#a sci can do so much else with their time. like sing. and dance. and learn the banjo.
sciderman · 4 months
Hi, I would love to ask more in the "ask blog", I just need to know, what are the current events that are going on?
Are they still on the plot on St Valentin, or is the theme with Harry the main conflict?
the main theme in the blog is whatever you ask about ! that do be how it works
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*bursts my head through your wall*
Can I have a male romantic baldur’s gate 3 matchup plz
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: heterosexual ally
Zodiac: Capricorn
Appearance: 5’2 African American hourglass body (although I’m more top heavy if you know what i mean) black curly wavy hair blackish brown eyes chubby cheeks wears glasses sometimes (im far sighted so it’s usually when driving in class or at the theater)
Mbti: infj
Enneagram: 2w1
Personality: kind smart funny motherly responsible empathetic anxious emotional moody perfectionist helpful people pleaser caring compassionate nerdy curious protective polite respectful indecisive fearful nervous introvert shy awkward clumsy low self esteem low confidence (more pertaining to my talents or personality then my looks) sassy sarcastic (I’m mainly these things with people i feel comfortable with like friends or family) soft spoken cute (my friends think im cute because i can be pretty innocent plus I’m small physically)
Likes: animals books reading writing fantasy magic sci fi anime music video games friends alone time learning personality quizzes sweets and bread helping being a part of something bigger than myself
Dislikes: spiders loud sounds people who harm others people who don’t take others into consideration (like make insensitive jokes or don’t consider the comfort of others or are mean just cause they can) people i care about not caring for themselves (im a hypocrite on this i take care of everyone else but not me) not being listened to weird holes and patterns math and tests (I’m being tested for a math disability and i have test anxiety)
Love language:
Giving: acts of service gift giving and physical affection (if they’re ok with it)
Receiving: words of affirmation and physical affection (although i can be shy about it)
Extra: i pace a lot i sing when im alone i talk to myself im a picky eater (mainly with textures) i have a cat i have minor ehlers danalos (a hyper mobility disorder) but it doesn’t hurt me like it does my sisters i get abdominal migraines which is basically like a migraine but instead of headaches it’s nausea
My Tav: basically a self insert she’s an elf sorceress noble
Thank you
A/N: Ooh, this one was a tough one! Mainly because I see you as being so good with either Wyll or Halsin… Hmm. Let’s see… 
For you, astralmysteria, I’m thinking the male companion best suited to you would be… Wyll!
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🗡 Wyll is the best companion for you. He’s kind and noble and self-sacrificing, very similar to you. He prides himself on being the best he can be whether it be in sword fighting or in dancing. He is a very responsible and empathetic person as well, choosing to take on burdens for the sake of others, as long as it means he can’t prevent villainous acts like the harming of innocents. 
Raised under a Duke, he was brought up to care about others' opinions of him, in both private and social settings. This gives him a desire to please the people around him, even in instances where he might start to resent certain parts of himself in order to do so. It was evident that he doesn’t regret what he sacrificed to save Baldur’s Gate from the Tiamat's worshippers having to form his pact with Mizora the half-devil. But he does appear discouraged when she gives him devil horns. Appearance is something that matters to him. And while he may have the odd doubt about his new look, he absolutely loves yours. He thinks you’re beautiful, practically a goddess in your own right. And he can’t wait until the two of you are properly partnered to show you just how much he reveres your body. ;) 
And he secretly thinks you look extra cute when you’re wearing your glasses. He’s had to adjust his vision a couple of times, from losing an eye in the fight with the Tiamat cultists to having his one good eye left turned into a devil’s. So he understands the need for such appliances. And don’t worry about being clumsy, it’s just another thing he finds absolutely charming in you. 
Wyll himself is more extroverted (I think of him as an ENFJ), but he gets that having to perform socially for many people can be, well… a lot. He did attend several masquerade balls growing up, and as fun as they were, there was always a point where he was beyond ready for all the guests to just go home already lol. 
In terms of Enneagram, I think you overlap there as well with you being a 2w1 whereas Wyll is a 3w2. Both of you are driven and take your goals seriously. As a 2w1, you may lose sight of your needs when prioritizing others- which Wyll gets as his large sacrifice was him doing exactly that. But he has trouble seeing it in himself, just like you have difficulty seeing it in you. This way, you guys can help each other out; you remind Wyll to keep his own needs in mind, and Wyll does the same for you. For example, on his own, he might skip meals and keep going, but with you by his side, of course, he’s going to set camp and make sure you eat something. Unfortunately, as a #w2, Wyll often fears rejection, or that he’s unworthy of love. And while your enneagram doesn't exactly suggest the same thing, your on/off low self-esteem does. The two of you will need to make it a point to remind the other how much you mean to them. He loves you dearly, and he will say it as often as you like if that’s what it takes to get through your stubborn skull. Just, please, be sure to say it back to him. He may look rugged on the outside, but on the inside, he’s dying to hear it. In this way, your love language of words of affirmation gets fulfilled. 
And don’t worry about being too innocent or chaste. Wyll wants to do things the proper and slow way. He wants to savor each and every little moment, every milestone with you, and not just rush into all of them at once. 
Wyll enjoys the company of animals as well if his reactions to Scratch are any indication. And he doesn't seem to complain when the party keeps encountering cats, so I think he’d probably enjoy the company of you and your cat. Maybe after a long day of adventuring and heroics, he’d like to sit with you, with your cat on his lap, and just rest in your presence. 
I would say he’s scared of spiders, but I doubt he likes them too much, as they probably remind him of all his battles against goblins and devils. He has no problem removing them from your tent or home should you ask him to. He promises he won’t let any of them come near you on his watch. And while he can’t exactly ‘protect’ you from math, he’s more than happy to figure out the calculations needed for an incantation or a spell. He’s actually pretty good at it, I mean he is a Warlock after all. 
Wyll’s grown accustomed to roughing it the past few years, but he remembers what food was like living as the son of a Duke in Baldur’s Gate. He tries to get you what you like- things with the correct textures, and foods that won’t make your nausea worse when you're having an attack. It’s not always possible when you're always setting up and taking down camp, but he does what he can. He wants you to feel just as special as he believes you to be. Because to him, you are- you’re his future, his everything. 
And with your Tav being an elf sorceress noble, wow, that just makes you an even greater match! He himself comes from a degree of nobility, and he’s a warlock! 
I mean come on! It’s like you two are a perfect match made in the stars! ✩✩✩
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big-maggots-writes · 1 year
Writeblr introduction
Hello i'm Maggots, i write and this is the introduction to me and my writings
About My writing
I read a lot of different stuff but tend to gravitate toward the sick and slightly twisted stories, i love a good going nowhere reflection and lots of short stories about horror and nothing at all, but it all ends in love anyway. i also love a good romance, but it has to be sick in some way, it cannot be normal, otherwise it isn't fun to read.
Love always finds its way into my stories, because everything ends in love for me, but usually there's some sort of betrayal in there as well as being lied to and not trusted, but my MC always survive because i need them to make it :)
i write a bit of everything, but recently a bit of horror, and sci-fi, also some vampire thing and currently also doing a little fanfiction.
i have a really hard time writing in third person, so even if i started in that it ends in first-person POV because im just built that way.
About me
Comma's, it's a no for me, i'm not very good with them and i just kind of sprinkle them in, call it an author's special style of writing
i kind of only write when i get the urge which somehow correlates a lot to how the moon is looking in the sky (exp. i got around to writing this during the new moon, and also worked on my story and the world building, which i also did during the last new moon, idk how this works but that's fine by me)
what else do i do: i draw, paint, sing, now also wood carving (with powertools i'm not patient enough for knives), jewlry making, to some degree sewing, repeatly tried crochecting (it does not stick), plants, Reading (uh duuh), embroideing, i also attempted to make some pigments, dancing, a lil piano and cooking. im gonna end the hobby list here otherwise we'd never end.
i made this blog because i wanna get some Writeblr friends that i can tell about my WIp and know about theirs and like give feedback and get, but also just to have some friends who also write.
Wip 2 - Sci-Fi
Currently writing the first draft and fleshing out the world.
What's it about??
it's about a girl who was raised by people who'd never raised on like her, but did their best within their cultural capacity. she's not finished and exploring the universe she realizes as much as she knows she doesn't even know herself. On her adventure she finds her past, or the past she could have had, had it not been for her mother, and who was she? what really happend when she was a kid, who was actually the bad guy and who made sure she survived? all these questions and only one way to find out...(i have to write it, goddammit )
tag's i'll use for this one: Wip 2 / Wip 2 scifi / Sci-fi
Ah… shit - Fanfic
Parring: Obi- Wan Kenobi x Anakin Skywalker
Current state: first draft and sort of figuring out ow to get from A to B, start made but i want to rewrite it, good thing is i know what i want the end to be, now i just need to flesh it out.
What's it about
Anakin likes to tinker, and make stuff, but maybe Obi-Wan wouldn't find it good that Anakin kept making little somewhat useless trinkets, instead of focusing on his Jedi training.
Tags for this one (i probably won't do a lot of tags here): Ah shit / ahshit
And i guess that's it for now, maybe more will come, we'll see...
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weird asks #42-69
Wow, so many Dx putting this under a cut
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
jacket pockets, and yet i do not ever wear jackets. I've got a sleeveless hoodie thing that I love though. (here's an older pic) It has a tail!!!!
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43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
Hmmmm, I really want a leather jacket with chains and studs and junk, like an old style punk jacket. Not much for the other options though.
44. favorite scent for soap?
I've been using Squatch Soap for a while and I really like their Bay Rum. But normally I go with fruity smells.
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
Fantasy and Sci-fi are sorta tied depending on the execution. Superhero is fun but definitely not my fav.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
I sleep naked usually o//,//o if i have to wear something cuz like guests/travelling/whatever, I just wear some shorts.
47. favorite type of cheese?
mmmmmmmmm depends on when. Sandwiches? Idk, like meunster or cheddar or provolone. Just eating? Mozerella or colby jack. Overall? A good pepperjack is hard to beat.
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
pumpkin maybe?
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
-You never know what someone else is going through, a little kindness can go a long way
-If it doesn't make you happy, it's not worth doing, and vice versa
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
51. current stresses?
52. favorite font?
I like Papyrus or a good cursive looking font.
53. what is the current state of your hands?
Lots of tiny scratches from work and from the kittens. Few bigger scrapes and junk from the same. Nails are fairly recently trimmed. Unpainted :c
54. what did you learn from your first job?
Never trust anyone, especially managment.
55. favorite fairy tale?
I don't know. I've got all sorts of collections of fairy tales so I know a ton. I'm bad at picking favorites
56. favorite tradition?
Not many traditions in my family, but for a lot of my life, instead of getting a christmas tree, cuz we'd travel to see family ever year, plus we had cats, we would tape together a bunch of poster board and draw a christmas tree and ornaments together.
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
My dad's suicide and our subsequent move across the country
my own struggles with mental illness (obvs not done with them but like, i've made a ton of progress and like im stable now and whatnot)
For a long time i worked a shit tier job (about 70 hours a week) while i was also going to school full time for college.
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
Singing, puzzle solving, juggling, and I'm great with animals/small children
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
Ope, or Aw hell
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
No One Owns Life, But Anyone Who Can Pick Up a Frying Pan Owns Death
62. seven characters you relate to?
Bojack Horseman (I'm not happy about it, I recognize that it's for bad reasons), Equius Zahhak, Bob Belcher (I guess), Martin Crief (Cabin Pressure, idk man you said 7, I really only had the first 2).
63. five songs that would play in your club?
(I'm trying to think of dance sort of songs, rather than my favorite songs, but I do really like these ones)
-Blackout - Breathe Carolina
-Discord - Eurobeat Brony remix
-Party With Pinkie - DJ Alex
-Custer - Slipknot
-Scream - Slipknot
64. favorite website from your childhood?
Poptropica or neopets maybe. If you go reaaaally far back, I wanna say it was something like addictinggames.com
65. any permanent scars?
Many. There's a line on my chin that's hidden by beard now from when i banged my chin on the tub and needed stitches (5 years old). One on each hand from when I cut them open on a field trip (6 years old, one needed stitches). One in my eyebrow that's fairly noticeable from when my brother hit me with a lunchbox (needed stitches). One on my knee from where I had MRSA in high school.
66. favorite flower(s)?
forget me nots or irises
67. good luck charms?
I used to carry around a little twisted up bit of copper wire from a close friend. Now if i really think i need it, I've got a little charm amulet thing i made with ancient runic charms.
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
Sunny D maybe? Beets? Coconut?
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
Male bees' testicles explode when they ejaculate. There's an audible pop.
0 notes
whisperluck · 2 years
My headcannons for the celestials in MSM.
All: Generally speaking, there’s only one of each celestial. I just don’t think of them as a species. More like gods. Personal pronouns. From oldest to younger. Torrt, Scaratar, Vhamp, Syncopite, Hornacle, Blasoom, Furnoss, Attmoz, Glaishur, Loodvigg, Plixie, Galvana.
Torrt: *he/him* The definition of sweet grandpa. Very slow and shacky. Cannot hear anything, screaming will not help. However, can here the smallest whisper. Has a garden of flowers with Blasoom. Torrt can and would kick someone butt.
Scaratar: *She/Her* Second sweet granny. Love to knit, uses silk that Scaratar makes. Likes to collect bugs and know fun facts about them. Never mad. Will give you head pats and call you “deary”. Has really bad eyesight, so uses glasses when things get hard for her.
Vhamp: *He/They* Quiet, but always grumpy. When moving small squeaks can be heard. It really hurts for Vhamp to move around really, so they prefer to stay in one place. Likes to collect old antiques and small things. Mostly watches, likes the mechanism. Can repair anything. Breaks things down and builds them all over again.
Syncopite: *He/Him* Looks mean but really a cool guy. Loves to dance, mostly break dancing. When visiting down below for hikes he likes to find rocks along the way. Makes bracelets out of rocks and gems for the other celestials. Goes on mini rants about birthstones and which ones are right.
Hornacle: *He/She* Pure pirate energy, explorers in the deep sea now and again. Loves to fight big sea creatures and brags about winning. Refuses to talk about how she lost his leg. Loves sea shells. Smells like salt water all the time. Got a huge potty mouth and swears all the time, however Hornacle can watch her month around children believe it or not.
Blasoom: *They/Them* Doesn’t talk much, but will talk nonstop to plants. Very protected over their plants. The only one who can take care of them is Torrt. If someone has allergies, don’t go near Blasoom. you’ll go into a sneezing fit. If not, smells wonderful. Like to attract different types of bugs with they’re flower just for Scaratar.
Furnoss: *He/Him* Can’t move, Furnoss legs can’t suport he’s weight. The arms on his body still work, just can do much.Can use he’s oven, in fact Furnoss is a really baker. Thinks of Kayna as his daughter. Standing by Furnoss is ether a good idea or a bad one. Because it’s really like standing near an oven. Melts metal down for Vhamp.
Attomz: *He/Him* An Ultimate 80s man. Knows how to ride a skateboard. Probably been to a ton of rock concerts. Attomz and Galvana can make thunderstorms together. The two like to pull pranks with it. Love telling daddy jokes and puns. Has a record Collection of classic rock and roll.
Glaishur: *Them/They* It goes without saying that Glaishur has a heart of gold. They’re good to vent out your problems too. Because they listen and give you some advices. A good hairdresser, the only one who can do the other hair right. Loves giving hugs, their hugs are like a cozy blanket. Very emotional, they will cry at anything. But they never uncontrollable sobs, just some tears and sniffles.
Loodvigg: *He/him* A shy gentleman, very formal when speaking. Don’t look into Loodvigg’s eyes. You’ll start to hallucinating your worst nightmares. So don’t be upset when he doesn’t make eye contact. Can climb on walls and ceilings. Secretly a good singer, but is too self conscious to sing in front of everyone. Despite being the element of shadow, Loodvigg really likes to sleep at night. Early to bed, early to rise. Huge bookworm, favorite types are horror, history, and romance books.
Plixie: *Them/They* Big nerd, loves anime and sci-fi media. A cat lover how else did Ghazt get it’s looks. Shares the same GenZ humor as Galvana. Both of them quote vines and tiktoks to each other all the time. Very gullible, tell them all outlandish thing and they’ll take it as truth. Has the memory of an elephant, remembers the smalls of details.
Galvana: *She/they* A child in an adult’s body. Has the energy has a kid on a sugar rush, once in a blue moon, she can be calm and serous. Sleep? What’s that? She went with out sleep for ten months, after that they were focus to take naps once a day. Loves to mess around with everyone with either Attomz or Plixie. Wubbox is her baby boy, love him with all their heart. However it took awhile for them to get use to the Wublins, but after sometime treats them like grandkids. Touch them is like touching those electric orbs. Just don’t shake her hand, she could stop your heart.
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ravenadottir · 3 years
❝character’s details❞
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this is my mc on kassam's route. i intended to introduce her for 'my favorite beat' but i'm not sure if that's ever going to happen, so have her sheet in case the fic status changes 💜💙
♬ name: sloane kil
♬ birthday: october 29th, 1993
♬ sign: scorpio
♬ hometown: london
♬ sexuality: pansexual
♬ languages: english//french
♬ ethnicity: korean
♬ occupation: singer//music teacher
♬ height: 5′9''
♬ hair texture/current color: straight//platinum blonde
♬ eye color: dark brown
♬ tattoos: several (more on that later)
♬ style: anything that can cause a shock wherever she goes. "fashion is also about expressing yourself, and letting people know you're not here to please anyone. i wear what i wear because i can, because i like it, because i feel good. you not liking what you see it's a you problem."
♬ music: eclectic//mostly 80's, 90's and 2000's, but every style is in her playlist
♬ food: no restrictions but hates smoochy fruits and textures
♬ movie genres: sci-fi//trashy//"horrible movies that were supposed to be good"
♬ dogs or cats? cats
♬ tv shows: mostly suspense and comedies, but she does enjoy the superhero genre
♬ to relax: writing/playing/singing. anything to do with music always manages to make her feel better
♬ vices/coping: drinking
♬ sports/physical activites: dancing//jogging//lifting
♬ beverages: mostly cocktails that are fruity and delicious, sometimes scotch, sometimes wine. "it really depends on how i'm feeling the night's gonna go."
♬ dreams of: being a positive influence on young girls' lives, especially if that means they can accept themselves as they are, physically and mentally. "girls need to know it's ok to be themselves, regardless of what other people think. nothing needs to change for you to be accepted."
♬ her type: “someone that can keep up! i don't have much time to waste, and definitely wouldn't do it if i did. i know this is gonna sound harsh but whoever i find needs to understand that i come first. my career and friends come second, and they'll come third. if they don't get it or accept it, might as well not waste any time. coming to love island is probably gonna do more damage to my image than anything else, but i would rather be honest."
❝brief history❞
♬ sloane has always been in love with music and everything it brings. to her it can be many things, one of them being a way of escaping. the other, a way to unite people.
♬ she's is not very connected to her family. her choices of becoming a musician didn't help, and her sexuality drove her family to stay even further.
♬ she has been in relationships before but was never certain if there was real love in any of them.
♬ very methodic about herself and what she does. "when you work directly with people, you have to assert yourself. especially being a woman. and tiny. and asian."
♬ when she was younger sloane loved sports, especially individual ones. martial arts were a part of her childhood until she was 17. she's thankful for learning not only self defense but also discipline.
♬ her main reason about signing up for love island was not to find someone special. "that's too much pressure to put in one person. i would rather say i'm here to meet people, and if a significant connection happens, great. but i don't care about the nature of that connection. i want to be open to make friends as well. that would be enough."
♬ music is not the only thing she has a passion for. fashion and skin care are a big interest and in her future plans, mainly to be provided for more accessible prices. "beauty should be for every pocket."
♬ sloane doesn't really mind about physical types. to her what really counts is personality. also someone that can challenge her in several levels, especially intelectually.
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mccall-me-maurice · 3 years
A new list of headcanons for the updated AU
Lotf headcanons
Jack is Ralph’s academic rival and also head of the debate team. He spends the weekends at his father’s business, learning how to run the company. On the Saturday nights, he goes to an underground club in a fight ring thing. Nobody knows he does it, even though Ralph also spends time there.
Jack is dyslexic and has minor and manageable OCD, denying using extra help for his dyslexia in classes.
Comes from a wealthy family with 6 siblings, his father divorcing his mother and marrying his step-mother who he pushes away because he’s angsty and shes “not his real mother.”
Loves 80s music so much, he’s a nerd for it.
Sings in the shower/bathroom like into a hairbrush in front of the mirror in his little towel like a nerd but he’s actually really good at singing.
Wears his uniform extremely sharply and very crisp like why so much effort.
He has hearing loss due to an accident in his childhood and he’s fluent in ASL, but doesn’t wear his hearing aids almost ever.
Ralph is fluent in violin, he’s actually really good at playing, he was also an ocean lifeguard and saved Jack’s life when he got caught in a current.
He wears thick framed glasses to read and has really swoopy handwriting thats illegible because it’s like messy calligraphy.
Ralph dives as a hobby and is so good at it, like scary good at diving perfectly.
He has beauty marks on his face that he lets people trace sometimes, ink usually adorning his cheeks.
Very French, extremely French. Fluent in the language.
Draws on his hands with different coloured pens and the designs are always so intricate like a mandala colouring book.
Also draws on the cuffs of his jeans and the rubber edge of his sneakers all the time.
Blushes very easily, will go red in a matter of seconds flat either when he’s flustered, embarrassed or angry.
Brothers with Robert.
Spends all of his out of school time in his mother’s flower shop and can recite the meaning of most flowers if you ask him. His fingers are all bandaged up because of how much he cuts himself with knives when he’s removing stems or clippers.
He has epilepsy and faints frequently.
Is a fan of older musicals, like Grease, Dirty Dancing and Hairspray and makes the choir watch them with him.
Rarely spends time indoors, Simon is usually out biking around the neighbourhood or walking around with his friends from school.
Will paint rocks and gift them to people when he thinks they’re upset. Also does face painting at the school carnivals, because he never minds being alone in a booth when there is nobody there.
Speaks softly and is usually ignored in favour of people with louder opinions, but he’s usually right.
His biological family died in a house accident, the only thing surviving being him and his cat Nastya, who he loves more than anything. Because of his parents death, he taught himself the rest of the Russian language, which they were already teaching him along with English. However, his heritage is East Asian and Russian.
He pierced his lip by himself, and even though it turned out fine, he got his ears done professionally.
Not very affectionate and will push people away, distancing himself because he doesn’t like the idea of anyone being close to him and get under his skin.
Dyed the back part of his hair on a whim and just liked it enough to keep it as a style.
Spends nights at Simon’s place instead of his own, finding more comfort in Simon’s house.
Comes from a German family, but knows German, Italian and English.
He hates birthdays because he doesn’t understand why they are so important.
Hates social interactions and actively avoids them with a passion. He gets extremely nervous and just leaves abruptly when he gets too overwhelmed.
Younger than Eric by 6 minutes, which he routinely gets teased for.
Into super cheesy romantic movies because he loves the idea of a happy ending despite not having one himself.
Messes with his hair when he’s anxious, so it’s constantly messy and mussed.
Mega nail biter when he’s nervous.
Cousins with Jack.
Heavily touch reliant and when his friends don’t show him physical affection, he assumes the worst and gets very upset.
Heavily Italian, like so fucking Italian. His family hardly speaks English and he learned most of his from school.
Very passionate about science despite most people thinking he’s an idiot. He has some of the highest marks in his class.
Messes with things when he’s talking or uses hand gestures. Like if there’s a pen, he’s clicking it because it helps him concentrate.
Maurice has like a billion flannels and hoodies he just cycles through and it looks like he doesn’t change but no, it’s just that he owns a gazillion grey hoodies
His older sister when to an Ivy League school, so he owns a lot of stuff from it that he wears like sweaters or ball caps.
Very sarcastic. his entire sense of humour is him bathing in his own sarcasm. It’s actually pretty well timed and kind of funny how he’s able to deadpan his jokes.
Very easily picks up on languages. He’s fluent or close to fluent in German, English, Italian, French, Spanish, Japanese and partly fluent in Korean.
Really enjoys computer science and plans on doing it for a living. He stays up late at night to work and sleeps until like midday.
Doesn’t acknowledge other people’s emotions very often because he doesn’t realise when he’s gone too far, but still feels bad for others when they’re hurt.
Jack’s favourite cousin because they’re cynical buddies. Jack is overly protective of him even though Eric is perfectly capable.
Brothers with Ralph and is very protective over him. Has absolutely slandered choir members before for hating on Ralph.
Shares a dad with Ralph but has a different mom, who he visits over the summer and sometimes during the holidays. That’s where he gets his Spanish roots from, which is a language he’s fluent in. He has 7 siblings on that side of his family.
Adores burnt popcorn and burnt anything. If he can burn it, he will.
Works as a mechanic in his free time and built the car he shares with Ralph.
Sci-Fi nerd, specifically Star Wars. He loves the movies and watches them like every day.
Extremely talented artist, Robert sketches anytime he has a pencil and paper.
Was bullied in the past but doesn’t let the words bother him anymore. It mostly stopped around high school.
Works with his auntie in the sweet shop and brings his friends food for them to taste test.
Used to be a boy scout, so he can tie any knot you want him to, it’s really a gift.
Gets very cold very easily, especially his fingertips. He usually has a pair of gloves on him for when it gets really bad.
A Mathlete for most of his time in high school, obviously is extremely intelligent.
Double knots his shoelaces so they’re extra secure.
Swedish, and really enjoys his own culture. He will spend HOURS rambling about it and how much he loves it.
Watches Avatar the Last Airbender and has the biggest crushes on Sokka and Zuko.
Also is a sucker for people who wear glasses, he really loves them.
Works at the library despite not liking books, he finds comfort in shelving them and the order they go in.
Puts little umbrellas in every single drink he has, it doesn’t matter what it is.
Writes notes to himself on sticky notes because his memory is horrible.
Sets at least 5 alarms because 1 will not wake him up by itself.
Can speak limited Spanish due to his schooling.
Likes singing, but never really got into it like some choir members because he has stage fright.
Powerful speaker when he wants to be, but is usually too nervous to say anything.
Has no idea how to tie a tie, so he lets other people do it for him.
Sometimes take sarcastic comments seriously and ends up confused.
A really good actor and loves the performing arts.
Has extremely clear skin, he never gets any blemishes.
Dyed his hair because his naturally brown hair reminds him too much of his father, who he hates.
Has 4 tattoos in total, the 4 card suits on his cheek, a half sleeve of roses, a bow and olive branch on his inner forearm, and the solar system on his outer forearm.
Very flirtatious to people he doesn’t really like but gets nervous around those he does.
Hold grudges really well.
Has shockingly neat handwriting.
Has a pretty horrible home life but he never talks about it to anyone because he doesn’t want to be perceived as weak or incapable.
Colours with only crayons.
Cries easily, as he’s very emotionally driven and is typically teased for being a crybaby or told to “toughen up.”
Absolutely has the worst sleep schedule ever, he gets 3 hours and calls it a win.
Can’t sleep without a nightlight on in his room.
Enjoys writing things down in this notebook instead of on his phone because he likes the feeling of physically using pen and paper.
Sends letters to people all the time instead of messaging.
Good at sewing, he makes his own Halloween costume every year by himself.
Hates horror movies because he’s spooked easily.
Lived through a house fire when he was younger, so he has burn scars all over his arms.
Is afraid of cooking due to the fire and will go without eating if he has to touch the stove to make food.
Laid back most of the time, but can reach a snapping point in which the emotion is amplified. (like sadness or anger)
Loves swimming, it doesn’t matter where he does it, he just loves to swim.
Is very time sensitive and has to get places early or directly on time or else he gets anxious.
A very fast reader, typically long books take him 2-3 days to get through.
Worries a lot, he usually sees the worst in every single situation.
Is a trans male (Ftm) and was accepted by his entire family when he came out.
Owns a St. Bernard named Dolly who is the sweetest dog ever.
Spends a lot of time outdoors, he still plays as if he is a child.
Also enjoys the snow a lot because he’s fond of building snowmen with the kids on his street.
Has very sensitive skin and eczema, which he doesn’t like to talk about or show anyone because it makes him feel insecure.
Oddly good at playing guitar, he just picks up on chords with ease.
Good at playing the drums and annoys his entire family with it.
Uses a skateboard as his main method of transportation around places.
On the basketball team, as his older brother taught him to play when they were both younger.
Hates roller skating despite being very good at most things on wheels. He can never find his balance.
Shockingly good at Math, especially statistics and calculus. He’s in all advanced math courses.
Has a very weird snake addiction and he desperately wants to buy one.
Aromantic Asexual who is best friends with Harold and Wilfred.
Mainly makes snippy remarks because his humour falls into the sarcasm umbrella.
Adores comic books and superheroes, specifically Marvel ones because he’s a fan of Dare Devil.
Plays baseball in his free time but hasn’t joined a team, he just plays with the boys in his neighbourhood.
Addicted to the High School Musical movies.
Good at painting people’s nails and will do it for them if they ask.
Has really fluffy hair that he lets people touch and play with.
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lemon-patches · 3 years
Handon Pre-Legacies Headcanons
(So I was rewatching some the originals clips and these just popped into my head)
-It's already been established that Landon worked at the Mystic Grill and that's probably where he met Hope for the first time
-Now don't get mad at me but I'm gonna be honest, I don't think Landon stood out to Hope all that much...at first
-Keep in mind that at the time she did have a crush on Roman and we've all seen how committed she can be when it comes to romance
-But on the other hand Landon's trying to get his heart to start functioning properly again because who is that???
-And why does she have such a weird milkshake order???
-So anyways time goes on and whenever Hope's not locked in her room on campus she's at the Mystic Grill
-Thanks to her reclusive nature she doesn't really interact with anyone sans her server and kinda just sits there quietly enjoying her food and the scenery
-Meanwhile Landon's just in the background drooling and pining silently
-And don't get him wrong, he wants to talk to her but he always chickens out halfway through and just writes down his feelings and thoughts onto a napkin or something
-lowkey the reason why he's always writing her letters. because he got used to expressing himself best that way
-So even more time passes and Hope vaguely notices that Landon's the only waiter that's memorized her orders for the most part
-Hope being Hope, she calls him out on it. Politely of course but Landon still panics and nearly has a heart attack while he stutters and sputters out a defense that he's not a creeper
-okay so maybe he's kinda cute or whatever
-Hope thinks it's sweet and tells him so. Leaves him pretty good tips too (which sends Landon into a spiral because she's nice and she tips well?!?)
-True interaction doesn't really take off until she notices Landon being harassed by some Mystic High goonies and sees him forcing himself to bite his tongue
-But just because he has to hold back doesn't mean she has to and she's ready to rip these little shits a new one until they lock eyes and Landon shakes his head at her
-cue the start of hope wanting to hit shit and landon presenting another option...not to mention protective!hope
-Hope respects his wishes but still feels bad that he has to deal with it. Since she can't be reactive maybe she can be proactive
-She's seen him bobbing his head or singing under his breath to the music that plays on the speakers. So one day, during a moment of particularly vicious heckling she asks him who his favorite musicians are as a means of distraction
-And ladies and gentlemen they are off. Shy as he may be, if you want Landon to open up to you almost immediately ASK HIM ABOUT MUSIC OR SCI-FI SHIT
-They go back and forth talking about which artists they like and why and constantly go off on tangents. Almost like they can talk to this person about anything and they'd get it (how strange...)
-It's on one of those tangents that Landon finds out that Hope is from New Orleans which just sets off another 20 minute conversation
-They talk for so long that not only did the bullies get bored and leave but Landon gets scolded by his manager for abandoning the other customers
-worth it
-Before they know it, an odd little friendship has formed in a place that seemed to exist suspended in time, away from both of their worlds
-Hope spends more and more time at the Mystic Grill since she didn't really have friends at school (leave me alone, it's canon)
-At some point Landon just starts spending all his breaks with her and when he's working Hope is still content to watch Landon scurry around while she doodles or does her homework
-Discounted milkshakes anyone?
-They don't really talk about deep shit but their presence becomes a comfort to one another
-And Hope has to regularly remind Landon to get back to his job before he gets yelled at again
-They talk about and do so much random shit
-Ranking the menu items? Check
-Scoring all the contestants on karaoke night? Check (those two are utterly ruthless btw)
-Playing darts or pool over free leftover fries? Check
-Silently judging rude customers? CHECK
-And yes, Landon's crush just grows steadily day by day because he can tell even without knowledge of the supernatural that Hope Mikaelson is quite special
-And Hope is just so damn happy to have a genuine friend who doesn't judge her or want her for family's past or her powers
-Hope only comes over like 2 or 3 times a week but it's almost like a refuge for both of them to look forward to during a tough week
-That is until Hope gives Henry her blood, she gets suspended from school, and life proceeds to go to utter hell
-Hope's life is chaos and Landon's wondering where his lunchtime buddy went
-First it's just a couple days and then Hope's gone for weeks
-(the napkin notes just pile up)
-During that time separated Landon decides that he can't just rely on her being at the Mystic Grill to hangout with her. He's been extremely lucky so far and now's the time to buck up and finally ask her out
-Especially when he gets the news that his latest foster parents don't want to keep him and he's probably gonna be leaving soon
-Eventually he does see her again but doesn't comment on how much more...subdued she looks
-He figures it's none of his business unless she tells him and remembers the promise he made himself
-Sure, he wasn't expecting an audience (hi uncle Elijah) but it's now or never
-He gets shot down. Politely. But shot down nonetheless
-But hearing about his #1 tormentor's car blowing up did cheer him up quite a bit
-He's literally packing all his meager belongings when he decides to go out into the town while he still can
-Sure, they only really spent twenty minutes with each other but they danced. They danced.
-Landon's smiling like a goddamn idiot for the rest of the night. And sure enough, the following morning, there's a social worker waiting for him ready to relocate him
-He's sad, not so much because he'll miss the town or school or even his job but because he'll miss her
-But at least he can remember how they danced together
-About a month later, when Hope can think of human interaction and not automatically curl up inside or want to bare her new fangs Hope actually finds herself at the Mystic Grill
-Yes, she wants a milkshake, and maybe a burger but she mostly wants to see Landon
-She's actually there about half the day until she figures he's not coming in today (and to think she thought she had his schedule mostly memorized)
-It takes about a week of not seeing him before she finally asks another worker about Landon only to find out that he doesn't work there anymore because he moved
-After that Hope kinda just goes back to school and stays there
-She still goes to the Mystic Grill but only once or twice a month if she's nearby (no one gets her orders quite right anymore. especially the milkshakes)
-Now if Hope's not in class or training, she's in her room by herself, locked away from the world (no one else can leave her if she's always alone)
-Life goes on
-But every now and then she'll wonder how her friend is doing
-Little does she know that he's wondering the same thing
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(flipping hell. look at them. disgustingly adorable. i love it)
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fuwa · 2 years
8 and/or 15 my amphibious oomf
8. what is a story you would like to see covered in a card set, and which characters would you cast for it?
this is hard bc i feel like I don't know enough stories.. i'll answer the second question first hold on
ok well i'm still drawing a blank here. warrior cats akira is bluestar haha Just kidding. lol mei fan mulan would be fun.. ok i went on a walk and came back with ideas. first seiran 3 musketeers is a given. i think itd b fun if some of seisho did an exchange with bgumi and had a set where they're in bgumi clothes and painting/writing/planning whatever else. like karemahi renaissance set but less chaotic. also i think they should do a set with either frontier or siegfeld that's like sci fi bc higuchi wants to star war so much. like Space Captain Yukishiro Akira Smuggler Aruru Otsuki i think aruru should be han solo.
lol i googled chinese folktales bc im lame and i think mei fan chang'e and yachiyo hou yi would be fun :') shiori can be the jade emperor, michiru feng meng akira queen mother of the west. this is my most well formed idea for this qn.
to synthesize what i've googled:
chang'e and hou yi are said to kind of represent yin and yang.
hou yi is a skilled archer who shot down 9 suns to save the earth (the jade emperor's 10 sons all turned into suns, 9 were shot and the remaining one became the sun. the jade emperor got mad and kicked them out of heaven)
generally in a lot of the versions of the story chang'e seeks immortality (she either steals hou yi's elixir on purpose or is forced to).
feng meng is either hou yi's apprentice who kills him or a guy who tries to steal their immortality elixir?
the queen mother gives them the elixir in the first place and/or punishes chang'e for stealing it by turning her into a toad.
there are a lot diff ways the story goes from what i can see so i am curious of what they could do with it. maybe michiru can be the queen mother and akira can be feng meng cause i'd like akira to not be in a leadership position... but i like the idea of michiru playing a bad guy lol. i want shiori to be the jade emperor bc jade and i want her to play a powerful role. yachiyo and mei fan could go either way w chang'e and hou yi but i want yachiyo to be hou yi just bc of the archery thing + i think it'd be fun to see them commiserating with each other about their roles/maybe modeling parts of their roles after each other a little.
15. what do you like about revue starlight?
honestly the easiest answer to this is the music. i still remember going into the anime with 0 expectations and the first time i heard sekai wo hai ni suru made i was like . Oh. OH??????????? sorry that i'm not into theater but i was a band kid...
but beyond that i think i just really like that it's a series about what it means to be a human. there's so much that the concept of "stage girl" covers - evolving every day, treasuring the people around you as friends and rivals who you won't lose to, baring your truest feelings even as you pretend to be someone else. the way it posits selfishness and greed as positive things (really important lessons for me i think). the idea that to be a stage girl (to sing, dance, and battle) is the most natural instinct a human can have. i think it's just fun
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darknessisafriend · 4 years
Hi! Can I ask for hcs' about almost every Joaquin character (y'know, Joe, Theo, Arthur, Ray, and many more) when they're on Christmas with you? Going to a party, with your family, staying at home, in a shopping, gettting presents, taking you to a café or a restaurant, putting on christmas decorations at home, what you eat with them or how you enjoy the night and fireworks, stuff like that. Thank you! Love your imagines!
Hiii I wrote and before Christmas so I’m really happy! (I literally spend my days writing it from morning to late in the night) so I hope you will like it!! 
Following HCs with: Arthur/Joker, Commodus, Joe, Abbe, Charlie, Bobby, Bruno, Willie, Max, Theodore, Merrill, Freddie, Ray
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-        Christmas is Arthur’s and Joker favorite day of the year after Mardi Gras. It is a day where he can be fully himself, wear one of those ‘ugly’ knitted sweaters, listen to oldies Christmas songs. He feels people more relaxed in the streets, it must be Christmas spirit softening them a little, even in Gotham. And usually you would manage to convince Joker not to make too much trouble and stay by your side all day instead.
 -        You would be staying home together on Christmas Eve. It would be a very simple day because you didn’t have a lot of money but what is important is to be together, and it’s what you would remind to Arthur, no need for something big or fancy, just to be together in Christmas spirit.  
 -        You would buy a few decorations, but you would mostly create them yourself, spending the weekends of December making them with Arthur as you drank hot chocolate. Your flat would be colorful, filled with red and white tinsels and candy canes; you both went to a park and discreetly cut a few pine trees branches to decorate the appartement.
 -        Of course, Arthur would make the surprise to buy a Christmas tree, not too big, but it was more than enough to make you smile with happiness. And you would decorate it with anything that was shiny and candy canes too of course.
 -        For dinner you would not buy anything expensive, but luckily you and Artie were pretty good in cooking and you could manage to make delicious dishes with basic ingredients, roasted potatoes with bacon wrapped turkey and red wine gravy, and you would drink the other half of the bottle while eating. And of course, your favorite part, an apple cake topped with cinnamon and sugar.
 -        You want the night to be as relaxing as possible, you would cook with Arthur while listening to music, exchanging kisses and giggling. Then, after dinner, you two would settle in the sofa, and watch Disney Christmas cartoons while drinking hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows.
 -        The next morning, Arthur or Joker would be the first awake, excited like a kid and eager to open his gift. Yes, usually with Arthur it would be one or two gifts for each of you. Arthur would have worked extra hours and saved as much money as he could to be able to buy you something nice, he bought those cute earrings you had seen once in a store front. Joker would get you more gifts and would get a bit extravagant, but it was really fun. You would get a nice suit or piece of accessories for Joker. For Arthur you would get a warm sweater or scarf so that he wouldn’t get cold when he is outside.
 -        As soon as the gifts were open and breakfast with nice pastries taken; you and Arthur would head to your grandparents’ home where you would be reunited with your parents and cousins as well. Arthur was always a bit nervous about it but once they all greeted him with a hug, he would be smiling all along, hugging back your family and playing with your cousins and nephews. He never had a family but now he had one. Joker had promised you he would never come out on Christmas, it was always sweet Arthur, otherwise your parents would have freaked out.
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-        Saturnalia was always an amazing holiday. For whole a week the whole Empire would celebrate in honor of the god Saturn. It was a very special day where the People would be pampered by their Emperor and where even slaves would be provided by table service and dining with their masters, all would party and share. Many offerings were made to the god but also to the people.
-        Commodus was always particularly joyful on that holiday. The first day, he always had a hard time not working but then, the next day, the real Commodus was back, joyful and relaxed. He would dedicate his days entirely to you, his nephew and the rest of the family.
-        Commodus would be dressed colorfully, wear red and gold togas and you would usually wear matching clothes, except on Saturnalia eve where you would wear purple and gold, an outfit especially made for that night. You both loved beautiful clothes and it was the occasion to shine even more.
 -        He would make sure that Lucius gets chosen as the Saturnalicius princeps, the Lord of Misrule for the whole week. And Lucius loved it, he was able to prank everyone and especially his dear uncle who at first regretted it, and then you would find him pranking back Lucius or even you, those two were children.  
 -        The whole week, Commodus would offer chariot racing in the grand arena, the greatest charioteer gathered for the most exciting races and with great rewards, as well as gifts for the public. You both enjoyed it, no blood, no deaths, pure entertainment for all.
-        It would be a huge party in the streets of Rome, people singing in the streets naked, drinking and gambling. With the Senate, Commodus would make sure to have a delicious public buffet offered to the people at the Temple of Saturn. He wants everyone to enjoy this holiday. And at night on the eve of Saturnalia, Commodus would organize a big party in the palace, where he would completely let himself go and enjoy the moment.
 -        For dinner, he would get you the finest foods from the whole Empire and even from far beyond, exotic dancers, magicians and entertainers would be invited as well to make this night unforgettable. He would make sure you smile and laugh, that you simply feel home, and it really were.
 -        “Io Saturnalia my love!” he would cheer, all tipsy, a big goofy grin on his face, coming to wrap his arms around you, almost spilling his cup of wine on you as he starts trying to dance, he wouldn’t care if he looked ridiculous, he wanted to hold you in his arms and kiss you. To be honest, drunk Commodus was probably the most adorable thing you ever saw.
 -        Commodus would be very nervous about the presents, he wants the best for you and he wants to impress you even if he knows he doesn’t have to but Commodus feels this need to constantly prove himself and his love for you.
 -        Early in the morning the day before, he would go out in the city in disguise to get your gifts, he doesn’t trust anyone else to get the best for you and choosing your gifts himself is very important to him, he wants something true, something that truly reflects how he feels for you. He would have a ring especially forged for you, with a blue gemstone incrusted in the center of it, reminding you of his gorgeous blue outfit that you loved so much. And for his nephew, his first real sword to train with him. As for you, you would get him a very fine wine from Greece and then a rather…sensual that you would were in your bedroom that night, you would be his gift in a way; and it would made him even crazier for you.
 -        After this long night of celebration, you and Commodus would take your time and just sleep as long as you could, it was the last day before getting back to work and you wanted him fully rested and ready to take care of the Empire as ardently as before. You had opened your gifts at midnight so there was nothing waiting to be done, except perhaps Lucius who was eager to take his first lesson from his uncle, but the boy was clever and let you enjoy your husband a few hours more….Io Saturnalia.
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-        Christmas with Joe would be quiet, something peaceful at home, it would mean a moment of full relaxion for Joe and perhaps the only moment where he feels like he doesn’t have to be on his guard all the time.
 -        You would spend Christmas Eve’s afternoon in an animal shelter with Joe, you two would pamper the pets and take them on a walk outside. You had discovered Joe rather enjoyed spending time with animals, especially dogs, it seemed to sooth him and you were thinking of adopting one of the dogs as his Christmas gift. So, this moment would be a good occasion as well to see which one he preferred.
 -        You would usually spend Christmas eve and Christmas day with your family, just your parents. It did good to Joe to be with other people. And your parents loved him, your father was a veteran and they understood each other. And then your mother just loved him and always offered him more cookies.
 -        You would do part of the shopping with Joe, especially to buy ingredients to cook for him and your family and then buy a few decorations. Joe would shop separately for your gift of course. And he would be in charge to get the Christmas tree and somehow he always ended up picking one that was too tall to fully fit in the living room, so he would have to climb on the stepladder and shorten the top of the trunk  and you couldn’t help but laugh. Poor Joe, he always picked up the biggest and most beautiful trees.
 -        This year Joe got you a few books, fantasy and sci-fi stories. It wasn’t his genre at all, but he knew you enjoyed it, and he hoped he had chosen well, he had made a research on internet to see which were better. As for you, well, you had gotten him the dog he was fond of at the shelter.
 -        You and Joe would cook with your parents, you would take care of the dessert with your dad while Joe and your mother did the rest. It wouldn’t be anything too complicated but there were many dishes to fill in everyone and especially Joe’s great appetite. As your mother said, a big man like him needed strength to carry on. And he truly managed to eat everything she was serving him, which you never thought was possible.
 -        As for the Christmas decoration of your house, it would be discreet but enough to remind of the Christmas spirit. The Christmas tree, a few tinsels on the walls or the banister and that was it. For everything, Joe liked to remain discreet. Still, you managed to get him to wear a Christmas sweater at home and with your family and he was the most adorable like that.
 -        The night would be spent taking your time dinning with your family, and then they would light a fire in the chimney, and drink mulled wine while talking about the many things that happened during the year. Then, your dad would put on some vinyl, oldies Christmas song; and you couldn’t resist but to get Joe to dance with, a slow dance, pressed against each other as you listened to the music.
 -        The next morning, you were the first one awake, excited to open your gifts. Well, you thought you were the first one awake, but you would soon realize Joe wasn’t sleeping by your side, maybe he was eager too. However, when you reached downstairs, you found him cooking a marvelous breakfast and not just for you but your parents as well, already wearing the Christmas sweater you had gotten him.
Abbe de Coulmier 
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-        Christmas was obviously a very important day for the Abbe, the birth of the Christ and a day of love. Which meant a lot of work for him, he was a priest after all, and he wanted to give love to people around him and the people in need. And he also wanted to make this day special for his patients, many had been abandoned by their families, and he wanted to make them feel at home, celebrating this important day together.
 -        He would encourage his patients to create decorations, some patients even crafting wood, others picking up pine tree branches to ornate the doors of their cells. Then, you and Madeleine would spend the day cooking for the dinner, the Abbe as always had managed the finances excellently and you had extra money to buy more food and ingredients and cook something more sophisticated for this day and even Yule logs for everyone. You would even convince him to cook biscuits with the patients, it made them very happy and also seeing him covered in flour was adorable, you couldn’t stop giggling and teasing him.
 -        Then, towards the end of the afternoon you would help him greet homeless and poor for the evening and night, distributing blankets to them, and sharing a warm dinner with them and a shelter for the night. So, this was a very big day for him and slightly exhausting, but the Abbe was a workaholic, he lived for other people and he loved helping.
 -        Charenton had become his family so there was no reason for him to come out of the Asylum. And also, you were there, by his side. And he loved you, even if he knew he shouldn’t but he couldn’t resist the temptation you were, and he wanted to make this day special for you too.
 -        He had very little money, but he had still managed to go in town, and buy you a beautiful blue scarf to keep you warm in the corridors of Charenton.  As for you, you had saved as much money as you could to buy him this beautiful chain with a little golden cross, he could wear it around his neck all day along, underneath his cassock.
 -        It would be a very heartwarming night where everyone would be reunited in the canteen, a beautiful fire lit in the chimney. Everyone would sit close to it and listen to the Marquis, standing in front of it, telling funny stories and also Christmas stories which he had agreed to tell after the irresistible request from his favorite priest. As the Marquis was getting everyone’s attention, you felt the Abbe discreetly brush his fingers against yours, to finally entwine your hands, making you blush, you would exchange a look full of love, tonight he would spend the night in your bed.
 -        To end the night, he would celebrate the midnight mass, patients and employees gathered and singing songs celebrating the day of the birth of Jesus Christ. It would be a great moment to remind everyone the values of Christmas, compassion, sharing, kindness and love.
 -        The next morning you would both be awakened by the excited cheering of the patients, eager to open their gifts. He couldn’t help but chuckle, it seems you two won’t be able to make love again this morning, but he would find another way, probably request you to his office for some reason. It wouldn’t stop him from filling your face with kisses before getting up and putting his cassock on. As you both opened your gifts with everyone else, you would know which one was his gift and he would know which one is yours; the look he would give you would be more powerful than words and you would smile in return, you felt blessed.
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-        Charlie wasn’t a Christmas guy, not all. Mostly because he kept bad memories from it, his father made it hell for him and his brother, and his mother too. Even if she had always tried to make them smile, making them eggnog, discreetly slipping a gift in their bed in the morning.
 -        Naturally as an adult, he wasn’t really down for it, except getting drunk in a Saloon. But you were there to teach him another way to celebrate Christmas, and it would be a way he would surely enjoy; and he would end up with Christmas spirit.
 -        So, obviously you would spend the day with his family, his brother and his mother. And Charlie wouldn’t be so opposed to it; at first, he might complain and say he doesn’t feel like going. But as soon as he sees his family, he smiles and greet them with a hug, he would never admit it out loud but he missed them and Christmas would be the perfect occasion to spend time together.
 -        You would have to accompany Charlie to the different stores for Christmas shopping, he always played tough guys and now he didn’t want to go shopping alone, it made you retain a laugh, your man was dumb sometimes.  Of course, once he finds something that could be a great gift for you, he would do his best to hide it behind his back, and most of the time pretend he didn’t find anything, you would roll your eyes, you knew his lying face but it was adorable. For his mother, he would some embroidered hankies, another scarf for his brother, just to tease him and for you, an expensive perfume from San Francisco. As for him, you would spend a lot of time and money with specialist to have a prosthetic arm designed for him, he still had a hard time with it and perhaps it would help him feel better and for when he rides again.
 -        You and his mother would cook, both men were terrible at cooking anything else than beans. So, out of question that they came into the kitchen, especially since last time where Charlie managed to eat half of the cookies you had made. You would also cook apples pies, and a roasted turkey that the two men had hunted earlier.
 -        As for decorations, the two men had managed to cut a pine tree that resembles a Christmas tree. You would all together decorate the tree, thanks to their mother pushing them to participate. It would be filled with red ribbons, berries, paper strings, yarn, and other homemade decoration Eli had brought. You would even hang a few cookies in the tree.
 -        When the night came, a fire was lit to keep everyone warm, after all the winter was extremely cold in this part of the country. You would eat joyfully, the boys telling their most epic and finniest anecdotes. Obviously, alcohol would be part of the night, though you tried to keep Charlie just tipsy, except if you were drunk too and joined him in messing around. You would end the night singing joyful Christmas songs together.
 -        The next morning, Charlie would be the one waking up everyone, he would even try to guess what his gifts were while everyone was still asleep. “But Charlie it’s 7 am…on Christmas.” you yawned, you couldn’t believe he was excited like a child for it, but in a way your understood him, Charlie had never celebrated Christmas and soon his brother was up as well, eager to unwrap his gifts. Charlie would be left speechless as he unwraps his gift and discovers the prosthetic arm, the only thing he would do is to hug you tightly, burying his head in your neck, and placing a kiss on your skin, before letting you put the prosthetic on him.
Bobby Green 
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-        Christmas for Bobby had become another mean to party, not as much as for New Year though. He just loved to enjoy life to the fullest unlike his family meetings where everyone was more uptight than the others.
-        So obviously, Bobby would much prefer to spend Christmas just with you, not even with his friends from El Caribe. Though, later in the evening, after dinner, you two might head to the club a little but not to work, simply dance and have fun.  
 -        You would do Christmas decorations shopping together trying to find which color would fit the best for this year; obviously you had a thing for red because it was a color that went well with Bobby too and you picked up gold as a second color; yes, this would be perfect. The very same day, arms full of bags, you would get a Christmas tree, a big fluffy one which would proudly wear the decorations you had bought.  
 -        Then, another day, Bobby would spend quite some time shopping, thanks to his job, money wasn’t a problem, but the problem was finding something perfect for you. Bobby would get you gold earrings with a little diamond on each, and the design would perfectly match with your face and he would also buy some sexy lingerie for you both to enjoy. You would get him an earring as well, the coincidence was rather funny, but it was a detail you particularly loved about him.
 -        As the evening comes, Bobby would bring you to a nice restaurant in the city center, it was a rather fancy one but not too much to avoid uptight people who couldn’t bear a laugh. It was fancy enough to fix the event in your memories. And you would enjoy a classic feast, and even Foie gras and dishes with truffles. Obviously, you would drink champagne, it would be a night of ‘excess and pleasure’ as Bobby said, and you loved this intensity.
 -        The decorations would mostly be on the Christmas tree, then you would spread little decorations everywhere, on cupboards and counters and then add many glitters which would be hell to clean up afterwards but you recognized Bobby’s great taste in decorations, he knew how to make it joyful and give a party atmosphere to a place.
 -        After the restaurant, you would head to El Caribe, at least you knew it was the best place to party in all safety. You and Bobby would just go wild, dancing pressed against each other, exchanging kisses and getting horny in no time; to the point that you would soon go back home to make love right away. Then, late in the night you couldn’t resist but open your gifts, giggling like children. So, there wouldn’t be really a Christmas morning for you, just sleeping late in each other’s arms, and it would be the best morning ever.
Bruno Weiss 
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-        For Bruno, Christmas was like any other day. He was Jewish but not practicing so he wasn’t really celebrating in any way. And he was often alone on Christmas, his girls always finding a gentleman or another way to celebrate without him. And he had expected you spend Christmas away, with your family in San Francisco; but you surprised when you asked him what he would like to do with you for Christmas, it had made him so happy that you thought about him, even surrounded by his girls, he had always been a lonely man.
 -        Bruno would spoil you during this day, actually he would dedicate his time entirely to you and that starting from the morning. He wasn’t great at cooking breakfast but at least he tried, and that only made you happy. And you were even more when he announced you that he would spend the whole day with you to prepare Christmas.
 -        He would rather enjoy shopping with you, his woman, walking hands in hands from shop to shop, his arms getting fuller of bags each time. Once again, he would spoil you, trying to fulfil you every desires, though Bruno wasn’t a rich man either; so, when you showed him an item that was too expensive, you would see it instantly, the way, he avoided your gaze, an embarrassed look on his face, he wished he could buy you anything you desired. “Hey darling, you know what? I don’t need it, it’s all good, don’t worry.” You would reassure him, tenderly kissing him on the lips. He swore to himself he would make you feel like the luckiest women in the world when you would open your gifts.
 -        You would buy many items to put in the Christmas tree and a few garlands but the most important purchase had been this new thing, electric light garlands, you had not doubts it would look perfect on the tree, and what better than to have the latest modern house items? And about that, Bruno completely agreed.
 -        Bruno would get you a new dress and makeup as well; it was one of his favorite things, to watch you put on your makeup, making yourself even more beautiful than you already were and that view was only for him. And you would buy him a new pocket watch, not one he bought on the black market for nothing, one with a beautiful design and your initials engraved inside the watch cover, so there would always be a bit of you with him.
 -        On Christmas Eve, you would stay home together, you would cook dinner and he would try to help. However, Bruno doesn’t have much patience so his help would be rather limited, and you would soon tell him to sit down and just keep you company. You would cook a roasted chicken, cookies and a fruit cake. However, on Christmas day, for lunch he would bring you to a restaurant, fancier than the usual restaurant he goes to; you would get smoked salmon and cocktails with champagne. And he had to admit, it was nice to have celebrations from time to time, and Christmas spirit was perhaps starting to grow on him.
 -        For the night, Bruno was more inclined to just stay home, but you wanted to show him something more, and you managed to convince him to go to a jazz club, at least to listen to the Christmas songs recreated with jazz stylings. After a while, you saw your boyfriend relaxed, so you put your hand on his, gently stroking it and by the look in your eyes, he would understand and accept to dance with you, a slow dance, embracing each other.
 -        The next morning; the air was rather chill, the both of you waking up slowly, caressed by the warm rays of the sun, snuggling a bit more in his embrace as you felt the air cooler than usual, it had snowed. You would happily open your gifts as you shared a coffee, wrapped in your warm bathrobe, a soft smile was on Bruno’s face, this peace, warmth; Christmas wasn’t so bad after all.
Willie Gutirrez 
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-        Willie absolutely loved Christmas and didn’t hide it. It was a great occasion to spend time with you and your family and everyone knew Wille was a family man. He wasn’t the most churchgoing man, but this day would have a religious meaning for him as well. And actually, he would make sure the apartment you shared would be decorated for the 1st of December and he would get an advent calendar with chocolates, he loves it and you would have never thought that about Willie but it was really cute.
 -        That meant that you would spend Christmas holidays at your parents’ home. It was nice to travel a bit and change of air. And your parents just loved Willie, this hard-working young man who satisfied your every desires and who was kind and funny, to them he was perfect; and to you too of course, after all you were madly in love.
 -        Obviously, you would shop together, for everything: decorations, gifts for you and your family, food and chocolates. You would tease each other, trying to guess the gift hidden in the bag of the other, and you would have to wait Christmas morning to know which was even more exciting.  
 -        The apartment would be perfectly decorated, as if a home stylist had done it, silver and gold, the Christmas tree big and fluffy and perfectly decorated, the nativity scene underneath it. You were very proud of your decorations.
 -        Before joining your parents’ house, you and Willie would make cookies. But it would be hard to focus for you, Willie was really sexy, wearing an apron, a comfy sweater and a Christmas hat just to tease you because he knew the effect it had on you. Obviously, you would end up having sex on the counter between Christmas cookies. Once you would have joined your parents Willie would insist on helping out your mother, which would make her fall for him even more, and he would drink a glass of whisky with your father the same time while talking politics; yes, he had completely seduced them, to your greatest pleasure.
 -        Willie would also surprise you all by taking out an expensive bottle of champagne one of his acquaintances would have gifted him. Other than that, you would eat a rather classic Christmas feast, braised pork, vegetables and a few canapés.
 -        After dinner, you would all settle in the sofas in the living room, you snuggled against Willie, drinking hot spiced apple cider as your parents told your boyfriend memories of your childhood, some rather embarrassing actually but it made him laugh and he loved knowing those things about you. Your parents would be the first to head to bed; you and Willie would stay a bit more, exchanging slow and tender kisses until it was time to sleep and let the magic of Christmas happen.
 -        The next morning, you would be awakened by more kisses from Willie, feather-like kisses on your face, his fingers gently pushing away the strands of hair on your face. “Don’t you want to find out what Santa got you?” he’d tease you. And you would truly hesitate between considering him your Santa gift and getting up, and he knew it. And after a little you would both finally get up, happily opening your gifts. Willie would be smiling all the time, he  had family who loved him now.
Max California 
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-        Max celebrates Christmas but not in the typical way to do it. For him it is an overrated celebration, with a lot of fuss with all these decorations and Christmas movies on TV all day along and the whole picking up Christmas tree imperative. Also, Max doesn’t blend in very well with Christmas atmosphere with his look that he keeps all year along. People tend to look at him in a strange way when Christmas comes, seeing a guy all dressed in black with piercings and tattoos.
 -        It would be really fun when you boyfriend would realize that you are used to celebrate Christmas and that you rather enjoy the atmosphere. You would spare him Christmas songs and put on your headphones though you wouldn’t sometimes, just to embarrass him.
 -        You would celebrate Christmas just the two of you, you preferred to take baby steps with him, family gatherings on those type of celebrations made him uneasy because people were no fun, he couldn’t make his usual sex jokes or talk about the funniest things that happened back at the sex shop.
 -        You would manage to convince him to get a Christmas tree, and he got one in a pot so that you could plant it somewhere later. And you would accept that he chooses the decorations for it and thankfully you had no guests because this was hilarious and outrageous. Bulbs that looks like boobs, leather collars and other kinky stuff he had gotten at the shop; at least it was unique and very much Max California.
 -        As gifts, you would buy him more clothes that would perfectly match his style and you would get him a new sound system for his guitar, you didn’t want him to renounce to his passion and his dream of being a successful musician one day. As for Max well…. he would get you a few sexy things and also makeup that would perfectly match your face and look, you always loved when he did that, he was better than you at picking up those products, he really had great taste.
 -        For Christmas eve dinner you would order delivery but something out of the ordinary, something a bit fancy, your kitchen wasn’t the best to cook anyway, small and poorly equipped. And actually, you and Max would go for one of the most expensive Japanese restaurants of LA, and damn that was worth it, exotic and unique for this special night.
 -        You would move the little table to the window and open it, giving you a little view on the city. Since you two had moved from his rather questionable flat, you lived in a much better and beautiful neighborhood. After dinner you would head outside for a walk hand in hand by the beach, sharing a cigarette under the cool air and watching a few decorated store fronts; Max always finding ways to make a dirty joke.
 -        The next morning, you would wake up in your favorite way, Max tracing kisses along your thighs, that rascal never forgot his priorities, you thought, giggling sleepily and well, Christmas could wait a little more.  Obviously, after this little morning fun, you would go open your gifts under the tree while Facetiming with your parents “Oh my God Max!” you burst out laughing, you couldn’t show this gift to your parents “But baby it was a limited Christmas edition!” he’d reply, making everyone laugh even more.
 Theodore Twombly
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-        Knowing how romantic and old-fashioned Theodore is, he absolutely loved Christmas. It had been a rough period for when he was single and without anyone to celebrate Christmas with but Amy. Celebrating with a friend is much different than with your lover and family. So, he was more than excited to celebrate it with you.
 -        With Theodore you would get up before sunrise and take the car to drive to his chalet in the mountains. That already put you in the full Christmas atmosphere, it was sunny and full of snow, so much that for a while you thought you wouldn’t be able to access the chalet.
 -        You would spend Christmas eve and the next day together, just the two of you, in his chalet, lost in the mountains, it would become your little heaven frozen in time where only what you felt for each other mattered.
 -        Theodore would have shopped for your gifts the whole year, but he would have wrapped them a few days before Christmas, to keep the magic of the celebration. He would have gotten you all sorts of gifts, from an artisanal wooden carved object, to the latest video game you wanted. And you would have gotten a game too but what people call now old-fashioned one, a board game. Those were rather expensive today because people much preferred immersive virtual games now, but you were sure he would love it.
 -        Theodore would have already all the decorations you could possibly need, ready in boxes in the basement, you were honestly surprised by the choice in colors he had. You would both decorate the whole chalet, inside and outside with classic garlands and electrical garlands to, it was so much more beautiful than the holographic ones. This year, you would go for blue and white and also add candy canes in the tree because it was just too good not to put them. Speaking of the Christmas tree you would go get it in a pine tree nursery nearby.  And the great thing was that you could chose it and cut it yourself, though you left that task to Theodore, despite several tries you couldn’t manage to hit the same spot each time; it was physical but you both really had fun.
 -        You would cook Christmas eve dinner together, already dressed in your warm and comfy pajamas; the fire lit in the chimney. You would make tons of different cookies with hot chocolate and marshmallows. Theodore was vegetarian and you too so you would cook a wonderful vegetarian dinner, something simple and delicious that wasn’t too complicated to make so that you could spend the day enjoying other things as well.
 -        You would have dinner with candle lights while listening to oldies Christmas songs, it would be super romantic and you couldn’t stop smiling all the time and Theodore felt the same, it was a perfect Christmas.  Then, you would go on the balcony, wrapped in a warm blanket, Theodore hugging you from behind as you looked at the stars, the sky was clear and it was a stunning view. Actually, you don’t know how much time you stayed there, despite the cold, you both couldn’t stop looking. Though after a while it would be really cold and you would run inside to snuggle in front of the TV and watch Christmas movies, you barely payed attention to it, too busy exchanging tender kisses until you felt it was time to go to sleep.
 -        The following morning, after opening your gifts, the both of you were overjoyed with what you had gotten. And soon, your parents would join you and Theodore for a few days and they would also take you cross-country skiing, to the great joy of Theodore….he wasn’t a sport guy at all but he would follow you anywhere in the world.
Merrill Hess
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-        Christmas for Merill meant family time, he already spent a significant amount of time with his nephews and brother but less since you had moved together in a house farther down the neighborhood. And also, he was often away since he had integrated one of the best baseball team of the country. So, Christmas was a great way to be reunited all together.
-        You would spend the whole day in family, playing the snow with your nephews, obviously Merill would start a snowball fight, and he was the best at it, great aim and great strength especially when you received it right in the face. And you, on your side struggled to reach your target, and you couldn’t even run after him to get closer, he ran damn fast! At least your nephews laughed a lot at this. Afterwards, you would make a snowman competition, you and Abigail against Merill and Morgan, and Graham, would decide of the winners and it was your team who won, and the price was extra cookies.  
 -        Merill and Graham would go shopping while you watched after the children, who didn’t know at all that Santa was shopping. And in the meantime, with your nephews you would get the many boxes of decoration out of the basement and decorate the whole house so that that they would have the surprise when they come back. Though you would leave the nativity scene to Graham and his children, it was very important for them.
 -        In the meantime, the two brothers would not only buy the gifts but also food for the dinner, a menu that everyone had composed together. You had already your gift for Merill, a sled and a few DVDs of his favorite movies, as for him he would get you a tartan rug and the finest chocolates he could find, he knew how much you loved chocolate so he didn’t look at the price.
 -        For the Christmas tree you would all go together to pick it up, the children wanted the biggest one and Merill was always part of the children when it came to the Christmas tree. You and Graham would be more rational and manage to calm them down a bit and get them to chose one that would fit in the living room and 6’7 wasn’t bad at all.
 -        After playing a while outside and being frozen now, you would get to cooking, a great way to warm up again. Of course, the children were learning to cook so they participated in the elaboration of the dinner, it was a joyful moment where everyone had their importance and helped. Stuffed turkey, carrots, potatoes and an apple pie for dessert and everything in big portions because of the two growing up and the sportsman that was Merill.
 -        The night would be full of laughter and joy, after dinner you would settle by the fire and you tell Christmas tales with Graham while the three others were sitting crossed legged and listening to you, the little ones snuggled against their uncle. And then, all together you would watch Disney Christmas cartoons, there was nothing better to relax and dream of the wonderful gifts you would get tomorrow. After putting your nephews to bed, you and Merill would sleep back in his old room, reminding you of good memories, when you had started dating and your first time making love with him, it was very nice to spend Christmas here and you wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
 -        The next morning, you would be awakened by your nephews, running in the corridor and shouting that Santa had come and that many gifts were waiting to be unwrapped. You chuckled, thinking of Graham who had waited for them to be asleep to put the gifts underneath the tree. You wouldn’t take breakfast first, they were too impatient, and they didn’t seem very hungry, preferring to test their gifts together, including Merill with his sled, he could finally compete with his nephews as the big child he could be. But before you would convince them to eat their giant breakfast so they could play for hours in the snow.
Freddie Quell 
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-        It’s not that Freddie didn’t like Christmas, but he never celebrated it in a normal way, from his terrible childhood to Christmas in the army which was mostly a lot of drinking and sex. So, in a way, this would be his first real Christmas, with you and his family-in-law.
 -        He would let you completely guide him through Christmas eve and day. He was a bit grumpy at first because he was frustrated; he wanted to fit in and understand how to do things right. He wanted you to be happy with your man.
 -        So, it would be best if you spent Christmas eve, just the two of you; Take baby steps with Freddie and tomorrow spend Christmas with your family where he would have to bear the shitty jokes of your uncle. You would take him outside to walk hands in hands a look at the store fronts especially decorated for Christmas, just to show him the colors and decorations, the joy of the adults and children looking at it, in short introduce him to the Christmas atmosphere. You wouldn’t stay for too long because you knew he couldn’t stand still and had a limited patience but still, you were pleasantly surprised by how calm he was, a boyish smile forming on his lips sometimes, it was great step forward and you were eager to spend this day with him.  
 -        He would be the first to suggest going inside the shops and buy a few decorations for your house. Though, once inside he would be a bit overwhelmed by the crowd but also the crazy choice there was. He wouldn’t let go of your hand as you took him through the various alleys, he would be rather undecided about the color to pick, so you went for blue and gold, and he help you to pick up the shape and designs of the garlands and bulbs. And he was happy to carry out all the bags.  
 -        “Do you need to go to another shop for a gift?” you asked him once outside of that shop “No, I actually have it already.” He replied looking away, he had his gifts for you for a while because he had taken great care to choose something that would fit, he had gotten you a dress and expensive perfume. You would look at him excitedly, the way he took care of you was always very attractive to you “Well, Mister Quell if you could wait for me in the car, I have one more thing to buy…” your murmured giving him a sensual kiss on the lips, he would chuckle already knowing how it would end once at home but also happy that you were about to buy his gift, a nice kit to make cocktails and expensive alcohol that he would savor with you, reasonably.  
 -        You would stay home, you thought he would want to go to the restaurant but actually he preferred to be alone with you and have no distractions. You would decorate the house together, while he actually sang the Christmas songs everyone sang on the vessel, it was joyful songs and it was nice hear Freddie sing, it was an aspect of him you encouraged to come out. And while he finished decorating you cooked the fabulous dinner you would share, and which remained classic. Though soon you would feel his arms wrap around your waist and his lips tracing kisses along you neck; he couldn’t help it, whatever you did, you were sexy.
 -        Freddie was an unpredictable man and full of surprises. When you thought you would spend the evening in his arms at home, he would actually take you to the rooftop of a building and you didn’t understand why until a firework started and he had brought you where you would have the best view on it. Your eyes were shining all along and you snuggled in Freddie’s arms as you watch the show with him. And you would conclude the night by making love there, at the risk of getting a cold, but you didn’t care. In the end, it was Freddie who guided you through an amazing Christmas.
Ray Elwood
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-        Ray wouldn’t get a long permission for Christmas holidays, but at least he got a few days because you two were engaged. He was excited to spend Christmas outside of the base and with you, he had missed you so much, so much time away from you, only able to write to you or call you without being able to see you or hold you in his arms; he had missed you terribly and that was more important to him than celebrating Christmas.
 -        When you reached Germany, you had no idea of how your holidays with Ray would go, it was your first time in Europe and he had given you absolutely no indications of the program, if there was one. And that’s because he had a big surprise for you. You don’t know how much time it lasted when you embraced each other at the airport but to feel his warmth, his scent wrapped around you, his lips on yours, it was the best Christmas gift you could ever receive. After that, he would bring you to the base to introduce you to his friends and also to his boss, who had become a friend in a way, but a friend he also used to do his little business. After, he hadn’t been sent here for nothing but what could you do? You couldn’t stop loving him, and as far as you knew, he didn’t kill anyone, so that was good.
 -        And he would be really proud to show his beautiful fiancée to everyone, showing that you were real and a real knockout who was engaged to him. And his buddies were really nice and fun, they made you feel comfortable in this place full of men. However, once you two were alone again, he took out of his jacket two plane tickets for Paris “Spoiler alert, that’s your Christmas gift, a couple of days together in Paris.” He revealed to you, he had more than enough money for it and he wanted to spoil you, and he knew Paris was one of your dreams. You would be speechless, what a wonderful surprise “I prefer to tell you that my gift won’t be so crazy.” You chuckled, your eyes wet with emotion “Don’t worry baby, you are my gift.” He would reassure you, filling your face with kisses.
 -        And once in Paris, you realized Ray had really gone crazy, a superb hotel room, already decorated and even with Christmas tree in it, and gifts from the hotel like chocolates and perfumes. Though, you didn’t visit the city first, as soon as the door of the bedroom was closed and that the effect of surprise had passed, you literally jumped on Ray, the both ending making love passionately, again and again until you were satisfied, actually it didn’t change much from previous Christmas, there was always a lot of sex involved, for your greatest pleasure.
 -        And to make up for lost time, Ray would have the great idea to book a table on a barge on the Seine, it would enable the both of you to see the most beautiful monuments of the city, beautifully lit during the night and while you ate a typical French Christmas dinner and of course with great wine and champagne.
 -        After dinner, you would get off the boat and go watch the beautiful and famous store fronts of the Gallerie Lafayette incredibly decorated for Christmas, Paris was just amazingly decorated and the Christmas atmosphere was very present, it was perfect. Then, you would manage to convince Ray to go Ice skating with you, and after a few kisses and puppy eyes, he wouldn’t be able to resist and would just agree. The truth is that he was really bad at it and fell all the time on his behind, you were pretty much the same, but that’s where the fun was, trying to skate decently without falling. And the both of you would end up laughing a lot, clinging onto each other and ending up falling on each other.  
 -        The day had been exhausting but worth it, it was the best Christmas holidays you ever had, and it was only starting, you still had a few days more with your fiancée. And despite exhaustion you would make love again, the Christmas atmosphere in the bedroom making it even more magical. And Ray had to admit that it really gave him the Christmas spirit and with you he was really enjoying this celebration.  And even more so when he woke up the next morning and found underneath the Christmas tree a gift for him, he picked it up and went back in the bed to open it next to you. It wasn’t something big and flashy but it had more value to his eyes, you had made a photo album of you and him, all the pictures you took together since you were together and at the end of it you had included sexy pictures of you that you had made just for him; he would have a big smile, he was loving Christmas.
Also you my dear readers, tell me with which of these characters you would prefer to celebrate Christmas with!!
Tag list: @hopelessdisasterr @skaravile @lyoongx @weirdflecksbutok @beautifulyoungprospect @stellargirlie @rosebloodstuffandthangss @clowndaddyfleck @jaylovesbats @niniitah-ah @dreamingmaria @sagyunaro @just-a-fucking-comedy @spaceinvader @radio-hoo-ha @lady-carnivals-stuff @sierraclegane @legojorny @lemondedeniname @hvproductions @syvellsworld @charlie-sisters @papercut-paranoia @jokerflecker @cigznvalentines @help-i-am-obssessed @arthurfleckjoker2019 @theartistdetective @soulsdontbreaktheybeeend @fleckcmscott @obssessedandthirsty @ridiculousnerd @stardancerluv @sgtsavoytruffle @welcometomyhiddlesfandom @sanguinandoscrivo @valentina15 @phoenixbaby88 @captain-el-writes @thedamchii @ninathefandomcollector @kiddastle @lovesickforjoaqvin @joaquins-angel @alexsportello @ohcarlesmycarles @rajacero @bring-your-holy-water   @rajacero @morrisonmercuryphoenix @fly-like-a-phoenix @the-joaq-is-extra
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sciderman · 8 days
Hi Sci, I hope you are healing amazing, I have an idea but I do want to see the opinion of an expert of DP an Spidey (you).
I love musicals, and I do believe that a story with those two as protagonist in a musical environment could be something silly but with a lot of potential.
Although I do not know a lot of music theory, I imagine how the plot could work.
A weird phenomenon is occuring that everyone sings and dance just because, while Wade enjoy it, Peter hates it (He has his own self image issues, and the possibility of Spiderman singing and dancing, is an idea that terrifies him), so Deadpool and Spiderman team up to investigate this phenomenon and stop it. (In this scenario both heroes are aquantainces, although Deadpool wants to be besties).
In this story there is gonna be a lot of action, comedy, but what it is more important is the character development, both will have to face their self worth issues, so they can grow individually but also their friendship (with a bit of sexual tension).
What do you think?, what would you add so the story can achieve it's full potential (the musical part is not as important as the plot development)
hot and sexy concept! consider:
similar to the laws of most musical universes, when a character bursts into song and dance it is usually to express a big emotion or desire or truth that the character has been holding down deep inside. hence: spider-man is terrified that if he breaks into song, it'll reveal his secret identity or any other such million different secrets peter would prefer to keep locked away where nobody can find it
wade thinks it's fun and cool and chooses to sing even when he isn't actually really being compelled to - in fact, no music swells when wade sings - he just chooses to do it. he makes up songs on the fly and they aren't the big showtunes that everyone else is getting when they burst into song - nope, there's no backing track, save for maybe some buskers that he hassles to accompany him. there's no thought-through melody or even profound lyrics - and he fumbles on rhymes, but he doesn't let it stop him. he wants a showstopper tune so bad. but all he rhymes about are like, foods. and whatever he sees in front of him, and like, nothing profound. so the orchestra doesn't care for him.
there are a few times when peter's aside, on his own, and the music begins to swell - and only when he really, truly feels like he's on his own, he's about to open his mouth to sing and it's interrupted by wade every single time. at times wade knows there's about to be a musical number and tries to edge in or turn it into a duet but the orchestra just fumbles out as soon as wade's janky lyrics start. and wade's like, dancing like untz untz untz on the stage trying to keep it up but the music fizzles out and he sighs, defeatedly.
so we're following this character whomst the orchestra gravitates around trying to force a song out of but peter absolutely will NOT bite and/or is always interrupted - and a character who desperately wants his song and dance but the orchestra won't let him have it
they're constantly at odds because wade thinks this is awesome and he kind of doesn't want to stop the villain responsible for it because? a world where people randomly burst into showtunes? that's awesome. and spider-man's just with the reasoning that his identity is at risk. he has so much to lose. and what about all the people who have secrets to hide? what about people who will be put in danger? you wouldn't get it. mr i-only-sing-about-tacos.
wade's bummed. goes off alone, all sad. has this little aside where he tries, so so hard to have his own song. the orchestra swells. he opens his mouth, but the key is wrong. he fusses and asks the orchestra to play in an e-minor. he clears his throat and he tries again. still off. can we get it a little more upbeat. better. let's introduce some maracas... yes.. okay... now we're getting it. some saxophone, if you please. needs more cowbell. and wade's shaking his hips and REAAALLY feeling it and he's about to open his mouth and
the ground shakes and we're about to finally be acquainted by our villain,, and it's a musical battle and fists just aren't cutting it. peter's trying to beat the shit out of the villain but keeps getting blasted back by music. wade cottons on that they need to fight fire with fire and tries to get the orchestra back on his side but his lyrics are Not fire and musical yo mama jokes only take you so far.
eventually emotions come to their high, maybe when they're finally facing the big bad, peter can't help but finally let out his song - maybe it's a duet, if you want to be gay about it. peter sings his truth and it blasts our villain away, babey. they save the day.
after this, wade and peter return back to an nyc that isn't bursting into song every 5 minutes and peter's so, so fucking thankful. they shake hands. wade pulls peter into a hug. they're at train station.
a busker is playing a violin. wade starts to sing.
peter begs him not to.
a percussionist on stage joins in.
wade puts his whole deadpussy into it.
wade finally gets his own heartfelt closing number about all the feelings he felt and all the things that he learnt, and how he and peter will always be friends forever.
(peter: i'm leaving)
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smallcrystals · 3 years
Any headcanons for the Dazzlings? Some people speculate that they have lived in the human world for centuries? Do you think this is true?
hm i don't have a specific timeline for how long they've stayed in the human world for, but i do think they've spent at least a decade there
i think equestrian time works faster than human world time, so maybe 1000 years could correlate to a certain amount of time in the human realm, who knows! semantics are blurry and i don't rlly think the creators cared that much
as for headcanons, i have a chunk here! originally i said a few and then.......... yeah read for urself :D
adagio and sonata are lesbians, aria is ace biromantic (these hcs might have changed since the last time i was asked abt what i hc their sexualities as!)
adagio can actually sing very well. she sung even when she didn't need to use her powers and she genuinely enjoyed doing it. she just hadn't gotten enough practice when her ambition for power overtook everything else, as she didn't really need the practice if she could just use her gemstone.
therefore, she teaches aria and sonata how to sing properly without the need for autotune and a repeated vocal track
they train into an idol group under the same company that flash gains a contract for; so they're basically his seniors!
adagio's really good at dancing
aria's good at lyrics! though, sonata scolds her for writing too many abt sad/angry shit and tries to get her to write abt more happy stuff
she wrote a happy song for sonata one time and sonata started crying (out of happiness)
adagio's the only one who paid any attention to flash during their time at chs and that was because of him yelling at pri twilight. i like to think she's able to tell how people are feeling when she's feeding off their negative energy
because of this, she recognises him whenever he's out. seeing him in admittedly slightly dangerous situations, she grows kinda fond of him and becomes basically an older sister to him, dragging him away from problems that are out of his control due to how intimidated people are of her
flash and her like annoying each other <3 she gives him life lessons and when he tells her that a boy made him uncomfortable she goes and punches said boy <33 flash also punches lesbiphobes and runs them over <333
whenever he's in a mood and calls her up all pouty, adagio "reluctantly" takes him out on a drive instead of him driving
they grow closer when they're under the same company and they do dance covers together!!!! they develop a rlly cute friendship
sonaria always give flash noogies even though he's taller than both of them
adagio find sci twi adorable despite disliking her pony counterpart and so she decides to also baby her. sci twi only meets her after chs, so when they're all properly adults and even though she's heard shit abt them: "adagio's not that bad :((", "that's bc she spoils you"
adagio is the type to hold grudges only on ppl who have actively wronged her. if they don't have much involvement in the wrongdoing she doesn't really have anything against them
aria holds grudges even if you've never got yourself involved in whatever was done. if you were there and she remembered you (or even worse, you reminded her of you) she probably won't like you
sonata doesn't hold grudges but she's got trust issues <3
sonata does flash's make up during some livestreams
and that's all i can think of right now!! sorry the majority of these are adagio i just love her a lot
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Da boys if they went to Japan:
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Leo doesn't mind traveling to another country. Since he knows Japanese the most, he would translate for his brothers in what the people are saying. He can get embarrassed at some points when going into one of those cutesy cafés, but at least if he's having fun, he's alright with that. He loves the food and teas they make, and he also likes the spas they have since he does need that type of vacation. No interruptions, no crazy shenanigans, and especially no fighting the bad guys either. Just having some Leo time. He would love to go back, but would want to go on his own next time.
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Raph does enjoy japan. He always loves the attention from the ladies. He would photobomb couples from time to time along with Mikey for fun. He also enjoys anime places that has tons and tons of Hentai comics and shows he would love to buy from there so he could have fun with those back home in the sewers of NY *wink wink* 😏. Despite of him enjoy those, he isnt very fond of the maid cafés because he had to wear those cutesy ears they give him, and all he does is take them off and it makes him feel girly. Overall, he loves the enjoyment of everything else, and he isnt afraid of going back again so he doesn't get bored.
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Donnie is the type of guy who loves to visit different countries. He would never shut up about the scientifics of the japanese culture which it annoys his brothers, but he doesn't give a single damn about it. As for having fun, he Loves the maid Cafés mostly because when the girls dressed as maids call them "master" in japanese, he couldnt help but smile and snort-chuckle from the enjoyment. Him and mikey are the only two who go head over heals to those places they go to. Hentai, sci-fi shows, and comics are no exception. he would be fascinated staring at those naked cartoon girls losing their minds, but he would prefer real life sex and porn in general. As for his knowledge in Japanese speaking, he is the second best, but doesnt understand as much as Leo does. So he lets Leo do the translating the most. Donnie may be a nerd, but he can also be a fun nerd! He would love to go back and do more things there another time.
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Mikey over here LOVES Japan to the core! All the attention and love he gets from people there makes him feel welcomed. He is always curious of everything, so he would go anywhere in the country itself. Yeah photobombing with Raph is one fun thing he loves doing, but as for the maid cafés, oh god! You should know, how much this boy loves them! He would never take off the cat ears, he would play along with the maids when they do this cutesy chant to make the food and drink "taste better", he would even enjoy the shows they do which would make him get up from the table, and dance and sing along with them for the hell of it. On top of that, he and Donnie took a few pics with the maids and even got a kiss from them at one point. He also loves cat and bunny cafés since he loves cute animals he can play with. he even tried keeping a kitten, but couldn't because its not for sale. He never cares what the people say in japanese because he has way too much fun and never pays attention at all. As for Anime, any kind of anime suits him no matter what they are! He even bought an anime girl body pillow that he snuggle with when he's lonely. Would he love to come back to Japan again? Oh absolutely! He never gets bored there at all! 😁
@teenage-mutant-ninja-freak @tmnt-would2 @tmntspidergirl @selfless1978 @memes-in-a-half-shell @the-second-circle-of-shell @moonlightflower21 @donnielover27 @kokokatsworld @cowabunga-doll @angelcatlowyn
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jbarness · 4 years
pop! goes my heart
a oneshot
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
about: the avengers hates y/n’s taste in movies
warnings: bucky wearing nothing but a towel around his hips ;)
a/n: this oneshot is inspired by the movie Music and Lyrics. if you haven’t watched it yet, this is the link of the trailer! the songs mentioned are also there with their links. watch out for the last part 😶 let me know what you think! i hope you enjoy reading!! ♡
❗please DO NOT repost, translate, or copy my works❗
my masterlist
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Movie night is gonna be fun!
For you, at least. Maybe even Scott, Wanda, and Steve.
It was your turn to choose the movie and the team doesn’t like your taste in movies. They hate the sappy romantic comedies and chick flicks. They are only interested in the genres action, thriller, horror, and sci-fi. You don’t care about that right now because it’s your turn to choose and you’ll choose whatever the hell you wanna watch. If they can fight a lot of dull-colored aliens, then they surely can sit down and watch a rom-com of your choice.
You were the first one in the movie room, followed by an excited Scott. He’s always mentioned how he likes romantic comedies. “Its cliche, yeah, but that’s what makes it… you know?” He can never find the word to finish the sentence so you always just nod.
A couple of minutes later, the team started coming in with blankets wrapped around them, a pillow, two armfuls of snacks, and their favorite fluffy slippers. You didn’t know when Thor arrived at the compound, but he showed up in the movie room as well with a tumbler filled with… you guessed, coffee? He greeted you with a warm smile, saying he was excited about the movie that you chose. Natasha is now sitting on her spot, wearing a neck pillow and a sleep mask over her eyes. The rest of them were either grumpily slouching on the chairs or already eating the snacks they brought.
Later on, your boyfriend of seven months leads you to your usual seats after you played the movie, Music and Lyrics. Nobody except for you and Scott has watched the movie yet. Scott mentioned that he hasn’t seen this movie for a while so to say that he was excited was an understatement.
You found yourself singing along to the first song, Pop! Goes My Heart. You didn’t even remember memorizing it. When the word “Pop!” was sung on the screen, you felt Bucky jump a bit, making you laugh. You looked at the scrunched eyebrows and pouted lips of your boyfriend, most likely processing the scene and music he was witnessing.
You turned to look at your other teammates, to see their reactions. Wanda was nodding her head to the beat, enjoying the music video. Vision was confused at why the people were singing in the hospital, “That’s not a good place to perform,” he muttered.
Thor’s really digging it, even singing along to the only lyrics he knows, “Pop! Yeah! Goes My Heart!” He sang, adding the ‘yeah!’. Tony has a pleased look on his face, raised eyebrows, nodding his head.
On the other side of the room, a chuckling Steve caught your eye. You guessed that he was laughing at the blinking heart. Sam did not find it entertaining, his face screams “unbelievable.” Nat… she’s probably sleeping. She still hasn’t removed her sleep mask. Bruce was looking at the screen, puzzled as if he was trying to find something in the video.
The ending was fast approaching and Scott was getting ready to sing along to the final song. When the time came, everyone was telling Scott to shut up. Yep, he was singing along to the song Way Back Into Love, and well…it was not good for the ears. You just laughed it off while silently singing it yourself.
That night, as you lay on your boyfriend’s bed beside him, you found him humming one of the songs that you told him you really liked. “So,” you turned to him, placing your hand on his chest, “Did you like it?” you smirked.
“Mmm, it’s still cliche, doll”
“But you liked it?”
“Debatable,” he kissed your forehead goodnight.
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The morning after, you woke up hugging a pillow instead of a Bucky. You checked his bedside table to see a note “If you’re reading this it means that you woke up. Good Morning, Doll! I’m running with Steve and Sam. You should probably eat now, I’ll eat breakfast with Steve and Sam :)” You smiled at the thought of your dorky boyfriend.
It was quiet. Unbelievably quiet.
You cautiously walked towards the kitchen. There was not a single sound anywhere. You passed by the rooms of the other Avengers, hearing something. Specifically behind Natasha’s door. You carefully pressed your ear at her door. You could hear footsteps, probably just Nat walking around and cleaning her room.
“Nanana nana pop! Goes my heart. Hmm,” she sang.
You covered your mouth with your hands to keep you from making a sound. The Black Widow is singing. She’s singing the song from the movie that she didn’t even bother to look at.
Walking away, you found your inner self applauding for… well, yourself. You’ve never heard Natasha Romanoff sing or enjoy that type of music.
You checked the other rooms only to see that they’re not there. They’re probably outside or working out as per usual. You quickly ate a light breakfast before heading down to the tower’s gym. As expected, you saw some of them there. You saw Thor struggling with the punching bag only because he was trying to sing while punching. Scott was on the treadmill, lip syncing to what he was listening to, most probably feeling that he was in a music video. When he saw you outside, he energetically waved at you, mouthing, “Way Back Into Love” while pointing at his ear.
It was a lazy day for you. You really had nothing to do today, which you’re grateful for. So, you decided to roam around the tower. Waving at interns, talking with some of them, maybe a few gossips with some agents.
Bucky: I’m here! Where are you?
You: I’ll be right there, just gonna roam around in the tower for a while :)
Bucky: Enjoy doll :))) I’ll be in my room
You replied with a simple “mkay” and continued your journey in the tower. A couple of minutes later, your feet wanted to rest, so you went up to your floor to see Bucky. Sam was walking back to his room when the elevator doors opened. He was wearing his earphones, and he was clearly enjoying his song. He didn’t seem to notice that you were in the room when he started to sing very quietly, “Oh, will you dance with me tonight?”
Your eyes widened, lips pursed. Now you just felt extra proud of yourself for making Sam Wilson sing a song from a romantic comedy. It’s a great day for you.
Deciding not to tease him, you went to Bucky’s room to see him just out of the shower. Oh, mama. It is the ninth wonder of the world, the eight being Steve’s ass. But his toned abs and the towel hanging too low on his hips, not that you were complaining, wasn’t what shocked you most.
His small speaker is playing a song that was way too familiar while he’s holding his hairbrush as a microphone.
“You were gold-”
He is shaking his ass.
“And silve-e-er!”
He is singing.
“I said I wasn’t gonna lose my head-”
The former Winter Soldier is dancing.
“But then Pop! Goes my heart! Pop goes my heart.”
The White Wolf is singing, even the backup.
“I wasn’t gonna fall in love again-”
Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes is full-on performing now, with matching hand gestures.
“But then Pop! Goes my heart! Pop goes my heart.”
You realized he was singing it to you, well, to a framed picture of you that was on his bedside table.
Spinning around, “And I just caAAAAAHHH Y/N!” he quickly closed the door, almost permanently damaging your face.
“What are you doing here?!” Bucky yelled from the other side of the door.
You laughed, “Watching your concert. What else?”
He slowly opened the door to reveal his still very much half-naked self. His head hung low but you could see him biting his lips. You lifted his chin with your fingers which made him look into your eyes. Embarrassment was evident in his eyes. You kissed him on his nose, “Don’t be embarrassed, babe. I enjoyed it.”
“Noooooo, never mention it again ever, please?” he pouted.
“But I wanna watch it again! This time, the whole song,” you grabbed his hand and led him to his room, “come on!” you smiled excitedly.
Bucky sighed, he’d do anything to make you smile, “Fine, but this is the last time you’re seeing it!” You nodded as he went to his phone to replay the song.
“Oh, and Bucky baby?”
“Lose the towel.”
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zlatadelion · 3 years
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Winx Club Witch OC - Adrienne Fogos 🌈💗
Name: Adrienne Fogos.
Nicknames/alias: Addie, Adri, Ren, Adriana, Rainbow.
Age: 16.
Birthday: March 17th.
Affiliation: Cloud Tower.
Origin: Domino.
Astrological Sign: Phoenix | Pisces.
Species: Witch.
Powers: Fireworks 🎇🎆
Likes: Fireworks. Her friends. Reading books of spells, learning the planets and histories of Magix. Feeling quiet and calm. The sense of achievement that hard work gives her, she isn't afraid of manual labour.
Dislikes: Aggression, fights, or having to fight. Being scared of something (which she is 85% the time). Girls who are horrible to other girls for no reason. Boys who tease. Losing the book she was reading. Worst for her is feeling alone and helpless.
Dream: Read all books in the Magic Universe.
Appearance: Light skin tone, tall and slender frame, long and straight brown hair with blond streaks, blue eyes. Adrienne often clips her front hair streaks on the back of her head, so they won’t be disturbing her. She also wears coral lipstick and white eyeshadow. Her attire consists of a white shirt with opened shoulders combined with raffles and colorful stripes all along it + Blue jeans with pockets. Her shoes are white sneakers on wide heels. Accessories: golden choker with pearls, large white sleeves with golden raffles, the buffs are bound to her wrists by brown pearls, light blue belt - every accessory sparkles.
Personality: Adrienne is naturally hard-working and wishes to discover all secrets and mysteries that Cloud Tower holds. She is not super-intelligent but she is studious and loves to read anything and everything. Once she understands something she doesn't forget easily. She is questioning and curious about all sorts of things, which can get her in trouble. She tries to be tactful and honest at all times as she doesn't like to get in trouble. When it comes to other people Adrienne can be different, depending on how she's feeling, although she is still at heart that timid girl and always strives to be polite. Back at home she felt intimidated by everything and stayed away from people. Once she gets to Cloud Tower, she chooses to make a change and tries her hardest to make friends. So far she has been delighted to find the girls there, that are so friendly and kind. She forms a strong, loyal attachment to her closest friends after not having any for so long. She is afraid of a lot of things but has learnt to hide her fear, mostly. If someone does wrong by her, she won't forget it for a long time, but she has a tendency to get sad instead of angry over things. She's not a total doormat and does have a stubborn streak somewhere, but when someone starts pushing her around, Adrienne is the type of girl to quietly disappear rather than begin pushing back.
History: Adrienne was always a very timid, needy child and all she wanted was her mother to love her. Unfortunately her mother had never been able to respond to other people's emotions and the reason is unknown to her, yet she still seeks to discover. Adrienne somehow got the idea that the problem must be her and that her mother was cold to her because she hated her for her failings. Always alone and with no close friends to balance her, her focus on it became too strong and she became terrified of her fierce, cold mother; but still the only thing she wanted was her love. Not being able to please her began to turn into an actual fear of her as Adrienne started interpreting her mother’s every indifferent move as displaying disgust at her failings. Her life boiled down to this vicious circle, nothing else mattered to her. This constant sense of fear never left her alone. Her witch powers came to her out of nowhere while she was setting a petard on fire by protecting herself from the dangerous flames. Her first reaction was that these powers must not be hers, but they didn't go away. This happened almost in the midnight time, her mother was celebrating New Year with her friends, while Adrienne wanted to impress her mother, she discovered something more interesting by creating a magical shield that got her protected. The shield was bright and its small particles were exploding and crumbling into shiny ash. Since then she started to be interested in her magic and everything that connected to it. This encouraged her to go to Cloud Tower - the best school for witches in all of the Magic Dimension, without her mother knowing. The place, where she can discover everything and recieve answers on all of her questions. Despite her bright appearance, she doesn’t care about anything what other students may say about it. She loves her look, that’s what matters. For now, she feels safe, but her fear never let her go.
Love Interest: Doesn’t have one yet.
Family: Mother.
Best friend(s): Katie, Tiffany - her roommates (witches), Imani - her best friend (fairy).
Favourite Song: Hot Wings - I Wanna Party.
Favourite Meal: Lamingtons.
Favourite Colour: White, Gold, Blue, Magenta, Orange.
Favourite Hobby: Reading about spells and the planets of Magix, spending time with her new friends. She also enjoys dancing and singing, it is one of the few things she's confident in doing.
Pet: Ferret.
Favourite Movies: She finds documentaries very useful, but usually enjoys Sci-Fi movies.
Favourite Subject: Every one of them fascinates her.
P.S.: Yes, Adrienne is my second Winx Club OC, but that time she’s a witch! 🔮 I hope you like her as much as I do 💗
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fictionadventurer · 4 years
Christmastime Again: A Hallmark Sci Fi Presentation
When the room stopped spinning, Lacey found herself on Christmas morning again. The guests had all arrived, the tree was standing and a light snow was just starting to fall out the window. The start of a picture-perfect Christmas.
As long as she kept it that way.
Alright, from the top.
By now, she could navigate the first part of the day by muscle memory. Scoop up the cat and lock her in the carrier in the laundry room. Straighten the rug and move Uncle Wendell’s beer stein away from the edge of the counter. Turn down the Christmas music just in time to hear the timer buzz and bring the turkey out of the oven at the peak of golden-brown perfection. Stash the cookies out of toddler-reach and get every child at the craft table a red crayon before the hair-pulling started.
Since she could navigate these hours without thinking, her brain was alert to the rest of her surroundings, watching for any unexpected ripples that could upset this version of the Christmas timeline. She noticed nothing out of the ordinary, except for the stares of the guy in the sweater. She’d heard his name--Julian, some cousin of her sister-in-law who had nowhere else to go--but it was hard to remember it when her senses were distracted by the ugly sweater.  It wasn’t cute ugly or ironically ugly; it was “I was raised by color-blind trolls” ugly. All beige and orange and yellow, displaying a big fuzzy reindeer with lopsided button eyes and trimmed with bits of bright green tinsel. If she could have made the loop go further back, Lacey might have tried to prevent him from wearing it. But she could only control the things that took place in this house today, so the sweater stayed, assaulting her eyeballs at every turn.
Not that the guy himself was hard on the eyes. With his dark hair, blue eyes, and a square jaw shadowed by neatly-trimmed stubble, he had a boy-next-door appeal--if the boy next door happened to be working as a model for the world’s worst sweater company. In the opinion of Lacey’s sister-in-law, Julian was only single because he was married to his work in some university department, but Lacey doubted that was the reason. If he stared at all women the way he was staring at her, the women had good reason to keep their distance.
Dinner was served and eaten with no mishaps. Cleanup was a breeze. Presents were handed out and unwrapped without disaster. And she still, in quiet moments, caught Julian studying her with unusual intensity. What was up with him? He hadn’t done this on previous loops--or maybe she’d just been too distracted to notice it. If he didn’t stop it soon, she’d miss a cue, tumble into disaster, and have to live this day all over again.
While the rest of the family wandered into the dining room for refreshments, Lacey stayed near the tree, picking up the last bits of wrapping paper and defending the tree from the handful of kids playing with their new toys. She moved on reflex, deflecting a rubber ball, a foam dart, a runaway remote-control car. One, two, three, like a dance, and then on beat four, in perfect time, she pivoted on one foot to catch a ball of crumpled wrapping paper.
And found herself nose-to-nose with Julian, his hand around her outstretched wrist.
Those blue eyes stared into hers. “You’ve lived this day before.”
It wasn’t a question or a joke. It was a statement of fact.
Lacey met that gaze straight-on. “What did you say you teach at the university?”
“Temporal mechanics.”
“Ah.” Lacey dropped the wrapping paper.
He let go of her wrist. “I don’t have much practical experience, but when I see my hostess unexpectedly developing superhuman reflexes and responding to statements before they’re spoken, I start to think that either she’s the world’s most boring psychic, or she’s making use of that pretty little bangle on her arm that looks alarmingly like an antique temporal elastic.”
Lacey tugged her sweater sleeve over the twisted copper casing and red control stones of her overworked time travel device. “It belonged to my grandmother.”
“How many times have you done this loop?”
Lacey pushed up her sleeve and counted the tally marks on her arm. “52.”
His eyebrows rose. “That’s almost two months of Christmas Day.”
Lacey’s shoulders fell. “I am sick to death of turkey.”
A silence fell between them that was louder than the chatter from the dining room. Finally, he straightened the sleeve of the Ugly Sweater and said, “Putting aside your obvious mental instability and the frankly fascinating paradox storm that must be swirling around us at the moment--remind me to bring some instruments here within the next twenty-four hours--I have to ask: Why?”
She looked at a fragment of ribbon on the carpet and rasped, “I have to get it right.”
The crowd started trickling back in, pooling around the couches while holding plates of goodies and glasses of wine.
As the noise rose, Julian gave her a significant glance “I think we should talk about this somewhere quieter.”
She stepped back, brushing the tree. “I don’t need to go anywhere with you.”
“I think you do. You’ve got two months of memories to work through. You can’t keep that to yourself. You’ll go crazy.”
He wasn’t wrong. She had already learned why the Guild recommended against these sorts of changes--holding onto these alternate timelines was exhausting. She could do with a debrief.
But she had no time for a break. “I can’t,” she said. “I’m hostess.”
“They can look after themselves for half an hour.” Julian opened the door to the hall and waved her through. “And if not?” He shrugged. “What’s one more loop?”
It was an odd kind of Christmas weather--cold enough to send fluffy flakes scattering, but warm enough that they needed only earmuffs and scarves and didn’t even bother zipping up their light jackets. She lounged with Julian on the wood steps of the back porch, watching the flakes fall while they sipped at mulled wine.
Julian threw back his head and laughed as Lacey finished telling him about one of the earliest of her failed Christmases. “The whole tree?” he gasped. “The cat just--” He held one arm upright and used the other to mime a cat clamping onto the tree and sending it toppling. “Why did you redo that one? No one would have forgotten that Christmas.”
“I know. That’s the problem.”
He sobered. “The cat didn’t get hurt, did it?”
“No, Fluffy was fine.”
“Anyone else injured?”
“No. “
“Property damage? Lost family heirlooms?”
“No. It was a gentle fall, and the only family ornaments on that tree were the pom-pom panda bears. They're resilient.”
“Then I don’t see what the problem is.”
“The problem?” Only a guy who wore reindeer sweaters would need this concept explained. “The problem is that no one wants the Christmas party interrupted by a toppling tree. It’s a nightmare. Chaos.”
“But memorable.”
“No one wants those types of memories.”
“Those are the only ones people actually remember. If Christmas goes smoothly, everyone forgets it in a month or two. But ‘the year Lacey’s cat took down the tree’? They’d go back to that story for years.”
“How does that make it better? I don’t want them constantly rehashing my failures as a hostess.”
“How is that failing? You provided good food, a comfortable home, a lovely tree. That’s not changed by a few mishaps.”
“This was more than a few mishaps.”
“Only because you’ve done it fifty-two times.” He leaned back against the wall of the house and lifted the steaming mug closer to his face. “What gave you this idea that Christmas has to be perfect?”
She twisted the time travel bangle on her wrist. “My mom...she died last year.”
“I’m sorry.”
She swallowed a lump. “She always hosted these perfect Christmas parties. She’d plan them for months and everything just ran like clockwork.”
His eyebrows rose. He pointed toward the bangle. “Did she...?”
Lacey pushed it beneath her sleeve. “No, never. We never knew it existed until we were going through my grandma’s things a few years ago.”
He relaxed. “That’s a relief. I thought I was going to have to get this place declared a temporal wasteland.”
Lacey chuckled. “Even if she’d had it, she wouldn’t have needed it. Her parties were works of art. Beautiful decorations, perfect food, everyone laughing and singing carols by the end of the night. When I asked her why she did it, she told me, ‘Lacey, these people are giving you their Christmas. It’s your job to give them the best Christmas you can.’” She sipped at her mug to swallow back tears. “When she died, that job fell to me. And when everything went wrong, I had to fix it.”
“Fifty-two times.”
She shrugged. “As many times as it took.”
“I doubt she’d have said your duties extended that far.”
“You’re probably right. But once I went in quest of the perfect Christmas, I couldn’t settle for anything less. It would have felt like dishonoring her memory.”
“It wouldn’t have been. I’m sure her Christmases had plenty of flaws.”
“Not as many as mine.”
Julian ran a finger along the edge of his mug. “You have this idea that everyone wants a Christmas of picture-perfect trees and crackling fires and cozy rooms without a speck of dust out of place. But if they wanted that, they could stay at home and look at pictures on the streambox. They come here because they want your Christmas. Burnt turkeys and cat-toppled trees and all. They want you experiencing it with them. Not fifty-two alternate versions of them.”
She fingered the fringe on the edge of her scarf. “I suppose not. But what’s wrong with trying for the perfect Christmas?”  
“Lacey, there’s no such thing as the perfect Christmas. There’s never been one at any time, anywhere in the world.” He bunched up snow in one hand and tossed it into the darkness. “Even the first Christmas wasn’t perfect. Do you think Mary planned to let her child sleep in a feeding trough? Do you think Joseph planned to let strange shepherds gawk at his son? It was one long exercise in embracing the unexpected, and it created one of the most memorable stories in human history. Do you think your mother would call that a failure?”
This had gotten more abstract than Lacey had expected. A little dazed, she said, “No. No, of course not.”
“You want to control every little detail, but no one can do that.” He leaned forward and took her hand in his. “You don’t get the perfect Christmas by crafting it. You get it by appreciating the one you’re given.”
She knit her fingers into his. “A gift,” Lacey said.
He smiled. “Now you’re getting it.”
They stepped into the laundry room together, brushing the snowflakes out of their hair.
Julian held up his mug, which held one last swallow of wine. “To Christmas,” he said.
Lacey clinked her mug against his. “Whatever we’re given.”
Throwing back their heads, they drained the dregs, then set the empty mugs on the window ledge.
Then hand in hand, they crouched down and let Fluffy out of her cage.
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