#a fellow mechs fan
procrastinating my theatre hw and realised I forgot to post the first of my poll voted mechs pins!!!
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originally wanted to do the lesbian flag as the BG but felt it would be a bit TOO on the nose,,,,,
The "I did NOT end up in an emotionally charged narrative climax where I murdered my father” pin is coming next :)))))))
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reegis · 7 months
Somehow I am very confused that you, a person who I always relate to mechs only got 0.5% top listeners and I somehow got 0.1%
its the like. 2 month break i took to listen to nothing but Ghost 24/7 i just know it 😔😔
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labyrinthineclockwork · 7 months
In which Raphaella forces Jonny to let himself be comforted for once via a mild paralytic because he doesn't believe he deserves comfort enough to accept it on his own.
For the first time literally ever, I actually posted a fic I wrote! Since it's for the least popular fandom I've taken part in to date, I figured I'd add it to the relatively small pile for others to read if they so choose! A 'Holy shit! Two cakes!' Moment is what im hoping for but I am terrified. I've been writing fics for about 8 years now and finally have the courage to post one. Hope someone out there enjoys it.
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rocksanddeadflowers · 7 months
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Jonny D'Ville Jack O' Lantern to spook the spooks!!!! (Obviously put it outside after- just wanted pics on my candy table lmao.) Fun fact everything (except technically the heart candle bc that was sold as Halloween decor) is just from stuff I collect/make and regularly decorate with that looks sorta spooky so I get to show it off on Halloween... Also I dressed as (a goth-ified) Drumbot Brian for Halloween!!!!! I'm just not comfortable posting my face lol. Anyway Happy Halloween!!!!!!
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theresattrpgforthat · 1 month
hi! have you seen the TTRPGS for Palestine bundle yet? and do you have any recommendations from it
THEME: TTRPGS for Palestine
The TTRPGs for Palestine Bundle is going from April 12 to May 7, so there's not much time left to get it, but here's some recommendations of some really awesome games that you can find in it.
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Gubat Banwa, by makapatag.
GUBAT BANWA is a Martial Arts Tactics and War Drama Tabletop RPG where you play as martial artists poised to change the world: Kadungganan: the cavalry, the wandering swordsmen, the tide turners, the knights-errant, the ones to call in darkest night in a world inspired and centering Southeast Asian folklore.
Witness, grand warriors, honorable gallants that trudge and toil under kings and haloes. Witness, KADUNGGANAN, that refulgent name. That blasted name: WITNESS NOW. The end of days is upon us: and the new world MUST BE BORN. Bear your blades, incant your magicks. Cut open your tomorrow from the womb of violence. Inscribe your name upon the very akasha of this world. 
Gubat Banwa is designed for fans of 4th edition D&D, with in-depth character abilities that make you feel both unique and powerful, in a colourful and flavourful world full of vibrant cultures and clashing conflicts. The game uses an action economy with different action options carrying different weights, which also reminds me quite a bit of Lancer. If you want a game that pushes you to strategize with your friends and weigh your advancement options carefully, you want Gubat Banwa.
Gun & Slinger, by Nevyn Holmes.
GUN&SLINGER is an RPG geared for short, episodic sessions about a weapon and a wanderer. A Maestro and two players (Gun and Slinger) set out into a dead planet mutated by a god's forgotten child and hunt strange bounties, investigate the world and unlock hidden powers. During play, they seek to learn the nature of what’s hunting the Slinger, figure out why the Gun is sentient and discover how the world died.
This game is specifically for three players, using the rules of Go Fish as a resolution system. Gun & Slinger is all about using your resources to the best of their ability, and your resources might exist on your character sheet, but they also exist as cards in your hand.
What really intrigues me is the lore that’s baked into your character sheets. One of you is a wanderer in a twisted world, tempted by strange powers that guarantee to change you into a monster. One of you is a sentient magical gun, borne by that wanderer and designed to deliver death and pain.
Gun & Slinger has expansions included, allowing you to instead play as a wanderer possessed by a demon, a mech and a pilot fused as one, or someone who bears a cursed sword. I think the fact that it requires a small table and the fact that the characters’ lives are tied together makes this a high-stakes, terribly intimate game.
Apocalypse Frame, by Binary Star Games.
In a ruined and terraformed world where most of humanity is under the yoke of a brutal regime, the former workers of a once-remote factory - now known as The Collective - have risen up to create a future of freedom from oppression. You are an Ace - a highly skilled pilot referred from a Division in The Collective and assigned a humanoid combat vehicle known as a Frame. You and your Strike Team of fellow Aces must take on The Collective’s greatest threats, ensure its survival, and carve a path for its continued success.
Apocalypse Frame takes mechs and fits them into the LUMEN system, which centres competency as well as fast but effective rounds of combat. The game includes a variety of different threats, allowing you to tailor your campaign to your group’s tastes, and the tailoring doesn’t stop there. You choose both a division that your character belongs to, and then one of three mechs within that division, allowing players to share similar fighting styles but differ in weapons. You can also modify your basic frame, adding general modular systems alongside systems and armaments that can come with your mech, making character creation and progression exciting for folks who love tweaking and tailoring to their heart’s content.
If you’re a fan of Armored Core or Battletech, you’ll want to check out Apocalypse Frame.
Here, There Be Monsters!, by wendi yu.
No matter what they tell you, there’s still weirdness and wonder everywhere. You just have to know where to look. At the edges and cracks of ‘normal’ life we exist, we persist, and we resist: the monsters, the magicians, the anomalies, the freaks, and the outcasts. We gather in the shadows, trying our best to live our lives in a world that, when it doesn’t exactly fear or hate us, doesn't even believe in our existence.
here, there, be monsters! is a rules-lite response to monster-hunting media from the monsters' point of view. It's both a love letter and a middle finger to stuff like Hellboy (and the BPRD), the SCP Foundation, the Men in Black, the World of Darkness games and the Urban Fantasy genre in general. It is an explicitly queer, antifascist and anti-capitalist game about the monstrous and the weird, in any flavor you want, not as something to be feared, but to be cherished and protected.
Here, There, Be Monsters is a love-letter to anyone who has been made to feel monstrous, as well as an homage to media such as Hellboy, the SCP Foundation, and Men in Black. It’s urban fantasy meets organized power structures, and as the monsters, you’re here to burn those structures down.
This game uses descriptive tags to slap onto your characters to represent what they can do. You can choose from a number of different monster character backgrounds to give you guidance towards, and there’s plenty of monsters both in the base game and in the game jam wendi ran back in 2022. If you want a game of power, anti-capitalism, and punching up, this is the game for you.
Pale Dot, by Devin Nelson.
Pale Dot is a collaborative storytelling game for 2-5 players about a crew of non-human cosmonauts leaving their planet to explore a strange solar system, finding threads to unravel the unknown along the way. It is fantastical, surreal, and perhaps very unlike humanity’s own ventures in space exploration. Though one thing is universal: leaving home is terrifying, dangerous, humbling, and a catalyst for changing one’s perspective. 
Pale Dot is a GM-less game where players work together to create an alien setting and subsequently envelop it in cosmic mystery, embodying cosmonauts called Dustlings, as well as one of 5 different settings. During their journey they will be able to travel to 24 different locations within their solar system, each with several prompts for improvisational scenes. Each player will also have to manage the integrity of their cosmonaut and their shared ship while avoiding space's many perils.
The cover for Pale Dot gripped me the first time I saw it; a tiny creature in an astronaut suit, looking up in fear at something in the sky, as vegetation blooms inside their helmet. You play as the Dustlings, non-human but sentient species exploring the Cosmos, a strange, horrifying and wonderful universe that changes those who venture into it.
Mechanically, Pale Dot uses a GM-less structure similar to Dream Askew, but there feels to be a much bigger emphasis on the setting your cosmonauts explore, rather than the cosmonauts themselves. Your characters are assembled traits, drives and equipment, almost all of which can be expended to cause or solve problems. Each player is also responsible for at least one setting element, such as The Cosmic Wilderness, The Wondrous Endeavour, or The Omnipresent Danger. As you visit locations, different elements will be prompted to influence the scene, while your cosmonauts try to navigate the scene and try to finish the mission. If you want a game that is collaborative and evocative, I definitely recommend Pale Dot.
Fractal Romance, by Ostrichmonkey Games.
A never ending abstract landscape of rhythm and soft glamour. Wander the halls, rooms, and chambers. Encounter strange Denizens and get to know them better; befriend them, fall in love, just chill. Try and fill out your own blurred edges. Fractal Romance is a tabletop role playing hangout. You will pick up a character to play and explore the Fractal Palace, generating its infinite sprawl and the Denizens that inhabit it, as you play.
Fractal Romance is all about searching; for something you need, something you want, or even for who you are. It feels rather surreal, perhaps like a dream dimension that you are moving through. The game uses a deck of cards to generate rooms, as well as the denizens of this gigantic, dream-like palace. This game uses rather simplistic playbooks, each asking you to choose three descriptive words, and then uses cards to fuel your character’s actions: you have things you can always do, things that cost a card to do, and things that you must do in order to draw another card.
If what you want out of a game is a chill time with friends, moving from one vibe to another, and generating emotional stories for your characters, you might want to check out Fractal Romance.
Himbos of Myth and Mettle, by huge boar.
You are big. Big arms, big tits, big thighs, big brai- you're big where it matters. In addition to a heaving, throbbing body, glistening lightly with a thin sheen of pleasantly fragrant perspirant, you have one singular unifying trait  - come hell or high water, you are going to help.
Himbos of Myth & Mettle is a high fantasy, high camp role playing game of epic proportions (of body), for 2-5 players, one of whom will act as Game Guide.  The rules center around a simple roll under mechanic and prioritize narrative flair and cinematic descriptions. Himbos is inspired by many classic fantasy properties (and could be considered OSR adjacent) , but leans towards a more garish, salacious and queer (gay or odd, pick your fighter) style of play. It is designed with comedy and flamboyance in mind, but is not without it deeper and darker touches. It's definitely not grimdark, but there will probably be blood. Think classic fantasy pulp in style, but contemporary sensibilities, modern rules-lite mechanics, and a player philosophy centred in helping, kindness and being fucking hot.
I’ve heard rave reviews for Himbos, and I think the idea of leading an entire group of well-meaning but possibly over-ambitious adventurers is a great set-up for a game full of laughs. Himbos is very much designed for a light-hearted evening of fun, flirting, and fucking up (but in the best way).
Other Games from the Bundle I've Recommended:
Space Taxi, and Creation Myths, by GothHoblin.
Caltrop Core, by Titanomachy.
Souvenirs, by Rémi Töötätä.
Thunder in Our Hearts, by Marn. S.
Eldritch Courts of Some Repute, by AlanofAllTrades.
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puppetmaster203 · 5 months
Happy new years fellow mechs and tma fans hope your year is full of statements and drunk space pirates
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falliay · 9 months
P-food anon here. I'm alive, I just wanted to give you a rest from my asks.
Anyway, I'm curious about Jazz. I know most fans characterize him as the 'moral officer' of the Autobots that secretly analyzes his fellow bots but your Jazz doesn't sound like that. Is Jazz considered friendly or is he considered intimidating? How does the common Autobot see him and how does this view change after the Ark crashed?
Hello P-food anon! Nice to see you again.
Jazz is seen as a very competent and charismatic bot. Most respect him for his personality and skill. No one really knows him. Those who fight close to him notice how mysterious and private he is. His reputation is great despite that, and most find him to be a very fun and talented mech.
Is he intimidating? Absolutely! He knows how to get things done.
He’s sent on missions alone frequently - not because he’s arrogant but because he really is the best bot for the job.
After the Ark crashed, Jazz found himself opening up to others slowly. It was getting harder and harder to cope with all this trauma and looking after others while keeping all of this in. He needed at least someone to know who he truly was. To have a real relationship with someone, a real friend.
The Autobots slowly realize Jazz isn’t as perfect as they thought he was. He has his flaws, his feelings.
It’s safe to say the Autobots learn to love him even more after that.
warning: loud
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bambifornia · 1 month
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anyway decided to do the impossible today and made an autobot!swindle design :D back in the good ol' days when swindle's head actually looked proportional to his body
below the cut r some height comparisons, headcanons and some piss poor recolorings
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yeah so swindle here had a major growth spurt, but it's mostly due to the fact of the myriad of mods he's installed onto himself for the past millenia. one assumes he did this in order to even the playing field with decepticons, seeing these bots r common clients of his.
and while that is partially true (swindle has had to fight many, many cons after they found out he scammed them) another reason for the mods is to intimidate fellow autobots. after this guy bailed on cybertron, he was a pretty wanted mech and swindle wanted to at least be armed to the teeth, should the elite guard come to send him to the stockade again
but other than the DRASTIC height change, there's other changes made, such as:
- his pupils used to be circles, now they're slits
- he doesn't have his bolo tie yet. he added this later in order to make him look more "professional"
- his original designation isn't swindle. he donned that name to himself. im still tossing ideas on WHAT his designation used to be but ideally, I want it to be something relating to that subspace of his
- he had his legs, forearms, torso, and and shoulder pads enlarged in order to make him look more taller and "imposing"
- doesn't own his fusion cannon and all the extra weapons yet. it's just him and his personal subspace against the world
and, my personal idea
- the gold and purple paintjob aren't his actual colors. swindle here got himself a fancy new electronic paint job shortly after defecting to the decepticons
below r some attempts at what his original paint job used to look like (spoiler! im most definitely going to be making more cause im not a huge fan on the one i made rn)
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anyway. that's it. end of the post.
boy swindle changed a lot huh
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yumeinati · 6 months
Mechs Cover Server
Hello Stowaways!!
If you didn't know, I've managed to obtain the instrumentals for the entire Mechs discography (aside from DTTM but that may change if there is demand for it) and want to share it with the Mechs fanbase so that they can create their own covers!
Alongside this, I've decided to create a Discord server so that Mechs fans can create covers, find people to collaborate with on covers, and share any covers! Even if you don't sing, if you want to join to listen to covers and talk, that's fine too. This is a great way to make friends with fellow Stowaways!
If you don't wish to join the server, that's just fine, the files will be linked here as well, though I would love to see people's covers here on Tumblr if they're comfortable with it!
Aside from that, I hope the holidays are wonderful for everyone and I hope to see you in the server!!
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crying-fantasies · 4 months
Different versions: Jazz
G1/IDW mess
Found a good little fellow on Earth, found strange comradeship, and even more deviant attraction, was he scared of it? Not more of when he thought you were lost forever (in the base reality he indeed did, but in this one he is happy), in the first reality before the quantum jump of the Lost Light you did died while the arrival of Unicron took place, Jazz ends up finding what was left, just to remain in Cybertron and finally becoming a musician as he always wanted.
In the new reality, he kind of gets a good end, he is still a musician, but he also has you and all that comes with it.
It took a slower pace to accommodate your insecurities in how it would work, at least slow for him, do you have any idea how long he has been waiting for you to say something? He admits that maybe it should have been him, precious years wouldn't have been lost if he did, but he was also worried in how you would react to it, Jazz wanted to go along the pace you choose, smiling contently when you were finally able to accept what you felt for him and say it sincerely to him.
Pauline was a surprise he loved, Amberdust an unexpected addition that warmed his spark, Mariah a piece of you and him that will live forever, but he still wishes she didn't get so much of him, specially of when he was younger and wild (we don't know a lot of Jazz before he named himself... Jazz).
You weren't his first organic but you indeed were at least friends.
Music from earth is a new world for him, how can you little humans have so much in such a short existence? You ask him how is it possible for such an advanced race as his to only permit a handful of music to the public if it centered in the war and the good characteristic of the autobots in it? He gives you the reason, Sentinel is horrified by what you've done to Jazz.
Not really in a relationship, only good friends.
Good friends that struggle with keeping a steady communication signal because okay he was very far away, as in the other side of the Galaxy, but how come that they could do this before?
Shattered Glass
As far as it concerns everyone you're his pet/doll with whom he plays with, secretly attached to you, if somebot goes to his habsuit and tries to open your cage then he is already there, somehow, pointing their helm with the edge of his portable cannon.
You're well feed, clean, always wearing dresses that he seems to like for some strange reasons, maybe caused by how he finds funny when your blood vessels dilate and your little face gets all red after he puts a servo under and touches you directly, oh, but you look like a nun when he has to take you out of his habsuit not a fan of having you exposed to others, he doesn't show it but the feeling of danger in the air is still there.
There was this one time the ship almost crashed, by some miracle, or disgrace, you survived, and when a mech you've never seen in your life found your cage and squished you, demanding you squeal to entertain him, Jazz somehow appeared and destroyed that mech's whole neck cabling with his sharp dentae before putting you on his mouth to dissimulate to his peers, gesturing that he killed the mech he was trying to steal from him.
Jazz wasn't exactly lying, but you ask to yourself if it will hurt to use his sharp dentae to end your misery at the moment, he wouldn't try to save you if it meant to show a soft side in front of the other autobots.
Transformers Go! Go!
He thinks you're a neat human ally, will serenade you with his guitar outside of your home, Optimus comes hunting him down because he isn't working and Jazz returns to the base saying he will see you later, you were sleeping and only heard the ruckus, Jazz knows you've problems to sleep so he makes songs to help, totally out of his energetic persona but he is trying.
You still don't get he wants something romantic, Jazz is suffering comically but will not stop his crusade, Bumblebee thinks he is very manly and cool for it.
"Never give up on love, Bee", he says while composing a new song, in reality he will most likely stop if you tell him so, it'll break his spark but he'll accept it nonetheless, till then he'll fight!
Never meet each other.
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reegis · 1 year
My fellow mechanisms fan, your art is so pretty I am consuming it with my eyes, you talented living being 💞💪💞
🤝mechs fan solidarity ahdjfjf thank you so much!!!
have a date night snooze pile, just for u 🤲🏻
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raygirlramblings · 7 months
oh look it’s another Captain Laserhawk discussion, who’d have thunk it.
This time I want to go into detail about something which has been bugging me for a while and which I’ve yet to get a decent explanation for. The eternal question of WHO WAS PHONE?
More specifically, who was it who messaged Rayman to direct him to seek out Bullfrog at the courthouse?
Spoilers and discussion under the cut:
So, the general consensus amongst fans and viewers falls into 2 camps of who the mysterious voice was. People seem to think it was either the board of Directors who control Rayman and Eden (who we will call The Templars here just because it fits in universe), and the other half say it was The Warden aka Sarah Fisher acting on her own volition without the knowledge of her fellow Templars. People base this seemingly on the fact the call seemed to come from the Directors based on the image we see on Rayman’s screen matching those from his precious conversations.
Personally, I think neither of these options make any sense.
Firstly the Templars. Their plan seems to be (from the view of people who assume the message is from them) is that it’s a trap to lure Rayman to Red so they can capture him. This is RIDICULOUS and such a convoluted and messy plan. If the Templars wanted to capture Rayman they didn’t need to lure him out of his apartment with some vague message. He was alone and vulnerable in his apartment wasting away on booze and cocaine. And you know FOR SURE Eden has cameras trained on their mascot boy at all times of the day. The idea they would need some ridiculous trap to capture him is ludicrous.
Moreover I don’t believe the Templars even knew where Rayman was going when he went to see Bullfrog. When Red arrives he says ‘I've been looking everywhere for you’. Why would he say this if luring Rayman to Bullfrog was the Templar’s plan? If it was their plan why wasn’t Red in the room with Bullfrog to capture Rayman immediately? They didn’t need to leave him to have some long, mind opening convo with Bullfrog; if anything that made things exponentially worse for them as it was the straw that broke Rayman enough to become Ramon and kill them all (which again, the Templars are SURPRISED BY).
So no, I don’t believe the ‘seek the frog’ message came from the Templars.
But what about Sarah Fisher?
Again we have to think what her motivation is for pointing Rayman in the direction of Bullfrog. What does she have to gain from doing this? Sarah wanted access to the Wasteland VR setup, and if Eden launches its attack on the Wasteland it could destroy that. She wanted to get to Marcus Holloway and seize control of the system.
Rayman does not factor into her plan in any way. Neither did Bullfrog. She had Laserhawk and that was part of her key to get to Holloway. Everyone else was expendable.
‘But maybe she wanted Rayman to take out the rest of the Templars!’
How would she be able to predict that?! She would have had to know EXACTLY what Bullfrog was going to say to Rayman, how it would affect Ray’s psyche, assume Red would blow his mission to capture Rayman, and assume Rayman had access to enough firepower and skill to get to the Templars and kill them. THERE WAS LITERALLY NO WAY SHE COULD PREDICT ANY OF THAT.
Hell, she got LUCKY that Dolph had a change of heart and attempted to return to the city to save Bullfrog, and in turn he ran into the army heading to the Wasteland and wrecked them all in spite of her attempts to sabotage his robot parts. If he had stayed in the VR beach paradise or had died being crushed by Red in his mech the army would have swarmed the facility and EVERYONE WOULD HAVE PROBABLY DIED.
Sarah’s plan is purely based on luck and the fact that Marcus showed mercy to her. The idea she was a puppet master for a completely random set of events surrounding her goal is ridiculous. Sure it worked out perfectly for her in the end as the only surviving Templar but I still refuse to believe she planned for that. Her ultimate end goal was the VR facility, not power over the Templars. Once she had the VR facility she would have found a way to take out her fellow Templars without Ramon's help.
So if it wasn’t Sarah Fisher or the Templars then WHO WAS PHONE?
Thankfully we have some suggestions which actually make sense in the grander scheme of the world, but they do rely on a little theory crafting which sets up for S2.
For me there are 3 possible people who could have been on that call posing as the Templars.
1 - Marcus Holloway
2 - Sam Fisher
3 - Alex Taylor
Marcus Holloway is an easy one. As a master Hacker who has been breaking into Eden’s systems for decades I can imagine he has some methods of getting into the systems and pretending to be whoever he wants to be. The only reason he didn't do it sooner is that Rayman was constantly protected by Eden so any attempts to get to him would have been pointless. But after his TV freakout and being replaced it's a perfect time for Marcus to get to him and try and undermine the Templar's control.
'Oh but how would Marcus know about any of what happened with Rayman if the Templars just replaced him?'.
How would Marcus know about anything that happened with Dolph, Alex, Sarah, the Ghosts or anything else the happened in Eden if he wasn't there? He's a master Hacker, we can assume he has ways.
But why? I'm assuming primarily because using Eden's own propaganda pawn to undermine them is wildly poetic to Marcus. Maybe there is some empathy for Rayman here but much like Sarah he had no idea to what lengths Rayman/Ramon's mental breakdown would go. It worked out for him in the end though with the Templars being massacred.
Sam Fisher relies a little more on speculation. In the post credits scene of the final episode we see Dolph chatting to Sam in a digital void. There is some suggestion that the world we are seeing is not real. A Matrix world with reset abilities. This would explain a lot of things which could easily have been deaths turning out to be fine (Red being a clear example, also Dolph being shot at point blank range by Alex and surviving).
If Sam does have some kind of 'overseer' position this gives him access to far more information than anyone else. He could foresee the only way out for Bullfrog being at Rayman/Ramon's hands as Dolph was too far away and everyone else was dead. A little bit of manipulation of Rayman's fragile psyche in this matrix world would be easy for someone with a birds eye view that Sam could have.
As is the idea that Alex Taylor is responsible...seeing as he's dead. But before he died he took over most of Pagan Min's men and their connections. Either he set up the plan to be enacted in the event of his death or he has some similar kind of setup Sam has. After all, Alex's opening of the dimension X portal allowing the Rabbids in is what lead to Rayman's freak out at Red on TV, leading to his replacement. Alex seems to have some grander picture in mind for Eden before his death, and as violent and ridiculous as it is it does tie into his desire for chaos. The shaking up of the entire Eden system seems to reach beyond just screwing with the populace. Much like Marcus, the concept of using Rayman against the Templars would be part of the complete chaos Alex is looking for. With the Templars dead there is a power vacuum.
I know this one is a bit of a stretch but to be brutally honest I'll accept Alex toying with things from beyond the grave before I accept that the Templars sent Rayman to Bullfrog in an attempt to contain him XD
So yeah, those are my ridiculously long thoughts regarding the WHO WAS PHONE mystery. You are welcome to wildly disagree with me or point out my lack of logic as you see fit XD Also point out if I missed some important plotpoint :3
Heck there's an argument to be made that the message came from someone we've not met yet, or another member of the Templars working alone, but we have nothing to confirm this yet. Hopefully if we get a season 2 all will be revealed!
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Calling tma fans!!!! Magnus archive fan and dnd player here; does anyone have any ideas of how to incorporate the entities into a space setting? I’m already taking huge the mechanisms inspiration for my plans for this campaign (space pirates) but hypothetically making an avatar of en entity like the vast into an eldrich horror monster or something or making an entity serving warlock as a bbeg or npc is on my list of plans but I don’t have a ton of ideas and I wanna see if anyone else has any ideas !!
(Side note fellow mechs fans I will also take any suggestions)
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chriskotthoff · 1 year
Lets Talk About Battletech
Felt like gushing about the one sci-fi series that I have always nerded out over, so lets talk about big stompy robot and one of the last bastions of the real-robot mecha sub-genre in this cyberpunk world we now live in.  
My introduction to Battletech was the Animated series that aired for one season in 1994. It was far from the best cartoon, mostly serving as a meme generator for the current fandom. Exo-Squad was on their second season by that time and had superior animation and story telling but there was something about Battletech that kept me and my friends talking about it. That something was the Battletech universes itself. As flawed as the cartoon was, it did a great job summing up the Inner Sphere in it’s 60 second intro. The show leaves out a lot but if it’s mission was a simple introduction, sampler to the much broader Battletech Universe, mission accomplished.
After the cartoon ended, my buddies found the Battletech novel series at the local book store, that lead us to find the Battletech 3rd edition table top game and in 1995, Activsion published MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat. After that, I was unapologetic Battletech nerd.
What was it that made me fall in love with the game? Allot of little things. The ‘Mechs that took center stage in Battletech had wight, they looked and felt like combat machines. Each Battlemech looks purpose built for war, walking weapon platforms that would crush foes under foot given the chance. The stories themselves are not award winning but most are relatable. Each conflict has petty beginning and costly consequences. Few things are black and white, war itself was the enemy but was also celebrated. Each character had their own self serving motivations rather than some altruistic idea, be it seeking honor and glory or avenging their home planet lost to conflict. It wasn’t ultra-bleak like 40K but it was acknowledging there is little black and white in war, just allot of gray. You are piloting a towering killing machine and winning sometimes means just getting back alive after you run out of ammo, your armor has been shredded and the other mechs are hunting you down.
As with any community built around a war game, you do run into occasional jerks you need to block but I found most of my interaction with fellow Battletech fans to be good ones. Some of my most cherish from my childhood was playing the table top with my school yard friends or talking about that stupid cartoon. Made new friends simple sharing Battletech fan art and still enjoy talking about Battlemechs with my current social group when I can.  
Coming full circle; If that stupid, stupid cartoon can teach us anything, don’t be petty. It’s far easier to make enemies than allies and in this world of gray, do the right thing when you can… that and Nicolai Malthus was an ass... sorry Jade Falcon fans but you know why he’s the meme. 
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Okay, last update on stickers from me
(At least last in the sense if i make em or not. Also, a bit of a game update)
After a ton of back and forth with a whole discord server, a fellow person who sells fan mechs stuff AND a friend having asked someone who would know the legal mechs stuff best (aka they asked the source directly for me- thanks so much for that btw♡ im a scared lil man), ive decided i WILL make stickers over redbubble! At first, probably some octokittens, but once the game is done, i might drop some more....relevant...stickers >:]
But due to deadname and gender issues, I've not been able to make a bank account yet, but as soon as i do, i will get on getting a KO-FI and redbubble shop set up!
Also i've been wanting to post anything exciting about the game, but i seem to be in a hard burnout, so I've mostly been drawing references and taking things chill. Maybe things will start back up once the feckin sun is back.
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mothwaistcoat · 20 days
going batshit crazy rn bc ur a fellow ponytown mechs fan
HELL YEAAH I loove PonyTown and the Mechanisms so much sjndjksndkjns I also have a few TMA skins
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