#a lot of people kinda just like to be commanded and do as they're told
dazyskiie-luv · 8 months
Overblot mc/yuu but...????
TW — mention of vomiting, fighting Crowley and winning (sorry Crowley lovers), past death. I like thinking a lot tbh
not necessarily angst but it is in here! Same with fluff...this was really just me rambling.
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I think about MC overbloting a lot and I also think about adding it into my own books because of how??? good??? the idea???? is???????
I genuinely imagine that even from the start MC was in danger of overbloting themself, with the stress and despair of finding out they aren't in THEIR world, away from their (family and/or friends) with possibly NO WAY BACK EVER because of some egocentric crow refusing to do more than he wants to???????
They would obviously be hella upset, stressed, depressed, anxious, etc because they know NOTHING of this world and is practically a BABY among people who lived here THEIR WHOLE LIFE.
So as more overblots happen, the more their OWN overblot is brewing. Bubbling, waiting to enter the game. Especially with the magic always getting slashed onto them. I think the only reason why they HAVEN'T overbloted just yet is because of grim
a more personal headcanon; Grim's fire, when you have a close bond with him, sorta starts erasing your blot and fueling HIS flames, making it more powerful. Essentially, think of when you're close friends with someone... you'll find it easier to fight for them right?? like you have more power to do that??? that's what its like
Now think of when MC is just TOO deep in their mind, TOO deep into their emotions and its the ONE TIME grim isn't there to help. They go to throw up blot and after panicking for a bit they just accept it. They accept that "I'm gonna overblot and probably die" because they're just too tired to worry abt themself
They don't tell anyone and since the overblot is already taking over the entire inside of their body, grims flames can't really???? get it all???? It'll always be there and it'll continue to grow and slowly grim notices that when he's feeling more powerful than ever while MC is showing obvious signs of getting ready to overblot
Grim choosing not to say anything to other people would be like... i guess out of character but at the same time i think In character????? He knows how tired MC is with dealing with everyone and honestly he's tired of it too so YASSS SLAY HENCH-BESTIEEE!!!!!
Sooner or later the others would notice too and it would be a little late to help MC since the overblot is already seeping out of their skin like they're crying. and honestly? their body IS crying. it's crying blot. And even as everyone is screaming and panicking about MC, they're just... sitting there.
Like they're annoyed everyone is making a big deal out of it considering no one cared before, and they're just like "stfu we're in class" and then focus on the teacher going "u can continue im sorry abt that."
And everyone is just??? confused?? because why aren't they going haywire or like.....???? idk..... crying in pain....????? what...........
MC just chilling the entire day while overbloting, even their overblot monster just floating behind them in peace and waving at times when people look for too long while everyone else is wary and giving them (+ grim who's always in MC's hold) a bunch of space while the teachers and dormleaders have their pens/wands/wtvr thr fuck at command just incase
but then everyone just realizes that??? MC isn't gonna???? do anything?????? and it kinda irritates them because why aren't you doing shit its freaking them out.
And lets say,,, ortho... as discreetly as he can... scans you. And it shows that you're perfectly fine??? like you aren't dying or in pain. It even shows the Blot monster being alright too like its just a guy standing there.
And now the confusion is up to 100 because WHAT????
MC and the Blot [+ Grim] just doing their everyday assignments and eating in the cafeteria with their friends being visibly tense and MC just raises an eyebrow like "whats wrong with yall tf" before continuing to absolutely DEMOLISH a burger they got for free. FREE!!! best day ever fr they'll tell you that much
I feel like the Blot would get sorta aggressive/protective when it comes to people who has like hurt MC to the point they had to take a nurse visit (half of the school but its alr we gang fr) but when it comes to crowley....??? They'll see the FULL POWER of a magicless blot monster which is actually more terrifying than the others.
The blot going hulk on crowley is so funny to imagine for me cause he'd just be running away and suddenly gets smashed into a pillar from a literal stomp. just one. and it was relatively weak compared to the Blot AND MC picking up and swinging that SAME PILLAR to smash it into crowley.
All that anger and other negative emotion finally coming out the SECOND they even so as HEAR that crows heartbeat nearby. It gave everyone whiplash but then again they also all collectively thought that he deserved it considering he hasn't truly done anything to HELP the students but just to HELP the schools reputation.
I'm half certain a student died there and he just covered it up and they turned into a ghost that haunts places. (i mean... look at the three ghosts in Ramshackle. they used to be students there I'm pretty sure????? i forgot.)
As MC is beating the DOG SHIT out of crowley the Blot is just cleaning everything up slowly because they realized that they dirted up the place :( and when MC is done they help too as the teachers all circle around a throughly beaten and bruised Crowley who has blood seeping out of his mouth while being half awake.
Of course they help him don't die because they honestly don't want the one helpful person to go to the equivalent of jail in twisted wonderland for committing murder and ykw thats so real.
I feel like as Mc stays in this overblot form everyone thats close-ish to them gets memories of things that's happened to them in the past like how MC did. But it's worse. I want an mc thats traumatized im sorry and i want it to be worse than what half of these guys went through.
I need them to feel guilty even more. Like. "Oh my god I really said that when— holy shit" FEEL BAD!!!!! Grim would already know their past because I know I would be cuddling into Grim's stomach and crying about everything.
When Mc finally stops "Overbloting", the Blot would still be there but as its own person :D How does this work????? it works bc I said it does.
The Blot™ would help MC a lot and vice versa, basically acting like parents now with how worried they get over everyone and the other. Grim is eating the attention up though as both Mc and The Blot cuddle as therapy (and bc they wanna)
Everyone (especially idia) would need time to like... get used to that because there's "NO FUCKING RECORD OF AN OVERBLOT BECOMING ITS OWN PERSON AND BEING....NICE?????"(shrouds words not mine ong) and when they do get used to it its like everyone is genuinely happier because! gasp! they are!!!
kick the crow out the seat. Both the Blot and Mc are the new headmaster contrary to the students voting them when Crowley got demoted from it.
I also feel like....??? Instead of MC goinf back home cause they realize just how BAD it was back home, they choose to have a bridge between both realities so that its their (friends and/or families) choice on if they want to be with them in twisted wonderland or not.
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MC & Blot beating the shit outta Crowley as everyone watches (and cheers)
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velvetvexations · 17 days
(this is from yesterday so this entire thing is written out and just copy pasted in.)
The more I see how you've been treated by other trans people, the more hollow all the posts repeating variations of 'love all trans women! Listen to all trans women! Have kindness and grace for all trans women! Even the bad and ugly and annoying ones!' become to me.
One one hand, these posts almost without fail dissolve into active vitriol the moment someone (foolishly and naively) tries to mention any other kind of trans person, which the OPs often shut down and treat as insulting, hostile, nefarious or a deliberate attempt to take away (steal?) the kindness away from transfems (like it's a finite resource?)
On the other, I follow a lot more transfems than transmascs, meaning I got to see how some of them felt about it. The anecdote that lasered itself into my brain was seeing a butch trans woman saying she felt bitter and kinda hopeless sharing that kind of message because her experience was that not even other trans women had any kindness or grace for her.
And then how this has played out for you. You and another trans woman disagreed, and instead of saying 'you're annoying me and I disagree with your opinion' she presented you as misgendering her (it's apparently not enough that you use they/them by default to account for all the genderfuckery on Tumblr. How dare you not be clairvoyant.), she didn't care that you corrected yourself and told the person crawling out of the woodwork to talk shit about her to fuck off, she said you 'threatened to share' her nsfw account when you censored the url and told the anon to get lost, and blamed you for a shitstorm resulting from her saying something controversial.
Going further, you get that asshole demanding you 'give the URL of your transfem mutuals'. It reminds me of how everyone, including other transfems, were screaming at Tumblr's CEO to show 'proof' that predstrogen had said or done something worthy of being banned. And it's just... Does anyone hear themselves? Why is everyone okay demanding personal or potentially intimate information about transfems for the sake of 'proof?' Why do you have to hand off the URLs of people you know so some asshole can presumably judge them and dismiss them for not being good enough? Does no one else find it insane that it's okay to bulldoze transfem's privacy for the sake of 'proof'?
Is this why those positivity posts are so often structured like commands? So that everyone can nod their head and pat their backs self righteously for doing the 'right thing' of passing this command along to the unspecified OTHER meant to ACTUALLY work on treating transfems better? Did everyone press the reblog button to look good or something? I thought everyone, trans people included, agreed that the point was tangibly and personally putting in some effort to do better?
I always internalised those posts as a rallying cry to do better, all of us, but it seems like it's played out as an excuse for people to use personal pain to justify lashing out and pushing the DOING better part onto 'someone else'.
Yeah, like. So much of it just comes off as virtue signaling? I recently got accused of being an anti-SJW for using that term lol but that's an actual thing that actually happens. It's so performative. It's theory.
And it really does frustrate me that I can't take those posts seriously. Regardless of what anyone else thinks, I have serious chest thumping anxiety about the constant, terrifying situation we're all in. We as in "me as well". So I want to take comfort in those posts that are about how the OP will support trans women with their dying breath, I did take comfort in those posts, but then I look for five seconds on OP's blog and find ten posts about transandro bros and I want to never hear someone say they support me ever again because they're all fucking snakes and their support is completely worthless to me.
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xcom au, nothing especially anything, set in Cellbit's first few days with the group.
Cellbit is sat on the floor of the command room, an old books of crossword puzzles in hand. He has meticulously copied across the chart, not wanting to steal one of the few leisure items from the rest of the crew, and is filling it in. This one comes in French - not a language he knows well, but he is puzzling his way through.
He is just filling in 14A when a vaguely familiar someone ducks down before him. The green jumpsuit tells him little, except that the man isn't wearing it up - no, the sleeves are tied around his waist, the back bunched up, revealing the tank top beneath. For some reason he wears a hat even in here, an emerald hanging off it.
And then, perhaps more obvious, are the great black wings which fold awkwardly behind him. They're hybrid wings, that much Cellbit is sure of, but they do not fold particularly well.
He looks a bit strange.
They're all a bit strange here.
They're all a bit scarred here, too.
"Cellbit, right?" the man perches on the balls of his feet, elbows to his knees and rests his head on his hands.
"Yes?" Cellbit replies. "I'm sorry, I think I forgot you."
"No worries," he's flashed a grin. "You've got a lot of people to keep up to, I bet? I'm Philza. I remember."
Dragged from one matter to another, it takes Cellbit a few moments to put the pieces together. There was definitely gossip about this man, shared in hushed whispers and watching him interact with the others.
Philza Minecraft, Angel of Death, scourge of the Federation. Vanished alongside his partner in crime years ago, becoming little more than a fable.
One living on their ship, trusted to lead and advise though claiming no official role higher than squad captain.
"Angel?" he asks, because how can he not? "Death's Angel."
Philza's smile grows thin, "I swapped my sword for a medkit years ago. You're better off asking one of the others if it's murder you need - Jaiden's pretty hot at it these days."
Jaiden? Cellbit will bare that in mind.
"Sorry," he says, because he knows they all have pasts he would rather not come up - if Brazilian affairs were half as televised as those in English-speaking countries... Well, with Philza's past Cellbit could perhaps be proud, but parts of his own are better left untouched. "Did you need something?"
He's only been here three days; he cannot imagine anyone trusts him with much.
"Kinda," Philza tilts his head to the side a bit, eyes narrowing and looking all the birdier for it. "I'm told you like paperwork? And decoding shit?"
Cellbit blinks - once, twice, and "yes?"
Philza perks up again, "great! Because I've got a weird shit archive dating back about twenty five years that might want someone to look at them. I've been doing my best, but I am a fucking dumbass and cannot make heads or tails of it."
"Archive?" Cellbit can /feel/ his ears perk up at that - his control of the damned things having been lost in years of having them forcibly pinned away. "What sort?"
"Bit of this, bit of that," Philza shrugs. "Copies of mission records, newspaper clippings, shit the Theory Bros were looking into before the war... Weird crap Aypierre and Tubbo are done with, intercepted audio recordings, spy reports, random crap people picked up on missions... Photos. So many photos. Missing persons reports. That sort of stuff."
It sounds like a treasure trove.
It also sounds like it's going to be a nightmare to get into a usable state.
Fuck, if it's just been shoved in a storage room...
"Sure," Cellbit tries to hide both his excitement and his fear both. "I'm not busy."
"Great," Philza hops back onto his feet. "Because I am. I just found a few minutes to show you; Tubbo needs extra hands to test something, you know how it is with engineer types?"
And, yes, Cellbit does.
He is led through the ship to a tucked away room, down near the engines. Philza pushes open the door, and shows him inside.
With a flick of the lights... It's not as bad as Cellbit had assumed. Shelves with assorted objects line the left wall, a series of large, metal cupboards beneath them. Everything is fixed into place with metal strips and bolts - even the filing cabinets, all of which also lock. There's a chart on the wall with packs of coloured paper beneath, each colour representing a different research topic.
There are also cotton gloves - proper cotton gloves for working with documents! -
"While I was sorting," Philza says, already moving over to a cabinet. "I found a lot of this shit is related to more than one topic. Couldn't keep it separated by research field like the old archivist had been trying to, just a fucking dumbass idea. So, left to right, oldest to newest. I start filling a new cabinet from the bottom, so it stays better balanced. Anything paper goes in there - the folders are numbered to their order, please put them back right - objects in the shelves. Coloured sticky labels are where I think shit's related, but honestly you'll want to check it."
Cellbit is already peering over Philza shoulder, and into the drawer he opened. It's one of the pre-war old ones - pretty empty, but there's still a few pieces in there.
He grabs a folder and leafs through, marveling at the organisation, and just how well kept the records are - even at twenty four years old, the newspaper clippings are still perfectly legible and the paper at no risk of falling apart.
It's a missing person's report, one marked with the colour-tag as being unresolved. He's not surprised - if it had been it wouldn't be here - but it's not pleasant news.
And, tucked in with it is a series of printed out forum posts, ones discussing the article.
"It's not much," Philza shrugs. "But I try keep it organised, at least. Knew someone would want it some day."
"No, no," Cellbit puts everything back and slowly closes the door. "This is great! I was expecting worse. Can I see that one?"
He points at a random cabinet, somewhere near the middle.
Philza doesn't open it, he grabs a set of keys from one of to desks, and tosses them over.
"These are yours," he says. "So's the desk - mine's over there, though it's mostly used to dump unsorted shit on. Have fun with it all."
"You're leaving?" Cellbit asks. "Me here. With all these records. And the keys. Alone."
"Yeah?" Philza shrugs.
"I've been here three days. How do you just...?"
"Cellbit," Philza says. "Everyone higher than me in this damned organistion trusts you with their lives. Hell, I do too - I know you were feeding us that info. Not everyone does, but..." a shrug "I file the paperwork, you know? Can't solve it, but I can store the damned things. I've seen what you do, Cellbit - you've saved my ass more times than I can count. May as well give you the paperwork, fuck knows I don't know what to do with it."
"I have?" and Cellbit... Cellbit knows his info was good, but to hear it is...
"You sent the Order to Fit," Philza says. "I used my connection to him to get the Order to bail Missa out - my closest friends, I owe you. The warning of the shift in Thin Man biology? Saved our asses on the field. The base locations? The guard rotations? The info on treating laser wounds? There's not a person on this ship who doesn't owe you their life, Cellbit - what the fuck is some paperwork to that?"
"They would have managed," Cellbit says, already unlocking a drawer and flicking though one of the files inside.
This one is much fuller, and he spots photographs - ones taken by Philza, the backs read, showing off the areas where significant things happened.
"But we didn't have to," Philza replies. "Just.. Enjoy yourself, alright? I've left my notes where I could think of something, but I doubt it's worth shit."
"No, no, this is good," he puts the file back and grabs another. "Just needs an index."
"Indexing's all set up on your laptop," Philza taps on it, and only now does Cellbit spot the old piece of tech on the desk. "Tubbo refitted her."
"You indexed this," Cellbit looks at all the shelves, remembers this man leads missions, gives advice on running the Order - hell, he even runs it himself, when the others are indisposed - constantly being asked for aid and giving it... "It must have taken you ages."
"I was sorting through it all anyway, putting it all in date order and tagging the relevant queries and that," Philza shrugs. "Wasn't that much more work. Hour or two here and there over fifteen months or so?"
It's dedication. Cellbit nearly drops a file as the airship moves sharply, and in making sure everything in intact he misses Philza's escape.
Damn it. Well, if he has questions, he can ask later.
The index though...
Cellbit goes to the laptop, pulling it open and waiting for it to boot. There's a couple of things on there - Philza's desk has a full computer and printer, but Cellbit's new laptop has an external hard drive - but he ignores them for opening the index.
He expected just a list of reference numbers and which tags - maybe location, if he was lucky.
Instead.. Full database, all linked up. Reference numbers, tags, and locatgion, yes, but also summaries of the contents, a list of directly related items such as commentaries or other articles about the same event, a column for Philza's notes and one for Cellbit's, the locations of the originals if not stored in the archive...
Cellbit has killed for far, far less than this. And it's just... been handed to him? By someone saying it isn't much?
He doesn't quite get it, but...
He picks a mystery - something small for now. Opens up something to take notes on, and goes to collect the relevant files.
Soon enough he's absorbed so deep that he doesn't even notice Felps not-so-sneaking up behind him until he's already being hugged and told off for missing dinner - for vanishing all over again.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
I have been thinking about FCG and Imogen's dynamic and how much it changed and i have talked about it in tags a couple of times
Like it changed from both of them going "there is something really wrong with you and you don't realize it, so i will help you fix it" to echother. And now they are both very much on a standstill and kinda waiting for the other to the other to "come to their senses"
I have a feeling that something is going to happen and they are gonna start arguing and snapping at each other, because there is a really fun tension forming between the two of them and their own arrogance is keeping them at bay
So here's the thing: I don't actually think FCG is acting this way towards Imogen! I think it's mostly one-sided and coming from Imogen, whereas FCG is kind of just rolling along doing their own thing.
FCG's arc so far has been one of learning their purpose and the truth about the demise of their party, which was obviously traumatic, but they were met with the support of Bells Hells and Imahara Joe and encouraged heavily to make their own path - and found a deity who represents exactly that: possibility, change, and chance. While his path towards faith has definitely been a weird one with its share of incorrect assumptions, it's also helped him through a lot of difficult circumstances, and it's been rewarded with the attention of the Changebringer. They also met FRIDA and were able to make a strong connection with them very quickly, and while they're still figuring things out, there's a sense of peace about it. FCG still does care about other people, but he's started to consider his own needs in a way he previously didn't and tentatively embrace personhood, and can see a way forward.
Imogen, on the other hand, despite learning much more about the source of her powers, knows less about what she wants now. Originally, she hoped to learn where they came from, and she wanted to be rid of them - or at least, she thought she wanted to be rid of him (Imogen's feelings about power lead me to believe she never actually wanted to be rid of them entirely, just, understandably, the downsides). She now knows that she is Ruidusborn, with all that entails...and the party is fighting most of the Ruidusborn, and the source of her powers. And, to be clear, I absolutely think the party is right, but Imogen finds herself wanting the thing she thought she didn't want (Ruidusborn powers). And whereas the party has largely been tolerant, if not always enthused with FCG's explorations of religion, Imogen feeling out the Ruby Vanguard was met with vehement opposition. Which, again, is fair, because FCG is saying some theologically incorrect and perhaps annoying to some but ultimately harmless shit about a canonically good-aligned deity, whereas Imogen was entertaining siding with a murderous group of cultists responsible for the deaths of Orym's husband, Orym himself, Fearne, and Laudna; but I can see why she felt upset about it.
I think Imogen is intensely jealous of FCG, actually, and she knows it's irrational, which only makes it feel worse. FCG is embracing personhood in a way she doesn't like, but that's the whole point of personhood, isn't it? To make the choices that are right for you, considering the needs of your friends but not erasing yourself to accommodate them. FCG has received support, and even a relationship with someone who can uniquely understand them - in fact, even more so, after this last episode, in which FRIDA has also killed at the command of Aeor. FCG, when unsure about their purpose and agency, received gentle guidance and encouragement to take their time and figure out who they wanted to be. Imogen, when plagued with doubt, has received none of that. She's been yelled at by Ashton and Orym (again: valid of Ashton and Orym, but we're focusing on Imogen's perspective and the fact that she probably even realizes they were right, but that doesn't help her actually feel better). She's constantly told by her closest friend (whose own darker power source was seemingly eliminated without ill effects) that she's "very capable" or that she's always been able to make her own decisions, both responses which give Imogen no room to actually grapple with that doubt and have a chance to address it head-on.
FCG didn't know what they wanted at the beginning, and has found an incredibly validating purpose and a companion who understands many of their struggles. Imogen got precisely what she thought wanted - she even now has a magical item that does take away some of the worst effects of her powers - and it's unsatisfying. She's full of resentment and she knows it's misdirected. I don't even think she's waiting for FCG to come to their senses. I think she just wants to feel what he feels and have what he has, but pursuing the gods isn't right for her, so she's lashing out.
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Could you explain the premise (or anything else you'd like to share) of The Abyss to me, to the perspective of one who knows basically nothing about creepypasta? ;-; like I know the names of the more known characters and that's it lol. it sounds cool and I'd like to know a little more though, if you feel ok with that :0
Of course!!
Creepypasta is an Internet term that's similar to copypasta, copypasta being a wall of text that would copy and pasted to troll or meme people. A creepypasta is the same premise, but it's a horror story. A lot of memorable characters came out these stories for better or for worse. Characters like The Slenderman, Jeff the Killer, The Rake, etc.
Then there's Marble Hornets, which is a web-series inspired by The Slenderman, and it's really awesome, I would recommend it to those who haven't watched it. I most recently was able to finish up all the seasons and it really is amazing to watch.
So, I was a fandom creepypasta kid in middle school, so I was very attached to the softer interpretations of these characters. There was more comedy to the short narratives that were told with them, I also found them to be used more as vigilante characters.
There was an aspect that I really feel spoke to a lot of younger people, which was that someone was coming for them, to help them and take them from the situation that was out of their control. I know that was true for me, even though I didn't necessarily need saving, I knew that there were people who needed help. Help that at eleven years old, I couldn't provide. As a helpless and outcasted kid, these characters, however silly it may seem, helped with feeling seen and understood.
Anyway, that's sort of what The Abyss takes inspiration from, added on top that I think I can make a story out of anything. I started working on it at the peak of the pandemic, so I probably also felt helpless in that situation as well, not to mention that's when my tics got to the point where it was debilitating.
Anway, context aside, I'll explain what The Abyss has going on at this point in time (the story has been changed so many times, that's why I say that).
So, it's mainly taking the big creepypasta fandom idea that all the creepypastas live together in a mansion with The Slenderman and expanding on it. For The Abyss, it's turned the mansion into whole another dimension. This dimension has been dubbed The Abyss (you can see where the title comes from).
It's a place for nature's freaks and society's rejects. They're used for the agenda of nature's biggest freak and mystery, The Tall Man, The Slenderman, The Boss, The Operator, whatever It's called. Most of the individuals who seek refuge under It don't know It like the people that work directly under It. Most of the people there can be compared to being in military reserves. They will be called upon if they are needed.
So far, the characters that get called on (mostly by Briar) from the reserves are Ben (BENDrowned), Cody (X-Virus), Anthony (OC), and Jeffrey (Jeff the Killer) (but Jeff just kinda joined on his own accord).
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There are other characters that were pulled out of the reserves by The Slenderman are OCs and a few other canonical characters, such as Kagekao, Bloody Painter, Laughing Jack, and more once I start actual progress on plot and such.
Then there are the people who work directly under the command of The Slenderman. These are the Proxies. They communicate with It telepathically in the form of visions and nightmares and do whatever job It needs done. They get a brand in the shape of the 'No Eyes'/Operator symbol from Marble Hornets somewhere on their body and are forever at the mercy of The Tall Man.
These characters shown here are Roque (Rocky), Briar-Rose (Briar), and Toby (Firecracker) (I'll explain why he's not Ticci Toby some other time).
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Other characters that are Proxies include characters like Natalie (Clockwork), and whoever else I'll put in that category.
Then there are the characters who exist outside of The Abyss, like Eyeless Jack.
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That would be Homicidal Lui, Jane the Killer, Nina the Killer, and most importantly Tim Wright.
The plot starting out will be a crossover/continuation of Marble Hornets, following Tim as he goes cross country getting hunted down and stalked by members of The Abyss. Tim was a very important asset for The Slenderman because of his ability to spread The Sickness. Too important to lose. It has been tracking him down for however many years and now it's gotten to the point where It has to start using Its Proxies and Reserves to get this one guy.
If anyone would like to learn about the characters as individuals, just send an ask and I'll be more than happy to talk about them :3!!
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nbodyorbit · 1 month
Honestly I haven't talked about it... At All here because I'm afraid I'll be fucking crucified for it but, this is my blog and my portrayal and I do what I want so! I want to talk about Perceptor and Brainstorm's relationship here for a minute and why I hate don't think s*mpatico works.
As a note: Brainstorm isn't my muse, he's not My Guy, but I do love a good analysis.
Anyways, that aside, the problem I have with it first and foremost is that Perceptor isn't even part of the equation. He has very little of a role in their dynamic and a lot of it comes from Brainstorm and his hangups. All these problems they have with each other aren't even necessarily Perceptor's fault.
There is, I feel, a major class divide between them. Brainstorm was cold constructed, a fact he kept private from everyone, even Chromedome, until the Killswitch. The one exception to this rule would be Nautica, who he even told his original name. Because of this, he has MASSIVE self esteem issues. He begins working at Kimia, and he most likely worked his ass off to climb in the ranks as much as he could.
Enter Perceptor, who, by pure circumstance, ends up on Kimia to work on Kup alongside Brainstorm. This is the one time they worked together. We don't know how well they worked together, but based on Perceptor's major reservations and distaste for the project, it wouldn't surprise me if he ignored him for the most part. Not off to a great start.
They leave Kimia and... oh what do you know, Perceptor is assigned to watch over the guy you just worked on. What do you know, Perceptor gets the credit for your shared work. And, while the alternative ended up being quite terrible for Perceptor, I can only imagine Brainstorm was bubbling with jealousy over the fact he was sent with Kup in what Seemed a highly regarded position.
POV: You're Brainstorm, this guy comes in, he's a microscope, he was forged, he is doing what he was meant to do. High Command recognizes his work. They let him go on missions. You're left on Kimia.
Anyways, fast forward a few years and you're really high up in Kimia, you're both notorious and respected. You have a team that works under you. This is your time to shine. And then that damn microscope comes back, and in the span of NINE MONTHS he's not only either On or working hand in hand With the ethics committee, but he was also the one who was requested to go study Megatron. What The Fuck. You're getting kinda sick of this guy and you've interacted all of once. People keep comparing you to him. What The Fuck x2.
A bit later you join the Lost Light, you think, okay maybe I've finally escaped this guy's shadow. GUESS WHAT! HE'S HERE TOO! AND HE'S BEEN MADE THE CHIEF SCIENCE OFFICER!! Not only that but the majority of your old team is onboard the Lost Light, and they get transferred to working under this guy! What The Fuck x3!
So... what do you do? Well, anything any well adjusted person would do: You hinge your entire self worth on one-upping this guy and act out as much as possible until you surpass him. You even try pushing his boundaries to see if that'll get anything out of him.
And this guy barely even gives a shit about you. He barely even knows you exist.
Anyways. All this to say: I do not think they get along, I do not think they're even friends, and I especially do not think they would enter any sort of relationship.
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alovelyburn · 1 year
I think the craziest part about Griffith in my mind is that he probably would've been the most popular character in Berserk if he didn't assault Casca. Like he's very well written and his motives were pretty understandable. It's just the one thing he solely did out of spite ruins him for people.
I do agree with this - he's the type of antagonist that tends to commandeer fandoms more often than not in most fandoms. Which is why it always bugs me out that people are so hostile to him. I do realize it's the rape but that's kind of difficult for me to fathom for... maybe three main reasons.
First, I just have a hard time understanding people being angry at fictional characters for things that never actually happened. I have long since come to realize that I'm the only one in the universe like this aside from @zombiesgohome lmao but it doesn't make it any easier to fathom for me, I straight up can't understand it.
Second, tbh, is that Griffith didn't even do it, Femto did. One of the things that really bugs me out about Berserk's English-speaking fandom is how ... not even unable but like unwilling people are to acknowledge any difference whatsoever between human Griffith and Femto/NeoGriffith to the point where they just straight up make shit up about Griffith (like that he's a serial rapist and raped Charlotte) in order to support their obviously incorrect theory that he was just a monster from day one. And it's especially weird because this concept - the "Person was different before they were turned into a [whatever. vampire/demon/werewolf/zombie/lich/whatever] and now they're very different" thing - isn't exactly uncommon. And in Griffith's case, we are repeatedly told that he's changed and that his heart is frozen. Even Miura himself explicitly rejected the concept that Griffith was Just Evil (hell he kinda rejected the idea that Griffith is evil NOW). And yet....
They don't care, they ignore the story, they ignore the creator, they somehow imagine that a child who engages in self-harm while claiming that he's fine is actually literally completely fine, or that someone who has an emotional breakdown and self-destructs when left by Guts is just having a tantrum because he lost his toy. They imagine that he's spoiled even though he literally grew up on the street. They even blame him for his own extreme and prolonged torture and it's just fucking weird, I've never seen anything like it in my life. I think this is the thing that I find most baffling of everything in any fandom I have ever been in, and it will never, ever, ever make sense to me.
And third, this has a lot to do with my personal experience in fandoms, but Berserk was literally the first fandom I ever encountered that would have cared about this.
I'm a fandom veteran, you know? When I see people trying to argue that AO3 should ban [insert dead dove: do not eat topic here], it's just incredibly ironic to me because the reason AO3 exists is that Livejournal tried to enforce rules against what would now be considered problematic content and people were so angry that they started plotting an escape from the site. It's also the reason Dreamwidth exists.
So basically... when I first finished reading Berserk, I was genuinely shocked by how hated Griffith was because in literally every fandom I'd been in until then he would've been the most popular character even with the SA. Hell a lot of people would've just used it as a diving board off which to launch their darkfic.
And it's so odd to me that like... so many fandoms were out there trying to infuse into their canon the things that Berserk fans were angry about having to see.
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amaiguri · 3 months
I redesigned my Main Antagonist
Kivihk, the God of Blood and Beginnings, has slowly risen from "antagonist of one story arc" to "main antagonist" and thus, he needs a new design and personality to match.
What was I working with? He had this arrogant, abrasive, "I'm waaay better than you" sort of attitude before. Imagine like... stereotypical misogynist college bad boy who drinks and parties too much and stuff. And he wanted to take over the world because he was an entitled baby.
So. He was evil and boring.
And also, he wasn't wearing enough clothes and this made him LESS hot, imo. I mean, look at this mess...
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So then, I fixed him.
Initially, I fixed his second-in-command, Vanya, and gave her an actual tragic arc and stuff. And she went from "boring, evil goon" to "realistic depiction of a trad wife being gaslit into thinking giving birth was her only value, only to be put down for doing the one thing they told her she should do." So, she's this EMOTIONAL MESS and she hates him but she loves him cuz she doesn't think she has options...
Except the Demonic/Eldritch horror version. So her body will eventually be consumed and taken over by him. And she has to just be happy about this... SEE? That's FUN! (And by "Fun", I mean, it's horrific.)
So, next, I thought "Maybe, I'll remove Kivihk from the story except as a force-of-nature villain, with Vanya as his face!" Especially since "God of Blood and Beginnings" sounds a lot like "birth" to me -- so making him more of a feminine villain just made sense. I even started doing some sketches for this potential change -- Below: Vanya as she is now and Vanya as she could be as the avatar of a dead God.
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But then I thought about how much editing that would require and died inside...
So I went and fleshed out the last 2000 years of backstory. And lo and behold, my usual trick of "just imagine going through their backstory" gave me a lot more empathy for the kind of people these two would be... And for one: Kivihk would not ACT like an entitled little baby all the time. He would, in fact, be pretty gentle, patient, and nice. He's a God, after all. He's a God who is superior to all other mortals and he has forever to achieve his goals. As I described it to my Discord:
He doesn't hate humans... he just doesn't see them as people. Do you gloat at cows? No. You aren't insane. You DO still get mad at them if they break your fence or refuse to eat the food you give them, though...
So, with this in mind, I went and redrew him to give him that "JRPG Final Boss First Form" vibe. In his human disguise atm, he's got darker skin because the majority of humans in that area have dark skin. But most of my Demons have ashy-silver skin, so that's kinda what I'm going for with his "Godling" form.
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To be clear, in his TRUE true form, he'd probably have like 5 more of those black "burned" arms, 6 more eyes, and like 3 flaming halos or something. I also think his God form would be more fishlike, since fish lay a lot of legs, and take a lot of influence from sea angels (since they're clear/white but have a red core and I think that's a great aesthetic for a God of Blood).
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So yeah! That's a list of all the changes atm. I'm not even sure if this is the final destination of my changes so if you have questions or suggestions, I am open to them. Thanks for going on this journey with me! Now I just have to do a proper illustration to update this banner already... Hee hee!
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ethicstownpod · 9 months
If it's alright, I'd really like to hear more about January's 'Some Kinda Gender'. I understand it might be a spoiler/private so no pressure I'm just really interested
I think everything January is and/or isn't going to do in coming seasons is fun to find out as it happens. We've heard him do a lot of thinking about things he's done, but really only 1.5ish episodes thinking about what he's actually like as a person. And, more importantly, what he'd like to be like as a person. That is, if he can even get over the fact that he isn't one.
But I'm more than happy to talk generally about gender performance in s1 and generally. Buckle up, it's probably going to be a bit of a long one! I'm really into this, lol.
So before I really got to know any of the St Kilda cast I got to see most of them act at table reads. Spectacular experience, they're all incredible actors and fascinating people. But Rhys and I were never at a table read together, so the first time I properly met him he was just a regular human guy. As the script Naomi was working on currently stood he was going to play someone's boyfriend and I was like 'yeah, sure. This is a human man who could be a boyfriend.'
Then at like 2am the director came in and was like 'English accent! You're the villain now!' We'd been hanging out for a couple hours at that point. Rhys is vibrant, but a very gently spoken person. And I wasn't at all thinking 'Oh no, he can't do that' because like,,, that's his job. But I was very interested to see what he would do.
The first time I see him on set he has the whole villain get-up on and it is camp. Not in a camp-but-as-a-compliment way, thought it was cool af, but literally 2000s cartoon queer villain camp. Slicked hair and make-up that matched his suit. And I was like okay, damn, blinked and this dude got a whole new gender, good for him.
And then, to no one's surprise and to my absolute delight, he acted the fuck out of that campy outfit. Snippy and cocky and commanding. And obviously I knew, y'know, from being alive, that anyone performing 'camp villain' is doing a specific gender performance, but it was so cool to see someone I had got to know out of costume do that.
So I was thinking about this - and the other times I'd seen Rhys act in the interim - when I was doing final script edits/deciding what January/Ian would sound like. January was always going to have his voice actor's natural accent (as long as they weren't American, lol) and that was intentional.
The only actual vocal note I gave Rhys when coming up with an Ian voice was to go deeper, but I also told him that ep 8 was kind of Ian's campy villain monologue. He's just talking to hear the sound of his own voice at that point, he could have just killed Artemis and saved himself a lot of trouble.
Ian, as he tells you, has been pretending to be this January persona the whole time. And for most of episode 8 you have no reason not to believe him. His name is Ian. He can prove he was putting on a voice. He has a wife, not a spouse (yeah, I know a wife is a spouse, but he'd never say wife, would he... hmm...), a teenage daughter, not two young children. And everything January said was a lie.
BUT THEN! He gets upset, and his voice just... slips. That doesn't tend to happen when you're speaking in your natural accent.
Ian is just a persona too. He's this hyper-masculine husband, father, son, politician, bread-winner type turned old-timey camp-horror-villain and that's all a performance.
More importantly than being Ian, January isn't real. He isn't an anxious, fumbling, queer-in-a-librarian-kind-of-way radio host. But he also isn't this super-masc intimidating politician type; hence, when we actually meet Ian he's just,, kinda gay.
Everything is a performance for January and it must be exhausting. Someone just decided he was a human man one day, and sure he wants to be a human man, but he has no idea how to do that. He needs a break to figure out who he is. Unfortunately he instead did some murdering about it, so he probably won't get one.
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klm-zoflorr · 1 year
Marley incorrect quotes part 6: a Memoir
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Carla, to Eren: Your dad was banned from the chicken shack, so we had to go out of town to get some.
Grisha: Well, they shouldn’t say “all you can eat” if they don’t mean it.
Carla: Grisha, you ate a chair.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Levi: Okay. I get it. You've had a really hard time lately, you're stressed out, seven people died-
Petra: Twelve, actually.
Levi: Not the point. Look, they're dead now and really whose fault is that?
Petra: Yours!
Levi: That's right: no one's.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Carla: What the fuck is wrong with you?!
Grisha: Wow, you could start with a 'good morning'.
Carla: Good morning. What the fuck is wrong with you?!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Carla: WHY, why did you give Mikasa a knife?? As if she wasn't terrorizing the other kids enough??
Grisha: She said she felt unsafe.
Carla: Now I feel unsafe!
Grisha: I'm sorry
Grisha: ... Would you like a knife?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Pieck: Hey, you want some leftovers?
Annie: What's that?
Pieck: You've never had leftovers??
Annie: No, because I'm not a quitter.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Gabi: Seriously, how do you manage to actually be sucessful with Magath as your Commander?
Zeke: I’m not really listening to him half the time. I just smile and agree, and then I do what I want...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: You love me, right, Pieck?
Pieck: Normally, I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere treasonous and I don’t like it.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Pieck: The individual we're searching for has very big... Uh... How to put this-
Gabi: Huge Badonkers
Udo: Prodigious Mommy Milkers
Colt Grice: Impressive Bosoms
Falco: Immense Jingle Bells
Zofia: Humongous tètés
Udo: How did you just speak in italics-
Porco: Massive Tits
Gabi: Gigantic Gazongas
Zofia: Colossal Knockers
Falco: ( . )( . )
Colt: Gargantuan Chesticles
Reiner: You all need to STOP
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Falco: A muffin is just a bald cupcake and we all know it.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Porco: Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t have feelings for Zeke Jaeger.
Pieck: *looking lovingly at Zeke across the room* I don’t have feelings for Zeke Jaeger
Porco: Pieck! You're not even remotely looking towards my eyes!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Falco: What's your biggest fear?
Reiner: Being forgotten
Falco: Damn that's deep
Falco: Mine is the kool aid man but I feel kinda stupid about it now
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Pieck: I really like you, but you are a terrible person to talk to about personal stuff.
Zeke: Thank you, that means a lot to me.
Zeke: Is it because I told you to set General Calvi on fire when he refused to listen to you about the Panzer unit?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commander Magath: Sorry guys no Eldians allowed at the party. Only purebreed, not subject to bothersome Titan transformations real humans allowed.
Pieck: But why is Zeke allowed?
Commander Magath: He’s cooler than all of you. Also the officers like him
Zeke, holding a glass of wine: Suck on deez nuts!
Gabi: I'm gonna put a spider in his shower
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: Hi there! I am back. By unpopular demand, yes, but it's still a cause for celebration
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Pieck: Anyone want anything from the store?
Udo: A friend.
Gabi: Yeah if you could find my baseball bat with nails on it that would be great
Zofia: Gummies in every flavor please
Falco: Can I get some owange juwuice ?
Zofia: Also confetti!
Udo: Matches
Gabi: Gasoline
Reiner: *head in hands* 4 harnesses, preferably big enough to fit a human child in
Zeke: Peace, with a side of quiet?
Porco: Really, Zeke? I prefer my peace with a side of rowdy
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commander Magath, standing with his back turned: I’ve been expecting you, Zeke.
Zeke: How did you do that without turning around?
Commander Magath: ... To be perfectly honest, the first couple of people I did that to were not you.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you don't know about, so be kind.
Porco: I once saw you punch a girl scout because she didn't have any thin mints
Zeke: Exactly. That was my battle. So be kind.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: Porco and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's-
Porco: Sentences.
Zeke: Don't interrupt me.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.
Pieck: You need to stop.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Reiner, talking to Gabi on the phone: Did you preheat the oven like I told you to?
Gabi: You bet!
Reiner: At what temperature?
Gabi: 535.
Reiner: That's the clock.
Gabi: 536.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Gabi, to Udo and Zofia: Welcome, fellow idiots
Falco: Hello, Gabi
Gabi: No, no, not you, you're not an idiot
Falco: You underestimate me
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Reiner: You say "fight me" a lot for someone who's like 5'2 and has a hard time opening some doors because they're too heavy.
Gabi: Excuse me?! You wanna bet on that? Are you serious? Fight me!
Reiner: There it is!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Falco: I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so lets go for 12 more just incase.
Colt: Falco, that's a coma.
Falco: Sounds festive.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Falco: So what’s for dinner?
Gabi, staring at the food she just burnt: Regret.
Gabi: With, uh, the vague flavor of these weird mushrooms I found yesterday
Falco: So we might die poisoned. Great.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commander Magath: You broke into my office?!
Gabi, with the rest of the Marleyan Warriors behind her: No! That would be morally wrong. Instead we made a key
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Gabi, holding up a scooter: Can we go ride this outside?
Commander Magath, scoffing: Whatever, I'm not your father.
Gabi: Okay! *Runs off with Falco*
Commander Magath: NOT IN THE STREETS!!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Falco, Gabi and Udo sitting on a bench*
Zofia: *walks up to them* Why do you guys look so sad?
Udo: Sit down with us so we can tell you
*Zofia sits down*
Falco: The bench is freshly painted
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Pieck: *patting Reiner's shoulder* You are not alone
Reiner, tearing up: Aw, thanks Pie-
Pieck: Theres bugs
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commander Magath: I hope you have a darned good explanation for this!
Gabi: We have three, actually
Falco: Just pick your favorite!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commander Magath: This is not the time for your shenanigans!
Gabi: It was a single shenanigan. Technically more of a hijink.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Commander Magath discovers what Gabi has been up to and punishes her and Falco*
Gabi: I'm choosing to ignore this verdict!
Commander Magath: What?! You can't just ignore the verdict!
Gabi: WHAT VERDICT??? SEE this is me ignoring the verdict!
Commander Magath:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Pieck: Sooo... I saw you walking home with Falco yesterday
Gabi: Yes, we're friends
Pieck: You were holding hands
Gabi:... We were crossing the road?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Reiner, seeing Eren for the first time after 5 years: What happened to you dude, did your hairdresser go to jail ? Lol
Eren: Yep. He killed your therapist.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: Go to Hell
Reiner, tearing up: I wish I could
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eren: Ten years ago I married my best friend
Eren: Mikasa's still mad about it but Armin and I were drunk and we thought it would be funny
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: Why does Hange call you babygirl?
Levi: How about we stop talking for a little while, mh?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa, tapping her chest: I keep all my emotions right here and then one day I'll die
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jean, arguing with Eren: Anyone under 5'8 can't talk about fighting someone. What are you gonna do? Headbutt them in the nipples?
Annie: *glares at him*
Jean: okimsorrythisdoesntapplytoyou
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Baby: *crying*
Armin, picking him up: It's okay, you're going to learn how to do it on the inside when you're older.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sasha: If you were to vacuum up jello through a metal tube, well I think that’d be a neat noise
Reiner: I beg to differ
Sasha: Then Beg
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: When someone points at your black clothes and asks whose funeral it is, having a look around the room and saying 'Haven’t decided yet' is typically a good response.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: We just ate. Why are you two making pancakes?
Sasha: For the dogs
Mikasa: Why are you making pancakes for the dogs?
Historia: *tearing up* Cause they can't make them themselves
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: So what do you think?
Eren: Oh, I wasn't listening but I agree with Mikasa
Zeke: She's not even here.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: Before we go fight the Demons of Paradis on their devilish island, remember they are expecting a super competent team of mighty warriors
Gabi: And THAT gives us the element of suprise!
Reiner: Wonderful. The only advantage we have and it's that we're mediocre at our jobs
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ymir: No, I will NOT let you take control of my body through our shared memories
Marcel: Do it or you're straight
Ymir: wHAT?!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ymir (with Marcel in command): Hi again dickhead
Porco: Uh?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Marcel: Just wanted to tell you, on that day when you were 7 and I was 9 and we fought and I took your Helos action figure, I hid it on top of the cupboard over the fridge. Just so you don't keep searching for it. Bye, loser.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eren: What’s up guys? I’m back.
Historia: What the- you can’t be here. You’re dead. Gabi shot you. I literally saw you die.
Zeke: Death is a social construct.
Grisha Yaeger: God isn't real and the permanency of self is an illusion
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: Friggin' Yaegers
Armin: It's okay, you can say fuck.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: I now know what I really need
Pieck: Therapy?
Eren: Getting punched in the face?
Historia: An exorcism?
Zeke: I was going to say love and appreciation
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: *Accidentally hits Historia in the face*
Zeke: *Trying to decide between saying 'I’m fucking sorry' and 'Are you okay'*
Historia: What’s wrong with you?!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Kenny: I’d never stab anyone in the back. That’s such a boring form of betrayal.
Levi: You’ve literally tried to stab me in the back, like, fifty times.
Kenny: Well, I’d never do it again because it got boring.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Levi: Oluo...
Oluo: Oh no, 'Oluo' in b-flat.
Oluo: You're disappointed.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Levi: I prevented a murder today.
Petra: Really? How’d you do that?
Levi: self control.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Gunther: I failed my mission
Levi: Yes, you did
Gunther: I'm a miserable failure
Levi: Yes, you are
Gunther: I could use words of encouragement
Levi: Yes, you could
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mike Zacharias: If I died, how much would you guys miss me?
Levi: It's cute how you think death can get you out of this job
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eld Jinn: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Levi: What doesn't kill me should RUN-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Eren: Are you this rude to everybody?
Levi: Yes.
Levi: Don't think you're special
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nanaba: I’m trying a new approach by subtly suggesting to Captain Levi that he should work on his anger management issues.
Nanaba's new approach: Woah hey what a great day how about we go out and go to THERAPY, boys? Wonderful time to start new hobbies, like- *waving a ticket in front of Levi's face* these free meditation lessons! You're welcome, don't even mention it!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Historia: Commander Erwin is amazing. He’s so sweet and kind even though he looks super intimidating and I love him so much.
Historia: And this is Levi. 2/10, don't recommend.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*During the final fight against Eren*
Hange: Hey Zeke, you here for the show?
Zeke: What do you mean the show ? That's my brother dying up there!
Hange: I know, that's why I got you this *hands him some paper*
Zeke: Why are you handing me trash?
Hange: It's not trash, it's a sympathy card!
Zeke: This is a CVS receipt on the back of which you wrote "Zoinks, Scoob" in crayon.
Zeke, flipping the receipt over: Also, why did you buy... three maxi tubes of Vaseline and a box of Zebra Cakes?
Levi: Not your business
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Carla: Three little words. Say them and I'm yours.
Grisha: Three little words.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Carla: Remember when you didn't try to solve all your problems with attempted murder?
Grisha: Stop romanticizing the past
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Grisha: I accidentally indulged in too much Me Time
Grisha: Turns out, I've been reported missing for ten years and presumed dead by all my friends and family
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Erwin, slamming the door: SIX MONTHS.
Levi: What's he talking about
Hange: I'm sure it's nothing
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Levi: You know, normal and emotionally balanced human beings have a reaction when they see someone crying in front of them
Zeke: I do have a reaction
Levi: Let me rephrase that
Levi: Normal human beings don't roll their eyes when they see someone crying in front of them
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: *putting his cup down* This is disgusting. What kind of tea is that?!
Gabi: Oh, I just boiled us some Gatorade
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sasha: So you live in Liberio?
Gabi: Ok, first of all, my PARENTS and all my friends live in Liberio. I, live in the moment.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Gabi: I learned some very valuable lessons from this.
Sasha: I’m guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should’ve taken away.
Gabi: Death isn’t real, and I’m basically God.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Sasha and Gabi are hanging out*
Gabi: We're having fun aren't we?
Sasha, visibly shaking: I have never been more stressed out in my entire life
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sasha: Woah hey there, what are you carrying around?
Gabi, with a clear bump in her coat: Nope! Carrying nothing, especially not anything weir-
Gabi's coat: Woof!
Sasha: can I pet him?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Gabi: How petty can you get?
Sasha: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Gabi: So, Twilight Sparkle was the main character cause she represented the element of friendship.
Kaya: Please just let me feed the horses-
Gabi: I'M NOT DONE- and Rainbow Dash was like the sporty girl,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hange: Okay, help me please!
Erwin: Got two words for you.
Hange: I bet they won't be helpful.
Erwin: Your. Problem.
Hange: I was right
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commander Magath: I've left instructions for everyone while I'm gone
Gabi: Mine just says "Gabi, no"
Commander Magath: Apply that to every possible situation
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Annie: Look, I know you think my judgment's clouded just because I like Armin a little bit
Reiner, holding her notepad: You doodled your wedding invitation
Annie: No, this one is our joint tombstone
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hange: Wow, this coffee is banging!
Moblit: Hange, that's your paint water
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Gabi's mom: *Pointing to Gabi's makeshift papier mâché sculpture of a tank* Gabi, get that hideous thing out of the living room, would you?
Gabi: Reiner, mom wants you out of the house.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Annie: Time sensitive question everyone: How flirt boy??
Marcel: Throw rocks at he
Pieck: Hot Dogs
Porco: Footballs
Zeke: Kill him
Annie: Thanks guys
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Reiner: Why did you side with Eren?
Zeke: If I'm being honest it's because Pieck wasn't there when we met and she's 85% of my impulse control
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: I wanted to apologize.
Commander Magath: Good.
Zeke: Let me finish. I wanted to, and then I realized, I’m not sorry.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Annie to Armin: Bro you better shut the fuck up before I look at you one day and feel warm and realize I’ve fallen in love with you bro. I’m serious quit it dude.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commander Magath: You're right.
Hange: That's... That's an unusual phrase for you. Did you just learn it?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: I was protecting Eren. I will always protect Eren.
Mikasa: I’m on my way to murder Eren!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mikasa: *punches Reiner*
Hange: Jeez, this isn’t what I meant by "express your feelings"!
Levi: Let them, I wanna see Reiner get his ass handed to him.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hange: What took you so long to answer your phone?
Levi: My fingers were covered in blood and the touch screen wouldn’t work.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commander Magath, whispering: I think Levi has got a lot of underlying hostility.
Hange, whispering too: Underlying?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Falco: You have no idea what I'm capable of!
Colt: Don't take it personally, but I feel like I'm being threatened by a cupcake.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Annie: You see this? This is my “I don’t care” face.
Reiner: That’s your everyday face.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Marcel: If you found out you only had one day left to live, what would you do with it?
Pieck: Accept my fate.
Annie: Say goodbye and mend my relationships.
Porco: Something illegal.
Zeke: I would message ten people saying that if they didn't forward the message to 10 other people, I would die tomorrow.
Reiner: What the hell is wrong with you?
Annie: That's fucking awesome. Can I change my answer?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke: I came here to kick ass and drink coffee, and I'm all out of coffee!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Zeke, about Yelena: Love my terrible wife who wants to kill me so bad
Zeke: I come home from work everyday and narrowly dodge one of her many death traps. When we eat dinner ill smile and say "poison again?" and she will shrug mischevously but we both know it is very much poison
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Employee: So what do you guys want today?
Zeke, head in hands: For the Gods and their wretched heart to be consumed whole by this filthy wor-
Pieck: He wants a bagel
Zeke: And thus the loathing I feel be eradicated along with these disgusting emoti-
Pieck: Nevermind actually, make that two bagels
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sasha: i love 3D glaphics don't get me wrong but it pisses me off that 3D is the AAA standard now, i wish bigger studios were still making more big budget 2D games and shit. shoutout to indie devs for keeping the beauty of it all alive lol
Connie: glaphics
Jean: glaphics
Armin: glaphics
Sasha: it was on purpose. i know cooler words than all you im not owned. i always say glaphics all the time forever
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
More incorrect quotes
Btw, this scene where Eren's dying was created by Stanzi on Youtube, here's the video : https://youtube.com/shorts/VMd-DWowzSg? These are hilarious, I highly recommend! Just thought it was worth a mention since I literally ripped it off xD
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alfiely-art · 19 hours
Finished act 4!!!!
Act 1 reaction here
Act 2 reaction here
Act 3 reaction here
Intermission reaction here
Act 4 reaction:
“Next image” or “end game” What. What we just started ???
Ohhh I like this music tho
This looks like an rpg lol
HI??? FROG??? SALAMANDER???? Whatever you are you're adorable
Hi adhd amphibian
These guys are great I love then
Ohhh they're salamanders
This section would be a lot more fun if I could. Play Homestuck. Curse my computer for not allowing me to read homestuck
This section is also taking a very long time to load. It is pictures you're fine phone
Did he lift thr pumpkin off wv's head. Gay
HELP don't kill him he's turned gay it's okay
Yay hi Jade!!!!
???? There IS a pumpkin there what the fuck
Love the difference between John and Dave's reactions to Jade's dog
hi karkat!!!!!! You're being so mean… be nice to john or I'm Gonna bite you
Man I can like. Feel John's frustration karkat you're being so annoying I'm gonna bite you
Dave schizo arc … no I know he's being silly about the psychosis thing
Slur count: 9
“I love him” Dave why are you so random. Good for you though beeeee who you aaaaaare for your priiiiiide
ROSE IS IN PAN LAND!!!! They're putting chemicals in the water to turn the Rose's pan
Okay so we're going through the game thing again
???? Dave why do you want john to drink your piss,
Well that's one way to wake Jade up
I think WV, PM, and AR could be a poly
Oh :( Rose's mom left…
Slur count: 10
Okay which troll is this. Don't be rude about Rose's mom!!!! Bad troll
Best hatefriends forever <33 who are you
“Shit the bed” KARKAT TALKS LIKE ME!!!!
I understand why i was told i am karkat-coded
Slur count: 11
Laughing at a blind girl? Not cool egbert
OHH it's that one. The. Vriskas girlfriend!!!!
Guy with cat ears <4333
Oh. Oh that map is. Not great
Yo that shot looks sickkkk…
Yo rose is metal af
“TG: i command her alright i am like the pimpmaster hustledaddy of all snippy bookshrews” Dave what
Okay my font changed here. Easier to read tbh. Idk if it'll translate to tumblr but oh well
Omg… yuri?????
Help why do trolls sound so gay
Oh green troll is pretty… what's her name….
I KNOW THIS ONE!!! Great rap Tavros
Whatever video they linked to for “I got a present for you casey” is unavailable… rip
Trolls watch movies with modern manga titles. Will keep in mind
Terezi is so right. John is a stupidly adorable little guy
Awww… jaspersprite kinda types like my buddy. Meow meow
John's blasting off again
Did I miss something. When did Dave get a suit. When did Cal get added to the sprite. Wha
Yo what. John and Jade died??? Terezi noooo why did you ruin their session…
Slur count: 12
That didn't happen the way I thought it would. I think it's sweet that Dave chose to become a sprite to protect his friends. If they don't treat him nicely I'm killing all of them
But dang… doomed timeline…
Dave and Davesprite are so chill. Love them
AWWW. John remembered Dave's note….
Ohhh sick… jack is a queen(?) Now!!!! The guardian people are fighting!!! Yayyyyyy
Oh thank God Hussie will explain what's been going on
My reaction to Hussies's joke ._. That was. Lame
Aww. Terezi just wants to be his friend :> this better not be a trick my baby boy is so gullible
Dr Meowgon Spengler
John :( he's real Dave. John don't be ungrateful… honestly it's fair of Davesprite to be mad. Like John died in his timeline. He went back and chose to help the other Dave and all his friends and. Ourghh. Be nice to him
Yooo cal gets a cute little outfit !!! He's zipping around <333
Awwww… more bunnies!!!
IS THIS SOLLUX. I've heard of this one. Eridan lover
They are jamming!!
Maplehoof Maplehoof
Haha get pranked
I love the differences in how Rose and John name things
John you're So stupid why would you just stand on it
Fuck yeah ride the pony
AR so swaggy
Okay so. I swear. These guys are the midnight crew. That is literally Deuce. I'm not crazy right. They look the same. Maybe this is their sleepy selves… godtier… do they get godtier. Hmm
Idk what just happened in that animation but yay WV
Omg that's such a cute outfit for Rose I love it
Welcome to the party motherfuckers
Okay I'm really excited to see what Jade’s sprite is
I don't remember Dave getting thay suit. Did he steal it from future Dave. I mean future Dave doesn't really need clothes anymore but…
Oh okay yeah it's future Dave's. but cool!! Not a bad suit at all
Beautiful sword actually
Dave you're scaring the hoes
Dave looks like the autism creature in that selfie he took
Wizard fanfic!!!!
Dave is so real here. Rose and her mom could've talked :(
Uhhhh. Dave ded :( that's not good. Present Dave you gotta fix this
Man what if that Dave was still alive
I'm gonna bet 10$ that the goo John's getting is gonna be the alpha kids
Oh there are more beta kids as well okay
They are holding hands !
karkar you can't say that. Wait that's not his name. Whatever. Karkat bad!!! Unless you're like me as I am like you. Schizophrenic I mean.
Awww.. Lil dirk loves Lil cal… that's so sweet
Babysitter au!!! John be careful with all these babies
These babies are uglJAKE PUT THE GUNS DOWN!!!!
Karkat never say daddy again thank you
Tumblr media
Harley… like Jade Harley…
Jack Noir…
That was the best ending of an act. Oh my fucking god. I am crying
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nowandthane · 5 months
writer asks: 3, 7, 19, 24!
thanks T <3 answerings questions from this post
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
I don't really know if I have a ritual. I put some music on, sometimes I sprint on discord (alone or with people). Nothing cursed about it xD
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
Probably the catharsis of it all. I tend to write things that I find interesting to explore, but those things have a tendecy to be really personal to me. I remember when I finished Command Me to Love I just cried and cried because Aria had gone through this whole journey and it was a journey I also really wanted to be on. Writing it made me feel like I was there. She let go of her anger and at the end, when she was at peace, it felt like it was okay for me to let go of mine too. This got more emotional than I expected ksjdhgk I kinda forgot that that happened. Thanks for reminding me <3
the other 2 questions are under the cut it got a bit long <3
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
I dunno really when I started. I was reading a lot as a kid and then it seemed natural to just start writing too. But it consumed me and I knew I wanted to keep doing it forever. I went and got a Creative Writing degree which has been very useful in my life (/s) but it was a great experience and I don't regret it. There were definitely a lot of bumps along the way, and a few times I thought about just stopping completely lmao but I always come back anyway. That generall has to do with like my mental health and being overly critical of my own stuff. I think also that when I decided I didn't want to pursue writing professionally and just do it as a something that brings me joy, a lot of the stress melted away and I have a lot more fun with it now.
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
Well for Command Me to Love which is the first time I completed any piece of longer writing, and is also the longest thing I ever wrote, there was barely any prep work. I already told you about this, but I wrote like 60k words of that in a single week during a manic episode. So that's very much an outlier and as happy as I am that I completed it I'd rather not do my writing like that again 😅 For my mass effect longfic/Sarani's story which I'm writing now, I have a lot of notes, they're not very organised, but just like scenes I know I want to write. It's kinda all over the place, but this is not as big of an issue since the games are there as a timeline guide lmao. For the original stuff I've written, I've done it both ways, with prep and without. Prep definitely makes it easier/smoother to write, but also it's not something that comes naturally to me. I both enjoy it and don't. I think it depends on the thing I'm writing.
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caernua · 7 months
PLEASE drop the Arcana opinions
WHY THANK YOU FOR INDULGING ME ANON i will drop some of my hot takes
under the cut bc i went a lil crazy and this is very long (sorry)
i don't really like how much they sanitized the game, i feel like they just made an effort to make everyone much much nicer and agreeable than they initially were especially in the prologue, which is okay (don't get me wrong we love positivity and growth), but at the same time there were moments where i felt like. it was a lil much and a little juvenile. like... it's okay for the main cast to have dislikes between eachother and i was kinda feeling like they eliminated that at one point? it was okay for asra and julian to be bitter, it was okay for nadia to be more hard-hearted and commanding. it was okay for lucio to be liked by his people and not the butt of every joke, it got to a point where he's not believable as a villain or a threat (but tbf muriel's route kinda fixed that) and i definitely think they did that bc of the backlash. a lot of people were saying asra is shady and toxic to julian and nadia is too commanding but ... so what? they looked sexie while doing it so what's the problem??? oh and come to think of it the magic system kinda played into that? i'm not a huge fan of the magic system in the arcana it's very wishy washy and oh everyone can do magic now actually it's within ✨all of us✨. i think it's just not well done
i actually think the earlier chapters and the prologue are overall much better than the last few ones for the main 3 and that includes the cgs. the first few cgs are so beautiful??? the later ones look so weird and uncanny to me?????? i know they had different artists on the team obviously and i think the earlier cgs i'm referring to were moreso done by dana rune and veronica liwski (who by the way deleted their artstation. wild. this is what i mean when i say this is a WASTELAND) and it's a shame how little that is out of the full no. of cgs. dana rune the way you draw asra aaaaaaaaa
i think the way they went about the endings is so, so CLEVER. the choices you have to make are quite subtle, i remember we were wracking our brains as the chapters were coming out to discover what exactly were the good/bad choices and what they could lead to. i like that some of those choices are so subtle that they're pretty much impossible to catch. (for instance. in lucio's first chapter when he tells you to hurry up with the spell you can reply with 'shush/be patient.' those answers are almost the same but they lead to two different endings!!! wild!!) and i think there's a very good balance between 'hard to catch' and 'pretty obvious' choices! and the fact that they went about creating bittersweet endings rather than 'bad' endings is wonderful. i think it's ten times more impactful to have an ending where yes, you are with you love interest and all is well, but not quite. that gnawing feeling of 'what did i do wrong?' sticks to you and urges you to analyze the main characters and it's such good characterization!! i just adore how they went about the endings, it's not too obvious, not too subtle, not too heartbreaking, not too drastic, it's just RIGHT!
i'm really gonna try not to make this next one a novel but asra's route is one of the most beautifully told, gut-wrenching, soul-crushing, utterly devastasting love stories i came across in any media ever. i'm moreso referring to the set-up itself so the prologue + the earlier chapters + everything that happened beforehand. i think his route is underrated just in the sense that. the prologue itself is comically superior when it comes to asra's route, and yea that's bc he's the only one the mc has a preestablished relationship with. but UGH! the fountain scene is probably my fave scene in the game, i love how they mirrored it later on with the roles reversed, it was PERFECTION. they said 'let's take idiots in love' but make it actually make sense and a tragedy. and let's make it the most devastating reason we can think of. it's amazing. the pining, the heartache, the suffering. the mystery being revealed to you little by little (because otherwise the mc goes catatonic, so asra has to be patient, patient, patient) and being flooded by the questions of what were they like before all this?? so interesting to think about. i think it's very important in games like these to stimulate the player into trying to think of a backstory and let their creative juices flow and asra's route does that so well! paradoxically it's also true that they take some of your freedom away as a player because you do find out that there's a bit of history there whatever route you are playing but. the fact that it hardly matters bc he loves mc so much that he would never take their freedom away is amazing. just realizing the amount of love he has for mc, the restraint he has had all those years and how painful it must have been, holy shit. GUT-WRENCHING!! this is why everytime i play another route the second asra shows up and says something even remotely tied to the past i gotta close that route and go back to him kfdhgkjfhdg. this quote in lucio's route is particularly making me scream shit vomit: 'he looked like my first memories of him. kind, but weary, and so very sad.' bitch what the FUUUUUCK
and just. the vibes and the writing of this route overall hoooo bitch. 'why must he go where i can't follow?' 'do i remember? how could i ever forget? i love him, i have to tell him, even if it kills me'. when they kiss for the first time and asra doesn't even dare move because he has held back for so long, and he's physically shaking (bitch me too the fuck). 'i feel it radiating off of him. i want you. i need you. i miss you so much' that insane orpheus and eurydice parallel in the early chapters which also serves as foreshadowing!!! 'i dug until my fingers bled'. 'i try to stay away from you but my heart keeps pulling me back' THE WHOLE DREAMS AS A VESSEL BETWEEN LOVERS TROPE (this shit kills me personally everytime) 'everyday my love for you grows brighter and brighter until it consumes me'. just. this idea of 'a thousand life-altering things happened to part us, but even when i have no idea who you are, i will sooner or later fall in love with you, simply because you are you and i am me and it's bound to be like this, you are my home and i am yours'. INJECT ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 💉💉💉 I PLAYED THIS GAME WHEN I WAS 19, NOW I'M ALMOST 25 AND I'M STILL READING HIS ROUTE CRYING SHITTING THROWING UP AND KICKING MY LEGS IN THE AIR. i'll be a senile 90 year old lady in the old folks' home playing this stupid mobile game on my home crying and thinking 'damn bitch i need to get myself a gemini like that what the fuck'
not that it's a hot take but dorian sucks ass
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a-tale-of-legends · 3 days
Amsonia's team as of now( before olivia's trial)
Artemis/ Arty: Careful, scatters things a lot( actually loves to eat, but i think i've been getting that with other protag ocs recently so gonna change it): Currently a Dartrix, Arty is a bit of a high strung nerd who wishes to prove his worth to those around him. Ever the strategist, but tends to....overthink. A lot.
Zeke: Calm, mischievous: The first pokemon Ames caught, if you don't count Arty, a now charjabug. His main job is to make sure Arty doesn't explode. Very level headed, a good second in command to Arty, and is generally very easy to talk too. I still need to think on him more, but i think it would be funny if he was a fan of making very bad puns. A funny dissonance from his generally very cool, calm and collected outward appearance.
Tiny: Bold, likes to relax: A ribombee that doesn't seem to bat an eye at danger, no matter how much bigger it is. Doesn't see the point in hiding more often than not, and prefers to be more direct. The more direct he is, the quicker the solution presents itself, the faster he gets back to relaxing with his friends.
Daisy: Docile, quick to flee: A young mudbray that grew up in the peaceful Paniola Ranch. Despite her sturdiness and strength, she is not adept in fighting, perferring to run away from conflict than actually do anything about it. She's a sweet, quiet gal that's learning what it means to stand up more for what she believes in.
Ocean: Modest, quick tempered: Fished from route 7, it became clear that Ocean was a force to be reckon with, though in their eyes, they still have a lot to learn. Despite this humility, their temper can get the better of them, especially towards those who don't immediately get what they are saying ( which tends to be a lot of people). Ironically, they tend to get frustatred when they themself don't fully understand something.
Keahi: Hardy, good endurance: ( fun fact. i caught. several salandit to find a decent one): Deciding that she wishes to be as powerful and illustrate as her lead salazzle, Keahi has worked hard to stand above the other salandit of her pack. The result is her developing tough skin, both mentally and physically, and doesn't take bullshit from anyone. Bc of this, she's not used to working in a team, but her goal is still the same, so if it means working with a human and stranger pokemon, so be it.
There's other pokemon that Ames have and will have, but i just wanted to focus on her main team currently.
Some relationship stuff i thought about:
Tiny n Daisy: Is genrally very blunt, speaking his mind, so he definitely told Daisy that he thinks she's a coward. To her face. It's almost funny bc he says this as a fact, and doesn't exactly have any malice when he says it. He just think she's a coward and doesn't understand why she's on the team. Which. Okay man. Obviously this has caused tension ( albiet kinda one sided) between the two: Tiny doesn't realize what he said hurts, and Daisy now has the motivation to prove Tiny wrong.
Daisy - Keahi: I dunno man, i just like the idea of a a cowgirl and a ( future) high femme having yuri. Blame applejack and rarity. But outside of that, Keahi's hard work and determination is something that Daisy deeply admire, and wishes to be just as cool as she is one day. Keahi is slightly erked by Daisy's pacifism - she grew up with competition all around her, no time for hanging back and not wanting to fight. But in way, it shows her that she doesn't have to always be fighting. She can simply be. It's still very early in their relationship, but I think right now, they're kind to each other.
Tiny - Ocean: Surprisingly, they get along well. If you think "well" is them throwing insults at each other casually. Ocean appreciates Tiny's bluntness and Tiny thinks Ocean is Fancy. They're friends :)
Arty - Zeke: Like I said, Zeke makes sure Arty doesn't explode, Both have known each other the longest, and thus usually confide in each other in a way that the others simply can't do. While Arty isn't always a fan of Zeke's puns, he still appreciates them, and Zeke would gladly listen to Arty's rambles from his observations pre-Amsonia about Alola and it's history. If there's feeling attached, neither has realized it.
Everyone at Arty - " man you are weird" they all respect him though.
Everyone at Zeke - " such a reliable pokemon :) Please stop making puns"
I'm getting tired so that's it for now <3
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evil8keta · 2 years
got any general headcanons for each tf2 merc? :D
miscellaneous tf2 mercs headcanons
- transgender asf
- uses terrible pick up lines and invites his dates to fast food restaurants and yet he's wondering why he can't pull any girls
- looks approachable but in reality you really don't wanna deal with this guy, he's a menace. doesnt matter if you're his friend or not, he'll backstab you for money (literally, of course)
- has an energy drink addiction. gets really snappy when he doesnt get his 5 cans of bonk atomic punch a day
- HATES silence, it stresses him out so he likes to put on some music whenever he can. it helps him focus and overall scout just prefers to have some sort of background noise while doing literally anything. the only problem is that he likes his music loud. like, the whole house is shaking kind of loud. the other mercenaries hate him for this, because when they tell him to quiet it down, he instead turns the volume all the way up like the little shit he is❤️ the only way to make scout turn it off is to fight him. it isnt that difficult to beat him up, but it's still annoying to go through all of this yknow
- developed a hearing difficulty during his time in the war. if you're wondering if his bad hearing is the reason why he yells all the time, then no. he was always yelling like that
- keeps bringing random stray animals to the base. the others told him many times that NO, he can't just bring in wild animals whenever he wants to! medic literally fainted the last time soldier wanted to sneak a possum into the base. not gonna lie tho, it's pretty wholesome watching soldier "train" some random field rodents. they bite him and hiss at him, but soldier sees that as a sign of their resilience and love for fighting so all he does is watch them with a big smile on his face. he even praises them with stuff like "GOOD JOB RECRUITS! I AM SO PROUD!"
- has a very strict sleeping routine and always manages to get a perfect 8 hours of sleep. he doesn't even use an alarm, he just knows when to fall asleep and when to wake up and does so on command. also soldier looks very funny in his sleepwear. he wears a night gown and a big nightcap that covers his eyes
- evil autism
- idk what mental illnesses pyro has to but oh boy there's definetely something very wrong with them
- their room is very.....interesting. on one side there's cute plushies and glow in the dark stickers. on the other side there's scorched furniture and -- oh my god are those human bones?!
- theyre like those slashers that take pictures of their victims. pyro hangs these gruesome photos of people dying on the walls of their room, but to them it's just cute selfies with their bffs 😼😼
- they sometimes bring their teammates body parts or organs of the enemies as a gift. kinda like how cats bring their owners dead animals. this is literally pyro's love language
- i have one joke headcanon about pyro and it's that they're not a human. pyro is actually just 20 frogs in a hazmat suit carrying a flamethrower
- literally the most reliable person on the team. he's super nice and friendly and polite and kind and very very caring......ok can you guys tell im biased towards him
- the opposite of scout. heavy looks very intimidating so it's hard to approach him at first but if you start talking to him you soon realize hes very nice to talk to :) awesome dude to just chill and eat sandwiches with
- bookworm!! his room is filled with a bunch of different books, most of them being in russian but he has some foreign ones too. i think heavy is very smart but it's just that his broken english makes him appear kinda dumb. he struggles with processing english sentences and pronunciation. that's why he speaks so simple and slow
- if you ask heavy if he is medic's wife he says yes, if you ask medic if heavy is his wife he says no. its up to you to decide who's lying
- talks in his sleep. like a LOT. dude will literally recite to u the periodic table during his 20 minute nap
- even more patriotic than soldier,which is saying a lot. has a bunch of pictures of scotland around his room and probably even wears underwear with the flag of scotland. he's literally like the embodiment of the guy yelling SCOTLAND FOREVER!!!!!
- demo feels insecure about his drinking habit. like usually he doesnt think too much about it, but sometimes he really feels ashamed of himself for being an alcoholic. his mood gets very sour on these days, so to feel better he reaches for another bottle of scrumpy to forget about his worries.....and the cycle continues
- often looses parts of his body due to working with bombs and other explosive stuff. honestly i have no idea what these guys would even do without medic
- whenever it's his turn to cook for the base he's like "alright boys get ready to get blown away" and then it's just another barbecue. not gonna lie though, his food is delicious. the mercs gave him an apron saying king of the grill
- loves fishing!! and yea he unironically wears those women love me fish fear me shirts whenever he goes fishing. he genuinely thinks it's stylish
- invents random shit for fun. he spends most of his time alone in his workshop so who knows what weird things he's making. most of the time his personal little inventions are practical stuff, maybe something like an automatic beer opener or a toaster that never burns the bread. but he's definetely making something more, something bigger. idk what it is but maybe i dont even want to know
- has a really strange sense of humor. you can tell him the funniest joke ever with the most genius punchline known to mankind and hes gonna look at you with a blank expression, uttering a confused "...wha", but show him a picture of a chicken in shoes and hes gonna burst out laughing. oh engineer you would have loved 21st century humor
- has like 12 mental illnesses. yes he's aware of all of those. and YES he chooses to ignore his symptoms and doesn't take any medication
- he did loose his medical license, but that's because he kept experimenting on his patients. he still does that, except now he's actually allowed to do it (well, not really). but other than that he's still quiet skilled in his field and his abilities are nothing but impressive
- a total drama queen. also he's pretty germaphobic for a guy that digs his hands in someone's guts for a living
- loves his birds so much. he forgot their names, so now he calls them all archimedes. he loves taking care of them and doesnt trust any of the mercs with his birds. but heavy is an exception, heavy can feed them :)
- gets even LESS bitches than scout does. LITERAL ZERO!! he miraculously pulled scout's ma but ever since then the man had a catastrophically low amount of bitches. maybe it's because of the balaclava he never washes
- horrible, horrible man. he can be responsible and polite but only if it's beneficial for him, other than that he's pretty rude to everyone he meets. he's respectful towards women tho, but that's basic standards
- spy is the inventor of your mom jokes. it's true, he told me himself
- don't tell anyone but spy loves romantic comedies. however he thinks liking romcoms is like the most embarrassing thing ever and really doesn't want anyone to think he's sappy like that, but in reality most of his teammates know he's a hopeless romantic and they really don't care
- is the best cook on the team, but very rarely makes food for the others. he always complains about how everyone else's food is bad and how only his food is digestable, but he never cooks himself. the only way to get him into the kitchen is to do something nice for him in return. smh
- neurodivergent asf
- ok so you know how some introverts dont like to approach others so they just stare at the person they want to talk to until theyre noticed? well yea sniper does that. like sure he could just go and talk to someone directly but why do that when he can just. stare ominously
- bird enjoyer!! brings medic's doves little treats when the doctor isnt looking
- has a VERY quetionable diet. he's like those dudes on youtube that eat moss and bugs and talk about how nutritial it is. sniper is used to staying long periods of time outside, so he's used to any and all challenges the wildlife can offer. he may look scrawny, but he totally wrestled an alligator at some point in his life (and won)
- he's the team's exterminator. if there's a spider in the base sniper puts it in a jar and releases it outside <3
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ralofofriverwoods · 7 months
1, 3, 9, and 12 for the weird oc questions ask games for any of your lads?
Apparently this did not post so. Im so very sorry I did not ignore ur ask on purpose :(
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Doing some for different characters this time!!! I love my dragonborn trinity but my other guys need some love too <3
Also this took. So much longer than i thought it would I am so sorry haha I promise I was not intending to take so long😭
1. what’s the lie your character says most often
"it's whatever. Don't look into it." Wrong. Look into it so much. Technically not a lie, but it's the opposite of what ithvozal would actually want to happen, so it could be called a lie if u look at it at a 37 degree angle. The best way to describe it would be kind of a tsundere thing?? They just aren't used to being nice to people on purpose, so when they are they get a little cagey and annoyed about it.
As for real lies, they avoid them as much as possible. Things always get confusing when all the info doesn't line up, which is something they hate more than anything
Alriac doesn’t make a habit of lying, but out of everything he’s prolly lied most about his ability to just kinda. Turn into a merman on command. And everything related to that. He also lies quite a lot about where he goes to anyone that asks. He’s never said the same place twice.
3. how often do they show emotion to others versus just the audience knowing?
Ithvozal didn't grow up around a lot of new ish people, like travelers and whatnot, and most of the people they grew up with didn't have the expectation of performing emotions to the degree that most people would consider normal. Because of this they appear to be very stoic to the usual traveler or surface dweller. If you know them well it's very obvious that they emote quite a lot, if not as strongly. They're the type of character that gets accused of being emotionless and cold by the fandom
Oh alriac absolutely wears his heart on his sleeve. He's never concealed anything a day in his life and everyone he's ever known knows that. He cried because he accidentally startled a really cute fish. He cried because he thought birds didn't live any longer than a week. He's been absolutely ecstatic over a bee landing on his arm. He is so full of joy and whimsy that it's physically impossible to keep it all in.
9. do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?
Oh ithvozal gives only the toughest of love! When demonstrating it via things like gifts and actions it's very obvious that they're extremely thoughtful about what they're doing, but when it comes to more direct things like physical affection or thankfulness it's a lot harder to tell that it's love and not just how you'd affectionately bully a friend. They mostly use weaker punches when doing physical affection, but their version of a weak punch is the same as most people trying to actually fight. Hence a lot of the meaning kind of gets misconstrued with those. They prefer indirect things like actions and gifts, but they're not opposed to other types of love from the right people. They're used to tough love, but gentle love is also very appreciated.
Alriac doesn't necessarily have gentle love, per se, but it's not tough love. It's more extremely intense than anything else. Like when a cat loves you so much they're very strongly kneading against your leg, and like yeah those claws are digging into your skin like hell but theyre just so cute and sweet and they mean so well, so can you really blame em?? He needs to get told to calm down sometimes, but he doesn't mind. As long as he can still demonstrate his love he's happy. He likes it when people match his energy, no matter what type of love it is. Ithvozal is great friends with him for this reason! They get pretty close to matching it in his eyes.
12. what’s something that makes them laugh a little every time? Be specific!
Ithvozal doesn’t really surround themselves with things that would be considered funny/particularly joyful by most standards, but they always get a kick out of the dwarven automata being a little dumb. Between the spiders that are prone to falling off ledges and getting startled to the spheres that smack their heads on shelves, there’s plenty of things to laugh at with them. Alriac is also a rather large source of laughs for them :)
Alriac finds quite a few things laughable, but his favorite is when he messes with sailors as they panic over a ‘ghost’ on their ship(which is just him climbing up there and spooking people and messing with stuff lol). He collects jokes and stories to tell to Ithvozal as well, to try and get at least a smirk outta em! He’s gotta make up for lost time, since they didn’t become friends until about 100 years into their lives.
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