#a hypothosis
ahsoka-in-a-hood · 2 years
You know when you see a thing that’s like ‘my favorite version of <ship that you like> is <every single fanon take on this ship that you don’t like condensed in one paragraph> and you’re like oh, excuse me, I seem to have wandered into the wrong house-
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dogwaffles-sodasauce · 5 months
object show fans, do you know what TWOW is?
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im-radio · 5 months
Battery acid spaghetti, our attempt
Hello, this is a friend of Radio writing this as we've both done it, and I will respond in this thread on my account, just going to say, she's not dead, just doing other things at this point, she drank a sip, I had the rest of the glass, we used an entire monster sliver, and a pack of co-op rainbow gummy belts for this experiment, we will keep you updated on the consequenses to science, all we know is that people said 'don't do this' so naturallly, like all scientists, we did it, we will keep you updated
Crow here again, science side of tumblr, what is your hypothosis on what will happen if you drink an entire pint of battery acid spaghetti, I wll be able to prove or disprove your hypothosis soon, being hypothosising please
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bobbymcmann · 5 months
And I mean like he’s your fav/you really don’t want him traded
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istherewifiinhell · 1 year
not directly related i guess lol but teehee i just. (another thing ive said b4) love aro cul-ture cause straight up im not gonna decide if i just have a brain problem or am aspec sometimes. r u (forgive the language. or dont :3c) flirting with loveless aro or are u doing a brain thing? shut the fuck up. lol.
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unexpecteddinolesson · 7 months
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Zuul is an ankylosaurine dinosaur, estimated to have reached about 6 m in length. The generic name is after the monster dog from the 1984 film Ghostbusters. The species name, crurivastator, translates as "destroyer of shins." This naming refers to a presumed defensive tactic of ankylosaurids, smashing the lower legs of attacking predatory theropods with their tail clubs. However, recent research found damage to osteoderms on Zuul's flank consistent with injuries that would be sustained from a blow from a fellow ankylosaur. This observation promotes the hypothosis that the tail clubs could have been used for intraspecies combat, likely while fighting for a mate.
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angelp-official · 2 months
OKAY SO The idea of Undergluttony has been rolling in my mind for a while, so yeah here's my take on it!
It didn't take too long for the monsters to be starving already. There aren't many plants to grow or animals to cook as there is at the surface, buttercups are poisonous, and water isn't enough. A few monsters have been reported dead from either starvation or consumption of buttercups, it was becoming a huge problem. Then, at one fateful day...
A young farmer named Chara fell into the underground. The young prince, Asriel, has noticed their fall and brought them to his home. At their way there, Asriel explains about the starvation of the underground and how monsters are dying because of it. Chara offers to help, and Asriel giggles as he thinks it's impossible, until he saw the many seeds Chara has brought with them.
Chara starts planting outside of the Dreemurr's home. Toriel and Asgore seemed confused, then Chara explains that with planting and harvesting, they can make food with it. Chara then brings the Dreemurr family to help them plant, harvest, and cook for the monsters. It was all going really smoothly.
Unfortunately, however, it still wasn't enough. They still needed meat. While the monsters didn't mind at all, they don't seem to look healthy, and Asriel and Chara have noticed that. Chara was getting really worried for the monsters, and while Asriel assured them that it will be okay, Chara still wanted to do something about it.
Chara one night woke up Asriel and snuck into their kitchen.
"Chara, why did you bring me here at this time?"
"Well... I have a hypothosis."
"And what "hypothosis" is that?"
"What if I sacrifice myself so the monsters can eat meat?"
"Sounds crazy, huh?"
"I... But... Why?"
"Well, I know the monsters are finally eating good for once, but still, they don't look healthy with eating just plant based food all the time! And with that in mind, I'm going to sacrifice myself for them!"
"Asriel, promise me... Promise me that you and your... No, our family continues to feed the monsters, okay?"
"... Of course."
"Pinky promise, right?"
"Pinky promise."
"Thank you. Please tell me when you're ready to chop me, okay? And please tell our parents that it was because of the reason I said."
"I will."
The next day later, Chara is now missing. The king and queen have been trying to look for them everywhere, but they were nowhere to be seen.
"Asriel, where is the human?!" Asgore asked in worry.
"Asriel, where is the human...?" Toriel tried to ask calmly.
"... They..."
"It's alright, my child. Just tell us what happened to them."
Asriel starts to sniffle. "... They told me to chop them."
Asgore and Toriel looked at him with shock. Asriel then panics in regret and sorrow.
"They really did, they wanted me to chop them so monsters can eat meat because they said the monsters aren't healthy without meat and!-"
Toriel and Asgore then hug him and try to calm him down.
"... Again, it's alright, my child. We just wanted to know." Toriel reassures Asriel.
They then let go of each other.
"The human has done a kind and brave sacrifice for monsterkind. Their legacy shall be carried over. Thank you, Asriel, for telling the truth. And as for the human, they shall be remembered in our hearts." Asgore said to Asriel.
"I- ..." Asriel then tears up.
Toriel wipes his tears away. "Asriel, it's okay now. What really matters is that you were honest about all of this."
"B-But still, I'm really gonna miss them..."
"They will be remembered forever for their kind heart. Now, shall we start cooking for the underground?"
Asriel then cheers up in hopes for everyone. "... Mhm!"
Gluttony is a cannibalistic infection that happens when a monster eats a human with the soul of Temperance.
If a monster gets 'Gluttony', the monster will get side effects of:
- Constant hunger
- The will to eat others without care
- %10-25 Violent nature
- Being made out of meat instead of magic
The only way to lessen Gluttony is to eat three times a day and at least try not to eat others.
Okay info dump over yippeeeee
The time has come. It's time for the monsters to really eat healthy for once. The king, queen, and the young prince has called the entire underground for a feast. "The last supper", they called it. However, what they didn't know is that seeing the fallen human wasn't gonna be the only last thing.
"Monsters of all kind, it's finally time we eat meat! It is from a very determined soul. They were kind enough to feed themselves to us, kind enough for them to sacrifice themselves for us to eat meat. With their sacrifice, we shall never forget them!"
The monsters cheered, and the last supper has begun.
After all the monsters ate and went back home...
"... Urgh, it's the middle of the night, why am I so hungry at this time?! Well, it's not gonna hurt my parents if I sneak in the kitchen at this time."
Asriel sneaks into the kitchen and sees Asgore eating raw food in the fridge like a maniac.
"... My son... I need..."
"Dad, why are you eating those food like tha- Hey! Why are you grabbing my neck like this? And why did you grab that butching knife?!- I-"
(If you wanna ask questions about the AU, go ahead!)
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yakool-foolio · 1 year
i like Vivia sensing the fourth wall as some sorts of cosmic force watching him. maybe when around Yuma he can feel it even stronger, and draws the conclusion that there must be something about Yuma that these cosmic stare enjoys. his hypothosis is it's probably something to do with him being bound to Shinigami, which isn't technically wrong cause he probably wouldn't be the protag without her
"Ah, sweet... eldritch horrors beyond my comprehension..."
Once Vivia honed in his power around spirits, that sensation of physic staring fizzled away, but returned once Yuma stepped in. It's subtle, just enough to acknowledge its existence as it dwells in the back of his mind. Shinigami would be the least of Vivia's concerns with a presence seeming to even watch over her. Is there a god more powerful than her? The world is full of mysteries. He still has a lot to learn about his powers and the spectral plane.
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Morpheus' sister (?). research notes
She says i know one who knows her brother. i know many people. i do not care to remember them. She seems to appear most when delirium educing toxin are being used.
hypothosis: she is one of his kind. the things that are not gods.
test: catch her and restrain her.
Vatrables (controlled): how to catch her? Can she be caught? (find out if she has a weekness). use an array of toxins on her.
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mynameis-a · 1 year
will the presence of charlie slimecicle prevent me from experiencing paranoia due to watching a horror game?
will update with results.
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science-lings · 2 years
Are the results of the queer and christian poll going into the gender essay?
maybe, I was going to do a kind of study about how both Christian and Queer groups are drawn towards Zelda and hypothosis' as to why but I could also add it to the general Zelda vs Queer Rep essay. We'll see how long it ends up being, and if it might be better to separate them.
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[Ooh, another video. Wanna watch it? :> ]
[ Y / N ]
[This tape starts with [Unown] holding a piece of chalk in her hand, and she's looking at a blackboard before turning around to face the camera.
Oh, hello there! So with my recent glitchiness in that last video, I've decided to try and figure out exactly why I'm glitching. And I think I've got a good hypo-... Hypothosis- Hypothesis? Hypothesis... On why I'm glitching!
She turns to the blackboard. There's a little sketch of a stick figure falling from what appears to be the sky that's glowing for some reason.
So basically Bomby got here first somehow, and then he ported his pokemon here from his saves. So my guess is that, while Bomby was porting over his pokemon, he managed to drag me from my world, and while I was falling into this, some of my code just got stripped away from me!
She turns back to the camera with a eerie yet perfectly normal smile. Maybe it's the her eyes that's making it eerie.
So I'm just ᵦ̬̼̈́̏ͭ͛̐ᴿ͇̿͘̕͘-broken! Well, I have just enough code to be tangible, but not enough to stay tangible forever, hence why I'm able to glitch through walls for some reason...
She starts chuckling and glitching a bit.
But ꇞꀟ-𐌕ⶴ-that's just a theory! Hehehe. A GȦ̩̗͔̫̮̚͢-̼̦͈͚̤̤̝͈̈̇̂̄ͪ̇̉̉̂̋̀͞͡Ḁ̹̼͈̻̪ͨͤ̾̚_̵̅̄͆̿-̵̢̬͓͚̫̮̣͙͌͊̈̍͋̀̌̐̇̐̓͌̉ͨ͋͂̚͘͞A̵̧̯̰̠̜̺̥̤̤̜̺͓̪̖͕͋̾̀ͫ̾̅ͨ̈́̀ͧͥͦ͊ͨ͂̍ͨ̾ͫ̚͞͝ͅͅ-̛̤͕Ą̺ͯ̈́ͭ̽ͩͭ̅̐͑̌̏́͟͟͟͜͝-̸̝̣͇̟̒̿̄ͤ̌ͭͦ̈͒̔̾̎͡͡͞
Welp, I guess she couldn't even finish her reference before making the video glitch and stop recording.]
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palaceoffatties · 1 year
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I figured with the new feeder creatures and slimes in the and whatever perfuma made running wild in the enviornment ..
The growth rate would exceed my fattening tech or at least match it .
Yet my hypothosis was wrong and it’s back to the drawing board .
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ancestorsalive · 1 year
“Archaeological materials are not mute. They speak their own language. And they need to be used for the great source they are to help unravel the spirituality of those of our ancestors who predate the Indo-Europeans by many thousands of years.”
― Marija Gimbutas
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Photo 1:
Marija (Alseikaite) Gimbutas (Lithuanian: Marija Gimbutienė), was a Lithuanian-American archeologist known for her research into the Neolithic and Bronze Age cultures of "Old Europe", a term she introduced. Her works published between 1946 and 1971 introduced new views by combining traditional spadework with linguistics and mythological interpretation, but earned a mixed reception by other professionals.
Photo 2:
La Gran’mère du Castel ~ a statue menhir ~ now stands outside the Castel Church in Guernsey, Channel Islands and was discovered buried 30cm below the floor of the entrance to the chancel of the church in 1878. A pre-Christian neolithic menhir dating from 2,500-1,800 BC, carved to represent a female, with breasts and a necklace in relief, possibly a fertility symbol. It was discovered under the floor of the church in 1878, possibly buried there to rid the church of a link to the older pagan beliefs.
Photo 3:
La Gran’mère du Chimquière (The Grandmother of the Cemetery) now stands outside St Martin's Church in Guernsey, Channel Islands. A pre-Christian neolithic menhir dating from 2,500-1,800 BC, carved to represent a female and was possibly a fertility symbol along with another carved statue menhir which stands in the grounds of the Castel church.It is also similar to two statues found in the south of Brittany and which is evidence of an ancient Atlantic culture maintaining sea links between Guernsey and mainland France.The St Martin's Gran' Mere differs from the Castel one for two reasons, the first is that it has been re-carved and had the addition of a cape and either head dress or hair. This is thought to have happened around 2,000 years ago, in Roman times, as the garments carved into her resemble clothing worn in the Roman era.
Photo 4:
A photo of 'Le Guardien du Tombeau' (the guardian of the tomb) which is on one of the capstones in the main chamber of Le Dehus Neolithic mound in Guernsey, Channel Islands. The carving of a bearded face, arms and hands, with what appears to be a strung bow with arrows and symbolic designs, was discovered in 1916. It has a strong resemblance to similar objects found in Brittany and on the Iberian peninsula which is evidence of trade and cultural links between these areas and Guernsey during the late Neolithic period. The structure is a prehistoric passage and chamber grave about ten metres in length with a narrow entrance, large main chamber, four small side chambers and a roof of huge capstones.A large number of finds including a copper dagger and two copper rings dating from 3500 to 2000 BC were made by F. C. Lukis and his sons during their excavations of the tomb in 1837-1847.
Photo 5:
A 15,000 year old ivory figurine made out of a mammoth tooth, Kiev, Ukraine. Kenneth Garrett photography.
Photo 6:
Marija Gimbutas (1921-1994), former Professor Emeritus of Archaeology at UCLA, contributed to what is considered to be one of the most significant academic watershed moments in women’s studies with her archeological and philosophical work on Neolithic culture and religion. A Lithuanian-American archeologist, she is best known for her research into the Neolithic and Bronze Age cultures of “Old Europe,” a term she introduced.
Old Europe referred to both the geographical area and social structures that existed before the Indo-European influence, and was based on her work on the cross-disciplines of archaeological artifacts, linguistics, ethnography and folklore that led her to posit the thesis that the European prehistoric culture was female-centered and worshiped a Mother Goddess as giver of all life. Gimbutas’ hypothosis that the Kurgan invasions brought an end to Old Europe and introduced new Indo-European languages to Europe was viewed with skepticism by many scholars in her time; in recent years her Kurgan theory was given support through advances in DNA testing. http://mmstudies.com/scholars/gimbutas/
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end-note-2021 · 1 year
A professor planning to live underwater for 100 days is quoted as saying:
“This study will examine every way this journey impacts my body, but my null hypotheses is that there will be improvements to my health due to the increased pressure.”
No. The null hypothesis is always that there will be no measurable experimental effect. I guess he meant "working hypothosis" and NOT plural.
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dooodle-bug · 2 years
deadass i still have No idea how these darkener mfs were able to like. somehow know each other prior to the dark fountains opening. so i propose a possible hypothosis
darkworld is some sort of Parallel world below and sorta created and directly affected by the lightworld. why and how it came to be is unknown. however, these worlds are completely detached from each other and unable to connect. BUT the dark worlds can somehow connect with each other?????
Then the dark fountains show up and act as sort of a bridge between the worlds while throwing it all off balance in the process, yet also allowing for lightners to enter
idk im just keeping this as a hc for now bc i feel like there no explanation yet <3
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