#a dying animal couldn't sound like i did
barkingangelbaby · 4 months
i'm watching arrested development again and this scene came on.. i can't laugh like i usually do and the sounds that came out of me.... i sent a snapchat cracking up to my friends and they told me it sounded like i was sobbing
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cherryheairt · 1 month
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Dragon Dreamer pt. II
Rhaenyra being Crenys' number 1 supporter
It only took a few hours for Daenys to wake up thrashing in bed. Panting and sitting up rigidly, Daenys struggled to clear her head.
Lucerys. She had dreamt of him tonight. In the midst of a storm, Arrax's wings beating as hard as the little dragon could manage in order to escape something. The silhouette of a menacing dragon loomed over Arrax and Luke like a shadow, deadly and unforgiving. He was being hunted like an animal.
Was the dream real? Daenys could hardly tell anymore. She had bizarre dreams and boring ones, never knowing the truth from a falsehood.
Sometimes, her dreams showed her what prank her brothers would attempt to pull on her the next day. Other times, it was horrors no young girl should be forced to witness.
She dreamt of Lady Leana's death by Vhagar's dragonfire and was awoken to being urged onto a boat to driftmark immediately. She had also dreamt of Ser Laenor, her father, dying peacefully of old age in his bed. Moons later, he had died in a fire that his own squire pushed him into.
Many a time, this happened, fooling herself into believing something was real when it was not. Daenys would run into her mother's chambers, sobbing and begging for her to listen. After Ser Harwin's sudden death, the first real prophecy that Daenys had foretold, Rhaenyra knew that her nightmares were no mere tall tale. Then, came Lady Laena immediately after, and Daenys had not stopped sobbing for weeks, blaming herself for both of their deaths.
She had never met Lady Laena, but Daenys was related to her through her father, caring for an aunt came easy even when not acquainted. Ser Harwin's demise struck her even harder. The knight had been her mother's sworn protector since Daenys was born. She saw him around the Keep more than she saw her own father, he had become a special figure in her life that was irreplaceable. Even Ser Erryk could never love the girl as he had.
When Laenor's death dream came, Daenys did not cry. She envisioned her father greyed and old on his deathbed, and she was certain that she would be right there with him when he passed on. She was wrong. Daenys would never forget rushing down into Driftmark's hall and seeing her father's hair and skeleton being dragged from the flames. Daenys could not save anyone. She was cursed with these dreams. She was cursed to be useless.
Fire had killed everyone she loved, and yet she still commanded it as all dragonriders do. Daenys had never commanded Morningstar to breathe her dragonfire after these events, nor stuck around when she burned her food to eat. She wondered now, if she ever was called to battle on Morningstar, if she could bring herself to use it.
Her mind liked to play cruel tricks on her. She desperately hoped that tonight was one of them. Her breaths were still ragged as she tried to calm herself, interrupted by the door slamming open. Daenys jumped in her spot, watching Cregan step in, Ice in hand. "Lord stark?" Her voice was groggy with sleep, although her mind was wide awake.
Still doning his formal clothes and furs, it was clear he hadn't yet gone to sleep, busy in his solar. "Princess? I heard a scream." He said, settling the longsword at his side as he scanned the room again.
Had she screamed? She couldn't have, Daenys' dreams hadn't caused such a reaction since she was a child. She had grown out of such humiliating behavior long ago. Surely, she did not do that whilst treating with a lord.
Daenys was lost for words, fiddling with the hem of the shift, all too aware of her state of undress in front of the lord. "Perhaps you heard Morningstar." She decided on. "Sometimes a dragon's song can sound quite human, the commonfolk often complain."
Cregan scanned her with a disbelieving stare, though he straightened himself and nodded. "Forgive me, I will take note of that. The maids will be made aware, too." He told her, placing Ice in its scabbard once more and shouldering it calmly.
"Is there anything I can get you, my princess? Tea, perhaps?" The question bothered her, his knowing and worried eyes feeling too close and suffocating.
Daenys stood swiftly, uncaring of her appearance. She placed her slippers on, brushing past him. "I will be back." She said firmly.
Cregan was stunned a moment, watching the young girl shoulder past him in a way that was unlike her usual demeanor. Her silver hair trailed loose behind her, white shift matching it in a way that made her look like a ghost haunting the Keep.
"Princess," he called after her, to no avail. Daenys disappeared behind the hallway walls. Cregan stood tensely, debating his next actions carefully. To be alone in the cold night was dangerous, but he wished not to trouble the princess any further. The absent look in her eyes was not something he would easily forget.
Rhaenyra and Daemon went through a similar routine each night. Both of them got ready to retire in their marital chambers, although separate. They both enjoyed the quiet time to unwind from the long day of council meetings.
No words were needed between the Queen and King consort.
"Are you sure it was the best decision to send Daenys to Winterfell?" Until now.
Sighing as she braided her shair over her shoulder, Rhaenyra glanced at him through her vanity mirror. "Do you have doubts?"
Daemon eyed her carefully, not wanting to speak ill of his stepdaughter. "You know I love her as my own." She nodded. "But, she has..a gentle demeanor. I'm not sure that pairing her and the Stark boy was the best choice for her."
Rhaenyra smiled, as if she knew something he didn't. "What?" He asked, facing her fully and raising his brow dramatically.
"You have little faith in our girl." Was all she said, amused and light.
"I have plenty faith in her. She has the strongest dragonbond of any of us. That is her strength, not negotiations." Daemon said, throwing his tunic off and tossing it away for the morning maids to wash.
Rhaenyra only hummed, "just trust me on this, alright? If it fails, I will personally ride to Winterfell and finish negotiations myself."
"You know that isn't possible, you cannot leave the council for so long." He deadpanned.
Daenys wandered out of the Great Keep, not paying attention to the harsh shivers racking her body. Morningstar sang a tender and melancholy song to guide her rider towards her, in a field of snow outside of the keep's walls. In her trance-like determination, she had found a smaller side entrance to the stone walls that was simply a door instead of the gate meant for protection.
She followed the song until she reached the white dragoness, who was perfectly blended into the snow, and also blanketed by it to keep herself warm. Daenys joined her under her wing in the make-shift den, feet so cold in the thin slippers that they were now burning hot. The tips of her fingers followed, the heat contrasting the cold of the rest of her. Morningstar growled in concern, nudging Daenys gently and pulling her closer to the heat of her body. It helped, slightly, but Daenys payed no mind to the movement.
"...have your eye...pay your debt," she muttered against the wind of the night.
"Princess?" A voice called, yelling against it.
"...pay your debt...you owe a debt."
Morningstar flared out, rising her neck to meet the lord of Winterfell. She growled, a fierce warning to stay away. Daenys came to Morningstar every time she woke from her dreams, staying for hours until the visions passed. Sometimes, they would huddle together for days.
"Princess, you must come inside." He urged, staying a clear distance from Morningstar to show his peace. He set Ice on the snow below his feet, hands out.
"...you owe a debt. One eye, one wing. One eye, one wing."
Morningstar trilled, covering her tighter from his view, muffling her voice. Cregan knew the Princess couldn't hear him, it was a useless endeavor. If she couldn't hear him, perhaps she could feel him.
He stepped closer to Morningstar's wing, reaching a hand gingerly toward her neck, watching as she growled but made no move to bite. "Easy, girl. I won't hurt her." He assured, petting her scaled neck.
She silenced, simply watching the man before her. He took that as a sign of approval, whatever kind of approval a dragon could give, and tucked himself under the large wing. The position was awkward, but he found himself enshrouded by warmth all around. Sitting beside the mumbling girl, he tucked Daenys carefully into his arms, stroking her hair comfortingly.
"One eye, one wing...one eye, one wing."
He would wait with her.
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m0nnypie · 17 days
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- Your relationship was basically: fights and fights. But that was because you thought he was an arrogant and spoiled brat, while he thought you were weak and didn't like you for being friends with Deku.
- It was like, him threatening to blow you up, and you kicking his ass whenever he yelled in your ear. You guys would usually always call each other names, and compete over silly things (be it grades or practice).
- But things changed after the war (well, not exactly). You guys stopped fighting as much, and you started spending more time together. He kind of realized that it was better to stop wasting his time on petty fights after he'd basically died in the war. But it's not like you guys got clingy or loving or anything.
- Your relationship went from: I hate you and fuck you, to: You're my friend, but fuck you. It wasn't in the first year that he developed feelings for you, it actually took a while.
- He began to notice your efforts to become a hero. And that you were not weak as he seemed to say. It was little things that changed his perception of you. You were someone extremely intelligent, strong, funny and loyal.
- It was in the second year, on a day when you were both responsible for the purchase, that everything changed for him. When one of the fans you had won over made a joke to you and you laughed, his world stopped. The way you laughed, how tears always came out of your eyes when you laughed, or you trying to cover your mouth to stop the laughter from coming out, because your laugh sounded like an animal dying of suffocation. All of this hit him like a truck.
- It's obvious that at first he denied it in every way. But when he noticed (Kirishima told him) the small changes in his behavior around you, like he doesn't yell when he's next to you, he doesn't curse at you as much as before, or when he doesn't like the drink he got at lunch, he gives it to you because he knows you like it. He hated thinking that he liked you, but not because he thought you were bad or anything like that. It was because he wanted to focus on becoming a hero now, not dating.
- And in the end, he decided to put it in the back of his mind. He never told you, and he never did anything to let you know. Him liking you didn't change his goal.
- Until graduation. As a way to celebrate everyone who graduated, you decided to have a prom (he thought it was boring and wanted to skip it, but everyone stopped him).
- Kiri insisted a lot that he ask you to the prom, but it didn't work. He said that it was ridiculous and there was no reason to ask you.
- The redhead also tried to talk to you, saying that it would be nice if you invited Bakugou. But you just looked at him with an expressionless face, and said no. Kiri hated how stubborn the you two could be.
- Anyway, the only ones without a partner were Bakugou and Mineta. Even Monoma had a partner! At least that's what Monoma had said. But of course he shut up when he saw Monoma's partner, You.
- He could feel the anger building inside him. But he knew that if he freaked out in front of everyone, he would have to explain why. So he spent most of the party glaring at you and Monoma angrily.
- When it was time to dance, he couldn't take it anymore. Your arms were around that bastard's neck, and his arms were around your waist. And before Kirishima could think of stopping him, everyone just saw a blond man leave the room angrily while slamming the door.
- As soon as he got outside, he saw that it was raining. And god, how he hated rain. But honestly? He was so angry, that he decided to simply ignore the rain, and started walking to who knows where, in the rain. Meanwhile, you looked at him, wondering if you should go after him in this rain or not. It didn't take long for you to run to him and scream his name.
- He even looked back to see who it was, but as soon as he saw you he only picked up the pace. But he underestimated your speed, because seconds later you had caught up with him and stopped in front of him.
"WHAT THE FUCK? Why the fuck did you just leave the party???"
He could only feel anger, what the hell! Why couldn't you understand?
"What the fuck Bakugou? What the fuck are you talking about???"
Your eyes widened when he said it. Was he serious?? That whole scene because of jealousy??
Then you started laughing, which made him frown. You looked at him with the most serious face you could, you didn't want to lose control because the blond was an idiot.
"Seriously? And why do you care? From what I remember, you told Kiri that it was ridiculous for him to think about you inviting me, and that there was no reason to invite me! Why do you care so much? Hm?" You started to laugh, trying to hide the urge to cry, how could Bakugou be so stupid?
Shit. He wanted so badly to tell you that he liked you. But he didn't, he just stood there staring at you, without saying a single word.
"Okay... I get it, I'm going, if you'll excuse me..." You walked past him, wanting to leave as quickly as possible. But then he grabbed your wrist, staring at you. This made you nervous.
"I..." His voice lowered so much that anyone who heard it would doubt it was Bakugou. The words got stuck in his throat, but he knew he had to say it now, or he would never get the chance. A part deep down asked what if you didn't like him? While the proud part of him just said that you were just one of many, he would get over it. "I like you."
If anyone saw him, they would think he was lying. Because looking at him, he seemed calm and like he didn't even care about you. But you knew him well enough. And so before he let go of you, and regretted having confessed, you kissed him. It was a hot kiss, even though your teeth chattered a few times.
You stared at each other for a few seconds before deciding that it would be best to go home. The conversation was a little awkward at first, but you finally talked about how you two felt.
- The next day, Kirishima was already asking what had happened (he knew because Uraraka had peeked through the window at you two). He kept teasing Bakugou the whole time, saying that he was finally dating. Until he got blown up in the face, of course. But deep down, even if he didn't admit it to everyone, he was relieved that you were finally together.
- Since you had already graduated, you decided to live together (He insisted, a little). In the first 2 months, you fought a lot. About towels on the bed, the toilet seat left open, unwashed dishes. But then, you talked and things got better.
- He's not exactly a touching boyfriend, but it's not like he'll refuse you whenever you want. For example, when you're in the bedroom watching movies, he'll turn on the air conditioning and let you cuddle with him.
- He also loves cooking for you. First, it's his way of showing you that he loves you, and second, he likes to brag that he's a better cook than you.
- One of your habits is that when one of you is on patrol, you send a message to see how the other is doing. Even if it's just a thumbs up, or a photo, or a stupid meme that makes him laugh, for some reason. You developed this habit because of what happened in the war, and because one time you ended up in the hospital on one of your patrols, and you didn't respond to any of his messages.
- Honestly, sometimes you hate sleeping with him. Because he never stays still. You sleep normally, and then when you wake up he has his foot in your face. That's why you usually hug his waist, or vice versa. Because that way, he moves less (he pushed you out of bed once, so you made him sleep on the couch for a week).
- His mom loves you! Honestly, if it were possible, she would trade Katsuki for you. When she officially met you as his girlfriend, she congratulated you and treated you really well. She really likes how good you are for Katsuki, even if he doesn't admit it. She's also always filling Katsuki's head with how amazing you are and everything. He knows this, and he even finds it funny, because he knows she does this so he never thinks about giving up on you, but it's not like he's going to give up.
- He also shows how much he loves you through actions and gifts. Whether it’s getting you a glass of water or buying you something he saw that reminds him of you.
- He's always protecting you, whether he's walking on the sidewalk with the cars or when you're on patrol together, and the first thing he does is always check to see if you're okay.
- A good memory you have is when you were pretending to sleep on the couch while watching TV. And he simply carried you to the bed, covered you with the blanket and kissed your forehead while saying goodnight.
- And when he decided to propose to you, after 4 years of dating. The first person to know was his mother (and she was thrilled, she kissed his cheeks and cried saying how much her son had grown). He was a little afraid that you would say no, but as soon as he felt your arms around his neck, while you spread kisses on his face, and said yes several times. His worries went away.
- Of all his achievements, he's most proud of two. When he finally achieved the title of Hero #2, and the day he finally married you.
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- After a lot of talking, you two had your first time together. Not that he would admit it, but he was nervous, especially because the most he had ever done was a kiss here and there, in that little circle of challenges his friends made him participate in. He hated being nervous because he was a virgin, while you already had some experience or another (in my head he would be a virgin, and would only masturbate at most twice a year, since he didn't care much about it). But after the night was over, he wanted to do it again whenever he had free time.
- And it's obvious that with that, sex came as a way to resolve fights. There was no reason, but he really liked to fuck you, especially on all fours, where he could reach your ass.
- He also loves getting a blowjob in the morning, he sees it as a treat to face the difficult day that is coming. And he makes you suck him when he gets back from work too.
- But don't worry, he also sucks you whenever you want. And he's great at it, you have no idea. He drives you crazy whenever his face is between your legs, and of course, sometimes he convinces you to ride his face.
- And of course, when he finally opened his agency, that became your new fucking place.
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xhoneygirlxx · 8 months
he's not magic
eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: the time of the month has come and Eddie is the only person who can sooth you.
warnings: talks about menstrual cycles/blood. mentions of dying. tooth rotting fluff. Eddie is a cutie pie. pet names used; sweetheart, baby, honey. shitty writing/spelling errors; if you find any plz ignore it lolololololol.
a/n: i'm currently in so much pain from my period and the only thing i want is for someone to coddle me and tell me i'm going to be ok. i hope you guys enjoy this very small thing, it's not much and it's not good but maybe it'll help you feel good on those days when life is shit. love you all <3
You're dying, a slow, painful, and mournful death. At this point you stopped caring, stopping all the begging you've done all morning for your life to continue. If this was how you were going out than so be it, you just wished your end had come faster.
You've already bled through two pairs of panties and two pairs of shorts, now left in your trusty period panties and an oversized shirt. Your stomach was bloated to the point it was uncomfortable, your breasts were so swollen that your chest felt like it was going to concave under the weight, and your back felt as if it was going to snap in half at any moment.
It felt like you tried everything, ibuprofen, heating pad, and propping a pillow in between your legs - none of the tricks worked. Now you were left in the fetal position, arms wrapped around your middle and knees pulled to your chest.
For the past how ever many hours you've been moaning out in pain, the stabbing feeling in your uterus just too much to handle. You're sure if someone were to walk in and see you they'd think you were insane and right now you couldn't blame them.
You did look insane, hair wild and matted to your face from all the sweat you've accumulated, voice hoarse and scratchy from all the wounded animal sounds you've made, and your face screwed up in an unflattering way.
Your phone has gone unanswered all day, the only person to have texted you was Eddie. At first it was only tik toks, small comments he thought would make you giggle, and then it turned into him updating you about his day at work, and finally worried questions about if you were okay.
You felt so fucking guilty for not responding, not telling him that you were fine but you just physically couldn't move from your crouched position. This only made you angrier, the fact that your temporarily paralyzed and are restricted from doing the things you need to do.
The fridge sits empty and in need of new groceries, laundry stays piled up by the washer where they wait to be cleaned, and Eddie is waiting for your response worrying about your well being - that is if he hasn't already contacted the national guard to track your location.
Everything is so shitty, the pain, the hurting, the guilt, the frustration. You feel like you're a balloon that's been filled up too much and is waiting to burst at the seams.
You don't have to take long before the heated tears from your eyes fall down, hitting the bridge of your nose, only to land on the pillow beneath your head. It's not a violent cry, at least not yet, just frustrated tears that seem to slip away from their barricade.
You don't even notice the front door of your apartment opening or the sound of Eddie calling for your name, only focusing on the pulsating of your uterus that debilitates your body.
"Fuck, baby I've been worried about you," You don't even turn and look at him, your eyes are still harshly closed. By the sound of his voice you know he's out of breath, brown curls probably wild from the speed of his running.
"Shit, sweetheart, are you okay?" The worry in his voice hits right on the spiderweb crack, shattering you into a million little pieces.
You can't hold it back, the wailing that rips from your throat is something close to bone chilling. Tears streams from your eyes without relent, whole body shaking from the cries that rip from your body.
It doesn't take more than thirty seconds to feel the bed dip as your boyfriend crawls into bed next to you. He doesn't think twice before pulling you in, one arm wrapped around your back and the other soothing down your hair on the side of your head.
"It's okay, baby. M'here, you're okay." Eddie coos and it's like music to your ears.
The warmth from his body fills you in a way your heating pad couldn't. Even with the mucus that fills your nose you catch a whiff of his scent, smoke, pine, and outside -undoubtedly him. His calloused hand runs soothingly up and down your back, allowing your bones to relax into his touch.
Eddie doesn't have to ask, he knows you better than you know yourself, and the way your scrunched up on your bed and crying he knows that you've been battling your pain all day.
"Sweetheart, you have to breath. Can you do that for me? Take one big deep breath, s'all I want, okay?"
You nod your head against his chest, following the way his chest moves as he demonstrates for you. Between hiccupped breaths and streaming tears, you allow your lungs to fill up with as much air as you can take in, releasing it right after in one long exhale.
"Good job, baby. Did such a good job f'me." Eddie's being soft with you, a side of him he only allows you to see and no one else.
You let his praise melt over you, soaking it right up like the plants in a drought. For the first time since you woke up you feel lighter, something you only feel when Eddie's by you. The cramps that have been going nonstop have finally subsided, the presence of your boyfriend scaring them away.
"It hurt so bad, Eds. S'really bad today." Your voice is shaky, as if one wrong move and you can break out into another sob.
"I know, honey, but it's okay. I'm gonna take care of you, kay? I'm gonna make it all better."
You both know that he has no control over what your body decides to do but just the promise alone has your worries easing away. Your body relaxes into him, your knees slowly falling down to their normal position until your laying right up against him.
"On a scale from one to ten, where are you at?" You take a moment to think about it, really evaluating the squeezing of your organs.
"Was a ten but now it's like a seven."
Eddie hums, his hand still soothing up and down your back. A small pause settles over his words, like he's trying to wrack his brain for the next action he's going to make so you can feel better.
"How 'bout you get some rest, then when you get up we'll get you something to eat? Sound okay?" You nod again, too tired to form any sort of response.
Eddie acknowledges your response with a kiss to the top of your head, making you hum in content when he does. It doesn't take long for the tiredness of your body to settle over you, quiet snores coming from your nose in no time.
Even if his arms fall asleep and his back feels stiff, Eddie stays there with you, soothing you in your sleep to ensure that your pain stays at bay. When you do wake up he's right there, waiting for you with some water and more medicine before helping you into the shower.
He's not magic and he has no idea what to do when it comes to woman's health but Eddie Munson will be damned if a period makes his girl cry like that again.
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chronicbeans · 8 months
Random list of small Alastor Headcanons I have:
A list of small headcanons I have for Alastor, that I will probably expand once I think of more small headcanons. I might elaborate on some if asked lol.
One of the first things he did after dying and going to Hell was look for his mom. If he died before his mom, he waited a fifty years or so to be sure she would've died before beginning to search. This was because he didn't want his mom to go to Hell, and at the same time, if she did he wanted to be there to protect her. However, he hasn't found her in the many years he's been there, so he's assumed she's gone to Heaven. He still keeps an eye out, though, for anybody who reminds him of her. After all, people change forms after dying, so he has to actively talk to those people to see if they're his mother.
He likes cats just to spite people who like dogs. He doesn't actually like cats for any other reason besides that. They're just animals to him. It's more so the fact that he associates dogs with his death, and since cats are often seen as the opposite of dogs, he likes them.
When he was alive he loved dogs. He saw them as being loyal animals, especially once trained. He never got a dog, though, because he thought he wouldn't have the patience to actually care for a pet.
He's very narcissistic (ofc), but he's the type of narcissist that secretly hates himself in certain aspects. The parts about himself that he loves, such as being an extremely powerful overlord, very popular while he was alive, and seeing himself as intelligent, make up for any parts of himself that he hates, though, which is why he loves himself more than anyone else. The things he hates about himself are a secret he'd never let anyone in on, no matter what, though, unless he were to somehow have a mental break down. So, nobody can really tell that he hates any aspects of himself.
Many radio show hosts dress up to get into character. So, Alastor's coat getting torn didn't anger him because he likes the coat. He couldn't care less about the coat itself, which is part of why it is torn up. He cared because he saw it as an attack on his radio persona (which he's practically become, since he constantly sounds like he's hosting his show when talking), and since it was extremely important to him in life and his popularity while hosting the show was an ego boost, felt like a personal attack.
He doesn't like kids. He thinks they're annoying most of the time. However, for some reason, the thought of young children committing terrible crimes like murder or something genuinely creeps him out a little. He thinks it might be because he sees them as annoying, but is also well aware that a child's imagination isn't always as "happy-go-lucky, rainbows and innocent" as many adults like to believe.
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lazyneonrabbitt · 5 months
Not your usual undead
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Daryl Dixon x reader
Which undead do you choose? The ones outside, or the one in front of you?
So, @ghostboneswrites2 said she's more of a vampire girly and my head did something.
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Every breath burned in your lungs, the cold air not helping your sweaty self in the slightest as you ran for your life through the woods. Groups of walkers came out of nowhere, like they were coordinated to surround your group that you now inconveniently lost.
You ran for god knows how long, starting when the sun was barely above the horizon.
It looked like almost midday now, having stopped behind a large tree and spotting a large factory like wall halfway built into the rock wall behind it.
Large, blacked out and barricaded windows covered the front of the place. A hiding space.
You could rest there, you had to get in. It took some time but you managed to get in and close up from the inside, ensuring no one would follow.
It was too dark inside, you could barely find the flashlight you kept in your bag.
You clicked it on and heard a groan, immediately turning the light towards the sound and drew your knife again. Another groan. You followed the sound to get to the walker that had probably gotten stuck somewhere, currently being on its last legs before entirely decaying.
After making your way around the dump of a hall you found the source of the noise laying face down in the bed of a partially stripped truck. You held your knife up, ready to climb in and strike when the softest “don’t” came from the body.
The flashlight whipped into the direction of the head and you got another groan in response. Moving the flashlight over the rest of the body you shoved it with your boot and turned it over.
It was a man. A dirty old man with ratty long hair and a scruffy beard. He wore faded black jeans and a thick, dark green flannel.
He had weapons on him, but nothing else. He looked like he was dying.
"Are you bit?" You didn't even know if you expected an answer, but he did respond with great difficulty. "Hunger.."
"Leave.." The downed man groaned with the most urgency he could summon. "Smell good.. W'na eatya.."
You backed up, almost tripping backwards off the truck bed. With the stagger of tour body the flashlight beam came across his face once more, the shine reflecting off his eyes like an animal's. "Gah, fuck!" His hand flew up to cover his eyes, leaving his mouth open and breathinf heavily. Fangs?
"Oh fuck." In shock you dropped your knife. "You're one of those redneck werewolves that lived near here." You stepped further back, crouching back on the edge of the bed now.
"The fuck didya call me?" With newfound strength he hauled himself up into a sitting position. "In all'a mah hundreds o'years I got called lots'a names but yer the first one ta offend me like tha.."
He scoffed where he sat. "Callin' me a filthy mutt. Should kill ya fer tha.." A loud cough wracked his entire body, leaning forward on his hands, heaving. His body needed something to survive, it was already starting to eat away at itself.
"Wait. You're not?" Curiosity got the best of you and you leaned closer, placing a hand down in front of you. Right where you had dropped your knife just now and cut your palm. You hissed in pain, pulling back in perfect harmony with the man's sudden lurch forward.
His eyes were wild, mouth hanging open as he licked his lips. His hand moved to your knife and picked it up, bringing it to his lips and licking your blood off it before tossing it aside.
"Hand." The hand that just tossed aside your knife was now asking for your bleeding palm. "Ya owe me after callin' me a dog."
The blood was running down your sleeve by now, it was so gross. He needed to eat, just like you. Except he couldn't feed on whatever he found he needed animals. Or people.. And you swore to never let another person starve if they hadn't harmed you or your loved ones.
You extended your shaking hand out to him, anxiety spiking when his face got closer.
His hands found your wrist and fingers before his tongue dragged over the cut, a low moan escaping him at the taste.
You were about to comment when he jerked your arm closer. You fell forward, hands on his thigh to keep you from faceplainting into his chest. His hand moved down your arm and his now way longer fangs sunk deep into your wrist.
You let out a cry at the initial contact but quickly felt the pain fade, only a dull pulling sensation with each soft suck of his lips around the wounds.
It didn't hurt. It wasn't so bad after all. Somehow it was kind of nice, and his flannel was so soft against your cheek..
God, all that running had seriously tired you out.
Sleep, what an amazing idea..
Hou hadn't even realised you had passed out until you woke up in the truck bed, an old blanket covering you and the flickering of flames just off to the side.
"Welcome back." The man's voice held a lot more energy now, he was up and walking around the place. "C'mere. Ya gotta eat sum'n."
With the fire burning you could take a better look around. Your coat was off, now laying flat over the blanket that covered you. The place looked like it used to be an auto garage. The second you slipped from underneath the blankets you were back to freezing, grabbing your coat and pulling it on. "Jesus, how aren't you cold?"
"Tha's the first thing yer askin' me?" He scoffed with a smile on his face. "Ya know the dead don't feel cold, right?"
The dead.. "Oh that's just my luck, huh." You found your way to the fire and sat down close to it, taking in its warmth. "I run from the undead, right into the fangs of another kind of undead."
"Least I get ta choose if I wanna turn ya with a bite. 'Cept if I do I lose ma food again." The man held out a skewered piece of meat out to you, but you were reluctant to take it. "S'jus rabbit." He lifted a furry skin up into view, showing you the little bunny ears before tossing it aside again. "Went 'n found somethin' ta get yer strenght up after I fed off ya so much."
Accepting the food with a thanks, you took a small bite and let out a hum at how good it tasted. "You know," you started, pointing at your new companion with your food. "I always thought vampires were pretty boys with sticks up their asses who seduced their bloodbag wifeys." You twirled the stick in his direction before taking another bite.
"First ya call me a dog, n' now yer comparin' me ta them shitty teen movie fakes?" He snapped at you in annoyance, his face held a look that clearly said he was regretting not entirely draining you earlier.
Your hands shot up in response, quickly going into defensive mode. "Hey, don't get me wrong. I am not a fan of those fancy schmancy dudes. No sir."
You laughed at yourself around a mouthful of food, thinking back to those horribly made romance movies. "I like your type more. Yeah, ugh those skinny fucks always looked like they'd whine if they got blood on their shirts, man."
You earned a laugh with that comment. "Yer sayin' ya prefer me snackin' on ya 'n bleedin' all over ya next time?" You almost choked on a piece of meat then. "I'm sorry what? Next? No. Huh?" You couldn't tell if the heat rising to your cheeks was from his words or the food you almost choked on now.
"C'mon, promise ta take jus' wha I need." He took thw second rabbit skewer from next to the fire and handed it to you. "I'll keep ya fed, ya keep me fed. S'a great deal."
"I don't even know your name, how about you share that first." You snatched the skewer from his hand and chowed it down in no time while staring at him in wait for his response.
"Name's Daryl. Got cursed durin' a stupid drug deal mah brother took me along for." He sighed and leaned back, turning to stretch his legs. "Now ya know ma name. Yer fine stickin' 'round now?"
You could only roll your eyes at him at that. "Alright you know what? I'll admit I prefer rhe company of your type of undead over those outise, and I bet my old group has all become part of those shitty undeads so yeah. I'll stick around."
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A/N: I don't think I've ever written for vampires ever so I hope this is okay.
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makncheese12 · 1 year
Wednesday Addams x shifter!reader
Part 1
Summary: A cat keeps returning to Wednesday at unexpected moments, but why?
Warning: gore? I don’t think so but still a little warning.
A/N: I’m trying to make up for all the time I haven’t posted😭 is it working?
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As Wednesday made her way across the campus of Nevermore Academy, she couldn't help but notice the black cat that had been following her. The feline would appear from seemingly out of nowhere on random occasions, mostly whenever school wasn’t in session, making no sound as it padded beside her, its green eyes fixed on her. Wednesday frowned as the cat walked alongside her, its purring a constant and annoying reminder of its presence.
"I don't know why you keep following me," Wednesday muttered under her breath, not even sparing a glance at the cat as it walked behind her. She continued to make her way towards the library, where she planned to do some research on the Hyde creature that had been terrorizing the town, that is if she could find anything. She was lost in her thoughts, her mind focused on the task at hand as she searched the library shelves, when she suddenly felt a soft bump against her leg.
She looked down to see the black cat rubbing itself against her, purring loudly. "What do you want now?" Wednesday asked, her tone dry and annoyed. But despite her cold exterior, she couldn't help but feel a sense of disgusting warmth at the animal's presence.
Throughout the week, the cat continued to follow Wednesday, always appearing at her side whenever she least expected it. Wednesday couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity about the animal and its behavior. She spent hours staring at the cat, trying to figure out what it was thinking and why it seemed to be drawn to her as it slept in her lap.
Wednesday tried to act uninterested in the cat, but she couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment whenever it was near. She would find herself rubbing its head, her cold fingers gentle on its soft, warm fur, and would even find herself talking to it, asking it questions as if it could understand her. It was almost as if the cat was a reminder of the humanity that Wednesday
As the cat became a constant fixture in her life at Nevermore, Wednesday couldn't help but grow suspicious. Whenever the cat was around, her mysterious acquaintance, you, were not, and vice versa. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was some sort of connection between the two of you, and it only served to make her even more intrigued.
But for the first time in her life, Wednesday found herself feeling a strange sensation in her heart. It was a fluttering, warm feeling that she couldn't quite place and it was disgusting. She tried to shove it down, to disregard it as nothing more than a strange physical anomaly, but it only seemed to grow stronger. And then, when you show up seemingly out of no where like always, her heart seemed to skip a beat.
The thought of having feelings for you sickened Wednesday to her very core. She was adamant that she was not the kind of girl who had feelings for people, that she was strong and independent and needed no one but herself. But she couldn't deny that there was something about you that had her attention.
She didn’t know when or how you seemed to make her feel like this but you did. She began to wonder if you were a witch and used some kind of spell on her to act like this with you around.
You’re charming smile that you flash to her across any room you saw her in, the way your eyes sparkled when she spoke you as if as you were a child listening to your favorite story, or they way you tried clawing Xavier’s eyes out when he tried stealing from Wednesdays plate. It all made her heart pound in her chest and she didn’t know if she was dying or not or if she liked the feeling or not.
"What are you doing here?" Wednesday asked, her voice cold as she looked up to find you standing right in front of her. Thing was nowhere to be seen, and neither was the cat. It was just you and her, and for some reason, she felt more vulnerable than she had ever felt before.
You looked down at her, an amused glint in your eyes. "I could ask you the same thing," you say, taking a step closer. Wednesday felt her heart speed up, and she couldn't help but take a step back. She couldn't let you see how you affected her, how you made her feel things that she didn't want to feel.
"It doesn't matter," she rolled her eyes, turning away from you. "Just tell me what you want and go."
You don’t reply and just stand there, watching her carefully as she moves before turning to you, heart beat picking up as she waits another moment for you to respond.
When you don’t, she moves past you walking down the halls and toward her room ignoring the way her body seemed to heat up from your intense stare from behind her.
Wednesday had been exploring the woods surrounding the Nevermore academy for days now, searching for clues about the mysterious Hyde creature that had been terrorizing the town. She had learned the Hyde was a ferocious beast, it collected trophy’s from its victims and it liked to leave a big mess.
As she wandered through the dense forest, Wednesday's eyes were locked on a trail of muddy footprints leading off into the distance. She continued to follow the trail, her senses alert and ready for anything that might jump out at her.
Suddenly, a rustling sound caught her attention and she froze. Eyes scanning her surroundings as she waited for whatever she heard to come.
And come it did, a large figured leapt out from seemingly no where, eyes big and frantic as it charged toward Wednesday with no hesitation, no doubt wanting to make her his next victim.
It was the Hyde, its eyes glowing with hatred and hunger as it raced towards Wednesday, its claws bared. Wednesday froze, unsure of what to do against the large creature that was racing toward her at a speed she couldn’t comprehend.
What was she to do against the creature? Fight back with the strength she didn’t have? But before it could reach her, a large black panther emerged from above in a tree, as it slide across the back of the hide, nails digging into his back. The panther surged forward back onto the ground, its muscles rippling under its sleek, black coat as it let out a loud roar mixed with a deep hiss.
The Hyde cried out, arms reaching back to grab at its now bleed back. When it brought its hands back and saw the blood that soaked it palms, it lets out a loud growl and whips it’s head toward the panther that growled right back before surging toward each other.
The two beasts met in a ferocious clash, their claws and fangs flashing in the moonlight as they tore at and into one another. The Panther was faster and more agile, and it managed to evade the Hyde's attacks time and time again. But the Hyde was larger and stronger, and it managed to catch the panther on its side, sending it reeling and onto its back before jumping on top of it.
Wednesday watched in horror on the ground as the Hyde lunged at the Panther, its teeth bared and saliva dripping from its jaws. But before it could tear into the Panther's throat, the Panther's paws shot forward and sank into the Hyde's flank, dragging its claws down and kicking its hind legs. The Hyde cried out in pain, then staggered back and took off running, the Panther in pursuit.
Wednesday stood still, her heart pounding in her chest as she watched the two creatures disappear into the woods. She had seen her fair share of brutal battles and blood but never one so close and intense, and she wasn't at all sure who had the upper hand.
She remained in the woods for a while longer, trying to calm her nerves. But she couldn't shake off the feeling that something strange was happening in Nevermore. The Hyde was one thing, but now she was starting to suspect that there might be other creatures lurking in the shadows, creatures with powers beyond her understanding.
As the sun rose higher in the sky, Wednesday found herself wandering deeper into the woods. She had been exploring the forest for days now, searching for the source of the strange occurrences that had been plaguing the town. She had seen many strange creatures and faced dangerous challenges, but nothing had shaken her as much as the attack by the Hyde.
The image of the massive beast charging toward her, its claws bared and its teeth ready to rip her apart, it gave her a feeling both adrenaline and fear. She remembered the feeling of fear and panic as she stumbled backward, desperate to get away. She had always been able to handle herself, to face any challenge head-on, but this was somehow different. This was her first life threatening encounter with the beast where he actually threatened her life.
But then the black panther had appeared, springing from seemingly out of nowhere and landing on the Hyde, always gaining back to upper hand and hurting it worse than it hurt it. The sight of the panther fending off the creature that had terrorized the town was one that Wednesday would never forget. The panther had saved her life and then vanished into the woods, never to be seen again more than likely.
Wednesday couldn't shake the feeling that there was something special about the panther, something that went beyond just its physical abilities. It was as though the panther was a mystery that she needed to solve, a puzzle that she needed to piece together.
But as she wandered deeper into the woods, Wednesday found that the panther was nowhere to be found. She searched for hours, tracking it to places that were random and always ended as a dead end, but there was nothing. She began to wonder if maybe the panther had left the area, or worse, if something had happened to it.
As she made her way back to the academy, Wednesday couldn't shake the feeling that she had left something important unfinished.
Wednesday had just sat down at her typewriter, her fingers dancing against the keys as she lost herself in her thoughts. She was surrounded by the soft glow of the desk lamp, the click-clack of the typewriter filling the silence of her room.
In the midst of her writing, she heard a faint scratching at her door as a low creaking noise sounds through the air, but she ignored it. She was too focused on her work that she barely even registered the sound. But then, as she continued to type, she heard a soft purring sound and felt a light weight drop onto her lap.
Startled, Wednesday looked down to find the cat sitting on her lap, staring up at her with its bright green eyes. She had almost forgotten about the mysterious animal, and for a moment, she was lost for words.
"What are you doing here?" Wednesday asked, her voice barely above a whisper. She didn't want to scare the cat away, but she also didn't want it to think that it could just walk in and out of her room as it pleased. Not that it wouldn’t listen anyway, it’d just find a new way in as always.
The cat stared up at her, its eyes shining in the dim light. It meowed softly, as if it were trying to answer her question. Wednesday felt a strange sensation wash over her, as if the cat was speaking to her on a deeper level, as if they had some sort of bond.
She reached out to stroke the cat's soft fur, feeling a warmth seep into her cold fingers. She had never been much of an animal person, but there was something about the cat that drew her in, something that made her want to understand it.
Wednesday continued to pet the cat, feeling its soft fur against the palm of her hand as it purred loudly. But as her fingers ran across her body, she felt a strange sensation. It was as though she was feeling not just the fur, but something deeper, something more primal. And then she realized what it was.
She could feel the scars that covered the cat's body, the marks of battle and struggle. She traced one of them with her fingers, her eyes snap to her investigation board intrigued by how similar they looked to the scars that the Hyde had given all of its last victims. She couldn't help but wonder if there was some connection between the panther and the cat now, some shared battle between them and the Hyde.
She sat there, staring at the cat as she lost herself in her thoughts. She thought about the panther, about the way it had attacked the Hyde, and the way it had defended her. She had never been one to depend on others for help, but there was something about the panther that made her feel like she owed it.
As she sat there, she realized that she had to know more about the panther, about its connection to the Hyde, and about its scars. And as she came to this realization, she felt a sense of determination wash over her. She was going to find out everything she could about the panther, and she was going to stop the Hyde from killing or hurting anyone else while she did it.
Wednesday sat on a bench in the middle of the quad, surrounded by her classmates Enid, Yoko, Xavier, Bianca, the twins Divina and Kent, and Enid's boyfriend Ajax. They were all gathered together, chatting and laughing, but Wednesday couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as she read her book quietly.
It had been a full week since she last saw the cat and it left a certain unease into her stomach.
"What do you all know of the black cat?" Wednesday asked out of no where as she closed her book with a quiet snap.
Enid looked up from her phone, a curious expression on her face. "The one that keeps breaking into our dorm?” The blond asks and Wednesday simply nods. “I've seen it around a few times, but that's about it," she said.
Yoko nodded. "Me too, but it's not like we can talk to it or anything," she said with a smirk.
Xavier smiled. "Yeah, it's just a cat. It's not like there's anything mysterious going on or anything," he said, trying to sound cool. How disturbing.
Wednesday rolled her eyes. "Right, just a cat," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "And what about the scars on its body? Don't you find that a little strange?"
“What scars?” Kent asked, eyebrows furrowed. Everyone looked just as confused and it frustrated Wednesday immensely. How could they have not noticed a cat with lots of scars walking around?
Bianca smirked. "I didn't realize you were so fond of animals, Addams," she said, rolling her eyes.
Wednesday ignored the dig, her mind focused on the black cat. "And what about Y/N?” she asked, shifting the conversation to another topic. "Has anyone seen her lately? I heard she got hurt and is in the hospital wing."
Enid's face fell. "Yeah, she's been stuck there for a few weeks now," she said, her voice soft.
The group fell silent for a moment, each one of them lost in their own thoughts. Wednesday couldn't help but feel a very small sense of guilt for having brought up the topic, for reminding them all of the danger that surrounded their school. Though it wasn’t her fault, her investigation becoming less and less useful as she finds nothing more on the Hyde.
"We should go visit her," Ajax said finally, breaking the eerie silence.
Enid nodded. "Yeah, I think we should," she said, her voice determined. "We won't let whatever happened to her stop us from being there for her."
The group had not gotten down to visit you due to bush schedules but they decided that they would soon, more than likely on a weekend when they didn’t have any school to do.
A/N: Please tell me if I missed anything😭
Taglist: @raven-ss
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risuola · 11 months
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Life has been heavy on your shoulders lately, so instead of going out with your friends on a halloween night, you decided to stay in bed, catch up on the last episodes of JJK and just rest. With that in mind, you fall asleep while watching the second season, but what you couldn't prepare yourself for is the voice that wakes you up.
cw: none really, except for anime spoilers, season 2, but everything written happened already in the anime — 1,4k words
a/n: it's just my brain babbling, don't mind me. I had this idea for a long time now, it's written quickly so errors might occur!
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It was halloween night, you're alone in your house. Life has been heavy on you lately, so you decided to stay at home, binge watch anime - you had few eps of your favorite anime to catch up on. You've been so busy for the past few weeks that you weren't even thinking about watching JJK, so this seemed like a perfect opportunity.
And you did just that; snuggled with blankets, you put the second season on. First part somewhat eased your mind. Gojo's memories really filled you with melancholy, it cleared many things from what you watched in the first season. Then the Shibuya arc started. It was exciting, even though you kinda knew what will happen, you read the manga, but the animation just hits different.
Your eyelids began growing heavy, the pillow below your cheek seemed to suck your consciousness away and finally, you just passed out. The sounds of episodes playing in the background did nothing to wake you up, even the light from the screen wasn't bothering you as you dozed off into the dream lands. And you'd probably be sleeping until morning. You'd wake up not knowing where you really stopped watching, but that's okay - you can always start over, you loved the anime after all. But you didn't sleep that long.
You woke up nervously, the sound of a long hum made your eyes flutter open in an instant. You noticed the screen in front of you, it wasn't playing anymore, the video stopped and you recognized the scene from the manga - Gojo just got sealed into the prison realm, but when you looked closer, you could tell the screen was glitching. It never did this before.
"You're awake," the voice reminded you of itself and you almost shit your pants. Someone was in your room, someone was inside your house. And the tone... it seemed oddly familiar, you felt like you know it from somewhere, but there's not a single person you could really tie it to. But you knew the voice, you knew it for sure.
Without thinking much, you grabbed the first thing near you. Armed with the soft-cover notebook you jolted up, ready to aim the deadly weapon at the intruder, but your heart stopped at the sight.
A man was there, sprawled on the chair next to your desk. His long legs clad in black pants were spread widely as he was sitting comfortably, leaning against the backrest as if he wasn't inside your house. But it wasn't his large form that shocked you the most. It was his features. A human, but ethereal in every way. In the faint light of the led strips on your wall, you could tell his hair was light, maybe even white, just as the thick row of lashes that framed his eyes. His face was gorgeous, too perfect to be real but he was real, he was there.
"Let me turn the light on," he chuckled, noticing how much you struggled to see him in the pathetic imitation of lights. He got up, nearly hitting his head on the cheap chandelier in the middle of your ceiling and once his long fingers flicked the lights on, you nearly passed out. He really had white hair and it was easy to tell that it was white by nature. There was not a single discoloration near his roots nor a sign of it being dyed. It wasn't a wig either. And his eyes... bright blue, almost glowing with their crystalline beauty.
"What the hell is going on?", you asked, still gripping the notebook for dear life as if it was going to harm anyone. You probably couldn't kill a fly with it, not to say this tower of a man.
"Hmmm, I'm probably just as confused as you are," he replied, this time dropping his weight onto the edge of your bed. "I got sealed, my bad. I suppose the prison realm sent me into some kind of different dimention."
You blinked at him, taking in the information but your brain refused to register it properly. What the hell does he mean he got sealed?
"It's quite odd actually," he continued, "I can't really feel any cursed energy in here, or maybe my six eyes are not working all that well in this world. I hoped you'll tell me what kind of dimension it is. Ah, sorry, how rude of me. Gojo Satoru, nice to meet you."
"The fuck you mean Gojo Satoru?!", you nearly screamed, throwing the notebook at him, doing about as much damage as you suspected. None. He just dodged it. "It's not a dimension, it's the real world. You do not exist, you're a character from anime, for god's sake..."
"That's harsh, sweetheart," he chuckled.
Maybe it was a prank? Maybe your friends wanted to scare the shit out of you, maybe it was a cosplayer? Very good one, but it would make more sense than him being here. How the fuck he even got here? You're sure you locked all doors and windows were closed as well. And why was your computer stuck on the frame in the video?
"It's not funny," you whined, getting up from the bed and leaving the room to check on the doors. It really frightened you to see that everything was exactly how you left it. It was closed in the same, very odd way you always do it, with the upper lock twisted two times, the lower one twisted just once and the key still hanging from the keyhole. The windows were just as you left them as well, all closed except one in the kitchen - the one that's too small for anyone to squeeze in and it had an anti-mosquitoes mesh outside. You were also on the 7th floor. What was going on?! "It's really not funny..."
"You seem really nervous for someone who just woken up, you know?", the man followed you and when you looked at him, he was standing next to the entrance to your room, leaning against the doorframe. "I must admit, I can't really recognize myself in the mirror, I remember my face slightly different."
"Yeah, like this?", you grabbed your phone and showed him your homescreen. Embarassment of having his picture both there and on the lockscreen you pushed away, it wasn't important right now. His gorgeously blue eyes scanned the wallpaper, the orbs glistened in the harsh light of your screen and you listened to the soft hum he made. You suddenly realized why his voice sounded familiar. It was Gojo's voice. Or rather his voice actor's...
"Oh yes, that's more like it," the man gave it a nod and then turned to look at himself in the small mirror on your wall. "Still handsome though. What you think?"
"You are gorgeous, but THAT'S NOT THE POINT," you almost screamed. What do even do in this situation?
"Well, I suppose I'll stay in this world for as long as my students get me out of the prison realm," he said matter-of-factly, shrugging with nonchalance, completely unbothered by the way he isn't supposed to exist in this world. "What about the cursed energy? Are you heavenly restricted or-"
"There's no such thing as cursed energy in real world. No six eyes, no limitless, no cursed spirits, domain expansions, no nothing. In this world we are just flesh and bones. Strength is measured in brains, muscles and money. Nothing else."
"That's interesting," he paused for a moment, taking in the information. You could tell he was more confused than before but still, he was keeping himself together better than you.
"Listen, it's not like I don't believe you but... is there any way you could prove that you are Gojo Satoru? I mean, I don't even know if it's possible... Fuck, you're not supposed to be anything more than an animated drawing," you shook your head, slowly feeling paranoid. If that was a joke, it really was a good one.
"Prove? I mean, I'm not sure, never needed to confirm my identity," the man chuckled. "If I don't have my powers in here, it might be complicated. But you can check, I'm not dressed as anyone. It's my hair, my face. Jujutsu uniform, though it's slightly bloodied now. I have my blindfold with me."
"Sure, sure... Nevermind, I'm just confused. I'll wash your clothes, I guess... tomorrow I'll get you something to change. You can stay here."
"Thanks, sweetheart," he smiled at you. Stupidly attractive.
Deep down you wished you're sleeping. Maybe it's your brain that's playing tricks on you, maybe it's just a fantasy. There was no way this man was standing here, in your little kitchen right now, waiting for his tea to be made. There was no way he could somehow get out of the screen and just... materialize in your little studio apartment. There was just no way, right?
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kafus · 8 months
over the weekend at the knoxville regional pokemon championships, i met up with a longtime internet friend in person for the first time, and he traded me a very special pokemon - a unique celebi that takes a bit of context to explain the significance of
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from november 2001 to january 2005, the building that is now a nintendo world store in new york city was actually an american pokemon center, which hosted the "Gotta Catch ‘Em All!" station, a large machine that you could pop your gold/silver/crystal cartridge into (or later ruby/sapphire/firered/leafgreen, but that's not relevant here) and get a special distribution pokemon unique to the store. often times these were normal pokemon in eggs with special moves they couldn't usually learn, but other times they ran distributions for shiny legendaries, and of course, the mythical celebi.
there's very few pictures of the machine and all of them are pretty low quality, but you can see an iteration of it here during the gen 3 era:
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when PCNY (pokemon center new york) shut down, the machine and its contents were presumed lost forever, but due to the preservation efforts and the good luck of a few individuals, some of the distributions have been preserved, as well as parts of the machine and its software. this is extra incredible because almost all gen 2 save files from the time the machine was actually functional are long since wiped due to the battery inside dying, meaning that very very few of the gen 2 event pokemon distributed from this machine at the time still exist. i won't go super in detail on that in this post but you can read an article about all of that here (julie, the person who runs this historical PCNY fansite is incredibly passionate and if you want to know anything about the PCNY store i absolutely recommend reading her writing!)
so, one day when i was rambling to my friend (his name is Venty!) about my fascination with the PCNY machine, and how i wish i had been born early enough to experience that, as well as wishing that i could have traded with anyone in gens 1-3 as a child but never got to due to isolation, venty told me that he's actually friends with a guy (Professor Rex) who knows the guy who owns the remnants of the PCNY machine (Gridelin), and he would love to reach out and ask if there's any way rex could distribute a celebi to himself and trade it to him sometime so that eventually when me and venty met in person one day, he'd be able to trade the celebi to me.
i pretty much burst into tears and very passionately explained how much that would mean to me - not just because owning a celebi actually distributed from the historical PCNY distribution station is just... insanely cool, but because like i said, i had never traded anyone in the old internet-less generations of pokemon, and having that be my first was just... a monumental thought. i am deeply fascinated with old gen event distributions because of the tactile, interpersonal nature of them, in direct contrast with my isolation and loneliness as a child. it might sound silly to be so worked up over a collection of bytes/pixels, but i really couldn't believe venty would offer me something so kind. and not only did he offer to ask - rex said yes!!
so on may 21st last year (2023) rex traveled out and distributed the celebi to his pokemon silver cartridge. specifically, the celebi is from the "Celebi Present Campaign" which ran from the 22nd of november 2002 to the 28th of november 2002. the display on the monitor is the same video that would have appeared on the screen in the PCNY store, but flipped sideways here haha. (the gen 2 distributions were special and had custom animations for the legendaries and stuff, which you can watch here in full quality on gridelin's channel - there's videos of the other distribution animations on his channel, too!)
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and then months later, during the weekend of august 11th 2023, rex and venty met up at the pokemon world championship in japan and rex traded the celebi to venty's gold cartridge...
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...then, finally, just this past weekend, on sunday (february 4th 2024) venty and i finally met in real life for the first time at the knoxville TN regional pokemon championships, and with link cable in hand the celebi finally made its way to me in my hotel room, after crossing the ocean twice and passing through canada to the US to japan and back to the US...!!
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gen 2 pokemon data isn't very complicated, but you can tell that my celebi is unique from the other PCNY celebis dumped online (here and here if you'd like to play with some of these historical pokemon yourself) because it has the trainer ID of 00204 which none of the publicly available celebis have - though of course to me, regardless of what becomes publicly available in the future (and i hope one day the common layperson can simply emulate the PCNY machine, video game preservation >>> unique collections always) this celebi will always be special and unique because of how it got to me, and because it represents my friendship with venty who i care so much about. it was an extremely kind gesture i will never forget and i can't believe how much traveling and how many people were involved with getting this tiny bundle of bytes and pixels to me. i hugged venty after the trade was done haha
oh, and by the way, don't worry, i have the hardware to back up my gen 2 save files so this celebi will never die even after my crystal cartridge battery eventually dies once more!! (also, while i don't think it would be an issue i do want to say please don't bother any of the people mentioned in this post...! gridelin & co are working on making the distribution machine in question available for anyone to use, it'll come out whenever it's out and for now there are dumps of the events that were recovered. i would not want them to receive any annoying requests for pokemon because of me. thank you!)
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madnessr · 1 year
Last Night Part Two
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Poly Lost Boys + Michael x Reader
Synopsis: You still ponder what really killed you, the day you died or the day you lost your humanity. When the dawn becomes something you'll never see again, will you ever be able to accept your new nature?
Summary: Micheals Ex-Girlfriend received a concerning phone call from Lucy begging her to come and check up on a now distant and unrecognizable Micheal. But what was meant to be a simple reunion and check-in, instead leads to four very rambunctious bikers and an old lover, to be extremely opposed to letting you leave again.
Warning: Animal mutilation, blood, blood drinking, minor injuries, hurt/comfort, some angst, grinding, murder, corrupted representation of Christianity 
Part One
Word Count: 10k
There will be no explicit or detailed smut because I wanted to keep this fic gender neutral! I'm sorry to anyone who expected some spicer scenes with our boys!
Your comments and reblogs mean the world to me and motivate me to keep writing! Please keep leaving them since I love to read them! This will be the final chapter in the"Last Night" series since I'm dying to write about something new. Let me know what you thought of this!
If you needed to explain how you were feeling, the best way to describe it would be in a state of constant panic. Your mind was throbbing, eyes catching onto everything, yet nothing simultaneously. You had become all too aware of the rising sun, the bright light blinding you. Planting a powerful migraine against your head. You couldn't breathe, you couldn't feel but felt everything at the same time. Heard nothing but could make sense of the squirrels hopping from branch to branch. You cried, utterly unaware of where you were. In that moment of panic, when that monster finally let you go. You didn't look back; you didn't stop until you felt like you had put enough distance between you and Santa Carla. 
You sat somewhere in the forest, crawled against a tree as if the wide bark would somehow hide you as you wheezed for air. The moist soil underneath you tainted your pants, leaving you looking exactly how you felt. Some of your blood had soaked up into the top of your shirt, while the rest grew dry and uncomfortable against your skin. 
Your body ached. Your teeth burned, and so did your hands. Glancing down, you nearly threw yourself back into despair at the sight of your sharp, nail-like claws. What happened to you? And most importantly, what were you now? 
You couldn't help but wail, your knees pressed tightly against your chest as you wrapped your arms around yourself. As if you could protect yourself from whatever was happening, even though you knew how nonsensical that hope was. It still provided some comfort for you. 
You had stayed in the position for hours, and although your sobbing was long replaced with tiredness, you tried staying awake. But something about the sun forced your eyes closed, and when you opened them once more, the sun was setting, and your throat burned. You groaned, sitting up from your lying position. You didn't know what to do; you couldn't return to Lucy's, especially if she had something to do with this. The thought made your stomach tie itself in knots, a sinking feeling nearly pressing you against the ground. How have you gotten yourself into this position? 
How could anyone do this to you? Your fists balled at the thought, your sharp nails slicing into your palm. You slowly got up, stumbling around for a little. You could hear so much, could see more precisely than ever before. It gave you a massive headache; some part of you just wanted to curl up against the tree stump and wake up from this nightmare. But you couldn't, no matter how much that thought broke you. This was real; whatever was happening was real. 
You stumbled aimlessly through the woods, trying to figure things out away from the rest of society. A part of you felt safe, knowing that he couldn't find you in the middle of nowhere. The sharp sound of a twig snapping pulled you out of your thoughts, predatory eyes instantly zeroing in on the location the sound originated from. The sound came from a bush, the leaves rustling as something clearly nudged and navigated through the shrubbery. You stood still, not trusting yourself. A peculiar itch, almost like a nervous tick, urged you towards the noise. Your hands craved for something, your teeth ached, and your throat felt dry. Your body screamed for something you didn't understand or refused to recognize. 
Your breath caught in your throat as a small, brown bunny peeked out from the bushes. Its small button nose twitched as it sniffed and analyzed its surroundings. It's cheeks made the whiskers flick, small paws tapping the ground several times before dedicating the mossy floor save enough to hop on. You froze, that nagging urge growing into a raging protest. Before you could even hesitate to question the simple thought, you pounced. The small, high-pitched screech of the bunny brought tears to your eyes as you gripped it. Getting the small fluffy body to your mouth and biting into it. The tiny creature uttered another small cry before going silent, its previously kicking paws and legs halting before slowly sinking and stilling completely. But you didn't care; you couldn't, not when that god-awful nectar was pouring down your throat. Calming the fire, quenching your pain, all through the price of another. 
You were messy, and the grip of your jaw was so fierce that you could hear several crunching of bones under your grip. You gulped up whatever you could, blood dripping out the corners of your mouth, trailing down your neck, and staining your shirt collar. You sucked until nothing came out of the poor bunny anymore, letting go and looking down at the life you just stole. Realization dawns on you like boulders, dropping the poor lifeless body and beginning to weep. You killed something; you killed that bunny. You felt hysterical, hands twisting themselves in your hair as you hyperventilated. The word monster takes the form of a mantra, marching to the beat of your racing heartbeat. 
The burning in your throat died down but was quickly replaced by the aching of your heart. Mourning what you had done it took you nearly an hour to calm down. You had tried wiping and scrubbing off the blood on your body, most likely smudging and making your appearance much worse, but at the moment, all you wanted was that crimson color off of you. It stained, and you weren't sure if you could ever indeed wash it off. It didn't stain your skin, but your soul would bear this mark for eternity. 
You gently shifted the bunny, starting to dig a small hole beside the bushes it hopped out from. Your appearance couldn't get any worse now, blood and dirt-stained clothes. Grimy hands, the dark soil stuck underneath your fingernails. When considering the hole deep enough to prevent any predator from digging up the carcass, gently lower the bunny, covering it with dirt and patting the ground flat afterward. You sat before the makeshift grave, not knowing what to think or feel. There was too much, and as you sat rooted to the ground, you tried figuring out what to do next. A small thought came to you: if anyone could help you now, at least give you refuge, it would be the church. Wasn't that their whole shtick? Providing aid and guidance in moments of doubt, because if that was the case, you'd be a perfect candidate for practicing their moral codes.  
But you had spent nearly the entire day wallowing and mourning your old life, who you were, and fearing what the setting sun made you. No, showing up the way you were now, covered in blood, was a sure way to send a raging mob after you holding pitchforks and blazing torches. You needed to find shelter, hide out the night, and adequately recuperate. But you had no money, and you'd rather die than return to Lucy's home. 
Was that why she had actually brought you here? The thought made your skin colder than it was, but an even worse thought crossed your mind. Twisting your heart in a brutal, vice-like grip. Did Michael know?
Time seemed to tick past you at that moment, the singing breeze creating a symphony of rustling bushes and leaves. It all moved through you, past you, like you weren't really there. You didn't want to breathe, think, or even consider that thought a possibility. Micheal had always been a lousy liar. Currently, that was the only knowledge you had to ground yourself. You tried to control your breathing, but with your rampaging thoughts and the subtle taste of copper in your mouth, you just couldn't. It wasn't that easy, and looking ahead simply felt too overwhelming for you. So, you took things step-by-step, figuring the first thing you could do was get out of this damned forest. 
So, you began walking straight ahead following the setting sun. The orange hue occasionally broke through the thick foliage of branches and leaves. Cascading delicate beams of light onto the mossy floor, the beauty of the sight calmed you. It felt separate from the rest of the world, like a slight pause for you to soak up before returning to the never-resting society you belonged—or instead, used to belong to. 
You couldn't tell how long you walked or where you were, but you knew you had finally made it when you saw the flash of car lights. The sun had finally died for the day, lessening your headache considerably. You finally made it to a gravel-like road, not having any official pavement but clearly hardened from car tires throughout the years. You watched as the car drove on, hoping to follow it to a more populated area. You let the path guide you. You had to be careful; the course contained so many depressions and holes in the ground you didn't want to accidentally twist your ankle. With your current streak of bad luck, you wouldn't put something so ridiculous above you. The longer you walked, the more you couldn't help but wonder how anyone could travel down this path in a car without getting incredibly motion sick. 
However, when you finally saw a house in the upcoming clearing, you weren't greeted by the gradual introduction of neighborhood streets but instead a large farm. Fields and crops litter the area to your left, while pens are to your right. No doubt about yielding livestock. The area practically reeked of cows in the most unpleasant way imaginable. But you found yourself relieved; a farm like this wouldn't have the toughest surveillance to beat, if any, and you felt safer knowing that. You snuck around, keeping yourself hidden as you watched the farmer exit his truck and enter his home. 
You could see so much clearer if the sun had never really set. You glanced around before you found a wooden barn on the south side of the field, rushing your way over and trying to pry the rusted doors open. It didn't work, at least it wouldn't if you didn't want to rip the door off its hinges. You walked around, seeing a broken window. Small, sharp jagged pieces of glass still stuck out here and there, but you managed to lift yourself through it. Not without a complimentary scratch, a low hiss escaped you as you glanced at your cut arm. Your eyes watched as your blood cried from the cut, and a sick part of you was tempted to lick it clean. 
The barn was clearly too old to still be in use; the only company you had was heaps of hay, creaking wood, and a roof that threatened to collapse onto you any minute. The barn had two stories, although the second story only covered one-half of the first floor, a long unstable ladder leading towards it. You had come so far, and the thought of being above viewpoint was somewhat comforting. So, you carefully climbed up the ladder. Letting out a sigh of relief when you made it, throwing yourself onto a lump of hay in the far corner. You felt hidden, away from anything or anyone. 
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"They ought' to be here!" Paul exclaimed, clearly exasperated and exhausted from this situation. They had been looking for you all night, neither of them being able to get an ounce of rest knowing you, their mate, had gone missing in Santa Carla of all places. They had traced your steps the next evening when you failed to show up, following your faint scent into a shady alleyway. To say Marko nearly hyperventilated at the smell and sight of your dried blood was an understatement. They were all beyond worried, sick to the bone. Their only consolation is that you were alive; they would've felt it had your bond died. No, you were still alive, and they couldn't rest until they found you. 
"I smell it too; it's faint. They must've been here; their blood must've dried a while ago." Dwayne hadn't spoken a word since you went missing, only ever speaking up when he needed to. He had to remain calm; in a situation like this, David and the others needed a rock to ground themselves on, and despite the emotional anguish he felt, clawing at his heart to cry out for you senselessly, he remained stoic. 
"Search the area. I don't care if you have to stick your nose in the filthy soil; find where the scent leads." David growled; he felt the worst out of everyone; he felt a horrible, cumbersome chain tying itself around his throat. Guilt. He was the coven leader; his job was to ensure his mates were safe. He was immortal, a god-damned creature of hell, but what was the point of being invincible if he couldn't even protect the people who mattered? He shouldn't have let you go that night; he shouldn't have listened to the others. It was in his instinct to take you with him, to keep you in his sight, safe.
 None of them really conversed much since you disappeared, sure they were all mates, but your absence left them incomplete. If the conversation wasn't about finding you, they didn't have it.  
Micheal was fairing the worst, an undeniable feeling of guilt similar to David's settling on his body. Sure, David was supposed to protect everyone. But ultimately, he was the reason you came to Santa Carla in the first place. Maybe if he had hidden it better, his adjustment to his new life, his mother would've never sent you here to hell city of all places. 
Marko couldn't stay still; he had even tried some of Paul's more vigorous weeds to keep him calm. But he couldn't, rushing from place to place like a frightened cat. Some might mistake this as hyperness, but the boys knew the real reason. Pure, unfiltered anxiety. Like a bunny hopping from place to place, a weasel who can't stay still, Marko found you first. Sleeping in a curled, protective form, body covered in several pieces of hay. But the sight of dried blood over you, not hearing your heartbeat, his world crashed down onto him. 
“Y/N?” His voice was croaked, raw from emotion. The simple word, breathless as it was, caught the attention of everyone. 
Marko kneeled, letting his hand ghost your shoulder and arm before shaking you. Seeing your eyes open, as tired and irritated as they were, brought such relief to him that he could cry. However, Paul was a step ahead of him, being the first to join Marko in fussing over you. 
David, Dwayne, and Micheal followed soon after. Dwayne wasted no time helping you sit up, carefully inspecting your body until letting his eyes land on the cut on your arms, studying it carefully before grabbing the cloth tied around his waist and making a makeshift bandage to prevent dirt from coming into your wounds. 
"What happened to you?" Micheal finally piped up, grabbing your hands and inspecting the dried blood. He only let out his own breath when he realized it wasn't your blood. He pulled you into a tight hug, his hold tight and unrelinquishing as he nuzzled his head into the top of your hair. 
"Stop hogging her!" Paul complained, shoving Micheal off. It wasn't anything too forceful, more like a nudge. When Micheal pulled away to fight with Paul, Marko swooped in and pulled you into his arms. Taking on a similar position to Micheals. "You made us worried." He murmured into your neck, giving you another squeeze to reassure yourself you were there. Safe in his arms again. 
All the boys had been so ecstatic to see you; even David's shoulders dropped as he sighed of pure relief. But he was more analytical than the others; he recognized the lack of your heartbeat. The way blood seemed to cling onto you, he could sense it. Somehow, you had become a vampire. The thought made him cold, even more, frigid than he already was. No, his anger was blazing, but it did not radiate a scalding heat but the opposite. His fury was glacial. 
"Wait outside for us." His authoritative voice commanded, sending silence across the shabby barn. They all send pleading looks toward you before slowly leaving. Dwayne grabbed David's shoulder, reminding him to be gentle with whatever the bleach blonde had planned. When the boys had finally left, you felt your ability to breathe return. You had been so overwhelmed, thousands of thoughts and questions running through you. Why weren't they afraid? You were a bloody mess! You could understand Micheal looking for you, but the others as well? 
Your small moment of relief was quickly replaced with dread as you realized you were alone in a room with a man you couldn't bring yourself to lie to. It was silent, the sound of singing crickets seemingly decorating the night air. It would be relaxing if you didn't hate the oppression its silence came with. Slowly getting up, you winced at the reopening of your cut. 
David slowly walked over, carefully reaching out and cupping your cheeks. He stayed like that momentarily, simply soaking in the sight of you before him. Eventually, his hand traveled lower before pushing down the collar of your shirt, revealing the two puncture wounds that changed your life forever. His eyes flashed yellow, a low, animalistic sound escaping him. 
"What?" You snapped yourself out of your lost haze, finally meeting David's cold stare. It wasn't directed at you, but you, unfortunately, didn't know that. 
"Who did this to you?" 
The question seemingly transported you. Back into the body of a helpless individual, losing their lives in a dingy alleyway. The fear, the panic, it made you crumble. Your knees went weak as you wobbled back onto the floor. "I—" you struggled, trying to put on a brave face in front of such stern eyes. "I—I didn't know them." 
That answer provided a scowl to erupt across David's features, a feeling of uselessness washing over him. How was he supposed to avenge you if you couldn't give him anything to work off of? He sighed, his mind wanting to push further, but a simple glance at your quivering form prevented him from doing so. "Come on, rosebud, let's get you somewhere safe." He eventually settled on that, watching you stumble before picking you up. If he hadn't pushed you enough tonight, he lifted off the ground to reach the bottom, and promptly, the outside of the barn sent your mind reeling. 
You wanted to run, but the feeling of being in someone's arms. Someone you knew, someone who felt oddly safe to you had you staying. The boys glanced at you two, Dwayne coming over and taking you from David's arms. He saw your weak and drowsy state, his heart clenching at the sight. "She hasn't had enough blood." He started calmly, watching you soullessly rest your head against his chest. "We'll give her some in the cave, then she'll be able to recover someplace safe." Dwayne nodded at David's statement, readjusting you in his arms. The movement prompted you to open your eyes, the smell of his leather jacket oddly settling to you. "Get some rest Y/N; we'll take care of you now. You'll feel better soon," you nodded slowly. Closing your eyes and resigning yourself to whatever the future holds for you now. It couldn't get any worse anyways. 
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"Are they still sleeping?" 
An exasperated sigh echoed throughout the cave, Dwayne rolling his eyes before rubbing his temples. "You asked five minutes ago; yes, they're still sleeping!" 
A loud hush followed from David and Micheal, both scolding the two for talking so loudly. Everyone was on edge; you had slept for nearly two days now. And although odd sleeping patterns weren't rare for fledglings, you were a neglected fledgling, which provided them all with many concerns and worries. The birth of a new vampire was often labeled as a fledgling, as in the eyes of vampires, you, and your very unique nature, was akin to that of a baby. Similarly to neglecting babies upon birth, they weren't sure what consequences you'd suffer from upon waking. 
"David, we need to wake them. They need to feed." Micheal chimed in, his need to coddle you almost overbearing. Although the boys had given him a fair share of tough love, they made sure his fledgling stage was a healthy one. He was more moody than ever, but changes like those were common for at least a year after turning. Although David acted the coldest, he had been the most persistent that Micheal was feeding enough and adequately. A complete mother-hen in denial. 
David sighed, getting up from his wheelchair-like throne and making his way over to the bed you and Dwayne were snuggled in. The sight would've warmed his heart if the circumstances would've been different. He walked around before settling down on the edge of the bed closest to you. He gave Dwayne an approving nod, "Wake them; they've rested enough." He whispered, gently stroking your cold cheek before pulling away. His poor rosebud. 
Dwayne gently shook your shoulder, shifting you off of him in order not to scare you when you woke up, watching you slowly stir awake, blinking the fatigue off of your cute expression. 
For you, it has, somehow, gotten worse. 
Waking up, you felt feverish; your body ached similarly to how it had done hours ago. When you had—had killed that bunny. 
Your hand instinctively clutched at your throat, trying to somehow dull the ache. Your hearing was blurred, but you heard distant hushes and orders before fully coming too. Your eyes focused on the concerned figures of David and Dwayne, practically looking over you as Dwayne took your hand away from your throat, hushing your pain-fueled whines. "Shh, it's okay. You're okay." Dwayne's soft but stern voice seemed to stabilize you, but the familiar need left your body twisting and shifting. Every little muscle felt utterly uncomfortable, aching torturously. 
David gently combed his fingers through your hair, trying his best to calm you down. Seeing his mate, his little vampire, in such distress ruined him. "It's okay, rosebud, we're here to help." He hummed, glancing at Dwayne as they silently communicated. They slowly helped you sit up, watching the way your hand unknowingly sharpened its nails. Your body prepares itself for a meal. 
"What's happened?" You stammered, hating the way you were losing control. A deep sense of fear washed over you, draining into your being. "I—David, Dwayne—"You couldn't form a proper sentence, but the words you did manage to say put the two eldest vampires into a protective frenzy. 
Dwayne hushed you, gently rubbing a soothing pattern against your back. David already shrugged off his jacket, shifting his shirt to properly expose his neck to you. He watched with narrowed eyes how your gaze halted against his suddenly exposed skin, watching the small bob of your throat as you swallowed at sight. 
Dwayne gently cupped the back of your head, nudging you towards David. "You're hungry, baby; look at David. He's offering you a meal, sweetheart. You'll feel better once you feed; trust us; we'll take care of you." 
Your unsure gaze flashed between them, that odd feeling once again tugging at you. Your body, more than ever, felt pulled to them; they gave you comfort. A need to be with them, and in a moment of weakness, you thought yourself giving in to them. Letting your body get pulled; once close enough, David snaked his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to practically be sitting in his lap. You inhaled the sweet scent that seemingly surrounded David, making your tense shoulders loosen, your body easing into the comfort that David provided. The bleach blood rubbed your back, trying to soothe you further. "Come on, rosebud, let those instincts take over." 
The two could tell you weren't going to take a bite on your own, your mind and body too perplexed to accept the reality of your situation. Dwayne reached over, letting one of his fingernails extend into a claw-like shape and making a small slash at David's neck, letting his crimson blood trickle from the wound. 
As if the smell and sight triggered your buried instincts, you latched onto David's neck. Your fangs pierce the skin with a painful clumsiness typical for a fledgling. But the sound of your eager gulps had both of the vampires relaxing, Dwayne gently moving your hair to one side as David held you close. "That's it, good job." The blonde praised, keeping a firm but caring grip on the back of your head, not letting you go until you had a full feeding. The praise, the touch, and the comfort from both of them allow you to fully relax. Letting out small sighs of relief as you drank greedily, gulping down the sweet crimson from David. Letting his blood calm every screaming nerve inside you, replacing the dull ache with a welcomed high. "Good job, sweetheart; see how good it feels to feed?" Dwayne's voice cooed gently into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. 
It took a while before you unlatched from David, his blood messily spread and smeared across your mouth. The sight nearly made Dwayne coo at your adorable form, your eyes a little glassy from feeling so overwhelmed. David, on the other hand, felt overly satisfied, watching your relaxed state of a post-feed high, gently nudging you to lay back down. 
"What a messy little fledgling you are." He teased softly, chuckling as he watched your eyes droop. Now that your needs have been met, you feel an unexplainable tiredness, the suddenness of your exhaustion setting your nerves off once more. Before you could push yourself up again, Dwayne guided you back down. Covering you in a blanket, "Sleep baby, it's normal to feel tired after such a big meal." 
You nodded, at that moment, not overthinking. "We'll be here when you wake up; rest now, rosebud." You heard David's voice whisper, the two vampires watching you drift off into a peaceful slumber. 
Once they were sure you were fully asleep, they slowly crawled out of the bed. Greeting the upset-looking vampires in the main hall, all angry about being benched by the oldest. "Why did you get to feed her?" Marko cursed, casting an irritated glare toward David, who sat back down with smugness. Flashing your sloppy bite mark off to the others with pride. "Because I'm the oldest and our coven leader Marko." He explained calmly, reveling in the jealousy of others. 
Paul groaned, having laid himself back up on the couch. His head was hidden in one of the cushions. "They probably looked so cute.." Dwayne smiled, your hesitance and gradual acceptance being awfully adorable in his eyes. "They sure was." He mused, making both Marko and Paul groan. 
Micheal sighed, a part of him just glad you ate. But he feared for what you'd be like after waking up from your nap, with a clear head this time. Would you hate him? Indeed you couldn't accept this life so quickly; among all of them, he was the only one who didn't see this feeding as acceptance. He knew you still had a lot of things to say, and none of the boys were ready to hear it. 
When you woke up again, your body felt better, stronger, and more rejuvenated. You couldn't really remember what happened when you woke up the first time, only having a hazy memory of David and Dwayne being by your side. You sat up, looking around you and the bed you were In. The sheer curtains around the bed didn't let you see anything besides silhouettes around the cave, prompting you to get up and shift out of bed. 
You glanced around, analyzing your surroundings. When did you get inside a cave? You could hear distant chatter, following the sound until you entered the central part of the cave. A decrepit fountain in the center of it all, your steps echoing across the stone floors. 
"You're awake!" Paul perked up as he turned around at the sound of footsteps, grinning as he saw you. He waved you over, watching your confused stare before finally making your way around and sitting down on the couch beside him. The couch cushions were soft and overused, letting you practically sink into the pillow-like cushion. 
"How do you feel?" He asked, his eyes carrying the familiar blown-out expression you were used to. "Right now? I'm surprisingly fine." Paul grinned at the answer, taking a quick drag of his joint before moving closer. "Now that's all I ever want to hear, baby." 
"Piss off, you crack-head!" Micheal hissed, shoving Paul's face away from yours. You jumped at the sudden intrusion, standing up from the couch. "Micheal, we need to talk." You said sternly, ignoring the way Paul cackled behind you two. 
The brunette nodded, walking back over to the bed the boys had set up for you. If David returned from his hunt early with Dwayne, the two overprotective vampires would roast him alive if they found out he had taken you out of their nest. He slid the curtains closed, trying to regain a semblance of privacy for you. "Okay," he murmured, crossing his legs as you two settled on the bed. "Hit me with it." 
You sighed, initially wanting to leave wherever the hell you were. But you didn't seem to have the strength to settle back on the bed, sitting criss-cross and fiddling with the hem of your shirt. "What the hell has been going on? I mean—what am I? What are you?" Questions kept escaping you like a bunch of word vomit, making Micheal hold up his hands to try and silence you. 
"Slow down," he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. He didn't want to hurt you with this information, but he knew it was a hard pill to swallow. 
"Firstly, you're a vampire. We're not sure from who, but someone had turned you. The act is done by being bitten and then promptly consuming the other's blood." 
As if the world didn't feel like it was falling down onto your shoulders, the cumbersome weight of your malicious reality certainly did wonders in keeping you in a constant state of disparity. You didn't want to believe Micheal, but you knew better than to sit in a puddle of denial. It wouldn't change a thing; you'd just drag out the pain longer. Before you could properly grieve your past life, the two devil twins came barging into your space. Jumping onto the mattress, making all of you bounce into the air before landing not so gracefully against the mattress. 
"Jesus Christ, you two! Will you chill out? This ain't exactly easy for her to take in." Micheal argued, sitting back up with an irritated stare. But there was nothing much his words could do as the two blondes surrounded you. 
"Cheer up, sugar! Being a vampire ain't all that bad; we can do some pretty cool things too!" Marko cheered, his energy quickly matched by Paul as they tried to cheer you up. They couldn't stand the sight of you sulking, no one in the cave could, but everyone was so preoccupied with your situation that even the century-old immortals didn't know what to do. 
But you still couldn't get over the fact that you now had to kill people; what had happened to you filled you with such rage that you didn't know what to do with yourself. You had been wronged, and every fiber of your miserable being wanted to rip whoever did this to you apart by the seams. "Mhm, sounds great, Marko." You murmured into the crook of your arm, not really paying attention as you sat curled up on the bed. 
Both Marko and Paul glanced at each other at your dull response, Paul's expression contorting to one of worry. He wasn't the best at comforting you, especially since he had wanted his turning, and although the thought of someone else harming you made his blood boil; in secret, a deeply-hidden part of him was glad. Now you were like them and could live together for the rest of your immortal lives. The two glanced at each other before nodding, bouncing off the cave and hiding behind the sheer curtains. 
You hadn't even noticed them leaving, or at least you didn't acknowledge it. But the sound of subtle little squeaks had you lifting your head, letting out a small gasp of your own as you were bombarded by two blonde bats. One had fluffy blonde hair, while the other's fur appeared more curly, no doubt being reminiscent of the two blonde bikers. "Paul—Marko?" You called out, getting little chirps back in return. Paul flew around you a couple of times before landing on your head, making a mess of your hair. Marko didn't sit still, flying around you, giving you a slight nip here and there to keep you on edge as you laughed. 
"I didn't know you could turn into bats!" You laughed, for a moment finding paece in the distraction the two provided. The sound of your small laughter provided the cave with an unseeable light, but all of them could feel it. Paul and Marko flopped back into their human form, grabbing your arm and hoisting you off of the bed. "Come on, darlin', you can do it too!" Paul cheered, Marko, nodding eagerly as the two distracted you. 
Dwayne put the bag of clothes he had gotten for you in his hand down, letting his feet drop to the floor with David's. He let out a sigh, getting up and walking over to the two terror twins. "So she can fall onto the cave floor?" He asked, his disapproval clear in his authoritative tone. 
"Lighten up, Dwayne! So you fall a little; what's so wrong with that? It's all part of the fun." Marko argued, mentally challenging Dwayne. Everyone knew their intention was to distract you, and although Dwayne couldn't stand the sight of you sulking, he wouldn't put you in danger, either. He prefers you brooding then having to you see your body black and blue from screaming bruises. 
"You call falling on your ass fun?" Micheal chummed in, letting his body rest against the headboard of the bed, dramatically rubbing his butt to lighten the mood. 
"Not everyone is as bad as you are when it comes to flying, Mikey," Paul argued, rolling his eyes. 
"She shouldn't transform until she's had a proper meal." The authoritative voice of David chimes in, effectively ruining your mood. You wanted to stand up and argue with the blonde, to stomp your foot into the ground and demand he stops commanding you. But you were out of your element here; even if you wanted to be stubborn, you're just hurting yourself. "I am not killing anyone, David." 
You watched his cold eyes narrow at you, wanting to watch you waiver, but seeing the resilient look on your face made him sigh. He pulled out a cigarette in a desperate attempt to calm his nerves. His little mate was denying themselves proper health, and although he might act uncaring, it was worrying him sick. The boys had agreed to give you some time to adjust, but as the coven leader, it was his job to assure the health and safety of all his members. Especially you. 
"Don't worry about it; you can still drink from us whenever you feel hungry." Micheal hummed, his tone gentle and reassuring as he rested his hand on your shoulder. Gently rubbing the tense muscle as you settled back into your seat. You nodded, cringing subtly at the idea before deciding to drop it. 
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"Feels good, doesn't it?" Paul's sultry voice echoed in your ear, making your hands twitch with an unfamiliar itch. Excitement spreads through you, filling you with a sense of adrenaline. You slowly realized what position you were actually in, Paul lying underneath you, your hips straddling his as he rested his hand on your thigh. In your roughness, his jacket seemed to half slide down his shoulders, now resting against the crevice of his elbows. His mesh-like top left little to the imagination, his pale chest on display for your hungry eyes. He looked delicious. 
As if Paul could tell he was losing your attention, he rutted his hips against your aching nerves. Letting out a shaky sigh, his signature crooked grin spreading across his features as he watched you suck in a breath. "Eyes on me baby, just feel with me, yeah?" Despite neither of you needing air, he sounded practically breathless; but you also felt breathless. Your post-drinking haze left your body so sensitive, every little spark of friction igniting a new addiction deep within you. You two felt like pure sin. 
You have been in the cave for about two weeks now. Letting yourself feed regularly off of the vampires you were staying with, none of you liked to address the elephant in the room that was your turning. The mate bond between you all had strengthened, leading you all to be closer than before throughout this time. Even David acted softer around you. But something you weren't prepared for was the many feelings associated with feeding, more specifically the lust. 
In all your rampant thoughts, you failed to see Marko pull the sheer curtain back, his eyes lighting mischievously at the display. He tugged off his boots, slowly sneaking over to you; your back still turned to him. He watched silently before slowly pushing himself against you. His chest against your back, the smell of the forest and fresh blood sticking to his skin. You moaned at the smell, letting the back of your head rest against his shoulder. As if sensing your uncertainty about actually indulging yourself, Marko slowly let his delicate hands trail towards your hips. Slowly, he guided yours to grind against Paul's aching bulge. 
You let out a shaky breath, one that came out shaky and chopped as you let your body tingle at the feeling. Although it felt good at that very moment, it only fueled your need. Your hand gripped Markos, a weak attempt at stopping him from tempting you. 
"Ah ah, let me darlin'." He mused, his tone so coy you could practically hear his smugness. He continued rocking your hips, one of the hands holding your hips gradually moving upwards sensually before ending at your chin. Cupping the skin in a firm grip, he slowly removed your head hiding in the crook of his neck and titled it towards the debauched sight of a panting Paul. His bottom lip was caught in between his lips, and one of his eyes squeezed shut as his chest heaved up and down in a complete state of breathlessness.
 "Look at him, all messy for you." He pointed out, moving your hips to push particularly roughly against Paul, making both of you moan at the friction. Unlike Dwayne and Michael, Marko and Paul didn't want to comfort you in the sense that this situation was terrible, but instead accept what you now were. How good it could feel, what it was like to have the freedom to explore every ounce of your most concealed secrets. 
"Lesson one of being a vampire," Marko mused, removing his hold on you. The two changed positions with you. Paul now leaning his back against the headboard, legs spread with you in between them, your back pressed against his chest. His hand trailed around your waist, teasing your shirt before slipping underneath. His fingers now torment your searing skin, which in reality was just as freezing as the two blondes was. Marko nudged your legs open, laying on his front so his head rested conveniently between your thighs. He guided them open, caressing your skin soothingly.
"Feeding is often accompanied by an insatiable–" Marko purred, kissing up the length of your thigh. "And nearly irresistible," He continued but was cut off by Paul, who had begun massaging your sides; "hunger," Paul finished. 
"So why don't you lean back and let us care for ya'?" Paul mused, practically whispering the phrase into your ear. In a similar fashion, you would've imagined the snake talking Eve into biting into the apple, Paul and Marko were the current embodiment of Lucifer for you, and this time you weren't in the mood to repent. No, you'd welcome the flames of hell eagerly, the masochist inside you hoping to feel the sting of its flames. With a nod of your head, a messy high clouding you with need, you officially sold your soul to the two devils holding you. 
Marko grinned, his lips trailing kisses up your thigh, inching closer to where you needed him to be. They were teasing you, your needy eyes watching Marko kiss over your most needy spot, his teeth nipping the top of your pants, one of his fangs sticking out from the fabric. He looked up, his darkened gaze connected with yours as he patiently pulled your undergarments down. 
As if in a desperate attempt not to lose your attention, Paul nipped at your neck. The sudden action sends a small jolt of electricity through you, pulling a soft mewl from you. Marko cooed at the noise while Paul chuckled, both clearly amused by your current state. They knew how hormonal fledglings could be, like animals in heat; Micheal was no different.
They had helped him out too, and they were most eager to provide their services now as well. 
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No matter how hard they tried, how often they showed you the normality in their ways. You couldn't wrap your head around it, that nagging resistance keeping you awake. You couldn't enter this life without committing yourself to a final attempt at regaining your old one. So, when the others went out to eat after feeding you. You left, setting out for your last, and final attempt at regaining your old humanity.
The leaves rustled with a strange ferocity as you pushed your way through the untraveled path. You didn't want to accept what you were; there needed to be an alternative. You didn't want to admit it, so when the daunting forest around your figure cleared, you saw the back of the church. You wanted to believe in that hope, that perhaps all these values preached and thrown down your throat had a purpose. 
The forest was at the back of the church, revealing a small garden enclosed by a white picket fence. You hopped it, letting your bloody hands stain the purity of its color permanently. You rushed towards the back door, balling your first and desperately pounding in the creaky wooden door. You quickly shifted your focus, trying to open the door and jiggling the handle. "Please! Someone—anyone, please!" 
Not hearing an answer, you stumbled back. Your tears make you choke on your own sorrow, rushing around toward the front of the building. "Please, Father! Anyone, please!" You begged, continuing to slam your hand against the door. It wasn't until it opened that you stood stunned, chest heaving, hands stained, and body soaked. You wailed in front of this man's sanctuary. Begging entry. 
The man appeared elderly, with white and gray hair dominating the little hair he still had left on his head. His black cassock made his position as a priest clear, but you didn't dare move. You felt the need to be invited in. 
"Goodness! Child, come, come inside." He ushered you into the old building; there were candles lighting the area, casting everything in a warm glow. You stepped inside, unable to stop your shaking, until the man covered you in a blanket. He was probably trying to provide your frigid body with warmth. "What happened to you?" 
"Father, please, you need to help me. I need help—please, I need aid." You stammered, letting him guide you into a back room away from the main hall. He listened to you, his brows and face contorted in worry. "Calm down; you are safe now." 
The room seemed less decorated but more elaborate than you would've thought it would be in the church, but you didn't say much as you sat down in the empty chair across the old desk. This must've been some sort of office. The priest stared for a moment, his gaze lingering on your stained hands before shuffling around the desk. His shoes thumped across the red carpet covering half of the dark oak floors. He sat down, letting his hands intertwine, and he rested them folded on the edge of the desk. "So, my child, what brings you here? What has brought you to my doors in such distress?" 
You needed a moment to collect yourself for that question. What hadn't happened to you in the last week? Every horror imaginable seemed to be flowing through your life at the moment. A part of you wanted to lie, but you knew that hiding the true nature of your case would prevent you from getting any practical help. This was necessary. Clearing your throat, you slowly gather your perseverance to continue. 
"Father, you must believe what I have to say. I am new to Santa Carla, but in my stay, I've encountered death and despair more than in any other place." You started, your voice shook and a clear representation of what you were feeling, utterly distraught. The man nodded, seemingly focused on you as he urged you to continue. "But what I originally thought were simple gangsters, feuds, and typical street violence became much darker. Vampires, Father, Vampires reside in this town, and I've found myself to be one of them." 
You were desperate; frantic eyes watched the man inhale and lean back in his chair. He thought deeply, or at least the look of concentration was deeply etched into the creases of his face. He sighed, uncrossing his hand and gently reaching out to rest a comforting hand on top of yours. 
"My child, I've read the bible well. The true structure of this world and how it came to be, the only time vampires were ever named—or mentioned. Alukah only ever being mentioned in Sefer Chasidim, where the creature is understood to be a living human being but can shape-change into a wolf. Alukah can also roughly be translated to "blood-lusting monster" or, in your case, a vampire." 
He had a calm tone, deep and raspy, but it seemed to have an oddly chiding tone. He moved away, leaning fully back now against his chair as he chuckled. "But my dear, I assure you that these are old tales; such demons do not exist among us anymore." 
His words were like a splash of cold water to the face, a deep, unsettling reality overcoming you. You sounded crazy; of course, no one would believe you. "But Father!" He held his hand up to silence you, shaking his head in a disapproving manner. "You can lie to me, but you cannot fool the Lord." 
Anger seemed to replace your sorrow, standing up abruptly, the stool you were previously resting in falling to the floor with a loud clunk. "I am not lying!" You screeched, your face unknowingly morphing into one similar to the boys. Angled features, sharp bones, and burning yellow eyes. The man stumbled back, stammering as he took in the demonic sight that was you. His hand unknowingly grabbed onto his cross, moving out of his chair. 
"I need your help Father; I have not consumed human blood yet! There needs to be a way to fix this!" Once again, you were pleading. A part of you was growing sick of it; how could a man detest your current nature but refuse to help you revert back to your "purer" self at the same time? It was hypocritical. 
The hand holding the pectoral cross shook with a small tremor, breath equally as rough when it escaped his shaken form. His free hand covered his mouth, either trying to hide his labored breathing or trying to regain composure. You weren't quite sure. The silence in the room now was unsettling, threatening even—leaving you on edge. Finally, the old man's hoarse voice cut through the air as he removed the pale hand from his mouth. He waved it toward him as he walked over before passing you and opening the door. Standing beside the frame as he beckoned you to follow. 
"Come come, my child. We must act quickly; you have the devil inside you. With every moment we waste, it'll grow stronger." You nodded, cringing at his choice of words before slowly following him. You would've argued at the choice of words but didn't seem to have the energy to do so. You followed as he led you through the church, leading you towards the back door you had previously banged on. He opened it, leading you towards the backyard. To the left, there was a small gravely path that shortly led to a wooden shed. Wood rot was apparent when you looked at the dying boards that made up the shed's walls. 
He unlocked the shed with his key; the loud cling of chains dropping was quickly followed by the squeak of old hinges being forced to move again as he opened the door. It was an average shed if it didn't have a hidden doorway behind a shabby bookshelf. The old man pushed the shelf to the left, revealing a mossy, dirty stairway further down in what you assume to be a basement. 
As if the priest could see your confusion, he began to say, "This church used to perform a multitude of exorcisms. We used to do it in the old church, but people began associating it too much with demons, so we renovated the old shack basement to do the job. That was a while ago," He mumbled, walking down the steps and revealing an equally run-down setup. There was a bed, shabby with a mattress stained with yellow and brown. The bed frame seemed to be made of rusted metal, not undoubtedly a cheap purchase at the time. Restrains we're hanging from each end of the bed. 
Every fiber of your being was begging you not to lay on that mattress, but your own desperation convinced you. It convinced you to lie down and let that man tie you up; it made you trust him to cure you. 
"So what will you do?" 
"What I need too." 
His gruff voice echoed through the room; he had tied something loosely around your eyes. Explaining that it was all part of the process. You heard him open on an old shelf, the sound of clinking wood making you uneasy. Your instincts screamed at you, but you weren't sure for what. You didn't understand yourself anymore, and the frustration coursing through you nearly brought you to tears. You just wanted all of this to be over, to understand yourself once again. 
"And what would that be?" You edged further, feeling like something was wrong. 
"What I was born to do." 
His voice grew darker, lowering an octave or two, making you shift. The blindfold slid at your defiance, sliding off of one of your eyes. Snapping them open, you took in a sight you'd surely never forget. There, a man swore to do no harm and held a wooden spike in his shaky hand. The other clutching his cross to his heart while whispering mantras. He didn't even hesitate as he saw your yellow eyes open before he slashed forward, putting his full force into the throw of the stake. 
Perhaps it was instinct, or perhaps it was simply foolish for the man to believe leather binds would chain you. But in a moment of adrenaline, you pushed your body away from the mattress, your wrists and ankles suffering a burn from the sudden action as you snapped yourself away from your murder. Watching the way his sheer force stabbed the stake through the mattress, your eyes lingering on sight. 
That blow was meant to kill you. 
"You fucking bastard!" You growled, a distorted tone to your voice as you took a step towards him. But with your lack of control, your hand was around the man's throat with his old back smashed against one of the walls. 
"I trusted you! What kind of priest are you? You are meant to aid, protect, and serve. I am still one of God's creations! You taint your very purpose in this life with your actions!" The hand around his neck tightened, your claws unwilling to draw blood. Your eyes zeroed in on the sinful liquid, the smell so much more intense than of any of the boys.
The boys. 
David was right; they were right. There was no turning back for you. 
"You will never—be one of God's—creations." 
Those were his last words before you ripped his throat out with your teeth. Dismembering the man's jugular, drinking away the last of your crumbling humanity. There was an irony in it that the remains of your dying humanity weren't taken from the vampires you now lived with but by a human themselves. 
The man fell to the floor, eyes a haunting color. They were cloudy; you couldn't describe the sight of his pale skin mimicking the shade of yours. 
You wailed, grieving everything you were as you sat hunched on the floor. Covered in the blood of the man who tried, and in some way—killed you. 
You weren't sure how long you sat there, frozen, until the boys came. A hand gently shaking your shoulder, making you jump, meeting the eyes of a saddened Paul. "Oh, darlin'.." He whispered, watching you stammer, desperate to explain. But he simply picked you up, bridal-style, and led you out where the rest of the boys stood. 
Marko walked over, letting Paul set you on the ground before the curly-haired vampire pulled you into a tight hug. A hug which all of the boys joined, their hearts breaking at the sound of your sobs. "It's okay, it'll be okay," Marko whispered, holding you close. 
"Come on, let's take you home." David sighed after a moment. His voice drowned out in the hauntingly silent night. 
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That evening was the second and final marking of your death. The first takes place in an alleyway by a vampire, and the job is finished by a human. You struggled after that night; you barely ate or talked. You felt awful, your thoughts not abandoning you or your guilt. You were a murderer. 
That all had taken place a few days ago, your body now sat on the roof along the boardwalk. It was a motel, two stories high, so you found a semblance of privacy on top of the concrete roof. You sat on the thick stone wall of a fence, letting your legs dangle over the edge. 
"I'll never forget the day I made my first victim." Micheals voice cut through the distant booming of chatter and joy taking place below you by the adolescent and naive party-goers on the boardwalk. 
"It was April 6th, at about 12:06. I lost my life forever." He went on, walking closer towards you. Stopping beside you and leaning on the fence with his forearms. His gaze lingered on the glowing boardwalk, casting everything surrounding it in a golden orange. 
"So we're all murderers.." You murmured, eyes not meeting him, but you knew he was now looking at you. Your tone was cold and distant. 
"He was a child molester." Micheal spat, standing up and gently moving you so you looked at him. "We don't have to be monsters, Y/N; we don't have to kill the good. I chose to take the evil from this world, and you can too." 
You nodded weakly, not in the mood to argue. You let a frail smile tug on your lips, nodding to his words as you let him wrap an arm around your shoulder and squeeze you close before slowly leaving. Giving you space. Once again, you were surrounded by silence. Nothing but the blurred screams from ride-goers, drunks laughing and prancing around on the ground beneath you.  
"He's wrong." That crystal clear voice, his tone stern and unwavering even if David tried to sound gentle. But his words felt icy like a cold bucket of water was poured over you. Sinking into the skin, leaving goosebumps to ravage your already frigid body. When Micheals words provided comfort, as if holding your wounded heart in his hands, David seemed to drop it instead. 
He walked over, the sound of his boots tapping against the concrete. You didn't necessarily look at him, but you noticed he settled beside you. His body bent forward, forearms resting against the wall-like railing on the rooftop. You both stood there in silence, watching the stars glitter across the ocean's surface. The silent, cruel breeze drifts through your hair and body. Seagulls cried, and boardwalk goers partied, but you felt so far away from it all. It made you question the finality of your death and where it had really occurred. Did you die in that alleyway or when you let go of your remaining humanity? You were sure a part of you must die in order to take a life; death is inevitable for either party. There is no such thing as only one dying; the other might live but never completely. Your humanity had died along with that priest. 
"You are a monster." David's voice was stern, clear, and factual. Your gaze turned to him finally, seeing the way he stared so longingly out at the sea before turning to you. 
"What the fuck David?" You snapped, feeling like this was not the time for him to throw his own values onto you. You had killed someone, taken a life, and instead of trying to bring you any consultation, he insulted you? 
"Don't you think I feel shitty enough? Fuck this, I know, okay? I know you don't need to stand here and rub it in my face!" Why had you expected anything else from the blonde, you couldn't lie to David, and he had neither lied to you. He was, on many occasions, the truth. 
"You are a monster, Y/N. You will never die; you will never age." He hummed, ignoring your outburst as he took out a cigarette and lit it. He held it up to his lips, taking a long drag, dropping his hand against the railing before blowing out the smoke. "But you must feed." There was a finality in his town that made you suffer as if you were the only one who noticed the morbid aberration of your circumstances. But how were you supposed to explain your regret about eating a sheep to a hungry pack of wolves? 
"What if I don't want to?" You asked, voice hoarse from the raw emotions you felt. You wanted to smack him, berate him to find another time to torment you. 
"You'll kill someone you actually like." He whispered an answer that took you off guard. Eyes trailing back to him, you noticed that haze. A similar one to what Michael used to wear whenever he encountered an old memory. Yes, David seemed to be dancing in his past. 
"But make no mistake, Y/N. You are a monster. A filthy abomination that feeds off the weak, the defenseless." He focused his cold gaze on you, "You will fall apart the day you realize just how much you enjoy it. The screams, the suffering, the pain. It will be the only consistent factor in your life. And when you look around and see the constant deterioration of mankind. You will turn and see us." He took another drag of his cigarette before dropping it, suffocating its flame with his boot. "We are monsters too, Y/N." 
"I will never let you forget it. I will tell you every day before you rest and when you awake." There was an odd gentleness to his tone, one that made you look up at him once more. Although you could hardly bear to keep eye contact with the man. 
"Why?" You had a thousand questions running wild throughout your head, an intimidating rampage and riot pushing through, begging millions of questions to be answered. They stuck in your throat like a lump, a noose around your vocals, keeping you silent. Finally, you managed to settle on that one word. Why? 
"Do you think a lion thinks of itself as a monster when it eats a gazelle?" 
"We aren't animals, David–"
"But aren't we? We're all just mammals trying to get by. A lion doesn't feel guilty for killing because that's what a lion simply does. They need to in order to survive." His eyes seemed to burn into you, a desperate sense of vulnerability taking hold of his features. It seemed David wanted to spare you from your own feelings, to clear the path you were going on, no doubt one he had walked before. 
"But what if we asked the gazelle what they thought of the lion. When a meal would mean losing a brother or sister, mother or father, the gazelle would see the lion as a monster too." 
A heavy wind blew through your hair, reminding you of the night air. Whispering about the daytime and how you would never be able to see it again. Feel its warmth kiss your skin, see its joyful birth across the horizon. The wind mocked you, and the night sky never felt so empty before.
"So?" You asked, wanting a conclusion to this lesson. A small chuckle parted from David, the blonde finding your impatience amusing. 
"The term monster is subjectable. It depends on who you ask, rosebud. To them," He gestured to the late-night party-goers. "You will always and forever be a monster." But before you could frown, even dare settle on that phrase for too long. He turned to you, taking your hand and squeezing it. As if you'd let go, leaving him alone. "But to us, you are everything."
"I'll call you a monster until the word doesn't sting anymore." 
He whispered, cupping your cheek. You noted the lack of his gloves, for the first time touching his bare skin. He leaned closer, kissing the top of your forehead lovingly. It was an embrace in some way, a sweet and gentle promise. That no matter what you become, he'd love you. 
"We'll be down at the boardwalk if you want to join us; you can't stay sulking forever, rosebud.." He whispered, leaving you alone to think once more. 
When you did make your way down the sandy docks, feeling grain against your shoe as you walked with a sunken head. You wondered how your life had changed so drastically since you came to Santa Carla, whether everything was for better or worse. 
"Hey, Darlin!"
The booming voice of a happy Paul called to you, making you look up. Before you stood your gang of boys leaning against the wooden railing of the boardwalk pier. Their bikes were parked beside them, all smiling as they looked at you. There was fondness in their eyes you could describe, but as you walked over and were encircled by your boys. All equally ecstatic to see you—you felt less alone. Welcomed even. You still had a long way to go, but for once in a long while, did you feel alright. Perhaps, becoming a vampire wasn't the worst thing that's ever happened to you. 
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
hello, hello. I would like you request shiratorizawa 3rds boys playing Minecraft with their s/o🤭
I think with tendou would be hilarious
Nah bc Satori would be killing ur cats 😭 this is so cute
Playing minecraft w GN!reader ft. Ushijima, Tendou, and Semi.
Ushijima Wakatoshi:
"How do you- I'm being attacked by zombies." His voice is nonchalant and he stares at you waiting for your input.
"'Toshi, use your sword!" You don't even look at him because you're fighting a stupid skeleton.
"Which button was that again?" His character is close to dying.
"We should have played on creative mode." A snort escapes your lips and he smiles at you.
"Maybe I'll lose more often if I get to hear that cute laugh of yours." You don't even have to look at him to know he's smirking.
"Better stop daydreamimg cuz I'm robbing your place." You laugh again.
His brows furrow, he looks so cute. "Hey, I've gathered all that myself, you can't take it." He shakes his head playfully.
"Quit getting distracted by my hotness, then." You smile.
"That's hard to do.." He sighs trying to keep from smiling,
Tendo Satori:
"Satori!!" You scream kicking his side. He starts cackling.
"What?" He asks trying and failing to sound innocent.
"You snake! You burnt my house down!" It took you two weeks straight to finish your build, it was perfect.
"Ah... that was your house? Oops." It wasn't an accident, the smirk on his face said so.
"I'm so going to get you back." You scoff and walk over to his place and kill some of his cattle and his favorite cat— which is named after you.
"You killed, (name)?!" He screeches in shock.
"I'm not your minecraft bae anymore, 'Tori." You feel pretty satisfied with yourself.
"Two can play that game." His character makes his way to your burnt down house. He finds your favorite wolf in his pin and kills him. "Goodbye Satori junior, your sacrifice was not in vain."
"You killed my baby and burned my place?!" You weren't able to believe what happened in a little over five minutes.
"Okay how about we make a truce and I help you build your house again?" He knew you couldn't resist such an offer.
"Fine but if you burn down my place again, I will kill all of your animals." He chuckles at your childness. He loves that about you.
Semi Eita:
"Did you kill them yet?" You ask Semi waiting for the green light.
"Mhm.. give me like two seconds." He was concentrating hard, but you can't help being silly.
"One, two." You count out very fast and he scoffs at you.
"Okay I'm done, go go go." He says and your character runs into the house of the villager he just killed.
"What's in there?" He asks with amusement.
"Let's leave, it's only bread." You let out a laugh from your gut as he sighs.
"Damn, this is like the fifth house with nothing good in it." He groans, it's not a big deal to kill villagers, its just time consuming.
"What if we rob the pillagers? It's risky but I'm sure they have some good items." You mention, it causes your boyfriend to smile at the thought.
"Okay, we'll give it one last shot." He was just as determined as you are.
Actually finding the pillagers took over an hour, you happened to stumble across one and it began attacking you.
"Eita, help! I found a pillager!" You scream and he laughs at you. It's so adorable to see you really getting into the game. Honestly, he's thinking about leaving you by yourself to see how you'd respond.
"Eita, where are you?!" You're fighting the pillager with your sword that wasn't as cool as your boyfriend's sword.
You can hear muffled laughter, indicating that Semi planned on letting you die. That bastard.
"Eita please, I'm dying!" The pillager gets the upperhand, it shoots you one last time and your character dies.
"Eita, how could you?! I thought we were partners in crime!" If anyone else heard what you said without context they'd be confused. Your boyfriend on the other hand broke into fits of laughter.
"I'm sorry baby, try to catch up." Eita lets out a small giggle. At least he waits for you to catch up before continuing.
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Heyyyy, thanks for this request ily anon!! I think Tendo's is my favorite, he is such a cute menace. Anyways thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it :P
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swiss-mrs · 9 months
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(Word Count: 4.6k)
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Rating: PG-13, Adult Language and Themes, All Characters are 18+
Reader/OC Description: Reader/OC is Afro-Latina. She has long, dyed black hair that is worn straight with baby bangs and shaved brows. She is an alt baddie and would've definitely ruled MySpace. Body shape/type is not detailed. No Use of Y/N.
Synopsis: One day, while Dave and Todd are out, they pass by a park void of screaming kids. Instead, the park is taken up by a group of what looks to be a mix of teenagers and young adults. Passing by the loud group, the boys can't help but stare, mixing Dave up with a girl more socially unacceptable than him.
Warnings(?): Adult Language, Sexual Themes (No Smut, Just Horny Boy Thoughts), Catcalling (Potentially Triggering Language)
This is written in third person but mainly narrated from Dave's view.
"I can't believe they had it!" Todd exclaims, gripping the plastic bag in his hand tight. Dave nods, gripping his backpack straps.
"Yeah, we need to start coming here more often. They have everything. We gotta bring Marty with us when he gets back."
Today marked the first day of the boys' last Spring Break. Marty was out of town on a trip to Florida with his family, so this cut down the trio to a duo, Dave and Todd. The two were currently walking along a street on the other side of town than their usual hangout. Todd found a new comic and video game store, and he and Dave figured they'd check it out.
"I can't wait to read it."
"Remember, no spoilers until I pick up my edition too." Dave replied. As they round a corner to get to their bus stop, they are greeted with the sight of a large clearing between buildings.
On the closest side to the boys was a skate park. It had a decent amount of skaters occupying it, echoes of skateboards landing against concrete traveling throughout the park. As the boys walked passed, they could hear the sound of music. The further they walk, the closer the music gets.
The current song that was playing was what Dave imagined rugged bikers with dark sunglasses and handlebar mustaches listened to. Scary and intimidating. It was muddy and grungy and punk and metal? He wasn't well versed enough to really know how to label its genre. Just as one song came to an end, another just like it followed.
He and Todd were both staring at the group surrounding the picnic table that held the speaker. Each one was different from the next, but they all had a similar dark and grungy style.
Something that immediately caught his eye was a black haired girl who took two big steps to get atop the picnic table. As the new song began to pick up, she got into a matching character. As she winded her hips and lip sang to the lyrics, Dave was completely entranced by her. "Woah..."
"Yeah…" Todd absently replies.
Her unnaturally dark hair cascaded down her shoulders and around the curve of her breasts. Her bangs reminded Dave of a toddler who decided to experiment with scissors. They were far too short to be considered "normal", but, Jesus, did she pull them off well.
She had two bows on the sides of her head, one purple and the other an off-white cream color. She wore a black, short sleeve crop top with red writing on it, something Dave couldn't really read clearly from this distance. She had knitted, fingerless gloves on each hand that nearly blended in with her skin tone. Dave's eyes continued to work their way down her legs, finding her thighs covered with light pink, sheer lace shorts that stopped mid thigh. The only thing keeping her "appropriate" were homemade, cut-off jean short shorts.
Dave couldn't help himself; he was captivated. He's never seen anyone dressed like she was, at least not in real life. It was like she stepped right out of an anime. She was incredibly unique. How was she able to pull that off so well?
Dave's eyes wandered down further to get a full view of her exposed, dancing legs. He couldn't help but wonder what it felt like to touch them.
She swiveled her hips in circles as she began to spin and whip her hair to the beat. Dave had this opportunity to move his eyes up, getting a perfect view of her butt, his body lighting up as his heart raced.
She had made a full turn, stopping in the direction of the two boys, catching their stares. Todd immediately turns his head to try and seem captivated by the clouds above, but Dave is not as quick to notice.
"Dave." Todd mumbles, eyes dodging the girl's gaze, darting back and forth from his friend, the ground, and a very (not-so) interesting brick building behind the park. "Dave." Todd repeats, elbowing Dave in the side, finally snapping him out of his hypnosis.
"Ouch!" Dave yelps in surprise, turning to Todd who is looking at him wide eyed, trying to send him a message. Dave looks away from his friend and back to the table dancer. She was staring right at him with squinted eyes. They seem to make eye contact for a solid second before she abruptly lifts a hand to her forehead. She held up her pointer and pinky fingers. The 'rock and roll' symbol she held against her head imitated horns as scrunched her nose, sticking her tongue out like a child. The action shocked Dave, but he couldn't help but find her oddly adorable.
Todd is quick to snatch the handle at the top of Dave's backpack and drag him away to their bus stop at the end of the street. The ride home was a pretty quiet one after that.
Two weeks have passed since he'd first seen the strange girl. Every spare chance he got during spring break was spent taking advantage of his vigilante skills for the wrong reasons. He had secretly visited that park numerous times, watching his girl and her friend group from afar. He knew that stalking was not how he should've gone about this, but he also didn't see walking straight up to her and introducing himself as an option either.
Something was definitely wrong with him. There is no good reason for him to know where she lives, but he convinced himself it was just to ensure she got home safe. Tonight only enforced that thought.
Usually she would walk home with at least one friend for good measure, but for some unknown reason to Dave, she walked alone.
Today, she had on an extra baggy hoodie. One that he came to know as one of her favorites. It reached the tops of her bare thighs, the hem of her mini skirt just visible below. She wore leg warmers that matched the color of her hoodie and worn combat boots. She had a small backpack that looked like wings on her back, decked out in pins of all kinds. The oversized hood was perched on top of her head.
She was always good about checking her surroundings and looking over her shoulder when walking alone, but this wasn't a matter of a sneak attack.
Dave watched as an older man stepped out in front of his strange girl. Dave couldn't hear the exact dialog due to their distance and the passing people and cars, but he for sure knew that whatever was being said was not welcomed.
"No. Thank you. I'd rather be left alone." Dave heard that loud and clear, so why did this creepy guy not take the hint and leave?
The man abruptly reached for her arm, and gripped it tight. Dave took off in a sprint.
"Get your hands off me, asshole!"
"Don't be a fucking tease-"
"Hey!" Dave cut the guy off, running up behind her. "Didn't you hear what she said, creep? Let her go!" He said firmly. Both the creepy guy and the girl's eyes look over to Dave, both of them giving him a once over. Her eyes were full of confusion, one thinly drawn brow raised. The man scoffed at the kid.
"What the fuck is this?" he shoots back. Dave squares his shoulders and raises his masked chin. "How about you mind your fucking business, princess, before you get hurt." the man follows up, making fun of Dave's costume.
"Let. Her. Go." Dave repeats sternly. The guy laughs in his face.
"Or what, leotard?" Dave follows up by removing the batons from behind his back. He points one at the man.
"Or else I'll have to beat you until you let go?" He says confidently. The girl cringes, that was not nearly as intimidating as he thought it was. The guy laughs again, flicking out a pocket knife. The two men stood there in a stare down. Their pause gave the girl a chance to yank her arm from the man's grasp, simultaneously using her other hand to whip out a pink taser decorated like a mini Gameboy. She shoves the sparked end into the side of the creep's neck, causing him to twitch and spasm. She holds it there until the man falls to the ground twitching, presumably unconscious. She takes her booted foot and jumps into a hard kick to the man's side.
"Fuck you, dipass!" Dave stands there shocked. The girl's gaze switches to face him. He lifts his hands in surrender and slowly puts his batons back. The girl takes one big step closer to Dave. He jumps back, but she is quick to grab one of his hands and begin dragging him down the route of towards her apartment.
They walk a couple blocks and round a corner in silence before she stops abruptly and turns to Dave. He stands there staring, absolutely shell shocked. "Who are you and what do you think you're doing!?" She asks, putting two hands on her hips and resting her weight on one side.
"Uh-" Dave stutters. The girl raises her brows expectantly. "I, uh- I was trying to help you." The girl's brows draw together as she squints.
"Thank you, but, to be honest, you didn't really do much, and that only answered one of my questions."
"Uh, I'm, uh- The name's KickAss." The girl stares at him in disbelief for a good five seconds, searching his eyes for any sense of a joke.
When she doesn't find anything, she lets out a "pfft" and giggles. "You're joking, right?" She raises her brows with a grin.
"Uh, no. I'm not…" Dave's eyes look everywhere but at her.
"I-," giggle, "I'm sorry." Another giggle, " I don't mean to be rude, but KickAss?" Dave smiles nervously, instinctual reaching for the back of his head. "You really need a rebranding, my guy." She says, an amused smile still playing on her lips. Her eyes didn't hold any malice or judgement, just intrigue.
"Yeah, well, I'm obviously not that creative." He laughs nervously. Dave looks back to her, finally getting a proper look at her up close. She's smiling… at him. God, he was going to faint.
"Jesus, your eyes." She says suddenly, catching Dave off guard. "They're gorgeous, my god." She huffs a short laugh, staring into his eyes. Dave can't keep eye contact for long, completely flustered. He thanked the powers that be that he had a mask on at this very moment. He was sure he was as red as ever.
"Thank you." He looks down. "You, uh, your eyes are beautiful, too." He says sheepishly. She laughs, shaking her head.
"Oh, please. They're just a normal, old brown. Nothing compared to your stunners. Wow." She throws back at him. "Well, I appreciate you stepping in, KickAss." She thanks, putting emphasis on his 'name'.
"No problem. You seem to have it handled without me." His illusion of 'stalking for protection' ruined.
"Nonsense! Thankfully, I didn't need you to start a fight this time. The fact that you even stepped in at all when you saw something means a lot, so thank you." She clasps her hands in front of her, swaying side to side.
"Can I walk you the rest of the way?" He asks. She shakes her head.
"As sweet as that is, no, thank you. I don't quite know how I feel about masked men knowing where I live." She teases. "Plus, it's not much further. I'll be okay." She smiles at him, again. Dave can't decide if he wishes she'd stop looking at him or if he wishes she'd keep her gaze on him forever. She begins walking away, "Thanks, again! See you around!" She shouts behind her, turning another corner.
Two months have passed. Shortly after their first, up close, encounter, Dave made it a point to walk her home every chance he got, always when she was alone. Well, not every time. She started to get suspicious as to how he always knew when she was walking alone. "Are you following me?" She'd ask, Dave giving an unconvincing 'pfft' and a 'no', causing her to roll her eyes. After that, he made sure to space out their walks but still following her from a distance. It's now nearing the end of June, and his graduation date is only a couple weeks out.
This night was a first. She invited Dave in. His eyes widened in shock, "Yeah, sure!" He said a little too enthusiastically, internally cringing at himself, but his awkwardness only caused her to giggle.
She nods, "Okay. My brother is home, so you'll have to sneak in. I'll go in first. Just turn the corner," she points, "and use the fire escape ladder to get to the fourth window up. My window has a collection of ninja turtle action figures on the sill." Dave opens his mouth to say something, but she continues, "Wait there until I come in. I just have to let my brother know I'm home first, then I can disappear into my room." Dave sits his mouth and nods. "Okay, I'll see you up there!" She smiles, jogging into the building.
Dave watches her jog up the stairs until he can't see her anymore. He then makes his way around the building and, as instructed, climbs up the fire escape. He gets to her window with ease. Through the parted curtains, he could see into her dark room. The light in the hallway provided little to illuminate the room from the bottom of the closed door, but thanks to the setting sun, Dave could clearly see the four little trinkets on her windowsill. It made him smile. She was a little nerdy, too.
"Ok, I'll order the pizza!" Before Dave could analyze her room any further, she bursts through the door, tossing her bag on the floor. She turns, closing and locking the door before running up to the window. She throws the curtains open and slides up the window, smiling brightly at him. "Hola."
"Buenas Noches, señorita." Dave says, again cringing at his choice of words, getting a laugh out of her.
"Vamos." She says, stepping aside. He climbs through the window, trying his best to avoid disrupting the figures. "You up for pizza?" She asks once he's fully inside.
Dave nods, looking around at her room. "Yeah, sure."
She smiles up at him, gesturing to her room, "Bienvenido a mi casa." She says dramatically. "Make yourself at home, señor KickAss."
Dave chuckles at her, shaking his head. "Gracias." His accent is still strongly American, but four years of Spanish didn't make it the worst. He goes to sit on the plush bench at the end of her bed. He figured that was a safe bet. He wasn't on her bed, but he also wasn't awkwardly sitting at her desk in the corner of the room. It was a kind of middle ground. His eyes follow her as she goes over to her old school boombox, graffitied with stickers, and turns on some music, low enough for them to hear each other, but just loud enough to disguise their voices from any eavesdropping. "Do I need to worry about your brother?" He asks playfully, deep down a little nervous.
"No, he's playing video games with our cousins online. He can't hear a thing with his-"
"AHHH! NO MAMES WEY!" a scream can be heard, as if on queue, scaring the fuck out of Dave.
She rolls her eyes, continuing, "headphones on." She sits on her bed, crawling over to rest her bare legs on the empty cushion next to Dave. She grabs her laptop that was laying on the bed and opens it up. "What kind of pizza do you like?" She asks, typing away.
"Uh, whatever." He says, unsure.
"Well, guess we can't go wrong with half pepperoni and half cheese." She says, placing the order. "My brother is pretty boring when it comes to pizza." Another scream could be heard in the background, promoting another eyeroll. Dave chuckles a little, nodding.
He twiddles his thumbs before asking, "So, why did you invite me in?" The girl shrugs her shoulders, still typing and clicking away.
"I dunno. You've walked me home nearly everyday for the passed 2 months, and I've grown to trust you. Every time we part ways, I feel the urge to keep you around. I figured it was about time we hung out for more than just a few blocks." She closes her laptop hallway and sets it to the side. His heart flutters.
Dave looks at her stunned. "You want to hang out with me?" The girl squints at him.
"Um, yeeaaah. What kind of question is that?"
"I, uh- I mean- it's just- you know-..." He stutters. She giggles at him.
"I mean, you're just so cool, and I'm, you know-"
She looks at him amused. "You're what? A cool vigilante guy who is sweet and funny and someone who should totally should give himself more credit." She bends her legs, nudging him softly with her knee. She scoots down the bed a little to sit closer to Dave, holding her knees to her chest. She uses her oversized sweatshirt to encompass her entire body. Dave looks at her with admiration, his heart racing again, before looking away from her and down at the bench below him. "I don't hear a 'Gracias' or a 'Tienes razón, mi hermosa. Eres muy inteligente y eres la mujer más bella del mundo. Gracias por todo, mi amor.'" She goes on.
Dave laughs, "Thank you. I don't know if you're right, but you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." Dave says boldly but still avoiding eye contact, looking down at his hands.
The girl's eyes widen, "You speak Spanish?" She looks horrified, embarrassed by the words of praise she tried to get him to say.
"A little." He twiddles his thumbs more, "I've been taking Spanish all throughout high school. I am no expert, but I can get around." He shrugs.
"Welp, that's embarrassing." the girl reaches up to tug hard on the strings of her hoodie, hiding her face in the fabric. Dave looks up and reaches for her hands.
"Que? No 'gracias'?" He teases, trying to get a look at her face. He has no clue what is coming over him, but he is becoming a bit more comfortable. His heart is still pounding, but seeing her get flustered brought his confidence up. She peers out from inside her hoodie. Her wide eyed look nearly floored him. He was forever grateful that he was already seated or else his knees would have buckled.
"Gracias,... señor KickAss." She says playfully, trying to make up for her embarrassment by joking off. He offers her a soft smile, melting her. It was now her turn to avoid his eyes. Her eyes make their way over to the stereo. "So… you're still in high school?" She asks, looking back to him, wearily.
He nods, "Y-Yeah, but not for long." He says quickly, the realization coming quick that they don't actually know each other's ages. "I graduate in like 2 weeks." Her nonexistent brows raise as she nods. "Are you?"
She shakes her head, "No, I tested out, got my diploma early. I couldn't be bothered with high school anymore." She shrugged. Dave's brows shot up. She really was smart. "It's just me and my brother. The earlier I got out of high school, the more time I had. It allowed me to help out with bills and whatever, get us a nicer place." She gestures to the room around her. "I mean, it may not seem like much, but trust me when I say it's a million times better than where we were." She then takes the time to look around and appreciate her surroundings.
Dave's look of admiration returns. "You're amazing." He blurts out. The girl's eyes find him, holding his eye contact, again with this wide eyed stare. She was gonna kill him. Her heart stopped when she looked in his eyes and found nothing but honesty and softness. She gives him a little smile. My god, Dave was literally going to pass out.
Dave didn't seem to notice, but hours went by with them talking, eating pizza, and talking some more. It was now pitch black outside, and the only light in the room was coming from her bedside lamps and a flickering candle.
By now, both of them had made their way into the bed. Dave was laying on his back, watching the ceiling while she was laying on her stomach perched up on her elbow, watching him. They were currently both comfortably silent, the soft music still playing in the background. She guessed that her brother must have fallen asleep at his console by now, considering there weren't any more frustrating cries or exciting cheers heard from across the apartment. Dave is the first to interrupt the silence between them. "Would it be a terrible idea to take my mask off right now?"
The girl gasps dramatically, placing a hand on her chest, "and reveal your secret identity, Zorro?" She lets out a short laugh, this causes Dave to let out a tired smile.
"I'm being serious." There's a pause.
"Well…" the girl starts, "you know, once you do so, there's no going back. I'm not so much of a bitch that I'd ever expose you, but you know… it's a big step."
"Is it in the right direction?" he asks, turning his head to look over at her. They stare deeply into each other's eyes.
She sighs, "I'm sorry, babe, but that's a decision you'll have to make on your own." The pet name catches Dave off guard. He nods and sits up, causing the girl next to him to follow suit, twisting her body so she's cross crossed and facing him. Dave takes a deep breath and reaches for the back of his mask. Just as his gloved hands meet the fabric, he felt a smaller hand touch his. "Are you sure?... Absolutely positive?"
He doesn't move, "Positive." He replies. She lefts go of his hand and he pulls the mask forward and off his head. He kept his head down for a second, taking in a deep breath. He could feel her eyes staring at the side of his head.
He looks up and turns to her. They make eye contact for a good 3 second before her sleeve covered hands come flying up to her face, covering her eyes. "Oh my god!"
"Oh my god, what?!" Dave panics.
"You're hot!" She exclaims. Wow, did she really know how to throw Dave off. He watches her, shocked. "This feels wrong, oh my god!" She says, muffled by her sleeves. "I should not be seeing this right now." Dave smiles a little. How does she do this? She's just too cute.
He reaches up for her hands, "Well, like you said, there's no going back, babe." He says, pulling her hands down. Her eyes were squeezed shut, scrunching up her face in what Dave thought was the most adorable way. "Oh, don't be a baby. Open your eyes." He says. She squeezes them even harder just before opening them up, like ripping off a bandaid.
She lets out a sigh as her eyes roam over every feature. She takes a moment to just admire his face before giggling when her eyes make their way to his hair. "What?" Dave asked, this time not panicked, but amused.
She giggles some more, smiling wide. "Your hair is a mess." She says finally, biting her smile.
He rolls his eyes, "Yeah, I don't really do face reveals, so I didn't bother thinking of a way to properly tie my hair up under the mask."
She smiles at him softly, her eyes relaxed. She reaches up to touch his cheek. It's warm and a little sweaty from being stuck under a mask for the last several hours. They get lost in each other's eyes. Dave's jaw was slack, lips parted slightly. Her features still held her soft smile.
"I think I love you." Dave says abruptly, taking her aback.
"I just always feel so safe and comfortable around you, and I love how you're so unapologetically yourself, and you are always so kind and beautiful, and I can't help but find myself always thinking about you, and I'm always wondering if you're thinking about me to, which I hope you do, because I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I wasn't on your mind the way you're on mine, and ever since I saw you dancing on that picnic table when Todd and I were walking to the bus stop and you made that weird adorable little devil horn face thing, I knew I just had to know you, like I was drawn to you, and-"
"Wait, that was you?"
Dave ignores get question and continues rambling, "and I know we're just kids, but I can't think of a better way to live life than with you, and I want us to be together. I want to go to see your favorite scary movies with you, even though it confuses me as to why you still go to them when you say they always scar you, and I want to hold your hand and be there for you when you're scared. I want to go see those bands you always talk about in concert with you. I want to learn every lyric to every one of your favorite songs just to impress you when they come on. I want to hold you at night when you've had a bad day and don't know what to do with yourself. I want to keep you safe and always make sure you're happy. I want to be the reason you smile. I want to walk with you forever, stay by your side. I want to fall asleep beside you every night and wake up to you every morning, and I want nothing more than to hear you say you love me and tell me you love me the same way I love you, and I-"
"Dave, shut up!" She says with a smile, her eyes glistening. "Breathe." They both take a deep breath together. "If you keep going, you'll turn blue." They share a small laugh. "Can I kiss you?" She asks.
Without responding, Dave dives forward and kisses her full force. They deepen the kiss, her other hand reaching up to caress his other cheek, his hands resting on the bed, one on each side of her knees.
Without breaking the kiss, Dave moves to readjust. He pulls her closer, moving her to sit in his lap. She follows his lead, getting up to straddle him. Dave wraps his arms around her waist, hugging her closer to him. She arches her back, "accidentally" grinding against him. Dave is first to break the kiss with a gasp, his hands immediately making their way to her hips. She opens her eyes to find Dave's squeezed shut with his eyebrows narrowed together. His blue eyes open to meet hers after a second, both of them breathing heavily, Dave's eyes wide and innocent, looking up at her.
"Sorry." He says, embarrassed that she was able to affect him so easily. She grins, shaking her head.
"Don't be sorry. It's good to know I have such an effect on you." She leans down to rest her forehead on his. She squishes his check together, pushing him down to the bed, his hands finding themselves caressing her now exposed butt from under the mini skirt she still wore. He felt all the blood drain from his head downward. "Should we keep going?" She asks. Dave nods furiously, no longer able to form words.
She leans in slowly to plant a soft kiss on his lips. "I love you, too."
Moodboard (exposing "y/n") on my page under #weird girl swiss fic
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goodolddumbbanana · 1 month
(Molten/Sun platonic) A little nightmare [TW: Violence, blood, maybe bugs]
Summary: I like angsty and fluff. i have problem man.
The Thing Creator install still inside Sun's head. It still totured Sun but it made him forget everything after he woke up.
They say there are three things that separate machines from humans.
The first is that humans feel pain, machines don't.
The second is that humans can dream, machines don't.
And the last is that humans have emotions, machines can only fake them.
So when all three conditions are met, can machines call themselves human?
Someone's heavy breathing. The hallway is dyed red with blood, seeing the fleeing figure struggling in the swamp of flesh and bone that is dragging them down. They are like trapped in the stomach of a monster, with the walls vibrating in a steady rhythm as if breathing and the flickering eyes that watch their misery like something to behold.
Sun tries to pull himself out of the swamp. His limbs thrash in panic, as his mouth opens, hoping to get some oxygen. A sweet, fishy taste rushed into Sun’s mouth, making him make pitiful gurgling noises as he was about to choke.
‘It’s not real.’
‘It’s all in your head, Sun.’
‘Be patient, Moon will come to save you.’
But no matter how many times he repeated the mantra, Sun himself couldn’t believe it.
Every night. Every damn freaking night. Sun would be stuck here, reliving the endless pain his dear old father had left him the day that wretched old hag hacked into his head.
First was the broken leg.
Pain that made him hard to breathe. Pain that felt like his lungs were being squeezed and submerged in water. Pain worse than anything Eclipse and Moon had ever put him through before, pain that left him unable to scream. His nails dug into the metal, bending it and creating ugly scratches and dents as an unhealthy defense mechanism to ease the pain. 
If Sun had a tongue, he would have bitten it off by now.
Then came the loss of vision.
The mist was so thick it was hard to breathe, surrounding Sun like a heavy, wet blanket. It clung to Sun’s throat, sharp as if it contained tiny metal fragments, invading Sun’s circuit boards and fans like termites, feasting on the wires inside Sun’s body. It felt like thousands of worms were eating him from the inside out, with buzzing sounds mixed with screams that almost reached the limits of Sun’s madness.
‘Tear it out… Tear it out… Take it all out! PLEASE!!!’
Sun cried out for help, but nobody came. His pearly eyes were still red, the smell of burning flesh lingering in his nose like sap on the hottest day. The electric explosions were whistling inside him, the system kept popping out golden triangles, even now, it was replaced by plump white legless creatures crawling across his inner screen.
Hearing was the last thing.
In that eerie silence, Sun's screams were swallowed into nothingness. He had a mouth, but he couldn't scream.
"Frog dissection experiments are really inhumane, right Mr.Sun?"
Sun blinked, and suddenly, he was in the daycare. The room music was whispering in his ears, and the brilliant colors of light kissed Sun's skin.
A small hand grabbed Sun's ribbon and shook it. The little boy with the superhero cape had eyes shining like stars, looking at him with anticipation and excitement.
"What did you say? I don't understand..." Sun stuttered. "Well... It's educational to some extent... I guess?"
"Sunny!!..." The kid huffed. The other kids looked at each other with amusement.
"See, Huey, you're wrong!" Another kid, wearing big glasses and blond hair, shouted.
"Shut up Jackie! My mom says it's not nice to hurt animals!" Huey waved his arms wildly, for some reason the red of the cape wrapped around this kid reminded him of blood.
"Pfft!! You are chicken!! Chicken Huey!" Jackie stuck out his tongue.
The twins behind him squealed with laughter, matching the rhyme: "Huey's a chicken! Huey's a chicken!"
"Come on James, Jamie. You can't tease Huey like that." Sun cut off the teasing when he noticed Huey was starting to tear up. “That’s not good, okay?”
“I’m not a chicken.” Huey’s eyes were red, his voice starting to crack. Sun pulled Huey into his arms, patting the child’s back. A sick feeling came over him as the child lay snugly in his arms.
“No one said Huey was a chicken. You’re the bravest person I know. Those kids were just teasing…”
“But what do you think, Sunny?”
A whisper rang out in Sun’s heart. The music had stopped at some point, and something was dripping behind Sun.
“Do you think that because a frog’s life is worth less than a human’s, it deserves to be tortured like that, Sun?”
Something slipped out of Sun’s arms, falling to the ground. A human body, the body of a child. In Sun’s arms was only Huey’s head. Two empty eye sockets stared at him, the boy’s mouth still open, smiling at him.
In the blink of an eye, what had once been the daycare was gone. Bodies were strewn everywhere, and blood was in Sun's hands. But right now, Sun was too small, too weak. A laugh rang out, a laugh that Sun was sure was his own, but it didn’t escape his mouth.
His clone, another Sun, stood before Sun with a look of satisfaction. There was blood on the other’s sunbeam, and his intestines and brains were still neatly placed on the monster’s shoulders.
“Brother, look. We have a winner~~~”
“Oh~~~Why don’t we give the winner a prize?”
Sun didn’t even have time to react.‌ The other’s claws shot out, grabbed Sun’s head, and slammed it hard against the ground. He couldn’t move, couldn’t scream, couldn’t do anything but watch as his brains were splattered and his limbs were torn to pieces like rag dolls.
“Doctor, look at this specimen.” Sun suddenly found himself trapped in some kind of operating room, with his real body. Surrounded by anatomical images of fish, frogs, and even worms. Opposite his sight was a fish tank. The goldfish swam silently inside, circling around a moon doll whose head was torn off by someone. “Even though it’s dead, it can still move~~~”
Bloodmoon appeared before Sun’s eyes, the red moon model grinning at him with delight, the monster wearing a pure white nurse’s uniform, not a single blemish in contrast to their bloody hands.
The other person was also Bloodmoon, but it was the one who had been destroyed by Puppet. Over their red and blue coats was a surgical gown that specialized doctors often wore.
Sun felt the inside of his chest split open, these two gremlins's hands rudely stirring up the wires and circuit boards inside.
“Hmm, you’re right, my nurse. Let’s say, I think if we increase the current, I feel like we can make some progress.” Blood nodded, as they ruthlessly tore the fan off Sun’s body.
“Aren’t you afraid it will die again?” The other chuckled, but his hand was already ready to plug the power cord into Sun’s charger.
“Isn't It just a useless thing, my nurse? We can easily replace it with something else.”
And the pain tore everything white, accompanied by Bloodmoon’s cruel chuckle.
Sun felt like he was going crazy.
Maybe he was already crazy.
In a blink of an eye, he was back in hell. His whole body was shaking, choking on the air filled with mist and smoke, with a heavy feeling like someone’s hand was dragging him down into the mud. Sun could only limp to the ground, even moving an inch was enough to hurt him so much that he couldn’t breathe.
A black figure stood staring at him, an almost octopus-like body with tendrils shooting out all around, pitch black with irises staring back at him.
“What more do you want!!?” Sun spat. He glared at the person in front of him. His torturer. His prisoner. His newest roommate for over a dozen days.
The Thing.
And as always, the bastard said nothing. A virus, whose sole purpose was to torture him, that didn’t even have a sentient yet.
It moved closer to Sun, the seemingly delicate yet sturdy metal wires pulling Sun up despite Sun’s feeble struggles. The wires clung to the joints and shafts of the frame, tight enough to make him walk like a puppet.
“What?!‌! Say something!!!”
There was only silence in response. There was the sound of dripping water, and the rattling of plastic balls in Sun’s ears. The pain suddenly disappeared, as did the unreadable look on ‘The Thing’s’ face, always shrouded in red mist.
Sun felt no pain. He felt nothing. He felt empty, so empty and peaceful that it was scary.
Suddenly, a loud, harsh noise, the sound of metal breaking.
What could it be? Sun wondered absentmindedly, suddenly finding his vision lowered.
Oh… The thing that broke turned out to be him.
Piece by piece… Piece by piece the metal that had once shaped Sun fell, crumbling to dust. His face fell off, sinking into the water.
The darkness was cold and too suffocating.
Sun prayed that this would be his final destination.
“Sun? Sun, wake up.”
A strange, monotonous, mechanical sound rang out in Sun’s ears.‌ The saffron-colored animatronic jerked awake in confusion, its mouth opening in a jumble of questions.
A soft icy blue light caught Sun’s eyes. A Freddy model with white fur and orange spots, looked at him curiously.
“Oh? Molten? What’s wrong?”
“Oh, no. I saw you fall asleep. Are you tired, Sun?”
Sun looked around in confusion. He was sitting in front of the movie screen. It was strange, when did he fall asleep? He and Molten were watching a movie. Something from Marvel… Then maybe he fell asleep because he was bored? Sun checked his internal system, and found that his battery was only below 30%.
“Oh… It’s okay Molten, I just forgot to plug it in. I guess practicing magic somehow drained my energy more than usual.”
“Can I help? I want to help.” Molten’s ears twitched as if he was excited. It was strange because Sun had never seen Freddy or any Freddy model like Molten.
It was… quite cute to some extent.
“Oh, no need.” Sun stood up and stretched. His whole body was sore, probably from lying in the wrong position. Right now, all he wanted to do was lie in bed, but the thought of going back to sleep or standing up to charge somehow made him feel discouraged.
Never mind, he could charge himself standing up with the solar power anyway.
“Are you used to everything here, Molten?”
“Yes! Everyone here is really nice!!” Sun could feel stars twinkling in Molten's eye as they rambled on about Moon, about Solar, about Daycare…
“And you haven’t met Jack and Dazzle yet. They’re all pretty cool, trust me.” Sun chuckled, his eyes wandering to the chair where the popcorn crumbs were scattered. It was dirty, bugs, bugs, he hated bugs… Why does he feel like he wants to hit something right now?
“Oh, new friends? I like having new friends. We can play games, and watch movies…” Molten nodded. Their hands were bent, but the sharp, smooth wire still made a rustling sound along the way. Something made Sun feel uneasy, but Sun didn't know what it was.
Maybe he should ask Moon to run the system again, it had been a long time since he had upgraded anyway.
But maybe later. Moon was quite busy, and Solar too. The Computer got broke, which caused them a lot of trouble. Too much work to do and too little time to spend.
"But you're fine, Sun." The words sounded so gentle in Sun's ears that he was startled. Sun looked up, Motlen's face still looked the same, a look of innocent joy that made Sun a mixture of guilt and relaxation.
Why are you so nice to me? I don't deserve it, I really don't deserve it at all. I'm not as smart as Moon or as reliable as Solar. Even Monty is more responsible than me.
I will destroy you.
I will be the venom that will burn you from the inside.
I will turn the best part of you into something ugly, like Rocksan, like Nexus, all because I dare to think about caring.
Eclipse is right, I'm an ungrateful idiot who only knows how to cling to others.
As if reading his mind, Molten smiled. "I love to hang out with you because I know you are a good and caring person. But I know it is hard for you to believe it. So I will keep saying these words until you believe the words I say are true."
Something stirred in Sun's chest, so quickly that he immediately suppressed the feeling.
Can he really have a friend? Someone wouldn't suddenly break like Rocksan, someone wouldn’t be so spiral like Nexus.
Is it okay for him to have someone other than Moon?
“Hahahaha… yeah sure, Molten.”
Sun laughed, but inside he had no answer to that confusion.
Please leave me.Please stay with me.
“Hope is a terrible thing, Sun. It keeps you from giving up no matter how hard things get, but it can also make your situation worse without you even knowing it. Why is the sinner clings to a spider’s thread, even though he knows it will break, he still tries to climb up countless times?
That is because of hope, or desperation?
A song that is danced to many times will become boring too, don’t you think it is true, son? Are you ready to give up?”
Creator asked his creation affectionately, who was forcefully sitting on a throne that was stacked high with human bones.
Exhausted, bloody, bruised, and stained with a clean brown and yellow, the son of the most self-absorbed bastard on the planet, who could only move his head right now, gritting out the words.
“Go to hell, old man.”
“Oh well, and I thought I am making some progress.  It's a shame this talk didn’t work out. Let's try again, my boy. See you next time, Sun.”
The brain chuckled, and once again the hands grabbed Sun and pulled him into the water, making gurgling, gurgling sounds.
“Maybe I should switch the target to Molten.”
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mj-iza-writer · 2 months
idk if you take requests but like Consider this pet whump,,
A wolf-hybrid (like those dogboys) Whumpee that Whumper conditioned and trained into a lapdog but also guard-attack dog,and since they're wolf, a hunting animal, people think that they'll just attack them yeah? Wrong. Whumpee doesn't maul until commanded to.
And just meeting Caretaker, someone older yet scared of them, bc thry have a fear of wolves, and thinks that Whumpee will kill them but then Whumpee just hits with
"Oh don't worry! I'm domesticated and trained, I won't attack you :3"
Like its the most normal thing, and they have a muzzle and collar...
Caretaker also probably doesn't know about Whumper, so its even funnier
Yes I absolutely take request. Thankyou so much.
Warnings: killing, mentions of main character dying. They survive. Hybrid human wolf pet.
Whumper frowned when they heard that growl.
"What is it pet?", Whumper asked while they turned.
They looked up just in time to see a gun pointed at them. The assailant? No one Whumper knew.
"Whumpee protect!", Whumper ordered.
Whumpee quickly went into protection mode. They leaped forward, then charged.
The gun sounded. Whumper heard Whumpee scream.
They watched as Whumpee continued to charge the assailant. They turned and ran inside to grab their gun.
'Why didn't I have this on me', they yelled at themself.
"Whumpee off", they ordered as they ran back out and aimed the gun.
Whumpee jumped away and fell to the dirt.
Whumper's gun went off... the assailant slumped to the ground.
"Whumpee?", Whumper stepped over to them, "shit", they frowned as Whumpee struggled to get up. Blood poured from a bullet wound in Whumpee's shoulder.
"Whumpee, I'm sorry, but that isn't fixable. You are no good to me like this", Whumper stated matter of factly, "and after all the money I've spent on you. What a waste."
"I-I thought I was your good puppy... Master", Whumpee whispered as they looked down, "you said that last night while y-you were petting me. Was it a lie?"
"No it wasn't a lie, but it's not about you being good. It's about you being useful. You can't receive rewards like being pet and receiving treats, and being on my lap if you can't serve me", Whumper frowned.
"But" Whumpee looked down sadly, "I just saved you."
"And?" Whumper looked at them with agitation, "that was your job. You did it, and now you're wounded.... useless.
Whumpee was served a final dinner. Two raw chicken breasts and a cut of steak from Whumper's dinner.
Whumpee slowly ate... they knew what was coming next.
Whumper forced a muzzle on Whumpee, then attached a leash to their collar.
"May... May I take my chew rag?", Whumpee looked over at the only toy they had been given.
Whumper nodded as they loaded their gun.
Whumper took the rag and stuffed it into Whumpee's mouth, then rubbed something on their nose before putting the muzzle back on.
The door opened... before Whumper could reach down for the leash Whumpee ran.
They ran as fast as their body could go.
"Get back here... I'm giving you an honorable death... you fucking....", Whumper yelled as they shot off two rounds after Whumpee.
"Crap", Whumper screamed when the gun only clicked.... signaling the gun was empty.
Off Whumpee ran into the trees. Completely hidden from view.
Whumpee ran for miles before remembering again that they had been wounded earlier.
They leaned up against the tree and took some deep breaths. Whumper did them in with forcing the rag into their mouth. They couldn't pant to cool off, and they wouldn't be able to drink water.
They tried to sniff, but nothing was coming through.
'What did they rub on my nose, I can't smell anything', Whumpee frowned, 'I won't survive for long. I can't hunt or eat, I can't drink. I can't even regulate my body temperature. Maybe I should have let them kill me. I'm not ready to die, I can't die. I will find someone, and I will be useful. I'm a good pup.'
Whumpee struggled to get up, they crawled a few feet and collapsed again.
"Ymph", Whumpee moaned weakly. They looked down at where the wound was, 'they couldn't even patch me up before killing me', Whumpee mumbled, 'I'm so tired.'
Caretaker, a avid outdoor lover, had wandered into the woods for some tree therapy. They just wanted to enjoy a small hike.
They had one rule... always carry a gun.
Whumpee woke up, and looked around. Remembering where they were.
They got up weakly and limp-crawled forward.
Their throat had become so dry. The rag was soaking up all of their saliva. It had also made swallowing a challenge.
Finally, they found a small stream. They tried to sniff it, but whatever Whumper had rubbed on them must have taken away their ability to smell.
They now couldn't tell if the water was safe to drink. They sat down in annoyance and looked at the water sadly.
'I might truly die out here', Whumpee whimpered.
Just then, Whumpee noticed a visitor come into the clearing by the stream.
Caretaker looked over the view until they noticed two eyes staring at them.
Caretaker looked at them wide-eyed as they took in their appearance.
They appeared to be one of those hybrid wolf pets. A few of their hunting friends had mentioned. They said they could be quite dangerous if cornered.
Whumpee's furry ears moved in every direction as they took in the situation. Their nose wrinkled as they sniffed the air to no avail.
"Where is your Master?", Caretaker lifted their gun, believing the poor person had been seriously injured or killed by the hybrid. They had clearly run away. Their leash and muzzle were still attached after all.
Whumpee cowarded away and whined as the gun was pointed at them. They looked sadly at the stranger.
The movement caused Whumpee to quickly reach up and hold their bullet wound. They looked over their hand for a split second and saw the fresh blood.
"Wait... you're bleeding", Caretaker lowered their gun, "what happened?"
Whumpee looked up at them sadly.
"Maybe hybrids can't talk", Caretaker sighed, "I feel like I should.... do you promise not to attack me if I help you?"
Whumpee quickly and enthusiastically nodded.
"Okay", Caretaker inched nervously to Whumpee. Their hand shook as they unlocked Whumpee's muzzle.
Whumpee quickly moved their head away from the muzzle and spit out their rag.
Caretaker studied Whumpee. They seemed to have a small dog shaped mouth, and as they started to pant to cool off, Caretaker saw their teeth.
"I-I won't hurt you", Whumpee whispered hoarsely, "I am well trained. I only attack when ordered."
"Where is your Master then?", Caretaker frowned as they pulled out a container of water, "are you thirsty?"
Whumpee quickly nodded again. They took the bottle as it was offered.
"Thankyou so much", Whumpee sighed in relief.
"My Master trained me as an attack wolf. Though it goes against the nature of us hybrids", Whumpee looked down at their wound, "earlier someone came onto my Master's property to kill them. I was ordered to protect and took a bullet before they could kill the assailant. With my injury, my Master was going to kill me. I received my last meal, they strapped that muzzle on me. Took it off to give me my toy", Whumpee paused and held up the rag, "they then rubbed something on my nose. When they opened the door, I made a run for it. They shot two rounds at me, but missed. They couldn't even patch me up before they killed me."
Caretaker listened, then nodded, "I-I'm sorry, I was accusing you of hurting your Master."
"It's okay. I-I wasn't ready to die. They made me work for love and attention. I was only a good pup when I did my job well. I didn't even get told that after being shot. I was just told that I'd served my purpose, and that I'd be dying", Whumpee for the first time that day let a tear fall, "I-I didn't want to die, I want to be someone's good pup."
Caretaker frowned, "I think the first thing is to get you out of here. I think I know where the lab is that creates you hybrids. My friends talk about it. I don't know where else to take you, so we will start there."
Whumpee nodded and tried to get up. They winced as weight went on their shoulder.
"Would it be better if I carried you?", Caretaker looked them over, "I think I'll be able to."
Whumpee nodded and watched as Caretaker packed the bottle, muzzle, and their chew rag into a bag. They lifted Whumpee to their shoulders and grabbed their gun.
"I have no idea what will happen if we see your Master though", Caretaker took a few steps.
"They wouldn't come out this far to find me", Whumpee sighed, "apparently I am now considered their expensive waste of time. They probably looked for a few minutes and gave up. They pretty much did me in anyways", Whumpee whispered.
"What do you mean?", Caretaker started to walk quickly after they found the trail.
"With that rag in my mouth and the muzzle, I wouldn't have been able to hunt or eat. The rag also soaked up saliva, and I couldn't pant. So starvation and heatstroke. They also rubbed something on my nose to take away my smelling abilities. Again I couldn't hunt, but I couldn't smell for clean water. So dehydration. Or you know some stranger comes across me and shoots me."
Caretaker looked at them sadly, "sorry about that."
"I don't blame you... I'm just saying. I could have easily died if you hadn't found me and showed mercy", Whumpee whispered tiredly, "I think the blood loss is getting to me again. I'm so tired."
"Help.. help", Caretaker ran into the lab.
"Woe... Woe. What's going on?", a scientist caught Caretaker by the arm. Several guards rushed to protect.
"Outside.... hybrid... injured.... needs help", Caretaker gasped for air. Whumpee ended up falling asleep again. They were unconscious by the time Caretaker made it to their car.
The scientist hurried out the door with Caretaker.
They frowned when they saw what shape the hybrid was in.
"I recognize them", the scientist rubbed Whumpee's head sadly, "I hope we are not too late", they lifted Whumpee out of the vehicle and took them inside.
While Whumpee was being worked on, Caretaker told a nurse about everything that had happened and what Whumpee had told them. They also showed the muzzle and rag.
The scientists came into the lounge where Caretaker had been asked to wait.
"I don't know how you did it... but you got them here before it was too late. We had maybe five minutes to spare before intervention would have done nothing. They need a lot of care and TLC, but I really appreciate you finding them", the scientists carried the notes from what Caretaker had said, "I've read through these. I will be pressing charges against their previous owner for their use of my creation."
"I feel so bad... I've heard so many scary things about these hybrids... I almost shot them", Caretaker frowned worriedly, "I thought they had done something to their master."
"There are a lot of people who don't understand these hybrids that I create. About the most dangerous thing about them is that they are good hunters. And a lot of people love to have them as hunting pets. Other than that, they are giant couch potatoes that love cuddling and playing with toys. It hurts that the only toy they had received was an old rag. What that person did goes completely against the contract they sign when they purchase a hybrid."
Caretaker looked at them, "what is this contract about."
"It protects me as the creator, but also the hybrid. They would have had to sit through a two hour lecture with me on how to care for one of them. The contract at the end has everything that was covered during that lecture. Some of which explains that they are not to be an attack or guard dog. They are domesticated and not made to do that type of work. You can not shoot them. Any purposefu damages done to them will be legally tried as both animal abuse and human assault. I have enough to lock them away for good."
Caretaker visits Whumpee with a surprise a few days later. A brand new toy, the first Whumpee has had since being taken by Whumper.
Caretaker is with Whumpee when Whumper comes in.
They received a call that Whumpee was found and needed to come to the lab. Whumper thought they were going to collect Whumpee, then would off them later.
They were surprised to walk in and be instantly taken by guards, then arrested by the police.
Whumpee prances out of a hiding spot as Whumper is being stood up. They smile big as Whumper starts cursing at them.
Caretaker pats Whumpee's head lovingly as Whumper is led away.
"I'll see you in court", the scientist frowns as Whumper is led out of the building.
"You're free from them, Whumpee", the scientist grins at Whumpee.
Around a month later.
"Hey, I was wondering, I've been coming and visiting Whumpee for a little while now. What will be done with Whumpee now?", Caretaker sat beside the scientist, and they both watched Whumpee play with their toys.
Whumpee stopped and looked up.
"Well unfortunately they may be a hard adoption to another owner because of the injuries and what their recent owner did to them. I don't think anyone will want a hybrid with guard like tendencies", the scientist sighed as Whumpee limp crawled to them and rested their chin on the scientist's knee, "I'm afraid they'll be here for a while."
Caretaker watched as Whumpee continued to lean on the scientist's knee.
"It's honestly a shame, these are so ready to become someone's pet. They train so hard for the one thing that they want... a loving family", the scientist patted Whumpee's head and watched as a tear ran down Whumpee's face, "they'll of course get love and attention here no doubt, but they're made to be a companion for someone, not just taken care of in a lab."
"What would I have to do to be able to take them from you, and give them a home?", Caretaker watched as Whumpee's head jumped up.
"I suppose I would need you to have the lecture and sign the contract", the scientist smiled weakly, "I won't make you pay. I will get everything I need from this lawsuit against Whumper. Are you sure though?"
"Yes, Whumpee has grown on me. I went from being terrified of these hybrids to falling in love with them", Caretaker winked at Whumpee, "I would be okay with the lecture and contract. If you're okay with this Whumpee."
Whumpee quickly nodded.
A few weeks past. Caretaker had finished the lecture and signed the contract. Their home was approved to have Whumpee live their. They had plenty of time to get Whumpee all kinds of surprises to come home to.
Whumpee was released that day. They were finally given a medical discharge from the lab. Only that they needed to keep their appointments now. Something Whumper never did.
Whumpee rode home in the back seat of Caretaker's car. They happily stuck their face out to take in the smells in the wind.
Finally after a while they pulled into a small neighborhood.
Whumpee looked out excitedly.
"This is the neighborhood that I live in", Caretaker smiled at them in the mirror, "a few neighbors are excited to meet you, but they'll give you a few days before hand to get settled."
Whumpee jumped out of the car and quickly sniffed around the yard.
They looked up at Caretaker happily, "my old Master didn't have grass. This feels so good."
"I'm glad to hear you say that", Caretaker grinned, "are you ready to go in?"
"I-I can go inside?", Whumpee studied Caretaker to see if they were telling the truth.
"Yes of course. Where you not allowed to before?", Caretaker unlocked the door and opened it.
"Only on special occasions", Whumpee shyly looked into the home from the edge of the doorway.
"I have a special surprise in the living room for you, but you can take your time", Caretaker smiled, "I know this is all so new."
Whumpee sniffed around the home for a little while. Caretaker let them adventure on their own.
Whumpee found Caretaker in the kitchen.
"How are you enjoying your new home?", Caretaker showed them a bowl, "are you hungry? I got lunch ready while you looked around."
Whumpee nodded excitedly. They followed Caretaker to some bowls on an elevated surface.
"There we go", Caretaker smiled as Whumpee started to eat.
"I'll be out in the living room right through there", Caretaker pointed, "your surprise is in there."
Whumpee looked up and nodded before going back to eating.
Whumpee peaked into the living room when they finished and immediately saw the gifts Caretaker had mentioned.
A new dog bed and several toys littered the floor. Caretaker had looked over from folding a blanket.
"Oh there you are", Caretaker smiled as they laid the blanket on the bed, "I hope you like all of this. You can, of course, be on the furniture. I'm putting another bed in my room as well. I'm waiting for it to be delivered."
Whumpee cautiously looked at all of the things. They stepped closer and sniffed everything.
"What do you think of it all?", Caretaker knelt on the floor and patted Whumpee's head, "do you like it?"
"Ye-yes Master... I've never had any of these things", Whumpee felt a tear fall from their eye, "this... it feels like a dream. One that I secretly hoped for, for so long."
"This isn't a dream, I promise. You will be so spoiled, even more than what they recommended. I'm so excited to have you here", Caretaker smiled as they scratched Whumpee's ears, "you're a good pup, and deserve so much."
Whumpee felt a tear role down their cheek when they heard those coveted words.
That night, Caretaker had pulled the dog bed onto the couch. Whumpee now lay on top of that. Their head on Caretaker's lap.
They laughed at Whumpee's snoring.
Caretaker gently massaged Whumpee's neck under their new collar.
They took a picture and sent it to the scientist.
The scientist texted back a little after.
"I'm glad you took them home... I was hoping you would ask, but I didn't want to put you on the spot like that. I thought you'd be a good fit. They look happy. Exactly how I hoped this would happen for all of my babies. Let me know if you need anything."
Caretaker happily continued to pet Whumpee's soft fur until they to fell asleep.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
@villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived
@sacredwrath @porschethemermaid
@monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz
@bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13
@notpeppermint @cyborg0109
@idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots
@whumpbump @everythingsscary
@skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr
@theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee
@candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
@lavndvrr @ivymyers
@starfields08000 @a-living-canvas
@lumpofsand @watermeezer
@indigoviolet311 @whumpy-mountains
@3-2-whump @risk606
@electrons2006 @paperprinxe
@whumprince @kaz-of-crows
@mis-graves @decaffeinatedtimetraveler94
@sausages-things @sunglasses-in-the-bentley
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justme315 · 4 months
Tiny Best Friend 5/5
Final Part
First part:
Previous part:
angst, vore mention, vore scare, ¿abuse?, treating a person as an animal, vimioting, blood, curse words
When Jake began to regain consciousness, everything was different than before. His back and chest hurt terribly, he was also lying on something cold and hard, like... metal? He felt dizzy and had a hard time opening his eyes. He also had a bit of a gag reflex and the taste of blood in his mouth. Despite his sincere intentions, he was unable to sit down and see what was happening around him. He also heard ringing in his ears, but after a while the noise stopped and what he heard was... unusual. Someone was humming a tune. He recognized it, but couldn't remember where from. The voice seemed familiar to him too. He tried hard to open his eyes again. His vision was shrouded in black and blurred images showed through. How did this happen? How did he get there, wherever he was? He remembered that he was in the forest and... His headache blurred his vision of previous events. And the pain in his chest was becoming more and more unbearable. He felt like he was about to vomit his lungs and his entire arteriovenous system at once.
A sigh.
The borrower heard a sigh that sounded awfully familiar. Just like his - former - friend Lucas. Lucas. OH FUCK. Jake suddenly remembered what happened in the forest. He remembered meeting Lucas there. He remembered how Lucas had gone crazy, what he had said about "coming home", how he had shouted at him, how he had invaded his personal space, how he had grabbed him and... That was why Jake's chest was hurting so badly right now. Lucas squeezed him in his hands. He wanted to kill him. Lucas wanted to kill Jake. He turned into a monster. Jake had to get out of there, Lucas was near, he was going to kill him-
"Oh Jake, you're awake" Lucas' voice rang in the borrower's ears. It wasn't hard to hear the human's colossal footsteps. His voice was cold, showed no emotion, was different than usual. Jake tried to open his eyes, but his eyesight was still in poor condition. He could see only hazy shadows in front of him. Despite this, he rose to a standing position but quickly fell back down. He saw blurry shadows and colors moving in front of him - he knew it was Lucas. Jake's mouth filled with blood again and his vision slowly began to clear. He vomited in front of himself and it was almost all red, from what he could see, all blood.
“Oh, Jake… You look so pitiful when you're throwing up blood. I almost feel sorry for you" Lucas's voice mimicked to be concerned at first, but the sentence ended with a cold laugh. "I waited a long time before you woke up. A very long time. I thought you were dying or something. You scared me."
The borrower's vision finally cleared and what he saw made him wish he would still not be able to see. Or maybe even wish that he would have died in this forest.
Cage. He was in a cage.
Jake was in a small cage on Lucas' desk in his room. The cage was metal and impossible to open from the inside, let alone by someone as small as him. How was this possible? Did Lucas put him in a cage? Has he lost all his mind? The boy's body began to tremble more intensely, the vomiting reflex returned, and tears came to his eyes. He was terrified, devastated and furious. But mostly terrified. He wanted to look at Lucas, see what happened, believe it wasn't him at all, but he couldn't. He knew it was Lucas, but he wanted to hold on to a slender hope, he wanted to delude himself that it wasn't true.
"You know... I would feel stupid, even a little sad, if I killed you in that forest" the human voice sounded rough, but on some level also mocking and satirical "If you died there, you wouldn't see what I have prepared for you."
Jake lifted his head slightly and blood continued to drip from his mouth down his chin to the cages floor. His fear began to turn into anger, moreover rage. What right did someone who promised him support, care and safety in every situation have to now behave so recklessly? So terribly? So psychopathic? God only knew what possessed him, but whatever it was, it came from the deepest pits of hell.
"You have prepared something for me? Wow. First a broken rib and a kidnapping, and now another surprise? What a happy day for gifts from such monster." Jake's angry gaze finally reached the human, but he didn't seem bothered it. Besides, the words the borrower spoke didn't sound half as harsh as they were supposed to, because they were spoken by a creature the size of a mouse, locked in a cage, unable to stand on its own feet and spitting blood. Jake was pathetic at best.
"Are you that impatient to know what I'm going to do with you?" Lucas raised an eyebrow.
"It'd be nice to know what you're planning."
"Too bad. I haven't made a final decision yet. Fortunately, you're awake now and giving me more and more great ideas."
"What, are you going to lock me in this cage for the rest of my life and turn me into your little pet?" Jake spat blood "Or are you going to have bipolar disorder again and apologize and say you care about me?"
"You have very optimistic visions" Lucas smiled terrifyingly with teeth "Did you believe that I was really nice? Ha, you are even stupider than I thought. It was a farce, pretending so i could get you. Now you have no chance against me, I can take revenge for how you lied to me and left me. I can show you what the human you wanted so badly to pretend can do to a nothing like you."
Jake's eyes were filled with tears again, but he tried to suppress them.
"So that's how it must be. You were supposed to be a friend, but you turned out to be a monster. A wolf in sheep's clothing".
"You were supposed to be a friend, a human, but you turned out to be an edible animal. Who is really a wolf in sheep’s clothing here?" Lucas' words made Jake unable to hold back his tears anymore and he started shaking harder. The emphasis on the word 'edible' was obvious, and Jake knew it was a warning, maybe even a threat.
"Don't start this whole game of crying and begging for mercy. We both know you're below me in the food chain. You wanted to play "human", so now please, bear the consequences like a human. Maybe you want to fight? Settle it like men, like humans? But I can't promise that I won't crush you into flat with one move." Lucas spoke with a cold smile etched on his large face, looking at the tearful, shaking, terrified Jake with his ice-cold gaze.
Jake looked away from the giant, so as not to show how pathetically terrified he was of what was happening. His voice was shaking too much to speak and his body was hurting too much for him to think about how to get out of this hellish situation. For a moment he even wondered whether such a death would not be the best - quick, very painful, but quick. It was definitely better than what was supposed to happen.
"I even feel a kinda sorry for you" Lucas admitted "Nature hasn't equipped your species with a brain and survival instinct good enough to see through manipulation. But I must admit, you impressed me. When you pretended to be human, I was fooled. Too bad you didn't know back then how it would have ended for you, little creature."
Jake's heart began to beat much faster, his thoughts overwhelmed him, blood rushed to his mouth again, his entire body trembled with fear, and tears flowed mercilessly. The anger died in him. Every emotion but one died in him. He was completely consumed with fear.
Lucas rolled his eyes. "Enough of this talk, it's boring".
The man opened the cage door and before Jake knew it, his hand reached out to grab him. The borrower backed out at the last minute. However, it did not help him much, because despite his great effort to avoid the hand of his former friend aka the monster in front of him, he failed to repeat it and saved his life only for a few more seconds. The hellish pain in his chest cut off his ability to escape, and Lucas grabbed him the second time and took him out of the cage without much effort. Jake struggled, trying to get out of the grip he was in. His heart was beating much too fast and too loud. His breathing was restricted. The pressure on his already damaged chest was piercing him completely and crushing him from the inside. He didn't want to die just yet.
However, the threat of death was not the worst. Jake always believed there had to be something after death, so maybe it wasn't the worst. And even if there was nothing there, it would mean that death would end his suffering and that was comforting in a way. What was much worse was that Lucas could have had every terrible way in the world to kill him. But even that wasn't the worst, no.
The worst thing would be that even though Lucas would kill him, he would still love him. He would still be his brother. In his heart, Lucas would still be the most important person to him.
"Remember when we talked about borrowers?" Lucas smirked and brought the hand that Jake was in closer to himself. Jake gulped.
"Remember how I talked about meals made of borrowers?" his devilish smirk grew "Remember how I said I would eat one while it was still alive? How I would swallow it while it was still alive just to feel it dying in my stomach?".
"I'm b-begging y-you Lucas" Jake sobbed between heavy breaths and tears "Spare m-me".
"Nah, i don't think i will, lil' creature" the human smiled with his sharp teeth, looking down at the scared being in his hands.
Before Jake knew it, the hand he was in moved closer to Lucas' mouth. The human licked his lips.
"Any last words, lil' creature?" Lucas laughed.
Jake began to fall into the large monster's mouth. In the last seconds before colliding with the giant fangs of death, he shouted: "Lucas, please don't! Please Lucas!"
Jake looked around himself. He was sitting on Lucas' bed, the boy was sitting next to him, they were both human sized, and Lucas looked terrified.
"W-what's g-going on h-here?!" Jake shouted in horror, looking around and then directly at the human.
"Calm down, dude, you were only daydreaming for a moment and you scared me" said the boy, showing his friend to breathe.
"Well, we were playing video games and you won, remember? Then you suggested we have a conversation, you wanted to talk about something. I was waiting for you to say what it was all about, but you started daydreaming, sat quietly and thought about something and didn't react to me at all for a good 15 minutes, until tears just started falling down your cheeks. That's why I raised my voice, I'm sorry, but you scared me" Lucas tried to explain the situation.
Jake's eyes widened and he rubbed his eyes, wiping away the tears "Sorry, I was a little lost in thought, I didn't want to scare you Lucas, you're my best friend."
Lucas smiled widely, "You're my best best friend too."
"So what did you want to talk about Jake?"
Thank you for reading! I hope you have enjoyed their story. Sorry for not posting for a long time, I hope new posts will make up for it❤️
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fantasy-relax · 7 months
Sweet alpha, Dangerous Omega
Cassandra dimitrescu x Reader
Warning: Smut, omegaverse, some violence.
Part 2.
An alpha was a muscular, demanding and aggressive man. Leader of his household.
An omega was a small, obedient and sweet woman.  Caretaker of her children.
A beta was the common class, mediocre or talented if the Black God blessed them.  A variable.
You didn't know if it was different outside the village, you had hope that it was, maybe far from here you could find someone who would accept you as a partner, you, an alpha woman, a mistake that should have died after going through the presentation like everyone else. However you survived, twenty-three years later you are still here living in a cabin away from the others but within the limits of security, working as a lumberjack for the elders of the village who treat you with hatred and contempt.
What a life.
But you barely had money to survive, the duke had told you how much you needed to be able to leave and the price was something that you wouldn't be able to save not matter how much you try.  So you went about your day, waiting for a stroke of luck or a Lycan that will end your life.
"Repair my fence, I don't want the animals to ruining my crops" John, an old farmer had asked you, the wood was rotten and you had to redo a large part of the fence, however you knew well that he was not going to pay you more than what he already gave you. That's why they gave you a job in the first place, they knew that no one else would agree to work so hard for so little.
When you finished, the sun had already set and the temperature had dropped considerably.  Starting your way home with your ax held tightly in your hand, although dying sounded easier you weren't ready to accept it without fighting first.
"Shit!"  The scream coming from the trees caught your attention immediately.  You debated whether to approach to help or follow the path, after all it was not your problem, the strong smell of anxiety, anger and pain reached your nose, an omega, a woman because of her screams.  Your instincts took control and when you recovered you were already in front of the woman.
"Fu-ck Co-ld" Her clothing was that of a hunter, perhaps one's daughter wanted to rebel and it ended badly.  She was hugging herself with a cloak covering her and a hood covering her face. You could notice with surprise that she was taller than you. You approached carefully, taking into account the tension in her body.
"I'm going to take you to my house, tomorrow you can go back to yours but you can't stay here if the cold doesn't kill you the Lycans will-" A roar interrupted your conversation, a varcolac emerged from the trees, almost as if your comment had summoned it, the beast was covered in wounds but still had enough strength to stand and attack.
You let the savagery inside you come out growling at the beast in front of you challenging it, when it jumped you moved out of its way and put all your strength into your arm driving your ax into its neck to such a point that you couldn't pull it out again.
You ran towards the woman and without waiting for permission you picked her up in your arms, fleeing from the beast that was writhing in pain.  You didn't stop even after leaving the forest, your mind had only one thought: return to your territory where you would be safe.  Avoiding the traps you placed around as security, you hurriedly opened the door.
Trying to control your breathing you looked at the girl who was looking at you cautiously or so you thought, the darkness did not let you see her clearly.  You gently placed it on top of what you called a bed, a small mattress that you had bought from the duke, covered with the skin of the largest bear you had managed to hunt along with the stitching of other smaller animal skins as a blanket, you took off the jacket that were wearing and gave it to her so that she could cover herself more.
"Pathetic Alpha" is how they referred to you, with good reason, your home was a cabin with only one room that served as a living room, bedroom and kitchen with a warehouse that you built for wood and food. Who would want to be your partner if this was all you could offer?
You started looking for the materials to light the fireplace, trying to ignore the shame that was growing in your chest.  With the fire lit you turned to see your guest.
"You can sleep if you want, I give you my word that nothing will happen to you" With the fire providing light you could see her better; the hair that was sticking out of her hood was a dark brown, you could only see her mouth and part of her nose, she was rolled up in her cloak with your jacket on her shoulders and the blanket on her lap;  she wasn't tense anymore but she stayed alert.
"Your word have no worth to me" her voice denoted her distrust and contempt despite having saved her.  However, you did not take it to heart after all, an omega alone with an alpha had to be careful because they were violent and did not accept no as an answer to something they wanted, her caution was understandable.
Nodding you stood up and went to where you left the knives, you took the longest one you had and returning you handed it to her, she grabbed the knife firmly and easily.
"If that makes you feel safer"
"I could easily kill you"
"Do it and you'll have to keep the fire going"
She let out a soft laugh that quickly was oppressed.
You went to the trunk where you kept the few clothes you had you took out the only coat you had and put it on while you went to the warehouse, where you took the bow you used to hunt and its quiver full of arrows.
"I'm going to patrol in case the varcolac comes back"
"Do you really think you can take it down?"  You heard the mockery in her voice, at least she was honest.
"No, but at least I can blind it to give us more time to escape"
"It seems that's the only thing you're good at."
"Otherwise I would have died a long time ago, miss."
The adults were cruel and their children imitated them, your parents don't try to protect you, their contempt was clear and the hope that they would love you even a little disappeared the moment they threw you out of the house when you turned eighteen.
You left without saying more
Cassandra followed you with her gaze until you left.  It was the first time in all her years that she had met an alpha female;  Her mother had told her that it was possible but as with omega men, there were very few, almost non-existent, as they tended to die during the presentation period.
When she presented she wanted to be one despite her mother's disdain for them, attracted by the strength and natural dominance of the dynamic, the disappointment that came from her when she presented as an omega was immense.  It was unfair!  Daniela was the one who wanted to be one!  and Bela, perfect mommy's girl Bela was everything an omega should be, responsible, maternal, virtuous and patient with a small and attractive body.  Not Cassandra, Cassandra was rude, aggressive, sadistic, impatient and impulsive, the second tallest but the most muscular, she was the complete opposite of what an omega should be.  However she was the omega and her sisters were Betas.  Her entire family were betas with the exception of her aunt Donna who was also an omega and her uncle Karl who was an alpha.
It took years for her to finally accept her dynamic, after thousands of talks with her mother, sisters, and her aunt.  So what if she didn't fit the typical image of omegas?  She was Cassandra Dimitrescu, proud daughter of Alcina Dimitrescu, of the three daughters the strongest, an excellent hunter, a fearsome warrior and a dangerous omega.
She didn't need a partner, being single was perfect for her.  And if she made sure to prolong the pain of the servants who mentioned how undesirable she was, well it was always good to inflict fear on the staff it keep them on line.
She prefer not to think about the periods of heat, where all her stupid emotions came out uncontrollably, where she just wanted to be snuggled with someone giving her all her affection and attention.
At first it was enough with just her mother and sisters but as the years went by her stupid omega side complained about the lack of the company of an alpha more and more often, now the first days she spent with her family and the last ones alone trying to deal with with sexual desire without result, her stupid body wanted the touch of an alpha, feeling empty without it, her room ended up reeking of pheromones for a month despite the maids cleaning it thoroughly, she hated the looks of compassion and sympathy that the maids omega gave her because the stupid message that her stupid pheromones sent was one of misery and loneliness, a plea for the company of a lover.
She wished she had the same abilities as Lady Beneviento who was able to suppress her omega side, leaving her practically like another beta thanks to her mutation.
But nooo, her own mutation made her more susceptible to her wild side in addition to lengthening her heat from three days to a week.
Fucking luck.
She decided to go hunting to forget that in a few more days her heat would begin. She was so concentrated that she did not notice the drop in temperature until she encountered a varcolac. She fought as best she could but was unable to use her swarm and her body was hardening little by little, she knew that it was better to accept defeat later she would return to finish off the damn mutt.  She couldn't make much progress, when she tripped over a simple branch her frustration got the better of her screaming at the top of her lungs, attracting the attention of the beast and yours apparently.
She now found herself in a decrepit cabin in a pathetic attempt at bed with a stupid alpha giving her protection she didn't need and her stupid omega was so pleased she had to bite her tongue to keep from purring.
Damn luck
It dawned with no sign of the varcolac or any search group for the girl.  Upon entering you found her sleeping curled up in your bed, deciding to leave her like that after such a turbulent night you headed to the safe part of the forest to hunt something to eat for you and her.  You weren't the best cook but at least it will be edible.
Despite being up all night after yesterday's heavy work, you felt energized, the desire to impress the young unmated omega made your alpha jump like an excited dog it was kind of silly but it kept you on your feet so you let it be.
Cassandra woke up when she smelled the food, she didn't even notice when she fell asleep, sitting up and more awake she noticed the smell of dirt and blood, a deer, which apparently you hunted.  The animal meat would be enough to quench her hunger for now.  She slapped her chest to stop the contented purr, of course the stupid omega of hers was flattered.
When she finished eating she felt it, she was going to enter in heat early, most likely being so close to an unmated alpha made her start earlier to encourage her to mate.  She had to leave, she had to go back to the castle but it was still too cold for her to travel, growling she approached the trunk where your clothes were and took it to the bed creating a nest, it was very small, stupid peasant alpha.  She took off her clothes and lay down under the blanket, as soon as you arrived you would be a slave to lust and you would take her savagely, with her need satisfied she would kill you and start her way back home, where her mother would reprimand her, assuming that she had already returned from her journey and her life would continue the same as always.
It was that simple.
It was night when you returned from work, you were surprised when you don't see any news about the girl who was in your home, normally there would be lines of alphas and betas trying to find her for their own purposes, but everything continued like just another day.
When you opened the door you felt the smell like a blow, pheromones, the girl had gone into heat.  The smell clouded your reason and when you realized you were already on top of her, your face in her neck, you got up quickly but your body didn't move anymore, she let out an enraged growl and pounced towards you, lying down she sit on your lap she started to rub her face on your neck, moving her hips on your member that was barely contained in your pants, a soft chirp came from your chest; your alpha was happy with the omega's treatment, however, you didn't want to take advantage of her in that state.
You tried to pull her away from you only for her to start growling angrily right in your face daring you to move her.  Instead of getting angry at the lack of respect, both you and your alpha were pleased by the brunette's behavior.  With one hand behind her head you brought her closer to kiss her and with the other you encouraged her to rub more on your crotch.  Her growl turned into a purr which was interrupted by soft moans.
You continued like this until the brunette began to growl again, frustration and desire was what her scent said, when you felt her hand trying to take off your pants you regained some sanity, this was just her heat speaking, after this she would leave or someone would come looking for her. And what would they do to you when they knew that you had claimed her as yours? What would they do to her?
You took your hand away from her and gently pushed her until you placed her on the mattress, you kissed her neck going down to her stomach and towards her most intimate part, the smell of her desire filled your senses.
Hugging her close with your chest on her back and three of your fingers inside her while you pressed her clitoris with your thumb, you did everything possible to please her, in your mouth you had placed one of your scarves like a muzzle, with a shirt you had tied her hands because she refused to stop touching you maybe you should have put a muzzle on her too because your arms were full of bite marks that the mischievous girl had made every time she had the opportunity, you would swear that she had even licked the blood off.
"Alpha, please, I need you inside" her voice sounded like a siren's song, tempting you to let go of the post you had tied yourself to avoid being drowned.  "It's not enough, I need you"
Whining like a beaten dog, you rested your forehead on her back, speeding up your movements while pinching her nipples, concentrating on her and not on your erection trapped inside your pants ruined by the all the times you came.
A little more just a little more, after coming so many times the haze of her heat should diminish enough for her fatigue to overcome her and she would go to sleep for a while.  Giving you enough time to go for suppressants with the duke, although that would use up half of your money it was nevertheless a necessary expense.
"I need more, why don't you take me? Don't you want me too?" You want her, you want her so much, despite having reached orgasm you felt dissatisfied, you wanted you needed to be inside her, you could feel her squeezing your fingers and you imagine how delicious it would be to feel her around you.  "Come on my alpha let me feel you inside me"
You pushed her face down onto the mattress that was already filled with sweat and cum, using your mouth and hands as you listened to her moans restricted by the sheet.
Just a little more. How much energy could she have?
The alpha was asleep under her, it seems that the tiredness of the previous day and today was too much for a mere mortal.
Cassandra did not know whether to cry with joy or helplessness while she had come so many times reaching the point of over stimulation, her stupid omega would not be pleased until the stupid alpha push her knot and came inside her, she thought that would be an easy task, the alphas she had found were easy to seduce, she didn't even need to use her pheromones, just one look, one movement and the idiots entered the forest running to their death. But of course the first alpha woman she knew had better control than that, the damn woman made her beg! BEG! AND THE BITCH KEPT REFUSING HER. How dare she?!
She should take it by force, ride her until she was empty until she was the one who begged her for mercy, even unconsciously she could feel her cock ready to be used; easily breaking free of her restraints, the brunette lowers herself just enough to finally free your erection from your pants, licking her lips as she proceeds to have her fun and revenge.
Opening your tired eyes, the first thing you see is your guest with her mouth wrapped around your dick. You moan when you feel how you touch the deepest part of her throat. Seeing that you are awake, she proceeds to take it out. You can clearly see a thread of saliva and semen coming out of her mouth, with a smile that sends shivers down your spine, she gives the tip a few slow licks going down towards your scrotum... Only to bite one of your testicles, your moan of pleasure transforms into one of pain, her malicious laugh reaches your ears and growling furiously you grab her face forcing her to take you completely, fucking her face fast you remove the scarf from your mouth you talk to her.
"You wanted it so much so take it slut" You see her eyes narrow with a mischievous glint in them "Bite me again and I'll turn your buttocks red, whore"
Feeling your orgasm close to her, you grab her hair, keeping her still while you finish inside her throat, making her swallow your semen. Coming to your senses, you leave her mouth, kneel and lift her into your lap hugging her, ignoring the fact that your head is at the height of her breasts.
"I'm sorry pretty girl, I shouldn't have been so rough with you" you hear a soft moan and feel her rub on your head "You just wanted my attention, forgive me" You caress her back and the small sighs she lets out make you feel guilty.
"We'll do whatever you want, darling."
You feel how her hand begins to gently caress your member until it hardens again, releasing it and moving her hips, rubbing her sex with yours. It's clear what she wants and you no longer remember why you denied her in the first place.
Yes, yes, yes Cassandra will finally have what she wants, after seeing your good performance her desire to kill you has faded but her desire to have you has increased, she is going to capture you and keep you trapped as her personal pet, she is not going to share you with anyone, she will never let you go.
Concentrated on you, she almost didn't hear the call of her sisters through the connection with her swarm, no, no, no, why now?! The door swings open violently before you can enter inside her.
She see the moment that your instincts change from procreation to protection.
Fuck her luck.
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