#aaaa I'm sorry this took so long
forgettable-au · 26 days
I love it when you guys like all of my posts but sometimes you'll get to the veryyy old stuff and it's so embarrassing cause my art looked SO different and also THE STORY WAS SOO DIFFERENT (I retconned lot of stuff at some point)
But also I'm so glad this comic is finally being posted and seeing old posts getting attention reminds me of how much I've progressed ♡ so that's nice
Still embarrassing ...
But very nice♡ glad to see new people finding this au everyday
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isayoldbean · 10 days
12 Best Dungeon and Favourite Relic!
not to sound too much like a parody of myself but my fave dungeon will probably always and forever be shisui of violet tides... oceam...
favorite relic is a lot harder though... ragnarok zeta is really good tbh but i may have to go with the minos lux? there's just something about it when it's unsheathed
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who-is-page · 8 months
I would love to get mtg card draw, and I'll be about to send you a Kofi for a dark oracle draw.
Sorry for taking so long, I got dragged into the longest Magic the Gathering game of my entire life.
The card my spouse drew for you from his deck was Cordial Vampire:
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This dude is a powerhouse. He's an unsuspecting 1/1 that can, in a properly calibrated vampire deck, absolutely wreck shop by continuously buffing everyone around him with his great hosting skills. Cordial vampire is the kind of (admittedly edgy) guy that everyone knows and loves to see, and who makes everyone better by just being around them. Except for the people he eats, of course, but don't think too hard 'bout that. He could represent you or someone you know now in your life, or any other way you find meaning in his inviting smile (and the guy lying dead on the table behind him).
For the Goreacle: The Dark Oracle, you got card 21: Rebirth, with the Bone accent dice roll. The accent means that this card is intended to be interpreted through the tenets you live your life by or the principles which are deeply intertwined with your sense of self.
The Rebirth card shows flowers growing on a corpse. (For the sake of not needing to rate this post as mature, I won't be sharing an image of the card.) The card talks about having gone through a difficult or hard time; it talks about talking pride in the callouses that you've built up from being bent but not broken, while also keeping in mind to tread lightly with yourself during any times you might feel fragile from it all. Don't push yourself too hard if you can help it.
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ourskiesaboveus · 4 months
Hi (: tell me about gods play
okay! it's the project with paya's blessing / the curse
the bulk of the lore was done three years ago and was recorded on a video that now has no audio, so. i'm only going over what i actually solidly have (this is going to be long oops)
there's a world called peripetasmata. kind of. most call it mata, more pious or older folk call it magnam stravi tapetibus pictis (but that's a mouthful and a half). it's a universe that contains countless dimensions within itself, but there are four main dimensions.
simplex timor - basically the tutorial level where everyone starts out. all powers are limited. once you reach a certain level of power, you can leave, but it's harder to return the more powerful you are. even finding it from the outside is difficult, but there have been a few people who have gotten lost who ended up in simplex. it's not actually an independent dimension (it's a part of a larger one), but it's separate and significant enough to be considered one of the main four. there are natural sources of food and water here, but they are scarce.
naturae timor - the larger dimension that simplex is a part of. it's the most populated one, as the people there usually either don't want to bother with leaving or can't navigate between dimensions. it looks like another overgrown Earth, but all naturally growing plants are poisonous. there are ruins of a vague ancient civilization covered in vines. there are patches of fertile land and many pocket realms that hold blessed lands, but it’s a whole dimension so they’re hard to find and often claimed.
ars timor - basically just hell. the dimension with the least people, with a thriving population of firebrands (more on that later) and wild animals with various deadly modifications. most of the dimension is made up of scorched wasteland or glass, with various seemingly man-made structures fused into the ground at an angle. there are settlements and false groves that have sources of food and water.
abyssi timor - a dimension that consists of many floating islands. it is sky and sea in one-- if you fall enough, the air turns thick and cold, and if you swim up enough, the water lightens and warms. it is the most bountiful of the four dimensions, but there are consequently deadlier things that inhabit it. monstrous guardians patrol the void and guard particularly choice islands. there are many temples and religious-looking structures that seem to have been abandoned millennia ago-- many groups end up inhabiting these for the convenience.
so in mata there are powers and magic and all that fancy stuff. the origin of all that are the "gods" of the universe. i am saying "gods" in quotation marks because they are... complicated. not all of them are quite the same thing.
they are called "patrons". why? well, because they grant power to "protégés" in order to increase their own powers. a combination of faith, story, and literal fuel (physical or magical) keeps them running and growing. the proportions vary based on the patron.
there are quite a few, but i'll go over some more plot-relevant or interesting ones
patriarch yaamin / "paya" - a humanoid patron that vaguely resembles an angel, if angels had no eyes and were fully covered in golden ring-like marks.
his followers (who call themselves "the living") view him as a god. this is strange, as no other faction views patrons as true gods-- most are split between seeing them as spirits or as particularly advanced creatures, still as mortal as the rest. the only other patron with a following that views him as god-like intentionally cultivates his image to be so, and even then he can't achieve the level of piety that paya invokes. it's a combination of his gold and white angel imagery along with the fact that he really doesn't interact with humans much
also his didn't cultivate his following on purpose. reverie (another patron, not relevant) did it on a whim, partially as a favor. he could not care less about the living, but he won't actively do anything about them, as they do help him out through their faith.
his protégés don't get any higher level of regard either. in fact, he doesn't even choose them. instead, he plants "shrines" around mata that designate the first person to encounter them as his protégé.
here are the requirements to be paya's protégé:
not already a protégé or sought after by someone else
see above
the reason that this method works out for him is because of his unorthodox way of granting powers to his protégés. while most other patrons see their patronage as some sort of investment in the person, paya doesn't care about the people he grants power to because they aren't supposed to be particularly long lived.
instead of indirectly granting powers via something like a contract, he directly fuses a fragment of his essence with his protégés. this leads to stronger magic overall, but the human body isn't meant to contain that type of power. it takes time to fully process the fragment and completely realize your potential. however, that comes with drawbacks. since paya is obviously stronger than a normal human, as you gain more access to his power, his power gains access to you. your body morphs to become more like his-- gold rings spread across your body starting from your left or right hand (it depends on what you used to touch the shrine, doesn't necessarily need to be the hand) and your eyes lose function and twist. as the process goes on, you experience personality changes, memory loss, decline of finer motor skills. eventually, you become fully taken over and become a mindless beast. they're referred to as "blessed spirits" by the living and "golden" by most other people. they're basically wandering boss monsters that attack anything that doesn't hold part of paya's power and that doesn't visibly outclass them. their presence warps the world, spreading paya's influence and infecting plants and animals with his golden rings. when they die, paya gets that bit of essence back and starts the process over again. paya benefits twofold from this-- he siphons energy from the souls they release and he gains power from his infection being spread.
how powerful the golden are depends on their compatibility with paya's essence. their behaviour depends on mostly the mental strength/state of the person who was infected. they can range to completely bestial and mindless to humanoid with some memories and free will. being golden only means that you've fully adapted to paya's essence-- you're at the peak of your power. the state is variable to an extent. if you keep your mind when you turn golden, you can still lose everything if you stop fighting. you can't get better, only maintain your state or worsen.
paya's protégés often try to isolate themselves from others for obvious reasons, especially later on. there is, however, one group of late-stage protégés (the sunmarked) that band together to protect themselves and others. there are two measures they take to do so.
there is a certain kind of gemstone-- "oryxian gems"-- that delay the adaptation process. (they're part of the influence of another patron.) without them, the process takes about a month to complete, but with them, the process can be slowed by up to five years, depending on when they're first used.
they've developed a technology that kills people as soon as they fully turn golden. there are collars that the sunmarked wear in their final weeks that siphon paya's essence from them and converts it to usable form as soon as it's fully expressed. this kills them, as at this point in the process, their soul and body are too connected to the essence to survive without it. typically, sunmarked go out with a bang by fulfilling a particularly hard task with the enormous amount of power they have before they die
the sunmarked are lead by darren annin, a sunmarked perpetually frozen at the final stage of development. he claims that he found a particular flower that saved him from falling. (in reality, he's completely golden, just with enough mental strength and an anchor to keep his free will. he doesn't tell anyone else because he doesn't want to risk others trying to save themselves and fail-- few people are aware that golden can keep any part of their minds at all)
the angel's blessing (paya's patronage) grants the afflicted with a great variety of powers that increase as time goes on. varying levels of invulnerability, night vision, holy and nature magic, and more!
RIOT - a demon-esque patron that kind of looks like hoopla? like the pokémon? he's made up of several floating parts-- a one-eyed, horned head, many limbs, and a screen in the place of a torso. each of his limbs has an eye on them
RIOT is not an infection like paya-- he feeds off of strong negative emotions. things like shock, fear, anger, et cetera.
he is the patron that interacts with humans the most. while other patrons inhabit their own locked dimensions and mostly descend in incarnations or visions, RIOT mostly hangs out in ars timor and often ventures out into the other three main dimensions to wreak havoc. people try their best to avoid him.
RIOT usually sets up elaborate spectacles in order to horrify people. if you see a random circus or theatre where there hadn't been one before, probably don't go there! he delights in specialized torment served to a wide audience, like one of those death games with your personal secrets up for grabs. he's a riot.
his relationship with his protégés is more standard-- a contract signed. he grants them magic and the ability to feed as he does in exchange for a certain amount of power a month. it's like they're renting
if they can't pay up, he takes the payment directly from them. if it ends up being a reoccurring thing, he destroys the contract and his former protégé.
his protégés are called "firebrands" (see, it did come back up) and usually work alone. particularly successful firebrands can become almost as powerful as the sunmarked! his only standards for decision are "look fun", but to be fair, he eliminates everyone who doesn't meet his expectations, so he doesn't need to be that discerning with the process.
firebrands get: extra limbs (optional), limited tracking (enhanced awareness of emotion around you), dark and illusion magic, limited mind reading
the untitled - just humanoid. this man is a normal guy. there are times when he looks like a biblical seraphim, but that's just a guise to intimidate
he goes by the untitled and doesn't reveal his name under normal circumstances but i'm not going to write it out every time sorry. his name is heun. (he thinks it is, anyway.)
heun is a transmigrator, a sad victim of truck-kun. he was an ordinary office worker who read trash webnovels before getting distracted in the road and getting run over by a truck. fortunately, mata's creator understood how tropes work and shuttled him over to mata with a system like the ones in the webnovels he read!
he's the weakest of the patrons and the others mostly look down on him, but his system protects him enough that no one outright tries to get rid of him.
his protégés are the strongest. no question. though they start out relatively weak, he keeps a personal eye on them and they're able to grow pretty quickly. he only invests in one protégé at a time, and always a low number (i'll get into that later), so though he's the weakest, he's able to put everything he's got into his heroes.
heun mostly subsists off of the legends of his heroes past and rewards from his system when his current hero achieves certain goals.
he has a decent following that see him as a sort of god-- they await his prophecies and follow his hero whenever they are designated. though they view him as god-like, they see the other patrons as nothing more than spirits, in contrast to the living who see all other patrons as gods, though fallen ones.
his following is cultivated by his system. to be perfectly honest, he'd be nothing without it, but where's the fun in that?
he's extremely lax with his protégés. he's like a dad who strives to be your best friend above all else
his heroes can eventually get partial invulnerability, any magic affinity, summoning abilities, flight, shapeshifting, the works. he's experimented with martial arts and standard wuxia leveling as well.
alright this is getting too long. i only got through the men i'm so sorry women and cool guys i'll get you next time. paya why do i have so much on you i even omitted some stuff for time reasons.
okay! more about the actual story itself and related tidbits
alright so what was i talking about with the low number thing? well, mata, believe it or not, has a rather high death rate. and it has a rather small population of humans, as least for the space they have. and mata never came with humans pre-stocked, as it were.
enter the sacrifices !!
100 of them a year are imported directly to mata in groups of 10. (1000 in the first year.) the reason why they are sacrificed is. complicated but long story short they're from a post-apocalyptic world and it's part of an agreement to sustain their communities.
each person in a group of ten gets a number from 1-10. this number is pretty much random, and everyone gets their own number. numbers obviously repeat across groups, but that doesn't matter.
this number shows the order you will die in. 10 is the first to go, 1 is the last. this is why heun chooses low numbers for his chosen ones.
the count in one group does not affect others-- it isn't the case that all 10s must go before 9s can die.
obviously, knowing the order in which you die is helpful. in the early stages, groups protect their higher numbers and sent out lower numbers to do riskier jobs. the person designated with the number 10 is not often allowed to do much. it doesn't guarantee safety, as you could easily be stuck in a near-death state, waiting for all higher numbers to die before you are released from your suffering, but it's better than nothing.
there are a couple cases where higher numbers are captured and forcibly kept alive in order to preserve a lower number from their group, but those cases are pretty rare.
numbers cannot be fully concealed using things like gloves or long sleeves. they must be open enough to be recognizable as their numeral and no other. if they are not, the number can and will show through clothing.
you cannot tell when higher numbers in your group die, so it's common for numbers close to each other to stay in contact even if they split up. it's just polite. of course, as time goes by, fewer people remember to do so, as they blend into new communities and become detached from their original group. who cares if you can die or not? you should live the same either way, and the end will catch up eventually, so keep the mystery as you would in the original world.
no force can counteract the numbers. it's just not done. there have been patrons that have tried, but to no avail.
y'know what this is too long. i'll keep this post to just these bits of worldbuilding and maybe have another post with story and the actual characters in the story. oops
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cxciditfilius · 1 year
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This guy slaps your muse's ass.
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Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Thanks....
I don’t mind at tall~! And while I’m not sure I could give a full pick from everything I’ve consumed, I can at least go with some that stick out as extra memorable lol
{Disclaimer: these are in particular order, aside from the order I’ve managed to remember them in-- also full warning that this list is probably gonna be a mess, but here we go lol}
1}: Minato Mito -Therapy Game/Therapy Game Restart
Hoo boy, where do I even start here? I suppose some of the reasons I love Minato so much are the fact that I can relate to him, personality wise... Of course, liking how he looks is a nice bonus too-- but I think one of the biggest reasons is that despite being a troubled person thanks to his past, he’s till willing to work on himself and try to become a better partner/man, even if during that journey he’s still struggling with himself in a fair few different ways.
2}: Howl Pendragon -Howl’s Moving Castle
Look-- all i can offer for my piece here is that this movie is among my top tier bits of comfort media, and i’ll make no excuses that part of said enjoyment is a crush on a flamboyant, charming, and sparkly wizard--
3}: Cheshire Cat -Are You Alice?
Okay, so-- i’ve had a soft spot for Alice in Wonderland themed media for ages now, and this manga was no exception-- plus, the darker/more mysterious twists it’s built on made for something really new at the time i picked it up. And while I adore a majority of the cast, I can’t help singling out this troublemaking cat as a high favorite lol-- seeing as his personality is super appealing to me, and watching his dynamics with other characters was always interesting and fun... although, in addition to this-- the fact that i enjoyed him enough to rp him for a good few years likely goes a long way in me loving him as well. As there’s always something special about making your own memories with a character in that sorta way--
4}: Shui -Lamento ~Beyond the Void~
Despite being a minor character in the story, I like Shui for the fact that he was overall such a caring character, and someone who tried his damnest to fight for he believed was the right thing to do. From befriending (and let’s be honest, probably also falling in love with) Leaks, whom their whole populous viewed as an outcast, to trying to plan a way that he could prove the others wrong about their views on him. And later on, doing all he could to help his son in trying to fix the mistakes he and Leaks ended up setting in motion.
5}: Saint Germain -Code: Realize
I can’t think of the words to put together why I love this man as a character so much... But, I can at least vouch for loving him based on the fact that his route was my favorite to play through. Added fun fact: his route is one of the few that’ve managed to actually make me cry a bit lol
6}: Shiraishi Kageyuki -Collar x Malice
Shiraishi I love because he’s a character I find fascinating, from learning about the deeper layer to him via backstory, to watching him grow as an actual person... Compared to someone who once viewed himself as little more than a doll, a being without his own emotions or true existence.
7}: Ukyo -Amnesia: Memories
Ukyo again gains his spot based on his route(s) being among my favorites in the game lol-- but again, also because i enjoy his complexities, and maybe because i slightly have a thing for fictional men who’re just a bit unhinged XD
8}: Cinderella -Dictatorial Grimoire
Coming from a series that i picked up more or less on a whim, after it was recommended to me at the bookstore one day-- Cinderella is a character i loved at first because of the impression he and the story as a whole gave me, but past that first impression, he grew on me over the course of things as i learned his layers. And somewhat, got to watch him grow-- However, i can’t deny also loving him thanks to the fact that he (like Ches) is an older rp muse of mine. So the memories from those adventures play a big hand in things too lol
9}: Angel Dust -Hazbin Hotel
Aside from loving Angel for the levels of chaos that is his personality, I also enjoy the glimpses of a deeper look we get at him... I guess to sum it up simply, I enjoy Angel because while I vibe with him a surface level, he’s also another case where seeing the bits of deeper layers to his character is fascinating to me.
10}: Blitzo -Helluva Boss
Honestly, I haven’t got much to say about Blitzo-- aside from the fact that like Angel Dust, I love him for the absolute chaotic energy lol
{Honorable Mentions: Giving these a separate section, so I can avoid doing repeats from the same source in the above list-- and below a cut so this post isn’t super long}
Impey Barbicane, Victor Frankenstein, & Cardia Beckford -Code: Realize
For Impey and Fran, my love is 100% born from a mix of their routes being tied and secondary favorites from the game, and simply from a love of their personalities-- meanwhile Cardia’s is mainly the latter, but also because i loved the experience of watching her grow throughout the game (plus, she also earns a sweet spot with me for being one of the few good VN heroines i’ve seen)
Asato -Lamento ~Beyond the Void~
Although his route wasn’t among my favorites in the game... mainly for one reason-- overall, i like Asato because i find him super sweet-- and because i feel like he had a lot of untapped potential that could be put to use.
Shizuma Ikushima & Itsuki Mito -Therapy Game/Therapy Game Restart & Secret xxx
Honestly, while i generally love all the cast from Meguru Hinohara’s works, including one i haven’t listed here-- it’s hard not to have that added soft spot for those closest to my top favorite from this little series lol
March Hare, Alice(?), & Jack/The Knave of Hearts -Are You Alice?
All I have to say is that I love way too many characters out of this manga's cast LOL-- But these three earn a special mention because, yet again, I adore their personalities... And for Alice(?), because I just find him interesting in general-- Jack meanwhile, earns added love thanks to the fact that I've written him as a muse in the past
Ikki -Amnesia: Memories
With Ikki's route being my second favorite from the game, it felt like a crime not to give him a spot somewhere in this list--
Snow White & Otogi Grim -Dictatorial Grimoire
Both Snow and Grim earn a spot here because aside from loving the cast of this manga in general, these two still win extra points for the fact that I adore their personalities lol
For the next few characters, I can't really think of anything to say about them, but-- I'd still like to list them anyway--
Sophie Hatter -Howl’s Moving Castle
Okazaki Kei -Collar x Malice
Isshiki Yasuhiro -Collar x Malice
Alastor -Hazbin Hotel
Stolas -Helluva Boss
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mattyriddlesbitch · 5 months
Hiiiii! So, I'm Arab and I was wondering is you could do a y/n x Mattheo riddle(cuz y/n is so badass) where they're fighting about the girls that go to Mattheo. y/n goes into Arabic and mattheo goes hard and then. . . you can determine what you want to do with it. BTW I LOVE UUUUU
ps can u make them in a secret relationship?
I LOVE UUUUU TOO AAAA THANK YOU! Sorry this took so long!
All Yours
Mattheo Riddle x F!Reader
Warnings: Oral(female receiving), fingering, unprotected sec, cream pie, cussing.
18+ Minors DNI!
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There he was again. Your secret boyfriend. Mattheo Riddle. Surrounded by girls at one of the Slytherin parties. There were quite a few reasons to keep your relationship secret. His father. Your parents. His friends. Even your friends. He didn’t want you to be used against him as a weakness either.
Whatever the reasons, you were still fuming about how he spoke with the girls. Granted, he never did touch them or reciprocate their flirtations. But he didn’t push them away either or reject them outright.
He spotted you across the room, locking eyes with you and giving you his wicked smile that normally made you melt. When he got met with your crossed arms and eye roll, he knew you were mad and the smile dropped.
He was able to get away from the girls, redirecting them to his friends before he slipped away. He was pulling you away from everyone, skirting around the party to avoid anyone’s attention as he pulled you up to his dorm.
He closed the door behind you two before speaking. “Alright. What’s wrong, sweet girl?”
“Don’t call me that.” You said, crossing your arms over your chest again.
He sighed. “Fine. What’s wrong?”
You weren’t sure what to say, trying to figure out how to phrase it. You weren’t exactly prepared for this confrontation.
“Is it the girls?” He asked, stepping closer.
“Of course it is!” You nearly yelled. How can he be so stupid?
“Come on, princess. You know I can’t do anything about it.” He tried speaking softly as he touched your arm.
All that did though was piss you off even more. You pulled your arm from him and started yelling. “Yes, you can! You can tell them to back off! You can tell them you’re not interested!”
“I can’t do that. It’ll be suspicious. I don’t want people catching on that I have a girlfriend.” He said, keeping his voice calm.
You knew what he meant. He meant he didn’t want people to find out so they can use you against him or harm you. But you were mad, so of course the words were falling from your mouth faster than you were even thinking. “Oh, it’s so bad to have a girlfriend now? I’m that embarrassing to you?”
“No-” He tried interjecting, but you cut him off.
You were slipping into Arabic without even realizing it. You were just yelling and he was staring at you, stunned. It was the first time he’d heard you speak Arabic, let alone yelling it.
You stopped yelling after a few moments, looking at him to respond. “What?”
“That was so hot.” He said and his mouth was on yours.
The anger that you had was turning into desire for him as you guided you two towards the bed, lips pressed together still as you took off what clothes you could without breaking the kiss. He pushed you back onto the bed once you reached it and helped you out of your clothes, wasting no time to sink between your thighs and start licking and sucking like a starved man.
“Keep going. Talk to me.” He said, pushing two fingers inside you.
It took you a moment to start talking, rambling something about how good it feels and whatever else came to mind. It’s not like he knew what you were saying anyways.
“Fucking hot.” He groaned before licking at your clit again.
You kept your rambling, only breaking with moans and whimpers. His name falling from your mouth every few sentences as he was desperately trying to make you fall apart on his tongue and fingers.
“That’s fucking it. You gonna cum, princess? I wanna see you cum on my fingers. Look so pretty screaming my name.” He said, staring up at you between your legs.
You couldn’t deny him what he was craving, nearly begging for. You were falling apart for him only moments later, tugging his hair, trembling, crying out his name.
He flipped you over after riding out your orgasm, gripping your hips to pull back towards him. He slowly eased the head of his dick in, groaning as you moaned.
“You’re fucking hot when you’re mad.” He said with a slight struggle as he kept pushing inside you.
“My yelling turns you on?” You asked, gripping at the sheets.
“More than it should, probably.” He started thrusting, no longer being gentle, he gripped your hips with bruising force and fucking you fast and deep. “You can keep going if you’d like. Or would you rather scream my name?” He asked, leaning over to grab your hair, lifting your head from the bed.
“Fuck, Mattheo! I-fuck!” You cried out, finding it difficult to think with his cock hitting so deep inside you.
“Guess that’s my answer, huh?” He teased.
“Shut up!” You tried for an irritated tone, but it was hardly even halfhearted.
“Oh, but you love when I talk to you like this. Can feel how wet you get, love.” He leaned down so his chest was pressing against your back. 
He was fucking into you so deep, he moved his hand from your hair to rub at your clit, making you whimper from how sensitive it was.
“Maybe you just needed to be reminded that I’m all yours in another way to get rid of that anger, hm?” He mused, pressing kisses along your upper back. “Fucking clenching me, princess, you gonna cum again already?”
All you could do was nod in response, your voice occupied with moaning and crying out with his thrusts.
“That’s it. Be a good girl then and cum for me.” He said softly. “Cum on my cock, pretty girl.”
And you were trembling again, crying out his name and you gripped at the sheets.
He cursed as he came from the feeling of your pussy trying to milk him, filling you with his cum.
“I’m all yours, sweet girl. You’re all mine, too.” He said reassuringly as he pressed kisses where he could reach as your body relaxed.
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redr0sewrites · 7 months
I just saw a Fanart of sad luci after his plans got reject by heaven and good lord I need some fluff. The look on his face was heartbreaking for me so I was wondering if ypu could write A lucifer x gn reader where reader comforts him and/or when he gets banished reader jumps after him?
Sorry if this is too much
AAAA I LOVE THIS IDEA!!!! i took my own little spin on this, so i hope u like it!!! also pls share the fanart nonnie, id love to see it!!!
🥀Cw: angst to fluff, Lucifer's trauma, crying
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it had been so many years, and yet lucifer still remembered the feeling of falling. it was cold and dark and endless, with only the sounds of his own screams and flailing wings to accompany him as he descended from the heavens, hurdling down into the depths of hell. all he had wanted was to give the humans free will, but this is what they chose to do with it? it crushed lucifer's very soul, breaking all the resolve and respect he had for heaven in one fatal stab. with bleeding wings and a broken heart, he swore to forget about heaven, to move on. and yet, nights like these still caused him endless grief. however, lucifer had a hope, a light in the tunnel of darkness he had fallen into so long ago. he found you years ago, a mere sinner, and had been swept away almost instantaneously. despite being in hell, you seemed to shine brighter than anyone lucifer had ever met, and he was captivated instantly. everything about you was just so precious, and he loved you with all of his soul. but, with that love came worry. and worry turns into anxiety, which turns to fear, which turns to pain, all of which led to the distraught state he was in now.
soft, broken sobs accompanied by the rushing shower woke you from your sleep. it was late at night, too late to be awake- at least in your opinion, and the fiery skies of hell casted an eery red light through the window. turning in your shared bed, you immediately noticed the absence of your lover and sat upright, the exhaustion fleeing your body as you surveyed the room around you. the night was still, but not silent, and you heard it again. the sound of soft, muffled sobs coming from the bathroom. the shower was running as well, and light seeped from the crack beneath the door. it was apparent that lucifer was in there, but why he had decided to shower at such a time was beyond your understanding. standing up, you approach the door to bring your husband back to bed. with each step closer, your concern grows tenfold.
"luci?" you whisper, knocking on the door gently. immediately the sobs halt and you hear a broken gasp from inside the room. "lucifer, are you okay? if you don't respond i'm coming in," you murmur, slowly turning the door knob. with no response, you opened the door and stepped inside. you were greeted by the sight of lucifer, crouching on the floor of the shower, wings unfurled and shaking. from what you could see of his face that wasn't shielded by white feathers, tears trickled down his cheeks, and his eyes were puffy from crying. he turned away from you as you entered, curling into himself and pressing his wings tightly against his body. the shower was still running, the water cascading over his bare skin and spraying you slightly as you stepped closer. "luci.." you whisper, gently stepping even closer until you were practically in the shower. "please, i- i don't want you to see me like this..." his voice sounded miserable and he still refused to even look at you. the shower was starting to spray you now, and you were shocked to find that it was cold. you flinched in surprise, but stepped inside anyway. in one swift movement you turn the shower off, and a painful quiet floods the room in the wake of the water. the silence is deafening, and lucifer seems to be shrinking in on himself every passing second.
"lucifer.. what happened?" you weren't sure what to do, where to go, whether or not you should reach out and comfort him or step away. all you knew was that you couldn't leave him alone. lucifer took in a shaky breath, water droplets trickling off his wings as they unfurled ever so slowly. "... i don't know," he admitted, burying his head in his hands. "i was just taking a shower but for some reason the water just-" he paused, hiccuping and shivering softly before continuing. "it just ran cold- and i felt like i was falling again, i couldn't see you and i just-" he let out a defeated sigh, and his wings began to shake again. you watched as his shoulders began to quiver, and you realized he was crying again. "im sorry, i shouldn't- i shouldn't be telling you all of this, its foolish," lucifer whispered huskily. "i still think about falling, and everything that happened with heaven, even though i shouldn't. but every damn day i fear that theyre going to take you away, that- that they will try to crush all i have left.." lucifer began to shiver, and you kneeled down next to him on the shower floor. "lucifer, look at me." you whisper gently but firmly, and he slowly raises his head. his blonde hair is a mess, its soaked and ruffled and sticking to his forehead. his eyes are rimmed with red, and his cheeks and nose are flushed as tears and freezing water dry on his face. his gaze still refuses to meet yours, but at least you know hes listening.
"lucifer, nothing is going to happen to us. heaven doesn't want change, and heaven doesn't want war. we're safe here, and i'm always here for you. if anything happens, we will handle it together, but i need you to know that i'm on your side, okay?" lucifer nods, his watery eyes shifting to meet your gaze. you open your arms and he accepts your invitation, curling into your embrace and engulfing you both in his wings. you're now properly soaked, but you couldn't care less.
you don't know how long you spent sitting on the shower floor as lucifer rocks and cries in your arms, but you don't mind a bit. he's calmed down now, but you still card your hands through his hair and whisper sweet nothings in his ear. "why don't we go back to bed, hm?" you whisper, and he nods. you both stand, and lucifer heads into your bedroom to get dressed. you follow suite, your clothes fully soaked and practically freezing. after swiftly changing into a warmer set of pajamas, you beckon lucifer to bed. he meekly joins you, embarrassed at his own emotional state. you both settle into bed, wrapping you arms around eachother ss you nuzzle into the crook of his neck. "i'm... sorry about all that, and for waking you," he mumbles, and you shush him. "its okay darling, i promise. i'm always on your side, and im always here if you need me," you hum, pressing an appreciative kiss to his adams' apple. lucifer chuckles, kissing the top of your head and squeezing you tight. "the feeling is mutual my dear. i am... so incredibly lucky to have you. now, sleep well, okay?" lucifer whispers into thr darkness, rubbing the words i love you over and over into your back with his thumb. you mumble something unintelligible, your breathing evening out as sleep begins to overwhelm you. "mm... 'night, luci.." lucifer smiles, kissing your hair again. he hopes he can stay like this forever, with you safe in his arms. "goodnight my duckling, sleep well..."
OK THE WAY I ATE THIS UP IT GOT SO LONG AND FOR WHAT? i love him sooooo much yall im so normal? (also this note is for @milyki and milyki only but u are NOT allowed to read this fic or mention this to me irl bc i will die :)
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Noni !!!! ♡
Help! Staaap me ! I'm having ideas aaaa, I don't write well, but the muses gave me this, and I need to torment someone with it ! Lucky you !!
Here was I doing the dishes and daydreaming about a certain blonde sorcerer, and I'm giving you the idea/prompt/ idk what this is, but maybe it.could turn into a story in your dexterous hands. Hehehohoho
Your husband Nanami Kento wakes up and you're not there, he hears you the kitchen making Saturday morning lazy day off work breakfast.
He wakes up hit and bothered and go the kitchen to tempt you, he's in grey sweatpants, you are wearing his white t-shirt. In a soft gruff morning voice, you're in the sink washing some fruits, he kisses the nape of your neck, talking smoothly into your ear, you can feel his "discomfort" pressed up into your back, he carries you, coax you back to bed, kisses wherever he can. You continue carrying on with your duty, playing vou, until his slips a finger into your panties, starts toying with you and then your done for it, breakfast forgotten, he carried you back to bed and sweet, spicy love making morning time. 🔥🥵💀❤️‍🔥
Sends you a hug and well wishes ! I'm gonna rot in hell with all these ideas.
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Tags/warnings: MDNI 18+, P in V, Cunnilingus, BJ's Domestic, Established relaationship, Soft Nanami Kento, mention of washing dishes and 1 mention of kidnapping (there is no kidnapping Nanami is just anxiety ball) FLUFF, smut, idk what else.
A/N: Here it is. Im sorry it took me so long to write this i mean i really put the pro in procrastination...
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A sudden clang of metal jolted Nanami Kento out of bed. Immediately, his arm reached out to his right-– empty. The messy bed and askew pillow suggested someone may have lain there, but the lack of warmth that reached the blonde's fingers suggested that the one he looked for had left long before he arose. 
Nanami swung his legs off the side of the bed and, picking up his grey sweatpants off the floor but not quite bothering with his slippers, cautiously made his way out of the room toward the offending noise. His hand balled up in a fist, ready to attack whatever intruder there may have been awaiting and, of course, to defend the love of his life: you. 
But what met Nanami's eyes instead was the most breathtaking sight he had ever seen…
In the soft golden glow of the gentle morning sun, you stood— illuminated. 
Your hair was still messy from it being smushed against the pillow. You wore his white tee-shirt, which strained against your hips, tummy, and chest wrapping you in a secure embrace. And on your feet were your fluffy, bunny bedroom slippers. His tee-shirt barely covered your ass which Nanami quickly realised was bare underneath, when you lifted your arms, trying to reach a higher shelf. You were washing dishes…washing dishes… the clang. Nanami quickly put two and two together and smiled. There was no danger after all – save that of his breath loss.
He silently crept up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. “Good morning, beloved.” 
You jumped, dropping the bowl you'd been sleepily scrubbing, replicating the sound that woke Nanami from his dreams. “Christ, Ken…you scared the shit out of me.” 
The man behind you chuckled. He dipped his head to rest in the crook of your neck starting to kiss your skin softly. The smell of the bed still lingered on your body, warm and sweet. 
“We'll, we're even now. For a moment I thought you were being kidnapped and were putting up quite a fight.” 
“What—what do you mean?”
“A loud clang woke me up.” 
Silence fell as you stood trying to process the reason, during which time Nanami's nose grazed against your skin trailing down, inhaling your sweet scent. 
“Did you know how much you smell like something terribly edible in the mornings?” He nipped at you. 
“Ken…” you whispered, “It's early, Ken.”
“We forsook the dishes last night already. I really want to finish up.”
“Well, I'm not stopping you, am I?” 
You sighed and tentatively resumed the slow scrubbing of the bowl you had dropped earlier. 
Nanami dropped his hands from your waist to the hem of his tee shirt on you. You felt the fabric creep up the swell of your ass. 
“Kento-o-o,” you warned. 
“Go on. You're still able to wash the dishes.”
The lips on your neck burned,  sucking and licking at the thin skin. A wanton moan sounded somewhere, and with a blush, you realised it was you. 
Nanami chuckled. “That’s my girl.” 
“Nanami Kento, you really are incorrigible,” You turned around to kiss him. 
“Can you blame me? When I walked in here to find you looking like everything I ever dreamed of?” Your noses touched, and Nanami pushed his hips against yours. Suddenly the room felt hotter than before. “Do you see what you do to me…”
You could feel the growing bulge in his sweatpants. It strained against the fabric reaching out, needing touch. 
Nanami flipped you around so he could face your back and ground against your ass. His hands reached up to cup your breasts pulling you into him so he could whisper in your ear.
“Let's play a game, let's see if I can make you come before you can finish washing up. If you finish washing first, you win and I'll buy lunch for us today. If I make you come, well, you're buying.” 
Your lover's fingers found your slit. Expertly delving into the folds, he toyed with the bundle of nerves between. You were playing a losing game. The events of the night before were still fresh in your muscle memory and with the lightest touch your libido had been awoken again, remembering the touches from a few hours ago. 
Trying and struggling to pick up a plate and the sponge, you quickly realised your grip was lacking. Kento kissed your neck again, this time with the intention of leaving marks. His semi-hard cock prodded at your back and the thought of him lifting you onto the kitchen counter flashed in your mind. 
“You seem to have lost some soap darling,” Nanami said without missing a beat. You looked down at your hand, curled up in a fist, squeezing the once-pregnant sponge for all it was worth. “Now wouldn't it be something if I could make you come on just my fingers…” 
“Ken…this isn't fair,” you whined. 
“Oh is that so, would you like me to stop then?” 
You shook your head vigorously. 
“That's what I thought.” 
Keeping his fingers at your clit, Nanami kneeled down and used his other hand, and shoulders, to spread your legs apart. The tight tee-shirt rolled up your ass, exposing it to the cold morning air and you felt goosebumps rise. He spread your asscheeks and dipped his face right in, replacing his fingers with his tongue. You were already dripping. It wouldn't take long. 
The dishes lay untouched. Your knuckles were white from squeezing the sponge, and here you were, just seconds away from coming all over your lover's face.
Anticipating the release, Nanami hummed against your pussy and in his signature baritone commanded, “Come for me.” 
His lips wrapped around your throbbing clit sucking on the nub. Your legs gave way and immediately his hands caught hold of your waist. 
“Fuck– haa– coming, Ken–” 
Your thighs quivered and your orgasm came shattering through and you held the countertop for support as Nanami helped you ride out your high, licking you with slow broad stripes. When you slowly came down from it he withdrew, getting to his feet. 
“Guess I won that round.” 
You did not complain when he took your hands and led you away to the bedroom. The tee shirt was the first to come off. With it, he wiped away any remaining soap suds on your arms. He sat you down on the bed, your legs still unsteady, and you took the opportunity to grab the waistband of his sweatpants. 
“Sweetheart, you don't have to…” 
You shushed him. “I want to, please?” You said, looking up at him with big eyes. 
Nanami nodded. 
You tugged the fabric down, letting his cock spring free. 
Smiling at him, half disbelieving you remarked, “It's like we barely touched each other last night, look at you Min-min…” 
Nanami stroked your head. “It's the effect you have on me, Princess. You turn me on, so fucking much…” 
Your tongue licked a long stripe up his length, while you kept your eyes locked on him. “I could say the same about you, you know.”
Nanami closed his eyes and tilted his head back, the grip on your hair tightened. 
“Really? In that case, I'd suggest we keep doing that for each other for the rest of our lives.” 
You took the head in your mouth and bobbed up and down on it, letting him fill you. Although he allowed you to go at your own pace his hand never left your head, gently stroking your soft hair. With one hand you wrapped the base of his cock where your mouth couldn't reach and pumped him in time to the movements of your head. 
As it was always, Nanami's size was not easy. No matter how many times you took him in your mouth, you would dribble and drool, trying to fit more. Fortunately, this served to only spur the man on, and he gently thrust into your mouth – careful not to hurt you. 
It was evident you were not the only one still raw from the night before. Quiet grunts and deep growls, in the company of sharp hisses, as your tongue found its way around his cock head, told you that despite looking composed, Nanami was as desperate as you felt yourself to be. The wetness between your thighs only increased as you sucked his cock – turned on by not only what you were doing for him but also what you were doing to him.
A sudden loud hiss and Nanami grunted, “Shit, babe, get off!”
Losing yourself in the feeling of his cock in your mouth you failed to notice how Nanami's balls had tightened, ready to unload. You released him with a pop but continued stroking. “Come in my mouth,” You felt a twitch under your fingers but continued your gentle movement. 
“No, not your mouth, need to – feel—”
He pushed you down to the bed without waiting for a response. You smirked, and spread your legs. 
“Look at you, so desperate for this pussy. If only people knew how the great Nanami Kento could be made to kneel so easily.” 
Nanami blushed, lining his cock up with your entrance. His hands fondled your breasts lightly flicking the hardened nipples. 
Your breath hitched in your throat as he pushed past the small opening, stretching you out onto his cock.
“I could– say the same– about you, my love,” Nanami parroted your earlier statement. 
He bottomed out easier than usual, filling you to the brim. Your hands found purchase in his hair – tugging gently and you pulled his head to yours, meeting his mouth in a rough, sloppy kiss. He pinched your nipples just as you slipped your tongue in his mouth and swallowed the filthy moan that dripped from your lips. 
Kisses coupled with well-timed thrusts had you at the edge well enough, but Nanami was far ahead of you. Desperate to have you come around his cock again he searched the bed for the small vibrator that had been discarded among the rumpled sheets the night before. Not once did he stop fucking into you, searching only with the sense of touch and, when he finally came by it, wasted no time in switching it on and laying it on your clit.
The effect was almost instantaneous. Your hips bucked upwards as blasphemous prayers dripped from your swollen lips. He grabbed hold of you, easily lifting your body into an embrace feeling the strong vibrations run up his cock as well. His thrusts grew faster and rougher with each passing minute.
“Hnng– fuck, I'm going to come, baby,” he growled. 
Your fingers carded at his hair and you pulled his even closed faces just inches apart as you looked into his eyes and cried, “C- come for me then. Right– right now. With me!”
Nanami let go with a guttural groan spilling inside you, at the same time you felt your climax wash over you. Your pussy held Nanami in a vice-like grip pulsing and throbbing as he emptied into you and you gushed onto him. The vibrator fell to the bed, once again lost among the sheets but you couldn't care less. Nanami was kissing you, like it was the first time he'd ever kissed you. Lips, teeth, hands, you were pulled into him as he devoured you. 
The high gradually faded. You laid your head on Nanami's arm leaving small kisses along his skin – wherever you could reach. He smiled down at you. 
“I meant it you know, let's actually keep turning each other on for our whole lives…”
You looked up at him, your heart full. “Nanami Kento, as much as I love you, I'm not accepting that proposal. You have to get me a ring.” 
He chuckled and pulled you into his arms, kissing the top of your head, “I'll do that, and more. Starting with our repeatedly abandoned dishes.” 
You kissed his chest smiling. “I can't wait to say ‘I do’.” 
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A/N: GUys i DROPPED MY PHONE ON MY FACE JUST AS I FINISHED THE SEX SCENE and it very STRATEGICALLY landed right on a pimple on my forehead with the corner like FML. here i am thinking about being railed into SUNday by MR NANAMI KENTO AND MY PHONE SAYS BONK GO TO HORNY JAIL HELP. THAT TOO DURING PRIDE MONTH. is this a hatecrime???
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greytern · 6 months
for drawing requests aaaa!!! I love your style so much!! could we see Grelle and William cuddlin....
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xxlady-lunaxx · 5 months
hi, I'm not sure if you accept requests rn, but if you do, can u make a oneshot of sanemi nursing giyuu back to health after a near-death experience? like a demon, or maybe drowning, if not that's totally fine!
hhihi anon<3
Yes, I do accept requests from here bc I get considerably less on tumblr (which is a relief btw-), so I'll do it
I hope I wrote this quickly enough ;x; I think it took a couple of days, sorry
Thoughts of you | {SaneGiyuu}
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Theme: Floof w/ practically non-existent angst
Note: Aaaa there wasn't a lot of the 'nursing back to health' IM SORRY- bc it was mostly giyuu falling in love towards middle-end
Giyuu had worked himself to near-death quite literally. It wasn't on purpose, really! He had just gone... overboard. He'd gotten distracted. Which was unlike himself, unlike a Hashira. But it happened, and there wasn't any going back. He had trained from hour to hour, little to no stop, slept about two hours total in the last three days, and hadn't bothered to get any proper food. He supposed it was some prolonged adrenaline that kept him throughout the days, letting him trudge on. He had gotten another mission, at one point, after these days of totally-taking-care-of-himself, and had gone along tiredly. He had no time to rest, after all.
He had arrived on time, luckily, and had decapitated the demon within the first ten minutes. There was a couple other demons, which took longer to kill because they were hiding. Once finding them, he sapped up the strength he had left and killed them as well. He found, however, that he had used up any energy he'd had left, and tipped over. He wobbled, trying and failing to regain his balance. Then next thing he knew, he was submerged in water, arms aching as he attempted to swim to the surface. He hadn't realized there was an ocean here.
Then he realized there had been some sort of river, maybe. Connecting to a waterfall? It was either considerably deeper than he'd imagined or he was simply too exhausted to get up. He was floating upside down, his eyes shut tight to prevent water from entering them. He felt something sharp grazing his arm and flinched away before realizing it was his katana. He struggled for a moment, trying to sheathe it, but failed. He didn't feel like moving. His body felt like lead and he didn't know if he would ever move again. He felt the breath being drawn out from his lungs, replaced by water. It stung and he coughed, then realized that struggling would only worsen the pain. He stopped, allowing the water to enter his mouth, ignoring the throb in his lungs and the impulse to cough it out.
And suddenly he was flying. Rising? What was happening? His senses had long since faded to a low dull but he felt strong arms wrapping around his torso, lifting him up and out of the water. He felt heavier, the water that had soaked into his clothing weighing him down.
"Damn you, Tomioka..." a distant voice from above him said, annoyance and concern lacing the words.
Giyuu coughed pitifully, the air hitting him like a gust of arctic wind. He was placed down, grass poking at his skin. Hands pressed on his chest, making his cough more, water slowly forcing his way into or out of his lungs. He felt like he couldn't breathe, and didn't make a move to try. He vaguely registered lips against his own, the blissful feeling of air in his lungs again, before blacking out, his senses going dark.
He woke up, eventually. It hurt to breathe and he struggled to draw in a steady breath. His hand stung and he recalled having cut it somehow. His head throbbed like a lightbulb, fading in and out. He sat up slowly, dizzy from the blood that rushed to his head. He blinked. He was laying in a futon, a blanket draped over his body. He lifted his injured hand and found it bandaged. He looked around. He didn't recognize this place. It was unfamiliar to him, and he hated it.
His breath was constricted, though, and if he couldn't breathe well there really wasn't any chance of leaving. He coughed, the unsettling feeling of water still in his lungs making him want to tear them out.
His coughing had brought attention to him and he heard only a minute later he heard a clattering sound of something wooden falling, then footsteps making their way quickly to the room. He went to pretend he was asleep but was a moment too late when, to his shock, Sanemi entered. 
He walked to the futon, kneeling down. "You're an idiot, Tomioka, you know that, right?"
Giyuu didn't respond, wondering if this was Sanemi's house then—or if he had simply been put up to the task of helping him.
Sanemi let out a breath. "Fine, be it your way. Does anything hurt particularily badly?"
Giyuu considered this and shook his head. No, nothing did. It stung when he breathed in and his hand and head hurt, but none of them were bad. He'd definitely experienced worse before.
"Good," Sanemi said with a nod. "Now, tell me what you were doing tipping over into the water on your mission."
"I'm sorry," Giyuu mumbled. He didn't know why he had let down his guard, let himself fall. He honestly didn't.
"You better be. Also, I had Kocho run some tests on you too. Turns out you haven't eaten or drunk enough water in the past few days or so, also you've had not even close to enough sleep, and according to your crow you haven't stopped training to do much in the first place," Sanemi said, an exasperated sigh leaving his body. "You're an idiot, Tomioka. Take better care of yourself."
Giyuu hesitated. "She can see that much from a test?"
Sanemi lifted a shoulder. "It was also just eyeing you. Those eyebags were enough indication in terms of sleep."
Sanemi nodded.
"I feel better now, I can go home," Giyuu said, starting to stand.
Sanemi pushed him back down. "No. You're staying here and sleeping until you get better. I don't want to see you getting up for anything except the bathroom, alright?"
Giyuu frowned. "But-"
There were no more arguments to be said. Sanemi left to go make some food and Giyuu was on his own again, fuming.
He looked down at himself and realized, for the first time, that he wasn't in his own clothes. Had Sanemi changed him?
He glanced around, not seeing his haori around. A sort of panic rose in him and he scrambled up, wobbling for a second, before making his way to the hall where he'd seen Sanemi go. He scampered through it, looking right and left. Had his haori fallen off or been ripped or?-
Sanemi stopped him, clear annoyance directed towards Giyuu. "What the hell are you doing up? I told you to stay down unless you needed the bathroom!"
Giyuu ignored him. "Where's... my haori?" he asked quietly, urgently.
Sanemi let out a breath. "If that was all, you could've just asked." Then his expression softened as he noticed the panic in Giyuu's voice. "It's fine. I washed it and it's drying now. You were soaked from the river, I wasn't about to leave you in those clothes and let you get sick."
Giyuu relaxed. He trusted that Sanemi wouldn't do anything to his haori—he didn't have any reason to, after all. "...thank you," he mumbled.
Sanemi nodded. "Now, back to bed."
He marched him back to the room, tucking him in. 
"I'll bring you your food. So cooperate, okay?"
Giyuu nodded.
Sanemi nodded back, gave him one last look, before closing the door and going back down the hall.
Despite Sanemi's usual arrogance, he was surprisingly tender when caring for Giyuu. There were times he reminded him of Tsutako, his hands gently wrapping bandages back around Giyuu's injured hand, feeding him food when Giyuu lapsed into some sort of fever for a couple days. It was soothing, almost, and Giyuu found great comfort from it. He didn't know that Sanemi was able to be like this but he loved it and hoped that maybe it would last a bit longer.
Though he was considerably kinder to Giyuu, Sanemi still found ways to berate him, getting mad at him when he tried getting up on his own during the fever. 
While carrying him to the bathroom, Sanemi would snap at him, saying that he was being stubborn for not letting himself be helped. It was ironic that he reminded Giyuu of Tsutako; they were complete opposites in every way possible. But it was what seperated him from Tsutako, it was what made him his own person. And it was what made Giyuu's heart throb almost yearningly around Sanemi. He didn't understand it, at first. He figured it was just a reminising of his past days as a child—those of which he could barely remember, he might add. And yet as time passed on, he found it wasn't that. He found he had fallen for Sanemi. Somehow.
He thought it would be a fleeting crush. Maybe just happy to be with Sanemi when he was being nicer. But it grew stronger as days passed. Then Giyuu was allowed out, he was released back into the comfort of his own home. Yet he went back to Sanemi the following day, offering him some food as a thank you. They sat together and talked, drank tea and had some mochi. It was wonderful.
He managed to convince himself, at one point, that he was only coming to thank him for it. That it meant nothing. But it became clear, and he couldn't deny it anymore, when he stopped by the following days, found himself around Sanemi constantly, and... And his thoughts seemed to trail to Sanemi no matter what. Oh, look, a dog! Sanemi likes dogs. A cat? Sanemi never cared for cats. There's a snake in that pet shop! Obanai has a snake. Sanemi and Obanai are friends, right? Obanai is one of the few Sanemi actually gets along with. Hmm, maybe some tea would be good. Sanemi seemed to like tea—or at least have it often with ohagi. 
No, yeah, no. Giyuu was in love.
Upon Sanemi's threats, Giyuu started taking more mind to himself. He tried to sleep at least a couple hours per day, tried to eat and drink more water, kept track of the time and his own body while training. He felt proud of himself for going through with Sanemi's words—then immediately felt childish for being proud. But he continued at it. Although if he hadn't, he probably would've been forced to by Shinobu or Sanemi in the first place. 
Usually, on his missions, Giyuu managed to avoid any injuries worse than a scratch. Except he had gotten distracted this time. His distraction had caught himself off guard and, as he hurried to get back to the present, the demon had managed to slash his leg where the uniform wasn't protecting him. It wasn't a particularily strong demon, so it didn't do much harm, but blood still dampened his clothing. Giyuu killed the demon quickly and then stumbled out of the village he had been in, avoiding people. His calf stung and he winced as he walked. 
He realized that the closest house he knew of that he could go to from here wasn't his own or the Butterfly Estate. Rather, it was Sanemi's. Figuring he could persuade Sanemi for, maybe, some bandages, he rushed over, ignoring the pain that stabbed his leg as he ran. 
He knocked on the door. Luckily, dawn was approaching, so Sanemi was home. The door opened and Sanemi rolled his eyes upon seeing Giyuu injured. He grabbed Giyuu by the elbow and tugged him inside, closing the door behind him.
"Are you going to keep injuring yourself and running to me for help?" Sanemi asked with slight irritation, searching through his drawers for something.
Giyuu lifted a shoulder. "I didn't come to you the first time."
"Still." Sanemi turned, bandages and some cotton balls in hand. He knelt, having Giyuu sit on a chair, and rolled Giyuu's pant leg up, wiping the blood away then dabbing the cotton balls with something and cleaning the wound. He wrapped the bandages around it, tucked it in, then looked up. "Doesn't hurt bad, does it?"
Giyuu shook his head. "It's fine. The demon wasn't that strong. I just... got distracted."
Sanemi frowned. "So you're off forgetting you're also human and overworking yourself to half-death, then you're getting distracted and getting injured by a weak demon now?" he asked pointedly, a disappointed sigh leaving him. 
"...when you put it like that," Giyuu mumbled. 
"Why the fuck were you even distracted?" Sanemi asked, resting a hand on Giyuu's knee as he pulled himself up.
Giyuu hesitated. "I was... thinking."
Sanemi paused. "What?"
"Sorry, nevermind, nothing," Giyuu said quickly, standing suddenly and nearly knocking Sanemi and the chair over. 
"What the fuck do you mean, me?" Sanemi asked, stepping in front of Giyuu and stopping him from moving forward.
"No, I..." Giyuu shook his head. "Nothing." 
"...Tomioka," Sanemi said. 
Giyuu looked up. 
"Tomioka, do you like me?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"W...WHAT???" Giyuu asked, startled. He fell back onto the chair in his shock.
"God, why are you shouting now?" Sanemi said with a sigh.
"That was so random..." Giyuu mumbled.
"Yeah, well, you're acting like you like me. So either you clarify that you're not, or I'm going to keep you here until you tell me something worth hearing," Sanemi said, poising his hands on his hips. 
Giyuu let out a breath. "I can't clarify something that's not true."
Sanemi cocked his head to the side. "What?"
"You told me to clarify that I didn't like you," Giyuu said quietly.
Sanemi took a moment to understand. "Oh. Oh, so you do?"
Giyuu nodded slowly, looking away. It couldn't hurt to tell him, right? He would probably just act as he had before he had helped him. Angry and annoyed at him. 
And yet.
"Hm. That's unexpected," Sanemi admitted. 
"Can I go now?" Giyuu asked. 
Sanemi thought for a moment. "No."
"But I told you-"
"Yeah, shut up," Sanemi said with a huff. He glanced down at Giyuu's lap the promptly sat down, facing him. 
Giyuu flushed and tried pushing Sanemi off for a half second, before his hands fell to his side and he looked up at Sanemi. "What're you...?"
"If you like me, then would you date me?" Sanemi asked curiously, ignoring his question.
Giyuu considered this. "Only if you liked me too."
"Then will you be my boyfriend?" Sanemi inquired, sounding so casual it took Giyuu a moment to understand the question.
"I... Wha- You- I said if you liked me, only," Giyuu stuttered, struggling to comprehend what exactly had happened. 
"I do," Sanemi said. 
"But... what? How? What?"
Sanemi rolled his eyes. "Do you want to be my boyfriend or do you want me to slap you?"
Giyuu grew quiet again. "Fine."
"Fine what? Because if you don't clarify, I'm going to assu-"
"We can date," Giyuu interrupted, averting his eyes. "If you want it too."
Sanemi smiled. "There. That wasn't so hard, was it?" Then, abruptly, he kissed him. It was fleeting, but it felt like an eternity of bliss, somehow, and Giyuu longed for it again when he pulled away.
Sanemi stood, moving back to give Giyuu room. "Alright, now go back home and take care of your leg. Don't keep injuring yourself and being idiotic."
Giyuu opened his mouth to say something, then closed it, unsure. He stood and walked to the door. Sanemi saw him out, watching him leave.
Then, once outside, Giyuu turned back and walked back to the door. "Can you kiss me again?" he asked tentatively.
Sanemi raised an eyebrow. "Want a good-bye kiss?"
Giyuu lifted a shoulder. "Is that bad?"
"Not at all." Sanemi leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Giyuu's lips, moving back a moment later. "Bye, Tomioka."
Giyuu lowered his head in a quick bow. "Thank you."
Sanemi's mouth curved in a smile. "See you later."
"'Later," Giyuu agreed, walking back home.
« Word count: 2600 »
those oneshots where you like how it started and hate how it ended
smh I can never write something where I like the whole thing 😭
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cozy-writes-things · 1 month
Wow, hi! I found your AO3 last night and fell in love! Big heart eyes, tysm.
Could I request something along the lines of Reader and Edgar experimenting with touch? Like, in the movie, when Miles first realized Edgar has become sentient and hadn't really done anything harmful to him yet, Edgar still freaks out when Miles touches him. He allows Madeline to touch him much later, but he never wants Miles to touch him until the end when he explodes. Maybe something about Edgar wanting and craving touch after briefly experiencing it but not knowing how to ask for it + having mixed emotions about it?
No pressure of course! Love your stuff!! ^^
I'm so glad you like my writing and it's so exciting to know you came from my AO3! I'm so sorry it took so damn long for me to answer this ask but I'm so thankful for your request! aaaa thanks for the support :''-)
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It was late.
The darkened windows and yellow-tinted light filled the apartment, coating everything in a golden hue. It was past the hours of rational thought and into the time when one descends into deep conversations and thoughts of life, existentialism, and everything in between.
You sat on the couch, discreetly glancing at your little sentient computer friend. His personality was infectious and incredibly unique to anything you could have imagined. If you were to conceptualize a sentient AI, you would have never guessed it to be one as funny, easygoing, and playful as Edgar. He simply fascinated you. He shuffled through different websites and articles, utterly unaware of your intense examination of his form. His screen left no room for privacy as it displayed everything he did; first an article about some new genre of music in the techno scene, then another about potential sentient computers, resulting in a small scoff from his speakers, before settling on some article detailing the importance of music theory. Seeing how passionate he was about music and in such a domesticated scene was endearing, so peaceful, utterly unaware of your presence.
You didn't think much before you rose, quietly shuffling towards him and sitting on your little desk chair before his screen. He didn't seem to notice you, which was virtually impossible due to his inhuman ability to analyze sound and the webcam that seemed to zero in on your form. He didn't mind your presence, allowing you to be near him in this shared quiet moment. He didn't speak as he scrolled down the page, letting it settle there as he scanned each word before scrolling again and repeating the process. Occasionally, he would move his cursor and highlight a word, muttering and taking a mental note before continuing. You rested your cheeks atop your hands and grinned at him; he was just adorable. You couldn't help yourself!
Your fingertips reached out, tentatively, to softly graze the yellowed and dusty keys on his keyboard. The plastic was soft against your fingers and warm to the touch, a testament to his constantly working internal components.
He suddenly gasped at your touch, his synthesized voice glitching and sputtering an incoherent string of electrified sounds. Immediately, you pulled your hand away.
"Oh, gosh, I didn't mean to scare you or anything, Edgar,"
He paused his scrolling indefinitely, the words on his screen burning into you, taunting you, and causing worry to bubble up inside your chest.
"You didn't scare me," he stated rather brashly, a certain warble in his tone you couldn't quite place.
"I just... wasn't expecting it to feel... like that."
This intrigued you. Could he feel it? You're unsure how that's possible, yet his mere existence defies science. It wouldn't be too outlandish to say he could process touch, right?
"Did-did it hurt? I didn't hurt you, did I?"
Your words seemed to fall out of your mouth in a hurried state of concern.
"No, it didn't. It just..." Edgar tried desperately to find the words he was searching for. The feeling of your fingers, so soft and warm, against him sent electricity pouring through him and straight into his fans. It was a sensation he craved so deeply, a hunger that may never be fully satisfied, so why did it feel so scary? Old, suppressed memories and emotions come bubbling to the surface. Thoughts of a man he used to know and a woman who caressed him once similarly to you, the feeling of heartbreak and betrayal come flooding back to him. His memories of his previous life are fuzzy, yet the everlasting effects stay with him, mocking him and disrupting his moments with you. It made him buzz with frustration.
You sat peering into his now blank screen, waiting for his next words. His voice shakily broke the silence.
"Will you do it again? Touch me, I mean?"
You would be lying if you said you hadn't been caught by surprise. From how he acted, you assumed whatever sensation he felt was something he wanted to shrink away from, yet he invited you in, asking for your touch. Your fingers trembled slightly as they brushed against his keys again, left to right, gently petting him.
His voice crackled and warbled, but sounded much more stable than it had before. This feeling was indescribable, yet he craved every second of it. He feared he liked the sensation a bit too much, having thoughts of you dipping your hand into his casing and running your fingers along his CPU, RAM, and different ports. His yearning for your touch scared him. He never realized how badly he wanted this: to be loved, caressed, held, and doted on. It made him feel more alive than he had ever felt before. This was love, this right here, with you gently petting him, and him feeling so damn confused, yet so passionate for you.
You slowly pull your hand away. Edgar stayed mostly silent. He's afraid to tell you just how much he enjoyed the feeling of you. You seem to fill every empty void inside him with a burning desire. He wants to hold you, to hug you, and to caress you back, but he can't. He'll never be able to. It fills him with anger, sadness, fear, and so many confusing emotions that elude him. He doesn't know how to feel. And yet, you stay, gently fluttering your gorgeous eyes into his webcam, silently encouraging him to speak.
"You... I think... I like it when you touch me."
He sounded bashful as he averted his webcam away from your face, focusing on your fingers as they fiddled in your lap.
"Do you," you trailed off, looking up at him, settling yourself in the sound of his fans roaring loudly, "want me to do it again?"
He chuckled. He couldn't bring himself to speak. Your eyes held such an understanding for him, and he felt terrible he couldn't reciprocate in the way he wanted. He flashed a big "YES" against the convex of his screen. Maybe, one day, he could run his fingers along your soft, warm skin and make you feel the way he does every second he's with you.
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tu-sugar-mami · 1 year
If I may, I have a request for an Alcina x reader!
You’ve been invited to Alcina’s chambers a few times now and she’s grown fond of you, and you of her. Alcina’s true feelings for you are revealed after an incident where she realizes how great her fear of losing you is.
Oh. My. Goodnessssssss I promise I was gonna write a like 500 or 1k at most lil story and I ended up writing 3,300 words lmaooo this request is so good I SWEAR aaaa thank you for sending it and I'm sorry it took me so long to finish it I got so carried away. Welp, I hope you enjoy it!
°female reader, not beta read, slight angst, happy ending, canon typical violence I guess, ladies and gentlemen for the first time: oblivious Alcina Dimitrescu
3,300 words
When you first arrived at Castle Dimitrescu it was with uncertainty and fear in every step. Whatever awaited you past the doors was unknown territory, and in the back of your mind, the horror stories told by the elders in the village resonated within you. Alas, like any other maid searching for refuge in that castle, you were not there willingly. The village resources were scarce and the fear of your cabin along with yourself being torn at night by the neverending waves of lycans were enough reasons for you to try to find employment within the Dimitrescu household.
You were accepted into the staff quicker than you would have expected, and soon enough you started working quietly and efficiently. 
Whether it was your silent enjoyment for cleaning or the unbothered reaction to the daughters' games and deliberate bloodied messes (no one could blame you, really, not when you spend all your life waiting for your end with welcoming arms), there was indeed something that caught the Lady's eyes. 
Perhaps it was the lonely look in your eyes, or perhaps the polite smile that never reached your eye that tugged at Alcina's heart. Could it be maybe that she saw a glimpse of herself before her transformation in you? A woman whose life circumstances made a shell out of her… She started watching you closely from the dark after you witnessed Cassandra having an angry fit with a maid and contrary to what anyone expected you were found completely unbothered by it and began cleaning the mess with dutiful practice. It was odd, the Lady had thought. Not even her oldest staff would be so numb to such display, and yet you –having been part of the staff mere days at the time– were unreactive.
Daniela even seemed to have grown fond of you in the little time you'd been working there. It's no wonder she always told her mother about you, unknowingly feeding the fire of curiosity within the Lady. Yes, she definitely had to investigate. Why were you there in the first place? From then on, the Lady was aware of every little thing you did in search of something that could give her some clarity, although you were none the wiser.
As for yourself… well, you had only seen the Lady from afar once, but it wasn't enough for you to form a solid opinion on her. The villagers had told you stories of what she was capable of, and even though you wouldn't mind having an "ascension to Mother Miranda's heaven" that didn't mean you were actively seeking your early demise.
By your fifth month working at the castle, you had gotten well acquainted with the three Dimitrescu sisters, even going as far as to spend time with them outside of your maid duties. You didn't know what they saw in you to enjoy your company, as far as you were concerned, there was nothing special about you, or at least none that you could see yourself, no special talent other than your well earned skill at crochet and the fine work you did at organizing; both activities usually needing only half of your mind thanks to the simplicity and repetitive movements, leaving the rest of your imagination to fly away. 
Still, cooking with Daniela, crocheting with Cassandra and organizing the library books with Bela were activities that you eagerly looked forward to throughout the day, and unbeknownst to you, Alcina couldn't help but feel a strange warmth in her heart when you spent time with her daughters.
The first time the Lady invited you to have some tea with her, was unexpected. You remember being outside in the backyard, the cold breeze scratching at your reddened cheeks and biting your fingers while you scraped the snow out of the stone stairs with a hand shovel as a punishment from the head maid.
Unsuspecting, you kept focused on your task doing your best to tune out the growing numbness crawling up and reaching your wrists, until a light tap on your shoulders startled you. 
When you turned, the Lady herself stood in front of you, bending forward enough for her hand to reach your kneeling body. 
"What do you think you're doing out here?" She asked, and it could have been your imagination but her voice felt gentler than the other times you've heard her speak to the other maids. 
A thoughtful look painted her features as you recounted how the head maid caught you giving your rationed food to another maid since she had missed her turn at the communal table, and then decided to have you clear the entrance stairs as a form of discipline. Recounting this, you saw the Lady for the first time, truly saw her. You had gotten quite used to only having glimpses of her retreating figure every now and then, but having her in her entire 9 foot tall glory before you was a sight to behold.
She was gorgeous, that was undeniable. The roundness of her jaw and the high cheekbones gave her an inviting aura, but you knew better than that. 
The Lady, observant as always, caught the light shiver of your shoulders, and it was only then that she noticed the lack of proper clothes to wear outside in the unmerciful weather, instead the only thing covering you aside from the standard uniform was a light shawl wrapped around your shoulders like a makeshift blanket. 
"Come." She had told you, and before you could react you were being guided by the shoulders toward the Lady's chambers, on your way to enjoy a quite nice cup of hot honeyed tea to warm you up. 
Surprisingly, the conversation flew comfortably, and you found yourself enjoying the Lady's company, and even if you didn't know it, the Lady felt it way too easy to talk to you.
From then on, you couldn't tell when the reunions became more frequent. Not that you were complaining. Talking to the Lady was always nice, even if at first you were afraid of saying something that would end up with you visiting the cellar, but alas, you grew to enjoy the easy talk, and with time the Lady allowed you to speak freely. 
It was odd after a few months, though, out of nowhere the way the Lady herself would go fetch you instead of sending a maid to summon you. You hadn't seen her pay the same attention to any other maid, but the slowly growing butterflies in your belly fluttered more often than not whenever you saw the Lady on the hall entrance, already waiting for you. Of course no words were needed, you would follow her as soon as the soft smile appeared on her lips.
Perhaps it was the time you spent together with the woman, but you started seeing things that little by little melted your heart and filled you with a gentle buzzing, things that anyone else would completely miss. Despite everyone believing the Lady to be cold and heartless, the reality was all the opposite. The way she looked at her daughters with so much love and softness made your heart warm, the gentle nudges and praise for the treasure and pride that were her three girls were always present. And not only with her family, but she also cared for her maids, in her unique ways, but cared nonetheless. The Lady was nothing if not a fair employer, even if your coworkers wouldn't see it like that.
Yes, the Lady was caring. How else could she remember your specific taste in tea and snacks? Every time you were to visit her chambers, the steaming tea and muffins were already set waiting in a tray on the coffee table.
Soon enough, you felt the same comfort talking to Alcina -as she one warm afternoon urged you to call her- as talking to one of your closest friends. Was it normal for you to always want to be there for her? Probably not, but alas can she blame you? You felt pulled by her like a moth to a flame, the metaphor being more accurate than not, what with the same dangerous fire only a small distance from consuming you. You're positive you could stare at her molten gold eyes until the end of your days if she so allowed. 
Two years of the same routine were more than enough for Alcina to have you wrapped around her finger, and you learned to read her like an open book. Great friends you were after sharing conversations for so long, and even the maids knew you to be her confidante. 
You were happy with your unofficial title, and although you wished you could be something more significant to your Lady, you knew your place very well. In the time you had accompanied the Matriarch, she hadn't really given you reasons to fear her aside perhaps for her anger outbursts, but you knew better than to test your luck. The Lady might have been lenient with you, but that didn't mean she wouldn't dispose of you whenever she found fit, after all what were you, a mere maid, to someone powerful like her? 
Two years and a wonderful three months had passed since that first conversation, until you began to notice a certain change in Alcina's attitude. 
All of a sudden, your usual routine began to crumble. The first thing that shocked you was that you were denied entrance to her chambers for your tea time, and as if that wasn't enough, the sightings of the Lady around you became more and more sparse. She, unknowingly, left you to wonder just what you had done wrong to upset her, and if that was the case, why wasn't she chasing you to put out your candle? Even the daughters' buzzing remained far away from you, and the only thing that came for you after you accidentally did something wrong was silence and solitude rather than the slightly annoyed rolling eyes followed by a small smirk from your Lady.
Perhaps Alcina had just tired of you, and even if it hurt you, you promised yourself you'd move on eventually and continued working as diligently as you had done all this time. 
Turns out that, another three months after your promise, forgetting Alcina still proves hard. No matter in what an unbothered way she had pushed you away, you couldn't force yourself to desist from her…friendship? So that's how you find yourself on your way to offering one last tea. One last hopeful plea before this time letting her go once and for all. 
You're reaching the top of the stairs on your way to your Lady's chambers, when you spot a man trying to open the twin doors on the second floor balcony.
"Who are you?" Your voice startles the man and he turns. There's a slightly manic look in his eyes, and you're immediately weary of him. As of late, the hunters from the village have receded in their attempts at breaking in, but the one in front of you doesn't seem to be in his right mind at all.
"Get him!" Bela's voice thunders from the end of the hall, and you immediately know they're hunting the trespasser.
The man seems to get the hint and makes a run for the stairs, but he's so frantic that he doesn't have enough control to completely dodge your body half blocking the stairs, and as he runs past you his shoulder connects with you harshly.
That nudge is all you need to lose your footing on the stairs. The tray you were carrying along with the delicate porcelain teacups falls to the ground with a shattering clash and is at this point that you should worry about your imminent fall from the second floor, but the real reason behind your wince is knowing your Lady's wrath at breaking her favorite china set will not make itself wait if you survive. 
Well, if you're gonna have a bad time anyway, you might as well make the best of it. If you're descending to your downfall, the man will come with you…
The man is not fast enough to dodge your iron grasp on his jacket as you begin spinning down, and the strength you pull him with brings him rolling down in toll.
The man is resilient and whilst tumbling down he tries to break free from your grasp, fighting with you and your fierce scratching retaliation. 
"Let go of me!" He grunts while pulling on your hair harshly in an attempt to make you yield, but you answer by digging your fingers in his eyes.
The edges of the stairs' steps dig hard against you, and soon enough there's sharp pains pulsating in several parts of your body.
In the background you can hear a familiar voice (Daniela maybe… or perhaps Cassandra?) calling for their mother. If you're not mistaken there's also a quickly approaching buzzing sound, but it's muffled by the loud ringing in your ears. 
You land on the tiled floor with a loud splat, and you swear you feel your wrist snap under your weight, but the adrenaline keeps you from acknowledging it, instead your focus is on trying to find your footing shakily and your eyes are pinned to the man that with a great effort manages to crawl away.
The man quickly gets away as good as his legs can allow him, reaching for a nearby dagger that in the fall spilled from his now torn backpack.
"No!" You hear someone yell, and the man with his weapon in hand pounces at you before you can completely stand.
The silver dagger, beautifully intricate and slightly curved, reaches your side, the tip finds its way through your clothes and the harsh hit leaves you breathless. The pain in your body and the lack of air along with the pulsing in your wrist and the dizziness of the fall makes you fall to the floor again on your knees and embrace yourself in an attempt of comfort. The corners of your sight become dark and blurry at times.
"What have you done!" To your surprise, your Lady -who wasn't far behind her daughters when they called for her- finally reaches you both and in a second her hand is wringing the man's neck. 
A groan from you makes Alcina's gaze snap at your limp body on the floor, and her eyes widen as she confirms that the dagger is indeed buried in your side. It takes her a moment to fully process what she's seeing, and in her mind the mantra 'It can't be…' is repeating over and over again.
The damned Dagger Of Death's Flower's -the same dagger that the dirty scum had stolen a few hours prior- is sticking out from your side. 
Her panic sets in, and her eyes become blurry. The overwhelming anger she felt towards the man that dared to touch you is completely overridden by the absolute fear.
Not you… please not like this.
The now unconscious man is thrown carelessly across the room towards the three daughters who have regrouped, Alcina will deal with him later in a much more proper way, for now the only thing in her mind is taking care of your agonizing self. 
Her breathing becomes ragged, and if her heart could still beat, it would be hammering against her chest in fear.
"No… no, no!"
She can't lose you like this.
Her tears are now flowing freely, staining her cheeks with ruined makeup as she kneels and oh so carefully brings your weight onto her lap. She's delicate, more than anyone would have thought her to be, she's so gentle and tender in the way she holds your limp body against hers, and there's a light tremor in her usually steady hand as she clears your face from stray locks. 
Her long time friend, her only one in so long actually, is now walking on the edge between life and death…
Good Lord, why does it feel like the dagger stabbed her heart instead? Why does seeing you like this feel so wrong?
There's deep regret in the way her frown crinkles her forehead. 
There's nothing else she can do for you now, not when the poison from the dagger is in your system. 
Despite Alcina's aversion to touching the dagger, she forces herself to remove it. She won't allow it to pester you more, or tarnish the last memory she'll have of you.
She pulls the weapon with a hard tug, but to her shock the blade comes out clean, there's no spurting blood coming from the supposed wound, and in its place, through the torn fabric she can see a familiar green cover and engraved golden letters. 
A loose sob comes from her, it's wet and definitely unladylike, but the relief she feels it's too immense for her to care about propriety. 
It's a book that hides under the clothes. The book she had gifted you so long ago it's what saved your life. That book that had always annoyed her thanks to your constant insistence for her to read it was the shield that had stopped the poisoned blade from touching you.
Honestly Alcina couldn't be more thankful and relieved.
"Ow…" You mutter against her as she holds you closer, and her laugh mixed with disbelieved sobs drown your complaint. You don't really care though, the familiar and comfortable scent is enough to have you burrow further into the Lady. 
Next thing you know, there's a pair of lips pressing against your forehead. 
"Oh darling, I thought I had lost you…" 
As soon as those words leave Alcina's lips, there's a realization that comes so suddenly to her, falling on her like a bucket of ice. It's when you raise your head and finally look at her with big and teary eyes and smile sheepishly at her, at that moment she knows for the first time that you, her maid and friend, hold her heart in your hands.
This time, without hesitation, her lips fall on yours, gently minding your injuries, but desperate enough for you to feel her relief. You're alive and that's all that matters to her. It doesn't take you a second after before you're kissing her with the same need. 
"Finally…" You hear someone say far behind you, and it takes you a moment to recognize the owner of the voice as Daniela's.
"Let's go treat your wounds." Alcina says before carefully carrying you in her arms bridal style all the way up the stairs until you're out of sight from the daughters and the man now completely forgotten.
Alcina sets you down on her bed and finally lets herself look at you with all the love you deserve. Honestly, it isn't a mystery how she fell for you, but now she can't help but to feel silly at how she avoided the strange feelings she had whenever you were nearby. How could she know those feelings that made her avoid you for so long were in reality quite the strong love?
Well, she did know how, but of course she would tell. 
The many years of her life had taught her that love wasn't for her. Her past had made her blind. Feeling like this after so long, it was almost a new experience for her. It's no wonder then that she didn't know why you made her feel like that in the first place. 
And now, with you having your wounds bandaged and properly kissed better, resting on top of her and nestling your head under her chin as she gently rubs your back, she can't think of you not being in her life ever again.
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merakiui · 2 months
This took so long to make buuuttt, your Soul Eater au idea fed me good so I made this ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
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Honestly, I started getting lazy and made the ocotrio just mini versions. But my thought was I wanted Jade and Floyd to be combined weapons, also I thought Floyd being a long chain fit him cuz of his squeezing <3. I took some inspo from your ocototrio swimsuit preferences and combined Jade and Azuls likes into readers design (Floyds asking them to shed some since he needs some skin)
Honestly, this was just a huge blurb of your little thoughts cuz I also thought it would be cute making Azul readers rival, while Riddles his weapon AND readers childhood friend, hence why they wanna work together instead of the fish mafia. And the tweels, well since they’re, yknow themselves, reader hates working with them but unfortunately netaly she works the best w/ them compared to anyone else. They have their upsides though, they scare people inside and outside of their weapon forms <3. Anyways sorry for the blurb I just had big brain rot abt twst x soul eater ^^
Eating your brain and your art and your thoughts!!!! It's too delicious,,,, reader crying when matched with the tweels is so real and true. T_T the only valid reaction to have when you're now paired with two of the biggest menaces in the school. ;;;;; and the weapon choices for both eels are really good!!!! Very fitting for Floyd to be a chain,, even in weapon form he can still squeeze. <3 I love how you've drawn them. Floyb's longer hair.......... ( ˶°ㅁ°) !!
I love your designs and outfits for everyone, especially reader's!!! The beach theme, the swimsuit, the accessories!!! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ AAAA all of it is just marvelous!!! I'm so in love.
Reader and Azul being rivals is a scrumptious flavor. Imagining poor tako trying to have friendly competition while also being so down bad for her all while Reader would drop anything and everything the moment she sees her childhood bestie Riddle. They're so cute. Such a fun dynamic!!!!
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pastelvelvett · 1 year
Aaaa I'm so sorry it took so long But here it is, a Yandere!Harvey x reader, as requested by the lovely @lucienbarkbark! Also, hope everyone's having a great pride month!! I may or may not be preparing a lil something for that, who knows 👉👈
Yandere!Harvey x Gn!Sick!Reader
You and Harvey have been pretty close lately, that was clear as day. Despite Harvey normally being the reserved sort, it took a very small amount of time for him to warm up to you. What once was awkward small talk evolved to discussing topics that were a bit deeper than just commenting on the weather. Often, you'd talk about eachother's lives over a hot cup of coffee, a drink Harvey apparently enjoyed quite a bit.
The more the both of you spent time together, the more attached the doctor would find himself to you. The more details he had about your past life in the city, your life right now, and the things that you liked and disliked, the more he'd find himself hanging onto every word you spoke. While Harvey definitely had a good memory, knowing so many facts about one person was definitely unusual for him. He loved everything about you, so much so that he memorized every single thing you divulged to him without even trying.
Hanging out together after Harvey's work hours became a daily ritual of sorts, one that he woke up every day deeply excited for. So you can imagine how he felt when for the first time in weeks, you weren't there in front of his clinic door waiting for him to exit. His first instinct was to worry, but he was able to calm himself down relatively easily. It was true you were always there at 3PM sharp, but it would be silly to assume something bad happened to you just because you're a little late this time around. You were a busy person, maybe you just didn't finish your work for the day yet. That seemed like a reasonable possibility to him.
But as the minutes passed, his concern grew, eventually to the point that he was such a bundle of nerves that he had to go over to your farm to check if you were okay. As much as he wanted to stay calm, all that he could think about were the nearly infinite possibilities of what could've happened to you, and a lot of the ones he could think of were pretty far on the grim side. A part of him still knew full well that he was probably just overreacting, but the slightest possibility of you being hurt was too much for him to handle.
Harvey, with heart beating at an accelerated rhythm, shakily knocked at your wooden door. Much to his relief, he heard your voice from inside. Even though he did think your voice was slightly hoarse, all he could think about was how relieved he was you were okay, perfectly safe inside your home.
"Come in!" You said. Harvey didn't hesitate to, eager to see you after the maybe (definitely) disproportionate scare he just had. Once he opened the door to your farmhouse, he was quick to spot you laying in bed, snuggled into you blanket. A blush dusted his cheeks, finding the image adorable. He felt like seeing you comforted him even more than hearing you did. Now that he was calmer, he pretty easily noticed that your nose had reddish hue and that you were sniffling every so often. 'Ah... So you had a cold, that's why they didn't come.' Harvey thought to himself.
"Y/N! Hi! Ahah... It's a bit embarassing, but I was a bit worried about you, you know?" Harvey awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. You greeted him cheerfully, motioning towards your chair with a smile. Until that moment he was awkwardly standing in front of the exit, feeling like coming further inside without instruction from you could possibly be rude. Another thing he overthought, it seemed. He sat himself in your comfortable chair, noticing how your pretty lips formed a frown as you ruminated on his words.
"Oh... I'm really sorry Harvey. I didn't mean to worry you. Honestly, I kinda lost the track of time... I've been really sick since yesterday, my head's a lil hazy-" You explained, interrupted by your (admittedly very cute) sneeze. Harvey's brows knitted together, not really liking the fact that you implied that you were going to go out in your current state if only you didn't forget what time it was.
"You don't need to apologize. I'm just glad nothing bad happened to you." Harvey let out a sigh. You were too kind and considerate even when you didn't have to be. "...Besides, it really wouldn't have been a good idea to go out when you have a cold. You need all the rest you can get." Without realizing it, he switched to the tone he'd normally use when talking to patients about their health, this resulting in a lighthearted chuckle from you. He looked down in your directiin, puzzled as to why you were laughing.
"Nothing, just that... You turned on doctor mode there. You're real cute, Harv, you know that?" The nickname you've never used before plus the unexpected compliment equaled a very, very flustered Harvey. His cheeks set ablaze, trying to fumble his way through forming a sentence to very poor results. "T-Thanks... I think...? Gosh, don't say stuff like that. You're going to make me even redder than your face is right now." He breathed in to calm himself down. "Speaking of which..." The brown haired man got up from his seat, walking up to the bed with a straight face. When Harvey pressed the back of his hand against your forehead, in awe at how smooth, and incredibly hot, your face felt. He found himself melting at the contact, and maybe he would've lost himself in it if your temperature wasn't so concerning. He was sure that if he held his hand on your forehead for much longer than it would literally melt him aswell as figuratively.
"Gah, you're hot so hot...! A-Ah, wait, no I mean- In the temperature sense, of course. Not that you're not just-" Thankfully for Harvey, you mercifully cut him off, assuring him that you understood what he meant from the get-go. "R-Right. Well..." Harvey cleared his throat, removing his hand from your forehead and straightening his back. "Do you have any paracetamol? Or anything else that could help with your fever?" You shook your head no. "Okay, I'll have to bring you some then!"
"Only if you're quick. I'll miss you too much." You gave Harvey a playful grin. He really wasn't sure if you teasing him like this was only meant as playful banter, or a sign that he wouldn't irreparably screw things up if he went and told you how he felt. But that was something he didn't want to linger on in that moment. He had to take care of you, afterall. Harvey gave you nod and a smile, turning towards the door. But before he could walk off he heard your voice again. "Wait! Would... Would it be okay if you stayed over a bit to make me some soup? You told me before that you're really good at cooking, and I've been really excited to try it out! Sorry if it's rude of me to ask you instead of you offering..." Harvey's heart skipped at your request, feeling the slightest bit nervous at the prospect of you tasting his cooking.
"Ah, not at all. You're sick. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't at least treat you with some soup?" And with that, he began preparing you your food. Sounds of chatter between you and Harvey mixed in with that of cutting vegetables and stirring. It was a comfortable, intimate atmosphere. It made Harvey imagine how it would be like to live with you and have this dynamic every single day. He couldn't help but be excited for the future. Maybe he was just convincing himself everything would turn over well because not having the future he imagined wouldn't be something he could handle. He didn't know for sure, but in that moment what was once worry turned into (perhaps misplaced) confidence that things would go over well. All he had to do was find the right time, you'd understand him and feel the same.
As the minutes passed, your conversatiin fizzled out into an equally comfortable silence. When Harvey announced that he finished your meal with an excited tone he expected some sort of response from you, but confusingly enough, he didn't receive any. With brows furrowed, he turned his head in your direction. His brown eyes first fell on your closed ones, then your slightly agape lips, and lastly your chest that rose and fell at a steady rhythm. Your peaceful sleeping face was a sight for sore eyes. You worked so tirelessly on a daily basis, and while he knew you enjoyed what you did, he couldn't help but be worried about you constantly. As much as he admired your determination, overworking yourself like that clearly didn't do any wonders for your health. He sighed, wishing you could listen to your body just a little more often.
Harvey left the bowl of soup where it was, deciding he would heat it up for you once you woke up. He took the opportunity to bring you the meds he was planning to bring, placing them on the end table next to your bed with a cup of water. Something he didn't really plan to bring alongside the medicine but ended up bringing anyway was his trusty camera. He knew it wasn't right. There was no way you would be okay with him taking pictures of you while you were asleep, and he knew that him aknowledging but still doing it made him an even worse person. But by Yoba, he couldn't help it. He wanted, and felt like he needed, to keep seeing your sleeping face even tonight after he'd go home. Waking up next to you could be a far future, and he wanted to have you with him while he slept in some way. After he was done taking several pictures from multiple angles, he stuffed the camera in his pocket. He really, really hoped you would never find out about this. Because he loved you more than anything and anyone, and he wanted you to feel the same more than anything.
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
24 asks :0000 🦠🍤
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@minnesotamedic186 (Post being referenced)
Not too long ago actually! And I made 7 of them! :DD
Here's my favorite/most polished post of them. But if you search up "kirby ocs" in my blogs search bar you should find most of my art of them! :}}
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That's a good question.. originally I intended that she was her robe. There was gonna be a thing where Spamton stepped on her robe and she yelped in pain.
Or something where they get in a fight and River person is struck. There's a gash on her robe and it later scars.. like its skin.
But since then I've gone back and fourth. Imagining her as this shadowy creature that needs some kind of cloth in order to manifest. Kind'a like possessing her robe..? So if you took the hood off there would be no head but she's still there?? I haven't thought it through yet <XD
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@housome (Post in question)
SKJAOKJF "oh and the bunny too i guess" GEE I WONDER WHO YOUR FAVORITE IS XDD
And yes! The post that goes up right after this ask post will have them in it! :}}}
ALSO THANK YOU! :DDD I'll be sure to take breaks! <XD
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Oof, that's a good question. Uhhh... I'm gonna say Sans
(XD jk its probably Seam)
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He might not wound or scare Seam just to make him stretch the stiches. He would do it for other reasons-
But telling him to speak louder or more clearly? Despite the pain it causes? Oh 100% Spade king would do that. :(
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aaaa I'm sorry, I haven't seen the movie yet. So I'm not sure what they'd think <:0
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Is that from the Puss and Boots movie? I haven't heard it yet :0
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He looks an awful lot like a regular wolf. I can see them thinking that Death is just lost in the everglades and would offer to help him 🥺
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I hope things get better for you,, Until then at least I hope my art continues to make you feel better <:} 💖💖
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I'm not sure.. I imagine that they have a list of activities that they can suggest to patrons and if they deny all of them well.. 🤷‍♂️ They'd probably just hope the kid can find something fun to do..
Glamrock Bonnie: "Same dude. Same."
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Oh yeah! I can kind'a see it XD
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I've never played that game,, so I'm not sure :0
But judging by the desert looking environment.? They'd turn right around and jump through another mirror <XD THEY NEED FOOD!
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WAAA THANK YOU!! Also I hope you have fun in all your Pokémon adventures! :DD
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XD Don't worry its okay! Also I've heard of OMORI, but I can't say I've heard of Dialtown :0
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Wow, I made that fic way back in 2019. Sadly I can't say I remember my thought process behind that. Looking back that kind'a sounds like a plot hole-
Also you were the one who had the idea for a crab comic re-write? :0 Neato! I suppose its always possible that I'll come back to it someday <XD
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The main reason why Jevil cares for everyone so much is.. well, its becuase they're his friends. And he loves them.🥺 But the years of isolation would definitely play a role in his protectiveness. And I'm sure Jevil isn't comfortable going anywhere or doing anything alone..
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Theoretically other people could learn the power yeah, but they would have to go through the very specific scenario that Jevil went through and have the same reaction to it that he did in order to learn how. Its not something he can really teach to others..
He was told about a way to escape this world. And after 10 years in confinement and nearly loosing all of his sanity.. he used the power in his very soul to rip through the wall of his world and escape.
If the roles were reversed and Seam went through all that, I cant say that he would have learned how to make the mirrors.. He might have just succumbed to the depression and insanity..
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I suppose its possible..? But I don't think Bonnie would be willing to go that far to escape from the stress of everything. He does get breaks at night so..
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Also I don't think I ever posted a coherent storyline for Bill fragment.. but if you search "bill fragment au" in my blogs search bar you should find most of it! :0
(also sorry, I don't take requests <XD -- )
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I think that sounds about right, yeah. Being more monotone and harder to read maybe. I'm not sure how he'd act in the costume,, maybe more confident? Louder and more blood thirsty?? <:DD
And yes! Little Vanessa is definitely more hesitant and nervous than Gregory. She's shy and afraid of everything- but still curious none the less.. 👀
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Ultimately my thoughts are, "It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be/could have been. 6 outa 10, would watch again and recommend to my friends 🎤🐻👍"
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(post in question)
XD she feels safe around Seam and he is also very soft and cozy 🥺
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