#a problem for later methinks
sorry to everyone submitting characters with trauma i love you all but this is about godly trauma SPECIFICALLY. probably shouldve put that in the original post but i think its too late
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fatespins · 1 year
like this for a starter? feel free to specify if u want someone specific otherwise i’m just gonna throw whoever i’m vibing hardest with at u 💪🏽
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vapormage · 4 days
you can make fandom posts for a niche game, but Watch Out
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Speaking of energon, I wonder how often cybertronians need to fuel. It probably depends on how big their rations are at the time, how purified the fuel is, frame specificities such as size, how active they are, and continuity differences. Because I feel like it changes?
In mtmte, it seems like they need to fuel wayyyy more than in the other continuities, but this might be a matter of having more energon but in general more dilute energon or energon with more impurities (some of which being desired, such as in energon goodies or drinks that get them overcharged. And whatever the fuck is in nightmare fuel). And when these guys get hurt they bleed like absolute hell so that probably factors into it.
In TFA, we pretty much never if at all see them consume energon, but we do see them drinking types of oil so their systems might be adapted to deal with impurities, but I feel like they need to consume at least some energon? Because I know the energon shortages are a whole plot point thing, and they certainly bleed energon. But iicr from the initial Meltdown episode their energon is more goopy than you'd anticipate.
Do we see them consume anything in Bayverse? Ik they needed more energon specifically for the hatchlings, and iicr Megatron fed them... Something in DSOTM, so it might be requirements that change with age? Either energon is green in bayverse or they can bleed a wide variety of substances, and even then we don't see a lot of said substances in the gruesome fight scenes.
In g1 they seem to be less fuel efficient, but again energon is way easier to make and purify so y'know a game of checks and balances.
In Aligned I feel like they're sort of the middle ground when it comes to fuel efficiency, but methinks energon is a little more concentrate in it (but it seems to vary? Dark energon seems to be very dery powerful in general but also pretty toxic, Tox-En is just. Deadly as all hell and motherfucking useless as a fuel. Red energon seems to be harder to extract from the ore but when you do a little goes a long way. A major problem with the Synthe-en was how quickly it burned through their systems.). Chompazoids being an outlier as Underbite can fuel on metal, I feel like he can likely fuel on metal alone if need be, and the rest of the Pack gives him dirty looks for this.
In beast wars it seems like the Maximals and Predacons actually can fuel pretty well on the organic life (... And each other...) and significant amounts of actual energon can fuck them up pretty good (possibly a trait the autobots and decepticons before them didn't have that evolved in response to energon crises?)
In Earthspark yet again we see shortages and them needing quite an amount to fuel on (excluding the Terrans, they seem to be fueled by water????), especially considering the sizes of some of the cubes we see. We also see them bleed quite a fair amount in the later episodes of the second episode drop (I will never forget the absolute horror when Bumblebee and the Malto kiddos found Brawl's offlined corpse)
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lunaviee · 1 year
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itoshi sae x reader
he’s a bit of an ass, but we love him either way
fluff/crack?, not really proofread, i kinda hate it
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sae has a routine
said routine is strictly followed (most of the time) on the days he has practice
but today, he’s got a day off
but sae being sae, he still decided to get a quick workout in. though, that doesn’t stop him from messing with you just a bit before he disappears for a couple hours.
the door to your fridge is shut and sae sets his protein shake down on your kitchen counter. your back is turned to him as you’re finishing up your breakfast on the table, engrossed in the show that’s playing in front of you on your tv
“alright” he starts “i’m about to leave, i’ll see you later” planting a kiss on the crown of your head before walking to the closet to grab his sweater and drink
“okay, bye i love you” you reply
even though those words have been spoken hundreds of times between you two, it never fails to make him want to smile, biting down on his cheek to hide it
“hm? what’s that?” he teases, a playful smirk beginning to form on his face
to any other person, sae’s tone of voice always had the same sound to it; flat and snarky. but since he was your darling boyfriend, you’ve grown to acknowledge how his voice changes and conforms to what he’s saying
well, except for now
because of how interesting your show was, you genuinely thought he hadn’t heard you. it’s not like you had a problem repeating those words anyway
“byee, i love you”
“huh? still can’t hear ya babe” his smile was only growing
“jeez sae” you tease “i saiddd i lo-” you finally turned around to meet your boyfriends gaze, a boyish grin plastered on his face as he was snickering to himself
“oh, you ass”
“i love you too” sae’s laugh was something only you got to hear, and boy was it angelic
quickly, you got up to properly wish him goodbye, kissing his face all over and ruffling his hair a bit.
“i’ll see you later, yeah?”
“yeah, bye i love you”
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p.s. this makes absolutely no sense holy crap it made sense in my head uhhh yeah i hate it
anyways, methinks i need more sae prompts!!!
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
AU Aerys dies at Summerhall, Rhaegar is still born, Rhaella is traumatized with a capital T and most likely will not have any other children. Do Jaehaerys and Shaera swallow their pride and make Steffon their heir? And what happens years later when Rhaella does get married, I vote Doran Martell, and has living children of her own?
bruh. i have tried posting this three times and tumblr has ate it every time. i think there’s a conspiracy, i think tumblr doesn’t like the idea of a rhaella-doran love match i think it’s a race thing or maybe a homophobia thing since i’m gay. i’m furious right now i’m barely keeping it together omg.
Rhaegar is still getting crowned bc there’s no reason not to, but Steffon acts like a dad to him after Jaehaerys dies. There’s no reason for Rhaella to become a dynastic threat because she’s a woman and her children won’t inherit. I also don’t think it’s likely that she would marry for anything but love in this situation because I can’t see Shaera or Steffon forcing her to narry if she is mad so it would have to be her idea her children wouldn’t be in line for the throne they would just inherit Dorne. However, if Rhaegar dies somehow, Rhaella is the most recent female line targaryen, over Rhaelle. The problem is would the rest of Westeros crown a boy who was raised in Dorns over a boy who was raised in the stormlands?? methinks not!!!
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jjinpang · 6 months
disorganized honest thoughts on angeal and genesis
Read someone's view on crisis core as "a strange game where I only remembered charas from ff7 proper". And I thought to myself. that is an accurate review.
really long ramble-y thoughts from a person who has not kept up with ff7 past crisis core under cut you have been warned
I have learned to like both of them quite a bit after rolling them around in my head for several years, but on first playthrough I did not like angeal or genesis. and I don't think back in a "what a fool I was" way. I think my original view on the two is actually still valid. I think angeal and genesis are both pretty badly written and have very little substance in game.
I understand the limitations of the psp greatly restricted the amount of story they could cram in. but then you write a different story or change your game system. This is not a valid excuse.
My understanding of how they WANTED to position the characters is Angeal, zacks' heroic ideal, a bar for him to gauge whether he's made it or not. While sephiroth was genesis'?????
because angeal barely spends any time NOT in the opposition, or even coming UP in conversation I really can't tell.
Genesis was positioned to b a foil to zacks. which still rings true in crisis core, but not straight forward enough???
Both Genesis and zacks were fixated on being a hero. I could see it being a clash of ideals. "what is a true hero" type thing. but in that case genesis being a peer of both angeal and sephiroth makes the connection muddy.
This is just a completely biased counter suggestion to the story we got but:
I feel like we could have gotten more bang for our buck if genesis was actually a peer of zacks, maybe even excelling where zacks was not, but feels threatened by the growth zacks is showing empowered by his sunshine puppy attitude. Both look up to sephiroth.
genesis continues to idolize sephiroth even when sephiroth proves to be not as perfect as advertised, while zacks has his qualms. it's about becoming a hero for zacks while it's about becoming sephiroth for genesis.
Later there is some drama surrounding who gets promoted to class 1st ( only zacks / only genesis / both but genesis causes some trouble and has to leave etc etc)
zacks and genesis eventually have to duke it out one heroic ideal to another. zacks wins -- we still get basically the same conclusion we got at banora in crisis core proper.
You might have noticed this suggestion is Angeal-less. While Angeal is probs one of my fav of the charas introduced in crisis core he did not need to be there methinks. (save on disc space, leave him on the drawing board) HOWEVER In my haphazard suggestion above, maybe it could have been that zacks idolized angeal while genesis idolized sephiroth -- the two class 1sts. But for whatever reason angeal has an "accident", that way sephiroth can still have his "oh no all my friends are gone" dilemma. and a good reason to start going down a dark path.
Meanwhile Genesis had more of a reason to be there -- it's 2007 and GACKT is RIGHT THERE jk jk -- Zacks needed his own foil. that said this "Angeal maybe didn't need to be there" opinion is a bit colored by how square has handled zacks throughout the years. Positioning sephiroth as his heroic ideal over angeal. However even in game they didn't really paint a clear picture of how Angeal was zacks' mentor.
Everyone knew the PSP has limited resources throwing new characters at the problem was kinda a bad solution.
I say this having actually loved playing the game, and knowing full well if they actually did something like what I wrote above I might have enjoyed it less. who knows, nagging about a story that's already written is something nerds(me) do to fill the void in their hearts.
anyhoo have nowhere to put my thoughts so putting them here.
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thewertsearch · 1 year
I'm interested in where, exactly, their rendezvous is going to be. I had a bit of a think, and came up with four plans that could bring these teams together.
The trolls could join the human session, to escape the Demon.
The humans could join the troll session, to help them defeat the Demon.
Both parties could rendezvous in some tertiary location, such as the Furthest Ring.
Both parties could connect to each other, and establish a tertiary, sixteen-player session.
There's a problem with three of these options, though. Namely, if the two teams were planning to share a session, then Karkat would have no reason to be uncertain about whether they would meet.
A plan involving the Furthest Ring, however, requires the cooperation of the Horrorterrors. Who knows how that could end?
There is literally nothing under any sun, Green or otherwise, that could prevent this from happening.
Jade/Dave has potential, but I don't see Rose/John working out - and not just because of Kanaya. Romantic tension in Homestuck is usually pretty obvious, and I haven't observed any between those two.
Four humans can't seed a population, even if they weren't two pairs of siblings. Ectobiology wouldn't help, either - the gene pool is just too small.
This isn't the real reason that Karkat wants the kids to avoid dating trolls - but I also think he'd have trouble understanding why it's not a viable plan. Trolls don't work like that.
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CTG: ok youre by far the worst artist out of any of us CTG: and thats saying something ?CG: SHUT UP I DREW IT FAST
I wouldn't have expected Karkat of all people to go full hetero - especially since the ecto-machines could almost certainly merge John/Dave or Rose/Jade. Methinks he's applying 'not a homosexual' a little too broadly.
CEB: wow, i have to marry rose? CEB: uh… CEB: wow.
Just like with Vriska, this is all new to John.
I don't get the sense he's ever thought about romance with Rose - she's just his friend. Up until now, he hasn't seen her as anything else.
CTG: it was so much cooler when you were asleep and i basically never had to listen to you ever ?CG: I CAN'T GO TO SLEEP CEB: why not? ?CG: BECAUSE I'M TOO TIRED TO EXPLAIN WHY IS WHY. ?CG: YOU'LL FIGURE IT OUT LATER.
What's the problem, Karkat?
No recuprecoon? No dream self? Both, in tandem?
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Guess we're about to find out!
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cowchickenbeefpork · 3 months
heard you're watching hazbin so i'm curious... have you watched helluva boss? helluva is awful but it keeps me coming back like a moth to a lamp.. so if you've seen it i'd love to hear your opinions LOL
I have seen like. Almost the first season of it and clips of the second season and. I don’t like it…. Why is there only four episodes where we’re actually doing the premise of the show so far what happened man…..also I don’t like how Stella is a abuser now I watched that clip fully and it makes no sense????? Like if she’s so stupid to not know that her inheritance will go to her daughter not her how has she been able to get away with abusing him for so long without even the daughter knowing? Why does she have to be evil to her very core for us to be able to sympathize with stolas it’s a stupid writing decision.
i dont feel comfortable reviewing the show when I haven’t fully experienced it but like. Woof it does not look good so far from what I’m hearing and seeing how do you get here ( I actually know how you get here. I have viziepops same writing problems I get it she got way too ambitious ) but I I’ll say this her writing is fun to watch I have enjoyed the bits of helluva boss I’ve seen but like. Why aren’t they working vizie just pace yourself you can do your filler episodes exploring the cast later we need to go back on topic….we need a experienced professional writer to lock in and force her to stay on topic this is crazy….ive seen people argue blitz and stolas are a rape relationship and I dontttt think I agree with that considering how I don’t think those humans could’ve actually killed blitz when he was making that deal with stolas, that being said the show should explore the social hierarchies between them, from what I’ve heard the lore doesn’t make that much sense but also. I don’t wanna judge a piece of art I haven’t fully experienced that’s dumb lame and gay, she is very passionate in her art I will form my full opinions when I fucking watch the episodes even though the spoilers I’ve experienced fully don’t look that good…..I don’t wanna be a lame YouTube critic parraot thing I can’t give good thoughts on this methinks
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krikeymate · 1 year
Need that Tara feeding from Sam scene 👀 Fangs 2B methinks?
"Tara... please."
Sam's desperate pleading is ignored as Tara shakes her head, leaning forward against the counter with shaky arms, turned away from her. It's easier to rebuff Sam when she doesn't have to look at her.
"We're out of options," Sam exclaims, stepping closer. "We have to try!"
A growl reverberates through Tara's chest and she slams her palms down against the countertop. "There is no we, Sam!" she yells over the crack of the granite beneath her hands. She leans forward and takes a desperate gasp she shouldn't even need.
Tara swipes a hand through the dust and runs it through her hair. "This is my problem. I'm the one who-"
"Our problem," Sam interjects. "We're a team, remember? Together forever, no matter what."
"Fucking hell Sam, we were kids when we said that." Tears well in Tara's eyes at the reminder of the promise Sam had made to her a decade ago. She'd promised they'd always be pack, even if Tara never turned. Then a year later she'd fulfilled that promise, chasing their father off as he tried to force Tara to turn (or have her die trying). How does Tara repay her? By getting herself killed and turned into a broken vampire, and then eating their mother.
A touch on her shoulder startles her out of her thoughts.
"You're still my pack, Tara. Wolf or no wolf. Human or vampire."
Tara bares her teeth at her sister, pupils mere pinpricks in her now-garnet eyes. Sam's eyes flash, a bright gold that glitters in the moonlight, and her hand moves up to cup the back of Tara's head, the other grabbing her shoulder and turning her around.
"You're starving to death - true death - and I can't lose you, Tara. It would kill me. If there's any chance this will work, I need you to take it."
The sincerity in Sam's voice is a stake through her unbeating heart.
"I don't want to hurt you," Tara whispers, unable to look her sister in the eyes.
Sam's hand slides to her chin, lifting it with a laugh. "I'm a full-blooded wolf with years of experience, and you're a starved baby vampire, do you really think you can hurt me?"
"What about mom?"
Sam sighs. "I don't know what happened Tara, maybe you took her by surprise, maybe she just wasn't as strong as she pretended she was..."
Tara studies her for a moment before she speaks again, voice small and uncertain. "...What if it doesn't work?"
Sam does what she always does when her sister is scared, she pulls her into her arms. "Then we'll figure it out... Now please, try."
Tara rests her forehead against Sam's shoulder and takes a deep breathe, an obsolete instinct that manages to persist, even weeks after her heart last beat. She can feel the pulse of blood thrumming beneath Sam's skin.
It calls to her. She's so hungry.
"Promise me you'll stop me if I go too far," she moans, fighting against the urge to sink her teeth into her neck, to rip and tear until the blood is free.
Sam raises a hand to the back of Tara's head and threads her fingers through her hair, claws tickling the skin. "I promise."
Tara gives in and bites.
It tastes so good.
It's not the bitter tartness of the animals Sam bought her, or the humans that were offered to her, nor Amber's own blood.
This is decadent.
Tara keeps waiting for the sharp nausea to appear, for the blood to rebel in her stomach, for her body to reject it like all the rest.
It doesn't happen.
She gets to feed for the first time since she first turned and... her mother. It makes her feel strong. No more blurry vision and shaking limbs, the constant ache in her body dissipates, her stomach feels full.
She needs more.
Her nails dig into Sam's back, squeezing her tighter, teeth sinking deeper.
"Tara," Sam warns. The girl doesn't respond, unable to hear her, lost in the blood.
Sam digs her claws in, tugging at her sister's hair. She pulls, detaching Tara from her neck. Her sister's eyes are blown, more black than red, and distant, unable to focus on anything other than the blood trickling over her skin.
Tara struggles in her grip, but Sam's strength prevails, as she expected it would. She doesn't know how Tara managed to overpower their mother, but she always knew, without hesitation, that Tara wouldn't be able to hurt her. Not like this anyway.
The girl whines in her grip, her gaze fixed on her neck. Sam turns her around, pulling Tara's back to her front and holding her to her chest. She pulls them both down to the floor to sit and wait.
The blood-high will fade, she knows, and her sister will come back to her. She just has to be patient.
Sam leans her head against the back of Tara's and resists the urge to cry in relief.
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omegapheromone · 1 year
Hi! :D I’m really interested in hearing more about the (c)ptsd omegaverse hcs you have. I think one thing that I wonder about particularly is how therapy would change? Like, how would the perspective on mental health change and/or how would therapy techniques change, if at all?
I realize that may be a degree of separation too far from the initial post. Really, I’d be happy to hear any of your thoughts on the topic
Auughh sorry it took me a while to get to this I've been feeling out of it but hmm! Here's some of my thoughts!
• Perspectives on Mental Health:
I think it would depend a lot on the decade and the specific culture as well. I'll assume a mostly modern omegaverse setting for a more in-depth response though.
I think awareness of mental health in general would be on the rise among especially younger generations, while older ones might still hold on to a lot of preconceived notions such as "depression/anxiety means that you're just mentally weak" and "only veterans can experience ptsd", and would likely assume that any mental disorder that affects one's perception of reality, such as any psychotic disorders, mean that the person must also be intellectually delayed as well. Just very outdated ideas on mental health, much like how a lot of older folks irl see it. Younger generations would likely understand it better, at least anyone with a decent education would. I'd imagine it as a class issue in general, both in terms of awareness and access to resources.
• Omegaverse and how it affects/complicates mental health issues we already are familiar with
My thoughts have always been that given that we already know really well that mental stuff can affect physical wellbeing (for example: Adverse Childhood Experiences scale, getting physical symptoms as a result of mental health issues, etc) this would likely be amplified a lot in omegaverse specifically because of pheromones and similar.
We already know chronic stress leads not only to physical symptoms like digestive issues and increased risk for cardiovascular disease, but also can affect fertility because it's. Well, hormones.
I'd imagine this could show up as things such as irregular or completely missing heats/ruts, or even stress-triggered heats/ruts, where an overwhelming/stressful situation could trigger a sort of "forced heat", especially when it has to do with the presence/pheromones of other dynamics, and could happen to anyone- for example, an Alpha's rut could easily be caused by for example, a toxic/abusive omega partner or family member, just as a stressed out omega's heat could potentially be triggered by an intimidating/abusive Alpha- and this would apply to betas and any other dynamics as well depending on the canon, of course. Whether these heats/ruts cause any sexual symptoms like a mating cycle type heat would have, is up to the author methinks, and the level of pheromone involvement probably too. As much as this is a bit of an angst/whump topic, I actually like the thought because it creates an opportunity for Omegas to be just as shitty and abusive as alphas, instead of the very tired trope of only alphas being abusive and honestly? Makes it all the more realistic. While it's probably true that an omega in heat is a slightly easier target than an alpha in a rut might be, it doesn't mean omegas aren't capable of abuse, manipulation, and things like sexual assault.
Childhood trauma on the other hand would probably delay dynamic presentation and cause all sorts of hormonal issues later in life, such as the previously mentioned unstable and irregular heat cycles. Childhood trauma can cause all sorts of emotional problems as well, and I think in omegaverse that would show up as uncontrollable/unstable pheromones (such as, being unable to control them when feeling strong emotions and as a result ending up making other people viscerally uncomfortable because idk, someone feels annoyed but the pheromones are so strong and oppressive it feels like they're trying to suffocate you with pheromones alone), and in some cases, literally missing pheromones;
I have a headcanon of someone going through something incredibly traumatic around the time they have their first heat or when their pheromones start to go from "pup/child" to "young (insert dynamic here)", and this could cause said person to just. Completely lose the ability to produce any pheromones. I also imagine that it could cause some sort of health issues on account of, since the body isn't releasing any pheromones and instead holds on to them, the unreleased pheromones would probably wreak havoc on the body both in terms of just. Causing all sorts of physical symptoms, but probably also really messing with the cycle where maybe they don't have a cycle at all except for when the pheromones pile up so much that the body can't handle it anymore and it's almost like an explosive, unusually intense heat/rut that's completely unpredictable since there normally isn't one to begin with. A bad enough one that it's genuinely more like a severe illness than a cycle, and would most likely lead to being hospitalized and possibly put into a medically induced coma because of the sheer intensity. It's something I've been thinking of writing about, actually.
• Therapy?
For me, with trauma stuff, the most helpful form of trauma therapy hasn't been endlessly bringing my traumatic experiences up to a therapist to process them. Rather, what I really benefited from was therapy that was oriented at understanding HOW trauma affects me and the symptoms and emotions it causes me to experience in daily life, and developing skills to reduce them, cope with them and learn to live with trauma. I think similar approaches would be used in omegaverse cases as well.
I think in terms of some cases, for example if someone has a phobia of a specific dynamic, or even severe social anxiety about pheromones, pheromone exposure therapy could be utilized, but that could be a somewhat controversial form of therapy that doesn't always work out for everyone. In some cases, that could even make things worse.
Therapists and other professionals would also probably have to go through extra training to have a good control over their own pheromones, because if they respond with, for example, a distressed scent at hearing someone's traumatic life story, that would likely just cause the person to not want to work on it out of fear that they'll just upset the people who are meant to be helping them.
• Other thoughts
I'm not qualified to talk about it much myself, but I wonder if the hormonal changes of a heat cycle would cause people with psychosis and related disorders to experience a worsening of their symptoms as well?
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finally watched go2. hmm. I have mixed feelings
scope creep was always going to be a HUGE problem with a story like this even getting a second season, so I was prepared for that, but I underestimated just how far the stakes would fall. none of the major plotlines felt like they had any tension or sense of urgency AT ALL.
the gabriel mystery had a surface-level feeling of momentum, but none of the underlying structure of a mystery. what I mean by that is that there were red herrings, there was foreshadowing, but there was no systematic laying out of clues that would allow the characters OR the audience to solve the mystery before it was explained through flashbacks in the last episode. practically all of the "clues" we get (with the exception of that one closeup of the fly ig) end up being irrelevant misdirects. I get the sense that the fake-out of something sinister happening (a cursed jukebox, the resurrectionist) was meant to be funny or whimsical but it just fell flat.
shax is not an interesting or intimidating antagonist in the slightest and never does anything that actually affects anything. she's just there when the plot needs some conflict, and that conflict is quickly and lazily resolved each time.
muriel's total naivete pulls the urgency out of the other major plotline, c and a needing to make nina and maggie fall in love. so many times things are set up that you expect will be a huge issue later on, only for them to be resolved within five minutes due to a plot convenience or sheer dumb luck.
also, this may be a matter of preference, but I don't think crowley and aziraphale work well as THE protagonists. their whole thing is frittering around, weaseling out of getting stuff done, and wasting time until they're absolutely backed against the wall and have to move or die while other, more dynamic characters drive most of the plot. and this is not a bad thing! it's what their characters are written to do in the book and in season 1 and they do it very well!! it just doesn't work in this season and imo contributed to if not created a lot of the problems above
all the new side characters were hugely underdeveloped.
idk there was some stuff I liked. crowley living in his car with his little plants was funny. the art direction/sets/costumes/special effects were gorgeous. muriel was cute. the kiss and the breakup were very satisfying in an angsty, fanficcy way. like, this was an enjoyable season for the most part. they just forgot to put the good in it methinks
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meirimerens · 10 months
hello and excuse me if this was asked before, but do you think Burakh would still adopt Murky and Sticky in your modern AU, and if he would — how? because with the sort of circumstances he has in the original setting he sort of. had to. take them in. but in a modern setting i doubt a 26 year old would willingly adopt two kids who better serve as his younger sibling in terms of their age (because he should've been at the club. etc). so i suppose he would do it later but then again the question is where would he even found them. also a somewhat related question, do you have any headcanons for what their real, parent-given names would be? as i understand they most likely wouldn't be want to called them (due to trauma), but my friend personally came up with Maksim and Tanya (Tatyana) for them, and i'd like to know your thoughts on that matter.
hiii bestie no one's asked this before and i very much agree He Should Be At The Club. i think even in the canonverse he really struggles with adopting + raising the kids. i know many people love to indulge in #famly and him being a loving father and i don't disagree at all but i also thinks he Many, Many times feels like he cannot cope with that + his grief anymore etc. he loves them very much. but also he's not even 30, lost his parents, has no one to ask for help in raising kids because none of his friends are doing it, etc. Anyways this is canonverse we modern AUing in here.
first of while i think both kids would still be orphan i don't know how much of the canon circumstances i'm keeping. canonically murky's parents fell from the Sand Pest, and Sticky's iirc we just don't know, we just know he's been alone for a while. considering the Mother Dying In Childbirth thing is recurrent in orphans of the town (including like. Burakh himself. also notkin) that might be his thing. and this, for example, i'm not sure how much would be present in a modern AU. maternal mortality is still a problem, but one of the main reasons for lethal pregnancy outcomes is like. not..... pregnancy-itself-related. and as for the sand pest, while i think it still Would Be a thing in modern AU, idk how it'd pan out with modern medicine, vaccination schemes, etc, so 1) i have no idea how the two would be orphaned in a modern au 2) i don't know how it would interact with/inform their behavior towards burakh and burakh's behavior towards them. being honest i don't think about the orphans too much in the modern au. as you might have noticed. being an orphan (especially this young) in nebulous 1910s-1940s (pre-war) and being an orphan in 2020s is a Vastly different experience. even in bumfuck nowhere eurasian steppe. methinks if burakh was to take on a guardian role over the two, it would be a guardian role, closer indeed to a sibling, rather than a father. & i think more collective work would be here to help the kids navigate being orphaned. like ToG is in some ways the wild, wild west east, but in the 2020s they..... would probably have more structures and regulations for like. orphaned minors. yknow. but also. burakh should be at the club. and in modern AU, he is. he's keeping an eye on dankovsky who agreed to come with the twins and has been sulking in his corner with a migraine for 15 minutes.
also i'm so fond of real names and nicknames having auditive similarities (typically the first letter/syllable) because that's how many of them work in most languages i'm familiar with so i'm seeing Mishka have a name in M and Spichka one in S or Sh... perhaps Masha (as derivated from Maria, but no one calls her Maria, not even her own parents, because well. got one already) and Sasha or Stepan... but mostly in the Orphaning, their legal names didn't really get to stick.
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articskele · 3 months
Incoherent thoughts about a Bloodborne-inspired Lorax AU that I am by no means confident in but HEAR ME OUT
Ok so instead of using the blood of the Great Ones, it’s the sap of ancient trees, discovered in a sinkhole below the city when people were investigating a problem in the sewers!
But as the night goes on, the trees start to grow in and around the rest of the city, spreading through whatever means necessary in an attempt to keep itself alive.
Something something the hubris of man harvesting the lifeblood of the world and using it for their own gain, and how that’s bound to catch up to them eventually.
So any supernatural happenings, like the beast plague or how the night goes on for what feels like an eternity, is because the balance of the world is fucked six ways from Sunday and they have no one to blame but themselves.
I imagine hunter weapons have an emphasis on axes and saws and the like.
To my knowledge, chainsaws used to be hand-cranked medical tools for removing diseased bone and aiding in childbirth! It wasn’t until much later that electric chainsaws were made to be used on wood! Which fits pretty well methinks ouo
On that note beast designs are More Creature because I said so! Tree antlers babeyyyy! Also enemies with white flowers bc some white flowers are pollinated by moths and bats at night!
Can you imagine what it must be like to live in this place? Hearing stories of a bloodlike sap that can cure any ailment, the stuff of miracles, all found within the walls of this one city.
The architecture, a hybrid of several styles due to many different people from all walks of life coming here. Churches boasting imagery of trees and other plants. Old books about the roots of the earth itself.
The scholars in their grand university, well-versed in plants and flesh alike, finding new uses for the stuff every day.
Sap is often administered through injection and transfusion, though accurate to the time period, bloodletting and other such methods were used as well.
The sap, with its addictingly sweet taste, was even used for medicinal tea. A warm drink for whenever you’re feeling under the weather. Meanwhile, the brave and experimental swallowed seeds.
The branch of scholars who dealt with flowers were nicknamed hummingbirds for the reds and greens of their uniform, always flitting about the gardens and collecting jars of sweet nectar.
But with these wonders, came a price. The sap isn’t pure. Locals blame outsiders, nobility blames commoners, and the church blames anyone they deem corrupt. But in truth, it simply wasn’t meant for human consumption.
Too much for too long will render the eyes cloudy, the skin rough and almost bark-like, the lungs flooded with flowers and spilling out of your mouth hanahaki style.
No two cases are exactly alike, but the end result is the same. You are no longer human.
And so, people took up arms to hunt these beasts. A curfew was made, if there wasn’t one already, and civilians were told to stay indoors.
However, hunters are also using sap to heal themselves and boost their strength, so it’s only a matter of time until they become yet another beast to kill.
Many suspicions and superstitions were born of this time, out of desperation to keep the plague at bay.
Incense was hung outside houses, and those who showed “suspicious behavior” were killed before they even had symptoms of beasthood.
It was believed that the beast plague crept up the right leg, so hunter gear features a band there. As most hunters are right-handed, sap is injected into the right leg.
WAITTT. What if the Onceler’s dad takes the role of Father Gascoigne OH MY GOD
His mom going out to find her husband, disappearing into the night, leaving the Onceler to care for his younger brothers alone. Days passed, a week, but no sign of either parent’s return.
The Onceler crawling out the window, since the door was locked, assuring that he’ll find them and bring them back.
Searching the streets of the city, only to find the woman’s cold body and the faint whiff of her floral perfume on the breeze.
You know… She said she was going to find Dad, but she’s so close to the carriage that takes you out of the city… Nevermind. It must be a coincidence.
The Onceler set out to be a hunter just like his dad….. Maybe he never really had the chance to know the man. Having a relative that you’re supposed to be close to, but you’ve hardly ever heard his voice.
Daydreaming about what he must be like. How similar the two of you must be. What he’ll order when you go down to that little bakery together once this is all over. The sun has to rise eventually.
But when you finally see him after so long, when you finally witness what he’s become… Perhaps it’s best you never knew him.
As serrated metal blades screech against each other, you look up. He looks so, so much like you. Messy black hair that shines even in the dark. Sharp blue eyes and hazy, dilated pupils staring into you.
An old, visceral reflection that’s already too far gone.
Petrichor tainted with the stench of blood. Back against the tall brick walls of the city, sinking to the cold floor.
Chest heaving as you reach for something in your pocket; a small music box, softly playing a familiar tune as shaky hands bandage your wounds.
One of the few, hazy memories of your father was this song. A dreamlike sunny day with music and laughter in the air, the man picking you up and spinning you around. A time when nothing else mattered.
You even caught your mother humming the tune from time to time, though she stopped at some point. Things never were the same after that.
The wave of memories gets caught in the Onceler’s throat, pulling him back into the present. Pulling down the brim of his hat to cover his eyes.
I especially want to emphasize that feeling of becoming the thing you sought to destroy.
Hunters inevitably becoming beasts, getting drunk off the blood. Forgetting that their prey was once human, and thus, losing their own humanity in the process.
Blades cutting into bark, trampling flowers, lapping up sweet juice. You take and you take and you lose yourself in it until there’s nothing left, of you or the orchard.
Apple seeds in your stomach. Cyanide, growth, killing you from the inside.
The Onceler wants to end the cycle, to raise the sun in hopes of bringing everything back to normal. And he technically does end the hunt by burning all the trees, but in doing so, he brings about the end of the world.
Ok concept: One of his brothers goes into the sewers, but he falls through one of the holes that led to the ancient trees, and turns into a shambling mess with a big ol flower for a head
I dunno what Norma’s deal is here but. Chances are she’s not having a good time kajsfd- As her story progresses she falls ill, coughing up orange blossoms.
Comic in my brain of the Onceler coming back to see Norma dead, impaled by a blooming orange tree. His expression is unclear, unreadable. He picks an orange, peels it, and takes a bite.
Orange blossoms representing purity and they’re known for being used in weddings………
Ok hear me out. What if Artic was a doll. Just a cute cameo and reference to Bloodborne’s Doll, but maybe she was made out of wood from one of the ancient trees? Flowers just naturally grow in her hair ouo
Someone tried to create life using the wood, but things didn’t go as planned, and she was abandoned. Now she’s only seen in the dreams of hunters, a strange little place hidden in the folds between life and death.
Tending to gardens and graves, ever in a state of transience. Hunters come and they go in this endless cycle of bloodshed, but even in this brief respite from the world outside, they never stay for very long.
Maybe her signature flower is sakura! Life, death, renewal, optimism, and the fleeting nature of life.
WHAT IF THE ONCELER'S FLOWER IS MORNING GLORY. Wanting to bring back the morning and how morning glory is a vine- OUGHH I’m just picturing the vines wrapped around his arm
YOOOOOOO maybe there’s a boss fight against Artic since she knows burning everything to the ground is Not A Good Idea so she tries to stop him
And she uses these dual swords covered in flowers both in reference to Bloodborne’s Lady Maria, and how other versions of Artic use dual swords!!
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zeebtrolls · 7 months
emitzi & elisey lore!!! rambling so pls scroll if u don’t care lmfao.. i just want to talk about my unhinged cat girls
elisey is a hitwoman, she took up the job to provide for her weaker sister (runt of the litter type LOL). emitzi would get sick often when she was young so elisey would always be taking care of her to the best of her ability. their lusus? not present at all, elisey fought her way out of the caverns with emitzi in tow.
they grew up together and elisey got picked up by a mafia ik crazy right. i just think it’s so funny and silly okay. tiffey joins this very same mafia later on as a money launderer con artist etc etc. elisey and tiffey both get recruited pretty young….
as the years pass by elisey and emitzi slowly start to drift only because emitzi was completely unaware of her sister’s real job 😧 she thought she was working long hours at an office or something (look at elisey. bro is definitely not working at an office)
but emitzi lives blissfully unaware and in a cushy, sheltered lifestyle. indoor kitty vs outdoor kitty… emitzi doesn’t really go out even when she’s grown out of her sickness ;; slight hikkikomori tendencies BUT!!
she ends up dating around… and breaks up with people when they aren’t exciting her anymore (see: You Don’t Get Me High Anymore by Ziggy 2000… LOL). her problem is she likes to see how red the flag can get methinks. they gotta have her hanging on their every word and asking for a crumb of attention LMFAOO. she has problems and issues. both her and elisey are not well adjusted individuals
and the reason they become estranged is because elisey most definitely got caught after murdering one of emitzi’s exes whoops.
like…. emitzi walking up the doorstep of her apartment and theres a trail of blood and a bouquet on the ground …. elisey walking out of the shadows covered in that same color blood and emitzi can only reach one conclusion..
elisey still drops off money for her though. they’re never seen together and they don’t hang out anymore.
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tiredassmage · 1 year
falling asleep on the other’s shoulder for whatever pairing you’re feeling
Still sitting on a few of these, I promise! The end of the semester is just kickin' my butt. xD
Time to release some Dash x Leo content into the wild, methinks. 👀
[touch prompts]
“Departures for Coruscant are currently operating on a three standard hours delay. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please see the nearest departures assistant for further details.”
Leo groaned as he shifted in the narrow, hard bench seat beside him, propping a shoulder into the unforgiving seatback. “I’m gonna have that engraved in my skull by the time we get out of here,” he grumbled.
Dash frowned, gaze drifting over the roving crowds of dock workers, merchants, and soldiers idling through the spaceport. “I’m going to shoot the next droid that tries to apologize,” he mumbled.
Leo craned his neck to eye his companion. “Don’ start that,” he said. “Your little security friends already loused me once for lookin’ at ‘em funny. We’ll be here even longer then.”
Dash rolled his eyes and sighed as he leaned back. “Suppose you’re right.” Sometimes it was a real shame they had to go through official Republic channels constantly for deployments. This all wouldn’t be a problem if they could just haul jets. “How’s your ship? I’m thinking we should’ve just taken it.”
“Better still be where I docked,” he said. “That Rodian bastard looked shiftier than a loanshark.”
“Why’d we take the shuttles again?”
“‘Cause you’re on leave and I am allergic to Republic Customs, remember?” Leo shrugged one shoulder. “Fuck, they prattle more than the bloody theater junkies back ‘ome, y’know?”
Dash rolled his eyes fondly with a puffed breath of amusement. “Alright, alright, I get it. Still, what’s the point of being friends with a starship captain if I can’t get a few free rides, huh?”
Leo stuck his tongue out. “My knight in shining armor gonna protect me when your fellow hounds start sniffin’ ‘round tryna steal my whiskey, then?” His eyes narrowed with the beginnings of a smirk, as if he was about to win whatever ‘argument’ he was playing at.
Dash shook his head, eyes making for the list of departures on a screen across the room - covered in far too much orange and red for delays for his taste. But it beat acknowledging the way a bit of warmth rose to his cheeks.
Leo knew he’d do a hell of a lot for him. But it was never a favor that went unpaid.
The smuggler puffed out a chuckle behind him. Smug bastard. Guess it took one to know one.
“You alright, man?” Dash asked rather than spin wheels any further, fixing him in a pointed stare. “You’re the one that looks like you’ve been steamed over by a Corellian tram.”
Leo waved a hand with another grunt. “‘M fine,” he muttered as he rubbed at his left eye - easier to not scrape the cybernetics that crossed the scarring on the right side of his face that way.
His eyes were a deeper blue than most horizons he’d seen.
“Take it easy, why don’t you?” he suggested. He tugged on the other’s shoulder. “C’mon,” he coaxed when he groaned stubbornly. “Look, it’s not like we’re goin’ anywhere fast and I’m not listening to you gripe later when you can’t sleep on the shuttle because it’s too crowded.”
Leo rolled his eyes. “Yeah, you would,” he muttered as he relented, scooting back to prop against Dash’s shoulder and kicking a leg out across the remaining seats.
They both ignored a few disgruntled looks from some passerby.
“Yeah,” Dash sighed as his arm settled around his shoulders, “I wouldn’t have much of a choice though, would I?”
A smile slipped across his lips even as his eyes closed. “Suppose so.” Dash’s shoulder was exponentially more comfortable without all of that stupid Republic armor on. Guess it kept him alive though.
And he was a helluva lot better alive than anything else.
Dash wasn’t waiting long before Leo was out cold. A smile flickered faintly across his lips as he shook his head. Idly, he tucked a stray lock of bangs back behind his ear. Idiot had a terrible semblance of a sleep schedule at the best of times, let alone when he decided to move gravity itself to put himself in the same sector when Dash got leave from service.
That was just the kind of shit you did for your best friends though, right?
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