#a bit more reading in this one idc
I miss them so bad (Dick and Damian)
#ramblings of a lunatic#dc comics#damian wayne#dick grayson#ITS JUST NOT THE SAME MAN#idk i was reading nightwing must die (again...) bc i was in a funk and saw another post saying how fans exaggerate the closeness btwn them#and on the one hand i get it. there is a very rosy portrayal of their relationship you'll come across in fanon#and they weren't very close at the beginning of their relationship#but man. reading Nightwing must die again was like#YES they fight. damian instigates it and while dick tries to exercise patience he does fight back/lash out on occasion#but despite all that it's still emphasized how important the two are to each other#when dick is forced to picture a future where he's lost his way he pictures damian being the one to bring him back#not necessarily bc damian is his favorite person on the planet but bc he gave damian robin. for a lot of practical reasons-#-but also bc how far damians come is (i think at least based on this arc) a testament to dick that hes doing Something right#both as a hero/person#damian is more than just a burden saddled on him (although there's an element of that in their batman and robin run)#he's also a last remaining connection to bruce when he's gone (remembering where he comes from) AND he's training damian+#-his own way! with a dash of tough love and workaholic spirit inherited but also a lot of patience and focus on being More than the darkness#idc what ppl say nightwing must die makes sense for these two. its a retcon but one that works imo#that dick buried his head in the sand about how much damian meant/the responsibility he had to him bc it was a commitment he was afraid of#and how damian ultimately was a point of maturation for dick even if he went back to being Nightwing#they were SO goddamn close and now they're still close but only in ways that are implied#and their bond is deemphasized in comparison to each others bond w/ say bruce. which i think is a shame#it was a wrinkle! a fun wrinkle that the batfamily had that in some ways dick understood damian better than Bruce-#-even if he didn't feel like he could handle the responsibility of raising him full time#it kills me that bc of the n52 we never got the handover of the batman mantle (and damian) from dick to bruce#next nightwing writer...include a flashback to that moment AND have damian appear in the book in present....AND MY LIFE IS YOURS!!!#anyway. dick is damians brother but also damian a little bit imprinted on him like a baby duck and its rubbed off on dick#they're partners they're mentor mentee but most importantly they were batman and robin. and they were the greatest#NOT bc it was all peaches and roses but bc they cared for each other exponentially despite all that
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st4rstudent · 3 months
Giant cornplate post here but I'll get my thoughts out anyways. I really like how even visually Mac and Winn are contrasting yet similar. Winn's main color is yellow and Mac's is purple, which are contrasting colors. Yet, they both wear green. And then both of them having glasses but they're different shapes (circle vs square). and ouuughhoguhgh. theyre good friends. i like them.
#clemramble#sorry this is a massive cornplate post . idc. ive posted my thoughts privately and now you all get to hear them#i always wonder if the color choices were done on purpose. i mean winns is obviously. being based off the windows logo#but macs based off a dutch bunny and not the macOS logo . soi always ponder if the purple was an active choice or if it was just coincidenc#not that itd change anything if it was or wasnt . their designs are clemheaven to me anyways#but yeah . you could also write about the same thing with their personalities#mainly in the way they talk in broadcasts. from what i interpret winns a lot more nervous and more casual whereas mac is well. its mac#i also think its funny that despite being nervous and stuttery winn gets to the point faster than mac. like if you read an alarming rate of#aptitude. mac takes 15 years to get to the point which is one reason it gets cut off so easily#and then in the hires and heroes blogpost it goes to do that again and then gets interrupted by winn#but even then winn does sometimes go off tangent just a tiny bit but is much more eager to get back to the point. i presume because of bein#nervous#i just think its all so good. i think they play off of each other in a funny way but not one that would be annoying to either of them#something something. contrasting enough to be different but similar enough to be best friends#sorry this is a kind of long tag post about mac and winn. i just like them alot and i need to get that out there. i hope you all can enjoy#my thoughts#...even if they turn out to be wrong.
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urlocallesbiab · 8 months
sorry to everyone who's been missing me/waiting for something from me, i've been slipping in and out of depressive fog for a week or two (and in general have experienced significantly worse depression than normal for a couple years, but that’s another story)
i long to get back, too; a lot of things to read and ideas to write and people to talk to. love y'all, take care
#signed: vika's ghost#also i've caught a cold so there's that too#terribly sorry for being overdramatic i'm just... tired of being tired and i wanted to talk about it a little bit#it's very important for me to talk about everything that's wrong with me. i tend to avoid that but now i'm trying to learn and to make peace#creative drive and ability to hold thought-out conversations keep slipping out of my graps and it kinda hurts more#— in a good cathartic sort of way but painful nonetheless — to remember what they felt like at all#i miss wanting to work on my wip and i miss having the attention span to write out headcanon and i miss having headcanons#and i miss talking to my fandom friends#(i did it just last week but i already miss it. it's one of the things i'd like to be able to do every day)#and i miss the ability to connect with art and i miss the ability to focus on written word and i miss commenting#and i miss discussing ideas and i miss interacting and i miss having fun. god i just miss having fun.#kp my apologies for not making much progress on bb&b; myself my apologies for not writing any of my other wips or outlines or posts;#da gc gang my apologies for not following up on any of the things; every fic writer whose work ended up in my to-read pile IM SORRY#jack & kp specifically i love your stuff#also jack my apologies for taking a While; & the rd gc apologies for never writing out any of the cool au thoughts i'd had after some point#really,i've been meaning to. everything requires way too much effort. everyone is so fun and i miss having fun#take care,remember me fondly,i'll be back,please stand by#if tomorrow morning i find this embarrassing i'll chalk it up to a fever or something.#idc i'm allowed to have it. world won't blow up if i'm embarrassing on the internet once or twice or honestly even forever#vikarambles#vent
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
Hey -waves my hand in the air like I’m conjuring something- um....what if Neelix ran up to Tuvok, doing his mail rounds, and was like “Ooh here you are again Mr. Vulcan! It’s from your children!” and Tuvok was like don’t read my mail (I only read the veeery start!) and Tuvok looks at it and raises an eyebrow. He hands the PADD back to Neelix. “It’s for you.”
Neelix is confused. For him? No, this is from Tuvok’s children. He’s sure...and then he looks down and sees that after greetings, small family updates and well wishes to Tuvok, they have instructed for him to give the PADD to Neelix.  Neelix is shocked. He looks at Tuvok and asks if it’s?? Okay??? Is it okay to just read this?? (It’s addressed to you.) Should you stay here and read it with me?? (There is no need. I have work to do. -pointed look at his stack of PADDS- as do you.) So Neelix finishes delivering the rest of the PADDS then runs off to his quarters before thinking its too intimate and instead going off to read in some slow corner of the ship.  The writer of the letter appears to Tuvok’s eldest, Sek - though as Neelix reads more he is introduced to basically his entire family who all have something they have asked Sek to dictate or mention. The very first one is “My daughter T’Meni has asked me to inform you that she is three years old, can tie her own shoes and ate all of her dinner last night. Important information, no doubt. All true.”   The letter is mainly just a very typical letter, like one would send a family member. They all say they were pleased to hear that not only was Voyager still operational but that Tuvok was alive and well. They say that Neelix has been mentioned quite a bit by both Tuvok and other crew members (whose families have in turn mentioned him to each other). They say that if he’s anxious about whether or not there will be a place for him upon Voyager’s return - they hope this letter will ease that anxiety.  Elieth thanks him for his ‘resilience’ in ‘dealing with my father’s taciturn nature.’ (Neelix grins, is that a sense of humor!?) Asil details a recipe which she has found to be hearty and broadly pleasing to most aliens she has encountered. Varith says that Starfleet is very interested in Talaxians as an unencountered species.  Sek finishes off the letter saying that his mother wishes to meet Neelix the next time Voyager is able to establish contact with Starfleet and video call. He then says, very quickly as if brushing past it, that they all understand to some extent the emptiness which can come from being without family. He hopes this letter has, perhaps, been a drop within that emptiness.  Neelix is very touched. Beyond touched actually. Then he freaks out. A video call!?? MEETING T’Pel!?? Tuvok’s treasured wife!?? He runs to Tuvok (I am eating.) and explains the situation. Tuvok appears proud of his children’s thoughtfulness and a bit dubious about Neelix meeting T’Pel. Neelix is anxious: Why, do you think she won’t like me?? (On the contrary. I believe she will ‘like’ you very much.) Then the day comes where they can talk to their family members for however many minutes they get this time and Neelix is so pleased to have someone to look forward to talking to!! Even though he’s also so nervous about it!! He goes to Tuvok, worried. I’m so nervous to meet her. This is your /wife/ we’re talking about after all!! Should I dress up?? (There is no need to ‘dress up’, this is hardly a formal occasion. -squints- ...perhaps you could comb your hair.) Then it happens and Neelix MEETS T’Pel. He’s nervous and stammering and he should have known she’d be beautiful but also she’s so important to Tuvok and she’s REAL and oh wow oh wow. T’Pel asks him to calm down. She’s certain Tuvok has exaggerated her attributes, he has a tendency to do so. “Only because he loves you Mrs. Vulcan- I mean, Mrs. Tuvok?? Mrs....oh, he never told me-!” T’Pel tilts her head as if considering something. “T’Pel will be adequate. Though...Mrs. Vulcan does have a certain ring to it.” And Idk man...just seeing Neelix so happy about passing out those letters and stuff made me go ‘ahhhhghghhhh and he doesn’t have ANYONE waiting for him!!!’ and that it’d be nice if someone sent him a lil letter....and I chose Tuvok’s family to do that because  1 Look at my blog then deep into my eyes and tell me HONESTLY that you don’t think I’d shoehorn them into whatever situation possible 2 I think it would take a certain amount of divorce from one’s own emotions to give up a very rare chance to speak with your loved one. Sometimes it takes a certain unyielding logic to be extremely kind.
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poppyseed799 · 8 months
I feel like everyone’s forgetting that Jimmy dying first again is NOT the most likely outcome. It’s INSANE that he has died first four times. I want it to happen again BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE EVEN MORE INSANE. It’s most likely that he won’t be the first to die, and while that would be hype for him, I would mourn the loss of the highly improbable streak we had going.
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starlooove · 9 months
Y’all think we don’t notice when you draw Tim and Steph side by side and give him a myriad of scars but basically make her Barbie…
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zoekrystall · 4 months
Saw certain tweets and here once again a reminder which a twt mutual luckily wrote shorter than I could (plus public so I can rb bc no way I do that myself on that site)
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And if you want smth I wrote myself which is longer and not just abt that here you go
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#a wild lux appears#I think they're one mutual who is fine w being screenshotted ik some don't want that#I wrote that bsky thing while waiting for food. Reg the fellow person I talk abt don't bash ppl that already spoke up and stop for a bit#To rb more later. Or ppl that still go to work bc they can't afford not to bc the thing by these actions is community isn't there as net#Or like anyone that shows they care and didn't do anything harmful and just take recharge time or so#Educate willing(!) ppl nicely and don't bash them or send a internet mob to them etc#The ones posting they still go to/buy boycott stuff yeah they're awful but what does bashing them bring at the end of the day#Don't support those ppl yeah but them posting that shows how much they care for it. They prob just want cloud which you give them.#Pressure ppl in power in a way they can't ignore focus on that not no name individuals#If ppl you know talk in private and if they don't want to change literally just cut them out of your life if possible#Online just block. Don't argue w people that just want to stir smth up etc etc#Also I don't think it's too productive to be mad when a standard user anywhere doesn't share stuff. Like yeah give them info abt that but#some either just do smth offline (in that case maybe tell them in this case just sharing online is also helpful) or are mentally too done#and focus all energy to survive (which is intended by the ppl in power. make ppl so done they only have energy to survive themselves so they#don't have energy to speak up abt problems in the world). Bashing famous ppl is completely different bc backlash actually brings smth there.#More ppl could do more if strike organizations would include community care so more actually could not go to work/shopping#Also reg protests so they should know do you know how many don't watch news anymore (I don't watch tv since many years)#I'm sure some also just can't esp younger ppl if they're parents monitor their socials and are zionists#Ofc speak up. I'm just here to say there are explanations. If they read things and still don't care unfollow/block/mute/idc or if you know#Them talk and explain how if is important they speak up#This has been going on for a good while now idk how many still don't know I am mostly pointing that out for new or not as much shared things#Tho I'm sure many don't know bc the standard response is the gov knows what he does and they do propaganda#They think surely the gov takes care of that. If they shut down convos reg that then that is dangerous denialism and living in escapism n#All. Not if the ppl who follow this need a break w fiction or so. I am sure the ppl you try to reach w bashing already muted/blocked all#accs and words associated w that#Anyways I gotta shower now. Disclaimer my personal opinion be an asshole and it's block on sight yada yada.#I just woke up I'm hungry I need to shower but that is also when I decide to share my pieces so
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sapsolais · 3 months
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can I see a picture of your dad 👉👈
yeah of course here you go
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arolesbianism · 9 months
Bro what do you mean endori is only 4 events from the graduation event. Stop it stop it Now
#rat rambles#band posting#bro theyre on the yukiran event rn with crying ran its so jover#yall arent allowed to be catching up thats illegal#well ok saying theyre catching up is egagerating a bit but still thats so scary#I only noticed this because Ive been thinking abt yukiran again because I alas love them still and I found out thats the current event in en#bro once mygo is in en thats rly when its going to be jover#and you know if endori does succeed in catching up one day theyll be in shambles immediately afterwards#although who knows I havent been keeping up with endori so maybe its miraculously become a functional english server again#like idk endori has never been perfect but at least its almost always been more usable than ensekai lol#bro the song list ui alone is enough to make me wanna beg ensekai players to delete it#its ridiculously ugly and unprofessional and also I hate a lot of the english names for songs (~close to grey~ is the big one for me)#also just in general ensekai is incredibly ugly and unstable even by sekai standards and it has done nothing to earn my trust in any regard#like idk if you care at all abt the actual rhythm game part of it I see no reason to not get the japanese version#like I get wanting to have a convienent place to read all the stories translated (even if I do Not trust the translators)#but like even with bndori which I started and played on endori for well over a year I still ended up drifting to jpdori as my main#the massively expanded songlist and up to date events just seem impossible to give up to me if you know how to access them#like ofc I wont go yelling at ppl to play on jp servers (plus theyd make multilives Much more unbarable) idc that much lol#but still I think if you can its a good idea to make a jp account if only so you can play jp exclusive songs if you want#this applies to both sekai and bndori to be clear although Id forgive an endori player for wanting to savor the old ui while they can lol#sekais new ui is fine but bndori's is literally sooooo ugly such a massive downgrade#also while I dont hate the new art direction as much as some ppl I definitely think its worse than the old one by a lot#its so dusty now </3#anyways I got off topic there time to stop talking
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sage-nebula · 2 years
i saw your tags u mentioned u didn't play sonic heroes. which sonic games have u played?
In order:
Sonic 1 (16 bit)
Sonic & Knuckles
Sonic 2
Sonic 3
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Sonic R (PC)
Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Sonic 3D Blast*
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic Generations (console)
Sonic Colours
Sonic Mania
Sonic Forces
*I never actually finished 3D Blast for two reasons: 1.) it made me feel nauseous if I played it too long, and 2.) I literally could not figure out how to progress. I'd just run around the big 3D globe thing with flickies following me like ??? So I played it, but never got anywhere with it.
As you can see, once we left the Genesis era my access to Sonic games became somewhat spotty. But I have Frontiers pre-ordered for release day delivery, and since Ian Flynn is writing it, I'm super excited! I never read much of the Archie comics at all (I read one issue, I think, back in the 90s), but I've read everything IDW has put out so far and I've loved almost all of it, so I can't wait to see what Ian has in store for us in Frontiers.
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somethingshifted · 1 year
still reading stuff and it's putting into perspective how when times change advertising routes change. not everything is my cup of tea (tiktok/discord especially so) but i mean, the way i found gorillaz was from their 19-2000 game. surely that is oriented towards kids, even hewlett's own words from 2008 reflect that
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so i keep this in mind while catching up
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yatiso · 1 year
entering my mostly sober era fr this shit kindve rocks ngl
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kamisatoayato · 2 years
finished reading stormlight this week and now im just like... well now what. like that was four 50 hour long audiobooks i listened to. wtf am i gonna do now
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obituarybug · 4 months
Hate when I read an AU fanfiction and it's like. This is just your OC you just added a character's name to it
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gremlingottoosilly · 3 months
thinking about konig asking to eat you out and you being like “lol no i’m on my period.” and he’s all “ohhhh idc idc i wanna eat it so bad 🥺” and you need to be like no. buddy. you clearly do not get it. i am not a 2-3 day period, “who needs pads i’ll just freebleed” girlie. i am a 7-8 day, heavy flow, bleed through the pad girlie, lmfao.
and then he eats it anyways because not only has he been around so much more blood than you could ever imagine but also he’s lowkey highkey into it teeeheeeeeeee ;P
"Schatzen, I kill people for money. You really think I'm scared of a little blood?" You wasn't nervous of the fact he wasn't scared of a bit of blood - even though it was not, in fact, just a little. Even though it was, in fact, a lot and made you ask him to bring you newer pads. You didn't really think he would be scared of a bit of period blood - but you were fucking terrified at the fact that he seemed to adore it. To cherish every drop, till the last one - to press his face between your thighs and look at you like a kitten who wants a bit of cream. The thing is, Konig missed you. Returning from a two month contract only meant he was ready to destroy your pelvis and fuck you for every hour he is on leave - unfortunately, he can't quite do that, you're too fragile to take his cock four times per day...but you can take his tongue. Even if that means having the metallic taste cling to his tongue for days on end, he would gladly spend the whole week buried in your cunt, relishing in your taste. It's a nice way to deal with cramps, he might think. Konig literally read one article about how orgasms can sometimes help some people with their cramps, and he'd use this for the rest of his life. Oh, your stomach is hurting and you feel like your womb is trying to eat you from the inside? Just let him eat you out! No matter how many times you push him away and beg for him to stop, he'd still laugh and push his tongue deeper, over and over. He is a mercenary, he is getting paid tons of money to cover himself in blood of his victims - having his pretty girlfriend cry and cum on his tongue is a nice addition. You don't even question it when he starts to track your periods, knowing you'd have it even when you forget - you don't question the dates he literally keeps posted on your shared calendar, don't care that the amount of heating pads in the house had largely diminished - and he won't buy you a new one because he is much better at being a heating pad anyway!
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