#a lot is about to happen. lol. so this is a breather <3
fefairys · 2 years
late night bcbgl update...
peace and love on planet earth :)
read from beginning update log
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crplpunkklavier · 7 months
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spent the past like 3 weeks writing the first 60% of a chapter, and then a few hours today writing the last 40%. somehow.
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zosanbrainrot · 4 months
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part 3 is here!
01 02 03 04 05 06
Hii! it's been a hot minute since the previous part, you can see my style shifted a bit, especially when I compare Sanji's hair lol I never know how to draw it, in canon it's more straight but when I'm not thinking about it I instinctively give him more of a wave. It's also generally a bit more loose and sketchy then in the previous ones, I used to use less lines back then. I somehow didn't notice the shift until I was done lmao
I remember I sketched out most of it right along the previous two, but wasn't feeling the panels after "nothing happened" and BAM over 2 months pass and I drew the panels with the hands and OH MY I'm so happy with those, they are a bit dramatic I admit lol but I love a good closeup shot, the way you can push forward a story with just showing small gestures!! And it's something different from the constant ping-pong of the shots where you can see them talking, so it's a breather but it's also holding a lot of tension!
In this sequence MagicPoser was a real help, I posed the models and moved the camera around so I had anatomy refs from any angle I wanted!
I can't wait to show you the next part, I'm so excited to see what you'll think!! I hope to update sooner than later, but I'm gonna be busy with a freelance gig for a bit :(( hope it goes smoothly!
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Leon fluff alphabet please?
Leon Fluff Alphabet
notes - THE WAY I LOST MY MIND WHEN I SAW THIS ASK OMFG I couldn't wait to write this frfr. I love Leon with my entire heart and soul and I am so happy that the first thing I get to write for him is a fluff alphabet. These really help me get a sense of the character so I am more than happy to write this for you <3 Have a great day anon and stay super duper hydrated!!!
based on this post
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(I couldn't resist this gif tee hee)
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
This poor guy is constantly so stressed out, so I think that he would love to just sit at home with you. He likes to talk and not talk so a lot of like silence and then super deep conversations lol. He also loves to cuddle and no one can change my mind. If you are big spoon I promise he will love you forever <3 But yeah, he mostly prefers to stay at home and just chill with you. That or hang out in empty parking lots eating fast food
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Your laugh <3 When this man makes you laugh, he gets WAY TO FLUSTERED OMFG Like he is blushing the moment you giggle at one of his stupid jokes. Overall, he just loves your smile. He wants to see you smile every day if he can make that happen :)
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He is VERY used to having panic attacks, so he definitely knows how to deal with them. If you're comfortable with it, he will just start with small touches letting him know that he is there for you and won't let you go. He will bring you some nice cold water and press small kisses on your forehead. Once you've calmed down a little bit and if you're comfortable with it, he will hold you in his arms and whisper that he is here if you need anything
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Quiet. He wants a happy quiet life more than anything. No fear, no zombies, no Umbrella, just quiet. He wants to have a worry free life where he doesn't have nightmares and doesn't panic over whether you're safe or not. He just wants to be with you forever holding you in his arms and taking late night walks on the beach with a smile on both of your faces
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He thinks he's the dominant one, but you have to stand in front of him at McDonald's explianing why he wants a Happy Meal.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He hates fighting so much. He had to do it all the time with zombies, but with you??? The love of his life??? He hates it. So, it doesn't happen often. But when it does, he will calm himself down and ask if he can fix anything. He will immediately forgive you and apologize and get to the root of the problem so it doesn't happen again
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
You are his safe space. You are one of the few things that helps this man get up in the morning in this cruel world. He loves you more than anything and is so so so aware of what you do for him. He thanks you every day and would do anything for you
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Nope. I really don't think he would hide anything. You already know about his line of work and the shit he's had to deal with, so he doesn't need to hide anything from you. Maybe though that he had the las plagas though if you didn't know. He didn't want you worrying about him. Okay, so yeah, he would hide injuries and stuff so you don't worry about him, but other than that he is an open book
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
You made him a lot less stressed. He is more willing to take a breather when you're around. For you, he taught you how to shoot a gun and protect yourself. But both of you have been here to support each other through the bullshit you both had to see.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
A little??? I mean.... I don't know. I don't know many characters in RE, but maybe if you're around Chris he might get jealous. Or Wesker. Because Wesker is hot. But like... he knows how loyal you are, so he never really sees you leaving him, but something in his soul sometimes says that he isn't good enough for you :(
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THIS MAN'S LIPS SWEET CHRIST. Well, you got me started, so that's on you. *AHEM* This man has the SOFTEST lips in the whole wide world omfg. Like dear lord. He also tastes like mint and always ALWAYS smiles into the kiss like it's making him the happiest man on earth. He also always kisses you like he's desperate for it. Like pushes into the kiss and will most of the time knock you either to the ground or onto a nearby couch/bed tee hee The first kiss though omg You were both super stressed in Raccoon City and saw each other after a long time. You both thought the other was dead, so when you saw each other the adrenaline that filled you up made you run up to each other and kiss just out of no where. You didn't even apologize either. After pulling away for a second and blushing, you were both right back to kissing
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He would just tell you I think. Especially after the kiss. He became the rizzler because of you
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Yes, I totally think he would. At first, he was scared, so he didn't ask you for YEARS, but when he finally did, he just proposed to you at home and you two got eloped. You didn't want a big wedding or anything, so you took the simple route &lt;3
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
I think his go to is 'sweetheart', but other than that he just calls you by your name
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Can't stop thinking about you. He also won't stop reminding you that he loves you. To others though? Not obvious at all. To you? You can see those goo goo eyes from miles away
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
I don't think he minds PDA. It's not like he's just going to kiss you in public, but if he does, it's no big deal! He will definitely mention you to others when he can, but only if it comes up. He won't brag about you really, it's not his thing. But again, he won't just like kiss you in front of a crowd, he actually gets flustered if you do lol
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
Honesty and the ability to tell you that he loves you. He is really good with his words I think and really thinks through what he is going to say to you and always says the best thing possible &lt;3
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He can be pretty cliche lol. I think he's a hopeless romantic who wants nothing more than to be with you, so he will do really stupid romantic stuff like kiss in the moonlight or take you to a nice dinner
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Probably the most supportive boyfriend you'll ever meet. Will be cheering you on and helping you as much as he can :)
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Nope. Y'all have had a lot of thrill in the relationship with zombies and all so now you just stick to a nice quiet routine. It makes you both so happy that you can live like this after what had happened.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Because of how much you two have been through, he knows you better than most people. He has seen you at both your weakest and strongest points, so he will know when something is up and will immediately jump to help however he can
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
You mean the absolute world to this man. You're all he has left that makes him smile and he would do anything to protect you. Honestly, he doesn't know if he could live without you
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
This man loves sleeping I think and when he falls asleep next to you, he needs to be touching you whether that's holding your hand or cuddling you. Warning though, he will drool all over your shoulder ajsdasjh
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
VERY AFFECTIONATE! Loves cuddling and kissing all over you. Like nothing makes him smile more than knowing that you two will be able to kiss and cuddle after a long day of work. It makes him all giddy lolol
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
He'll feel super empty. He can't stop thinking about you. To the point that sometimes brings him to tears. He needs you by his side and if you're gone for too long, he will get a lot of anxiety and panic
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He needs to protect you at all costs. Because of this, he will literally kill for you. He loves you more than anything and will help you no matter the cost. Anything to keep you in his life &lt;3
resident evil masterlist | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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johnslittlespoon · 3 months
HI I'M ALIVE i swear this is a pattern at this point, i post a new fic/chapter and disappear for a phat day (or two) lmaoo i literally get The Fear and i have to avoid notifs/comments for a bit <33
that being said, wept reading the comments on TAS, i'm so so thankful y'all are vibing with it because i was NERVOUS about posting my first ever modern au and i wanted to make sure it still felt true to the characters but everyone's been so unbelievably kind i'm so wahhahhhh :')) i appreciate the sweet words SO so much, it's so reassuring and so motivating <33
so motivating actually that i'm already halfway done ch2... whoops? litch rally buzzing with how excited i am to write, i don't think i've ever experienced this which sounds strange but like. okay hold i can already tell i'm gonna go on a tangent so let me cut myself off with a read more lmaoo
idk, does anyone else ever sometimes feel like even though obviously we all write fic for enjoyment because we do it for free, sometimes it feels like a chore? not in the sense that i feel obligated to write, but just that even though i feel passionately about what i want to write, it's just hard to get my brain into gear (adhd aside) even when i really want to. i'm just thinking out loudddd now but my concerta just kicked in so it's inevitable LOL word vomit and thought processing is apparently a necessary part of my writing process smh
writing yad(iym) has honestly been so helpful with this because one of the biggest things that i struggle with when writing is that i have a super vivid imagination and can picture exactly what i want to portray/convey, but sometimes i don't know how to get there, but with the dog coded fic i have the timeline of the actual show to follow, so it takes a lot of pressure off in that sense! it's sorta like filling in the gaps because i have something base level to work with.
but 99% of the time when writing, i don't have that, so i end up avoiding my docs often because i feel stuck in terms of progressing the storyline, and my writing process drags on so longgg. i'm finding too now that i'm writing my first (and second oops) actual long fic that oneshots are actually more difficult for me to finish for some reason despite most of mine being shorter than a singular chapter in my fics, which is funny because i was so terrified of commitment starting a chaptered fic but i've ended up being more consistent.
anyway point is, i adore writing yad(iym) and it's been the most fun experience i've had fic writing, but now that i've sorted out the world building aspects for tough and sweet, everything is just flowing and instead of having to sit myself down at my desk and kinda just force myself into the zone, i cannot drag myself out of my docs?? and i've never had that happen but i'm definitely trying to take advantage of it while it lasts and get as much written as possible!
i think it also helps that it's so lighthearted compared to the angst of yadiym (tho i've got some angst planned for tas too lol sry) so i don't have to think as much about the weight behind certain dialogue, or carefully plan out the progression of the relationship dynamic the way the time period/setting of yadiym requires. it's a nice breather from the constraints of the mota–verse (as much as it's still my favourite thing to read/write with these boys), but i also enjoy getting to sink back into that doc when i want something deeper than the little biker boys.
i'm still very much working away on yadiym tho to be clear!! i was scared to start tas before i finished it in case i hyperfixated on tas and my updates got slow on yadiym, but it's genuinely helped me find a balance because i'm always working on one if i'm not working on the other <3 i'm about half done ch6 too for yadiym (how many times can i type that in one post jfc), i'm just at an internal emotions heavy part which i Hate. writing lmaooo give me dialogue or smut and i can type away for hrs but introspection?? internal conflict? hell
ok that's all my fic related rambling thank uuuu/apologies if u sat thru all of that LOL lmk if your writing process/mindset is similar or not bc i'm always curious about how other people's brains work with this stuff!! also how does one get over feeling obnoxious about rambling on their own acc like. this is my acc. i could post 100 times a day if i wanted. i need to Relax good god
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danses-with-dogmeat · 2 years
Hey, hopefully I’m not too late for the 1.5k thing? If I’m not, can you do nickstalkers for Nick Valentine? Your choice on first or last name.
(If not feel free to just ignore this, I know you probably have a lot of asks to attend to)
Yes, absolutely! Ole Nicky always needs some lovin' (no matter what the canon game says), so here you are!
(And you weren't too late when you requested this, but this is one of the last ones I got, so we're getting closer to the end here, folks!) 😊
I hope you love it! <3
N) Nickname. What are the nicknames they have for their s/o? Do they like when their s/o uses nicknames?
Heh, nicknames lol.
He lets his names for you slip out easily, even before the two of you are officially together. Calling you his 'partner,' and referring to you as 'doll' (gender neutral) are common before the romance really ramps up. After the two of you are official, he likes to use lots of the classic pet names for you, like darling and dear, his better half, dove, beautiful/handsome, honey, an occasional 'knockout' slips in there sometimes too; and he uses them often. No shame from the detective on this front, he uses pet names with you in public just as much as he does in private.
As for him, he really does just appreciate any term of endearment you have for him. (I happen to be partial to Nickerdoodle, myself). But a 'honey' and a 'dear' directed at him just feel so natural, so domestic that they almost transport him back in time to the old Nick's life, to the seemingly easy romance he shared with his Jenny. If you call him anything along the lines of 'handsome,' or 'dreamboat,' he'll be as close as a synth can get to blushing. Nick may not always believe it himself, but he's not going to argue with you on the subject of his attractiveness in your eyes. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," and all that, you know.
I) Insight. How easy is it for them to read their partner? (Mood, thoughts, etc.)
Well, he's a detective, and a damn good one at that. And he cares deeply about you and your state of mind, your health, both mental and physical after all of the horrible things you've been through. So... yeah, he's in a constant state of ensuring you're doing alright, paying close attention to your moods and reactions to certain events, sights, sounds and places. Nick is always the first to suggest you take a break or a breather, the one to remind you to eat and drink, to keep your strength up, even when that's not something he personally needs to worry about. And as far as responding to your changes in mood, the man's a professional. He does this for a living, essentially. When his clients have been through something awful, when their loved ones are on the edge of a breakdown, when they're worried beyond reason, when they haven't slept since their family member disappeared, Nick is there to comfort them, to ground them and make them feel heard. He does it with all the more passion when it comes to you. If you want your space, he's privy to it, but if you need him close, to talk or just to sit with you, he'll be there.
You'll be hard-pressed to find a partner more caring, more attentive, and a partner more skilled with healthy communication than Nick Valentine.
C) Cuddle. Do they like to cuddle and show affection? How?
If you don't initiate it, he tends to be reserved with his physical contact with you. It's not that he doesn't want it, in fact, that couldn't be further from the truth, but... Well, he's not made of the most huggable material on the planet now, is he?
Still though, he tries. With what he has, he does his best. His good hand is always the one to grasp with yours, and he's an avid "arm around your shoulders" kind of partner whenever the two of you re walking side-by-side or seated next to each other. But... the less, ahem, clothes that are involved, the more hesitant he is with you. Your skin is so soft, so easily scratched or bruised by his skeletal hand, by the ruined parts of his skin-like covering that are slowly rusting and peeling away, revealing the sharper bits underneath. Usually when the two of you settle in for the night, and you try curling into him, or wrapping your arms around him, he dresses himself in some softer clothes. Long pajama pants and long-sleeved shirts that are soft to the touch and keep his sharper points off of your skin, and keep the cool touch of his body off of your warmth. Those nights that it works though, when the two of you can be closer than he's ever been with another person, Nick still can't sleep, not really, but he can smile as you snore against him, he can close his eyes and feel more human than he ever dreamed he would.
K) Kiss. What are their kisses like? Who kissed who first?
He's careful with you... but his kisses become simply all-encompassing once they reach their peak. They always start out slow with the buildup, with Nick carefully placing his hands on you, and making sure your own exploring fingers don't get nicked by the exposed metal bits on his face, but soon after, he presses himself fully into you, to the point that it's hard to tell where his lips begin and yours end, if not for the difference in temperature. It's almost hard to breathe as well, given that he doesn't really have that problem, he sometimes fails to consider it as much as he probably should.
He was concerned from the start, and unsure, given that he hasn't had a whole lot of smooches in his synthetic existence, and he hoped like hell that he didn't taste all too bad, what with the metallic materials that made up his mouth. So you have to be the one to initiate the first one, if only because he wants to be absolutely positive that this is something that you really want. Later though, when it becomes more commonplace, when you both are used to it, Nick kisses you often and more openly than he ever thought he would. It's a greeting and a goodbye, an 'I love you' quick as a peck, an 'I missed you' with more gusto than simple words, and an expression of his affection that he becomes all too used to. The others in the Commonwealth may find it odd, this union between the two of you, but the synth couldn't care less; and even if his public kisses get you both to the center of some bigoted attentions, that's never stopped him from living his life before. And, well, he doesn't really see that changin'.
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" The curse of reuniting with you puts a dagger in my heart"
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mod may apply headcanons to muse. will attempt to keep this to a minimum
mod is @stuffedsand, you can call me mod sandy or whatever suits your fancy
Mod will speak in the tags a LOT please don't mind them
muse can be t1, 2 or 3 depending on ask and mod's discretion.
might be ooc at times... mod isnt very good at rp
[ TAGGING for rp is OK! please do tag me :p ]
-- banner is drawn by me :) im shameless promoing go look at my art @doodles-in-sand
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can call me Sandy or variations of my main user
mod is a minor
mod uses any pronouns
please pardon grammatical, punctuation or spelling errors!! I tend not to capitalize my words + dont have autocorrect on my computer
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-- NSFW should not be here. mod is minor. certain jokes may be allowed, but chances are they wont be appreciated
-- magic anons very very appreciated. Stacking of spells may happen at mod's discretion.
-- i dont do ships! sorry lol I'm not confident in writing them + im aroace so im extra unfamiliar with it
-- if you want a trial specific character answer, do say so in the ask! else i may respond with the wrong trial :p
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TAGS -- updates/changes will be reflected here. may not apply to older posts
-[ follow the king of the masquerade ]- -- announcement posts + intro
[ backstage crew ] -- ooc tag :3
[ curtain call ] -- rp interaction end
[ stand in the spotlight ] - rp post
[ lie until it gets better ] -- rp reblog
[ lets take a breather ] -- silly rp tag (frequently forgotten)
[ Love+Fate = Crap ] --angst tag (frequently forgotten...also I slide into angst whenever)
[ ✨now you see it... ] -- magic anon start
[ a magic trick? ] -- magic anon (general)
[ ...now you don't!✨ ] -- magic anon end
[ another interrogation] -- ask game
[ dead dove - eaten ] -- indicator of trigger warnings. tws will be tagged seperately
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interaction tags
[ a stranger ] -- anons
[ a new face ] -- ooc blogs
[ a message for me? ] -- asks
[ MILGRAM's warden ] - interaction w es
[001] - [010] -- interaction with prisoners
[ half ] -- interaction with another kazui ( will also be tagged 007 for consistency's sake)
[0XX] -- interaction with prisoner ocs
[ MILGRAM's... rabbit? ] -- interaction with jackalope
[ who's using the fridge... ] milgram smart fridge interaction
images will be taken either from MILGRAM official art or drawn by myself.
thats all for now :p
" now... go easy on this old man, will you? "
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "The Mystery of Chopper Base"
Spiders. Why did it have to be spiders.
So first off, it's hilarious and adorable that they named it "Chopper Base". Did Chopper claim dibs on the name since he's the one who found it or did they name it after him to be all, "Okay, yeah, you did really good this time." as a nice little way to honor him?
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*chants* At-ol-lon, At-ol-lon, At-ol-lon, At-ol-lon. :D
Ahhh haven't heard the mellow variation of the Main Titles theme in a while.
Actually I think this is the same cue that opened "Path of the Jedi" I recognize these little string ditties.
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Kanan and Ezra have been sparring in the cargo hold for hours, it's implied, and Sabine has been watching. You can already hear from the modified buzzing that the sabers are in training mode, and Kanan is performing a lot of basic strikes, reminding Ezra of the fundamentals maybe?
In light of his internal decision in "Shroud of Darkness" Kanan has apparently resolved to cram in as much last-minute lightsaber practice as possible before they have to go off and possibly confront Vader and the Inquisitors. He's pushing Ezra a little bit hard, and you can hear Ezra's frustration.
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Something interesting I notice during this sparring session is that Kanan seems to be particularly focusing on getting Ezra to get out of situations where he's pinned against a wall.
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HOO BOY all the little tiny things that wound up being horrible portents of things to come this episode.
"You win by surviving." Kanan already trying to correct Ezra in a "how we choose to fight" fashion.
Ezra's particularly snippy after all that, normally Sabine complimenting him would make him beam and try to say something cute or clever back but here he's just huffy and irritated.
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"But since when are you my enemy?" *CRIES IN SIX MONTH GAP BETWEEN SEASON 2 AND SEASON 3 FEELS*
Hera's expression turns somber and downcast (which Sabine notices) riiiiight in time for us to have a fanfareless titlecard.
A very broken-down variation of the "Shenanigans" cue, with precise military-drum percussion accompanying it.
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Hera unamused by Kanan's "excited face" lolol.
"So I can expect them to be late all the time then." Lol, yep, sorry AP, you picked a very disorganized scrappy band of underdogs.
Ha ha spoke too soon, Rex. Spoke too soon.
I feel so bad for Dicer, she didn't deserve to be spider chow. :(
Some clever foreshadowing with the dokma crouching under the sensor though.
"Everything you need." "...Except you and Ezra." :((((( Ugh the way Kanan and Hera's thread this episode feels vaguely like a messy divorce/separation in places.
Just because Hera understands and accepts that Kanan and Ezra have to leave to keep the rest of the base safe doesn't mean it doesn't hurt, doesn't make her any less worried and anxious.
Lol Chopper running straight into Ezra while chasing the dokma that got in.
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Ah frick this scene.
This whole episode has this melancholy feel of the calm before the storm. Building up an anticipation of major narrative shake-ups, giving us a breather before things get really crazy.
"The deep breath before the plunge", as it were, since I know the nerds working on this show adore the Lord of the Rings films.
It permeates the whole story, infused in every small sad expression, every innocuous line of dialogue that hurts so much more afterwards.
Catch me crying forever about Ezra and Zeb's friendship and how close they've gotten and how sweet it is.
Ahhh I see we brought back the Fyrnock cue, once again signaling something dangerous and hungry lurking in the dark.
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"Aim for the eyes." Right and it turns out to be actually very hard to hit the eyes so that helps only slightly.
Cheeky Ezra with his lightsaber flashlight lol.
"We've got to get used to not having them around." :((((( No one knew at the time how long Kanan and Ezra were going to be separated from the rest so this hit a lot sadder back then. Still ouch tho.
Sabine so worried about Hera. :(
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He's so excited to try and connect with it aww.
Hints to the strained tension between Kanan and Ezra, they immediately fall to bickering once the threat is dealt with.
I... don't even wanna think about what they were going to use Rex for, probably storing him for food after they ate Dicer.
People complained about the fact that shots kept missing the eyes but I appreciate this little bit of realism about shot accuracy. Even trained marksmen will have trouble with a small moving target like that, they won't always hit the eyes every single time first try.
Lightsabers be more effective. :)
See, this is what I'm talking about, Zeb has great clustering, but the eyes are a four-inch round bullet hole on a moving hungry target with long legs.
Ezra's nervous little, "Well, we're safe in here, right?" and Hera's inability to confirm it.
These things even shrug off turret blasts ghgshkjh.
AND Hera's trick with the electrified hull that worked on the Fyrnocks.
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The tense situation is fraying Ezra's already raw nerves. Love Sabine rolling her eyes all, "Okay chill for a minute drama queen."
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"What am I doing on the ramp?"
Lol Ezra's idea is "Hurl girlfriend at problem to make it go away."
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That panic in Kanan and Ezra's faces when they think they've flung her too far. <3
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Badass family shot.
Sabine glancing from Hera to Kanan all, "Soooooo either of you gonna talk about the issues? No?"
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Sabine sounds so sad here. :(
That palm to her forehead all, "My gosh this idiot." There's this hurt in her eyes and voice when tells Kanan, "[...]you're still walking out... and taking Ezra with you." A very loaded phrase and an interesting one. Sabine's choice of words here, "walking out" feels like a bit of a call forward to her backstory reveal, and also possibly more how she feels about the situation, rather than Hera.
Mayhap there be a niggling negative voice in her head that's saying, You're abandoning me and you're taking away my best friend too.
"We're gonna be okay" wow the layers in that one. We as in him and Hera, relationship-wise, we as in him and Ezra, physical safety-wise.
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Frick they really know how to pull the Harsher In Hindsight on us.
Ezra still trying to connect with the krykna. :(((( That was the one talent he was better at than Kanan, that made Kanan so proud of him just a few episodes ago, and now it doesn't work.
Imperial March sliding into the strings there, as the convor heralds Ahsoka's arrival.
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Wide-shot, pan up, Ezra walking towards the camera as the pan drops him out of frame, THAT WAS DELIBERATE WASN'T IT???!!???
Ezra's theme plays haltingly one last time, the last note souring and the ominous Imperial March taking its place.
And boy if my levels of dread had not been sky high before lol.
As I said before, this episode is permeated with a sense of impending change, portents of doom hanging over us. It was very effective at setting the stage for "Twilight of the Apprentice", mentally preparing us for that crowbar piledrive into our kneecaps.
This is NOT filler it is NECESSARY connective tissue between the finale and the rest of the season and I will hear no slander about it.
It's just good writing.
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strawbrygashez · 11 months
Corkscrew x Movie Dude hcs bc yeAh
•At first movie dude was actually kinda scared of Corkscrew Dude. He’s the most buff pdude he has ever met & he has a resting bitch face more often than not but it doesn’t take long for him to realize Cork is a sweetheart for the people he cares about.
•Cork takes a huge liking to Movie Dude pretty quickly because he thinks he’s super tiny and frail. He can tell Movie Dude doesn’t have much of a edge to him as much as most dudes do so he’s always by his side to put his foot down against the other dudes if they mess or bug Movie Dude.
This flatters movie dude a lot because he’s never had someone worry over him so much. He falls for him pretty quick lol. The muscles and abs definitely help him feel like he should warm up to him a lot quicker 😏
•Movie Dude helps cork with his English! He hates when people give corkscrew a hard time over the way he speaks and will rough up anyone who gives him a particularly hard time.
He finds corkscrews accent very attractive and loves hearing him talk in Russian though he doesn’t get a lot of what he’s saying. He can pick up bits and phrases sometimes because corkscrew tries to help him learn Russian :)
•They are both super patient with each other. Movie Dude doesn’t get mad or anything when corkscrew can’t think of the right word for something and corkscrew doesn’t get mad when Dude is stumbling over what he’s saying or if he’s being clumsy. (Honestly corkscrew finds it unbearably cute how awkward and clumsy Movie Dude is)
• Corkscrew works out with mDude! He doesn’t suggest working out with him bc he thinks mDude needs to look any different, he just wants him to be stronger because again, he thinks mDude is like the weakest, smallest thing ever 💀 so he tries to help him be prepared for when he needs to use his strength.
MDude enjoys working out with him :3! Especially the view he gets of mDude all sweaty & his muscles flexing 😳 he might even get too distracted by how handsome corkscrew is and will stop lifting weights or whatever & cork will ask what’s wrong and he’s like “OH heh nothing! Just took a breather 😅”
Corkscrew will ask him to sit on his back sometimes while he’s doing push-ups.
•MDude weighs nothing to corkscrew so corkscrew is used to just picking him up and running when things are getting too crazy. That & he will just pick him up over the slightest damn things 🙄 like if there is a puddle?? Well mDudes shoes can’t get wet so up he goes. It embarrasses mdude each time.
•The other dudes will tease them both over how sickly in love they are but mostly stop after a certain point. Corkscrew didn’t even really get mad at them for picking on them unless Movie Dude seemed really uncomfortable, otherwise cork would just point out how none of them are seeing anyone at all. Ouch.
•They are probably one of the most healthy pdude x pdude ships ever. They have really good communication skills, they are patient with each other, very caring about each other, and just like.. honestly really healthy all around. If something happened where one got mad at the other, they are in each others arms apologizing to each other a couple hours later.
•Cork and mDude visit Russia a couple times. Cork will show him around and teach him different things abt Russia. MDude enjoys traveling a lot and getting little trinkets to take home. He also probably takes a lot of photos of them & the scenery with a cheap little camera.
•They patch each other up. They both get extremely worried when the other is hurt. It honestly will annoy another pdude with how worried they sound about each other like for example, corkscrew could have hit his head on something (not even that hard) and mDude will have him laying out on the couch, going on about “🥺 do you need anything hun? Are you feeling any better? Should we go to the doctor? Need a new ice pack?” like every 5 seconds.
Or if mDude is hurt, cork is near by and is almost lowkey growling at any of the dudes who even try to talk to mDude. He will tell them to leave and let him rest.
•The way mDude looks up at cork makes him scream on the inside.. he gets that aggression people get sometimes when something is too cute. This man will grip onto the fabric of his own shirt to keep him from smothering mDude with love smh.
•Cork really doesn’t give a fuck who can see them being lovey dovey. He will pull mDude onto his lap in public if he feels like it. The only time he will not go overboard with pda is when mDudes uncle Dave is around just out of respect & whatever.
•Corkscrew and mDude have gone on a walk one time and saw a little scrawny orange kitten and corkscrew picked it up, stared at it for a minute before turning back to mDude and only said “You.” (They probably kept it after)
•I feel like the only slight problem I think they would have is corkscrew might be a tad too over protective to the point where mDude feels like maybe corkscrew doesn’t think he could protect him as well. He wants corkscrew to feel safe even though he knows cork could hold his own pretty well. He just wants him to feel as loved & safe as he does with him :(
•Cork likes alcohol with a strong taste while mDude likes fruity drinks. One of the first times cork smiled & laughed around him was when mDude took a sip of whatever cork was drinking and made a disgusted face.
•Cork can’t wear mDudes clothes but mDude can wear his. Cork loves when mDude walks around in his band t-shirts.
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patheticbatman · 8 months
Part Four
I'm very proud of these dolls, and I'm also leaving them at my parents' house, so I did a little photoshoot with some books as background so I can have nice pictures of them. This set of pictures is exclusively dolls that I painted, so I’m very pleased to show them off.
This is the fourth and final post, so check out the first for more info!
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First up is Sisu, with The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle. I swear that I did not rip the cover. I think that copy is like 50 years old, and I swear I had the ripped of part until recently. I’m very sad about losing it. But in any case, I feel like Sisu would relate heavily with being the only one of her species left for a long while, about how human vice affected her status as an endling, about spending time in a body that isn’t really hers to survive, and the whole quest really. Hell, in the book, Schmendrick and Molly end up together, and we all know that’s going to happen to Raya and Namari eventually lol.
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Second is Mirabel with In the Tike of the Butterflies, by Julia Alvarez. I feel like Mirabel would be the most invested in her family in keeping up with the outside, in magical world, as both a breather from all her family’s guilt and drama, and as a future head of the household later on. In her life. I also know that the Latin world paid a lot of attention to the struggle and loss of the Mirabal sisters (The Butterflies) and what with the book being told by Dede (the non-revolutionary sister, the only survivor) and being about a 4 sisters, Mirabel would empathize with this a lot. She’s one out of 3 sisters + a close girl cousin, and is the only one who’s not involved with what made her family famous. Encanto takes place in about the 1950s, maybe 60s, so Mirabel would definitely be interested in this book, because she would have definitely been interested in the real life events that occurred when she was young (the events of the book and the real life murders of the Mirabal sisters occurred form the 40s to 1960, but this book was published in the 90s)
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Third is Dolores with Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen. I feel like she is a more overlooked member of the Madrigals, and she probably is a BIG Romantic at heart, though I bet she keeps it secret. as such, I gave her one of the most Romantic books I have as a background.
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Fourth is Isabela with The Giver, by Lois Lowry. I think she would find the themes of huge responsibility and the focus on perfection by society to be quite pertinent to her lot in life at the beginning of Encanto.
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Fifth is Luisa with Jacob I have Loved, by Katherine Paterson. The title is a reference to the Bible saying, “Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated.”. I DID think about giving this one to Mirabel, but ultimately chose Luisa because I feel like Mirabel never felt she had a chance to live up to Isabela, while Luisa probably felt like she had a chance to under all that *pressure* (lol), like Sarah Louise (the Esau) with her twin sister Caroline (the Jacob). I think the themes of small town life (SL in the book moves from a small coastal island to a mountain town, and the Madrigals live in the mountains) would also speak to Luisa.
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I couldn’t decide for Shuri and also wanted to show her off more, so she gets two books! The first is my copy of the collected Infinity War comics, because she appears in it, and the second is The Deep by Rivers Solomon. Shuri gets The Deep because it’s about a mermaid whose people were the magically-transformed fetuses of pregnant African people who were thrown overboard while being transported to the Americas for enslavement. As Shuri’s movie is both about a strong African nation and about a people pushed underwater by colonialism and racism, I just felt that it was fitting. If you look in her hands, one has a heart shaped herb and the other has the bracelet from Namor.
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As a romantic and a girl obsessed with the surface, I believe Ariel would love The Princess Bride, full stop. I also think the framing premise would tickle her.
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Last but not least, Asha! Her movie ofc hints at her becoming the fairy godmother and crossing over with fairy/Disney tales, so I gave her The Sisters Grimm!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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petrichoraline · 1 year
hiiii <3 what are your all time favorite bls and why? i need to fill up my to-watch list asap
oh, this ask made me ecstatic to the point i considered one of my moots sent it cause they know giving recs makes me happy 😄
what I'd constitute as faves isn't necessarily what i would usually recommend, to moots i mostly suggest shows and movies that i find unique in some way and that have left a good impression on me like i will knock you, kimi no koto dake mite itai, word of honor, fukou kun, the untamed, docchi mo docchi, seven days, itsay, msp, vice versa etcetcetc. it's not necessarily about perfect writing or acting even, it's about the piece of media provoking either lots of thoughts, emotions or both, having at least one unique trait i associate with it and just being enjoyable despite (or because of) its flaws! so that's the type of media i usually enjoy sharing with others.
now, it's infinitely easier for me to give recs based on any other criteria but "my personal faves" is such a subjective category (that im not even sure exists) that i had to cheat a bit - i went off of what couples make me go feral, what emotions the show title evokes and if i've revisited certain scenes. i don't do full rewatches for the most part but i sometimes go back to watch the main couples (the exception being waantul in between us, i know their scenes a hundred times better than winteam's lol) and most of the shows listed here have been revisited at least once 😗
Love Is Science? - NOT a bl, the pair in question are the second couple; i personally went through every episode looking for their scenes and then went through the cut on yt (and rightfully so, quite a few scenes were missing in that); i'm recommending you smth this inconvenient because i love Mark and Ou Wen so much. their personalities (they have personality for daysss), the chemistry (the hanger scene), their love and support for each other make me giddy. they carry their part so well you don't need much else, just watching them interact is enough. going through gifs now i got reminded of just how amazing the development of their relationship is to me. they're a delight and a half, enjoy them flustering each other 💖
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To My Star Season 2: Our Untold Stories - now, i'm aware you have to see s1 first but when it comes to who makes me go feral, it's definitely Seojoon and Jiwoo and this happened mostly because of season 2, i didn't care for them much originally. this season explored an aspect of relationships i don't think i've seen explored anywhere else in a way that makes me still get in my feels whenever anything bout the show comes across my dash. it's angsty but so worth it. my boys have intense personal issues and even more intense love for each other, their personalities, way of thinking and chemistry are fascinating to me. the cuteness mixed with the heavier plot, the pacing, the smart writing, it's so nice. side note, binging both seasons at once wouldn't be that big of a challenge timewise in case you don't want a breather in between 😊 (gif from s1 because you can't watch them separately anyways)
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Kieta Hatsukoi - a sweet light romcom for the most part, very entertaining, all of the characters are soo loveable, one of my all time fave girls in bl is here and she's everything <3 in regards to manga accuracy, the main events are all there but the order is all switched around yet the story still makes perfect sense! it's funny, it's sweet, Aoki and Ida are such an interesting pair and it's lovely seeing them figure out how to navigate this unexpected relationship
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We Best Love: No. 1 For You - it's such a must watch! the passion these two have for each other and the chemistryyy will make you overlook the sheer absurdity of some of the plot; i also loved the 2 season format where the second season feels well planned, it's almost like one whole season cut in half. the emotional journey that Shu Yi and Shi De go on is so (melo)dramatic but also very touching because Sam and Yu act those emotions OUT, it's a pleasure just watching them interact (also Shu Yi is one of the few brats i adore dearly and i think it's not only because of the writing but Yu's incredible portrayal of the character)
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Bad Buddy - i wasn't able to appreciate it for its wit because it was basically my first thai bl, i had no idea what expectations it was defying. nevertheless, i fell in love with it because it stands so well on its own! it's very funny, heartbreaking at times (reading analyses and meta on here made me realise how heavy the premise actually is) and insanely romantic (it caters to my idea of romance so well, the pining and protectiveness and flirting and devotion and-); also Pat and Pran have some amazing communication and mutual understanding, their bond is truly endearing and makes my heart ache if i think about it a bit too long
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KinnPorsche - when it comes down to it, i am a very basic person. this show is just a ride, you gotta watch it for the pure entertanment value. there's always smth happening, that's for sure 😄of course chemistry, ofc handsome men all over the place yadayada but it'd be just that if not for the insane plotlines and humour, if you just accept that anything goes, you can have a blast with this show (but also hurt beautiful men finding comfort and love in a world of pain and betrayal>>)
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Where Your Eyes Linger - though I can't make myself rewatch the heavier scenes, i love this one, the premise, the execution, it's all to my taste, the longing between these two is palpable (side note: i was getting emotional while searching for a gif but a bunch of the results were porn gifs so i was taken out of my feels multiple times lmao)
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Utsukushii Kare - I'm way more normal about them now than before but this show truly makes you feel so many things, it's so smart and fantastic. Hira and Kiyoi's journey is beautiful and it embodies what i love seeing from japan's productions. they're just two lovely guys who are perfect for each other and shouldn't be let anywhere near the dating pool ❤️
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Semantic Error - man, i love me some enemies to lovers, especially when both leads are Fools™️ for each other. the humour and pacing, the colourful side characters, Jaeyoung's charisma, his determination contrasting Sangwoo's inner battle..and, I know I'm becoming repetitive, the chemistry! there's a reason my guys won awards js
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The End of the World with You - this show drove me insane, it's more of a one-time watch imo but i'm saying this because I was very focused on the main couple and they were what kept me watching (plus the suspense of course); it's a heavy heavy premise with the most controversial couple on this list but somehow it felt very light and exciting for the most part. I think their unconventional surroundings account for it, you don't get the typical chaos an apocalyptic show would display, it kind of feels calm even and it allows you to focus on the interpersonal relationships between the characters rather than on the expected terrors. the show fascinated me with the amazing acting and the dynamic between Ritsu and Masumi, I have a special spot for them <33 (no photo cause the limit was reached lol)
because deciding on faves is hard i'll leave this list at 10 shows, consider these just 10 of the many shows that are important to me in some way 💓
hopefully i suggested mostly things you haven't seen yet (though I went quite basic) <3 i need to know what you think of the shows, okay? and in case they don't do it for you (or, even better, they do and you come to trust me lol) feel perfectly welcome to send me some info about what you (don't) enjoy in terms of genre, tropes, episode length, actors etc.etc. and i'll dive into my lists hahah, it's super fun for me 💗
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taegularities · 1 year
Hello lovely Rid 💕💕
I just wanted to help provide a voice to drown out the negativity a little, since I know how hard that can hit especially when you're already down.
I've been reading cmi all afternoon and even though I haven't finished it yet, I've been having such a good time. I genuinely mean it when I say that I could read about them doing anything forever. It's also cute to take a breather and have the arguments make me smile and pout instead of rip my heart out.
But OC's visit to the optometrist made me think of your eye problems and I wanted to ask how that's been. Have the eye drops and stuff been helping or do you still get headaches because of it? I hope they provide you with at least a little bit of relief.
Please take whatever measures you need to ensure that tumblr isn't making you feel even worse, especially when you already have so much to deal with irl. And I hope you know that you can always come to me if you need anything too, I'm always ready to listen.
I appreciate your presence here, I appreciate how much work you put into your stories, I appreciate your stories themselves, I appreciate you as a person and I appreciate every single conversation we've shared. I just hope everything will get better for you, in fact, I know it will. Because I know you'll stay strong and won't lose hope and fate won't be able to resist sending good things to a lovely person like you. Sending you the biggest tightest warmest virtual hug and all of my love Rid 💞💞💞
(Also I always have a folder full of comfort Koo videos just for you if you ever happen to need that kind of comfort too 🥺)
ivi :( you're always sunshine and rainbow after the rain, and i appreciate that you're always around. like to have someone actually care so much? ily :(
EEE YES, im so glad you've been enjoying it!! we've waded through so much heartbreak, so we definitely needed that lil light vacay. but even the upcoming chapters are gonna be similarly comforting with a tinge of good old cmi angst, i think lol!! and you said it a while ago, but yeah, the whole "us against the world" approach shall hopefully light up a couple hearts for sure 💕
ahhh you remember that? 😭 my eyes are better now, but that's bc they rely on eye drops a lot!! im fcked without them lol. i do get very bad headaches sometimes — either when i didn't sleep well or enough or when i've been out in bright sun or in front of my laptop for too long. but the migraines aren't as bad anymore as they used to be!! oc's issue was definitely based on this lmao :') tysm for asking <3
yes, i shall. im definitely limiting my time here bc i've noticed that im able to enjoy tumblr a lot more when i drop in every now and then and not constantly. will come in when i feel like it (like, today i didn't :')), so yeah. doing my best!! thank you ivi, seriously, i adore and appreciate you, too. i can't wrap my head around the fact that so many lovely people like you encourage me around here, but i'm so thankful. sending you so many hugs and really hoping you're doing well. if not, i'm always here, too. love you sm 🤍
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hwaightme · 2 years
Okay i'm here as promised buckle up because i have A LOT to say!!!
first lemme just say that i wanted to read the beginning quickly before going to work but i ended up powering through the whole thing i literally could not put it down. during the whole thing i was literally thinking is the kind of shit that should get published. so beofre i ramble into oblivion
i divided my comment into 3 points
first, oc really hit home on this one. like when you wrote that she born into heartbreak and nutured by it i felt that so hard. from the get go i felt really close to her. and what you was were describing felt so real. she didn't feel rushed or superficial she felt like a real character with background and history. so yeah amazing character development
second, the pacing of it all was outstanding!! like it was impossible to stop reading. i was literally held hostage by this fic yes it was THAT good! every event the was progressing the story flowed naturally nothing felt rushed or dragged on. it was just the perfect rythym!!!
third, T.H.E S.M.UT. girllll i cannot believe it was your first smut!!!! like brooo omg the amount of times i almost threw my phone across the room just to get a breather... honestly when they were back in the club and mingi just blurted "use me" i literally LOST. IT. the tension was through the roof!!! i was legit kicking my feet because i was just going insane. and what followed was just to die forrrrrr everything was perfecttttt princess mingi is the absolute best!!!!!!!
and that cliffhanger girl we live in a world where we need part 2 of this masterpiece. like im really NOT the romantic type at all but you got me so in my feels so much that i crave a good ending. like i loved so much peeking throught the cracks of oc's thick armour. mingi def has the power to get her to bring her guard down. of course as an author myself there absolutely no pressure! creative process cant be forced but just know if this happen ill be there literally barking lol
okay so thats all thanks so much for this amazing ff ! sorry for the typos im legit just typing and not thinking
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Hello there! Am I tearing up? Why yes I am ;~; This really is leaving me speechless. To borrow Shakespeare's words from Twelfth Night: “I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks.”
I am reading and rereading your comments and it honestly feels surreal. I so deeply appreciate what you have written and what your thoughts are about 'Use Me', and before I go and sob a lil bit from the sheer glee and how overwhelmed I am (in the best sense ever), let me try my best to answer you <3
As someone who adores literature in all of its forms, I am beyond honoured that you feel this is the type of work that should be published. Really, I have no words other than the fact that I am blown away and am so grateful.
About the OC, what you wrote about the feeling of depth and of connection with the character is so unbelievably meaningful to me. I greatly enjoy work that delves into exploring the psyche and the emotional landscape of personas, and attempt to learn bit by bit about how to incorporate that; proper character development, as well as having good pacing are both major goals for me, so I… quite literally… shouted into the horizon when I read your kind words about that. I am sitting here beaming at the screen <3 (because I am held hostage by your ask I literally want to print it out and hug it and am giving you a virtual hug right now)
As the song goes: THANXX (and gracias, and all translations of it)!!!!! Ahah yep indeed it was and I am seriously really honoured that the tension and the flow of the scenes were that kind of an experience <3 (and princess mingi for the win ;))
This is the highest form of praise, right here, and okay you know how I said 'tearing up' yeah I am fully boarding the feels train, you say you are in the feels? Okay what is your seat I am about to be in the carriage thank you so much!!!! ;~; Really grateful for your understanding nature and for your kindheartedness and for the time that you took to read and to share your thoughts with me and really… I think… a part 2 could very much be a (high) possibility now ;) as you say, it may take a little longer, but I would love to dive in deeper, and see how the relationship in 'Use Me' will be changing, how the past can haunt just about anyone, and if, given time and effort, people can heal, and learn to both love and live.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you so much for your words, the inspiration and motivation. Much love, big hugs and wishing you all the very best and more <3
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300yearschallenge · 1 year
☕️ & 🔮
Hii!! :D Thank you so much for the ask :3 <3
☕ How often do you feel like you need to take breaks or unwind from working on your story?
More often than I'd like to lmao xD This current break is definitely the longest break I've had. When I'm not on break I tend to like play/edit photos/make and schedule posts for a few days each week and then rest and that's usually fine lol x3 The rest of the time tho I think I've gone on hiatus like once every few months?? If we don't count the current one lolol xD
I generally struggle a lot with actually giving myself the space to have downtime (current break notwithstanding) but I'm working on allowing myself to take a breather as needed. It's an important part of the creative process lol but the productivity gremlin in me hates it haha
🔮 How far into the future of your story can you see? Do you plan everything in advance or take things step by step?
Usually pretty far! I spend so much time just thinking about the story or reading up on random tidbits of history and stuff, so I've got quite a lot of ideas for the future!
I think I've planned up until 1820 or so for now, although I usually plan things in like "goalposts" rather than an exact series of events. So like I know some specific events that will happen at specific times, but then I'll take things as they come in between those events. Usually it creates some space for whatever shenaningans or mischief the sims get up to while just playing casually lmao ^w^
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pullhisteeth · 1 year
Hi again, lovely! I'm the anon who sent in the last request and thank you so much for writing it! 🥹 Such a fluffy and beautiful masterpiece as always. 🩷 I'm sorry to hear that you're having a tough time lately! I hope you get to have some time to rest because you deserve it! Please stay hydrated and remember to eat and to take a breather whenever you need it! 🩷
Also, I was wondering if there was any other way your readers could support you aside from reblogging your works, like do you have a ko-fi link perhaps or anything you'd like to promote? Thank you so so much for taking the time to write despite your busy schedule!!! 🧡🧡🧡
anon you are the best this is so kind :-) I'm so glad you liked it! and don't worry about me, I've just had something big happen at work but things should slow down after this week (or I hope so anyway lol)
I work full time and I am doing a-ok right now so honestly just all the lovely comments and reblogs make it worth it.
if any of you want to donate to a women's aid fund because you like my stuff please go ahead - there's a charity here in Scotland that works really hard and faced lots of backlash when they refused to ban trans people from their services. I've supported them a lot in the past. your £££ will go far <3
thanks again anon! you're truly the best - I love waking up to messages like this :-) love ya!
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purplesurveys · 1 year
1. What is something in your life that you feel hopeful about right now? I am just so so so SO excited for my trip to Thailand with friends. Since getting employed three years ago this will be my first Legit Break/Vacation, so it feels deserved and not as though I’m ~abandoning ship. Like yeah we have a string of events happening on the days I’m gone but for the first time ever I don’t actually feel guilty about missing them...because at this point, and probably for the first time in my career, I’m actually Tired. I just really need this breather.
Then immediately after Bangkok, my family and I are flying out to Malaysia also for a vacation, so the next two weeks will definitely feel like a breath of fresh air. It’ll suck when I’m back and have to catch up on everything I’ll miss, but at least for those two weeks I’ll remember to stay in the moment.
2. What was the last thing you worried about that turned out better than expected? Last Friday we had an event where it was supposed to be reservation-only for 75 pax, but then none of the motherfuckers who RSVP’d actually showed up and I was on the brink of hyperventilating because we had spent a fuckton’s worth of money for that event nobody arrived at and it was quickly becoming the worst flop of my career thus far – until we made the last-minute call to turn it into a public, free for all event. People poured in, people were dancing, and everyone had fun, and by the end of the night I was able to relax and have a couple of Long Island Iced Teas to finally loosen the fuck up lmao. 
3. Name somewhere you are planning on visiting in the near future? Seoul is definitely the next goal, after Bangkok. But ugh visa stuff is so much work idk when I’ll be able to find the energy to drag my ass to power through the requirements.
4. How often do you go grocery shopping and how much food do you usually get in one go? We usually do it once every two weeks, and we just get the same things every time – so essentials like meat, veggies, eggs, once in a while we’ll get frozen snacks like hotdogs and fries, then instant products like coffee and noodles. We’re not a very snack-y family to begin with so we never get junk food.
5. What is a meal you eat extremely often? Or do your meals & food choices vary a lot? Our meals are varied enough to the point that I can’t say I eat one thing more often than the others...but it’s a different story when we eat out. More or less, 8 out of 10 times we go with Japanese cuisine.
6. When was the last time you felt unable or unwilling to speak your mind to someone? TODAY LOL. My associate's fresh off a breakup and this week she’s been so out of it work-wise that it’s already led to a couple of delays and a handful of mistakes I have had to fix and stuff that she forgets to do. It’s a difficult situation to be in because I can’t exactly call her out given her vulnerable situation, but it also gets unbearable when mistakes are made by the hour. I’ve been telling her to take a leave partly because I want her to take care of herself, but also because I can’t handle any more mistakes that arise purely because of personal issues. I think she thinks I’m only saying it to be nice, but honestly, if you’re going through some shit, please file the leave and look out for yourself. 
7. What was the last thing you changed your mind about? Eh it was me initially wanting to do this work task but ended up delegating to my newest associate so she can learn how to do it herself, since it’ll be her first time doing so.
8. Who was the last friend you saw, and what did you do together? Lui; we attended a listening party that I was happening to manage/run.
9. Who tends to show up in your dreams? Do you ever wonder if you appear in anyone else's dreams? It’s usually just me in bizarre situations. No, I never think about that.
10. What is something you wish you could say to someone who is no longer in your life, or something you wish they could know? I hope Athenna has since come to the realization that she really used to have the tendency to be a shit person with intense anger management issues. I say tendency because she wasn’t always, and she would sometimes go out of her way to do Nice Friend Things for me; but when she was shitty, she really was.
11. Instead of flat earth, what do you think of the simulated earth theory, that we're basically all just a giant computer program or virtual reality? The jokes about us being Sims and it being the reason why we’ll sometimes forget why we walked into a room are funny, but it’s not something I legitimately subscribe to.
12. What worries you most about your future? Being stagnant.
13. What is something you do to feel better when you're scared? Watch BTS or have a quick play session with my dogs.
14. Who do you feel you can count on the most in life? Myself.
15. What makes you trust someone? When was the last time someone broke your trust? If I’ve spent enough time with someone I’ll usually get that a-ha moment where I sort of determine on my own, quietly, that I can trust them. Last time someone broke my trust...hmm. Not a lot of drama in my life recently but the closest incident that matches this is probably when my now-previous associate, Erin, filed her resignation just a week after she said she was very happy and was still very excited to keep learning. Like...what was the point of lying the week before lmao. This incident is more threw-me-off-guard than broke-my-trust, but still.
16. When was the last time you shared a secret with someone, and how did they react? This afternoon. Eh idk how to describe it, they just reacted the way I expected that person to react knowing their personality.
17. Are you more likely to give advice or to ask for it? Give.
18. When was the last time you felt totally lost, figuratively speaking? How about literally? Figuratively, around October 2022. Literally, last April when I had to drive home from Manila with 2% battery on my phone.
19. In what ways are you emotionally strong? In what ways are you emotionally weak? Strong: I’m pretty resilient and I’ve always been adamant and stubborn about proving myself no matter what it takes; this is also because I hate the idea of losing or people looking down on me. 
Weak: I think one mistake, regardless of context or situation, is the end of the world and I will overthink mistakes to death. Criticism also bothers me (internally – although on the outside I can always fake it and make it look like I’m taking it in stride).
20. What is the strangest book you have ever read? How did you find out about it? I don’t even remember the title but anyway it was a boring read.
21. Do you prefer to watch movies or tv alone or with other people? Is there anything you refuse to watch alone? I don’t have a preference on audience size. About things I refuse to watch alone – none.
22. What was the last thing you broke? How about fixed? Last thing I broke was errrr Agi’s diaper? I was figuring out how it worked when I inadvertently ruined the Velcro for it hahaha. Idk the last thing I fixed; I’m not usually able to fix stuff.
23. Is there a sign or symbol that means a lot to you for whatever reason (eg. seeing certain animals or birds, 11:11 or other repeating numbers, syncs, butterflies, hearts in nature, etc)? Just stuff related to BTS - the two doors, 613, 00:00, 7, the color purple.
24. Do you have any personal ghost stories or paranormal experiences? Nope.
25. What do you get complimented on the most? My writing.
26. What is something unusual that you find attractive? Arm hair as long as it’s not excessive. 100% because BTS members are always white-washed and Photoshopped to death that when I see airport or off-stage photos of them with actual normal human HAIR on their bodies I pop as fuck.
27. What time do you tend to eat your first meal of the day? And your last? I have my first and last meal of the day anywhere from 6-7 PM.
28. What was the subject of the last video you watched? Can’t remember...I think it was a snippet of a vlog from one of the vloggers I normally watch.
29. When was the last time you traveled out of town, and where to? We went to Laguna last weekend to visit family.
30. How would you describe your overall aesthetic? Namjooning minus the nature and bicycles.
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