#a bit selfish and manipulative? oh hell yeah
venusvalhalla · 10 months
I've seen a lot of people speculate that Olrox will keep helping the protags and maybe even join the mc group in season 2 but I have not seen anyone wondering if he'll actually just keep working for Erzsebet. and maybe even become a new Drolta or something. like what if Mizrak's cruelty hardened his heart. what if he just goes full evil
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Can I request any gears character with character of your choice with awkward reader
Been on a Carmine kick lately, so you're getting Clayton >:)
Yandere! Clayton Carmine with Awkward/Shy! Darling
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Overprotective/Possessive behavior, Fear of loss, Slightly degrading behavior, Isolation/Kidnapping briefly implied, Violence, Blood mention, Murder, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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Clayton probably took you in as a new recruit.
After all, at the peak of his career he is a Sergeant and a veteran, ready to take recruit under his wing.
Clayton most likely was expecting you to be so shy and awkward.
He's your new boss and social anxiety can occur in some recruits.
Most of his recruits always acted eager to please, although you seemed hesitant.
Such hesitance is what makes Clayton prioritize you a bit more in training.
He's determined to make you a capable soldier and break out of your shell.
However... such prioritization makes him get a bit too... selfish.
Clayton would find your awkward/shy behavior endearing.
He loves your little stutters and tries to help you laugh off your mistakes.
He's here to train you, isn't he?
Mistakes happen... better you do it while training than in the heat of battle.
Clayton would see you as either an anxious little sibling or a shy love interest.
Either way he adores your behavior and the way it draws him to you.
Other recruits find it odd how Clayton is always around you.
There's times he babies you as he trains you, checking your him and trying to get you to rely on him.
If anyone confronts him on it, he'll either state it's none of their concern or beat around the bush about it.
Favoritism? Nonsense, none of that's going on here.
Your just... need a bit more help than the others.
It's not like he has any hidden intentions towards you, no!
If others keep pressing him on it... well he may just have some more blood on his hands.
Clayton tries so hard to rationalize why he's so obsessive towards you.
He never lets you out of his sight and often wants to check you over for wounds.
He watches other recruits around you, wanting to make sure they aren't too rough.
If they are, he pulls them aside and checks on you.
Regardless of his intentions, there's times he treats you like you're... well... incapable of functioning without him
In reality, he is pulling from past experiences.
Clayton is used to taking care of others.
Plus, he's lost a lot of people close to him, his brothers are a good example.
Part of him deep down fears losing you like his brothers.
Which is the main reason he wishes to train you and teach you to rely on him.
He may have not been able to be there for them...
But he sure as hell will be there for you.
You're too shy to even confront him half the time.
After all... maybe he really does just care for you?
In reality... while he does care... it's no where close to a healthy degree.
By the end of his obsession, Clayton may just socially isolate you... then actually isolate you in his room.
After all... perhaps war isn't for such an innocent creature such as yourself?
You're capable, but to him?
To him the thought of losing you is much too great.
You may be confused by his actions at first... but he tells you he'll be monitoring you... privately for a bit.
Perhaps he'll even plan a training related injury... then you'd have to be in your care.
If others accuse him of sabotage... their removal will look like an accident.
A recruit you were close with died? Oh... a recon mission went wrong dear.
In reality, said recruit was getting too nosey about the companionship between you and Clayton.
If only they minded their own business, yeah?
While you assume after you recover Clayton will put you back in the fight...
Clayton plots ways to keep you not only safe... but all to himself...
He'll take care of you and help you improve... just not in the way you think.
"Well aren't you just cute... are you nervous about me? Don't worry, my rookie... I'll take good care of you as your Sergeant."
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gcthvile · 8 months
Felicia MacLeod
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Name: Felicia MacLeod
Age: 343
Height: 6'0
Sexuality: Pan
Mother - Rowena Macleod
Father - name unknown
Brother - Fergus Roderick Macleod/Crowley
Felicia MacLeod was born in the late 17th century in the Scottish Highlands, into a family of modest means. As the younger sister of Fergus MacLeod, who later became known as Crowley, she grew up in his shadow. Unlike her brother, Felicia possessed a natural charm and cunning intellect from a young age. However, she lacked Crowley's ambition to rise above their humble beginnings through legitimate means.
Frustrated by societal limitations, Felicia sought out forbidden knowledge and stumbled upon an ancient occult manuscript. In her pursuit of power, she inadvertently made a deal with a crossroads demon, trading her soul for unparalleled charisma and cunning. The pact transformed her into a captivating force, allowing her to manipulate and deceive effortlessly.
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Felicia MacLeod's like that friend who always seems to have the perfect line to smooth things over, but behind the charm, she's got this devious streak a mile wide. She's the person at the party who effortlessly glides between conversations, leaving a trail of intrigue and manipulation in her wake.
She's got this knack for making people think they're the most important person in the room, all while secretly plotting her next move. Selfish? Oh yeah, it's all about Felicia and what she wants. She's not one to shy away from stepping on a few toes (or more) to get what she desires.
And then there's the evil bit. It's not the twirling-mustache kind, but more of a subtle, dark energy that hangs around her. She finds a sort of twisted joy in causing chaos, and it's hard to tell where the charming act ends and the genuine malevolence begins.
But here's the kicker – despite all this, she's the kind of person you might not suspect. She'll share a laugh, clink glasses, and all the while be weaving a web of schemes and secrets.
Devilish siblings
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Crowley and Felicia – it's like a demonic version of a dysfunctional family reunion. They're bound by blood, yeah, but it's not all hugs and sibling love. Picture two scheming demons, each with their own agenda, teaming up for the sake of Hellish shenanigans.
Crowley, being the big shot in Hell, spots Felicia's potential for causing mayhem, and suddenly, they're this dynamic duo of darkness. It's all about mutual benefits – they scratch each other's demonic backs to climb the infernal ladder.
But let's not kid ourselves. Beneath the surface, it's a game of one-upmanship. They've got this unspoken rivalry, always eyeing each other suspiciously. Felicia's got her own plans, and Crowley, being the sly demon he is, is always playing chess with Hell's pieces.
Their chats probably sound like a mix of devilish banter and subtle threats. Deep down, there's this weird demon camaraderie, but it's fragile. In Hell, alliances are as stable as a house of cards in a tornado.
So, yeah, they're your typical sibling drama, just add in demonic powers and a sprinkle of Hellfire, and you've got the relationship between Felicia and Crowley. It's like family game night in the underworld, but with more backstabbing.
The Squirrel and The Moose
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Felicia and the Winchesters – it's like this never-ending rollercoaster of trust issues and mind games. At first, she waltzes in all charming and helpful, making them think she's on Team Winchester.
Thing is, the Winchesters ain't no rookies when it comes to the supernatural. They've seen it all – demons, angels, you name it. But somehow, Felicia manages to pull the wool over their eyes. It's like they know she's up to no good, but her charm game is so strong that they can't resist giving her the benefit of the doubt.
They catch a whiff of her shenanigans, start connecting the dots, but before they know it, Felicia's thrown in a witty one-liner or flashed that killer smile, and bam! They're back to square one, questioning if maybe she's not as bad as they thought.
It's a love-hate thing – they know she's trouble, but there's this weird respect for her skills. Even when they catch her in the act, it's like she's got this supernatural charisma that makes them second-guess their own instincts.
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Felicia's demonic nature enhances her natural charm, making her exceptionally charismatic. She can effortlessly manipulate and influence others, bending them to her will through the sheer force of her presence.
Her powers extend to the realm of mental manipulation. Felicia can plant suggestions, create illusions, and alter perceptions, playing mind games to further her agenda.
Like many demons, Felicia has telekinetic abilities, allowing her to move objects with the power of her mind. This power comes in handy for both subtle manipulation and more overt displays of supernatural prowess.
As a demon, Felicia is ageless and immune to mortal ailments. She doesn't age and is impervious to conventional forms of harm.
Felicia has access to occult knowledge and demonic secrets. This knowledge aids her in crafting dark rituals, forming alliances with other supernatural entities, and staying one step ahead of her adversaries.
Like other demons, Felicia can transform into a cloud of black smoke, allowing her to move swiftly and undetected. This ability is useful for infiltration and escape.
Her demonic form grants her increased physical strength, enabling her to overpower humans and confront other supernatural beings.
And lastly Felicia can teleport from one location to another instantaneously, facilitating her ability to appear and disappear at will.
hope you guys like her!
@missstrawbs2001 @jackiequick @blueboirick @cherrysft @meiramel @gaminggirlsstuff
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scarscannotbereplaced · 3 months
The Dark Truth About Scorpio Rising Men: Decans Unveiled
First Decan of Scorpio Rising (Ruled by Mars)
Alright, let’s cut the bullshit and dive into the first decan of Scorpio rising. These guys are ruled by Mars, the god of war. Yeah, you heard me right. These men are aggressive as hell and impulsive as fuck. They’re the ones you see tearing it up in sports, dominating the gym, and flooding your Instagram with their jacked physiques. Why? Because they’ve got all this pent-up energy and an insatiable thirst for power.
These men have a presence that screams “respect me, or get the hell out of my way.” They’re detached, cold, and couldn’t give two shits about delving into their emotions. Vulnerability? Nah, that’s not their style. They’d rather choke on their own pride than admit they have feelings. They’re the gym bros, the police officers, the selfish bastards who’ll do anything to be on top. They lie, manipulate, and scheme their way to power. If you’re looking for empathy, look somewhere else. These guys are all about that raw, unfiltered Aries energy – masculine to the core and allergic to anything that might bruise their fragile masculinity. Oh, and let’s not forget – they’ve got a psychopathic streak that makes them downright dangerous.
Second Decan of Scorpio Rising (Ruled by Jupiter with Pisces Influence)
Now, onto the second decan, where things get a bit… deeper. These men are ruled by Jupiter, with a touch of Pisces influence. Don’t let that fool you into thinking they’re soft, though. These guys are artistic as hell, with a dark, mysterious aura that keeps you guessing. They’re the musicians, the metal vocalists pouring their rage and pain into their art.
They’re not as detached as the first decan, but they sure as shit aren’t open books. They’re the quiet ones, the guys with headphones on, lost in their own world. You know there’s something intense simmering beneath the surface, but good luck getting them to spill. They’re emotional, much more so than the first decan, but they hate the company of others. They prefer to stick to their family or a close-knit group of 1-3 friends. They’re not plastered all over social media – they prefer to keep you wondering, intrigued by the depth you can sense but can’t quite reach.
Third Decan of Scorpio Rising (Ruled by the Moon with Cancer Influence)
Finally, we get to the third decan, where Scorpio’s intensity meets the emotional tidal wave of the Moon. These men have a presence that can send shivers down your spine. Their aura is dark, almost menacing, but it’s all a front – a protective shell to hide their deep, tumultuous emotions.
These guys are vengeful as fuck. Sense danger or hidden animosity from someone? They’ll destroy them, emotionally, mentally, and if push comes to shove, physically. They don’t take disrespect from anyone and get into a lot of physical confrontations because of their intense empathy. They give respect, so they damn well expect it in return. They’re the martial artists, the fighters with a fire burning in their eyes. Covered in dark tattoos, they walk into a room and command attention without saying a word. Their eyes? They’ll pierce right through you.
And while they look like the kind of men you’d avoid in a dark alley, get to know them, and you’ll find they’re fiercely protective and surprisingly nurturing to their close circle. But don’t mistake their kindness for weakness – they’ve got a manipulative streak, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. They’re incredibly close to women, loving and admiring them deeply, but they manipulate them too, knowing exactly what a woman wants or needs because they’re so in tune with female emotions. They’re the dark knights, the ones who respect women deeply but aren’t afraid to play mind games.
Unlike the first decan, these guys actually have friends – a small, tight-knit group they’d die for. They protect their own with a vicious loyalty, especially the women in their lives. Emotions run deep with these men, and their anger is a force to be reckoned with. They’ll fight anyone for their friends and family, no questions asked.
So, there you have it. The men of Scorpio rising, each decan darker and more intense than the last. They’re not for the faint of heart, but if you’re looking for raw, unfiltered masculinity and a presence that demands respect, look no further. Just don’t expect them to open up – they’re masters of keeping you at arm’s length, and that’s exactly how they like it.
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“Fool Me Once” - Part 5
Pairing: Kacchako, Bakugou Katsuki/Uraraka Ochako
CW: Cheating, Underage Drinking
<- Previous Part | From the Beginning
Katsuki was able to spend the rest of the weekend in seclusion.
The small stash of food he kept in his dorm room mini fridge and the convection cooktop he stored under his bed for the nights the more inept members of his class had cooking duty served him well, allowing him to stay in his little bubble. A bubble where everything was quiet, where he could get lost in books, build that Gundam model his mom bought for him last Christmas. No manga or music though. The manga he read was much too… optimistic, and the music would mean his phone would have to be on.
Maybe for this Christmas he’d ask for a record player. Anything to make cell phones less of a necessary evil than they already were, filled with stupid text messages, and pictures, and status updates, and shame, and guilt.
He couldn’t do anything about the necessary evil known as time, however, but if he ever met someone with a Time Manipulation quirk he’d sure as shit make good friends with them if it meant avoid shit like the long, agonizing walk to Homeroom after shattering one of your best friends’ heart and lying to her about it.
Well not lying, omitting the truth about it.
Going behind her back and manipulating her.
Betraying her and having the gaul to think he did it for her honor.
And then ignore her after the fact because he was too much of a self-loathing selfish prick to take his fucking guilt on the chin.
Maybe he should call out sick. His stomach was starting to cramp.
“Bakubro!” Eijirou called, giving Katsuki a moment of warning before he clapped his hand onto his shoulder. “I thought you died or something! Were you that hung over? The guys and I’ve been texting you like crazy.”
Katsuki glanced over to find the redhead smiling much too tightly, his jaw tense, a vein bulging in the corner of his temple. Ei’s eyes shifted, gesturing over and over again to something just behind them.
Katsuki, against his best interest, looked over his shoulder and found a mound of pink curls and two, watery, black eyes.
“Oh Kitty Kat!” Mina lamented, taking his attention as permission to hug him. “I’m so sorry! You must be so heartbroken!”
Her arms, meant to be comforting, felt like a vice around his waist.
“I’m proud of you for coming out today. And I’m so so so sorry for not checking in on you! I was just so worried about Chako Chip that—
“Don’t worry about it, Pinky,” he patted her hand before peeling her arms off of him. He cleared his throat and asked the question he’d been avoiding. “How’s she holding up?”
Mina pursed her lips into a sour pout. “I was hoping you’d know.”
Katsuki’s chest hurt. “Why the hell would I know?”
“Because both of you have been holed up in your rooms since that night. I figured if y’all weren’t talking to us you’d at least be talking with each other.” She turned to Eijirou and grabbed his arm. “Now I’m really worried, Ei. Chako wasn’t at breakfast this morning. Tsu hasn’t—”
Eijirou took her hand in his and brought it up to his lips to kiss her knuckles. “I’m sure she just needs time, babe.” His eyes left her face to look at Katsuki. “You sure you’ve heard nothing?”
“My phone’s been off.” He fished the glorified glass brick out of his pocket. “I could check.”
“Yeah, check it once we get to class, bro.” He grabbed Katsuki’s shoulder again, a slight bit of tension in the hold that only made Katsuki’s stomach cramp more. “Don’t be surprised if you get a bunch of notifs though, we all were trying to get a hold of you.”
Katsuki rolled his shoulder to knock Ei’s hand off. “You could have knocked, ya know? I fucking live next door to you.”
 “’Unless you’re dying, I’m dying, or the whole class is fucking dying, don’t fucking knock on my door,’” Ei replied in his best, curmudgeonly impression of the blond. “I didn’t hear you die, and you weren’t responding to texts so—” He shrugged. “I figured you just needed space.”
What I need is for whatever you want me to look at on my phone to not be there, Katsuki thought. Instead he just tsked, and rolled his eyes. “Fine. Right call. I would have blasted your face in.”
The walk down the hall to their homeroom was haunting. Was the hall always this quiet? Did it always echo their footsteps like that? Katsuki’s palms were sweating, his cramping stomach knotting tighter and tighter with each step. The only thing keeping him moving was his own stubbornness and the pair of footsteps trailing right behind him.
He grabbed the door handle, grip a little more crushing than intended, and held his breath as he opened it – not knowing what to find.
They were greeted with laughter. Happy, bubbly laughter. 
Much too happy, bubbly laughter from someone who’s heart had been ripped out of her chest just short of 48 hours ago.
Ochako was laughing up a storm with Denki and Hanta, Tsu standing by her side the only ill-fitting piece to the scene with her uneasy smile compared to the wide grins of the others. The uneasy smile drifted towards Mina, froggy eyes pleading in confusion, searching for an answer Katsuki knew Mina couldn’t give.
He couldn’t give it either, unable to help his direct befuddled glare at her as he stepped beside her.
“Hey, Bakugou!” Her chipper disposition hit his chest before rising up to meet his face. “I was hoping you’d show up. You feeling better?”
“Yeah. Cheeks. Doing just peachy.” He scanned her expression, watching carefully for the truth behind that megawatt smile. There was no way she’d recovered that quickly. When her favorite manga ended she was red-eyed and mopey for a full week after. And that series had a happy ending. “And you?”
She shrugged and giggled. A forced giggle. More even and clipped on the edges, that her usual melodic laugh. “Finally got over my headache, thank goodness.” She looked to Denki and Hanta and rolled her eyes. “Remind me never to mix schnapps and vodka again.”
They laughed. 
“I’m telling ya ‘Chako you gotta go green with me one day,” Hanta said. “No more hangovers, still having a good time, and it’ll save your liver.”
Ochako giggled again. “Maybe next time.” She turned back to Katsuki. “I wanted to ask if you were feeling up to a spar session tonight.”
“Tonight?” He looked past the bright facade in her eyes and found the pleading. Guilt made his chest ache. “What time?”
“Anytime works for me. Just gotta finish up whatever homework we get assigned today then I’m free as a bird.”
“We got that thing after dinner, Bakubro, remember?” Hanta interjected, pointedly staring at him. This had to be part of whatever bullshit Eijirou was hinting at.
Katsuki groaned. “It ain’t gonna take the whole fucking night, will it?”
“I don’t think so, but ya never know. When us guys get together—”
“How’s seven sound?” He cut him off. He didn’t want to spend anymore time necessary with the fuckers right now. Not when they were the dumbasses that got him into this fucking mess. 
Ochako’s smile inched even wider. “Seven sounds, perfect. Meet you at our usual room?”
The warning bell rang, prompting them to take their seats.The desk behind Katsuki’s remained empty.
Course the nerd wouldn’t show the fuck up. The future number one is probably clutching All Might’s pant leg crying about—
Aizawa entered the room just before the late bell rang, Izuku following behind with his head down before he broke off to take his seat.
Katsuki fought against the urge to trip him, and instead pulled out his phone to keep from giving the nerd the satisfaction of a death glare and turned it on. It shook in his hand violently as he held it hidden under his desk, each pulse of a new notification slicking his palms in more sweat. He wiped his hand on his pants, passing the phone from hand to hand so it wouldn’t slip out and clatter on the floor until the buzzing stopped.
42 notifications. The top message read: “Operation Milo Emergency Meeting. 2nd floor study hall, library north wing. 6pm.”
“So,” Hanta said with a heavy sigh. “That didn’t go as planned.”
“Of course it fucking didn’t, numbnuts!” Katsuki roared, voice shaking off the sound proof glass. “Where’s you fucking ‘class unity’ now, huh?!”
“I’m sure it ain’t that bad guys,” Tetsu naively reassured. “I saw Uraraka on my way back from math class. She was smiling!”
“She was smiling, but everyone else isn’t,” Shoto said, pretty boy face drawn into a pretty boy pout. “In all my three years here I’ve never had a quiet meal unless it was after a huge battle. You could hear a pin drop during lunch and dinner.”
“Thanks for stepping up to fight against Midoriya in one v. ones today, Sho,” Ei said. “Last thing we need is Aizawa catching on to what happened.
“Tch. Fucking please. Teach already knows.” Katsuki crossed his arms over his chest squeezing himself to stave off the growing urge to knock every last one of them’s teeth in. “Wasn’t a coincidence that he and Aizawa came in to home room together, and it wasn’t a fucking coincidence that the nerd wasn’t asked a fucking question during any of our classes.”
“Shit.” Tetsu’s teeth worried at his bottom lip. “You think we’re gonna get detention or something?”
“I think Aizawa couldn’t give a rat’s ass so long as this bullshit doesn’t fuck with our studies.”
“And besides,” Shoji added, voice calm and measured. “Outside of the party stuff, if anyone were to be punished it’d be Bakugou.”
Katsuki straightened up, glaring daggers into Shoji’s eyes. “You wanna run that back?”
Shoji was unperturbed by his ire. “Operation Milo was your idea, wasn’t it? You wanted to do something to press the issue.” The unjudging, matter-of-fact way of speaking sent a chill down Katsuki’s spine. “Too much pressure too quickly causes things to break.”
Katsuki ground his teeth. “Then why didn’t you stop me?”
“Enough burns to the face have taught us all to leave well enough alone when you’ve set your mind to something.”
“Shoji, dude,” Ei admonished lightly, and placed a hand on Katsuki’s shoulder. “We all wanted to do something and your idea—”
Katsuki swatted his hand away. “Don’t try it, Shitty Hair. He’s gotta point.”
A heavy silence lingered as each beat of Katsuki’s heart threatened to cave his chest in.
“So what do we do now?” Shoto asked.
“Fucking nothing,” Katsuki scoffed. “We’ve already shit the bed. No use rolling around in it.”
“Or we could clean the sheets,” Hanta offered. “If Midoriya and Uraraka show everyone that there’s no bad blood between them—”
“But Chako is all smiles.” Tetsu interrupted. “Why would anyone—”
“Because she’s faking it,” Katsuki answered. “If things were good between her and the nerd they’d be talking to each other, eating lunch like usual, goofing around with Glasses… the girls only lunch they had today is proof enough that everything isn’t okay.”
“Well, you’re sparring with her after this, right?” Hanta asked, already knowing the answer. “Talk to her about Midoriya, see if you can—”
“I ain’t seeing shit. I already fucked her up enough.” Katsuki grabbed his gym bag and stood. “I ain’t playing mind games with her.”
“Where are you going?” Shoto asked.
“This conversation is going nowhere. We made this mess, meddling will only spread the shit. Let’s just fucking lie in it and let time work it out.”
He slammed the door behind him as he left, cutting off whatever bullshit excuse they were about to spew next.
Katsuki’s knees gave out just outside the gym, the guilt, the nerves, the self loathing finally getting the better of him. He managed to make it to a nearby tree and leaned his head back up against the trunk as he sat and tried to catch the breath that kept escaping him. Fuck sparring with Cheeks, his heart was racing enough to make up for all the cardio routines he skipped this weekend.
Would telling her make it better? Worse? How fragile was she? She hadn’t texted him this weekend while he was AWOL, so maybe she was holding up better than he realized. Or maybe someone let it slip that he masterminded this whole fiasco, that he Izuku was shopping around with Melissa and the sparring session was a ruse for her to kick his ass.
Honestly he deserved to have his ass kicked, deserved to let the earth swallow him whole and send him down to—
Two small, soft, finger-padded hands clasped the sides of his face, clearing the tears blurring his vision.
When had he started crying?
“Bakugou? Are you alright?” Ochako asked. 
He sniffled, blinking his eyes to clear the tears. “Yeah.”
“Yeah?” She wiped a tear from his cheek with her thumb. “It’s okay if you aren’t.” A sad smile, a true smile curled her lips. “I know I’ve cried so much these past few days my pillow is waterlogged.”
A fresh spring of tears welled up in his eyes. “I’m sorry.”
She shook her head and tutted. “You don’t have to apologize for crying to me. We’ve been through a lot.” She stood and offered out her hand. “Let’s throw it all out on the mat, huh? I’m warning you now though. My hits are really gonna pack a punch.” 
Next Part ->
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
How, what's the best word for it? Confused, yeah let's go with that
How confused would be the clergymen with a monster, that has barely any human heritage, who treats humans with kindness and respect. Who would be absolutely disgusted with what the clergy does?
Although I guess that's Breg already.
[So essentially, a reaction to Breg? Sure.]
How they view Breg's demeanor towards humans
Morell will never really respect humans and shares no particular opinion on the monsters who are especially fond of them. They're exceptionally good prey however, no one can convince him otherwise. From what he's been told of breeders, it's odd that they'd even pay any mind to humans at all. Aren't they incompatible or something? Breg just twists his head is knots, but it'll be fine as long as the guy doesn't try to get in the way of his job.
Gallon finds it so amusing. The guy treats humans like they're innocent, wonderful little creatures. Clever as he is, Gallon reads into Breg's demeanor enough to know something's amiss in his thought process. Something must have happened to have him behave this way. Tsk tsk. It's an erroneous form of thought, humans are usually not to be trusted at all, Breg might learn that soon enough.
Vinnel might make it a game out of scandalizing the breeder. Uhuhu- What an idiot! Awwwe, someone's messing with the precious little meat bags, what a shame... He genuinely thinks Breg needs a wake up call, but wouldn't it be funnier to make him hurt humans by feeding him misleading information? Oh yeah, humans love it when you twist their arm like this, just try it!
Nebul knows better. Breg doesn't care for humans, he cares for an ideal version of them he's actively projecting. It's very rich to have the breeder express disgust, when really, he'd hardly any better himself. Does he actually respect them or does he coo at the like a lunatic at a pet store? Him and the wraith are not so different after all... That being said, Breg stinks of unresolved trauma and Nebul really wants to poke around in his brain.
Santi finds it really odd that, again, a breeding-oriented monster, would grow enamored with a race that he can't impregnate. It's fascinating, if not a bit funny. He feels a small degree of empathy for the monster, since he's not really that gung-ho on torture, but he also doesn't really care about human suffering. Or most suffering. He's from Hell, after all. Part of him thinks Breg is really juvenile in that aspect.
Grimbly is mildly put off by Breg. And, as such, he's going to be a manipulative little snake and say he doesn't hurt anyone. How could he? He's just a tiny little monster, can't you see? He's just a waiter! He definitely laughs about Breg fanboying over humans behind the breeder's back, it's ridiculous how delusional the breeder is.
Patches, putting aside his fervent desire to study a race so close to the siadar, would expend a bit of effort trying to temper Breg's human mania. He was once human before. Humans killed him, Breg. He was put on a guillotine for stepping out of line and learning things he shouldn't. Humans aren't fair or perfect and innocent, they're just as rotten as anybody else, the breeder is a total fool to think otherwise. Cracking that illusion could do more harm than good however, the dullahan is aware of such.
Fank-e also loves humans, so he can relate to Breg on that. They're just neat, right? Though, there's so many of them, lol who cares if his coworkers mess with a few? Come on Breg, there's so many humans out there, don't be selfish! >:[
Sybastian regards Breg in the same way he would a madman, with great distance and watchful eyes. The human fetish is odd, they're clearly meant to be prey, it makes no sense to defy instincts and revere them. For no reason. That's not what he's most concerned about however, the mimic can scent the constant anxiety wafting off this monster, like a barely-controlled frothing dog, and he does not enjoy it at all.
Ludwig thinks it's definitely anomalous of Breg to have such a rose-tinted lens, but ultimately, it's harmless. And that's a lot better than whatever's going on inside The Clergy's walls. In fact, to make up for the atrocities of this establishment, the world needs a lot more monsters like the breeder. Lud will actively encourage Breg's view on humanity and tell him to keep staying far, far away from The Clergy. It's poison.
Belo's not built to pass judgement here. Lessers are creations. What his god does with lessers is correct and allowed, therefore, what his coworkers, operating under Krulu, do with humans is not to be reprimanded either. He doesn't care about Breg's "disgust" towards what is done here, and finds it insulting that he would question the siadar. Clearly, this one is just as much of a filthy good for nothing heretical as the rest of the populous these days...
Krulu is both furious and very intrigued. Breeders are a type of monster he wishes to examine and pick apart further, mostly due to their seemingly unexplained ability to retain siadar genome throughout ages, their cross-species reproduction is fascinating! To see Breg waste it all on lessers, the horrifically flawed poster children of his kin, is enraging in indescribable ways. Breg better stay far away, because he'll never be the same if Krulu ever gets their charred claws on him...
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pdaliceliveblogs · 2 years
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So that was a damn lie.
Everything is in place for the final stretch now. Most of the Boiling Isles are out of commission. Lilith, Eda, and King have been quietly surviving and planning. Belos has squirmed his way into Raine’s body and making trouble. The kids plus Camila are in the Skull, right below the Collector’s palace.
And the Collector is about to throw one hell of a tantrum.
So much of this episode was very… Lord of the Flies. Kids without supervision, I mean, but then also with bad supervision. At Hexside, the sole present adult (though she was shamming as a student) manipulated her way into being the power behind the throne, using Boscha’s preexisting selfishness and violence and encouraging the worst in her, playing on her genuine fear and grief for her puppeteered teammates, helping her be her worst self. The rest of the kids, though, for the most part were just trying to survive. Fucking around selling tee shirts, making a damn statue of their principal. They’re not competent, they’re kids, but they’re trying. I liked that Matt got to step up while remaining an absolute dweeb. He can be both a decent leader and a dorkass who draws stubble on with a marker (to be more like his missing big brother).
Meanwhile, the Collector… the only adult they’ve had around for hundreds of years is Belos, who never really treated them like a child, but like a resource. On their own, now— or even with Odalia around, because she isn’t interested in being a guardian either— they’re off the rails. Like the kids at Hexside, like Boscha, he’s flailing, trying to be a kid, trying to have a good time, but because of how powerful he is he’s doing a lot more damage than Boscha just being a shitty student council president.
He’s caused real, lasting harm. He didn’t mean to. He still did. Both of these things are true. I love him. That’s very true.
I’m sad that we had that moment of “perfectly eavesdropping on just the bit that will make things sound bad”; that’s a kind of contrived coincidence that annoys me. They were really tight on time, I know, but sigh. It’s not enough to override how good the rest of the episode is, but sigh.
I’m terrified for Raine. I know several times now we’ve expected them to come out of something hideously scarred and traumatized and they’ve sidestepped, but I feel like their narrative luck is running out. I don’t think the show would kill them off (KNOCK WOOD) but I do think they’re not coming out of this unscathed.
Trivial things— I still love the idea of Lily and Eda sharing an arm, tossing it back and forth when somebody needs two hands for something. I’m sad about their hair getting cut off, but at least in Eda’s case it makes sense; I was brushing out my hair like a day after watching the ep and noticed how much I was using both hands and was like “…oh”.
Stringbean is precious and I adore her. Alador is still unaccounted for, and the concept art that showed Kiki wearing his goggles makes me very worried for him. Steve is also missing, and if he gets to actually hang out with his little bro on camera I will be so happy. I need, need the Coven Heads to wake up. Especially Darius. Yeah, I know, I’m predictable, but goop man really grew on me and I want to see him complain about the playskool-ass outfit the Collector put him in.
I am overly amused by the idea of Eda seeing Raine up and about, tackle-hugging and kissing them, and Belos just YEETING himself out of their body like EEW WITCH TONGUE
Camila is going to be vital. I do think she’s going to be the one to really get through to the Collector. Old-school Trekker and the star child.
I’d love to see the kids reunite with their parents, I’d love to see Hunter get to attend Hexside, I’d love to see Raine and Eda actually talk about things, any and all Lilith Presence we get will delight me.
I’m a little terrified that it’s going to be over so soon.
It’s gonna be great, though.
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salmonandsoup · 2 years
Could we get summaries of the member of the vampire mafia?
oh you ABSOLUTELY can!  hell yeah
i’mma try to keep these relatively brief but there are like.  a dozen members and i love all of them so much and i’m trying to make them all complex people who have lived interesting lives (even if i do have my favorites).  i’m gonna put them in order of appearance! and of course, this is under a GIANT READ MORE. because this is LONG. also each person is color coded just for convenience though the colors will repeat (it's just to like, separate each section). heed the content warnings where they appear!
GOD this took a while but i'm proud. if you wanna know more about the overaching plot lemme know. i'm just gonna tag this as "the vampire mafia" for overall stuff
reuben james kent - the one and only english himbo; a giant flirt, a whimsical little shit, and someone who never wants to become manipulative and selfish (he punishes himself harshly for his wrongdoings and is more than a bit of a perfectionist).  he’s AMAB, bisexual, and genderqueer, though he usually presents masc and uses solely he/his pronouns unless in drag (in which he calls himself “reuby fangz” because he thinks he’s funny).  born in 1853 in london, he was a tailor barely making ends meet until one night in 1889, after stumbling home drunk off his ass, he got turned into a vampire—so he decided to fuck around with the rich and steal some cash to bring back to his poorer roots, while also becoming quite a bit more cultured in the process (learning how to dance ballet and play the cello).  he made some friends in higher places who were also struggling under the hegemonic ideals of the rich and powerful, and so he turned them into vampires too so they could all get their revenge and escape, traipsing around europe and eventually fleeing to america in the late 1900s (of course dodging the WWI draft and fucking around with the rich in america, too).  he can’t remember what the hell happened that fateful night he got turned and he doesn’t want to.  he’d much rather devote his time to making the world a little more beautiful and a little more fun for everyone—so long as he can keep his impulse control in check.  (that causes a lot of problems later down the line…  just see what happens with feliks.)  everyone in the vampire mafia’s got superhuman abilities, but where reuben’s unique power shines is in flight!  mans can fly and he loves to do so.  he’s a sweetheart who tries to make everyone smile, but he has problems admitting when he’s done something wrong, which is where one of the big conflicts of the story comes in.
peter gibson - (originally created by @maxusthemad!) peter’s a soft-spoken but no-nonsense librarian who reuben meets and befriends when he’s caught outside as the sun rises (while in this world, vampires won’t die if they stand out in the sun, it does wound them and leave them vulnerable to attacks that will kill them).  born in the black dockside community of liverpool, he eventually moved to london to pursue whatever higher education he could squeeze his way into and eventually became a librarian at the guildhall public library.  he got roped into all of this bullshit completely on accident, though because of his and nicholas’ love of bookbinding and bookkeeping, he ends up connecting reuben with the people who become his closest friends (and becoming one of those closest friends himself).  he’s always wanted to travel the world and never had the funds nor freedom to do so (cog in the machine and whatnot), so he’s happy to help reuben cover his tracks and then travel with the gang when they decide to hightail it outta england permanently.  he doesn’t become a vampire immediately, wanting to experience life as an older man first so he can fully appreciate his new abilities.  his vampiric power comes in the form of both a photographic and eidetic memory, and though it taxes his body a lot, he can see and hear through other people!  (his powers work in tandem with the info broker of this team, riki, and those two get along like a house on fire.)
nicholas sturge - (originally created by @kotilae!)  a young trans man from an upper-middle class family who prefers bookbinding to embroidery (though he won’t say no to either).  since he sucks at math (regardless of how many tutors he has), he does freelance work with making handkerchiefs and doilies, and he’s a friend of louisa’s (their families often talk together and nicholas’ dad is trying to get in good with louisa’s father and brother, who are much richer).  they’re both trying their best to escape their families and the lives their families force them into (though, thankfully, nicholas’ mother supports him living his life as a man, even if he can’t truly do so until he settles somewhere on his own).  he’s very anxious and sweet, but also extremely perceptive and Will hold a grudge or a smoking gun against you at the right moment for you to squirm.  he holds grudges for quite some time unless that grudge makes him look foolish, and then he’s apologizing for weeks if he cares about you.  he’s a phenomenal horseback rider, as that was his greatest passion as a child, and he becomes the getaway driver and transportation expert of the vampire mafia when the brit squad is absorbed into it in 1933.  his vampiric power lets him speak to animals and “control” them to a minor degree! (it’s mostly just persuading them, but if he must, he must—they forgive him, anyways.)
eireann louisa lovelace - (originally created by @oops-i-accidentally! also, cw for familial abuse) first, she goes by louisa, not eireann; you’ve gotta be a very good friend of hers to call her that.  louisa's an upper class lady with a shitty older brother named lewis who wants nothing to do with their mixed english and irish heritage (their mother is irish), instead vying to find a way to gain the most power from the industrial hegemony possible and using louisa as a pawn and a punching bag.  both nicholas and louisa have been trying desperately to find some way out for the both of them; lewis is trying to marry louisa off to the son of a family of bankers so he can gain monetary and political power, and louisa had nearly lost all hope because lewis is the most wretched piece of shit alive.  thankfully reuben, peter, and tomasso step in, ready to stir up some shit to create a diversion for both louisa and nicholas—and so, on her wedding day, she escapes and they start running around europe and eventually america.  unfortunately, her ex-fiancé starts following her, devastated by her running off, though his intentions aren’t what they may seem.  louisa can use various bits of magic as her special vampiric power (with telekinesis as her strong suit), she's a chemist by nature, and she's 100%, hands down, the braincells of the brit squad (and a good chunk of the braincells of the mafia in general).  so long as she doesn’t have to answer for some conflict (because she Will just up and run from it, reuben and her get along in that regard), she’s a powerhouse.  nothing would fucking function without her.  she loves the punk aesthetic when the 70s and 80s roll around, and she’s a huge fuckin’ lesbian.  futch supreme
tomasso “tommy” scarlatti - (originally created by @darkysan17!  cw for familial abuse) tomasso is an artistic and crass triple threat: a hooligan, a thief, and a dancer.  he’s the runt of the family and the youngest of several sons, the scarlattis being early adopters and pioneers of industrialization in northern italy.  where his brothers wanted to continue the family trade and learned in their mansion in varenna, tommy found a love for performative theatre, especially ballet.  his family constantly brought up the challenges he’d have to face due to his awful stutter and his tics (not to mention his complete disinterest in running the factories and his sympathy for the workers). tomasso’s father beat him ruthlessly when he found him sneaking food to some of the workers, claiming he “stole what his family earned” and what was “rightfully theirs”—but that didn’t stop tomasso, and his resentment for the entire rigmarole only grew.  he eventually ran away with ninety-thousand lira (about $50 USD in 1890, and the equivalent of about $1,650 USD today) to join a troupe of dancers that travelled europe, and his father is still looking for him even when he should be long in the grave.  he’s the one who teaches reuben both ballet and lockpicking when they meet each other at a festival, and the two devise a plan to get nicholas and louisa to america and safety when all of their families rear their ugly heads.  tomasso is kind of childish in his sense of humor and constant grandstanding, but at heart, he’s a true artist and explorer. while most of the dances he knows are western european or american, he has a great interest in historical dancing techniques and theatre from other cultures (like kabuki and chinese opera).  he’s still self-conscious about his stutter and tics, to the point of being MEGA defensive over it, even when it gets him into trouble. he tends to play it off afterward, trying to use a tough guy persona to cover up his true feelings.  his vampiric power can best be described as “impossible to pin down”: he can walk through solid surfaces and phase in and out of objects at will.  eventually he learns to use paintings and photographs as portals, so long as they share the same subject!
finley v. a. seabrooke - (cw parental abuse) louisa’s ex-fiancé, and a man who was raised to basically be a tool.  his parents allowed him no privacy and invaded almost every single boundary one can have, all to make him into the perfect asset.  the only reason they supported his transition at all was because they could get more use and money out of him as a man than as a woman.  the lovelaces and seabrookes were close by the time finley and louisa were in their twenties, and lewis set the two of them up to be married so he could access the wealth and power the seabrookes held.  finley was overjoyed to have someone be his wife, especially someone as wonderful as louisa (even though they’d rarely seen each other, just the idea of someone loving him in that way was enough for him), but of course, louisa runs away, leaving finley heartbroken and terrified.  lewis stokes the fire and sends finley off to find louisa and bring her back, and perhaps to get revenge on the brutes who took her.  but the more that finley looks at everything that’s gone on, especially with how lewis seems to have some uncanny knowledge of events that haven’t even happened yet… the more he starts to try and unravel the pieces of this puzzle.  eventually, he too becomes a vampire and after rebuking lewis fully, he joins the mafia as a financial resource and one of the faces of the group, since he’s very good at talking to those in high places.  his vampiric power ends up being flesh-crafting (think vicissitude from vampire: the masquerade). 
feliks kaufmann - my son, my socially anxious, depressed son who can punch through over 13” (33cm) of solid steel (his vampiric power is super strength and bloodbending on occasion).  i love him so much.  i try not to play favorites; he is my favorite.  he’s 6’10” (208cm), 265 pounds (120kg) of pure kosher BEEF.  just… a pure wall of a man.  long story short, he’s a 2nd-gen russian-american jew (so his grandparents fled russia and the pogroms), and because he and his family in little odessa have like, ten mouths to feed and a tiny apartment, he gets sucked into the world of organized crime to try and pay the bills.  one night when he’s walking home, reuben starts to flirt with him, and while feliks is receptive, he’s got places to be.  reuben convinces him to stay still for just a second, putting him in a trance and feeding from him (though not to kill him; reuben refuses to kill unless in self-defense, and not only that, but he also refuses to become adept at truly hypnotizing anyone because the idea of holding someone’s mind hostage disgusts him).  unfortunately for them both, feliks, the eternally-anxious motherfucker that he is, breaks out of the trance and fights back, leading to a huge scuffle with him dying and reanimating as a vampire while reuben flees the scene.  now, feliks being jewish plays a big part here: because vampires can unfortunately be taken as an amalgamation of antisemitic conspiracies and canards (check here for more on that), and this happens in 1927, feliks thinks he just got hate-crimed.  he loves his family more than anything in the world and now feels like he can never face them again because he’s been turned into an undead monster who, if he’s found out, would Literally be proving the white supremacists right and that means there’s a serious chance of violence against his family and community, so he’s FURIOUS.  he hunts reuben and his friends down for six years, accruing more and more power in the criminal world in order to do so (he gets more members in his crew, starts doing vigilante work to gain the respect of the communities he resides in, etc.).  thankfully, in 1933, he takes a moment to think about what they’re even doing anymore and asks reuben what the fuck was up with all of that.  reuben genuinely was just hungry, and he had no idea that his actions would have those… unfortunate implications.  (like i said, himbo.)  while it’s not all hunky-dory, reuben actually apologizes and vows to help feliks reconnect with his family, and the two of them team up to fuck up the KKK and the nazis, so things smooth over relatively quickly.  sue me, i’m a sucker for enemies to lovers, and feliks is also bisexual (though cisgender).
gaspare “loupe eye” paviano - (originally created by @maxusthemad!) gaspare is feliks’ underboss and right-hand man, going from a thrall underneath him into an equal and a powerful, flirtatious vampire in his own right.  he’s a charmer, and loyal to the end, but he’s more than a little indecisive and impulsive at the worst times.  he was born to a lower middle class italian- and greek-american family in chicago, and much like feliks, in order to provide for his family, he fell into a life of organized crime at a young age and couldn’t get out.  one fateful day, he manages to save his boss from getting stiffed on a jewelry deal by pointing out a fake sapphire, and he’s able to get legitimate tutelage and claim to his parents that he was a “jeweler’s apprentice”.  he earns the nickname “loupe eye” paviano through these endeavors.  eventually, in 1929, he gets orders to go to new york and deal with an upstart there who’s been causing trouble… which ends up being feliks.  sensing potential in the young man, feliks slaughters the rest of the group, but leaves gaspare alive and turns him into a thrall.  however, towards the end of their first year working together, gaspare continually breaks out of the trance and resists some of feliks’ more grisly orders, his first real means of standing up for himself and what HE wants (which is big, because he’s been pretty aimless and just kind of followed orders up until this point—he has few motivations in life and was kinda depressed and picked fights a lot).  in response to that, feliks actually establishes a genuine partnership, turning gaspare into a vampire so that they can both work to achieve their goals.  gaspare’s vampiric power is shadow manipulation and teleportation!
retha “riki” harris - (originally created by @maxusthemad!) feliks’ childhood best friend and resident spy/info-broker of the vampire mafia!  she’s a bit of a clown, but she just likes making people happy and watching them go about their days when they’re happiest.  she also has a little guilty pleasure in reading a ton of romance novels.  she’s african- and japanese-american (and she’s also got vitiligo), but because interracial marriage was banned, she’s technically a child born out of wedlock.  however, there’s no drama here because her dad knew about it and wholly loves riki as her daughter (as he’s also in love with the man who fathered her—they’re both bisexual and we stan healthy communication and open relationships!).  riki grew up in the same neighborhood as feliks, and she’s a self-taught nurse who’s hustling her way up in the world the same way feliks did with the criminal underground.  when feliks goes missing, she looks for him doggedly because That’s Her Best Fucking Friend And She Needs To Know What Happened, and when she finally pins him down and pries the info from him, she decides to investigate the circumstances because there’s a lot that isn’t adding up.  throughout 1929 to 1933, she gives feliks the location of the brits for most of the time that he chases them.  however, she’s also the one to actually get feliks to sit down with reuben and talk things out.  her vampiric power is the ability to shape-shift into animals, which helps a lot when gathering information—and it’s the reason why she’s got the nickname “baby bat” with the group!  she likes to be a vampire bat the most.
amélie “ami” boulanger and gadreau boulanger – (gadreau was made by @neogeoandcompany!  he’s the lavellan of neo’s da:i playthrough) a pair of fraternal twins from bordeaux, france who become a pair of master assassins and traceurs (parkour artists).  cast out from their home for being “devil’s children”, also known as albinism mixed with severe melanosis in solely their sclera and irises (making the sclera nearly black and their eyes a deep reddish color—their bodies really went “okay, we’re sending all the melanin there and nowhere else”), they relied on each other to try and eke their way through the world, taking odd jobs wherever they could and evading the trouble that came with some of the more unsavory tasks.  (gadreau’s scar is from when he pointed out a few holes in the plan of a leader of thieves, and his tone did not sit well with the man, so he “gave him something to smirk about”.  ami made short work of the bastard after that slight to her brother.)  they turned to petty thievery as they grew older and snatched up whatever bits and pieces of education they could, until they eventually saved up enough money to make the trek to america.  ami stole away on a boat first, and decided to turn to thievery once again to make ends meet, knowing that far too many people would love to take advantage of a young woman who spoke little english.  she ended up encountering feliks when trying to steal from him, and he decided that he quite liked her gall and willingness to put up a fight, and so she became a member of the mafia and honed her skills with a pistol.  when gadreau crosses over, he’s very cross when he learns that ami has joined a mafia family, but cannot deny that the family she’s made might help them both settle their scores—and what the twins do, they do together, no matter what.  ami’s vampiric power is technomancy (where she can make machinery do what she wants it to, as in immediately picking locks and disabling security cameras with a touch), and gadreau can turn invisible!  both of them can also walk on walls and ceilings.  gravity means nothing to the double spiderman menace.
liesl “liza” kaplan - (originally created by @maxusthemad!) originally introduced as one of the first recurring Genuine Antagonists of the story (like finley), liesl eventually joins the mafia as the mechanic for all artillery and vehicles.  she’s a take-charge kind of woman who thinks she always knows best, and she refuses to put up with any bullshit (she has lived FAR TOO LONG for tomfoolery to get in the way of her goals and dreams, and if you dare try and hurt those she cares about, you will not live to tell the tale).  she is a very nurturing figure at heart, though, and loves to spoil people.  like feliks, she’s jewish (and also born to a reform family like feliks), but she grew up in heilbronn, germany until her family immigrated to the united states when she was in her twenties.  she studied as much biology (specifically botany) as she could, and her impeccable grades and performance actually landed her in the university of pennsylvania.  while she traveled to various farms to learn more about soil temperature and yield, she met a young farmer and fell in love, eventually marrying him and creating a life with him.  unfortunately, he died young and her children moved away, so her loneliness makes her a perfect target for a supernatural hunters’ guild to scoop her up and convince her of the threat of all kinds of undesirables, especially vampires.  she encounters the vampire mafia and swears to take them down, along with her compatriot ibán, and her being in her sixties does nothing to snuff out her fervor.  thankfully, for the three of them, a look at the parallels between their (literal) witch hunts and the rising tensions in europe is enough for them to reject the hunters’ guild.  unfortunately, the guild doesn’t take well to defectors, and after an ambush, liesl sustains mortal injuries and decides to become a vampire in order to keep doing her work.  her vampiric power ends up being the ability to control plants!  (she usually uses it to keep in touch with her garden and make it the best damn rooftop garden in all of new york.)
ibán lucero garcia abascal - (cw for exorcisms, familial abuse, and suicide) another Recurring Antagonist-At-First, ibán works with liesl to try and destroy the vampire mafia, but becomes the religious expert for the vampire mafia.  when we meet him, he’s a priest and exorcist, though his methods kind of put the vatican at arm’s length (insert “i don’t know… that’s scary!” comic here).  he was born in ciudad juarez in northern mexico, but his family moved to what would become white sands, new mexico before he was three, so he’s got dual citizenship.  his family was deeply religious, and so he became a devout catholic, though that didn’t stop his family from worrying about his eccentricities, his grandfather especially.  ibán didn’t care to partake in the usual communal activities, and hated to be touched unless he sought out comfort.  he often played alone and had trouble keeping eye contact, and while he knew quite a lot for his age, he could not understand other people and spoke bluntly and callously.  all of this led to his grandfather trying to exorcize him when he was eight, which didn’t exactly stop the problems, but it taught ibán to repress like nobody’s business and gave him a serious fear of vulnerability and hatred for his own mind.  (turns out, ibán is autistic and not, in fact, possessed by a demon.  but mental health solutions are not exactly amazing in the 1910s, so we get the lovechild of john ward from the FAITH horror game series and inspector javert from les miserables.)  eventually in his twenties, ibán moves further east to alexandria, virginia, and becomes an exorcist for hire, fervently hunting down demons.  some of them were genuine threats, but unfortunately, others were either supernatural creatures just kind of living their lives or were other mentally ill people.  the same supernatural hunter’s guild that picked up liesl lures in ibán, and the two get along well.  for how devout ibán is, differing religions don’t bother him and even become a point of interest (if it means he gets better at banishing demons from all walks of life).  they both agree that vampires, especially, are unnatural monsters that must be purged.  and that’s how the vampire mafia finds these two, and through repeated interactions, ibán and gadreau find themselves constantly in each other’s sights (sue me, another enemies to lovers story, but blame neo for it too because he enabled me).  when the guild shows its true colors and it turns out they work for lewis, liesl actively desists and stands alongside the mafia, but ibán has a much trickier time reconciling with his own actions because the moral rigidity that got him through so much hardship is now coming back to bite him in the ass.  he very nearly jumps off a building before gadreau finds him and convinces him to move forward instead.  and so, with liesl, ibán officially joins the mafia and decides to deal with spirits in a more peaceful way (though demons still get their ass beat).  ibán’s vampiric power is a little hard to give a name to, but he can pull people’s emotions out through their blood and turn said blood into weaponry or tools based on the emotions in them.  so if someone was angry with him, he could turn that anger into a literal sword to use against them, but unfortunately, ibán takes on those emotions—so if he removes someone’s fear, he feels that fear, and they don’t, whatever the cost of that may be.
jenab bin tan zakaria (alias miles cintaku) - (originally created by @maxusthemad! cw for family murder) the last member of the team!  max describes him as kind of like if dexter morgan and patrick jane had a vigilante-justice fueled murder fusion—while he is incredibly empathetic to those who are struggling, he has nothing but rage for those who prey on the inequalities of a system that forces such.  he’s unfortunately condescending and myopic, refusing to take help unless he absolutely needs it and things are his way or the highway more times than not, but his wit and his sense of justice and family bring him through.  he comes to the mafia in the late 1950s, early 1960s, so there’s a bit of a jump (though perhaps he’ll be in the background for keen eyes to spot).  he’s the “therapist” and interrogator of the group when he officially joins (yes, yes, conflict of interest, but none of these guys can like.  go to any old therapist and jenab does know what he’s doing).  he was born in perak, malaya in 1921 to an english father and a malay mother.  he grew up to become fascinated with the workings of the mind, especially with morbid disgust in what causes people to commit horrible acts against each other.  he graduated from universiti pendidikan sultan idris with a doctorate of psychology focusing on behavioral health, and a minor in anatomy.  the mask of the studious and quiet young man hid a growing rage and antipathy, and soon he held the corpse of a sex pest stalker in his own hands.  the rush and satisfaction of removing such a disgusting person from the world led him to becoming more than a bit of a vigilante killer, finding those who committed terrible deeds and giving them some extrajudicial justice.  he moved around during his youth, but eventually became a school counselor in kuala lumpur and met a young woman named fariza, who captured his heart.  he eventually decided to settle down with her and marry her in 1948, giving up his vigilante work in order to focus on making things safe for fariza and their coming daughter, khatijah.  unfortunately, tragedy struck soon after, and another serial killer who went by the moniker of navy james killed fariza before khatijah was born and left malaysia before jenab could bring him to justice.  this sends him spiraling into a deep depression, but it also fuels the flame to go back to his vigilante ways.  he taunts navy james by killing another scumbag and using the killer’s tag, and then starts to hunt him down across the globe.  when he comes across the vampire mafia, he offers his services and expertise in exchange for their resources, but found family strikes again!  shit!  he kind of loves all of them now.  his vampiric power is possession and the ability to have his spirit leave his body temporarily.
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heinrix · 1 year
been wanting to do this post for a hot minute but uhh. oz and his opinions/relationships with the companions!
Shadowheart - She, in all her hardened exterior, reminded him immediately of his best friend from his universe, Penny. So Oz becomes rather attached to her quickly. They are snarky best friends, brother/sister, paladin/cleric duo do not separate! Oz, even though he’s not familiar with the gods in Faerûn definitely saw what Shar was doing to her as manipulation, especially with the holding her memories hostage as incentive made him think about his own situation and how basically his soul was held hostage by Monacco
Astarion - He reminds Oz of himself before he took the deal with Monacco, all obvious flamboyant facade and using sex as a tool. So, in seeing that, Oz rebuffed Astarion’s advances and simply wanted to help him heal from his trauma as a friend, if that means murdering the fuck out of his abuser then yeah he’s helping him complete that goal by any means necessary
Gale - Oh, Gale. Oz thought at first that he was a very funny little wizard, pretty confident in himself and his skills, which was attractive to say the least; Oz has a soft spot for articulate, intelligent men. He knew that he was physically attracted to Gale and definitely laid his flirtations on very thick but respected the distance Gale wanted to keep which was fair, this was all just fun, wasn’t it? Wrong! Act Two Beam!
Wyll - Oz really appreciates Wyll for being such a shining light in the darkness and if not a bit jealous of his attitude in the face of adversity; a little more than jealous, quite envious really. Oz was a bit worried what Wyll’s reaction would be when he found out Oz was technically a fiend but Wyll took it in stride and understood the nature of Oz’s situation with Monacco, and Wyll truly empathized with him about it. Oz, Wyll, and Karlach: Fuck fiends, all my homies hate fiends!
Lae’zel - In all honesty, Oz is quite intimidated by Lae’zel at first with her brash personality but he comes to see how scared she is to be caught up in the situation she’s in and empathizes with her (they’re both learning wtf a Faerûn is). He enjoys listening to her talk about githyanki culture, it reminds him a bit of Gale going off about magic. Oz probably asked Lae’zel, a bit timidly, if she could help him with his sword fighting technique (since he’s not really trained ever and was just sort of magically given proficiency), she gladly undertook the opportunity, they’re sparring buddies!
Karlach - Hot and cold besties! Immediately upon meeting Karlach and seeing how fucked by the Hells she’d been, Oz knew that they’d grow close; to which they did, both of them being on the frontline in every fight together also helped in making that bond even stronger. Similar to Lae’zel, Oz and Karlach would stay up some nights before a fight and strategize, mostly Karlach talking and Oz following orders to a tee the next day. Though, Oz has no excuse other than pure, selfish desire for having betrayed Karlach’s confidence in him when he decided to side with Enver
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ga-yuu · 2 years
Yoritomo & Yoshitsune - Chapter 4
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-----Part 1-----
(The relationship between Yoritomo-sama and Yoshitsune-sama....but it might be a selfish idea for me to try to do something about it, isn't it?)
----When I was having these troubling thoughts in my room....
Yoshino: "Woah what the!?"
Suddenly I heard something like an explosion from outside.
(No way, another attack from the underworld!?)
I quickly hurried to the garden, where I heard the sound and....
Yoshino: "What? What the hell is this hole?"
The ground is deeply gouged and garden stones and trees have been blown over.
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Morinaga: "Oh good morning, Yoshino. It's a beautiful day isn't it?"
Tamamo: "Are you out for a walk? There were some beautiful flowers blooming this morning by the pond."
Kurama: "I have no use for a boring little puss. Go away."
Ibuki: "Kurama being Kurama again and ordering people around. You're the outsider here, she's the resident."
Yoshino: "....Wait. Why is everyone acting so normal? There is a hole in the ground. Don't you think it's strange?"
I asked fearfully.
Morinaga: "Ah, you mean this?"
Yoshino: "Yeah..."
Morinaga: "Actually...."
Morinaga: "It was a casual question I asked that kind of got things going a bit."
Yoshino: "Question?"
According to Morinaga-san's explanation-----
It seems that Morinaga-san was standing around talking with these three demons who bumped into him in the corridor this morning.
Morinaga: "----By the way, there's something that's been bothering me for a while."
Tamamo: "What? Morinaga."
Morinaga: "Who is the strongest of the three of you?"
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Kurama and Ibuki: ".........."
Tamamo: "......."
Kurama: "Me."
Morinaga: "Wow."
Ibuki: "Aww, the baby chick hasn't even hatched from its egg yet and it's already calling itself the mightiest. You need to live for another 1000 years if you want to get close to my power level."
Kurama: "You be careful to not lose your teeth and horns, Grandpa."
Tamamo: "You two need to stop your sterile squabbling."
Tamamo: "By the way, I'm the most beautiful among the three."
Ibuki: "No one asked that."
After that, they all discussed their powers, ability, combat style etc....
In the end, they all exhibited their own strengths, and no one give an answer on the spot as to who was the best....
Morinaga: "I'm still hazy about such conclusions."
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Ibuki: "Oh"
Tamamo: "Oh."
Kurama: "....."
Morinaga: "If you fight a hundred battles, there are a hundred different winners."
Morinaga: "But don't you still want to risk everything just once today, to play the game that decides who is the strongest?"
Kurama: "........"
Morinaga: "Time, place, circumstances...there are many factors that determines who wins and who loses...."
Morinaga: "Some people think that the real strong man is the one who has the luck of the hour!"
Kurama: "----You."
Morinaga: "Hm? Where is this wind coming from?"
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Kurama: "I like you, Adachi Morinaga. I permit you to join Yoshitsune."
Morinaga: "I'm honored, but in this life, my lord will only be Yoritomo-sama... Also, this is the first time I see a tornado inside the corridor."
Ibuki: "Why are you reacting like that?"
Tamamo: "I have a feeling it's going to be messy."
Kurama: "Now let's decide who's the strongest."
----At the same time as the words, a blade of wind was released from Kurama.
(So that's what happened)
After listening to the words, I could not help but relax.
Morinaga: "We managed to get him out into the garden quickly."
(That's why nobody came except me when I heard such a loud noise)
Yoshino: "So a brawl broke out here and the result was this disaster..."
Tamamo: "That's the result of Kurama creating a tornado and Ibuki amusingly manipulating its sand with his thunderbolt mutations."
Ibuki: "Don't blame everything on us. You've been putting out foxfire too."
Tamamo: "That was just self-defense. Right? Morinaga."
-----Part 2-----
Tamamo: "That was just self-defense. Right? Morinaga."
Morinaga: "Hmm? Well, they say the attack is the best defense."
Yoshino: "Somehow I understand that there was no one to stop it."
Yoshino: "Kagetoki-san is going to get angry...."
Ibuki: "Originally, it was Morinaga fault for firing Kurama in the first place."
Morinaga: "It's every man's dream to be the strongest, so I just went for it."
(Or rather, Morinaga-san who is so unconcerned about being mixed in with these three demons, is really no ordinary person)
Kurama: "Hey, we haven't decided on the results yet."
Morinaga: "Ah, then how about we settle this with a kemari match or a sumo?"
Yoshino: "Let's not cause any more tragedies."
But as I watched the big hole in the garden and the four mavericks.
The problems I have seem strangely small.
Yoshino: "....Maybe I should also try something drastic like this."
Kurama: "The chances of you getting strong are slim, so give up."
(Easily disappointed!)
Yoshino: "No, that's not it."
Morinaga: "Is something...troubling you, Yoshino?"
Yoshino: "Hmmm..."
(What should I say?)
Tamamo: "You've been looking a bit pale since you came. I'm worried too."
Ibuki: "Wasn't that because there's a hole in the garden?"
Ibuki's words were brushed off and Tamamo thumped his chest in a good-natured manner.
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Tamamo: "Sometimes things work out better when you talk to someone with more life experience than when you're on your own."
Tamamo: "On the other hand, we demons, the three of us together have...2200 years worth of experience right?"
Ibuki: "Huh...was it not 2300?"
Kurama: "I don't know."
Ibuki: "Look at Morinaga. He's got a smug look on his face. Like he's about to call himself everyone's big brother."
Ibuki: "I bet you could use some advice."
(I would certainly like to hear what these four people have to say....)
After a moment, I opened my mouth.
Yoshino: "I'm actually worried about Yoritomo-sama and Yoshitsune-sama..."
Yoshino: 'Even if the two of them are fighting together, is it still difficult to truly trust each other?"
Tamamo and Morinaga: "........."
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Kurama: "----Uninterestingly, Yoshitsune used to miss that brother of his excessively."
Kurama frowned angrily.
Kurama: "It's a stupid thing to do. Leaning on others is what weak people do."
Kurama: "If he had not trusted him blindly, he would not have felt betrayed."
Kurama: "Now that Yoshitsune knows his own mistake, he will not become attached to Yoritomo again."
(I guess so...)
Ibuki: "Love and hate go hand in hand. He's a ruthless big brother to betray his pure-hearted younger brother, right?"
Morinaga, who was listening to us in silence...
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Morinaga: "I've been serving Yoritomo-sama for a long time...."
Morinaga: "That time, that man was more conflicted than I had ever seen him before when he decided to kill Yoshitsune-sama."
Tamamo: "---That arrogant and insolent man, who orders everyone around?"
(Seeing Yoritomo-sama behaving perfectly as a Shogun, it is hard to imagine him suffering from his troubles)
(...The Yoritomo-sama I know is certainly a man of blood)
Morinaga: "Yoritomo-sama was destined to bear too much."
Morinaga: "So even if it's his only brother, he was not allowed special treatment. That's how I see it."
Ibuki: "----Let's assume that your prediction is correct."
Ibuki squints wickedly.
Ibuki: "In the end, Yoritomo did abandon Yoshitsune despite his conflicted feelings. So who's to say he won't betray him again?"
Ibuki: "Yoritomo's side also has to be constantly on the lookout for Yoshitsune to smack him in the back."
Yoshino: "...Fighting with each other all the time is also dangerous."
Kurama: "---Let them both battle each other till death and make the top and bottom clear. Of course, Yoshitsune will win."
(Top and bottom...)
It is natural, but I can never imagine either Yoritomo-sama or Yoshitsune following someone else.
Tamamo: "Kurama's proposal might not be bad, but ignore the battle to the death part...."
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Tamamo: "It might be a good idea to let Yoritomo and Yoshitsune fight it out once."
----Part 3----
Tamamo: "It might be a good idea to let Yoritomo and Yoshitsune fight it out once."
Yoshino: "But they argue a lot."
Tamamo: "That's just a superficial exchange of words that masked real emotions."
Tamamo: "Yoritomo, who is dexterous when dealing with people he is not really interested in, provokes Yoshitsune very calmly every time."
Tamamo: "I don't know if it's a calculated move or half-aware, but he's trying to get Yoshitsune to not forgive him."
Morinaga: "Maybe because both of them don't even know how to fight. Because if you think about it, both first met each other when they were adults."
Morinaga: "When I was young, I and my siblings used to fight a lot...."
Morinaga: "Sometimes, if we didn't share our feelings as much as we wanted, things would backfire and we wouldn't be able to make up."
(Sibling fight?)
(Yoritomo-sama and Yoshitsune-sama certainly don't say what they really think when in front of each other)
(..It's not just about negative emotions...)
In their hearts, they recognize each other's competence but never try to communicate it to each other.
Yoshino: "How can we get the two of them to be able to properly put their feelings on the line for each other."
Morinaga: "How about getting them to work on one thing together?"
Morinaga: "It's a way of building camaraderie and having things in common through working together."
Yoshino: "I see...."
Tamamo: "In the case of those two men, their position as generals makes it so that they would give up on their personal feelings. It would be better to do something that has nothing to with politics or war."
(That's not a bad idea...)
Kurama: "How about a duel?"
Tamamo: "That's something you want to see. This is about how they both feel not about finding who is the strongest."
Ibuki: "Well, so far I can only see a bleak future for Yoritomo and Yoshitsune, no matter what kind of games they play."
Yoshino: "I'm going to slow down and think about it a bit. Peaceful collaboration..."
Seeing only a glimmer of light, I thanked the four of them for their advice.
(However...both of them were really busy and it seems like the opportunity I was looking for was near to impossible)
Yoritomo: "Yoshitsune, have you dispatched the fast horses to the countries under your jurisdiction regarding the matter of the dead?"
Yoshitsune: "No problem. We have informed our neighbors that we are fully prepared for battle and that we will cooperate with each other without conflict of interest?"
Three days after that....
They had developed various measures to prepare for the case of corpses in remote areas or simultaneous attacks.
(Even though the air remains acrimonious, you don't neglect their duties)
(As Tamamo said, they are putting their personal feelings aside)
I was mixed in with their meeting and listened silently to the exchange as it proceeded unobtrusively.
Yoshitsune: "We have also sought cooperation from Sueharu and have arrangements in place to send supplies and force support to various locations."
Yoshitsune: "The plan was drawn up and carried out by Kagetoki from the Shogunate and Yasuchika from the Imperial Court."
Yoritomo: "Yeah. At the same time, I've ordered those three men to collect information from all parts of the country."
(A combination of a black merchant, the shogunate councillor and a genius onmyoji seems to be impossible...)
Yoritomo: "Nevertheless, some countries that don't realize the threat of the dead will take the situation lightly."
Yoritomo: "We need to meet regionally as appropriate and share information."
Yoritomo: "Morinaga would be the right man for the job."
Yoshitsune: "Then from me, I nominate Benkei."
Yoshitsune: "I'm going to ask him to go back to protect Hiraizumi with Kurama while he travels around the rest of the country."
Yoritomo: "That's fair. His majesty and Ibuki will also return to the capital once and prepare for emergencies."
At that time....
Kagetoki: "Yoritomo-sama, Yoshitsune-sama, please excuse me."
(Ah, Kagetoki-san!)
Kagetoki-san appeared in a hurry.
Yoritomo: "What's wrong?"
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Kagetoki: "We have just received word that corpses have appeared in a certain country."
Yoshitsune: "Finally."
(....Yoritomo-sama and Yoshitsune-sama have to fight again)
Yoritomo: "Yoshino, sorry----"
Yoshino: "I'll come with you. Please."
I hide my anxiety and answered right away.
(It was a good thing that I already prepared the medicines and fresh cloth beforehand)
Yoshitsune: "----Yoshino, you're so brave."
----Part 4-----
Yoshitsune: "----Yoshino, you're so brave."
Yoritomo: "Of course, otherwise, she wouldn't have fought you on the battlefield."
Yoshino: "Thank you both of you."
(Both of them are working to save Hinamoto while putting aside their personal problems)
(So, I'll help them in any way I can)
That thought burned in my heart quietly.
They gathered enough troops and left the next day.
A few days later-----
Yoshino: "The sun has completely gone down again today..."
(Tomorrow we're going to reach the country where the corpses are going to attack)
Fortunately, thanks to the advance notice of Yoritomo-sama and Yoshitsune-sama.
Countries that have been attacked by corpses are also holding out in cooperation with neighboring countries.
At the encampment today, as the soldiers were preparing for the dinner...
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Yoritomo and Yoshitsune: "Yoshino."
Yoritomo-sama and Yoshitsune-sama each came from either side and called me at the same time.
Yoritomo and Yoshitsune: ".......!"
(What a coincidence...)
Yoshino: "Thank you for your hard work today, both of you."
Yoritomo: "No, I think the one who is working hard is you..."
Yoritomo: "Why are you stirring the pot?"
Yoshitsune: "Who forced you to do the chores?"
Yoshino: "No no, that's not it."
Yoshino: "I volunteered to do this."
Yoshitsune: "..But why?"
Yoshino: "If I just sit ideally, I might get nervous thinking about tomorrow."
I smiled at Yoshitsune-sama, who had a face that was confused.
Yoshino: "Besides, it's better to get to know the soldiers a little better before the fighting starts."
Yoshino: "It makes it easier for me to help as a pharmacist in times of need."
Yoshitsune: "....."
Yoritomo: "---You are always like this."
(I remember I used to do miscellaneous work for the Shogunate during the last war)
I recall that Yoritomo-sama has done me a lot of favors for my actions.
Yoshino: "I know a lot of people in the Shogunate though."
Yoshino: "But I have not spoken to Yoshitsune-sama's men at all."
Yoshino: "I wish I could get to know them a little better now...."
(Even just a little, because I don't think they have a good impression of me, because I was on the enemy side)
Yoshitsune: "....You."
Yoshitsune: "You even care about my people?"
Yoshitsune-sama suddenly approached closer and took my hand.
Yoshino: "Um, Yoshitsune-sama...?"
Yoshitsune: "Thank you for caring about my precious people."
The eyes are frighteningly clear and shined brightly.
Yoshitsune: "I apologize for my lack of consideration. I will introduce Yoshino to the soldiers and ensure that there is no impoliteness."
(That's too much!)
Yoshino: "..Y-You don't have to go that far."
Yoshitsune: "No, I----"
(So close)
Yoritomo: "Don't touch her so easily, Yoshitsune."
Yoritomo-sama snatched my hand from the side and pulled me away from Yoshitsune-sama.
Yoshitsune: "...Yoritomo, I was talking to her."
Yoritomo: "Don't get all carried away, Yochi-tune-chama."
Yoshitsune: "...."
Yoshitsune: "You're also not letting go of Yoshino's hand."
Yoritomo: "I'm more close to this woman than you are, so I can't help it."
Yoshino: "Wait, Yoritomo-sama!?"
As if to provoke me, Yoritomo-sama pulls me closer.
Yoshitsune: "---It's hilarious that you're so proud of yourself without knowing that it's about to turn around."
Yoshino: "Wait..."
Yoshitsune-sama hugged my shoulder and talked straight back to Yoritomo-sama.
Yoshino: "Wait both of you!"
I impatiently distance myself from both Yoritomo-sama and Yoshitsune-sama
Please don't get angry...(Yoshitsune +4/ Yoritomo+ 2)
I'm no child
Yoshino: "Please don't get so angry about weird stuff, I'm having trouble figuring out what to do..."
Yoshitsune: ".....Trouble?"
Yoritomo: "She's talking to you, reflect on your actions."
Yoshitsune: "I don't want to hear that from you."
Yoshitsune: "How about I chop your head off as a way of reflecting on my actions?"
(Oh no! Death threats again...!)
(If this continues----)
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Yoshino: "Ah ouch ouch, my stomach hurts..."
While clenching my stomach, I started a half-baked little play.
Yoritomo and Yoshitsune: ".....?"
-----Part 5-----
Yoritomo and Yoshitsune: ".....?"
Yoshino: "This is bad. I wanted to cook rice, but now I can't do it by myself. What's going to happen now...."
Yoritomo: "Hey."
Yoshitsune: "I don't know anything, but if I can help with something...."
Yoshino: "Help? You two will help me!? Oh my god!!"
I held both of their hands raising them up before giving them the chance to reject.
Yoshino: "Yayy!!Let's work together!"
Yoshitsune: "Yayy...?"
Yoritomo: "Your face is still expressionless."
Yoshino: "Now now, we're running out of time! Let's talk while we cook."
Yoshitsune: "Okay, I'll help, Yoritomo can leave."
Yoshino: "No no! I need TWO people!! I can't finish this without TWO people!"
Yoritomo: "........Both Yoshitsune and I don't know how to cook."
Yoshino: "That's fine. I'll teach you. Anyways, the special ingredient when making any kind of food is sincerity."
Yoshitsune: "...............If Yoshino says so."
(There was a long pause)
Yoritomo: "I don't understand what you're plotting, but looks like we have no choice."
(Great! I was a little afraid of asking these two for help)
(Like Morinaga-san said if I can create an opportunity to get them a little closer by working together on one thing...)
This could be a stupid idea, but it's better than doing nothing.
Yoshino: "Thank you both of you! Then, shall we get started!?"
Thus, both Yoritomo-sama and Yoshitsune-sama started cooking..."
Yoshino: "Yoshitsune-sama, can you also chop these greens into small pieces?"
Yoshitsune: "Okay."
(Wow, so fast)
I was amazed looking at how fast Yoshitsune-sama is chopping the vegetables.
Yoshino: "Wow! You're so fast. Do you really don't know how to cook?"
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Yoshitsune: "No. This is my first time chopping vegetables. But I'm great at chopping---meat."
(Hm? Why are you giving a side-eye to Yoritomo-sama?)
Yoritomo: "Stop giving me death glares."
Yoritomo: "....Also, if you keep chopping like that, it will start to look like powder."
Yoshino: "Eh? Oh, Yoshitsune-sama, that's enough."
Yoshitsune: ".....I guess I used all of my strength."
(Yoshitsune-sama might be a skillful person, but why is everything so extreme?)
Yoritomo: "Anyways, Yoshino. Is this okay?"
Yoritomo-sama puts a small amount of soup into a bowl and handed it to me.
Yoshino: "Mm...Ah! It's delicious."
Yoritomo: "I put in the ingredients in the right order, starting with the ones that seemed to be hard to boil. Can I turn off the fire now?"
Yoshino: "Yes. The soup tastes so perfect that I have nothing to say...."
Yoshino: "To be honest, I secretly hoped that you would so something wrong and mess up everything."
Yoritomo: "Even though I've never done it myself, I've seen Morinaga make them when I was a kid."
Yoritomo: "Then I sort out ingredients that can be cooked in terms of hardness and the way they are cut..."
Yoritomo: "I just seasoned it to make sure I got the right amount of salt and sake and stuff for the amount of water."
(Perfection has been demonstrated in all these places...)
Yoshitsune: "........"
Yoshino: "Yoshitsune-sama, would you like to try some?"
Yoshitsune-sama received a bowl with a small amount of soup in it.
Reluctantly he drinks it.
Yoshitsune: ".............I can't feel any sincerity."
Yoritomo: "Don't makeup complaints if you don't have any."
Yoshino: "Ah, Next! Let's make rice balls."
The three of us sat together and started making rice balls.
Yoshitsune: "............"
(Yoshitsune-sama's face looks serious and fully focused, but...)
Yoshino: "Um, Yoshitsune-sama, your rice balls are a little...big..."
Yoshitsune: "I want to make sure my men are healthy and have plenty to eat before going for the battle? ....Am I doing something wrong?"
(W-When you look at me like that, what can I say?)
Yoshino: "No, not at all! You're doing great!"
Yoritomo: "How is it going to fit in their mouth, if you make it that big?"
When I looked at Yoritomo-sama's direction...
I see a line of perfectly shaped rice balls which was the same size as I made.
(You can do anything after all...)
Yoshitsune-sama also pressed his lips in an uninterested manner.
Yoshitsune: "....Hmph, my men are going to eat a lot more than yours."
Yoritomo: "What are we even fighting for this time?"
Yoritomo: "Also how big are you planning to make that rice ball? You have to make many rice balls, not just one."
Yoshitsune: "...."
(Oh no! Yoshitsune-sama is angry. He's really getting angry! I can see it even though he's expressionless...)
Yoritomo: "And don't sprinkle too much salt in everything you see.."
Yoshitsune: "Shut up."
Yoritomo: "If you do tha---muff.."
The big rice ball was shoved into Yoritomo-sama's mouth.
Yoshino: "Are you okay!?"
Yoshitsune: "Of course, he is."
Yoritomo: "......"
Yoritomo-sama glares without saying anything because his mouth was filled with rice.
Yoritomo: ".....Yoshitsune."
After finally swallowing the rice, he called in a low voice.
Yoritomo: "If you do that again, I swear you and your men will eat all the rice balls that I made."
Yoshitsune: "Try it, I dare you. I'll just exchange it with the ones Yoshino made."
Yoritomo: "Stop joking. Yoshino's rice balls is only and only for the Shogunate members."
(Hm? Hm?)
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Yoritomo and Yoshitsune: "..............."
Both the man who were glaring at each other, suddenly looked at me.
Yoritomo and Yoshitsune: "----Yoshino, what do you say?"
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firethekitty · 2 years
Condensed version of a way too wordy description. That this ask is still so long is... concerning. I don't care whether or not you post this ask, so no pressure. (Only considers the main route, I don't know enough about the weird route.)
I have no clue if my interpretation of Spamton NEO is common or not because the fandom at large scares me. It might be your interpretation, too, at least partially.
I do not think Spamton NEO had attacked Kris out of pure malice, and I never have. They have done so much for him at that point, and I think he really does care about them, but this isn't just me trying to see the best in him. The whole tone of the battle suggests something else.
Spamton NEO mainly addresses Kris and talks a lot about how giving "their" Soul to him is going to "free" them, how they're doing this together, even though this would only directly empower him. Talking up NEO as being glorious and powerful, not to intimidate but to impress, and trying to make it sound like having one's Soul severed from one body and bound to another is a small price to pay- sure, this could all be sales instinct, but some offers can be mutual.
I think he thought he was "helping" Kris become (part of) a Big Shot and was power-tripping too hard to care that they didn't want this or thought that they just didn't know what they were missing out on and would forgive him once they know what it's like to be NEO. Darkners can be equipped willingly, what about equipping a Lightner?
This doesn't make any part of that fight okay, of course, just different context for his unhinged behavior. "Is it wrong to bring your Lightner to [HEAVEN] with you?"
oh yeah idk anything about snowgrave either. never played it bc i don’t want to hurt noelle or spamton they are my friends :( but LOL i totally understand being wary of the fandom, it can be fucking insane and i don’t help 🤠
well i definitely agree!!! i don’t think spamton has ever been or ever was truly malicious, regular or neo. but he is desperate, desperate as hell, and he doesn’t really care anymore what he has to do in order to be free.
so i think he does genuinely care about kris! he sees himself in them, how they aren’t truly in control of their actions, and he knows how that feels very personally! and i think he’s been at this for so damn long trying to be free or get a little bit of relief that i think he does honestly believe that what he’s doing is what’s best for everyone involved, for sure.
but just because he doesn’t have truly malicious intentions, as in going out of his way to harm others for no reason, definitely doesn’t mean that his actions aren’t extremely selfish and harmful, obviously. like all this isn’t to say that he doesn’t know exactly what he’s doing. of course he does. he’s extraordinarily good at manipulating others and you, the player. you bought everything he sold to you because he’s so charming! because that’s what salesmen do. it’s actually really interesting how his character has taken the cunning charisma of a salesman and multiplied it by 100 from just trying to sell you garbage to manipulating you in life or death situations.
i haven’t played snowgrave, but i’ve read his dialogue and he actually gets really nasty towards kris! he gets fucking mean!! and i think him knowing that kris themselves has some malicious intentions makes him a lot more likely to say to himself like. “well, if they don’t feel bad about hurting others then i don’t either!”
so as i’m comparing his dialogue in the normal route to snowgrave, i can confidently say that yes, he is absolutely holding back. kris’ kindness in a pacifist/normal route changes his behavior, dialogue, AND fighting style! and man that’s really interesting, Toby is constantly surprising me with his writing i gotta lay down
but back on topic; he’s not stupid at all, he’s just so fucked up and exhausted and desperate, desperate, desperate to get out of the nightmare his life has become that i think whenever he does feel sympathy for someone else, he can turn those emotions off or is able to convince himself that what he’s doing is actually for their wellbeing.
it’s him adapting. he’s been on the streets for god knows how long and he’s learned the hard way that there’s no room for kindness anymore. he’s never received it from anyone else, why should he show it to others? to quote a weird flower from some other game “in this world it’s kill or be killed”
when you show him mercy in the normal route i really do think you get through to him a little. he consciously gives you the dealmaker, he genuinely wants to help you because you really tried to help him and he recognizes that.
ANYWAY yeah honestly i would hesitate to call any undertale or deltarune’s characters villains. Toby is very good at showcasing the different ways someone might come across as “evil” but it’s always so much deeper than that! it’s your decision as the player if you want to show them kindness or not!
this is so fucking long idk if any of it is even relevant LOL but here are my thoughts oughh
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lonely-lost-soul · 4 years
Where Loyalties Lie
(Technoblade X reader) 
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Request 3: Can we get a little angsty fic or headcanon of Techno trying to get the reader to leave L’manberg?
Requested By: Anonymous
     “Tubbo please take a deep breath,” You followed him around the rubble as he paced restlessly. 
     “I’m president of a crater (Y/n)!” The boy pulled on his ears with a loud whine, “What am I gonna do. I can’t believe Wilbur blew it up-” He felt your hands touch his own and gently pull them away from his oversensitive goat ears. “What am I gonna do? I-I’m a kid…” You frowned, moving to cup his cheek with your hand. He nuzzled into it desperately, welcoming the comforting touch of someone who he considered family. 
     “You’re going to get through it because you’re strong.” You told him, “and so brave little ram.” He flushed pink letting out a whine of protest especially because he was still surrounded by most of his friends. 
You watch as Quackity walked over to the both of you and placed his hand on Tubbo’s shoulder squeezing it, “We’ll rebuild. We’ll be right behind you Tubbo.” He smiled at the kid and you couldn’t help but smile over at him. 
     “Thank you both. Truly.” 
There was one thing that had you were worried you may come to regret, and that was not taking Technoblade’s hand as he fled from the country. You were close almost touching it, he looked like he wanted to beg for you too but one desperate cry from Tubbo had you pulling away. He looked heartbroken but at the same time, you saw understanding in his deep red eyes. 
Family came first. 
That day he pulled you close pressing a soft kiss on your forehead, “I’ll be back for you.” 
You murmured a soft I’m sorry, turning to find Tubbo to make sure he wasn’t injured or dying. The thoughts of the festival replaying in your head, you couldn’t go through that...not again especially because now Tubbo was officially on his last life. Tommy couldn’t fathom how you didn’t blame Technoblade for what happened that day, but to you, two things were clear: one was that Tubbo didn’t blame him which made it easier on your end to forgive him; two Schlatt was manipulative and overwhelming as fuck you can’t blame someone for something they were peer pressured into doing. Speaking of Tommy you ended up finding Tubbo and him in the rubble that day, the taller male was pressing cloth to Tubbo’s bleeding arm desperately, when you took over and Tommy seemed grateful. 
However, you had to push your possible regrets aside and focus on the new nation you’d help build, and build it you did. You worked endlessly for months on end creating a lovely new nation for people to live in, Tubbo had dubbed it New L’manburg. You felt his pride and happiness, he just loved seeing everyone together again and happy once again. Finally, the server felt somewhat normal after all that destruction, even if there was a Techno-shaped hole in your heart. Things changed rather quickly when Tubbo was, in your eyes, manipulated to exile Tommy by Dream. You had tried to argue for the boy saying that not only was he Tubbo’s friend but just a kid. You were shut down harshly by not only Dream but Tubbo as well, the look in his eyes was filled with so much loathing and frustration. It’s the first time he ever snapped and was harsh to you, you felt your own frustration bubble up in your chest. You turned on your heel and marched back up into your house, you were not going to put up with this behavior. When you slammed the door shut, and turned around to find Technoblade standing in your living room,  with your cat purring fondly on his shoulders; you almost screamed.
     “Heh- why are you scared it’s just me?” The hybrid complained his nose scrunching up, “Don’t be cringe- oof-” Techno grunted as you threw your arms around his waist, the man flushed to the tips of his ears and looked away from you, Taffy hopped off his shoulders disgruntledly, “Yeah, yeah, I missed you too.” He pet the top of your head tenderly and you looked up at him with a smile. 
     “What’re you doing here Tech? If Tubbo finds out he’ll have your head.” 
     “Then I guess we’ll just have to make sure he doesn’t find me then huh?” He mused lips, quirking into a smile, and you nodded in agreement. “Other than that just running some errands. I’m in retirement now you know. I have to say that ‘New L’Manburg’ is certainly a name.” He did air quotes around the name and you nudged him, 
     “Be nice.”
     “Boo Cringe. I’m a Blood God starlight. I don’t do nice.” 
     “Bullshit,” You punched him in the arm, “Tea?” 
     “Please.” He cracked a smile as you walked over to your tea kettle heating the water and grabbing some tea bags. 
     “So, you came here to run some errands huh? I almost thought you missed me?” Technoblade shuffled a little behind you, how could you read him so perfectly? It was complete and utter bullshit. You heard him click his tongue distastefully behind you and you couldn’t help but smirk cheekily,
     “Get off my back woman.” He stated gruffly as you laughed, “but I guess I do miss you a little bit.” You smiled fondly and softly cooed at him and he let out another scoff, 
     “A little bit?”
     “What is this interrogation? You a cop now?” You placed his tea in front of him and he took a sip,
     “Yeah, we’re gonna need to do a strip search. Drop your pants.” Technoblade choked on his drink, face turning the darkest shade of red you’ve ever seen from him. You howled with laughter sliding down in your seat beside the man. 
     “I changed my mind. I didn’t miss you at all, you’re a terror.”
     “You love me, admit it.”
     “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” He murmured looking at you with a sudden softness that was out of character for him. You didn’t notice the change but it was there, oh if only you knew how much of what you said was true. He did love you. He ran his tongue across his teeth and reached out to interlock your hands within his own. 
     “Come live with me.” 
     “I’m in retirement now. I’m going to get some turtles hopefully, maybe some other pets while I’m at it. There’s a lot of room...It gets lonely all alone you know. It’d be nice to have you there with me.” He watched hesitance flicker across your face again just like the day Wilbur blew up L’Manburg. Your thoughts went to Tubbo and how much he needed you, especially now that Tommy was exiled. However, you were also brought back to a few moments ago where Tubbo snapped at you for trying to help. You took a ragged breath and pushed his hand away, he frowned sadly bringing his hand back down to his lap. 
     “I need to be here for Tubbo. He’s a kid Tech...way over his head. Dreams sniffing around him like a dog looking for his next victim to manipulate. I can’t let that happen, not to him. I know he’s President of this nation and you hate him for that, but he’s my brother and I love him. He’s a tough kid with a lot of fire, but I can’t just leave him in the dust. I love you,” You reached up and cupped his cheek and Technoblade felt his cheeks burn at the implication, “but I can’t leave until Tubbo is safe.” 
     “I’ll convince you one day.” Technoblade shot back even though his heart ached, that you wouldn’t be coming home with him. But Technoblade wasn’t known for giving up. He was stubborn as hell, he’d win you over yet. You’d come home with him, he’d confess to you and he’d make you the happiest person in the world. You just...didn’t know it yet. 
     “I’m excited for the day you do Tech.” You snickered softly, you both were startled by harsh knocking on the door.
     “That’s my cue. See you soon Starlight,” Technoblade hummed slipping right out the window, you watched him go longingly. You shuffled towards the door and opened it slowly, on the front steps stood Tubbo who was rocking nervously on his feet. 
     “Hey LR...you okay?” Tilting your head to the side,
     “Is LR supposed to stand for little ram?”
     “No…I suppose not.” He murmured before clearing his throat and straightening his back, “I wanted to talk with you.” 
     “Oh?” You raised an eyebrow watching him nod his head sternly, you walked outside and closed the door behind you so you could lean on it. “Shoot,”
You watched as Tubbo swallowed thickly, “First off I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier. It wasn’t fair of me to snap.” He watched you nod a little urging him to continue, “however, I am the President now and you have to respect my authority.” Eyebrows furrowing together in frustration you opened your mouth to counter him but he held up his hand, “Dream has an idea of how to rule. He can steer me in a better direction-”
     “Pardon me?” You let out a disbelieving laugh, “A better direction? Tubbo, are you forgetting everything we all fought for, we fought him for independence. He killed us!” 
     “He might’ve changed!”
     “He exiled Tommy!” 
     “He deserved it!” Tubbo shouted back as your nose scrunched up, “He’ll steer me in a direction that you never could!” He snapped before realizing what he said, he slapped his hands over his mouth eyes widening to the size of saucers. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that-” 
     “Go home Tubbo.” 
     “(Y/n) please,” He reached out towards you and you held up your hand, 
     “Go reset the day. You need rest,” You frowned, turning back into the house “see you tomorrow.” Inside the house you shut the door on him and slid down onto the floor, you brought your hands to your mouth and swallowed thickly. A part of you wished Technoblade was still here just so he could tell you to get over yourself, he wasn’t skilled in the art of comforting others, but he could make you laugh. To keep yourself sane you reminded yourself that Tubbo was a child and needed you now more than ever, especially if he thought Dream was dishing out good advice. But you were hurt and a selfish part of you wished you could just go live in retirement with Technoblade and not worry about the new country forming, but you couldn’t ditch Tubbo. 
Running a hand through your hair you sighed loudly, one might wonder what exactly could Tubbo do to make you listen to Technoblade’s offer. Honestly, you had no idea if anything would make you do that unless of course they just started executing people or something ridiculous like that. 
Restless was how you’d describe the rest of your night, you tried to sleep but after a few hours of tossing and turning you gave up. You decided to make yourself a ‘healthy’ midnight snack, a small bowl of mac & cheese, you didn’t care, you were sad. You sighed softly scratching behind your cat’s ears, “It’s just you and me against the world Taffy isn’t it?” Her purrs rang in the air as she snuggled against your hand, distracting you just enough to swipe a noddle from your bowl. “You fat bitch!” You hissed as she ran off back up the stairs, you leaned back in your chair and sighed, literally nothing was going your way today. Just as you finished up your snack you heard a soft ping upon your window, turning to the sound you noticed your neighbor Phil awake in his house. He held up a hand and waved at you through it, and with a small smile, you waved back. He shuffled back into his home, I guess you both were insomniacs together, Techno knew how to pick a certain type of friend it seemed. 
You walked back up to your bedroom and slid under the covers once more, maybe you were wrong and things were going to get better. 
Months went by and nothing seemed to change much to your disappointment. Tubbo and you were still a little rocky, you had forgiven him for his harsh words but he always put Dream’s and even Quackity’s opinion before your own. When you came back from visiting Niki one day and saw wanted posters of Technoblade all around the country you almost had a stroke. You confronted Tubbo about it and only half answered you before running off when Quackity called him. That worried you, he normally didn’t like lying, especially not to you. 
The same day you were walking into the market to get some fresh fruit when a hand shot out from the wanted poster and pulled you behind it. You were held flush against someone’s chest who chuckled gruffly, you recognized that chuckle anywhere. “Techno! What’re you doing here?” You asked looking up at him with eyes filled with concern, “don’t you know you’re a wanted man?”
     “I think that just makes this all the more exciting.” Techno mused running his fingers through your hair, “Plus it’s not like anyone here can catch me.” 
     “Wrong I could catch you.” He dared to laugh in your face, 
     “Sure you could, and I’m half sheep.” Technoblade mused and he watched you huff cutely, “Don’t get all huffy at me you know I’m right.” You only waved him off, “seriously though I’m here to do some trading with Phil.”
     “Oh…” You gave a nod, “Will I see you more frequently then?”
     “You could see me all the time if you moved in with me.” Techno joked again and was surprised to see your face fall a little. Are you serious? Was he getting you to crack? “Starlight?” 
     “Ask me again in a few months and I might say yes,” You teased brushing the question off swiftly, Technoblade didn’t pry but he could tell you were almost convinced. Just what was going on in this country to make you want to leave your little brother? “Now shoo, go see Phil before he gives up on you.” You gave him a little shove and he stumbled off with a huff sticking his tongue out at you in the process. 
After that encounter, you didn’t run into Technoblade for another very long stretch of time. About a month or so after that encounter, Tubbo had shown up at your doorstep a complete nervous wreck. He begged you to help him, claiming he needed diamonds for an upcoming project and wanted you to acquire them for him. “Tubbo I don’t understand why I need to go on this trip? I have diamonds I can just give you. You know I don’t care.” 
     “But I feel bad about it,” Tubbo argued with you “please just do this for me.”
     “You know I’ll do anything for you. If you want me to get them this way I’ll do it. I should be back tonight is that okay? Do you need them sooner?” Tubbo looked relieved as he took your hands in his own, 
     “No tonight is perfect!” The boy chirped sounding more like himself than he has in months, you couldn’t help but smile. You ruffled his hair a little before kissing his forehead, 
     “Then tonight you shall have them, Little Ram.” 
Tubbo helped you gather the materials you needed for a trip down into the mines, Tubbo even gave you some fire resistance potions. You thanked him for the potions before putting on your armor and heading down into the tunnels. As you were down in the mine the concept of time was always an illusion, so when you finally found diamonds for Tubbo and you left the cave you were surprised to see the sun was just setting. You hummed softly to yourself walking back into New L’manburg excited to show off to Tubbo you couldn’t help but wonder what he needed them for in the first place. However, when you entered town you were greeted by a gathering going on at the center. Everyone seemed to be there clad in what looked to be butcher’s outfits, your vibe was immediately thrown off eyebrows furrowing in concern. Quackity was giving some sort of speech and that finally drew your eyes towards the podium, locked inside a cage was a fuming Technoblade. You rushed towards the group, pushing past Ghostbur and a blue sheep, and grabbed tightly onto Tubbo’s arm. 
     “Tubbo what the fuck is happening?” He tensed turning towards your face. It was no secret that you and Techno were friends, this wasn’t good at all.
     “(Y/n)! You’re back early!” He spoke nervously rubbing his hands together as Quackity turned towards you, 
     “Welcome back!” Quackity hopped off the podium with a smirk, “Fundy grab them.” 
     “Quackity hey wait a minute-” Tubbo started as Fundy roughly grabbed onto your arms pinning you in place, 
     “Ow hey! Watch it! Let go of me!”
     “Get your hands off them!” Technoblade snarled nostrils flaring grabbing the bars of the cage tightly. 
     “Quackity you said we’d leave them out of this!” Tubbo argued and your jaw dropped staring at Tubbo, “You promised!” 
He waved Tubbo off with a scoff, “they’re just as bad as Phil, Tubbo. She needs to be punished. We can't play favorites when trying to run a country. We’ll execute Techno then deal with the other traitors.”
     “Execute?” You choked, “you can’t be serious! Tubbo you cannot be serious, since when are you okay with public executions?” He refused to look at you, his hair covering his eyes, he only nodded his head in Quackity’s direction. 
     “Do it.” 
     “Tubbo!” You shrieked watching Quackity grin maliciously, moving over to pull the lever that would allow the anvil to fall and crush the man below it. 
What happened next was a cluster fuck, someone began trying to set off TNT, and Quackity pulled the lever. It fell rapidly towards Techno and he pulled something out of his pocket, in a flash of bright colors and bursts of light Technoblade was ripped apart and pulled back together again. He was alive, Technoblade really doesn’t ever die. He hopped on top of the anvil and jumped the bars of the cage, Fundy had long since lost his grip on you, he noticed Dream ushering him inside a cavern and he paused a moment. The hybrid turned towards you holding out his hand one final time, the world seemed to stop a moment and it was just you and him. His face held a desperate look in it, almost pleading you to take his hand within your own. You flashed back to the day Wilbur blew the country up, Tubbo called your name you glanced over your shoulder once towards Little Ram. You reached into your bag and dropped the diamonds you found for him on the ground, you grabbed Technoblade’s hand and squeezed it tightly. Technoblade smiled and yanked you forward, leaving a heartbroken Tubbo in your wake.
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mvttsvn · 3 years
Useless [pt1]
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Modern college!au
toxic Eren x gn!reader
warnings: angst, explicit themes, dubcon, embarrassment, manipulation, degradation, OOC, cussing, and typos
authors note: this has been sittin in my drafts for months I just haven’t had the motivation to finish. there will be a part 2 with smut I just wanted to get this out first.
part 2
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Eren liked to think he was a pretty simple guy. He’d meet someone, use them for his benefit, lead them on till he didn’t need them anymore, then disappear. A sick trick that he used to manipulate all kinds of people. Life really can be easy with the right looks and a smooth voice. He and only ever got what he needed. He understands how selfish it is. But gotten him this far, so what would be the point in changing. 
Unfortunately, you had been one of the unlucky few to get caught up in his schemes. Let’s be honest it wasn’t a surprise, you knew of him before. A few of your friends pinned over him for being the cute nicotine-addicted guy who couldn’t care less about World Literature 1-2. But you believed each and everyone of of his sweet little promises. “No you’re so special, I think I’m gonna keep you around for a long time sweetheart.” Deception dripping from his lips as he gave you a sinful grin.
You should’ve known...
It’s been a few months now since Eren blocked and deleted your number for his phone, the last time you spoke was when he texted you to thank you for helping him pass his English final. You replied with asking if he wanted to get lunch the following day only to be left with your text never going through. That motherfucker. Of course you were angry, mostly at yourself though. You tried not to sulk about it yet every time you’d go out you’d dress up a little then you would usually just in case you’d see him. And luckily he wasn’t in any of your classes this semester either so it would be easier to forget him.
At this point you haven’t thought of Eren in weeks, you’ve focused yourself in uni and started taking assignments and things more seriously. That was until one of Eren’s roommates unknowingly took a seat next to you in your intro to ethics course.
You’ve been to Eren’s apartment a multitude of times. You knew who his roommates were, even after having a few conversations in the late morning with them after you would spend the night. Armin, who was too engrossed from whatever was on his phone plopped his books right next to you and took a seat not sparing you a glance. Once you professor started speaking he locked his phone slipping it into his pocket and glance around the room. Once he looked at you his blue eye widened and he sorta whispered “oh hey! y/n didn’t know you were in here”
You shrugged and gave a polite smile while turning back to look at the front of the room to stare through one of the windows above the projector screen. It’s not like you hated Armin, he was very kind and never judged you when you’d take the walk of shame in the morning through Eren’s kitchen, it’s just you know that this interaction would eventually lead back to him and that made you nervous.
A week or two passed and Armin continued to sit next you, you supposed it was more comfortable for him because it didn’t look like he knew anyone else in this class, neither did you. Nor were you complaining he’d give you notes and lend you his book when you would forget. Not much conversation would happen between you either, a simple hello and other small talk would occur nothing more. A very professional relationship.
Yet when your professor assigned a partner projects you and Armin both looked at each other like :| and silently agreed to work together. It was just easier that way. The assignment wasn’t due for another 2 weeks so you had confidence that you wouldn’t have to grind at the end of the this week to do it. Until Armin caught your arm as you were leaving.
“Hey sorry to ask but would it be ok if we could work on this after school? I have a lot of stuff due this week and I’m in a bit of a time crunch.” He shyly laughed hoping you weren’t busy.
You held in a sigh “Uhh sure, can I meet you at 5 tho..I have a thing-”.
“Yeah! That’d be fine, my place?”
You kinda really didn’t want to go to his place, “yea!”
You both continued listening to your teacher’s lecture while your mind was elsewhere, you didn’t have anything after school you just wanted to go home for a bit and prepare for who you may or may not see at Eren’s Armins apartment. By the end of the day you raced home, flopping onto your bed, this was a bad idea, why didn’t you just ask for him to meet at the library or something?? This situation could’ve been a whole lot simpler if you just offered your place instead. Hell you don’t have any unconventional roommates you sleep with him so it’s just unfair. At 4:45 you gather your things and drove over to Armin’s apartment. You knocked on the door, your nerves going haywire.
You’re greeted by Armin he smiled and opened the door for you letting you walk inside. You took a glance to the side and luckily Eren’s familiar beat up tennis shoes weren’t by the door. At least you could relax for a little while, hopefully he wouldn’t come home till you were gone.
Jean was sitting on the couch watching some action movie at a low volume with Connie who was fast asleep curled up with a throw pillow. The lights in the living room were dim with the curtains on the windows shut. Yet you could still see from the light in the kitchen that shone from above the counter. Jean gave you a nod, “welcome back” he half whispered as he tipped his drink at you. You smiled and waved and made your way into Armin’s room. You sat at the edge of his desk in a borrowed kitchen chair, as he joined you sitting in his computer chair in front of his desktop. He left his door slightly ajar letting you see right through into the kitchen and front door, which made you slightly on edge. Armin started going over the project, opening a document, and reading through a few paragraphs. You tried your best you to concentrate but you were too paranoid. Every so often a loud noise from Jean’s movie on the tv would make you whip your head towards the door. About an hour in you and Armin had crunched through about a few paragraphs and of your project, to Armin’s mistake you guys definitely weren’t going to finish tonight. Hopefully the next time you’d offer your place instead.
After another 30 minutes you and Armin gave up, eventually you guys made your way back into the living room. You went to the door to gather your things until Jean and Connie basically begged you to stay and watch another movie with them. You didn’t want to, you knew if you stayed any longer the possibility of Eren coming home would increase. But when Connie got up from the couch and handed you a drink, you gave in. As you sat down you began slightly regretting your decision. Why were you staying? You and Armin were finished you can go home.
You asked yourself this when you heard keys jangle outside the door and the click of the lock. It’s roughly pushed open and Eren moves into the room, swiftly locking it behind him. “Hey man” Jean calls, you immediately tense next to Armin and fix a stare at the tv. You’re too aware of your surroundings right now to know what happening but you need a distraction. You can see his movement in your peripheral, Eren saunters in to the dark living room to stand by the opposite of the end of the couch from you. when he spots you,  you can feel his blazing stare in your skull, he laughs out a scoff and the room goes silent, except for the low murmur of the tv. 
The air is tense and awkward and everybody can see your apprehension. your heart it beating in your ears and you can feel you palms starting to sweat. The sounds of the tv are immediately drowned out when Eren breathes our your name. “What the hell are you doing here?” He grips the arm of the couch and places his left hand on his hip. You slowly turn your head to look him in the eyes when Armin speaks up trying to lighten the situation “We had a project for sadis’ class” 
Your eyes dart between Eren and Armin when Eren snides, “hmm...well it doesn’t look like your working on it” 
“hey layoff man” Jean gives him a side eye. “Yeah we finished just a few minutes ago.” Armin adds. 
“It was just a question” Eren shrugs. You can believe him, he such a fucking asshole, you’re staring at him in disbelief when he meets your eyes again he laughs “what did you miss me or somethin?” His grin is sickening, you feel the embarrassment hot on your face yet what can you do in the situation? If you leave you’ll destroy your pride and yet if you stay what if you give in to him again?
Your frozen in your seat you nails digging shapes into you palms as you clench them together. You feel the stare of everyone one in the room and it makes you want to cry. He tilts his head “can’t you speak? what wrong?” the malice in his voice makes your ears burn. You want to scream, you want to run, but he slowly walks right in front of you and holds out his hand. “C’mon”
You can leave at any moment, the door is only a few feet away yet you cautiously place your palm into his as he hauls you up from your seat. No one says anything as you guys leave the room, what a complicated situation this is huh? 
As he opens his door you try to glace back at the others yet he roughly pulls your arm though and slams his bedroom door. You hope they don’t blame you too much for going with him. You stand in the middle of a very familiar room, one you’ve visited many times yet you’re too scared too move from the spot you currently occupy. He turns to face you locking the door behind him and takes a few steps forward. You look at the floor as you begin speaking “Eren I-” 
“ohhhh so you can talk?” 
“yes’ you puff. 
He fits his hand under your chin proceeding to squish your cheeks to face him. “I don’t like you hanging out with them when I’m not around” his hot breath fan your face and you widen your eyes. The audacity. “What do you mean, were not even together anymo-” you voice smothered by his grip. 
He tips his head back and see concern in his eyes, its almost like he was hurt by your words, “Yes we are” his eyebrows scrunched together. You go to spit out another sentence when his hand moves to cover you entire mouth, he brings face to your ear, “You wound me y/n, how could you think that? I thought you loved me?” Why does he sounds so genuine? Your mind is fuzzy with confusion, of course he’s lying, you would never in a million years utter those words to him during the short time you were together. Yet the pain in his voice and the grip on your jaw is making you dizzy, his hot breath on your ear and neck are causing goosebumps to raise on your skin.
 Your smaller hand goes to grip his forearm that's holding your face. He moved to look into your eyes. The dim light from the lamp in the far corner of the room casts a shadow upon his face, yet his deep green eyes seem to glow. He slowly moves his hand away placing it on your shoulder as his free hand moves to your hip. You want to yell at him, ask his why he’s doing this to you, but you place your palm softly onto his chest and drop your head in shame, “I’m sorry..i..I didn’t know” you whispered.
His warm hand goes to caress your cheek and moves into your hair lightly pulling to make you face him. “It’s ok babe, you just have to make it up to me” his chest rumbles underneath your hands as you eye widen. “You can do that, right?” You slowly nod your head and bunch his t-shirt under your fingers. He places a soft kiss on your forehead and lead you towards his bed in the corner of the room. He takes a seat on his dark blue comforter and your stand in front of him. Your hands lightly holding onto his index fingers as he carefully rocks them back and forth.  You take another look at his face and see the artificial softness slowly fade away into something dark, and conspiring.
“On your knees babe” his voice sounding rougher than before. You begin another protest but he takes his warm palms and encircles your waist to urge you down. You slowly fall to your knees, your hands on his thighs while digging your nails into his rough jeans. Your mind slowly starts to unfog and start realizing what your doing. Your shame and regret tug at your heart and you feel the tears begin to prick your eyes. You look up at Eren and see the distain in his eyes. He hums and caresses you shoulder. You wept into your chest as you feel the air being stolen from your lungs Eren moves his calloused hand to your throat and tugs to make you look him in the eyes.
Why did you have to be so damn proud?
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starswallowingsea · 2 years
give me an essay about uh... kyouka?
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Oh man I had this one locked and loaded for months now. I love Kyouka sm and her whole character arc and how that reflects onto Atsushi and Dazai by extension and their own character development, as well as Kouyou's to an extent.
So when we meet Kyouka, we see her trying to blow up a train and basically she doesn't really have a will to live. She's been told since she got pulled into the PM that her only purpose is to kill people, best exemplified by every interaction she has with Akutagawa, ever. Akutagawa, also, doesn't really feel like he has a place in the world outside of killing for the PM and trying to get Dazai's approval but that's neither here nor there for this essay.
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She relatively quickly decides she doesn't want to keep killing people, which I mean. She's a 14yo girl, I would imagine she doesn't want to keep killing people because it's fairly traumatizing, and her solution to that in the moment is to sacrifice herself, which we also know Atsushi would have done just a few chapters earlier given the chance. Instead, Atsushi saves her and shows her kindness as they figure out what to do with her, which continues to drive her forward as a character.
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Anyway, this scene is the turning point I think, for her character arc. She's admitting that her only roll in the Mafia was to kill people, that was her only purpose for several years, but that little bit of kindness Atsushi showed her on that day out they spent together was all it took to make her believe there was a life for her in the light as Kouyou would put it.
She also has a very complicated relationship with her skill, believing she killed her parents with it, and having used it to kill at least 35 other people. Which is frankly, understandable for her. Her skill has been what people have used her for, having her use her skill for violence, for their own means without a thought about what Kyouka could possibly want, so to her, at least for the first part of her transition process to the ADA, her skill is dirty, bad, something that other people want to control for their own means. And Atsushi even falls into this trap, saying her powers should be used for the ADA, which gives Kouyou a leg up in trying to get Kyouka back.
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Even though Kyouka doesn't end up even thinking about going back at first, I think Kouyou knew exactly what buttons to press to manipulate her, and she was able to see through it and ended up using Demon Snow for something she wanted, to protect Atsushi on her own terms. And while Atsushi may have wanted her to use her skill for the agency, she first has to use it on her own terms and dissociate it from her past, and then Kouyou has to go and drop the bomb on her about her parents and yeah. Scene over, Kyouka is back with the mafia, she's upset and traumatized, Kouyou has her protege back, and all of their names are still being underlined in red by my spellchecker.
I kinda lost the thread when I went back to look for all these images oops but anyway, when Kyouka does eventually return and goes through her trial to join the agency in full, she finally has a place that will accept her for her, won't make her use her skill, and will let her just be a kid.
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Kyouka best girl I think she deserves all the good things in the world and then some. By the end of the series, she's fully come into herself and her skill, using it for herself, for her wants, for her goals and morals. She's allowed to be selfish, she's allowed to want for herself, and she has a place to call home and people she can call her family. She has something to keep living for, to fight for.
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Unlike whatever Akutagawa did at the beginning of this. Like seriously what the hell dude.
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I definitely don't think this made sense and I realize I tend to go off on tangents but in conclusion, Kyouka's arc is about learning to live for herself, letting herself feel safe and protected, and just...accepting her past as something that happened and not trying to cope with it on her own.
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
a complete list of my writing and analysis
[ updated: 29/08/2021 ]
PSA's and the like:
- therapy vs. emotional support - on excusing c!tommy's actions because of ptsd - static vs. dynamic characters on the dream smp (outdated) - important things to keep in mind during analysis and discussions - characters aren't synonymous with their past actions - the dehumanization of c!dream in the dsmp fandom - tag your positive posts! / tag your crit! - welcome to dreblr - the unofficial guide
memes and joke posts:
- what freaks out the dream smp fandom - c!karl & c!dream my beloveds <3 - dream apologist vibes - scratch that no vibes send help - the "i'm you" c!ranboo bit is beginning to make a lot more sense - "fighting with words" and "talking with violence" on the smp - the fandom's both biased and hypocritical apparently - *casually hates on l'manberg again* - "why are you a dream apologist?" - "c!dream and techno are imminent threats" yeah sure- - the five stages of grief ft. ruby (3rd life smp ending) - hermits' vibes by ruby; the only trustworthy source of information /j - l'manberg weren't pacifists nor the victims in the war - ...so c!wilbur said c!dream apologists are partially right - it's "l'manberg" and i take no criticism - why are we here, just to suffer - why friend isn't in wilbur's limbo - look, i don't excuse c!dream's actions. ok maybe some of them- - c!everyone apologists are the best at analysis - apparently we have the most angst and hurt/comfort fanfic. Why - meme through the pain i want him back pls - dream apologists are an unstoppable force of nature - this is how endersmile happened, right - the only valid dsmp citizen meme - oh look i still follow booktubers - i want you all to suffer as much as i suffer dealing with you - i like c!dream for being horrible. fight me. // genuinely love him too - the l'manberg anti salt post - healing fics that remove a character's core trait are not good
creative essays and objective analysis:
- on villains, heroes, and the metanarrative of the dream smp - my perception of the dream smp story and the characters in it - putting ghostbur's death into context - an analysis of c!dream's motivation during the l'manberg war - on l'manberg and c!wilbur's "death of the author" - dehumanization and victim blaming of c!dream part one - please let people have feelings about minecraft rp - dehumanization and victim blaming of c!dream part two - the reasons for the dehumanization of c!dream - c!wilbur was sure as hell gonna be ambitious - c!dream cares about people so much he won't let them care back - why c!dream should (and probably will be) redeemed: an essay - short semi-factual analysis of the prison death scene - there's no redemption before healing - what happened to c!techno wasn't "peer pressure" (best post!) - a scene-by-scene analysis of the original disc war - on blaming characters for c!dream's neglect and abandonment - add-on to the previous point by me and @/simplepotatofarmer - l’manberg was nothing but something to sacrifice for [v. 2.0!] - metaphor on the nature of redemption in narratives - statement on c!dream, justification and sympathy - c!dream's actions aren't based on beliefs; they stem from mindsets - c!tommy didn't deserve exile and c!dream didn't deserve the prison - (c!)dream is afraid of death; a speculative essay - c!dream isn't selfish - c!dream cares even if it hurts him - saying c!dream / c!techno should've left l'manberg alone is naive - with c!techno, c!dream is allowed to be a person, above all else - c!dream isn't the "main villain" and he hasn't "hurt everyone" - saying c!dream never cared is a mischaracterization (by anon) - c!dream isn't manipulating c!ranboo, actually (collab post) - c!dream is very clearly hurt - his trauma isn't loud, but it's there - l'manberg was, without question, built on xenophobia - please listen to the writers of the story about the characters - roleplay is supposed to be collaborative, not pre-written - the dream smp also doesn't need a "lead writer" - the common misinterpretations of c!dream and why no one is right - final disc war analysis and why it makes no sense (by anon) - why i am so attached the c!dream's character - on healing, redemption, and forgiveness - c!dream killed c!tommy to prove he was worth keeping alive - the duel is an example of actions that speak louder than words - the themes of the story line up with c!techno's narrative - c!sam hurts c!dream out of hatred stemming from fear - c!dream in season one was an anti-hero - c!sapnap is a bad friend // and acts like a bad person // + el rapids - yes, morality is a sliding scale! ...they're still all in the grey area! - a c!dream redemption'd fit incredibly well with the story's themes - a pretty long list of loose ends in the dream smp's story - c!dream wasn't owed being cared about, but he was still alone - i love c!dream. he's important to me. and that's okay. - scar is so funny and entertaining and amazing i love watching him - there's a difference between "unrealiable narrator" and "liar" - don't cut the sharp edges off of characters - people have a "minecraft persona", which c!dream used to be - on c!dream's alleged obsession with c!tommy - colour coding in dsmp analysis - by coffee anon!
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tender-rosiey · 3 years
If I am not being a bother, may i request a little idea? 💡🤩
It's about Dazai Osamu falling for a doctor( of course she is nowhere near as good as Yosano ). She is a warm,bubbly and funny girl who knows nothing about the Port Mafia, Armed Detective Agency or the abilities. She loves life and people being just complete opposite of Dazai. Maybe he found her when she was doing an investigation and she was the victim's friend or something. He approached her to get some informations about her friend. Of course , she did feel attracted to this mysterious and charismatic man without knowing his identity. So, they kept in contact. But Dazai knows being near him is dangerous and he wants her to be safe and feels guilty about lying to her about himself ( but telling her about him will only increase the dangers and he is also afraid she will hate him if she knew who he really is and what he has done) . However, he can't help but feel attached to her smile and the warmth she gives him that makes the void in his heart being fulfilled.
And this request being about the conflict he has with himself whether to let you go or not.
I know this request has a lot of unnecessary informations and annoyingly detailed and I am sorry.😐😥
Thank you very much for reading this nonsense.💞🥺
Feel free to ignore this.
❥— Wrap My Heart
❥— ᴅᴀᴢᴀɪ ᴏsᴀᴍᴜ x ғ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
❥— ғʟᴜғғ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀɴɢsᴛ
❥— ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1.1ᴋ
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ᴀ/ɴ: hey dear! you are not a bother at all! also this fic is a little short? in my eyes at least anyhow my deepest apologies that this came late, i do hope you enjoy it nonetheless and i hope you have a great day! ☺️💕
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Dazai had an undeniable charm and it was obvious, and it worked on even you, a sweet and lovely girl, who is a doctor and just genuinely loves helping others.
You met the brunette one day as you were one of the witnesses of a recent incident and Dazai was assigned to be in charge of getting any information about it from you, of course you looked rather ravishing by default, however, he wasn’t going to let his instinct as a man lead him down a pit fall; he never let it take the best of him, so why is he worrying about it now? But you are being so sweet and friendly, how could he not feel the least bit of welcomed in your presence? Even if turns out as a fake, he thinks he will enjoy it while it lasts.
“So Miss Y/N, may you tell me about what you know about the incident?” He asked, voice as smooth as silk as if he was flirting; you nodded smiling sweetly before going on and giving every piece of information you had an idea of.
As you were done, you saw Dazai being a little spacey so you gently called out his name “Dazai, you alright?” Your voice snapped him out of his daze that he was not expecting, for as much as he liked to slack he is usually very focused on his cases in the end, perhaps it’s your honey-dripping voice that is a beautiful melody to hear or maybe it’s your eyes that he got lost in ever so easily, wasn’t he known for being composed most of the the time.
“Yeah sorry, is it alright if you repeat the last part? Your beauty enchanted me that is all.” And he wasn’t lying, but you laughed and brushed it off because you saw him flirt with multiple women before speaking to you and did as he asked retelling your story.
As you both felt a mutual interesting towards each other, you ended up exchanging numbers and talking almost every night; oh how it was heaven to listen to your voice and the joy behind it every time you talked to him before he dove into a deep slumber, if he died right now he would be happiest man, he thinks while his eyes slowly close as you bid him a goodnight.
Dazai was greedy, he wanted to spend more time with you, so what’s better than getting himself injured on purpose and going to you instead of Yosano? It gave him benefits in two ways, one avoiding Yosano’s traumatizing treatment and the second being in your presence for furthermore time.
And that’s how you found him every day at your clinic with a new injury different than the others; and while you are mending his wounds, he starts conversations with you and you both ended up having the time of your life every visit.
But as greedy as he can be, dazai loved and loves or at least thinks he does, he knew it would all go down hill if you kept in touch for a longer time. He was afraid you would follow the path his old friend Oda took. And even more you were getting dangerously close to the fragile heart he hid behind masks and walls, he didn’t want to take the risk of you breaking it; yet even so he knew, even while scared of your reach, that your touch is gentle and the way you cradle his heart is even even more tender.
You have been nothing but a sweetheart to him, showing him the wonders of the world and how beautiful it is to live in it; he always thought about how overwhelming sweet in a good way was seeing the world with you, so he concludes that if you can make an empty man like him feel like trying to give life another shot, then you are probably gonna save lots of lives rather than his that he thought was a lost cause.
But as he thought about it, you didn’t see it all, you didn’t see the boy, the 15 year old boy, who slaughtered hundreds of people, you didn’t see the man that manipulated everything in the worst way for his advantage, you didn’t see the man behind the broken mirror, you didn’t see the man that his hands were tainted by blood everywhere he goes, if you did would you leave him?
If he displayed it all on the table, would you still accept him? Would you still be the sweet and bubbly girl he first met? What if you turn your back on him and crush his heart with those delicate fingers instead? What would he do then?
He wants you to be with him, but wants you to leave; he wants you to be safe and happy, but still wants you by his side. He is conflicted, should he be selfish or let you go to bloom somewhere else?
Dazai was more than aware that being his or being related to him in any way is very threatening alone, so he tried pushing you away; but his trials weren’t always successful, especially with you. You were an enchanting blossom that shines like the light brightly in his dark garden, one that he touched as gently as the clouds so he doesn’t hurt you like the rest, you didn’t deserve being hurt.
You were too good for him and the world, you don’t deserve to be corrupted by his poisonous touch, but when you are the one reaching for his black petals with such tenderness, how is he supposed to hold himself back and push you away? He expected for that beast inside of him to assist him in all of this, to let the cold exterior come out and drive you away from his embrace.
He longed for nothing but someone like you, a reason, a motive to live through this hell we call life, and he thinks once again about it all. If anyone was to touch a single strand of you, then he will teach them that you are not something to be stained by their filthy hands, he promises.
So maybe if you keep treating him like he is made of glass and are cautious with his feelings and reactions, then maybe letting you wrap his heart with your arms isn’t so bad, maybe it isn’t so bad that he is buried into your embrace right now, and maybe dazai osamu really has the chance to love and be greedy for one more time in this life.
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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