#fuck i love slapstick so much
barkingangelbaby · 4 months
i'm watching arrested development again and this scene came on.. i can't laugh like i usually do and the sounds that came out of me.... i sent a snapchat cracking up to my friends and they told me it sounded like i was sobbing
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
jsjdkdbjsskh this fucking movie man
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^^destruction caused by a fight his boys and some randos got into
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giantkillerjack · 2 years
My gender is whatever the Monkey King has going on; my gender is trickster spirit that would make an excellent anime protagonist
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lightbulb-warning · 1 year
16 classmates means 256 potential dynamics to explore if we only consider 1 on 1 interactions (which i will! ...until this sentence ends) and that means 256 drawings. considering that group interactions exist and it can be any combo that is... a way larger number.
i have 2 hands, 0 time and too much ambition!!
haha! oh no.
#i would like to live my life and also fundematally tear apart my hpfxtn from the inside out and roll in its guts#that's not really possible unfortunately#because TIME#bitches love to hate on me for “quality over quantity uwu” which is valid as FUCK babe you do you#i need to do me and me wants to be engulfed in the concept of interaction. yes specifically through ship art.#that means gotta go fast.#as in. i get told a lot i should not try to improve my drawing speed because i draw fast enough. they fail to consider that i want to!!!!#my brain is an enigma to me too im a barely functioning human if me having social competence comes in the form of free art then#my therapist is gonna make so much fun of me i guess#/lh#mind you. this here talking to myself? this is all silly bullshit ego. i know very well whatever i WANT to do ill end up drawing koquichechi#“ok me we made a plan to practice drawing subtle understated emotions with charact-” “what if we drew koquichechi slapstick instead”#“but the PLAN??” “look at that. it's koquichechi.”#and then i babysit myself into FORCING myself to draw shit i want to draw and would enjoy drawing but it takes SO LONG#an doing things that take time *takes time*. outrageous. how dare you. i hate it. (bla bla bla time is an illusion i KNOW)#and im still figuring out subtle. groooooaaaaaaannnnnnnnn!!!!!!!#eh whatevs!#whether i make ANY of my bullshit projects real or not what matters is having fun with it before i die /lh#its gonna be okay#*yearning* i just think itd be cool!!#shut up maiora#rambling#i get threatened with violence constantly by art friends. they're so completely right.#anyway tell me all about your rare-pairs if you want!! i might scribble em in my free time :>#(use the ask box)#(yes platonic too!)#(i think itd be fun 👉👈)#(i wanna hear people's thoughts!!)#(might be done in pencil ^^')#(im getting distracted HAVE A NICE DAY BUHBYE)
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vaugarde · 1 year
only thing im really taking from the volcanion movie is that heracross fucking died
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vonlipvig · 1 year
that was the best 30-minutes-that-became-1-hour-and-30-minutes of television i loved it so much
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avocado-writing · 2 months
if you are taking short fic requests for wade n logan, how about one where typically sunshine!reader comes home sad and while the both of them have that frenemy thing going, they agree on fucking up whoever made reader unhappy :o btw i love your work ❣️
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You fill the apartment with laughter and light and life. You: all parts sunshine and joy, making things a bit brighter even when the world feels so dark. You’re a bit of levity at the end of a day which is usually bathed in blood. A reminder of what’s worth fighting for. 
So when you walk in that night with your jaw grit tight and eyes watery, it’s pretty damn noticeable. 
“Hey. You okay?” asks Logan, voice gruff but full of concern. He’s on the couch, patching himself up from no doubt getting the shit beaten out of him, hopefully not staining the new throw blanket you bought. You head to the fridge wordlessly, grabbing a beer and getting annoyed when you can’t immediately find a bottle opener. He holds his hand out silently, and you give in, allowing him to use one of his claws to help. 
“Long day,” you manage, trying to bite back tears. You hear the bathroom door open and Wade sticks his head out, the sound of conversation irresistible to him. 
“Hey sunshine! How’s my favourite—?” he starts, but trails off when he sees the state you’re in. He goes to jump over the back of the sofa to get to you but immediately falls on his face because he’s missing half a leg. Despite everything a laugh bubbles up from you, inescapable. 
“I’m glad my dismemberment is just a slapstick routine to you, cupcake,” he pouts up at you from the floor. You wipe your eyes furiously with your sleeve and go to help him up, settling him into an armchair - and giving him the opportunity to sweep you into his lap. 
“What’s the matter, honey? Seriously. Who do we need to kill?” he asks. “Is it Deborah? Tell me it’s her. She’s been asking for a knife in the kidney ever since she swiped your lunch two months ago. I’m surprised you haven’t done it yourself, you know we’d help you hide the body.”
“You’re sweet,” you sigh, “but it’s not her, actually. I just had a lot to do today and nobody was cutting me any slack, you know? It got too much.”
“If you need us to talk to anyone,” says Logan, fixing Wade with a look which suggests murdering your colleagues will probably create more problems than solve them, “we’ll do it.”
“Yes! Good-boyfriend, bad-boyfriend routine. Oh, or charismatic-boyfriend, grumpy-but-sexy boyfriend. Or even, slut-boyfriend, slut-but-doesn’t-know-it-yet boyfriend. Maybe that one’s better suited for tonight though…”
Logan growls a warning but Wade just grins, blasé. You giggle. 
“Thanks, guys. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Be a lot more bored and horny,” Wade muses, as Logan mutters “hmph. Apartment would be quieter…”
You drink your beer and smile.  
taglist: : @falsewordz @malfoys-demigod @belilwen @mildly-salted @tvwebs @childeslegstrap @getmeoutofhell @s1eep-o @just-a-beatlemaniac69 @yrthr @momopad @sugarplumz100 @captainjinkx @madspads @acrosstheunivcrse
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razzle-n-dazzle · 7 months
saw u wanted more Adam fics
Adam x f!reader
reader is trying to sleep but Adam keeps trying to show her and tell her stuff. “Like babe hey babe look at this!”
“Babe babe wait did I tell you?”
“Babe holy shit wait guess what!!”
*meanwhile she screams into her pillow*
ᯓ★ "Adam, Love, SHUT THE F-" Adam / Reader | Drabble-ish
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ᯓ Do you know those days where you just need a little piece and quiet? Like after a long day of work, where your boss was being unreasonable and your coworkers were being even more unbearable than usual. A long day when you go out to eat for lunch and yet the place you decide to go is busy more than usual, and of course it's on the one day you just wanted an easy meal, so you decide to sit and wait. What is the harm of that? Apparently, a lot. Especially when everyone has a stick shoved up their ass today, and when running over your lunch would have been understood and excused any day sparked a fire from Hell in Heaven. And it was only my five minutes! You were late to the office by five minutes despite having been sitting, waiting for lunch for twenty out of your thirty allotted minutes, and doing work to be ahead of schedule for your boss! You were late by five minutes because the sidewalks had been unreasonably crowded for that time of day and you had sprained your wing rushing not to be late earlier that morning because your boyfriend wanted to be up your ass for an extra five minutes this morning!
ᯓ Safe to say you just proved that there could be bad days in Heaven, no matter what anyone else said and you desperately needed a nap. Or maybe you just needed to knock out for the rest of the day, you weren't sure, all you knew was that your bed was calling your name and that was the only thing on your mind right now. Well, it had been the only thing on your mind until you stepped foot into your shared apartment. "Oh perfect fucking timing, Sugartits, come here!" Adam, with an obnoxious amount of energy today, waved you down to the couch. "Hurry up! You know I love to see that ass move when it walks, but this is super fucking important." And what could entertaining your boyfriend before you went and knockout for the rest of the night do? You mean, it was only thing he wanted to show you.
ᯓ "Fucking, look. Look!" Adam exclaimed as you heavily sat down next to him, allowing for him to cheekily swing an arm around your shoulder. This promptly led him to lean against you as he stuck his phone out, a video pulled up. You watched it to entertain him and his little fancy for whatever he had found; Being able to snuggle into his side in the process and listen to his hysterical laughter during the whole venture. It wasn't nothing too exciting, some sort of slapstick humor video and you understood why Adam found it hilarious, but you just didn't have the energy to laugh at it today. So you gave him a small chuckle as his arm found itself crossing down your back and wrapping around your hip, his hand resting on your thigh. "Oh fucking shit! You see, now that shit if fucking humor, comedy gold!" You needed whatever acid trip Adam was on and desperately.
ᯓ You would hum briefly in agreement towards his statement, feeling as his chest quickly rose and fall as he choked out laughter. Even with such motions you couldn't help but be drawn in by his warmth, snuggling closer to him. And you're sure he noticed, as he was sneakily trying to coax you more and more, using the hand that now was daringly close to your ass, to sit on his lap. Against his harsher, more lively breath, yours was slower and shallow, and as Adam managed to get you to snuggle up to his chest while on his lap, he took notice. It was hard to not to, especially when the sound of you not laughing with him just hit his ears. So confused, Adam would pear down at you. A few nervous bits of laughter left him, a silent signal for you to take notice of how he noticed your odd behavior, yet he died down as you didn't seem to notice (or care) much. Which caused his eyes to narrow and his eyebrows to frown up, a worried frown tugging onto the side of his lips. "Uh, Babe, you good?" His question was accompted by his gravely voice, which was now lower in volume and a lot less sure of himself. "You didn't fucking laugh at the video."
ᯓ "You do know this is comedy gold right? Gold! Not laughing at it would be a fucking crime." Adam would wave his cellphone near your face, flashing you with the bright light which caused you to promptly turn your head away from him. He noticed as your face scrunched, yet you didn't use your wings or hands to knock the phone out of his hand like usual. And that's when he really started to become concern. You weren't acting as you normally would with him, you weren't laughing at the videos he founded or retorting to his antics with your own. You were just laying there, curled up onto his lap with droopy wings and a weak hold around his chest. "Holy shit, Babe, you're not dying are you?" Was the first thing that blurted out of Adam's mouth, being the first thing thought that crossed his head as finally took a real notice of how bad of a state you're in. How the feathers on your wings seemed all out of sorts, how one wing was a little more puffed than the other, how eyebags had began to form under your eyes, and just how tired and weak you looked.
ᯓ "...and you're not getting fucking ugly either are you? It's not contagious is it? Because I can't be fucking ug-" You were swift to cut Adam off, pressing one of your hands against his mouth to muffle any more stupid shit he had to say in this moment. To which Adam drew back a little and started down at you, a moment of shock before unamusement crossed his face. He was gentle, more so than usual, as he picked up your hand by the wrist and drug it away from his mouth. Though he didn't say anything for a good moment, silently (and a little anxiously) waiting to see if you would say anything to him. And maybe it was the nerves on being the on the battle field too many times, or the anxiety of losing another lover, but Adam grew more and more disturbed at your lack of communication or movement the longer the silence wore on. "Babe," He gently nudged you, watching as you just let yourself roll back into place. You didn't even give a hum that time. Now Adam could feel his stomach doing little backflips. "Babe." This one came out a bit more stern as he nudged you a little harder. Yet, you only rolled back into place, not acknowledging his efforts on trying to make sure you weren't dying. Were you fucking dying? Holy shit, that would not be something Adam would want to go through today. "Babe! Sugartits!" Adam shouted, forcefully shoving you away from his warmth by the shoulders, "Please fucking tell me you're not about to die on me because that would be really fucking traumatic!.. If you're going to die at least do it in like, the bedroom or something!"
ᯓ You knew Adam didn't mean it, that he was just trying to stir a reaction out of you to make sure you were alright, yet his comment kind of pissed you off. Less so than when he forcefully drew you away from your only source of heat and comfort from the cruel reality you had to live today. So, reluctantly, you gave our a murmur, "...tired... shut up.." and forcefully tried to lay against Adam again; Trying to just take a small nap, or simply hide from the day you had today in your boyfriend's arms and warmth. Even if one of his hands had been resting on your ass. "Babe, you can't be fucking tired, it's not even dinner. Who the fuck is going to cook because last time I fucking remember you telling me I couldn't." Adam asked in a huff, though was silently relieved that you weren't just about to die in his arms like some dramatic soap opera. So, he let you lay back against his chest. It felt nice to have your weight there anyways. "Adam... shush.." Again, you tried to hush your rather obnoxious boyfriend, even for a little. And you knew he knew that you were tired, on the verge of passing out; It was a dead give away when he fluffed out his wings and wrapped them around you, noticing had dead you felt against him.
ᯓ "But you're still fucking making dinner though, right?" He would quip, a snicker growing on his dumb face as he leaned down to the side, promptly laying you both down. Now you knew he was just being a dick about it, that or he was just glad that you weren't silently suffering and dying against his chest. But either way, you were going to leave his question unanswered as you buried his head against his chest. No matter how much shit Adam might give you, you always found comfort in his warmth and with him being near. It was kind of like having an annoying dog that looked and sounded all tough and scary and was sometimes a big dick, but secretly cared about you under all the gunk. "Fuck it, I'll just order in." Adam muttered, placing his chin on the top of your head (having to curl around you a little to do so) as you were sure he began to pull up menus of restaurants nearby that delivered. And as you drifted off to sleep, you liked to believe he did so, so you didn't have to worry about cooking when you woke up. But you knew that was only half the truth, the other half was that he was probably craving those lamb chops he absolutely adores. And you were fine with that.
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ᯓ★ All posts/fanfictions posted under this blog is owned by @razzle-n-dazzle. Please do not steal, copy, or plagiarize the works! Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated.
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scoops-aboy86 · 2 months
Steve as a late night radio DJ, with Robin as his producer (because my partner has made me watch so much Frasier lol). He's got the sexy voice and Eddie, frontman of successful metal band Corroded Coffin, still remembers him from Hawkins and, ugh.
But, well, his manager set up the interview and it would cause more of a stir to no-show than it would to turn up and bicker with some washed up former high school bully. It's a different city, a different decade; maybe King Steve won't even remember him.
So Eddie turns up, and he actually beats Steve there. To the point of the show starting and it's just him in the booth, chatting awkwardly with Robin to fill the air. It gets less awkward the more they talk, idly catching up on old small town bullshit and what it's like to go from isolated baby queers ("I thought I was totally alone!" "Really? You didn't clock the black bandana hanging out of my pocket for five of my six years in high school?" "Sorry old timer, I was still in middle school for part of that." "Oh fuck off, Ms. 'I went to Sarah Lawrence and all I got was this awesome girlfriend.'" "Sorry Eddie, we can't all be super late bloomers like you.") to Actually Successful And Functioning Adults. (She's kind enough not to mention his single but unfortunately well known brush with rehab, other than to congratulate him on his seven year chip.)
And then Steve bursts in, huffing and puffing and diving for the headphones and mic to apologize to both them and the audience for being late. He doesn't even try to offer an excuse until Robin asks, "Uh, Steve? Want to share with us why your arm's in a sling and one of your eyebrows looks like it got flambéd right off your face?"
Which turns into a very put-upon but entertaining retelling of Dustin Henderson ("Oh damn, Henderson! I fell outta touch with him ages ago. How is that little shit?" "Married. He didn't end up converting to Mormonism, but they still have enough kids to make up half a basketball team." "Is that... a lot?" "Six, Munson. They have six kids." "Which is funny, because he made soooo much fun of Steve for wanting that many back in the day." "Yeah. Showed him." "Fuck, my condolences to his wife if they all inherited his big head. You gotta give me his number after this. Or—DUSTIN, if you're listening to your babysitter's show, come to my next concert and there'll be two backstage passes with your name on it! Or, well, that embarrassing nickname your radio girlfriend used to call you, since I think I've blurted out your full government name by now." "That girlfriend is actually his wife now." "No shit?! Wow, I can't believe one of my little lost sheepies has managed to keep the same girl for over a decade. Is she really hotter than Phoebe Cates?" "Oh, she is smokin." "Robin, don't make it weird." "Oh it's okay, she already knows. I told her.") ... A very put-upon but entertaining retelling of Dustin Henderson coming over to discuss plans for Ma Henderson's birthday, and bringing a cherries jubilee that Suzie had made so he could literally demonstrate the flambé presentation ("Listeners, I swear I did not know, when I asked Steve about his flambéd eyebrow, that it was a literal flambé accident. Eddie, can you confirm?" "I can confirm, Robin. We received no heads-up calls or messages from Steve before or during the show. It was serendipitous irony, 100% pure.") but poured waaaaay too much brandy on, and then Steve tripped in his mad dash for the fire extinguisher ("He was no help at all, just stopped dropped and rolled right there in the middle of the damn kitchen." "How are his eyebrows?" "Ugh, I have more of them than he does right now but at least his match. Don't worry everyone, he's fine. No nerds were injured in the course of this improv slapstick comedy routine that is my life. I swear to god, I need a girlfriend or a boyfriend or someone reasonable to hang out with besides all you weirdos." "Aw, you love us." "Yeah Stevie, what would you do without your loving nerd squad?" "Yeah, yeah... But don't try to leave yourself out of this Munson, as far as I'm concerned you're still the king of all nerds. And if you're reconnecting with Dustin, you're stuck with us too.") and had to stop by urgent care on the way to work.
Throughout all of this, Eddie is not twirling a lock of hair around one finger... but only because it's tied haphazardly back to keep it out of his face for the day. Steve is different from the guy he remembers strutting the halls of Hawkins High. Still all freckles and hair and charismatic grin, but he carries himself differently. More solidly built in his mid-thirties than his late teens, with a layer of softness that suits him. Calmer and settled, with the kind of confidence that comes with growing up. And the girlfriend or boyfriend thing? Holy shit. Holy shit. King Steve? Who knew? But, well, it explains why Steve and Robin are so close, Eddie guesses.
The Steve Harrington that Eddie had known back in the day hadn't exactly been the worst of the bullies, but he'd been friends with them, and they had spouted plenty of homophobic shit. And Steve had been looking right at him as he'd said it, like he's aware that Eddie is terminally single and maybe, just maybe, there was a flicker of a question in his eyes.
Eddie has been publicly out for a while now, and the thing is... Steve is definitely his type. So he leans into it a little, testing the waters. And Steve responds to it like a sunflower greeting the sunrise.
By the end of the show Robin is slapping post-its on the glass partition that read "Get his number dingus" and "Get a room" and Don't make that face at me, yes I do know that he can see these too and I don't care, GET IT or I will recruit Dusty-dun to my cause" and "To clarify, the cause is getting you laid. Eddie, take note, he's allergic to latex."
Permanent tag list (ask to be added, but since I have gotten an influx of new followers lately just know that I write a lot of weight gain kink so like... just be aware): @hotluncheddie @lawrencebshoggoth @sofadofax @tangerinesteve
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Yes I love the angst with zombie!ghost but also it would be fucking hilarious
Just lugging around their undead lieutenant, trying to find a cure for him so maybe they can turn him back and his jaw falls off. They’re all freaking out and poor zombie!ghost hasn’t got a thought in his brain about what’s going on.
The slapstick would be funny.
They’re sneaking into a base to get intel on a cure and zombie!ghost won’t stay behind but his jaw just fell again and made an awful noise which alerted the guard. Luckily they got him but now zombie!ghost is trying to reattach his jaw and he just got shot multiple times and Soap is trying to make sure he doesn’t get shot in the head right before zombie!ghost drop kicks a guard against the wall.
And you know zombie strength on top of ghost already being a beast of solider so he’s crazy strong but now he’s as dumb as a box of rocks so he’s just kinda there until someone tells him to do something
And then happy ending they get a cure and after some surgeries Ghost is pretty much back to the way he was maybe a little more scarred but yeah
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yamujiburo · 9 months
Some of this might sound intentionally hostile in text and I apologize.
I'm saying this as an abuse survivor mind you - don't throw "abusive ships" under the bus so easily - at least, so long as they're not actually glamorizing the abuse. I lived that irl and I personally find someone overcoming it, slowly having enough of that bullshit and getting out over time, and the other person having to wipe their own butt for once after they've made the damn mess, very refreshing. Maybe that's not a ship in the traditional sense. It's no happily ever after bc it shouldn't be, but I find stories like mine shyed away from so often because even the portrayal gets considered a "canon ship". ... that's just how media works now, I guess? I very rarely See a fictional relationship not called a ship in literally any context now so that's the definition I'm running on.
I wish more people were willing to portray the hardships of finding acceptance outside of "whoever you can find will accept you" very much, and finding the better things after. I wish people weren't terrified out of portrayimg situations like mine.
Jessie.. is not a good person in canon. You expect me to believe she moved into to hanamusa seamlessly, without falling on her ass? I never see you talk about Jessie's abusive tendencies in canon. You never talk about the inherent meanness she needed to get over to get there. She's quite aml lot like my ex in canon, actually.
What do you mean you're going to just remove from the character that she is abusive to those around her. Jessie hits people. She takes her own junk out on others all the time. Do you even like the character then, are you actually invested in her growing, or are you just making an OC at this point?
Idk. Do you, boo. But you are posting about a character who, whether you like it or not, is canonically abusive. I just don't buy that dating Ash's mom alone fixed her. That isn't... How that works. It would be excellent if it did. Part of my love of hanamusa is that it signals Jessie's change - but she could have changed for anyone before now.
What makes Delia different? How is she specifically a turning point for Jessie? Because Jessie's flaws go well beyond just bossing people around.
I would love if my abuser had the same outcome as your Jessie. I adore your portayals of hanamusa, where she's still flawed but still strives to do better. That's all I ever wanted from my ex.
What the fuck got her there tho.
Anyways I've been watching a lot of Bojack Horseman lately -
I agree with you! I don't think abusive relationships (or any tough subject matter in general) should be shied away from in media. It can be powerful when executed well and written by folks who are equipped to tell those kinds of stories. I do think it's sad when people treat it as off limits. But the ask I got was definitely more about which ships I have where I actually like the relationship between the characters. I think the semantics of the word "ship" are kind of vague or rather, over time, got so specific to only mean "absolutely love together and want them as endgame" (for most people anyways). So that's usually what I take the word to mean when people ask me about it.
I can 100% appreciate how an abusive relationship is written and handled, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna ship an abuser with their victim (that falls into the glorifying you're talking about). Love Bojack Horseman! Big fan! I think the way they handled Bojack and Sarah Lynn was beautifully and tragically well written. But does that mean I ship Bojack and Sarah Lynn? Absolutely fucking not.
I've talked about Jessie's character plenty on this blog and the way she's handled in earlier seasons specifically. This is kind of a summary: If we look at it on surface level, yes we can say she was abusive. But I think it's important to acknowledge and take into account the medium, time period and culture. Slapstick and cartoon violence was HUGE in anime and animation in the 90s (and prior to that too). Characters were always cartoonishly slapping each other around with giant mallets, folding fans, etc. Looney Tunes style. These slapstick bits were always distinct from real abuse and hurt (for Pokémon, Jessiebelle comes to mind). Mean slapstick wasn't a character trait exclusive to Jessie either. We saw it in Misty, James, Meowth, characters of the day and pretty much any character who got mad. It was a visual shortcut to show anger.
This type of slapstick has since (thankfully) died out and it hasn't really been a part of the Pokémon franchise since the early 2000s. However, Jessie was a notably special case. One of my favorite fun facts about the Pokémon anime is that there was a point in the series where Megumi Hayashibara (Jessie/Musashi's seiyuu) told the writers that moving forward, she no longer wanted Jessie to be violent or to be shown hitting James or Meowth (source: her memoir "The Characters Taught Me Everything"). She thought it directly went against the vision Takeshi Shudo had for Jessie, James and Meowth, when he created them, which was that they are good natured villains. If you watch from DP and on, Jessie never lays a hand on either of them. I think it was a such a good move on Pokémon's part to change her character like that and I'm forever grateful that Hayashibara said something! Whenever I write Jessie now, I always keep that in mind. She's mean, shouty and stupid but would never genuinely hurt those she cares about.
From then, her character becomes much more bearable. She's still bossy, mean and vain (typical cartoon villainess attributes) but I'd hesitate to say abusive. She'll still yell at James and Meowth, they all yell at each other, but in more of a sibling way (imo) rather than a "i'm actively trying to hurt your feelings way". The show makes a point especially in later seasons to show that Jessie, James and Meowth are not beyond being redeemed. From conception the whole POINT of the Team Rocket trio was that they are redeemable but their persistence and obsession keeps getting in the way of them seeing that there's a better life for them out there.
I won't deny that Jessie was unsavory in earlier seasons, but when I write her, I choose to write the version that Takeshi Shudo and Megumi Hayashibara had envisioned from the get go. She's still incredibly flawed and makes plenty missteps but wants to be better as you stated! My favorite part about Jessie is that she's a piece of shit LOL and I enjoy writing the changes she goes through to be better (but then still showing her default so some of her evil tendencies). In this AU, Delia doesn't fix Jessie. Jessie fixes Jessie because she is with someone makes her want to be a better person. She's already in the middle of turning over a new leaf before even meeting Delia, after leaving Team Rocket. Writing Jessie as legitimately abusive I think could work, but that's not my story to tell and if someone who were more equipped to tell that story did, I'd be very interested to take a listen!
I hope this doesn't come off as trying to deny or invalidate your experience. If you see that in Jessie, I hear you! This is just how I've interpreted her character over the years, having watched every episode of Pokémon and reading Japanese interviews from the cast and crew. She's such a compelling character and I love how messy she is
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daisies-daydreams · 2 months
Hey Daisy 💕💕
So your bio says your requests are open and I don’t remember you closing them but if they are, I’m so sorry, feel free to ignore this-
So I was thinking about Venom!Miguel and this goofy, high energy, upbeat reader who’s always giggling and smiling, even when Miggy’s being an ass
I just wanna req some fluff leading up to some smut, not slow slow burn but some build up where reader confesses to him and he’s like “wait what?” etc.
All the love for you sweetness
- 🪶
Me & U (Venom!Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
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Pairing: Venom!Miguel x F!Reader Category: Fluff/Smut (with a pinch of angst) Tags: Miggy being an asshole, Swearing, Slight Slapstick, Love Confessions, Making Out, Monster Fucking (?), Oral Sex (F!Receiving - Venom/Miguel uses his tongue 😛), Nipple Play, Dirty Talk, Pet Names, Innuendo, Couch Sex, Mentions of Birth Control, Unprotected P in V Sex (you know the drill), Doggy Style, Missionary Position, Slight Bondage, Multiple Orgasms, Creampie Word Count: 5k+ 18+ Banner by @cafekitsune A/N: Ugh, I love love love writing for Venom! characters 🤭🫠 Thank you for your sweet words love and I hope you enjoy! Song Suggestion: Me & U (Cassie)
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Your eyes instantly lit up when your neighbor, Miguel O’Hara, opened his door.
“Hi, Miguel!” you chirped happily, nearly dropping the Tupperware of soup in your hands. You gasped before two strong hands cupped beneath yours. Heat filled your cheeks as you slowly gazed up, your noses so close they nearly brushed against each other. Miguel cleared his throat before he quickly stood up, his shadow casting over your entire body.
“Is that for me?” your neighbor asked in his usual gruff voice as he cocked a brow. It took you a few seconds for his words to register. Were his eyes always ruby red? Oh my God...he is a vampire?! That would be so hot, well, hotter than-
"Hello? (Y/N)," your neighbor called before snapping his fingers. You shook your head.
“Hm? Oh! Yes, this is for you,” you grinned and shifted the Tupperware in your arms. “I just thought I'd give you some of my homemade chicken noodle soup. I made too much and didn't want it to go to waste," you explained as you held the Tupperware out to him. Miguel raised his brows as he glanced down, his rough fingertips grazing over yours as he took the soup with an exhausted expression.
"Thanks," he simply replied. You gave him a bright grin as your heart skipped a beat.
"You're welcome! I was also wondering if-"
You flinched when he suddenly slammed the door in your face. You continued to hold your finger up as your smile remained.
"...you wanted to go see a movie," you murmured out the last part. Your grin faltered a bit as you started to trudge back to your apartment, your footsteps feeling a bit heavier than before...
“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?” Venom rumbled inside Miguel’s head. The massive man tensed when the Symbiote suddenly spoke.
"What?" he blinked. Venom grumbled.
"YOU JUST SLAMMED THE DOOR IN HER FACE!" the alien nearly screeched. Miguel grimaced as he set the Tupperware in the fridge, the corners of his mouth turned down as he felt his blood pressure rise.
"She knows I'm busy - I'm sure she understands," the man replied as he closed the fridge door. Venom scoffed.
"YOU WOULD THINK THAT A GROWN-ASS HUMAN WOULD HAVE SOME DECENT MANNERS," the Symbiote huffed. Miguel clenched his jaw. “YOU SHOULD GO APOLOGIZE,” Venom added. The corners of Miguel’s mouth curved down as he pinched his brows.
“Like I’m gonna let myself get lectured by a vulgar, carnivorous parasite,” he grunted. Miguel gasped as his head shot forward and slammed against the fridge. The man hissed and rubbed the aching spot on his forehead.
“OOPS,” Venom snickered. Miguel sighed and shook his head, his forehead still pulsating with pain.
“Damn symbiote,” he muttered as he rummaged through his cabinets for some ibuprofen. Miguel groaned as he chugged some water before popping the pills. A small, brightly colored note caught his eye as he rubbed his temples. He furrowed his dark brows before picking it up, his scarlet eyes scanning over the small piece of paper:
“It's been pretty chilly out - hope this soup helps warm you up!
<3 (Y/N)”
Miguel's pained expression wavered as he clenched his fist.
God, he really was an asshole, wasn't he?
"YES, YOU WERE," Venom commented.
"¡Cállate parásito!" Miguel snapped [Shut up, parasite!].
"JUST BECAUSE YOU SAY IT IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE DOESN'T CHANGE THE MEANING!" the Symbiote growled. Miguel blew him off as he quickly grabbed his coat. "HOLD ON A SECOND - WHERE ARE WE GOING?" the alien questioned. The tall man grabbed his wallet and keys before opening his front door.
"I'm going to go apologize to (Y/N)...but I need to grab something that'll hopefully help me," he stated.
A Half-An Hour Later...
You blinked when you opened your door.
“Miguel?” you asked. The man’s eyes widened as he gazed upon your face mask.
“I-uh-I’m sorry if I’m interrupting anything,” your neighbor grunted while rubbing the back of his neck. You were thankful the mask hid the blush that dusted your cheeks.
“No! No, it’s okay,” you giggled as you leaned against the doorframe. “What can I do for you?” you continued. You didn’t miss the way Miguel looked you up and down: your body clad in a tight-fitting tank top and comfy shorts. He swallowed thickly before clearing his throat.
“I…I just wanted to give you this,” he said while holding out a white, plastic bag. You raised your brows as you took it from him, your mouth instantly watering as the smell of freshly fried food filled your nostrils.
“Thank you, you didn’t have to do that!” you chirped while reaching forward for a hug. Miguel hesitantly took a step back, his brows scrunched together as he looked away.
“I just…I wanted to say I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting towards you,” he muttered while rubbing the back of his head. You looked up at your neighbor before glancing down at the bag. It was so adorable seeing a brute of a man acting so sheepishly. Miguel shifted his gaze when you hummed.
“It’s okay, I know work has been super stressful for you,” you replied. His eyes softened as he let his hand fall back to his side. “Still, it’s not excuse for me to act like an asshole towards you,” Miguel sighed. Your smile faltered as you watched him stand there idly. You bit your lip as you clutched the bag.
“You know, it’ll be pretty hard for me to finish all of these things while they're still fresh,” you began. You noticed a small spark in Miguel’s eyes as he tilted his head. “Would you like to come in and have some?” you asked while slightly leaning your hip against the doorframe. His eyes widened slightly as he tensed.
“I don’t want to impose or anything,” Miguel frowned before coughing into his fist. You pursed your lips before giggling.
“Venom, would you like some?” you asked while resting a hand on your other hip. Miguel immediately launched forward, his massive body looming over yours as Venom’s face appeared beside his.
“YOU DON’T HAVE TO ASK US TWICE!” the alien beamed, his glossy, jagged teeth on full display as he flashed you a cheeky grinned. You chuckled and gave his head a small pat, the slick texture of his form not bothering you in the slightest.
“Come on in, then,” you replied while nodding your head inside your apartment.
“WITH PLEASURE,” Venom said as he forced Miguel to stomp into your humble abode. The walls were practically rattling as he clumsily strolled over to your couch and plopped himself down. You chuckled as you followed behind him, setting the bag down on the coffee table.
“Sorry, just gotta freshen up a little bit,” you said while motioning towards your face. Miguel smiled softly and nodded, his demeanor a bit more relaxed as he leaned against the couch cushion.
“Okay. I’ll make sure Venom doesn’t eat everything,” he hummed. You giggled and gave a quick nod before rushing to the bathroom.
“Ohmygodohmygodohmygod,” you screamed internally as you sped towards the sink. You washed off the mask as quickly as you could before releasing your hair from its messy bun. You rapidly put on a few strokes of mascara and adjusted your tank-top to show just a bit of your cleavage. You gave a firm nod at your reflection before padding back into the hall. You froze and laughed as you watched Miguel swat at one of Venom’s tendrils as it reached for the bag.
“I see you boys have kept yourselves entertained,” you hummed as you sauntered over to the couch. The dim lighting of your living room lamp drew out Miguel’s rugged features: every curve and dip of his muscles defined by dark shadows and soft light.
“Sorry it took me a bit,” you sighed while sinking into the cushion next to him. You watched as his eyes flicked up and down your body, particularly lingering on your chest.
“You’re fine,” he replied while clearing his throat. You beamed before pulling out the Styrofoam box. The two of you sighed as steam wafted up from the golden empanadas, the crisp texture of the crust already making your stomach rumble.
The room was filled with the sounds of quiet munching before Venom appeared. His maw was curled into his usual grin as he swiped his long, wet tongue across his teeth. You chuckled and held out another pastry, the creature devouring the food in one whole bite. You laughed as crumbs rained onto your lap before the symbiote receded back into his host.
Soon, your bellies were full as the sun dipped past the glowing Nueva York skyline. You squeezed your hands in your lap as you held your breath for a moment.
“Miguel?” you piped up. The tall man beside you grunted, his eyes closed and head tilted back. Despite the bags hanging beneath his eyes, he just looked so peaceful and relaxed for once. You swallowed the lump in your throat as you shifted on your cushion.
“There’s…there’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about for a while now,” you continued. He slowly opened his scarlet eyes, his gaze soft and half-lidded as he stared at you.
Oh, God.
You bit in the inside of your cheek as you took a deep breath.
“I…I like you,” you muttered quietly. You felt him shift beside you.
“What was that?” the burly man asked. You felt your throat grow tight as your cheeks burned. You whipped your head over and gazed right into his eyes.
“I-I said that I like you,” you said a bit louder. Miguel’s features softened as he parted his lips. You squirmed beneath his gaze as you squeezed your hands together. Miguel remained quiet by your side. "I know it's sudden, b-but, I just felt like if I didn't say it now, then I would've never gotten it out. I'm sorry," you sighed while averting his gaze. You heard Miguel take another deep breath as he rubbed his hand over his mouth before letting it fall into his lap. He let out a small huff of a chuckle.
"You're gonna be the death of me, you know that?" he said with a lopsided grin. Your eyes widened.
"W-What do you mean?" you breathed. Venom's head suddenly formed by Miguel's shoulder.
"OH FOR GOD'S SAKE! WOULD THE TWO OF YOU JUST FUCK ALREADY?!" the alien whined. Your jaw drop as Miguel's nostrils flared.
"Get back inside me!" he shouted. Venom snickered at Miguel's phrasing, causing the man's cheeks to burn a bright red. "You know what I mean!" he yelled, his voice cracking at the last word.
"WHATEVER YOU SAY, DARLING~" the Symbiote hummed in a sing-song voice before retracting back into Miguel. The man before you rolled his eyes before shaking his head.
"Sorry about that," Miguel said with a tired, apologetic smile. You chuckled and shook your head.
"It's fine," you said with a dismissive hand-wave. You bit your lip.
"So...do you really like me back?" you asked breathlessly. Miguel raised his thick, dark brows as he pursed his lips. He cleared his throat and planted both feet on the floor.
"I...I do," he said with a sideways grin while averting his gaze. You squealed happily and wrapped your arms around him, pulling him into a hug. Miguel placed a hand on the small of your back, rubbing it soothingly.
"You have no idea how excited I am! We're gonna go on SO many cute dates. We could take a romantic trip on the Lunar Train - oh! Or have brunch at a beach house in Amagansett-" you began to ramble off a list of dates you imagined with Miguel, not caring if they sounded stupid or not. You blinked when the man by your side gently placed his hand over your mouth, his palm enveloping over the lower half of your face.
"(Y/N), as fun as those things sound...I'd like to maybe start with taking you out to a nice dinner. Would that be alright?" he asked. You nodded, a muffled "mhm" heard beneath his palm. Miguel's smile grew as he slowly withdrew his hand.
"-and we could also go on a rowboat in Central Park," you continued. Miguel laughed and shook his head. "What?" you giggled. The tall man sighed as he slung one of his muscular arms around the back of the couch.
"I've never met anyone who talks as much as you do," he stated. Your smile faltered.
"Is...Is that a bad thing?" you asked while shifting in your seat. Miguel smiled and shook his head.
"No, no. In fact, I think it's pretty endearing hearing someone talk about something they're passionate about," he sighed. You tilted your head as he paused. "That spark you get in your eye...it's what drew me to you in the first place," he confessed while rubbing his chin. Your eyes lit up as you hugged him tightly, causing him to groan.
"I'm just so excited. It's...been a while since I've been in a relationship," you said while tucking some hair behind your ear. Miguel hummed softly.
"Really? How long?" he asked. You froze in place as your eyes widened.
"Oh, hermosa," Miguel cooed, clearly reading through your silent response. You sighed and leaned back, your arms withdrawing from his sides as you frowned. "Hey, look at me," he said softly. You slowly brought your gaze up to his eyes, your heart fluttering as he cupped your cheek. "You're a beautiful, kind woman. I'd be happy to be in a relationship with you," he murmured softly. Your heart melted right there as you gazed into his eyes.
"Really?" you murmured. Miguel smiled and nodded before sucking in a sharp breath.
"Really. And you know..." Miguel trailed off as he shifted on the couch. "Maybe Venom's suggestion from earlier...wasn't terrible," he muttered while tilting his head side to side. Your heart skipped a beat at his words as you squeezed your thighs together.
"You mean, you wanna..." you trailed off and made some gestures with your hands. Miguel nodded slowly as his cheeks continued to fill with pink. You gasped as he shifted even closer to you, his other hand gently cupping your knee.
"I've...I've wanted you for so long. Too long," he sighed softly as he squeezed your knee. "And now, all I want to do is make up for lost time and show you how much I want to be with you...hermosa," Miguel breathed, his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear [beautiful]. You arched your back as a shiver ran down your spine.
"Mmm, Miguel, p-please. I want to feel you," you sighed as you squirmed beside him. Miguel grinned softly as he leaned forward and nipped along your jaw.
"Just relax, princesa. I'll make sure to take good care of you," he purred lowly while gently pushing you onto your back and climbing on top of you. Your walls clenched at the sound of his husky rumble, your legs parting on their own as you swallowed thickly. Miguel's large, warm hands dipped beneath your tank-top, his palms eagerly cupping your breasts as you moaned.
"O-Oh," you gasped as he smoothed his thumbs over your perky, sensitive nipples. You bit your lip and mewled as his lips traveled closer to your own, his hips slowly lowering against yours with a deep sigh.
"I can't wait to taste the rest of you, princesa," Miguel groaned before he gently nibbled on your bottom lip. Your fingers smoothed through his thick, dark locks as you parted your lips. The living room was filled with your combined moans as he crashed his plump lips against yours, his hands squeezing your breasts as he slowly rolled his hips against your clothed sex.
"O-Oh fuck Miguel," you panted. Miguel raised his brows as he chuckled lowly.
"I didn't know someone as sweet as you could have such a dirty mouth," he snickered before gently pinching your nipples. You squealed as your mouth shot open. Your eyes widened as Miguel's tongue quickly dove into your wet cavern, his muscle tenderly massaging yours as he rubbed your hardened buds between his digits. Your hungry moans filled his mouth as your tongues passionately danced in circles. Both of you panted heavily as he pulled back for air, your lips glossy with combined spit.
"God, you sound so hot when you make those noises," he grunted before diving back in. You closed your eyes as you soaked in the taste of his tongue against yours, your heart pounding in your ears as you sighed deeply. Miguel groaned as he slowly lifted your shirt above your head, peeling the clothing off before tossing it aside. Your cheeks were flush as he pulled back, his eyes hungrily drinking in the sight of your exposed breasts. You frowned and looked away before he dipped his fingers beneath your chin, turning your face back towards him.
"Please, don't look away. I want to see all of you," he whispered with the softest expression you've ever seen. Your heartbeat faltered as a small smile formed over your face. "Ahí está mi mujer bonita," Miguel chuckled quietly as his fingertips traced along your jaw before dipping between the valley of your breasts [There's my pretty woman].
Your eyes nearly rolled back as your body began to melt at his feather-light touch.
"M-Miguel," you panted breathlessly. Miguel hummed as he gently nipped and kissed along the side of your neck.
"Hm?" he sighed, his hot breath falling over a wet spot on your skin. Your heart pounded against your ribcage as you gulped.
"Can you...can you finger me?" you said with a strained voice. Miguel's eyes widened slightly before he gave you a small smirk.
"Of course, hermosa," he chuckled before suckling on your pulse. Your body jolted at the sweet suction against your skin before he lapped over the fresh hickey. "Do you want me to use my mouth, too?" Miguel whispered. You had to stop a moan escaping your throat as his question shook you to the core.
"Y-Yes please," you whined. Miguel's smirk widened even more.
"You're so polite," he chuckled. You raised your brows and playfully flicked his shoulder. Miguel winced. "Now why would you hurt a gentle giant like me, hm?" the man above you quipped with a raised brow. You giggled and rolled your eyes.
"Watch out - I might spank you if you get sassy again," you winked. Miguel chuckled as he tugged at your pajama shorts.
"Promise, Mami?" he said in a low, husky voice [Mommy]. Your cheeks burned at the petname as you looked away. Miguel's chest rose and fell as he burst out laughing. "Hey, don't dish out what you can't serve," he purred before pulling your thin shorts and panties down your legs. You gasped as your slick pussy was on full display for him. Miguel licked his lips as he leaned his head down.
"W-Wait!" you yelped. His head shot back up as his eyes widened.
"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" he asked as his brows furrowed. You blushed as you held your breath.
"I...I had guys say that I tasted funny, so-" you instantly stopped talking as he shoved his face into your cunt, sniffing it deeply. Your jaw dropped as you felt the tip of his nose nudge against your puffy clit. "W-What are you doing?!" you gulped. You felt him smile against your slick labia before he flicked the tip of his tongue out. Your legs shook around his head as your hips snapped forward.
"Oh my god, you taste so fucking sweet," Miguel groaned before licking a bold stripe up your juicy slit. You moaned and threw your head back as he painted long, languid strokes up and down your folds.
"S-Shit Miguel," you groaned as your hips mindlessly rubbed against his face. Miguel's eyes locked with yours as he snaked his arms around your thighs, his face glued to your gushing cunt. A gasp left your puffy lips as he puckered his lips around your swollen bundle of nerves, your hole puckering against his chin as a loud moan erupted from your throat.
"Let me hear you, Mami," Miguel whispered, his lips tenderly caressing your clit before he wetly swirled his tongue around the sensitive button. Your head began to spin as he gently nudged two of his thick fingers against the rim of your aching entrance. "Let me hear all those sweet, beautiful noises you make," he groaned before slowly pushing his fingers inside your pulsing walls. Your jaw went slack as you already felt filled by his girthy digits.
"O-Oh my-" your throat tightened as you felt every curve and divot of his fingers caressed the inside of your velvety cunt.
"Yes, that's it. That's my good girl," Miguel rumbled as he slowly pumped his digits inside your stretched out hole. Your pussy clenched around his digits as he lapped at your clit, the tip of his tongue flicking over your swollen button. "Taking my fingers so well," he breathed before planting a sloppy kiss over your cunt. The delicious drag of his fingers inside your tight walls mixed with the sweet suction of his lips drew another loud whine out of your throat.
"Fuck Miguel!" you screamed as your cunt gushed around his thick digits. Your eyes shot open when he licked over your clit again, but this time, his tongue felt strangely different. Your eyes grew impossibly wider as you looked down. Miguel's mouth was replaced with Venom's, though it was still his own scarlet eyes staring into your own. You felt a whirlwind of emotions as your legs remained spread before the amalgamation before you.
"W-What-" your lips remained parted as he squeezed your legs, a low rumble rising from his throat as he swiped his tongue back and forth across your wetness. Your strangled moan rose through the room as you felt something slick begin to slide over your legs and abdomen. Your eyelids fluttered as Venom's tendrils began to eagerly rub your hardened nipples as he lashed the tip of his tongue over your needy clit.
Miguel's eyes flashed with red before he quickly ripped his fingers from your now gaping hole. You shot your head up before he quickly replaced his digits by shoving his long, lithe tongue deep inside your plush pussy.
"H-Holy fuck," you panted and bucked your hips forward as you saw a bulge grow in your lower belly, the tip of his new tongue grazing over your soft cervix. Your toes curled as he arched his slick muscle inside your walls, spreading them open with a wet squelch.
"B-Baby," you moaned as you tugged on his hair. Miguel groaned, his voice much deeper and gutteral than usual as he began to slowly thrust his tongue deep inside your tight, warm cavern. Your moans could've shaken the couch as you felt his tongue stroke each and every inch of your tender walls. Each of your nerve endings lit up with pleasure as Venom's tentacles stroked your nipples and puffy clit, the steady drag of his lithe muscle making your walls flutter.
"Miguel, f-fuck, I-I'm gonna cum!" you groaned as you ground your hips against his face. You felt his grip on your legs tighten as he thrusted his tongue even faster, the tendrils wrapped around your breasts and clit now rapidly massaging them.
"A-AH!" you screamed as your hips snapped forward. Your body tensed beneath his grip as he thrusted his entire tongue deep inside your pulsing sex. You moaned and babbled his name as you rolled your hips forward, your warm juices gushing all over his tongue and dripping down his chin as you violently came.
Miguel's eyelids fluttered as a gutteral moan left his parted lips.
"F-Fuck," you murmured as your legs shivered in his grasp, your walls still fluttering as he stuffed you full with his tongue. You panted heavily as you came down from your high, your body glowing in a thin sheen of sweat. A soft whine escaped you as Miguel slowly withdrew his long tongue, the feeling of emptiness quickly rushing into your needy cunt. Your dismay was quickly replaced with pleasure as he slowly licked all the way from the stretched-out rim of your entrance to your swollen, over-sensitive clit.
You mewled as your hips shot up, a small grin forming over Miguel's face as Venom's tongue began to slowly withdraw. Your thighs trembled against his ears as he pressed a gentle kiss to your bundle of nerves. You moaned softly as he locked eyes with you, his gaze tender and lit with an insatiable desire as he slowly pulled his lips back. A string of spit and slick connected his mouth to your weeping sex before he licked his plump lips.
"How are you feeling?" he panted heavily as the tentacles around your breasts rested against your nipples. You swallowed thickly and shifted beneath him, your head still spinning with pure bliss.
"G-Good, really good," you breathed. Miguel cracked another smile before he gently kissed your stomach.
"Do you think you can do another round?" he murmured against your skin. Your heart skipped a beat as you drew in a sharp breath.
"I-I think so. Just give me a second," you said as you tried to prop yourself up on your forearms. Miguel sighed and laid several lazy kisses over your abdomen, his teeth gently pinching the skin every now and then.
"When this is over, I'm taking you out to a proper dinner," he rumbled, his hands gently rubbing and squeezing your hips. The tips of your ears burned.
"R-Really?" you murmured with a wide grin. Miguel's crimson eyes sparkled as he gave you a soft smile.
"Of course. While I do think we're doing things a little backwards...I honestly don't really care at this point," he chuckled while massaging the flesh of your hips. You bit your lip and released a small moan. "I want to do all the things I should've done, and that includes taking you to a nice restaurant," he grinned. You blushed even more as your smile grew.
"O-Okay. But none of those fancy places where they only serve you, like, a tablespoon of food," you warned with a playful smirk. Miguel chuckled and nodded.
"Deal," he smiled and rested his chin on your stomach. "Now...about our next round..." Miguel continued with a mischievous grin.
You gasped as a new pair of tendrils flipped you around. Your breasts and stomach squished against the plush couch cushions as your ass wiggled in the air. You arched your back as Miguel's palms smoothed over the globes of your bum, a low groan heard behind you. You squeaked as he gave your bum a small spanking before spreading your cheeks apart.
"Mmm look at you, you're practically dripping from before," Miguel grunted as he spread your labia apart with his fingers, thick strings of your juices and his spit stretching between your lower lips. You squealed as a rush of adrenaline swept through your body, your core already aching to be touched again.
"Miguel..." you breathed and wiggled your hips. The man above you chuckled softly as you heard him unzip his pants. A jolt of electricity shot through you as you soon felt something hot and wet slap against the crevice of your ass, a drop of precum gliding over your skin as he groaned.
"God, I can't wait to be inside you," Miguel rumbled as he slowly dragged his thick, veiny cock between your supple cheeks. You whined as he grabbed his dick and slotted it between your thighs, his shaft gliding along your slit and spreading the mess to your legs. You gasped as you felt his burning tip rub against your needy clit, your head reeling with mind-numbing pleasure. You moaned and shifted your ass back against his lean abs, the slick sound of him rubbing his erect cock under your folds making your head spin even more.
"Miguel, please. I-I need you," you moaned. You could practically feel him grin as he leaned against your trembling form.
"Do you want me to use a condom?" he whispered huskily as he nipped at your ear. You parted your lips and shook your head.
"N-No, I'm on birth control," you reassured him in a low whisper. He grinned against the shell of your ear before angling his hips against your rear. You moaned as you felt his tip nudge at the tight rim of your entrance, your body trembling with pure, carnal need.
"Just take some deep breaths for me, okay princesa?" Miguel whispered as he smoothed his hands over your hips. You nodded and swallowed a deep breath of air. You felt him smile against your skin as he slowly pushed inside your weeping hole.
"Fuck!" you gasped and gripped the cushion as you felt his thick, round tip start to spread your gummy walls apart. His low moan made you shake with bliss as you felt him inch inside your pussy, your walls gripping him deliciously as you breathed his name. Miguel's grip on your hips grew tighter with every inch of his thick cock that was swallowed by your warmth.
"S-So tight, hermosa," he swallowed thickly. Both of you gasped when his sharp hips met with your ass, the fullness inside your tight cunt making your back arch impossibly more. You heard him swallow again as Venom's tentacles began to gently rub your nipples again. You mewled as the slick tendrils wrapped around your hard buds and twisted them ever so slightly.
"Mmm, that's it," Miguel whispered as he slowly pulled his hips back. Your jaw went completely slack as he snapped them forward, his tip roughly kissing your cervix.
"A-Ah!" you mewled loudly as he continued the steady pace of slowly pulling out, only for his hips to slap against you as he bottomed out each time. The couch creaked as his rhythm began to increase, his heavy balls now wetly slapping against your clit with every snap of his hips.
"Miguel, ohhh god r-right there," you slurred, your mind completely drunk on the feeling of his cock massaging your velvety walls. You threw your head back as you felt his thick tip rub against your spongey g-spot, your cunt pulsing around his hard cock as a wave of pleasure washed over you.
"You feel so good, (Y/N). Your pussy wraps around me so perfectly," he whispered before capturing your earlobe between his lips, suckling on it lightly. You whined as the tentacles and his cock began to move even faster, your heart pounding in your sternum as your pussy began to feel tighter and tighter. "Shit, gripping s-so good," Miguel groaned, his chest flush against your upper back as his cock rubbed each and every part of your leaking cunt.
"Miguel, i-if you keep going this fast, I'm g-gonna cum," you tried to warn him. Your breath hitched as he suckled on the spot behind your ear, his fingernails digging into the soft skin of your hips as he growled lowly.
"Good," he rumbled, his voice much more raspy and feral than before. You felt Venom's tendrils squeeze your breasts as another two grabbed your waist. You squealed as you were flipped around, the room around you blurring before you were face to face with Miguel. You had no time to think about the tentacles sprouting from his back before your arms were pinned above your head by the writhing appendages. Your heart raced as the tentacles from before lapped and curled around your nipples, another one gently massaging your bundle of nerves as Miguel pounded into your pretty pussy.
"Ay dios mío, eres tan p-perfecta," Miguel groaned gutturally, his hot breath cascading over your face [Oh my God, you're so perfect]. You moaned as he captured your lips in a heated, sloppy kiss, the sound of skin wetly slapping against skin loudly echoing through your living room. Your breathing was growing more and more ragged with every drag of his cock and swipe of the tendrils, your heartbeat growing louder and louder inside your ears as you felt the muscles in your lower stomach start to quickly wind together.
"M-Miguel!" you screamed as white flashed across your vision. You shivered beneath him as your pussy squirted all along his abs, your body and mind torn apart in the riptide of pure, unbridled ecstasy. "Mmm yes," you slurred, your head reeling as stars danced in your line of sight. You mewled as Miguel locked lips with you again, his nostrils flaring as he playfully flicked his tongue against yours.
"That's my good girl, cumming around my c-cock," Miguel's breath faltered as your pussy hugged him in an impossibly tight grip. It wasn't long before his thrusts began to grow even faster and sloppy. "S-Shit. Where do you want me?" he asked in a low rumble. You whined and thrashed beneath him.
"Inside!" you moaned as your back arched off the couch. A deep groan reverberated within Miguel's chest as he slammed his hips down for the last time. Both of you moaned as you felt his cock twitch inside your puffy cunt, his cum flooding every inch of your slick heat. The tendrils around your body squeezed you tightly as Miguel closed his eyes, his Adam's apple bobbing as his cock continued to pulse deep inside you.
He swallowed thickly before slowly pulling out; a loud, wet "pop" ringing in your ears and making you shake. You panted heavily, the tentacles slowly withdrawing from your goose-bump riddled skin and back to Miguel's heaving form. You slowly brought a hand up to Miguel's cheek, smiling warmly.
"Thank you," you said breathlessly. Miguel's brows shot up as he let out a small chuckle.
"For what?" he whispered before pecking your lips, his strong arms now wrapped around your smaller form. You sighed as you gently smoothed your thumb over his cheek, soaking in the feeling of his warm body pressed against yours.
"For making my dream come true," you whispered. A small hint of pink dusted Miguel's cheeks as his smile softened. He gently kissed your forehead as he stroked your sides.
"You're welcome, hermosa," he whispered back and held you close.
I shall leave you with this (use it wisely):
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Thank you for reading! ❤️
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ot3 · 11 days
hey, i only just recently finished bridge to turnabout (the final case of the aa trilogy) and wanted to go back and see your thoughts on godot since personally i have very mixed feelings on him altogether. you can just reply with a link to a post where youve already explained how you feel in more detail (i remember seeing a post where you have but tumblr search function is ass so i cant find the one i was thinking about) or use this as an opportunity to bitch about him if youd like. but i generally think that you have a knack for putting opinions i already have into words perfectly and wanted to revisit ones on him specifically with a new set of eyes now that i finally understand the context behind everything. peace and love ✌🏽
ohhhhh man godot. a lot to unpack there. I feel like for the most part whatever thoughts i've posted about godot have been kind of piecemeal so ill try and put it into something more coherent and comprehensive here. well first of all congrats on finishing the trilogy i hope you enjoyed it!!! bridge to the turnabout is SUCH an excellent case on almost every level but. the writing centered around godot really spoils it and stops it from living up to it's full potential....
i was warned i wasnt going to like godot going in so i was really surprised that up until bttt, i actually did end up liking him! i thought he was hysterical! and i still do. but i really can't Like him because of what the writing centered around him does to the integrity of aa3's arc. I don't like what it does to mia's place in the narrative and I think it undercuts the emotional realism that makes ace attorney's slapstick ass nonsense murders manage to land right. i guess ill address each one of those points on their own?
I don't like what godot's writing does to mia's place in the narrative!
Mia's death is something that's completely within her own agency; it is her own phone call with her own sister, talking about evidence for the case she herself has spent years building, that gets her killed. None of this has anything to do with phoenix. She is no strings attached presented as his mentor figure and I think this dynamic is what prevents Mia's death from feeling like fridging despite it technically being something that has to happen to allow phoenix to take center stage in the upcoming events of the game.
then godot comes in and the narrative he imposes on her death feels like it retroactively turns it into Fridging! I mean 'is this character death the Fridging Trope or the Death of the Mentor Trope' is kind of milquetoast tvropes brained level media critique here but im really using these concepts as a shorthand for the level of agency a female character is allowed to have in her own death, and the degree to which that death is used as a tool for men's emotional development. but anyway the point being that the fact that godot views mia death as phoenix's responsibility is an inherently misogynistic bit of character writing. their power dynamic is such that mia was the one responsible for phoenix's wellbeing if anything, as his boss, his senior, and his mentor; the only reason godot presumes phoenix to be responsible for mia's death is because he a man who was in proximity to her! which fucking suuuucks.
Something I don't see talked about a lot is that godot also has beef with phoenix for being dahlia's stooge, which i think is a MUCH more interesting angle for his character. but that's presented as a separate thing from his feelings about mia's death
Godot: …… I never liked you. Six years ago… …you helped the woman who put me to sleep by hiding her bottle of poison. And then… While I was sleeping… …you let Mia die. But you didn't care. You just kept living your pathetic, happy-go-lucky life. You even had the nerve to follow in her footsteps as a lawyer. I could never forgive you. That's what I thought.
now to be clear i don't think the narrative frames his blaming phoenix as something we're supposed to agree with. Godot has his whole confession at the end where he admits he views himself as responsible for failing to protect her. but it does basically mean that her death stops being something that was About herself and the choices she made and her relationship to her family, and instead becomes About the effect it had on the men in her life. which i really don't like!
NUMBER TWO. I think godot's writing lessens my ability to get emotionally involved in this case
Even within ace attorney's fucking moon logic bridge to the turnabout pushes my suspension of disbelief past its breaking point. I don't care about the pendulum horseshit. I don't care about the ghost possession. I'll accept all of that. What I can't accept is: why does no one EXCEPT godot himself seem to care that this entire murder could have been avoided if maya at any point been warned about it? Misty and Iris just as guilty of this as godot is, but the biggest difference between them and godot is that 1. misty has been a deadbeat for ages and is now just Dead. Her primary established character trait is not talking to her fucking kids. 2. Iris has been working as dahlias accomplice for her entire life and so the idea that she would willingly conceal this has much more legitimacy to me.
We are supposed to accept and sympathize with the idea that protecting maya Actually Was Something He Did. I say were are expected to accept and sympathize with that because phoenix and maya sure do! I guess you could interpret this as them trying to give some comfort to a man that is clearly at the end of his rope and about to be sent to prison.
Phoenix: Y-You're wrong! You put your life on the line to save Maya! Godot: Was it really for Maya's sake...? Even I'm not really sure. [cut some lines for brevity] Godot: You were the one who made me realize my folly. You never ran away from Mia's death. Instead, you picked up where she left off, as a true defender of the people. In that one moment... I understood everything! Phoenix: Mr. Godot... Godot: I think you already know this, but if you don't... My name is... Diego Armando. Maya: M-Mr. Armando! I believe in you! I know you were trying to save me!
then, later on:
Phoenix: (So I guess it's all over... The way everything ended... Was justice really served...? The man who risked his life to save Maya is being sent to prison by my own hand...) Mia: Of course justice was served. Phoenix: M-Mia! Mia: ...I'm proud of you, Phoenix. Your defense was... truly brilliant. Phoenix: B-But I couldn't save Mr. Armando! The man who cared so deeply for you... Mia: You're wrong, Phoenix. You did save Diego. You saved him in the only way possible.
I guess technically godot did risk his life to save maya. and I do like the conclusion that basically being laid bare and brought to accountability like that is what godot needed to 'save' him. but i'm just not sure why the fact that maya was only in danger in the first place due to godot's choices doesn't factor into how phoenix feels about him 'saving' her. I just don't buy it!!!
It lacks the emotional weight that other instances of Avoidable Tragedy in the series have had. Ace attorney is at its best when the relatively grounded emotions are contrasted by the zany impossible crime antics. But i think BTTT is an instance where the emotional realism isnt taken far enough to distract me from the convoluted nature of the actual events that have just taken place. Rather than being so in touch with the characters during this case that i can tap into the Tragedy aspect of 'this didnt need to happen like it did' i just find myself frustrated by the fact that it didn't need to happen like it did. It kind of chafes the whole case for me and at the end I didn't feel any sort of cathartic victory regarding the events that had just transpired. but that was clearly the feeling they were going for
i did enjoy godots for the most part, but i think you'd need to make some serious overhauls to the storyline to have this specific case reach its full potential. it's a good case! but as the end to the entire trilogy i just can't help but resent the fact that it has the clumsiest writing out of any of the individual games' finales. and that everything i disliked about it is attributed to the actions godot took and the reactions other characters had to that.
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(Posting my threads on tumblr so I can talk to fellow Akane/Rankane enjoyers, part 1) (manga exclusive, I haven't seen the 80s anime)
When Kasumi says this, Ranma has already experienced both sides of Akane. He likes both the fire and the sweetness, but he doesn't know how to get the sweet side... and therein lies the problem.
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Early on we learn that even if Akane defies others' very rigid ideas of femininity because she [gaps] likes to have short hair and "acts like a boy," she wants to be beautiful. she wants to feel loved and wanted. When Ranma calls her uncute, he's picking at her biggest insecurity.
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And so Akane retaliates by beating his ass. He can be a jerk, but I don't think he ever wants to hurt her (he can't think of anything else/tries to make it up to her if a line is crossed) but he picks fights with her constantly because he doesn't know how else to get her attention.
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He's no fan of being punched if it feels like a rejection and/or he doesn't get what he did wrong, but he knows damn well he's going to be sent flying when he teases her, and he does it constantly anyway... you gotta consider that on some level he likes it.
I think Ranma likes it as long as it is unserious because he loves fighting, but he refuses to fight with Akane physically/hit a girl, so the pull and push of teasing her and her hitting him with toon force (gotta remember this is slapstick) is a version of sparring. Martial arts is what he knows best, after all.
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Ranma likes Akane's fiery spirit. He also picks fights with her to "fire her up" because he doesn't like seeing her sad. If Akane is sad or genuinely mad at him, Ranma can think of anything else.
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Another part of Ranma teasing her is that it's a way to hide his feelings and "protect himself" ... but when Akane is down, he can push through and admit he actually finds her cute. I think the first time he says it it's "easy" because he hasn't yet realize how much he likes her.
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Ranma is casual when he calls other girls cute because it doesn't matter as he doesn't have feelings for them. But once it dawns on him how much it matters with Akane, it becomes very difficult to say it, because there are feelings attached to it.
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But even if Ranma picks on her insecurities, a character defining moment comes with Ranma telling her that he thinks short hair (the hair Akane chooses when she's truly herself, as opposed to trying to conform to an idea of beauty/love) looks better on her.
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Being sincere and vulnerable with Akane gets him her very coveted sweet side, but as simple as it sounds and as much as he wants her to be "cute" with him, it's very difficult for him in practice.
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Just like how Akane sometimes jealously hits him, Ranma picking on her can also be jealousy. Plenty of examples with Ryoga but this sets the stage. Look at him trying to get her attention when the doc makes her blush. He wants her attention on him, not on other guys.
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Adding to their fights (Ranma picking on her, Akane hitting him) being like sparring: part of it is not wanting to "lose" ... Ranma reacts to Akane hurting his feelings, and Akane also reacts to Ranma hurting her feelings, and so neither can "give in" and admit shit.
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So much is going on in their dynamic, and much of it is set up in the first couple of chapters (including that if Ranma gets comically kicked by Akane, he likely had it coming... they even spell out that this is how it's going to work, and boy does he earn some of those punches)
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Another thing playing into Ranma shielding his feelings so much I think is that when he meets Akane, some of the first things he learns about her is that she's immensely popular and than she liked someone else. That would fuck with anyone's confidence.
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I've said Ranma teasing Akane is like a kid pulling on the pigtails of the girl he likes, and in one of the first chapters he literally pulls her hair ribbon to get her attention lol
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meglosthegreat · 11 months
I recently recced someone Dishonored, and in doing so realized that the reasons I love the series and the reasons game reviewers and media outlets loved the series are actually very different. So whatever you've heard about it being an inventive and mechanically intricate immersive sim, here's why you should actually play these games:
Corvo, the depressed dad who is also a rampant kleptomaniac who does a little bit (or a lot) of murder but it's ok because it's not as much murder as the ones he's murdering
Daud, the depressed ace/aro king who does one little war crime that everyone won't shut up about and is then sad for the rest of the series
Emily, the depressed empress who was actually pretty bad at ruling and needed to go murder a few people (or a lot) in order to get better at it
Billie, the depressed criminal who somehow ends up being a video game protagonist as a 40+ year-old black lesbian woman and is perpetually done with everyone's shit
The Outsider, the depressed god who is constantly soaking wet and torments people by giving them the power to do war crimes while also gleefully watching them slowly go insane
And that's just the major players! You also get as a bonus, in no particular order: deep worldbuilding, immaculate aesthetics, comically evil fucked up little guys, comically tragic fucked up little guys, talking rats, time travel shenanigans, slapstick comedy, and as much poetic justice as your twisted little heart desires.
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ok so like objectively yes ed did things wrong but not only do i personally feel no negative emotions about any of that, i swear it would make more sense tonally with the rest of the show to NOT make a huge chunk of s2 be about ed facing the consequences for and redeeming himself from the marooning/pushing lucius overboard/izzy toe thing. like if im wrong i’m wrong and it’s whatever but i really really think the focus will be more on ed’s internal emotional state and how his choices were informed by trauma and how he’s going to learn to heal more than it’s gonna be like, Ed Learns It’s Wrong To Maroon People And Force Feed People Their Own Toes. like if anything i think it’ll be Ed Learns That He Deserves To Be Happy And He Also Realizes That Marooning People And Force Feeding People Their Own Toes Is An Unhealthy Coping Skill That Negatively Affects His Mental Health And He Learns New, Healthier Coping Strategies. like i think the focus of coming out of the kraken era is going to be almost entirely on ed’s feelings, and any mention of how his actions harmed the rest of the cast will be brief and/or it’ll primarily be played for comedy
which yes irl this would kinda suck to have some guy respond to getting his heart broken (and other stuff) by killing and maiming people and then have his whole journey of self-discovery be solely abt him and not any of the people he’s hurt. HOWEVER a biiiiiig part of the humor of the show is that the characters are experiencing some very real and very relatable self-esteem issues and insecurities and vulnerabilities, and all of that is placed on a backdrop of comedically gratuitous pirate violence. like this is a romcom and ed is basically going through the classic emotional beats of the romcom heroine getting her heart broken and eating a whole tub of ice cream and crying in her room for days before becoming cold and distant and “love is dead” edgy, only the joke is that bc he’s a pirate his “love is dead” romcom era includes some people actually literally dying. izzy and the crew all just happen to be in the blast radius for this joke, and while we as fans might love and care abt those characters too, the plain fact is that ed and stede are the main characters and the other characters’s feelings or storylines or internal motivations simply do not matter nearly as much to the show as theirs (with the exception of maybe jim, and also maybe olu depending on how s2 goes). and that’s literally just how romcoms work. this sort of “protagonist bias” is like, a core part of this kind of story.
and there’s nothing wrong with not vibing with the story because of that. if season two comes and goes and you aren’t happy with how the show handled the consequences of ed’s actions in e10 that’s fine, nobody has to feel any specific way about this show. but if i’m right and this is how s2 plays out and some of y’all don’t like this, the problem is not that ofmd is bad. the problem is just that this is not the story you wanted or expected to be told.
i DO think, tho, that there’s something very powerful abt a character like this being a queer indigenous man. he’s a gay romcom protagonist and narratively speaking his feelings trump all. this is a queer romcom that uses gratuitous slapstick violence as a punchline and where the queer main characters are allowed to get violent and unhinged about their feelings, and at the end of the day they ultimately get a pass bc it’s a gay romcom and the show is about them. like literally that description itself is more than i could’ve ever dreamed of from any tv show ever, and THEN you’re telling me that one of the main characters is indigenous???? it’s been a year and a half and s2 is right around the corner and i swear to god i still can’t believe this show actually exists. we don’t GET shows like this, we don’t GET characters like this. ed teach is such a fucking blessing of a character and i love him with all my heart.
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