#and drug him to sleep without his consent
ahsoka-in-a-hood · 1 year
You know when you see a thing that’s like ‘my favorite version of <ship that you like> is <every single fanon take on this ship that you don’t like condensed in one paragraph> and you’re like oh, excuse me, I seem to have wandered into the wrong house-
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alyakthedorklord · 1 year
Batman the Playboy
Justice League, not quite early days but before proper identity reveals, though everyone knows Batman knows theirs, bc he has Opinions™ and Constructive Criticisms™ on their secret-keeping.
The issue is brought up on random occasions. The most notable incident- the Justice League, including Batman, being Drunk for Bonding, and Batman, in a fit of paranoid good intentions because he CARES about these idiots, damnit, why must they be so careless, starts insulting them.
Batman, leaning heavily on the table: “GL, you’re a mess, I don’t even know where to start with you. And Arrow! Your goatee is so distinctive, it’s a wonder no one has called you out on it-“
Green Arrow, also drunk: “Alright, there’s no need to insult my awesome facial hair-”
Batman, in despair: “It’s so ugly.”
Green Arrow: (offended noises)
Green Lantern: “Okay, the only reason you know our secret identities is because you’re a rude nosy bastard who needs to know everything about us like a creepy stalker who needs an ego boost! We’re not stupid, Spooky, we’re just polite. We could figure you out easily if we wanted to. Superman can see right through your mask!”
Usually, Batman would have a good response to that. Something smart and reasonable like “villains won’t care for your privacy, I’m testing you,” or something cutting like “I don’t care enough about you to go digging, I set your secret identity as a training exercise for Robin.”
However, Batman is Drunk, because for some reason imbibing drugs that dampen higher brain function is socially acceptable and often, for some reason, expected, because it’s “team bonding” and “come on just loosen up a bit.” (Also for him, drunk=Brucie)
So what Batman ends up saying is: “I could kiss you full on the lips in my secret identity and you wouldn’t know a thing.”
Superman, plucking the glass from Batman’s hand: “Aaaand that is enough alcohol for you!”
Batman nods. Thank God. He wants to go home and sleep. But first: “Superman, yours is so stupid it’s almost impressive-”
Of course, Green Lantern has smelled a challenge. And Green Lantern must annoy Batman. It’s his true superpower. So, the next time they meet (sober) he brings up the issue again.
GL: “So about what you said at the party… the part where you could kiss us full on the lips without us knowing. You still confident in that without liquid courage, Spooky? Bet you your real name you can’t do it.”
Batman, regretting the fact that alcohol has ever passed his lips: “I could do it, but I will not.”
Flash, curious: “Why’s that?”
Batman: “Informed Consent. I will not risk making any of you feel violated, or manipulated, for the sake of a stupid bet and my ego.”
GA, still offended by the goatee comment, trying to back Batman into a corner: “So if we give consent, we’re fair game? Try me, Batman. Even you can’t pull this off. Anyone else game?”
Some of the Justice League laughs, raising their hands.
Flash: “Come get me, hot stuff! I’ll call you out!”
Wonder Woman: “It could be amusing.”
Martian Manhunter: “I would be far too difficult a target.”
Green Arrow: “Not just you. C’mon, Spooky, flirting well enough to get a kiss from me? I’m a classy lady.”
Black Canary: “D-class, maybe.”
Superman, wants a kiss in on the fun: 🙋🏻‍♂️
“So that’s it then!” Green Lantern says smugly. “Batman, if you can kiss… how many people raised their hands? Ah yes- HALF THE JUSTICE LEAGUE, without anyone realizing it’s you, then you win.”
Batman scoffs and walks out, leaving the Justice League in stitches at their joke. Because- Batman? Being good enough at flirting to land a kiss on half the league, without it being forced or awkward, without them recognizing his body language, his voice, his build? How ridiculous!
The Batman is Autistic. The Batman does not understand jokes, especially not ones that are half truths. The Batman has consent, and something to prove.
And Bruce Wayne, billionaire, playboy, and sexy DILF, has targets.
(Please tell me how you think he gets each League member.)
Edit: there have been a bunch of awesome additions in the notes! My own take here.
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violet-butterflies · 10 months
❥︎ yandere! Dilf Part 2
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❥︎ Warnings ! ☞︎︎︎ drugging, stalking, delusional, doing things without consent, masturbation, NSFW ( male yandere! oc x female reader ) Click to see part 1 and part 3 !
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"You wanna join daddy and mommy in bed, Yoon?"
The four-year-old nodded at his dad cutely as he climbed onto the bed, right between an unconscious woman and his dad. As soon as the four-year-old was comfortable, his dad took both his son and the sleeping woman. He then kissed the cheeks of both his son and the woman in his arms.
"I wuv you daddy..." the kid sleepily said to his dad as he let out a big yawn. His dad let out a loving smile as soon as his son said the adorable statement.
"I love you too buddy... What about mommy? Do you love mommy?"
"Mhm! But... why can't I call her mommy daddy?" Yoon asked as he tried his best to keep his eyes open to listen to his dad's answer.
"Mommy doesn't know that she's a mommy yet... It's a big surprise and we'll tell her soon!"
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It never occurred to Junho (yandere! dilf) that his perfect mirage of a family would be broken anytime soon. He's always followed a very specific routine that rarely changes. It's always dropping his son to kindergarten, working until it was time for his son to go home, watching the hidden cameras in his house as y/n brings his son home to babysit. Then, it was either drugging the girl so she would be knocked out on his bed and in his arms or letting her go home and watching her in her house through a hidden camera he planted in a teddy bear he gave her.
He was stuck inside of a fantasy where you were his wife and living a domesticated life with him and his son. One day that fantasy will come true, Junho is definitely dedicated to making that dream a reality, however, why rush when he has all the time in the world?
After all, y/n was always under his watch so at this point he knows everything about her!
"Junho! So I have this barbeque party that I'm gonna host at my place next week. You and Yoon should totally come!" y/n invited one day before going back to her place.
"Barbeque party? That sounds fun! What's the occasion?" Junho curiously asked as an asleep Yoon was carried in his arms.
She giggled before answering, "It's a secret until the party!"
y/n then said her last goodbyes before walking out of the door, leaving a curious Junho standing at his front door.
A secret? What is she hiding that Junho could possibly not know about? To be completely honest, Junho did not like surprises at all. He likes to know as many things as he can and a surprise could either be bad or good.
Junho grumbled his way into his son's room to tuck his lovely son before sliding into his room. He plopped himself on his king-sized bed before trying to go to sleep and yet, he couldn't.
After tossing and turning a couple of times, he decided to take something out of his nightstand drawer.
It was y/n's panties.
Junho always felt guilty when he has to take the article of clothing out. He never likes it when he does something behind your back, especially something so lewd.
With one swift move, he took off his sweatpants before bringing one of his large hands that clenched onto y/n's panties over his nose. The other hand, went to his cock which was already beginning to get hard at the thought of masturbating using the panties of the woman he loves. It's not the proudest thing he's ever done but, it was the closest thing he has to making love with his beloved girl.
"Oh y/n... My beloved wife," he sighed after taking a whiff of the scent the panties held. His other hand was furiously moving on his angry cock as he desperately needed a release. His head was filled with images of a naked y/n under his body, moaning beautiful noises and holding his muscular body tightly with her soft hands.
With one last grunt, he released white strings of cum all over his hand and stomach. Sighing for the final time, the carefully made sure to put the panties safely into his drawer without it touching any of his cum (because that means he would have to wash it and that would make all her scent disappear) before lying back into bed.
Now he was tired and ready for bed and he did exactly that, falling asleep before post-nut clarity decides to bug him with any unwanted thoughts.
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The week after, a casually dressed-up Junho and his excited son, Yoon, were waiting in front of y/n's front door. Multiple cars were parked around her house, all probably belonging to the other guests who were also invited to her barbeque party.
"Ah, Junho and Yoon! Please come in! We just finished grilling the first batch of food!"
Junho and Yoon eagerly walked in, Junho taking in all of the details of his beloved (soon-to-be) wife's house since it was his first time really being inside.
The muscular man recognized some of the guests that attended the party; those guests being some of the other teachers from the kindergarten she taught in.
Junho got to mingle with some of y/n's friends as he and his son ate the wonderful food prepared at the party. It made him feel closer to you now that he's met the people you surrounded yourself with and it was also a treat to see his own son getting along with some of the kids present; happy laughter and chatter filling up the wide backyard.
"Ok can I please have all of your attention please?" y/n's sweet voice asked while she softly hit the back of a spoon to her glass with to get everyone's attention.
All chatter suddenly halted as all eyes were on the h/c (hair colored) woman smiling happily.
"So, I'm sure that you all are very curious as to why I suddenly held a barbeque party," y/n started, "And it's also been very hard hiding this surprise from the closest people I know. But, I wanted to make it a special event since it is something that would only happen once in a lifetime."
For some reason, Junho had a terrible feeling in his stomach. He had an inkling of a thought that suggested that whatever y/n was about to announce would be something that could absolutely destroy him but, for her, he chose to keep a bated breath as he waited for this big surprise.
Junho watched as her hands held another man's hands to help him stand up, a loving gaze present in both of their eyes.
'No please don't do this to me.'
The foreign man then kissed his beloved's cheeks tenderly making her lips stretch into a wide smile.
'It's not what I think it is right? It can't be it right?'
She then showed off a diamond ring on her finger with a giggle that would've sounded melodic if Junho was the one to be the reason behind it.
'This has to be a joke right?!'
"Everyone meet Josh, my fiance! I'm getting married soon!"
At that moment, Junho felt his perfect daydream be painfully ripped away from him as his heart stopped at the announcement.
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A/N Please send help I wrote this chapter after playing League of Legends for 13 hours straight. My back is so sore ouch. I wasn't gonna leave you all on a cliffhanger but the post was getting super long and my back is slowly transforming me into a shrimp.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this upload, and keep an eye out for part 3!
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kiwicopia · 4 months
🔞 MDNI | Kinktober: Somnophilia 🔞
🎃 Higuruma x Fem!Reader 🎃
TW: somnophilia, consensual noncon, drugged reader (sleeping pills), needy Higuruma, brief fingering & cunnilingus, creampie, missionary position, and praise (good girl, my girl).
Tags: @shes-so-insane @uzxotic
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Brown eyes stared down at your sleeping form. You were cozy in your shared bed, with the blanket draped perfectly over your body. Hiromi’s eyes then flicked to the bottle of sleeping pills on the nightstand, his gaze roving over the bottle for a quick second before he looked back down at you. Part of him felt as though this was wrong, yet the other half of him thought about the agreement you both had. The lawyer had to remind himself that you consented to it, that it was your idea—because it was—and he felt himself calm down a little.
He gently pulled the blanket down, his breath hitching momentarily at what was lying underneath. Hiromi swore you did it on purpose, not that he minded, but the sight of you in one of his shirts without wearing any panties sent blood straight to his cock. It strained against the confines of his boxers, and he groaned softly at the feeling. The lawyer then loosened his tie with one hand, tossing it to the side before he knelt at the foot of the bed. He was gentle when pulling you closer to the end of the bed, and his eyes lit up when the shirt covering your body slid up, revealing more of your unclothed cunt. 
Hiromi wasted no time in spreading your legs just enough to let him dive into your heat. The tip of his nose pressed against your clit as his tongue licked a slow stripe up your folds. Your body clenched as you slept, and a small sound fell from your lips in response. Despite being asleep, your body was still in tune with his actions, and it only turned him on even more knowing that fact. The man moved his face upward, letting his tongue circle your small bundle of nerves while sinking two digits into your slick heat. Your pussy clenched slightly with the way his fingers repeatedly slid in and out, stretching your gummy walls while coating his fingers in the process. 
His eyes remained on your sleeping face, his tongue kitten licking your clit while his thick digits continued teasing your cunt. Once he felt like it was enough, Hiromi’s fingers slid out of you, and he quickly lapped your juices clean off them. His face then moved away from your heat, and his gaze remained fixed on your face as you slept, and his hands quickly worked to remove his suit. The lawyer stroked his cock a few times as he stared down at you—his eyes burning with hunger. He wanted nothing more than to bury himself in your warmth, and that’s exactly what he did. 
A soft groan fell from his lips as he slowly slid himself inside your cunt, your gummy walls spreading to accommodate his size. You were so warm, keeping his dick snug inside your heat, and he took caution with his hand placement. One rested at your hip while the other moved a leg over his shoulder, getting you into position before sliding to cup underneath your knee. Hiromi kept you in place as his hips moved at a languid pace—but it didn’t last long. 
The way your walls subconsciously squeezed around his cock drove him crazy, and he couldn’t handle the slow pace any longer. His hips suddenly jerked forward, snapping against yours in quick, powerful thrusts. Hiromi’s lips parted as another groan escaped from within, and he hung his head down to stare at you. You were a goddess—a beautiful work of art lying there, with faintly flushed cheeks from the heat his body created. 
Your walls clenched around him again and he let out a breathy moan. “Good girl,” he whispered, huffing slightly as his hips repeatedly snapped against yours. Even when asleep your body knew him, his touch, the shape of his cock—gods, it drove him mad with pleasure. “My good girl.” Hiromi stared down at you with half-lidded eyes, watching as your brows furrowed a little as he repeatedly rammed into you. His dick inched deeper inside you before he felt the tip brush against your cervix, and his movements increased further. 
The lawyer groaned again when your walls squeezed him yet again, and his body pressed down onto yours a bit more, shoving your unconscious body down against the bed even more. His face rested in the crook of your neck as he let out a string of breathy moans. Hiromi needed this, wanted it, craved it so badly that his hand gripped your hip a little harder than he intended. “Fuck,” he groaned, his breaths coming out in short puffs against the warmth of your skin. He couldn’t hold it any longer, and he suddenly spilled into you, filling you with hot, white ropes of cum. The man didn’t stop and slowly oved inside of you, pushing his seed deeper into your cunt. 
Hiromi groaned softly as he lifted himself up and off you, sliding out of you in the process. He watched his cum seep out slowly from your pussy, and a small smile found its way onto his lips before he moved to start the aftercare. Once you were taken care of and cleaned up, he slid into the space beside you before bringing your unconscious body closer to him. As his eyes closed to sleep, he couldn’t help but think that this was the best thing the two of you ever agreed to. 
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joedirtymadre · 3 months
The Cake
MASH X READER (Taking requests 📲 pls send some!) **SMUT
“Come on, spit it (Y/N)!” Lemon groaned as she shook me. “Spit what out Lemon?” I asked, while continuing to be shaken up. “Have you and Mashle… done anything intimate yet?” She whispered the last part. “Did you forget that I’m right here?” Finn sweat dropped. “No, but I mean you’re one of the girls, Finn. Plus it’s either this conversation or the guy’s one where Lance and Dot argued over the cutest girl, and Lance’s only option is his sister,” Lemon explained. Finn and I sighed, she’s got a point. “But still Lemon… that’s a little too private to talk about…” I blushed. “So you have done it!” Lemon screeched. “How was it? Was it nice or was it bad? I heard if I guy is a good bowler then you know… and Mash is… well he’s just strong so he can take down all the pins,” Lemon said. “And the alley,” Finn added. “Nevermind that! Details, (Y/N)! Was it romantic? Freaky?” She asked. “No… well none of that because we haven’t done anything,” I said softly. “Oh…” Lemon said. “Yeah, well I don’t know Mash has never seemed too interested in that kind of stuff, I don’t know,” I shrugged. “What do you mean, have you tried hinting at it?” Finn asked. “Sort of? One night we watched a movie in my dorm and a… scene came on! I thought it would spark the mood a bit so I scooted closer to Mash and I decided to… place my hand on his thigh,” I blushed, covering my face from Lemon’s sly smile. “You go girl, show him who’s boss!” She laughed. “But… he then asked if I thought the muscle was softer than usual. I guess he noticed a difference between the two and my hand placement confirmed his suspicions,” I sighed. “Jeez,” Finn winced at the comment. “I mean we all knew Mash was dense but I didn’t think it was that bad,” Lemon frowned. “So maybe it’s for the best that we just hold off,” I smiled. “Have you thought of talking to him? I mean Mash probably wants to do stuff like that too, but since you never brought it up he doesn’t see the reason to either,” Finn said. “You’re probably right Finn, but… it’s embarrassing… We’ve been together for almost a year and I’ve given a couple of hints already. I was hoping he would’ve caught on by now,” I sighed. “Well why don’t you give him a love potion? It’ll probably boost his spirits, if you know what I mean,” Lemon whispered. “I don’t think drugging my boyfriend without his consent is really the best idea!” I shouted. “Kidding!” Lemon smiled. “I don’t think she was…” Finn sighed. “I’ll just keep things the way they are. Plus he has to catch on one day right?” I asked them, both of them shrugging at the question. “Oh I have to go to the library! I told a friend I would help her with her project!” Lemon shouted and ran off. “Bye!” She yelled and we waved back. “I should probably get going too, we left the group in my room… I just hope they didn’t break anything…” Finn cried and walked off. “See ya (Y/N),” he moped. “Bye,” I laughed and headed back to my dorm.
I laid on the bed thinking about the conversation with Lemon and Finn. “It’s almost been a year… and I think I’m ready, but maybe Mash isn’t…” I sighed. “Oh well,” I shrugged. I can’t be upset that he’s not comfortable with engaging with any of the hints I’ve given him. “Why don’t you give him a love potion?” Lemon’s words are repeated in my head. I quickly shake my head. No. No. No. That’s a crazy idea, plus super wrong. “I think I’ll just nap all this off, get my mind off all this stuff,” I sighed to myself and got ready for bed and quickly fell asleep.
I woke up later to a knock on my door and got up to answer it. I opened it and saw Mash on the other side holding a bag. “Hi Mash,” I said sleepily. “Were you sleeping?” He asked. “Yeah… I felt stressed so I thought I should just take a nap,” I explained and stepped aside to let him in. “Then Lemon was smart to give me these things,” he said as he walked in and dropped the stuff on my desk. “What did she give you?” I asked as I shut the door. “She gave me cake and tea,” he said. “Cake and tea…?” I thought suspiciously. She wouldn’t… “Can I just have a quick look?” I asked and snatched the cake box. “Uhh…” Mash mumbled. I opened the box and… it looks fine? Well the box is from a local café and it seems like an average cake made at the shop. “(Y/N)?” Mash asked, peering over my shoulder. “Haha, sorry. I just got so excited to see the cake,” I said awkwardly. “Ah… well there’s also some tea-“ he said and I swooshed over to the prepared tea and opened it. I mean it looks ok… or does it? Don’t all potions look like regular tea?? “Oh well… I think this is Jasmine tea… and I’m allergic to Jasmine tea!” I said and headed to toss it. “Oh, but I’m n- oh you tossed it…” Mash said disappointedly. “Sorry Mash,” I apologized. “It’s fine, you’re just having a stressful day,” he said and patted my head. “I just… I just had a weird conversation with Lemon earlier so I think I’m just being paranoid. Let’s just enjoy some cake,” I smiled. “Conversation? What was it about?” He asked. I blushed, “Nothing! It was girl stuff, don’t worry about it!” “Oh… well ok,” Mash shrugged.
We cut the cake and luckily I had some strawberry milk saved. “That was a good cake,” Mash said. “You only had a bite…” I sighed as we sat on my loveseat together. “Yeah, but I had a lot of cream puffs earlier, and I only worked out for 2 hours today. Don’t want to eat to pass my calorie intake,” he explained. “Just 2 hours?” I laughed. “Yeah, Lemon stopped me to tell me you were having an off day,” he said. “Ohh, well sorry for interrupting your workout, but thanks for coming over and the cake was delicious! I almost ate the whole thing,” I said and kissed his cheek. “It’s fine,” he smiled. I think I'm getting hot..? “Hey Mash, mind if I open a window? It’s getting hot in here,” I said and quickly opened my window to let in some fresh air. “It is?” Mash asked. “Yeah it’s super hot… and the fresh air isn’t helping!” I huffed and stuck my head out the window. “(Y/N) are you ok?” He asked and placed a hand on my lower back. I winced, his hand was hot to the touch. “Yeah, w-why do you ask?” I responded and looked back. “C-C-Cause it’s f-f-freezing in h-here,” he chattered from the cold. “O-Oh, I’m sorry!” I closed the window and sat back down. I felt my body beginning to feel like it’s on fire, but not sweaty but burning… “What’s wrong with me…?” I whispered. “Hey, it’ll be alright,” Mash said and pulled me into a hug. God the hug was burning me even more, but in a good way. I want more. “Mash, touch me more,” I said desperately. “(Y/N)?” Mash said, confused. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, my body's on fire. Even you touching me makes it burn more, but I want more…” I whispered before pulling him into a kiss. “Mash…” I gasped when we pulled away for air. “Y-Yeah?” He panted. “Why haven’t we ever done anything… more?” I asked, feeling my cheeks heat up even more. “M-More? I don’t know. You never asked or talked about it so I thought-“ I interrupted him. “I always gave away hints, it’s kind of embarrassing,” I laughed nervously. “You did?” He asked, shocked. I nodded shyly. “Well… then let’s try it,” he said and pulled me into a rough kiss. God my mind is going blank.
Mash carried me to my bed and laid me down softly. I watched as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off. Exposing his bare chest, and god-like body. “N-No compression shirt?” I blushed. “Not today,” he said and got on top of me, quickly pulling me in for another kiss. He pulled away and quickly went for my neck, licking, sucking, and nibbling every inch. “M-Mash,” I said, feeling dizzy. “Let’s take our time,” he whispered into my ear, causing goosebumps to crawl over me. All I could do was whimper in response. “I never knew you could make these kinds of noises,” he said against my skin. “Let me hear more,” he said in a demanding tone, and began biting my neck a bit harsher. “Mhm!” I let out. He finally pulled back and stared at me. I took the chance to try and catch my breath. “Sorry about this (Y/N)…” Mash said, and before I could ask he placed his hands on the buttons of my shirt and ripped them apart. Exposing my bra, “Mash!” I blushed, and tried to cover myself. Before I could Mash pinned my arms above my chest. “Don’t hide them, please,” he pleaded. “M-Mash…” I gasped and relaxed. “Good girl,” he said deeply, but keeping his hand pinned against mine. With his free hand he traced his thumb from my lips to the tip of my waistband. “W-Wait! I don’t want… to be the first one…” I bit my lip, too embarrassed to finish my sentence. “Don’t wanna be the first one naked? Alright then,” he said and slowly got off of me. I watched as he quickly removed his belt, allowing his pants to fall. Leaving him in only his boxer shorts, I gulped and wanted to follow his lead. I slowly grabbed the hem of my skirt and slipped it down, Mash helping me throw them off. Now we were both left in nothing but our underwear. “You’re so sexy,” he said as he pounced on me again. I moaned and gasped at each nip or kiss he would leave, my body still feeling like it’s on fire. “M-Mash, stop teasing me,” I said desperately. “Someone’s impatient,” he chuckled. “But that’s fine, I don’t think I can hold off any longer either,” he said as he placed my hand over his bulge. I blushed and pulled him in for another kiss, I felt bad that he was the only one taking the initiative. “Lay back,” I said. He nodded and sat back and I slowly got on his lap, he placed his rough hands on my hips. I began to reach for my bra and removed it slowly, I finally unclasped it, letting my breasts fall. I watched as Mash stared at my body, letting his eyes roam over every inch. “Do they look n-nice?” I said awkwardly. “They’re perfect,” he said as he cupped one of them with his right hand, surprising me.
Before fully reacting he pushed me down, “Ma- Ah!” I moaned, feeling his mouth swallow my breast. I grasped onto his hair tightly, and covered my mouth with my other hand, not wanting my neighbors to hear us. As soon as I muffled myself, Mash looked up looking disappointed. He pinned my arms again with one of his hands, “Don’t do that again,” he demanded. I blushed and nodded shyly. “Good,” he said. “Mash, I think I wanna do-“ before I could my sentence Mash ripped my underwear off. “H-ahhh?” I laid there in shock. “Me too,” he said and pulled down his shorts. I looked up and saw his cock ready to go. “A-Ah,” I let out. “Let me prepare you,” he said. I nodded and spread my legs a little wider. I gasped when I felt a finger slide inside me, “Mm!” I gasped. Then another. “Ahmm!” I moaned, quickly biting my lip trying to muffle myself. “It’s so hot and wet,” he said, huskily. I looked up and saw his eyes staring down at me, hungrily. “I’m gonna move now ok?” He asked. I nodded, and felt Mash slowly insert his fingers in and out. Oh god I’m gonna go crazy, he’s going so slow! I began moving my hips slightly, trying to increase the speed. “Too slow for you?” He chuckled, as his eyes glowed in amusement. I suddenly felt the increased speed, “Ahh~! Mashh~!!” I cried out. “Is this better now?” He asked and continued using his two fingers to thrust and occasionally widen my pussy. After what felt like an eternity I was done! “Mash!” I huffed. “What’s wrong (Y/N)?” He smiled slyly. “I’m ready now, please?” I pleaded. “Please what?” He asked as he slowly removed his fingers, causing me to whimper to the sudden loss. “P-Please?” I repeated. “Come on say,” he said as I felt something hard begin to rub my lips. Oh god this man is making me crazy. “Just fuck me already!” I practically shouted. “Whatever you say, princess,” he smirked and thrusted himself deep inside. I quickly felt full and needed a minute to catch my breath. “H-Hold on…” I gasped. “Tell me when you’re ready,” he said softly and dropped down to kiss me softly. After another minute or two, I nodded and allowed Mash to start moving. He went slow at first, but after a few minutes he quickly began thrusting faster and harder. “Ma-aash…” I drooled as I gasped with each breath. “Fuck (Y/N)… you’re pussy feels so good,” he grunted and let go of my pinned hands. “MmMM!” I moaned in response. I quickly arched my back, feeling an overload of ecstasy as I felt a thumb brush over my clit. “I really liked that reaction,” Mash panted and continued to rub my clit at an intense speed. “W-WaiT!” I cried, feeling a knot in my lower stomach grow bigger and bigger. “I think I’m- maSH!” I let out and threw my head back as I felt a wave of pleasure rush through my body, but I quickly threw it back up as I realized Mash wasn’t stopping. “Ma- Sensit…ive!” I moaned and grilled onto his shoulder tightly. “I wish I could, but someone’s pussy won’t let go of me,” he smirked and continued thrusting me at the same pace and began rubbing my clit again. I quickly placed both hands over my mouth and again Mash quickly pinned them above my head. “Nice try,” he grunted. “Ah! Mm! Mash~!” I moaned, filling my room with the sounds of my moans and Mash thrusting in and out of my pussy. “Fuck… I’m close,” he said in ear. “Cum! Cum!” I begged him. “Not before you do, one more time,” he whispered in my ear. He unpinned me and returned his hand to my clit, playing with it again, bringing me closer and closer. “Mash… I’m-“ I choked and threw my arms around him. “Me too,” he grunted, thrusting deeper each time. “Mashhh!” I cried and dug my nails into his skin, once again my body flowing with ecstasy. “(Y/N)…!” He moaned with one final thrust, filling me before pulling himself out and falling next to me. We both took our time trying to catch our breaths and Mash soon pulled me in for some cuddles. “That was nice…” he said sleepily, before I heard some light snoring. I giggled and snuggled into his arms before falling asleep as well. Before I forget… make a mental note to thank and also kill Lemon tomorrow.
The Next Day
“You guys did it? Well… you did skip classes today, so it all makes sense now,” Lemon laughed. “Yeah, the cake sort of did the trick,” I blushed. “Cake?” Lemon asked, confused. “Yeah the cake and tea you gave Mash because I wasn’t feeling too good. You put a love potion in it didn’t you? Well… it’s fine cause I’m the one that ate it so I’ll forgive you this time-“ I was quickly interrupted. “(Y/N) what are you talking about? I bought that cake at the café we always go to. I went with my friend after we finished the project. I remembered you said you wanted to try the red velvet,” she said. “H-Huh?” I blinked. “Y-You thought I put a love potion in it!?” Lemon laughed. “Y-You didn’t?” I blinked again. “Girl… you must’ve had a placebo effect or something…” Lemon said. “Oh…” I said, speechless.
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turtletaubwrites · 5 months
Sleeping Beauty
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This one shot is an extra scene from the poly fic series, We've All Got Needs (during the skipped month after Part 18), but it can be read on it's own!
Pairings: Sanji x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2646
Ao3 Link
Summary: Your boyfriend has yet another kink he'd like to explore with you. You tell Sanji that you trust him to take care of you, even while you're sleeping.
Rating/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, 18+ ONLY, MDNI, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, Mildly Dubious Consent, (Only putting since it's somnophilia. Sanji and Reader discuss it beforehand and full consent is given), Drugs, (Reader is a botanist and makes a tea to help her sleep heaviliy), Swearing, Smut, Established Relationship, Panty Kink, Nipple Play, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Fingering, Penis in Vagina Sex, Condoms, Large Cock, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Praise Kink, Consensual Somnophilia, Angst, (Kinda. Sanji berates himself for all his pervy ways and struggles with that girthy cock of his), Fluff and Smut, Aftercare, Pet Names
A/N: Everything in this fic is done with full consent, and the characters discuss it within the fic. However, if any form of somnophilia or drugged sex may be triggering for you, then please do not read this one!
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“What is it?”
Sanji’s eyes went wide, his hand on your thigh gripping your skin just a bit.
“What do you mean, dar–”
“Come on,” you teased, pushing against his chest. You tilted as much as you could in the kitchen booth, narrowing your eyes at your boyfriend.
He was practically squirming under your scrutiny, voice coming out high and rushed.
“Oh, well… There’s, um–”
“What is it, Sanji? What dirty thing do you want to do to me now?”
He dipped his head with a laugh before lifting your hands to press his lips against them.
“Fuck, sweetheart. You know me too well.”
He was always afraid he’d push you too far. There were so many things he wanted to do with you, to you. 
And you kept letting him. You kept saying yes to the filthy things he craved. You were an angel. He wanted to give you everything in the world.
But the more you said yes to, the more he craved. 
This is too much. She’ll be disgusted, horrified. She might not feel safe around me. 
Sanji chewed on his lip as you waited. Your playful little smile made his heart swell in his chest.
It’s not worth it. I can’t scare her away. 
He leaned forward, falling into your scent as he kissed your soft cheek. 
“You know, sweetheart, it’s nothing. Really. Would you like something to drink?”
“Sanji,” you groaned as you grabbed his arm, keeping him from pulling away. You raised your brows as you saw the tension on his face.
“Oh, this one must be really bad,” you said with a laugh, stopping as he looked away. You kissed his hands now, voice soft.
“Honey, you can tell me. If it’s not something I’m okay with then I’ll tell you, and we won’t do it. I’m not going to kink shame you, Sanji. You trust me?”
Sanji melted at your sweet, almost teasing smile. He almost didn’t hear the rest of what you’d said after you called him ‘honey’ for the first time. 
“I love you, angel.”
“I love you too, baby. Now tell me already!”
You poked his chest gently, and he took a few deep breaths. 
“There is something I’d like to try with you. But only if you’re completely comfortable with it, darling.”
“Well, we have been adding to the list. What filthy act do you wish to perform on my body this time, Sanji?”
“I… I want to see how much pleasure I can bring you while you sleep. I want you to dream of me, then wake up moaning as I worship your perfect body.”
His jaw loosened for a moment, his eyes heated as they bore into yours. His words didn’t quite hit your brain as you took in his body’s reactions.
“You… You want to fuck me while I'm asleep?”
Sanji’s eyes rolled back, body slumping just a bit before he could meet your eyes again. 
“Only if you feel comfortable. I never want to make you feel unsafe, or make you do something you don’t like. Not ever.”
He took a deep breath, hands a bit shaky as he continued.
“If you’re open to it, I would love to touch you, to make love to you while you sleep. I would love to make you twitch and moan while you’re so relaxed. Have you wake up to pleasure.” 
“But, darling,” he said as he shook some of the heat from his eyes, “I don’t need to do this. It is perfectly alright if you say no. We never have to bring it up again.”
You bit your lip, and the tiny crease between your brows was so cute he wanted to kiss it. But he waited, trying to pause his brain until you spoke. 
You quirked your lips as you thought. His eyes trained on them, breathless until those lips opened, your perfect voice stunning him again.
“I want to try it.”
Sanji fell upon you with kisses and praise, and you planned out the occasion and discussed boundaries.
By the time your next night together arrived, Sanji had been buzzing, barely able to hold a conversation with anyone the whole day as the thought of your sweet, helpless body filled his mind. 
How can she be real? How can she let me do all of these things to her?
He could barely focus on dinner prep as you stood so cute at the edge of the counter, mixes of dried herbs and plants lined up in front of you.
“Are you making another tincture, mon coeur,” he asked, trying to keep his voice even and his body from pouncing on you. 
“No, I’m just making myself some tea. To help me sleep.” 
Sanji walked into the corner of the counter, wincing at the sting on his hip. 
“That sounds… That sounds…”
You shook your head, letting out a few adorable little laughs while you cleaned up whatever plants you’d chosen. You steeped your tea, but decided to drink it out on deck so that Sanji could function.
Dinner was agonizingly long. Especially when he saw your eyes get a little droopy. 
He’s never hated dishes more than right now. 
“Let me walk you to your room, sweetheart. I’ll join you when I finish cleaning up.”
“I love you, honey,” you yawned, stretching on your bed as he tucked you in. “I’ll see you in my dreams.
He kissed your smile as he whispered words of love and praise.
The restraint it took to leave was unlike any he’d felt before. 
She needs time to get into a deep sleep. My angel is waiting for me to take care of her, I can wait a little bit.
Dishes and prep for the morning meal were done. Now he sat on deck, taking long drags off his cigarette as he thought of everything he was about to do. 
He was already painfully hard.
He tapped softly, opening your door to find you there.
The dim light kissed your skin, the blanket mostly shoved away. 
Sanji let out a shaky breath as he moved closer, sitting on the edge of the bed. 
Your pretty mouth was parted, face so relaxed. Your arms had stretched above your head, lifting up the shirt you’d worn. He bit his lip at the sight of your panties, the cute ones you knew he liked.
He held his breath as he lifted the blanket off of your legs. 
“Fuck,” he breathed, nervous to move forward. But he leaned over you, brushing your hair out of your face while he pressed his lips to yours, so softly.
She’s so helpless. She trusts me this much. How can she be real?
His button up and undershirt hit the floor before he crawled onto the bed, moving as gingerly as he could. 
I want to taste her coming on my tongue before she wakes up. 
His goal pulsed through him, and he ignored the pressure of his own need as he started tracing his fingers over your skin. 
Your shirt was easy to push up, and the sight of your breasts made him moan, rocking forward. Your nipples were already hardening before he teased over them with his thumbs. 
His gentle touches on your neck, chest, stomach, and hips made his mouth hang open. 
Fuck, her body is incredible. 
“You’re so gorgeous, angel,” he risked a low whisper, hoping you could feel how much he wanted you in your dream. 
His fingers circled back to your nipples, and you let out the softest, sweetest of moans. 
He choked out a strained whimper as he fought his every instinct to make sure your next moan was louder. 
Finally, he let his fingers trail down over those panties you’d worn for him. 
Wetness had seeped through the thin fabric, his fingers sliding easily as he almost came right then, with no touch to himself. 
He lifted and pulled at you so carefully, until he held those soaked panties in his hand. 
I’ll just… I’ll just feel you on me while I taste you. My sweet girl.
His plan to keep from touching himself until you came fell apart at the feel of that flimsy fabric. He stripped now, the rest of his clothes on the floor as his thick cock pulsed, swollen as he looked down at your gorgeous body. 
“My angel,” he breathed as he lifted your scent to his face, moaning as he tasted your need on those cute panties.
Sanji was almost shaking as he brought your panties down, fisting them over his cock. He had just wanted to leave it there, feeling your slick on him as he pleasured you.
But the touch of that fabric, drenched in you, had him coming into his hand. He shoved his other hand into his mouth to stifle the groans, trying not to stumble to the ground as he filled your pretty panties with so much of his hot come.
Sanji tried to relearn how to breathe, berating himself as he cleaned up. 
“I’m so fucking selfish. You give me all of this, and I… I’m gonna make it up to you, sweetheart. I’ll take care of you, I promise.”
Sanji whispered his promise as he spread your legs gently, his eyes fluttering at the cute moan you let out as you stretched your arms. 
“Look how wet you are,” he whispered in awe as he moved in close. His fingers slipped easily along your folds, his eyes rolling back when he brought his fingers up to taste you. 
“Heaven,” he whimpered, sucking every drop from his fingers.
He looked up at your face, still so relaxed as he spread you open. The sight of your gorgeous pussy laid out for him brought a deep rumble through his chest. 
“I’ll take good care of you, angel.”
Sanji took his time with his meal, since you weren’t awake to beg him for more. He licked, and kissed, and gently sucked at every delicious piece of you. Rutting into the mattress, he ate you like you were the best thing he’d ever tasted. Because you were.
He’d pause now and then at little movements and noises you made, your body clearly reacting to him. 
This only sent him further, moaning while he shoved his tongue into you. He explored you, savoring your taste like he was licking something sweet out a bowl.
You moaned again, and he brought his tongue to your clit. He let out a satisfied hum at the tiny twitch you gave when he swirled his tongue ring around that sensitive bud. 
Even after he licked you clean, you kept drenching his face, more sweet wetness for him to drink. 
“My sweet, filthy angel,” he teased softly, slowly pressing one finger, then two into you. 
“I can’t believe how wet you are, sweetheart. And you’re already clenching my fingers so hard…”
Curling his fingers up to find that spot, Sanji sucked on your clit the way you like.
Your breathing got heavy, and he couldn’t decide whether to keep pushing, or take it slow and light again. 
“Please, come for me in your dreams, gorgeous. I know you can.”
Your moans got breathy, louder, and he became nothing except for the need to please you. 
The sweet flesh in his mouth started to throb, and he groaned, drinking up your pleasure as your clit pulsed.
You milked his fingers, and he hung onto your hip with his free hand.
Your legs gave weak little shakes, sleepy moans leaving your lips as your face scrunched up. 
Fuck, she looks so sweet, he thought as he kept his mouth where you needed it. 
Sanji left trails of kisses along your thighs, making his way to your beautiful face. 
“Angel, how are you feeling?”
You let out a soft sigh, but didn’t respond. 
Sanji’s eyes rolled back when he realized you were still asleep. 
“You're so relaxed, angel,” he breathed, tracing his fingers down your flushed cheek. 
“Soo relaxed… I bet you could take me even better like this, huh, sweetheart?”
He didn’t think you’d be able to sleep through an orgasm. That was his goal, and then he’d make love to you, press into you as your relaxed body opened for him.
But this. This. 
There was no way you could sleep through it.
But maybe I can sink into her without the struggle.
Sanji knew his girthy cock was often painful, and that drove him mad sometimes. The need to shove himself into you, versus the need to never hurt you…
And you have been perfect for him. You take him so well. You told him he could make love to you like this. You’d even begged him a couple times to just force himself into you, but he couldn’t. 
He didn’t mind the work. He loved making you feel good. 
Between your legs again, Sanji stretched you out, three fingers moving slowly inside of you. 
“My sleeping angel, so sweet for me. Just keep breathing, baby.”
Sanji fisted a condom and lube over his swollen dick, almost shaking as he stared at you. There was that cute crease between your brows again, but you were still his sleeping beauty. 
Rubbing the tip of his cock around your clit made you moan again, and he forgot to breathe. He held one of your legs up, pressing your knee toward you while lining himself up with the other hand. 
“Fuck. Thank you, sweetheart. Thank you for trusting me. I’m going to take care of you forever, angel.”
He pressed his thick tip just barely into you, the heat of your body already sending pleasure through him. 
He pushed in a little more. You moaned softly, but still looked so sweet.
“So relaxed for me. Such a good girl. Fuck. I know you can take me, sweetheart.”
Sanji thrusted into you completely, and the sensation of your wet cunt sucking him in all at once had him moaning your name. 
You moaned along with him, your eyes fluttering open. 
“Good girl, so fucking good for me,” he praised as he found a steady rhythm. 
“Sanji,” you whined, arching your back, “Feels so… Oh gods, you feel so good.”
“You too, my love,” Sanji breathed against your ear, leaning down to kiss your neck. 
Pulsing pleasure already moved through you, your body loose, but the pressure in your core was taut. 
You felt so full, Sanji’s cock leaving no part of you untouched.
“San– I’m close…”
“Come for me, princess. Let me feel my sleeping beauty milk my cock.”
He was fighting his own release, so close now as he gave you permission. He needed to feel you.
“F-Fuck. You feel so good, coming on my cock. Keep going, angel, just–”
The sight of you unraveling, twitching, drooling beneath him sent shockwaves through him, and he fucked you through your orgasm as he came so fucking hard into you.
The room filled with ragged breaths, and beads of dripping sweat, and your groan of pain and pleasure as he pulled himself out of you.
Sanji fussed over you, cleaning you both, then pulling you into his lap. 
He traced his fingers through your hair, worry on his face.
“What’s wrong,” you asked, a yawn making you stretch in his arms.
“Are you okay, angel? How are you feeling? Are you in any pain?”
You couldn’t control the huge yawn that came then, but when it passed you pressed your hands against his cheeks. 
“Sanji, I feel fucking amazing. I’m okay. I love you. Can we go to sleep now?”
His mouth hung open, until his eyes filled with all that gratitude and love that almost feels overwhelming. 
“I love you so much, angel,” he said with a kiss, before lying down to wrap his arms around you, holding you close. 
“My sleeping beauty.”
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Likes and reblogs bring me much ✨dopamine✨ thank you so much!
a/n: Sanji and his big dick problems in this series will never not be funny to me. Poor guy won't hurt a lady 😅
Tag List: @astheni-a | @ferns-fics | @heilee | @iamn1ya | @ghostfacefricker6969 | @onlybassoon01 | @apothicgloom | @slyhersophia | @cyberaestheticals | @nothing-but-brass | @shewrites02
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munsons-melody · 11 months
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summary: you flinch during a fight with eddie
pairing: eddie x female!reader
cw: angst w a fluffy ending, thoughts of abuse
word count: 1.5k words
a/n: wrote this v quickly so it’s not really proofread or anything. i could’ve done it better but i’ve been soo busy :/ might rewrite later
i do not consent to having any of my works republished, translated, or posted to any other site except here. if you see my works anywhere but tumblr, it has been republished without my knowledge, consent, or permission.
you were in eddie's trailer, wayne had just left for work 10 minutes ago, and already you were in some silly little fight with eddie which you didn't expect to escalate how it did
"it's just sometimes guitar players think they're better than everyone else" you stated and eddie rolled his eyes, taking it as a personal jab to his skills
"okay but they almost make the band" he responded from the kitchen, hearing the clank of dishes as the water ran from the faucet
"okay but most of the time they are just assholes who just care about the sex, drugs, and rock n roll life style" you shrugged
"so you think i'm an asshole?" he responded back with a sharp tone and you shook your head
"no i'm talking about the people like mick mars who are so doped up and sleep with hundreds of women and just act like a douchebag" you said with a matter of fact tone
"well it kinda sounds like you're implying that i'm going to turn out like them" he snapped, turning off the water and drying his hands
"no! god no, i'm not saying that! i'm saying once in the spotlight, most people turn into assholes like that" you said, trying your best to stay calm
"so once my band makes it big, you're what- just gonna leave since you think it'll happen to me?" he questioned, turning the corner to meet you in the living room
"of course not! why would you say something like that?" you asked with a louder tone
"well it sounds like that's what you're expecting!" he said, starting to shout
"im not expecting it to happen!" you said, your voice growing to match his
"yeah well i'm pretty sure those 'friends' of yours think it will, they already think i'm in a satanic cult about to sacrifice you" he told you with a sarcastic growl, grabbing some extra dishes he found on the small table to put in the sink
"what the fuck is that about" you asked confused, remembering the party in which you two had met up with a couple of your girl friends but failed to recall them talking about that certain subject
"yeah you didn't hear what they said? we were at that party at steve's house the other night, and they started talking about how i'm some trailer trash wannabe rockstar" he angrily said, flipping on the water to keep working on the leftover dishes from the previous night
"okay first off, i never heard them say anything like that! second, why were you even hanging out with my friends if i wasn't there?" you rebutted, questioning him
"because i was trying to be a caring boyfriend and find you since robin said you looked a little too drunk and i didn't want you to hurt yourself" he snapped back
the volume of the argument kept escalating, which brought knots to your stomach. you hadn't really had fights with eddie and now that you're in one, you badly wanted to go back to how it was
"well i'm sorry i was trying to enjoy myself at the party but also i have never heard them say anything like that before in my life" you told him, starting to pace around, not knowing what else to do
"oh great and now you're defending them, what- do you agree with them?" he asked as you started to pick up empty cans and put them in the bin
"i do not agree with anything they said! but i've known those girls for a good few years now and i know they wouldn't say that about anyone" you tried and he laughed, putting his head down
"you are unbelievable!" he screamed and that's when you didn't care if you started yelling, the anger bubbling up inside you
"oh really so you want to talk about what friends have said about us? okay, well remember that time we were at the hideout and your friend hank said that he liked your other girlfriend before me better and was annoyed that you're whipped for some girl who was less pretty than she was!" you screamed, tears pricking in your eyes
you remembered that moment all too well when hank mentioned how much prettier eddie's ex girlfriend was, and your heart sank but you laughed it off, coming up with some smart comeback to brush off the pieces of your shattered confidence
"that was a joke! you even laughed!" eddie rebutted, slamming a cabinet door shut. you flinched at the loudness of it but he didn't see with his back turned to you
"i only laughed because i was uncomfortable! i didn't know what else to do!" you said, wiping away a tear that fell down your cheek
eddie angrily stomped out of the kitchen to his room and you followed, blinking away tears
"and i also don't exactly remember you defending me and telling him off!" you screamed and he turned to look at you
"because i didn't know you were uncomfortable!" he screamed back, looking around his desk for something
"well you should know from common sense that anyone hearing that would not find it amusing!" your anger was consuming you as you watched eddie throw a shirt from his desk to his bed
"well i guess i'm just not a very good boyfriend then!" he said throwing his arms up in the air
you stepped back, bringing your arms up in a defensive stance as your head turned, somehow expecting there to be an impact from his hand
eddie realized what happened as he stared at you with wide eyed and you slowly moved your head to look at him with your arms still up
you moved your arms down as eddie just stood there in shock, and you moved to wipe a couple more tears of frustration from your face
"y/n... did you think i was going to hit you?" he asked softly, a huge change in tone from what you previously were hearing, his stance deflating
you gulped put a small "no" not wanting him to think that you'd think he'd do such a thing. you knew he would never, but it was a natural reaction that you instantly regretted
"baby i..." he trailed off, taking a small step forward towards you. you didn't move back which he took as a good sign
"you know i would never ever do that to you, right?" he asked, taking another small step forward and putting a hand on your arm which was intertwined with your other arm, folded across your chest
"i know..." you muttered out, moving your head to look away from him, keeping your arms crossed
"can i please hold you?" he asked gently and you nodded, slowly moving your body into his open arms as he wrapped them around you, engulfing you into a giant bear hug
a few more tears fell down as he held you close to his body, and you leaned your head into his chest
"i'm so so sorry for yelling and getting mad, and i'm sorry i didn't defend you when hank said that bullshit, i love you so so so much" he spoke softly, his hand coming up and gently placing it on the back of your head
“and i want you to know that i promise you i would never hit you or do anything of the sort, i’m so sorry you thought that” he said with a shaky voice
"i'm sorry too," you started to apologize, feeling guilt run through your veins from not defending him earlier, and for reacting the way you did
"i didn't realize they said those things, and i know for a fact you aren't going to end up like mick mars or nikki sixx or any of those drug abusing rockstars, well maybe only with the level of rock n roll fame part, not the drugs" you joked with a sniffle
"and what about the sex?" he said with a chuckle, and you moved your body to face him, wrapping his arms around his waist and you moved your eyebrows up in a surprising way, pushing your head back in slight confusion
"you know, sex, drugs, rock n roll- they're a package deal... and obviously there's gonna be no drugs- well okay maybe weed, then a huge amount of rock n roll fame... what about the sex?" he joked making you smile with a small giggle
"well maybe, only if you'll still love and want me when you're big and famous" you told him with a small laugh, a smile growing on his face
"oh baby i will always love you and want you for the rest of my days" he said sweetly before leaning in and giving you a small kiss
when he pulled away he looked into your eyes, a hand moving to the back of your neck
"then show me how much you mean it," you said with a small smirk as he pulled you in for another kiss
he leaned in, kissing you passionately, his tongue fighting with yours as you moved you hands to slightly scratch down his back
"i- love- you" he said between breaths as he continued to kiss you, and you knew he really meant it
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celtic-crossbow · 5 months
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These will be updated here and there. It’s likely that there’s some I won’t stick to when it comes to requests and even story ideas where they won’t fit.
He hates pickles. Anything that is green and smells that bad does not belong in the food section.  But he loves pickled pigs feet.
He likes sex but can easily live without it. 
He hasn’t been a virgin since his early teens (thanks to Merle and a handful of drug money)
It would take some serious, repeated encouragement and assurance (and a lot of time) before he’s comfortable having sex.
He is the type of guy that goes one step at a time, testing the waters. Making out, touching you, letting you touch him (slowly because his brain has been conditioned to flinch away). Everything would be through the clothes and then progress. Slow and steady wins the race.
He’s a switch. Sometimes, he wants all the say (so to speak) in the bedroom, watching you whimper and beg. Sometimes he just physically needs to give up control to balance the chaos. 
Rarely, when he’s extremely needy, he wants you to tell him he’s a “good boy” and praise him for how incredible he makes you feel. He’d never ask for it but when you call him that on accident, his reaction was quite telling.
He can easily go from gentle to rough. He would never want to hurt you. Squeezing your throat, slapping your ass, teasing your breasts, or leaving love marks with his teeth absolutely do not count as hurting you.
Consent is a huge deal to him.
He’s always been quiet during anything sexual; On the rare occasions he talks, it’s reassurances and quiet, gentle praise. Otherwise, grunts and whimpers and low growls are what you get until he’s about to orgasm.
However, sometimes he’s just so wound up, so needy for you, that he can’t help but moan loudly or call your name.
He always tells you he’s close to or has already started cumming. No real rhyme or reason. Maybe just his way of letting you know that you took him there.
He has a genuine dislike of cats. He doesn’t hate them by any means but if he had to pick an animal that was secretly plotting world domination, it’d be cats. 
He prefers boxer briefs. 
The only name brand clothing he ever owned was underwear because his junk deserves only the best. 
He’s superstitious, even if he pretends not to be. 
He doesn’t like giving his significant other pet names beyond “sunshine,” “pipsqueak”, or “woman.” Things that you find endearing regardless. On rare occasions, he’ll use “doll” or “darlin’.”
He secretly adores when you call him “baby” or “sweetheart.” Pretty much any endearment that labels him as yours.
He rarely (but it does happen) says “I love you.” He’s more of an actions guy and if you say it first, he’ll usually only say “me too” or rub his knuckles over your jaw.
He can’t sleep if his feet are hot. 
Spiders freak him out. 
He wears cords/laces around the bottom of his jeans to keep ticks out of his boots.
He hates showers, not because he just doesn’t like them. Being in a space with scars on display makes him feel vulnerable. The water touching the scars forces him to relive when he received them.
Contrary to popular belief, he does keep specific areas of his body acceptably clean, using the bathroom sink or river/lake/creek when he’s in the forest.
The dirt and grime that coat his skin is a grounding reminder of who he is, so he doesn’t completely lose himself in that dystopian world.
He has never hunted for sport, only for survival. He respects nature and what it provides.
He loves to read. His favorite book is The Outsiders.
He doesn't/wouldn't understand why his girl can't talk to him instead of a stranger. He would need some mental health education as the urging of Carol or Michonne before even remotely understanding. He wants to be supportive, first and foremost.
He fights tooth and nail to avoid getting "his head shrunk" but in the end, if it meant not losing his girl, he'd give in.
He is a horrible patient for physical ailments and even worse for mental ones.
He would 100% pass out while watching his partner give birth.
He would go above and beyond to give his kid everything he wished for as a child. He would risk life and limb for material objects: bikes, candy, stuffed animals.
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cillianmesoftlyyy · 3 months
How About It, Agent Miller? | Lenny Miller x fem!reader
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Summary: The year is 1988. The Cold War is well underway and tensions are slowly rising between the US and the Soviets. CIA Agent Miller isn’t threatened by the new young agent from the Soviet Union but she has a plan to get his attention, and to get even.
Warnings: Misogyny, violence, gun, kidnapping, restraints, dubious consent, noncon, smut, unprotected sex, edging, drugging.
word count: 4661k
Sympathy for the Devil- The Rolling Stones 🎶
Devils Haircut- Beck 🎵
You Know I’m No Good- Amy Winehouse 🎶
Movie: Anna (2019)
Please read warnings before continuing, thanks!
He thought this job was going to be simple, almost easy. She was working for East Germany, young, and new to her position; surely she wouldn’t be that difficult to eliminate. He’d been working for the CIA for nearly fifteen years at that point. He was one of the top agents and had orchestrated the downfall of many notable German and Soviet spies. To be fair, there had been that minor detail of receiving several severed heads from the KGB back in 1985 but that was all behind him now. They didn’t scare him now, and certainly, that twenty-something agent he’d heard so much about wasn’t about to make him lose sleep. In fact, he was looking forward to meeting her.
The girl in question was twenty-two and one of the deadliest spies to ever work for East Germany (the communist side). Y/N Y/L/N managed to slip past the CIA on multiple occasions, stealing out the backdoor or using false passports to get out of the country undetected. She’d made one mistake, however, and Agent Miller was quick to catch it. He rued the way she’d avoided detection for so long when it felt like it was all due simply to good luck. She didn’t seem especially smart or conniving, just pretty. It pissed him off. The mistake that Y/N had made was small, easy to look over, but Agent Miller was looking, and he found it.
Y/N tricked men around her to get information on the US. Once she’d get them alone, she drugged them, shot them, etc; anything to get them out of her way while she downloaded classified files from their computers. She had managed to steal these files before without leaving traces of her crime but low and behold, the last time she had removed the flash drive without ejecting it from the computer’s system. The computer held onto the flash drive's information and told Agent Miller exactly what the young woman was planning next. She’d been collecting information on nuclear weapons and international trade deals that the US was trying to keep hush hush. And for that reason, Agent Miller knew who she was going after next.
He straightened his striped blue tie and cleared his throat as he and his team crowded into the elevator. The men behind him carried larger guns and thick bulletproof vests, ready for whatever the girl threw at them. They’d followed her into a hotel in New York City, a place that felt too normal for the situation at hand. When the elevator doors opened with a soft whooshing noise, Agent Miller nodded his agents on, directing them to either side of the corridor. Quickly, they raided the hotel room belonging to the man they believed she had gone after that evening, but did not find her there. She was nowhere in the hotel. Agent Miller cursed beneath his breath and gritted his teeth. He knew his impatience was his worst quality and it only hurt him in these situations, but then again, the American government isn’t known for being very patient with communists…
Clenching and relaxing his jaw, Agent Miller went back down in the elevator with his men. They separated into groups in the lobby, each climbing back into the armored car sent by the CIA. Agent Miller waited behind, his cold eyes trained on the curb in front of the hotel. His car was separate from the others and would take him directly back to his office. A sharp wind ruffled his dark brown hair, displacing one strand into his face as his car pulled up to the curb. Agent Miller climbed into the dark backseat, the car door slamming closed beside him and a lock clicking into place. He looked up. The barrel of a pistol was pointed at his forehead. He froze.
“Hello, Agent Miller. Wie geht es Ihnen? I’m so glad we finally got a moment alone. I apologize for the circumstances but you know how the politics are these days… it’s so… toxic. Ja? Now, be a good boy and hand me the glock you have at your hip,” a young woman smiled on the seat beside him. She was wearing all black and blended in against the dark leather seats and tinted windows. Agent Miller frowned, his hands unmoving.
“That doesn’t seem fair, does it? You’re putting me at a disadvantage here.”
“Don’t underestimate yourself like that, Agent Miller. You and I both know what you’re capable of,” she chuckled mockingly but her sunglasses hid her true meaning. “Give me your gun, now.” Her voice was hard and cool like a porcelain plate, one of the perfect edges with a chip. Agent Miller raised his hand slowly and moved his jacket to the side, showing his holster. As soon as she had his gun in her hand she tapped the glass partition between them and the driver, signaling him to drive.
“Where are we going?” Agent Miller sighed calmly, leaning back against the seat. Y/N smiled, pleased at his temperament. It made things easier.
“One of my favorite places in New York City,” she answered with a smirk, a gun still trained at the man beside her though it had been lowered.
“And what kind of place could that be, god forbid?” Agent Miller asked rhetorically and looked over at the window beside him.
“The Plaza Hotel,” she answered slowly and shifted in her seat. Her pleated leather skirt shifted across her black stockings, showing more of her thigh, fleshy and round. Agent Miller noticed it and smirked, the comedy of the situation being too much for him to take seriously. The car stopped at the back of the hotel by the service entrance. Men exited out of the building and held a door open, waiting as Y/N escorted the CIA agent inside. Agent Miller followed her calmly as he searched for someone who could help him.
“No one’s here. It’s off-season,” she sighed lightly and pushed him into an elevator.
“It’s never off-season in New York,” Agent Miller raised a skeptical eyebrow.
“Surprise, surprise.”
They took the elevator up to the top floor. Agent Miller’s hands began to sweat as he was led out of the elevator and around the corridor to a suite, separated from the others.
“You must get a good salary,” Agent Miller cracked as the woman jerked the gun towards the door of the suite. He kept his hands visible as he entered the room and looked around. The room was large and was actually made up of multiple rooms. In the center of the living room area, a chair had been left out.
“Sit down and make yourself comfortable. Bitte.” She had a way of talking that sounded like a purr but it was clear to Agent Miller that her words were more threatening than they sounded. Still, it was hard to take her seriously. It was hard to believe that this woman was the deadliest spy in East Germany.
“Danke schön,” Agent Miller muttered, his American accent muddling the German.
"Kannst du Deutsch sprechen, Herr Miller?” Y/N pretended to sound surprised as she closed and bolted the lock. “I’m flattered, really,” she smiled and removed her long black coat. Slowly she placed the coat on a couch’s arm and pulled off the blonde wig on her head, revealing her dark hair beneath which fell into a messy bob around her shoulders, over her dark mauve blouse. Last she removed her sunglasses and folded them neatly on her coat. Then she met his eyes.
“Nein? Well, then it's good I’m so fluent in English. You would never tell by my accent. At least, you didn’t the last time we met.”
“We’ve met before?” Agent Miller asked and shifted in his chair.
“Oh yes.” She smiled and dimples deepened on her cheeks.
An image came back to him, one of a young woman dropping a stack of manuscripts in the lobby of a hotel where they had been investigating the last crime scene. She’d been wearing a long brown wig and tortoiseshell glasses. She even had brown contacts in her eyes to hide her true eye color. He’d stopped to help her collect the manuscripts.
Oh gosh, thank you so much. So sorry about that. My boss is going to kill me. Thank you! She’d blushed as he handed her the papers. He’d met her before. She’d shown herself to him just to play with him. He scowled.
“Now I feel even more at a disadvantage.”
“How? After all, you’re the big-shot CIA agent, due for a promotion any day now… and I’m just a little girl. I don’t need any real smarts, not when I can just use my good looks to get what I want. Right, Agent Miller?” Her voice darkened as she finished, flashing with resentment. “You could fight me right now. It’s just the two of us. I’m surprised you didn’t. You’ve had ample opportunities to but you blindly follow my orders. It’s not that you’re scared to hurt me, you aren’t that sexist.”
“I don’t see the point of fighting when you’ve put so much work into getting me alone. I assume you have something to say.” Agent Miller swallowed, his cool facade slipping slightly as the woman approached him slowly.
“Aw how chivalrous of you! Oh, but what if I told you that I was only interested in getting you alone so that I could finally get even with you.” Y/N twirled the gun around her pointer finger and shifted it to his chest. He stiffened.
“Get even?”
“Settle the score,” she offered with a shrug.
“I don’t think I follow,” Agent Miller frowned warily.
“Then let me explain,” Y/N purred and with quick movements, she removed a pair of handcuffs from the back of her skirt and closed them tightly around both of his wrists, tying his hands around the back of the heavy chair. His eyes widened slightly when he realized what she had done.
“The fuck…” he started but she cut him off quickly.
“You didn’t think I could outsmart you or get the upper hand… you thought you could so easily catch me. And what a good job you’ve done!” She crossed her arms across her chest and set the gun down, smiling. Agent Miller averted his gaze, staring at the upper corner of the room. He clenched his jaw and struggled against the handcuffs for a brief moment.
“Haven’t you figured it out yet, Agent Miller?”
“Figured what out?” He snapped impatiently.
“I've been planning this for months. Do you really think I accidentally removed my flashdrive wrong, coincidentally leaving you all of the information that i’ve gathered since starting my mission? You’ve really underestimated me,” she clucked her tongue and kicked off her high heels, standing barefoot in her pantyhose on the dark pink shag carpet.
“I knew you’d find the mistake, I wanted you to. You did everything you were supposed to do, good boy,” she carded her fingers through his dark hair. The soft warm lighting in the room brought out the freckles across his pale face. Just as he started to turn his eyes to hers, she yanked his hair back so that he was looking up at her. “But how did this special agent who graduated from MIT of all places, end up in this position?”
“Did you do all of this just to show me how smart you are?” Agent Miller growled as she continued to pull at his roots.
“Something like that,” she smiled again, “I get off when men think they’re smarter than I am. I like proving them wrong… and then killing them.”
“Is that your plan for tonight?” He tried to keep a level voice as the smell of her perfume wafted down to his nose. She shook her head slightly and chuckled.
“You’ve been trained to resist torture, so there won’t be much that I can get out of you that way. And anyway, there isn’t much that I don’t already know.” She released her grip on his hair and stepped back. Y/N moved to the bar cart, stocked with crystal jars of whiskey and bourbon.
“So what are you going to do to me?” Agent Miller raised an eyebrow as he watched her pour a small glass of whiskey. She turned slowly and approached him again, swirling the whiskey in her glass. She raised the glass to his lips and poured it gently into his mouth. He parted his lips for her, his eyes trained on her face.
“Whatever I want,” she whispered and pulled the glass from his lips. Agent Miller raised his eyebrow, swallowing.
“Won’t your government disapprove?” He scoffed and shifted in the seat, calming himself down. His body was starting to get hot and his collar got tighter.
“Shhh,” she shushed him, a finger pressed against her own lips. Y/N approached him again and trailed one manicured finger from his arm to his hand. He shivered beneath her touch and his heart began to race. He felt his pulse in his stomach as she carded her fingers through his hair again, softer this time. She placed one knee on the chair between his thighs, pressing against his crotch. She tipped his head back with the edge of her nail beneath his jaw and leaned in close, exhaling beside his jaw. Seeing an opportunity, Agent Miller tried to kick her, jutting his knee up because it wasn’t restrained. She stopped him quickly, forcing him back into the chair, not missing a beat. His breath caught in his throat and he nearly choked on it. Her hand wrapped around his throat and squeezed but not harshly. His skin was warm beneath her hand and she smiled, her white teeth flashing.
She pressed her knee sharply into his thigh, holding his leg down, and slid it closer to the top of his crotch. She chuckled softly when she felt the outline of his cock inside his pants with the side of her thigh. Agent Miller’s body tensed below her, his hands folding into fists as he exhaled sharply.
“Aw does this hurt?” She cooed as she dug her knee further into the flesh of his thigh. His jaw tightened as she teased him. Moving closer, she rested both knees between his thighs, forcing them against the arms and pinning them in place. Suddenly she was so close and her thighs were pressing against his stomach…
How was it that he was getting an erection from this shit-show? How could she get this reaction out of him so fucking quickly? He tried to even out his breath as she shifted in the seat, her hands trailing up his chest to the knot of his tie.
“What did you drug me with?” Agent Miller muttered. Strands of her hair brushed against his cheeks.
“You don’t have to resist it, Agent Miller.” She ran her hands down his sides beneath his dark blue suit jacket. His body was full and firm, and warm. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of,” she whispered against his forehead.
“What did you put in my drink…” he repeated, his voice wavering in strength as her hand moved down his stomach to the front of his pants. His erection was pronounced and visible, pushing against the fly of his trousers. She must have given him something, something to get this response. He wasn’t even that turned on. He sighed, frustrated and mad. He turned his head to the side, avoiding her soft lips.
“You think I have to drug you to get this kind of response? Silly boy,” she slid off of his lap and sat on the edge of the couch in front of him. She crossed her legs at first and allowed her eyes to trail up his body like a man would to a woman. Agent Miller stared back, his blue eyes hard. She giggled and reached up her skirt, hooking her hands under her pantyhose and pulled it down her thighs. She rolled the pantyhose slowly down her calves and slipped it off her feet. Despite his best efforts, Agent Miller watched her closely, studying the way she pushed the pantyhose to the side with her foot.
“I prefer genuine responses, it helps with my ego,” she broke the silence and watched with a sly smile as Agent Miller swallowed. With a sigh she stood and leaned over the CIA agent, her hands gripped around the arm rests. “Are you embarrassed? The high and mighty CIA agent succumbing so quickly to someone like me?” She teased him sharply, a glint of malice behind her bright eyes. “Tell me, Agent Miller. You’re thinking about me… you want me to touch you more. You want to see what I could do to you.”
Agent Miller cocked his head slightly and sighed, pretending to be disinterested. Y/N grabbed his face, her fingers digging into either side of his jaw. When she kissed him, he exhaled, almost relieved. He kissed her back, forgetting himself and liking the way she tasted, the way her lips felt in his mouth. She pulled his face closer to hers, still hovering above him. She kissed him feverishly and he followed blindly, distracted by the pleasure found in each movement her lips made against his. Then as quickly as it had started, she pulled away and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Some of her lipstick was smudged across his mouth but he couldn’t tell. He was breathing heavily, his lips pulled apart so that he could catch his breath. She took a few steps back and grabbed a file from a nearby table. She flipped it open and turned the pages until she landed on the right one. She held the folder open in one hand and with the other she began to unbutton her blouse from the top down.
Agent Miller felt his cock throb as he watched her shrug off the silky blouse and drape it over the arm of the couch. When she turned he could see her black t-shirt bra fitted perfectly against her breasts. Her collarbones rose and fell as she breathed and Agent Miller nearly groaned. She read aloud from the file as she moved back to the chair.
“My records tell me that the last number of confirmed nuclear weapons in the American arsenal was 27,000. It’s been half a decade since that information was released to the Soviet Union. What is that number now?” She straddled his lap slowly, smoothing out her skirt over their legs. Agent Miller moved his eyes from her breasts to her face, trying to keep his face straight as he felt the woman’s hand unbuckle his belt.
“I can’t tell you that,” he managed as she played with the zipper of his fly, her fingers dancing over the hard bulge.
“Has the number grown?” She offered and slid her hand below his waistband. Her hand grazed the patch of his pubic hair before she reached his cock. He shivered and looked up at the ceiling of the hotel room. “More?” She asked softly as she wrapped her fingers around his erection, it was hot and wet in her hand. He was so sensitive already that he groaned softly when she touched him. She squeezed him softly and freed the hard length from his pants. She rubbed her hand up and down. Agent Miller panted softly as she masturbated him. His eyes snapped open and he watched her, their eyes locked.
“Has the number changed?” She asked again softly as the agent clenched his jaw.
“I can’t tell you that,” He fought the words out as her hand sped up.
“Are there less? Has the US been involved in a trade agreement for its nuclear weapons?” She pushed, her hand moving faster.
“Fuck…” Agent Miller panted as her grip tightened around him. His cheeks deepened with color and his chest shook as his climax built. Just as he felt like he was about to cum, Y/N pulled her hand away and clucked her tongue.
“You’re going to make this very hard on yourself,” she observed and smiled as she watched him pant. He was completely erect beneath her skirt, resting against her bare thigh. They stared at each other as he caught his breath. She snapped the folder closed and tossed it to the side, sighing impatiently.
“Who has the US traded with in the past year?” She asked, her hands holding his thighs down.
“That is public information. You don’t need me to tell you that.”
“I want you to tell me about the trade deals you haven’t made public,” she loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top two buttons. “Which countries have illegal trade agreements with the US?” She added before kissing his neck, sucking on the soft flesh until she started to make hickeys. With her freehand she held his cock still as she lowered herself onto his head. She moved her hips slowly up and down and pulled away to look at his face. His adam's apple quivered in his throat as she moved on top of him.
“I-I can’t-fuck,” he gasped softly as she started to shift her hips over his lap, taking him deeper, “I can’t tell you that.”
“Come on, Agent Miller,” she whispered against his ear, “be a good boy for me,” she smirked. “Does it feel good? Is this harder than torture?” She teased him as her hips sped up, rocking back and forth. Agent Miller moaned softly as she held his face to face her. His mouth was agape in pleasure as she began to bounce slightly, falling hard on his cock. He grunted as she went faster, moaning theatrically against his lips which she refused to kiss.
“Do you want to cum, Agent Miller?” She whispered against his lips, her tongue touching his bottom lip with a flourish.
“Fuck…” he panted again.
“Can you cum for me?” She purred and Agent Miller nodded weakly, his eyes now closed. She smiled and pretended to pant, coaxing another deep moan from the man’s throat. “Has the US been sending nuclear weapons to West Germany?” She asked, raising herself up and holding him inside her. He weakly tried to thrust but she held him down.
“Y/N…” he whispered, his brows furrowed in frustration.
She snapped her hips down, taking him in again and hugging his cock. He gasped as his stomach tightened. He was going to cum.
“Has the US been sending nuclear weapons to West Germany?” She repeated sternly, not moving on his cock as the wave of climax started to dissipate again.
“I can’t fucking tell you that-fuck,” he growled when she moved her hips very slowly.
“But you can tell me, Agent Miller, and if you do, I’ll let you cum,” she stroked his cheek and kissed his jaw feverishly. “I want you to cum. Fuck, I want you to cum inside me too.” She whispered against his neck. When he resisted saying anything she pulled herself off and backed away towards the bed in the room beside them. Agent Miller watched her, his chest rising and falling quickly. Still watching him, she slid her leather skirt off, showing that she had no underwear on underneath. He felt like he might explode just by the sight of her.
“Jesus…” he groaned and let his head fall back against the back of the chair. He couldn’t help himself but look back as she undid her bra and dropped it to the floor. Standing completely naked, she laid back on the bed and propped herself up on her elbows.
“If you won’t cum, I’ll just have to finish myself off,” she sighed and trailed her fingers up her thigh to her cunt, wet from sex. “It just never feels as good.” She rubbed her fingers over her clit over and over again until she felt an orgasm grow. She curled her toes and bit her lip, grinding against her own hand. Agent Miller knew that he could look away but the scene was just too much to ignore. He watched as she arched her back and twisted her hips, reacting to the sensitivity of her clit. Her eyes danced below her eyelids as she thought up fantasies to fuel her climax. Rubbing harder, she started to moan softly and quivered. Agent Miller pulled at the handcuffs, struggling to remain calm as he watched her touch herself. As her orgasm finally arrived, she collapsed back onto the mattress and caught her breath.
“Enough,” Agent Miller sneered from the chair, still erect and horny. “At least get me out of these so I can fuck you the right way.”
Y/N smiled and hopped off of the bed, her tits bouncing slightly as she did.
“You want to fuck me, Agent Miller?” She leaned close to his face again. He stared back at her, his jaw set.
“Let’s get it over with,” he answered nonchalantly and she tilted his jaw up but didn’t kiss him. She undid the handcuffs around his wrists and he sprang to his feet, grabbing at her body. He kissed her feverishly, lapping at her mouth with his tongue hungrily. She pushed off his suit jacket and unbuttoned his shirt as he slipped off his shoes and pants. They didn’t have time to remove his shirt before he entered her. He took hold of her hips to pull her closer and wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her close to his chest. She clawed her hands down his dress shirt, her knees high on either side of his waist. She moaned loudly and he studied the way she opened her mouth to do it, mesmerized by the way she reacted to him inside of her.
“Good boy,” she praised him when he sped up, hitting her G-spot. She reached her hand down between their bodies and rubbed at her clit, coaxing a stronger orgasm.
“Don’t touch yourself,” Agent Miller ordered, short of breath, “let me do it.” He massaged her clit himself, his large hands covering the front of her cunt. Her mouth fell open into a loud gasp as he synchronized his thrusts to the way he rubbed her clit.
“Fuck,” he exhaled tightly as he felt her flex around him.
“Keep going,” she wrapped her fingers around his neck and pulled him closer to her face, their mouths exchanging exhales, “fuck me right.”
He kissed her deeply as he moaned, the muscles in his back tightening beneath her nails. She was so tight and wet, he nearly came just thinking about it as he moved. She carded her fingers through his hair and pulled as he chased their peaking climax. He was grunting now as she began to finish around him, shaking without much control. He moved his hands back to her hips and rocked himself deep inside of her as he brought on his orgasm. He came inside of her with loud grunts, thrusting until he’d finished completely. Only when he was done did he pull out and collapse beside her on the elegant duvet. He panted loudly, exhausted. They remained in silence until Y/N rolled over, putting her lips close to his ear.
“You know, I didn’t have to ask you all those questions. I already know the answers.” Her voice was serious and cold, Agent Miller eyed her.
“Then why did you ask?”
“I wanted to see you tied down,” she answered calmly. He raised his eyebrow and scoffed just before the sting of a cold, sterilized needle pinched his neck. Then he quickly went to sleep.
When he awoke, he found himself alone in the hotel room. Everything had been returned to normal and the place scrubbed for fingerprints. And she was gone. She’d gotten away again.
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avoxrising · 7 months
The Feral One • Chapter 5
Finnick x Y/N
Series Masterlist Link
We are finally in the arena! Prepare for the angst… and protective! Finnick ;)
Content warnings - alludes to being dressed without consent, drugging, blood and death
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You’re escorted by five armed peacekeepers to a separate hovercraft than the rest of the tributes, not trusted to be around them yet. It feels like forever just waiting to arrive at your death. You were still stuck in a cell, this one was just also filled with monsters like you.
Having your tracker put in nearly added another name to the list. One of the peacekeepers had to sedate you and you didn’t wake up till you were waiting to be lifted into the arena.
You were slumped in your tube in a wetsuit, uncuffed for once. How did you get into it? Did someone dress you while you were out? You nearly puke as the tube starts to rise, nauseous and drowsy from the sedative.
The bright light of the arena blinds you as you struggle to get your bearings. While the rest of the tributes are standing on their pedestals awaiting the gong, you can’t seem to get up. Your limbs work but not enough to support you.
The gong rings and you lay there, playing dead. Maybe if they think someone else got to you, they’ll ignore you. Or maybe Finnick will leave you here and you can roll off into the water and drown yourself. Neither option sounds better than the other.
You must be good at pretending to be dead, as everyone ignores your limp form. You can hear Finnick calling for you, but yelling out to him will only reveal yourself to the other tributes.
“Y/N!” Finnick yells as you hear him come closer.
“She’s dead Finnick,” Katniss states. “Leave her.”
“Y/N!” he yells, ignoring the girl as he starts swimming over towards you.
He goes to grab your wrist to check for a pulse and you flinch away.
“Hey it’s just me,” he states, sighing in relief. “You’re ok.”
You manage to open your eyes just enough to look at him. He doesn’t look hurt thankfully.
“Can you move?” he asks and you shake your head no to the best of your abilities.
“Finnick we’ve got to go!” Katniss yells. You can now see Peeta next to her, holding Finnick’s trident. She suddenly shoots an arrow just past the two of you, into a tribute who was trying to sneak up on Finnick.
“I’m sorry,” Finnick says as he drags you off the pedestal and begins swimming with you towards the shore. He knows better than to take you directly to Peeta and Katniss on the rocks.
You protest but you’re too weak and are worried you’re going to pass out again. Finnick throws you over his shoulder and begins sprinting into the jungle with Katniss and Peeta in tow.
The group eventually stops to catch their breath and Finnick sets you down. You have blood caked under your fingernails from clawing at him, but other than that he is unharmed.
“What did they do to you?” he asks, crouching down to get a better look at you. He can’t see any obvious signs of injury which worries him.
“Sleep,” you whisper to Finnick. “Fought tracker.”
“She speaks!” Peeta exclaims. Katniss is still up in a tree somewhere.
“Back up,” Finnick states, standing between you and the boy. “She only speaks to me. Her choice not mine. Don’t push it.”
Peeta backs up and you give him a weak smile. You trust him not to do anything threatening. Katniss however…
Finnick and her get into a bit of a stand off when she comes back down from the tree, but you’re too busy trying to stand up to notice. Peeta goes to help you and you yelp, scrambling away from him.
“Sorry,” he states. “No touching, got it.”
Finnick gives Peeta an annoyed look before handing you the end of his trident to help you stand. Your legs are tired but they’re working better than they were 20 minutes ago.
“Let’s keep moving,” Finnick states, and you trudge along into the jungle.
“Peeta!” Katniss yells before she’s suddenly flung back into you. You claw desperately at her scalp until Finnick puts you in a headlock and she’s able to scramble away to check on Peeta. He’s not breathing.
Finnick weighs his options, either he goes to help Peeta, releasing his grip on you, or he holds you back from Katniss, letting Peeta die. He must decide that Katniss can handle herself as he quickly runs over to Peeta and begins CPR.
Katniss doesn’t know who to point her bow at, you or Finnick. She decides on you and quickly sends an arrow into your arm while Finnick is still occupied with Peeta. She could have killed you if she wanted but temporarily disabling you was good enough in her mind. She was wrong.
You rip the arrow out of your arm and go to stand up when Peeta gasps in air. Katniss rushes to his side and Finnick slumps over, exhausted.
That’s when you decide what needs to happen. You can’t get in the way of Finnick getting out of the arena, and whatever was waiting for you outside of the arena isn’t any better than what’s in here.
Finnick goes to check on you, only finding a trail of blood drops leading into the jungle. You wouldn’t weigh him down anymore.
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So basically the entire character list of The ballad of songbirds and snakes is the exes from hell
1. Coriolanus Snow
-Mansplain Manipulate Manwhore
-Great hair and fashion sense
-Love bombs you
-Old money
-His (grand)mom hates you because her son can do no wrong so clearly you're the problem
-His favourite hobby is emotional and mental abuse
-Snitches on you when cheating at family board game night (he's deflecting that he's also cheating)
-Emotionally stagnant (narcissist with mommy and daddy issues)
2. Sejanus Plinth
-Loves you to bits, so does his mom (your waistline will never truly recover)
-Indecisive about where to grab dinner always
-New money and it shows in his insecurity
-Supportive asf
-Breaks up with you because he can't be with a non pacifist/vegan
-Daddy issues
-Condemns Shein hauls
-Identity crisis every other week, you'll have to talk him out of a buzz cut, jumping off the ledge or giving all his money to scammers (if you collect all the stamps you'll get a financial compensation from his dad on the wedding day)
3. Lucy Gray Baird
-Her Ex is a dick, will stalk and harass you
-Her family is a bunch of hippies, will make you eat with your hands, on the floor, while singing Kumbaya
-Sings you to sleep, braids your hair
-Almost poisoned you thrice cause she doesn't understand you shouldn't mix cleaning products together
-Old soul
-Thrifts, recycles
-Puts salt in your coffee after arguments
-Ghosts you after your make or break argument
4. Casca Highbottom
-Never asks about your day, his is always worse
-Drug addict in denial
-Weird beef with his old classmate's son (he never lets anything go)
-Dislikes people, which would be fine if you weren't included
-Always on some sardonic shit, probably a business major with a psych minor
-His pills take all the space in the shared bathroom, your makeup will be shoved in the far lowest drawer next to the TP
-His ancient ass coworkers hit on you at symposiums, he's too high off bathroom cocaine to stop them (or gets off, either way you're tired and want home)
5. Dr Gaul
-Devil Incarnate
-You somehow rizzed her up at a function and she's been showing up at your house ever since (you don't how but she has both the address and a key)
-Petting zoo type of owner
-She always smells like chemicals and latex
-Asks you unhinged "Would you rather" questions and refuses to drop it (makes your Would you love me if i were a worm ex cute by a long shot)
-Will perform experiments on you without your knowledge or consent
-Insists her pet snake shares your bed
-Freak in the streets and the sheets (the restraining order won't even go through cause she's in cahoots with half the Government)
-Definitely wanted for war crimes somewhere, the G in Geneva convention stands for Gaul
6. Lucky Flickerman
-A clown.
-His hair and skincare products take over the entire bathroom/vanity
-He can't dress to save his life, but he sure thinks he can
-Golden retriever boyfriend energy
-Steals your concealer, refuses to admit it
-Would you like to see a magic trick? What do you mean this is a serious fight, there's a quarter up your nose
-Impulsive buyer, has 13 snow globes of panem because they were on sale and looked shiny
-Even his pet thinks he's a dumbass
-Cries during movies
7. Tigris
-Yes she do the cooking, yes she do the cleaning
-Insecure about her appearance (critical, will cost you)
-Her family is a bunch of snobs
-Anything she touches turns into gold
-Her cousin can do no wrong, you have to accommodate everything for him or she'll die (and he never even visits, "just in case")
-Her grandmother is a package deal, I hope you like boomer propaganda and info commercials early on Sunday morning
-Empathetic asf
-Puts everyone's needs above hers (and unfortunately yours)
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maaarine · 7 months
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The sexual assault of sleeping women: the hidden, horrifying rape crisis in our bedrooms (Anna Moore, The Guardian, June 15 2021)
"Naming specific acts, rather than using broad – and loaded – terms such as “abuse” or “rape”, her survey asked more than 22,000 women if, for example, they had ever been spat at, or strangled, kicked or bitten.
It also asked respondents if they had ever woken to their male partner having sex with them or performing sex acts on them while they slept.
To this question, 51% answered yes.
This was not randomised sampling – the survey was widely shared online and participants were self-selected. For this reason, it’s hard to extrapolate from the findings.
The results sparked a predictably polarised online response. “This was extremely validating for me after years of thinking, ‘Am I being raped?’ I’m not alone”, tweeted one woman.
“It’s why I now jerk awake if someone even gently brushes against me while I’m sleeping, 13 years later,” wrote another.
Other comments included, “Only chance I get!” and “the other half was OK with it!”
Katie Russell, spokesperson for Rape Crisis, says she was “not massively surprised” by the findings.
“There isn’t a lot of research into the multiple ways women experience violence from known men, but we do know the numbers are so much higher than any official statistics,” she says.
“Rape myths are still incredibly pervasive. It’s commonly believed that if it’s your boyfriend or your spouse, if you’re sharing a bed, if you’re naked, if you consented earlier, then it can’t be rape.
There is a really big difference between gently waking your partner and initiating sexual activity and actually doing something sexual or penetrating someone while they’re still asleep. (…)
In Martha’s case, the rape happened once, but for some men, seeking sex with a sleeping woman is an active preference, a fetish known as somnophilia.
Svein Overland, a Norwegian psychologist, is one of the few to have studied it – his interest sparked partly by his work in prisons, trying to understand the motivations of sex offenders, and also by his work with victims of what Norwegians call “after-party rapes” – attacks on vulnerable women who were either sleeping or drugged.
Overland believes somnophilia is part of the wider growth of what he calls “one-way sex”.
His research into online porn showed a steep rise over the past decade in categories such as “sleeping sex”, as well as other forms of sex that are based on unresponsiveness, on only meeting your own needs.
(“Flexi dolls” is another example – where women pretend to be sex dolls.)
These preferences overlap with porn itself, says Overland. “With one-way sex, with porn, with masturbation, there’s no dance, no seduction, no interaction and no pressure to perform,” he says.
“The more I looked at this area, the more you see that a lot of men are afraid of having sex.
Society is becoming more pornified but, at the same time, many studies show that people are becoming less sexually active. We have young men buying Viagra, unable to keep an erection.”
A sleeping woman is no threat – she’s absent, an object, a receptacle. (…)
“There seems to be a perception that something like this is a ‘lesser crime’ because it might not be at the hands of a stranger but your partner.
But what would feel worse? Being pickpocketed by a stranger or robbed by someone you love and trust?” she asks.
“The idea that you’re asleep so it didn’t require violence is also very dangerous. Penetrating someone’s body without their permission is an inherently violent act.
“Imagine being asleep and waking to find someone going through your personal things,” she continues. “Now imagine it’s your actual body that has been intruded into.” (…)
“When I first left him, I wouldn’t sleep. I’d lie awake all night and have hallucinations – him raping me.
Those flashbacks, that trauma response, was the mind and body trying to piece things together.
Even now, nine years on, I still wake at two every morning. I don’t even need to check the clock.
We know that the body stores memories of trauma – and I think 2am is when it used to happen.” (…)
In February 2020, she told the jury: “There has never been a part of me that has not been profoundly impacted,” and that in the immediate aftermath, she suffered PTSD and had tried to take her own life.
She said she had felt “unsafe everywhere”, frightened to trust anyone, even her parents."
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absurdthirst · 4 months
Can't Fight Cupid {Max Phillips x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 12k
Warnings: Human Max, sexism in the the workplace, insults, bickering, drinking, sexual harassment, mentions of drugging, drunk sex, impaired decision making but everyone consents, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, cream-pie, angst, oral sex (male and female receiving), confessions
Comments: Your morning show co-host, Max Phillips drives you mad. Constantly annoying you and bickering with you. At the Cupid's Ball, the weekend before Valentine's Day, you get a little drunk and do something incredibly stupid. Sleep with him.
A/N: Happy Valentine's Day!
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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  You groan, rolling over to slam your hand down on top of your alarm clock. 
It reads 3 am. 
“Fuck.” You huff, feeling exhausted after staying up late last night to talk to your agent, and you regret it now. There’s no choice to snooze, you need to get up. 
Moaning as you force yourself out of your comfy bed, you stumble into the bathroom, turning on the light, and it’s bright enough to make you wince. “God.” You whine, palming your face. Every day, you’re closer to being replaced by some teeny bopper with perky tits and an annoyingly high-pitched voice. You pee and brush your teeth before you start your morning routine. Treadmill. Weights. Protein shake. Shower. Get dressed.
The car pulls up outside your apartment building on time, and you get in to meet your producer, and she starts to ramble about the segments for the show.
You listen to her half-heartedly but stare out of the window. The street lights reflect as they twinkle overnight without anyone but you and a tired few to admire them.
When you arrive at the studio, you’re ushered inside and to your dressing room to get started on the exhausting daily routine of getting ready for TV. 
Your makeup artist is putting on your lipstick when there’s a knock on the door. 
“Goooood morning Vietnammmmm!” He shouts with enough energy to make you want to punch his stupid face. 
“Max.” You huff, turning your head to see him swagger into your dressing room with his designer bespoke suit.
“You ready for the Coleman interview? You sure you’re up to it?” He tuts, leaning over you as he checks out his reflection in the mirror.
“I think if one of us is prepared and able to interview a woman who survived sexual assault at the hands of a powerful man, it’s me. If you did it, she’d be traumatized all over again.” You scoff, crossing your arms.
Max snorts, “whatever, princess. Just don’t make us look bad.” He says, and you roll your eyes, “It’s not me who makes us look bad. You’re the one who flirts with anything that has a pulse.”
Your co-host leans in, a smirk on his face as he meets your eyes in the mirror, “I think you’re just jealous that I never flirt with you…off air.” He adds, his eyes narrow slightly, and you push him away from you. 
“In your fucking dreams, Phillips.” He chuckles, and you want to slap him, but he has already been in the makeup chair and Shelly would kill you if your handprint ruined her work.
Max chuckles again, slowly backing out of your dressing room, but he turns to look at you and says, “see you on the stage, wifey.” He teases and you growl under your breath.
You and Max are the darlings of morning news. The Daily News Show. You’re the “husband and wife” of daytime TV. You aren’t together. No, fuck no. You are both painfully single, unable to hold down a relationship when the show is your entire life. You live and breathe the news. Max has his liaisons, as detailed in every gossip mag from New York to L.A, but you’re the good girl. You could never get away with what he manages to do. You are held to a higher standard and it’s bullshit. You were called a “slut” when you went out with three men in six months. Max has ten flings - barely a weekend each - and he’s revered as “daytime’s most eligible bachelor.” 
You exhale shakily, trying to control your hatred towards Max before you go on air and put on your persona as the loving “TV wife.” You close your eyes and focus until Jimmy, the AD, comes in to tell you that it’s time to get on set. You nod, standing up to make your way through the halls to the set and Max is already sitting at the desk when you arrive. Shelly comes over to dust your face with setting powder and the producers are going over the segments one last time. 
“Right, everyone. Thirty seconds to live.” The director announces, headset on, and you swallow harshly, getting yourself in the zone.
“Don’t fuck up.” Max murmurs and you turn your head to glare at him. 
“You’re the only fuck up here, Phillips.” You hiss back and he chuckles, “at least I’m getting fucked. How long has it been again…? Last one was…that dude from Fallon?” He reminds you of your ex who was a writer over on The Jimmy Fallon Show. 
“Your last one still asleep in your bed?” You spit back, “you even get her name?” You ask and Max frowns. 
“Jessica? No, Jamie. No…shit.” He shakes his head and you roll your eyes. 
“As we are live in ten…nine…eight…seven…six…five…four…three…” The director lowers his fingers to be silent and then you straighten up and plaster a smile on your face.
“Good morning and welcome to The Daily News Show.” You introduce yourself with a grin. 
“And I’m Max Phillips. It’s three days until Valentine's Day. Are you ready for the day?” Max asks you as per the teleprompter and you chuckle, “is anyone ready? Our friends over at Saks have some ideas for last-minute gifts later on in the show. Max, did you already get my present?” You question him teasingly like the TV wife you are.
“Of course.” He responds like it’s obvious, “I couldn’t not get my gorgeous co-host something special.” He winks and you internally scoff at his slimy smile. 
“I guess I’ll have to wait and see what you got me.” You giggle and turn back to look at the camera, “let’s take a look at your morning forecast.”
You go off air while the weatherman takes over and Max leans in, “did you get me a present?” He asks and you snort, “you’re lucky I put up with you.” 
Max chuckles, “well, at least we got the Cupid’s Ball tonight.” You groan softly under your breath, having forgotten that was tonight.
You have to go. You need to go. But you desperately want to curl under your duvet with a glass of wine and forget that you will be spending Valentine’s Day alone.
You tug on the hem of your skirt as you walk through the hall to the bustling private area of a skyscraper restaurant that overlooks the city where the party is being held. You feel ridiculous in the short red dress your stylist had picked for you, styled with a pair of heels that make you question if they belong in a torture room in the rings of hell. They are insanely uncomfortable and you’re reminded again of why you wish you were back at home curled up on your sofa with a glass of wine watching rom-com movies and shoving chocolate in your mouth. You inhale deeply before you make your way into the room.
Leaning against the bar, Max is already a few drinks in, bored out of his mind and questioning why he has to attend these things. No one wants to talk to him, they want to talk to his morning show personality. The Cupid’s Ball is an annoying reminder that despite his popularity, no one was special in his life. At least no one that he really wanted. Taking a sip of his drink, he nearly chokes when he sees you walk into the room. The blood red dress calls to him and he smirks as he puts two fingers in his mouth and whistles loudly across the floor, catcalling you obnoxiously.
You roll your eyes and make a beeline to the bar where Max is, greeting people who are half drunk along the way. “You have one too many or you trying to make me doubt myself in this dress?” You question Max, trying to figure out his motive. You feel itchy in the dress now as his dark eyes trail along your form.
Max chuckles and waggles his brows suggestively. “You did get me a present.” He jokes. “Now put it on the floor where it belongs.” He knows that the network wouldn’t be happy with a sexual harassment lawsuit, but you wouldn’t file one of those. You enjoy cutting him down with scathing retorts too much. “Drink first, fuck later? Or fuck now, drink later?” He asks, offering you his own glass.
You wrinkle your nose, shaking your head, “in your fucking dreams, Phillips.” You huff and he chuckles, “if only you knew…” 
You shake your head and push his glass away, “knowing you, you probably roofied it.” You call the bartender over and order a Cosmo, wanting to enjoy the evening even if your co-star insists on annoying you to death. “What are you doing hanging by the bar? No pretty interns to harass?”
“Why harass interns when I can harass you?” He gives you a hurt pout and takes his drink back and takes a sip of it to prove that he hasn’t done anything to it. “Besides, if I didn’t bother you, you would think that I was body snatched.” He snorts and looks out over the throng of people filing in.
You snort, “that’s true. I would think you’d been abducted by aliens if you didn’t make my life hell every day.” You thank the bartender for your drink. “To being painfully single because we made our careers our lives.” You toast as you hold your drink towards him.
Max lifts his glass in salute and snorts. “You’ve still got time, sweet cheeks.” He tells you. “You can put those birthing hips to use.” He smirks when you glare at him and shrugs. “What? You don’t want to have rugrats attached to the tit?” His eyes drop to your chest. “Pity.”
Your eyebrows raise, “and you are thinking about reproducing? Good God. The world couldn’t cope with a miniature Max Phillips.” You chuckle and shake your head, “besides…you’re lucky. You could knock up every woman from New York to L.A and you would keep your job. Me? I’d be out the door as soon as I peed on a test.” You take a sip of your drink and shift from one foot to another, unused to this kind of talk directed at you from Max. Usually he’s boasting about his conquests and how much better he looks on camera.
“In the year of our lord, 2024?” Mad huffs and shakes his head. “No. The network would exploit it. Have ‘baby and me’ segments.” In reality, the only way the network would do that is if their hand was forced, but Max isn’t willing to give up his co-host. Despite your attitude towards him off camera, the public loved you two together. “All you’d have to do is announce it on air and tell viewers the special segments to come. A taped sonogram. Let our morning show viewers fall in love with the little brat.”
“The only way they’d do that is if it was our baby and to do that, we’d have to have sex and I know that you prefer them pliable and dumb.” You glance around the room, spotting the producers laughing together and the execs making a short experience before they helicopter out to their mansions.
Max scoffs. “That would never happen.” He agrees, although there’s a frown on his face as he turns back to the bar. “Better that we focus on our careers, right? That will keep us warm when we’re in our nursing homes.” He chuckles. “When we turn forty-five.”
“You’re closer to that than me, old man.” You taunt him, “forty this year. You gonna be able to handle getting older?” You nudge him, knowing that he prides himself on his looks and Devil May care attitude.
He shoots you a dirty look before glancing at the mirror behind the bar. “Don’t look a day over thirty-four.” He huffs before looking at you with a smirk. “Must be all the endorphins from sex.”
You can’t deny that he looks good. He always looks good. Must be the pussy and Botox he gets on the sly. “You gonna come out of my cake at my party like Marilyn Monroe?” Max asks and you shake your head, “no way, Phillips.” You snort and down the rest of your drink, gesturing for the bartender to get you another one. “Didn’t even know you were planning a party.”
He pouts at you again, looking hurt. “If I don’t throw myself a party, who would?” He asks, rolling his eyes. “Not like you would throw me one. You don’t even want to go out for that drink after work like I keep asking you to.”
You huff, turning to face him after you thank the bartender for setting your drink down. “Because it’s just to - to mock me. You don’t like me. I’m not your friend. We act like we like each other on tv but that’s it. I have a face for radio, remember?” You remind him of what he said to you the first day you met five years ago.
Max stares at you for a second and then laughs. Bending over the bar and laughing so hard tears come to his eyes. “You thought I meant that?” He gasps out, looking over at you and laughing again. “Sweetcheeks- that was- I was yanking your fucking chain.” He admits, calming down enough to speak. “You’re fucking gorgeous and you know it. Charming, witty. The whole package.”
You stare at him, shocked at his outburst. He’s flirted with you, especially on screen, but to hear him say he thinks you’re gorgeous…it takes you back. You pick up your drink, taking another gulp. “You gave me a fucking complex. I- I thought I wasn’t good enough.” You hiss at him, “I always thought - well, it doesn’t matter now. I’m going to go suck up to the execs before they leave. Try to keep my job another year.” You say and pick up your drink, striding over to Mr. Parker, the head of daytime tv.
Max shakes his head, watching your hips sway as you stride away from him. He had never imagined you would have taken him seriously. You always treat him like a joke, so why would you believe that? Of course you’re gorgeous, the network thrived on beautiful people and made it their mission to hire the prettiest talent in the business. Max orders another drink for himself and for you before deciding to join you. A little corporate ass kissing was never a bad move for the career.
You smile as Mr. Parker looks down at your cleavage. It’s not the healthiest dynamic at the network but you let some things slide in the interest of keeping your job. You giggle at his lame joke, trying to act like he’s so clever, when Max comes over and replaces your now empty glass with a new drink. “Ah Phillips, I was just telling your pretty co-anchor here about some changes we will be making to the outfits. I’m thinking we could get away with a couple of inches higher, don’t you?”
Max lifts his brows and pretends to consider it. It’s an insult and everyone here knows it. “Why don’t we have the weather girl in a bikini?” He suggests. “But for our hard hitting stories, I think the length of the dress won’t matter, we’re behind a desk.”
“I was thinking maybe our lady here could be standing up. Presenting in front of the screens like they do on other shows. That way she can show off those stems.” He says and you shake your head, “the whole point of the show is for me to be beside Max. That’s what the viewers like, that’s what they want.” You explain and Mr. Parker hums, “we shall see. I’ll speak to the producers…see what they think.” You nod, offering him a forced smile. You know the producers will have your back on this ridiculous suggestion.
Max glances at you and knows that you are unhappy with the idea and he will back you up. “So what’s your golf game looking like, Paul?” He asks, hoping to steer the conversation on to friendlier topics. “Every time I’m in the weeds, I think of your epic shot.” Paul puffs up proudly and nods, starting to tell Max about his latest game.
You down the rest of your drink and smile at your boss, “excuse me.” You say and make your way back across the event room to the bar, ordering another drink. You shouldn’t drink so much but between all the men in the room that look at you like a piece of meat, you’re ready to get drunk and forget the reality that your time is limited because of your age. They’ll want some twenty year old to take your place soon. You lean against the bar and thank the bartender when he sets another cosmo down. You sigh and turn to pick it up when you feel someone behind you. “Looking gorgeous as ever.” The voice of the foreign correspondent, Jack. 
You turn to face him, a stiff smile on your face. “Jack.” You greet him, hating how he leans in even closer. His disgusting cologne wafting over you. He’s always been a little intrusive.
His eyes are dark and his smirk is supposed to be charming, but it comes off as creepy. “What are you doin’ over here by yourself?” He asks. “Rarely ever see you off Phillips’ dick.”
“I’ve never been on his dick. Ever.” You clarify, “I’m just sipping my drink. Enjoying the party.” You hum and take a step back from him. 
“Nice to hear. You could be on my dick if you want.” Jack smirks, licking his lower lip and you recoil. 
“No. I- I don’t want that.” You say, shaking your head and trying to let him down gently.
“You know, you’d probably move up from the morning show if you weren’t such a stuck up, frigid cunt.” Jack hisses, a scowl on his face, pissed off at being shot by the morning bitch. He is a foreign correspondent, respected and revered. He shoots you a nasty little grin. “Pretty soon your tits won’t be perky enough to keep your job and you’ll be doing the weather in Kalamazoo.”
You narrow your eyes at him, “and I’ll be telling everyone about your unwanted advances to me every single time you’re near me. I will tell HR and get you fired.” You hiss and Jack growls at you, “you’re a fucking bitch.” 
You smile, “thank you, Jack.” You remain tall just as Max appears, his hand on your back. “Everything okay here?” He asks and you stiffen slightly, “everything is fine, isn’t it Jack?” You ask the correspondent, who scoffs and walks off. 
“What happened?” Max asks, a frown on his face. 
“Jack was being an asshole. As per usual.” You huff and turn back towards your drink.
There’s more to it than that, but you will never confide in him. Apparently he can’t even try to pretend to care. He pulls his hand away, and slips it into his pocket. “He’s an old drunk that thinks the weather girl is still picked on a casting couch.” Max snorts. “No means yes to him.” He warns you. “You say I’ll spike your drink, but I wouldn’t put it past that prick.” He scoffs.
You sigh, leaning against the counter, “you’re right. He - I’ve heard stories about the interns and some of the make-up girls.” You confess, rubbing your neck, “you know…you’re not as bad as him. You’re a good man really. I just like seeing that vein pop in your forehead.” You confess, starting to feel giddy from the booze.
Max snorts and rolls his eyes, his own alcohol consumption starting to make his body hum. “You just say that because you have to pretend to like me.” He huffs, sending you a pout before he slides into a grin to cover his hurt feelings. “You think I’m pretty though. No matter how much you don’t want to admit it.”
You scoff, rearing back from him, until you soften and lean closer again. “You are pretty. So pretty.” You confess, reaching out to run your finger down his cheek, “unfair how handsome you are.” You whine slightly, “I don’t have to pretend.” You admit with a whisper.
​​He shivers at your touch and leans into it the drinks clouding his judgment and making him speak before thinking about it. “You think I’m unfair?” He huffs. “I have to constantly hide the fucking hard on I’ve got around you.” He pouts. “Do you know how fucking distracting your perfume is? You don’t need perfume for tv, and when you’re near me, all I can smell is you and imagine….”
The booze doesn’t let you question the validity of his confession. You decide to revel in it and you lean in towards him, “imagine…?” You question, your eyes flicking down to his lips.
“Imagine you.” Max is too wrapped up in his confession to realize he shouldn’t say this to you. Shouldn’t say this at all. “Head between your thighs, tasting you, making you moan my name so sweetly before I slide inside you.” He pants breathlessly, cock twitching in his pants. “Watching you cum because of me, because of the way I touch you.”
You can’t stop the moan that escapes your lips at the thought. “Maxwell Phillips.” You gasp, your stomach twisting with arousal as you soak the lace panties you’re wearing. You glance around and are grateful that no one notices when you grab Max’s hand and drag him through the crowd and out into the hallway. “I want you to fuck me, Max.” You beg him breathlessly, grabbing onto his tie to pull him into the nearest empty room, a function room with tables and chairs.
“Wait, really?” His eyes widen and he’s not hesitant, he’s shocked as shit. But the way you are dragging him closer makes every caution sign in his mind filter away as you eagerly press your lips to his as you continue to back into the dimly lit room. “Fuck.” He moans, pressing against you when your ass hits a table and his hands are cradling your hips, helping you up onto it as your tongue slides into his mouth.
You don’t think about the consequences of this. Deciding to just feel for once, you groan as Max slides his tongue against yours and his hands explore your body. You moan echoes in the empty room as he kisses your jaw and he settles between your thighs as you open them for him.
He turns greedy. Hands filling themselves with your flesh, groaning into your mouth at the taste of the liquor from your tongue. The pure sense of you. The heat of your skin makes him twitch and groan again when he presses two fingers to the damp core of your lace panties.
You whimper, “please Max” into his jaw as he rubs your clit through the lace. He doesn’t deny you as he slides his fingers beneath the elastic of your panties and presses his manicured fingers against the bundle of nerves. “Oh God.” You moan, sliding your hands down his chest to fumble with his belt, trying to undo the stupidly expensive buckle until you can finally reach in and pull his hard cock out of his equally expensive pants. “Fucking hell.” You curse as you wrap your fingers around the girth.
He chuckles, kissing along your jaw. 
“Try hiding that all the time.” He jokes, breaking off into a groan when you squeeze him firmly and start to stroke his cock. “Fuck, baby.” He whines, hips jerking forward into your grip and he twists his wrist to press his thumb against your clit while starting to work two fingers inside you.
You pant as he pushes two thick digits into you. You hate to admit it but you’ve imagined his hands on you, inside of you, many times during segments where the camera is off of you. You jerk his cock, swiping your thumb over the head to gather the pre-cum that has gathered there. “I need - I need you to - oh shit.” You moan when he curls his fingers just right inside of you.
“That what you needed?” He groans, biting along your neck gently while he’s trying not to get too excited. Your cunt is so tight and he doesn’t want to cum too quickly when he finally gets to fuck you. “Fuck baby, you’re so tight. My cock is gonna feel so good inside you.” He moans, kissing along your chest and nudging his nose between your breasts as he pumps his fingers in and out of you.
“Yes. Oh shit. Max. I’m gonna - you’re gonna make me-” You cut yourself off with a squeal as you clamp down around his fingers. Your grip on his cock loosening as your orgasm hits you and you pant his name into his hair as he licks along the top of your breast. “Fuck me.” You beg, “need you inside of me, Phillips.”
He doesn’t even consider birth control, he’s listened to the segments where you’ve talked about your own choice and knows you well enough to know you don’t have anything. His fingers are soaked and he pulls them out with a groan of your name. Batting your hands away to wrap around his cock and soak it with your juices.
You spread your legs wider and watch him as he positions the head of his cock at your entrance, pushing inside of you with a low groan. “Oh God, Max.” You whine, throwing your head back as he pushes into you and stretches you out.
He hisses as your tight walls surround him. You’re so much tighter and hotter than he ever imagined and he imagined it a lot. Slowly bottoming out and groaning your name again as he tries to keep from cumming. “Holy shit babe.”
You slide your hands under his bespoke jacket, clawing at his back as he twitches inside of you. "I need you to move." You plead. You'll think back to this moment later and cringe at how needy you sound but for right now, you need him to fuck you like you've secretly wanted him to since you started working together.
“Fuck.” Max can’t resist you. One hand planted on the table beside your head and he draws his hips back to plunge into you again. Enjoying the sharp gasp you give him and craving more as he leans down and presses his lips to yours. Starting to thrust into you with harsh, sharp slaps of his hips that rock the table while you cling to him and writhe underneath him.
You slide your tongue against his as he rocks into you. Anyone could walk in. Anyone could hear you. The music is faint from the function room where your work event is being held but you don’t care, too busy focusing on Max and the way he’s thrusting into you like his life depends on it. “Fuck, this is - it’s so good, baby.” You whine and wrap your legs around him, your heels falling to the floor.
Max grunts, agreeing completely as he bites his lip. “So- fuck- so good.” He groans your name again and bites down on your lip hungrily. “Baby, fuck, you’re so tight. How- fuck, you’re so good.”
"Ke-Kegals." You reveal breathlessly, "gotta - gotta keep fit to stay on TV." You whimper when he hits deep and you lift your hips up to meet his thrusts. "Keep going, Phillips, don't you dare stop." You demand when his pace stutters.
“So demanding.” He huffs, flashing you a grin as he nods. Taking a deep breath and rocking his hips harder. “Fuck, it’s your fault. So fucking tight.”
You shake your head, closing your eyes, "you're so fucking thick, Max. God, I don't - no wonder you have so many damn flings." You pant and he drops his hips just right to make you gasp when he hits something devastating.
He chuckles breathlessly, not even bothering to admit that he doesn’t have as many flings as he might have led you to believe. You would never think he was telling you the truth. “You’re tight.”
“Shit, Max. I- I’m gonna- just like that. Keep going like that.” You demand and groan when he keeps hitting that spot. “That’s it baby. Oh shit. Max!” You cry out, clamping down on his cock as he makes you cum hard. Harder than you have for longer than you’d ever care to admit.
“Thaaaaaaat’s it.” He groans, eyes nearly rolling back and he has to put more effort into fucking you from how hard you squeeze hum. “That’s fucking it. Cream all over me baby.” He groans. “Soak my cock with that pretty cunt.”
His words would usually make you cringe if you weren’t practically shaking beneath him as he makes you cum. “Oh God. It’s so good. So good. I want - want you to cum.” You plead, pressing your heels into his ass to push him impossibly deeper inside of you.
“Gonna - fuck, I’m gonna cum.” He pants out breathlessly, sweat rolling down his forehead but he ignores it. Too lost in the sensation of your cunt. “Fuck, fuck you’re so fucking wet, baby.” He praises. “Gonna cum, fuck, fuck-“ he lets out a strangled groan of your name when his hips stutter and he thrusts deep one last time, painting your walls with ropes of cum.
Moaning in delight as he fills you up, you caress his back under his jacket, and tilt your head up to kiss along his jaw. “Not too bad, Phillips.” You tease breathlessly as he rocks himself through his orgasm.
He huffs out a chuckle and shakes his head, rocking slowly as he pumps every spurt of cum into you. “Not too bad yourself.” He grunts, leaning down and pressing his lips to yours once more before he starts to pull out of you to watch his cum drip. “Now that’s a pretty sight.” He hums, delighted to see his cum leaking out of your cunt.
You roll your eyes and sit up, standing on shaking legs to pick up your panties. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom. You’re gonna go back in there and act like this didn’t happen. We have to act like this didn’t happen, you understand?” You ask him, your eyes wide and pleading. If everyone knew you and Max had sex, you’d be branded a slut and he’d be revered for conquering you.
Max’s plan to ask you if you want to get out of here dies on his tongue and he adopts an easy grin. “No problem, sweet cheeks.” He chuckles and looks away from you as he tucks his cock back into his pants. “Can’t have anyone thinking that something happened. Might keep me from getting lucky with that new intern tonight.” He lies and starts to straighten his tie and smooth down his vest. Once he feels like he can look at you and not show you how upset he is, he tosses you a wink. “Thanks for the sex, baby.” He hums as he turns around and whistles while strolling out of the empty room.
You watch him walk out and you swallow harshly, ignoring the way your eyes sting with tears. It’s not his fault that you gave in and now you wonder what will happen to your working relationship. You let your guard slip. You can’t let that happen again. Walking out of the room on shaky legs, you make your way back into your work event, grabbing your clutch from the side and you don’t say another word as you swiftly exit the party, ignoring Max’s stare as his cum settles in your panties while you quickly leave before anyone notices what happened.
Sighing softly as you walk out of the party, Max wonders why you let him touch you. Was it a drunken mistake? A calculated ploy to get him fired for misconduct? He frowns as he turns back to the bar and motions for the bartender. He will pretend like it never happened and see if you do the same.
The weekend passes and you freak out about sleeping with Max. It’s changed everything. You don’t know if you’re going to be able to look him in the eye as your car travels to the studio. The producer calls your name, bringing you out of your thoughts and all you can do is nod. You have no idea what they were saying but soon, you’re entering the building and making your way up to the floor for the show. “Good morning.” Your intern, Natalie, greets you with your morning coffee and you thank her. Praying you don’t see Max until you get on set, you settle into your chair to review the segments and wait for the make-up and hair artists.
Max rolls his shoulders back and purposefully changes his step to one that is lighthearted and full of energy. “How are we doing this gorgeous morning?” He asks as he steps into the hair and makeup room, seeing you already in your chair and he hates how his heart pangs because he didn’t hear from you at all. Not that it’s surprising, just disappointing. “Everyone have a good weekend? Mine was amazing.” He boasts, waggling his brows playfully. “Didn’t get out of the bed, if you know what I mean.” He lies, knowing he spent the weekend depressed and wondering what the fuck happened Friday night. 
He breezes by you and settles down into his own chair, pulling out the eye mask he carries with him with the serum that costs an arm and a leg, the promise of less wrinkles meaning he will pay any price. “Need some more rest.”
You swallow harshly, keeping your eyes on the script. The ghost of his touch has haunted you all weekend and you don’t know how to feel about his nonchalant attitude to you and the artists in the room. You wonder who took up his bed after you, your stomach twisting at the idea of it being that young new intern that seems eager to please. You turn to look at him when he places the eye mask on his face and your expression is one of heartbreak and longing - at least that’s what the make-up and hair stylists will say later when they gossip over coffee. “Busy weekend?” You ask eventually, trying to sound lighthearted.
“Yep.” He pops the p and sighs with a nostalgia that is solely for you and the night he got to touch you. “You? How was your weekend? Anything fun and new?” He asks, tilting his head up and removing the mask now that his stylist is here. His eyes focus on you with a serious gaze.
You can’t tell him you sat around all weekend having a crisis about what happened between you. “Oh, I was busy. I went out. Had dinner. Some drinks.” You say vaguely, “had a late night on Saturday so spent most of Sunday in bed.” You smirk, forcing yourself to give the impression that you weren’t alone.
“Ohhhh ho! Someone got lucky!” Max plasters a cocky look on his face and waggles his brows even though he’s pissed you fled and apparently went to fuck someone else. “Was it good? Bet it was good, but I would have been better, sweet cheeks.” He teases like he normally would have, but the words taste slightly bitter.
“In your dreams, Phillips.” You spit half heartedly, not wanting to elaborate on your lie as you hate the fact that he’s ruined everyone else for you. You’ve never cum so fast and so hard. Most men finish before you can and then won’t even help you get off. You’ve never felt that kind of electricity. The artist's exchange looks behind you as you and Max are distracted by your own turbulent thoughts. “Besides, sounds like you were warm and cozy in your bed with a new floozy.”
“You know how it is.” Max shrugs carelessly. “Friday night plans fell through so I had to improvise.” He stares at you for a moment longer before turning his attention to the hair stylist. “Can you make my hair extra shiny this morning, babe?” He asks, dropping his eyes to his hair and reaching up to fix a hair out of place. “Want to look my best for the cameras.”
You huff, shaking your head, “always the same. Always wanting the spotlight and - and always being so goddamn selfish.” You growl at him, batting the brush away from your face as you stand up and mutter about needing the bathroom before you rush out of the room. You hate that Max doesn’t even seem to remember that you had sex on Friday night. You were just another notch on his belt.
Max’s eyes follow you out of the room and the frown on his face isn’t even registering to him, although it’s being noticed by the other people in the room. Their glances to each other pointed and the hairstylist finally answers him. “Sure, Max. No problem.” She hums, running her fingers through his hair and Max sighs. “Just do whatever.”
You stare into the mirror in the bathroom, preparing yourself to head back out there and act like nothing is wrong. One drunken night with Max and your world is spinning out of control. You’ve worked so hard, focused on your career, and now you feel like you’re losing it all because you can’t stop thinking about how he felt, how he smelt, how he sounded. His moan of your name seems to play on a loop in your head and it’s driving you crazy. Hands shaking, you gather yourself as you head back into the make up room, glad to see Max is gone as you get ready to go on air.
Sitting behind the desk, Max tries to shake off the feeling that you are upset at him. You are the one who had left. Fled the party after begging him to fuck you. He’s kind of pissed off about it now. Setting him up to look like an asshole. He shuffles through the notes for the upcoming show and clears his throat, trying to get the smell of you out of his mind, his cock refusing to soften.
You spritz on your perfume, just to torture Max after what he told you, and you step onto the set to sit down at the desk next to Max. The team comes over to adjust your mic and you pick up your notes.
As soon as you sit down, a cloud of your perfume settles over him and makes Max groan. His cock twitching in his pants and he drops his head into his hand. “Max. You good?” The producer calls out from beside the camera man and he has to lift his head and pretend he’s not incredibly turned on. 
“All good, just remembered I didn’t turn off the coffee maker this morning.” He lies.
You turn your head to look at him, eyebrows raised, and you think that the groan is in annoyance at having to sit next to you. “I should’ve called in sick.” You mutter and shake your head before the AD announces the countdown to live. When you are counted down to one, you plaster a smile on your face and straighten your back, eager to do a good job even if inside, you’re angry and confused at Max and his reaction like Friday night was nothing.
“Good morning and welcome to the Daily New Show.” Max tries to keep himself even more energetic than normal to make up for his turbulent feelings. “I hope everyone is having a fabulous Monday morning and we’ve got an impressive show for you today. As you know, it is Valentine’s Day so I hope you’re all prepared. I know I am.” He chuckles and turns towards you and introduces you as his lovely co-host. “Did you like those chocolates I put in your room this morning?”
You know Max didn’t put anything in your room but you play along, “of course. I’ll be enjoying some of those with my coffee later. Did you get my present?” You tease him playfully on camera, knowing you didn’t get him anything either but you want to make the viewers think you and him are the best of friends.
“No…” his eyes widen playfully and he tosses you a grin. “Whaddya get me?” He asks, knowing you didn’t get him anything. “Hopefully something good, because I’m worth it.” He winks at the camera and chuckles, knowing that you would not be thinking the same thing.
You shake your head, "you'll have to wait and find out. I'm sure you're gonna love it." You promise with a grin and turn back towards the camera. "Talking of gifts, let's go to Katie who has some last minute gift ideas for those who need something for the one they love." You smile at the camera and slump when they count you out. "Chocolates." You scoff, "you've never even gotten me a coffee."
Max rolls his eyes and snorts. “And? Not like you’ve ever given me anything either? Maybe looks of disgust, but I don’t count those, sweet cheeks.” The sad thing is, he had bought you some chocolates, the first year you were on air for your birthday, but you hand said you wanted no reminders of getting older so he hadn’t given them to you. “Only another fifty-six minutes in my company, you’ll survive.”
You sigh and sit up straight, unsure of what to say. You hate that you’ve reverted back to your old bickering, knowing that this won’t get you anywhere after what happened on Friday. You’re confused about how you feel. You wanted to ask him to come home with you after you slept together but you know you’d put your job on the line if something went wrong and Max would always be looking for the next best thing.
Max sighs softly when you don’t say anything and rolls his shoulders back as the countdown to the cameras being back on you starts. He should just forget Friday ever happened, it’s obvious that you regret it. “Thank you, Katie. Hopefully all the men out there without a plan can get it together and not disappoint their ladies, right?” He asks you, turning his head to look at you seriously. “Although I’m more of a romantic dinner at home, myself. Candlelight, soft music, bottle of wine.” He shrugs. “Nothing like a homemade carbonara.” It’s scripted, but true. He did prefer evenings in. 
You offer him a nod and a smile, “sounds like my kind of romantic night in, Max.” You wink and continue with the prompter. It’s hard to ignore the way he stares at you sometimes. The intensity in his look has you shifting in your chair and when you are countered out, you immediately stand up and remove your mic, making your way into your dressing room. It’s impossible to forget the way he felt inside of you, the way he sounded. You can’t forget him and it’s torturing you. You wipe your forehead and place your hands on your hips as the door opens and you turn to see Max standing there. “I can’t do this anymore.” You admit, “I can’t sit next to you every day and act like nothing happened between us.”
“You?” He snorts and shakes his head. “You are the one that left. Walked away without a word and you didn’t call me. So how am I supposed to know what you want? You want me to quit? Too bad.” He scoffs. “You will just have to deal.” He’s pissed off now. Pissed that it meant so little to you and now you want him gone so you don’t have to live with your mistake.
“I- I can’t. I can’t stop thinking about it. I can’t stop thinking about how you sounded. How you felt. I- it’s torturing me.” You choke, “I can’t pretend it didn’t happen. I thought it was for the best and I figured you would act like it didn’t happen and go back to your one night stands but - shit, Phillips. I fucking hate you for getting under my skin like this.” You hiss at him, pissed at yourself as well.
“I don’t have a lot of one night stands.” Max admits, shaking his head when you scoff. “You were- you don’t fucking see it?” He asks, lunging forward and pressing into your dressing room so the door closes and grabs your neck to drag you closer to kiss. “You don’t see that I’m crazy about you?” He hisses before he kisses you feverishly.
Your eyes widen at first contact until your brain stops working and you relax into him. Letting him kiss you, his fingers digging into the back of your neck, and you moan into his mouth until your senses return. You push him away, "stop. We - we can't do this. If it goes wrong. It will go wrong and then our careers - we can't do this, Max."
“Goddamn you.” Max hisses, stepping back and his eyes are filled with nothing but hurt. “You only give a damn about yourself and you’re fucking toying with me.” He clenches his jaw and turns around. “Happy fucking Valentine’s Day.” He spits, storming out of the room, humiliated that he put himself on the line again and you are rejecting him.
You stare at him as he slams the door behind him, your lips tingling from the kiss and your hands shake as you touch them as if trying to erase his kiss from your skin. It doesn’t work. You feel your eyes sting as you grab your things and change into your leggings and hoodie before you head home. Your head is aching and you try to think about the reasons why it would be wrong to give Max a chance.
Max berates himself the entire way back to his apartment. Hating how he had admitted to you that he doesn’t have flings. Knowing that you would just use it against him. His phone contacts land on his agent and he wonders if he should call him. Let him know what’s going on in case you decide to go for the throat and in the end, he can’t do it. He will quietly put in for evening anchor and let you have the morning show. It’s what you want anyway.
You bite your lower lip as you stand outside of Max’s building, the doorman recognising you and sending you up. You thank him and fiddle with the bag in your hand, the present you bought for the man you’ve secretly been in love with for years. You ring the doorbell and wait for Max to answer the door.
Max had changed from the suit he had worn to comfortable sweats and a t-shirt, figuring he would spend the rest of the day wallowing in self pity and order DoorDash for dinner since he was all alone for yet another Valentine’s Day. Groaning when the doorbell peels, he wonders if it’s the lady from the third floor who loves to come give her his opinion on the show. She’s old and her husband died last year, so he tries not to shoo her away too quickly, but he’s not in the mood for company. Dragging himself off the couch he opens the door to find you standing there, no make up and in leggings, looking more beautiful than you deserve. “What do you want?” He demands.
You stare at him, unused to seeing him in relaxed clothing, he looks younger. You sigh and shift from one foot to the other. “I was wrong. To push you away. I can’t - I can’t keep denying myself the chance to be happy because I am terrified that everything I have worked for will go up in flames. I have been in love with you since we started working together and that day I saw you speak to that old lady when we did the segment on Alzheimer’s and you were so sweet and kind. I had never seen you like that before, and it made me realize that I had fallen in love with you, but I kept that hidden because I was scared. I was fucking terrified Max, that you would reject me because you have the world at your feet and can have any woman you want, what would make me special enough for you to love me? then you kept mentioning all your flings and I knew that I would never get the chance to be with you. I didn’t want to risk everything but Friday, I put everything on the line and then realized that everything could go wrong and I got scared. I got so fucking scared and I am so sorry that I acted like nothing happened when all I want is to have you again and again until you send me away.”
Max stares at you, digesting the verbal book you’ve just thrown at him and he drops his shoulders. “Do you want to come in?” He asks, unsure if you are planning on running away again or if you want to actually talk. He opens the door wider and none of the normally sarcastic comments come out of his mouth, unable to put on a front any more.
You deflate, nodding as you step into his apartment, and you admire the decor. Masculine but warm and you know he probably paid an interior designer to help him out. He shuts the door behind you and you fiddle with the bag in your hand. “I’m sorry to just show up.” You murmur, glancing around his apartment.
“Not like I had plans tonight.” Max shrugs it off and sighs. “Can I get you something to drink? Water, tea, tequila?” He swallows and rocks his jaw before you can even answer. “Why did you leave? Did you regret it?”
You stare at him, wondering if he heard everything you said. “Did you not- I left because I was scared you’d reject me. That I was just a conquest and you’d go back to your flings. I didn’t want to ruin our careers by getting messy emotions involved. Because - because I was a coward.”
“But you aren’t a coward.” Max argues, frowning fiercely at the idea. “You’re fucking amazing. Powerful, confident, a real ball buster when you have to be. You push boundaries and demand respect - and earn it.” He tells you. “You’re gorgeous, smart, kind of funny, brilliant at reading an audience and you have so much compassion. But one thing you are not….is a coward.”
His words make your eyes widen and you swallow harshly. “I was - I am scared. Scared of getting hurt. Scared of reaching for you, for something that could ruin me. In every way in life. I love you, Max, and that night…I broke. I couldn’t hold back from what I wanted anymore and I was an asshole to run away. I don’t want to run anymore. I know what I want. I know how I feel.”
“I thought I had you that night.” Max admits quietly, your words scaring him slightly and making him wish this had happened years ago. “I thought I finally got what I had wanted for so long.” He sends you a small grin. “Was going to ask if you wanted to leave the party. Go get dinner that night.”
You shake your head, tears stinging in your eyes a little. “I shouldn’t have - God, I was an idiot. I should’ve stayed. I’m sorry.” You confess and he stares at you again. “I- I can go. I just wanted to give you your gift.” You say, handing him the bag.
“You- you got me something?” He asks, taking the bag and then reaching for your arm as you try to turn away. “Wait.” He begs quietly. “Don’t run away again.”
You don’t move, looking down at his hand on your arm, and you nod, turning towards him again. “I want you to open it.” You say, “and read the note.” You tell him and he nods, setting the bag down on the counter.
The box is one that he recognizes and he shoots you a confused look. “I don’t-“ he starts but you shake your head. “Read the note.” You repeat and he nods, diving back into the bag to pull out a red envelope.
You watch him open the envelope. You had them write on the note “to the one I adore” and you hope he doesn’t reject you. You wanted to show him how you feel, to show him that you know him. Even down to his dream watch.
“I don’t- I can’t believe you bought this.” He admits, looking up at you and looks at you with amazement. “It’s the exact watch I’ve been wanting.” He admits. “I just could never justify buying it for myself. How did you-?”
“Saved up. I got a bonus when I resigned my contract. Got myself a purse and I only made it this far because of you…wanted to say thank you for being there for me every day.” You tell him shyly, “I wanted to show you how I felt without actually telling you.”
“I can’t believe this.” He shakes his head and sets the card down before he steps closer to you. “I can’t believe you.” He reaches up and caresses your cheek. “I feel bad because I didn’t get you anything.”
You shake your head against his palm, “it’s fine. I didn’t know when I would give you this. I’ve had it for a while. Trying to summon up the courage to tell you how I felt, to not be terrified.” You bite your lip as his dark eyes burn into yours.
“You shouldn’t have been terrified.” Max scoffs quietly. “I’ve not actually slept with anyone in months, nearly a  year.” He admits. “Too busy being hung up on my co-worker.”
You lean into his palm and reach out to caress his cheeks with your hands. “Gladys the cleaner?” You tease and he chuckles, “damn. How did you know?” He asks and you giggle, leaning in to nudge your nose against his. “Please don’t break my heart.” You plead, “because it’s yours.”
“I sat home all weekend and sulked because you left.” He shakes his head and chuckles. “I don’t want something casual. If we do this, I want it to be a real relationship. Dates in, dates out in town, sleepovers and being disgusting together.” He smirks at you. “Everything.”
“People already think we are fucking. The unofficially married couple of daytime tv. I don’t see why we can’t make it official? I want to be disgusting with you, Phillips.” You grin, “I want everything with you.”
“Yeah?” Max grins back at you and leans in to nudge his nose against yours. “You know what we didn’t do Friday?” He asks teasingly. “I didn’t see how fucking hard you can cum on my tongue.”
You whimper, your hands sliding down to caress his neck and his chest, feeling his heartbeat beneath your palm. “You can find out if you want? I want to see how much you cum down my throat too.” You murmur, sliding your hand lower until you’re rubbing his semi through his sweats. “I gotta say, I love you in casual wear.”
“Yeah?” He groans quietly, hardening under your touch. “I think I love you in leggings. You like it for the easier access?” He twitches when you squeeze him and pant softly. “Baby. I- fuck, can I touch you?” He begs, a gentleman despite his bragging. “Please let me touch you.”
“I think I’ll have to kill you if you don’t touch me, Phillips.” You demand playfully, reaching into his sweats to pull his hard cock out. “God, I didn’t get a good look and - no wonder you’re so damn cocky.” You groan and let go of him to spit in your hand, wrapping your fingers around his girth.
Max would chuckle, but he’s too busy diving under your shirt to cup your tits. “Want you naked this time.” He moans, rocking his hips into your hand. “Touch you everywhere. Fuck, baby, I- should I eat you out first, have you sit on my face or kneel between those pretty thighs?” The good thing about getting up so fucking early is that it’s not even noon yet, he’s got the rest of the day to spend with you if you don’t run away again.
You whimper when he squeezes your tits over your bra. "Fuck, Max. However you want me. I am yours." You promise, "just touch me." You plead, pressing your thighs together to get some friction.
Max leans in and bites your jaw. “Come on, baby.” He coos, excited to touch you properly. “Want to show you my bedroom.” He teases. “Give you the full Max Phillips tour.”
You would normally roll your eyes but right now, you desperately need him. The ghost of his touch has been on your mind since Friday and you need it, you need him. He guides you into his bedroom and it's clean, the bed is made. “I like your style, Phillips.” You smile at him as he lets go of your hand so he can pull your shirt over your head.
“Can’t sleep in a messy room.” He admits, although he tosses your shirt to the floor with a grin. “But I will happily leave your clothes on the floor allllllll night.” He promises, unhooking your bra with two fingers before dragging it down so he can wrap his lips around one of your nipples.
You gasp and arch your chest into his mouth, your hand quickly finding purchase in his hair. “Shit Max.” You whine when he bites down and you love it, you love how he seems so hungry for you.
Max growls against your skin, loving how you start to tug on his hair. His hands tug down at your leggings before he pulls away to push you down onto his bigger than needed bed. Grinning when you bounce slightly and he goes back to attacking your pants. “Fuck.”
You help him by kicking them off and his fingers are hooking into your panties, dragging them down your legs. “Fuck baby. I need you.” You beg, dripping wet for him and his hair is not gelled, falling into his face and your heart clenches at the grin on his face as he crawls up your body.
“You’ve got me.” He promises, stopping to nip, lick and kiss different places on your body. Stopping and staring at you with a serious expression on his face. “You’re beautiful.” He murmurs softly before leaning in to press his lips to yours.
You slide your hands down to caress his back as his tongue slides into your mouth. His cock is heavy against your thigh and you grab his shirt in your hands, wanting to see more of him. “Take this off.” You demand, tugging on his shirt.
He chuckles, pushing onto his knees to comply. “So pushy,” he teases, grinning as he tosses it away and starts to tug his sweats down over his ass. “I like it. Order me around baby, tell me to lick your pussy until you cream in my face.”
You giggle at the enthusiastic look on his face. “Want you to lick my pussy until I soak your face.” You demand, grabbing his face to drag him down between your thighs, maybe pulling on his hair a little too hard but his resounding groan tells you he likes it.
Max loves when a woman is demanding, taking what she wants because he also loves to do the same. A true switch when it comes to the bedroom. “Fuck, you have such a pretty pussy.” He groans when he sees your wet folds. “So tight too.” He tells you before he lunges forward to bury his tongue inside you.
Your cry echoes in his large bedroom and you moan his name, your hips immediately thrusting up into his mouth as he slides his tongue through your folds. “Holy shit, Max.” You throw your head back as he sucks on your clit.
He chuckles against your clit, sliding a hand between your thighs and he starts to rub your entrance to gather your slick before curling two fingers inside you. Loving how quickly you clench down on them as he licks at your nerves expertly.
His fingers and his tongue are magic. No wonder he has the reputation he has when it's so damn good. You whimper and lift your leg onto his shoulder so his fingers push deeper. "Holy - holy shit." You choke when he curls them just right and his breath washes over your clit.
“That’s it, baby,” Max coos, completely obsessed with the way you whimper his name. “Be a good girl and cum for me. Cum all over my fingers and face, pretty girl.” He keeps curling his fingers and sucks your clit back into his mouth as he watches you intently, wanting to witness the moment you cum.
"Oh shit. Shit. Just- fuck - just like that." You whine as he sucks your clit like those stupid caramels he unwraps between segments. You can't deny him as he curls his fingers just right and you cum, clamping down on his thick digits.
You’re louder than that Friday, of course you are. You are in a private bedroom where you won’t be discovered if you scream his name. Plus, this orgasm is completely centered around you, Max continues to pump his fingers and suck in your clit to work you through it. Greedy for your sounds and the way you soak his fingers.
When it becomes too much, you push him away, gasping his name, and you grab his shoulder, dragging him up your body. "I wanna-" You don't voice your desires as you shift to push him back on the bed, shifting to kneel between his legs. "God." You murmur as you wrap your fingers around his cock. 
"Baby. You don't-" His protest dies on his lips as you lean forward to wrap your lips around the head of his cock. “Fuuuuuuuuck.” Max hisses in pleasure as your mouth takes his cock. Twitching and groaning your name when he feels you swallow around him. “Never-never thought I’d see this.” He admits breathlessly. “But I love the view.”
Your eyes crinkle as you smile around his dick, taking him deeper, and you love the way his jaw drops. "You are gorgeous." He murmurs and you slide your hand along his chest, caressing his skin as you start to bob your head.
It’s quite possibly the best fucking blowjob he’s ever had. Not sure if it’s because you are so eager to blow him, or that it’s just you, but you have him breathless and gripping the duvet quickly. “Baby, baby, you are so good. You’re gonna make me cum and I can’t do that right now.” He whines after you swallow around him again.
You reluctantly pull off of his cock, moving fast to straddle his thighs and you shuffle closer, sitting up until you can grip his cock and notch him at your entrance. You look into those dark eyes and sink slowly down onto him.
“Shiiiiiiiiiit.” Max grabs your hips but he doesn’t try to control you, just hanging on while your walls surround him. “Can we do the show just like this?” He pants out, “you sitting on my cock? Fuck, baby.”
“We’d either get no viewers or a ton of viewers for daytime tv.” You giggle, caressing his chest and you lean in to kiss his neck. “You feel so good inside of me, Max.” You murmur, kissing his jaw as you lift your hips until you’re sinking back down onto him.
Max blows out a loud breath, sliding his hands up and down your back. “I’m trying not to blow my load here, sweet cheeks. Don’t mistake that. Fuck, you feel so amazing. Like a fucking glove.”
You moan, loving the way he twitches inside of you. “All yours. Yours baby.” You promise and lean in to kiss him softly before you start to rock your hips, taking him deep inside of you every time you sink down onto his cock. He’s so deep and you aren’t in a rush for this to be over.
The pace is slower than before and Max groans every time you rock your hips. “Fuck baby.” He whispers, turning his head to kiss along your neck. Loving how you are slowly unraveling him.
You rock back onto him, caressing his neck and sliding your fingers through his hair. “God, I love you.” You murmur, shifting to press your lips to his, your hands cupping his cheeks.
His breath catches, hearing you say it like that for the first time. “I love you too, baby.” He promises, lifting up to kiss you thoroughly. His hand slides up to your neck and he drags you closer, loving how your tits press against his chest and he slides his tongue into your mouth to deepen the kiss.
You savor the kiss, moaning into his mouth, and you whimper his name as he kisses along your jaw. You bounce on his cock a little faster, wanting him to cum for you. “Fuck, baby. I- I want you to fill me up.” You murmur, nudging your nose against his.
“Shiiiit.” Max hisses. “That is so fucking sexy.” He admits with a breathless laugh. Watching your tits bounce and he reaches back to slap your ass.
You groan as he helps you bounce harder on his cock. “Fuck baby. Yes. Yes! Just like that. Oh God. You’re hitting just right.” You ramble, lost in the sensations as he rocks you on his cock and the coarse hairs at the base of his cock rub against your clit.
Max chuckles at how desperate you sound, how greedily your cunt clenches around him. Groaning as he rocks you harder and plants his feet to thrust into you. “Want you to cum.” He grunts. “On my cock this time.”
You whimper, "gonna - oh God. Ma- Max. Oh fuck. Maxxxx." You squeal. clamping down on his cock and you cry out as he thrusts up at the right angle and sends you over the edge, making you shake against him as you orgasm.
Max chokes out your name, wrapping his arms around you and starting to thrust up into you wildly. Letting his own desires overtake the sedate pace and chase his own orgasm now that you’ve cum.
You let him thrust up into you, making you moan as he extends your climax. “Baby. I need - I want you to cum for me.” You beg, kissing his neck, and you end up biting his earlobe. “Cum for me, Max.”
“Ohhh shit.” You biting him throws him over the edge. Squeezing you tight, he rocks his hips up to bury himself inside you. Groaning as his spurts of cum paint your walls.
You caress his neck, running your finger through his hair as you kiss all over his face. His fingers dig into your flesh but you don’t care, loving how he feels surrounding you. “I love you, Phillips.” You murmur, enjoying how he feels surrounding you. “I’m sorry I ran away.” You murmur, knowing you aren’t running now.
“I love you too.” Max hums softly. “If you run this time, I’m coming after you. I don’t give a damn who knows it.” His arms loosen slightly and he looks into your eyes when you lean back. “Will you go to dinner with me? Not tonight, because we couldn’t get reservations anywhere, but I want to take you out properly.”
You nod, unable to say no to him and you lean in to kiss him again. “I’m not running away. I want the world to know about us. It’s - I’ve been thinking, this could make our career. The TV husband and wife that become husband and wife.” You tease and Max’s eyes widen. 
“Marriage? Slow your roll baby.” He says and you giggle, rolling your eyes. “I’m joking. I want to marry you. Shit, I’ve never said that to anyone. I want you baby. I’m in this for the long haul.” He promises and you nod, leaning in to kiss him. 
“Mrs Max Phillips has a ring to it.” You murmur and he chuckles, “who says I wouldn’t take your last name? I’m a modern man.” He winks at you and you snort, leaning in to nudge your nose against his. You don’t know why you’ve been running from your feelings and now that you are here with Max, you’ll never run again. He’s now your home.
“It’s that time of year again.” Max grins into the camera as the red light reappears. “Valentine’s Day. The day where men either panic as they figure out to impress their partners or prepare to take the next step.” He clears his throat as he looks over at you. His girlfriend of a year, even though the public was still guessing at how serious the relationship was. There had been plenty of photos of dinners out and cozily walking around town together. While you weren’t discreet, you both decided to be mum about the status of your relationship. Especially after a closed door meeting with the producers. Everyone at the station knew, and that was all that mattered. “Tell me, Valentine’s Day proposal, tacky or romantic?” He asks you. “I personally think romantic if done right, but what do you think?”
You hum, not picking up his reasoning for the question when it's on the teleprompter. "I think...if it's done right, it's romantic. If it's a 'shut up ring' then it's tacky." You explain, turning back to the prompter. "So today, we have a big surprise. Someone is going to be getting engaged on the show." You grin, still not suspicious as the producers told you about a guy who was going to surprise his girlfriend. "Look at Max." You read the teleprompter and frown, turning to see Max out of his chair. "What are you doing?"
“Baby, honey, sweet cheeks, I don’t think there’s anything tacky about the way that I feel about you.” Max tells you as he takes your hand and kneels down in front of you. “I couldn’t think of any place more romantic than the place I met you, the place I fell in love with your laugh, your heart, your brain and everything that makes up my partner at work.” He smiles at the shocked look on your face. “I wanted to propose today, since one year ago, we finally confessed how we felt and it’s been a magical year. So now I just have one little question.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a ring box. “Will you be my partner in life? Marry me, darling, be my wife please?”
Your eyes widen and you glance around at the crew who are grinning at you and Max. You inhale shakily, tears stinging in your eyes as the man you love kneels in front of you. "Baby. I - yes. A million times, yes!" You squeal and shift to kneel down in front of him, cupping his cheeks to kiss him without even caring about the ring, you're more excited to marry the man you love.
Grinning against your lips, Max knows that you’ve just made history, a morning show host proposing to his co-host on live tv. It will be the talk of the town. He doesn’t care about that or what the executives think. All he cares about is that Valentine’s Day is the day you became an official couple, the day you agreed to marry him, and next year - you’ll get married on Valentine’s Day. He will make sure that every Valentine’s Day you spend with him will be one to remember.
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shyyubin · 6 months
Our Little Secret˗ˏˋ꒰ ♣️꒱
<CEO!jaehyun x assistant!fem!yn>
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synopsis: yn finally gets a job but her ceo just so happens to be the same guy who made the porn video she was masturbating to a couple days ago!
part 01
A/N: a lot more of you than I expected wanted a part two so I delivered. Excuse the long wait but…I guess it’s sort of a Christmas gift! Merry Christmas 🎄!
office romance // CEO x assistant // sort of slow-burn // smut // degrading // consent asking // secret dating // public sex // in the bathroom // drunk sex // sneaky
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Eyes fluttering open, yn’s met with the sleeping face of her CEO. In the blink of an eye, she’s reminded of everything that happened last night.
I must’ve been stupid! Was I drugged?? Just how the hell did I do that???
Without a second of hesitation, she quickly turns around to leave her bed but her wrist is quickly stopped. “Will you really leave me like that?” he asks with a low and husky voice. He groans a couple times, stretching his body.
“I will. Let’s not mention this anymore.” yn twists her wrist to break free but it’s useless. His grip is too firm. “Let me go!”
“You agreed to this, remember? You wanted this..” his voice was sly, she caught onto his manipulation in a second.
“Jaehyun-ssi. I’m your assistant. Let’s keep our relationship professional. I don’t know what went through me yesterday.” with more wiggling, she set her hand free and got up, pulling the blanket around her body—leaving his hot skin feel the cold air of their room. Jaehyun scoffs, getting up to clothe himself.
As yn was sunken in her daydreams, her phone beeps loudly. “Come in my office” from none other than Jaehyun. She sighs, wanting nothing more than to avoid him. So much for getting a good job.
She knocks diligently on his door before sliding through. Yn bows lightly, giving him a professional smile. “How may I help you?”
Jaehyun squints his eyes in disgust at her sudden proffesionalism. “What’s with you…Anyways, settle a team dinner this evening. You may choose the location, just don’t choose anything cheap.”
“Understood. I’ll do that…Do you have any preferences? …Something specific you’d like to eat?” her eyes grow curious as she pulls out a small notebook to write it down.
“You.” he replies boldly, staring right in her now flustered eyes. His smirk grows as he carefully licks his lips.
“Uhm..Well…I’ll just choose on my own then..” she blabbers, excusing herself out of his office.
Her head turns around, a bit worried at what else he might say. “What is it?”
“What we did last night…it wasn’t something wrong. Don’t be ashamed of it.” his tone was reassuring but he wasn’t making eye contact with her.
She bows, avoiding his words and exiting his room.
Yn’s eyes flutter closed when her alarm suddenly jolts her awake. It was her 7pm alarm for their team dinner. She wipes her eyes and tries to straighten her suit back on her. Without hesitating, she walks up to Jaehyun’s office, gently knocking on it. “Jaehyun-ssi..?” Opening the door she finds him working diligently on some paperwork. Looking up above his glasses frames, his eyebrows raise lightly, asking her to continue. “Uhm…It’s 7pm. We should head to the dinner table.” Jaehyun nods, setting his pen down and taking his glasses off, letting his hair flow past his dark eyes. “Alright then. Let’s get going. I’ll drive us there.”
Getting in his car, yn carefully takes out her makeup pouch, opening the car mirror and starting to retouch her look and even adding a couple special details. Like a touch of glitter on her eyelids, a brighter highlighter in the corner of her eyes, a darker blush and a nice dark red lipstick, enhancing her feminine appearance. Although the car was moving all throughout her get-ready-with-me scene, her makeup was flawless and it looked as if she did this before.
As she places everything back, Jaehyun’s look turned to her during a stop. “Did you really have to get this dolled up just for a team dinner? When did you even change outfits..” he asks, almost scoffing. Yn would like to think it’s jealousy, but her mind refused to do that.
“I like dolling myself up everywhere. And I quickly ran home to grab this outfit. It’s pretty, right?” she gives him a smile before putting her pouch away, smacking her lips and analysing her work in the car mirror. Jaehyun was so mesmerised by her…dressed in all white. Her tight short tweed skirt matching with her cropped tweed coat which revealed her collarbone and waist. As Jaehyun admired her curves and beauty the cars started honking angrily behind him. He clears his throat, “We’re almost there so you better finish up.”
And as the car slows down, he steps out, hurrying to yn’s door to open it. This made her stop a little. Why is he doing this? Shouldn’t I be the one assisting him? But still, she bowed lightly, avoiding eye contact and rushed inside the bar.
“Just where did you take us?” Jaehyun asks, stepping in close behind yn, looking all over the place for a table with their teammates.
“There!” Yn points to a table far in a corner of the well decorated and expensive-looking restaurant and then waves happily. Jaehyun eyes her from top to bottom, letting out a faint smile at her childish behaviour.
“Yaaah!! You two are finally here!!….sir!” Jisung, one of her coworkers, exclaims while waving.
“Hello, hello. Did you guys order food yet?” she asks, taking off her coat
“Of course!” Jungwoo replies excitedly. Yn giggles at his behaviour.
Watching everyone get along sort of made Jaehyun feel left out. It reminded him how little he actually knew about his employees. He sits down and tries to awkwardly ease himself into the vibe of the dinner. Jaehyun didn’t want to make it overly difficult as he’s their boss but it did feel like the atmosphere was getting heavy.
As he sat down, the whole table got silent and bowed lightly. “Good evening, sir.” Jungwoo said to break the silence. He pats his palm on the chair next to him for yn to sit on. Before she could react, Jaehyun pulls her arm and forces her down on the seat next to him. It startles her but she tries to stay calm and laugh it off.
“How about we start with some soju?” yn suggests, picking up a bottle of soju and opening it. She pours a shot to everyone sitting at the table before sitting back down and holding her cup up. “Cheers! And thank you to our boss for taking us out for dinner tonight~!” she says cheerfully making everyone happily saying “cheers!” while clinking their glasses together.
“Thank you, boss!” they each say, making Jaehyun awfully flattered. “My pleasure, my pleasure…” he’d say before quickly downing the shot to ease the awkwardness.
Shot after shot, Jaehyun was getting tipsier and tipsier. Sure he handled his alcohol but 4 bottles was definitely overfilling. Everyone was getting worried but secretly they enjoyed it since they could unwind and quit being so strict because of Jaehyun’s presence.
“Jeong-ssi..wake up…we should go home.” yn asks, shaking him lightly but he was fast asleep. “Jeong-ssi?” she tries to shake him harder, making him groan and reposition himself, accidentally knocking down a glass of red wine on yn’s expensive white outfit. The gasps and the clinking of the wine glass wakes Jaehyun up. He begins to quietly apologise and to sleepily look everywhere for paper towels to wipe her dry.
“..’m so sorry…Sorry, sorry…I apologise, beautiful…” his murmuring was hard to decode but for some forbidden reason, yn understood it very well.
“I’ll go to the bathroom. The tissues are probably all there.” she says, getting up and trying to still smile despite being utterly furious. Her outfit was so expensive, and she bought it the night prior. Wine is so difficult to remove, as well. It really couldn’t get any worse than this.
Yn storms off to the bathroom leaving Jaehyun dazed in his chair. “..wait…yn…let me come help you. I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” he murmurs again, struggling to get up and then once he’s got himself on both feet he attempts to walk towards yn, grabbing her hand tightly once he reached her.
Her head turns around worried but then calms down when her eyes are met with a sleepy Jaehyun who’s struggling to keep himself stable on both feet. “Let me help you.” he struggles to say, finally making eye contact with her.
“Jeong-ssi, you can’t help me…I’m entering the girl’s bathroom.” she tries to explain but is cut off by Jaehyun suddenly having the strength to pull her in the bathroom and pinning her to one of the sinks.
“It’s okay…my eyes are only on you, anyways…” he murmurs, sliding his hands under her ass and pulling her up to sit on the edge of the sink. He turns on the water silently and begins to struggle to remove the wine stain.
“It’s useless…Forget it. I’ll just throw it..” yn says with disappointment escaping her lips. She pouts, looking away.
“Oh…I’m sorry…I’m so sorry….How..how can I make it up to you..?” he asks, his eyes switching between staring at her eyes and her lips.
“Uhm…I’ll just appreciate it if you could—“ her words were abruptly interrupted by his lips smashing against hers. His violent yet passion love escaping his every breath. Yn didn’t hold herself back either, there was passion hidden behind the both of them and it was finally unveiled now.
Taking her coat off, Jaehyun overhears some girls coming into the bathroom. He quickly and skillfully—despite being 4 bottles drunk—carries her to one of the stalls, slamming the door behind him. Throughout his impressive move, he never let go of her lips. Savouring her every inch.
“…Yn-ssi…” he whispers, trying to not be overheard by the girls outside of their stall.
Yn’s dazed gaze looks up at him. “..yeah..?”
“I..I really don’t think I’ll be able to stop myself from doing this to you…” he continues, his voice getting louder. The girls seemed to notice since their voices get lost and they make sure to close the door behind them. “I’m really sorry…It’s all a blur right now but..I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you.” he finishes, his husky tone reminding yn of those god-forsaken videos he published.
She gulps, avoiding eye contact with him. “You’ll…you’ll be alright, yeah..?” he asks, slowly tipping her coat over her shoulders, revealing them to the cold air. “If I…If I kiss you like this…over here” he murmurs as he leans into the edge of her neck and collarbone, pressing long and hot kisses, trailing his tongue up to the back of her ear. “…you’ll let me kiss you like this, right?” he continues to ask even though he clearly knows yn is in no position to answer any questions right now. She’s hardly able to keep her legs stable.
“Yn…” Jaehyuns sloppy hands wander to her chest, unbuttoning her shirt and pulling it apart, revealing her white and laced bra, cupping her breasts snug. “How do you like your breasts touched..?” he continues, sliding his hand to yn’s back and unclipping her bra efficiently, letting it fall down as her boobs bounce out. “Do you like them fondled?” he adds as he replicates with his hands what his words produce. “Or…maybe you like them licked?”
His words were menacing. They were driving yn absolutely crazy. Her core was never as hungry as it was right now. It’d swallow just about anything. Her thighs instinctively rub against eachother, creating friction where she needed it the most. “J-Jeong-ssi…” she manages to utter.
“Yes..Tell me, baby…How do you like it? I really want to feel good with you.” His gaze was fixated on yn’s dazed one.
“Please…s-stop the teasing…I..I want you.”
Jaehyun nods, a clear smirk forming on his face. “I’ll give you exactly what you need but…our little secret shouldn’t be disclosed, you know. You should keep quiet..” he adds, untying his tie and wrapping it around yn’s mouth, making her bite on it. “Good girl. Now let go for me..”
His hands slide to her hot and wet core, making her squeal just from barely brushing his fingers against her laced panties. His excitement takes him over and he shoves two fingers up her tight cunt. Yn bites hard on the tie, letting out muffled moans as her legs part for him to have space. “Fuck…How the fuck are you this sexy..?” he exhales, thrusting his fingers hard right where she needed it the most.
“Cum, cum for me..come on…I can feel you tightening your slutty muscles around me. Let it go…”
And as if on command, yn unleashes the knot in her stomach and cums on his fingers, leaving them nice and glossed as well as your pussy ready to take him in. After a couple praises and kisses on your forehead, he quickly takes his already hardened length and shoves it inside. “Ahh..so nice and cozy here…I prepped you so well. So nice for me. I love you.” he groans as his pace speeds up, letting the wet squelching and skin slapping fill the bathroom. The both of them desperately hoping that no one else could hear them.
Yn’s nails dig into his strong arms which hold into her waist tightly. As if making her his, Jaehyun’s gaze refuses to leave her lustful face. It looked to perfect. Perfectly ruined by him. It’s as if an artist were looking at his artwork. Teary eyes, unable to stay open, a wet tie which was stuck between her teeth, grabbing on it tight to keep any moan safe in her throat. She gulps as she feels the knot in her stomach tighten once more. Yn looks up at him pleadingly.
“I’ll make you cum again, love. Don’t worry. You can let go as many times as you want with me.” and as if these words were magic once again, her cunt tightens around his pulsating length as she releases everything on him, her legs giving out. Jaehyun successfully catches her before falling. “Stay with me. I’m not done yet.” so he continues to thrust into her sensitive cunt.
Despite biting hard onto the tie, her moans failed to be contained. That’s when Jaehyun heard the door being opened again. He smacks his hand on her mouth continuing to slowly and carefully thrust into her. As if the situation weren’t already exciting—having sex with her boss in a public bathroom—everything just got 10x more exciting for yn.
Jaehyun leans down to her ear, “Can you imagine how slutty you must sound right now?” he carefully whispers, trying his hardest to finish his sentence from all the whimpering.
His words turned yn on a lot. As if her cunt weren’t already wet enough, it felt as if it just came again. Jaehyun chuckles. “You came again? From my words only?” he laughs, mercilessly pounding in her once he hears the bathroom door close again.
And with a couple more slams, Jaehyun pulls out, carefully releasing his load on her stomach. His moans melted yn’s ears. They were the song she could only hear for herself—a very special song.
As the two are left panting, the alcohol suddenly leaves the both of them, making them stare in shock at what they just did. “D-do you think anyone found out..?” yn asks, with a hint of excitement.
“Don’t worry. I’ll protect you of anything.” he reassures, although his gaze wasn’t fixated with yn’s.
After carefully cleaning yn’s stomach up, along with her coat, they decide they should go back to their table.
“What took you two so long?” Jungwoo cluelessly asks. After a closer inspection, he notices yn’s messed up hair and lipstick. “Hey…did you two…”
“—I think it’s getting awfully late! What do you think, Jeong-ssi? Shouldn’t we go home?” yn tries to avoid the obvious question, unconsciously fixing her hair and wiping her lipstick.
“Yn-ah! I’ll call you an uber! You shouldn’t drive after drinking..” Jungwoo says, calling an uber from his phone.
“Ah—it’s really fine I’ll…!!”
“I already called it…ask him to take our boss home too, yeah?” he adds with a cheerful smile followed by a wink which made yn laugh nervously.
“You heard him..let’s wait for our uber…” she adds, linking arms with a still tipsy Jaehyun.
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darkwolf989 · 1 month
can i request headcanons for being Valentino and Vox's daughter ? Thank you and stay hydrated ♡
GREAT Request!
I’ve never actually written something like this before, so forgive me. I’ve spent much more time thinking about Valentino’s daughter than Vox’s daughter and have written more for the former, so obviously Val’s daughter is much more developed. This is more of a sketched out list, so forgive any tense issues or grammar errors! Also disclaimer: these can change, evolve and adapt with each passing story <3 
If any of these headcanons catch your eye, feel free to drop a request! I’m always taking them- this month has just been incredibly busy. I appreciate the reminder to stay hydrated, I needed it!!
Looking forward to the summer when I have a bit more time for all of the writing things! In the meantime, keep them coming. Whenever I get a request, it goes right into a google doc. Most of the time when inspiration hits, content gets scribbled into that google doc until I have time to edit and sort it out…so just because there is a delay, doesn’t mean it won’t get done! And inspiration hits in the most random of places <3
Headcanons for being Valentino’s daughter (whose mom is half angel wife from OTO)
-For the most part you grew up normal (well as much as you can with a living in the V tower)
-There was always someone there to snuggle or play with, and always someone willing to put a bandaid on a boo boo
-Your Daddy gave the best snuggles and hugs and you took over your parents bedroom until you were six
-Even after, you insisted at least one adult lay down with you until you feel asleep until you hit your teenage years 
-When you’re sick you go to Valentino first, which is a good thing because of all the gross things little kids do, he handles it the best. You once overheard him compare a sick toddler to a drunk adult.  
-When you’re little little, you love listening to your family’s heartbeat. That feeling of safety along with a warm bottle usually puts you right to sleep. 
-Vox was your primary babysitter, and it wasn’t unusual to fall asleep in his arms, under his desk or even in his chair while he worked. He often conducted meetings and held you while you slept. 
-You’re known for sneaking out of bed and more than once you’ve been found asleep on the couch and carried back to bed. 
-You secretly think your Dad makes the best pancakes but you don’t want to hurt your Uncle Vox’s feelings
-Neither Mommy nor Daddy let you in their studios 
-You were always welcome in Velvette or Vox’s studio as long as you followed directions and kept away from Vark and the rest of your Uncles sharks
-Your Dad gave you no shortage of love and affection 
-Though it was really your Uncle Vox that spoiled you 
-You were never allowed to visit Valentino at work, and on the rare occasions you did end up on the fourth floor, he quickly escorted you away
- it wasn’t until you were in your teens that you made a connection between your fathers job and his role in the porn and drug industry 
-You never questioned where babies came from, and all four of your guardians insisted on calling body parts by their proper names. All of these things were fact and nothing more.  
-The doctors office was never scary, and all appointments were handled either at home or in Valentino’s studio well after hours. 
-The first time you got your period, you freaked until your father calmed you down. 
-Annoyingly, you had to wear a location tracker at all times. Valentino refused to put one under your skin without your consent, even for your own safety, so when you started to leave the tower to go to school, Vox created a special tracking watch just for you 
-One time you got fed up with your teacher and called Uncle Vox on your watch to tell him to come get you. He does. 
-Being Vox’s niece, you learned to hack that watch when you turned thirteen. After all you never could go anywhere without someone being on your ass. All you wanted was privacy. 
-When you did eventually start dating, Valentino insisted on meeting each date when they came to pick you up, regardless of their gender. If he didn’t like them, you didn’t go out. You suspected he showed his gun on more than one occasion. 
-And there were more than a few times you didn’t get to go out.  
-You tried to get a fake ID at sixteen when you started to rebel. Unfortunately for you between your father and your uncle every single bar and club was controlled by them and the first time you tried to use it was your last time. And you got grounded. Big time. 
-Once you turned twenty one though, all bets were off. As much as you didn’t like that your family knew all, it was sort of comforting to know that wherever you were, you were protected. And by that point, you were doing pretty okay. 
-The first time you intentionally tried one of Valentino’s drugs was the last time.
-You still went to school every day, but Valentino had no issue with you taking a mental health day when needed
-You had your appendix out when you were younger
-Homework needed to be done before anything else, every single night. Your usual routine was to come in, go right to Uncle Vox’s office and do your homework with him. He keeps a stash of kid friendly snacks in his bottom drawer, and promises to keep the cheese itz coming if you don’t tell your dad.
-You hate that Vox makes you try each problem three times before asking for help, but you respect his method because you respect him
-The food kept in the house was generally high quality and healthy. Not to say there isn’t junk food, but the adults eat pretty healthily and by default as such so do you. 
-When you stop eating however, in a desperate effort to look like one of the model’s in your Aunt Velvette’s magazine, your father catches you very, very quickly. 
-You struggle with balancing the angelic and demonic parts of you. This shows up hard in the teenage years with instances of ED’s, Depression, Anxiety, self harm, poor decision making etc. 
-Valentino definitely brought you home from his clubs on more than one occasion. 
-You got alcohol poisoning/overdosed a few times. Thankfully, Valentino was always there to rescue you. The final time it happened, the expression on your father’s face ensured you never crossed that line again. 
-When you self harm for the first time, it’s Vox who catches you. 
-They will not allow you to hurt yourself, but they do their best to support and love you through every single mistake
-You demand perfection of yourself far, far more than they expect of you 
Headcanons for being Vox’s daughter 
-Vox tried to put a chip in your arm the day you were born, but Valentino took it out. 
-Intelligent? You could hack any device by the time you were ten. It was a struggled for Vox to keep ahead of your nonsense. 
-Stubborn as all heck. If you want something you’re gonna get it. Period.
-You had coffee in your hand by the time you were thirteen. As much as it freaked your father out, your Uncle Valentino helped you figure out the right cream/sugar/coffee ratio 
-Vox shooed all questions about womanhood to Velvette/Valentino/Wife and although he tries hard to understand and learn about the female body, you’re well aware he’s uncomfortable with it. Thankfully, your Uncle Valentino reassures you it's alright. 
-You are not at all into sports, though Valentino does force you to play on a team after catching you in one of his clubs. You were not terrible, and he does not have mercy on you. 
-Your Dad keeps a careful eye on your grades, and forces you to try each problem three times before asking for help
-The day your Uncle Valentino caught you working in his club was the most embarrassing moment of your life
-You definitely went through an emo phase
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Midnight Munchies
Hannibal Lecter x plus size reader x Will Graham
Hannibal is slightly fed up with his loves, even if they are utterly adorable
Warnings: drug use (weed), implied dub-con (only because both parties were high and thus unable to properly consent), food mentions, Hannibal having to be a dad to his partners, insults against chicken nuggets, overall fluff
WC: 1.3k
Minors DNI
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Something was wrong. Hannibal shot up in bed, looking around the dark room in a panic. His amber eyes scanned the bedroom as his gut curled with anxiety. The bed was cold, much colder than it should have been considering that his two partners, both of whom ran extremely hot, should have been sleeping beside him.
Sighing, he glanced at the small clock on the bedside table, noting it was a bit past three in the morning. He gracefully slid out from between the silk sheets and grabbed his robe on the way out into the hall. He had a sneaking suspicion as to where the other two members of the large house were.
And, as always, he was right.
The lights in the kitchen were on, giggles carrying through the halls that simultaneously warmed his heart and annoyed him. They knew better than to be in the kitchen without him this late at night. He dreaded to think what they had gotten up to without his supervision. 
He creeped silently around the corner and smiled at the sight before him. Y/N was sitting on one of the ornate counters, dressed only in Will’s t-shirt as said man stood between her thick thighs, conveniently shirtless, face buried in her heavy chest as his body shook with laughter. 
A spilled bag of fries was beside them, along with what must have been a mountain of chicken nuggets and two large shakes. “Ok ok try again.” Will gasped between rounds of giggles, prompting Y/N to pick up a handful of fries and signal for the man to back up.
His back hit the counter opposite her and he unconsciously released a throaty grunt at the contact. There was a moment's pause before they were laughing hysterically. Will’s face was quickly going red with the lack of oxygen which Y/N found hilarious, making her snort and causing Will to laugh even harder. A truly vicious cycle.
Y/N was able to catch her breath first, tears still rolling down her full cheeks as she cocked back her shoulder and raised her fist while tightly clutching a handful of fries. Hannibal knew what was coming next and was already mentally preparing himself to do a full sanitisation of the kitchen in the morning. 
Will’s mouth opened as large as it could go without dislocating his jaw and readied himself.
“What do you think you’re doing, beloved?” Her entire body seized in surprise, her e/c eyes widening, exposing how bloodshot they were. 
“Nothing.” She squeaked out, shoving the hand that was full of fries behind her back, a truly noble attempt at hiding the evidence. Hannibal’s face remained stern, raising a gray eyebrow at her as if to say ‘really?’. Will slowly turned on the balls of his heels, somehow, his eyes were even more red than hers, and as Hannibal was getting a good look at the pair, both of them stank of weed and, if he wasn’t mistaken, McDonald’s.
Y/N was the one that introduced the troubled man to the effects of cannabis after a particularly rough night. Under Hannibal’s watchful eyes, they indulged and Will discovered an easy way to relax and dissociate for a while. So, it became a tradition that whenever he had nightmares or she had an awful day at her own job, they would light up and snuggle for a few hours. Evidently, they did not think to wake their third for this precise excursion.
Now that he could see Will’s bare chest, he realised how long they had been alone and high together. Huge bruises discoloured his naturally pale skin, creating a path of purple and blue all the way down to the slight pudge of his belly and going below his pajama pants. Hannibal knew from experience how frisky Y/N got when under the influence and he couldn’t help but smile at the sight.
“Did you two have sex?” Being as blunt as possible in this situation was the best way to go considering the two of them could weasel their way out of any confrontation, even if they were high out of their minds. Will’s face flushed a dark pink and Y/N glanced away, embarrassed. “I’ll take that as a yes then.”
“Noooo, we just made out a bit.” She squirmed on the counter.
“Somehow I do not believe you, my precious.” Hannibal strode into the kitchen with all the confidence in the world, his maroon robe billowing behind him like a cape. He easily took the slightly shorter man into his arms, tangling his long fingers in his curls as Will nuzzled into his neck, sighing happily. 
“It’s true!” She protested and jumped from her perch, landing quite gracefully considering her state, and launched herself at the doctor, apparently also needing to be held. Will was easily moved to his left side as he extended his right arm to accommodate her. Will nodded against Hannibal’s shoulder, trying to back up her statement.
“Even if it is true, you two know better than to smoke without my supervision, you could’ve gotten hurt.” He felt their simultaneous frowns against his skin. “And I could have cooked for you so you didn’t have to eat such horrific food.”
“Hey!” “Don’t insult chicken nuggets like that!” They shouted at the same time, making Hannibal wince at their volume. The pair attempted to pull away, greatly outraged by a slight against their beloved food. But the older man held firm, squeezing them closer to his lean body.
Y/N gave up her struggle first, her soft arms winding around his thin waist, relenting to his affection. Will, however, was far more angry and managed to wiggle away. “Chicken nuggets are the foundation of this country. Every restaurant you go to has them!”
“Yes, I know dear. You order them every time we go out together.” Hannibal conceded, earning him an approving nod from the profiler and a kiss against the juncture of his neck and shoulder from the younger woman. “Now come along, you can tell me more about how great they are in bed.”
Holding out his hand, Will took it without a fight, and dutifully followed his partner like the little duckling he was. 
It was easy enough to get the inebriated pair into bed given the promise of Hannibal ‘taking care of them’. But keeping them there was another story. He left briefly to the en suite bathroom to fetch them each a glass of water and when he came back, both were gone, having wandered off into the large walk-in closet to critique his choice of wardrobe.
By the time he got them back into bed, tucked under the thin covers this time, their shared alarm was only about 3 minutes away from turning on and forcing them to get up. Slightly exasperated, the good doctor switched off the damn thing, knowing that his troublesome partners would not function properly today, he decided that taking one day of sick leave would be appropriate.
Will and Y/N tangled together in the center of the mattress, gripping each other tightly as their eyes grew heavy with sleep. Their foreheads were connected, keeping their faces close enough together that their lips brushed. “Is there room in there for me?” Hannibal teased, sliding into bed behind Will.
“No.” Came the muffled reply from Y/N.
“And why not?” 
“Cause you were mean to the chicken nuggets.” Will continued, shuffling closer to Y/N.
“I am truly sorry for that.” He said almost sarcastically, expecting Will to retort but was met with silence. Looking over his broad shoulder, Hannibal smiled. They were fast asleep.
Wrapping a long arm around both of them, he himself settled back into the soft pillows and joined them.
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