#a primal horror or sorts
There are 4 2010s cartoon villains i know of with the horned animal skull aesthetic and 5 2010s cartoon villains i know of with the big horns and glowing eyes in general. I love that shit the design fucks so hard. Does anyone have more examples im starting a collection
#the owl house#emperor belos#centaurworld#the nowhere king#adventure time#the lich#over the garden wall#the beast#amphibia#darcy#that last one is a little different bc darcy and the core are axolotls not deer or other horned mammals#and also their vibe is REALLY sci fi and robotic#still has the big branching horns though and the glowy eyes and cool voice#the lich the nowhere king and belos both have the aesthetics or rot#and the three plus the beast pick at that creepy rural horror if thats what you call it#something that should be a deer but is no longer a deer#a primal horror or sorts#like idk about the lich but the beast the nowhere king and belos are all like#theyre the scariest when you see just their silhouettes in the distance#like the nowhere king and belos are both goop guys and its gross but when you cant see that#whatever you fill in with your imagination is more spooky#darcy and the lich arent really that but they work best when theyre lurking in the background like you can see them#but the threat of what theyre going to do is scarier than what they actually do i think#the lichs corruption goes hard i guess but maybe i was too old for adventure time for it to leave an impression on me#while i loved darcys badass scythe fight but just them lurking in the background was more intimidating#i guess the beast is also like this? he was more passively manipulative#meanwhile belos and the nowhere king are Bastards that do war crimes and are great at it#also are very very tragic figures and are doomed by the narrative and whatnot#or rather doomed themselves#shut up pandora
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cookinguptales · 7 months
*googles to make sure The Mommy Market wasn't just a fever dream*
huh. I guess that movie really did exist.
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milkbloodguts · 2 years
I love those giant gummy sweets filled with sticky icky goo, it satisfies my urge to bite into a big plump beetle.
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z0mibite · 2 months
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>1000 words, detailed descriptions of violence and a (sort of?) mention of s/a (⚠️use of the r word ⚠️), reader is gn! and up to interpretation throughout other than being considerably smaller than thomas and one mention of possibly bearing children. open-ended, so if you prefer angst endings for reader or stockholm, you can choose, it's texas chainsaw massacre, anything that's in either movie is part of the warnings just to be safe. dead dove do not ear, read at your own risk. also this is not proofread in any way, I literally wrote this straight shot right before bed listening to dove (doll ver) on loop and hit post.
imagine tommy keeping you, not to rape and defile like his uncle assumed, nor for you to bare children like his mama had hoped—but because you're just so nice to look at.
In the first film, tommy can be seen wearing rings, jewelry he's collected from past victims. also with the whole wearing people's faces to mask his own, he obviously has an eye for pretty things. and you're one of them.
It isn't just that of course, plenty of pretty people had come onto the farm, all meeting the same fate. he hadn't spared a dozen or so others, so why would he spare you?
you hadn't flinched at the sight of him, you hadn't run away crying like a child at their first horror maze, you simply smiled at him with those sparkling eyes, an elegant hand giving him a friendly, unbiased wave. you looked at him without prejudice, or preconceived assumptions about his character.
your friends hadn't given him the same courtesy. which is why you were here, chained to the workbench near the chopping block. the block he was using to dismember your traveling companions. a few of them hung from meat hooks, catatonic, their minds were weak and feeble, they broke at the sights in front of them, and despite the agonizing pain of lost limbs and shredded muscle, they were silent and still, waiting for their turn.
death was their only escape, they needed only to wait for it. you could see it in their eyes, each time he'd finish one off and turn to grab the next off a hook, they'd all follow him with pleading eyes. not for mercy, they were far beyond the point of return—but to be next.
your entire body was shaking like a kicked chihuahua. your muscles were all tense, adrenaline begged you to run, flee, to escape death. your silly primal instinct hadn't caught up with your concious. It was an odd feeling, having every possible part of your body screaming at you to run, and choosing to stay still, to betray your instinct with your intelligence. you knew you wouldn't get far.
despite the horrid conditions in the basement, a place where your senses should be overloaded; your ears with the echoes of their screams and the engine of the saw, your eyes with the gory mess, your nose with the pungent smell of iron and rotting flesh, your tongue with the dryness of your mouth from panting, and your body's fatigue from running around for hours—there was nothing but the racing of your heartbeat.
It was all you could hear or feel, and in your mind you could taste and see it as well, you felt the pulse rise all the way into your skull and down to your toes. you felt every rush of blood heat your skin like a furnace, moving past your veins and tissue.
your eyes aimlessly followed his body, unblinking and dry. he was deeply focused on his ‘work’, but he would still glance at you every now and again. you were just so pretty, a decoration in his safe haven, like a deer mounted above the fireplace.
hours had passed in what felt like seconds before he was finished. you hadn't moved.
he nonchalantly came up to you, his much larger hand going to cup your face before he froze. he withdrew his hands, wiping the bloody mess on his apron and washing his hands before he continued his previous action.
you didn't dare move, not even to flinch, as his held your head in your hands.
his thumbs caressed the flesh just under your eyes, rubbing around and about, seemingly fascinated by the way your skin folded and stretched at his will. he made a gesture with his hands, swiping a palm in front of your eyes, an attempt at communicating. when you didn't respond, he huffed frustratedly before letting his thumbs touch your eyelids, forcing them down to close your eyes.
he took your chin in-between two fingers, maneuvering your head in every direction, studying every feature. his thumb pulled your lips apart, showing him your teeth, clenched so hard they might be pushed back underneath your eye sockets.
after a he took some time to study you, you felt his thumbs come back to rest on your eyelids, pulling them open again. this time he studied your iris. he was clearly upset at the lack of light that prevented him from seeing the color clearly, but he looked closely nonetheless.
the sensation of breath enveloping your face, forcing you to breathe in the air he had just released, was one you could not describe.
his hands fell to your shoulders and moved downward till he got to your forearms, where he would trace the veins in your arms. when his hand met your wrist, he applied gentle pressure to it, his breath hitching as he felt your blood pulsate. he moved onto your hands now.
his were easily twice the size of yours, if not more. his nails were dull and blunt, the skin much rougher against yours. dried blood cracked underneath his nails and stained his skin a pinkish tone despite his tan. he traced the lines of your palm the same way a palm reader would, take away the tales of life lines and replace them with pure admiration.
he unexpectedly leaned in closer to you, his face now inches, if that, from your own. you kept your gaze ahead as he stared you down.
he brought his masked nose up to the top of your head and sniffed you like a dog, leaning down to your neck to see what else he could smell on you besides your faded fragrance and sweat.
It was only after this action of his that your body responded in any way in nearly 12 hours.
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merakiui · 2 months
So the Vil horror movie role starring darling… I just googled how simulated sex scenes happen in film. There is usually something called an Intimacy Coordinator who “is a professional who facilitates, choreographs, and establishes boundaries for actors during scenes that involve intimacy, from kissing all the way to full-on sex scenes…” It’s usually a closed set so very few people are involved during filming
but Vil knows how everything works and how everything goes and knows his way around things like that
what if Vil is the reason the film had to go from rated R to rated M for Mature?
👁 👁 Vil who becomes too immersed in the role. The director doesn't stop him because this is exactly it!!!! This is what they're looking for, and Vil pulls off the role so well!!! He's able to get into the mind of a villain in such a way that his portrayal is truly admirable! Worthy of all kinds of awards. When you aren't filming, you're even commending Vil on his acting, smiling sweetly and saying how honored you are to be able to work with him. And Vil's able to respond in kind, but deep down he's thinking about how great it would be to lock you and your pretty smile away so only he would be granted the pleasure of seeing it.
It unlocks something primal in Vil during the chase scene and he's in character...... grabbing your ankle to drag you out of your hiding place, and you do such an amazing job acting like the terrified victim. >_< he had to call for a break partway through filming because seeing the tears in your eyes and hearing the wobbly fear in your voice went right to his dick. ;;;;;
As for the intimacy coordinator, they establish everything as per the requirements and you and Vil are both aware of what's to be done for the scene where he non-cons you. Those improvised lines Vil says during that scene are actually his real thoughts. The director keeps them in because they think it's much better than what was on the script, and since it's Vil it's bound to turn out wonderful. Really, Vil just wants to get away with saying all sorts of depraved filth and speaking just a few of his fantasies while he acts out this scene. And it's all hidden under the guise of flawless acting.
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auspicioustidings · 6 months
Summary: Following on from the events of Savage, Simon steals you back.
Words: 3.5k
CW: Smut, Non-con
Please go back and read the blurb from Savage. The same rules apply here, this is a rape fantasy. If that is not your thing do not read it.
It had been a month since you had been taken over the border and you were still sore in places. MacTavish… Johnny. Johnny had been gentle with you as soon as you crossed into his homeland. It was like he was a different person, the Savage gone and replaced by some romantic hero. 
He had bedded you again, but it was with none of the primal brutality he had taken you with that first night. No, he remained true to his word and treated you like a princess. You were fucked slowly and tenderly into furs and downy pillows. He lapped sweetly between your legs while one of his men smiled and fed you bites of food. You recognised him as one from that night, the one whose hand print was almost fully faded from your thigh, but like Johnny his men too were different now. 
It was like you had fallen into a dream. Sometimes you thought perhaps you had crossed into the fae realm, that this was some form of magic. They dressed you in soft but simple fabric in the MacTavish clan colours and it took your breath away any time you thought on it. He was marking you as his, but not how you had expected. This was not how you would mark a conquest or a slave, this was how you would mark family, how you would mark wife.
It was dizzying, his kindness. He bathed you and massaged at your sore muscles. He laughed fondly when you smiled at the puppy he brought into your room. He whispered to you in the middle of the night about names for babies with his finger tracing patterns on your belly. 
You began to think of him as a different man entirely to the one from that night. There was the Savage and then there was just Johnny. And that was terrifying in its own way, because how could you ever know if the former would come back? 
But still, some part of you started to slip into contentment. The horror of what had happened was smothered with sweetness and gentility until it faded away. You didn't think about escaping as you had the first week. There was never any attempt of course, you were not stupid enough to think you could manage it, but you had often daydreamed about it.
It must have been some sort of divine wrath for your sins that it was only when you had settled into some form of comfortable that someone far scarier than the Savage came for you in the dead of night while Johnny was away. 
You woke to a weight on top of you, at first thinking it must be Johnny straddling you in the bed. But when you opened your eyes there was a bright white skull glaring down at you in the gloom. You wanted to scream, but you were scared stiff and even if you had been able to produce a sound his gloved hand had roughly settled over your mouth.
“Hello sweetheart, don't you look cosy in MacTavish's bed.”
Your eyes widened. English, he was English. And while the words were non-threatening, his tone was violent. You felt like your blood had turned to ice under this creature. He snarled at you and got into your face, eyes wild and angry.
“You scream and I'll rip you open, understand?”
You could only nod through the tears and then remain quiet when his hand left your mouth. Even without the warning you didn’t think you would have been able to scream through the fear. You knew with a horrible certainty that this man really would tear you apart if you crossed him. 
“Go back to sleep bitch.”
You didn't even see the pommel of his danger coming as he clocked you in the temple and you blacked out. 
Your head felt fuzzy when you came to, like your brain was waterlogged. It took a full minute before you properly got consciousness back, enough that you could feel that your wrists were bound around something above you making your shoulders ache. Someone had dressed you in a fine gown, the kind you would have expected to be wearing after your marriage to gatherings of nobility. There was a dim sort of throb somewhere in your lower half that you couldn’t quite pinpoint.
You blinked in the dim light of the chamber you were in. A bedchamber. A regal one. There was a fireplace glowing with embers that was providing some light to see the furnishings. You hazily looked up to figure out where your arms were bound to find they were tired around the poster of a large, plush bed. Even the floor was soft beneath you, an ornate rug cushioning you.
It was all quite beautiful, like something out of your silly girl hood dreams. You tried to calm your heart, perhaps the rough treatment by the man with the skull mask was not indicative of whatever treatment you would face here. After all he had been English, had maybe taken you back across the border. Home you reminded yourself, even if something in you ached to think it. Even if some pathetic little part of you had started to think of Johnny as home even after what he did to you.
You caught movement from the corner of your eye and startled. The skull masked man was sitting in the corner, watching you. It knocked any coherent thought from your mind when he took off the mask and you came face to face with your fiance. He looked far more severe in real life than in his portrait. The artist had lessened the two large scars on his face, had made his eyes softer. When he stood it was staggering how large he was, already incredibly tall but from on the floor seeming monstrous. You quickly put your eyes to the floor, bowing your head with as much respect as you could.
“Lord Riley. I-” you said, trying to think of anything to explain the past month to him and coming up short when he crossed the room and drew his sword, putting the flat of the blade under your chin to force your head to tilt up. 
“Did you know that the man you let fuck you flew the lion rampant when he was last slaughtering my men? A symbol of my country and he thinks to steal it.”
You could not move, could barely breathe without the sharp tip of the sword cutting your throat. You thought you might wind up drooling to avoid swallowing, knowing that it would almost certainly draw blood. You could only look at him as he spoke and looked down at you in disgust.
“Lionesses will try and protect their unborn cubs by letting themselves be mounted by any male in the vicinity to confuse paternity. Reckon if I let you loose you'd go through my soldiers like you went through those Scottish bastards wouldn't you? Let them all spill inside you.”
The tears were spilling down your cheeks as humiliation burned through you. He was wrong, Johnny's men hadn't spilled inside you, but the reality of what had happened seemed worse. They had spilled between your legs to make it more pleasant when their leader took you in the dirt. You wanted to defend yourself, to appeal to him, but he pressed the blade forward and your head met the bed with nowhere to go. The sting was horrible as you felt a trickle of blood run down the column of your throat.
“I'll not have a Scottish bastard running around my halls. My seed is more potent than his could ever hope to be, I'm going to flood his filthy cum out of you.”
You tried to bite out a plea when he moved the blade a hair back, enough that you could at least attempt to explain yourself if you spoke as softly as you could trying not to let your throat move. 
“Please I didn’t- he- I tried to fight,” you said, fighting the sob that would cause more damage to your neck.
He smiled. He smiled and it was the smile of something terrifying, something that had caught you in its snare. 
“You thanked him. He took what was mine and you thanked him for it, isn’t that right sweetheart?”
You felt a flood of fear. Johnny must have released at least one of the English soldiers who had seen what had been done to you. Had seen you drooling and throwing yourself back on to the enemies cock and crying thank yous to him. And had reported every single second of it back to the man above you, your intended husband. You had been caught fully in a lie, because you hadn’t fought, not really. Fear had you out of your mind at the time. It was half way to making you feel out of your mind now. He laughed darkly.
“Is that the expression you wore for him?”
You did sob then and it set off a chain reaction of the sharp of the blade nicking you which caused you to sob harder which did the same again. He looked fascinated with the blood dribbling down your skin, but his reactions were fast. When you got too overwhelmed and tried to look away, a movement that would have wound up slitting your own throat, he threw the blade to the side. The clatter of the metal made you flinch. 
One if his hands was on you then, grabbing your upper arm in a bruising grip to drag you to your feet, the twist of your spine from your hands being bound to the bedpost painful. Once you were on your feet he moved the hand to your hair, pushing until you were hugging the post, face crushed against it in a way you were sure would leave indents of the intricate pattern on the woodwork. 
His other hand went to bunching up your skirts, the coolness on bare skin making you realise with a sickening clarity that you had been put in a dress but with no undergarments. 
“Fucking hell, not only Scottish animals you get wet for is it?” he hissed, as you felt his gloved fingers swipe through your folds.
He brought his hand around then to skirt up your throat and then shoved the gloves fingers in your mouth, leather and blood and arousal swirling in your tongue and making you choke with how aggressively they made a home between your teeth. You felt like an animal having their mouth examined with how he bullied his fingers around inside, seemingly trying to make sure you could taste yourself. He ripped them out and grabbed your face between his thumb and pointer finger, twisted it around to look at him behind you.
“Go ahead, kiss your fiancé like you'd kiss that fucking Savage you've been bedding.”
Oh he scared you well and truly now with how he looked at you. There was the glimmer of a Sacrosanct madness about him, the holy surety that he would claim you body and soul from John MacTavish. You trembled before this force of divine fury, trying to quell it by pushing yourself to kiss him. 
For a moment in time he was the fiancé you had dreamt of. He let you press your lips to his and slowly lapped his tongue at your bottom lip for entrance, languid in his exploration once you permitted it. It struck you straight to your core when you realised he was licking the inside of your mouth to taste what he had forced there with his fingers, the clench of your cunt at the thought a humiliation. When his mouth left yours it was messy, saliva left on your swollen lips. He wrapped his hand around your throat, spreading the blood and seeming fascinated by it before he took the now blood smeared hand and slapped you so hard your ears were ringing. You would have crumpled to the floor if he did not have a leg planted between yours to keep your forced upright. 
“My Lord please, I-I-” you stuttered, not able to find any fight amongst the freeze when he manhandled you back around to be clinging to the bedpost, grabbing your hips and wrenching them back so you were bent over with him behind you. 
“You'll get your proper treatment as my Lady after sweetheart, right now you need to learn your fucking place.” 
Your skirts were fully flipped over your back, a rough palm keeping you bend fully at the waist so the fabric could drape and leave you exposed to him. You hated knowing he could see you were leaking between your legs, your body at odds with your mind. It was a sickly sweet sort of humiliating. You choked a shocked sob when with no ceremony his cock was out and shoved inside you. 
“Too full, t-too fast. Please- unf- please take it out!” you screamed, feeling like he was in your stomach. 
He only tsked, unmoved entirely by how you squeezed your eyes shut and tried to shift away, not able to with his hands holding you still. 
“Don't know what I expected, of course your traitor little cunt wouldn't be tight enough anymore. What was it he said? If you didn't keep your eyes open…”
You were confused about what he meant until he brutally ripped out of you and the hard head of him was rubbing at your arse, catching on the puckered hole. 
“Please please no I'll tear! My Lord, Lord Riley please I didn't mean it” you babbled, trying to claw into the bedpost to pull away but only being rewarded with such a sharp smack to your arse that you knew his handprint would be there for days.
“Y-you can't!” you screeched as he started to push inside you.
The press of him against your hole, the pop as his head finally pushed through the tight ring of muscle, it made your body try to fight against a danger it didn't know what to do with. You couldn't breathe, as if you were underwater and your brain would not allow you to gulp in a breath because it knew it would be lethal. 
You could barely choke in any oxygen at all as he started moving your hips back and forward on him, rocking his hot, hard cock more and more into your arse each time. He would break you surely, he would rip you in half. You could only make choked noises as you were stuffed more and more full. He smacked your arse again at that.
“Quit your bitching whore or next time I won't even do you the courtesy of having my men prep you. Find your fucking manners, say thank you” he said, an arrogant dominance rolling off if him in waves as he gave one particularly cruel thrust that had you crying out a thank you to please him.
“Manners my Lady” he snarled, punctuating his point with another spank that landed directly where you were already tender.
“T-thank you my Lord.”
“There she is, was that so difficult?” he asked with a horrid sweetness, thrusting hard into you again. “Lost all of your grace with that animal, don't worry, I'll fuck it back into you.”
The next thrust he bottomed out with a groan, holding still for a few breaths. It gave you time to try and adjust but it was an impossible task. He was too big, you were too tight, the stretch was too impossible. You were vaguely thankful that the ache you had felt waking up must have been because someone had already been playing with your arse. There was some slide, it wasn't so dry that you were being torn apart but it felt like a close thing. He leaned over you, his huge torso draped over yours. You could feel his sweaty face plastered to yours, the heat of his breath. He only said one word before he straightened back up, an innocent little word. But it terrified you none the less.
It was the only warning you got before he pulled out and slammed fully back into you. You felt far more brutalised as he drilled into you slow but incredibly hard in this plush room with the warm glowing embers of a fire and in a beautiful gown than you had being fucked in the dirt in the cold darkness in only your torn chemise.
His pace was torture, not fast enough to keep the pain a consistent thing you could anticipate, not slow enough to allow your insides to adjust to his impossible size. Your brain went fuzzy with every hard and deep piston of his hips. That one word was something you clung to like a prayer. Breathe. He pulled out to the tip. Breathe. He slammed back in all the way to the root. Breathe. He held there and your muscles fluttered around him, seemingly confused as to whether this was an intrusion or welcomed now that his own slick and whatever they had prepared you with while you were knocked out was mixed and making the slide smoother, making each rough thrust squelch loudly. Breathe. The drag of him slowly pulling back out made your cunt clench so hard it was nauseating. Breathe. 
You could never quite fully catch your breath, always just on the edge of feeling like you were suffocating. You suddenly wished he would at least talk to you. Johnny was never able to stop, always saying something filthy in your ear so you could at least focus on that and not hear your own desperate panting, the sticky snap of sweaty skin on sweaty skin. It was painful, a pain that dangled pleasure in front of you, always just out of reach. You were chasing it, pushing back in the hopes that the heavy weight of him would bump against your clit. It only ever served to add the sharp smack of hand on flesh to the noises. 
He did not provide any warning before he sped up, suddenly rutting into you with none of the control he had kept until now. You forgot that word, forgot everything in favour of biting down on the wood of the bedpost to stop from screaming your throat raw. 
And then you saw stars as his throbbing cock was pulled out of your arse and in your cunt finally instead, deep. He pushed your hips until you were standing straight, his cock spearing up into you deeper than you thought possible. He brought a hand round to play roughly with your clit.
“Milk me.”
There was no room for refusal as you came, bearing down on him hard. The scalding heat of his seed spilling into you felt like some twisted form of divine justice for what you had done, how you had begun to feel about the Savage. There was so much of it, a biblical flood to wipe away the stain he saw left in you. His chest was plastered to your back, his hot breath puffing over the side of your hair. 
“Good girl. Knew a proper English lady was still in there didn't I? Just had to exorcise the whore MacTavish put inside you.”
Your head was so fuzzy. Your body throbbed with pain and the flush of a devastating orgasm. You whimpered pathetically when he eventually pulled out, fingering the leaking cum gently back into your oversensitive pussy. 
“I'll get a plug for you, you'd like that hm? Keep my seed nice and safe inside your little cunt.”
You drifted then, drifted to somewhere else. You didn't know that you nodded, that you were pliant and soft for him as he undressed you fully and took you to a bath. It was all like there was a pleasantly weighted fog over your senses as he fed you, rubbed oils into you, dressed you for bed and climbed in behind you like a lover. Like Johnny.
“Sir, we've tried. It's like she wisnae ever here tae begin with. Nae trace of whoever took her. Whoever it is, they're a ghost.”
Johnny barked out a bitter, manic sort of laugh. 
“A ghost aye? Fucking Riley.”
“Garrick and Price were spotted naw far frae the border just this morn, if it was him that took her then he's naw far.”
“Cannae imagine so, why take himself a pretty prize unless he intends tae dangle it in front of me.”
“Orders sir?”
“Get me information. Going tae take her back obviously. Fuck the Scottish back in tae her if she's lost her way.”
And this time he'd made sure it fucking stuck even if he had to carve his fucking name into your skin to prove who you belonged to. 
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shelfperson · 9 days
i am actually so terrified of episode 5. like bone deep terror. abject horror. like i’m devils minion meme-ing as a cope but i enter some kind of primal prey animal fear state thinking about next sunday.
cause we’ve crossed the midseason threshold for Fucked Up Shit and this is gonna be the entry point to a whole new world of pain. everything we’ve seen so far about episode 5 indicates it’s an extremely powerful and disturbing piece of television, so on the one hand i’m gonna have to deal with THAT, but then they’re going to have to MATCH THAT for the trial and the season finale.
i cannot overstate how much that’s going to change the dynamic going forward. louis and daniel unlocking memories without armand’s knowledge, finally gaining some control over what’s happening? starting to sort out their recollections and perhaps HONESTLY INTERROGATING THEM?????
i am not going to survive this television program. i’m just not. like 4 paragraphs worth of worry and i’ve barely even MENTIONED anyone fucking that old man
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iridescentscarecrow · 5 months
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i'm going to be sick. hard as fuck panel and -- the horror of this, the grim absurdity of it, the way denji leans into that feeling, wants that feeling, he's grinning, don't you see, under the metal of the chainsaw:
this is the karaoke scene echoing outwards but this time the Violence emanates from denji. thinking about how the weapon hybrids' bodies smear the pages, limbs and sharp lines and the chainsaw man: chaotic and primal within it. the previous chapters where's he's not at all a participant in this Violence as the hybrids tear themselves apart on their own, and now: he tears through them. the house burns, and so does his attempt at a normal life, at what pochita let him want and so told him to want, it ends and it all makes sense now, doesn't it?
and he tells nayuta to leave. she's the only human resembling face focused on in the last few pages, she's the unwitting creation of all of makima's twisted love, the subversive product of part one's otherwise obvious nightmare, the sort of Moral of the story. and she's told to leave.
god. genuinely, there's something so visceral and real about fujimoto writes victimhood, about how it builds itself around denji. about how he inhabits it. i'm going to be sick.
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fieldofdaisiies · 1 year
Fly With Me
ship: Azriel x Reader type: angst, fluff; short story warnings: near death experience, mentions of being forced to do something you did not agree to word count: 6,3k words synopsis: The night court rescues a human that was forcibly turned into a fae too, Azriel is there to comfort when she feels at her worst, terrified and broken. And on top of it all, she falls in love, but thinks Azriel likes someone else and there will never be more between them than just friends...
-all rights reserved-
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Your eyes shoot wide open as liquid swaps over your head. You were so close to death moments ago, and you doubt that you have escaped it now that you feel its icy grip around your throat as you are pulled down, deeper under water. Is this what entering the afterlife feels like? No, no, it is not. A sense of relief blooms in your chest when you realize your not dying, yet confusion clouds your mind. You are not dying, you are under water, but you are not drowning either. Is this a dream? A fever dream?
Gone is the pain you formerly felt from the knife prodding from your belly. In a frantic frenzy, you pound, thrust, and thrash against the walls enclosing you. This might be a fountain, the one behind your house, could that be it? Did someone throw you into the fountain? For you to drown. Your head whips around under water, but nothing enters your nose. Desperation fuels you as you try to break free, your fists hitting the hard walls around you. What are these walls, and why do you find yourself within them?
You open your mouth to scream, which might not be the best idea when you are under water but still you do so, and the icy liquid around you infiltrates your throat, you swallow. It burns down your throat but you are not drowning. You can swallow the liquid without anything happening to you and you are sure this is a fever dream. There is no other explanation for that. Because you are not dying, not anymore. Yet, your stomach coils with a sense of helplessness that overwhelms you. A vivid mix of dread, panic, horror, and anguish grips you, makes you whirl around in the cold water, and yet a glimmer of hope flicks on inside of you. 
But suddenly there is something else — gone is the icy embrace of the water around you. A surge of fiery heat erupts from within, spreading throughout your body. It is a sort of sensation you have never felt before—a scorching blaze that slowly then again cools your suddenly so hot figure. You are consumed by an icy-heat that prickles over your skin, leaving you burning yet strangely refreshed. Kicking and wriggling, you battle the darkness that surrounds you. It is an abyss of blackness, somehow pulling you deeper and deeper towards the bottom or its centre. But your determination prevails, you have always been a fighter, and you won’t give up so easily. You fight and trash your arms out once again. As if you hold the darkness by its very throat, you tear it apart with your bare hands until the surface comes into view. The thing enclosing you roars in response, protesting against your violent fight for freedom. It trembles and shrieks, revealing itself to be no ordinary fountain and you keep fighting, punching and trashing until a light appears above your head. It pierces through the terrible darkness and once again you open your mouth, instinctively fighting for air even though you are still beneath the surface. This time, however, you make no sound, allowing the liquid to envelop and consume you fully. You consume it in return, roaring with a primal intensity as it fills your lungs. The darkness yields to your aggression, torn apart by your hands as they reach skyward. And then, you see it—the warm embrace of sunlight. It falls onto your skin when you break through the water’s surface and gasp for air, greedily filling your lungs. The thing that has held you captive wastes no time in getting rid of you, hurling you out with a roar that echoes through the air. You descend like a discarded, wet towel onto the cool, snow-coated grass below. But it is is then that darkness falls over you once again, it engulfs you, and you black out. 
☙ ☙ ☙ ☙ ☙
“You are my mate…” Azriel breathes out, his eyes wide open, hair disheveled. He looks at you in bewilderment, lying there on a fieldbed in front of him in the healer’s tent. The war is over, is won, Koschei defeated. Although he managed to claim many lives, destroy complete kingdoms and territories, there is still a sense of relief and bliss hanging in the air. It is over. But Azriel does not really feel like celebrating, his mind is spiraling. Koschei’s supporters have thrown many people into the Cauldron, a lot who did not survive. Nesta, Cass, Gwyn and him arrived exactly when it was your turn, a young human girl with a dagger prodding from her belly. You were screaming and wailing in pain, sobbing and thrashing around you. But his men ignored you, simply tossed you into the Cauldron, their cruel laughter still reverberating through Azriel’s body. He looks at you for a long moment, a cool breeze dancing over his skin, as he sits there, the curtains of the tent parted and chatter of happiness and relief reaching him from the outside. Azriel fights the urge to touch you, to brush his scarred fingers over your skin, scared of what it might do to you. He does not want to wake you, does not want to scare you, you seem so fragile lying there. And he also does not want to invade your personal space. But still, the bond is alive inside of him, glowing vividly, sparkling alive with every breath you inhale and he feels drawn to you. You are, without doubt the most beautiful female he has ever seen and he feels awful that this has been done to you. If he hadn’t slaughtered the males already he would do it all over again, letting them bleed out until the last drop. Azriel lowers his head, closes his eyes for a moment and inhales a deep breath. He does not want to let himself think of it any longer, it has been done anyways and there is nothing, absolutely nothing that he can change about it. He can only do as much as help you — help you adapt and accept the fae life, which he gathers, will be hard enough, telling by how Nesta and Elain dealt with it. And speaking of the sisters, Nesta slips through the curtains just a second after, walking up to Azriel and placing her hand gently on his shoulder. “She really is your mate?” Azriel bows his head. The words slipped out of his mouth the moment you were thrown onto the in snow covered ground. He couldn’t stop them, he was so shocked and surprised. ‘She is my mate.’
And the shock is still imprinted in every fiber of his body, even hours later. For all his life, Azriel has yearned for a mate and apparently his fate is the same as the one of his brothers — being mated to a mortal that is turned fae. Azriel thinks it makes sense, but still, it will be difficult. You will first of all have to adapt to the fae life before he can tell you about the bond. He can’t throw it at you just like that. He has to give you time. “She looks peaceful,” Nesta whispers and slowly removes her hand from Azriel’s shoulder to sit down on the field bed next to your bent knees. “And don’t worry. I will be there for her. I will help her adjust and feel comfortable with this life.” The flashes Azriel a sympathetic smile before both of them look back at you. 
You are starting to stir, shifting a little on the bed when your lips part. Your throat feels so dry and you cough, and cough again, a little louder then. Your lids feel heavy and you try to open them, but they burn. They are only open a little, the bright light in wherever you burning in your eyes like salt water. Your head lolls to the side, your eyes blinking open again a little when you clear your throat. Once your eyes are fully open, and your vision clears you can see what is in front of you. In an instant, you jerk backwards, consumed by panic as a silent shriek escapes your lips. A tall male, with dark hair, and large wings and something like shadows is sitting in front of you. His presence fills the whole…tent and your breathing halts as you stare at him in horror. Have you been taken captive? Is he your captor? This tall male with a darkness around him that you have never seen before. You pull your legs up to your chest and curl your arms around it. “What do you want from me?” you breathe and whip your head into the direction of a female sitting at the foot of the bed. You haven’t noticed her before but when she shifted on the bed you saw her. And then—
“Who are you?” you ask, lips parting once again. “Are you holding me captive? What do you want form me?” You shudder visibly, your whole body shaking as everything inside of you coils. The male in front of stands up quickly which makes you jerk back on the bed. He lifts his hands, showing you the palms. “I am sorry, I didn’t meant to scare you.” He looks at you with big eyes and then slowly slips out of his thick leather coat. “Let me put this around your shoulders, you are freezing,” he offers and despite wanting to say no, you find yourself nodding, feeling so terribly cold you can barely focus on anything. You lean forward, gaze ping-ponging between the male and the female. A breeze, cold and harsh, that dances over your legs makes your head whip towards the entrance of the tent through which a tale male accompanied by a female and another male with wings enters. “I see you have woken up,” the first male says in a low voice. “Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court. You might have a lot of questions, but first of all I want you to know that you do not have to worry. You are safe with us, and we will do everything in out power to keep you safe and help you find your place among us. And also to adapt to your new life.” Bewilderment is written all over your face. You sit up straighter and vehemently shake your head. “What are you talking about?” Awareness nears in small steps, but you already have an inkling of what he might be referring to. They made you fae.
“Why did you do that?” you breathe out and shake your head again, panic tracing icy fingers down your spine. “We did nothing. It were Koschei, the death lord’s supporters.” The male, Rhysand, lowers his head.
“We are here to help you. It is not easy and it will take a while, but you will be fine.” The female sitting on your field bed says in a calm voice as she reaches forward and gently place her hand on your lower leg. “I am Nesta, Nesta Archeron and both my sisters and I went through the same, we were turned fae as well, and it took us a while to adapt to this life, but we did it. And now, and I can also speak for my sisters, I couldn’t be happier about this life.” 
“Good for you…” You shake your head, looking at each one of them and when your gaze lands on the gloomy male next to you, your heart makes a tiny leap. “But what about my old life? I can’t just be fae and…” You stutter and feel dizzy, your vision blurring and your legs feeling numb and tingly. “I am not fae.” You shake your head and lie back down, afraid you might faint due to the shock.
“We are sorry, but you are,” the female next to Rhysand says. “I am Feyre. I know this is hard to believe and a lot for now, but it will get better.”
Only that it won’t. For your whole life you have been told how bad the fae are, what they do and how cruel they are. And now you are one of them. Now you should…are you going to live with them? “Will you take me with you?”
“If you want to yes. But we think it is the smartest decision. We will help you and support you.” Your head lowers as tears start to bubble up in your eyes, slowly trailing down your cheeks. This can’t be true. This can’t be it. You can’t be fae. You can’t live with them. This is all not real. Maybe you died and you are….No you did not die. Slowly you trace your fingers over your body, feeling your skin that feels so much softer than it ever did before. But maybe you…maybe this…oh gods…maybe this is really a fever dream. Maybe after you have been stabbed your blood got poisoned and you are suffering from a sepsis?
“I know it is a lot, but you are not alone in this.” Nesta squeezes your leg and you jerk backwards, sucking in a sharp breath. As they give you a little more information and describe and explain many things to you, you can’t really focus — it all becomes a blur of words and phrases and gestures and your head fills dizzy. You begin to see flecks of white and black in front of your vision, head feeling heavy, legs numb and tingly again as you sway back and forth. You can see the people’s mouth moving, but you can’t hear any words. You see that someone reaches their hand to your face but you don’t feel the touch and then everything is gone. There is nothing but sweet darkness that slowly lures you towards its center and you follow like a pirate to a siren’s call. The last thing you know is your back hitting something hard and then it is all gone and so are you. 
There is nothing hard beneath you when your eyes slowly adjust to the dimly lit room. Softness practically envelops you as you slowly stir awake, your head rolling from one side to the other as you bring a hand up and rub it over your face. Consciousness gently stirs within you, and you fully open your eyes. You are lying in a bed, in a lushly decorated room through which windows a few strays of sunlight filter through. Confusion swirls in your mind as you grasp your surroundings and your lips part in silent irritation and curiosity. The room is unfamiliar, so are the paintings on the wall opposite you. Your heart is beating slowly, as nervousness bubbles up inside of you and your fingers curl into fists, grabbing the sheets on top of you tightly. A sense of disorientation lingers inside of you and in the room, and for a moment you find yourself lost between irritation and nervousness, uncertain of where your are.What is this place? And why are you here?
And then you shriek, the tall male you somehow recognise, getting up from the chair he has occupied. It is across the room and fear takes root in your chest. “Have you been watching me sleep? What do you want? What do you want from me?” 
“Please, don’t be afraid. I mean no harm. I was just checking if you were alright and found you asleep.” “You have been watching me sleep!” you snap at him and throw your hands up in despair. “And now you tell me what you want from me!” You shove the bedsheet, away and get up, stalking towards him. The former nevousness is forgotten, anger prevails and also the urgent need to finally get answers. 
But he stays calm, despite your fury. “You are in the Night Court. I don’t know if you remember what happened before you passed out, but you were turned fae and we took you in. You are in the Night Court now. We brought you here, for you to recover and slowly find your place in this new life.” 
Your whole body shudders, as everything inside you coils and you stumble backwards a little. Slowly memories come back to you and awareness fills you — you were turned fae and he is one of the fae that offered to help you. With a warm smile, the stranger extends his hand towards you. “Please, calm down," he says kindly, "My name is Azriel and you are safe here.” He slowly gets up, his hand still extended. But you still don’t shake it, your eyes fall to the marred skin of his hands and your stomach coils. He mist have been hurt terrible and that makes a crack in your heart appear. 
“How do I know I can trust you?”
“I am sure you will soon learn you can trust us. It is all a lot and very new. But you will manage to find your place here.” And I will help you with it, Azriel wants to say but the words go unspoken. He tries to hold your gaze, as yours jumps around nervously and you start chewing on your cheeks. “Where are the others?” you ask as some memories slowly come creeping back into your mind. 
He motions towards the door and you gaze there briefly. “Are there also the females that said they were turned as well?” Unease rings in your voice and Azriel hears it, his stomach twisting a little. He does not want you to be scared, or anxious. But of course he also understands what is going on inside of you. “They are,” he says in his low voice, hoping to calm you a little. “One of them is the High Lady of this Court.” Your eyes widen with surprise as you find yourself swaying on your feet, your head feeling so light again. Azriel wants to reach for you, steady you, but he keeps his hands at his sides, fingers curled into fists. “We can go downstairs if you want to?”
You agree, but tell him you would like to freshen up at first. Only a short bath and then slip into some fresh clothes. Azriel tells you it is fine and he will wait outside. You agree and go about your business before you let him guide you through the corridors that lead to a staircase. The walls are adorned with all sorts of beautiful paintings you find yourself gaping at. Nervousness nears in waves as you reach a room where loud chatter already reaches you. Azriel is behind you as you go inside, his chest nearly touching yours when all eyes land on you. But you inhale deeply, close your eyes for a moment, your hands balled into fists as you step further into the room. 
You talk for hours, they explain things, you do so too. And then you eat and talk some more and you figure out that they are much nicer than everyone has always thought. You no longer feel so afraid or nervous, the atmosphere is light and almost feels comfortable. Only when you can barely keep your eyes open anymore, does Azriel offer to guide you back to your room which you accept with a small thank you. 
And so the weeks pass and turn into months of where you slowly adapt to your new life. Feyre, the High Lady of the Night Court, often takes you to the art studio with her where you either paint yourself or take care of little Nyx, playing with him or painting with him. Other times you join Nesta, Gwyn and Emerie as well as Azriel and Cassian in training where they teach your certain self-defense techniques. You enjoy it a lot, and really start like this new life. You also like training for another reason…for the reason of being able to steal glances at the male, who has turned out to be a shadowsinger (whatever that is) and the spymaster of the Night Court. You like him, gods you do, he is really easy on the eyes in addition. 
You are sitting in the dining room of the House of Wind, Azriel opposite you, leaning over some reports, closely studying them. He looks concentrated and you watch him silently, how his jaw is clenched a little with concentration and how his long lashes draw shadows to his cheeks. The muscles in his broad shoulders and strong arms are flexed, the large wings draped behind his back and his shadows lazily dance around him. You like them, they often reach out and brush your hands and legs before Azriel calls them back. 
“Like what you see?” His low rumble dances over your skin and your eyes widen as they meet his. “Gods!” Your cheeks and cleavage fill with colour, but you hold his gaze. “I am so sorry, I just…” Azriel chuckles lowly and then closes the folder of reports. He pushes his chair back, watching you with an amused smile on his face as he gets up. “You just…?”
You pull your lower lip between your teeth. Azriel grabs himself a glass of water and leans against the kitchen counter, still waiting for an answer. “I was just thinking,” you tell him, your thoughts running wild as you have technically just been checking him out. 
“About?” he raises a brow, the silly amused smile still on his face. He takes a sip from his glass, his gaze never leaving you. 
“You can truly fly with those, right?” you ask, a tinge of curiosity in your voice. It was the best question you could come with and since you have never seen him fly, your question is valid. 
“Yes, yes. I can.” He dips his chin with a lazy smile. “Cassian and I hail from from a race of faeries called Illyrians. We’re born hearing the song of the wind.” So poetic, you think, but smiled instead. “That is lovely,” you whisper. He holds your gaze, somehow like he is waiting for further questions which you of course present him with. “Well can we do it then?” You take a step towards him. “I mean…only if you want. You don’t have to, obviously." “I would love to show you Velaris from above." His chest heaves with a deep inhale. "Come, fly with me!”
He smiles and you know that without doubt he is the most beautiful male that you have ever seen in your life. Azriel walks up to the balcony door, the sun setting slowly on the horizon. With an inviting smile, he extends a hand, beckoning you to join him. Curiosity sparks inside of you as you take his hand, feeling a little zap as your palms touch. You suck in a sharp breath and meet his gaze. “You won’t drop me, right?”
“I would be the greatest fool alive to let a female like you fall.” It is all he says before he lifts you into his arms and sets your heart racing — both with anticipation but also about what he said. With a single leap, he takes flight, his large wings flaring gracefully behind his broad shoulders, carrying you both into the early evening sky. The world below you gets smaller and smaller when you finally peek your eyes open, your lips parting in utter admiration. You fly through the air, weightless and free, slow and coordinated, him holding you gently in his arms. He presence, how close he is, the solid press of his chest against your body, his scent fills your senses and you can barely focus on flying. 
“This is beautiful,” you breath in astonishment as you look over his shoulder. 
“Not nearly half as beautiful as you are.” Your heart makes a few happy leaps, your cheeks warming and you can’t really look at him. So you turn your head, once again looking over his shoulder.
The scent of evening and late summer is carried in a breeze, mingling with the woodsy smell of the forests beneath you. You glide over the landscape, feeling the brush of the wind against your skin and you feel free and weightless. You feel alive. 
Azriel tells you a little bit about the landscape you see below. He tells you about the Night Court and Illyria and you listen closely, soaking up every word he says. His voice is beautiful and it is rare that he talks so much. You enjoy it a lot — this time with him, being in his arms. In his presence, time almost seems to stop as minutes blend into hours. The sun has nearly fully disappeared and realisation dawns on you that this journey is coming to an end. With a graceful descent, Azriel gently lowers you back to ground, softly placing you on the ground. His hand stays in yours for a moment as he turns to you and smiles softly. “Did you enjoy it?” he asks in a silent whisper. 
You bow your head, beaming at him. “It was amazing. Can we do that again?”
“Whenever you want!” And then he leans in, his lips softly brushing over your cheek. “Have a good night, Y/N. See you for breakfast.” 
You are still grinning when you fall face forward into your bed, kicking your feet and silently screaming into the pillow. 
Azriel also returns to his room with a big smile on his face. He had to say good night. He had to leave. He would have kissed you if he stayed. He would have said things which should not be said yet. He wants to give you time. He wants you to arrive here first, to adjust to the fae life, to start feeling comfortable and also to grow on him. So he will give you time, weeks, months, maybe even years if needed. But he knows, he is actually sure about it, you like him as well. And that…that is a damn good feeling. 
☙ ☙ ☙ ☙ ☙
“I thought I find you here,” Azriel hums as he sits down on the couch next to the bookshelf. You turn a little, book in your hand as you walk up to him and sit down as well. “I like it here,” you whisper, not quite sure what to say to him as your heart beats faster every time you see him. And then…there is this strange tug at your chest whenever he is close and somehow warmth erupts every time he then walks up to you. “We are going to do some training now, on the roof top pitch. Some actual training, fighting, for a change. I wanted to ask if you would like to join?” 
You do and also do not. But you decide that you will join and you tell Azriel so, but add that you have to get dressed in appropriate clothes first. 
And so you quickly don some leggings, a loose shirt and put your hair in a braid and a good ten minutes later you are heading up to the pitch, not expecting what you are met with there. 
Still you walk out onto the pitch, the sun gracing your skin as you try to look everywhere but straightforward. You start to stretch a little, loosening your muscles and preparing your bones. But still, you always catch yourself stealing glances at them, the two of them holding a sword, their bodies bathed in the golden light of the setting sun. They stand close, their laughter and happy chatter reaching your ears and  your heart twinges with a pang of jealousy, a feeling you can't quite shake off and you are not used to. Why are you feeling like this all of a sudden as especially towards them. Gwyn has been nothing but kind to you, and Azriel. Well, Azriel is just handsome male. There is definitely not more between the two of you. Of course not, and you definitely don’t have feelings for him. But Gwyn is beautiful and you understand why Azriel chats with her, why he loves to spend time with her. She is stunning, her eyes sparkling with joy, and her voice and laughter are a symphony that fill the air. The way he looks at her, with eyes filled with admiration, makes your chest squeeze. You are about to turn on your heels and just run away from the scenery, no longer wanting to see it. And that for more reasons. First, because it hurts you. And secondly, because you don’t want it to hurt you and you don’t want to have negative feelings towards Gwyn. But still you find yourself biting down on your lower lip, nibbling as you silently observe them. They share inside jokes that only they understand, which creates a bubble you feel excluded from. Your mind wanders to the moments you've shared with Azriel — the moment before you came up here. You were close, but never as close as them. Probably he knows her for much longer and obviously so much better…
As you continue watching them, a pang of self-doubt strikes you and you start comparing yourself to Gwyn. Obviously he finds her more attractive. How would not? And she is smart, and athletic and you are…well you are a mortal turned fae. As you turns you gaze away from them and take a step back, you can’t help it but imagine yourself in her place. Azriel laughing with you in that way, looking at you like that, his gaze filled with so much—
“Y/N?” Your head whips back to Azriel, to meet his gaze. He is heading towards you, Gwyn now wielding the sword alone behind him. She smiles at you, brightly and happily and your stomach churns. You don’t want to not like her…but they jealousy, this absolutely irrational jealousy, is still there. 
But as Azriel comes running towards you a glimmer of hope emerges in your heart and you focus your gaze on his. “I am so glad you are finally here,” he breathes when he finally comes to a halt right in front of you. He extends a hand, waiting for you to take it. “I thought I would show you around a little, show you the different kind of weapons you don’t know yet and then we can try some fighting techniques with them?”
“You think I can do them?” you ask, your voice tinged with nervousness. But Azriel nods his head, smiling. “I am, you can.” You finally slip your hand into his, your palm perfectly fitting into his callused but warm palm and your heart makes a leap. Azriel explains to you some things about dagger and swords and then, just as usual he shows you some fighting techniques you mirror. But this time it is different, forgotten are his interactions with Gwyn, or rather pushed to the back of your mind, as something has shifted between the two of you. You are closer now, standing closer, touching more often, leaning onto one another. All of Azriel’s movements are fluid and precise, showing both the grace and power of the Illyrian warrior. With each motion, he guides you through the tactics of a battle. You learn how to ground yourself, how to kick, how to use a dagger, and so on and so on. You even spar Azriel later on, your movements intertwining like a dance. Azriel is merciless as he challenges you, pushing you beyond your limits, sweat grazing your skin and making tendrils of hair curl around your face. Only you really can barely move anymore and crave nothing more than a chair and water, does he give in and let you take a break. Azriel wants you to grow stronger, you need it, and he wants to help you with it. In addition, he just loves training with you so much — those delicate touches and the stolen glances, the moments where your bodies touch…
“Let’s call it a night,” you say and release a loud breath. “My legs are like jelly and I can’t make a single move anymore.” You grimace up at Azriel who stands in front of your chair, towering over you and laughing whole-heartedly. The sound is so pure and rich it has your heart doing happy flips. You have never heard him laugh like that, but you love it. 
“Of course. You think you can walk alone?” Despite wanting to say that you would like to be carried, you decide that you can very well walk alone. It would be weird to ask him to carry you, wouldn’t it? So you get up, groan a little as you do so and wipe your hands down your thighs. “I can,” you grit out and show him thumbs up. He only chuckles again and slowly shakes his head. “If you say so. But I…” He trails of. You both start walking and you turn your head to him. “But you…?”
“Can we maybe talk for a moment?” Azriel asks as he guides you to the staircase leading downstairs. You feel a kernel of nervousness bloom in your chest and turn to him, to look up into his eyes. “Of course. Now?”
He smiles a little sheepishly, colour blooming high on his defined cheeks. He can’t wait anymore, he has to tell you now. It is getting too much and the bond too overwhelming, he has to share it with you. “Yes, now.” 
You enter into the dim interior of the staircase as you slowly walk downstairs, tension so thick between the two of you that one could cut it with a knife. Your heart is beating rapidly, hammering against your rib cage with every step you take downstairs. Your throat nearly constricts and finally you reach the bottom where Azriel is quick to guide you to…his room. 
“I need to tell you something. And I think it will come as a big surprise but I can’t just keep it a secret anymore.” He takes a deep breath, his eyes locked we smith yours. The words spill forth from his lips,” so fast you for a moment believe you imagined them. 
“I love you," he declares, his voice filled with warmth and affection. In that instant, your heart skips a happy beat, your breath catching in your throat. His words wrap around you like a thick coat of warmth and love and your lips split into a grin. “You mean it? I mean…how? Why…I did not…” “I did not show it, I know…” His gaze is turned down-wards, his cheeks even a tint redder as he wringing for what else to say. There is so much to say, he does not even know where to start. But it is there, in the way he looks at you, with a tenderness that nearly makes you melt. It's in the way he reaches out, his hand trembling slightly as it seeks yours, and finally takes it into his scarred one. You find yourself caught in a whirlwind of emotions. A mixture of surprise, delight, and a hint of disbelief washes over you. Is it truly possible? Is it really possible that he likes you? Yes you have grown close, but just an hour ago you thought he was with Gwyn. And now his declaration. You want to jump and shout, your body feels hot and your legs too light. You take a moment to gather your thoughts, to find the right words to respond. And then, with a soft smile playing on your lips, you return his words, “I love you too.” You grin and the world around you seems to brighten as he cradles your face in his scarred, warm hands, looking deep into your eyes. His own are aglow, like heated honey in the sunlight. And then you feel a warmth erupt in your chest, glowing vividly as Azriel’s lips part in silent astonishment. “And not only that…” he whispers, leaning in closer. “You might not know about the concept of a bond stronger than love…but you are my mate, Y/N.” 
When he finishes the connection between you deepens, a bond —the mating bond— gets stronger and you know why you’ve been feeling this tug on your chest since weeks. It is the bond. 
“We are mates…” You breathe and even though it is a statement it sounds a little like a question, your voice rising at the end of the utterance. But the words sounds so beautiful as the reverberate through your mind.
“We are.” He smiles as he moves in closer, his thumb tipping your chin up. His eyes seek yours, asking for consent and permission, which you grant him. His lips brush yours in a gentle, short kiss that has you yearning for me. Your hands find their place on his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin through his shirt. “I waited so for you, and now you are finally here.” He kisses you again, softly nipping on your lips. Slowly, you lean in fully, feeling the soft brush of your lips against each other. He deepens the kiss a little. Emotions surge through you like a tidal wave—passion, longing, 
and so much love. It’s a kiss that speaks volumes, as you whisper silent promises of love. “And I finally found you, my mate.”
“My mate.” Azriel beams, his eyes tracking your face. “You are all mine and I am all yours.”
You kiss some more that evening and eventually, as he guides you towards the bed and asks for you consent, he makes love to you, slow and gentle, and promises you unconditional love from this day on until the very last day of your immortal life. And then you fall asleep in each others arms, holding on tightly, your head resting on his chest, right above his steadily beating heart. 
feedback, criticism etc. is very appreciated💙
~~~~~~~~ tags (crossed-out I couldn't tag) : @juulle987 @marimorena06 @danikasthings @younxii @nightcourtwritings @mrofontaine @lunalilyf @whor-3-crux @tired-all-the-time @anni-was-here @ummmmmwat @azbracadabra @j-pendragonx @hollyismentallyillhelp @famousbasementpainter @bsenpai @lena-davina @red-highlady @thesugatoyourtae @azrielsbabyg @aroseinvelaris @moony-thoughts @wrensical003 @cherryjain17 @moonfawnx @crushedcloudsx @devilsfoodcake22  @valeridarkness @azrielscertifiedslut @mulansaucey @cynicalpotato95 @hanasakr @high-bi-andreadytocry @eerievixen @feyretopia @moonlightazriel @randomness-it-is @brekkershadowsinger @eliieee23 @girasoli-e-sorrisi @illyrianvalkyriecarynthian  @kennedy-brooke @highladyofillyria @theworthlessqueen @marina468 @topaz125 @illyrian-dreamer @azriels-mate123 @eos-princess @courtofjurdan @a-frog-with-a-laptop @banasheefan56 @a-frog-with-a-laptop
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rs-hawk · 4 months
Gender irrelevant, an enthused archaeologist encounters a creature which would change the known history of the entire area, and sets out to track it to its lair for further (actual) research.
Instead, what awaits them is an education in why this thing was worshipped, and why they should start worshipping it too.
This just broke me out of my slump/writer’s block 😍 TW: the Raven Mocker. Light horror smut
You have been studying the development of civilization and population growth in the Appalachian Mountains. It was always your “special interest” as a kid, and now in your early 30s, you’re finally able to devote yourself to it properly. After years of studying everything in books, charts, even occasionally going to Indigenous Cultural Centers to discuss what they knew about their ancestors who lived there, you finally get to get into the field. Yet, there’s one creature that keeps popping up that you can’t get out of your head for some reason is the Raven Mocker. It makes you hesitant, but you push through.
Of course, even as a child your mother told you about them. You always sort of brushed it off because you always thought that it was just stories that your mom picked up from her mom. It’s not like you really grew up in the culture anyway. However, in the mountains, setting up your camp as night falls around you, a shiver creeps down your spine. There’s something watching you. You know it. The primal part of your brain is on sending out high alert signals to every part of your body.
You tell yourself you’re being silly. At worst there’s some predators, but you have a gun, and a fire going. You just want to make your way to a spot where your colleague said he saw some fragmented pottery and what he thought might be evidence of a small band who used to worship something they thought lived in these woods. From what he could gather from the shards, it seemed to be some kind of deity of death. This thrilled you. Against hope, you hoped that you might be able to discover a small, lost village or band that had vanished with time.
With that hope warming your heart and pushing away the anxiety creeping up your spine, you crawled into your tent, finally able to get some sleep. Although it was against the regulations of the park you where in, you left the fire going to ward off animals. You just set an alarm for every 90 minutes to check in and tend to it. That night, you are lucky. Nothing happened. But your recklessness has caught the eye of the very creature who lives in the back of your head.
Every branch you stumble over. Every time a twig scratches your face. Every time you cross a stream or go off trail because of something blocking your path. It’s there. Watching you with a curiosity that it hasn’t felt since it had its own body. How long ago has it been now? It looks down at its rotting limbs, twisting them this way and that. Flexing its wings. Centuries. It’s been scavenging for new body parts for centuries.
The sound of your voice filling the air as you curse a rock you had stubbed your toe on brings its attention back to you. The creature decides to scavenge new parts before approaching you. Just in case you can see it, it doesn’t want to look a mess.
You make your way to another spot you think is safe to camp. That might, you decide not to leave the fire going. You feel safer. More secure. And you’re worried about what might happen if you sleep through an alarm. The thought of being why a giant forest fire sweeps through the mountains makes your mouth run dry. No. It’s not worth it. You shouldn’t have even risked it last night.
Tonight, you curl up in your sleeping bag again, dozing off quickly despite your skittishness about your surroundings. However, you’re woken up by the sound of what at first you thought was a wild hog. Your blood runs cold as you sit frozen, knowing that you’ll be killed. You have no way to properly protect yourself from one, but you were in an area not known for them. After a few minutes of listening, you see a shadow cast onto your tent walls by the moonlight. It’s a bear.
You’re not sure what happens next, but before you know it, you’re laying on the shredded floor of your tent as the bear wanders away after not being able to find the food you’d tied high above the ground. The attack leaves you weak, but you manage to call 9-1-1 and tell them in a gurgled voice where you are. They promise to send park rangers as soon as possible. The woman asks you to keep talking, but your reception is spotty at best. After mere moments, the connection is lost. All you can do now is hope that they get here in time.
The Raven Mocker finds you easily. Even more so than it would have thanks to the delicious scent of your death. It flies over to you, inhaling the sweet scent of your life force. Through blurred vision, and a trembling voice, you ask it for help.
“Please. Just, make it quick,” you ask, knowing what it is as its wings fold behind its back. Those beady eyes peering down at you. “It’s not like they’re going to find me in time.”
It looks at you curiously. Do you really want to die? It can’t decide. Instead, it walks around you before straddling your weak body. It leans close to you, slowly drinking in your life and it leaves your body. You wince, but it doesn’t hurt. Not really. In fact, how gentle its being, the way its holding you as it slowly steals your life, is almost kind. Maybe its the blood loss. Maybe its because you’ve always been scared, and its not that scary. Not really. But you lean up to meet its deformed lips.
The Raven Mocker is caught off guard, even pausing its drinking of you. However, it soon returns the kiss. Its foul tasting tongue invades your mouth, making you let out a tiny sound of approval. The creature hasn’t felt like this in a long time. So long. It had been a long time even when it was a human. Its hands wander, exploring your slowly dying body, but you respond to every touch. Your cunt starts to get wet as it slips a hand between the two of you, palming and teasing it over what little cloth still covers it.
It tears the rest of it off with ease, quickly sinking two of its decaying fingers inside of you. A soft moan escapes your lips as it pumps in and out of you, spreading its fingers to stretch you out. You’re arching as much as you can in this weak state. You’re starting to feel cold, but this distraction is helping.
Before you know it, the creature pulls out its fingers and replaces it with something so large that you can’t help but cry out as it’s crammed inside of you. You can’t even look to see if the cock now jackhammering inside of your wet cunt is human or not. Not that you suppose it really matters. The creature’s wings shield you from the drops of rain that have started to trickle down onto the two of you. It was making you even colder until it shields you.
Its withered hands hold your upper body closer to it as it hunches over you, slamming its cock in and out of you. It bullies your poor cervix and stretches you more than you ever have been stretched. You can feel your life starting to slip more and more away as its talons scratch down your back, though not unkindly.
Precum coats your womb as it crams itself inside of you. To your surprise, you feel something else pushing into you. You try to shift slightly, the pleasure now becoming more of a pain, but it doesn’t let you. Instead, it pushes you to the ground and uses its full weight to pin you there. Before you realize what’s happening, there’s a popping noise, and you’re fuller than you’ve ever been. You grimace and try to move, but the decaying creature on top of you holds you still, decaying and cracked lips finding every soft spot of exposed skin as its wings shield you from the now onslaught of rain.
The cum feels hot. Too hot. Inside of you as it pumps rope after rope into you. All you can do is lay there, slowly slipping into unconscious as your blood pools under you. Just as it pulls out, you hear park rangers. The creature caws as it straights and bursts into a run before taking flight. From a distance, it really does just look like a raven.
The rangers manage to save your life, and the Raven Mocker leaves you alone. Even when you try to call it back, worshipping it for its power. All you can do now is wait for Death.
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nathanwinter · 1 year
i've seen a few tweets that sort of started going down this train of thought, but has anyone made a post about how uncanny the farmer must seem to the rest of pelican town?
a few friends and i were talking about just. this silent, unknown person showing up to a miniscule town to live on a piece of property that is, in some games, full of violent and aggressive monsters. They proceed to:
Eat raw and inedible food on a regular basis -- if anything, it's most of what you subsist on until you get a kitchen;
Work near-tirelessly every single day for 18- to 20-hour days of hard labor;
Barge into people's houses at any hour the front door is not locked just to wordlessly hand out a gift and immediately leave;
Charge through town carrying axes, swords, pickaxes, and other very large and dangerous-looking objects in their hands;
Casually slaughter dozens of monsters in the cave systems that are considered by the rest of the town to be incredibly dangerous;
Immediately start using magic and communicating with local fey apples, something it seems none other than the Wizard can do;
Possess the ability to easily and consistently dig fossils and ancient artifacts out of the ground, with seemingly no limit to this ability.
These poor people must think they accidentally awakened some primal eldritch horror or something. They just don't mind because the horror grows really nice potatoes and also kills megacorps for fun.
And if you ignore the existence of video game mechanics and all, you can include:
Always wakes up at the exact same time, then will always collapse into instant unconsciousness at the exact same time at night with no exceptions;
Pulls hot coal, metal, and food out of forges/ovens without batting an eye;
Almost never speaks, just stands in front of townsfolk and stares wordlessly at them until they make enough small talk to satisfy them;
Run faster than any other character and might be the only one with a footstep sound? Which paints the hilarious mental image of them having these loud thundering footsteps like a dinosaur in Land Before Time;
Only occasionally use their breathing animation.
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theprettynosferatu · 7 months
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Unit Commander John Heinlein was a simple man. Above all, he valued order. Order kept the world safe, functional, understandable. Everyone and everything had its proper place and proper role: like different organs in a body, they all contributed to the overall health of society as long as they did what they were supposed to do and didn’t get any stupid ideas. In that gigantic body, John Heinlen was a fist, and stupid ideas were what he punched into oblivion. Reality was simple, and if it wasn’t, the higher-ups pointed him to the complication and he pummeled it back into simplicity.
As usual, intelligence was spotty. Why exactly this club was a Stupid Idea, John did not know nor did he care. What the informant had revealed was something about women going against their conditioning, although they had not revealed how or why. It seemed patently ridiculous to John Heinlein. Conditioned women were happy, and they made their men happy. Simple, proper. Everything in its natural place. If Fulgrim’s was messing with that, it deserved to be squashed.
Looking at the rest of the Unit, he felt sending them was perhaps a waste of resources. If the informant was correct, they would be facing women and whatever deviants might be attending off-hours, if any; but it was not his call to make, and he liked it that way. His purpose was to punch, not to decide who deserved to be punched.
The six men stood in front of the gaudy purple door. As much as he wanted to kick the door down and be done with it, John played it by the book. He made the signal to place the breaching device and got into the correct position, ingrained in him by hundreds of hours of training. Still, no matter how many times the device blasted the door open, John always felt underwhelmed. Part of him seemed to expect a big thunderous sound, instead of the measured, barely audible “pop” designed not to alert the criminals.
Like a perfect machine, they went in, weapons ready. They were all running on autopilot, relying on their modified genetics and exhaustive drilling. It took only a few seconds for them to reach the same, obvious conclusion. No threats present. Instead, two women stood by the door, as if expecting them. John felt a deep revulsion, something primal stirring within him. It was wrong.
The women weren’t blonde. They weren’t smiling. They didn’t seem pleasant, or demure, or bubbly. In fact, they looked like wolves on the prowl. One had blood-red hair, a leather corset, fishnet stockings and boots that ended in the sort of spiked heels that could kill a man. The other was, to John Heinlein, even worse. She seemed shy, wearing a short skirt and trying to cover up… but her eyes spoke of a deep hunger, a devious intelligence and a depraved longing he couldn’t quite place.
“Oh, I’m so glad you’re here!” said the redhead with mock gratitude. “You see, I’ve been trying to train this sweet little creature right here…” she added as her hand went under the other girl’s skirt. “But I’m afraid she needs a bit of… male guidance. A strong hand to show her the way”
John frowned. There was something strange in the air. A subtle smell he couldn’t fully detect. As he turned to ask his comrades about it, he noticed Johnson shifting his weight slightly. It was a small thing, but utterly out of place for a man of their training. And he could tell the women saw it too. Slowly, seductively the redhead walked toward Johnson, leading the other girl by her wrist. It was surreal, unsettling. But they couldn’t just open fire on females.
“Johnson, step away from the females, now!”, barked Commander Heinlein.
For the first time in his illustrious career, the Commander’s order went unheeded. He watched in horror as the petite woman placed a slender hand on the soldier’s chest and, with a look designed to melt hearts and break down barriers at the same time, pouted like a mischievous child.
“Please, Sir. I’ve been bad. So, so bad… Won’t you teach me? I’m a very good learner… if I’m put in my place”
Meanwhile, the woman in the spiked heels had gone around Johnson, and whispered in his ear as her hand caressed his perfectly sculpted abs and kept moving downwards…
“She can be so good… we both can be so good… but are you man enough to show us you can handle us? Tame us? Mold us into your perfect good girls?”
Johnson was breathing heavily, paralyzed by a million conflicting impulses. He had a job to do. He was a soldier. He was…
And just then, he broke. Johnson grabbed the smaller woman by the neck, and in a swift movement turned her around and bent her over. He couldn’t see the devilish smile on her face, but John Henlein sure did. There was victory in that lustful look, a triumph only magnified when, cock hard as metal, Johnson railed her from behind as hard as he possibly could, his mind gone in a frenzy of half-formed sentences and grunts, the redhead woman rubbing her pussy as she now shouted encouragement.
“Do it! Pound that little slut! Show her what she really is! Fucking break her like the stupid fuckdoll she dresses as! Punish that pussy with your cock! Make her scream for me… make her beg! Make. Her. Yours!”
“Johnson!”, shouted Heinlein in vain. The soldier was gone, and all that remained was a beast, a bundle of muscles determined to conquer the females before it, to claim them and mark them as his. And worse, whoever was behind it all remained unseen, deeper inside the club.
“Fuck! Everyone else! On me! We press on!”
“What about Johnson?”, asked a rookie soldier by the name of Phillips.
“We lost him! Now, move!”
They stormed the place, kicking down doors- no time to play it straight, as much as it pained Unit Commander John Heinlein, for whom standard procedure was akin to a biblical dogma. With every hallway they crossed, every room they breached, the air seemed to get heavier, denser somehow. Sweeter, perhaps.
They entered a room covered in black velvet. It caused a strange effect, almost as if the walls themselves devoured the light. And there, sitting in the middle of the room, long legs crossed, was another female. Like the ones before, she didn’t look like the blonde, obedient women that had undergone the mandatory conditioning. Horror gripped Heinlein. This person went against every conceivable notion of what a woman should be. Clad in a leather corset and thigh-high boots, she stared the five soldiers down with a look of disgust and clear disapproval. Even the sight of their guns was to her just another gauche shortcoming, one in a very long list of inadequacies clamored without words by her deep, green eyes.
“Did I say you could come in?”, she asked.
The question was ridiculous. They were Soldiers. They didn’t ask, they acted. And yet, two of Heinlein’s men started moving their heads, something between shaking off a creeping mental fog and answering the woman’s question. No, she had not said they could come in.
“Get on the ground, and-” started barking Heinlein before the woman cut him off.
“No. it’s not your turn to speak. You don’t talk unless I tell you to, is that clear?”
Unit Commander Heinlein froze. Her tone, firm, in total control, was something he recognized very well. For a moment he was a raw recruit again, undergoing basic training. A part of him, a part of all Soldiers knew to obey that sort of utterance, that confident command. It was part of the crucial training that made any warrior more than a brawler. It was the core of discipline. He knew, at that moment, they were all in grave danger.
“Now, that sort of rude entrance needs to be punished. You all know it, don’t you my toys? But I’ll be kind…ish. How about you start by being a pack of good dogs and kneel?”
Heinlein felt his legs almost give in. He managed to stay on his feet… barely. He watched as most of his squad went on their knees, their eyes wide, fixed on that beautiful woman, seeking every ounce of validation she could give them. Ready to obey.
“Crawl to me, pets”
They did. With a few words, she had made them love her. Adore her. Obey her. Their sense of duty twisted, molded, corrupted. And Heinlein felt himself wanting to join them, wanting so badly to be one of her favorite pets… no, her very favorite. The alpha of the pack. Perfect for her. Obedient for her. 
It took a superhuman effort to turn away from her perfect silhouette, her beckoning curves, her voice of absolute command and dominion. The last thing he saw before sprinting away from that goddess of a woman was his once proud squad almost fighting like dogs for the privilege of kissing her heels. How he hated the fact that he wanted to join them…
He tried to push it all away as he ran through hallways, deeper into the club, down stairs, through room after room. Deeper and deeper… the air getting heavier and sweeter… his mind getting fuzzier…
How long did he run? How deep did he go? He couldn’t tell. Different themes passed him by like a blur, and he felt almost as if he was just running in place, the facility moving around him, assaulting him with perverted ideas, digesting him like some monstrous organism designed to destroy everything that was right and natural in the world… but he couldn’t stop. He wouldn’t. Stopping, he felt, would mean the end.
And then, he stopped.
The woman looked like no one he had ever seen. Every part of her seemed designed to short-circuit his understanding of reality, his very core, and he found himself frozen before her, his brain trying to catch up to what his eyes were seeing. She looked like something out of some strange, fae world: she wore her hair in dancing ponytails, one dyed blue, one pink. Her makeup was a striking mixture of neon colors punctuated by tiny drawn hearts scattered over a face that spoke at once of innocence and mischief. She had a single fishnet glove on, mismatched thigh-high socks, a pink and black nighty that hovered between dark and slutty and the most pure chastity… Even her eyes, he noticed, refused to follow any notion of order: one was a deep blue, while the other was an inhuman, alluring red. She was something he couldn’t comprehend, and yet couldn’t stop watching. She moved with a strange liquid freedom, as if gravity and anatomy were vague suggestions she very much didn’t intend to follow. And her smile… he couldn’t quite place what it was: it was joyful, yes, but also shy and yet it had a hint of a predator somewhere deep inside it…
“Oh, hi!” she chirped and bounced out of her purple sofa. “I was fingering myself!” she declared, almost with pride.
Unit Commander Heinlein found himself unable to respond. This… being was not a woman. Not as he understood them, at least. And yet he could feel something stirring inside, something he had forgotten about long, long ago…
“Who are you?”, she asked, her face becoming almost a caricature of confusion before snapping back into a jubilant smile. “I’m Alara! Nice to meet you!”
She ran to him. Normally such an action would call for tactical evasion, or a well-practiced takedown. Instead, Heinlein found himself frozen in place as the girl hugged him. She smelled sweet, like the air around them.
“Are you okay, dude?”, she asked with a look of genuine concern. 
“I… this establishment has been deemed… unsuitable and against the… proper conditioning of females… get on the ground, and…”
“Ooooh, the ground? I can go to the ground for you, Daddy! Or do you prefer Sir? Or Joe? You know what? Joe it is! Is your name Joe? You look like a Joe to me. So, the ground! Ass up? Or maybe on my back, legs open? Which one do you want, Joe?”
Heinlein, whose first name was most certainly not Joe, watched as the girl seemed to flow from one pose to another: one second she was on all fours, looking over her shoulder with an inviting smile; the next she was on her back, legs open, her eyes shocked like a virgin about to feel a man inside her for the very first time… then she bounced back to her feet and pouted.
“Come on, Joe, make up your mind! Or do you want me to take charge? Wait! I should have it… here!”. The girl beamed, brandishing a gigantic, double-sided dildo. “Want me to use this on you, Joe? Come on, give me a little something to work with here!”
“Please stay still. Do you understand the situation? You have been… altered. You’re not a normal…”
“Normal? Normal?! Joe, how boring are you? Seriously, how many times can you fuck a blonde big-titty bimbo before it gets so fucking samey? Fuck ‘normal’, Joe! Let your freaky self out to play for once!”
“I do not have a freaky self”
Alara tripped on her own legs and landed sprawled on the carpeted ground before shooting Heinlein a look that might as well have been directed at a two-headed alien, before turning into an expression of pure, profound pity.
“Oh, Joe… of course you do! We all have our freaky sides… don’t think for a second they’ve drilled yours completely dead. It’s there… I can feel it. And so can you, can’t you? Growing inside you. Getting stronger. Don’t you get tired of following orders? Of everything being always in the same place? Of loving the same woman? The world isn’t like that, Joe! People aren’t like that! We are insane, contradictory, fucking twisted messes… and that’s perfect! Come on, Joe… don’t you ever think about doing… the wrong thing?”
Her words dripped inside his head like honey, so much so that he didn’t notice her approaching him, rubbing him through his pants as she playfully made him so confused, so mixed up, so fuzzy and…
“Mmmm… tell me Joe… what’s that thing you’d like to do, that wrong, wrong thing you dream of in the dark, swearing to yourself you’ll never say a word of it?”
“Non-regulation shoes” 
His mouth had spoken before his brain had even registered it.
“Oh, don’t like the uniform shoes?”, she teased.
“Uncomfortable”, he mumbled.
“So… why don’t you take them off?”
“On mission. Tactical shoes. Reinforced. Useful”
“Are you going to tactically kick me, Joe? Of course not! No one would kick pretty little me… well, unless I asked… but not with those shoes! Who’s gonna know, Joe? No one’s gonna spank you for letting your feet out for a bit! So… take them off!”
“Can’t. On a mission”
“Oh, for fuck’s- come here, you big dummy”
Alara lunged for his shoes, and made a big show of pulling with all her might. Heinlein watched her, entranced.
“A little help here, Joe? These fucking things are tighter than your ass! I mean, I’m just guessing there”
He moved as if in a dream. He released the lock on one boot, then the other. Alara flew back, boot in hand, before jumping up, holding the black boot in the air like a trophy.
“Victory! Look, Joe! You have one boot off and the world hasn’t ended!”
It was true. He looked down at his feet. He had gone against standard procedure. In fact, he had flat-out broken a strict, simple rule. No one was screaming at him. Nothing bad had happened. If anything, he was overcome by childish elation. Suddenly, his world had shifted. Rules were words. Only that. No more solid than millions of other words spoken every single day. 
“Sooooo? How do you feel, you rebel?”
“It’s… good”
Alara smiled and bent over.
“I’m guessing there’s a rule against using a suspect as a living fleshlight, isn’t there? A rule against pounding pussy when on a mission? A rule against using little me as your own personal, depraved fuckdoll?”
“There are many such rules”
“And how do you feel about them now?”
“I don’t give a fuck”
Her screams of ecstasy echoes through the entire club. She pushed him further, and he only growled and, for once, did exactly as he pleased. Alara could only cum, and cum again in victory. Every act was a testament to her triumph. He used her throat, not caring if she gagged, if she choked. He slapped her face and she laughed. He spit on her mouth, grabbed her neck, took her tight asshole. He came once deep inside her, but it wasn’t enough. Alara knew the aphrodisiac in the air gave some… special endurance as well, and she intended to see exactly how long they could go. 
By the end her clothes had been ripped off her, her tits were covered in cum, her pussy pumped full three times, her ass abused, her buttocks red with spankings, her makeup ruined. And by the end, he had become anything but a Soldier.
The following day a meeting was called at the highest levels of the government. An elite unit had gone into Fulgrim’s, never to return. 
They would have to take drastic measures if they hoped to contain the corruption now growing in their city.
Did you enjoy this story? You can support my work at patreon.com/prettynosferatu
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queer-n-here · 3 months
u already kno wassup !!!!
eldritch abomination reader who has come to originally destroy the world, but was enchanted by their 'one', ( aka sigma, atsushi, and mushitaro or someone of ur choice ) and instead devotes their entire time stalking and invading their lovers mind, pulling them into the readers all devouring aura.
( ur honor they are madly in love ) they dont quite have a proper form but has slowly been constructing one bc their lovers coworkers/friends don't believe they exist "you always go out on dates with this mysterious person and you always rant and rave about them, but not once have we seen them. are you just making them up or something?"
so eventually reader finally constructs the perfect form and comes to their workplace to get them for their date ( that involves tentacles, mind fucks, and breeding ) . Reader basically envokes primal fear in everyone and will kill anyone who hurts what is theirs ♡. major weird ask but it is a random and specific Need i have
~ 🕸
Long time no see 🕸️ bro! Btw, thank you, this just made my writer's block evaporate.
Is it weird that I totally loved every single part of this?
Also, I had no fucking idea what an eldritch abomination is, so I did some research bout them!
This ended up becoming 100% fluff, hope you like it!
Contents: Eldritch abomination reader who sees Atsushi and goes heart eyes
Warnings: Fluff, powerful reader, mind manipulation, shit ton of stuff that doesn't fully make sense but whatever, it's Atsushi even if I haven't mentioned his name (because I felt like the Eldritch would be like 'that's too simple a name for me to address my love with')
EDIT: Soooo, I may have confused myself on what an Eldritch horror is 😅 I kind of imagine smth like Dormamu from Dr. Strange tbh hehehe
You had arrived at that small universe to satisfy your thirst of destruction, to watch it crumble under your power as faces of fear and misery looked up at you, their lives at your mercy. And yet, you found yourself thinking of that vision less and less.
It was not going as you had expected.
Nowadays, you were focused more on that boy that you had started watching. His house was located quite close to the woods you had chosen as your home.
You were everywhere, and always watching everything, but you needed a headquarters of sorts to concentrate your power for it to be more effective, and that was why you had chosen the woods.
You had expected him to be the first of your victims, yet now you found yourself growing less and less fond of that idea. He was not meant to be killed. He was meant to be taken care of.
Not only was he so incredibly small and three-dimensional (like most of these 'humans') he was also wonderfully precious, like a small-sized treasure that slowly began meaning everything to you.
So after months of watching him, you finally gave into your desire of meeting him in person. You changed your form to the one with the simplest dimensions, not wanting to make him lose his mind the way you did others.
He had stepped out of his house to gather firewood, that little thing. When he saw you, he dropped it all, stumbling backwards and attempting to run.
You were not pleased.
You guided the trees of the forest to block his way, and when he had no way left to escape, you spoke to him in the language he would comprehend.
"Do not be afraid." You said, your voice low and guttural. "I do not stand before you with intentions to harm."
He had fallen to the floor in his attempt to scramble away from you, and now he looked up at you with fear in his eyes.
It was not an expression you wanted to see on him.
So you eased into his mind, calming his small brain with the likeness of a sedative. His breath grew steadier, and his eyes returned to their normal size. His instincts were clouded now, and he could not help but be drawn to you, standing up and stepping closer.
"Closer," You told him, and he obeyed. He did not need your words, you could control him fully if you wanted.
But some part of you was reluctant to do it. You wanted him to... Like you? Perhaps, you yourself were not entirely sure yet.
You moved closer, wrapping your form around him, encasing him into yourself, away from the rest of his world, where he would be the safest.
You let him be curious, freeing the part of his mind that you knew would ask questions... You wanted him to know you.
"What are you?" He asked, his eyes wide again as he turned to look at all of you.
"I have many names," You said. "But you will be able to use none of them; they are too powerful."
His wide eyes reflected the kaleidoscope of colours of your form, and you felt his brain grow appreciative of your form.
Pride. It was an emotion beneath you, and yet you could not help the swelling of colours in your form when you saw that he liked it.
"Then... What should I call you?" He asked, looking as though he was still unsure who he was talking to.
"Anything," You presented before him a makeshift form. It was a mirror image of his own, something he could look at while talking and not feel awkward.
He gasped. His fear had long since been subdued by your charm, and he did not hesitate to reach forward and his doppelgänger's shoulder.
"Wow," He whispered, and your colours became brighter again.
Later, when returned back to his house, his senses finally returned to him, and he realised the danger he was stepping into.
And yet, could he resist the urge to go back to you? Not when you had so easily planted it in his head. Hence, after resisting for a whole day, he returned to you the very next.
You let him look for you in the forest, hiding in a dimension his eyes could not perceive. You let him run around, growing more and more desperate when you wouldn't show yourself, calling out to you, but unsure of how to do so since you hadn't told him what to call you.
When he collapsed, tired, on the bank of a small lake in the woods, tears dripping from his eyes as he sobbed, you decided that your game had lasted long enough.
And so you showed yourself, making it look as if you had emerged from the lake itself. He looked up with a gasp, eyes wide and wet as an ecstatic expression broke through his face. His arms rose, reaching for your form.
You let him touch you; today you had taken a four dimensional form, and it was way easier for him to get wrapped up between your colours.
"I thought... I thought you l-left," He said, sniffing.
"I would never," Was all you said, and yet his face lit up. It was not your doing, you had already relaxed your control of his mind when he had entered the forest.
Weeks passed, and his human mind slowly developed romantic feelings for you. You perceived them, and yet never expressed it. He would be the one to tell you, and on his own accord.
You waited, but not for long. Soon, he brought you flowers, handing them to you as his cheeks flushed, looking away and shivering slightly. You wrapped around him; humans got cold painfully easily.
He froze in your embrace, he had learnt some of your ways to show affection. His blush spread gradually, and his muttered confession felt like something with even more power than you.
Joy. Yet another emotion beneath you, but when it came to him, you were reduced to a mere human teenager. You cared not of status or immortality anymore. Destruction of his world? You had long since abandoned that plan. This was his home, and you'd protect it with your life.
You would protect him with your life.
A month passed, and he visited you everyday, bringing with him small presents of the like you knew humans appreciated. You took them all, preserving them with your power so they would never spoil and hide them away in the most complex dimension you could find.
And every time he visited, you gave him the thing you thought was best: a little bit of your own immortality. He did not know yet; you did it without his knowledge. But you did not think he would mind if he found out.
Now he sat on a tree branch as you watched him, leaning against the trunk for balance. You had lifted him up there, and he was speaking of the view. You could not help but move upwards, closer to him.
He watched you, a smile on his face as you changed forms again.
Being three-dimensional was difficult for you. Not only did it weaken your power incredibly, it also could not store your abilities. The closest you could reach was four-dimensional, and that itself took its toll on you.
And yet you were always four-dimensional with him, knowing that this was how he could see and touch you best.
You sat on the branch next to him, wrapping around his small frame.
There was a comfortable silence, and you slowly lulled his brain, sending him to sleep.
You loved it when he was defenseless, when all his safety was you, when the only one that he trusted was you, and not his human friends.
It was another one of those days where you were watching him as he went about his day, keeping him safe from any danger that might come his way.
He was talking with his friends, and they appeared to be teasing him.
"Come on, you've never even shown us a picture..." One of them said, sitting so close to your human that you had the urge to crush her insides. "Or even told us their name!"
He flushed slightly, not knowing how to respond. "W-well, their name is... Very complex."
"A nickname, then," Another said, wrapped in bandages and leaning back casually against the couch. "Or what? You just call them 'honey bun sweety pie'?
They laughed, and you bristled. Your human was getting flustered, and no one but you was allowed to see that expression on his face.
You took shape immediately, condensing your power so much you felt its strain. To make it three-dimensional was like trying to contain the ocean in a glass jar, and yet you attempted your fullest, anger fueling your movements.
You appeared on the doorstep of the building, your speed phenomenal as you climbed its small staircase and appeared at the door of the room your human and his friends sat in.
You pushed open the door, and stepped in. They all looked up, and his eyes widened.
Your power needed your three-dimensional vessel to be big, and you were as tall as 6'8", your shoulders wide and arms thick with what looked like muscle but was actually energy. Your hair was a light brown, and covering your body was what seemed to their eyes a suit.
He recognised you immediately; one glance at your multi-coloured eyes and he knew. This was you, the one he loved.
You walked up to him, throwing him a well-practiced wink as you greeted him the way you had seen lovers greet each other, leaning down to place a kiss on his cheek.
"I came to pick you up," You said to him, your voice low as you ignored everyone else in the room. "Your work has almost ended now, right?"
A long-haired man lowered his glasses to look at you. "And who are you?"
You could not help but grow irritated, and you triggered fear in the minds of everyone in the room but the one who was yours.
"He's..." Your human seemed breathless. "He's my b-boyfriend."
One of the humans, the insignificant ones, whistled as he stood up. He was scared, you had made sure of it, but was putting up a front.
"Damn, Atsushi," He said, taking in your carefully constructed human form. "He's biiiig."
Your human blushed, his cheeks reddening in that way you did not want them to see.
"I don't see why you didn't show us his picture before," A female said, her house quivering slightly. "He's not bad looking at all. Not that I thought you were, just so you know."
You looked at her, sending her your appreciation for praising you in front of your human by tickling the part of her brain responsible for pleasure.
She squirmed in her seat, her eyes slightly wide.
You turned back to what was yours, holding out your hand. "Shall we head home?"
His blush spread; he still hadn't managed to take his eyes off you. "O-okay..."
He let you take him away, his cold hand clasped in yours. You put on a burst of speed, and the two of you were back in your forest.
The moment you two were alone, he took your face in his hands, his eyes shining.
"You look..." He could not go on, but you knew what he meant.
Another burst of pride. He made you feel things you had never thought significant before.
You leaned down and kissed him, pressing his plump red lips against yours and, unknown to him, transferring more immortality to him.
He responded in the affirmative, letting you wrap your arms around his waist and bring him closer.
You opened up dimensionally, creating a fourteen-dimensional barrier around you two, freeing your power and protecting him at the same time. A part of you still remained three-dimensional before him, embracing him and kissing his lips.
When you pulled away, his eyes were slightly moist.
"I love you," He whispered, and you smiled.
Your love was such that it could not be put into words he would comprehend, and yet you did not want him to think that you did not reciprocate his feelings.
"I love you, too," You put energy into the phrase, making sure he felt the intensity of your feelings.
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
{5} - Paradise Gardens - Yandere!Demonic Entities!Ateez X Reader
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Yandere AU & Demon AU - Book Two to Hotel California
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Fluff, Slight Humour, Smut (let's go for a ride)
Pairing: Ateez X Reader (Focus on Jongho)
Words: 13,630
Warnings: Smut: scenting, slight hair pulling (male rec.), fingering (fem. rec.), biting, blood play and bloodletting, edging, thigh riding, marking (male rec.), minor breast play, squirting, dirty talk (lots of it), possessive talk (both ways), switch tendencies, very, very minor primal play to start, implied cockwarming at the end. Some references to Beauty and the Beast at the beginning. I think that's it, but let me know if I missed anything! This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: I really hope you all enjoy this chapter!! I honestly had a lot of fun writing it, cause it starts off really cute and then escalates quite quickly. Finally, Baby Bear gets his time to shine!! I literally cannot wait for the upcoming chapters, cause this is sort of the catalyst to them hehehe anyways, as always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~
Also, gentle reminder that I don’t do tag lists.
Mini Masterlist - Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four
“So, you’ve always wanted to hug a bear?”
It’s about mid-afternoon the following day when Jongho poses the question, somewhat casually. He continuously spares glances at you from over his book, but you’ve noticed that he hasn’t turned the page in quite some time. He’s really not as subtle as he thinks.
“Where’s this coming from all of a sudden?” You chuckle, eyes darting up to meet his own as your finger caresses the side of your own novel.
The two of you are currently sitting in the library. You rest on one end of the couch, legs stretched out before you as your feet rest on his thighs. Jongho has long since angled himself towards you, one hand gently resting over your ankles as you keep them crossed over him for the moment.
“Just a mild curiosity, is all.” He hums, attempting to shift his focus back onto the page in front of him.
“Nothing to do with the little comment I made towards you after the fact?” You quirk a brow teasingly.
Red begins to creep up his neck as he suddenly finds the novel before him extremely fascinating. “Just curious, is all.”
You simply hum in response, turning to the next page.
“You know,” he continues. “You’ve never really asked us to shift for you before.”
“I’m aware.” Your voice is light, a teasing lilt still found in your tone.
“If you want something, you need only tell us.” He says, staring intently at his book. “You know we’d- I’d be more than happy to oblige.”
“Jongho,” his name is but an affectionate chuckle from your lips, “If you’d like for me to ask you to shift into a bear so I can cuddle you, all you need to do is tell me.”
“I just don’t understand,” he closes his book softly, resting it on the arm of the couch beside him. “If this is something you’ve always wanted to do, why wouldn’t you have told us sooner?”
You remain quiet, pursing your lips slightly. Then, you’re taking a somewhat deep breath in.
“I just never want it to seem that that’s all I want from you.” You say, voice low as your thumb traces over the cover of your novel. “As much as I love your powers, I never want any of you to think that that’s all I care about. You’re more than that, and I never want to be selfish.”
“Darling, you do realize that that’s not selfish at all, right?” He shifts forward, hand sliding up your leg to rest over your shin now. “Especially not when we offer. Not when we want you to ask. I know for a fact that seeing that wondrous expression light up your eyes makes us all happy beyond content. The fact that we are the ones causing such joy to appear on your features means the world to us. We just want to take care of you, and if we can impress you while doing so, we’ll do it in a heartbeat.”
You lift your eyes to meet his gaze.
“We only want to make you happy,” he continues, nothing but sincerity shining on his features. “To make all of your dreams come true. All you have to do is ask.”
“Alright.” Retracting your legs from his lap, you sit forward on the couch. “I’ll do my best to be more honest and open about my desires going forward, then.”
“Please do, Darling.” He smiles, reaching over to place a hand onto your thigh. “I know I’m not the only one always dying to know what you’re thinking about. Especially when it concerns us.”
The corner of your lips quirk upwards. “The feeling is very much mutual, Baby Bear.”
Jongho’s eyebrows raise amusedly, his lips parting as red returns to his neck. “Baby Bear?”
“Yeah,” you grin, eyes crinkling at the sides as you shift closer to him. “To be honest, I’ve always wanted to call you that. Ursaring is another.”
“Oh?” A certain smugness dances within his gaze as he meets your own. “Why Baby Bear, though?”
“You remind me of one.” You reply simply, resting your head gently on his shoulder.
“A bear cub?” His brow furrows slightly, loving the way your fingers intertwine with his own in the next second.
“Just a bear in general.” You say, brushing your thumb along the skin on the back of his hand. “Big, strong, fiercely protective, and loyal. Not to mention intelligent.”
A pleased rumble escapes him at your words.
“If I’m being honest, I’ve always pictured it being you whenever I fantasized about hugging a bear.” You admit, and you feel him pull you closer into his side. “Which is another reason for the nickname. That, and you’re My Baby. My Baby Bear.”
A low, content growl reaches your ears. 
Jongho swears his heart is about to leap out of his chest, only emphasized by the pleasant hum you give him in response. The way you’re currently looking at him, eyes hooded as a loving smile pulls at your lips means the world to him.
“You can call me whatever you damn well please if it means you looking at me like this at all times.” His voice rumbles out, nothing but a low drawl as he leans into your neck. Gently, his nose brushes against your skin, nuzzling you softly. “I absolutely adore it when you do.”
“Oh?” This time, it’s your turn to quirk a brow. “And just how do I look at you when I’m like this?”
Jongho takes a moment to answer, pulling away to stare deeply into your eyes.
“Like I’m one of the most attractive males you’ve ever seen in your life.” He breathes, another pleased growl reverberating from inside of his chest. “As if you want to devour me whole. Like I’m yours.”
“You are, Baby Bear.” You smile, bringing a hand up to cup the side of his face tenderly. “Not only are you one of the eight most attractive men I have ever seen in my life, but I count myself lucky every day that I get to call you mine.”
Jongho’s heart positively flutters within his chest, his breath hitching as your words wash over him. Always, he has dreamed about hearing those words fall from your lips, and now that they have, he is flooded with an immeasurable sense of happiness. Nothing but love is in his gaze as he looks at you, leaning into your touch shamelessly as he brings a hand up to place over your own.
“Not a day passes by where I am not grateful to have you in my life, My Darling.” He breathes, voice low as his eyes fall shut. “You have truly consumed me in the best of ways. My soul has come alight again, and it is all because of you.”
“Jongho,” your expression softens, heart swelling inside your chest at his admission.
“I may not be the best at expressing myself through spoken words like some of my brothers, but for you, I will never hesitate to try.” His eyes blink open, and the sincerity you can see shining there takes your breath away. “Which is why when I learn that there are things that I can do for you, that you want, I will jump at every opportunity to do them. I only want to make you happy, Darling. Please, won’t you let me?”
“I don’t need fancy words, Jongho.” You tell him earnestly. “I value your presence. You don’t need to say anything. I find comfort in just being with you.”
Again, his breath hitches. A moment later, and he’s leaning forward to rest his forehead against your own.
“Then, will you let me do this for you?” He holds you close, voice but a mere whisper.
“Only if you let me ask, first.” You tease lightly, a grin pulling at the corner of your lips.
“Please do.” He breathes out.
Leaning the slightest bit away from him, you stare deeply into his eyes.
“Jongho,” you begin, a gentle smile now gracing your features, “Will you let me hug you as a bear?”
His eyes shine with an unfiltered glee as he squeezes your hand still resting over his cheek. “I would love nothing more.”
Parting from you, Jongho stands from the couch. He can feel your eyes on him as he steps off to the side, ensuring that there’s enough space for what he’s about to do. Slowly, his smile begins to morph into a smug grin, brushing tenderly against your mind with his own.
A blink, and a great, brown grizzly bear is standing right before your very eyes. You can hardly keep the wonder off of your face as you spring up from the couch, rushing over to him as your lips part.
“That’s incredible!” Your hands find purchase on his side, feeling the intricate softness of his fur beneath your touch.
A pleased chuckle escapes him, and you watch as he turns his head to nuzzle his snout against you. The movement practically sends you toppling into his shoulder, your arms falling against his side to support you as he snorts out another laugh.
“Don’t laugh! You did that on purpose!” You playfully scold him, hearing him huff out another amused puff of air in response.
Again, you feel him brush up against your mind. So, you let him in.
The moment your void opens to allow him access to your thoughts, an overwhelming sense of awe, wonder, and love floods him. All are emotions you direct at him. Whether subconsciously or knowingly, he’s not sure. What he does know, is that he cannot prevent the pleased hum that escapes him, reverberating against you as you continue to lean into his side.
The way you begin to nuzzle into his fur has his eyes crinkling in joy.
“You’re so soft, Jongho,” you hum, eyes fluttering shut in bliss. “Thank you for letting me do this.”
Anytime, Darling. He coos affectionately, shifting slightly in his spot. I love being able to make you happy.
His arm closest to you gently tugs you forward as he sits up on his hind legs. Ever so carefully, Jongho draws you into him, allowing your body to melt into his embrace. His touch is soft, and you can feel the weight of his front paws holding you in place as you lean into him. The fact that you bury your face into his chest has him shaking lightly in laughter, humming contently in the next moment.
Embrace me anytime you desire, My Darling. His voice echoes throughout your mind. I can never get enough of your touch.
The way his snout buries itself into the side of your neck says it all. Even the way he inhales deeply, whole body shuddering as he scents you in his arms is apparent.
My Jongho, you hum contently, relaxing fully into this moment with him as he surrounds you: mind, body, and soul. I love you. A moment’s pause. I am in love with you.
The growl that escapes his throat is low, bordering on a pleased whine as you feel him shudder within your grasp. A second later, and he’s rolled onto his back, pulling you up with him so that you’re now resting on his chest.
With all that I am, I am unquestionably, irrevocably, and earnestly in love with you forevermore, My Darling. His one paw settles gently on the skin of your back. Nothing will ever change that fact.
Your heart positively flutters in your chest. A fact of which you know he hears, for you can feel the pleased rumble shake his chest beneath you. You smile.
“You’re comfy.” You hum, settling deeper on top of him as you hug him tighter. “I might just prefer this position over Snorlax.”
I will gladly stay like this for as long as you desire, My Queen. Jongho says, eyes closing in bliss as he revels in this euphoric feeling with you.
You nuzzle your cheek against him affectionately. My King.
Another pleased growl echoes around the library, and you find yourself chuckling at the irony of it all.
You’ve really made this into a fairytale for me, huh? Your tone is lighthearted as you close your eyes.
How so, Darling? He inquires, his chest rising and falling steadily with every breath he takes.
Think about it, Baby Bear. You reply, an amused twitch of your lips upwards. We’re in the library, a place that means a lot to the both of us. I’m literally laying on top of a bear I love right now who is making my dreams come true. All I’m missing is some talking chinaware and a yellow dress.
Are you suggesting our love is a tale as old as time? Jongho chuckles, affection dancing in his gaze.
It will be. 
The simple statement from you has tears of joy springing to his eyes.
Not a day passes by where I don’t count myself lucky you ever fell for a beast like me. His voice is somewhat strained, and you feel him swallow thickly.
You are no beast to me, Jongho. You say, nothing but honesty dripping from your words. That being said, I would gladly love a beast any day over someone unworthy of my affection. Besides, maybe I prefer beasts.
Your admission leaves him slightly stunned, his grip tightening a minuscule amount over your back.
Do you, now? His response is nothing short of amused, and you swear he quirks a brow at you.
Maybe I was referring to you being beauty. You are rather handsome, Jongho. You admit, a slight warmth rising to your cheeks as you avert your gaze. His grip tightens ever so softly. Though, I thought it would be obvious by now, given the amount of jokes and hints I’ve given about it.
What would be obvious? He tilts his head slightly in inquiry.
Darling, I’m not shy about being a monster fucker. You chuckle, noticing the way his whole body freezes momentarily beneath your own. 
Don’t let Wooyoung hear you say that. Jongho huffs out an amused breath. He’ll never let you live that one down.
If the self-proclaimed master of seduction doesn’t know that by now, then that’s on him. You snort. 
Then, if what I’m incurring is correct, he begins. You’d be okay with us using our powers in the bedroom? In that context?
You smile. I’d be more than okay with it, Baby Bear. Only if you are, of course. Consent goes both ways.
Again, maybe wait to let Wooyoung know. He chuckles, a puff of air escaping his nose. He’d jump at any and every opportunity to keep you locked in his room with him for days.
You say that like it’s a bad thing. A chuckle escapes you.
With him? Jongho snorts out a laugh. Always.
Anyways, back to my original point: it’s as I’ve said before, you lift your head, meeting his gaze. You are everything I could have ever asked for.
Another pleased growl escapes him, and you notice how he wiggles his feet below you happily in response. Even his ears twitch, along with his nose.
I wouldn’t trade you for the world, Darling. He grins, loving how you shift the slightest bit upwards so you can position yourself to properly meet his gaze.
I wouldn’t trade you for anything, either. Gently, you lean down to kiss the tip of his snout. Now, want to go make your brothers jealous?
Fuck, I love you. A pleased growl escapes him as he feels you slide off of him. What are you thinking, Darling?
Let me go for a ride? The wink you send him is most certainly not innocent, especially not with the sultry way your lips pull upwards in the corners.
With pleasure. The snarl that escapes him is nothing short of feral as he graciously kneels for you to climb on top of his back.
A minute later, and you’re settled comfortable atop of Jongho, your legs resting on either side of him. Your hands grip lightly at his fur as he paces around the library so you can get used to the feeling of him moving before he takes off through the house.
Let me know when you’re ready, Darling. He says, shaking out his head as he attempts to control his breathing for the moment. 
This is everything he could have asked for, and so much more. The fact that you were the one to even suggest it makes him happy beyond belief. Nothing is better than the feeling of rubbing such an intimate moment in his brother’s faces like this. Besides, it’s all just a bit of fun, and he knows that in the long run, his brothers will appreciate how joyous this occasion makes you. Hearing your laughter is a blessing none of them knew they could ever be granted. Knowing that they are the cause of it means everything to them.
Ready! You giggle, and fuck if it isn’t just music to Jongho’s ears.
Straightening to his full height, Jongho proudly steps towards the large double doors of the library with you sitting tall upon his back.
“Onward, my valiant steed!” You call, wiggling excitedly in your spot atop his back.
A loud roar escapes Jongho in response, practically shaking the entire house as he bounds forward. The doors of the library burst open, and you cannot contain the rambunctious laughter that escapes you, along with excited squeals, as Jongho races down the hallway.
Out of the corner of your eyes, you vaguely make out Seonghwa popping his head out of his tailor shop as you run by.
“Hi, Mars!” 
One second you’re in front of him. 
“Bye, Mars!”
The next, you are not.
Your laughter continues to echo throughout the house, drawing the attention of all the males in the vicinity. The way you so effortlessly ride atop Jongho’s back has smiles pulling at most of their faces. 
Yunho watches on, amusement dancing in his eyes as you excitedly shout ‘nyoom’ from across the foyer. The word escapes you repeatedly along with exclamations of enjoyment, such as high pitched laughter mixed with short snippets of you saying ‘wee!’.
There’s a look of disbelief painting Yeosang’s face, but the sound of your laughter draws him in. Before he knows it, his own shoulders are shaking along with you, especially when Kuroo begins chasing after Jongho excitedly. Small chirps of affection escape that little black ball of fur, quipping about how he’s going to catch Jongho for attempting to kidnap the Queen.
Wooyoung wears the biggest pout on his features as he crosses his arms over his chest. “No fair.”
Vaguely, you hear him muttering complaints to San and Mingi the whole time. Two males of whom that don’t appear as if they’re fairing any better for the moment.
Hongjoong, on the other hand, looks quite exasperated. 
“Not inside the house!” His eyes are wide, hands stretched out in front of him in worry as Jongho slows down to a walk.
“Aw, come on, Joongie,” you pout dramatically. “It’s just a bit of fun.”
The loud, defeated sigh you hear him heave has your features lighting up instantly. A second later, and Jongho is back to running through the house, your boisterous laughter filling the rooms.
I’m glad you’re having fun, Darling. Jongho hums happily, bounding out into the courtyard and leaping over the length of the pool like it’s nothing.
Woah, your voice is full of awe as he circles back around inside of the house. This is incredible! You’re incredible!
Your praise means more to me than you’ll ever know. His whole body rumbles with his hum of contentment, ears twitching eagerly.
Slowly, Jongho lessens his pace, strutting towards his room with a certain gait of satisfaction. His chest heaves, a large grin pulling at his features as he enters his bedroom for the time being. The way you practically collapse on top of him, clinging to him so eagerly as a giddy laugh escapes your lips has him humming affectionately.
He shakes out his head.
Thank you, Jongho. A content sigh escapes you as you practically melt into his back, squeezing him tightly. This has been everything I could have ever asked for.
I’m glad. He hums, nothing but tender love and affection dripping from his gaze as he feels you slide off of him. Anytime you wish to experience something, do not hesitate to let us know. I am always ready and willing to provide for you whatever you may need.
I’ll keep that in mind. You come to stand before him, gripping his snout gently in your hands as you place another kiss onto his nose. There is one more thing I’d like to do before you shift back.
His eyes gleam. Anything, My Darling.
A devious grin is all he receives as he watches your hands reach upwards on his head. Not even a second later, he feels you tenderly rubbing his ears with your thumbs, massaging them gently.
Jongho practically purrs in response, the content hum escaping him involuntarily as his eyes flutter shut. The fact that he can hear you giggle in earnest once more sets his heart racing in his chest. His entire body heats as you continue to pet him so affectionately, your touch sending little jolts of electricity throughout.
One minute, your fingers are playing with his ears. The next, you’re shifting your hands to tenderly caress his face, giving him some affectionate chin rubs while you’re at it.
The whole time, Jongho continues to let out pleased hums, bordering on low growls. His breathing deepens, eyes remaining closed as he pushes himself eagerly into your embrace, nearly knocking you over in the process.
Darling, please, his voice is somewhat strained, and you swear he shivers beneath your very grasp. Don’t stop.
You giggle softly. I didn’t realize you’d enjoy this so much.
I could never tire of your touch. He admits, eyes blinking open to stare into your own earnestly. Everything only serves to become heightened when I’m like this. Sensation, touch, his eyes flash, scent.
I thought all of that was already heightened? Your breath hitches slightly in your throat, his heated stare freezing you to your spot as your hands still over him.
Now, even more so. His voice is a mere rumble, echoing alongside the low growl he lets out.
You cannot deny the way your heart skips a beat, especially as he begins to slowly back you towards the bed. His steps are precise, stalking towards you as his sheer size consumes your senses. Truly, he radiates the aura of the predator he is right now, but you aren’t scared. No. Instead, your veins flood with something else. Something far more pleasant, of which he immediately picks up on.
You smell delectable, Darling. His eyes darken, and his tongue darts out to wet his maw.
The glimpse you get of his teeth sets your heart stuttering excitedly inside of your chest.
You swear his brow quirks. I didn’t know you’d be in to this sort of thing.
You blink, somewhat caught off guard.
From the looks of things, neither did you. His whole chest shakes as he chuckles.
I think- Feeling your legs hit the edge of his mattress, you swallow the sudden dryness in your throat. I think it’s because it’s you that this is affecting me so.
A low, pleased growl reaches your ears. Is that so?
You can only nod in response, his dark eyes flashing as he stops himself right in front of you. His snout just about grazes your chest, your every breath closing that subtle gap between the both of you as he stares you down.
My Darling, he practically hums. There is something I would like to request of you now.
Anything. The exhale you give is breathless, and you swear he quirks a brow at you in response.
Nudging you gently with his snout, he pushes you back onto the bed. Each step you watch him take closer is meticulous until his chin rests right above your stomach. The way he can see your chest rising and falling with each inhale you take causes excitement to flood his very soul. He can just sense how this is affecting you, and he nearly has to stop himself from snarling pleasantly at the revelation.
Spread your legs for me. Slowly, meticulously, he pulls his head back. His maw parts the slightest bit, tongue practically lolling to the side as his gaze stares, transfixed, at the apex of your thighs. I wish to scent you.
The way your breath hitches, heart momentarily skipping a beat in your chest does not go unnoticed by him. You can feel that familiar rush of warmth heating your skin, sending a jolt of electricity all the way to your core. From the way he swallows thickly, you can tell that he knows it, too.
Jongho is a patient man, but never has he been testing like this before. Of course, your comfort and personal boundaries are his number one priority. Which is exactly why he is resisting every urge right now to push his way between your legs, bury his snout between your thighs, and breath in your scent like he longs to do. The sweet aroma of your building arousal calls to him like a siren’s song, and the longer he has you in his room, on his bed, the harder he finds it to continue to control himself.
One word. One movement of discomfort from you, and he’ll back off.
Always, he awaits your approval.
The silence that settles over the both of you stretches on, and even with your mind open to him, Jongho does his best not to intrude. From the way you’re looking at him, eyes wide and blinking owlishly, he fears he might have just gone too far.
Again, you swallow thickly, hearing your heart pounding in your ears. Then, slowly, you begin to part your legs.
The whole time, you maintain eye contact with him, and you watch as his breathing deepens. That all too familiar darkness swirls within, guttural growls escaping him with every exhale. A sound of which that has your whole body shuddering in anticipation.
My Darling, the call of your name is the deepest you’ve ever heard from him, even within your mind. The second you want me to stop, the moment you want space, he’s hardly keeping himself together, but he does. For you. You let me know right away.
I will. The corner of your lips twitches upwards. Now, scent me, My King.
You’ve barely finished thinking the words when his head is shoving between your thighs, snout pressed right up against your clothed sex. You can feel his pleased growls reverberating against your skin, his warm breath fanning over your cunt even through the layers of fabric you wear.
The tearing of cloth is synonymous with the deep growl he lets out, pushing himself deeper into your cunt as he inhales your scent eagerly. You can practically feel the heaviness of his tongue resting against your inner thigh as you spare a glance down at him. 
Never before have you seen Jongho’s eyes as dark as they are now. He looks about ready to devour you whole, and you know that he would. All you would have to do is let him.
The shredded material of his duvet catches your gaze, but the way he nudges his nose against you draws your attention back to his own. Despite the darkness shining within, there seems to be a hint of desperation coming through, especially when his whole body begins to shake.
Please, My Queen, his voice is strained, and you can feel him shifting between your thighs. It’s not enough. The barrier- he pants shamelessly, growls bordering on feral snarls as his claws shred through the bottom half of his duvet continuously. I need more.
Your stomach clenches pleasantly at his admission, and from the way he growls, you can tell that he’s noticed, too.
What is it, Baby Bear? Despite your heaving chest, you manage to lift your head to observe his every move carefully. The way you see his eyes flash once more has a smirk pulling at your features. What is it that you need?
Don’t tease me, Darling. There’s a warning hint to his tone, pulling his head back the slightest bit in order to shake his fur out. I’m already seconds away from losing control.
This time, you feel yourself clench around nothing. The way his eyes immediately lock onto the apex of your thighs lets you know just how in tuned to you he is.
What if I want you to lose control? Your hands fist the sheets at your sides, clinging on for dear life as you hear him finally release that snarl he’s been holding back this whole time.
Those are dangerous words, Darling. His breathing is ragged, and you can just tell that his claws have sunk into his sheets, grounding him as he attempts to leash his building lust for you in this moment. I would never forgive myself if I hurt you, or I overstepped any of your boundaries in favour of my own.
Your heart warms, and you find yourself sitting up in bed in order to grasp his head in your hands. Tenderly, you meet his gaze.
You have my consent to touch me, Jongho. You meet his gaze, staring deeply into his eyes. I want you to love me like you’ve always desired.
You swear he’s stopped breathing; his lips part as his whole body freezes. A moment later, and the deepest of snarls escapes him, a feral glint shining within his gaze as he looks at you.
Then, tell me, My Queen, he visibly begins trembling before your very gaze, shifting back into his human form as he kneels before you on the ground. “What is it that you desire?”
You cup his face tenderly in your hands, thumbs stroking lightly against his cheeks. “You.”
In the blink of an eye, he has you pinned to the bed, his form hovering over you. His hands rest on either side of your head, body pressing right up against your own. You can feel the pleased snarl that rumbles in his chest, his eyes searching yours briefly, as if to make sure that this is what you truly want.
Always, your comfort comes first.
“Jongho,” the sigh of his name is but a breathless whisper on your lips as your eyes hood over. “Kiss me.”
The way his left hand comes up to tenderly cup your face as he brings his lips to your own has you melting into his touch. His kiss is firm, pouring all that he is into each movement against you as he holds you to him. The way your legs part to allow himself to slot his hips against your own has him humming pleasantly against you.
Breaking from the kiss, he trails his lips down to nip at your jaw before sensually laving his tongue against your neck.
“You don’t know,” he pants, trailing his lips over your pulse, “how long,” he places, wet, open mouthed kisses along your skin, “I’ve dreamt of this.”
A breathless gasp escapes you as he bites down on the side of your neck, arching into him in response.
You pull him closer.
“I promise I’ll make you feel so good, Darling.” His voice is low, right by your ear. “I’ll take such good care of you tonight. The only thing you’ll be able to think about is the pleasure I’m giving you.”
“I want to please you, too.” You manage to speak, threading your fingers through his hair and pulling his head back so you can stare tenderly into his eyes.
“You will soon come to realize, My Queen, that pleasing you will always please me.” He replies, nothing but the deepest sincerity shining within his gaze. “This is true for all of us.”
Your lips part, heart stuttering inside of your chest as his words wash over you.
“Then, you will have to realize that the feeling is shared.” You bring a hand up to cup his cheek, loving how he immediately leans into your touch. “I thought I told you that if it’s not mutual, I don’t want it.”
A soft, affectionate chuckle falls from his lips. “You drive a hard bargain, My Darling.”
“Someone I cherish dearly told me I should be more open about my own desires,” you smile, nothing but love dripping from your eyes. “I am simply granting his wish.”
A pleased growl escapes him as his lips find purchase on your own once more. Greedily, he swallows all of your sounds, his one hand still cupping your face tenderly as his other sneaks beneath the material of your shirt. Only, you can feel him frown slightly as he feels a different type of fabric grace his fingertips instead of your bare skin.
Pulling away from you, Jongho meets your gaze. At the way you playfully quirk a brow, he’s quick to tear off your shirt.
A low groan escapes him, pleased pants falling from his parted lips as he takes in the sight before him.
There you lay beneath him, on his bed, looking like you were made just for him. Intricate lace covers your body, disappearing beneath the waistband of your leggings and sending his mind reeling. It’s in his favourite colour, too. Maroon.
Jongho’s chest rises and falls dramatically, his hands gripping your waist as he looks about ready to devour you whole.
“Did you-“ he can hardly form a coherent thought, the only prominent one being to absolutely ravish you this very instant, “did you wear this for me?”
Slowly, his fingertips trail downwards, hooking beneath the waistband of your leggings.
“Something told me that it would get appreciated if I wore it today.” You hum, a fond, knowing look in your gaze. “Go ahead, Jongho. I’m all yours.”
He growls shamelessly, “Mine.”
The sound of tearing fabric reaches your ears once more as he throws the remaining scraps of your leggings somewhere in his room. The way his eyes instantly flash black as soon as he takes in your form wearing that maroon singlet you bought all those months ago has excitement flooding your veins.
Jongho’s head spins. His hands are shaking and he can feel his cock throb beneath his slacks as he takes in the glorious sight of you spread out before him. The fact that you’re in his room, on his bed, wearing something for him has a warmth unlike anything he’s ever felt before in his life flooding his veins.
“My Darling,” his eyes trail everywhere over your figure, committing this sight to memory for decades to come. “You are so unbelievable beautiful in every way.”
A bashful smile pulls at your lips, averting your gaze to the side due to the very heat you feel emanating from his stare. The way he licks his lips only adds to the sensation, anticipation clawing eagerly at your chest.
“Jongho,” your hands slide beneath the shirt he wears and up his chest. Not even a second later, he’s torn the material off of his body, skin on full display as you drink in the sight of his bare torso. Your breathing deepens, gaze darkening as you shamelessly roam your eyes over his figure. “Fuck-“
Wrapping your one leg around his waist, you manage to surprise him. In the blink of an eye, you’ve flipped your positions, hands settling onto the skin of his upper chest. Your breathing deepens, eyes swirling with a primal sort of lust he’s never experienced form you. All he knows, though, is that he wants more.
“You really have no idea what you do to me.” Your voice is but a low whisper as you lean into him, trailing your lips against his skin. Slowly, you grind your hips into his, moans escaping the both of you as you feel his hard cock brushing against your core. “So fucking handsome, My King.”
A pleased snarl escapes him, his hands settling onto your thighs as his fingers sink appreciatively into your flesh.
The feeling of your teeth grazing his skin is unlike anything he could have ever imagined. The sheer eagerness he can feel in every press of your lips against him, nipping and sucking at his neck all the while, has his grip tightening on you. Shamelessly, moans escape him, tossing his head back as he feels you laving your tongue against the mole at the base of his throat. The second you start suckling at his skin in the exact same spot, nails teasingly scraping down his chest, he feels himself twitch beneath you.
“Fuck- My Queen,” his eyes flutter shut, heart full and nearly bursting at the fact that simply seeing his naked torso has made you this feral for him already.
It seems as if he’s not the only one with such prominent desires for the other.
The fact that your thoughts continue to wash over him, flooding his senses with your unfiltered awe, love, and now desire has his heart beating erratically in his chest. Nothing but pure want courses through his veins, eyes swirling with that all too familiar darkness as he continues to watch you bite your marks into the skin of his neck and upper chest. The way your tongue darts out to soothe the heated skin right after has him humming in content once more.
“My Jongho,” you hum against his chest, kissing directly over his heart as it positively flutters from your words. “My handsome Jongho.”
“All yours, My Queen,” his voice is but a pleased growl, a choked moan escaping him as he feels you grind yourself down onto his hard cock once more. “Let Your King fulfill your every desire.”
As soon as those words have left his lips, he’s sitting upright on the bed. A hand comes to rest on your back while the other steadies you while gripping your thigh. He pulls you closer, loving the way you cup his face tenderly only to kiss him in the next second.
Eagerly, he swallows all of your sounds, feeling your one hand come to rest on his shoulder while the other tangles in his hair. Desperately, you pull each other closer, tongues intertwined as he kisses you like you are the only thing that matters.
To him, you are.
Again, you grind yourself into him.
Moans escape the both of you, parting only briefly to rest your forehead against his own. You can feel his thighs tensing beneath you, and a small whimper escapes you from the feeling.
With dark eyes, you shift your position.
Settling your hands on his shoulders, you stare deep into his eyes. The corner of your lips twitch upwards as you see his gaze flash just as you settle your core right over his one thigh, straddling him as his hands grip your waist.
Teasingly, you grind yourself against him.
Moans escape both of your lips, Jongho’s gaze darting down to look at where your bodies meet. His breathing deepens, each exhale but a low growl on his lips.
“Go on, My Queen.” His voice rumbles out, eyes shining encouragingly. “Make yourself feel good on me.”
The way your fingers subtly press that much firmer into his shoulders as you begin to grind your hips down onto his thigh has a shiver caressing his spine. Already, your scent surrounds him, his skin igniting with the flames of his passion everywhere you touch. He can already feel his cock straining against his pants, just aching for you. All of you.
Tonight, though, Jongho plans to take his time.
“Fuck, Darling-“ his breath catches in his throat as he continues to help guide your movements over him, “I can already feel you soaking the material of my jeans. Is riding my thigh turning you on that much?”
“Yes.” Nothing more than a moan escapes you as your eyes flutter shut in bliss.
“Is that what you’re thinking about every time I catch you drooling over the sight of them? How badly you want to grind that tight little cunt of yours over me until you’re dripping onto my skin?” He hums, hands tightening ever so slightly around your waist as he flexes his thigh beneath you.
Shamelessly, you moan, pressing yourself down a little firmer as you continue to shift your hips against him.
“I could ride you all day, Baby Bear.” Your voice is a low drawl, the corner of your lips quirking as you stare deeply into his eyes with hooded ones of your own.
The snarl that tears from his throat is nothing short of feral, gaze flashing black. “Don’t tempt me, Darling.”
“You’re making me feel so good, Jongho.” A desperate whine escapes you, hands shifting to grasp at the back of his neck. “I fucking love your thighs. I love everything about you.”
Greedily, he pulls you back in for another kiss, pouring all of the emotions he feels into the movement of his tongue against your own. He swallows all of your sounds, helping to guide your hips against his thigh. Again, he flexes the muscles, hearing the way your breath hitches, whines becoming more and more frequent. Even your movements become that much more desperate, clinging onto him as you continue to drip onto his thigh.
Only, before you can feel that sweet, sweet release building any further, his hands on your waist still your every movement.
A whine of disappointment escapes you, pulling away to look at him with a slight pout tugging at your features.
“My Queen,” Jongho breathes, staring deeply into your eyes. “Of all the things we do tonight, I have but one final request.”
You blink, waiting for him to continue as you attempt to catch your breath.
“The first time I make you come, I want it to be with me.” His voice is low, and were he not already clinging onto you for dear life, he knows that his hands would be trembling from the sheer amount of want coursing through his veins right now. All he can see is you. All he can hear, touch, taste, smell. You are invading his every sense, and he wouldn’t want it any other way. “I want to feel your warmth squeezing me so delicately as you fucking drench me in you while screaming my name.”
Your lips part as your breath catches in your throat.
“Is that alright with you, My Queen?” He wraps his arms around you, pulling you flush against him as he buries his head into the side of your neck. “If you’d rather not wait, I can-“
“I would love nothing more, My King.” Despite the airiness to your tone, your words come through loud and clear.
His lips finding purchase on yours is all the answer you get as he holds you close. You can feel his pleased growl reverberate against you, his tongue darting out to trace your bottom lip before taking the tender flesh between his teeth.
The feeling of your fingers pressing into the skin of his back, drawing him in closer has another shiver caressing his spine. The way your hands feel, roaming all over every free inch of his body that he presents to you has a pride building in his chest. There is no doubt in Jongho’s mind that you absolutely adore everything that you see. A fact of which is mirrored in him. You are perfect in every way, and he will spend as long as it takes proving that to you tonight.
You pull away from him once more, only for your body to sink onto the floor between his legs. 
His hands begin to shake, eyes hooding over as his lips part. A breathless moan escapes him as he feels your fingers trailing up the inside of his thighs. Yet, nothing could prepare him for the feeling of you cupping him over his jeans, palm rubbing against him tenderly.
Not even a moment later, your fingers begin fumbling with the clasp of his belt, tugging the material down his legs eagerly once you’ve undone everything. The way your hungry eyes take in the bare skin of his thighs has him twitching eagerly. A dark wet patch stains the fabric of his underwear where his tip continues to leak precome, and he cannot prevent the way his stomach clenches as he sees you licking your lips.
“My beautiful Jongho,” slowly, your hands spread his legs wider apart, fingers digging into the muscular flesh. “Do you have any idea how fucking sexy these thighs of yours are?”
His lips part in answer, but all that escapes him is a moan. His cock throbs eagerly, aching for you in every way imaginable.
The minute he feels your lips pressing against the skin of his inner thigh, his muscles tense. His legs tremble, breathing deepening as you bite down quite sharply, laving your tongue soothingly over the mark shortly after. The way your eyes dart up to meet his own has his heart thundering inside of his chest.
You’re looking at him akin to how he knows he’s always gazed upon you. There is love in your eyes, that is for sure, but there’s also a certain feralness found there as well. A desperation inside that swirls with want, lust, but also, faintly, possession.
“I can’t count the amount of times I’ve fantasized about them,” you admit, and a low groan escapes him as you bite down on his opposite thigh. “So fucking thick. Perfect for riding. Perfect for marking.” Your eyes darken, glancing up to meet his own. “Perfect for me.”
Jongho’s entire body heats, getting lost in your lustful gaze. His breathing is ragged, chest heaving as he moans shamelessly for you. So badly do his eyes want to fall shut, revelling in this moment here with you, but he forces them to stay open. Like hell is he going to miss a single second of the beautiful sight that is you on your knees before him, worshipping his body just as he will be sure to always worship your own.
“All yours, My Queen,” Jongho repeats his words from earlier, but they still have the desired effect.
You moan against the skin of his thigh, eyes fluttering shut as your fingers sink into his flesh. Your hold is desperate, marks blooming all over him, painting him in various hues of red. Painting him in you.
He wouldn’t trade that for anything.
The closer you get to his aching cock, the harder Jongho finds it to hold himself back. With every mark you make on his skin, your bites become firmer, the eagerness shining through with every movement.
“Do it, My Queen,” he pleads, voice desperate and airy. “Sink your fucking teeth into my flesh. Mark me as yours.”
It’s as if you had been waiting for his every command.
Pulling away only briefly to glance up into his eyes, you see him nod in confirmation. A moment later, you’re licking your lips eagerly, a sort of daze taking over your features as you zero in on an area of his right thigh that you have yet to mark. Leaning in, you place a gentle kiss onto his flesh before latching your mouth onto his skin.
You bite down. Hard.
A loud moan escapes him, his one hand moving to desperately cling onto the back of your head while the other shreds into the duvet beside him. He can feel his thighs shaking, that familiar tightening of his abdomen becoming all the more prominent as you keep your mouth latched onto him. 
The moment he feels you pull away, tongue laving over the fresh set of teeth marks that drip faintly red with his blood, he shudders. The second he feels you wrapping your lips around the wound, suckling gently at his flesh as you moan against him shamelessly, he nearly comes right then and there.
The sensation is blinding, and he desperately holds onto whatever last bits of sanity that he has as he pulls you away gently.
You blink, seemingly coming out of your trance to see the bright red of his blood slowly dripping down the skin of his inner thigh.
His hands on your shoulders ground you, and you look up at him with wide eyes.
“Jongho, I’m so-“
“Don’t you dare fucking apologize,” his words are but a growl on his lips as he pulls you back up and into his lap. “That was one of the hottest things I’ve ever experienced in my life.”
You cannot deny the way you seem to clench around nothing at the guttural tone he uses. The fact that you can feel his emotions flooding your every sense through that open mind link still only serves to make it all the more intense.
He wanted you to mark him. He wanted you to claim him in such a primal way. You, and only you.
After all, everything that he is, belongs to you.
You lick your lips, the faint taste of cinnamon clinging to your tongue.
“Then, why-“
“You are far too good at what you do, Darling.” Jongho grins, burying his face into the side of your neck as he pulls you flush into him. “You make it quite difficult for me to keep my own desires in check.”
“What is it that you desire right now, My King?” You hum, threading your fingers softly through his hair.
“You,” he breathes, placing a tender kiss against your pulse. “Always.”
You squeeze him tighter, heart swelling with nothing but love in your chest.
“I want to consume you, so that all you can feel is me.” He keeps his voice low, his chest rumbling with each word that he speaks. “I want to build you up slowly, allowing you to feel the deepest throws of pleasure that you can before pulling you back from the edge. I want to feel you dripping onto my hand as you squeeze my fingers so delicately, teasing me for what is still yet to come. I want you to absolutely cover me in you, in every possible way, and then I want you to consume me just as I’ve done with you.”
“Jongho,” his name is but a breathless whimper falling from your lips.
“There are many things I desire to do to you, to do with you, My Darling,” he pulls away to rest his forehead against your own, noses brushing tenderly. “I wish to start with pleasing you.”
You nod, leaning forward to kiss him deeply.
“I would love nothing more.” The words are but a whisper against his lips, and you can feel the way he smiles against you.
A blink, and he’s helped you back onto your feet. Another, and he’s switched your positions, angling you so that you’re both facing the mirror at the end of his bed. An object of which you hadn’t noticed until now.
He pulls you down onto his lap.
Slowly, Jongho trails his lips over your shoulder, biting at one of the straps still holding that delicate lace singlet to your body. Teasingly, he pulls at it with his teeth, a pleased rumble reverberating against your back as he lets it snap back against your skin.
“As much as I love seeing you in this just for me,” he growls out, nipping at the shell of your ear all the while. “I think I’d prefer it off.”
His hands, which had been gently holding your waist, move. You hardly even see him tear the fabric from your body, for one second, the lace still graces your skin, but in the next, it’s been torn to shreds and tossed somewhere in his room.
The tips of his fingers ignite a fire upon your skin as he drags them up your sides. Tenderly, he moves to cup your breasts in his hands, squeezing the flesh appreciatively as his lips find purchase against the skin of your neck. His thumbs begin to brush over your nipples, feeling them harden beneath his touch and causing him to smirk.
Ever so carefully, Jongho begins to spread your legs with his own.
“There’s a sight I could never grow tired of,” he sighs blissfully, eyes darting upwards to meet your gaze in the mirror.
The way your breath hitches in your throat does not go unnoticed by him. A chuckle escapes him, hands softly continuing to knead the tender flesh of your breasts as you catch your visage in the mirror.
He has you resting in the exact same position you had been in all those long weeks ago. Your legs are hooked around his own, his head buried into the side of your neck as he begins to roll your nipples between his thumb and index fingers.
A low moan escapes you, tilting your head back to rest on his shoulder.
“Fuck, so pretty My Queen,” Jongho hums, nipping at the side of your neck as he peers out to meet your gaze in the reflection of the mirror. “So fucking pretty spread out like this, and all for me to see.”
His hands never stop his ministrations, cupping your flesh tenderly as he nuzzles his face into the side of your neck.
“Ever since that day, all I could think about was showing you how absolutely stunning you are when we bring you pleasure.” His voice is but a low drawl against your skin as he purposely places wet, open mouthed kisses along your racing pulse. “I’m honoured that I get to be the first one to do so.”
Softly, he begins to trail one of his hands down your body. His fingers dance along the skin of your inner thigh, the movement drawing your attention to his own resting just beneath yours. You can see the faint outlines of all of the marks you’ve given him in the mirror, but none are as prominent as one. One which sits proudly near the apex of his thighs, bright red and all yours.
You can feel his chest heaving against your back with every breath he takes, eyes locked on that same exact mark that yours are so focussed on. Each exhale is but a pleased rumble, grip tightening around your body as he presses you flush against him.
One of your hands comes up to tangle in his hair, the other placing itself gently over his own still cupping your breast. Your eyes flutter shut, absolutely revelling in this moment with him as he holds you close.
“My Jongho,” you breathe, feeling your body relax further into his touch.
The way you feel him twitch against the skin of your ass has a soft smile tugging at your features.
“I’m yours, My Queen.” He gladly voices his approval. “And you’re mine.”
“Yours.” You confirm, grip tightening over him slightly. A fact of which that makes his lips tug upwards, for you feel it against your skin. “All yours.”
A pleased growl escapes him, his one hand inching closer and closer to where you need him most.
You can feel yourself clenching around nothing, anticipation clawing at your chest as you blink your gaze open to meet his own in the mirror. Your eyes lock in on the way his fingers continuously dance across your skin, teasingly cupping you over your cunt.
The second his skin makes contact with your core, his eyes flutter shut in bliss. A low moan escapes him, pulling you even closer still.
“Do you see, Darling?” He bites down lightly on your neck, eyes peering into your own through the reflection of the glass. “See how wet I make you?”
As if to emphasize his point, Jongho drags the tips of his fingers lightly over your entrance, using his index and middle fingers to spread you open.
A moan escapes you at his touch, eyes focussed in on your dripping cunt as you watch yourself clench around nothing.
“Fuck, listen to you,” he groans, dragging his fingers through your folds once before circling your clit a few times. “You’re soaked, and I haven’t even done anything to you yet.”
“All for you,” your voice is breathless: airy and desperate as you continue to lean your head back against his shoulder for support.
He shudders, nipping at the shell of your ear in the next second as you feel him twitch beneath you once more. “Are you trying to make me come untouched again?”
Despite the uneven rise and fall of your chest, a devious smirk paints your lips in response. At the way his fingers begin to dip teasingly into your entrance, your lips part. A breathless moan of his name escapes you, shifting your hips in desperation to meet his every movement against your core.
His faint touches aren’t enough, and you crave more.
He smirks, “I thought I told you that the first time we both come tonight will be together, with my thick cock buried deep within your tight little cunt. Isn’t that right, My Queen?”
Your eyes nearly roll into the back of your head as you feel him bury two of his fingers within your dripping cunt. Slowly. The way your walls squeeze involuntarily around him as the wet squelch reaches your ears from the intrusion has moans falling from both of your lips.
“Yes, My King.” The hand you have tangled in his hair tightens, pulling him in closer.
A smirk pulls at his lips at your answer, loving the way he can already feel your wetness dripping onto his hand with every drag of his fingers against your warm walls. The fact that he can hear every movement that he makes within you is simply icing on the cake.
“Good girl.” His eyes flash, words nothing more than a low growl on his lips as he tightens his grip around you. 
The way you clench around his digits has his cock twitching beneath you once more.
“You like it when I say that, don’t you, Darling?” He hums, a smug upturn to the corner of his lips.
“Almost as much as I love when you call me yours.” As if to emphasize your point, you clench around his fingers.
A low moan escapes him, his head falling forward to rest on your shoulder.
“How you always know to say just what I long to hear never fails to amaze me.” He admits, voice muffled against your skin as he nips at your flesh.
A choked whine of his name slips passed your lips as you feel him increase the pressure of his fingers slightly within you. The way the digits feel massaging your inner walls so tenderly has your lips parting, breathing deepening as you feel the fingers on his opposite hand begin toying with your nipple once more.
“Fuck, My King,” your eyes flutter shut. “Just like that.”
His teeth latch onto your skin, the growl reverberating against your throat as his eyes flash black. Jongho’s lips are quick to soothe over the mark, placing open mouthed kisses along the side of your neck as he gently suckles at the skin. Only, the faintest hint of something absolutely intoxicating begins to invade his every sense, his tongue darting out to catch more of the sweet taste.
That’s when he realizes.
Pulling his head away from you, his eyes widen in mild surprise. Turning towards the mirror, he’s quick to meet your gaze, a worried, yet somewhat remorseful look greeting you.
“My Queen, I’m so-“
“Don’t you dare apologize,” your tone is sharp, cutting him off easily as your eyes narrow slightly. “I offered myself to you, tonight, Jongho. That means everything.”
Jongho can barely control his breathing as he watches you tilt your head to the side, extending your neck out to him without another thought. Glancing down, he can see the faintest trail of your blood sliding down your skin from where his teeth had been only moments before.
The feral snarl that escapes him is unlike anything you’ve ever heard form him before.
He tightens his grip.
“I’m all yours.” The admission is but a pleasant sigh on your lips, hooded gaze meeting his as you clench around his fingers still buried deep inside of you.
Jagged pants escape him, and you can feel his entire body trembling beneath your own. You can see the way his eyes are locked onto that single drop of blood which slowly creeps down your skin, his chest heaving with every breath.
The feeling of his tongue gracing your skin is synonymous with the feeling of his thumb pressing against your clit. You moan, feeling the way he traces the trail all the way back up to your throat, beginning to circle his thumb in tandem with his movements. Softly, his lips encase the bite mark he’s just given you. Deep, guttural groans escape him as he circles his tongue around the wound in time with his thumb over your clit.
Your entire being pulses, heart pounding inside of your chest as you lean against him for support. You can barely keep your eyes open, watching him through a hooded gaze in the mirror as he becomes completely enraptured by you.
You clench around him again.
Softly, he bites down over the mark, teeth sinking the slightest bit deeper into your flesh this time in order to fully create his claim over your skin. The snarl he releases when he feels your blood flooding his every sense, unfiltered and with a newfound purpose, has his eyes flashing black immediately.
Out of the corner of your eyes, you see his hand that had been massaging your breast so tenderly begins to raise. 
Bringing his wrist to your lips, Jongho peers out into the reflection of the mirror, meeting your gaze with a desperate one of his own. You can feel his hard cock practically throbbing beneath you, skin heating as this moment fully washes over the both of you.
Briefly and reluctantly, his lips part from your throat.
“Please, My Queen,” he nearly whimpers as his fingers still within your cunt, “Drink with me.”
Your one hand comes up to support his arm, laving your mouth over his wrist sensually.
You meet his gaze in the mirror, the corner of your lips tugging upwards. “With pleasure.”
The feeling of your teeth sinking into the skin of his wrist has another guttural groan escaping him. Jongho swears that his heart will leap right out of his chest this very moment, offering itself upon a silver platter for you and only you. After all, it has always been yours. He has always belonged to you.
Softly, you suckle at his skin, the taste of cinnamon with a hint of iron flooding your senses as you drink him in. 
His blood is addicting, your whole body coming alight with the flames of desire the longer you drink. You can feel the liquid burning through your system, igniting within your veins as the warmth spreads all throughout your body. You cannot prevent the way your core clenches rhythmically around his fingers as nothing but euphoria begins to flood your entire system.
The feeling of him removing his hand from your cunt draws another moan from you, but little do you realize just how dark your eyes have become.
“My Queen,” his hands find purchase on your waist as he pulls himself the slightest bit away from you. With hooded eyes, he watches your tongue trace over your lips, painted red with his blood. “Fuck- you’re so beautiful.”
“So good to me, Jongho.” You hum, attempting to catch your breath for the moment. “My handsome King.”
His grip tightens around you waist, pulling you upwards on his bed with him. A moment later, and you’ve turned, straddling his thighs as you stare down at him with hooded eyes.
A choked moan escapes him as he feels your hand return to palming him over his briefs. His cock twitches beneath your touch, chest heaving as he attempts to maintain a grip on his remaining sanity this evening.
“I can’t wait any longer,” his voice is low, nothing more than a desperate rasp as his hips involuntarily twitch upwards against your hand. “I need to feel you, My Queen. All of you.”
A nod is all he receives from you, an eager gleam shining within your eyes as you hook your fingers in the waistline of his briefs. You meet his gaze, waiting for that final bit of approval before you so much as begin dragging the material down his legs. Once you see him nod, quite enthusiastically, you remove that final piece of offending clothing.
A shameless groan escapes you as you see his cock resting against the skin of his lower stomach. The tip is red and angry, precome continuously leaking from the head as you wrap your hand around his base.
You lick your lips.
“Fuck-“ nothing more than a pleased hiss escapes you as you can feel your heart beating in excitement inside of your chest. “Such a pretty cock, My King.”
Jongho moans, and you notice the faintest bit of red beginning to bloom over his chest, creeping up his neck shortly afterwards.
Slowly, you begin to pump him in you hand, loving the way you can feel him twitch beneath your fingers.
“So fucking big, and all for me.” You shift above him, gazing down upon him with that same look of shameless lust that you’ve been looking at him with all evening. “I can’t wait to feel you inside me, stretching this tight little cunt and claiming me as yours.”
Jongho’s lips part, eyes nearly rolling to the back of his head as you teasingly drag his tip through your wet folds. Every breath that escapes him now is a mere snarl, fingers sinking into the flesh of your thighs appreciatively as he attempts to ground himself. This is everything that he could have ever wanted, and so much more.
A devious smirk pulls at the corner of your lips as you repeat your words from earlier in the day. “Let me go for a ride?”
“Please-“ a whimper falls from his lips, chest heaving as his eyes lock on the way you continue to teasingly rub your wet cunt over the length of his cock. “My Queen, please. I’m yours. I’m all yours. Claim me, Darling. Make me yours.”
His words nearly cause you to lose your balance above him, legs shaking as you steady yourself with you free hand pressing against his chest. Shamelessly, your thoughts continue to wash over him, the pure love and desire he can feel emanating from you causes his own head to spin. Never would you have been prepared for how those words make you feel, and you believe you’re starting to understand just why they all go so feral when you say that to them.
You meet his gaze, staring deeply into his eyes as you align his tip with your entrance. Ever so slowly, you begin to lower yourself down on his cock, lips parting breathlessly as you feel him stretching out your walls. 
You can feel the way his hands shake against your skin, pitch black eyes locked on the space where your bodies meet. Jongho cannot bear to tear his gaze away from the glorious sight that is you sinking onto him for one second. He needs to see it all; feel you becoming one with him in such an intimate way. The way you feel dripping onto his skin, squeezing him so delicately with every inch you take has low, feral growls escaping him with every breath.
The moment he’s fully seated inside of you, moans escape both of your lips. You clench around him, feeling him throb within your tight walls as your eyes fall shut.
“Darling,” he can barely form a coherent thought, voice breathless as he practically chants the words out affectionately. “My Darling.”
“I just-“ you pant, head falling forward as you hold yourself above him. “I just need a moment.”
Your tongue comes out to wet your lips, core continuously clenching around him as the euphoric sensation of feeling him resting inside of you washes over your entire being. The buildup from earlier has made you so sensitive, and you’re worried that if you begin to move over him too soon, you won’t be able to continue to make his wishes come true. A thought which is only emphasized by how badly you want this, too.
“Take your-“ his breath hitches, eyes squeezing shut as he feels his stomach clench in pleasure. He attempts to catch his breath, “time.”
You swallow thickly, resting both of your hands over his chest and feeling the way his heart positively thunders beneath your touch. A fact which you know that yours is echoing right now, racing excitedly alongside his own.
“Feels so good, My King,” you breathe, eyes fluttering shut as you give a tentative grind of your hips against him. You both moan. “Making me feel so full.”
“Yeah?” He hums, grinding his hips upwards slightly and loving how your whole body shudders in response. “You love having this thick cock buried in your tight pussy, don’t you, My Queen?”
“Yes,” you toss your head back, slowly beginning to find a rhythm as you grind yourself against him. “Fills me so well, My King.”
A deep guttural groan escapes him, cock twitching against your walls.
“Fuck-“ he hisses, hands tightening their grip over your thighs as he helps to guide your movements over him. “So tight. So warm.”
A choked moan escapes you, involuntarily clenching around him once more. A moment later, and you feel your stomach twist pleasantly, eyes nearly rolling into the back of your head as you lean over him.
His lips are on yours, swallowing every beautiful whimper you give him. One of his hands shift to squeeze at your ass appreciatively, helping you move over him. The other wraps around your torso, fingers pressing delicately against your spine as he holds you to him.
With every shift of your hips, he meets your every thrust, heartbeat racing right alongside your own. His head spins, and he can feel that familiar tightness building in his lower abdomen already. Every sensation is heightened, nothing but love shining in his gaze as you pull away from him to rest your forehead against his own.
“I fucking love you, My Queen,” he growls out, eyes swirling with that all to familiar blackness. “So fucking perfect, and all mine.”
You sit back to your full height, chest heaving with each breath as you still over him. The way you’re gazing down at him, nothing but that same look of tender love and affection dripping from your dark, hooded gaze has him completely mesmerized by you.
Slowly, you begin to trail your hands down his sides and to his arms, grabbing his hands into your own. With a loving smile pulling at your lips, you intertwine your fingers together, grinding your hips against his meticulously.
“I love you, My King.” The smile that pulls onto your lips is nothing short of sweet, eyes shining as you move above him.
The drag of your hips against him is slow, calculated in a way that makes Jongho’s head spin. You seem to be creating a pattern of some sort, and he cannot help but follow along with each movement that you make in his mind.
That’s when it hits him. His heart skips a beat before absolutely fluttering inside of his chest, mouth parting in a breathless moan. His eyes are staring, transfixed by the sight of his cock buried deep within your cunt as you move against him, claiming him in every way you know how.
The last threads of Jongho’s sanity snap as he feels you beginning to spell your name over him as you continue to ride his cock. His breathing deepens, every shift of your body over his own causing his eyes to darken even further. Growls escape him with each pant, chest rumbling as his fingers sink into the skin of your flesh. Barely, he contains himself.
Jongho will wait. He can wait. He’ll wait until you’ve finished claiming him in this way. For once you’re done, he will claim you.
A faint tingling sensation brushes against your upper thigh, the ghost of a touch dancing along your skin. It sends a pleasant shiver up your spine, but it’s not enough to break your concentration. Looking down reveals a thin, leathery tail with a spade-like tip wrapping itself around your leg. A sight that has you clenching around him once more.
An involuntary moan escapes you, hips faltering slightly as you feel him tighten his hold around your thigh with his tail. The way the tip teasingly caresses the sensitive skin of your inner thigh has you shuddering in response.
You turn your gaze back to him just as you finish the final letter, and you see him lick his lips.
His eyes flash, instantly pulling you down to his chest and wrapping his arms around your torso. Carefully, he plants his feet onto the mattress of the bed, rolling his hips up into yours.
The way you moan has nothing but euphoria flooding his veins.
He nips at your ear, arms squeezing around your waist. “My turn.”
The second those words leave his lips, he begins a brutal pace, thrusting up into you as he holds you to him. You body jerks with every movement, the wet sound of skin on skin filling your ears and making your head spin.
“My fucking beautiful Queen,” he growls, and the way you clench around him at his guttural tone has him smirking. “Writing your name all over this cock, as if it doesn’t already belong to you.”
You choke out a whimper, his name falling like a mantra from your lips as you cling onto him for dear life.
“Your fucking mine, Darling.” His grip tightens once more, snarls escaping him with every breath. “And now I’m going to claim you just as you’ve claimed me.”
Your eyes squeeze shut. The feeling of his cock brushing so tenderly against your walls, filling you so fully with every sharp thrust has you seeing stars. You can barely hold yourself together, the sensations overwhelming you and causing that familiar tightness to build quickly within your abdomen.
A broken moan of his name falls from your lips, your teeth latching onto his shoulder to ground yourself as more whimpers escape you.
“That’s it, My Queen.” His voice is pure animalistic as he snarls, his teeth sharpening into fangs as his fingers dig into your tender flesh. “Let yourself go. Succumb to the pleasure only Your King can provide for you.”
You squeeze him so sinfully, your essence dripping onto the skin of his thighs with every thrust he makes. You do whatever you can to hold yourself back for as long as possible, but there’s an intense feeling building within you. The sensation is unlike anything you’ve ever felt before, and with every thrust, you can feel the tip of his cock brushing up against that tender spot within you.
“Jongho, I-“ your breath catches in your throat as you gasp, eyes practically rolling into the back of your head.
“What’s the matter, My Queen?” There’s a teasing lilt to the low drawl of his words. “Going to come already?”
A loud moan is all that greets him, whines and whimpers falling repeatedly from your lips. It’s as if those are the only sounds that you can make, and given the way your cunt is squeezing him so tightly, he knows you’re close.
His cock twitches.
“Fucking come for me, My Queen.” He growls, nipping at the skin of your flesh as he does whatever he can to increase your pleasure for the moment. “Come with Your King. Fucking drench me in you.”
The very moment those words escape him, you’re tossing your head back. A scream of his name tears from your throat as your orgasm washes over you. Your whole body shakes, eyes rolling as your vision goes white. You can feel your release gushing onto him, dripping out of your tight little hole and absolutely soaking him in you.
Jongho stills inside you, a feral snarl falling from his lips are he cries out your name in bliss. He can feel his whole body tingling as he collapses completely onto the bed, your figure covering his own as he feels your release dripping onto the skin of his thighs.
His chest heaves, senses completely surrounded by everything you as he attempts to calm himself down. Lazily, he grinds his hips up into you, hearing how you whimper for him once more.
Your breaths mingle, chests heaving as you hold onto each other for dear life. Neither of you wishes to move, absolutely revelling in the euphoric bliss that floods your veins. Still, his tail remains wrapped around your thigh.
Softly, Jongho begins placing tender kisses along the skin of your shoulder and up your neck. His one hand comes up to support the back of your head, pressing his lips to yours in a slow, sensual kiss.
“You did so well for me, My Queen.” He hums against you, feeling your warmth pulse around him from his words. He leans his forehead against your own, a smug grin tugging at his features in the next second. “I didn’t know you could do that.”
Your lips part wordlessly, blinking at him as your vision finally clears. You shift your hips.
“Neither did I.”
Your admission pulls a pleased rumble from his chest, loving how he can still feel your release coating the skin of his thighs and dripping onto the mattress below.
“Are you-“ He swallows, eyes searching your features intently. “Are you okay?”
“Never better.” You smile, and he unknowingly breathes a sigh of relief.
“I was worried I was too much to start.” He admits lowly, averting his gaze briefly.
You place a tender kiss to his lips, cupping his face reassuringly in your hand. “It wasn’t too much, Jongho. It was perfect.” You manage to get him to look at you. “You are perfect.”
A content rumble greets your ears. Softly, his one hand begins to caress your spine, his tail unwinding from around your thigh. His lips press tenderly against every free inch of your skin that he can find, littering kisses against your face as he holds you close.
Another pleased rumble shakes his chest. “My beautiful Queen.”
You nuzzle your cheek against him, burying your face into the side of his neck. “My handsome King.”
“I love you, Darling.” He hums, nothing but the deepest form of sincerity and love shining within his gaze as he looks towards you.
“I love you, Baby Bear.” Your eyes flutter shut. “So good to me.”
“Always, for you.” Jongho places another tender kiss onto the top of your head. 
A brief pause before he’s speaking once more. 
“Can I get you anything, Darling?” There’s a hint of concern in his voice as he addresses you. “Water? A bath? Maybe a snack?”
You shake your head lightly, a soft hum escaping you. “Just hold me, Jongho. I want to feel you against me for a little while longer.”
A soft coo greets your ears in response, him shifting slightly beneath you so that you’re both more comfortable.
“Alright, Darling.” He chuckles, hand continuing to stroke over your spine lovingly. “Let me know when you’re ready, and I’ll make sure to take proper care of you.”
“You already have.” Your voice is a mere whisper on your lips, hearing his heart echoing alongside your own, and beating together as one.
His entire body warms. A pleasant warmth which fills his heart and spreads outwards to the tips of his fingers as he places another kiss onto the top of your head. The way your chest rises and falls in time with his own only serves to heighten the feeling.
“I’m never one to skip out on making sure you receive proper aftercare. None of us are.” He voices lowly, hearing you hum in response. “I want you to know that.”
Softly, you nod against him. A moment later, and your breathing evens out. From the way that you curl in deeper into his chest, Jongho knows that you’ve just fallen asleep.
Truly, this is everything he could have ever wanted, and so much more. Here your rest, completely naked in his arms, after allowing him the honour of making love to you for the first time. You came together, just as he’s always fantasized about. Just as he’s always dreamed. 
Never before has he felt such euphoria flood his veins. Hell, never before has he come that hard in his life, and all because of you.
You, who lays atop of him, resting soundly as he cradles you lovingly to his chest. You, who he would give anything and everything for. In a heartbeat.
Jongho wouldn’t trade this feeling for the world. From the way that your thoughts continue to echo shamelessly throughout his own mind, he knows that neither would you.
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artificial-absinthe · 7 months
cybervampire au
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Cybervampire Megatron feeds on Soundwave
Behold the yet worse pinnacle/ditch of my fall from grace.
I once made a drawing of cybervampire/not dead terrorcon Megatron (like it happened to Airachnid) for an exchange (it's horror type/dead dove I guess because of depiction of mild torture) and now it spawned an AU in my mind.
My old deeply rooted inclinations stemmed new branches and I intend to indulge into them to the worst/best of my ability. Thus, you'll be seeing this my otp, as well as other transformers content, painted in black with the fluids dripping of those thorned stems.
I love vampires, and my mind told me vampire Megatron was as alluring as vampire Airachnid. Furthermore, there's my fascination with Megasound/Megawave. In vampire lore, there's nothing as intimate and sensual as drinking blood, and then it's the perfect pathway to sexless/asexual creatures to get into a sort of not organic erotism (as well as other erotic/fetishist practices but I'll explore that dungeon later on), as I do not embrace the popular fan concepts of humanization (as in organic/primal-instincts derived attributes) in interaction between Cybertronians in love-like relationships.
In this Cybervampire Au, Megatron got infected during the events of "Thirst", but not killed. Then he's some sort of living terrorcon, a vampiricon if you wish (I can imagine Miko naming him like that), just like Airachnid, but, given his tolerance to dark Energon and his synthesis with it, he's now even mightier, and not infectious unless he kills. I explain this as Megatron's systems/biomechanism being somehow different, hence why dark energon works in him conversely to other bots. Given that the coalesced energon that Knockout made contains dark energon, getting infected by its resulting chemical disease/mutation also works out differently in him.
On another regard, the plot of gothic horror where vampire masters control zombies finds its parallel, since Megatron was already able to do that.
As for the Megasound element, I've already suggested the innerent deepness that can be attributed to the act of blood/energon drinking. Specially when its given willingly. The symbolism, the possibilities of sensorial play.
When circumstances lead to this, Soundwave is, of course, honoured to be source of food to his Master, and he submittes himself to an extreme regime of fueling: Only the most refined and purest energon enters his body, so he'll be in optimal condition, therefore high quality and scrumptious food to his Lord. Perhaps he eventually becomes too invested in it, while consciously ignoring the veiled zealousness. No one should take the responsibility but him. No one is more qualified, or as committed to Lord Megatron as himself, therefore is only befitting that his life is laid to him in more than a sense. Everyone else is dubious, capable or prone to betrayal, or inefficient idiots, and like the hell he's letting anyone else have that sort of intimacy with Megatron. Every time Megatron gets overtaken by hunger and tries to take a prey he would be like: "no, my Lord, that scum is suboptimal and inadequate. Here's my neck"
I intend to create and write several works into this Au, with a collection of short stories in Ao3.
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teriri-sayes · 2 months
Reactions to Chaos Creator's Chapter 285
Brief summary: GoC and Blue Wolf fight. Epley and mage chimera dead. DA excited to create new skill. Cale continues to bleed from his mouth.
Lots of stuff happened today. We've got two cute moments with Raon and Lock. 🥰 Lock was ecstatic when Cale relied on him for protection. He was really happy that he had now become a reliable protector.
And Raon sort of acknowledged Cale as his dad today! 🥰🥰🥰
Maren: Your dad will be fine because the Blue Wolf is protecting him. Raon: … M-My human is not my dad! Maren: Is that so? *scratches cheek in confusion* I thought he was your dad. Raon: H-Human is a human, and I'm a d-dragon? Maren: So? Is that a problem? Raon: A problem… It's not! Maren: See? Eruhaben: *looks at the two and shakes his head in disbelief*
DA when excited became a talkative guy that Cale even told him to shut up. 😂 Fortunately, DA did not turn Cale into some eldritch horror eye monster something today. Rather, he simply studied how GoC did it in order to create a new skill for the future.
So why was Cale and DA so greatly affected by GoC's power? Because chaos contained everything, including the core of the beginning, the prime of all things. Primal fear then, was what easily defeated Cale and DA. And one of GoC's attacks even tempted Cale with sweet words, like "Come nearer. You can be anything here." This was primal fascination, and if Raon had not interfered, Cale might have fallen victim to GoC.
GoC and Blue Wolf fought with their auras, and afterwards, GoC created a gray tsunami while Blue Wolf split it with his blue flaming wind. In the process, Epley and the mage chimera got consumed by the tsunami. Those two got a taste of their own medicine as they drowned in the tsunami with faces of despair. What a fitting end.
Who won in the end though? It was Blue Wolf. GoC decided to withdraw after leaving the words, "Eventually, chaos will come. That is the law, the rule." What happened afterwards to GoC was reported by poor GoD. 😂
GoD messaged Cale about what was happening in the god realm. After GoC withdrew from the battle against Blue Wolf, they threw a fit and began destroying stuff in the god realm to the point that GoB was pissed and went mad in anger too. 🤣🤣🤣
GoD also sensed Blue Wolf by Cale's side, and talked about how Blue Wolf should just descend to Aipotu, create a new divine item, and build a new flashy temple. Hmm... a new temple for Blue Wolf? Why do I have the feeling it would have the statue of Lock too? 😂
The Ryan mini-arc ended, but our Cale was already planning on his next move (attacking 3rd Star Exion) even though he was bleeding.
Super Rock: It's good that your body is okay and you did not faint. Cale: *blood continues to drip from his mouth* Super Rock: Well, you overexerted yourself so you're bleeding. Everyone: *eyes shaking as they see Cale bleeding from the mouth nonstop* Cale: *thinking of attacking Exion next* Raon and CH: *shaking eyes* Cale: *sees the two and confidently shouts* I didn't faint or cough blood! Super Rock: For now. You will soon if you don't rest. Cale: *ignores Super Rock*
Cale, this is why slacker life continues to elude you. Tsk, tsk. 😒
Ending Remarks I did not expect to see blood from Cale today. Or Epley to die easily like that. Serves her right. For the next chapter, I think it would be the reaction of the beastmen to Lock and Cale. And Cale fainting if he continues to ignore Super Rock's advice.
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