#a wild spn post appears
deanscutiepiesam · 3 months
Hello! I'm still relatively new to the fandom, so I'd gone my entire spn existence not seeing this until now, and I have to share because I'm actually going insane and I need smart people to rant to, so apologies if you've already seen this. D*stiel warning, read at your own risk:
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Credit to this [post] on Twitter for the screenshots ☆
There aren't even words, like I'm literally losing my mind. Like these can't be real people. Anyways, let's dive in, guys...
You took Dean's dying speech to Sam, where he's directly vulnerable and honest about his love for his baby boy and diluted it to the fucking gas n sip scene?? Like this is insane I can't even begin to understand the thought process (probs because there isn't one), but omg?? That's so unserious and it's almost funny, but let's move on to the replies because it's way worse.
1. People torn up about the barn is so crazy to me. Buddy, it's not that deep. It's not foreshadowing. They literally just happened to happen in the same type of building. It's so crazy for a character to make their first appearance in a barn, and now every barn must be about him. Weak. Do better.
2. Now this one. This one actually drives me crazy. The scene made you uncomfortable because you think asking him to stay is a "Dean and Cas focal point??" Are you serious?? First of all, Dean has serious abandonment issues, so of course, he wants people to stay in his life, but secondly, Sam has been the main focus of that since the first season. Ever since he went to Stanford. Like did you watch with a fucking blindfold?? Half of the show is just Dean making a crazy decision to keep Sam by his side and the consequences of that. How are you this dumb??
And if I were a gambling man, I'd bet that this person started spn at s4. Like the pieces have fallen into place; it's the only explanation. They're so delusional because they missed the core foundation of the show in s1-3. Their world began when Cas walked on screen so they don't even get the show's thesis, and it's so annoying. It's about Sam and Dean. Get over it. "Love story of two brothers." - Jensen Ackles.
3. "Sam/Dean wasn't the relationship that was crying out for emotional payoff." Bestie I'm in your fucking walls. This has literally been building between Sam n Dean for 15 YEARS. Dean was dying and needed to get out how he felt since the beginning. It was a confession, alright, but you can't handle that it was to his brother, and I feel sorry for you. I get you don't care about the brothers' relationship because of your D*stiel compulsion, but get it together. It's embarrassing.
Also, Jensen literally said he went off script for emotional scenes (including the Sam/Dean barn confession) because it felt right [X]. J2 knows Sam and Dean better than me, you, or anyone else. Even the writers (to the point where they were given the script and told to make it theirs). It's so wild that you can ignore that.
4. "Head touch." I'm not even gonna waste time typing about this. Just look at [this] post. Says more than I ever could.
Anyways. Sorry about that, guys. I'm actually so chill and friendly, I swear :33 I just needed to rant to my homies with media literacy because it's literally dead and I was going insane :)
Thanks for reading, and always remember...
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lol-jackles · 4 months
Why don’t you admit when you post incorrect info, such as your first statement that CM Production wasn’t one of the producers in Ackles’ new show? It was even listed in multiple articles. People apparently pointed it out and then you do this passive/aggressive dance, downplaying it. Why? Own your oopsies. Also, when someone asks about potential pay for a series, give your educated guess, and then stop. No need to drone on with a word salad about how much all the crew make, and every other cast member down to the PA. The question was just about Jensen. When someone goes on with irrelevant TMI, it comes across like they really don’t know the answer.
By the way, has anyone ever mentioned to you that it’s weird to create an entire tumblr blog about a celebrity that you claim to hate, yet follow so obsessively? SPN is definitely a “unique” fandom to research. I found you, someone named GooB, Patrick, Vinnie and a Kelios. I’m amazed Jensen and Jared don’t have 24 hour security. Just wild. A dissertation could be written on this convoluted fandom.
If you're talking about the IMDB site, Jensen is no longer listed as executive/producer Link.
You know what you need to do now, take your own words and admit that you are wrong and say that CMP/Jensen is not producer on The Countdown.
What passive aggressive dance? I don't dance, I straight up tell you what I think and why I think I'm right. It's me who has to remind you all when my theory doesn't pan out because despite appearances, I'm actually not a prophet.
"when someone asks about potential pay for a series, give your educated guess, and then stop."
Why did that part bother you so much? I'm genuinely curious. My readers know I have difficulties keeping it short but in the 8 years I've had this blog no one has ever demanded me to just "stop" lol. What triggered you?
I never said anything about how much crews and PA's make. Re-read and get back to me when you calmed down. Remember, inhale through the nose and exhale slowly through the mouth. You're welcome.
Interesting, how did you find me? Along with Goob, Patrick (a name he no longer identifies with) and Vinnie and Kelios? From butthurt Destiel shippers and Jensen stans on twitter? No wonder you're so mad and think that lol-jackles blog is All About Jensen when he actually only takes up 18% of my entire blog but you would know that if you bothered to read anything past your obsessive Jensen goggles.
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farenmaddox · 2 days
SPN wild theory time
I will just go ahead and start with my thesis statement: I don't think that Jack killed Mary.
With that out of the way, let's get into my warnings for this post: 1. There will be spoilers for Seasons 11-15 of Supernatural 2. I wasn't in this fandom 5-6 years ago when these episodes were coming out; maybe you guys already talked this all out and your entire response is going to be "we already went through this, dude." 3. This post is actually like 3-4 posts in a trenchcoat. I may have gone slightly overboard.
All that said, buckle up, here we go.
Chuck's "omniscience" is questionable. He has been surprised by Dean's decision-making and been upset about it, and has admitted that Castiel is someone whose actions often contradict Chuck's narrative. So, by his own admission, he doesn't/can't know everything.
However, he always thinks ahead and always has multiple ideas on how to solve a situation, and he always has a contingency plan.
First, let's look at how he handled the Amara situation. I would characterize Chuck's behavior in Season 11 as writing a self-insert fic. Chuck is a writer, after all. He knew that Dean taking the Mark of Cain would either lead to Dean's destruction or to Amara being released, so he would have been ready for Amara to appear well before she actually did. But it's only in episode 11x20 that he chooses to do anything about it, ostensibly because Metatron talks him into it. We already see signs that he's kind of "done" with the prime world and the Winchesters here, but then Metratron convinces him to give it another go, and that's when it becomes self-insert fic.
He displays the ability to absorb Amara into himself in episode 15x17, so I think this was always the contingency plan if all else failed. But he wanted to be in the story. He wanted to be on the team and be a hero, so he joins up to do the big assault on Amara plan that is carried out in 11x22. I truly do not think he foresaw that Amara would win that fight. And with how badly wounded he is, the contingency plan is no longer viable. So he has to go with the Dean-as-a-bomb plan. He was already thinking about letting it all go to shit, so this is fine. But then Dean wants to save the day with his faith in familial love, which Chuck definitely didn't see coming. I think Chuck lets it happen despite the fact that he doesn't actually give two shits about Amara just because Dean is his favorite and has managed to surprise him so maybe the world should go on a little longer.
All of this is just establishing a baseline of Chuck-ness. Now we're going to talk about Jack.
See, I don't think Chuck ever planned on Jack actually being carried to term and surviving. The wild card, as always, is Cas. Who, when he had a chance to kill a nephilim (a thing he has done before! a thing he has assisted in doing in the past! it's a sure bet for Chuck!)...doesn't do that. But that's okay (Chuck thinks)! The Winchesters will probably kill the kid! And if they don't, and Lucifer wins, then Chuck can swoop in and be like "my beautiful son and my beautiful grandson, oh my me, this is delightful, we should be a family" and then kill them both.
Dean hating Jack was absolutely Chuck's first choice of potential plots for how to take care of the Jack problem when it turns out that there is going to be a Jack. He likes that story. It surely fills him with glee that Sam doesn't hate Jack and Dean does. But then... fuck, it's Castiel, again! Chuck had no involvement in Cas being resurrected, for once. No way to predict that one. And Cas being back means that Dean doesn't hate Jack and isn't going to kill him, especially since Jack helps them get Mary back, which sucks for Chuck, who is now very committed to this storyline of Dean killing Jack. Don't forget, Chuck can kill Jack whenever he wants. But he wants Dean to do it. He's bored and done with Dean and is ready for Dean to be dead.
So, how do we get Dean to kill Jack? Well, obviously Cas's death doesn't goad him to do it because the fucker just can't stay dead, so it has to be Sam or Mary. And it can't be Sam, because Sam has to watch Dean kill Jack and himself. That's the story. So it has to be Mary, right?
Chuck just has to wait for the right moment.
Jack has a strong sense of fear about hurting people by the time of Mary's death. 13x06 and 14x16 are some critical episodes where we see how he feels and reacts to hurting innocent people. And he seems to have pretty good control over his powers as well. He had just recently had a conversation with Donatello (in 14x15) about how easy it is to continue doing the right thing without a soul. His decision to kill Felix the snake was very much on purpose and very controlled, and honestly can everyone shut up about the snake. Jack fucking loved that snake. It was sick and nobody else knew how to help Felix either. He euthanized a sick pet.
So it is hard to believe that Jack just randomly lost control of his powers and killed someone whom he had no reason to kill. That's not really consistent with Jack's behavior. Even when he's in a complete rage in 14x20 after what Sam and Dean did to him, he doesn't kill them. At his most angry and while experiencing a huge surge in power, he somehow doesn't kill Sam and Dean. But we're expected to believe that in 14x17, he just "accidentally" flies off the handle and kills Mary.
The thing that is genuinely so crucial is that we do not see Mary's death in 14x17. It does not happen on screen. Deaths in this show always happen on screen, and it's not on screen. All we see is her face near Jack's, and the next episode all we see is the blast site. I think that the reason we don't get to see it is because it didn't actually happen the way we're told it did.
The fact that Mary can't be resurrected? That's weird, and new. That literally never happens. Everyone can be resurrected. People who were turned into paste by archangels can be resurrected. People who have been cremated can be resurrected. But Mary can't be? That's got Chuck's smell all over it.
Jack thinks he killed Mary, but he fucking didn't. Chuck did it. Chuck smote the shit out of that woman and Jack doesn't have any other explanation for what happened. I don't even think he is actually hallucinating Lucifer. Soulless guy who "doesn't feel guilt" and doesn't want Lucifer in his subconscious but somehow can't get rid of him? It's Chuck. It's Chuck dressed up as Lucifer to keep Jack on the edge and convince him it was his fault so he can lead everybody to the grand finale.
And then stupid Dean ruins the story and doesn't kill Jack. Which Chuck should have seen coming, because this is what happened with Amara! But he didn't, because sometimes Chuck actually doesn't know things! It's okay though (Chuck thinks), because Chuck always has a contingency plan. He has always been able to kill Jack whenever he wanted, and if Dean's not going to do it, Chuck might as well. So he does.
I'm telling you. Chuck killed Mary. Jack didn't do it.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
When 1x07 airs and Castiel isn’t in it what excuses are you going to make for that when you’ve been so sure Misha was there filming? He probably won’t be in the prequel until close to the season’s end and perhaps not even then. There’s no real reason not to announce his appearance when they chose to announce Richard Speight Jr’s.
...When 1x07 airs?
...You know for being so obsessed with my blog, you sure suck at reading it, since 1x07 filming I've said in almost every single post had additional days due to filming additional scenes to accomodate the schedules of the busiest principal actors that needed to work together, most wild of which is Jensen's schedule to match the others??? And I've already talked about them trying to bulk out Dean footage fit to that schedule??? in fact I pointed out I figured out this shit is what got Jules all fucked up on what she leaked to Pat?
Like. It's not an EXCUSE to understand how this shit *works*. The only people giving excuses is you dumb motherfuckers when you try stupid gotcha shit like this that just proves you can't fucking READ.
Deadass, dumbshits, literally in this same storm of your asks of self consolation and your weird rabid fucking frothing and trying to hallucinate away reality, I already explained to you fucking earlier that some of this is being posted into adjacent episodes, you inconsolable moron.
like shit. 1x07 is the busiest episode in the world if everyone that flew in or filmed was going into that episode and not being piecemealed out into adjacent episodes like old SPN used to do ALL THE TIME WITH SOME SCENES.
Also this very good comment to your circular "DURHUR WHY NOT JENSEN TELL US THE END" "i'm sorry but how dumb do you have to be to think that casually announcing misha being in it isn't a dead giveaway for a culmination jensen has been dancing around like he's a 5 year old who needs to go potty real bad"
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bit of a weird announcement:
that spn fix-fic I've been throwing so much of my time and life into for the past 2.5 years?
yknow, the one that quickly devolved into an incomprehensible crossover clusterfuck that requires the reader to know 4+ dead languages?
...yeah I'm not doing that anymore.
I guess it crossed some kind of Overcomplication Event Horizon bc I looked away for five seconds and when I looked back I realized that I'd written the bulk of a VERY fun original modern fantasy novel.
so yeah this is my announcement that I'm writing a book
(...or have already written a large part of a book. for two years. before realizing I was writing a book)
The Third Road
is a modern fantasy story combining mythology, solarpunk/hopepunk, environmentalist, antifascist, faecore and post-apocalyptic themes.
Since the industrial revolution, Heaven and Hell alike have been influencing humanity to further its destruction of the environment, and of itself, in order to create ideal conditions for the apocalypse. However, in the early 2010s, just as the apocalypse was set to begin... it didn't.
Now, ten years later, Heaven and Hell are mired in infighting and blaming each other for God's failure to appear as promised. Caught up in their own strife, they forgot about the countless chain reactions of death and ruin they had left on earth, needing only the tiniest push to topple.
Unaffiliated spirits of the apocalypse, angry at being denied their promised rule, began wander the earth and found a biosphere on the verge of total collapse, and many powerful humans extremely receptive to the idea of jump-starting Revelations.
This holy(?) collaboration began quickly amassing eager allies in other pantheons' spirits of waste and destruction, and as they pushed over the metaphorical first dominoes in various chain reactions, mortal, political, economic and supernatural forces alike rose to support their cause.
The only line of defense lies in various gods and spirits of the wild, the seasons and the cycles of time, but they are spread thin after years of undoing what they can of Heaven and Hell's damage and holding the world together with the magickal equivalent of duct tape and safety pins. Unprepared for the onslaught of the forces of Waste, only a handful of survivors were left the flames died down. Since then they have lived on the run, forming unprecedented alliances and taking on new roles as needed.
One such creature who finds herself in an unexpectedly central role is Daéna. Never given a name for most of her existence, she had, like most monsters, lived many incarnations alongside her more famous son, Grendel.
In this latest life, the pair had the good fortune to find a mentor and guardian in Queen Maeve of the Unseelie Court, and quickly rose to prominence in their own right.
For many years, the three have lived, traveled and fought together as the Fae Courts' fastest and foremost strike team against the encroaching spirits of waste, even as Daéna and Grendel's nature as half-fae, half-christian monsters put them directly in the center of the oncoming war.
It is now 2023, and everything has gone wrong.
anyway, though I will definitely keep applying/writing abt these HCs re:fandom on my main blog, I'll have a sideblog set up soon for everything related to the actual novel.
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shehungthemoon · 11 months
disGUSTING a combination of my queue my mentions and my wild unpredictable posting has made THREE spn posts appear consecutively on my blog. in MY november 2023. i'm going to gag
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loveyougoodbi · 2 years
hey! saw your tags on a recent post, is that really true what you said about misha and creation cons being hell for him when spn was airing? that's fucking wild i had no idea it was *that* bad. tell me more
Well I wouldn't say hell exactly because I'm sure there was lovely people there every time. And I'm sure if he was really affected by it he wouldn't go. I mostly meant he'll for us lol 😆 idk how Misha felt..
But you have to be aware that back then the tensions between the destiel fans (and by extension the misha fans) and the j*2 fans (we called them bi_bros because they loved to claim the show was about sam and Dean and sam and Dean only) were huge. And those fans had the money to give to creation, so creation pandered to them. All of mishas panels and appearances were friday/Saturday while Jens and Jar were only there on Sunday. Apart from photo ops there was no public interaction between j*2 and Misha. Because CE knew that by involving Misha with them especially on Sunday when all the j*2 stans were there would lose them money.
The few times Misha crashed the main panel there were boos from the audience. When a fan would ask a Misha related or destiel question there would be boos from the audience. Everyone was aware. At some point they stopped doing it. J*2 did bring up Misha occasionally but nothing too specific and nothing related to the show or castiel. Cos they knew their audience and their audience had made it a personal mission to erase anyone from the show that wasn't sam and Dean. They especially hated cas and Misha.
There were events created on Facebook about "initiatives" to throw plastic bottles at Misha when he walks by. That was a particularly disgusting one that I will never forget reading. But there were more like that.
At jib 2019 (i believe, sorry if im wrong) a few of them flew all the way to Rome and during the (SCHEDULED!!!!) j2m panel purposefully excluded Misha from all the questions. He had to just sit there. It was so awkward for the 3 of them. There was a lot of other shit that happened those few days that got jensen to defend Misha during their panel and bring up twice how much they love him. I'm on mobile and I really wish i could provide you with links right away but I'll try to add some later.
Anyway my point with thise tags was that jensen would have never done that I few years ago at a creation con. He had talked a little about Dean and cas' relationship at jib but never at creation. Until after 15x18 aired we thought jensen was agreeing with the bi_bros. Now we know that he was... let's say masking his words for the audience. Playing the audience. Is that the expression? So the fact that he said that in front of that audience? Is a big deal. Even if he did backtrack later. I understand why. But his actions after the confession and his view of the show and his character make me believe that he's on our side and always has been.
The end.
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castielcommunism · 2 years
I.... Dislike the later seasons so I've only seen them once or twice so. 😔 It's good to know Sam gets better about it, at least?
If you wouldn't mind, could you give some examples? Because genuinely the ONLY opinion of anything I can ever remember Sam having is in Folsom Prison Blues 😬
I’m about halfway through season 8 on my rewatch so I can’t speak to late seasons, but like my general impression of mid to late seasons sam re: politics is not so much concrete political views but cultural associations with politics. He’s a vegetarian/healthy eater, he exercises, there are some passing references to him being at least surface level feminist (iirc he got upset about the word bitch in s14, things like that), so culturally he appears much more liberal than Dean.
Sam and Dean sort of lose a lot of their side characteristics post-s5. during kripke era Dean openly distrusts cops, is cool with stealing from convenience stores (“small business owners”), sympathises with prisoners, etc., in contrast to Sam, who is much more on board with the mainstream political atmosphere of Bush-era white America. This slowly becomes reversed, with Dean maintaining the rugged macho guy stereotype but loses the less “savoury” opinions that a conservative audience would find distasteful under Obama, ie like disliking cops and stealing. Sam becomes the voice of reason on the show, a counter to Dean’s wild lack of inhibitions, and because Dean inherits the more reactionary politics of early spn Sam de facto becomes more liberal by standing in opposition to him.
I don’t think the show gets more progressive as time goes on, it just becomes less reactionary. The politics of season 1-5 are pretty coherent and solid, and stand out compared to the rest of the show, which is much more generically liberal and varies depending on who the showrunner happens to be. So Sam becomes the nice guy cop of the brother duo, is more concerned with people’s feelings, is associated with liberal college sjw stuff by way of his vegetarianism (although that has much more to do with his individual issues surrounding cleanliness/purity as opposed to environmental concern), and is the quote-unquote “girl” out of the two brothers - his masculinity is questioned frequently by Dean, which places him culturally, if not actually, into the liberal camp.
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oviids · 4 years
pls share some of your spn fic recs 🥺🥺
ok, a few things first:
followers and mutuals who do not have supernatural brainworms, kindly avert your eyes
i don’t normally rec or even read much fanfic any more but this is a CRISIS ok (cont.)
there is so. much. content for deancas out there and i have incredibly high standards, several ancient ao3 bookmarks, can speedread, and want to spare you guys the experience of wading through it all.
i also have a section for spn femslash since I was pretty into that back in the day (sadly a lot less fan content for this :/)
I don’t really like au’s or pure smut (I honestly usually just skim or skip those scenes) so if you’re mainly looking for that kind of thing this probably won’t be very helpful to you. jsyk.
i’m not great at describing stuff but i’ll do my best, i’ll also try and add tw’s when neccesary.
i wil try and keep updating this with any other decent fics i find, feel free to rec stuff too since i’m like 7 years behind.(edit 1/25/21) this is getting looooong so i’m going to start making another list on my spn blog rather than update this one
(edit 1/3/21) since this has gotten pretty long i’ve added rating/approximate word counts and marked my particular favorites with an asterisk.
Dean/Cas fic:
So Says The Sword*** - explicit/85k. FUCK its good...au/time travel where dean is not pulled out of hell by cas and says yes to becoming the michael sword. honestly could serve as an alternative to actually watching the show, if you want to get into dean/cas without actually doing that to yourself.
Fata morgana.*  - teen/6k, pst s9 finale. very bela centric and i love it, she finds cas looking for dean in hell.
Redemption Road -misc/600+k. an incredibly long fic from a collaborative writing group back in the day. canon divergent from the end of s6 on, has a cool take on godstiel and the leviathans, as well as the lovecratian mythos connection. ngl when i reread it i only made it about 28% in but imo the casual reader can actually stop around there, the rest concerns a lovecraftian apocalypse that is still good (i think i don’t remember it very well) but not required to enjoy the first half. if you prefer i have an ebook version i can send you on gdrive.
Someone Who's Feeling For Me* - mature/45k, s12. they run into lisa braeden and dean thinks cas is into her while cas thinks dean still likes her. treats lisa way better than the show ever did and the miscommunication is pretty funny rather than annoying.
a turn of the earth - mature/95k. time travel fic where cas from s10 keeps showing up in deans life from a few years before s1 to right before the hellhounds take his soul.  slow burn, good character study, and at one point cas punches the dad in the face and it rules.
On the Wings of War - teen/85k, canon divergent s5. dean accidentally becomes the Horseman of War. plays fun, fast and loose with biblical lore, michael has some rights.
Named - mature/95k, alternate s5. EXTREMELY blasphemous in a fun sexy way. manages to predict metatron almost to a T. there’s one major character death and its literally jesus christ, everyone is very sad about it and it sets the rest of the story rolling. an alternate interpretation of cas’ mission to raise dean from hell which had me on the floor. ngl its kind of misogynistic at points, but its from 2010 and tracks with late oughts-2010 spn (sorry anna the author did you dirty here:/).
The Girlfriend Experience - explicit/15k. uhhh i don’t normally rec or even read smutty stuff unless someone i know is specifically asking for it but this has stuff like sam trying to be a good ally and dean thinking holding hands with cas is ‘kinda gay :/’ minutes after having gay sex with him.
i crippled your heart a hundred times - explicit/19k, s8. cas confesses his feelings and dean spends a long time getting his head out of his ass about it. truly hits different after the actual confession, despite being written six years early it feels like its actually what could have gone down more or less if the writers weren’t talentless demons who hate us.
My Roots Take Flight** - mature/125k. reverse au where cas is a hunter and dean’s an angel...OR IS IT???? an alternate retelling of s4. tw for briefly being set in a psychiatric hospital/the hospital being mentioned somewhat frequently throughout the fic, plus more references to torture in hell and heaven than usual.
The One Thing You Can't Lose* - teen/4k.you know those posts about how cas is a super-strong super-tough ancient warrior but he just lets dean tug him around because he likes it? thats it thats the fic.
Hands, From Which All Things Are Built - teen/14k, post s8′s ‘goodbye stranger.’ cas is on the run with the angel tablet but keeps in touch with sam and dean by text, he and dean still manage to be terrible at Actual communication.
Autrement, Danger - or, The Account of an Exceedingly Long Day - mature/30k, post s11. a monster that takes the appearance of your soulmate leads to some wild miscommunications and dealing with years of repression, also dean gets to see cas’ true form which is always cool. tw for non-graphic mentions of underage sexual assault/sex work.
Down to Agincourt - mature/explicit/900++++k, endverse continuation. endverse!cas survives his encounter with lucifer and discovers another time-displaced dean from s7. i’ve only read the two of four parts but its really good, veeeeery slow burn, has a lot of fun oc’s and takes a rather surprising but (imo) entertaining and intriguing turn into Hellenic history and mythology. usual tw’s for endverse/endverse!cas but nothing graphic, it’s actually pretty light-hearted (relatively speaking of course).
Nothing Equals the Splendor** - explicit/8k, THEE finale fix it fic you’ve been waiting for! posits that the entire final episode was just a (very bad and lame) djinn’s vision.
like moses and batman and james dean - explicit/31k, post s8. explores dean’s trauma and internalized homophoba from his technically canon experience with sex work and its impact on his relationship with cas. the sex work itself isn’t really shown in any detail but it’s still a relatively heavy fic.
Crazy Diamonds - explicit/25k, s4/alternate s14. fresh-out-of-hell dean and dean from 10 years in the future are displaced from time and sent to each other’s present.
where the weeds take root - explicit/30k. au where the men of letters kick them out of the bunker and they accidentally move out into the country, get over their codependence and semi retire. featuring chicken coop building, sam volunteering at a dog shelter, gardening, and blissfully mundane domesticity.
No Resting Place - teen/6k. djinn dream fic, switches back and forth between cas’ dream of being married to dean and retired from hunting to the aftermath when he wakes up. tw for brief mention of suicide since, y’know, djinn dream.
any port in a storm - mature/52k. post s8 finale. cas and dean have to pose as a couple going through a rough patch for a case and actually deal with their emotional baggage, cas struggles with being human and metatron is up to stuff.
all this and heaven too* - explicit/7k. in the author’s own words ‘...a love letter to every trans person who ever projected onto Dean Winchester.’ absolutely unzipped me emotionally and theologically, its just. so good. tw for very brief mentions of internalized transphobia/dysphoria.
Because it is* - mature/6k, finale fix it. killing chuck does not bring back anyone back and the winchesters spend a very long time dealing with what they’ve lost, cas and dean SOMEHOW still manage to have signifigant communication issues even after the confession. tw for suicidal thoughts/brief attempt.
Vena Amoris and Other Old-Fashioned Bullshit* - teen/4k, s6. when cas fell for dean it automatically soulbonded/angel married them, shenanigans ensue when dean finds out during the angel’s civil war. funny and actually written back when s6 was airing so cas is still (or at least pretending to be) kind of an OP asshole which is fun.
Rinse, Repeat - teen/3k, s8. angsty character study of cas as he’s reprogrammed and trained to kill dean. not really dean/cas since its just cas’ pov of canon events but its beautifully written and ends with him snapping out of it through the power of love (also now a canon event!).
Emergence - explicit/59k, canon divergent after s11. dean meets a hunter he only recognizes as their friend claire novak’s missing father, but soon realizes he might be the answer behind the mysterious void in his memories and feelings (aka everyone’s memories of cas are completely wiped away for three years).
Cuckoo And Nest - explicit/10k, early established relationship/character study, cas tries to figure out how he fits into dean’s life and space in the bunker.
Build a Home* - teen/20k, canon divergent s12. sam and eileen are cute and turn the bunker into men of letters/hunters hq and everyone but cas moves in, mutual miscommunication issues and pining ensues.
Down in the River - teen/5k, early s8, cas prays to dean in purgatory while sam and dean try to figure out a way to get him out.
Teaching Poetry to Fish* - mature/52k, ?? BC through the entire series/canon divergent s14 and 15. retelling of crucial scenes throughout the shows timeline from cas’ pov, feat. actual fish and poetry.
the minor fall, the major lift - gen/4k, post confession/finale fixit. dean goes into the empty to save cas and runs into several old friends (and enemies).
With the Kisses of His Mouth* - teen/3k, gen later seasons. dean and cas keep kissing by accident.
Remaining Grace - explicit/109k, alternate s6. au where cas asks dean for help with raphael and dean, of course, does. tw for temporary major character death/semi-graphic depictions of alcohol withdrawal.
The face of heaven.* - teen/10k, au, dean is a regular guy and cas is a fallen star (think ‘stardust’, kinda).
Stories Are Made of Mistakes*  - teen/5k. newly human cas has trouble getting used to a human body and humanity in general, but still figures out that he and dean are A Thing before dean does.
Hurry Up And Wait - mature/21k, canon divergent s12. a fairyland and quite possibly LOTR related case comes up and dean goes full fanboy, mary is introduced to the wonders of the peter jackson adaptions, many references and comparisons (including between cas and dean’s ‘friendship’ and arwen/aragon). also charle is still alive and has just been doing fairy stuff this whole time.
There Are Many Things - explicit/28k, s9. cas is extremely lonely/touch-starved and trying to figure out this whole human thing, as well as where he and dean stand after being kicked out of the bunker.
It's A Long Life to Always Be Longing - teen/40k, post s11 finale. amara helps dean by putting him in a magical coma so he can finally get some much needed rest and show him possible futures for him, sam and cas. meanwhile sam and cas go on a roadtrip (or several) to find componets for a spell to wake dean up. really good sam and cas friendship, they actually talk about their shared lucifer trauma and stuff.
Non-Photo Blue - gen/2k, s4/5/alternate s5. fifty moments from cas’ memories of dean.
Tall Grass - explicit/57k, canon divergent post series. cas becomes the ultimate plant dad. feat the wayward sisters gang, cathartic character growth, fun oc’s, domesticity, and lots of actual botanical info-dumping.
on vessels - no rating/gen/2k. established dean/cas, cas tells dean about how he used to imagine what it would be like to have him as his vessel.
search for tomorrow on every shore* - teen/11k, post-finale (extremely derogatory). some angels in jack’s new heaven act out and dean gets temporarily resurrected in 2003 and runs into his younger self.
Architecture of the Minotaur’s Heart - explicit/45k, very canon divergent post s1. dean’s new house seems to have a life and mind of its own, while in his dreams he sees glimpses of a world and apocalypse that never came to be and an angel that looks strangely like his mysterious neighbor, cas. loosely inspired by the book house of leaves (which i highly recommend for fans of weird horror).
The Distance Of The Setting Sun - explicit/17k, post s5. established dean/cas relationship, team free will finally takes advantage of cas’ abilities to go on vacation around the world.
diamond star halo - teen/5k, s11. dean lets cas use him as a temporary vessel while he recovers from rowena’s spell, sam is a long-suffering third-wheel.
Make Known** - teen/16k, s6/7. dean struggles to understand how cas could have become his enemy and whether he ever truly knew him in the first place.
blunt little instrument* - mature/1.4k, post finale. dean finally confronts his father in heaven, very cathartic.
my heart a compass*** - teen/10k, post confession. the empty forces cas to re-experience his most regretted moments while dean tries to snap him out of it and bring him home.
A Crash Course in Someone Else's History - teen/11k, s6. cas from the very start of s4 is brought forward in time by s6!cas to distract the brothers from his and crowley’s plans.
The Cuckoo Father - mature/8k, s7 au. the woman who found cas in the river post-leviathans does not marry him bc he was sent to her by god or whatever, but actually identifies him as jimmy novak and sends him back to claire and amelia.
The Dead Dean Clause* - teen/5k, post alt s5 ending. team free will celebrates surviving taking down lucifer by getting blitzed, cas lies to a cop and gets an impromptu driving lesson. title/description sound dark i know but it’s actually very funny and light.
Suck It, Judy Garland - mature/20k, s12 (after the ‘i love you...i love all of you’ episode). cas and sam have to pretend to be a couple for a case and dean is NOT happy about it.
By Daylight and In Dream - teen/16k, s5. pre-dean/cas, dean invites cas to use his dreams to hide from the other angels. tw for very brief mention of a memory/dream of alastair sexually assaulting dean.
The Five People You Meet in Heaven - mature/22k, post-canon. an actually happy (if sometimes bittersweet) heaven endgame written several years ago, though some details are rather eerily similar to the show’s ending.
heaven is a place on earth* - teen/2k. dean’s pov of some of the times cas left him behind throughout the show, and one alternate ending where he finally gets to stay.
I Cleanse The Mirror - teen/20k, alternate s6. dean’s body is stolen by an ancient elemental and his soul has to hitch a ride in cas’ vessel.
an exploration of gender; angelic*** - mature/4k. *oscar isaac voice* lets get into angel gender politics!! aka cas is trans.
Zenith - explicit/33k, s9. after 9x06 an angry witch curses cas with the ability to see supernatural beings and human souls.
La cucina. - gen/3k, alt s9. dean goes wild helping a newly-human cas find out what kinds of food he likes, or the early s9 domesticity we deserved!
Dean Winchester, Cocksucker at Rest***** - teen/7k, post-finale. john and mary finally come over for dinner and john reacts to dean/cas in a rather predictable fashion. SOOOOOOOOO good omg, its so funny and a little sad and very very cathartic. part of a series that has a few other really good short fics.
The Way You Didn't Go - teen/5k, s15. coda to 15.09, dean has nightmares about the moc!cas timeline.
On Drowning - teen/28k. dean saves cas after he nearly drowns, they both try and deal with the physical/mental fallout (aka the fic where thee iconic “you only touch me when you think I’m dead or dying” originates). tw for realistic depictions of drowning/triage/misc medical information.
The Thirty-Six Questions That Lead to Love* - mature/13k. claire has dean and cas pretend to be her gay dads for a case and they play the titular 36 question game, get mistaken for swingers, and birdwatch, among other things.
Assorted F/F stuff:
Deep Breaths* - mary/ellen, au where mary said no to azazel’s deal and let john stay dead, still becomes a milf.
Like Rebel Diamonds - krissy/claire, they become hunter gf’s on the hunt for cas to kick his ass for taking jimmy. not-so-stealth dean/cas as well.
To Ash and Bone - anna/ruby, same author as the previous fic (p much all of her stuff is good from what i recall). au where ruby is a witch and helps anna when she’s cursed.
Holy Clockwork Angels - jo/ruby, STEAMPUNK au with very cool worldbuiilding.
At Day's End - jo/anna (my fucking KINGDOM for more jo/anna content, the dean/cas parallels are allllll there), au where they are both at the camp in the endverse and gfs.
these posts - ok so not actually a fic but i’m now obsessed with this hannah/meg dynamic.
Tagelied - mary/ellen, the true story of how ellen got into hunting before angels interfered.
Hell's Bells** - meg/abaddon, alternate s8/9 where meg survives crowley’s attack with sam’s help and teams up with abaddon (who she has a sk year old crush on) to take back hell.
The Ecstasy of the Rose - anna/ruby, anna travels back in time to escape heaven and becomes a signifigant part of ruby’s old human life.
Angel Underground - anna/jo, kind of an urban fantasy au with a very intriguing premise (sadly its very short, i’d love to see more if this ‘verse).
Clover, Flame - billie/mary, billie was always the reaper that showed up to take mary after her death(s) over the years.
Drag Me To Heaven - anna/ruby, a variant on the ‘last night on earth’ thing with dean.
Come Home* - jo/anna, canon-divergent au where anna is the new waitress at the roadhouse and helps jo set up a (probably not really) haunted house for halloween.
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12.17 signed by DHJ + Adam Fergus (printout cover b/c canada post didn't account for usps delays in the delivery estimate):
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13.02 the son + the first of his three chosen fathers:
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13.07 Director Dick + Misha:
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13.14 and a wild Sebastian Roche appeared so we had him sign the one with AU!Balthazar
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We have enough for SPN Family Giving to start planning past July (that'll have "Peace of Mind" signed by Jared + Misha) 🥳
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so get this. I was gonna roll around in Tombstone related fluff today - but no, no - this post came across my dash so Now We Are Gonna Discuss the Carnal Consumption of Meat as it appears on That Show Supernatural.  YEAH BUDDIES!
(also my sincere apologies to OP of the inspiration post who innocently tagged it with “lunch date!”  because I am about to go Elsewhere, cursedly).
Let’s all go meat man, after the cut!
This analysis centers primarily on 5x14 Bloody Valentine.  The title of course is a semi-homage to a 3D Slasher Film Jensen starred in circa 2009. 
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Which I will be renting soon I guess.  ,[<- parasocial panda GET BACK IN YOUR ENCLOSURE]
Also Its Really Fun that the trailer for Said Cinema ends with “nothing says date movie like a 3-D ride to hell” [are you also thinking of Cas pulling Dean out of hell, or are you normal?]  ***unironically the teaser for 5x14 is -
First date.
They then eat each other.  Literally they eat each others flesh.  They also do it while dirty talking about it.  SPN IS A SHOW 
ALICE Ugh! I've been so alone. So empty...
RUSSEL I know. Me too.
ALICE I want you, Russel---All of you... inside me...
[they both take bites out of each other, Alice chewing on a piece of Russel's flesh]
****Remember this detail, as it is important.
ANYWAY, it’s truly Cursed that not only are we doing an homage to this 3-D Jensen Horror Date Flick but also this episode is specifically centered on Valentine’s Day.  The day honoring romance and love Now Coopted by Hallmark, everyone, that is the day spn writers chose to introduce us to 
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Sir Horseman of THE Biblical Apocalypse Famine. 
Canonically, we are aware that the show is drawing from the book of Revelations in its depiction of the Four Horsemen.  Here’s what it says about Famine -
"When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, "Come." I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.”
-Revelations 6:5
Famine holds scales (used to weigh out grain in times of food scarcity).  Spn’s depiction is represented as hunger, a bottomless pit of need.  It consumes souls (demon and human alike).  
Cas describes Famine a little more poetically:
"And then will come Famine riding on a black steed. He will ride into the land of plenty... "
"... and great will be the Horseman's hunger, for he is hunger. "
"His hunger will seep out and poison the air. "
***Consider a prior season in which we are introduced to the Seven Deadly Sins.  Which are the sins associated with hunger?
and Lust.
***this is also important
Back to the episode.  Case cold open, and we find out that Alice was a Nice Girl.  In that she didnt drink, smoke or
have premarital sex.
***So Alice’s hunger for the sin of Lust caused her to succumb to it; and her demise was presented as Gluttony (literally eating her partner’s flesh). HMM
Famine’s presence is affecting the town, and Cas is not immune.
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And when did you start eating?
Exactly. My hunger-- it's a clue, actually.
***They lay it out a little more in case you missed it ->
I thought famine meant starvation, like as in, you know, food.
Yes. Absolutely. But not just food. I mean, everyone seems to be starving for something--Sex, attention, drugs, love...
***this is so important.  but of course because its spn and our textual narrators are generally unreliable (even in a Ben Edlund episode, yes I know)
we get a red herring
Right. The cherub made them crave love, and then Famine came, and made them rabid for it.
***but that’s not accurate.  they didn’t get married or become obsessed with each other (remember the cursed coin in 4x08 Wishful Thinking and the unconditional love wish? not what happened here). they had premarital sex.  they did the thing Alice considers wrong, and dark, and sinful.  and then they ate each others’ flesh.
Okay, but what about you? I mean, since when do angels secretly hunger for White Castle?
It's my vessel-- Jimmy. His, uh, appetite for red meat has been touched by Famine's effect
***mad lad Jimmy Novak’s hunger is for...red meat?  He is starving for red meat?  You are telling me that the Novaks, red blooded conservative religious midwestern Novaks, ate RED MEAT SO SPARINGLY that Jimmy Novak was LITERALLY starving for it?!?!  No way.  Absolutely no way.  This is a man who was such a religious zealot he STUCK HIS HAND IN BOILING WATER and accepted an angel of the lord into his own body but his secret hunger was for fucking ground beef?
give me a damn break.
to me this is an absolute coverup.  Because Cas’s burger consumption is not related one iota to his vessel Jimmy Novak.
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it is a representation of Cas falling.  Cas’s cravings for meat represent his growing (and very much prohibited) feelings for...humanity (Dean Winchester), and they are presenting as Gluttony in the form of his downing more and more copious amounts of red meat.  
SERIOUSLY, consider this - at one point the depiction is so desperately carnal that he is eating raw ground beef with his bare hands. It is fucking uncomfortable.  and it is SUPPOSED to be.  Famine stirs up hunger for the prohibited.  For the sinful. That which we are starving for but do not believe we can ever have, so we lust and we lust and we LUST after it, but should we allow ourselves even just a taste of what we have been ravenously craving, we binge it until we ourselves disappear into the oblivion of our own sinful, dark desires.
Since You Want More Examples of why this cant possibly be hunger for Cheeseburgers and Cheeseburgers alone, Consider Famine’s effect on Dean.  Remember his doctor kink?
**when its revealed that Doctor Corman has succumbed to Famine’s poison by drinking himself to death, Dean - very uncharacteristically by the way - reacts by saying out loud
DEAN Thanks. Crap! I really kind of liked this guy.
***please note that Doctor Corman says the following to Dean in the prior scene they have together -
DR. CORMAN [to Dean]
Agent Marley, you just can't stay away.
****was that a flirtation?
***Also, Dean doesn’t want to go out and chase tail for Valentines Day.   
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I mean, what do you always call it-- Uh, unattached drifter Christmas?
Oh, yeah. Well... be that as it may...I don't know. Guess I'm not feeling it this year.
So you're not into bars full of lonely women?
Nah, I guess not. [takes a sip of his beer] Ahh. What?
That's when a dog doesn't eat-- That's when you know something's really wrong.
***oh look we are relating things to eating again.  sex/lust to gluttony.  hmmm hmmm hmmm
ANYHOW -  *takes deep breath*
 this is also the Episode Where This Scene Lives
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oh and speaking of jacting joices, this is also the Dean Notices Cupids Crotch Episode.
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frAckles, I am once again asking why you only permit celestial beings to hug you from behi-[gunshots]
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but Dean isn’t hungry.  Why? Famine has the explanation, and we get it after Dean immediately runs inside after Cas heads in to complete his portion of their plan barely giving him any time to do so because he misses him that much.
I disagree. [Famine moves closer to Dean and touches him] Yes. I see. That's one deep, dark nothing you got there, Dean. Can't fill it, can you? Not with food or drink. Not even with sex.
Oh, you're so full of crap.
Oh, you can smirk and joke and lie to your brother, lie to yourself, but not to me! 
***not Dean making all of those homophobic/homoerotic jokes every time he’s in danger or feeing uncomfortable; not that, that can’t possibly be what Famine is referencing, right?
I can see inside you, Dean. I can see how broken you are, how defeated. 
***not THIS parallel:
You're a mystery. I can see inside your heart. Feel the love you feel, except… It's cloaked in shame
You can't win, and you know it. But you just keep fighting. Just... keep going through the motions. 
***not the motions of performative heterosexuality!!
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***Dean’s not hungry because in his heart he truly believes that he can’t actually have what he hungers for.  That Thing Which This Episode Overtly but Also Very Clearly Made Obvious.  It’s an angel riding shotgun [I did Do That and I am Not Sorry], eating a burger in the front seat of the impala.  But, I’ve deviated from the meat of this essay [gunshots] [this time just for the bad joke].
there’s Exists another episode in which a man ravenously consumes red meat; eventually succumbing to eating raw beef with his bare hands in the season prior to this one.  
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Yes Supernatural the Show That Brought Us Not One But Two Scenes of Persons Carnally Consuming Red Meat With Their Bare Hands.  
This episode is a MOTW - the man in question is a rougaru - a monster that starts out as human but due to some specific genetic disorder (hmmm hmmm hmm crack in THE chassis hmmm hmmm) soon begins to be extremely hungry - “for everything, but eventually long pig.” AKA human flesh. 
Wanna know the kicker?  
Episode’s called Metamorphosis.
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(GIF by jackttwist)
I’ll see myself out.
[DOUBLE BONUS for extra credit:
if you really wanna wild out, go watch the scene of Jack the rougaru looking at himself in the mirror in 4x04 - and then meander on over to 7x01 and check out God!stiel looking in the mirror as the leviathans writhe inside him over there. It’s worth the walk.]
***oh and @lilac-void​ im tagging you in this one because in exchange for your KIND creator content nomination I guess I will respond by cursing you with an Honorary tag in this, a Meat Meta.  you’re welcome slash I'm sorry XO [but seriously thank you again for your kindness and appreciation; it really motivated me to sit down and get moving on making more content <3]
349 notes · View notes
trexrambling · 3 years
Finding Tomorrow Masterlist
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Overview: It started with a chance meeting, a bold request, and a book. With a past full of loss and a future centered on searching for something more, one person may make all the difference in what tomorrow could bring.
Pairing: DylanXReader
Chapters: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ] [ 12 ] [Possible Epilogue - TBD]
Warnings: posted with each chapter
Disclaimer: The reader in this story has a few ‘unique’ characteristics in regards to their appearance/style. I’ve modeled them slightly after myself, as I do with almost all of the readers in my fics; it’s just more evident this time around. Writing the main character in this manner helps me craft the story easier :)
Soundtrack: For the first time in a series, I’m pairing each chapter with a song that compliments it. I’ll update the playlist here as I post chapters. Feel free to or to not listen before/while/after you read. Each song will be linked within the chapter.
Chapter 1: “Hello My Old Heart” by The Oh Hellos
Chapter 2: “Honey + Tea (Acoustic)” by Mozi
Chapter 3: “North Dakota” by Mako
Chapter 4: “Open Skies (Wildflower)” by The National Parks
Chapter 5: “Seven” by Sleeping At Last
Chapter 6: “Life is Good” by The Hunts
Chapter 7: “Wolves of the Revolution” by The Arcadian Wild
Chapter 8: “Make It Out” by Boundary Run
Chapter 9: “Anchored At Sea” by Act As If
Chapter 10: “Shoulders” by Levi Matthan
Chapter 11: “West” by Sleeping At Last
Chapter 12: “Promise” by Ben Howard
Hello, lovelies!
I’m back in the Tumblr writing world after falling deep into a Dylan O’Brien hole (I actually think I’m still falling, haven’t found the bottom quite yet). I know this isn’t my usual SPN niche, so I’m not planning to use any of my usual tag lists. If you want to join this adventure, let me know via DM or an ask that you would like a tag and I’ll be honored to oblige. 
Much love,
Sneak Peek Beneath the Cut :)
Exert from Chapter 1
“It was really really nice to meet you. I’d hate to hold you up.”
He doesn’t say anything.
I don’t say anything.
We just kinda exist in the aisle together, me awkwardly cradling a stack of books that’s a little too heavy for me to hold all at once while shifting from foot to foot and him using his thumb to pop each finger on his right hand.
“Do you need help?” he finally asks.
My throat is like the Nevada desert. I try to swallow non-existent spit, but my words still come out a bit hoarse, “Do you want to help?”
“Why not?” He finally stands, picking up a different stack on the outer edge and reading the binding for the author’s name. “Alphabetical, right?”
“Um, yeah.” My arms tremble from the weight of my own stack, and I notice for the first time how sweaty my hands are as I readjust my grip.
He notices my struggle and easily shifts his stack to one arm, then reaches out to take the top two books off of mine. “Man, how are you not, like, ripped after carrying around this many books all the time?”
His question breaks the tension, as I’m sure he designed it to, and air huffs out my nose in a silent laugh. “We’ll have to arm wrestle later.”
“Oh, bring it.”
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suethor · 2 years
SPN OCs....I am wondering I am asking I am listening
omg hey bestie..............saurrrr
ace winchester: sam's (older) twin played by crystal reed (i think? or phoebe tonkin); queer; womanizer.
she and dean are too alike for their own good, but she's a little bit worse at repressing her emotions. she's used to standing up for sam, and when he left to go to stanford, she was devastated, but they kept in touch and she visited him from time to time
spends most of her time reading in the backseat of the impala and listening to britney spears on her mp3 player
has a lot of tattoos, most of them are angel/demon/monster/nancy drew themed
shipped with a lot of people, but i think endgame is probably a fem!castiel (exploring queerness with cas as a vessel (cas is i think played by khadija red thunder)) or a different gq angel
her fic leans WAY more into the y2k early supernatural seasons vibe and isn't as gimmicky as the post s5 narratives
the end of the fic is sam going to law school and her and dean opening up a PI agency near where he settles down, where she occasionally helps sam out once he becomes a defense attorney and hunts monsters on the side
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veronica "vex" vernon: witch; played by adria arjona
academic witch graduate student in demonology who deals potions to regular people on the side (yes like a drug dealer)
joins the winchesters as "field research" and stays for the found family sometime late in season 1
shipped with sam because she's also kind of addicted to magic and they heal each other ... <3
continues to deal drugs when she's on the road with the winchesters in order to supplement her income (her research grant money is used bailing dean out of jail)
kind of like the giles to dean and sam's buffy. but also the willa.
does not live out of a backpack like dean and sam do and so dean has to move all his shit out of the trunk to make space for her clothes and books
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natalie chan: stanford student with a dark past; sam's college bestie; played by chase sui wonders
her mom, played by maggie q, was a hunter killed by azazel in the same way mary and jess were; she tags along with sam and dean after discovering jess' body
was a bit of a wild child but in a coping poorly way; she has an ongoing drinking problem that she learns to deal with
shipped with dean in a hookup to besties to lovers dynamic; they start off hooking up drunkenly after a night in a dive bar, but natalie feels SUPER guilty about it because of sam, so she doesn't say anything and they don't hook up again. but there's also a barrier of intimacy that's been broken down by it, and neither of them can bail like they usually do on their one-night stands, so they grow really close and eventually fall for each other.
super protective of other women, especially college students. when they're hunting and they run. into people younger than her, it activates something.
always covered in blood (#finalgirl)
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bonus!!!! hbo!supernatural oc!!!!
jessica "monday" lunes: played either by amber midthunder, fivel stewart, or alexa demie (lol.)
taken in by john after her parents were killed by vampires, a few months before sam left for stanford
grew up with the winchesters from age 16 on; dean and john both call her "monday" or "my monday" because of her last name
the secret reason she was taken in that john doesn't reveal: she's a supernatural magnet. for whatever reason, the dead gravitate towards her—which is why her parents were killed. she also seems to have some sort of immunity, though—they never want to hurt her
suffers from terrible nightmares all the time; doesn't realize they're actually visions from nearby dead
john took her in both to protect her but also because he hoped that she might attract the thing that killed mary
fic condenses the seasons a bit so castiel appears sooner and explains to her that she has divine origins
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mittensmorgul · 4 years
Hi, I have a question, and I hope it would be interesting for you too... Could we talk about angel's wings and feathers?..
I always thought that angel's wings were a part of their true form, a kind of energy which we can only see as a shadows or electric sparks or ash or something like this.
And I didn't think that it could be a real wings with feathers as bird's. Until, while rewatch, I've noticed that angel's feather were mentioned in SPN at least twice (maybe you've noticed more?):
1) In 8.12 when Henry Winchester time travels he uses an angel feather in spell. And then Dean tells that Henry stole an angel feather from the trunk of the Impala. So feathers are reall??? Why did the Winchestets keep the feather in the trunk of the Impala and where they get it? (ok, maybe they found it in the bunker)
2) In 12.13 Sam uses a white feather in spell returning Gavin back in time (we know this spell needs an angel feather)
So now we can see how the real angel feather looks like???
Does that mean that the angel's wings can be presented in physical world like a real wings with feathers and this is not fanfiction? I like this idea so much.
I think that the creators of the show didn't let us to see it, as many other great things, that is sad...
I would really like to know your thoughts about this.
(Sorry for my bad english, it is not my native language...)
Hi there! First off, your English is fine! (lol it’s my native language, and I just typed it “Inglish” by accident, so you’re already doing better than I am :’D)
ETA: DON’T REBLOGGY THIS YET. I forgotted something that @thayerkerbasy just reminded me of, and I’m editing this post... brb... okay NOW YOU CAN REBLOGGY!)
As far as I know, those are the only times in canon we ever see or hear mention of an angel feather, and both times it’s for the same exact spell. They reference that it’s Henry’s spell when they use it again in 12.13, but make no mention in dialogue of it being an angel feather. Yet Sam had a whole jar of fluffy little pin feathers, so the assumption is that they’d been collecting them for a while (unless those were either found in the Men of Letters’ spell ingredient stockpile when they moved into the bunker, or otherwise given to them by Cas at some point).
It’s weird, because they seem like a very limited commodity, especially after the angels fell and their wings all burned up. Even after Cas got his original grace back, his wings never seemingly recovered. When we did finally see his wing prints in 12.23, they were still... not healthy... So my thinking is that any spell that would require them will become impossible to cast when their current supply runs out. All the other angels-- at the end of the series-- were either dead or locked in Heaven with their broken wings. We never learned any of their fates. Maybe they were all rendered obsolete under the Heaven Remodel?
A little behind the scenes from the early days of SPN as a bonus, since it’s tangentially relevant:
When they were filming the very early episodes of SPN, they had a lot of choices to make about what to show us based on what their budget would allow them to portray. Think of an episode like Wendigo, 1.02. One thing I see people say often was that it was a shame we didn’t see more of the monster, but only saw like... bushes shaking, or a vague form moving through the underbrush, or a blur. They made a stylistic choice right there to keep it within budget.
The options they faced were showing us a “dude in a rubber mask” type monster and showing it more, versus one really terrifying shot of a Proper Monster™ dying in spectacular fashion. Rather than go full-on cheesemonster, they chose to leave most of it up to our imaginations, giving us glimpses or hints of the monster.
They went back and forth on this a bit over the years, attempting to show us more on occasion, but most of those times the audience reaction has been varying degrees of wtf... Think about some of the scenes where they attempted to give us more than a glimpse at the supernatural, or a blood splatter, or whatever. It didn’t always work well. Think: the wire fight from 13.23...
I mean, it took us until 11.14 to ever see an angel “flap away,” when we saw Casifer zap Dean off the exploding submarine.
For the most part, I appreciate the fact that they understood the limitations of their own budget and didn’t give angels cheap little wings just to be able to show them on camera. Over time, only being able to see them as shadows, or as char after the angel died, became part of the lore of the show.
I blame Adam Glass for writing that spell, because he probably thought it sounded cool or whatever, that it was effectively a throwaway line because no other spell they’ve ever used has required an angel feather as an ingredient, and in story it was only linked into this larger Men of Letters Legacy plot that in retrospect feels like Chuck tying up loose ends and putting previously “deactivated” plotlines back into play.
I do find it kind of interesting that both iterations of this spell (the second resurrected by Bucklemming) were both tied to Abaddon. Henry’s spell in 8.12 brought her into the story from the past, she eventually travelled to the much further distant past to bring Gavin into the present (presumably with her own power alone, no angel feather required), and then after she was killed, they used the spell to return Gavin to his own time. So in a a way, the spell was part of a closed narrative loop, never to be referred to again.
Kinda wild that we’d never heard of angel feathers being a thing for spells until we learn that Dean apparently had some just stashed in the trunk, though... :’D
As for how corporeal angel feathers are/were, they exist in the earthly plane enough to leave char marks when they burn, when an angel is killed, so they must always have had the potential to manifest physically. I can’t imagine they ever would’ve had a budget to show us anything more than what we usually saw, though. It did give them a LOT of flexibility over how exactly they presented them to us when they DID show us. And I can’t even imagine the suffering Misha would’ve endured as an actor spending all those years wearing some weird wing harness rig. It would’ve been... impractical. And the CGI the show could’ve afforded-- especially in earlier days-- would’ve been... bad...
But what they were able to show us? Was often awesome. Remember when Raphael showed off his wings in 5.03? LIGHTNING!
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And when we finally did see actual corporeal-appearing wings in 8.23... it was Dramatique™
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And for More CGI Is Sometimes A Bad Thing Science, please have the attempt at Michael’s “true form” from 14.01:
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It’s kinda a super-letdown after AU!Michael’s previous shadow wing displays from 13.01, but more specifically from 13.22:
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those... were... badass... 
Even the pre-wire-fight wing shadows on Dean were badass:
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But if they’d tried to show us more of them, to make them move through action scenes for example, it would’ve been... bad...
So what we’re left with is the knowledge that there is some sort of corporeal element to wings that we simply can’t see most of the time, but clearly angels have the ability to show or hide them at will, even from other angels. Could it be an act of will on the part of the angel that manifests a bit of their grace in the form of a physical feather? Honestly, that’s the theory I’ve personally adopted toward canon. In fanfic, I’ve read tons of various headcanons about what angel wings are and how they function-- everything from “a manifestation of their true form” to “angels share a lot of traits with birds” to “an extension of their grace,” and everything in between.
I personally, in canon, like to think of it as akin to how they’ve used angel grace for other spells. I mean, when we recall that angels haven’t been on Earth much for the last few thousand years (aside from at least a couple of known incidents where angels interfered with humanity, like Ishim and Company in 12.10, for example, and the presumptive extension that the Men of Letters knew of the existence of angels and likely summoned one up a time or two the same way Lily Sunder had, giving one explanation for how Henry Winchester knew of this spell and had an angel feather to use for it, but also recontextualized when Lily Sunder taught us that humans can use their own souls to power spells in the same way angels used their grace... which sort of makes the notion of needing an angel feather AND his own soul to charge that particular spell in 8.12 a bit redundant unless Lily’s knowledge of angelic magic was more advanced than Henry’s... hrmpf.... so much tangent... back to the point)...
We did eventually learn of other spells that required an angel’s actual grace, not concentrated in the form of a feather. The Angel Fall Spell in 8.23 being the prime example. Metatron took ALL of Cas’s grace for that one, even if he didn’t use all of it for the spell and left a “fragment” (Metatron described it as “not a lot, but enough.”). 
ETA: HECK. I have 9.03 on the tv right now and it’s distractedly made me disgusted enough to have forgotten something that Thayer just reminded me of: Lucifer’s “fossilized feather” in 12.07. It held enough grace to restore and heal him after Rowena’s spell in 12.03 had degraded him. Which really only adds to the theory that “feathers” are simply bits of grace that have been rendered solid somehow, but that can be transformed back into grace as needed.
And then there was the Rift Spell for travelling to alternate universes that required archangel grace, as well as the time travel/ward breaking spell that Sam found in 11.14 that ALSO required archangel grace specifically. Would these spells have worked with an archangel “feather?” Possibly, if material feathers are somehow just crystalized bits of grace, but since we never got a full explanation in canon, and never even really saw corporeal feathery wings that dropped feathers or could be plucked, and never even had mention of corporeal feathers outside of their use in this single spell, it’s really up to our own interpretation. And I kind of like it that way, because that way we get to have fun little discussions like this one. :D
I know this isn’t a definitive answer, but it’s how it all makes sense to me, in the hand-wavey sort of way that all of canon works. :’D
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midnightmusinggs · 3 years
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#3) i liked gale in book 1. but the bit about “what i need isn’t gale’s fire but peeta’s hope rly smacked me in the face
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a wild update appears!!!
10 notes • Posted 2021-10-04 16:00:43 GMT
NOT me rewatching shadow & bone and putting together that THE BULLET JESPER LEFT FOR MILO ENDED UP FREEING MAL
10 notes • Posted 2021-09-21 21:24:38 GMT
folks we’ve got chapter 3!!
10 notes • Posted 2021-07-24 01:00:57 GMT
this is the life bo-bo bo-bo bo
this is the life bo-bo bo-bo bo
this is the life bo-bo bo-bo bo
14 notes • Posted 2021-11-21 04:55:03 GMT
continuing my screaming about tick tick boom
the end of Louder Than Words, when happy birthday is played piano only, and then that final note is a full fucking band chord?? FUCK
69 notes • Posted 2021-11-21 05:23:29 GMT
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tiktaalic · 4 years
i don't ever recommend the magicians but toxic fucked up femslash is so sera gamble's wheelhouse re: ur post abt how you turned out and how she wrote spn like gay and Homophobic and just. know she had two f/f relationships vaguely alluded to and one half died but they brought in her alt universe self where she is just 5% less crazy than her og self. anyway luv the blog
she’s wild. she sees a tv show and goes you know what would be fun? if i made a lesbian evil. just like, an insanely boundary crossing textually gay woman. a predatory lesbian if you will. but she’s also kind of sad and tortured. but more importantly she kisses women and—this is very important—she is evil WHILE doing it.
the fact that she wrote like, every appearance of early spn gay people including the girl who killed her girlfriend by touching her and she just NEVER. STOPPED. 2006 2018 it doesn’t matter sera gamble is still going to wake up and write about a woman who is SO tragic and gay and predatory and dead.
i wish she was gay so i could have an excuse to die on the hill of defending her hashtag messy queer art. but instead she’s straight so i have to settle for being completely bewildered and amused by the newest addition to the sera gamble homophobic cinematic universe
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