#abfd is one thing
dreadark · 8 months
spending 500+ chapters with kim dokja really lets us know way too many things about him. here did you want to know about his garterbelt fetish. also his dick is huge. yeah we're gonna bring this up in the epilogue too. in case you forget
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gottagobuycheese · 2 years
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Not only that, she recognised a few familiar faces, too. Such as a short height with bandages tightly wrapped around in one arm…
[Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Isn't this our little Flame Dragon?!]
Uriel dashed towards the figure of the Abyssal Black Flame Dragon and performed a head-lock.
[Keuk! An enemy's sneak attack?!]
[It's me, your Archangel noonim.]
[Release me at once!]
Hugtober Day 6/? - Good? In My Evil?? It’s More Likely Than You Think!
[ID: A greyscale piece of digital fanart depicting Uriel and the Abyssal Black Flame Dragon from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint. Uriel, dressed in a black dress with a metallic edge and anklets, stands behind the Abyssal Black Flame Dragon and grins widely as she noogies him. Her six feathery wings spread out behind her, and a simple halo hovers over her head. The Abyssal Black Flame Dragon appears in his human form, wearing a black sweatshirt and ripped dark gray jeans with a black belt around his right thigh and two chains looping from both hips. His left arm is wreathed in bandages, and his cheeks are covered in scales. Two short horns poke out from his ruffled black hair, and his two bat-like wings bunch up behind him as he’s held against Uriel. He glares up at his captor, his right hand tugging at the arm around his neck and his left shoving up against Uriel’s elbow as she digs her fist into the top of his head. /end ID]
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echoed-salvation · 3 months
One thing I love about orv is that it initially bait and switches you by convincing you early on that the constellations are the "big bad" of the story - voyeuristic beings that gain enjoyment off the suffering of others - until the reveal that they are also going through their own scenarios. This mirrors how us as the readers are going through our own lives and our own struggles yet we consume media highlighting the experiences of others. We root for these characters, we follow their journeys, we see ourselves in them. And yet we're not villains - we're just surviving. We're escaping the struggles of our own lives by indulging in these worlds created by human imagination. Similarly, many of the constellations in orv do not have malicious intentions despite living off stories - uriel cares greatly for the incarnations she supports (as the "fangirl" archetype) and sun wukong and abfd also greatly support kimcom throughout their journey.
This is further solidified in the reveal of the oldest dream. Despite unintentionally creating worldlines through his imagination, the younger kim dokja was never a villain or "monster". He was simply a child who sook to escape the tragedies of his life through a webnovel. He depended on that novel to survive. And that was in no way the sin he thought it was - not even secretive plotter who had gone through countless regressions and witnessed the despair of the universe could hold it against him. Nor han sooyoung, nor yoo joonghyuk of the 1864th round, nor yoo sangah, nor anyone else in kimcom. No one thought dokja needed to atone for anything - they loved him and cared for him even when he couldn't love himself.
Just like kim dokja and just like the constellations, we are readers seeking an escape from the struggles of reality. And we too are loved - regardless of whether we know it or understand why.
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lialox · 5 months
UGH. I feel like I have to fight the fandom on a piece of Kim Dokja's characterization here.
He specifically DESPISES [999] Kim Namwoon. That KNW alone!! No other KNW! Really cannot stand the 999th turn KNW! 
Why just 999th turn KNW?
KDJ judges people based on their actions not what their characterization is. 
“I was taught to pay the price for my actions”
999th killed his favourite YJK turn. 
999th got off for free for what KDJ believes is the worst thing ever. This is a parallel for KDJ believing that no punishment is enough for taking away the ■■ from YJK >>> subway thoughts
The hatred is less because “you're like me” but more like “I cannot forgive this. Not for myself, not for others, not for anyone.” Kim Dokja struggles a lot with the concept of forgiveness.
999th turn KNW was forgiven for something he believes he shouldn’t be forgiven for, so Kim Dokja just deals out the punishment himself.
He feels sooo bad about all the other KNWs. He will go out of his way to make the other KNWs safe/happy.
He gave 1863rd KNW his special coat to play with
When summoning 1864th KNW (the one in the gundam) he's all like!! Gotta make sure this KNW is safe! Can't let anything happen to him with Disconnected Film Theory, even though I did bring him here to help me deal with the 999th turn
There's a line somewhere, around the time Jang Hayoung messages ABFD for the first time, where Kim Dokja thinks "just like Kim Namwoon, ABFD might not be so bad after all".
Kim Namwoon is used to further reinforce that no one is born a villain.
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d10nsaint · 2 years
-> being with either kim dokja or secretive plotter had its ups and downs—but what is it like before you two got together?
saintspeaks; lmao take this while i work on other stuff <3
Before you were dating DOKJA, it took you a very long time to even notice the poor boy, but one time you ended up sitting next to him on the ride home, and ended up just talking.
Of course, at the start it was majorly uncomfortable for Dokja, but he soon got used to you talking to him about what happened in your usually mundane day.
You soon got really attached to his loser attitude and way of living, and it quickly turned into a small crush. You bought him things every morning, and listened to him rant about some novel while admiring how passionate and cute he looks while he does it.
At this point, Dokja is madly in love with you, but just refuses the thought. Sometimes, he things that you talk to him out of pity, but you dont. You just enjoy him as a whole.
Before you married the infamous SECRETIVE PLOTTER, you were a new constellation that Uriel had (somehow) befriended. Uriel invited you to certain meetings with Plotter, Sun Wukong, and the ABFD, and soon you just began to fit in.
You’d decided put in the extra effort to talk to Plotter because of how lonely he was in your eyes. He did find you quite annoying at the start, so he just ignored you, but that didnt work.
So, he tried staying away from you, and you got the message…to say the least.
You looked so sad now, even if you were with the charming Sun Wukong or the sweet Uriel, and he felt guilty for leaving you like that.
He sent you a gift as an apology (it was a very pretty necklace picked by yours truly) and then you both started talking again! great :D
Now he realizes how you werent really that annoying, and he didnt give you the chance that you deserved. Now you both have some sort of friendship dynamic and its wonderful. Even though its just him nodding his head and grunting, it was better than nothing.
He realizes that he’s catching feelings when he notices how possessive he is now. He used to not care when Sun Wukong or some lowly constellation flirted with you, but now it irks him and he wants to put them in their place for trying to take whats his.
You realize that youre catching feelings when you hang on to every gesture from him, a simple nod or grunt will have you thinking it over for hours.
Its a very slow process, but sooner or later you both are deeply in love with each other.
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stubbornjerk · 6 months
As a general post for the additional analyses requested from this video essay, I talked about Kim Dokja's own core of characters acting as symbolic of his own character being his first four constellations, to parallel Yoo Joonghyuk's main core.
So here it is, from one of the comments on the vid that requested it! (under a read more to protect ppl from spoilers)
i think i stumbled on it when i was trying to figure out why his first four [constellations] lasted so long and became so important that they basically became channel mods. and it came to a head around the jttw arc and the reveal w ABFD being a teenager that: sun wukong, uriel, ABFD AND secretive plotter are all forms dokja as a reader and all explore themes that are important to dokja's development as a reader.
which sounds like a small thing, except that since he loves TWSA, they all are indicative of how he interacts with the scenarios and his company!
sun wukong read jttw over and over just to find himself again, to finally reach an answer that would explain his listlessness. there's already a whole arc in the novel that explores this so this much is pretty much self-explanatory
uriel is thrilled by new developments and is an active participant in a lot of scenarios, intervening through channel messages kind of like dokja’s comments that ended up affecting TWSA (jang hayoung is the biggest example of this). she also has the strongest bonds with the company’s incarnations, a bond she thrills over, esp her bond w jung heewon.
abyssal black flame dragon loves the power-scaling, not bc he thinks power is thrilling, but bc he himself hasnt felt the thrill of power in a long time. he's got the worst depression possible. its stated that hes one of the most powerful dragons out there already, but appears and maintains his teen age because he wants to "maintain his curiosity of the world." ABFD is more indicative of dokja’s child self than kim namwoon, which is why han sooyoung ends up choosing him as her sponsor and why dokja seems especially dismissive of him.
secretive plotter, based just on that extended description in the vid, is a little obvious already. hes looking for His reader out of envy of 1864!hyuk’s found purpose and relationship with his own. this is why he clashes w sun wukong a lot bc while sun wukong is seeking answers that would give him closure by rereading his finished story, plotter wants connection and a reinvigorated purpose after finishing his own story. he wants a satisfying conclusion.
put together, these constellations form a very clear view of a dokja after TWSA, wanting to feel what he felt while reading it the first time, closure after finishing it, control over the story, and a more satisfying conclusion. whether if its of his own making is irrelevant. it kinda blew my mind when i realized it but it seemed pretty obvious once i processed it.
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sarcasticmirage · 11 months
Okay I can't find the post anymore, but a little while ago there was a poll about what animal coding Han Sooyoung had, and only four people said dragon, and yes I get it an aquatic animal, fits into the trio. And hsy is almost always figuratively knocking shit off counters, so cat works too... but have you considered i will die on this hill
novel spoilers!
So this all starts with one part in orv that has always been a sticking point for me: why is hsy's constellation ABFD?
It always seemed weird to me because kdj and yjh have both never had sponsors that were not part of the trio, and in a complete parallel kdj and hsy were both constellations who both had yjh as their incarnation (reader and writer only able to communicate through a character). So all this works... but where the hell does ABFD come in? To be honest, it makes more sense for 1864 hsy to be sponsored by secretive plotter, it ties the trio even closer thematically and even makes sense considering the contract that the two of them make in the early scenarios. So why ABFD?
The easiest answer is that it's meant to draw parallels between kdj and hsy, with both of them having similarities to Kim Namwoon, and at times acting as a villain or antagonist to the narrative. The other meta explanation is that if hsy had a strange sponsor or no sponsor at all, it would clue the audience in, that hsy is just as distinctly important to the world as kdj and yjh... and make it harder to convince the reader that she "totally didn't" write twsa. But there are easier ways to draw parallels that aren't as core to the story, and why of all constellations was abyssal black flame dragon chosen?
Because hsy, herself, is a Dragon...
Dragons are important to ORV, the most destructive thing within the star stream, and in some ways the only thing that could kill yjh, so what does it mean to be a dragon?
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This conversation with the apocalypse dragon is the only real time that dragons as a thematic are brought up, and on the re-read, damn do most of these descriptors sound like hsy, or at least the perception, at this point, of the twsa author. The author is viewed as "the origin of evil" in ORV, they're the person who has made each of the scenarios and has caused all suffering in the characters lives. Hsy, similarly, when we first meet her is a villain, using the apostles to directly control canon and attack kdj as well as our whole primary cast.
However after hsy is revealed as the author of the novel and her story is told, we learn that she "was chained to restrictions" giving her only a few hours a day to be in control of her body and it was during this time that she was "the scenario's target of submission" made to make the scenarios, yes to save kdj, but also because she had always made them, without them already existing she could never have gone back to create them in the first place, but she is never given the chance to exist in the main story beyond this role. Before the end of the story, she is mainly seen by the narrative as either a villain, or someone forced to suffer (50 yrs later). Yjh is the protagonist of twsa. Kdj is the protagonist of ORV. As for hsy?
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One of the most classical concepts in storytelling is that of a Hero, Damsel, and a Dragon.
The Hero embarks on a perilous journey to save the Damsel from imprisonment,
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The Damsel is stuck alone and far away from those she loves,
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The Dragon guards the Damsel to the point that she is trapped away from others.
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These roles are even referenced in one of hsy and kdj's first conversations:
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Kdj is not the Hero,
he's the Damsel.
Hsy is not the Damsel,
she's the Dragon.
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chirpycloudyrobin · 4 days
this au has probably been done before but let me yap
au where kdj is somehow able to rewrite so much of reality at the cost of himself that he was able to literally write himself out of reality AND make sure everyone else has their happy endings.
he has pinpointed himself as the sole reason why everyone's lives has gone to shit and maybe this is one of the ways he thinks to repent. he's got all this godlike powers now. he won't exist after this but lmao this is a small price to pay for what everyone went through because of him, right ?
hsy never had to write WOS because there was no 15 year old boy who needed it to live. instead she was able to write the novels she wanted to write. she's a happy, successful writer. no one's lives rested in her hands.
his mother never got married to his father. she lives a free life. she was never a murderer. there are no regrets haunting her. she doesnt have a failure for a son.
yoo sangah works at a much better workplace where her coworkers actually respect her and she's able to live her best life. maybe she's backed by some of the most powerful people in the corporate world.
the WOS characters are instead rewritten into reality. there is no apocalypse. they're all living their best normal lives. yjh is a successful pro-gamer and he's not weighed down by failures of a thousand lifetimes. maybe bihyung is his overworked manager lmao. yma gets to grow up with her older brother and there's no need to worry if she'll see him again. sys grows up happy and loved without blood in her hands. her dog grows with her, unharmed. her parents adopted lee gilyoung. ljh goes to uni w nbr. maybe she's yjh's gaming protege. jhw works with uriel at their own law firm. lhs lives his life volunteering and he doesnt rigidly follow the soldier's manual anymore. lsh is one of the top doctors in the country.
hades and persephone run a successful chain of gourmet restaurants with branches all over the globe. abfd is han sooyoung's cousin who annoys her at any opportunity. he and knw are chuuni bros. maybe they cosplay together too lmao. sun wukong's either a famous martial artist or an actor, ill get back to u on that.
maybe they're all connected with eachother like the world's most unexpected friend group. maybe they're a bunch of social circles that happen to have a lot of mutual ties. one thing they all do have in common is that they have this distinctive feeling that something is missing. they all have their perfect little lives, but why does it feel like something is wrong ? why does looking at a subway make them feel so melancholic ?
idk how theyll end up realising WHO they're missing but it's going to destroy them fr 🥳
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icarussol74 · 2 months
Spoilers for Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint’s epilogues below.
Ok so I finally (after getting distracted way too many times) finished my first read through of ORV a few days ago and as expected I can’t stop thinking about it. Of course the loops and KDJ’s fate are constantly on my mind, but there’s one thing that won’t stop bugging me. We don’t know the fate of Kim Namwoon in the 1865th turn. I know he’s not the biggest character (and three versions of him technically got happy endings) however, we even know the fates of Gong Pildu and Han Myeongoh. So while I absolutely love the epilogues it bugged me that there wasn’t even a single sentence about KNW. And since KNW was a major foil/parallel for KDJ I think it would’ve been really cool if 1865 KNW was helping try to save KDJ. Like for a media analysis standpoint it’d be the darkest reflection of KDJ trying to save what got left behind/the part of himself he hated/what made KDJ just like KNW.
Considering that the goal of the 1865th turn, aside from trying to save KDJ, was to save as many people as possible I really wanted to know what happened to KNW. I feel like it would’ve been extremely unlikely for them to decide he has to die while planning the group regression because both HSY and YSA knew KDJ regretted killing him. On top of this, YJH always tried to save KNW even when KNW betrayed him in various world-lines. I attribute this to KDJ telling 0 turn YJH that no one is born evil and encouraging him to lead KNW down a good path. Plus, even without all of those factors, if YSA started in the subway car again she’s the kind of person who would try to save as many people with the frog spawn plan. By the way, the hiding frog spawn all over Seoul to break the first scenario was hilarious.
So with all that being said, I feel like it’s extremely unlikely for KNW to die (at least in the first scenario). And I cannot be convinced that that silly little emo edgelord was not one of the teens that got really into the apocalypse craze and started catching a ton of frogs. By that logic YSA would’ve been able to save the Granny without killing KNW. Honestly he’d probably hero worship YSA just like he did for YJH. Another thing is that HSY literally refuses to have ABFD as her sponsor which I know is because her plan was to become a constellation, but that gives ABFD plenty of room to sponsor and get attached to 1865 KNW.
So basically, I feel like 1865 KNW would’ve survived all the way through the final scenario and would have gotten hella attached to Kim Dokja’s Company. Like sure he would’ve been a little asshole at the beginning of the scenarios but there’s no way YJH, HSY, and YSA wouldn’t have been able to guide him while completing scenarios at a breakneck speed. Then that brings me to if he survived, why would KNW stayed in the 1865th worldline? He would’ve gotten hella attached to all the characters from the 1864th turn and if he learned about regressors and how KDJ killed the 1864th him he would’ve probably wanted to meet the man who killed a version of him. Plus, through the various versions of KNW we’re shown throughout the novel, it’s heavily implied that he was depressed, suicidal, and had a terrible family life before the scenarios. So I’m not sure if there’s much of an argument for the idea that he just wouldn’t have boarded the ark and stayed behind in the 1865th turn.
I don’t know, maybe I’m misreading some of his characterization and reading too much into him not being mentioned in the epilogues. Unfortunately, that little fucking edgelord will not leave my head (probably because I can relate to him having dealt with mental illness). Idk, I just feel like a foil as important as him could’ve been mentioned in the epilogue whether it’s a short line mentioning they decided to kill him so he can drive the Gundam again or that he was ABFD’s incarnation again in the 1865th turn.
I mean maybe my sister’s headcanon is right and he really annoyed HSY so she decided to not acknowledge him in the epilogue (since like we’re technically arguably reading HSY’s writing). I think it’d be really funny if he’s just following Kim Dokja Company members around like a lost puppy and crushing on LJH like all other worldlines. I also think his relationship to LGY and SYS could be really funny because he’d treat them like little siblings and they’d hate it because they’re more powerful than him and claim to be around his age because of regression time shenanigans. What are other people’s headcanons for 1865’s KNW? Am I wrong that he’d survive or would he follow Kim Dokja Company because of how badass they all are (especially YJH and JHW)?
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chai-en-kaadhale · 5 months
things that happened in the sad book apocalypse novel that I Am Not Over
----> copy pasted from my silly little notes app
- Kdj's second mother is persephone, his father is hades
- Kdj's brother is a literal monkey. I mean like 3 literal monkeys. And he is also a monkey. A magical one. Hes also a squid
- Also his first mother covered up his first homicide, which was his first father. Biologically at least
- The constellations become idols
- Biyoo's mentor as Shin Yoosung of the 41st round was Yjh, her soul was taken by Kdj and stuffed in an egg for Bihyung to hatch, so excluding whoever her bio parents were, Biyoo had a grand total of 3 dads
- To reiterate, he had a daughter with a weird troll who became the king of weird trolls. she is also a fluffy ball with a horn.
- Secretive Plotter is the embodiment of Washing Machine Heart
- Yjh becomes a girl for a bit
- Hsy is a boy when we meet her
- Kdj becomes an actual demon king
(ah yes the three genders; girl, boy and demon king)
- yjh kdj and hsy scam anna croft out of 3 million coins
- hmg's child gets possessed by a goetic demon
- kdj gets a scenario where he'll die if he doesn't socialize
- ysa slams yjh's head into a wall
- The 4th wall eats kdj's mother (as in the wanderer king)
- lhs turns into a sword and starts sobbing
- lhs gets kidnapped by the wizard of oz (in a sense)
- Surya (as in the god of the fucking sun) has a train.
- knw becomes an EVA like shinji's mom. or an EVA pilot? idk i never got that bit
- the way hmg got the child. iykyk ;)
- Buddha himself shoves the main characters into a period drama - Actaully no the entire Kaixenix arc wtf was that
- "[Constellation 'Demon Kind of Salvation'] is throwing a tantrum at constellation 'Secretive Plotter']"
- kdj beating the shit out of paul (king shit)
- jhy called kdj ugly to his face upon barely having spoken to him
- yjh fought a dog (we love breaking the sky sword master though)
- abfd made hsy move kdj so that instead of an attack hitting his <black flame dragon> it literally killed him
- "Im sure hsy and kdj are doing something very important and hard for us and thats why they couldn't stay" Cut to hsy and kdj living it up in a ferrari
- 999 yjh turns into a dumpling
- kdj turns into a dumpling
- ljh misunterstanding kdj and yjh
- "maybe kdj likes getting kidnapped"
- The pocketwatch being left on the bed after yjh leaves :(((
- 1863 hsy plagerising her way into seeing the conclusion and then becoming tls123
- kdj not liking tomatoes
- hsy's first hint of suspicion that something was up with 49%kdj being that he liked tomatoes
- 999knw,ljh, and uriel and 1863 yjh taking od to parent-teacher conferences
- hades when persephone was leaving: "honeyy do you HAVEE to leave :'ccc"
- "Terrorist identified as supreme king yoo junghyeok, 33, unemployed"
- hsy becoming a professor who teaches stuff about webnovels
- 999yjh teaching kdj how to properly make murim dumplings
- ysa becomes tripitaka and a prospective buddha part 2
- kimcom fights the sun and also the ocean
- "yjh. where is kdj?"
- "This man. Arrest him."
- tmyfiictrwiegtmya?
- yjh eats dirt
- yjh gets revenge on dokja for making him eat the dirt
- The Secretive Plotter has been having a "domiti why not me" moment for the entire round so far so he sends kdj to kill him in the 1863rd round in such a way that yjh doesn't regress ever again but with the ulterior motive of ensuring that 1863!yjh doesn't become him in the present thereby erasing his existence (rip)
Except that just results in kdj creating both him and the current yjh, neither of which would have happened if he didnt sent kdj out in the first place thus resulting in all of his problems.
- Secretive Plotter also sent out hsy#2 to his round and she ended up becoming one of the things that caused the entire story to happen to begin with. Thus resulting in both his existence and all his problems by extension.
- tl;dr, secretive plotter fucked up his plotting so bad that it literally became the cause of all of his problems. and everyone else's problems by extension bc protagonist.
- The fact that everything is in a time loop
- The multiverse and also the fact that jaehwan is in it too
- kdj was in the subway for over 21,763 years mind if i cry
- sooyoung and junghyeok share the love language of chokehold
- hsy @ dokkaebi king: "yeahh so about the apocalypse. could you like,, not..?" or smthng like that
- everything is happening at the same time. bro. bro.
- anna croft was born in las vegas. i did not know you could be born in las vegas. i did not know that ppl actually gave birth in las vegas bc the first thing their baby would probably smell would be cigarette smoke and it would probably develop epilepsy or sumn from all the lights
- that one scene where jhw shoots up with her angel wings, hsy rides a dragon up into the sky, and yjh walks on air or something like that shit was cold
- the potential of a golden eye edit with yjh bc of his transcender eye AND IT SHOULD HAPPEN ALREADY
- kdj just having been a constellation this whole time and an incarnation the whole time as well. he kinda had the pain from both sides :(((
- hsy casually being rich asf pre apocalypse AND A NEPO BABY TOO
- the entire book was just a bunch of people ((well mostly just the two)) faced with a trolly problem on a multi-global scale, AND THEY STILL chose the one guy because he meant that damn much to them.
- Yjh misunderstanding Sangja and going, "You have a woman you l o v e" and shitittt
- That scene where yjh met btsss and just immediately ran away
- kyrgios and ngmy being exes. bro wanted a giant woman (allll you wanna do. is see me turn intooooo) and got the giantest. other bro w wanted a short king and got the shortest. they took height difference to the extreme.
- Yoo Hosung (Reincarnator Island Fable-Control Guy) being ljh's "Great-Grand-Master" LIKE GREAT-GRANDPA BC HE TAUGHT NGMY WHO TAUGHT YJH (and also kyrgios)
- The pebble story being actually relevant ('The stone and I')
- Uriel. Archangel Uriel is a fucking nerd. Kdj is her little meow-meow
- Metatron and Agares just scheming in the great war of saints and demons like little schemers
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crystalcatgamer · 1 year
More Constellation Gang Clownery
Part 1 and 3 of CG modern AU bs here, welcome to part 2! 
They’re very silly so fucking chaotic, with Uriel being Good, ABFD being Evil, SWK being neutral, and SP is just plain chaotic whenever he wants to be, period.
SP being oldest of the group is so good to me... man's in his early thirties and these energetic late twenties people are bouncing around… 
More bar things ft SP having good alcohol tolerance but once upon a time he got tipsy with CG and everything went to shit. (Building? Burning. Uriel? Running off. ABFD? Passed out. SWK? laughing. Secretive Plotter? Headinhishands) but basically them drinking together is just like Uriel debating bar BL tropes drunkenly.. sun wukong playing a drinking game because he wandered off and got yoinked by another group… abyssal black flame dragon gets non-alcoholic drinks shoved into his hands but he nabs alcohol somehow anyway… secretive plotter nursing his one (1) drink of the night and idly listening to his (insane) friends. (Designated driver) 
They're all rich for one reason or another and have huge apartments so they do a rotation of whose house they're crashing at once half the group has passed out from drinking
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dreadark · 6 months
6 and 7!
orv ask game
6. whats a headcanon you have that you absolutely believe is canon?
1865knw like... that he exists. and he ends up traveling with their group. please
i mean it just makes sense right. yjh obviously cares about him, i think at that point hsy has most of 1863hsy's memories so it's a similar deal there, abfd isn't hsy's sponsor anymore... etc etc here's how kim namwoon can still win !!
(i want to try writing smth about this but i have to reread orv first... and probably take notes this time there's so much going on
7. conversely, whats a headcanon that youre just pulling out of your ass but you love anyway?
that one of the abyssal black flame dragon's stigmas is a partial dragon transformation
does this really matter to anything? no but would it be cool as hell? Ye s
if jhw can have angel wings hsy can have dragon wings!! and claws. and fangs. and
also abfd said he could do that and he would never make things up. Surely,
though han sooyoung can just change the form of her avatars right (...what are the limits to this exactly? beyond mana usage...?)
she probably says something like eh i thought this sponsorship would come with more useful stigmas and then abfd refuses to talk to her ...until she recites one of his "summoning" chants to make him happy. sorry i love hsy and abfd...
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asteropewpew · 1 year
we should talk more about han sooyoung's potentially inherited dragon traits from her sponsor...
like han "my sponsor is the abyssal black flame dragon" sooyoung just having some shared subtle dragon traits that nobody thinks to be out of the ordinary except that, "wow, sooyoung-ssi's really intense sometimes, huh?"
consider han sooyoung sharing the stereotypical dragon traits where she's very possessive of yookim and then kimcom like she doesn't like other people trying to cozy up to them, when her eyes would glint and turn into catlike-slits when she's angry...and her hands turning into claws when she's agitated and darkening into inky black very tough scaled skin...just han sooyoung smiling a very not nice fanged smile when someone pissed her off (and yookim + kimcom are the only ones that survive from actively pissing her off)
*everyone is deathly terrified about this...but at least she's not spewing out fire right...right?*
kimcom just treating hsy like a snooty cat makes things both worse and funnier because abfd is so smug that his incarnation established her own hoard (read: kimcom) and is rightfully defending her hoard. swk and sp have an ongoing bet on when kimcom will realize hsy's dragon-like tendencies, and then there's uriel who is wondering if this is why jung heewon tends to be a little more wound up whenever she's alone with han sooyoung...since abfd is technically in the evil alignment
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abfd uriel sun wukong idol group and Gabriel (uriel's fiancee) go to get ice cream
Uriel and Gabriel share a Neapolitan parfait or sundae, something's that's really over-the-top sugary with tons of toppings. Uriel loves it, Gabriel says that she dislikes it but secretly likes it. If they had gotten their own ice creams, Uriel would have ordered strawberry, again, with lots of toppings, and Gabriel would have gotten chocolate.
Sun Wukong either gets banana or some really, really, really weird flavor, like pizza ice cream or something meat flavored or Cheetos or monkey food, whatever that is. I looked it up, those ice cream flavors do exist, unfortunately (except monkey food. i don't even know what that would be)
Abyssal Black Flame Dragon gets something dark and edgy that "matches the darkness of [his] soul" or something (it probably comes in a kids cup and with a toy) but ends up not liking it that much. The others pick up on this, and Uriel finishes the ice cream for him while Sun Wukong orders him something else while making him promise to pay him back (a promise that everyone conveniently "forgets") (this is literally that meme "how black do you want your coffee" "as black as my soul" "okay just milk then")
999th Gang + Secretive Plotter + Most Ancient Dream + Lee Sookyoung (the Outer Gods kidnap her from prison because they don't know how to take care of a child) also get ice cream
Yoo Joonghyuk insists that if they wanted ice cream, he could make it better, and only orders mint chocolate chip after everyone else peer pressures him, starting a controversy over whether mint chocolate chip is good or not. After they get back to the house, Yoo Joonghyuk makes 20 different flavors of ice cream from scratch and obviously it's way better than what the store was selling, but it's not like anyone tells him that.
Uriel planned to order strawberry, but sees some weird spicy flavor like peppermint chili (also a real flavor) and gets that to fulfill her curiosity and her morbid taste in spicy foods. She eats the entire cone and loves it. Everyone else is appalled.
Kim Namwoon was going to order something edgy like ABFD, but Lee Jihye orders peach and he orders the same thing to match with her, at which point she changes her order to salted caramel. He ends up finding a new favorite flavor though.
Lee Hyunsung normally gets whatever is the special of the day, but that day, the special was something he definitely didn't like, so after a long time agonizing over what to order, he just got vanilla.
Kim Dokja tried to pick the cheapest option, but the others encouraged him (read: bullied him affectionately) to order something nice. He got mint chocolate chip like Yoo Joonghyuk. They were glad he said what he wanted but the ones who were on the "mint chocolate chip is bad" side were dismayed.
Lee Sookyoung also gets something really weird, but while Sun Wukong chose flavors that should not be made into ice cream, she picks flavors that could theoretically be good on their own but terrible when combined. Example: Carrot Pistachio Mint (not an ice cream flavor as far as I know but I saw a cupcake with a similar flavor once). Lemon Chili. Cherry Citrus Bubblegum (I wrote the first two, went, "Those two are both fruits and might go together. I've never had them together before, how would I know if it's bad? I need to make this worse," and added bubblegum at the last minute). Everyone else agrees that she's insane.
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nomadjones · 2 years
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Birth name: Unknown.
Full Name: Dallas Jones.
Nicknames: DJ, Deej, Tex.
Pronouns and Gender: He/Him, Cis Man.
Birthday: Unknown.
Age: 29.
Birth place: Dallas, Texas.
How long have they been in town?: Brief stint in 2017, current day he has been living here for a year.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Housing: Ocean Crest Apartments.
Occupation: Probationary firefighter with Aurora Bay FD.
Family: Unknown.
tw child abandonment, violence, child abuse // @aurorabayaesthetic
he was born in dallas, texas.
and was dropped off at a firestation as a baby which made state news and they referred to him throughout the search for his birth parents as 'baby dallas'
they estimated he was about a week old 
he was nearly adopted twice, once as a baby and then again at six years old, but both fell through for different reasons 
the name dallas just kind of stuck 
has bounced around different kinds of foster homes, predominantly in texas in his earlier years but as a teen he was a bit of a runaway so sometimes he’d end up back in the system in whatever state he had gotten to
has a bit of a temper which made him a bit of a write off to be adopted because he came with a laundry list of issues and once he hit 8 he gave up on the idea of a forever family and stopped trying in that regard 
his behavioural issues haven't lessened much in adulthood, though he at least tries to think things through these days
as soon as he hit 18 and was out of the system he hit the road and did odd jobs and just travelled around the country
first hit aurora bay when he was 21 and only stayed for a few months. it was initially supposed to be a brief beach weekend, but he met a girl who held his interest and tried to stick around for her. it ended up going up in flames, like most things in his life
continued to live a transient life until he found himself drawn to aurora bay once again five years later, and he's once again trying to settle here
did some bar work when he first returned, before deciding to feel out potentially becoming a firefighter after a talk with a local one at the bar he was working a shift at hot his interest
he very nearly cut his career in it short 8 months ago when he got into a particularly nasty bar fight which almost got him jail time, he narrowly avoided it but was warned that would be his last chance
attends court mandated anger management because of it
currently a probie with ABFD
he doesn’t have an actual birthday. the date he was found is what’s on everything official but because he was around a week old when he was found, all he knows for certain is his birthday is somewhere around the second week of june 
has an extensive criminal record of misdemeanours and other offences for fighting, disturbing the peace, theft, criminal damage criminal mischief
has suffered from recurring nightmares since he was young due to a three month stint in a particularly bad foster home. doesn't like to talk about it
big soccer fan. prefers to play midfield when playing soccer but can play defence or goalie at a push 
has a few scars on his body from fights and some minor burns on his body from work
baby daddy to @christinaxwagner's son colton.
foster care protector / something undefinable of @thewrenxharlow
bestest broski of @chascwilliams
roomie/best friend of @trcvis
enemy of @helenasoarcs
ex-boyfriend / current colleague of @firefighterrojas
co-worker of @hcnter
patron of / looks up to @greengideon
friend of / personal smoke alarm warden to @laureljreyes
friend of / soon to be co-soccer coach wth @noah-atwood
roof buddies / friend of @ambivalenceshefelt
friend of / hype man to @sagexgrayson
wrangler of @maura-cortes
previous very short term foster sib of @cricketcampbell
his pre-aurora bay life is very fluid atm timeline wise so any non-natives who want to have crossed paths with him before i’m incredibly down to clown with that 
a roommate!! hello!!!!
friends of all varieties 
folks who don’t like cause he doesn’t know when to back down from literally anything 
exes, flings, one night stands etc etc that whole shibang 
FIRE FAM Y’ALL.. gimme some 
idk it’s open season lets go GSHJSK 
connections wise he’s pretty much an open book right now, but some baseline ideas that can be springboarded off are:
a best friend / ride or dies / close friends / childhood friends / pseudo-siblings / friends / drunk friends / new friends / former roommate / people he knew from texas / people he met while on the road / people from the foster system he was close to.
flirtationship / friends with benefits / one time hook ups / tinder matches / unrequited crush (can be either way) / exes from high school / exes from his early teens / exes on good terms.
enemies / former (best) friends / exes on bad terms / frenemies / rivals / negative influence / people he's gotten into physical altercations with.
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porcelaintoybox23 · 2 years
YJH: I mean, haven’t we all thought about being the opposite gender?
KimCom: No.
JHY: kinda? I’ve always been a girl, it’s just that society didn’t perceive me that way.
YJH: I’m not a woman, it’s that sometimes, I just really don’t want to be a guy and being a woman feels less wrong. Not often. C’mon, no one else feels like this?
HSY: So, is Loki still alive? Do we know any other constellations that change gender?
YSG: uh, there’s someone in Olympus, but I don’t want to say their name. It’s a little offensive.
YJH: forget I said anything. I was joking.
KDJ: You have never told a joke in your life.
YMA: he’s right, Oppa. Should I say, unni?
QDS: Joonghyuk, gender can be a very personal and complex thing…
YJH: No, no, no—
NGMY: Breaking the Sky is something only women can learn. You achieved the true peak of swordsmanship when you were fe—
YJH: I will kill everyone here if you finish that.
HSY: I’m pretty sure the only person who doesn’t know you were the punisher is “dumbass in denial” over there.
KimCom: Who?
HSY: y’know, Loki stopped our ex-terrorist from being nuked by the star stream by making him a woman. Didn’t you guys see who won the martial arts tournament?
KDJ: now wait a minute. There’s no way Joonghyuk is the punisher.
QDS: my child, you are incredibly dense.
YJH: *face turning black from rage*
LJY: Master, you carried the baby? Not Ahjussi?
Biyoo: I have a sibling?
KDJ: There is no child! Joonghyuk, tell them they’re crazy.
YSA: I saw Joonghyuk transform. Dokja, you need to accept that you find Joonghyuk attractive as a man or woman.
KDJ: I’m not gay—
LGY: bisexuality and pansexuality exist, hyung.
QDS: sexual fluidity does run in the family.
YJH: *being restrained by Uriel, Sun Wukong, and Minyoung*
JHW: *dying of laughter*
LHS: what is going on???
QDS: I know my son quite well. The only person he finds more attractive than Joonghyuk-ah is the punisher who is Joonghyuk.
KDJ: ABFD, please kill me.
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