#a real bitch of a time getting to all his classes. not just 8am class hubris hed take a nap after his 10am and sleep thru his 4pm
cleromancy · 8 months
i would be wayyyyyyy more likely to see tim pursuing higher education if he had graduated high school (~*new earth continuity post*~). bc what he did like about school was socializing with peers and the aspect of normalcy and like... hes absolutely not going to re-enroll back in hs atp. hed have to get his GED. and he... could do that. but he'd have to be motivated enough to want to go to college enough to schedule the GED i think months in advance plus needing to wait for the next semester of whatevwr gotham community college hes looking at to start... And Also the very high chance that he would miss his appointment for the test LMAO like it would be incredibly on brand for him to sleep through it or like be stuck in, idk, brussels or someplace on a mission and misremember the time difference. furthermore after a certain point hes gonna start feeling like he missed his window particularly if what he *actually* wants is to be around normal ppl his age and feel tethered... like at that point just go see if ives has a tabletop rpg thing going u can join baby yk
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rodolfoparras · 5 months
I love talking about the pledge
So basically freshman year, my teacher told me it was too much of a distraction so she would kick me out of class every morning
As if me getting up and leaving and then coming back in the middle of announcements wasn't also a huge distraction...?? 🤨🤨 Okay bitch, it's 8am
And then when semesters changed, my new first period teacher was ex navy and the biggest fucking idiot (he told my friend to their face the air we breathe is 100% oxygen)
I told him right off the bat I wasn't going to stand and I was just gonna sit in the hall
He was not happy that I didn't highlight anything, he pulled me to the front after class.
Not very surprised that his daughter says the n word and vaped all the time (they're white and he's a science teacher)
See this is what I mean when I say America cant be real, in Sweden you aren’t even allowed to ask students what religions they believe in, and why they believe in certain religions you aren’t even allowed to ask certain opinions or thoughts on politics or whatnot bc those subjects don’t have anything to do with school
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skinni-girls-eat-books · 11 months
Thursday November 9th
6am Woke up really well rested! Good!
Got sad when I saw I didn't have any messages overnight. CBT: This is your anxiety plugging emotions into nothing. Nothing has transpired, there's no real reason to feel anxiety, the anxiety is only coming from inside you.
Why hasn't he texted you? He's sleeping and he's a POS you don't need that controlling your energy. You can't control what he does. Reclaim your energy.
What am I thankful for this morning?
- nights rest, stretches, soft blankets, cool fan, and the fact that I have no hw due tonight! Think about that! ❤️
630am I should buy another candle for the bathroom for my showers lol don't know why the last one went so quick
7am tumblr can be a really nice positive space, it's like the only positive social media like that's kinda insane.
8am about to get ready for class, I can't stop thinking about him. I would like to try to not text him today just to see what happens really. I'm afraid he won't notice or not care and just not text me either. Maybe that's what I need. Whatever this is, is clearly not working. Got to leave early enough to get a coffee bc maybe that will distract me. Drink for lunch too, I'm tired of gorging myself and wasting money on food. Just breathe oh yeah I'm going to take a benadryl and maybe that will help with anxiety.
830am I want to text him so bad but I really shouldn't lol. He doesn't care enough to change. I won't say he doesn't care at all, but he doesn't care enough for me to keep doing this. I got an iced coffee and an egg McMuffin :)
11am Daydreaming about traveling over the break. I need to be realistic tho. I know I am able to take off on a flight somewhere but let's be real I probably won't have the time off and money to do something like that. I'll keep it in mind, but I don't want another Disney scenario where I just go completely broke on one adventure, I'd rather do day trips, maybe an overnight if that even sounds like a good idea. I like sleeping in my own bed unless it's for a really good reason tbh. I want to focus on things around here that I don't typically have availability or mental capacity to do. I know I'll have fun regardless. Maybe even do the plasma thing some afternoons or mornings really to fund the adventures I'll have on my true off days. Just thoughts :)
1130am I passed my HIV patient counseling! It says satisfactory in the gradebook! For some reason I can't see my rubric so I started to panic and doubt myself, but now I know I'm not the only one who can't see their rubric, so I'm sure that part is a fluke/ irrelevant :) just breathe and enjoy the passing grades ❤️ if something is wrong, someone will let you know ❤️
12pm lunchtime! I'm getting curry chicken. Journaling is actually helping a lot and made me realize how intrusive and repetitive my thoughts are when I don't write them down. It's like I need a little vent port for these thoughts to fly out of my brain like steam out of a boiling pot of water. Crazy tbh lol.
1pm Ate lunch outside with some friends and it felt great!!
3pm lol I zoned out during the whole Verbal Defense (not mine!) But then he texted me good afternoon so I sent him a picture of my sweet tea, nothing crazy. I won't let him control my evening. I just wonder what is his motive lol. During class I was looking up free and cheap things to do and it's funny how a little googling can come up with a thousand things to do! So much fun to be had in the world :)
4pm he got me looking at my phone for a text back bitch guess what I'm taking a nap just like I planned lmao I'm not waiting around to talk to you wtf. Call me like I asked you to if you wanna talk, I hate this texting shit and he knows that. What am I a high schooler? Texting bs got you into this mess in the first place dumbass. I'm eating a cupcake and taking a nap.
6pm I have woke up from my nap. No messages lol I guess he just wanted to see if I was alive?? Don't know don't care. Nap was ok, cats kept waking me up or micro waking me up I think but that's ok too :) - There's really only one week left of this bullshit I am so proud of myself ❤️ I actually love the idea of NOT burning myself out the last week so that when I leave school I don't necessarily NEED to do that hibernating thing where I feel like shit for 4-5 days afterwards. I'd like to exit my verbal defense maybe take a nap just like I did today to refresh and then shit take myself out for a nice dinner and get dressed up. Instead of getting drunk and passing out, I can do that most other nights after a closing shift 🤣 I want to start my vacay right away with no need to "recover" in such a drastic manner. Let's see if we can make that happen :) I think that also includes NOT avoiding fun things the next week, bc I always avoid fun stuff when I'm stressed as if I'm going to jinx myself, but I think I'm ready to break that curse of "all work and no play." We shall see ;)
9pm A little tipsy but I'm getting my work done :)
11pm I keep wanting to text him because I'm in a GOOD MOOD but when he doesn't reply it puts me in a bad mood....... So solution is simply DON'T TEXT HIM AND ENJOY YOUR GOOD MOOD QUEEN 😂 he's stupid for leaving and he's missing out on this drunken chill fest tbh and one day, I'll have a fuck ton of friends I've acquired through the years of being myself that I can randomly snap my thoughts to and they'll actually reply and care 😂
12am I know I texted him some dumb shit but idc I still feel good and I love journaling and Tumblr. Getting tacos again for dinner bc JFC I did a LOT of dumb shit work today. He's such a loser he can't do shit by himself not even get a taco 🤣 tbh one day I feel like you'll find someone who's gone through what you've gone through and you'll have so much in common and everything will just be EASY. Yeah I'm fucked but I'm not the only one going through this so I know I have an army of ppl out in the world who would have my back in a heartbeat and THAT'S what matters and what keeps me going fr.
1245am What a weird day. I want to keep journaling so bad I think it'll help me alottttt. I texted him a little but it's like it doesn't matter as much as it did previously lol. It's different now. Let's keep it up :)
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invisible string
pairing: mob!bucky barnes x reader
warnings: violence, harassing
a/n: sequel to willow. wanda is a tarot reader and you cannot tell me otherwise. it is canon. 
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Time, curious time gave me no compasses, gave me no signs. Were there clues I didn't see? And isn't it just so pretty to think all along there was some invisible string tying you to me?
James was taken aback by her move, watching his black king cornered by both her white queen and king. How had he not seen it? It was right there ever since she moved her queen to lay in F7 right at the beginning of the game. How? It didn’t matter but her naughty smile, pushing at the corner of her chapstick painted lips left no doubt to who had won this game. He bit his lip leaning against the couch, full view of the glass chess board. She had less pieces left than him but she had still managed to won and as such he extended his hand towards her. She looked at his hand hesitantly, her winning grin fading and her usual insecurity returned as a shake hand came to shake his. 
     - No one has won a game against me in years. - he grabbed the glass black king from the board, handing it to her. - How’d you do it?
     - You wanted my king. You wanted it so badly you forgot about your own, so I distracted you with minor pieces. Gave you the false sense of security you had it and then struck down.
   - That’s such a dirty trick, petal. - he leaned against the velvet fabric of the armchair, eyeing her up and down. She felt naked under his gaze, almost as if he could see through her walls and clothing. She guessed a man like him needed to have such a sharp eye but it wasn’t any less intimidating, even if she had just won a chess match against him.
He rose slowly from the armchair, his feet moving slowly towards a silver cart leaning against a wall, just under an abstract painting with several glass bottles of several coloured liquids. He took the glass stone from one of them, pouring some of the dark amber liquid onto two glasses before offering one to Y/N.
  - Glenlivet. - he spoke out, noticing the confusion on her face. - You’re old enough to drink, aren’t you?
  - How old do you think I am Mr. Barnes? I thought you knew everything about your employees.
  - And I do, petal. I know where you went to school, kindergarten even, know the name of your friends and that’s all from one of my men following you for a day. - Bucky rose his glass in a small toast before starting to drink. Y/N’s colour drained from her face as she started to wonder if she’d gone to see his father in the precinct. She hadn’t. At least she thought yet her body started shaking and it became harder to breathe. - Y/N? Hey, are you okay?
  - Yeah ... I just need some fresh air. - she tried to get up from the couch but she couldn’t, her nerves getting over her. What if he’d heard her speak about the undercover job, she was dead, she was definitely flirting with death the moment she stepped into his home. 
   - Someone was following you from the bar, petal. I’m not going to kill you, if I were to kill you it wouldn’t be in the comfort of my own home. Blood is a bitch to take out of white carpets. - Bucky once again seemed to read through her. He once again got up from his couch, placing his gun on the marbled island of his kitchen before returning to her. - You’re paranoid, petal.
   - It’s not ... I don’t really like being followed. Why were you following me? 
   - That guy from the bar followed you home and since he got his head smashed against the counter and a drink thrown in his face, I thought better to send Steve after you for that night. You are awfully clumsy and if you had any real enemies, you’d be dead by now. You leave your key under the entry matt and so does your housemate and her lousy brother too. Twins?
   - Yes.
   - You’re so afraid of me but in all honesty petal, you’re the biggest danger to yourself. 
   - Has Steve followed me recently?
   - No. I’ve been driving you home ever since, park a bit outside campus to ensure you get in. It’s an ugly world out there, petal.
   - I know. Trust me, I do ...
After her mother died, the home she had once learned to love lost its homey feeling. Suddenly, the home that always smelled like fresh lemon tarts and gardenias was now dark. His father left his case files all over the kitchen and would sit at the table smoking his cigars with a glass of port as he read through the cases. Her father loved her, he did, just in his own way. 
She still remembered peaking by the door, holding onto a blanket her mother had quilted for her with her name embroidered in aqua blue, and seeing the photos scattered around the table of murders, abusers, robberies. She knew there was darkness, she just preferred to ignore it.
   - You live inside your head very often don’t you? - he eyed her as she took a sip of the drink he had offered her. Scotch was never her drink of choice, she preferred not to drink at all seeing how it had soured her father. Yet, she guessed a centenary drink was no joke.
   - That’s called being an only child, Mr. Barnes. Besides, my ideas are rarely worth listening.
   - Hm, I see ... Perhaps you’d like to see your room? - he changed the conversation, offering a hand to her so she could get up. 
Her soft fingers wrapped around his cold hand, a stark contrast to her warm hand. Bucky finger lingered over the top of her palm, feeling the softness and plumpness of her skin compared to his scarred, rough one. She didn’t mind, she followed him happily through the halls of his way too big house. 
Steve had told him when he bought it that it was too big for himself alone but for Bucky buying a big flat meant he made it, he could now tell everyone else who doubted him to fuck off yet it was hard to come back to it at the end of the day. Always clean and always empty. The staff didn’t stay behind for much longer, having heard all sorts of rumours and he believed if Y/N wasn’t so afraid of him, she would’ve probably left. Yet, he couldn’t find himself to sell the flat so he just slept in hotel rooms. Smaller roomers where it didn’t feel like the emptiness surrounded him constantly. 
He led her to one of the guest rooms he had decorated in soft pinks, whites and greys. Bucky guessed it’d make her comfortable, it matched her cardigans and little embroidered dresses she would bring around to the bar despite most of his waitresses constantly berating her on it, saying it would get her no tips. 
Y/N peaked through the door crack as he opened it. The room was rather soft with a large king sized bed with white and blush pink bedding along with a grey rug nearby. With so many bedrooms, he probably had enough time to decorate each one with a different colour palette. 
    - There should be some pyjamas in the wardrobe. Might be a bit big but it’s better than sleeping with your clothes on. 
   - You seem prepared. Is this where you bring your mistresses?
   - My mistresses don’t sleep in my house. - why would you say that, Y/N? Are you trying to get yourself killed? - I’ll drive you home tomorrow at 8AM so you should go to sleep. Goodnight, petal.
  - Thank you. Goodnight, Mr. Barnes. - he closed the door behind her and she was left with herself in the bedroom.
She padded around the linoleum floors, phone in hand as she photographed the horizon so maybe her father could locate the house and search for evidence. Y/N couldn’t. She couldn’t find herself to go investigating his house as he was kind enough to offer her a place to stay. Instead she just investigated the room which was so much better. It was a suite with its own bathroom decorated with monogramed fluffy white towels and white marbled surfaces. She wondered why he wouldn’t bring someone here, it was clearly a work of architectural art but yet again, maybe don’t show strangers where you sleep. Maybe he shouldn’t have shown it to her. 
At least she was doing something right. At least he didn’t hate her enough not to allow her to listen to his conversations, to the talks of deals that would surely provide her father’s precinct with the clues that they were not insane to think that there were tradings happening under their noses. She was doing good but she felt dirty nonetheless. She didn’t like lying but she also wanted to graduate, to be something other than the Capitan’s daughter.
She ignored her mind and got dressed in the steamed and washed pyjamas that were hanging on the silk hanger of the closet and got inside the bed. She was okay, she was going to be okay. 
The daylight ruptured through the night and she was the first one up to get dressed and make the bed as well as put the pyjamas back on their place. Bucky didn’t take long to knock on her door and as she opened it there he was again, polished suit and hair as if looking casual destroyed the whole appearance. It didn’t, he was a handsome man and she was absolutely certain he would look handsome in anything. 
    - Did you sleep well? - he questioned as she stepped out the room, holding onto her worn out faux leather brown satchel. 
   - Yes, it’s a very comfortable bed. What about you? 
   - I don’t have time to sleep, petal. I was thinking about having some breakfast before I dropped you off, if that’s okay with you.
   - I just want to get back home. My flatmate might worry. 
Bucky didn’t force her. She was like any other staff and he guessed having breakfast with the mob boss wasn’t her idea of a good spent morning, besides, she probably still needed to go to class. He drove her back to her small, unsafe which she saw as safe flat, keeping an eye on her every once in a while. Her posture was rigid or even one that a manner teacher wouldn’t correct, it was slouched over his window, hand under her chin as she observed the early morning light illuminate the city. 
Getting to campus during early mornings were always funny to her as she never knew what she would find; some students would be still returning from nights out while some would exit the library with piles and piles of books and notes. Either way, it was always a fun game. He stopped in front of her flat, putting the car on stop, engine slowly lowering its sounds. 
   - Thank you for bringing me, Mr. Barnes. - she held her satchel against her chest. 
   - You got an evening dress? Cocktail party maybe? 
   - So not a black dress? - she teased, biting the skin of inner lip. 
   - Definitely not. 
   - I think I might have something.
   - You’re not working tonight, you’re coming with me to an auction. I’ll pay you double the salary of a nightshift if you say yes.
   - Plus night wages?
   - Everything you’d get paid a night, I’ll double it. 
   - I’ll get to work finding that dress then. - she opened the door of his car, exiting before waving him goodbye.
Getting inside her flat, she could definitely sense the difference between worlds she was living in. Spend time with James Barnes, her father told her. Besides, how bad could an action be? There were several people there and if she knew what he was buying maybe it would prove useful in the future.
She climbed the stairs up to her door which was slightly open. She would’ve questioned why had it not been for Pietro’s voice echoing through the whole hall. Of course. None of them really close the door whenever the other one is around. 
    - Wanda, I’m telling you, that’s bullshit. - he told his sister who merely rolled her eyes at him. - Shuffle it again.
    - It says you’re a fuckboy deal with it. - she crossed her arms, before noticing Y/N had come in. - Hey you, you’re here early. I thought you were gonna appreciate your motel stay for a little while. 
   - Well, I ... I was just homesick. - she lied. Wanda clearly wouldn’t like to know where she had spent the night. - What are you guys doing?
   - Pietro asked me to do a reading on him and he’s upset at the result. As per usual.
   - I’m telling you the deck is broken. Do Y/N. - he pointed at the captain’s daughter who sat down by the coffee table where the two were. Wanda shrugged and asked Y/N to touch the deck before she started to shuffle it, three cards falling onto the table as soon as she did.
The Lovers, the Devil and Death. Y/N knew those cards all too well, she loved roaming through Wanda’s deck and marvel at the beautiful pictures and Wanda normally told her that the Death card was not as bad as everyone made it look like as well as the Devil. However, this time, all the colour drained from the brunette’s face as the stared at the cards fallen on the table. She shuffled the deck again, hoping for more cards, this time getting the Six and Nine of Swords. 
   - Everything okay, Wan? - she asked her friend who was intensely staring at the cards in front of her. 
   - Yeah ... I guess Pietro is right, the deck is broken.
   - See? I told you so. You never listen to me. 
   - I think I should be getting to class now. - she interrupted the two sibling’s bickering. - I’ll see you later. 
She spent most of her classes thinking about the auction. It was harmless enough and her father was over the moon, telling her she should be proud that she was now part of the “inner circle”, whatever that meant. Nevertheless, she was getting paid double which would always help with rent and utilities. The last module took hours of a lecturer going through yet another generic powerpoint followed by a class of over a hundred students rushing out the door the moment it was over. 
She took to her bedroom before Wanda arrived to search for the only evening dress she had which barely saw the light of day, mostly living inside the black box over her wardrobe. It was her mother’s, something she had left behind that Y/N had taken a particular liking to once she grew up. It was a baby pink slip dress with the hem in matching lace and she guessed it would be appropriate for an auction. 
   - Where are you going? - Wanda asked as Y/N stepped out of the room. Shit. Of all the days for her to be home early, it just had to be today. - What are you doing wearing your mum’s dress?
   - It’s fancy dress day at the bar. 
   - Fancy dress day at a mob bar?
   - Clearly. 
   - What are you hid ... - Wanda was interrupted by Y/N’s phone. Mr. Barnes had texted her he was outside just at the right time. 
   - I’ll see you later, Wan. Have fun but not too much fun.
Before the brunette could question her, Y/N was already out the door, bag in hand. She went down the stairs and outside where Mr. Barnes was leaning against his car, dressed in a navy blue suit which made him look like a model gracing the cover’s of fashion magazines. 
    - You’re supposed to make me wait, petal. 
    - I like being on time. - she walked up to him, standing less than an arm’s distance from the posh dressed mob boss. 
    - I should start by warning you not to go by your real name today. Safety purposes. 
   - What should I call myself then? Your date? - she asked as he helped her inside the car. 
   - You can call yourself whatever you’d like, petal. As long as it’s not your real name and I know what name you’re going by. 
   - Uhm ... I wanna go by Betty. 
   - Betty?
   - Like Betty Draper from Mad Men. She sounds like the type of woman who would go to an auction.
  - So you wanna be Betty Drapper? - Bucky hide a small smile as he drove through the dark night. 
  - No, I wanna be called Betty for tonight. - she leaned against the comfortable seatings of his car. 
“You’re part of the inner circle now, darling. Do something about it”, her father’s words echoed in her mind through the faint sound of the radio playing Doris Day. Yet again she had no idea how going to an auction would be a break in the case unless Mr. Barnes was buying weapons or drugs. The fact she was going by a different name didn’t calm her nerves but he wouldn’t kill her in a public setting. She watched the trees pass by from the window of his car  until they reached a big white house which could be certainly considered a mansion.
Mr. Barnes got off his car while the engine was still roaring, handing the key to the valet before opening her door. She looked up at him, blinded by the fairy lights all around the mansion and suddenly she got nervous, very nervous. Nevertheless, she took his help in getting off the car, walking to his left as the valet drove away with his car. 
    - We’re sticking with Betty? - he asked as they climbed up the stairs to the entry of the mansion. 
    - We are. - she nodded as he knocked on the door. A poshly dressed man opened the door allowing for her to peak inside. The room was full of people chatting to each other, champagne flutes in hand of roaring laughter. This was definitely different from the environment she was used to back at the club. 
Without noticing, she clung to his side as he moved through the seas of people drinking and admiring art work which she guessed was what was being auctioned until they got stopped by a slightly shorter than him man dressed in a black tuxedo. 
    - Barnes, you made it. I saved some of your favourite pieces for you. - he was happily talking until he noticed Y/N by the mob boss’ side. - Who is this lovely lady?
    - This is Betty. - he was an excellent liar, even she would’ve believed her name was Betty.
    - Pleasure to meet you, miss. - he curtsied which greatly confused her. - Do you want to come see them? I told my Miriam that the Proserpina paintings would be for Mr. Barnes when we started picking pieces. 
The mob boss was sweet on art? She curiously followed them into a badly light room in shades of burgundy and dark browns where several paintings. She observed them with an innocent look as Bucky heard about the prices and its overall worth. Of course they were not going into auction, they had been saved for him and him alone. He was important, stupidly important when compared to these other people. She could hear whispering from other people as he passed by, away from the room through other people.
The man, whose name Y/N still hadn’t really heard, left them in the entrance with everyone else, two champagne flutes immediately making their way to them. Yet, she still didn’t know exactly what to do. What would this be of use to her father? Someone liking art was common, something very common. Once again useless. 
   - Why did you bring me here if you don’t even need to attend the auction?
   - It’s a bad look to appear unaccompanied. Besides, I’d like to see the auction tonight.
   - I didn’t know you liked art. 
   - You thought I’d only like to see people dying, petal? - he spoke in a soft, calm manner but she could see his smirk through his strong facade. 
   - Look who it is. - Bucky’s face switched into an heavy expression, something Y/N barely saw and didn’t like to see. His arm pulled her behind him as someone dressed in what looked like a taffeta black suit walked up to him accompanied by a black haired woman in a skin tight burgundy dress much more sensual than Y/N’s blush pink flared dress. - James Buchanan Barnes, I thought you didn’t visit this part of town.
   - Rumlow, I visit whatever part I want. 
   - You remember my wife Rachel. - he pointed at the woman nearby him. - I don’t think I remember your friend. Care to introduce us?
   - This is Betty. She’s Sharon’s niece. 
   - Pleasure. There sure are lovely jewellery pieces tonight at auction, aren’t there?
   - And I believe I should care about those since I’m a woman. - Y/N gave him a forced smile, earning a scoff from Bucky who was trying not to laugh at her quick wit. 
    - I’m here to bid on the Elizabeth earrings. They’re a brilliant piece, don’t you think?
    - Yes, well ... we should be getting to our seats. - Bucky ignored the request for continuing the conversation, instead holding Y/N’s hand and leading her towards the auction room.
That was an odd conversation, one with underlying feelings of animosity. Maybe coming here was worth it, maybe that name “Rumlow” would be of use to her father. However, it didn’t matter as she was rather exciting to be in her very first auction. Sitting down in gold painted chairs she could see the paddles with several numbers and even the odd gentleman with a monocle. 
Bucky looked at her with a faint smile, observing how his world seemed to still entice her as for him it had long its spark a long, long time ago. People kept sitting down and soon enough the auctioneer was on the stage presenting pieces and shouting values of high amounts of money. High enough to pay for the rest of her degree, a masters and a few PhDs but she guessed this was how high society lived.
    - Finally, one of tonight’s most special pieces. - the man pointed at a pair of earrings on a glass box. - The Elizabeth earrings are made of white gold with two diamonds taken from The Cullinan diamond, one of the most precious in the world whose siblings belong to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Let’s start at 5 thousand.
Brock raised his paddle.
   - 5 thousand, does anyone says 6 thousand?
James rose his own paddle, surprising Y/N. She thought he was only here for the painting. 
   - 6 thousand, 7 thousand? - Brock once again rose his paddle. - 7 thousand, 8 thousand? 
Bucky once again rose his paddle, smirk on his face. He always enjoyed the chase and an auction chase was no exception. Besides, he would love to win those earrings just to piss off Brock Rumlow. 
   - 8 thousand, 9 thousand? - Brock rose his paddle again. - 9 thousand, 10 thousand?
   - 5 hundred thousand. - Bucky spoke out loud and clear for everyone to hear.
   - 5 hundred thousand, any higher? - Y/N’s gaze moved over to Brock who kept his paddle neatly in the middle of his lap, an upset expression gracing his face. His face moved to look at Barnes but he didn’t care, holding a winning smile on his lips. - Going once, going twice, going thrice ... Sold to Mr. Barnes. Congratulations.
Bucky didn’t low himself down to look at Rumlow instead getting up once the auction was over. Y/N followed him, curiosity once again getting hold of her and every fibre of hers. She had never seen diamonds in person, much less as precious as these ones were so once she went into the back and saw the woman place them into a red velvet box, she was done for. They placed the box on a nice black matte bag and handed it over to Mr. Barnes along with the certification of authenticity. 
The auction after party become boring afterwards, with Rumlow giving Barnes a look no one would like to receive and him having little to no care about it. At around 11PM, the time she would end her shift today, he started to walk away, tipping the valet some money to fetch his car while both of them waited outside. It was a cold night, the wind moaning in slow blows and suddenly she regretted not bringing a jacket. 
   - You should’ve brought a jacket. - before she could roll her eyes at this comment, she felt something fall onto her shoulders. Looking to the right shoulder, she recognised the navy blue fabric of his suit’s jacket. - Did you enjoy being someone else for the evening?
   - I didn’t envision my alter ego being Steve’s girlfriend’s family but I’ll accept it. It was nice, thank you for bringing me. 
   - My pleasure, Betty. - he joked. - I do prefer your name over Betty.
The valet brought back his beloved car and handed back the keys. It had been a rather fun night, one that surely went above and beyond her expectations. At least she had a name to give to her father, one of a contact that would be willing to speak about Barnes. Nevertheless, she couldn’t help but feel absolutely dirty about it. He hadn’t done anything bad to her, anything that would consider her betrayal. He’d hurt people, or at least that’s what her father said. He’d hurt people, but she’d only seen him doing it to those who actually deserved it. It was wrong, it was wrong but she had too. 
These thoughts kept her quiet, with eyes on the road. This was bad, this was bad, how was she going to betray him but that was the job. Feel nothing, her father had told her before, feel nothing and don’t get hurt. She didn’t want him to get locked up yet again maybe she was too innocent to see what was really happening. 
    - We’re here, Y/N. - he killed the engine, stopping in front of the building. - You don’t look alright. Do you want me to drive you to the hospital?
   - Oh, no, no. I’m just tired. - she lied. Once again lying. 
   - I’m sorry for keeping you up this late. I’ll double your night pay too.
   - It’s not necessary, Mr. Barnes.
   - Bucky.
   - Pardon?
   - Call me Bucky. - he corrected her. - From now on, you can call me Bucky.
   - Bucky. - she repeated, a silly smile forming on her face. - Well, goodnight Bucky.
   - Goodnight, petal. Don’t forget your bag. - he handed her bag to the young girl before waving his last goodbye.
She stood in the sidewalk, watching his car leave with a silly smile on her face. Why was she even smiling? She should be feeling guilty, not smiley. Yet she was stuck in the middle of those two emotions. She needed to go back to bed, that’s what she needed. She needed to go back to her bed and sleep it through so like every single night, she climbed the stairs up to her flat. Once in front of her old student flat door, she opened her wallet to search for her keys.
Damned keys, always seemed to disappear in the darkness of her bag and as she rummaged through the contents she had been throwing inside her bag over the years. As she kept searching for her keys, something fell from her bag onto the bag. 
   - Shit. - she mumbled to herself, squatting down to grab what had fallen. Her mouth opened agape as she saw the same velvet blue box from the auction. Looking around and seeing no one around, she opened the box and there they were, the same earrings she had seen on the auction glass along with a note. Maybe Betty will like them. JBB. - I can’t believe it.
Once again, smiling like a fool. She couldn’t believe it, it couldn’t be, it had to be some sort of mistake. These were 5 hundred thousand dollar pair of earrings for a woman who was wearing a hand me down dress from her mother. Before someone else could see them she shoved them back inside her purse, opening the door to her flat.
   - We need to talk. 
taglist: @lookiamtrying @mariamermaid @sebastianstansqueen @unmagically @buckybarnes1982 @mela-noche @lowercasegenius @randomweirdooo @projectcampbell @sebbystanlover-vk @jevans2 @hollarious @itsallyscorner​ 
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imbackmrstark · 4 years
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• l e m o n b o y •
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It was the kid from next door. Brown, curly hair and those sweet, thin lips. His eyes, God, his eyes, Tony could stare into them for hours. He was barely 15 years old, the boy, maybe 16, Tony had never asked and never intended to. Talking, that was the problem. Tony never had a word with the boy, not even at the welcome party; the boy's family, the Parkers – he knew that from the door sign – only moved here a few months ago, Tony had fallen in love immediately. He couldn't take his eyes off the smaller one all day long, staring at him like a hungry lion at its prey, but instead of attacking the teenager, he just smiled insecurely every now and then. He looked like an angry hamster – a sweet, angry hamster. You couldn't take him seriously, he was far too cute. Tony was head over heels in love with the boy next door. And so it began that Anthony E. Stark watched the younger one from his room window every day as he built and hammered on something outside, curious what it would be.
One day – Tony just came out of his bathroom, hair freshly washed and with a towel around his waist – he saw a small booth with a sign on it saying "lemonade $2". A smile played around his lips and he completely forgot to put something on and comb his hair, far too distracted by the sunshine down on the street, which at that moment took some lemons and pressed them into a lemonade. That's when Tony started calling him 'lemon boy', whether in his head or when he talked to his parents about the Parkers boy.
He supported his elbow on the windowsill and leaned his chin on the palm of his hand while watching the neighbor. To live across from such a beauty is a curse and a blessing in equal measure. Tony thought that even a blind man would see how much he was in love and that scared him. He couldn't–.. to be honest, he didn't even try to talk his way out of it, he had no chance, he knew he had lost to this disgusting love. Pah, who needs love! The teenager pulled a face, he needed love. Oh dammit.
He let his gaze wander back to the street and only noticed too late that Little Parker had looked up at him. A sweet smile adorned his face and he raised his hand briefly to wave sweetly. Tony's eyes widened in shock before he threw back a quick smile and jumped away from the window, getting tangled up in the blanket and falling to the floor. A soft laugh was heard from the street and the older one puffed offended.
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Tony wondered why the boy had just opened his shop at the beginning of his school days. Every day from 8am to 3pm at school and then up to two hours of homework and studying. How is he supposed to find time for his lemonade? Talking about school: The teenager was sitting right now in the school bus on his way to personal hell, while Parker was once again being brought fine by Auntie. Aunt... Tony had heard that the boy's parents had died and that he was now living with his aunt and uncle. Even though he loved them, he felt bad for him. The brown-haired teen got up and grabbed his bag when the bus came to a halt, then left it to find his friends with a quick glance. That was the less difficult task, but getting there first... almost impossible.
"Tonyy!" A girl with brown hair waved at him before she ran to him with her bouncing boobs to give him a cheerful hug. "How was the holiday, big boy? You're fine?"
"Sorry, but who were you again?" Faces and names, not Tony's domain at all, especially when he sees so many of them a day. Most popular boy in school problem.
The girl made an offended expression on her face and was about to start complaining when she was harshly interrupted.
"Stark. Why don't you stop flirting and join us? We've been waiting here forever." That voice... That fucking voice. It could only come from one lady, and you better not fuck with her. A request was a request and she never took no for an answer, never ever.
"Natasha, darling... Of course, I'm on my way," he replied instantly, looking forward to having his peace and quiet from all the annoying students, because one thing was made clear on the first day of school: James Barnes hates people and will beat up anyone who didn't get official permission to stay near him. Even Steve, an old best friend, now just a friend, to get him into the group took days and now... now the two of them can't be separated anymore. They are one of the favorite couples at this school.
"Hey man," Steve grinned at him slightly, his typical greeting after the holidays, just to get warm again. They parted quarrelling back then - Tony had caught him sleeping with his girlfriend, now ex-girlfriend, Pepper, and instead of an apology he only got to hear that she was a slut and he just wanted to show him that she was wrong. It took years to stand so close to him again without Tony wanting to punch him in the face.
"What's up?" He wasn't a real speaker, he hated this job most in everyday life anyway. He listened to his friends most of the time and answered everyone only the most necessary questions. Only with some of them he could come out a bit more. For example his best friend Rhodey and maybe even a little bit with Natasha.
The happy expression on his face when the bell rang couldn't go unnoticed by his friends, which is why a little grin crept across Rhodey's face before he put his hand on Tony's shoulder and went to class with him. The hours stretched like chewing gum and the teenager became so bored that he voluntarily started talking to the people around him. Sometimes a little word with the girl next to him and sometimes a few sentences with a buddy of his named Thor. They got along well, even if Thor wasn't the brightest candle on the chandelier. It was always funny to listen to the boy, how he put up crazy theories. Weirdo. After the English lesson they walked together through the corridors to their lockers, which happened to be close together. On the way there, the paths of Tony and the Lemon Boy crossed, who smiled softly, then immediately looked down at the floor again. At school Tony wore the pants, here he was braver and here he could stand his looks and smiles. At home then rather less, the boy made him weak.
"Earth to Stark," Thor curiously waved his hand in front of his face to regain the attention he was currently giving the sugar sweet boy. And by "giving" he meant staring at the boy like a stalker, so that even he noticed it and speeded up his walking with red cheeks. Maybe Tony was creepy, yes, maybe, but it was all due to stupid love. If it didn't exist, none of this would've happened. He puffed, glanced back up at Thor, who raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Why don't you ask him out?"
"Just shut up, you have no idea." He grumbled discontentedly and turned back around to see Bucky leaning against Tony's locker, smiling knowingly. Of course he knew what was going on in Tony's head. He'd been through the whole thing himself. With Steve, in fact. He shook his head, his hair falling unintentionally into his face, so Steve's hand slid towards him instantly and brushed a strand of hair out of his face. Of course the blond guy was not far away from his lover, always at his side, that asshole. Tony rolled his eyes, stood right in front of them and showed with a quick movement of his head that he wanted to get to his locker.
"What do you want, idiot? Ohh, your locker. Ah sorry, but I am standing here right now, find yourself another place, will you?" Bucky replied with wagging eyebrows and a smirk on his lips.
"Fuck off or I'll punch you in the face, idiot." Tony's nerves were shot to shit. First the beautiful boy who gave him a smile and now a fucking bastard who interrupted his daydreams. "Come on, just say what you're getting at. Come on, one word and I'll show you some respect, you little pain in the ass."
"I haven't heard so many words from you in a long time, you little bitch." He laughed happily, like this was all some sort of game to him. Being a bit annoying to his friends, his favorite hobby, it seems. Not to Steve, apparently, because his body showed something quite different. He was tense and his hands were clenched in fists as if he was about to intervene any second to protect his lover, even if he could do it well himself.
"Okay big boys, that's enough." The redhead who almost always got Tony out of difficult situations, intervened again. "There's a real tense atmosphere here, don't you think?"
"Completely agree with you," confirmed Thor, who was a little tense himself. It wouldn't be the first time that Bucky and Tony would fight, it happened almost every month, but it hasn't been as bad as today for a long time.
"The motherfucker's in love, totally, and he knows that I know and he knows that I know who it is and that... that scares him." That grin on his face and those eyes that radiated such joy, like he thought he'd won. Tony couldn't help himself. He swung and punched the asshole right in the face.
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"Gee, I've already apologized. He's just a little drama queen, we all know that." Tony paced the hallway outside the hospital room trying desperately to talk his way out. Meanwhile, Thor sat in the far too small chair and watched him pacing as if it was even remotely exciting.
"Holy shit, you broke his fucking nose!" Clint, another friend of Tony's, or rather Natasha's, interfered and threw the facts back on the table. Tony shrugged his shoulders.
"He provoked me. He always provokes me. I hope this has taught him a lesson."
"Absolutely, motherfucker," Bucky muttered sarcastically as he came out of the hospital room with Steve holding his hand and his face in pain. He had a white bandage on his nose and some blood on his upper lip. Tony leaned against the opposite wall and crossed his arms in front of his chest, raised one eyebrow while trying not to look as if he was actually worried. "Don't pretend, you son of a bitch, I know you love me and you're really, really sorry. And you know what? I forgive you, okay? Because I love you too, pal."
"Dude, what? I don't love you, man. That's totally gay, stop fucking around. Damn, now I've wasted my time with all this shit too. I'll see you guys tomorrow, you little pesky kids." He shook his head with a sigh before he pushed himself off the wall and walked down the corridor to the exit. It was already 4pm, he had wasted a whole hour.
When he opened the glass door and went outside, he saw an all-too-familiar brunette sitting there on a small wall with his arms wrapped around his backpack and fear in his eyes. Tony curled his eyebrows. What was Parker still doing here? He didn't want to, but he had to. He gathered up all his courage and walked towards the boy, who noticed his neighbour much too late and quickly looked up with big eyes.
"Hey, lemon boy," murmured Tony softly, avoiding eye contact most of the time, but when the boy didn't answer, he raised his head. "What are you still doing here?"
"You're Tony S-Stark, right? The boy next door.. right?" The smaller one wiggled his legs unsteadily around and bit his lower lip.
"Yes, I am, but that wasn't my question." He shifted his weight to one leg, tried to look a little cooler and also tried not to stare at the kid the whole time.
"Oh, yeah, right, sorry. I... um... Ben, my uncle... he was gonna pick me up, but he doesn't answer, and, yeah, so..-"
Tony took a deep breath before he just let his question shoot out of him. "Will you walk home with me? Then we won't be alone and I don't have to feel bad about leaving you here. I'll have to walk anyway."
"I, um... Sure, why not. I'm Peter, by the way, I'm not sure if you knew that yet. So, um, yeah..." He bounced off the wall and shouldered his bag before he walked down the street beside Tony. He was glad he was asked, he would never have dared to walk alone along the main road and then across country roads while it was already getting dark.
"To be honest, I didn't know, sorry." The older one gripped the straps of his backpack tighter so his ankles turned white. He looked down, barely daring to look at the smaller one, but he was so incredibly beautiful, how could he not?
Tony had to admit that his idea to ask Peter to come along was really good, considering the long way in darkness. Living in a village two hours away from the nearest school and then having to walk across country isn't the yellow of the egg, but Tony was used to it. He grew up in this house and even his parents always had to go this way back then, so he couldn't complain. As long as you caught the bus that ran twice before and after school, everything was fine. If you got detention or missed it, you were just unlucky and had to walk or to ask someone to pick you up. When Tony looked at the boy, he shivered under the cold of the night and he couldn't help but take off his jacket and put it over his shoulder, even if he was freezing to death himself. Peter looked up in surprise, then smiled thankfully and squeezed himself a little more by Tony's side.
"Are you afraid? I mean, in the dark?", asked the taller one quietly after a short time, while he was about to protect the boy with his arm.
"When I'm alone, sometimes." muttered Peter uncertainly, then looked up with his round eyes. Tony just wanted to bend down and kiss him, but he didn't. He'd talked to the boy for the first time today, so he couldn't ambush him with a kiss.
"And now? Are you afraid?", the older one asked after a long time of silence, just looking straight and avoiding trembling. This cold was killing him and the sweet boy with the far too big jacket next to him as well. Tony's jacket was like a blanket for Peter, his fingertips could barely be seen and then there was this magical smile on his lips.
The next moment the little one shook his head to answer the question that was asked a few minutes ago. "Somehow, no. This jacket makes me feel safe, I don't know... Thanks again.", mumbled Peter and crawled a little more into the fabric.
"Just the jacket?" He squinted his eyes over to Peter, suppressed his grin when he noticed the red cheeks.
"No, because of you too, my hero." Peter raised his arm and pointed to the first houses they saw after two hours walking. "Almost there!"
"Finally. My feet are killing me and I'm hungry, too. It's all Bucky's fault."
"Who's Bucky? Ah, wait, is that the boy with the long hair? The one you punched in the face?" They turned into a street and walked a few more blocks until they were in front of their homes and they were still standing outside to continued their talk. "Why did you hit him, anyway?"
"Not so important. He was an asshole again, and he was begging for it." Tony shrugged and walked towards Peter's house like it was normal, leaving him stunned. "You coming? I'll take you home like a gentleman."
"Oh, yeah, yeah... thanks, um, sorry, I'm coming." Peter hurried to get to Tony and smiled thankfully at him, while he was already knocking at the door. It was opened by a young woman with long brown hair who looked surprised and then tore Peter into her arms with relief.
"Oh God Peter! I was so worried! Ben feels so bad, he had to work late and his phone... and... and..."
"May, breathe! It's all fine, Tony brought me home, nothing happened." Peter slowly separated from his aunt and looked over his shoulder, smiling, at Tony, who only raised his hand briefly.
"Thank you, Tony... How can we ever repay you? You know what... You come over for dinner tomorrow and Ben takes you back after school, no buts."
A smile was on Tony's face and he quickly thanked her. "See you tomorrow, lemon boy."
It was until late in the evening - Tony was sitting up in his room, on his bed, thinking about what happened today - when he noticed that Peter still had his jacket. He sighed and looked over his shoulder out of the window to look into the boy's room. Apparently he was already asleep; the light was off and the curtains drawn. He just hoped that the younger one would give him his jacket back tomorrow.
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Being back at school the next day and standing next to Bucky was more than uncomfortable for him. The teachers had all put a few more eyes on him and he felt like he was being watched almost the whole time. While he listened to the others talking, he kept an eye out for the boy he saw after a few minutes with another boy and a girl. And what took his breath away was that Peter was wearing his much too big jacket and looked outrageously cute. Without thinking about it, Tony walked up to the boy, ignoring that his friends were silent and watched him. After a short time Peter looked up and smiled softly, raised his hand and waved briefly before Tony stood right in front of him.
First he just stared at the little one, then opened his mouth and closed it again until he remembered why he came here. "My jacket."
"O-oh, yeah, right, sorry about that." Peter was about to take them off when Tony took the hem of the jacket in his hands and tightened it more.
"No, don't. It looks really good on you, makes you even sweeter," murmured Tony softly, just looking at his chest.
"Um... Thanks? I can give them back to you after dinner tonight, though. I mean-" When Tony looked up, he saw Peter biting his lower lip uncomfortably.
"You can keep them." The teenager smiled slightly, then nodded again, let his hands slide off the jacket, turned around and went back to his idiot friends, who all grinned at him knowingly. "One word and the next nose's broken."
"Since when?" Steve asked quietly, nodding towards Peter, who was giggling around with his friends.
"Since when what? Since when am I in love? Since when do I want to turn my whole life upside down for this one person? Since when would I do anything for that one person? Holy shit!" Tony angrily ran his fingers into his hair and ripped it. "I've been so fucking in love and I have been ever since I first saw him..." Unintentionally a tear of desperation rolled down his cheek as he squeezed his eyes to avoid the glances of his friends.
"Actually, I was going to ask you, since when are you into guys too, but it's probably not important. Come here." Steve then opened his arms and pulled his old friend into them, then held him tight. Tony put his head on Steve's shoulder and sighed deeply.
"It's okay, Stark," mumbled Bucky after a short while, before carefully putting his hand on Tony's back.
Tony then tore himself away from them, straightened his clothes, wiped away his tears and put on a smile. "Whatever, boys. Class is about to start, we should go inside, don't you think?" He didn't even wait for an answer, he immediately went into the school and to his locker to get his new books. As he turned around and walked on, a small figure suddenly stood in front of him, looking worried.
"Are you okay, Tony? I just.. saw you.. with the blond guy. You looked sad. Is it because of the jacket? Does it mean anything to you? Do you want it back?" Peter's eyes radiated such warmth and such concern for nothing. Tony felt bad that Peter thought it was his fault. Even if it was, but he didn't want him to think it was. He shook his head.
"No. It makes me happy that you're wearing mine. It's just... nothing." The taller one leaned his side against the lockers, looking down with a would-be cool look at the boy, who pressed his lips together, shook his head and flinched slightly when the bell rang. "Don't you want to go to class?"
"I'd rather talk to you. You're not well, something makes you sad...", Peter said, crossing his arms in front of his chest and panting discontentedly.
In the corner of his eye, Tony noticed Bucky and Steve walking past him, smiling softly and winking at him. They really could never stop. Deep inside, Tony wanted to prove something to them, just kiss the boy, but when he looked into the dark brown round eyes, he couldn't bring himself to do it.
"Shall we go to the library? Talk?", asked the younger one quietly, pulled gently on his sleeve and then went with his neighbour into the room of books. Once there, Peter sat down with Tony at a table that was a bit more private and then looked at him gently. "I haven't known you long. In fact, yesterday was the first time we spoke. But... I feel like I've known you for years, it's weird. And I just want you to be happy... that you know that you can talk to me when something's wrong.. And you can even come over to me anytime.. We could sit in my room and do something. Play games or talk or just lie on my bed and... It sounds crazy, sorry."
"It doesn't sound crazy at all, it's rather nice. I'd love to come to your house sometimes and do stuff like that. Or invite you over to my place. You know, Peter, I like you. I really like you a lot and that scares me a bit," confessed Tony with an insecure smile on his lips. Peter struggled with himself for a few seconds, but then smiled and nodded in agreement at him.
"If you're coming for dinner tonight, we can go to my room afterwards.. if you want?"
Tony nodded quickly, maybe even a bit too quickly.
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Tony smiled slightly at the unfamiliar man as he took off his backpack and put it on his lap as he sat in the Parkers' car. His friends, who were waiting for the bus as usual, looked at him in confusion and then grinned a little. He couldn't even remember when the last time was when he was picked up from school in a car and apparently you could see it in his face because Peter, who was sitting next to him, was smiling happily at him and if Tony was honest, it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
"So, Tony, I heard you're coming over for dinner later?", asked Mr. Parker him after a short time in which Tony and the boy were just looking at each other smiling.
The teenager looked up quickly and nodded at the man. "Yes sir, that's right. Um... thanks again for picking me up and, of course, for the dinner later."
"Wow, easy, boy. No problem. I'd really do anything to thank you for bringing my boy home. I still can't forgive myself." With clenched lips, the man kept driving, only looking back through the rearview mirror once in a while.
"Ben it wasn't your fault, okay? Your boss was giving you trouble again, you couldn't help it. I was safe with Tony, he even gave me his jacket." Peter talked about Tony as if he was head over heels in love with him, as if he wasn't even there right now and Tony only noticed much too late that he was grinning up to his ears.
"You're welcome, little lemon," muttered he with a smile, placing his hand delicately on Peter's knee, who widened his eyes a little, but then wrapped both his hands around Tony's wrist and smiled sweetly at him.
"'Little lemon,' sweet... Look, Pete, he even has a nickname for you already. I think you're gonna be great friends," said Ben as he rounded the last corner and pulled into the Parkers' parking lot. "All right, guys, get out and get in. May should have dinner ready by now."
"Oh eat already? I was counting on tonight... um, yeah, okay, well, then now." Tony scratched the back of his head slightly, then got out of the car with Peter and Ben and went into the house behind them, where it already smelled wonderfully of food.
"We're more like those people who eat lunch instead of dinner, so don't be surprised. I hope you don't mind," Peter asked the taller one quietly, looked up at him and seemed a bit anxious. He was apparently panicking that Tony maybe leave because he might not be hungry.
"And we talk about dinner all the time." Tony laughed briefly, then put his arm around Peter's shoulder and walked into the dining room with him. "No, that's okay, I'm hungry anyway."
The room wasn't really large, but therefore totally cosy and the brown, long table that was standing there seemed to have already gone through some moves. The chairs seemed to be comfortable, Peter also immediately dropped on one and knocked on the chair next to him, indicating to Tony to sit down as well, which he did directly. After a short time the woman from last night entered the room with a pot in her hands, which she placed on the table in front of Peter and Tony. May smiled happily at Tony, greeted him very briefly and then sat down on the chairs opposite of them with Ben.
"So Tony, how you doing, my boy? Why don't you get something to eat, come on. Have as much as you want." May took the big spoon and filled Tony's plate so that he thanked her overburdened and looked at Peter, who also put something on his own and started eating.
"I'm fine, thanks for asking." Tony smiled broadly, kept peeking over at Peter, eating carefully and full of manners.
Suddenly it became quiet in the room and the two boys looked up in wonder. May had a satisfied smile on her lips, exchanged a few glances with her husband, who nodded knowingly and shoved another spoonful of food into his mouth.
"Peter, my boy... Tony look at you like you're his entire world..", recognized she warmly, as warmly as Tony's cheeks after he had noticed how he had been staring at the boy the whole time.
"T-That's not true at all!" Tony tried to talk his way out, his cheeks should be as red as strawberries.
Peter's eyes fell on Tony's plate and he hesitated briefly before opening his mouth and quietly asked if he was finished and if they wanted to go to his room. He nodded quickly, apologized to the adults and then went upstairs behind Peter.
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Tony tensed as he sat unsteadily on the edge of Peter's bed. The boy himself, meanwhile, grabbed all his dirty laundry off the floor and tossed it into some corner before scratching the back of his head in shame.
"I'm sorry.. about.. you know. I forgot to clean up..." Peter shyly clasped his hands in front of him and rocked back and forth unsteadily while he smiled slightly.
"That's okay. At least your room can still be considered as a room." A soft laugh escaped his throat and a moment later two brown eyes looked at him, squinted a bit because he had to grin too.
"Yours that bad?" The boy asked, tilting his head and grinning broadly.
"Oh darling, you have no idea. My room resembles a jungle and to be honest, I don't really feel like changing anything about it." Tony shrugged his shoulders indifferently, before he slid a little to the side to make room for the other, who now wanted to sit down on the bed as well. Unlike Tony, however, he crawled back to the wall, against he leaned with a smile.
"You don't have to sit there like that... Come here." Peter lightly tapped the mattress beside him with the flat of his hand, and after a moment's hesitation, the older one took a seat beside him.
He made himself a little more comfortable before looking down at the boy with a smile. Just a little, they were almost at eye level as they sat there like that. Peter bit his lower lip briefly and batted his eyelashes quickly as he tried to tear his gaze away from the other. Silence fell between them and when Tony realized that Peter would not be looking at him anytime soon, he gently took his chin with two fingers and delicately turned his head in his direction. His smile fell easily, so captivated was he by the eyes in front of him.
"So.. You gonna kiss me.. or?" Peter murmured softly as he got closer and closer to the teenager. Along the way, he tried to read the other's body language so as not to have misinterpreted anything.
"So you want me to kiss you?" Tony asked in a somber voice before carefully sliding his hand up Peter's leg to his hip to pull him even closer. "I mean.. we're both boys and..–"
"I don't care. Doesn't matter. I want it, kiss me." He took it in his own hands now and pulled Tony close so he could feel the other's breath on his lip. "Kiss me..."
Tony opened his mouth in surprise, clawing deeper with his fingers into flesh beneath him before making a tortured sound and placing his lips on Peter's. He wasn't sure if that had been the boy's first kiss, but instead of asking, he just pressed his lips to the ones in front of him again. Peter ran his delicate fingers into Tony's hair and tugged lightly on them, so he was separated from the younger one with parted lips.
"Um. Can we just... lie here a bit now? And do nothing? While Holding hands?"
"Yes.. Yes we can."
• T H E E N D •
Thank u for reading c:
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oureuphoria · 5 years
Worst of You - JJK 10
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You meet him under horrible circumstances but everything feels perfect when you’re with him. Too bad you have a bitch of a best friend, anxiety and an inability to learn from your mistakes which cripples your chances to be with the man of your literal dreams. He, however, is a police officer with years worth of built-up turmoil and an inability to make attachments. Or “I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.” “Cool, I’ll let everyone know you’re moving in then.”
Genre: fluff, angst, comedy
Pairing: officer!jungkook X  collegestudent!reader
Word count: 3,477
Warnings: None I think. 
Note: P.S. thing’s start to go downhill from here. 
| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 |
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When you woke up, you expected to see Jungkook’s side of the bed completely empty but instead, he was right there sleeping peacefully, at 9am. “Jungkook! Wake up, you’re late to work!” You shook him lightly, your voice was still pretty quiet. He tiredly turned to face you before letting out a hoarse, “what?” You pointed at the clock, he took one look at it and went back to sleep. “Jungkook, what about your job? Are you sick?” He turned to face you once again, more awake now. “On Tuesday I got promoted to Corporal, I have Saturdays off now.” “Oh.” You were about to go back to sleep, but then you jumped up quickly and Jungkook winced at the storm that was yet to come. “Wait! Why didn’t you tell me, that’s so amazing! I knew you could do it!” Jungkook pulled the blanket over his head to block out your loud excitement and you got the hint. “Whoops, I’m sorry. I’ll let you sleep now.” You smiled to yourself as you quietly left the bed.
All the sleepiness was knocked out of you so you decided to take a shower, but you were genuinely uncomfortable with the idea of going to the communal bathrooms on a Saturday morning. They were generally filled with puke and hungover college students. You recalled Jungkook telling you a while back that you could use his guest bathroom whenever you wanted and thought you would have to use children’s shampoo because he always kept it there in case his niece and nephew had to stay for a while.
You were still in the bathroom when Jungkook woke up. You were in the middle of harshly judging your skin when you heard Jungkook’s voice just outside your door. “Mom, I told you I don’t want to. No, I don’t have a girlfriend, I’m just not interested.” That sentence alone got rid of all your rationality and soon you had your ear pressed up against the door to hear better. “You know what, fine, I’ll meet her tonight. Are you happy now?” You couldn’t hear what was said on the other line so you had no real way of telling what was really going on or who he was meeting which just made you extremely anxious.
“Hey, Y/N. I’m going out tonight to meet an old friend.” You heard him yell from his room before he came out in slacks and a dress shirt, looking very handsome. You were on the couch, reading a book you bought the other day with Jimin. “Help me with my tie, your small hands make better knots.” You rolled your eyes at the underlying insult but you helped him anyway. You couldn’t help but feel a little angry about having to hear him lie to his mother about you. “Ow! Y/N, too tight.” You didn’t mean to smile but you did and he looked at you suspiciously. “My bad.” He took one look at his reflection in the mirror he has in the living room and angrily took the tie off. “It’s too much.” Then he unbuttoned the first few buttons, his toned chest peaking out. “You seem to be trying awfully hard to impress this ‘old friend’” Jungkook leaned down to face you, pinching your cheeks tightly. “She’s just a friend.” He gave you a quick kiss before he grabbed his things and was out the door.
You went back to reading the book you had just started to read but it was growing harder to concentrate the later it got, and once he was finally back, it was 11pm. You were already asleep on the couch, the book on your lap as your neck hung to the side. Jungkook winced at the uncomfortable position and hoped you weren’t asleep that way for long. “Y/N, wake up. Come on, let’s get you to bed.” You sleepily got up, rubbing your eyes to help you see better. You unlocked your phone to check the time and saw it was 11:17. You couldn’t help but wonder what took him so long considering he left at 7 but before you could address it, the warm confines of the bed pulled you into a gentle sleep.
The next day things were extremely tense. If you didn’t initiate conversations it would often go quiet for a really long time. Jungkook was either on his laptop, on his phone or playing a video game. The cycle got a little tedious around 1pm. “Jungkook, I���m bored.” He didn’t look up from his phone, smiling as he messaged someone. “Hello? Earth to Jungkook?” He once again kept his eyes trained on his screen though this time he found the energy to formulate a reply. “I heard you the first time. I don’t know, go out or something.” You frowned, his days off were the only days you could genuinely spend time with him and yet it felt as if he didn’t want to. You weren’t going to beg for his attention, you knew it would just make him mad.
You decided to go shopping, you wanted new clothes and you were in desperate need of a new laptop charger, you were sick of getting electrocuted every time you tried to charge the damn thing. It was a warm day, significantly warmer than any other this crisp winter, you were nearing the end of February so it was natural for the weather to get warmer. “Isn’t it too cold to wear a skirt?” You heard him ask behind you as you put on your shoes. “I literally just complained to you about the weather and how it was going to be 97 degrees today. Maybe if you listened to me you’d know this.” You stuck your tongue out at him towards the end of your sentence, it was childish yet you couldn’t help but hope he would take you seriously with your complaints. “Do you want me to drop you off?” You shook your head, giving him a peck on the cheek on your way out. “Y/N take a jacket- and she’s already out the door,” Jungkook mumbled the last part to himself, shaking his head slightly at your forgetfulness, he knew it was going to get colder later and he knew he was in for an earful about how cold you were when you’d get home.
“And then the lady told me that they didn’t have any more in my size and I was so sad. Jungkook are you even listening?” On his phone, once again, even when the man wasn’t at work he always found a way to make you feel like a nuisance. You gave up, it was like talking to a brick wall accept maybe the brick wall would be a better listener than Jungkook. You were already in bed when Jungkook joined you, though you were facing the closet door and sleeping near the edge. “Jungkook I think I’m going to go back to sleeping at my dorm.” He wasn’t expecting you to be awake, the statement catching him off-guard. “Really, why?” Despite him sounding fairly uninterested, you were glad he even responded. “If I don’t sleep there then I’m basically paying rent for a horribly overpriced storage unit.” Jungkook chuckled at your joke, but he didn’t reply, you took it as a sign that he wanted you out too.
“Ew, what’re you doing here?” Ellen was exhaling a cloud of smoke when you walked in. “I live here, stupid. Stop smoking indoors!” You spoke through coughs, blowing the smoke away and opening the windows. You looked up to see the fire alarm was off, you glared at her respectively. She didn’t care about your concerns, in fact, to show you exactly how little she cared, she flipped you off as you went to your room. Ellen was a lot of things, but you didn’t think she was a genuinely bad person, she was probably just lonely and sometimes you felt bad for her, but then she would start pissing you off again and you’d go back to hating her.
Your room was still the same, untouched. You often came here to study but you began slacking off as spring break was nearing. Ellen was blasting loud music again but weirdly turned it down when you asked her to. Maybe she liked having you back, maybe your theory about her being lonely was true after all. Whatever it was, you were grateful for it.
The next day was a Tuesday, also known as the worst day of the week. Not only did you have two consecutive tutor lessons but your classes ran nonstop from 8am-3pm. After your last class ended you walked to the library, exhausted and hungry. Unfortunately, you couldn’t eat or rest because your first tutoring lesson started at 4 and you had a lot of content to organize. A couple of students showed up 20 minutes early but you refused to say a word to them and they joked about how you should become a lawyer since you refuse to give out free advice but you were not in the mood.
3 dreadful hours later you were finally done with both sessions and you laid your head on the desk sleepily. You were tired enough to convince yourself to forget food and go home. Sure, you hadn’t eaten anything all day but sleep seemed more appetizing than food ever could. Naturally, since the universe seemed to hate you before you could even get up Jimin sat right in front of you. “There you are! You will not believe who I just saw at the cafe.” You looked at him distastefully. “Who?” You played along for the sake of getting it over and done with. “Jungkook, with a very pretty girl.” You laughed, assuming it to be Mel. “That’s just his coworker.” He looked at you with worried eyes as he shook his head. “No, I saw his coworkers when we went to the club, she’s different. She’s Asian, tall, long black hair, you don’t know her?” You shook your head, feeling the exhaustion disappear. “How long ago did you see them there?” “20 minutes ago, I would’ve told you earlier but you weren’t picking up your phone.” You recalled putting it on night mode before starting the lessons. You took said phone out to message Jungkook, asking where he was. He finished at 6pm which should’ve been an hour ago.
Where are you, Jungkook?
You waited for a reply but you can’t say you were patient, you were growing more anxious by the second and thankfully, almost 4 minutes later, Jungkook replied.
Work, I’m going to be late tonight.
Read 7:28
“What a fucking liar!” Jimin exclaimed from beside you once he read the message. He grabbed your hand and pulled you up. “Jimin, where are we going?” He speed-walked out of the building, making his way to the student carpark and very literally pushing you into his car. “Jimin, where are we going?” Once he put his seatbelt on, he turned to you smiling. “Station, we’re busting his ass.” You whined out loudly. “No, I don’t want to cause drama, he was probably with someone important for work.” Jimin didn’t reply, driving you there anyways. He went in with you and you saw Mel, he pushed you towards her and she smiled your way. “Hey Mel, I was just wondering if Jungkook was here?” You asked her politely, a little bashfully to be frank. “No, actually, he left a while ago.” You nodded, smiling though it really didn’t feel genuine, you thanked her and walked back to Jimin, telling him about what she said.
“Do you think he’s cheating on me?” You were on the verge of crying when you left the building, Jimin quickly engulfed you in a bone-crushing hug. “I’m sorry Y/N but after what you told me yesterday and what I saw, I think he is.” You started crying then, you had been cheated on before but you were 15 and you dated the boy for like 3 days. When you were finally in bed, you couldn’t sleep. You felt sick and exhausted but all you could do was dwell over Jungkook. After the phone call you overheard, the night out he had with her on Saturday and lying to you to see her it appeared that he probably was cheating.
When Jungkook left the bathroom, you had just walked out of the doors of the station lobby. By the time he got to Mel, you were gone. “Hey, did I miss anything?” He asked Mel while looking around the station. He was getting ready to leave after finally wrapping up the last of his reports. He had originally finished at 6 but the Chief called him back in because he needed some reports earlier than expected. He didn’t mind though, after finally clearing up with his old friend (the girl his mother tried to set him up with) that he wasn’t interested in a relationship, he felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders. Mel paused for a moment before smiling. “No, you didn’t miss a thing.
You were having dinner with Jungkook, it was a Friday night and you had barely spoken to him all week. When he asked what was wrong you were quick to brush him off, saying you were sick. You weren’t lying, at least not entirely. For the most part, you were ignoring him because of the cheating suspicions which you were still yet to address. “Y/N, we need to talk.” Your heart stopped then and there, you genuinely believed he was breaking up with you at that very moment for someone else. “…Yes?” Your voice was small and you had barely squeaked the word out before you chugged an entire cup of water out of nervousness. “You already know I’m not a fan of this facade you put on when something’s wrong so, how about you drop it and tell me what’s wrong?” He spoke softly, in a tone that was more friendly than menacing, but you couldn’t ask him, it would hurt too much if you were right.
“Um…I think we need a break.” “We don’t need shit.” Jungkook spoke so quickly and surely after with such a casual tone, causing your mouth to let out a default, “oh, ok.” There was a silence that followed before you realized what you had said. “Wait, no, it’s not okay. I think we need a break.” You spoke more sternly this time, trying to get your point across. You believed that if you took a break, you’d be able to soften the blow on yourself when it would inevitably come. Time heals everything or so they say. “And why’s that?” Jungkook was still eating his steak, though with more vigor than he had before. “Well, I just think that we should take some time to figure out what we really want.” “The only reason we’d be taking a break is if you’re not sure you want me because I’m already sure I want you, Y/N,” Jungkook spoke monotonously, showing little signs of anger but you knew they were there. “Well, it doesn’t seem like it.” There it was, a simple mumble, a quick thought that accidentally slipped out of your mouth, the trigger to your first ever real fight. “Why do you feel that way?” Jungkook was staying scarily calm. In the past few months, you’ve only had a small number of petty fights that meant nothing but he’d always get super angry and it was generally really funny. Now, however, it seemed as if this fight was far more serious than the rest and it scared you with how calm he was.
“Well, you just never have time to do anything and it feels like you prioritise everything before me.” Jungkook dropped his knife and fork, took a long sip of wine before replying. “Going into this relationship, did I not warn you about how busy I was?” “That’s not what I-” “Just answer the question Y/N.” You nodded in reply, trying to calm yourself down in case you got mad and said something stupid. “Did I not warn you that I took my job very seriously and often put it before anything else?” You nodded, though his work was far from what you were trying to criticise. “Then tell me why the fuck you’re complaining about it now?” He was still calm, yet very stern and you felt as if you’d start crying before you let any proper reply out. You forced yourself to keep it together though, you could have a reasonable argument, you’re an ‘adult’ after all.
“I wasn’t talking about your job, I mean your days off. It seems you would much rather spend time with your phone or friends than with me and it doesn’t feel very nice.” He nodded, picking up his knife and fork again before stabbing his steak with controlled aggression. “I’ve spent nearly every one of my day’s off with you. Your comment only applies to a couple of weekends and I know you’re not this upset over that so spit it out. What’s really bothering you?” Your mind told you to keep your mouth shut but your heart desperately wanted closure and before you could realize it you had already blurted it out.
“I think you’re cheating on me.” For the first time since the argument had started, Jungkook had dropped all of his eating utensils and was looking at you. “What?” You felt judged under his stare so you diverted your eyes to your plate of food while you poked at the chicken. “It started when I overheard you talking to your mother, you told her you didn’t have a girlfriend and that you were going to meet someone for her, then the night that you do, you’re dressed all fancy and stressing over the way you look, what was I supposed to think?” Jungkook’s face hardened, his hand coming up to massage his now aching head. “You thought I was cheating because of that?” You didn’t like how it felt so trivial under his words, it seemed pretty damn important. “No, there’s more. Jimin came up to me on Tuesday saying you were out with some girl, at first I didn’t think much of it but when I messaged you, you said you were working even though Jimin swore he saw you at the cafe with a girl. Jimin and I went to the station to see if you were there and you weren’t, you lied to me.”
“No, you’re lying right now because I was at the station, I would’ve seen you.” “No! I was there, you can even ask Mel, I asked her where you were and she said you had left a while ago.” Jungkook’s face fell at the mention of Mel, she knew he was there the whole night, you had to be lying. “What time did you go to the station?” You looked at him, confused. You didn’t know why that was relevant but you answered nonetheless. “Right after you replied to me about you being at work.” Jungkook remembers he was in the bathroom at the time, but it didn’t make sense, Mel wouldn’t lie, she had no reason to, she was his best friend for as long as he could remember, there was no way she’d lie to him.
“Y/N, if all you’re going to do is lie then this conversation is over. You clearly don’t want to be with me but you’re insistent on being the good guy so you try to accuse me of cheating? Seriously? That’s it Y/N, I’m done. Are you happy now?” It was at that moment that you noticed a couple of tears had fallen down your face, you shook your head quickly, not trusting your voice but he already left before you could tell him how wrong he was, his steak half-eaten. You wanted to be with him more than anything in the world, but you were both stuck in distorted versions of the same reality, not one knowing the real truth.
Every time you saw him from then, it was always at that stupid cafe. You avoided going there as much as you could but it became hard when it was the only place Jimin and Alex wanted to go. Alex, yes. She came to you 3 days ago with. A heartfelt apology and a lot of buried confessions, you forgave her but you let her know you weren’t sure you could trust her the same way yet. Nonetheless, you and Jungkook were both still not talking to each other and every time you saw him, your heart broke a little more.
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moonlightrichie · 5 years
Reddie + in the rain + a bet, please
Thanks for the prompt! Don’t know if this is what you imagined, but I hope you like it ! ♡ This is a little inspired by the movie ‘Remember Me’. Also, this got kinda long. Enjoy!
Warnings: smoking weed, mentions of sex, uhh shitty behavior
Richie’s week didn’t exactly get off to a good start.
When he’d woken up Monday morning to take a smoke before heading off to school, he’d never pictured his week going the way it had.
It started mildly, Richie forgetting to check the student pages to see that his 8am class had been cancelled and he’d gotten up early for nothing. Then he’d ended up stepping in dog shit on his way back home and at the exact same time, the weather gods had decided it was a good idea to provide the earth with some pouring rain. He’d been soaked within five seconds.
Nothing too bad, but just enough to make someone go “I’ve just had a really long hard day” before grabbing a beer from the fridge and settling down in the couch to watch Netflix for the rest of the night. He’d ended up messaging Beverly to meet him in the park to smoke weed, her reply a stream of heart-eyes and thumbs-ups.
The two had met, sitting down on their designated bench for the night, burning joints between their fingers. Both of them loved the park at night, especially their usual spot that was located on the other side of where the hobos slept.
But his bad Monday hadn’t ended there. In fact, it had only gotten started. Because that was when a stranger had stopped before them, a woman seeming to be around 50.
“You can’t smoke that”, she’d said. “It’s illegal.”
Richie and Beverly, high off their asses, hadn’t been able to stop their laughter, the woman frowning down at their disrespect. If Richie had been a little smarter, he’d have put the joint down, apologized and gone home. But no, instead his high brain had had to make it worse.  
“I’m calling the police”, she’d muttered angrily before pulling out her phone.
Their laughter had stopped abruptly, both looking at each other desperately to figure out what they should do. Should they run? Try to convince the woman not to call the police?
Once again, had they been smarter, they’d have run. Instead though, dumb and disoriented as they’d been, they’d tried telling her not to call.
The woman had ended up not even having to call the police, because not even a second later, what appeared to be a cruising police car had driven by, stopping at the woman’s frantic gestures.
“Officers, I was just on my way home when I noticed these two…”
That was when they’d run for it, ending up with only making it worse.
If they’d just been a little smarter, they would have given themselves up paid a fine, but by running they’d bought one-way tickets into the cells for the night.  
Richie’s dad had had to pay bail for the both of them (“I’m taking this out of your inheritance, Rich”), and Richie had never felt more like a disappointment in his life.
It was Wednesday when Beverly came crashing into the group room where he was quietly studying (playing games on his phone) in the library on campus. “She’s got a son.”
Richie didn’t look up from his phone, barely paying attention. “Who?”
“That woman who busted us.”
He stopped, looking up at her. She was smiling like she was insane. “Okay?”
“You should ask him out.”
Doing a double take, he almost dropped his phone. “What?”
“Ask him out. Fuck him. Dump him”, Beverly was ticking the points off with her fingers.
Having no idea where she was going with this, he leaned back in his chair with a frown. “And why should I do that?”
“Revenge”, she said simply as if it was obvious.
“How is that revenge?”
She sighed. “I saw him, okay? She was dropping him off at school, and this uptight bitch has a super neat son, all ironed shirts and fucking gelled hair. She’ll hate that a guy like you not only touched her perfect little angel, but you broke his heart too, it’ll destroy her.”
Beverly was actually crazy.
“What the fuck?”
“It’s perfect!” She threw up her hands.
“Why can’t you date him?” he raised his eyebrows.
“Uh, ‘cause I’m a lesbian?”
Richie scoffed. “Yeah, but maybe he’s not into guys either, thought about that?”
Pursing her lips, she scratched at her chin. “Huh.”
“He can be straight for all we know.”
“Rich”, she sighed in frustration.
“He’s cute”, she sang, rocking back and forth on her heels. “What’s the harm in trying?”
“I’m not going out with some choir boy.”
“Rich, he’s like totally your type, he’s…” She stopped abruptly, suddenly hitting his arm with her hand. “Oh my god, there he is!” She nodded her head towards the hallway.
“Fuck, why’s he gotta actually be cute, too?” Richie whispered too himself, hating how Beverly was right. Despite the proper clothing and neatly done hair, the guy didn’t give off the innocent nerdy vibe Richie had pictured when Beverly first described him. Instead his doe-eyes were fierce and bright as he sat down in one of the quieter corners of the library, lips pursing as he took out his notebook.
“Right?” Beverly tapped his shoulder. “Now go get ‘em, tiger.”
“No, no, no, no”, Richie panicked as she started dragging him out of his chair. “Bev, stop it right now.”
She rolled her eyes. “Fine, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
If Beverly hadn’t planned this whole thing asking the guy out, Richie probably would have put his moves on the guy on his own. Richie really couldn’t stop staring at him, soft freckled cheeks and with a gaze so sharp it could cut glass; he looked like a real rule-breaker.  
“I’ll give you 20 dollars if you kiss him before the week is over”, she muttered into his ear, a perfectly tweezed eyebrow rising as the challenge burned in her eyes.
“A bet?” he almost wanted to laugh. “Really?”
She shrugged. “Apparently revenge wasn’t good enough.”
He hesitated.
“Oh come on, Tozier, you’d get the best end of the deal: revenge, 20 dollars and a kiss from a cute guy.”
He hated to admit that she was right once again. Finally, he nodded his head, and before he even knew what was happening Beverly was pushing him harshly in front of the table where the cute guy was focusing on his schoolwork.
The guy didn’t even look up when Richie stepped up, clearing his throat.
He tried to look back at Beverly for help, but she was hiding behind Richie’s English book.
He cleared his throat again. “Uh, hi?”
“Can I help you?” the guy said monotonously, still not looking up from his book.
“Did you know that bending your neck like that is, like, super bad for you?” the words were out before Richie could stop them, “even giving blowjobs is better for your neck.”
Fuck, what the fuck was that? He wanted to jump out the window.
The guy finally looked up, stopping his scribbling in his book. Narrowing his eyes at Richie, he looked him over. “Excuse me?”
“Like”, Richie laughed nervously, “if you gave a blowjob to someone, it would hurt less on your neck than how you’re si-”
“No, yeah, I got that”, the guy interrupted, holding a hand up to stop Richie from finishing his sentence. “What I meant was, excuse me, but who are you?”
Richie took a bow, one hand on his stomach and one sticking out to his side. “Richie Tozier at your service.”
The guy sighed. “Okay, Richie Tozier, what is it you want?”
“Uh…” he choked up, tongue fumbling in his mouth for words.
“Cause it sounded like you were asking me for a blowjob”, the guy pressed his lips together, eyebrows rising.
Richie’s eyes widened. “No, no! I…”
“So you don’t want a blowjob?” and fucking hell, how the hell was Richie supposed to respond to that?
“Yes! Wait no! I mean you’re pretty cute, so I wouldn’t-, wait, fuck”, Richie stopped himself before he could embarrass himself even more. He took a deep breath, letting his shoulder sink in defeat. “I actually wanted to ask you out, but I say dumb shit when I get nervous. Sorry for bothering you.”
He started backing away, turning around with heat boiling in his cheeks. Never had he bombed so hard trying to pick someone up, but there was something about this guy that was extremely intimidating. Way too proper and good for someone like Richie. Richie, with his unwashed hair, chipped nail polish, broken glasses, crooked teeth and shoes with holes. He’d used those qualities to wow people before, girls finding the messiness somewhat charming.
There was really no chance that Richie could get a guy like that, and he wished he hadn’t let Beverly talk him into trying, embarrassment weighing heavily in the pit of his stomach.
“Okay, wait”, the guy’s voice tore into Richie’s thoughts, Richie turning around slowly.
“What?” he knew he sounded miserable.
The guy motioned him over with a finger, already starting to scribble something in the corner of his book. “I’m free tomorrow night.” He tore the corner off, reaching it out to Richie. “Here’s my number.” He was smiling now, eyes glinting. Oh boy was he out of Richie’s league.
Still, Richie took the note, looking at it with wide eyes before staring at the guy again. “I feel like you’re doing this out of pity.”
The guy laughed. “So what if I am? Are you going to take me out tomorrow or not?”
Nodding his head, Richie packed the note safely into his shirt pocket. “I am. You’re not gonna regret this.”
“I hope not”, the guy picked up his pencil again. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
“Hell yeah you will.” He started walking away before remembering something. “Hey, I never got your name?”
The guy looked up again. “Eddie.”
“Cute.” Richie winked before returning to a beaming Beverly, the two sharing a high five before leaving the library together.
Thursday night rolled around, and Richie was waiting outside the local pizza place, waiting for Eddie. He’d dressed as nice as he could: a button up that was actually one of his Hawaiian shirts only tucked inside his dark jeans instead of hanging loosely they normal. He’d washed his hair too.
“Hey”, a voice said to his right, and turning around, Richie’s gaze landed on Eddie, all dressed up in a silk shirt and dress pants. He was smiling at Richie.
“Hi.” Richie leaned down to give Eddie a quick kiss on the cheek in greeting, pushing his hands into his pockets.
The date went surprisingly well, Richie feeling much more relaxed after getting Eddie’s approval the day before, even if it was out of pity or not. He even forgot about the whole reason he’d had asked him out until Eddie mentioned his mom. Instantly, Richie’s chest felt like it was constricting, heart speeding up.
He hadn’t expected gaining genuine interest for the man in front of him, but Eddie was funny, smart and could actually keep up with Richie’s bullshit remarks, firing back just as easily as Richie fired out.
“I still live with my mom”, Eddie was dragging his finger over the top of his wine glass, going in circles as he talked. “She’s not very thrilled about the gay thing.”
Richie tried to swallow the lump in his throat with no success. “No?”
“She’s learning to live with it though”, Eddie stopped touching his wine glass, leaning his head in his hand as he looked at Richie with a smile. He laughed shortly. “Honestly I think she’d flip if she knew I was on a date with you right now.”
The lump only grew. “Oh?” he choked out, trying to seem casual. Normally he’d fire back with “that’s just ‘cause she’s jealous, Eds, she wants me all to herself”, but his heavy tongue couldn’t form the words.  
“Yeah,” Eddie looked him over with shining eyes. “Smelling like cigarettes and all that, not exactly her favorite scent.”
At this point the lump was so big Richie could barely breathe.
When they were done eating and talking, the two decided to walk for a bit together, Richie offering to follow Eddie some of his way home, too scared of Eddie’s mom to offer to walk all the way.
Their hands were brushing with every step, Eddie looking up at Richie every once in a while. Richie could feel the guilt in his stomach building with each second, being around Eddie feeling like too much.
“I think I’ll turn around here”, he muttered in the end, smiling down at Eddie, hoping it didn’t look too forced.
“Okay”, Eddie was smiling. “I had a good time.”
“Me too”, Richie’s forced smile turned more genuine at that; he’d really meant it.
The two stood looking at each other for a moment, and just as Richie was about to say his goodbye, a drop of cold water hit the tip of his nose. Confused, he looked up to the sky, more rain soaking his face, and within seconds, it was pouring, Richie already blind from his glasses being fogged up with droplets.
“Well, see ya”, Richie muttered, desperate to get away so he could breathe. He started to turn away.
“You’re not gonna kiss me?”
Richie stopped, face snapping up to meet Eddie’s gaze, disappointment heavy on his beautiful features. “What?”
“All that and you’re not gonna kiss me?” Eddie’s brows were furrowed.
Richie was struggling to come up with a response, Beverly’s bet ringing in his ears.
“Do you want me to kiss you?” was the only thing he could think of to say.
“Do you want to kiss me?”
He remembered the horrible night in the cell, his dad’s disappointed stare when bailing him out, the lecture of responsibility he’d received during the car ride home. He remembered the smug look on Eddie’s mom’s face when the police put Beverly and him into the backseat of the police car, the money he now owed his dad, taken out of his own inheritance. He remembered Eddie’s words: “she’d flip if she knew I was on a date with you right now”, and Richie felt some sort of satisfaction at kissing that terrible woman’s precious little son.
So Richie stepped forward, leaning down and capturing Eddie’s lips in a kiss, immediately kissing desperately and passionately with his tongue already licking into Eddie’s mouth. Their spit mixed in with the rain, their lips sliding together easily.
‘She’d flip. She’d flip.’
Oh she’d flip, alright. Eddie hummed, hands flying up to tug at Richie’s dripping hair, tongue quick to respond and meeting Richie’s just as desperately.
‘Not very thrilled about the gay thing.’
Too bad, he thought to himself. Your son is being gay with me right now, what are you gonna do about it?
They broke apart, Richie smiling down at Eddie.
“Wow”, Eddie breathed out. “Uh, will I get to see you again?”
‘Ask him out. Fuck him. Dump him’. Beverly’s voice rang in his ears. ‘She’ll hate that a guy like you not only touched her perfect little angel, but you broke his heart too, it’ll destroy her.’
Richie felt victorious, already pulling out his phone to text Beverly to send over the 20 bucks. “Absolutely.”
Tag list: @annoyingtozier, @spastuetheobsessedphylosopher, @constantreaderfool, @violetreddie, @rainbow-reddie, @tinyarmedtrex, @thundercatseddie, @deadlighten, @jesuschristsupruvestar, @queen-sock, @appojoos, @xandertheundead, @lifesucksheres20bucks, @that-weird-girls-blog, @atownofeggs
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dreamsafterhours · 4 years
college boyfriend!markhyuk au series: II (donghyuk’s pathway)
a universe in which roommates!markhyuk meet each other's s/o in class
markhyuk are roommates, my/n and dy/n are roommates, mark and dy/n take classes together and so do donghyuk and my/n — how will their fates intertwine?
genre: fluff pairings: platonic!mark+dy/n format: dotpoint AU universe: non idol, college best friend warning: a lil swearing (best get used to it lol)
or click here to continue your friendship with paediatrics!haechan!
I ⇤ | II | ⇥ III
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II: relationship consolidation.. it’s platonic i swear
the fellowship continues (mark + dy/n)
so the month that follows your first meeting
is full of
a mixture of crackheadedness and tortured artist vibes
a lot of it is sending lit memes and other shit to each other at 2am when u have an 8am the next morning and yelling at each other for keeping u up so late but then laughing again at whatever the ridiculous punchline was
“to quote shakespeare’s hamlet, act v, scene ii, line 270: no”
/deep inhale/ /unhinged laughter/
that’s your inside joke for a whole two weeks mark couldn’t get the numbers right the first few times uwu poor confused thing but he got it after a while so good on him
in the second class after the first day, you try your best to find in him the crowd of people lining up to go into the lecture theatre but you can’t and it’s almost time to go in and—
oop you’re getting swept by the current of the masses
you still try to look for him even then
and luckily your attempts pay off !bc you do see him further up the stairs
,, but he’s
,.talking to another person, sitting in a seat on the end of the row 
slightly disappointed that you can’t sit together and get to know him better and hopefully become friends but !! still optimistic that you’ll just make new friends
you file into an empty seat near his row a little further down the stairs from where he was sitting
you take out your materials and start to go over your notes from the day before when
someone plops himself down on the seat next to you
you look up and before you can smile in greeting, you recognise
it’s mark!!
he says “heyyy” in that rlly soft voice idk if you’ve seen the vid of him going ʰᶦ but that’s the voice he uses here
and you’re like “oh hi! wait i thought i saw you sitting over there” pointing behind u
and he’s like “oh i just met a friend and i was saving his girlfriend’s seat haha.. she just arrived so they kicked me out and i saw u and !!yeah”
and u nod at him like “nice nice i thought you ditched me” jokingly ofc
“no no i was actually trying to find you but.. you’re too short”
“i’m what”
/whispers/ “i’m sorry omg don’t kill me pls”
/stands up straighter to assert dominance/ “say that again, marcus. say that again”
ajsagdfo cuties
“ok then should we meet somewhere before the lectures”
so you decide on the benches outside the building as Your Spot™
the lecture’s just an introduction to the first text in the syllabus bc . second class
and so there’s quite a bit of note taking,, naturally
mark forgets what the prof says before he can write it down and this particular prof, you learn, is prone to talking fast and then switching the lecture slides before anyone can write anything important down
poor mark is doing a lot of looking up at the slides and then down at his notebook and :(((
so r u but u seem to have better memory than him so u either have the lecture slides up if you’re a typer with your notes or manage to write your notes and still listen to the prof if you’re a writer idk yalls preferences so
meanwhile mark whispers under his breath,, half to himself
“what” don’t we all,, mark.. don’t we all
and he does that a few times so you look over and he’s written barely anything so at that point he’s almost just resorted to listening to the prof and not taking notes at all
then he seems to catch himself and he starts writing down whatever key terms the prof is spewing and you realise
kid’s blanking out lmfao
so you tell him you’ll send your notes over to him after class and he’s like !! R U SURE im so sorry im not used to this sPEED and i can’t put my hand up and ask him to slow down someone else has to do that
and u just nod and tell him it’s all g
so class ends and you wave goodbye (confirming to meet at the benches next week too) to go to your tutorial class that happens to be right after the lecture and so does he,,
and this is your thought process for the next five or so minutes:
there’s only one exit so surely he’s only going outside and not the same way as me
oh look he’s going the same way as me.. i’m sure he’s just going to another building ooh that’s a pretty cool tree
hey we can walk to our next classes together and then split up where we have to go in different directions
is he turning left or right left or right i’m going left left or right left or—wait oh cool
ah there’s a bunch of classes in this building too surely he’s on a different floor. see he’s going up the stairs—wait he’s going up the stairs.. so am i..,,,
nah surely he’s going up another floor
wait if he’s going up another floor.. why isn’t he going on the elevator
does he have a fear of enclosed spaces
does he have childhood trauma in an elevator
maybe he keeps fit by climbing stairs
lol this is my floor, be funny if..
hang on a second
“HANG ON A SECOND” that wasn’t one of your thoughts btw that was. out loud
very loud
and he turns around, startled at your voice again
looking up from his phone and eyes getting wider than they were in their initial reaction
he’s giggling at this point bc it’s so funny to him
“HOLD—YOU’RE?? in this tute too??”
“are we??—”
“—in the same class?” yall say that in unison bc that’s the proliferation of a Wholesome Friendship™ right there
u laugh bc wow this is my new best friend
“this is crazyyy”
“yeah what the f..” he highkey cuts himself off bc i mean day 2 guys
but then you
“exactly what the fuck...”
lmfao he knows then that it’s ok to swear with you
n e ways
y’all keep talking until your tutor arrives and lets you in the class
ofc you sit next to each other in the tute as well
you have a great time and class ends quicker than you thought bc you’re having fun and that’s always gewd
so the next few weeks u’re just vibing with each other
walking to class together after ur lectures
walking each other to other classes
studying together in the library in your spare time catching up on content and exploring ideas discussed in tutes for your shakespearean sonnets class
"o romeo, romeo, wherefore were thou and juliet teenage dumbfucks”
he couldn’t stop laughing at that for three days straight
getting pretty close basically
sharing hobbies and music tastes (u find out he plays guitar and it’s the biggest possession he brought into his dorm from his house and listens to frank ocean and john mayer a lot, watches fullmetal alchemist)
sometimes you’ll come to meet him at the benches full on catwalking down the path with your airpods in and resting bitch face on listening to some dope shit while the crowd parts for you and he’s just like O.O
how is she friends with me
he thinks you’re so cool it’s cute
but he’s also alr convinced himself that you’re so out of his league he highkey won’t dare try and make a move
n e ways
he sees ur airpods and he’s like “aren’t you afraid you’re gonna lose them one day”
and you just look at him and go “do i look like a fool, marcus”
he laughs so hard at that
complaining to you abt his roommate in real time over text like
marcus the fool 🤡: “dude he’s whining at me to ‘play with him’ i don’t want to play with him”
marcus the fool 🤡: “now he’s getting jealous of u”
marcus the fool 🤡: “he asks who u think u r”
you: “tell him i would fight him”
marcus the fool 🤡: “he says u won’t win”
you: “bet”
marcus the fool 🤡: “i told him u don’t need to fight for my attention bc uve alr got it”
marcus the fool 🤡: “now he’s fake crying”
marcus the fool 🤡: “he’s telling me to leave the house and leave the kids”
you: “am i a homewrecker now”
marcus the fool 🤡: “he calls u a homewrecker”
you: “tell him i’ll kiss it better”
one day like a month or so into your friendship
you rush to the benches with that look on your face that says you’re about to murder someone which usually disappears when you see him and take out your airpods bc rbf
so he ,, approaches with caution ,,, easy does it,,
yes he’s wondering if it’s your time of month
ngl it åctually was which makes things worse
t e n t a t i v e l y he asks on the way into the lecture theatre
“hey dy/n u ok?? u look.. ok nvm”
bc u lowkey glared at him but u didn’t mean to i swear u just looked at him but u were alr in a bad mood
so ure like “sorry yes i’m fine i didn’t have my coffee today so i may be a bit cranky”
“what happened? u sleep in or smth”
“yeah i slept at 4 last night”
“wHY did u do that”
“idK but i was running late just now and the line at the cafe was so long i stood in line for five minutes and i said nop class is abt to start”
“oh okey”
this keeps bugging him all throughout the lecture
so he turns to u when the lecture is over and he’s like
“u have another lecture next right”
“yes marcus i have another lecture that you’re taking with me”
“come ditch with me i’ll shout u a coffee”
“what really”
“for sure, we can catch up on the lecture in the library tonight”
and you remember that you’d made plans with your roommate my/n to go to the library that night anyway so you agree and let him know
so he’s like “oh rlly? can i bring my roomie along too he probs doesn’t have other plans anyway i hear they’re doing some kind of project so he better not be going anywhere” with a lil frown uwu angery mark
“sure don’t see why not. we’ll all study together”
“nice i’ll let him know”
u see where i’m going with this
waggles eyebrows
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wink wink nudge nudge
click here to continue your friendship with paediatrics!haechan!
I ⇤ | II | ⇥ III
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futurewriter2000 · 5 years
A Wallflower - pt. 1
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A/N: So, I was really enjoying this fic and I am thinking of writing a second part to this because making everything angsty and then into a fluffy cute kissing scene was really challanging. You know either it’s all angst or full time fluff, butt it’s hard to go from angst to fluff, especially for me. Hope you like it.
PAIRING: Teddy Lupin x reader
REQUEST: Teddy Lupin x reader pls Kinda angsty but at the end cute Kissing scenes pls
Confidence was a funny thing. Either you had it or you hadn’t and with Teddy Lupin, there was an exchanging bargain with his brain and heart. 
All he wanted from you was a look. One glance, one second of your gorgeous smiling eyes, your astounding, plush lips. “Come on. Come on.” he continued to mumble to himself meanwhile his leg that continued to jump with full time speed, kept James finally put his fork down. 
“Will you stop it!” James grumbled. “It’s 8am in the morning, I am barely alive, I have a test in three hours and I think I left half of my body in my own bed!” 
“Sorry, mate.” Teddy stopped jumping his leg, his fingers intertwining with his own as he tried not to look at you.
But what if you look at his direction and he doesn’t catch it? What if all of that constant pleading and begging got him for him to miss his chance? 
“Honestly, who are you looking at?” James started scanning the Ravenclaw table. 
“Me?” Teddy said nervously. “Noone.” he shook his head and focused his eyes on the table, unaware that before his eyes focused on the wood, they looked up at you and James noticed it.
“(y/n)(y/l/n)?” James leaned back and crossed his arms in disapproval. “Her?”
Teddy looked up. Somewhat ashamed, somewhat relieved that another knows. 
“Seriously mate. Not her.” 
“Why not?” he replied, straightning up his posture and quirking an eyebrow at him. “She’s smart and funny, gorgeous-”
“And she’s a real bitch.” James rolled his eyes. “Pureblood, rich and coming from the whole line of respected wizarding familes. I think she has a big dose of that pureblood in her ego.” 
“Aren’t you the same?” Teddy clicked his tongue and James widened his eyes at the realization before shaking his head and uncrossing his arms.
“That’s not the point. The point is that her whole family is against muggle-borns, half-breeds fiasco and she is no different. Just look at her.” he pointed his hand at you but you were nowhere to be seen. James and Teddy both widened his eyes at your sudden disappereance. 
“Merlin, she’s a complete monster.” you rested your arms on James shoulders and put your head on top of his. “Absolute beast. Voldemort would hide from her.” you continued to tease, removing yourself from James and ruffling his hair. “Where’s your daddy Potter when you need him?” you finished, taking a glance of the boy next to him, sending him a flirty wink and leaving. 
Teddy felt himself melt like butter meanwhile James was boiling inside. He was clenching his fists and digging his nails in his palms. “I promised my dad I’ll stay out of trouble... but she just fucking crossed the line.” he gritted his teeth and stormed after you. 
Teddy as long as it took him to get out from his daze, ran after him. He promised Harry that he’ll try to keep James out of much trouble as he could. Ephasis on the try. 
He was too far away to stop what happened next. You were hugging a First year who kept jumping of joy, showing you her E in Transfiguration. You were her tutor and she adored you. She kept coming to you for advice, any kind of advice and you always had time to help her because she as sweet, kind and full of life you couldn’t get to have at her age. 
“(Y/l/n)!” James shouted on top of his furious lungs. 
You looked up, your pupil, Melody, as well. 
“FUCK YOU!” he continued to shout while you stepped in front of Melody and stand up to this prick.
“Potter, go away. We can do this later but not now.” you felt Melody’s hand take a hold of your robes.
“NO! I want to talk to you now! You don’t get to throw my father, my whole family and the moment that scarred his life into my face like mud!” he kept clenching his fists, his eyes blazing and narrowed at you. 
“Shut up, Potter!” you snapped, feeling Melody’s grip tighten. 
“Don’t tell him to shut up!” Teddy now intertwined. “He’s right! You were being rude to him.” 
“And who the fuck are you?” you scoffed, knowing exactly who he was. The boy you shared most of your classes with. “Alright? Edward Lupin.” 
“Teddy.” he felt his anger boil, the daze completely gone. He hated his name, always preffered to be called Teddy.
“Well, Teddy, whoever the fuck you are, stay out.” 
“Whoever the fuck I am? Who the fuck are you, talking to everybody like you own them.”
“What?! You don’t even know me, half-breed!” 
That hit the spot in Teddy’s heart. His hair changed colour in a flash, his body covered James’ whole and he was standing above you. 
“Half-breed?!” he was leaning over you. “I may be a half-breed but at least my father even if he was werewolf, he still fought for you to have an education and so you can live meanwhile what did your father did? Sip his vodka and get drunk?” he was now getting close to your hitting your point in the heart. “I know you and your family, pureblood maniacs, thinking yall are so much more worhty than the rest of us but as I remember your mother never even finished school and your daddy inherited the money he spends on alcohol and well- you.” he made a hand gesture that implied at you. “You think your family is respectful but all they do is get rid of the muggle-borns. Don’t think I don’t know what your family does. You’re nothing but murderers.” he growled and after that last few words, the hand let go of your robe and as you wanted to speak, there was a scared voice speaking instead of yours.
“Is that true?” Melody took a few steps back with her teary eyes staring at yours. 
Teddy just now noticed the little First year, his anger flushing away meanwhile you turned around and looked at her. “No- no!” you quickly tried to deny, squating down and opening your arms. “It’s not- Melody-”
“You’re lying!” tears fell down her cheeks meawhile yours started to gather in yours.
“It’s complicated, Mel. Please don’t be afraid.”
“I’m a Muggle-born. You want to get rid of me?”
“What? Of course, not! Why would you think that?”
“You always say of taking the family business and if they get rid of-”
“Melody, that’s not what I meant. That’s not what we do anymore!” 
“ANYMORE?!” she shouted and tears started to fall down your cheeks. 
“Melody!” you pleaded. “Just let me explain.”
“NO! I thought of you like a sister now I can’t even look at you.” she started backing away and you tried to walk after her but she screamed. “LEAVE ME ALONE! MURDERER!” 
You felt your heart break. That was the point and she hit the middle. 
It didn’t take long after her heart-breaking leave that you felt like sobbing yourself. You couldn’t even look at them. From shame? Anger? It didn’t even matter at the point because you couldn’t feel yourself breathe no matter where you ran. And you ran far and further, somewhere where there was only loneliness. 
‘ You stepped down the stairs and stopped at the fifth step, just so you could see right in the kitchen. 
“Please, I don’t know anything!” the man, crouched and bare chest lifted his slim hands but he cursed anyway. Screams escaped his mouth, agonized screams. When he stopped crucifying him, he took a deep breath in as if it was his last. “Ple- pl-” he tried to speak but his tongue was tied. 
“TELL ME!” he roared and you jumped at the sound.
“It’s Timothy McKay! Timothy McKay! It’s McKay!”
There was silence and an malicious cackle. “McKay? That Half-blood is a half-breed as well? He’ll be a pleasure to torture. Never tortured half-veela. Explains why the ladies adored him.” 
“Pl-pl-pl-please...” his voice shook but your father stepped close and put a tip of his wand under his chin.
“STOP!” another roaring voice came from the bacground. 
“Your child.” it was calmer now. “Stairs.” 
Your father’s eyes shot at yours and you could feel the chaos that will become. Your heart began to pound, the adrenalin in you but no muscles to move your scared little body. “YOU LITTLE PRAT!” he stormed over but the voice stopped him once again.
“Don’t hurt the child!” he said and your father’s hand stop close to your cheek. “Bring her here.” your fahter’s hand gripped your arm and life feather dragged you to the room where the another man was tortured. 
There he was. The voice. Tall, skinny, white hair and matching wild mustache. He knelt down and smiled. “Come here.” he opened his arms and as scared as you were, your feet did what they were told. “Come, come.”
And you were in his arms. He took a hold of your small hands in his skinny and all bones palms, holding them meanwhile he looked up at his son. “Don’t ever hurt a woman, son. Don’t ever hurt my grandchild.” he warned, turning you around and locking you in place with his long, slim hands. “Show her how the family business runs.” 
“Pleasure.” your father smirked and turned his head as well as his wand to the cruched, barely breathing man in front. ‘
You screamed so loud, holding the sides of your head and digging your nails into your scalp.
He broke his promise to his father. He may never have hurted you physically but every breath in that house, every word that was directed to you... it broke you much more but the one that broke you the most was the one that called you him.
‘ “You know?” he swayed on his numb feet, holding a firewhiskey. “They call us murderers and prehaps we are- we have been through all generations and I used to be like you. Against it till my every bone but there were things my father did to me that made me change my mind.” he sat on the edge of your bed meanwhile your heart pounded under the sheets. “I don’t want you to go through pain I did but as long as you rebel against me, that’s what I’ll exactly do.” his hand touched your leg, tapped it harshly meanwhile the mix of alcohol and cigarrates blew your way. “You’ll be a murderer like all of us. You grow to like it.” and he was gone. ‘
He told you that as soon as you start, you get to remember the eyes you take. He told you the order many manny times. His first were green, a family of brown, black, grey, grey, blue, mother’s were always more blue, then there were twins but with different eyes. One had a mix of blue and green the other hand just green. Then he took a man’s that were purple, completely purple, yellow - werewolf, a few of those actually but after that he lost count.
“Is that really who I am meant to be?” you asked yourself and there was a voice in the back of your head saying: ‘No, of course not. Times have changed since long the family business started. You know you’re not one. Deep inside you know you’re not who they want you to be.’ but there was another voice, saying the opposite: ‘Yes. It’s exactly who you are meant to be. As much as you want to escape his, you will never. Why? Because it’s in your blood. As soon as you kill, you’ll want nothing more but more blood and death in your hands. Accept the deep cravings your soul has.’
And you didn’t want to agree with the second voice but what if it was true? What if deep inside, you were a natural murderer. 
But you couldn’t. You remember that grandfather made the first target your father’s best friend, who was indeed a son of a werewolf and a witch. Green eyes. Those were his first to take. What if your first eyes to take would be Melody’s? Those big, round blue eyes? 
“No.” you told yourself. “I’d never do that.” 
But again the second voice spoke: ‘Yes. You’ll have to.’ 
And for some odd reason... you agreed. You will have to one day because your father scared you and you were too weak for him. You didn’t want to be the weak daughter of the almighty (y/f/n).
“I’m sorry.” a voice came from the distance. You turned your head to see but due to the darkness, you could only see a figure but due to the fact his voice cut deep wounds, you knew who it was. 
“You shouldn’t be.” you were quite calm. “You were right. At some point, I am a murderer- or more like become one.” you looked at the dark deep forest. 
He shuffled through the leaves and made his way to sit next to you. “I didn’t mean what I said there.”
“Yes, you did.” you simpered at him, looking at his green eyes before they changed to blue and you could only observe before taking a deep breath and looking back at the distance. “I attacked your family and you attacked mine. It was a fair battle.”
“You didn’t attack my family. You attacked James’ family and when it comes to James and Harry, I get over-protective. They aren’t only his family, they are mine too.” 
“I know.” you decided to look at him again, this time, keeping your eyes where they landed. “I’m sorry for what happened to your parents in the war. I heard they were amazing wizards and for Harry Potter.” you smiled. “I met him once and he was actually a great guy. I remember I was around thirteen years old and me and James got into this huge fight. Harry came to me and told me that nobody could get under James’ skin like I did.”
“Yeah, there really isn’t nobody like you that comes to his live nerves.”
“He shouldn’t have taken my compartment five years ago and we’d be just fine. Best buddies.” you joked and Teddy chuckled. 
“You would think so?”
“I know so.” you continued to joke. “But I guess that this time I really did cross the line and it would all be okay if Melody wasn’t there when it happened. I love that little girl.” 
“Yeah... I noticed.”
“Oh, did you now?” you nudged him a bit and he smiled.
“I shouldn’t have said those things to you.” he tried to apologise but you just couldn’t have that.
“Well, you were in the right all the way. You can’t choose into which family you are born to. I? I was born into the family of murderers. There was no false word you said.” you admitted, to yourself and to him.
“Yes, there was.” he could see the crescent iluminate its light in your eyes. It was lighting the whole forest if not and Teddy couldn’t help himself but see just how beautiful you were at the moment. In the moment when you were fragile and honest with yourself. In the moment where all he could say was how sorry he was to hurt this beautiful creature in front of him. To say sorry to those eyes, those lips, that hair, those ears, those hands, fingers, cheeks, nose... that soul that was the complete opposite of what you thought. “You’re not a murderer, (Y/n). Your parents, your family and none of your past ancestors define who you get to be.And I saw the way you cared for that little girl and not everybody cared so much for a stranger as you would. I saw the look in her eyes when I noticed you standing behind you. You weren’t her tutor, you were her hero.” 
“Not anymore.” you kept looking down, your hair blocking your perfect face. 
Teddy put his hand under your chin and gently moved it up, so he could see your perfection. Because that’s who you were to him. Perfect since the day he saw you and no matter what you seemed to say or do, all those flaws were never the trouble for him.  He just felt deeply for you even if it was just platonic for him. 
“Can I kiss you?” he was close and whispering. His eye colour changed to green, his hair to light shade of brown- the one you never saw before on him. With a gentle nod, you gave him your permission and gently, softly, he pulled you into a kiss. 
It was the perfect kind of kiss, the one he always imagined it would be but even more perfect. And you felt your stomach doing sommersaults when he was still kissing you, bringing you closer to more kisses which you deepened by putting your hands on his neck and pulling him closer. 
Until there was thunder and none of you jumped or pulled away in an instant. No. He removed his lips slowly from yours, gently, tenderly and taking his time in devouring that last kiss. He leaned his forehead on yours, brushed his nose against the bridge of yours and smiled. “I’ve wanted to do that since the Fourth year.” 
Your fingers lightly scratched the back of his neck and soon you felt goosebumps under your fingertips. That made you giggle to just how much effect you really had on the boy. “Why didn’t you?” you looked up at those green eyes. 
“I’m shy.” he grinned and you giggled in his arms. 
“Shy, huh?” 
“A real wallflower.”
“I could see back there, yes.” 
He smiled more broadly. “I think I might be falling for you, (y/n).” he was honest and your heart fluttered at those words. 
“You know what, Lupin?” your hand reached his cheek. “I think I might be falling for you too.”
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taeken-my-heart · 5 years
Independent {f} Chapter 14
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Summary: Your mom calls you stubborn, your friends call you wild, and the boys you’ve left in your wake call you a frigid bitch.  You’ve built a life of independence and you like it that way. Kim Taehyung, however; seems to be able to change your mind.
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Genre: fluff, mild angst
Word Count: 4648
Warnings: This chapter is just an angst fest, I’m sorry! Next chapter gets better, I promise!
**There is a read more linked but it doesn’t seem to be working and I don’t know what to do about it. I’m sorry! TT
Spring semester was a misleading name. It indicated that it was going to be warm; flowers blooming, rivers and streams melting and warming, getting ready for the impending summer swim parties 
But this, no this was not spring; not yet, at least. A fresh 6 inches of snow greeted you on your reentry to university and after warm greetings to your housemates and giving Charlotte the gifts you’d brought her from Paris, it was back to campus to buy your textbooks and seek out your classrooms in preparation for classes the next day. 
Campus was busy with life, chatter from winter vacation high and the four of you trekked up to the center of campus where the bookstore was, syllabus and book lists in hand. Charlotte asked you all about Paris, insisting that you show her all your pictures and pouting after she’d seen them all. 
“I want to go!” She complained, stuffing her mittened hands into the pockets of her oversized grey coat. “I’m so jealous you got to see all those amazing things.”
“I thought of you the whole time,” you smiled, wrapping your arm around her shoulder and pulling her scowling face next to yours in a side hug as you walked.
The heat of the book store was almost sweltering compared to outside. There were too many bodies and not enough space, but you all needed to be here so there wasn’t much that could be done. Stomping your boots on the carpet and removing your gloves, you began weaving your way through the isles in search of the books listed on your phone. 
“I can’t believe I’m taking Molecular Biology this semester. I’m going to die.” Anna sighed beside you and you turned to raise an eyebrow at her.
“No one told you to go be a forensic scientist.” You teased and she stuck her tongue out at you. 
“You know what, I don’t need your logic.” She sassed. 
“So, what’s going on with Jin?” You asked, turning to glance at Sarah over your shoulder. She smiled; blush high on her cheeks. 
“He’s actually on a plane right now. He spent most of the vacation in California, but he got to spend a few days back home with family.”
“You know that doesn’t answer my real question,” you grinned, “you guys dating or what?”
Sarah laughed, shaking her head and sliding her fingers along a nearby book as a distraction. “Yeah, we started officially dating about a week ago.”
“Well finally!” You huffed, “everyone could see that coming from a mile away.”
“Oh stop!” Sarah blushed and you chuckled, scanning the row of books for the one you needed. H.B. Hawthorne, check. Grabbing the book, you tucked it under your arm and looked back at your list. 
“Go get your books, we’ll chat about this at home.” You waved Sarah off and she smiled, walking around the isle. 
Your class load this semester was a little more intense than last. It wasn’t that you had more classes than before, but that the credit hours were higher. You’d also added a few classes that were required of your major, but if you were being honest, you weren’t sure exactly what they were meant to cover. Like Virtual Form and Space. What even was that?
After scoping out the rest of the books you needed (and finding a basket to put them in because you were foolish enough to believe you could carry them all in the first place) you made your way to the front of the store to wait for your friends. 
Anna came back first, flipping through a page of one of her text books and you grimaced when she showed you the Solving Cold Murder Cases book in her hand. “Can’t believe you actually want to work with dead bodies.”
“To be fair, I want to work more in the lab with test results, but I’m keeping an open mind. Who knows what my true calling with be?”
“Not working with dead people; that’s mine.” You said, nodding firmly and Anna chuckled. 
“Good thing you’re studying Visual Arts.”
Just then you spotted Jimin and Jungkook walk through the door, shaking the snow from their hoods and your heart jumped into your throat. “Jungkook, Jimin!” You called and they both turned to look at you, Jungkook bounding over with a smile and a hug.
“Y/N!” He said, pulling back and Jimin followed behind him, rolling his eyes at his younger brother and chuckling. 
“Hey Y/N.” He said, giving you a quick hug.
“How was Paris?” Jungkook asked, pushing into your personal space and you laughed as Jimin smacked him away. He pouted over at him, rubbing his arm, before turning back to you. 
“It was absolutely amazing.” You said, a little shy from all the eyes on you now that Charlotte and Sarah had also returned. “Biggest adventure of my life. I learned a lot of really valuable lessons.”
“About photography?” Jungkook asked and you looked over at Jimin briefly before turning your gaze back on his over eager younger brother. 
“Yes, and about life.”
“Are all the same guys living together?” Sarah butt in, moving to stand beside you. 
“Yeah,” Jimin nodded, shaking some hair from his eyes, “but this is Jin’s last semester with us so we’re gonna have to find a new roommate next year.” 
“Well you guys should come over for dinner sometime this semester.” Sarah continued, “feels like forever since we’ve all hung out.”
“That sounds like fun!” Jungkook nodded enthusiastically. “This time we could bring something, too, like desert.”
Anna grinned, nodding, “I like the sound of desert!”
Jimin glanced down at his phone as it beeped noisily, lips stretching into a frown. “Ah, sorry to interrupt, but Kook, we gotta grab our books and hurry. We’re on a bit of a deadline.”
Jungkook nodded, eyes widening with understanding. “Ok, yeah. Well we’ll all have to plan something when the semester gets underway.”
You all nodded, exchanging goodbyes before the guys walked quickly into the rows of books to search for the textbooks that would rob their bank accounts of life. “Did everyone get everything they need?” You asked. 
At your friends nods of confirmation, you all worked your way up through the line, paying for your things and bundling back up for a cold walk back to the house.
The first day of classes were brutal. One, because you were used to not going to classes and restarting an old routine was like whiplash. Two, because you’d made the terrible mistake of choosing an 8am class. There had been later times for this particular class, but they’d been with teachers you didn’t really like or they just didn’t fit into your schedule properly. 
Still, despite the fact that you’d chosen the class that was best timing wisely…it was a terrible decision. Your eyes were screaming from how tired they were as you made your way to the top of campus, scarf wrapped warmly around your face and the wind whipped slurries of snow off the ground and around your head. 
The campus was mostly barren of life, just a few freshmen trudging bitterly to their classes. The joys of being underclassmen. By the time you got to the top of the hill, you were sweating, an interesting juxtaposition to the winter storm raging around your cocoon of coat and scarf. 
You’d worn your coat from Paris wanting to look cute for your first day of school, but now you were realizing the errors of your ways. The peacoat was definitely more fashionable than practical. 
The warmth of the digital arts building was like a welcome hug and you breathed a sigh of relief, unwinding the scarf from around your neck and unbuttoning your coat as you made your way through the empty hallways and into your classroom. 
The professor was already there, unpacking her bag and swishing around the mouse to her computer, and so were a handful of other unfortunate souls. A.K.A, your classmates. 
You chose a seat relatively close to the front in an effort to encourage your attention. It would be more difficult to slack or doze off if the teacher could see you. You nodded a few bleary hellos at some friends you recognized from classes before, before unpacking your bags and getting ready to take notes. 
The class was mostly boring, but it was a quota you had to fill and led you to your 9:30 am photo workshop class, which was far more exciting. Lots of hands on, practical activities that got you into the nitty gritty of what you were even in university for. Because it was just the first day, you spent most of the class going over the syllabus and being introduced to the darkroom and equipment you’d be using over the semester. 
Your last class of the day, an 11am class, was a little more sedated, but you could see it picking up in the weeks to come, once the semester was really underway. The syllabus, at least, promised some exciting material you could work with. 
Your first week followed much the same way; settling back into routine and getting used to the teaching styles of new professors. You had noticed with a sinking feeling in your gut, that you had yet to see Taehyung and for a moment you worried that maybe he’d decided to drop out after all and stay with TTIG in California’s corporate grounds. 
A week to the day after school had once again begun, you found yourself back in the library. You finally had your first real assignment to do and you needed a quiet that your apartment wasn’t currently able to offer. Jin and Sarah were both in the living room, TV blaring while they studied together. You weren’t sure how they did it, but studying with that kind of noise made your ears bleed. 
You chose a desk near the stacks in the back, pulling your laptop from your bag and setting up comfortably behind the comfort of the wooden privacy the desk offered you. Popping in your earphones, you turned on your phone, switching to a station that played the sound of rain for 5 hours straight. A little monotonous, but it soothed you. 
You’d only been studying for around 30 minutes before suddenly needing to pee. You stood up, stretching your legs and making your way to the bathroom. After heading back out once you were done, you paused to glance down at your phone. Sarah had texted to ask if you wanted to go out to eat tonight and you smiled, replying quickly that you’d be done in the library around 4:30 and you’d be up for just about anywhere.
Sighing, you slid your phone back into the back pocket of your jeans before glancing up and freezing. Across the room and standing with a few friends you recognized from his study group last semester, was Taehyung. He’d clearly gotten a tan out in California, the honey glow of his skin making him look even more handsome than you’d remembered him. 
You wanted to go and talk to him, but with all the people around, you knew it wasn’t really the right time. You’d likely just have to go to his house at some point and ask to speak to him. Just as you were about to unstick your feet from the floor and head back to your desk, you watched, almost in slow motion, as Beth walked from around the corner, smiling and running to his side, linking her fingers with his. 
You felt like your heart was going to shatter as you watched him smile down at her before leaning in to give her a quick kiss. Your throat was burning, heavy with emotion. You’d waited too long. 
It had never occurred to you that maybe he would move on. You chastised yourself for even feeling this way; he wasn’t a possession and you were the one to shut him out in the first place, you didn’t really have a right to feel this way. Your heart wasn’t a great listener, though. 
Your eyes were blurry with tears and your throat felt like it was constricting around fire. You walked quickly to your desk, packing your things to go. Screw studying, there was no way you could allow him to see you like this. It felt selfish to cry over him when you’d been the one to ultimately give him up. The walk back to your house was frozen and miserable, your tears leaving icy streaks against your cheeks. If you’d told yourself 6 months ago that you’d be heart broken and crying over a man now, you would have wanted to throw up. Now you really did want to vomit, the emotion so intense as it clawed at the cavern around your heart. 
Slipping into the front hallway of your apartment, you could hear Jin and Sarah’s voices in the living room and you tried to compose yourself before going in. You really weren’t in the mood to divulge how much of a loser you felt you were. 
You tried to slip passed unseen, muttering a quick hello with your gaze focused on the door to your left, but you should have known better. Sarah knew you too well. 
“Y/N?” You could hear the alarm in her voice, hear the shifting of her clothing as she stood from the couch, “what’s wrong?”
You paused in the doorway to the kitchen, shoulders stiff as you willed yourself not to cry again. “Nothing.” You croaked, squeezing your eyes shut in frustration and clearing your throat. “I’m fine.”
“Don’t give me that.” Sarah scolded, coming to stand in front of you, pulling your chin up to look at her. “What happened?”
You couldn’t hear him or see him, but you knew Jin was sitting behind you on the couch and you wanted more than anything to not blubber your eyes out in front of the roommate and good friend of the guy who’d unintentionally broken your heart. 
“I saw Taehyung.” You mumbled, shrugging, and you could feel rather than see Jin’s eyes on the back of your head. 
“Did you talk to him or something? Was he rude?”
“No,” you shook your head and despite your best efforts, you were crying again, “I’m too late.”
“Come sit down!” Sarah insisted, fussing around you as she sat you on the couch, going to the kitchen to grab you something and you dropped your bag by your feet and buried your face in your hands. 
“I feel so stupid.” You cried and Jin scooted close to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and Sarah came back into the room, kneeling in front of you with a glass of water. “Did you know?” You asked, glancing over at Jin and his face fell.
“I’m guessing you’re talking about Beth?” He asked gently and you nodded, wiping the sleeve of your sweater across the top of your lip. He nodded, sadly, “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“How long have they been together?” You croaked.
He sighed, pulling his hands back into his lap, lacing his fingers together awkwardly. “Probably around 2 weeks now. She texted him all throughout his internship and they just really clicked.”
You felt like your heart might give out. It was like you’d been dumped, but you can’t really break up if you were never together, could you? “I just feel so sad.” You admitted, taking the glass from Sarah and twisting it idly in the circle of your hands. 
“It’s normal to feel sad.” Sarah said gently, “it’s not easy to let someone go when you care about them.”
The idea of letting Taehyung go made you feel sick to your stomach, insides churning. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath through your nose to calm the nausea. You turned to look at Jin and he looked so sad that you almost felt angry. You didn’t want to be the type of person who incited other people’s pity, it only made things worse. 
“Is he happy?” You asked and Jin squeezed his lips together, like he was trying to keep the words inside. 
“Yeah,” he admitted, “he’s pretty happy.” You nodded, standing and grabbing your bag, pulling it over your shoulder. 
“Good. I want him to be happy more than anything; he deserves it.” You walked quickly towards the kitchen before pausing and turning to look back at your friends. Sarah was still knelt on the floor, one hand resting on Jin’s knee as she kept her eyes trained on you. “Please don’t tell him you saw me…you know, crying.” 
Jin nodded, smiling softly up at you. “Promise.”
You spent the next few hours holed up in your room. Between the attempts at study and a few sessions of wailing into your pillow, you were exhausted. Mostly, you were upset with yourself. This was your own fault; you hadn’t been ready or willing to let him in and he’d moved on. You really couldn’t blame him for that. 
At the end of the day, you really did mean what you’d said to Jin. You wanted Taehyung to be happy. He was such a good guy, so deserving of the love he’d been seeking, even if you couldn’t be the one to give it to him. 
You wanted to be able to look him in the face one day and tell him you were happy for him. You weren’t there yet, but you knew someday you could be. He would just have to be a bittersweet memory that you learned from. Growth was pain and sometimes you really did just burn your bridges. 
Around 5:30 there was a knock at your door and you called softly for whoever was on the other side. Sarah opened the door, leaning against the doorframe. 
“Hey.” She said softly. 
You smiled up at her, index finger bouncing against the surface of your desk with nervous energy.
“We were thinking of going to Harvest tonight, grabbing some soup or something. You wanna come with?”
You shook your head, staring down at the carpet, toes digging into the time worn patterns. “I’m not really hungry.” You said. 
“Ok,” Sarah sighed, “you want me to bring you back something and just leave it in the fridge?”  You shrugged, scratching your fingernail across the top of your wooden chair. “I’ll get you your usual.”
You nodded and she walked across the room, kneeling down in front of you and pulling you into a hug. “I’m so sorry you’re sad.” She whispered, “the pain does go away, I promise. Try and focus on doing things that make you happy.”
You nodded, smiling down at her. “Thanks Sarah.”
After your roommates had left the house, you grabbed your camera, bundling warm into your coat, gloves, and hat, and making your way out into the evening. You needed a distraction. You wandered around aimlessly for a while, unsure of where to go. 
Small roads led to picturesque neighborhoods, icicles hanging from rain gutters and porch railings. You hated the winter, but it sure was beautiful. You snapped pictures here and there, fiddling with the settings and trying new angles. 
The sky was mostly dark, but where the sun had set was still a shadow of light blue and purple. You station yourself in between trees, aiming to capture the lighting just right. The stars above were shining despite the pocket of sunlight still left at the horizon and the picture itself was so beautiful that your heart throbbed a little. If only everything in life could be as awe inducing. 
The slush was beginning to seep uncomfortably into your shoes, but your feet had a mind of their own and you followed their guidance, making your way into a small clearance surrounded by trees, quiet and blocked from the lights of the school around it. 
The snow was pristine, beautiful in its natural state and you realized belatedly that this was the clearing Taehyung had brought you to back in November when you’d gone sledding. It was beautiful, fir trees lining the entire enclosure and you lifted your camera to take some pictures, breathing fog into the air. 
It was amazing the power a cluster of trees could have, blocking out the sounds of the outside world. You felt so far removed from civilization, despite being only a tree line away. It was likely a mistake, but you weren’t really thinking straight so you immediately let your knees buckle under you, plopping in the snow and laying back, letting your camera rest on your chest. 
You were wet and you were cold, but the sky was magnificent. Stars winking down at you from their spots in the universe. You sighed up at the view. It couldn’t fix any of your problems, but somehow, it gave you peace, allowing for a sense of hope to build in your chest. 
You weren’t sure how, but you knew things would be OK. Right now, your heart was aching, but you would move on. You’d missed your shot with Taehyung, but that didn’t mean that there wouldn’t be a shot with another guy somewhere down the line. You’d be ready for him when the time came. 
You stood slowly, shivering as your clothing, now wet with snow, sopped through to your skin. You needed to get home quickly and get warm before you caught a cold; it was maybe already too late to prevent it anyway. 
After returning home and taking a nice warm shower, you cuddled up into bed, listening to the sounds of your roommates returning from dinner. It wasn’t that late, but you felt too tired to stay up, so turning to your desk light, you flipped the switch off and allowed yourself to drift into sleep.
The next morning you woke late. The sun had long been risen and the house was quiet; you supposed your roommates had already gone to class. You only had 2 classes today and your first didn’t start until 1pm, so you took your time, making breakfast, showering, and getting ready. 
You decided to look your best today. Even though you didn’t really feel that confident on the inside right now, you didn’t need to look the part. There was something to be said for building your confidence in other ways, and though you didn’t think it was smart to always put so much stock in the way you look on the outside, today you needed a little pick me up and a cute look was gonna be it. 
After finishing a very lazy morning routine and even watching an episode of your favorite show, you made your way back to campus and into your cinematography class. In general, your entire schedule this semester was pretty promising and you settled into a brief explanation of what to expect in the class and then a video showcasing work done before, some of the famous names who’d taken the class before stardom, and some movie trailers from movies that the school had worked on directly. Last class you’d merely gone over the syllabus and done introductions, so this was a fun twist. 
By the time you’d left the classroom you were buzzing with excitement, chatting away with a classmate and friend about your expectations for the semester. 
“My dad said that Mike Posner took this class when he was here, and look at him now.” Your friend, Adrian, remarked and you smiled lopsidedly at her. 
“But isn’t he a singer? What does cinematography have to do with that?”
Adrian shrugged, checking her phone before sticking it back in her backpack. “Don’t know, still famous, though. I gotta run to class, only got 20 minutes to make it there and it’s across campus.”
“I wish you luck!” You called, giggling as she waved and bounced off in the other direction. 
You yourself had another class in 30 minutes so you stopped by a vending machine quickly to grab a snack before bundling up again and making your way out into the snow to head to your digital art history class. You were really looking forward to this week because now your classes would actually start to get interesting. 
After class you made your way back to the library to catch up on the work you’d avoided yesterday. Honestly, it was the beginning of the semester so it wasn’t like you were behind on anything, you only had that one assignment, but you liked to feel prepared and ahead of the game. 
You shoved your granola bar in your mouth, staring distractedly at your phone as you made your way down to the first floor of the library. You needed a little peace and quiet that the social atmosphere of the 3rd floor couldn’t afford you. Just as you were stepping through the doors to the first floor, you collided with someone, nearly dropping your phone and gripping the bar between your teeth before looking up, apology dying on your tongue.
“Taehyung.” You breathed, pulling the bar from your mouth. 
His dark hair was fluffy, like he’d just blown it dry, flopping messily across his head. He looked cute. 
“Uh, Hey, Y/N.” He replied, scratching at his chin. 
“How are you?” You asked, looking up at him, watching as his dark eyes darted from your face to the walls around you.
“I’m ok; I’m good. How’re you?”
“Yeah, I’m OK.” You nodded, shifting your feet as the two of you plunged into awkward silence. “I heard you had a good time in California.”
He looked down at you, eyebrows rising in surprise. “From Jin?” You nodded and he continued, “yeah, it was a really cool experience.”
You paused; tongue heavy with the words you wanted to say. I miss you, I’m sorry, I was scared. Nothing felt right, but you should have known your mouth would run before you could really think it through. “I also heard about…you know, about Beth.”
Taehyung frowned, jaw ticking as he clenched his teeth. Perhaps Jin wasn’t supposed to say anything about that, but you’d been the first to see them after all. 
“How long have you guys been together?” You asked awkwardly, the words uncomfortable in your mouth. 
“A little over two weeks.” He said and he sounded annoyed with you. Your heart wilted at the thought.
“Oh.” You nodded. 
“Why oh?”
“I guess it just feels kind of fast.” You commented softly, shrugging.  
“It’s been over two months, Y/N, it hasn’t been that fast. We were never even together. How long do you expect me to pine for someone that doesn’t want me?”
“It was never a matter of not wanting, Taehyung.” You insisted.
“Whatever you want to call it, it doesn’t matter; you rejected me so why are you acting like this?”
“Why her?” You asked. 
“Who, Beth?” At your nod he frowned, “I’m sorry, but it’s honestly none of your business. I offered up my whole heart and you didn’t want it so now it’s time we both move on.” He looked into the distance, nodding at someone over your shoulder, “Look, I gotta go. Have a good semester, ok?” He reached up to pat your shoulder but stopped suddenly, staring at you in discomfort before fisting his hand and dropping it to his side, walking around you. 
You wanted to be sick all over again. You’d really messed up. Not only had you lost out on a guy you’d really liked, but you’d destroyed a friendship. Your bottom lip trembled at the thought, but you refused to lose another night of studying to an all-night cry session. You rounded your shoulders, making your way to a desk at the back of the library and sitting down.
Your broken heart would just have to wait.
Only two more chapters left in this story and I promise they are MUCH happier than these last few! Thank you so much for sticking around. Please let me know what you think. I’m so curious! xx
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Copyright © 2017  by taeken-my-heart (Nora.) All rights reserved.
96 notes · View notes
ashhdolll · 4 years
One Semester
Part One
Have you ever made love before? Not that quick, rough, pumping sex you have after a night out and the high from that “You up?” text has got you going, no I’m talking about real love making. The love is writhing and rotating between the two of you, I mean you can FEEL it being created as your bodies do that familiar dance. You want more, they want more, because what you’re creating isn’t just physically pleasurable, it stimulates your whole being... See I’ve done that just once in my life before and it has fucked everything up for me every since.
Senior year of college in Greensboro all you want is a fucking blunt, a paycheck and your degree. That’s it. If you haven’t joined an organization by now don’t even worry about it, you’re officially almost nonexistent on campus and that’s how you wanted it to be.
While a good majority of my friends had graduated in May, my senior year had extended to the fall semester so I would have to wait until December to turn my tassel. The fall graduation also extended my living situation another year that I had not planned nor saved for and why would I? There was weed to buy nigga!
To help my parents pay for my rent I decided to return to my old fast food job, I won’t say which one but if you have four dollars and some change you had a nice meal that could hold you for two hours. It was my second go round working there (I had previously worked there my sophomore year) and the manager, Ms. B was just as much of a crazy pastor’s wife looking bitch as before. Just imagine Shirley Caesar 5’9 with permanent shoulder pads and Shenehneh’s wig-you see it? Okay, that was my manager, she was loud, mean, blunt, and still one of the best women I know. She was the type of grandmother that my sensitive soul couldn’t handle so God sent her to me in another way-every reprimand stung for me and I had to learn not to take it personally. She was strong and I loved that about her and she loved me too. I was great with the customers inside and even better with them when I worked the drive thru, coming back to that job was like riding a bike. Listening to an order with four number 3 meals, two large and two medium. Oh and can one of the drinks be a half and half vanilla/chocolate shake? She loved how I would shove the ice in the cups, pour drinks and begin taking another order all before the former car has even paid for their meal. I had to be like that or Ms. B was going to bitch me out in front of everyone and loudly too. Her voice was like the crack of the whip, almost everybody would jump or got into their respective places when they knew she was around or heard her coming. She noticed everything which always annoyed me when I would be trying to sneak a four piece nugget in my pocket to snack on so that I could soothe the hunger pains stabbing my stomach.
I worked five days a week and also had class five days a week so morning shift was my friend. Waking up at 7:30am just barely making it to the 8am shift was a real struggle for me, especially since my shift was supposed to start at the time I got up. But, I had gotten used to it, and at eight in the morning my work started. Slicing tomatoes, breaking up red onions, opening fresh packs of mayonnaise (six containers of each) and also making bacon.
Now the bacon was the hard part. In the morning it was a bit easier since we opened at 10am. If I had gotten to work at my scheduled time I may not have been so overwhelmed but it was my senior year and if I didn’t want to be in my class I needed to graduate what the hell did I look like rushing to work for less than $9 an hour?
There was a process to the bacon that is simply too long to explain. In verbatim, there are six sheet pans you use to cook the bacon in the oven at a time. Six pans = one tin container of bacon. Before morning shift starts, Ms. B wanted ten containers of bacon ready. Two for each sandwich maker and then another six on the side over a warmer filled with a a bit of boiling water-to keep it hot. It was a tiring process, bacon got too burnt? Put another six in, start again. Bacon not done yet? Keep it in for another three minutes then it’ll be perfect. But shit, I haven’t even starting putting the fucking mayo in smaller tins, gotta go to the free- ‘JADA DID YOU CUT UP THEM TOMATOES YET?’ Ms. B would yell that from her office, she knew I forgot. Lemme get these tomatoes. Slicing, slicing, slicing, putting them in the tin containers. Slicing, slicing slicing, more containers. Slicing, slicing, cut your left pointer finger. Red drips down and the pain is almost not there but at the same time you can feel it. “JADA IS THAT BACON BURNING??”
Got to start another six pans.
These were my mornings from May to December. It would usually just be me, Ms. B and another older lady, Ms. Lydia who for some reason enjoyed being Ms. B’s bitch although they were around the same age and same height. Always “yes ma’am”-ing her like a house slave. By 10am the orders started and I was always the one taking orders until about 11 or 11:30, making my job duties change to taking orders and money, washing dishes, cutting bacon to put in the fridge so that it’d be ready for whoever my replacement was and trying not to burn my final six pans of bacon.
Either Jessica or Devon would come in and take over taking orders while I rushed finished my other duties before 1:30pm which was when I was off because at 2pm, I had class. If Jessica was coming in, it was definitely going to be a giggle fest. The customers loved her and so did I. She was five foot even, had beautiful caramel skin was just a naturally beautiful woman with brown playful eyes. All types of men wanted her affection but her girlfriend was the apple of her eye, she couldn’t be swayed. From the moment I met her we clicked. From jokes, to relationships, to marijuana we meshed. It was like I was meant to be there with her to survive this job because she sure as hell made coming to work a lot easier. She had my back at work and outside of it and I always spoke up for her whenever Ms. B made a slick comment about her (She would always say “I don’t know why you and Jessica have to always be talkin’ back” ‘because you always talkin’ hoe’ was my telepathic response).
When Devon would come in, it was a “hi” and “bye” situation. I had avoided that particular burger joint my senior yet to hopefully wipe of greasy memories from working there as a sophomore so to come back was a little embarrassing. There were a few people I knew that were still working there but they weren’t in school. The Locals is what us college kids called them. The Locals weren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Most had kids and were in their late 20s or early 30s. Making my stomach drop and forcing me to think “What’s next? What happens when December ends?”
Devon was A Local, born and raised in Greensboro and had went to college for a year before withdrawing-he was an In-Betweener. He was three years my senior but didn’t work there when I did previously yet he was an amazing worker. Always on point, always clear and fast too. He was about 5’10 and had a very strong build, but you knew he also indulged in an extra slice of cake or two. Not chubby but solid. A man. Skin the perfect walnut color with a full low black beard, not that scraggly at all. Devon wore glasses, black frames and square and his work hat covered his completely shaved head. I’ve always liked guys that knew having a shaved head was much better than sporting a barely there hairline or premature balding. Completely shaving it all off told me that that particular man was realistic and in touch with what is. I like people like that, who don’t live in a fantasy and know how to accept things how they are.
Devon was attractive, plain & simple. But was he my type? The hell if I knew, I didn’t think I had a type. After a break up with my boyfriend of two and a half years I didn’t give a fuck about a “type”. Give me liberty or give me dick. But I had gotten tired of the random, late night fucks. It’s great, don’t get me wrong, but having someone that loves you after he orgasms is the thing I missed the most. I was tired of dealing with men in general and my focus was on graduating and paying my rent. Everything else in between that was a distraction. 
Anyway, Devon was a dweeb for sure. When he’d take orders sometimes he’d change his accent. Going from a terrible ‘English’ accent to an even worse ‘African’ accent. He mostly took orders in his normal voice but on occasion when he was extra bored he’d switch up to entertain himself. His Johnny Cash impression was pretty good though.
We had been working together for about two and a half months. By that time I stayed away from almost every side conversation that came my way if it wasn’t from Jessica. I just wanted to work these measly six hours and go the fuck home, nothing more, nothing less. I’d speak to Devon in passing. (“Can I get some ice please?” “He says his burger was supposed to have no ketchup, not no mustard” “Can I get a small fry please?” ) and he was always so helpful. I appreciated it immensely. When things were busy we’d bump into each other at the fry station-it was very tight over there no more than about three feet of space. Everyone was always squeezing, knocking and prodding into one another’s rib cage. Devon would fill up a carton of fries while simultaneously elbowing my tit as I waited to stand over the hot bulbs and get my carton of fries. Other days I couldn’t wait and I’d have to force myself to get there, if he was standing there I’d lightly touch his back to let him know he was about to get pushed out of the way. I couldn’t wait to go home and smoke.
When we had slow moments we’d chat. Or rather they’d talk while I eavesdropped and cleaned my area, because if you weren’t cleaning or stocking something Ms. B would ask you why. Now you standing there looking lazy and stupid. I learned in life that it’s best for you to do what you know needs to be done without someone telling you to. I was cleaning around front counter after the lunch crowd cleared out. The lunch rush is what you fear and also what you thank God for because it allowed three hours to go by and you were really working. No jokes, no kikis, straight up labor.
As I was cleaning up, Devon and the sandwich maker that day Ahmad were joking around like guys do and ended up on the subject of Spongebob Squarepants, which then leads Devon into a ballad of ‘Striped Sweater’.
‘What in the fuck...’ I think to myself. I had to turn away to keep from laughing in their faces. These grown niggas singing a song from a cartoon. Graduate me please. It wasn’t so silly that I was annoyed but it was silly because I hadn’t seen that type of carelessness and vulnerability before from a guy since my break up. A lot of men in college I surrounded myself with were professionals in training. Already thinking about what they were going to do next when I myself hadn’t even started to think about what’s happening right in front of me. But that also made them stiff to me-as if they cared too much about how the world was going to perceive them once they left the university world. I’m sure Devon was not attempting to portray himself as carefree, he was just singing a song from memory. He was just being himself, a funny and unapologetic square who loved Christian hip hop. But that’s when I finally noticed him. He was watching me think because when I turned his way he quickly looked around and pressed on his headset-oh he’s just taking an order. No words come out. Yeah, he was watching me.
The days went by and we would talk more and more. Little bids here and there. His quirkiness & sweetness made me feel good. I didn’t know it then but that’s how I felt. One day, during our shift while it was slow and we were talking he asks “Do you have a Facebook?”
“Yes.” I answered.
“Okay type your name in and then I’ll add you”
And so it began. So not only was I able to see Devon at work, but I’d come home, take a shower and see what post he’d tag me in, reactions to my statuses. I’d see comments on my pictures “You think you cute” “Lips!!” It was fun. Playing that little game. See I’m not stupid, men are men. He looks good, I look good, I mean come on. As fun as this was I knew we were going to get down to business-real business. Grown business. He was still living with his family on the other side of Greensboro and I had my own place. ‘Let me know when you’re ready for me because I am’ was the aura I was beginning to give off to him. I knew he wanted it but didn’t know what to say or how to initiate it properly. He was treading lightly and I appreciated it so I decided to take the reins and invite him over.
The first time he came over I wasn’t nervous. It was going to be my own research project as to why or why not he deserved to be inside me. We were just going to watch something on TV, snack, talk about work and then he’d leave and I’d make my decision from there. I had been off that day but had already showered a crowded library and the gym stench from my tired body. I very much wanted to reschedule his presentation but it would’ve been my third time rescheduling with him and I knew he wouldn’t have came over at all if I pushed it to another day-a guy has his limits. Plus I figured the visit would be short, no more than an hour then back to my blunt and Netflix. A modern romance.
A text then knock at the door alerted me of Devon’s presence. My roommates were gone so I had the apartment to myself for a while with no distractions so I could really make my decision. I opened the door and there he was, fresh off work in his all black uniform. The stench of grease and old meat filled my nostrils and apartment making my stomach turn. I smiled.
“Hey how are you?” I asked motioning for him to come in further.
“I’m good, just tired.” He said while coming in and standing over me. Devon was inches away and I could smell the nuggets he ate on his breath. I looked up at him and realized how much taller than me his when I don’t have my work shoes. I felt little, but safe. He give me a nice warm hug I lowkey didn’t want because now my Dove body wash was getting mixed with grease. As he pulled away he took off his book bag and work shoes and his height fell two inches-that’s better. I looked down as saw three holes in his socks but didn’t say anything, nor did he. He was tired and took the bus to faithfully to make it to work and home every day. ‘I’ll buy him some more’ I thought to myself.
I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge, “You want some juice?” I ask. I had bought some just for him because he loves sweet drinks. Sodas, juice, ICEE’s, whatever. As long as it had some type of simple syrup in it, that nigga was gonna drink it. No answer. I turned and looked back at him and caught him looking at me. Like it was the first time he’d really seen me. And technically it was, he’d never seen my outside of work or outside of a picture on whatever social media account. No, he was looking at me now. The at home Jada. The Jada that very rarely wears a bra or panties at home and who has much more under her work uniform then he guessed. Whose skin shines with moisturizer instead of sweat from work, the tattoos he didn’t know she had on that pretty brown skin. He was seeing me for the first time and I knew he liked what he saw. I liked that he liked it.
“Huh” he said.
If you can ‘huh’ you can hear. “Do you want some juice?” I asked again.
“Yea that’s cool”
I dipped my head into the fridge to cool my face and pretend to look around for the one juice that was sitting in front of me. The heat from my face was matching the heat downtown where my second brain (aka vagina) was located.
He sat on the couch and patiently waited as I poured his drink. Talking about some sports notification he got on his phone-like I gave a fuck. As I brought him his cup of juice he reached into his book bag and pulled out a bag of food from our job and traded me. I opened I sat next to him and I saw that it was filled with four chocolate chip cookies from our job. It costs ninety-nine cents to add to any meal and customers rarely took advantage of it. I picked up the slack for their obliviousness and stole cookies whenever the coast was clear. Devon would help and drop them in my bag when I’d be leaving for class. He knew they were my favorite.
I smiled again. Two smiles in less than five minutes? Yes it’s a wrap. “Thank you, I appreciate it” I told him.
“You’re welcome big heed”
I rolled my eyes, this nigga is so corny I love it. “How was work today?”
He sucked his teeth, “Man you know how it is, Ms. B yelling, hungry construction workers, annoying college kids like you.” He smirked at the end and looked at me out of the side of his eye.
“What the hell ever.” I softly nudged him.
The TV was turned to Family Feud and he seemed interested but I was not. Steve Harvey and his constant disbelief at outlandish answers was getting old but I put up with it for the sake of nostalgia.
We chatted, watched TV and showed each other things on our phone. Devon gulped down his juice and set it on my mama’s wooden coffee table. “Your place is nice”, he observed, “You don’t stay by yourself do you?”.
“No”, I answered “I have two roommates but one is moving out in a couple weeks.”
“Are they here now?”
Silence. Thinking. Thinking about us here alone together. Wondering.Things could happen, they should. Back to reality.
“Do you wanna watch anything else?” I asked him and handed him the roommate.
He took it from me and put it back on the coffee table. “Nah I don’t mind watching this”, he says and he wrapped his arm around me.
Ahh shit. I hadn’t been this close to a male body fully clothed in a minute. Although he smelled like an air fryer he felt so soft and firm. I relaxed but still squirmed under his arm. Not out of being uncomfortable but to give some sort of relief to my pulsating lower brain. This moment had been brewing since we started talking outside of work. The slick comments, innuendos and fake eye rolls had all lead up to this. As soon as Devon pulled me to him, the faucet turned on. Baby she was ready, begging, yearning almost. She needed it. Now.
“You good?” He asked and looked at me. We were so fucking close I could smell the last of the sweet juice on his breath. His pouty full lips were inches away. So no my nigga, I am not good and I would like your lips on both sets of mine, please and thanks.
“Yea, I’m fine” I croaked out. Perfect now I sound like a twelve year-old.
“Mhm okay.” He said still looking at me. Or in me rather because he was looking deep into my eyes. As if my eyes were going to give him the answer to a question he just thought of asking. With his left arm around me he held my face with his right and kissed me deep but gentle (that’s how all of our encounters would be...). Firm enough to let me know he was a grown man but also soft enough to let me know he knew how to take his time. It was like kissing a plump cloud, very soft and I needed more. The kiss went from sweetness to straight up lust in a flash. I pushed myself up to give more mouth and he pressed right back into it. Opening his mouth slightly I went in for the kill and slipped my tongue into his mouth. Tracing it and he held on to my face. He tasted so sweet. The kiss continued and an electric shock went down to the middle of my green sweatpants. I moaned in his mouth. He moaned back. The front door swung open.
It was my roommate that was moving and her boyfriend. And here I was in her couch pre-best orgasm of my life sucking face. Welcome home. Me and Devon quickly separated out of embarrassment and also gratefulness. Had they come five minutes later we would have been much more than roommates, definitely family.
“Hey how are y’all doing?” I asked sweetly. I know we looked nuts, my shirt was twisted, we’re breathing heavy, it smells like fries in here. She’s gonna call the fucking cops on me. We had only been leaving together for a few weeks. We barely spoke or saw each other because she was in nursing school. Gone early in the morning, coming in in the evening and going straight to bed. She didn’t even use the kitchen. A quiet girl who never interfered, I hope she’s doing well. Devon and I scooted away from each other slightly to look more comfortable and less like humping rabbits.
“Good, you?” She said with some surprise in her voice and eyes. Her boyfriend glanced quickly then looked straight ahead making a beeline for Jordan’s room. I didn’t answer and watched as she shuffled behind him. Good, hurry up and get the fuck in your room. I wanted to turn the desire up a few more notches in here. It was early September and in Greensboro the breeze begins to get crisper in the evenings. The cold air they brought in when they opened the door turned the heat down that we had generated.
Bruce Banner was back.
As the door closed to Jordan’s room I looked at him and smiled. He kissed me again and held my face. “You’re so pretty with those dimples.”
I cheesed harder. Marry me.
Devon released my face and checked his phone. “I gotta go lil mama.”
My heart broke. Not really but the one in my vagina sure did. If the sex was like the kiss it was definitely going to give me what I needed, and wanted. 
‘Just ask him if he wanna fuck you from behind in the doorway real quick’, my Lower Brain whispered.
‘Calm the fuck do-well that’s not a bad idea, I don’t think my other roommate is going to be home for a -no. Stop, just relax.’ my Actual Brain decided.
“Oh, well alright. Can you come by again tomorrow?” I asked him hopefully. He stood up and walked to put his shoes back on and I followed. As I walked it felt like a puddle of lust was in between my legs. Send help.  
Devon turned and looked down at me, pulling me close to him by my waist. I could feel the hardness in his pants slowly depleting.
Lower Brain, “Girl that’s just how he gon look when y’all fuck’
RB: Bitch, I know I can’t wait, shut up!’
He kissed me deep again, but quick, so he wouldn’t get us both started again. “I can’t do tomorrow, but Tuesday after I get off at five I can come by.”
LB: Tuesday is a day and a half away, you sure you’ll be okay?
“That’s perfect”, I said looking up at him. “I’m out of class out 4:45.”
And it really was perfect. I’m always out of class around 4:45, he’s off at 5pm but when you work in fast food, you’re never really going to get off at your scheduled time. At five is when you begin to have an attitude because your replacement is taking their time getting to your position to relieve you or they haven’t shown up at all yet-oh and people are still ordering because they have no idea there’s a shift change taking place through the intercom. Then the complaining to whatever manager on duty starts which is when they realize they have to let you go. After stocking up your replacement, stuffing burgers, cookies or even a salad into the bag you brought with you to work and getting your complimentary drink it was finally time to clock out. See by that time it’d be around 5:45pm, Devon would let me know he was on the way or outside and I’d already be showered, shaved and ready to finish what we started. 
“Perfect.” I love the fast food industry. 
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darktammy · 6 years
Coffee Shop (part 2)
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Tag: @sassybrose @livlyf247 @balorbarnes @instantbouquetdestinysblog @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @living-the-life-1996 @thelonelunatic @wwesarahjaneroszko @ambrollinsbabe @ambrosesnerd @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @myadm1234 @shadowwgirl92 @tacoshu @musicallyinclinedthings @bxrn-thxs-wxy-90five 
like I said before and I’ll say it again wanna be tag let me know.
You laid in bed looking up at the ceiling with your bra and shorts on still thinking about what happened last night. “Seth is my fucking boss are you kidding me.” You sat up in bed as you look at the time 8am. “Better get ready besides what’s the worst that could be done?” You so regret those words once you was out the door.
You didn’t even bother checking the weather because it was raining outside so no umbrella for you. Then the buses were running late so you try to flag down a cab, no help at all. So the best thing you could do was to walk to work and you knew that was not going to be good.
Once inside you clock in late. Your first lateness and already you was having a bad day. You got to work on serving customers there orders, making sure the customers are happy with what they have, if not then change there order which has been happening a lot. This was not good because someone said Seth was coming over later on and that meant your day was not going to get any better.
You look over at the time once again skipping lunch just so you can get out of there early just so you didn’t have to see Seth’s face. “God time is so slow.” Your friend Dixie walk on over sitting next to you. “You know girl I think you need some time off. You have been working here for a month now maybe you should take a break.” You giggle as you look back outside still seeing the rain pouring down. “Nah I need the money besides my landlord is being a dick again.” Dixie look at you and sigh. “Let me guess you was late on rent again?” You nodded your head as she gave you hug making you hugging her back as well.  
You was in the back cleaning the dishes as your use to it already. You look at the time your was happy because it was time for you to clock out. You wash the last of the dishes taking your small apron off tossing it the side. You walk into the back just to clock out only to see Seth with Josh looking over the workers time cards. Seth look up to see you standing there as you had your hand on your chest. “Hey there leaving so soon.” Josh said as you turn your head in his duration. “Yeah my shift is over.” Seth held your time card in his hand looking at it. “Nah not on my watch I need to stay.” You look at him in shock like it was not enough that you found out this bully was your boss now he want you to stay longer. “I’m sorry Seth, but I can’t.” Seth look up at you confuse. “I’m sorry and why not?” His voice didn’t sound to pleased.
You look at him as you just remember you had to drop something off to your landlord. “Well I have to pay some bills so if you don’t mind I need to clock out.” You said walking up to his desk trying to get your time card. Seth standing up looking down at you. “The last time I check i’m your boss so you do what I say. If you need to pay something fine then we'll go together then.” You almost fell backwards, “Wait, what?” was all you could say. Seth grabbing his keys to his car then looking back at you. “Yeah you heard me I need you to stay but you need to do this so I’m going to help. Plus you came to work today late and wet so I’m not going to take any chance so let’s go.” You rolled your eyes as you walk right behind him.
You got your things as you told Seth were to go so you can do what you have to do. You got in as Seth startup the car driving out of the lot still raining the window wipers moving side to side, and all you could do is look out the passenger side window while Seth keep his eyes on the road. “So Y/n how are ya?” You look over at him wide eyed, him asking you how your feeling. “Well after what happened yesterday I feel like a piece of shit. Now knowing my boss was my high school bully.” You look back at the window, Seth look over at you a few times before looking back at the road. “Your still mad at me?” You shook your head, “No I hate you Seth.” Seth rolled his eyes thinking to himself was this even a good idea.
You made it to your landlords place getting out of Seth’s car, you look back nodded your head letting him know that he can leave as you turn heading in. You walk right in rings the bell. “Yeah who’s that?” Nash your landlord yelled out. “It’s me Y/n I have the rent.” You heard heavy footsteps coming your way. You look out the window just to see that Seth’s car was gone. “Great now I can take a cab back to work.” You said sighing in relief. “Well look who’s here my favorite.” You look back to see Nash standing here with a cigar in his mouth. “Yeah I have your rent ready. “ You handed him over a money order instead of cash Nash’s face went from all smiles to anger in a snap. “I want it in cash Y/n what did I tell you about checks and money orders?” You shook your head. “No sir and I told you that I don’t do cash.” He got anger as he wrote out a receipt for you. “Hey Y/n how about you and I go out sometimes?” As he hand you over the paper touching your hand. You move away from him. “1 eww, 2 you can use your hand like you have been.” You said turning around just to walk away. “You bitch you still owe me two more months of rent bitch.” You turn around ready to say something. “Hey fat ass I don’t know who taught you manners, but you don’t call a lady no bitch.” You turn around to see Seth standing by the door. Your eyes widen, hang on did he just defend you? Nash was mad as he told the both of them to leave.
You and Seth were driving back to the shop so you can get back to work. “Thanks Seth for helping me back there.” as you keep your eyes on the road making Seth smile a little. “Yeah sure Y/n.” You look down at your knees as you keep quiet in the car.
You made it back to work as you started to severing your customers again as Seth sat back in his office looking over paperwork. “You made it back in one piece.” Josh laugh at him. “Yeah yeah Y/n has a real asshole of a landlord if there was some way I can help her out.” Josh look at him with a smile. “Dude do you like her or something?” Seth look at him as he sat back and start to explain his story.
He start to think back in his younger years when he use to pick on you. Back in science class you sat alone in the back with no one. Not even the loser kids want to hang out with you. Seth as always walking with his buddies looking around until he saw you. Seth on the other hand if you only knew he hard strong feelings for you, but hanging out with his buddies he couldn’t show them. “Hey man I got an idea but Seth you have to do it.” He look at his friend rolling his eyes, “what then.” He told him to put the class snake in your book bag while they bother her. Seth had rage in him, but he didn’t want to let his friends know about his feelings for ya. So while the teacher was running late the other boys walk up to you as they start to mess around with your books. “Hey come on stop that will ya leave me alone!” Everyone in the class start laughing as you. Then you look back to see Seth in your book bag you got up tell him to fuck off which he did as the rest of the guys sat down as there table. After class was over you start to pack up your books ready to leave as you grab your bag you heard something. You look into your bag making you scream in fear dropping your bag. “Y/n! Y/n are you alright?” The teacher ask. You start to freak out as you look at the snake. Seth walk over to help you, but you push him away. “Fuck you! Fuck you Seth you did this you put that thing in my bag!” was all you could scream out loud. You was taken to see the nurse.
Josh shook his head as he look over at Y/n, “damn dude you are an asshole.” Josh laugh, but Seth was not laughing not even smiling. He still had those hard feelings for you, even tho he was engaged then dated a few times before he found you. “I know, but I’ve change and I want Y/n to see that. How can I let her know about that?” Josh shook his head. “Maybe you should forget about that.” Seth look at him funny, “What? Dude I’m not kidding i mean it.” Josh look back at Seth. “Nah man I’m telling you forget it.” Seth got up to look out the window to see you talking to some guy laughing and holding hands. “What the hell? Who’s that?” Josh pats Seth’s back, “Let me found out.” As he walks out the room.
Josh walk up to your both as he ask, “Hey are you taking orders or what?” You smiled at him, “Oh uh Josh this is my boyfriend Richard, Richard this one of my bosses Josh.” Richard extended his hand out to Josh as he shook his hand. “Hey uh yeah well I’m going to get going and Y/n I’ll see you later on after work?” You laugh as you nodded, “Yeah sure bye.” You and Josh watch him walk out the store. You look over at Josh who just had an ‘what the hell’ look on his face. “Well Josh I meet Richard at the park one time and well we just start talking from there after that.” Josh just nodded as he walk back into the office.
Josh pat Seth’s back “Fuck your feelings for Y/n because she meet that guy name Richard in a park. Sorry Seth, but you fuck things up big time.” Seth's eyes widen from what Josh told him. Y/n dating some other guy no way Seth just couldn’t take that answer. He sat down in his chair looking at his desk. Josh on the other hand told Seth to just let you go and move on as he walk out of the office.
Time past pretty fast you was the last one to help put the things way. You clock out as you look over to see Seth still sitting in his chair. “Hey Seth?” He look up to see you standing there. “Yeah?” You look at him, “It’s time to close up the shop.” He nodded his head as Seth got up packing all his things. You both walk out of his office then Seth stop grabbing you by the arm then turning you around to face him. “Seth what the hell?!” He keep a tight grip on your arm. “Next time don’t bring your boyfriend in my shop understand?” You nodded your head as you remember that face before. Instead of him letting you go Seth drop his bag as he pulled you close hugging you just to make sure you can’t run. “Seth what the hell man let me go.” You said Seth move his hands up to your face then lean in to kiss you right on the lips you tried to fight back, but instead you gave in. You felt his lips his kiss was soft and sweet, and with heart something you never thought he will do, but you fought back you manage to push Seth off of you. “What the heel Seth I have a boyfriend you asshole!” You said walking out the shop leaving Seth standing there with a smile on his face. He knew he got ya right there, where he wanted you.
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xhaotixaesthetica · 6 years
College! Jaebum x Kinda Mad Genius! Reader
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Starlink Intergalactic Navigator 
You are in: a genetic mutation of Gaia, the dwarf planet 
look at this cute ass idiot ugh my heart
so WE’RE GONNA SPICE HIS AU UP A BIT totally not because I’m already sick of the same reader inserts, just enjoy this as a story and don’t complain pls
in this au you’re an astrophysics and computer programming major, minoring in bioengineering
in other words, you’re smart af
like you’re one of those child prodigy kids
Graduated high school early and took a bunch of AP's and CLEP tests so you’re way ahead and somewhere in between a junior and a senior but since you’re so young, you just say you’re a junior
you literally have the IQ of a genius and a bunch of Ivy league schools got in a fight over you but you were like nah nah i want something fUn so you came to SEOUL WOO HOO
you get A's in everything without even trying but that's OK because it leaves more room for you to do more SCIENCE
currently in a polyamorous relationship between you, Math, and Science
you’re really fascinated by the complexity of the universe but at the same time really into physics and math so when you found out that astrophysics existed when you were like 12, you knew that was it for you
you barely have time to eat, much less be fashionable, so you wear pretty nothing but jeans, huge hoodies, Converse, and a super hero t-shirt underneath (same but just because i’m too broke to dress nice)
with good brains comes bad everything else and you’re a hot fucking mess
clumsy, notes scattered all over the place, writing astrophysics shit in the margins of all your papers and doodling constellations on them while the professor lectures, it’s bad
you’re actually kind of extroverted and hyper but you just focus all that energy into astrophysics so everyone thinks you’re a hermit
you’re not obsessed with video games and comic books specifically, you’re just obsessed with space
like Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Ender's Game, Prey, Alien, Dead Space, and even Halo, you love em all, cause fuCkinGH spACE MAN same i’m a space gay
always writing reminders on yourself but they only help 60% of the time because you’re a hot mess
you can play the harp and the sitar?? the most random ass instruments, you literally have your harp in your bedroom and your sitar in your lab and like they were gifts from one of your cousins and you’re really protective over them
whenever you have a mental block you sit cross-legged and start playing your harp/sitar and chanting OM or the lyrics to We Will Rock You and your roommates are like omg they really are a mad scientist
you don't mind relationships but like no one wants to be with you cause they think you’re kind of fucking insane so you try not to think about it and just blow stuff up in the chem lab
like you’re really excited, you’ll gladly talk to people and you’re really bubbly and happy and friendly but all you talk about is astrophysics??? and you’re not on like level one, no you started reading college level astrophysics books when you were 14, you’re like wayyyy past PhD level so it's like you’re speaking another language
and no one wants to hang out with you like they think it's cute how passionate you are and how fucking just warm and open you are but still no one wants to be around you cause you’re like some sort of mad scientist and they're not interested in what you’re talking about
but you keep a smile on your face and keep to your astrophysics even though you start to think something's wrong with you and start getting kinda sad
aw bby :’(
and tHEN THEY WERE ROOMMATES that's when Jaebum came along
Jaebum is majoring in Ancient Studies and minoring in Greek and he’s Captain of the Football Team
pretty much every male-attracted person likes him but ain't no one going near that boy cause he is T E R R I F Y I N G
wears all black and never says anything and then when you talk to him he just has this resting bitch face on with no expression and everyone's like I’ll I’ljust go now and he just continues reading
he’s always reading with his earbuds in, you bother him it's your funeral
and it's weird cause like he has friends a precious few and ppl know he's not cold with them so why’s he ALWAYS COLD AND APATHETIC TO EVERYONE ELSE LIKE YOU GOOD MATE???
knows he's terrifying and uses it to his advantage
has no problem glaring down people who reach for the same thing at the supermarket or try cutting in front of him at starbuck’s and they near shit themselves
does not give two shits about all the people staring at him all the time as long as they don't talk to him or interrupt his reading
stays at home unless he's at class, practice, or a game
on the Dean’s List, and a massive teacher’s pet
but still, people just like to admire him for his looks and gush about how mysterious he is and that really irks him cause no one wants to actually spend the time to get to know him he’s not even that mysterious, he’s actually a bit of a crackhead so he's like i don't need y'all i have the Gupta Dynasty to keep me company
youngjae and yugyeom rolling their eyes, like HeRe HyUnG GOES AGAIN
knows more about ancient worlds than the current world?? like sometimes mark catches him staring at technology like it's an alien concept and he's like dude you've had a cell phone since you were like 12, when was the last time you had a break from reading that, chill out for a second and come back to modern times
and jb just scoffs like i don't need your modern times and buries his head in the book again but he just wants someone who's able to talk about the present AND the past with him without ignoring one cause he thinks both are really important
anyways one day you were late to an 8am class and you were rushing and dropped some papers and Jaebum came across it and he was like what in ThE HELL IS THIS cause first of all it was almost completely illegible and then when he did manage to read it, he couldn't understand it cause it was real complex math and science shit and he looked at the name and he knew who you were cause you’re the campus genius and the campus crazy
so he hunts you down until he comes across your lab later on in the day and you’re frantically looking through your BILLIONS OF PILES of looseleaf paper and jb's just thinking about how much of a fit jinyoung would have if he saw this tomfoolery
and he handed you your stuff and you were so grateful and friendly and you reminded him of a crazier version of youngjae
he couldn't help but be curious when he saw the really complicated math and science going on on your paper and he was like what's that, how does it work, what's the history
for a full fifteen seconds, you looked at him like he was god incarnate and you like i'M gLaD yOu AsKeD
and you were talking really fast but the way your eyes lit up when you talked about astrophysics and the way the sun from the window illuminated your features jfc
jb didn't believe in love in first sight he swore he didn't
unless it was you
like even if you weren’t conventionally pretty and most people wouldn't even notice you, bummie didn’t care, it was like you were the goddamn sun or something
he stops you in the middle of explaining and he's like look you're going a bit too fast, so could you repeat what you said but just a lil bit . . . slower
and for a long moment, you were stunned jungshook because like this boi . . . this devastatingly handsome boy who blows everyone off and makes them wet their pants in fear wants to hear me rant to him about astrophysics
and he actually wants you to slow it down so he can understand instead of just pretending to listen
and like you may be a genius but JB just broke your brain for a second
but then you jump back into it like yeah sure
and jae honestly finds you fucking adorable like how excited you get about astrophysics and he actually finds himself interested in it and then he starts talking about ancient cultures and greek and you already kinda know everything he's talking about and enjoy the conversation and he's all heart eyes
gets protective over you after like 2 days???
you don't care, you’re just happy there's someone who thinks you’re interesting so you don't even notice him glaring at anyone who talks to you and always hanging around you to scare other guys off
tbh bummie doesn't really comprehend why people don't like being around you cause like??? you’re so fucking pretty and cute?? you took all his uwus reader
only takes like 10 days before JB finds out you’re really affectionate and you’re hugging and cuddling all the time but he actually???likes it
and soon he's the one begging you for cuddles and you’re like ( ^_^) ofc babe lemme just finish doing these calculations right quick and JB's like asdfghjkl did they just call me what i think they just called me
but like you guys are always hanging at your lab and since JB doesn't really talk except with you and his friends and you never talk about anything but astrophysics on the off chance she gets back to the dorm in time enough to talk at all no one knows that you guys are even hanging out
it's not long after that jae asks you out and he takes you to an amusement park and you have a FiElD dAy because sooooooo much math? and pretty colors? and cotton candy? and he's made you the happiest person ever and in that moment when he sees your face he just can't help himself like pls be my s/o and you’re like ASDFGHJKL ARE YOU PLAYING WITH ME RIGHT NOW JFC OFC
and he just drops a bomb on his friends like they're all going out to dinner and he brings you and he's got his arm around your waist and he's just like guys meet my s/o and everyone's choking like S/O We ThOuGhT YoU wErE aRo oR sMtHiNG and for a minute they're so confused because no one even knew jaebum was talking to someone much less the mad scientist person when did this happen
and like they can see all throughout dinner that you’re really fucking strange but it's kind of cute and it makes bummie happy so Welcome to the Family, we have cookies
lol friends? nope, say goodbye to those, everyone is so terrified of bummie and his resting bitch face and them muscles that they refuse to come near you cause you’ve basically got Jaebum stamped on your forehead but that's ok because somehow you became really good friends with his friends and like you have this group chat that jae's not in specifically so they can share embarrassing things for you to tease him about later
but bummie highkey encourages it because if he pretends to get mad, you’ll play your harp for him and he loves that shit
jaebum will knock the living daylights out of anyone who mistreats you or makes you feel bad
like one time yall were walking back after a date and this dude grabbed your ass and was about to open his mouth to say some vulgar shit but he didn’t even get the chance before jaebum LEAPED ON HIM LIKE A FUCKING INSECT AND MOWED HIS ASS D O W N
jae had like two scratches on him meanwhile the dude on the floor probably needed a goddamn ambulance and he just took your hand and continued walking like anyways, like i was saying, no one can give me a valid reason why I shouldn’t get a cat
yall will 10/10 adopt a cat together
well it was supposed to be one but yall were weak bitches, so it turned into 3 same
at first yall rotated the cats between y’all’s apartments but then you were both like let’s just fucking move in together omfg
bam bam constantly breaks into your apartment to play with your cats
you come and cheer jae on at his football games
the first time everyone was SHOOK 
for fuck’s sake, you just learned what a touchdown was when you infiltrated a superbowl party for the food sAME, why tf were you even here
but then they saw jae beam at you and they were like omfg, they’re these people
when they win, he runs up and scoops you into his arms and spins you around, pressing a bunch of kisses all over your face and calling ou his good luck charm and you’re screaming at him for hugging you while he’s sweaty and gross even though you’re laughing and kissing him back
when he loses, you and him go to McDonalds after he showers and you just sit at a table eating while he nuzzles his head in your neck and sulks
reader, i highkey advise you to get a couple tats or a body piercing and not tell him
just have your hoodie off one day so he happens to see the tat/piercing and you’ll see his eyes darken and he’s trying to keep calm like
“i didn’t know you had tattoos/piercings”
and he’s looking down at you so intensely he’s almost glaring
“i do, wanna try and find them all?”
you did it
you activated beast mode
whenever jae sees you upset or sad, he’ll just engulf you with his whole body and you can smell his aftershave and feel his warmth while he puts on calming music and tells you greek myths in that smooth, soothing voice
and when you have your head on his chest, half asleep, he’ll just kind of stop for a second because holy fuuck, you’re so gorgeous and you’re his? how did he land you?? he’s the luckiest guy in the world?
and when you look up, wondering why he stopped talking, you see him looking at you with just this really soft, mushy look of complete adoration and before you can even say anything, he’s like i fucking love you
Gaia, the dwarf planet 
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ongfreestyle · 6 years
Coffee and College
A Jaehyun college coffee bullet au that ZERO people asked for
So anyway, you're in your second year of college and you're in the groove of things (kinda) and all is well
You're on your way to your 9am French I class on the first day and you feel your phone vibrating
It's your bf and you smile thinking "aaww it's our 3yr anniversary n he's calling already to say good morning"
More like... goodbye
Yep. 8:45am he calls you to dump you in the driest most uncool way
"listen. I just ... I know this is random, but....I don't wanna do this anymore."
"oh. Uh. What? Sorry I didn't hear you?"
"I'm sorry, I just can't do this anymore I want to break up with you. I'm sorry."
"oh. Ok. Fine. Sure. Umm...if you wanna talk about it later. Then...yeah..I have French class now bye."
End of call and start of class
Yep you're third row from the back and you plan to pay attention to the syllabus talk and following lesson but
You're definitely tearing up
Like literally WHO DOES THAT?? Just dumps you at 8am no explanation??
So anyways there are teardrops on your notes now and ink isn't tear proof so...rip
Anyways thirty minutes in and your head in kinda just down and you're kinda just crying quietly
And then this kid slides into the seat next to you
He's v late
And v cute even through the tears
And he's smiling really big even though the teacher just scolded him
He sets his coffee down and looks at you wiping snot and tears away and he hands you a napkin from his bag
You take it and mutter a "thanks"
And a moment later he slides his coffee to you too
"I didn't drink it yet"
"it's an espresso, extra caffeine"
"I made it myself"
And he's back to taking notes
And you're still kinda pouting, but it's been 45+ mins so you try to at least write down the homework assignment
And you decide to sip the stupid espresso it's actually pretty good
The next day you find yourself at the school cafeteria and guess who it is??
Espresso boy!!
And it turns out that he's even cuter in uniform!
You go to order some food and he greets you with a big smile
"feeling better today?"
"rough day yesterday, huh?"
"yeah. Can I have a breakfast burrito?"
"no coffee?"
"no, but thanks for the free coffee yesterday. It helped. I owe you one"
"no you don't, it's on the house. And so the one I'm about to make you next. It's today's special!"
Who are you to deny another free coffee? So you take his offer and a few minutes later you're at your table eating your breakfast and doing your French homework
And the special coffee is really good
Then one of your friends comes by and is giving you a weird look
"are you drinking the nasty coffee from the cafeteria??"
"yep. Its actually really good"
And your friend's like ??? "It's usually bitter and gross tho ?? Like 10 times outta 10"
And you shrug and get back to work and your friend grabs some food and starts doing their work too
The day goes on and finally you get some time to yourself to think about yesterday
Your ex hasn't called or texted. Nothing. And it just hits you like wow. I'm. Single.
Except not cool because you got no closure or explanation and ouch.
So you hate it but just like yesterday, you're crying again. Just. Uglier crying.
And your roommate comes back and is like "awww sweetie, fuck him"
And she says if you wipe your face she'll take you out for ice cream
So fuck the snot and tears, you want some damn ice cream
And out you go!!
Free ice cream you two stop at a park on campus and there's a basket game going on
And your roommate is like SKSSKDJS "LOOK IT'S JOHNNY SKSJDJ"
"that means holy shit it's the hottest tallest nicest guy in school and he's playing basketball look at his ARMS BITCH"
So guess who's watching a pickup game of bball while eating ice cream?
You two!
Oh and guess who else is playing and is red and sweaty and had a nice jump shot?
Coffee boy.
Yup and you might not be interested in the Score, but dammit the view was nice
The game ends and Johnny is the first to come over to the side lines n greet your roommate
She's batting her eyelashes and telling him he did amazing even tho they lost
And he's smiling and chugging water as he goes on talking and coffee boy and a few of his friends are on the sidelines now looking at you
Coffee Boy is the first to say hi and all you can do is say hi back
And thank him for the coffee again
He shrugs, "no problem. Coffee fixes almost everything in college"
Almost everything. And there's an awkward silence
"see you around." He says and he walks away
Like that you never find out his name and life moves on
French class is going well and you sit in the front now and coffee boy is always late and sits in the back
You really don't do anything except exchange glances
Then midterms are coming up and you are a bit panicked bc u definitely neglected French studies
So like any good college student you cram like hell
In the library at midnight you're trying to learn vocabulary, conjugations, grammar points
You look insane by 1am bit you can't stop then you hear someone coming I'm the library
It's (literally if you can guess by now) coffee boy
And he's got 4 coffee cups in a holder with him and a huge backpack
He spots you and waves
"mind if I sit with you?"
"mind if I claim two of the coffees?"
"there all yours" and he sits next to you and slides the holder to you just like when you first met
"I made them myself"
"so you make these awesome brews?"
"yeah the schools coffee recipe is shitty."
"well maybe you should major in business and open a coffee shop. They're really good."
"maybe I will"
And you two study quietly and you peek over to see him going over French vocab
"let's quiz each other?"
And it's 2am and you guys realize you're both fukced
Like. No vocab is sticking and the coffee had you two literally SHAKING
And by 3am you guys are just cracking up
"I never learned your name coffee boy"
"Jaehyun. Jung Jaehyun."
"well. Good luck with the test tomorrow because I. Give. Up."
And you get up to leave and he offers to walk you home and you accept for safety reasons
"I'm glad to see you so happy. You're pretty like that."
"I'm an ugly crier, huh"
"okay, not the gentleman answer, but I admire your honesty"
"thanks. I hope you have a good night"
Yeah the walk back was not long at all. Too bad because you really were enjoying your time
But 9am French !!!
Midterms are over after a week and it's back to the daily grind
But days are way better when you have French now bc Jaehyun sits next to you (when he's on time and the seats open) and you guys joke around alot during speaking practice
He's brings you a new coffee everyday and asks you how it tastes and what he should add or take away
And you kinda hang out at the cafeteria now so you can talk to him while he's working
Ooppsss you have developed a small™ crush on Jaehyun and it's not going away anytime soon
You even open up to him about why you crying the day you met (tho u vowed to NVR speak of it again)
Yeah now the crush is nvr dying :)))
Bc your friends notice that you always go watch him play b-ball even tho it's not a REAL game
And he always has a coffee for you
And you two are always studying French
But like...you guys are making questionable grades...so...what's up??
French I finals are coming and you and Jaehyun are at your usual spot in the library, except this time YOU bought HIM coffee
"what brand ?"
"gross school brand that you didn't make, but is LOADED with caffeine"
"gross. Hand me one"
And it's study time
But he's not focused
Like he never is and neither are you, but it's really off now
"is it that bad?"
"the coffee? Yeah. And my French grade? It's even worse. I won't make French 2."
"Jaehyun. We are going to fix your grade with this final. I SWEAR."
And he has this small smile on his face.
"you WANT me in your French 2 class don't you?"
"uuhhh-duhh free coffee to keep me up during le snooze fest"
"you know it's not free. It comes outta my pay check"
"okay, then I owe it to you to get you to pass this class and get to French 2"
"I guess."
Yeah. You're DRILLING info into ur heads ,,,, but Jaehyun is like ____ blank.
So you kinda snap
"yo do u wanna fail??? At least TRY!"
"I can't focus. I'm confused about something."
"past tense conjugations?"
"I can't tell if you're over your ex. You took it hard and I'm trying to wait, but..."
"my ex? My ex is my ex...I'm over that"
"you never really brought it up much. I wouldn't know."
"Past tense."
"and also. The coffee."
"your coffee is good! I'm serious, Jaehyun!"
"yeah, but do like me...? Or my coffee?"
Jaehyun is not making this easy for you okay
"I mean, if I didn't bring you coffee, would you still hang with me? Teach me French n stuff?"
"of course."
"so you...........like......me?"
HELL YES, but you settle for a simple yep
Then he just looks at you seriously
"you LIKE me LIKE me..like....LIKE LIKE?"
"uuhh...if I understood all of the likes right, then....yeah. I do like you."
He is so reeeeeedddd
Like this boy GONE
You. His crush. Likes. Him. Wtf
Yeah he cannot quit grinning
And when you move on from the topic he can't focus on a single word you're saying
Finals day comes and you feel okay about your score and Jaehyun said he wants to leave it in the past
And you two go hang out at the cafeteria
And he's looking at you across the table
Randomly he just smiles at you
"I..wanna be your boyfriend...."
bc y'all nvr because s/o's officially soooo
Your heart rate
Lemme draw it
He said it so cutely
Damn that's crazy bc you would love if he was your bf
And when you say that!!
Reference to drawing
After becoming official you two are like the cutest couple ever
And you go to French 2 and he's back in French 1
He got a 58 on the final :/
But OH WELL you're his tutor now
And you guys actually study
And he doesn't feel like he has to bribe you with coffee to make you like him
So with some hard work you both kick your caffeine addictions
And you guys spend the days making stupid jokes and playing basketball together
Cramming for French while high on 4 coffees each
(old habits die hard)
And you two tease each other so much
It's a miracle you get any work done really
Jaehyun passes his French 1 class with an A+ and he literally runs to your dorm to tell you
You crash into each other
He holds you to steady you
And hes like "babe I passed"
"that's great!"
"it's all thanks to you I could kiss you, but I have coffee breath and-"
"that's nothing new"
Okay and cue the totally cheesy kiss
Where Jaehyun's like "you're right, but our first kiss should be special"
Valentine Boy is a ROMANTIC okay
But it doesn't matter
You can't resist leaning in
And he lets out a fake groan like he hasn't been dying to kiss you since he first saw u snotting all over your notes
Yep he liked you then.
And the lean in was so slow, but when your lips met it was worth it
And the coffee taste.... wasn't so bad anyway
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His Sister (Stan Uris)(part One)
A/n: I had another idea... I’ll try not to stay up until 8am writing again oof. I may go on a major IT binge so y’all should send in asks if you hate it lmao. This is supposed to be short but so was the last one I did sooooo we’ll see. Also, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Enjoy haha
Anon: Pidge
Word Count: 2700+
Pairings: Ben x Bev, Bill x Mike, Richie x Eddie, Stan x reader, Losers x reader (platonic, mostly), Richie x reader (siblings)
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She was the princess of the school.
Walking next to Derry Middle School’s number one bitch, Y/n smiled and laughed and looked absolutely gorgeous. She was “best friends” with Greta (earlier mentioned Grade-A Bitch), and was just like her- if not worse. She was the person who was kind and pretended to be your friend and then used your secrets against you when it fitted her. She had no loyalties, and therefore she had no friends. No real ones anyway. Her and Greta were more a mutual benefit - a convenience - than anything else.
She was perfect in the eyes of the crowds though. Always smiling and gentle, especially compared to Greta. She rarely lied (unless you confused her) and if you kept her as an acquaintance or at a distance, she was lovely to have and be around. She was funny and always said the right thing and laughed at the right time and never seem ingenuine.
It was only fitting that someone like her would have secrets and struggles and faults, the entire world turning against her to make her pay for the harm she caused that no one knew about because it was always skillfully done so no one knew it was her causing it.
The only real problem with her? Her last name.
“Miss Tozier PLEASE pay attention!” The teacher grunted, and Y/n looked up, trying to not get angry or lash out at him.
Instead, she smiled prettily. “I’m sorry Mr. Myers. I’m distracted today.” The teacher nodded and huffed, turning back to the board as he tried to explain the math problem. The real problem was math itself, though, if you asked Y/n. It was hard enough to focus in class when she liked the subject, but math? Especially today, when for some reason everything was so... distracting?
When the bell rang, Y/n melted into her chair in relief. She took the math homework she had as summer practice that everyone had been given but no one would do just to appease her teacher and then slipped out of the building she was exhilarated to be free of for the next three months. She moved to the nearest trash can as fast as she could, unzipping her backpack and turning it so all of the contents went into the bin. She shook the bag, feeling it empty as a grin grew on her face. Bless...
“Best feeling in the world!”
“Try tickling your pickle for the first time.”
Y/n’s heart tightened in her chest as she looked up to see that on the other side of the path leading out of school was none other than her brother and his friends. She froze, watching them, unsure why she couldn’t pull herself away like usual.
She had been looking too long. Feelings eyes on him, Stanley Uris turned around and their eyes met. Y/n’s faze flickered away immediately as she zipped her bag back up, throwing it over her shoulder and keeping her head high as she strut past the Losers as if they weren’t even there. They grew very, VERY quiet as she passed. She paused at the junction she used to cross the street on her way home when she caught sight of the Losers again, this time with Bill Dunbrough face to chest with Henry Bowers.
Her frown increased and she shook her head, her steps halted as she waited for the worst. But then Henry stopped and pulled away and Y/n wondered why. Until she saw his dad across the street. Oh.
She continued on her way without looking back at the Losers, and Summer began.
Everything was different in the Summer. Richie couldn’t tell why, but his sister changed dramatically when she wasn’t around her ‘friends’. She didn’t wear tight, neon, stuffy clothing. She wore jeans and loose t-shirts and her hair was always up, ponytail whipping in the wind as she raced on the bike she never used during school months. She was fast on that thing, though. She wore her glasses again too instead of just suffering, since she wasn’t nearly as blind as Richie (but still very much needed them).
She became more the Y/n that Richie knew and it became hard for him to hate her again. Hard not to trust her and reach out to her and try and bond the rift that had once been so strong between them. But he resisted every time, because each time he hoped and tried, each time he was disappointed and heart broken when school would roll around and his twin would become the same bitch sidekick to Greta that she always was at school, except she would have new dirt on Richie and a stronger drive to make him rue his existence. For... some reason.
Maybe it was the neglect. The breaking bottles and the screaming and yelling and slurring of words and constant fighting. He wondered if she simply handled the shitty home situation they had differently than he did. Lashing out and hurting others to deal with her inner pain.
In the end, though, it didn’t matter WHY she did it. She was still a bully.
So the day she intervened between the Losers and Henry Bowers himself was a day that shocked everyone.
Henry was pinning Mike, the home schooled kid, trying to force him to eat the raw meat he carried in his bicycle basket. Y/n, who had been waiting in the car with eyes squeezed tight so she would resist the urge to run after the boys and stop the carnage from happening, finally cracked and raced to the scene, ripping Henry off of Mike. “HENRY STOP!”
Silence echoed as everyone looked at her as if she had just lost her mind. Henry glared at her and she stuck her chin in the air, staring him down without hesitation. “What the fuck is your problem?” Henry growled.
“He’s... a kid,” she tried to explain, confused by her own lack of control. She had been spending even less time with her friends since... since it had happened, and so she was even more timid and gentle and after being so thoroughly shaken herself, she was in no state to sit back and pretend she didn’t absolutely hate watching people her age suffer. “He’s just a kid, Henry. Same as you, just a year younger. He’s my age.” Her eyes leveled on Henry’s. “Would you do this to me?”
Henry scoffed. “You think you’re safe from me, Princess?” She stepped back, her face filling with horror. Henry reached down, picking up a rock. Y/n’s eyes went painfully wide as she locked her gaze on the lump in Henry’s hand. “Get in my way again and I’ll focus my attention on you. Since you obviously seem to want it so bad.” He rose his empty hand to her face and she flinched as he touched her.
A rock suddenly flew out of nowhere, slamming into the side of Henry’s head and causing it to bleed as he stumbled. Y/n yelled in surprise as Mike finally shook off his shock, scrambling over to whoever had thrown the rock that had hit Henry. “Nice throw,” Stan Uris complimented a surprisingly short haired Beverly Marsh.
The red head smirked, proud. “Thanks.”
The Losers were the last people Y/n expected or wanted to see right now, but at least Mike was safe.
Henry looked from Y/n to Mike to the Losers, his eyes landing on Richie and lingering before going back to Y/n again. He chuckled, shaking his head. “Your brother and his dopey friends are trying too hard,” he drawled to the female Tozier. The girl flinched at ‘your brother’. He never reminded her that she and Richie were related unless he was REALLY mad. He turned to the Losers. “She’ll do you, you just have to ask nicely.” He grabbed his crotch, smirking wickedly. “Like I did.”
Ben Hanscom, someone Y/n knew but called New Kid because she wasn’t allowed to know his name, bent down and screamed, chucking his rock at Henry. Richie yelled, “ROCK WAR!” And Y/n ducked down, putting her head between her legs and her arms over her. When the storm cleared, Y/n looked up from her hiding to see the Losers hesitating. Henry and his goons had run away.
Mike was the first to speak. “Thank you for saving me,” he said.
Eddie, Bill, Stan, and Richie looked at Y/n with shock. “She saved you?” Richie scoffed.
Bev looked at the loudmouth with shock. “Hold on, first you have a sister you never mention or hang out with and now you’re acting like she’s devil spawn?”
“She is devil spawn,” Eddie grumbled. Y/n stayed sitting, looking at her lap as she thought over why she had intervened with Mike when she knew that she could never face Henry or Greta again without threatening her safety. She wasn’t with the Losers, but she definitely wasn’t with the bullies anymore.
She couldn’t help but think maybe it was for the best... but she wouldn’t admit that.
Standing on her feet, she put her guard up, rolling her eyes. “Oh I just didn’t want him to take so goddamn long,” she sneered, catching all of the Losers’ attention. “Don’t think I actually care about you, we just had things to do and fucking around with you is a waste of my time.” Y/n laughed as if she had no care in the world, and Mike tensed.
Bev flared at her. “What the hell is your problem?” Y/n raised an eyebrow. “What do you get out of tormenting other people?”
Y/n did the one thing she was best at: she lied. “Nothing except our enjoyment,” she seethed. “Get used to it Beaverly, some people aren’t fake. Some people don’t hide their true intentions.” Y/n laughed cruelly. “Have fun with those Losers though I’m sure they’ll show you a... fun time.” She winked, causing Ben to glare as well, his fists curling so tightly that his knuckles whitened.
But Bill, Eddie, Stan, and even Richie were looking at her with wild curiosity. They could see right through her act. They hadn’t seen her that upset and scared and passionately, angrily protecting someone since she had been a Loser herself and had stood up to bullies for them without hesitation. She was amazing back then, her and Richie building and bouncing off each other, cracking each other up and making the other three boys laugh as much as they groaned. Even in the summers when she was almost herself and it got hard to hate her, she never stood up for anyone anymore.
Maybe... maybe things were different now.
As Y/n waltzed away though - in a different direction than the bully boys had gone - none of the original four boys said a word. It was dangerous to get one’s hopes up. Especially when Y/n was concerned.
Maybe Richie had, though... Just a little.
When there came a soft knock at Richie’s door late at night, he wasn’t expecting it in the slightest. He looked over, unsure of who it could possibly be at this time of night looking for him. All his friends would be asleep, surely. Even if they weren’t they would climb into his window if they needed him- his parents would never let them in the front door and they left the phone off the hook during the nighttime.
The knock came again, this time accompanied by an equally timid, “Richie?”
The dark haired boy got out of bed and opened the door slowly. He glared at his sister, on guard even though she looked absolutely terrified. “What?”
She bit her lip, tugging at her sleeves. She was wearing a sweatshirt she’d stolen from him quite a few years ago, the color still deep maroon but worn and faded. Maybe it was the hope planted by her small shifts and how much harder she was making it this special summer on top of all of the chaos with IT and the falling out he’d had with his friends, but seeing her in his clothes again made him soften.
Before she even spoke he was won over, but she didn’t know that. “Are you okay?” Her voice was soft and quiet, shy. Scared maybe. Which made sense since if she woke up their parents it would be utter Hell on both of them.
He was caught up on what she had asked though. “What?”
She rubbed the back of her neck, avoiding looking at him. “Just, um... you came home so angry a few days ago. And you’ve been locked in your room so long. Haven’t talked to your friends. And they haven’t been around.” She was looking down the hall, towards their parents’ room. “I know I’m the last one who has the right to be concerned about you, but I can’t remember the last time you went so long without talking to your friends. Not even a phone call. Especially now that the Loser’s club is so big...”
Richie couldn’t help it anymore. “Why do you care?” Their eyes met- his question was genuine.
“I never stopped caring,” she admitted, her wide eyes and tone showing how honest she was. “It never stopped making me feel terrible to sit back and pretend like I didn’t care that you were getting hurt. Pretending to enjoy it.” She ran a hand through her hair, and the fidgeting caught him off guard because it so closely mirrored what she used to do before middle school, when she was insecure and awkward but still apart of his life. “And I know I probably owe you some explanation for the Hell I gave you the last four years, but to be honest Richie... I have no fucking clue why I did any of it. I miss you guys so much and I’m miserable being alone like this. Pretending that Greta and Henry are friends and spreading rumors that I’ve done things I haven’t just to be popular and cool. I let them bully me into doing some terrible shit because I was, for some reason, terrified to be a Loser.” She huffed. “But- but really, I miss it. A lot. And so I came here today with my pride out the window and my mask off and all my pretenses discarded because, Rich, I- I’m worried about you.”
There was a small pause before Richie flung himself at her, his arms wrapping around her and his face hiding in her neck. He was crying, she could feel it, and the second he touched her so was she. They held each other close, both crying what seemed endlessly, until it did end.
When they had both calmed down, Richie pulled her into his room. “I’m glad you’re back,” he whispered after a second. “You won’t leave again when school starts, will you?”
She winced. “This is high school, Trashmouth. I’m not carrying any of that middle school bullshit into what’s already going to be the four worst years of my life.”
Richie grinned. “Cool.” A pause. “What made you change your mind? Or, realize? Us Toziers aren’t knowing for letting anything less than an apocalypse change our minds.” They both laughed.
Hers was weaker, though, as if the question dragged her down. “I... guess, just everything. Those shitheads finally wore me down and years of tearing myself apart and fighting my instincts got to me. You can’t deny who you are for long.” Richie shifted but Y/n let it be. She knew not to press the matter of accepting one’s identity around Richie. “The clown didn’t help,” she muttered to herself without thinking about it, her tone dangerous and on edge and distant.
Richie’s head shot up. “The what?”
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straymonbap · 6 years
Can pretty please get 15 + 41 for Jooheon of Monsta X???? Sorry for bad english!
I hope you like this! I got a bit carried away and I don’t know if the ending was good enough?? tell me what you think! 
Characters: Lee Jooheon of Monsta X, cameo by Shownu and I.M. Prompts: #15 I might be just a little bit drunk + #41 What’s up bitches!
Maybe this hadn’t been the best idea. But there was no going back. Throwing up the door to the student housing building you hummed on a song you’d heard at the bar earlier that evening as you climbed up the stairs to the third floor. “Curse you Changkyun. Why do you have to live so high up in the building?” you whispered. It wasn’t an easy mission to climb three flights of stairs when incredibly drunk.
You had been convinced by your friends to go out with them and you had said just two drinks when you entered the bar but those two drinks had turned into five drinks and a couple of shots. In your drunken state you had decided to crash at your best friend’s place as he lived closer to campus than you did and you couldn’t afford an uber home and you also had a 9am class the next morning. You knew that Changkyun wouldn’t mind and hoped that his roommate Hyunwoo wouldn’t mind, he didn’t seem like the type that would kick you out.
Somehow you found their door and you fumbled with your keys, Changkyun had given you one that he had said was ‘for emergencies only’. And this was an emergency, you needed to sleep and most of all, you needed to pee really bad. Shoving the key in the lock you turned it around and opened the door.
Inside the apartment Changkyun, Hyunwoo and Jooheon all heard the door unlock. Changkyun turned in his chair by the computer and looked over at Hyunwoo who was just drying off a pot that he had used earlier when cooking. Jooheon looked between the two of them from his spot on the couch.
“Goddamn it” was heard from the entrance when you were trying to get your shoes off and couldn’t get them off properly.
“____?” Changkyun’s voice rang out to the hall where you were.
“What’s up bitches!” you yelled as you walked out to the living room. ”Sorry Channie, I need to pee real bad” you said and crossed the living room and went to the toilet where you locked yourself into. You hadn’t looked into the living room but had managed to raise a hand towards Hyunwoo when passing the kitchen and out of reflex he had raised his hand that you had slapped in a high five in passing.
“What’s up bitches?” Jooheon asked, quoting you.
“She’s drunk” Changkyun said nonchalantly and turned back to his computer.
“It’s not even midnight yet” Jooheon mumbled and Changkyun let out a chuckle.
“If there is a will, there is a way.” Changkyun said and then they heard the door to the bathroom open again.
Coming out of the toilet you spotted Changkyun by the computer and you know that Hyunwoo was in the kitchen from the sound of the tap so you turned your head towards the couch where you spotted Jooheon.
“Jooheonie!” you said with a smile and sat down next to him on the couch. The two of you had met a few times before at some parties and you had bumped into him and Changkyun a few times around campus.
To be fair, you had a crush on him that you tried to hide as good as you could but Changkyun had somehow figured it out.
“Hi ____” he said and smiled.
“Jooheon, I’m gonna be real honest with you right now” you said and turned towards him. Changkyun looked over his shoulder and looked at you and Jooheon on the couch. Jooheon was looking at you, a little bit worried. Were you going to say something about him that he didn’t want to hear?
“Remember how we met at Minhyuk’s start of term party?” you asked and Jooheon nodded slowly. He remembered how Changkyun had come into Minhyuk and Hyungwon’s apartment with you in tow and his first thought had been ‘wow’ when he saw you.
“Well ever since I’ve had this stupid freaking thing for you. I don’t know if I’d call it a crush. Can you have a crush if you’re not a kid anymore?” you were rambling to yourself. “Hey Changkyun. Do I have a crush on Jooheon?” you asked and both you and Jooheon turned towards Changkyun.
Your best friend didn’t even turn around in his chair and continued doing whatever he was doing on his computer. “Yes, you do” he only replied and you turned back to Jooheon.
“Okay, so it’s a crush-” you continued and Jooheon turned to look at you.
“But… why?” he asked and you squinted your eyes at him.
“Why? Why not? I mean you’re like super hot and you’re super friendly. And what’s there not to like about you? You’re smart too.” you say and lay down on the couch in the opposite direction of Jooheon, your head on one of the pillows and you throw your legs into his lap.
“I don’t even know if you care. Or if you wanted to know. Because I might just be a little bit drunk” you mumble and as soon as you close your eyes, you have dozed off. Jooheon looks at you for a minute before looking over at Changkyun and then Hyunwoo.
Hyunwoo stood in the middle of the living room and he looked at Jooheon. “So what are you going to do now?” he asked, having been aware of Jooheon’s feelings towards you since he had been the only person Jooheon had told.
“I mean she’s drunk. Maybe she doesn’t-” Jooheon began but Changkyun interrupted him, turning his chair around.
“Dude, she’s had a big fat crush on you since the two of you met. She told me just a few weeks ago” he said and glanced over at you asleep on his couch. “I don’t know how much she’ll remember immediately in the morning but she’ll remember sooner or later.”
Jooheon looked over at you and he couldn’t help the little smile on his face as he watched your peaceful face.
The next morning you woke from Changkyun shaking you awake. “Hey, ____. It’s 8am” his voice was gentle but you groaned and shoved your face into the pillow before slowly sitting up on the couch. Your head was killing you but before you could say anything there was a glass of water in front of you and you looked up to see Hyunwoo holding out the glass for you and in the other hand he held out a few painkillers.
“Thank you Hyunwoo” you mumbled and took the glass from him and downed the pills with the help of water before standing up.
“Do you have some clothes I can borrow from you?” you asked Changkyun when you entered the kitchen.
“I put them in the bathroom for you.” he said and continued eating his breakfast.
“You’re the best” you said and shot him with fingers guns before walking into the bathroom. Standing in the shower you started feeling better and you started thinking back to the evening before. And that was when it hit you. You remembered what you had said the day before and you let out a scream of horror.
Changkyun and Hyunwoo heard you scream and Hyunwoo was almost out the kitchen when Changkyun stopped him. “Don’t worry. She just remembered what she told Jooheon yesterday”
With your hair still soaked and your own jeans but a borrowed hoodie on you barged into the kitchen. “I didn’t tell him did I?” you asked Changkyun.
“You did” he said and you sank down on the empty chair by the table and laid your head on the table.
“Why did you let me do it Changkyun?” Your friend shrugged and you let out a groan before sitting up. “That’s it. I can never meet him again”
“What do you mean?” Hyunwoo asks and drinks from his coffee.
“Well I have obviously embarrassed myself in front of him so I can’t face him. He knows I have a crush on him but there is no way he feels the same.” you said and took one of Changkyun’s toast pieces. Glancing over at the clock you stood up and walked to the hall and started to pull on your shoes before grabbing your bag. “See you guys later.”
After your two hour lecture you were walking across campus with your friends when you felt someone grab onto the sleeve of the sweater you were wearing and you turned around to see Jooheon standing there holding onto the sweater.
“Can I talk to you?” he asked and you nodded. Turning to your friends you gave them a smile before waving at them.
“I’ll see you guys later” you said and they nodded before waving and turning back. You turned back to Jooheon and looked at him. His face was serious and you swallowed hard. “Wh-what did you want to talk about?” you asked and tried to act like you weren’t a nervous wreck.
“I wanted to know how you’re feeling.” Jooheon asked, still a very serious look on his face, which you had never seen before. “You were kind of fucked up yesterday.”
You let out a nervous chuckle and carefully tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. “Yeah, I feel a bit slow but otherwise I’m fine” you said, sending Jooheon a, hopefully, convincing smile. “Honestly I don’t remember a lot from yesterday besides the fact that I somehow got myself to Changkyun’s place.” It was a lie, a complete lie but you hoped that Jooheon would just forget about what you had told him when drunk. You hoped that you could avoid the embarrassment by telling him these lies.
But to your surprise you saw Jooheon’s face fall, just a little bit, when the words left your mouth. “Oh.” he said and looked down at the ground. “So you don’t have a crush on me?” he asked and carefully looked up at you. You could feel your cheeks heat up and you knew your face was blazing red.
“I-I-I me- I-” you started to stutter nervously while trying to look away from Jooheon.
“Because I have a crush on you.” Jooheon interrupted you, shutting you up. Looking up to meet his gaze you quieted down. “And I’ll be pretty sad if you don’t have a crush on me.”
It was quiet for a while, the two of you just looking at each other, and finally you opened your mouth.
“I mean… I kind of do have a crush on you” you mumble and a smile slowly appears on his face. “And I wouldn’t mind going on a date with you. If you want to”
Jooheon’s smile turns into a smirk and he leans towards you. “Are you indirectly asking me out?” he asks and if you could have blushed even more then you would have.
“I guess I am” you whispered, his face just a few inches away. Before Jooheon can say anything more, and before you can really realise what you’re actually doing, you lean in and give him a quick peck on the lips.
“Want to do a lunch date tomorrow?” you ask when Jooheon is still in a slight shock and he quickly snaps out of it and straightens up, his cheeks now slightly blushing.
“Ye-yeah.” he answers and you smile.
“I’ll-I’ll text you.” you stutter out before turning around and running after your friends who’ve stopped not to far away
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