#a coworker told me this week that the engineers like me a lot
gracetoldmeto · 6 months
diversity win: that new female engineer who everyone is talking about bc she is awesome at her job actually has MDD and you had no idea
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nathaslosthershit · 10 days
Long Distance (LN4)
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Summary: Long distance relationships are hard, especially when they both have very time consuming careers
Warnings; Angst (a whole lot), no happy ending in this part (will happen in pt 2)
Request: hi!! requesting a lando norris x female uni!reader if possible reader being a medical student or a one of the engineers on the paddock 🧍🏻‍♀️
Lando wasn’t known for being the smartest on the grid. He, like many other drivers, had only a few years of school to his name. But that still hadn’t stopped him from being able to somehow ‘woo’ a woman quite the opposite. 
His girlfriend was currently in her last year of medical school. While he was unbelievably proud of how far she had come, the difficulties of long distance have gotten to both of them, and there wasn’t much hope once she graduated and was off to a medical training program. With her studying for finals and Lando being off to a new country every two weeks for Grand Prixs, their relationship has been rocky to say the least.
Constant lack of communication and missing each other's calls had led them to have tons of unspoken dialogue. Each unanswered call created the smallest bit of resentment that just continued to grow and grow. 
No more sweet ‘goodmorning’ or ‘goodnight’ texts, no more wishing her well before a big test, no more sending ‘good luck baby!’ before qualifying. Just a few ‘how are you doing?’ and other bland messages you’d send to a coworker, not your significant other. 
After weeks of little communication, they had finally scheduled a ‘zoom date’. Not particularly the most romantic date they had been on, but it's the best they could do with their schedules. Lando called in late at night for him while his girlfriend had a lunch break in between labs. Time zones be damned.
Lando was 25 minutes late leaving only 35 minutes to actually talk to one another.
Her wifi was spotty so it kept freezing.
Finally, with only 5 minutes left, Lando decided to make a joke that there is no reason for her to continue going to labs, as he would be happy to be her ‘sugar daddy’. This was not very well received by his girlfriend, who responded with a quick “fuck you” and hung up early.
Lando was joking, a bit. He loved his girlfriend and saw a future with her, he just couldn’t stand long distance and any job in the medical field was bound to take up most of your time. He wanted her, but he also wanted someone who could be by his side on race day. That just wasn’t something that was possibly currently. 
He supported her. He loved to brag about how smart she was and how she was so dedicated to helping people. But that came with setbacks.
After a quick message from Lando (‘I was kidding darling. You know how proud I am of you. Lighten up a little, yeah?’), which she ignored, she was off to her labs in a worse mood than before. Things couldn’t go on like this. 
He hadn’t heard from her in three days. His “how are you, love?” and “Miss you lots. Hope your class is going better than my neck training :(“ went unanswered. She knew she was being petty, but maybe a relationship was just too hard for her life currently. 
After three long and stressful days of silence, she called him. With no message asking what she needed to speak about, Lando feared he already knew.
“We can’t keep doing this” She said after they quickly exchanged a ‘hi, how are you?’ ‘I'm good, how are you?’. 
“Baby, I told you it was just a-”
“I know that Lando! It's just that this isn’t the first time you have mentioned me quitting my career to be your housewife or whatever unrealistic idea you have stuck in your head.”
“I don’t need you to be a housewife! I don’t want that for you. I just try to let you know that you don’t need to worry about your future as much because I will always be there to help you.”
“But I want a career! I want to work hard so I can have a good future. You need to get it into your head that your career isn’t the only important one.”
“I don’t think that! Me wanting to let you know that I support you no matter what isn't diminishing your career plans! It would be nice if you started to show a little more support. I am so sick and tired of all our conversations revolving around you and how your day was. If classes are rough, or you are stressed, you don’t respond to me. I never know where I land with you. But god forbid I try to mention how hard my day was. I am just as sick of it.”
She didn’t know how to respond. It seems that all the times she has been more focused on how she was feeling she completely forgot to check on how he was doing. Before she can even muster out an apology, Lando jumps back in.
“Maybe you are right. I don’t think I can do this either. Not anymore.” He feels his stomach dropping as he says the words, not fully meaning them.
There is a long silence, moments where she wants to apologize, to try and reconcile. In that moment all of the good memories of their relationship come flashing back to her, as if her mind is begging her to do something. But she doesn’t. 
“Then I guess this is it.” She finally says. 
“I guess so.”
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amarantine-amirite · 8 months
Impostor Syndrome
The following is an interview that came from the last issue of Divergent magazine before the failure of MyntBank.
It's a well-known fact that autistic people struggle with job interviews. During interviews, an autistic person must mimic a neurotypical person all the time. Hiring managers watch for signs of dishonesty, which sometimes look like symptoms of autism.
Many argue that job interviews inherently select against autistic people in favor of neurotypicals. Some people go as far as to say that any autistic person that gets a job after completing a successful job interview was almost always hired by accident. Those who disagree with this theory argue you don't need to mimic a neurotypical that much when you already have the job. You just need to mimic part of the time. If you do a good enough job, you don't have to mimic a neurotypical at all. Coworkers will put up with your weird behavior just because you're good at your job.
Today, we're talking to Judith (not her real name), a 24 year old college graduate on the spectrum who had accidentally been hired by MyntBank on two separate occasions.
Divergent: Can you describe the interview process for MyntBank?
Judith: I got my job at MyntBank through a new grad rotation program. Two minutes before the scheduled interview time, the person who contacted me with the interview information told me her colleague will do it instead of her, but he is up to speed. Right out of the gate, he says that we have to do it one way due to an unstable internet connection. He talked nonstop for precisely one hour.
He referenced news stories that people wouldn't talk about after a few weeks that were at least 3 months old. He targeted his speech not to me, but to a large audience. I asked if it was a recording and then I signed off.
I must've done something right because I got the rotation job. They didn't even ask for my transcript.
Divergent: What was the internship like?
Judith: My rotation began with Business Intelligence for Equity Research, next I worked in ML Engineering for Business Banking, and finally, Data and Analytics for Derivatives. I learned something very important: capital markets executives view ML engineers as smart, data scientists as lazy, and business intelligence as complainers.
Now, you would think that capital markets executives have respect for data scientists because we're the ones uncovering fancy new ways for the Bank to make money. Well, you would also be wrong. They don't really understand us. We exist outside the hierarchy of analyst, associate, and managing director, but at the same time are paid at the same echelon as the people high on the food chain.
Data science is not a job that has a lot of fires. If anything, you start the fires that the ML engineers and risk managers have to put out. Everybody thinks that scientists do nothing because they don't have to hustle.
The C-Suite people brag about working 60, 70, or even 80 hours a week. They think that those who aren't working 75 hour weeks are lazy. They are diametrically opposed to working smarter instead of harder. Good luck getting them to understand that the mandate for a data scientist is to follow the evidence where it leads and think about stuff. The work of a data scientist suffers if they have to hustle.
Divergent: How did you go from your internship to a full time position with Mynt?
Judith: During my data analytics rotation, I got a term project requiring me to look for signals representing unusual market behavior. The Bank prohibited anybody from using pip install on their machines because a disgruntled employee in the back office used pip install to load libraries that they use to build a virus that crippled the KYC system. Getting rid of pip install meant that nobody could use Python for their work anymore. Given that Python is the coding lingua franca of the finance world, this decision would spell disaster for the organization.
Because the Bank got rid of pip install, I had to write my own imbalance sampling algorithm to finish the work on my project. I implemented it in such a way that it had a linear run time. I deployed the imbalance sampling algorithm for the first time right before a long weekend. It took 72 hours to train the model I was working on, which meant my computer was running all weekend. Upper management interpreted that as me burning the midnight oil over a holiday weekend.
I got invited to a lunch interview with the head of the data analytics department. They considered me for a role with the signal integration working group. Lunch included some salad and mashed potatoes with peas mixed in, supposedly to "test the emotional maturity of candidates." Even though I got very upset about the peas touching the potatoes, I still got a full time job with that group.
Divergent: Was it easier to manage your autism during your internship or during the full-time job?
Judith: A month into my new job, they came up with a new rule requiring masks on zoom calls. The rationale they gave us was that employees feel there is less discrimination between nice looking versus bad looking people. Wearing a mask puts video call participants all on the same level.
There's a problem with that. Masking on zoom calls robs employees ability to read lips. I have a disability that impairs my ability to process spoken language. We don't have captions on our zoom calls because captioning introduces its own privacy concerns as the video conferencing system we used at the time records dialogue to generate the captions.
I am far from the only person who has this issue. That working group had seven people, three of them are deaf, and the other four (myself included, by the way) had neurological disabilities where they need to see the mouth for communication.
I keep the "I'm having dental work done" in my pocket for skipping meetings . It's perfect. Nobody questions it and everybody can relate to it. I used that excuse for the first time, but I didn't get the reaction I expected. "Stop eating so much crap".
I couldn't understand what anyone was wearing because everyone was masked and there were no subtitles, so I accidentally agreed to this signal processing project where I had to decompose time series of alternative indicators for a given market (in this case, the derivatives market) into constituent signals, overlay the results against that of a synthetic best or worst case scenario, and develop a modeling strategy to predict whether the current picture would evolve into a good or bad scenario.
It was interesting, but it raised a lot of questions that require a lot of labor to get the data to answer them and you don't always know whether or not you've gone down a rabbit hole. Usually, you can surmise when you're going to go down a rabbit hole before it actually happens, but you can't do that here because you don't know what you don't know. It was also a really sensitive project. If you end up down a rabbit hole and out of sight of the main idea, it has the potential to be catastrophic.
Divergent: How do they find out they hired you by mistake not once, but twice?
Judith: I had to present my results on a surprise call. I couldn't for the life of me explain my analysis methods to the banking regulator. If you struggle to explain your analysis method to the regulator, you're cooked. Their first inclination is to look for signs of dishonesty.
Regulators don't like modeling strategies that involve lots of steps. They don't like stuff that's poorly explained. They really hated my explanation of my modeling strategy because it sounded suspiciously like market manipulation.
The bank got fined $14 billion that they had to pay by close of business the following day. They didn't pay up. It takes their billing department in Cameroon 18 months to pay for stuff and that includes fines.
After they finally got that fine paid, they decided that the whole debacle was my fault. They called me into this meeting with a bunch of executives. They had the CEO at one under the table and me at the other, and all of them glared at me. It was pretty horrifying.
They said they tried to fire me but it didn't go through. The head of human resources looked into it a little bit further and it turned out that I have been hired by accident for both the internship and the full-time role. the head of the internship program spoke up and said I accepted the offer of employment before the computer glitch that sent out the letter was rectified. The head of the data analytics department admitted to hiring me because, as he put it, "I could only remember her name because she caught food in her boobs."
Divergent: Have you been able to find a job since then?
Judith: Not really, no. I've been working with an employment counselor, applying to whatever jobs I can find, and I'm struggling to get a callback. I don't know if it's because the people at Mynt have blackballed me or if the market dried up. I hope I get something soon.
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alpine-sitte · 9 months
Not the subtlest of signs. (aka some personal, recent UPG experience)
I guess I haven’t really talked much on this blog yet about my personal experiences/encounters with situations that I consider a bit too broad-hint-ish to be mere coincidences. Well, maybe it’s time to start, with the thing that happened to me a couple weeks ago and continued into the present day.
(Content Warnings, information about what to expect below: Talking about death and injury as the result of traffic accidents and workplace accidents, mentions of human and specifically animal death in the context of railway roadkill. Photos of dead birds, taken by me in relation to the specific event I discuss in this post, after the Read More. Nothing gory, though, no blood or open wounds - in fact nothing graphic at all is being shown in the photos except for the animals being very clearly dead and in an advanced stage of decay in the last photo. They were already dead when I found them. Due to the almost certain nature of their death - essentially a lightning strike - it was instant and it's safe to say they did not suffer.)
First, I want to explain the general situation of my life and why it is very heavily affected by the topic of death due to my career.
As I may have mentioned before I work for the federal railway, and part of that job reality is frequent encounters with injury and even death. Not only things that happen to me personally, but also where I’m involved in as a bystander or get told about the incident(s) by someone who was either personally affected or a direct witness. In fact, this is such a constant occurence in the average railway worker’s life that a lot of these events are told like random anecdotes in our break rooms.
The most common “victim” of the railway continues to be all sort of animals that end up being killed by the vehicles themselves or by infrastructure like the overhead power lines. Human victims are also common, probably most common among our workers since the jobs we do involve dangerous activities.
I personally don’t do any driving anymore, but I do work at a station and tend to the engines and trains there before we send them off on their way with their drivers.
So, as I do my work, I'll sometimes stumble upon dead animals by the tracks. Sometimes more literally than other times.
The other day as I was wrapping up my day shift, I walked around the back again one last time and...was met with a sight that definitely made me pause:
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There's a lot of ravens and crows here, and if they touch the overhead powerlines in the wrong spot it kills them instantly. Same happens to any that cross the path of a fast moving train. It doesn't upset me and I tend not to spend much thought on it if I walk past a dead creature. But it's pretty unusual to see two of them suffer that fate at once. Like I said I was wrapping up my shift so I just walked on and back to the quarters and wondered about these two.
A coworker told me that he also saw them on the ground, and he claimed that he saw them being struck by lightning a couple hours prior. Hard to say if he saw actual lightning from the sky or "just" the spark from the powerline. I did see some charring on the wooden ties of the tracks below, but I don't know if that was there before already or new. The fact that the crows' legs were mangled pretty badly suggests to me that they could have caused a short-circuit by sitting on the powerline where its isolated parts meet the live parts (as is the case at the power poles that I found them by). Sitting only on the live parts or the isolated parts doesn't harm them, but getting too close to the transitional part does. It happens often. Either way, the details don't matter all that much, I think.
Back home, I told a friend about this since it definitely felt like a meaningful incident in some way. If this was a sign of some sort, I wasn't sure what to take away from it.
But the more I thought about it, the more I also thought about how my life has changed in significant ways in the past months (for the better, for once) and how I've been slowly able to let go of my resentment for these changes that felt out of my control and unfair at first. For the first time in six months or so, I've been slowly able to let my negative feelings about the recent events go. Of course the feelings of being wronged and set up for failure were resilient and when they would surface again, I would question whether I really should "settle for" what I have. Or if I should try to keep the flame of my resentment alight, even if there was no realistic chance for me to achieve what I was convinced I truly wanted. All I've been achieving is ruining my mood and making myself feel bitter about things that have long passed.
So when I came back to work the following week and saw that the two dead crows were still there in the same spot but now slowly decaying as the slugs and beetles thrived on their meat, I felt that I understood what I needed to do, both on a symbolic level and on a very tangible one.
I took a bucket and picked them up carefully, and looked for a suitable spot nearby to put them to rest. In a niche behind one of the power poles that probably killed them, I found a pile of twigs that reminded me of a nest, and that felt like just the right place.
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(I'm glad I thought to use a bucket instead of my hands even though I was wearing my work gloves, because after I took out the birds, there was a whole swarm of bugs left behind in the bucket. I made sure to deposit them onto the twigs as well, so that they may continue their funeral banquet in the new location after the brief interruption.) They're not bothering anyone there and during each of my shifts since, I make sure to visit them and remind myself of how the possible future I had to abandon is nevertheless being replaced by a different future that may be just as bright, if not brighter. The feelings and hopes that died with that other future won't simply disappear and I'll occasionally still have to linger and grieve for them, but there's no point in letting resentment and "what-ifs" control my present. It shouldn't keep me from enjoying what I have, being grateful for all the people I was able to meet and the experiences I made, as well as being hopeful for what the path ahead may still hold.
The worldly journey of these two crows may have ended at this final station for them, but I no longer feel like my life's journey has found a dead end here. After all, no train that arrives here stays forever, either - not even the ones that call this station their final destination.
Safe travels to these spirits, and whenever they should find themselves at this station once more, they are always welcome to join me here behind the tracks and rest for a while - until they are ready to start their journey anew.
Wrapping up this post, I probably don't need to point it out to the (presumably) mostly heathen audience of this blog that the two crows are almost a textbook example of how I'd imagine a sign from Odin/Wotan to look like. I'm always a bit hesitant to "default" to interpreting anything I experience as a sign from Odin in particular, which probably sounds silly and defiant. But it's not that I somehow resent the old man or refuse to acknowledge the possibility of him trying to throw some helpful hints my way. My feelings on the matter are a bit more complex than that. I'll probably make a separate post about this topic since it deserves more space than a footnote on another post. The gist is simply that I'm trying not to miss the forest for the trees by considering other options/sources/explanations/entities first instead of immediately looking at the most "obvious" and calling it a day. I'm not ruling out the possibility of his involvement at all (even "just" partial involvement), but to me this particular incident seems similar in "style" and circumstances as some other recent ones that I'm tentatively ascribing to some other sort of entity that I'm only starting to get a proper impression of. It's too soon for me to determine its identity with certainty.
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skzhua · 2 years
Best Summer Ever (Yang Jeongin x Reader) Part 1
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Coworkers-to-lovers.
Summary: After the end of her long term relationship with Han Jisung, Y/N finds comfort in her coworker Yang Jeongin.
Warnings: Drinking, Jisung is a bit of a jerk.
Words: 2,079
A/N : This is inspired by my own recent experience in terms of relationship, a very much romanticized version of it. It's a multiple parts because I am currently in this situation and I am as confused as Y/N. If my actual 'crush' reads this, I'm so sorry. Anyway, enjoy!
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" Ma'am, I'm sorry but I assure you it is not 20% off, I checked in the system already" I sighed as the lady in front of me starts fuming. 
She left the grocery store fast walking without saying a word. As she got to the exit, she almost bumped into my coworker, Jeongin, who stepped aside quickly from the woman's trajectory. His eyes grew in surprise and he gave me a look to which I responded with a shrug.
"What was that?" he asked as he joined me at the front desk.
"Another rude customer, nothing new" I simply answered before going back to my job. "So I counted the 3 cash registers and made sure your breaks were all lined up correctly so you should be fine with closing tonight"
"Again, I'll be fine. I'm not a newbie anymore"
I rolled my eyes at his response. I have been a supervisor for more than 6 months and an employee for more than 2 years. Meanwhile, he got here a few months ago and got promoted 2 weeks afterwards.
"You still don't know the computer's password" I said.
"Chan sent it on the groupchat! As if I needed to remember it" he exclaimed causing me to chuckle. "Oh well, the devil himself"
Chan was a nice colleague and yet, he never once tried to befriend Jeongin and I. The younger man, though, was a social butterfly. Even if I was slightly upset it took him a shorter amount of time at work to get promoted than myself, he remained one of the only genuine friends I made in this shitty workplace.
"Y/N, you're aware you're done, right?" Chan said putting himself between Jeongin and I as I answer with a smile.
"I know, I just love you guys too much, I want to stay longer" I joked.
"Yeah, well, we do need to go" I heard from afar on my left. I turned around and saw my boyfriend, Jisung, at the cash register finishing his transaction.
"Looks like this is my cue, bye guys" I said before joining Jisung.
We left the store in silence and Jisung's pace was rather rapid. I tried to catch up but he was already in the car starting the engine while I wasn't anywhere close the car. Once I got in, I closed the door harshly before glaring at him.
"What is it, again?" I grunted in frustration.
"You told me to come pick you up at 3, it's 3:30 and you're talking with Jeongin making me wait" he responded in an annoyed tone as he left the parking lot.
Focused on the road, I didn't answer and simply crossed my arms in annoyance. Once we reached a red light, I found the timing more appropriate to explain.
"He was gonna come in late and I'm not allowed to use my phone while I'm working, so I'm sorry if I couldn't reach you to tell you to come pick me up later. You also know he's a dear friend of mine and my boss doesn't let us work together anymore so I kind of have the right to enjoy the small amount of time I have with him" 
"There might be a good reason why she doesn't let you work with him" he whispered, but I clearly heard the words leaving his mouth.
"Han Jisung, every goddamn time you have to make a big deal out of nothing. We were happy for months and since the start of the summer, you've been sensitive about the slightest thing happening. What is wrong with you?"
I could see his jaw clench as he took a deep breath. He pulled over on the side of the street and parked the car.
"You are right, I'm an asshole to you" he says in a small voice. "You don't deserve this and I know how hardworking you are and how much of a good friend you are to your coworkers because of your situation with your boss. I have been on the edge because I think my love for you is dying... and before you say anything, it's nothing against you. You are amazing, but I don't think it's gonna work out"
"I know" I sighed in defeat. "I really love you, Jisung. And I appreciate your honesty. I'm not mad, I knew it was gonna happen sooner or later" I said trying to stop the tears from falling out of my eyes.
"And I really did love you, but we both know what happened"
"I know"
We stayed in silence for a bit before my phone rang. I looked at the screen and immediately wiped off my tears.
"I need to take this, sorry" I clicked on the green symbol before trying to say hi in my best happy tone.
"Y/N? Are you alright?" Hyunjin says from the other end of the line.
"Yeah, I'm good, what's up?" I lie.
"Uh, Jeongin asked me to call you to know where you put the keys for the safe... are you sure you're okay?"
"I am" I reassured him. "The keys are in the first drawer on the left, and can you pass the phone to him please?"
"Sure, give me a sec"
It took no time for him to call out for Jeongin and the boy's voice called your name worriedly.
"Hey, Jeongin. Listen, do you mind if you open the store tomorrow instead?"
"Of course, no problem" he said before I hung up.
Not two seconds later, I received a message from Hyunjin:
Hyunjin : I know you don't feel well, wanna talk about it?
Y/N : Not really but to sum it up, Jisung and I broke up.
Hyunjin : Oh Y/N, I'm so sorry... wanna come over to my place after? I got movies and snacks.
I smiled reading the message and Jisung noticed as he let out a small laugh.
"Already moving on to another man?" he jokes.
"You know me better than that" I shot a glare. "Can you drop me off at Hyunjin's please? I'll text you in the next few days so we can get our stuff back"
Not too long after, I could see Hyunjin in his sweat wear outside of his house as Jisung pulled over. I gave my ex-boyfriend a last long-lasting hug and I joined my friend in his parking lot.
"I thought you said movies and snacks?" I laughed as I approached his car.
"Thinking back now, Starbucks and late-night drive with music sounds better" he smiled while getting in the car as well.
After the car ride, it was getting late and Hyunjin was also opening the store the next morning. He dropped me off and I thanked him for the night. As I was about to walk to my house, I received a message from Jeongin.
Jeongin : You were right, closing tonight was awful... I couldn't find any of the things I needed and there was a whole ton of customers.
Y/N : I told you haha! You managed to do everything tho?
Jeongin : Yeah, fortunately...
Y/N : That's good. Again, I'm sorry for asking you to take my shift again, but I really won't be in the right mindset to focus properly.
​​​​Jeongin : No worries, I know you'd do the same.
Y/N : Has Hyunjin told you?
​​​​​​Jeongin : He didn't, but I figured. You said you'd had a nice date with Jisung tonight, but your tone said it didn't go as planned.
Y/N: It didn't, lol, but I'll be fine"​​​​.
Jeongin : Wanna call a bit?"
He didn't need to tell me twice before I hit the call button.
~ 3 weeks later ~
I was fumbling my way out of the bar while Changbin, Felix and Seungmin were watching my every step. I had way too many shots and Felix wanted nothing more but to yell at me for being so stupid to drink this much when I knew I was working an early shift the next day. Of course, I was protesting saying I would be fine and that I don't need that much sleep to be productive.
Once the boys got me home safely, I was texting Jeongin on the way to my room and he quickly noticed I wasn't sober. He made fun of me but I was not able to text properly anymore. So I called him.
"Yes?" Jeongin answered.
"Jeongin!!! How are you?" I chuckled.
"I'm good, but you're definitely not okay" he laughed.
"I am though, I swear!"
"Y/N, I swear if you come in late tomorrow and look like a zombie, I'm quitting early" he threatened and you pouted knowing your favourite coworker was no longer going to be a part of your team by the end of the summer since he wants to focus on his studies.
"Don't you dare to leave me alone with that bitch! She's been bossing around freaking Bang Chan, the only supervisor she still had respect for"
"Yeah, I don't think she ever had respect for any of us" he laughed.
We kept talking for a good part of the night before he convinced me I should go to sleep.
The next morning, I unlocked my phone and wanted to cry as soon as I saw the messages exchanged with a few friends the night before and the time Jeongin and I were in the call; 2 hours and 43 minutes. I could barely remember what was said and I was freaking out. It was not like I could have said something I should be saying to him, but I knew, real deep down, that I could have said something like 'I like you'. Not like I would admit it anytime soon, but I still feared the possibility of spilling out personal stuff.
I got ready for work and left, not so much in a rush since I was not looking forward to facing Jeongin. The inevitable happened and he was right at the desk when I walked in the grocery store.
"Slept well?" he teased.
"Shut up" I rolled my eyes as I walked towards the backstore to punch in.
I came back to the cash registers as I was tying my hair up in a ponytail and making sure I didn't forget anything.
"We need to talk about yesterday" Jeongin interrupted my thoughts.
"Yesterday? What do you mean?" you said, unsure.
"Oh my god, did you really forget what we talked about?" he laughed.
"O-of course not"
"Don't lie to me, you totally did"
"Alright" I admitted. "I'm missing some parts here and there but I remember most of it. I didn't say anything too embarrassing?"
He paused to think but ended up laughing.
"Nothing that embarrassing, except you asked me 10 times what game I was playing"
I dropped my head in my hands in embarrassment while Jeongin was laughing even more.
"Alright, guys, I'm glad we can have fun at work but we have to count the inventory" Hyunjin interrupted as he handed me a list. "And Y/N, dear, you have some things to tell me" he winked and left.
"What did he mean by that?" Jeongin asked and I couldn't answer with anything else but a simple shrug.
After my shift ended, I was about to leave when I saw Hyunjin waiting next to my car.
"You're serious, Hwang?" I complained. "No need to be so serious about this"
"You should be the one serious about this, you called him until 3am, Y/N" he exclaimed.
"This is not what it looks like" I pouted.
"Listen, I know you just broke up with Jisung and it's really not a good idea to get a rebound, especially not with poor young Jeongin"
"I swear, Hyunjin, there is nothing happening with Jeongin, he's not my type anyway. We are just really good friends"
"Just be careful"
"Always" I smiled and there a pause. "You waited cause you needed a ride back home, didn't you?"
"Please" he pleaded. "My mom took the car this morning, I had to walk all the way here"
"Drama queen... get in" I said as I unlocked the doors.
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tallestcat · 1 year
100 Days of Productivity [8/100 to 14/100]
Well, I’m not sure what happened. I missed my goal by a lot. My goal was 2.5H a day but I only managed 1.38H a day. I’m going to try another week where my goal is 2.5H a day and holy shit, I only did 9 mins of work (excluding meetings) yesterday. 
 For the freelancing website me and the BF are making, we just signed the contract so we’re also doing that for the next 2-3 months. I made BF apply to like the only engineering company in town, which opened a factory just last year. He had a phone screen yesterday and has an interview set up for next Tuesday, they have 5 positions and his former coworkers are there because it pays a lot more and has room for promotion. 
I told him we’re going to study for the PMI (project management institute?) certification together in a few years. I would probably be a garbage project manager because I hate talking to people, making project schedules is mind-numbing, and can’t pay attention in meetings but fuck it why not. If he gets that job, he will be busy then I’ll have to do the website myself while I myself am on probation at my job but its WordPress so I’m not worried. This is a great opportunity for him and he didn’t push back on this because it’s in town. We wouldn’t have to move to the San Francisco or San Jose and suffer from the cost of living/crime/commute. 
 So for now, 2-3 months freelance WordPress website (March, April, June), after that Leetcode for 2-3 months (July, August, September), after that apply for remote jobs (August +). I’m going to keep the freelancing timekeeping off of this Notion database so I’ll know if I’m screwing off at work. Still watching study with me livestreams, still getting more done than when I started. 
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romancechronicles · 1 year
in the wintertime, my car's battery fritzes.
it often won't start, and I often need a jump.
today at work, in the first week of below freezing temperatures, my car wouldn't start. I was in the midst of an errand for work and needed to come back to the store. I was a 60 second drive away, in the pouring and freezing rain, and my car couldn't leave the lot.
I felt like crying.
I called the store and they sent one of my lovely, lovely coworkers to jump my car. we were both on the clock for this whole debacle, and the jump had me back to the store in minutes.
I walked in, nearly in tears, and relayed the story to my coworkers. I was laughing while telling, because the alternative was crying. my manager told me she would buy me some pasta and a hot chocolate so I could sit downstairs, warm up, and decompress. if you'd like, she said, you can probably go home for the night once you're finished.
so I ate my pasta, drank my hot chocolate, and set up to go home.
you'll never guess what happened.
I walked back through the rain from my car, back into the store, and told the host that my car didn't start. again. I tried to laugh but instead started crying.
after giving a very damp me a hug, she grabbed her keys and her friends coat and helped me jump my car. she bid me good luck and a good night and went back inside. I was left with a running engine, a cold car, and my head on the steering wheel.
so I called my boyfriend.
I was already planning on running my car for at least an hour, and he lived just under an hour away from me, so would it be okay if I came over, please? he said yes, of course, as long as you can afford gas. I said yes. he said that he'd be happy to have me and he would make some sort of food for us. I half-heartedly put on some music and off I went.
it was a cold, wet drive. (my car's heater is also very begrudging at the best of times. these were not the best of times.) it took me forty-five minutes to get there, and once I parked, he dashed down the porch steps in his hoodie and the rain to meet me. he hugged me briefly in the damp, then ushered me in.
in his room, on a tv tray beside the bed, was a small pot of roses, a tray of sushi, and cranberry flavoured ginger ale.
I burst into tears.
the next half hour consisted of him asking why I was crying while holding me close, bundling me in his weighted blanket, and kissing my forehead while wiping my tears. in the end, we saved the sushi and soda for the next day, and he instead took me to see The Woman King, a movie we'd been wanting to see for a while. he payed for popcorn, probably knowing I wouldn't eat it all, and held my hand through the whole thing.
he knows roses are my favourite, despite me saying they were too expensive to really be my favourite. he knows I love sushi, and I had mentioned offhandedly earlier that day that I'd been craving it. I mentioned disappointment in not being able to find cranberry ginger ale anytime not-christmas one time, a week ago, and he remembered. he specifically said that the roses in a pot would be nice since they could maybe last me through the winter.
I love this man so much. I've never felt so loved.
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sitorrothekitsune · 1 year
G’day everyone. This is Jeff.
I’m sorry I haven’t been around recently, but there’ve been a couple reasons for that. One, I’ve had a job and what free time I had I spent gaming. But two… well, I’ve been starting to battle with depression again and just haven’t had much motivation to do shit. So, I’m sorry, but I thank everyone for welcoming me back. Especially Nyx who somehow found out I was back within the first two minutes of me posting again. Thanks buddy. XD
Anyway, a couple of you may be wondering. “So, where’ve your been, Jeff?” And I hope you are, because I have a couple stories to tell!
I graduated back in May of 2022 and immediately started looking for a job. I needed the money, not only because I need to save up for a car, house rent/downpayment, and college; but also because the band I’m playing in is going on Tour in Europe next year and I need 7.2k to go… >.>
Anyway, I got a job. It was a Civil Engineering job that made bridges. And lemme tell you, bridges are so much cooler than I ever thought they’d be. There’s countless different types of bridges. Truss, Slab on Stringer, Suspension… you can go on Google to learn more about them, but there’s a ton of different bridges that all have different purposes and needs to be built. Next time you’re out and about, just take a moment to count the number of bridges you pass over, under, or beside, and you’ll be surprised.
I’d been doing this job for a while. 3 months. And my probationary period was almost up. Past three months they have to give you unemployment if they fire you. But the problem is, they never gave me any work to do. I asked for work, I tried to get some, but they just kept giving it to the other newbie. So that’s why, at the end of the three months, I was pissed that they fired me for “Not doing my work” when THERE WAS NO WORK TO BE DONE. Anyway, that was annoying.
So, on to more job searching. A week later, I get an interview with a company. It’s a Packaging plant that makes custom packaging for non-standard items. The interview goes well, and they give me a tour of the factory during the interview. I thought this was really cool, and the entire plant was just interesting in general. And I was able to ask direct questions about what they were doing. Interview ends, I’m coming home, and five minutes into the drive I get a call. I answer it, and it’s the people I just interviewed with saying “Would you like to take the job?”
But it wasn’t.
I excitedly take the job, thinking that they thought I was exactly the type of person they needed. I show up first day at 8 because they asked me to, and the door’s locked. After a couple minutes, the IT guy sees me, and tries to speak to me through the window. I learn that the front office people don’t show up until 9:30. But, he lets me in anyway. Thank you IT guy. Front desk shows up a little later after IT guy gives me a tour of the corporate office. IT guy told me “Hey btw, engineering is a bit dickish”
I should’ve listened to him a lot sooner.
First day is normal, I get into the Engineering office, and he asks me to go into the factory for a week to learn the processes and procedures of how things work. I said Ok. After a week passed, I started back in the engineering office, and formally met my coworkers. We’ll call them Carl and Fred for the sake of this post.
Now, first off, let’s set this straight. I was one of 3 people in my entire branch that couldn’t speak Spanish, and very few of the people on the floor could speak English. So a lot of the times, I had to use Google Translate to get my point across… that’s not actually important to these stories, but it’s definitely not something that can promote lasting relationships with people.
Fred was a suck ass. He did and said whatever he could to Carl (the department head) to get on his good side. He was also a fascist “alpha” male who thought he could get away with bloody murder whenever Carl wasn’t around. And sometimes even when he was.
To elaborate, here’s a list of things Fred says when Carl is around.
“What we need is a good, fascist government who can kick our asses when we mess up”
“The Taliban is so fucking based bro, I mean, imagine being to tell an entire country ‘no music’ and they have to obey!”
“Oh, yeah, I’ve seen your kid erect.”
“We need to go back to the mongols. Too many people are like ‘ohhh let’s think through our problems’; No! I just want want to beat my problems up.”
“If you can’t kick my ass I have no reason to respect you.”
“Did you see the tits on that woman in the foam department? Those things were huge. Totally fuckable.”
Now, the stuff he said when Carl was around was hilarious because he made so many leaps in reasoning he couldn’t be further from the truth, but he wasn’t sarcastic about any of this shit. At no point did he say he was joking, or laugh, or even smile. From my perspective, he legitimately thought every word that came out of his mouth. This was so frustrating because not only was the stuff he said inappropriate, it was also uncalled for. What I really wanted to tell him was “Please, just let people think you’re an idiot, rather than open your mouth and prove them right.”
But… here’s a list of things he would say when Carl wasn’t around:
“This is a piece of shit. How did you even get hired?”
“[IT guy] is a fucking Idiot. Why would we fix something if we can just buy a new one?”
And my favorite one
“Don’t tell the safety coordinator about all the chemicals we have in here. They’ll just cause you problems. If they want to they can search this entire room, but only give them the information you have to.”
Oh, and I guess he said that last one when Carl was around too, but still. This was a problem. Now not only was he being an ass, but now OSHA violations were happening in my office and I was being asked *not* to report them. :)
Two days after that last comment, I made a pretty bad mistake on a project, and IT guy asked me to tell corporate about what’s been going on. (I was asked when I was hired on to report back to corporate what’s been going on in the Engineering lab because they’ve had extremely high turnover rate and coworkers have reported hearing inappropriate things.)
And when I got home, I went job searching since I expected to get fired the next day. I found my exact position posted on Indeed, and my brain went “Yup, totally gonna get fired.”
The next day, I went to corporate and made my report. I centered the report around the lab not reporting chemicals to health and safety because I felt that that’s what would let me be heard the best, but I also mentioned the fact that Fred was an asshole and some of the stuff he said. I was let go on the spot.
I had already told my family I was going to do this, and they warned me that although this was the right thing to do, I was likely fired as soon as I went in the corporate office. And yes, I knew this too. But I’m still annoyed that now I have to find a job and do training all over again.
There’s a couple other things I could talk about, but legally, I can’t.
For now, you should know that I’m job searching again, but I’m going to try an lie low for a bit. Just find something easy so I can have a job for longer than three months. I thank everyone for staying through my inactivity and I hope everyone has a good day. Bye!!
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doctorstethoscope · 3 years
Ladies Night || Aaron Hotchner x Fem Reader
Hi all, celebrating @ssahotchswife’s feral Monday with this self indulgent fic based on an ask I sent last week. 
contains: praise, excessive teasing, unprotected penetrative sex, alcohol consumption 
wc: 2k
The call comes in around 1:30 in the morning, just as Aaron is packing away all the paperwork he brought home for the weekend and getting settled into pajamas. Strangely, though, the name on his screen reads Prentiss, not yours, and the adorable selfie you’d taken with Jack and left on his phone was not lighting up his screen. His mind quickly takes him through all the worst case scenarios, but he shoves them away as he brings the phone to his ear. 
“Hotchner,” he answers. 
“Hey, Hotch.” Emily says back breezily. “Hope I didn’t wake you.” 
“No, I was up. Is everything okay?” 
“Yeah, everything’s fine. Your girl’s about to take off in an Uber, though, and I figured I would save all of us the lecture about getting in a cab alone at night and just have you come get her.” 
Aaron shakes his head fondly as he grabs his keys off the counter. “I thought she was staying the night at your place?”
“That was the plan, but she’s had her fair share of margaritas and she said something about a pregame for Jack? Hotchner, I didn’t think I needed to tell you this, but he’s too young for the hard stuff.” 
Aaron scoffed as he locked the door behind him. “His pregame breakfast, Emily. For his soccer game. She makes his eggs and toast and fruit into a little face, and Jack thinks it’s  lucky. I could have handled it.” 
“Well, you can have that argument with her when you get here, but she’s pretty out of it, and was determined to be home before he woke up.” 
“I’m on my way, don’t let her into an Uber.” Aaron says as he starts the engine of his car and pulls out of the parking lot towards Emily’s place. 
“I know better.” Emily says before hanging up.
The roads are empty, so Aaron’s drive is brief, and he’s knocking on Emily’s door in less than ten minutes. JJ is standing on the other side, and she shoots him an apologetic glance. 
“We may have let things get a little out of hand here,” she confesses 
“How out of hand?” Aaron asks, following JJ towards the living room.
“You might want to make sure you have pedialite at home.” She tells Hotch as they both enter the living room.
He finds you sitting on the floor, your back against the couch as Garcia braids your hair. Your eyes are shut, but you can’t be sleeping, because your face is split into a grin.
“Okay sweets, you’re all set,” Garcia says, securing the braid with an elastic, and you open your eyes. 
“Aaron!” You say, finding him leaning against the wall and smiling down at you. You stand up far too quickly, and stumble into his arms— he secures you with a hand wrapped around your waist.  “You didn’t have to come get me baby, I was just going to call an Uber.” 
“We can have that conversation in the morning, dear,” he said, squeezing at your hips. Even as drunk as you were, you could tell that that idea hadn’t gone over well with your decidedly overprotective boyfriend. You do what you can to soften him up a bit. 
“Thank you for rescuing me from the terrors of Quantico, Virginia. My handsome hero,” you flirted shamelessly, giggling and rising up on your tiptoes to press a kiss to Aaron’s lips, wrapping one hand around the back of his neck and curling your fingers into his hair. 
Aaron smiles as he pulls away from you, much more mindful of all his coworkers milling about the apartment than you were. “Say goodnight to the girls, hon, and we’ll head home.” 
You make your way around the apartment, bidding the girls goodnight with hugs and promises to host next time, before making your way back to Aaron’s arms so he can lead you out to the car. 
“I know you think I was just being silly, but I meant it when I said you looked handsome.” You told him as you fumbled with your seatbelt. 
“I’m in my pajamas,” he laughed at you as he pulled out into the street. 
“I know. I like you like that. All ruffled and undone,” you told him, reaching a hand over to run through his hair, then down his chest, resting your hand over the crotch of his grey sweatpants. 
“Darling—“ Aaron warned you. 
“Come on, you came all the way out to get me. I think I owe you one.” You batted your eyelashes at him.
“You don’t owe me anything— the peace of mind of having you here with me is enough.” He tells you genuinely. 
You leaned over the center console to whisper in his ear. “If you think something as sweet as that is going to talk me out of wanting you, you’re crazy,” you told him, pressing an open-mouthed kiss against his neck, and smirking to yourself as you saw his grip tighten on the wheel out of the corner of your eye. 
You settled back into your seat, but left your hand against his upper thigh, drumming your fingers against him every so often. You could tell that you were getting to him, could see the tension knitting away at his brow, and truth be told, you could feel the way your own boldness was affecting you, too. 
After what felt like an eternity, Aaron finally parked the car, and you unbuckled in an instant. 
“Race you inside!” You said, taking off with a laugh and stumbling your way to the door.
“You’re lucky you didn’t fall,” Aaron chastised you with absolutely nothing behind it after watching you drunkenly zig zag through the parking lot.
You shrugged as he unlocked the door and you went inside. “I knew you’d catch me.” 
He reached for your hand and tugged on it, catching you against his chest. “And I always will,” he told you, ducking down to kiss you as he fumbled with the door behind you, pushing it shut. 
“I want you,” you whispered, bucking your hips against nothing as you brought both your hands up to wind your fingers in his hair. “I want you so bad,” you confess as he moves his mouth from your lips to your neck to your collarbone.
You start moving backwards towards the bedroom, but Aaron has other plans. He picks you up by the waist and sets you on top of the kitchen island, pulling your shirt over your head and throwing it towards the couch. You throw your head back as he starts to plant wet kisses against your chest and brushes his thumb over your exposed stomach. 
“So needy, huh darling? We’re you thinking about me fucking you as soon as I came by to pick you up?” Aaron asked as he took your bra off, punctuating his question by pulling one of your nipples in between his teeth. You gasped out at the sensation, but quickly groaned as Aaron stepped away from you entirely.
“I asked you a question, angel.” 
“Yes,” you whimpered out, desperate to feel his hands on you again.
“Yes, what?” 
“Yes, I was thinking about you fucking me as soon as I saw you at Emily’s.” 
“Naughty girl,” Aaron smirked, stepping back towards you and taking your other nipple in his mouth, lifting a hand to occupy your other breast. 
You groaned, simultaneously loving and hating his propensity for teasing. 
After a moment, he pulled away, redirecting his mouth towards inner thighs, moving his way up towards your shorts. Your thighs tensed in anticipation, and Aaron let out a dark chuckle. 
“You poor thing. You must be soaked and I haven’t even taken off your shorts yet,” he said, rubbing his nose against the seam of your jeans, the thick fabric pushing against your clit and making you jump.
“Oh, fuck. Please, Aaron. Please touch me.”
“Oh, but doll. I’m having so much fun teasing you.” He said, pulling you off the counter and pulling your shorts and panties off in one fluid motion. He turned you around to bend you over the counter, wrapping an arm around your waist to make sure you wouldn’t hurt yourself. You could feel his hard cock through his sweatpants, and you ground down against it. 
“So impatient,” Aaron tsked at you as he slid his sweatpants off, taking his cock in his hand and running it up and down your slit. You let out a little whimper, and he chuckled. 
“You know I’m just going to sit here until you beg. I could do this all night, sweetheart. 
“Please, please, please. I want you so bad. Please, please put your cock inside me.” 
“Say my name,” he commands, and your knees buckle. He tightens his arm around your waist so you don’t fall.
“Aaron, please fuck me. I need you.” 
He’d never deny you of something you needed. You knew that. He entered you deliciously slowly, stretching you gently even though you were so turned on he could have made his way in with no issue. 
“You feel so good, baby,” Aaron says as he pulls out of you just as slowly as he entered, and then begins to pick up the pace. 
You arched your back against him as he continued to thrust, changing the angle just enough to make you cry out. Aaron moves a hand from your hip to cover your mouth.
“Do you like that, pretty girl?” He asks, and you nod, although apparently the question was facetious. “I know you do, but you need to be quiet. Can my little slut hold her tongue or do I need to gag you?” He asks, his pace unrelenting as he does.
You swear your eyes roll back into your head— you’re not sure what’s gotten into Aaron tonight, but you’d better figure it out so you can get him to act like this more often. 
Aaron removes his hand from your mouth and you bite your lip.
“Good girl,” he praises you, and you keen. He wraps his now free hand around your waist and brings his fingers down to play with your clit lazily. You gasp, but cover your own mouth before you can let out a moan.
“Good job, princess. You’re being so good for me. I’m going to take such good care of you.” Praise flowed freely from Aaron has he picked up the pace on your clit, and soon you’re bucking into his hand. 
“Aaron,” you hissed out. “feels so good, baby. I’m gonna—“ 
“I know, angel, I know. Go ahead and come on my cock. You’ve earned it.” He assures you, pushing your hair to the side so he can kiss your neck tenderly. 
Your orgasm crashes into you, and Aaron works you through it, your pleasure triggering his relief. You bracket your elbows on the counter so Aaron doesn’t have to worry about holding you up, and he does the same, so that his chest is pressed against your back but you’re not bearing his weight. You take a few moments to catch your breath together, and then Aaron reaches across the island for a paper towel, wiping you clean as he removes himself from you. Once you’re clean and the paper towel is disposed of, Aaron spins you around and plants a kiss to your lips.
“You go ahead and sleep in tomorrow,” he tells you. “I’ll take care of Jack’s breakfast.” 
You smile up at him and shake your head. “Not a chance. It’s not lucky when you make it.” 
He rolls his eyes at you with a chuckle as he gets you a glass of water. “If you ever want to get lucky again, you’d better drink this and get to bed where I can’t hear your sass.” 
“Oh, but the sass is half the fun,” you whined teasingly, taking your water in one hand and his hand in your other as you dragged him to bed.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Commander Buir: Cody & Shmi Talk About General Kenobi
Context: original post, Commander Buir
I prefaced this on discord with:
I have a full Awkward Conversation in my mind Between Cody and Shmi and Anakin, and then just Cody and Shmi, about General Kenobi, whom she hasn't met yet
At least one person encouraged me, soooooooooo here we go.
So it starts like this
They're on a ship from Tatooine to Coruscant. Probably there's multiple shorter legs to this journey, IDK. Probably Cody offers services as a hired guard in exchange for food and board for the three of them, since all he's got is armor and weapons, Shmi does some mechanical work, that sort of thing.
Point is, the journey isn't a short one. They have time to work together and bond. Cody and Shmi don't really know... anything about each other, really, and the versions of Anakin that they know are diametrically opposite to one another. But Shmi loves Anakin, and Cody is at least sort of fond of Anakin, in the sense that you are with coworkers you worked with for a bit, but now only see for a project once every few months because they got transferred to a different department.
But Anakin is very small and very needy right now, because he's a toddler. Shmi knows how to deal with some of that: she knows what foods he needs, when he needs sleep, what kind of fabrics and tastes he's going to hate, how to hug him when he's upset, all that mom stuff.
Cody... well, Cody knows how to deal with a soldier's night terrors, how to secure a room in an unsafe ship, how to run through theoretical exercises that are actually on Anakin's level of understanding, rather than the actual toddler stuff that people would expect out of this size, because it's not like anyone's going to let Anakin near the droids or engine, but nobody's going to pay too much attention if the Mandalorian is drilling a kid on Mando'a and battle tactics.
And Shmi notices that, obviously, because Anakin's her son and they've told her about the time-travel, and she understands that while she knows a slave's trauma, she doesn't know war trauma, and sometimes that's the kind of person Anakin needs right now. Cody is that person, until further notice, and Cody being the kind of person he is, likes to be helpful, and Anakin's the only Jedi in sight.
(There may be some of the indoctrination at play, but hey. There's also, you know, the only friend you have right now is the toddler. You gotta make it work.)
At one point, after yet another misunderstanding with a random bystander, Anakin jokingly calls Cody "Commander Buir" and gets an aggrieved eyeroll and a "here, you hold him" in response.
Shmi asks what the joke is, because she knows what a Commander is but she hasn't been picking up on Mando'a quite as quickly as Anakin.
"Well, buir is Mando'a for 'parent.' And I was Clone Marshal Commander, before, so basically, he's calling me 'commander dad.'"
"Given how you've been helping me care for him these past few weeks, I'd say it's not that far from the truth. You've been as much a father to Anakin as I can imagine a parent being."
Anakin makes an annoyed noise, and Cody makes a face, and Shmi obviously questions that.
Cody explains how most Master-Padawan relationships are functionally that of a parent and child, and that given what he's seen of the Skywalker-Kenobi team, that held true there, so it's mostly the fact that Anakin... already has, or at least had, a father.
Except Anakin's still kind of upset, and Shmi pokes him about it, and Anakin admits that one time, he did tell Obi-Wan "you're like a father to me," and Obi-Wan didn't exactly respond or anything, so Anakin's not sure if Obi-Wan would agree, really, that he's Anakin's dad.
Shmi's opinion of Obi-Wan abruptly dips, as one might imagine.
Cody is, uh, not particularly surprised by Anakin's little story there. He admits to Shmi that his General is what some might call 'emotionally constipated' and 'a little dense when it comes to relationship communication.'
And Shmi asks, maybe a little coldly, if this Master Kenobi ever told Anakin that he loved him, and Cody's just like "I don't know? I was still worried about getting decommissioned if I stepped out of line, ma'am, I was a little more focused on the war."
Which is, you know, fair.
And when she asks Anakin, he just whines and tries to crawl into her jacket so, uh, that's not exactly encouraging.
Basically, Shmi's got a plan to interrogate High General Obi-Wan Kenobi if she ever meets him, seeing as she's a free woman now, and Jedi presumably don't kill civilians just for getting a little snippy with them.
Ironically, the first thing she sees when they actually meet with General Kenobi is Anakin toddling as fast as his tiny legs can carry him to the man in question and getting picked up and hugged like both their lives depend on it, and also "Ben" might be crying a little.
(Anakin really loves his teacherbrotherdad! A lot! But also like man does the radio silence of that incident just Grate for him.)
Also "Commander Buir" ends up a stupid in-joke that Cody 100% doesn't process Anakin is actually serious about. This is partly because Anakin himself doesn't recognize that he's serious about it. Because Cody's just His Dad's Assistant, right?
(No, Anakin, you got feelings and he's also your dad now. You have a mom and two dads. Get used to it.)
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ill-skillsgard · 2 years
Blue and Yellow - Epilogue - Axel Cluney
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Warning: 18+ Smut, mentions of violence, a car accident, blood and the death of an animal.
Summary: Four years they spent searching cars for each other. A/N: I wrote the epilogue before posting the last chapter of Blue and Yellow, to hold myself accountable because most of my readers know how shit I am at keeping promises when it comes to delivering them. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 +
I left the party after midnight, much later than I expected. I had my last cocktail at ten and planned to hit the road by eleven at the latest, but I was cornered by Lacey, a colleague from the college with one of those voices that went from loud to louder. Lacey was also incessantly chatty, and her social gauge flew wildly from left to right, six glasses of rum and eggnog deep.
Lacey asked me why I hadn't brought a date. I would have told her the truth, but I didn't want any of these people finding out more about my life than what was necessary. They didn't need to know I still lived with my mom or that I spent my nights watching MGM movies on cable, taking smoke breaks during commercials for whitening toothpaste. I'd spent years keeping my personal life under wraps, so I didn't get invited to parties where I had to pretend to have a good time while coworkers I cared little for blabbed about their domestic lives.
Instead, I made up excuses. I told Lacey my boyfriend had a conference out of town, and she bought it with another sip of her spiced beverage. Lying was my only source of entertainment besides TV dramas, and it was much more fulfilling. The lies were always the same: my boyfriend travelled for business, and I spent my free time knitting on the couch. Sometimes the lies varied, but never too much that I forgot who I'd told what. One day, it was knitting, and the next, it was crochet, then macrame a few weeks later. I'd get a small rush from venturing outside the lie's parameters, and that's when I knew my life had indeed become a parody. When fibs became lies, and the lies grew into tall tales, it felt like I was living in a movie of my own making, which satisfied me until now. How sad was my existence that telling Lacey about my fake boyfriend made me giddy?
By the time Lacey lost interest in my stories and snapped her attention on somebody else, it was quarter to twelve, and my eyes were heavy. I left the party quietly and hoped my mother would be asleep by the time I got in. Isadora was retired now, and all that made her life exciting was making sure mine was not. She'd have a dozen questions about my night, and I didn't have it in me to weave together a story that would make her eyes roll.
Winter disagreed with my old Kia. I turned the ignition, and the engine squawked and shuddered like an old bird in a rusty cage. I waited in the frosted box while the heat kicked in after twenty minutes, rubbing my hands together and fogging the inside of the windows with my breath. I was impatient, and once an oval of clear glass appeared at the bottom of the windshield, I backed out of the parking lot of the Marriott Hotel where we'd had our Christmas party. I'd had my qualms with the location, but since I was the only one out of town, my concerns had gone unaddressed.
I drove the empty highway with my high beams on, but the onslaught of snow rendered them useless. The road curled to the left, and I slowed to a solid ninety kilometres until it straightened out again. My only relief from the snow was the occasional overpass. I used the short-lived break in the snowstorm to orient myself with what I could see of the lane indicators. The roads whited out quickly, and the lines became vague notions. It was up to me and the guard rail to figure out where I was supposed to drive. I gripped the wheel until my fingers grew sore and tried to relax while other, faster cars pulled by, the drivers probably gawking at the idiot who couldn't handle a little winter.
Strips of the blackened forest closed in on both sides of the highway, and three lanes condensed into two narrow sides. I clung to the right hoping nobody came up behind me for the rest of the stretch. I couldn't wait to take the exit and drive on lazier roads, but before the left turn, I coiled around the stilts of a bridge, and a sudden collapse broke my concentration. I thought somebody had dropped a boulder onto my car from the bridge, and slammed on the brakes. The car spun around and struck the guardrail sideways, deploying the airbags on impact.
Snow piled onto the windshield, and something heavy prevented the wipers from budging. I struggled out of the car, disoriented, and first saw the headlight and bumper dangling off the front of the Kia like a hangnail. If that had been the only damage, I might not have screamed my throat bloody. Lying on the crumpled hood was a large buck, hoofs scraping the metal as it struggled to right itself. Its belly had opened and spilled a trough of red and purple innards over the mangled grill, steaming in the frigid air. Snowflakes landed on its wet nose and melted. The buck's antlers carved lines through the snow on the windshield as it thrashed and then died, panting.
I shrieked and cried until the snot frosted my upper lip. The guilt filled me to the throat with nausea. I apologized until the creature's last breath and cried long after it went limp. In minutes, a thick measure of snow covered the ground with no signs of letting up. A black SUV passed by and ignored the tragic scene. At least they has the decency to slow down and change lanes. My fingers seized while I tried to slow my breaths, making it impossible for me to clutch my phone to call anyone. Another vehicle passed and left me in the powder with a two-hundred-pound deer splayed across the mangled hood of my car. Nobody wanted to stop on the highway in the freezing cold to help someone who had just slaughtered an animal.
Before I willed myself to relax and call the police, two circles of bright light blazed through the whipping snow. A transport truck had spotted me in the distance and slowed to a stop several meters from where I stood behind the Kia, unable to face the carnage still letting off steam in the dead of night.
Minutes passed, and nobody exited the truck. I thought they had changed their mind or sat there deciding whether helping me was worth throwing off their schedule. I'd had enough of people ignoring me and walked up to the front of the truck, waving my arms. Finally, the driver's door popped open, and a pair of boots hit the ground. The snowfall slowed, and I could see the dark outline of a man approaching.
"You alright?" A muffled voice yelled.
"Y-yes," my voice cracked. "Yes! I... I hit a deer. It's awful."
The man's face was covered with a bandana, and he had a black toque pulled over his ears and brow. Only a bar of his face showed. I dropped my hand that had been pointing at my car, and he squinted through the flurry. He pinched the point of his bandana and pulled the material away. My mouth dropped open, and I tasted the ice in the air.
"No fucking way," I said. "No goddam way."
"Never thought I'd be scraping you off the side of the highway, Miss Asta."
"Axel!" I cried and launched myself into his arms. "Oh my god. I can't believe it's you."
All at once, my worries were gone. Out of anyone who could come to my rescue, he was the last person I expected and the only one I completely trusted to make it right. The relief of not having to break down in front of a stranger stoked my tears afresh, and once the panic subsided, I sank into his warmth. He smelled like gasoline and fried food, a heavenly combination when it came off his clothes. Axel held me in front of him and covered my burning ears with his hands.
"Now, why'd you go and hit that poor deer? What'd he ever do to you, huh?"
I blubbered until Axel said he was joking and pulled me back into a hug, pressing my face to his chest.
"I'm kidding, honey. Those dumb bastards always come flying out of nowhere. They've got a fucking death wish, I swear. I just hit one last month. Thing launched itself onto the road for no good reason, and you can't exactly slam the breaks on an eighteen-wheeler."
Despite the nature of his words, the voice that spoke them filled me with a sense of safety. Axel walked me to his truck and helped me climb inside. I clambered over the driver's seat and sat in the passenger side, waiting for him to follow. Once he pulled the door shut, we looked at each other, and all the things left unsaid put us in a chokehold. He reached for a thermos, twisted off the lid and held it out to me.
"Want some tea?"
I took the thermos and sniffed warm honey and lemon, took a sip, and sighed as the liquid warmed my throat. Axel turned to the dash and smiled to himself. We sat in a silence that had stretched over four years. That's how long it had been since I left him. He still looked the same except for a few more lines around his eyes when he grinned. Yet, he still seemed unfamiliar, like a stranger who showed up in your dreams after you'd only passed them on the street. Sitting inside the massive truck while the snow blotted out the windshield filled me with deja vu. I counted down to the moment Axel plucked up the courage to turn back to me, his smile replaced with sorrow.
"Do you think this was meant to happen? Not you smoking a deer, but me finding you in a precarious situation after all this time?"
"It certainly would be a full-circle moment."
"Are you alright, Sabi?"
"I think so. Just shocked."
"Me too. Y'know, every blue Kia hatchback I've ever passed, I'd always check out the driver, never once thinking I'd actually see you. But when I saw your car up ahead, I got this sick feeling in my gut. How weird is that?"
I chuckled and held my tongue about how I too would spot black Monte Carlos, hoping to see Axel behind the wheel.
He grabbed a pack of American cigarettes off the dashboard and offered one to me. I declined, and he rolled down the window an inch before lighting one.
"Camels? Odd choice," I said.
"When you drive back and forth from the states, options change."
Another smoke-filled silence pushed us into stiff positions on either side of the truck. I looked around briefly and saw Axel's bunk strewn with blankets and clothes. I snapped my eyes away from the mess as though I'd peeked into his private office and waited for him to stub out his cigarette.
"I'll call someone if you like."
"Shouldn't we call the police?"
"Yeah. You'll have to make a report, and they'll probably send an ambulance to check you out. Might be a couple hours of trouble."
"I'm so sorry," I said. "I can go back in my car and wait. I don't want to drag you into my mess."
Axel scoffed at my ridiculous suggestion and touched my knee. I turned rigid from the contact.
"If anyone owes you a drag through a mess, it's me. No, put that thought out of your mind. I'll stay here with you all night. Unless you wanna hitch a ride with a tow instead?"
"I'd rather stay here."
"Thought so," said Axel. "Why don't you give them a call, and we'll wait in here where it's warm."
"Thanks, Axel. I'm relieved you're the one who found me."
Axel pressed flat against the seat and clutched the steering wheel as if holding onto it would save him from falling. "I'm glad I found you too, Saberrah. I gotta say, I've spent a lot of time looking. Maybe that's fucked up to hear, but it's the truth."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be. You were right about everything. Featherfall had nothing for me, and once you were gone for good, there was only one smart thing to do."
"What was that?"
"Get the fuck out of there. I took the first job I found. It started with unloading trucks, then led to another thing, and soon I was driving them. Now I drive all over the place by myself, and it's given me lots of time to think."
"You always did love driving," I said.
"Yeah. Sold the Monte, though. Got a whole eight hundred dollars out of her, but it was enough to get me started."
Whenever I pictured Axel Cluney, I always thought of him driving around in his dad's car, living in the same apartment, and working under the table at Arty's shop, maybe fighting. On the darker days, I imagined he'd died or suffered too many concussions to hold a proper conversation. He had proven my theories wrong.
Axel had me call the police and offered me something more potent than tea before retracting the offer if the cops decided to run a breathalyzer on me. But he stayed with me until a tow truck hauled my Kia away to a scrap metal graveyard. We watched from the comfort of the cabin and when the police and wildlife management gave me the clear, he asked if he could take me home. Axel had a load of skids waiting for delivery, and though he wasn't bound by a schedule, his kilometres counted towards his pay.
Something went bouncing off the walls of my stomach when he suggested dropping me off. It was too shameful to be panic and too sharp to be nausea. I had only just started uncovering his new life, and to cut our talks short now would leave me more unsettled than I'd been for years.
Axel wasn't used to my cues anymore and took my silence for residual shock and exhaustion. When we arrived in the city, he said he couldn't drive the transport on any suburban roads and that our chance meeting would have to end at a rest stop.
The better half of my brain told me to get his number, while the other half longed to blurt out all the things I'd imagined myself saying to him if I'd had a chance like this. I was mentally equipped to do neither of those things and cursed my cowardice.
"I can get you a cab to your house from here," said Axel.
I picked my fingernails in my lap and nodded without looking up at him or saying thank you.
"Or you could hang in here for a little longer. Though I have to warn you, I'm getting pretty sleepy, and I'll have to pass out soon if I'm gonna leave on time."
"I shouldn't keep you. You've already helped me so much, and I should get to sleep soon too. It's been quite a night."
"Wanna check out the bed?"
At first, the question seemed innocent. We were familiar, and taking a tour of his truck seemed an excellent way to prolong our interaction. Then, I looked up at him, and his eyes glinted in that way I'd never forgotten. They told me to dare him, to remember how astute he was with his hands, how he'd retained every bit of knowledge about what I liked. I couldn't help myself.
Axel chased me into his bed, and the smell of his sheets transported me to Featherfall, to his big, empty apartment with the lone painting of the coal miner and his cat, Chupa. He undressed me first before taking off his clothes, and we looked at each other and how almost nothing had changed.
And truly, nothing had. Axel was still the same man he was when we'd first met. He fished around on the floor for a box and found one condom inside. Axel laughed when I raised my eyebrow and said that life got lonely on the road and safety always came first. He rolled the latex on and whimpered between my legs, hand around his hard cock.
"Wish I could feel you for real. I hate condoms."
"Me too."
"Look, Sabi... If we fuck tonight, everything will change. I won't be able to live without you."
"We've done it before," I whispered, leaving Axel unconvinced of my sincerity.
"I can't do it again... Go back to that life, I mean. Without you there."
"Neither can I, Axel. I want to stay with you. I don't need convincing this time."
"Promise? You won't fuck me and take off?"
"I won't."
He hovered over my body, lips floating around mine. His voice went cool as the Winter air. "You'll stay with me?"
"Yes, Axel. I'll stay."
"Good, 'cause I missed you. Missed this pussy." Axel rubbed the tip of his cock between my lips. "Fuck, I need it now. I don't care if it's not raw the way we like it, baby. I'm so goddamn hard."
I gasped when it went in and clutched the blankets while he gave me a few minutes of animalistic pounding. He slowed down, laid on top of me and kissed my neck until I laughed from the tickle. Then he pulled out and muttered about how I always made him come too fast. I tried to apologize, but he smothered my mouth with his.
"It was always hard not to blow too quickly with you. Remember those nights I'd get so close and pull out at the last second?"
"How could I forget?"
"Well, I don't want to fucking pull out anymore. I wanna fill you. Every night. I want you to belong to only me."
How could I tell him I hadn't been with anyone besides him in the four years we had been apart? It was a sad claim and one I'd lied to others to cover up, and I saved the fact for another time when we weren't slapping our hips together and absorbing each other's moans in our mouths.
"I don't want your cock inside anyone else ever again."
"Of course, mama. Never again."
"And that ass is mine, too."
Axel shivered and flashed a wicked grin. "Oh, honey. I think about that day like every time I play with myself. So good. Mm, I wanna be your bad boy again."
"Take the condom off," I said.
Axel's movements stammered, but be kept going, hands around my waist to anchor our groins together.
"Are you sure?"
"I haven't fucked anyone after you." There went the truth, out in the open. Axel cocked his head.
"You mean I can feel that wetness all over my cock again?"
"Do it."
"Yes, ma'am," he sang and snapped the rubber off like a slingshot before plunging back inside me. This time, every ridge, fold and vein rubbed together, and Axel really couldn't hold back. Before he came, he asked, "if I bust now, can we fuck again? I'll be a good boy and suck on that precious little clit until you cum too."
Axel made me feel like fire and ice battled under my ribs. My heart fluttered when he talked. The sight of his body filled me with a longing I'd thought long dead.
There was nobody for me but Axel. I had tried running, telling myself I'd find another man who made my skin ripple and my heart sing, but those were lies. I'd never lie to myself again. He crouched above me, all angles of his face turned up in delight while we made love for hours. Axel hadn't lost his stamina or gone soft from days spent traversing the country behind a steering wheel. It was like nothing ever changed, and the four years between us were really just long days spent preparing to reunite again.
We slept in his truck curled together like it was our last day on earth. When it was time for me to go home, Axel gave me his phone numbers, all three of them. One for his personal phone, and the other two for his work phone if he didn't answer. I gave him my address to find me after his trip, and I could tell he was skeptical as his eyes flew from the receipt I wrote it on, to my face and back.
"You don't mind if I come to get you in a few days?" He asked.
"I want you to come. Just give me a call before you show up so I can make sure I'm home."
"Alright, babe. I'm sorry to leave you again, but duty calls."
We kissed goodbye outside of the rest stop washrooms before I got in the back of a cab. I watched Axel becoming smaller out the back window, and he watched me drive away. When I could no longer see him, I turned around and sighed. Tip me on Ko-Fi (if you want to)
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wannabegwenstacy · 3 years
Eden's Favorite Fic's (BTS Fic Recs)
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Updated Version: Here!
Note: In the past I haven't indulged in tumblr fics often but I recently (past 3 months) have been reading quite regularly & am planning on branching out a bit. To keep track of the ones that I have enjoyed & the ones that I have even came back to I'm making this list. Again, I haven't been digging into the tumblr fics world for long so for right now its a very short list. I'm hoping with time I can get more fics of different types on here (btsxbts, some gender neutral xreader ones, & more ones that I genuinely like)
About me to understand what's going to be on here:
Age: 21 (99' liner)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/Her
Ult Bias: Yoongi
Trio: Rap Line
I am OT7. I do enjoy smut but don't think it is necessary to FF. Overall I just want a well-crafted plot that makes sense. I read for entertainment & to escape. But I still need some form of realism (just me personally) to follow the trail of events. PSA: I'm trying to find a broader scope of writers I like but for right now I don't have many. There are gonna be some repetitive writers for now.
Kim Namjoon:
- Librarian Namjoon Universe by @jungshookz
Beauty & the Bookworm (I love this concept SO MUCH)
Pairing: Cute, Good Boy, Nerdy, University Librarian Namjoon x Bratty, Semi-Popular, Procrastinator, University Student Reader
Word count: 20.8k
Summary: You're a procrastinator big time and you may or may not be failing. To get some extra credit you begrudgingly take the library assistant opening where you work under strict dorky Namjoon. Passive aggressiveness, cuteness, fluff, & some smuttiness arises.
Jealous-Boyfriend-Librarian Namjoon (Drabble)
Pairing: Jealous Boyfriend Librarian Namjoon x Oblivious Cute Girlfriend Uni Student Reader
Word count: 3.4k
Summary: You take an Art History Course and end up needing a tutor. Joon offers to tutor you but he doesn't know shit about Art History so you end up getting tutored by an ArtHoe Taehyung that may or may not like you but you are oblivious to this and Joon gets super jealous.
Kim Seokjin:
- Hockey Player Jin by @ve1vetyoongi
Pairing: Sweet Hot New Hockey Player in Town Jin x Ex-Figure Skater (who has a history with jin) Reader
Word count: 20k
Summary: After a fall during figure skating practice dashes your dreams of competing at nationals, you vow to hang up your skates for good. That is until you cross paths with Kim Seokjin, captain of the ice hockey team, who is determined to get you back out on the rink and melt the ice in your heart. (Jimin is a bully in this and their other k-pop idols as characters. Very Very Fluffy and Hallmark Christmas Movie-ish so be aware of that. Overall, it's just cute :) )
Min Yoongi:
Note: these are all but one by the same writer @jungshookz & are written from the pov of a female reader. I'm gonna try to find some gender-neutral fics but for now, if you are female-identifying I really enjoyed these! :)
- Mechanic Yoongi Universe by @jungshookz
Baby, You Can Drive My Car (My favorite AU Fics I've read so far on Tumblr!!)
Pairing: Tatted, Mic Drop Era, Mechanic Min Yoongi x Spoiled Rich, Inexperienced, University Student Reader
Word count: 24.6k
Summary: Welcome to Min Mechanics - What can I do for you today, doll?
Maybe She Can Drive His Car
Pairing: Oblivious, Hot, Boyfriend, Mechanic Min Yoongi x Adorable, Spoiled, University Student, Jealous Girlfriend Reader
Word count: 11.6k
Summary: Yoongi's ex is back in town for a visit and you would be lying if you said you weren't slightly envious of a) how knowledgeable she is about stupid cars and b) how well she gets along with literally everyone.
- Uni Yoongi x Nerdy Reader (mini series) by @jungshookz
Note: these are all drabbles I'm gonna link my favorites in the series. I'll probably add more later.
Cocky Uni Student Yoongi x Nerdy Reader:
^^This is the start of the mini-series, recommend you read it first!^^
The One with the Scrunchie:
Contains: smut, a super cute scrunchie turning into a kink of sorts, slightly insecure Yoongi, experienced Yoongi, slightly inexperienced reader, shy about their own body reader.
Yoongi always had an Overactive Imagination:
Contains: talking about sex, implied smut, reader trying to be productive while also being horny, Yoongi being super distracted and horny.
"I'm gonna need you to shut up now please"
- CEO Yoongi Universe by @jungshookz
Suit&Tie (First Fic in the series)
Pairing: CEO Min Yoongi x Secretary Reader
Wordcount: 21k+
Summary: Young Intimidating Hot CEO Yoongi, Clumsy Secretary Y/N who loves Sugar, Best Friend Jimin. Funny Awkward Meeting that sets up the whole plot, was like reading a Kdrama in book form.
The One Where Augst D makes a Comeback (Favorite Fic in the series)
SPOILERS READ PRIOR DRABBLES TO CATCH UP!! (I recommend The First Date, The One Where Yoongi is Just a Little Jealous, The Proposal, The Wedding, Baby Makes Three, Baby Min's Timeline, The Birth of Baby Min, Daddy's Little Girl, Who the Hell is Augst D.
Pairing: CEO Min Yoongi x Secretary Reader
Word count: 6.5k
Summary: Yoongi finds out you faked an orgasm and he's going to gi-give it to you more ways than one.
- Demon Yoongi by @jungshookz
Hellish (I got some feelings for incubus Yoongi not gonna lie)
Pairing: Bratty, Super Sexy, Sex Demon, Mint Min Yoongi x University Student, Non-Supernatural Believer Reader
Word count: 22.1k
Summary: Jungkook is your clueless, energetic best friend. Wonho is a character in this fic, You are dragged into summoning a demon one night by your overly excited to be summoning a demon? best friend Jungkook. Spooky but Kind of Sexy Shit Happens! (This is probably my second favorite Yoongi Fic I've read!)
- Basketball Captain Yoongi by @jungshookz
Basketball Captain Yoongi
Pairing: Cocky, Popular, Charming Captain of the Basketball Team Min Yoongi x Water girl University Student Reader (who has been crushing on Yoongi hard for some time)
Word count: 18.4k
Summary: Jungkook is your athletic bro of a best friend that signs you up to be his replacement as the water boy (girl in this case) after he makes the team. You have had a pathetic schoolgirl crush on Yoongi for a while and is basically the only reason you agreed to be the water girl aside from spending time with Jungkook. It's fluffy & smutty!
- Android Yoongi @jungshookz
Technologically in love (..I cried! but I also smiled a lot so you know this is well written)
Pairing: Personal Assistant Prototype but SUPER Lifelike Android Min Yoongi x Messy, Junkfood, & Cartoons Loving Reader (basically your early 20s living alone kind of vibe)
Word count: 24k+
Summary: You live in a Detroit Becoming Human type universe but prior to a lot of the advancements. Androids are already a thing but not to the level the M1N Y00NG1 is yet. You are best friends with all the boys and they happen to be engineers which is how you ended up with Yoongi in the first place. Namjoon created Yoongi as a personal assistant prototype android & you are told to live with him. Things get fluffy, SUPER ANGSTY, and super smutty!
- Listen Closely by @avveh
Listen Closely ( sexiest Yoongi fic I have read so far, I kept wanting to go back and read again)
Pairing: Tsundere Office Worker Min Yoongi x Hardworking Office Worker Reader
Word count: 12.2k
Summary: Unintentionally, you stumble upon something that makes you view your coworker Min Yoongi in a whole new light. (SMUT 18+: Masturbation, voyeurism, exhibitionism, breathplay, spanking, degrading names.)
Jung Hoseok:
- Secret Boyfriend Hoseok by @kpopfanfictrash
Keeping a Secret (this took me places...Idk about you but I have trouble finding really good Hoseok fics and this one was perfect. One of my favorite fics on this website)
Pairing: New Relationship Dom Hoseok x New Relationship Tease Reader
Word count: 3.7k
Summary: You and Hoseok have been hooking up for a few weeks now. No one in your friend group knows. What happens then, when he shows up at movie night looking better than anticipated? SMUT!
- Studio Sex Hoseok by @joonbird
Pairing: Boyfriend BTS Hoseok x Girlfriend Reader
Word Count: 5k
Summary: Hoseok is stressed about his upcoming mixtape, so you decide to swing by his studio and help him relax. (Hobi being the beautiful glorious sexy man he is and putting those ungodly hips to use!)
Park Jimin:
- Jimin and His Pregnancy Kink by @boymeetsweevil
Pairing: Sweet Caring Domestic but Horny Jimin x Pregnant Hormonal Reader
Word count:~3.7k
Warnings (aka what to prepare for): everything is graphic and gross lmao, blowjobs (face f*cking), boob job (not the one w/ silicon inserts), cunnilingus, dom!jimin if u squint, cumplay if u squint again, dirty talk/degrading language, penetrative sex (doggy style), unprotected sex, PREGNANCY KINK that’s a big one
Summary: You’re pregnant and Jimin is…happy about it (If I remember correctly this one is 25% cute domestic Jimin trying to calm his hormonal pregnant partner and 75% pure filth aka Jimin having a pregnancy kink and trying to hide it but not well at all. This is however my ultimate fav Jimin smut I have ever read!)
- Crush/Neighbor Jimin by @sketchguk
Lover to Lean On: (I absolutely adore this fic. Overall it's just really well written and I felt like I was watching a show in my head rather than reading a short Tumblr fic. Highly recommend it!)
Pairing: Cute Customer & Neighbor Jimin x Florist Reader
Word Count: 19.9k
Summary: For months, you can hear your no-face neighbor and his ‘girlfriend’ singing and dancing and laughing and falling in love. Above all, you can hear their bed banging against your shared wall, and they won’t ever let you sleep. You’d much rather stay up at night worrying about your own problems, like the weight of an unrequited crush, so of course, you’re bitterly single. But one day, the apartment is radio silent. And one day slowly turns into one week and then into an immeasurable amount of time since you’ve heard his laugh. So on Valentine’s Day, when you’re missing it the most, you beg your neighbor to open up to you with cookies in one hand and two broken hearts in the other.
Kim Taehyung:
-Roommate Taehyung Universe by @jungshookz
Stuck with You
Pairing: Frat Bro bit of an asshole Roommate Kim Taehyung x Clean Organized bit of a Pushover Reader
Word count: 37k
Summary: Kim Taehyung becoming your new roommate is definitely up there on the list of the worst things to ever happen to you. Librarian Namjoon is your Best friend and ex-roommate. Frat bro Jeon Jungkook makes an appearance. There is so smut and implied smut.
The One with the One Year Anniversary (Drabble)
Pairing: The cutest domestic boyfriend Kim Taehyung x girlfriend reader
Word count: 4.6k
Summary: NO SPOILERS! so I'm going to give you a quote: "well, um, look! I made breakfast for you. f-for us!" Also, SFW
Jeon Jungkook:
- Gamer Jungkook by @softyoongiionly
PRESS START (this is the cutest fucking smut type fic I have ever read! it is so pure and is the exact type of relationship I want! IT MADE ME SIMP SO HARD!) gender-neutral I believe!
Pairing: Night owl Gamer Domestic Boyfriend Jeon Jungkook x Witty Domestic Cutesy Relationship Reader
Word count: 5.5k
Summary: A night in with your boyfriend Jungkook includes all kinds of things: anime, witty banter, snacks from 7-Eleven and, you know, sex. (GREAT READ!! I AM A SIMP FOR THIS FIC!!)
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Dear Diary
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Steve Rogers x reader
Steve Masterlist
Summary: Steve wants your relationship to move faster than you do.
Word Count: 2.0k
Warnings: angsty, some fluff
A/N: I wanted to try something like this and see how it turned out, I like how it turned out, hope you guys do as well. :)
Bold and italics are the diary entries
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April 7
Dear Diary,
It’s a good day today, Steve and I are going on a date since it’s our 4 month anniversary. Our relationship is perfect right now. Where we are is really good to me, not too fast or slow, just a perfect place. I enjoy spending time with him. He’s coming to pick me up at 7 and we’re going to the cafe by the lake, where we first met. I have to figure out what to wear!
Love, y/n
You took about an hour to get dressed because you couldn’t decide what you wanted to wear. Was it jeans, a skirt, a dress? Once you were ready, you watched a little tv and waited for Steve. You and Steve normally go out 2-3 times a week, if both of your jobs permit. You often watched Steve’s Labrador retriever, Biscuit, when he couldn’t be home.
Steve, being a retired Avenger, still had his work cut out for him. You, on the other hand, an author, had your busy nights, and Steve was always understanding. It wasn’t rare your jobs got in the way of date night, more so his job, but when it did happen, you both made the best you could out of the situation.
Steve pulled into your apartment complex and called you from the intercom, “(y/n), I’m here.” You smiled, getting up to speak to him, “Okay, I’m on my way down.”
You turned the lights off and grabbed your keys, leaving your apartment and locking the door. You rode the Elevator to the ground floor and there Steve was, “hello dollface, you’re looking stunning as usual,” he says as he holds out his hand to lead you to his car.
“Why thank you, you don’t look too bad yourself.” You compliment him as he opens the door and you get into his car. He closes the door behind you and gets in the driver's seat, starting the engine.
The cafe isn’t too far from your place, it’s actually where you met Steve. You were working there, earning a little extra money, since you were struggling with your upcoming book. Then Steve came in one day, with some other guys, who you assumed were his friends at the time and Steve came up to the cashier to order and ordered the special of the day. You didn’t think much of it until he kept coming back to order the same drink over and over again until he asked you on a date. Which you were hesitant of, dating hadn't been your forte, you were quite terrible at it, but Steve rephrased his question, asking you if you’d like to do dinner as friends.
“Mary and Ronnie are working tonight.”
Steve looks over at you before turning into the next street, “how do you know?”
“They always work on Thursday.”
Steve pulled into the cafe parking lot, getting out and opening the door for you. “Let’s see if your theory is right.”
“Oh, Stevie, you know better than to doubt me.” You laugh as you get out of the car. Steve closes the car door and locks his car, quickly opening the Cafe door for you.
Your ears are filled with loud voices, those who belonged to Mary and Ronnie as you predicted. “Steve! (y/n)!” Mary calls out from behind the counter.
You gave an “I told you so” look and said hi to your former coworkers. Luckily, the cafe was pretty much empty so your and Steve’s table wasn’t taken. It was a table by the window in the corner, where the light would shine in and illuminate the whole cafe.
Steve pulled out your chair and you sat down as he sat down in front of you. Neither one of you had to look at the menu, you knew exactly what you wanted. Steve always orders the cinnamon roll and black coffee, you order a bagel with cream cheese and green tea and you also take a few bites of Steve’s cinnamon roll.
Ronnie took your order and then it was just you and Steve. “How was your day today, babe?”
Steve sits back in his chair, smiling, “It was tiring, we got a new recruit and they need a lot of help, bruised me up a little bit.”
“Aw, Steve, we could've moved our date to tomorrow so you could rest.” You offered.
“No, of course not, it’s our anniversary, I can rest tomorrow, thank you though.” He counteracts, grabbing your hand in his, “how was your day?”
“It was okay, I pretty much was looking forward to our anniversary date so I didn’t do much, I wrote a few drafts and that's it.” You shrugged, smiling.
The pad of his thumb rubs your hand as he smiles, “I hope I get to read them soon.”
“Always, you’re my first editor, plus your editing is free,” you winked, making Steve laugh.
“Oh, so I’m just here so I can be your editor?” Steve jokes, taking his hand from yours.
“Your cooking isn’t bad.”
Steve's eyes open wider and he folds his arms, “I cannot believe this.”
You smile and grab hold of his hand, “I don’t just keep you around for your cooking or editing skills but maybe your cuddle abilities,” you laugh once more, patting Steve's hand, “I’m kidding, baby.”
Once you were convinced Steve didn’t feel used, you went to wash your hands and so did Steve, and once you came back the sweet smell of cinnamon and the smell of freshly cooked bread flooded your senses as you came out of the bathroom. You sat down and began to dig into your bagel, and Steve his cinnamon roll.
‘What if we moved in together?” Steve asks between bites of his cinnamon roll.
You freeze, wondering if you’ve heard him right. Move-in together? As living in the same place? Together?
“Steve, I, I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet.” You confess, drinking your tea and looking away from Steve.
“But, eventually though, right?” He asks, hoping your response doesn’t mean no forever. You nod, biting your bagel.
You and Steve kept eating your pastries, and you, of course, grabbed some of his cinnamon roll. The both of you finished eating and Steve paid for the food, which you both take turns doing each date night.
Once you said bye to Ronnie and Mary, the two of you decided to take a walk in the park nearby, just the both of you alone with nature. You could hear the trees whistling and the birds flying over your heads, a peaceful scene. After walking for a little bit, Steve stops, grabbing your hand gently, “do you not want to move in with me in the future (y/n)?”
You nervously chuckle, coming closer to Steve, grabbing his other hand in yours, “maybe, in the future, but not right now, Steve we’ve only been dating for 4 months exactly, today.”
“The way you responded in the cafe made it seem like you never want to move in with me.”
“I didn’t want my response to come off that way, I didn’t want to offend you, that’s just something I don’t want right now.”
‘When will you know?” he questions.
“When will you know that's what you want? That I’m what you want?” He continued, “when will you know?”
“I can’t tell you that, I don’t know, you just want me to have a map planned about what I want? I don’t live like that Steve, I’m not you, I don’t map out everything from dating, marriage, to kids. I just want to be in the moment with you.”
Steve pauses, taking his hands from yours, running his fingers through his hair, trying to grasp the situation, “(y/n), I love you. I want to be with you.”
“I want to be with you too.” You hurriedly answered, not saying ‘I love you’ back.
Steve notices and steps back, staring at you. Your chest is tightening and your hands are sweaty, you feel like you could throw up everything you just ate.
‘You didn’t say it back.” He states.
“Steve-.” You stop, not knowing how to fix this, can you? “I do love you, Steve.”
“No, you didn’t say the words.”
You and Steve stare at each other, you speechless, Steve hurt. You didn’t know he was ready for something so big, he never talked about it, it caught you off guard, to say the least. You and Steve walked in silence back to the car, drove in silence and he dropped you off in silence, only saying bye before driving off.
You trudged into your apartment building and to the elevator and finally to your apartment. You went inside, locking the door behind you, throwing your keys on the counter, and grabbing yourself a drink.
You shook off the date and sat at your desk, ready to try and write, usually it helps your mood. As you tried to write nothing came to mind, your mind was cloudy, all you could think about was Steve’s face, his disappointed face. He loved you, no man has said that and meant it. So you were scared, do you love Steve? You grabbed your diary, opening it to the page you wrote earlier in the day. You were so happy then, your relationship wasn’t in shambles then.
April 7
Dear Diary,
This evening didn’t go well at all. Steve and I had a bad fight. He told me he loved me, but not those words. He said, “I love you.” Not love you, love ya, he said “I love you” and what did I say back? I said, “I want to be with you too.” So we drove home in silence, he didn’t say anything to me but ‘bye.” Is this my fault? Is it my fault my relationship is falling apart? Should I have said it back to him? Should I have said yes, to moving in with him? Am I the problem? Am I the reason my relationships never turn out right? Am I holding him back from someone who wants what he wants at his speed?
Love, (y/n).
You spent the rest of that evening watching your favorite show in the comfort of your pajamas until you fell asleep on the couch. You woke up to the sound of your intercom, someone speaking. You groaned, stretching and making your way up to listen, it’s Steve. ‘(y/n), let me up please.”
You quickly ran to the couch grabbing your snacks and putting them on the kitchen counter before buzzing him up. Within minutes Steve was knocking on your door. You opened the door to see Steve with a bouquet of flowers and a heart of chocolates. He hands them to you as you let him in.
“Thanks.” You say, putting the chocolates and flowers on your counter.
“I didn’t say happy anniversary to you last night.” Steve starts, “happy late anniversary.”
“There were a lot of things you didn’t say last night.” You spoke, walking to your couch and sitting down. “Why are you so concerned about moving in together so fast?”
“I love you, (y/n), I want to live with you. I only see you on date nights and whenever we come over to each other's houses I want to see you every day.” He explains, sitting down next to you.
`You're too much of a workaholic for that.” You counteract, sitting back, “if we were to move in together we’d see each other the same amount of time.”
“I love you, just tell it back to me, (y/n).” Steve pleads, getting on his knees in front of you.
“You don’t want someone that you love to lie to you, Steve.”
With that, Steve gets up and heads to the door, “keep the flowers, chocolates, and anything I’ve given you, but I think we’re done (y/n).” Steve opens the door and slams it behind him.
You take a deep breath before running over to the kitchen, throwing the flowers and chocolates in the trash.
April 8
Dear Diary,
Steve and I are done.
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Please do not steal, copy or translate my writings, or post them on other sites.
Likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated :)
Steve Tags: @supremethunda @amelia-song-pond @tinylumpiaa @weenersoldierr @leyannrae @teebarnes @teti-menchon0604 @mogaruke @supraveng @1-800-imagines
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literallymechanical · 4 years
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This is Toast!
I adopted him earlier this week. He’s seven-ish months old, he sits on my laptop during zoom meetings, and he purrs like somebody trying to start a broken lawnmower. I can and will burn the very Heavens out of the sky to keep him safe.
Picking a name for Toast was challenging. I compiled a list of about 130 names, almost all of which were suggested by friends.  I put each name through a series of trials, the most important ones being the “am I embarrassed to yell this across the apartment” test, and the “am I going to be able to explain this reference to a coworker or grandparent without sounding like a total dweeb” test.  Many failed.
The full list of potential names, organized by category, is below the cut.  But first, I’d like to go through a few honorable mentions that almost made it:
Jack Purrsons, named after Jack Parsons, the mad cultist and founder of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Notable for being one of the most important rocket engineers to ever live, attempting to summon the Thelemite goddess Babalon to Earth, and dying at age 37 in a nitroglycerin explosion while making bootleg Hollywood pyrotechnics.
KV Spectral Class, pronounced “Kay Vee.”  I am told that this is the spectral class of stars that shine orange.  It has become apparent that I am friends with an unusually high number of astrophysicists.
The same name as my sister’s cat.  I would just type it, except it’s also the name of her son.  The cat came first.  Giving my cat the same name as both her cat and her child would be a fun little bit of vicious sibling mockery.
Roomba.  This one is just adorable.
Keep reading for the full list of suggestions, sorted!  Feel free to use any or all of these for your own pets!
Food (guess which one these was an extremely specific dig at my strength of character)
Cookie Dough
11:30 AM Starbucks Doubleshot Espresso
(Pumpkin) gnocchi
Names And Titles (or, “I understood that reference!”) 
The Purrincipal Investigator
Gryphon (technically it's not a McElroy reference if it's spelled like this)
Sir Underfoot
Mr. Darcey
Erik the Orange
Edgar Gladpaw Pussywillow III
Jack (Purrsons)
Jack (o’Lantern)
Szeth son-son-Vallano, Truthless of Shinovar
Catticus Finch
Minecraft Steve
Cave Spider
Pounce deLeon
Plasma Physics (or, “I’m scrolling through your tumblr and just suggesting words that stand out.”)
Tokamak (Mackie for short)
Stellarator (Stella for short)
Alcator C-Paw
Astronomy And Particle Physics (or, if I had a nickel for every astrophysicist who gave me more than 50 suggestions for cat names I’d have ten cents, which isn’t a lot but it’s still odd that it happened twice.)
KV Spectral Class
Engineering (or, I can’t name a cat MOSFET because it sounds like the Doctor Who guy)
OSHA violation
Other Miscellaneous Nouns 
Lilly pad
792 notes · View notes
mix up
Summary: A mix up with the buildings laundry was all it took to get what you always secretly wanted.
Pairing: Javier Peña x OFC (can be read as reader insert)
Wordcount: 4k+
Warnings: lots of cursing, smut (Oral; female receiving; sex), sex toys, also fluff, bad flirting as ususal
A/N: In my mind, this was a drabble. Apparently my brain had other ideas. The biggest thank you to @f0rever15elf​ for being my beta on this <3
Taglist in reblog
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Pushing the laundry bin with your dirty laundry out of your apartment, you checked if you had  everything before you locked the door of your apartment behind you. It was laundry day. Thankfully the apartment in Bogata came with a laundry service. Not that you were not able to do your own laundry, you simply didn’t have time for it. The last thing on your mind while chasing down Escobar was doing your laundry. The job took every single second of your life, even in the few times you were off from work, even in your sleep. Walking down the long hallway, the last door you passed was Javier’s. You heard him curse something in spanish before the door opened and a similar laundry bin was placed in front of his door. You tilted your head as you looked at him, crossing your arms in front of your chest, a little grin on your lips.
“What?” He asked looking down at himself. 
“Nothing.” You hummed. “I love that color on you.” You winked before you walked out.
“Fuck you too.” He chuckled as he followed you.
“What? I do love it. As a matter of fact I own some pink stuff I wear occasionally.” You unlocked the car and he jumped into the passenger's seat.
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Javier and you were co-workers. He had joined you in the hunt for Escobar only shortly after you arrived here from DC. You would say you even became friends. As possible as it was to become friends with him. There were only a handful of people who knew the lengths you had to go through at this job. Of course, he had tried to get into your pants first but the both of you decided it would be for the better to keep this strictly non physical. At least that’s what you told yourself. 
Though secretly you felt yourself wishing it was you on the receiving end of his “affection” as you lay in bed alone at night, while he was fucking some prostitute on the other side of the building.
“I’ve never seen you wearing anything pink, Guapa.” He pushed his yellow aviators up as he reached for the pack of cigarettes. You started the engine and looked at him.
“Oh Javier… There are many things you haven’t seen me wear.” You winked. You could see when the penny dropped and he shook his head, with a small grin. 
“Fuck. I didn’t even have my coffee yet and you put pictures of you in underwear inside my head?”
“I never said it was my underwear. But… That’s payback for making me listen to the moaning from your apartment last night.” You finally got the car on the road.
“Jealous?” He asked, holding his cigarette by the window. You mentioned once that you weren’t a big fan of smoke but didn’t mind it. He had made the effort to turn himself away from you from that day on when he smoked.
“More curious.” You said honestly.
“How so?” You stopped at a red light, turning your head to look at him. 
“We both know you are paying most of those women, so how real is their… valuation with you if you know what I mean?” You were genuinely curious. You had two relationships before and both of them didn’t really care for your pleasure. You had been responsible for your own orgasms all your life and you were wondering…
“Oh they aren’t acting Guapa. I know what I’m doing.” He winked at you and threw his cigarette out.
“Every man says that.” You shrugged, rolling your eyes.
“Well… You’ll have to trust my word. The only way you could be sure was if I showed you, and we both agreed that nothing will ever happen between us, right?” He asked. You nodded and looked away from him, starting the car again, when the light switched to green. You didn’t notice him looking at you as you continued to drive.
“If we wouldn’t be working together, would you?” He asked as you parked the car in front of the embassy and killed the engine. The car ride had been silent since the red light.
“Would I what?” You asked pulling your purse out from the backseat.
“Let me show you that I definitely know what I’m doing?” He asked, his voice deeper as he looked into your eyes. You looked back into his and wondered if anyone had ever noticed the small caramel like spot in this right eye.
“I guess that’s another thing you will never find out, Peña.” You had a small smile on your lips, hoping to cover up your nervousness. He looked at you knowingly before he let his tongue dart out to wet his lips. You swallowed, your eyes flying to his lips before you looked up and he bit his lip.
“Shame,” he whispered before he opened the car door and got out of the car. You closed your eyes, ignoring the throbbing between your legs as you watched him go into the building.
“Fucking hell,” you muttered, shaking your head to follow him inside.
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Weeks went by without either of you mentioning the conversation between you. At some point, you thought you imagined the whole thing. You continued to work together. You both took care of Steve when Connie left to go back to the states unannounced. You couldn’t blame her. You’ve been wondering yourself if what you were doing would end in catching Escobar in the end. 
Javi and you were a pretty damn good team at work. He always had your back which was a gift you truly cherished. When you had first met him and Steve, you would have bet a lot of money that they would be just like the other assholes you had worked with before. But they weren’t. Of course Javier continued to flirt with you. That’s just who he was. But he also did acknowledge your intelligence and knew when he had to shut up and actually listen. You grew so comfortable with each other that just one look from the other would tell if it was a good day, or a bad day. 
Today had been a bad day for you. 
Not only was the lead you had chased the day before a dead end, but you just felt exhausted. Like the last weeks of working constantly came crashing down at you all at once. So you called in sick. For the first time… ever. You ignored that one of the reasons you felt so shitty was the fact that Steve and Javier had been gone for 3 days now. 
A knock on your door made you groan but you made your way to open up anyway, thanking the lady with your clean laundry with a smile before you closed the door and brought it into your bedroom. Deciding to put the clothes away right now instead of letting them stay on your bed as you usually did, you frowned when you saw a very pink shirt on the bottom. You let your fingers run over the fabric. It was Javi’s shirt. The one you teased him about.
Biting your lip, you looked down at it. You should give it back to him. You knew that. But he would be gone for at least another two days and you felt lonely. You opened the buttons, pulling the shirt you were wearing off and got his shirt on. You looked at yourself in the mirror. You had never worn a shirt of a man before, and when you pictured it before you weren’t thinking about a pink shirt, or Javi’s, but somehow you liked the way it looked on you. Smiling to yourself you pulled the fabric closer and you could swear you smelled his aftershave even though it was freshly cleaned. You did spend more time than you would ever admit to anyone thinking about him. The way he walked. The way he ran his hands through his hair when he was frustrated. How you could see his chest hair when he was wearing his poorly buttoned shirts. Closing your eyes you shook your head.
Coworker. He was your Coworker. 
Your very attractive Coworker who you caught undressing you with his own eyes more than once. In the quiet of your apartment you often dreamed what it would be like. Him touching you. You knew he could have anyone, yet he chose to pay for sex. He didn’t seem like he was looking to have any relationship, and you couldn’t blame him. But what if he chose you? What if he wasn’t your Coworker? What if he was just Javi? Your neighbor. What if you weren’t in Colombia chasing down drug lords? 
You pictured him coming home to you and taking you on the kitchen table. Would he go down on you? You bet he would. He seemed like he enjoyed pleasuring his woman. His woman. You wanted to be his woman. Even though you knew he wasn’t looking for someone. He told you before on a very drunken night out that he sucked at relationships. He just needed someone to make him forget, someone…
A knock on your door interrupted your thoughts again. Looking at yourself you considered answering whoever was at the door dressed in this shirt but decided against it and put on your bathrobe. There was another knock at your door.
“One second!” You called pulling the bathrobe closer around your body as you unlocked your door.
“Javi?” You asked, surprised. “I thought you’d be back on Saturday.” You pulled the bathrobe around you closer, suddenly feeling too naked to be standing in front of him, even though your whole body was covered.
“You’re okay. Thank.. Fuck. You’re okay.” He sighed relieved looking at you.
“Why wouldn’t I be okay?” You frowned, a little confused. 
“I went to the embassy and no one knew where you were and…” He closed his eyes.
“I called in sick. I’m okay. I promise.” You said quietly. He ran his hand over his mouth, his other hand on his hip as he looked at you, his eyes tired.
“Are you okay Javier?” You asked a little confused at him just showing up like that. “Why are you back already?”
“Dead end. Didn’t see the point of staying there.” He shrugged.
“Okay. Then you should go to..”
“What are you wearing there?” he asked and nodded towards you.
“Uhm…” You looked down at yourself and tried to hide your surprise at seeing a bit of the pink shirt out. You looked up at him again, and you could see his grin.
“Is that pink I see?” His grin got wider. You sucked your bottom lip in.
“I told you I wear pink. Occasionally.” You shrugged. He nodded and continued to look at you before he stepped a little closer. You could see in his eyes that he was trying to work out what was going on and you noticed the moment he made the connection. His eyes darkened and you cursed yourself for not changing out of his shirt before you answered the door. 
“Is that… my shirt?” He whispered deeply. A shudder ran over your body. His hand came up, reaching for the collar that you apparently hadn’t tucked in as well as you thought you had. His finger brushed over your throat as his other hand slowly opened your bathrobe. One of your hands held your shirt together that you didn’t bother to button up. You shouldn’t have put it on in the first place. 
“Fuck, you’re wearing my shirt,” he cursed. You looked up at him, breathing deeply. You weren’t wearing anything but some panties beneath it. He looked down your body before he looked up at you again, his hand running up your neck to the back of your head.
You should take a step back, turn around and get away from him. Cause the way he was looking at you made your knees weak. 
“Javi, I can explain…” You mumbled, but he only shook his head slowly. The look he gave you made your poor explanation die on your lips.
“Tell me to stop,” he whispered as he stepped even closer. You felt the coldness of his leather jacket as he pushed your bathrobe from your shoulders and you shivered.
“Close the door, Javier,” you whispered. He looked at you, taking you in before he turned around and closed and locked the door. Pulling off his leather jacket he let it fall to the floor as he stalked towards you.
“I will never be able to get this picture out of my head.” He said as he walked you backwards until your back hit a wall behind you.
“You… You don’t have to get this picture out of your head.” You whispered.
“No?” He asked. One of his hands coming down on your hip as his other hand brushed some of your hair away that had fallen in your face. You shook your head at him.
“If you want to see me in your shirts, make sure to leave them with me after…” You bit your lip.
“After?” He leaned down and you felt his breath on your face.
“After you’ve fucked me.” You whispered and sighed when his lips crashed down on yours. You grabbed onto his back, pulling him closer as he licked into your mouth. Parting your lips without resistance you moaned when you felt one of his hands slip down your back.
“Been dreaming about this for years.” He groaned against your lips as he kissed down your neck, pushing the shirt you were still wearing open and you saw his little smile when he saw your boobs.
“Me too.” You whimpered as his teeth scratched over your neck. 
“Tell me.” He whispered, softly sucking on your pulse point on your neck before he kissed down your collarbone.
“Wanted you to feel against me. Wanted to… Ahh..” You cried out when his lips closed around one of your nipples.
“Tell me.” He groaned and looked up at you, not releasing the bud and sucked. You wouldn’t be able to continue to stand on your own feet if he kept that up.
“Wanted to taste you. Wanted you to taste me. Wanted you to…”
“Fuck you?” He asked, releasing your nipple with an obscene sound. You just nodded.
“Been wondering if you taste as good as you smell.” He whispered and kissed down your stomach.
“May I?” He knelt in front of you, his dark eyes wild as he looked up at you. You hesitated.
“I… No one ever….” You sucked your bottom lip in, shy all of the sudden. He seemed to understand immediately, cursing under his breath.
“You should be worshipped. Fucking losers. All of them.” He shook his head and got up from the ground.
“Will you let me?” He asked softly. There was nothing but affection in his eyes and you felt yourself nodding. You shrieked when he picked you up in his arms, moaning when he kissed you as he carried you to your bedroom. Carefully he set you down and you looked up at him. You wondered what this would change between you. Because you wouldn’t be able to go back to being just friends after this. 
“You’re not just a fuck, hermosa.” He seemed to answer your thoughts. 
“Let me feel you.” You said as you got up to stand in front of him. He didn’t stop you as you pulled his shirt out of his jeans and began to unbutton it, kissing his chest before you pulled it off. He groaned as you teased his nipple.
“Lay down on your back and let me take care of you.” He kissed you quickly and you complied, wanting to take the pink shirt off when he stopped you.
“No. Keep that on.” He smirked and you giggled.
“Whatever you want,” you hummed.
“Be careful what you wish for.” He said quietly as he looked down at you. A shiver ran over your body at the look he gave you and you could feel just how wet you were.
“What if I like playing with danger?” you asked. He furrowed his eyebrows before his hands opened the fly of his jeans. You swallowed, your eyes not leaving his as he pushed his jeans down. It was like he was challenging you to look and when you did you released a breath you couldn’t remember holding in. Of course he wasn’t wearing anything beneath his tight jeans.
When he was standing completely naked in front of you, he leaned down to slowly peel your embarrassingly damp panties down. He kissed up your leg, his mustache rubbing over the skin and you giggled when he kissed the skin behind your knees.
“Someone’s ticklish.” He mumbled against your skin.
“Maybe.” You smiled. He kissed up your inner thigh and unintentionally you wanted to close your legs but he didn’t let you.
“Let me look at you hermosa,” he whispered, looking up at you. You were only able to nod slowly. 
“If this is how I die I won't complain.” He murmured before his tongue darted out to taste you. You wanted to look at him but the way he nibbled, licked, and sucked made you throw your head back, moaning loudly. You grabbed the bedsheets, trying to ground yourself as he sucked at you clit.
“So fucking good,” he groaned against you and you cried out. 
“Fuck, keep going…,” you moaned. One of his hands on your stomach held you down while his other hand grabbed one of your boobs, kneading them, pulling at your nipple.
“Cum for me baby.” He whispered, his tongue dipping inside of you.
“Fuck….” You arched your back, heat rushing through your body as you almost blacked out when your orgasm washed over you.
This was unlike anything you ever felt before. You were so out of it you didn’t notice Javi stopped until his mouth was on your neck before he made you look at him. You felt his cock between your legs and you shakily breathed out, a blissful smile on your face as he leaned down to kiss you softly. You didn’t know nor did you care how long he kissed you, you just knew you never wanted to stop.
“You did enjoy that, right?” He asked and you punched against his chest, making him laugh.
“You’re awfully full of yourself, Agent Peña.” You shook your head and he cocked an eyebrow. 
“What if I want you to be awfully full of myself?” He smirked.
“You did not just say that.” You snorted, shaking with  laughter beneath him.
“Sorry,” he laughed with you, looking down at you.
“No you’re not.” You grinned and he chuckled. 
“Do you though?” He asked, quieter now as his laughter subsided. You arched your eyebrow in question. “Want me to fuck you?” He kissed down your jaw, as he rolled his hips against yours.
“Is me naked beneath you not clue enough? I thought you knew that you were a good Agent and knew what you’re doing...” You teased, your hands wandering down his back, pulling him against you. He bit into your shoulder and you moaned.
“Oh I’m gonna show you that I know exactly…” He kissed you. You groaned as you felt the tip of his cock at your entrance. “How to make you cum.”
“Condoms... “ You gestured to your bedside drawer. He nodded, disappearing from your point of view before he was back, a dirty grin on his face.
“This is gonna be fun.” He whispered, holding a condom and your vibrator up. You blushed looking away from him.
“No need to be shy, hermosa.” He ripped the condom package open and pulled it over his hard cock. You felt his hand between your legs and you looked up at him, before two of his fingers entered you, his eyes never leaving yours.
“So If nobody ever made you cum by going down at you…” He kept fingering you slowly, adding another finger and you moaned quietly, feeling so full already.
“Did anyone ever make you cum?” He asked, his thumb slowly circling your clit and you were about to cum again when he stopped. You pouted.
“Huh?” He asked. 
“Yes Javi. I made myself cum.” You groaned and he shook his head.
“Not anymore.” He hummed before you slowly felt himself push into you. You stopped breathing, looking up at him, embracing the delicious burn you felt as he split you in half. The sounds he was making would haunt you in the best way possible.
“So fucking tight,” he groaned and you released a breath when he was fully inside of you. He stilled, probably wanting you to get used to the stretch but all you wanted was..
“Move. Javi.” You pleaded and that was all he needed to hear.
“Feels better than I imagined.” He pressed, slowly fucking into you. He put your legs around his waist as he leaned down to kiss you. Holding him close, you let him fuck you, rolling your hips to meet his thrusts. Never in your life did you feel that full. He kissed every piece of skin his lips came in contact with and you grabbed onto his back, surely leaving marks as he moved faster. 
“Please…,” you moaned.
“Please what Hermosa?” he rasped, sucking on your shoulder.
“Harder.” You whimpered.
“You want it harder my needy girl?” he asked. You were only able to nod as he pushed away from you, pulling your legs over his shoulders. He held on to your legs before he began to ram into you.
“You want it harder. You get it harder. You get everything you fucking want.” He groaned.
“Fuck yes.” You moaned, holding onto the mattress beneath you. Closing your eyes you just let him do whatever the fuck he wanted. Never in your life had you been fucked like that. The familiar buzzing of your toy let you snap your attention back to the man curently fucking the life out of you and you almost jumped when the vibe made contact with your clit.
“Shit…,” you cried out, surprised when your orgasm washed over you within seconds.
“Fuck fuck….” Javie groaned, fucking you through your orgasm, throwing the vibe away.
“Can you give me one more?” He asked. You shook your head, still trying to breath properly, when he pulled out of you and turned you so you were straddling him.
“Ride me baby.” He smiled up at you. You leaned down, kissing him longingly before you carefully sat down on his cock.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he said in awe, looking up at you as you slowly rolled your hips, still oversensensetive from your orgasm. Both of his hands sneaked under his shirt you were still wearing, massaging your boobs.
“You gonna give me one more, hermosa?” He moaned quietly, pushing himself up, his arms coming around you, his chest against you as he moved his hips against yours.
“Javi…” You whimpered, holding on to his shoulders.
“Tell me what you need…” 
“Kiss me,” you whispered. His lips were on you in the next moment and you shook as you felt your third orgasm approaching.
“Cum for me, Javi,” you whispered, clenching your walls, one of your hands pulling at his hair. He moaned against your chest as you felt him swell before he twitched and that was all it took for you to cum again. 
Out of breath you held on to each other, your head on top of his, his lips still attached to your boob.
“We should have done this sooner,” he chuckled and you smiled as you looked at him.
“We should have,” you agreed. You felt him soften inside of you but not you nor him were ready to let go of one another. You kissed him softly.
“We could do this again, you know?” You said carefully. You knew you wouldn’t be able to share him with anyone, he had to know. He looked at you.“But I’m not sharing what’s mine,” you added. 
“Yours, huh?” He asked, a little smile on his face. You nodded.
“I like the sound of that.” He said before he kissed you deeply. 
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murphslass · 3 years
What the Hell?
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Summary: Happy wants you but you explained that he can’t keep you in the dark anymore and have you answer all his late night calls
Warnings: swearing , angst, implied smut, alcohol, jealousy
“I told you no.”
“I really need to see you.”
You sighed at his plead. This was getting old very fast. Happy Lowman or the Tacoma Killer whatever he chooses to go by he was what you wanted. Call fatal attraction or whatever you wanted but soon you finally had him. You promised on the first night you guys hooked up that this would only be sex. Nothing else. But you knew you were lying to yourself when you started to feel sad whenever he would be gone in the morning. And how he would fall asleep immediately after finishing. Then the little things he would do whenever he would come over. If you were lucky he would watch a movie with you for a few minutes before jumping in. Sometimes he would help you clean because it was a personal thing that bothered him. But even then you could feel yourself falling for him.
“Fine. You can come over.”
“See you soon.”
It only took a call to be at your knees for him. You lay on your couch waiting from him to arrive as a movie played in the background. His motorcycle engine could be heard coming down the street as you sat up. He didn’t say much when he came in. Nothing but just immediately pulling you into a demanding kiss. You didn’t stop him as he guides you to the couch.
After he finished he held you against his chest and was staring off into the ceiling. Your hand caressing his smiley tattoos and enjoying how gentle he was afterwards.
“You okay?”
“Fine. I just been thinking about us a lot.”
You took his words to heart. Does he want to stop seeing you? Are you annoying him?
“Did you want to talk about?”
He just mumbled something and dismissed it when he stood up. You covered your body with a blanket as he slipped on his oversized jeans. You felt sad whenever he left your side. Happy went to get a glass of water as you laid flat on the couch. He kept looking back at you but you soon just turned to have your back facing him. Happy said nothing but mindlessly cleaned your kitchen to keep his mind of things. You couldn’t but help as a tear shed. Happy must not want you anymore.
“If you don’t want me anymore then just leave.”
“I do want you.”
“Then stop acting like you don’t care! Stop using me just for sex! I’m more than that Happy! If you want me then actually show me you care! Until then leave me alone!”
Happy didn’t say anything but get dressed. You quietly stood and went to your bedroom to feel comfort. However Happy didn’t even say bye as you heard your door slam shut.
A whole week already passed. No contact since that night with Happy. It still hurt but all you could do was find distractions. You had gotten convinced by a cowork to go to a party in town. You hesitated when you heard it was a SAMCRO party but thought who cares. You were at your house getting ready and deciding on what to wear while calling your friend.
“It’s hard to choose what to wear.”
“Just wear something really revealing and tight to get those sexy bikers attention.”
“Got it. Just be a whore.”
You both laughed a bit as you picked out the perfect outfit. As you were still in the middle of a conversation with your friend, a loud knock came to your door that made you jump.
“I’ll meet you at the party okay. Someone’s at the door.”
“Alright see ya there!”
You hung up the phone and approached the door wearing your robe. You went to the door and assumed it was the mail but when you opened the door, it was Happy. But not only that he was oddly holding flowers. And was that a jewelry box?
“Uh what are you doing here?”
“You’re not going to that party.”
Before you could object Happy pushed his way into your home and watched him lock your door.
“What’s wrong with you? It’s not like you cared before so why now?”
“Because you’re fucking mine. And I’m not letting all those other men drool over you.”
“Oh yeah? I’m yours but who said I wanted that?”
“I do because I can’t live without you woman. Do you not see these things? I’ve never bought flowers for no one except my mom. Let alone jewlery.”
“It takes more than that Happy. If you want to tell me something then use your words.”
Happy sighed as he rubbed his face. This was tearing him up. Call it cruel if you want but he needed to feel some anguish.
“I love you alright.”
“You do?”
“Yes I do.”
“You promise to not only call me late?”
“Introduce me to the club?”
“Shit I promise you anything alright woman! You know how hard this is for me!”
“Okay I’ll stop. But you do deserve it for being a dick earlier.”
Happy just shook his head as you approached him and wrapped your arms around him. He gave a dirty look as you tried to be sweet and kiss his cheek.
“These flowers are really nice.”
“You still going to the party?”
“Hmm I’m not sure. You might have to convince me to stay.”
“You’re really asking for it now little girl.”
You giggled as he roughly held your hips against his body.
@chibsytelford @eddiesgirl
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