#a wild lou appears
hummelinski · 2 months
Aaahhh!!!!!!! Lou spotted in the wild 😄. Started to watch The Rookie recently and Lou just popped up randomly as cocky criminal at the start of the episode 🥰.
I didn't expect that, how did I not know he is in there 🤔. It looks like tiny part but how did I miss that?
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two-bit-socrates · 2 years
Me, listening to episode 2 of Worlds Beyond Number as it hits around the 6 minute mark where there's 3 knocks at the door: It's the landlord, cast tenants rights!
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mimi-0007 · 6 months
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FATHER & SON: James Earl Jones with his Father Robert Earl Jones on Stage in the 1962 Production "Moon on a Rainbow Shawl."
Robert Earl Jones (February 3, 1910 – September 7, 2006), sometimes credited as Earl Jones, was an American actor and professional boxer. One of the first prominent Black film stars, Jones was a living link with the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s and 1930s, having worked with Langston Hughes early in his career.
Jones was best known for his leading roles in films such as Lying Lips (1939) and later in his career for supporting roles in films such as The Sting (1973), Trading Places (1983), The Cotton Club (1984), and Witness (1985).
Jones was born in northwestern Mississippi; the specific location is unclear as some sources indicate Senatobia, while others suggest nearby Coldwater. He left school at an early age to work as a sharecropper to help his family. He later became a prizefighter. Under the name "Battling Bill Stovall", he was a sparring partner of Joe Louis.
Jones became interested in theater after he moved to Chicago, as one of the thousands leaving the South in the Great Migration. He moved on to New York by the 1930s. He worked with young people in the Works Progress Administration, the largest New Deal agency, through which he met Langston Hughes, a young poet and playwright. Hughes cast him in his 1938 play, Don't You Want to Be Free?.
Jones also entered the film business, appearing in more than twenty films. His film career started with the leading role of a detective in the 1939 race film Lying Lips, written and directed by Oscar Micheaux, and Jones made his next screen appearance in Micheaux's The Notorious Elinor Lee (1940). Jones acted mostly in crime movies and dramas after that, with such highlights as Wild River (1960) and One Potato, Two Potato (1964). In the Oscar-winning 1973 film The Sting, he played Luther Coleman, an aging grifter whose con is requited with murder leading to the eponymous "sting". In the later 20th century, Jones appeared in several other noted films: Trading Places (1983) and Witness (1985).
Toward the end of his life, Jones was noted for his stage portrayal of Creon in The Gospel at Colonus (1988), a black musical version of the Oedipus legend. He also appeared in episodes of the long-running TV shows Lou Grant and Kojak. One of his last stage roles was in a 1991 Broadway production of Mule Bone by Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston, another important writer of the Harlem Renaissance. His last film was Rain Without Thunder (1993).
Although blacklisted by the House Un-American Activities Committee in the 1950s due to involvement with leftist groups, Jones was ultimately honored with a lifetime achievement award by the U.S. National Black Theatre Festival.
Jones was married three times. As a young man, he married Ruth Connolly (died 1986) in 1929; they had a son, James Earl Jones. Jones and Connolly separated before James was born in 1931, and the couple divorced in 1933. Jones did not come to know his son until the mid-1950s. He adopted a second son, Matthew Earl Jones. Jones died on September 7, 2006, in Englewood, New Jersey, from natural causes at age 96.
1945 The Hasty Heart (Blossom) Hudson Theatre, Broadway
1945 Strange Fruit (Henry) McIntosh NY theater production
1948 Volpone (Commendatori) City Center
1948 Set My People Free (Ned Bennett) Hudson Theatre, Broadway
1949 Caesar and Cleopatra (Nubian Slave) National Theatre, Broadway
1952 Fancy Meeting You Again (Second Nubian) Royale Theatre, Broadway
1956 Mister Johnson (Moma) Martin Beck Theater, Broadway
1962 Infidel Caesar (Soldier) Music Box Theater, Broadway
1962 The Moon Besieged (Shields Green) Lyceum Theatre, Broadway
1962 Moon on a Rainbow Shawl (Charlie Adams) East 11th Street Theatre, New York
1968 More Stately Mansions (Cato) Broadhurst Theatre, Broadway
1975 All God's Chillun Got Wings (Street Person) Circle in the Square Theatre, Broadway
1975 Death of a Salesman (Charley)
1977 Unexpected Guests (Man) Little Theatre, Broadway
1988 The Gospel at Colonus (Creon) Lunt-Fontanne Theatre, Broadway
1991 Mule Bone (Willie Lewis) Ethel Barrymore Theatre, Broadway
1939 Lying Lips (Detective Wenzer )
1940 The Notorious Elinor Lee (Benny Blue)
1959 Odds Against Tomorrow (Club Employee uncredited)
1960 Wild River (Sam Johnson uncredited)
1960 The Secret of the Purple Reef (Tobias)
1964 Terror in the City (Farmer)
1964 One Potato, Two Potato (William Richards)
1968 Hang 'Em High
1971 Mississippi Summer (Performer)
1973 The Sting (Luther Coleman)
1974 Cockfighter (Buford)
1977 Proof of the Man (Wilshire Hayward )
1982 Cold River (The Trapper)
1983 Trading Places (Attendant)
1983 Sleepaway Camp (Ben)
1984 The Cotton Club (Stage Door Joe)
1984 Billions for Boris (Grandaddy)
1985 Witness (Custodian)
1988 Starlight: A Musical Movie (Joe)
1990 Maniac Cop 2 (Harry)
1993 Rain Without Thunder (Old Lawyer)
1964 The Defenders (Joe Dean) Episode: The Brother Killers
1976 Kojak (Judge) Episode: Where to Go if you Have Nowhere to Go?
1977 The Displaced Person (Astor) Television movie
1978 Lou Grant (Earl Humphrey) Episode: Renewal
1979 Jennifer's Journey (Reuven )Television movie
1980 Oye Ollie (Performer) Television series
1981 The Sophisticated Gents (Big Ralph Joplin) 3 episodes
1982 One Life to Live
1985 Great Performances (Creon) Episode: The Gospel at Colonus
1990 True Blue (Performer) Episode: Blue Monday
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sunflowerdigs · 4 months
It's kind of wild to read takes about how Buck "finally" has someone to love and support him unconditionally when I thought that's exactly what Eddie was doing for the last 7 seasons. I think that's the thing that irritates me most about people who have replaced Buddie with BT (not multishippers) - it's like they've completely forgotten 7 years of canon because of a few kisses. Especially because, as recently as 7x06, the show deliberately had Eddie demonstrate much more love and support for Buck than Tommy. In fact, that was the point of even having Tommy in that first scene at Chim's party. It's the willful blindness to more incisive and richer readings of the show combined with a weird pride in that more shallow reading because it's spoonfed that I think is really irritating to me. Buck and Tommy have some of the outward appearances of a committed relationship but I'm really hoping that in these last 2 episodes, Buck demonstrates who he's actually canonically committed to.
Some speculation under the cut.
It's worth pointing out that the Bucktaylor breakup happened in 5x17 and 5x18 with pretty much no warning. 5x17 set up the reasons for the breakup and then, in 5x18, the breakup happened. There was nothing about them in the official description for 5x17 and, from what I can gather, only one unofficial description for 5x18 contained anything about them.
While I agree that 7x09/7x10 would be pretty early for a BT breakup, it's hard for me to believe that the show wants to spend much more time on another hamster wheel relationship for Buck. Especially since, after 7x04, the hamster wheel is more visible than ever, what with the obvious contradictions in Buck's actions vs the conclusions he reached about those actions (similar to 4x14, where he prioritized Eddie over Taylor unnecessarily but then came to the conclusion that he wanted to be with Taylor).
I keep thinking about the 7x03 scene where Buck paused and smiled at Tommy for a bit before following Eddie. That scene right there was an indication that the relationship would be short-lived. Additionally, Lou wearing the same outfit in 7x10 that he wore in 7x04 is potentially a bookend, possibly indicative of a reset of his relationship with Buck back to what it was the first time he wore that outfit. After all, Buck was never jumping ship, he was just keeping his options fluid.
Finally, I think it's telling that Ryan keeps saying both that Eddie is heterosexual and that Buddie is possible because those two statements are contradictory. It makes me think his heterosexuality may not be permanent. Because if it was, then Buddie would be off the table, and discussions of Buddie would be banned in interviews like they were in previous seasons.
So...obviously no one can say anything for certain until the rest of the season plays out. I'm not here to promise anyone anything because I don't work on the show and my interpretation could always be wrong. But there's certainly reason for hope, at least.
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solisaureus · 2 months
gets on my knees please could we have any will solace angst hcs 🙏
cracks knuckles
it’s wild to me that will calls himself a killer, supposedly over losing patients. i’m sure that when he first started out as a field medic, it was plenty traumatic when patients died in his care, but calling himself a killer seems extreme. for this reason i think that this line refers to the trauma of emergency triage, which i had him address in my fic guilt
In general, i can think of few things more horrifying than a child surgeon. the kinds of injuries will tends to are nightmare fuel and he’s so young. i’m always thinking about how upset he is in this scene from tho:
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in tsats will seemed to have a bit of an inferiority complex, like he always had to be proving himself to nico as useful. he had that nightmare where nico accused him of holding him back, and another where his father told him the only thing he was good for was being a “spare battery.” will’s self worth seems to be tied to his usefulness to other people, which is depressing as fuck.
not only does will have anxiety and fear about not measuring up, he tends to catastrophize when he perceives that he’s failed. after the scene with amphithemis when nico yells at him, he automatically jumps to the worst case scenario, which is nico not only breaking up with him but leaving him to die in the wretched wasteland of tartarus. my boy needs therapy bad
the amount of responsibility on his shoulders is immense, between leading the second largest cabin at camp half blood and running the infirmary, where he’s charged with saving lives. that’s too much for any one person, let alone a teenager, to handle
he was lonely growing up and had pretty much no friends his age. and he doesn’t really appear to have friends at camp either — i know fan works have cecil and lou ellen has his besties, but they were only in one scene together and will doesn’t talk about them at all in tsats. he doesn’t talk or even think about any friends at all, except kayla and austin, who are his siblings. i wonder if he’s just too busy to make friends or if he still feels alone.
his cabin lost two head counselors in as many years and when will had to take on the role, i wonder if he feared that he would be next, like a curse had been passed to him. because lee and michael died in such quick succession, i doubt they had time to teach will anything about how to run the cabin and he had to figure it out himself
i think will was probably fairly close to michael, considering it’s now canon that michael taught him field medicine. michael probably truly felt like a big brother to him, and will had to watch him die
will reacted so strongly to nico saying that nobody at camp half blood wanted him, it makes me think that that genuinely hurt his feelings. since it’s now canon that will and nico met during the events of titans curse, i wonder if will considered nico to be his friend and was worried about him when he disappeared. i wonder if he developed feelings and pined for nico before that point, and hearing nico say that he was going to leave because no one wanted him broke will’s heart
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deluxewhump · 5 days
Ingrid calls Carlo a pet name
CW: mention of nausea and headache (Ingrid is pregnant with Jack here). The movies are The Two Towers and ROtK btw ;)
It was barely noon, and Ingrid lay in the master bedroom with a cloth over her forehead. It had long since stopped being cool, and was now only damp instead of wet. She moved it an inch so it touched her hairline and the air cooled the wet skin it exposed.
Thick green curtains were drawn against the heat and light of midday. Insects trilled in the grass outside and she could hear a dog barking distantly— a neighbor of theirs habitually let his two yellow labs run loose around the wooded hills and they sometimes wandered onto Max’s property. Carlo worried about his cat, Lou, who would hiss if he saw them from the window and climb into his master’s arms flicking his tail.
Max told him Lou was too smart to ever get anywhere near those dogs. He was more worried about coyotes than the labradors, he’d said. Carlo had bent his head to press his mouth into Lou’s black fur, frowning at the mention of the coyotes. Sometimes they screamed at night from the tree line, sounding for a moment like human shrieks and then like the mad baying of a dozen wild dogs.
As if summoned by her wandering thoughts, Lou jumped on the bed, stretching his back and chirping in question. Ingrid held out a hand and felt the brush of whiskers on her palm. For half a second, she thought it was Max that appeared in the doorway. But Max was in D.C. all day at a conference. It was Carlo.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “Do you want me to grab him? The door was cracked. He pushed it open.”
“No,” Ingrid answered as serenely as she could manage. “He’s good company.”
“Do you… need anything?”
She almost told him no, but thought of something. “Could you get me a ginger ale? They’re the little mini cans, on the door, bottom shelf.”
“Yeah,” he said, like he was surprised but pleased she’d said yes. Max was always asking Carlo things like that. It’s cold, you need socks? Want a blanket? I’m getting a drink, can I get you something, baby? She’d never loved someone by proxy before, but that’s how it was with him. It was Max’s steadfast love for him that instructed her, like slowly picking up bits of an accent. One day she saw him curled up in an armchair, head bent over a book, running his finger absently over his lower lip. Softly, like a gradual summer dusk, she realized she now loved him too.
Lou curled up a short distance from her and began to purr. Carlo returned with a can of cold ginger ale and popped open the tab before handing it to her, another of Max’s mannerisms. “You’re sweet,” she told him, taking a long drink and set it on the nightstand.
“God,” she complained, and lay back on her side. “I feel like a truck hit me.”
“How long will that last?” asked Carlo softly, conscious of her aching head.
“Oh, another couple of weeks maybe. What’re you doing today?”
He shrugged.
“I’m gonna put on a movie, if you want to wallow with me.”
He gave her a little smile and agreed, climbing onto Max’s side of the bed and curling up on his side in a mirror of her own position. Lou got up to reposition next to Carlo’s chest, and Carlo draped his arm over him. Ingrid clicked the TV on with the remote and tucked her knees closer to her chest.
By the end of the film, Lou had left them but Carlo had gotten under the top blanket and tilted his head close to her so she could not help but lay her hand in his soft hair, grazing her fingertips over his scalp. The sun had begun to descend from its zenith, evident by the angle and color of the light that persisted through the seams of the pulled curtains.
“Do you want to watch the next one, baby?” she whispered when the credits rolled, wondering if he might be asleep.
He moved an inch closer to her and nodded. She let her hand drift back to his hair. She’d never called him that before. It was Max’s favorite pet name for him, and she didn’t know if she was allowed. It seemed strange, having come from her lips and not from Max’s, but he did not give any indication there was anything amiss. She pulled her nails gently up the warm base of his neck and into his hair, over and over, to the rhythm of the oscillating fan.
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Who is the Sexiest Fictional Podcast Character?
After receiving 219 submissions for 152 characters from 52 podcasts and a round of preliminaries, we have our brackets!*
*20 characters from the podcast Welcome to Night Vale will appear later in a Night Vale-only bracket.
Round 1:
Scripted Bracket
Isabel Lovelace (Wolf 359) vs Cyrille (5 Minuten Harry Podcast)
Krejjh (The Strange Case of Starship Iris) vs Lady Ethel Mallory (Hello From The Hallowoods)
Lord Arum (The Penumbra Podcast: Second Citadel) vs The Witch Queen A.K.A. Daughter Dooley (Old Gods of Appalachia
Warren Kepler (Wolf 359) vs Ashley "Ash" Ramis (Georgie Romero is Done For)
Brutus Feels (Kane and Feels) vs Shan (SPINES)
Sir Caroline (The Penumbra Podcast: Second Citadel) vs The Dragon Narrator (Unseen)
Alé (The Penumbra Podcast: Second Citadel) vs Hester/The Narrator (Within The Wires: Season 1)
Thistle/The Woman (Alice Isn't Dead) vs Sam Bailey (The Sheridan Tapes)
Peter Nureyev (The Penumbra Podcast: Juno Steel) vs Butt (Pounded In The Butt By My Own Podcast: Episode 1)
Alice (Alice Isn't Dead) vs Diggory Graves (Hello From the Hallowoods)
Antigone Funn (Wooden Overcoats) vs Ryan Dallas (EOS 10)
Martin Blackwood (The Magnus Archives) vs Galileo (Let's Make A Music)
Lucifer Kane (Kane and Feels) vs Gin (Story Break: Heaven Heist)
Amaryllis of Exile (The Penumbra Podcast: Second Citadel) vs Mabel Martin (Mabel)
Pilot Pereya (The Penumbra Podcast: Juno Steel) vs Hester Oleta (Within The Wires: Season 1)
Strelitzia (Additional Postage Required) vs Harold "HBD" Bastion Demetrius (The Soft-Boiled Detective)
Akmazian (EOS 10) vs Everyone from The Strange Case of Starship Iris
Damien (The Bright Sessions) vs Mari Datuin (Hi Nay)
Count Dracula (Re: Dracule) vs Static Man (Archive 81)
Dragana Vukovic (The White Vault) vs Elias Bouchard (The Magnus Archives)
Agnes Montague (The Magnus Archives) vs Vega Rex (Vega: A Sci-Fi Adventure Podcast!)
Mina Murray (Re: Dracula) vs Nicholas Waters (Archive 81)
Mark Bryant (The Bright Sessions) vs Laura (Hi Nay)
Georgie Crusoe (Wooden Overcoats) vs Kate Burnham (The Bridge)
Keisha (Alice Isn't Dead) vs SAYER (SAYER)
Chance Sequoyah (The Penumbra Podcast) vs Yaretzi (Hello From The Hallowoods)
Buddy Aurinko (The Penumbra Podcast: Juno Steel) vs Dane (Dreamboy)
Sadie Doyle (Thrilling Adventure Hour: Beyond Belief) vs Hera (Wolf 359)
Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives) vs The CryptoNaturalist (The CryptoNaturalist)
Rita (The Penumbra Podcast: Juno Steel) vs Lou (Archive 81)
Dr. Joan Bright (The Bright Sessions) vs Ashvin Beeharee (Hi Nay)
Renée Minkowski (Wolf 359) vs Clara Page (Who is Aldrich Kemp)
Unscripted Bracket
Pickman (Friends at the Table: Sangfielle) vs The Shadow Man ('Til Death Do Us Blart)
Beacon (The Adventure Zone: Amnesty vs Glenn Close (Dungeons and Daddies)
Oscar Wilde (Rusty Quill Gaming) vs Grand Magnificent (Friends at the Table: Twilight Mirage)
Taako (The Adventure Zone: Balance) vs Bathin (Stella Firma)
Lup (The Adventure Zone: Balance) vs Sago Glegg (Rotating Heroes: Arc 6)
Sans Undertale (Interstitial: Our Hearts Intertwined: Authority) vs M. Leopold Duvall (Friends at the Table: Sangfielle)
Duck Newton (The Adventure Zone: Amnesty) vs Chine (Friends at the Table: Sangfielle)
Tryst Valentine (Campaign: Star Wars) vs Mini Smithson (Chapter and Multiverse: Masks)
Gable (Campaign: Skyjacks) vs Hector Hu (Friends at the Table: Bluff City)
Michael (The Adventure Zone: Dust) vs Nicky Close (Dungeons and Daddies
Zolf Smith (Rusty Quill Gaming) vs Fourteen Fifteen (Friends at the Table: Twilight Mirage)
Coco Cashmere (Hey Riddle Riddle) vs Trexel Geistman (Stella Firma)
Killian Fangbattle (The Adventure Zone: Balance) vs Henrietta Salm (Pest Control: Fate)
Kalvin Brnine (Friends at the Table: PALISADE) vs Lye "Lyke" Lichen (Friends at the Table: Sangfielle)
Indrid Cold (The Adventure Zone: Amnesty) vs Rigour (Friends at the Table: COUNTER/Weight)
Chunt (Hello From The Magic Tavern) vs Suvirin Kedberiket (Worlds Beyond Number: The Wizard, The Witch, and the Wild One)
Tender Sky (Friends at the Table: Twilight Mirage) vs Pox (NeoScum)
The Firbolg (The Adventure Zone: Graduation) vs Ron Stampler (Dungeons and Daddies)
Azu (Rusty Quill Gaming) vs Hadrian (Friends at the Table: Seasons of Hieron)
Moonshine Cybin (Not Another D&D Podcast: Bahumia) vs Caspian (Just Roll With It: Riptide)
Amber Gris (The Adventure Zone: Ethersea) vs Jens Lyndelle (Not Another D&D Podcast: Trinvyvale)
Perennial (Friends at the Table: PARTIZAN and PALISADE) vs Throndir (Friends at the Table: Seasons of Hieron)
Nadiya Jones (The Adventure Zone: Commitment) vs Ibex (Friends at the Table: COUNTER/Weight)
Cassander Timaeus Berenice (Friends at the Table: COUNTER/Weight) vs Tech Wizard (NeoScum)
Vermillion "Milli" Blue (Friends at the Table: PARTIZAN) vs Dak Rambo (NeoScum)
Rainer (The Adventure Zone: Graduation) vs Mercedes Oak-Garcia (Dungeons and Daddies)
Thisbe (Friends at the Table: PARTIZAN and PALISADE) vs Echo Reverie (Friends at the Table: Twilight Mirage)
Kravitz (The Adventure Zone: Balance) vs Henry Hogfish (Not Another D&D Podcast)
Aubrey Little (The Adventure Zone: Amnesty) vs Glenfyr "Glen" Gladewyn (Not Another D&D Podcast
Cel Sidebottom (Rusty Quill Gaming) vs Adelaide Tristé (Friends at the Table: Seasons of Hieron)
Kardala (The Adventure Zone: Commitment) vs Jacqui Green (Friends at the Table: COUNTER/Weight)
Hella Varal (Friends at the Table: Seasons of Hieron) vs (Former) Confessor Bartholomew Lamentations (The Unexplored Places: Ruin's Gate)
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rocks-in-space · 3 months
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1. The Four Generations of Chang E, Zen Cho // 2. “Ursa Major,” Lisa Bohnwagner // 3. "Run Boy Run," Woodkid // 4. The Blinding Star, Blanca Varela. // 5. The Wizard, the Witch, and the Wild One, episode 24, Lou Wilson // 6. "Sword Illustrations," Ma-Ko. // 7. Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? Jeanette Winterson // 8. The Green Knight, David Lowery //9. "Crush," Richard Siken // 10. "The Problem With Other People," Savannah Brown // 11. The Wizard, the Witch, and the Wild One, episode 13, Lou Wilson // 12. "Artichokes," Bianca Stone
The Wizard, the Witch, and the Wild One web weaves:
Eursulon Suvi Ame True Friends
[Image IDs:
Image 1: Text reading, "Past a certain point, you stop being able to go home. At this point, when you have got this far from where you were, the thread snaps. The narrative breaks. And you are forced, pastless, to invent yourself anew."
Image 2: A painting of a night sky showing the constellation Ursa Major with an image of a polar bear behind it.
Image 3: Text reading, "Run, boy, run! This world is not made for you / Run, boy, run! They're trying to catch you."
Image 4: Text reading, "Because you are no longer an angel but a person all alone on two tired feet upon this earth that turns, that wakes terribly young every morning."
Image 5: Text reading, "[Chuckle] Well, I'm maybe not a knight yet, but on my way."
Image 6: A drawing all in shades of green of a sword planted in the ground illuminated by a thin beam of light. The sword is in front of the ruins of a stone building overgrown with plants.
Image 7: Text reading, “I've always tried to make a home for myself, but I have not felt at home in myself. I've worked hard at being the hero of my own life. But every time I checked the register of displaced persons, I was still on it. I didn't know how to belong. Longing? Yes. Belonging? No.”
Image 8: Text reading, "Are you a knight yet?" "Not yet." "Better hurry up." "I've got time... I'm not ready yet... I'm not ready."
Image 9: Text reading, "which brings us back to the hero's shoulders and the gentleness that comes, not from the absence of violence, but despite the abundance of it."
Image 10: Text reading, "The problem with other people/ is that one must leave before the other/ + one always gets there first.”
Image 11: Text reading, "Feeling the sword, really feeling the sword, feeling that it is not of THIS world, but of HIS world, where HE comes from. That is the energy, that is of him, that is coursing through him, that HE wields, up the arms, into the shoulders, filling his chest with the warmth, the feelings of play, the feelings of community and family, that were shared amongst his brothers and sisters, and the Great Bear, the feeling of his home, where he is from."
Image 12: Text reading, "I bet I will live again./ I bet I will appear in full gear, the armor / of ugly indefinite livability, the real body, / alive or in decay — I'll appear / like a thundering, I'll save / myself. And you. And you."
end ID.]
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louloulemons-posts · 10 months
can you do a eddie fic where gets cursed by vecna or whatever and eddie is the only one with reader if you already havent? its alright if not though
Eddie X Reader
Word Count : 0.6k
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Warnings : Not proofread, 4am writing (she’s back 👹) vecna, billy, reader feels guilt, fluffy ending, like minor angst, petnames.
A/N : i’m so sorry this took so long! I’ve had the worst writers block, but hopefully i’m back now with many fics to come. Enjoy!
- Lou 🫶🏻
1K Celebration Found Here
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
It couldn't end like this, you refused to let it end like this. Your head had been pounding for days, your nose running regularly, the inability to sleep had become a regular. It was just like Chrissy.
Vecna had targeted you, taking you back to the horrific things you'd experienced because of the upside down before. The demogorgons, demodogs, the night at the mall you so wished you could forget.
Your vision has gone fuzzy. Where were you?
The mall?
No that wasn't possible.
"Hello?" you called out.
There was no answer, nothing at all.
Jumping and turning quickly you saw, well you could only assume it was Vecna. The monster walked towards you.
"Please," you said softly.
"It's time. I can take it all away. How you left Max without a brother, the guilt you feel for him pushing you out of the way. Poor poor Billy," he taunted, his voice deep and vile.
Your skin was full of goosebumps, as you stepped back and hit something. Turning, you saw a familiar face.
His big blue eyes were glossy, his skin covered in sickly black veins, covered in a thick layer of sweat.
“Billy I-“
“You did this,” he said, voice angry but face so numb of emotion.
“I didn’t mean to, I’m so sorry,” your eyes filled with tears, you didn’t want him to die for you.
“You just wanted Max for yourself, you’d always wanted a sister. So why not take mine right!” he shouted, pushing you back towards Vecna.
“No! No I didn’t mean for any of this to happen!” you cried.
“Liar!” he shoved you down on to the floor, the skinless beast grinned from above you.
“It’s time.”
His long fingers came towards you, grabbing hold of your face. “No!” you screamed kicking your legs to get away.
He was too strong. “No please! Please! Someone help!” you sobbed.
“Nobody can save you now Y/N, nobody but me. You let out a cry, this was how it was going to end. This was it.
You didn’t even get to say goodbye. To your friends. Your family. Eddie. Oh Eddie. Your sweet boy.
“Goodbye Y/N.”
Oh thinkin’ about all our younger years
There was only you and me
We were young and wild and free
What was that?
You began to struggle again, wriggling your wrists against the vines that had appeared around them.
Vecnas eyes had rolled to the back of his head, meaning he didn’t notice when yours came swinging forward, headbutting him away.
The shock knocked him back, giving you time to wiggle out of the vines. Ripping them off you, you were up and sprinting towards an opening.
It looked like Eddies trailer. “Eddie!” You called out, seeing the familiar brown curls.
Baby your all that I want now
When you’re lyin’ here in my arms
I’m finding it hard to believe
We’re in heaven
You ran and ran, feeling the ground shake beneath you and heard a violent scream from the monster behind.
Large rocks began falling in your path and the ground began to crumble beneath your feet.
You had to make it, had to get back to him.
Now are dreams are comin’ true
Through the good times and the bad
Yeah I’ll be standin’ there by you, oh!
A large rock lifted behind you and before you’d even thought about it you were launching yourself over it and through to the trailer. To the boy you loved.
With a loud gasp of breath your body fell into Eddies arms. His huge frame wrapping around you, holding you to his chest.
“Thank god you’re okay,” he spoke into your hair, leaving a kiss there. He pulled back holding your face in his hands.
“I know I spoke badly about Bryan Adams, but he’s now my favourite artist ever.”
“Even more than Metallica?”
He let out a laugh, “Baby he saved your life.”
“No, Edward Munson, you did.” Standing on your tip toes you pressed a gentle kiss to his mouth.
“I love you.”
“I love you too Baby.”
You’re all that I want
You’re all that I need
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Thank you so much for reading!
Please leave any requests 🤍
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sergeifyodorov · 3 months
Any interest in grading everyone’s first day of free agency? Would love to hear your thoughts!!
ooh okay ! well as tuned in as i am i didn't catch everything so this is going to be pretty incomplete/fairly uninformed but here's my attempt:
boston bruins: that zadorov contract LOL AND LMAO (i say as if hes not going to immediately skyrocket to excellence.) that lindholm contract might be even worse with the same caveat. A+ for me, a hater
buffalo sabres: what did they even do? C.
detroit red wings: kane is a bad move + jack campbell is fine at that contract + cam talbot is the epitome of "goalies? what's up with goalies?" + why do they have 4 goalies now. C-
florida panthers: lost montour, lost oel, lost lomberg. that reinhart contract is really good though. C+
montreal canadiens: if slaf continues on his upward trajectory that contract looks great; if he doesn't, they're already bad so it doesn't matter all that much. B
ottawa senators: what did they even do? get noah gregor? i hear he's very fast. C.
tampa bay lightning: where do i even start with this one
toronto maple leafs: the problem w/ all of the leafs' acquisitions is that they are Fine, some of them even Good, but they're just overpaid enough for me to not only get annoyed about it but also see 30 ft of insufferably rancid discourse every time i open twitter. B+
carolina hurricanes: appear to have lost half the guys i remember being on their roster, but the one dude they did end up signing was one of the small handful of good deals i saw handed out today. C
columbus blue jackets: this team's quality does not matter. you know what does matter? gaudreau/monahan reunion. A
new jersey devils: brett pesce's good. B+
new york islanders: anthony duclair's good but i mourn what lou lamoriello will make him do with his hair. C+
new york rangers: what did they even do. C.
pittsburgh penguins: incredibly committed to the bit of only signing players over 30 and they don't have poj back yet. C
washington capitals: genuine home runs in here. chychrun... pld... matt roy... didn't even give out valuable picks to acquire these assets! A
chicago blackhawks: i think they're trying to crawl out of this rebuild with no other serious potential core members other than bedard, which don't get me wrong is a bad move, but i also think they're not doing a terrible job of crawling out of the rebuild. B
colorado avalanche: kept jo drouin. C+
dallas stars: lyubushkin is incredibly bad and they gave him 3.25 aav. and casey desmith is there. F
minnesota wild: extended one of the sexiest toothless men on earth jake middleton. A
nashville predators: A+
st louis blues: what did they even do. C
utah hockey club: that durzi price is a bit steep but hey, if you've never had the money before i guess you might as well spend it. also sergachev was a BALLSY move i will miss you my cunty mistress. also we (the nhl) have a fucking iginla again... for our health. we need an iginla. B-
winnipeg jets: what did they even do. C
anaheim ducks: what did they even do. C
calgary flames: sharangovich extension + anthony mantha. tidy bit of business. zayne parekh YOU are the 2025 calder trophy winner. C+
edmonton oilers: managed to get a couple good players on nice cheap contracts, improved their rush game even more somehow, and will have to re-print their goalie's jerseys because they now have two different guys named skinner. A
la kings: gave joel edmundson nearly 4 million dollars a year. D
seattle kraken: stole brandon montour from florida. B+
san jose sharks: unlike the hawks, seem to be actively prepared to break out of the rebuild and trying to do it. toffoli? great! wennberg? a little overpaid but they're trying to hit the cap floor at this point so it's quite good! rumours of pavs return to san jose but you didn't hear it from me. B+
vancouver canucks: jake debrusk is gonna be a good linemate for petey imho. the hronek and myers contracts were a little rich but honestly they seem to be a lot more coherent ideologically than they were just a couple years ago. B
vegas golden knights: basically lost every remaining original misfit/otherwise quality forward in an effort to keep marchessault, and then lost marchessault anyway to the Power Of Divorce. and now they have ilya samsonov as their starting goaltender. F
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jq37 · 4 months
Just spitballing here: considering that Porter has everything for the ritual but Fig has laid claim to Ankarna's domain, do you think the final battle might transition to the Bottomless Pit for an epic fight in Rock and Roll Hell?
Other idle thoughts: the "skin and fuck" joke was honestly tasteless and creepy but it is hilarious that Ivy continued being irrelevant. KP is two seconds from an aneurysm because she watched her nemesis jump into lava. And where the hell is Sandra Lynn?
Hmm. On the one hand, the Gym battle specifically is a clear choice to go full circle from the OG finale. On the other hand, that would be really cool! We shall see and ten extra credit points to you for Divination Class if you're right!
Fabian has a history of saying wild out of pocket stuff in character as Fabian (there's a scene in I think Sophomore Year where he has to properly claim the Hangman for some reason and instead of some kind of Boy And His Dog Power-Of-Friendship thing he's like that dog is my SLAVE and I was like *LOU WHAT???*--he obviously didn't mean it in any type of way other than in character badly trying to posture but it was WILD) which I guess makes sense considering he was raised by someone who casually flays peoples backs off to write contracts on them. Not surprised he went hard though since she had just shot his dog/bike on top of the Mazey comment that was clearly festering all year. But I appreciate that Mazey was like...yeah not sure how to react to that tbh. Love when people have moments of reacting like real people in the middle of the ridiculous cartoon situation that's happening. And yeah, Ivy talked a really big game for someone who couldn't even last a round.
Kipperlilly giving up her insane hiding spot because she saw Riz purposefully swan dive into lava is so funny. No matter his financial struggles, Riz never has to worry about having a roof over his head because he is living in Kipperlilly's mind rent free.
And I'm also a little concerned about Sandra-Lynn given Baxter showed up without a rider two eps ago and that was never resolved. I can offer one possible non-dire speculation. I think Baxter appeared after Fig rolled really well to not fall out of the sky (it might have been a Nat 20 but I'm not sure). It's possible Brennan, as a reward for that, just had Sandra Lynn sense trouble and do that so they'd have an extra mount in case something like that happened again. But that's just a guess. We'll see if it's addressed in the finale!
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Thanks to @carlos-tk @carlos-in-glasses @heartstringsduet @sznofthesticks @lemonlyman-dotcom @orchidscript @birdclowns and @bonheur-cafe for the lovely Wednesday tags! Here’s a little something from the stormy, smutty, orgasm denial Valentine’s Day fic I’m slowly working on!
Carlos appears behind him in the mirror, pivoting leftwards at his waist to see past TK, to peer curiously at their reflections.
“Hi,” Carlos says, his voice sweet in its delicate confusion. “I see you, babe. You…do not look ready for dinner.”
It’s true. Where Carlos is resplendent in his reflection – grey cashmere sweater and black dress trousers, his curls left just wild enough to send TK’s heart rate ticking upwards – TK is shirtless with his pants open, the waistband of his boxers shoved clumsily downward, tucked beneath his tightening balls and held in place by them. He’d picked the perfect dinner outfit, then made a crucial mistake. He’d been smart casual, a pale yellow button down over a pair of crisp, dark blue jeans, his belt and his boots the same shade of brown leather, and a watch to accent where his sleeves were rolled up. He’d looked in the mirror – the full length one in their bedroom – and nodded at himself as he smoothed his palms downward over his stomach, easing out imaginary creases. He was ready for their dinner date, ready to look magnificent on Carlos’s arm on their first Valentine’s Day as husbands.
And then he fed Lou II a hornworm, and pulled the bearded dragon to his shoulder for a goodbye cuddle, without having made sure his baby’s face had been clean, free of what Carlos referred to as hornworm goo.
“Ew, TK,” Carlos had said, physically recoiling from him on their first Valentine’s Day as husbands. “You’ve got hornworm goo on your shoulder.”
So he’s changing. Or he was.
No pressure tags below!
@welcometololaland @paperstorm @lightningboltreader @louis-ii-reyes-strand @liminalmemories21 @jesuisici33 @three-drink-amy @theghostofashton @thebumblecee @inflarescent @goodways @rmd-writes @rosedavid @reasonandfaithinharmony @reyesstrand @strandnreyes @herefortarlos @fitzherbertssmolder @mooshkat @meditating-honey-badger @catanisspicy @chicgeekgirl89
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jbaileyfansite · 5 months
Interview with LADBIBLE (2024)
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When it comes to some of the most globally talked about TV series, the list seems endless. With the likes of Netflix, Prime Video, Disney Plus and not to mention all the British channels, it seems like there’s always a new show that everyone’s loving.
And one series that has consistently provided viral moments along with banging drama is of course The White Lotus.
Two seasons in so far and with a third on the way, it’s brought us iconic casts, jaw-dropping storylines and, well, plenty of sex.
The next season (not due until 2025) is set to star the likes of Aimee Lou Wood, Patrick Schwarzenegger, Michelle Monaghan and Jason Isaacs.
Previous casts had of course included Jennifer Coolidge, Theo James, Sydney Sweeney, Aubrey Plaza and Leo Woodall.
But can you imagine how iconic the show would be if it had characters from other shows in it? Well, Jonathan Bailey can at least.
The star of Bridgerton and Fellow Travelers spoke to LADbible ahead of this weekend’s BAFTA Television Awards 2024 about all things telly and revealed which of his characters he’d like to combine with another show.
Throwing things back, the 36-year-old says he’d like to put his character Sam, from Crashing, into the world of The White Lotus.
Created by Phoebe Waller-Bridge, the 2016 show follows the lives of six twenty-somethings living together as property guardians in a disused hospital.
Bailey played Sam, the ‘sex-obsessed’ friend, and the star explained: “He would tear up – he probably would f**k everyone, or want to or try to.
“I think he would go absolutely insane in a hotel resort; he would hate being stuck in one place and therefore be really annoying but sort of hopefully arouse everyone.”
The Broadchurch actor calls the hit show an ‘actor’s fantasy’ and has quite the dream cast for a season: “Sandra Hüller, Ian McKellan, Patty LuPone, Daniel Lawrence Taylor, Michaela Cole and Phoebe Waller-Bridge.”
Like most of us, Bailey loves a bit of reality TV too and credited The Traitors for giving one of his top TV moments of the last year. “It’s the moment of Jaz, Molly and Harry at the end is wild. And also, maybe just Paul, or just a montage of Claudia – all of it I think is the moment of the year.”
Same, Bailey, same.
And while the star appearing in The White Lotus might seem like a dream for now, fans will know he’ll soon be appearing in Bridgerton again (16 May) with him describing the third season as ‘going back into that horny, horny world’.
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Reducing inherently subjective comedy to a number is absolute bullshit. But the main problem with that bullshit is that shows can live or die on the subjective opinion of one reviewer who cannot account for any tastes besides their own. Sometimes a reviewer who can't even spell will just write a summary of a few things that happened during the show, inevitably missing the most important points, and then pick a random number between 1 and 5 to assign it some stars, that number bearing no relation to either the actual show or the content of their review. I may have been reading Chortle all week and getting increasingly annoyed.
And that would be basically fine, Steve Bennett is allowed to be incorrect about stuff. But the wild thing is the way his numbers started appearing on stickers on posters in the actual physical world. Which presumably only happens because some people will buy tickets based on that. That is an incredibly stupid system, who the fuck is gambling their money, and their finite time at a world-famous arts festival, on the chance that they might have the exact same taste in comedy as Steve Bennett?
Having said that, here are my totally subjective ratings out of ten (I actually made them out of 40 by including .25, .5, and .75), based on nothing but now much I enjoyed the shows. I knocked Aaron Simmonds down a bit because I'd already heard a bunch of the material in Disabled Coconut on NextUp - but I think recycling material is artistically fine so if you've not seen Disabled Coconut then this show immediately gets much better. Jordan Brookes' show would probably have a lower rating if I hadn't been in the front row for it, the best way to get an experience that relies so much on intensity. Obviously, I have some comedy styles and topics that I like more or less than other people like them. Though I'm not even usually into character comedy, so I really mean it when I say come on, Steve, Emma Sidi's hour-long character piece was a God damn masterpiece and Chortle has robbed her at 3.5 stars.
The main reason why I can internally justify calling review systems stupid and then doing my own number rankings is I'm just doing it because I like data, I'm going to go home and put this in a spreadsheet with all the other 2024 comedy hours I get to hear (NextUp, etc.) and being able to sort it that way will please me. I am also sharing it with the approximately four people who read my Tumblr blog. Obviously don't go printing it on stickers and putting it on cardboard in the real world. (Also, as I always feel the need to clarify, the way I can internally justify complaining about Steve Bennett's inability to spell when my Tumblr blog is full of errors, is no one pays me for my Tumblr blog).
Okay, here are all the shows I saw in Edinburgh, in chronological order. I enjoyed every one of them, by the way. On this scale, to call something a below-average experience - not even a shit experience, just one I didn't much enjoy - it would be 5. None of this was that. It was all much better than most other things I could be doing with my time, ie. watching shit comedy.
Oh, and I'm leaving out ACMS because you can't judge a show overall when it was that varied over 3 hours.
Jordan Brookes - 9.75
Ostensibly about: the Titanic
Actually about: masculinity
Aaron Simmonds - 6.5
Ostensibly about: Harry Potter
Actually about: making relationships work
Hebridean Fire - 6.75 (music show, not comedy)
Ostensibly about: music
Actually about: Scotland
Caledonia - 7.25 (music show, not comedy)
Ostensibly about: music
Actually about: Scotland
Emma Sidi - 9.25
Ostensibly about: Sue Grey
Actually about: the state of political competence in Britain
Kiri Pritchard-McLean - 9.5
Ostensibly about: foster parenting
Actually about: the whole social care system
Susie McCabe - 8.75
Ostensibly about: hotels and schools
Actually about: class
Lou Wall - 8.25
Ostensibly about: a terrible year
Actually about: identity and overcoming trauma
Caitriona Dowden - 7.5
Ostensibly about: the system for appointing Catholic saints
Actually about: personal impact of being raised with religion
Nish Kumar - 10
Ostensibly about: politics and anxiety
Actually about: politics and anxiety
Marjolein Robertson - 9.5
Ostensibly about: periods
Actually about: the failures of the healthcare system and society at large to take menstruation-related medical problems seriously
Jin Hao Li - 8.25
Ostensibly about: dreams and nightmares
Actually about: Johnny White Really-Really-style whimsy but with occasional shouting
Mark Silcox - 6.75
Ostensibly about: defining what men and women are
Actually about: how stupid it is to try to define what men and women are
Stevie Martin - 7.75
Ostensibly about: internet comedy vs. live comedy
Actually about: the arbitrariness of algorithmic succes
Zoe Coombs Marr - 8
Ostensibly about: everything that's ever happened in their entire life
Sheeps - 8.75
Actually about: overcoming trauma, everything that's ever happened in their entire life, spreadsheets
Ostensibly about: dads, culture wars, AI
Actually about: the complexities of maintaining personal and professional relationships as you get older
Dan Rath - 9.5
Ostensibly about: not doing well
Actually about: not doing well
Eleanor Morton - 8.25
Ostensibly about: ghosts
Actually about: the things people don't/can't see or talk about
Sarah Keyworth - 9.75
Ostensibly about: top surgery
Actually about: family
Laura Davis - 9.25
Ostensibly about: walks in non-urban areas
Actually about: I'd have gone with loneliness but they said during the show that it's not about that, so I don't know, the void at the centre of the human soul?
Tom Ballard - 9
Ostensibly about: the political state of Australia
Actually about: the political state of Australia, anti-political centrism/political agnosticism
Jonny & the Baptists - 7.75
Ostensibly about: a musical Shakespeare play
Actually about: the dismantling of arts funding and the NHS over 14 years of Tory rule
Ed Night - 9.25
Ostensibly about: not doing well
Actually about: not doing well
Natalie Palamides - 9
Ostensibly about: a 90s romcom
Actually about: toxic relationships, I guess?
Seymour Mace - 6
Ostensibly about: swearing
Actually about: depression
Mark Watson - 9
Ostensibly about: AI
Actually about: anxiety
David O’Doherty - 9.75
Ostensibly about: his parents
Actually about: how our origins shape our shared humanity
Mat Ewins - 8.25
Ostensibly about: making a game show for America
Actually about: blackmailing Richard Gadd
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an-honest-puck · 11 months
Prompocalypse (Ep. 16) highlights and viewing notes because I don’t have the time to liveblog while watching but I do have thoughts that I will complete some other time lol
spoilers ahoy!!!
nothing like the power of a teen girl/tiefling's catty sarcasm to completely undermine a villain's monologue (shoutout to the d20 sound crew for the perfect music and timing on that one!!)
Gorgug learns about a new way of disarming people: kissing them
"Stop outing students!"
Lou turning his adding-up-dice-humming into the first notes of 'Amazing Grace' that Zac immediately picks up on and starts swaying along
Brennan's gentle "yeah" when Siobhan admits to having a question that will be bad for the party, but also that she wants to play the game right
even more spoilery spoilers below!
Lou giving Siobhan a thumbs up after the above question
the fact that Goldenrod finds the need to justify to a bunch of teenagers that he's attacking this student because he's just an evil demon and not because said student is gay
Riz yelling "HOMOPHOBE!" at an honest-to-goodness dragon
"To be clear, I am very socially liberal; I am fiscally conservative!" + everyone's reaction to that (shoutout to Zac's very judgemental head tilt XD)
Brennan saying "I am a libertarian!" in Goldenrod's 'teacher' voice and then growling it again straight afterwards, as if Goldenrod just remembered he was a big-ass dragon XD
not Beardsley's "So convenient for you!" lmaoooo
Goldenrod: What? Everyone should be free to do what they want. I should be free to collect gold and destroy, and you should be free to try and run away! This is a cultured political philosophy!
Ally/Kristen: I'm down from hearing that [and not from his actual attack XD]
Brennan: *describing the gnarly metal music Gorgug's listening to*
Zac: *drops his dice*
"Ooh, beignets!"
the little grin on Brennan's face when he rolls the dice and then A WILD JAWBONE APPEARS!!!!!!!!!!
Jawbone hugs!!!!!! 😭
Jawbone: Y'understand me?
Adaine: No!
Jawbone's monologue about panic attacks which is too much to unpack here and is basically a whole post in and of itself
Brennan: *mentions Tracker*
Ally/Kristen: Tracker!
Jawbone: I CAME HERE TO FUCK SHIT UP and help children
"Jawbone rules! I'm so glad we helped get his life together"
Introducing, Jawbone: Not a Healer, but a healer of the mind and the soul uwu
Adaine (but mostly Siobhan lol): I would love to do an arcana check... on this absolute fucking unit
Adaine just double flipping off an honest-to-goodness dragon
Kalvaxus: Aren't you supposed to be some kind of high-falutin' elf?
Adaine: I'm a child. You are attacking a bunch of children, you coward.
Fig: Be careful, Adaine; he has a taste for the young ones
Adaine: I have a mental illness and that's fine!
Kalvaxus: Alright, let's not turn this into a fucking PSA after-school special bullshit
Emily's big brain idea to seal Kalvaxus to be the next lunchlad and promote Gilear to be the new VP
Lou's sick-of-Brennan's-shit "Is it [Kalvaxus's] turn?"
Kalvaxus, an honest-to-goodness dragon and the Emperor of the Red Waste: Teens are so mean!
Kristen, mockingly: "Stop making fun of me!"
Adaine: Yeah well at least we're not ugly!
Adaine's happy bobbing!!!!! :DD
"This medicine is great! :D"
Gorgug's Nat 20 (!!!) to summon GORTHOLAX!!!!!
Penelope, dying: All I wanted to be- was queen :'((
Kristen: We know!!
Beardsley trying to figure out how to flip someone the middle finger when they only have 4 digits
Riz/Murph, despondent that he can't roll anything higher than a ten. Everyone else: "You can!"
"Should've gotten silver fillings, bitch!!"
"Man, when I grow up, I wanna be a guidance counsellor!" - Adaine
Fabian's "a-HA!"
the strangest bit of improv when the tables are turned and Siobhan makes Brennan improv something coming out of her character's Jacket of Useful Things ("I open up my Jacket of Useful Things and I say 'I need something that will beat Kalvaxus' and I put my hand in a pocket and I pull out...?) only for Brennan to pull out the whole goddamn lore for the jacket XD
Ally: Can I roll for a nat 20 and then be alive?
Brennan's famous last words: Uh, sure, go for it.
Ally/Kristen: This is to the corn god. I know I left for a while but-
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[Brennan.exe has stopped functioning]
Brennan: *flabbergasted and now rapidly figuring out how the fuck to figure this out*
Riz/Murph: Praise be to Helio!!!
Fabian/Lou: He-li-o! He-li-o!
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Everything We Know About Deadwood's Fourth and Fifth Season
The first episode would be the original season 3 finale. Bullock would refuse to resign and lock himself in his office in defiance until Al would come up and make a speech about how George Washington when asked to become king by the continental congress "Sheathed his sword" in response saying that this new nation would become a government of laws instead of man and so that's what Bullock must do as well. Ultimately Bullock is convinced and respects the electoral process.
The Series would end with Bullock, Charlie, and Jane leaving Deadwood, with Bullock leaving to become a US Marshall.
Al Swearengin would slowly lose power and influence over the camp over the course of the season, growing sicker and weaker from alcoholism.
At some point mid season the entire camp would burst in flame due to some "Jackass with fireworks", finally following through with build up throughout the series.
A flood would happen at some point to further destroy the town.
Manning would slowly be corrupted by Hearst.
Doc Holliday would appear
Jack Langrishe would encourage Alma to become a novelist.
The Love triangle between Bullock, Alma, and Martha would end in "status quo ante bellum" and be depressing.
The Earp brothers would return.
William Levingston the father of Standard Oil founder John D. Rockefeller and notorious bigamist psychopath would be the main antagonist of season 4. He'd be a conman selling medicine with a "Indian" (Actually a black man named Johnson) which would actually be booze, resulting in a conflict with Doc Cochran. Eventually Yellow Journalists would swarm the camp due to bounties offered by newspapers for evidence of his fathers wereabouts.
Aunt Lou would be explored and would open a restaurant
The Chinatown would be important and the following seasons would examine the ugliness of race relations in America during this period
Jane and Joanie would enter in a relationship that ends bittersweet.
General Fields taking care of Steve the Drunk would be a plotline
The town would be booming and growing larger, with Bullock struggling being fire chief.
Doc Cochran would die of tuberculosis
Langrishe and Al would form a rivalry
Johnny would go against Al, forcing Silas and Dan to take sides
The Theater Group and Jack Langrishe in general would be seen as Hearst's foil as they are trying to bring civilization in a humane way. The girl Claudia is Langrishe's daughter.
Hearst would return at some point and a lot of what happened in the movie would take a entire season long. Hearst would also buy out Merrick's newspapers, break a strike, rig elections, and bribe judges in an attempt to get his way while the town fights back against him.
Cy would have a complete mental breakdown and redemption arc.
Al would become more unstable and back to his season 1 personality due to alcohol abuse.
Martha would open up a school and become a leading member of society
90% of what happened in real life during this period would be replicated in the show, the rest being creative liberties.
Charlie would ask Joanie to marry him.
Sol being a mayor would be a major season 4 plot point, he and Trixie would get married and have a child
Al would be broke due to the banning of prostitution
Wild Bill's murder would be reenacted at some point, this becoming a town tradition.
Keep in mind that according to Milch some of these ideas may be reworked or cut had the season been greenlit, and Deadwood was a collaborative set, so the actors would add their own ideas as well.
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