#about: hyosang
theside-b · 30 days
Every once in a while I see someone asking about Byuk-joon and Hyosang and if they will ever return to CityBoy_Log
Considering the mess the show became and how little impact the latest volume had I would be very surprised to see any of the two showing up again. I honestly think they both saw what was coming and dipped, leaving us with a good impression and wanting to see more of them.
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ezamevolni · 1 year
Traces: 2jin detour
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So this post is strongly speculative and theory-based. Meaning that I'm reaching for the connections. But after spotting some interesting correlations between the events when placed on the same timeline, I'm putting this out there so maybe the you who's reading could take a look and tell whether there's truly a thread here.
One of my favorite YT Jinkookers moonbathingrite had made a great video that opened my eyes to the possibility of 2jin being a thing before Jin and Jungkook. (Note: she never said that they were, but did present interesting parallels between 2jin and Jinkook who came later)
2jin is the ship name for Kim Seokjin and Jin Hyosang.
Jin Hyosang, also known as Kidoh (ex-member of Toppdogg), used to be a BigHit trainee and was in the same underground rap group (DamNamhyup) as RM. He was actually in one of the final lineups for Bangtan (based off a poster) but joined Stardom Ent. some time in late 2012. The likeliest reason for switching agencies probably had to do with creative issues since BTS did go through a major revamp before debut - the original lineup of 'rappers only' eventually turned into a choreography heavy, idol group.
Kidoh was able to start releasing mixtapes with his new members in March and April of 2013, and later debuted officially in October. If you look at Toppdogg's debut album, Kidoh had writing credits on almost every single one of them. He even had a solo track, which was a major indicator of how much the agency was planning on pushing him.
Kidoh's connection to Jin is one of the rarer K-Pop phenomenons I've seen - fans shipping two male idols from different rookie groups right out the gate. This was mainly bolstered by Kidoh's fans all being acutely aware of how extremely infatuated he was with Jin, and Kidoh's encouraging responses. There was even something of a love triangle being touted back in 2013 between Kidoh, Jin and Rap Monster 😐 Ancient times were different 😺
So fan spectacle aside, how credible was 2jin being an actual item?
Truthfully, not very much. Because the affection was simply too lopsided to call it a relationship. Kidoh seemed enamored by Jin but Jin was generally aloof and cavalier in return. Of course, you could argue that Jin had always been a master of disguising his emotions but taking into account their careers at the time, it would have been impossible to date anyway (even if they wanted to).
For a more comprehensive history on 2jin's social media interactions, you could check out this 2jin blog - here (look at the number of notes under each post...considering the small fanbases att and this being the international side, it's impressive)
And if interested, here's an overview of predebut BTS - reddit
And if you're wondering why I'm bringing an ex-idol/trainee/friend into the picture, stay with me :)
Jin moved into Bighit's dorm on July 29, 2012 and the very next day, Kidoh tweeted about Jin:
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When Jin...or maybe not Jin, tweeted using the group account at the end of 2012:
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Kidoh possibly already left BigHit by then
Commenting on a post by BTS_twt with a candid snap of Jin:
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Kidoh's tweets about Jin were always harmless but had just that unnecessary hint of... attentiveness?
So with these social media traces, his affection for Jin was known since their trainee days. He had left enough crumbs online for the shippers to gather rapidly in their debut year.
On a related note, it's amusing how there's essentially no traces of Kidoh and Namjoon's friendship despite these two being in the same underground rap group far longer than either ever knew Seokjin. Joon was there the whole time and yet, there's no signs of the rappers knowing each other. In fact, they barely interacted during their special collab stage for Show Champion in 2014.
And it might have been fine to label his affection for Jin as overly-affectionate-best-friend feels, but Kidoh definitely toed the line at times:
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One more picture! Gay goosebumps..
And maybe Seokjin was also aware of the possibility of Hyosang being romantically interested in him because
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Fan: Seokjinnie oppa! Who is Jin Hyosang to oppa?
Jin: not gay haha
TBH I had doubted the credibility of the post it at first because I found it on a 2015 tweet:
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But I did spot this translation from way back in 2013:
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Jin's response is incredibly telling of the whole situation because first of all, he had to be aware of what the fans were thinking when they asked him the question. Secondly, he skipped over several thoughts to arrive at 'I'm not gay' because the question wasn't asking if he was??
(and the response is so deeply closeted iykwim)
Meanwhile Kidoh was on another wavelength:
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Q: What is Seokjin-shii for Hyosang? K: Destiny
Personally... I've heard best friends refer to each other as 'soulmates' before, but never 'destiny'. His answer seemed to imply another layer to their friendship.
Another interesting aspect of 2jin was the way Jin used to tweet about Kidoh, where his habits later carried over when he was tweeting about Jungkook.
For example, Jin would add his name to the end of a sentence:
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I am too, fascinated-jin #kimseokjinhyosang
@/BTS_twt My friend is debuting, its fascinating-jin..
Jin's tweet for Jk's birthday in 2013:
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Jungkook-ah  Hyung will always be on your side  I love you-jin  Happy Birthday!
It's like his little watermark to say he was the one who tweeted.
And that hashtag #kimseokjinhyosang conjoining the two of their names <3
That's a thing Jin once did during mid-2016 on the day of Jinkook's waterpark date.
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And of course it's cuter when Jin did it for Jk and himself, because it was half and half of their names. He will cram them together even if none of the alphabets are the same ❤️
These little things that Jin would do for his closest person/friend remained constant but of course, the two relationships were probably not of the same nature.
The difference mainly being Jin - his attitude towards Hyosang and Jungkook was like if you compared night and day. Indifference vs great affection.
Here's another set of 2jin post its famous for the contrast:
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Q: What do you like about BTS' Seokjinie oppa?? K: Lips .. (Shy)
The similarity of his answers to our younger protagonist is surreal.
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...And here's Jin's answer to the same question posed of Kidoh:
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Q: Hyosang said he likes your lips the most. What do you like the most about Hyosang? J: Money
He's consistent. Still focused on moneys when it comes to other people 🤣😋
Other than these traces of the 2jin friendship, you can explore their lore further on the blog linked above. You'd understand what I meant by how Kidoh 'encouraged' the shippers. Jin lived rent free on his mind.. he got mentioned even when Kidoh was interacting with fans on entirely unrelated topics. It didn't seem like fan service because the moments were so random and neither of them seemed to actually care about the reaction.
There's also some Yt compilations comparing how similar 2jin's personalities were, both a little eccentric, loud and confident about their looks. It is easy to tell why they clicked.
So it's interesting how Kidoh appeared rather infatuated with Jin.. which Jungkook's attitude resembled at times. Everything else aside, his focus on Jin lasted throughout their trainee period together up to the last second of their fallout.
Considering how forward Kidoh was and how they'd still meet each other backstage at music shows, it's certainly possible that members of both teams had observed 2jin's interactions and knew about their close friendship. And for someone who was in close proximity to Jin and paid him a lot of attention, he might know they're close and perhaps had wondered about the nature of the two 92-liners' relationship.
The fallout seemed to happen out of the blue.
On November 8, 2014 Jin and Kidoh still seemed fine and had taken a selfie together
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And on Jin's birthday, Kidoh tweeted a polaroid of themselves and a short message:
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Isn't it funny how they looked like twins
Then before the year could come to an end, BTS_twt was discovered to have unfollowed Kidoh.
Shippers who were watching 2jin's moves saw that Kidoh also deleted many of his posts related to Jin. Following this, on Christmas Eve he tweeted:
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Lamenting how he was single and surrounded by couples.
Whether it's actually related to Jin or not, I can't say. But the timing of the tweet did coincide with his abrupt disconnection from Jin. And sadly these two had never interacted, or at least publicly, ever again after December 2014.
And on a very loosely related note, Jungkook had posted his cover of Crush's Sofa on Dec 16 that year
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Which was a melancholic breakup song speaking from the perspective of someone who's clearly been dumped.
As armys we know more than to dismiss the lyrics of Jk's cover songs right... so the timing of this cover seemed pretty interesting in the scheme of things.
So that's something to think about there.
My own loose theory is that there was something more than friends there going on but not enough to call it an official relationship. And for the sudden 'breakup', it could be anything. Maybe it was business - had to do with Kidoh's lawsuit that surfaced half a year later, or personal - a failed confession... the possibilities are whichever you believe in. (My dream is for Seokjin to publish an autobiography at the age of 40 and spill all the tea) As for how Jk fits in... I have no idea how much he knew (did he ever ask or did Jin ever tell), but that lil cover showed he was probably aware of events in this arena.
LOL Didn't I say that I was reaching 😋
And unfortunately, the story for Hyosang kind of kept going downhill for a while. The following year, he filed a lawsuit against his agency for mismanagement of his career, and then in 2016, was convicted for drug use along with ex-Bighit trainee Iron.
After the ordeal, he returned to the industry as a producer for AOMG and almost exclusively produced for Woo (Woo Wonjae). He's under the new monicker Khyo now. That lasted for about 2 years and more recently, he doing DJ gigs at festivals.
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So he's up and still doing music 🙌
This ended in a sort of somber note with the lost connection between 2jin....
But the silver lining to it is that both of them are living well, and I'm not a 2jin shipper 👻✨
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marengogo · 2 years
The Thing Is: - 2 : It Really Ain’t That Hard.
Listening to This is BTS on Spotify.
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
Some time in 2010 a young clumsy genius named Kim Namjoon aka RM, at the time known as Runch Randa, impressed a producer named Bang Sihyuk, as a consequence of which, he was immediately signed to the producer's unknown small company named BigHit Entertainment where Namjoon became part, and leader, of a new project Hip-Hop band named Bangtan Sonyeondan aka BTS.
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In this new band, Namjoon was an underground rapper amongst, mostly, other underground rappers such as Shin Donghyuk aka Supreme Boi, Jin Hyosang aka Kidoh, Jung Hunchul aka Iron and Min Yoongi aka SUGA.
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Min Yoongi, a feisty rapper with a passion for basketball, ended up being second at the Hit It Audition, held by BigHit in 2010, in order to find more members for BTS. The person who won the competition, Choi Ikje aka I11even, also was one of the original members of BTS. In case you were curious, Here is the video of that final between Yoongi and I11even:
The only member who wasn’t an underground rapper, but who joined the company as a formidable dancer, with positivity spreading from every pore of his body, and really just a very nice presence to have around, was Jung Hoseok aka J-Hope.
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[The following link talks more about predebut Bangtan if you’d like to know more. I can’t vouch for it being completely correct but what I like about this page is that they also let you know where there are gaps in informations or things that they are not sure about either]:
So it was that they were seven, but they weren’t THE seven we all know and love today. So let’s try and imagine, for a second or two, how this must have felt for Joon, Yoongi and Hobi. Knowing that the bonds they were starting to create couldn’t be created after all, due perhaps to differences they couldn't overcome.
And also Imagine as a consequence, being told that you are not going to be a hip-hop group anymore and that you are going to have to work with four other boys on a completely different project. I’m not sure of just how hard and stressful it must have been but I can speculate that they weren’t just happy-go-lucky about it, particularly not in such an uncertain environment within a small unknown company.
Yet those three, Kim Namjoon, Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok, decided to stick around and try to make this new project work after all. Hence came along, Kim Seokjin aka Jin.
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Older than all of them, and having basically nothing in common with any of them (as he didn’t rap, nor did he dance) Seokjin might have struggled at the very beginning but somehow he made it through in such a way that he would end up being loved by all of them; didn’t he? Moving on, right after Seokjin, came his figurative opposite: the youngest of them all, tenacious dancer, skilled singer and adequate rapper; Jeon Jungkook aka Jungkook.
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Cute, introverted and shy, Jungkook was sent to get some extra dance training for a month in LA with their performance director Son Sungdeuk I always wonder how was that experience for him and all the things he might have been exposed to. If the trip to LA improved his dancing skills, what got him to be more open to the world emotionally was his in big part his encounter and interaction with the next member to join the group; Kim Taehyung aka V.
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Taehyung, at the time Bangtan's little “trouble-maker” V really put a spin on that group. He was never known for having the most conventional thinking, very much in his own world most of the times but so unique, so talented, so intriguing and so very caring. So much so that he would be the one to create a very special and strong bond with the last member to join this very peculiar group of young boys: Park Jimin aka Jimin a very skilled dancer, with an unforgettable voice and the sweetest heart you’ll ever be lucky to encounter. 
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Without a doubt, they struggled, argued, fought, overworked, cried, wondered if any of it was worth it after all, but they stuck it through. The seven of them together. They finally were able to create those bonds and worked their darn hardest to keep them, maybe just so they wouldn’t have a repeat of the first time they tried. They made sacrifices, learned to compromise, found ways to understand each other and basically become each other’s point of reliability, because Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook love, respect and trust Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook.
Sure, they are not seven with us, but before, during and after us, they were are and always will be seven. When together and not to a certain extent, they are each other’s priorities, because they’ve learned to be so and they have decided that they want to be so, as they’ve said repeatedly every time they have had to remind the world that, for example,THEY ARE NOT DISBANDING. Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook are ALL MEMBERS OF BTS and they plan to remain so. Even their chapter 2 is all geared for them to be able to come back to each other with refreshed energies, experiences and point of views. They know that, I know that, You, person/people reading this should know that. Yet, why do so many people keep forgetting that?
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Like ... it really ain’t that hard y’all.
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So You and by You, I am referring to the people who will feel like they are being called out by reading any of the following can keep on:
1.BELIEVING IN, or SHIPPING, ANY PAIRING IN BTS ROMANTICALLY or whichever way you so fit, and I am also speaking as a person who thinks Jikook might actually be something. We can have all our theories and some of us do get pretty nasty about them, but at the end of the day, if any of these pairs aren’t real, it will NEVER change the fact that BTS were ALWAYS solely there for the music to begin with (and I actually started with the music with them, so really, if Jikook were never a thing, it would at most feel like a pity for me, but yeah, I’d quickly move on) and would be staying for the music, or maybe the money, or maybe the fame, or maybe the fandom or all of it and who knows what else. Regardless, they know that at the very least they have each other. Because they were and still are seven.
2. STANNING ANY SINGLE, DUO OR WHATEVER NUMBER OF MEMBERS YOU WANT. Have a blast! Do whatever the fuck you want honestly, on god, it is your life, your choices, your actions and your consequences. Any attempt at stressing and pointing out how they would be so much better if they were permanently solo artists is ALL ON YOU and it would also be a clear statement as to how little you know the artist you claim you stan; LIKE, FOR REAL-REAL. That being said, all your Solo, Duo, Whatever-Number, Ted talks will not change the fact that, as of February 19, 2023, Bangtan Sonyeaondan is still a band and it is still composed of Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook. And yes, I will keep repeating the chant because it is not just a fucking chant. It is a verbal representation of what it actually is. Because they were and still are seven.
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3. DISRESPECTING PARK JIMIN or any other member at that, but JM is the most evident if you are so inclined, realistically speaking can I stop you? Nah. Your stupid ass will find new ways of trying to bring an innocent, talented, caring, spectacular, exquisite, funny, unique person down. Many started doing that circa 6 years ago and, not-shockingly, you and them are still at it. Yet, LOW, AND FUCKING BEHOLD, Park Jimin is still thriving, is still loved, is still part of BTS because GUESS 👏🏾 THE 👏🏾 FUCKING 👏🏾 WHAT 👏🏾?: … Because they were and still are seven.
4. DISLIKING CHAPTER 2. You don’t like that they are finally taking time to be their own selves, within the safety of still being in a band? You don’t understand the possibility that some might actually be burnt out (please look up being burnt out, it is a thing) and need some real rest? You don’t like the fact that there are indeed also other people in their world (family, other friends, new acquaintances FINALLY, etc)? You feel neglected even though you are obviously one of the reasons why they are still together and why they still keep going on even though sometimes the actions they get back from people like you are SUPER QUESTIONABLE? Bruv … I have nothing to tell you to be honest cause, I ain't got that type of time to waste, but then again; I lied. I just wanted to let you know that at the end of the day, Yoongi would probably wish you to Stay Healthy: Because guess what? they were and still are seven.
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5. NOT EVOLVING. Stay in OG 2013. Stay in Work Harder 2014. Stay in We Might Actually Be Going Somewhere 2015. Stay in …Oh Shit!… 2016. Stay in We Global Now Baby! 2017. Stay in We Are Not Disbanding 2018.  Stay in Map Of The “Crazy” 2019. Stay in Pandemic. Online. Okay. 2020.  Stay in We Back Live! 2021.  Stay in Keep Misunderstanding What We Say 2022.  Stay in Chapter 2 2023.  Stay Still wherever the fuck you want, honestly, nobody can force you to do anything and nobody is saying that you are wrong either, just know that 🎵Things Change. People Change. Everything Change🎶. However, you know what doesn’t change? The things they said will not change and wanted us to trust them with, for example the fact that they will be seven Because they were and still are seven.
6. FABRICATING/CHATTING SHIT AND/OR SIDING WITH IT. Rumors, scandals, unreliable sources, YOU NAME IT. That blasted bird app I swear to god … can’t live with it, can’t live without it. AS WE ALL SHOULD KNOW BY NOW, drama is birthed every second on that platform and reading all of the shit that comes out can really make you want to grab your laptop/desktop or phone and throw it out of the window as well as lose a couple of brain cells. FOR REAL-REAL. 
All the attempts at causing havoc, insulting the fandom, engaging in fanwars, and just trolling as a professional sport … like you can REALLY miss me with all that shit. Because I’m pretty sure that they are also avoiding all that shit and if they have something to say, usually they find a way to say it in professional Jin-Style or through the company. Cause, contrary to popular belief, they know exactly everything that goes on online, they’d have to live under a rock not to know, so if something needs addressing they will.
ALSO, If something personal to them needs addressing but they don’t want to address it, that is also their right and they will handle it however the fuck they want to, be it a white lie or just staying out of SM all together for months on months on months. Because, even when they might have felt lonely at the end of the day, they knew who they could rely one as they were and still are seven.
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😩… ARMY found BTS when BTS needed them the most, which at the same time it was also when many ARMY needed them the most. ARMY saw something in them, beyond their looks and any initial fanservice. They perhaps saw themselves in them, struggling human beings just doing their best to make it into this world. BTS gave them, and keeps giving them, words of encouragement, a sense of comfort, unbelievable silliness, hope in the dark and much more, which ARMY exchanges with trust, moral and financial support, which is the best we can do to allow those seven young men to be seven. The moment we forget this, and the moment they forget this, then it is all over. However, at this very moment, the way things are standing, they seem to not have forgotten this so, once again, I ask: why do so many people keep forgetting that?
I don’t know and in all honesty I don’t give a fuck either. I am ARMY, through and through. I am an ARMY that is still discovering things about their past, supports all their present endeavours and is very hopeful for their future, because they were there for me, and still are and I am faithful they will continue to be as far as they can. So to all the misguided people, if I get tired of playing with you in my Colosseum I will refer to this post, just so you don’t think that you are not heard. Trust me you are heard, and it is very important to me for you to know that you will always:
REAP WHAT YOU SOW, and hold on … wait for it … when you do, THEY’LL STILL BE 7.
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Always respectfully yours 💜,
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rvdispatch · 4 years
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TRENDING: Ginny Makes First Comeback
After the disaster that was 1234, Ginny is back with her first comeback, and it seems to be soaring ahead of her debut song. In recent months it’s come out just how rushed Ginny’s debut was, leading many fans to question why they didn’t just take their time, and after hearing her new song Breathe, fans are even more confused as to why this wasn’t her debut instead. The beautiful ballad, written by Ginny and her father, and produced by Shin Hyosang, has shot up on the charts, and is the song everyone is talking about.
At her showcase, Ginny revealed that she has many songs in her arsenal. “There were other songs we were going to release next, but after seeing the reaction to the 1234 music video, we decided to keep them to ourselves for now,” Ginny explained. “Someday as a gift to fans maybe I’ll release them. They’re good songs. I just don’t think they’re what I need as an artist right now.”
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rvsangah · 3 years
idol project masterpost~
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these are all my weekly challenges for sangah in one post! i did it this way bc i wanted to wait until the end so i could see what ~everyone~ did a craft a narrative if i get less points or something idc (honestly give me 0 lol im doing this so wrong) i just wanted to get this out there for character development!!!
episode one
sangah was excited at the song choice for their audition. with her and yihwa both being sent, it meant there was at least two power vocalists on the show, and she was relieved and grateful that at least she would get to show off too. yihwa was better than her, no doubt, but she was still good. and she got to show that. she just had to get over her nerves-- those would be her undoing.
and those nerves showed up. while she got praised, and eventually made A grade, she knew she fell back. mirae and yihwa were both so magnetic, and she hadn’t done her best, so she looked like the star students’ tag along little sister. 
but she made A. and she’d make sure she was more focused and grounded before her next performance.
episode two
though part of her wanted to be the team a leader, yihwa was far more confident than she was. it made more sense that everyone voted for her, logically. she was rife with insecurity. but it still kind of stung-- even if she knew she wasn’t really in the running.
the challenge was absolutely absurd, but at least she was in a team with mire-- there was some comfort there. and with yihwa being in another group, that meant that a lot of the vocals went to sangah, and she was more than happy to try to show up the week prior. though once mirae and taeri started going at it, her cynicism spiked.
the huge break for the scandal was a blessing. sangah practiced all the songs, getting confident with them, and even ran them with mirae. she was certain they’d do very well. when the show comes back and its time for performances, she feels prepared
the first song they got was pirate king, and that’s one of sangah’s weaker ones, as she is not the most talented dancer-- she can do it, but she struggles. but with a lot of the attention on mirae as the center, sangah limped her way to the end, where the final vocals to finish off the song really give her her moment to shine.
their next song is love me right-- easier choreography, but still harder than sangah was comfortable with. she had practiced hard, though, so she felt like she had the hang of it, and love me right just suited her so much better than pirate king. not to mention she felt like she had more opportunities to show off vocally.
their last song is i am the best, which has the easiest choreography, and is the most iconic in sangah’s opinion. she really stretched out haena’s vocals to show off. just so she could finish the right way.
episode three
much like mirae and yihwa, sangah isn’t at all thrilled with their song choice for the disbanded group challenge. she loved deviant, but they barely had one power vocal, let alone enough room for both yihwa and sangah. she tries to stay positive though, and sees it as an opportunity to get her stage presence down, and to work as part of a unit.
when they perform, sangah is admittedly a little put off by yihwa improvising adlibs-- they hadn’t practiced it, and sangah had no opportunity to do her own. but it was a competition. yihwa was just looking out for herself. sangah couldn’t be too upset at that.
episode four
she was excited for the skill evaluation. singing, without the dance, was what she was most confident in. and she’d been criminally underperforming in the ranks-- her labelmates were leagues ahead of her. it was embarrassing. she hoped that showing what she could really do would get some people on her side.
sangah is overjoyed to be working with jinkyung-- she grew up listening to majesty with her mom, and even sang some majesty songs at church as a kid. and with thet leaving to go debut at her actual company, it meant more opportunity for the rest of them to show off.
when it comes time to perform, sangah was on the top of her game. she pushed her voice to its limit, and she showed all she could do. she did her harmonies well. and though they weren’t best of the week, they were close-- closer than sangah had ever gotten before on the show.
episode five
when she saw how far she’d shot up in the rankings, she burst into tears. she had gone from being on the verge of elimination to cracking the top ten. her talent was paying off, and she felt so blessed that people were noticing. and just in time to get original group songs.
she’s confident in the team A group-- Hyosang is a genuis producers, and she’s worked with both yihwa and mirae countless times before. however, she didn’t know minsuk or inho that well at all, and she’d never even heard of nemo. that song scared her. she was prepared for the worst there.
volume up was a dream. yihwa and sangah were both on a song that suited them and was made for their skill, and mirae got to be the sassy confident center to tie it all together. she did her best with angel, and sounded okay, but it wasn’t the best song. she and the boys tried to have fun with it onstage, but sangah knows that if she’s going to be saved from being cut, it will be because of volume up.
episode six
when she sees she’s actually made the cut again, and moved into top four territory, sangah sobs. she’ll regret crying so hard on camera, but it meant the world to her that people were taking a chance on her. and now she was going to have her own solo song because of it.
she chooses to not have much choreography on her song-- a little bit, so she’s not standing still, but she wanted her vocals to be the real focus of the piece. she’s sure it’ll be nothing compared to what yihwa pulls out, but she wants to give it her full try. especially since her vocals in the group song aren’t anything to really phone home about.
the concert is exhausting-- there’s so much that can go so wrong. but by the end, she feels like she’s done everythign she can.
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falseprvphet · 5 years
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slouched over in the chair beside hyosang, minseok let his forehead thud against the mixing table in front of them. he knew that he was probably being overdramatic, but he had been worrying about this in the back of his mind for so long that he knew he finally would have to cave and ask hyo for his opinion. even if it was just so min could talk it through. “dude, i feel like i’m going crazy,” he said, his face still nearly pressed against the table, “i keep looking at engagement rings and none of them are right. i keep finding ones that are mostly the right idea but there’s always something that’s off about it.”
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I thought I might try my hand at these, the fic are sorted by pairing and length, have fun!
Once in a Lifetime(same as it always was), by Orphan_Account
Summary: As Seokjin struggles to overcome his unrequited crush, he’s shocked to discover that the consequences of his actions have the ability to tear realities apart.
HighSchool AU, Long Distance Relationship, 47K, multichaptered and finished.
Charmed, by kaythebest
Summary: "So you’re not going to eat me?" Seokjin asks, just to confirm."Why would I eat you?""Because you’re a dragon," Seokjin says slowly, because it should be obvious, despite Namjoon not looking very dragon-y at all. Namjoon looks unimpressed. "I may be a dragon, but I’m not an animal."
Magic/Fantasy AU, Dragon!Namjoon. 23k, Oneshot.
Metanoia, by Scripturient27
Summery: And then Jin's dragging Namjoon down the hallways, uncaring of the fact that nearly the entire student body has stopped to watch the debacle that's unfolding.  He'll talk to Kim Namjoon on his terms.  The lockers come into view and he comes to a halt, spinning them and slamming Namjoon hard into a locker. He lets out a whimper as his shoulder comes in contact with the metal. Jin cages him in with a hand on each side of his head.  He knows it's unnecessary, but right then he's aiming to reinforce a point to all the bastards watching.  Never fuck with Kim Taehyung.
HighSchool AU, BadBoy Jin, SoftShyNerd Joon. 19K, oneshot.
Charm Me, by Kingkiwi
Summary: Namjoon, a witch of the earth who sells his wares on the street. Seokjin, the man who makes the best fried squid in town. When these two meet, magic will spark, ducks will be fed, and well, Seokjin literally can't see his food stand anymore.  “Namjoon, you can’t just make Happy Squid invisible. We’ll lose business. And don’t think I don’t know see-me-nots are illegal, because I do.” Namjoon just shrugs. “Hard to get caught if no one can see it.”
Urban Fantasy AU, Witches, Spells and Echantment. 9K, Two Chapter, finished.
It’s Gonna Get You In Trouble, by EquinoxSolistice
Summary: Kim Namjoon knows he's not the most handsome guy out there. It's just guys talking shit about each other, Jin Hyosang is an asshole, and anything that escapes his mouth is complete bullshit. But it's true though. He's awkward, clumsy, and a complete nerd; no one, not even the most desperate person in the world, will notice him. Kim Seokjin is having none of that.
Highschool Au, 6K, Oneshot
Colorful, by Namjoonah
Summary: College AU where Namjoon finally gets some color in his life in the form of a cute little ball of smiles and hair dye.
College AU, Blind Namjoon. 80K, multichaptered, unfinished.
Rest your head on my shoulder, by so_splendiferous
Summary: All Jimin wanted was a hug, but fate gave him something better.It gave him Namjoon.
College AU, Friends to Lovers. 15K, Oneshot.
Complementary Opposites, by sixtieshairdo
Summary: “Go take a train down to Busan and blow Jimin’s socks off with your penchant for romantic gestures. And your pretty mouth. And your coc—”“Oh God, okay, yes I get it, go down there—““Yes, down there.”“Hyung! You know what I mean. But what if he thinks I’m moving too fast? I know he said he’d want to show me around, but what if it’s just literally that? To show me around his campus?”Yoongi’s hand cradled his jaw, face looking utterly bored by his predicament.“Then you do just that. Look around. Then ask him to show you his dorm. Then you get down on your knees and—“Hoseok, thankfully, had the right timing to brightly interrupt.“Ah Yoongi-hyung, don’t you mean get down on one knee?”He groaned at the pouty face Yoongi made at his boyfriend’s words. He was beginning to wonder why he thought Yoongi and Hoseok would be helpful at all.“Hoseokie, Joonie isn’t going to Busan to propose to Jimin. He is going to proposition Jimin.”
College AU, Longish Distance Relationship. 5K, OneShot.
nepenthe, by fatal
Summary: bad days happen, jimin knows that. but some days are so punishing that jimin forgets to be kind to himself.
Domestic AU, 3K, OneShot.
We’re Cheering For Love, by arysthaeniru
Summary: Namjoo doesn't really know what to make of Jeongmin, her new roommate here, who looks at her with devotion and confusion in her gaze, all at once.
Magic College AU, Girls AU. 8K, OneShot.
Hazelnut Loves Daisy, by themarmelade
Summary: As a daisy fairy, Jungkook is crushed when he can't save one of his flower patches. Namjoon tries to help.
Fairy AU. 4K, Oneshot.
the scent of you, by umji
Summary: He’d had a good time, but at the end of the day Jungkook wanted nothing more than to come back home to his boyfriend.
Beauty Blogger AU. 2K, Two Chapters, finished.
Starving(And Other Artistic Mediums)
Summary: It became a permanent thing the next year in August. But neither of them knew it was going to become a permanent thing. To them it just looked like a temporary thing. A slightly permanent, temporary thing. Or; Namjoon and Yoongi are both struggling artists, throw a baby into the mix and they're struggling parents as well. Throw love into the mix and they're just struggling.
Artist AU, Parents AU. 28K, 2 Chapters, finished.
The Rest Comes After, by naxariis
Summary: namjoon's girlfriend cheats on him with a guy that turns out to be yoongi's boyfriend. namjoon and yoongi band together to exact revenge.
Fake/Pretend Relationship,Moving on, AU. 17K, 3 Chapters, finished.
you're my fifth season (look, to me, you're still green), by shortiest
Summary: in which namjoon's dreams are in shades of green- slytherin and mint- and yoongi is an enigma he'll never be able to shake off.and he's not entirely sure he'll ever want to.
Hogwarts AU. 9K, oneshot.
Baby Pink Skirts and a Bad Attitude, by benibirb
Summary: Namjoon just moved to Seoul with a plan to start school, get a law degree and have a nice normal life.Until he met Min Yoongi who said fuck all that bullshit, wearing a baby pink skirt and a scowl on his face.
School AU, Boo1kshop AU. 9K, oneshot
101 Ways To Put Out A Fire, by infires (infires_man)
Summary: Kim Namjoon is an idiot who sets himself on fire - more than once. Min Yoongi is angry but saves his life anyway - more than once.  Even when he's not supposed to.
College AU, Reaper AU. 6K, oneshot.
Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me, by signifying_nothing
Summary: a pastel grunge kid and a goth walk into a cafe. like the set-up to every bad joke, ever.
AU, 2K, oneshot.
don't wanna dance (with anybody but you), by busan_brat
Summary: When Namjoon's life starts resembling one of those stupid teenage movies, he begins to wonder whether he's a damsel in distress or a knight in shining armor. Nothing Hoseok does helps Namjoon figure them out.
AU, Friends to Lovers. 15K, oneshot.
The Monster Under Your Bed, by popliar
Summary: There's a monster under Hoseok's bed and Namjoon has no idea what he's meant to do about it.
Non Famous AU, Roommate/HouseMate AU. 6K, oneshot.
Little White House, by myadamantiumheart
Summary: Yoongi is a lonely witch who doesn’t quite know he’s lonely, and Jin is a human with far too much curiosity for his own good. The forest brings him to Yoongi’s doorstep, and, unfortunately for Yoongi, Jin refuses to let it take him back. In which Yoongi is far less prickly than he appears, Jin is a human ray of sunshine, Hoseok is frighteningly cheerful for a vampire, Taehyung is actually Puck, Jimin is a Softboy (tm) Druid, Jungkook is misleadingly intimidating, and Namjoon is the clumsiest werewolf the world has ever seen. 
Magic AU. 21K, two chapters, finished.
Cheer Up, by resonae
Summary: When Yoongi moves into the new apartment, it’s only after the landlady assures him the two kids next door are the ‘sweetest things on the planet’ and ‘definitely won’t be noisy.’ The next day, he meets Seokjin and his two sons Jimin and Taehyung, both of whom are pretending to be dragons and making lots of noise.
Single Parent Jin, Neighbour AU. 13K, multichapter, finished.
let's cut to the chase, you've got me in a daze, by  finedae            
Summary: "You must be Min Yoongi-ssi. I'm Kim Seokjin, your roommate? We're in the same year, uh so, you don't have to bother with honorif--" "Hyung. Seokjin hyung, this side of the room is mine.""Oka--""And the door or the windows need to be open. At all given times. But I can compromise, you can close the bathroom door when you use it. All my classes are in the afternoon or later so I expect you don't disturb me in the morning, as I need my 11 hours. If two underclassmen by the names Kim Namjoon and Jung Hoseok show up, I'm not here and you don't know them. Communal kitchen is down the hall in the left, the strawberry milk is mine and I prefer the bed facing the windows. If you have any questions, direct them elsewhere. Other than that, make yourself at home or whatever." ______ Kim Seokjin knew dealing with an emotionally stunted cat hybrid for a roommate wouldn't be easy, he was prepared for the abrupt mood swings and the quick dismissals. No amount of sociology textbooks or hybrid guidelines could've quite prepared him for Min Yoongi, though.
Hybrid AU, College AU. 8K, oneshot.
Hot Springs, by weakforjin
Summary: Yoongi overworks himself and has a breakdown. Bangtan comforts him and Seokjin takes him on a surprise trip to the closest private hot springs for a couple days in an effort help him relax.
Non AU. 8K, oneshot.
aye, love (you led me to a miracle), by  vppa
Summary: It’s six in the morning and all Yoongi wants is some fucking coffee.(Not to be, not to be assaulted with a possibly illegal stare and a smile that could probably bring dead flowers back to life, god dammit)
Coffee Shop AU. 7K, oneshot.
of ginger, strawberries and Serratia marcescens, by Anonymous
Summary: in which jeon jungkook passionately insists that he is straight but ends up with a boyfriend.
Fake/Pretend Relationship, College AU. 41K, two chapters, finished.
Forever Young: Boy’s Side(Seokjin Walkthrough+ Review), by numberts
Summary: Jeongguk woos Seokjin the only way he knows how: by treating it like an otome game.
College AU, Dating Sim AU. 32K, 2 chapters, finished.
To Be Happy, by missgarnet
Summary: In which Jungkook is in love, Seokjin is Oblivious, and the members are despairing but helpful.
Non AU, OT7 Friendship. 8K, oneshot.
Floating Blind, by thatofyou
Summary: Not only does Jungkook get a job at the country club, he also gets a huge crush on the restaurant's main chef, Kim Seokjin.
Restaurant AU. 7K, oneshot.
Can I be your one?, endearings
Summary: “Gukkie? Baby, is that you?”Seokjin’s voice is thick with sleep, his eyes bleary and dark with exhaustion, but still, even at two in the morning, he spares Jeongguk a dimpled smile.Jeongguk’s heart skips a beat. (alternatively: Jeongguk is in love with Seokjin and doesn't know how to tell him)
Non AU, Christmas. 6K, oneshot.
and fortune’s still smiling down on me (aren’t we lucky?), by kokorojin
Summary: Kim Taehyung has his selection of first lines for all of his introductory                    speeches:             1. He's a film major.             2. He has ridiculous luck.             3. Kim Seokjin could tell him to win the lottery for him and Taehyung                    would actually, probably, definitely try.
College AU, Actor AU. 21K, oneshot.
a touch of magic, by umji
Summary: Yoongi liked to think that he was an expert in moving around Hogwarts unnoticed, or as unnoticed as you can be when you belong to one of the darkest wizarding families of the decade.
Hogwarts AU. 8K, oneshot.
The Boy in the Music Box, by maia_archives
Summary: Yoongi doesn’t really expect anything special when he finds an old music box in his grandmother’s attic and she tells him to keep it. Oh sure, he expects the music box to be a pretty decoration to add to the stale interior of his small apartment. He expects it to play a tune and he might even dare to expect the barely-functioning little ballerina to dance along to the soft chimes, but that's it, really.The last thing he expects is for the little ballerina to take human form at night and throw his life out of balance with radiant smiles, soft giggles, and a heart-wrenching story.
College AU, Kinda Magic AU. 52K, multi, finished.
home is the sea reflected in your eyes, by anyadisee
Summary: Yoongi doesn’t know what he was expecting, exactly, when Taehyung called the day before asking about the pool in his mini-greenhouse, but it certainly wasn’t this.This being opening his door to find Taehyung and Jungkook on his porch, the former with his fist raised mid-knock even though the doorbell is right fucking there, the latter standing a few steps behind him and smiling rather sheepishly while bridal-carrying a mermaid.A goddamn mermaid.It is too early for this, Yoongi decides.
Magic AU, Mermaid Jimin, Warlock Yoongi. 32K, oneshot.
in this blue light, by anyadisee
Summary: For a second, the dragon looks as though it's going to bump its head against Jimin’s palm, giving him the chance to graze his fingers over its glinting scales. But then the second is over, and the dragon snorts instead, warm smoke coming out of its nostrils and blowing Jimin’s hair back. Then it turns around and goes back into its cave, leaving Jimin standing there and feeling like an idiot. Taehyung appears by his shoulder seconds later, whistling lowly. “Well, that didn’t work. No worries though, Jimin! I’m going to find another way to get my necklace back. Sorry for dragging you all the way out here.”Jimin says, “It laughed at me.”Taehyung blinks. “What?”“Taehyung, that dragon bastard laughed at me.”
Magic AU, Dragon Yoongi. 21K, oneshot.
Boop, by aproffesorstale
Summary: based on a tweet: au where yoongi turns into a kitten when someone boops his nose and jimin accidentally boops his nose.
AU, 20K, multi, finished.
Winter Blues, by springrain21
Summary: Yoongi is turned into a cat by a sorceress, and novice witch Jimin finds him and takes him home. Fluff and feelings ensue.
Magic AU, Witch Jimin, Turned Cat Yoongi. 15K, 3 Chapters, finished.
In Deep Waters, by Sharleena
Summary: So. Okay. Yoongi found a mermaid. Inside a fish tank. In an a public aquarium. As if his week couldn't get any weirder.
Magic AU, Warlock Yoongi, Mermaid Jimin. 11K, ooneshot.
in your eyes (it’s where i wanna be), by bonnia
Summary: Jimin pauses with his marker inches away from the cup, because — is he really going to do this? Isn’t it a bit old-fashioned to write something flirty on a coffee cup? But no matter what his churning gut says about danger and what the hell are you doing do you want to die, this guy is — with no better way to put it — totally Jimin’s Type with a capital T.
College AU, Coffee Shop AU, 5K, oneshot.
Puppy Love, by Bandit4Life
Summary: The puppy was still frantically pulling at the leash and suddenly there was a harsh, demanding voice that left no room for discussion cutting through the air. “Sit.” Taehyung didn’t even think twice about the command, his ass was on the floor before he could even blink. 
College AU, Neighbour AU, Get Together. 13K, oneshot.
My Demons Follow Me, by paechtae
Summary: Taehyung let out a laugh that bordered on hysterical and rubbed at his eyes with the heels of his palm.“Okay going with the line of you eat my fucking dreams, which rude you didn’t even ask first, just– why?”  You did ask though.Taehyung didn’t bother with responding this time, busy trying to figure out what exactly the demon was talking about. The demon reached back for the notebook again.   You’re a very loud person when you sleep Kim Taehyung. You should be careful what you say and ask for. Crueller things in this world could have heard you.
Demon AU, Demon Yoongi. 13K, oneshot.
large, extra cheese, extra you, by vminism
Summary: Taehyung starts everything by procrastinating. Even unhealthy crushes on the pizza delivery boy.
College AU. 9K, oneshot.
the kitchen is an arsonist’s playground, by hoars
Summary: Yoongi might be an arsonist. Taehyung might be in a gang. They are definitely in love.
AU. 5K, oneshot.
don’t fuck me, hug me, by sugaretreat
Summary: They’ve — he hasn’t told Taehyung about The Thing. They’ve been best friends for years now and he’s never told Taehyung about The Thing because you don’t talk about The Thing. Yoongi doesn’t, at least. “No, Tae, I — I don’t want — I don’t —“  he bites down hard on his tongue, his free hand curling into a fist. Be brave, he thinks. “I don’t want sex.” 
Non Traditional A/B/O, Asexuality. 3K, oneshot.
Just Hold Me, by Incadence
Summary: This hand holding is for business sake, so they can really all shut the fuck up. If not for Taehyung, Yoongi would probably have long floated away into the crowd and gotten kidnapped or something. So yes, this is one hundred percent for business sake. And the fact that Taehyung’s stupidly warm all the time, and has the prettiest hands have nothing to do with it. 
Non AU. 3K, oneshot.
sonatia, by orphan_account
Summery: Sometimes we just need a little repetition to see what's right in front of our eyes.
Time Loop AU, Famous Yoongi. 26K, oneshot.
my youth is yours, by marienadine
Summary: “What did you say your name was?” says Yoongi, after an eternity of awkward silence.“Jeongguk,” says Jeongguk. “Um. My name is Jeon Jeongguk. I’m a freshman.”“Oh,” says Yoongi. “Fucking hell.”
College AU. 25K, oneshot.
take me out (we’re going down), by kaythebest
Summary: There are a lot of things that Jungkook expected from his junior year of college. General stress. Student debt. He did not expect to be hit by a car. It’s going well.
Rich Yoongi, Student Jungkook, Sugar Daddy AU, Asexuality. 20K, oneshot.
wings, by notyoongs
Summary: yoongi holds the dragon at arm’s length, staring at it like he’s never seen a dragon in his entire life, and jeongguk giggles again, muffling it with a hand over his mouth because it shouldn’t be funny, but it is.min yoongi, the fearless dragon rider, winner of several championships and owner of the ferocious grimfang—terrified of a dragon that fits in his hand and can’t do anything but make a few noises. yoongi has plenty of scars himself from training accidents, crashes, run ins with dragons that don’t like him. but he can’t hold a baby.“stop laughing at me,” yoongi says finally, sending a glare to jeongguk, who only laughs harder. “it’s—stop it! it’s weird, i don’t like it. it’s so small, how do i know it won’t just like, take a shit in my hand? or try to eat my finger?”
Dragon AU, Fantasy AU. 19K, oneshot.
If It’s Okay, by caildekook
Summary: “It’s not rude to ask about it, is it?”“Uh, I don’t think so?” Jungkook responded. “I don’t know I’m not really familiar on blind culture yet.”Jungkook’s shoulders tensed for a moment when he heard the man laugh in response to his words. “Blind culture?” He repeated like it was a ridiculous thing to say. “I’d say fuck whatever that is and just answer shit based on how you feel.”“Oh. Right. Cause I’m blind now.” Jungkook mulled over the words and then shrugged. “Well, you saved me the horror of having to throw away my coffee or risk overflowing it with creamer so if it was, I would say we’re even.”
AU, Blind Jungkook, Writer Yoongi. 16K, oneshot.
the garden of eden, by xiajin
Summary: the truth of it all is that yoongi is inexplicably lonely.
Florist AU, Teacher AU. 13K, two chapters, finished.
wood witchery, by sotflyblue
Summary: The day Jungkook lands in his pond, Yoongi is up a tree trying to persuade the owl there that he does live in the cottage, and no it’s not free to rent, and no he won’t accept acorn husks in payment. Every time he tries to say this, the owl pecks at his wrist and squawks premium interest! premium interest! And Yoongi is losing his sanity.
Magic AU, Witch AU. 7K, oneshot.
small talks, by licornes
Summary: At first, Jungkook just likes the sound of his voice.
Highschool AU, Blind Jungkook, Underground Rapper Yoongi. 7K, oneshot.
take me out (the date way or the assassination way), by fruitily
Summary: yoongi [7:58] IM READY TO DROP DEAD 
jimin [7:59] relatable
jin [7:59] you say that at least three times a week
namjoon [7:59] is this about the guy you keep running into
tae [8:00] what guy?????? are u keeping tea from me????????
jin [8:01] theres a mysterious hot guy on campus that yoongi keeps running into like a damn romantic drama but every time they meet he ends up nearly killing yoongi
tae [8:01] kinky
College AU. 7K, oneshot.
hey i like you a lot(not clickbait), by fruitily
Summary: “why does yoongi-hyung hate me,” jungkook mumbles.“we’re still on that?” jimin raises his eyebrows. “he doesn’t hate you. he just doesn’t like being in front of a camera.”
Lowkey Try Guys AU, Buzzfeed AU. 8K, oneshot.
DOES/DOES NOT, by jajungmyeon
Summary: Jeongguk thinks Hoseok likes him. Hoseok thinks Jeongguk does not like him.They are both wrong and get yelled at by Yoongi.
College AU. 20K, oneshot.
stitch me up(you’re so pretty), by jjks
Summary: “Embroidery,” Jeongguk repeats. “I’m gonna join an embroidery class,” his voice trails off a little at the end, losing some of its vigor and quieting down when he realises it’s stupid. So stupid. Even stupider when spoken out loud.
Highschool AU, Embroidery Club AU. 10K, oneshot.
the world is in the palm of your hand so now take a breath and calm down, by fifty-one sunsets
Summary: I can't do this," Jungkook hisses to Jimin, eyes following Hoseok who makes his way to the table.
Hogwarts AU. 5K, oneshot.
so call it magic, by tendershipping(orphan_account)
Summary: “So…” Taehyung says slowly, “You’re trapped in a grimoire… and have to serve whoever owns it.”"I mean," Jimin shrugs, "It's a little more complicated than that."
Magic AU, Witchcraft AU. 16K, oneshot.
don’t read the last page, but i stay, by jellyfishes
Summary: Jeongguk pulls himself up from the couch with a little crow of happiness. “It’s fine hyung, we’ll use our drunk brains to work out a way to solve this. You’ll keep this apartment, I’m sure of it.” Taehyung feels his mood improving already. “Yeah,” he says, resolutely. “Even if I have to sell my soul to do it.”
Non Famous AU, Demon AU. 15K, oneshot.
fireflies, by kaythebest
Summary: When Jimin is six, his brother catches a fairy in a jar.
College AU, Fairy AU. 12K, oneshot.
Crinus Muto, by apocryphalic
Summary: Park Jimin's a sixth-year Prefect, top in his year in nearly all subjects except one: Transfiguration. Help is forced upon him in the form of Kim Taehyung, a fellow sixth-year with the rare gift of being born a metamorphmagus. Jimin's never been fond of Taehyung and when a spell goes awry, he's left to take care of Taehyung. Jimin learns that appearances are rarely what they seem and that quite possibly, he's misjudged Taehyung all along.
Hogwarts AU. 9K, oneshot.
the most beautiful and terrible thing, by kaythebest
Summary: Taehyung doesn't look broken. Jimin doesn't see any rashes or discoloration. He has two arms and legs, no more, no less. He looks roughly like he did the last time Jimin saw him, just a little more awake in the mid-afternoon. It's mildly reassuring.But then Taehyung says, "Jimin, you always smell the best," and Jimin isn't quite sure what to do with that.
Hogwarts AU, Truth Potion. 6K, oneshot.
I’m Not Sorry, by bananacookies
Summary: Jungkook never would've expected a text from a stranger to turn out like this.
Strangers to Lovers, AU. 40K, multi, finished.
sugar, we’re going down swinging, by aborescent
Summary: The first time Jeon Jungkook meets Park Jimin, the other boy is dissecting what looks like a penis.
BBC Sherlock AU. 10K, oneshot.
Dragon Star, by jonghyunslisterine
Summary: In which Prince Jungkook tries to save his kingdom and a dying forest all at once (and meets a clever water spirit along the way).
Fantasy AU, Korean Mythology, Prince Jungkook, Water spirit Jimin. 10K oneshot.
doubt thou the stars are fire, by iwillalwaysbelieve
Summary: Jeon Jeongguk's got a Reputation™. Park Jimin learns how to not give a shit about it.
Theater AU, Highschool AU. 9K, oneshot.
your body is a place to stay by jonghyunslisterine
Summary: In which Jungkook juggles a five-year-old daughter, Jimin the pretty bookstore employee, and coworkers who like to tease him too much.
Tattoo Palour AU, Coffee Shop AU, Bookshop AU, Single Parent AU. 9K, oneshot.
take a blind shot, by offthebeat
Summary: as a fan, jeongguk has a big enough heart to love every single member of bangtan. apparently, that includes their tiny yet truly terrifying manager, too.
Idols AU, Fans/Fandom AU. 8K, oneshot.
Touch Starved, by krispy_kream
Summary: How had Jin described it when he was trying to explain it to Jungkook? Touch starved. And what a relief to know it had a name, that it was a real thing and he wasn’t just insane. Now that he isn’t starving it only takes a gentle hand at the small of his back to soothe his anger, an arm thrown around his shoulders to chase away his anxiety. It only takes a bright smile from Jungkook to send the butterflies in his stomach into a frenzy.
Non AU. 5K, oneshot.
Call It Magic, by taekover
Summary: The first time Taehyung sneezes, his hair turns purple.
Urban Magic AU, Warlock Taehyung. 10K, multi, finished.
Paper Hearts, by StellyBish
Summary: Taehyung was at his favorite cafe, which was rather full today.  So he wasn't surprised when someone sat across of him.  What did surprise him though, was that the stranger passed him a note, which said 'Hi :)' Now... that was something new.  So Taehyung did not hesitate and wrote down a message on the piece of paper.  'Hello ^^'
College AU, Coffee Shop AU. 7K, oneshot.
A Tale Of Two Jackets (and One Avocado), by lotusk
Summary: Dude, you took my jacket by mistake at Club ZuZu     We’ve got the same Hawk & Co bomber jacket. It appears that you accidentally took mine from the couch of Club ZuZu last night, and left yours behind. Mine had my keys, which I clearly need. Yours had an avocado in the pocket, which I’m assuming is equally important. Please contact me asap to arrange for exchange of said items.
AU, Meet Cute. 7K, oneshot. 
Date Me, by flywithtaetae
Summary: Taehyung flirts with the cute high school boy and relishes in the flustered reaction he gets for almost an entire year. But when the following year comes along, he finds himself choking on his own words.
College AU, Coffee Shop AU. 5K, oneshot.
Breakfast in Bed, by Mirkovska
Summary: Jungkook loves Taehyung. So knowing how exhausted the elder is, he makes him breakfast in bed on one of their free days.
Domestic, Non AU, 1K, oneshot.
And with that I would like to conclude the Bts Fluff Fic Rec Part 1. I hope you find something you find appealing. If any help is needed with locating a fic, just send in an ask, same thing if you have something you’d rec for others or think should be included in the next one or the (coming hopefully soon) different genre ones! Have a good time and happy reading!!
16 notes · View notes
gwynne-fics · 5 years
Quiet Reconnection, HyoSang, 27 || anon
“Can you wait for me?”
Hyo-Shin never expects to hear those words from Eun-Sang and she flinches when his eyes widen. He reaches for her hand and takes it gently in his own.
“Of course I can. That’s what the proposal means.” He takes the ring he bought and sticks the box back in his suit pocket. “Can we talk about it?”
Eun-Sang nods and wipes at her face. He hates that she’s crying but he knows she’s going to tell him something important. She always does. He just hopes he doesn’t feel as foolish as he normally does after one of her obvious revelations.
“I didn’t expect it to work.” She looks down at their hands and thankfully doesn’t pull away. “No one has ever picked me over something or someone else. I’ve never been important enough in their heart. Not Tan. Not Young-Do. And I thought...”
“Not me.” It stung but it was fair.
“I don’t know what to do with your love, Hyo-Shin. It scares me. I don’t know who I am with it and I...I don’t want you to regret it. I love you, but I need more time.”
He nods and squeezes her hand. Her request is more than fair even though it makes him sad. “You need to make sure I’m over Rachel.”
“It’s only been eight months and you loved her so much. I’m not your first choice at a wife and...and I’m afraid.”
“I can wait until you’re sure.” He just hopes he doesn’t have to wait long. He’s just as certain of her as he’ll ever be. “I love you.”
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Namjin Fic Rec 5
Charm Me by Kingkiwi
Namjoon, a witch of the earth who sells his wares on the street. Seokjin, the man who makes the best fried squid in town. When these two meet, magic will spark, ducks will be fed, and well, Seokjin literally can't see his food stand anymore.
“Namjoon, you can’t just make Happy Squid invisible. We’ll lose business. And don’t think I don’t know see-me-nots are illegal, because I do.”
Namjoon just shrugs. “Hard to get caught if no one can see it.”
the chicken nugget thief by euphoriae 
"your dog ate my chicken nuggets."
In Case of Emergency by Kingkiwi
In Case of Emergency (ICE): a program that enables paramedics, police officers, and hospital personnel to contact the next of kin of the owner of a cell phone in order to obtain important medical or support information.
What happens when Seokjin programs the wrong number into his phone and gets into an accident?
“That’s terrible,” Namjoon replied, pitching his voice lower to sound sympathetic. “I’ll be right there.”
Pretty in Pink by Profound_Felicity
On the Internet, college senior Kim Seokjin is known as the Pink Princess: a blogger that inspires his thousands of followers by not being afraid to accept and be himself. In real life, he is known as "that weirdo wearing girly clothes."
Seokjin is aware that he is not the type of person you’d expect to wear pastel fashion. He's not short. He doesn’t have a feminine face. He's not tiny and frail, his broad shoulders attesting to that. People look at him strangely, some going as far as to call him names. Despite this, Seokjin doesn’t allow the judgment from others to stop him from liking what he likes (including people of the same sex).
However, Seokjin's confidence and acceptance of who he is will be tested when he falls for an underground rapper who is more troubled than he lets on.
College AU. Pastel!Jin and Underground!Namjoon
Through the Grapevine by Kingkiwi
There's no way that walking up to a stranger in a dirty alley in the middle of the right could be a terrible idea. Fact.
It's Gonna Get You In Trouble by EquinoxSolstice
Kim Namjoon knows he's not the most handsome guy out there. It's just guys talking shit about each other, Jin Hyosang is an asshole, and anything that escapes his mouth is complete bullshit. But it's true though. He's awkward, clumsy, and a complete nerd; no one, not even the most desperate person in the world, will notice him.
Kim Seokjin is having none of that.
FIC REC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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houseforarmys · 5 years
Helloooooo what’s up guys?🥺 Do you have any fic recommendation?;-; preferably fluffy namjin? Will you ever write a namjin fic too? I love your writing sm;-;
hmmmmm i can surely find something for you! it's not super fluff? more like crack, but i hope it can help!
HOSPITALS SUCK by asteraea
GENRE: crack | no warnings.
WORDS: 4,656 | 1/1 chapters.
When your best friends dare you to suck your own dick, stop being friends with them.
“Okay so basically IwasdaredbyHoseokandYoongitosuckmyowndickandIthinkIhurtmyself.”
"I'm sorry, I think I'm gonna need you to run that by me again. YOU DID WHAT?"
(Or: Namjoon tries to suck his own dick, but realizes he isn't flexible and has to go to the hospital)
as for fluff ones that i haven't read but sound good:
NO MORE SAD SONGS by sugarkookx
GENRE: fluff | no warnings.
WORDS: 11,191 | 20/20 chapters.
it’s going to sound creepy anyway but i think i got your dog?
by mistake?
not my mistake, tho"
never trust late night singers with cute dogs
GENRE: fluff and humor | no warnings.
WORDS: 6,107 | 1/1 chapters.
SUMMARY: Kim Namjoon knows he's not the most handsome guy out there. It's just guys talking shit about each other, Jin Hyosang is an asshole, and anything that escapes his mouth is complete bullshit. But it's true though. He's awkward, clumsy, and a complete nerd; no one, not even the most desperate person in the world, will notice him.
Kim Seokjin is having none of that.
i hope this helps😖💜
also! i may give a chance to some fluff, so yeah? i will try it🥰
-admin c
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rvhigher · 5 years
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age: 92 liner company: higher records position: soloist & producer traits: (+)  innovative, creative, witty (-) combative, judgmental, serious played by: cynthia
about: Yuji was born to Shin Bohwang and Shin Biju, the youngest of a set of fraternal twins. She’d always been firey and had a temper and an attitude, and that only escalated when she was four and her mother passed away– she really hadn’t known how to handle or work through that at all. So she put all her anger and passion into music. Bohwang was a producer, and as a single dad, he often had to take his kids along with him to jobs when he couldn’t find a babysitter or anything of the sort. Hyosang and Yuji picked it up fast, helping their dad, and coming up with their own stuff. One could say the twins were prodigies; musical prodigies who could produce before they’d even gotten to middle school.
When they were 10, their dad got a job at Spotlight producing for them. At first Yuji was excited for her father, but once she saw the style, she saw it as her dad selling out. He’d been a hip hop producer. He’d been so good at producing rap artists and and hip hop artists and now he was changing his tune. He was making poppy, mainstream music, where everything was a clone of what came before it and nothing was original anymore. Yuji hated it. She loved hip hop and rap, and wanted to be back around it.
When Hyo and Yuji were sixteen, they founded their own production company. “Founded” and “company” both being loose terms. It was just the two of them, using equipment they borrowed from their dad to make beats and rap over them, sending them out into the world on their own. But soon enough, L3THAL PRODUCTION$ blew up, and so did they. They were getting attention from media, fans, artists– everyone was hyped about the two genius kids and their fantastic company they’d built up from pretty much nothing. They raised enough money to build their own makeshift studio instead of working out of their bedrooms, and even signed a couple artists to produce music for. They were no blockbuster super rich mega company, no, but they were big in the underground, and had gained a lot of respect. Yuji herself blew up as an artist, under the stagename ‘Jett’. Her unique rap style and refreshing lyrics were enough to get her quite a following.
The twins had been hesitant when Higher Records reached out to them to say the least, Yuji more hesitant than her brother. She didn’t want to sell out like her dad, but once she realized Higher fit hers and Hyosang’s style, they were quick to jump at the opportunity, bringing some of L3THAL’s artists with them. That’s where they’ve been ever since, legends among producers and some of Higher’s best catches. Yuji writes the rap, Hyo writes the vocals, and together they make some the music that has made Higher famous.
Yuji is hot headed, brash, blunt and honest. She’s a producer that artists are a little hesitant to work with, just because she is so strict and can be quite caustic, but she makes hits and she knows how to make huge songs. Under her (very) rough exterior is a thoughtful girl who is good at giving advice, but she doesn’t like to let people see that side of her unless absolutely necessary.
Jett is all for the rivalry. She loves when her songs top the charts and pound the other companies into the ground, and is motivated by their hits, pushed to do better. She gets lippy towards the other companies sometimes, and that can get her in trouble, but at least for the most part she has Hyosang to keep a tight leash on her.
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rvdispatch · 4 years
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Welcome to the first installment of Dispatch’s bi-weekly update on important news regarding chart placements, music show wins, and other accomplishments from your favorite stars! Click the read-more to find out what’s gone down between July 27th - August 15th!
Rejectz’s comeback Oh My God got the girl group their first perfect All-Kill on Korean music charts on July 28th, and topped many international iTunes charts as well
Unity’s comeback Hobgoblin earned top positions on 5 of the 8 major charts, and while a great feat, it is not performing as well on the charts as their debut song earlier this year. However Hobgoblin has far more Youtube views than No Oh Oh, and charted higher on international charts.
Burnout’s Scream hit the top of 4/8 charts, and is their more critically successful song to date.
Terra’s So What has topped the iTunes K-pop charts in 56 countries around the world-- a record for a K-Pop group.
Many of the Idol Project contestant’s solo songs from this week’s episode have been trending well; not just on the OST charts, but on realtime charts as well. In particular, Eunsung’s Bomb, Chen’s New Heroes, and Hyunsik’s I Wanna Know are very popular.
Summer Hate by Hyosang, featuring Ilya won on:                 -The Show on July 28th and August 11th                 -Show Champion on July 29th                 -M!Countdown on July 30th                 -Music Core on August 1st                 -Inkigayo on August 2nd
Oh My God by Rejectz won on:                 -The Show on August 4th                 -M!Countdown on August 6th                 -Music Bank on August 7th                 -Inkigayo on August 9th
Hobgoblin by Unity won on:                 -Show Champion on August 5th and August 12th                 -Music Bank on August 14th                 -Muisc Core on August 8th
Scream by Burnout won on:                 -M!Countdown on August 13th. This was their first ever music show win.                 -Music Core on August 15th
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biaswreckmepls · 6 years
It's Gonna Get You In Trouble
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5376539
Author: EquinoxSolstice
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Relationships: Kim Namjoon/Kim Seokjin
Status: Completed
Chapters: 1/1 (6107 words)
Tags: Highschool AU
Kim Namjoon knows he's not the most handsome guy out there. It's just guys talking shit about each other, Jin Hyosang is an asshole, and anything that escapes his mouth is complete bullshit. But it's true though. He's awkward, clumsy, and a complete nerd; no one, not even the most desperate person in the world, will notice him.
Kim Seokjin is having none of that.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5376539
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besotacito · 6 years
Group: ToppDogg / XENO-T
Pairing: broken!XeSol (Xero/Hansol/Minsung)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, AU, romance
Trigger warnings: non-explicit mention of depression/suicide attempts.
Word count: 2,133
Note: This is the first time I make an attempt at writing a fanfic in English. I originally wrote it in Spanish so most of it is actually just translated, but there are some parts I edited and adapted so it’d sound a bit better? in English, I guess. Please do notify me of inconsistencies or grammar mistakes. 
As for the fanfic itself, please note that it is only fiction even if it mirrors some things that happened in reality. I hope it doesn’t offend anyone in any way. I wrote this because I’m an emo lil shit who needed to make herself suffer with a made-up angsty scenario that helps her assimilate that she’s never getting more XeSol moments ever again, probably. So that’s it. I can’t promise you’ll enjoy reading it because I cried writing it, so.
Yeah so how are you these days?
I’m still the same, can’t sleep
Your short hair looked so pretty
But I didn’t press like
‘Cause it just seems a bit ridiculous
His fingers scroll down his white smartphone screen. His room is pitch dark and he has been looking at his phone like this for a while, which is not good at all for his eyes. Or his heart. His mind is going back to a million memories of past years and his heart starts clenching little by little. Judging from his Instagram profile, in the end he followed his alternative path, the ‘B plan’ that he remembers having heard about back in their trainee days.
“I think I’ll just be a choreographer if this idol thing doesn’t work out,” he had said jokingly, although he looked like, deep inside, he meant it.
“Don’t say that. We’ll make it work. We’ll do fine, you’ll see. The name ‘ToppDogg’ by itself already feels successful,” he replied back, ruffling the other boy’s hair.
He was not surprised at all by the quality of his choreographies. Hansol- no, Minsung, Jiho reminded himself, was gifted when it came to dancing and not only that, but he was also an innate performer who knew how to combine both dancing and aesthetic features in a unique artistic way. Even so, he had to reckon the boy had improved a hell of a lot. His dancing style was very far from that of the boy who practiced dancing with him in the academy over 7 years ago.
He accidentally clicked on one of his most recent pictures, but he didn’t press the back button. He stared at it. His face looked radiant in spite of not having a smile on it. He looked fine—stable, calm, perhaps even happy. Jiho hoped it was like that. He hoped that he was at least as happy as he had always wanted and deserved. At least it was noticeable that was not the same sad Hansol- no, Minsung, that he had seen for the last time. It was a relief. He wasn’t the same person. He didn’t even look like the one in the old memories of Jiho, if he took a moment to carefully analyse the pictures. Truth be told, Jiho felt like he didn’t know who that boy in the pictures was. They had lived together for many years and shared countless experiences, but he didn’t know that person. Minsung? Jiho had no idea who that was; where he came from. He could barely remember Hansol and he wasn’t sure Hansol remembered him.
The last time they met… Jiho would’ve never imagined it would be the last time and that everything would go downhill from there. Hansol- no, Minsung, dammit, sent him a text on KakaoTalk asking to hang out in a café, just to get some distraction. Back then, it had been long since they had had a schedule as ToppDogg. The promotions for their last album had finished months ago and they weren’t working on new songs or performances or anything of the sort. Everyone were kind of worried about how things were going. Everyone, but especially Hansol. Minsung.
“Hey, sorry I’m kind of l-”
Jiho remembers coming up to the boy to greet him, but as soon as he came a little bit closer he could see the tears streaming desperately down his face. He couldn’t even finish his sentence before he had wrapped his arms around the other’s small frame. Hansol was trembling. Minsung. No, back then he was Hansol.
“Aren’t you tired?” Hansol asked out of the blue after being quiet for some minutes, just barely sipping on his coffee while trying to calm himself down and stop sobbing.
“Mm? Tired… of what? I’d say I’ve had lots of time to get some rest,” he replied jokingly, pretending he didn’t know what Hansol meant.
“That’s the problem, you see. I’m tired of this. Of trying again and again and failing. I’m tired of everything.”
“Hey, don’t think like that. We gotta stay positive. Maybe things aren’t going the way we’d like them to, but we still have our fans and our company—”
“Don’t be silly, Jiho,” he cut him off. “Do you think our fans are gonna wait forever? That they’ll stay by a failed group? Our company’s trying hard for any other artist that’s not us.”
“Hansol,” he called out, covering the boy’s hand with his own on the table, “we knew it wouldn’t be easy, but we can’t lose hope. I trust us and what we can achieve together.”
Hansol looked like he was actually contemplating what Jiho had said, but replied:
“Your optimism is stupid, Jiho.” And retreated his hand to take a hold of his coffee.
After that, they fell silent for a long time. Jiho fidgeted with his fingers over the table. This conversation was making him feel uneasy and awkward; he didn’t know what to say. But more than anything, he was worried about Hansol.
“Has it gotten worse, lately? Have you been feeling worse?” he asked softly, only for Hansol to hear.
“…I just wanna escape from this hell,” he muttered back, not looking at his eyes.
Jiho didn’t know what to say, as per usual, so he chose to stay quiet. Neither of them said anything else for some minutes. Jiho couldn’t even look at Hansol in the face because he felt horrible for not being able of offering more comfort than his stupid optimism. That’s why he flinched a little when he felt Hansol’s hand back on his, caressing his fingers. Jiho didn’t stop him, because he liked the sensation. Because he missed him. Because deep inside, Jiho knew he had committed a mistake that he would always regret, even if he had done it thinking it was the best option for them back then.
“I’m gonna miss you.”
Their voices overlapped.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m leaving to China for a few months. To study dancing.”
Jiho retreated his hand and straightened up in his seat, almost in shock.
“But… what about the group? Does the company know about this? Did they approve of this?”
There was this look in Hansol’s eyes while he mustered up the courage to finally say:
“…Jiho, I’m leaving ToppDogg.”
In that moment, it felt as if a bucket of cold water had been thrown over him. He couldn’t react. It took him a few moments to grasp what was happening. Leaving to China to study dancing? Leaving the group? Had he lost his mind?
“Do you realise you’re sabotaging the group and being selfish?” was the first thing he managed to say, not really thinking about what he was saying.
“Excuse me? I am sabotaging the group?” Hansol raised his tone a bit. “May I remind you, it was Hyunho and Dongsung who left us first. Hyosang and Taeyang left us too.”
Jiho bit his lip. He knew Hansol was right, but right now his heart was in pain from just imagining Hansol leaving the group and going to another country for who knows how long.
“There is nothing we can do about this anymore, don’t you realise that? What do you want me to stay here for? To see how life passes me by and nothing gets better no matter how hard I try?”
“…You could stay with me.”
Everything became quiet for a few moments that seemed to last for way longer while both of them stared into each other’s eyes. Jiho could see the tears welling up in Hansol’s eyes while he bit his lips and shook his head.
“Please, don’t do this to me…” he muttered in a thin voice.
“If you leave the group, then I will too. We can start all over, together. No fearing and no hiding this time, we won’t have to-”
“Jiho, don’t,” Hansol cut him off softly, getting a bit closer and holding his hands on the table. “That’s not what you want. Besides, it was you who took the decision years ago. There’s no going back now.”
Hansol’s voice sounded so gentle and composed in spite of the tears in his eyes that it was hard to believe what he was saying was hurting Jiho as if a million knives were stabbing his body.
“Why’d you ask me to come, then? If it was going to be like this, you could’ve as well just texted me goodbye.”
You shouldn’t have given me hopes that I was still in time of holding onto you, is what he wanted to say. But didn’t.
“I just wanted to see you for one last time…”
Back then, Jiho couldn’t control the burst of emotions he felt. His sadness mingled with the anger he felt towards himself for having been an idiot and also with the frustration of being so helpless—Hansol was slipping right through his fingers and out of his life, and he couldn’t do anything to stop him.
“That’s it, then. You can leave now. Leave and don’t think of coming back. I hope you know you’re being an asshole.”
He raised his voice more than he should have. His word choice was more aggressive than it should have. Unlike his usually composed self, this time he finally burst. His emotions burst in the worse way possible. They ended up yelling ugly things at each other; hard feelings that had been building up inside them for a long time. Jiho smashed his fist on the table before leaving behind an upset and sobbing Hansol. He shouldn’t have done that. He still feels ashamed of his shitty and immature reaction and regrets everything he did and said that day. Hansol didn’t deserve that.
Somehow, he reached the end of his Instagram pictures. They weren’t many. He remembered the boy had a habit of deleting them. He also noticed he kept only a few pictures of his last days in China and seeing him in those pictures makes his heart clench in fear again. In fear of knowing that he was close to losing him for real, forever. Those had been the worst days Jiho has even been through in his whole life and he hopes he won’t have to ever go through something like that again. At least the latest pictures make him feel a bit more reassured, for it seems that old Hansol he knew doesn’t torment Minsung like he used to do. He looks cared for and surrounded by people. Jiho can only hope for him to never be lonely and for all of those people to be with Minsung when he cannot.
A few pictures above the last ones from China is one from their debut. That one was uploaded when his departure from the group was made official. Jiho didn’t come out of his room for a whole week. In the picture, Hansol thanks everyone. Jiho clenches his fist. He should’ve thanked him the last time he saw him. He should’ve thanked him for helping him make it into ToppDogg. He should’ve thanked him for all of the good moments they shared together. He should’ve thanked him for loving him in spite of the big asshole Jiho could be at times and which he was until their last meeting. He should’ve thanked him for existing—he should’ve wished him success. Had he done that, who knows; maybe Hansol wouldn’t have been on the edge of an abyss. Had he done that, maybe he would find his username when he types it into the list of people Minsung follows.
Jiho decides to call it a night, but then he sees there is a picture of Hyosang on Minsung’s account and he clicks it almost immediately. Oh, he wished him a happy birthday. To the one who abandoned them—but didn’t break his heart or curse him out for trying to pursue his dreams—; he wished a happy birthday to him. Then he finally clicks the ‘back’ button, which closes Instagram and, instead and unknowingly, shows him the time and date: 5:24 a.m., February 3rd.
As he tries to fall asleep, he fails to fight back the tears that wet his pillow while he cannot brush off the memories of Hansol coming into his room with a big smile on his face and holding a big cake with tons of colourful candles on his hands just when the clock struck twelve o’clock. He won’t see that Hansol anymore. If he could turn back time and take seriously the three wishes Hansol insisted for him to make year after year before blowing out the candles, he would use one to wish ToppDogg to be successful and two to wish for Hansol to never leave his side.
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rvmirae · 3 years
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episode five episode summary group songs
Though working with Minsuk hadn’t been as bad as she thought it would be, she was happy when she didn’t have to work with him again. He was too intense. She was the intense one-- it was a conflict of interest.
The season was following the formula of the last two seasons to a T, so as predicted, the next episode would be group songs. Mirae was nervous. She never got nervous, but this was special. Instead of just performing a cover or something laid out for her, this would be hers. It would go on iTunes with the name “Kang Mirae” in the artist category (next to whoever she was working with, of course). She was curious to see who would be producing the songs, though–  Mirae would probably sell her soul to work with Shin Yuji.
Her letter grade team, she was confident in. She love Yihwa, and Sangah seemed talented enough. They’d put together a good song-- a sentiment only heightened when they announced Hyosang would be producing that song. Her other team, however, she was less confident in. Sookie was cool and all, but she was still so young-- how good of a song could she really produce? Plus, her letter song was going to have ass choreo. Yihwa and Sangah were both power vocalists-- there would be no crazy dance routine. She’d been hoping she’d be paired with Ilhoon and Hyunjoo or something. The Higher boys that could dance. But Eli was a new dancer, and Hope was nothing to write home about.
As she predicted, Volume Up’s choreography was laughable. It needed to be that way to support Hwa and Sangah, but it was so boring. It was basically nothing. Mirae was sated by the fact that she was basically the center for the whole song, but still. It was boring, and definitely wasn’t going to be top of the week. Her saving grace was Born to Be Wild, and she was going to make sure it was perfect. She pushed both of her teammates hard, trying to get them on her level in time for the performance.
At the end of a week of rehearsals, Mirae was pretty optimistic about the stages to come. Being in a recording room for the first time had been really freaking cool. She got to sing and rap in the songs. The Born to be Wild choreo sorta made up for the Volume Up choreo. Plus, she was really curious to see what the heck the stylists would put her in. She literally had no idea.
And even that turned out to be great. Shorts and a tank top with sneakers for Born to be Wild? Literally a dancers dream outfit. She was so grateful that they hadn’t put her in heels, at least. And sure, the jacket they put her in was a little cumbersome, and the hair extensions they’d used on her ponytail kind of hurt her head, but those were manageable. She was pretty happy with herself. And the Volume Up outfit was cute too, with a long flowy cape thing that made her feel extra dramatic.
Team A were the first to perform, and it went well. Mirae thought so anyway. All three of them were very good performers, after all, and there was an extra push to be good, considering the celebrity producers and the fact they were on a competition show and that it was their song and all. Mirae always knew she wanted to be an idol, but she got an extra little reminder that she was born to do this. The sound of having a crowd full of people scream and shout your name was invigorating. When it came time to perform Born to be Wild later, she was buzzing with excited energy, and it only made her look that much more magnetic onstage.
The other songs were cool. Can You Hear Me was pretty, but not an idol group song. Angel was a mess. But I’m Missin You was kind of great, and Superfly (the choreo especially) was incredible. Maybe it was because those three trained together and were going to debut together someday, but they looked like a real group. Suddenly, Mirae found herself worrying about whether or not she and her group looked that cohesive, even if Mirae liked her group’s song the best. And that’s what plagued her thoughts as they went back to the main stage area for the next elimination– had her drive to be the best alienated her? She didn’t have any friends besides the ones she’d come in with, after all. Did she seem selfish? Cold? Would people think her a one trick pony and stop voting for her? She never had had nerves like this at the end of a week before, but she truly and honestly wanted to throw up. It was not a good feeling.
0 notes
BTS Intro Post
Title; BTS Intro Post
Genre; Info(??)
Type; Intro Post
Group/Member; BTS – OT7
Authors Notes; Enjoy! I’m soo terribly sorry it’s so late! Hope it’s what you wanted!! 😊 Also this is a rlly rlly long post with lots of facts and photos so um ye...have fun. Tbh all this post does is just prove what a big ‘ol piece of trash i am because 95% of these facts were from memory, I typed all dis shit out guys...im fuckin dead now. These are all facts from websites that I remember, certain nicknames are not necessarily what I call them but some dso. kbye 😊 x
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First up is Kim Seokjin {Jin, Jinnie, Mamma Jin, Princess Jin, Eomma/Eomma Jin, Pink Princess, Eat-Jin, Third Guy From The Left, Car Door Guy, Mr Worldwide Handsome, Seokjinnie}. Jin is the oldest brother, the oldest hyung in BTS and is basically their mother and let’s be honest our mother too.
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Some facts;
 Born in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea – it looks like dis;
 He’s got a papa, mamma, and hyung
 He majored in film at Konkuk University
 BTS be placin’ him as #1 visuals…I mean…he is gorgeous
 He has the longest legs & widest shoulders (60cm)
 He does this “traffic dance” which is adorable and you should go check it out, you won’t regret it
 He speaks a lil Chinese (Mandarin)
 Lil Jinnie usually cleans up the dorms (because he’s literally bangtans mum)
 He also rlly likes Disney princesses which is adorable
 He’s a v v good cook and has said he’s happiest when he’s with food (relatable jin m8)
 Fave number = 4
 Fave colour = blue (used to be pink, I think he still has a soft spot for it tho)
 Fave weather = spring sunlight
 Jin started playing Super Mario at like age 5 and Maple Story in Seventh Grade (Year 7) and he still plays them 😊
 When he’s hungry his left eye blinks a lot
 Fave foods = lobster, meat, Naegmyun, chicken, and greasy foods
 He’s friends with Jin Hyosang (Kidoh) from ToppDogg as Kidoh was under Big Hit Entertainment but left in 2012 and switched to Stardom Entertainment
 His role model is T.O.P from BIGBANG (same boi, same)
 He has lots of Nintendo games and Action Figures
 When he was younger he wanted to be a detective
 He wears rlly strong prescription glasses but doesn’t like wearing them because he’ll become insecure (I think we can all agree that Jinnie bean would look absolutely adorable in glasses??)
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 He has a cute lil dog named JJanggu
 He likes Alpacas
 Jin can play guitar and piano
 He says V is the member he’s the closest to
 Jin says if he’d get a day off he would want Suga to be his servant so he an order him around
 If he were a girl, he said he would date Jimin because he is shy and someone like Jimin would help him open up and be social
 Jungkook and Jin bicker a lot, and a taxi driver once thought they were twins because of their nonstop bickering
 He likes strawberries but not strawberry flavoured things (yO SAME THO)
 He makes a lot of dad jokes (goals)
 Suga is the only one who doesn’t laugh when he makes dad jokes
 Jin said that looking at bugs isn’t scary, but if they get on his body, that’s rlly scary
 He dieted for a year, only eating chicken breasts ☹
 He is friends with B1A4’s Sandeul, they even went to an amusement park together
 He’s also friends with VIXX’s Ken and Lee Won Keun
 Jin sang the OST of “Hwarang” alongside V, which is Part 2 – “It’s Definitely You” (can find it here)
 He was casted in Law of the Jungle in Kota Manado but left earlier than the other cast because BTS had an abroad concert that time
 After BTS attended the BBMAS (Billboard Music Awards), Jin got a lot of attention (internationally) for his v good looks
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Other members about Jin;
 Jimin; “He’s the oldest, but he likes to whine” [after school club] / “He’s like a grandma”
 Jungkook; “Jin-Hyung looks manly and he’s chic like a wolf but personality-wise, he’s carefree so he’s sloth-like (laughs). He’s really nice and he’s also a good cook, so we call him ‘granny’ between us”
 Suga; “A wolf”
 V; “Prince”
 J-Hope; “A princess”
 Jin’s ideal girl is a girl whose looks and personality is similar to that of a puppy, who’s hood at cooking, kind and takes good care of him
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Okay so next up is my ultimate bias (in case you couldn’t tell) Min Yoongi {Suga, AgustD, Yoongles, Min PD, Syub Syub, Motionless Min, Genius (self-proclaimed but I can reveal that this is a true fact m8), Min Monarch, Min Suga, D Boy, Sub-Energy}. Yoongi is the second oldest in BTS and probs the most savage human upon the planet, he often seems like the grandpa of the group but he can also be kinda childish and lively sometimes ^_^
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Some facts;
 He was born in Buk-gu, Daegu, South Korea – it looks like dis;
 He has a pappa, mamma, and hyung
 He attended/attends Global Cyber University
 Yoongles is usually in charge of fixing the things Rap Monster breaks. He changes lightbulbs, fixes the toilet etc (handyman ayyee 😉 )
 He is like the father or grandpa of BTS
  Although Rap Monster revealed that he sometimes acts like a 5 yr old (same m8, same)
  He usually scolds and nags the younger members when they make mistakes
  Yoongi chose to become a rapper after listening to “Fly” by Epik High
  His role models are; Kanye West, Lupe Fiasco, Lil Wayne, and Hit Boy
  He has a driving license but doesn’t usually drive
  Yoongi loves to play basketball and when he was a trainee he played basketball every Sunday
 He is quite blunt and straightforward, a trait of many ppl from Daegu
 When he was younger he wanted to be an architect
 His hobbies include reading comics, basketball, playing games, and taking pictures
 He writes/composes lyrics daily, and even writes lyrics when he’s in the waiting room, car, or even the toilet (dedicatioooon)
 He wrote the song ‘촣아요’ (Like It) under 40 minutes
 If he has a problem he usually talks to Rap Monster because their age gap is small, they have things in common, and they’ve known each other for quite some time
 Fave food = meat, meat, meat (same tho)
 Fave number = 3
 Fave colour = white
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Suga comes from a poor family, in an interview he disclosed; “After we debuted, I went back to the dorm and sat there blankly staring. I could not believe that me, a kid from a poor daegu family, would be able to make it”. (you made it bby, so proud omf)
He speaks with a satoori accent when he’s nervous and when he cries ;-;
His ideal date would be something simple, “For me, just an ordinary date...I want to watch a movie, walk and would like to eat together”
When asked which member would he bring on a deserted island for 3 years, he answered Jimin.
Suga; “Jimin. To boss around. (LOL) Just kidding. I don’t talk a lot, I’m not the fun type, but Jimin is pleasant and mature, so I think it’d work out.”
Would date Jin if he were a girl
He loves taking photos (same)
His bad habit is biting his nails (also same ;-; )
3 things he likes are; sleeping, quiet places, places with no people
3 things he dislikes are; dancing, loud places, places where there are people crowding around
Fave weather; where you can wear short sleeves in the day and long sleeves at night
He thinks his looks are 50 out of 100; “Truthfully, when I see myself I think I’m ugly” (um liess boi, ur fuckin gorgeous so like…ye)
Other members about Suga;
Jin; “He likes being attached to his bed. He has a variety of knowledge and always gives help with that knowledge. I’m fascinated as to where he gets that weird knowledge from.”
J-Hope; “Is cool. His personality is quite strong on his own thoughts. Pretends not to care when he does. Seems like he’s all over the place, but is quite careful. That kind of personality. (Ah!! Personality where he only just shows strength ㅋㅋ)”
V; “He really has a lot of knowledge. He’s quite cool on stage. Cool and amazing. No answer to him being lethargic.”
Jeongguk; “He’s like a grandpa. But his passion towards music is overflooding. He also has a lot of knowledge. But he’s still a grandpa.”
Rap Monster; “Lingers on things more than you would think. He’s really timid once you get to know him. Full of random information. Grandpa. Although he seems cool – never… no no… Wants to be loved. Likes music. Has passion and stubbornness. Says what he wants to and can say everything well in front. Has style.”
Jimin; “He talks too much in front of you. He doesn’t hesitate, and although this is my personal thoughts, he likes being loved by the members ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ”
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His ideal type is a girl who likes music, especially hip hop. He says he doesn’t really care about looks. He also wants a girl who can be very active when he wants to and very silent when he wants to. A girl that will always be by his side (boy im here, sign me tf up)
He has a male doggo named Holly and she’s deffo his weakness
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Summary; The lethargic turtle of BTS with a both a savage side and a cutesy side that spits literal fire that needs to be protected imo. He is a lil been who can act 5yrs old one second and then act like an 80yr old man the next.
Now we have the actual sun personified, Jung Hoseok {J-Hope, Hobi, Hopi, Hoseokie, Sunshine boy, Your Hope, Your Angel, Hope, J-Horse}. Hobi is basically literal sunshine and so sweet. He has the voice of an angel and can also rap like a gOD, he’s also the main dancer for BTS and he has major skillz m8.
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Some facts;
Born in Gwangju, South Korea
He got a mamma, pappa, and noona
He went to Gwangju Global High School; & Global Cyber University
Before he debuted, he hated doing aegyo but now he’s changed his mind (and we love his aegyo obvs)
Hobi and B.A.P’s Zelo went to the same academy for rap and dance in Gwangju
In his pre-debut days, he was part of a street dance team called NEURON
He won an underground dance battle and even performed at a festival (go hobiii) 😊
Initially he auditioned for JYP Entertainment, together with B.A.P’s Youngjae and Halo’s Dino
Fave colour = green
He has a cute doggo named Mickey
Hobi hates working out and exercising (I relate)
Used to be a tennis player in elementary school and played in competitions. He once received a bronze medal, out of 3 team competitors
He rlly likes melodramatic movies and remembers watching a lot of DVD’s when he was a kid, since his father also likes movies
His role models are; A$AP Rocky, J. Cole, Beenzino, G.D
He says he is closest to Jungkook
J-Hope’s motto “If you don’t work hard, there won’t be good results”
He likes visiting the Fancafe when he has time because he needs to know what are fans saying (always there for us armies)
When having problems or worries he would share them with Rap Monster or Suga (so cute 😊 )
When he was younger he was quite famous in the Gwangju dance underground
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Things he wants to steal from other members is Jimin’s chocolate abs, Rap Monster’s rap skill and his good English
His ideal date; “I love the sea, I would like to walk down to the beach and hold hands (laughs)”
Other members about J-Hope;
Jimin’s first impression about J-Hope; “The first person I met was J-Hope. He was very friendly to me, ‘Excuse me, Jimin.’. So, I remembered J-Hope the most.”
Jimin about J-Hope’s mean side; “J-Hope is bright guy, laugh a lot and has become hopeful like his name. J-Hope has good energy that effects everyone in a good way and I think J-hope is awesome. And people think he’s always nice and innocent. But, inside his smiley face, there’s an evil living there. J-Hope winds me up all the time but never stop smiling even when he does that. But you can never punch someone who looks so happy like that. One day, I was sleeping and all of sudden he poked me and shook me saying,
‘Jiiiimiiiiiiiin, wake up and play with me!!!!’
So, I woke up. But right after I opened my eyes, he just grinned at me and went back to sleep like nothing happened. So, I thought,
‘Uuuugh! I can never say anything to him cause he’s older than me!’.
And once he told me he would give me a massage and started squeezing the back of my neck, and that got tighter and tighter! He was smiling at then too! At the end, I was getting upset but he didn’t stop it. He was doing it even harder and said,
‘This will relax your muscles.’
When I was sitting down at the rehearsal room during the break, he head locked me. He hit me once and left the room so I looked at him with a serious face for a second. J-Hope, the timid, came to the room only after three seconds and gave me some mischievous hugs and said,
‘Jimin! Are you upset at me? Are you?? You are not! Aren’t you??’
Chuckling hard, he left room after 10 seconds. What should I do with him?”
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Rap Monster; “There’s something he always says whenever we make a comeback or wrap up our promotion. He says that we got to make a comeback or successfully complete the promotion, thanks to the love shown by our fans.”
Suga; “I’m not good at expressing how I feel with words. But Jimin and J-Hope are good at expressing themselves. I envy them for that.”
Hobi’s ideal type is a girl who loves him, is good at cooking, and thinks a lot
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Summary; he’s literally sunshine and he has one of the biggest hearts ever. Dancing machine Hobi is such a lil bean and he deserves the world, honestly 😊 alSO DESERVES MORE LINES!!
Kay so now we have the intellectual, the very philosophic Kim Namjoon {Namjoon, Joonie, Joonbug, Moni, Rap Monster, Rap Mon, Namjoonie, Leader Mon, God of Destruction, The Destroyer}. Smol dorky bean with dimples and a v v high IQ of 148. Also, literally a Rap God whose life is about philosophy, BTS, and music.
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Some facts;
He was born in Ilsan, Gyeonggi-d, South Korea
He got a mamma, pappa, and lil sis
He went to Apgujeong High School
Rap Monster studied in New Zealand and lived/stayed there for 6 months. :O  
He’s currently enrolled to Global Cyber University
Pre-debut he had already been performing as an underground rapper, with several tracks released informally, including a collaboration with Zico (Block B)
He’s really smart with an IQ of 148. He was previously ranked in the top 1% of the nation in his high school exams (so fuckin smart m8)
He speaks English fluently (he does so well omg ;-; )
Rap Monster’s TOEIC (The Test of English for International Communication) score was 900.
There was a rumour among the Korean fans that at the age of 15, Namjoon had a heart surgery with a 30% chance of living (but that’s probs legit just a rumour)
Hobbies include surfing the web
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He’s a great supporter of Gay/Lesbian’s rights 😊 😊
He has a younger sister the same age as Jungkook but when asked if he would introduce her to him, he said N.O (ehehe)
His image before debut was a neat and quiet student
He started to write lyrics since he was in school, on his textbook
Rap Monster has composed/produced 100+ songs (y’all needa check out his solo raps n mixtape boisss)
Clothes matter to him (yo I live for his daily kim posts)
Fave food = Kalguksu (Korean knife noodles)
Fave colour = black
Fave number = 1
Fave items = clothes, computer, books
Despite Moni’s rough and tough image, he is v playful n relaxed
He likes clear weather
If he were a girl he said he would date J-Hope because he’s like the mother at the dorm
Role models; Kanye West & A$AP Rocky
Rap Monster wrote the lyrics of ‘No More Dream’ because he had no dreams when he was in school ☹
He, along with Jung Hunchul (ex member of Bangtan) wrote a Brave Brother/YG diss track called ‘Hook’ (check it out here man)
He wants to be a rich Rapper in 10 years
He has a dog, whose name is RAP MON
He would like to make a sub-unit with Jungkook
He was the first member to join BTS
He likes to imitate his members
Rap Mon said that he and GOT7 Jackson are good friends. He said Jackson is very handsome and really good at dancing
 His ideal date; “It’s like the ordinary college student date. We can see a movie together, eat together, walk together. I want to have love like that. It’s because I can’t at all (laughs)”
Some of his popular quotes are; “Jimin, you got no jams” and “Team work makes the dream work”
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Other members about Rap Monster;
Suga; “On the stage, Rap Mon wears sunglasses and has a powerful image but actually he likes cute things. He keeps the ‘Pocket Monster Ball’ on his bed that he received at a fansign”
Jin; “The Baby Dinosaur Dolly. He shakes his tail and crushes things
Jimin;” In the fact, he gets hurt easily”
Rap Mon’s ideal type; “Sexy, even to a brain. Someone that is thoughtful and confident”
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Summary; lil dimpled smol bean Moni is all about his music and his groups and fans. He’s chilled and relaxed but has a powerful image on stage. Literally the god of destruction and could probs just look at something and it’d break (that’s what happens to me anyways)
oKAY so next up is lil squishy sinful bean Park Jimin {Jimin, Chim, Chim chim, Chiminie, Mini, Jiminie, Mochi, Sexy Mochi, Jiminie Pabo, Christian Chim Chim, Kumquat Mochi, Mang Gae Ddeok. Oh, and I regularly call him Chim Cham/Chim Chams}. Such a smol chubby lookin bean but then he turns into the personification of sin itself on stage and I literally cannot deal with it man…kills me
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Some facts;
Born in Busan, South Korea
He has a pappa, mamma, and lil bro
He attended/attends Busan High School of Arts; Global Cyber University
Pre-debut Jimin entered Busan High School of Arts as the top student in modern dance, but later transferred to Korea Arts High School with V
Fave colours = blue & black
Fave number = 3
Fave foods = pork, duck, chicken, fruit, kimchi jjigae
Chim Chams used to view himself as “fat” and he was self-conscious of his looks and cheeks (which were adORABLE)
When he viewed himself as “fat” (he doesn’t anymore)…(I hope) he went into depression and starved himself T_T
He prefers sunny and cool weather
Is known for his impressive abs (*dies*)
He likes to jokingly hit the other members as a way of showing his affection for them
If music is playing he will start to dance no matter where he is 😊
When the weather is sunny and cool, Jimin likes wearing earphones while listening to music that gives a good feeling.
Jimin became interested in a singing career after watching a Rain performance
Once he wrote some lyrics and gave them to Suga. Suga said; “You called these lyrics?!” (the lyrics sounded like a children song). Suga asked him to redo the lyrics, but in the end, he still couldn’t use Jimin’s lyrics ☹
Jimin’s role models are; Rain, Taeyang (Bigbang) and Chris Brown
He is most confident in his eyes
He enjoys reading comic books. He said that comic books influenced him a lot
Jimin usually solves his problems himself. If he can’t solve it, he will share it with V and ask for his advice
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Jungkook is always teasing Jimin about his height
In the dorm, Jimin in charge of the kitchen (chef chim doe??? 😊 )
Things he wants to steal from other members are; Rap Monster’s height, V’s talent and gaze, J-Hope’s cleanliness, Suga’s diverse knowledge
Jimin’s ideal date; “Sitting on the bench, drinking together… I would like to have a countryside date. We would also walk holding hands…. (Laughs)”
If he’d get a day off, Jimin jokingly said he wants to go on a date with Jungkook while holding hands together. And when Jungkook talked about his wishes, Jimin shouted; “Live happily together with me!” (fucKIN SHIP)
He felt a bit hurt when Jungkook ranked him the last in terms of looks. Jimin thinks the 1st is Jin while the 7th is Suga. (He was going to rank Rap Monster as the 7th but he changed his mind saying that recently Rap Monster got better-looking)
He has to use eyeliner while practicing the choreography, else he can’t seem to show strong expressions and he will get shy
Jimin appeared in GLAM’s MV Party (XXO). GLAM disbanded, they were under BigHit.
Jin chose Jimin as the member who has changed the most since debut😊
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Other members about Jimin;
Jin; “Comes at you really cutely. It’s like being attacked by a puppy. Can’t refuse requests because he’s too nice.”
Rap Monster; “Basically kind and gentle. Is very considerate. Isn’t as timid as you would think. Likes clothes and style (same with me). But even though he responds well, there are many times where he doesn’t actually do it. Is quite stubborn. Is the effort-type.”
Suga; “Follows the hyungs’ words well, isn’t the personality where he’ll receive dislike somewhere, puts in effort to live his hardest”.
J-Hope; “Is kind, listens to his hyungs well, has a lot of greed, and has a personality where he makes sure to do his part, and he has a really good personality where he likes me the most and his faith towards me is very strong~~ ♥♥♥♥”
Jeongguk; “He’s the effort-type along with being a triple blood-type A, timid, shameless, and hates losing.”
V; “Cute. Only the amount of him losing his temper is excessive, he’s kind and a friend that’s trustworthy. I talk to him the most, and if I have any worries, he’s the friend that I tell it first to”
His ideal type is a nice and cute girl who is smaller than him
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Summary; uuggggh he’s just so fuckin cute and he deserves all the love in the world. He loves the others so much and cares for them loads. He’s a squishy bean in the streets and a sinful bean on stage. Everybody needs a lil chim in their life 😊
Up next is the animal loving, sweetheart, 4d alien Kim Taehyung {Taehyung, Tae, Tae Tae, Taehyungie, 4D alien, Blank Tae, 4D, Alien, CGV, Gucci Boy, Gucci Prince, V} dis bean is crazy and extra as hECK. He’s also super adorable and his laugh is probably the best thing ever omfg.
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Some facts;
He was born in Daegu, South Korea.
He has a mamma, pappa, and lil bro
He attends/attended Korea Art School; Global Cyber University
Tae Tae can speak Japanese fluently :O
Fave colours = black, green, and white
Fave number = 10
V’s favourite items are = his computer, big dolls, clothes, shoes, accessories, and anything unique (like himself lol)
It is said that when his teaser image was released 5 personal fan clubs were created 😊
He has been in the group for a while, but fans didn‘t know or hear of him until the time around his debut
He likes anything that is unique
His favourite artist is Eric Bannet
His role model is his dad. He wants to be a dad like his dad, someone who takes care of his children, listen to everything they say and encourage & advise them in their future plans (so fuckin cuuuute)
He has the same hobbies with Jin
When V has a problem, he will share it with Jimin and Jin. But he thinks it’s easier to talk to Jimin since they have the same age
Fans said V looks like Baekhyun (EXO) and Daehyun (B.A.P.). He said Baekhyun is his mother and Daehyun is his father. (it’s true tho)
V is a mood maker in BTS, along with Suga (daegu princessss)
V’s motto; “I just came up with it but let’s life coolly to the maximum. Since life happens only once, waking up at ease in the morning and working doing your best”
According to Yahoo Taiwan poll, V is the most popular BTS member in Taiwan
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In the dorm V is in charge of the washing machine
When V celebrated his Birthday (131230 at MBC Gayo Daejun), he felt very happy because he able to share birthday with K.Will. K.Will’s waiting room was beside BTS’s room. So, K.Will came to him and said, “Hey, is it your Birthday today? It’s mine too! Let’s blow the candle together.”
V likes amusement parks. He especially likes the gyro drop, gyro swing and roller coasters (boi we can go together because same)
V can climb a tree but he can’t get back down (such a dork omg 😊 )
V comes from a poor family; “I came from a poor family and I never thought I would become famous.” He grew up under a family of farmers and often takes pictures of the farm they own
He revealed in an interview with ‘The Star,’ “[Being an idol is] a lucky chance that will only come once in a lifetime. If I wasn’t in BTS I would probably be a farmer. I’d be pulling out weeds from a farm with my grandmother.” (farmer tae doe can you imagine… :O )
V acted in the Korean drama “Hwarang” (2017-2017) (if you haven’t already watched it, y’all needa do so)
V sang the OST of “Hwarang” alongside Jin, which is Part 2 – “It’s Definitely You”.
If he’d get a day off, V wants to see his parents (he’s literally so cute tho omg)
V said the 3 requirements for his happiness are; family, health and honour.
V’s ideal date; “Amusement park. But nearby park is also good. I think that it’ll be nice if holding hands. My ideal is cute dating.”
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Other members about V
Rap Mon about V’s cooking; “Honestly, we’d love try it. But V’s cooking is too great, we might end up crying. That’s why up till now we haven’t tried it. If V can roll the seaweed a little better, we will definitely give it a try.”
Jimin about V’s cooking, “We’ll try V’s cooking sooner or later. I just hope, V will stop stealing the food when I’m cooking.”
Jin ranked V as the noisiest member; “First, there’s V. I’m not kidding. He’ll be sitting in the dorms, then suddenly he’ll run around going ‘HO! HO! HO!’. He’s really weird. He’s like a different species. Do you know what he does alone at our house? ‘Jimin, I love you!! Oppa, I can’t! Jimin, I love you!! (Imitate V’s alone conversation). Seriously...”
Jin; “Although he seems weird, I think it’s a concept. He asks before he does something, he’s very detailed.”
Jungkook; “Although he’s a hyung, I have no answer to describe his personality.”
Suga; “Compared to his age he’s immature and isn’t able to become serious. It seems he doesn’t care what others think.”
Jimin; “He has a cheerful personality and really doesn’t notice his surroundings. He likes playing around. He’s innocent.”
His ideal type is someone who takes care of him and love only him and who has a lot of aegyo
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Summary; le 4D extra alien who is suuuuuuch a family man which is so adorable is such a soft bean I can’t deal oh god. He’s v v sinful on stage tho so watch out…he’ll pull you in with his cute charms and then BAM hipthrust muthafucka
Okie dokie! Last but not least it’s time for the lil bun bun Maknae Jeon Jungkook {Jungkook, Kook, Kookie, Jungkookie, Bun, Bun Bun, Golden Maknae, Triple Threat, Muscle Pig, Jeon Cena, Ironman, Bunny, Seagull, Justin Seagull, Living Meme, Meme Child, Baby, Jungshook, Nochu
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Some facts;
Born in Busan, South Korea
He has a pappa, mamma, and hyung
He went to Seoul School of Performing Arts and graduated in February 2017
He attended Baek Yang Middle School
He has an older brother named Jeon Jung Hyun
Fave foods = anything with flour (pizza, bread etc)
Fave colours = red, black, and white
He loves playing games, drawing, and soccer (football)
He has a weird habit where he sniffles a lot because of his rhinitis. He also wriggles his fingers a lot
His shoe size (U.S. conversion) is 7.5
Would date Jin if he were a girl
He likes the number 1
Said to be a very skilled cook
He likes shoes and makeup
He dislikes tasteless things, bugs, getting hurt, studying
He speaks Korean, Japanese and English (basic)
In 7th grade Jungkook learned B-boying in a club with some friends and hyungs
He knows Taekwondo (he has a black belt)
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Before joining the group, he was a handball player
His favourite weather is a sunny weather with a cool breeze
In 10 years Jungkook wants to be the owner of a duck meat restaurant or a tattooist (fuCKIN TATTOOIST JUNGKOOK THOOOO
In middle school, he went to Superstar K auditions but failed to pass the elimination round
On the way back home, he received offers from eight different entertainment agencies
After randomly seeing and falling in love with future member Rap Monster’s rap, he decided to join Big Hit Entertainment (so cute)
Jungkook’s role model is G-Dragon (BigBang).
His dream, when he was younger, was to become a badminton player.
In the 1st year of High School he listened to G-Dragon’s songs and changed his dream to becoming a singer.
His motto is; “Living without passion is like being dead”.
Jungkook wants to go on trip with his lover someday.
He loves reading comic books.
Jimin says that Jungkook smiles when he swears.
About school subjects, Jungkook dislike everything except Physical Education, Art, and Music Class.
He doesn’t like bugs, but he likes cool bugs like (stag) beetles. He used to have a stage beetle when he was younger, but he didn’t take care of it well, so it died.
He said he usually doesn’t exercise a lot but started working out after seeing Taeyang and Jay Park.
The member who’s most similar to him; “V Hyung. He’s random, our comedic cords match well, and I think our personalities are similar.” (Profile written by Jungkook)
He is friends with GOT7’s Bambam & Yugyeom, Seventeen’s DK, Mingyu & The8, and NCT’s Jaehyun (a.k.a. ’97 line).
Jungkook, GOT7’s Bambam & Yugyeom, Seventeen’s The8, Mingyu, DK, and NCT’s Jaehyun (the ’97 liners) are in a group chat. (Jungkook and Bambam mentioned the ’97 liner squad in their ‘thanks to’ in their recent albums)
Jungkook’s ideal date; “Walking along the beach in the night.”
Things that he wants to steal from other members are; Rap Monster’s knowledge, Suga’s diverse knowledge, J-Hope’s positive mind, Jimin’s persistence and his effort, V’s natural talent and Jin’s wide shoulders.
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Other members about Jungkook;
Suga; “Jungkook has a good memory so he can imitate us well. And I remember that when Jungkook first came, he was shorter than me. Seeing him grow taller makes me feel like I’ve raised him.”
Jimin; “I’m 2 years older than him but he keeps making fun of me for my height.”
Jin; “He’s quite bad at refusing requests.”
Rap Monster; “Individualistic, doesn’t share clothes. Washes his clothes separately. A slight timid-ness that’s like a maknae. Although he wants to seem manly, he’s actually a cutie. Although his passion overflows, it doesn’t go on long. Puberty, rebellious, but it seems cute.”
J-Hope; “He’s the maknae who talks backs a lot and doesn’t listen. Although his personality is quite kind… I also have no answer for his personality”
V; “Truthfully, he’s the same as me. I have no answer.”
Suga; “Because he’s the youngest, he’s still immature. However, he clearly shows what he likes and what he dislikes.”
Jimin; “He’s kind, innocent, and is bad at expressing his feelings. That’s why he’s cute. Jeonggukkie’s mine.”
Suga about Jungkook entering High School; “Jeongguk was the most handsome one there.”
V about Jungkook entering High School; “It’s not that the other students were ugly, but JK was most noticeable because he’s tall.”
Ideal type; someone who’s at least 168cm but smaller than him, is a good wife, good at cooking, smart, has pretty legs, and is nice. Also, a girl who likes him and is good at singing.
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Summary; he’s a smol, innocent bun who is also a coMPLETE MEME CHILD HOLY FUCK NUGGETS. Hella tall bean with killer thighs and a v v disrespectful attitude on stage…I cri ever-tim ;-; 
{Request anything you want guys}
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