#a presidential pardon for CHILD ABUSE
imtryingbuck · 10 months
Happy at last
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: The team lose their friend (I’m bad at summaries sorry)
Word count: 751
Warnings: fluffy (my attempt at it anyway), mention of suicide. there’s a bit in the fic that is most definitely wrong by law but just go with it okay? Okay. the last chapter
A/N: I’m really sorry this is short. This weekend hasn’t been the greatest so…anyways sorry if it’s shit but I genuinely don’t have the energy to do anymore. I do hope you enjoy it though and thank you to everyone who’s commented, liked and reblogged each chapter it truly means the world🤍
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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It’s been three years since Y/n and Bucky left hand in hand for Wakanda. The first nine months they were there was pretty hectic. 
Shuri got her prepped and ready for the deprogramming, which didn’t take as long as Bucky’s. When she was clear of her trigger words that Bucky had read out, just like she read his all them years ago.
Steve let Bucky know that the President had been arrested for his role at Hydra, just after he was arrested he committed suicide. His name was still tarnished and the whole world knew what he had done.
Y/n made sure that his mistress, the mother of his unborn child, Alisha Grey and Baby Grey’s bodies were found and given a proper burial, right next to where her grave lays.
The new President gave Y/n a full pardon and gave her the Presidential Medal of Freedom medal. Stating on national television that Y/n L/n was never a traitor but a hero. A hero that had been saving people’s lives since she was 16 years old and that’s what she should be always known and remembered for. A hero.
The bosses and agents of SHIELD were all fired for what they did to her. Some were even arrested and sent to prison.
The warden of the Raft was arrested and sent to prison for endangering life that he was in charge of and for abuse and neglect, as well as profiting from assaults. He got 20 years.
Hydra had finally been shut down completely, all agents arrested and charged to with life imprisonment.
Y/n and Bucky’s relationship started. After she was given the all clear Bucky didn’t waste a single millisecond to kiss her. Kissing her like his life depended upon it right in front of T’Challa, Shuri, Nakia and Okoye - who all cheered and clapped.
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When the time came for them to go back to their other home, Bucky tried to convince her to stay-
“Doll we have a life here, we’re safe”
“But… then that means we’ll have a normal life”
“I-I don’t know how to live a life that’s normal Buck, all my life I’ve been trained to fight from one fight to the next…”
“I know, and my love you’re not alone. I’m right here with you. We’ll do it together I promise living a normal life scares me too but we can continue to be happy here”
She hesitated, what he was saying was true and she knew that. Though she did have to admit she took to farming rather quickly, naming all their goats after members of the team and the bull they had after Fury. She also did enjoy helping out on the markets, bouncing from stall to stall. Loved helping the children with schoolwork and keeping them busy by playing with them when their parents were busy or tired. She especially loved the day she delivered a beautiful baby girl - bless Bucky’s heart he had to hear about it every day for nearly two weeks, in full detail.
She loved the feeling of being free. Free from the pain and suffering she either saw or went through. Free from one order to the next. Free to finally be herself.
But even if she did love that feeling she was terrified off it, what she had told Bucky wasn’t wrong, all of her life the only thing she knew what to do was to fight and to survive.
Wakanda was her home from the minute she stepped foot in the country many years ago, and with Bucky by her side she knew everything was okay, right?
“Okay we can stay” Bucky picked her up and spun her around until he lost his footing making them fall to the ground, it didn’t stop him from placing kisses upon kisses to her face.
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The team understood when Bucky and Y/n told them that they was retiring, nor was they surprised by the two’s relationship.
One by one the team followed suit and retired too, all being welcomed openly by King T’Challa and the people of Wakanda.
Each and everyone of them had found happiness.
It’s now the 9th of March 2026, time currently is 11:54pm, their whole family is waiting outside the couples home wincing at hearing Y/n’s screams. 
The clock strikes 12:01 and all is heard is the cries of a baby.
Bucky runs out a few minutes later with tears streaming down his face.
“It’s a boy!”
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Tags: @unaxv @learisa @vicmc624 @bethexo07 @doublebassallie @cyberficlya @elijahssuit @sapphirebarnes @wasffginc @ladyvenera @casa-boiardi @cjand10 @iloveceandsswithallmyheart @violetwinterwidow01 @avocadotoastwithegg
~ banner credit goes to @sweetpeapod ~
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pajjorimre · 7 months
Épp ideje, hogy ne Orbán legyen az összes hír főszereplője.
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mariacallous · 7 months
The resignation of Katalin Novak over a child abuse pardon case sparks speculation over whether Orban can control the fallout or it’s the beginning of a political crisis for the system the PM has built over the last 14 years.
Katalin Novak, Hungary's first female president, had to cut short her official trip to Qatar and return to Budapest on Saturday as a political crisis she had, unwittingly, set in motion with a presidential pardon began to spiral.
A few hours after landing, she resigned her post in an emotional televised address, admitting that she had made a mistake and accepting the political consequences.
“I made a decision to grant a pardon last April believing that the convict did not abuse the vulnerability of children whom he had overseen,” she said. “I made a mistake. I apologise to those I have hurt and to any victims who may have felt that I did not stand by them. I resign as president of the republic.”
There is little doubt among political observers in Hungary that Novak was pushed rather than jumped. But other questions surrounding the scandal behind her resignation, such as who advocated for the individual in question to receive a pardon and the long-term repercussions of it for the government of Viktor Orban, remain unclear.
It is also proof that a critical media still exists in some form in Hungary and, occasionally, can exert pressure on the government.
In April 2023, on the occasion of the Pope’s three-day visit to Hungary, Novak granted a presidential pardon to 27 people, including a deputy school director who helped cover up a series of child abuse cases at an orphanage near Budapest. The director of the orphanage regularly abused boys aged between 10 and 18, and his deputy, named in independent media as Endre Konya, was found guilty of pressuring pupils to withdraw their testimonies. He was sentenced to three years and four months in prison, and had nine months left to serve when Novak pardoned him.
News of the presidential pardon – which was not publicised earlier, as under the law the president does not name the subjects of her pardons – was first revealed on February 2 by critical news site 444.hu and spread like wildfire in the media, to the point where the government could no longer ignore it.
Opposition politicians called for the president’s resignation, hundreds demonstrated in front of Novak’s office, and even pro-government pundits urged the president to explain her controversial decisions. Finally, Prime Minister Viktor Orban had to step in by personally tabling a constitutional amendment that would ban presidential pardons for anyone involved in crimes against children.
But by the end of last week, it was clear that wasn’t enough and Novak could not be saved. The former justice minister, Judit Varga, who countersigned the presidential pardon and was expected to lead the Fidesz list for the European Parliament elections in June, also resigned and announced she was withdrawing from public life.
It was a double blow for the government and the entire governing elite. Novak and Varga, both mothers of three, were rising stars of the national-populist Fidesz party and the only women to hold high office in Orban’s government. Now their political careers are finished.
“This case could have shaken the whole government,” Andrea Szabo, director of the Institute of Political Science, told BIRN on Sunday. “The most important value of Hungarian society, regardless of political ideology, is children. It was a huge blow for the governing elite whose narrative was based on the accusation that ‘paedophilia is only possible on the left’.”
Zoltan Kiszelly, director of the government-close Szazadveg Foundation, also feared a tsunami coming. “The presidential pardon was a bad decision that was harmful to the whole country and to the political community of Orban,” he told BIRN. “Novak was the face of the country’s highly successful child and family protection policies, which have now come under threat. It enraged the whole society.”
‘Hiding behind women’s skirts’
Government-friendly analysts are already running with a narrative about the “responsible government” that is accountable for its actions, and hope the case is now closed. Prime Minister Orban has so far not commented on the resignations.
“As far as crisis communication is concerned, the government did a brilliant job,” Szabo admits, but warns the case could reinforce Orban’s inherent mistrust of female politicians.
Kiszelly believes the “show is over”, as the resignations will reassure the right-wing part of the electorate.
The opposition, however, is in full swing, demanding direct presidential elections and full transparency about who was involved in the presidential pardon. There is speculation that the pardoned man had good connections with the government and that someone – probably several – could have intervened on his behalf.
Speculation was further fuelled by the ex-husband of former justice minister Varga, Peter Magyar, who accused the government of “hiding behind women’s skirts” and suggested that others, perhaps higher up, were involved.
Magyar, who has held several state jobs and is known for his conservative views, resigned from all his posts in protest and personally attacked Orban’s communications minister, Antal Rogan, and others, highlighting that something is rotten in the system. This is a highly unusual turn of events among the Hungary’s national-populist elite and reveals tensions within the system.
“But lonely heroes rarely succeed in Hungary,” warns Szabo.
The scandal came at the worst possible time for the government, just as Orban and Fidesz were preparing for the European and local elections in June. Novak functioned well as the friendly face of Hungary, pushing for Sweden’s NATO membership and being one of the first top Hungarian politicians to visit Ukraine after the Russian invasion. Even so, she was a loyal Fidesz servant who did not question government decisions and even signed the controversial sovereignty protection bill into law.
Now Orban must find a suitable replacement who can take office in 30 days. There are rumours Defence Minister Kristof Szalay-Bobrovniczky, one of Hungary’s richest politicians and a former ambassador to the UK, could be a possible successor.
Presidents in Hungary have largely ceremonial powers and are elected by parliament on the nomination of the majority. Orban has had little luck with his presidents: Novak is the second in the last 14 years to have her presidential term cut short. Pal Schmitt, a former Olympic champion turned diplomat, was forced to resign in a plagiarism scandal in 2012, just 20 months after being elected. Only one of his nominees, Janos Ader, was able to complete a full five-year term, serving two.
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qupritsuvwix · 7 months
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head-post · 7 months
Hungary elected new president after Novák’s scandalous resignation
Hungary’s parliament elected a new president on Monday after previous head of state Katalin Novák resigned over the child sex abuse pardon scandal.
Lawmakers approved the presidential appointment of 67-year-old Tamás Sulyok, a lawyer who previously served as head of Hungary’s Constitutional Court, in a secret vote. 134 lawmakers voted in favour of Sulyok’s appointment, with 5 casting votes against.
However, some opposition parties refused to participate in the vote, calling for direct presidential elections instead of appointments by parliamentary vote.
The president’s role in Hungary is largely ceremonial, although he has the power to send legislation back to lawmakers or to the Constitutional Court for review. During the speech, Sulyok mentioned alleged problems with the rule of law and democracy in Hungary that prompted the European Union to freeze billions of dollars in funding.
Read more HERE
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swldx · 7 months
BBC 0437 17 Feb 2024
12095Khz 0358 17 FEB 2024 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from TALATA VOLONONDRY. SINPO = 55445. English, ID@0359z pips and "The Real Story" preview. @0401z World News anchored by David Harper. A New York judge has ordered Donald Trump to pay $354m (£280m) in a landmark fraud case. The ex-president has also been banned from doing business in New York for three years. His sons and co-defendants Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump have been fined $4m (£3.17m) each and hit with two-year bans on doing business in New York. But the judge stopped short of cancelling Trump's business licences, which some experts said could have effectively ended his business empire. Jailed Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny is dead, the prison service of the region where he had been serving his sentence says. The 47-year-old outspoken critic of President Putin has been in a Russian jail since 2021 on charges widely viewed as politically motivated. President Biden says Vladimir Putin is 'responsible', after reports of opposition politician's death. Ukraine's military says it has withdrawn its troops from Avdiivka, the key eastern town for months besieged by Russian forces. The African Union's annual summit will open on Saturday against the backdrop of coups in Gabon and Niger and a political crisis in Senegal, posing challenges for the bloc as it seeks to amplify its international presence. Gabon and Niger will be absent from the meeting in Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa, following their suspension over coups last year. They will join Mali, Guinea, Sudan and Burkina Faso, which are also barred from the summit. The coups and the crisis in Senegal, which has been in turmoil since President Macky Sail pushed back this month's elections at the last minute, will likely dominate the agenda. Tens of thousands of people in Hungary have protested following a presidential pardon in a child sexual abuse case that has shocked the nation. Demonstrators packed the historic Heroes' Square in the capital Budapest in solidarity with abuse victims. President Katalin Novak and two senior figures in Prime Minister Viktor Orban's ruling Fidesz party last week resigned over the controversial pardon. Separately, a bishop who advised the right-wing PM has now also quit. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Friday announced that it does not see the need for additional emergency measures to protect Palestinians' rights following Israel's Rafah offensive, as per South Africa's request. “The Court notes that the most recent developments in the Gaza Strip, and in Rafah in particular, 'would exponentially increase what is already a humanitarian nightmare with untold regional consequences', as stated by the United Nations Secretary-General," the ICJ said in a statement on Friday. Labor Unions in Argentina are calling for a general strike following failed talks with the government to raise the minimum wage amidst skyrocketing inflation, 20% over the last month. Japan successfully launched its new H3 flagship rocket on Saturday, putting its satellite programme back on track after multiple setbacks including the failure of the rocket's inaugural flight last year. @0405z "The Real Story" begins featuring the election delay on Senegal. Backyard gutter antenna, Etón e1XM. 250kW, beamAz 315°, bearing 63°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 15359KM from transmitter at Talata Volonondry. Local time: 2158.
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yhwhrulz · 7 months
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
i think i want your help.
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/WX9F0iQ
by CatKidJekyll
"Can you stay? Just for tonight, you don't have to any other time. . . I don't think I wanna be alone tonight." 
Words: 2123, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Superman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Lex Luthor Jr. (DCEU), Clark Kent, Alexander Luthor Sr. (DCEU), Bruce Wayne (Mentioned), Jonathan Crane (referenced), Mercy Graves (referenced)
Relationships: Clark Kent/Lex Luthor Jr. (DCEU)
Additional Tags: Past Child Abuse, Illogical Reason For Presidential Pardons, Anxiety Attacks, PTSD, Alexander Sr. is a SHIT father, Implied/Referenced Suicide, theres christopher reeve in here somewhere, Clark girlbossed the judicial system, the word faggot is said in here, i dont know if theres a specific tag for homophobic slurs, Bathing/Washing, Dinner
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/WX9F0iQ
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gehayi · 6 years
In a press release, Donald Trump announced full pardons for Oregon ranchers Dwight and Steven Hammond. The pair have long been the focus of right-wing extremists who rallied to their side, including Ammon and Ryan Bundy who organized their supporters to take over the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in January 2016. The standoff lasted roughly five weeks before the last of the supporters were convinced to lay down their weapons and surrender to the FBI.
Dwight and Steven Hammond have a history of arson in Oregon, setting fires to nearby properties to allegedly help their own ranch, despite being repeatedly warned against such action by Bureau of Land Management firefighters and law enforcement. They are known to have started at least five major fires in Oregon: the Hardie-Hammond fire in 2001 (which was set to cover an illegal deer slaughter and endangered three hunters in the area); the Fir Creek fire in 2005; the Krumbo Butte fire in 2006; the Lower Bridge Creek fire in 2006, and the Grandad fire of 2006. The Hammond’s claimed they were “controlled fires,” but they most certainly were not and in the case of the 2006 Krumbo Butte fire, Steve Hammond ordered his nephew, Dusty, to start a fire that Dusty barely escaped. Making matters even worse, four Bureau of Land Management firefighters were trapped in the raging wildfire, also barely escaping with their lives. Their testimony and eventual pleas prove they knew everything they were doing was dangerous and illegal. From Oregon Public Broadcasting in 2012:
“Light the whole countryside on fire,” Dusty said his uncle told him. “I started lighting matches.”
Afterwards, he said, over lunch his grandfather and uncle instructed him to “keep my mouth shut; nobody needed to know anything about the fire.”
Despite the threats, Dusty ended up testifying against his uncle and his grandfather, who were also violently abusive to the teen. In 2004, Dusty used a paper clip to scratch his initials into his chest, upsetting his grandparents who had custody of Dusty. They called in Uncle Steve, who said raising kids was similar to raising cattle or dogs, to discipline the boy and Steve cruelly used sandpaper to sand off the initials on the boy's chest.
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From abuse investigation in 2004:
The report continues, “Dusty stated that Steve told him that he was not going to let Dusty deface the family by carving on himself. Dusty stated that Steve then took him and began to sand the initials off his chest… Steve sanded on each side of his chest for at least five minutes… Steve used a very coarse sandpaper to sand off the initials.”
The report goes on, “Dusty told me that the process was very painful, but that he did not cry because he knew that Steve would continue the process for a longer period of time.”
Steve vowed to “filet” the initials off if the sanding didn’t do the trick. That wasn’t the only documented abuse.
The report describes Steve as 35 years old, 6-foot-2 and 200 pounds. The report says that when Dusty was caught with alcohol, Steve had driven him at least 10 miles from the ranch “and made Dusty walk back.”
The report further states that when Dusty was caught with tobacco, “Steve made him eat two cans of Skoal Smokeless tobacco, then again drove him 10 miles from the ranch and made him walk back.”
In 2012, a jury found the Hammonds guilty of starting two fires. In 2015 they were finally sentenced to five years in federal prison and ordered to pay the $400,000 in restitution. Their conviction and sentencing became a flash point for anti-government extremists and the Bundy family in particular. Fresh of their consequence-free armed standoff in Nevada, brothers Ammon and Ryan Bundy led the takeover of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge, demanding the Hammonds be freed from prison. Militia types from all over the country brought their guns and supplies to hole up in the federally managed wildlife facility for roughly five weeks. The takeover came to a close after standoff leaders were ambushed by the FBI and Oregon State Police as they sought to meet with a nearby sheriff who was friendly to their cause. Standoff leader and noted fierce anti-government advocate LaVoy Finicum was killed by police fire after he jumped out of his vehicle and tried to pull his gun on law enforcement.
Like the pardon of former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, another militia favorite, Donald Trump is sending clear signals to armed right-wing extremists that he is with them and you better believe if Donald Trump faces federal charges himself, he will demand, and likely receive, their support. This pardon might be one of the most terrifying moves Trump has made to date. He is very, very clearly angling for loyalty from these heavily armed extremists. Look at the absolutely bonkers language issued by the White House announcing the pardons.
Today, President Donald J. Trump signed Executive Grants of Clemency (Full Pardons) for Dwight Lincoln Hammond, Jr., and his son, Steven Hammond.  The Hammonds are multi-generation cattle ranchers in Oregon imprisoned in connection with a fire that leaked onto a small portion of neighboring public grazing land.  The evidence at trial regarding the Hammonds’ responsibility for the fire was conflicting, and the jury acquitted them on most of the charges.
At the Hammonds’ original sentencing, the judge noted that they are respected in the community and that imposing the mandatory minimum, 5-year prison sentence would “shock the conscience” and be “grossly disproportionate to the severity” of their conduct.  As a result, the judge imposed significantly lesser sentences.  The previous administration, however, filed an overzealous appeal that resulted in the Hammonds being sentenced to five years in prison.  This was unjust.
Dwight Hammond is now 76 years old and has served approximately three years in prison.  Steven Hammond is 49 and has served approximately four years in prison.  They have also paid $400,000 to the United States to settle a related civil suit.  The Hammonds are devoted family men, respected contributors to their local community, and have widespread support from their neighbors, local law enforcement, and farmers and ranchers across the West.  Justice is overdue for Dwight and Steven Hammond, both of whom are entirely deserving of these Grants of Executive Clemency.
There is only one reason for Donald Trump to pardon Dwight and Steve Hammond: he is doing so to gain the loyalty and support of hardened anti-government extremists and militias. This should frighten each and every one of us.
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justjasonhere · 2 years
Course Post 8: When the Cloud Bursts
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When I read through The Private Eye in time for our final week before our presentations, its themes of information, privacy, and identity brought a number of other thematically similar works to my mind, including Metal Gear Solid 2 which I wrote about in an earlier post, and another video game which I’d recently played through, Killer7, developed by Goichi Suda, otherwise known by his alias, Suda51.
Similar to The Private Eye, the world of Killer7, released in 2005, is that of one in which the Internet no longer exists, though rather than being a result of it collapsing due to sheer information overload, the Internet in this game was deliberately dismantled -- alongside aerial travel -- by the United Nations, ostensibly to put an end to terrorism worldwide, but in reality in order to control and manipulate the flow of information more easily. Despite the similar backdrops and general settings however, Killer7 has a much different approach to its political themes from The Private Eye that I believe makes for an interesting analysis in its own right as well.
Whereas it can be said that The Private Eye focuses on the effects of a world stripped of the Internet and its information on a wider scale and the larger sociopolitical effects of it, Killer7 gives a more precise examination by giving more piercing, specific examples of how the more things change, the more things stay the same, with many characters and elements drawing clear parallels to the state of the world, not only at the time of the game’s release but also resonating with today more than ever.
The game draws a bit of a grim yet uncannily accurate portrait of the state of the world. Its most pointed sociopolitical commentary is in a fictional school in the state of Washington that part of the plot is based around called Coburn Elementary, which is revealed to have been ordered to be created in 1780 to indoctrinate its students with the “virtues” of capitalism, and by the modern day, the school’s function had been slightly shifted so that the purpose of the indoctrination would be used to manipulate and steer the results of presidential elections as the upper echelons of the world saw fit.
Killer7 also provides commentary on the state of America culturally. Much reference is made to its abusive and exploitative immigration system, as exemplified in one of the game’s antagonists, a man named Curtis Blackburn who used his position as an agent of the Self-Defense Department to cover up his endeavors in organ trafficking and child abduction, which he was able to carry out due to his connections to the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and pardoned by the American government so long as he carried out assassinations on their behalf. Perhaps the most pointed critique of American culture that resonates most strongly today is the following chapter’s antagonists, a group of fictional comic book superheroes called “the Handsome Men” who seem to become real and carrying high-profile assassinations that are flawlessly predicted by the Handsome Men’s comic series, written by author Trevor Pearlharbor, who believed himself to be controlling them, until it is revealed that the Handsome Men were in actuality acting at the behest of the American military, and were never truly under Pearlharbor’s control, even killing him in the end too. When compared to the real world’s culture of comic book figures, it can be easy to draw parallels with how comic book heroes never truly belong to the individual who created them, but rather the corporation as a whole, and even co-opted on occasion by the US Department of Defense to subliminally insert military propaganda in films such as those in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In other words, in a media, capitalistic landscape like this, not even seemingly esteemed creators have any degree of control over their own intellectual properties.
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eeattherich · 4 years
99 Reasons to Vote Donald Trump out of Office
(from femislay)
1) referred to Nazis as “very fine people”
2) separated 4,500 children from their migrant parents at the border
3) lied over 15,000 times since coming into office
4) has yet to release his tax returns
5) referred to countries like Haiti and Africa as “shit-holes”
6) withdrew from Mercury Effluent Rule, which regulated safe use and disposal of mercury in dental offices
7) presidential negligence resulted in 3,000 deaths in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria
8) cut all funding for the UN Family Planning agency
9) dropped bombs on Syria without congressional approval
10) Advanced construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipeline
11) barred individuals from 7 majority Muslim countries from entering the US, including Syrian refugees
12) signed a bill allowing states to withhold funding for Planned Parenthood
13) Put Betsy DeVos in charge of education
14) Increased gov spending by half a trillion dollars
15) 20,000 reports of abuse in detention centers
16) a government shutdown that cost 11 billion
17) blacklisted the term ‘climate change’
18) halted a directive that allowed transgender students to use the bathroom corresponding to their gender identity
19) renewed contracts with for-profit prisons
20) anti-Semitic attacks increased by 87% in the six months after Trump’s election
21) cut the number of refugees allowed to resettle in the US abt almost 100,000
22) considered courting funding from TSA and the Coast Guard to fund his border wall
23) 140,000 covid deaths and counting
24) lied under oath
25) continuously profited from events held at Trump International Hotel
26) demonized journalists and the press
27) sent federal troops across the country to violently respond to protests
28) Ukraine
30) appointed a VP who used his personal email for state affairs
31) considered cutting funding from TSA an the Coast Guard to fund his border wall
32) expanded the CIA’s power, allowing them to conduct drone strikes on suspected terrorists
33) removed catergories related to sexual orientation and gender identity on the US Census
34) called journalists “the enemy of the people”
35) said Andrew Jackson had a “big heart”
36) been accused of sexual assault by dozens of women
37) fired James Comey in the middle of an investigations into Russia meddling in the 2016 election
38) under his leadership, the EPA withdrew mining restrictions on Alaska’s headwaters
39) shares highly classified information with the Russian foreign minister
40) hosted QAnon supporters at the White House
41) required all visa applicants to share their social media handles
42) withdrew from the Paris Agreement
43) blocked a veterans group on Twitter that was critical of him
44) reversed an opening of diplomatic ties with Cuba
45) appointed Rick Perry, who does not believe Carbon Dioxide causes climate change, as Secretary of Energy
46) cut 1200 jobs from the EPA
47) rolled back regulations that ensured drinking water was safe for consumption
48) the US military paid over 2 million dollars to rent space in Trump Tower claiming it was needed to protect Trump, despite Trump not spending a single night there
49) choose a white nationalist, William Johnson, as a California delegate
50) refused to rebuke white nationalists in Charlottesville
51) rolled back emission standards for automobiles
52) called confederate statues “beautiful”
53) 6 migrant children died in ICE custody in 2019
54) costs taxpayers 3 million dollars per visit to Mar-a-Lago, a resort he owns
55) signed a directive preventing transgender people from joining the military
56) pardoned an Arizona sheriff found guilty of racially profiling Latinx individuals
57) threatened to totally destroy North Korea
58) scrapped healthcare subsidies for low income Americans
59) forgot the name of a fallen soldier when he called the soldier’s widow to offer his condolences
60) ended temporary protected status for 59,000 Haitians
61) retweeted anti-Muslim video on twitter
62) endorsed Ray Moore, an alleged pedophile, for Senate
63) prevented the CDC from using the terms transgender, fetus, science based, and evidence based in documents
64) dissolved his own comission on voter fraud
65) cheated on his wife just four months after the birth of his child then paid the woman 130,000 dollars in hush money
66) recieved praise from white supremisist, David Duke
67) appointed 30 people with tied to the coal industry to positions in the Enviormemtal Protection Agency
68) advocated for the execution of drug dealers
69) ended funding for NASA’s Carbon Monitoring System
70) withdrew from Iran nuclear deal
71) detained nearly 13,000 migrant children without access to education of legal services
72) mocked a sexual assault survivor
73) declared a national emergency at the Southern border in an attempt to get 5.7 billion for a border wall
74) made it easier for gas and oil companies to lay pipelines without beif blocked by states citing the Clean Water Act
75) encouraged supporters to attack political opponents
76) demanded his son-in-law be granted security clearance
77) withdrew from the Arms Trade Treaty
78) tried to withhold congressionally appropriated disaster relief money from going to Puerto Rico
79) rolled back power plant regulations
80) weakened the Endangered Species Act
81) tried to limit benefits such as food stamps, housing support, and Medicaid to immigrants
82) updated policy allowing US to detain migrant families with children indefinitely
83)misused over 2 million in charitable funds
84) diverted 3.6 billion from Defense spending to the construction of his border wall
85) places immigration restrictions on Nigeria, Sudan, Tanzania, Eritrea, Myanmar, and Kyrgyzstan
86) appointed Mike Pence to lead the COVID-19 response
87) made it legal for law enforcement authorities to obtain DNA information from detained immigrants
88) cut off payments to the World Health Organization
89) set up sham corporations to avoid paying taxes on 413 million inherited from his parents
90) called peaceful protestors in Minnesota “thugs”
91) threaded protestors in Minnesota with “vicious dogs”
92) had protestors outside the White House tear gassed by federal agents so he could hold a Bible for a photo op
93) eliminated healthcare protections for transgender patients
94) did nothing to punish or condemn Russia after discovering that Russia was paying bounties to the Taliban to kill American Soldiers
95) retweeted a video of a supporter yelling “white power”
96) helped Saudi Arabia drop bombs on Yemen
97) advocated against mail in voting, despite using this method of voting himself
98) relaxed regulations to allow offshore drilling off the coast of Florida
99) mocked people with disabilities
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iceflame14rulez · 4 years
Here's an idea, and, it may sound crazy, so bear with me... why don't we have an electoral debate where ALL the candidates for presidency are able to participate? There were at least four people up for presidency, not two in the 2020 election. There are at least four parties, if not more, in the United States, not two. Trump and Biden were up for presidency, obviously, but there were more people on the ballot.
To those of you who don't know, the libertarian candadate, Jo Jorgensen, had this platform, which the media covered very little of.
Healthcare and social security
Jorgensen supports a free-market healthcare system financed by individual spending accounts that could keep any savings, which she believes would increase healthcare providers' incentive to compete by meeting consumer demand for low-cost services. She opposes single-payer healthcare, calling it "disastrous".
Jorgensen supports replacing Social Security with individual retirement accounts.[25] In the final debate of the primaries, candidate Jacob Hornberger accused Jorgensen of "support[ing] the welfare state through Social Security and Medicare". In response, she called Social Security a "Ponzi scheme" and said she would allow people to opt out of the program on her first day in office. But she emphasized the constitutional inability of a president to unilaterally end the program without Congress's support, as well as the need for the government to fulfill existing Social Security obligations. Under Jorgensen's plan, those who opt out would put 6.2% of their payroll taxes in individual retirement accounts and receive prorated Social Security benefits for existing contributions as zero-coupon bonds for retirement.
Criminal justice and drug policy
Jorgensen opposes federal civil asset forfeiture and qualified immunity. She opposes the war on drugs and supports abolishing drug laws, promising to pardon all nonviolent drug offenders. She has urged the demilitarization of police.
Foreign policy and defense
Jorgensen opposes embargoes, economic sanctions, and foreign aid; she supports non-interventionism, armed neutrality, and the withdrawal of U.S. troops from abroad.
Immigration, economics, and trade
Jorgensen calls for deregulation, arguing that it would reduce poverty. She supports cutting government spending to reduce taxes.
Jorgensen supports the freedom of American citizens to travel and trade, calls for the elimination of trade barriers and tariffs, and supports the repeal of quotas on the number of people who can legally enter the United States to work, visit, or reside. In a Libertarian presidential primary debate, Jorgensen said she would immediately stop construction on President Donald Trump's border wall. During another primary debate she blamed anti-immigration sentiment on disproportionate media coverage of crimes by immigrants. She argued that immigration helps the economy and that the blending of cultures is benificial.
Jorgensen has characterized the U.S. government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic as overly bureaucratic and authoritarian, calling restrictions on individual behavior (such as stay-at-home orders) and corporate bailouts "the biggest assault on our liberties in our lifetime".
Jorgensen opposes government mask mandates, considering mask-wearing a matter of personal choice. She argues that mask-wearing would be widely adopted without government intervention because market competition would drive businesses to adopt either mask-required or mask-optional policies, allowing consumers the freedom to choose their preferred environment. Jorgensen has invoked the analogy of dollar voting to argue that consumer preferences would shape businesses' policies on face masks in the absence of a government mandate.
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The Green party's candadate, Howie Hawkins, was ALSO up for presidency. This was his platform.
Medicare to Pay for COVID-19 Testing and Treatment and All Emergency Health Care. Defense Production Act to Rapidly Plan the Production and Distribution of Medical Supplies and a Universal Test, Contact Trace, and Quarantine Program to Safely Reopen the Economy. An OSHA Temporary Standard to Provide Enforceable PPE Protection for Workers. $2,000 a Month to All Adults Over Age 16 and $500 per Child. Loans to All Businesses and Hospitals for Payroll and Fixed Overhead To Be Forgiven If All Workers Are Kept on Payroll. Moratorium on Evictions, Foreclosures, and Utility Shutoffs. Cancel Rent, Mortgage, and Utility Payments; Federal Government Pays Those Bills; High-income People Pay Taxes on this Relief. Suspend Student Loan Payments with 0% Interest Accumulation. Federal Universal Rent Control. Aid to State and Local Governments Sufficient to Keep Essential Services Running. A 10-Year, $42 Trillion Ecosocialist Green New Deal for Economic Recovery through a Just Transition to 100% Clean Energy by 2030. Universal Mail-in Ballots for the 2020 General Election.
Pledge No First Use of Nuclear Weapons. Unilaterally Disarm to a Minimum Credible Deterrent. Negotiate with Nuclear Powers to Enact the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. End the Endless Wars—US Troops Home. Cut the Military Budget by 75%. Invest the Savings in a Global Green New Deal. Use Diplomacy and International Law to Promote Peace, Human Rights, and Democracy.
Job Guarantee. Guaranteed Minimum Income Above Poverty. $20 Minimum Wage. Affordable Housing for All through Universal Rent Control and Public Housing. Medicare for All—A Community-Controlled National Health Service. Lifelong Free Public Education—Pre-K through College. Secure Retirement—Double Social Security Benefits
Ranked-Choice National Popular Vote for President. Proportional Representation in Congress. End Party Suppression—Fair Ballot Access. End Voter Suppression—Restore the Preclearance Provision to the Voting Rights Act. Right to Vote Constitutional Amendment. Automatic Voter Registration. Voting Rights for Felons. Auditable Paper Balloting. Full Public Campaign Finance. We The People Amendment to End the Corporate-Personhood and Money-Is-Speech Legal Doctrines. DC Statehood
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Had i known about this, about them, I would have proudly voted for Jorgensen or Hawkins, because, instead of being "the lesser of two evils", they actually sound like someone we genuinely need right now. We need to stand up for the people not getting their voices heard. I want a presidential election that has EVERYONE'S voice heard. To those of you who have been oppressed, beaten down, and learned to cope with being ignored just because someone didn't like what you had to say, you need to help the other candidates get their voices heard in the future. I don't know about you, but I want a United States that is concerned about the true freedom of speech, one which is fair and actually willing to hear what all our people have to say.
It's a dream that even Martin Luther King Jr. had. He saw the oppression of African Americans, and spoke out about having a dream that everyone could be heard.
When our country was founded, we were all immigrants. Everyone came from another place, even those we call Native Americans. Why is it that today, people are being rejected simply for needing to take refuge from a government abuser in some other country? We have lost sight of what our great nation is all about. We need to have our voices heard.
The next time there's a government position to replace, remember what I had to say. We are not sheep, who are to be headed toward the majority just because it's easy. We are human beings. We need to stop this suppression of the people's voices. We need to stand up to the government, to the media, to let everyone be heard.
Our nation is on the verge of a civil war, in part due to the oppression of the people. If you want to be heard, you need to stand up for what you believe in. Violence isn't necessary, but your right to free speech is. DO NOT LET THEM SUPPRESS YOUR VOICE.
EDIT: I would like to add, that in order for our POLITICAL voices to be heard, there is still something we need to change. If you would like to hear what is needed, there's a list of videos on the subject. If you really want to have your voices heard, we need to start here, with ranked voting. For more information, click this link.
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wilwheaton · 7 years
Fuck Donald Trump and Fuck the Racist GOP
Be convicted in federal court for breaking the law you swore to uphold, including fundamental Constitutional principles that were written to protect citizens from abuses of power: get a Presidential pardon before you’re even sentenced.
Be brought to America when you’re a child, grow up here, go to school here, work here, be part of the culture and society: get deported to a country you’ve never known or lived in.
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xrpvibe · 4 years
Ripple Board Member Receives Pardon on Trump's Last Day in Office
Ripple Board Member Receives Pardon on Trump’s Last Day in Office
Key Takeaways Ken Kurson was a Ripple board member and editor of the New York Observer before his arrest for cyberstalking. Kurson stalked and harrassed his ex-wife and former friends, including falsely accusing two victims of child abuse to their employers. Kurson has received a presidential pardon, but it appears no pardon will be issued for Ross Ulbricht, Julien Assange, or Edward…
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swldx · 8 months
BBC 0534 11 Feb 2024
6195Khz 0459 11 FEB 2024 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from SANTA MARIA DI GALERIA. SINPO = 45333. English, ID@0459z pips and Newsroom preview. @0501z World News anchored by David Harper. Donald Trump says he would "encourage" Russia to attack any Nato member that fails to pay its bills as part of the Western military alliance. He said he had once told a Nato leader he would not protect a nation behind on its payments if it came under Russian attack, and would urge the aggressors to "do whatever they hell they want". Members of Nato commit to defend any nation in the bloc that gets attacked. The White House called the comments "appalling and unhinged". Finns will elect a new president on Sunday in the first national election since the country joined NATO, choosing a leader who will be critical to shaping the country’s role in the alliance at a time of increasingly fraught relations with Russia. Trinidad and Tobago is considering declaring a national emergency over a huge oil spill from a ship that ran aground and overturned this week. At least 15km (nine miles) of Tobago's south-western coast have been affected, including some of the Caribbean island's pristine beaches. Goma, in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, is under attack by M23 rebels. Congo asks for international pressure on Rwanda to stop backing the well equipped rebels. The president of Hungary has resigned live on television over a decision to pardon a man convicted of covering up a child sexual abuse case. It was revealed last week President Novak had given clemency to a man jailed for forcing children to retract sexual abuse claims against a director of a state-run children's home. Protests calling for her to step down had been growing in Hungary. She is a key ally of Hungarian Mr Orban and previously worked as his family minister. Taiwan spots a record 8 balloons from mainland China ahead of Lunar New Year. It is the highest daily number detected since Taipei’s defence ministry started releasing data, with two flying directly over the island. The latest sightings come about a month after William Lai of the independence-leaning DPP wins the Taiwanese presidential election. Thousands of people demonstrated on Saturday night across Israel, calling for a deal to free Israelis held hostage by Hamas in Gaza and for early elections. Relatives of hostages held in Gaza, as well as activists calling for their immediate release, blocked the main highway in Tel Aviv and started a fire, urging the government to reach a deal with Hamas. Police arrested four protesters. The CEO of one of Nigeria's largest banks was killed on Friday when a helicopter he was riding in crashed in the Mojave Desert in Southern California. An aspiring congressional candidate for Mexico's ruling Morena party was assassinated on Saturday in the central Mexican state of Morelos, the president of Ecatepec municipality said on social media, months before Mexico's general elections. @0506z "The Newsroom" begins. MLA 30 amplified loop (powered w/8 AA rechargeable batteries ~10.8vdc), Etón e1XM. 250kW, beamAz 185°, bearing 49°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 7877KM from transmitter at Santa Maria di Galeria. Local time: 2259.
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janebeez · 4 years
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