paxny · 8 months
Lotr where everything is the same except Boromir is the only character who isn’t a muppet.
Every single other character that appears is played by a muppet. But Boromir is still Sean Bean.
My man would be so, so confused it would be great.
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imaybeabear · 2 years
No you don't understand I love Boromir with my whole entire heart and nothing is ever going to change that
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thewulf · 2 months
Brighter than the Stars || Legolas
Summary: Request - Second, could you write a reader x Legolas where after the two grew close on their journey w/ the fellowship, Legolas (and eventually the rest) noticed how the reader would look at Legolas whenever the two were together/talked... Read Rest Here
A/N: I love sweet boy Legolas. Really like how this one turned out. Let me know how you like it :)
Pairing: Legolas x Female Reader
Word Count: 3.4k +
TW: Insecurity, Slight angst, Pure fluff? No LOTR triggers
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The journey of the Fellowship was one fraught with danger and uncertainty yet amidst it all, a tender bond began to blossom between you and Legolas. Gandalf had brought you along as the healer, but it was Legolas who captured your attention with his ethereal grace and unwavering kindness towards you. From the moment you laid eyes on him, you felt a pull towards Legolas that you couldn't quite explain. Perhaps it was the way his eyes sparkled like sunlight filtering through the trees, or the gentle softness of his voice as he spoke of the wonders of middle earth. Whatever it was, you found yourself drawn to him more and more every day.
At first, Legolas treated you with the same courtesy he extended to all members of the Fellowship. Yet, as the days passed, and your interactions became more frequent he couldn't help but feel a stirring in his heart whenever you were near. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a newfound depth to his feelings that he hadn't realized before. As the days turned into weeks the subtle shift in dynamics within the Fellowship did not go unnoticed by the other members. Aragorn with his keen perception honed by years of ranging across Middle earth was among the first to pick up on the blossoming affection between you and Legolas. He observed the lingering gazes, the gentle touches, and the shared smiles that passed between you. Though he said nothing, a knowing look passed between him and Boromir whenever your eyes met.
Gimli, ever the gruff but good-hearted dwarf couldn't resist teasing Legolas about his newfound fondness for the human healer. "I see you've taken quite a liking to our healer, Master Elf," he remarked one evening with a twinkle of amusement in his eye. Legolas merely responded with a raised eyebrow and a secretive smile, neither confirming nor denying Gimli's suspicions.
Even Boromir, burdened with the weight of his own quest and the responsibility of protecting the hobbits couldn't help but notice the subtle shift in Legolas' demeanor whenever you were near. He observed the way Legolas would seek out your company during their brief respites. For you there was a softness in his eyes that betrayed his usual stoic gaze.
Yet, it was the hobbits who truly brought the matter to light as their curious natures were unable to resist the opportunity for a bit of mischief. Merry and Pippin in particular took it upon themselves to play matchmakers. Much to the amusement of the rest of the Fellowship sans you and Legolas.
"I say, Pippin, have you noticed the way Y/N looks at Legolas?" Merry whispered conspiratorially one evening as they huddled around the campfire. The two of you were lost in conversation. So much so that Legolas wasn’t even paying attention to the comments around him. His focus was solely on you.
Pippin, his eyes wide with excitement, nodded eagerly. "Aye, Merry, it's as plain as the nose on Gandalf's face! She's smitten, that's for certain." Earning the laughter of the hobbits at that remark and a smack on the back of the head from Gandalf.
Armed with their newfound knowledge, the hobbits embarked on their mission to uncover the truth. And though Legolas and you remained oblivious to their antics, the spark of romance that had ignited between you could not be denied. Sam and Frodo, ever the loyal and steadfast companions watched the unfolding dynamic between you and Legolas with a mixture of amusement and quiet support. While they appreciated Merry and Pippin's enthusiasm they also understood the delicate nature of romance amidst the perils of their quest.
At first, Sam and Frodo exchanged knowing glances whenever Merry, and Pippin attempted to prod you or Legolas about your feelings. However, as the hobbits' antics grew more persistent they decided it was time to intervene albeit in their own subtle way. "Perhaps it's best to let them be, Merry," Sam murmured one evening as they watched you and Legolas share a quiet moment by the fire. "Love has a way of finding its own path after all."
Frodo nodded in agreement. His gaze thoughtful. "Indeed, Sam. And if Legolas and Y/N are meant to be, then nothing we say or do will change that." While Merry and Pippin continued their matchmaking schemes with gusto, Sam and Frodo opted for a more hands-off approach. They were content to watch the budding romance between you and Legolas unfold organically.
Gandalf the wise and enigmatic wizard, had a keen intuition that often surpassed the understanding of those around him. When he insisted on bringing you along as the healer for the Fellowship he did so with a subtle knowledge of the bonds that would form among its members. This included the burgeoning connection between you and Legolas. Though Gandalf didn't overtly push you towards Legolas, his gentle guidance and sage advice often served as a catalyst for self-discovery. He recognized the spark of potential between you and Legolas, understanding that love knew no boundaries, not even those between different races.
In quiet moments by the campfire or during their long marches across middle earth, Gandalf would offer words of wisdom and encouragement as he nudged you towards introspection and self-awareness. Through his guidance you began to unravel the complexities of your own heart slowly coming to terms with the depth of your feelings for Legolas. It was during one such conversation with Gandalf that the truth finally dawned on you. As you confided in him about your confusion and uncertainty regarding your growing affection for Legolas, Gandalf listened patiently, his eyes twinkling with a knowing light.
"My dear Y/N, love is a powerful force that transcends race and circumstance," Gandalf said, his voice gentle yet firm. "Do not shy away from the feelings that stir within you. Embrace them, for they may lead you towards a happiness beyond your wildest dreams."
And as you gazed into Gandalf's wise eyes, a sense of clarity washed over you as if a weight had been lifted from your shoulders. In that moment you understood that your feelings for Legolas were not a mere fleeting fancy, but a deep and profound connection that had blossomed amidst the trials and tribulations of your journey.
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As the days stretched into weeks and the Fellowship journeyed through the untamed landscapes of middle earth Legolas found himself increasingly drawn to your side. There was an undeniable magnetism between the two of you. A pull that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. He savored the moments when you tended to his wounds, relishing in the gentle touch of your hands against his skin. There was a soothing quality to your presence. A warmth that seeped into his bones and chased away the shadows of doubt that lingered in his heart.
Yet, it wasn't just your healing abilities that captivated Legolas. It was the way you listened intently as he spoke of his homeland, your eyes alight with genuine interest and curiosity. In your company he felt understood in a way he never had before as if you saw beyond the facade of the stoic elf prince into the depths of his soul. And as he watched you laugh and joke with the hobbits a soft smile tugged at the corners of Legolas' lips. There was a lightness to your presence that filled him with a sense of joy he hadn't felt in ages. It was a feeling that he couldn't quite put into words.
It was during one such quiet moment by the campfire that Legolas finally admitted the truth to himself. As he watched you interact with the hobbits a surge of warmth washed over him igniting a fire within his chest that he couldn't ignore any longer. It was then that he realized he wanted more than just friendship with you; he wanted to explore the depths of this newfound connection, to see where it could lead.
As the night settled around the campfire, casting its warm glow upon the Fellowship. Merry and Pippin seized the opportunity to indulge in their mischievous tendencies. With conspiratorial grins and playful nudges, they pulled you aside, their eyes dancing with excitement. "Alright, Y/N, spill the beans," Merry said with a lopsided grin, leaning in closer as if sharing a secret. "What's going on between you and Legolas?"
You blinked in surprise, caught off guard by their sudden interrogation. "I... I don't know what you mean," you stammered, your cheeks flushing crimson with embarrassment.
Pippin chuckled, shaking his head in mock disbelief. "Oh, come on now, Y/N. You can't fool us! We've seen the way you look at him."
Your heart skipped a beat as you fumbled for a response, desperately trying to come up with an explanation that wouldn't reveal the true depth of your feelings. "I... uh...I just...admire his...hair," you finally blurted out, the words sounding feeble even to your own ears.
Merry and Pippin exchanged incredulous looks before bursting into laughter, their mirth echoing through the quiet night air. "His hair?" Merry exclaimed between bouts of laughter. "Is that all?"
Pippin nodded, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes. "Oh, Y/N, you really are something else."
You couldn't help but join in their laughter, though a part of you cringed at the absurdity of your own words. How could you have been so foolish as to think that admiring Legolas' hair would suffice as an explanation for the complex emotions swirling within you?
And as you glanced across the campfire to see Legolas with his back turned to you chatting with Boromir did a sheepish smile playing on your lips. You couldn't help but wonder what he must think of your clumsy attempt at deflecting the truth. Little did you know, he had overheard the entire exchange. His own heart swelling with affection at the realization that your feelings for him ran deeper than mere admiration for his hair.
As the laughter subsided and the hobbits' playful teasing continued, you found yourself squirming under their scrutiny. Merry and Pippin exchanged knowing glances, their mischievous smiles widening as they prodded you further.
"Come now, Y/N, there's no need to be shy," Merry teased, nudging you with his elbow. "We all know there's more to it than just his hair."
You sighed, feeling the weight of their relentless questioning pressing down on you. "Alright, fine," you admitted reluctantly, your cheeks burning with embarrassment. "Maybe I... maybe I do like him."
Merry and Pippin exchanged triumphant looks, their grins widening into smirks as they teased you mercilessly. "Ha! We knew it!" Pippin exclaimed with a grin. "You fancy the elf prince!"
You flushed even deeper feeling the heat of embarrassment spreading through your entire being. "It's not like that," you protested weakly though the truth of your feelings hung heavy in the air.
But beneath their teasing, there was a genuine warmth in Merry and Pippin's eyes, a silent reassurance that they meant no harm. And yet despite their best intentions a seed of doubt had already taken root in your mind. Why would an Elven prince like Legolas with his ethereal beauty and noble lineage ever be interested in a lowly healer from Eriador? It seemed like a fantasy too far-fetched to even entertain. It was a cruel trick of fate that mocked your deepest desires.
The hobbits noticed the shift in your demeanor, their playful teasing softened into genuine concern. Merry and Pippin exchanged worried glances, their smiles fading as they realized the depth of your insecurity. "Hey, Y/N, what's wrong?" Pippen asked, his voice gentle as he reached out to place a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Did we go too far with the teasing?"
You shook your head, trying to force a smile despite the heavy weight of doubt pressing down on your chest. "No, it's not that," you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper. "It's just...I can't get my hopes up, you know? Legolas is an Elven prince, and I'm just a lowly human from Eriador. He could never feel the same way about me."
Merry’s eyes widened with understanding. His expression filled with empathy. "Oh, Y/N, don't say that," he said softly, his voice tinged with sadness. "You're worth more than you know. Legolas sees something special in you, I'm sure of it."
But your heart felt heavy with doubt, the weight of centuries of tradition and prejudice bearing down on your shoulders. How could you ever hope to compete with the storied history and timeless beauty of the elves? It seemed like a fool's errand. A futile pursuit that would only end in heartbreak. As you poured out your heart to Merry and Pippin, unaware of Legolas' keen ears tuned in to your conversation the Elven prince's own heart ached with a bittersweet mixture of longing and sadness.
Though he had overheard snippets of your conversation with the hobbits, it wasn't until now that the full extent of your insecurities became painfully clear to him. As he turned away from his conversation with Aragorn, his attention fully captured by your words. A pang of empathy pierced through his chest. To hear you speak of yourself with such self-doubt and resignation broke Legolas' heart in ways he couldn't fully articulate. How could you not see the radiant light that shone within you? the kindness and strength that had endeared you to him from the very beginning?
Legolas felt a fierce determination ignite within him. A resolve to show you just how extraordinary you truly were. He longed to sweep away the shadows of doubt that clouded your mind and to replace them with the unshakeable belief in your own worth that you so rightfully deserved.
With a silent vow in his heart, Legolas turned his gaze back to the campfire. His mind ablaze with thoughts of how he could show you the depth of his feelings and the true beauty that lay within your heart As Legolas listened intently to your conversation with Merry and Pippin his heart swelled with a mixture of sadness and determination. He couldn't help but feel the weight of their shared concern for you.
Across the campfire, Merry and Pippin exchanged knowing glances. Their expressions filled with a silent plea for Legolas to intervene. With a subtle nod and a meaningful look they motioned for him to join them, hoping that he could offer you the reassurance and support you so desperately needed.
Legolas met their gazes with silent understanding. His resolve strengthening with each passing moment. With a graceful movement he rose from his seat by the fire. His footsteps were light as he made his way towards you. He was careful not to draw attention to himself.
As he approached Merry and Pippin stepped aside, their eyes flickering with a silent message that Legolas understood all too well. With a grateful nod he took their place by your side, his presence a comforting presence in the midst of your turmoil. Though you remained unaware of his silent exchange with Merry and Pippin, Legolas couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards the hobbits for their unwavering loyalty and support. And as he settled in beside you his gaze met yours with a tenderness that took your breath away
“Y/N,” he began, his tone gentle as a whisper of the wind through the trees, "I couldn't help but notice that something seems to be troubling you.."
Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the realization that Legolas had sensed your inner turmoil and you couldn't help but feel a pang of self-consciousness. "I'm sorry, Legolas," you murmured, your gaze flickering away from his intense gaze. "I don’t mean to burden you with my concerns."
But Legolas reached out to gently tilt your chin upwards, his touch sending a flutter of warmth through your chest. "No need to apologize, mellon-nîn," he said, his voice filled with a tenderness that melted away your fears. "I want you to know that you are worth more than you could ever imagine."
Your heart swelled with gratitude at his words, a flicker of hope igniting within you as you met his gaze. "That is kind of you to say." you whispered, unable to contain the doubt that still lingered in your heart. "But I'm just a human healer, and you're... you're an Elven prince. In another life we would never have even crossed paths.”
Legolas smiled with a softness in his eyes that spoke of a depth of feeling you had never known before. "We do not choose who we were born to," he said, his voice barely above a whisper yet filled with a quiet intensity, "you are kind, and brave, and full of a light that shines brighter than any star in the sky."
Your breath caught in your throat at his words, a warmth spreading through your chest at the sincerity in his gaze. As you looked into his eyes, you felt a flicker of something stirring deep within you. A longing that you couldn't quite name.
"But," he added with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, "if it's my hair that has caught your fancy, I must say, I've spent centuries perfecting it."
As Legolas spoke, his words carrying a playful yet genuine warmth, your mouth dropped open in realization. A blush flooded your cheeks as you processed his teasing remark, a mixture of surprise and embarrassment washing over you. How could you have forgotten that Legolas possessed such keen perception, his senses far surpassing your own?
Feeling a sudden urge to hide away from him, to shield yourself from the intensity of his gaze, you instinctively turned away. Your gaze fixed on the flickering flames of the campfire. It was easy to forget that Legolas was not just a companion but an elf prince with abilities and perceptions far beyond your own. Even as you sought to hide your embarrassment you couldn't help but feel a flutter of warmth in your chest at Legolas' playful teasing. There was a familiarity in his words, a shared moment of levity amidst the weight of your doubts and insecurities.
As Legolas noticed your sudden shyness a playful yet tender smile graced his lips. "Don't hide away from me," he said softly, his voice carrying a warmth that enveloped you like a comforting embrace. "If it makes you feel any better, I quite like your hair too. In fact, I like so much about you..."
You turned back to him, your heart racing with a mixture of apprehension and hope. "You do?" you asked, unable to hide the hint of surprise in your voice.
Legolas nodded. His gaze unwavering as he met your eyes. "Yes," he said, his voice steady and sincere. "I've admired you from the moment we met. Your kindness, your bravery, your unwavering spirit... They've all captured my heart."
Your breath caught in your throat at his confession, a rush of emotion swelling within you. "Legolas..." you whispered, your voice filled with awe and disbelief.
He reached out to gently cup your cheek, his touch sending shivers down your spine. "I know that our paths may be uncertain, and the road ahead may be fraught with danger," he continued, his gaze soft yet determined. "But I want you to know that my feelings for you are anything but uncertain. I care for you deeply, Y/N. I want nothing more than to explore this connection between us."
Tears welled up in your eyes at his heartfelt words. A sense of overwhelming joy flooding your heart. "I... I feel the same way," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
As Legolas leaned in closer, a tender smile gracing his lips he pressed a soft kiss against your cheek. It was a gentle lingering touch that spoke volumes. A silent promise of the love and affection that lay between you. Feeling the warmth of his lips against your skin sent a rush of butterflies fluttering in your stomach. It was a sensation that felt like the soft caress of a summer breeze. You closed your eyes savoring the moment. You let yourself feel the depth of his emotions conveyed in that simple gesture.
And as Legolas wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close in a comforting embrace, you nestled into him, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against your own. In that embrace, surrounded by the soft glow of the campfire and the tranquil beauty of the night, you felt a profound sense of peace wash over you letting you know that everything would be quite alright.
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sandersstudies · 5 months
Other people have said it more eloquently than me, but my theory is that Hobbits don’t actually age “slower” than humans, they just are generally in excellent health and that leads to their culture shifting milestone years to be later than humans.
“Old Took himself only lived to be 130” would suggest that this is a very impressive old age for hobbits. Bilbo, partially with the help of the ring, lives to 131 before sailing west. Otho Sackville-Baggins dies of old age at 102. 102 is an impressive age for a human to live to, but far from unheard of, and current predictions suggest we will see a human live to be 130 within this century.
Hobbits are considered adults at age 33. Human age of majority varies worldwide (in North America, even by state/province/etc.) from <15-22 based on what legal privileges it offers, but 18 and 21 are generally good milestones. I got curious about whether high age of majority correlated with longer lifespan and I found little correlation with the ages of 18 and 21 because they are so common and cover a wide array of local average lifespans, but if you eliminate those two and look at counties where age of majority is 15, 16, 17, 19, and 20, there’s a direct correlation between age of majority and lifespan.
Worldwide, life expectancy is 72.27. Let’s say hobbit life expectancy is 100 (if there’s canon evidence to suggest this is low or high, let me know). 100/72.27=~1.38
If we can round that to 29, we are already inching toward that Hobbit coming of age 33. Their lifestyle and relative societal safety can probably account for the final four years, as well as Hobbit appreciation for aesthetic numbers (33 looks better than 32 and 34).
50 is considered the beginning of Hobbit middle-age, and if you’re familiar with healthy, hardy people in their fifties, this is actually pretty reasonable. My dad is 52 and still plays hockey and bartends in a demanding restaurant. I think he would be about as (physically) up to a journey to Mordor as Frodo is at age 50.
Tolkien spoke very little about Hobbit marriage customs, but assuming they are fertile creatures, 33 leaves more than enough time to raise children, even using the human average age of menopause at 51 (and think how this compares to Hobbit middle-age).
I’m no expert, I just looked at a lot of Wikipedia pages, but I’m vastly in favor of the idea that Pippin isn’t “the equivalent of a human teenager” in terms of something biological, but in terms of something cultural. In a society with long lifespans and relative safety from war, famine, and other dangers, it’s totally reasonable that 20-somethings are allowed to hold onto childhood/adolescence a little longer than in a society where war and danger forces children to mature and work at a younger age.
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c010r-th30r15t · 8 months
I will never understand people who hate Boromir after watching lotr all the way through. After meeting faramir and denethor and realizing the pressure he was put under for the sake of gondor [and his brother], after seeing him carry Frodo out of the mountain after gandalfs death, after watching his own where he took not 1. Not 2. But 4 urk-hai arrows to the chest. [Some at almost point blank] One of the biggest bad guys of that movie part, with a bow that would definitely hit like a truck. And he kept fighting to save merry and pippin.
He wanted to apologize to Frodo for his weakness, for being tempted, and the saddest part is that frodo will never hear it with his own ears.
People who hate Boromir dont understand the corruption of the ring and the weakness of humanity to it. He was so so painfully human, and painfully loyal. And he only wanted the best for gondor and his family. And the ring was using his humanity against him. i will never fault him for that. Especially not when in the end he felt remorse for his actions towards Frodo, and went down defending frodos friends. His friends.
Boromir was wonderful. And sometimes it was hard to see that. But he really did his best as a warrior, brother, and friend.
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fun-k-board · 8 months
Lord Of The Rings With a Platonic, Child Reader From Our World
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Characters included : Frodo Baggins, Legolas, Samwise Gamgee, Peregrin ' Pippin ' Took and Meriadoc ' Merry ' Brandybuck
Note(s) : They don't have the time to turn around, so you sort of get roped into joining them, at least until they find a place for you to stay.
Also, in this the reader knows about the Jackson movies but never really paid attention to them, and they haven't read the books.
Frodo Baggins
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Ah, yes, Frodo. Resident ring bearer and anxiety magnet. He was quick to defend you if any suspicion arouse of your random arrival, you're a human and can't even reach his height, the Hobbit that can't reach an elves or humans chest, so, you must be incredibly young. Because of this, Frodo can't help but want to help you, especially on the quest.
He's very sweet and caring with you and makes sure you get enough rest. Frodo can't exactly carry you, so if you get too tired to walk the most he can do is hold your hand and guide you along. Despite that, he helps in other ways.
Like how he's always giving you extra food and maybe even a spare coat or blanket that's laying around, he makes sure you get enough sleep even if it means he gets less. Given he's the most important part of this mission to destroy the ring, he's usually a bit babied and overprotected, not so much that's it's immediately noticeable, but it's there.
So, he understands how annoyed you can get when it happens with you, though he definetly thinks your situations are different considering he's technically an adult and you aren't even close to being one.
Frodo isn't too sure how to help you when it comes to you being afraid, or angry, or even just in a state of depression about your situation. He doesn't exactly realise how strange and overwhelming it must be for you, until or if you begin to start wearing down mentally. His solution is to try and read you stories, no, he didn't exactly bring any books with him, but he has certain books memorised.
It may help, it may not, but the thought is what counts, and he is trying to help you the best he can with the unfortunate situation he's in.
If you ever claim to know him or the fellowships story, maybe Bilbo's, or even accidently letting in on events to follow, he's stunned. At first given the fact you claimed to be from a land nobody, not even Gandalf, has heard of, the strange reactions you had to their foods and way of life, among many, many other things, he became convinced you weren't human. That, or you were from a different time, the future specifically, he'd never fully believe it or bring it up, but it's always a sneaking suspicion you aren't what you claim.
When it comes time to leave you at a safe village, you're clearly unhappy, wanting nothing more than to stay with the Hobbit who helped you through your toughest hours. Yet, he understands you mustn't come with him, it's far too dangerous for you. And so, he leaves, leaving you heartbroken.
When he eventually returns, the ring destroyed, Middle Earth saved, he can't help but feel empty. His time spent with you becomes short lived, a few months at most, before he decides to move on, leaving you alone again, I suppose it makes leaving Middle Earth to return home easier, but all the more bitter.
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Legolas understood how weak humans are compared to his kind, and to see a human child so alone made his heart break. He couldn't help but become your protector, especially when you seemingly had no idea how to function in this world. Sometimes, if you're too tired and the rest of the group isn't, he'll pick you up, it can make you feel a little weak, but he assures you it's just because you're young. He'd treat any other child the same.
I think he may be one of the few to actually understand in part what you mean when you say you aren't 'from here'. He won't clock in immediately, but after seeing just how different you viewed life and just everything in general, how you can't do the most basic of tasks without some help, or how you looked at him with such familiarity, there's just a lot he notices that makes him raise a brow.
If you tell him, Legolas may believe your making it up, you're a kid after all, one that's going through a lot. But, after realising you're dead serious he wracks his brain trying to remember if anybody has ever mentioned something like this happening. He wants to try and help you go home, and plans to bring you home with him so he can find a solution somewhere. And if he can't find one? He wants to help you find peace in your predicament as long as you stay there.
When it comes time to leave you at a safe haven, he is sad to leave you behind, you're a little friend, after all. But, he understands it must be done, and explains to you exactly that, which makes the ending a bit more sweet than bitter.
Eventually, he does return, and meets with you once more, he understands that in a blink of his lifetime you'll be dead, but, that doesn't stop him from being your closest ally during all of this. However, you do need to return to Earth. He finds himself mourning you far sooner than he expected.
Samwise Gamgee
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Sam becomes a literal dad, you're a random human kid in this traumatic journey to destroy one of the most dangerous items in the entirety of middle Earth, and you claim to have no idea where you are. He's giving you extra food, holding your hand and picking you up, if you get too cold or scared in the night he'll try hugging you for a while and telling you stories of misadventures in the Shire. As plain as they may seem compared to a journey to destroy the most dangerous object in the entirety of Middle Earth.
If you're sad, the most he can do is offer comfort in the way of cuddling, or a story, sometimes he even has to ask Gandalf for help because he's just so lost. Anger is something he can deal with a little better, he holds your hand and tells you why you should be angry, but you shouldn't keep it bottled or use it unfairly against others.
I think at first Sam would just believe you come from a strange human place, and that's why your behaviour is so off. That's until he notices some things, when asked about things he'd consider basic knowledge, you are completely blank, sure, maybe you know what an elf is, but after that you sort of just stare at him confused at what he's talking about. You even believed him to be a dwarf at first!
He asks Boromir and Aragorn if they know any human places that you're talking about, neither know, so he's even more perplexed at what on middle earth you're talking about. He begins to believe you're making it up, he's not condescending like most adults, and he pretends that he understands if to give you some peace of mind, but all it does is make you more frustrated and scared. You just want to go home.
Your short time as friends comes to an end, he must leave further on in the journey, and you must stay behind, you both understand, well, he does and you partly do, all you can do is wait for the ring to be destroyed.
Sam returns, and he takes you back to the Shire with him, where he introduces you to everybody, you're almost like a child to him, but then you leave to go back to Earth. He can't stop his heart from breaking, even more so when Frodo leaves.
Meriadoc 'Merry' Brandybuck and Peregrin 'Pippin' Took
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The fact you're incredibly young, found yourself in a traumatic and confusing situation, let's not even mention the fact there's little people with gigantic hariy feet and no shoes, you'll probably try and cope. Whether that's with humor or shutting down, Pippin and Merry are a package deal, no matter if you like them or not, a young and confused presence egnites their curiosity.
Besides, Gandalf specifically told them to not be overbearing and or overwhelm you, so what does Pippin, master of disappointing and angering the grey wizard do? That's right, he becomes overwhelming. And Merry, master of attempting to one up his dear friend, does the exact same.
How they do this depends on your mood, if you're depressed and very shy they'll try cheering you up, asking questions about your home, if that makes it worse? They begin acting even more childish than usual to make you laugh, to the literal pain and torture of Gandalf. But if you're trying to cope with humour, they are more so just tagging along, making jokes that distract you from your pain.
Neither will clock in that you're from an unfamiliar world, sure, you're weird, but so are they. Both assume your strange actions are simply just a result of you being a human, do Boromir or Aragorn act the same? No, but you're a human kid so, that probably factors in somehow.
Both laugh you off if you try to explain the truth, they don't believe you, and reduce it to a good story that they can give to Frodo to write about. You may get angry, sad, or just decide to go with it, neither really notice that you're not lying until someone else points out how dumb that idea is.
When it finally comes time to drop you off, you want to stay with the two, because while they're in part strangers and this is a strange land, they're at least familiar, unlike the place they're basically abandoning you at. Pippin and Merry feel the same, and so sneak you with them.
The situation may become dire, and you probably get incredibly unhealthy and sickly in your time with them, but when it's all over, you feel like you've gained two older brothers. Which will make it so much more painful when you have to say goodbye.
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entishramblings · 1 year
The Innocence of Brutality Pt. 4 [Legolas/F!Reader]
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PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7
A.N: so here is the fourth part! unsure if I will make more parts because this fic hasn’t been as popular as my previous ones idkkkk? But I do wanna get a chapter of FATE up before I consider adding to this series?? lol don’t mind this ramble. EDIT: okay I will not discontinue this series I didn’t realize so many people did like it???
Request: none
Pairing: Legolas X Fem!Reader
Summary: The Reader is Rámaitë Mahtar, a warrior spirit race, and she meets the fellowship on their quest to destroy the ring.  
Disclaimer: Any mythology relating to the Rámaitë Mahtar is not canon as I made up Rámaitë Mahtar. Also, all elvish was translated from a translator site—it may not be accurate.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: nudity (not sex), mentions of war, mentions of torture, violence, fluff
The Innocence of Brutality Masterlist
Only a couple days later, the fellowship approached a small town. It was small enough not to be very noticeable, yet large enough to have a marketplace to purchase some clothing for (Y/N) along with other supplies that they may need.
Aragorn nodded to Legolas. “Check her wing. See if it is healed.”
The elf turned to (Y/N), his eyes asking for permission. 
She dipped her head ever so slightly, granting it.
He took to unbinding it and, as the fabric fell away, his lips parted. The wound was basically gone. It was still noticeable that there had been an injury, but it was mostly healed and feathers were beginning to grow back over the thin fleshy material.
“(Y/N), how do you feel? Does it hurt?”
She frowned, snapping them open. She then flapped them slightly, sending a large gust of wind at her friends who wobbled at the pressure. “No pain. They feel…better.”
“Can they retract?” Aragorn asked.
(Y/N) nodded as she lowered them again. Slowly, they began to fold in on themselves…until there was nothing.
With parted lips, Legolas walked around her form. His eyes fell upon her exposed back and….nothing. No scar. No mark. Just skin. 
She looked human–ish. She still had that distinct ‘something different look’ but only ever so slightly. One wouldn't be able to pick up on it. At least none of the humans or simpler-minded creatures. 
“Okay,” Aragorn stated, appeased. “(Y/N) and I will go with the hobbits. Boromir will go with Gandalf. And Legolas and Gimli, you go alone. Most will see either of you as a messenger of your people stopping for the night. Boromir will seemingly be assisting an old man with his travels. And (Y/N) and I will be seen as a family with the little ones.”
At this, Legolas clenched his jaw. He didn’t know why, but heat brewed in his chest. 
“We will all stay in the same inn, but don’t make obvious contact with one another. Is everyone sure of the plan?”
Nods followed.
The smaller groups took turns entering the village, (Y/N), Aragorn, and the hobbits first.
They muddled by the market first, purchasing clothing and other essentials, before heading towards the inn. As they walked the streets, they passed all sorts of people—some chasing their children, and others trying to sell goods or services. One of these, services, caught (Y/N)’s attention.
A woman sat upon a man’s lap, her lips smashed against his. As their mouths moved in sync, the man’s arms wound their way across their hips. Aragorn knew that soon enough they would make their way into an ally or room for rent and do what they pleased. Of course, the others were not aware of such a lifestyle.
“What–what are they doing?” (Y/N) asked.
Pippin, rocking back on his heels, replied in a playful tone. “Kissing!”
The winged warrior frowned. “What is this…kissing?”
“It’s what people do when they love each other!” Sam replied.
“Love?” (Y/N) questioned.
“You know,” he began. “When you really like someone. When you really care bout ‘em.”
“I care about you.”
“Well of course you do.” Frodo said gently. “But love is different. It’s very special.”
Merry decided to interject at this point. “It’s like when you wanna be with them all the time!”
“You want to be with Pippin all the time,” (Y/N) said.
“Well, he’s my best friend! It’s different!” Merry defended.
Surprisingly, it was Aragorn who settled this debate. “All of those things are love, just different kinds. Romantic love is what you are asking about.” He ushered them along, still speaking in a quiet tone. ‘Romantic love is when your soul is bonded with another’s forever. It is when you would do anything for them. It is when you feel most cherished, most cared for, and most safe.” His hand drifted to the necklace that hung around his neck. “It is when you would want nothing but the best for that person, even if it breaks your heart.” He cleared his throat. “Now come along. We need to get to the inn.”
(Y/N) frowned, but followed along, her eyes lingering upon the couple.
They got a room, one as large as they could, and cleaned up, before making their way down to the bar for a meal and drink. (Y/N) sat, in her new clothes, at a nook table with the hobbits and Aragorn. It was then when Gandalf and Boromir walked in. They exchanged a quick subtle nod before drifting to a table nearby. Gimli entered about a half hour later—loud and complaining for some ale and mead. And Legolas soon followed. 
However, when the elf entered and scanned the room, his eyes froze on the Rámaite Mahtar. Her hair, clean and sparkling, framed her face nicely. Dark trousers wrapped around her waist and her feet were now clad by brown leather boots. A green tunic was covered by a simple leather armor, one that the Rangers often wore, and a matching cloak was tied under her neck. She looked put together…less homely and rugged. She looked normal…almost. Regardless, she was blending into their cover story quite well. She was smiling, talking, and eating with the hobbits. Aragorn’s arm was wrapped around her too as he held an ale. They looked sorta like a family traveling through the area. Legolas hated it.
(Y/N) caught a glimpse of the elf from the corner of her eye and flashed him a smile. 
He sent her a small one in return, trying to mask the jealousy boiling in his blood. 
With that, he disappeared into the bar.
As the night continued on, each small group began to subtle make their way into their rooms upstairs. 
Currently, Legolas sat upon the mattress in his small room. His dirty clothes were discarded and he wore only a clean pair of rousers. He was writing in a little book, a journal, that he was keeping throughout the journey. If he didn’t survive this, he wanted his father to find it. He wanted his father to know why he undertook such a journey. He hoped it would provide at least some comfort for the man.
It was then that a knock sounded upon his door. 
“Come in,” he called, for he knew it could only be a member of the fellowship. No other here would disturb an elf. His people had a reputation that led others to stay away.
A loud creaking sounded as the door slowly swung open.
“(Y/N)?” Legolas said, surprised.
She entered and closed the door behind her.
“I have your clothes,” she said simply, before placing a rumbled-up pile of green on the small table next to the bed. 
He smiled. “Thank you for returning them. I see the new ones Aragorn got you fit quite well.”
“Yes.” She walked towards him, standing right in front of him. “What are you doing?”
“Journaling,” he said. “I am writing of our adventure—taking notes, sketches. I want to keep a record of it, just in case.”
She frowned, peering at the book. “Just in case what?”
He looked up at her, sorrow in his blue eyes. “Just in case I die.” He cleared his throat, looking back down at the pages. “I want my father to have it. As an explanation. I assume by now he knows I have taken upon this quest.”
“I don't want you to die,” (Y/N) responded with a bit of a waver in her voice. 
Legolas sighed. “I don’t want you to die either–any of you.”
Surprising the elf, (Y/N) reached forward. She pulled the notebook from his hands as well as the ink and feather. She placed them carefully on the bedside table before returning in front of Legolas. 
“(Y/N),” Legolas began, confused. The sentence that was to follow, however, didn’t.
His voice faltered into nothingness as (Y/N) lifted one leg at a time to sit on his lap. As she settled upon him, she brought her hands to his cheeks.
“(Y/N),” he began again. Still, his words could not form past her name.
She leaned forward, her eyes fluttering closed, and pressed her lips to his. At first, he didn’t respond, shock filtering through his bones, but his body soon responded. His mouth began moving in pattern with hers and his arms encased her form. Her lips tasted of lavender and light, hints of ale filtering through that. She tasted different. She tasted ethereal. He liked it. He pulled her body close as they shared one breath. He let her fingers weave into his blond locks, entangling themselves deep into it, and he didn’t stop her when her hands ever so slightly brushed his elvish ears. He did, however, have to resist the sexual urge that came from such a touch. It was a slow kiss, one of hesitation and unsureness, but not unwanted. 
When the pair pulled away, Legolas looked up at her face. His next sentence was not that of accusation, but rather of question. “Why did you do that?”
She bit her lip. “Sam said that is what you do when you care about someone. It’s called kissing.”
“I know what it is called.” He chuckled lightly. “So did you kiss the hobbits too?”
She shook her head. “It is only for when you really care about someone.” 
He raised a brow, his arm wrapping tighter around her back. “Is that so?”
She nodded, not picking up on his teasing manner. “Yes. They said it is when you love someone.”
His second eyebrow lifted upwards to meet his first. “Do you even know what love is?”
(Y/N)’s expression turned to that of determination and seriousness as she spoke her next words. “I will kill for you.”
“(Y/N), you are a race that brings death. Killing for someone isn't love—”
She shook her head. “No. You don’t understand. I—I don’t like war…not really. I don’t like that people hurt. I don’t like where I went after…after the first time I was here. With–with a man named Morgoth.” Her voice turned into a whisper. “He–he tortured me. I bled because of him.” (Y/N) blinked a couple of times, trying to hold back tears. It didn’t work. “But I would do it again…for you. I  am doing it again...for you.”
That was the most words he ever heard her say consecutively. “I–I don’t understand—” he stuttered, a bit surprised by the content. 
“I ran. I escaped. I came here to…to hide.”
Legolas tilted his head with his lips parted as he reached forward to brush away the water running down her cheek. He now knew what she was trying to say. “(Y/N),” he whispered.
She inhaled deeply. “If they find me, they will send me back. But–but I dont care. I have you.”
With that, Legolas grasped her cheeks. “(Y/N), I will fight anyone, including the Valar, who tries to take you away.” He paused, just for a moment. “Anyone who tries to take you away from me. ”
The Prince then slammed his lips against the winged woman’s. He held onto her tight as his one hand weaved its way into her hair. He presented more pressure upon that hand and the one around her waist to pull her towards him, almost frantically. Every ounce of his soul held onto her as their mouths melded together—instantaneously, urgently. It was wet, it was rough, it was desperate. 
He knew she was capable of emotion. He knew she was capable of more than the basics. She could feel it, live it, experience it. So much so that she could identify love…in herself and in others.
The Rámaite Mahtar were more than just warriors.
Legolas had known it all along and (Y/N) had just proved it to him. 
He needed nothing more.
He could finally allow himself to love her…not that he hadn’t this entire time.
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7
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Everything Tag: @sokkasdarling @scxundress @quilledinkpen @hufflepuffinblr @lea----b @aredhel-of-gondolin @princecami @the-fandoms-georgie @jazziwritestolkienprimary @swimming-in-stardust @elvish-sky @red-riding @brun-lieve @idiotic-canadian @hey-its-nonny @angelxnaa @bisexualdragongirl @mirclealignr @edensgarnden @elizabeth-anya-knight @sydney-120-sweetheart-blog @laneynoir @straysugzhpe @runningfeathers @awarwithinitself
 Everything But Smut Tag: @goldfearless @Brethil13 @insert-random-blog-name-here
Legolas tag: @dark-angel-is-back @mylittle-escapingdreams @moriamithril @abandoncloud9 @bweakmybonez @iheartlegolas​ @aphroditesmoon
looks like some of you have had some username changes, please lmk your new username ASAP
Click to add yourself to my taglist!
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ironmandeficiency · 1 year
the advice of hobbits
pairing: boromir / reader
word count: 728
summary: boromir is educated on the hobbit language of flowers, but is woefully uninformed about how your body reacts to said flowers
a/n: my april piece for the year of themed creation! maybe i’ll catch up eventually? who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️ tagging @oonajaeadira & @yearofcreation2023
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“oi merry! boromir has a cruuuuuush!” “who do ya think he fancies, pip?” “do i even have to say?” “no, i don’t think you d-AAAH!”
boromir interrupts the gossiping hobbits with a (mostly) playful tackle, clotheslining them both with one arm each
he knows they’re both young, pippin not even of majority by hobbit standards, but it’s moments like these that have him wanting to wring their necks like freshly washed laundry
the topic was changed once merry and pippin were freed from boromir’s wrath, but the young hobbits were far from deterred
for days after, they continued to pester their friend about you, from teasing comments about the puppy eyes boromir gave you to preposterous claims that your eyes mirrored his
the risk of you overhearing their silly banter was far too taxing on his nerves. he’s a warrior who has seen the darkest things humanity has to offer & faced them all with limitless courage, but that courage disappears when he thinks about you learning of his harbored affection
he didn’t believe he could survive the heartbreak that would come with your inevitable refusal of a courtship offer, so he chose instead to brood about it
“i still think you should tell ‘em,” pippin remarked out of the blue one day, catching him off guard. boromir couldn’t play dumb enough to avoid thinking of what you would say and he hated how your rejection circulated in his ears
“even if i wanted to, which i don’t, i do not believe a proposition in the ways of our people would end well.” the young hobbits knew this was code for “you deserve much better and i’m too much of a chicken to offer it to you” but wisely didn’t call him on it
“then do it the hobbit way, with flowers!” “why didn’t we think of that before? absolutely genius!”
the next half hour was spent educating the captain about the hobbit language of flowers: which ones were useful in romance, which ones he’d be wise to avoid, and how to arrange the good flowers properly to convey the right meaning
once the right flowers were retrieved, it was time to teach the skill of crown weaving. in one word, that whole ordeal could be described as dismal
it took dozens and dozens of flowers and endless patience for there to be a decent flower crown, but it finally happened
boromir was losing his nerve as time went on, you making a very clear effort to avoid him that slowly broke him down
even the younger hobbits were concerned at this strange development. you didn’t start avoiding boromir until he started using the flowers, but they were positive that you shared the same feelings as the gondorian. what gives?
it got to the point where boromir was starting to toss pieces of his hard work along their walks in hurt frustration. the boys wouldn’t let their friend give up on love so easily, so they collected each of the discarded pieces and saved them
they confront you on your avoidance of boromir in the most inconvenient way possible (because that’s how these two operate) by approaching you with some of boromir’s arrangements
you had no warning when the two hobbits plopped a massive pile of flowers in your lap, the residual pollen invading your nose in the most uncomfortable fashion
sneeze after sneeze wracked your body (even legolas looked concerned at the spectacle from across the fire) until you were saved from the flowery pile by boromir, who looked pissed as he discarded the blossoms yet again
your body was too busy rejecting the pollen that you didn’t notice the harsh looks merry and pip both were wearing before the took’s eyes betrayed the appearance of an enlightenment
“merry, they’re averse! they don’t hate boromir after all, it’s just the flowers!” this certainly caught merry’s attention and led to an enlightenment of his own.
“the flowers held no hobbity weight at all when they just made them sick! oh this is a great development!” “now they can confess their love for each other without fear of an attack!”
if looks could kill, pippin would be dead several times over (but he paid no heed to this of course, that’s just his nature)
boromir, now more than ever, wonders why he took the advice of these two silly hobbits
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Thank you for tagging me in this @konartiste 😊 being very lame and doing it months after the fact <3
LOTR themed tag game! Reblog with your own answers and tag three or more people you want to get to know better!
- How old were you when you were first introduced to LOTR? I was nine when my mum took me to the cinema (I think I'd read and loved The Hobbit by then) to watch the movie. I did not like it at all! 😂 We didn't know what it was about and had no idea it was part one in a trilogy, which came as a nasty surprise after three hours of horrible movie lol. I loved the beginning, but like: the troll terrified me to my core and for a long time afterwards I was scared it would somehow come after me, Gandalf died, I thought Boromir had a suspicious face from the start and didn't mind that he died (cue 20+ years later and I'm writing the most important fic in my life so far about him) but his death was still traumatic, and I just wanted my comfort hobbits to get a happy ending and instead they were crying and resigning themselves to more misery. I didn't even watch the other two movies when they came out I was so disgusted with the whole thing lol. Read the books and watched the movies as an older teen and loved them all.
- Favourite LOTR character? Probably Aragorn, but also the hobbits (they're a unit). The entire Fellowship is so dear to me though. And Boromir is my blorbo.
- Books or Movies? Books! The movies are cool and all, but the books are where Tolkien is.
- Which location in Middle Earth would you want to visit? If I had to choose only one it'd probably be Rivendell, but also the Shire, the Old Forest, Rohan, Dol Amroth, Gondor... and the Great River, just because of my fic. <3
- Favourite Movie? Not sure, perhaps The Fellowship, ironically enough.
- Favourite scene? I'm so bad at remembering movie scenes! Maybe the Council of Elrond? There are so many amazing ones with such beautiful music so I'm not sure. Love Gandalf charging at the Nazgûl with Pippin in tow <3
- Favourite quote? “The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.”
- What Middle Earth race would you like to be? I'm usually a Hobbit in every online quiz, but it'd be fun to see what being an Elf is like.
- Favourite LOTR ship: This is going to sound weird because I'm writing a long, shippy, Canon Character/OC fic at the moment, but I'm not really into LOTR for the ships so I kind of don't have one? I adore Aragorn/Arwen and Faramir/Éowyn as much as the next person and Sam and Rosie are precious, but I'm not really fussed.
Going all out and tagging all the mutuals I THINK I saw reblogging LOTR at some point, if I'm wrong I'm sorry, if you already did this back when it was making the rounds please ignore it, if you want to ignore it anyway by all means feel free to do so, thank you and have a nice day <3 @dangerously-human @to-be-frank-i-dont-care @phoenixflames12 @ass-deep-in-demons @spifflocated @erathene
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bitkahuna · 7 days
Bilbo jumped slightly and turned to give King Dáin a smile. “Yes, well. Uhm. I was wondering … something.” In truth, he already got his answer during Aguroz with Dwalin. But things were different now. He wasn’t dealing with regular dwarves. He was dealing with nobles. “Uhm, well I suppose I ought to just get to the point. I want to court Thorin, but … I don’t know how. I know how dwarves court but, well, Thorin’s a king.”
Boromir almost didn’t want to continue his journey. The forest was just so peaceful, and his brother was just so damn annoying. But, he supposed, they hadn’t come all this way for nothing. And truly, his company wasn’t the worst.
“I don’t believe her stories of gentlemanliness for a single second!” Adelard scoffed. “You know how dwarves really are.”
The Thain to-be only nodded. “Yes, yes. I know. Tarts, the lot of them. But surely, you have your wits about you and would never fall for their wiles, yes?”
“Of course I won’t!”
“I dunno.” Merry piped up. “That Rosamunda Took hasn’t worried about it. Are you sure you won’t go fallin’ for a dwarf-folk in need of bedfellow or spouse?”
Bedfellow or spouse, the old belief went, were the only things a dwarf could ever want from a hobbit.
“You think Bilbo’s got himself a harem?” Pippin mused aloud, drawing laughter from nearby hobbits.
“Be disappointed if he didn’t.” Another joked.
“Can’t be a bachelor in the company of dwarves.” Another voice pointed out.
“I’m going to have you, Bilbo Baggins. Tonight.”
The human royals arrive for Thorin's coronation, with the hobbits still on their way
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autistook · 7 months
‧*・༓☾ well hello there ‧͙⁺˚༓☾
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💛 finnish | 24 | she/her/they/them 💛
○ the lord of the rings ○ the hobbit ○ the silmarillion ○ supernatural ○ doctor who ○ käärijä ○ joker out ○ gotham ○ detroit: become human ○ dechartgames ○ friends ○ how i met your mother ○ brooklyn 99 ○ the last of us ○ glee ○ the big bang theory ○ the office ○ dan and phil ○
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🌼 Socials 🌼
○ youtube ○ tiktok ○ instagram
💛 Personal 💛
○ faves ○ asks
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🌼 The Lord of the Rings 🌼
○ on this day ○ cast commentary ○ incorrect lotr
○ headcanons ○ lotr collages ○ icons ○ quotes
○ parallels ○ behind the scenes
● The Fellowship of the Ring ●
💛 Fanfiction 💛
○ DAISIES - merry brandybuck x reader
○ AFTERPARTY - merry brandybuck x oc smut
○ TASTE THE CAKE! - pippin took x reader fluff
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mayakern · 1 year
While you're dog-blogging, I'll ask-
What was the process of choosing your family members like? Did you choose certain breeds because of qualities they're known for? Did your heart melt when you met a particular pup and knew they were the one for you?
annie was PURE luck. we were looking for a dog at the same time our friend’s younger sibling was looking to rehome their service dog, who needed to be retired early for being bad at her job (she tried really hard but work gave her anxiety and anxiety gave her hellish diarrhea).
we’d already met annie and loved her and i personally was an absolute goner because i grew up with a rough coat border collie and i absolutely adore them. i just wasn’t sure that i could keep up with a herder, but annie is the absolute laziest sheep dog i have ever met so it worked out.
here’s one of the first pics i took of annie when we adopted her in 2018
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we honestly hadn’t planned to adopt a second dog… until the pandemic hit and annie’s best friend moved about an hour away, so suddenly she wasn’t getting nearly as much doggie social time as she was used to.
then our friend who moved away adopted a new puppy (radish), who became known as the face that launched a thousand puppies because she was so cute she inspired multiple people to adopt puppies…
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including our friend/neighbor downstairs who got a corgi named pippin that annie absolutely adored.
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he was just so dang cute and annie loved him so much that devin and i decided to get a second dog. we knew we didn’t want to go any bigger than annie and we wanted a medium energy dog that wouldn’t compete for human attention because annie is super clingy, and one of our friends who worked frequently with dogs suggested shibas as a breed. in hindsight this was not the best choice for us since neither devin nor i had experience with hunting breeds but like. i love our little goblin man.
and like once we saw this man, we were goners.
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rodeo actually ended up not being a mid level energy dog. he’s much better now, but yeah those videos of shibas who refuse to go on walks? can’t relate. at all. he is a rambunctious and VERY active little man with nearly endless energy. which we maybe should have realized when the breeder described him as having a “big personality” lol
and unfortunately after we adopted rodeo annie decided that she was much too mature and didn’t like puppies all that much. she even stopped playing with pippin!!! needless to say devin and i felt incredibly betrayed lol
anyway she eventually got over her jaded older sibling feelings they actually get along great now. watching them play together is one of my absolute favorite things. they both have SO much personality and are incredibly funny to watch together
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~ Reader x Sam lotr, reader is a tall human lass but when he describes her to the others (not the hobbits) they all think she’s a small hobbit lass. Well imagen there surprise when a 6ft lady walks up to Sam and starts smothering him *wink wonk * I live to see the reaction of the others, the hobbits are just like “yah y/n got her mothers hight, she’s the best apple picker in the shire” ~ for @that-teen2003
(ah I love this idea! it's so cute, hope you enjoy!)
Taller Than Expected (Sam x female!human!reader)
"Come on Sam! Tell us about her!"
"At least tell us her name!"
Seeing the expressions on Merry and Pippin's faces, Sam knew they wouldn't let up until he said something. Oh well, he'd never turn down an opportunity to brag about you.
"Her name's Y/n." A smile grew on his face just thinking about you. "She's a baker, but she likes helping me out in the gardens sometimes. She reads a lot, she's kind, and lovely, and the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."
"When do we get to meet her?" Pippin's enthusiasm was contagious, not that he needed much extra enthusiasm when it came to you, but it was heartwarming to see how much his friends really cared.
"Mr Frodo met her a few days ago-" The immediate splutter of outrage from the other two was nothing out of the ordinary.
"Without us?! You left us out!"
"Brought your beautiful partner over and didn't think to invite your two best friends!"
Sam chuckled. "It wasn't anything special, he just walked past when we were outside and I introduced her." He paused, debating whether to expose you to the chaos that was the duo in front of him. "She's uhh... she's actually coming here today if you'd want to meet her."
Their faces lit up. No turning back now.
"She should be here quite soon actually-"
He was cut off when he heard his name called, and he'd recognize that angelic voice anywhere. You skipped up behind him as he turned to face you, and you quickly knelt down and hugged him.
"It's so nice to see you."
He took your hands and kissed them softly. "I've missed you."
Meanwhile, Merry and Pippin both stood with their jaws hanging open. They'd been wary when the saw a human approaching, especially one so tall, but when she called to Sam and embraced him? There was no way. No way that was her. Could it be?
You stood up and smiled at the two of them, still holding Sam's hand. "Are you going to introduce me?"
Sam laughed seeing them in such shock. "Y/n, these are my friends Merry and Pippin. Merry, Pippin, this is Y/n."
"It's wonderful to meet you," you said, shaking their hands.
"You..." Pippin glanced from you, to Sam, then back to you, struggling to think of words. "You're very tall."
"Did Sam not warn you about that?"
You looked at him and he absentmindedly scratched the back of his neck. "I might've forgot to mention it."
"He's mentioned plenty about how pretty you are though." Merry teased, causing Sam to blush when you squeezed his hand.
"I'm glad to know you've heard good things. But now you know about my height at least, so if you need me to reach anything for you then let me know."
The hobbits laughed, still looking up at you with some sense of awe, and Sam felt he could never be happier.
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frodothefair · 2 months
I saw that you opened headcanon requests!!
Do the Hobbits (mainly Bilbo and the main four) like animals? Do they have pets? Allergies? Phobias?
💐 ASK ME about my headcanons about hobbits and the Shire! 💐 Want to know if yours has been answered? Check here.
Great question!
Let's start with Frodo. I believe canonically he is not a dog person, because of the traumatic experience with Farmer Maggot's dogs when he was young. I think he rather likes cats -- he is somewhat catlike himself, having odd sleeping and wandering habits, and liking society, but ultimately preferring to keep to himself. Also, his eyes are big and catlike, and he is fond of sitting deep in thought for long periods of time, and blinking slowly at people as an expression of affection.
However, he never had a cat at Bag End because Bilbo is deathly allergic! In fact, pre-adventure Bilbo was not partial to animals because he was too house-proud and dreaded torn-up upholstery and muddy tracks through the house. And even if he mellowed out a little after his return, he never particularly warmed to the idea of having a pet, so Frodo had to make do with feeding the neighborhood cats, and visiting the Proudfoots' cat, Red, a beast of vesuvean proportions and a lover of treats in all forms.
Sam, on the other hand, absolutely loves animals. Remember how tenderly he took care of Bill the pony, and even talked to him? He is like that in the Shire, too. His primary occupation is gardening, but people throughout the neighborhood ask him to tend to their animals if they're sick or they're acting strange, and similar to Frodo, Sam feeds all the neighborhood cats and lives a fulsome life conversing with them every day. He also has chickens at Bagshot Row, and they are only for eggs. Perhaps the only animals he does not like are rabbits, and that is only because they are forever getting into the garden and destroying crops, but he still invents a humane rabbit trap to catch and release them. He is also NOT the one in charge of leaving mouse traps around Bagshot Row.
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Pippin, I think, is an enthusiastic if slightly silly dog incarnate, so I think he likes dogs. Dogs in the Shire are predominantly used for work, such as guarding and herding, but the Tooks, being a wealthier family, also keep them as pets. Pippin's sisters have small lap dogs, and Pippin has a sheep dog that does not work, but rather accompanies him on walks and fetches sticks for him.
Merry canonically obtains the ponies for the journey of the four hobbits, so I think he is overall a horse guy (which makes the Rohan connection serendipitous). Even before the quest, he had a pony, which is actually fairly essential if he wanted to travel to the Shire with any kind of frequency. He took care of the pony himself -- everything from feeding to grooming -- and was knowledgeable in the different breeds and pedigrees of ponies used around the Shire. He also never missed a chance to check out the ponies at the fair in the autumn.
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
This is a post about Ghân-buri-Ghân and the Woses, or the Wild Men.
Full disclosure: When I was a kid, I pretty much skipped this part. I was already getting very lost with the logistics of the Rohirrim’s movement, and I was very impatient for Merry and Pippin to be reunited already and Frodo and Sam to be done with the quest and back on home turf. I was having a hard enough time telling the difference between Gondor and Rohan (every other race in Middle Earth only gets one country that’s very important, but for the most boring race of them all I’m supposed to keep track of two?? preposterous), and having yet another group of humans pop up out of nowhere just to disappear after half a chapter left me baffled and annoyed.
After all, the Wild Men are pretty much disconnected from everything else in the story, aren’t they? They aren’t related to any of the characters we’ve met already. They’re not personal friends with any members of the Fellowship, or even friends with the friends of the members of the Fellowship. They have very little to do with Rohan and Gondor, and nothing at all to do with elves or dwarves or ents or hobbits or wizards or anything else that Little Me thought were the Important Parts of the story. If you took your cue from the movies, this opinion would only seem reinforced: the Riders of Rohan reach Minas Tirith with no complications greater than a Mumakil, and the Wild Men aren’t mentioned even once. If you didn’t know better, you might think the Wild Men are little more than an extraneous detour.
But it’s exactly because they seem extraneous that I think we need to pay them extra attention. Tolkien is not a careless storyteller; he’s long-winded, for sure, and has a knack for descriptions in excruciating detail, but he’s not careless. Every word, every sentence, every line of dialogue and narration and poetry exists in the story for a reason. If Tolkien didn’t have to put the Wild Men in the story—if they weren’t strictly necessary to the plot, save to solve one problem that (let’s be honest) kinda looks like it was invented just so they could fix it—that means he wanted to put them there. He wanted them there, because he wanted to tell us something.
I think it behooves us to listen.
So what is Tolkien trying to say? I have no idea. The man’s dead, and I can’t ask him. But the message I’m getting here has two parts:
1. The World Is Big
If nothing else, the Woses serve as a reminder that Middle Earth is much, much bigger than even Lord of the Rings makes it out to be. That’s saying something, because LotR isn’t a small story! This is a grand legend that stretches across nations, from one horizon to the other in an epic trek, and yet it still fails to capture Middle Earth in its every detail. Entire nations and kingdoms get lost in the wash, or are only mentioned in passing, and some names we only see in the maps at the back of the book.
Remember, Tolkien’s framing device for LotR is that it was an eyewitness account, a history written by the hobbits and supplemented with accounts from their friends. The POV characters we’ve had so far—if I’m remembering correctly—are Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Fatty Bolger, Bilbo, Aragorn, Gimli, and a sort of omniscient narrator that seems to represent “hearsay” or “local gossip”. If any of these characters didn’t witness something and come back to report it, then it didn’t make it into the story. If they didn’t go someplace, or meet some people, and come back to tell about it, then it didn’t make it into the story.
But just because the unnamed peoples of Middle Earth don’t get into the histories doesn’t make them any less important. Just because we don’t learn their names doesn’t mean they didn’t suffer under the fear of Sauron, or rejoice when he was defeated. Just because we don’t know them doesn’t make them any less…well, for lack of a better word, human, or any less important.
The War of the Ring mattered just as much to the Wild Men as it did to Gondor or Rohan or the Shire. Because the War of the Ring was about saving their world too.
2. A Treatise on Treatment of Native Peoples
Again, I’m only trying to reiterate what I can see of Tolkien’s opinion in this passage. I happen to agree with a lot of what he says, but we’re talking about him, not me.
The Woses are, as far as I can tell, the closest thing to an indigenous or native people group in the southern region of Middle Earth. Obviously they must have come from somewhere—anyone who’s read the Silmarillion could probably fill me in on that—but Ghan-buri-Ghan says himself that “Wild Men live here before the Stone-houses; before Tall Men come up out of Water”. The Wild Men preceded the settlement of Gondor, and inhabited the land even before the Numenorians; they were here First, and still they remain.
So, how does Tolkien portray this native people group? Well, the first thing he does is to say—hilariously and pointedly—that the Wild Men are anything but stupid. Ghan warns, in his broken speech, that Mordor’s forces outnumber the Rohirrim, and Eomer challenges this assertion—“how do you know that?”—to which Ghan says, if I may paraphrase, “boi I’m not a child I can count as well as you can”. The first point made is that, though the Wild Men may seem ugly and primitive and are clad only in grass skirts, they are as shrewd as the tacticians of Rohan, and maybe even more.
The next thing that happens is that Ghan strikes a deal: he and his people will lead the Rohirrim to Minas Tirith by long-forgotten roads, and in exchange, the men of Rohan must battle to drive off the Darkness so that the Wild Men may go back to their lives in peace. Of course, this arrangement benefits both parties; both are in danger, and both have a common enemy. To see the end of the Darkness would be infinitely valuable to them both.
This is fascinating to me, because you can’t really say that one party here was “using” the other, or that one benefited at the other’s expense. Yes, the Rohirrim gained the guidance of the Wild Men, which furthered their goal; but in the end, it only put them one step closer to possible death on the battlefield against a great Enemy. Yes, the Wild Men get to sit back and watch the Horse-Men risk their lives in open war, but if they should fail, what then? By helping Rohan, they are establishing themselves as an enemy of Sauron; whether Ghan realizes it or not—and personally, I think he does—this single act of defiance is putting a target on the backs of his people, should the Enemy emerge victorious. Sure, they can hide in the forests for a while—as long as there are forests. But not forever. I think that’s why Ghan takes his stand now; he knows there might not be another chance.
Ghan has established that he is shrewd, straightforward, and honorable. He even vows that he will lead the Rohirrim himself, and that they may kill him if he steers them wrong; he’s that willing to stake his life on his word. But when Theoden promises to handsomely reward Ghan for his help and his faithfulness, Ghan only asks for one thing in return: “if you live after the Darkness, then leave Wild Men alone in the woods and do not hunt them like beasts anymore”.
There’s something in me that kinda…twinges, when I read this. Like I’m half-remembering a bolt of anger from Baby Me before I checked out of this passage entirely. How dare this book imply that these kind, noble horse-people would be so cruel and barbaric as to hunt other human beings like animals? Wasn’t this the same people whose king accepted Merry like a son, and who provided Gandalf with the best horse in the world? These are the GOOD guys! They wouldn’t do something like that! The book doesn’t know what it’s talking about, clearly. I wish I could get back to the hobbits again.
But now that I’m older, I think it’s more telling that Rohan isn’t spotless and blameless in this transaction. They have wronged the Wild Men in the past; out of ignorance, maybe, and out of prejudice, perhaps, and out of fear, almost certainly. We all fear what is foreign to us and what we don’t understand. But Ghan is putting that aside for the moment. Ghan chooses to extend forgiveness. For once, his people and Rohan face a greater evil, and they unite against a common enemy. All of the sudden, Rohan has an opportunity to make amends for all their wrongs, by “driving away the bad air and darkness with bright iron”.
I’m sure I don’t have to tell you about the historical treatment of native people groups in our real world. The archetypal example, of course, is the European settlers and the native tribes of North America; but we see the same thing in Central and South America too, and that’s not even getting into the British Empire’s other affairs in Egypt and India and China and Oceania. I could talk about the Spanish conquistadors; I could talk about the Dutch in South Africa and apartheid. But it goes even further back than that. It’s what the Roman Empire did to the Germanic peoples of Gaul; what the Islamic Empire did to the entire Middle East and much of Northern Africa; what the Babylonians and Persians and the Mesopotamian superpower of the week did to their vassal states on a regular basis. Standard practice in Babylonia was to invade a place and immediately ship all the smart, strong, and wealthy people off to Babylon to be assimilated, leaving behind the weak, poor, unlearned, and destitute to till the land and keep their heads down. Can’t have a rebellion if everyone’s too dumb and starving to organize it.
(Incidentally, the Roman Empire is what gave us the word “barbarian”; the speech of the Germanic peoples they conquered was unintelligible to them and sounded like “bar-bar-bar”, so they named them after it. The fact that the word they coined now refers to a ruthless, stupid, uncouth person should tell you a lot about the Roman Empire’s opinion of these folks.)
Anyway, the point is that throughout history, there’s always been a pattern: up comes this people group who’s smarter and more advanced than anybody else, and they think that gives them free rein to go wherever they want, do whatever they want, and use, abuse, and extort the people they see as “beneath” them. The Romans had figured out indoor plumbing by the time of Christ, and they thought they were such hot stuff that they took over the Mediterranean and taxed the living daylights out of them. (Some estimates put the tax rate at about 90%. 90!! Imagine keeping only a tenth of your paycheck every month. I know it already feels like that, but still!)
We’d do well to address the question that Baby Me probably thought when I read this for the first time: “Why can’t the Wild Men just be Men of Rohan?” Why can’t they put on real clothes, and pick up spears and swords, and get on horses and ride into battle and make a real contribution? Why do they insist on going back to their primitive lives? Perhaps part of the reason the Men of Rohan felt justified in hunting the Wild Men is because they saw them as more crude and less advanced people; “they live in the forests, clad only in grass, hunting and sleeping under the stars like dangerous wild animals, and therefore must be treated as such”.
But let me ask you a question: Aren’t the people of Rohan primitive too? Aragorn describes them as “unlearned, not writing any books but singing many songs”; how is that any different from the songs that may be passed down by Ghan-buri-Ghan’s people? Isn’t Rohan crude and simple in its own way, at least in comparison to some others? Just because they build houses of wood and speak with fair, beautiful speech doesn’t mean they are better than those who don’t. If Rohan had the right to treat the Wild Men as they wished—because, as “civilized people”, they were so much smarter and more advanced—then Saruman had the right to treat Rohan as he wished—because, as a Wizard, he was so much smarter and more advanced.
I want you to get this. If Rohan does not check itself here and humbly accept the Woses as equals, then Rohan is no better than Saruman.
Thankfully, Rohan does pass the test. One of Theoden’s greatest traits is his humility, and it serves him well here. A deal is struck, a path is cut, and the Wild Men make their contribution and disappear into the forests, with only a lingering portent that the wind is changing, and maybe the times with it. The book says that they were “never to be seen by any Rider of Rohan again”; by which I take it that Rohan’s side of the promise was upheld, and the Wild Men lived on, in their own ways, unmolested, in the Druadan Forest until the end of time.
I don’t have a way to end this, but maybe that’s appropriate to the subject matter; like the Wild Men themselves, this post will appear out of nowhere and disappear just as quickly as it came. I just think the Woses are fascinating—both for in-universe and meta reasons—in spite of, and perhaps because of my initial annoyance all those years ago.
We will return to your daily crack post tomorrow LOL
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secondratefiction · 2 years
Would you be willing to write headcanons about Friodo falling in love with a human warrior reader (like Boromir's squire or something) please?
Let's give it a shot...
You weren't even supposed to be going to Rivendell, but you'd been glued to Boromir's side since he'd agreed to take you on and train you.
While you were exploring the first night, you happened to meet a few curious little creatures. At first you thought they were children, but that idea was quickly squashed.
Hobbits they called themselves, they were all quite friendly and you spent most of your evening talking to them, but one in particular stood out...
Where Merry and Pippin were loud and boisterous, Frodo was quiet but no less good, fun company... there was just something about the oldest hobbit that kept drawing your attention.
The next day the council of Elrond was held. You were not invited...
Not to be perturbed by such an insignificant fact, you very much found a spot to hide yourself and listen... There was talk of Mordor and Sauron, of evil you could only barely begin to understand, fighting about who should get the ring, who would be the one to destroy it... And then you heard it:
"I will take it. I will take the ring to Mordor."
Frodo Baggins, the sweet hobbit from the night before had sealed his fate, and one by one the others joined him.
You met them Just outside of the gates and the Fellowship started their match towards Mordor. Boromir was furrios
"I thought I sent you home with the others!"
"You're here of your own decision, I'm here of mine."
The two of you bickered for hours, but the party didn't stop, and short of tying you to a rock himself, Boromir couldn't stop you either.
The first several days passed well enough, mostly it was walking. Lots of walking. Which gave you lots of time to speak with Frodo.
He told you stories of the Shire, of rivers and fields he'd grown up exploring, of mischief Merry and Pippin would often rope him into, all sorts of story of his uncle Bilbo - those were his favorites, Frodo's fondness of the man shining through.
In return you told him stories of your own childhood in Gondor, growing up in Minas Tirith. Learning to race horses even before your legs were long enough to reach the stirrups, how you always followed the Guards and Rangers around the training fields until Boromir finally took pity and agreed to train you himself.
Boromir himself interjected that pity had nothing to do with it. Only that it would have been a shame to let such potential go to waste.
It wasn't until Moria that the reality of it all started to sink in... Gandalf was gone, the rest of you'd only barely survived due to his sacrifice.
Lothlorien was a bit of a blur, you were still in shock, reeling from it all when you loaded up into elven boats and started down the river.
As upset as you were though, you could tell Frodo was taking it harder. More than that, the last night in the Realm of Galadriel had done something to him... He was more sullen, more with drawn, something weighed heavy on his mind and heart.
Not that any one had much time to deal with that...
You had gone out with Frodo to gather wood for a fire when your Master confronted him. Frodo vanished right before your very eyes. It was only then that Boromir noticed you... He seemed almost broken, but you took off after where something in you just knew Frodo would be going.
And you were right. You caught him just as He was loading a boat to cross the river. Both you and Sam being steadfast in the idea of going with him... You even swam the whole bloody thing to prove your seriousness.
But Frodo was firm... the ring corrupted Boromir, the most honorable and steadfast man you knew. There was no one Frodo could really trust, and as much as he wanted, almost needed, you to come along; he couldn't. The task appointed to him was too great for that kind of risk.
Really, he shouldn't even be taking Sam, but he knew there was nothing he could say or do to convince his friend to stay.
And so, he helped you back into the boat, Frodo and Sam helping you push off the bank so you could row yourself back over to the other side. Both hearts heavy with the parting, and sincerely wishing for the opportunity to meet again when this was all said and done.
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