#a sparky little fellow
averygayplant · 1 year
Jay headcanons! Why? Because I fucking hate him (sobs in kin) Here we goooo~ (Shout out to @giddlygoat, he loves Jay hcs)
Jay doesn't really have a normal sleeping schedule. My projection of ADHD onto him makes it so that he wakes up and just goes and goes and goes until he crashes, and when he crashes there is nothing that will wake him up again until he does so naturally- at least, not without functional repercussions.
Jay has very hypersensitive hearing that is specifically attune to electronics due to a funky combination of his ADHD and his powers, and it's something he's experienced since he was a child. Unfortunately, other sounds are louder for him as well- So as useful as this ability could be, it's incredibly difficult for him to differentiate sounds if there's too much noise, and he ends up tuning most of it out.
Jay gets mildly staticy when he starts to panic, stressed, or otherwise fueled by anxious energy. The rest of the Ninja aren't super affected by his shocks anymore, and for Lloyd they tickle, but for a normal person it'd be a pretty painful and shocking zap, like touching a door handle in the middle of winter.
Jay is hypermobile- he's double-jointed in a lot of places and just generally flexible in ways he shouldn't be. It's useful for his preferred fighting style (calculated combos of light, fast strikes, speed and evasion prioritized over strength and endurance) but he often overextends things without realizing and wears a lot of braces under his gi and casual clothing to stop himself from doing any permanent damage just by moving around.
Small dogs people are memably stereotyped as aggressive because they have less overall body mass to contain all their anger, and Jay is no exception to this rule. He's literally a human tazer. Oh, and he totally kept the promise he made to Cole in Skybound and bit him when he became corporeal again in DotD, even if he wouldn't remember it. It was totally worth getting flung on reflex into the wall behind them and you'd have a hard time convincing Jay otherwise.
Jay is SUPER gender queer and doesn't have the mental capacity to process it between saving the world all the god damn time. All he knows is that he/him pronouns are great and all, but being called Nya's girlfriend and having she/they occasionally used feels way better than it should for a supposed cis person. It doesn't really matter either way though, because he's definitely into drag and glamrock and glittery sparkly things. (He totally would have done the makeup section of their show if Dareth let him)
Jay is just generally clingy, not just toward Nya but the other Ninja too, and it's largely because touch and physical proximity is his go-to reassurance anchor. It doesn't matter if he's scared or upset or hurt, his first instinct is to grab someone's hand or lean into their shoulder or reaffirm their presence to himself in some other way. Touch is his preferred method to comfort others too, often reaching out on impulse whenever someone is upset.
Jay eventually does end up losing his eye, and there's no conveniently placed time travel to undo it. It was a pretty gruesome and traumatizing experience... for everyone except Jay. He doesn't remember a lick of it. Blood loss and pain makes the memories too fuzzy to recall. Anyway, he ends up going a pretty long time before realizing exactly why his jokes about it aren't really landing and managing to stress Kai out by mentioning he wasn't surprised, since he'd been wondering if he'd properly lose it ever since looking in the magical FSM tomb mirrors- If you'll recall, Cole had no reflection (you thought I couldn't squeeze Lava in here? FOOL! MWAHAHAHHAHA- HACK-)
Jay was genuinely scared of thunderstorms as a kid because of how loud they were, and technically still are for him. It's not as bad now that he understands what the noise is from, but it was a noise that haunted his nightmares growing up. Jay called Lloyd 'bug' when he was little, and Nya calls him 'lightning bug' affectionately now. You can't tell me otherwise. I mean, you can, but you're just objectively wrong
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imastrangeone98 · 2 months
Now that we know firefly is SAM, I just can't help but think of funny scenarios with Enough y/n, given that you're the favorite member of the hunters XD and also I didn't put SAM in the first one so....
I imagine her to be the youngest member, and given your motherly vibe... she just has a tendency to stay with you, even when she's in the armor. And depending on the position, that can lead to some "issues" with a jealous blade XD
"Welcome back, Sparky," you call over your shoulder, distracted by the bubbling pot of beef stew to give your fellow Hunter a proper greeting.
The clank of metal is your only indication that SAM is approaching, and then you get your confirmation with a pair of robotic arms wrapped around your waist, much like a large child wanting attention from their mother by clinging to them.
"Did you have a good mission?" you ask gently, stirring in some spices.
"...It went just as Elio foretold," SAM says in its metallic voice. The armor's head leans down to rest on your shoulder, even rubbing on the cloth a few times.
You chuckle at the gesture. "Y'know, if Blade shows up, he's not gonna be happy at how this looks."
SAM shrugs. "He'll deal with it. He already has to share with Kafka and Silver Wolf."
"What am I, a stuffed toy?" you cackle. "I'm just saying, this looks very romantic right now."
"It's not."
"I know. But you know him; he's always looking for an excuse to train."
"I am. And you seem free right now."
You crane your head to see the rough outline of who can only be Blade leaning on the kitchen doorframe. You can't see his face, but you know from his voice that he's not pleased.
SAM grunts and steps away from you, then ignites into flames, revealing the little girl within. Firefly stretches her arms, then eagerly jumps back to latch herself to your back.
"Not anymore," she huffs smugly, burying her face in your back. "I'm helping with cooking now."
"No, you're not. Tell her you're not helping." You finally have a good look at your lover, and you nearly chortle at the displeasure etched onto his face.
Firefly looks up at you with big, puppy-dog eyes, and you smile wickedly.
"I do need a hand with the vegetables," you muse, over-exaggeratedly placing a hand under your chin to mimic being deep in thought. "Firefly, dear, could you help with the carrots?"
"Of course." Behind your back, the girl sneers at her fellow Stellaron Hunter, who can only snarl in return.
You laugh, and turn around to give your lover a cheeky wink. But when his lips curl in a sinful smirk, you flush and look away.
You'll pay for this later tonight.
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nocturneblight · 22 days
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“Super swagged Edward” (Text variant)
Donning the new clothes could very easily alter Edward’s personality, to even… *shudders* Calling people… DORKS. oh the horror!
Props to the fellow on the last text post for suggesting the spunky outfit! I got educated on chucks a little because I had zero idea on what they were before! I know, I’m under a rock. but anyway! It was great fun, felt like this outfit would do good under neon lights with a sparky flair of a raspy personality.
This is a text variant of the art I made! I will upload the non-text filled one right after this one for those who don’t want the segs education with Edward… SECKS EDWARD OH MY GOD THATS IT.
Enjoy everyone! Have a splendid day all of you. Remember, being alone is far better than associating with foul folk. Keep your heads up!
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I Have Overprotective Girlfriends
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You don't remember being knocked unconscious one minute you were taking down agents left to right. Hitting them with electric shocks, a blow to the head with your baton, and just good old-fashioned punch or kick to the face. The next thing you knew you were waking up tied to a chair with metal wire wrapped around your arms and legs. The bindings were definitely going to leave marks with the way they dug into your skin.
You let out a groan lifting your head to take in your surroundings only for a fist to slam right into right cheek. Your head snapped to the left as the bruised cheek exploded with pain.
"Hey boss the Avenger is finally awake" an unfamiliar gruff voice said.
You looked up to see a man with a large frame and a bald head dressed in a forest green T-shirt, dark pants, and combat boots. Standing in front of you with his arms crossed over chest. He regarded you with a sneer.
"Easy with the shots buddy I got overprotective girlfriends" You warned him. It earned you a blow to the stomach making you hunch over as the breath left your lungs.
A low chuckle came from behind along with approaching footsteps. "A battered face should be the least of your concerns Sparky."
"Wow really clever nickname I've only heard it a few hundred times" You gasped in a raspy voice still bent over trying to get your breathing right again. Of course the comment just caused the henchmen to attack again.
Black spots filled your vision when the back of your head made contact with the cemented floor with a sickening crunch. Your mind went blank as pain took over, and for a second you nearly lost consciousness again. The burly man had kicked you right in the chin so hard your chair went flying backward to the floor.
"Got anything else to say" The henchmen asked appearing in your line of vision cracking his knuckles.
You kept your mouth shut this time had already taken too much damage. If you were going to find a way out of this the little strength you had left needed to be preserved.
He nodded his head in satisfaction and proceeded to lift the chair to stand you upright again. His boss was waiting locking eyes with you as soon as you were facing forward again. A short stocky man with a mop of dark brown hair, and a matching goatee. He wore a dark green-white striped suit. It was as if he stepped out of some bad old gangsters movie.
You fought off the urge to grin at the getup, and cursed yourself for getting bested by the likes of this man.
"Now that you're in a listening mood let's discuss terms" The man said.
You pretended to listen to his demands but you didn't really need to. For you already knew what he wanted and the second he got in. His promise to let you live would go out the window like they always did with bad guys. He had every intention on killing you knowing you would come for him. Once you were free and all of this would end with him and his men in jail.
The metal binds on your wrist wasn't giving or loosening no matter how much you twisted your wrists. The familiar power of electricity running through your veins wasn't present. Which could only mean one thing they put some type of power damper on you. Your neck was collar free so maybe it was something smaller.
Worry started to settle in when the burly man took his boss's spot again. This was a solo mission so none of your fellow Avengers were coming to the rescue any time soon. You could take a beating but that didn't mean you wanted to.
More of his henchmen had poured of rooms you couldn't see, and started to surround you. Some were equipped with weapons from brass knuckles to chains even a few knives.
This was going to get bad if you didn't come up with a plan soon, but then a chirping noise filled the air. One you recognized all too well and your heart was overcome with joy. The chirping of the kimoyo beads were your salvation. The bracelet weren't on your wrist but resting on a brown table a few feet behind the burly man. He was looking back eyes zeroing in on the beads.
"What did you just do?" He demanded to know turning back to you. Eyes filled with rage with a hint of fear behind them.
"I have no idea what you're talking about buddy." You played dumb with a smirk shrugging your shoulders. He struck you in the nose knocking your head back.
"I'm not going to ask again"
"And I'm not going to tell you again watch the face I have overprotective girlfriends." You replied grinning despite the agony and blood running from your nose to your lips.
"You had your chan-" His words were cut off as the warehouse was thrown into darkness. Immediately a terrified scream came from your left but it was cut off just as fast. More yelps filled the air around you along with the distinct sound of steel clashing against steel. Sparks lighting up the surrounding area a few times. Giving you and the burly man a few glimpses of what was going on.
Two black streaks weaved through the warehouse taking down henchmen after henchmen. A flash of gold and silver here and there accompanied with the view of a sharp point of a spear. The burly man began to hyperventilate whirling around trying to anticipate. When the intruders were going to come for him. After two minutes the lights came back on welcoming him too. The sight of Ayo and Aneka standing on either side of you spears resting at their side. Neither of them looked too happy. The bodies of his comrades laid scattered on the floor unconscious, and his boss was slumped against the wall with his hands locked in a pair of heavy duty handcuffs.
"My love would you be so kindly to tell us who marked up your beautiful face? Ayo asked. Her tone was dangerously calm.
"The idiot standing in front of us" You answered with no hesitation. Not hiding the glee you were feeling at all.
"Wait I give up" The burly man pleaded holding up his hands while backing away. "Okay I surrender you win."
Ayo raised an eyebrow "there will be no surrendering for you."
Aneka laid her spear on the floor and crouched down behind you, and started working on freeing your hands. The burly man saw his chance whirling around to run.
Ayo let out a tsk sound stalking forward. He never stood a chance and a few seconds later. His cries of agony reached your ears.
"She's not going to kill him is she?" You asked Aneka almost feeling sorry for him. She had worked you completely free by now, and was examining the extent of your injuries.
"No Ayo knows how to show restraint even when she doesn't want to." Aneka told you pulling a handkerchief from somewhere in her armor. She pressed it to your still bleeding noise.
"Its why she went after him instead of me" she added fury in her eyes.
Your eyes widened in surprise at the comment wondering if the wailing man was truly better off in Ayo's hands than Aneka's. From the sound of his ongoing screams maybe not.
You leaned back in the chair letting your body relax as Aneka continued to take care of your injuries.
It was his own fault after all you had warned him.
Tag List: @unsatisfiedanddisappointed @purple-nugget @kofforever @greek-freak101 @alistair-mooncrest @zhanylai @aiden-presscott @deliciousfestsalad @laurensmabel1 @letitias-fav @unreasonablysapphic @abbyeliza28 @zayswriting @inmyheadimobsessed @shinsousliya @justariellove @takeyaki @chaz-tish
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gaybananabread · 5 months
⌁₊˚⊹ Jay's Silly Moods⊹˚₊⌁
(Art this is based off of)
Definitely getting back into Ninjago… Halfway through drawing this, I got a very strong urge to write a self-indulgent fic. These goobers are slowly regaining their vice grip on my brain. I might be getting to the “Requested When Shit Was Closed” prompts soon, but big possibility. Back on task, I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Jay
Ler: Cole
Summary: Jay’s been zapping his shipmates, sneaking in quick pokes and shockingly ticklish squeezes whenever he can. While it isn't his intention, most of those are aimed at Cole. Sick of the surprise jolts, the Earth ninja has a little vengeful fun of his own.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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The ninja were peacefully relaxing on the couch, trying to unwind after a long day of battles and villain encounters. Cole was listening to music, the faint sounds of “dad rock” coming through his headphones as he rested his arms behind his head. Zane was messing around with his circuitry, and Kai was sprawled out, trying to nap. 
The only one not lazing around was Jay; he had a much more mischievous way of cooling down in mind. 
Sneaking up near the couch, he positioned himself right behind the relaxed Cole. Not wasting another second, he sent a very small amount of electricity to his finger tips, tasing Cole's sides before taking off. The rocky boy jolted out of his trance, a surprised laugh flying from his lips as his arms came crashing down.
“GYAH! W-whahat the hell?” When he turned around to his perpetrator, though, all he saw was a streak of blue disappear around the corner. “Zappy jerk…”
Zane chuckled, shaking his head before resuming his tinkering. Kai was still snoozing, oblivious to the world. With a huff, Cole lowered his arms, not wanting to risk another attack before relaxing again. Damn Jay's silly moods…
The whole rest of that week was full of little pokes, squeezes and zaps from the blue ninja. Whenever anyone even thought of letting their guard down, he'd be there, disappearing the moment they tried to retaliate or catch him.
Most of the team just ignored it, used to his silly behavior. Sure, it was a little annoying sometimes, but it was all in good fun. Everyone was fine with that.
Everyone except Cole.
While he loves his friend's quirks, the constant tickling was getting on his nerves. The guy wore tank-tops daily; it wasn't exactly hard for Jay to get him.
But he had a plan. One that would surely keep Jay off his back, or at least for a little while. So, sitting on the couch and sprawling out, he waited for the inevitable pokes that would seal his fellow ninja's fate.
Jay snickered as he saw his rocky friend, sprawled out and relaxing on the couch. It was too easy! He should have been suspicious, but the brain goblins were overpowering his rationality with mischief.
Creeping over to the couch, he sent small sparks to his fingers. Just a little closer…wait is he smili-
Before Jay could even think to run, Cole shot his hands upward, latching onto the sparky boy’s wrists and flipping him over the couch. Cole was careful not to hurt him, though the shriek Jay let out surely did some hearing damage. 
He was pinned in seconds, stuck lying on his stomach with a rather intimidating man on his waist. Whatever his friend was gonna do, he literally couldn't see it coming.
Anticipatory giggles bubbled past Jay's lips, his eyes wide and giddy-looking. “C-Cole, wait! Lehet's talk about thihihis!”
Cracking his neck, Cole smirked down at his fellow ninja. “Neh, I'm good. Actions have consequences, Jay..”
Without another word, Cole dug into the sparky boy's sides, squeezing the sensitive skin. He was done with Jay's shit; it was payback time.
“Nohohoho! Cohome on, thihihis ihis mehehean!” The brat tried to wriggle out of the hold, but Cole's hands were just out of reach. The position he was in was evil: Who pins people on their stomach?!
“You know what's mean? Poking your friends when they're trying to get stuff done. I'd say you deserve this, wouldn’t you?” He smirked, scritching little lightning bolts on his sides. It was silly, sure, but he kinda asked for it.
Jay kicked his feet behind Cole, trying anything to make things tickle less. It was a fruitless effort, though: he was stuck. 
“Plehehease! Ihit’s nohohot fahair!” His giggling sounded whiny, like a child throwing a tantrum.
Cole scoffed and rolled his eyes. He wants to see unfair? Cole’ll show him unfair…
Snickering, he moved up to the zappy boy’s ribs, digging in and wiggling his fingers between each bone. That should kill him.
“C-Cohohole! Grk- NOHOhohot thehere! I'M SOHAHARRY! NYAHAHAHA!” Jay lost it when Cole dug into his ribs, loud belly laughter quickly replacing his giggles. Little snorts and squeaks flowed with the laughter, only adding to the mild chaos.
“Hmhmph. Sparky brat…” Cole just chuckled smugly, continuing to torment his fellow ninja. Besides the payback, his cute reactions were well worth it.
Thrashing wildly, Jay laughed his ass off, the tickling on his worst spot driving him insane. “P-PLEHEASE! COHOHOLE! I CAHAHAN’T-” He patted his hand, palm flat against the floor. 
The moment Cole saw the tapping-out, he knew it was time to quit. Pulling his hands away, he climbed off Jay. The giggly boy immediately curled up in a ball, tickle-drunk and giddy. 
“You alive, sparky?” Cole asked while rubbing Jay's back, trying to calm him down. There was an air of humor in his tone, but he was trying to be nice.
Jay tried to catch his breath, his cheeks flush and his nerves buzzing. “F-fuhuck youhuhu…”
“Alright, alright. I'm done being mean.” Snorting, Cole pulled his friend up into a hug. It was clear he enjoyed the short bout of being tickled, the agitation just a facade.“Next time, try just asking for what you want, okay? I'd be happy to help~”
Blushing heavily, Jay whined, though he did relax into the hug. It was warm, nice, and calming after all the laughter. Muttering something under his breath, Jay leaned his head against Cole's chest. If he wanted to be mean, the rocky boy was gonna be a pillow.
Cole lifted him up with a huff, carrying the lightning ninja to their beds. He laid him down, cuddling up next to him and pulling a blanket over them both. It wasn't a rare sight: the ninja saw some things on missions, and physical contact helped keep them calm.
It was ten o’clock: not the latest for them, but good enough to doze off. Cole closed his eyes, feeling the warmth of his fellow ninja and the happy air in the room. Yeah, he could get used to Jay's goofy moods…
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coffeeghoulie · 5 months
Ghoulette Appreciation Week 2: Stealing Clothes
Sunny can't find her favorite hoodie, so she enlists Cumulus to help her.
Ghoulette Appreciation Weeks was put together by @jesusbutbetterrr, thanks for organizing this!
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"Hey, Cue!" Sunny calls, sticking her head out of her bedroom doorway. "Dove?"
From the common room, Cumulus chirps curiously. "Yeah, Sparky? What is it?" she calls back, ear flicking against her curls.
"Have you seen my favorite hoodie?" Sunny asks, still calling down the hallway. "It was in my dirty clothes pile. Was gonna run a load or two while I had it on my mind."
Cumulus stands, setting aside her crochet project, a blanket she's been making to keep her hands busy. Keep her thoughts off of the upcoming tour, because when the pack leaves with Papa, they're leaving two of their mates behind. Sunny included. "I haven't seen it, but I'll help you look for it, spark," she says, nuzzling against Sunny's shoulder, breathing in her scent, ripe peaches and sun-warm grass. "The orange one, right?"
"Yep, the cropped one? Thanks, Cue," Sunny grins, turning back into her room. It's like a bomb went off in there, clothes scattered across her bed, blankets shoved down and bunched up at the foot.
Cumulus hums, rummaging through the pile of clothes on Sunny's bed. Judging by how strongly they smell of her, Sunny must have upended her dirty laundry onto her bed. "You planning on changing your sheets after this?" Cumulus asks, grinning up at her.
Sunny shrugs, abandoning the pile of laundry to root through her dresser. "It's not like I have Mountain levels of dirty clothes. Have you seen the state of that ghoul's work pants?" She gags dramatically.
"Aren't you a little earth, Sun?" Cumulus teases.
"Eh, just a little," She laughs, shutting her drawers, unsuccessful. "Too much fire and air to feel the calling to the earth, you know?"
Cumulus grins, turning back to Sunny's bed. "Well, sparky. I can't find it. Do you think someone else has it?"
There's footsteps coming down the hallway from the common room, and Cirrus passes by the open doorway, dressed casually, long navy hair thrown up into a loose bun. The other ghoulettes light up as they see her. "Hey, blossom!" Sunny calls, grinning bright. "We're looking for my cropped hoodie. I can't find it."
"Oh, um," Cirrus trails off, blushing as her eyes grow wide. "I know where it is, Sun."
Sunny's brow furrows and she cocks her head, her copper curls bouncing. "Where is it?" She asks. "It needs to be washed."
"I have it," Cirrus sighs, her shoulders slumping. "I'll show you," she says, gesturing for her fellow ghoulettes to follow her out of Sunny's room, a few doors down to her own room.
Sunny and Cumulus share a look as Cirrus turns her back, but they follow their mate diligently. Cirrus's room is spotless and pristine, bed made, though she usually spends her nights in Cumulus's bed. There's a large duffle bag on the center of the floor, and the air immediately sours with the reminder of tour.
The reminder than in a short while, Sunny'll be all alone at the Abbey. Well, that's not true, she and Aether will be together, but the rest of their pack will be gone. Cirrus, her stoic, steadfast ghoulette, unzips the duffle bag, moving a few of her own articles of clothing and pulls out an orange cropped hoodie. There's a wave of peach scent that comes with it, tinged with Cirrus's own honeysuckle and jasmine, and if they really strain for it, Cumulus and Sunny can smell the traces of Aether's steady ozone coming from her bag.
"Oh, Cir, blossom," Sunny breathes as the older ghoulette holds her hoodie out to her, eyes downcast. It's an emotion Sunny's never seen on her mate's face, and it looks kind of like shame.
"Sorry, Sun," She says, her lips quirking up in a tiny smile, still not making eye contact.
"Cirrus," Sunny breathes, grabbing her by the shoulders gently. "I'd give you my clothes to take with you, both of you, if you asked. But I gotta ask, why the hoodie? You're doing outdoor venues all summer. I don't want to hear reports that you passed out on stage."
Cirrus snorts, and Sunny grins as she watches the shame crack and crumble away. "You never wash the damn thing, dragonfly. Of all your clothing, it smells the most like you."
"Aw, you're sweet," Sunny says, reaching up and brushing a strand of dark blue hair that's fallen from Cirrus's bun. "You're really gonna miss me, huh?"
"Of course we are," Cumulus chimes in. She sneaks behind Sunny, wrapping her arms around the multighoulette's waist, nuzzling in between her shoulderblades. "You're our girl, Sun. Of course we're gonna miss you. We'll even pick out some souvenirs for you and Aeth."
"You promise you're gonna get me cheesy souvenirs?" she asks, batting her eyelashes up at Cirrus, who throws her head back and laughs.
"Course, dragonfly. And we'll call when the timezones work in our favor," she promises.
"See? It won't be too bad," Sunny insists, even though she's trying to convince herself too. "You guys will be back before you know it."
Cirrus doesn't reply, and neither does Cumulus. They both pull themselves closer to Sunny, holding her close like they'll never have to leave.
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c0smiccom3t · 2 months
I did not decide on a final design yet, but heres my shred force oc (take this as a concept design)
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And some info!
A robotic mouse-like creature based off Plasma orbs and Boomboxes/Stereos, which of course, has in their system (example: Plasma orbs for ears that turn into stereo speakers.
Nordic Bunny's second-in-command and part-time sergeant of his army.
This little fellow is not such an easy enemy to defeat despite being the villain's lower-grade assistant. They have the power of electricity on their side, which helps them to eletrocute enemies and not only turn out the power in the city but to also steal it, gaining energy. They also use their voice volume and ears as weapons, summoning eardrum shattering soundwaves and use their voice to scream extremely loud as a call for back-up, a sign to attack and as a way to stun their enemies.
Speaking of enemies, The Shred Force doesn't really understand them much. Hank picks on them for being too small and a sore loser but Ronny just doesn't mind them, he just knows the little dude will lose just like their boss does, especially when he's not present considering they go solo to face those kids. Heck, Hank has the tendency to call them "Pip-Screech" (Even Ronny agrees, not always but sometimes), a nickname Maddeodent ABSOLUTELY hates (like how Megavolt from Darkwing Duck hates being called Sparky). They won't stop at nothing until they succeed in getting the Shred Force captured and brought to Nordic Bunny himself.
Now, as for N.B... They LOVE the guy! Not in a romantic way obviously (at least not yet. or never.), but they think he's awesome and will help him no matter what. Whether its about carrying him, making him lunch, polishing his boots and what else, Mads is incredibly loyal to him and would do anything even if it could risk their life (not by extremely dangerous situations, even though they'd do it for granted anyway)! They love to be his little shoulder companion. But out of the two, Maddeodent has got more brains, making them a Ditzy Genius and often his voice of reason. The two have a pretty complex relationship, making them seem like they're actually friends, maybe they're his... Only friend? Who knows. Think of Commander Peepers from Wander Over Yonder and Zim from Invader Zim, mash them together, keep the assistant title, and you got this electric little robotic rodent ready to rumble!
Though Loud, Energetic, loyal, persistant, mischievous, troublesome and much of a sore loser, this little mouse will make sure that the Shred Force will be done for so Nordic Bunny can take over the Earth!
But yeah, once again, design not final. i need color palette ideas...
EDIT - VOICE CLAIM BECAUSE I FORGOT: Tom Kenny (Commander Peepers from Wander Over Yonder) & Jessica DiCicco (Evil Pea from Supertato, MINUS the british accent)
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opinated-user · 6 months
So let’s review.
1.You’re part of a community that developed a hatedom for a z list YouTuber.
2.This hatedom attracts a pedophile.
3.The pedophile then tries to target the z list YouTuber’s audience of minors.
4.The z-list YouTuber is the bad guy for not reading your blogs so they can be aware of the pedophile you attract.
Lmao get fucked. This community can’t even be bothered to denounce Kiwi fucking farms, and you have the audacity to complain.
hi, LO. let me do the recapping now, shall we? you were told, explicitely so now, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that a predator and groomer whose main name is sparky has been in contact with your community that includes minor. so instead of dennouncing the pedophile, try to share the call out made about him that contains everything he did wrong, none of which were made by us because he was infamous before any of this, you prefer to still use to to attack Brittany. who you also accused of having who knows how many sock puppets accounts with no evidence at all, including me. at least when i call clearly bad faith anons LO is part of a joke that calls back to the sockpuppets that have been proven to be yours. i don't actually expect anyone to take it seriously. you have run with that narrative to the ground to try to silence someone you coerced years ago, just like you're doing the same with your sibling, while also being a disgusting creep that can't stop lying about having had sex with her. grow up. do something for someone else but yourself and do the responsible thing for once in your entire life. you have minors in your audience, you have vulnerable people, so when told that someone dangerous could target them you try to use them on this little charade of yours instead of warning people about them and instead lying that there was never any contact? you want to talk to me about "having the audacity"? how about you tell me, you, anon, whoever you are, how dare to come here to try to fling accusations around about "attracting a pedophile" when LO is the one who is actually lying in such a way that puts even more people at risk? how do you figure the way she has chosen to twist all of this in any way, shape or form helping anyone but herself and her own rotten image? where do you even think you have the right to utter such pitiful, disgusting words to me, or anyone for that matter? you go to the people calling out this groomer, this pedophile, this abuser, this racist lying hypocrite, who will use tranpshobia against fellow trans people, who will laugh at rape jokes at the expense of their sibling that was raped by her older brother, who laughs and celebrates along actual nazis while lying about other transfemmes in the same breath, and help out the pedophile to lie further about another pedophiles she's chosing to cover for. and you expect me to believe for one second that you care? that you have any moral high ground to stand on here? don't make me laugh. daddy is not here to clean up the messes for you, LO. i know that lying to avoid consequences has been your bread and butter since you were a child, but you haven't met me before. i have proof of everything i talk about here. you only have your lies. sooner or later, your lies are going to falter and the proof will remain.
it's your choice to make this easier or more difficult for you.
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willowve01 · 3 months
Raine Fellowes 🐞
Current Info.
Age: 19
Height: 5’6
Gender: Female
Hair color: Brunette
Eye color: Bright hazel
Status: Missing
Raine was born and raised in the city of Aakhan. She had it all; loving and protective parents, friends who loved her, the older townspeople adored her, and was gifted a little sister to look after. As she slowly grew into the beauty her mother gifted her, she grew more aware of the world around her. Growing distant from the people who sought to break down that cheerful demeanor or the men who tried to court her. She was far too busy for any of that anyway, her mother had fallen ill months before, so her attention was elsewhere. Caring for her bedridden mother, attending to her sister's needs and consoling her father’s ever growing temper fueled by worry exhausted her. She no longer had time to really get out there and explore like that little girl in her wanted to do. Friends moved on, some leaving on good terms, some not. Some didn’t leave at all.
Raine’s decision to become a hunter didn’t occur until years after her mothers passing. Raine was thirteen years old when her mother fell into that eternal slumber. Since then, her father grew distant and cold towards his daughters, unable to find the energy leave his room as he wasted away in the alcohol he used to ease his mind. Raine took it upon herself to earn some coin, being the only support beam for her crumbling family. She and her sister, Everlynn, worked in their aunt's bakery before Raine became a hunter. Making some of the best pastries with a few cousins for some coin to keep her going, that was until the bounties over Silverbens monsters started to taunt her. Thanks to her uncle, she knew how to wield a sword and protect herself without one if needed. With that bounty money, she wouldn’t have to worry about money for a while.
Now nineteen, Raine is a ‘rookie’ hunter, working with her colleagues Sparky, Warren, and Tony. She made it clear she didn’t plan to stick around very long if this didn’t go to plan, she wasn’t going to hunt someone her whole life just for some coin. She could make that sum of money in the bakery with her aunt and cousins, but that would take much longer, years even. As she combed through the swamp, keeping quiet and not attracting any attention to herself as she checked the traps for the night she found herself in a ‘little’ predicament when she accidentally stepped in one. It seems this trip will last a tad bit longer than initially planned, especially after her views on those ‘monsters’ started to change…
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steddieyes · 5 months
Just a heads up that my Ask's/question thing is open if you lot have any ideas for what Ness or Sparky's (Diner) should post! (on their respective Instagram accounts) I'm open to any ideas or questions that I think will fit with the timeline/characterisation of both Ness and Sparky's:)
It could be headcanons, literally anything you lot want because I made it for our fellow silly minded, securitywaiter, fnaf loving people.
(Also I will EVENTUALLY, hopefully, making a fic out of this along with failed detective ness:))
It's not era accurate, but I'm trying to keep the style/what they say kind of 2000's coded/in that era, despite them very obviously posting on Instagram and not a forum online.
Also! Ness is 23 (23!!) in this, the only thing I'm taking from the book is that his dad/family own Sparky's, that's why on a previous post you would have seen the Sparky’s account responding more like a sibling rather than a proffesionsal brand/buisness account. Andy, who mainly runs the Sparky's account (completely made him up) is the one teasing and jabbing at Ness in the instagram replies/comments about Mike and whatnot. I am but a simple man, if you cut open my heart you'll see a little nugget that says in bold print "SECURITYWAITER."
Previous posts about this:
You could also just reply here if you want:D
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heyimcelery · 8 months
Still here? Okay I need your opinions because this little detail I packed up in the movie is driving me insane.
So I saw a dog costume in the back. Like Freddy but with Goofy like ears and a cartoon dog bone around its neck. One of the ppl who breaks in even gets stuffed in it (I'm pretty sure, a lot was happening at the time ok)
Right so why a dog?? Well my first and only thought is the very classic fnaf deepfake of sparky the dog. OG fnaf fans please tell me you remember the internet going crazy over that imagine.
You know the one, a dog animatronic on the camera peering back.
It's the only thing I can think of and if I'm going mad please tell me. Maybe I saw it wrong or maybe I'm right?????
(for reference this is the fellow I'm talking about)
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wolfdenartist · 1 year
Captured Shoto Todoroki x Reader
Trigger warning: sexual assault, kidnapping
“Sorry L/n looks like you’ll be heading in by yourself, hope you don’t get too scared.” Ragdoll teased as she ran off into the forest with the class of 1-B.
“Always the same, never picked for anything.” She mumbled as her head drooped.
“Hey, stop that Y/n.” A calm voice said as the owner of it walked over to her and laid his warm hand on the back of her head, running his fingers through the h/c locks.
“Sorry Shoto, old habits die hard I guess.” Y/n said as her eyes closed at the warmth that her boyfriend’s hand gave off.
“Alright Todoroki, Bakugou, your up, L/n you’ll be after them.” Tiger commanded as Bakugou and Todoroki went into the woods hearing screams coming from the group before them.
“Let’s get this over with.” Bakugou growled as he stormed ahead of Todoroki. 
After maybe five minutes Tiger allowed Y/n to head in, she didn’t like the fact she was alone, she definitely wasn’t one for horror movies, so this right here was scaring her shitless, but she had to be brave and prove to class 1-B, and her fellow classmates that she was strong.
Y/n’s quirk was called Whirlwind. She could create gusts of winds as powerful as a tornado, sometimes if she focused enough she could even make a tornado, but they never lasted more than a minute.
Screams filled the woods as Y/n ventured further into the woods.
“Shouldn’t someone have popped out by now? Did I make a wrong turn somewhere?”
Then the smell of smoke caught her attention.
“Wha? Smoke? Did Shoto or Bakugou get so sacred they activated their quirks and burnt some trees?”
Then she saw blue fire.
“That’s definitely not them!” Y/n panicked and turned to run out of the woods to safety but she ran right into a tree, or what she thought was a tree.
“Ouch… What the.” When she opened her eyes, she came face to face with a white shirt. She looked up and made eye contact with bright cerulean blue eyes, the colour looked so familiar to her.
“Ah, what do we have here? What’s a pretty little thing like you doing alone in the woods. Don’t you know there are monsters out here that prey on innocent looking girls like you.” The man in front of her licked his lips, a hunger in his eyes. “You’re a lot cuter in person then you are on paper, I’m definitely going to enjoy myself before I have to kill you.”
“Whoops looks like I let the cat out of the bag, time for you to go to sleep now.” The man moved so quick Y/n had no time to react before she was knocked out with a hard punch to the face.
Y/n woke up with a splitting headache, she went to rub her head, but found she couldn’t move her hands, they were chained up above her body, and she couldn’t seem to use her quirk so they must have been quirk canceling cuffs. 
“Ah, so the sleeping beauty is finally awake huh? Good now it’ll be more fun when I have my way with you.” The same man she ran into in the woods walked up to her and caressed her cheek.
“You stay away from her you crispy assed creep!” Y/n then noticed Bakugou sitting in a chair in the middle of the room, he was also chained up unable to move.
“I suggest you stay out of this sparky, unless you want the girl to die.” The burnt man snapped at Bakugou.
“Dabi stop playing around!” A voice snapped as a man with baby blue hair and a hand over his face came into the room.
“Such a buzzkill.” Dabi grumbled as he turned back towards Y/n. He reached up and unhooked her from the ceiling, keeping her chains on before he was practically dragging her to another room and throwing her onto the floor, shutting the door behind him as he walked in right behind her, locking it.
“Don’t you fucking touch her you burnt piece of bacon! I’ll fucking kill you!” At this point Bakugou was losing his shit, thoughts were running through his head about what Dabi could be doing to his classmate, and none of them were pleasant.
Female screams then started to come from the locked room, Bakugou shut his eyes tightly and shook his head trying to drown out the unpleasant sound knowing he couldn't do anything to help her.
Blue flames licked the bottom of the door.
“Be a good girl and hold still or it will only hurt worse the more you struggle.” Dabi had his hands on Y/n’s bare hips and legs, her pants and shirt were burnt right off of her leaving her in her bra and panties. His hands began to heat up once again, burning hand prints right into her skin.
“Please stop! It burns!” She cried.
“No shit princess, now let's get rid of these pieces of fabric so the real fun can start.” He licked his lips as his hands lit up in blue flames as he burned the last two articles of clothing on her body off. More screams of pain came from Y/n as more burn marks appeared on her flesh.
“There, that's much better.” Dabi chuckled evilly as he began to undo his belt and pants, his coat already discarded on the floor beside him.
“No, no, no, please no.” Y/n tried to cover her body but her hands were still cuffed above her head, she was now chained to the floor.
“Mmm, I can see why Shoto likes you so much, you have a nice body to look at, but after I’m done with you, he wont want anything to do with you.” Dabi crawled over top of Y/n and spread her legs apart to give him a full look of her virgin pussy.
Dabi grabbed a hold of his large cock rubbing the tip of it through her lips, before stopping just in front of her hole, “This is going to be fun.” And with that he gave one big thrust, bottoming out inside her, a tearing sensation filled Y/n as Dabi began his assault on her.
“Fuck, who knew school girls were so tight.” Dabi moaned as his thrusts began to speed up, not even giving the teen time to adjust to the intrusion inside of her.
She clenched her eyes closed as hot tears ran down her face, and she hoped and wished she could just die instead of being humiliated there on the floor of the empty room, she could hear Bakugou yelling and cursing from the other side of the metal door, all aimed at the man on top of her.
Dabi reached down and began to rub her clit with his thumb, eliciting sweet little moans from the crying girl. “Haha, you’re liking it now aren’t ya.” He grunted as his hips pounded into her, the slapping of skin echoed within the room.
“No! A-ah!” She moaned as his cock rubbed up against her g-spot, she hated how much this felt good, she hated how close she was about to cum from him playing with her clit.
“Your moans tell me otherwise.” Dabi laughed, “Fuck I’m gonna cum so hard! You’re so fucking tight it feels so good!” His moans were getting louder.
“I'm gonna make sure Shoto will never want you again. I’m gonna paint your insides with my fucking seed. I’m gonna make you wish you were fucking dead.” His hand started to move faster over her clit making her cry out in pleasure and clamp her walls down on his hard cock and start to milk him.
“Aaahh! No stop! Don’t cum inside me!” She then began to thrash around before her whole body went rigid and her first ever orgasm rippled through her body making her moan in pleasure as her walls began to convulse around Dabi’s cock sending him into his own orgasm.
“Fuck yes! Oh yeah, you feel so good clenched around me like that Doll.” Dabi moaned, bucking his hips to get every drop of his hot potent seed inside of Y/n before pulling out of her, keeping her legs wide open as he watched her try and push his cum out of her body, her silent cry being ignored by him as he scooped it onto his finger before shoving it all back inside her.
“I think I’ll keep you.” Dabi smirked as he did up his pants and belt leaving the spent girl on the ground crying about wanting to go home.
Dabi reached over her stomach, lighting one of his fingers on fire, then tracing his name into her skin alone, along with the word slut, burning his brand onto her already burned body.
He then stood up and left the room before they were all surprised by the sudden attack from All Might and the rest of the pros. Dabi was knocked out before he could rush back to the door and lock it.
“Hey! There’s a girl in here! She looks like she’s still alive! Someone get me a blanket!” The voice of Edgeshot was all Y/n heard before she passed out.
It was Endeavor who ran in with the blanket, knowing one of the students taken hostage was his son’s girlfriend. He quickly wrapped her exposed body in the blanket, then proceeded to break the cuffs off of her. Endeavor picked up the limp girl and brought her to the ambulance where paramedics took her from the pro hero.
“She’s covered in burn marks, and looks to have been sexually assaulted.” Endeavor explained then turned back around to join in on the fight against the Nomus.
Y/n woke up slowly days later to the sound of a loud beeping noise. She groaned, her whole body in terrible pain.
“Y/n! Don’t move, I'll get the doctor.” A familiar voice spoke before it left.
Y/n blinked her eyes a few times to get them to focus, and when they did she was met with a rough looking Shoto, who looked like he hadn’t had a decent night's sleep in days, which wasn’t far from the truth. He spent the last three days by her side, Y/n noticed the unmade empty hospital bed beside hers.
“Well Ms L/n, glad to see you’re awake.” A short woman came in carrying a clipboard and wearing a white doctor’s coat. “You’ve suffered from horrible third degree burns and sexual assault, but there doesn’t seem to be any internal trama going on which is good….” 
Y/n tuned out the doctor, her mind flashing back to that room, his cerulean cruel eye, and that evil grin he gave her before he took her innocence away from her. She didn’t realize she was crying until she felt a hand lightly touch her arm.
“Don’t touch me! Please stop!” She cried out, flinching away from Shoto’s touch.
“Y/n?” His eyes were widened by her outburst.
“Ah, yes, Todoroki sir, you may want to refrain from touching her at the moment, she seems to be suffering from PTSD.” The doctor explained to Shoto who looked so hurt, he wanted to cry for her. 
“Oh, Endeavor sir! Thank you for coming!” The doctor spoke up as the now Number One hero walked inside the room he had visited many times. He would never admit it but he had a soft spot for Y/n, she made him happy, and smile again.
“We just got the tests back from the DNA sample we took from the sperm inside the girl.” The doctor said.
“Well, who is it so we can track this man down and lock him away for good.” Endeavor spoke, his usual scowl on his face, and his arms crossed over his wide chest in his famous pose.
“You both may want to sit down for this.” Shoto and his father shared a quick glance at one another before they sat down, Y/n was silently listening as well, her left hand reaching over and grabbing Shoto’s that was resting beside him on the bed.
“Well the DNA came back and it matched with your son.”
“That’s impossible! I wasn’t there! And I’d never hurt Y/n ever!” Shoto yelled, scaring Y/n making her whimper out. “Oh, I’m sorry Y/n/n! I didn’t mean to shout.” He calmly apologized.
“No Shoto, it wasn’t yours. It was Toya Todoroki.” The doctor said reading the name off of the clipboard.
“That's not funny! Do you think this is some kind of joke! My son is dead, he burned in an accident!” Endeavor yelled his flames on his face growing bigger in rage making Y/n shrink back in fear.
In her terrified state she spoke up, “Well D-Dabi is covered i-in burn scars, a-and he has b-bright blue eyes l-like yours, and b-blue fire!” Y/n squeaked out.
“Wait. Do you think Dabi is Toya?” Shoto looked at his father, his eyes were wide, the thought of his brother being the one that assaulted his girlfriend made the youngest Todoroki seeth in anger.
“It would seem to be that way.” Endeavor growled out, his fists clenched.
Shoto in that moment, made a silent promise to himself, and Y/n that he would find Dabi-Toya, whatever the fuck he went by now, and bring him down for what he had done to his sweet girlfriend.
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masonjarcollector · 8 months
Things The Whole Theater Did While Watching The FNAF Movie *SPOILERS*
-(Bonus) grinned when I saw other people cosplaying. One of the movie theater workers was wearing a Freddy Fazbear once, and I got to have a nice conversation with her, where she admitted she had been late for work because she was watching the FNAF movie. There was a fellow with a purple shirt and paper golden badge that I did that little single upwards nod to as we crossed paths to the theater. A lot of people seemed to like my Puppet cosplay which made me feel nice
-Groaned collectively when an extra trailer played after we all thought we were done with them
-Proceeded to heckle the trailer because it was terrible and we wanted to watch the FNAF movie
-Went dead silent during the opening credits
-Among us references rippling through the theater as the guy went through the vents
-Laughed at the lawyer guy because he was great
-Expressed delight and amusement by Balloon Boy
-Surprise scream, then applauded at MatPat. Screamed/applauded even louder when he said the line
-Heckled Jeff
-Pointed out Sparky
-Sung Foxy's dumdedumdum song before he attacked, then cheered/laughed when he actually started singing it
-Collectively screamed (not in unison) "WAS THAT THE BITE OF '87!!?!?!?" when Max got bitten in half by Freddy
-"but Vanessa, I'm...a material gorl"
-died of cuteness when Abby placed the heart drawing in Bonnie's hand
-Screamed when we saw Golden Freddy
-Several mentions of Sans Undertale while seeing Golden Freddy, including me, who sang the opening bit of Megalovania
-Screamed/clapped extremely loudly when Cory showed up. Even louder when he came back
-Extrodinarily loud cheer/applause when William Afton was mentioned...the second loudest this theater got
-It got even louder when the Springlocks activated
-The loudest fucking screaming/cheering/clapping ever when Afton said "I always come back"
-Screaming our hearts out when The Living Tombstone played for the end credits...legitimately never felt more connected with a community than aggressively dancing and singing Five Nights at Freddy's with literal strangers
-Loudly groaned and seethed when there were no end credits featuring Markiplier...the most disappointing thing was that Mark wasn't in it (though we understood why)
-Shushed everyone and went dead silent so we could hear the speak-n-spell letters
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pinkmelons5 · 8 months
Name's Mel, I draw, animate and do voices
[If you're searching for examples of art, scroll to the bottom]
Ya so you may have knew me for multiple characters (fan characters even) and some other silly things. If you were searching for someone named Cuty, that's me (hello fellow Pixarians)
Currently I'm a 15-year-old lass with a bit of love for certain hedgehogs and a bunch of depressed war veterans. If that didn't give it off, it's Sonic and Attack on Titan, two of which are my hyperfixations (so cool (there's also EXE)). Birthday's on the 18th of March, so yeah I'm Pisces or somethin. I also play Brawlhalla. I reached Gold 3 at most in Ranked and currently planning to unlock Loki. I'm struggling lmao
Considering I was on Twitter for around.. 3 years or so, I may be doing a wee bit of odd stuff for the norm over here but, I'll probably get adjusted to it. I'd love to be informed of any corrections still.
So, from EXEs I made Codename: SEGA, ElieX, Apex (technically), Guru, Fallen (used to co-own), Grim, and Sparky. Any of these I'm glad to be asked questions revolving.
I got Navi/Maggie for the stickman category (two in one host). Used to watch a bunch of Hyun's Dojo videos so that's cool I think.
I co-own 0XE, both him and Codename are in a duo labelled Duplex Seekers which is in fact canon. Frequently would you find me using a tag for them, and I'd love you use it for fanart :] (it's written Duplex Seekers literally)
This page/blog/something something includes a big range of topics and little to no warnings (the gist is there somewhat is though) as you should be aware of most topics given that you have access to the internet and social media. However, the only thing I don't tend to talk about openly is any sort of spoilers. And as a heads up I'm an anime-only fan of AOT, so.. yeah, keep the Ending spoilers out until November, please.
I'm always open for questions so ask as you please. I'll answer whenever such option is provided, however, so delays are to be expected.
Anyways, uhhh toodles!
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these are mostly doodles but thas usually cuz i frequently free up my space i promise i have more high quality stuff
watch starstormers revamped i work on that too
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ask-team-grim · 2 months
@umbreonlatias - Lola
I second about what was said about Dravina being cool! 👍
Being a fellow Dark/Dragon type I don't have the usual grudge others have!
(Mun also likes Deino! 😁 And Dragons! Dravina is both!)
Though I haven't faced the same struggles you and your Dad have.
(Pfft. Perhaps it's because Lola's new! No one's given her Magicrap yet! 🤭)
Though I have heard tale of The voice of life becoming a Heidreigon, and he's a big Teddyursa, so big "scary" Dragon does not, and should not always equal fear.
Though there's one that fits the stereotype, and I hope none of us meet him...
(Ghetsis's Hydreigon...Poor fella...never had a chance...)
A question, how do you feel about having eyes in the future?
Do you think you'll purposely stay a Zweilos for longer because of the thought of finally getting eyes might be scary?
I hope your Dad and Eevee friend are there when you reach Heidreigon evolution qualifications!
(I'm tired, I can't remember her name for the life of me...🥲)
Or are you going to be brave and shrug it off like its not a big deal?
-I know you haven't even become a Zweilos yet, but just something that popped into my head.
Also, to our Eevee friend, so you're sort of pre-disposed to Jolteon DNA?
Does that sway you more towards becoming a Sparky gal?
You think your fur characteristics would transfer over to your evolution?
Or would you want to be something like yours truly- an Umbreon?
Any eeveelution is fine, as long as you're comfy/happy! 😁
Also, what kinda currency does your shop take?
I'm not sure I have anything your family'd want...
Oh, and I'm guessing Dravina here gets the stuff ya don't sell, cause she was hinting at free stuff!😁
//This post is going to be pretty long, so I’m putting it all under a cut. Click on it to see the answers!
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Rye: Wait, you second that Dravena’s cool?
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Dravena: Oh man, oh man, oh man! I never told you about that! A ‘mon told me I was cool! And then he shared some of his meat cookies with me!
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Rye: Really? That’s awesome Drav!
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Dravena: Of course not! My dad's huge, and apparently really scary lookin but he’s super nice. Maybe a little too nice? I'm not sure what that Voice of Life thing you're talking about is, but it and my dad sound kinda similar.
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Dravena: There are bad Hydreigons. But that's up to the individual, not the species. S'not fair we all getta bad rap…
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Dravena: I mean, it'll be nice to see? But that ain't really a concern to me. I-
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Dravena: Never mind. But I doubt I'd wanna be a Zweilous longer than I hafta be. Though the heads might feel differently. Can't say I'd blame them either. It’s terrifyin’…
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Dravena: …I just hope everyone’ll be there for me, whatever happens.
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Rye: Of course! Why wouldn’t we be?
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Rye: I'm not sure that pre-disposed is the best word? I'm not more likely to evolve into a Jolteon than any of the other evolutions. Though if I did evolve into one, I'd probably be stronger than if I evolved into anything else. I suppose that's what happens when you have a father who comes from a bloodline of countless generations of Jolteon before him.
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Rye: I'm not sure if I'd want to evolve into a Jolteon myself though. I don't know that it fits. Not sure what does though. I actually have been playing with the idea of becoming an Umbreon, funnily enough.
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Rye: And I'd assume my spikes would transfer over, whatever I choose. After all, they show up while l'm an Eevee!
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Rye: Oh, we take regular Poké! Though obviously you can't really buy anything from the bakery while you're at the sleepover. There is a plate of some of my mom's baked goods somewhere in this tower if you're interested in trying some before you get a chance to buy anything. Think of it as a sample!
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Rye: And Dravena does get some of the leftovers, though my family actually eats the majority of what doesn't get sold. Mom bakes Dravena a lot of stuff fresh.
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Dravena: It's so good too! Ya really should go buy somethin' if ya get the chance.
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Rye: I was wondering though, you mentioned that you were an Umbreon, right? I mean you kinda look like one, though your colors look a good bit different, and you’ve got wings. So, if you don’t mind me asking, are you a hybrid? Or is there another explanation on why your coat is pink and you have wings?
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Dravena: I mean she'd have to be a hybrid. She said she was dark and dragon-type right? Ain't Umbreons just dark?
// @umbreonlatias
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divinegrey · 2 years
turkish delights / phoenix x f!reader
first prompt with one of the boys from valorant! hope this lives up, and sorry it took so long to write, to whoever requested this! please note that dialogue written in italics in this fic is turkish!
prompt: hii i love ur works!!! may i ask for phoenix with a fem!turkish agent. she has a friendly and cheerful personality and phoenix has a big crush on her. thanks luv ya ❤️❤️❤️
words: 1250
warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, phoenix being blushy, reader being affectionate and flirty
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You stir the metal straw in your cup of iced coffee with one hand before taking a sip. Fade is there as well, sitting on the the counter with her feet cross and her head tilted back so you can properly focus on braiding her hair as well as placate her need to be on counters instead of on a chair like any regular person. 
“So,” Fade says, and you roll your eyes. “Are we going to avoid talking about the obvious thing?” 
Switching your brain into speaking your native language of Turkish, you reply, “Talk about what?” 
Fade waves her hand in the air and you slap it back down. “The way that Phoenix kept choking on his own spit during the last mission! I caught him several times gawking at you, you know.” 
“Leave him alone,” You reply, flicking Fade on the side of her head. Yet, you have no counter answer for it. You noticed it too, how Phoenix seemed glued to your side despite you and Fade being the clear duo for the mission. You always worked best with your fellow Turk at your side, even if she turned into a stone cold asshole during missions. Yet, Phoenix seemed to gravitate toward you every second of that mission. 
You have a sneaking suspicion why, yet you don’t want to confirm it; why get your hopes up when it could be something else. 
You tie the end of Fade’s braid, grabbing your coffee and bringing it to your mouth again. Phoenix is…
He’s a lot. 
He’s a firecracker and a nightclub mixed into one person. Incessant energy, endless jokes, all wrapped up into one man with an adoringly attractive smile. You never considered the possibility of being into anyone when you arrived on the base side by side with Fade, the two of you recruited at the same time for your abilities, but the idea of it has settled into your bones with every wry grin that Phoenix sent your way during group dinners or game nights. 
You feel your heart flutter in your chest. 
“Ugh,” Fade says, grimacing. “You are so gross. Just date him already.” 
You shake your head. “You heard Brimstone. No fraternization.” 
Fade bops your head much like a cat would swat at something. You’re more than used to her mannerisms by now. “That didn’t stop me.” 
“Yes, we all know how you’re Neon’s little bitch, congratulations.” 
Fade gasps, and you start cackling at the affronted look on her face. It’s so goddamn hilarious that you don’t recognize the sound of the door opening and footsteps coming in. Fade glances past you, her multi-colored eyes brightening for a split second before melting into pure mischief. She grabs your shoulder and spins you right around. 
And there stands Phoenix, a box in his hand and his other arm tucked behind his back. 
“Uh, hi!” Phoenix says, a smile passing onto his face. “Uh, Fade, I was hoping I could talk with—” 
Fade is off the counter in a second. She turns to you, a cheerful smile plastered on her face, speaking in Turkish, “Make your move!” 
In reply, you say, “Bitch.” 
Fade is all too happy to leave, laughing as she strides out of the kitchen area and out of the room. Phoenix watches her go with a slightly perplexed expression. “What was that about?” 
“Nothing important,” you say, leaning against the counter with one hand resting against the cool surface. You jerk your head to the box. “Whatcha hiding in there, Sparky?” 
At the nickname, Phoenix brightens visibly, stepping a little closer. You detect the nerves radiating off of him, wondering what could be so important that he’s struggling to keep his eye contact. For someone like him, always so cocky and self-assured, it’s strange (and utterly adorable) to see him so skittish. 
“I— uh—” Phoenix clears his throat, puffing his chest and pulling his shoulders back. You smile at him, hoping it provides some reassurance, but mostly because you can’t help yourself. “I got you somethin’! Had to find a good place for these, but I hope you like them!”  
He holds out the box to you, and you put your coffee down. Taking it within your hands, you pull the flap and open the lid. 
Your jaw drops. 
“You got me lokum,” You say, staring at the starch covered pieces of candy, all lined up by color inside of the box. Your heart swells with warmth that can only pin on the man standing a foot away from you. “Phoenix, this is…” 
“I didn’t know which flavor you’d like, so I got all of them,” Phoenix says, scratching the back of his neck. “I had a little help, admittedly.” 
Fade. You laugh softly, putting the box down onto the counter before turning back to Phoenix. “You got anything else up your sleeve other than a nasty case of sugar rush?” 
“These,” Phoenix replies, unfurling his other arm. 
Flowers, arranged in a beautiful bouquet with a ribbon tied in a warm shade of orange. It compliments the petals of the flowers in your favorite color, paired with some other bits and pieces of greenery. You can smell how fresh they are, and as you take them into your hand, the tips of your fingers touch Phoenix’s. 
“This is so sweet, all of this,” you say, smiling so wide your cheeks hurt. “What’s all of this for?” 
Phoenix rubs his hands together, sparks flying off of his palms in the way that they do when he gets nervous. “I was hoping to— no, I want to ask you out on a date. If that’s okay with you. If it’s not, I totally understand.” 
Your heart beats faster in your chest. You lay the flowers gently onto the counter, exchanging it for a block of red lokum— turkish delights— and holding it in your hand. Using your other hand to cup underneath and catch any bits of stray starch, you hold it up to Phoenix. “Come on, take a bite.” 
Confused, Phoenix leans forward. He takes a small chomp out of the starchy gelatin, chewing on it. 
“That’s really goo— hmph!” His words are cut off when you wrap your hand around the back of his neck and bring your mouth onto his. Immediately, Phoenix holds your waist, sinking into the surprise kiss. His palms are so warm and you can feel the heat on his mouth, plush and soft and sticky with gelatin and starch. 
You can’t help yourself, smiling into his mouth because you’ve wanted to do that for a while now. You pull away, staring into his eyes and Phoenix looks beyond dreamy, caught in a stupor of your making. You push the rest of the turkish delight into his mouth and he takes it willingly, chewing with a dopey grin. 
“I’d love to go on a date with you,” you say, brushing your thumb across his mouth to wipe off some of the starch. Licking your thumb clean, you giggle at Phoenix’s face. 
“Can I kiss you again?” He asks dumbly, and you wrap your arms around his neck. 
“I’m hoping you will,” you reply, and that’s all the encouragement Phoenix needs before sinking into another kiss with you, holding you so close that any traces of cold are burned away by the constant furnace of Phoenix’s body warming your own. It’s delightful, and it’s more than anything you could’ve ever imagined. 
~~~~~ A/N: my entire line of thought while writing this was "he/him pronouns he/him pronouns he/him pronouns" 💀💀💀
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