#the TV was chat boxed way before little
artcalledoddities · 5 months
Everyone P-TSD Everyone Petroleum-Tised Simple Diseased In water throughout the air within a shovel deep of land Oil based insecticides to cfc’s Plastic covered colored beaches And all above the animals with humans and their dealings, for breeding on Earth Undomesticated Animal Kingdom Speaks upon and for Flora Veggie Fungi & Coral Send the domesticated animal to feed hungered children And stop global warming All taking place during the Well, you humans Don’t know of such meetings But know you know some things Take it for granted or granite Or don’t in stone Don’t ridicule such beings Here for way such longer than you ! Dinosaur bird reptile insect the fish ^human mammals frog & salamander and some species of slugs *now A I, but in all docs of technology the gov’t had knowledge 20 years before Who’s speech Who’s say so on TV It’s all a question ? Mark ? Everything? Who was speaking back then If made so easy for cheating students later! As America progressed Wait That’s Post Traumatic SiliconChip Decipher Talks now The above hundred years long The latter since 1980’s No further comments Not Available I still live today Fine, whatever yes, I was born in 1974 I’m now 50 It’s all for everybody born exactly on the day of this year 2024 a fifty years ago If born today in 75 well they are 49 If born today in 73 well they are 51 It’s really not grand mind clarity What’s your age for? You are not vintage wine! As in the Panda has been walled up And not really free to roam the Earth Metal Fire Water nor Woods But back when for railroads Smog and progress fills our lungs Today from the yesterday It’s all here to smell! Everyone Petroleum-Tised Simple Diseased Now this is Post Traumatic SiliconChip Decipher Who the (people) are you speaking for! Are you speaking for paths of Belted Weather! A rhythm helps keep the
My father to strike continuously
My mother to strike especially
And from the clouds
The arrays entering my mind
Lengths and waves in tooth’s
Nature in parts of the world has it’s teeth sunk in The blue is being added too
0 notes
matchamiko · 6 months
hello!! could I please request prompt 25 with toshinori?
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˚₊ ⊹ 25. The first makeout session that could lead to more + Toshinori Yagi
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˚₊ ⊹ Warnings: dry humping, previous established new relationship, canon small-might, making out.
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He was - grading papers? Finishing off a report on the last homework he set? Actually writing the next homework assignment in fact? Either way, his coffee table was strewn with papers, some in neat piles and some discarded none to kindly, caught under the fans of his laptop open on a word document baring names and grades and percentages he’s not really focusing on right now.
You came over a few hours ago with a bento box or two for the next days at school. It was just something you started doing for him, claimed it was because he wasn’t eating enough and that your love language was cooking food for people, but you loved that he would kiss your cheek and parade it around the school wrapped in its cute cloth with its cute bow. And you kind of never left, chatting idly with him from the kitchen while you brewed tea, something soft for him and a herby concoction for yourself, something to make you sleepy and all the more acceptable.
Toshinori could taste it in your mouth. The tea and something else, something distinctly you. Leaning backwards as you cup his sharp jaw, smiling when you hum and kiss his nose affectionately. There was something on the TV, something mind numbing and calm, a documentary about Geisha's he thinks but he's too focussed on his work, and on you. The futon you'd insisted on setting up for him was comfortable, soft and heavy at the same time, a perfect support for his back while he was tucked up by the coffee table while you lounged like a cat on the couch behind him, asking lazily every few minutes for a kiss. This was the first one on the mouth. You'd started on the back of his head, then on his long frazzled strands framing his face and then his forehead, then his nose and when you pecked his lips; Toshinori found himself chasing and chasing and chasing.
"Don't tell the kids that I abandoned their grades for you," he's twisted at a strange angle with his lips muttering yours, a prayer only for you to taste, "Aizawa'll kill me if he knew,"
You breathe him in, eyes fluttering closed and drawing your hands up the sinewy expanse of his neck,
"You have your priorities in perfect order, thank you very much," Toshinori allows you to slink down to the floor, following the droop of your legs and curling into his lap with deep, yearning sigh "I require kisses and you're supplying them, you're serving your duty to your partner,"
He laughs and then moans with the shape of your lips on his jaw,
"I suppose, if you put it like that," he looks at you for a moment, a soft smile stretching over his features and you return it, a little something extra in your eyes he can't quite make out. You two had kissed before, a lot and often but this felt different, felt like honey trickling down his bones and crystallising hot in his belly. Toshinori hums with the tracing of your mouth over his neck, sucking something mean into his delicate skin and he shifts, hands settling on your hips.
Hips that slot deeper against his and give this shy little shudder. A large slender hand cups the back of your head where you practically vibrate against him, the air suddenly palpable and sweet. You think he might ask you to stop, that you've gone far enough and that he's not quite ready for anything more intense, given his injuries and situation and maybe he wants you to go home or even take a break or even -
"Do that again, please," he's far from sober, drinking your lips and swallowing your gushing whimpers, desperate for the kisses and the licks he's come to know so well. These are different, headier, a little smoky and a little dangerous, slow and hard and all things moreish. His free hand guides your hips, into what he's not sure but you gain confidence at his request, undulating with such wantonness that he's the first that moans out loud. Punched and loud and startling, Toshinori flushes right down to his stomach, peaking from where you'd shoved your hands under his shirt, hardly denting your frantic kisses. His grip is harsh, demanding and selfish, smoothing to your ass and this time it's you that grunts at the way he massages a spreads you, slouching lower and wider against the couch.
"I want - I wanna -," you're stuttering but it's from lust, from the sheer magnetic want for the man beneath you, heavy lidded and panting open mouthed, "Please, can we - we don't hav'ta but also, y'know?"
Toshinori kisses you again, slow and deliberate, decisive with his answer; wordless save for a whimper and a jerk.
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all rights reserved © matchamiko. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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Girl Next Door- Pt. 2
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley x reader
Word count: 3k
Summary: Simon finally accept your offer for dinner. Did you mention you can cook?
A/N: I was a little slow on this but the idea of them getting close was stressing me out, okay? Also my MIL was in town and I couldn't get in the groove. All the support so far is amazing, thank you guys so much! If y'all like it there will be more to come. Warning: still slow burning
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Part I
Simon sits across from you at your tiny dining table pressed against the wall of your cramped kitchen. You managed to lure him in with a fairly nice bottle of unopened scotch you found in the back of your cabinet that had potentially fallen into one of your own boxes when moving from your ex's house. 
He looks around your quaint little one bedroom apartment. It was a lot different than his own. The literal layout was the same. No extra rooms or walls but you’d done something different in here. The whole space had a cozy feeling to it. Every surface was decorated with useless gadgets and trinkets that he didn't understand the purpose of. Lots of blankets, pillows, soft things. You had music quietly playing through your TV speakers in the living room. A few lamps fill the dim room creating a subtle yellow glow that hits the high points of your face, softening your tired features.
"Do you think there's something wrong with me?" you suddenly blurt out.
"S'cuse me?" Simon asks, caught off guard by the question.
"Lately I've been feeling like there's something inside of me that attracts horrible guys. Like, is there a beacon coming out my head that says 'hey, come over here. I'm vulnerable and easy'."
Simon pauses, unsure how to respond. He watches your face closely. You're sad eyes looking to him for an answer he doesn't have. "I think you're...nice," but he has a feeling that's not what you wanted to hear.
"nice?" You let out a humorless laugh. "Maybe that's the problem. Nice must translate to doormat," You sigh and drop your head into your hands. 
Simon takes a sip of his drink. He's growing concerned this is entering too friendly territory. Then you pop your head back up.
"So, how much did you hear?"
"Not much"
"Yeah right," You toss him a coy smile. “Can I tell you what happened?”
“Alright, so” you take a sip of your own drink and a deep breath before recounting your story. "I met him at work. He was really nice and offered to pick me up a coffee on his way in one day. I haven’t made any friends at work yet so it was nice just to chat over a coffee. Then we started having lunch together. Nothing serious just in the break room but it felt good to hear about something other than notes from my editor. I wasn’t looking for anything serious, I mean I moved here to focus on myself not continue dating more crappy guys. So of course he started texting me and he was really sweet. He complimented my outfits and thought all my jokes were hilarious apparently. I really wasn’t trying to get involved with this guy though. He said something about hearing I can cook and of course I said I do. It’s part of my job, duh. He’s giving my shit about it so I invited him over for dinner. I made this creamy potato gnocchi with Italian sausage that I got from that great butcher on the corner. I even hand rolled the gnocchi. I mean, who wouldn't kill for an authentic Italian meal?"
"He's sounds like some guy"
"Not really, I was testing out a new recipe for the column so, two birds one stone. Anyways, he comes up and we have some wine and listen to some music. It was going really well so far. Then I go to bring out a nice charcuterie board for an appetizer while the pasta finishes baking. While I'm bringing it to him I can see he's on his phone, texting someone and literally giggling. I walk up behind him and he is sexting. On my couch!" you throw you hands up incredulously. "Well, I thought he was. He’s looking at a picture of some girl bent over then I realize it’s me. He took a picture of my ass, while I was making him dinner. I couldn't fucking believe it. What kind of a scumbag does that to a woman preparing a fucking meal for him? Now, this is not something I'm proud of so let the record show this is very out of character for me but these were extraordinary circumstances. So, I dropped the fig chutney on his head. Right in his stupid quaffed hair. He jumps up and he's all mad and starts yelling and I'm yelling back. He calls me a crazy bitch then I call him a perv. After that he left." you conclude with a shrug.
"Wow" Simon responds, truly taken aback by the series of events. 
"Yeah, then you know the rest from there. I don't know what came over me. I guess after my last breakup I haven't felt very good about myself and this guy made me feel, I don't know- fun? That feels silly to say. I should’ve known better from a guy that works the celebrity gossip section. I probably looked like a big baby out there, how dramatic. I'm sorry about that, again."
"You don't need to apologize."
"After I moved here I thought things would be different. I thought guys in the city were classier I guess. Turns out all guys are the same. Just take what they want and go. Do you want another drink?" You point to his now empty glass. 
"Sure." You snag his cup and stand. He watches you walk over to the counter in your silky slip dress. The sleek fabric clings to your waist. Flaring around your hips and down your thighs. The warm light reflects on the shiny material, shifting with each step you take. It tightens perfectly about your waist and cinched with a neat little bow in the back. He wonders why you would wear a dress like that for this guy.
"So, do you date?" you question in a seemingly casual tone.
"Yeah right," you laugh and look over your shoulder to see his stoney expression and your smile fades. "Oh, sorry, I just- I find that hard to believe."
"Why is that?" He tilts his head and you focus back on filling his glass. 
"It's just, you're a good looking guy. I would think you'd get plenty of female attention," You pivot back around and place the glass before him. You lean on the table with one hand and prop the other on your waist. 
"'M not interested," his gaze stays fixed on the brown liquid, grabbing it and taking another sip. He doesn't miss the way you deflated the slightest bit. 
"Maybe I should take a page out of your book, as in maybe swearing off men completely" The oven timer dings. "Oh! pasta!" You jump over and grab your oven mitts. You drop the oven door and slide out the sizzling dish. An aroma of cheese and basil fills the air. Your stomach audibly growls.
You pull down two plates from your cabinet. You serve up the steaming pasta, sprinkling parmesan and fresh chopped herbs for garnish. You proudly carry over the two dishes and place them carefully on the table. You place your hands on your hips while gazing down at the platter.
"This looks...great." Simon is truly taken aback by the incredible looking dish. 
"Wait, don't eat yet. Let me get a picture." You scamper into your living room, grabbing your phone off the coffee table and scurrying back. You hold your phone high above for a birds eye view. Simon scoots his chair back to avoid the gaze of the lens. The camera clicks with a flash. You examine the photo, seeming satisfied with the quality and finally taking a seat in your own chair. "It was okay if you were in the picture. I don't mind." 
"I do," he says simply. 
To anyone else, Simon comes off as rude or callous but you, you never seem to let his shortness affect you. You take his words and just keep going. You don't mind his lack of conversation. It seems you are totally satisfied with having someone there to listen. He was starting to think he didn't mind listening so much. 
"Oh," You shift uncomfortably in your chair. "Sorry then. Well, let me know what you think. Try to be detailed with your feelings about it if you can. You're my guinea pig and be honest. I don't want to put this out when it's garbage."
He proceeds to take a forkful in his mouth. He cannot control the groan that escapes his throat as the bold flavor hits his tongue. This is far cry from his usual take away food. He can't remember the last time he had a home cooked meal now that he thinks about it. 
"This is quite good." He grumbled between bites. Not caring to finish chewing before he's stabbing at the pasta on the plate once again. 
"Really? You don't need to be nice to spare my feelings. I don't mind criticism."
He shoves more in his mouth. "I’m serious"
"Thank you" You giggle watching him scarf down the still steaming hot meal. 
The two of you finish your respective plates without much more conversation to be had. On your last few bites you meet Simon's eyes as he reclines back in the creaky wooden chair, hands laying across his stomach. His head tips back with a satisfied grumble making a proud smile play across your lips. This may be the first time you've seen him express a true human emotion in your presence. 
"There's more if you want?"
"No, I'm stuffed." 
If you know one thing as a part time chef, food is the way to a man's heart. You knew if Simon tasted what you could make his ice exterior would melt away. You stand up and walk to the fridge. 
"Too stuffed for dessert?" you pull out a glass bowl filled with layers of custard, strawberries, cake, and whipped cream. "I made a traditional English trifle. Y'know for the holidays coming up and who doesn't love custard?" you shrug while carrying the bowl over to the table. You hurry back to the kitchen to grab two saucers and plate up the dessert.
"If I didn't know any better I'd say you're trying to butter me up." he comments, intently watching as you carefully slice through the layers. "What do you know about English food?" 
"Not much, which is why this is a special occasion. I can get some insight from a genuine Englishman," you slide the saucer to him. "Everything happens for a reason, I guess you were meant to be here tonight" you don’t realize how weird that comment is until it's already left your mouth. You suppress the feeling and internally cringe. You take a seat with your own plate and try a bite. "Hey, that's not too bad. I think Gordon Ramsey would be proud"
Simon actually chuckles when you compliment yourself making you giggle in return. This whole night is very different than you expected. Not that you were complaining.
Your leg bumps his underneath the narrow table. Your bare foot brushing up the edge of his pant leg for the briefest moment. A deep blush rises to your cheeks the second you realize it's his leg instead of the table's. 
"Oh, sorry!" you quickly draw your legs underneath your chair. Simon pauses his eating and meets your gaze. 
"S'alright," he slowly slides his long leg across the distance and nudges the shin of your tucked legs with the toe of his boot. "You scared?"
"What?" you allow your legs to relax, your calves sitting on either side of his outstretched leg. It felt natural, almost domestic. "You don't scare me." you're lying paired with an anxious laugh.
"No?" As he says this his foot shifts underneath the supports of your chair and yanks it forward causing your chair to skid a few inches across the tile, pressing you further into the table as you let you a surprised yelp. Hands brace against the edge of the table. Simon maintains his calm composure. "Are you sure?" he takes another bite of the fluffy dessert. 
You weren't sure if it was the liquor going to your head or the rush of adrenaline but you felt bold. You rest your cheek on your propped up hand, offering the most innocent eyes you can muster, as you delicately slide your foot along the smooth leather of his boot. Simon swallows and gently places his fork back on the table.
"What do you think of it?" you question in a hushed tone. your foot travels further up his ankle, dipping under his pant leg to feel his hot skin underneath. 
"It's sweet," He states simply but his words roll off his tongue smooth as butter. 
"Not too sweet?" You tilt your head the slightest bit.
"Hm," he hums in contemplation. Your eyes drift down to watch his hands grasp his drink. He grips the glass in his large palm. The rolled sleeves of his long sleeve reveal the muscles in his arm shifting when he raises the glass to his mouth. For the first time you notice a faint raised scar cutting through the outer corner of his lip and stopping just shy of the edge of his nose. He takes a long swig of the brown liquid, not quite finishing the drink. As he pulls back his lips glisten in the warm light. "Not bad when it's paired with a stiff drink," his tongue is quick to swipe across, collecting the residue. 
"I'll be sure to make a note of that." you smile sweetly. "Can I get you another drink?" You look down at the last sip coating the bottom of the glass. You make sure to flutter your lashes when you look back up at him. 
"Are you trying to get me drunk?" A smirk raises the corner of his mouth.
"No," you laugh. "Why, do you want me to?" 
He releases a deep gravelly laugh that makes your stomach stir. Then he glances at his watch and your stomach drops. 
"I need to get going." He mumbles. He pulls his leg away from yours and rises out of his chair. 
"Wait," you rush to stand, almost knocking your seat over in the process. "Can I- uh- get you a bit of pasta to go? There’s plenty left" Trying to think of any excuse to keep him here a moment longer. 
"S'okay, save it. Maybe I'll come by another time." He turns and steps out of your kitchen and into the hallway leading to your front door in only a few wide strides. 
"Are you sure?" You don't intend for your voice to come out as needy as it does. You follow on his heels like a lost puppy.
"I've got an early morning." Before he reaches the door he turns, seemingly surprised by how close you are to him. He looks down at your big round eyes. 
"Okay," you smile trying not to look defeated. "Well, you're welcome over anytime. I mean it, just knock and I'll probably be home. I'm gonna try writing at home more. Try to avoid that guy." You let out a halfhearted chuckle. "Maybe, you should get my number. Y'know, in case you want to check if I'm home."
"I'm alright, I'll just knock" His hand finds the doorknob. "Thanks for dinner, it was nice" Then he turns to go. Closing the door politely behind him. 
You rush to the peephole, watching his distorted figure step out of sight followed by the sound of his own door shutting. You rest your hot forehead against the cool wood grain of your door. 
You step back in the kitchen and begin putting away the leftovers. Piling the pasta into tupperware, rinsing the plates, collecting silverware. His glass remains in place with a sliver of scotch leftover. You hold the glass up in the light and see a faint smudge on its rim. You twist the cup around so your own mouth lines up with the imprint he left. You swallow the last bit slowly, savoring the way the sharp burn eases into a smooth, smoky aftertaste. You never liked scotch, but now you are starting to understand the meaning of an acquired taste.
The low atmospheric music is abruptly interrupted by an ad loudly cutting through the calm space. You rush into the living room to find the remote, hiding among the cushions and various throw pillows. Growing frustrated you end up walking over and manually hitting the power button. The silence that replaces it isn’t much better though. You step back and let your weak legs carry you until you collapse onto the comfort of your couch. The wine followed by the glass of scotch you polished off makes your head feel light but your limbs so heavy. You turn from your back to your side, realizing the used glass is still clutched in your hand. 
You reach across the gap and set it down on the coffee table with a thud. Your hand retreats back to rest under your head. You stare at it, taking in all the imperfections left on its reflective surface. Your eyes trace the rim once again looking for the smudge. On the corner you see the shadow of an impression peeking out underneath the red lipstick mark you have smeared over it. 
Across the wall Simon falls back on his own couch. He looks around his dull apartment wondering what you have done differently to make your place look so welcoming. He never minded the minimal decorations he had. A photo frame with his team that his buddy gifted him and a couple of books always seemed like enough. After comparison though it just feels empty. 
He can hear you stomp across your floor. Footstep rushing from the kitchen until you're straight ahead. The sound of your TV turning off bathes the room in sudden silence. Only thing he can hear now is the rushing of his air conditioning unit. He considered your music annoying but now he couldn’t deny the way it added an unconscious energy to the small unit. Now sitting here, the cool tone of the overhead kitchen light illuminating into the living room he feels as though something is missing. Maybe a nice lamp would help. 
@azkza @neurolept @contractedcriteria @hidden-treasures21 @sprokat @stark-red19
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princessbrunette · 5 months
thinking about calling pogue!rafe over because your hot water isn’t working and he’s acting all annoyed but he’s lowkey kicking his feet at the fact that he gets to be in your home. maybe even asking him to stay after your shower so you can cook him something as a reward and play house for a bit 🩷🩷🩷
ೀ 🐰 ‧ ˚ 🪽 ⊹˚. ♡
my favourite thing about pogue!rafe is that he acts soooo inconvenienced by your presence. he hates kooks, think they’re so stuck up — so he can’t help but feel to push you away. always referring to you as a ‘stuck up little girl’ whilst he’s only a couple of years older than you. he’d done some work on the house before, and whilst your parents are away you literally don’t know who to call to fix your hot water problem so you try him, pacing around your room.
at first during your call, he tells you he’s got a shit tonne of work to be doing on other houses and doesn’t have time to drop everything for a kook princess. he can practically see your little pout through the phone, but keeps up his attitude until you thank him for his time anyway, sadly throwing out a little “no, i understand it’s okay. i’ll probably just hit up that jj maybank. i heard he’s pretty handy.” and suddenly he’s changed his tune, physically sitting up from his slouched position to be all “shit, okay fine… fine. i’ll be there in twenty minutes just — just don’t call anyone else a’ight?”
he’s sulking when he turns up with his tool box and that muscle tank and shorts with paint and dirt on them — unable to stop sucking on your bottom lip because he’s just so big and strong. he’s ignoring your lustful gaze with everything in him as he walks through to your bathroom. “lets just get this out the way, yeah?” he drawls as he gets to work.
you sit on the sink and swing your legs, not leaving him alone as he works simply chatting his ear off, seemingly unphased by his blunt replies, finding creative ways to shut you down like reminding you “yeah, uh you’re my little sisters age.” however you seemed totally unscathed, only working harder to prove you’re grown enough to take him.
“should be workin’ fine now so uh… just wire me the money n’we’ll be good. doin’ overtime right now so i kinda just wanna go home.” he waves you off and you step infront of him.
“you’re finished working?”
“di’nt i just say that kid?” he drawls and you grin, dragging him to your lounge.
“perfect! look i really wanna thank you specially for bein’ so helpful to me even though it’s clear you don’t want to. let me cook you dinner. please? i got beer and uh… i’ll make it really good. oh please rafe, my parents are away and i’m all alone.”
he sighs like it tortures his whole being, but he couldn’t deny that your house was super nice — nicer to hang out in than his shitty little fishing shack that he calls a home. he’d heard the cops had been sniffing around for him wanting to talk about a little ‘altercation’ he recently wound up in and didn’t have the energy to deal with that. no one would suspect him in the kook princess headquarters.
he cracks open a beer and lounges on your couch watching tv as you prepare the food for him before sticking everything in the oven and heading upstairs to shower. he doesn’t notice your presence disappear until you’ve returned in the tiniest little night gown and damp hair, leading him to the dining room where you serve up his food.
“some real housewife shit, huh?” he can’t hold back his smile as you seat him infront of a hearty meal. you feel all warm at the implication, shrugging modestly.
it’s inevitable that you wind up in his lap after he’s eaten, having sat with him and flirted — leaning over the table with your tits practically spilling out. you can’t quite recall how you got there, in between telling him you had nothing on under the nightgown and him telling you that it wasn’t his fault that men had primal instincts or some shit like that — but soon he was pulling your dress up to your waist and stuffing himself inside you, roughly fucking up into you.
“oww, rafey!” you whine at how rough he’s being with you, not used to being treated like anything but a princess. he can tell it’s an act though, and you truly do love it from the way your walls contract around him.
“nah, nah you knew what you were doin’ inviting me here. what were — were you just sittin’ around with a fuckin’ wet pussy waitin’ on your moment to invite me round n’let you fuck on me? huh? that was this is?” he bucks his hips, holding onto you to completely take control from below, bashing you against the table with each thrust that was certain to leave bruises.
you whimper, pressing your body to his trying to win over some affection as you sniffle. “just got such a crush on you, rafe.” you mewl and he scoffs, taking that moment to pick you up in his lap and place you on the dining room table instead, gaining more control so he could keep rutting into you.
“sick’a you little kook girls tryn’a — tryn’a use me like im some little experiment that you can toss to the side afterwards.” he complains, gripping your hips and practically using you like a toy. if he wasn’t holding you up, you’d be completely limp.
“dont want you with other girls! not — not gonna get rid of you i just want you.” you defend, and finally he slows his punishing pace to catch his breath, staring down at you analytically with parted lips, dick twitching inside you at the confession.
“that right?” he deadpans and you nod, teary eyed. “that why you let me in this princess cunt raw? huh? no protection or nothin’? just… just hoping i pull out? ha…” he chuckles maliciously, starting to push in deeper once more, upping his pace just a tad. “yeah… yeah maybe i should nut right in here—” he caresses your lower tummy making you whimper, completely at his mercy with your legs split. “knock up some kook pussy. won’t just be a phase then will i? nah baby… nah you’d be stuck with me for life.”
he’s got a sick smile on his face, but what he’s not expecting is for you to grip the back of his neck, your bottom lip wobbling with a serious look in your eyes. “do it.” you command and his face drops a little, realising that maybe he was dealing with a girl that had it bad for him. that, or you’re trying to get some sort of revenge on your parents. either option made his dick throb.
ೀ 🐰 ‧ ˚ 🪽 ⊹˚. ♡
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bangytell · 9 months
jk | m
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Santa, tell me if you're really there Don't make me fall in love again If he won't be here next year. Santa, tell me — Ariana Grande
Summary: After the holidays, your new boyfriend gives you more than enough reasons to know he wants you.
Genre: Friends to lovers, smut
Rated: mature
Pairing: Jungkook x f!reader
Word Count: 1.4 k
Warnings: non idol au! Pet names (here we go again), jealousy, thristing over Jungkook, oral (fem! receive), degradation kink? unprotected sex, creampie, double orgasm and pussy drunk Jungkook
a/n: Here's a second part of my soo dear brother's best friend, just some smut cause we all love it, and have a merry christmas !!!
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Having Jungkook as your now boyfriend had you in pure bliss, everything with him was feeling so perfect, the last two months of holiday break were a daydream, reality came to you when you started to talk about your university routine, Jungkook had too many of extracurricular activities and not so many of free time.
“Don't worry, love, I'm sure we'll make it work” he caresses your face and gifts you a peck on the nose
But you were so unsure. Something in the inside of your stomach made you… anxious.
Jungkook was so attractive and the ability to do every little task so smoothly and perfectly had the attention of almost if not every girl in school and you both were so newlyweds you were unsure if he would maintain that decision of being with you.
Surely you didn't have all your schedule full of activities, you weren't so popular, your only friend being Ava, other than Jungkook and your brother. As you watched another series together a week before classes began and you were snuggled in the cup of Jungkook's neck as he caressed your hair, you were anxiously thinking and fidgeting your fingers.
“I can hear your thoughts love” You chuckle
“ Don’ worry baby” he hums and pauses the tv show
“Tell me what your earworm is eating inside” you giggle and sigh feeling uncertain as if you should let your overthinking got the best in you, with a smile you gaze upon him from his chest and shake your head in deny
He didn't push you any further, knowing that it was something that you'll tell him, eventually, or he thought you would.
After classes, Jungkook has boxing training. He invites you over, and since you have to do your routine, you do attend.
After his instructor gives a few shouting with instructions you notice a girl, no more taller than you with a beautiful long hair in a high ponytail asking something to your boyfriend and then pointing out her gloves, he gaze at you, as expecting for approval and you shrug your elbows, the girl suddenly has a pout and she walks away, with her gloves in hand, the rejection gave you a wave of confidence.
You see him as his hands punch the punching bag, and the way his muscles flexes and how the drip of sweat fall of his forehead as his long black hair sticks to his neck, barely letting him see in front of him, he looks even feral and something in your core makes your heart pounding heavy in your heart and you're sure that if you were alone you'll definitely pull his shorts off of him and make him cum undone by your mouth. He gazes at you, noticing the way you're looking at him, and he grins in satisfaction as he continues to release a punch here and there.
His class finishes, and then the instructor tells everyone to jump with the rope, and you're sure you're about to implosion if his body keeps moving like that in front of you. The class is over now and he approaches you, holding your waist, all full of sweat yet still smelling clean and so masculine, he pulls you to his warm body and kisses you softly but hungry, as if he had been deprived of you for so long.
“If you continue to drool for me in that way i dunno if I'll be able to let you finish your workout” you giggle as he pulls away from you
The rest of your workout continues smoothly, at the end the usual chit chat as he mentions the girl with the gloves, she wanted help, but he told her very politely he was busy already, when you get home you realize you're alone, you invite him over, and soon you're both walking towards your room. He sees the swings of your hips and the way the fabric hugs your body, once inside he pulls you to his body, kissing you hungrily as you cave in to his strokes in your body and the way his warm close to yours makes you a wombling mess.
He's taking off your clothes, in between wet kisses and gasps from feeling the cold air.
He's golding your body, not stepping away from the door, each cloth already on the floor and he's kissing his way down to your neck, his hand caresses your breasts and you're moaning his name as you're trembling as your aching pussy feels neglected.
“Such a needy slut” you moan his name and he kneel in front of you, looking up and you gasp as he licks the nub of nerves, you loll your head back and he hums and you feel the vibration in your cunt, soon you have one digit into your pussy and its becoming really hard for you to stay standing up, his hands maintain your legs in place and your hand is making swirls into his long locks.
Hes sucking and licking, bullying your pussy with two fingers now and you can't do more than moan and gasp saying his name as a prayer.
“Look at you, all tear apart for me” he grins and continues his pace as you feel yourself gettin closer to your orgasm
“ ‘m coming Jungkook! oh… fuck!” your body trembles and he keeps you in place as he sucks and licks the milky secretion leaving your slutty hole.
“C’mon baby I haven't even fucked you yet” he helps you get in fours at the edge of the bed, you keep your ass up and your face is buried in your bed, at the sight Jungkook discharges his sweatpants and boxers and he can't seem to focus, he begins to slide his tip onto your folds, and he adores the way you're moaning, he loves the sight of your dripping and bullied cunt.
He lets out a groan as he buries himself into your cunt, you gasp and he holds your hips as he begins to thrust into you
“I know you were jealous of that girl at the gym…” he groans again as his thrust become slower and he leaves a trail of kisses onto your back. “But I can only think of you, and your slutty little hole all tight and pretty for me” you moan as his pace quickens he pulls you and now you're holding with your hands as he cups your breasts with one hand and he adores to watch them bounce.
He leaves wet kisses onto your neck and you're with nothing on your mind as one of his hands goes to your clit, the fact that he's doing you raw and that his soft thumb is massaging your clit in circles is making you more that a mess, all dumb for him, only and ever him
“Jungkook! ‘m close so close!” you shout and moan as your orgasm hits you again.
He feels the way your body trembles and the way your cunt is almost sucking him in it makes him cum with a guttural sound, he moans your name and his cum and your own is dripping as he slips out of your cunt.
You let your body fall in your bed as he leaves to your personal bathroom, you close your eyes, sigh in blissfulness and when you open your eyes again you notice him with a towel, cleaning the mixture of fluids.
He smiles and you do too.
“I went raw, I'm sorry” you shake your head in deny
“No worries, I'm on the pill” he kneels and you giggle
“Why didn't you… told me sooner” you chuckle and he does too as his ears and cheeks turn crimson
“How can you call me a slut in a moment and the other your flushing for cumming inside of me” he laughs as he sees you grabbing your clothes
“Well you know”
After getting dressed, you cuddle, he caresses your hair and leaves soft pecks at your temple.
“You know I was afraid you'd leave me when we started classes” he looks confused
“Why 's that?” you chuckle
“Well, you're very popular, and good looking, and your body is like a dream come true I mean, I didn't really thought you were going to still be with…me” he listens to you, and nods understanding your words
“I've waited so long to be with you, and I wouldn't hurt you, that's a promise” he kisses you, softly as you open your mouth and with your tongue open your way to his
“I promise we'll be together as long as you allow me”
After that statement, you knew he could be the partner you'll like to maintain for the rest of your life, and who knows, maybe you would.
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©️bangytell, please do not copy or steal my work. Any translation can’t be done. This is the only way to read it.
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uncookedfeeler · 21 days
Cok's adventure II 🐙
Giselle x You
Tags : 7k5, Idol Giselle, story, smut, creature kink, anal, creampie, oral, breed, domination, ...
Part 1 Part 3
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As the night goes on, the sirens of police and emergency services are still ringing in the city, where journalists are now swarming around the building, trying to get as much information as possible. Giselle is waiting for her manager to arrive in a café a couple of blocks away. She's put her bags and package at her feet and is enjoying a vanilla cappuccino. She can hear the TV not far away, with a live report from a journalist covering the accident:
"This is Jin, a reporter for K-News." The mall just had its last customers leave. There was a loud noise nearby, and a huge cloud of smoke was still coming from the building. We don't have all the details yet, but we'll do our best to get them to you as soon as we can. We've been told that the emergency services are still refusing our interviews. Are they trying to cover something up? The journalist kept going with his report, even though she was there at the scene, the situation had happened so fast, and she didn't know any more than he did.
Giselle notices her phone is vibrating in her pocket. She checks her screen and sees several missed calls from Karina, plus a notification in their chat.
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She knew she could count on her members when she got home, and they'd reached out with some comforting messages. However, her tough-girl image was starting to show some cracks. The day had been long and stressful, and she was feeling the effects. Giselle's mood has taken a bit of a turn for the worse. She used to enjoy her freedom and her little adventures on her own, but now she wishes she hadn't gone out today.
She looks relieved when she sees her manager come into the café. He comes over to get her bags, and Giselle, feeling a bit embarrassed, heads for the exit. She feels her manager's hand rubbing her back as a gesture of kindness.
The night is now more aggressive, sending waves of cold wind across the city and blowing Giselle's hair around. The cold air hits her face, still covered in makeup. She picked up the pace, eager to get to the car and find some shelter. She notices the lights on her manager's car are blinking, indicating it's unlocked. She puts her hand on the back door handle, tosses her purse into the middle seat, and gets in, fastening her seatbelt as she goes. She's eager to get home.
She hears the trunk open and her manager say, "Let me drop off your stuff, and we'll get going." "I'll be as quick as I can." The man's voice is reassuring. He puts the bags and package one behind the other, then runs over to the driver's seat.
You've been stuck in this black box for a while now, even though you can't see anything and your tentacles are all tangled up. You're calm and thinking about the best way to get out. You feel the vibrations of the ride and wait helplessly for what's to come.
The ride home is as quiet as a church. Giselle looks out the window and enjoys the light show. The manager, despite his best efforts, would rather focus on the road. He knows the member will find the right words. 
Once parked in the underground lot, the way to the dormitory is the same. Giselle leads the way, and her manager is busy with shopping. They get to a big white door. She opens the black box on the side, enters the 4-digit code, then closes it. You hear a small validation sound, and the lock releases. Giselle goes in first. She takes off her shoes, and her manager leaves her stuff at the entrance before heading back to the elevator. "Good night, Giselle. See you tomorrow. You've got the day off, so make the most of it!" he says after completing his mission. She quickly turns to thank him, a big smile on her face.
Now that she was barefoot, she put her shoes back where they belonged and opened the door to the main room. There she finds Karina sitting on the sofa and Ninging's body, clearly unconscious from exhaustion. The leader takes the initiative and comes to hug her, like a mother would comfort her child after a difficult event.
There's no need to say anything. Both women enjoy the moment of silence. Karina is relieved to see that her colleague is unharmed. Giselle is happy to be home. They spent a good two minutes rubbing each other's backs before they heard Winter come back from the doorway.
"The food is here!" the young girl announces, her hands full of plastic bags. She'd gone downstairs a while before Giselle got there to start cooking dinner. Karina and Winter get the food ready while Giselle takes her things back to her room. She quickly put her stuff away and went back to the living room. Ningning was brought back to life successfully when the young woman caught a smell of food filling her nostrils.
After dinner, the girls enjoyed the food and Giselle's spirits lifted for a moment. She was able to forget what had happened that day. It was well past midnight, and the girls were heading to their rooms to get some rest.
Speaking of privacy, when Giselle returns to her room, she decides to change into her pajamas. She removes her clothes, including her underwear, and puts on a long white t-shirt that reaches to her knees. Her two large mounds hug the shape of the clothing, and her anal plug is still firmly lodged in her small asshole. 
Now she turns her attention to the package that caused her so much trouble. She grabs the scissors on her desk and begins to open it with a vertical motion. As the employee said, the package has already been opened, so there are only a few pieces of tape holding it in place.
You've finally had a chance to see the light. The room is warm and bright, and the light hits your eyes. You catch a hint of a sweet smell as it wafts in towards your nostrils. You come face to face with a human with black hair, big brown eyes, and perfect skin. Her lips are painted a pretty pink, and her skin is white like the flash of a light. As soon as you lock eyes, you freeze, suddenly aware of where you are. It's likely that the Humans have already killed one of your own, and there's no reason to believe they won't do the same to you.
"Wow, so cute" Giselle says as she looks at you and quickly picks you up to put you on the ground keeping her eyes on you the whole time. She had a pretty good idea of what to expect from an octopus and never thought she'd get such a pretty toy. Octopuses aren't the most attractive creatures, but when she sees your little round head, black eyes, and mouth, she can't help but think of you as a little puppy.
She opens it by touching your tentacles. Much to her surprise, she feels your warmth in her hands. The gelatinous yet firm feeling is pretty addictive. She places her fingers on your suction cups and feels how strong they are. The pleasure of touching you now makes her feel good, so she puts her lips on your head, and you don't seem to mind. Instead, she follows up with a quick flick of her tongue, releasing a sweet but not unpleasant taste into her mouth. 
She starts by putting two of your tentacles in her mouth. The contact of her lips and tongue makes you quiver inside. The sensation of moisture at your tips is a pleasure you've never experienced before. Then you feel more tentacles on her warm body. Soon you're completely used by the human.
You're still immobile, and you're starting to worry about the attacks on your body. The fact that she's started putting her lips on you and even biting your head makes you think she's going to eat you. Then you feel your body being lifted and you land in a soft, comfortable place.
Giselle has taken the liberty of placing you on her bed. "I think it must be hidden over there," she says, peering between your tentacles. She notices a crack and gets really concerned. "What?" "I can't believe they sent me the female model!" She starts to touch your "bottom." 
"What on earth is this person doing? Why is she putting her hands so close to...?" 
Your excitement causes your penis to jerk out from between your tentacles. You feel vibrations running from the middle to the tip of your tentacles.
"Oh my, that looks so much like the real thing!" Giselle's eyes widen and she blushes. She's got the penis of a space creature in front of her, and she has no idea. She uses her hand as a measuring tool and assesses it with interest. "Oh my goodness!" "It's probably going to reach my uterus with ease."
Things have escalated quickly. Just a few moments ago, you thought you were in serious danger. Now, a human has just pulled your dick. You feel her breath on the tip. You're frozen in place, realizing what's going on. You don't see the human, but you get a few jolts and a sensation of moisture around your cock. It touches something that looks like a tentacle. It's itchy, and the heat and moisture of your cock make you feel warm and relaxed.
Giselle had taken your cock in her mouth without you noticing. She started with gentle kisses on the tip and then took the length into her mouth. Her tongue traced the length of your shaft, tasting the natural flavor of your arousal. Giselle gave it her all, already reaching for her pussy, naked as could be.
Giselle inserts a finger into her wet little hole and forces her ass to move her butt plug, determined to get her satisfaction. It's a great feeling to have both holes taken care of. She keeps going with your cock, and thick drops of saliva stick to it.
On the other hand, you found the pleasure increasingly difficult to bear. You never thought something like this could happen in your life. You felt the human's hands take your tentacles and wrap them in two spheres of flesh. She squeezes your tentacles with her hands, and you hear her moan. One of your tentacles is pulled to the ground before you feel a sticky warmth at the tip.
Giselle was letting off some steam after a long day. She'd wrapped her toy cock around both of her breasts. Her previous sucking had made the shaft quite slimy, which helped as she massaged the cock while licking the tip hungrily. One of the tentacles kept going into her pussy. She could feel the suction of the cups peeling her walls back, and a nasty stain had appeared on the floor. The room was getting warmer as Giselle pressed her breasts against your cock, making sure to put more saliva on your length. She dropped to her knees and jumped up a few times, feeling the tentacles breaking into her hungry little pink pussy.
The pleasure was overwhelming. You felt like you were floating on a cloud, and you released your cum without knowing where it would land. You automatically grabbed Giselle's head, pulling her closer. Your penis hit a wall that you couldn't identify. Giselle is taken aback when she suddenly sees the cock piercing her throat, her breasts squeezed between her and her toy, her pussy sweating warmly, leaving an incessant liquid on the floor. The pleasure is too sudden, and her body tenses before she drowns in her orgasm. She feels the spasms of her body travel as long as she is held by the creature.
You know you messed up. You've kept a poker face the whole time, but you can't help but feel pleasure. Once you've let go of the human's head, though your cock is still hard, you straighten up to face her.
Giselle was caught off guard by the taste and smell of the substance, and before she knew it, she'd swallowed some of it. She sensed that something was amiss. No toy is designed to trap its user in this way. She backed away from the bed, cum all over her face, and a feeling of dread hit her as she came into contact with her new "toy."
She was at a loss as to how to react. There was an octopus on her bed, standing upright with a terrified look on its face. The tentacles were almost touching her face, as if to protect themselves. She stood there for a few minutes, naked, her face covered in cum, her breasts reddened, and her pussy hot and lubricated. 
You're standing in front of the human, ready to defend yourself if you need to. You don't speak their language and you're not sure where you are. Your only option for survival is to escape, but you know you're trapped in this room without looking. Then, right in the middle of your confusion, the human reaches out to you. Her expression is firm but not threatening. If you were in her shoes, you'd probably use your advantage, but the human doesn't seem to be going down that route. You're not sure what her gesture means, but you extend one of your tentacles toward her and make contact, aware of the risks if she catches you.
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(Yes this image exist for some reason)
Your eyes are still locked together. You can feel the softness of her hand on your tentacle, then she gently applies pressure to bind you, moving up and down. She smiles and lets go of your tentacle to come over to the bed. She's just a few inches away from you. Her body blocks the light from the ceiling. You slowly bring your tentacles towards you, being careful not to make any sudden movements.
She's trying to communicate. You hear her say "Gis-elle" while pointing at her face with her hand. This isn't the first time you've come across other species that can speak. You know that people have names, and through repeated movements and words, you've come to understand that her name is "Giselle." You also try to imitate Giselle's gestures: "Cok, cok, cok." You do this a few more times, pointing your tentacles at your face.
Giselle, on the other hand, quickly realized that your name was Cok. "What am I going to do with you now?" "You don't look like the octopus I see at the market sometimes, and the fact that you can talk doesn't make my job any easier." "You just played a dirty trick on me. My body is stained with your semen, so I guess a shower is necessary now. Don't worry, water shouldn't scare you." 
You don't understand what Giselle is saying, but she comes closer and picks you up before putting you back in her bag. Once again, you find yourself in a dark place, your erection notwithstanding. You always hope that nothing will happen to you.
Giselle, who has put her T-shirt back on, opens her bedroom door with her bag under her arm and heads to the bathroom. She makes sure the room is empty before opening her bag.
You feel Giselle's hands emerge from the darkness, and you discover a new environment that's even brighter than the last one. Even though you don't understand a word she's saying, she still gives you a quick overview of the place. "Welcome to our bathroom. Across from us is a shower and a jacuzzi. The sinks are to your left. "You'll find our toilets tucked away to the right." She goes over everything in the bathroom and points. You follow her with your eyes, even though you're still a bit confused.
She puts you down by the sink, and you watch as she tosses your semen-soaked t-shirt into a bucket. Then she heads over to the spot she calls the "Jacuzzi" and bends over to turn on the water, showing you her butt plug she left at "home" along the way. She gives you a signal to follow her by pointing at you as she steps into the jacuzzi. As you crawl towards her and finally plunge into the water, a haze of warmth fills the room.
"Ah, that feels good," she says with a smile. You have to agree; the sensation of swimming in this warm water is very pleasant. You see her look at you and smile, and you feel her hand on her head as she rubs it gently. 
You notice Giselle looking at you and feel her feet rubbing against your leg. Each time she makes contact, she immediately pulls her foot back, but she keeps coming back for more. She gives a little smile that you can't miss. "mhh-hhh" You hear her making little whimpering sounds, and it's your turn to gently caress her toes, making sure to get your tentacles between each one. Her toes are clinging to you, and you're not sure what her hands are doing. 
You then dip your head into the water and watch in surprise as two tiny fingers rub against her pretty pussy. You see them go into her body and then immediately come back out again. She speeds up the rhythm, and you realize you're no longer feeling pressure on your tentacles. This allows you to move up her legs as you bring your head closer to her perfectly smooth pussy, which is just a few inches away from your face.
"Not so sweet so fast my dear, let me savor you first" You see her suddenly stand up and lean towards you, her breasts right in front of you, her nipples still hard. Up close, you realize how beautiful they are. She spreads her legs while bending her knees and comes to lay her dirty pussy on your head. She rubs lightly against you and continues to pound her cunt with her fingers. "Oh, ah, I'm coming," Giselle says. A bit more pressure is applied to your skull, with her slit rubbing against you as her fingers play with her little clit above the entrance.
Her legs suddenly spasm, and you feel a rush of water hit your head and body. It's clear that the source is her red, quivering pussy. "Wow, that feels great," she says, her eyes full of desire. She's now sitting up, her legs feeling a bit wobbly. She's aware of what she's doing and the show she's putting on, and she sees your hard cock. She wants to use her toy right now, too. She's so caught up in her ecstasy that she doesn't care what you look like. She just wants a good fuck to bring her back to earth.
Giselle puts her hands behind her back and hears a "poc" as she removes her toy from her ass. You can see her face twitch with pleasure as she takes her partner out of her hole and places him in a small bowl next to the jacuzzi. She turns around to show you her backside, and you get a close-up of her freshly spread ass and her little pussy, still waiting to be loved. She uses her left hand to spread her hole, revealing all of her warm flesh as she points at the entrance repeatedly.
You can tell when a female is in heat, no matter what species. Giselle is releasing pheromones that indicate she's ready for male attention. That's all she needs, and without further ado, you make a swim towards her, climb up her legs and point your rod at her backside. Your tentacles squeeze her buttocks while you linger on both of her breasts. Not content with this lack of attention, the last one goes to her mouth, which you don't fail to penetrate. You're there, in possession of a human body, ready to fill her with your entire being.
"Cok cok cok cok cok" you hear your name as you tease her by rubbing your cock against her entrance, but this was a mistake. Giselle, who takes your cock in her hand and puts it in her ass herself, screams as you come hard against her ass. “Ohhh fuck, it’s big” Giselle's insides are warm and welcoming around your cock as you thrust into her ass. You start thrusting back and forth, harder and harder. “Mhhh-mhh more” she cries, your combined movements cause the water to shake as you satisfy your new mistress. You feel her tongue around your tentacle, trying to give you the best suck she can. You also pinch her breasts while playing with her nipples. You give her an ass-slapping rhythm to match her bouncing buttocks.
"More, more, more!" Giselle moans, lost in pleasure. She reverts to a simple primate, in need of pleasure. Her head is thrown back as you grab her hair and pull her towards you. The force of your bodies hitting each other leaves red marks on her buttocks. You move on to her stiff breasts and push into her still-wet pussy with a sharp thrust. Giselle ends up being double penetrated.
The noise in the room is getting louder by the second, and Giselle is losing all her self-control. She's on her hands and knees, her breasts pressed against the edge of the jacuzzi. She's being mistreated by her new toy; You don't let go, every time you pull her hair, she tightens around your cock: "Harder, hurt me, baby". She gives everything, the frenzy of your bodies increases, the heat in the room is at its peak. Her ass has become your sheath and your masculinity belongs to her.
While you ravage her ass, your tentacles take care of her dripping pussy, you come slamming against these walls while repeating circular movements, the tips are compressed to the extreme, this bitch has cum several times already, when you remove your tentacles, her fluid explodes from her slit before going back in again and again.
The thrusts are getting stronger and stronger as you feel the release coming. Her pussy fills the water again, and you feel Giselle's body go in one last thrust. Then you grab her hair in two spots and thrust as far as you can into her. You feel immense pleasure as you release all your cum into her conquered hole.
As you let go of her hair, you fall backwards, hitting the water with a small splash. When you return to the surface, Giselle is still in the same position, looking like she's waiting for anything to happen. You can see your cum coming out of her ass and sliding down her body, and her little pussy is lightly covered in your seed, which falls into the water. Your cock is now completely dry and fully retracted behind your slit.
The water is covered in semen and Giselle's wetness as they float on the surface of the jacuzzi. You hear her ass spew your cum in waves with obscene noises, then Giselle turns around, her arms slumped on the side of the jacuzzi. Her hair is a mess, and her body is covered with the marks left by your lovemaking.
You can't see Giselle's eyes, hidden by her hair, and you're waiting for her next reaction. You stand there staring at each other in an awkward silence. It's not forever, though, because you hear a knock on the door. "Giselle, I need to use the toilet," you hear her say. Of course, you can't understand, but you quickly grasp the situation when you see Giselle's panic-stricken face. 
"I'll be ready in two minutes. I'll just rinse off and get out," says Giselle, taken aback. As she presses the button to drain the water from the Jacuzzi, she grabs you by the tentacles and heads for the shower, bumping into you on the ledge as she goes. "Don't be a princess. I've already seen you naked. I'm going to pee myself," she says as the door opens. You find yourself behind the curtain, restrained by Giselle's arms around her stomach.
You feel the hot water fall on your bodies as you're held back by Giselle. Her breasts press against your head, and you feel her breathing quicken. "You were totally fine showing me your butt plug in the dressing room, and now you're afraid I'll see you naked?" a woman says now sitting on the toilet, the sound of the shower masking that of the toilet.
“Shut up and hurry away, I'd like to dry off and...” Giselle feels your semen leaking from her ass again, which startles her. She knows the water won't cover the leaking on her leg. She looks at you and, with her hands, mimes her anus and the other finger, asking to plug it up. You use your tentacles to come and penetrate your anus and her … pussy
She's always happy to have her holes well occupied, but Giselle trembles at the presence of your tentacles inside her. Your communication still isn't perfect, but you've done what she asked. You feel the liquid trying to get out at the tip of your tentacle. Now that she's in the shower, Giselle takes the opportunity to wash her body and hair. You now stand alone at her waist with your tentacles around her, keeping the two of them warm deep in those caves. She watched Karina finish her business and leave the room after washing her hands at the sink. "Good night, Giselle," she said as she closed the door. Giselle had noticed that Karina was wearing only her panties.
The danger is now gone, so you pull your tentacles back while still holding on to Giselle. You slide down until you touch the ground, "You bastard, you've filled me well. Even my pussy hurts." Of course, she knows you don't understand. She moves her legs closer to you again, and you feel a warm liquid fall on her head. "Here, this will teach you to take me for your bitch."
Giselle had just pissed in your face. You frown and whip her lower legs with a tentacle. All the while laughing. She approaches you and rubs you with a soft ball that quickly foams. The rubbing sensation is pleasant, and Giselle works hard to rub it all over your body. Although you still can't communicate verbally, you feel like you're doing pretty well with this woman. It's hard to picture her as a threat now that she's let you take a "dominant role". Once the shower's over and she shows you how to use a hairdryer, she doesn't even put you back in her bag. She holds you in her arms at stomach level.
The quiet click of her bedroom door means you're safe again. Giselle turns down the lights in the room, the temperature is just right, and there's a nice smell of freshness from the shower. She'd changed into her pajamas, which were a loose-fitting T-shirt and pink shorts that let her lower body breathe. You stand on her bed and watch her brush her hair in front of the mirror.
Like her, you're tired from your journey. Sleep is one of your needs, unlike oxygen or food. Your body feels heavy and you sense that you're about to fall asleep. You feel a sudden motion on the bed as Giselle opens the blanket to slip into it. You're afraid of being crushed, so you shake your head no when she asks you to come closer. 
You fall asleep on the pillow next to your mistress like a little puppy. Giselle grabs one of your tentacles and inserts it into her ass. After all, she wouldn't want you to run away now. You lose consciousness, feeling a warm sensation at the tip.
Giselle starts to wake up as the sun comes through the curtains, painting shapes on the wall. She feels her limbs are pleasantly heavy, with a soft ache from the restless night spent with her unlikely new friend. She turns to her side and laughs softly. There he is, her toy, an octopus, sprawled across her pillow, his tentacles lazily dropping over the edge.
The faint sounds of footsteps and lights under her door indicated that her bandmates were still getting ready for their day's work. She was the only one with a day off; her next schedule is the following night. As she discreetly slips out of her bed, she feels your tentacle gradually withdrawing from the depths of her ass as she moves towards the door, stopping for her own pleasure along the way and taking advantage of the last few inches still inside her, she disappears from her room.
You are awakened by the light coming from Giselle's bedroom door. Your body is still resting on one of her pillows. Your tentacles are scattered all over the bed and floor. Two shadows suddenly appear in your pupils, not fully dilated. You struggle to recognize the people in front of you :"Wow, what's this, Giselle-Unni really has poor taste," a quiet voice lets out. "It's probably her new doll. Hurry, grab the tablet from the bedside table. We're going to be late."The second grumbles as she grabs the tablet herself.
As they leave the room, you can see Giselle in the distance under the hallway lights, "Giselle, when you take the tablet, remember to put it back in the living room, we need it for our challenge!" she says nothing and walks towards you, closing the door behind her.
"Good morning, sir. It looks like you slept well here," she says with a smile as the two of you are alone again. In the distance, you hear the front door slamming, which means the other humans have left.
With a flick of her wrist, she opens the curtains to let in the light, then goes to the other corner of her room to find her clothes. Her "pajamas" twirl around the room, revealing, to your surprise, her butt plug. She grabs you and carries you out of her room. You're now in what looks like the main room of her dormitory. From the height of the table, you can see your surroundings and are now at Giselle's bust height.
The silence is broken by a sound coming from Giselle's buttocks. She removes a device from it and brings it to her ear while sitting across from you.
"Yes, manager-nim..." The rest is hard to understand, since she had taken the malicious pleasure of coming to crush her two mounds on your head and caress one of your tentacles as if it were one of her strands of hair. The weight of her breasts exerts a gentle pressure on you. Her softness is a small cloud over your misery. 
In revenge, you come and squeeze her breasts through her clothes and take the time to insert one between in imitation of your big cock. Her face turns red; "In about how long?" she sighs. She pulls her clothes down to reveal her tiny nipples, which you must immediately attack with your tongue. It was already sensitive and hard in your mouth. "Mmmh, I'll w....ait for you..... then," you alternate between her nipples, one being devoured by your mouth while the other receives love from a tentacle. Her breathing stops and becomes irregular. The pleasure is intense but brief.
"See you in a minute," she says, putting her device down on the table. You had startedto get really serious, but she suddenly gets up and goes to her room, coming out with a handbag. She stares at you and says, "It's too risky to leave you here alone, we will finish this later" before shoving you into the bag with a mischievous smile on her lips.
Unlike the others, she has taken the liberty of leaving her bag open. You see a variety of sights and sounds. A spectacle of sensations unfolds before you. From time to time she turns her gaze to you, a slight smile on her lips, and you watch it interact with her own. You begin to decipher a few words and facial expressions.
The liberation comes as she puts her bag on her lap, unable to tell where you are. The close-up of her beautiful face is comforting. She brings her mouth to her bag and mumbles, "Hey stupid, I'm still wet from earlier. She pulls back and starts massaging your between-tentacles so you understand what's going on when she decides to take your tentacle out of her bag and slide it under her skirt.
You don't need her help to know what comes next: the capricious one has made sure to tuck her bag under her skirt. Your work as a miner has begun. Make your way to her watery cave. On your way to the rare loot are her panties. You rub them lovingly, already smelling the foul stain on them. It doesn't take you long to hold them up and pull them apart, while your colleagues take care of the rest.
The attack begins when you slide three of them in and feel her body vibrate. The passage is narrow and she resists you. You begin to rub violently against her walls and tickle her insides. You continue inside her until you come up against a wall. From then on it's impossible to go any further and she crushes you with a pelvic thrust. You slowly pull out of her and give way to another group of three; it becomes a game and her pussy a real amusement park.
For her part, Giselle is subjected to your repeated attacks as someone approaches: "5 more minutes and the director will see you". She takes a firm stance in front of the secretary, closing her legs as tightly as possible.
You feel her pussy tremble more and more with each thrust; you know her orgasm will be big and that it's close. Since she's in public, you're the only one who can satisfy her immediately, so your decision to step back, this slut deserves a good punishment. Without seeing her face, you can tell she's frustrated with the way she's rubbing her legs; her panties are completely soaked, not to mention where she's sitting. No doubt she's stained him with her love juice.
At Cok's mercy at this moment, Giselle takes it upon herself and is soon approached by one of her managers, she was in her company's building to talk about yesterday's incident as she was seen leaving the building when it was evacuated.She picks up her bloody bag and follows her manager to the director's office making sure to turn off your light as she closes her bag, clearly offended by your actions.You lose track of time as you fall asleep next to her.
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When you regain consciousness, you're back in Giselle's room. It's as quiet as a graveyard, with the sun's rays streaming down the slope and fresh air coming in through the window. You're definitely alone in the room. You've never had a moment to yourself. Always in the company of Giselle or at the bottom of a bag... You already know the bed. You slip off the foot of the bed and fall to the floor. You slide to the center of the room and scan your surroundings again. You notice writing on the ceiling that you recognize: "6:48... 6:49 PM...".
On your right, glued to her bed, is a desk, which you climb over and find yourself in front of a book with the name GISELLE inscribed on it, as well as the technological object the other humans took this morning, but in a different color. With a simple touch, you press the object, which lights up and symbols appear. In the same way, you open the book, which seems to provide knowledge of her language, and the technological object allows you to listen to it. This is your way to learn Giselle's language, but despite your abilities, it's going to take some time.
The clock is ticking and there's still no word from Giselle. You concentrate on your task and try to assimilate as much knowledge as possible. The words make sense and your first sentences are still close to a newborn's speech. The slamming of the front door wakes you up and your instincts tell you to return to your position on Giselle's bed, motionless as a statue. In your panic, you've left the tablet and book open.
You hear footsteps approaching Giselle's room and quickly relax as the door opens to reveal her in an all-black skintight outfit. "Are you awake, you bastard? I needed to spend my nerves at the gym," she says, even though you've seen her before. Her body is truly a work of art!
Her eyes devour you completely, her walk is full of confidence, she approaches the bed and stops in front of it, her scent catches your nostrils, but it's not the scent that disturbs you, it's the "aura" she's been radiating since she entered the room.
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Giselle reeks of sex, her whole body oozes those pheromones, those of a woman in heat, ready to be filled, the fact that you left her hungry earlier must have awakened her appetite and when you look at her, you know she's very hungry. Without delay, she lifts her top with her left hand, exposing her breasts and you notice the teeth marks on her nipples. Her right hand pulls down her leggings to reveal her sweet, freshly shaved pussy; a trickle of wetness still binds her slit to her clothing and her lips are scarlet red.
As she removes her top, she jumps onto the bed to take you in her arms and place your crotch on her slit, licking your body as she moves her pelvis, causing both your sexes to rub against each other. You are devoured by this lioness. 
Her breasts are pressed against your mouth and you take the opportunity to suck on her nipples. Your tentacles try to get into her ass, but it's already busy: "No, no, tonight it's all in my pussy," she says, shaking her head.
The friction between your sexes is driving your arousal into overdrive, and your penis is more than ready to come out. Your tentacles had encircled Giselle's body, squeezing you together as each gave pleasure to the other. Giselle's nipples are now marked with your mouth. You feel the tip of your penis quivering at the entrance to her pussy. The rubbing of your sexes creates wet noises that echo around the room.
Giselle can't wait any longer, her pussy needs love and her sperm bakery is more than eager to have its first customers. She lies on her back and spreads her legs, leaving full view of her hungry hole. “Come, Cok, turn me into an octopus slut,” you line up and with a quick thrust, you penetrate her vagina, while you're immediately surrounded by her legs, who intends to feel you deep inside her. “Ohhhhh, say hello to my uterus!”
Frenzy overtakes them both as Giselle wiggles, hoping to reach a deeper place, your cock like a drill inside her. Her walls envelop you tenderly as you ram her with all your might: “More, Cok, fuck meeeeeee, kiss my womb”. You wrap your tentacles around her legs, spreading them wide to give you a full view of where you're lovingly fucking her
“Cumiiiinng, ahhh” cries Giselle as the pressure around your sex sends you skyward and allows you to shoot your first well-deserved load into her. Her juices try to expel themselves from her vagina, but your big cock acts as a seal and your juices mix while hitting her lust-filled walls. “Oh ohh, so hott, your cum is burning me from the inside!, i want more seed”
Far from satisfied, she lies on her stomach to show you both her plump buttocks and the glow of her butt plug as your cum drips from her pussy. She pushes it aside and lets you admire the havoc wreaked by your cock and then with all her carnal lust she says, "Honey, come and plug my wicked leak, we have all night so make sure to fill me again and again" as she wiggles her buttocks.
At a glance, you read “9:13 PM”. Then you move towards her open hole, taking your time to let her feel your thickness. As you push back into her vagina, making contact with her uterus, she cries out in pleasure: “Ohhh, it's finally here, hit me hard, my ovary want to meet lots of your baby seeds”. You feel the perspiration on her body as you strike her ass with your tentacles. Your thrusts go further and further and your “belly” comes to touch her buttplug. Grabbing her hair, you pull her towards you and increase the pace as you feel her repeated orgasms attack your cock. You watch the juices flow out of her as you pull back before returning with a hard thrust, ready for your second load of the evening. You make sure you come to plaster your tip on her womb and, in a final strike, you grab her by the throat and rip her womb open to spill your cum. “Oh oh oh, bredd me Cok!”, you feel your cum flood her insides as some of it comes out while the other remains more stuck deep inside her baby oven.
— 9:48PM 
Giselle straddles you as you pound her bouncing breasts, your clit attacked by your tentacles as you send another load her way. Semen drips onto the bed, mixed with her fluids.
— 10:32PM 
Her screams never stop, you can see her talent as a singer. She has orgasm after orgasm, her pussy still filled with hot cum that warms the inside of her belly. You don't stop when you reach your fourth orgasm.
— 11:17PM 
Both of your exhausted bodies are still at it as she lies on her back again, each of your limbs wrapped around the other; your cock hasn't left her pussy since the orgasm, her body covered in tentacle marks and kisses. Her hard breasts are now in Giselle's mouth as she tries to suck her own milk while her cunt is served by your monstrous rod. You know there won't be another tonight, so you come with your tentacle and remove her butt plug and thrust your tentacle deep into her: "oh. .. mhh... more. breed me." Giselle is unable to form a sentence, her whole body shaking as she surrenders to the pleasure.
— 11:27PM
The front door slams as the group returns to the dorm, but you're both too busy to notice. Giselle's screams echo through her room and it's clear that she's struggling, no doubt heard throughout the apartment. Entering Giselle's room, Karina sees her lying with the blanket over her. "ah ahh, so.rry-unn.ie," she says with considerable struggle. Karina sighs. "Hurry up and finish, you start in a few hours and keep the volume down, the others can hear you like theyre watching TV," Karina says with a sigh. She slams the door. 
Meanwhile, you continued to penetrate her, Giselle's legs trembled with pleasure, she had exceeded her limits. "Cok, cok, cok, one more, I want your baby so badly, I want you to conquer my womb, make me your wife," she said, tears in her eyes, far from sadness. Her body no longer knows how to respond to these emotions, but you intend to grant her wish: your sixth charge is your last. Her walls are smooth now, each orgasm comes to squeeze you, then her pussy opens again on your cock. Your cum still drips from her as you prepare to fill her again.
— 11:59PM
As the day draws to a close, you flood Giselle's octopus oven with your cum. Her pussy has become your baby factory. After several hours of effort, you finally pull out. Just then her last orgasm arrives and a stream of juice spills onto her bed. Her cunt is wide open and you see her walls covered with your seed and her well-fed womb.
Giselle lies inert on her bed, her belly full of semen and her head full of stars. It takes her a while to find the strength to get up and look at the damage to her body and bed. As she approaches you, she places a loving kiss on your cock, tasting her own pussy juices. She comes up to you to kiss you and says, "Thanks, Daddy," while touching her belly. You reply in near perfect Korean: "You're welcome, Ms. Cok".
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haikyu-mp4 · 1 month
it’s a rainy day at summer camp. one of the few evenings that greeted you with bad weather instead of the setting sun, and the result was Fukurodani’s volleyball team gathered around a small tv and taking turns in a Mario Kart tournament.
you walked into the room with an order from the coach to tell everyone to quiet down, and was intrigued by the choice of game and their lack of talent in it. “you guys suck.”
everyone who wasn't playing at the moment turned abruptly, some squinting suspiciously and some laughing. “think you could do better?”
and so you were thrown into the tournament, and oh boy did you knock them off their pedestals. they didn’t stand a chance.
it earned you almost everyone’s desserts from dinner the day after, and you happily munched on pudding cup after pudding cup while they pouted about it. you shared plenty of them with the other girls as well, and you all enjoyed their defeat thoroughly.
fast forward one year later, Bokuto has made friends with Nekoma’s captain, making Fukurodani and Nekoma closer than they were with the other teams.
when Bokuto is particularly annoyed with Kuroo’s taunting after he missed some spikes in a practice game, he challenges him to a round of Mario Kart after dinner. Fukurodani vs Nekoma, choose your fighter style.
Kuroo walks into Fukurodani’s room that evening, carrying Kenma along while the setter is still playing on his console and not even paying attention. the captain looks smug, confident in his best friend’s ability to win. until he sees Bokuto standing with his arms crossed and shielding their chosen fighter.
a couple of the others from Nekoma’s team had joined, curious as to why Bokuto would challenge them in video games when he knew Kenma was there. “why do you look so smug?” Kuroo asks suspiciously.
“because we brought our secret weapon,” he answered, dramatically moving to the side and gesturing towards you. you sat patiently on a pillow, waving at the other team and smiling brightly.
“hi, guys!”
Kuroo laughed, letting go of Kenma and waving back at you. “y/n, fancy seeing you here.”
Bokuto rudely pressed his hand into Kuroo’s face. “none of that, don’t distract our player before the match!”
and while they fought, Kenma sat down beside you, finally turning off his console as you held out the other controller for him. “making me second player, hm?” you laughed at his remark, nodding.
“home base is always first player,” you teased. Konoha patted you on the back and smirked at Kenma.
“you don’t stand a chance.”
he did stand a chance. it was a close race, and you must admit you broke a sweat using every little trick you could think of.
however, it was just a chance. one he didn’t master, and you ended up with a clear victory after a mystery box gifted you with three glorious red shells on the second round, ruining any head start he might have gained.
the whole of Fukurodani’s team got up and cheered, many shaking your shoulders or ruffling your hair to praise your efforts. you looked to the side, ready to taunt Kenma a bit, but he was already staring at you. his catlike eyes made you flustered, and you quickly looked away. “I’m going to bed. good game, Kenma!”
Kenma watched the highlight reel after you left, and Kuroo had to practically drag him out of there as he could barely accept his loss. red shells don’t always mean you win. how you use them matters, and you use them perfectly. the way you drifted as well was beyond any technique he had seen before in real life.
the day after, Kenma comes over to you table with his dessert as a peace offering, and sits down across from you with his head down. “so you’re a gamer, what else do you play?”
“not really a gamer, my cousin just always brought Mario Kart for family holidays.”
Kenma stared at the table for two minutes in silence as you continued eating your lunch and chatting with your team’s other managers until he finally broke out of his trance. “can you teach me?”
“sure, catboy.” you were already eating the pudding cup, giving him a teasing wink now that he seemed so shy. this was the start of a blooming friendship.
/when me n @cottonlemonade start brainstorming, great things happen
/this is a drabble in my head but it’s way too long for that… also, what do you think nekoma owes fukurodani after losing??
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 2 years
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word count: 7.2K
paring: Bokuto x fReader
warning(s): panty stealing, male masturbation - in several locations (shower, bedroom, laundry room), scent kink (wasn't my intention but it's in there), hint of obsessive behaviour oral. Bokuto is a perv in this, so be warned.
authors note: well, it has finally arrived - this darn fic I have been spending way too long on; to put it into perspective I started this in July. But anyway, what started as self-indulgent fluff morphed into something completely different and I am pretty happy with it! Hope you all enjoy this new side to our favourite volleyball playing himbo~ 🔮
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Life always had a way of making itself just a little difficult, no matter what you did; even if the answer led to the best possible solution and outcome for you; you had to make sacrifices so you could succeed in a world that was always trying to see you fail. This was one such occasion.
You just moved to a new neighborhood, one that was far away from family and friends for your career. In order to move ahead, to gain the comfortable life you always wanted for yourself, you had to move away from all that you knew. It wasn’t easy, the decision taking you weeks to accept. At least you had your move, the unpacking and organizing of your new apartment, and your work to keep you busy; to keep your mind occupied on things that didn't revolve around how alone you felt. 
But that could only last for so long, a temporary solution for an abiding problem; you knew it wouldn’t last. And after all the boxes were unpacked, all your furniture was properly arranged - and rearranged, and you finally found your stride at work; you couldn’t distract your mind any longer. That getting up and ready for work became a task that grew harder and harder to do every day. After a few months of adjustments, you just couldn’t bear the loneliness you felt whenever you came home; to emptiness and silence.
It wasn’t something you were used to and you knew you would never become. It never happened before in your life, never was a constant, even if your family was away you could always hop onto chats and spend your nights laughing with your friends.
And now? Well, you were halfway across the world. When you got up, your friends were fast asleep, and when they finally sent you a message you were on your way to bed. There was no real way to quell the ache that you felt in your heart in the traditional ways you knew how; you knew you needed a different solution.
 And there was really only one solution you could think of.
You got yourself a dog.
A little lapdog with a goofy, but sweet, personality from the shelter nearby. A scruffy thing who couldn’t contain the hopeful wag of his tail as you walked by his kennel; one that couldn’t help but jump on the chain link barrier that separated you both, and then onto your legs when you went to greet him. One that filled your face with almost desperate kisses when you finally bent down to say hello; to give him a chance at a new home.
And it seemed you both were made for each other. Out of all the ones you saw that day, this one looked almost as lonely as you. But now? Well, the loneliness that etched across your sweet dog’s face no longer showed, just as the heaviness that clouded and weighed your heart down started to fade away.
No longer would you come home to emptiness, instead you had a ball of fluff and fur to greet you with enthusiasm as they wagged their tail and jumped on you in excitement to see you once more. And no longer would your little friend ever have to worry about sleeping all alone on a cold cement floor, with only a thin bed to keep him from getting a chill, wondering when someone would take him home and give him a warm bed to sleep on.
A match made in heaven, you joked as you snuggled up together each night on the couch to watch your favorite TV program after enjoying a nice dinner. Though your little furry friend always broke up your cuddle session, and your show, in the middle as they whined to go to the bathroom.
You would always oblige, and soon it became a part of your schedule. You began to enjoy the fresh air and routine it gave; to where 5-minute walks would turn into 10 and then into 15. Now your evenings consisted of 30-minute walks with your best friend by your side, trotting along as you mapped out all sorts of new paths to take, new sights to see, and new parts of the city to explore.
You finally, after a few months of exploring with your enthusiastic little friend, found a route that fit both of your needs. Lots of beautiful scenery for you to enjoy with limited hills and roads to cross so your aging dog didn’t lose steam too quickly. 
Every night you did this little song and dance, to the point where if you ran even a few minutes behind your little friend would start giving you attitude. You also surmised that the time you did go on your walks was perfect as you never really ran into anyone, or their own dogs, or had to worry about anything else in the world that would break your stride. For all you knew, it was just you and your dog - no one or anything else mattered.
Well, turns out there was one other person in your world, though he had yet to make it be known.
Besides, Bokuto had not meant for this to be a daily occurrence.
He noticed you a few times whenever he got home after practice, your walking figure catching his eye whenever he moved about in his apartment. He never really gave it, or you, much thought.
That was until he injured his leg and had to be on bed rest for two whole weeks. Not being able to move, not being able to practice and play volleyball - the one thing he loved most - was nearly unbearable. But that doom and gloom would be alleviated, just slightly, whenever you would walk by.
Bokuto wasn’t sure why, maybe it was the consistency? The reassurance then whenever your recognizable figure crossed through his window meant that he got through another day. Maybe it was because it gave him something to do, he did find himself casually watching other dog walkers that passed by throughout the afternoon and evening. Or maybe it was because it was specifically you. Bokuto couldn’t put his finger on why, but something drew him to you.
“Probably because she’s new around here.” That was his reasoning. Made sense to him, a new person in the neighborhood would cause some added curiosity.
But he knew that wasn’t the case. It’s not like he knew anyone in his neighborhood, let alone his apartment building.
Bokuto truly had not meant for all this to escalate out of proportion; to peer out his apartment window every day until you showed up. And now here he was, weeks after being healed, rushing to get his shoes off and throw his stuff to the side so he could watch you pass by. It was pathetic really, to be so enthralled by someone who walked across the street every day, but his heart kept pulling him closer to the window.
His friends had teased him about it, one day after practice as he rushed to get home with them by his side so they could drop their stuff off at his place before going out for the night. Watching him as he got all flustered at a person across the street.
“Dude, it’s kinda creepy, ya know!” Atsumu laughed, arms laying across the taller man's shoulder as he leaned on him - peering out the window to see you obviously unaware of their stares “Watching this girl obsessively.”
“That’s textbook stalker behavior~” Kuroo would join, also laying his weight on him, poking his flushed cheeks in a teasing manner.
“N-no it’s not! I am just making sure she passes my block safely! It’s dangerous to walk at night, you know!” Bokuto would shoot back.
“Ya’live in the safest neighborhood in the whole city!”
“Yeah, and besides whatta gonna do from all the way up here?”
Bokuto just shrugged them off, mumbling more to himself some sort of excuse for his behavior - some sort of made-up plan he had in place should the need to rescue you arised. But he knew, as much as they did, that there was no plan - or excuse - he just liked knowing you walked by him every day; that you were in his life for a brief moment.
At the time, he didn’t think much of it; at how alone he really was. Thinking that when he caught your eye briefly and grew a little bashful was out of embarrassment and not because it made his heart flutter. But it happened once again when they were hanging out, a little get-together before leaving on tour, how Bokuto would keep looking out his window with worry in his eye before they would soften into a form of sweet longing, that same woman walking by.
“Just go down and ask her out!” Hinata's bright voice would encourage him.
“Not like she’ll turn you down!’ Atsumu would add with a wink
The teasing would continue, even after you passed, of how much of a love-struck chicken he was for not talking to you. About how he was a little creepy for just staring at you and your dog as you walked by without a care in the world.
“I know,” Bokuto would sigh, longingly, in agreement “I’m just waiting for the right moment is all.”
Then, months later, after the winter tour had ended and the world was in the warmer, but rainier, spring weather, Bokuto would finally get that opportunity. When you accidentally dropped your pair of gloves that were stored in your pocket; an accident you didn't notice as you were too busy getting, and opening, the doggy bag that also resided in your cute little coat. Quickly, without truly thinking, he ran out to grab them. Waiting until after you had turned the corner off his street to make his way to where they lay, his bare feet becoming frozen on the concrete as he trotted over. He didn’t want them to be stolen or swept away with the wind to be forever lost. Gloves were expensive after all! And besides, given the cute design they had, he could tell you would miss them. A small sense of victory filled his being, as he now had the perfect chance to talk to you.
But that chance never really did come.
You came by the next day, earlier than normal, making Bokuto curse as he contemplated running out of his apartment in nothing but a towel; figuring against it as it would not be the best first impression or look good on his character or reputation, and he knows Iwaizumi would kill him if he got sick doing something so idiotic.
So, he figured he would get the chance to meet you tomorrow. That he would make sure to be ready early just in case you decided to pull a stunt like that again. But as he eagerly waited by his window, gloves in hand, the next evening you never did appear; you figure never walking down his street. He waited until late that night, just in case, but you never showed. Not the next day, or the day after that.
Soon days turned into weeks and then into months, and you had never once appeared in his window, walking on that sidewalk across the street. The gloves, tan in colour and with bright pink pom poms, lay untouched as they would greet him by his door every day, waiting for you as much as him.
Bokuto wondered where you, and your little furry companion, had disappeared to. He hoped it was somewhere good. Couldn’t help but have his mind wander to where you were and to all of the things you were getting up to, and couldn’t help but dream that it involved him as well.
Maybe you were in the countryside, enjoying the vastness and peace they gave as their winds swooped over the wheat fields and across your cheeks. Or perhaps in the mountains, enjoying their trails as you hiked up and down them, your dog in tow trying to keep up with a tree branch in their mouth. Or maybe you were in some onsen, inhaling the steam with a happy sigh as you soaked in the hot, soothing, waters.
Bokuto always had to stop his brain from continuing when he thought of you at hot springs; ignoring the strain of his cock as he thought about how soft and warm your skin would be - how he wished to be bathing right next to you, to feel every curve of your body.
He had to stop, he didn’t want to defile you like that; not without even knowing your name.
Bokuto just wanted you back. Even if it was only for the mere moments, the few seconds he got when you strolled on by with your happily trotting dog; strolled on briefly through his life with that pretty smile.
You hadn’t meant for your trip back home to last as long as it did. What started as a simple voyage home early for the Easter holiday extended considerably to having you stay. With your family’s urgent needs overtaking any reason you may have had to leave. You were lucky the job you had was flexible, able to accommodate you in your time of need, and that you had your dog with you; unable to bring yourself to think of what might have happened if you left him in a kennel all those months.
Now you were just lucky everything ended well and that you could finally get back to your cozy apartment and the routine you had made for yourself and your sweet dog; the one you neglected for a long time, and were sorely wanting to get back to.
You sighed in delight when the fresh air you longed to return to, that only this city could provide, hit your face as you made you trek out on your usual route once more; the sereneness you felt was like seeing an old good friend after years apart, as your feet began their first steps on the pavement while you enjoyed the late October breeze.
It was a long and grueling practice and Bokuto truly couldn’t think of a better way to end his day than crawling into bed and forgetting it ever existed. Kicking his door open with a groan, practically throwing his bag by his coat closet with a loud thud, and placing his keys in the bowl on the little table he kept nearby. He eyed the gloves too small for him briefly, eyes and body filled with a sense of sadness as he regaled at how he let his opportunity go.
Kicking himself internally he sighed, hands rubbing his face as he groaned once more, this time in frustration, as he walked further into his home.
“Why didn’t I just go out there? Not like I was naked…” he grumbled as he began shrugging off his coat, slowly making his way to his bedroom and walking by that cursed window.
His eye caught movement, one that made his head turn slightly out of impulse. But never fully, he knew it was of someone walking by, so he ignored it at first. Assuming it was someone just doing a late job, running an errand, or stopping by to get their mail. Whatever the case was, he didn’t want to think further of it - to have those thoughts lead to you.
But something inside him told him to take another glance; compelling him to go to the window like he once had many times before and to take a proper look, his heart aching at him to try just one more time.
And there was you. Appeared at long last when all hope seemed lost, leaving him dumbstruck as he stared out at your form with his jaw slack and his eyes wide.
It didn’t take long for him to break out of his surprised stupor, rushing out of his apartment as he fumbled with his coat, falling with little grace as he tripped over his duffle bag but with no care about the poor downstairs apartment that had to endure the loud thud or his now aching knee or whether he had grabbed his keys to prevent him of being locked out. All that mattered at that moment was you, and the tan gloves that you had lost and which would grant him the opportunity to finally talk to you.
Bokuto called out to you, his voice he was sure louder than expected as you jumped in scared surprise, as he dashed across the street to where you stood in a stupor. He was out of breath, he knew, and he also knew that while he stood there panting to try and regain it was not helping his case.
This was truly the last thing you were expecting, normally your brief counters with people were a polite smile as you passed each other, briefly sharing the sidewalk. And it was so far and few in between that you never really thought much about it or the people you passed; them always being a blur in your memory.
But this? Well, you would be sure never to forget this moment. Not only was your heart racing, the loudness of the man’s shout before you startled you to the point you were sure you would keel over with a heart attack at any moment. But that he was incredibly tall and imposing and…..handsome.
You couldn’t help the way your face warmed at the sight of him, both out of bashfulness over how close he was and how his golden eyes bore into your own, and in embarrassment at how little your fight or flight response acted; just allowing you to stand there frozen with a dumb gaped look on your face.
“I- I’m really sorry for scaring you!” Bokuto apologizes, moving his open palms up to showcase he meant to harm “You just um - uh you dropped your gloves a while ago and I-I uh grabbed them, which I guess sounds bad, but I just didn’t want them stolen or anything, and I- I have been meaning to give them back to you so um…..”
Bokuto gently, but with little grace as he fumbled for a moment, pulled your gloves out of his pocket, holding them out for you to take “Yeah… here. Sorry, it took so long to give them back…”
You found his eagerness, and nervous fumbling adorable, as you timidly laughed; gingerly reaching out to take your old gloves from his grasp.
“Thank you…” You mumbled, your voice unable to break higher than that “But I suppose it wasn’t your fault. I’ve been gone for a while, family stuff ya know? But um, again, thanks. It’s really sweet of you to wait so long to give them back.”
You had a hard time meeting his gaze, embarrassed even more over the fact that you not only lost your gloves, but that you forgot all about it and that the poor man before you had kept them for months, waiting to get rid of them and back to you, and that said man was staring so intently at you - you had never been looked at in such a way and you didn’t know what to do.
“Of course, it’s only the neighborly thing to do, right?” Bokuto smiled, making your knees buckle more, “I’m Bokuto Koutaro, I live in this building here! And who is this?”
“I am so sorry!” You squeaked, trying to gently pry your dog off his legs “His name is Rufus, he’s so terrible about jumping on people, he just wants pets, I’m so so sorry!”
“Hey, don’t we all?” He laughed, crouching down to give your dog the attention he so cutely asked for. “Aren’t you a cutie! So, Rufus, are you new around here? New to the neighborhood maybe? Cause I have seen lots of cute dogs but never seen you before!”
“Kinda,” You giggled, laughing at how your dog had thrown himself on his back for belly rubs and the cute way this stranger - well not technically stranger anymore - was indirectly asking you questions “We moved here almost a year ago, but only really started walking this route for a few weeks before, well, we had to leave for a bit.”
“Yes…. I see, that’s very interesting Rufus, thank you.” Bokuto nodded, sticking his chin out further to get some of the kisses your dog was trying to give “Now tell me, what’s your pretty owner’s name, hm?”
“O-oh uh um!” You fumbled, caught off guard by the compliment, but still managed to provide him the response he was looking for; giving forth a shy smile to his more bright one.
“Well, that’s a pretty name, isn’t it Rufus?”
“T-thank you, um we-we um should get going, the sun is starting to set and stuff… don’t want to take up more of your time.” You mumbled, tugging your dog gently, and successfully, away to slowly start walking your route once more.
“H-hey, wait!” Bokuto called out, taking a few steps to close the small gap that was made between the two of you “Would… would you like to grab a coffee or something sometime?”
His request caught you off guard, your gaping mouth that you had to shut quickly (and loudly) proof of that, but not in a bad way as you nervously cleared your throat 
“Y-yeah, that sounds really nice,” You smiled excitedly, almost giddy as rummaged in your pocket for a moment to pull out your phone “Give me your number and I’ll let you know when I’m next available.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice, his eagerness once again making you giggle and his bright smile making your knees buckle, as he grabbed hold of your phone, waiting not a second to input his number along with a cute nickname before handing it back.
“Text me soon, okay?”
“O-okay!” You agreed, your smile almost mirroring his own as you gave him a final wave goodbye, tugging your dog gently off his legs one last time to resume your walk.
You both felt weightless as you walked back to your respective homes. You were unable to weaken the dumb, broad, smile that was glued on your face as giggled to yourself over your encounter with that handsome man, as you kept glancing down at the gloves he so kindly returned to you - whispering your thanks as you held them to your heart.
Bokuto’s legs felt like jelly as he sauntered back over to his building, fumbling with the intercom to try and gain access to the complex; his own dreamy and dumb expression never leaving his face as he almost incoherently asks to be let back in. Stumbling his way back up to his floor and through the threshold of his home, he thought of you and your cute smile; how he wants to see it again and soon. Excitedly he broke out of the trance you left him in to furiously type his text to you; the same one you receive as soon as you walked through the door
‘Please tell me I can meet you tomorrow!’
How interesting it was, how time could move so slowly and so quickly at the same time. How hours seem to fade into days, which fade into one another, and then all of a sudden a month will have passed and you never even realized it - like a blink of an eye.
It’s a combination of things, for time to move like this. For if it was just passing by quickly it would mean either life was so dull that things just blended together and time would then be wasted; or it could be the opposite, that all sorts of fun and excitement were happening at once that you could barely keep up. But if it is both, those days seem to drag on but weeks seem to end swiftly, then it’s a mixture of the two.
And really, that was the perfect explanation for it all.
During the day as you worked the hours seemed to drag on, but in the evenings whenever you had to walk your dog, or on the weekends, it was like time was doing everything it could to make the day anew again; to subjugate you to the long and drawn out hours of boredom work provided.
But whenever you weren’t at work, you found yourself crossing paths with your handsome new friend Bokuto. That was probably why time seemed to pass on by, it always seemed to move fast whenever someone was having fun. And you couldn’t lie that you were having the most fun you had in months while you were around that exuberant man, His positivity and brightness were contagious, and no matter how run down you felt, no matter how bad the day was, once you saw his smile it was like nothing bad happened at all.
Ever since you took the leap and replied to his enthusiastic text with one of your own stating a time to go out with you the next night to help you walk your dog, it has been a whirlwind of that bright fun.
Going to cafes to get coffee, trying out new restaurants that popped out of nowhere, trying out the hiking trails that you never knew existed, and exploring hidden corners of the city you had yet to explore. All while he held your hand tightly and dazzled you with his beaming smile every time you went out with him.
On top of it all, every weekday, after you finished work,  Bokuto would try his best to meet where it all began. To wait out in front of his apartment building in hopes to catch you, to then continue on walking with you for the remainder of your trip home; taking hold of your dog’s lead as he happily tucked your arm underneath his instead - his excuse was always  “gotta make sure you make it home safe” smiling down at you if you ever tried to complain.
Before you knew it a month had passed. A month filled with good morning texts, evening walks in the cool autumn air, and weekends filled with little dates. Your days consumed with the attentions and affections of a man you never thought you would meet, let alone be romanced by so energetically. It was all so sudden, almost overwhelming, but so welcomed all the same.
Though, with all the affection and time spent together, you couldn’t definitely say what you were; if you were his girlfriend or not. You couldn’t say there was nothing between you both, not with the small nervous gestures he gave you, like all those lingering kisses he would press to your forehead whenever he dropped you off. Never actually pressing his lips to yours, as if he was afraid of overstepping a boundary.
Due to this, you couldn’t claim to be official, that he was your boyfriend, that you were going steady. Which made butterflies form in your tummy when you asked him for a large favor; not sure if he would be okay with it all. After all, you hadn’t even kissed yet.
A work event was approaching, and it was mandatory that you go to it. Which meant you had to leave for an entire weekend. Normally, weekend trips were fine, as you could bring your furry companion with you. But you couldn’t bring your dog with you, the hotel your work arranged for you to stay at wouldn’t allow it. And you didn’t want to spend hundreds of dollars to send your dog to a service, or allow a stranger into your home to take care of them; who knows what they might look at or steal.
You decided to bite the bullet when the week of the event came up; figuring that the worst-case scenario was Bokuto would say no - but given how close you had gotten over the past month you had high hopes.
Besides, he was the perfect option. You would feel comfortable with him in your home, he had been over a few times before, and your dog adored him. And, he lived close by too, so if something were to happen or if he didn’t feel comfortable staying at your place for a few days it wouldn’t be the end of the world; he and your pet would just a few blocks.
You asked him, on a particularly warm Tuesday night for October, and he said yes without hesitation. You didn’t know why he agreed, perhaps it was in the bashful manner you asked, or maybe he could sense the quiet desperation in your tone. But, overall, it didn’t matter to you, just as long as your home and precious pet were safe.
But just as your life had started to slowly be consumed by him in all those little ways he had woven himself into your daily routine; Bokuto’s was completely taken away by you.
He couldn’t help it. Bokuto found himself thinking about you all the time, at almost every moment of the day. While grocery shopping he thought of what you might buy, and what dishes you might make yourself. At practice when he was supposed to be listening to his coach, or paying attention to the plays happening before him, all he could think about was having you sit on the bleachers cheering him on. Even late at night after you had sent your last text of the day, wishing him goodnight, he was thinking about you, almost obsessed by you, though he figured it was inevitable given how borderline obsessive he was before he even knew you; when he would just watch your figure pass by his window every day.
That was probably why he said yes to your request; not wanting to say no to your cute face or to possibly jeopardize his future chances of being with you. Besides, he loved your dog, and the chance to be in the place you called home, for longer than a moment to drop you off, was far too tempting.
“My goodness, again, thank you so much for doing this!” You gushed once more as you rushed to get the last of your things together, pushing Bokuto further into your home.
“No problem at all! Happy I could do this for you” He beamed, still holding onto the bag you had practically thrown at him when you opened the door to greet him.
“I know, I know…” You took a breath, finally taking the proper moment to actually acknowledge him “But still… figured I would let you know how appreciative I am; so, thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He responded in kind, his smile was so gentle that it made your heart skip a beat.
“R-right! Um… I wrote a list of what Rufus needs. His feeding schedule, walk schedule, all that kind of stuff. It’s on the kitchen table, so take a look.” Your voice went faint, though Bokuto could still hear you, as you walked away from him into your bedroom “It, it also has the passwords to my streaming services, should you want to use them.” You let out a small huff, as you dragged your suitcase from your bedroom “You are also free to have whatever you like from the kitchen! Nothing is off-limits, so go nuts. And um… you know if you wanted to bring your girlfriend over to hang out that’s cool with me too!”
You took your bag from Bokuto’s hold, taking a moment to peer inside to double-check you had all you needed in there. As well as looking at your suitcase to take a second to recall all you put in; trying to see if you had forgotten anything; doing your best to try and play it cool over what you just said.
“Well, that won’t be necessary,” Bokuto mumbled, doing his best to look at you but not stare. a hand fiddling with one of his hoodie’s drawstrings “The girlfriend thing I mean… don’t have one so… yeah.”
His nervous chuckle made you follow suit making you pause your tireless item shuffling to glance up at him; your smile was small before growing wider alongside his and you shared a brief moment - on that you both couldn’t really put a name to, but knew it was a good one all the same.
“Alright, I think I’m good to go!” You bit your lip, taking hold of your suitcase; extending the handle for easier use.
“Safe travels, okay? Text me when you get there!” Bokuto asked, opening the door for you to avoid any further struggles
“Don’t worry, I will!” You leaned up, placing a quick peck on his lips before walking through your threshold  “Thanks, again! I’ll see you in a few days!”
Bokuto watched you leave, down the hall, and into the elevator with a dumbstruck look on his face; if you weren’t in such a hurry you might have laughed at that. But as soon as you were out of sight that shocked look turned into one of dumbstruck love as a goofy smile crossed his face as he closed your door with a goofy-sounding chuckle.
‘Our first kiss’ was all he could think about as he wandered over to your couch, plopping down on it as he absent-mindedly pet your dog as he relived the way your lips felt over and over again. Hoping that when you came back, he would be graced with another one.
The first night went without a hitch. Due to your late afternoon departure, all Bokuto had to do was put Rufus out for the last time, and then enjoy the night in. Ordering food and choosing a movie to play in the background as he absent-mindedly scrolled his phone - sending a good night text your way once you confirmed you made it to your hotel safely. And given that Iwazumi was so hard on him, and his team members, in training earlier that day, he didn’t think twice about hitting the hay once he got back from that final walk with your furry friend.
However, the next morning would prove to be his downfall.
Though it wasn’t like it was his fault really. It was just, sleeping in your bed, being surrounded by the smell of you - the whisper of floral from the shampoo that you use lingered on your pillows, the faint smell of your laundry detergent that comforted him as he snuggled deeper in your blanket, and the scent of your faded sweat the clung the deeper he sunk into your sheets -  all of it was so uniquely, perfectly, utterly you that his body acted without thinking.
And maybe it was because he was laying in your bed, surrounded by the same sheets that clung to your body in ways he could only imagine, could only dream about. That such an innocent act was something far more intimate than he, and more than likely yourself, thought it could be. It was something that got to him more than it should.
No matter how much he tossed and turned, tried to think of anything else, his body betrayed him. And as the sun’s rays hit his eyes, signaling a new day, his stiffened cock stood proud, barely contained by the fabric of his boxers, just as it did when he first crawled into your bed.
“A cold shower would do the trick,” Bokuto whispered to himself as he dragged his body into an upright position, keeping an eye on your dog to make sure he was still asleep. “Always works before a game….”
And it did. Well… whenever he was about to play a game, or away on tour and needed to get rid of his morning wood before meeting his teammates. This was proving to be a different case all entirely. And he was only a man.
A weak, weak, man too easily trumped by temptation.
He would apologize, and beg to whatever god that was above, for your forgiveness and understanding but he couldn’t help but stroke his cock to the thought of you. How your skin would look all lathered in bubbles from the body wash he was currently inhaling; never once thinking the smell of hibiscus would make his eyes roll to the back of his skull. Imagining how he would bend you over, pressing you against the cheap tile wall, and fuck you so hard that your neighbors could hear the sound of your moans over the water; how pretty your pussy would look after he came so deep inside, how his cum would slowly seep out and down your pretty legs before being washed away down the drain.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Bokuto hissed, as his hipped jerked into his hand, his release overtaking him making a mess of his hand, chest, and your shower wall; silently, and shamefully watching it go down your drain - disappointed over the reality of it all.
The rest of the day went decently enough. Bokuto avoided your room and everything in it, even your bathroom for most of the day in fear of having to take another hour-long shower. Instead, he occupied his time by taking your dog out on a nearby, local, hiking trail; one that traversed close to and alongside a river. Your dog loved it, and Bokuto made sure to keep a mental note to take you out here soon before the weather got too cold and the river would freeze over.
He also spent his time, the majority of his evening, catching up on the latest TV drama Hinata was begging him to watch; keeping the younger man updated on which episode he was on, and taking small breaks to feed your dog or to take him on his needed walks for bathroom relief.
But Bokuto knew he couldn’t avoid it forever; that when night fell, he would crack once more. He knew he should have slept on the couch, to deal with the aches in his joints, the soreness in his muscles, and whatever back pain he would inevitably have by huddling and sleeping in such a still position on your too-small couch. But the allure of sleeping in your sheets - to be surrounded by the same comfort you allowed yourself to enjoy every night - was too enticing.
It was a sleepless night, once again.
Though this time it was not spent like the night before, where he was tossing and turning to try and settle down to get a proper night's rest. Bokuto knew that it would be pointless to try. Instead, fueled by the faded smell of your shampoo that lingered on your pillowcase, he took hold of your fluffiest pillow, and slotted it between his legs; against his weeping and aching cock. No longer able to help, or ignore the heat that coursed through his veins.
His whimpers, though muffled, echoed within your empty bedroom as the sound of your headboard softly hitting the wall behind accompanied the sinful symphony as his body crushed your favourite pillow; hips desperately trying to keep that wonderful friction it gave to get him over the edge. Bokuto thought about how you would look folded into a mating press as he pinned you in place with nothing but his weight; how sweet you would look with tears in your eyes as you babbled on about how much you loved his cock.
“Yeah, just like that…. fuck, you’re such a good girl….nngh!.... You like taking my cock, huh? You like how my fat cock stretches you out? Come on… come on say it, please?”
It went on all night long, and when the morning sun finally hit his tired eyes did Bokuto finally feel spent; finally felt like he got all his pent-up frustrations out of him. Though his body screamed at him to not move, to lay down and rest, he had to ignore it. Had to take your soiled bedding - pillows, sheets, and blankets - off your bed so they could be washed. If he had more energy he would wince in shame over how much cum he managed to spill out onto it all; but right now he couldn’t give a damn. It was more than worth it to him.
Bokuto blessed the gods above that you had a washer and dryer within your cute apartment; how thankful he was not to have to take them all the way down flights of stairs and possibly run into one of your neighbors. He quickly went to put a load on, knowing he had to take care of a few last things around the house, for your little dog, and place some new sheets on your bed to dissuade any suspicion before you got home.
And oh what a blessing your little laundry room was.
There, sat atop your dirty laundry within the hamper you kept so neatly tucked away, sat a pair of pretty pink lace panties. He knew you had worn them, knew that they were meant to be washed, knew you had not left them there to tease him but instead discarded them like anyone would with used clothing, and he knew he should have just walked away from them. But they were so pretty, Bokuto couldn’t help but grab them for a closer look.
Couldn’t help but enjoy the way the soft fabric felt against his calloused fingertips. Couldn’t help but bring them up to his face, couldn’t help the way his mouth watered from the musky smell that greeted him, and certainly couldn’t help what he was about to do.
He knew it was wrong; he only has a few hours before you came home for Christ's sake. But this whole weekend was a perfect example of how little control he had when it came to you. That despite how wrong it all was, how he was violating your privacy and taking advantage of this situation, he couldn’t quell his lust as he took another deep inhale of your scent that stayed on that flimsy piece of fabric; his loose athletic shorts slipping past his hips as his angry-red cock sprung free once again.
“Gotta be quick…. gotta be quick - fuck!” He kept muttering to himself as he furiously pumped his hand up and down the length of his cock; doing his best to finish quickly and move on to what he was supposed to be doing.
He thought of you on top of the washer; sitting like the good girl you were as he knelt before you and ate you out like his last meal - your moans and mewls shaking in rhythm to the vibrations of the machine below you. The whole image being brought to him in a clearer focus in his mind due to the constant inhale of your fragrance.
Bokuto came with an unexpected groan, finishing much faster than he anticipated; not realizing just how effective those pretty panties of yours were. He collapsed against your wall with a deep and satisfied sigh; doing his best to calm his heart and breathing down. He could hear his phone go off from the other room, the specific chime meant it was you - clearly texting him that you were almost home. Bokuto sighed one last time, knowing he was not in an even bigger hurry to clean things up; starting with the panties he had balled in his fist.
Maybe… maybe you won’t notice if they are gone….
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or perhaps maybe you will
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hannieoftheyear · 8 months
sexting with Mingyu pt.2
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how much does a relationship (more like a 'forced to coexist' acquaintance) change after sexting? the result may shock you.
this is part 2 of my sexting au! you can check out part 1 here
genre: kim mingyu x fem reader, pwp, smut with fluff at the end, MDNI!
warnings: switch mingyu, lotss of teasing, fingering, cum eating, protected penetration, he has a big dick, size kink if you squint.
w.c: 6k hehe
note: thank you so much for the support on the first part♡ I hope you like this, and I'm sorry if there are any mistakes
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Kim Mingyu: guys I told Seokminnie to come at 9😊 [15:36 pm]
Kim Mingyu: come to my place at 8 so we can arrange everything🙏
Kim Mingyu: and don’t forget to bring the stuff on the list😁
The new text from the group chat made exclusively for tonight’s surprise party lights up your screen, taking your attention away from the tv show you were watching.
You have the urge to ask why he decided the time on the same day, but you don’t. You have a feeling that things are still a little awkward, and you never talked much anyways so it would be weird.
These few days, even if you tried not to, the only thing occupying your mind was your little chat with Mingyu.
Can sexting change your view of a person? That sounds so stupid. You were never mean to him, on purpose at least, and you would always think twice before going somewhere if he was going too. But now, you find yourself a little excited at the idea of seeing him.
You have about four hours to get ready and half an hour to get to Mingyu’s place. There’s plenty of time, so you finish the episode of New Girl you were re-watching and begin to get ready.
You absolutely do not think about seeing Mingyu for the first time since your… conversation. Not during your shower, where you shave your whole body. Not while picking a cute outfit you don’t usually wear that flatters your body and shows off your boobs. And absolutely not while doing your make up, you just happen to choose a red lipstick that has been sitting collecting dust since you bought it. There’s nothing wrong with trying different things sometimes!
Looking in the mirror, you realize that maybe you went a little overboard, not enough so that your friends would think it’s on purpose, but it is definitely noticeable.
Whatever. You’ll welcome whatever attention you might get. There’s no time to change anyway. You have to leave now, or you’ll be late, so you grab your purse and go out.
You were tasked to bring the cake, so you drop by the cake shop a few blocks from your home and take a taxi afterward. It was a simple two tiered pink cake that said “Happy Birthday," but looking at it, already seated on the cab, you can’t help feeling like you’re forgetting something.
Checking the list over and over again doesn’t help. It only says “cake" and your name beside it. You’re thinking about what could possibly be so obviously necessary that no one thought to write it down. And then you remember, CANDLES! Painfully, obviously, and pretty needed for a birthday cake.
It’s too late to go back now because you’re already 2 minutes away.
It’s fine.
It’s completely fine.
You’re sure someone else might have thought about it and will bring some. Mingyu has to have candles around just in case the power goes out. Maybe in the box there’s a candle the cake shop puts just in case.
The taxi leaves you at 8 pm sharp at Mingyu’s building. You try to calm down during the elevator ride, and it’s not until you’re at the door, knocking, that you remember at whose house you’re at. And realize that it’s just a little bit too quiet inside.
Mingyu opens the door, knowing it’s you on the other side. You’re always the first one to arrive.
You know you should be more put together, but you’re left without words at the sight of him. His hair is pushed back, a little wet still. He was probably on the shower while you were on the way. His outfit is simple, black jeans and a white t-shirt, but it somehow looks amazing on him. How does someone make a plain white t-shirt look so good? It’s almost unfair to everyone else.
Too lost in thought, you don’t realize you have the same effect on him. He’s left breathless by the sight of you. He thinks you have never looked this beautiful.
A door opens at the end of the hallway, and the sound takes you both out of your trance. He’s the first one to speak.
“Hey sorry, come on in.” Mingyu says with an embarrassed tone you almost don’t catch. He moves to the side to let you through and speaks up again. “You’re first like always.”
“Yeah, they can’t be punctual at all." You’re standing awkwardly looking at the cake in your hands while he closes the door.
“Should I put this in the fridge?" Your eyes point to the cake Mingyu didn’t register before.
“Sure let me -" He tries taking it from your hands, but you back away.
“I can do it.” It comes out drier than you want to, so you look him in the eyes and show him a little smile. Even if your “friendship” didn’t change drastically in a matter of days, you don’t want to still have a rocky relationship. That seems to make him relax.
“There should be enough room.” You hear him say as you’re walking towards the kitchen.
You know his apartment like the palm of your hand by now. It seems like he’s the only one willing to have many people over at once, so the hangouts are always here.
He follows behind you and stands in the kitchen while you try to figure out the best way to store it without getting it damaged.
“Oh I should tell you I forgot the candles, I’m sorry I don’t know why I didn’t think about it but I remembered on the way here and it was too late, but I thought maybe you had some here but if not we can just ask the guys I’m sure some of them aren’t even on the way yet and-" You turn around after you place the cake on the fridge and you blurt out the apology, only to find Mingyu standing right behind you.
He's so close you can smell his cologne. The one he always uses that you secretly love and wish you could steal, but he doesn’t have to know that. His body so close to yours does not affect you. In any way.
“I bought them don’t worry.” You sigh, relieved that you didn’t ruin anything with your stupid mistake.
“Oh thank God!" You start and look at him in the eyes, “Thank you, really. I was panicking on the elevator. I thought I ruined the cake because-"
“You should be a rapper." Mingyu suddenly interrupts you.
“What?” You look at him, very confused by his statement, and he just laughs.
“You just said 50 words in like two seconds.” He adds in between laughs.
“Don’t laugh at me!” You punch him lightly on one arm, “I was actually worried!” You really try to sound mad, but his laugh is awfully contagious and brings you to laugh with him.
“I don’t think you spoke that many words to me in years." He suddenly says, still laughing, but your smile dies slowly because you realize he’s right.
“Yeah well…” You’re looking at him directly in the eyes. His smile is still plastered on his face, a little faded but there nevertheless.
Your eyes move to the side, to not make eye contact with him as you say “Things change.”
The atmosphere shifts as fast as a heartbeat. You’re suddenly very aware of your body so close to his. Mingyu’s gaze wander to your lips a second too long before it goes back to your eyes. Slowly, he begins closing in the space between your bodies. You step back but find yourself caged in between him and the counter.
His warmth embraces you when he places an arm on your side to cage you in more. He has to crouch to look you right in the eyes. “How?” You barely register his question, his closeness making you dizzy. “What?”
“What changed?” For sure he’s trying to take a reaction out of you, and you hate that he’s succeeding. But you can have your fun too.
“You know… when you make a guy cum in his pants your relationship changes.”
He doesn’t seem affected by your response, quite the opposite, actually. He might be enjoying it, judging by the smirk forming on his mouth.
“You know damn well I did not cum in my pants”
“Didn’t you? Huh… I guess I wasn’t that impressed because I would remember otherwise.” Impressed you were. And remember you do. But you like annoying him.
He sighs, acting shocked as he puts his right hand on his chest. “How could you?” You giggle at his silliness.
But his arms are back to caging you in a millisecond. “I’ll have to make you remember then.”
You can’t resist it when your eyes drop from his eyes to his lips, suddenly calling to you like he’s got you under a spell. He seems to notice because his smirk makes a reappearance.
So slow, you barely even notice, his face comes closer by the second. It's so painfully slow he’s for sure doing it on purpose.
“And how would you do that, may I ask?” Now it’s your turn to smirk as your eyes go up back to his eyes, defying him.
His face is so close now that you can feel his breath on you. Your lips are only separated from his by bare millimeters. You’re about to tilt your chin up to connect them when someone knocks on the front door.
Mingyu drops his head as he sighs and separates from you a few inches. Your hands find their way to his chest and push him back a little to draw his attention.
“You should probably get that.” His head goes back up at your words and gives you a disappointed look.
His gaze goes down to your lips. “I don’t want to.” You smile at his reaction. You don’t really want it either, but more people are going to start showing up, so you need to get going. The person outside knocks again, and you push him one more time, a little harder this time, so he gives you space to leave his arm prison.
“Go! I’ll start putting up decorations.”
He gives up and let’s his arms go from the counter, but you don’t move. You watch his form as he turns around and walks to the door.
You were always amazed at how tall he was, his broad shoulders and strong back that somehow ended in a tiny waist. Somehow, what he was wearing today accentuated all of that.
The door opens, and you hear Mingyu welcoming whoever was outside.
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The night goes as smoothly as it could have. When Seokmin arrives, everyone shouts happy birthday, and he looks genuinely surprised. But then you all find out he actually knew because Soonyoung accidentally told him yesterday. Wonderful evening.
After all the singing and shouting, someone you can’t see puts music, and the drinks start rolling in. You had no idea there was that much alcohol at the party to make like 15 people drunk, but you’re not complaining.
It's already 4am when you start feeling the effects of alcohol leave your body.
You’ve been sitting on the couch watching Wonwoo destroy everyone at Mario Kart. You don’t dare to try to play against him, so you just sat back to laugh.
Everyone eventually grows bored of the game. Some go back to their homes, but you and a few others stay to hang out.
Mingyu, on the other hand, started tidying up when people started leaving. He doesn’t mind people staying over, but he prefers cleaning now, so he doesn’t have to do it when he wakes up. He’s still listening to the conversation, though, throwing in a few comments here and there or laughing.
When he finally finishes it’s a little over 4:30 am. There’s no room on the couch, and he doesn’t want to sit on the floor, so he stands against the wall facing the group.
You’re sprawled out on the couch, resting your legs on top of Vernon’s who’s sitting at the other end. The guys are debating about… something. You stopped understanding a while ago. You just laugh when someone says something funny.
It’s when Mingyu comments about something Wonwoo said that you notice he finished with whatever he was doing, standing there in his full glory. Your eyes can’t seem to move away from him, and you don’t resist it either. His hair is now messy, and he's sweating a little bit. He catches you staring and raises his eyebrows. You shrug in response.
The chatter becomes background noise as you two play a staring game. You don’t dare move your eyes off of him, and he doesn’t either. After a few minutes, you motion a “What?” With your mouth.
He grabs his phone without breaking eye contact, but ultimately does to unlock it and starts texting someone. You realize that someone is you when his gaze is back at you, and your phone vibrates in your back pocket.
No one is paying attention to you. The guys are still debating, maybe about something else now, so you grab your phone without getting noticed. The only person who notices is Vernon because you move your legs off of him, but he doesn’t even glance at you, just re positions himself.
Kim Mingyu: so how long are you staying? [4:33 am]
You look up at Mingyu with an incredulous look, and he just motions for you to reply.
You: wow no emojis this time
Kim Mingyu: I’m being serious😔
When you look at him he’s actually making the same face as the emoji. Cute.
You: for how long am I welcomed? [4:34 am]
Kim Mingyu: you can stay however long you please
You: I was thinking I might leave when the guys leave
You: but they seem to have a lot of energy today
Kim Mingyu: I can tell them to leave [4:35 am]
You: you want me to leave that badly?
Kim Mingyu: I want you to stay.
Kim Mingyu: but I don’t want them to be here
You giggle at his response. That definitely draws attention to you because Seungkwan asks “Who’s got you giggling like that?”
“No one.” You rush to reply, and hope no one sees your eyes dart to Mingyu before adding “You don’t know him.”
The interest dies soon enough, but you know Seungkwan will ask you again later.
Your eyes find their way back to Mingyu’s to find him already looking at you, waiting for you to text him again. You raise your eyebrows at him before going back to your phone.
You: don’t be mean they’re your friends! [4:37 am]
Kim Mingyu: when I’m done with you you’ll thank me
You: done with me?🤔
Kim Mingyu: you’ll see…
Kim Mingyu: do you want to stay? [4:38 am]
You: only if you make me breakfast in the morning
You: I hear you’re a really good cook
He doesn’t reply. Instead, he starts subtly kicking everyone out, saying stuff like “hey guys it’s getting late," and “you’re all gonna be wrecked tomorrow."
Someone jokes “that’s him politely asking us to get the fuck out", and everyone laughs as they start picking up their stuff.
You also start grabbing your stuff and cleaning around you, although slower than everyone else.
It’s around 5 am. when the last few start heading out the door. You get asked how you’re leaving. You lie and say you called an Uber, and you’ll just wait here for it.
You’re back on the couch as Mingyu closes the door after the last person leaves, awkwardly sitting while waiting for him.
Butterflies show up on your stomach when Mingyu appears in the hallway, walking straight to you with a smile on his face.
The atmosphere feels awkward as he sits beside you. You want to say something, but your mind is blank. There’s really only one thing you can think about.
Mingyu opens his mouth to speak, but you get up and sit on his lap, one leg on each side of his hips.
“So what’s with all that talk earlier?” Your hands position themselves on his shoulders almost like they’re meant to be there.
Mingyu’s shocked for a second before he focuses his eyes on your lips and licks his.
“C-Can we talk about what h-happened the other day first?” He mentally kicks himself for stuttering. But his words contradict his actions. His hands are around your waist keeping you in place, and his eyes don’t leave your lips, like he’s on a trance.
“What happened was…” You grab the side of his face and get close to his ear to whisper “You got horny because of me, and I helped you.” Slowly, you go back so you can see his blushed face. “Is that right?”
But blushing doesn’t prevent Mingyu from teasing you too. “Acting like you weren’t practically begging for me huh?” His hands slowly travel from your waist to your thighs.
“Says the one who actually begged to cum.” You try your luck and grind softly against his growing bulge and he squeezes your thighs, closing his eyes lightly.
“You liked it.”
“I did, yeah." Now your hands are on his very firm chest. Mingyu sighs as you grind on him again, a little harder this time. Your faces are so close you feel his breath fanning over you, and you can’t resist your eyes when they focus on his parted lips.
When he opens his eyes again there’s only one thing on his mind, the thing that has been plaguing him since you arrived so many hours ago.
“Can I kiss you?” Mingyu says softly, almost in a whisper.
“I thought you wanted to talk?” You grind on him, hard enough to feel his already hard bulge, and you feel how your panties get ruined by your arousal.
“You’re funny.”
“I get that a lot.” Mingyu’s hands go back to your waist to make you grind on him again, setting a pace that’s not fast but hard enough to create more friction between your cores.
Electricity flows between your bodies. You wrap your arms around Mingyu’s neck, your faces barely millimeters apart. His lips are still parted, just like yours, releasing little sighs that almost make your lips barely touch.
“Please.” He pleas in a whisper, and you swear a million butterflies explode in your stomach. You can’t resist it anymore. You can't resist him.
You connect your lips with his, and Mingyu reacts instinctively. He wraps his arms around your waist, almost as if to keep you from getting away. As if you ever would.
The feeling of his lips against yours is addictive. He’s kissing you like he wants to erase any trace of anyone who has ever kissed you, making your lips his, so needy and hungry for more.
He thrusts up, making you moan in his mouth, and takes the opportunity to meet his tongue with yours, deepening the kiss and making you more addicted to him. If that’s even possible.
Mingyu’s hands start roaming your body, traveling from your waist to your thighs, and then up to your neck. Your skin burns everywhere he touches, and you want more. You want to feel him everywhere all at once.
Your hands play with the hem of his shirt. You lift it up just a little so you can touch his abs without fabric in the way. You feel him smile against your lips at your touch.
He breaks the kiss, and you chase after his lips. When you open your eyes, you find him smirking at you. His lips are swollen, and he’s stained red all around because of your lipstick. You figure you look the same. “Eager are we?"
“Yes very in fact.” You grab the hem of his shirt again and push it up. “Take this off.”
He obliges, but not before laughing softly at your eagerness. You follow his moves and also remove your tiny top. You can’t move your eyes away from his bare chest, and your hands immediately touch him, but he stops you.
“This too.” His hands sneak behind your back to unclasp your bra.
As soon as the bra is off, you push yourself against him and kiss him again. His hands are quickly on your tits, thumbs going in circles around your nipples.
“Ah! You’re making me crazy.” You manage to say almost in a moan.
The clothes in your lower bodies soon begin to annoy the both of you, and the friction is no longer enough.
Reluctantly, you get up, and now it’s his time to chase after your lips.
Mingyu understands immediately and also gets up. You remove your shorts while he gets rid of his jeans, and in no time, you're sitting on top of him again. Only your underwear in between you now.
You trace kisses down his neck, leaving marks, so that he has a reminder of you for a few days. His now fully hard dick presses against your clit just right. Your panties are so soaked they’re beginning to stain Mingyu’s boxers too.
He kisses you hard to quiet down both of your moans, as his hands sneaks down to your core and his fingers start stroking your pussy through your panties.
“You’re so wet already.”
“That’s because you’ve been teasing me for like 20 minutes.”
“Are you complaining?”
“No.” You roll your eyes playfully. “But if you don’t actually touch me in the next five seconds I’m going to lose my mind.”
He chuckles, and you think he’s about to kiss you again, but you’re starting to learn that Mingyu is a man full of surprises.
In a swift move, he turns your body around, your back now against his chest, and spreads your legs wide. One hand sneaks under your panties while the other plays with one of your boobs.
You quickly turn into a moaning mess as he starts circling around your clit and pinches your nipple. But it’s not enough. “Mingyuu.” It comes out more whiny than you’d like, but right now that’s the least of your worries.
“Tell me.” His finger slows down but also presses harder. You squirm under him, and he kisses your neck softly. “What do you want? Tell me.”
“I-I need your fingers.” Your words barely get out.
“But I am touching you” He feigns confusion. His fingers stroke from your hole to your clit, collecting your arousal and spreading it.
“Inside.” You grind on his fingers in hope of getting more friction, but he slips his hand away from you. You see his fingers glisten with arousal and feel a new wave gushing out of you. “Please.”
You don’t see, but rather feel Mingyu smile against your neck. “Whatever you want baby.”
His hand is back under your underwear in no time, playing with your hole and collecting your juices with his fingers. You grind against his hand as he slides two fingers in.
Not even your imagination could have prepared you. His thick fingers stretch you more than you ever could, and the slow but deep thrusts let you feel him in places your fingers could never reach. You can’t hold back the moans that comes out of you.
“Oh my God! Mingyu faster please!” You’re not ashamed to beg anymore.
His palm is creating friction on your clit while his other hand is still playing with your nipples, and he thrusts into you faster.
You pace your grinds to match his hand, and you’re sure this is what heaven feels like. You feel the tightness in your stomach close to snapping.
“I’m so close!” You breathe out.
Mingyu slows down his thrusts, and you’re about to complain when you feel him add a third finger. He’s stretching you deliciously, knuckles deep inside you. You can feel him everywhere.
“Cum on my fingers c’mon” He demands as he speeds up. His fingers reach the spongy spot inside you that makes you jelly and abuse it.
You’re cumming on his fingers faster than ever. Shaking on top of him as he thrusts his fingers in and out slowly, helping you ride out your orgasm.
When he finally pulls his fingers out of you, you’re still breathless. Mingyu surprises you again when he moves his slick covered fingers to his mouth and licks them clean.
You remove your panties once and for all and turn around. You feel his still hard cock under you and he winces at the friction.
“That was really hot.” You state, and his whole face turns red.
“I’m not done with you.” In one swift movement, you have your back against the couch and your head on the armrest. “I really wanna eat you out.”
And who are you to stop such a determined man? You grab his face and kiss him hard, tasting your arousal in him. “Okay.”
He starts a trail of kisses on your thigh, slowly going down until he reaches your cunt, but skips it and starts kissing your other leg. You whine in response as you grab his head and put it back on your core. You feel his breath on your bare cunt and shiver.
He looks at you in the eyes and barely licks your lower lips. You sigh at the little contact. “Stop teasing.”
His hands open up your legs and he flattens his tongue on your lips, licking in up and down motions and kissing your clit.
When he experimentally wraps his lips around your clit and sucks, you moan and instinctively close your thighs around his head, keeping him in place.
With his head now trapped in between your thighs, his tongue licks you from your clit and to your hole, tasting and savoring your arousal like it’s his last meal.
He toys with your clit and your hands find themselves in his hair again, pushing him more against your cunt. He moans when you pull at his hair, sending vibrations straight to your core and you feel a wave of arousal gushing out of you and to his mouth.
His tongue teases your hole, stroking the tip in and out lightly. You push his head into you again and his nose bumps into your clit, taking a moan out of you.
“Feels so good" You grind against his tongue as it keeps teasing your hole and his nose stimulates your clit.
Your orgasm hits you hard and fast and you’re cumming on Mingyu’s mouth in no time. He keeps his mouth on you, licking every last drop of arousal that gushes out. You have to pull at his hair to make him stop.
When he lifts his head up from you, his chin is shiny with arousal, and he’s smiling.
You waste no time and make him sit on the couch again, “Now it’s tour turn."
You kneel on the floor as you remove his boxers. Even after seeing him on video and feeling him under you, you were not prepared to see how big Mingyu actually was.
His cock springs out against his stomach, angry red and already leaking pre cum.
It barely fits in your hand, and he sighs at your touch. You give a few experimental pumps, but he stops you.
“I don’t have much longer. Do you have a condom?”
“You wanna be inside me that bad?”
“Yes.” He responds quickly. You chuckle as you grab your purse. You find the one you put while getting ready and open it.
He squirms under your hands as you put it on him. As soon as the condom is on, he grabs you and gets you on top of him again. You both sigh as your cores touch.
You grind on him, covering his cock with your juices and you both moan as he traces your neck with bites and kisses.
“Looks who’s teasing now.”
“It’s fun seeing you frustrated.” You stop your movements, and he looks at you frowning. You can’t resist his sudden cuteness and give him a peck as you resume grinding on him. His tip grazes your clit and you shiver.
“You’re making me crazy.” He breathes out, and you can’t help to chuckle.
“Can you cum like this?”
“I want to cum inside you.” His whiny response takes you by surprise.
His hands grab you by the waist and lift you up. With one hand you grab his cock and position it under your hole.
You steady yourself, putting your hands on the back of the couch, and slowly start going down.
If you thought his fingers reached places no one ever has before, then you’re sure his dick is creating more space for you to feel him. You can feel every vein dragging inside of you.
You suppress your moans by kissing him, and he sighs in your mouth when you bottom out.
You’re so full you’re having trouble breathing. He keeps you still, giving you time to adjust. Even the tiniest move makes him twitch inside of you.
“You’re so fucking big Mingyu.”
“I told you I'd make it fit.” He wraps his arms around your waist and brings you to him to kiss you. You moan, feeling him grind inside you, and he stills.
You start grinding on him slowly. You’re sighing on each other’s mouths, savoring every drag of his dick inside of you, feeling him reach deeper with every thrust.
Your hands travel to his chest and start playing with his nipples. He thrusts up when you pinch one nipple lightly, hitting exactly where you need it and making you moan louder, so you do it again.
“Yes like that Mingyu.” That encourages to start thrusting up harder and matching your pace.
One of his hands creeps down to your cunt and start playing with your sensitive clit, still wet from his spit, and the other plays with one of your nipples.
You start clenching around him, eliciting a moan out of him.
“You’re so tight around me baby.” He says almost in a moan. “I'm so close."
His thumb is still playing with your swollen clit, making you squirm and clench so hard it’s hard to keep grinding on him. You collapse on his chest and he embraces you as he fastens his moves.
He's thrusting so deep and hard. You're sure he's marking you as his. Ruining you for any other man,  spelling his name in your insides so you're forever his.
Your bodies are so close together that your clit is rubbing against his abs, a friction you've never experienced but it makes the tightness on your stomach come so close to snapping you can almost taste it.
A few hard thrusts later you’re coming undone on top of him. But his thrusts don’t stop, chasing his high while you’re clenching around him, making him go crazy. You’re staring to feel the overstimulation when you feel him twitch inside you, and his thrusts come to a stop.
You stay like that, your head on his shoulder and his arms around your waist while you regulate your breaths. Your torsos pushed together allow you to feel the beating of his heart.
Mingyu relaxes his arms from around you, and you release yourself from his embrace. You wrap your arms around his neck and look him in the eye.
“So what did you want to talk about?” He chuckles at your question.
“I’m still inside you, and you want to talk?” His reply sends shivers down your spine, and you unconsciously clench around him. He drops his head back in a sigh, and his hands find their way to your hips.
“Are you staying over?” Mingyu looks at you with puppy dog eyes, and even if you wanted to, you couldn’t say no to him. You just nod as an answer, and he smiles like you just gave him a million dollars.
He surges forward to kiss you and you both wince at the stimulation from the sudden movement. “I think we should get up.” You chuckle with his mouth still on yours.
He helps you get up, and you instantly miss the fullness of having him inside.
While you grab your clothes from the floor, he disposes of the condom and goes to his bedroom. He comes back with one of his shirts to give to you. Your stomach gives a little jump at the idea of sleeping with his t-shirt as he shows you where the bathroom is so you can clean up.
When you finish and go to Mingyu’s bedroom, he’s waiting for you already inside the covers, a smile still plastered on his face. You sit on the bed and give him a peck, but he doesn’t let you go as he deepens the kiss and hugs you close to him.
“Mingyu the sun is about to come up. We need to sleep.” You manage to say with his lips on yours, and he smiles. You separate, but neither of you make any moves to go to sleep. You lay facing each other, admiring each other’s features in silence, when he suddenly says.
“Can I confess something?” That definitely wakes you up.
“You’re not a murderer are you?” You joke, and he shakes his head as he puts one string of your hair behind your ear.
“I know we didn’t really like each other until a few days ago…" He says, now with a serious expression on his face, and you listen carefully. “and I’m not saying this just because you made me cum on the phone…” He continues very seriously but you can’t help to chuckle lightly. Mingyu removes his eyes from you a little embarrassed by what he’s about to say, “and I don’t know why you sent me that photo the other day and I might be embarrassing myself saying this but, I think I kinda like you and I don’t want this to be a one time thing.”
You stay in silence a few seconds, processing what Mingyu just said. He doesn’t dare to look at you.
“Can I confess something too?” Your question makes him look at you again. He stares at you with those puppy eyes you’re learning you’re too soft for. “I sent that picture by accident the other day.” He looks worried, fearing that what you’re saying means you’re rejecting him, so you quickly continue, “but I don’t regret it.” You see a little smile appear on his lips. “I think we were very stupid not talking all these years, we could’ve save a lot of time if you just showed me your monster cock before!” You can’t help to joke to lighten the serious mood and he laughs with you.
You grab his face and give him a little peck. “I think I might like you too, but we need to see how it goes first.”
He smile grows impossibly wider at your words. “Let me take you on a date tomorrow.”
You chuckle at his eagerness. He’s too cute for his own good. “Ok let’s go out tomorrow.”
He hugs you and brings you closer to him again, taking his time sweetly kissing you while his hands sneak under his shirt to touch your skin.
In a swift motion, Mingyu traps you under him again, your back on the mattress, and he presses against you to let you feel his already growing bulge. “Oh my god you’re insatiable.” You say as you grind against him, earning a moan out of him. “Look who’s talking.”
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note: thank you so much for the support on the first part♥︎ I'm sorry the ending is kind of abrupt
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a-lexia11 · 25 days
Birthday cake
Leah Williamson x reader
Words: 1,9k
Summary: Your best friend surprises you with a unique birthday cake.
Note: This fic has been in my drafts for weeks, so it’s about time I finally post it!! I got inspired by a TikTok I saw of a Leah Williamson-themed cake. This cake is made by @cakesnbakes.byphoebe on TikTok.
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Seven months. It’s hard to believe that it’s been that long since Leah and I first got together.
Sometimes, I still feel like the fangirl I was before everything changed, the one who stayed up late watching highlights of her games, scrolling through her social media, and screaming at the TV whenever she made a spectacular play for Arsenal or the England team.
Leah Williamson. Just saying her name used to send butterflies through my stomach. Now, I get to say it while holding her hand,kissing her or waking up next to her.
But some things never really go away, and one of them is my complete and utter admiration for her. No matter how much time passes, that’s a part of me that I don’t think will ever fade.
It’s not something I try to hide, either. Anyone who knows us can see how much I admire her.
Whether it’s wearing the latest Arsenal jersey with her name and number on the back, showing up to every home game, or reposting her pictures with proud captions—I’m still her number one fan, even if now I get to be more than that, too.
The first time I saw Leah in person feels like a lifetime ago. It was at an Arsenal game at the Emirates Stadium, a match I’d been anticipating for weeks.
I had the best seat I could afford, close enough to the pitch that I could see every expression on her face as she directed the defense, her voice cutting through the roar of the crowd.
Leah was, as always, incredible. Her presence on the field was commanding, every movement deliberate, every pass precise.
I could hardly keep my eyes off her, completely absorbed in the way she played. But the real magic happened after the match.
I lingered outside the stadium, hoping for a glimpse of her, maybe a quick photo if I was lucky.
The crowd was thinning out, and I was beginning to lose hope when suddenly, there she was—walking out of the stadium with a few of her teammates, laughing and talking casually like she hadn’t just been the best player on the pitch.
I felt my heart race as I awkwardly approached, phone in hand. “Leah, can I—um, can I get a picture with you?” My voice trembled, betraying how starstruck I was.
She turned to me, those sharp blue eyes softening as she smiled. “Of course!” she said, her tone friendly and warm. She put an arm around me, and I tried to stay calm as someone snapped the picture.
After the photo, I managed to stutter out, “You’re amazing, Leah. I’ve been following your career for years. You’re, like, my hero.”
She laughed softly, a little embarrassed but clearly touched. “Thank you. That means a lot to me.”
I stood there for a moment, watching her walk away, thinking that would be the last time I ever saw her up close. But fate had other plans.
Now, fast forward to today—my birthday. Seven months into dating Leah, and I’m still in awe of how it all happened.
My best friend decided to throw a small party to celebrate, inviting some close friends and, of course, a few of the Arsenal girls who I’ve become close with through Leah.
Lia Wälti, Beth Mead and Katie McCabe—all of them had welcomed me into their circle, making me feel like part of the team in their own way.
The party was exactly what I wanted—nothing too crazy, just a relaxed evening with the people I love.
We were all gathered in my living room, chatting, laughing, and sharing stories. Leah was by my side, her arm casually draped over the back of the couch, occasionally joining in on the conversation but mostly just sitting back and watching me enjoy my night.
After a while, my best friend disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a large cake box, a mischievous grin on her face. “Alright, everyone, it’s time for the cake!” she announced, placing the box on the coffee table in front of us.
I looked at her suspiciously. “What did you do?”
“Nothing! It’s just a cake,” she said innocently, but the twinkle in her eyes told me otherwise.
She lifted the lid, and laughter erupted throughout the room.
My jaw dropped as I saw the cake in front of me. It was decorated with small paper cutouts of Leah mounted on sticks, scattered across the surface.
In addition, the cake itself was adorned with edible pictures of Leah, all covered in a layer of red and white cream.
Leah in her Arsenal jersey, Leah in a suit, Leah lifting a trophy,Leah in a sport bra,Leah in a training kit,Leah frowning—everywhere you looked, it was Leah, Leah, and more Leah.
“Oh my God,” I muttered, feeling my face heat up as everyone laughed and cheered.
“You’re such a huge fan of Leah Williamson, so we thought, what better way to celebrate your birthday than with a Leah Williamson cake?” my best friend said, her voice barely audible over the laughter.
Leah, who had been quietly observing from the sidelines, finally broke into a grin. “Well, this is certainly a first,” she said, chuckling as she leaned over to get a better look at the cake. “I have to admit, it’s pretty flattering.”
I covered my face with my hands, torn between laughing and dying of embarrassment. “You guys are ridiculous.”
Katie, never one to miss a chance for a joke, picked up a piece with Leah’s face on it and pretended to give it a little kiss before taking a bite. “Sorry, Leah, but you taste even better than I thought,” she teased, earning more laughs from the room.
Leah smirked, shaking her head at Katie. “Watch it, McCabe. Don’t make me regret letting you in here.”
The jokes continued as everyone grabbed a slice of cake, and while I was mortified at first, I eventually joined in on the fun.
After all, it was all in good spirits, and it wasn’t like the cake was wrong—I was a huge fan of Leah, and I wasn’t ashamed to admit it. Not anymore.
Leah caught my eye from across the room, and the look she gave me was one of pure affection.
Despite all the teasing, I could tell she found the whole thing endearing. She walked over to me, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me close.
“You know,” she said softly, her lips brushing against my ear, “I think it’s kind of cute that you’re still my biggest fan, even after all this time.”
I tilted my head up to look at her, grinning despite the flush in my cheeks. “I told you from the beginning—I’m never going to stop being your number one fan. You’re stuck with me, Williamson.”
She smiled down at me, her eyes twinkling with a mixture of amusement and something deeper. “Good. Because I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
As the night wore on and people began to head home, Leah and I found ourselves alone in the now-quiet living room.
The remnants of the cake still sat on the table, half-eaten, with a few stray crumbs scattered around. I sighed, feeling a content warmth settle over me as I leaned back against the couch.
Leah sat down beside me, her arm naturally finding its place around my shoulders.
She glanced at the cake and then back at me, a smirk tugging at her lips. “So, are you going to get a cake with my face on it every year now? Or was this a one-time thing?”
I groaned, playfully nudging her with my elbow. “Don’t even start. I’m never going to live this down, am I?”
She laughed softly, pulling me closer until my head rested against her shoulder. “Probably not. But hey, if you ever need a reminder of how much you love me, just look at the cake.”
I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help smiling. “You’re impossible.”
She tilted her head, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “You love it.”
I shifted slightly so I could look up at her, my gaze locking with hers. “Maybe I do.”
For a moment, we just looked at each other, the room quiet and still around us.
Then, Leah leaned down, capturing my lips in a kiss that was soft and slow, the kind of kiss that made my heart skip a beat.
I melted into her, letting the comforting warmth of her embrace envelop me while the familiar taste of her lips lingered on mine. As I straddled her, I felt an intense connection, fully immersed in the intimate moment we shared.
When we finally pulled away, I was breathless, my fingers still tangled in her hair. “You know,” I said, my voice barely more than a whisper, “I think you might be the best birthday present I've ever gotten."
Leah chuckled, looking slightly up at me, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh yeah? Better than a cake with my face on it?"
I laughed softly, shaking my head. "As much as I love that cake, you definitely top it."
She smirked, leaning in so that her lips were only inches from mine, her hands sliding up and down my thighs. "Good answer," she murmured.
I kissed her again, more deeply this time, letting myself get lost in the moment.
Leah had a way of making everything else disappear when she was close like this, and right now, all I wanted was to stay here in her arms forever.
When we finally parted again, Leah rested her forehead against mine, her breath warm against my skin. "You know," she said, her voice low and teasing, "since you’re such a dedicated fan, maybe you should show your appreciation a bit more often."
I raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at my lips. "Oh? And how exactly should I do that?"
Leah grinned as her hands moved to my butt, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I can think of a few ideas," she said.
I laughed, swatting her lightly on the arm. "You’re terrible."
"Terribly in love with you," she countered, her voice full of affection.
I rolled my eyes but couldn’t suppress the smile that spread across my face. "You’re lucky I love you too."
Leah leaned in, brushing her lips against mine in a kiss that was soft but full of promise. "Believe me, I know."
We stayed like that for a while, wrapped up in each other, the world outside fading away as we shared quiet moments filled with laughter, teasing, and the kind of love that felt unshakeable.
Eventually, though, the night began to catch up with us, and I found myself yawning despite my best efforts to stay awake.
Leah noticed, of course, and gently nudged me toward the bedroom. "Come on, birthday girl. Time for bed."
I pouted but let her lead me down the hall, feeling a content warmth settle over me as I climbed into bed.
Leah slid in beside me, pulling me close until my head rested on her chest, the steady rhythm of her heartbeat lulling me into a peaceful state.
Just before I drifted off, Leah whispered into the darkness, her voice soft and filled with affection. "Happy birthday, my love. I’m glad I get to spend it with you."
I smiled, my eyes already closing as I mumbled, "Best birthday ever."
And as I fell asleep in her arms, I knew that no matter what the future held, as long as I had Leah by my side, every day would feel like the best day ever.
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
hi could you please write smth about accidentally revealing your relationship with quackity? preferably with cc!reader <3
of course!! thanks for the request 🫶 ; ik I did a preference about accidentally revealing relationships but doing a little different thing and going in depth w it was fun!
QUACKITY ; softlaunch ❌ hardlaunch ✅
summary ; you and Alex accidentally reveal your relationship
warnings ; language, little bit of buzzed ranting, use of pet names (babe)
genre ; fluff
word count ; 1k
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You and Alex have been together for about ten-ish months, keeping it on the low since you'd been traveling around for QSMP meetups, events, and the Streamer Awards for a little bit.
You'd finally gotten home, your shared apartment with Alex, with Cellbit and Roeir tagging along. The three were planning to make a 'trying mexican candies' video in the morning while you were planning to edit and maybe stream til you felt tired enough to quit and sleep. The three guys sit out in the living room, watching some TV show as they sprawl out on the couch, buzzed from the aftermath of award winning.
You were more than proud for your boyfriend, but it being so late now, and your need for comfort after being overstimulated for hours on end, called for a little alone time. You sit in your office, the clock reading 1:30am as you hit the Go Live button on your stream.
You decided to chill out behind the closed door, just chatting with whatever viewers were still awake at this hour, or were just beginning their day, depending on timezones. After five minutes, you greet your chat, snacking on some cookies you'd picked up from the store before returning home earlier, a glass of milk sitting on your desk next to the plastic box.
You sit in your very comfortable chair with a QuackityHQ hoodie, with the signature duck in the corner and design on the back, and some long, patterned pj pants, colored dark blue and black with a floral design. They were thin enough to wear in the warm heat, which was perfect for you. You looked tired but didn't really feel that way, like your eyes were sewn open from adrenaline and happiness.
"Good morning, everyone" You chuckle, "Alex just won an award, feeling good! He, Cellbit and Roier got some drinks and have been watching TV on the couch, so sorry if you can hear them. I closed the door just in case but don't mind any shouting or music"
Your chat explodes with messages, congratulating you, even though you lost in your category, and spamming hearts and heart hands emojis. Someone sends in a small donation, asking for clarification why they were at your house.
"Oh, Alex didn't wanna drive all the way back to his place and he had his car parked here from earlier. He drove the other two and we all left together. They're staying the night" You nod, clarifying with a little bit of lying, not wanting to slip up.
You'd known for a while that Alex was just a secretive person over the smallest things, and he didn't know why. You were totally fine being open about your relationship with friends, but made sure to respect boundaries for him. He reassured you in his own panic that he wasn't embarrassed to be with you and didn't want to hide his love for you often.
He explained it in simplest terms as he was weirdly secretive and he didn't want his weirdo stans attacking you or only watching you for him, he didn't want to ruin your fanbase that you built from the ground up. You'd been friends since forever, a good percentage (if not all, then most) of your fans also watched Quackity's content, which kind of made sense to you, but you didn't question it.
"But yeah, it was fun, just like... there were so many people, and so much was happening all at once and shit. I'm just trying to calm down and get tired." You lightly smile, taking a bite of one of your cookies. "I'm so proud of everyone who won and everyone who was nominated, good night for everyone"
You sit and talk to your chat for a while, occasionally listening to the trio's laughter outside your office. Before you can even snap your head around to inform whoever entered that you were live, they were already speaking, slightly laughing, and stumbling.
"Babe, oh my God, I'm so sorry! I accidentally dropped one of your plates in the kitchen and it fucking shattered everywhere, I'm so sorry. I cleaned it up, I just wanted to tell you than wait for you to notice and make you mad, I'm sorry, Y/n/n"
Your jaw hangs slightly agape, and you stare with a silent expression. You slowly turn back to your stream, the chat absolutely exploding with messages. You saw probably a hundred first time chatters even making an expression about it.
"Lex, I'm live" You speak between your teeth, muting your mic. "Ah- uh, it's, it's fine"
He quickly regains his composure, staring over at you, then looking over to your PC, showing that you were a thousand percent live and five thousand people heard him say that. By the morning, it'd be all over Twitter and YouTube Shorts and TikTok, people were already clipping it.
"Alex, holy shit"
The two of you sit in silence for a minute, trying to rationalize what to do. Cell and Roier bust into the office as well, seeing both of you silent before asking, where you both talk over each other very loudly to try and explain.
They both look over to your monitors, confirming you were live. They both laugh in a light hearted way, looking to Quackity.
"You're cooked, dude"
"Rest in peace"
"You say that like I'm embarrassed to be with them, I mean, it's not like that... I think. Y/n, are you embarrassed to be with me? I'm not embarrassed to be with you, I wanna post pictures of us on adventures and experiencing shit so people can see us for us and what we are-"
"My brother in Christ" You sigh with a chuckle, rubbing your temples. "It's said and done, it's fine. And no, I'm not embarrassed to be with you" You turn back to your stream, unmuting yourself under the red LED lights and lamp on your desk.
You sigh and shrug before speaking, throwing your hands up halfway in defense.
"Y/s/n real"
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sunny-mercya · 1 year
Parents Regret
Batfamily x Male Child Reader | Slight AU
01. New addition
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Adopting you had been a spurt of a moment for Bruce. Something he hadn't planned to do nor did there were a properly rationally process of thinking about it.
It had been during a round of Patrol, when Bruce had heard a sound from an alley. Checking it out, he found a cardboard box and inside was you. Laying in there, almost deathlike, crying out for anyone and drenched wet from the rain. Bruce picked you up in a instant and brought you the Children Hospital.
That was three days ago and now Bruce was yet again in the Hospital, waiting for the Nurse to bring you. The Doctor had informed him about your well-being and current health.
Besides the obviously signs of malnourishment and possibly shock trauma, you were as healthy as a three year old could be. Though the doctor advised to keep you warm, huddled up in blankets, to avoid a possibility of Pneumonia.
«Mr.Wayne? You'll have to sign a few papers before you can take the little one. Also, additional we would like to ask you to name him, in case of emergency and the sort of.» The Nurse tells him, handing him the papers.
A name for you? Huh, so you were born nameless and not registered. Then it would much easier to get Custody rights for you. While signing his signatures, Bruce thought for a bit, racking his brain for a fitting name for you.
[Name] Wayne. Yeah, that name sounds about right for you. Perhaps he could add one or two middle names too, but not right now—later, middle names are need to be chosen wisely.
Bruce smiled when he finally could hold you in his arms. Holding his index finger out, which you grabbed tiredly. He nodded along to what the nurse tells him about medication and check-ups.
Jason, with the rest of his siblings, was sitting in the living room, waiting for Bruce. Whatever surprise Bruce had planned to bring home, Jason hoped it was either food or Joker's head. Anything else he didn't care for.
Whatever the surprise was, it had to be something big and important, when Bruce let them have a day off from school today.
They acknowledged when Bruce had stepped in, giving a short greeting and resuming back to what they were doing; watching TV. One of the few shows they all could agree on to watch.
«I would like you to all welcome your new brother, [Name].»
Bruce watched with slight amusement how at first they all mumbled a "yes" and "that's nice".
«WHAT?» like a chorus they shouted it, whipping their heads towards Bruce and looking at the bundle in his arms.
Dick was the first one to get out of his perplexing state. Jumping up from the couch, with full excitement and hopping towards Bruce—taking his new sibling, a baby sibling even, from him and into his own arms. Cuddling the small human and cooing at him.
Dick found you adorable, so damn adorable—the way you blinked at him owlishly, with dopey tired eyes. Never wanted to let go of you and chatting you up already.
«What's the meaning of this Father?!» asked Damian, scoffing and glaring. A new sibling? Doesn't father has already taken in enough strays over the years?
«If you all would calm down for a minute and let me explain.» Bruce sat down on of the armchairs.
And explained he did.
To be honest, Jason rarely sides with Damian or shared the same opinion, but this was one of the few moments he does.
The anger rises in Jason, glaring at the Brat in Dick arms with much hatred as Damian does. They, he, doesn't need a new sibling. Another unnecessary addition to this—in his humble opinion, dysfunctional family.
Like does Bruce wants to raise you as another Robin? To ruin your mental health too? To bring you to deaths door, like how he did with Jason. Or perhaps, Bruce saw you as some sort of publicity accessory.
Either way, Jason doesn't care. Ready to get up and leave, to get some fresh air and blew off some stream of pent up anger. Cassandra stops him, shaking her head in a way to tell him to sit back down.
«You don't expect us to act all lovely dotting now or? If you so desperately want to adopt that brat here, sure, but I won't babysit or to any sort of that shit. Seriously Bruce, yer just fucking insane now!»
«Jason! Don't say such things!»
«Oh, piss off Dick! It's the truth! Bruce's what? 45 years old? Almost 50 and he wants to raise a child in that age? That's ridiculous!»
«Should I have just left [Name] in the alley?» asked Bruce, trying not to raise his voice at Jason.
«No. But there are orphanages or foster care to bring him. Why should we have him anyways?» it was Damian who answers.
«He needs a family, Damian.»
«We're already enough of a family! We don't him!»
A shouting had erupted.
Dick had left the room before they all, mainly Jason and Damian, begun to shout. He didn't want you to hear this. So Dick decided to walk with you through the manor, to show you everything.
«You will love it here [Name]! Jay and Damian will come around to love you, trust me, they're just a bit grumpy at first.»
«Aah, Master Dick, do you want perhaps show the young master his new room?» asked Alfred, spooking Dick a bit, because he hadn't heard the Butler at all.
«Yes, Master Bruce had set it up some days ago, it's upstairs.»
Dick followed Alfred, rocking you a bit as you looked a bit fussy.
«Say Alfred, what's your opinion?»
«Well, I certainly don't mind little [Name], he brings some new life to this manor, but I admit Master Bruce could have discussed it beforehand. We're here, I will prepare a bottle for the young master.» with that being said, Alfred walks away.
Dick grins down you, excited to see your room.
«Ready? Can't wait to see your room too! It probably looks really cool and –»
Dick stoped when he had opened the door. To be fair and honest, Dick didn't expected that Bruce would know how to decorate at all, but this? This was a utterly disappointment. Only the bare necessities furniture, no colours on the walls and about two stuffed toys.
«Yeah know what, jellyfish? We're gonna go shopping on the weekend and I will spoil you rotten with Bruce's money.»
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cas-skz · 1 year
Back to you (Crumble pt 2.)
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Wooyoung x FEM!reader
| non-idol au | drama/romance | 18+!! |
Weeks apart from Wooyoung and San have effected you mentally and physically. Your travel companion has no luck breaking through to you and with all your energy drained, you pass out. What happens after the hospital will change everything.
[writers note]
THANK YOU SO SO FLIPPIN MUCH!!!! I seriously always feel so touched when I get good feed back & responses. It means a lot & I appreciate your support so so much!!!
I hope this pulls at your heart strings just as much as the first
Tag List: @a-teez-4-exo @ppeachyttae @pearltinyy @yujuvly @kiwimash12 @neteyamandloakisfoine @mayblues @miaatiny
Every part of you felt numb. Your body was heavy and heart shattered. The whole event of last night played through your head over and over again, hurting more each time.
You didn’t want it to be real. You didn’t want San and Wooyoung to be gone.
“Wake up. We’re here.” The males voice came from the front seat.
You sat up to look at your surroundings, a small cabin on a lake front with not much else in sight. To most it would be peaceful, but to you it was hell at the moment.
You took Ella from her car seat, holding her in your lap as you sighed quietly. “Guess we’re here.” You told her, exiting the car.
“Where are we?” You asked the male, who was grabbing the bags from the car.
“Somewhere safe.” He simply replied, motioning for you to follow him to the cabin.
You rolled your eyes at his answer, following inside. It was decent enough, a living room with tv, the kitchen was stocked with new pots and pans, and a pile of groceries were stacked on the floor.
You made your way down the hall, glancing in at the bathroom before finding your and Ella’s bags in a room at the end of the hall. You got her freshened up and grabbed a bottle before setting in a crib that had been set up.
You laid on your side on the bed across from the crib, watching as she played with the toys and stuffies Woo had grabbed for her. You couldn’t help but cry again, feeling hopeless and confused.
San and Wooyoung had always kept the business side of things hush hush, but over time you started to pick up on little things. Woo arranged boxing matches where people placed high bets to watch San fight an opponent.
99% of the time San was victorious, in exception for Leeknow. Every few weeks the boys would come home after a loss and chat over how to defeat him the next time. Woo always said the loss left a dent in their wallets.
The knock on the door woke you up. You groaned quietly, not even realizing you had fallen asleep.
“Sorry…she’s been fussing. I can take her if you want.” The male said.
It was only now you realized who had been accompanying you this whole time. “Mingi?”
“Yea..I didn’t think you remembered.” He chuckled, taking a few steps towards the crib.
“No.” You said quickly, “I got her.”
You rushed to your feet to swoop Ella into your arms, hushing her as you dug through one of the bags.
“Sorry.” Mingi said quietly, scratching the back of his head. “I have dinner going. It’ll be ready soon.” He smiled softly before turning and heading back to the kitchen.
You didn’t exactly remember Mingi, but he had been one of your elementary school friends and you thought he’d left town years ago.
Once you found a soother for Ella, you both made your way into the kitchen. You didn’t know how long you’d been asleep, but the cabin looked much cozier than when you arrived.
A small play area had been set up in the living room, which you placed Ella into after giving her a kiss on the forehead.
“Are you hungry?” Mingi asked from the kitchen.
“Uh, no. No thanks. Ella’s probably starving.”
“I made her mashed peas and potatoes. There’s a few pieces of pork chop cooling for her too.”
To your surprise, the food at prepared correctly for her age and was made into a smiley face on a cute dinosaur plate.
“Don’t worry, I know how to not kill a baby. I have a three year old and a handful of nieces and nephews.” Mingi smirked, passing you the plate and a baby spoon.
“Thanks.” You mumbled quietly.
You sat inside Ella’s play area and propped her inside the bumbo seat before feeding her dinner.
“I think she approves.” Mingi said from the kitchen table as he munched down on his own meal.
You ignored his comment, focusing on keeping Ella’s face clean as your thoughts wondered to Woo and San. You couldn’t help but worry and wonder where they were, if they were okay. Not to mention the hurt you felt from then suddenly leaving you.
The day creeped into night and you went along with your normal routine with Ella, bathing her and reading a couple of stories before settling her down in bed with a bottle.
Mingi had made himself comfortable in the smaller bedroom, setting up a little gaming station and some mood lighting. It seemed like he was always making someplace feel like home.
“You still haven’t eaten.”
His deep voice creeped out from his room, you peaked in to see him sitting on a bean bag chair, playing gta on a small tv screen.
“I just don’t feel hungry. I’m fine though.” You smiled softly before turning towards the bathroom. “I’m gonna take a shower. Do you mind listening out for her?”
“No problem at all.”
The hot water washed over your face as you sobbed as quiet as you could. There was a million questions running through your head. Why San would just send you off without explanation. Why they couldn’t go with you. There was no off button to the mess in your head.
As you opened the bathroom door, Mingi gave you a small wave, “She’s snoring. I’m heading to sleep soon.” He stretched out before standing up and heading to the door, leaning onto the side as he started to close it.
“Let me know if you need anything.”
“Thanks. Night.”
You tried to comfort yourself with Woo’s shirt, the familiar sent of him brought you mixed emotions, which you tried your best to push aside. At some point you drifted to sleep on your tear stained pillow, thought it was nothing compared to falling asleep in Woo’s arms as he fucked you slowly.
The next few days felt numb. You went through day by day, moment by moment just focusing on Ella. You were a mess. You had barely eaten, barely spoken to Mingi. The only update you had gotten was that Leeknow had thrown a fight and his people were angry with the loss.
You were too exhausted to focus on what was being told to you as Mingi filled you in the latest events.
“I guess it’s almost resolved. There was some sort of confrontation but they ended up actually chatting.”
Your eyes tried to focus on Mingi cleaned dishes, but the room started to spin.
“If all goes well, you should be going home pretty so-”
Your body fell to the ground with a hard thud as you blacked out. The lack of food and hours of crying finally had you hitting a brick wall.
Mingi cursed as a glass dropped from his hand, he ran to your side and patted your face a few times. “Fuck. Come on, wake up.”
He grabbed your glass of water off the table and splashed it on your face, “Y/N.” He tapped your face a little harder as you woke a bit, still very fuzzy and spaced.
You remember being in the car as Mingi drove towards the nearest hospital. Ella was strapped in her seat and you laid fading in and out on the seat next to her.
The beeping of a heart monitor rang in your ears as you came out of unconsciousness, you mumbled to yourself as the nurse greeted you and let you know what was going on.
“We gave you some fluids but you’re going to need to eat before you leave, other than that, you and the baby are overall fine.”
“What?” Your tone was unexpectedly harsher than you expected.
“Well we had to run a blood test just to make sure it was lack of nutrients…I-I’m sorry, if you didn’t know.”
You stared blankly for a moment, “No-“ you paused to look at her, offering a small smile. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” You laughed quietly as a tear fell down your cheek. “Thank you.”
After following the doctors orders and apologizing to Mingi and Ella for not taking care of your self, you were happily on your way home.
Though your heart ached for Wooyoung more than ever, you couldn’t help but smile down at your stomach.
“I think you should name them Grey.”
“Yeah. It’s my favorite color - well actually charcole, but that’s a weird name for a kid.”
You shook your head and laughed as the drive continued, filled with small chat and plans to make the best of things.
“By the way” Mingi started as he pulled into the long driveway down to the cabin, he paused and quickly checked his phone before pointing to a car parked near the house. “You have a visitor.”
Your eyes filled with tears at the sight of your brother as the car came to a stop, you rushed out and over to hug him tightly.
“I swear to god if you ever do that again”
“It won’t happen again. Ever.”
“Promise. We’re going straight.”
San explained how Wooyoung had made a deal with Leeknow’s people to get them out of the game and in exchange they would own and operate a car repair shop.
As San continued to speak, your eyes drifted to the cabin door opening and you took off running towards Wooyoung as he walked out.
Tears were streaming down your face as you leaped into his arms, kissing his lips as deep as you could.
“You came back.” You whispered against his lips, pressing your head against his.
“I’m not going anywhere ever again.”
“Good. Ella and her little brother or sister are gonna need their daddy.”
Woo looked down at you with a look of shock and wonder, which you nodded a few times to confirm what he was thinking.
He wrapped his arms around you again, spinning you around as he kissed your cheek repeatedly.
“Get a room!” San yelled with a laugh.
Woo gave him the finger as he carried you back into the cabin and closed the door behind him.
You laughed in his arms and held onto him until he put you back on the ground, “Go get your daughter.” You laughed, giving him another kiss.
“Our daughter.” He whispered.
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sgt-tombstone · 2 months
House Rules
Poly 141 || Explicit || 18+ MDNI!
CW: explicit sexual content, polyamory, free use
No one asked for this but I took my ADHD meds today so it got written anyway. This isn't beta read or proofread so ignore any mistakes (or tell me about them so I can fix them lmao)
Let me know if you guys want me to post this to ao3, it's not my usual fare but I'd be willing to post it if you'd like!
When Johnny officially started dating Simon, he knew that the other man was in an open relationship. He had never given polyamory much thought before--it had never held much appeal to him, and he always thought himself far too jealous to share his partner with anyone else--but with Simon, it was different from the beginning.
At first, he had missed the part of Simon's dating profile that indicated his relationship status, and by the time he finally did notice the little line--poly and partnered--Johnny had already made up his mind about the man. He was funny and sweet, sickeningly romantic, even as confined to the little dating app chat box as they were. There was no indication that Simon was looking to add another number to his polycule; he told Johnny outright, when questioned, that he was perfectly fine keeping their relationship neatly sequestered, separate from Simon's other relationships. He was attentive and devoted, never making Johnny feel needy or burdensome, even when Johnny took up entire hours of his time messaging back and forth, and Johnny often found himself forgetting that he wasn't the sole recipient of Simon's attention.
When they finally arranged an in-person meeting after a month of daily, sometimes hourly, back-and-forth, they simply... clicked. Johnny mocked Simon for his preference for tea, Simon affectionately tugged on Johnny's mohawk, and when they left the little coffee shop, neither of them wanted the bubble to burst just yet, so Simon tugged Johnny closer and led him to a nearby park. They strolled for hours, tucked against each other's sides to stave off the mid-winter chill, and Johnny marveled at how well he fit pressed against Simon.
Eventually, he got curious. Simon occasionally mentioned his other partners, always in passing, always casually, but always fondly. Johnny knew that there were two others--an older man named Price and a man close to Johnny's own age named Kyle, though Simon always called him Gaz--and he found himself more and more willing to meet them. More than willing, even. Eager. He wanted to know the people in Simon's life that made him so happy, wanted to be friendly with them, if not friends. So, four months after his and Simon's first date, he broached the subject and, two weeks later, he found himself sitting in the very same coffee shop, Simon at his side, Price and Gaz across the table, all four of them sipping on warm drinks and sharing warm laughter.
It felt easy. It felt right.
Over the next several months, the four of them went out increasingly often together. In public, they passed their foursome off as a double date situation--society had warmed up significantly to the idea of two men dating, but the four of them attracted more attention and questions than it was worth--and Johnny felt himself drawn to the other two men in much the same way he was drawn to Simon. Price and Gaz were easy and open with their affection for Simon and had welcomed Johnny into their lives, in any capacity he chose, with open arms. He supposed that was why it was called an open relationship. He didn't pry much into their personal relationships with each other; it was enough for him to know that Simon was happy, that Simon was surrounded by people who took care of him, that Simon loved him just as much as the other two men in his life.
Only when Simon broached the idea of Johnny moving in with him did he learn the whole truth.
'Free use,' Simon had said, and Johnny hadn't even known what that was. They had sat in Johnny's shitty flat, tucked together on the couch, TV on for background noise and empty takeout boxes strewn across the coffee table, and Simon had explained it. He lived with Price and Gaz, each with their own bedroom and bathroom, and they shared each other, whenever they wanted, as often as they wanted. There were house rules, of course, boundaries in place to keep everything safe and consensual, and if Johnny agreed to move in with them, he'd both be bound by those rules and have the ability to add his own, even going so far as to place himself off-limits if he wished.
For all of his hesitation, Johnny couldn't say that he wasn't intrigued. Or interested. There was something inherently compelling about the sense of freedom that Simon's explanation had conveyed. The more he thought about it, the more interested he became. He had always had some exhibitionist and voyeuristic tendencies, had always loved the thrill of the attention and the risk of getting caught, but he had never considered...
He took several weeks to think about it, which Simon enthusiastically supported, and during those weeks, he jerked off more often than he'd ever admit to idea. The thought of Price or Gaz walking in while Simon fucked him over the kitchen table, continuing a conversation with each other as if one of them wasn't getting railed right in front of them never failed to get him hard in record time, and he found himself moaning all three names equally often whenever he came.
Moving was made easy by four sets of hands instead of just one or two, especially when all four men were roughly the size of refrigerators with functional muscles to match. Their house was massive. Five bedrooms, seven bathrooms, a living room big enough to play hurling in, a kitchen that had seemingly jumped straight out of an interior design magazine, and a backyard framed entirely by privacy fencing and several rows of bushes tall and thick enough to shield the entire property from prying eyes.
The first night he was there, all four of them sat down at the kitchen table over dinner and explained the house rules:
everyone wore a colored bracelet at all times. Green indicated a willingness to engage in free use, though that consent could always be revoked. Yellow indicated the desire to be present and watch, but not the desire to be an active participant. Red indicated off-limits, which meant that no free use could take place when they were in the room.
the kitchen was off-limits, especially when someone was actively cooking
if a door was closed, that room and everyone in it were off-limits unless someone was specifically invited in
everyone in the house got STD tested once per month as well as before and after every sexual situation with someone outside of the house
There were others, mundane rules that Johnny had lived with enough roommates to feel comfortable with the gist of; everyone pitched in with chores, everyone contributed equally to utilities, and everyone kept the noise to a minimum, with a few obvious exceptions.
The first night was calm. Simon led Johnny back to his room, since Johnny's wasn't fully unpacked yet, and handed him his three bracelets, tucking the red one securely in place around his wrist.
"You can take it off whenever you like," he said, "but keep it on until you're comfortable."
They moved around each other effortlessly, changing into sleep clothes and getting ready for bed. Simon pulled Johnny under the covers, kissed the top of his head, and they both fell asleep wrapped in each other's embrace.
Johnny woke up alone, warm sunlight streaming through the window, and the events of yesterday flashed through his mind. He didn't even try to smother his grin. As he opened Simon's bedroom door, intent on making himself a cup of coffee, he was greeted with the unmistakable sound of someone getting fucked within an inch of their lives, their moans drifting up the house's staircase, and he quickly exchanged his red bracelet for yellow.
When he reached the bottom step and turned to the kitchen, his jaw dropped at the sight. Price had Gaz bent over the kitchen island, both stark naked except for their bright green bracelets, Price's cock buried to the hilt in Gaz's ass. Simon stood on the other side, clothed in a soft black shirt, black boxers, and a yellow bracelet to match Johnny's. His elbows were braced on the counter out of morning laziness instead of sexual pleasure, and he held Price's gaze easily as they chatted. Every once in a while, one of them would sip from the steaming mugs next to them, or Gaz would let out a truly pornographic moan, but for the most part, it looked utterly domestic, as if it were entirely normal, their usual morning routine. With a jolt, Johnny realized that it was and now, it was his too.
When Simon noticed him standing in the doorway, his eyes automatically flicked down to his wrist, checking the color of his bracelet before his face split in a grin. Johnny knew it wasn't a reward for changing it; Simon would've grinned at his arrival even if he had been wearing a red bracelet, but it felt like warm validation in his chest nonetheless.
"I made you coffee," he said, pushing himself upright and nudging one of the mugs across the marble counter. His words drew Price and Gaz's attention, and they turned to greet him with warm smiles of their own. Gaz even raised his head slightly, lifting a hand to wave lazily before his eyes rolled back in his head in tandem with one of Price's slow thrusts. Johnny stepped fully into the kitchen, tucking himself easily against Simon's side when the man raised his arm in invitation. He sipped the coffee and groaned at the taste.
"Good?" Price asked, and Johnny nodded.
"Better be," Simon grumbled good-naturedly. "Spent a bloody fortune on that coffee maker, old man."
"Switch that bracelet out and I'll show you how old I am, you muppet," Price said with a laugh.
"Might take you up on that," Simon said, the arm wrapped around Johnny's shoulders tightening as his eyes hazed over slightly.
"Speaking of age," Gaz mumbled, "I'm not getting any younger here."
"Poor baby," Price cooed. "You just woke up, don't tell me you're tired already."
"Tired of you yappin' instead of puttin' your fuckin' back into it," Gaz slurred, earning a chuckle from the three men standing around him. Johnny choked on his coffee when Price dropped one of the hands on Gaz's hips to wrap around Gaz's cock, hidden by the countertop but Gaz's deep, drawn-out moan was unmistakable. Price's thrusts sped up, too, each slap of his hips against Gaz's ass pulling a breathless whine out of the younger man. Saliva pooled on the countertop where his cheek was pressed against the cool marble, his mouth open in a desperate attempt to draw in as much oxygen as possible while Price did his level best to punch every air molecule from his lungs with his cock alone.
It was the hottest thing Johnny had ever seen. By the time Gaz came with a high-pitched keen, Johnny's coffee was entirely forgotten and he was hard in his sweatpants. He didn't notice how heavily he was breathing until Simon's hand came to rest at the nape of his neck, his nose finding the sensitive spot behind his ear.
"Alright, Johnny?"
Johnny could only nod, transfixed by the sight in front of him. Price pulled out and dropped to his knees, pulling Gaz's cheeks apart with his strong hands, undoubtedly checking for any injuries. He soothed Gaz's displeased whines with slow, firm strokes of his palms against the man's ass and thighs, then stood and pulled Gaz upright.
"Gonna get this one in the shower," he said, obviously directing his words towards Simon and Johnny, but his attention never wavered from the man in his arms.
Once they disappeared up the stairs, Johnny half-turned and half-collapsed against Simon, resting his temple against the taller man's collarbone, sharp even through the soft shirt.
"Jesus wept," he swore, and Simon chuckled as he pressed a kiss to the top of Johnny's mohawk. "Is it always that..."
"Hot?" Simon guessed. "Usually, yeah."
Johnny didn't know how he was going to survive.
Over the course of several months, he settled into the routine of the house. There was a clear dynamic, one that he quickly found his place in. Gaz and Price had been the original couple, so they were the most comfortable with each other, and they could usually be found wrapped in or around each other. It wasn't out of the ordinary to find Gaz cockwarming Price as the older man talked on the phone or folded laundry, and it was equally common to find Price bent over the back of the couch, impaled on Gaz's cock as the younger man played video games. Simon had been the newest addition before Johnny, and it was obvious that Price had been the one to bring him into the fold. He exclusively bottomed for Price and exclusively topped for Gaz, and both left him sated and satisfied.
As for Johnny... he found his niche in being anything anyone wanted him to be. He and Simon had already found their rhythm as switches, so he was completely unsurprised by Simon's preferences in the house, even if he didn't adhere to the same strictness that Simon did. He had no qualms about eating his breakfast around the broad span of Gaz's shoulders as the man squirmed in his lap, nor did he hold any reservations about letting Price sink to his knees to take him in his mouth as he and Gaz played mario kart in the living room. The first time that Simon had seen Price submit so easily to Johnny had been the single most erotic afternoon of Johnny's life and had left him unable to walk without limping for several days.
He spent most of his time with Simon, the two of them sleeping in the same room more often than not, but he maintained his own space, curating his bedroom to his own tastes, ensuring that he always had a comforting place to retreat to if he needed to. Whenever any of them wore their red bracelets--a fairly frequent occurence, Johnny learned, considering his own slowly growing sense of comfort and the collective traumas of all four of them--the entire house simmered down to calm domesticity. They would play video games or watch movies, fully clothed but often pressed together in a puddle of limbs and warmth. Johnny learned that they were all hopelessly competitive, which led to some borderline violent game nights, but they always ended in laughter and soft kisses pressed to developing bruises gifted by flying elbows and knees. Strip poker was their favorite game, when everyone was wearing their green bracelets, and Johnny very quickly learned that he and Gaz would never stand a chance against the two older men, which was often more fun anyway.
A year after moving in, Gaz came home one day with a blinding grin that only got wider when he caught sight of Johnny reclined on the couch, his back pressed against Simon's chest, his legs spread obscenely over Simon's thighs. Simon's cock was nestled firmly inside of him and his arms were wrapped firmly around his bare chest, both of them holding video game controllers and focusing intently on the TV. Price was knelt between both pairs of their legs, his arms on either side of their thighs, his mouth wrapped around Johnny's cock, warming him just as well as Johnny was warming Simon.
At the sound of his entrance, Simon and Johnny paused their game and looked up, smiling in greeting. The look on his face, though, piqued their interest, and Simon raised a questioning brow.
"I went on a date today," Gaz said, unable to wipe the grin off of his face. "His name is Gary, and I think you guys will really like him."
Price lifted his head, pulling off of Johnny's cock with a lewd pop, and wiped his mouth and mustache with the back of his hand before turning to Gaz.
"You thinkin' about introducin' us?"
"I'd like to," Gaz confirmed. "We have an extra bedroom..."
"Is this how quickly you wanted to adopt me after our first date?" Johnny asked, turning his head to press the question into Simon's temple.
"Yeah, pretty much," Simon replied with a shrug. "Took you a bit to come 'round to the idea, but we were willing to wait for you."
"What do you say, lovebirds?" Price said, turning to the two men on the couch. "Open to adding to our numbers?"
"Five's a good number, sir," Simon said.
"Five's my favorite number," Johnny added, and Gaz held up his phone with a giggle.
"I'll invite him out for coffee," he said eagerly, his fingers already flying over the keyboard. As soon as the text was--presumably--sent, he tossed his phone onto the carpeted floor, toed off his shoes, and collapsed onto the couch. Simon resumed their game and Price resumed his cockwarming, causing Gaz to groan.
"You guys are no fun," he complained. "Left me with nothing to do."
"Play with us," Johnny said, motioning to the spare controller on the table. "If you win, I'm sure Price would be willing to give you a prize."
He felt Price's groan more than he heard it as Gaz scrambled to connect the other controller, easily falling back into their good-natured competitiveness, and he wondered--not for the first time--how he got so lucky. He had three partners who adored him and each other, who were devoted to taking care of him and each other. He had one cock inside of him, had his own cock inside someone else, and would probably have more than that by the end of the night, if Gaz's hungry gaze was any indication. Before long, there would likely be a fifth, because Gaz was an excellent judge of character, and if he liked someone, the rest of the house was sure to as well. Johnny couldn't wait.
He tilted his head to the side, catching Gaz's eye, and the two of them had the same thought at the same time. Johnny paused the game, ignoring Simon's sound of distress in favor of tossing his controller to the side and tangling his fingers in Price's hair, the only warning he got before Johnny was flexing his hips, simultaneously lifting himself off of Simon's cock and pushing his own deeper into Price's throat. Simon's disappointed groan morphed quickly into one of pure lust as Gaz surged forward to lick into his mouth. Johnny set a brutal pace, alternating between fucking into Price's mouth and sinking deep onto Simon's cock with every movement. It felt like heaven, especially with the sound of Simon and Gaz panting into each other's mouths in between kisses just behind him.
Simon and Gaz let their hands wander, over each other, over Johnny, and then their mouths started wandering too. Lips pressed against any bare skin they could reach, which was a lot, and he threw his head back against Simon's shoulder, baring his neck and giving them more room to work, which they took full advantage of. Gaz worked his way down Johnny's chest, licking and sucking every inch of skin from his neck to his hips, paying close attention to his nipples and the sensitive skin just above his hipbones. Simon, meanwhile, laved his tongue over the back and side of Johnny's neck, latching on like a vampire, leaving dark bruises in his wake.
When he came, it was down Price's throat, clenching tightly around Simon's cock, moaning into Gaz's mouth, and he'd never felt more cherished in his entire life.
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alia-schlatt · 1 month
Little Things || Jschlatt
♡ Summery ♡
A long day as a teacher ending in laughing with Jay.
♡ Warnings ♡
None, SFW
♡ Word Count♡
Total words: 885
♡ Authors Note ♡
Literally came up with this idea while in English class. Hope you enjoy!!
(Story under the cut)
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"I've explained this to you guys many times, so I don't understand why you are all still confused. But let's go through it again."  sigh sharing my screen with the class of fifteen year olds, I was teaching. A small knock at the door was heard before it opened a crack. Schlatt stuck his head in and smiled. I muted and smiled at him.
"Hey Toots, I'm ordering some lunch from Allies. You want something for when your done with classes" He asks. 
"House Combo please, and do you think you can pour me a glass of coke?" I question. 
"Coming right up" He whispers giving me a wink and closing the door. 
"Sorry about that, just had to answer a quick question for someone. I hope you guys are going to listen this time because this is the last time I'm going over this task with you guys." I look at the chat bar of the google chrome meeting and sigh. "This task is due this evening at midnight Kylie" I answer the question. The door opens and Schlatt softly lays my diet coke on the table. He winks and gives me two thumbs up before closing the door again
Two and a half hours later I end my final class and stretch. I stand up and open my office door a sign that I'm not in a lesson. I quickly run and use the bathroom before coming back to the desk and ticking off stuff I've done off my to-do list. I still see there's a few things I haven't done yet that include marking a few tests and sending a few emails. I open spotify and put on a lofi playlist Schlatt had made at some point for me. I open my emails and continue working my head nodding to the beat. 
I don't even notice when Schlatt leans against the door frame and smirks at me. I'm typing away furiously, when he clears his throat startling me. I look up and his eyes soften.
"How long till your done with work toots?" He questions.
I look down at my to-do list. The last 3 tasks standing out to me. "half an hour at the most" I smile. He nods.
"Movie night?" he asks.
"Yes, but we need snacks" I tell him.
"Want me to run out and go grab some while you finish up here?" He asks.
I nod "I'll get started on dinner in the meantime" I tell him. 
"Don't worry, I'm craving pizza. I'll stop and get on the way home" He tells me. "You just destress, 'ight?"
"Sounds perfect" 
"Sweet, I'll see you soon beautiful" He says kissing my forehead before walking out the room. I heard him moving around our apartment before the door closing signaling he's left.
A few more sent emails and a few Market assignments later I'm finally turning off my PC for the weekend. I decide to take a shower and slip out of my jeans and button up exchanging them instead for a pair of pj pants and one of Schlatts hoodies. I pull the curtains in the lounge closed and turn on the TV. I run into our bedroom and grab my fluffy blanket on the bed to bring to the couch. When I walk back into the Living room Schlatts closing the Apartment door with his foot, Pizza and Target packets in one, a bunch of flowers In the other. He slides the two boxes of pizza onto the counter before laying the two target packets down afterwards. He turns to me. 
"Saw these and they reminded me of you. So perfectly perfect. Here" He says handing them to me. 
"Technically perfectly perfect isn't-" He cuts me off pulling me into his side and looking down at me. 
"Don' have to flaunt the english degree" he jokes and I smile sniffing the flowers. 
I look back up at him "These are perfect Jay, Seriously. Thank you" I smile. 
His hands slip onto my waist and he pulls me closer to kiss him. When we pull apart he keeps our foreheads touching. "I love you Toots" he says. 
"Love you too" I say pulling away from his grip and finding a vase for the flowers. I grab our snack plates and start going through what he brough. All of it's my favourite candy. Once we have our snacks we go and sit down on the couch, pizza snacks and a selection of drinks. I pull the blanket over me and Jay pulls me closer to him opening netflix. 
"What we watching?" I ask. 
"How's a romance sound?" 
"You Hate romances" 
"You love them"
"How's about a rom-com. You can at least enjoy that a bit" I say. 
"Whatever you want Toots"
"Are you just going to keep agreeing to everything I say?"
"I think so yeah"
I shake my head. "I love the small things you do for me Jay" 
He winks at me, putting on some rom-com with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston. We spend the night half watching the movies, making jokes, and sharing smiles. My stomach hurts from laughter. I watch Schlatt as he starts trying to fight sleep. If only he knew how much these little moments together mattered to me. 
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iinsertblognamee · 1 year
ring in the pocket
summary ― mamma mia and a proposal
pairing ― sam kerr x reader
warning/s ― fluff
based off this request
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Sam was nervous, a feeling she had become accustomed to over her years of playing football. However this time it had nothing to do with her favourite sport and everything to do with the extra weight in her pocket. 
The two of you were sitting on your shared couch, Mamma Mia playing on the TV after you had begged Sam to watch it with you. She of course said yes, although Sam had started to notice she rarely ever said no to you. 
Your hand was resting on her knee, your legs intertwined with hers, a smile on your face as you mouth the words to the songs playing on the screen. Sam’s heart beat just that little bit faster as she watched you. 
She knew you were the one for her, she knew from the moment she had seen you. The two of you ran into each other at the grocery store, apologises left both your mouths as you helped each other pick up the lost items. 
Sam couldn’t help but admire how beautiful you were, the way your eyes lit up as you smiled - thanking her for her help, even though she had been the one to cause the trouble. 
It took her a few seconds to be able to pinpoint your accent, her eyebrows frowning in confusion. 
“You’re from Aus?” 
You nodded your head, somehow your smile growing even further. “Yeah, Sydney. Just visiting some friends” 
“Ah, the dark side” Sam responded, giggles leaving your lips - Sam swore her heart stopped for a second. You were beautiful. 
“What about you?” 
The conversation ran a few more minutes before you two remembered you were both needed other places. Sam knew she couldn’t let you go, not without your number at least. 
You grabbed her phone off her and placed your number in, before sending a message off so you would have Sam’s number too. 
“Y/N? Pretty name” Sam read off the screen before looking back up at you. “For a pretty girl” 
“That was horrible” You laugh out, adding a comment asking how many girls that had worked on before. Sam claimed she’d have to wait for your reply to get the correct answer. 
With goodbyes said, and numbers given Sam left that grocery store excited for what would come of it. 
Fast forward four years later, Sam was fortunate enough to call you her girlfriend. By the end of the night, Sam was hoping for more. 
She could feel her phone buzzing off, friends and families asking if she had popped the question yet. You too had taken notice of the constant buzzing, turning your head with a questioning look on your face. 
“What’s with all the paparazzi Kerr?” 
Sam felt herself freeze up, and she knew the second she had, you had felt it too. Your eyebrows arch even more as you move your body to face your girlfriend instead. 
“Just the group chat going off, Macca found a pub she wants us all to try” 
She knows you don’t believe a word of what she said, but Meryl Streep starts to sing ‘The Winner Takes It All’ and ultimately takes your attention off her. Your lips moving once again, Sam planting a kiss on your hairline, as you sink back into her embrace. 
The movie moved along, you squeezing Sam’s leg a few times at your favourite parts. Sam watched as Sophia floated off the screen, you letting out a small yawn as the screen faded. 
The ending credits start soon enough, a burst of energy waking you up enough to jump off the couch, reaching your hands out to pull Sam up with you. She pretends to dislike the idea but gives in as you give another push. 
It doesn’t take long for the two of you to start dancing, Sam keeping her hands on your waist as you both move around together. Laughter leaves both your lips, as Sam brings you down, planting a kiss on your lips before bringing you back up again. 
“I love you” you mumble onto her lips, kissing them once again before pulling away to continue to dance. 
Sam could feel the box move around in her pocket, her eyes never leaving you, as you danced around the living room. 
Her mum had always told Sam that she would always know when the right moment was, there would be a shift in the atmosphere - a feeling of completeness. Whether that had been scoring a goal or asking a girl out on a date. 
Sam felt it shift, and although she had felt this kind of change before, many times as she would go for a goal - this was nothing compared. 
She doesn’t remember taking the box out of her pocket, or getting down on one knee - but she will never forget the look on your face as you turn around to see her, ring in her hand and her lip in between her teeth. 
Everything she had prepared to say went straight out the window, your hands covering your mouth, as you tried to assess what exactly was happening. 
“Y/N, I promise you I had a whole speech planned out. One that I made everyone we know hear over and over again until I had perfected it for you. But I can’t seem to remember shit from it. But what I do know is that I want to marry you. I’ve wanted to marry you since the day we bumped into each other in that grocery store. I know we’ve taken a while to get here, a long-distance relationship was never in the cards for either of us, but you made it worth it. And I am so glad that we did because look at what we’ve become.” 
She pauses, tears streaming down both your faces - you now joining her on the floor. Your hands holding onto her arms, you can feel a slight shake coming from Sam but ignore it as you listen to everything she has to say. 
“I love you Y/N and I want the world to know just how much I love you. I want them to see my - our last name on your back as you cheer me on. I want to watch our kids grow old together and get all grossed out when we kiss in front of them. I want the rushed mornings and the lazy Sunday afternoons. I want everything with you Y/N. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, Will You Marry Me?” 
Your lips are on hers in an instant, your tears mixing as you nod your head. 
“Yes! Yes, Yes! A hundred times Yes” Sam manages to pull you even closer, kissing her girlfriend fiancé. 
Y/N Kerr. It had a nice ring to it.
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