doofiest, mischievous grin he could muster while Shermie's face turned a nice shade of tomato red. He sputtered while Stanley darted out the room to make the call leaving Stanford to block his big brother in - the commotion the duo made their mother had to warn them about roughhousing in the house and to take that mess outside. Stanley snickered, his Ma gave him an idea. Outside and to his car he ran after hearing his brothers on the stairs. When they realized that Stanley wasn't inside the brothers raced outside to see Stanley checking his pockets for his keys. Suddenly Stanley was on the ground laughing after having been tackled by Shermie which left Stanford - innocent little Stanford - to head back inside and make the call himself. "Hello, Mrs. Carlyle? This is Stanford Pines. Is Veronica there?” There’s a particularly loud wheeze from outside that catches Stanford’s attention. He looks to his Ma and shrugs before going back to his call. “Hello, Ronnie? You won't believe the good news. Do you recall that contest I entered for the trip to Paris, France to study under THE William Chiffrer? Exciting news. Not only did I win, so did Stanley and Sherman. I...will explain later, but each of us gets to bring a plus one. I am cordially inviting you--"
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Talon had seen the threat coming a mile away and he actually tried to draw attention to what was going on. With him being who he was he held rank in his uncle's organization, but it only extended so far especially when the side of evil thought they'd had the victory in the bag. It was the same song and dance time and time again. They thought they had the inspector, he'd goof around and somehow come out on top with the help of his niece, and then Claw would vow vengeance the next time they crossed paths. It got old, and Talon was tired. He was tired of constantly losing when he knew that he had the skills to come out on top. In fact, he was pretty sure he could overthrow his uncle instead of working as his underling, but as things were? His street cred had plummeted. All the losses caused by Penny and her uncle set him back time and time again. The villain circles he ran in started giving out awards for the most failed missions and he had somehow gained the lead. It was embarrassing and degrading and it was about time he'd think about his future. If he wanted to show the world he was more than just that bumbling oaf who happened to be Claw's nephew then he needed to branch out and re-establish himself, perhaps even go back to the drawing board. It was when he realized that no one was going to heed his words did he decide cut his losses. He'd grabbed Penny and her dumb dog and pulled them to safety with the parting words of, “Catch ya later, Penny,” before going back into the fray. He had a mini force field surrounding him which was, in theory, supposed to be strong enough to protect him from any type of explosion. He didn't think he'd actually be in a situation where he'd be testing this out, but he didn't have too much time. He was looking for something in particular before things went side ways. It was as though his eyes landing on his prize was the trigger which launched the explosion. He cursed, a bright light blinding him before he was propelled off his feet and backwards. He clicked his heels together until the rockets activated, and he hastily righted himself, but he still slammed against through the wall behind him. He should have snapped his back. He should have been covered in flames, but instead survived - barely able to get a handle on the situation. For one thing his force field was still holding up and he’d managed to what he’d gone back for - a bejeweled box which was what his uncle had been after. Luckily whatever he was holding was also covered by his forcefield. Not only that but this explosion was the chance he'd been waiting for - to get away from his uncle and lay low, preferably with a family member that was on the opposite side of the law. You know, a good guy. It helped that he’d been straddling the fence for months now - working with HQ a bit due to some sob story he’d fed Penny which meant he definitely had an alibi. People saw him save Penny. People knew that this scheme of his uncle’s had absolutely nothing to do with him. Whatever happened here couldn’t be pinned on him. Talon’s boots were totally ruined when he activated them - they only had a few seconds of righting him before the thrusters at the bottom went off in mini explosions that luckily hadn't harmed his feet - and found an agent of Claw that was roughly his size though totally unrecognizable. He removed his boots and shoved them onto the remains and dragging it over to a still burning flame. His forcefield protected his feet from the heat, but it wouldn't hold for too much longer. Even now the heat was already starting to penetrate and he had to run. With the forcefield having protected him from the brunt of the explosion some of his other tech remained as well. There was a prototype cloaking device he'd had installed that ran on the same 3D holographic projector tech he tended to use for a quick and easy disguise. He swapped modes and from his belt a little barely noticeable light extended, scanned his form, and bent the light around him making him appear invisible. He made it half a block invisibly before the forcefield conked out with the invisibility following next which meant that his 3D projector was also down for the count. He paid it no mind as he'd taken that into consideration and made sure to avoid any areas that seemed busy. He didn't need anyone to see him running around barefoot and covered in soot. Besides, no good villain worth their salt went around town without a cache of some sort and he was near his closest one. It was a rundown apartment building which, on the outside it just looked a little lopsided; could use a little TLC. On the inside? Oh, the building looked as though it should have been condemned before his Uncle Claw was born. It was perfect, and it was where Talon cleaned himself up, changed into a set of clothing that was not his typical purple though did include another set of rocket boots, and combed his hair flat on his head giving him those infamous "Boy Band Bangs" which were partially hidden by the hood from the jacket he'd decided to wear. He left the apartment and, despite knowing it was a bad idea, made his way back to the scene of the explosion. There were HQ agents, a bomb squad, the fire department and of course police officers everywhere as well as a crowd. He spotted Inspector Gadget who'd apparently made it out unscathed as usual, and he even saw a few of Claw's men being apprehended. He shook his head. There had never been a fight between him and HQ that had gone so far in as long as he could remember. He clicked his tongue and whispered, "C'est la vie," as he walked away - washing his hands of this botched operation as well as his Uncle Claw - for good. Once far enough away and pulled out his cellphone, took a deep breath and placed a call he'd never thought he'd make. "Hey Billy. It's, ugh, Tristan*. Is that offer for help still on the table?" William Thaw* sounded visibly confused on the other end of the line, most likely because he'd been sleeping at the time. When he realized that his cousin was in need of help he woke up just a bit more. "You need a place to stay, Mr. Big Shot Criminal?" That was not the tone that Talon was hoping to hear, but it wasn't entirely unexpected either. Most if not all of their family was evil including Billy's dad. Even their grandma was evil, but no one had really given Billy the memo so he turned out to be one of the good guys. With him and Talon being roughly the same age and having lived together with their grandma for a while, there was always some form of disagreement or the other, especially when Talon had learned of their family's history and chose to follow in their footsteps. It was why he'd swapped his name from Tristan to Talon as a sign of respect for his then role model Dr. Claw. "Is this the part where you give me a huge speech about right and wrong or heroism because if it is you can save it. I’ve branched away from Uncle Claw months ago and a good thing too because he messed up big time. I tried to tell him his plan was bunk from the get-go, but he went ahead with it anyway even after I warned him about a gas leak. Then I tried to tell the stupid henchmen that the explosives they were planting were going to trigger an even bigger explosion but I’m not on the payroll anymore and apparently a bigger explosion the better. They were so concerned with making sure they got Gadget - that’s their entire thing but...Usually no one gets fatally hurt and a few people did. That's not the kind of villainy I signed up for." For a moment he thought Billy'd hung up on him, but then he heard the ruffling of blankets and the clicking of what must have been a lamp being turned on. "People died?" "One as far as I was able to tell. I was caught in the blast too. ForcefieId tech saved me and I managed to get a few people out before the blast but yeah. I'm sure it'll be on the world news if it isn't already." "What do you want from me, Tris?" Hearing that nickname hurt. "I want to initiate protocol Redo." "Never thought you'd say that." The sound of Billy getting out of bed could be heard. Moments later the sound of a computer or laptop being booted up sounded through the line. "Tell me about it. I thought I had everything planned out. Didn’t take into account that Uncle Claw’s gotten senile in his old age." "Luckily we're both deceptively smart and plan for things that we don't think we'd ever need then, huh?" "You call that luck. I call that being smarter than everyone else. Even if you don’t think it’ll ever happen to you plan for it anyway, especially in this line of business.” ”Especially.” Talon finally stopped walking when he reached a twenty-four hour fast food place where he plugged in his phone and ordered something so that he wouldn't be bothered. "I assume you handled Talon?" "Died in the explosion that took out a few senior HQ agents and a few of Claw's henchmen. Identifiable only by his rocket boots." The line was silent aside from the clicking of keys. Talon ate silently while he listened to his cousin work. A few hours of Billy working he finally came to a stop. "Tristan Thaw is in the system once more. You did a thorough job of wiping him out. Can't say that I'm surprised. I've altered Talon’s files. You're now your own twin, congratulations. You were put up for adoption at a young age but there was a missing person's report due to you running away. Your file was closed because you were presumed dead. People will most likely stumble upon this now while trying to pull up information about Talon so...in the off chance that that happens. Call me, and I will say I've been hiding you in my dorm." "No. I can't do--" "You will, Tristan. Despite the incredible foolishness of this family it's the only one I have. Despite how everyone around me is a bad guy from the worst comic book tropes I've ever read, this family still manages to take care of each other. I'm in a boarding school because I didn't want to be part of the family business. Someone in the family is paying for me to be here. You've protected me inadvertently a few times, and Uncle Claw has taken me under his wing a time or two, and I am also the first person grandma taught her cookie recipe to. The point is, despite this family being nefarious in every sense of the word, we ALL protect each other, and you came to me for help. You did what you could to stop something horrible from happening, and it happened anyway. If worse comes to worse I'm sure Uncle Claw would help--" "Gonna stop you right there. I don't want his help, otherwise I'd have gone back to the lair. This is...let him think I'm dead. You're the only one who’ll know the truth." "Of course. Well, if you can manage to get from where you are to Paris there's an apartment that seems to have been paid for. Has been in my name for a while. I'm thinking Grandma made me a few safe houses just in case I decided to turn rotten, but you can stay there." "Thanks Billy." "You can thank me by not pulling this stunt again." "Or I'll just say thank you and move to your safehouse."
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                                                               ---TIME SKIP---                                                           ONE MONTH LATER
When Billy told him about the safehouse in Paris he probably should have expected the place to be pretty well furnished and in a decent part of the city. It wasn’t exactly flashy, but it would probably garner the attention of his neighbors. Luckily he had a backstory figured out, a passport, a birth certificate and other documentation that he needed. Luckily for him there was nobody looking for him, and even if they were they certainly would have no reason to look for him in Paris. It was the perfect escape for him, and definitely gave him time to himself. He didn’t want to drop the villain thing, but if he wanted to become a huge contender then he was going to have to change his image. He was going to have to one up the competition and finally...he was going to have to down his uncle. For now, he had to start small. For now he had to blend in with the masses, build up a bit of a rep while staying in the shadows until he could build his own empire. Luckily for him he had a few connections already.
The three dorks staying across from him had arrived a few days after he moved in and made quite the impression. The one with the six fingers had bumped into him and apologized profusely for not paying attention to where he was walking and flailed his hands a bit. Talon, or rather Tristan made the faux pas of commenting on his fingers aloud which seemed to cause some embarrassment. Another boy, had to be a twin or something, heard the remark and was making his way over with his fists clenched causing Talon to remark that he’d never seen something so cool before. It seemed to be the right thing to say as all three of them somewhat relaxed while heading up the stairs. That’s where Talon encountered the third of them realizing that he was staying across from a set of triplets.  It was a bit awkward at first, before the boy with the glasses answered his question about what they were doing in Paris.  “I didn’t know that Willy had a contest going on. You guys must be pretty smart if he chose the three of you, and siblings to boot.” Of course Talon knew very well that Willy wasn’t exactly a good person. The guy was sophisticated in public, but in private he had a bit of sadistic streak and was pretty psychotic in some instances. Yeah the dude was an actual genius, but he also gathered great minds and exploited them. The fact that he’d gathered three brothers, triplets no less? Something was definitely going on. “You say that as though you know the man personally,” Stanford stated while his brother, the one with the slightly darker hair (Shermie) opened the door and Stanley carried some stuff inside. “Not at all,” he immediately shook his head. “I tried to enter his contest before as well. I actually made a hoverboard--” “Like from Back to the Future?” Stanley asked as he kicked his box into the room. Talon nodded and said,"Exactly like that," while Stanford looked skeptical. That was the start of their...he wouldn’t exactly call it a friendship but it was pretty close.                                                                --------------------- Adrien hadn’t been expecting to be invited to the triplet’s apartment building after their initial gathering and photo-op with William and his father, but he had accepted the invite anyway seeing as it would allow him to spend some time with teenagers his age while using his father’s tactics against him.  “I was supposed to meet up and help the Pines’s today for an hour before meeting Kagami for our fencing lesson? His father had simply nodded through the tablet monitor that Nathalie was holding. Adrien took off soon after that with G manning the car. When he’d arrived at the apartment it was to an open door and the triplets arguing over what they wanted to do first. There was also another boy there, arms crossed and back against the wall with a smirk on his face. Adrien had the feeling that he’d been the cause of this little argument. “Am I early?” he’d asked which drew the triplet’s attention. “Yer right on time, Aiden.” “His name is Adrien, be nice.” The identical brothers bickered between themselves while Sherman shook his head and beckoned for Adrien to come inside before closing the door. “Just go. It’s not a big deal.” All eyes turned to Talon who pushed off the wall and raised his hands.  “Of course it’s a big deal! He can take his girl all over Paris after we celebrate. We’ve been here for a week and haven’t burned our apartment down. This is a cause for celebration! Let the Pines Brothers party for a day,” Stanley argued with his arms crossed. Shermie just covered his face in his hands and sighed. "Or we can go get Ronnie since she may as well be a Pines, grab some snacks and celebrate here?” “Stanford Filbrick Pines--” The two outsiders watched in amusement as Sherman tried to grab the six fingered boy who ducked behind Stanley and then into the kitchenette practically dragging the loudmouthed boy with him.  “So um, who are--” “I live across the hall. Gotta admit these guys have been the best entertainment I could have possibly asked for. What about you, Mr. Agreste? Working a charity case here?” Adrien was partially confused and partially offended by the question. “Not at all. I was invited over.” “Oh, that makes more sense.” He hadn’t elaborated on that making Adrien narrow his eyes before the triplets re-emerged from wherever they’d been in the apartment. Stanley had his arms crossed while Stanford was scowling. Shermie looked far less ruffled than the other two which meant he’d proven his point.  "Sorry about that, you two. The plan is we’re going to call my friend to have her meet us here then head out for a celebratory get together. Since you two are the only people we know here we’d thought you’d be up to joining us?” The fact that Adrien had made three new friends who wanted to hang out with him brought a smile to his face, but then he thought about his obligations and the other friends he’d had to turn down. His smile turned a bit sad before he shook his head.  "I’m really sorry you guys, but I can’t stay for very long. My schedule is booked solid. The only reason I was able to slip out was because I told my father that I had to help you three for an hour before I have to practice my fencing.” Talon lunged at the air in front of him, swinging around an imaginary rapier before snorting, “Can you be any more of a cliche?” Even Stanley cracked a smile at that before lunging towards Talon with his arm out, the two of them swiping at each other with their invisible weapons, Stanley beginning to talk like a pirate while Shermie was in the process of calling Ronnie to let her know of their plans. “Ignore them,” Stanford said while giving his brother and Talon a glare that went completely ignored. “It’s what I do when they get like this.” “I’ll keep that in mind,” was Adrien’s annoyed reply. A second later he found himself being dragged into the sword fight by Talon before Stanley grabbed an unwilling-to-participate Stanford. “My first mate will absolutely swab the deck with ye’s!” “Stanley no.” “Cap’n Lee thinks he kin board me ship and spread ‘is tall tales, but we’s a learn’em.” “Tristan don’t encourage him!” Stanford’s words went ignored as Talon managed to grabbed a decorative pillow from the couch and chucked it at the six fingered boy yelling, “CANNON BALL!”. Taking it as an immediate out, Stanford dramatically fell to the floor, sat up and positioned the thrown pillow beneath his head, and then laid back again. “Nooooo, Sixer! I shall avenge ye!” He ran towards Talon only to be intercepted by Adrien as he slid in front of the other boy. Stanley’s eyes widened, surprised at Adrien’s speed, and he tried to stop before colliding. Adrien moved out of the way as quickly as he’d come while Talon remained there holding out another of the pillows which he used to smack Stan in the face as he came to a stop. Stanley dropped to the ground dramatically like Stanford had and made gurgling noises since the unwritten/impromptu rule was that the pillows were cannon balls. The four boys laughed before Stanford got up and put the pillows away with a shake of his head. Stanley was glad to have managed to get his brother to participate. It had been a long time since they’d done something like this and it made him think that this trip to Paris was a good idea, especially after having met “Tristan’ and Adrien.
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thundersolstice · 3 years
I was inspired to ask this after stumbling upon how detailed your fan metas are and all the thought put in them. I was curious if you ever thought about what role Ratar-O might have played in Season 2? Ratar-O ended up becoming one of my favorite villains due to him acting like a dark reflection to Lion-O.
This has been sitting on my drafts for ages because I accidentally lost a bunch of what I wrote (damn app) and ragequit. But in the interest of answering the ask before the year ends, here's what I got. Sorry it's so late, anon!
Always happy to ramble. I really like Ratar-O, too, especially as a foil for Lion-O. I have thought about Ratar-O’s role in future seasons a bit, but not at length, and nothing with strong support from canon material... That said,
ThunderMeta: On Ratar-O and the Rats
First, a quick summary of what facts I’ve gleaned from canon re Ratar-O and the rats, and a few assumptions I’m basing my headcanons on:
Ratar-O was the absolute ruler of the rats, but I'm unclear what his title is. I’m also unsure if he inherited his rule (as the heir to a ruling bloodline traced, at a minimum, back to Ratilla), or if he seized his rule on his own power. It’s probably splitting hairs, but I like knowing these things.
Perhaps worth observing: when Ratar-O states Ratilla is his ancestor, he could have meant it in a “the ancient rats are our ancestors” way, not necessarily a “Ratilla is my great-great-greatx50-grandfather” way. The latter has a stronger basis in canon because Ratar-O specifically states: “…My ancestor, Ratilla…” but, you know. Just putting that out there.
It’s unclear if Ratilla was already leading the rats or if he came to power after obtaining the Sword of Plun-Darr. I’m operating from the tentative assumption that if Ratilla was not “born a king,” then he established his dynasty with Mumm-Ra’s Sword. 
My tentative assumptions for Ratar-O are either: (a) Ratar-O is a direct descendant of Ratilla; and therefore Ratar-O inherited his rule, or (b) Ratar-O seized power and set himself up as the rats’ ruler by his own hand. I regret that I had to think so hard about that.
I’d like to see Ratar-O come back for a Round Two with Lion-O in either the second or later seasons, either as a lackey a la Slithe & co., or entirely independent of Mumm-Ra. I’d like to see Ratar-O moving against Lion-O on his own (they’re fun to watch together), but I think it’d be more likely for Ratar-O to approach the Ever-Living to ask for aid in revenging himself on Lion-O. I don’t recall that Ratar-O had a huge role in the classic series the way Slithe and Mumm-Ra’s other minions did, but I could see Ratar-O perhaps forming an alliance with Mumm-Ra rather than directly handing himself and his people over to Mumm-Ra’s absolute rule (as far as Rataro-O knows, anyway. lol)
Another thought I had is that Ratar-O might not return in the second season (although I do expect the rats to join the final battle against Mumm-Ra in the finale), but could appear as a villain in his own right in the third or later seasons, maybe in a kind of “I’ve been plotting my revenge on Lion-O all these years now feel my wrath!” way. That scenario could go all kinds of directions, and it’d make a nice early arc to keep the thundercats busy while Mumm-Ra is secretly recovering/freeing himself from the Ancient Spirits/&c.
Backing up a bit, I’m particularly interested in what Ratar-O’s people do in the wake of his defeat/the destruction of his mine: if the rats were abandoned by their ruler when he “fled back underground,” that may’ve created a power vacuum in the rats’ government, which would open the door to all the change and likely chaos that follows a deposed despot; or if Ratar-O only fled from Lion-O, but maintained his grip on his people, then there’s still the original question of the civil unrest resultant of tyranny, which could only be made worse by Ratar-O’s defeat at Lion-O’s hands, as well as general observations and talk about how Lion-O, an enemy king, treats the rats better than Ratar-O ever has (“Your people are just slaves on the other side of the whip!”)…
The rats clearly have a long, bitter history with the cats (along with just about every species on Third Earth lmao), so it’d be nice to see how Lion-O unites them under his flag (or his Code, I suppose), particularly since they have a very recent painful history in the cats’ enslavement and subsequent liberation. I wouldn't expect Lion-O to struggle overmuch to convince them to fight with him, but I would really, really like to see all the conflict that comes from the rats rubbing shoulders with their recently freed slaves, particularly through individuals' POVs. Such as, a cat (with their own story) recognizing a rat (with their own story) who beat him/her or killed a loved one or the like, and the many different ways similar scenarios play out across all these reunions. I'd expect to see healing if not forgiveness, eventually, but I wouldn't mind seeing any of the hundreds of other ways different dynamics end, either. And Lion-O getting caught up in at least one of these personal conflicts, and Lion-O talking to rats and cats personally and convincing then to move on, and just Lion-O being a fantastic leader to all these people with so much pain between them and hnnng I need it.
Now to conclude with a totally relevant gif.
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enbycalicocat · 3 years
Day 11: 6th of February, 2021
A woman walks into the ocean in a red ball gown.
  That sounded like the beginning of a joke. Like the one that goes, 'why did the chicken try to cross the street?' The only thing that’s missing is a good punch line. I don’t know any, I’m not good at that, but I can throw a mean punch if anyone ever does try to make a joke about me.
  In the middle of the night, wearing a red ball gown, she decides to walk into the crashing waves in front of her.
  That one sounded like the start of a tragedy. Like this woman (me!) is walking into the ocean to commit suicide or something. And she’s not. I mean, I’m not. Ugh. Whatever. Nobody is dying tonight (unless you find a punch line for that earlier joke). And, more importantly, it’s not the middle of the night.
  Look, just let me do it. Clearly you don't know how.
Now, ahem, where were we?
Ah, right!
So, why did the woman in the red ball gown walk into the fierce water at 9 pm?
  Of course, because she is in fact a mermaid.
I’m a mermaid. And this red ball gown is my outfit for tonight’s dance.
  The waves enveloped me gently, even though they were forcefully striking the rocks around. Water would never hurt me. It knew me, it was my baby, my pet, my minion, my everything. So, walking to the point where the sea floor dropped down was easy.
  There, the dress stuck to my legs and my body, like a skin. Because it was part of me, it was my body, my tail.
  I swam leisurely, as I remembered my day.
  Today was the royal ball where I would be presented as the princess' peasant girlfriend. Therefore, I had to look stunning and show those jerks how I could be fabulous without spending a single penny. Those pompous title-riddled fishes would probably spend tons of gold coins to look their best tonight. And my appearing there looking like a bazillion gold coins without putting in any money would kill them from envy.
  Hence, very early in the morning, I walked out and went to the human buildings, to draw inspiration. That’s another thing the condescending shrimp that polluted our tribe with their hatred would never do, not even in a million years when the humans become extinct and the earth is empty.
  We are sea beings. We have no reason to mix with the inferior animals playing around in the dirt and the contaminated air.
  Yeah, well tell me then, intellectuals, why were we born with the ability to live on both the dirt and the water? Hmm? Why did our tails become legs and vice versa at will? Why could we breath the contaminated air as well as the water (which wasn't much cleaner than the air, to be honest)?
  But they would never admit to it.
  Well, better for me. They would never know how incredibly smart humans were and wouldn’t think of harming them. Separate societies and lives was the best for both of us. There were bad humans that could try to hunt us. And there were bad plankton-brained merpeople that could wish to keep them as pets.
  Me? I lived my life in both places at the same time.
  After walking around the shaped and stitched fabric stores in some human buildings, I finally had a design in mind. I never copied their… what’s it called? Clothes I think? Well, I never reenacted them exactly, because that was not nice. If it were me, I would be angry about someone stealing my ideas. Never mind if they didn’t even buy the thing in question, which was my case.
  The moon was out and it was already late. Zaf would murder me. But then she would see the way I looked, and then she would kiss me passionately.
  There was a public bathroom near the sea shore, and I locked the door with a flick of my finger as I walked in. What was about to happen couldn’t be seen by human eyes. For their own safety. They could not know. Or my people would hunt them. Even more as I was the only one so far that could do this. No one else in the tribe could.
  Standing in front of the mirrors, I began to move my fingers, wrists, and arms, eyes closed, mind focused, giving shape to the picture in my head. The matter that made the… hoodie was it called? The fabric reformed under invisible threads of magic controlled by me. The matter of my… jeans, united with the upper one, becoming one single thing.
First came the vivid red color, then the fluffy waves above the breast part, the curves as it molded to my bosom, the folds of the navel part, only to my waist though because there the lower bell part started. Sparkling lights that formed beautiful earth flora silhouettes appeared, wider folds that made the bell look like the pretty shells I found on the shore. The back had a gorgeous bow in the lower part of my back, and above that stripes of matter covered but also revealed the skin beneath.
Separating bits of matter, they flew to adorn my wrists, fingers, ears, and neck, pretty transparent stones placed in silver metal.
  Done! My eyes opened and I saw the vivid red color against my skin. Ah, this same color would look gorgeous when set upon Zaf's darker skin. Maybe tomorrow I would make her another beautiful outfit.
I smiled and began walking when I saw the point of my scruffy… Shoes? Oops. I forgot to change the stuff on my feet. Quickly it took shape under my scrutiny. My feet were revealed was thin silver strings crisscrossed them, I became a few centimeters taller as needle-looking matter under the heel of my foot separated me from the floor. These were called heels? Heals? Hills? Something like that.
  Now I was ready. Looking like I belonged in the high court and the royal bloodline, all done without money. Those schmucks would choke on their krill and fish eggs when I told my mother-in-law (loudly so everyone else could hear well!) how I could shape my scales (and everyone else's if I felt inclined) at will.
  See? It’s no joke. And it’s definitely no tragedy. It was the beginning of my life with Zaf. No more hiding. No more secrets. I would finally be acknowledged, and then I would ignore all their rules, all their stiffling mindsets, and all their prejudice.
  A smile curled my lips as I finally neared the air dome where the ball would be held. Walking in, my tail became my dress, my feet, in all their shiny crisscrossing-strings and needle-looking-thing-under-the-heels-of-my-feet glory, touched the ground with an elegant click. Gasps resounded around me and silence fell.
  I would love pissing them off and making their lives hell.
Prompt: 11. A woman walks into the ocean in a red ball gown.
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tangledcassandra · 5 years
Cassandra is Saporian: An Analysis
I’ve seen this theory tossed around a bit, but I think we need to take a good and serious look at it from all angles.
First off, what would this add to the plot?
Well, we know Saporia was formerly an enemy of Corona, until the two united when their leaders fell in love. Shortly after, the Separatists of Saporia were formed, a splinter group dedicated to taking back Corona for Saporia.
So, making Cassandra Saporian would give her a good reason to take the Moonstone, using it as the means to take back Corona for her ancestors.
Has that always been her true goal? No, absolutely not, and that’s not the focus of this post. But I will come back around to her motives for taking the stone. Hang on.
The ONLY time Saporia is mentioned in the show is in “Under Wraps”, which, as you may recall, is a Cassandra heavy episode. While that could be a very loose hint at her being Saporian, I think we’re missing the larger piece of foreshadowing that is presented. Something that Andrew tosses out right before his defeat.
"Oh, Cassandra. Saporia will rise again, and we'll have you to thank for it."
And sure, that seems like an empty threat on Andrew’s part. But the writers of the show have known for a long time what was being planned for the end of season 2 and the upcoming season 3. When you consider that, it’d be easy to drop in a forgettable line for a (much) later reveal.
But, there’s more.
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The Saporian crest on Andrew’s necklace is used as the catalyst for Xavier to reveal information about the Separatists of Saporia. Two reasons why this is significant.
Why go through all the trouble of elaborating on Saporia and its history for one episode? Why focus so heavily on the backstory of a character that only appears once? Sure, the lore at the beginning of the episode was relevant for explaining the Day of Hearts holiday. But the show took it even further, not only detailing who the Separatists of Saporia are, but ALSO revealing their crest. Why was ALL of that so important for a single episode?
We see the crest a second time, 27 episodes later.
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The potion book Cassandra reads from in “Rapunzel: Day One”. Now, the RTA Crew could have chosen to put anything, or nothing, on the cover of that book. But they specifically chose the Separatists of Saporia emblem. Why?
Well, I guess we can assume this stuff belonged to the Separatists, or some traveling salesman/magician (whoever the cart formerly belonged to) came by it through unknown means.
And yet, it found its way into Cassandra’s hands.
Now, this detail is completely trivial, and easy to miss, just as Andrew’s line could easily be forgotten. But it does ever so subtly add another point connecting Cassandra to Saporia.
But what else do we know about Cassandra?
We know she’s adopted.
Cassandra and Eugene had a brief bonding moment about being orphans in “Cassandra v. Eugene”. Now, that could have just been a throwaway moment, a nice ‘something in common’ between the two of them. But Cassandra could have EASILY been Captain’s biological daughter. I mean, why not? Why did that happen to be the thing they had in common? And why did Cassandra shut down when Eugene asked if she ever wondered what her parents were like?
Maybe she already knows.
But, that’s completely irrelevant.
Cassandra was raised in Corona, she considers herself a citizen of Corona, and she’s been striving her entire life to succeed her father as Captain of the Guard of Corona. She’s loyal to the kingdom and especially to Rapunzel, regardless of whether or not she knows she’s Saporian. And it wouldn’t even matter to Rapunzel, Eugene, or anyone else. On the off chance she knows, she’s been shown to literally not care at all based on the fact that it’s never come up in conversation.
So again, whether or not she knows, it’s irrelevant to this theory.
More importantly, for us, the audience, we don’t know where Cassandra came from. We don’t know her parents or heritage. It’s a small loose end the show has not yet touched on. And maybe it wouldn’t even be important, if we hadn’t just learned about Eugene’s origin and parentage in “Destinies Collide”.
Now, Cassandra is the only one of the main three whose background is still shrouded in so much mystery. She’s guarded, she doesn’t talk about her feelings, and she knows Rapunzel and Eugene BOTH can’t keep secrets. Rapunzel is a “sharer”, and Eugene just has a big mouth in general.
So, getting back on track. We actually have 3 pretty solid pieces of foreshadowing evidence for Cassandra being born into the Separatists of Saporia. She’s an orphan, Andrew’s quote, the crest popping up again in her hands. All very subtle, and yet, all connected. Very interesting.
Okay, the Moonstone. I said we’d come back to that.
Cassandra is Saporian: An Analysis: Part 2
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The door.
We all know this is going to be relevant to Season 3 in some way, but just like Cassandra’s past, what she saw in there has been withdrawn from the audience. For now. We can almost certainly say whatever she saw or experienced convinced her to take the Moonstone, or at least, planted a seed to get her thinking about it.
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“I believe everybody's got a destiny.“
Now, this is funny, because we really haven’t heard Cassandra talk about destiny a whole lot during the series. She’s been pretty adamant that she is on this journey to help Rapunzel fulfill her destiny. But here, she says, “All in the name of fulfilling destiny,” and then goes on to elaborate with the quote above. This whole journey she’s put a lot of emphasis on this being Rapunzel’s destiny, but here, she kind of leaves that out. Kind of leaves it more open and vague and a little bit ominous.
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Let’s roll back to right after the door closes on Cassandra and this imagery of Zhan Tiri is shown. Maybe it’s nothing, or maybe, more likely, it’s something!
Now, we’re really going to stretch into theory territory, but it’s all going to tie together. Let’s talk about what could have been behind that door!
What if Zhan Tiri convinced Cassandra that her destiny was to bring about the rise of Saporia once again? Think about it. Cassandra has consistently been overlooked in Corona. She wants nothing more than to be on the guard, and she’s willing to earn her place the same as anyone else. If you recall, Eugene managed to pass the guard test in a few days. Cassandra, on the other hand, has been training since she was 6 years old, and her father still won’t allow her to join. Captain is not overprotective by any stretch of the imagination; there is literally no good reason Cassandra shouldn’t be on the guard. (Other than the fact that she’s a woman.)
Not only that, but her friends have shown very little appreciation for all the times she’s saved their lives. She is so underappreciated, it wouldn’t be difficult to convince her to turn on them. (Except for Cassandra’s undying loyalty to Rapunzel.) Plus, with Cassandra feeling less like Rapunzel’s best friend and more like a servant to the princess, she’s not doing so great. Rapunzel said in the past (multiple times) that she trusted Cassandra, and yet, as of late, she hasn’t shown that to still be true. Cassandra is in a vulnerable state, ripe for Zhan Tiri to take hold.
The connection to Saporia? A very convenient way to tip the unsteady emotional iceberg of Cassandra’s heart.
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Wait, wait, wait. Didn’t I already say any connection Cassandra had to Saporia wasn’t important to her?
Right, that’s absolutely correct. It’s not important to her, at all. But it IS important to the story. It IS important as a plot device.
Zhan Tiri is an extremely powerful force that has been constantly looming over the heads of our heroes throughout most of the series, popping up every now and again to remind us, oh yeah, there’s a big bad coming. The final boss will be in town shortly, even though our heroes have barely been able to hold their own against his minions. Are they ready to face the ultimate evil? Haha, no.
Okay, we’re in the home stretch of this theory.
Cassandra being Saporian gives Zhan Tiri an in. A wedge, to drive between Cassandra and her friends and convince her that taking the Moonstone is her destiny. To get revenge on everyone who has treated her badly. I mean, that’d be great, wouldn’t it?
Not for Cassandra.
Cassandra, who loves Rapunzel. Cassandra, who, MULTIPLE TIMES in not just the series, but in the final episode of season 2, saved Rapunzel’s life. She grabbed Rapunzel when the gondola was falling. She pushed Rapunzel out of the way of a flying ax. She helped defend Rapunzel from the ghosts. Even after everything that happened on their journey, making sure Rapunzel is safe has CONSISTENTLY been Cassandra’s TOP priority.
But you see, Cassandra wants Zhan Tiri to believe she’s on his side. She has all the right motives for taking the Moonstone, so she could easily convince him that her actions are genuine. She wants to destroy him once and for all. But, until he revealed that she could take the Moonstone and use its power, she didn’t have the means. Of course, Cassandra needs Zhan Tiri (and the audience!) to believe that she has betrayed her friends. She needs him to trust her. She needs him to let her get close to him.
So why not tell her friends her plan? Why not let Rapunzel know? First off, nothing would convince Rapunzel to let anyone else take that risk for her. No one else would be allowed to bear her burden. Remember the foreshadowing that touching the Moonstone might obliterate Rapunzel?
“Freebird“, Rapunzel: “These rocks are my destiny, and that's terrifying. What if they lead to somewhere I'm never supposed to come back from?“
“Destinies Collide“, Adira: “While I'm certain bringing the Sundrop to the Moonstone will neutralize its threat, I'm not sure what will happen to you.“
Secondly, I must repeat, Rapunzel and Eugene BOTH can’t keep secrets. Rapunzel is a “sharer”, and Eugene just has a big mouth in general. There’s NO WAY Cassandra could let them in on any kind of plan to take the Moonstone. No way she could let them know she planned to risk her own safety to defeat Zhan Tiri. No way she could convince them to trust her to do this.
Too long, didn’t read: Cassandra being Saporian gives Zhan Tiri an opportunity to divide our heroes by convincing Cassandra to grab the Moonstone so that she has the power to take back Corona in the name of Saporia.
Lastly, keep in mind that Cassandra never actually says what her destiny is.
“I'm fulfilling my destiny!“
Okay, great. And that is?... Is it betraying her friends? Preventing the Sundrop and Moonstone from uniting? Opening the portal for Zhan Tiri? Taking back Corona for Saporia? Grabbing the Moonstone so it doesn't destroy Rapunzel? We literally don't know.
And I think that’s great.
Cassandra’s actions at the end of season 2 left us with a beautiful cliffhanger, hungry for more. It left us with questions, concerns, and a slew of ideas about what could be coming next. It left us with a few final parting words that ultimately have us stunned and bewildered.
But let’s get one thing straight. Cassandra isn’t. Cassandra has not betrayed her friends. Not permanently, anyway. It may seem like that now, but if you’ve been keeping up with the series, you know how much she cares about Rapunzel. You’ve seen that look in her eyes. How soft she gets when Rapunzel smiles at her. You know that she’d give her life in place of Rapunzel’s. Whatever Cassandra is doing, whatever she’s planning, is for the greater good. She’s not evil. Never has been. Never will be.
So have a little faith. Not just in Cassandra. But in the hardworking creatives who put their hearts and souls into telling this story. Who have set up clues throughout the series to keep us guessing and make the show interesting. Cassandra is a main character, a main protagonist, even, who has had more screen time than Rapunzel’s own love interest. Our girl’s not evil. She just has yet-to-be-revealed plans.
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imagine-loki · 7 years
Loki and the Minion
TITLE: Loki and the Minion
AUTHOR: latent-thoughts ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki hiring you as his manager while he slowly takes over Midgard again. You are to manage his PR, his daily schedule, and you also are his guide to everything Midgardian. He doesn’t make it easy for you, though. He causes trouble, doesn’t listen to your advice very often, and in general, annoys and intimidates you. He is the God of Mischief after all, and you are the nearest target available to him. You suffer through his antics because he pays well and also, you don’t know what might befall you if you refuse him. He is kinda scary after all.
RATING: T for now, will change later. NOTES/WARNINGS: None
A/N: Basically Loki being a diva, and a Disney Prince. Sort of… 
Victory… Conquest… Subjugation…
Merely words concluding the struggle between two parties in opposition. A simple enough concept, but a rather difficult accomplishment.
You win at it once, and everyone thinks you invincible. You fail at it once, and everyone takes you for granted.
This fatal flaw in the perception of the nature of war is what Loki sought to exploit.
Loki’s second attempt at taking the realm of Midgard would be his and his alone. There would be no one breathing down his neck, demanding things he had no intent to relinquish.
This time, there would be no conscious lack of conviction, there would be no loopholes for the so called heroes to slip away through.
This time… everyone would see what a cunning strategist Loki was.
This time… everyone would witness the new ruler of Midgard in new light.
But before all that could happen, Loki was certain that he needed a most important addition to his victorious contrivance this time round.
No, it wasn’t an army, for he alone was enough to take on everyone.
Loki had a mighty need—a need to be respected, to be looked upon with hope and not merely fright, to be viewed as benevolent, yet just and exacting.
He had a need for a medium that would enlighten the world about his munificence and his acumen, and he knew he’d need to acquire a new asset for this very purpose.
Managing Tony Stark’s PR was no small feat. There were events to arrange, parties to organize, not to mention, the wrangling with the media and social media.
In short, it was a daily struggle, requiring a whole team to handle it. Being a part of the said team was considered both an honor and a curse. An honor, because you got to work for a literal superhero. A curse, because it was stressful and sometimes, life threatening.
Even though she had yet to face a situation where her life was on the line, Elsa Trembley had heard enough accounts of such situations to help her mentally prepare for it. However, no amount of mental preparation works to keep one calm when things actually take a turn for the worse. She realized this harsh truth one late afternoon, when a cryptic message was received on Stark’s official mailing address.
It was a short note, written in a calligraphic handwriting on a thick, gold hued paper-
‘I come in peace, to join your cause. Receive me well and you shall be rewarded. Receive me poorly and there shall be dire consequences.’
~Loki of Asgard.
Panicked, she tried to reach Stark, but he didn’t pick up her call. She tried for Pepper Potts, and the result remained the same. Both Stark and Potts being unreachable at the same time—could mean that they were together, and busy…
There was an event coming up later in the evening, and Elsa wanted to inform Stark of the strange, threatening missive before he went off to attend it. So, she rushed straight to the upper levels of the tower, ignoring the actuality that she might be interrupting something.
“What’s all the fuss about, queen?” Stark asked as he greeted her, after hearing her screaming at Jarvis to inform him of her presence at the door to his private chambers. “Everything okay? Did someone issue death threats for me? Or is it a fake pregnancy this time?”
A groan was heard from behind him, marking the presence of Pepper Potts. So, Elsa had interrupted something…
It wasn’t a surprise, though, for Stark and Potts had been pretty much inseparable ever since the battle of New York.
Elsa shuddered. Right. The battle of New York. Loki…
Without further delay, she handed Stark the missive she had received, noting how clammy her hands had gotten.
Stark studied the message and then started chortling. “Well, I guess it’s no longer ‘too soon’ for the Loki related threats to arrive at my door.”
“You don’t think it’s from him?”
“Nope,” he said, handing the note to Potts, who was leaning against the wall just behind him. “He was taken to Asgard, remember? By none other than Thor. There’s no way in hell he is coming back. Thor told me he’d be punished, and that too, severely.”
“But, just how much do you know about these Asgardians? Enough to trust them?” Elsa asked, still unsettled by the message.
Stark shrugged, looking unfazed. “He fought against his own brother to help us out. That’s good enough for me. Besides, don’t you think it’s a bit too obvious to be from Reindeer Games? The message itself is kinda contradictory. He wants to join us but threatens us with dire consequences if we don’t let him. What a joke!”
She nodded, feeling sheepish now. She should’ve known, after all she worked in the field of PR. Anyone could’ve impersonated Loki to send this message, just to create panic. It’s basically what trolls did, well at least the modern day ones.
Hence, the whole issue was brushed aside and everyone carried on as if nothing had happened.
The city hall was the venue for the evening’s event. Stark was to be felicitated and honored as a hero. It  was officially New York’s ‘thank you’ to Stark. A bigger event was planned later, at the end of the month, to thank all of the Avengers.
By then all of them—except Thor—would be back in the city, marking an end of their three month long break. Elsa was eager to meet them. Now that they were officially recognized as a team, it was imperative that they collectively have a PR team to manage them. She was waiting for that to happen.
But first, tonight’s event had to conclude without a hitch.
She was one of the people from Stark’s team who were to ensure that nothing unseemly occurred during the felicitation. It was why she had been allowed access to the city hall much before the guests had arrived. It was an especially important event for Elsa, as it was the first time she had been given the task to lead the team in the handling of the event, PR wise.
It wasn’t her first major PR assignment, though. Before Stark, she had handled a couple of Hollywood’s upcoming stars. However, nothing compared to the intensity of handling a superhero’s PR. It was partly why she was here. She had been seeking a challenge, something which would stand out in her résumé.
When the event was finally underway, she was kind of relieved to see that everything had gone smoothly. Well, perhaps her own self congratulatory thoughts jinxed her then. Because as soon as that nebulous thought of success formed in her mind, all the lights went out.
A loud hum followed, where she could hear people giving in to panic.
“Everyone calm down, it’s just a power cut, nothing to be worried about. I’m sure it’ll be resolved,” she said, with a loud and firm voice to keep panic at bay, at least in the crowd that surrounded her.
The building had full power back up, and the present situation shouldn’t have happened. But it did. She just hoped that it didn’t amount to any sort of mischief on part of anyone.
Somewhere in the distance, she could hear Tony Stark bickering with Pepper Potts about the present situation and it made her nervous. She had been given the responsibility for the present event, and now it was on the verge of getting screwed because of one stupid power back-up failure.
Elsa knew the building plan—she had checked it out before the event—and decided to check on the power back-up system herself. Quite a reckless move from someone like her, but it was essentially her event, and she needed to rescue it.
When she reached the back-up unit, she found a tall man standing in front of it, with his hands spread. She watched silently as a strange light emanated from his hands and went straight into the unit.
He must have felt her presence, because he turned around and glared at her.
Panic struck her full force then. It was Loki, the one who had wrecked New York only months ago.
Loki… was back, in New York. LOKI WAS BACK!
A string of ‘oh shit, oh shit, oh shit’ ran through her mind then, as she beheld him. For a few beats, she simply couldn’t move, frozen in shock. And when senses came back to her, the first thing she tried to do was run. Obviously.
However, as she moved to run, the heel of her shoe snagged on something on the floor and she found herself stuck. Well, it was a sacrifice worth making, she decided, as she pulled her feet from the shoes and ran barefoot.
A sinister laughter followed her down the corridor and stairs.
The lights came back on as she was in the middle of dialing Stark’s number.
When she reached the hall where the event was being held, she saw that every decoration had been turned into green and gold, including everyone’s clothes.
And then he was there, in the middle of a raised dais that she was pretty sure wasn’t there earlier. More importantly, Tony Stark was stuck to one of the columns in a weird cocoon like thing. The absence of the rest of the Avengers was sorely being felt right about now.
Everyone had thought that the planet was safe for now. How wrong were they…
“Greetings everyone. I am Loki,” the dreaded man began, in a loud, authoritative voice. “And all of you probably recognize me as the scourge of New York, among other things.”
A villainous speech… oh god, this was getting worse.
“You believe me to be a threat to your realm, however, this time I come in peace…”
He didn’t get to finish his speech. Tony Stark’s flying monkeys—his suits of armor—came flying on some sort of command from him, Elsa were certain. They started attacking Loki and nearly wrecked the whole building in the process.
Loki didn’t attack the suits. He chose to disappear instead, much to everyone’s surprise.
When everyone tried to free Tony Stark, it was found that he had been stuck to the wall by nothing else but some industrial strength taffy.
He even ended up eating some of it out of stress, once he was freed, that is.
Everyone was sent home in a hurry, while Stark went calling in all the Avengers. There was no way to call Thor, though, as he was stuck on another realm.
When Elsa reached home, barefoot and frazzled, she was shocked to find Loki waiting for her in her living room. He held her shoes in his hand while he smiled at her enigmatically.
“I believe these are yours,” he said, offering them to her.
The situation called for a Cinderella reference… that is, if Cinderella had been trying to run from a villain and lost her shoes, and was then found by the said villain because of those very shoes.
Happily ever after? Yeah, right!
The sheer terror she was feeling at present qualified it for a horror version, though.
Loki blinked at her, as if confused. “What sad ways have I to tread, to be greeted with silence for bringing you your prized possessions?”
Sarcasm was practically dripping from the tenor of his words.
What could she say in return?
“Th-Thank you…,” she stuttered, grasping at an attempt towards graciousness, “…good sir.”
Really? Good Sir?
She felt like smacking herself silly.
His smile grew into a grin then, his teeth glinting and his eyes dancing in utter delight. She briefly wondered if it was his pre-murder grin. It was kind of attractive, if not a hell lot of creepy.
“Would you come closer, mortal, for I’m not sure we can converse in a proper way, with you standing so far away.”
Oh… pre-murder fancy talk? About what exactly?
Very slowly, Elsa closed the distance he was griping about, coming to stand in front of him.
“Do sit down,” he ordered, his voice lowering to a silky purr. “We have much to discuss and the night is fading fast.”
As she sat down on one of the single seater sofas, he lowered himself on his knees. Much to her continuing astonishment, he bent forth and took her foot in his hand.
She jerked in response, as his hand was cold, and her fear was dripping down her back in the form of perspiration.
Gently, he placed her foot into the shoe, playing out the grimmer than Grim Brothers’ version of Cinderella with aplomb.
It reminded her that he was, after all, a prince. The manners of the royalty were still there, apparently.
The other shoe was placed on its rightful foot as well, marking an end of the whole Cinderella act, she assumed.
Perhaps now it was time for murder…
“You must be wondering why I am here,” he stated, rising on his feet. His already impressive height was now further emphasized, with her still seated and him standing. It made him look even more intimidating than usual.
Elsa nodded, curious, even though she still dreaded the answer that might come. “I gathered that it wasn’t just about the shoes.”
“Good, we may proceed on to it, then.” He clasped his hands behind his back and gave her a head-to-toe assessing look. “You’ll be pleased to know that I’ve chosen you for a very vital purpose.”
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