#a rare treat
chodoyodes · 2 years
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ramlightly · 18 days
there's some bugs people eat! the french eat snails! let him have a bug. as a treat 🥺
Give that boy some escargot!!!
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eclipse-song · 8 months
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this is the true gift of Shin Kamen Rider
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duckyfann9871 · 6 months
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Aw he cares <3
Too bad I cannot ease his worries. I’m too much of a night owl.
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bigtreefest · 3 months
My period app says I’m ovulating, but I know myself better than that. I’m in that weird pre-ovulation phase where I get easily disgusted. I hate everything and everyone and every single thought that has to do with men…
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pxison · 1 year
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@medicus-mortem​ asked:  Places Law here in response to the aphrodisiac toxin question because he is both a freak and absolutely happy to do some science. 
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This was an interesting turn of events. Reiju thought she had the surgeon pinned as a 100% dominant man in the bedroom but this eagerness he was showing her to comply to her fantasy was beyond anything she’d ever dreamed of him to do. Perhaps he was only willing to experiment or humor her, but she needed to see if this was genuine or not.
And so with that in mind she steps right in his space, a hand snatching up his chin to tug his head down closer to hers. She eyes the lips she has nearly pinched between her fingers, and it is then she voices aloud his consent to this treatment.
“You know... You can always back out if you want to, I don’t mind.”
She adjusts her grip anyways, prepared the roll of a more forceful Dom if that is what he wishes out of her. There is the distinct feeling too that he would not back out of this little experiment anytime soon which pleased her and brought a soft smile to her lips before features harden.
“If you have nothing else to say then open up. I can’t give you the dose with your pretty mouth shut.”
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clover-sky · 20 days
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Beauty is in the eye of the fork holder.
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sarakielsbreath · 1 month
Q: how to get through the night when it is Fuckin Rough and you’ve already slept A Lot
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arkarti · 1 year
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The Fall
the final moments of angel!crowley
Twitter: X
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icedteabri · 1 year
getting drunk and eating sushi is my favorite girl activity in the entire world and yet the forces of evil are intent on stopping me by making sushi so expensive
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choccy-milky · 6 months
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MC doing what we all wished we could do (aka napping on the floor with ominis )😴💕
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Satisfying warriors win. and on the road too. I hardly know what to do with myself.
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pencilofawesomeness · 1 month
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So, I've been reading a lot of Ghost King AUs recently and... my hand slipped.
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justaz · 3 months
when merlin asks arthur for things, the king is usually inclined to give him what he wants but it is not always guaranteed such as when his emotions cloud his judgement. but merlin’s surefire way of getting arthur to give in? he steps into his space, lays a gentle hand on his arm, and says “arthur, please” and he folds like a house of cards.
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rosabell14 · 3 months
The fact that in house of hades Annabeth is like "Nooo Percy 😭 what you did wasn't good some powers should never be used like that 😰" and then the narrative actively decides to prove her wrong in Blood of Olympus? By having Percy listen to Annabeth's ideology and nearly get killed for it in his fight against Polybotes? He doesn't use his control over poison and nearly dies from it. Had Jason not convinced Kymopoleia to help them, Percy would have died. Listening to Annabeth would have killed Percy.
(and then Percy says that he deserved to die for what happened to Akhlys and Jason is like mood bro and it's never brought up again 😑)
And THEN, in the same damn book Nico literally turns Bryce Lawrence into a ghost and Reyna who has trauma associated with ghosts goes: yeah it was scary and reminded me of my dead abusive dad, but Nico we all have darkness inside of us and we should get to release it. Plus you saved us soooo ☺️
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