#a little late but here it is at least Dx!
aguita-mineral · 5 months
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They only look that happy when they see bubbles!
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b0n3s-is-gay · 9 months
I'd love a Darry Curtis x Reader where the reader finds out she's pregnant and she tells Darry and later the gang.
Maybe set after they're married and Pony's about to start college?
Le gasp! That is a great idea! (I got caught up in a lot of school and a bit of insanity, excuse my lateness)
Surprise Shorty!
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Tags: Married life, mentions of Baby Fever, Darry being a softy for babies, Darry Curtis x Wife reader, Fluff, Alive Johnny and Dally AU!, set in the future.
Synopsis: Having a moment alone and her least favorite aunt, Aunt Flo, being late. You decide to take a pregnancy test after weeks of Darry trying to get you knocked up.
A/n: I'm not good at this, head empty moment. Sorry- I also did my research on these pregnancy tests, they're weird.
(Credit for the lovely banner goes to @cafekitsune )
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I sighed as I leaned against the counter, the 2 hour mark coming up for the pregnancy test. I hadn't even consulted Darry when I bought the stupid thing but I needed to know because I had already missed my period. The damn test took so long but it would be worth it. Beep, beep, beep.... My small baking timer chirped. I grabbed the time and turned it off before turning to look at the little box, hoping to see the brown circle on a yellow background. I said a silent prayer to whatever was up there before I looked at the mirror. It was right there, the brown circle telling me that I was carrying for two. "Well... Darry did it." I hummed as I kept looking at the mirrored box. I sighed and grabbed the box, walking it to our shared room so I could put it on our bed before I started dinner. I fixed the room up before walking to the kitchen. After two hours, I had a nice dinner enough to feed an army. I knew who would be here, first to last. It was always Two-bit first because he worked around a bit. Then Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally; they always traveled in a group after what happened with Bob. Sodapop, Steve, and Darry would be home last because Darry always picked up the two best friends from their jobs. Just as I started to put the dinner rolls in the oven, the train of people started coming in all in the order I predicted. Two-bit came in, said hello, grabbed a beer, and walked to the living room to watch Mickey. When I started the french onion soup, Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally walked in. Pony gave me a hug, Johnny nodded his head softly, and Dally waved hello before joining Tow-bit in the living room. When I pulled the dinner rolls out of the oven, the final three walked in. Sodapop nodded tiredly, Steve grabbed a beer and smiled, and Darry came up behind me and gave me a kiss. He squeezed my hips before walking to our room to get changed out of his work clothes. I simply smiled and waited for him to find the test sitting on our bed as I got everyone served. "Darling, what's this?" Darry asked as he walked into the kitchen holding the pregnancy test in his hand, confused since it was a newer model of a pregnancy test. I shrugged, handed him a bowl of hot soup with a dinner roll, and kissed him. "Show it to Pony or Sodapop, they'll know what it is Pumpkin." I laughed as I sat down at the dinner table with the rest of the gang, smiling as I watched Darry with a grin while eating my own soup. Sodapop and Pony looked up from their separate conversations. Darry set the box on the table before sitting next to me to eat a hot meal. Dally, Sodapop, Ponyboy, and Two-bit all focused on the test; you could've heard a spoon drop. I sipped on my water before I heard Soda speak in a nonchalant tone. "So... am I gettin' a niece or a nephew?" Darry choked for a moment and coughed before speaking up. "Come again?" Darry asked as he looked at Sodapop, confused about what he just said. Soda shrugged before Pony spoke up, laughing before explaining. "Darry, that's one of 'em new at home pregnancy tests. It's sold at drug stores and I think I saw a few at the DX yesterday." Darry looked over at me shocked. I shrugged again and kept eating my dinner, knowing he'll need a minute.
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brklynbb · 1 year
OKOKOK this is so cute!!!!! i haven’t rly read a lot of darry fics so im going off what i personally think but i hope u enjoy anyway <3 also im literally writing this in my school bathroom😓sorry it’s long!!
── •✧• ──
✧.* then he kissed me
darry curtis x motherly!reader
cw: gn!reader, motherly!reader, reader being called ‘honey’, idk?????
── •✧• ──
darry had worked late that night, and had called upon you to watch the two idiots that he calls his brothers, sodapop and ponyboy.
it was half past midnight, and darry had just come home. he expected you to be fast asleep by now, most likely tired from watching his family. but you weren’t. you were awake on the couch reading your book, waiting up for him. you knew he’d be home late - of course you knew that, he always is, but you missed your boyfriend and wanted to see him.
darry see’s you, and this boy could melt, he’s so happy you stayed awake for him. you instantly get up and hug him, and he smiles and hugs you back.
“honey, what are you doing still up?” his voice is a whisper, careful to not wake his brothers.
“i just wanted to see you.” you reply, before breaking the hug. “you’re also later than you said you’d be, and i got worried. you should probably get to sleep, it’s a busy day tomorrow.”
he smiled. “y/n, you don’t need to worry. i’m just going to stay up a few minutes longer to get ready for tomorrow morning.”
“oh- you don’t need to worry about that. i’ve already packed ponyboy’s lunch for school, and ironed sodapop’s DX uniform. i also made chocolate cake for breakfast in the morning. i know it’s probably not very good compared to yours, but i figured it was worth the effort, anyway.”
he stares at you, in awe. “wow. that’s very kind of you, y/n.”
truthfully, he’s not used to this treatment. he’s always been the one having to stay up late, caring for others, and not having a moment of rest. he doesn’t know how to react. he’s truly in shock.
you quickly continue your rambling. “anyway, sodapop is out with steve, he’ll probably be home soon. and ponyboy is asleep upstairs, and johnny got cold and asked to come stay here for the night, so of course i said yes. poor boy.” you sigh, and then continue. “and dally also wanted to sleep over, but i know how you feel about him sleeping over after the ‘incident’, so i kicked him out. he’s probably snuck through pony’s window upstairs, though. do you want me to check? I don’t know if dally is worth the trouble, but i already told him no, and i think it’d be worth it-“
your rambling was quickly interrupted with a kiss from darry. he’s never had someone as sweet as you, helping him care for the boys. after his parents passed, all the pressure was on him. but now you’re here. and for him to find someone as caring and motherly as you, and for him to find someone that cares just as much as his family as him, probably makes him the luckiest man in the world.
A/N : im so sorry i genuinely don’t know much abt how darry acts in a relationship and i don’t know how to write motherly readers soooo i hope this met ur expectations at least a little bit😓thank u for the request!!
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dreamerlucifer · 6 months
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A sleep deprived Dove was curled up onto the couch of the hotel; the nightmares wouldn't stop plaguing her, and it was taking a toll on her. Tear stains covered her cheeks, tucked into a ball as she struggled to stay awake..
"Another long day..." Gasped Lucifer as he finally got the chance to leave that ungodly boring, and most one sided argument heaven had given him so far to date on extermination and why it should still remain even after a soul from Hell was able to Ascend... "I mean, what was the point of dragging it out for 3 hours when they weren't even going to give me a word in edgewise??"
His disdain grew well past his normal breaking points this time, but somehow, this situation was starting to feel a tad more dire than situations of the past.. What with everyone now aware that Angels could be killed, there were bound to be those getting ready to uprise against heaven, while at the same time, Residents of Hell were being able to Ascend to the pearly gates... Surely the inner workings of the world were slowly being turned onto their own head!-
--OOOP-- came the odd noise from Lucifer, as he had been completely taken by surprise when he literally bowled over the younger Cannibaltown couple he normally spied hanging out near the quarry... Normally, he would have stopped to offer some apologetic form of assistance.. But, NO, not today, as he was already WAY MORE concerned about the possibility of missing Charlie's game of cards over at the new hotel...
Now, hmmmm, which form of cards was it they were planning on tonight..
"Ughhh.... Damnnn.." No matter how many times he placed reminders about the mansion for the month, or took the time to remind himself of the game by name, there was just no way Lucifer could get it right DX...
FLASHBACK 1- A devastating loss at poker when He thoroughly believed the game to be played had to do with Bullshit!
FLASHBACK 2- Yet another devastating loss when he had mistook Egyptian Ratscrew for Slap-Jack
"Welp, Luci, third time's a charm, right??" He said to himself as he ran down the many streets towards the new hotel, his hope being to trick himself back into having some form of confidence when it came to card games at all.... Card games were never really quite his strong suit..
Soon enough though, he found himself close to the entryway to Charlie's Hazbin Hotel. Rounding his way past a cute memorial to Sir Pencious, he slowed his pace just before slamming into the large double door entryway...
"Well well well, fancy meeting you on this.. FINE night, My shortest of Kings!!" --
"Can it, Alastor!!" He said smoothly, barely a tinge of his usual rage for the Radio Demon.. "Where's Charlie at, anyway?.." his tone immediately lifting into a melody as her name left his lips..
"Ohhh, your little 'Char Char' won't be here tonight, I'm afraid.." The smile growing ever more sinister, as if beckoning Lucifer to ask--
"Woaa, wait wait, waiiiitt, what?" His face was NOT amused in the least as he attempted to question why...
Not even giving Lucifer the satisfaction of a glance, Alastor continued, "Ohh, wellll, it just so happens that we've gotten some new recruits pretty late in the day today." His head cocked slightly as he watched Lucifer with great amusement, Luci's brisk walk slowing to a halt...
"Aww, REALLY??," he sneered at the radio demon...
In walked Angel, his slow movement only acting to accentuate the overall lefthand sided limp, "Guys, Charlie told me to pass the message that she'll be really late," Obviously worn well out, all onlookers automatically assume it to have been a studio day with Val...
Passing Lucifer slowly, Angel reached a hand out unbeknownst to the Small King.. At full arm's length, Angel dropped his hand onto Lucifer, the Fallen Angel's casually dressed left shoulder...
-ACK!!!- He exclaimed, completely unexpectant of the grab on his left shoulder, "Angel DUST!!!" He yelled, barely able to coax himself back down to a normal tone.., "What on earth was that for??"
"Woaa, now, Easy Mr. Short King!!" played Angel, though still very visibly in great pain from the days events, "Charlie had a special message for you!!"
But before Lucifer could shoot back, Angel continued, only, seriously this time, "Yea, she wanted you to check on one of the new arrivals. It seemed like the two had come together at first, but after talking to the one guy, Charlie's pretty certain that the girl still here in the hotel was by herself." He said as he motioned down towards to Guests' signature book in the great hall. "Her room number is written in the Guest book, so uhh, don't go screwin' it up, kay?" Angel took a minute to motion to Husk, I mean, it WAS his time to relax, right?? Short King can wait a hot second, sure he could.. "Look, its easy, just check in on the kid, see if they're hungry or something, and we'll take care of the rest, "he said, "SIMPLE!" And with that, Angel's focus was back on Husk as they seemed to have just struck up an argument on the strength each drink should be, naturally..
Woa.... He thought to himself, with renewed vigor!! Charlie trusts me... ME???? with one of their precious hotel screw ups?? "NO, don't just screw this up, Luci," He scolded himself as he wondered over to the guest book. This has to run smoothly, no.... PERFECTLY!!!!!... I'll just have to show Charlie what she's been missing while depending on that drowned rat, Alastor, as hotelier...
Looking from line to line, Lucifer decided that the one he was looking for HAD to be in room 1408... So before anyone else could stop and pester him, he took straight off for the 14th floor, 8th room ♥
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He knew it wasn't necessary, but hey, why walk when you have the full on outright usage of a form of teleportation! Right? That's exactly what he thought...
He went to hop right in front of 1408 and knock loudly, but something down the hall had caught his eye first..-
To his sad surprise, was what looked to be a beautiful young woman laying on one of the great hall couches... His expression softened greatly as he approached her further, though... as he watched intently... small tremors seemed to be overtaking the poor girl..., "Uhmm, excuse me," He began, his voice light yet smooth.. He waited for a response, but none came, so he tried yet again.. "Miss? Are you alright?.. Because it seems you have been--" She still didn't stir...
Thinking to himself, Lucifer then decided to touch her lightly, perhaps helping her to awaken from what appeared to be.. this deep, dark Nightterror... So ever so gently, he shifted her with the use of his staff's magical properties, so as not to distress her. But once his spell had been set in motion, he realized much too late, that this was most certainly the wrong approach, as she was indeed already AWAKE!
Taken aback by that, Lucifer opened his mouth to apologize.. but then stopped-- His expression much warmer, concerned, and ready...
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The ever darkening stains on both of the beautiful girl's cheeks spoke so much just to begin with..
Lucifer waved his staff in a circular manor, not a huge spell by any means, but this very small one would suffice ♥ The spell conjured a medium sized blanket, made of the finest microfibers. It was a pretty little blanket, adorned with small white and yellow ducklings, and its texture was that of the softest of furs... Warm enough to make one feel safe, yet light enough to allow them to drift amidst the endless astral planes..
Once close by, he easily spread the blanket out over the poor lost soul, careful to tuck the edges as he slowly leaned back to sit on the couch beside her.. "You know," Lucifer started, "I was terrified when I came to this place for the first time too..." His warm smile aided him as he caressed the hair on her head, "But just as I thought it was the end of the world..," He took a deep breath, a tear in his eye, "I found out not a day later, that I had been entirely wrong!!" He sniffled lightly, his eye immediately finding a portrait of Charlie on the great wall.., "Now, tell me, small teary one, What brings you here, to our very own, Hazbin Hotel?" ♥ ....
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Well... I guess for my late spirit for PKMN Day, just thought that this would be interesting to post, plus including some upcoming Digimon fan content as well. My teams over the course of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, as well as a future team for the upcoming Digimon Mystery Dungeon by @/nerointruder, who's done some wonderfully amazing sprite portraits for their fan hack (plus is using EOS as the base!), though progress is currently slow at the moment, do show and give them a follow to show your love and support to the work they're putting in! Ok, shall start from the top? Sidenote, based around my OCs from my little Digimon AU and some being my main+PKMN OCs. DMD: Chrono Prominence - Team Rise - Akasa (Sistermon Blanc) - Kiran (Beelzemon Rebel) - Kaira (Lilimon Noble) - Shinjiro (Angemon to ArchAngemon) - Tamiko (Minervamon) - Mao (Agunimon to ConquerorGreymon) - Mizuki (Tailmon Jinx) PMD Super - Team Fate - Kira - Dakota - Shinji - Tanashi - Gerero - Junya (HEY, since Gen VII didn't get a Mystery Dungeon game, I had to make an workaround, so I like to imagine that Super has Gen VII PKMNs there, so at least Junya & Gerero can be together with the rest!) PMD Explorers (top to bottom) - Team Titans - Takashi - Gen - Haruhi - Hiroshi - Haru - Konata - Masataka - Natsumi PMD Blue/DX - Team Galaxy - Kohta - Yuri - Satoshi - Rito
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This one being bonus of Team Rise and them as their respective Child Digimon, Akasa besides being the only "human" in my AU as well as main leader of the team for when the fan hack eventually comes out would be a bit of an mystery for the team, as here and my AU, she and the others don't seem to remember much, hell even Kiran+CO didn't seem to realize that they each were all Digimon at first when they woke up! Since DMD is using EOS as a base, which allows for a 4-person team... MAN, the 4th slot in the original Blue Rescue Team is such a tease... -.-
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As for Shinjiro (ArchAngemon), before it actually became a thing from Bandai, my interpretation being based around Arrancarfighter's design, honestly prefer theirs over the official one we got. uu' As I can't draw worth jack >>'
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flapjacs · 7 months
📢psa: moving to neocities
I'm moving everything to my new website.
It''s still under construction but it's presentable with everything in one place: portfolio, commissions info, projects, blog. Nothing Stardew related is up yet because there's so much Dx but you can read The Jupiters and Darling Villainess there right now. Any updates regarding my visual novels will be posted there. I'll keep posting here on tumblr about my SDV portrait mod for now since you guys are my biggest support, but I haven't decided if I'm going to move away from tumblr completely yet. If you're on neocities please follow me there. I haven't learned how to do RSS yet, but that should be up shortly if you don't want to make a neocities account.
If you weren't already aware, a tumblr staff member leaked that tumblr sold us out, not surprising, but it's not just that they've joined the ai bandwagon, they included our private posts, msgs, etc, made it opt-out instead of opt-in, and the anti crawl request list (robots.txt) that updates when you opt-out only includes a few bots and as far as I've been able to figure out, is uneditable. The only reason they addressed it was because we made a stink. They had no plans to tell us and it was already too late. If you happen to use carrd, which is what I was doing for my "website" and portfolio, you can't edit the robots.txt without buying a subscription and it allows all crawlers by default. And I wasn't even paying anyway so I still don't have my own domain name regardless. Now on neocities, I can do whatever I want. It's free real estate. except filehosting. don't do that. It only took me two weeks to stop trying to overcomplicate things in the short run to make things easier in the long run. They have templates so you don't even have to learn that much coding. Bring back old internet!
What's happening with my tumblr?
I'm slowly going to backup and delete my sideblogs. I honestly don't know if I should keep @flapjacs-old and this one up. For now I will, at least until the transition is complete. Seeing as how I'm an artist and an artist with little to no reach, I'm stuck at the moment needing to keep social media.
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fierceawakening · 10 months
I’ve been thinking a bit more about the whole… Thing where Tumblr warns you that the whole general social understanding of narcissistic personality disorder is stigmatizing and wrong, and how different it is from many clinicians who say that more neurotypical people in relationships with narcissistic people tend to be mistreated and even abused, trying to figure out a more nuanced way of understanding what the dispute is that isn’t just “society is ableist and psychiatry needs a group of people to throw away” or just “some people are born evil and nothing they ever say is accurate in any way.”
And I was listening to a podcast from a guy who is on the “I’m a clinician, close personal romantic relationships or friendships or being raised as a kid by narcissistic people can REALLY fuck more neurotypical people up bad” side of things and I noticed a difference in focus I’ve been pondering since.
The Tumblerians who talk about having NPD (there is some question I've seen about whether they have formal diagnoses or whether several/many are self-dxed; while I am not anti-self-dx in general, I do wonder about it here, as Official Healthcare Providers almost all say that it's rare someone would self-dx this one correctly, and that in the wild it's almost always given to people in court-ordered programs or who are pressed to enter couples therapy or the like. So I'm saying they think they have it, not to assert I'm sure they don't but to flag this as a thing that confuses me) talk about it in a way Tumblr really likes lately when discussing mental health.
That is "thoughts are not actions." That it's very possible for a person to have thoughts they don't actually endorse, like intrusive thoughts from OCD, or to have odd beliefs they don't tell people about or act on, like I don't know, "I have spirit guides and I know they're real but I come from a family of militant antitheists who'd mock me endlessly if they ever knew where I get my good ideas."
On this framing, narcissism is a thought or a belief, typically "I am superior to other people." This is a belief that is objectively untrue, but that has been formed in reaction to trauma or chronic feelings of worthlessness. Challenging someone by telling them, "you are not superior to others," then, is pointlessly jabbing them in the Feelings for no good reason. They know, on some level, it's objectively untrue, which is why they *don't* act on it and expect other people to serve or revere them, but they "believe it" deep inside themselves so as not to experience the profoundly destabilizing existential question, "what if I'm actually not so great?"
Which... if this is all people are doing, then yeah, that sounds pretty minor. Or at least, not much worse than perfectionism, something I myself struggle with. It's okay to think weird things.
Where the person I was watching the other day, who does think that narcissists act frequently in harmful ways and that a narcissist who is able to not act on their thoughts of superiority is rare, keyed on something else. As I recall it (and I may be embellishing a little but this was the gist):
"The issue is really the sense of entitlement. The rest of it's not all that bad by itself really. But entitlement means they think they deserve things others don't. And if they think they deserve something and you don't deserve it, they're not going to give it to you."
This stuck with me, as I don't think it's something Tumblr would generally disagree with in any other situation. We talk a lot about "privilege," which as I understand it is the idea that some groups are treated better than others in society. If you tend to be treated well, you tend to expect to be treated well, because you have no reason to expect something else. But this can and does collide with reality when you run into somebody who thinks you haven't proven yourself deserving of royal treatment and who tells you to stuff it.
There is a lot of talk on Tumblr about how much people should be blamed for not noticing privilege, or where exactly annoying but blameless cluelessness ends and blame-worthy entitlement begins. I'm not saying we all agree on everything. But we do seem to agree, broadly, that "entitlement" exists and is a vice.
So when I hear "narcissistic people tend to be entitled," what I hear is that they tend to possess a noticeable vice. Where Tumblr seems to think "they believe an odd thing, which is a thought and not an action."
I don't know if I have a conclusion here, other than that I lean toward "entitlement is bad, and it's not likely easy for someone to secretly have it and make certain to never let on."
But... Fascinating. Just... fascinating.
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sadistic-softie · 6 months
I'm going to break again. (READ TAGS)
The intrusive thoughts have returned. The dark ones. The ones that drove me to hysterical breakdown and got me in that stupid crazy person house with kids that likes crushing little rodents. I don't wanna go back. That place makes me sick. Same meals every day. Maybe I can handle the thoughts this time. Last time, I was only 13, so I might do better this time? All I can do now is what I used to do to cope. Write them out. Get them out of my head so I don't have to think about them anymore. This might delay or even prevent a break. Who knows?
These nightmares and memories are getting to me. Bad. I can't get the trauma out of my head. It won't stop it won't leave me alone. I feel like I'm losing my fucking mind. I haven't even been able to watch TV anymore because my head is so crowded. I just sit outside sometimes. Sit in the cold. I've been wearing my comfort hat all the time now. I hate taking it off. I can't keep my thoughts straight.
The nightmares. They make me tear at my skin more often than usual. It don't mean to, but I can't stop. Dermatillomania getting worse. I've eaten so much of my own scabs, skin, and blood lately. I've done that sort of thing for years already, but ever since I've started having those nightmares, it's like I crave it. I do it more. I like it. I want to taste my own blood, and it tastes really good. I've also started pulling out my body hair?? I don't know why I'm doing this. It's like I NEED to. Dermatillomania is related to OCD, right? That was my Dx. That's probably why. OCD getting worse.
I'm probably less stable than I think I am. I don't know. So much doubt. I feel 13 again. I need to do something, but I don't know what. I'm really unsure of myself. I somehow feel like I'm in danger of...my dreams?? Like, I feel like sleeping is dangerous, because every time I sleep, I get worse. I know how that sounds, but I'm serious. I feel like they're killing me metally. That's stupid. I don't even know what I'm saying. I've always been so stupid. Useless. Gross. I'm just paranoid. That's probably it. Parania getting worse. The nightmares.
So now what's my plan? I need to have a plan. Stability. I'm gonna keep following my therapists advice for now. Write it out. Get it out of my head. So, here goes nothing. But, if you're reading this, I'm warning you that it's some heavy shit and I don't condone nor wish to act on these thoughts. Plan, stabalize, write, heal.
Here it is. I just needed to get these awful, disgusting thoughts out of my head so I don't have to think them again. PLEASE remember the previous paragraph. these thoughts I carry are a weight on me. It gets worse the more you read. I feel so fucking horrible and sick thinking that they're mine. I carry so much shame, but I just don't wanna feel alone, and I can't bear to share this with anyone I see in person:
I have been eating the same thing every day. I eat other things too, but, I always have this one specific thing at least once a day. an apple with peanutbutter as dip. Every day. Apple with peanutbutter. Apple with peanutbutter. Apple with peanutbutter. And every time I cut the apple, I open this drawer. This drawer is full of knifes. Knifes of all kinds of shapes and sizes. Kitchen knifes. Serrated knives, big knives, little knives, a cheese knife, a filleting knife, a butcher knife, bread knife, boning knife, peeling knife, mezzaluna, etc...pretty much any knife you could find in a kitchen. I love holding them. Especially the butcher knife.
The way that I feel when I hold a knife with weight to it it just...indescribable. I feel like it belongs in my hand. I feel a sense of power that I've never felt before. Being knocked over and kicked while I'm down over and over for my whole life, to end up with this steel beauty in my hands and nobody elses. It's like it's begging for my to do something I don't want to. I get the urge to cut off my own hand. Just fucking slam that heavy steel rectangle right down onto my wrist for no reason other than that I can. That I have the power to do that. To cut off my own fucking hand.
And I've thought of just cutting myself. Just to drink my blood. Why wait for the dermatillomania to get to me? When I can just cut myself open and lick up all that thick, metallic liquid. The taste is so potent. So fucking delicious. And I'm afraid to admit it. I hate that it tastes so fucking good. I hate that if I could drink my own blood with no consequence, that I wouldn't hesitate. When I was seven, I used to knaw on my own arm. I gave myself hickeys trying to break the skin. Stupid weak child giving into curiosity. Did I not once consider the consequence of biting off a chunk of my own arm?
Why was I always such a gross freak? A seven year old child attempting autocannibalism? I didn't even know that word yet I was so young. No wonder people didn't wanna be my friend. I was a freak. What made me want to do that when I was so young and uncorrupt by trauma? I'm older now...I could break the skin now if I really wanted to. I could draw so much blood. I could test every knife on myself, cut out parts of me and eat them. Just like I've always wanted. My sickest childhood dream. One I never shared to anyone. The one that comes with so much shame. Shame on top of shame on top of shame.
What kind of sick freak wants to eat a part of themself?? What kind of psycho thinks about mutilating the ones they love the most? Am I a monster?? My therapists all said I'm not. So many of them...regardless, I still feel horrible about it. I have thought about pushing a knife into, torturing, dismembering, disecting my loved ones. several of them. Several times. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT MAKES ME WANT TO KILL MYSELF?? Maybe I deserve it. I should brutalize myself. See how I would 'like' it! But knowing me, I would probaly try to drink my blood while I writhe in agony. Fucking freak. Gross freak.
Don't be fucking gross? You tell me not to be gross when you catch me having a piss accident?? Everyone pees themselves every now and then. Accidents happen. You know what? YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT GROSS!!! I have cut every part of you into little chunks by hand in my mind. Every muscle, tendon, organ, etc...In my head, I have tortured my best friends brutally. In ways i can't even describe without my stomach twisting. THAT is what's gross. I hate it.
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victoria1676 · 2 years
LEAVE ME ALONE AND LET ME BUILD MY S**T! Interlude: The aftermath of the destruction: The Calm before the Storm
Summary: The Last thing you remembered was finally putting Dream to jail and then everything went black only to wake up in a world you don’t recognize. trying to find a way home you found yourself in a mob chase that you find irritating and once they are satisfied threatening and killing you who then respawn the in execution made them realize who they almost killed and just as they were about to fall from their knees and beg for forgiveness.
You destroyed their homes in Revenge.
(Prologue Part 2) (Prologue Part 3) (MASTERLIST)
Notes: I would like to Shoutout to my senpais: @willowedwisteria, @chocoenvy and @nicebonescomrade for the help on Guizhong and Morax because without them I would have been stuck and not able to finish this interlude this TAT
But anyways I would like to apologize for posting this late since I had to take alot of revising and stuff here to make it interesting and make it enjoyable for you guys XD 
So the Interlude here is basically the aftermath of Mondstadt’s destruction nd there will be Dream SMP spoilers again in this one and also this will show different perspectives of the characters I have chosen in this interlude. So far I had remove two since it would make it struggling for me to finish so you’ll see the two povs that I wasn’t able to add it here in Prologue 3 and a interlude of a certain character. There's a explanation a bit of what reader's personality is like on Rubedo's perspective a bit.
Also quick note I tend to switch God and Creator since that's what I usually see or read from the other SAGAU stories so I hope you guys won't mind or confused of me switching God and creator sometimes XD
Prologue part 3 will come out soon since I just finished revising and adding changes to this interlude to make you guys enjoy it but I think I went overboard on the build up whoops XD but oh well at least it has interesting details once we finish all the prologues UwU
But anyways please enjoy this interlude and I will do the Prologue 3 next month since the interlude was a pain to right TWT
Also first half is the flashback of Reader in the Dream SMP and I can tell you I have no idea if I did their characters right or made them OOC on accident which I apologize 😭😭
WARNINGS: Swearing, Violence, mentions of characters who died, angst, destruction, NPCS dying, betrayal being mentioned, Manipulation is being mentioned, Mentioned of a character being dead, Spoilers from the Dream SMP lore, Characters might be OOC since I'm trying my best to get them in character DX, things will go dark soon and cult behavior are mention here!
Interlude: The aftermath of the destruction: The Calm before the Storm
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"Please tell me I'm not late please!!" You flew at high speed.
You hated Dream so much for teleporting you far away from Tommy and L'Manburg after he confronted you for protecting your little brother. The voices started appearing insulting the masked man and wanting blood from him.
If you were there then Tommy wouldn't be hurt.
If you were only there that time when he was about to get exiled and you could have prevented him from getting exiled if you just stayed a bit longer to be with Tommy instead of going to Techno about his plans on what he will do for his retirement.
Your chat was with you chatting loudly as you focused on returning to L'Manburg to catch your baby brother and the people you care about who gonna be losing more of their canon lives.
“Damnit Quackity!!’ You cursed the Mexican for pissing off and fighting Technoblade who is supposedly retired from anarchy but is now ready to fight again thanks to the butcher gang wanting revenge on him for destroying L’manburg.
"Don't worry Big (First initial)! The blade will take care of me!" Tommy huffed with a smile.
That was the last you remembered living with your older brother Tommy and the moment you left the house you were teleported away under Dream's command where you had to take a month to return home since he teleported you far away from the main island of the SMP.
You were very pissed and out for Dream's blood as your eyes slowly began to turn red before flashing back to (e/c) color.
'Once I get my hands on that Teletubby I will-'
You cursed as you used your ender pearls to get you there faster. Luckily it was also raining so you can just use your trident.
'Let me not lose another brother please!'
"WILBURRRRR!!!!!!" You screamed in agony as your father embraced you yet you continued crying.
Never in your life have you thought that your brother would smile in his death after he told his own Father to kill him and he couldn't so Wilbur kept pressuring you but you tried to tell him not to make Philza kill him but he told you that it was alright and he deserved it for causing trouble.
In the end, your father; Philza killed him.
"I love you sister" Your brother ruffled your hair as you hugged him.
Why did you have to die?!
For the first time, the voices began to mourn Wilbur instead of yelling for blood.
You kept screaming and crying even though your father tried to calm you down.
You lost your mother to the unknown curse.
And now.
You have lost your older brother from his unfinished Symphony.
I already lost Mom.
And I already lost Wilbur.
Please any deity out there.
You saw what was once L'Manburg now was a nation filled with holes and TNT falling from the skies with Withers attacking every living being.
Don't make me lose another family again.
He paused as he turned around and saw his sister standing in front of an injured and shaking Tommy and Tubbo with her arms stretched out blocking them from him.
"ENOUGH TECHNO!" She shouted at him as he could see her tears running down her face.
"Move (Y/n)" Techno ordered his sister.
"L'MANBURG IS GONE NOW! THEY LEARNED THEIR LESSON" You attempted to reason with him.
"DON'T TAKE ANY MORE LIVES! THEY LEARNED THEIR LESSON! HISTORY HAS ALREADY REPEATED ITSELF MANY TIMES NOW" You felt your voice hurting from the shouting but you didn't stop until you finally convinced Techno not to kill Tommy
“And yet it's also their fault they keep getting their nation destroyed” Technoblade responded but you already know he is right.
The scenery changes to a familiar home as he could see his sister in the same position with Wilbur behind her cradling his bruised cheek. You stood there crying with your arms out to stop him from going any further fighting with Wilbur.
Technoblade sighed and let his crossbow down a bit before looking at you in disappointment.
"You already know why I had to do this," He said, "Your chat saw Tommy betraying-"
"I know!” You shouted, “He betrayed you for L’manburg and we all know that but the fact you let Dream go with you when you know what Dream wants with Tommy!”
“It’s obvious he would side with L’manburg but also because this is his home!”
Green eyes flash before your eyes as he took Tommy away from you with a smirk of triumph that made your blood boil.
"Both of you make your decisions! Tommy joined L'Manburg on his own decision and you joined Dream with your own decision!"
You panted tiredly feeling your voice become hoarse as you stared at your eldest brother before he glared at Tommy behind him who moved near a scared Tubbo and returned the glare at the pigman hybrid.
"Are you picking his side now?" He said referring if you are siding with Tommy.
"I choose people!" You answered him, "I choose my family! You already know I'm in the middle ground!"
Another crack of thunder hit the ground as the rain felt heavier for you.
"So, please…No more killing. You already destroyed L’manburg that will now forever take a long time to repair…"
Philza watched his children talk before staring up at Dream who seemed to be dancing and humming something. The elytrian knew how much you cared to bring your family back just like the old days.
But it was too late to bring them back all together. After all, Dream SMP killed and brought much pain to the whole family and its people.
"You are a fool," Technoblade said as he then gave the signal to stop the doomsday.
"I know…"
"But just so you know" He began walking and stood next to you.
"People betray each other and we both know how much betrayal hurts us" He reminded you, "You can't keep protecting Tommy or continue thinking our family will be back like before when it is too late now”
You looked down, not bothering to speak up about what he had said to you as the rain heavily came.
"I told you many times to be careful who you place your trust in (Y/n). We both know what our loyalty can be like and we all know how the world is like to us players”
"…I know"
"Don’t forget the universal language I gave to Tommy that time”
“Tommy, the thing is you’re using words, but the thing about this world, Tommy…” You let Tommy learn into your shoulder, “Is the only universal language is violence”
Tommy glared at Techno weakly while the half pigling crouched down to his little brother’s level, “Your sister knows this and we have that conversation with you”
“...I know”
“And you know the meaning of what I told him those words right?"
You glanced at him as both of you made eye contact once again.
Another thunder cracked once again as Technoblade continued talking to you, he suddenly said something that made your eyes widen, you grit your teeth and looked down.
Once the TNT ran out, Technoblade left with Philza and Dream. The people who reside with L'Manburg mourned for their home as you continued hugging Tommy who kept saying 'sorry' and Tubbo clutched onto you.
"And stop thinking everything will be fine as our family will be fixed again when we already have lost our bonds with each other…"
You cried silently hearing the words that your eldest brother told you and you knew he was right about what he said to you.
The Minecraft family will never be the same again.
"I'm sorry Mom…" You whispered, "I failed to keep my promise"
You don't know why you couldn't remember your mother's smile or voice anymore.
You didn't know why your memories of your happy family are now shattered into pieces.
"I'm a bad sister…"
I'm sorry…
You opened your eyes quickly and summoned your axe to hit the person who woke you up but your weapon was blocked. You saw that it was Rubedo blocking your axe from going for his head with his weapon, the festering desire that you took from Aether, and decided to give it to him since it fits him more. You calmed down instantly realizing you were still in Teyvat and also in a familiar room which was one of the bases that belonged to the Abyss that was made for you as Rubedo dismissed his weapon.
"Ah…sorry" You apologize.
"It's fine but it looks like you had a bad dream" He pointed out noticing you almost killed him on reflex.
"Something…like that," You said your words very slowly realizing you are still very tired.
You groaned in pain realizing your body also sat up as you then saw you are in a bed with your clothing still the same yet you can't help why your head was throbbing very painfully.
"What the hell happened to my head?" You muttered as you began to massage your forehead to remove the aching headache.
Rubedo then brought a glass of water that was on the desk beside your bed, "Do you remember what happened or at least recall something?"
You thank him as you slowly drank the water before trying to recall what you were just doing before finding yourself in your bed.
Ah, that's right.
You guys just finished destroying Mondstadt but you were sure you didn't black out after summoning the wither there.
A hidden part of you cried and screamed at you in anger for destroying a city that you should just give them their forgiveness.
But you aren't in the mood to play nice when these idiotic simps did not use their common sense and just continue to act blind and be a slave to Mallory.
You are a type to hold a grudge sometimes but this one you have a good reason as these people did not hesitate to kill innocent people for a Tyrant who was the real imposter.
So you'll have no choice but destroy all these governments of the simps so that you can head to Celestia either without their Gods being controlled again by the higher deity.
After all…It's justice to those who died for you even though they were innocent and didn’t deserve to die at the hands of their comrades.
"I don't remember blacking out after we summoned the withers"
"That would be my fault since you almost summoned another wither and almost went into a killing spree again"
"Oh…" You winced, "Sorry…"
Rubedo shakes his head, "I already said it wasn't your fault considering you are not the type to lose control of your calm demeanor whenever your voices called for blood"
"That's true…" You said.
Suddenly a huge pain began to hit your head as you closed your eyes and things started to return to what happened to you that made your first companion knock you out.
You stood in the hands of the headless Barbatos statue as you watched the three wither attack the people of Mondstadt. Considering they had no idea how to kill it made you snort as you saw one unlucky knight was able to do it only to get the wither effect and began to die slowly as more screams and cries appeared. TNT went off with a bang thanks to those withers. Rubedo stood behind you watching the chaos only from the side.
"Ah" You spoked, "Never thought this how revenge with suffering would be an…amusing sight"
Rubedo hummed as he opened the message box to inform someone, "Indeed although but please do not lose control again"
You chuckled as your eyes slowly became full of blood-red, "Wouldn't promise it"
You watched the knights struggle to kill three withers as some of the people who fought for Mondstadt used their visions to kill the wither but you could see some suffering the effects of the wither.
“I never thought doing anarchy would be this fun~”
Back then you refused to show or fall victim to the voices who were enjoying the sight of L'Manburg gone before you then realize Wilbur and your father were there where the explosion happened.
And then Wilbur died.
More screams and cries rang as the whole Mondstadt began to crumble, fall, and burst into flames. The flag that would have protected this peaceful city was now burned into ashes.
"Nations should see or hear by now that Mondstadt has been destroyed" Rubedo watched the wither who went after Albedo that is working together with Aether before glancing at you who was humming.
You then started laughing at the destruction as you covered your eyes with your head thrown back to look up at the grey skies.
Your eyes stayed blood red as you stopped laughing before smirking at the sky and looking toward Celestia. You began to play with another wither skull that appeared on your right hand before throwing it up and down like a toy while humming a dark tune.
The city of freedom continues to burn as the people try to fight the unknown creature that is slowly killing them and destroying their homes.
Only two people witnessed the full destruction being the culprits of destroying what used to be the beloved city of Barbatos.
"I can't wait to destroy this interesting world~"
You laughed again but louder as you failed to realize you have lost control of falling into the voices’ chanting and your bloodlust as well.
You winced knowing you did lose your self-control once again and you are grateful for Rubedo knocking you out considering your bloodlust has been going out of control for revenge and thirst for blood for the stupid ex-simps of Mallory. You then notice you haven't seen a single crow or your chat in the room other than two baby hydro fungus and different elemental slimes sleeping together in the corner of your room and Rubedo seems to be using one of your brewing stands with different resources from the Nether.
"Where's the chat?" You asked your companion.
"If I remember they are currently bullying someone abyss mages while some are just chatting or yelling at each other in stupid things that I do not wish to know," He said causing you to snort knowing how typical and normal your chat is which is something you are used to.
"What about the people in Mondstadt? Did anyone survive or kill the withers?"
"Two Withers have died under the traveler's hand thanks to the help of the Anemo God and the other one suddenly went straight to Liyue after they found a lot of animals there"
"Looks like Liyue is gonna suffer fighting a wither but probably will kill it quickly since they have that blue-haired Adepti that uses a bow" He was talking about Ganyu as he recalled seeing her in action that time when he was with you in looking for answers of how to get to Celestia yet no one wanted to give you other than to kill you for looking like their God until shit hits the fan of their mistake.
"Indeed Ganyu is very impressive in using a bow and it's a shame she's part of the people who chased you under Mallory's orders"
"True" You agreed with him.
It was kinda ashamed that bow user Adepti decided to be one of your enemies but oh well you aren't in the move to give forgiveness.
"But anyways some citizens in Mondstadts have died from the wither effect or from the fire and debris but most of the vision users that belonged there have disappeared although I think they headed to Liyue for cover" Rubedo explained, "Dainsleif decided to investigate and see if they are there along to get answers from our spy"
"I see" You then open your inventory and grab your apple that was in there, "Before you tell me about who or what our little spy is doing I do wish to know about the progress of our Doomsday operation"
Rubedo began to chuckle as he finished making his potions before making another batch of new potions, "Not even interested who our spy is and more into knowing that project that is like the one that happened back at the server you know"
"I don't care" You cruelly replied to him, "I'm not in the mood to know that our spy decided to betray their nation by becoming our spy after learning that I was their real God and wanted nothing more than my forgiveness when they blew it."
"Second chances aren't something I usually give especially since they want the Creator's forgiveness not mine" You huffed.
"That is true," Rubedo hummed before looking at you.
You looked very tired yet very much ready to get all regions (except Sumeru and Snezhnaya) to be destroyed just like a certain nation that used to be destroyed 500 years ago by the seven gods under Celestia's strings only this time you are the one destroying the nations with your abilities and helps from your allies.
History repeats itself
I guess it was never meant to be right, Wilbur?
If there is one thing that Rubedo noticed is that you have changed after what happened in that failed execution.
Back then when you first found him in Dragonspine injured after he explained to you that he had refused to side with the fake creator when he realized they only wanted them for their looks and was punished by it until you found him and healed him. It was then he decided to become your companion. You were known to be kind, a big sister who can be very chill and lazy sometimes along with being a skilled fighter, a good planner, a good builder, and someone who uses dark humor. You also tend to flirt or tease for reactions that amuse you along with you being a loyal person.
But now?
You become very silent and all you want is to go back to the Dream SMP server to check if your brother is alive and the message box notification of your brother dying was a lie. You would do anything to go back to the SMP server even if you are willing to spill more blood in your hands that will forever make you feel around your hands.
You wished you didn't have to spill some blood or fight against the people of this unknown world you suddenly appeared in. Yet the people who are under Mallory's orders have tested your patience and crossed the line to the point you will have no choice but to be violent as they had killed the people who have tried to help you get home or expose the truth to everyone that the one who sat in the throne of the Creator was the real imposter.
You refused to acknowledge when you found out that you are their true creator yet you aren't sure why you are regarded as one when you don't remember being one or creating this world or making the vision users your vessels.
What Rubedo doesn't know is that you have been getting strange memories of a person who looked like you.
"Something on my face," You said, noticing how quiet Rubedo is being like and also seeing his staring.
"Not really other than realizing the fact you changed after what you have seen on that failed execution that happened I suppose weeks ago” He spoke.
You didn't say anything knowing he was right as you then summoned a bracelet that had the color red, blue, pink, green, and (f/c). Looking at you made you quite sad knowing you haven't known how long you have been in Teyvat, especially since you aren't sure if the time here is the same on the server.
“I made this bracelet for everyone!” You chirped, showing six bracelets to your family.
“What's this baby bird?” Kristen looked at your little bracelet with a smile
“It's a family bracelet!” You grinned, “That way it shows how close our bond and we are the best family!”
Your heart clenched remembering that memory.
“Despite I am still learning human emotions slowly under your care I can say I know you haven't been well since…you heard what happened to your little brother" Rubedo carefully said his words trying not to offend you.
He remembered when he and Dain brought you back to the base you started crying while trying to contact your brother or any of the SMP members to know if the notification was a lie but alas the communicator remained silent.
Your cries echoed throughout the base and no one could console you.
Not when you failed to protect your baby brother and just found out your brother died when you were trying so hard to return to the Dream SMP server.
You just let out a humorless chuckle before lying down back in your bed and wrapping your wings around you.
"…All I ask is if everything is going according to plan," You said.
"We have already prepared a lot of TNT, obsidian, and Redstone materials for the doomsday thanks to the help of the Cryo Archon's organization" He informed you.
"Good," You replied.
It was then the room became silent yet both of you didn't have the heart to ruin other than you could hear the brewing stand working.
"🎶 JuMp in tHe CaDillAc
Girl let's put some miles on it
Anything you want-🎶"
"Rubedo please turn that chat into fried chicken"
"Already on it"
Suddenly explosions and loud cawing noises were heard outside the base.
No one knows what happened but the chat was just cackling that one of their kind had the balls to sing that song.
Elsewhere a familiar blonde teenager who is in the void sneezed and shuddered to feel a strange annoying chill that he couldn't figure out.
It didn't had to end like this…
He lay on the soft yet cold white snow in pain.
He barely escaped from getting killed by the Traveler and the other Archons along with his mother's perfect creation.
He didn't expect that he could find his end like this…
Not when he hasn't fulfilled his goal.
“And to think…” He breathed out, “I would be the villain…when they are…following the true imposter…”
He coughed out more blood as he felt his eyes blurry.
“Just when…I-I finally…g-got out of Durin…I…am gonna die…this time”
He couldn't stop closing his eyes as he felt his ears ringing. Just as he felt himself dying a shadow covered his body and he felt himself being turned around in lying on his back.
He didn't know who turned his body. All he could see was a blurry image of a person with big wings.
“-re you okay?”
Such kind words felt like kindness that he didn't get from Albedo's people. He could have laughed and looked at them as if they were crazy yet he could not speak with his body in pain from the wound. He slowly closes his eyes but hasn't felt his ringing ears or the pain of his body stopping meaning he is still alive but not for long.
Something cold hit his lips that felt like glass and a hand on his jaw that was trying to open it. He couldn't move so he let the person move his body knowing he would die in the end except he felt something like a liquid run down his throat. He couldn't feel the taste yet it was warm. With a little bit of strength to open his eyes, what he saw will be something he wishes to see even more as his vision was clear for a moment
(e/c) eyes that are filled with worry towards him and a face that looked like the true imposter and he knew who it was giving him this strange drink.
That one word he could only manage to say before things looked a bit dark and back being blurry. Warmth wrapped his body and it felt like a fluffy cloth. Just as he finally accepted the darkness he heard those last words that he will remember.
“We are both labeled as imposters, right? Then…Don't die. Not when I want to ask you if you could be my companion and partner”
Suddenly he woke up wrapped in a blanket and was laying down on a soft bed. What greeted him wasn't the warm sunlight but a face that held happiness and a wonderful smile.
“Hey, there fellow imposter” You greeted him with a playful smile, “Finally awake and still ready to live?”
Paimon was Aether's second companion with Lumine being his first and the floating fairy was the one who had tried her best to be positive for the traveler.
That is until he learned the truth of what his role is and his sister's role.
Paimon couldn’t blame her friend who she remembered hearing his cries and his screams of anger that time when they were heading to Inazuma.
Paimon could understand why he was feeling like that.
Despite Paimon knowing her origins or what her role is to her friend she could not tell her friend the system would never let her reveal her origins only when the time comes.
So when Paimon and Aether met the player creator in person Paimon knew something was wrong with them.
Aether knew as well and instead of stopping for confronting the ‘creator’.
He decided to let it all happen.
Aether let the ‘creator’ do its thing by spreading lies and use of manipulation on all the nations and its archons.
Paimon was shocked by her friend’s actions and began questioning the blond traveler on why he let the ‘creator’ do its tranny when it could hurt many people if they do not tell them the truth.
But Paimon only received a look from Aether to which she stopped asking.
Aether never told her why he let the nations’ people suffer under a fake creator.
That is until the true creator came and Paimon knew why her friend was like that.
He was tired.
Tired that his role was nothing more than being a vessel to learn the truth of what Teyvat is like.
Aether was nothing more than a puppet to be played like a kid.
If he wanted his sister back then he must play the hero and travel to 7 nations to reunite with his sister.
Aether could handle it but when he learned that he and his sister were made out of codes to be played in this world.
It hurt him so much.
And Paimon knew he hated it and was tired of being shoved around saving and helping people along with doing a lot of tasks when he just wanted to be reunited with his sister.
And so Paimon stayed by her friend’s side by remaining ignorant of what was happening to Teyvat.
Paimon also wonders about that certain conversation at that time with Aether and the ‘creator’. All Paimon knew was the change of Aether's personality and what Paimon meant by Personality she meant the way Aether started hunting down the creator muttering something about he will do anything so long he can be with Lumine despite him taking reckless action from the ‘Creator'.
The last thing Paimon could see or remember was pushing Aether out of the way from getting hit by one of the heads of the creature that Albedo's imposter and true creator summoned. She got hit instead of her friend who started screaming her name clutching her tiny body.
Paimon couldn't hear Aether’s words as she suffered the effects and then fell unconscious in her friend's arms.
Paimon will do anything to make her friend happy and promises them that she will make sure Aether reunites with his sister.
"Someone has fallen to the unknown effects of the monster!"
"Another one has passed away from it!"
"I need medical attention over here!"
“Someone call a healer please!"
The people who survived the aftermath of the fight between the two wither have now taken shelter in Liyue after one of their people killed a wither that wasn't defeated by the Traveler was suddenly in Liyue destroying and killing any living beings it could find or buildings to get to them.
Luckily the vision users in Liyue were able to stop it however the people who got hit by the wither skull have died from the wither effect; however, they have only left people who are vision users unconscious or worse, in a coma. Venti was one of the victims who have been hit by the wither same goes for the other vision users except currently he is unconscious as healers from Fontaine with Hydro visions or those other people who use Anemo started healing the people who have visions or those who don’t have visions but unfortunately can not be saved.
Madame Ping watched the citizens and the citizens from Mondstadt help one another. She could also see the Tianquan sending orders to the Qixing and Millelith to help the survivors of Mondstadt and Ganyu was there speaking to Jean who was carrying a passed-out Kaeya by the shoulder. The Traveler could be seen sitting down with his head down in grief and Madame Ping knew something must have happened to Paimon since she saw someone taking the tiny floating companion to one of the healers.
She sighed seeing what had happened to the city of freedom and that it was the sign of the destruction that would happen to her beloved nation.
“If only you used your eyes and mind, old friend,” She said glancing at Zhongli who frowned seeing the state of the Mondstadt people, “Then our dear creator would never start her revenge on us if we-no you realize the signs that the one who sat in our beloved creator's throne was the true imposter”
Madame Ping just shook her head and drank her tea while the Liyue's retired Archon just looked at his tea that would soon be a cold tea. Madame Ping may not forgive her old friend for killing innocent people, especially XiangLing's family and other people who helped the creator. She decided to have one last tea with him before she and Yanfei parted ways with Liyue.
At least she and Yanfei knew who the real creator and the real imposter but they were sent to jail after what they did by helping the true creator to escape.
But thankfully they were released, however unfortunately we're only to know the aftermath of what has happened to the failed execution. Both Yanfei and Madame ping agree to leave Liyue not wanting to be in a nation that is currently going around like headless chickens and asking forgiveness for what they had done when they should have listened to them, especially Yanfei who has all the evidence.
In the end, no one listened and now will pay the price…
Zhongli knows that Madame Ping and Yanfei will be leaving Liyue and he doesn't stop them. After all, they had the right to leave by their own decisions, especially since he and his people were the cause of letting their nation feel the wrath of the creator.
“I heard that Shenhe was released from her prison and went into a rampage when she heard Chongyun was killed” Madame Ping started, “The fact there have been sightings of dead treasurer hoarders somewhere in Ligue and a Cryo vision being used on them is the fact that Shenhe is angry”
“Indeed. She was released 2 days after the…incident ” Zhongli said.
“Huh no wonder why I keep seeing elements of Cryo being used on some dead treasurer hoarders that I encountered through the lands of Liyue"
Zhongli and Madame Ping looked to their side and saw Yanfei who was carrying a bag walking towards them.
“Hello, Yanfei” Madame Ping greeted Yanfei, “Is everything already packed?”
“Yep” Yanfei nodded, “Yelan decided to help as well since she's planning to leave with her people along with Uncle Tian and Huixin as well“
“Well, that's good to hear,” Madame Ping said before looking at Zhongli who is watching Jean and Ningguang speaking to each other.
“I will be leaving now, Morax,” Madame Ping told Zhongli who sighed and nodded.
“Safe travels old friend,” He said.
With that Madame ping slowly stood up as Yanfei was there by her side carrying the tea set with the ex-Adeptus. Both slowly leave the Yuehai Pavilion while Zhongli on the other hand just looks at his tea that has now become cold. He let out a sigh recalling what he had done for serving the true imposter. He cursed himself for not realizing the obvious signs of what the true imposter did when they disguised themselves as the creator he had prayed to and worshipped. He should have realized things sooner, especially the way Zhongli faintly remembered the imposter manipulated everyone with some kind of power or fragrance that made them in control of their actions yet Zhongli and the others allowed the creator to do it despite they have sudden doubts about it but will be washed away once the creator notices them.
But it doesn’t excuse their actions for being oblivious and letting Mallory continue ruling and almost bringing Teyvat down with her tranny actions. However after the events of the execution, he and his fellow archons are more than happy that they get to make Mallory suffer and go all out on her since she cannot die when she is cursed by the creator for the crimes and sins she had done from stealing their creator’s identity. Despite the torture of revenge, they brought to the real imposter for her sins, and the archobs know that despite what they did will not make the creator forgive them. Zhongli grimaced at remembering the anger of some citizens such as Chef Mao, Xingqiu’s family, and Chogyun’s family when this whole time the children were innocent and didn’t die for saving and helping an imposter but the creator.
Everything has gone into shambles and Zhongli couldn’t help remembering a particular memory as he then started walking down the Yuehai Pavilion stairs and heading towards his own shrine that he made.
“Hmm?” Guizhong glanced at her friend who looked at her with eyes filled with questions.
“Why would you serve the higher god, the creator for everything when we were created just to be puppets?” He asked the Goddess of Dusk who was touching some of the glaze lilies she had loved dearly.
Morax never liked the creator after he learned the truth of what he and the other roles are from Guizhong who spoke to him about what their world and roles are about to them. Nevertheless, he was furious however he continued his role but still held a deep disdain for the creator who only made him and other gods beings that will soon become puppets of their game if they survived the war that will happen to them soon and one of them will become a vessel to the creator. This is why other beings are angry at Morax for hating the creator while some understood the geo dragon’s feelings towards the creator.
They are only created solely to create the world where the creator will be using one of them as a vessel.
So Morax decided to ask his friend why did she continue praying or worshipping such as he had seen his friend giving her favorite flowers, food, or any kind of item she could give away to the temple that he despised since the temple is for the creator where humans and gods would send their offerings in hoping the creator would accept them. Morax was not one of the people who would give offerings to the creator yet he doesn’t stop Guizhong from sending her offers and Guizhong lets Morax show his dislike for the great creator in her presence since she understands how he feels about the higher god.
“This is the first that you asked me Morax” Guizhong chuckled as she turned to face her friend who continued staring at her.
“You never asked me about this despite knowing I'm one of the gods who worshipped them,” She said, “Why so curious, my friend?”
Morax crossed his arms, “I still do not understand why you are showing your dedication to them when you already know the truth? Should you not be angry at them?”
Guizhong merely gave her friend a smile before she bent down to pick up the Glaze Lilies and gestured to follow her which the Geo God did. Both of them were walking to a certain path that would lead to a certain temple.
“When I first learned the truth of my role and what this world is I was devastated,” She explained with honesty, “Learning that my role in this world is irrelevant and I knew someday day I wouldn't meet the creator once they finally walk through the land or choose one of the people or gods to be their vessels”
Morax stayed silent and continued listening to his friend as they both walked to the great temple of the creator where they would place their offerings and prayers.
“I didn’t know what to do with the truth…” Guizhong sighed, “But another part of me was…curious”
Morax blinked and glanced at the Goddess, “Curious?”
Guizhong giggled as she stared up at the skies with an unreadable expression, “Indeed I was curious. I didn’t know why after I became sad I started curious about the reason our Creator made this land and made us as well”
They then reached their destination before Guizhong dragged the reluctant Morax inside the temple that is filled with different offerings from the people and the other Gods that reside in Liyue.
“I wanted to know who our creator is and I wanted to know the reason why they put us in this land with roles to fulfill” She continued before kneeling down and placing the flowers next to the offerings, “So far I only know little information of who our creator is other then we know that they have given us orders or rather things to fulfill. The one place I know who would have more information about our Creator is Khaenri'ah”
“It's a shame but” Guizhong then started to smile as Morax looked at her in confusion, “I could not help but thank them”
“Thank them?” Morax repeated the words, “You thank them despite knowing your role is irrelevant to this land they made?”
Guizhong nodded, “Yes I would like to thank them. For being alive and able to see what they created and leaving us to make it our home and the home to the people of Liyue”
Her words were genuine yet they still confused Morax. Thanking the creator for making them born and then letting us do whatever we want just for the people that they are given or rather to protect? The geo God still has questions yet he doesn’t have the heart to ask more of his friend who is now starting to do her daily prayers to the Creator.
“You should pray to them, dear friend,” Guizhong said.
“You know I don’t do those things Guizhong” Morax stated.
“Just this once,” She said, “ I am only asking you once to pray for them even if you keep hating our creator”
Morax grumbled to which the Goddess of dust laughed at her friend who then started praying for the first time to the creator.
That was the last time they prayed to the great creator in the temple together…
Morax held the dying body of Guizhong who was dying after a fierce battle. Both of them were in an area surrounded by Glaze Lilies as the Night sky bloomed to them. The geo god was in tears while his friend was also crying yet still had her beautiful smile. Both didn’t expect this to happen but they knew someday they would both part ways from each other but not today.
“How could they…” Morax muttered, “You always pray to them…and yet you are dying..”
It was then that Morax started loathing and hating the creator even more. Guizhong, his dear friend and one of his closest people who he cherishes dearly, is now dying in his arms. He didn’t want her to leave or her to see her dying yet fate decided to tear them apart. Seeing his friend like this made him slowly start to hate the creator even more.
Why aren’t they saving Guizhong?
Did she not pray enough for them?
Did her offerings not satisfy them?
Did she not worship you enough?
So many questions that Morax wants to spat the creator angrily when he cannot lose one of his dearest friends who was not afraid of him or judged him for hating the creator. Guizhong saw her friend’s change of expression. For once she was happy to see another expression from her friend other than having his signature poker face or his rage expression but she didn’t not like seeing her friend sad, especially since he is showing signs of hating the creator even more and is probably blaming them for her death. So she slowly lifted her hand despite dying slowly to her death. She needs to calm her friend down and not continue hating the creator.
“Don’t Morax…” She spoke with a soft and tired voice, “Do not hate them for my death…”
“How can I?!” He exclaimed, “Not when you are dying in my arms!!”
His words shooked the land as Morax gritted his teeth at seeing Guizhong still cares about the creator when she is in a serious condition.
“It is not their fault,” She told him but before Morax could retort to her Guizhong cut him off, “We both know…one of us will part away from this land…”
The full moon glowed brightly in the darkened skies as the Glaze lilies bloom around them. It was a beautiful sight yet quite saddening with the Goddess of Dust now slowly dying from her injuries but still staying breathing only for a bit just to send her final blessings or words to her close friend.
“Sorry I didn't…tell you more my reason why…I continue to pray for them” Guizhong apologize as Morax shook his head to her, “You don't need to apologize Guizhong”
Guizhong smiled as she cupped Morax's face which was stained with tears, “Although…I am glad to see you…showing more expressions…”
Morax was different from the other gods and was one of the people who rarely show emotions. Mostly everyone would see him as someone cold or someone with that they wish they would not cross paths in case of getting killed but Guizhong was one of the people or rather she might be the first person to be close with geo god who has the form of a dragon. There are many times they have been mistaken as a family or the common one where they are mistaken as lovers yet both never say anything of their close bond.
“I am grateful for the creator…” Guizhong chuckled tiredly, “For being born for this land…to meet you…and to meet others…”
“What a blessing to be created with a heart…to care deeply and…the mind to help and guide…the people of Liyue…”
You can see Guizhong slowly losing her body but she still stays strong to make sure her friend remembers her words and also hopes Morax could fulfill her last wishes along with hoping for happiness for him. Morax continued listening to every word Guizhong spoke with her remaining breath as he also made sure to embed it in his memories so that he could remember it forever.
“Despite I…could not see them…Please Morax…Protect and…also cherish them…when……you finally…meet them?” She asked her friend as she could feel her breath slowly going away but tried to stay a bit longer in her friend’s arms.
The tears of the geo god fell onto the Goddess of Dust's cheek who was still crying yet holding a smile for him.
“I will,” Morax said, “I will fulfill it my dear friend"
It sends a small chuckle to Guizhong along with it, which makes her happy that despite not seeing or meeting the creator she hopes the creator would meet Morax instead.
“About…that stone dumbbell…I have given to you”
A flash of a memory of Guizhong giving her stone dumbbell to Morax who looked at it in confusion but also keep it and take it as a challenge given by Guizhong to figure it out
“Forget about it okay…”
Morax just stayed silent as slowly Guizhong’s body began to fade away he held her fading body that was slowly reaching her upper body. The Goddess of Dust’s eyes began to close yet the smile remain on her face.
“What a blessing to be born…”
Those were her final words as she then faded into dust. The night sky continued to bloom as the wind softly flew by Morax who held the dust that was the remnants of Guizhong who has now parted from this world leaving him and others alone to fight, build and bring peace to this world.
“Guizhong…” Morax uttered those words with a voice that missed his friend.
That was the last time Morax saw Guizhong as he then remembered the times with her and the memories they had spent. But what stood out of it is that he has finally realized the words or rather why Guizhong was curious yet grateful for the creator’s existence. No one knew who the creator was or knew what their appearance looked like or sounded like. However, there have been notes about the creator wearing a cloak that covers their face and covers their whole body. They also hold a warmth that makes you know that you are home.
Before Morax was never a believer and hated the creator when he learned the truth and answers from Guizhong but after his friend died in a place filled with Glaze Lilies he finally found all the answers that he needed.
The creator has given all living beings such as Gods, Humans, and animals a meaning of life and is meant for something. This land would be what it was if the creator did not let them do what they want or give them roles to fulfill for this land to flourish. Guizhong as she said her role as background or side character is irrelevant to this world yet still had a meaning. Everyone has a meaning including himself.
The creator did not build this world for fun.
But they created it with love.
With all the answers Morax now has become one of the creator’s loyal acolytes who will not only fulfill his friend’s wishes but also cherish, worship, and thank the creator for making them born out of love.
“What a wonderful god they are…”
The location of the shrine was in a cave where only Zhongli knows where it is as he was the one who made the shrine where he can only do his prayers to the creator and bring offerings to them. Zhongli felt tears coming out of his eyes as remembered the promise he made with Guizhong. He bows his whole body to his private shrine to the creator.
He ruined his promise for Guizhong.
What would she think of him now that he had actually hurt his and Guizhong’s beloved creator?
She would be so disappointed in him.
“I’m sorry…” He cried, “I’m sorry my Creator! I am sorry Guizhong!”
“Please give me another chance to repay my sins…”
Outside the cave was a single crow that was spying on Zhongli before it flew off the moment it saw the ex-archon crying on his shrine for the creator.
If you open your eyes and realize the signs sooner.
Then you would have never suffered like this with the sin of hurting the true creator.
In the land of Inazuma, a crow flew towards the Great Narukami Shrine where shrine maidens would reside and it was also the place where the Electro Archon’s familiar reside as well. The crow cawed softly before spotting the familiar pink-haired Kitsune of Narukami shrine who seemed to know that the crow would arrive in her shrine as she lifted up her arm where the crow would land with a note on its claws.
“So it finally arrived,” Yae Miko said as she pets the crow who was happy for the pats, “I was wondering when will she deliver the letter after they finally realized their mistake of who they serve”
The crow caw before flying onto one of the roofs of the shrines as Yae Miko starts examining the letter that the crow has given her and she knows who has given this letter to her.
The Great Narukami Shrine was quiet other than some shrine maidens roaming around doing their task.
“Lady Yae!”
A Shrine maiden who seemed to be a new one ran towards the Kitsune with a look of distress. The shrine maiden panted indicating she was out of breath from running.
“Dear me,” Yae Miko said as she glanced at the shrine maiden, “What news do you have?”
“It's about Mondstadt!” The shrine maiden exclaimed with her eyes looking scared when she heard the news of the city of freedom, “The city has been destroyed and the cause of it was the great creator!”
Everyone in the shrine who heard the news started whispering in shock to her that the city of freedom has been destroyed by the true creator.
“It seems she finally has started her revenge,” Yae Miko said looking back at the letter “Looks like things will not look good in Inazuma if only Ei and the others except the Arataki gang just opened their eyes and realized the signs sooner”
Suddenly another person entered the shrine as one of your chats began cawing at the new person.
“What do you mean by that”
One of the shrine maiden gasps when they see who it was, “A-Almighty Shogun!!”
Raiden Shogun or should I say Ei suddenly appeared in the shrine with a look of shock when she saw the crow from that rooftop and recognized that the crow wasn't from Inazuma but it belonged to the true creator.
“The Shogun has appeared?!”
“When did she arrive?!”
“I thought she was busy, especially since there were many soldiers assigned around Inazuma”
Whispers appeared once again in the Shrine which made Yae Miko irritated by it as she turned around and turned around to face her friend who wanted answers.
Especially since she did not know that Yae was in contact with you.
“My it seems someone has finally got out of her place after what happened to the execution” Yae Miko chuckled, “If I recall shouldn't you be helping your people or continuing your mourning?”
“Don't change the subject Miko” Ei glared at the Pink Yokai Kitsune, “Since when did you come in contact with the creator?”
“Oh?” Yae Miko made a fake surprised expression, “Is the Almighty Shogun jealous that she was not the one to be in contact with our creator?”
Yae Miko laughed as she looked at the Electro Archon who isn't in the mood in being teased, “Alright I'll stop for now”
The Kitsune then shoos away her shrine maidens before gesturing Ei to a table that is already prepared for them ahead as all the shrine maidens give them privacy.
“Let's have a chat after you finally got out of your abode”
“How long have you known the creator Miko?” Ei promptly asked.
“Straight to the point and not even a greeting,” Yae said as she drank her tea, “Although I can't say I pity you once you realized you have been serving the fake creator”
Ei tensed up as she stared at her mango milk while Yae just looked at her. Guilt and pain were all over the Electro Archon’s face after she realized who she hunted down the whole time.
“To put it simply” Yae put down her drink, “Back when Sayu was around she informed me about the so-called impostor that you and the other archons are chasing which I had no interest that is until I saw them”
Yae looked at the person that entered her shrine while bandaging their wounds that are bleeding which are slowly flashing red to gold making her eyes widen once she recognizes the signs.
“So I took them in and started asking questions about themselves” She explained, “Only to find out they are an outlander like our dear traveler and wanted to look for a way out of this world”
“Did you know that (Y/n) complained to me about when she arrived here for no reason only to get chased down under the orders of our faker” Yae glanced at Ei who continued looking down in shame, “I pity her especially she has no idea what our world is like nor knows about her being the true creator but was mostly labeled as an impostor by everyone”
“Nothing to say? Well, then I will continue-”
“Why didn't you tell me about it Miko” Ei looked at her with a frown, “Why didn't you tell me that you knew they are the real creator when you noticed the signs”
Yae Miko suddenly felt a huge annoyance as her vision began glowing in the rage of her emotions. How long has she tried to tell Ei that she was serving a fake? How many times she was turned away and banned from getting near her and the faker?
She has told her friend so many times but she refused to listen.
This made Yae Miko annoyed.
"I told you Ei! I told you many times that the Divine creator you have been working with was none other than the true imposter" Yae looked at Ei who slumped down as you could see her eyes swarming with guilt in them.
"No excuses," Yae cut her off, "You knew you should have been suspicious when that faker suddenly starts throwing tantrums and made stupid executions on the people of Teyvat"
“The fact you say I didn't tell you when you were the one who ignored my words and continued to blindly follow that faker’s tyranny that already has ruined and killed innocent people such as Sayu and the other people from the other nations!”
Ei flinched but she knew Miko was right and Miko had the right to get angry at her. The Electro Archon looked down at her Dango milk in sadness and shame
What would Makoto think of you?
She did everything to make the creator proud.
And yet you ruined it for her and did not realize sooner that you served an imposter.
“History is repeating itself and this time it's their fault for being such blind simps!”
Dainsleif watched silently at the crow that suddenly decided to follow him in meeting the spy.
Or rather there are actually two from what he had heard from one of the crows.
“Thou shall all sinners get punished by Big sis!” The crow shouted.
Honestly, Dainsleif pitied you for dealing with these kinds of crows but at the same time, he finds them interesting despite how talkative they are.
“They will” He replied to them, “Her Majesty will start her plan once she gives the signal”
“BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!” The crow shouted following a sound that suddenly sounds like…your cackle?
“If one of my chat starts mimicking a voice that is not their own then they are probably using one of my voices or from my family”
“Is that possible?”
“It is for them and I sometimes wonder if they are a crow or just a parrot in disguise”
At least Dainsleif knows what your crow is doing or what they are like.
Finally the former Captain of Khaenri'ah' has entered the border that reaches the entrance of Liyue and Monstadt as he could see bloody footprints and walls of the cliffs that looked destroyed indicating where the third wither has gone off. One of your crows landed on Dainsleif's shoulder to which he allowed it so long the crows do that yell or peck him then he will continue to allow them to stay on his shoulder.
The good thing is that no one was sight of the entrance as it was getting dark. Mostly the place was trashed with whole and bloody footprints that can be seen at the entrance.
“Now one of our spies should arrive…”
“You know you didn't have to come with me,” Aether said to Amber.
The outrider just gave him a small smile, “I had to, especially since I already finished my tasks in Liyue and also did some checking on Eula who has fallen asleep after finally surviving that three-headed monster’s poison-like effect”
Aether grimaced at that. Eula one was one of the victims and was the first to wake up after surviving the effects of that three-headed creature they try to fight but it was not easy especially when it attacks those who are hit get some kind of poison-like effect on their bodies before dying completely except for vision users who mostly get into like a comatose state or continue suffering the pain.
Paimon was lucky that she survived the process but was unconscious after receiving the monster's effect and Aether hasn't been himself after Paimon took the hit instead of him. The healers told him that Paimon will be okay and are not sure when she'll be waking up but so far she was lucky to survive the effect of the monster.
It eases a few of his nerves to Aether but at the same time, it still made him more guilty than he got Paimon hurt.
Right now Aether was assigned by Ningguang to check the border between Mondstadt and Liyue after Ningguang got a report of something happening on the border due to the sight of crows there. Aether was supposed to do it alone but Amber decided to accompany the Traveler. Right now they already walked passed Wangshuu Inn and now are heading to Dihua Marsh to check out the strange happening at the border that is the entrance between Liyue and Mondstadt.
“I'm quite worried about what will find,” Amber said as she started hugging herself, “To think we have to check something when it's almost dark is making me get goosebumps”
“True” Aether said especially since he doesn't know why feels something will happen, “Let's hope once we finish checking we can use the teleports to go to Lityue”
“Oh yeah speaking of teleporting” Amber looked at the Traveler, “Why didn't you use that instead of walking to the entrance”
That made Aether stop walking with Amber.
In 1 minute of silence, the blonde Traveler went red as he covered his face in shame making Amber let out a laugh realizing why her friend went red with embarrassment.
He forgot about the waypoints or rather the teleporters.
“PFFT! I can't believe you” Amber wiped her tears away, “Forgot about the waypoints! Hahaha!”
Aether groaned as he covered his face, “I'm so sorry Amber!
“Hey!” Amber patted his back, “It's fine, a bit of Exercise helps!”
That made Aether uncovered his face and let out a sigh as he smiled at the outrider. Just then his smile went away as he spotted a crow flying past them. Amber saw the sudden expression of the Traveler and looked where he was looking only to see the crow as well.
“Isn't that-”
The crow whined before flying off as Amber and Aether made the chase to go after it. The crow didn't seem to notice them and was heading to the entrance of Liyue and Mondstadt which means that there can be only one thing.
You might be at the border and as much as the outrider and Traveler could return by spotting the crow they already knew that it would waste their time, especially since they are very close to the entrance.
‘Dainsleif?’ Aether thought as he never knew that he would be seeing the former Captain of Khaenri'ah again.
Aether and Amber arrived at the entrance of Liyue and Mondstadt after they followed the crow. They both thought it would lead them to the creator except it didn't but instead of the creator it was Dainsleif who was at the entrance of the border talking to someone who was wearing a brown cloak.
The Pryo brunette and the blonde Traveler were hiding as they only saw the two people talking about something. They have no idea who the cloaked person is as they try their best to stay hidden through the bushes and trees.
“Hey Aether” Amber whispered to the blonde, “Isn't he that person who stopped the creator back in the…execution?”
“Yeah, it is him,” Aether replied as he furrowed his eyebrows.
Both of them became quiet as the crow landed on Dainsleif's shoulder sulking, making the blonde Khaenri'ahian pet the bird’s head with his index finger before continuing the conversation with their ‘spy’.
“When Rosaria informed us of you suddenly joining I knew something was up, especially since Her Majesty is currently resting and preparing for her revenge,” Dainsleif said crossing his arms.
“Revenge…” Amber muttered.
The person in the cloak lowly said his words to Dainsleif who was able to hear it with the crow except for Aether and Amber who couldn't hear the cloak person’s voice and words.
Dainsleif sighed, “I trust you should know that her majesty is not gonna be giving second chances not after you almost killed her”
“Joining us won't make a change or make you accepted in Her Majesty’s arms easily”
The cloak in person started talking again and Aether swore it they sounded familiar but he can't place his finger on it.
“What's going on?…”Amber asked worriedly, “I can't hear what they are saying except that person who stopped the creator’s bloodbath”
Aether couldn't say anything and tried to get close a bit but Amber stopped him, especially since he almost got spotted by the crow.
“In 3 days her majesty will unleash the Doomsday”
Aether and Amber suddenly felt their heart drop hearing that word. They aren't sure why when they heard Dainsleif's words but hearing the word ‘Doomsday’ caused both of them to have red flags around them.
The person in the cloak flinched but asked them in another low voice to Dainsleif hummed.
“We plan to make them think 3 weeks they can prepare everything in time but that is merely a lie” Dainsleif explained, “Both her majesty and Rubedo agreed 3 days they will unleash it as a punishment”
“We need to tell everyone!…” Amber hissed in a low voice that only Aether can hear, “Everyone will get hurt!”
Aether nodded and just as they were about to quietly escape-
Aether started swaying as he hit the ground hard. Amber gasped and was about to summon her bow and she was quickly knocked down.
“INTRUDERS!! NICE ONE XIAO!!” The crow shouted as Dainsleif looked behind the cloak person who did a small glance at the duo since they did not want their face to be revealed.
Indeed the one who knocked out Amber and made Aether hit the ground was Xiao who looked at the Traveler with an unreadable expression before walking towards Dainsleif.
“W-Whats the ma-meaning of this…?” Aether asked, “W-Why”
Xiao didn't say anything as Dainsleif nodded at him, “I supposed you decided to finally come after scouting and avoiding the Geo Archon's eyes?”
Aether suddenly felt his head pounding in pain as his vision began to blurry. All he could hear was the crow's laughter before the cloaked person turned around causing Aether's eyes widened.
No way…
First Xiao and now-
“KNOCK HIM OUT!” The crow once again screamed as Aether then felt his head collide with the ground very hard.
Before he fell unconscious he words these last words:
“Make sure you use the potion that erases the memories on both of them. Her Majesty said that the effect will last until 4 days”
And then everything went black.
Somewhere in Liyue monsters began disappearing for no reason however there are some who are around the lands of Liyue but their strengths were stronger than before. Hilichurls would normally be easy to fight but now they are a bit harder and also aggressive. Slimes began to appear in numbers more than before and Geovishaps are sometimes seen in groups with the hatchling as well. The Fatuis are nowhere in sight except some Treasurer hoarders who are unfortunate to get caught in the crossfire with the elemental enemies.
No one in Liyue is safe, especially since there have been sudden earthquakes around Nantianmen that were definitely banned to all citizens and adventures considering that is where Azhdaha was sealed into.
A little blue finch was flying through the trees while trying to find high ground to stay safe from the animals, monsters, Humans, and of course, earthquakes that Azhdaha would make sometimes. The bird chirped before another earthquake came causing it to squeak as it lost its balance and started falling towards the lake.
Just as it was about to land on the water something caught the bird who was confused before opening its eyes and seeing who saved it from falling into the water.
“My what a pretty bird you are”
A woman with brown long hair wore black clothing with a black veil covering her face and a black hat that looked very similar to a certain person who wore a hat. She also wore a beautiful black dress and black gloves. A bracelet that looked like a locket was on her right wrist shimmering from time to time.
The bird chirped, making the woman giggle as she watched the bird fly away to Liyue.
“What a beautiful world this place is…” She whispered admiring the beauty of the city of Liyue.
“Oh but it is”
Suddenly a flash of green appeared a bit far but still near the woman who let out a sigh as she suddenly felt her mood down when he decided to appear.
“...What do you want?” She asked the entity behind her, “Shouldn't you be keeping one of your precious champion?”
“Shouldn't you be in your domain especially if I recall you never appear in your full form except possessing your husband” The entity retorted at the Goddess.
The woman rolled her eyes before running around to face the entity.
“What are you doing here DreamXD?” The woman glared at the other god.
DreamXD just laughed, “Come now Lady Kristin you know why I am here~”
“That’s Lady Death to you” Kristin corrected the Green God especially since she doesn't like how this God is saying her real name casually like she is his friend.
Both knew that they aren't friends especially Kristin can not forgive him when his little champion brought pain to her family.
“My how rude of you” The green God chuckled as his four wings ruffled, “And I thought you would continue being yourself instead of pretending to use that personality despite it doesn't change anything”
“Out with it!” She glared at God.
Kristin has patience but she has no patience for a God who has been interested in her daughter from the moment she was born. The mother remembered how the Green god stared at her daughter with interest and proclaimed she was the reincarnation of a higher God in another world.
Her husband never believed it. She didn't believe it either.
But in the end, she can't help but agree after she saw what her daughter was capable of when she arrived in this world.
The green God shrugged, “I just came to check on you after the other gods well mostly myself have noticed your presence disappeared and to think I would find you in this universe despite you know you can never stop your daughter’s revenge”
“But when I arrived I never felt excited!” He chirped, “To think she would pull the same idea from her Philza and Technoblade makes my day!”
The God laughed while the Goddess of Death stayed silent and stared at him. Life around Kristin was slowly withering due to her anger that is currently being held back as getting angry or falling for the taunts of the Green God would be a waste of time.
He is just like Dream, his little champion but more annoying.
“It's quite a shame though” DreamXD calm down from his laughter, “Once (Y/n) finally got her powers as the Higher God or rather the creator of this game world she would never return back to herself”
“You know what I mean right Lady Kristin?~”
Kristin frowned. She knew what he was talking about and she could not meet you face to face without Mojang’s going after her. Once you slowly get your powers being the true creator you will be facing a price that you may not like.
Kristin wished that you didn't deserve this role, not when you have no memories of being the creator of this world and all you want is to be with your family.
“Although I wonder…If she was able to become a God. Will she be forever forgotten by her family? Just like when-”
“It seems” Kristin cut him off, “That you have forgotten what your role is like only in the Dream SMP but never outside of it”
Suddenly the atmosphere became really tense as the wind between the two gods slowly disappeared and the animals or other living beings ran away from the area as both gods stared down at each other.
“Tell me DreamXD” Kristin spoke, “What were you the God of again?”
In the blink of an eye silver chains that are glowing with darkness around them appeared and wrapped themselves on DreamXD who was startled as the ground around them withered.
“You! How-”
“The thing is DreamXD” Kristin started as she slowly walked towards the Green God, “ You are a God mostly in the Dream SMP but outside?”
DreamXD didn't say anything but he was shaking around the chains.
Is he scared?
He is angry.
He is angry because out of the other gods Kristin knows that DreamXD is more capable and strong in one server.
But if he were to go to any server or outside of it-
“…Are you trying to make me mad Lady Kristin-”
Kristin snapped her fingers causing the chains to tighten around DreamXD who gritted his teeth behind his XD mask.
“You have forgotten your place and who I am so I will correct you”
Kristin was now in front of DreamXD as she made him bend over a bit as he was very much taller than her and her husband.
“I'm the Goddess of Death,” She told him as her chocolate eyes suddenly disappeared and her eyes became the whole black behind her veil.
“When you are one God in a server that will make you powerful but outside?”
“And you? What kind of God are you?” The smirk appeared on Kristin-no the Goddess of Death made DreamXD grit his teeth behind his mask as he felt enraged and humilated thanks to this Goddess
He should have been aware that Kristin despite is the one who is in charge of the souls in the underworld was given a gift to have chains the will chain other gods and they could not escape it unless Kristin let them.
However Kristin herself knows how much power she has once she got gods on her chains will make her powerful and a threat to other gods. So for now she will only use these chains unless she is provoked.
“You are nothing”
My brain hurted this shit so bad please 😭😭😭
YEP I GAVE KRISTIN THE HELA LINES FROM MARVEL UWU ✨💕 Plus it was inspired by an animatic I watched in YouTube and I couldn't find it anymore IDK why TAT
And the meaning behind of Mumza's words about DreamXD is that in my own opinion I feel like DreamXD wouldn't be a full God unless he is in the DreamXD since its known that DreamXD and Dream are different persons yet similar people. Plus gods who are in the Minecraft world can visit other worlds like how Mumza was able to enter Teyvat without needing to possess Philza ^^
The sad thing is that she can't meet her daughter or else she'll be force to back to the underworld directly which is sad TwT
But honestly what do you think especially now I can take a break and then work on Prologue 3 that will be coming out next month ^^ I really hope you enjoy this despite it looks dragged on but hey you can't blame me on my world building lol XD
No hate in my comments or else I will remove it also no anon hating me in my inbox of my story when I already said I made this for fun and made sure it is different to the other SAGAU stories but still similar.
Also a bit of changes in Prologue part 1 and Prolonge Part 2! I'll be re-reading this interlude to check it I missed anything or made a mistake once I wake up the next day.
But anyways that's all I can say and please reblog, like and comment on my stories! Don't forget to follow me for of these!
Taglist: (If you see your username in the list and it didn't notify you like the rest then I'm sorry since I tried to search your names yet Tumblr decided to say there is no one 😭 forgive me!! TAT)
@rea-can-yeet @chocogi @ayamvirus @greenteaanon @yunadxd @leafanonsforest @g3n0dtt @lilqi @persephone-kore-law @ryokuu @sweet-seraphim @creation-magician @mappleleaf893 @rampantparadox @romireblogss @campanula-rotundifolia @loser-loalo @moon--kitty @abyssmal-skies @atsuki-mitsuri @the-real-fandom-person @alastor-mydear
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rollflasher · 3 years
So, after the seeing the little discourse caused by that one moment in Rise of the Wisp, I think it’s appropiate to give my two cents on something that I’ve seen going on in the fandom regarding how the characters are portrayed in the series.
This is talking from my personal perspective and how I see things so I don’t believe this is an absolute truth, but I’ve noticed that fans have been more lenient to defend the actions the characters do even if they’re OoC, this has happened particularly to Sonic ever since IDW made some...questionable writing choices.
All I have to say is...look, Sonic is my favorite character of all time, I adore him and nothing is gonna change that, however, just because he’s my favorite doesn’t mean I’m gonna turn a blind eye whenever he’s poorly written even if it’s just a moment, and the same goes for the rest of the characters.
Something that I found interesting is that in the case of the IDW comics, I noticed that while the characters eventually pull a lot of OoC moments, they act superficially in-character or to make it more simple, they don’t act quite in-character but we don’t have quotes like ‘’Baldy McNosehair’’ and therefore fans have less of an issue because they don’t associate the writing with Pontaff, the same thing could be said for the half-late 2000s games, which had quite some serious problems with flanderization but apparently they’re not as bad because they’re more ‘’serious’’, 06 is an eggregious case of this where yeah, you got good things such as Shadow’s portrayal...then you got a load of poor characterization such as Sonic acting as a generic hero with the dimension of a cardboard box.
And I know some are going to ask ‘’But what’s so bad about some OoC moments if the rest of the writing is good? Aren’t you being too nitpicky? At least it’s not Pontaff’’ but here’s the thing, if we have this mentality of letting characterization issues slide because they’re not Pontaff, then all we’re doing is creating a snowball of issues that are gonna pile up sooner or later until they crash and cause a disaster, otherwise try asking Sonic Adventure DX and all the problems it’s been carrying port after port and how the result is the game having a much more negative perception than what it deserves. Flynn’s questionable takes on the characters are proof of that and don’t be surprised if at one point we got something worse than Pontaff because of that mentality.
Just because some fans critisize how the characters are written, even if it involves some brief moments, doesn’t mean we’re saying ‘’Oh! Sonic didn’t say ‘You’re too slow’! Therefore it’s BAD!’’, but rather it means that we care enough about the series to point out it’s flaws so it can be better, just because a product has it’s flaws doesn’t mean it’s automatically shit. (For instance, the Mania Adventures shorts are great but I legitimally consider the ending underwhelming and I still criticize Classic Sonic being mute, yet I’m not going out of my way to claim they’re shit because of that am I?). Besides, when it comes to criticizing the modern games, the fandom always preaches that they don’t want to settle for mediocrity and that’s why they’re so harsh with games like Forces, and that’s fine and all, but if we get selective with what kind of mediocrity we want to criticize, then I don’t believe the fandom is being critical, it’s just choosing which mediocrity it likes and sticking to that.
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damdemiwitch · 4 years
Reasons Why Angus MacGyver Needs Therapy
(a.k.a. People who have caused MacGyver trauma, whether intentional or not)
Ellen MacGyver, Mac's (Late) Mother: Now, this wasn't on-screen, and we can't see how much it impacted him, but it did impact his father. Speaking of James...
James MacGyver, Mac's (Absentee) Father: The one we hate. He left Mac after his mother's death. Mac was already grieving, and then his father just ups and goes? No. You don't do this to a child. Even if you're a spy or you're grieving. Especially not if you're grieving. We're going to return to James later in this list.
Mac’s Grandfather: Again, this wasn't on-screen, but he was the last relative that was with Mac. I'd say he was the last living relative Mac had, but we know that's not true.
Alfred Pena, Mac's (Late) Mentor in Afghanistan: This man probably became an older brother or a father figure to Mac. And then he died. And Mac blames himself. Because, what if he went inside instead of Pena? We have an answer to this. You may have died and then so many other people would be dead as well. And his killer was still at large until season 3. And when Jack stepped on that pressure plate in that truck, Mac’s mind probably flashed back to when Pena died, and what if it happened again?
Not-Nikki Carpenter, Mac's Ex-Girlfriend: Now, none of us were really too upset about this "death", I don't think. But Mac was devastated. He probably thought he could have prevented it. And then learning that Nikki wasn’t dead, and had betrayed them? And Mac probably already had abandonment issues after J*mes. Thankfully he still had Jack and Thornton and Bozer and Riley (Riley will come shortly after)...
Not-Frankie, Mac's MIT Friend: Mac has already been through so much, and now Frankie is dead? We saw reaction to the phone call and we saw his need to find out what really happened. Thankfully Frankie isn't actually dead.
Nikki Carpenter, Revisited: So... Nikki didn't actually betray them? Oh. Still betrayed Mac.
Patricia Thornton, AKA Chrysalis, Former Director of the DXS and the Phoenix Foundation: Another traitor of Mac’s trust. I liked Thornton. She wasn't as good as Matty is, nor as competent, but Mac liked her nonetheless. And she betrayed them.
Zoe Kimura, a Forgotten Heroine: Can't remember much about her, other than that Mac liked her, she was smart, and she died saving people.
James MacGyver, Revisited: This awful excuse for a father, as well as an awful excuse for a man. Let's look at him: A man who cares for for the world than his son, abandoned his son, used his son, just a terrible person in general. Guess what. He was alive. And then hid a terminal illness from his son? And the fact that he had an aunt? That's messed up, dude.
Jill Morgan, the Innocent Victim: we didn't get a lot of time with her, but even that little bit endeared her to us. And then Murdoc killed her.
Jack Dalton, Revisited: Now, we can't fault Jack for going after Kovacs. But at the same time... we can still be bitter about it.
Charlie Robinson, a Martyr: I loved him. Honestly, I loved that he didn't give Mac a choice whether Charlie dies, or many people. I love that he took that choice out of Mac’s hands, even though Mac still felt guilty about it. Mac didn't get enough grieving time for this one. Or for any of them, for that matter
Phillip Lasky, For the Greater Good: If you don't remember, this guy was the one in that nuclear facility that Mac chose to die over many other people. I wouldn't include him if not for the fact that he probably had a huge impact on Mac’s psyche. Here is a genius operative who goes out of his way to not hurt innocents, and then Mac is presented with a choice. Kill Lasky or many people die. If I remember correctly, Lasky had at least one child. Lasky's death probably reminded Mac a bit too much of Alfred Pena's.
James MacGyver, Revisited (yet again): Well. He's dead now. James' death left Mac with one surviving relative (as far as we know): His aunt, who in pretty high up in an organization who's goal is to eliminate a lot of the population under the guise of "saving it". I wasn't too upset about his death, but Mac was (and if that didn't make me cry just a little bit...) And then Mac gets a video thingy and it doesn't say "I'm proud of you" or "I love you" or "I'm sorry I died and left you" or "I'm sorry I abandoned you when your mother died and left you with a whole bunch of abandonment issues". No. It gave him some coordinates and then self-destructed, leaving Mac with nothing left from his father.
Gwendolyn Hayes, Who's Loyalty to her Family Trumped her Ideals: This one is a bag of cats. What can I say about her? She was manipulative, but cared about Mac and his mother enough to ultimately sacrifice herself to save him and what he believed in. I still don't fully forgive her though.
Jack Dalton, Revisited: I loved Jack Dalton. He was everything to Mac. He was an older brother, a father, a partner. And then he left Mac to go on a mission. This was fine and I get it, but he left. Matty ordered him to come back to them, he promised Riley pizza and skeeball, and he told Mac "I'll see you on the other side, I guess." He told them he'd come back, he promised them. But he didn't. And that shattered Mac. Mac’s reaction was probably one of the most heartbreaking things ever. What happened to "you go kaboom, I go kaboom"?
Leanna Martin: Leanna was a barely seen member of the team. She was mainly a background character, mentioned, but not often on-screen. She disappeared one day and the next time we hear of her, we find out she's dead. I don't think Mac was particularly close to her, but losing a teammate probably had an impact on him.
This ends my rant (for now).
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selchwife · 3 years
i think probably im having trouble with all this so badly lately bc im so stressed. i feel like on some level i was doing a little better before mom went into the hospital and i sprained my ankle, but all of the stress of that and now knowing that on new years’ i’m going to have to start worrying about a plan to get me out of here and everything, like......it’s remarkably stressful, and i think i’ve taken a few steps back in recovery because of it, which is....not great.
i just have to kind of remember that like...yes, self-diagnosis can be dicey. sometimes it’s correct, though. it’s entirely possible to have at least a good idea of what’s wrong. i’ve hit on a lot of wrong answers for my symptoms before, but in all those cases i didn’t understand as much as i do about DID. frankly, even if it’s not DID specifically, i don’t think anything other than another parts-based dissociative disorder is in the running. it’s very unlikely that anything else would make any fucking sense. a professional will be able to help me sort this out, but like, i’m aware of my symptoms enough to at least understand that alters are one of them, which narrows things considerably. i worry they’re not “really that” sometimes, but like...of course they are.
as for autism, like, no i don’t have a formal diagnosis. i’m also an adult, so getting one would be a nightmare. but i didn’t self-diagnose, either; i was interrupted in the middle of an unrelated therapy session because i mentioned having “some symptoms” but thinking they were nothing (this in retrospect is hilarious) and given a screening test. between a professional and other fucking autistic people telling me over and over “you are like, almost certainly autistic,” i think it’s pretty safe to say that’s the case even without the more involved testing gauntlet. this was never like, My Idea in the first place, it’s silly for me to act like i just Decided to be autistic one day. it was certainly a surprise when i was sorta-diagnosed, and the professional i was working with thought it was important enough for her to have my mom come in and be told lmao.
idk. im just kind of saying this stuff for my own benefit, i guess. ever since finding out about that stupid subreddit i have been extremely bad and weird about believing there’s ANYTHING wrong with me, and this is an effect that people who use it to be assholes have reported about even their own diagnosed conditions. it’s not good for anyone. it’s brain poison. i know i’m sick because, like, if i was well i would not be having these horrible problems, and it’s natural to draw conclusions based on your symptoms. 
also like. once again. not only did i not self-dx with autism but it is so obvious as to be painful. all through middle school i was so deeply obsessed with physics i made family gatherings awkward with it and my friends couldn’t stand me. in high school i even got into a big fucking stupid argument with my teacher about thermodynamics because of it. i did a presentation for speech class on the higgs boson that was so laden with technical jargon the teacher had to take me aside afterward and be like “please don’t do that again.” i was literally like THE stereotype. they wouldve spotted it from a mile away if i was a cis boy
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You Promised
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Sodapop Curtis x Reader; Platonic! Darry Curtis x Reader
Words: 3925
Summary: You and Sodapop have been together for so long you’ve become part of the family. Something about the upcoming rumble feels wrong and you try and get the Curtis boys to stay out of it. Nobody knew that the Socs were bringing blades to the fight. 
Notes: I’m in love with Sodapop Curtis and I’m not sorry. (gif by @complicatedswirls​)
The morning would have been peaceful had you not woken up to the banging knocks on the door. You were wrapped snugly in your boyfriend's arms, the sun was peeking through the window and you were dead meat if you were caught in Sodapop’s bed again. The knocking continued. 
“Soda, you better come get breakfast before Darry comes in to get you!” Ponyboy yelled through the door. Usually, the brothers shared a room, but Soda had a date last night and Ponyboy slept out on the couch with Johnny since his parents were fighting all night. 
“One second!” Soda yelled back, scrambling to collect his work uniform from the floor. “Shit, you better get outta here before Darry freaks again. 
“Sodapop Curtis!” Darry’s voice rang from the kitchen followed by thundering footsteps. You barely got to your feet before Soda was pushing you into his closet. 
“Sorry.” He planted a quick kiss on your lips before shutting the door, leaving it open just enough so you wouldn’t be stuck in the dark. Darry bust in the room not a second later. 
“Did you not hear me calling you, boy?” He boomed. Seeing the state his brother was in, Darry put his hands on his hips. “Alright, where is she?” At first, he tried to play dumb. 
“Where is who?”
“Dammit Sodapop, don’t you get cute with me.” He stepped towards his brother who scurried away. 
“Oh you mean Y/N?” He laughed nervously. “She was super tired after the movie last night so I bet she’s still asleep.” Darry nodded and clicked his tongue. 
“So those are yours then?” He pointed to an article of clothing on the floor. You grimaced. Your underwear. Sodapop bit his lip. He looked cute when he was guilty.
There was a large commotion as Darry chased Sodapop around the room. You couldn’t help but giggle from behind the closet door. Darry caught him by the scruff of his neck and put him in a headlock under his arm. 
“Alright Y/N, you come on out now.” He ordered. Soda didn’t bother struggling. Darry was strong enough to hold him there all day if he wanted to. You peaked out from behind the door, your cheeks bright red. 
“I think I’d like to stay in here.” He scowled. 
“Sweetheart, if you’re not out of this room in five seconds-”
“I will gladly get out of your hair Darryl if you would be kind enough to hand me my undergarments.” You stuck your hand out of the closet with a smirk. Now it was Darry’s turn to blush. Sodapop looked up at you with wide eyes filled with a mix of pride and fear. Nobody talked to Darry like that. 
“You could always come out without em’!” Steve yelled from the doorway with howling laughter. 
“You better get outta here before I whoop you too, Steve.” Darry growled and pushed Sodapop out the door. He turned back towards you with a look that wiped the smirk right off your face. “Get yourself dressed and I might just get you something to eat before you go to school.” Just before he left, there was a tiny trace of a smirk on his lips. He never liked being mad at you. 
After a tense breakfast, Darry insisted that he drop you off at school on his way to work. You and Soda exchanged a nervous look. 
“I’ll see you when I get off work, okay?” He said, fiddling with the chain of your bracelet while he kissed the tips of your fingers. It was a bottle cap and he wore a necklace to match. You thought it was clever. Steve made a gagging sound. You made sure he saw you kiss. 
“Bring me a Cola?” You grinned and he gave you a smile that outshined the Oklahoma sun. 
“As always.” He leaned in for another kiss until Darry cleared his throat behind you. 
“You’re gonna be late.” 
“Don’t let him scare you.” Sodapop whispered to you. “He’s really a softy.” He gave your cheek a quick peck and ran to catch up with Steve, but not before earning a smack to the back of the head from his big brother. 
“Let’s go.” 
You anxiously shuffled to his truck, preparing to get your ass chewed. At least he cared enough to yell at you. Your parents hardly acknowledged your existence. You spent more time at the Curtis house so you never even saw them anymore. Fine by you. 
Darry saw you as part of the family. With how much time you spent with Sodapop, it was like having a kid sister around. That being said, he felt like he was responsible for you, too. 
“We need to talk.” He huffed, starting the engine. “You know I love you like a sister, right?” You nodded, a little surprised by the change of tone. “And I think you and Soda are great together. I mean, I’ve never seen the kid so happy.” He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. “But you guys have got to be more careful.” 
“We are.” You muttered, shifting uncomfortably in your seat. At least he seemed to be as uncomfortable as you. 
“I mean, what if he got you pregnant?” The word sounded funny coming from his mouth. “Have you even thought about that?” You stared at your lap and shook your head. He blew out a breath, wanting this conversation to end. “Just… promise me you’re gonna be more careful.” 
“You’ve got to say it.”
“I promise, Darry.”
You ended up skipping your fourth class to sneak to the DX to surprise Sodapop.
“Could I get some service around here?” You teased, hopping up onto the counter. He pulled you into a kiss, but gave you a disapproving look. 
“You shouldn’t ditch class to come see me.” You rolled your eyes.
“Come on, you’re starting to sound like Darry.” You ruffled his hair and earned a playful glare. Greasers and their tough guy hair. The bell at the door rang and Soda’s smile faded. A group of Socs must have had the same idea as you. 
“You know the rules. Nothing funny before a rumble.” Sodapop warned. The blonde one, Bob, stepped forward with a smirk. 
“We just stopped in to make sure this pretty thing wasn’t in trouble or anything.”
“I’m sure.” You glared. Steve looked ready to bust and Sodapop had a grip on your hand. That’s when you looked around Bob at the one with the curly hair. Randy gave you a hard look- one that meant he wanted to talk. You nodded so slightly only he would notice. 
“Beat it.” Steve growled. Bob just sneered. 
“We’ll see you greasers tomorrow night.” He gave you one last look before leading his pack of Socs out. Your body started to shake. Not because those creeps scared you, but because they made you so angry. Like the rage was just itching to bust out of you. 
Sodapop slowly ran his hands up and down your arms. You swung yourself around so that you were behind the counter. He pressed a kiss to your forehead, his hands still keeping their soothing motion. Soda was the only person in the world who could calm you down when you got like this. If it wasn’t for him, you probably would have ripped yourself to shreds a long time ago. 
You eventually had to go back to school, knowing exactly which fence to be waiting by when the bell rang. Randy walked alone, hands shoved in his pockets and head down. You took a long drag from your cigarette. 
“Can’t you get your friends to leave Soda alone?” You spat. “He deals with you Socs enough when he isn’t working.” Randy shrugged. 
“You know how Bob is.” He looked up at you and rocked back on his heels. Was he nervous? “He’s got something planned for the rumble tomorrow.”
“What do you mean?” He sighed.
“I can’t tell you.” Of course. His loyalties were still to his friends. “I just didn’t think it would be fair if I didn’t give you some kind of warning.”
A loud whistle sounded from the street. There stood Darry, arms crossed and eyes mean. You glanced at Randy and he nodded, pushing you to the ground. It looked less suspicious if you hated each other. 
“Hey!” Darry yelled, starting towards you. 
“Just tell them to be careful, okay?” Randy ran off and Darry helped you to your feet. 
“What was that about?” He asked, thinking about chasing after him. He was far too old for that kind of thing. 
“I called him a coward for cornering Sodapop at the DX today. He didn’t like that too much.” You wished you didn’t have to lie, but Darry might take it the wrong way. He didn’t seem to totally believe you, but it was enough. You headed towards the truck.
“Soda know about them buggin you?” 
“No.” You exclaimed. “You know he’d just get himself into trouble.” Darry scoffed, but agreed. “You won’t tell him will you?” He hesitated to answer. “Come on, Darry, promise me you won’t tell him.”
“Alright, alright.” He started the car with a huff. “I promise.” 
Dinner that night held an awkward tension that had Ponyboy fidgeting with his fork and Sodapop giving you questioning looks. You spent most dinners at the Curtis house since your parents were usually out drunk by the time you got home. Darry didn’t mind the extra mouth to feed since you helped with cooking at paying for groceries when you had money. You often joked that your parents should pay Darry for child support. 
Tonight, he avoided your eyes and hardly said a word. You were too busy trying to figure out what Randy meant to try any small talk. Soda didn’t like it when everybody was this quiet. It always meant something was wrong. 
“Those Socs won’t know what hit them, right Pony?” Soda said, finally breaking the silence. You winced at the thought of the rumble. The two started going on and on about the fight until you just couldn’t take it. 
“I don’t want you to go.” You blurted. Three pairs of eyes stared at you. Sodapop laughed nervously. 
“I know you hate getting left behind, but we’ll be back before you know it.” You always put up fights like this when there was a rumble, always saying you could be just as tough as any of the boys. But something about your tone was different and they all knew it. 
“No, Soda.” You tried to sound firm- determined- but you just sounded scared. “I don’t want you fighting the Socs tomorrow night. That goes for you too, Ponyboy.” You cautiously shifted your gaze to Darry, who looked like he was trying to figure you out. “You too.”
“We can’t skip out on everybody.” Ponyboy exclaimed. “They’d think we were a bunch of chickens!” 
“We’re just blowing off steam, Y/N.” Soda put a hand on top of yours. “It’s nothing to get worked up about.”
“You don’t know that!” Your eyes pleaded with him. The oldest brother remained silent. “Tell them, Darry. Tell them that you’re all going to stay here where it’s safe.” 
Darry ran a hand over his face, taking a deep breath as he thought what to say. You’d never gotten like this before, but he didn’t like being bossed around by his kid brother’s girl. 
“People are depending on us to be there.” He concluded, giving you a hard, but curious stare. You pushed away from the table, tearing your hand away from Soda’s and trying not to see the hurt on his face. 
“Well don’t expect me to sit here and watch!” You cried. The door slammed behind you as you ran out of the house. Sodapop got up to follow you but Darry stood to block the door. 
“It’s late, Soda. Give her a night to cool off.”
“But Darry-”
“I said let her cool off.” Darry’s tone left no room for argument. “You can talk to her in the morning.” He sat back down to finish eating and Sodapop just stood at the door, watching you run away. 
Sodapop felt really awful the next morning. He was awake tossing and turning until Ponyboy told him to quit squirming. He wished he knew what had you all riled up about the rumble. He planned to be real sweet to you to make you feel better and get you a chocolate bar or something like that. 
You didn’t come over after breakfast like you usually did on weekends. Darry went to work and Johnny came over so Ponyboy hung out with him all morning. It was Soda’s day off from the DX and he really wished you would come over so he could straighten everything out. He finally got it in his head to go over to your house even though you never liked having him there on account of your parent’s nastiness towards him. 
He barely got out the door when he saw you just down the street, pacing back and forth. You’d been trying to talk yourself out of going to the Curtis house for the past twenty minutes. 
“Y/N!” Soda shouted, starting down the sidewalk towards you. You shoved your hands in your jacket pockets and stomped in the opposite direction, pretending not to notice. Maybe you could convince yourself you didn’t care if the Socs skinned the lot of them. 
“Come on, Y/N, would you just talk to me?” Sodapop pleaded, trying to grab your hand, but swatted it away like he was a fly or something. Soda could deal with yelling. It was cold silence he couldn’t handle. “You know I hate it when you’re mad at me. I just hate it!” You finally quit walking and you whipped around to face him. 
“And I hate it when you come home with those awful balck eyes and your face all cut up!” You yelled back, feeling your face get hot and tears start to well up in your eyes. “And who knows how bad it’ll be tonight? They could bring bricks or chains. Or worse, knives or guns.” If it was bad enough for Randy to rat out his buddies to you, it was enough to scare you. 
“Baby, I’m gonna be just fine.” His voice softened and you let him wrap his arms around your waist. “I’ve always been able to handle myself, haven’t I?”
“But Soda-”
“I’ve always come back in one piece?” Those baby blues were starting to wear you down. 
“Yes.” You sighed and he kissed your cheek, wiping your worried tears away. “I just… I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you. To any of you.” You loved everybody in the gang. Those boys were all the family you really had, even Dally. 
“We’ll be back before you even know we’re out.” He smiled in a way that made it impossible not to smile back. “You know us. If we didn’t rough around every once in a while, we’d bust.” 
The rumble of a truck coming down the road ended the argument. 
“Would you two cut it out and help me fix lunch?” Darry shouted, though you could see his amused smile through the windshield. He had hoped you’d come around. 
You would convince Darry. He was reasonable. He was just acting tough for the boys last night. You would talk to him. 
His crew had gotten the roof done early so he came home for lunch to check if you were still upset. You were, of course, still very upset, but Soda had a way of calming you down even if you wanted to be anything but. You stood at the counter helping Darry put together some sandwiches and Soda stood behind you, lightly running his hands up and down your arms. He made it hard to stay mad. 
Darry watched your hands tremble slightly. Maybe he should have let Sodapop go after you last night. His kid brother had a way of making everybody’s worries disappear. Darry told Soda to run and grab some Cokes- his treat. 
“You okay, kid?” He asked once Soda was gone. You set down the bread in your hand and gave him a pleading look. 
“I know I can’t convince you not to let them go.” You sighed. 
“The guys’ll get killed if we leave them.”
“Just…” If you told him about Randy maybe he wouldn’t go. You should have told him. “Can you at least promise me that you won’t let anything happen to him?”
“You know I’d never let him get hurt.”
“I know, but just promise?” If you hear his assurance maybe you would feel better. “Promise that you’ll keep yourself and the boys safe. I couldn’t handle it if-” Your voice cracked. Darry put a hand on your shoulder. 
“Nothing’s gonna happen. I promise.”
Before either of you could say anything else, Sodapop bounded back into the house, drinks in hand. You exchanged a looked with Darry and he simply gave you a reassuring nod. 
You could have stopped it. 
Sodapop fiddled with the bottle cap that hung on a string around his neck. You thought it was clever when you made it for him. He rarely ever took it off. He thought of you nervously playing with your matching bracelet as the mustangs drove into the lot. Shoot, he ain’t never been this nervous before a rumble. 
“You okay Soda?” Ponyboy asked quietly. 
“Just got a funny feeling, that’s all.” He shrugged, trying to shake it off. Maybe your scared eyes had just gotten under his skin. 
“You better quit squirming or the Socs’ll think you're scared or something. Steve whispered. Soda punched his arm.
“I ain’t scared.”
“Cut it out.” Darry snapped. Flocks of Socs got out of their fancy cars and started towards them. Some of them had these funny smiles on their faces. Like they knew something the greasers didn’t. 
Steve got hit first. Hard, too. His nose started bleeding all over the place. Soda got a hold of one of them and landed a punch to the gut. 
Everything was fast and blurry and Darry had a hard time keeping an eye on his brothers. It seemed like they were winning. Through the mass of brawling boys, Darry almost didn’t notice the small flashes of silver popping up one by one. Blades. 
“Ponyboy!” Darry screamed, shoving a Soc off of himself. Things got messy. Two-bit broke out his blade when he saw the Soc’s. Johnny and Dally were both able to hold their ground with their own knives. Darry couldn’t see his brothers anymore. 
A loud cry broke through the noise of the fight and one Soc in particular turned white as a sheet. Then they all started running back to their cars. A few of the Sherpard’s gang started to cheer. They thought they had one. But Steve was kneeling, his hand trying to stop the blood from his nose, and the other boys had gathered around a huddle of something on the ground. 
Darry shoved the boys aside until he saw Ponyboy. He was sitting on the ground, panicked tears running down his face. His hands were covered with blood. 
“T-they got him, Darry.” He bawled. Sodapop was a crumpled heap in his arms, the color drained from his face. 
“It’s just a scratch.” He tried to give Darry a smile, but he started coughing. Darry dropped to the grass, putting his hands over the spot the blood was coming from. God, there was so much of it. 
“You’re gonna be okay, little buddy.” Soda couldn’t remember the last time Darry had sounded so scared. The oldest Curtis kept himself together for the sake of his brothers, but on the inside he was cracking down the middle. “You’re gonna be just fine.” He cried. “I promise.” 
The hospital lobby was almost as noisy as the rumble itself. Doctors and nurses talked frantically as they walked by and the gang tried to keep each other distracted. Steve was even being nice to Ponyboy. 
“Soda can’t die.” Darry overhead Johnny’s quiet, frightened voice whisper to Dally. “He just can’t.”
“Don’t say shit like that, man.” Dally muttered, shifted uncomfortably. “Of course Soda’s not gonna die.”
Darry brought his hand up to run his fingers through his hair, but froze when he saw the red color still staining his hands. He couldn’t get all of it off. He shoved them back in his pockets instead. 
“Darryl Curtis!” A scream rang from down the hall. If it was quiet as you stormed towards him, it was deadly silent when your hand collided with his cheek. The boys were shocked. Nobody slapped Darry. 
“Y/N I-”
“You promised!” You shrieked. You’d kept yourself from crying when you got the call from Johnny, but now, looking into Darry’s wide eyes, you couldn’t stop the tears. “You promised that you would keep him safe. You bastard, you promised!” 
Your fists violently beat against his chest and he just stood there and took it until you collapsed against him. He wrapped his arms around you to hold you up and let you cry. The guys didn’t dare to even whisper. Darry held you like that for a good long while until one of the doctors tapped him on the shoulder. 
“Are you responsible for Sodapop Curtis?” You hadn’t heard an adult say his name in so long it almost sounded funny. Darry made sure you could stand before turning to the doc. 
“Yes, sir.” 
“I need a word with you, but then you can go back and see him.” He gave you a hard look. “Family only.” Darry stiffened and put a hand on your shoulder. 
“She is family.” Had the doctor not been half his size, the look Darry gave him would still frighten any man into submission. He led you to the hospital room and pulled Darry aside. Ponyboy practically ran inside. You were almost too scared to move. You didn’t know what a dying person looked like and you wondered if Soda would be it. But when you finally stepped inside, the boy lying in the bed had a twinkle in his eye and smile on his face. Other than being frightfully pale, he looked like your Sodapop. 
“I was worried they weren’t gonna let you back.” His voice was a little quiet, but he still sounded like himself. You had to keep yourself from bawling all over again. 
“Darry made sure of it.” You said, your voice raw after all that screaming and crying. “He’ll be in after he’s done talking to the doctor.”
“All the guys are out there waiting for you.” Ponyboy sniffed, trying not to cry too. You pulled a chair up beside the bed and held Soda’s hand up to your cheek. None of you said anything for a while, you just sat and looked at each other. You only tore your eyes away when Darry walked in. The tears in his eyes scared you half to death. 
“The doctor said,” He choked out, “he said you’re gonna be alright.”
Everybody was crying then, even Darry. Soda threw his arms around you and Ponyboy and Darry yelled at him to lay back down. He covered your face with kisses, making you laugh. Through the small window, the sun started to rise and the room was slowly engulfed by its golden rays.
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Heres the Soda/Dally fanfic I was talking about earlier
lmk what you think, its super cheesy lol, but most of my writing is
Dally pulled his jacket tighter around himself as he stepped out of Bucks. It was getting colder by the second, and the sun was setting, meaning he had about twenty minutes before he was prone to getting jumped. And while he loved fighting some Socs normally, he wasn't in the mood right now.
He was thinking, thinking more about himself then he had in a real long time. He was trying to think of the names people had used back in New York, names for people like him.
Queer was a common one. People would joke about it back then, saying bad things about gays for no damn reason. He remembered the burning in his chest and the knot in his stomach when people said those things, even back then, before he knew for sure, when he was fourteen and kissing girls on street corners and everything was okay, or at least trying to be.
There were worse ones too. Ones that even his gang mates wouldn’t say, and they were the toughest of tough. Ones he had only heard from two people, that biker man on the side of the street, and his dad.
The stranger was easier to ignore. He yelled a few words as Dally passed, but Dally didn't react, he kept his head down, but his hands were shaking as they reached for a cancer stick, because lord, how did he know? Did he look gay?
The ones from his dad were the worst. He would stand, pressed as far up against the wall as he could while his dad yelled, and hit him, and called him worse things than the Socs did when they got to him now, and he would leave the house to go curl up in some ally out of the way where no one would find him, and he would ignore the tears running down his face, and he wouldn't go back home that night.
“Hey, Dal!”
Dally spun around, waiting as Sodapop jogged to catch up. He grinned good-naturedly, but his heart was beating a little faster.
Everyone but Dally and Soda seemed to know how Dally felt for Soda. Dally didn't really know when he had started liking the middle Curtis, but one day he looked over, and Sodapops hair was glowing golden, and he leaned over into Dally-an affectionate move, sure, Dally thought, but not a romantic one-and Dally fell in love with Soda. 
“Soda man, how’ve you been?” 
Soda fell into stride next to Dally, throwing an arm around his shoulder that made Dallys cheeks go red.
“Pretty good, DX has been busy lately. You?”
Dally looked sideways over at Soda, who was grinning and looking at Dally as if he were his best friend in the world. But that's just how Soda makes everyone feel, Dally said to himself. That's just how Soda is.
“Im okay. Nearly got hauled in the other day, cop thought I was doin’ something sly, I was just walking around, can you believe that? Managed to sweet talk him, but the one time I ain’t doing something bad, they try to say I am.”
Soda laughed, which made Dally want to kiss him even more, but he pushed the feelings down. 
Dropping his arm from around Dally’s shoulder, Soda looked up at him, before sighing deeply and looking back at the road.
“Can I talk to you...can I tell you something? I haven't told anyone yet, not even Steve...I just don't know how to say it.”
Dally stopped walking, turning to Soda, a little surprised.
“Sure, man.”
“I’m gay.”
Dally felt his heart leap a little, and he jammed it back down, stuffing his hands in his pockets and continuing walking.
“You hear me, Dal? You alright?”
“Yeah, I heard you?”
“Are you pissed at me? What's goin’ on, Dallas?”
“No, I ain't pissed at you. I don't mind, Sodapop, it doesn't bother me, if that's what you're trying to figure out. I'm not against gays.”
Soda still looked confused. “But why? You seem like something’s wrong, what's the matter?”
Dally didn't answer, walking faster and grabbing his pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, holding one to his mouth and lighting it with shaking hands.
“I’m gay too.” Dally spoke quietly, slightly angrily. Not at Soda really, more himself.
Soda stopped, blinking once before reaching out, but Dally pulled away.
“You tell anyone, you're dead.” he muttered.
“I wont tell no one, Dal, you won't either right?”
Dally nodded, and they continued.
Soda stopped again, and Dally turned, slightly annoyed.
“Come on, Soda, we gotta get to your house before dark-”
“What if I told you I wanted to kiss you?” Soda cut him off, and Dally swore he stopped breathing.
“W-what?” he whispered, and Soda smiled at him.
“What if I told you I wanted to kiss you? What would you do?”
“I-I would let you kiss me..? I..don't know, what the hell kind of question is that?” Dally’s heart was pounding so loud, he was surprised Soda couldn't hear it.
And Soda leaned in, tipping his chin up a little, and their lips connected.
It was a couple of seconds before Dally pulled away, grinning but trying not to show it.
“Are you crazy, man? Someone coulda’ seen us!”
Soda just laughed, and grabbed Dally’s hand, pulling him down the street.
“You liked it!” he called, looking back at Dally as he pulled him along.
“Nuh-uh” Dally shook his head, the corners of his lips turned up a little.
“Oh, shoot.” Soda pretended to pout. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to practice more then, huh?”
“I guess you will.”
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starfruits-world · 3 years
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CC Making Journal day 7- Collars, tailoring, transparent patterns, LODs.
Aka what started as a night full of hope and excitement over nipple lace button downs turns into bowling alley manager uniforms, tiramisu, irl shirt theft, screaming about paint buckets, and disappointment. Yuuri making his cute face is all I can stand. I didnt even go in game for this shirt I was so disappointed. 
First realization- when the mesh is ugly as fuck there is no saving the piece. Just start over. 
Second realization- half sleeve will never be flattering
No matter how these jazzy looking boy pose:
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BUt I started off realizing this piece was not a simple 4 piece suit. No- it had many moving parts. So I made my first button down. The original piece had these hideous buttons:
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I was pretty happy here.I had, after all, created my first button down with the two pieces n the back, the trim, collar, the whole 9 yards! A certain tofu loving dragon helped me find a collar pattern guide after they caught me blindly making the worst collar known to man on stream. Thank you for your guidance. (I also wasnt sure if the collar was 1,2,or 3 pieces so I stole a shirt from my dads closet. Its still on my bed. I may keep it. He doesnt need it anyway. Its so soft) We were still so naive though. Dofu tried to warn me about the weird sleeve length and frumpy sleeve holes. But I didnt listen. I was too busy screaming:
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Yes I did a little peak at the stammi vicino possibilities. I felt so close.But then...
It came to open it in S4s...
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(at least the white swatch is clean)
And I was met with a huge disappointment. The shoulders are rounded hideously. and the collar stands up weird. And I cant for the love of me figure out where the sim waist pant line is on the Sims 4 male rig for MD. 
Basically I achieved the silhouette “Boy stuffs himself into a button down that is much to small for him” DX I mean if we wanna play chubby Yuuri it works. 
The waist UV didnt copy over from the sim so he has a different body shape. This keeps happening on tops I have partial transparency on so I think this is related to that issue. As I learn more I realize the issues on my cc are all fixable at their various step. Yuuris waist is supposed to be SNATCHED 
Okay some may think the shirt doesnt look bad on Yuuri, right? But I knew something was wrong....when I put it on Victor and his shoulder SUNK INTO HIS BODY: 
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Oh the disappointment I was met with. Victors beautiful broad shoulders. Decimated. 
(Oh speaking of decimate i managed to get this mesh to be under 12k and then I imported it into s4s it JUMPED TO 20K AND I WAS SHOOK LIKE WTF SO OF COURSE MY OTHER 3 LOD DECIMATES WERE ALL HUGE POLY COUNTS. NONE OF THEM NEAR 500 FOR LOD 3). I was annoyed but had bigger monsters with this piece.
Already deterred by some much disappointment, I almost didnt want to continue on. But I roped my friend in again and we went at the Lace texture. BC AS UGLY ASTHE MESH WAS, THE TRANSPARENCY WORKED. SO I failed the war but won the mission. We shared a few pic me up photos of our good boys and powered on. 
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And then I found out in PS version 20 there is NO PAINT BUCKET TOOL.
After screaming over no paint buckets (silently bc my discord audio broke) we tried like 10 different methods. I tried to follow along but boyyyy I had no idea what mask laters or rasterize was. I dont even know how to rotate and combine photos in PS. I was in pain. Perhaps I am still traumatized. But not enough to not keep trying.
By then it was 3am and I had inhaled a piece of tirimisu cake to fend off sadness. I ate my late dinner from a paper plate like the sad bachelorette I am and watched again and again as my friend tried to explain how to make the transparency work. 
Eventually they got it to work. I did but I had the pattern too small. So it was useless. 
Anyway, I had to show SOMETHING so I tried Archive actions weird pants that I cant put on literally any outfit bc its clips awfully on the sim and BAM
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Anyway credits to StinkyDofu here on tumblr and the victuuri birb server, Otaku Sim server, random twitter followers who will not see this image or else my follower count will continue to drop, and NO THANK YOU TO HALF SLEEVED SHIRTS. 
Also heads up usually im not a negative person and wont be as harsh on cc to others as I am to myself. But this particular piece was started with such high expectations and the downfall really hurt. But, like I said, this is all for learning so I will keep going. I love this process fully.
It was calming, the boring parts of cc making. Lowering poly with edge loop deleting, extruding edges, uv mapping, texturing. I love the process no one wants to show in their time skips. 
I’ve already linked the tutorials I used in my last journal. So today i’ll advise yall to watch Grafity-cc on youtube for their great speed meshing blender. I would tag but I am but a measly peasant.
Also of course follow StinkyDofu, DroSims, and Poeticfalls for my sim inspo, teachers, and friend groups. 
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themadauthorshatter · 4 years
I've been rereading The Outsiders...
Aaaand.. .
There just so happens to be 7 greasers...
Just like how there are 7 members of the Umbrella Academy...
THE OUTSIDERS ACADEMY AU( Basically which Greaser would what whose power from TUA):
Darry: He has Luther's super strength. It's only natural because of how muscular and strong he's described to be in the book. He'd still be himself, though, not Luther; Darry would NEVER lock Ponyboy in an anechoic chamber. Tie him to a hospital bed, sure, but not lock him in a padded cell.
Steve: Diego's accuracy. Mainly because he and Diego have a very similar personality, in my opinion, at least. I can see STEVE locking up Ponyboy, because he already doesn't really like Pony in the first place.
Sodapop: I can see Soda taking FULL responsibility with Allison's rumors ability, using it enough without abusing it. Think of it like this: Soda is working at a DX and a Soc girl won't leave him alone. She keeps pulling on his arm, trying to get him to take his shirt off, and even telling him that she'll tell everyone that HE make advances on HER, not the other way around, if he didn't ditch work to "hang out" with her instead. In a moment of fear amd desperation, he looked her in the eyes and said:
"I heard a rumor you never came here. Or said a word to me. Or wanted anyhting to do with me because I'm a Greaser and you're not supposed to be out of your neighborhood."
She leaves in a panic and he hides his shame for having to do that to someone.
While Darry and Pony are arguing in the latter half of the book, Soda stands up and shouts, "I swear to... I HEARD A RUMOR YOU-..."
All three are silent and Sods runs out like before.
Two-Bit: I can only imagine the mayhem Two-Bit would get himself into with Five's powers. He wouldn't try time traveling, but he'd get better with stealing.
He'd steal a lot more, now that I think about it
Johnny: Because I'm an ass, Johnny is Ben. Because he's dead. He'd have that tentacle belly like Ben, but he wouldn't really tell anyone. Not until it was too late, at least. As in, he'd kill Bob with his stomach tentacles instead of a switchblade.
Ponyboy: I'm sorry, this kid's getting Vanya's powers. I can just see Pony using his powers on accident when he's getting jumped in the beginning, and maybe on accident during his and Johnny's argument.
Dally: How brutal would it be to have Dally be able to see Johnny, but never be able to touch him or hold him? I don't know who else died because of him, but I feel like he wouldn't just want to see and talk to Johnny, he'd want Johnny to BE there. As in back alive.
Imagine poor Dally trying to resurrect Johnny and failing because Johnny's body is too broken to be fixed, so wouldn't be able to live. Upset, Dally gets himself shot by the police so he can be with Johnny for reals, and not just see him.
PONYBOY has the ability to see ghosts and the dead and is able to talk to his parents, which makes Darry a little jealous.
JOHNNY has Vanya's powers, which would mean disaster for after he and Pony are jumped by the Sics after the movies.
And Dally has the stomch tentacles, because he's a beast himself. In a good way, to bad.
What are your opinions? Who would have what power if the gang were like The Umbrella Academy? Feel free to reblog or reply your thoughts
I hope you enjoyed!!!!
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