#about breast cancer
werecreature-addicted · 2 months
is anyone out here teaching trans women how to do breast exams on themselves? Trans women with homegrown breasts do you know how to screen yourself for breast cancer? this is very important to me
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houseswife · 2 months
wilson saying “I need to do this. for you.” is fucking insane actually. in the same episode where house is deciding whether or not he should commit suicide as a result of wilson’s dying. They are each other’s lines between life and death. humans have a biological instinct to preserve their survival at all costs; house has an addiction that governs his life. but they were willing to forgo all of it for one another, because they couldn’t fathom it being any other way. IM SICK
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reality-detective · 28 days
Could Lemon and Garlic be another cure for breast cancer? 🤔
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Incredibly stressful week. Just test upon test, deadline upon deadline. School and my extracurriculars have ramped up, and my to-do list seems suffocating at times.
But hey: at least I have good tea and a great eye for finding amoebas.
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foldingfittedsheets · 5 months
If I’m a good little creechur and go along with myself nicely to my doctors appointments I reward myself with a little treatsie.
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analogboii · 11 days
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love4hobi · 8 months
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tariah23 · 2 months
My mom is okay 😭😭😭!!/!/!!$
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cliveguy · 11 months
every time top surgery is getting discussed in the news a trans guy will be like wow it sucks that everyone is being so publicly disgusted by my body with no repercussions it's as though they don't think we're people with feelings. and then a million people will jump in like ALSO SOME CIS WOMEN (the only people who can get breast cancer) ALSO LOOK LIKE THIS. this picture of a trans man that everyone is calling a mutilated freak instantly made me think of cis women, and look at her living her best life! misgendering? i'm a trans ally but come on, it's a drawing, don't you think that's being a bit silly? art is about interpretation anyway - we should celebrate ALL afabs who get mastectomies, for whatever reason ^.^
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slutdge · 3 months
im having a fibrocsystic flare up and cramping and depressed cause therapy days are always bad and i had another revelation that something i thought was just silly that happened to me as a kid was actually abuse and i wanna scream and cry and throw up WHEN DOES IT GET EASIER
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capinejghafa · 4 months
I'm trying with my absolute heart not to check out of work this week. My mom's upcoming surgery has me checking my phone constantly... it's so annoying.
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#these past two weeks have been so intense that ive just.. not spoken about it once i got home from work#blocked it all out#my beloved colleague whose desk is next to mine has cancer#breast and uterus. she needs two major surgeries#they just diagnosed her two weeks ago#so we've been trying to deal with that as colleagues and friends#because we love and miss her and i am so deeply sad as well#but i feel like i couldn't process that at all bc two days after the news of her diagnosis i was asked to take on half of her work#on top of my fulltime#which i agreed to do bc i like her tasks and i want to help her and i also know i can do it#but it does feel very off bc i know i don't earn enough money for this workload to be long term and it is def like this#for the coming four months at least#so i did tell my manager that i would like a raise and. that bitch told me to BUY MORE SECOND HAND SHIT.#i seriously thought i saw my life flash before my eyes#then the day after she asked one of my colleagues who's been with the firm for over 30 years whether she was looking for another job maybe?#which caused that colleague to instantly go home in tears and be home from basically a nervous breakdown the past 1.5 week#which is her full right and i support her with all my heart but bc my management sucks it meant that we had to also carry her tasks ofc#i felt soooo spread thin and super super angry actually but i didn't even realise how angry i was until last thursday my colleague w cancer#came by the office. and talked about all of it. and i suddenly realised how sad i was but then also how angry#but i was just blocking it all out trying to stay afloat#bc we told her about what the manager had said and she said “i hope that i get the chance to really tell her how it is someday.”#“because the stress she causes with people can actually kill you. just look at me.”#and the rest of the day i felt so ready to be done with everything actually#but seeing her anger made me see my own anger#and released me of my own pent up emotions bc i had actual leg pains this week and it was purely psychosomatic#i then managed to tell some friends yesterday about what was going on and their outrage spurred me on even more#so today i emailed hr. demanding a raise#doing this amount of work while constantly feeling like the house is on fire while also struggling financially seriously makes me suicidal#and i am not joking#so.. if nothing comes of that im leaving that job and not looking back
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gxlden-angels · 10 months
I've got a personal situation going on that I want to eventually talk about here, but in summary transphobes and fundamentalist christians hate women and can suck my spiritual dick about it
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oldtvandcomics · 1 year
Happy Queer Media Monday!
Today: The Blue Caftan (2022)
A very recent movie, so if you are lucky, you might still catch it in a cinema. (Time stamp: March 2023)
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(From left to right: Youssef, Mina and Halim, eating together.)
The Blue Caftan is telling the story of a married couple who run a traditional tailor shop in Morocco. The husband, Halim, is gay. At the beginning of the movie, he starts to make a blue caftan for a rich client. Over the time it takes for him to finish, we get to watch the developing feelings between him and his young apprentice, Youssef, as well as the progression of the wife’s, Mina’s, terminal breast cancer.
While the summary does sound a little bleak, this movie is so full of love and tenderness, it seriously softens the pain to something beautiful. While it is made very clear through the acting that Halim is not sexually attracted to his wife, his and Mina’s relationship is very deep and loving. Mina does show some animosity towards Youssef at the beginning, but as her illness progresses, she comes to accept and even appreciate him, so it really is three people who care deeply about one another up against Life. There is also a lot of nonsexual intimacy going on, mostly between Halim and Mina, but also between Halim and Youssef. All in all, it is a very soft, tender movie, that still deals with some very heavy topics.
The Blue Caftan premiered 2022 in Cannes, won multiple prizes at film festivals, and is Morocco’s official submission at the 2023 Oscars shortlist in the "International Feature Film" category. 
I can’t really link much about it, but here is the IMBD page.
Queer Media Monday is an action I started to talk about some important and/or interesting parts of our queer heritage, that people, especially young people who are only just beginning to discover the wealth of stories out there, should be aware of. Please feel free to join in on the fun and make your own posts about things you personally find important!
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mystacoceti · 2 months
I knew there wasn't a whole lot of research into transgender healthcare but like. there is really not a lot of research.
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madamairlock · 10 months
I'm having many emotions about Cottle telling Laura she has a month left to live and Laura immediately returning the book to Bill.
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