#a singlet-friendly take
bloodheartz · 28 days
Here’s a thing that happened to one of my friends. I was there.
Basically, we were walking down the sidewalk, talking about something meaningless. I think it had to do with a movie. Then this bus screeches up, stops next to us, and a bunch of people with “Down with Singlets” shirts climbed out and started beating him up. I was punched and kicked a bit too, but I managed to avoid brutalization by going for their faces. After figuring out what’s happening, I started attacking them back, getting them off of him. He was quite injured but I called 911 and he made a full recovery at the hospital. I was fine, with only a cut on my arm that they patched up.
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hauntedestheart · 23 days
Ok so I just found and read Security Measures and I’m kinda actually in love with Dante. Do you think he might make a return? Ngl he seems like a prime opportunity for some Consensual Possession(tm) fun for the boys.
Since "Security Measures" is just a bunch of non-linear vignettes I didn't actually have any plans for Dante to return, but this was such a sweet ask that I was inspired to revisit his character!
I wanted to try and explore what "consensual possession" would be like but fair warning, it does get pretty explicit towards the end.
Extra Security: Dante (Male Possession)
A side story from the Security series detailing a meeting between Andy and Dante, the friendly body hopper they met in Security Measures - Bodyhoppers
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Robin's Egg Brew was located right on the edge of campus so despite its eye roll inducing name (and painfully blue decor), it did good business. It was a minor miracle that Andy had managed to snag a seat at a small table because the place was packed with bodies, and while Andy wasn't the type of guy who minded waiting fifteen minutes to get his order, the crowd did present him with a problem- the person he was meeting up with a body hopper, who could be anyone in the room.
Since their first encounter and the subsequent hookup, Dante had become a friend to Andy and a sometimes fuckbuddy whenever the stars aligned for a three-way with Trevor- although his unusual lifestyle meant that they couldn't get together too often. When they did hook up, it was always with Dante's real body (because Trevor said it would be "hypocritical" of them to take advantage of one of Dante's hops), but when it was just him and Andy hanging out as buddies there was no telling who he'd turn up as.
Normally, Dante would send a quick selfie to let Andy know who to look for, but today he was being strangely evasive and had only given his friend one clue.
💪🏿Dante🐇: You'll know it's me- just look for the hottest guy there.
Andy read the text again, humming thoughtfully under his breath, and took another look around. Seated with his back to the wall he had a good vantage point of the rest of the cafe, and he casually took a sip of his coffee as a cover while he eyed the other patrons and tried to scope out which one his friend was hiding inside of.
He'd seen enough of Dante's "conquests" to have a sense for his friend's taste, so he felt pretty confident he could figure it out on his own. The first thing he did was disregard all the women- Dante had explained that while there were hoppers who enjoyed crossing gender lines, he wasn't one of them. There weren't many older people in the cafe, but Dante liked to stick to his own age demographic anyways, so the few that were present were off the list as well.
It was tougher to thin the field after that. Dante had made his preference for bigger guys clear (his jokes about how he wanted to take Andy's stacked body out for another spin always ended with a "hahaha... unless?") but that still left quite a few options. The easy choice was the burly dude who looked like a lumberjack reading by the window, but he had a waxed mustache and Dante would never. There was a guy from the university wrestling team (still in a form fitting singlet, extra points) who seemed like a promising lead, but he was disqualified after his girlfriend showed up and the two started making out.
Andy was still debating between the chubby dude with glasses waiting in line and the gym rat who had just come out of the bathroom when he felt a hand on his shoulder; he instantly lit up when he saw who it was.
"Trevor!" he exclaimed, unable to contain his excitement at the sight of his skinny little brown skinned boyfriend. He squeezed Trevor's hand tight. "You came!"
"'Course I did," Trevor said, smiling back with all his teeth, then he ruffled his own hair with his free hand. "I wouldn't miss out on a chance to see Dante, Dante's the best."
Andy scooted over and patted the space on the bench next to him, slinging his big arm over Trevor's shoulder the second he was seated and nestling his smaller boyfriend into his side possessively. Sometimes Andy worried that he was a bit too clingy in situations like this, but Trevor pressed in closer, so he figured he was in the clear. He held in his sigh of contentment though- he had to maintain some dignity.
"So, have you found Dante yet?" Trevor asked, leaning his head on Andy's strong chest and letting one of his hands idly rest on Andy's abdomen. Andy shook his head.
"Nah, he's being weird about it this time," he replied, taking another glance around the crowd- the chubby guy he'd had his eye on was walking out with a cup of coffee and the gym rat was racing back into the bathroom with a queasy look on his face, so it was back to the drawing board. "No photo or nothing, just said he was gonna be 'the hottest guy here.'"
"Oh really?" Trevor sounded amused. His hand was drifting up and down lazily like he was petting his Andy's abs through his shirt, which was making it a bit hard for the big guy to keep his head on straight, and Trevor peered up at his boyfriend with one raised eyebrow. "Hottest guy here, huh? Tell me, which one of these guys is the hottest to you?"
"Trev," Andy teased, nuzzling the top of his boyfriend's head "No one here is hotter than you."
And Andy knew Trevor had a thing about PDA, but the little guy looked so cute and the moment was so perfect that he couldn't resist leaning down and stealing a quick little peck on the lips. A brief kiss- but it gave Andy pause.
He pulled back and Trevor smiled at him, but Andy's eyes were searching the familiar features of his boyfriend's face for something. His brow furrowed, then he surged forwards and went back in again for another kiss. The one was deeper and more aggressive, with the big guy practically pinning his twinkish companion into the wall as his tongue quested inside of his mouth, but the lightning round make out session ended abruptly with Andy bolting to his feet in shock and his partner falling flat on the bench.
"Dante?" Andy asked, staring down at the form of his boyfriend with shock, and the 'Trevor' in front of him lifted his head up and gave a snort of amusement.
"Damn, that's it?" Dante said, using two fingers to throw Andy a cheeky little salute. "I thought I'd have you going for a few minutes at least. Being friends with normies is making me lose my touch."
Still sprawled out on the bench, the body hopper took a moment to stretch out his borrowed form (making sure to arch Trevor's back and show off his tight little booty in a way that the real Trevor never would) and Andy awkwardly averted his eyes. Then Dante pushed himself to his feet and slipped around the table to claim the empty chair Andy had been saving for him.
"I wish you could have seen what you looked like when you thought I was actually him," Dante gave a good natured roll of his eyes and gestured for his friend to sit down; speechless, Andy complied. "You practically melted into a puddle of butter. I hate how disgustingly cute you two are, it's indecent."
"You hopped Trevor? My Trevor?" Andy shook his head with disbelief, then leaned forwards on his elbows (flexing his biceps to make sure he looked as big as possible) and lowered his voice a bit. "Look man, you're my friend so I don't wanna accuse you of anything, but I... I thought it was clear that Trevor was off-limits."
Dante just smiled and leaned back in his chair, running his hands down the length of Trevor's slender body like he was smoothing out some clothes- but Andy practically growled at him, so he lifted his hands and held them up in a we cool gesture.
"You can settle down loverboy, Trevor was the one who suggested this. Said it would be fun for you to see him being the one to get snatched for once," the body hopper folded his arms behind his head and glanced sideways at them, frowning at how skinny they looked. "And I agreed even though it meant hopping into a twink, so you're welcome for that."
The two young men held eye contact for a moment, Andy looking like he was debating whether or not to explode as he scrutinized the hopper who had stolen his boyfriend's body, but then he let out a sigh and retreated. His fists unclenched and he relaxed back against the booth, body practically deflating as the bluster abandoned him and the tension bled from his big muscles.
"Okay," Andy said, voice still a bit pinched, and he winced at Dante apologetically. "I mean, I trust you man, it's just... you know..."
"Nah man, it's all cool. I get it!" the body hopper shrugged his ethically borrowed shoulders and gave Andy his most charming smile, batting Trevor's pretty eyelashes sweetly up at the boy's boyfriend. "You don't like people fucking with the love of your life, I respect that."
Dante took great pleasure in watching the way that Andy grew all flustered when he said that (it never stopped being funny that such a big guy turned into a blushing schoolgirl whenever it came to Trevor, homeboy was whipped) and he took advantage of the distraction to snatch his friend's coffee cup off the table and steal a sip of it. Considering the fact that they'd been swapping spit a minute ago, he didn't think Andy would mind.
Andy cleared his throat and gestured to the cup. "I would have gotten you your usual but I didn't know if whatever body you were in would like the taste of black coffee with a bunch of caramel in it," then he paused and wrinkled his nose. "Kinda don't know how you like the taste of that either."
Dante snorted and slid the cup back across the table. "Now I know the man who guzzles lemon ginger ale rum isn't coming for my taste..."
"Oh yeah?" Andy crossed his arms and grinned. "Don't lie, I'll bet you wish you were guzzling shit with my tongue right now. Thirsty motherfucker."
Dante rolled his eyes and flipped Andy off, and then the two men burst out laughing. The shared moment gave Andy permission to relax and clear the doubts from his head- they were just two buddies hanging out as usual, nothing weird about it at all.
"I fucking missed you dude, how've you been?" Dante asked, giving Andy a quick once over. The guy was still as ridiculously hot as ever, and Dante wasn't afraid to comment on it. "You're looking good- maybe too good actually, I bet those muscles are like catnip for hoppers. You been snatched lately?"
Andy grinned- he and Trevor liked to keep his "condition" on the down-low (for obvious reasons) so one of the best parts about having a hopper for a friend was having someone to talk to about this kind of stuff. Though Dante could be pretty cagey about certain aspects of being a hopper, it was clear he was in a similar boat, so whenever the two met up they always had wild stories to share.
"No hoppers actually, but I did get caught out by a ghost the other day, and body swapped with a high schooler," Andy reported, shuddering at the memory of being stuck back in puberty for a few days while the kid was out there guzzling beers. "Also a guy from my chemistry class started messing around with astral projection and was taking me out to clubs so Trevor glued his third eye shut."
Dante sucked in a sympathetic breath and winced. "That sounds exactly like something Trevor would do."
"Yeah..." Andy said softly, and there was a moment where he looked at Dante with this fond look in his eyes before he remembered that he wasn't it real Trevor. Dante pretended not to notice and let Andy recover with a sip of coffee. "How about you, man? Haven't heard from you in a minute, you kinda dropped off the map for a bit."
"I was on tv, if you can believe it," Dante said, nodding cockily as Andy flung his hands up shouted "DUDE!" at the top of his lungs. He inspected the back of Trevor's hand nonchalantly as he spun his yarn. "Managed to hop a guy who was on a reality dating show but didn't realize it meant I'd get sequestered for like a month- coulda hopped out but, well, I wanted to win. I'll show you later, it's on Netflix." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "I was totally the fan favorite, made sure they got lots of shots of his big old ass."
"Ah yes, Dante, the biggest ass man I know," Andy teased, and Dante didn't even bother trying to deny it- especially when sitting in front of one of his favorite asses he'd ever hopped. "That's insane dude. And a month- that's a long time for you stay in one guy, right?"
"Yup, set a new record for myself actually," Dante said proudly, grateful for the chance to flex his hopping prowess a bit, and the two fist bumped.
Andy leaned forwards, excited. "Did you win the show?"
"Buddy," Dante raised an eyebrow. "That's a spoiler."
The two chatted for a while, trading a few more stories, complaining about the latest updates to some of their multiplayer games, making plans to watch an upcoming movie- to any onlooker who knew Andy & Trevor, it might have even looked like a normal date between the two boyfriends. It wasn't until later, after the barista called out Dante's name (well, Trevor's name) and he got up to go collect his drink, that Dante caught Andy staring at him with a strange look on his face.
The body hopper stood still for a moment, staring blankly back at his friend from behind the face of his boyfriend, then he sighed and plunked himself down on the bench next to Andy.
"This is weird for you, huh?" he asked, setting his coffee down on the table then leaning back against the booth and looking sideways at Andy. Andy looked like he might try to protest, but Dante decided to be nice and let him off the hook. "I'm not offended, Trevor said it was gonna be a little awkward."
"It's just weird," Andy admitted with a shrug, suddenly struggling to look over at his friend Dante. "Don't get me wrong, I'm cool with you being a hopper, but usually you show up as some random guy I've never met. Seeing it happen to someone I'm so close to, it's..."
His voice trailed off and Andy studied Trevor's face, his favorite face in the whole world, but it wasn't really his boyfriend's face. Trevor didn't squeeze his cheeks like that. Trevor didn't flare his nostrils like that. The look in his eyes was completely different. This wasn't him.
It was especially strange because he'd gotten used to picking out Dante's different little quirks no matter what body he was in, so seeing them plastered onto Trevor of all people just felt... wrong.
And Trevor has to deal with seeing me like this all the time, Andy thought to himself, feeling guilty as he threw another entry onto the giant list of things he felt he owed his boyfriend for.
Emotions played out very visibly on Andy's face and as Dante watched his turmoil, for a second, he felt a twinge of guilt. But he shook it off pretty quickly- a hopper never felt bad about taking someone's body, least of all one they were invited into.
Still, Andy was his friend, so he rubbed his friend on his hulking shoulder and smiled sympathetically. "You know I wouldn't hurt him."
"I know that, you're a cool guy and I didn't mean to-" Andy gestured vaguely at the air with his hands, hoping that his gesture articulated what he felt without words, and Dante nodded his acceptance. Then, curiously, Andy glanced around to see if anyone was listening before leaning in close and nudging Dante on the side. "Look, Dante, I gotta ask... man to man... what's it like in there? How do you feel?"
Dante furrowed his brow- Andy usually held back questions about Dante's lifestyle, so the question came a bit out of the blue. "How do I feel?"
"Sorry, is that like, a racist question to ask a hopper?" Andy winced and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "I just know you've been in a lot of guys before and since it's Trevor I'm... curious."
"Nah, you're fine, it's just not usually something hoppers talk about much," Dante paused for a moment, weighing his options, and then he shrugged. "But I guess since it's your boyfriend's body, it's only fair."
Andy leaned forwards, not even bothering to hide the way curiosity radiated off of him. Hoppers valued secrecy above all else, so Andy always tried to listen whenever Dante was willing to drop some nuggets of wisdom- and besides, Trevor would definitely want to hear about it later.
Dante rubbed at his chest (Trevor has NO pecs, he thought glumly) and stared into the distance, pondering how to best explain it to a non-hopper. It wasn't something he thought hard about often, and he talked about it still less.
"Did you know that babies are born knowing how to swim?" he began, and Andy looked a bit confused, but this was as simple as Dante was going to be able to make it so he just kept going. "Babies can actually swim really well, but their brains don't hold on to the information so they lose it as they grow up. Hoppers don't forget."
"And humans are like... pools. Anyone can jump into a pool if they know how to swim, but some are gonna be easier to swim in than others," the hopper paused and licked his lips, staring dreamily at Andy's hunky body. "Slipping into you, my friend, is like slipping into a hot tub. You're a spa day. A four star luxury vacation."
Andy crossed his arms and frowned. "Seriously?"
"What? It's a compliment!" Dante gave his friend a shit eating grin, which faded to something a bit more serious a moment later as he looked down at the hands he was currently using. "Slipping into Trevor is like diving headfirst into the Pacific Ocean. I don't know if I'd still be in him right now if he didn't want me here- I gotta give it to him, he's a tough little dude."
"He sure is..." Andy mumbled wistfully, staring at Trevor's body with that puppy dog look in his eyes again, and the moment was getting a bit too sentimental so Dante had to course correct.
"And he's got tight little body too," he said, leaning back and pulling Trevor's shirt up so he could look down at his stomach- while he didn't have crazy abs like his boyfriend, he was flat and had some decent tone to him. "You know that I'm usually all about the big guys but I'm kinda digging how compact everything in here is. I was worried I was gonna feel like a scarecrow but he's not that bad- his butt is a lot bigger than you'd expect too, especially for his frame."
"Trust me, I'm very familiar with Trevor's butt," Andy commented, then he reached over and tugged Trevor's shirt back down protectively. Dante pouted. "And I should have known you were gonna comment on it- if there's one thing Dante's gonna do, it's focus on a guy's butt."
"I can talk about his dick too if it makes you feel better," Dante taunted, then he spread his legs and palmed at the bulge in the front of his pants- Andy looked scandalized, but there was nothing he could do to stop it without risking drawing attention, and the hopper made sure to stare right into his eyes as he toyed with his boyfriend's dick. "It's cute! Not the biggest, but what it lacks in size, it makes up for in tenacity. Trevor is horny- I don't know how he keeps the whole 'shy' act up when this thing is practically spring loaded and his balls seem to have some kind of infinite cum hammer space inside of them."
"I know what you mean..." The thought of Trevor's penis stirred up happy memories for Andy, and he smiled fondly. "You know how Trevor and I swapped before we got together? That was the first time I saw his dick and it had me losing my mind- I jacked off three times before I went to go find him."
"See?" Dante squeezed Trevor's privates one more time before releasing them with a grin. "People give hoppers so much shit for messing around with guys, but put one of you inside of a hottie's body and you're exactly the same as us. We're all just after the same things in life."
"Speaking of which..." he said ominously.
Without warning, Dante hoisted himself up and flipped around so he was sitting on top of Andy, straddling his lap and pressing their bodies close together in a completely shameless display of public affection. The real Trevor would never dare to be caught in such a position, which is what made it so fun for Dante- and the look of complete shock on Andy's face was priceless.
"What the fuck Dante?" Andy exclaimed, glancing around wildly to make sure no one was looking. His hands shot out on instinct and curled around Trevor's skinny waist as he tried to stabilize his body so he wouldn't fall, and it only made the scene appear more lascivious, and Dante was living his best life.
"What? Did you think that Trevor let me hop him so the two of us could sit here and complain about patch notes?" The body hopper tilted his head back dramatically and shook out Trevor's hair like a porn star peacocking for the camera, checking to see if anyone in the crowded cafe had noticed them (many of them had and were staring with mixed shock and amusement) then he snapped back up with a wicked glint in his eye. "Nah man, this is business. We're here to bang."
He hammered his point in with his butt, flexing it so the round cheeks would caress the fat bulge they were resting on top of, and Andy's dick (in a Pavlovian response to the feeling of Trevor's body) instantly sprang to attention and tried to fight its way through their pants to get to Trevor's hole.
"Shit man, I didn't think it was possible, but you feel even bigger right now," Dante ground down on the bulge and groaned with delight, drawing even more eyes to them. "Maybe that's one nice thing about being smaller."
"Dante, people are gonna see us," Andy squeaked- he meant to growl, but because of the way his belly was flipping he was lucky he was able to get any words out at all.
"Oh no!" Dante gasped, glancing around with mock surprise, then he turned back to Andy and curled Trevor's face into a smile so lecherous that would never belong to the real boy.
He pressed his hands onto Andy's pecs, savoring the feeling of those huge muscle tits of his through his shirt, and gave them a rough squeeze. Andy groaned, eyes almost rolling back up into his head as he fought to keep himself under control. "
We wouldn't want them to think you're cheating on your boyfriend. Wait-" Dante laughed. "I guess that's not really a problem right now! I guess the bigger problem is they might start to think that your sweet little boyfriend is a shameless whore."
"Actually, do you wanna know a secret?" Dante asked, and he leaned in close to Andy's ear so no one else would hear him. Trevor's dick was fully at attention now and he rutted it lazily into Andy's belly, feeling the ridges of his abs even through multiple layers of clothes, and he let the lust he was experiencing leach into his voice. "I wasn't wearing anything when I hopped him. I'm completely exposed inside of him right now and I've been sitting here this whole time, butt naked behind your boyfriend's face, and no one had a clue. Not even you," he teased, nipping at Andy's ear, and felt the man's massive body shiver. "Kinda feels naughty, huh?"
"Dante-" Andy began, chest heaving with heavy breaths, but Dante placed one Trevor's fingers on his lips and silenced him.
"Shhh," he whispered, unable to resist the urge to milk the moment. "Trevor's gonna kill me when he gets his body back and found out I made him act like this in public but come on, he can't blame me! Doesn't he look so hot like this? Doesn't it make you wanna just rip his pants off and bend him over this table and-"
"Sorry guys," said the mildly irritated looking barista who'd been tasked with interrupting their inappropriate display. "You can't be doing that in here."
Dante schooled his expression and turned over his shoulder to apologize (Trevor would never forgive him if he got them banned from this cafe, and for his own safety Dante liked to stay on Trevor's good side) but Andy beat him to the punch.
"We were just leaving anyways," Andy said, practically throwing Dante to his feet and dragging him out the door in record time. They left their coffees on the table.
Like most hoppers, Dante had a somewhat complicated relationship with his own body, especially when it came to sex. He was so painfully average in terms of height, build, and appearance, why bother using his boring old form when he could just go out and find a better one? That was one of the charming things about Andy & Trevor- they wanted to fuck around with him, not just whoever he could be for the night.
(And it didn't hurt that the couple were both hot as fuck.)
But at his core, Dante was still a hopper, and every now and then he managed to talk his fuckbuddies into some well-deserved possession play. Andy was okay with being used as long as he knew what was coming, so Dante would slide inside of him and worship that incredible body of his while Trevor watched.
He and Andy would take turns fucking Trevor, using the big guy's heaven sent dick to plow away at the twink's hole while Dante slipped in and out of the hunk's back, trading off control so Trevor never knew who was the one screwing him. Sometimes he'd even switch positions mid-fuck, pulling out of Trevor and letting the smaller guy take a crack at Andy's juicy ass so when Dante gave Andy control again it felt like he went from the top to the bottom in the blink of an eye. Andy's body really was the ultimate sex toy!
But this was his first time using Trevor, and it was a completely different world. When he slipped into Andy he felt powerful and in charge, a Hercules with a dick to match, but slipping into Trevor was the opposite. Slipping into Trevor made him feel... vulnerable, especially once he was on all fours and there was a giant man rocking up behind him to make him his bitch.
Dante had bottomed for Andy in his real body so he had firsthand experience of what it was like to have all that muscle bearing down on him (not to mention practice taking that giant dick of his), but his body had some healthy inches and pounds on Trevor's body that apparently made a lot of difference because he felt like he might snap in half at any second as Andy bottomed out inside of his borrowed hole.
"You make his ass feel different," Andy grunted, clinging tightly to Trevor's hips and holding still for a moment to give his partner time to adjust before he began rocking back and forth slowly. "Is that crazy to say?"
"Not at all," Dante reassured him, his voice a bit strained as he himself being filled up with inch after glorious inch of Andy. The sensation of that massive tool pressing against his walls was... incredible, and seemed heightened with his new nerve endings. "Your dick- fuck -feels different in his ass than mine."
Andy froze mid-thrust and grabbed at his partner's shoulder, touching concern radiating from his eyes. "Am I hurting you?"
"Actually, I think it's easier as him than as me," Dante admitted- part of why he avoided bottoming in other bodies was that he never knew what the person's limits would be, but he'd been surprised by how eagerly Trevor's hole stretched for Andy (especially considering the size of the battering ram being shoved into him) and how quickly his slender body was relaxing into it. "Your boyfriend is tougher than he looks."
"Oh, good," Andy looked relieved and resumed the motion of his thrusts, but the movements were still slow and a bit tentative. Dante could tell from experience (internal and external) that he was holding back.
The hopper huffed out in frustration- what was the point of Trevor letting Andy fuck him like he fucked his boyfriend if the stud was gonna screw him like a stranger? Seemed like a waste of two hot bodies.
"That all you got?" Dante taunted, glancing back over his shoulder and rolling his eyes at Andy. "I've been inside of that body, I know what it can do. You need me to take over? Because I know I'd do twice as good a job using all that meat of yours to destroy your boyfriend's sweet little ass. I'll do it myself if you aren't feeling man enough."
And there was something very Trevor-like about the way Dante looked while he said that that made Andy grin... because if Dante wanted to get fucked like he was Trevor, Andy could fuck him like he was Trevor. He just didn't know if the hopper was prepared for it.
"Challenge accepted," Andy growled, and he started going at it in earnest, and Dante shut the hell up.
The two fucked hot and heavy for a while, and after a few minutes with Andy going at full force, Dante had to admit that the guy definitely knew what he was doing when it came to Trevor's body. He was hitting all of the right spots (some of which were deep inside him) and he was kind of jealous that Andy never pulled these moves on him when he was in his own body, but he also had his doubts about whether his own body could stand up to him like Trevor's could. He had severely underestimated the durability of this skinny little body- maybe twinks aren't so bad after all.
Trevor's dick was swinging back and forth between his legs as his body shook and Andy reached down and seized it, one of his huge hands teasing up and down its length and squeezing it with just the right amount of pressure, and Dante knew he was a goner. But he wasn't quite done with his fun yet, so the body hopper grunted out a warning to Andy, and then made his move.
Trevor rocketed back into control of his body and barely had a second to process where he was (his bedroom) and what was going on (Andy's dick was in his ass) before the orgasm hit him. There was no time to muffle himself like he usually did so he wound up shrieking wild expletives in Spanish as his cock erupted all over the bed, and he barely had the strength to keep himself propped up on his elbows as his partner continued to plow him all through his climax and kept the pace up even after he'd spilled out every drop of cum in his balls.
"Surprise," Andy's voice rumbled behind him, but Trevor wasn't fooled for a second. The angle of the thrust was all wrong.
"That wasn't fair Dante," Trevor panted- though he was still riding the high of endorphins and it was taking most of his energy just to cope with the feeling of his insides being stretched out, he mustered up the attitude necessary to turn his head and glower at the man topping him. The body hopper gave him a cheeky wink and a slap on the ass before his eyes flicked lower and he got distracted watching the way Andy's giant pecs bounced every time he thrusted.
While Trevor couldn't blame the hopper for looking (it was an impressive sight), he did think it was a bit rude to ogle his boyfriend while actively fucking him, so out of a twisted sense of revenge, Trevor flexed something deep inside himself and made his hole tighten in that way he knew drove Andy wild.
Dante didn't stand a chance. "Holy shit, what the fuck did you-"
Trevor watched over his shoulder as Andy's whole body tensed and the real Dante slipped out of his back, and barely a split second later the climax came. Andy gave a series of deep, guttural groans, his body wracked with pleasure, and Trevor felt heavy pulsing in his ass as Andy's balls emptied into the condom.
Both of them collapsed onto the bed, Andy's softening cock still buried deep inside Trevor as his hulking body smothered his smaller partner, and but he was feeling too boneless to move so he just mumbled out an apology and laid there and let the twink luxuriate in the feeling of being buried beneath a mountain of hot, sweaty muscle.
Dante stood above them, harder than he'd ever been in his life as he stared down at the tangle of debauched men before him, and he only had to jerk his own cock a few times before he was adding his own load to the mess already splattered across the pair. He collapsed on the bed next to them, spent and raw after what was basically the longest orgasm of his life, and watched out of the side of his eye as Andy and Trevor adjusted their positions so they could lie face to face with each other. Andy reached down and brushed Trevor's bangs away from his eyes, and Trevor gently took his hand, and it was all so Disney that Dante could barely watch.
"Fuck!" Dante grunted out, flopping onto his back and talking to the ceiling rather than the sickeningly in love couple next to him, and he grinned with all his teeth. "I've always wanted to try my double orgasm trick with three people, that was insane!"
As soon as he felt like he could move again (look at that, he thought, the body hopper not being in control of his body) he threw his legs over the side of the bed and stood up, looking away so Andy and Trevor could have a private moment together. Instead, he wobbled his way over to their television and pulled out the remote, flipping the screen on and navigating to Netflix.
Trevor caught what he was doing and pushed himself up, away from Andy's embrace, though he kept one hand on his boyfriend's chest as he called across the room towards their hookup with an exasperated look on his face.
"Dante, you're our friend, but no matter how good the sex was I am not watching that shitty reality show you were on," he said flatly, but then Andy nestled his head onto Trevor's shoulder, murmured something into his ear, and the twink relented with a sigh. "Okay, a few episodes, and no one can get mad at me for rolling my eyes."
Dante smiled. It was always fun when the three of them could get together.
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year
i hope this isn't, like, a rude or bad question to ask, i'm asking out of curiosity, is there a difference between being plural and being a system? or are they just the same thing?
i'm making a discord server that's just a nice place for people to come and hang out, and obviously i want to make it a safe space for plurals and systems as well. would be silly if i didn't considering i'm best friends with a system. but i don't know if i should say "plurals/systems" with stuff that applies to those groups, or if maybe there's one word i should use over the other. or maybe there's an entirely different word i could use to refer to both groups
i hope this makes sense, i just got home from walking a lot so i'm a little tired admittedly lolol
(also if you could give me some tips on how to make my server plural/system friendly that would literally be awesome since i'm a... singlet (i think that's the term) and unfortunately know very little about that sort of stuff)
yes and no!
plural is used to be more inclusive, as every system identifies as plural, but not every plural identifies as a system
there are many individuals who identify as plural that may not identify as a system! for example, there are people with DID who identify as a person with alters, and would rather be identified primarily as a plural person. there are others who prefer other terms like collective, group, bunch, and so on that may just dislike the term system. i'm not the world's biggest fan of it, myself, but i use it because i haven't found another term i like better
they can be used interchangeably, however, depending on the people and the context. ultimately i'd say if you word it as a plural/plurality focused space, you'll get your point across, but you can also clarify that it's open to systems and other terms that are used by plural communities
you can add the bots PluralKit and TupperBox to help out the plurals who do join who use them, so that they can have an easier time letting their headmates talk, and overall just try to let people know that you're a singlet but that you're open minded and wanting to create a space that isn't exclusive to but welcomes plurals. i think if you let people know you're learning it helps, sometimes people like the chance to help teach others how to be chill with something they aren't quite familiar with yet
you can always take a little bit of time to research basic plural terms and whatnot, morethanone.info is handy, and help other singlets understand that plurality is normal and chill, it should be an enjoyable endeavor for you! it helps when there's a singlet to help other singlets understand, sometimes it can be difficult for plurals to get the point across to those who can't quite grasp it
hope that helps! hope everything goes well, take care! let us know if you need anything else
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caution-we-bite · 19 hours
Welcome to The Plural Way of Life!
The server was originally owned by @dystopia4dysphoria-deactivated2 ; you may have seen the original ad for the server on its tumblr. Now, the server is run by user @feinjamjam and the incredible staff!
This is a pro-endo, inclusive server centered around the experience of plurality. The server is for minors and adults ranging from ages 13 -> 39. Any respectful plural of any origin is allowed in this server; respectful singlets are also allowed.
What can we offer?
- A friendly community
- Helpful staff
- Verification system to avoid antis and trolls
- Name / pronoun help
- Vent channels
- No rules against littles being in the main chat
- Voice channels for streaming and hangouts
- Fun bots like poketwo and Mimu
- Currency and economy system
- Private room channels you may purchase
- Plural category including channels like the “plural culture is” channel and the “plural discussions” channel
Q: I'm [system origin], am I allowed to join?
A: Yes! Any system of any origin is allowed, as long as you are respectful and kind!
Q: What if I don't know if I'm a system? Would I still be allowed to join?
A: Yes! Anyone may join! Including systems, questioning systems, and singlets. As long as you're respectful and kind!
Q: Are you accepting staff applications?
A: Yes!
Q: I have a problem with someone in the server. How would I handle that?
A: You can always create a ticket in the tickets channel to let the staff know if you have any issues! However, if you start any drama or add to it, we will kindly ask you to take it to DM's.
Q: I use a typing quirk, is that okay?
A: It's perfectly okay! Just keep in mind that if someone asks you to stop using it, especially if they use a screen reader, you should respect that! Staff will also have to respect that because we are all equal here!
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simplyaskfellowplural · 10 months
General Guide 2:
"How to be Accessible in Plural Resources?"
Idea from 💙 - Created and written by 🖤 (He/Him)
For this Guide, we'll be talking about organizing your Simply plural, Pluralkit, or any other bio information, along with member information, and being accessible when using aesthetic symbols to make borders, or even aesthetic fonts to make things look pretty.
Very often systems forget about accessibility when it comes to making their information readable and understandable, and while some people might find it difficult or might clash with their visual wants, this clashes extremely harshly for systems and singlets who use screen readers if they're visually impaired, or have visual processing issues. We personally use a screen reader nearly 80% of the time, while it has to be activated. That's for really long paragraphs (like they take up the entire screen or almost half of it) or even just a small 3-4 sentences can be a bit of a challenge for us to stick to reading.
Below is a miniature list on how this guide will be formatted
What is considered inaccessible for screen readers and what would be considered visually cluttered?
Why are these aesthetic symbols so unreadable with screen readers? Why is it important to make my members/information accessible?
What are good alternatives to making my information readable, while also getting my aesthetic wants fulfilled?
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"What is considered inaccessible for screen readers and what would be considered visually cluttered?"
There are specific things that can be visually cluttered, as well as inaccessible to a screen reader.
While in some cases it can be one of the same, something visually very cluttered can usually be very non screenreader friendly.
Something being extremely visually cluttered can look like a bunch of random symbols back to back, especially symbols that don't match each other or aren't helping create balance. It's hard to give a good example without actively using other people's templates that might seem cluttered. But it's generally a good practice within using symbols, small amounts are good, large amounts are only if you're able to balance it out appropriately with the text, and with other information. If anyone reading this has a more straightforward example of crowded and cluttered templates and uses of aesthetic symbols do share!
Another area of something being too cluttered is walls and walls of text. And no punctuation. Having hard stops, soft stops or just generally using any punctuation can make your text and Information go from hard to comprehend and even read, to easy to understand. As well as helping out screenreaders read something out loud and speak relatively naturally.
Now, within this, let's talk about screenreaders and how they aren't able to process aesthetic fonts and such. Some are, but this is an example of what some Aesthetics sound depending on your screenreader/voiceover. For our screenreader for Android, ours skips over and doesn't even read some fonts, and or can't even find the actual text.
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"Why are these aesthetic symbols so unreadable with screen readers? Why is it important to make my members/information accessible?"
Generally, some of these symbols and fonts are generally either unreadable and the screenreader doesn't even see text, or, they're extremely readable to where it reads all the symbols' independent properties. For our screenreader, a lot of symbols are simple, but with a lot of templates, they use the same repeat symbols, which visually it is very nice, but hearing: "Flower dark symbol This is our page flower dark symbol. Downward right curved arrow age - 18 downward right curved arrow gender - female..."
And so on, meanwhile it looks like this:
❀ This is our page ❀
↳ Age - 18
↳ Gender - Female
It's generally important to recognize if you're on the Internet, people who use screenreaders will interact with your content or even if you're friends with a lot of people or acquaintances, screenreaders are important! Especially when trying to convey certain important information that you yourself might deem important. Having your member information on generally any site you use accessible to at least being understood is important. Alt text is something not established on certain platforms but you can still add your own version of alt text (alternative text), especially for pictures and videos.
For us, the amount of friends we have on Simply Plural that use aesthetics is plenty, but some of their aesthetics can be impossible to be read by the screenreader we use, or just generally impossible to read visually. Where letters are curved or shaped and manipulated in such a way it's difficult to read. This is between reading a member's name, vs. reading their extremely important interaction status.
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"What are good alternatives to making my information readable, while also getting my aesthetic wants fulfilled?"
A good starting place is to seek out aesthetic symbols that are not language based! This means not using な, or even other symbols from other languages as "cute marks". Here's a good place to find a bunch of assorted non-language based symbols!
Other good things to do when creating templates, or anything with aesthetic like symbols or fonts:
Practice in a notes section or private areas and create a practice template with your desired symbols. Try to remember if possible less is better depending on your needs!
Try activating your primary or even other devices screenreader/voice over! Have it read aloud your text/template to you. Try it on multiple devices or even ask others online to use their screenreader to read it, see how it reads the template.
Practice understanding accessibility devices relating to how the Internet works. Like alt text for images and videos. The amount of times we've been so sad when our favorite type of comic doesn't add alt text to their images..
Try to think ahead of what you want to say or explain, type exclusively and don't rush it!
Ask questions! Be open to answers! If you ask if something is accessible to someone or multiple people, and majority say no, process it and make it more accessible!
"Why should I use other devices?": Because not all screenreaders read the same! Some fully read everything including punctuation, some can't read certain symbols correctly like € or ≈. Not all screenreaders will read exactly how our phone reads, and not all screenreaders will read exactly like your computer might.
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Ending Notes
While we feel like we could have done better on this guide, we truly wanted to at least get a conversation started in some way! At least on our page. We definitely covered what we truly wanted to, which was the inaccessible nature of aesthetic symbols and fonts and screenreaders. But we do have a lot more to go within understanding other accessibility devices. If anyone would like to pitch in and offer more points to this or even other tips, please feel free to!
For other Guides for Plural Apps / Websites / Resources, check out our List!
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thalassic-p4rk · 10 months
specifically systems that collectively love or have a headmate who loves the octonauts!!
ok, so!! i was thinking!! would anyone be interested in an octonauts discord server made specifically with systems in mind? no shade to other octonauts servers, i love the one we’re in and just joined another and can’t wait to hang out there! it’s just that servers in this fandom esp don’t tend to be very accessible yk? in our experience anyways. again, no shade! but aids like pk and general sys awareness seems to be lacking from what we’ve seen.
this would be a non-rp server, with bots like pk (tupper too if anyone wants it) restricted to use by systems as aides only. also, no endos or endo-supporters. sorry, but no fuck that.
would anyone be interested? singlets welcome too ofc, but this would be a safe place for systems to talk and express themselves unmasked about octonauts and stuff in general! cuz woo boy, masking is exhausting, and for some reason even more so online. im tired of it, my fictive headmates especially are really tired of it, and it would be great to have a safe place to talk as ourselves as individuals yk? anyone else feel the same? the idea is nice in theory, but it would be kinda pointless if no one actually joins it, yk? either way its gonna take a minute to set up and everything, but would anyone be interested?
pls reblog so the poll can reach as many systems in the fandom as possible! spread the chaos spread the word!
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snowysematary · 2 months
Discord servers who say they’re “system friendly” and then make you do an entire verification process after you already did the “regular”verification (designed for singlets) are not system friendly servers.
It’s like when job applications have the specific category that you have to check if you’re hispanic (i am hispanic)
Why do i have to fill out 20 extra questions to prove I have this disorder? I understand answering one or two questions but having an entire separate thing just SCREAMS “i have no idea what systems are so im gonna give them a hard time getting into my server with 20 members”
- sunri & stan
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
It's amazing how insistant anti-endos are on claiming you are pro-transid when you have repeatedly said you are neutral. It's like they are grasping at straws; like they can't find a legitimate reason to hate you so they decide to just make one up even if it means going against reality.
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Thanks anons!
It's genuinely a little fascinating how people are just openly spreading misinformation about me.
I mean, I guess I can somewhat sympathize with the "anyone who is friendly with transID people is pro-TransID, regardless of their identity" thing on some level. I'm certainly quick to call people espousing anti-endo rhetoric anti-endos, even if they identify as something like "anti-misinformation," or "endo-critical." (Though, that last one feels way too close to TERFs wanting to identify as gender-critical. Who thought that would be a good label?)
Although... I do find it funny how so many people are like "you don't get to have an opinion on trace stuff because you're white," I respond with "okay, I don't have an opinion and am going to be neutral then," and then they're like "see, she's an evil pro-transID'er!"
Like, guys... do you want me to have an opinion or not?
It's kind of funny to tell me I don't get to have one, and then also try to assign one to me when I don't want to form one.
But the most amazing claim from that is definitely that I told someone to "force themselves to dissociate TO THE POINT THEY SEE THEMSELVES IN THIRD PERSON/CANNOT PROPERLY THINK"
Does anyone have any clue?
Who is the someone?
Like, I referenced my switching guide before as maybe being where the third person thing came from. But I didn't tell someone that. It's just a general guide. And it definitely doesn't say to dissociate to the point you can't properly think, unless you're going to take the route that switching is "not thinking properly." Which I guess... maybe by a singlet's standards?
But again, it's not something I told someone specific. So... I don't actually think that's what this is about.
Usually, I can get some basic idea of where a claim originated before it grew out or proportion, but I'm completely lost here.
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plural-aita · 9 months
AITA for maintaining my singlet spouse has to apologize directly to one of us? (tw groping, tw sex)
We (bodily nearly 30) are plural and our ages, species, and time spent fronting vary considerably. The alter in question will be referred to as ⚱️(she/they, ageless). ⚱️is nonhuman, think dnd warforged. She is a delight, but fronts rather infrequently and tends to struggle with human norms. Things like basic fashion (which, girl same), tone, the minutia of body language. She is, without meaning to be, rather mechanical. It's okay, we're autistic and it just kinda gets read as that.
Set dressing out of the way, Our Partner, let's call him 🧸, is well aware of our plurality and is in committed relationships with several of us. He however, imho, fumbled the ball dealing with taking ⚱️ to a social gathering recently.
⚱️ is absolutely friendly, and will happily chat! And almost all our close friends are aware of her and know she's just a little different. These are not close friends. 🧸 found a little corner away from the socializing entirely to play MTG with the party's host (only other person we really knew there). Just kinda leaving ⚱️ to the metaphorical wolves.
In addition, in attendance is someone who groped us *Twice* in high school. Not fantastic, unsure why 🧸 keeps hanging around her. But that's another post entirely. ⚱️, however is mostly nonplused. She didn't exist at the time, didn't happen to her, ya know, dissociative barriers.
We'll call groper 🐼. 🐼's sense of humor is... Just kinda being mean and people find that endearing? I don't. But ⚱️, rather than being annoyed like most of us would be, thought she was doing something wrong. 🐼 at one point called ⚱️'s outfit "Homeless Witch-core". And, again, most of us would just think she's, pardon my language, a bitch. But ⚱️'s takeaway was that she was human-ing incorrectly.
🧸 does dick all in response. After ⚱️ stated she felt like she was doing something wrong and apologized for overstepping her role, 🧸 did goose egg. ⚱️, who previously was making real strides in attempts to mask as more human, starts to shut down, falling back on harsh mechanical movements. Only speaking when spoken to. Doing only what she's told, barring chores. Asking for nothing. Barely eating unless absolutely necessary for function (which is extra weird, cause she loves experiencing new foods!) Tucks herself out of the way as much as possible, like a roomba setting itself back on its charging stand when not in use. All of this is happening while ⚱️ is still fronting mind you.
🧸 does nothing. Happily still gets laid (yeah, I certainly have opinions on that one.).
⚱️ eventually leaves the front and just. Hasn't really been okay sense. Firmly believes she's at fault for trying to appear human. Thinks she's faulty. Has, on multiple occasions, tried to get her closer in-system friends to examine her inner workings, to see if something is broken or needs replaced.
So, more than one of us, seeing ⚱️ in this state, think 🧸 should apologize to her. He knows her well, was informed how she felt, and just left her to fall into all of that. Didn't try to help. All while happily (for him) getting play.
Are we TA for telling him should apologize to her directly?
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healerelowen · 10 months
Can you tell me about system po3?
YES!!!! OFC I CAN 100%!!!/V POS
The system!p03 au is an au that was created by my friend who was a part of a system themselves. It basically followed P03(Poe) being the host of a system compiling of the Uberbots. The Archivist(Ark) is the gate keeper, The Photographer(Lee) and Unfinished Boss(Vellum, Vel for short) are both emotional holders, and G0lly(Golly) is the cohost. Lee is an emotional holder for anger while Vel holds anxiety. With the system as a whole being called PO3.
It didn't start out with Poe being the host and Golly was the singlet that split from trauma and hatred from the other three Scrybes. She made Ark, Lee and Vellum, alters based on the Scrybes she used to admire. However, being a host was degrading for Golly so she came up with an alter that would be able to take on that role instead of her. And thus came Poe, an alter who was stemmed from her irritation and resentment, that became the host of the system as Golly intended while she stepped down to be the cohost.
Golly there after becoming the cohost became the oblivious and innocent Golly that we see her as in-game. But she does have lucid moments where she's more toned down and less oblivious. Not entirely 180, but certainly a noticeable change. The workers don't really say anything about this change, though Vel is close to the Dredger and are very good friends.
In terms of personality;
Poe(he/it) is very arrogant and rude to those around him. Really only focuses on working and doesn't really pay anything else much attention unless it affects his work. But if someone were close enough, he would banter with them a LOT. All in good fun of course, and will stop the teasing if he sees their not doing okay. The Dredger is basically his dad pretty much I don't think I need to explain that.
Ark(she/her) is highly flirtatious and playful, especially with those close to her. It's more playful than anything else, not trying to find a quick grab and go. In fact, it's a bit of a difficult task to worm into her heart. But for anyone who does, she's a very loving and physically affectionate partner. Highly respectful of boundaries and notifies the system as soon as she can.
Lee(it/its) is more reserved and quiet. Since it holds anger in the system, its highly irritable, though it does make noticeable attempts to control its anger. The drone is its friend and is never seen without them. Ever. Avoids company if they frequent at first, fearful that it might lose its temper on them. Though overtime, and with more proper introduction, Lee becomes more accustomed to them and if the right cards are played, is a very caring and dedicated partner. Its very sweet and loves holding them and going on walks in the forest with them. Has a hobby in gardening actually.
Vellum(no pronouns) is even more reserved and avoidant than Lee is. Its not because Vel doesn't like people or anything, the bot just is very socially anxious and hates being forced to verbalize at all. Though very slowly, Vel does come around to simply sitting in the same room as someone close to the system. A very calm and understanding person is benifical for Vel and definitely helps the bot overcome a lot of initial anxiety Vel has. Very attentive and tries to give more comfort in company than anything else.
Golly(she/her) is energetic and over-the-top. Very social and friendly but her excitement can quickly become overbearing. She loves big and expresses big and definitely loves giving affection platonic or romantic whenever she gets the chance. Hugs are her go-to and won't let go unless you tell her to. But if you aren't careful those hugs can become cuddles so be warned/lh
but yeah I can go into other details but I wanted to at least give that much of an explanation. Have a good rest of your day/night friend! ^^
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hopefulstarfire · 2 years
hi friendly advice from someone who works in jewelry repair and specifically receives the rings that need to be sized and or cleaned;
do not spend thousands of dollars on a ring, whether it be for yourself or a partner. they are the ugliest fucking thing i have ever seen in my life. they're all tacky. get the more affordable rings they're prettier and more practical.
also take your ring off when you go to wash your hands or shower or anything if it has an opal in there just in case. singlet and doublet opals can't be in prolonged exposure to water.
go to small businesses if you want some cool rings but if you get it from jcpenney please go in store and not online. they are far more expensive online.
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Who We Are
This secondary Tumblr belongs to a system of varied origins and will be used as a space for us to record our shenanigans. We're a mixed-origin system and pretty chill -- that's probably all you need to know.
If you have somehow found your way here and have questions, throw an ask over the fence, and we might answer.
When we started this blog, there were three of us. Since then, that number has grown slightly, and rather than editing this post, we made a little note:
We do what most people do: go hiking, consume far too much media, occasionally write (however poorly), and try to make life work from one day to the next.
We're endo-friendly, and, frankly, just friendly in general.
Our take, as a whole, is, "live and let live."
Bullshit discourse about types of systems, shipping, and whatever other garbage passes for outrage will be utterly ignored. We're adults (except Kai, who isn't allowed on Tumblr) who're disinterested in the latest puritanical nonsense. We will occasionally post about our experiences in the syscourse tag because it turns out that our existence is somehow a discussion point.
Just in case, let me be clear on behalf of our system:
Systems and singlets -- basically anyone you come across -- are people and should be treated with kindness and dignity afforded all human beings. It's not controversial. It's not discourse. It's basic decency.
My personal opinion is that I want to be treated like a person, so I endeavor to do the same for others.
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salmonellaandcheese · 2 years
Tag Game To Better Know You!
Tagged by the lovely and talented @lady--lisa (So sorry for taking so long! I didn't forget! I just couldn't figure out a way to copy all the questions easily on mobile)
If you saw the first version of this no u didnt
What book are you currently reading?
I'm halfway through Anne of Avolea by L.M Montgomery and a few chapters into the Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett. I really should read more, I used to devour books back when I was a kid, but the library I volunteer at is based on community requests so its almost entirely formulaic ghostwritten thrillers (curse you James Pattison). If anyone has book recommendations let me know!
What’s your favourite movie you saw in theatres this year?
I think the only movie I saw was the new Top Gun, which I only watched because my mum loves the original and we went for her birthday. I wouldn't say its fantastic, but I did end up infodumping to my friends about propaganda and pop culture.
What do you usually wear?
Usually loose jeans or other sturdy pants and some variety of print t-shirt with my red flannel. Anxiety kind of made it into my uni uniform, I never thought I'd miss my high school uniform that much. When I'm at home I'm usually wearing shorts and an old singlet that I got in grade 8 or something. Winter means I get to wear big jumpers! I have this horrifically ugly one on it that says New Zealand with a red kiwi on it, I adore it. If I'm reaching out of my miniscule comfort zone I'll wear a funky button up or a more form fitting shirt, I've always dressed quite modestly (although not entirely by choice) and this year I cut my hair off and started to explore my masculinity and being openly and visibly queer. I pretty much only wear natural fibres and very practial/sensory friendly clothing, so most of my clothes are made to last and will be repaired until I deign them unwearable.
Fun fact, I used to actually dress in a style I'd say is somewhere between classic lolita and cottagecore, lots of pinafores and frilly shirts and ribbons. Next year I'd like to step out of my comfort zone and dress in any way that sparks joy, maybe experiment with makeup, different styles or more revealing clothing (ooh a shoulder, scandalous).
How tall are you?
I'm actually not quite sure, between 165cm and 170cm I think (5'5" to 5'7")
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
I introduce myself with my name but with hopes that I'll get a nickname, I've always wanted one.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
I'm still in uni but by a technicality yes? I wanted to be a scientist but came to dislike science in high school, but now I'm doing archeology (and history) through an arts degree but I could do it through a science degree. I did really enjoy digging in the dirt as a child, so I think little me would be happy about that, even if i was more into paleontology.
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
No. I do have a bit of a crush on my best friend, who I turned down a year ago because I'm the stupidest person alive and can't tell the difference between friendship feelings and romantic feelings.
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
I'm good with precision and detail orientated things. I love knitting and I've picked up archery and bread making recently. Its actually why I got into archaeology, I wanted to work in restoration and conservation.
I'm bad at remembering to do stuff. It's the ADHD man. Assessments? whoops. Consistent meals? Forgot. Cleaning? sorry not happening
Dogs or cats?
Dogs, I've never had a cat and don't really know how they work.
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favourite picture/favourite line/favourite etc. from something you created this year?
I knitted my best friend some lovely socks, they're my first pair of socks and my second time doing fair isle.
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What’s something you would like to create content for?
Look I know this means fandom but I have to start planning for what I'm putting in the show next year, it's only 6 months away. I'd love to do some more sewing, maybe make a gunne sax style dress (provided my anxiety will let me wear it out of the house) and I want to find something technically challenging for knitting, maybe lacework? Send me knitting/crafting inspo. I was thinking of maybe picking up counted thread embroidery too (yes I hate myself).
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
Star Wars. I've got brain worms about it. I've been microwaving it for months. Its been on my mind constantly, yet I have no thoughts. I'm forcing all of my friends to watch it. I'm rewatching all of it. I know nothing but also everything. I'm being excessively autistic about a background character wearing a cable knit jumper.
Good thing is that it makes conversation with men under 25 incredibly easy. I've made industry connections over a conversation about Lego Star Wars.
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
Uhhhhhh. My uni's archaeology society? The history society raised my standards high, they do a lot of fun events, whereas the archaeology one is useful but a lot more industry training and connections focused instead of having regular pizza and power-point nights like the history one.
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
Hmm. I'm not too sure. I can flip an egg without using anything other than the pan, does that count? Like just wiggle, wiggle, throw it up in the air and catch it.
Are you religious?    
Catholic but in a cool and funky queer way
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
A concrete plan of what the hell I'm doing and how to do it. A solution to my joint pain?
Tagging: (only if you want to) @elprupneerg @rights-for-redshirts @doveyluvey @notaghost3 @swagtalia @radioactivehydronerd @hetaari @arthoe-iceland @ratfish-blues and anyone else who sees this is welcome to join in!
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miutonium · 2 years
One night a few months ago I had a dream that there was a Samurai Jack Christmas special. Now all I want for Christmas is for that special to become real. (Or my dream about a season 6 where Jack solves mysteries Scooby-Doo style.)
OMG AN SJ Special where he chased down a gang of robot thieves and manage to get at least one of the sack and inside there's a patch sew onto the sack that says "If found, return to the North Pole" and he travelled there just to return the sack. He knocks on the door and a few seconds later he hears a yell that tells him to leave him alone but when Jack is firm about needing to return the sack the door opens, revealing a big old man wearing a white singlet and a red pants, eyes all puffy.
This man just go tmi and spills everything about how he got robbed and he lost his job because he lost the packet now he couldn't deliver the presents on time and dissappoints the last handful amount of kids in the world because no one actually believes Santa and they are right because Santa is not the guy that made the gift, he's basically the delivery guy and he deserves it for taking the spotlight from the elves and kids are banned from ever thinking and wishing from Santa because Aku made it illegal and made up his own holiday or something (i did not think of what holiday its 3am here my brain hurts) maybe he made kids brawl for him at a bounce castle and they all fight for the chance to be on the naughty list.
Anyway Jack being a kind person he is offers to help retrieve the last sack and deliver it to the kids in time so he's dressing up in Santa's clothes riding into the sky looking for the thieves.
This is too kids friendly so we gonna make it Adult Swim rated: Jack delivering it half naked while beating up some robot's ass.
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justalexisfine · 3 months
I hope this doesn't sound entirely weird! The only reason I actually started thinking that Ula is more than just a fictotype was when.. Oh boy. I caught feelings for her. It was extremely confusing and I really had to take a step back and go "How is this happening??".
So basically I was led down the pipeline of finding out I'm plural because I started crushing on her. Which in hindsight is funny but at the time I was really freaked out. /lh, nav
It's what I've been referring to when I say "feelings regarding Ula". I think that's what made me start realizing things. /lh
I think for me I'm still having a hard time because of the fact I'm probably parasian and align more with being singlet except for, I'm not really, because there's Ula. /lh, confused tone
that doesn't sound weird, really /gen, friendly tone
it does sound confusing, though. /gen, lh
I think what made us realize that we might not be Just One Being is probably because a lot of what others told us was "normal" didn't exactly align with us. a few other voices in my head and not just me? not normal. feeling like I am being controlled during drastic situations and just at random? not normal. it was just kinda a realization, really /gen, nav, lh
we align more with a singlet and are Parasian, mostly because we have monoconscious(?) and the fact that our members all stem from... well, me. they're like alternate personalities and the like, but not at the same time?? it's confusing, really/gen, lh, nav
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r2gsports · 6 months
Place Bulk Order For Women's Wrestling Singlets With R2Gsports
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Wrestling requires flexible movement and strategic planning, so the wrestlers prioritize flexible, snug-fit women wrestling singlets. Team dealers mostly look for trendy suppliers who follow the latest trends and give vibrant design options.R2sports understands this need and offers a solution tailor-made for teams: bulk orders of women's wrestling singlets.
 Let's explore why choosing us for your team's attire needs can elevate your game and team spirit.
Best Women wrestling singlets 
The single-ply varsity pattern of the Reversible wrestling singlets not only exudes a classic aesthetic but also offers practical benefits. Its streamlined design provides a snug yet comfortable fit.
We Understand the different body types and needs of women and young girls in wrestling, and this singlet is custom-made to suit them perfectly. 
Everything from sizes to how it fits is thoughtfully designed to ensure they feel comfortable and perform their best.
This wrestling singlet has a reversible design, offering two color options in one garment. 
Athletes can easily switch between colors based on team preferences or match needs.
Why Choose Us As Your Supplier
Quality Craftsmanship
We take pride in its commitment to quality craftsmanship. Each women's wrestling singlet is designed to provide durability, flexibility, and breathability. The materials used are specifically chosen to withstand the rigors of the sport while ensuring comfort for the athletes. From the stitching to the fabric, every aspect is carefully crafted to meet the demands of competitive wrestling.
Customization Options
One size does not fit all in the world of wrestling. We understand the importance of customization, allowing teams to personalize their singlets to reflect their unique identity and style. The customization options are endless, whether it's adding team logos, names, or designs. It fosters a sense of unity within the team and instills pride in representing their colors on the mat.
Cost-Effective Solutions
Investing in sports attire for an entire team can quickly add up, especially considering quality gear. We offer cost-effective solutions through bulk orders, ensuring teams can outfit their athletes without breaking the bank. By ordering in bulk, teams can benefit from economies of scale, receiving competitive pricing without compromising quality. It makes us a preferred choice for teams looking to maximize their budget without compromising performance.
Quick Turnaround Time
In the fast-paced world of sports, timing is crucial. We understand this urgency and prioritize quick turnaround times for bulk orders. Whether gearing up for an upcoming game or filling the team's wardrobe mid-season, we ensure timely delivery, allowing teams to focus on what truly matters – training and competing. Their efficient processes and reliable logistics make them a trusted partner for global teams.
Dedicated Customer Support
Choosing the proper sports attire provider is about more than just the products but also the service. We pride ourselves on our dedicated customer support team, ready to assist teams every step of the way. From placing orders to addressing inquiries and concerns, their knowledgeable and friendly staff are committed to ensuring a seamless experience for every customer. This support fosters trust and confidence, showing long-lasting relationships with teams.
Sustainability Initiatives
In an era where environmental consciousness is necessary, we take strides towards sustainability. By prioritizing eco-friendly materials and ethical supplying practices, they aim to minimize their carbon footprint while delivering top-notch products. For teams that value sustainability as much as performance, we offer a guilt-free solution to their attire needs.
Outfitting your women's wrestling team with the proper attire goes beyond just uniforms – empowering athletes to perform at their best while fostering team spirit and unity. With us, teams can elevate their game with quality craftsmanship, customization options, cost-effective solutions, quick turnaround times, dedicated customer support, and sustainability initiatives. By choosing R2Gsports for bulk orders of women's wrestling singlets, teams can gear up confidently, knowing they have a trusted partner supporting them every step.
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