#a hint about what I’m working on for the distant future
eoieopda · 1 year
[svt as fuckboi archetypes]
disclaimer: don’t take it seriously. i was having a convo. with my sister about my truly tragic dating history, and now we’re all going to hold hands n process it together.
seungcheol: big “air mattress on the floor” energy. his gaming set-up is expensive and immaculate, but he’ll be goddamned if he spends a dime on — idk — a bed frame, for example. don’t sit on his chair, though, because it’s specifically angled for his lumbar-support needs.
jeonghan: the “i quit” dude at the show who still consistently asks to bum both a cigarette and a light. you’re not getting that lighter back, and he will not, in fact, “get you back” for the uber back to yours or the take-out he weasels out of you on the way. he’ll charm you out of caring about it, too :’(
joshua: it’s giving “anyway, here’s wonderwall”. why did he even bring his guitar to this party? you don’t know, and you’re not gonna ask because the answer will make you want to fuck him less, and you really, really want to fuck him.
junhui: the one that passes out immediately after sex, leaving you trapped in that “….should i…. leave? is staying…. fine?” liminal space. he wakes up in the middle of the night, wakes you up, and informs you that you chose wrong and “should probably head out” because he has to work in the morning.
wonwoo: the one that turns every conversation into a debate. you may have a literal degree in xyz, but he is serving fresh takes™️, so listen up, diva! the dick game is god-tier, though, so you’re just going to mentally replace the sound of his voice with a different muppet’s in every conversation and wait for him to shut up <3
soonyoung: the house guest!!! he’s going to miss every single hint you drop about wanting to sleep alone. he’s going to leave a sweatshirt in your drawer so he can be comfortable next time. he doesn’t do “one-night-stands”; he does residencies. hope you didn’t have other plans this weekend :/ (eta: i wrote a fic based on this head canon — sweatshirt season, posted 10/29/23 — which you can read here!)
woozi: he asks if he can say “i love you” during sex because it gets him hot, and then he later informs you that you can no longer hook up because things are “moving too fast”.
dokyeom: you’ve been hooking up for a few weeks, and now he’s babbling about wanting to go to xyz place with you at some point in the distant future. he says it like he’s deadass about it, then looks at you funny if you ask him to get drinks tomorrow night. good luck, charlie!
mingyu: the stage-five clinger. he’s never had a fuck buddy before, and it shows. he has no idea what this dynamic is supposed to be despite a) suggesting it in the first place, b) numerous conversations about it, and c) repeated affirmations that he isn’t looking for a relationship. but he’s PRETTY, okay??
minghao: halley’s comet has nothing on this mf. he dm’s you once a year, you have the best night of your life, then he is gone girl for the next 364. you and your friends have a bet going in the group chat to see how many consecutive months he’ll leave you on read.
seungkwan: the one that has never — not even once — asked you a personal question. that’s not to say he doesn’t talk; he never stops. you’ve learned everything about him (his home phone number from childhood, the names of all his coworkers + his thoughts about them), against your will. frankly, you’re not sure if he even remembers your name atp because he relies exclusively on a generic pet name.
vernon: he talks a big game about meeting up, missing you, etc., but when the plans are laid, he “fell asleep, i’m so sorry, i’m just now seeing this!! :(” you washed your hair for this? rip.
dino: the foster puppy!!! he’s an emotionally unavailable, certifiable mess when you get him. you clean him up, train him, and the second he gets his shit together, he’s off. he’s found his forever home, and he’s coincidentally getting married on your birthday. sorry, bestie!!
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bobbyseyesmile · 3 months
Attitude | Part 3
Summary: Y/N has to think about what she wants: a rather safe life with Shane but she‘ll lose her sanity and might explore parts of her own mind she must sacrifice or will she put a bullet, between his perfect brown eyes, as the rational side of her brain tries to advise her.
A/N: soo uhm, i‘m sorry (no i‘m not lol) this is filth. HAVE FUN also thanks to my lovely @angel-litter who inspired me to write a third part
Characters: Dark!ShaneWalsh x Reader
WARNINGS: age gap (reader is 18+) / explicit sexual content, swearing - I can’t stress enough that this is a dark fic: Shane is a mean motherfucker and just takes what he wants. Don’t like, don’t read. You’ve been warned.
Trigger warning: dub-con | 18+
🔞 MINORS DNI below the cut! 🔞
➻ Part 2 [M]
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The sun was setting over the horizon, casting long shadows over the prison walls. The world was quiet, save for the distant groans of walkers and the occasional rustle of leaves.
The group had settled for the evening, a small fire crackling in the front yard, warming the people who stood guard for the night. Shane Walsh sat on the outskirts, cleaning his gun with practiced ease. He glanced up, his eyes narrowing as you approached.
"Something you need, princess?" Shane drawled, his voice tinged with mockery.
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest. "Just checking to make sure you’re not planning to run off again. Wouldn’t want the group’s supposed protector to abandon us."
Shane smirked, his eyes glinting with mischief. He knew exactly what you were getting at: On last week’s supply run he disappeared for hours, nobody knew where he went and Rick got nervous as the hours passed by. When the sun began to set Shane casually walked towards the prison, not even batting an eye that almost everyone was looking for him.
Everyone but you. You kept telling yourself to stay away from him, not getting pulled into the dark abyss that surrounded Shane Walsh. He was a hothead and dangerous as he preferred to work alone instead of teams.
Your father worried a lot about the future; your mom’s pregnancy wasn’t helping at all. Thankfully you found the prison and its large protective walls that kept you save; as long as everyone was willing to do their part.
Except Shane fucking Walsh.
Shane’s eyes shamelessly wandered over your body, relishing the memories when you were a whimpering hot mess. His whimpering and hot mess. The older man knew exactly what chokehold he had over you and he so wished to make that chokehold a reality.
“Don’t worry about grown men business, little girl. Get your sexy ass back to the others, I’m sure your daddy needs you to count all the peas in the kitchen.”
Rage boiled inside your stomach and you stepped closer, heart pounding in your chest as its been months since you’ve been this close to him. “You know, Shane, it’s a wonder you keep others and yourself safe with that big ego of yours. Must be hard to fit through the doorways.”
It wasn’t your best comeback but something in his eyes flickered; a tiny hint of anger that washed over his face, giving you a feeling of satisfaction.
Shane chuckled, leaning back and taking in the sight in front of him. "My ego ain’t the only thing big but you already know that, don’t you baby?”
Heat rose to your cheeks, but you refused to back down. "Don't flatter yourself. You're just a big fish in a small pond."
"Oh, is that so?" Shane stood up, his towering presence making your heart race even more. He stepped closer, bodies almost touching. "You seem pretty interested in this big fish even though you try so hard to stay away from me."
You gulped and put a hand on his chest to keep some distance between, afraid someone might be watching you. “Sh-shut up, Shane.” His large hand wrapped around your wrist, giving it a harsh tug to close the distance between your bodies. You let out a small whimper; music to his ears and it made him contemplate the idea of fucking you right here right now.
“Careful, lamb, or I might need to remind you of your past lessons… but you’re not entirely hating the idea of that, do you?”
Your pulse quickened at his words, a mixture of anger and desire swirling within you. You turned your face to escape his intense stare, but Shane was relentless. His grip on your chin was firm, forcing you to face him again.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you. You wan’t me on your side, ya listen? Don’t push me away or ya won’t like the outcome.”
His voice was low and dangerous, each word sending shivers down your spine. Your breath hitched as you met his gaze, the raw power and emotion in his eyes both thrilling and terrifying.
“Shane-“ you whimpered “You’re hurting me.”
His dark eyes glistening with excitement. “Good. I know you like it.”
You swallowed hard, heart pounding in your chest. You hated how he made you feel, how he could so easily break through your defenses. But beneath the anger, there was something else—something that scared you even more than Shane’s crazy look. You were falling for him. Falling hard.
Shane's hand moved from your chin to your neck, his thumb brushing against your pulse point. "You feel that?" he asked, his voice softer now, almost tender. "That's your heart racing because of me.” His thumb continued to caress the soft skin until he positioned it under your chin, chocking you in a harsh grip.
“And I bet that’s your sweet lil' pussy, all flustered and dripping, begging for my cock. Ain’t that right, girl?”
As fast as his grip appeared on your neck it also disappeared as your father turned around the corner.
“There you are, sweetheart!” he spoke, voice soft and filled with love as he laid eyes on you. “Your mom needs you in the infirmary. Hershel’s already with her.”
Rick’s eyes wandered between you. “Everything alright here?”
“Well, I found Y/N wandering all alone out here. She should be inside after curfew.” Shane clicked his tongue as you threw him a spiteful glance. A smirk played around his lips as your father agreed.
“He’s right, Y/N. You know the rules; only the designated guards are allowed outside after 10 pm.”
“But, dad-“
“Zip it, honey. Go help your mother, she’s having another nauseous episode.”
“Great…” you whispered under your breath but softened your gaze when you noticed your father’s look. He was tired. “Okay, I’ll look after her.”
“That’s my baby girl.” he gave you a kiss on your forehead before starting to walk away. Shane waited for him to disappear around the corner before giving your ass a harsh slap.
“Ouch! What the fu-“
“Think of me when you bury your fingers in that sweet cunt tonight. As you do every night.” He whispered in your ear before giving you a slight push. “Now go.”
Almost two weeks passed and you managed to stay out of Shanes way, he was more impulsive than ever. Running around, barking commands and undermining your father as the leader of the group. You despised it, truly hated him and his behaviour but still you lied awake at night, thinking about his fingers and the way they would feel inside y-
“Y/N? Are you listening?”
You teared your mind away from the sinful fantasies it fabricated and turned your head towards your father. The group was sitting around a big table, eating dinner and discussing plans for the oncoming days.
“Huh?” you raised your eyebrows and saw as Shane frowned at you.
“Hell naw, she’s not even listening. Damn, Rick! She’s not fucking ready!” Your father sighed, rubbing his forehead in annoyment.
“No! I listened, I’m ready!” you quickly lied and Shanes eye twitched. He knew you were lying but of course Rick didn’t notice it.
“Really?” he asked and you quickly nodded, a tad to enthusiastic.
“Fine. Then it’s settled; you and Shane go on the supply run for this week.” You nodded once again, way less excited now and looked at Shane who had his arms crossed in front of his broad chest. “You listen to everything he says, is that clear, Y/N?”
Shane smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Oh, she will, Rick. She will.”
The next day the afternoon sun was setting, casting a dim, ominous light over the abandoned neighborhood. You and Shane moved cautiously through the empty streets, listening for any signs of movement.
"Stay close," Shane ordered, his voice gruff.
"I can take care of myself," you shot back but he ignored your sassiness as leaves rustled in distance.
As you approached an old, dilapidated house, the distant groans of walkers grew louder.
"Great," you muttered. "Just what we needed."
"Inside," Shane barked, grabbing your arm and pulling you towards the house.
Shane pushed you through the door, slamming it shut behind you. He quickly pushed a heavy piece of furniture against it, barricading you in. The walkers outside pounded against the walls, their growls echoing through the house.
You anxiously paced the room, nerves on edge. "This is just perfect. We’re trapped."
Shane ignored you, his focus on securing the surroundings. "We’ll be fine. Just stay quiet."
You stopped and glared at him. "You always think you know best, don’t you?"
Shane turned to face you, his eyes cold and hard. "Someone has to keep their head on straight. You’re too busy playing daddies little girl."
"Playing what?!" your voice rose. "I'm trying to survive, just like you!"
Shane stepped closer, his presence intimidating. "You think you can survive without me? You’d be dead if it wasn’t for me."
Your heart pounded, a mix of fear and anger flooding your veins. "I don’t need you, Shane. I can handle myself." He laughed, a harsh, mocking sound. "You keep telling yourself that, princess. But we both know the truth: your little crush isn’t that little anymore. You’re pathetic trying to deny it.”
You took a step back, but Shane followed, his eyes dark with a dangerous intensity. "Why are you doing this?" you demanded but your voice gave away. "Why do you have to be so… mean?"
"Mean?" Shane’s voice was low and menacing. "You think this is mean? You haven’t seen anything yet. I’ve been holding back, but maybe it’s time you learned just how serious I am."
Your breath hitched as Shane backed you against the wall, his body towering over you. "Shane, stop," you said, voice trembling.
"Stop? Why would I stop? You need to understand something, Y/N. You’re mine. You belong to me. And I’m not letting anyone, or anything, take you away."
Shane studied your eyes; they were filled with a mix of fear and defiance. "You don’t own me, Shane. I’m not yours to control."
He leaned in, his face inches from yours, his breath hot against your skin. "You think you have a choice? You think you can just walk away? You can’t, I won’t let you, ever.”
His lips crashed onto your own, fierce and demanding, his hands roaming possessively over your body. You tried to push him away, your brain telling you to get away from him but the wetness between your legs mocked you. Your own body betrayed you.
Shane’s hands gripping your waist, pulling you against his hard chest, his touch a mixture of possessiveness and arousal. You let out a moan as his knee pushed against your clothed sex, roughly rubbing you through your jeans. You needed more, more of him.
“Shut up.” He spit back, his fingers ripping the button off your pants. “All I want to hear are those pretty moans, you understand?” You wanted to protest but the look in his eyes made you change your mind so you just nodded. “Good girl.”
You sighed when his fingers finally touched you, he stroked them over the drenched material of your panties. “Of course.” he mocked and shoved a finger inside your entrance.
He set a fast and rough rhythm but you didn’t mind, all that mattered was the pure bliss that slowly spread through your system. “M-more.” you begged and it made him snort.
“Needy little whore. You can’t handle more but I’ll give it to you anyways.” A second finger entered you, spreading the tight walls to his liking.
Shane watched your face, your hooded eyes and slightly parted lips with a small whimper escaping here and there. But he needed you to understand that you were his, there was no escape from him. He needed you to scream his name.
“Fuck, darling, your little cunt is tight. This I will enjoy-“ You opened your eyes and glanced at his hardened cock, his tip red and angry and glistening with precum. Shane knew you were a virgin and it almost made him lose his mind as he imagined taking your innocence away for the first time. He saw the fear in your eyes and he loved it.
He lifted you up, slowly pushing inside you, watching all the emotions washing over your face and you never looked more beautiful to him.
“I c-can’t-“ you whimpered and he came to a stop, waiting for your eyes to open. When you did you saw his eyes soften, almost tenderly. But just a moment later you noticed the smirk around his lips. “You will.”
His cock suddenly entered you with such a force it squeezed all air out of your lungs, leaving you gasping between his chest and the wall he had caged you in. The sharp pain made your brain panic but your body, oh your body welcomed him with such ease it was almost embarrassing.
“Shit, you’re so fucking tight-“ he groaned and his fingers dug into the soft skin at your hips. It would leave marks, you were sure, but couldn’t care less.
The pain slowly faded into a completely unique and new feeling, a feeling deep inside you. Something your fingers never managed to even scratch the surface of it. You bit your lips till you tasted blood, his length filling you up at a relentlessly pace. Shanes hand circled around your delicate neck, the grip of his fingers began to tighten leaving you chocking around them. The lack of air left your brain in a hazy state.
You weren’t even sure how it was possible for him to be this deep inside you; his length made it seem impossible but your body proved you wrong as your hungry cunt swallowed him whole. Shane felt his release approaching the more he watched your face and listening to your sloppy moans.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your mouth hung open for a silent cry but nothing came out as your orgasm washed over you in intense waves; your blood rushing in your ears as you came all over his dick.
Shane roughly claimed your lips once again, dominating the kiss as it left you literally breathless. His grip on your waist increased, threatening to break you in half as he fucked you through both of your highs. He gave one final thrust before he came hot and heavy, painting your insides white.
The euphoria from your first time quickly vanished as you felt the warm liquid dripping down your legs. Shane noticed the panic in your eyes and let out a hoarse chuckle.
“Thought I was joking when I said I’ll never let ya go, huh? You’re fucking mine forever, princess.”
The rational part inside you was ready to run, to grab the nearest object and bash it over his head but the other part, the part that was hopelessly in love with this psychopath of a man, stayed still.
Accepting your new fate as you felt his lips on your ear:
“And I’ll kill everyone that comes between us.”
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nahoney22 · 1 year
Heyyy, I just wanted to say I love your writing. I know you have a lot of requests right now so please make sure to make time for yourself and take breaks!!
I'm going through a really hard time right now. And your works have been comforting me a lot. I don't want to overshare too much but I am very overwhelmed with the events going on in my life. My boyfriend asked me last night if I was okay and I just broke down.
I was wondering if you could write headcaonons about how the bad batch would react and comfort the reader in a similar situation? Like maybe they notice the reader has been closed off or just not themselves and when they check on them the reader breaks down?
If you're not comfortable writing this then no worries, I understand. Thank you 💕
Comforting Soulmates
All Bad Batch Boys X GN!Reader
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The boys comfort you when you’re at your lowest.
Warnings: angst and emotional reader with hints of insecurity and fears for the future but fixed with some fluff and comfort. Established relationships.
authors note: so sorry for the delay anon. I sincerely hope you’re having better days now. 💜
Dividers by @saradika and @itbmojojoejo - super cute and I fancied a change.
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When Echo asked you what was bothering you, having noticed your distant gazes and lack of interest in things. What he didn’t expect however was the tsunami of tears to pour down your cheeks at his question. Reacting quickly, he sat beside you and gently placed his hand on your back as you buried your face in your hands, struggling to catch your breath.
“Cyare, what is it?” He murmured, offering comfort by rubbing soothing circles on your back. It takes you a while but eventually, you begin to tell him that everything was too much, everything was moving too quickly and you just want it all to stop.
He patiently listened, refraining from interrupting, as you poured out your frustrations. Only the sound of your soft sniffles reverberated within the confines of the ship as you finally ceased your tears.
“I’m sorry you’re feeling this way, I wish I had asked you sooner.” He sighed, guilt biting away at him but this was about you now, and he wanted to give you the best advice he could.
“I know things are tough, especially after everything we’ve been through… but better days are definitely coming. It might not be today, or tomorrow but it is coming.”
You smile softly, wiping your tears with the back of your hand and lean into him. “Thank you, Echo.”
“It’s okay, I’m always, always here.”
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Wrecker barely had a chance to even ask about what was upsetting you. The moment he stepped onto the ship's plank, your arms enveloped him, seeking solace in his embrace big arms and warm body. As he felt his shirt grow damp against his chest, he realised you were crying and his heart sunk. "Baby? What's wrong?"
Without hesitation, he scooped you up in his arms, carrying you away from prying eyes to find a private space. Seated on his bunk, he cradled you in his lap, providing a secure haven for you to find comfort.
"Just... everything," you whimpered, your emotions erupting and overwhelming you.
“Like…?" he asked softly with a small prompt, caressing your thigh and tenderly wiping away your tears with his thumb. "Ya can tell me."
As you poured out your thoughts, he listened patiently, allowing you to express yourself fully. Despite not always being the most patient person himself, he always showed an unwavering amount of patience for you.
"I did notice that you haven't been yourself in the past few days. I wanted to do something special to cheer you up!" he exclaimed, a bright grin spreading across his face, infectious enough to bring a smile to your own.
"Yeah! I want to take ya out for a meal and just explore and have fun together! There's no one else I'd rather be with. You mean everything to me. Never forget that."
He planted a gentle kiss on your temple, letting his words sink into your consciousness.
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Hunter's senses alerted him to the irregularity of your breathing from across the ship. Concerned that you might have injured yourself, he hurried towards you, only to halt at the foot of the bunk you both shared. His gaze fell upon your trembling shoulders as tears soaked the pillow beneath you.
"Hey, shh, come here," he beckoned, settling beside you and gently rolling you over to face him, his eyes locked with yours. "What's the reason for these tears?"
He had sensed a mounting emotional turmoil within you for some time, yet he lacked the courage to inquire about it, fearing that you might not be ready to share. Mentally berating himself, he regretted not asking sooner, as witnessing you in tears tugged at his heartstrings.
"I don't feel good enough," you confessed, your words causing his eyebrows to furrow and sadness to fill his eyes.
"Who made you feel that way?"
“Nobody, it's just... I just don't feel good enough," you sighed, sniffling as his hand cradled your face while the other lovingly ran through your hair.
"I'm sorry that you're experiencing this, but as I've said before, you are more than enough. Who you are is perfect in every single way, and even the imperfections you perceive only enhance your perfection. Please don't cry. I'm here for you."
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Tech sensed that something was amiss, yet he couldn't quite put his finger on it. As usual, you were seated together in the cockpit, but this time, you remained unresponsive to his ramblings. No smiles, no interjections—just silence.
"Is something wrong?" he inquired, setting aside the tools he had been holding. You looked at him and shook your head, but the glimmer in your eyes and the quiver of your lower lip betrayed your true feelings.
Suddenly, you burst into sobs, hastily covering your mouth to stifle the sound. Tech, bewildered, took a seat beside you. "That wasn't the reaction I expected," he remarked aloud, but he carefully spun your chair to face him. "Now, please tell me what's troubling you, my dear."
A part of him anticipated silence, but instead, you launched into a passionate rant about life's unfairness, its cruelty, and your overwhelming fear for the future and the war. Tears streamed down your face, and Tech leaned forward gently, using his hand to dab them away.
"I understand your concerns," he began, his voice calm and reassuring. "But as long as you're with me, there's nothing to be afraid of. I will protect you from any harm that may come your way. As for the war, it's something we have no control over. I know it might not be what you want to hear, but we must adapt to the life ahead, together."
Rising to his feet, Tech took your hands in his and helped you stand. Cupping your cheek with both hands, he used his thumbs to wipe away the remaining tears. He leaned in, pressing a gentle series of kisses on your forehead, nose, and finally, your lips. "One day at a time, my darling... Let's do something about these tears."
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Crosshair observed you pacing back and forth, clearly consumed by your own emotions. He remained silent, choosing to watch and analyse your emotions, waiting for the moment you'd make eye contact. When your gazes finally met, words were unnecessary.
The unspoken question in his eyes caused you to break down in tears, making you to turn away, feeling ashamed and silly over your tears in front of him. But, he was your boyfriend. And seeing you cry upset him.
Slowly, he stands tall, taking a step forward and approached you. He heard your sniffles and mumbled apologies as you heard him coming but you stop speaking as he placed a hand on your shoulder, gently turning you to face him.
Without uttering a single word, he drew you close to him. Words were never his strong suit, so he decided to rely on the power of his embrace to provide solace.
As your sobs gradually subsided, you leaned against his chest, finding comfort in his presence. You felt a sense of calm as he rested his chin atop your head and whispered softly,
"It's going to be okay. I love you. I have you."
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Tags: @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @cwarssimp @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka a @oohyesplease @theroguesully @mustluvecho @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @rain-on-kamino @either-madness-or-brilliance @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @kixs-husband @pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @seriowan @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @ladyzirkonia @raevulsix @imalovernotahater @crystal076 @blustalker @the-good-shittt @s1st3r @by-the-primes @the-bad-batch-baroness
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paddockletters · 4 months
between goals and hearts | jude bellingham ft. pedri gonzalez
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Part 1
Part 2: Navigating Confessions
pairing: pedri gonzalez x reader; jude bellingham x reader
summary: Elena and Jude's budding romance faces a test when Pedri finally confesses his long-held feelings. Amidst the turmoil, Elena seeks guidance from friends, leading to honest conversations and difficult decisions about the path forward.
warnings: none
author's note: This was the last part, I hope you liked it. Remember to leave me your comments and that my orders are open.
After their unforgettable kiss, Elena found herself wrapped in a haze of confusion. Though she was elated by the connection she felt with Jude, she also sensed a need to step back and reflect. Her hesitation wasn't about Jude per se; it was more about her, about understanding her own feelings before plunging into something deeper. This introspection led her to inadvertently start avoiding Jude, not because she wanted to, but because she felt overwhelmed.
Noticing the growing distance between them, Jude decided it was important to address the situation head-on. He called Elena, suggesting they meet at a quiet park near her apartment, hoping a calm and private setting might encourage an open conversation.
As Elena walked towards the park, her heart pounded with a mixture of dread and anticipation. Jude was already there, sitting on a bench, looking up with a gentle smile as she approached. His calm demeanor eased some of her anxiety.
"Elena," Jude began, his voice full of concern, "I've noticed you've been somewhat distant lately. I hope I haven't done anything to upset you. I value our friendship and whatever might develop beyond that, and I just want to understand if I've done something wrong."
Elena took a deep breath, grateful for the serene setting.
"Jude, you haven't done anything wrong. This is about me needing to understand my own feelings better," she confessed.
"The other night was wonderful, but it also left me feeling a bit overwhelmed. I need some time to sort through my emotions before moving forward."
Jude nodded, his eyes reflecting both understanding and a hint of sadness.
"Thank you for being honest, Elena. I like you a lot, and I want this to work, but only if it’s right for both of us. Take the time you need. I’m here, and I'll wait. I just hope we can explore what this might become when you're ready."
Elena was touched by Jude's patience and understanding. His supportive words lifted the heavy burden of guilt she had been carrying since their kiss.
"I really appreciate your understanding, Jude. I’m sorry if I seemed distant. It wasn't my intention to be so confusing."
They continued to talk, shifting the conversation to lighter topics, and slowly regaining some of the easy camaraderie that had marked their interactions before. It was a bittersweet meeting, each aware of the potential and the challenges that lay ahead.
When they parted ways later, Elena felt a renewed sense of affection and respect for Jude. His maturity and empathetic handling of the situation encouraged her to deal with her emotions honestly.
That night, as Elena reflected on her next steps, she felt empowered to navigate her feelings with the same openness and care that Jude had shown, hopeful for whatever the future might hold.
Jude had spent the better part of the afternoon pacing in his room in Madrid, rehearsing the words he would say to Elena. The excitement and nerves made his heart race; tonight was the night he would finally reveal his feelings.
His plan was simple yet heartfelt—a surprise visit to Elena's flat in the vibrant La Latina district, a dinner at their favorite little Italian bistro in Malasaña, followed by a romantic walk along the moonlit paths of El Retiro Park.
Gathering his courage along with a small bouquet of wildflowers he’d picked near the Manzanares River, Jude set out as the city began to transition from the bustling energy of the day to the intriguing whispers of the evening. The air was filled with the scent of spring, and the city lights began to flicker alive. Reaching Elena's building, his fingers hesitated for a moment before buzzing her flat.
The door swung open, and there stood Elena, her expression a mixture of surprise and delight.
“Jude? What’s all this?”
“These are for you,” he said, handing her the bouquet, his nerves momentarily soothed by her smile.
“They’re beautiful. But why the surprise?” Elena’s curiosity sparkled in her eyes as she stepped aside to let him in.
“I thought maybe you’d like to go out with me tonight. There’s a place I’d love to take you, and something special I want to share,” Jude's voice held a hopeful note.
Her smile widened. “I’d love to! Just let me grab my coat.”
Soon, they were navigating the cobblestone streets of Madrid, their path illuminated by the soft glow of street lamps. They talked easily, falling into a comfortable rhythm, and eventually found themselves at the quaint bistro.
They chose a quiet corner under the warm glow of fairy lights, their meal filled with laughter and shared stories.
After dinner, they strolled toward El Retiro Park, the grandeur of the park gates bathed in moonlight welcoming them. They wandered along the pathways, their steps slow, savoring the peace of the night.
Jude felt the moment was right as they paused by the Estanque Grande, the city lights reflecting like scattered gems on the water.
Turning to Elena, Jude’s heart pounded fiercely.
“Elena, I brought you here tonight because there’s something I really need to tell you.”
She looked at him, her face open and attentive under the starry sky.
“What is it, Jude?”
Taking a deep breath, he found the courage he needed in her gentle gaze.
“I’ve been feeling this way for quite some time, and I can’t hold it back anymore. Elena, I like you. A lot. More than just as a friend.” His words felt clumsy, but sincere.
Elena’s response was a soft pause, her eyes searching his under the dim light. Then, slowly, her lips curved into a tender smile.
“I’m so glad you feel that way, because I’ve been feeling the same.”
She’d accepted his invitation—an opportunity to explore this new chapter.
Relief washed over Jude, mingling with a happiness so profound he thought he might burst. They stood there, beside the shimmering lake, enveloped in a night that no longer seemed just like any other.
Hand in hand, they continued their walk, the city of Madrid casting its enchanting spell around them, as they stepped forward into the beginning of something new.
And so, their dates multiplied—the rooftop picnics, the late-night walks, the whispered secrets. Jude was a canvas of emotions, each brushstroke revealing more of himself.
The next weekend, they organized a group outing to Templo de Debod to watch the sunset. Jude invited his longtime friend Trent, known for his witty jokes and deep along with Trent’s girlfriend, Ana, who shared Elena’s passion for photography.
Emily brought along her close friend Sofia, an aspiring chef who loved experimenting with traditional dishes from around the world.
Jude watched as Elena laughed at something Trent said, her eyes lighting up in amusement. He felt a swell of happiness seeing her integrate so well with his friends, just as he found Sofia’s enthusiastic food talks.
They laughed, shared stories of missed flights and serendipitous encounters. Jude fit seamlessly into their circle, his charm disarming everyone.
As the night wore on, Sofia leaned in. “Lena,” she whispered, “he’s smitten with you.”
Elena blushed. “I know.”
Elena and Pedri some weeks after, were sat across from each other at their favorite little diner in Madrid, a place that had witnessed many of their laughter-filled evenings.
The mood today, however, veered towards nostalgia, tinged with a subtle undercurrent of tension neither wanted to acknowledge.
Pedri’s eyes held memories—their childhood escapades, the treehouse they’d built, and the promise they’d made to always be there for each other.
“Remember the time we tried to catch fireflies?” Pedri said, stirring his latte.
Elena smiled.
“And you fell into the creek.”
He chuckled.
“You jumped in after me.”
Pedri’s voice was soft as he recounted stories of their adventures—the time they’d built a cardboard castle, the day they’d chased rainbows.
“Elena,” he said, “you’ve always been my compass.”
As they reminisced, the conversation inevitably drifted to their teenage years, and Pedri brought up the story of their first kiss—a clumsy, innocent peck during a game of spin the bottle that had somehow become a cherished memory.
They laughed, but Elena noticed the wistful look in Pedri’s eyes.Feeling the weight of her current happiness and past affection, Elena decided it was time to share her news about Jude.
She hesitated, unsure how Pedri would react, especially given the fierce rivalry between Real Madrid and Barcelona.
Would he see her relationship with a rival player as a betrayal? Gathering her courage, she told him, watching his face closely.
"Pedri, there’s something new I haven’t mentioned yet. I’m seeing someone—Jude. It happened quite unexpectedly, but it feels right.” As she spoke, her eyes lit up with a glow that didn't escape Pedri's notice.
Pedri's reaction was muted. He managed a smile, but his eyes didn't hide the sadness.
"I'm happy for you, Leny" he said, but his voice lacked its usual warmth. It was evident he noticed the love in her eyes as she spoke of Jude, which made his next actions all the more painful.
"You deserve to be happy."
His voice held a sincerity that made Elena's heart ache.
She knew him well enough to understand the turmoil he must be feeling, even if he didn't show it openly. The ride home was quiet, filled with a palpable sense of things left unsaid.
At her doorstep, Elena, moved by a desire to preserve their bond, invited Pedri to stay for a movie, hoping to recapture the ease between them. But Pedri declined, his.
"I should really get going" echoing with finality. As he walked away, Elena stood in the doorway, a mix of confusion and sadness clouding her thoughts.
The following day, Elena shared the experience with Jude, trying to inject some humor into the recount by mentioning Pedri’s somber reaction. Jude, perhaps sensing her discomfort, made a light-hearted comment about Pedri’s possible feelings for her.
Elena laughed it off, but inside, she couldn't shake off the feeling that Jude might be onto something.
The weekend brought unexpected revelations when Pedri appeared at her door, his expression solemn.
"Elena, I can’t keep this inside any longer. I love you. I always have." His confession shattered the precarious peace Elena had built around her heart.
In the stillness of her apartment, Elena faced Pedri, his confession echoing in her mind. She took a deep breath, steadying herself against the swell of emotions.
"Pedri, this isn't fair. I have someone else now. Why did it take you so long? I loved you, I really did, but you never said anything. You waited until I was happy with someone else."
"I cared for you, deeply, but you never said anything. I had to move on."
Pedri's expression crumpled slightly, the weight of his untimely admission evident.
Pedri's face showed his struggle, his eyes reflecting a mix of regret and resignation.
"I didn't know how to tell you," he murmured.
"I was afraid. Afraid to change what we had, afraid you didn't feel the same way."
"I was scared it would ruin everything. By the time I realized I should've spoken up, you were with Jude. I just thought... you should know, even if it's too late."
Elena's heart ached for both what was and what could never be.
"It's not just about knowing, Pedri. It's about timing. And now, it’s too late."
Elena felt a pang of sympathy for Pedri, but her resolve hardened.
"I appreciate your honesty, Pedri, but I'm with Jude now. I love him. And what you've done has put me in such a difficult position."
Pedri nodded, a sad understanding in his gaze.
"I'm sorry, Leny. Truly, I am. I'll step back. You won't have to deal with any more complications because of me."
As Pedri nodded silently and left, the door closing softly behind him, Elena felt the finality of their conversation.
She needed guidance, someone to help her navigate these tumultuous feelings. Picking up her phone, she dialed Sofia, her closest friend, who always knew how to find clarity in chaos.
Sofia answered with her usual cheer, which momentarily lifted Elena's spirits.
"Hey, Leny! What’s up?"
Elena hesitated, then let out everything.
"Pedri just confessed that he's been in love with me for years. And he told me now, when I'm with Jude. I don’t know what to do. I feel so confused."
There was a pause as Sofia processed this.
"Oh, wow. That’s a lot," Sofia finally said.
"First, how do you feel about Pedri now? Be honest with yourself. And how does this change the way you feel about Jude?"
Elena pondered the question.
"I don't know... I think I’m just shocked more than anything. I love Jude. I really do. Pedri is... he was important to me, but that’s the past. It has to be."
"Then you need to stay focused on that. Talk to Jude about this. It’s going to be tough, but it’s better if he hears about it from you. As for Pedri, it might be time to put some distance there, at least until you sort this out. Protect your current relationship," Sofia advised wisely.
Elena nodded, feeling the truth in Sofia's words.
"You’re right. I’ll talk to Jude tonight. Thanks, Sofi, I knew you’d help me see things clearer."
"Anytime, girl. And remember, it’s okay to protect your happiness. You’re not responsible for Pedri's feelings. You’ve got your own to take care of," Sofia reminded her.
With a plan in mind and Sofia's supportive words echoing in her heart, Elena prepared herself for the conversation with Jude. She knew it wouldn’t be easy, but it was necessary.
Elena recounted the confession to Jude, expecting anger or disappointment.
Instead, Jude’s response was unexpectedly mature.
"I’ll give you some time," he said, understanding the complexity of her emotions.
In the aftermath of Elena's confession, Jude wrestled with a blend of anger and protectiveness toward her. Understanding that Pedri’s confession had shaken Elena, he felt compelled to address the issue directly. The following weekend, he made a spontaneous trip to Barcelona, determined to confront Pedri.
When Jude arrived at Pedri's apartment, the air was tense. Pedri opened the door, his expression guarded, sensing the purpose behind Jude's unexpected visit. The two men stood eye to eye, the undercurrent of their past rivalry as players for opposing teams adding weight to the silence.
"Why now, Pedri?" Jude's voice was firm, tinged with frustration. "Why would you tell her when she’s with me? What were you hoping to achieve, mate?"
Pedri sighed, the weight of his actions settling on his shoulders. He motioned for Jude to come in, recognizing that this conversation deserved more than a doorstep acknowledgment. Once inside, Pedri offered Jude a seat but remained standing, as if ready to defend his actions.
"I know it looks bad, Jude. And I'm sorry for the timing. It wasn’t about undermining what you two have. It was about me not being able to hold it in any longer," Pedri explained, his voice steady but filled with regret.
"I’ve held these feelings for Elena for years, and I... I just reached a point where it felt dishonest not to tell her—even though she’s with you now."
Jude’s expression softened slightly as he processed Pedri’s words. The honesty in Pedri's tone was undeniable, and it spoke to Jude’s own sense of integrity.
"I get that it’s been tough on you," Jude acknowledged, his tone more conciliatory than when he’d first arrived.
"But you’ve got to see how this puts her in an impossible situation. She’s confused and hurt because she cares about you as a friend."
Pedri nodded, his gaze dropping to the floor.
"I know, and I regret that. I didn’t mean to cause her pain. I guess I was just being selfish. I’ll respect whatever boundaries you and Elena set. I don’t want to cause any more trouble."
Jude studied Pedri for a moment, then stood to leave, his initial anger cooled by their honest exchange.
"Thanks for being straight with me, Pedri. Let’s just keep this between us guys, okay? We should both be there for her, in whatever way she needs, without making this any harder."
Pedri agreed, and with a firm handshake that marked a mutual understanding, Jude left.
As he headed back to Madrid, his thoughts were on Elena. He was determined to support her through this emotional turmoil, trusting that their bond was strong enough to withstand the challenges it faced.
Back in Madrid, Elena lay in bed, the rain tapping against the window. Jude visited Elena and confessed about his trip to Barcelona. “I went to see Pedri,” he said. “He’s staying away.”
She understood. “Jude, I—”
Elena was initially upset but soon realized that Jude's actions stemmed from his deep love for her.
He kissed her, silencing her. “Baby, I’m fighting for you. Because I love you.”
Without a word, Jude leaned in, capturing Elena's lips in a tender yet passionate kiss. It was a silent acknowledgment of their shared strength and resilience, a reconnection that transcended words. Their embrace deepened, fueled by the intensity of their emotions, until they found themselves entwined in each other's arms, their bodies moving in perfect harmony.
Their kisses turned into desperate whispers of longing, their passion igniting into a fiery blaze that consumed them both. Lost in the heat of the moment, they surrendered to their desires, their bodies melding together in a union of raw need and undeniable love.
In the aftermath, as they lay entangled in each other's embrace, their breaths ragged and hearts racing, they found solace in the silent understanding that passed between them. The tumultuous emotions of the past weeks seemed to dissipate, replaced by a renewed sense of closeness and affection.
Weeks later, after the dust had settled and wounds had begun to heal, Elena reached out to Pedri. Their conversation was tentative at first, the awkwardness of their previous encounter lingering in the background.
Elena reflected on her feelings for Pedri and realized that what she felt was deep affection, but not romantic love. With her heart clearer, she met with Pedri one last time to convey her decision.
“I care about you so much, Pedri, but what I feel for Jude... it’s different. It’s where my heart truly lies.”
Yet, as they talked, they found that the bond of their friendship remained unbroken.
Pedri accepted her decision with a sad smile,
“I just want you to be happy, Elena. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
Though their dynamic had shifted, they resolved to move forward, their shared history serving as a foundation for their enduring connection.
As the days passed, Elena and Jude found themselves navigating the intricacies of their relationship with a newfound sense of clarity and purpose. Their bond deepened, strengthened by the trials they had faced together and the unwavering support they offered each other.
Meanwhile, Pedri focused on his career, channeling his emotions into his performances on the field.
Though the memory of his confession to Elena lingered in the back of his mind, he remained determined to move forward, embracing the challenges that lay ahead with renewed determination.
One sunny afternoon, as the teams gathered for a friendly match, Jude and Pedri found themselves on opposing sides once again. The familiar rush of adrenaline coursed through their veins as they prepared to face off on the field.
As the game progressed, tensions ran high, each player giving their all in pursuit of victory. Yet, amidst the intensity of the match, there were moments of camaraderie and mutual respect, reminders of the bonds that transcended the competition.
In the end, as the final whistle blew, signaling the end of the game, both teams gathered on the field, their exhaustion mingling with a sense of camaraderie.
Jude and Pedri shared a nod of acknowledgment, a silent acknowledgment of the journey they had traveled together and the unbreakable bond that connected them, both as rivals and as friends.
As they exchanged handshakes and words of sportsmanship, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the field—a reminder that, no matter the challenges they faced, they were united by their shared love for the game and the enduring bonds of friendship that would carry them forward, into whatever the future held.
39 notes · View notes
callmebrycelee · 5 months
Dearly beloved, we’re gathered here today to discuss the latest episode of 9-1-1. This reaction is for the season 7, sixth episode “There Goes the Groom” which originally aired May 2, 2024. The episode was written by Tim Minear and Nicole Barraza Kiem and directed by John J. Gray. Just a word of warning, this reaction will contain spoilers. You have been warned …
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“He’s Tubbs, I’m Tubbs and this isn’t my puke, I don’t think.” – Eddie Diaz to Maddie Buckley
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We start things off at a gorgeous venue where Maddie and Chimney’s wedding is to take place. We see Bobby and Athena looking restless and John and Anne Lee sitting with Jee-Yun. We then see Maddie freaking out because the boys (Chimney, Buck, and Eddie) are 30 minutes late. Phillip Buckley (played by Gregory Harrison) tries calling Buck’s phone but keeps getting his voicemail. Hen rushes in to tell Maddie that Buck’s car has arrived. When Maddie asks if Chimney is in his tux, Hen tells her she didn’t get a good look. Buck and Eddie arrive looking like they’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards. Eddie’s covered in someone else’s puke (gross!!!) and inexplicably missing his shirt. This season is all about giving us what we need and what we need is Ryan Guzman shirtless. Maddie asks them about Chimney. Buck tells her that it’s complicated. 
Cue title card.
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We get a flashback to the bachelor party Buck organized for Chimney. It should be pointed out that Chimney doesn’t want a bachelor party, something he’s intimated to Buck numerous times. I must say, the venue Buck chose to host the festivities was really cool-looking. There were all these neon signs on the walls and twinkly lights galore. It reminded me of a space where you’d play laser tag. Buck and Eddie are dressed in matching pastel Miami Vice-esque suits and Buck is being very fussy about everything. Tommy (played by Lou Ferrigno Jr.) arrives dressed in a black T-shirt and jeans and Buck nags him about not sticking to the 80’s theme. I’m gonna assume that Tommy is in his late-30’s and therefore Buck should be lucky he even came in the first place because the thought of leaving my house on a weeknight to go to a bachelor party does not sound the least bit appealing. Eddie offers Tommy a drink and he tells him he’s on standby which for all you kiddies out there who don’t know how jobs work, standby means that you’re technically not scheduled for the shift, but you have to be ready in case you get called in to work.  
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“You put that back, right now.” – Evan “Buck” Buckley to Ravi Panikkar
Tommy does give us a hint about Chimney’s nickname when he reminds Eddie that he knew Chimney before he was Chimney. I love the whole mythos surrounding the name and I hope by the end of the series we finally get an explanation. I also like how sassy Tommy is in this scene. Hen, Karen, and Ravi arrive but our guest of honor is missing. While Buck calls Chimney’s cell, everyone else looks bored out of their mind. Buck asks Hen to call Chimney since he’s more likely to answer her call, but she declines. She reminds Buck that Chimney told him he didn’t want a bachelor party, but Buck tells her he didn’t. We then get a small scene where Chimney doesn’t mince words when he tells Buck he does not want a bachelor party. It should be noted that Eddie is present for the exchange and yet he is the one to suggest to Buck that they dress as Crockett and Tubbs from Miami Vice. Now, this is my one pet peeve about Eddie. He always indulges Buck and then kind of absolves himself of responsibility when things go awry. 
Back in the not-so-distant future, people start to leave. Buck begs Hen and Karen to stay but they tell him they have to get home to Denny and Mara. Ravi is the next to leave followed by Tommy who gets a text to report to work. Buck is so disappointed to see him go, and I love how he tells Tommy to be safe before he leaves. Eddie is the only one left and when a group of young women wander into their party space, they decide to salvage the rest of the night by turning up with a bunch of strangers. Now, prior to the episode airing, Tim Minear announced that a previously advertised scene involving Buck and Eddie singing karaoke was cut due to the episode being too long. This led to more than a few irate fans, mostly Buddie shippers, sending a barrage of tweets and comments to the series co-creator voicing their frustration with the decision to remove the scene. Some even accused the writers of queer baiting which is really dumb when you consider that one of the characters is actually queer so what baiting is even involved. I get being upset because your favorite pairing on the show is not being featured as prominently as you would like but I find it absurd that someone would then go to Beyonce’s internet to harass the writers and the cast about said decision. I find it disgusting and I wish a certain ship would realize that certain writers would take them more seriously if they weren’t acting like a bunch of coked up baboons. But I digress.
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Buck and Eddie wake up the next morning in a completely trashed hotel room. The place is wrecked. Seriously, who is going to pay for all the damages? I’m honestly surprised by both of their behavior. Especially Eddie’s. He’s usually the more level-headed of the two but it’s odd to see him exhibiting such frat boy behavior. Perhaps he needed to blow of some steam. Anywho, they go to check on Chimney but only find his tux. Oh dear!
Buck and Eddie wake up the morning in a completely trashed hotel room. Seriously, who is going to have to pay for all the damages? I’m extremely surprised by Eddie’s behavior. 
“I am 9-1-1.” – Maddie Buckley to Margaret Buckley
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Back in the present, Maddie tries calling Chimney herself. When he doesn’t pick up, Hen asks if she has him on Find My Friend, a feature that will send current or last location to anyone you choose to share it with. She sees that Chimney is on Century Park East but wonders why he’s there.
We next see a guy named Jeff (played by Khorri Ellis) knocking on the driver’s side window of Chimney’s vehicle. Chimney is inside looking a little worse for wear. He’s sweaty and bleary-eyed. He looks like he has the flu. He also seems out of it. Chimney rolls down the window and Jeff asks him if he’s okay. He tells Jeff that he feels like he should be somewhere. Jeff asks him his name and Chimney says his name is Howard. Chimney says he needs to leave but Jeff, rightfully, tells him he is no condition to be driving. He offers to drive Chimney where he needs to go and when Chimney steps outside the vehicle, Jeff gets in, chucks Chimney’s cell out the window, and drives off leaving Chimney stranded. 
“I promise to never put her in a position where she feels she needs to stab me to death.” – Howard “Chimney” Han to John and Anne Lee
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We see Chimney with John and Anne Lee (played by Kelvin Han Yee and Freda Foh Shen) practicing Jesa, a Korean ceremony in which one pays tribute to a loved one on the anniversary of their death. I love any time we get to see Chimney with the Lees because while he has been able to make amends with his father, John and Anne Lee are his real parents and Kevin Lee, their son, is his brother. Chimney and the Lees have dinner together and Anne asks Chimney if he is excited about the wedding. When Chimney goes to respond, his hand starts shaking and he drops his food. John jokingly asks if he’s nervous, but Chimney assures him that he doesn’t have the jitters. He is, however, feeling jittery and tells them he has a headache he can’t seem to shake. Anne offers him aspirin, but Chimney tells her that he will be fine after he says, “I do”. 
John asks him about what happened to him and Maddie’s plan to have a simple ceremony at their home. Chimney tells him that the plan has changed. Phillip and Maddie Buckley are flying out for the wedding and have offered to foot the bill for the venue since they were not at Maddie’s first wedding. Anne says they waited to attend the right wedding. Chimney makes a dark joke about Maddie having to kill her first husband Doug and the Lees laugh. Chimney says he looking forward to having a traditional wedding; however, there is one tradition he is not looking forward to and that’s having a bachelor party. 
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Back in the present, Chimney sees his phone lying in the middle of a busy road. We see him walk into traffic to retrieve it and he almost gets hit by a bus. The driver opens the door and Chimney boards the bus. When she pulls off, the wheels of the bus crush Chimney’s phone. 
We head over to the wedding venue where everyone except for Chimney is gathered. It was so fun seeing all of the main and secondary cast in the same scene together in their formal wear. Athena gets a call from Officer Williams (played by Chris Wu) who has located Chimney’s phone but neither Chimney nor his car is with it. Athena asks him to put out a BOLO for Chimney and his car. Maddie asks Officer Williams if there are any traffic cameras nearby and he says there are a few. 
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Maddie, Hen, and Josh go to the dispatch center. Maddie says she will check the Century Park East traffic cam footage to see if she can find Chimney and Josh will check the call logs to see if there have been any calls from that vicinity in the last 12 hours.  Sue sees them and asks if this is a runaway bride situation. Hen tells her they are looking for a runaway groom. 
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Back on the bus, Chimney is clearly not in his right mind because he is hallucinating Doug Kendall (played by Brian Hallisay). Doug sits next to him, and Chimney asks if he knows him. Doug says that Chimney may forget everything else, but he could never forget him. Doug is wearing a Santa hat and has a gift he says is from the both of them to Maddie. He opens the bag and pulls out of knife which he uses to stab Chimney in the side. Even though I knew that Doug wasn’t real, that didn’t make this scene any less troubling to watch. Doug twists the blade and disappears leaving a confused Chimney alone on the bus. 
“Maybe I got too caught up in the dream wedding. I was so excited about marrying him.” – Maddie Buckley to Hen Wilson
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Meanwhile, reviews the camera footage and sees Chimney walking into traffic. She sees him almost get hit by a bus and then board said bus. Josh says the bus is a metro bus and asks if there’s any way they can see the bus ID number. Maddie writes down the number and gives it to Sue who tells her she will call the MTA. We then see Chimney get dropped off in an unfamiliar part of town. We switch back to dispatch where Maddie and Hen are reviewing the footage from inside the bus. I love seeing these two work together because out of all of our characters, these two love Chimney the most. Maddie notices that Chimney’s talking to himself, and Hen thinks he may be hallucinating. Maddie wonders if this is some sort of delayed reaction to his brain injury from back in season one or if he’s having some sort of breakdown. Hen reminds Maddie that when Chimney gets stressed, he deflects. Maddie wonders if Chimney marrying her is the thing that’s stressing him out, but Hen quickly lets her know that marrying her is the one thing he wasn’t stressed about. She tells Maddie that the only thing she’s sure of at the moment is that Chimney can’t wait to marry her. 
Josh returns and tells them that he talked to the bus driver who says that Chimney seemed a little out of it but otherwise normal. The bus driver also said that Chimney kept talking about being late for work. Hen points out that the bus Chimney was on wouldn’t go anywhere near the firehouse and wonders where he could have been dropped off at. Speaking of Chimney, we see him standing out in front of a building. He talks to a man named Carl (played by Exie Booker) and asks him about Skinny Bob’s K-Town Karaoke. For those of you who recall the episode “Chimney Begins” that is the name of the bar where Chimney used to work prior to joining the 118. Carl tells Chimney the bar burned down which we saw in the very same episode. Chimney has flashes of the night the bar burned down but he can’t quite piece together the memory. The make matters worse, he starts to see Doug again only this time his future wife’s dead husband is covered in blood. Chimney freaks out and runs away.
“”We’re gonna find him, Maddie.” – Athena Grant to Maddie Buckley
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Athena checks in with Maddie and Hen and tells them she talked to Carl who says that Chimney looked agitated and feverish. Carl also told Athena that Chimney thought that the bakery where Carl works was a karaoke bar. Athena tells them that she has some officers searching the area and she and Bobby plan to stick around just in case Chimney comes back. She assures Maddie that they will find Chimney. Josh reminds them that Chimney’s bachelor party was at a bachelor party; however, Maddie points out that the bachelor party was the night before. Sue asks if it is possible Chimney doesn’t know what day it is. Hen chimes in and says she’s not sure if he even knows what year it is. She pulls up an article from 2005 on her phone which shows that Chimney saved a lot of people by getting them out of the karaoke bar when it caught on fire. Maddie wonders if he’s forgotten 20 years of his life and Hen says he might not be the only one.
“You don’t have to worry about this. It’s all taken care of.” – Evan Buckley to Maddie Buckley
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We get another flashback scene, this one involving the 118 responding to an emergency where Thom DeSalvo (played by Brandon Bales) is trapped inside an air duct. Buck broaches the topic of Chimney’s bachelor party and the latter volunteers himself to go into the air duct while the rest go inside the room directly beneath where Thom is trapped. Chimney locates Thom and checks his vitals. Thom tells him that his heart is racing, and he has chest pains. He then sneezes directly into Chimney’s face. Chimney tells Thom to relax but he says he cannot relax because he just saw his fiancée having sex with another man. I kind of felt bad for Thom because he is truly heartbroken although if I were his friend, I wouldn’t have advised that he go spy on them. Meanwhile, Bobby, Hen, Eddie, and Buck are able to knock out a portion of the ceiling and lower Thom down. As he is loaded into an ambulance, Hen talks to the woman Thom said was his fiancée and discovers that she is, in fact, not his fiancée. She says that Thom is her ex-husband and that they’ve been divorced for 17 months. 
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Back in the present, Buck brings Maddie a change of clothes and Eddie brings food. Buck notices that Hen is on the phone, and he asks Maddie who she is speaking with. Maddie tells him that Hen is checking on the patient Thom from their emergency two weeks ago.  Eddie is surprised the guy is still in the hospital since he wasn’t even hurt. Maddie tells them that Hen thinks that Chimney is exhibiting the same behaviors as Thom. Hen announces that Thom had viral encephalitis that he picked up while in Central America. Buck points out that Chimney was in close quarters with Thom. Eddie suggests they all get checked to see if they have it. Hen points out that Chimney was the only one who had direct exposure to Thom. Josh asks her what the prognosis is and Hen says that if Chimney were in a hospital it would be good but every minute that passes without treatment, the swelling in his brain gets worse. If Chimney does not get medical attention ASAP, he is going to suffer permanent brain damage and most likely die. Maddie asks her about Thom Desalvo’s status and Hen tells her that he died earlier that morning.
“He may not remember who he is but he is who he is.” – Athena Grant to Bobby Nash, Evan “Buck” Buckley, and Eddie Diaz
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We see Chimney wandering the streets of Koreatown in a state of delirium. He nearly gets hit by a car and the driver, who is either under the influence or experiencing a medical emergency, plows into a farmers’ market, hurting a lot of people in the process. The paramedic switch is flipped in Chimney, and he springs into action. He tells a woman to call 9-1-1 and tends to the driver who is having a seizure. It’s amazing that Chimney is able to stay focused to help everyone, even while in the midst of his own medical emergency. This scene reminds me of when Mateo on Lone Star jumped into action during the dust storm back in season two.
Athena, Bobby, Buck, and Eddie arrive on the scene of the accident and Bobby reports that a man fitting Chimney’s description was on the scene triaging the area. Eddie thinks this means that Chimney knows who he is but Bobby quickly adds that Chimney told one of the witnesses he works at a karaoke bar. Athena sees this as a good sign regardless because Chimney is tapping into something that is so natural to him which is helping others. Bobby says that Chimney was last seen 30 minutes ago so he suggests that they canvass the area to look for him. Athena says she will get the police involved in the search as well. 
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Buck strikes off on his own to look for Chimney and he does end up at the spot where Chimney is at; unfortunately, Chimney is passed out, so he does not hear Buck calling for him. Chimney receives another visit from Doug who tries to convince him that Maddie left him. Chimney remembers the video Maddie left him before she left for Boston. Doug tells Chimney he is sick in the head and that he screwed around with a married woman. Chimney then sees himself lying on the ground after he got stabbed by Doug back in season two. Doug tells him to stop fighting and to go to sleep. Chimney eventually passes out and sees a white light.
“Howie, you got to get up, man.” – Kevin Lee to Howard “Chimney” Han
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Now this is the part where I started to tear up in the episode. A man dressed in turnout gear steps out of the light and Chimney sees that it’s Kevin Lee (played by James Chen). It is in this moment I realized that we never saw Chimney grieve his fallen brother. Chimney starts to cry upon seeing Kevin. Kevin tells him to get up and Chimney says he is so tired and that his head is hurting. He wants to rest but Kevin says he cannot. He tells Chimney he is sick and needs medical attention. Chimney touches Kevin’s face and tells him he misses him and that he’s glad he’s okay. Kevin tells Chimney that he will be okay, but he needs to get up. He drags Chimney to his feet and tells him that Doug was never there. Chimney says that Kevin is there, and Kevin says that Chimney invited him. Kevin tells him all he needs to do is get home. 
“We always find our way back to each other somehow.” – Maddie Buckley to Howard “Chimney” Han
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Chimney ends up at the Lees house asking for Kevin Lee. Anne tells him that Kevin is dead. Chimney starts crying again and finally collapses onto the floor. He wakes up in the hospital where Maddie is at his bedside. She asks him if he knows where he is at and he shakes his head. She asks him if he knows who he is and he apologizes for missing their wedding. Maddie starts crying and now I’m crying, too. Maddie is happy he remembers. Jee-Yun runs into the room with Phillip Buckley close on her heels. Chimney tells Maddie he was trying to get back to her and Jee-Yun the whole time. Chimney asks Maddie if she will marry him, and she says she will the minute they get out of the hospital. He asks her when that will be, and she says the doctors say it will be three weeks. Chimney tells her he doesn’t want to wait that long. He doesn’t want to wait another minute.
We next see Maddie back in her wedding dress. I must say, the viewers give Phillip and Margaret Buckley a hard time based on their previous relationships with Maddie and Buck, but I have to say it was so nice seeing the Buckley family together and on the same page. Back in Chimney’s room, John and Anne Lee are helping him into get into his tuxedo jacket. John tells Chimney that Kevin is smiling right now, and Chimney agrees. Okay, cue more tears. While Jennifer Love Hewitt sings a cover of “Islands in the Stream” which is the song Maddie and Chimney sang karaoke to, we see Maddie being walked down the hospital corridor by Phillip while flower girl Jee-Yun walks ahead of them. Phillip leads Maddie into Chimney’s room and Bobby officiates their wedding which feels so appropriate. They exchange vows and rings and finally kiss in front of their family and friends. I loved the moment when Bobby is talking about the significance of the rings, and he looks over at Athena. It’s just a reminder of how perfect the couples on this show are.
“Thanks, Tommy. It looks like you were … busy.” – Howard “Chimney” Han to Tommy Kinard
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Buck gets a text and leaves the room while everyone is applauding Chimney and Maddie’s union. He makes it to the emergency room just in time to see Tommy walk through the sliding doors. Tommy is covered in soot and ash and immediately apologizes for being late. He tells Buck that the fire he just fought was a beast. Buck calls him a beast and kisses him. Now this kiss was an upgrade from the kiss two episodes ago which is already a great kiss. It was a great first kiss. With this kiss, the passion was turned all the way up to an 11. Seriously, these two have such amazing chemistry and I love how things are gradually escalating. I do love that Buck is the one who initiates the kiss because it shows that he is all in on their romance. 
Buck and Tommy head back to Chimney’s room aka the wedding and Tommy immediately apologizes for missing the wedding. He congratulates Chimney and Maddie and Chimney thanks him. There’s this amazing moment when Chimney puts two and two together and realizes that Buck and Tommy are together. He is immediately accepting as I knew he would be and Hen whispers to Karen that it’s about damn time and of course Hen already knew because Hen is very perceptive. We get other reactions as well. Eddie looks both proud and happy for his best friend and Margaret gives her husband Phillip a look that says, does that mean what I think it means and Phillip looks content. As I mentioned before, the Buckleys get a bad rep by the fans but I am choosing to see this as a good sign of things to come. 
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We end the episode with Maddie and Chimney. She asks him how he is feeling, and he tells her he is feeling right at home. She jokes and asks if that’s because every significant moment of their lives happens in a hospital. He tells her that he feels at home because they are together. He looks around the room and says it’s not the most romantic place for their honeymoon. Maddie says there’s worst and at the same time they say upside down cruise ships. Ha! Maddie looks at her ring and says she can’t believe they are married. She says it’s the wedding of her dreams and Chimney says it’s a day he’ll never forget. Chimney asks Maddie if Buck and Tommy were a thing before his amnesia and she says yes. He says that means his memory is back. In the last moment of the episode. Chimney asks Maddie about the meaning behind his name and then it fades to black. I guess we will have to wait to find out how Chimney got his infamous nickname.
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So, that’s our episode and what an amazing episode it was. Looking back at the promo for “There Goes the Groom”, Tim Minear and Company really had me convinced that we were getting an homage to The Hangover. I was not expecting this episode to be as heartbreaking and heartwarming as it was. Shout out to Kenneth Choi who deserves his flowers. He not only delivered some of the most powerful moments of the episode, looking back, Kenneth has been constantly delivering since season one. The scene where he talks to Kevin shattered my heart into pieces only to superglue it back. Chimney is usually the comic relief of the show and it’s often been said that comedians are some of the most unhappy people on the planet. Who knew he was holding onto so much grief. In many ways this episode reminds me of last season’s “In Another Life” where Buck learns just how valuable he is to those around him. Chimney has a similar journey in this episode and thankfully he’s walking away from this horrific ordeal knowing just how loved he is by his family, his friends, and most importantly his wife. 
The Madney wedding wasn’t what I was expecting but it was better than anything I could’ve ever imagined. One thing I think the writers did well with this wedding that I wished they did with TK and Carlos’ wedding over on Lone Star is the joy aspect. Everyone in that hospital room was filled with love and happiness despite everything that had transpired. I love how once a season we get these moments where the cast is all together, celebrating, and it’s the rare occasion we get to see the actors come through their characters. This is a cast that loves each other and it’s so apparent. It’s one of the many reasons I love this show. But, I digress. Maddie and Chimney’s wedding was absolutely beautiful and had we not gone through all the drama and tragedy, we would’ve missed out on Bobby being the officiant. It makes total sense that our fearless leader would be the one to marry Chimney and Maddie. I look forward to what happens next for Chimney and Maddie. These two have endured so much trauma and heartache and I pray the writers leave them alone for awhile. 
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Lastly, I have to talk about the moment that has set both Twitter and Tumblr ablaze albeit for different reasons. Many have doubted and still doubt the legitimacy of Buck and Tommy’s burgeoning relationship, but I think this episode made it abundantly clear these two are here to stay at least for the rest of this season. I don’t know what plans Tim Minear has for these two characters but I love the slow burn of it all. Sometimes I’ll be sitting, doing nothing, and it’ll dawn on me that Evan “Buck” Buckley is bisexual, and he is dating a kind, patient, and extremely hot firefighter named Tommy Kinard. And maybe it’s my imagination but this is the happiest Buck has ever looked. The smile he gives after he comes back to Chimney’s room with Tommy is something I will rewatch this episode over and over again just to see again. Oliver and Lou’s chemistry is off the charts and that shouldn’t suggest that there’s anything wrong with Oliver and Ryan’s chemistry. I think Oliver has chemistry with everyone he appears on screen with. And, as the mostly one-sided war rages on between Buddie shippers and BuckTommy/Tevan/Kinley shippers, I think at the end of the day, the most important thing to remember is that Buck is bisexual, he is (mostly) out, and he is happy. We have seen this man endure emotional and physical turmoil since episode one. I’m happy that he gets to be happy and that’s what matters. I cannot wait to see what happens next. Until next time …
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dreamsndmadness · 6 months
Hello!! Me again, :)
I read the newest chapter(of bloodlines, which was awesome) and I was wondering about Paul. What about Feyd endears Paul? Honestly, Feyd doesn’t seem like someone Paul would be with given the choice especially considering Feyds first impression. It seems to me that at this point even tho Paul and his mother are still being the plotting little schemers we know and love and that Paul’s affections could be apart of some plan of theirs, his emotional boundaries are still somewhat being chipped away at by Feyd.
Also btw this isn’t relevant to the characters but I love how you worked your way around feyds social ineptness to give the readers hints to understanding Paul, for example in chapter 6 when they’re talking about the spice shipments and Paul says “it’s only been a few weeks since the change” and he gets a cloudy look in his eyes; I interpreted that as him also reflecting on how short it’s been since his father died and how his life has been drastically changed but Feyd doesn’t pick up on that at allllll lol.
Also do u mind if ppl draw fanart of ur fic? I’m a very slow artist but I’d love to draw some of ur scenes :3
Another wonderful question 😍.
To be quite honest about what Paul feels for Feyd, there really isn’t affection for him on Paul’s side (at this point!!). Feyd fell pretty fast and hard for obvious reasons. But there are so many more layers surrounding how Paul feels about Feyd. His kinda philosophy going into this was to basically have sex with him because he has to and remain extremely emotionally distant from this person who is part of the family that murdered his beloved father and destroyed his whole world. He very much would not have picked Feyd as a partner if situations were different. Which is part of the reason I am finding writing this story so fun, because it’s picking apart these characters' brains and figuring out a way they can fit together.
Very slight inklings of affection have been creeping up on him and will continue on to creep up on him in the coming chapters. But it is going to be a very slow burn for Paul emotionally. Where Feyd, at this point, is almost in love with him. I feel like each chapter represents another step forward in their relationship, for Feyd and Paul and oftentimes it means different things to them personally.
Paul is only just coming to acknowledge and accept that he’s physically attracted to this person, which in itself was a hard conclusion for him to come to as he was raped on his wedding night. Which was a frankly awful experience for him. Which is why we see him not physically turned on by Feyd for several encounters after that. He’s afraid and in his head and deeply uncomfortable. But Feyd has been pretty relentless about making sure Paul has an orgasm every time they fuck, so Paul was like “hold up… am I enjoying this?”. Basically, chapter 7 was him being like “okay, I enjoy having sex. But I think in order to make this better for the both of us, we need to come to some understandings about how we are going to have sex in the future”. He’s trying to figure out what he likes sexually as he was in fact a virgin before all of this went down. Basically he’s a little more comfortable around Feyd now, hence the slight playfulness in chapter 7 where he tickles him and then laughs at Feyd’s reaction. Honestly such a favorite moment of mine.
(Side note, Paul is going to have a POV chapter soon which will help to elucidate some of this).
So chapter 8 for Paul, that little interaction at the end. He's starting to see and understand that they have a common enemy and see how this could potentially open up some trust between them as they’ve both been hurt by this person. If anyone was wondering, yes I do think Paul knows about Feyd’s CSA. While I haven’t read the book yet, the movies seem to indicate that he gets flashes about people beside himself i.e. Dr Kynes when he knows that she loved and lost a Fremen warrior. In this story, Paul knows Feyd was sexually abused by his uncle. It helps give some perspective on this violent and frankly terrifying person in a way that allows him to feel sympathy and give a little more understanding and context to him as a person and their relationship as a whole. And the fact that at the end of chapter 8 Feyd seeks him out in a protective way rather than to demand sex, goes a long way in Paul having some more good will towards him.
In the next chapter, something else will happen as another step/layer to their relationship that will give Paul another “aha” moment. It’s going to help him feel even more comfortable in their marriage and kinda understand better how their dynamic is going to continue going forward (in a sexual and non sexual way).
Paul and Feyd are such different people with extremely disparate upbringings. Paul was deeply loved and protected by his parents who modeled love and affection for him and raised him to be an intelligent and empathetic person. However, he has little context for having friendships and relationships with people his own age or arguably at all. His only friends seemed to be his parents and much older mentor figures who were old enough to be his father or grandfather. Feyd is not only much younger than those people, but has absolutely no emotional maturity. So there's this very wide divide between them. To bridge that gap is going to take years. Which is why there is going to be more stories after bloodlines. It will not happen by the end of this fic. However, they are going to come to a (hopefully) satisfying emotional understanding by the last chapter. At least I’m very satisfied by it and excited to share it 😝.
If I could pinpoint what specifically endears Feyd to Paul, at this point… honestly not a lot… He is so so different from anyone he’s known before. I think he likes (sometimes), that Feyd surprises him (when it’s not a bad surprise, which honestly most of them have been). He’s much more of an instinctual and spontaneous person where Paul is thoughtful and analytical. I think he appreciates that Feyd seems to like him taking the lead in their sexual relationship. And I think he likes that Feyd seems to respect his intelligence and fighting abilities and actively seeks his council and input.
Oh my goodness this is incredibly long. Hopefully all of that makes sense 😝. Also, yes to Feyd not getting the implication behind Paul’s words in the scene about the time between the change.
ALSO YES PLEASE!!! Oh my goodness!!!!! If you made art for this story, I am not joking when I say I will print it out and frame 🥹❤️. (As long as you are okay with that, that is). Basically, I would be so honored and delighted.
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ssavanessa22 · 2 years
could u do a blub with female or gen reader x spencer reid where reader planned a surprise for spencer for valentine’s day and he got called out on a case before he could come home a see it? preferably very angsty w whatever ending you’d like!
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A/N: now normally I’m not an angst girl but since you asked so nicely I had to see what I could cook up 😙 I hope I did your prompt Justice!!
Valentines take 2
Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader
Spencer Reid had been looking forward to Valentine's Day for weeks. Y/N had hinted at a surprise that she had planned, and he was eager to see what it was. However, as luck would have it, a case came up at the last minute and he was called to help. Hours had passed, and he was still at the BAU, trying to catch the unsub.
As the day turned into night, Spencer realised that he wasn't going to make it home in time to see Y/N’s surprise. He tried to call her, but she didn't answer, and he knew that he had missed his chance.
When he finally arrived home, he found Y/n sitting in the living room, her arms crossed over her chest.
"Where were you, Spencer?" she asked, her voice tense.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," Spencer said, his heart sinking. "I was working on a case and I couldn't leave. I didn't mean to miss your surprise."
"It doesn't matter now, does it?" Y/N said, her voice rising. "You missed it. You missed everything."
Spencer felt a pang of guilt in his chest. He knew he had let Y/N down, and he didn't know how to make it right.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," he said again. "I'll make it up to you. I promise."
"How?" Y/N asked, her eyes narrowing. "You can't just make up for it, Spencer. You missed something that was important to me."
Spencer sighed, feeling the weight of her disappointment. "I know, Y/N," he said. "And I'll do whatever it takes to make it up to you. Let's talk about what we can do to make things right."
They sat down at the kitchen table, their tension palpable. Y/N explained how much effort she had put into the surprise, and how hurt she was when Spencer didn't show up. Spencer apologised again, promising to make it up to her in any way he could.
Talking for hours, trying to work through the hurt and disappointment.Spencer apologised over and over , promising to do better in the future.
But the argument lingered between them, and they went to bed feeling distant and disconnected. Over the next few days, they tried to work through their issues, but it was clear that the argument had left a mark on their relationship.
Spencer knew he had to find a way to show Y/N’s how much he loved her and valued their relationship. He decided to plan a surprise of his own, to make it up to her.
A few days later, he surprised her with a home-cooked dinner, complete with her favourite foods and wine. Y/N’s eyes widened in surprise and delight, and Spencer felt a wave of relief wash over him.
"I'm sorry, Y/N's," he said, his voice soft. "I know I messed up, but I hope you can see how much I care about you. You're the most important thing in my life, and I don't want to lose you."
Y/N’s eyes softened, and she smiled at him. "I know, Spencer," she said. "And I care about you too. Let's move past this and focus on the good things in our relationship."
Spencer nodded, feeling grateful for the chance to make things right. He knew that it would take time to rebuild their trust and connection, but he was willing to do whatever it took to make their relationship work.
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red-dye40 · 2 months
Please, I beg, a director's commentary on Ancaux or Sexual Trauma Clipshow. Also, P.S, thank you for being the first to plunge into the untapped territory of Phlegm.
PHLEGM MENTION!!!!!!!!!!! ok i can do a little for both :) for you
first is chapter 5 of ancaux which i weirdly have a lot to say about
This apartment has become a hole. No sunlight, no air, no food besides a surplus bag of stale circus peanuts.
when i was little there was this extremely old grocery store in my town, like truly it was 1999 and everything looked like it hadn’t been changed or cleaned since the early 60s, and the most vivid memory i have is this lazy susan of candies near the cash registers and exactly at eye level with me were bags of dusty stale circus peanuts. like the weird orange marshmallow candies?? i remember feeling so. upset by them. and thinking like. this is something a person with no hope left would eat.
i always go back to those circus peanuts when i’m writing a person at their wit’s end.
“Alrighty then…” The employee peers a little deeper into her cart. “Heh. Must be some project you’re working on.” “Home renovations.” “We got a beautiful collection of wall finishes in the paint department if you’re interested.” “I’m not.”
i rewrote this interaction soooooo many times, i had so many different plans for it. originally i had devi ask the guy something like “i’m going camping do you have anything that could kill a bipedal feral dog in one hit” and he would be like “oooh let me consult our expert!” and would lead her to nny. i thought it was too gimmicky and fanservice-y, and it also kept backing me into a corner where i wouldn’t know where to go from there.
something about me is i write little clues in everything bc i love dramaturgy and i love making sure stories are watertight. i put the little mention of the paint department in hopes that maybe readers would be able to connect it to the previous chapter (the little itty bitty one where nny is painting) and figure out ahead of the reveal that nny works at the hardware store??? i truly don’t know if it was obvious from jump or no one even thought about it, bc at this point i didn’t have a tumblr yet and was only posting to ao3 and instagram and had NOOOOOOOO reader interaction. so! who knows. but you can keep that knowledge in your pocket for future chapters, that i’m always dropping lil hints :)
Devi stands in uncomfortable silence while the register sings a little waiting tune. She looks up, into the eye of the camera mounted above the register’s display, and watches herself in the monitor while a message below it flashes RECORDING IN PROGRESS.
one of my first days living in the city i went to a home depot and bought a bunch of sharp things bc i was working on a cosplay and needed to carve a bunch of foam, and i got ID’d for all of it and i was so so fresh to the city and so young and probably very high and just felt mortified, like i just stared at myself in the monitor being like “you’re not cut out for this world” HAHAHAHAHAH anyway. that stuck with me.
The two of them stand at the same height, almost elbow to elbow, wearing distant familiarity and abject horror as they stare into each other’s pixelated faces. Devi watches him in the display as she reaches into her pocket, produces her wallet, pulls out her ID, hands it to him with a shaking hand. He punches in her birthdate without having to look.
somethin else i love is vagueness n ambiguity in writing. i haaaaate when writers spoon feed things to their audience bc it implies TO ME that they don’t trust them or think that they’re smart enough to connect the dots. it really offends me!!!! i made sure i didn’t ever explicitly state that devi is interacting with nny because in a traumatic moment like that it’s hard for my brain to even really put words or a name to it, if that makes sense?? i wanted to try and evoke that feeling of like, you know what’s happening and it’s so bad you can’t even really say it.
Her heart is beating fast against her ribcage, but maybe out of exhilaration more than panic or paranoia. She saw him. He was smaller, more human-like than her brain had crafted him into over the years.
you ever have an absolute mortal enemy, like an ex or a bully in school, and then you get a glimpse of them years later, after you spent so much time molding them into like an evil dastardly goblin in your brain, and they’re just like. a person?? with other shit going on, just like you? and it kind of feels like. huh. okay. and you can suddenly move on??? a special kind of spooky.
and now here’s a lil from stixxx :)
Penetration is penetration, Johnny. What difference does a few inches above or below the belt make, in the grand scheme of things? “That’s a gross oversimplification.”
i remember so vividly getting this little bit of dialogue in my head during work and writing it in my notes app to remember it. it sat at the bottom of the doc for MONTHS (i started writing stixxx back in june 2023 and it was in a much different place) and when i finally was able to place it into the fic proper it felt :) so good
The girl’s been splayed out on her back, propped up on a cinder block that places her a foot off the ground. Her arms are pulled over her head, both wrists zip tied to their own blocks. The same for her legs. With her wavering strength it seems hard for her to keep steady; she shakes visibly on camera.
this whole setup is based on a jthm strip i wrote when i was 13 after /i/ was watching robot wars while eating a chick-o-stick (i was addicted to chick-o-sticks for a while. and charleston chews.)
Her eyes pop open. Purple, syrupy vomit bursts from under her gag and through her nose and fills her throat, stopping up her windpipe.
fun fact about me! i was once severely emetophobic! scariest thing in the world to me! i think the reason i write about vom so much is because 1) it used to evoke such fear in me and i know it does for a lot of people 2) it’s such an insane pretty involuntary thing we do as creatures??? and i think it is one of most vulnerable states to be in tbh. i still think it is icky and i would prefer to never interface with it in person ever but! endlessly fascinating to write about ????
He meanders down the hall. Opening doors. Closing doors. Dining room. Linen closet. Foyer. Staircase leading to the ceiling—how original.
staircase leading to the ceiling is a reference to this little lady at the winchester house
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i know lots of ppl make connections between 777 and house of leaves, but i always assumed the influence was very much attributed to the winchester house since jv grew up in san jose (n because jthm predates hol!) those wacky stairs are my favorite part of the whole house. the first time i saw them i felt unease that stuck with me forever :)
Since when do we have a ball pit? My little film screening was only to illustrate just how much you’ve suppressed through the years. But at some point you have to jump in, Nny. Swim through the proverbial multicolored plastic balls of your memory. Fish out all the band-aids and… and missing socks and… little parachuting army men. Johnny stares into the gaping maw of the in-ground ball pit that’s apparently in his house now. “That one got away from you a little bit.” Metaphors ain’t really my thing.
when i wrote this i was like “i am so funny” and i read it now and am still like “i am so funny”
i love to write rev meat. he’s so fascinating to me. i love that he was introduced and barely explained right before jthm wrapped up. so much mystery. what a freak.
thank you for ur interest :) i love to talk
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ae-cow · 3 months
Bulletproof Corset
#2 of the 1818 series, Jay of Enhypen
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Warning: NOT AN ACTUAL STORY, THIS IS JUST A IDEA OF MINE. This is a work of fiction with nothing to do with the idol's actual life. I do like some feedback. If you ever feel like "Hey this is very offensive." do tell me.
Pairing: Jay of Enhypen x fem! Oc
Summary: General Jung Kiara or Princess Kiara is the third heir to the throne, After her sister Queen Jung Kiyeon and niece Princess Lee Leia. Being a royal wasn't what she was known for. She was the ruthless General of the royal guards. Others look down on her because she is a princess who needs to be protected rather than being the protector.
She meets their royal tailor. Who doesn't mind making the princess/general a gown that could make her elegant but also swiftly move in action.
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: Hi hi everyone. I got inspiration from Bridgerton. These were ideas I had since 2022 and I would like someone to write a story based on this lol.
Written: 6 May 2023
Masterlist Here
© ae-cow. Do not claim, steal or repost. All rights reserved
The Royal Gardens were serene, a tranquil escape from the regimented world of military drills and royal duties. Princess Kiara walked alone among the blooming flowers, her thoughts weighed down by recent frustrations. Though she took pride in her position as General of the Guards, the shadow of her elder sister, Kiyeon, seemed to loom larger with each passing day.
Kiyeon, dressed in her refined and elegant royal attire, made her way through the gardens, her demeanour graceful and poised. Her eyes soon fell upon Kiara, who was seated on a bench, her posture rigid and her gaze distant.
As Kiyeon approached, she couldn’t help but notice the stark contrast between her regal ensemble and Kiara’s practical, military uniform. The elaborate embroidery and fine fabric of Kiyeon's gown highlighted the difference in their roles and lifestyles.
“Kiara,” Kiyeon called gently as she drew near. “You seem troubled. Is everything alright?”
Kiara looked up, her expression a mix of surprise and frustration.
“It’s nothing,” Kiara replied bluntly, though her eyes betrayed her inner turmoil. “Just the usual.”
Kiyeon took a seat beside her, her gaze softening. “I can see it’s more than that, You’ve been distant lately, If something is bothering you, please tell me.”
“Oh please, distant? You’re the one who’s distant,” Kiara shot back, her voice laced with frustration.
“I am the Queen, Kiara. You should understand the demands on me,” Kiyeon said, her tone carrying a hint of weariness.
“You know what I don’t understand?” Kiara retorted. “Everyone’s always talking about how great you are, how regal you are, how much better you are at everything—even training. It’s like I’m just the shadow to your spotlight.”
Kiyeon’s face flushed with frustration. “I don’t think you understand,” she snapped, her voice sharp. “I used to be a carefree girl,” she continued, her voice tinged with bitterness. “That was until I turned eighteen, That’s when Father decided I had to go through military training and then, at twenty-three, I was married off to Duke Jeno—a man I barely knew.”
Kiara was taken aback by the intensity in Kiyeon’s voice. Before she could respond, Kiyeon cut her off, her anger boiling over.
“Have the former King and Queen asked you to do any of that?” Kiyeon demanded, her voice rising with indignation. “Have Mother or Father ever forced you into a role you didn’t choose? No! You’ve never had to sacrifice your freedom or your desires, you get to live your life with choices, while I was thrust into a role I didn’t choose, with every decision made for me from the start.”
Kiara’s eyes widened as she absorbed her sister’s anger and frustration. “I—”
“Do you have any idea what it’s like?” Kiyeon interrupted, her voice shaking with emotion. “To have every aspect of your life dictated by duty, to have no say in the path you’re forced to follow? I don’t get to choose my future. I don’t get to make mistakes or have regrets, I am bound by expectations and protocols, and it’s suffocating!”
Kiara stared at her sister, her anger fading into a deep sense of empathy. “Ki-”
Kiyeon stood up, not batting an eye “Be ready for the ball tomorrow, that's an order.”
This is the ball of the season, the Debutante Ball where debutants show themselves to society so that others know that they are ready for society and to find a husband.
Every Season, the royal family would host the very first ball. The grandness of them all. Everyone will be there, even the captain of the guard.
The grand ballroom was resplendent with extravagance, its high ceilings adorned with sparkling chandeliers that cast a warm, golden glow over the attendees. The air was filled with the soft murmur of conversation and the elegant strains of a string quartet.
Princess Kiara, in her striking red gown and crown adorned with countless jewels, stood out amidst the crowd. The room buzzed with excitement as debutantes in their finest attire mingled with nobility and distinguished guests.
As she made her way through the crowd, a young man, clearly not accustomed to the high society, approached her. He seemed nervous, his eyes darting between Kiara’s regal appearance and the formidable guards stationed around her.
“M'lady,” he began, bowing deeply
Kiara turned, her voice tinged with irritation. “Excuse me?”
The young man looked up, slightly puzzled, and then glanced around, noting the impressive line of guards behind Kiara. “Does this look like a lady?” She asked
One of the guards chuckled softly, drawing the man’s attention. “That’s Princess Kiara.”
The young man’s face flushed with embarrassment. “"Oh!" He bowed lower this time "Your Highness, My apologies, I did not know."
"You're standing there with a crown bejewelled with billions, a red dress probably the only dress in the whole world, and with guards next and behind you," Her guards laughed at his comment
She steps her heels on one of the guards' shoe
A mix of embarrassment and frustration. “That’s not what I meant,” she said sharply. “I’m General Jung Kiara, captain of the guards. And—”
She hesitated, her voice softening. “—I am the second daughter of former King Kihyun.” She was embarrassed, she never wanted to be considered as a princess cause factually speaking she is third in line to the throne. Her older sister, the Queen with her daughter next in line after her.
Her guards, observing the interaction, exchanged amused looks. The young man, now visibly anxious, nodded quickly. “I see, Your Highness. I’ll remember that.”
"My role as General is more known than that is of a Princess who is merely only a third choice in the family."
"Who are you may I ask?" Kiara asked
"Park Jongseong or Jay, I'm the new royal tailor." He accentuates the word royal
She laughs "Just add the word royal and it will sound good."
"I'm only here as Princess because this is a Debutante Ball and everyone needs to see all the royals dressed up," She plays with her dress
"If I had a choice I would've been here as general protecting my family," She looks at him
"Behind the expensive things and title, we are still people and they are my family, of course, I want to protect them."
The Promotion in full swing, Princess Kiara stood, visibly distressed, as Park Jongseong, confronted her with concern.
“You are a princess, Kiara,” Jay said earnestly, his voice gentle but firm. “A princess shouldn’t be the protector but protected.”
Kiara’s eyes flashed with frustration. “I was the General for three years. There won’t be any changes, I spent years training from the lowest ranks to the highest, I am fully qualified to serve as General for a fourth year.”
Jay shook his head, his expression serious “Yes, but you should remember that you are a royal, You need to be protected, We cannot afford to lose an heir.”
“I am third in line to the throne, just a spare...” Kiara’s voice cracked as she whispered the last part, her frustration giving way to tears.
Jay’s heart ached at the sight of her distress. “Why do you care about me so much, Jongseong?” Kiara’s voice trembled as she looked at him, tears streaming down her face.
Jay stepped closer, gently wiping away her tears with his handkerchief. “Yes, you’re the third heir, but your life is precious, Princess, more precious than you can imagine.”
Kiara looked up at him, her eyes red and filled with confusion. “And how is it precious when I am only seen as a replacement if my sister dies?”
Jay’s face softened with a mix of urgency and tenderness. “Goddammit, Kiara! You are precious to me and will always be, you are a precious diamond, your existence means more to me than anything else.”
Kiara’s breath caught in her throat. “Wait, what?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper
Jay took a deep breath, his gaze unwavering. “I love you, Kiara. Do you love me too?”
For a moment, the world around them seemed to stand still. Kiara’s eyes searched Jay’s face, seeing the sincerity and depth of his feelings. The weight of her own emotions and the burden of her royal responsibilities seemed to lift, if only for a moment.
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thedreadpirateholmes · 10 months
I crawl out of my lurker corner to ramble into the void because- because the general consensus on Phee’s introduction appears to be that she gets her defenses up because Hunter calls her trustworthiness into question, but that isn’t quite true - that that interaction happened and that she gets her defenses up is true, but it’s not actually our introduction to her- it’s not her first response, not her first words.
Her first words are “Better late than dead, I always say.”
There is no defensiveness here, she’s not making a quip, it’s not a witty one-liner: her mouth is downturned, her eyes are distant, she’s looking into her cup and not at the room - she speaks those words with grief.
And then she looks up and speaks with levity, with a hint of teasing - like she’s preparing to share her own secrets in the hopes of connecting with theirs. Like she’s hoping to find a group of people with whom she can build a form of comradery. And then it all goes south, due to Cid sharing a secret that wasn’t hers, and also the mention of the word pirate? Anyway. Maybe Cid was hoping that they would hit it off, that they would be able to help each other find that ‘future’ she brings up to convince the Batch to go to Serenno. Maybe she was actually trying to do something good, before the empire arrived and she did what everyone warned them she would do(the irony of not trusting the pirate who ends up helping them in lieu of sort-of trusting the cantina owner who ends up betraying them). Who knows. It ends up working in the end, despite the rocky start - but the rockiness wasn’t really the start, at least not for Phee. Am I the only one who thinks that? Have I missed someone else bringing this up?
There is so much here that I cannot unpack because I’m typing this at work but aaaaagh!
Anyway, I retreat back to my lurker corner with the serious hope that we get to see more of (and learn more about) Phee in season 3.
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commenter2 · 22 days
"The Promening" review
No time for an intro, IT’S THE PROM EPISODE!!
I’m still really liking the Glitch Productions opening theme. I wonder if they would ever consider making a longer version of it? I challenge any song writers here or on YouTube to make a song about it.
Lights turning themselves off, not ominous at all.
(Reading missing poster) Great even in the distant future, The Office is still around.
If there machines, why do the drones need to wear glasses when they could replace them with spare parts? Then again having “spare parts” of fellow drones would probably be creepy.
So the metallic insects aren’t a part of Doll’s powers but are their own organisms.
I’m not going to question the drone with the burning hat, as it doesn’t matter….literally as he is a robot and fire can’t hurt robots.
Though it shows her crazy side, it’s nice to see Uzi trying to protect N when she realizes he is a suspect.
Uzi’s mother was crazy too!
Again, nice to see Uzi’s father try and help her.
Hanging out with the cheerleaders AND having your parent chaperoning a dance, this IS an angsty teens nightmare XD
N’s dramatic NO XD
Callback AND N is starting to remember his past!
It was cute seeing the bug wave to Uzi when she stops to not step on it.
Looks likes Lizzy knows Doll isn’t a regular Drone AND is working with her. A bit surprising but fitting with her bitchy personality.
When you ignore the head slicing (especially since DD’s can regenerate) it’s nice to see V caring about N.
The scene of Uzi’s DD powers activating every time she touches her left hand is interesting as it hints at her eventually learning to control it. However wouldn’t it be more fitting if she used her right hand as not only does it differ from Doll but that was the hand that got stabbed by N in the pilot.
So Doll IS a DD spy and want to let in V!
Blood? Or is the light effecting the color?
Wear the suit N!
Man Uzi is a fast and silent stacker!
Oh yeah, I’ve seen many Friday Night Funkin videos where Ruv has said that. Classic saying.
And Uzi X N shippers rejoiced!
Cat face Uzi :3
I give up, does anyone see a Waldo in the prom audience?
Drones doing the robot. Saddest shit you will ever see.
GO Thad!
Khan (after seeing teacher drinking): Does that even do anything for you?
Teacher (after swig): Not anymore.
Chibi robot poster!
The idea of Lizzy and V hanging out is interesting to me and I REALLY HOPE we see them interacting like this in later episodes, maybe actually becoming friends in the process or more as I think Lizzy might be a lesbian as she did say V was hotter then Doll.
So Doll’s plan isn’t to get with N OR help the DD cause but get revenge on V!
Knowing Lizzy is the daughter of the principal must mean something, even if it’s just knowing he will likely kick Uzi out of school cause his daughter was in danger. At least then she could go and find out what is going on with N.
That robot speaking after Rebecca, and saying V is cute to a female drone (maybe his date?) is another small example of how random and funny the shows humor is.
OH NO! Doll’s plans is to Carrie V!
So Doll’s origins are that she witnessed V killing her parents, and now wants revenge. This ends my theory about her wanting to be with N, BUT NOW make me wonder who the new robot in N’s flashback is supposed to be?
That symbol’s new! I mean it’s just the hexagon with electron like rings around it, but still it must mean something.
As seen on Doll’s HUD, we now know that the telekinetic/ferrokinetic powers don’t work on things like itself, in this case Uzi, giving us more confirmation that Uzi is not an average worker drone.
Aww Uzi and N’s first flirt fight.
Trailer scene!
Bye Doll, you will be missed. At least now we can get some answers.
IDK why but just see Uzi and the others glowing eyes in the dark was pretty funny. Though how come N and V’s acid and head lights weren’t glowing until the lights came on?
N also doesn’t squish the bug. Uzi X N CONFIRMED XD
It’s funny how the dramatic scene of Uzi about to eat MD oil is just followed by an out of range shot of her finger being pulled out with a pop, and N giving her a thumbs up not knowing what happened.
Doll! Wow she can make some really cool holograms. I hope she uses that more to fight Uzi and the others in the future as that is the kind thing I want to see in later villains.
We finally see Uzi use her powers! It’s also interesting that Doll’s first reaction is that she is sorry for Uzi, but after seeing Uzi’s necklace having the same symbol as Doll’s bracelet makes it understandable. It also gives me a new theory about Doll and Uzi but more on that later, I can say that Uzi and Doll aren’t like this because they were infected by Disassembly Drones.
The other Murder Drones have arri IS THAT A HUMAN?
I’m kind of hoping it’s not as I have previously stated my want to get new robot models in the show. Maybe she could be that robot from N's flashback but was altered differently. If it is, then either JCJ has developed tight outfits that can protect wearers from radiated planets OR most likely, the planet was never hazardous but people think that that so humans can go back to the planet. As for why I’ll explain at the end of the video.
J 2.0!!!! I wonder if she’s bitchier than the OG J?
At least with this Tessa character, we now know how Uzi and the others will get to Earth now.
Another great episode with an interesting theme and a few new villains that we can expect to see in future episodes. Out of all we learned in this episode, I now have a new theory about what is going on with Uzi and Doll.
Though we don’t know much about JCJenson still, we can safely say they built robots and likely wanted to make better models as the company grew. I theorized that while on the planet, the corporation tested out a new advance version of the Worker Drones who had the ability to interact with metal and electrical objects, which would make moving heavy items and fixing computer errors easier and cut cost on making more drones and hiring humans to do that kind of stuff.
Of course something went wrong with their programming and these “Hacker Drones” as I’ll call them went rogue when they wanted to live regular lives like humans and caused chaos on the planet, likely being the real reason why the planet exploded as seen in the pilot. Now free of their human creators, the “Hacker Drones” were able to blend in with the Worker Drones and finally live their own lives alongside them, some even having kids like Doll and Uzi’s mothers who inherited their abilities which were unlocked when going through their unique traumas.
Realizing having robots like this still around could be dangerous, JCJenson created the Dissassembly Drones to hunt and destroy them BUT since the “Hacker Drones” looked like the average Worker Drone, they had no choice but to lie and quarantine the planet and have the Disassembly Drones hunt every robot just to be safe, and to prevent there company from bad press.
What did you think about the episode? What was your favorite part and do YOU have any theorizes about what will happen later in the series?
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chdmeeksmartins · 1 year
Which of the three Scream 6 killers do you see as the most likely to be sincerely 'rehabilitated' or at least deeply remorseful one day in the (distant!) future? I wanted to write a fic where I explore this particular issue, by the way, and whether any of our core four could or SHOULD ever forgive them :) Also, what do you think Richie, Quinn and Ethan were each like individually and as siblings in the years prior to Richie's murder spree and death? Obviously there had to be hints of instability and darkness even then, but do you see Richie as the most imbalanced and unrepentant? Were they once all semi-decent kids just trying to impress and protect their father and one another? Was Quinn close to Richie or to Ethan? Do you think they suspected that Richie could or would murder people before he actually did? Did their father directly encourage their sociopathy? You get the idea ---please talk as long as you want since you know how much I always love your answers!
okay this ask is SO good, but i’m going to get a bit lengthy on this one so i’m adding a read more <3
out of the three scream 6 killers, i’m honestly not sure which one is the most likely to be remorseful/rehabilitated. my gut instinct is to say either ethan or quinn, just purely because they’re younger and have more of their lives ahead of them? and i think with that in mind, they’d be more likely to feel bad about it only because they threw their lives away.
(imo, they would NOT regret avenging their bro.)
but i think the idea of your AU is really interesting and could be fascinating to explore. i feel like, with that in mind, maybe ethan would work best due to his friendship with chad? but i don’t know! i feel like either of the two of them are likely options.
now, when it comes to the siblings personalities & dynamics pre-canon? i have a LOT of thoughts…
richie was definitely the favored older son, who is definitely at least a couple of years older than his siblings. i think he was probably around 25 when he died and quinn was about 21-22 in scream 6 while ethan was the same age as chad and in the 18-19 range. so that’s, at the very least, a 5 year gap between him and his siblings if you factor in the fact he died a whole year before scream 6.
quinn was definitely the most outgoing/social out of the siblings although i think a bit of her “slutty” roommate persona was just for the cover… and a bit of coping mechanism for her trauma as well. but she totally has the vibe that she was popular and never had trouble making friends — or even any issue with the fact that people don’t like her.
ethan was 100% the stereotypical youngest kid and he was probably a crybaby growing up lmao.
i’d have to find the post, but i saw someone share their headcanon here awhile back that richie had quinn and ethan help with his stab fan-films and that is TOTALLY canon to me! quinn always got to be the final girl while ethan was always the victim.
i’m kind of inclined to think quinn & ethan were the closest out of the siblings, both due to the age gap with richie and because i think det. bailey and richie had a very special father/son bond that kind of made way for quinn & ethan to become close.
i also HC that quinn would always be the first one to tease ethan but if anyone at school bullied or bothered him then she’d be there in an instant to essentially fight his battles for him 😅 (which, imo, is totally backed up by the scene in 6 when quinn reaches the balcony and ethan so joyfully is like “you guys are so fucked now!” … like she’s always been the protective sibling to both ethan & richie.)
i think the bailey-kirsch family like… very clearly has some screws loose, but i think richie’s issues inherently come from the fact that wayne coddled him too much and never curbed his bad traits.
(this kind of ties into a HC i have that their mom died when the kids were really young but….)
i feel like quinn & ethan definitely had an inkling that richie had to the capability to hurt people, but it kind of raises the question to me that with the way their father idolized him… did the two of them even see that as a bad thing? or was richie’s killer instinct something their dad admired and they kind of wished they had more of themselves?
i also know this is definitely a debated topic in the fandom but i do objectively think ethan had some hangs-ups on the favoritism of richie. like, in the monologue det. bailey has about the special bond between a father and his first-born son there’s a very clear acting choice from jack champion to react to that with some pain that i can’t ignore.
i also think there’s a LOT to be said about quinn’s position as the only girl in a family full of boys that seemingly does not have a present mother but that’s a topic for different post because that alone could be as long as this one is right now lmao.
this has gotten LONG so i’ll leave us off on some fun head-canons lol
quinn 100% mains bowser in mario kart and ethan mains yoshi… she’s also not above literally shoving the controller out of his hands in order to win 🤷
they are also SUPER hyper competitive around each other and struggled to hide that from the friend group in scream 6 lol there was definitely an instance of quinn shoving ethan or his remote during mario kart that earned her a whole essay from chad on how cheating is rude while ethan had to try and suppress his laughter LMAO
okay, one last side note, i actually am curious on how ethan and quinn successfully hid the fact they were siblings from the group because even with fake identities that kind of bond seems really hard to hide to me but that’s a separate essay…
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vthewriter1121 · 2 months
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Beyond the stars
Juno x Fem reader
Anthem for a seventeen year old (Chapter three)
I was ever so amazed, surrounded by the vastness of space within a giant inflatable dome that projected mesmerizing constellations and stars. Sitting beside me was my best friend, Juno, the only other girl in our fifth-grade class who shared my fascination with space. Her striking purple hair shimmered under the dim light, and her brown eyes were fixed intently on the image of the red planet displayed above us. As we sat in the cool interior of the dome during our summer camp, I couldn't help but wonder what captivated her about Mars.
"One day I'm gonna be an astronaut," Juno declared suddenly, turning to me with a determined gleam in her eyes.
"Then I’m gonna see the universe and everything." Her excitement was contagious, and I couldn't help but smile as I lay on the gym floor, gazing up at the stars twinkling above us.
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Leaning closer, Juno caught my attention, and suddenly, I found myself lost not in the stars but in her gaze. Her eyes seemed to reflect the very constellations we admired, and her long, radiant purple hair resembled a galaxy dotted with stars.
"What if you come with me, Y/N?" Juno asked, her voice filled with hopeful anticipation.
"Imagine if we could figure out how to live on another planet. Would you go?" Her question hung in the air, and I closed my eyes briefly, imagining the possibilities. Then, reaching a conclusion, I opened my eyes to find Juno still gazing up at Mars.
"I wouldn't know," I answered softly as Juno slowly turned to me.
"I have a good life here with the people I care about, especially with you. I like how things are, and I appreciate my life on Earth. Besides, what if something happens to that planet? Personally, I wouldn't want to be among the first to live on a planet that isn't Earth," I added thoughtfully .Juno slowly lay back next to me on the gym floor. Her eyes never left the simulated Martian landscape above us.
"Could it really be all that bad?" Juno mused softly, a thoughtful hum escaping her lips. "What if you get that chance and your well-being is okay? Wouldn't it be amazing to live among the stars? Take Mars, for example," she continued, pointing towards the distant red planet.
"The gravity is lighter, and we could live in pods that produce oxygen since the atmosphere there is gas." She let out a giggle. "And we could bounce around in spacesuits too!"
Her playful enthusiasm was infectious, and I couldn't help but smile at her excitement. Juno reached out and gently took my hand, and together, we lay there in the peaceful silence of the dome, contemplating the vastness of space and the possibilities it held for us.
"It does sound thrilling," I admitted, squeezing her hand in return. "Living on Mars would definitely be an adventure. Exploring new things , bouncing around in spacesuits, and discovering what life could be like beyond Earth—it's a tempting thought."
Juno grinned back at me, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of determination and wonder. "We could be space rangers , Y/N," she said softly. "Imagine the discoveries we could make, the places we could explore."
As we lay there, hand in hand, looking up at the stars and envisioning a future, time seemed to stand still. Little did we know then that our dreams would lead us on different paths.
[Time Skip - Six Years Later]
The soft glow of a desk lamp cast a warm light across Juno's bedroom, where we now sat surrounded by textbooks and notes. The chatter of our conversation filled the air as we discussed the upcoming assignments due after winter break.
"Who the heck would assign work over break? It's so stupid!" Juno exclaimed, her voice carrying a hint of exasperation.
I chuckled, flipping through the pages of my textbook. "I know, right? It feels like they're trying to sabotage our holidays."
Juno leaned back against her pillows, her purple hair spilling over the sheets as she sighed dramatically. "Well, at least we have each other to suffer through it," she said with a grin ,and I nodded in agreement.
"So, any plans for after graduation?" Juno asked, changing the subject as she started sketching on her homework.
I shrugged, pondering the question. "I'm still figuring that out. Maybe grad school or going to community college depending."
Juno nodded thoughtfully, her expression distant for a moment. "I've been thinking about applying to be the first person on Mars. For that one big company since they were looking for volunteers." she admitted quietly.
I felt myself freeze for a minute. As much as I felt proud of her, I wanted to tell her not to leave. All I could manage to muster out was.
“Oh....... really?”
Juno looked up from her sketch, her eyes searching mine. "Yeah," she said softly. "It's a huge opportunity, you know? To be part of something historic."
"Yeah, it definitely is," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady despite the swirl of emotions inside me.
Silence settled between us, punctuated only by the scratch of Juno's pencil on paper. The weight of her words hung in the air, and I struggled to find the right ones to say. Part of me wanted to encourage her dream, to see her reach for the stars as she always had. But another part of me feared the prospect of her leaving, I felt this gut-wrenching ache in my belly ,and the feeling was a feeling I'd never forget.
"Juno," I began, my voice barely above a whisper, "what if something goes wrong? What if..." I trailed off, unable to voice the deepest fears that gripped my heart.
She set her pencil down and reached across the small distance between us, taking my hand in hers. I blushed slightly at the warmth of her touch, feeling a mix of comfort and apprehension swirling within me. Her thumb gently rubbed the back of my hand, a soothing gesture that spoke volumes of her understanding and empathy.
"I know it's scary," she said softly, her gaze unwavering. "But I've thought about this for a long time. I believe in the company, and I believe in myself."
Her voice was like a gentle caress, soothing yet stirring up a whirlwind of emotions within me. Juno's kindness and determination had always been constants in my life, but now, faced with the possibility of her leaving, I felt a weight settle in my chest. The thought of not being able to touch her, to talk, to laugh, to share moments with her for years, was almost unbearable.
She was my best friend, my confidante, the person who knew me better than anyone else. And yet, a few months ago, I had come to realize that I wanted her to be more than that. The fear of losing her had kept me from confessing my feelings, afraid that revealing them would jeopardize everything we had built together.
"If you are picked, promise me you will tell me," I said softly, my voice tinged with vulnerability.
Now, as she sat beside me, her presence a comforting anchor in the storm of my thoughts, I couldn't help but cherish every moment we had. Even if it meant keeping the title of her best friend, I knew I would rather have that than nothing at all.
Juno scooted closer, wrapping me in a warm hug. Her embrace was reassuring, a silent promise of solidarity and understanding. "Of course, Y/N," she murmured against my shoulder. "I promise I'll tell you everything.”
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angelsdean · 2 years
like, i get that some people are upset that dean is still in heaven but, it wasn't really a shock to me at all ?? sure i clowned a bit w/ the 'time traveling aliveboy dean' stuff but they literally said before the show even started that dean was on a "hiatus" from heaven and that was always in the back of my mind thru out my clowning. and it really was a hiatus from heaven ! it all took place in the heaven drive time gap as like a finale coda (and what a huge time gap that is to fill. there's still so much they can do w/ that bit of time alone imo). we also don't know how much jensen + robbie were allowed to change, there may have been stipulations w/ spnwin to not change the heaven finale, something that might have to wait for a reboot / continuation of spn prime.
but regardless, crucially ??? what spnwin did is it completely recontexualized dean's ending. i said this in the tags of this post but i'll say it again: the spn finale said. ok dean's dead. he waits for sam. and that's it. spnwin said. no actually !!! he's not accepting that peace !! he's not waiting around for sam !! and giving dean back that agency is important to me. giving dean back the ability to make his own choices and want things for himself is important to me.
and i know some people are doubtful that we'll get a s2 of spnwin, meaning dean's story would end here, on him being unhappy in heaven. but personally, i don't think it matters if we get a s2. i think jensen is Not done with dean or the spn prime story. he's said before that spnwin is only one of many stories he wants to explore in the spn universe. also, after that answer he gave recently at jibcon re: a destiel reunion, i think he def wants more spn ("hopefully we get to see that at some point / i'm sure it would go how we all think it would go" and dean wanting to talk abt the confession)
i think even if we don't get a s2, everything that spnwin established re: dean's story will be the foundation for that reboot / mini series they're always talking about. personally, i Don't think we'll see dean again if there is a s2. (tho we may hear him in voiceovers as they read his journal and use it as a guide. and we may learn more abt dean and his journey this way). overall, i think dean helped establish this story and these characters, but moving forward it will be focused on them and not dean (tho we will see familiar spn faces, and maybe they will get involved in the multiverse too and visit the main spn universe, who knows?)
i think we needed what spnwin gave us re: dean's story not being over, dean unhappy in heaven, dean still searching more, (hints about jack possibly being "off" too / chuck won theory...) as a foundation for future stories in the main spn universe post-15x20. we want to see dean bust out of heaven and find happiness right? well, the seeds for that have been planted. and i knowww that's asking for optimism and faith that we WILL see a continuation in the future, and i get that some people are just doubtful and hopeless, but i really think we will see a continuation in the (maybe not so distant) future. and imo having this foundation to work off w/ dean's recontextualized time in heaven is important for all the things we want to see in a continuation.
and like, even tho i'm annoyed that ppl think his 'ending' now is worse than it was in 15x20, i don't think it's wrong to feel upset, because if that really were where it ended for dean i wouldn't be happy either. but for me the thing is i really really do Not think this is it for dean. i don't think jensen will be satisfied w/ dean staying dead in heaven forever. it completely goes against the thesis of the show, and dean's personal desire for freedom over peace in 'paradise.' and after everything jensen said abt dean + cas reuniting, i think there's a lot of unresolved things in spn that he wants to address, and he'll keep trying to make more spn until we get a better ending for all these characters (bc lbr, sam's ending also sucked. we never saw cas again and all he got was a throwaway line in the finale. jack deserves better too. they all do).
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oddmawd · 5 months
Finally figured out how to ask a question on mobile cause I’m an idiot.
You’ve established that Brooks’ Occult storyline takes place as a prequel to the rest of the series, I was wondering (if it wasn’t spoilery) where some of the other plots take place in the timeline?
oh i love this ask...i actually have the OCCULT PIECE universe mapped out with three distinct eras into which i slot stories as they occur to me:
The Antique Era: The the town during its founding. Set in the distant past (1800s and prior). Only immortal characters or time travelers will appear in this era as well as in other, future eras. The Not-So-Distant Past: Likely the 1990s. Flip phones, landlines, limited internet access with dial-up modems. Most mortal adult characters from “The Present Day” are children at this point in history. The Present Day: Roughly set in the modern day (2020s). People have smartphones, social media, and easy internet access. But the use of it feels a little behind the times, as noted by some OCs who are new to town. People still read the paper and watch programmed TV. Cell reception isn’t always great in this part of the world due to supernatural interference.
there may be some distinct eras between the Not-So-Distant Past and the Antique Era but i haven't written any plots for them so i haven't bothered defining them yet LMAO (although the Great Void Fire referenced in Rumbar Boulevard happens between The Antique Era and the Not-So-Distant Past fwiw)
SO FAR we have only seen stories in the Not-So-Distant Past and the Present Day...here's the timeline thus far, featuring written fics and my many untitled WIPs:
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Untitled Buggy/Reader
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The House on Rumbar Boulevard (Eldritch Horror!Brook/Reader)
Untitled Mihawk/Reader
Untitled Shanks/Reader
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Untitled Pedro/Reader (bonus: this is a covid fanfic LOL)
Untitled Marco/Reader
The Most Coveted of Thrones (Demon!Doffy Reader)
The Beast Inside (Werewolf!Zoro/reader)
The Baker & the Beast (Katakuri/Reader)
Untitled Crocodile/Reader
Untitled Sabo/Reader
Untitled Smoker/Reader
Untitled Luffy & Reader (platonic)
DISCLAIMER: i am not entirely sure about the placement of some of these, as i could see certain stories taking place in other times, but...this is the timeline i'm currently working with
i guess this turned into a sneak peek for what i have planned haha...at some point i'll have to drop more hints about my plans for the reader characters
thank you for this ask!!!
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leighsartworks216 · 1 year
The Viper: Rewritten
Chapter 7
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Ch 8
Jaskier x gn!Witcher!reader
AO3 - I highly recommend reading it here, as I am more likely to post on ao3 and not update here in the future as the story progresses
Warnings: blood, gore, fighting
Word Count: 4509
Tired patrons meandered through the tavern, searching for breakfast before their hard days’ labor. The bustling and merriment of the night were traded in for half-lidded eyes and quiet exchanges. Jaskier, despite taking forever to wake up, seemed to be the most energetic of anybody else there. However, you were truly the most awake.
“So,” Jaskier said, “where to?”
“What do you mean?” You looked at him over the rim of your tankard as you took a drink.
Your expressions were muted; surrounded by strangers and townsfolk that could turn on you at any moment, you never gave anything away. Yet Jaskier could see the hints of emotion in your eyes, so adjusted to reading Geralt after so long. He knew your cold neutrality was a barrier, and through the carefully laid bricks he could see the curiosity in your question.
His fingers rubbed against each other as his nerves caught up to him. He wasn’t shy by any means, but since Geralt yelled at him, his mind seemed to always find ways to second guess himself. He wasn’t sure if he should be asking questions; if he could. But you didn’t shut him down. You didn’t give any hint at all that you may have been annoyed with him. He had to cling to that.
“Well, I’m sure you’re going to be traveling around, looking for monsters and things to kill, and, uhm,” his fingers fiddled with the handle of his tankard, “well, I need a guide to Oxenfurt. If you’re heading that way, that is. I don’t wish to…” He watched your eyes trail to the side, brow furrowing slightly as you thought. “Impose.”
“Are you looking to winter there?”
He nodded, emboldened by the question. “Yes! I have a little townhouse there, and usually the University hires me to lecture. Talk about my adventures and,” he gestured, “heroic deeds.”
You nodded slowly as you tried to picture a route from Hengfors all the way through Redania. “It’ll take a month to get there, if the weather holds up. We can follow the Braa river west until we hit Tridam and head south from there.”
“You’ll really take me with you?” His eyes lit up. Without even knowing it, he leaned forward over the table, as if being closer would reveal more truth in your slitted eyes.
“Of course, Jaskier,” you answered easily. You allowed yourself a barely-there grin, easily missed by the other patrons. “That’s why you’ve got Adhara; so you can keep up with me.”
He huffed a laugh, relaxing back into his chair. “You won’t regret this, Viper. I promise…” His shoulders fell. His eyes got a distant sort of look to them, and his smile dimmed, as if he only just realized what he was about to say. He swallowed. “Things will be different.”
Jaskier was nose deep in his journal, mumbling to himself as he scratched out words and rewrote descriptions.
On your way out of town that morning, you’d passed by the town notice board, and hidden under Gwent challenges and requests for eggs, lay a contract for a nest of Drowners. Simple work for good enough pay. Enough to make back for the cost of breakfast, anyway.
The fight with the Drowners had passed by so quickly - and the bard had never before been allowed to be so close to a fight - that he had rushed to get down every single thought he had in the moment. Unfortunately, now he was left with the terrible endeavor of translating his own words. He’d been at it for almost 30 minutes now. On the rare instances he wasn’t chattering away, you gave him silence to work.
Except, for the last 30 minutes, you’d had to keep Bayard at a steady pace right beside Adhara to keep her from trialing off the path. She was well-trained and obedient, but Jaskier barely had a hand on the reins in his eagerness, and the nearby river looked perfect for a dip.
You cleared your throat, and after a moment Jaskier realized it was to get his attention. Bright eyes stared at you like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar. You smiled. “How was your first Drowner experience?”
He chuckled airily and at last tucked the journal and pencil back into his pack. The question was rhetorical, he knew. It was obvious to anyone the event had tickled the artist within him, and he knew you’d been aware of his mad scribbling. Still, he grimaced playfully. “I didn’t realize they were quite that ugly,” he joked.
You huffed a laugh. You were free to do so, by now miles away from the judgemental eyes of townsfolk. Jaskier enjoyed seeing this side of you. It was a breath of fresh air after Geralt’s forever stone-cold exterior. “Wait ‘til you see a Rotfiend.”
His hands held tighter to the reins, eyes searching for an explanation. “A Rotfiend?” he enunciated. “What’s that?”
“They’re horrid,” you scowled. “Imagine a walking corpse, bloated, with skin sloughing off. Where one is found, more are sure to follow. They build their nests on old battlefields - anywhere there’s lots of death, really. The worst part, though, is when they die.”
Jaskier leaned toward you, trying to get as close as possible, as though it would provide him with even more information. He was always eager to learn, even as his face curled in disgust. “What happens?”
“They explode.”
He centered himself in the saddle, scoffing. “Now you’re just messing with me.”
“No, I’m not!”
“They explode?! Like-” He motioned his body exploding, starting from his chest and leaving him in an outward burst. “Explode-explode?”
You nodded.
He shook his head. He refused to believe something as vile as you were describing did something like blow up. “You’re messing with me.”
“They do! They explode and release clouds of poisonous gas!” A wide grin spread across your face as you tried explaining the monster to the bard. You couldn’t remember smiling like this since your time at Gorthur Gvaed. “The good news is one explosion can set off any others close by. One after another, all bursting into red clouds. I once had five of them die that way.”
Your head snapped to the side as a twig snapped. It was too far away  to have been one of the horses. Jaskier didn’t notice as you pulled Bayard to a sharp stop, trotting on ahead. “Yeah, well, I’ll believe it when I see it.”
“Jaskier. Stop.”
Like a flip was switched, you were a Witcher once again. Yellow eyes scanned the forest edge like a predator searching for lunch. The rippling of water was the only sound.
All at once, you realized what was wrong. The birds stopped chirping. How long ago had they fallen silent? You were so caught up with Jaskier- You cursed yourself for making such a stupid mistake.
Before you could absolve yourself, you were falling off Bayard’s back. You screamed as the harsh impact sent shock waves through your spine. Bayard startled and reared on his hind legs, scaring Jaskier’s horse into doing the same. The bard couldn’t get a hold of his mare’s neck fast enough. He swore as he fell on his back right beside you.
He turned, ready to help you fight off whatever was attacking, whatever was scaring your horses, but he was stopped in his tracks by the arrow sticking out of your shoulder. Bright red pooled around the wooden shaft. The archer had found a gap in your armor. The only barrier the projectile had to pass through was your undershirt, now somehow darker as the blood stained it.
You clutched at your shoulder, digging your fingers into your arm as your mind screamed for you to rip it out. Get the arrow out. Get it out of your arm. It took all your willpower not to listen. You writhed against the dirt road and fallen leaves.
Bandits poured from the forest edge. A few broke off to calm the horses and prevent them from bolting. Two dragged Jaskier up to his feet by his arms and held him there, no matter how much he wriggled or fought back. Another, possessing an air of power and control, chuckled as he leaned over you.
“It’s not easy to get the jump on a Witcher,” he cackled. A muddy boot pressed down on your shoulder. You cried out through grit teeth. “But getting the jump on a Viper? That is, truly, something special.”
You grabbed the dagger at your hip, covering the handle with blood. The end of a longsword met your throat before you could drive it into him. He tsked, shaking his head. “Drop it, or we start breaking that one’s fingers.”
For a moment, Jaskier wasn’t sure what you’d do. He watched with a racing heart as you glared up at the bandit. Your fingers tensed around the hilt. One of the men holding him wrenched his hand free, grabbing hold of his fingers. And for a moment, you stared at him. Only for a moment. As brief as a whistle. And the dagger was dropped to the ground.
“A wise choice,” the bandit commended. He removed the blade from your throat, but pressed harder on your shoulder. You squirmed under his boot, a scream ripped from your throat. “Nilfgaardian scum.”
Anger boiled in your soul, like a bubbling pot of stew over a fire, ready to overflow. When the adrenaline subsided, all you had left was your rage.
Bayard and Adhara anxiously stamped their feet across the camp as gruff men pulled off their packs and saddlebags. You could practically feel the way Jaskier tensed when they grabbed his lute. Thankfully, they did little to harm it aside from tossing it onto a pile of potion ingredients they had no use for.
Blood dripped languidly down your arm, leaving a warm, sticky trail in its wake. The arrow held back the majority of it, like a dam holds back water. Having to keep your hands behind your back, clasped in place with no doubt stolen shackles, however, pulled at the wound, allowing enough to slip through to worry Jaskier. 
He glanced around the camp. The leader of the group watched his underlings ransack your stuff, searching for anything valuable. They wouldn’t find much other than your money. Jaskier didn’t know whether to be grateful or worried for this.
When he determined the bandits were far enough away, he ducked his head closer to yours. Your snake eyes hadn’t left the leader since you were captured.
“Are you okay?” he whispered.
As though snapped back to reality, you blinked and finally looked at him. It was not in a casual, carefree way. You did not look at him like he’d just come back from a night bar-hopping and performing for coin. There was so much fire behind your eyes. When you scanned him over for any hint of injury or harm to his person, all he could think of was the way you defended him atop the mountain. When you turned from yelling at Geralt and ushered him away; the way the anger had taken several minutes to actually fade from your body, despite the soft smile you wore. You did not answer his question.
“Did they hurt you?”
He shook his head. Where relief should have been was a hole, filled to the brim with guilt. He wasn’t hurt. He was perfectly fine, aside from the fear that spiked his heart rate and picked at his fingers.
But he could have been. He could have been hurt. And it’s all your fault.
“Hey!” The sharp shout startled Jaskier into leaning back away from you. The leader crossed the camp quickly, sneering down at you. “No talking.”
You stared silently up at him, defiant. He began to step away, foot turned toward the horses, but he stopped. A wicked grin pulled at dirt-covered cheeks. He chuckled, all too pleased with his realization.
“Boys, we didn’t just catch a snake,” he beckoned. The others stopped what they were doing, dropping your things and gathering around to hear what their leader had to say, like sinners in church hoping for their priest to provide them with salvation. The leader knelt down in front of you. His face was inches away, and his breath reeked of tobacco and ale. His voice changed to a low hiss. “You’re Nilfgaard’s prized Viper.”
A murmur arose between the underlings.
“You’ve got a pretty price on your head.” A gloved hand reached out and touched your cheek. You jerked away from the touch. “Just the head, mind you.”
The hand trailed down your throat until it brushed against the silver of your medallion. The snake engraved on it seemed to pull back, prepared to bite the finger, but it was only a trick of the light that scattered through the canopy overhead. He stared into your eyes as his hand wrapped around the metal, and in one quick tug, the string broke. An emptiness replaced the ever-present weight.
“Of course, you won’t be needing this anymore, eh?”
He chuckled as he stood up, briefly scraping the edge of the medallion across your cheek just to see you flinch away. His eyes only glanced over Jaskier. The bard’s popularity was lost on the bandit. For that, you were grateful. To them, he was just another bard, not one of the most famous, who traveled with the White Wolf and sung songs of Witcher glory.
The leader turned. With a wave of his hand, the rest of the men went back to work. Wood and grass was piled up in the center, and soon enough a fire was crackling away. They pulled out the dried meats from your bags and they tore sections off of a loaf of bread, and they sat laughing amongst themselves around the fire as the sun grew lower in the sky.
Jaskier sighed mournfully. He scowled as he watched them rip chunks from the jerky with their teeth and slosh ale between bites of bread. He only looked away when he heard your cuffs clinking together.
Your fingers felt around the metal, feeling out where it was locked, where the chains attached, and which was weaker of the two. You watched the group, but you weren’t staring at food like he’d been. When a bandit glanced over, your fingers stopped moving. As soon as he looked away again, you felt around more.
Jaskier, as soon as he realized you were trying to be sneaky, looked away. His eyes darted between the group.
Ducking your head, you whispered to the bard, “I need a distraction.”
“What kind of distraction?” The question came out more anxious than he intended. He didn’t fancy the idea of being bait, but you’d both been stuck here for hours and he was more than ready to get as far away as possible.
You ran your fingers along the chain again. It was sturdy, but all you’d need is one broken link. The real issue came with the execution. “I need 2 minutes.”
He sighed. He didn’t fancy getting beat up for an escape, either. But he nodded anyway. He’d entertained worse crowds, surely he could draw their attention long enough.
With some effort, he pushed himself up to his feet. His legs were numb from sitting on his knees so long, pricks and pins sticking him every stumbled step over to the fire. He grinned widely despite the situation.
“Gentleman!” All conversation died, replaced with glaring eyes and grotesque sneers. “You seem to have done quite well for yourselves out here. It would be my honor, as Jaskier the bard, to sing a song to your greatness!”
Some of the thugs chuckled. “You’re gonna sing us a song?”
He nodded. Their eyes all followed him as he circled around the group, pulling their attention further away from you. As soon as they were no longer faced that way, a dim orange light emitted from behind you. “I could sing for you all through the night and morning! Or until that one,” he gestured his head to one of the thugs that swayed in his seat from ale, “falls over, leastaways.”
They all laughed. The ones closest nudged the drunkard playfully. They all fell quiet when the leader uncrossed his legs and sat forward. Cracked lips curled around browning teeth. “Go on, then,” he encouraged. Yet something lingered beneath the words, as a snake slithers unseen under bushes. Something dangerous. He stood and paced around Jaskier, standing too close behind him. The bard swallowed as hot breath touched his ear. “Sing for us, little bird.”
With little time to think of all the songs in his repertoire (most of which revolved around a Witcher), the first song that didn’t deal with a White Wolf slaying beasts heroically was the song he sang. And though without a backing instrumental or the assurance that they would know the song and join in, Jaskier endured. For the few seconds he got to sing it, that is.
“Oh fishmonger, oh fishmonger. Come quell-”
A gloved hand grabbed his hair and pulled hard enough he almost fell to the ground. As it was, he was bent over backward trying not to have his hair ripped out. The leader leaned over him. “Not that fucking tripe.”
With another sharp tug to his hair, Jaskier was flung to the ground by the horses. He winced as he landed hard on his shackles.
From across the camp, sharp yellow eyes watched helplessly.
“Try again.”
A rough sigh passed the bard’s lips like a huff. He was just as powerless as the Witcher he traveled with. The thugs watched as he floundered. His lips formed half-thought lyrics, before he stopped himself. His heart raced as he sang the next song.
“The fairer sex, they often call it-”
You watched as though in slow motion as the leader swung his leg in an arc, rubber sole catching Jaskier across the cheek. The momentum sent him to the ground. Their laughter burned your ears as they watched on. With his hands still clasped behind him, Jaskier fought to get away from the crowd. His cheek was pink, though not twinged by the humors of alcohol. And from a small cut beneath his eye fell a drop of blood.
You saw red.
In one final burst of Igni, you felt the chain break apart. It glowed red as you forced yourself to stand. For a moment, everyone was too distracted bullying Jaskier, until you cut off one of their heads with their own sword.
The fear in the leader’s eyes was worth all the pain. Had you been a wild beast, you would have relished in their terror. Soaked in the way they stepped back, tried to find a way to get their weapons, try to figure out an escape. But you weren’t. And all you could think of was getting Jaskier out of there.
“Touch him again,” you hissed, “and I will ensure no god will recognize you when I am finished.”
Clinging to the last of his confidence, the leader scoffed. You could hear the waver in his voice. “You’d kill us all, for what? A bard?”
“In a heartbeat.”
All color drained from his face. He shoved his men forward to fight while the coward grabbed Jaskier and dragged him backward into the trees for protection.
Truthfully, you didn’t remember most of the fight. You recalled your injured arm becoming useless halfway through. And you distinctly remember a sharp, burning pain along your spine the more blows you took and the more men you felled. By the time the last grunt had fallen to your stolen sword, you were covered in gore and viscera.
You stepped lazily over bodies as you crossed the camp, one arm limp and the other hanging from exhaustion. The sword was heavier than your daggers, and required a completely different fighting style than you were trained in. Even at a disadvantage, you’d wiped out the entire camp so quickly you would have been praised back at school.
“Not one step closer!”
Your feet stopped at the edge of the campfire’s glow. Just beyond, back pressed up against a tall oak, was the bandit leader. Jaskier was trapped in his hold with a knife pressed to his throat. He tried not to squirm under the threat to his life, but the fear radiated off of him so thickly you could smell it through hints of vanilla.
“No closer or the bard gets it!”
You almost chuckled. “You’d kill your only bargaining chip?” You took a step forward. “Really?”
The blade pressed tighter against his neck. “I’ll do it, I swear!”
For a long moment, you both stared, studying each other. You watched the way Jaskier swallowed his whimpers down. The way the bandit’s gloved hand trembled. The silver glistening in his pocket.
“What do you propose?”
He blinked. “Drop the sword.” Your fingers tightened around the hilt. “Drop the sword and I’ll let him go.”
Jaskier thought for a moment you would refuse. The blade caught the firelight as you contemplatively shifted its weight in your grasp. He hated how shocked he felt when you did finally drop the sword. And the relief as you kicked it away from yourself.
The bandit waited a moment to ensure you weren’t trying to pull a fast one over him. Then, he lifted the knife from your bard’s neck, and shoved him forward. You grunted as you caught him, as he stumbled into you roughly. You held onto his sleeve when he gathered himself, stepping away from you, and watched over his shoulder as the cowardly leader ran away.
Jaskier sighed. It was shaky, filled with relief and disappointment. “You’re going to let him go?”
“That wasn’t part of our deal,” you answered lowly. Jaskier felt untethered when you released him and swept up the sword you’d kicked away. At the edge of the treeline, you used your whole body to gather the momentum, and threw the sword at the retreating figure. It spun through the air and landed on its mark. The bandit collapsed to the forest floor. “Stay here.”
The command was quiet and held no real power behind it, but Jaskier complied nonetheless. He watched from afar as you stepped clumsily over protruding roots.
The leader, gasping in agony, clawed his way along the ground. His gloves were hastily removed and chucked aside in hopes of gathering more traction. He screamed as the sword in his back was ripped out carelessly. A boot kicked him onto his side, and another forced him to lay on his bleeding, gaping wound. Blood stained orange and brown leaves indiscriminately.
“Mercy!” he cried. His face contorted into a gross facsimile of the man he once was. Tears clouded his vision and poured down his dirty cheeks. His hands clasped in prayer. “Mercy, please!”
You aimed the tip of your blade at his throat. His Adam's apple bobbed against it. “You hurt my bard,” you reminded him. Your voice was quiet; a mere croak of what it usually was. But the threat it carried remained as powerful as if you screamed it. “You ransacked our horses, ate our food, stole my medallion.” You twisted your grip on the blade so your palm faced you. The sword stood straight up against the hollow of his neck. “I have no mercy left to give.”
Steel sheathed itself within his neck. You watched remorseless as blood pooled in his mouth, and as he coughed and choked on it. Taking his life was all too satisfying.
With a groan, you reached down and plucked your medallion from one pocket, and the key to your cuffs from the other. You used the trees for support as you stumbled back to the camp. Jaskier met you at the treeline and pressed his body into your side to keep you upright. You held onto his sleeve again.
“Are you alright?” he whispered. He didn’t wish to take his eyes off you, even as you turned him away so you could free him from his shackles. As soon as they were off, he was facing you once again and holding you by the arms to support you.
You couldn’t find the words to answer him. Were you? Half your body was numb; the other half burned something fierce. You felt no remorse taking so many human lives, but guilt festered like an open wound when you spotted the blood on his cheek. Without thinking, you raised a hand and brushed it away.
Jaskier stayed by your side, holding you up, as you shambled toward the horses. “Need to move on,” you muttered. Were those spots in your vision? “We can get a few more miles down the road if we-”
“You’re bleeding, Viper.” He pulled you to a stop. “You’re covered in blood - I’m covered in blood.”
“You barely got a splatter on you.”
“The sun’s already beginning to set and there’s fire and food aplenty here. We should stay and rest, not charge off into the night!”
You shook your head. “Monsters’ll smell this blood. Ten minutes, tops, we’ll be fighting off rotfiends and- and everything else.”
Irritated, he looked around the camp. He really didn’t want to sleep surrounded by corpses, but you! He’d watched the fight. It was messy and sloppy, and you’d definitely be bruised in a few hours. He wasn’t entirely certain you hadn’t broken anything. Surely it would be best to patch yourselves up first?
You didn’t wait for him to argue any more. Bayard saw you approaching and met you halfway. Without a command, he laid down so you could easily mount him. Jaskier begrudgingly helped you settle in the saddle the bandits neglected to remove, and he watched as Bayard stood as carefully as he was able to avoid flinging you out the seat.
You fought to keep your eyes open as you watched Jaskier find something to step on so he could mount Adhara. Your body screamed and begged for rest. For the pain to end. But you couldn’t sleep. You refused to, when Jaskier could still be in danger from the monsters that lurked in the dark woods. No. You’d ride a while longer, and then you could rest.
Barely tugging the reins, you guided Bayard from the wooded clearing. Low hanging branches scratched against your face, but you couldn’t find any part of you that really cared. You could hear Jaskier grumbling as he pushed the branches aside.
As you neared the road, the sound of trickling water returned. Oh, the things you’d do to slip right into that cool river. Horse hooves clopped mutedly against the dirt road. Every step rocked you gently. Dark spots overwhelmed your vision, and finally your eyelids closed. Jaskier screamed your Viper moniker as he watched you slide limply off your horse once again, and collide with the hard ground below.
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