#aaaaa this.. makes me happy honestly..
httpiastri · 1 month
more than enough – jmm21
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you hate your birthday, but pepe is determined to change your mind.
genre: fluff/a little angsty/comfort
pairing: reader x college!pepe marti, ft christian mansell and sebastian montoya
warnings: uhhh anxiety and such ?? idk
word count: 2.6k
author's note: just like last year, this is merely a very self-indulgent birthday gift to myself (and a bit of a late birthday gift for a friend on here who confided in me about not liking their birthday either), so sorry if you don't relate but i needed to write this for myself despite how painful it was. not happy with how it turned out but, i had to get it out of my system. <3 (also not proofread because i will freak out likely aaaaa)
this is mostly a standalone fic but ig it kinda works as college!pepe so i put that there. i got this idea at my mom's birthday back in march but never actually wrote it until this last week... also loosely based on a tiktok that really spoke to me.
also! this doesn't really work with the headcanon of pepe, seb and chris all sharing an apartment, but i wanted it this way. i also wasn't comfortable including gaby or hermes, so i used the names nora and emma for seb's and chris's respective gfs. :)
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"why didn't you tell me your birthday is next week?"
the question is innocent enough, only borderline accusing, but something tightens in your stomach nonetheless. you don't look up from the pot in your hand, however, instead continuing to scrub it with your dishbrush like it's no big deal. "who told you that?"
pepe chuckles as he makes his way over to your side, leaning against the counter as he looks at you. "emma," he tells you, crossing his arms over his chest. "going to answer my question now?"
"i must've forgotten to tell you."
"oh, come on..." your boyfriend shakes his head. "is there a reason i wasn't allowed to know? did i do something? do you not trust me? am i-"
"pepe," you say, his name followed by a sigh as you look over to him in hopes of stopping his rambling. "it's nothing personal."
"what is it, then?" he presses, eyes following your hands as they begin to rinse the pot he'd cooked your pasta in just a couple hours ago. "why don't you want to tell me?"
you take a deep breath, shrugging your shoulders before turning off the tap. "i just... i'm not a big fan of my birthday."
the biggest understatement of the year.
you hate your birthday.
for a number of reasons, really. some to do with your family and childhood; many to do with your own inner thoughts and feelings.
you hate how it reminds you of every bad birthday you had as a kid. you hate how it makes you hopeful that people will remember and congratulate you, because you hate how painful it is when they don't. you hate how you always get reminded of how little people seem to care, and how they always prioritize themselves even on what's supposed to be your day.
it's too much of a mess to explain to him right now – maybe, hopefully, one day you'll have the energy and courage to go through it all.
you hadn't forgotten to tell pepe; you had just been silently hoping he wouldn't address it, and that everyone else would forget, too. but apparently, you have a snitch in your friend group. "what do you mean?" pepe asks.
"i'd much rather not celebrate it." you place the pot on the drying rack, wiping your hands on your towel hanging by the stove before turning to him. "a lot of stuff regarding my birthday just makes me really upset. if i could, i'd just... make it disappear, honestly."
your eyes flicker to the floor, fingers nervously fiddling with the sleeve of your shirt. he can tell you don't want to get into it, and he won't push you. instead, he opens his arms wide, taking a step forward. you accept the offer instantly, arms wrapping around his waist as he pulls you close.
the air in your little dorm room isn't as thick as you had expected it to be when telling him all of this – but at the same time, you aren't surprised. pepe has always had a way of grounding you, making everything seem a bit easier. "i can't make it completely disappear, i think," he says, placing his chin on top of your head. "but i can pretend for you."
you hum contently, letting your eyes close for a few moments. "that would be great."
he remains quiet for a couple of seconds, but then he can't stop himself from talking again. "do you really not want anything? no party? you threw me that party for my birthday, i'd feel guilty not doing anything back."
"i did it because you had a fun time and you like those things, and because i enjoyed planning it. but i was really hoping i could skip all that," you answer, pulling away ever so slightly to look up at him with a sheepish expression. "i would honestly rather have dinner with you, emma, nora, sebas, chris... maybe get some takeout from that new indian place down the road?"
to pepe's ears, you sound more than just a tiny bit crazy – but your being so different from him is one of the things that attracted him in the first place. he nods, leaning in to press a kiss to your forehead. "whatever you say, love."
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"where did your girl go?" emma asks the second pepe slumps into a free seat by the cafeteria table.
your boyfriend shoots a glance over his shoulder back to the serving line before setting his plate down. "they were out of rice so she's just waiting for a new batch," he says with a shrug.
"okay then, let's be quick before she gets here," emma speaks up again. "what are we doing for her birthday? it's just a few days away, but i think we can pull something off."
"me and seb were talking about throwing her a surprise party," nora says, looking over at sebastian who's nodding excitedly.
pepe, however, lets out a dismissive sound and swats the air with his hand. "no, forget about that," he says, stuffing a spoonful of pasta into his mouth. "she doesn't want any of that."
nora snorts. "what? of course she does."
"you know, pepe," emma counters, eyebrows raised at the spaniard. "every girl will tell you that she doesn't want a surprise party. don't bother, i don't care, you don't have to do all that for me! but in reality, we're all secretly craving it."
pepe considers her words for a few moments; maybe there is some truth in them after all. maybe all you did was try to act modest, to put the idea in his head so he would make the right choice.
but you weren't the one to bring up the subject – he was. he remembers clearly how you were doing your very best to avoid talking about your birthday at all, and the memory of how tough of a subject it seemed like to you is still etched into his mind. he thinks you were so brave to confide in him like that, and so he needs to stand up for you. he can't dishonor your trust.
"trust me, guys. she really doesn't want it." he ignores the groans of the people around him, taking a few sips of his water before continuing. "can't we all just grab some dinner on saturday instead? maybe that new indian place?"
"works for me," christian joins in. "how about presents, then?"
"right, are we all buying something together, or separate gifts?" emma fills in.
pepe shakes his head yet again. "i don't think she wants that, either." his words are followed by a long silence, which makes him unable to hold back a chuckle. "just paying for the food should be enough."
nora sighs dramatically, the palms of her hands pressing into the sides of her face. "and i'm supposed to just trust you, huh?" she asks and pepe merely shrugs, focusing back on his food. "hope you're not messing with us here, marti."
"i have no idea what he said, but he usually is," your voice spreads through the group as you finally take a seat at the table. "fill me in and i'll help you decide if he's just being annoying."
"i was just telling them about what mr. peterson said yesterday," pepe says quickly. "about what he'll do to everyone who fails the exam."
you throw your head back laughing, nodding instantly. "oh my god, that was hilarious. so, it started with someone on the front row asking about..."
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pepe loves birthdays. his own, too, but mostly he finds himself looking forward to his friends' birthdays and longing to celebrate the important people in his life. he loves picking out gifts, planning celebrations, and making sure everything is perfect. it just comes naturally for him to be caring and detailed in that way.
but while pepe eagerly awaits your birthday, you couldn't even come close to feeling the same way.
most years, you spend the weeks leading up to your birthday dreading it, and the day of your birthday crying, because your birthday reminds you of everything you try to forget year-round.
pepe wants to make the day perfect for you, but he also obviously doesn't want to do too much. it's a hard task, but he's set on making it work – and the first step is getting a cake.
his first thought was to get you something huge, something to properly convey what he thinks you deserve and how much he loves you. though, it didn't take long for him to realize that something like that would be way too much for you. instead, he settled on a more basic yellow cake with some kind of white coating that the lady in the bakery recommended to him, and dropped by the grocery store near campus to buy sprinkles and a bunch of candles.
the end product is a little messy, but created with so much love, and pepe knows you're going to adore it. what he doesn't know is how he managed to keep you away from his refrigerator and the surprise hiding in it all night yesterday, but it doesn't matter – all that matters is that you're currently still sleeping soundlessly in his bed, with no clue of what's going on over in the kitchen.
pepe's hands are trembling slightly as he lights up the candles; he is a little nervous, he will admit, but he's also excited at the same time. he can't wait to see the look of surprise on your face, so he hurries up and places the cake on a tray along with two cups of coffee.
he silently curses at the way his bedroom door creaks when he pushes it open with his foot, but thankfully you don't move a single muscle. he carefully scoots over to the side of the bed, sitting down next to you and balancing the tray in his lap. he reaches over with one hand to your cheek, thumb tracing along your skin, fingers settling under your jaw. "mi amor," he whispers, a soft hum leaving his lips as he watches your eyelids slowly flutter open. "happy birthday."
it takes a few moments for your eyes to adjust to the sunshine lighting up the room, but when they do, they can't help but focus on him. the goofy grin on his lips, the messy hair, the-
the cake on his lap.
you push yourself up to sit in bed, rubbing some sleep out of your eyes. you're mistaken, surely? you're still half-asleep, you must've imagined it...
but no amount of blinking makes the cake disappear. the little flames of the candles swaying in the air, the single drop of stearic rolling down the side of a candle, the rainbow sprinkles sticking to the top and sides of the cake – it's all very real.
pepe was so sure this was the right way to go. but seeing the tears begin to seep out of the corners of his eyes makes him horrified. he messed up.
he knew the sprinkles would be too much. and that amount of candles, what was he thinking? he definitely went overboard.
"oh my god," he says, instantly placing the tray on the bedside table before scooting closer to you. "i'm so so so sorry, i thought you would like it... i don't know what i was thinking. here, let me-"
you shake your head as he begins brushing away your tears with his thumbs, and to his big surprise, you chuckle. "don't be sorry," you say, letting out another laugh when you see the confused expression on his face. "i do like it. a lot." you reach up to take his hands in yours, bringing them down to the bed and intertwining your fingers. "it's just... very emotional, for me. as you can see."
he also chuckles now, and he thinks he understands – even though seeing your happy tears is more painful than he'd expected. "okay," he says with a nod. "so..." his eyes flicker back to the cake.
"yes, please. i mean, what could be better than a sugar rush first thing in the morning?"
pepe would've been so happy to shower you with presents to express how much he loves you; it would've made him so proud to invite all your friends to a big celebration, to show you how much you mean to all of them, to change your idea of a birthday. but this – sitting together in bed, eating straight from the cake (no plates needed), pressing sugary kisses to each other's cheeks – is another form of perfect.
he just hopes you think it's perfect, too.
hearing you tell the stories of how you needed to bake the cake for yourself if you wanted one as a child, how you always made sure to buy yourself a gift because the risk that no one else would get you one was too high, and how you always needed to plan out your own parties breaks his heart – but hearing you open up like that also means the world to him. he understands that it's all buried so deep inside of you, but there's nothing he wants more than to help you heal and to prove that you can have much better and bigger birthdays than that.
but for now, a little cake in bed and a ton of kisses will have to do.
baby steps.
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"chris, will you pass me the chicken korma?"
he leans over the crowded couch table and holds out the takeaway box to nora, who takes it into her hands and thanks him. "that one is really good," you tell her through your mouthful of bread, nodding to your friend.
"what's the verdict, then?" sebastian asks from his seat over on the couch. "i need a rating from the birthday girl, one to ten."
"food? ten," you say, taking a sip of your soda. "company? ten."
birthday? eleven.
the whole day has been much better than you'd expected; from your wake-up this morning, to the lunch date you shared with pepe over in town after a cute walk along the river, to having your closest friends all gathered in your living room for you. you don't even mind the way your buttcheeks are already starting to hurt after sitting on the floor for too long – you knew you should've invested in more seating for moments like these – because all of this is worth it.
"agreed," pepe chimes in from next to you. "especially about the food."
"speaking of which," says emma. "was there any bread left?"
you're quick to jump to your feet, already turning towards the kitchen. "garlic or plain?"
"ooh, garlic! thank you!"
pepe hurries off the floor right after you, making up some excuse about getting a new spoon for one of the sauces, but no one even bats an eye. you hear him enter through the door, and you smile instinctively. "how are you feeling?" he asks when he reaches your side, hand finding the small of your back as you rummage through the takeaway bag. "is this all enough?"
"it's more than enough. so much more." after pulling out the garlic naan from the bag, you reach up to the side of his face with your free hand, brushing your thumb over his cheekbone. "best birthday ever."
you seal your words with a feather-light kiss to his lips, and he's still smiling when you pull away. "you promise?" he asks, eyes searching through yours for any slightest hint of insincerity or uncertainty.
"i promise." another kiss, followed by a gentle hum, and he visibly relaxes. "thank you."
"no, thank you." for opening up, for letting him do all this for you. for existing. "only happy birthdays from now on, okay? i will make sure of it."
"it could never be anything other than a happy birthday with you around."
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ohno-the-sun · 1 year
Spoiler heavy fnaf ruin dlc rant up ahead
I am so fucking proud of steal wool they really took every criticism from the original game and fixed it and even added more
Like Cassie actually acts like a human being?? And like her knowledge of the original characters and cute little comments on every item are so endearing there is so much detail going into this.
The fact that they expanded on one of the fan faves Roxanne and giving her a great arc I’m in love I’m so happy
They honestly gave more depth to all the animatronics too like we finally see Bonnie’s design and get and get a taste as to what happened, also that poster Freddy gifted him I’m crying they are so cute and gay I love them
Also the whole dark ride section with Monty is so fascinating like is that narrative kind of true or is it just fabricated by fazbear inc to cover up the decommissioning of Bonnie
Why replace Bonnie with Monty?? Why not make a new Bonnie model?? With the prototype label on Freddy it may be confirmed that they make multiple models (well we already kinda knew that with Freddies comments but oh well)
Also Freddy?? Like is that our Freddy or a different one?? They very clearly highlighted the prototype label so they want to emphasize it, but then the head is still missing like in the princess quest ending so what is the truth??
Feel bad for chica fans tho she really was sidelined hard
Aaaaa and my baby boys!!! There’s 3 now aaahaga
I was really not expecting eclipse to be the way they were, very… normal? Is that the right word?? Like obviously a little delusional on when the daycare is gonna open again, but in the right mindset of like this child needs to leave this place is not safe. It is interesting to me that both he and Roxy thought that it was Cassie’s birthday, maybe that was the last day before she left the plex? Or maybe that was the day the plex caught fire? Or maybe most depressingly we are playing on Cassie’s birthday so the animatronics have it in their systems what her birthday is and wish her a happy one (if they are in the right state of mind lol)
Some peeps are upset moon is a little too villainous
I think you can still say it was mainly the virus but I would argue even if it’s not the virus I feel like moon is kinda justified here. Like sun has been shutting him away for a long time before this (if the books are to be believed but also in general) so when he finally gets a chance to roam free of course he’s gonna take it. And idk about u but if my alternate personality was constantly trying to shut me out and I finally got control, I probably too would try and keep my control for as long as possible. Also from what I have seen so far, not even moon is all that aggressive? Like he grabs you at the beginning, but I think that’s just his very ineffective way to get kids to sleep and other than that he just kinda stays away
Poor sunny baby is stuck in the ar world 🥺🥺 I didn’t notice at first but yeah everytime you talk to him it’s only in the ar world. And the end part where you switch them out for eclipse if you do that in the ar world, he says not for me it’s for moon.
I will say though I noticed the voice acting for them changed a little this game, like both have a higher pitch and are more goofy sounding? Like more gremlin energy than evil villainy. I wonder if that was on purpose? Both of them sounded more like the other so maybe that was the reason? Interest interest
Also their mouth moves?? Sort of?? That’s so silly to me they have a whole working mouth system and their face mask doesn’t work with at all 😭
Does give me lore intrigue tho cause like why do their mouths move but not anymore?? Did something happen?? Are they just not maintained enough?? They also move outward instead of up and down (at least from what I saw) so is the mechanism different?
Also the way that sun and moon talk about eachother is so interesting. Like moon says the light hurts “us” and sun says “no the other me” like they seem to almost consider eachother more connected than we first thought, like they’re not just coworkers or strangers they are almost like two sides of the same person. It’s very interesting and I wonder where people will take this.
Overall great job I’m so excited to comb through the game and find every little secret (especially regarding the dca) aaaa
Ok ok update moon does have a jump scare but it’s ridiculously hard to get and I’d still argue he’s not as vicious as he was base game. I mention in another post but eclipse being as kind as he is and being (presumably) a combination of both AIs, gives even more evidence moon is supposed to be kind and caring like his posters suggest but something went wrong. Also Cassie’s comments on their plushes show that there were kids who truly liked the daycare.
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snippit-crickit · 3 months
heyyy im just restating that I think you're really cool and awesome and I'm so happy to have discovered you and your really good cool vibe and art yeah
asda t thamk u,,,,,, honestly i needed that, tommorow im starting my first job ever and i dont know how's it gonna go so im anxious aaaaa h thank you, it makes me feel better <: ] reminder that i also love your vibe and that reading your comic every week brings me joy and it made me check out all the other comics you've reblogged:] I admire your work and storytelling so much <3 have some of these little fellas from my files, i have not stopped thinking about them
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lorre-verie · 1 year
i NEED more recent neteyam content from you, the 5 stages of love thing was just- UGH mwah mwah i love it
can i request neteyam x reader where neteyam's jealous bc reader has been hanging out with other people? but please make the ending happy, i beg (im recovering from your aonung series antics 😭)
everything else is completely up to you i trust ur judgement so much 🥰
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tysm anon AAAAA made me smile so much after reading this, i hope dearly that it doesn't disappoint!
“I will always love you.”
🗝 oneshot summary: seems you’ve been paying other people a whole lot more attention lately, and it’s making your dear boyfriend feel uneasy (jealous) inside. blablabla sweetie pie stuff happens, by the end of the night u two are cuddly lovey dovey again 💗
🌿 the lovely couple: neteyam x reader
📓 notes! - reader’s gender is not specified + no implications + no given name (used: [Y/N]) - takes place in the forest
🎞 word count: 2.3k
“Yo bro!” Lo’ak waved towards his older brother, Neteyam’s hair whipping around with his head as he turned to see what Lo’ak wanted. 
He was in the middle of rebraiding his hair in his family’s marui, something he would’ve asked you to do if he could even find you in the first place. 
Lately, you’d been really absorbed with developing your hunting skills, something he respected and never thought twice about, until now. 
“Did you and [Y/N] break up?” 
“What would even make you think such a thing like that?”  He completely abandoned his delicate ministrations through his hair, looking at his brother like he was insane. But deep down inside, he kinda wondered if you did too.
He rarely saw you these days, except for those fleeting moments where you two would wave at each other when passing by, and whenever he visited your tent you were never there. If he asked your friends they would constantly say you were out hunting, and he dropped his attempts at trying to find you. 
But seriously, hunting for almost the whole day for almost 3 weeks? There had to be SOMETHING else you’d been doing. 
“I never see you together anymore. N’ I heard from their friends there’s someone called Akxyeì in the picture. But if you did, there’s no shame in it bro, it’s all goo—”
Neteyam kicked him out of the tent. 
He huffed as he finished braiding his hair, not bothering to give it a last look before stomping out in search of you. Who the hell was Akxyeì?? 
Deep in his chest came a mixture of doubts and emotions regarding your relationship— had he not been showing you how much he loved you? How come you had to hang out with some other stupid dude? What if it was even worse, what if you were beginning to lose your interest in him? He would die without you, honestly. 
Or what if it was even worse, what if this Akxyeì character manipulated you into falling for him? He didn’t know whether what he was feeling was anger or sadness. But I’ll sum it up for you. 
Everyone stared at him as he stormed into the forest, the expression on his face taut and unreadable. The gossipping elders immediately got into their little groups, discussing what could possibly happen to the two of you in great interest. 
Not mud nor rain stopped him from tracking you, crouching along the forest floor, sniffing through the strong smell of rain in order to pick up your scent. The moment he found it, he bit back a growl; an unfamiliar scent was there with you.
He placed his hand on his forehead, taking deep breaths before heading in the direction you were supposed to be, reaching what the omaticayans dubbed the ‘lovers lake.’ He frowned remembering the nickname. 
Lo and behold, his love was crouched under a large leaf just near the opposite edge of the lake, a lovely smile on your face, like always, as you looked at the rain splashing in puddles on the dirt in front of you. 
Just the sight of you made his heart soar. But his mood quickly plummeted back down once he saw a na’vi boy crouched down behind you, also laughing at the predicament you were both in. 
He had half a mind to take his bow and shoot him in the crotch to ensure he wouldn’t ever be able to clone himself, but he had to bite back the urge. Instead, he resorted to letting out a heavy sigh. 
Just then, you looked up, eyes meeting with his as he stood far across the lake. A pang of guilt ran down your body, but it wasn’t like you were doing anything wrong, right? So then why did your heart drop fifty feet into the ground? 
Akxyeì’s laughter stopped once he saw the deathly stare Neteyam was giving him, which your boyfriend was satisfied with. But not satisfied enough. 
He turned his back on you both, disappearing into the thin fog that was starting to cloud the forest.
“..I have to go.” you whispered to Akxyeì, before diving head first into the lake to catch up with Neteyam. 
The only thing you thought about besides holding your breath was how angry Neteyam must’ve been with you. He totally misunderstood the situation, and it pained your heart to think of what he was thinking right now. You had to explain yourself as soon as possible. 
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You frantically searched through the camp, your heart racing with worry and fear. Light pitter patters of rain land on your face, causing you to wipe it every few seconds in order to be able to see. You called out Neteyam's name in every spot imaginable, even his own family’s marui, but he wasn’t there.
As you made your way from tent to tent, you couldn’t help but feel a sinking feeling of worry weighing down on your shoulders.
You checked the hunting groups, but Neteyam was nowhere to be seen. You asked the elders if they had seen him, but they claimed to not know anything. 
You were drenched from head to toe from your swim earlier, and the wind didn’t make it any better, shivers threatening to stop your search. The nosy elders murmured harshly at the sight of you this way, according to them you always seemed so put together. 
You finally make your way back to your own tent, hoping that maybe he might have gone there. Although it was unlikely, it was the only spot in camp you hadn’t checked. But as you pushed aside the flap, you were met with your empty home, no sign of your boyfriend anywhere. 
Panic began to set in as you realised that he was truly gone. You sat down, fingers pressed to your lips as you took in a deep breath, thinking of all the possible places he could be. 
He wasn’t anywhere in camp, so that would have to mean he was still out in the forest. But where? You couldn’t possibly— 
He might be at you guys' spot.
You hadn’t been there in what felt like years. It was where he asked to be your boyfriend. It was so silly of him; a smile crept up on your face as you hopped up through the trees, reminiscing the day. 
You were both admiring the night sky together, counting the stars, and he suddenly whispered, “Can I be your boyfriend?” 
Even now, he denies ever uttering those words, claiming it was a figment of your imagination, and that you heard what you wanted to hear. But you remembered vividly the way he nearly fell off the trunk of the tree when you said yes.
The grass underneath you turned into soft clumps of moss as you continued, the rain slowly stopping as eclipse took over the sky. Finally, you reached the two intertwining trees, standing underneath the archway. 
You didn’t have time to look up before you heard his voice among the cricketing insects. 
“[Y/N].” he said, his voice as low as a sigh, your ears flattening once you heard the utter distress from his throat.
You said nothing, instead climbing up the slanted tree, crouching and setting aside the leaves covering your view. 
And there he was, in all his glory. 
Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan.
His feet dangled over the edge of the tree trunk, his hands planted firmly at his sides. He was hunched over, staring blankly at the ground at which you stood before. 
“Neteyam—” you were barely able to finish saying his name before he interrupted you. 
“Did I do something?” he croaked out, his gaze fixed downwards. 
“What?” you blinked. What was he saying? 
“Of course not,” you said softly, sitting on a spot on the tree just inches from him, you looking directly at his crestfallen face. 
A tear ran down his cheek, reflected by the lights of the stars in the night. He wiped it away quickly, now looking to his left, so that you were met with only the back of his head. 
Your heart dropped at the sound of his sniffles. “Neteyam, Akxyeì is just a friend,” you started, trying to formulate the best way to try and explain the situation to him and then beg for his forgiveness. 
“It’s not about that.” he sucked in a breath in attempt to calm himself down. 
“Why have you been avoiding me?” 
Your heart felt like it was splitting into two. 
You’d constantly been reassuring yourself that you weren’t avoiding him, you were just hanging out with your own separate group of friends, but in truth you basically had been. 
“I’m not avoiding you,” you paused, sighing as you faced the fact that you were going to have to be truly honest with him about your feelings now. 
“I just…wanted to be seen.” 
At those words, he turned towards you, eyes glistening with tears. “Wh…What do you mean by that?” 
“With them, I feel like what I always wanted to be— A strong, brave warrior with talent. With them, I feel like I can just truly be myself, and I don’t have to hold back.” 
He looked at you, beckoning you to go on. 
Your eyes flickered down, unable to meet his eyes as you continued, “Sometimes when I’m out with you I feel like I have to keep up appearances. You’re the next olo’eyktan, the next leader for our people, and I feel like I’m always in your shadow.”
“I get comments from the elders like, “How is it dating the next in line for Olo’eyktan???”” you mocked their shrill voices with a face as you quoted their exact words, the corner of your boyfriend’s lips twitching up in amusement. 
“So..I don’t know. When I finally was seen as a leader myself, with Akxyeì and the others, it felt like I was…free. Free from the expectations that other people put on me.” you bit your lip, imagining how selfish you must’ve sounded to him right now. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Neteyam part his lips slightly.
“..I never knew you felt that way,” he half whispered, looking down at his hand and yours, suddenly aching to intertwine your fingers together.
“It’s..not that I didn’t like being with you, you make me so happy,” you let a small smile appear on your face, “It’s just that it makes me feel worse about myself when people only care that I’m your partner. They don’t see me.”
“So…that’s why I’ve been hanging out with my other friends,” the air felt awkward after you finished, and you felt like you had to add on to your words so that the atmosphere didn’t feel so..empty.
“ I’m sorry I didn’t tell you anything before.”
“.....So I take it you’re still in love with me?” 
You looked up at his totally unserious response, slightly baffled. He had a childishly wide grin on his face. The tears from earlier had already dried up, leaving no trace behind. 
Your mouth was open in surprise of his lighthearted reaction. Had he even heard anything you just said? 
“Just so you know, Akxyeì is totally not more attractive than me,” he pushed on, determined to see one thing and one thing only. 
Your beautiful smile.
And his not-so-cunning ploy worked, as a little grin made its way up onto your face. 
He placed his hand on top of yours, slightly gripping your fingers. “But in all seriousness, I’m sorry too.” 
His mesmerising eyes were widened ever so slightly, as if he was trying to take in more of the sight of you. 
“For what?” you mouthed, the volume of your words barely above a hum. 
“For not noticing how you felt. I’m supposed to be good at gauging other people’s emotions–” he sighed, before you stopped him mid sentence with one of your fingers to his lips. 
“That’s why I didn’t want to tell you anything. I was worried you’d feel even more pressured with having to worry about me too, besides everything else already going on,” you tilted your head downwards, glancing once more at the barely illuminated bark you sat on.. 
You wanted to tell him more, to explain further, but the doe look in his eyes as he gently took your finger off his mouth with his free hand told you he’d already understood everything. 
He flipped your hand around, placing a soft kiss on your wrist, maintaining full eye contact with you as he did it. The motion sent butterflies raging frantically in your stomach, the thrill causing you to blush slightly. 
“So. Tell me more about your friends.” he smirked, knowing the full extent of his charm and what it did to you. 
You breathed out, nodding before sitting directly next to him, your hips touching his. You began to recite to him all the fun little adventures you had with your hunting group, and the stupid things Akxyeì would get himself into. 
You couldn’t help but smirk a little bit whenever you felt Neteyam’s hand tighten its grip around yours whenever you mentioned the other boy. 
“And then, one other time- Teyam?” you felt his head weigh on your shoulder. Was he…asleep? 
A small pause followed as you stopped talking, and you just froze completely before narrowing your eyes. 
“..You aren’t asleep, are you?” you rolled your eyes, feeling a chuckle vibrate on your shoulder from his throat. 
You always knew how to read him, and he found it amusing that you were the only person he could never fool. It just added onto his everlasting appreciation for you. 
You watched him as he pulled his head up off your shoulder, smiling as he looked at your face with such fondness that it made you feel weightless. 
“I love you, [Y/N].”
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aw how sweet 😊 isn’t that so sweet?? i'm so sorry if this genuinely sucked ass cause i have no clue how to write sweet stuff..but thank u so much for your req anon! thank u all for 500+ followers, it truly means so much to me guys 😭🙏
i hope you guys enjoyed this! as always, thank u for stopping by my blog 💗💚
much love, lorre.
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dualityvn · 4 months
Fucking. Sorry I'm just so insane about these guys and the fact I found a really cool Yandere vn with the option to go Yandere yourself (Which?? The fact the NSFW in the demo is in the bad ends is??? So fucking cool to me??? Like. Genuinely bro??? God that's so fucking cool) And the fact you will be adding an ending where you can have both of them has my entire heart </3 I don't like having to choose and fuck just finding a poly yandere vn is so cool to me even if in only one ending I love these two sm I've only had them for a few days but I would kill and die for them. Fuck. This is everything I've ever wanted in life nothing gets better than this
2 things in one ask I guess just to spill my thoughts at you if you're cool with that, autistic brain rot goes crazy you've received weirder asks I'm sure
1. Scenario like. Where somehow MC doesn't snap initially after the waitress gives Keith her number but comes close to it and after seeing the same waitress maybe mistreat Tenebris or smth just goes apeshit, maybe tortures them as a show for the two of them as a treat </3 Or records it to give later as like a birthday present or smth when the wound is less sensitive. Listen I don't get enough poly yandere content so i'm latching on to wanting to date both of these men we can have more wholesome things later
2. How wouwd thewse two weact to uwuspeak on a scawe of unphased to howwified
Aaaaa, your excitement makes me very happy, anon!!! I do think we need more poly content in dating sims. And yes yes, the MC gets to act yan all throughout the game, if the player wishes!
As for your scenarios, it's definitely better to give them a recording of it. Their reactions can honestly vary. If it comes out of nowhere and they've had no knowledge of you being capable of such things prior, they're both going to be very shocked. I can't go into too much detail, because I don't wanna spoil things.
And for the second one, Tenebris would raise an eyebrow and ask if you've hurt your tongue.
Keith would find it mildly amusing if you do it for a short time and sort of odd if you do it all the time.
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thisismeracing · 1 year
King of my heart | MS47 | part. 13
Pairing: mick schumacher x hamilton!reader (she/her)
Warnings: curse words, twitter environment, mention of food, not proofread etc, etc. Minors DNI!
summary: The media is getting enough content to make Yn decide to take a step back from social media and everything that can further expose her personal life. Besides that, she has to deal with ghosts from the past and the curious gazes of fans who start to connect the dots when enough data is gathered.
a/n: none of the pictures used are mine, they are all from Pinterest and other apps. everything else is made up by me and I do not give permission for it to be published on a different platform. I would appreciate it if those things could be taken into consideration 💛
a/n2: I tried some new tolls on this chapter (gossip websites and other social media profiles), so please let me know if you guys like it or if it was better the way I was doing it before.
a/n3: The angsty season is about to begin, so get ready!!! I have the next chapter almost ready, so we're gonna try something new: as soon as this chapter hits 100 notes I'm posting the new one.
ALSO, I'm really thankful for all the likes, reblogs, and comments on Komh, it means a lot and it motivates me to keep writing. Thank you, guys! *mwah* 💖💗
part. 12 | series masterlist | part. 14 | taglist
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liked by zendaya, lewishamilton, and others
theofficialyn recharging the energies with the fam 🤍
view all 4,496 comments
hammertim3 Forever thankful to you for feeding us some wholesome Lewis content 🙏🏾
mickshoemaker not to start drama or anything, but the first picture…and the sixth…am I the only one seeing Mick’s hands?
⤷ parisyn you guys are reaching, this is getting out of hand. just top
lewishamilton I love you to infinity, bitsy 🖤
swiftieeras Yn wearing skinny jeans is something else 😍
summerseasonf1 It’s so good to see them happy
roscoelovescoco I love’s spending’s time’s with you’s, aunties Yns 🧡🧡
user1999 why are the polaroids face down in the fourth pic?
⤷ mickceded because it's none of our business. y’all too curious
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liked by charles_leclerc, normani, and others
theofficialyn All tested and perfectly ready for the collection's launch on August. For more info visit ynthebrand.com
view all 5,204 comments
user0 These heels look lowkey ugly, and let's not even get on the unsafe portion
lewishamilton so proud of you ❤️
queenyn I loved how she went full mode on the colours, there are just enough options and they are all so pretty aaaaa
francisca.cgomes I am so ready for those boots to come out!!!! Loving everything, Yn 😍
⤷ hammermilton all the wags supporting Yn, brb I'm gonna cry
hater12 those green heels are horrendous 🤢🤢
user45 those are regular shoes, nothing much about them...I don't see why everyone praises Yn, honestly
user1 overrated.
huser99 🤮🤮🤮🤮
leferrariclerc We rarely get mickyn interactions anymore and I blame it on the lack of limits from some of you on the fandom 😭
⤷ schumini he doesn't even like her stuff anymore 💔
username3 Those all jeans outfit lmao you guys call it style? she dress as bad as lewis 🤡🤣
ynfrance whats up with all the hate?????????? Yn deserves better!
⤷ swiftieracing I think the haters finally were able to catch up with the news that she's lewis sister and so she got his fans but his haters as well.
⤷ verstopping I honestly don't understand why people hate on Lewis, much less on Yn now
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taglist: @sachaa-ff @ferrariloverr @kenanlotus0 @mickslover @mellowpizzapuppy @dalsuwaha @formulakay3 @mishaandthebrits @iloveyou3000morgan @crimeshowjunkie
Get ready for some angsty chapters <3
I have the next one almost ready, so we're gonna try something new: as soon as this chapter hits 100 notes I'm posting the new one. Let's do this, I'm excited (but also kinda insecure) about the next one, fingers crossed you guys will like it 😘.
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 3 months
I just read the most recent chapter of your sk! boys' fic, and I just gotta say that those boys mean so much to me- I love them to absolute pieces.
Also, you mentioned in your note that you spent a bunch of time researching for the forensics portion and I respect that so much honestly.
Great fic- and artwork! I like the inclusion of your art within the fic itself, a use of visual aid that I don't often see in fics, but I enjoy very much. Also the way you draw them is so cute! I would never suspect them tehe.
Seeing the way the brothers care for each other truly warms my heart, I love the way you portray their relationship.
Keep on keepin on, and make sure you're taking care of yourself!
aaaaa thank you! I'm happy people love them! ^w^
and I'm so glad that the deep dives into forensic research were worth it QwQ it felt cheap to just make up stuff about it.
thank you! It started with the sample writing I did way back when and decided to just commit to doing so for the chapters. I'm glad it's something that sorta sticks out, I guess <3
and ye, the boys have been through a lot together, which you will learn about as the story progresses. No matter what they have each other's backs.
thanks so so much!!! <3
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inkbagel · 16 days
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I drew a postcard for my show :) the concert was really amazing I had so much fun. Genuinely one of the best nights of my life.
Idk if people want to avoid spoilers so I’ll put my rants below.
It was so AWESMOEE I have so many thoughts on each and every songgg that was my first concert experience EVER and ohh man it was spectacular
Heathens was SO GOOD LIVE. Was genuinely my favorite part of the show and HEATHENS ISNT EVEN MY FAVORITE!!! like I don’t dislike any of their songs but I have a very long list of favorites and heathens is not in it. However that being said it was spectacular. I had the most fun during that song I think that song was actually made to be played live and not for suicide squad
The transition from heathens to next semester is so so good. I didn’t notice the similarities in those songs until they were back to back. I do really wish they had played all of next semester instead of like. Half the song but it’s okay the rest of the night made up for it
THEY PLAYED GUNS FOR HANDSSS THAT SKNG MEANS SO MUCH TO MEEEE AAAAAAA I almost started crying when I heard the tune it was so so good. That song genuinely like. Made me realize so many things about myself. I’m so glad I got to hear it live
EVERYONE WAS SO NICE DURING TREES!! I saw so many clips from LA and it looked like hell for those two but everyone was really respectful here and Tyler even started picking people around the circle to stand closest to the islands and I thought that was so sweet
The thing with the lights in mulberry street was so cool. Honestly the whole show was so interactive he kept calling to specific parts of the stadium and had certain people doing certain things I loved it. Tyler really made sure that even the people wayyyy in the back were having fun and that the people in the pit were getting their moneys worth
After the proctologist line Tyler yelled GROSS!!!! Really loudly and I thought that was funny. He then said “you guys are wayy cooler than me. The only difference is I’m on a stage and you’re not you guys are better than me. Anyway we’re taking a photo losers.” I love him
Right before the show started Josh said into the mic WHATS YOUR ETA? TWO MINUTES! And that was really cute
OVERCOMPENSATE LIVE. HFJSJSJJDK AKAKGKFKDKEJRJFJFJFJFJFJ THAT WAS SO GOODDD. I saw some clips from other shows where he jumped off his piano and caught the microphone mid air and while he didn’t do that here he def made up for it bc that performance was AMAZINGK.
I think he might’ve been feeling a little unwell or smth because he was definitely not as acrobatic as in clips from other nights BUT I DIDNT MIND! HE STILL DID AMAZING ANYWAY and honestly I could NOT be performing like that if I was sick so I think it’s more impressive if he’s actually not doing good. He’s actually insane
During vignette he did grab the keyboard and play it on the floor again I’m like 90% certain he knows the fandom thinks he’s a catboy and plays into it. Bc sir. You are NOT beating the cat allegations. Get off the floor and play your keyboard standing up like a REAL MAN /silly I loved that part actually
I actually started crying when he played addict with a pen. It was so good. That song means so much to me.
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I have not put enough Josh Dun appreciation in this post and for that I am truly sorry Josh Dun you were amazing the whole night you were so energetic your backflip was the best part of the night you were awesome
I think I’ve said it before but everyone screaming “our brains are sick but that’s okay” was so surreal. Like wow I’m sitting in a stadium FULL of people and every single one of them treasures this band just as much as I do. Idk man there’s something so amazing about that. It really felt so amazing. I’ve never before felt like I was the same as a whole crowd of people. We’re all going through our own things but we’re all still here. We’re still alive and we’re still fighting. And tonight we’re fighting together. I loved it
Midwest indigo <3 that song was MADE to be played live I got chills it was so good
This post is getting kind of long and I’m tired so I’m ending it with this picture of Clancy with the glowing microphone I drew :) as a first time concert experience the Clancy world tour was life changing and I am never going to be the same person I was before the concert
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coff-in · 4 months
Oh my god can that be my name? Devious Anon? <<<< I mean if you wanna kiss I'm not gonna say no.../j Also that's such a mood this game constantly invades my mind during working daytime hours, thank fuck I am done with finals sooo for now I have some time to fuck around :D Okok so first and foremost, I think the main reason Andrew might not kill baby sis reader is because he thinks she doesn't deserve to be dragged into their old sibling bullshit. Reader is still playing angel most of the time, so Andrew mostly thinks of her as innocent and she still has her whole life ahead of her! I like to think he would at least leave her some sort of message before he kills Ashley and them himself, but she doesn't take well to it because her siblings are dead and that was her whole life and now there's no life ahead of her! (This is compounded if Andrew was her favorite sibling and left the message behind because I think there's an extra layer here of "you'd die for Ashley but leave me behind, so clearly you care about her more than you care about me" and by god will she chase him to hell to terrorize him about this.) I WROTE THAT LINE BC ANDREW'S IN MY MIND WITHOUT RENT 24/7 LIKE AAAAA THIS MAN HAS NO RIGHT!! BEING!! SO DATEABLE!! Like hell I can't blame Ashley or Julia I just-rrrrghh. I read one of your past posts where you mentioned Andrew eating the reader out and all I can think of is him telling her that he'll take such good care of her and to relax when she wakes up to him eating her out first thing in the morning. Anyway. Ahem. Excuse me for that horny thought. If devious baby sis is left behind with the not-favorite sibling...I think she ultimately still loves both her siblings, just unbalanced, so she'll still stick around, but eventually the sibling will kind of realize that reader has lost her light. She can't joke around as much, she stops being a little shit, she's helpful and clings close and gives the sibling affection but there's some measure of distance unlike before (she probably also holds some hidden resentment towards the surviving sibling). This could ultimately go three ways—the surviving sibling eventually patches up with her and becomes her favorite sibling/or at least on equal grounds with the dead sibling (good ending), the surviving sibling goes off the rails as the realization that their baby sister no longer loves them (and maybe never did love them) the way they always thought she would (kinda bad ending bc I can see Andrew resigning himself to this, maybe thinking this is what he deserves, but for Ashley, this is another slap to the face because once again, not even her own little sister puts her first), or little sis reader eventually can't take it and kills herself (bad ending for sure bc I don't think Ashley or Andrew will be sticking around for long after that.)
notes from coff-in: AAAAAHHHHH DEVIOUS ANON DEVIOUS ANON WELCOME TO THE COFFIN!!!! im so happy to have you here! i was honestly refreshing tumblr on my phone waiting to see how'd you respond to my post im sorry!! tcoaal has been a daily in my life for a month now, like ive never been to attached to a piece of media this hard before (besides homestuck) ah anyway, your ask! my response!
[fem] reader-insert, [devious younger sister reader] continued, incest, NSFW, murder
andrew leaving a note for baby sis [reader] would fuck her up SOO MUCH, like holy fuck. this has gotten me thinking about how, what if, reader killed ashley for andrew? like classic yandere style stuff: [reader] sees ashley getting under andrew's skin and pushing his buttons and making him mad. when ashley goes to have her vision she sees [reader] chasing after her instead! "i don't know why you insist on pushing him so much, leyley. why can't you be a good girl like me and do as he says? hm? maybe it's cause you don't love him as much as i do... i'm pretty sure no one ever will really." i'm not the best with dialogue but like GGRRRRRRR I CAN SEE IT IN MY MIND
ashley would then have to worry about andrew leaving her AND her little sis possibly killing her! that's not even taking into accounts andrew's reaction to it since the visions always end after ashley dies... would he resent [reader] for killing ashley? would he kill her in turn and then himself? WHAT IF ASHLEY DEFENDED HERSELF AND KILLED [READER] IN THE VISION??? im really going into hyperdrive thinking all these thoughts
also never apologize for horny in my inbox, this whole blog is my excuse to write porn about me and the graves siblings (and now you guys too!! yay!!! :D) i saw it come up on the tcoaal subreddit that andrew would eat pussy and it just made so much sense in my head. i headcanon that andrew likes to eat pussy (idk if he's any good but he's eager to learn) and is an ass man. i mean he talks about ashley's fat ass in the motel room, and how he would slap her cheeks when climbing into their parent's house, AND THE SCENE WHERE HIS FINGERS ARE THROUGH ASHELY'S BELT LOOPS!!! god i can imagine his waking up baby sis [reader] with the most sloppiest head ever, rubbing her thighs and saying how he's "gonna be a good big brother and take care of you"
he's biting her inner thighs and sucking on her clit/dick (for all the lovely little sisters who have one) and just GRRRR ITS NOT FAIR HE'S NOT REAL!!! he tells her to "be a good girl and cum, cum in big brother's mouth" and i just... [reader]'s going to have to most intense orgasm ever because it's an absolute dream come true for her!!! probably passes out due to how hard she came... and it's only fair that she returns the favor when she wakes up, no? ;)
i can see the awkward and silent car rides with [reader] and her least/second favorite sibling. the empty space between that used to be filled with their bickering and laughs is just... quiet now. they ask her what's wrong and she just continues staring ahead of her until she lets out a silent, almost missable "i miss andrew/ashley..." i actually don't know how much more angst i can write until it becomes a full on oc/reader insert fic (man if only someone could write what they wanna see *looks in the mirror*)
ah... but thank you so much devious anon for adding ur brainworms to this blog, they have throughly burrowed their way into my head. and i dont want them to leave :) (*makes out sloppily with you*)
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goldenempyrean · 2 years
aaaaa hi!! i love all the work you put out <3 also saw that requests are now open soooo can i request the prompt “naps are only for babies and old people. im neither.” for wanda and sick reader? pretty please?
“Make me.” 
〚 Notes - Sorry this is a little short but I thought it was still super cute. This rec's been gathering dust in my inbox so I'm glad its finally done! I haven't edited this yet so beware of errors :p 〛
〚 Summary - You're sick and refusing to rest but Wanda isn't about to let that continue for long. So you'd better watch your words.〛
〚 Wordcount - 655 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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“Go lie down before I make you.” Wanda huffed in annoyance you sat at the meeting table with your arms crossed defiantly, red nosed and sniffly, “You’re not being in the meeting, that’s final.” 
“That’s not for you to decide.” You replied with a little more bite then intended before turning away from the table to let out a few chesty coughs which only made the burning in the back of your throat intensity tenfold, “I need to be here.” 
“No you don’t.” Wanda groaned, “This meeting isn’t even important for a start so I don’t know why you’re being so stubborn when you’re obviously feeling terrible.” 
“I don’t feel terrible,” Well, that was obviously a lie, “It doesn’t matter if it’s not important, I'm part of the team so I should be herehh- HHeh’schoo!” 
You heard your girlfriend sigh as you sneezed, “It’s not that we don’t want you here, I even offered to come lay down with you. But you’re literally contagious Y/N,” She explained, her eyes casting over to where Maria was sat, currently being lectured by Nat to go rest herself, “You’re probably already infected half the agents here so please, can you just go and rest.” 
You did feel a little bad about that. Being aware of your own germs wasn’t really at the top of your priority list so you hadn’t even noticed that the agents around the compound had been all catching your cold. But still, you’d never missed a meeting before and your fever-fogged brain wasn’t about to ruin that streak, “Naps are only for babies and old people. im neither.” 
Your girlfriend shook her head again, clearly her patience had run out, “Y/N, this is the last I’ll ask nicely. Get your ass to bed now.” 
You should’ve known to watch your words when Wanda used that tone, it was obvious that she really was at the end of her tether. But your foggy mind didn’t pick up on the fact and your next words made the whole room fall suddenly silent. 
“Make me.” 
Wanda's eyes turn hard and her tone sharp when you challenge her. "You want to be an infant and be made to do something? Fine." The next thing you knew, there was a red glow surrounding your body as you were hoisted into the air, hovering several feet from your chair, “You’re going to bed one way or another.” 
“Put me down now.” You almost growled the words as Wanda continued to hold you in the grasp on her magic. 
But your girlfriend only shook her head as she kept you safely in her hold, slowly guiding you out of the meeting room and in the obvious direction back to your bedroom as she carefully followed behind. “Nope, sorry sweetie but if you’re going to be a pain in my ass about not resting then this is the only solution.” 
A soft groan of defeat escapes your lips. As Wanda carries you through the corridor and into the bedroom, you tried not to whine any further. Her magic is so powerful, you couldn't escape even if you wanted to; and honestly... you don't want to. The bed is cosy and inviting. Your tired body welcomed the plush linen as she placed you on the duvet, a deep sigh rumbling from your chest as you sink into the bed, “Wands?” 
“Yes, my love?” You can see it in her eyes that she isn't mad anymore, just happy that you’re finally in bed. 
“Can you stay?” 
Of course," Wanda replies affectionately, leaning down to kiss your head. She lingers there for a moment, rubbing her cheek against the crown of your head. Your fever will surely break soon, and you can already feel yourself beginning to breathe easier. Soon, the exhaustion will start to set in and you’d fall into a gentle asleep against the woman who loved you most in the world. 
〖 Join My Taglist! 〗@sayah13 @scrambled-brain-eggs @natashamyl0ve @shin-conan-kun @bloomingflowersthings @kathleenmikaelson @shamelessbearunknown @inluvwithfictionalwomen @ceiestiaie @fluffyblanketgecko @kljhsong @santana1437 
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rakkuntoast · 6 months
Your talks about Missa's mischaracterization are exactly why I made a post specifically asking for Missa mains to give me their analyses for me to reference in Awake Me From My Nightmare.
I even went as far as to slap some parts of the post in Google Translate encouraging Spanish qsmp fans to reply to me and I'd just have someone translate their analysis for me. Which I did (thank u Kami ily). And I was so fucking happy when more of my responses came from Spanish speaking fans than English. Peak QSMP moment <3
But anyway yeah. Missa's characterization has been lowkey my biggest concern writing the fic tbh. I wanna do him justice. He definitely isn't written as a pathetic woobified uwu cinnamon roll, that's for sure.
I've been staring very hard at the paragraphs people gave me on his character and I THINK I've been doing a decent job at balancing the "gets overwhelmed by things" wet cat side Crows see AND the "um actually he could kick your ass and can be a bitchy little shit" reality?? Mans is getting lots of moments where he's like "fuck this" and gets ready to Literally Fight God. There's still lots of tears, but like, if YOUR husband was in front of you covered in his own blood and lookin like he's rapidly wasting away in real time, you'd be an emotional wreck too. So I'm decently confident in his characterization, but I still have that "AAAAA I HOPE I'M DOING THIS RIGHT" worry. 100% gonna be clinging to comments from readers about if I did him justice. So far I've characterized everyone (Phil, Fit, Etoiles) super well according to readers. 😭🙏🏻 Hoping I keep up the streak with Missa in Chapter 3.
The discussion you've been having is exactly why I'm doing my best to do him actual justice. And I might actually read back through your posts and translate the Spanish bits just to get even more insight. I don't see enough people talking about qMissa like this.
And on a semi-related note, GOD I wish there were more YouTube clip compilations of Missa moments. Like idec if they're not just qsmp, I want more of them in general!! Idk if I just wasn't searching well enough or what but when I went looking a while back, there were MAYBE 2 videos at all, let alone Eng subtitled so I could understand them. And rooting through Tumblr for clips is a pain. 💀
Tldr thanks for talking abt this Rakk, this is exactly why I've been busting my ass trying to not write Missa reduced to one trait or the other. Tbh I've been seeking out proper analysis/understanding of qMissa even before I was writing him in a fic. Bc I KNOW what we Crows see is a fraction of his character.
ISAAAA you're doing God's work honestly, the "fights God through tears" is peak qmissa characterization akfknsjx
I do think we need more translated Missa content, sadly like the best thing you can get is qsmp clips translated or someone on twt decided to translate this one bit from his videos (like him having a crush on a pineapple)
it's sad that it doesn't get talked about how clever the guy is and while the fix is pretty easy (just getting more missasaurios to talk about him) it's just a case of bothering to translate stuff cuz that shit takes time and effort
as well as missa's miscaracterization not being talked about as much cuz a lot of the ppl who talk abt him are English crows who think he's a sopping wet cat<- i am BEGGING for people to unlearn this word it's making me insane
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fainthedcherry · 5 months
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Alex + Mushu (OCs) ft. the 4 official 2012 torts!!!
I've been in turtle-fever as you can tell,,, I finished this last week actually!!! I was doodling Marco and Niraj this week instead. BUT ALAS...HAVE A POST!!! HOLY CRAP GUYS I'M NOT DEAD AND I'M POSTING FREQUENTLY THIS MONTH!! AND ACTUALLY EXPRESSING MY INTEREST IN FANDOMS FOR ONCE AGAIN!! I might post something TMNT related Tuesday again!! ;D
No srsly why tf is it so hard for me to draw official characters instead of only drawing OCs, it's a curse for me sefklsdlkg
JUST AN IDEA I HAD TO DRAW THIS...NOTHING REALLY SUPER COMPLEX CAME TO MIND. Instead, I accidentally made the doodle w/ Raph 3-VP perspective, had to fix a bunch of lines, gave up on others. THIS WAS DRAWN WO/ A RULER AND YOU CAN TELL. SO DON'T MIND CRAPPY PERSPECTIVE INCONSISTENCY. I swear I can actually draw perspectives like a professional, I just choose to spend as little time as possible on paper. I hate drawing traditionally on paper, but I still force myself to stay in-practice, bc I get more organic ideas through that way. References are more of a digital-art thing for me...AAaaa dsrgrgkloj
I'm REALLY proud of Mikey here!!! My fav boi looks rlly good here,,, 😭
This is only like the 3rd time I've ever drawn these boys in my life!! I think this is a not bad start toward my cringe-embracing era. xD
Hope you don't mind me adding tags of the boys!! I just,,, am so happy I'll be able to!!!!!!!!!! JUST. JUST FINALLY I'VE DRAWN THEM IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY I FINALLY DARED TAKE THE STEP
Also adding TMNT OC tags,, hope you don't mind, I'm not trying to shill I swear, I just really like tagging my art honestly. 😭
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toothlespoggers · 6 months
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I love the ninjago writers SO MUCH if anyone has like any information on the behind the scenes decisions and stuff that’s gone into the development of this season that’s changed and improved the previous issues tell me I wanna know! Argh I’m so happy, they finally gave Cole a family outside of the ninja team because let’s be real Cole was kinda sidelined for ages he needs a nice family of people who respect him and also he needs a hot purple boyfriend to look after him!
Lloyd isn’t an npc, he’s a human being with flaws?? Like actual? Logical? Flaws? He’s not just a main character anymore?? His flaws aren’t even super annoying either. And like CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW FUNNY IT IS THAT TIKTOK AND YOUTUBE CANONICALLY EXIST? THE NINJA ARE LIKE, TUMBLR SEXYMEN??? IN THE LEGO UNIVERSE?? THATS SO FUNNY, WHAT?
all the jokes feel like actual people talking, the writing feels natural for the first time in years! Zane isn’t constantly abused, he’s happy and frog man is the best character and if Lego doesn’t immediately release mini figures for frohicky and all the other minor characters that are pretty important I’m going to Sue.
also I haven’t watched the next episode but if it doesn’t explain what happened with Zane to end up with a frohicky plushie I’m going to go ballistic, alright?
Hot take but I’m glad Jay isn’t there anymore ik he’s probably going to come back but he’s honestly the worst ninja nowadays. And also, KAI CHARACTER ARC FIXED??
KAI ISNT INSUFFERABLE UNLEARNING AND RUDE ANYMORE HES AN ACTUAL GROWING CHANGING PERSON NOW, AND LIKE I USED TO HATE THE SELF INSERT NEW GUYS BUT THEYRE SO WELL WRITTEN NOW IT JUST MAKES ME LIKE EM’ and sure Aaron can get a little annoying but he’s so autistic coded like openly autistic coded he’s like “is there a social cue I’m not picking up on?” COME ON, MAN. COME ON!!
also like I said, girlie, baby, Sora, honey, you are the GOAT. WE STAN!
also if something ever happened to Zane couldnt sora just like, fix him on the spot?
my only complaint is the fact the ninja haven’t just taken off the masks before the wolf people turn all magic-y like bbg just take it off.
also that skeleton lady kinda..
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Look I’m an undertale fan I have skeleton brainrot, ok? Don’t judge me
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okay, I just finished watching the finale, so here are all my thoughts plus little rewrites. also Trevor is officially transfem in my brain so she's Tatyana now, idk I don't make the rules.
Tomjake: I dunno I still don't like the ship nearly as much as I did when i first watched dvsc, I think it's got far too much screen time and precedence over the series. but it does make sense for their spinoff, and honestly, their closing arc wasn't terrible. as always, found it overly rushed, but with the emotions I guess it could make sense...idk if anything I'd just slowburn that shit. make it worth watching!!
Tom (Himself): I'm sorry but when the hell did he get WATERBOARDED? this show I swear to god...that isn't slapstick comedy ONC 😭💀 that's some serious shit why hasn't it come up at ALL?! like come on!! I would give Tom some discomfort around water, and at least a small discussion about it, ffs
Ally: idk if this is a rewrite but "you can have your yaoi moment later" is on par with "thank you I'm going there" and I love it. she needs more one liners
Gabellie: RAAAAHHH let's go lesbians!! sad Gabby got bit by the tiger but the screen time they get is everything to me, they needed more of this and I would so add that if I could
Tatyana and Emily: as always I love her, she's so silly to me and very dear to my heart. I love that she's still kind to Emily but also calls her out on her shit. kinda building on what I've talked about with Emily but I'd love to have Tatyana be her voice of reason when she's living in this revenge and rage filled part of her mind. in a rewrite I think I would definitely have Tatyana talk Emily down before the scorpions so she isn't hurt, and Tatyana quits, Emily doesn't go to prison, Emilyana is endgame and I'm happy <3
Riya: not pleased she won, I doubt most people are. but unfortunately it's probably the most satisfying end to her arc. I like that even Krystal isn't happy with her winning, and Connor finally is done with her. the only thing I'd change is that Eesha doesn't call her, so she really has no one except her fame.
Alec and Fiore: AAAAA I love them so much, Fiore caring about him, Alec finally adopting her, the bus scene and him carrying her, this is literally my lifeblood and my soul rn. I wouldn't change a damn thing, it's amazing <333
Krystal/Other Staff: I love the way her arc ends with deciding to change the way she's gonna do things, quitting DSVC and letting in new hosts. another very satisfying end for me honestly. if I had anything to nitpick, for the scene on the plane, I'd put her in the dress she's wearing in the S2 finale, just because it's pretty and I think it helps her come full circle as a character, plus it suits the trip to Cancun!
The End Photos: I also love that, love seeing Lill and Nick a bit, all the cute little end story pieces for the characters. I'd just add more honestly, I love the idea!!
y'all should see the notes I took while watching this finale honestly, I was going feral– I kept screeching and talking out loud 💀
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love all your thoughts pumpkin anon, emilyana is real to us and we all love fiore and alec. also ur not alone in screeching and talking to yourself cuz i genuinely had to repress a scream at all those fiore & alec scenes. i love you grumpy middle aged man adopting a quirky little girl trope
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akanemnon · 1 year
Okay enough of the big words, you AU is so good! The artstyle is great you have even inspired me to make an AU myself, and I won't say where to find it as I don't wanna self advertise on your ask blog.
TLDR; Your comic is great, amazingly drawn and inspired an AU I made.
Thank you so much! Inspiring other people is honestly the biggest compliment any artist can get, so I'm super happy to hear this silly little series inspired you too!
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old-poptart · 2 years
hanako/tsukasa(and if possible boy!akane) x a Brazilian reader?? like, who has a stronger accent, and has weird habits aaaaa I'm going to die 🦄
a/n: YIPPEE YAY!!!! WE LOVE LATINOS RAHHHHHH, dont die dawg 😓
warnings: none i could think of
Hanako 🌺, Tsukasa 🥀, and Akane Aoi 👓 with a Brazilian reader (gender neutral):
Hanako 🌺:
"gorgeous.. absolutely gorgeous"
he thinks it's so cool that you're brazilian!!!
he honestly sees it as a pro, having a hot ahh latino s/o is a win in his book
hanako would wanna learn how to speak portuguese (it's so that he can flirt with you more in the language)
correct his pronunciation please he's butchering it so much
your accent is so cute!! he loves hearing it, he'd make up stupid excuses to hear you talk more ☠️
"really? and how do you say 'i have the best and hottest boyfriend in the world and i would never give him up for anything'?"
loves to tease you about it though, nothing about you is safe from his teasing ahh 😹
hanako would love to try any dishes from there, especially the ones you like
"is there anything like donuts???"
if you celebrate any traditions, he would love to celebrate them with you! you're such a pleasure to be around~
all in all, he loves you and your habits, ya goober
Tsukasa 🥀:
"ooo that's interesting!! you interest me as well~"
big question asker dawg
you better have some snacks with you it's gonna be a long ride of questions ranging from your mother tongue to what do you do to celebrate events
he will do whatever in his power to get you anything remotely similar to your favorite brazilian foods or lil trinkets
"look s/o!! i got you some maria mole!!"
"tsukasa that's just a marshmallow-"
he's tryin dawg give him some credit
does not understand what you say whenever you speak your mother tongue but always smiles when you do
like hanako, he thinks your accent is very cute!! the way you pronounce your words brings a blush to his ghostly face
tsukasa himself is weird too, so he would gladly partake in any questionable activities you have planned
he would learn any dances that interest you so that he can show off his moves to you
he's moving like a twig please help him
Akane Aoi 👓:
"oh please, enlighten me!"
i have a suspicion that akane has some portuguese up his sleeve
it's a bit rusty bear with him he's trying his best, he wants to impress you 😓
he loves to learn about your culture!! no matter what you talk to him about, whether it's your favorite food or event, he's all ears
akane would love to attend any events with you in his free time
"oh ive seen this dance before!! it looks marvelous"
dawg is so in love with you
i can see that different dialects fascinate him, so when he hears your voice he can't help but smile and giggle like a lil girl
if you're ever insecure about your accent, he'll reassure you a ton!! positive affirmations being whispered between your lips as you two kiss, how romantic~
he'd be more than happy to try out some dishes!!
he'd learn to cook your favorite dish
overall, he loves you and your goofy lil antics. what a cute couple~
-ooga :D
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