#abo zukka
the-genius-az · 5 months
I want omega Zuko mpregged
Azula (Running quickly to Zuko): No, no, no, no.
Zuko: Hey Azula.
Zuko (gets punched in the stomach): Huh! What the fuck?
Azula (While wiping away some tears): You are my brother, and I cannot stand by watching you trhow away life like this.
Azula: You're too young, and you're kind of handsome!
Zuko (moans in pain):What the fuck are you talking about?
Azula: I'm talking about the baby that's growing inside your belly now.
Sokka: Bye!
Zuko: I'm not pregnant!
Azula (Smiling proudly): Well, not after that hit!
Azula (makes a smug pose): I've been taking muay thai classes.
Zuko (Trying to hide his anger): I was never pregnant, Azula.
Azula (She looks over Zuko's stomach): Are you sure?
Zuko (Grabs the collar of his sister's shirt): Yes, I'm fucking sure!
Mai (immediately pushes both siblings aside): I'm sorry, but why the fucking is everybody yelling over here?
Azula: Oh..
Azula (Take a pregnancy test): i found this positive pregnancy and there was-
Zuko (Mai immediately punches Zuko in the stomach): Oh, mother fucking!
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whistlemist · 4 months
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shoyoackerman · 6 months
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aight that was the last thing was expecting to see on a 2020 zukka abo fic ngl 🧍🏽‍♀️was flabbergasted by this when I got to the end notes. I thought maybe they wrote this in 2020 for whatever reason but then checked their recent works and saw they had this in every single one of their notes.
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So everyone please look out for this account, make your own personal choice when it comes to people who are open about being a Zionist amongst the ongoing genocide in Palestine where thousand of lives are still being killed.
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bisexuallsokka · 1 year
just barely got my wisdom teet hout who wants to talk abo zukka rivorce
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kotaka-kun · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
saw @middleearthpixie doing this and I wanted to do it too :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
249 works
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
380,279 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Most recently I’ve been writing for Phantom of the Opera and Love Never Dies, but according to my AO3 dashboard, I’ve posted fics for just under 40 fandoms and naming them all seems excessive... That being said, my top five are Lord of the Rings, Phantom, MCU (mostly Captain America), Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Harry Potter. 
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. thank you for the food (ATLA, zukka, Fluff, Domestic Bliss, Modern AU) 2. Simple Happiness (ATLA, zukka, Fluff, Living Together, Modern AU) 3. Bucky has a belly kink, but Steve doesn’t mind in the least (MCU, stucky, ABO, Belly Kink, Pregnancy Kink) 4. Surprise (MCU, stucky, ABO, mpreg, Birth, Twins) 5. New Colors (One Piece, zosan, Fluff, Color Blindness, Gifts)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I do try, though I know I’ve missed a few over the years... but I do love and treasure every single comment I get!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I’d have to say that it’s probably a tie between The Worst Thing (MCU, Steve/Bucky, omegaverse, infertility, miscarriage) and overboard (LOTR, Frodo/Sam, trauma, depression, suicide attempt)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Hard to say, since aside from the two mentioned above, I write mostly fluffy happy endings... 
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
Thankfully, no. But maybe that just means I need to write more divisive fics? 
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do write smut, and it’s probably mostly -- if not all -- omegaverse tbh... 
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I love love love writing crossovers! I think they’re fun and silly and a good time all around. Don’t know if I have one that’s significantly crazier than the rest, but I think i read the hobbit (in 1937 when it first came out) is one of my favorites to think about. I’ve got a soft spot for ws!Bucky is all. Putting him in Middle Earth and adding him to the Fellowship was just for funsies :)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! A reader translated New Colors into Chinese, which was super neat!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Absolutely, 100% -- in the sense of collaboratively plotting out and writing a story, as well as taking turns in an improvised narrative style RP, and also something in between where the premise of a fic was agreed upon and each of us had characters to write, RP style. 
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I don’t think I can pick a singular ship to label as my favorite... I’d call Zoro/Sanji my OTP, but only because they were the first ship I got involved in fandom for -- I haven’t read a fic of them in years. I’m reading almost exclusively Erik/Christine fics right now, but I’ve come across Erik/Raoul fics that have made me fall in love with them, as well as Erik/Raoul/Christine fics that are so so good... I guess in terms of longevity and my ability to always come back to them, Steve/Bucky has been a solid ship for me? 
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Gonna go with Zoro’s Promise, since it’s the only multichapter fic I never bothered to move from FF dot net to AO3. It’s literally been ten years since I updated it lmao
16. What are your writing strengths?
On one hand, I guess my ADHD-fueled hyperfixation that allows me to write fic after fic could be considered a strength...?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
On the other hand, as soon as my ADHD-fueled hyperfixation loses its vice grip on me, I lose all motivation to write. Especially if I’ve already written out the scenes that I had in my head, I become incapable of filling in the gaps and making it a cohesive fic... I honestly don’t think I have very good writing hygiene even after taking classes on being better about being a hobby writer oops 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I personally tend to avoid writing in another language, because I think it’s hard to do well. Sometimes it takes you out of the fic because you have to copy-paste it into Google Translate to figure out what they’re saying, sometimes it takes you out of the fic because you speak the language and the author evidently doesn’t and they used Google Translate. 
19. First fandom you wrote for?
First fandom I wrote fic for and then posted would be One Piece... but in actuality, I’ve been writing fanfiction from long before I knew that’s what it was called. I was probably in second or third grade when I wrote self-insert Peter Pan fics. Also Shrek fics. I don’t have the notebooks I wrote them in anymore, but I have a very vivid memory of writing them.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
This is maybe the hardest question of all to answer, because while I like a lot of my fics, I don’t know that there’s one that I could call my favorite. My current WIP stranger than you dreamt it (PotO, Erik/Christine, ABO) is one I’m excited to keep working on because, well, omegaverse. But also time and time again (LOTR, Frodo/Sam, Time Travel, Fix-it) was one of the first multi chapter fics I’ve actually finished, so in that regard I’m rather proud of it. I liked the time-travel-y premise of it as well. And even though what comes after (HP, Snape/Harry, Time Travel, Fix-it) is still technically a WIP, I’m still pleased with how it’s coming along... though it’s been a hot minute since I’ve updated it oops
tagging... you! 🫵 if you're an author, i'm tagging u! i want to know about what you write!!!
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princecosmosanon · 1 year
Heya! First, I just wanna say I'm a huge fan of hotm and can't wait to read more! Your style and characterization are fantastic, and the story has such great flow. It's easy to read and enjoy. c: I was curious about what other works you've posted? Obviously, you're anonymous so I can't really stalk your ao3 account and binge your other works, but I love abo, especially in the ATLA fandom and was wondering about what else you've written and if you'd be willing to share some of it.
Hello! Thank you for reading Hearts on the Mend and sending me a nice message! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed it so far! Hopefully I’ll manage a chapter again soon, but I’ve had a bit of a dry spell with writing, so I couldn’t put a date to it.
That being said, if you’d like to read any of my other fanfics, I actually have them linked in my pinned post on this tumblr account. There’s only three of them, including Mend, but they’re all omegaverse, so perhaps you’ll like them!
The first is How to Seduce Your Husband, another zukka fic but this one has Zuko as an Omega and Sokka as the Alpha. They meet at a fancy party meant to be used as a faux mate hunt and end up together before they even know one another. When I first started writing it, I was inspired by Behind the War Worn Mask by zeerogue, which is another arranged marriage Zukka fic, as well as When in Fódlan by PumpkinSpiceHimbo, a Fire Emblem Three Houses omegaverse Claurenz short story.
Just the idea of meeting someone you’re fated to be with, and having to cover your face at first and hide your true self… it just inspired me! But as it stands, How to isn’t finished either lmao whoops
The third fic I’ve written (and still isn’t finished) is different from Mend or How to. I must preface this by saying this one is not for everyone. It’s called Heaven Sent/Hellbent and it’s not a Zukka fic. Instead, it’s a Piandao/Zuko omegaverse story.
In HS/H Piandao is forced to marry Zuko basically right after Zuko gets burned by Ozai, and Piandao is like “fuck that” and basically makes it his life’s goal to keep Zuko as his ward. After Aang appears and takes down Ozai, Piandao officially annuls their sham of a marriage and Zuko becomes the next Fire Lord. This fic jumps between the past, when Zuko is living with Piandao as his ward, and the present, when Zuko is several years into being the Fire Lord and is now being pressured to produce an heir to the throne.
As you can see, it’s got some crazy things going on, but I did fuck around with the age gap in that one. Piandao actually doesn’t have an official age in the Avatar universe, we just know that canonically he’s the youngest of the white lotus members, so I changed things around a bit. But there’s no underage sex in the fic and the characters don’t get romantically involved until Zuko is in his mid 20s so… take that as you will. Again, it’s not a fic for everyone and I won’t be upset if you’re like “ew, no.”
Anyway, these are the three current writing projects I’ve got going so far. I do hope you enjoy them, whether it’s just the one or all of them! I like writing but it’s difficult trying to stay afloat in this capitalist hellscape and manage my free time otherwise. But knowing there’s still people out there who like my stories enough to send me little notes and questions always makes me smile :)
As always, thanks for reading!
~Prince Cosmos Anon
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hexx-bunny · 4 years
if you keep moving, you will come to a better place
zukka, abo, omega!Zuko, alpha!Sokka, slow burn When Zuko presented as an Omega, he knew Ozai would find the worst possible way to get rid of him. He is to be married off to anyone who wins a stupid tournament. Zuko has other plans though, which include escaping and living his life however he wants. But it proves harder than expected. Cue Sokka enters his life, a non-bending Alpha unlike any he ever met. A marriage that may or not happen. And a long, weird roadtrip that shows Zuko the rest of the world is not as cruel as his Father made him believe.
Chapter 1:
Zuko was ten when he presented. Earlier than expected, and worse than anyone could predict. He still remembered those days vividly. After a visit to the doctor, he was scolted back to his rooms, which he was forbidden to leave. Nobody would look at him. The guards, usually gentle sometimes, avoided him. He could hear his mom and dad screaming at each other from the other side of the Royal Wing. Was he sick? Was he going to die? He didn’t feel like he was dying. He just felt alone, and scared.
When the door finally opened he almost jumped from the bed, waiting to see Uncle Iroh. His uncle never lied to him. But Azula waltzed in with a smile that never brought anything good.
“Guess what I just found out, Zuzu~”
“Go away, Azula. I’m not in the mood.”
Since their last presentation of Firebending progress to their grandfather, she’d been more smug than usual. Azula ignored him, tapping a finger to her lips as she studied him. She knew how to press his buttons.
“What?!” Zuko snapped.
“Hm… nothing. Just, I thought Omegas were prettier. But you still look the same.”
The boy’s heart froze.
Omega. Omega?
“You think it’ll make it harder to marry you off?” she continued, “Since, you know, that’s all you are good for now. Maybe they’ll give you to some old, gross man. Actually, I’m kinda sad. I really wanted to keep seeing you embarrass yourself in front of grandfather, but Omegas aren’t allowed to Firebend and all,” Azula chuckled, “At least it explains why you are so bad at it. Omegas are just… not made for that stu- Hey! I’m not done, come back!”
But Zuko wasn’t listening anymore, he was running before he noticed. Omega. He was an omega. Dad may not like him very much but he wouldn’t… he couldn’t right? Ursa and Ozai’s screams were too close, and before the guards could stop him, Zuko was opening their door.
“Dad!” he cried. He was an Omega. He was crying. He felt like the smallest thing in the world, yet he gathered all his courage for that moment. Zuko’s tiny fingers grabbed the red robes of his dad, his mom was trying to pull him away but he refused to budge, Dad, please! I- I don’t care that I’m just an omega, I promise I’ll try harder. I’ll get better! I’ll… I’ll train more, and master Bending, please, please don’t give me to an old man. Please, I pro-”
That part he remembered in flashes: Ozai’s pure look of disgust. His hand moving. Zuko braced for a slap. The heat, the unforgiving heat, he didn’t expect. It burned. It burned. It burned. Something smelled bad. The bright light died, and as everything went black, he heard his mom crying.
“Look at what you’ve done,” was the first thing Ozai spat when he woke up. The pain almost made it hard to hear. Actually it…  was kinda hard to hear. Why was his face covered up? What had happened? “Do you know how hard it’ll be to find you a mate now? Nobody wants a weak, scarred Omega.”
Ozai didn’t visit him again. Neither did Azula. Those days were spent in silence, in pain, Ursa cradling his body. Zuko wondered which of them was shaking.
He had ten years, still Zuko never got fully used to the scar. The way people turned their faces when they saw it was maybe part of the problem. He knew what they whispered about him, about how ugly it was, nobody would want a mate like that. Any partner he managed to find would certainly be just after his position. Correction: any partner his Father managed to find.
Zuko guessed he would find out in a few hours.
He stared at his reflection. Maids and servants only prepared married Omegas, Prince or not he was supposed to get ready by himself. It didn’t look so bad. His long dark hair half secured on a high ponytail with the Fire Nation symbol. The red robes also fitted him well, even though they were a pain in the ass to walk in. Zuko would gladly kill whoever had decided Omegas needed to wear so many layers of clothing. The most important part, the makeup, was missing. He didn’t exactly despise that part, but he despised how the paint would only bring more attention to his scar. He had angrily scrubbed it all off, better to endure his Father’s anger for one more day than to be mocked for walking around like a half-painted clown.
Mothers were allowed to help their unmarried Omega kids. Ursa probably would’ve managed to paint him well, she would’ve looked over his shoulder to their reflection and said Zuko looked beautiful. But she was gone.
Zuko let his fingers touch the golden earrings. They used to belong to her. That was when the door finally opened.
Uncle Iroh gave him a half-hearted smile.
“Are you ready?”
He had been the only person Zuko could count on for a decade. When he was banished from learning Firebending for being an Omega, Uncle Iroh would sneak him out of the palace late at night and teach him. When Zuko was prohibited from fighting, Uncle Iroh gave him double swords as a secret birthday gift and taught him how to master them. And when Zuko told him he was going to run away after today’s celebrations, it was Uncle Iroh who hugged him tightly and promised to help. Even though it would break his heart, Uncle Iroh always helped.
Zuko often thought his Uncle was probably the only decent Alpha in the world.
Here is how an ideal life for an Omega would take place in the Palace: they would learn just enough to manage a household and attract a mate. After sixteen, Betas and Alphas would start courting them. By eighteen, it was normal to be married off to a mate that could bring status to the Omega’s family.
Here is what Ozai decided: Zuko would learn enough to manage a household. Nobody wanted to court him, he was too damaged, too much of a black sheep. Instead of marrying him to some foreign Prince or Princess, he decided to host a mating tournment. He invited nobles from all the world to fight for Zuko. Dogs fighting over a scrap of meat.
The marriage wasn’t even going to be officiated in the Fire Nation if a foreigner won. Zuko was theirs, and therefore no longer Ozai’s problem. Azula, who to nobody’s surprise presented as an Alpha at twelve, was his heir and all he cared about. Soon there would be high status Betas and Omegas begging for her hand and Zuko would only be on the way.
As always. Always on the way. A blemish on his plans, reflected by the one on his face.
Ozai didn't even spare him a glance when Zuko arrived at the podium, sitting on the smallest throne right next to Azula. The Palace courtyard was bursting with excitement. It was impossible to figure out which of those people came to fight or to watch. The complete lack of respect for the noble participants was unlike the Fire Lord, who would plan even the tiniest detail, showing there was a hierarchy and his place was at the top. It was just another sign of his disinterest, that tournament was not for him, it was to humiliate Zuko. And now, surely with any high ranking nobles leaving for what they would consider an insult to their status, he was left with…
“The rabble is very interested in your hand, Zuzu.”
He had an escape plan. It was not a question of if, but when. He had it all ready. He could firebend, he could fight, he had the money and supplies Iroh smuggled to him. Still, seeing how many old, terrible Alphas and Betas were in line to mate him was terrifying. Zuko’s biggest fear for years stared back as dozens of eyes: being forcefully mated off, raped and diminished to a baby-making machine until his death.
Happened with his mom, why wouldn’t he have the same fate?
A warm hand gripped his shoulder. Uncle Iroh sat on the last throne.
The drums begin playing, a mimeckry of his heartbeat.
No. No panicking. Zuko was gonna get out. A few hours, and he was out.
“By the way,” Azula whispered by his ear, looking as bored as ever, “Your runaway kit is ridiculous.”
Her hand grabbing his arm was all that stopped him from jumping away. The pit on his stomach grew, it felt about to swallow him whole.
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” he croaked.
“C’mon. You are not that dense,” she relaxed her grip, “Father doesn’t know about it. Yet.”
“What do you want, Azula?”
The first nobles stepped on the makeshift arena. Zuko couldn’t care less.
“A deal. Father just wants to get rid of you, but General Zhao has other plans. He thinks if he wins, you’ll give him some political leverage. He’ll probably try something stupid like killing me and putting one of your… spawn on the throne. I know, a complete idiot. I’ll kill him by the end of the year, I swear he is so boring…”
“What are you talking about,” his throat felt dry. Zhao was never part of any of his plans. Azula clearly knew that.
“Well. He set some of his agents on you," she shrugged, as if those were old news, "Here is what’s gonna happen: If he wins, you are on the heart of the Fire Nation, surrounded by his men and legally mated. There is no way you could escape.”
“Yes, I can,” Zuko gritted his teeth.
One of the contestans was knocked out. People cheered. The second round began.
“Be realistic, Zuzu. Now, if he doesn’t win one of the two things will happen: either some low-level Fire Noble wins. You are still stuck here. And his agents will probably try to make a widow out of you and he'll sweep in, oferring to take you. Daddy will agree, of course, you know it. Or, some Earth Kingdom nobody wins. Zhao is too much of an idiot to know how to infiltrate the Earth Kingdom, but he is set on making his agents follow you to the borders. Maybe he’ll try to make it look like an accident on the road. Who cares. The thing is, you will be out, then you can run. Unless… someone tells daddy dearest of your little plan.”
Zuko’s scar throbbed. He thought he was being so smart. But at every corner, Azula seemed to take pleasure in proving him wrong. He looked angrily at her with his good eye.
“What do you want ? Spit it out.”
If he weren't so immersed in his own desperation, Zuko would’ve been shocked at the way her face changed. Few people could see when her mask of cruelty slipped, and then, for a moment, Azula looked heartbroken. It was gone as soon as it appeared. He briefly wondered if he had imagined it.
“I won’t tell on you if you find Ty Lee for me. She is on Kyoshi Island. Tell her,” she forced the next words out, low and too sincere, and making sure Ozai wasn’t listening, “I wish there was another way.”
Zuko was taken aback.
“But- how would you even know I did it?”
“I know all about your stupid concept or honor. You would do it. And you wouldn’t use it to blackmail me,” Azula faked a yawn “Deal?”
Not like you are giving me a fucking chance here, Zuko thought. Yet, he muttered:
He stared at the sea of green and red uniforms that made the crowd. Air Nomads would never participate in such a ritual. And the Water Tribes never seemed to care much about their business. The arena was already marked by Earth and Fire bending, each disgusting Alpha trying to out-Alpha the other. For a moment he spotted General Zhao and Zuko forced himself to take a deep breath. He thought he saw a flash of blue clothing, but it was probably a trick of the light.
Those few hours suddenly felt too long to endure. The third round was about to start.
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dr-fumbles-mcstupid · 3 years
Swords sanctuary and solace chapter 4 anippet
Zuko and Sokka were officially courting now and if it weren't for the threat of Sozin's comet and their confrontation with the Fire Lord looming over them, things would be pretty close to perfect. The setting of Ember island was stunning and the safety it brought gave them time to relax.
Spending time with Zuko was electrifying. They bantered and Zuko gave back as good as he got. They would talk late into the night once all the others were asleep, telling each other stories of their childhood. Zuko laughed at all of his jokes (as he should, they were all hilarious, no matter what Katara said). And things were  just, great.
But the thing was, Zuko was unfairly pretty. He had never noticed before, probably because of the stupid ponytail, and maaaybe because of the whole running for their lives thing. But nevertheless, unfairly pretty. Zuko's dark hair was thick and silky under Sokka's hands and shone so brightly under the sun's rays. It was the perfect contrast to Zuko's porcelain pale complexion that showed the way Sokka liked to make the other boy blush so clearly.
When Zuko played coy and looked through hooded eyes his long lashes framed his stunningly beautiful eyes. And Sokka used to hate yellow eyes. But Zuko's eyes were captivating, like molten gold, like someone had taken Agni's blessing and distilled it down to fit into a body.
Zuko had said he had taken after his mother and if she was even half the looker Zuko was she must have been gorgeous. Zuko's unfairly high cheekbones, his delicate nose and his perfect complexion that never burned even when he spent the whole day training shirtless. And this was just another thing that showed how unfairly attractive the omega was.
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sekhmetpaws · 3 years
Chapters: 33/? Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), Azula/Yue (Avatar) Characters: Sokka, Zuko (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Aang (Avatar), Ozai (Avatar), Azula (Avatar), Yue (Avatar), Mai (Avatar), Ty Lee (Avatar), Hahn (Avatar), Zhao (Avatar), Bato (Avatar), Hakoda (Avatar), Iroh (Avatar) Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Alpha Sokka (Avatar), Omega Zuko (Avatar), ponytail Zuko never happened, I have no time to give his hair a whole character arc!, Slow Burn, Evil Azula is great, Protective Azula (Avatar), is even better!, Momo has a knife, For all you know Momo could defeat Ozai in the end, Mentions of Pregnancy, Yue (Avatar) Lives, Yue joins the Gaang, Background Relationships, Smut, I will warn about it tho, Just read the top notes if you prefer to avoid it, Tags May Change Summary:
After another assassination attempt, the Firelord realized his legacy may not be as solid as he previously thought. His failure of a son, Zuko, may be the answer to his concerns and a way to keep the royal family secure. However, he forgot two things: One, Zuko is banished. And two, he didn't specifically prohibit Watertribe savages to participate in his hunt to bring him back.
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salytierra · 4 years
for the prompts ask. It's more of a question- in a zukki a/b/o verse, what do you think each of them would be?
Ooooooh!! I love me some A/B/O drama. And I know most of of zukka fics portray Zuko as the omega, but I have a thing for omega!Sokka that I just can’t explain. 
Now hear me out. It really depends of the biology in the verse, because every fic makes up its own. But I read plenty in other fandoms where betas are “soothers”, so they are not only unaffected by pheromones but their presence dilutes them and anchors the alphas and omegas onto themselves. So. 
Sokka as the omega that hates being an omega. (cliché, I know) but he honestly doesn’t feel comfortable with the traditional omega roles, the expectations, and how meek and submissive the hormonal haze or his heat makes him. He’s a protector, a strategist that works with his mind, a leader... he’s lowkey afraid of letting go and just being vulnerable. 
Meanwhile Zuko is an alpha terrified of hurting someone he loves or of being too rough. His father was a prime example of a dominant alpha and Zuko would rather cut his dick off than become like him in public, much less in his personal life. So he does his best to avoid acting on his alpha instincts and impulses.
Like, they love and trust each other, but they don’t trust themselves. Needless to say, it’s not doing any favors to their relationship, both being too reluctant to take the next step despite the overwhelming sexual tension. 
Cue in; Beta Suki getting fed up with their angst and taking matters into her own hands. She offers to be in the room, in the bed even, with them. So that they can both have a safety net and won’t be so affected by their primal instincts. 
Zuko trusts her to keep him under check, Sokka figures that her hormones will be enough to prevent him from slipping in too deep. 
Except that relying on her turns into clinging onto her, and because they are all horny she ends up fully involved in the sexy times, and it works better than expected. Everyone finally enjoys themselves and can relax. 
Sexual dynamics turn into relationship dynamics. Sokka and Zuko learn to better manage themselves and to trust their instincts, sorta healing/sorta adapting their hangups. But neither of them want to give up Suki there because they love her now just as much as they love each other. And she is completely enamored with her dumb, cuddly bois. 
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chemartsblog · 4 years
Wide Enough
Pairing: Sokka/Zuko
Tags: PWP, ABO Dynamics
Based on the Avatar Kink Meme Prompt: Zuko taking a very large, wide, dildo. Gasps and whimpers and maybe even a bit of weeping as it is put into him slowly. With a robe on, when he stands? From the right angle his spread cheeks give the illusion of hips, and the girth forces him to walk almost like a woman.
(And spirits help him if he can make himself tight enough for his partner/master tonight...)
The bedroom air seems to tingle with electricity and heat. Zuko is in a short glossy red silk robe that just barely covers his ass; his skin is gleaming under the firelight. His hair is still damp from the shower, the scent of fire-lilies and jasmines wafting through the room. He waits with a palpitating heart for his beloved. Already he can feel the slick start to dampen the robes, but he can’t wait; he can’t stop thinking about what’s to come.
The fullness, the release of his tight control, his beloved’s arms around him, his scent filling his every pore.
He shudders, hands moving down his chest, stroking his erect nipples. His thighs press close together, closing in on his omega cocklet, letting him feel the sweet friction against his leaking member. He might not be in heat, but he can still feel the fire licking under his skin just thinking of what’s to come.
“Someone’s excited.”
 Zuko turns to the door and whimpers. Sokka’s standing in the doorway, blue eyes stormy as he takes in Zuko. His mouth slightly parted as he breathes in the scent of fire-lilies and jasmine. He closes the heavy door with a resounding thunk, and stalks forward.
His big strong hands grip Zuko’s hips and pulls him close, flush against the water tribesman. The Fire Lord swallows thickly when he feels the hot erection pressed against this abdomen. Sokka looks down on him with hungry predatory eyes.
 “You smell lovely.” He whispers gracing his nose lightly over Zuko’s hair. “What did I ever do to deserve someone like you?”
That should be Zuko’s question. Eight years after the end of the hundred-year war, and Zuko still doesn’t know how he got so lucky to have Sokka in his life. He wraps his arms around Sokka’s neck and presses his nose to the tanned skin.
 It’s the smell of the sea, of metal and fire, and of home. But underneath all those familiar scents is the musky smell of Rut. It makes him keen and rub himself against the thick erection straining against Sokka’s pants. He wants. He wants so bad.
But Sokka’s patient, even with the rut. He pulls Zuko back, one hand cupping his cheek and the other massaging his plush ass. “Shh not yet darling.” He says. “You’re not prepped yet.”
Zuko whines, “Sokka, please please. I want it soon.” His ass is already clenching and twitching. Slick coating his thighs.
Sokka smiles and strokes his thumb over Zuko’s lips. “I know. If I could I’d have you already thrown on the bed and putting your pretty ass on my cock. But we have to prep first.”
 The pale man swallows. His heartbeat shoots up, and he trembles with anticipation. Sokka pulls away and goes to the drawers, he takes out a bottle of lube, and a long thick dildo. The sight makes Zuko’s mouth water. Sokka walks to him with a knowing look.
“Turn around and put your hands on the wall.” He commands.
Zuko turns without question; his shaking hands reach out to balance himself against the wall as he leans forward so his ass is presented before Sokka. The alpha sighs, enamored by the beautiful sight of his love presenting so prettily for him.
“Good omega.” He praises. It makes Zuko’s belly flutter and fill with heat.
Sokka’s hands caress the silk clad ass and flips the material over so that he can see the bare pale skin and leaking hole. His dick is heavy throbbing at the sight of his love’s beautiful alabaster ass, but he pushes down the desire. He kneels and leans his face forward, the scent of Zuko getting stronger as noses against the seam of his butt and then he parts the cheeks and sucks.
 Zuko moans wantonly when he feels Sokka’s tongue breach his hot slick hole. The velvety walls clenching around his tongue and slick gushing against his mouth. Sokka laps it all eagerly, letting the taste of Zuko envelope him. He keeps sucking and licking his way around the sweet sweet ass. His hands gripping the plush globs tightly.
He wants to them to leave bruises when he’s done with the beautiful Fire Lord. He wants Zuko to remember this touch when he sits on his throne and pretends not to be aroused as he addresses his ministers. The ghost of Sokka’s grip, his tongue, his dick teasing the man until he’s desperately wet and begging Sokka to help him. Please.
 Sokka’s pulling away, but Zuko whines as he tries to push his ass back against his face. The darker man chuckles and puts a hand on his back.
“Soon, love soon.” He promises as he coats his fingers in lube. Zuko may be wet and slick, but Sokka wants to make sure his omega is comfortable. He stands and drapes himself over the smaller man’s back. He teasingly rubs his clothed cock against Zuko, making the other man glare at him.
“S-stop t-teasing me.” he stutters. Zuko’s face is flushed red, sweat making his skin dewy and reflecting the soft light of the room. Sokka chuckles and lets his fingers rub against Zuko’s hole.
“Sorry darling. I can’t help it.” He says unabashedly. With that he plunges two fingers in, relishing the feel of his walls bearing down against him. Zuko moans and sighs happily as his hole is filled again. Sokka’s fingers are magic. He knows Zuko’s body well and twist those clever digits to rub and thrust against the spots that make the other man see stars. From the musical sounds of Zuko’s moaning and gasping, he knows it’s working well.
“Feeling good?” Sokka asks.
“Yes~. More please.”
 At that he puts another two fingers in stretching the elastic puffy hole. He marvels at the way Zuko’s body seems to suck in his fingers. They glisten with his slick and lube. Zuko’s flush face is another beautiful marvel. His cheek is pressed flush against the wall, long hair falling away around his neck. His golden eyes are glazed and clouded with bliss, pink lips are open and glistening.
 The desire is coursing through his bloodstream. His cock is aching in the confines of his pants, but he waits. He must be patient. No matter how amazingly appetizing Zuko looks, he needs to wait and prepare. He would never want to hurt his beloved.
 After a few more thrusts, Sokka takes out his wet sticky fingers and takes out the dildo. He liberally coats it with lube and presses a kiss against Zuko’s neck.
“Are you ready, my love?”
“Yes. Always.”
“Tell me if it hurts okay?” Sokka says. Slowly he presses the dildo’s head against Zuko’s hold. There’s little resistance as he pushes the head in.
 Zuko moans and keens as he feels the dildo slowly fill him. His hole is stretching wide, spreading his cheeks and trembling legs. It rubs against his prostate so sweetly and combined with the comforting scent of Sokka surrounding him, Zuko comes for the first time that night. His cocklet releasing a small spurt of slick, and his ass twitching and convulsing around the dildo.
“oOOOhHh Sokka~” he cries breathily. The taller man sucks in a deep breath as he watches Zuko cum and spurt against the wall. His legs tremble and nearly buckle if it weren’t for Sokka’s strong arms holding him and keeping him up.
“That was so hot.” Sokka whispers. “Can I keep going? Please can I keep going?”
Zuko nods weakly, “Yes.”
 Sokka looks back down, he’s already halfway there, the largest part of the dildo is nearly through. With slow deliberate motions, he pushes the dildo all the way in. Zuko is choking and gasping at the feeling of fullness. Sokka takes Zuko’s hand in his and brings it down towards his slightly distended stomach. He presses against the taunt muscles. His lover shivers and shakes, gasping for precious air. Sokka smiles into Zuko’s neck.
“You’re just stuffed full with a cock huh? Do you love having a thick dildo spreading you apart?”
“Yes, yes I love it. I love being sooo fulll.” Zuko cries.
Sokka grins and leans away. He looks down and marvels at the sight. Zuko’s cheeks are spread apart, giving the illusion of bigger hips, the dark base of the dildo peaking out and his distended hole is drooling with slick, coating the pale thighs and dripping onto the floor.
 The alpha preens at his handiwork and admires it for a minute longer. His hands reverently caressing his ass before giving it a sharp slap on his cheeks. Zuko cries out in pleasure at the sharp sting. Sokka brings his hands down again. Once. Twice. Three times.
 Each time Sokka spanks him, Zuko can feel the vibrations to his full ass, jostling the dildo inside him. He’s so tempted to put his hands back and fuck himself on the dildo, but Sokka would be so disappointed. He doesn’t want to disappoint his alpha. So, he curls his hands against the wall and waits.
Sokka pulls away and walks over to the bed. Sitting down against the soft blankets with his legs wide apart, showing off the huge bulge in his pants.
“Come here darling.” He commands.
Zuko’s shaking as he pushes himself away from the wall. His legs are trembling with each step. With his ass so full, he walks almost like a woman. Hips shaking with each step, and slick dripping down from his thighs. Zuko stands before Sokka, flushed and panting, and so so desperately aroused and wanting.
 “Kneel, love.” He orders.
Zuko kneels and presses his face against, Sokka’s hard thick thighs. He sighs contently and mouths kisses against the hots skin. The water tribesman groans at the sight and gently tugs Zuko’s thick hair.
“Will you help me out?” he asks motioning to his pants. Zuko nods eagerly and nearly tears his pants off trying to get to the prize.
Sokka’s thick long dick is standing straight up. Head red and leaking with pre-cum. It’s big on a normal day, but during his rut it gets monstrously huge. Slightly bigger than the large dildo sitting comfortably in Zuko’s hole, and when his knot pops...well let’s just say someone could get hurt without the proper prep.
 Zuko’s mouth waters at the musky scent coming off from the aroused member. He carefully wraps his hands around it and pulls it close to his lips. There’s a tentative lick that makes electricity go down Sokka’s spine. The fire bender blows hot steamy air at the sensitive head and Sokka moans. He grips Zuko’s hair tightly.
“Now who’s teasing?”
Zuko merely smirks and without breaking eye contact, slowly descends onto the cock. He suckles the sensitive head gently, letting his nimble tongue swirl around it. He slides down the thick cock, mouth straining against the girth. He can only make it a little over half-way before he’s choking on it. Pulling back slightly, he leans back in relaxing his throat and swallowing around the dick. He puts a hand around it, but he can’t even bring his fingers around the girth. He pumps the cock in time with his bobbing head, slowly taking more and more with each thrust.
 The heavy cock makes his head feel fuzzy and shivers go down his spine each time it bumps against his throat. With him on his knees and Sokka staring down on him with blazing eyes, he feels both control and helplessness all at once. Sokka’s hands are gripping his hair, but they don’t move. He sees the muscles of the alpha’s thick thighs twitching and wanting to thrust into the heat, but Sokka keeps them still. The sheer control and patience his alpha exhibits is so sexy and hot. It makes Zuko wonder what it would take to make him go wild.
 With sudden resolve, he increases the pace of his mouth and hands, Sokka is gasping and moaning above him. Head thrown back in pleasure. Zuko sucks tightly against the cock, as if he’s trying to suck his lover’s soul through it. It strains against his throat with each thrust, but Zuko can take it. He opens wide and swallows it all the way down to the root. He can feel the thick cock all the way down his throat and it’s pulsating wildly.
It feels so good. Being stuffed from behind and in the front. It makes Zuko’s head go dizzy, and he feels like he’s on the brink.
“Babe.” Sokka groans hoarsely. “I’m going to cum.” He says looking down on him.
With deliberate motion, Zuko looks up at him through his long eyelashes. He slowly slowly pulls back releasing Sokka’s dick inch by inch, until only the head is still trapped in Zuko’s wonderfully tight wet mouth.
 Then the omega goes down again and swallows it whole.
 Sokka’s eyes roll, and he moans gutturally as he comes thickly into his lover’s throat. His fingers twine painfully in Zuko’s hair, but the other man can hardly care. The feeling of Sokka’s thick hot cum shooting down his throat, filling his belly, is enough to make him come untouched. Zuko moans against the cock and tries to swallow all the cum, but it’s too much. He has to pull back and let the rest dribble from his mouth. Sokka takes his cock in his hands and smears it against Zuko’s neck and face.
 White come paints the fire benders face with thick glistening streaks. It lands artfully around Sokka’s mating bite and hot desire fills the alpha with need to mark and bite and claim again. Zuko is keening as he laps and licks away at his twitching cock, sucking it clean. It’s almost painful with how sensitive his dick is after that powerful orgasm.
Sokka strips off his shirt, leaving him naked, and gently wipes away the remains of come on Zuko’s face. He pulls Zuko up, smirking at the dazed blissed look in his lover’s face. With care he lays the man down on the bed and smiles down on him.
“I’ll make you feel so good darling.” He promises. “I’m going to take out that dildo, and stuff you with my cock and fill you up all night long until ever part of you is covered in my seed. Everyone will know who you belong to when I’m done.”
“Yes. Yes.” Zuko croaks. “Please, mark me. Fill me up Sokka.”
“I will.” And Sokka draws his hands down cupping the area where his womb is. “And maybe I’ll even fill you full of my pups.”
Zuko moans at the thought. He can see it, belly rounded and heavy with pups. Breast leaking full of milk, and Sokka by his side, murmuring softly to their unborn children and placing kisses all over his belly.
 His eyes water.
“I want that.” he whispers, “I want that so much. I’ve stopped taking my herbs remember?”
Sokka grins brightly, “I know. I know. Let’s try okay? I want them so badly with you too.” He holds Zuko close and just breathes in the scent of his love. Dark hands travel down the smooth plains of pale skin, they undo the ties of his robe and lets it all in the open.
“Stomach or back?” Sokka asks.
“Back. I want to see you.” Zuko whispers.
 It makes butterflies flutter in Sokka’s heart, and he kisses him deeply. Tongues intertwining as Sokka presses his body onto Zuko. The fire bender is so warm, and his scent draws him in deeper every time. He feels himself rutting against’ Zuko’s belly. His cock already hard and straining as if begging to fuck the gorgeous man underneath him.
“Darling, I’m going to take it out okay?”
Zuko nods, eyes wide and pupils blown from arousal. Sokka lifts his legs up and throws them over his shoulder. He places one hand on Zuko’s belly, while the other presses against the base of the dildo. Zuko mewls and writhes at the exquisite pressure that zings through his nerves. With the utmost care, Sokka slowly pulls out the dildo, relishing in the expressions flitting through Zuko’s face.
For his part, Zuko’s nearly transcended his body. His mind is a blank. The only thing he’s aware off is the sweet sweet pull of the dildo scraping his prostate. Sokka teasingly pushes back against the sensitive bundle of nerves and Zuko nearly arches off the bed. He feels himself squirt as it presses against it. Slick pooling under his ass.
Sokka’s eyes are hungry as they take in the debauched omega mewling on the bed. He bends down and sucks Zuko’s pink nipple, while his hand, coated in slick pinches and fondles the other one. The free hand on the dildo pumps it agonizingly slow, in and out of his ass. The sensations batter Zuko’s already frayed nerves. He’s a crying begging mess underneath Sokka’s ministrations. But Sokka only smirks and continues playing his body like a beautifully fine instrument.
Finally, finally he pulls the dildo fully out. Zuko nearly sobs in relief and agony as he feels empty and wide; his asshole tires to clench around something. Thank Agni he’s mated to Sokka because he doesn’t know if his ass could ever be tight for anyone else after all the stretching and abuse his hole goes through.
On the other end, Sokka nearly comes at the sight of Zuko’s wide glistening hole. His mouth waters as he sees the thick line of slick still connected to the dildo. He throws the toy off to the side and slides his tongue in Zuko. The other man shouts in pleasure at the feeling of his tongue licking and stroking his walls. Sokka pulls out and puts four fingers into him easily, thrusting and teasing the convulsing walls.
 He pulls them out and then carefully slides his fist in. Zuko is nearly dying of pleasure at this point. Every nerve is alight and stars dance in his eyes. Sokka’s amazed and enraptured every time he sees his love’s fluttering asshole bear down on his wrist. He wishes he had the patience to drag orgasm after orgasm form his love, but his dick is straining, and he’s slowly losing control to the tidal wave of lust and need trying to burst through. He pulls his hands out and kisses the tears from Zuko’s cheeks.
 “I’m going to lose control soon, darling.” He says.
Zuko opens his golden eyes and cups Sokka’s face, tenderly stroking his cheek. Sokka feels a swell of love rush through him and he kisses the soft palms.
Zuko smiles, “I trust you. I always do. You’ll be the father of our pups.” He replies sweetly.
Oh does that light a fire in Sokka’s belly.
He spreads Zuko’s legs far apart, almost splitting the man, and guides his thick leaking cock into the welcoming hold.
It’s wet and hot.
And glorious.
 The slick coats his cock and lets him slide with little resistance. The walls clench around him, surrounding him in a tight wet heat. Sokka’s eyes roll back as he takes in the delicious pleasure shooting from his dick. Zuko is whimpering mess below him. His eyes unfocused and body convulsing as Sokka pushes in. The alpha has to take a minute to gather himself or he’ll end up coming prematurely like a teenager. It’s amazing that his wonderful husband can still do this to him.
 He starts to thrust slowly. Rocking into Zuko’s body and enjoying the sweet sounds his omega makes. The rut lust is starting to fog his mind, but before it can happen, he leans down and nuzzles against Zuko’s neck. His eyes zero in on the mating mark. He pulls out almost all the way, and slams into Zuko just as he bites down on the mating mark.
 It’s euphoric.
 Zuko is screaming so loud, he’s sure the guards can hear them through the thick doors. The fire lord’s arms grip and dig into Sokka’s shoulder, but he can’t care right now, he’s too busy thrusting and pounding into Zuko’s wet heat.
The man underneath him babbles incoherently. Oscillating from Too much. Too much! to Please more! More!
 Sokka happily obliges and angles himself so his thrusts are nailing and rubbing against Zuko’s prostate each time. Zuko can only grunt and moan and hiccup in short “Augh!” “OooOoh” “HnUmmn~”
His cocklet is dripping and squirting at nearly every thrust and slick starts to pool under them. Sokka pulls away from his neck and cages the man between his strong arms. He looks down, and sees Zuko blissed out of his mind. Brain and body overwhelmed with orgasmic bliss.
“Please—Uuhhn. Fill me. Make me round with pups—aaAAahh.” He begs haltingly.
His own hole seems to want it too because it seems to suck Sokka’s cock deeper and deeper with each thrust, tightening impossibly at the base where his knot is starting to form. He’s not going to last much longer. With one final thrust, he drives himself deep into Zuko and locks himself there. He comes deep into his mate. The pleasure rocks through him and he convulses with each spurt of come.
 He doesn’t know how long or how much he comes, but when he comes back into his body he sees Zuko’s normally flat stomach slightly rounded. He puts a hand over it and reverently strokes it. Thinking about the pups that might be protected and formed in his beautiful mate. A pale hand lays on top of his own and Sokka looks up.
Zuko is a picture of a debauched wonton spirit, luring people into their dangerous lairs. Sokka would have been the first victim, and he wouldn’t regret a minute of it. But then the fire bender smiles and it’s like the sun has come out. Sokka feels his breath hitch.
 Is it normal to cry from seeing such a beautiful person? He thinks trying to blink away the tears.
 They stay in that position, looking deeply into the other’s eyes.
“Promise me something?” Zuko asks, voice hoarse.
“Anything.” And he means it.
“Make sure I’m a good parent to our pups. Just…if I do something to—if I ever hurt them…please make sure to keep them safe from me.” Tears gather in those beautiful golden eyes, Sokka feels his heart drop. He gathers Zuko up in his arms and holds him close.
“Don’t even say that. You’d never hurt our pups, I know.”
“How?” Zuko asks with such fragility.
Sokka pulls him back and cups his cheeks. “Because I trust you. I trust the mother of our pups.”
Zuko let’s the tears fall and he buries his face in Sokka’s chest. “I love you.” He mumbles.
“I love you too.”
They stay that way tied and holding each other. When Sokka feels another wave of rut coming on, he fucks Zuko gently on his side and wring out an orgasm from both of them.
He sighs and strokes Zuko’s belly. “Our pups are going to run the whole world.” He says. “And they’ll be the most beautiful ones in the world.”
Zuko laughs, “How do you know that?”
Sokka smirks, “Because they have a genius sword bending father, a powerful fire bending mother who’s kind and strong and courageous and the most beautiful person in the world.”
Zuko snorts, “Stop calling it sword bending.”
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zukka-fic-recs · 3 years
Zukka WIP Fic Recs
The following fics have all been updated in March 2022, and I am thoroughly enjoying all of them. ❤️
Burning Bright by @erisenyo
Available on Ao3, WIP, Series, Explicit, Canon Divergent, Canon Typical Violence and Child Abuse, Underage Sex, BDSM Undertones, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Wordcount: 769,467
Zuko and Sokka write letters to one another and form a connection. Doesn't stray extremely far from canon, but enough to keep things interesting. A lot of very sweet moments and also many very hot and steamy ones (guaranteed to make you fan yourself while smiling until your cheeks hurt!). The way the author writes relationships - both romantic and otherwise - is super compelling, and this series is really driven by excellent character development.
All's Fair by @lovelyelbowleech
Available on Ao3, WIP, Series, Mature, Canon Divergent, Canon Typical Violence and Child Abuse, Torture, Zuko/Zhao (Non-con), PTSD
Wordcount: 233,750
Zhao survives the attack on the North and takes Sokka and Zuko as prisoners on his ship. This one is quite dark at times and there's a lot of wump, but the slow build of the relationship between the boys is great and it's not lacking in comfort! A lot of badassery in this one, and there are some great funny moments too - I love the way the author portrays the characters. A great blend of hurt/comfort and extremely well-written!
Chained by blueeyedarcher
Available on Ao3, WIP, Explicit, Canon AU - No Bending, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Allusions to Torture, Allusions to Suicide, Major Character Death (not the GAang - so far)
Wordcount: 358,478
Sokka takes Zuko (a Fire Nation spy) back to the Southern Water Tribe as a PoW. Not quite as dark as the summary and tags might imply. Many sweet moments. There are other AUs of the fic within the series, such as a shapeshifter AU, which is also very good. (Also: Pirate Queen Yue - need I say more?)
I would also recommend this author's other works!
Spirit's Tether by Spheral3
Available on Ao3, WIP, Gen, Canon AU - Soulmates, Slowburn
Wordcount: 259,011
Mostly canon compliant - except Sokka and Zuko are soulmates, which does change some things! Again, many sweet moments (there are themes in what I enjoy reading haha), and it's friends to enemies to lovers!
There's Bound To Be A Ghost At The Back Of Your Closet by anactualforrealadult
Available on Ao3, WIP, Gen, Modern AU, Dadkoda, kid!fic, Trans!Zuko, Allusions to Prostitution (not Zukka)
Wordcount: 31,799
Zuko raises Kiyi, with some help. Starts when Zuko is a teen and progresses from there. I love Dadkoda and Dad!Zukka fics, and this is a wonderful combination of both!
How You See Me by @mysticpandora
Available on Ao3, WIP, Explicit, Canon Divergent, Canon AU - A/B/O Dynamics, MPreg, Slowburn, Major Character Death (not the GAang - so far)
Wordcount: 117,566
Alpha!Sokka and Omega!Zuko. Zuko ends up injured and stuck in the Southern Water Tribe, and is helped by Sokka and his family. There are some very cute pets in this one, and Sokka works hard to make Zuko comfortable and win his affections. I know ABO isn't for everyone, but if it floats your boat then I think you'll enjoy this fic. And the Air Nomads haven't all been wiped out in this fic, which is lovely to see.
While Mighty Oaks Do Fall by @witchofendor
Available on Ao3, WIP, Teen, Fire Sage Zuko, Zuko joins the GAang early, Canon Divergent
Wordcount: 115,020
Ozai sent Zuko to become a fire sage when he was a kid, and now canon events are happening with that backdrop. This is funny and heart-warming, really tugs at my heartstrings. Extremely well-written and the author creates a depth to the world-building that is very compelling to read.
Guidance Extended Universe by jovialJuggernaut / @jovialjuggernaut-draws
Available on Ao3, WIP, Teen, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Canon Divergent
Wordcount: 269,795
This fic doesn't stray extremely far from canon, but Zuko and Sokka were guided by a spirit to one and other when they were kids because they're soulmates. This does change events somewhat. Also, some Jet in this which is fun!
2 Bros on an Island by HawksEyes /@thehawks-eyes
Available on Ao3, WIP, Mature, Slowburn, Canon Divergent, Homophobia, Torture, Drug Use, Allusions to Sexual Assault/Rape/Non-con, Allusions to Prostitution (this does not happen to Zukka)
Wordcount: 134,016
Zuko and Sokka are stranded on a desert island together pre-canon up until canon events. Then canon events progress, with some divergence. Also, Mava the iguana parrot is a hoot!
I have also really been enjoying this author's other works!
hold in, hold on by argentoswan
Available on Ao3, Mature, Modern AU, College/University, Eating Disorder, Minor Character Death
Wordcount: 69,806
Sokka is raising Katara, who is 6 years old in this. He's really struggling, but is starting to accept help from his friends. Quite a bit of angst, but also sweet moments and this author is an excellent writer.
Would recommend this author's other works as well!
Leaving It All Behind by Sreeder
Available on Ao3, WIP, Mature, Canon Divergent, Canon Typical Violence and Child Abuse, Torture, Prison, Zuko/Zhao (Non-con), PTSD
Wordcount: 259,817
Zhao survives the attack on the North and takes Sokka prisoner. Zuko has been Zhao's prisoner since before Sokka was captured. They are both in a prison camp as a result. A lot of angst in this one, but Zuko and Sokka's relationship is so great it makes my heart hurt. Also, Jet is around!
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koheletgirl · 2 years
i was tagged by @planteria​ ty!! <3
S: fav tropes, actively seek out, will almost always read unless done too horribly (bad writing/characterization)
A: love it but won't always read/look for. really just side stuff thrown into what i usually love. if it's not written that well, i probably won't read either
B: generally enjoy if thrown in but not important, don't look for and don't read too often, but if i see it i might check it out if it sounds good enough
C: not a fan, but if it's in a fic that looks good, it won't turn me away too fast
D: if this is in a fic, i guarantee i'm not reading it. even if it has some S tier tropes of mine
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id and explanations under the cut!
tagging @quenchiestzukka @zukkaoru @zukkas @that-was-anticlimactic and @dykevirgo
[image id: S tier tropes: angst, canon divergence, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, humor, in vino veritas (drunken confession), first kiss, mis-communication, mutual pining, slow burn / A tier tropes: sharing a bed, coffee shop au, fake relationship, fluff, hurt comfort, huddle for warmth, pwp, time loop, crack fic, amnesia fic / B tier tropes: established relationship, fix it fic, gen fic, high school au, magic au, missing scenes, college au / C tier tropes: unrequited love, unhappy ending, arranged marriage, soulmate au, baby fic, body swap, major character death, historical au, love triangle, fairytale au, pregnancy fic, royalty au / D tier tropes: ABO, bang or die, dark fic, cross-over, sex pollen. / end id]
alright so the thing is. i’m a sucker for getting together fics. which is why i dont love established relationships, i just need to see all the action as it happens. i have both angst and humor listed under S tier because when either of them is done right i literally cant get enough. but also bc i need fics for different moods. crack fics are very hard to get right, but when they are good they are Great imo. and like sometimes i just need to see my silly blorbos in silly situations. coffee shop au is A tier and ngl that’s probably because i read A Lot of zukka. and tbh i havent read a time loop fic but if you know one pls tell me! the concept is just so appealing. pwp is there bc i like it better when there’s a plot but yk. sometimes you gotta. amnesia fic is listed there bc im a dramatic bitch and also like. well. theres this one amnesia fic that changed my life idk if youve heard of it
so i dont love high school aus bc i guess im just not that interested in high schooler’s lives anymore lmao. college aus are fine but theyre not my favorite, also they stress me out bc they remind me of. college. missing scenes and fix its are not listed higher bc i feel like you need to be Really Good to get them right and most of the times there are no missing scenes and the thing doesnt need to be fixed.
my c tiers include tropes that i highly highly dislike, but they don’t make me cringe or actively repulse me lol. either that or i just dont read them because theyre sad and im weak.
ty jen this has been so much fun!! <3
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Im very trash and have a prompt for ViewFinder that i have not finished. Other WIPs I haven’t finished include a Zukka ABO story abd now an Eruri ABO/fluffy family & babies story.
Send help
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unacaritafeliz · 3 years
D, J, and T for the fic asks! :D
D: What’s the most personal fanfic you’ve written?
I put this in a previous answer, but I based more than enough (nurseydex, with nurseshark friendship) and a comma after dearest (zukka) on personal experience and it shows.
J: What’s your favorite fanfic trope? Have you written it?
Not sure if this is a trope, but i love getting together/first kiss fics the most and write a lot of those. I also love enemies to lovers but I think that comes through with the ships I choose rather than my writing specifically.
I do also have a soft spot for soulmate aus and fake dating but only when they're done in specific ways. I've written a few soulmate aus such as a slap to the face (viktuuri) and it's (not) you (nurseydex) - they're a lot of fun!
T: Any fanfic tropes you can’t stand?
I filter out ABO because I don't know what it is and I refuse to find out. I also don't like mafia fics, regency au, outsider POV or fics where people bet on their friends getting together. And of course I hate all the racist tropes that go with both of my main ships.
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hexx-bunny · 4 years
I love your omega zuko fic! Do you have any omega zuko headcannons?
thank you so much!!!! c: and I have....... many, but i’ll try my best to not make this an entire manifesto and not spoil my own fic - after presenting I think it would be a mix of not wanting ppl to notice what and who he is, and being insecure about accepting himself only to find out he is “““bad”““ at it    - no such a thing, but if there was... he isn’t, at all. Zuko is, canonically, good with kids and animals, he can be pretty nurturing, he is super full of empathy, a good teacher, handsome and, abo speaking now, his scent (and status) is very attractive    - as in, even though he has that image of “the scarred omega prince who is very aggressive, socially awkward at least and rude at most”... people would try to court him. A lot.    - Zuko is aware most of it is out of greed, but he has no clue a bunch of Alphas and Betas actually want him as a mate.    - everybody thinks he is playing hard to get, he is just oblivious - heats are horrible. Half of it is because being a firebender makes them worse, the other half is because he is a dumbass who tries to pretend nothing is going on until its too late.    - feverish, sweating buckets and with a scent so strong the palace guards have to excuse themselves? No prob, he is gonna practice with his swords until literally being dragged away or passing out    - being mated does NOT change that, after all nobody is best at denying Zuko a good time than Zuko himself, Sokka has to deal with the aftermath    - the amount of cuddling post-heat can’t be overstated. First it was just to prevent him from having an omega drop, now he just likes it. Zuko is a cuddler    - if more than once they need to visit Katara after his cycle to treat Sokka’s first degree burns, and if part of their room gets completely charred.... no comment    - still, it was worse before. As in he felt actual physical pain, everything got destroyed, getting dehydrated was common, and the omega drop after left him depressed af - omegas and alphas have more sensitive senses, since Ozai impaired his vision and hearing, Zuko can smell very, very well. He hates how most people’s scents tho, parties are an invitation to have migraines later. Sokka though... the moment he catches Sokka’s scent he cant let it go.    - he buries his face on Sokka’s neck every possible chance he gets when they are alone    - loves the way their scents mingle, but loves Sokka’s more. would stop stealing his mate’s clothes just to have the thrill of sniffing it again like a week later and being just Sokka    - but the scent of his pack calms him down in a completely different way, Toph gets it better than anyone. They both are part of the “No, I don’t care about physical contact, touching the people I love all the time is accidental, scent marking was a consequence”    - Aang kind of internally freaks him out at first since he smells like....... nothing.    - he actually really likes some “omega things”, its all about doing them by choice    - being clingy and pampered. he loves giving gifts and receiving them, and it’s not about choice. “I saw this cool rock and thought of you” says Sokka. The rock is absolutely vital to his nest now    - also, makes cool af nests. “Royalty doesn’t nest” ozai or some knothead said once. k, says Zuko while piling 90% of the stuff he owns in a neat comfy corner He learned after the first few accidents to keep the sharp, pointy stuff like his SWORDS near the edges tho    - after he learns Sokka likes it, he would dress up for special occasions. And if he enjoys putting on robes and makeup from time to time... well, nobody is gonna say anything    - maybe, just maybe he likes to show off his bite mark. Maybe, just maybe it happens more often when omegas and betas interested in his mate are around   - he touches it all the time when he and Sokka have to be apart for long. It is not necessary, but when they are back together, he insists on Sokka biting over it again just to make sure it stays visible and there    - nobody but his mate will hear about him liking being knotted, makes him feel safe and full     - fuck alpha posturing, growling and all that stuff... unless it’s Sokka (he had to face off an alpha during a meeting and Zuko watched all the chest puffing and teeth baring and just went.... Huh. The day was very interesting after they got home - if he has kids, he is a menace. Smells too good for the whole nine months, everything is turned up to eleven, cuddles and sex are not optional. Almost breaks Sokka’s hand during delivery. That baby is getting spoiled rotten, it’s a miracle Izumi is not a brat let’s be real
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