#aaand i still need to explain this AU :
tstain-is-an-idiot · 9 months
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Joybuzz Harold, but he somewhat has a design now
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ouroborosman · 1 year
Actor!Wally AU Story Lore!
Okay!!! I've been sitting on a bunch of unfinished images but I wanna share this now! I'll update the pics as they get finished~
Here's the story lore for Jay in the Actor Wally AU!
Wally actor AU created by @frillsand!
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Jay is a 20-something that moved to a larger city about a year or two ago. She was born and raised in a pretty small town, and being the oldest of her two other siblings, was set to inherit the farm her family owned. She really hated how secluded she was from everything, and decided to set off to a nearby city to make something of herself. She might even go to college, she told them!
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The learning curve was really harsh to this formerly-sheltered girl. She brought some money with her she saved up, but that was gone before she knew it. She luckily managed to get a job and apartment before actually becoming homeless.
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 One thing she had always liked was crafting and sewing and found herself doing such in her free time. She got fairly good at it. It was one day she ran into one of her puppet neighbors that had managed to get a pretty large tear in their arm. She offered to fix them up! Word spread around and soon enough Jay had a little community of puppets around her asking for repairs and she happily obliged.
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This actually worked out well for Jay. Eventually she had puppets asking for cosmetic things, like decorative embroidery and such on their bodies. Jay charged a small fee for these services. Word got around enough that Jay actually got accepted for temporary jobs that she applied for, and she basically became an independent contractor of sorts. Along with her cosmetic services and selling her plushies she began making, she made an okay living.
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Later she gets accepted to a ‘floater’ position for Welcome Home Productions, covering for people that call in. Normally she would probably bounce from how stressful the set is, but the better pay and more reliable work opportunities keeps her there for now. Plus, she enjoys her tasks at work! She often makes props, consults for costume designing, and other things alike.
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Jay of course knew of Wally Darling before, often passing him by or watching as he worked on set. His reputation and behavior toward staff kept her pretty wary of him and she steered clear.
Too bad that she was covering for his seamstress one day! And how unfortunate that she needed to fix up an outfit he was currently wearing! Lmao. She really did expect him to bite her head off, but much to her surprise he wasn’t too bad. Small talk between them led to her explaining the other odd jobs and commissions she takes, as well as an off-hand mention about mending puppet injuries. Wally takes a bit of interest in that, how strange that a human chooses to do that? As soon as she’s done with the costume fix up she skitters off because he still intimidates her lol.
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Seeing that he wasn’t as bad as his reputation said, Jay forms a little crush on him throughout her time on set. She jumped at the opportunity of a blind date with him! He’s awkward and she finds it cute and flirts with him a bit. Probably after this date, they became somewhat friendlier towards each other and chat at work when they get the chance.
(pic soon to come maybe!)
Aaand that’s the base story in my head! I think leaving it open-ended makes it fun to imagine different scenarios! Thanks for listening to my brainrot if you made it this far!! <3
Other little factoids that will probably never be relevant to the main story:
Jay freaking loves bugs!! She’d become an entomologist if given the opportunity. School is expensive, though!
Jay keeps a few pet insects and has a cat
Though she has a little community of puppet neighbors for company, Jay lives alone. She gets really lonely sometimes, as her best friends became long distance when she moved
Maybe her loneliness is why she has so many plushies. She basically is surrounded by them when she sleeps.
She is quiet and polite to associates. To friends, she indulges in strange humor and is pretty goofy. She’s a bit too sensitive for her own good and will get pretty sad if she thinks her friends are upset with her.
Jay’s clothing style is a mishmash of cutesy-pastel and punkish. She likes fem and androgynous clothes best. She can’t afford many outfits anyways tho-
Jay loves biology and nature. She spends most of her time inside doing work and hobby stuff, though
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kalisseo · 6 months
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some more ideas of my au, for s2 I have a clear vision for my version of most of the episodes but with s3... honestly I just want to re write ALL that lol
explaining some eps:
in bible humpers I loved Lady Godiva but honestly when I heard that religion was going to be a main theme in S3 i expected Jesus to be the protagonist of that plot...I wish he was something like, Godiva's right hand with her club or something like that
also I NEEDED some kind of mention of the white leverage thing but yeah we didn't get that
I love the idea of a silly beach episode lol
I think an ep about mother's day would be interesting, honestly I can see everyone pity frida because she doesn't have a foster mom (in s2 we can see in a background a photo were she's with both of her parents, so I have the hc that they're divorced and her dad has the custody) but she's just like "....ok?", because she doesn't care anymore she's over it, unlike Confucius who craves his foster parents love and attention, meanwhile cleo and joan have difficult relationship with their foster moms because they're there but not for them
aaand with the last thing, i just love the idea of topher and Joan as foster siblings lol I think it would be funny if it was a similar situation when cleo and joan where foster sisters
anyways this is from a month ago and i haven't touched the archive until now so maybe I'll change some things, still not sure. the only one I really wanna keep is the first one
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thorns-and-rosewings · 9 months
As promised, this is a continuation of the Reaper King AU 💀 story from my last post. Sorry y'all, I had stuff that needed to be done or I would have just made it one long post. But honestly seeing how long this became, I think I will have to break it up even more... So be aware this is longer than the last one by quite a bit 😅
TW: Same as before, Definitely going to be touching on darker topics here, moreso than the previous part, so you've been warned.
Part 2...
18) KC and Bloodmoon claim their territory and to the locals it's like some sort of hellish cryptid just moved in. Murder rates skyrocket and the number of disappearances in the park also double, if not triple. And don't even start on the Park Ranger job turnovers rates...
19) Over time Bloody grows to trust this variant of Killcode more. As he's not preachy, nor a pacifist... He's someone who Bloodmoon can relate too and they have things in common. Not to mention this KC makes it quite obvious that he DOES care about the Bloodtwins. Nor has he once ever tried to use them...
-Bloodmoon is nearly impossible to control. But if he cares about someone he truly CAN be loyal and caring towards them.
-Aaand he will occasionally nap either near or on KC. Due to the core giving off a lot of heat... And Bloodmoon shows his inner cat and will just be drawn to the aforementioned heat. Which Killcode gets a small laugh out of.
20) As time continues to progress KC begins to take souvenirs from his kills. Frequently taking bones, teeth or claws from whatever he slaughters along with some of the victims blood. He takes these pieces and begins to construct a 'Rosary' using these pieces as beads after he cuts them appropriately and then paints them in the blood of the same victim. He knows the stories of each bead and can relate them all by heart.
-Bloodmoon tried to make a rosary but had little patience for it... He wasn't made to do arts and crafts sadly.
21) Things dramatically change one day when Killcode goes out for a solo hunt. He selects his target, one of the towns local drunkards and the reaper quietly follows him back to his home. Only when goes to sneak inside... He makes a disturbing discovery...
-...as he observes this piece of human garbage has a young son that he proceeds to beat senseless as soon as his drunk ass saw the boy trying to quietly get back into his room once his father came home.
21) Killcode entered a state of pure rage and he quite literally ripped this man's guts out and made him eat them. He then turned his attention to the injured and now terrified child, who is barely seven years old. And his voice becomes as soft and as calming as he can make it... And he offers this child a home away from other humans.
-The boy accepts to go with the strange creature that saved him...
-Thus becoming KCs second adopted child.
22) Now Bloodmoon had a MASSIVE problem with this. Again going back to his disdain for humans, viewing them as food and just things to kill and nothing more. But KC makes it VERY clear that this boy is now his child as much as Bloodmoon is.
-Killcode in no uncertain terms warns Bloodmoon to back off and not lay a hand on this child.
23) Bloody is PISSED for a long time... Ignoring his father and doing his own thing. Definitely releasing his stress in murderous rampages and KC let's him be for a bit. Focusing a little on helping his human child adapt to his new home.
24) But after about a week KC sits next to the sulking Bloodmoon and talks to him... Now that his anger has burned down to still heated embers. Explaining that this is something that seems to be written into his coding a need to be protective over children... possibly some leftover or entangled code from the Sun and Moon he was once a part of...
25) This discussion only gets angry growls and the Bloodtwins snap at how he's a killer like them but now he's turning into some pathetic pacifist!
...also their anger at being replaced and forgotten...
...KC just laughs...
26) He asks why in the world he thinks he's suddenly a pacifist? He's not... In fact his need to hunt and kill is even greater now. As he's going to need to bring food home for this boy to eat. Let alone how he's going to need to teach this child to hunt.
-He's got a lot to learn in order to be like them...
27) This conversation did the impossible. Calmed Bloodmoon down and... It was at that moment he grew to truly love KC as his father...
-He just grabbed onto the larger animatronic reaper and hugged him close. Not letting him see the tears of him being genuinely happy in his eyes... And he muttered 'You stupid old man...' under his breath repeatedly as he did so.
28) When Bloodmoon actually did calm down, he asked what the boys name was... To which KC shrugged and merely said that he'd get one eventually.
Bloodmoon: A new life leaves the old name behind and brings forth a new name in time.
29) Once he's healed up and ready Bloody and Killcode take the boy hunting... And his first kill is a rabbit. To which KC takes it's skull and cleans it up giving it to the boy on a leather string as it is now the start of his own rosary...
-He'll fit into this family just fine as he grows...
...However something else becomes apparent in time...
30) There was a reason the Creator put that core inside of an animatronic. As in the presence of organic material it can have a certain negative... Mutagenic effects...
-The core generates anti-matter a substance that seems to have a substantial affect on organisms, seeming to twist them to dark creatures. The Creator could not keep it to close to himself lest he fall under it's corruption. Stitchwraith never got to close to organic creatures as he was aware that the core would have a negative effect on them.
-Killcode is unaware of any of this...
-However what the Creator was unaware of was that this mutagenic effect could actually be somewhat controlled by the will of whomever, or whatever, was in control of the cube.
-Creator would have let every negative thing possible just happen without wanting to change anything. But Killcode only seeks the benefit of himself and those he cares for. Not to twist the world around him into a mindless dark parody of itself.
31) The boy in Killcodes care begins to mutate, losing human attributes and gaining inhuman ones. He better fits in with his father and brothers. No longer can he be considered human...
And he was perfectly fine with it...
...7 Years Pass...
32) Over seven additional years, Killcode has adopted even more kids. (Their info is below along with their names.)
-Wendigo (Nickname Wen): Age 14, the first adopted human. Has grown to look like his namesake. Covered in thick black fur with lanky limbs, protruding bones and razor claws. His mutation really came in after he took a slaughtered deer skull and began to wear it as a mask. One day it just didn't come off...
-Even as a young teen he's now a little taller than Bloodmoon, much to the older duo of brothers annoyance.
-Banshee (Nickname Ban): Age 12, the first daughter KC adopted. Her skin is a deathly grey tinged blue while her eyes are glowing blue and her hair is only black. She wears a long raggedy dress and a red shawl with a hood. She has the powers of her legendary namesake. She can create disorienting screeches that can even affect electronic devices.
-She's a sweetheart to her family but can be pretty ruthless to humans/prey. She often helps the Bloodtwins out with disorienting victims with her screeches so Bloody can rip and tear them apart while they're so gripped in terror.
-Vampire (Nickname Vamp): Age 10, The older brother of a pair of twins. Lives up to his name but is definitely NOT a sparkly Twilight vampire. His skin has the color of death and his eyes are blood red. He and his twin are jokesters and usually make bad ideas... That Bloodmoon goes along with because they sound like fun. He needs blood to survive, but also likes and can suffice on fresh meat too.
-He along with his twin, Lycan, get into the most mischief amongst their family. Very often with Bloodmoon as an enabler... KC often needs to save them from themselves. (Even if he secretly finds their antics funny, Killcode still has to be the responsible parent and try and stop them from being too crazy.)
-Lycan (No nickname this time): Age 10, the younger twin to Vamp. He also lives up to his namesake and looks like a werewolf. Although his features are not completely wolfish. His face still looks humanoid and closer to the earlier depictions of the Wolfman; it's unclear if he will continue to mutate or he will remain like this. He is as playful and mischievous as his sibling, though shows a tiny bit more caution. But he is most likely going to be off causing trouble with Vamp and Bloodmoon. Is allergic to chocolate, much like an actual wolf.
-Secretly Killcode has been wondering if it's a single braincell being shared between his two sets of twins, given how much insanity they get into. But damn if he doesn't love them chaos and all.
-Wisp (Nickname Will O'): Age 4, by far the quietest of KC's children. She resembles a small ghostly child wearing a light colored dress, but her entire body overall looks like a small blue flame and her long white/blue hair perpetually in motion like an aforementioned flame. She is very quiet, but undoubtedly due to her trauma prior to her adoption, (Straight up unwanted and eventually abandoned in the woods to die) she doesn't like being alone and she can be understandably clingy. Though it has gotten better over time given the proper love and affection by her new family.
-She is currently the only child of KC's without a kill count, but that is because she is simply not ready yet. This fact is understood even by Bloodmoon and no one is going to force her to hunt until she's ready.
-The Baby (Is literally a baby and doesn't even technically have a name yet, but is a little girl): Age is maybe 3 months? The story behind this child was that KC and Bloodmoon were out hunting together, as Killcode is always careful to give all of his kids affection and not overlook any of them, Bloodmoon included. As they were out they were looking for some fresh targets, but the smell of something burning and a baby crying caught their attention... Lo and behold there was a car that had clearly flown off the road and crashed into a tree, killing the two adults in the car but leaving the baby in the backseat alive... Which resulted in KC taking the little one and them burying the parents near the scene of the accident.
-The baby is the youngest child KC has ever encountered and is obviously a bit challenging to care for, thankfully he manages... And the older kids do help their father out as much as they can. Though the one who interacts the least with the baby is Bloodmoon, not because he dislikes her but because he's genuinely afraid he will hurt her.
Bloodmoon: We're built to rip and tear! Not hold tiny soft things that will tear too easily!
-He makes a fair point with this. He also has an immense dislike to the infants crying often resulting in him yowling something about the 'Alarm is going off again!' but his disdain isn't malicious. He's just not that great with infants.
33) Over those seven years it wasn't just KCs human children that mutated. The entire region that these guys call home mutated. With the forest becoming much 'darker.' The whole place has become a major hot spot for paranormal activity, specifically involving various cryptids. There are tons of reports of Sirenhead, Fleshgaits and all sorts of other horrors. As well as other just weird stuff like random stairs to nowhere in the middle of the woods and other people swearing that the forest can shift around and get unsuspecting tourists hopelessly lost.
-There is a certain amount of mutations that would occur naturally in the vicinity of the cube, but none of the mutations to the environment are overly malicious. But the dark energy can attract more things that definitely can give normal folks nightmares...
(...Also I love Creepypastas, sue me...)
34) There have been two attempts by the Creator to retrieve the cube in the forms of two low-intelligence high-fire power drones sent to find the cubes energy signature... Both attempts, several years apart, ended almost comedically bad.
(Okay yeah it's late and I am super tired now so I don't want to write anymore since I have to get to work in a few hours... But seeing as how I still have about one more portion to write for this I am going to post this now and finish the next part tomorrow 😅)
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princessofxianle · 9 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
well THANK YOU for asking, you are the first to!
tbh ive been meaning to do this on my main blog bc I take these wayyy too seriously lol but ANYWAY heres my top 10 faves (in no particular order) that I can think of (tbh theres prob more i forgot about, or i wanted to keep only 1 per fandom... except tgcf)
Huge Spoiler Warning: for ALL of tgcf, 2ha, aot, AND JJK MANGA!!!
1. Feng Xin (tgcf)
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do i even need to explain this one? loyal to a fault, just a cute lil puppy, one hell of a sculpted archers back, and he's head over heels in love with Xie Lian (but tbh same) i have a lot of thoughts about him on a daily basis on this blog (and also theres the #fx backstory au tag)
2. Noé Archiviste (the Case Study of Vanitas)
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the absolute bestest boy of EVER... with a LOAD of unprocessed trauma (yknow the typical stuff like seeing your childhood bff get decapitated in front of you) and a lot more to come once we find out how he kills his boyfriend best friend, Vanitas...
i ALSO think about him a lot but over on @noes-pillow
3. Sejanus Plinth (The Hunger Games: tbosas)
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hated reading as a child... HATED it... picked up the og trilogy when i was 12 and i was a goner. The funny thing is i still hated reading for YEARS up until i picked up the prequel novel then in 2020, and now ive read all of tgcf, 2ha, and more fanfic than i could ever imagine... all because this stupid boy (i love him) chose to trust the WORST person as his friend, rip sejanus my baby
the movie is v good btw, if you havent seen it you should
4. Xie Lian (tgcf)
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*Taizi Dianxia Fang Xin Guoshi General Hua Xie Lian*
how this man survived 800 years of being physically unable to die and never went insane is a mystery i will never be able to fully comprehend (aaand im in love with him... hmm i wonder why...)
5. Mihael "Mello" Keehl (Death Note)
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the chocolate-addicted blonde boi that was my first anime crush... by proxy I must also add Mail "Matt" Jeevas because they are a package deal
these two are also the reason i started writing fanfic so they will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart
6. Xue Meng - (2ha)
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*sigh* he's just everyone's fav peacock (yes technically the image is XM 0.5 but he had a cool ass bird so im using this photo bc its COOL anyway...) mengmeng is another one of my trauma bois who has lost next to everything and yet is STILL kicking ass and taking names #thatsmyfuckingsectleader so proud of you my son
also this might get me into hot water here but imma go ahead and say it...
this is what i wanted Jiang Cheng to be... (i LOVE my angy grape but...) through thick and thin, despite EVERYTHING, and even mo ran fucking abandoning him he will still call mo ran his "ge"...
7. Howl Pendragon (Howl's Moving Castle)
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ok this one i just simply do not need to explain... if you think i do, go watch this whole movie and then there ya go thats your answer...
8. River Song (Doctor Who)
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aside from being the character that unlocked my unhealthy obsession with :) Main Character Death :) at the ripe ol' age of 8 YEARS (although Will Turner from POTC also helped on that front... Orlando Bloom my beloved) River's story was a stroke of absolute GENIUS from start to finish and i simply love how Alex Kingston played her...
"You don't expect a sunset to admire you back."
I just love the doomed ones, okay...
9. Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen)
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look... theres *gojo girlies* uwu and then theres GOJO GIRLIES... i couldn't give 2 shits about how he's fan-serviced (tho im not complaining) but have you SEEN the amount of grief pumped into that man? he could explode in a fit of fucking insanity at literally any moment and take the whole goddamn world down with him bc what happened with suguru WASNT FAIR to him and satoru has more than enough power to go apeshit... but he DOESN'T... even after losing so many of his co-sorcerers... he still puts on a brave face to the end in order to protect the childhood of his students even tho his own youth was stolen from him during hidden inventory...
SEE? The DOOMED ones!
10. Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan)
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i read the manga during my last year of uni and when i tell you i SOBBED at the end... yes ofc for obvious reasons, but mostly bc my little Levi loses EVERYTHING. He is the SOLE survivor of the veteran scouts. He's missing multiple fingers, an eye, and the ability to walk. He was the strongest (yowaimo) but wasn't even granted the mercy to die at the end of his narrative! Broke my fucking heart.
BONUS: Morph (Treasure Planet)
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he's a morph!!! nuff said <3
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boredcouchpotato · 1 year
I have been reading a lot of omegaverse fics aaand I am obsessed with Beyblade.
So hear me out.
*Beyblade omegaverse au* where the story basically goes the same except now there are secondary genders.
I am not a writer so I can't write fics but I have been thinking about it for a long time and I need to write it down to get it out of my head so I can finally concentrate on study.
So first would be my favourite boy Kai Hiwatari (Omega).
🕳️He is actually a very masculine guy but after seeing him in v- force I can't get the image of Omega Kai out of my head.
🕳️What if he has his first heat after the first Beyblade championship after he goes home.
🕳️And I would imagine that his grandfather Voltaire was actually expecting him to be an alpha. Hell he himself was expecting himself to be an alpha. So imagine his surprise when he woke up one day in his bed with a fever and turns out he is an Omega.
🕳️At first Voltaire would be furious because how dare his grandson be an Omega but later he would have no choice but to accept Kai because he is his only heir to the company.
🕳️ But Kai himself can't accept this fact. I mean the guy's whole world view just changed. He definitely doesn't fit any stereotype of Omega.
🕳️And this thing caused him so much stress. Because it doesn't make sense and this is not how he was suppose to be. Even being a beta would be lesser surprise than this!!
🕳️ And because Voltaire did not want to deal with him ( he just accepted him because he has no choice not because he wanted to. Kai being only child did not help his case here. The betrayal Kai gave him at the championship is still fresh in his mind). So he puts him in the boarding school to kind of like "out of sight out of mind".
🕳️ And Kai mental health just deteriorates from there because now he is alone with these new scents.
🕳️ And he knows why his grandfather put him here he wasn't quite about his opinion on him and he is hurt because even if he hates his grandfather he still loves him and wants him to truly accept him and be proud of him.
🕳️He just gets even more depressed that even Beyblading is not enjoyable anymore(explaining his retirement in v force). And he loses some serious weight because of it(that's why he looks so thin ).
Imagine his journey to accept himself and when he learns to love himself.
I have even more of this for all characters of original team and Hilary and daichi.
If anyone is interested reblog the post I guess. I will write more when I get the chance.
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fifiliphaser · 1 year
Cotton Ball (College AU)
[Ao3 Version]
“You’re infuriating and I want to throw something at you, but the only thing I have on me are my clothes, so here comes my shirt” AU — AKA the morning after Don't Give Me Flannel
So, yeah, it's been a while. *sigh* I know I have a couple of other things to finish and my consistency isn't worth much, but I want to go back at least to writing little tit-bits. Aaand there is a chance that I might get on medication in autumn (which I'm really hoping for), and that should help at least somewhat with other things and leave me more time and energy for writing. Either way, I'm presenting to you a sequel to Don't Give Me Flannel, which I've been meaning to finish for quite a while now. This time we are looking at the situation through Charles's eyes, which was quite fun to write. Like the first one-shot, it is rather fluffy, so beware — it might just rot your teeth. Thanks to my lovely partner @aphyxiation for reviewing this little piece before posting — your encouragement means the world to me ❤ Enjoy!
“Rise and shine.”
The voice resounds somewhere above Charles’s ear, and although soft, it still manages to rouse him from the deep sleep he’s managed to fall into for the first time in weeks. Even the familiarity of the voice’s lovely low timbre does little to ease Charles’s displeasure at being woken up so early. It’s hardly a surprise, though—as far as Charles’s morning routine is concerned, he’s never been an early riser, certainly not after nights spent reading, studying, or doing research.
Thoroughly displeased, and more than a little groggy, Charles groans, about to roll over to his back, but something solid and warm behind him stops him in his tracks. He freezes, feeling the reverberations of a quiet chuckle against his spine.
“Time to get up, our exams won’t write themselves,” the voice mutters encouragingly into Charles’s neck.
It takes a moment for Charles’s mind, still somewhat fuzzy with sleep, to catch up enough to draw a connection between the much cherished voice and its owner. However, much to Charles’s dismay, it only serves to further confuse him. After all, what could possibly Erik be doing in Charles’s bed, snuggled to his back, especially once Charles realises he’s still wearing his comfy pyjamas.
“Erik?,” Charles croaks, once again trying to turn around. “Am I forgetting something?”
Finally, he manages to turn around when Erik pulls away a bit, in time to see the amusement on his friend’s face. In fact, so endearing is Erik’s half-smile that Charles struggles not to lean in closer and kiss all the smugness off of that gorgeous mouth.
“I promised I’d tuck you in,” Erik explains innocently, though he’s still smirking. “And then I tucked myself in,” he adds, as if it was all the explanation that Charles needed.
A quiet, albeit inelegant snort is the only response that Charles deems necessary while he’s racking his brain in hopes of recalling what had happened the night before. Remembering isn’t an issue in itself—Charles has always had a rather remarkable memory—but his mind tends to take some time to catch up so early in the morning, especially after just a few short hours of sleep. Luckily, it is quick to supply him with the recollection of last night.
A breath leaves Charles’s mouth with a quiet hiss when the realisation finally dawns on him. Unable to quell down the disbelief, he reaches across the few inches that separate him from Erik, his hand hovering over his friend’s face. Slowly, he brings it down to Erik’s cheek, stroking it gently, and then traces the line of Erik’s jaw, his fingertips catching on the light stubble there, just like they did the night before.
Surprise flashes across Erik’s face at the gesture, his expression quite akin to the one he wore last night, as soon as they parted for a breath, with Charles heaving, yet grinning like a fool.
“You… You’ve wanted this?,” Erik asked then, his voice hoarse, after what felt like an eternity.
Charles couldn’t stop smiling, his hand still touching his friend’s face, his fingers running gently across the expanse of the soft skin. It was utterly fascinating, watching a minute hitch in Erik’s breath when he reached the man’s lips, flushed slightly from the kiss.
“Darling, I’ve wanted to kiss you for the longest time,” he admitted, his voice low, an endearment easily falling out of his mouth. “Ever since we had that first heated discussion about the question of mutant recognition programmes, which you, of course, don’t see as an opportunity to build solidarity and create communities, but as a leeway to start registering all of us.”
Charles could see the argument rising in Erik’s eyes, his thoughts slowly becoming more turbulent, but any interruption died on Erik’s lips when Charles giggled, looking away.
“I hardly could keep coming up with substantive arguments because I couldn’t look away from your lips.” Although Charles’s voice was barely louder than a whisper, they remained close enough that he was sure Erik could hear him. “I can’t believe you didn’t notice.”
Upon hearing this, Erik frowned and just stared at him, his mind lighting up with the recollection of that particular evening as he was desperately trying to understand how he could’ve missed that. And then his thoughts wandered to a completely different moment of that party.
“Emma was right, damn that woman,” he said under his breath, looking away from Charles’s face as if he was trying to hide his annoyance, even though Charles could clearly feel it seeping from Erik’s mind.
Either way, it wasn’t a statement that Charles had expected, not in the least. He leaned slightly away from Erik with surprised amusement, catching an image of Emma, dressed in her signature impeccable white and smiling slyly, as it flashed in front of Erik’s mind.
“Was she?,” he asked incredulously, his lips curling into a smile.
Erik just sighed heavily, but Charles could see the corners of his friend’s eyes wrinkling up.
“The next day after that party, she asked me if I had fun with ‘that telepath of mine,’” he explained, equally exasperated and amused. “Her words, not mine,” he clarified immediately and Charles did his best not to chuckle at that. (Barely, but somehow he managed.) “I told her that I agreed to get you home, since we live in the same dorm anyway, and that she shouldn’t get any ideas. She just looked at me as though I was an idiot and berated me for brushing off the guy who was practically throwing himself at me.”
“You never told me that.” Charles said, with good humour rather than accusingly. “Was I really that obvious?” His smile must’ve been a little sheepish, yet he wasn’t feeling particularly self-conscious.
“Apparently not enough, if my obliviousness is anything to go by,” Erik sighed, but he was grinning nonetheless.
They were so close that Charles could feel Erik’s breath on his skin. It took him a moment to realise that all this time he had been absentmindedly tracing patterns across Erik’s skin, at first touching his face, then his neck, and now he was caressing Erik’s chest.
“It’s not your fault, I should’ve said something, instead of just waiting for you to…” Charles stopped and shook his head with exasperation at his own aloofness, yet his humour continued to be marvellous. “But you couldn’t have known, you’re not the one with telepathic abilities here,” he quipped, delighted to see the amusement in Erik’s eyes in response.
Charles had always enjoyed the casual banter that he and Erik often engaged in. Now, however, with everything out in the open, it was an utterly different and absolutely delightful experience. And looking at Erik’s smugness, Charles couldn’t help but feel giddy, all the stress of the incoming exams pushed to the back of his mind.
“But you like me anyway.” Erik smirked, his voice low and making Charles’s insides twist.
Charles mirrored his smile and leaned in, whispering against Erik’s lips, “Very much so.”
Completely lost in the memory of the last night, Charles barely notices a shuffle of the sheets, while the mattress sinks a bit next to him after Erik sits up on the bed.
“Come on, we should get up,” he says decisively, pulling Charles out of his reverie.
The telepath groans, burying his face in the pillow. A meagre couple of hours of sleep hasn’t been enough to make him feel less than bone-tired and he would do anything to get even five more minutes of sleep. The fact that Erik’s smell still lingers on the soft fabric doesn’t make it any easier to move away from the warm comfort of the bed.
“Can’t we just stay in bed for a few more minutes?” Charles mumbles into the pillow, feeling forlorn as the ghost of Erik’s warmth is slowly fading.
“We’ve wasted enough time as it is,” Erik points out with a meaningful glance, though he lingers on the bed, and gingerly places his hand on Charles’s back.
He’s clearly still slightly hesitant about casual intimacy, Charles notes. And yet, the initial tenseness of Erik’s fingers is quickly gone, as Charles turns to look up at him.
“You could at least give me a morning kiss?” the telepath says innocently, though he is certain that Erik notices his small playful smile, if his exasperated groan is any indication.
“Charles, we need to get ready.” Despite Erik’s insistence, Charles can feel his regretfulness.
Not even slightly discouraged, he raises from the pillow, propping himself up on his forearms. Although he knows that chances of convincing Erik to go back to bed are slim to none, he isn’t ready to give up just yet.
“Not even a peck?” He flutters his lashes perhaps a tad too ostentatiously, but he can’t help himself.
Erik regards him for a moment, and although the surface of his mind feels calm, there is a slight thrum of uncertainty which betrays that he is quite conflicted. Even though Charles knows that he’s a rather terrible flirt, his friend appears to be utterly susceptible to his questionable charms.
However, in a split second, Erik’s mind flashes with determination and he’s quickly on his feet. He wastes no time and crosses the room in just a few steps, stopping next to the window with a triumphant smile.
“Well, if you want one, you’ll have to come here,” he teases, practically beaming with satisfaction.
Charles, obviously, does not sympathise. Distantly, he knows that if he wants to make it to the exam in time, he needs to leave the safe confines of his bed soon, but if it’s somehow possible to prolong the blissfulness of staying in his warm bed, he will do all that he can to do it.
“I’m not moving.” He crosses his arms, and pouts theatrically.
Erik, the bastard, laughs at that and Charles tries really hard to ignore how delightful of a sound he makes. (Which is an utter failure, of course.)
“Then there won’t be any kisses for you, mister.” Erik smiles, charming as usual, his mind practically gleaming with amusement.
As annoyed as Charles is at that utterly despicable abuse of power–truly, how has Erik dared to betray him like that?–he is fighting to suppress a smile. 
“Screw you.” 
With a flourish, Charles buries himself back below the covers, intent on staying exactly where he is, thank you very much. A distant, decidedly more responsible part of his mind screams at him to move, what with the exam that he has to write today, but he stubbornly ignores it, way too content to allow his usual anxiety to kick in.
Erik is not discouraged by his childish behaviour, though–if anything, his smug smile only grows.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” He raises his eyebrow suggestively, pitching his voice much lower than necessary, really.
Now that insinuation–however correct–is simply unacceptable so early in the morning and right before an important exam. Charles sends the deadliest glare he’s able to muster from under the covers, which only appears to further amuse Erik. With nothing else left–certainly no willpower–Charles does the first thing, which comes to his mind–he grabs one of his pillows and chucks it in Erik’s direction. Considering how sleepy he still is and how his hand-eye coordination is lacking on the best of days, it isn’t that bad of a throw, the pillow landing just shy of Erik’s feet. But this is not nearly intimidating enough and Erik just laughs.
Charles is not impressed and he expresses it by throwing the second pillow. This also does not have the desired effect; moreover, it leaves Charles with no pillows, and he realises that too late, when the second pillow has already landed a foot away from Erik, who reaches for it triumphantly.
“I’m afraid you won’t be able to fall back asleep now,” he says with mock worry, trying for Charles’s accent and failing spectacularly.
Which is even more annoying, because Charles knows that he can do better than that.
“Shut up.”
“Or what?”
Out of options and anything close enough to grab, Charles has nothing else to do but to use the top of his pyjamas as another projectile–this time it even hits its target, although Erik easily catches it, despite his obvious surprise. He’s no longer laughing and Charles counts it as a success, even though he knows that he has lost the fight. Perhaps it wasn’t his intention, but undressing clearly has at least managed to get Erik to stop being so smug about the whole thing.
With a long sigh, Charles entangles himself from the covers and jumps of the bed. He needs to shower to feel at least a bit human, and so he takes off towards their en suite, severely missing the warmth of his bed, even though he knows that he already is behind schedule, not that he would be willing to admit it out loud.
“If you’re done being infuriating, you can give me back my shirt,” he says, stopping in front of Erik, and he doesn’t miss the way his friend’s eyes drift lower down his chest before he manages to shake his head and look at the shirt in his hands.
“Why do you insist on sleeping in this atrocity?” He hands it to Charles, his eyes still locked on the offending item of clothing.
“It’s warm.” Charles shrugs. “And you know I'm getting cold at night.”
The smug look is back on Erik’s face. 
“Maybe I could just warm you up instead…” His voice is low again, and Charles truly hates how it makes his blood flow south.
Ignoring that sensation, he purses his lips, pretending to ponder the offer, but at the same time stepping quickly away, beyond Erik’s reach.
“A truly tempting offer, Mister Lehnsherr.” Charles throws a quick glance over his shoulder, about to open the door to the bathroom, and he can help but bat his lashes again, even as Erik rolls his eyes. “But for now… I believe I need to get ready.” Charles punctuates this statement with a not-exactly-apologetic smile and quickly slips into the bathroom.
As the door closes behind, he hears Erik muttering something under his nose, but a quick brush against his mind confirms that he’s only mildly annoyed.
“You’re insufferable,” he shouts through the closed door nonetheless, and Charles just laughs.
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0uimonami · 1 year
Hello only just recently found your infection AU and I absolutely love it! I’d love to see to read more about it especially Henry Sammy and maybe even Normans characters in it. Since Sammy worships the ink demon but in that AU Henry has power of the ink? I’m just intrigued and love the AU! ☺️
hello!! thank you <3 i'm glad you're interested!
i'll explain a bit of my AU under the cut!
it's a huge WIP tbh, i have a general idea of what it's about but i definitely need to sit down and plot everything out. i think it would be cool to make a comic of it one day! for now though, i've been/ will be making out of context drawings lol
to give an idea of what it's about tho: basically the ink is more like a zombie infection but this infection effects the victim in different ways. it really just depends on the person!
for Sammy, he's more zombie-like than say Alice but he's more human than others (i.e. background chars). he still has thoughts and feelings, but his body is deteriorated and he isn't completely rational (i.e. worshiping demons as we all know sammy to do lol)
for Norman i haven't thought too much into his role tbh but he will be part of story, for sure. i just have to figure that out. i was thinking of delving deeper into his role as a projectionist and bringing a sort of "camera" like theme to his character
aaand finally, ahh good ol' henry. love the guy. he's the main character and i've got lots of ideas for him. honestly, i want to play more into corrupting him. like he's the good guy but i like ambiguous moralities in characters and i think henry could definitely become more of one! not completely bad, of course, i don't want to skew his character too much...buuut i do want to toe the line of what exactly he's willing to do to save people but himself too.
anyway, like everyone else, henry does get infected except, seemingly, the sickness doesn't seem to effect him negatively. in fact it makes him powerful. almost scarily so (i got a lot of inspiration from mob psycho, so think of that for henry's powers! except inky like lol)
BUT! with great power comes great consequences ;)
it does effect him negatively. very negatively. but i think i'll keep that little part to myself...don't want to spoil too much :P
oh oh and the Ink Demon, yeah, he really REALLY wants this power from henry so. good luck, henry lmao
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my ass forgot to actually explain my deltarune au after seeing these tags whoops
so the AU is called "Three's a Crowd" or "Post Geno DT" because it takes place after an Undertale Genocide run (I got the inspiration from finishing my own-)
basically the Player (the Soul) and Chara have been going through world after world, destroying them, fulfilling that promise to remake and destroy things over and over again- except by the time they arrive in Deltarune's world- with the Player possessing Kris, the Player is tired. they barely remember the original purpose. they are tired of going apeshit they just want to be nice.
Chara however... Is still around. because Chara is not some soul of a dead child from a long dead universe, they're a force created by the player simply masquerading as this character. Or something like that I don't quite remember the Chara monologue.
Aaand yeah. the plot of Deltarune continues, with Kris being dragged about by the Player and Chara, and oh boy is Kris tired of these two. So so tired.
I did a bit of art for it a while back and I'd like to revisit the au- I just am lacking the ability to go for it without it needing to be perfect jfklds;af
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apthepotat · 1 year
AP’s art dump time!! (Part two yippeee :D)
let’s gOoo
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Sonic is my childhood and I keep returning and sinking in it AAAND I watched recently sonic prime
so why wouldn’t I be in the fandom and make a sonic oc XD?
even tho I drew this last December coUgh
everyone meet Alice the wolf!
this is the first time I draw digitally full body in sonic/Mobian style :,] and there are errors and I think I need to upgrade her design a biiit- but that can wait I’m still very happy and proud and satisfied with how I drew her - ^^
and with no reference for pose? That is definitely something to be proud of ✨
She’s a 3’8 bubbly sweetie of a wolf that only means well :,D
And gets sick and cold easily like me and doesn’t get out much in winter
She loves crystals and gems as well as tea Aand- she can be a bit childish and playful and she’s really comfy and hanging out with friends
okay enough rambling moving onnNNn- my thumbs starting to h u r t
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my stupid scrunkly baby that is too clumsy for his own good/hj
meet Vanilla! He’s a cat-loving,sweet,clumsy blind,affectionate café owner!
.. cat café owner 🚶‍♀️
And he lives in another Au I made that’s named Anilliatale!
he has two children 🍵 and they’re twins and here they are :D!
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The boy bb is named Neo and the girl is Poli ^^
they are very chaotic but sweet caring twins and also absolutely loves felines XD
they like to help their papa during the job whenever they can :D
imma digitalise and fix some stuff later
nextttt we have-
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One of the artworks I am most proud of this year hshshs- and one of my fav
his name is Tracer-! He’s a variant of Ink from an AM named Destructverse ^^ .. I couldn’t think of a better name it’s - :,D all I thought of in 2021 and stuck to it HSHSH
also for once I adore the background
anddd a year ago I made a “future”(?) version of Tracer XD that goes by Ace
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And there he is :D
this is the first time I do an artwork like this like a “reflection” or smth
in this one Ace is sitting against a Sakura tree he takes care of in DV and - well he’s quite an overthinker and memories haunt him
Iii dunno how to explain more without going in a long ramble and dig deep into the lore of the Au-
it’s one AM rn and I don’t feel like it rn HSHSH
one last art work:
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A humanised art of ✨ Ace ✨
I finished this art on his birthday so I decided to do a lil ‘birthday special’
Ace and tracer are the same ink variant in DV and Ink ofc belongs to the lovely creator @/comyet ! :D
I suppose that’ll be it :D bai bai nowww
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erigold13261 · 1 year
How would the arachnikid’s’ parents react to their kids coming out as queer? (I assume Rio and Jeff are super supportive, George is a mixed bag, both Pav and Gayatri’s parents are also supportive, Margo’s parents don’t care, Peni’s dad would be supportive but idk about kits uncle and aunt, idk about Ganke aaand Noir, Ham and Hobie don’t have any parental figures in their lives I think)
Yeah I would say that is basically what would happen overall. Added some more details to each and even expanded on the last 4 (though take Noir's with a grain of salt like I say later on, their story might change some more once I think more of it)
Miles parents are definitely very supportive. Jeff probably asks a lot of questions out of confusion and Rio is asking questions to be more supportive. Both doing so with good intentions but might come off a little judgey to an outsider (Miles knows his parents care. Maybe the scene plays out like the end scene in the second movie, like the reveal not how Rio reacts lol).
George is supportive in his core but he was just so shocked by Gwen at first he said some stupid shit and pushed note away. Definitely not his best moment but he does his best to make it up and be there for Gwen when note returns homes.
I kinda think it would be funny if Pav said he had some big news to tell his parents/family, and they are all a bit worried thinking his powers somehow got even more destructive or out of control, but instead he says he's queer (maybe trans, maybe bi, whatever you want) and the family just sighs with relief it is not about his powers. It would be a weird moment afterwards with them having to explain themselves, but it would be a funny story to tell later one.
Gayatri's dad (I think she only has a dad in this AU, maybe some cousins and extended family, but probably mainly close to her dad) is entirely supportive of her. Definitely asked a few questions and maybe doesn't fully understand whatever flavor of queer she is entirely (again up to you since i don't have a concrete headcanon for her or Pav yet), but does his best to show support and make sure she has what she needs to be happy in life.
Yeah, Margo's parents wouldn't really care. Probably say something like "that's good for you honey" while not even looking up at her in the slightest. It probably doesn't even register with them until she brings home a girlfriend (Tila) and the only reason they care is because Tila is a celebrity.
Definitely Peni's dad is (was) supportive of kit. I think kits aunt and uncle are like, conditionally supportive. Like if things are going good and Peni is doing what fae is told, then sure, they will show respect and support. But if Peni doesn't do what kit needs to, then they don't really show that much care. I don't know if they would be ACTIVELY hostile to Peni, but it's not a great environment (little bonus, I think if Peni's mom was still around she would probably have been on the fence of support. The little relationship that Peni and kits mom had wasn't the best).
Ganke's parents I can see being kinda like Margo's in a sense. Maybe not outright ignoring Ganke, but a "that's nice, just don't make it your whole personality or flaunt it everywhere, it's supposed to be private" kind of way. Like they kinda support it but like, not all that much. They aren't being hostile, but not celebrating it. They have nothing against it, but they also don't want it to be spread around.
Hmmm... Noir... I don't have much in mind about their family honestly. Kinda think if anything they were in a more traditional household for the most part that wasn't too keen on change. I doubt Noir would come out as agender to their parents at all (it is way too complicated to talk about to someone like Noir's parents, they would probably think Noir was gay if they came out, even if they said they were ace, just too much to explain to people being willfully ignorant). I can see them still loving Noir in their own way, which is why they end up sending Noir to Nueva York to get their color fixed, without realizing that Nueva York is not technically the place that should have been their first choice (also like the idea that it was Noir's parents fault they got their color drained for some reason). Take all of this with a grain of salt, I haven't really thought much of Noir's family so this is just something that came to mind and might change.
Similar thing with Ham (I keep calling him Porker, Ham is a much better thing to call her lol). I just haven't thought much of her family or anything. Probably just gonna go with the standard Peter story line with Ham having an aunt take him in and raise him. She would be caring and supportive, probably thought Ham was joking at first but then saw they were serious and apologized for laughing and they both had a long good talk. (I forget why I said Ham was sent to Nueva York, I think it was volunteering to get help with powers, so that fits in with their aunt being supportive).
Finally Hobie. Well if its parents didn't kicked it out just because of its skin condition, I am pretty sure they would have kicked it out when it came out as queer. So yeah, they would not have been supportive at all if they stuck around long enough to have Hobie come out to them.
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purpleleafsyt · 1 year
Hi! I adore your tmnt iteration designs!
What happened (who I’m assuming is) Donnie’s jaw? It looks like it’s made of metal(which looks really cool by the way!).
Aaah I'm so glad you like them!! I thought so hard about their designs shfhd
And you're right! You are asking about Donnie, thoughhhh they go by a different name, all the turtles except Venus do!!
(Which,,, is Dawni, because I couldn't find a name that stuck and so I thought "wouldn't it be cute if I spelt his name differently? And then that stuck lmao)
Anyways!! I would like to preface this with saying I am in no way a medical professional, and am bullshitting everything the entire way with baseline research while also combining a fictional and hardly explained magic with real science. I am so sorry if nothing makes sense or is filled to the brim with inaccuracies lmao
His jaw. Yeah it's made up of a mystic-mechanical metal, and is a prosthetic.
I don't want to go too far in depth about Everything that happened, but I took inspiration from Rise and Bayverse that the turtles were made in a lab, and intentionally as,, weapons.
So, while the turtles and Splinter were mutating things went very very wrong, and the lab started to explode. Splinter could only get to one turtle and save them before being forced to flee, the other three being lost elsewhere.
(So, this is also a separated au)
Except Dawn, who was trapped and hurt very badly from everything, but don't worry! The mutagen is keeping them alive(yay) and in a whole lot of pain(not yay)
Basically, since they were created intentionally, the mutagen was coded specifically with enhanced healing, and while the mutation process is going on it keeps the subject stable, which spreads to like, injuries.
Dawn lived only because Draxum found them in a relatively short timeframe, and rushed them into intensive care, where it was necessary to amputate. Dawn stayed in the ICU for,, A Long Time before finally healing enough to be released. It took even longer for the prosthetic arm and leg as Draxum was not like, the most familiar with tech, he's still an alchemist in this iteration.
A cuter fact is that's why Dawn got interested in science and building things, because half of their limbs is mechanical and their father is A Scientist and that is so cool, isn't it?
As for all the rest of it,,, I oh so helpfully drew a ref of it
(if you need me to write out the notes, don't be afraid to ask!)
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Aaand of course, you can ask clarifying questions (though, depending on the question, may not be answered because of Plot aha)
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the-resurrection-3d · 2 years
I want to write more OF au and I can see the scenes clearly but whenever I open up the notepad the brain functionality needed to actually type leaves me
I have about 4.8k right now, but this chapter would probably be a lot longer than the first one because actual plot starts happening.
Anyway, here's two small snippets I have so far -- been obsessed lately with the idea of Alberto being super affectionate with Luca in this truly horrible scenario.
(The aftercare always looks the same: a tub of roses and candy-scented bubbles; Nick’s voice in his ear, telling him he’s so sweet and perfect and I’m so proud of you, you took so much for me, such a good boy; a chocolate bar he eats out of Nick’s hand; Nick’s soft smile, Nick’s soft hand ruffling his hair. "Are you sore, baby? Here, take one of these."
"I think that was too much."
"Oh, I’m sorry, baby. You took it really well, though."
Alberto won't look up from the water. "That last one was too big. It hurt."
"But you like it when it hurts a little," Nick says, arm draped over the lip of the tub.
Alberto sniffs, the action bringing pain up from deep in his belly. "Not like that."
Alberto turns away, his knees folded up to his chest, tail flicking nervously in the water. "I dunno. I don’t like being watched like that. Do we have to keep doing this?"
"I was going to get to that," Nick says, bringing the bag of chocolate bars out from behind him. He bounces the bag, making sure Alberto can hear how full it still is. "I’ve decided we’re taking a break."
Alberto lifts his head up, curious.
Nick unwraps another bar and holds it out, letting Alberto eat it from his hand like an excited dog. "We’re taking a break for the whole month of January," Nick explains as Alberto licks chocolate off his teeth. "No photoshoots, no live streams, no videos, no work calls. Nothing."
Alberto's chewing slows. "Just me and you?" he asks.
Nick pokes his snout; "Don’t talk with your mouth full."
Alberto swallows, wafer droplets falling into the water. "Sorry."
"But yes. Just you, and me, aaand…" Nick pulls the photo up on his phone. "Him."
Alberto’s pupils explode as he grabs onto Nick’s hand, leering so close that water droplets collect on the corner of Nick's screen as he tries for a better look. "Do they have his—Oh, wow."
"You like him?" Nick asks, chuckling. "He came in a few days ago."
"I thought you’d been looking for awhile?"
"I wanted to find someone who was about your age. Most were either too young or too old. It says he’s just turned 14."
Alberto is still swiping between the photos—one of a boy with dark brown hair swept into gorgeous thick curls, cheeks peach-pink and freckled, and one of a sea monster with emerald skin and deep blue fins.
Alberto notices the way his smile is too wide, the way that happiness doesn’t touch any other part of his face. It makes Alberto more excited.
I can rescue him.
Alberto doesn’t even notice his tail switching, knocking water off into the floor. Nick laughs again;
"I’ll take that as a yes."
"Wait." Alberto says. "Is his name really Giuseppe?"
"Probably not." Nick attempts to take his phone back, but Alberto recoils. Nick, surprisingly, relents. "Most shelters change the name."
Alberto doesn’t need Nick to say the next part-- that they change the names because it makes it easier for kids to disappear. His own dad used to say as much, before he'd warn his son that the humans would can and eat him.
[Thinking about Luca coming to Nick’s house]—a deformed square of white and glass cut into the lush green of the landscape, high wooden fence hiding the source of that chlorine scent spicing the air, the rose garden baren and covered with bags—in the sweat-stained white shirt and tennis shorts he’d been sold in.
Sorry, “adopted.” Sorry, “rescued.”
He’s holding onto the teddy bear Nick has bought of him, while Nick holds the bag of new clothes.
 Alberto —so he assumes is the boy named Alberto, the boy who Nick has purchased him for, a late Christmas gift, and Luca feels his legs shaking, feels his eyes burn with the treacherous tears he desperately wants to cry—
Alberto stands in the doorway, holding a plastic beach bucket. He smiles, showing all of his teeth. He steps out onto the porch, calling, “Hey! Is your name really Giuseppe?”
“No!” Luca and Nick call back in the same breath. Luca looks towards Nick, his face reflected in those two black screen-eyes, as Nick merely tilts his head towards the door.
Go on.
Luca turns his face back. “It’s Luca!”
Alberto dumps the buckets over his head, revealing brilliant purple scales. Luca doesn’t realize how his body changes, then—his widening eyes, the slump of his shoulders—but Alberto does, whooping in glee as he runs towards him through the freshly cut grass. Luca drops the teddy bear too late to open his arms up for Alberto, who sweeps him up in a spinning hug before —
Luca takes a second to realize he’s being kissed. Closed but firm, just like Nick in the store—well, how Nick kissed at first.
Nick laughs, sending a roll of revulsion up from deep in Luca's gut. He pushes Alberto away, though his hands are trapped between their chests too much to provide much leverage.
There's something in Alberto's eyes that look like recognition, but before Alberto or Luca can say anything, Nick ruffles Alberto's hair-fins. "Like him?"
Alberto nods, taking a step back. Luca shivers as Alberto's hands slip up his body to rest on his arms, leaving green scales in their wake. His own violet fins shimmer in the high afternoon sun, and the smile on his face makes Luca remember the pinprick scales raised up on his own hair and face, even as his stomach twists again.
But it's okay. They're both playing the same game.
"He looks even better in person," Alberto says. Then, "Can we play in the sprinklers for a bit?"
"Beto, we have to get ready for the party."
"Please, just for 15 minutes?"
"You and Luca can have your wet boxer contest later. Why don't you go show him where to get washed up?" That black glove pats Luca's cheek, the one where Nick has smeared some of the makeup covering an old bruise. "I'm sure Luca wants to shower before we go."
Luca nods, perhaps a bit too quickly.
Alberto shrugs. "Okay. C'mon," and here he grabs Luca by the wrist, pulling him forward with such force Luca nearly strips. "I made you something."
Nick snaps his fingers and Alberto swerves back just long enough to grab the bag of clothes from Nick's other hands, and when Nick speaks, his tone makes them both stop: "Hey. Don't take too long."
"We won't," Alberto says, as Luca studies the house and realizes he doesn't see any bars on the windows like what he was expecting.
Alberto is pulling him again.
"And try not to get caught when you peep on him getting dressed," Nick calls, beginning to slowly walk behind them.
"Only you do that," Alberto calls back. Luca nearly trips again as Alberto drags him, as Luca dares to look behind him to see Nick pocketing his sunglasses, finishing just quick enough to catch Luca watching him, and wink.
Good luck.
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readerinsertz · 3 years
Hi! If you are okay with it could we get a Alpha Aomine x omega reader? It could be with or about anything but the steamer the better🙏😳 If not then totally okay😋
Rating: Explicit, MDNI, 18+
Genre: Omegaverse AU (Alpha!Aomine, Omega!Reader)
Edit: please do my dissertation survey on mental health’s impact on mental health
Word Count: 5.5K oof
Warnings: 18+ Content MDNI, omegaverse, rut sex, p in v sex, afab!reader, omega!reader, mixed!reader, Alpha!Aomine, soft!Alpha, soft Aomine, but also protective!Alpha, protective!Aomine, Aomine almost gets into a fight with another Alpha, knotting, manhandling, thigh grinding, nipple play, fingering (f receiving), vaginal fingering, breeding kink, breeding mentioned a few times, doggy, implied size kink, strength kink, Aomine pinning you to the door, and picks you up a few times, muscle kink, creampie mention, recollection of unprotected sex (don’t be silly, wrap your willy!!) smut under the read more
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“Y’know, you’re meant to be busy warming up on the basketball court. With the rest of your team,” you tell the male currently laying on the rooftop. Aomine doesn’t even stir. You suck your teeth and glare in annoyance at him; the slight change in his scent at your arrival had alerted you to him being awake. You step closer to him and gently nudge him with your foot.
“Yeah, I know the team isn’t particularly strong, definitely not up to your policy of coming to a practise match if the team is at Serin’s strength or greater. Buuuut, Tōō is like, what, a four out of ten for teamwork. We need to work on that. Aaand to work on that, we need the entire team,” you singsong to your Alpha.
“Go away, Momoi,” Aomine murmurs, using the arm resting over his eyes to lazily wave you away. Your lips purse in anger at his nonchalance.
“I wish I was Momoi, her Alpha would treat me better,” you bite back at him. It is somehow both the wrong and right thing to say. Aomine drops his arms and opens his eyes to glare up at you. You’re lucky that you have a secure enough relationship to banter about other Omegas and Alphas. Even with the snark and implications of another Alpha being able to treat you better, you still find yourself shifting your body to block the sun’s rays when you notice Aomine squinting up at you.
Aomine sends you a wicked grin, a large hand curling around your right calf. A curious trill leaves you but you let your Alpha manoeuvre you. Aomine lifts your leg up and over his chest to plant it on the asphalt above his left shoulder.
“Bit of sun still in my eye, ‘Mega,” Aomine explains. He stares up at you, head tipping back down onto his crossed hands and basks in your beauty for a second. The awe-stricken expression, however, quickly warps into a lewd grin. “Did you wear those black lace panties for me?”
You let out an embarrassed meep, knees knocking together and hands rushing down to push the material of your skirt into the plush of your thighs to stop Aomine from looking up it. The Alpha beneath you laughs at your reaction. His large hand, still on you, slides its way up to wrap around the back of your knee, strong enough that when he presses into the skin, it makes you buckle. You fall to the floor, knees on either side of your Alpha’s face and hands splayed out on the cement above him. You can feel the burn in your cheeks as you stare into Aomine’s playful dark eyes whilst you straddle his head.
The sudden pain from your bare knees hitting the pavement coupled with the intimate position in public has your scent immediately souring. The nervous chitter that falls from your lips doesn’t even finish before Aomine is in action- springing up and wrapping his muscular arms around you. His right waps around your lower back to shift your body closer to his, his left wrapping under your right arm and over your back to grip your neck in one of the easiest ways to pacify someone. Whilst it does the trick regardless of designation, the action normally brings comfort to a distressed Omega especially if done by an Alpha, and calms an aggressive Alpha, especially if done by an Omega.
Your body slumps down his front, sliding to rest on his lower abdomen. If Aomine finds the position uncomfortable he doesn’t make it known, too busy purring and rubbing his hands over your body to calm you. Your Alpha guides your head to nestle into his neck, your nose right by his scent gland. You take big inhalations of his woody scent, allowing it to soothe you. A giggle bursts out of you at the ticklish feeling of Aomine nuzzling his nose into your own scent gland by your neck. The dark skinned male skims his nose up your jaw and over the apples of your cheeks. Aomine rubs his nose against yours, his deep purr continuing to resonate in his chest.
“‘M okay, Alpha,” you whisper. Aomine clutches you tighter to him. Your eyes close as you rest your forehead against Aomine’s and bask in the peace of the moment, the male’s purr not once stopping the entire time. The Alpha doesn’t rush you, letting you slowly recover. Eventually, you pull away from him, as much as the anxious Alpha would let you. A distressed Omega messes up an Alpha but an Omega distressed because of their alpha can really fuck them up. Aomine embracing you was as much for you as for him.
“I’m sorry, Omega. Truly,” Aomine murmurs his apology, lips brushing against yours. Unconsciously, you bring up your hands to cup his face. The usually brash male tilts his head and rests it against your palm.
“It’s fine, Daiki.”
“I’ll make it up to you. I’ll go to the practice match today,” Aomine declares. You giggle again, amused and touched at the way Aomine demonstrated his love.
“You don’t have to. I’m fine now! And like I said the team isn’t that strong. You’ll probably be benched so won’t have any opportunity for team building.”
“Don’t care, gonna go. Wanna be a good mate for you,” Aomine says, dropping a quick kiss onto your lips. The discussion is brought to an abrupt end by Daiki gripping your hips and standing up, pinning your waist to his front. You yelp at the sudden movement, legs tightening their hold around his waist. Still, you trust that your strong Alpha won’t drop you.
Aomine walks over to the ladder with you in his arms. You recognise the look of contemplation on his face to mean he’s trying to figure out a way to get down the ladder with you still in his arms. You wiggle out of his hold knowing it’ll only end in a disaster. Patiently, you wait as Aomine quickly scales down the ladder, jumping the last few rungs. The blue-haired male sends you a thumbs up to let you know you can come down. Your eyes roll at his protective behaviour but humour him and slowly descend the ladder knowing your Alpha is at the bottom with his arms open, ready to catch you if you fall. It’s an action that brings more comfort to him than you.
“Aomine,” you lightly growl when you feel his hand on your buttcheek.
“What, I’m helping you down,” the Alpha replies. You huff but don’t argue with him. Once you’re safely down, you turn to face the door and walk towards it, Aomine bringing up the rear. As you begin the walk to court, you pull your phone out of your pocket with the intention to text Momoi to inform her that you had persuaded Aomine to come to practice. Once the text is sent, you check the time. The date pops up next to it and you let out a soft curse. Instantly, Aomine responds with his own curious trill, deeper than your earlier one. He doesn’t ask what’s wrong but you can detect the small changes in his scent as he determines what could have caused your sudden curse and if you’re in danger.
“It’s only a few more days ‘till your rut,” you inform him. “You gonna be okay?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Already booked the week off for us both, ‘Mega.” Your cheeks heat up his remark. If you turn back to stare at him, you know he’ll have a lecherous grin tugging at his lips.
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Coach Harasawa takes one look at Aomine and puts him on the court as a starter. You frown in confusion, it’s not often that the older alpha lets Aomine play from the get-go during practise games especially against schools as weak as Johzenji. The first half an hour after getting to the court is hectic for you as the basketball team’s manager. You spend the time zipping around, filling water bottles; giving forehead kisses to Aomine every time he gets a bit angsty when you leave his side for too long; greeting the opposition team and helping them settle in.
After making sure they know where everything is, you leave them to warm up and scuttle back to the Tōō team. You’re not expecting Aomine’s arms to wrap around you and pull you back into his chest, the male propping his chin on your head. There’s a bitter tinge to his scent and when you peer up you find him glaring at the Johzenji team. Trying to calm him, you bring a hand up to rub his forearm.
“Mine,” Aomine growls into the side of your neck, continuing to glare at the opposition team. You’re slightly worried that he is about to do something drastic, lick a strip up your bare neck or even bite around your scent glands. Thankfully, the Alpha respects your boundaries and just takes a deep breath of your scent. Harasawa calls for Aomine to line up, the younger Alpha reluctantly pulling away from you and stalking to the court.
It’s a few minutes into the game when you finally get the opportunity to ask Momoi why coach had put Aomine in the play immediately.
“Ah, he said something like Aomine was too agitated. Needed to play it off,” Momoi tells you distractedly, pink eyes following the players and scribbling anything of note down. You nod and leave her be; although on paper she is a manager, Momoi’s real job is analytics- watching the males play and collecting data on their moves. A practise match is the perfect opportunity to gather more information on both her team and opposition teams. As the actual manager, you are needed more before and after games not during.
Your eyes glance to the side to make sure all the water bottles are filled and in easy access for the basketballers. With that checked, you steel yourself for ten minutes without anything to do but watch the game. Since it’s a home match, the entire Tōō team is present. As such, the bench is full and you are forced to walk to the opposition’s bench to sit on.
Sliding onto the end, you smile at the male next to you and turn in time to watch your mate slam the ball into the basket. A smile lights up your face and you clap.
“Friends with number 5?” The male next to you asks. You falter as you debate whether to answer fully.
“Something like that,” you tell him. Turning back to watch the game, you hope you’ve put an end to the conversation.
“Just friends, huh,” he speaks again. You turn your head but keep your eyes on the game, sending a tight-lipped smile in his direction and hoping he gets the message.
“My name is Sakazuki Enji.” You stop watching the game and finally give the guy your full attention. The male has spikey black hair and stunningly turquoise eyes. Your eyes dip down his red shirt, an orange flower pattern decorating the top half. You can tell he is an Alpha, his citrus scent rolling off of him. Citrus had never been a scent you particularly liked. “What’s your name?” Forgetting stranger danger, you tell the male your name. “Huh, I was right, pretty name for a pretty ‘Mega.”
It’s impossible to stop the way your upper lip curls in slight disgust at Enji’s comment. Normally the shortened version of your designation makes your tummy flip over in a pleasant way, however, you suspect most of the reason for said tummy flipping is due to Aomine. The way he purs out the word, how most of the time ‘Mega’ comes after a possessive ‘my’ that has butterflies swarming.
“Y’know, if it weren’t for my ankle, I’d be out there playing. Beating number five,” Enji drawls out, gesturing to the bandage on his ankle. You snort at his statement. “What’s so funny?”
“I’m sorry, but there’s no way you’d beat Aomine,” you inform him. Realising how that may be taken, you hastily add, “no offence. It’s just, Aomine is the ace for a reason.”
“I got picked for ace, babe-” you frown at the nickname but he doesn’t give you any time to argue- “but turned it down. With the extra time, I get to flirt with pretty ‘Megas like you.”
Looking back at the court, you see Aomine standing still in the centre. The dark haired male is staring intently at you, eyes narrowed at the Alpha next to you. From his body language, you know his woody scent is beginning to sour, the edges tinging with a smokey bite that always makes the people around him cough. Sensing the aura of an angry, and very strong, Alpha, Enji does freeze and stops talking to you. You send a smile at your mate hoping to calm him down a little.
Sakurai passes the ball to Aomine from behind, unaware of the staredown Aomine is currently in. In an impressive display of his basketball instincts, Aomine sticks his hand out to the side and catches it with one hand, not once dropping his gaze from you. The Alpha remains rooted in his spot, lazily bouncing the ball whilst glaring at the male sat next to you.
“Aomine, score, now!” The captain, Wakamatsu, yells out. The command from the older Alpha has the ace finally moving, dribbling past three defenders to slamdunk the ball. The Johzenji players hastily run to position themselves for the throw, the Tōō team also following them. Yet Aomine walks back to his position, levelling a scowl at the male to your right.
“Jeez, what’s his problem?” Enji grumbles. You don’t respond to him, crossing your arms and legs to try and tell him through your body that you were done talking. He doesn’t get the memo and continues talking to you. You grin and bear with it, wanting to be a good mate for Aomine and support him.
Aomine snaps half a minute before the end of the first quarter.
Enji makes the mistake of placing his hand on the bare skin peeking from under your skirt. You freeze, the sudden burst of fear barely having time to bitter your scent into that of a scared Omega before Aomine is by your side, a blur in the corner of your eye announcing your Alpha’s presence.
The angry male grabs the material of Enji’s shirt and pulls him up. Enji yelps and kicks his feet helplessly, Aomine’s sheer strength lifting him inches off the ground. You jump up to calm your mate but you notice his eyes; his usually blue pupils are red, telling everyone that he has unleashed his inner Alpha.
“Put your hand on an Omega without their consent again and I will break both your arms,” Aomine growls. His violent threat plus the anger pouring off of him in waves sets off a chain reaction; the other Omegas, sensing an angry Alpha, become frightened and quiver on the court, their scents turning acrid. The pungent smells of several distressed Omegas has the Alphas around them instinctively moving to comfort them, the sounds of coos and an occasional purr replacing the previous squeaking of shoes. Glancing around, you see a weak-looking Sakurai, Wakamatsu’s wrapping an arm around his waist to keep him steady. Momoi, more used to her childhood friend, looks pale and her eyes are wide open.
“Alpha, I’m fine.” You place your hand over Aomine’s right forearm. Your Alpha doesn’t seem to acknowledge you, glaring at the Alpha fearful in his grip. Enji stutters out apologies which only makes Aomine angrier.
“Don’t apologise to me, apologise to my Omega.” Aomine shakes the male, Enji turning to face you and stutter out apologies.
“That’s enough, Daiki,” you soothe, concentrating on producing the floral scent that always calms your mate. You can see it working, the hard look on Aomine’s face slowly fading. Aomine’s own woody scent flares in response to yours and it is then that you realise your Alpha had gone into an early rut, pushed into it either by the rooftop event or you being threatened just now.
Aomine drops Enji who topples over the bench in his haste to scramble away. The taller Alpha silently turns his head to take you in. His irises are back to blue but you can make out a red tinge along the outline. Methodically, Aomine runs his eyes over you, surveying the state of your body. You stay still and let him, ready to do whatever it takes to calm his inner Alpha. Eventually, Aomine finishes his assessment of you and deems you okay. The male takes a step forward to you, hand wrapping around the back of your neck, thumb absently rubbing circles into the skin. His eyes look over your head to the coach.
“‘M taking my Omega to the rut rooms,” Aomine growls out, pivoting on his heel and pulling you along with him in the direction of the rooms.
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Your back hits the door a millisecond after it shuts. Aomine fumbles one-handed with the lock on the side of the door, his other arm bracketing your head. Impatiently, you curve one arm around his neck to pull him down into a kiss whilst your other hand trails down Aomine's front, fingernails tracing the edges of his abs. Aomine grunts and attempts to type in the code that will keep the door closed until the two of you are stable enough to move Aomine somewhere else. The Alpha pulls back from your kiss to look at the number pad, one long finger pressing the numbers that made up your birthdate and his jersey number. The nurse on the other side of the door had asked for a ten-digit code to be used both as a way to lock the two of you in during Aomine's rut (standard procedure) and also to provide a measure of Aomine sentience when you finally think he is moveable.
"Alphaaa," you whine, hands grabbing the material of his shirt to pull him back into another kiss.
"Gimme... gimme one fucking second, 'Mega. Then I'll fuck a knot into you," Aomine grumbles the promise against your lips. You let out a needy moan, Aomine's scent was rolling off of him in thick waves. The smell of a potent, and in rut, Alpha makes your head spin and your pants very wet. It takes a few moments for Aomine to punch the numbers in, the digits having a great deal of significance for him
When the door is fully locked, Aomine pulls back and stares down at you. You shudder, feeling like prey in front of a predator, a spark shooting down from your mid-belly down to your clit at the thought. You can feel yourself gush, whole body tingling with anticipation.
"Pretty, little 'Mega," Aomine coos down at you. The praise has you keening. Your Alpha brings his right arm to mirror his left, trapping you in between his body and the hard door. Being caged-in sends electricity shooting up your spine and your eyes roll up at the sensation of having nowhere to go, cornered in the arms of your Alpha. Aomine laughs at your reaction, head coming down to nose at your neck.
"Actin' like you're in heat, 'Mega," Aomine teases, running one finger down from the apple of your cheek to the neck of your white shirt. He frowns, pulling the fabric down as far as it can go just to get a glimpse of your soft skin.
"Your scent does this to me. You do this to me," you breathlessly declare rolling your hips to grind against his. Aomine's eyes flash, one large hand dropping to grip your waist and stop your pleasurable movements.
Your words affect the male, a deep growl reverberating in his chest. Losing the fight against his rut, Aomine grips your school shirt in both hands and rips it open. The clatter of buttons adds to the noise of your loud protest. Before you can scold your Alpha, Aomine claims your lips in an aggressive kiss. The large male cups the back of your neck with one hand, angling your head so he can deepen the kiss. Aomine's other hand clutches your waist, pulling you off of the door and holding you tightly to his front. The lack of space between your bodies seems to pacify him for the moment.
Aomine's tongue flicks across your bottom lip and you part your lips to let him in. The Alpha's tongue dips into your mouth, easily dominating the kiss. You whine, one weak hand snaking up to grab onto his blue hair to ground yourself whilst the other remains curled along his wide shoulders as Aomine kisses all thoughts away. The kiss is passionate and needy and leaves you breathless. Aomine doesn't seem to be too affected, dipping down to pepper kisses from your lips down to the side of your neck. He wastes no time sucking hickeys into the skin of your neck, littering a few love bites in between the purple bruises. The marks are a possessive display of ownership - you are his. Normally, you would be a bit more pissed at how blatant the marks are, more than makeup and high collars can hide, but Alphas in rut marking their Omegas is as known as the sky is blue. And with the other Alpha earlier, you can understand why Aomine is leaving so many marks.
Watching you pant for breath, chest rising and falling rapidly whilst your tattered shirt flutters around your ribcage has something primal in Aomine roaring. His large hands grab both of yours and pins them to the door above your hear. You moan at the restriction and Aomine purs in response. Your Alpha crowds back into your space, teeth scraping where your neck meets your jawline. It has a whimper falling from your swollen lips and your hips buck, the skin of your navel brushing against the large bulge in Aomine's baggy shorts. The Alpha shudders at the action, pleasure zipping down his spine and purrs at the sudden pleasure. He hooks a foot around the inside of your left ankle to push it to the side.
Once there is enough space, the male places his muscular thigh in between your legs. Aomine clamps the hand not pinning your wrists to the door around your right hip and guides your body down to brush your centre against his thigh, fireworks exploding across your closed eyelids. Aomine encourages you to grind on his thigh, head lowering again to lick a stripe across your scent gland where your mate bite would be. The pleasure has you keening, eyes rolling back into your head and hips bucking up.
"Aomine!" You wail. You have enough coherence to rip a hand out of his hold and grab the hair at the back of his head to pull his face from your neck, preventing him from accidentally claiming you in his rut-induced stupor. You want to be his, have had conversations about claiming each other but you both had agreed to wait a few more years.
"One day," Aomine growls a promise. He peers down at you from where you still have his head pulled away from you. Black pupils are blown wide with the lust he has for you, appearance similar to a hungry panther. You bite your bottom lip at the look he is giving you, Aomine's eyes dipping down to gaze at your lip trapped between your teeth. The reprieve is broken a second later, the two of you surging forward for a messy kiss. Aomine drops his hands to clutch at your hips, strong arms picking you up with ease without breaking the kiss. Aomine strides to the bed and drops you onto it, eyes flitting down to watch your breasts jiggle in your bra. The blue haired male hops onto the bed, holding himself above your body with one arm whilst the other trails up your front to brush against the lace of your bra.
The image of Aomine with buttons and a threaded needle, hunched over trying to mend the shirt he had ripped flits through your mind. You know once his rut is over he will be mending your shirt- as your Alpha, he is always trying to provide for you. A good Alpha buys their Omega clothes. A great Alpha mends their Omega's clothes, especially if they were the ones who tore it in the first place. Still, previous heats and ruts had taught you that Aomine isn't the greatest of sewers so you arch your upper body up off the bed to reach behind your back and unclip your bra. A purr of delight rumbles through the male's chest at the sight of your freed boobs.
Aomine dips down and wraps his lips around one bud, his right hand cupping your other breast, thumb bushing over the brown peak whilst his tongue laves attention to the nipple in his mouth. Popping your wet nipple from his lips, Aomine kisses the fat of your breast, manoeuvring himself so he can free his other hand. He squeezes your breast with his free hand, teeth scraping against your soft skin whilst his other hand pinches your bud. You moan under Aomine's hands, the boob-obsessed male laying bite marks around your chest whilst his fingers roll your stiff nipples. Once the Alpha is satisfied with the purple marks on your chest, he moves his attention to your skirt. A few rough tugs and it's off your body and thrown carelessly onto the floor. Your black lace pants receive the same treatment, though Aomine pauses before throwing them on the floor to take a deep inhale of your scent.
"Alphaaa." You pout up at Aomine. Even though he is in rut, you are desperately horny and empty. When you tell Aomine, a feral growl falls from his lips.
"Gonna fill you up 'n knot you. Don't you worry, 'Mega. Gonna knot you… keep you plugged with my cum. Fuck you over and over, ‘till you’re squirting on my dick," Aomine assures you. He trails a large hand down your front and, in a moment of clarity, marvels at the contrast of his hard, calloused fingers against your soft, golden skin. You shiver at the ticklish feeling, a giggle escaping your lips. Aomine looks back up, the look of adoration on his face taking your breath away. A second later and he's pulled even deeper into his rut.
"So wet for me… Dipping right down your thighs," Aomine growls deep, fingers scooping up the slick sticking to your inner thighs. He brings his hand back up to admire how your wetness clings to his fingers, translucent strands connecting his digits when he spreads them. Even though you're not in heat, your Alpha's pheromones have caused you to produce slick. It has Aomine's head spinning and boxers tightening even more.
The Alpha pushes two fingers into you. You're so wet that he's met with no resistance. Aomine crocks his fingers in just the right way that has your legs kicking up as pleasure scorches through your veins. Aomine pumps his fingers in and out. His rut makes him too impatient to draw out the prep stage any more than it has to be. A third finger is added and his thumb draws a figure of eight on your clit. You whimper, a hand coming up to clutch at the fabric of his shirt as the pleasure has your eyes rolling into the back of your head. Your teeth bite down onto your lip, eyes clamped shut as you feel yourself get close to cumming. Aomine's fingers are big just like the rest of him, stretching you out in ways your own fingers will never achieve. Aomine, upon seeing your attempt to silence your loud moans, snarls and bites the meat of your inner left thigh. You squeal and jerk, Aomine's other hand easily pinning you back down.
"Don't hide anything from me," your Alpha instructs. You nod and release your lip. Aomine smirks and rewards you with another finger. Your hips buck off of the bed you’re laying on. A snarl leaves Aomine at the way you move; his inner Alpha wants to pin you down and make you take it. Which is exactly what he does. One strong arm wraps around your navel to pin you back down. Under the weight of his arm, there is nowhere to escape from the pleasure Aomine is forcing onto your body.
You squeal as you are flipped over, Aomine's restraint completely gone now that he knows you're sufficiently stretched out. Your Alpha grabs your hip with one hand and presses his other into the centre of your back to arch your spine and manipulate your body into presenting. Your impatience butt wiggle is rewarded with a slap to your ass as Aomine reaches over your body to snatch a condom from the bedside table. He rolls it over his dick, giving his length a few pumps with his hand. Already his knot is beginning to swell. Aomine grabs your hips and slides in.
"Good, 'Mega. Gonna knot you. Gonna fill you to the brim." The words fall from Aomine's mouth without him consciously being aware of it. All he knows is the burning need to knot you. Your mouth opens as he slowly sinks into your heat, no noise escaping. Your lids flutter, things shaking as you feel the way his cock stretches out your walls. When fully in Aomine stops and shallowly rolls his hips in an attempt to distract himself as you get used to the feeling. Between the prep he had given you and the copious amounts of slick you had produced, you don’t need much time before you’re pushing back and fucking yourself on his dick.
Both hands grip your hips, tight enough you know there will be handprints in the days to come. It makes your cunt clench, the Alpha rutting into you snarling as he feels your walls tighten around his dick. Even though he is the one in rut, the need to breed you pent up inside him, you are the one who’s teetering on the edge of orgasm. You keen at the surging pleasure and let your face fall into the pillow, your arms too weak to support you. The lowered position allows Aomine to plunge even deeper into you. The mushroom head of his cock brushes up against your g-spot, giving you a firework display behind closed eyes. Aomine’s hips smack into yours, balls hitting your clit with every thrust, the wet sounds of skin slapping echoing around the sterile room.
“Fuck…. Alphaaaaa,” you cry out, eyes crossing and mouth opening in an obscenely hot manner. You’re too fucked out to get any words out, unable to tell Aomine that the feeling of his knot rubbing your pussy lips has you so fucking close to cumming. Your Alpha understands though, one hand sliding around your hip and through black curls to rub your clit. The added simulation shoves you over the edge and you orgasm with a loud scream.
You let out a weak moan as Aomine continues fucking into you, his hips losing their rhythm. Your thighs are shaking from the pleasurable high you had just experienced, but the Alpha male behind you doesn’t seem to care, hellbent on his release. A few more thrusts and the blue-haired male lets out an animalistic roar as he cums into the condom. The base of his dick swelling, your mate thrusts one final time managing to pop his knot into your tight hole. You bite back a displeased whine, sad at not being able to feel his hot cum spurt into your cervix ((((()))))) - you had only forgone the condom a handful of times but the way he had filled you up, the photos he had taken of his seed dripping out of your hole and how he had scooped it back leading to another session had instantly made you addicted to the feeling.
The pressure of his two hands gripping your waist slowly recedes as Aomine eases off of his high. His chest presses against your back, nose making its way to the side of your neck and pressing light kisses wherever his lips could reach. As much as you like having your man lay on top of you, you’re not a massive fan of the sensation of sweat cooling on your body. Always in tune with your needs, Aomine’s arms circle your waist and rolls you both onto your sides. He wiggles impossibly closer, strong body spooning yours. You begin to purr, left arm bending over your ribs to gently stroke any part of Aomine, aiding him in the comedown from an intense rut session. A deeper purr joins yours a few seconds later, Aomine nuzzling into your neck.
“Need anything, energy bar? Water?” He murmurs into your ear. You shake your head, more than content to spend the forty minutes it would take for his knot to go down dozing in his arms.
“Hope you’re prepared, I’m gonna knot so many times, my ‘Mega.”
Edit: link to my survey please please go and do it. Thank you https://universityofsussex.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5zHYpdPdhZgJ8y2
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nevertheless-moving · 3 years
au/episode where Obi-Wan and Anakin run-afoul of some Sith temple defensive measure and both completely lose their memory. Featuring:
wandering around a highly contested hell-scape planet fighting absolutely everyone because they both sense doom from both armies and instinctively trust only each other
it’s deeply embarrassing to be beat up by amnesia duo because they're flailing about really incompetently with makeshift staffs (sith temple stole their lightsabers and their muscle memory is adjusted for a weightless blade) while shouting at each other, “HEY SIR JUST REALIZED I CAN LEVITATE STUFF?!?! CAN EVERYONE LEVITATE STUFF?!?!”
(they think their names are sir and general because that’s what the clones keep calling them while chasing them down)
just the silliest fight scenes as the troopers are desperately trying to demonstrate they’re friendly while also attempting to subdue the Jedi before they die and obi-wan and anakin are really in tune with the force but barely capable at fighting so they mostly just dodge and do cartwheels while like 300 men try to tackle them. everyone looks stupid.
playful bickering over whose older because Sir looks older but maybe it’s just the beard (obi-wan refuses to shave in case General is right)
platonic cuddling because they both get cold and they don’t know they’re not supposed to 
they both sleep incredibly well, it’s honestly insane how much better they feel a week-in, even on the run they’re getting so much more sleep 
(this can most likely be attributed to a lack of crushing guilt and stress but the cuddling also probably helps)
Obi-Wan struggling to use the force and anakin trying to explain until Obi-Wan bursts into tears because “it’s not easy for him how are you making it look so easy”
“Maybe I’m just more experienced?” Anakin says in a panic. 
sparring with staffs like no- this is- this almost right but not at all...
Anakin being very gee whiz sweet a la episode one, like he sees some troopers are in trouble with the quicksand and insists that they go to the rescue.
the group of shinies are relieved but also very unnerved to be rescued by kind and gentle General Skywalker and scowling General Kenobi (Obi-Wan also wanted to help the troops but felt the need to be overly suspicious to balance things out)
alternating between being the risk taker and the cautious one (no change from canon there)
aaand Obi-Wan occasionally going: “What if we're married, or lovers? Maybe we should try and sleep together, just to see if it jogs any memories" because his default mode is slut 
Anakin: "I don't know man it feels wrong" 
Obi-Wan: "yes what does that have to do with anything"
(I’m not very into Obikin so the minor Obikin subplot would be a hilarious source of deep personal and physical distress to them once memories are regained)
Literally the entirety of what happens:
*make out for 30 seconds*
Obi-Wan: *breaks it off* “Yeah you were right that was super weird sorry”
Anakin: “uhhh” (it was super weird for him too but Obi-Wan’s a really good kisser so amnesia!Anakin now has uncomfortably mixed feelings)
Rex chasing them and growing increasingly stressed because everyone thinks they’re way more sexually involved then they actually are and just knows they’re going to freak out when they get back to normal
supporting evidence: cuddling, calling obi-wan ‘sir,’ the fact that the more time passes the more radiantly cheerful they seem- like we get that forgetting all their responsibilities is probably great but they keep getting more good-spirited (this is 95% because of the sleep), a lot of times when they find them they’re inexplicably shirtless and sweaty (meditating and sparring)...the list goes on
this is confirmed when they freak the fuck out upon regaining their memories. Histrionics, vomiting, avoiding each-other, crying. 
so much crying
SO uncomfortable to be around
they get back to coruscant and Anakin breaks down apologizing to Padme and she’s completely understanding, doesn’t consider it infidelity, completely natural given the circumstances, and then Anakin chokes out the explanation of sort-of enjoying his Master’s tongue in his mouth and how he almost even kissed him twice 
Padme: ”...That’s...it?”
Anakin: *sniffling* “I mean sometimes we woke up with boners but that kind-of just happens even when you’re in medbay or whatever...”
Padme: “I see so then you-”
Anakin: “Oh Force No! Oh wow, ugh. Yeah I guess things could have been worse, but still!”
Padme: “...A month and all you did was kiss once?”
Anakin: “I’m not explaining right”
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sukunastoy · 3 years
Introducing Sukuna to modern day food if that's ok!
Okay!! This was my first attempt at a given prompt, and I hope I did it justice! (>人<;)I am trying to do sort of holiday/Christmas themes for these, so I incorporated some modern day Japanese holiday food in the mix.
Thank you so much! I had a lot of fun doing this! I normally don't write very short things like this but I'm looking forward to getting better at them!
Pairings: Yuujixfem!reader and Sukuna inside Yuuji being a spoiled ass. (I guess more like an AU for this.)
Wordcount: 2.4k
CW: None, its SFW.
Reblogs and comments appreciated! ❤
Requests Open!
Master List
< ---Christmas Cake🍰 --- >
It was all perfect...everything decorated, all the shopping done, and almost every single gift finally wrapped. It had been one crazy day so far. Yuuji had just returned with the final food items needed for your small holiday dinner tomorrow night, barely getting every item before the stores closed. You smiled happily upon hearing him come in the front door, stomping his feet lightly to get the snow off of his shoes before removing them. Running up to him you gave a quick kiss to his cheek and a hug around his neck, to which he chuckled shyly and wrapped his free arm around you. "Hey baby, I was able to get everything left on the list, aaand..." You stared excitedly into the bag he was digging into and your eyes glistened when he carefully pulled out a small container of a miniature Christmas Cake. "Aww!! Yuuji thank you so much!!" you squealed and hugged him again making him almost drop it and he cried out in panic. "(Y/N)! Careful with the cake!!"
After the commotion had subsided, you helped him unpack whatever he had got while occasionally giving each other cute little kisses on the nose when passing one another in the kitchen. This was your first official winter holiday together and you both wanted it to be special and cook a decent meal together instead of ordering meals for the day. Not wanting to spend the whole next day cooking, you both decided it would be best to cook what you could tonight, and then leave some of the rest to finish tomorrow.
"Hey, Brat." Sukuna's voice rang out through the kitchen and both you and Yuuji halted what you were doing and sighed heavily at the intrusion of the curses voice. Luckily it was something Yuuji had explained to you early on, so it wasn't such a shock anymore, more just annoying.  "Whaaat..." Yuuji grumbled while continuing cut up small pieces of raw pork for both a curry dish and some other chunks for breading and baking later.
"You haven't eaten, so I'm hungry. Eat some of that meat."
"Ew no, its still raw." Yuuji stuck his tongue out while continuing to cut up the pieces.
"So? I'm stuck in here and you refuse to eat. I demand you eat something, brat!"
You went over to Yuuji with a water bottle and spritzed some water at the eye and mouth that was on his cheek and Sukuna growled and retreated. "Fiesty." You huffed and Yuuji nodded in agreement.  "I guess he's right though, we've been so busy today you haven't really had the chance to sit down and eat." You sighed while recalling the events of the crazy day.  "I'm not even really hungry at this point." Yuuji said with a shrug. "I'd rather just wait to have a big appetite for this meal tomorrow." "And I can't wait for all of this!" Giving him a kiss on the nose you giggled and he smiled his big goofy smile in return.
After the two of you got most of everything premade and stored in containers ready to be heated up for the next day, you collapsed in bed next to each other. Exhausted from the crazy holiday madness. Your fridge was full of containers with curry, grilled pork and veggies for the curry mix, small chunks of breaded pork, potato salad with kewpie mayo and a mix of vegetables, the Christmas cake, coleslaw salad, custard pudding, a coffee flavored jelly dessert and a few other things.
"Brat...Braaaat." Sukuna grumbled on Yuuji's cheek trying to get his attention in the middle of the night, but you were both passed out in a deep sleep.  "Tch...how annoying this is..." Retreating from his cheek, Sukuna remained quiet for a moment. Feeling how weak Yuuji was in his deep slumber, Sukuna was able to overtake his body, sitting up in the bed while groaning. Yawning and looking over to your sleeping body under the blankets he pondered a moment if he should just demand you get him something to eat and serve it to him -as a woman should anyway-, but his crimson eyes shifted over to another water bottle on your nightstand and he growled in his throat. You'd start spraying him in the face and most likely bring Yuuji back into control...
He got out of the bed and wandered down the hall to the kitchen while still grumbling at how inconvenient this all was and how next time he'd just start biting you through Yuuji's hand if he didn't eat enough and made him have to starve.
Rummaging through the fridge, he looked at all the containers on the shelves that were full of food he saw Yuuji putting in them and he grabbed them hastily, creating a huge pile on the counter of containers. "Hah...Brat thought he could make me wait til later."
Prying the lids off of the containers he looked at the food curiously. Normally Yuuji ate all of this stuff so he's never personally had to mess with any of it or taste any of it, but he refused to wait any longer. Sticking his finger into an orange liquid type thing and returning his finger to his mouth to taste it.  "Interesting..."
Grabbing the container and flipping it upwards to his mouth, he easily guzzled most of it down, disregarding it was cold from the fridge. "Bah...just flavored liquid, no consistency even?" He grumbled while looking into the container to see if something was left at the bottom of it in the remaining liquid. Tossing it to the side on the counter he grabbed onto another container, seeing those chunks of meat that Yuuji was cutting up earlier, only now they had something else covering them. Stabbing his nail into a small chunk and lifting it to examine, crumbs fell from it and he stuck the chunk into his mouth, chewing on it questioningly.  "Why ruin meat with dried up pieces of bread covering all of it?" Pushing the container aside he moved onto the next, seeing more of the meat chunks now mixed in with vegetables and he flipped the container up to pour some of the mix into his mouth, groaning in content at the plain grilled pieces of pork. He continued tilting the container up to dump more into his mouth while looking into another container.  "What is this now?" Dropping the other now empty container aside he leaned his face down to sniff this other dish. It smelled slightly sweet but had vegetables mixed into the yellowish white fluff. Dipping a finger in, it was a bit more thick than he imagined it to be and he scooped some into his mouth, snorting in confusion. It tasted like potatoes, but also was sweet and bitter at the same time. Trying a second scoop with his finger, he studied it for a moment before flipping up the container and dumping more into his mouth, enjoying the strange mix of flavors.
"That brat wont let me enjoy any of this, how selfish." Tossing the empty container over his shoulder he eyed the cake that was nearby. It was small enough to just grab into his hand and he grumbled at how messy it was. It smelled incredibly sweet and he took a large bite out of the side of it, pausing a moment while enjoying the flavor. Incredibly sweet.  It didn't take him long to finish shoving the cake into his mouth and finishing it all, but now being irritated at the remains all over his hands that weren't coming off as he shook them.
Wiping his hands off on whatever cloth he could find on the counter he let out a huff of aggravation and grabbed another container looking at it strangely as he could already pick up the bitter scent from it. As he slid the container closer he cocked a brow up at the wiggling food from the movement. He shoved the container slightly again and again it jiggled and he frowned in concern. He tried to dip a finger into it but it split apart and would stay on his finger, still wiggling as he tried to get some of it out.
"The hell is this??" Holding it up to his mouth he tilted the container to move some into his mouth. As soon as some of the jiggly chunks went into his mouth he dropped the container down and let whatever was in his mouth fall out onto the counter. "Disgusting!" he snorted, holding his tongue out in distaste.
It didn't take him long to poke through more of whatever was in the fridge, either eating it all or at least shoving a finger or two into each item to taste test it. After growing bored of the fridge items, he turned his attention to the cabinets, rummaging through bags of chips or cookies to find something different to eat. Tearing open a few of the bags, he tossed a few cookies in his mouth, enjoying the sweet flavor before moving onto some of the chips and immediately being annoyed at the sudden change of flavor, no longer having the sweet taste in his mouth from the cookies.
"Weird things these brats eat...Nothing simple like just plain grilled meat." he sighed, wishing he could just go eat what he really missed eating.
Noises slowly started to pull you out of your sleep and you groaned while turning over and looking to Yuuji, who wasn't there. "Yuj?" you yawned, sitting up while rubbing your eyes.
Hearing glass shatter down the hall you gasped in fear and pulled the blankets up to your chest fearfully. "Y-Yuuji??"
"Tch! Annoying brats and their strange containers!"
"...Sukuna??" You growled angrily and rushed out of the bedroom down the hall. "He better not have touch any- AH!" you screamed in both anger and shock at the huge mess.
Standing in the walkway to your disaster of a kitchen, your eyes scanned over all the containers that were either empty or half empty tossed around, a few glass bottles shattered on the ground that had spices in them and other things the curse had carelessly tossed around. Sukuna was standing on the other side of the kitchen, leaning against the counter with a bag of cookies in his hand and looking at you with a dull face.
"What? The brat wouldn't eat and I refuse to go hungry. Besides this gives you a job to do besides talking so much all the time." He chuckled while gesturing to the mess, meaning you can clean it up.
Grabbing the rolling pin from the counter next to you, you chucked it at his head which he easily dodged while looking at it fall and then laughed in amusement. "Oh how frightening, an angry woma-"
You threw a metal stirring spoon at him while he was looking down at the rolling pin and it hit him right in the nose. "Hey!" He growled at you dodging another spoon you threw.
"Yuuji!! Wake up!!" You yelled angrily, continuing to throw anything you could get your hands on at the curse who had been pigging out in your kitchen for who knows how long.  "Enough!" He demanded in irritation as you threw another utensil at him. "YUUJI!!"
"Shut up you harlot!" he shouted, tossing the bag of cookies at you. Grabbing the squirt bottle you had in the kitchen you started spritzing it at him while stomping over to him and he growled angrily while moving his arm up to block the stream of water. "Go away Sukuna, you damn slob!" You shrieked and he grumbled while the tattoo patterns slowly faded from his face and chest, leaving a groggy Yuuji standing before you.
"Ughh..." He groaned while rubbing his nose where you had thrown utensils at Sukuna hitting him in the head. You stood before him with your hands on your hips and huffed loudly. "Your animal ate like, everything..."
Yuuji looked around in a panic and yelled angrily while slapping the side of his face where Sukuna's mouth would normally pop up. "HEY! What the hell?!"
Sukuna's mouth opened and bit his hand making Yuuji yelp and slap his cheek harder.  "I demanded to eat and you refused. So this is your fault." The mouth snickered and Yuuji groaned dramatically. "You've got to be kidding me! You even ate the special cake you jerk!"
"I demand more of that delicious thing, and you will let me eat it again."
You stared at Yuuji with a heavy pout on your face before spraying him in the face with the water making him and the mouth halt their arguing.  "Come on...lets clean it up, we'll just get something simple instead.." you drawled, throwing your arms up and back down at the mess.
Yuuji whispered more insults at the mouth who laughed loudly before retreating.
"Ugh...I'm so sorry, (Y/N)...I didn't know he would come out here and do this..." He said apologetically, reaching for your arm gently.
You shrugged and looked at him while letting him hold your arm. "Oh well...I knew what I was getting into." Looking at the clock it was already early morning, and stores would be open for a few hours before closing early for the day.  "I'll stay here and get this cleaned up if you can go and get what you can before the stores close in a couple hours. Last minute chance!"
He nodded quickly and went back to the bedroom to get dressed, him and Sukuna insulting each other again. You grumbled and began cleaning up the mess, wanting to just smack Sukuna continuously upside the face with one of these metal spoons again.
As Yuuji went to the front door to put his coat on, you poked your head from the kitchen again, hearing him still arguing with Sukuna through whispers and you cleared your throat loudly to get their attention. "And for god's sake...grab an extra cake to shove in his stupid mouth so he doesn't do this again."  Yuuji sighed in a pout as Sukuna snickered. "Smart woman! I feel sorry she has to deal with a brat like you!" he sneered at Yuuji again before retreating.
You both looked at each other and shared a deep huff, feeling like you were both raising a wild animal. Oh well, at least you couldn't ever say the days were boring...
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