#a drafting sort of speak
artcalledoddities · 5 months
Everyone P-TSD Everyone Petroleum-Tised Simple Diseased In water throughout the air within a shovel deep of land Oil based insecticides to cfc’s Plastic covered colored beaches And all above the animals with humans and their dealings, for breeding on Earth Undomesticated Animal Kingdom Speaks upon and for Flora Veggie Fungi & Coral Send the domesticated animal to feed hungered children And stop global warming All taking place during the Well, you humans Don’t know of such meetings But know you know some things Take it for granted or granite Or don’t in stone Don’t ridicule such beings Here for way such longer than you ! Dinosaur bird reptile insect the fish ^human mammals frog & salamander and some species of slugs *now A I, but in all docs of technology the gov’t had knowledge 20 years before Who’s speech Who’s say so on TV It’s all a question ? Mark ? Everything? Who was speaking back then If made so easy for cheating students later! As America progressed Wait That’s Post Traumatic SiliconChip Decipher Talks now The above hundred years long The latter since 1980’s No further comments Not Available I still live today Fine, whatever yes, I was born in 1974 I’m now 50 It’s all for everybody born exactly on the day of this year 2024 a fifty years ago If born today in 75 well they are 49 If born today in 73 well they are 51 It’s really not grand mind clarity What’s your age for? You are not vintage wine! As in the Panda has been walled up And not really free to roam the Earth Metal Fire Water nor Woods But back when for railroads Smog and progress fills our lungs Today from the yesterday It’s all here to smell! Everyone Petroleum-Tised Simple Diseased Now this is Post Traumatic SiliconChip Decipher Who the (people) are you speaking for! Are you speaking for paths of Belted Weather! A rhythm helps keep the
My father to strike continuously
My mother to strike especially
And from the clouds
The arrays entering my mind
Lengths and waves in tooth’s
Nature in parts of the world has it’s teeth sunk in The blue is being added too
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mashbrainrot · 6 months
one piece of fanon I see thrown about as a casual fact about beej is that he is somehow morally opposed to cheating as a concept, and has judged and would judge people based on them doing that. most of the time I see the evidence for this being his own meltdowns over even the potential of cheating on peg, and his behaviour towards hawkeye in The More I See You.
the latter is particularly confusing to me because he does emphatically state in his conversation with hawkeye in potters office that he actively does not have a moral aversion to cheating - "I couldn't break my word to Peg. And not because God'll send me to hell without an electric fan... or because it's not the right thing to do. I just don't want to."
and one of the reasons i think he says this - and the reason I think people read some sort of judgement from bj in this scene - is that hawkeye is twitchy about it. hawkeye is probing, maybe projecting, is worried about this guy thinking badly of him because he himself doesn't feel too clean about it. he pokes and he prods, slightly skittishly and nervously.
textually bj starts this conversation, and I think hawkeye (and therefore some of the audience) read into that that he is doing so to Make a Point, but what I personally read into it - and I think the intent - is that bj has some genuine concern (and perhaps a healthy dose of interest!) because he has already had a huge dose of the backstory to this whole debacle, and like any sensible person I don't think he sees it ending well for his friend.
but by the end of it hawkeye knows he has neither censure nor celebration from bj, just a steady and even-keeled acceptance of what hawkeye accepts is 'messing up his life'. bj is just acting as a neutral good-natured sounding board, which is very much early BJ's MO. it's a carefully balanced check in from a friend, one that I fanonically read as an echo of what he says he does with Peg, where he sort of pokes until she speaks about what is on her mind. (In this reading I sort of see hawkeye as hanging about wanting to Talk on purpose, especially as objectively you think this would be Private Time for bj and peg. hawkeye, to me, seems to be Loitering.)
but as bj says, a la potter writing to mildred... that's none of his business 😉
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karouvas · 8 months
something so insane about Adam saying “it wasn’t about you” to Gansey at the end of TRB and then again during the fight in TDT (defensively, angrily when he’s in a spiral of self sabotage) because there’s truth to it but it’s not True. Adam is always always always defining himself in relation to Gansey and yes he resents that but that still makes it About them. The fact that Adam had a dream about being responsible for Gansey’s death and That was the trigger for his decision to wake the ley line, to prevent that future. And to be his own person outside of Gansey while also not hurting/killing Gansey, but then at the same time he brings the gun with him not knowing what he’ll sacrifice but knowing for sure it can not be Gansey. That means it could be Whelk or it could be him (and it is both in a way) and either way he is sacrificing a part of himself for Gansey. And then when Adam does sacrifice a part of his autonomy to Cabeswater Gansey feels betrayed because he sees it as Adam’s sacrifice because belonging to anything else is better than accepting what Gansey tries to offer him but it is For and About Gansey that he did this and Adam Hates that. And then (I just started rereading TRK so I don’t remember the exact details) Cabeswater being in Gansey’s service or having his spirit or however that works makes it even more insane and that definitely adds to the context of Adam’s anger at him in TDT but I’ll come back to that part later just. You love your best friend so much and you hate your best friend so much and it’s not about them but everything is about them!
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citrus-cactus · 2 months
I always get FOMO when it gets close to a big fandom anniversary I’m not participating in (in this case, Digimon Survive 2nd anniversary today/tomorrow, Odaiba Day August 1), but also I need to be gentle/kind to myself. I’ve been SO tired lately, and kind of struggling with my lack of efficiency in making art, and I’m just not that inspired in the Digimon idea space lately. Which sucks! But is true.
I HAVE been making things, but holding off on posting them because while I personally am happy with them, I can’t quite get over the feeling that my followers don’t want to see this stuff/will choose to ignore it, so why bother? I know that’s objectively silly—create for yourself and do what you want and don’t worry about numbers and what followers think and all that—but it’s just hard to convince myself of that enough to actually hit the post button. The cringe and the feeling that no one but me wants to see what I’m currently working on is winning. I don’t want this to be the case, but it is!
Send some positive thinking my way, if you can spare it 💖
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falderaletcetera · 1 year
come to think of it another reason I'm biased towards nine might be because we never reach such beautiful casual queer vibes as the doctor + rose + jack situation again, at least not as far as I've watched. like I'm honestly not that much of a shipper but that kiss scene DOES things to me. and part of that is how loosely defined the relationship seems to be, at least maybe from jack's perspective. I can't rightly say it was wholly romantic in canon, but it sure was something - yes, rose flirted with jack way more than the doctor did when they first met, but the doctor even just being chill about jack kissing him feels significant - and I do love a quasi-romantic loosely-defined Something.
#doctor who#falderal speaks#I have stills from the jack+rose and jack+doctor kisses because I'm. normal about it#and I think we avoid seeing the doctor's face during or right after because they didn't want to shock the viewers too much?#if we don't see the doctor's face or reaction it can be waved off as just a Jack Being Jack thing#and it leaves us this sort of... almost plausible denability almost ambiguity#and again that may just be the vibe jack brings to it#it honestly makes me a little sad that he feels so different in torchwood#because I almost wanna say that pre-torchwood jack is maybe just LIKE this with his close friendships#maybe he comfortably straddles/ignores the line between friendship and romance when that's safe and welcome#(or else just falls into that with rose and the doctor specifically)#and maybe he's just lived through so much by torchwood (or lived so long in such a restrictive culture)#that he just. doesn't do that anymore. can't.#those are my feelings on it at least!#I haven't strayed into the fandom at ALL I just grew up with the show so nobody read this as reacting to any trends in the fandom pls#anyway apparently I'm mostly feral about the relationships I can think about and ship in a queerplatonic way#which will be a surprise to absolutely no-one who knows me from fandom stuff#but I hadn't thought to think about these three that way before. and it's a treat.#drafted last night just posted today#(like this was probably the first queer character and queer kiss I saw on screen and it was a nationally beloved family-friendly show)#(I'm basically obligated not to be normal about it)
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As a subway boss, his charisma stats are stacked. His posture is stooped but he acts with such an air of easy, subconscious confidence that ppl are like 'oh well I guess he's supposed to be here after all'. Plus he's very polite. He is that one meme of "no pets! Well okay, I will allow him because he looks very polite."
THIS IS WHAT I'M SAYIIIIIING!! you get iiiiit!! actually ive been rotating this a bunch in the background lol. bc it Really Is that like. it's not just that he's nice, though that helps a lot—he's a subway boss!! he is very well accustomed to like, handling people, in a variety of situations. from guiding/ordering people who are under his command, to calmly and professionally talking down/reasoning with/reassuring/etc people who he has very little to do with outside of the fact that they're a passenger on the train and are being loud and disruptive/having a really bad day/poorly controlling their pokemon/etc. it's His Job.
and while it might be slightly undercut in hisui by sort of (waves hand generally) all of the rift bullshit fucking with his head and making him generally less sure of himself, it IS a thing that i think still comes through without him even really realizing it's happening.
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itsbebebe · 1 year
Its so interesting to me that iirc elq was the first to buzz in on the "how will u deal with the code monster" question in the 2nd debates, especially since hes linked to the federation but also because the sky changed when he left the debates. Theres a lot to read into there and i dont think many have tried to
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thedevilsbckbone · 9 months
Hello! I am still alive and hoping to get back into the groove of things with the new year! With that being said, since I've been struggling with some of my muse, I will be dropping some threads that I just feel totally stuck on. I am sorry to those who I've kept waiting and if there are any other threads you'd like to drop because you also lost muse from how long I've taken, please don't hesitate to let me know! I will totally understand.
Here are the threads I'll be dropping due to lack of muse:
Tilly/Sophie, Zareen/Nate, Tony/Gwen and Ginny/Aurora || @wutheringdevotion
Zareen/Haru || @full-tiltboogiearc
Dorian/Tiffany || @seolinah
Orin/Romina, Nadia/Cassian || @molinxsdeviento
Otis/Gwen/Nadine/Tom, Ken/Barbie || @someotherdog
Ken/Julie || @heroexxs
Arianna/Anthony || @ofginjxints
Maite/Joaquin, Indio/Aaliyah || @sirxnx
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starlit-roses-ships · 4 months
made a new queue tag since I wanted a different one than the one I use on my main: lovin' queue
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describing each mcu disney+ tv series in one word:
wandavision: introspective
the falcon and the winter soldier: reconstruction
loki: redemptive
what if: hypothetical
hawkeye: nostalgic
moon knight: revolutionary
ms marvel: joyful
she-hulk: forced
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aeide-thea · 1 year
i'm never knowingly going to reblog a post that includes the phrase 'touch grass,' and that's not because i don't think it can be psychologically beneficial to get in some outdoor time if possible—i went for a walk earlier! it was great!—or to take a break from conversations that are getting you wound up, but because i think that particular wording generally reveals two things:
first, that the writer is speaking not from a place of genuine concern and sympathy, but from judgmental impatience à la 'get therapy,' which—i too have felt judgmental and impatient in my time, god knows! but when i feel that way i try to go unpack those feelings in private with a thoughtful friend, instead of pretending they constitute a source of wisdom or a helpful sort of energy to direct at people, you know? and i'm definitely not particularly interested in boosting a ventpost from someone else—who pretty clearly hasn't bothered to take the breather they're urging on others, if they're making little digs like that—as if it were actually sincere, carefully-reasoned advice.
and second, that the writer's argument embraces some seriously sloppy assumptions, which pretty immediately undermines my trust in the rest of their analysis—i mean, there's absolutely no guarantee someone's local scene will be any less parochial, just because it's playing out irl! there's also not actually a clean divide between 'people who spend time in the Real World' and 'people who spend time on the internet, which is for porn losers,' as demonstrated by a number of phenomena including, again, the aforementioned grass-recommenders' own presence right here on tumblr…
anyway. obviously we all have our own particular lines we draw around particular rhetoric that bugs us! these are just some reasons why that particular phrasing bugs me.
#language#metatumbling#like. if what you mean is 'your stance would be totally incongruous outside the microcommunity you're speaking to'?#say that!#but also—it's fine to speak to the state of affairs in a microcommunity‚ actually#you just need to define your parameters#but like. so do people who are speaking to Broader Culture bc like. *which* broader culture.#even if you mean American Cishet Culture there are. so many kinds. new york ≠ nebraska.#but anyway it's just like. stop fucking making (and reblogging) these implicit ad hominem arguments#about how people who disagree with you must be idiots and losers because they don't get out enough#if they really are wrong you ought to be able to argue against them without resorting to digs any real leftist ought to be ashamed of#and if spending all one's time in the physically-embodied socially-embedded world really stopped people from being wrong…#well. pretty sure a lot fewer people would be wrong about things‚ if that were true.#anyway i left this to rot in drafts last week for prolixity reasons#and like. it remains guilty of those crimes but they don't render its fundamental assertion untrue.#anyway fundamentally this is the sort of thing you immediately sound like a 'terminally online' loser for protesting and i realize that#but like. if we refuse to open conversational doors because we're scared of the shame bucket someone juvenile balanced on top of them…#fuck that. i decline to live in fear of implicit rhetorical bully tactics.
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squuote · 11 months
I made a post bout the skip button ending a while back and I deleted it a while ago but I desperately wanna redo it cause I’m interested in what others think but man I cannot find the words for it at all lmaoo
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fagrackham · 5 months
hate my novel again. oh well.
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lovings4turn · 6 months
how the fuck am i at 995 followers right now when the fuck did this happen ????
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degenderates · 7 months
No cuz I'm the fucked up one that always was feeling things at the wrong angles. Nobody did this to me I just pushed myself further under the knife I was looking longingly through sludge tinted glasses I saw good things and never learned to see it right it was always erotic everything always was
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akkivee · 1 year
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sakura trio event wheeeeeeeeeee!!!!! 💫🌸
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